Hospice Care
Hospice Care
Hospice Care
Kehidupan manusia Kelahiran & Kematian Manusia tidak tahu kapan wkt kematiannya Bagaimana dgn klien dgn penyakit terminal ? Belum bisa menerima proses menjelang ajal & berduka cita
Perawatan Paliatif
Pendekatan yg bertujuan mperbaiki kualitas hidup pasien & kel yg menghadapi mslh yg berhubungan dgn penyakit yg dpt mengancam jiwa, mll pencegahan & peniadaan mll identifikasi dini & penilaian yg tertib serta penanganan nyeri & masalah2 lain, fisik, psikososial & spiritual (WHO, 2002)
Hospice Care
Hospice care is a coordinated program of palliative services (which alleviate pain or other symptoms without curing) delivered to terminally ill clients & their families (Spector, 1984; ANA, 1987; Murray and Zenter, 1997 dlm Hitchcock, Schubert and Thomas, 1999)
Hospice Care
Interventions provide for physical, psychological, social, and spiritual care of dying persons and families Hospice emphasizes the caring and comfort aspect of care over the curing aspect via interventions to alleviate symptoms and control pain in the client & provide support and instructions to the family and significant others
Hospice Care
Clients are eligible to receive hospice care when it is certified by a physician that the client has fewer than six months to live and when the client is willing to receive palliative, as opposed to curative care
Kelg jangan mengambil sikap pasrah, selama masih ada kemungkinan dan kemampuan, kerjakanlah apa yang bisa dikerjakan untuk mempertahankan kualitas hidup klien sampai akhir hayatnya dengan palliative dan supportive care yang baik.