Understand all sociologists and social theorists by knowing a little about the time they lived in
Marxs insight:
Some have it
Others dont ..
Capitalists want
Workers want
The workers meanwhile are more and more exploited by the remaining capitalists they get poorer and poorer
Marx said that eventually the workers will rise up in revolution against the capitalist class A new communist society will be created
The backstory
Marx has a theory its because societies are always made from two parts
The Base
The base is like the foundations of a building. Marxists say the economy (the means of production) is the base
And the superstructure The rest of the building which is built on the foundations
The superstructure means all the other parts of society culture, the state, education
Social Control in capitalist society is achieved through ideology ruling class ideology
The ruling ideas in any time are always those of the ruling class
The working class may suffer from false consciousness not understanding their true class position
Not a bad theory but there are several criticisms which can be made of it
Gender and Race blind the only social groupings it seems to recognise are classes
Now over to you weigh it up. Like any theory it has good points and bad points - but hopefully you will find it can explain some things about your society