CSKM School Magazine 2013

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Building strong foundations for successful lives...


...the road ahead
Dear Readers,
CSKM over the years has been opening the doors of discovering the joys of learning for every child whether
a low achiever or a high achiever. The founder chairman of CSKM Public School, Col P S Satsangi made this
possible through his constructive and innovative approach of education. A dynamic educationist, visionary
and thinker he institutionalized the "Busy Bee" concept of work being the greatest pleasure in life.
He opened the doors to all, the poor and needy, the special needs child, the gifted child and made them
into skilled dreamers and achievers, believing in each one of them.
The student today is an individual and a real person with feelings of self-respect, sensitivity, responsibility
and compassion. We need to recognize, appreciate, applaud and foster the fine blend of sensibilities in a
child and thus this Charisma is to be viewed as a launch pad for the child's creative urges to blossom
naturally. As the saying goes, a mind like a parachute works best when opened. This initiative is to set the
budding minds free, allowing them to roam free in the realm of imagination and experience to create a
world of beauty.
Under the dynamic leadership of the Principal Dr (Mrs) S S Jaiman CSKM is imparting quality education to
the students so that they may develop values, life skills, right attitude in addition to humane and
conventional cognitive abilities. The whole school is charged with a buoyant spirit to scale greater heights
as the foremost residential and day boarding public school in the country and abroad. CSKM attains its
eminence through the success and achievement of its students.
Working for the magazine has indeed been a rich experience for the entire editorial team. The magazine
also espouses the School spirit which is built up through the collective actions, thoughts and aspirations of
the whole school fraternity; specially the students of the school in which "Every Child is a Winner". This
magazine is a colourful bouquet of literary contribution of budding writers and artists. We have tried our
best to reflect the efforts and achievements of staff and students in academics, sports and co-curricular
activities and invaluable contribution of our dear parents.
Our thanks to the editorial board, students and teachers who have been of immense help in breathing life
into these pages. Our profound indebtedness to the Principal for her valuable support and guidance at
every step which goes a long way in making the school an enjoyable arena.
Happy reading!!!
Cover : Our students
at the Rashtrapati Bhawan to meet
Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, President of India.
The heights by great men reached
and kept were not attained by
sudden flight for they while their
companions slept were toiling
upwards through the night
The Founders
Chairmans Message
CSKM school has always strived to educate the students to value and respect their heritage and culture, and bring
it out into the global realm. We are fortunate that we are born into this incredible country India that believes in the
spirit of oneness. The need of the hour as you and I have recently felt is to develop social responsibility and community
spirit in the society. At CSKM the commited academic and non academic staf have been instrumental in preparing
individuals from multcultural and multlingual background into one community CHARISMAS. The family environment
in the school encourages a sense of responsibility towards each other. I wish all the students, staf and parents all the
best and request for their support in our quest towards moulding individuals into wonderful human beings and world
God Bless CSKM.....
Vidya implies right knowledge or clarity. It develops
mans faculty, especially his mind so that he may be able
to enjoy the contemplaton of supreme truth, goodness
and beauty (satyam, shivam, sundaram) the ingredients
of perfect bliss (anand). The opposite of vidya is avidya
that is, ignorance or misinformaton.
To atain knowledge, we need to educate ourselves. By
educaton, I mean an all round drawing out of the best in
the child and man, body, mind and spirit, said Mahatma
Gandhi. Swami Vivekananda wrote, Educaton is the
manifestaton of the divine perfecton already existng
in man. For Socrates, educaton meant, bringing out
of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in
the mindset of every man. A quick review of thoughts
on educaton of various philosopher kings tells us that
the purpose of educaton is to draw out mans inner
Col Satsangis Kiran Memorial Public School has been
the fertle ground for my acton research and innovaton
of methods for efectve development of potentally
Gifed Children. Over the last two decades, the meaning
of gifedness has evolved from being an inherent global
ability to potental gifedness as an expertse in the
developmental stage. A further dimension has been
added to it by Howard Gardners Theory of Multple
Intelligences. The latest thought employs the idea
that each individual possesses his/her own gif. This is
to be drawn out in a supportve environment, full of
opportunites for all kinds of children.
Children possess above normal capacity which exceeds
that which one looks for in routne expectatons. As
teachers we need to learn how to harness this potental.
Potentally gifed children are well equipped but we may
not always have the skills to realize their potental. In
many cases the parents and teachers do not even realize
various capacites their gifed children may possess.
Most of these children functon well within the basic
expectatons in a classroom; however every thing that
they can accomplish remains undiscovered.
The role of an awakened school/teacher is to assist and
allow each child to discover their hidden or untapped
potental, to realize their own unique potentals
Ability is evenly distributed in the populaton while
achievement is not. Therefore, an inclusive approach is
suggested to schools and teachers so that all the children
are provided means to understand their own potentals
and the freedom to discover and explore all possibilites.
To fulfll this aspiraton a schools approach has to be
fexible and responsive to the individual need of each
child. The school should ofer a strategy encompassing
various situatons, methods and interventons to cater to
the needs of all kinds of learners.
Every school should look at identfying and nurturing a
growing pool of gifed and talented students. Provision
for them is to be made in terms of their potentals and
not the past achievements. Factors that negatvely or
positvely afect achievement of students from culturally,
academically, socially diferent backgrounds as compared
to those from more fortunate backgrounds, need to be
To understand this, one has to understand that gifedness
is mult dimensional, contextually and culturally
sensitve, manifest in multple ways, more amenable
to assessment than identfcaton, needs emphasis on
contnuous and long term assessment, is based on a
philosophy of inclusiveness, is a prescriptve philosophy,
requires collaboratve partnerships, needs constant
development of educators, parents and family and a
strong commitment to reform educaton.
This helps to convert underachieving learners to discover
and realize their gifs. Children are nurtured to develop
the ability to solve a problem or create things that
are valued by a culture. Situatons that use their task
commitment, creatvity, practcal and analytcal thinking
to solve actual or simulated real world problems are
helpful in developing their achievement.
Principals Message
Sa Vidya ya vimuktaye meaning That which
is true knowledge, liberates.
To an inexperienced observer, overachievers or bright
children may seem gifted, however the questioning,
involvement, perfection, information, manipulation,
creative abstractions and ethics are far more
intense in the gifted. It may sometimes raise problems
for the teacher in the class room; therefore most
educators find it difficult to encourage the gifted.
Such children get bored in the normal classroom
and need enrichment to discover and hone their
The Principal Dr. S. S. Jaiman
convening the interacton of
Mr. Vineet Joshi IAS, Chairman,
CBSE with the members of the
media at the Annual Conference
of Forum of Public School held at
India Internatonal Centre, New
Delhi. The keynote address was
delivered by Mr. Vineet Joshi IAS on
the topic Learning for Life: Changing
Educaton Paradigms. Other eminent
speakers included Ms. Nalini Singh,
Prof. M.M. Pant, Mr. Steven Rudolf.
Dr. S. S. Jaiman chaired the session
conducted by Mr. Steven Rudolf on
the topic Deeksha Guru: The Mentor
The Principal
Dr. (Mrs.) S S Jaiman
Dr. Jaiman is the guiding light of
the school. A brilliant scholar all
through her academic career, she
received her doctorate from the
prestgious IIT, Delhi, on Dimensions
of Gifedness, which has also been
published in the form of a book.
As the Director, Insttute for Gifed
Children, she has been instrumental
in motvatng and organizing natonal
and internatonal seminars.
A problem solver, a mentor, a guide,
a friend and philosopher and above
all a mother fgure speaks of her
Plato defnes, Educaton as the capacity to feel pleasure
and pain at the right moment. It develops in the body and
in the soul of the pupil all beauty and all the perfecton
which he is capable of. The ultmate aim of educaton is to
pave the way for each individual to become an exemplary
human being, a leader in his/her own right, one who
respects every human being and works towards a world of
peace, harmony and happiness for all.

Dr Shakuntla S Jaiman
CHARACTER Ultmate Self Refectons
A mans character is everything. The foundatons of
building a character is built on the impressions one
gathers. If good impressions prevail the character
becomes good and vice versa. It is always said that your
actons refect your thoughts. If a man thinks bad it will
subconsciously refect in his thought and work. A man
is a tool in the hands of impressions that he assimilates
thereby creatng the strong motve for evil acton. If
a mans thoughts are good it will result in good work
thereby inspiring and motvatng him to do good.
In the Vedas, it is said that the ultmate goal of mankind
is acquisiton of knowledge. It is the only thing to strive
for, whereas all other material things including pleasure
and happiness come to an end. The cause of all worries
and miseries in the world is that men foolishly think of
pleasure to be the ideal to long for. As pleasure and pain
pass before a mans soul they have upon it diferent
pictures, and the result of these combined impressions
creates character. Good and evil have an equal share in
moulding character and in some cases:
The example of this is right in front of our eyes. While
going though the lives of great men, it is found that it was
misery that taught more than happiness. It was poverty
that taught more than wealth, it was a blow that brought
out the inner fre more than praise. Everything we do,
physical or mental, is called karma and it leaves its marks
on us. Every task consists of small and minute parts.
All the actons that we see in the world, the movements
in society, all the work that we have around us are simply
the display of thought, the manifestaton of the will of
man. All this is determined by karma (work). No one can
achieve anything unless he earns it. When we ponder over
the achievements of Jesus Christ, Buddha or Abraham
Lincoln, we come across their great willpower - powerful
enough to overturn the world. Such a gigantc will power
as of Christ or Buddha could not be obtained in one life.
It was not the case of hereditary transmission. It was only
the accumulaton of power which must have been there
through ages and ages, contnually growing untl it spread
in the society. So the karma decides what we deserve
and what we can assimilate. What we are now has been
the result of our own past acton. It is pertnent that
whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our
present acton, so we have to know how to act. The Gita
says that doing work with cleverness and scientfcally; by
knowing how to work, one can obtain greatest results. All
work is simply to bring out the power of the mind which is
already there, to wake up the soul.

Most of the people in todays world work for a motve,
some work for fame, some work for money, some work
for power, some work so that they leave a name. But
there are some people who work for works sake and
dont care about name and fame. They work because
they believe in doing good deeds for a noble cause. The
motve for name and fame seldom brings immediate
result. They come to us when we are old and have almost
done with life. Unselfshness is more paying but people
dont have the patence to practse it. Even the lowest
form of work is not to be despised. Let man not work for
selfsh ends, for name and fame; but always for higher
and higher motves. To work we have the right, but not
to the fruits thereof.
We must work and fnd out the motves that drive us.
While we work we must spare a thought to the motves
and almost without excepton the motves are selfsh.
But this selfshness can be gradually diminished by our
persistence to do good. Our knowledge and power will
refect in our striving towards selfess work.
Character is Everything
Money can give you bread but not hunger.
Money can give you a bed but not sleep.
Money can give you medicine but not health.
Money can give you comfort but not peace.
Money can give you power but not respect.
Money can give you a degree but not knowledge.
Money can give you security but not freedom.

It is character and character alone that can give you
Source Power your mind Vivekanand Insttute of Human Excellence
S K Thakur
Ofciatng Principal
Message from the
Ofciatng Principal
Dear students,
It is not the brains that mater the most, but the minds
that guide them in developing character, generous
qualites and progressive ideas
As you journey through the portals of this great
insttuton, remember that educaton is a means to
knowledge, self preservaton and success. The days spent
in school under an experienced mentor should equip you
with the knowledge of social conduct, strength, character
and self respect. The greatest gif the school life gives is
knowledge of unconditonal love and a set of values to
change the world, where peace and harmony prevail.
Here are a few simple tps that will make your life more
Take 10-30 minutes walk everyday and smile while
you walk.
Mediate for at least ffeen minutes everyday.
When you wake up in the morning, plan your day with
a purpose and remember God to be successful.
Message from
Vice Principal
Spend more tme with people over the age of 60 and
under the age of 6.
Dream more while you are awake.
Try to make at least three people SMILE everyday .
Life is a school and you are here to learn and pass all
your tests. Problems are simply part of the curriculum
that appear and fade away but the lessons you learn
will last a life tme.
Life is not fair but stll it may be good, beter or best
depending upon your eforts and attude.
Life is too short to waste tme hatng anyone.
Remember that you are blessed to be stressed.
Believe in 3Ds for success DREAM, DETERMINATION,
Learn, Earn and Enjoy for a happy life.
Try to get 3 things in life - Grace of God, Blessings of
parents and elders and afecton from people.
God Bless you all!!!
R K Tyagi
Vice Principal
Who is a beter teacher
The blooming fower which flls our lives with pleasing
and refreshing fragrance, which leaves a deep impression
on our soul, motvates us to fll others lives with
refreshing fragrance.
The trees which are nestng and restng places for the birds,
which themselves burn in hot sun and give shade to others
infuence us to help others in every sense of life.
The bonding of the willow tree instructs us to be
fexible. It teaches us mental fexibility.
The foatng of the clouds teaches us their agility. Even
the difcult phases of the storm instruct us to be strong
in adversity.
The twinkle of the stars like diamonds in the sky
infuences us to do such great deeds by which we can
shine in the world like stars.
The moon in the sky which brightens this dark world by
providing light, motvates us to help others to get out of
the darkness which flls their lives.
The clear stream of water which flls our soul with joys
and coolness teaches us to share joy and happiness with
The mountain teaches us to be strong in life whatever
may be the circumstances of life.
The rainbow is so much more than just the colors in
the sky, it is a visual reminder of youth. The feelings of
youth and purity are perhaps what carry us through many
tragedies we experience in life.
Nature is the best teacher; it silently teaches us the real values of life in this world.
The rising sun brings hope along with it and tells us that afer every dark night
there is a new startng, new day.
The colorful buterfy which keeps on fitng from fower
to fower in search of nectar shows us that this life is full
of opportunites, its we who have to make an efort to
fnd the door behind which it rests.
The hard working bee motvates us to keep on giving life
our best.
The rain which flls every soul with joy teaches us to be
cheerful in every situaton of life.
The river which keeps on fowing, which never stops even
if any thing comes in the way tells us that failure is the
path to success, we should keep on moving regardless of
the circumstances.
The Earth teaches us to be patent and the sky teaches us
to provide roof to everyone.
Thus we can say that:
Nature is a living entty whose every single acton teaches
us many unknown facts of life.
Man can only gives us bookish and formal knowledge
but nature guides us at every step of our life to get
adjusted in diferent situatons of life. Nature teaches us
throughout our life. We can say that nature is the best
Man himself learns from nature so our frst and primary
teacher is nature.
Compiled and contributed by
Sumalinee, Class of 2007
A Letter from a Mother
Meena, Mother of Maninder Singh IX
CSKM is a school which I thought
would be the best for my child and
today I am proud that I was proved
My ward Maninder Singh started his
journey in this prestigious institution
as an average student. By average
student, I mean a student who does
his work which we tell him to do.
After joining CSKM, over a period
of time, he is a changed person. An
individual who can now search for
his goal and decide how to achieve
success. The faculty and all the
teachers helped him to move forward
with confidence.
Hoping to get more support from
CSKM and all the teachers so that
my ward recognizes his goal in life
with a clear vision. Improvement is
what we are wanting and what we
are constantly achieving in our ward
at CSKM.
A heartfelt thanks to the CSKM
family .
A school with a difference.
Mini Baiju, (Parent - Staff Nurse in AIIMS)
Our relationship with CSKM School began around three
years ago.
At that time, we were actually in search of a school
which offers day boarding facility, as both - my
husband and I have a hectic duty schedule. Most of our
friends were not convinced when we took the decision
to admit Febin in CSKM School. Nonetheless, we stood
by our decision. The very first day itself we felt the
warmth of hospitality shown by the school authorities.
Most schools dont pay special attention to children who
are low in academic performance. What they would
do is, during PTM, they put all the blame on to the
parents shoulders. I have seen many parents in tears
after the PTM. Here CSKM is really different. I
have only seen parents satisfied after PTM. A special
thanks to all the teachers!!!!
We love the concept of NIL failure and Long Hours
Day Boarding System. The schools motto Busy Bee
Pleasure in fact is a motivation for students to work
hard and derive pleasure from it.
We love the approach of the teachers who are always
happy to listen and help. If you have a
problem, you can always contact them on
their cell phones.
Thanks to the teachers for their patience,
hard work and dedication. Our child was an
average child, but slowly the teachers taught
him the techniques of learning. Now we dont
need to force him to do his home work or to
participate in school activities.
I take this opportunity to thank you all for
your unconditional support.
Wishing all the CSKM students and teachers
good luck!!!!!!
Japanese culture, a love of photography(to be cultvated
as a hobby), new friends whom I will cherish for life! I
strove to capture the beauty of Japan in my camera a
near impossible task in the short duraton of the 8-days in
the beautful Nippon.
Every one of us, without excepton, on the day of
reportng - 9th of June, was bright, cheerful and bubbling
with excitement. We had Orientaton sessions before
leaving for Japan to equip us beter for our stay in Japan.
It was during the orientaton that we were introduced
to Sarah Sohma San who escorted our group .We had
a formal sending-of party prior to boarding our much-
awaited scheduled fight.
On our arrival in Japan on June 11, at the Narita Airport,
we were received by the very warm problem coordinator
Matsuda San . The day afer arrival, there was a
presentaton on Japan by Mr. Hideo Kimura, Executve
M.D., SIMA (Strategic Internatonal Management
Associates), Tokyo. Kimura San explained to us that Japan
lacks natural resources but makes up for the same by
using their human resources to a great extent; thereby
rendering Japan a stable and independent economy.
A very informatve trip to the Edo-Tokyo Museum
followed. We were amazed to see the very frst Japanese
car Subaru One. We also had a very fruitul interacton
in the Ministry of Human Afairs. We then began to
understand that it is tme for India and Japan not only to
respect but also celebrate their diferences in order to
My Memorable Trip to
Nihon (Japan)
109 fortunate students fnally made it to the India-Japanese Learners Batch under the JENESYS
(Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) programme to visit the Land
of the Rising Sun yeah, Japan! There were 6 groups Hokkaido, Aichi/Gifu, Ishikawa, Totori
and Nagasaki. Hassan Kalam and I, Ananya Bhav were assigned to the Totori group. Our group
comprised of eight girls and fourteen boys...
he life-transforming and memorable trip to Japan, I
believe, has contributed to making me a litle more
mature and hmmm... patent. Japan is an amazing
island country of many traditons, ceremonies and
festvals but we missed the magical cherry blossoms by a
good two months!
This student exchange programme provided me with
a lotmuch more than I had expected or imagined a
beginning of an understanding of the nuances of the
advance mutual friendship to an altogether new level.
The next happening event, afer we moved onto Totori,
was visitng the Yaegaki Shrine (a Shinto-love shrine).
There we interestngly learnt about which would be the
suitable directon to fnd our love and what would be
good for the relatonship. What followed was a great
boat ride in the moat around the magnifcent Matsue
Castle. We missed the sunset at Lake Shinji, the seventh
largest lake in Japan, as the sky was overcast, it being the
rainy season.
Afer our visit to the Yonago Cleaning Center, we headed
for the school exchange program. There we visited the
Yonago Natonal College of Technology. Introductons
with the Japanese students were fun and then, we went
on to assemble robots and thereafer we had a tour of
the campus. It was touching that they gave away those
robots to us as a souvenir.
Out of the multtude of actvites and events organized
by the Totori Friendship Force, I found calligraphy and
origami the most aesthetc.
The high point of the entre programme was the home-
stay with the Higuchi family. Two students stayed with
each host family. We had a whirlwind tme with the
hosts Masa San and Naomi San. We bonded well with
their Golden Retriever - Jack. They took us for baseball
practce, fshing, sailing and onsen (hot spring/ public
bath). Yet meetng their daughter and a year old twin
grandsons Yuito and Toma was the most fabulous
experience. Our hosts actually took the trouble to take us
to their daughters home! It was only a two day stay but
we had a heavy heart when it was tme to say Sayonara.
At the farewell party we bid adieu to our generous hosts,
with our student friends from Yonago Natonal College
and members of Totori Friendship Force saying Dewa,
mata (see you again).
The visit to the Tokyo University was worthwhile and
educatve. The University has Gothic architecture - inspired
structures, a well-equipped library with a million odd
books. The concluding presentaton went of very well.
Like all good things come to an end; we, enriched with our
experiences in Japan- had to return to our homeland the
next day. I must reiterate that the Japanese are very warm,
courteous, peace-loving, disciplined, humane and intelligent.
I am immensely grateful to our Principal, Dr Shakuntala S.
Jaiman, to JICE Japan Internatonal Cooperaton Center
and the Japan Embassy for this experience for a lifetme.
Ananya Bhav, XII
he year 2012 marked the 60th Anniversary
of Diplomatc Relatons between Japan and
India. There were various programs organized
in Japan Embassy. Our school also featured in
the list of invitees. On 11th March 2012 I and
Ms Rajbala atended the Prayer Meetng at the
Japan Embassy to commemorate the Anniversary
of the devastatng Earth quake and the Tsunami
of 2011 which brought a great loss to Japan in
terms of lives and infrastructure. The programme
started with a prayer followed by a speech by
His Excellency Mr Akitaka Saiki, Ambassador of
Japan to India. He reiterated that Japan would
like to renew commitment to magnify further the
bilateral relatonship between Japan and India in a
comprehensive manner, and look forward to a new
chapter of Indo-Japan friendship and cooperaton.
Afer the speech, a documentary was shown
refectng how the indomitable people of Japan
dealt with the situaton and brought things back to
normalcy within a year.
Our students- Tamchos, Sonam, Alisha, Sumanpreet
escorted by Ms Rajbala and me, went to see the
exhibiton put up at the India Internatonal Centre,
exhibitng the 60 years of diplomatc relatons
between the two natons. The students relished the
sushi and other Japanese delicacies ofered afer
the exhibiton.
Long live Indo-Japan relatonship!!!
Yeshi Choedon
nterns from Canada and Kyrgyzstan - Ms
Samantha and Ms Dilde respectvely, stayed at
CSKM as trainee-teachers. They enthusiastcally
conducted various workshops together namely, cultural
interacton, wherein they exchanged informaton about
Canada and Kyrgyzstan and got beter acquainted with
India and her traditons through interactons with the
students. Leadership and Peer Pressure workshops
with students of classes VI to VIII and X were very
successful. Afer Ms Samantha had to leave, Ms Dilde
discussed Time Management, Alcohol awareness, HIV
& AIDS awareness and so forth... burning issues with
students of classes IX, XI and XII.
Interspersed with these fruitul and educatve
workshops, facilitated by the school counselor were
visits to Dilli Haat, Purana Quila, Sarojini Nagar
Market, the Lotus temple, Gurudwara Bangla Sahib
and the Taj Mahal in Agra. Ms Dilde also savoured the
favours of India through celebraton of Janamshatmi,
Rakshabandhan, Independence Day, Cultural House
Nites with the boarding students and thoroughly
enjoyed the experience of decking up in a sari gifed to
her by the Principal, Dr S S Jaiman on the Independence
Day, 15th August.
Deepika Abrol, Teacher
My Father, Abdilasiz an artst and an architect, is kind
and at the same tme strict, strong and wise. My mother
Damira also an artst, designer, is very smart, beautful
and kind.
Once upon a tme they met in the most romantc city
Lviv, Ukraine and fell in love with each other. In 1992,
on the 14th of May, already in Bishkek the capital of
Kyrgyzstan, I (Dilde) was born. Then it was my sister
Siyada, who was born 3 years later, who gives hope to
become the legendary designer to follow our parents
creatve way. Ive turned out to be not so close to the
craf. My childhood interests were war games and I used
to wish to become the President in future.
Now Im a junior student in Biskkek Humanites
University. My profession is a teacher of English and
Although Im studying languages, I do not have any
plans to become a teacher. At present a hobby that I
fnd more interestng than anything else is journalism.
I take interviews, write short artcles on various topics
and get a tny amount of money as a volunteer in
my spare tme. Usually I do volunteer work in the
Associaton of parents of Disabled children. There, Ive
Atithi Devo BhAv
Friends from
Far-of Lands
learned a lot in two years. Thanks to this organizaton,
my social life is richer. I began to apply for diferent
projects and then partcipated in them. One day I fled
for the Internatonal exchange programme though
AIESEC and I was accepted. I stayed in CSKM Public
School for four weeks.
At CSKM, I prepared workshops on social themes and
in the mornings I rushed to the school to share on the
topics that I had prepared with the students. Its a
litle hard for me to speak a foreign language, because
I have to memorize all the words. Students actvely
partcipated for which Id like to thank all of them. But
ofen the situaton went out of control, and Deepika
Maam took the interacton under her strong leadership.
Here I have a relaxed schedule. India indulges me with
its holidays and festvals and that I like very much.
And on 15th August, 2012 Indian Independence Day, I
was helped to wear a beautful sari, presented to me
by the Principal, Dr Shakuntla S Jaiman. Performances
of students in diferent events do not raise any doubt
about their various abilites and talents. Also I had the
luxury of pleasant excursions to the temples of Delhi
with school children. There are very interestng rituals
and rules in the temples such as entering the shrine in
shoes is not allowed. Well, that is massage for the feet
-walking barefoot! The singing by the priest was great.
I like the fact that you are served food and drinks when
you exit the temple.
I appreciate the approach of teachers toward students.
Students feel at great ease in front of them. At least,
it was notceable during classes for juniors. I saw the
notebooks of the students, and there were painted
smileys next to the marks. This motvates them, said
Madhu Kapoor Maam. Its a good idea and it gives the
litle ones really positve approach to life.
I loved the interactons with students. Most high school
students pleased me by being positve. The younger
students of junior classes were the most lovely, genuine
and alive. Workshops with them were really fun.
One boy even drew me with Deepika maam, standing
next to the fag of Kyrgyzstan. We both had huge
hands and the head of Deepika Maam was in the
form of a heart. It was very funny.
I really wished to visit the Taj Mahal before
going back and tme was running out. The
school responded very quickly and didnt let
me go alone. Chances of being lost were
great and so we went with our family - 3
boys and 3 girls, Deepika maam and the
taxi driver.
The Taj Mahal is huge and beautful.
However, the delight and atracton
were not only the beauty of the building
and its paterns, but in the background,
history, about how and why Taj Mahal
was built. Well, everybody knows its
amazing history.
Abdilasiz Kyzy Dilde
(Intern from Kyrgyzstan)
Samantha Londerville, Canada
8 August 2012
Thank you all for your kind words and
thoughts. My family and I appreciate
I would like to thank everyone at CSKM
for making my time there very special
and memorable. I felt very welcomed and
a part of school right away. The girls
were very nice to show me around the
school and take care of me everyday. All
of the students were great in class and
participated making it a lot of fun to be
there. All of the teachers were very nice
and planned great day trips. I had a
lot of fun on all of the outings and was
happy that I got to learn about local
traditions and customs.

Thank you everyone, you should all be very
proud of your school. Please take care
and let me know if any of you plans to
come to Canada.
uring the session 2011-12 the baby Bees!!
of our Primary Secton were busy blooming
and blossoming with actvites as usual. They
buzzed into the newly renovated premises and the team
of children and teachers had great fun and enjoyed
decoratng with their Art and Craf work.
The Primary secton organized Summer Enrichment
Camp from 1st May to 30th May. The teachers
supported the children in completng their holiday
home assignment during the camp. The children also
partcipated in a Western Dance Workshop and put up a
special performance. It was an enriching experience for
the tny tots. Their parents were invited to watch a play
based on child labour and were delighted to see their
mesmerizing performance on the stage.
The investture ceremony was held on 1st August and
children proudly took on the responsibility of being
captains and vice captains.
Primary secton celebrated Independence Day fortnight
from 1st August to 15th August, 2012. Children presented
cultural programmes with a lot of zeal. Children also
presented dance drama on Janamashtmi. Some other
actvites held during the year were:
20th August Picnic to Rail Museum
26th November Solo Dance Competton
11th December Annual Day
11th January Recitaton competton
7th February English and Hindi Creatve Poetry writng
for all students
23rd March Personality contest was conducted for Class
III children.
Ananya and Yasir Aqeel were crowned Miss Primary
and Master Primary respectvely. Story telling through
PUPPETS by Mr Savi Sarin from Mumbai was organized
for students of Classes III to V.
On 18th Nov, 2012 drawing and paintng competton
RANG TARANG was organized at Arya Samaj Mandir
JVTS garden, Chatarpur. The competton was an efort
to encourage children to showcase their creatvity on
various topics like Save Environment, My vision of India,
Trafc Jams, My House and My Favourite Cartoon.
Our tny tots also atended BOOKAROO CHILDRENs
Nanda Issar, Actvity Incharge Primary Secton.
Prem Kiran Memorial Day
n 9th April we commemorate our Founders Col. P S Satsangi and Mrs. Kiran
Satsangi educatonists, visionaries, gifed leaders par excellence who touched
and transformed lives of students for decades. This day known as Prem Kiran
Memorial Day is also the Sarva Dharm Sambhav Diwas. A havan was performed. A
spiritual lecture was given by Brahm Kumari Sumitra ji.
Celebraton of Earth Week
rom April, 22nd to 29th CSKM Eco Club Celebrated
EARTH WEEK. On 22nd April, 2012 World Earth
Day was celebrated by conductng diferent actvites like
making paper bags, fle folders, greetng cards etc. On
23rd & 24th April, Charts making, Poster making, Slogan
Writng and Collage making actvites were organized.
On 25th, Fabric paintng was done by the students. They
were given some T-shirts and they painted those T-shirts
with beautful designs related to erosion. On 26th April
a Quiz show was organized for classes IV to VIII. On 27th
April debate competton was organized. Students also
enacted a play on the topic, Global Warming. On 28th
April, 2012 very informatve presentatons were shown to
the students. All the items were prepared by using Hand-
made papers. The students showcased their talents very
well. They used some waste items like Tin cans of cold
drinks and made fower vases and pen holders etc. They
also made beautful paper weights and book marks.
All the actvites were enjoyable and informatve. On 29th
April, 2012 we concluded the programme and the items
prepared were displayed in the exhibiton. The parents
and visitors appreciated the eforts of the students.
Suteen Bala, Incharge Eco Club
Summer Camp - 40 Productve Days of Summer Vacaton
am glad, I joined the Summer Camp in my school.
The camp was from 1st May to 9th June. In the
beginning, I was hesitant as I was new to the school.
The camp as we all know is for all the new students
and the old students who need extra help to come up
to the desired academic level. The classes were from
morning tll noon. We had classes of English, Maths,
Art & Craf and Cycling. Afer lunch we were given rest.
Evening was fun tme for us when we played Tennis and
Cricket. Skatng was the most enjoyable sport. We had
calligraphy class to improve our hand writng. We were
also taught English songs for the cultural evening. In the
cultural nite every child partcipated. During the Camp,
we also partcipated in various compettons like Maths
Marathon, Word Chain and Recitaton. We also went to
the Fun & Food Village and had a gala
tme there.
I enjoyed and learnt so much in the
camp and it helped me to adjust
myself in the hostel. In the camp
students were given individual
atenton. I am convinced that the
camp is very good and I will join it
whenever I can.
Independence Day
ndependence Day was celebrated with patriotc
fervor and enthusiasm to reinforce the value of
freedom. The programme began with the hoistng
of Natonal Flag by the Principal Dr (Mrs) S S Jaiman
which was followed by a speech on Independence
Day. Our tny tots presented a meaningful play on
CHILD LABOUR. Patriotc Group Song by the school
choir and a patriotc dance by our senior girls flled
the air with natonalistc zeal and enthusiasm. The
Principal motvated all of us to fulfll our dreams and
goals keeping in mind the high ideals laid down in the
Gandhi Jayant
handragupta and Merril Houses organised a great
cultural programme on the day of Gandhi Jayant
to celebrate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi as
The Internatonal Day of Non- Violence. Teachers and
students took out PRABHAT PHERI around the campus
singing Gandhis favorite hymn, Raghupat Raghav Raja
Ram. The programme began with an inspiring prayer by
Mr Sachchidanand. A group song Sabarmat key sant
tuney kar diya kamal emphasised that freedom can
be achieved through the path of Ahimsa & Satyagraha
which is a true symbol of peace. Programmes like drum
beats by Swarnima, patriotc song, dance and bhajan
by Peagle Alrounders were liked and appreciated by all.
Ofciatng Principal, Mr S K Thakur and the Vice Principal
congratulated and appreciated the teachers and students
for their eforts.
Republic Day
epublic Day was celebrated with great zeal and zest to salute the naton. NCC gave a smart guard of
honour to the chief guest, Principal Dr. (Mrs) S S Jaiman. Unfurling of the natonal fag was followed
by Patriotc song by the school choir. Students staged a cultural programme to demonstrate their
love and devoton to the country. A very relevant gender sensitsaton skit was put up by middle and
senior secondary secton students. The students were honoured for their achievements in Extra and Co
Curricular actvites.
Besides showcasing patriotc songs and dances the school organized a FETE. The fete was inaugurated by
the Principal along with the Parents. It was imbibed with colours and enjoyment wherein people of all
ages partcipated. We all had real fun!
o ensure a positve atmosphere for learning, an
Orientaton Programme for new students of XI
and their parents was held on July 4, 2012. It
included An Introducton to our Founders - Col Prem
Saran and Mrs Kiran Satsangi and their vision of
educaton through a presentaton by Mr Ajay Rathi,
I/C Informatcs Practces. Students and parents were
then acquainted with the school philosophy in acton
by the Principal cum Director, IGC, Dr S S Jaiman.
Career Awareness and Optons was discussed by the
Counsellor Ms Deepika Abrol. Ms Shilpi Sharma, PGT
Psychology talked about the importance of Personality
Development and role of holistc personality for
oneself and the community.
ur School held its Investture Ceremony in July 2012. The newly elected appointments stood on the stage with
pride and their badges of honour entaining specifc responsibilites and dutes were shining brightly. Ofciatng
Principal Mr S K Thakur asked the Head Boy Vikas Kumar and the Head Girl Riya Raj along with the newly elected
team to take a pledge to carry out their dutes with complete dedicaton. All the new appointments were delighted
and felt happy on receiving their badges. The Principal congratulated and blessed the appointments.
afety frst is safety always was the aim of a
Mock Drill to promote the culture of safety and
preventon organised on 15th July, 2012. The
students under the guidance of teachers performed the
motons of Drop by dropping themselves on the ground,
Cover by covering themselves under their desks and
Hold by holding the desks tghtly. The students were
also made to vacate the school by using staircases and
existng gates avoiding stampede. The drill was conducted
to rehearse and be prepared in case of a natural disaster.
he Teachers Day was celebrated enthusiastcally.
The programme began with prayers recited
by teachers Mr Sachchidanand Kumar and
Ms Elizabeth Martn. Ofciatng Principal, Mr S K
Thakur delivered an inspiring speech on Dr Sarvapalli
Radhakrishnan. The students of senior secton presented
a play with a message to protect our environment- Van
Hi Jeevan Hai It was a great pleasure to hear the primary
teachers singing--Sari raat padte hum, phir bhi number
aatey kam, kaho ham kya karein. Students dressed
as teachers took classes. Principal Dr (Mrs) S S Jaiman
congratulated the teachers for their commendable job
and invaluable contributon to the society and inspired
them contnue to strive to put on their eforts. The day
was enjoyed by one and all.
ur students atended an informatve and inspiring
Science Exhibiton at Bloom Public School. The
exhibiton was on environmental issues and
applicaton of mathematcs in daily life and modern
techniques to save environment. We presented a project
on Nuclear Energy and Health. Approximately 60 schools
partcipated in this exhibiton. On the frst day Nishant,
Ashutosh from Junior and Neelima and Tanupriya
from Senior Secondary presented their models. Rajan
and Ajay of Class X prepared a working model on Eco
Friendly Industries. Our students expressed their ideas
on bio-degradable plastc, bio-diesel, global warming,
applicaton of mathematcs in increasing parking
areas and building powerful bridges etc. The two days
exhibiton was really informatve.
Students - Class X

n JANAMASHTAMI, Surya and Krishnan houses organized
cultural House Nite with great enthusiasm to celebrate
the birth of Lord Krishna. Bal Gopal was placed in His
Jhoola which was ceremonially swayed with devoton by
students and teachers. A host of actvites such as English and
Hindi group songs, classical dance and dance on Radha Krishna
were put up. Students dressed up as Krishna and Kala Nag,
performed Hindi play Kalia Mardan an event from Krishnas
life depictng the victory over evil within and without. Peagle
Allrounders also added colour to the event and contributed
greatly in enhancing the display of talent of the students. Last
but not the least, Dahi Handi an enactment of Lord Krishnas
eforts to steal buter from Yashodas Matki created an
environment of joy and excitement. Everyone yelled Govinda
Ala Re Ala during the ceremony. Students formed a pyramid to
break the Handi in which even the girls partcipated.
Govinda Ala Re Ala
Subject Club Actvites
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do
and I understand. Confucius.
School actvites are important for the alround growth
and development of young children especially for
the teens of today. Certainly it is a beter way to stay
focused and actve. Our school organized various
Subject Club Actvites on Languages, Humanites,
Science and Mathematcs. Students conducted actvites
in all departments under the guidance of Subject Heads
and other faculty members. They got the opportunity to
learn new and interestng things while being exposed to
the expanding horizons of each subject.
The Social Science Week started with lightng of the
ceremony lamp by Maam Principal and Ofciatng
Principal, Mr S K Thakur. The anchors Raj Sachdev
and Divya Bajaj of Class X anchored the programme
with full confdence. The frst presentaton by Divya
of Class X made Geography an easy and interestng
subject. The Parliament of India was shown to us by
Mohit Tiwari through his presentaton. Nisha Thapa
and Shaista Firoz tried to make all of us aware of
Terrorism and its horrible results. Raj Sachdev and
Siddhant Kumar presented a Documentary flm on
Adolf Hitler and his brutal ideas for torturing Jews to
death in the concentraton camps. All the students
did a lot of hard work and enjoyed making their
wonderful projects, charts and models Students
of classes IV to VIII gave atractve and interestng
presentatons on Indian dresses and the CSKM
Parliament. A tribute to our freedom fghters was
really a heart touching presentaton put up by
students. Senior students of Politcal Science made a
documentary feature on the theme New Emerging
Movements in India and Popular Movements afer
Siddhant Kumar-Class X
Science festa was held on 30th and 31st of August. A
Power Point presentaton was made on the Contributon
of Various Scientsts. A video clip on Black Hole was
shown to the students. Beautful charts and working
models on Science in day to day life, nuclear energy,
electricity, solar systems etc. were on display. An
interestng debate was also conducted. Partcipants
delivered informatve speeches and an interestng drama
on Nutritonal Value of Food was performed.
KAUN BANEGA SCIENTIST was hosted with great zeal
and confdence by Rajan Sarraf and Vikas Kumar. Pranshu
Kohli presented a song on DNA. The anchors Aman
Sachdev and Ankit Mahapatra amused the audience with
their scientfc jokes. Students also took actve part in
Science Olympiad, making of project fles, charts, models
and scrap fles. Team Teaching needs special menton.
Students actvely partcipated and made the programme
quite informatve and interestng under the guidance of
our Science Faculty.
Rajan Sarraf-Class X,
Mahima Tripathy-Class VIII
A much awaited event of English Club was conducted
to enhance, strengthen and widen the knowledge of
English language in children and also to train them to be
imaginatve, creatve and expressive in their use of words.
Many actvites like quiz, debate, elocuton, discussion,
creatve writng and speeches were organized. Power
Point Presentaton on Origin of Modern English needs
special menton. The students showed great interest and
enthusiasm in Chart Making, Slogan Writng and Report
writng compettons.
Zero to Infnity
The Mathematcs Club organized various actvites
to arouse students interest in the subject Maths.
Afer all every child should enjoy mathematcs
rather than doing it forcefully. The students from
IV to VIII enthusiastcally learnt tables, squares
and cubes. The students shared their interestng
by an interestng presentaton on FUN WITH
NUMBERS. Senior students made interestng
Power Point presentatons on various renowned
Mathematcians, number theory, advanced
probability and sequence and series etc. Students
enthusiastcally played various Mathematcal
GAMES. The Open Book Exam was one of the main
feature. Students worked as a TEAM under the
guidance of subject teachers.
n 24th November the Alumni Meet Day the silver jubilee batch of 1988 had an interactve session with the
present students of the school. The same evening CSKM Alumni Associaton organized the 3rd Annual CSKM
Alumni dinner, much camaraderie, nostalgia and love overfowed.
Hassan : Maam did Politcs happen to you by luck or
was it your aim?
Ms Dikshit : Both. I wanted to be a politcian. First it
happened by chance and now it is my
passion. When someone becomes a doctor,
then his work becomes passion for him and
the same happened with me.
Vivek : How do you shoulder your responsibilites
in spite of such a busy schedule?
Ms Dikshit : I take it very smoothly and do it with a feel
of passion. One should take everything
in life as adventure because if you are
adventurous in performing your tasks and
dutes then you will enjoy it and never feel
that youre busy.
Anupma : Do you think abolishment of board exam
from 10th standard is good for students?
Should it be re-imposed?
Ms Dikshit : We dont have to run for marks, it hardly
maters whether you get 80% or 90%. The
only thing that maters is that how we are
getng knowledge to become successful in
our life. Even my own grand-daughter used
to tell me, I got neither 80% nor 90%. In
such a situaton I console her not to worry
about marks.
Akshay : Maam, since childhood weve heard that
the upcoming generaton will change India.
What should be our role?
Ms Dikshit : Every child is taught to do something good.
When he grows up it is upto him/her to
decide what is good and what is bad. If
he/she will take the side of good then he
will defnitely do something good for the
naton. When I was a child I too heard the
same from my parents. I read the same
thing in newspapers, books and magazines.
Now what youre seeing is a beter India
and completely diferent from the one we
saw in our childhood. Youre provided with
a beautful naton.
Mohit : Being the capital of India, Delhi isnt devoid
of crime. What are your views on it?
Ms Dikshit : Yes, youre right. India isnt devoid of crime
but police and government authority alone
cant do anything. We need co-operaton
from public. Clapping cant be done by
one hand, it needs both. So, for wiping out
these evils we need help of public.
Ms Rajbala : Maam would you like to convey any
message to the teachers?
Ms Dikshit : I request teachers to take care of the
students as they are very precious and our
future generaton.

Students visit to
Chief Ministers Residence
The students and staf members, Ofciatng Principal,
Mr S K Thakur, Dr Parvez Alam and Mrs Raj Bala Sharma
had a wonderful opportunity for an interactve session with
Honble Chief Minister, Mrs Shiela Dikshit. It was indeed an
exhilaratng experience.
Founders Day
SKM Public School celebrated the Founders day
commemoratng the 83rd birth anniversary of our
Founder Chairman, Col P.S Satsangi, VSM on 20th
October 2012.
The programme commenced with the lightng of the
lamp of learning by the Chief Guest, Prof M.M Pant and
the Guest of Honour, Gp Capt Ram Parvesh Kumar.
With the enchantng beats of Shivoham to which
the school girls danced gracefully, the blessings of the
Almighty were invoked. It was followed by a presentaton
on the Founder Chairman, Col PS Satsangi; his charisma,
vision and innovatve leadership as an educatonist par
excellence were witnessed by the spectators.
Gp Capt R P Kumar in his oratory tribute paid homage to
Col P S Satsangi, who was his Principal in Sainik School
Tilaiya. Under Col Satsangis tutelage, the young R P
Kumar blossomed, ultmately to reach a distnguished
The 7th Col P.S Satsangi Memorial Lecture was delivered
by the internatonally renowned scientst, researcher,
thought-guru, Prof M M Pant on the theme Every
Child a winner echoing the educatonal philosophy
of Col Satsangi. Prof Pant reiterated the importance
of creatvity, innovaton and conducive environment
for young learners for these very qualites to fourish.
He elucidated that sustaining good educaton, making
theory relevant, applying it to problem solving in life
is real educaton. Prof Pants very apt message for
school teachers was to encourage students to ask good
questons and to create an environment for the students
to educe their latent talents.
As far as the school curriculum is concerned, according
to Prof Pant, it is not the content but how it is transacted
which is the important aspect.
In Prof Pants own words, If you can only do what you
have been taught how to do, you are replaceable by a
sofware or by a robot In essence, it is the ideas and
the power of thought that are paramount.
Prof Pant is successfully working towards his vision
to promote learning, thinking, creatng and caring to
achieve the higher goals of human existence; and for the
young learners to be ready for future.
Founders Day commemoratve awards were presented
to faculty members for 25 years of dedicated service
to the insttuton. The prestgious Prem Kiran Guru
Samman was awarded to Mr. Ashok K. Pandey, from an
early batch of teachers, mentored by Col. Satsangi. Mr.
Ashok Pandey is now the Principal, Ahlcon Internatonal
School, Mayur Vihar, New Delhi.
Chairman, Dr. Rohit Jaiman profusely thanked Prof M.M.
Pant in the valedictory for his relevant
and profound talk. The programme
concluded with the presentaton of
school mementos to the Chief Guest
and the Guest of honour as a token of
grattude and appreciaton.
The programme concluded with the
school song.
pic Macay is a cultural society that aims at bringing
awareness about the rich cultural heritage of
India among the youth. This year Virasat 2012
was dedicated to Ustad Amir Khan, Janab Saadat Hassan
Our school got the privilege to host the colourful fve day
workshop of traditonal Madhubani Paintng under the
aegis of Spic Macay. The renowned artst, Ms Ambika
Devi conducted the workshop brilliantly. The children
were encouraged and they came forward to contribute in
learning the traditonal paintng style that mostly depicts
the Nature and Hindu Religious Motfs. In all it was a
wonderful experience.
e also had the pleasure of witnessing Kathak
by world renowned dancer Padmabhushan Ms
Uma Sharma. She commenced the recital with
Vishnu Vandana followed by some pure techniques
of Kathak. She apprised the students about the rich
repertoire that comprises Kathak Dance. She told them
that Kathak dance is divine and Indian classical dance
has its roots in the mythology of Gods. She also informed
the audience of the enriching infuence of the Mughal
patronage on Kathak. Through hands, eyes, facial
expressions and foot movements she demonstrated how
the technique of Kathak makes use of fast rhythmic foot
and body movements. What made the performance
special was the interactve approach through which the
artst generated interest among the students.
Spic Macay Virasat -2012
Then we witnessed an entrely abhinaya flled
performance in which she played the role of Maa
Yashoda, Krishna and his friends through stylised
mime using hand gestures and facial expressions.
This way she demonstrated how one dancer goes into
many characters. The audience was awestruck by her
performance. She went on to mesmerize the young
audience with the famous anecdote Marich Vadh from
Ramayana. The Kathak performance concluded with
Jugalbandi of Tabla and Ghungru. It was indeed a
performance that the students will always remember
very fondly and with awe. The show concluded with a
vote of thanks by the Principal Dr (Mrs) S S Jaiman and
honouring the artst with special token of appreciaton.
t was indeed a mater of great pride and pleasure for
our students as they got an opportunity to witness
a Qawwali Recital by the famous Qutabi Brothers.
Hailing from the illustrious Sarwana Gharana, the famous
Qutabi brothers, Ilyas and Idris are synonymous with
the 750 year old mystc Suf traditon of Qawwali. As a
recogniton of their talent, they have been bestowed with
the prestgious ttle of Darbar Astana Hazrat Qutbuddin
Bakhtar Kaki. They were awarded the Sangeet Natak
academy Award .Yeh kala hamko virasat mein mili hai,
remarked Mohd. Illiyas Ji and further added, Qawwali
singing has been the art form of our family for the past
Tour To Manali
ixty fve students from classes IV to X and six
staf members went on a fve day Manali tour in
October, 2012. They stayed in the Jessica Hotel.
The rooms and food was good. Visits to Hidimba temple,
Buddhist temple, Manikaran, Rohtang pass and Solang
Valley were conducted. The students were excited to
see snow at Rohtang pass as many had never seen it
before. They also did shopping at the mall. We visited a
shawl factory also. We enjoyed and learned a lot from
this tour.
Sidhant Thokchom, Krishna Kant, V
800 years. Mohd. Idris Ji and Mohd. Illiyas Ji, along with
their troupe, commenced their recital with the qawwali
Allah Hu. which praised and admired the oneness
of all religions. They further enthralled the audience
with their famous qawwali Chaap Tilak Sab Chhini.
Intermitently they recited couplets in praise of the
Almighty, the Guru and Parents. It was indeed a novel
way of teaching and reaching out to the young minds.
The students went into raptures as they culminated their
recital with Damadam mast kalandar, Mera piya ghar
aaya and some lines of Bulle Shah. It was a spectacular
medley which resulted in a standing ovaton.
came to CSKM in 2001 for my sons admission. I
stll remember my frst meetng with the Founder
Chairman, Col. Satsangi. I was highly impressed
with his far sightedness, vision and his contributon to
the feld of educaton. At that tme I worked for a school
in administraton ofce. I was looking for a change I
wanted to be a teacher.
I fully realize that to be a teacher is truly a calling of not
just the mind but the heart as well.
Sir showed confdence in me and told me to try teaching
for a week. I seized this opportunity.
Teaching was one thing that I had never done before but
I always wanted to be a teacher. I was really fortunate to
have had Col Satsangi Sir as my guide and the one who
understood my thirst for teaching and supported my
eforts to achieve my goals.
Teaching was diferent from my previous work. The
responsibilites were greater. I was very nervous and
excited on my frst day of TEACHING. It went by so quickly
with so many new staf and pupils to meet; I didnt have
tme to think about the day. I did feel really apprehensive,
constantly thinking about if I had made the right decision.
At the end of the day when I fnally got home it began
to sink in how excitng teaching really was and that the
opportunity which Col. Sir gave me - was just right for me.
It took a couple of days to get fully into the swing of
things, but since then there was no looking back, it was
just moving forward.
Within a couple of years I was honoured with the Teacher
Of The Year Award. Untl then I had not known that I
could also become a good teacher. My heartelt thanks to
Col. Satsangi for shaping my career! I am not going alone
from here; I am taking some unique experiences, a lot
of learning, lots of cherished memories and the diligent
leadership that Shaku Maam provided to me.
The rough and tough philosophy of the school has made
me so tough that I am certain that I can withstand any
challenges in life now. This school has been my home
away from home.
CSKM has a deep imprint on my heart that will go with
me wherever I go. I will MISS you all!
Former Teacher 2001-2012
Zindagi Ki Har Mauj Mili,
Kabhi Kabhi Nahi Har Roz Mili,
Bus Ek Saccha Dost Manga Tha Zindagi Se,
Mujhe Dosto Ki Poori Fauj Mili!
Sweet Memories...
e are all aware that our environment plays a
signifcant role in our lives. One of the most
important components of it is fresh air.
We feel that the air is being contaminated by unwanted
substances like smoke from factories, power plants and
automobile exhaust etc. Other pollutants are CFCs which
are used in refrigerators, air conditoners and aerosol
sprays. CFCs damage the ozone layer of atmosphere which
protects us from harmful UV rays of sun.
In additon to this a very huge cause of air polluton is
celebratng Diwali by burstng a large number of crackers.
They not only produce sound polluton but also cause air
polluton which leads to many respiratory problems and
are also responsible for global warming which is a serious
threat to mankind. Keeping in mind all these harmful
efects of air polluton, we the students and staf of CSKM
Public School took initatve to organize a campaign ttled
Say No to crackers on 12 November, 2012. A team of
about 100 students from classes III to VIII and 25 teachers
partcipated in this campaign. We started the campaign
from our school itself and then covered the neighbouring
The purpose of this rally was to generate awareness
among the people of neighbouring areas about harmful
efects of burstng crackers. The students along with
teachers walked the lanes with the slogans writen on
banners like Say No To Crackers and Save Environment
Save Life etc. Children also distributed about 200
handouts depictng the harmful efects of burstng
Crack Jokes and not Crackers....
Campaign To Celebrate Crackerless Diwali
crackers. Afer the campaign everyone assembled in at
the MCD Park, Chhatarpur.
Mrs Anita Tyagi (Deputy Chairperson, South Delhi) was
the Chief Guest of the event. She also made the students
aware about ill efects of burstng crackers. Aferwards
Mr R K Tyagi, Vice Principal and Mr S K Thakur, Ofciatng
Principal addressed the gathering. Enthusiasm of all
students and teachers who partcipated was really
appreciable. Our Principal Dr (Mrs) S S Jaiman encouraged
the students and staf for this noble cause. People who
interacted with the students during the campaign were
really impressed with the commendable eforts of the
students and promised not to burst crackers on Diwali.
To celebrate crackerless Diwali on the campus, a speech
and a poem on Diwali was recited by the students
and worship of idols of Ganesh ji and Lakshmi ji was
conducted. This was followed by an Oath not to burn
crackers on Diwali.
A special workshop was conducted for making candles
and Diyas under the guidance of our Art & Craf teachers
Mr R K Ojha and Mrs Malt Ojha.
Though the quality of air at various locatons is monitored
regularly by Government and other agencies but a small
contributon on our part can make a huge diference. I
would like to appeal you all on behalf of CSKM Eco Club
to celebrate crackerless and safe Diwali every year and
care for our environment by plantng trees, properly
disposing garbage etc.
e celebrated our 27th Parents Annual Day
to commemorate the birthday of Late
Maam Kiran Satsangi in whose loving
memory Col P S Satsangi, VSM, Founder Chairman
Sir established this insttuton. Mr SBK Singh, the
Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Delhi Police
was the Chief Guest. The programme commenced
with the lightng of ceremonial lamp followed
by spiritual invocaton SHIVOHAM. Ofciatng
Principal Mr S K Thakur presented the Annual School
Report highlightng the school achievements. Tiny
tots performed the SONG OF LIFE full of energy
and enthusiasm. The highlight of the day was
a play TO GIVE A DAUGHTER AWAY by Malini
Bhatacharya. Cultural items also included a mime
show emphasizing the role of a mother and a solo
performance on MAA by Rigzin of class XII. Trophies
and certfcates were awarded to students for their
scholastc, co-scholastc and sportng excellence.
CSKM BAND rocked and took everyone away a
hundred miles. The DAREDEVILS of CSKM displayed
various scintllatng sports actvites. The Chief
Guest addressed the gathering and motvated them
to follow their dreams to achieve their goals. The
Chairman Dr Rohit Jaiman and the Principal Dr (Mrs)
S S Jaiman proposed vote of thanks and presented
school mementos as token of their grattude to the
Chief Guest.
33 33
do not expect India of my dreams to develop one
religion, i.e., to be wholly Hindu or wholly Christan
or wholly Muslim, but I want it to be wholly tolerant,
with its religions working side by side with one another,
said Mahatma Gandhi. India is a secular land, flled with
the fragrance of varied cultures and traditons. CSKM
fraternity feels proud to be a medium of enhancement
of the same. We being secular in spirit, celebrate all
religious festvals from tme to tme like Lohri, Makar
Sankrant, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Dussehra, Diwali, Eid,
Onam and Christmas with equal fervor. This inspires the
students to adhere to the rich heritage of our sacred
Full Swing

35 35
FAREWELL - Be Problem Solvers and
Facility Creators
he metamorphosis of students from gawky young
boys and girls to poised confdent, young ladies and
gentlemen was a treat for the eyes, as the school
wished them God-speed on the occasion of farewell.
The students of class XII, girls and boys of session 2011-
2012, were given a warm farewell.
The feeling of love and afecton for the fellow students
and deep atachment for the alma mater was palpable
among the out- going students.
The head boy and the head girl expressed sentments
on how they were looked afer and nurtured through
thick and thin by the faculty and allied staf members.
Principal Dr (Mrs) S S Jaiman blessed the out going batch
and urged them to be the problem solvers and facility
creators rather than facility enjoyers. She exhorted
them to always remember the school moto Busy Bee
Col Satsangis Kiran Memorial Aipeccs Educational Complex
CSKM Educational Complex, Satbari, Mehrauli, New Delhi-110030
Phone : 680 2214, 680 1972, 680 2094
Visitors Book
Drama Competton
heatre brings out the innate personality
of a child and also helps to develop
confdence of the actor within. Students
partcipated in Inter School Drama Competton
at Lok Kala Manch, Lodhi Road organized by
Peagle Educaton Solutons for Delhi, NCR
The theme of the Drama was Maa. We
conveyed the message about the role of
mother in a childs life. Through this play we
showed various stages of childhood, school life
and married life and how a mother plays a very
special role in the childs life for his/her growth
and development. Children should understand
the importance of mother and take care of her
but nowadays mothers are taken for granted.
We forget how and what mothers have gone
through in bringing us up in the world and
making us good human beings.
The following students partcipated
enthusiastcally and won the second prize -
Moirangthem Kunal, Hemant Swami , Anurag
Anand and Ankit Yadav of Class V, Nitn
Bhat, Arun Kumar Pandit, Eklavya Yadav and
Abhishek Rout of class VII.
Robotcs - A Spirit of Innovaton
e have taken a new initatve in our school that will pursue students in engineering science. Students will
be creatng, inventng and exploring with a 21st century technology... ROBOTICS!!!! They are given the
opportunity to work as a team and make projects that incorporate educatonal robotcs. On 24th January
2013 Inter School Robotcs Challenge 2013 was held at Bal Bhart Public School, Dwarka in which around 30 schools
partcipated. Our young engineers made a working Robot and they scored the third positon. Team members were Jai
SInha, Vaibhav Negi, Sachin Verma, Saksham Singh, Ravi Bhushan and Sameer Sharma partcipated in the event.
Book Fair
eading books indeed strengthens the mind and nurtures our imaginaton to a world of possibilites. Keeping
this in mind the school organized BOOK FAIR on 15th December to highlight that books are an integral part of
our life. The books on varied topics were displayed. Sales witnessed a grand partcipaton from students and
parents. The children were happy to browse and buy books of their choice.
Dance Mania
he school hosted Inter
School Dance Competton
Dance Mania organised
by NIE The Times of India on
January 23rd 2013 in the school
in which almost 20 renowned
schools partcipated. The dances
performed by the students
of diferent schools were
awe-inspiring, fabulous and
outstanding. The partcipants
in their bright colourful dresses
rocked the stage. In the panel
of judges were Ms Bhavini
Misra, and Ms Varsha Baldodia
who declared the programme a
memorable and successful event.
They praised the host school and
its cooperaton in makaing the
programme a great success.
In summer vacaton I visited Kullu and Manali.
I played diferent adventurous games like skiing, zorbing,
rafing and paragliding there. I liked paragliding the most.
It is done with the help of very high quality polyester.
You can glide in the air with Parachute.
You have strings in your hands to control your Parachute.
Paragliding was a wonderful experience for me. I felt as if
I was fying in the sky. It was like a dream come true. I will
never forget this experience.
Mahavaish Rehman III
Lovely thing
Bread is a lovely thing to eat.
God bless the barley and the wheat!
A lovely thing to breathe is air
God bless the sunshine every where!
The earths a lovely place to know,
God bless the folks that come and go!
Being alive a lovely thing to be,
Giver of life we say bless thee!
Diya Gupta III
I am a tree. I give oxygen, shadow and fruits.
Children sit under the tree and play with their friends.
Please save us, dont let bad people cut us.
Blessy III
I, a monkey, am very fond of bananas,
I always crave for bananas.
I love to feed on bananas,
I relish ripe bananas,
Bunches and bunches of bananas,
All to myself!
Nishant IV
Oh! God please help me!
I pray to you, God.
You are my father, you are my mother,
You are good, you are kind,
You help everyone all the tme.
Oh! God please help my friends,
And me as well.
Bhavishya IV
My Mother
My mother is very beautful,
And looks very graceful.
She cooks delicious food to eat,
And gives me a treat.
She gives me milk every night,
My mother cares for me day and night.
Jyot Pandey IV
There are two trees in my garden...
They give us oxygen,
They give us shade,
I water them everyday.
They are gulmohar and neem.
And keep the surroundings clean.
Both trees are very useful,
And make my garden beautful
Soni IV
We are told,
The winter is cold.
In December, there is Christmas
When my mother makes and bakes,
Gajrela, pastries and cakes,
Out in the Sun,
Winter is real Fun.
Pragya Singh IV
Love Our Country
India is our country. We must love and respect our country.
As a mark of respect we celebrate Independence Day and
Republic Day in our school. We hoist the natonal fag and
sing the natonal anthem. This makes us feel patriotc.
Our natonal fag has three bands with three diferent
colours. Each colour has its own signifcance.
The colour Safron stands for courage and bravery.
White reminds us to be truthful, honest and peaceful.
Green colour symbolizes prosperity. At the centre of the
white band is a blue wheel. It has twenty four spokes.
The spokes of the wheel stand for twenty four hours of
the day. The wheel is the symbol of right conduct and
contnuous eforts.
Our natonal fag symbolizes courage, truth, purity,
prosperity and right conduct. Our country is a land where
people of diferent religions live in unity. God wants his
children to be united and to love one another. He wants
us to obey and respect the laws of our country.
Ankit Yadav V
Rainbow, Rainbow,
Oh dear rainbow, shining in the sky.
Have so many colours.
Violet, orange, blue, Indigo,
Green, red and yellow.
It is high up in the air,
and to touch it,
I can not even dare.
Abhigyan Jha & Sahil Hastodiya V
School is my temple,
Teachers are my God.
Study is my aim,
To achieve name and fame.
Teachers are like candles,
They give us light.
And to make us bright,
They work day and night.
Teachers are polite,
They are there to guide.
They mould us to be nice,
And make us wise.
Hemant V
Indian Cricket
Cricket is Fun,
When Sehwag takes a run.
When Sachin hits a six,
Andrew Fintof is in a fx.
When Ganguly hits a four
Hussain wants no more.
When Agarkar takes a wicket,
Spectators are looking for tckets.
When Kumble gives a spin,
Australians also spin.
When Dhoni takes a run,
Sri Lankans do not have fun.
And when Sachin takes a catch,
India wins the match.
Prashant V
My Dream World
If I have a dream world, it will be of chocolates and
vanilla ice creams. The buildings will be made of
chocolate bricks and ice-creams of diferent favours
like chocolate, vanilla, buter scotch and strawberry.
The parliament will also be in the shape of an ice cream
cone. The rivers, ponds and seas will be full of favoured
milk and even the human beings will be made of
chocolate. Tables, books and fans will also be made up
of chocolate and ice-creams. Leaves, fruits and fowers
of chocolate will grow again and again on the trees I
adore this world of chocolates and ice-creams. Some
dreams come true and I wish this too comes true!
Kamal IV
I found a puppy lying on the road. I went near him. I saw
him, his eyes were closed and he was stll a baby. I picked
him up and I took him home. I cleaned him and gave him
some milk to drink. Then I covered him with a cloth and
put him in a litle box. Afer sometme his eyes opened
and I knew he was safe. Now he is my happy puppy!!!!!
Anshul V
Magical Genie
One day my friends and I were playing in the garden. We
saw a Genie coming. They were very shocked to see that
she was wearing heavy jewellery and a beautful dress.
The children went to her and started talking to her and
gave her compliments. Afer talking for sometme, we
asked her where her home was. She said that she was
from a magical world. All of us were surprised and asked
if she also had a magic wand. She gave a sweet smile
and said that she could do magic with her hands. Then
she was hungry. We quickly brought some food from
our house. The Genie exclaimed that it was Yummy! She
wanted to meet our mothers because she found the food
For some tme we all played in the garden. She then
said, Now I will grant you a wish, tell me what do you
want?. All all of us said that we wanted her to grant us
the power of not doing anything wrong in life.
Genie said, It will be done.... And then she returned to
her magical world. May be from there she always guides
all of us.
Sangeeta VI
A Peacock
I woke up at 6 Oclock in the morning. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and came out on the verandah.
There I saw a peacock with big, long colourful feathers. I went to the room. I put some seeds in a bowl and put it
on the ground. The peacock saw me and came running towards me. I went into my house. The peacock quickly
ate all the bajra seeds. Then it happily few away into the forest. It was a very pleasant morning experience.
Pallavi V
When I met a Genie one day
One day, I and a lot of my friends and others were playing
in the park. Some were playing Kabaddi and some cricket.
Suddenly a Genie appeared. She was wearing a bright
red Punjabi dress. She was coming towards us. We went
to her. We were amazed because we had never seen
such a girl walking in the garden. She kept smiling and
looking at us happily. We began to talk. She was hungry.
We went to our homes and all of us brought food for
her. The Genie was very happy. But afer some tme, she
shouted and said that her dress had got dirty. We rushed
again to our homes to get a dress for her. suddenly a
big man appeared and said that he was Genies father
and had come to take her home. When he asked her
to accompany him, she wished to stay with us. She was
upset and we made her understand that she must go
back to her own world and fnally she agreed. The Genie
and her father held hands and disappeared. Before going,
the sweet Genie promised to be with us whenever we
needed her company.
Somay Garg VI
The Seven Colours
Rainbow has seven colours.
Violet, indigo, blue, yellow,
Orange, red and green.
Children love to see the rainbow,
In monsoon it can be seen.
Bright coloured and curve shaped,
We can see it afer the rain.
I keep watching through my window,
again and again, again and again!.
Sidhant Thokchom VI
Did You Know?
179 languages and nearly 544 dialects are spoken in India.
In India there are 82% Hindus while Muslims are 12.12%,
Christans are 2.32%, Sikhs are 1.94%, Buddhists are 0.76%,
Jains are 0.44% and rest of the communites together form
nearly 0.42% of the total populaton of our country.
Nitn Mohan Bhat VII
Never think from your mind, Always think from your heart.
Although the heart is on the lef side, Yet it is always right.
Shubham VII
A World Without Trees.
If there are no trees, the world will be barren. We cant
survive because trees give us oxygen and absorb carbon
dioxide. Rain is formed due to the trees and if rains dont
occur we would not have water to drink, to wash clothes,
to cook food and fnally we will die. Without trees,
global warming will increase and we will die because of
heat. Hence, due to lack of oxygen, scarcity of water; all
forms of life on earth will end. Trees are also the source
of many medicines. When we are sick these medicines
cure us. Trees give us wood with which we cook our
food. Without furniture, medicines and wood etc life will
become very difcult. Many trees also provide us clothes
which we wear on various occasions . Even our note
books, books and every single sheet of paper are made
from trees. So trees are integral to our life and crucial for
survival. That is why, it is said
Muskan & Jasveen VII

































A Gif of God-Nature
Nature is a gif of God,
Nature is the beauty of the earth.
Nature is the mother of all inspiratonal resources,
Look deeper into the natural world.
And hear the secret message that nature gives,
Nature gently unfolds the message that is.
Good things come to those who wait.
I love nature very much.
Nature is a gif of God.
David Ranjan VII
Friendly Water Vapour
Water vapour plays an important role in keeping the
earth at a temperature that is friendly for life. Ice and
snow on the earths surface refect sunlight. If there is
no water vapour in the atmosphere to trap the heat, the
earth will become too cold to support life.
Jay Sinha VII
A Rare Gas
Ozone is a natural gas that is found between 9 and
48 kilometers above the Earth in the layer of the
atmosphere known as the stratosphere. It is also a very
rare gas. Do you know that there are only 3 molecules of
ozone in every 10 million molecules of air?
Shrut VII
A Precious Gif
Love is a precious gif,
Full of concern and care.
Love is all pervading,
Love is life, life is love.
Love cant be expressed in words,
It comes from within the heart.
Love is a precious gif of God,
Preserve and share it ,
With one and all.
Anurag VIII
My School
I love my school
The teachers are very cool
They teach us in such a nice way
We learn and play
Our teachers are very smart,
They teach us Maths, Hindi, English and Art.
When I do well, my teachers give me a hug,
Thats why I love my school very much.
Aquil Ali VIII
Everyday with a smile on their face,
I see my teachers with a calm and normal pace.
Moulding our life with love and care,
To get such jewels is very rare.
Holding our hands they lead us,
Crossing all ups and downs.
You are our ideal, you are the preachers,
Thank you for every thing, O! my dear teachers!
Aquil Ali VIII
Nature is everywhere,
There are fowers here and there.
The beautful fowers blossom,
So we say they are awesome.
The trees slightly sway here and there,
With some care.
The mountains are brown,
They are like crowns.
There are seasons like spring,
There is lots and lots of happiness they bring.
The cold winter is very strong,
But the sweaters keep us very warm.
Nature is all around us,
It is very dear to us.
Nature is all around earth,
We can see it since our birth,
Nature is amazing,
It is fantastc,
It is fabulous,
It is so wonderful.
Divyansh VIII
I love my India
I love my India. It is a land of wonders, mystcism
and traditons and a bonanza of rich cultural
heritage. Indias rich heritage is its beautful
buildings, magnifcent treasures and historical
monuments. India has diferent customs followed in
its diferent regions. Each state has its own diferent
features - its people, its food, its ornaments and
its dress. India has so much to ofer spiritually,
culturally and contnues to fascinate a steady fow of
tourists who are keen to explore Incredible India. I
feel proud when I say I Love my India.
Dimpy Singh VIII
Love is so kind,
That makes everyone blind.
Love is a story,
That never says sorry,
Love is a song,
That goes very long.
Love is a thing,
That makes us a human being.
Love is a book,
Never judged by looks.
Kushal VIII
Wonders of Love
Love is a feeling.
That makes everyone human.
Love is blind but.
It is embraced by all
Love is magic,
That makes logic.
Love is in the air and it whispers everywhere,
Love is genius that makes us serious.
Love is a key that sets everyone free.
Love is life! Life is Love!
Anants and Vinish VIII
How we saved our house from robbers
My mother and I were at home. My mother was cooking
food and I was watching television. When I switched
on the air-conditoner I found it was not working. My
mother rang up father to call for an electrician to repair
the air-conditoner.
My father called the electrician and told him what the
problem was and gave him the address of the house. The
electrician said that he was busy and he would be able
to come only afer 9 O clock. There was a man standing
behind my father who was listening to the telephonic
conversaton of my father. This man happened to be a
robber who wanted to ransack our house.
At 8 Oclock, my father was back from work. The robber
posing as the electrician rang the bell. My father opened
the door and the person said that he was the electrician
and had come to repair the air-conditoner. The robber
said that he had forgoten to bring the gas to fll in
the air-conditoner. He said that he would call another
electrician who will provide the gas. He asked my father
to wait downstairs. My mother had to go to the market
and told me to stay in the house.
The bell rang again and I opened the door. The men said
that they had brought the gas for the air-conditoner.
I directed them to go upstairs and came down. The
bell rang yet again. The man at the door said that he
had received the call from my father to check the air-
conditoner. I quickly called my father and we realized
that the men upstairs were frauds. My father called
the police as well as the neighbours. The robbers were
caught red handed as they were tucking away goods and
valuables. The robbers were given a sound thrashing and
were handed over to the police.
Well, we were saved only because of the real electrician.
Akhil Bajaj VIII
My Mom, My Coach
My mom is my coach. She is everywhere with me in my
life. She always helps me in everything. She also helps me
in my studies. Every night my mom tells me a story and
sleeps with me. She gets up early in the morning and she
makes delicious breakfast. She takes care of the whole
family. She teaches me many new things every day.
Whenever I do wrong she corrects me but I know she
loves me very much.
My mother encourages me and never neglects me.
Whenever she goes to the market she brings something
for me. When I am sick my mother takes special care of
me. I love my Mom.
Adit, Sumitra, Dimpy VIII
An Angels World
It was all white everywhere around me. Afer sometme a
light appeared. I was not able to see what that was. Then,
the light disappeared. I was able to see all the things
around me. There were trees, many colourful fowers, a
big palace, a beautful lake, clouds of many shapes etc. I
was feeling like a queen there. For a second, I forgot all
the things and I felt that was my kingdom. I went near
the lake. Suddenly a lotus plant foated on its water.
Then, I went near a tree. That tree did not have any fruit.
I thought of having fruits, and all of a sudden many fruits
appeared on that tree. I was very surprised to see that.
Finally I found that I was fying in the sky. It made me
more surprised. I was scared too. So, I looked here and
there and cried for help. An angel appeared before me. I
stopped and was amazed to see her. That angel was very
beautful. She did not say anything and took me inside
the palace. In that palace I met the angels family. She
was very happy to take me around the heavenly palace.
I saw everything very closely. There was no polluton,
no man made destructon and no violence. It was so
well maintained by the angels. All the angels were very
cheerful. I talked to the angel and her family. They were
very nice. I wished that I could live there forever as I was
very happy there. Out of excitement I started running
here and there. Suddenly I fell on the ground while
jumping up and down and then I realized it was all a
dream. The next day I shared my dream with my friends
and we were all laughing over it.
Mahima VIII
I was bed ridden for almost one month as I was very sick.
I lay on my bed thinking and crying. Soon I went into
a deep sleep and I was lost in a dream. I asked myself
where I was. Suddenly I saw a palace right in front of me.
It was designed beautfully in gold, silver and diferent
kinds of stones. It was glitering. The palace was so big
and beautful. Suddenly there came a beautful and lovely
angel. She was very fair. She called me by my name and
we went inside to have a look around the palace. Then
she took me to the garden, it was green everywhere.
There were so many birds, fowers and fruits. She again
called me and took me over the clouds. She asked me if I
wanted to get beter. I said yes I wanted. She gave me so
many sweets and chocolates. She told me to give some to
my parents. I was feeling as if I was in heaven. Sometme
later I woke up. My mouth was moving when I woke up.
I saw my mother sitng beside me. She was asking me if
I wanted to have something. I asked her where I was and
then she told me that I was at home on my bed. Then
I realized that I had been in a dream in heaven talking
to the angels. I told everything about my dream to my
parents. My parents and I laughed together. Afer some
days I was beter. That was how I happened to meet an
angel in my dream.
Keizenuo Sophie VIII
I was afraid and wondered where I was when I found I
was up in the sky where I couldnt see anything except
blue and white clouds. Then I heard someone crying
close by. I walked towards the sound. Suddenly I saw a
girl in a white dress. She was sitng and crying. She was
a girl aged between 15 to 20 years. She was fair and had
hair of golden colour. I was not able to make out who
she was. I was alone in the sky among the clouds and the
weeping girl. She had prety wings and was wearing gold
I was a litle afraid to go near her but as she was crying
I thought she needed some help. I pushed myself and
asked why she was crying. She asked me who I was to
ask her a queston. I told her I just wanted to help her.
She told me that she had lost her parents and was
alone. I asked her to be my friend. She agreed. Then I
asked to her about her parents and she told me many
more things. She said that it was tme for her to go and
she would grant me fve wishes. My frst wish was for
the angel to be my friend forever. The second wish I
made was to be with my family. The third was to fnd her
parents. The fourth and ffh were for everyone to live
happily. I was overwhelmed. Someone was shaking me
and I realised that my mother was waking me up and it
was all a dream. I wish that I may have the same dream
next tme as I had forgoten to ask the angels name.
Kushal Pandey VIII
Smile, smile, smile, I always smile.
Smile is my life.
Without smile, I can not stay alive.
I never frown.
And all the classmates, Love my smile.
When I smile,
Everyone comes near me.
Because I always smile and smile, smile, smile, smile
I always smile
I love to smile more than I love a chocolate
I want many friends, So I always smile.
My teachers love me
Because I always smile and smile.
When I smile, I love to dance
It makes me happy, It makes me strong.
Smile, smile, smile,I always smile.
Alisa & Sonam IX
Books are our best friend,
As they have no complaints, no demands,
They are our best companions,
Till we dont desert them.
They give us so much knowledge
and useful informaton.
Whether we are right or wrong.
We get to learn
through the books to be right,
Educaton is the ray, the right way
Books old, classics or recent
They are a real treasure
Dance, music, songs, history, nature
Every aspect of life of people,
places and events are subjects
they deal with.
And as readers, we beneft from the writngs.
All knowledge they provide us
And help us in all spheres of life.
Niharika IX
The Immortals
This generaton is diferent!!
Though we live forever, were dead
Though were dead, we live to feed on blood.
The strong thirst that comes from the throat
The state where we feel well vanish if we dont feed.
The temptaton to kill someone (without a choice).
Its even more strange, we dont have the
Right (freedom) to see the light.
Our world is the darkness.
We dont feel the heat or the cold
Our skins are numb and cold
We are also called the cold - blooded.
Weve the teeth of wild beast
That help us to feed on fresh fesh
We are known as the bad ones
Humans call us the strongest beasts.
Though we were one of them before
We have become the eternal of the world..
Weve got the beauty, the looks to
atract people towards us.
Weve the power to run as fast as the speed of wind
Weve the strength to save our loved ones.
Though were very old, weve got the look of youngsters.
Weve got pale white skin, atractve eyes and pink lips
Some call us Vampires.because were
Like the dead that wake up at night and
hunt to quench our thirst.
But we are of diferent kinds too -
Vampires, Draculas, Undead, etc.
Therefore were commonly known as
- the Immortals!
Chirom King King Devi IX
The Candle in a Life
Teaching is the most honourable
profession in the world. God is our
frst teacher. There is a well known
saying The character of a Teacher is
embodied by his students. Everyone
in this world is either a teacher, or
a student, if we observe the great
development in the world, it is only because of teachers.
The recent great advancements in industries, medicine,
various technologies, social, economical and cultural
felds are because of teachers. If one says that it is the
teachers who are the back bone of each and every
country, then it would not be wrong.
A well known European philosopher says that if you
want to destroy a naton, destroy its teachers and the
naton itself will be destroyed. In a nut shell A teacher
plays great and pivotal role in the rise and downfall of
not only natons but also the humanity. When we come
in this world we see in the face of our parents our frst
teachers. So we can say that the teacher is one who can
help us diferentate between the right and wrong. The
teacher is like a candle in our life.
Surya Muhtashami X
If I were a Super Hero
I dont think I would be a Superman
Im sort of scared of heights.
Id sort of like to be a Spiderman
But Im afraid of spider bites.
I suppose I could be Wolverine
But Im afraid people would stare
I have considered being the Incredible...
But radiaton is bad for hair.
The Fantastc 4, now theres a thought!!
But Im not sure thats for me.
Bens too ugly, Johnnys too hot!
As Sue I just cant see me.
May be though I could be Reed.
And lead the other three.
Well may be Reeds a bit
Of a stretch,
I barely can take care of me.
Captain America him perhaps,
I love his mighty shield.
But, fear Im not brave enough,
When things get tough I yield.
If I could be a super Hero,
I wonder what Id be.
Or maybe its tme to fnd
The Hero inside of me.
When the tme comes theyll hear our calls,
The light will triumph, darkness falls.
Theyll appear like your ordinary shoes
When in uniform we call them
Super Heroes!!
Raj Sachdev X
Water Is Life - Save Water! Save Life!
Water is the most essental natural resource in our
life. Without water we cant survive. Water helps
us in various life-processes like digeston, excreton,
circulaton etc. Water is also known as Wonder liquid
because it covers a large area of the earths surface.
Water is present in all the three forms-solid, liquid and
gas. Of recent, water is being polluted regularly by
human beings. We have polluted the surface water. The
level of fresh water has decreased. Water is also polluted
by industries and factories. We must save water. We can
conserve water by using rain water harvestng and can
use clean water for healthy living.
Nishant Shisodia X

A Promise to Parents
Love is a diferent feeling
Purest relatonship between a parent and a child
They protect us and walk side by side.
They give us everything, but never ask for anything.
They always do the prayer, For their childrens love & care.
They are the most unselfsh creatures of the Universe
They protect us from all the curse
Mother bears so much pain while she gives birth.
We never think of her, when we argue with her
Father goes to work and earns money
Just to bring home bread and honey
He struggles a lot
We never think how he feels when we dont listen to him.
When the child cries the heart of parent also cries.
Mothers lap is just like a wonderful paradise.
So, let us make a promise.
we will always listen to our parents,
we will never hurt them.
Smrit Bhardwaj X
My First Day in School
Oh! What a wonderful day it was
when my Kabul express stopped at
CSKM staton in the capital city of
India. Although it had stopped at
other schools too but the school
I got in is really the one I desired.
It has beloved policy that says
EVERY CHILD IS A WINNER. No doubt everyone is very
cooperatve. The teachers never treat me diferently
as I am weak in studies. Infact, they give me equal
importance as the toppers. They always encourage
me. The polluton free environment cant be expressed
in words. Being quite naughty I was in the habit of
bunking classes but the school inspired me to stay away
from such bad habits. The school is also following the
policy of Nil Failure System which is a real blessing
for students. Serious academic atmosphere prevails in
the academic tme. This place like heaven can not be
forgoten. I love this school very much and I am very
fortunate to be a part of the CSKM family.
Hameed Muhtashami X
Water A Wonder Liquid
The nature created water. Why?
To quench our thirst.
Why did nature create water?
To help plants grow so that they give us oxygen,
Why did nature create water?
To give life to very big and beautful species of fshes.
Why did nature create water?
To help scientsts invent new machines,
inventon and elements.
Why did nature create water?
To help us do our household work daily.
Why did nature create water?
To give rise to huge rivers and oceans.
Why did nature create water?
If water hadnt been there, the longest river Nile and
Holy river Ganga wouldnt exit.
Why did nature create water?
To help cure diseases and wash cuts and bruises.
Why did nature create water?
If water didnt exist life on earth would not be possible.
I think that is why water is called the wonder liquid.
Because it sustains life and keeps planet Earth alive.
Siddhant Kumar X
The Worst Moment of My Life
It was the last day of Ramadhan and we were going
for shopping for Eid. My elder brother, I, my dad and
his six guards. We had done our shopping and were on
the way back home and just then what happened was
the worst moment of my life. A road side bomb blew.
The blast took place at a distance of four metres. At
that moment, I felt that I was very far from my mother,
my family and friends. Dad, my head hurts, suddenly
my elder brother cried out and at the same tme, one
of the guards called out to my father, Sir, one of the
soldier is dead and another one is injured. My dad
drove straight to the hospital in the car which was
badly damaged by the bomb blast. The other soldier
also lef us at midnight.
We were then shifed to the Army hospital and we
were there tll morning. We returned home afer being
discharged. I didnt even realize that Eid had come and
gone. But for me, it was more than Eid that I was alive
and was with my family and friends again.
I thank God Almighty for keeping us safe.
That was the worst moment of my life and the
happiest also as I am stll alive. It is, indeed, a great
wonderful feeling.
Mohammad Yonas XI
Profound Impact
Classes Bardasht
Atendance Hera Pheri
Classroom No Entry
Teacher Jani Dushman
Examiner Don
Friend during Exam Hum Apke Hain Kaun
Viva Encounter
Marking Scheme Andha Kanoon
Exam tme Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak
Cheatng Lage Raho Munna Bhai
Queston Paper Ek Paheli
Answer sheet Kora Kagaz
Result Sadma
Pass Chamatkar
Fail Devdas
Future Na tum Jano Na hum
Jayant IX
A Visit To Dilli Haat!
It was such a wonderful experience and a memory I will
cherish for long. We were a group of Senior Secondary
students who went to Dilli Haat with Miss Samantha
and Miss Dilya our guest teachers from Canada and
Kyrgyzstan respectvely, escorted by Ms. Deepika and
Ms. Vanaja.
It was fun traveling by the Metro from Chatarpur to INA
Dilli Haat is altogether another world! We saw beautful
handicrafs displayed there jute bags, colourfully and
aesthetcally woven scarves, sarees, ethnic bangles,
coconut shell jewellery, belts, sandals, key rings, bags.
oh, the list is endless.
Imprinted in my memory is the old man who was playing
a traditonal musical instrument with the notes foatng in
the airright in the middle of the Haat. Hmmm.a very
pleasant and peaceful memory.
Antque pieces of furniture were a feast for the eyes
while the traditonal miniature paintngs of Rajasthan
on old, used envelopes, seen with a magnifying glass,
were simply incredible. The beauty of intricate jaali
work on stone carved pieces and marble from Agra
can be experienced only when you look at and hold the
artcles yourself. The atractve, artstc and well as useful
products sold like hot cakes. Many foreigners appreciate
both the toil of the crafsmen as well as the aesthetc
The food court is simply wow. It has a variety of cuisines
from all over India. The mouth watering dishes tckled
our childhood memories. We ate tll we could eat no more.
All in all, Dilli Haat beckons one for more!
Parul Choudhary XI
The Taj Beckons...
Despite having lived in Delhi for many years, we had
never been to Agra before. We were really excited, when
we heard that we will be going on a trip to Agra, to see
the Taj Mahal one of the wonders of the world!!
We couldnt sleep the day before the trip. We were so
looking forward to the trip. We had to wake up at 5 am.
Usually, when the warden comes to wake us up, we dont
wake up on tme but on that day, wardens one knock at
our door, and we were wide awake. Usually, a girl takes
half an hour to dress up but we took only 10 minutes.
Imagine, how fast! Then we rushed to the place where
our three more classmates were waitng for us. We got
into the car and then the wonderful JOURNEY began.
And thanks to Ms Dilya, the intern from Kyrgyzstan
because of whom the trip was organized.
The weather was beautful and there was a gentle drizzle.
It felt like home inside the car. We passed our tme by
eatng, sleeping, singing and enjoying as much as we
could tll we reached our destnaton.
The nearer the Taj Mahal was, the more excited we were.
As usual, we had to take entry tckets and the tcket man
thought we were foreigners. Oh, what an argument
we hadhaha, funny! But anyhow, we enjoyed the trip
to the fullest. And at last, there we saw the heaven
amazingly beautful, shining like never before the Taj.
We took many snaps, roamed and shopped a litle.
Thank you CSKM for a lovely trip!
Duangamliu Gangmei, Jimica Laishram, Kara Konsi XI
Asanas with
Yogacharya Pratshthaji
e, the students of classes IX to XII, were indeed
very fortunate to atend the SPIC MACAY YOG
workshop with the youngest Yog-Guru and
Mind Therapist, Yogacharya Pratshthaji organized by
our school. Yogacharya Pratshthaji internatonally
spreads the message of -Yog: A life style . I used to
think that yoga is boring exercises. However, I have
realized that it is not so; Yoga is rather related to our
day-to-day life and it is the only soluton to our real
life problems. It touches all the spheres of life and is
benefcial for all of us. It should be done under the
guidance of an expert Yoga Instructor. This is what I
learnt in the 5-day workshop.
At the beginning of each Yog Session, we chanted
mantras led by Pratshthaji to make us calm, peaceful
and full of positve energy. Our Yogacharya would
say, Whatever we give to others, comes back to us.
She has deep philosophical knowledge yet she is so
childlike. During this short period of tme, Yogacharyaji
Vanishing Values
he world is changing very fast which has
brought changes in our thinking too. With the
discovery of jets and rockets, people are making
everything in their life jetquick even when there are
litle things that we need to pay atenton to.
There are diferences in how we show our
patriotsm. People do not care to keep their arms
straight or their head high while the natonal anthem
is being played. There are even those who consider
natonal holidays as general holidays, on which they
simply pass tme by watching movies or sleeping.
There are only a few people who actually know their
country and are proud of it. Our history is replete
with the valour and sacrifce of many heroes. But
people are not interested in discovering their own
culture and heritage! They are interested in aping
the western culture. Forgetng our simplicity, they
are atracted towards fake things. My country is
the best is a slogan few people will speak out
with pride in their hearts.
Wherever we are, we fnd people speaking ill about
politcs. No one has interest in the politcal system.
Though everyone has had enough of this nonsense,
no one has the guts to come forward and bring
about changes. Actually, we should not expect these
things from others. It is for us to take responsibility.
However, my suggeston isbelieving in utopian
concept does not help. One should be prepared to
do everything to usher in the change he/she wants
to see. Especially, teenagers who are considered to
be future heroes should be willing to take up their
responsibility. Indeed, it takes a lot of courage to
protect and cherish our rich heritage.
In conclusion, I have a suggesion Think about it
and take the baby steps towards your vision.
Sanu Sargam XI
bonded with us and came really close to each one of us-
observing us minutely and guiding accordingly. She not
only made us perform diferent yogic exercises but also
gave solutons to many of our problems. She also set a
benchmark of moral values and valuable teachings that
can bring positve and constructve changes in each one
of us. Understanding Yog, the union of mind, body and
soul; and discovering the real me was enjoyed by all of
us. Almost everyone present in the session must have at
least become aware of his/her potental. The best part
of the whole workshop was the meditaton tme. I dont
know what Yogacharyaji did or how it was done but she
would each tme take us to a whole new world which
was serene and peaceful, very diferent from the world
we live in. It defnitely helped me fnd the extraordinary
real me inside an ordinary girl. This whole experience
was totally diferent from what we come across in our
everyday life and I think that this wouldnt have been
so much efectve, excitng as well as enthralling if
Pratshthaji would have not guided us the way she did .
We fervently hope to meet her again and I feel immense
grattude to have had such a wonderful experience.
Soni Prabhakar XI
Head Boy Speaks
A school is a place where educaton
is a fne balance of modernity and
conventonal norms, a hub where
students from diferent parts of the
world are nurtured and encouraged
to have a deep sense of responsibility.
Whenever we face challenges it takes
mental toughness to endure but you need to plan for the
best and be prepared for the worst. Expect surprises but
contnue to move forward any way.
Do something that would show a caring and respectul
gesture to your role models. Always give more than
what you get. Have self confdence, be creatve, be
motvated and act consciously. Here in CSKM we have all
been trained to excel and simply be the best. I would like
to express my heartelt grattude to all the CSKM faculty
members for assigning me the responsibility of the school
captain. I will do my best, I quote Shiv Khera - Winners
dont do diferent things, but they do things diferently.
It would be my earnest endeavour to do my part with a
deep abiding involvement and commitment.
Vikash Kumar XII
A Visit to Nif!!!
t is truly said that many a tmes how things appear
to the society, it isnt the same as it actually is.
The same is the situaton in the feld of Fashion
Technology in our society. Its ofen referred to as a feld
to distract a student from the thought to be prestgious
goals of life, but that isnt the case. To know about
the actual hard work, creatvity, passion, courage and
confdence needed to excel in such a feld, we need to
explore it more deeply. And such an opportunity was
provided to the students of our school by getng us a
chance to visit one of the leading insttutes of Fashion
Technology in our country, i.e. Natonal Insttute of
Fashion Technology, in an open house programme. We
all had many doubts and queries in our minds regarding
what we were actually going to see, but once we entered
and started our tour of the campus, all the confusion
and doubts were dispelled. We were all taken to the
labs of each and every course ofered by them. The
best creatons from each of their departments were on
Trust me! We all were literally mesmerized by just having
a frst look at them. The students who were volunteering
in their respectve sectons were confdently briefng
us about their beautful work. Very soon we all realized
that there is much more to Fashion technology than just
glamour. There are deep thoughts and analysis behind it,
they take care of peoples mindsets and look into these
maters with so many perspectves that our society will
take tme to understand. Especially a compulsory 15
week visit to and interacton with artsans from all over
Head Girl Speaks
Hard work: The only key to success
Friends, we all want to be successful
in our lives but unfortunately it is not
a cup of tea which can be sipped with
ease. For this we have to struggle very
much in our life. The only key which
can unlock the gate to success is hard work.
There is nothing that we cant achieve with this tool i.e.
hard work. Even if we do not have a very sharp mind,
we can stll enhance its brilliance by toil and hard work. I
agree that we cant change our destny but Im sure that
we can make it beter with perseverance and sincerity
that we possess, consistently working towards our goals.
At last I wish to quote a few lines which I hope will make
a diference in your life too.
^^dj r&dj r vH; kl ds] t M+efr gksr l qt ku
j l j hvkor t kr rs] fl y i j i j r ful kuAA^^
Riya Raj XII
the country a must for each student wherein students
learn from the crafsmen and give back in terms of giving
suggestons for their products to be more viable for the
market. Now, to contnue with the tour, we were shown
a variety of sophistcated machines that are used for
diferent purposes - right from sttching to packaging
and all on a conveyor belt.
Towards the end, we were shown a presentaton made
by the faculty and students of NIFT. During the discussion
of the admission procedure and future in various courses
we were urged by them to give wings to our dreams if we
felt that we had the creatvity required in this feld.
At last, I just wish to say on behalf of XII standard
students that - It Indeed was worth a day out.
Ishita Parul XII
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-| i| |i |
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| |s,
| |
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| i i,
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in| - r|
irn i r|
rr -n r|
rr r|
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rn i| lnnli r|
nln| lnnli r|
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| i r n i rnrn ln n| | ii
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i wt k& rhl j h
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r ini! r- n-r -in r|
r ini! r- n-ri| i n r|
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r- r -l ii|
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r- iln i|
r ini! r- i; - s i|
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eul kfgc & pkSFkh
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ini ini ri i,
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i- i i|
dq.kky & pkSFkh
ekSl e
-i- ii, -i- ii, n-| i -i- ii|
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ii ii; ii n-| i -i- ii|
l ii | i -i-, i - r- | iii|
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i| in| i|
i| i i i|
i Yyoh& pkSFkh
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| i ; rni r|
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;| ii n i,
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ii, ii, ii|
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- ii|
i i - ii|
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- i i| ii i|
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s i| iii i|
s ii i|
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i liii ni, i i| si nni|
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i -i ii!!
n i i i| ii!
Xkqat u & pkSFkh
dkB dk?kksM+k
iii -i i- i,
ii i- i|
| i| r,
ii ln -i- i|
; - ni r,
i i i- i|
dql qe & pkSFkh
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n i i nii,
i i ir, ii ir,
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; --|, i ii,
i i r,
i ii,
i r ii;ii|
[ kqkl st oky & pkSFkh
esj hek
-| -i r rn i|,
-| -i rn |
-i i in| r -i,
- nin| r -i|
-| -i r rn s|,
i| i i-n| r -i|
-| -i i iii si nni r,
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-| -i i rn|,
-| -i ii | rn i| | in||
-| -i i| in| i;|-,
nn| r rn i||
t quSn & pkSFkh
Eksj hek
-i | ri| - i n -ni ii ii,
in i - n n; -| ii|,
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i| i| ; i - -i iin| r,
ii i li,
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- ni -i r| r,
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n - ni r ni n -| ii|,
| ni r n i- i -l i lr-i n ni ,
; i-i i nii ni r| |,
ni i ri i i-i i+n| l- ni rn r|
| | nn| ri -ini,
- l n -i n i lni,
n - ni li ni n - i,
i i| -|-| n| i|, -i| | n| ii,
i i| i| -i - l n -i,
-i i -i n| - n| l- -|,
i -| ii| -i|
l -ni - li ii,
;i i lni ii -n,
-i-| i i -- i,
l i| -ni | -| i i- ,
i liii lii liii,
-ni -i r lii,
| l---| i i-,
| --ni i ii-,
r - n| i i-|
dksey >k& i kpoh
esj hekdheqLdqj kgV
-| -i | --ir- rn i| r|
-| -i n- i-n| ri, ni - i| --ir- rin| r|
-i n- s -nin| ri, ni - i| --ir- rin| r|
-i n - i n| ri n| l n -ri| - - ir- - n ni in| r |
ni+ `
il n- -| -i ri|
vk: kh& i kWpoh
esj hek
-| -i, -| -i,
nn| r i i||
i li n| r lii,
, ni|, r - lii|
i|, i|,
i i iin| r|
i|, i|,
r i| | -| -i|
; li ii nni r,
;ri r| r- i, iii i |i liii|
r| r-i| ini r,
; li s r||
; - l i; i| -i r|,
r-i l ;ni s n| r|
-ii r- ; l s ri,
i i; i ilr il
-| -i li - i| -i r|
vadqj csuhoky & i kpoh
esj hek
-| -i r i|,
i n - i|,
sisi iii in|,
i r-i i liin|,
-n i r ; i- i,
-n ri i i,
ir i- ir -i,
n| r - -i i i|
Lrqfr Hkkj }kt & pkSFkh
esj hek
-| -i i| -i!
-| -i rn i- n| r|
-n -| -i rn r|
-| -i -n lii n| r|
-| -i i i- |-i r|
i i iin| r|
-| -i! -| -i! i| -i!
euhkraoj & i kpoh
esj hek
-| -i li | s| -i r,
-| -i -n rn i| nn| r|
-| -i -n rn i n| r,
i - i| | -i i rn i ni r|
- - ii- i i ini r,
-| -i -n | i| n| r|
- i -| -i r i -l in r,
n -| -i - l ini i -inn| r|
i r- i i in r,
l -i -n - i l ni n| r|
- - ini r - | -i i ii|i - ini r ,
-| -i rn r| r|
i adt dqekj i afM+r & i kpoh
-i ii ni,
r-ii ni|
+ ni, i| ni,
r r-ii ni|
-i i r r-ii ni,
+i, ii r-ii ni|
;l r- rn r,
i i| ii r-ii ni||
i kFkZl sB & vkBoha
i oZr
+ | r n,
-|-| ii ; ni ||
rli| i r n,
; li n ii ni ||
- r -n| r ni,
in| r ; ni i|
ni| ri r ri,
; in| | ri r i|
n r| n,
i r n|
i r ; ni -l,
i ni i, i ri i|
+ | r n||
Lkyksuh& i kpoh
l w; Z
-i-i, -i-i,
i i| n- ii|
in i -i ln r,
n i r| i in ri|
i l in ri i -i-i n ii l-i|,
r- i| iin i i|
n i ri in ri -i-i,
-i-i, -i-i!
euhkdqekj & i kpoh
Eksj kfo| ky;
lni ni r rn i,
l si -i lni|
- i; ni r ni,
lni - -i-i -ni i|
ni n ii ini,
l -n si nni r -i lni|
- lni - ii nln ,
ln s nn |
-n ni si nni -i lni||
mn~ns; & i kpoh
; ej kt
-i | i- i -,
-i i| ri n r -,
ii | l n;
-i -in | i| l n;,
-i i i nii,
i - i ii,
-i i nii i,
i i n- ri i`
r- ri -ni - r,
-in | i; - r- i r,
i | i;, r- ri i;|
-i ri i i r ni ;|,
i -i --i ---| - r l|||
Lk{ke fl ag & vkBoha
i znwk.k
lni ii,
n-| - i nini, - - i -ini|
i lni -ni r,
;- r-i| r| nn| r|
r- i i i- lni ri | ii,
i l ni|
i ii i i|n r||
l kfRod & i kpoh
Hkw[ khfpfM+; k
-, -, -,
-ni i i l--,
ii n| r, ii+n|,
ii l i+n||
i-i; i| r, - ni -i| r|
ii+` i ii+`
in| r,
ii| r| i i+|
dqky & vkBoha
i <+kscPpksa
i i, i! ii!
i - i i- i!
i i i- ii i!
i i, i! ii!
i n i; in|
il - in in|
ii - i- -ii iin|
in - i i- iin||
iin, in ni,
il - i iri i in|
;l i i, i! ii!
i - i i- i|
l ehj & vkBoha
i-| s ri ni,
i i -l ri ni|
- | | i| -|,
n- i +i -r ri ni|
i i -ii- i r,
r --i i r ri ni|
l ni ri i|,
lii | ri ni|
n|n i i| lii i i,
i n| n ri ni|
lr i - i;,
-i lni ri ni|
-i r ni i l -i,
i-ii i i- i|ln l i|
-s i i ,
ii i, in i|
gkZdqekj & uoha
dgkuhdkl kj
i-| i ii- ri rini r, ni| li i i ii i-i-in| r| r i-| ir ini
r i ini r l li ii r i| r, r ini r l i; liiil r| li - -inn| r|
i-| ini r ir i ini r i li i ni r l li in| r l - i; liiil r| r| -
ni l - -in i; r il -i -i |-i r| r r i ini r| l r li rni
r l r li i- r| r l | -| i i i in| r r | -| i i in| r li l
r| in rn| r l r i-| rni r i- r| s i i-i-i | in|| r li i r| n|
r in| i i-i-in| r i | in| r|
s l i r| i-| r| i ri rini r| r ini r l -i-i;l r i+ni i ii- i i r
i+ni| r i- i-- i ri rini r, | - r| i | -i-i;l ii ri in| r r
- l ;i i ini r n i; - r| l-n| s --| r; ni| - s ii| li|
ii i-i-ii ni r| li i| i|| i-| i -|n - i li i| li, iii liii
i - -i-i;l -| i;| n l i| li i-| i r| rii, n i-| li i ri
li - r| - snii ri l -|n - li i nn -ni|
ri| i i snii i| ni | lii| r
nsfodk, oal qfe=k& vkBoha
i qLrd dki quj koyksdu
-n i i- in | in
i i i- l-li
ii i i- i ---, ;li
ii | lnli sss
iiii lr|
li iiilr-
i| iii-- i-il
~ii lni ri|
-i r i -ni
li -ilii- n|
-n | li
i -ii |a a a -a -ni
ys[ kd dki fj p; %
l-li lr| ilr- i-i
i r| ;ri lr| - -a a |a
a |a | ili in | r| ;i
- s l-, sra i lri ii
l i|r ni - ri ii| ;ri
lnii| | r| i i i-i
; -i in l i| ni
n| ini | -il l-iln,
i-il rr i ni ini
inilni ii iri | i
i ;-il i i i ri|
| l-llin i lii ir| r|
d`fr; k
dgkuh mi U; kl cPpksadhdgkfu; k
. i| . - i| + . in | in sss
z. i-ni | z. n - r
s. i -riiin s. n r|
. -ii i li . i-i
r. ii ri r
c. rlr ii
/. -
dgkuhdkl kj & t ; kadj i zl kn dhdgkuh& i qj Ldkj
-i r-i ilr- li | -i lli r| ; ri| - iii ni l -ili iin | i||
iiln ii | i| ;si i | i i | ii || n - ii l ii i| -ini|
ri| s ; i r ii i - ii i| l in -i- - ii ni ini - ni -
in r i r| il- ii i| n r| ; ili -i- - ii ii -li ii ; ii i lii
i, r -ili | -| i n;| r| ii ni ii i i li i - -ili i
rn | i | -i || -ili | -| - ii r| i|| -i -ii ni | i | -|
ir | ni| i r n|| ; - - iil- -ni i-i i i| -ili
ii ii| i -ni ii l -ili ; -i li| -ili l l n| rin| n;| s ii i
l i i-i i -ili i i| ri -ili i ii ii lii n | -|
l ri| r ni -ili i-i i - - ii ii -| i-i i i ri | i
i | -ln n| r n i|i r| - - i l i iln in -n| r i r ii ii
i -ni i-i r- | ii ni n| r| l ii -ni i-i i | i n r i - -i
i - -ili | s|| r; -| i i ni ri in r| l -ili i-i i i iiii
- r| - i| rin| r| ;l ii -i i - ii i l n| r|
-ii; ri| r- i l-ni r l iiln i ii + r|
efgek, oaLof.kZek& vkBoha
i qLrd dki quj koyksdu
-n i i- -i
i i i- i i
ii i i- i ---, ;li
ii | lnli sss
iiii lr|
li iiilr-
ys[ kd dki fj p; %
- sa |, sss
-- |, ss/
-ii iii| -n i
ii i | lr| l, i-i, iii, ii nii lii i| lr| i - siii i i|
i| - | lii ri r| ; lni-r i lin ir r| i| i| iii i lii i --i
n i| i | i ilr- i i - r| l i|| i i | i - ri ii i- iiii
- i lii| ilr- - , ii, ;lnri ilr-ii- i ln li| inn| | iii
i, ii i i ii i in lii| i | il- iii i ln i| i-i| ;r -ni
i -i l-i ii| | s l, i l-llin r|
Ikzfl ) dgkfu; k dkO; ukVd dgkuhl axzg mi U; kl
i-i i - ini sii i
-i-ni -riiii i -r- -nn lnl lnn|
li ni nn iii| ;in|
i i-il-| ii|
r i-i ;i
i-i| i-
li i|
i| iii-- i-il
~ii lni ri|
-i r i -ni
li | -i
-n | li i -ii |a a a -a -ni
oal r
ii n, ii n,
nlni ii n|
nrnr li,
nln li|
ii ii n|i n,
r nr r rli| si;|
i i| n|n ii|
i-i ;ii r ii|
i r i i -- --ii|
nii i i s i lrii|
r i; l- ii|
-| r s | r,
i; n|i -iri ii|
ii n| ii n|
nlni ii n|
l qfe=ki afM+r & vkBoha
vk; k&vk; kcl ar vk; k
iiii n ii,
ii - iiri| ii|
|| li r,
ii i i l ii|
iiii n ii,
ii - ilii ii|
ii i li r,
ii i rli| si;|
i lli r,
lii - -ni| si;|
iiii n ii,
ii - ilii ii|
|| i,
i i - i|
l i; rii i,
ni i; i ii ri i|
iiii n ii,
ii - ilii ii|
eksfgr i k.Ms& vkBoha
ii i i i, ii rn r|
i i r-ii i i, ;i rn r|
i i --i, ini rn r|
i i i ni r, -i rn r|
i i i r| |i,
l,-i rn r|
i i| i r| ,
ini rn r|
l qeu l ksuh& uoha
kwU; dkvkfodkj
i i in - i i i -i| ni i
ilni| - ii| i | ii -i ;lnri - l i
lr ilii n~ -i| in| r| l| i i
rii i l -ii i l| lr lii iii n
i l r| -ri li r| i nn -
i r| -ii ini r i -iii i|n i i -i|
i i -r-i in -ii| -i l,in i - ri|
-ii-i i i r r l i iin -ii
iiiln r| i; i i; i i i i -i
ni ni r, li i| lnii| i| i in
r| ; -- r l l| i i; i i ni
i i -i ni ri ini, l
i; i i i i -i i; ii
r| ni| r i r i i i| ii
i i ` l l| i - i
i ni i i | -i rn|
i l| i - i i-i
i| i-i - i;
ln r| ini| nii
i iin i| s
r| ni| l i| i
i -r- ;ni li r
l - nii i -
r| ri ini r| nli
| ii i |
ii | nii -
ri i i
lni i i| rini
ri r|
fyIl kj kuh& uoha
Tky i zcU/ku vkSj fj eksV l safl ax
i, -i | iil- inii - r| ii, i
r|ni ii r| rin r| i-ii | in| i| -
ii ii i r| ri ini i l- ii
i i i- i, r i i- l-i ni|
-ii| in| - i| i- ii| l i| r| r| i-i|
ii ~ii- i; n rii rli| i | - iiri||
i i| li l ri n;, l~ -sli
si-si- |i | |i i ri n;| i i l
ii i ri rin i r ini - i| n| -i|
i ri | i -l ri ini r l i r r|
in| r, i r i -i- in r| i i i | -
- i in| i|| i-ii | in| r; r iln
i r|, | r ii ii i -i | i
-rn i n|i r| ; iln i i i - |
il-i r| | i lr || ; ii | i i
-| l-i r i li i i r i n; i|,
i|i ri n; r| il n| i i in
iri i n| ; li ln r| nii | n-|
i | r| i|, i, i, inii| i ri
i| | | i| - l rni i| ; ni ini
ni l i in -ii r|
n ssr - -i i lilin ;i | i
lr l lii| ni - r ni ni ri ;
-i i i; i| r i l- l i| ilr|
ni| r| ni ni ii iii ri
r si- si- iii i l-ii li| i | ili,
i i iri | ---n | n; nil in i i|
lin li i | i i i ;ni- ni ii
-i i-i ri| niii ini | i - i|
n l|i| in i| - i r| - ;ni
i ir ii i| i i ni ni ni i
| -rn ln ri -| i|i| | i lr
-ii i ii i || ii nii i inn
li| -ii i lnri; i | - ni ii
i ;--i in| i ni ii r| -i -inn||
niii i i i ri ii i-ii i i i
i;- i - ni| ; i i- i - |
i lr i - -i --iln li ni|
ii - i| i nil n| i- i-i ri i
r| ; nil n| i i- r l-i- ln| ; n|
-i- in| l| lr- l i| |
inl i i lii i| | nln i| in| r|
; li iin - i in r|
r l n | -~ r ; i l
i r| r| l i in rii ni|
usgki okj & uoha
veu dhcgkj
ii n ri - r| -|
iin i i -,
ii iin i -,
i ii ii li -,
li i i -|
ii n ri - r| -|
i iin i iii,
i i iin iii,
ii n - i
ii n ri - r| -|
iin r i n -i i r|
ii r iin n -i li r|
ii rin -ni,
; ni i r| i,
in- rini in i ririi,
i r n rin| - | ri|
l ksuwdqekj ; kno & X; kj goha
fny dh----
rni r, r i,
l | i, i n n ri,
r| ln| n| rn||
ii n- i, i n n ri,
i -ri | ri|, i r in i||
--in| i ln|, i| ri| ri||
ir s r -ii,
ini - n- i ii,
i ln| i,
; n- i ri ii|
i| ini n i i|,
i - n rin| ii|,
ni l i i r,
ri, n i r|
i; rni r, r i,
l | i, i n n ri|
fodkl dqekj & ckj goha@dSIVsu
How to Overcome Stage Fear
tage fear is a normal feeling of nervousness that a
person feels while performing before an audience.
It is pertnent to menton here why the stage is
perceived to be so frightening to many people! I think
it is lack of preparaton before going on to the dais; and
lack of confdence may be due to maiden performance,
shyness or introvert nature etc. To overcome stage
fear, the frst thing one should do is to prepare oneself
thoroughly, completely and overwhelmingly and acquire
mastery over the material content before going to stage.
Much of the fear comes from thinking that we might
commit a mistake while performing or making a speech
before the audience. The performer or the speaker
should think that he is wiser, competent and more
knowledgeable than the audience sitng before him/
her. The other way is practce. This is the best way to
gain confdence in order to control stage fear. It would
be beter if a performer practces four to fve days
before actually going to stage.
POSITIVE THOUGHTS: The performer should stop
thinking that he is not going to perform well. Motvate
yourself with positve thoughts ofen and tell yourself
from tme to tme that YOU CAN DO IT. IMAGINATION:
The performer should practce and rehearse a number
of tmes before a mirror. Listen to your own speech
and words carefully and then imagine a fawless
PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVITIES: The easiest way to eliminate
stage fright is to be involved in various actvites like
projects, group songs, sports, group reading and
discussions etc that include speaking before a number
of people to build confdence and courage step by
step. There are some other factors also which can help
overcome stage fear like focusing on your powerful
experiences, controlling tension, always being cheerful,
energizing oneself and thinking that I am my own critc,
etc. In conclusion, I would like to say that knowledge
is important and having a strong hold on your subject
gives a lot of confdence to the performer. Once you are
on the stage, it is you who is going to take charge of the
situaton and not the audience sitng before you.
Dr Parvez Alam, HOD English
Face to Face with
Dr Howard Gardner
nce in a lifetme opportunity for us the
Principal, Dr Shakuntla S Jaiman, Mr S
K Thakur, Ms Yeshi Choedon, Ms Shilpi
Sharma and I to be amongst those in India who
saw and listened to the legendary professor of
Cognitve Psychology (Harvard Graduate School of
Educaton), Dr Howard Gardner on India Tour. The
historic day was 7th February, 2012 and the venue,
Talkatora Indoor Stadium.
Dr Gardner, Father of Multple Intelligences has
redefned the meaning of intellect in his own life
tme. His theory was conceived of as a contributon
to Psychology but its greatest infuence has been in
educaton. Dr Gardner emphasized on Leadership,
Creatvity and Good work as he frmly believes that
the goal of educaton is to help people use their
minds beter, to think about what is true in the
world and what is not...what is ethical and
what is not.
I quote Dr Gardner, I think that the ideas
Mahatma Gandhi developed about how human
beings relate to one another, what people do when
they do not agree about things, about what kind
of stance that you have to be prepared to take in
terms of your value system incredibly important
but it will probably take a long period of tme to
see whether or not the Gandhian ideas take hold
both in Asia and the rest of the world.
Well, that is a lot to ponder over and the
implicatons are indeed profound.
Deepika Abrol Counsellor
very individual has his or her own views,
understanding and ways of doing things. What,
when and how he or she puts them into efect is
determined by his apttude and attude. It is said that
you need apttude and attude to achieve (A+A+A)!
We must have proper apttude and the right attude to
achieve in our endeavours. There must be keen desire
to put in the right amount of efort, applicaton and
intenton. Our pursuits must be guided by a sense of
meaningful purpose, knowing what is required and what
role to play in achieving whatever task we undertake.
If we go astray or if we waver, it is because we deviate
from the right path by succumbing to diversions and
distractons. It is paramount that we orient ourselves
to the call of duty and act according to the prevailing
situatons and circumstances. We must adopt positve
thinking and stand by our convictons. We must be
focussed and have complete control over our actons
to be on the right track. We must not waver in sincerity
of purpose, motvaton and determinaton if we
want to succeed in the discharge of our dutes and
responsibilites entrusted to us, as students and as
teachers in shaping the future careers.
If you have the right attude, you will feel good and
derive enormous satsfacton in anything and everything
you do. Maintaining the right attude is nothing short
of bringing into play your true potental and being
true to yourself with a total sense of involvement and
commitment. You assume responsibility and maintain
restraint and circumspecton where necessary and
are willing to put in that extra efort in pursuit of self
satsfacton of doing or having done a job well - to the
best of your ability, competence and knowledge.
As teachers and students we go through the routne day
in and day out. As teachers we are there to guide, direct
and teach and facilitate the students in their academics
and curricular actvites. Both the teachers and the
students must have the right attude if this interacton
is to be meaningful and purposeful. Lack of convicton
and the right attude will allow drudgery and monotony
to creep in and we will falter along. Right attude will
enable us to be creatve, innovatve and keep up the
urge to explore beter and more efectve methods of the
teaching and learning process.
The purpose of my artcle on ATTITUDE will be amply
served if we strive on in achieving excellence and in
upholding and maintaining the honour, prestge and
the reputaton of our insttuton by being true to our
declaraton doing the right thing, at the right place and
tme and in the right manner - in short, adoptng and
practsing the RIGHT ATTITUDE. As an insttuton we
follow traditons and have cultvated a certain culture
of our own unique in many aspects which we must
assiduously preserve.
As teachers and as students we should be proud of and
owe allegiance to our insttuton and be imbued with the
spirit we can and we will attude!
Yeshi Choedon
Its All in
Ik;kZoj.k ppkZ
gkfu j fgr fodkl
-i ls ni -i ni li | n ni |
li-nii r- iii| liii | | i | |rn ||
| n iii| ,ii ss -
iii| | i liiii | n; - ri ni r,
iii| liii i ; i -i | i
i r i l iii nii | --ii ni
ri r r l ln ri | ii -
iii| liii r li r l ,ii -i | -ln
nii iiln li | i-l ii | -n
nii iii i li, --i i --|i, inii
i lil-ni i li ni r| r liii ln |
lili ri lrni - i| lin ln in| r
ia iii lr ss - | -n iii| liii
iii ii - iii| liii i liilin n r
lii r, iii| liii -i|ni i ii i i| liii
r| ; ln, ln -i ln il-i i ii
n r iii - ii l ii in ni r| r
liii ln | li li i nil in| r nii ri
- lii ln in| r|
-ini llni, ii ni -ini-n iii lni
liin -ii liinii in ii ia ia a
l| i ri r, r liii i - | irilni -,
i| lii | |iin|, ln i l
i- | iii i-il nil ni i -n i
n| r iii| liii rin| r| iii| liii i
i-n, ni in nii iin ni | r l-ln
ii| r i l - r| r| l~ - iiii i|
|i | n-i in i i| n |li l in|
i -i ln i i i - in| r| iiiliii,
iii ii iii lni il iii, ii
i i| -n ,iln iril i
nn i- r| ; i i lii n
ri i i| lii lin r| r| ii r l i
r i| l nri in| ii r|
--n l llnii iii-iii ii,
nil iii si r| r|, l~ ni, lini, lini,
ll-, ii, i-il ini, ri n l
i-ni i| iii ii -l, l
i n l r| i i in -n n
| i |i iii| liii i r|
n| r; i l ii, - ii nii
lii nii ir iniin, i ;i, +i il | n|
r; -in | iii| -i i ii n-i ni i
li l lii i -i n-i ni| l i` li
i iii i l l lii ii ri| iii
i li | - -iiln | lii -
-r-i ii r i ril lrn li | iiii
ini l-in i | nr si n;|
Mk0 , l 0 , u0 fl ag
xk/kh t;Urh
egkRekxk/khvkSj yky cgknqj kkL=hdst Uefnu i j
mudksi zsj .kkl zks=ekudj J hl fPpnkuUn dqekj t hus, d
dforkdkO; k[ ; ku fd; kAdforkdscksy bl i zdkj gS%&
~i n r li, i - li li- i|
r ln n- -in i| r- in r,
ln i -i i r- - r| -in r,
nln i i- |, r i li- i|
~i n r li, i - li li- i|
ii i s-ni r ii -n - -rni,
in r| in r i r| i ni,
ln ii r r- -r i i- i|
n r li, i - li li- i|
r| r li i i ln n ri,
ri i nlnii| li lnii l-n ri,
ri - i n - li i i- i|
n r li, i - li li- i|
i l | -i li ll-i - i rn|,
il-i i ii n|, iln n-n nn in| ,
iln i r- l, r-i i-i i|
in in r| i i|i rini - i|
i- i li i l lii i- i||
~i n r li, i - li li- i||
J hl fPpnkuUn dqekj & v/; ki d
^^kqHkfopkj ^^
r- i i, i r i i ri n i||
ii -, l-, li i|||
i i ii, i r ri ii;|
+ i| i r, n | li r| r ii;||
- n - - n-ri, i- ni r ii|
ni| ni ii l r, i| ni i| rii||
l l n- -, -i iin|
i l r| rin, i n n-ri in||
iini n n-i r, | | i| i||
i ii - n|, inn ri in i| r|||
Iksze dksgyh& v?; kfi dk
1. GOALS: keep your head and your heart in the right directon and
youll never have to worry about your feet.
2. ATTEMPT: Love is an atempt to change a piece of a
dream - world into reality.
3. ABILITY: Ability is what youre capable of doing.
Motvaton determines what you do.
Attude determines how well you do it.
4. LIMITATIONS: Argue for your limitatons and sure enough they
are yours.
5. IMAGINE: To treat your facts with imaginaton is one thing, to
imagine your facts is another.
6. DESTINY: Destny is not a mater of chance. It is a mater of
choice, it is not a thing to be waited for, but a thing to be
7. DIFFICULTIES: There are two ways of meetng difcultes; you
alter the difcultes, or you alter yourself to meet them.
8. SUCCESS: People become really quite remarkable when the
start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in
themselves they have the frst secret of success.
9. FAILURE TO TRY: The only real failure in life is the failure to try.
10. CONFIDENCE: Confdence and courage face fear and
thereby master it. Cowardice represses fear and is thereby
mastered by it.
11. ACHIEVEMENT: Success is focusing your full power on what you
have a burning desire to achieve.
12. GOOD ENOUGH: Every success is built on the ability to do
beter than good enough.
Mrs Lavanya Srivastava Teacher
Humour in Computer
While surfng the internet, I came across these humourous quotes that I would like to share
with all the readers. Enjoy..
a) Like car accidents most hardware problems are due to driver error.
b) Unix is user friendly, its just very selectve about who its friends are
c) The internet is a place where men are men, women are men and children are FBI agents.
d) If at frst you dont succeed call it version 1.0.
e) Artfcial intelligence usually beats natural stupidity.
f) Treat your PASSWORD like your toothbrush. Dont let anybody else use it and get a new
one every six months.
g) Experts agree that the best type of computer for your need comes in market about two
days afer you purchase one for yourself.
h) To go FORWARD you must Backup.
i) If you give someone a PROGRAMME you will frustrate them for a day.
But if you teach someone to PROGRAM you will frustrate them for life.
Monika Sachdev Teacher
Being Honest
Honesty is to tell the Truth
If you fnd a beautful watch in the school playground.
Nobody sees you picking up the watch.
Will you give it to your teacher?
If your answer is yes, you are honest.
Children, we must always be truthful to ourselves.
When we tell the truth, it gives us peace of mind.
And our parents feel proud of us.
We become a good person.
And God is happy with us.
All of us make mistakes. We must not hide them but
speak the truth. Once the truth is spoken we feel good.
If your teacher has given you homework and you are not
able to complete it, do not lie. When we tell one lie, we
may have to tell one more lie to cover it and then the
third lie and so on. At last the truth will emerge. We will
feel ashamed of ourselves for telling lies. God wants us
to be honest in whatever we do and say. When we speak
the truth people will trust us. If our friend lies to us all
the tme, will we trust him? We must make our teachers
proud by being honest with the work they have given
us. When we do something wrong we are afraid to tell
anyone.. We cover it up by telling lies. This hurts them.
But if we tell the truth everybody will forgive us.
Sushma Yadav Teacher
[ kqfk; ksadheqLdqj kgV
r in ii ri,
ilii | --ir-i |
r in ii ri,
ilii | --ir-i |
ri lni z,
r riii i r,
i z n r,
-ini i -i,
s ii ii i ii r|
-i | ii in| r,
-| i,
- | lniri |
ri | n|,
n| r n-n in i|
r in ii ri,
ilii | --ir-i |
ii; | in s ii r,
r sii| ni,
i ni r-i in i lin r|
r i r| i
ii ; in ,
ni r r in,
l ilii | --ir-i |
r in ii ri,
ilii | --ir-i ||
fukkyksfg; k& v/; kfi dk
Madhu Kapoor Teacher
I know
the subtle diference
holding a hand
and chaining a soul.
The power of
winning wind,
and the fear of
Holding the head high
In defeat
and acceptng
it with
and not the
grief of
a child,
the win with a smile
and the power of a woman.
So now
I plant my
decorate them
with rainbows.
Instead of
waitng for someone
to fulfll my
now I know
what I can endure.
That I am
really strong
and do
have worth
with every step
I learned.
You are a member of CSKM
family. CSKM is special for you
You have been in this school for
so many years. Have you notced
any change in the attude of the
One teacher you would look
upto in school?
Describe CSKM students/
attude of CSKM students using
the name of a movie
Three best things about our
Are you in favour of changing
school uniform?
Do you think the attude of
children changes when they
move from Primary classes?
How do you manage so many
young and energetc kids
On a scale 1 - 10 how much
importance do you think
teenagers should give to sports?
What do you like the best about
being a teacher?
One message you would like to
convey to us
It has provided us enriched environment
conducive to strive for excellence and to aim
for perfecton in every sphere of life through
adaptve and positve behavior.
Change is the law of nature. Nothing is statc
in this ever changing dynamic, self sustaining
nature. Children now perceive themselves
as partcipants in learning and not just as
receivers of a fxed body of knowledge.
Our founder Chairman Col P S Satsangi for
his visionary, brilliant thinking and matchless
My name is Kalam
Concept of Cooperatve learning
programmes, total personality development
and Every child a winner.
Any change which is introduced with an
ultmate aim for amelioraton over the
existng one should be accepted despite
inherent constraint.
Yes, the attude does change but it is
because of their Cognitve, Afectve,
Psychomotor Physical and social
We adopt an integrated approach of a
variety of methods and a scientfc analysis of
all the facts, making sure that childs stay in
our presence is a happy experience and not a
source of stress or boredom.
6-8, regular sports actvity builds character,
fosters discipline, develops agility, strength
and endurance, improves eye and hand
coordinaton, brings about punctuality and
To be able to recognize that in the given
space, tme and freedom, children generate
new ideas and knowledge by engaging with
the informaton passed onto them by adults.
Strive to leave every place a litle beter than
you found it and there is great strength as
well as sweetness in Humility.
CSKM believes every child is a winner and
our school is dedicated to give educaton to
all students without any discriminaton.
Yes, students are more inclined to the latest
technology such as mobile phones and
internet. I think there is a need to develop
more personal interacton between teachers
and students; and parents and their children.
R K Ojha Sir, (Fine Arts Teacher), I have never
seen such level of dedicaton to ones work in
any teacher.
I will correlate students of our school with
the movie Taare Zameen Par All students
have some skills of practcal life. They may or
may not be good in academics.
Every child is treated as a winner, Focus
is on all round Personality development
and Development of Problem solving skills
among students.
Yes, shirts, pants, skirts, tes etc in brighter
colours may be chosen. Such as light blue
shirt, and navy blue pants or skirts. The
students will look more atractve and smart.
Yes, to some extent, because students pass
from childhood to adolescent stage and
change in attude in a natural process.
I believe in Love and Afecton which is the
strongest tool to solve any problem in this
world. I am always a winner in guiding all
the students in the right directon, using this
inexhaustble tool.
8, because healthy mind resides in a healthy
I always see a small kid within myself. I feel
young and energetc due to always being
with students, which is not possible in any
other profession for an individual.
The only message I wish to convey is that
the school should contnue to follow the
philosophy of our Founder Chairman in its
true sense, because our Founder Chairman
was a pioneer, yet unsurpassed, in the feld
of educaton.
Teachers Speak
Ours is A school with a diference. Every
child here is special and free to express his/
her views. We believe in producing future
problem solvers and not facility enjoyers.
To some extent yes. They are more
independent and exposed to their
environment. They have a mind of their
Maam Abha Chandra. I have seen
her working with dedicaton and full
Chak Dey
Student Teacher friendly relatonship,
Congenial Environment and Free access
to the Principal
Yes, infact we can have more colourful
uniforms. Diferent house uniforms may
be considered.
Yes they do change. They do respect
us but refrain from expressing it. The
Primary secton certainly displays a more
protectve environment.
I am used to it. Actually .you know
experience counts.
8, and especially girls should take part in
sports actvites.
I love being with and around children. I
feel energetc; forget all my worries, am
thrilled and feel young always.
Our Chairman Sir always emphasized that
Every Child is special and deserves the
best educaton so my loving children,
be focused!. A right blend of hard work,
determinaton, luck and blessings work
up a magic. Have faith in the Almighty!.
Its a place that accepts everybody who
steps in the campus; that helps me to
identfy my worth.
Children have gained confdence and are
happier, excited and outgoing.
Maam Yeshi and the way she handles
her dutes and responsibilites with ease.
Muquaddar Ka Sikandar. Children from
all walks of life come and excel.
Clean, green, safe environment .so
close to nature.
Yes, I am in favour of using brighter
Yes they start taking advantage of
the independence they suddenly get
exposed to.
Dil to Baccha hai jee The kid in us is
always there to have fun.
10, as sports encourage discipline,
teamwork and taking loss in stride.
Afer hard work of an year when a child
shows results, improvement.
I believe that MY WORD CREATES MY
WORLD. When I say I am happy, I am
happy. When I say I am satsfed, I am.
Here we believe
Every child is a Winner.
Yes, they have
more aware
Maam Principal
Jo Jeeta wohi Sikandar
Green, Polluton free environment,
Healthy food at regular intervals and
great dedicated teachers.
Yes, as soon as possible. A smart T-Shirt
(Which looks beter if kept out)
Yes, certainly. Its a part of
their growing up.
We give plenty of actvites to keep
them busy in groups, optmal use of
resources like library, language lab and
computer lab etc.
8, they learn discipline and co-operaton.
Everyday we learn something new from
these kids.
Learning has no end, be a keen learner.
Abraham Lincoln once said
Thousands of emotons well up inside me
throughout the day. They are released when
I dance.
The most important thing in dance is devoton.
The willingness to the labour that makes the
class work of an hour and a half fun.
I got an opportunity to be a part of
SHIAMAK DAVAR contemporary dance group.
I atended a workshop and learnt a routne
(dance) on Om Namah Shivayei Mantra.
I got the opportunity to perform with
the group at Siri Fort Auditorium on 16th June,
2012. It was a great learning experience for me.
I also got an opportunity to work with children
when I conducted a workshop on dance and
drama in summer. The children performed on
various bollywood numbers and also presented
a drama at school auditorium in Neb Sarai.
Primary secton CSKM also learnt bollywood
bhangra and performed it in front of family and
friends in school on 30th May, 2012.
So, this summer vacaton I was very busy like a
BEE and enjoyed each and every moment.
Nanda Issar Teacher
vknkZ fk{kdksa
dks lefiZr
ekrk; sansrhuo&t houA
fi rkl qj {kkdj rsgSaA
ysfdu l Pphekuorkfk{kd t hou esaHkj rsgSaA
l R; ] U; k; dsi Fki j pyukfk{kd gesacrkrsgSaA
t hou&l a?kkkZsal syM+ukfk{kd gesafl [ kkrsgSaA
Kkunhi dhT; ksfr t ykdj eu vkykSfdd dj rsgSaA
fo| kdk/ku nsdj fk{kd t hou l q[ kl sHkj rsgSaA
fk{kd bZoj l sc<+dj gSa; g bZoj ghcrykrsgSaaA
D; ksafd fk{kd ghHkDrksadksbZoj rd i gqpkrsgSaA
Tkhou esadqN i kukgSrksfk{kd dkl Eeku dj ksA
khk>qdkdj J ) kl srqe cPpksamUgsai z.kke dj ksA
Ykksdski zl kn HkV~V
Career Awareness workshop for students of
Commerce stream was conducted by Mr Himanshu
from ICSI Insttute of Companies Secretaries of
India on 3rd September, 2012. The students were
acquainted with the admission procedure, the
subjects ofered in the three year correspondence
course and the scope of career as a Company
Secretary. The students and teachers asked
many questons and their queries were duly and
satsfactorily answered.
A special workshop was conducted by Mr Naveen Jha
to educate students about Right to Informaton Act
(RTI) and its importance. They were also taught how
to fle an RTI applicaton.
Mass Awareness Campaign on Cancer was organized
by Care Promise Welfare Society. An amount of Rs.
5000/- was contributed by our students.
Class XII students partcipated in an actvity MOSAIC
PATTERNS OF LIFE conducted by DPS R K Puram.
Trafc Awareness Programme was organized in our
school by the Trafc Police Department. A proposal is
also given to set up a Trafc Club in CSKM.
On 7th December Raj Sachdev, Siddhant Kumar of
Class X and Ayush Kant Issar, Badal Nayak and Utkarsh
Kumar of Class XI took part in Winter Camp organized
by Natonal Museum of Natural History under the
guidance of Mr D C Srivastava.
Mr Pradeep Narayan also conducted career workshop
for students as well as teachers on 12th December,
Our English teachers atended an English Language
workshop organized by Oxford University Press.
Actvites related to speaking, reading and writng
were organized.
Mrs Shaifali
Ray was the
resource person.
silent leters,
homonyms and
were also
introduced. It
really proved
to be a useful
and interactve
session for the
Dr A N Jha partcipated in a workshop conducted by
Delhi Associaton for Science Educaton at Ahlcon
Internatonal School. The resource person was Prof.
K Ramasubramaniam, IIT, Mumbai and Dr P Verma,
Dept. of Genetcs, Delhi University.
Mr Naveen Jha, HOD (HUM) was extended special
invitaton to take part in Matdata Jagrukta Abhiyan
by South Delhi Administraton and Ghaziabad District
Administraton on the guidelines of the Electon
Ms. Poonam Mansingh conducted workshops for
teachers of sub-junior, middle and secondary secton
on Initatve, Motvaton and Leadership. The teachers
enthusiastcally partcipated, gradually realizing
how one can take the responsibility for oneself and
convert adverse circumstances also into opportunites
the workshop was lively, interspersed with music and
dance. It was a tme to introspect and refect how
passionate we were as teachers and how we could
further imporve ourselves.
Workshops conducted
CSKM in News
73 73
1. The school hosted Zonal Cross Country Championship
wherein many schools partcipated. The ceremony
was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mrs Renu
Sharma, DDE, South District. Students of CSKM flled
the air with their warm Welcome Song for all the
partcipants. The event commenced with the lightng
of ceremonial lamp by the honourable Chief Guest.
There was an actve partcipaton by all the schools.
The programme came to an end with the inspiring
and motvatng words by the Chief Guest and
Ofciatng Principal, Mr SK Thakur
2. Zonal Sports
Not only in academics, we excel in sports also. Results
of Zonal Sports Meet 2013, organized by Directorate
of Educaton (Sports Branch) are as follows:
Football (Senior) Winner
Handball (Senior) Winner
Tennis (Senior Boys) Winner
Cricket (Senior) Winner
Net Ball (Senior) Winner
Tennis (Senior Girls) Winner
Handball (Junior) Winner
4 x 100 meter Relay Winner
Tennis (Junior Girls) Runner up
Volley Ball (Senior) Runner up
Athletc Long Jump Second
4 x 400 meter Relay (Senior) Third
The CBSE awarded Certfcates of Merit to the
folllowing students on the basis of outstanding
performance and obtaining Grade A1 in all the fve
subjects - Aditya Verma, Tulsi Yadav, Deepak Kumar,
Soni Kumari, Sunjan Kumari Yadav, Kumar Prateek,
Sonu Kumar Gupta, Sonu Kumar Yadav, Dikshali Tyagi,
Shahbaz Siddiquee, Abhinay Raj.
Ria Raj of XII PCES was felicitated with student of the
year award by Times NIE in the academic session
2012-13. She was awarded a certfcate of excellence
and a cheque of Rs. 1,000/-.
75 75
76 76
My school........
A home away from home
Editorial Board
Chief Editors: (English) Rajbala Sharma, (Hindi) Prem Kohli
Co-Editors: Abha Chandra, Deepika Abrol, Yeshi Choedon, Madhu Kapoor
Teacher Facilitator: Sangeeta Kumar
DTP Support: Gulab Singh Negi
Digital Support: Ajay Rathi
Designing and Printing: Roots Advertising
Phone: 011-2665 3344 Mobile: 98106 60449
Fax: 011-2665 4929 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cskm.com

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