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Paris Colloquium on Muslim Minorities
20 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 April 2013 ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES
Book Reviewed: Sampradayik Dangon ka Sach
Written and Compiled by L.S. Hardenia
Publisher: Bhar tiya Gyan Vigyan Samiti, Delhi,
[email protected]
Year: 2012
Pages: 200
Price: Rs 200
Communal violence has been the bane of South Asian countries
in general and India in particular. There are many a scholarly work
and analysis of this painful phenomenon. The book under review
is a mix of journalistic accounts of various communal riots by the
author, supplemented by essays by him and other authorities on
the subject, which help us understand the nature of this phenom-
enon. In a way it is a total window to the phenomenon of commu-
nal violence and takes into account the changing profile of the
communal strife through his own observations and through ana-
lytic essays by people like Asghar Ali Engineer, Vibhuti Narain Rai
and Rajendra Sharma amongst others. It is a comprehensive vol-
ume giving good insight into this tragic fact of our society.
The author is very perceptive about the changing nature of
communal violence. Before independence, it was a clash between
two religious communities with Police as the neutral intervener.
Later gradually the riots started being one-sided and Police start-
ed openly siding with Hindus. One can add to this that lately, e.g.,
in Dhule in Maharashtra last year, it was more an attack by the
police on the hapless Muslim minority.
The author has made the book broad-based by incorporating
the anti-Sikh and anti-Christian violence also. He does point out
that it is the poor of the community who suffer most in the vio-
lence, but one can add to this that lately even the middle class and
the rich have been brought into the ambit of violence with death
and destruction of their properties being a prominent observation
in the violence since last two decades.
The author very aptly points out that violence is brought about on
purpose -- it gets engineered due to economic and political reasons.
This is a matter of big confusion, as many think that communal vio-
lence is based on religious reasons, while the real fact is that religion
is used as an instrument in the whole process. The author recalls a
very touching incident of Hindu-Muslim unity during the 1857 war of
Independence. During this, an appeal was issued that during Bakar Id
the cows or even buffaloes should not be slaughtered. Later, with the
Muslim and Hindu communal organizations coming up, British played
their divide and rule policy and encouraged the communal organi-
zations of both the communities. The author does well to give a
chronological account of the history of communal violence going
through the period of freedom movement, era of Nehru, to the pres-
ent day and elaborates the role which agitations like Ram temple
movement initiated by BJP played in the whole tragedy.
The high point of the book is an analysis of inquiry commission
reports presented by commissions instituted by the Government.
What comes out from this is that the recommendations of most of the
commission reports were put in the cold storage. Also the role of
communal organizations in instigating the violence becomes clear
from the analysis of these reports. An interesting observation about
Mumbai violence 1992-93 and later Mumbai blast 1993 is that while
the guilty of communal violence are still roaming free, those who were
part of the blasts have been punished as per the law! The reason is
that during violence State officials and Hindus were involved and while
in the bomb blasts only Muslims were involved.
The analysis of the role of police and media is very insightful.
Hardenia has been part of many riot investigations, which were
done with great amount of meticulousness. One observation from
his investigations is that by now the minority community is losing
faith in the police machinery.
The author also takes pains to analyze two major carnages,
the one of Mumbai 1992-93 and the other of Gujarat 2002.
Srikrishna report, which has been a sort of landmark in riot inves-
tigation, is very well summarized for the readers. One knows that
despite these truths available in the public domain many a mis-
conception prevails and people are unaware of these facts.
The strength of this book is to present these investigations to
the society in a simple and lucid style.
While describing these events, what comes forth is the wors-
ening condition of the Muslim minorities in the country. At the
same time the weaknesses in law while dealing with the violence
are brought forward. This latter point has become very important
currently as the present Government has promised a new law for
curbing communal violence, but thats nowhere in sight. The real
issue is the lack of accountability and those not performing their
duties are getting away without any punishment. What is needed
is a law to punish the guilty and those aiding and abetting the
crime and not controlling the violence when possible.
The book also includes the classic findings of Dr. V.N. Rais
research on communal violence. Dr. Rai for his doctoral work
points out that there is heavy bias against Muslims amongst the
police personnel. The study of Rai, though old, is relevant even
now, as things have worsened as far as police bias is concerned.
There are chapters on communal violence of 2005 and 2006 by
Asghar Ali Engineer. Dr. Engineer has been producing reports about
the communal violence every year. The Author/Compiler would have
done better by including two latest articles by Dr Engineer -- the ones
pertaining to the last two years for example.
In addition, the book also needed an update for the year
2012, and a brief summary of the trends on communal violence
during the last couple of years, which would have enhanced its
In general, it is a very good compilation to apprise the
reader about the nature of violence, the attitude of police, the
role of media, the lacunas of law and the need to curb the vio-
lence for the sake of a better society. Mr. Hardenia needs to be
complimented for this contribution. It will surely be an eye-
opener to many and will act as a myth buster about communal
violence to most of us.
The Truth of Communal Violence
BOOKS The Milli Gazette, 16-30 April 2013 21
An interesting observation about Mumbai vio-
lence 1992-93 and later Mumbai blast 1993 is
that while the guilty of communal violence are
still roaming free, those who were part of the
blasts have been punished as per the law! The
reason is that during violence state officials and
Hindus were involved and while in the bomb
blasts only Muslims were involved.
Ilaiahs Tilak is
communal to
the core
Book: Untouchable God
Author: Kancha Ilaiah
Publishers: Samya
Pages: 248
Price: Rs 350
ancha Ilaiah is not an easy scholar to
digest, with his brutal polemic against
the Brahminical dominance of the Indian
caste order. His latest assault, appropri-
ately titled Untouchable God, is a progression of
the unique line of argument he has forwarded
since he burst onto the Indian sociological scene
with his seminal work Why I am Not a Hindu: A
Sudra Critique of Hindutva Philosophy, Culture
and Political Economy.
In the struggle for a de-casteised society,
Ilaiahs has been a radically exclusive position,
unimagined even in Dr B. R. Ambedkars phe-
nomenal scholarly and political interventions
which encompassed annihilation of caste as a
route towards the Utopia of a casteless and
egalitarian India. Ilaiah turned the narrative of
systemic exclusion and subjugation of Dalits
based on debasement of labour literally on its
head and conceptualised labour as an asset and
a medium of creativity. As opposed to the works
of scholars such as M. N. Srinivas who suggest-
ed Brahminical and dominant world views as
worthy prototypes for social mobility, Ilaiah pro-
posed the Dalitbahujan society as an exemplary
model. In his essay Dalitisation and Hinduisation
(1996), beautifully analysed in comparison with
Ambedkars Castes in India (1917) and
Srinivass Sanskritisation (1952) by Kalpana
Kannabiran in Sociology of Caste and the
Crooked Mirror: Recovering B. R. Ambedkars
Legacy (Economic and Political Weekly,
January 24, 2009), Ilaiah suggests Dalitisation
as a process that can establish a more just
social order.
He presents Dalit society
as a model worthy of imita-
tion as, in sharp contrast to
the Brahminical order, the
Bahujan samaj establishes
more egalitarian relations
between men and women;
where ideas of creativity and
knowledge systems are
closely tied to productive
processes and artisanry and
also draw from agriculture
and animal husbandry. As
opposed to Brahminical
society, which enforces a
disjuncture between mental
and physical labour (mental
and intellectual labour being
the exclusive domain of the Brahmin while phys-
ical labour, consigned to the Shudra, is
debased), the two constantly reinforce and
enrich each other in Ilaiahs conceptualisation of
the Dalit society as a model.
Untouchable God attempts to take this argu-
ment further by launching a scorching attack on
the venerated historical figures of the freedom
struggle, the radical Left movement and the
reforms being intermittently attempted by
Islamic and Christian proselytizers. The idea, as
far as one can make out, is to debunk the com-
fortable notion that the reformists engaged in the
freedom struggle or in communist assertions
had managed to de-class themselves, or were
also working towards a casteless society.
To some extent, Ilaiah does manage to
unmask the unparalleled hypocrisy in the
Bhadralok communists personal and political
lives as he exposes the dangerous dash of reli-
gious revivalism that Bal Gangadhar Tilak suc-
cessfully introduced in the struggle against the
And as befits Ilaiahs polemical streak, the
critique invariably takes the form of pamphle-
To perhaps avoid unnecessary libel actions
or confront the hordes of zealots from
Maharashtra, Ilaiahs Tilak is fictional. He calls
him Dharmalankar
Chanakya Tilak aka D. C.
Tilak and assassinates his
character with undisguised
contempt. There are no
redeeming features in
Ilaiahs Tilak. He is a
Brahminical fanatic, more in
the mould of the RSS ideo-
logue Madhav Sadashiv
Golwalkar than the radical
right-wing corner the real-
life Tilak occupied in the
Indian National Congress,
along with Bipin Chandra Pal
and Lala Lajpat Rai.
In fact, Ilaiah more or
less credits the fictional
Tilak for the formation of the
fictional RSS which he refers to as Bharatkhanda
Protection Sangh (BPS).
The trouble is that Ilaiah is tailoring history
to support his thesis. But one cannot argue with
him because a factual argument is being made
in the form of fiction. Ilaiahs Tilak is a Muslim-
basher who created the fictional RSS. Now, if
one argues that unlike the RSS, which has had
practically no contribution in the freedom strug-
gle because it considered the three internal ene-
mies - Muslims, Christians and Communists as
a greater threat than the British, the real-life Tilak
was undoubtedly the pioneer of the anti-colonial
Swaraj movement.
As A. G. Noorani has forcefully contended
in Savarkar and Hindutva: The Godse
Connection, the RSS and its political progeny,
the BJP have unconvincingly tried to foist the
label of freedom fighter on their ideologue
V. D. Savarkar. Terming the RSSs attempts to
foist its ideological ancestors on the freedom
movement as brazen falsehood, Noorani
proves that Savarkar never dared use arms
himself in the killing of Curzon Wylue and col-
lector A.M.T. Jackson, and once convicted,
prostrated before the British in an abject and
demeaning way.
This is a far cry from Bal Gangadhar Tilak
whose preoccupations presumably did not
include ranting against Muslims. In 1908 when
Khudiram Bose was hanged for erroneously
killing two women whom he mistook for travel-
ling in the carriage of Chief Presidency
Magistrate Douglas Kingsford of Calcutta, Tilak
strongly defended the revolutionary and was
arrested for sedition. On being asked whether he
had anything to say, Tilak memorably said: All
that I wish to say is that, in spite of the verdict of
the jury, I still maintain that I am innocent. There
are higher powers that rule the destinies of men
and nations; and I think, it may be the will of
Providence that the cause I represent may be
benefited more by my suffering than by my pen
and tongue. He was sentenced to six years in
Contrast this with what Ilaiah quotes the fic-
tional Tilak as saying as he collaborates in the
formation of the fictional RSS: Silence! All of
You! Do not bother with Christianity and the
British now. If we are successful, the Indian
Christians will be at our feet forever. Our first pri-
ority must be to break their alliance with the
Muslims because those people do the
Christians bidding. They are their arms and
legs. We must hack off those limbs before they
take the axe to us first
In the same vein, he mocks the revolutionar-
ies from Bengal; the Bhadralok, Presidency
College crowd, a generation that was wiped out
as the State extinguished the Naxalbari uprising
and its aftermath in a bloodied swoop. Ilaiah
caricaturises these young men and women,
trapped as he believes they were in their
Brahminical existence even as he idolises
Pariah, whose life is the redemption point as
the book climaxes.
Ilaiah does well to rubbish some popular
myths and exper tly brings to fore issues relat-
ed to caste that a century of freedom struggle,
post-Independence reforms, social move-
ments and even the communists have failed to
address. But if the idea was to popularise his
model of the Dalitbahujan samaj and carica-
ture the Brahmins, this is a spectacularly dis-
appointing effor t. Much more is expected of
him than this amateurish fictionalising of pop-
ular figures.
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MG serves the whole mankind
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Without any prejudice
Never supporting a Muslims misdeed
Nor ignoring a non-Muslims good deed
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Highlighting courageous acceptance of Truth & Justice
Frankly condemning weak pampering of untuth & injustice
Sultan A. Patel, Khanpur Deh - 392150
I am a regular reader of MG since its inception. I read with inter-
est the letter published in MG, 16-31 March 2013 by
Faheemuddin of Nagpur which highlights the noble work done by
MG team. I request our brothers to strengthen the hands of MG by
enrolling as a subscriber along with friends to spread the positive
messages through MG which is our duty.
Muhammad Azam, Karimnager. A P
May Allah Grant us the strength necessary to pass through these
difficulties. MG is a an important organ of Muslim India. I consid-
er supporting it is very crucial just like we voice for various
Muslim causes in India. It is a matter of survival. We had one
Muslim India - is there any attempt to relaunch it?
Shamsuddin K., Kerala
An Advice To Sanjay Dutt
Clear injustice has been done to you. The judges have committed
still more injustice to Ajmal Qasab and Afzal Guru. They have been
hanged under the pressure of political parties. The judges have
passed stricture of 5 years imprisonment in the same pattern.
Now a former Supreme Court judge has intervened the judgment
and found fault with it. The whole thing is that the rulers and
judges have forgotten that there is one Supreme Power also there
and He has given a chance to the rulers and the judges. He will
take action against the rulers and judges on the day of judgment.
Mr Dutt need not worry. God will protect him and will give him
patience if he loves Him with pure heart.
Dr AH Maqdoomi, Hyderabad
The curse of co-education
With regard to sexual assaults on girls, is it not high time to think
what at all our society has gained by adopting co-education?
Before establishing ladies banks, shops, offices etc. Why dont
they revert to the old days of separate boys and girls schools? Old
was gold indeed. S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh - 392150
Musalmano ke thekedar
Shahi Imam Syed Ahmad Bukhari announced that he is breaking
his relations with Samajwadi party and that his kin also resigned
from membership of the legislative council on 16 March because
Muslims are not getting their due and after one year of SP rule no
promise is fulfilled and at least 12 major riots played havoc with
Muslims. When a reporter asked Ramgopal Singh Yadav, brother
of Mulayam Singh and senior SP leader, about Imam Bukharis
stand, he replied: is Imam Bukhari a thekedar of Muslims?
Samajwadi Party and Mulayam Singh must tell why they are tak-
ing Muslims for granted? In one year nothing good has been deliv-
ered. Mulayam Singh must tell us how many elections he wants
to win only on the basis of mere promises? S. Haque, Patna
Muslims in jails
Since past few years, all across India, hundreds of young Muslim
men are jailed and tortured for their alleged links to terror.
However, the police are invariably unable to muster clearcut evi-
dences except few vague theories. Thus a caricature narrative
seems to have come out from a paranoid imagination. Sheer com-
munal prejudice and a copycat war on terror mentality on the part
of keystone cops seems to be busily chasing the bearded look-
alikes of Osama Bin Laden in Indias nook and corners, seem to
have led to a bizarre kind of situation wherein hundreds of arrests
or innocent Muslim youths are taking place without actually catch-
ing the real culprits of the bomb blasts. Why have the Andhra
police not been able to successfully investigate, bring to trial and
secure a conviction in several of the blast cases, which have
occurring in the city of Hyderabad? Indeed, there is hardly any
answer to this key question. Social prejudice and religious dis-
crimination must be separated from terror investigations. The
police must resist the temptation to jump the gun, arrest Muslims
and announce names of suspected groups within hours of a blast
to satisfy the so called patriotic media. So far, with the exception
like the Additional Sessions Judge Vijendar Bhats scathing
denunciation of police conduct in terror cases in February 2011,
ironically no one sees the courts warning the investigative agen-
cies strongly enough. It is a positive sign that the NIA (National
Investigation Agency) has developed a culture of admitting it was
wrong. However, generally, there is an inability on the part of
police to be patient about collecting evidence carefully and
painstakingly over a period of time. Lastly, the police should be
completely transparent on why the Muslim youths were caught
and must openly state on what basis the youths were occupied.
Mohd Ziyaullah Khan, Nagpur- 440013
[email protected]
Waqf properties occupied
During the past two years I have been reading MG articles. The
information is good. Waqf lands in states like Delhi have been
occupied by government officials. I urge you to pay close atten-
tion to such things. Nellai Saleem, Tirunelveli
[email protected]
Established rule trampled in case of a Muslim
Junior scientist Ahmad Mirza had a two-year job contract with
DRDO, Bangaluru, but DRDO broke the contract immediately
when police implicated him in terror charges. In the whole world
there is an established rule that if any government or private
company employee faces a charge, he is suspended till proven
guilty and if not, he gets back his job with full pay and perks for
the suspended period. This established law is trampled in India in
case of Muslims implicated in terror charges as happened to
Aiyaz Ahmad Miraza and Rashid Hussain of Infosys who was fired
from job when falsely implicated in Jaipur blast case. Rashid
Hussain got the infosys job after three years judicial fight. On the
other hand, Col. Purohit, the mastermind of saffron terror, is still
getting his full pay and perks regularly while in jail.
S. Haque, Patna
US-UK war crimes
The war crime that US and UK committed in invading Iraq on spu-
rious and fraudulent pretexts when intelligence was tailored to
help justify the war should not get unpunished. The free world
owes it to future generations to stand up for world justice and
accountability. Bush and Blair acted no less illegally and brutally
as Hitlers own spree of invasions. Both should be treated as war
criminals. BBC coverage has very conveniently avoided any men-
tion of the role of American Jewish Neo-cons. That goes to show
how the warmongers can successfully cover up their tracks. The
world should not be misguided by such blatant dirty tricks, so as
to forestall any such crimes being committed by the warmongers
in days to come. Hundreds and thousands died on both sides, but
the conspirators are freely operating, probably for the next kill.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
[email protected]
Balwant Singh Bakhasar and late Abdul Haadi
Please verify and correct information regarding Th. Balwant Singh
Bakhasar. With reference to your article about late Abdul Haadi
rajasthan-indian-muslims), it is correct to call Haadi Saheb
Gandhi of Rajasthan but his brother was not killed by Balwant
Singh but by someone else who was related to Balwant Singh.
Secondly, Balwant Singh went to jail for a short period of time but
never for this case as mentioned in your article. Therefore, I
humbly request you to verifty and correct your information for the
same. I have seen old photos of Abdul Haadi Saheb with Thakur
Balwant Singh meeting cordially and sharing public dais -- see:
ht t p: / / en. wi ki pedi a. org/ wi ki / Bal want _Si ngh_Bakhasar ;
ht t p: / / www. f acebook. com/ pages/ Th- Bal want - Si ngh-
Bakhasar/341084415990351. Surender Singh Sodha
[email protected]
Disobedience to the Quran & Sunnah cause of our condition
The survival of the fittest, the natural rule, is applied to all castes,
creeds, colours, cultures, races and regions. Today the scope and
sphere of our worldly life is so much extended that we care least
for the impact of the chemistry of normal and spiritual aspects on
life. The mankind is now tired of bearing the burden of materialis-
tic civilization and is crying for peace and justice, the two being
directly proportional to one another. The root cause for the preva-
lent condition of Muslim community is its disobedience to the
Holy Quran & Sunnah in its practical life. The community is divid-
ed into different castes, sects, sections, groups and parties etc.
Each one struggles hard to establish its superiority over others
instead of struggling for its own existence.
Shaista Bano, Aligarh (U. P.)
Indian democracy in peril
In case of analysing the present democratic government system
of India, every patriot may agree that it is now at the shaping point
of mockery with no sign of improvement in near future. The orig-
inal definition appeared to have been replaced in our country by
new one as democracy is a boon for few, by few and of few
whereas it is bane for 80% Indians who have now lost faith in the
present form of democracy where only powerful, influmential,
rich, greedy dishonest, corrupt, cunning, shrewed and oppor-
tunist people in the guise of politicians made their way to the par-
liament and assemblies by using their money power, muscle
power and other medias. Voting power is not used by the voters
intelligently as per their whim and will as they are totally ignorant
of the value of their vote which is purchased by the politicians by
way of exploitation whereas all political parties have majority of
jugglers under their roofs thus making the houses goofy congre-
gation. Faheemuddin, Nagpur
Mosque razed in Kairana
This is with reference to the news item in an Urdu daily regarding
the demolition of a mosque and setting it ablaze in Kairana, UP,
which is highly deplorable as it has taken place under the wathc
of a secular government. It is equally deplorable that Hindi and
English media have totally ignored this news. I hope that your
esteemed fortnightly will publish all the facts leading to the dem-
olition of the mosque.
Syed Najeeb Ahmad, Advocate, Azamgarh UP
[email protected]
Punish the culprits of 1992 riots also
The culprits of 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts case are convicted by
the supreme court. Infact, these bomb - blasts were reaction and
revenge of large scale anti - Muslim riots in Mumbai in 1992, after
demolition of Historic Babri Masjid. Justice srikrishna commis-
sions 800 pages volumous report on 1992 Mumbai anti-Muslim
riots is a land mark judgement of Indias independent judiciary.
The communal parties had called the report anti-hindu. Justice
srikrishna is a practicing Hindu, known for his honesty and impar-
tiality. Eminent jurists, journalists, leaders, social workers etc had
supported the report. The central government had failed to save
the secular and democratic character of India based on law. We
appeal to the Maharashtra govt and the central govt and the judi-
ciary to fully implement justice srikrishna commission report and
prosecute and punish the culprits, their master-minds and con-
spirators at the earliest.
G. Hasnain Kaif, Bhandara - 441904 (Maharashtra)
God and Nature
I have gone through the letter What kind of worship? by Mr.
Sultan A. Patel (MG 1-15 April 13) and wanted to add a few lines
on it. According to the Holy Quran, God has created everything,
seen or unseen in the heavens and earth and all that is between
them. The Holy Quran announces: Be Allah glorified! Whatsoever
is in the heaven and the earth is His. He is the Originator of the
heavens and the earth. When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it
onlyBe and it is(2:116-117). God has thus manifested in the
Universe through His marvellous creations and this creations are
His Signs now called the Nature in the modern terminology. To
call the nature God is the highest form of ignorance because the
nature means everything created by God in the Universe.
Everything in the nature is punctual following a particular law for
its discipline resulting in the existence of Universe properly. The
particular law being followed by everything in the Universe is
called the Law of Nature and its maker and designer is called
God. By following the law of Nature everything has become
subservient to God. Unfortunately a large section of people wor-
ships some objects in the nature whether seen or unseen living or
dead Worldly or celestial instead of God Who has created them. It
is an insurrection against the Sovereignty of God.
Muhammad Abdus Samad, Dhubri, Assam
[email protected]
What is the difference between BJP and Congress?
At the outset, let me clarify in unambiguous terms that I am nei-
ther a sympathizer, supporter or fan of BJP nor Congress. I am not
affiliated to any of the political parties. Whenever communal riots
take place in India Muslims and secularists blame BJP, RSS, VHP,
ABVP, Bajrang Dal etc. Did riots not take place during Congress
rule? From Jabalpur in 1961 to Bharatpur in 2012, the Congress
has failed to control communal riots. In Maharshtra, Congress
Government has failed to implement Justice Shrikrishna
Commission report. In Assam, Muslims have been slaughtered
under a Government headed by Congress. In Gujarat, communal
riots took place in 1969, 1982 and 1983 during the Congress
regime. In Gujarat, during 2002 post-Godhara riots, this letter-
writer has seen many a Congressite worker killing Muslims, rap-
ing Muslim women, looting Muslim shops, burning Muslim prop-
erties and guiding the mobs. No doubt, honourable exceptions
may be there but they are very few. Yet the Congress has not been
labelled as anti-Muslim and communal and it still garners sub-
stantial Muslim votes. What explains the dichotomy in public
response to the riots under the BJP rule as compared to those
under Congress Governments? Why we remember the riots under
BJP and not those under Congress, which too has been responsi-
ble for the spilling of blood and untold miseries. Congressite
Hindus (read Brahmins) and BJPs Hinuds (read Brahmins) are
fighting just like dogs and cats during day-time and sleeping
together at night. Congress is the original Brahmin Jati Party.
Congress has always encouraged Brahminised Muslims (read
Chhagla-type Muslims). In my opinion, Congress is an anti-
Muslim party too. Its claim of being secular is hollow.
Farooq Abdul Gaffar Bawani Rajkot Gujarat
[email protected]
Suspension of AMUSU President Shahzad Alam
Once again a shocking news has come out the AMU campus.
While not doubting the credentials of the Vice-Chancellor in
enforcing the discipline, this distinct incident of suspending the
AMUSU President Shahzad Alam definitely stands on a different
plank, and considering the entirety of circumstances, the action of
the VC cannot be called anything but totally arbitrary and dictato-
rial. Though not acquainted with what actually did happen, but
from the charges and counter-charges what appears as a logical
thread is that Mr. Shahzad Alam wanted to raise the pending
minority issue of the University and everything untoward followed
when he was not allowed. The VC, like everybody whose exis-
tence depends on the pleasure of the people in power, must have
had his own constraints, while as a student leader Mr. Shahzad
Alam must have felt it his sacred obligation to use that platform to
highlight the issue. It is an open fact that the politicians of all hues
have now considered the Muslim community as the most slavish
entity, and whenever they appear before Muslim gathering, they
shed crocodile tears over the communitys fate and predicament.
If at this stage these politicians are shown the mirror, of course in
a sophisticated manner, they may at least realize that there is
some life and a sense of vibration amongst Muslims. I totally dis-
agree with those who think that such platforms as the one where
the Minister Jitin Parsad was the chief guest must not be used for
political purposes. Besides, AMU is not only an institution to make
the students cram books but a centre where the future leaders of
the community are born. Considering all the prevailing circum-
stances and keeping the future in sight, I sincerely appeal to the
Honble VC to immediately rescind the suspension of Shahzad
Alam. Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, Lucknow
[email protected]
A deplorable stand of Indian intellectuals
It is really unfortunate that intellectuals of our country some of
whom are atheists or are deadly opposed to the religion and moral
values and have scanty knowledge about religions of our country
come forward to support such authors, writers and film directors
who hurt religious feelings of the followers of different religions of
our country under the pretext of right of freedom of expression or
thinking. In the past they supported Salman Rushdi and Taslima
Nasrin who earned notoriety by attacking Islam, its teachings and
Prophet of Islam and Ashish Nandi who used highly objectionable
and offensive remarks against the OBC and SC/S elites on the plea
that the right of thinking and expression must be protected at all
costs. No fundamental right is absolute is subject to reasonable
restrictions and that moral anarchy cannot be allowed.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, Ex-M. P., Delhi - 110091
Morsis Visit To India and Pakistan
Let our diplomats take full advantage of the visit of Dr Morsi, the
new president of Egypt. We had once upon a time very close rela-
tions with Egypt during the period of Gamal Abdel Nasser when
India and Egypt were members of the Non-Aligned Movement. But
those days are gone. Now India has close relations with Israel, a
country which is against Muslims and Muslim countries. This
change of policy is on the basis of enmity with Muslims. Muslims
are having worldwide impact. They are the owners of oil. There
are 58 independent countries ruled by Muslims. Indias neigh-
bours are Pakistan and Bangladesh. If India had friendly relations
with all Muslim countries, it need not worry about Kashmir. India
should understand the mindset of Morsi and deal with him diplo-
matically. The Indian authorities should be well-versed with the
history of Muslim Brotherhood and its sacrifices.
Dr AH Maqdoomi, Hyderabad
Are 24 crore Muslims, showboy Muslim leaders weightless?
Shivers crept into UPA as Krunanidhi sent a signal about resolu-
tion against Sri Lankan governments persecution of Tamils. Three
cabinet ministers rushed to Chennai to pacify Karunanidhi. At the
demand of Ajit Singh, Lucknow airport was named after Charan
Singh. But after elections, promises to Muslims and commis-
sions recommendations are kept in abeyance and Bangaluru air-
port is not named after the great Tipu Sultan. This raises the ques-
tion if 24 crore Muslims are weightless or if showboy Muslim
leaders are timid? S. Haque, Patna
REJOINDERS/OPINION/LETTERS The Milli Gazette, 16-30 April 2013 23
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24 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 April 2013
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Two Murshidabad villages gutted, 214 families homeless, need your urgent help
Murshidabad: Two entire villages in
Murshidabad (West Bengal) have
been gutted by fire and 981 mem-
bers of 214 families, all Muslims, liv-
ing in the two villages have been ren-
dered homeless. All their belongings,
including 55 animals like cows and
goats, have been burnt by the fire on
5 and 6 April 2013. The affected vil-
lages are Jhaudia and Hukahar near
Jalangi town in Murshidabad district.
A mysterious fire erupted in vil-
lage Jhaudia on 5 April gutting all 54
houses in the village and killing 55
domestic animals. Two grocery
shops too were turned into ashes.
Food grains, clothes and furniture as
well as cash and other materials
were burnt into ashes. A total of 181
men of the village Jhaudia have
become shelterless as a result.
The nearby village Hukahar too
witnessed a similar fire the next day.
As furious as the previous one, it
affected 800 men, women and chil-
dren of 160 families in the village.
Their homes were gutted alongwith
all belongings, 113 domestic ani-
mals and seven shops. Like the other
village, here too everything was gut-
ted while people could save them-
selves by running away into the
Charity Alliance team headed by
its local representative Mr Golam
Kibriya, visited the two villages and
found the helpless villagers sleeping
under open sky with almost nothing
left. Even their clothes, grains and
groceries have been burnt by the fire.
A few small shops operating in the
two villages too have been burnt.
They need emergency help to be
able to bring a semblance of normal-
cy back into their shattered lives.
Local authorities are providing
cooked food to the victims but there
is yet to be any announcement to
compensation to rebuild their hous-
es. According to Mr Kibriya each
family urgently needs corrugated
sheets to build a simple shelter. Each
family would need financial support
of Rs 5000 for this. To help 214 fam-
ilies, a sum of Rs 10,70,000 needs to
Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, Chairman
of Charity Alliance, has appealed to
all to come forward to help these
hapless people in their hour of need.
Help may be sent through local char-
ities known to you or through Charity
Alliance which is active in the area
since 2005 and runs Alliance School
and a vocational training centre in
the adjacent village, Uttar
Ghoshpara. (For our contact details
and how to contribute, please see
page 17 inside).
Charity Alliance team assessing the damage
Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society, Pune,
cordially invites you at the release of
Outstanding Voice of Muslim India
Compiled by: Mushtaque Madni
by the Chief Guest Sa!man Khurshid Hon'ble Min. of External Affairs
K. Rahman Khan Hon'ble Minister of Minority Affairs
will preside over the function.
on Sunday, April 21, 2013, at 6.00 pm
At Speaker Hall, Constitution Club of India, Vithal Bhai Patel House,
Rafi Marg, New Delhi