Claflin University School of Education
Claflin University School of Education
Claflin University School of Education
EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Whitley Hurd PART I: PLANNING Title of Lesson Transformation Date: March 27, 2013
Grade Level
Curriculum Standards
5-4.5 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of congruency, spatial relationships, and relationships among the properties of quadrilaterals.
1. The students come from the cafeteria and go their lockers get all necessary materials. The students use the restroom and take care of all needs and wants before class starts. 2. The students turn in homework assignments. 3. The students complete bell ringer. The teacher and students will review bell ringer. 4. The students review class work and homework. 5. The students pay attention while the teacher is presenting the lesson for the day. 6. The students work independently or cooperatively depending on the lesson. 7. The students complete the relevant assignments and follow the agenda after successful completion of assignment. 8. The students sit quietly until teacher dismisses class.
Lesson Objectives
The students will be able to predict the results of multiple transformations on a geometric shape when combinations of translation, reflection, and rotation are used.
This lesson consists of using technology to keep the student attention. The content of the lesson will be displayed on the Whiteboard. I will have manipulatives for every student so they all will get the hands-on experience that goes along with the content. A majority of students learn better with hand-on materials. For students who have already mastered the concept, I will allow them to assist other students who dont understand the content completely. And for the students who speak little English, they will be paired with a classmate to assist them in their learning process.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this lesson is to predict the results of multiple transformations on geometric shapes when combinations of translation, reflection, and rotation are used. Teacher: Computer PACT Mathematics Book SC State Standards Whiteboard Manipulative Student: Paper Pencil Math Binder
Anticipatory Set
Transformation of the Cookies! The students will be given a Ziploc bag with three sugar cookies. The students must demonstrate what they know about reflections, rotations, and translations.
The students will be given a pre-assessment worksheet on transformation. This will give me an overview of what the students know about the lesson.
I will model the proper technique to transform an object or a shape. I will demonstrate this technique on the Whiteboard. I will also model the transformation of a shape using the manipulative.
Guided Practice
After the direct instruction, we will complete an activity together. The teacher and students will complete an activity on I will walk around the room to monitor the students and observe their notes and their participation during the activity. There will also be another activity presented on the PowerPoint that I will guide them through.
I will ask students to raise their hands if they have questions or dont understand. Then I will call on specific students to ask specific questions to those who I know who are not focused. I will write some examples on the board and select random students to answer the problems on the board. Thumbs up is another technique that I will use to check for understanding.
Independent Practice
The student will complete a short class activity with a few questions from the content learned for the day. They will have to complete the activity independently.
Each student will tell me one thing they have learned from the day. They are allowed to illustrate and give examples to help them explain their responses.
To determine if the students have obtained the information, they will be given an assessment, which is attached to this lesson.
Extension Activities
The students will have a homework sheet that thy must complete and return to school the next day. This homework sheet is a practice sheet to get the students to understand the different transformations. They can receive help from parents, friends, or family member to help improve their performance.
Technology will be used to assist in the students learning process by using the White Board and a PowerPoint presentation. I will use it to present information to the students. The students will be able to read the content as well as hear the content being taught. They will also be allowed to write on the board to present their work to the entire class.
Science- We will discuss how to transform different liquids and solids. Social Studies-We will discuss how the world has transformed. English-The students will have to read the problems fluently. Art-The students will be drawing different figures. Music-They will be introduced to an transformation song, which will help them remember the formulas. PE-The students will stretch for every 3 problem them answer correctly.
I believe my instructional strategies were very good. The students loved the technology so they definitely retained the information from that. I randomly choose students to answer specific questions throughout the lesson. Overall, I believe I created a good lesson plan. All the students were trying to participate in all the activities.
I didnt have a weakness in my instructional technique. All of the students were engaged during the entire lesson. Even the students who usually doesnt focus for along period of time, stayed focused for the duration of the lesson.
If I could extend the time for instructional time, I absolutely would. I would break up the content more and allow more time for interaction with the students, like more games and fun activities. The activities that Ive created were fun, but wish I had more time to do more.
Revised 1-2012