Water Level Indicator With Numeric Display - Final
Water Level Indicator With Numeric Display - Final
Water Level Indicator With Numeric Display - Final
We are happy to take this opportunity to thank to people who helped us in the making of our project. We acknowledge the influence and inspiration of Rajnish Kumar, Asst. Professor and Dr G. SUMATI who made the entire project an exciting and enjoyable experience. At the outset, we thank God almighty for making our endeavour a success. We also express our gratitude to our beloved principal Dr. A. Anand Kumar, and Dr. Habibulla Khan Head of the Department, for providing us with adequate facilities, ways and means by which we were able to complete this project. We are also grateful to and all other teachers of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department for their invaluable teaching, help and support without which the successful completion of this project would not have been possible. We thank our Project Guide, Abhishek Anchal, Asst. Professor in Electronics & Communication Engineering for assisting us in variable ways.
Water level indicator is an electronic device which senses water level inside the water tank and indicates the level on the seven segment display This uses the conducting nature of water as tap water is good conductor of electricity. Here we have we have used seven wires which indicate seven different levels that are full, mid levels and empty. The low, mid levels and full level are indicated on seven segment displays 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 respectively. The ground potential is at the lowest level of the water tank. If water rises then respective number will be displayed. User can see present level of water on seven segment display. He can become alert by the numbers on the seven segment display.
3 3 3
Title Circuit Diagram IC74148 IC 7447 Seven Segment Display Assembled circuit on breadboard
P.N. 3 5 6 7 9 9
Now a day, there is large loss of water due to laziness of people. We present here a very simple remedy for providing water level, whenever water is being used or filled inside the tank at home offices or at any place. In this, we connect a circuit to water tank with wires inside water to indicate the level up to which water is filled. We have used here a seven segment display which gives an indication to the user by showing*: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Indicates the tank is empty. Indicates the very few amount of water is present in tank. Indicates that water has increased to a level more than 6. Indicates that water has increased to a level more than 5. Indicates that water has increased to a level more than 4. Indicates that water has increased to a level more than 3. Indicates that water is going to reach its maximum level.
Indicates the tank is full. This reduces the human effort. Manual checking of water level
inside the tank is not required. This requires less power and is very economical.
in the tank. A wire is dipped into the tank which is grounded. When there is a high voltage at the input pin of the IC74148 gate, it outputs a high voltage. Similarly, for a low voltage at the input pin of the IC74148 gate, it outputs a low voltage. When the tank is empty, the input pins of IC 74148 are pulled high via a 10K resistor. So it outputs a high voltage as a result of which there is a display 7 in the seven segment display. As water starts filling the tank, a low voltage is available at the input pins of the gate and it outputs a low voltage. When the water in the tank rises to touch the marked levels, there is a low voltage at the corresponding input pins of gate. When the water reaches to maximum level then all the input pins of the gate is at the low voltage. The corresponding inputs produce corresponding outputs which in turn are given to IC7447 which is a decoder IC. These inputs are decoded and the corresponding outputs are given to a seven segment display which displays the water level.
Components required for this circuit are: 1. Power supply 2. Resistors (10k x8, 100 x1) 3. IC 74148 4. IC 7447 5. Seven segment display
IC 74148
This is an encoder IC which encodes 8-datalines to 3-line binary. An encoder is a digital circuit that performs the inverse operation of a decoder. An encoder has (or fewer) input lines and n output lines.
The output lines generate the binary code corresponding to the input value.
This can also be used in the N bit encoding and in some code generators and code convertors.
IC 7447
IC 7447 is a BCD to 7 segment decoder with active low outputs. It accepts the BCD code and provides outputs to energize seven segment display devices in order to produce a decimal read out.
LT stands for Lamp Test. When is low all the segments on the
A3 A2 A1 A0 .
blank so all the segments on the 7segment display are off regardless of A3 A2 A1 A0 .
RBI stands for Ripple Blanking Input. When RBI is low and
Depend on which elements are turned on, they display decimal numerals 0 through 9.
Advantages: The circuit is very economical. It can be employed anywhere. It requires less power and easy in handling.
Disadvantages: The circuit cant stop overflow of water. Water should be conducting then only the circuit works.
Fig. 6.2 (a) & (b) display output for various level of water
Figure 6.2 shows the display corresponding to different level of water. So, we successfully designed, assembled and demonstrated the working of our circuit. There were few minor difficulties we experienced, because of temporary wiring of circuit on breadboard. Further, we can improve the reliability and easy handling of our circuit by making it on PCB.
Website Reference 1. www.wisc-online.com 2. www.wikipedia.org 3. www.circuitsgallery.com
Texted Reference 1. A. Anand Kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Page337344, Chapter 7, PHI publication, June 2012