Kitex LTD Kitex LTD

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Submitted by ARUN DEV.S (A report submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT) (1025)

Bhavans Royal Institute of Management

(Approved by All India Council for Technical Education AICTE, New Delhi) THIRUVANKULAM KOCHI- 682305 2009-2011

CONTENTS Chapter No; 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Contents Introduction Need &Significance Of The Study Objectives Of The Study Scope Of The Study Methods Of Data Collection Scheme Of Reporting Page No

Industry Profile

3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Company Profile Introduction To Company Vision And Mission Quality Policy Product Details Organizational Structure


Future Plans

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Functional Departments of Kitex Production Department Marketing Department Personal and Administrative Department Finance Department Purchase Department Store Department Quality Control Department SWOT ANALYSIS

5 6

Findings And Suggestions Conclusion Bibliography





Submitted by:




I hereby declare that this report on An organizational study at Kitex Ltd. has been prepared by me under the guidance of Prof. Samuel Thomas, Bhavans Royal Institute of Management, Tiruvamkulam. I also declare that this training report is my original work and that it has not previously formed the basis for award of any degree or diploma.

Date: Place:



I would like to take the opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all the people who have helped me to successfully complete is organizational internship with their sound advice and able guidance. I place my sincere thanks to Mr.K.C.Pillai,Manager Administration , Kitex Limited for permitting me to do the organizational study at Kitex . I would also like to thank the members of all other departments for their constant support and guidance I am greatly thankful to Prof.B Hareendran ,Dean Bhavans Royal Institute of Management for providing proper encouragement in the completion of the organizational study. I express my sincere gratitude to Prof.Samuel Thomas , whose guidance and support throughout the organizational study helped me to complete this report successfully. I would like to express my profound gratitude to all faculty members of BRIM institute of Management for their interest and co-operation in the regard.I would like to thank my classmates for their support and co-operation.

Above all I would like to thank The almighty for all the benevolence that He shower on me and to have helped me to complete this work very successfully




INTRODUCTION Organization is a social unit which is deliberately constructed and reconstructed to seek specific goals .An organization comes into existence when there are a number of persons in communication and relationship to each other and are willing to contribute towards a common endeavour. The evolution of organization dates back to the early stages of human civilization when two or more persons began to cooperate and combine together for fulfilling their basic needs of food, clothing,shelter and protection of life .Thus,an organization is born when people combine their efforts for some common purpose.It is a universal truth that an individual is unable to fulfill his needs and desire alone because he lacks strength,ability and resources. So he seeks the cooperation of other people who share goals with him. This organization study is carried out at Kitex Ltd,Kizhakkambalam, Aluva.The organization study has been carried out to get an understanding of the structure and functioning of the organization. 1.1)NEED & SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Organization is one of the inevitable part of business & management .there for study of organizational structure management process ,functions etc.... are very significant as far as present day trend is concerned textile industry and businees is wast growing one.the study is very important for knowing the following . 1) To have an idea about the products 2) To have an idea about the organizational structure of the company

3) To have an idea about the departmental functions of the company 4) To have an idea about the financial position of the company

1.2)OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To have an overall study of the company and to familiarize with its various functions To enable the trainee to understand the organization structure and processes in a practical setting. To get an idea about how different functional departments are structured and how each one of them operate To know how the key business processes are being carried out in a manufacturing firm. To have first hand information about the various policies and programmes of the firm. To provide an opportunity to the trainee to analyse real life problems and apply the concepts and theory learnt in the class room

1.3) SCOPE OF THE STUDY The internship training was intended to provide Industrial exposure to the trainee and bridge the gap between theory and practice .the study was only covered the few departments of KITEX LTD namely department,the finance department, personel & administration department ,production marketing

department, purchase department and was intended only for a period of one

month from 3rd may 2010 to 17 th may. The study was mainly conducted to understand the functions , processes and procedures of different departments of the company. This training report covers the details of the departments in which the trainee could get access and interact with responsible executives.

This study was a descriptive study conducted mainly to familiarise with the activities, processes, policies, programmes and procedures followed in the firm. Required data for the study was collected through monitoring and interrogation. The study is made personally visiting the company at Kizhakkambalam.the data were collected through various methods.the methods adopted mainly are: 1) Primary data 2) Secondary data

Primary data Primary data collected through discussion with manager, various department heads ,officers and employees. Secondary data Secondary data for the study was collected from both internal annual reports, website,office records were used for collecting relevent information for this study.and external sources . Internal records like annual reports, website, office records, management reports, house magazines were used for collecting relevant information for this study. The data needed to prepare this project was obtained


from other published sources like internet, magazines, business dailies, journals and business magazines

1.5)Scheme of reporting
This report is presented in five chapters .the first chapter indroduces the study by highlighting the need for the study, the study objectives, methodology and scheme of reporting. The second chapter on industry profile discuss about the textile industry . it describes about the world textile industy and the indian textile industry in detail.third chapter describes profile of KITEX LTD . the fourth chapter describes the detailed study of different departments in which the trainee had under gone the trainning. The fifth chapter describes the suggestions and recommendations .the last chapter includes the conclusion.



New innovations in clothing production, manufacture and design came during the industrial revolution these new wheels, looms, and spinning processes changed clothing manufacture forever. There were various stages from a historical perspective-where the textile industry evolved from being a domestic small-scale industry, to the status of supremacy it currently holds. The ''cottage stage was the first stage in its history where textile were produced on a domestic basis.


Clothing manufactured during the industrial revolution formed a big part of the exports made by Great Britain .they accounted for almost 25% of the total exports made at that time doubling in the period between 1701 and 1770. The center of the cotton industry in Great Britain was Lancashire and the amount export from 1701 to 1770 had grown ten times .However, wool was the major export item at this point of time. In the industrial revolution era, a lot of effort was made to increase the speed of the production through inventions such as the flying shuttle in 1773, the flyer-and-bobbin system, and the Roller spinning machine by John Wyatt and Lewis Paul in 1738. During this period cloth was made from materials including Wool, flax and cotton .The material depended on the area where the cloth was being produced, and time they were being made. In the latter half of the medieval period in the northern part of Europe ,cotton come to be regarded as imported fiber .During the later phase of the 16 th century cotton was grown in the warmer climes of America and Asia During the Industrial Revolution, new machines such as spinning wheels and handlooms came into the picture; making clothing material quickly became an organized industry-as compared to the domesticated activity it had been associated with before. A number of new innovations led to the industrialization of the textile industry in Great Britain. In the initial phases, textile mills were located in and around the rivers since they were powered by water wheels. After the stream engine was invented ,the dependence on the rivers ceased to a great extent .In the later phase of the 20 the century ,shuttles that were used in the textile industry were developed and became faster and thus more efficient .This led to the replacement of the older shuttles with the new ones.


Today , modern techniques, electronics and innovations have led to a competitive, low priced textile industry offering almost any type of cloth or design a person could desire .With its low cost labour base ,china has come to dominate the global textile industry.

According to statistics, the global textile market possesses a worth of more than $400 billions presently.In a more globalize enviornment,the industry has faced high competition as well as opportunities. It is predicted that global textile production will grow by 25% between 2002 and 2010 and Asian region will largely contribute in this regard .High production of wool,cotton and silk over the world has boosted the industry in recent years. Japan ,India,Hongkong,and China became leading producers due to their cheap labour supply,which is an important factor for the industry.the World Trade Organization(WTO) has taken so many steps for uplifting this the year 1995,WTO had renewed its MFA and adopted Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) ,which states that all quotas on textile and clothing will be removed among WTO member countries.However the level of exports in textiles from developing countries is increasing even if in the presence of high tariffs and quantitative restrictions by economically developed countries. Moreover the role of mulifunctional textiles,eco-textiles and customized textiles are considered as the future of the textile industry.



Textile industry in India is the second largest employment generator after agriculture . It holds significant status in India as it provides one of the most fundamental necessities of the people.Textile industry was one of the earliest industries to come into existance in India and it accounts for more than 30% of the total exports .In fact Indian textile industry is the second largest in the world,second only to China.

Textile industry is unique in terms that it is an independent industry ,from the basic requirement of raw materials to the final products,with huge value addition at every stage of processing.Textile industry in India has vast potential for creation of employment oppertunities in the agricultural,industrial,organsied and decentralised sectors&rural and urban areas,particularly for women and the disadvanaged.Indian textile industry is constituted of the following segments: Readymade Garments, Cotton Textiles including Handlooms, Man-made Textiles,Woollen Textiles,Handicrafts,Coir,and Jute. Till the year 1985,development of textile sector in India took place in terms of general policies.In 1985,for the first the importance of textile sector was recognized and a sperate policy statement was announced with regardd to development of textile sector .In the year 2000, National textile policy was announced.its main objective was to provide cloth of accebtable quality at reasonable prices for the vast majority of the population of the country,to increasingly contribute to the provision of sustainable employment and the economic growth of the nation and to compete with confidence for an increasing share of the global market. The policy also aimed at achieving the target of textile


and apparel exports of us$ 50 billion by 2010 of which the share of garments will be us$ 25 billion.


India has rich resources of raw materials of textile is one of the largest producers of cotton in the world and is also rich in resources of fibers like polyester,silk,viscose etc.. India is rich in highly trained manpower .the country has a huge advantage due to lower wage rates.because of low labour rates the manufacturing cost in textile automatically comes down to very reasonable rates. India is highly competitive in spinning sector and has presence in almost all processes of the value chain Indian garment industry in very diverse in size,manufacturing facility ,type of apparel produced, quantity and quality of output,cost, requirement for fabric etc.. it comprises suppliers of ready-made garments for both domestic or export markets.


Indian textile industry is highly fragmented in industry structure ,and is led by small scale companies . the reservation of production for very small companies that was imposed with the intention to help out small scale companies across the country ,led substantial fragmentation that distroted the competitiveness of industry . smaller companies do not have the fiscal


resourcse to enhance technology or invest in the high end engineering of processes .hence they lose in productivity. Indian labour laws are relatively unfavorable to the trades and there is an urgent need for labour reforms in india. India seriously lacks in trade pact memberships, which leads to resricted access to the other major markets.


The outlook for textile industry in india is very optimistic .it is expected that indian textile industry would continue to grow at an impressive rate.textile industry is being modernized by an exclusive scheme,which has set a side $ 5 billion for investment in improvisation of machinery.India can also grab oppertuinties in the export market .the textile industry is anticipated to generate 12million new jobs in varoius sectors.

The southern states have a rich legacy of traditional textiles. They are the

irrefutable textiles maharajas of the country,churning out eviably stunning silks and cottons that are lapped up by people all across the continent .the textile industry generates huge revenues for Kerala. Thrissur is famous for the textile industry. Thrissur is also famous for its hoisery mills.Lakshmi mills of pullazhi,Rajagopal textiles of Athani, Alagappa textiles of Alagappanagar are famous for their textile industry . Besides weaving saris ,Kerala also produces premium quality lace and embroidered is

usually done by women artisans.Caps are produced in bulk at Kasargod which is then exported to Gulf and African countries. Kannur,around 350 km north of Kochi, is Keralas leading textile export hub .Its export of textile products is worth around Rs.3 billion a year ,according to industry sources .As the US Dollar weakens against the rupee, the going is getting tough for textile exporters here .the dollar,which fell around 15 percent from March this year ,has burned a Rs.450-million($11.4 million) hole in the pockets of exporters.Kannur has around 40 textile export units.the sector employes around 50,000 people in the distict. The major competitors were MCR,ANGEL,JANSON, RAMRAJ etc.....



Introduction Kitex Limited ,a prominent prodigy in the field of textile industry began its spectacular diplay in 1975 at Kizhakkambalam,Aluva.this prestigious company ,one of the vibrant divisions of Anna-Kitex group of companies of a celebrity among industrial gaints in our country.this weaving unit is engaged in the production of fabrics made of cotton and other blends, greige cloth,bed sheets,mull and lungies.they are marketed through a network of over 1600 authorized dealers.Through the years , the company has carved a niche for itself in this highly competent industry with its tradition of internationally accepted products. The company was established to set up an efficient industrial estate to provide technical,industrial,financial and marketing facilities to power loom owners and to create job oppertunities to reduce unemployed.considerable infrasructure facilities have been built up by way of buildings electronical distribution systems ,supporting machineries for warping,sizing, help power loom owners.about 400 power looms were established in the premises under the banner of Kizhakkambalam Textiles Limited. The Group got highest regards for the welfare of the employees and general public. Several charitable programmes were organized for the benefit of the lower strata of the society. The group is also providing a very good accomadation and canteen facility to employees who hail from all over Kerala.


VITAL STATUS Name Address Registered Office : Kitex Limited :Kizhakkambalam, Aluva :Kizhakkambalam

Nature of the incorporation:publicLimited Company Nature of Business Nature of Product :Manufacturing of cotton textiles :Industrial Products & Consumer Products

Brand Name of the Product:Kitex Total Built up area :16,50,000 sq.feet, 450 modern looms, 750 Skilled workers, 20million sq.meter of cotton, & cotton Blends.

Production Capacity Total Capital Employed Annual Sales Range Growth

: 2,500 sq.per day :Rs 3,39,01,060 : 200 crores :Steady


Chairman & M.D Director Auditor Banker VISION

: Sri: M.C.Jacob : Bobby.M.Jacob, & Mrs: Mini Bobby : Mr. Anil Kumar & Co : Federal Bank, ICICI, Canara Bank





A world class manufacturing company focusing on all round business excellence through a Total Quality Management system with committed leadership, effective team work, delighted customers, and satisfied employees in an environment friendly organisation MISSION Fabrics and Processed fabrics as per the customer specification efficiently in a professional and environment friendly manner, on time, and at the right cost with atmost customer satisfaction to become a world class organization through continuous improvement.


Objectives 1. Increase sales of value added item by 20% from the existing level. 2. Reduce rejection by 10% from the present level. 3. Reduce customer complaint by 10%. 4. Increase product range by introducing new inner garments. PRODUCT PROFILE Kitex is engaged in the production of fabrics made of cotton of other blends ,greige cloths,bed sheets,and lungies.Kiltex lungies are available in four various types,executive medium super,medium and differently. Kitex White are presenting an array of white dhothies,single as well as comes with streales of colour and good add to the looks of dhothy .Kitex also have beautiful of wide range of bed spreads under the label of sweet dreams .though one year ,the company has covered a rich for itself in this highly competitive industry with tradition of world class quality. An innovative school bag from Kitex ,the main shoot of Anna Group .scoobee day bags are compactly designed with unique features that make it durable ,colourful,comfortable and easy to carry .the bag features antistrain shoulder padding and acupressure buds specially designed to minimize the strain on the back and shoulders. economy.all the prices are


Lungies Kitex lungies are available in various varieties like: Executive Superior quality lungies available in various designs and colour. Medium Super Comfortable lungies you would love to drape. Available in various design and colour combinations. Medium Experience freedom and coolness with medium range of lungies comes to you. In warm colour and in various design. Economy After a hard day work jump into lungie to ease your tension to smooth your senses and feel relax. Table-1


Product & Executive Medium


Size 130cm x 200cm 127cm x 200cm 127cm x 200cm 127cm x 192cm 127cm x 200cm 127zm x 192cm 124cm x 155cm

MRP Rs.175 Rs.138 Rs.150 Rs.175 Rs.150 Rs.125 Rs.110

Medium Super Standard Supreme Economy Regular

Dhothies Kitex White gives the customers an array of white dhotis- single as well as double. It comes with streaks of colour and gold to add to the looks of their dhotis. It is available in the rate between Rs.100/- to Rs.310/-. Some of the varieties of dhotis available in Kitex are: 1-Smart Line White single dhothies with structure of either dark red or dark blue or dark green line which can be worn equally at home and outdoor. 2Smart Line Gold


Cream colour single dhothy with streals of gold jerry lines for special locations. 3Ready Wear Plain white dhothy we will have to drape. 4---Smart Pure cotton white double dhothy with lines in five different colours to choose.

Yarn count average Weft density ME 4 to100s 22 to 122 pikers per inch

Warp density to 132 tends per inches. Width range Table- 2 36 to 65 inches.

PRODUCT & PARTICULARS Ready Wear Smart Line (Single dhoti white) Smart Line Gold(Single dhoti gold) Samart Line Ivory(Single dhoti kodi) Samart(Double dothi white) Samart Plus RX(Double dhoti white broad kara)

SIZE 128cm x 200cm 127cm x 200cm 127cm x 200cm 127cm x 200cm 127cm x 385cm 127cm x 385cm


Samart Plus XL(Double dhoti kodi broad kara) Samart Ivory Plus RX(Double dhoty kody broad kara) Samart Ivory Plus XL(Double dhoti kody broad kara) Samart Premium RX(Fine double dhoti white broad kara)

127cm x 400cm

127cm x 385cm

127cm x 400cm

127cm x 385cm

Samart Premium XL(Longer fine double 127cm x 400cm dhoti white broad kara)

Bed- Spread Kitex also have beautiful and wide range of bed spreads in the range between Rs.150 to Rs.550/-. Through the years, the company has carved a niche for itself in this highly competitive industry with its tradition of world class quality. Bed Sheets or bed spreads are available in following varieties: 1-Sweet Dreams 60 Beautiful bed spreads available in beautiful designs and pleasent colour to suit our bed rooms. 2- Sweet Dreams 50 Beautiful bed spreads available in beautiful designs and pleasent colours to suit our bed rooms.

Table 3 Particulars Sweet Dream-50(Single Sheet) Sweet Dream-60(Double Sheet) Size 128cm x 225cm 152cm x 225cm

Solo(1SD 60 bed sheet + 1 pillow cover) 152cm x 225cm Duo(1SD 60 bed sheet + 2 pillow cover) 152cm x 225cm Solitude(1double sheet) Solo Minor(1 solitude bed sheet + 1 pillow cover) Duplex (1 solitude Bed sheet + 2 pillow cover) 152cm x 225cm 152cm x 225cm 152cm x 225cm


Mull Price ranges from Rs.40/- to Rs.60/-. Mulls are basically produced in two classes in Kitex. They are:

Table- 4

Classes Economy Medium

Size 127cm 1228cm

MRP Rs.48/Rs.60/-

- Scoobee

Day Bags

ScooBee Day - The Prodigy in Bags

At the dawn of new millennium the new generation was presented with an innovative school bag from Kitex, the main offshoot of Anna Group. ScooBee Day bags are compactly designed with unique features that make it durable, colorful, comfortable and easy to carry. The bag features anti strain shoulder paddings and acupressure buds specially designed to minimize the strain on the


back and shoulders. Race through the features and see your heart fall in love with ScooBee Day. Scoobee became a close companion to all school going kids. With shoulder strap cushions and rear padding for added comfort, scoobee day bags come in various colour combinations. Using Ribstob fabric and Leak proof material scoobee day bags are attractively priced. The unique features include special pouch for water bottles, Tiffin boxes and even a secret pocket.

Features: Made from imported Dineer Nylon for durability Shoulder strap cushion to prevent shoulder pain Soft padding and acupressure buds on the rear side to cushion your back Unique stitching using strong nylon threads Quality zip with zip guard to prevent water leaking into the bag Secret pocket to hold chocolate and money 15 different colour combinations Special leak proof Tiffin box pouch at attractive price Bags for college and travel purposes also available Trawellday Bags The Renowned Anna-Kitex Group-manufactures of quality consumer products forayed into the travel bag segment with its TRAWELL DAY BAGS29

wide range of luggage and baggage products. Coming up with latest designs and models, these travel and everyday travel luggage needs are designed to meet the modern trends and requirements of the customers. Made from the imported materials, the bags are available in attractive styles and different colour combinations. TraWell Day offers: Travel Bags Trolley bags Business Bags Lap-Top Bags Back-Pack Bags Beauty Case Bags.

Tra Well Day bags caters to our every day needs and is most suitable for individuals and families for travelling both by train and bus. Another speciality of these bags are they are fully lined with water proof nylon material, and it is spacious, capable of accommodating the luggage that would require 4 to 5 bags in just 1 Tra Well Day bags.

The product range consists of Soft Trolley (H20, Gladiator, and Premium), wheeler Duffels (Maxima), air Duffels (Aurora and Orient), Back packs (Platinum and Fair), and Executive Bags (E-bags and Unique) are rated from Rs.635 /- to Rs.2970 /- available in various models and sizes.


Dago Bert Shirting and Suiting Dago Bert Shirtings and suiting are woven from the finest cotton, using the toughest materials that are soft to touch when draped on your body. Featuring the most contemporary designs along with the latest weaving techniques, Dago Bert shirting and suiting are available in variety of colours and shades. Agna and Adonis Inner Wear Kitex has made its foray into the untapped lingerie segment with brand names Adonis and Agna. ADONIS innerwear for men; and AGNA innerware for ladies. With Anna Groups promise of quality, both ADONIS and AGNA comes competitively priced and ensure complete value for money. Adonis a range of refined vests and briefs; and AGNA a range of Bras and Panties ensure seamless fit and finish. Both brands use specially processed fabric which feels smooth and healthy even on the soft skin of newborns. It provides ample space for stretching, bending and rigorous exercise without tearing. MARKETS Main markets are: North America South America Western Europe Eastern Europe

Eastern Asia Southeast Asia Mid East Africa Oceania

Technology Kitex uses a combination of both traditional and modern technologies for the production of their products. Some of the Techniques used for the production process in the kitex are: a. Warping b. Sizing c. Beam Drawing d. Weaving e. Cutting, Un-winding and checking in warehouse f. Folding g. Recounting h. Grading and sorting i. Bailing (Packing). Awards Won Mr. Jacob, the managing director of Kitex Limited has won several awards for his meritorious contributions in the field of business. To mention a few: He has won the TRANSWORLD TRADE FARE Gold medal in the year 1975.

He has been awarded the UDYOG PATHRA Award by the then Vice President of India Sri. B. D .JETTI in the year 1979. A Memento was presented to Mr. Jacob in December, 1992 for his valuable contribution to the Evangelistic Convention held at Puthencruz. Considering his outstanding contribution as an Industrialist Mr. Jacob was awarded the BUSINESS MAN OF KERALA 1999 award by the BUSINESS DEEPIKA, the business daily from one of the oldest Malayalam Newspaper Group. KRISTHU JAYANTHY award for the year 2000 was conferred to Mr. Jacob during the 82nd ALL KERALA CATHOLIC CONGRESS for his noteworthy contribution to the economy of Kerala. For the meritorious services of Mr. Jacob to the community, he was awarded by Major Arch Bishop Mar VARKEY VITHAYATHIL in the year 2000, on behalf of the Most Gracious IGNATIUS MOOSA 1 st, PATRIARCH OF VATICAN. AKSHAYA Malayanma. The Ernakulam Chamber of Commerce the Joseph Chakola Memorial Vyavasaya Jyothi Award to Mr. Jacob for the year 2000-2001. Department of Catechism Ernakulam-Angamaly has recognized his contribution by giving a Memento for special service rendered to Catechism Teachers. Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd (A Government of India Enterprise) Service recognition Award. Samman Patra of Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue for outstanding revenue performance.








Advertising Industries media presented a Memento Kerala Adifest 2007.

ISO CERTIFICATION Kitex got ISO 9001-2000 IN February-2007. They are committed to manufacture and deliver quality. Kitex Limited is the leading manufacturer with ISO 9001 - 2000 in South India of all varieties of Greige Fabrics, Yarn dyed fabrics, Dobby and Leno dobby fabrics made of Cotton, Polyester cotton, Cotton Nylon, Cotton Flax, Linen, Cotton Linen, Cotton Lycra, Polyester Lycra etc. They can do any weaves / qualities like cambrics, sheetings, poplins, mulls, casements, drills, twills, linos, satins, bed fords, oxfords, stripes etc. They have 525 running Looms of Sulzer, Picanol, Dornier & Cimmco making around 13,00,000 Mtrs of fabrics every month. They are the leading manufacturer with ISO 9001 - 2000 in South India of all varieties of GreigeFabrics, Yarn dyed fabrics, Dobby and Leno dobby fabrics made of Cotton, Polyester cotton, Cotton Nylon, Cotton Flax, Linen, Cotton Linen, Cotton Lycra etc. FUTURE EXPANSIONS Future Vision

To reach excellent quality standards in coming years. To keep in pace with modern technologies concept. To organise supply of materials at minimum cost to maximum excellent.


Future Expansion Plans Weaving capacity is doubled from 5,000 by adding 120 shuttle loom. Now there is planning to import more raw materials for dornier and pecanor, and also to increase their exports of various products to many different countries abroad. Diversifications of new products are being added. As a part of expansion Kitex Limited garments unit is developing and there is also future plan to expand the capacity of Tra Well Day bag unit for improving the quality and for developing the production capacity. COMPETITORS We find that the Kitex faces competition from only a few brands like: KKB Angel Jansons Majority of the customers were asking Kitex lungies. It shows that Kitex lungies have good brand image. If we look at the competitors from only the lungies side we can see the competitors are as follows: Angel Bombay Dyeing Jansons KKB


We find that the market share of Kitex is far more than others if we compared with other brands.

Kitex Limited follows the line/military organization structure. Managing director is the top leavel. Other functional managers followed by him. The span of control of the organisation is narrow spans .The main advantage of this type of control is that close supervision ,clear chain of command and close control and fast between subordiantes and superiors.the model of the communication

organizational design is mechanistic model. An efficient management system plays a dominant role in the success of all business units. It is this section that declares the level of output ,its product in pattern , pricing technique, marketing style and even the mode of conduct of its exicutives. The Chairman and the managing director who are the representatives of the shareholders take the important decisions of the group concerns .they perform strategic planning and policy making function of Kitex Limited .for their help,the General Manager,top executives of the companys Management are appointed .General Manager is responsible for the smooth, efficient and productive functioning of the unit ,from the production to the marketing. The middle level management comprises of production manager,marketing manager ,finance manager ,personnel manager, purchase manager,store manager and quality controller.



Average Qualification of Employees a) Top Level: Professionally qualified having sufficient industry experience. b) Middle Level: Graduation and above with experience in the relevant areas (both technical and managerial) c) Junior Level / First line management: Diplomas / industrial training certification in the textile industry and experience.





Among all functional areas of management production is considered as a crucial in any industrial organization like Kitex Limited. Production is the process by which raw meterial and other inputs are converted in to finished product.In Kitex mainly the production of gregie cloths take place under the production. Production manager is the head of production department.Mr.R Rajeev is the production manager in Kitex Limited.the production department or factories have an installed capacity of power looms and generally 100% capacity is utilised for production.In addition to those looms,the company has recentlly installed 22 modern Sulzer looms.the advantages of these looms over power looms that they are,fully automated,more productive with quality goods at reduced manpower.widths of the cloth produced by mordern looms are much more than power looms. Modern sulzer looms are operated by qualified and highly experienced personnel.they hired from other operated by qualified and highly experienced personnel. They hired from other textile mills and paid well. Other workers are trained to operate the modern looms under the experienced worker. The ordinary looms are also in the process of automation or modernisation,85% of the modernization works is completed. The company also has a plant in coimbatore ( chacks Weaving pvt.Ltd.,Avinashi,Thekkalur) with about 20 modern looms (rapier picanol ).Greige cloth is main product of Kitex Limited . the actual production of greige cloth around an average of 10,000 meters/day

The various reasons, which can be attributed for the decrease in actual production that compared to the production capacity due to the failure in supply and unexpected break down looms. To counter failure in the power supply , the mills is having 200 KV diesel generator over come major as well as minor looms breakdown there is a well- equipped maintenenace department with experienced mechanical and elecrical engineers with all the required tools and other equipments. The maintenance mechanism followed is preventive in nature. The company is undertaking production on job order basis. The production departement works in 8.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. RAW MATERIALS USED The major raw material consumed in production is 100% cotton yarn and other blended yarn with different specification based on the chemicals ( starch and adhesives ). All these are direct materials for production . the other indirect materials are different consumable stores, spares etc. The company has never faced any raw material shortage .This is due to the efficient supply chain management,scientific estimation of raw material requirement and timely procurement of raw materials. The total average consumption of yarn is 60 tons /month. PRODUCTION HEAD Overall supervision and control of all the section in the production areas of Kitex and to provide quality fabrics in accordance with the requirements and to maintain high productive standards. Prescribing required quality control measures and implimenting the same.


Planning ,scheduling and co-ordianting work of different sections of the department. Raw materials indenting or scheduling and co-ordination with purchase department. Implementing preventive maintanance system for all equipment and machineries installed. To control wastage to the minimum,both in finished goods as well as raw materials consumption.


Kitex Limited Kizhakkambalam, a leading manufacturer of


and school bag is commited to protect employees by imparting training and providing personnel protective equipments where ever necessary. Protect equipments by incorporate built in safety system using modern engineering technology. Protect the environment by imparting necessary to training to the employees a monitory and controlling the efficient discharge as per the stipulation laid down by Kerala state pollution control board. Maintain clean and safe working enviornment.


Aims for achiving a accident level by investicate and analysing the accident and implimenting the reccomentation suggested by prevent recorence.

POLLUTION CONTROL The company does not have any pollutent products/bye products.The only pollution may be the cotton particles that may get spread in the loom shed. To prevent this ,the factory is having sufficient humidifier to help the cotton particles settle on the ground .In the addition to this ,the factory and premises are cleaned in a regular basis. PRODUCTION PROCESS There is a lot of process should be given to the cotton yarn before it under goes the process, 'weaving and the whole department is known as weaving preparatory.It is the heart of a weaving the preparatory department the yarn under goes the process, namely warping ,sizing,pirn winding, beam drawing and knotting. WARPING The yarn from the spinning mill gets in the form of cones,copes etc. The warping process consists in winding of a known number of warp threads of a defenite length paralled to each other on a warping beam or weavers beam from the cones

according to the number of ends for particular quality. There is a limit for the number of ends to be taken in a warping beam,it is known as the 'creel capacity' of warping machine .In Kitex Limited, the warping machine is the make of Amritha Lakshmi Machine Works,Mumbai.its creel capacity is 560.Before taking a new quality in warping ,we have to know about the construction details of the fabric quality.At least the total number of warp ends in the particular quality .The total ends should be speed of warping machine might be variable according to the count of the tarn.Depending on the kind of stock yarn and processing technique,warping may be done by the following three methods.

Beam warping Section warping Section beam warping In Kitex Ltd.using Beam Warping SIZING It is the process of strengthening the yarn wound on beams (warp) .in this process the warp is passed through sizing chemicals,which are mainly strach and other adhesives.this process makes the yarn move rigid and this prevents it from breaking while weaving .the purpose of sizing is to ensure processing of warp in looms with maximum breakage rate. The sizing process comprises (1) wetting of fibres and application of size impregnation ;(2) fixing the size on the fiber by drying and cooling


In sizing ,the weavers beam are wound of the creel in zigzay manner and all the beams are compared together and passed through the boiled strach materials filled in the saw box .in the saw box the impregnation occurs due to squeezing of yarn by squeeing roller and then the starch-impregnated yarn will pass over the cylinder dryers for drying the yarn. Drying of sized yarn is of great important for the quality of the warp,the output capacity,technical and economical characteristics of the machine.then the sized layers of yarn undergo the process known as 'leasing'.in this process the sized layers of yarn are splitting into single ones and then combed according to the flange width of the beam then wind into the weavers beam.

BEAM DRAWING The warp ends from sized beam is first drawn through drop wires,heads,eyelets,and then reed dents according to the design or weave( plain,twill,drill,satin, weave,etc..) .these drawn beams are gaited/knotted in the loom for weaving .Trained and experienced beam do this work manually. PIRN WINDING Pirn winding is the process of winding yarn or pirns for preparation of weft yarn for weaving. This yarn need not require sizing.most often weft pirns for use in aytomatic shuttle looms(power looms).for use in looms equipped with a weft feeler,the weft pirns are wound with a bottom reserve bunch.due to weft yarn winding,the parameters of the pirn are changed .the yarn quality is improved

owing to the elimination of dust,fluff and spinning faults.after winding ,the yarn has a more uniform and balanced structure .there are two types of winding machines in Kitex Ltd; Automatic pin winding machines Circular winding machine.

WEAVING The method or process of interlacing two that they cross each other at right angles to produce woven fabric.the warp threads or end run lengthwise in the fabric and filling threads ( welth or picks) run from side to side. The weaving looms may be classed in to groups,ie.looms are intermittent fabric formation and looms for continuous fabric formation.the looms for intermittent fabric formation may be classified into : shuttle,microshuttle,rapier and jet type looms.kitex Ltd.having shuttle looms,micro shuttle looms (sulzer) and rapier looms.process equipment of looms is healds,frames,reeds,shuttles,pickers,lug straps,droppers and temples. HOW WEAVING IS DONE ? A major method of fabric construction is weaving.the technique probably became known before spinning.primitive people may have observed the interlaced grasses and twigs in the nests of birds and thus discovered how they could make clothing for themselves,baskets and nets,thatch like huts and fences or they may have seen

rushes naturally interlacing as they grew.spinning development when people discovered that the raw materials could be improved before they were the course of time rude looms were made ,which were crudely simple and hand operated .the mordern power loom used in the textile industry today essentially performs the same operations as the simple hund operated loom. PREPARATION FOR WEAVING In the weaving operation,the length wise yarns,which run from the bach to the front of the loom ,from the basic structure of the fabric is called the warp.the cross wise yarn are filling, also reffered to us the weft or the woof.the filling yarns undergo less and train in the weaving preparing them for weaving,it is necessary to spin than to the desired size and given them the amount of twist required for the type of fabric for which they will be used. Another these yarns are unwound to be put through a slashing or sizing bath.the seltzer machine covers every yarn with acoating,to prevent chafing or breaking during the weaving process. The sizing used is either starch-based or a synthetic , such as polyvinyl alcoholor a water soluble acrgilcpolymer,depending upon the fiber content of the warp yarns and kind of loom to be used .the sized yarns are then wound on a final warp beam and are ready for the loom. CUTTING,UN-WINDING AND CHECKING IN WAREHOUSE The woven fabric cut from the loom is again un-winded and checked the quality by the supervision of trainrd checkers and recheckers before folding and bailing.the checking inspection is as per American 4 point system.the checked fabric is segerated as per the following classification in the order of quality.


1. A Grade :strictly followed American 4 point system(40 points) 2. B Grade : Between 40 to 45 points 3. C Grade : Above 45 points

4. First non-standard : 20-39 mtrs 5. Second non-standard :10-19 mtrs 6. Seconds 7. Fents 8. Range 9. Chindies FOLDING After classified the fabric is folding by machine ( 1 mtr.pinning) and counting the meterage and marked RECOUNTING This materage is again re-counted and assured ,the fabric is sealed and gone for bailing GRADING OR SORTING In the grading department, the following operations are carried out.sorting or grading of greige fabrics and checking that all the technical conditions stipulated for each style are strictly satisfied .at the same time piece length is measured and the production of fabrics per shifts is registered. Cleaning the fabrics from :1-9 mtrs : 50 cm to 99 cm :15 cm to 49 cm : 1 cm to 15 cm


fluff,thread ends,knots and tags putting a special mark with a pen on the ends of the fabric piece indicating the fabric style , measure and grade. BALEING(PACKING) The graded /sorted fabric packed in bailed condition under the supervision of baleing supervision on the basis of quality.there is continous production through out the year .about 85% of the greige cloth produced in selling as such parties.the remainning portion of the greige cloth produced converting into lungies,dhoties,bed sheets,and mull of various varities.there are selling to the ultimate consumers through a dealer net work of more than 1600 numbers,spread all over Kerala and Tamil Nadu .the company processing work is done by various textile dyeing and printing units in Erode,Tirupur and Ahmedabad.after processing,the cloth is returned to the company,which through checking and cut into specified sizes and packed under the supervison of trained supervisors and workers.

Kitex Limited has got a very good marketing department controlled by efficient and dynamic marketing managers.Mr.K.C .Pillai is the marketing manager of

Kitex Limited .Marketing Manager reports to General Manager and Managing Director.Marketing Department is divided in three sections,such as marketing gregie fabric ,marketing finished goods/bag and advertising and sales promotion.under each section assistant managers,marketing executives ,sales executives and salesmen are there to assist him. FINISHED FABRIC The company markets its processed products ( lungies,dhothies ,bed spreads,mull,etc) mainly through dealers.the company has a dealer network of more than 2500 dealers spread all over Kerala.almost all Kitex products are available at the dealer shop.the products are transported to the dealers by delivery vans.sales executives take orders of different items from the dealers once in a month. CO-ORDINATION OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES The marketing executives in Kitex follows certain procedures.all sales executives have to report to the assistant managers in sales every day .the assistant manager and marketing manager are in constent touch with the sales executives who are in the field.the sales executives have to daily sales report in all Mondays.meeting of allpersonnal in marketing department is presided by the general this meeting all the activities and achievements are plans and strategies to increse the sales formulated and other issues are discussed.

MARKETING POLICY The marketing policies of kitex in such way that it does not entertain

middleman.a direct marketing approach and all the dealings are direct.there are no

stockiest of whole can be seen that Kitex by following this approach has a more favourable condition in the market situation .the company is following a hierarchical channel of distribution Company Dealers Consumers CUSTOMERS The companys customers are average and above average income earners. MARKETING DEPARTMENT OF KITEX The marketing department of Kitex is very efficient ,it scans the enviornment ,analyses marketing oppurtunities ,designs marketing strategy ,implemening and controlling marketing functions .It employees direct marketing strategy,avoiding intermediates ,Kitex enjoys large customer in core markets especially in south Indian market,it has high demand. ADVERTISEMENT The basic function of the advt is to influence and motivate people to buy a product .the main media used by the company are television and print media .Apart from this advertisement are made through hoardings ,wall paintings,banners ,metel boards,stickers and danglers.The company has special advertisement ,schemes,i.e. sponsoring entertainments like sports and festivals.


Kitex has a dealer network of morethan 2500 dealers who spread all over Kerala .It sales all over Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.There are direct outlets in Kerala and TamilNadu. Dealership are alotted only after assesing of credit worthness,efficiency etc. Dealers obtain the products upon order over the van of companyand products are delivered either at godown or showroom. GREIGE CLOTH In greige market garment manufacturers all over India use the various textile sorts manufactured by the company .the company is greige fabrics as such to various garments exporters to Mumbai ,Bangalore,Delhi,Chennai,Ahemedabad etc.75%of the sale is done through authorised dealerson commision basis and balance is through direct maeketing.the garments manufacture by the group under the brand name are accepted all over the world . Marketing manager is the one who decides the marketing strategies for every major decision, which affects marketing.But while marketing some strategic and important decisions, aprroval of the managing director is required. After collecting the orders ,marketing manager forward orders to production department .marketing manager and production manager sits together and decides the production plan.

ROLE OF MARKETING MANAGER Monitoring of order taking and to ensure promote delivery

Ocassional field visits to follow upon the sales executives Direct enquires to be dealt Attending marketing meetings chaired by the marketing manager and follow up of the decisions taken Maintenance of customer relationship Marketing survey report analysis Supply of products based on the order taken and handling collection of cash cheque ,demand brand money etc.from dealers,outstanding collection etc.

MARKETING STRATEGY Marketing department of Kitex is very vigilant of its environment and also very conscious of market potential about their major competitors ,companies stratigies ,weakness etc... .as a result of stiff competition the top management has appointed a general manager in the marketing and he looks over all the activities very efficiently. Major compertitors of Kitex are MCR, ANGEL,etc.. and they adopt various marketing strategies this companies also offer a wide variety of Kars and colours of dhothies which attract customers.their marginal price will be also high when they sell to their dealers but in the case of Kitex the margin is very less. Also the firm enjoys a good market owing to its quality eventhough it has a bit high pricing ,but when compired to other companies poor quality products due to polyester

mix,poor colour etc.. its profitable.profit margin of products is 15 -20%.Kitex also has technical competance, it has introduce new automatic weaving sulzer looms from Switzerland which except Janson no other manufactures introduced MARKET SEGMENTATION We know that customers preferance vary with segments and different aspects.the marketing segmentation procedure of Kitex mainly focuses on surveys. Marketing manager conducts survey process.the staff of research and development department does this process, this includes informal interview with a focus group of customers.this is done to gain a clear insight in their motivation ,attitude and behaviour.using their findings a researcher prepairs a formal questionnaire which is administered to a sample of customers to collect data on the following Brand awareness and rating Product usage and pattern Demographic,psychographic details of respondents

MARKETING MIX Marketing mix consist of every thing a firm can do to influence demand for its products. Kitex also follows the ideas of marketing mix, they are


PLACE MIX Location of plant is one of the early decisons of enterpreneur has to make for earning maximum profit.location determines the survival as well as the prospirity of business in the free market economy.the unit is located Kizhakkambalam Aluva.the total extent of land is around 165000 square feet .it is well connected with road.the availability of skilled and unskilled labourt is also a factor in selecting location Nearest places Railway station : 14 KM Airport Town Hospital :Cochin (2.5 KM) : 24 KM :Pazhayanadu (7 KM)

PRODUCT MIX The greige fabrics produced are the finest quality and it mostly used for various export pupose .they provide greige fabric lungies, bedsheets,mull in various quantity as per customer specification.the Kitex product is reputed for its quality and free from weaving defects upto grater extent.the special feature is that raw material are passed through strict inspection.


PRICE MIX The company maintains stable price for a long period of time.price of product depends on the price of maintain constent price and concentrates on quality of product and soit requires less investment in advertisement and sales promotion and also very well formulated pricing policy is provided.

PROMOTIONAL MIX To promote its products advertisement are used in Kitex.the basic function of an advertisement is to influence and motivate people to buy Kitex various advertisements agencies are called upon and a brief idea is given about what to advertise and these agencies prepare a pre demonstration .the marketing manager,genearal manager ( marketing) and the general manager directly analyze and select the best among them and entrust the agencies for covering thier advertisements plans.Kitex chooses the following media: T.V : D.D,Asianet,Surya

Video ads :C.E.E videos,SAN videos Closed circuit TV :K.S.R.T.C,Railway station Print media :All dailies,Vanitha,Grihalakshmi,etc.

Demonstrarion and sponser events Banner,metal board,wallpaper etc. In addition,the customer get valuable information from companys website.

FUNCTIONS OF ADVERTISING Cheaper of pricing Windening of the market Reduction of distribution expenses Promotion of social welfare.

KITEX-STAGES IN THE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Idea research Screening analysis Product development Market testing


Commercialisation KITEX-STAGES IN THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE Introduction Growth Meturity Decline PRICING STRATEGEIS Prestige pricing Skimming pricing Penetration pricing Price lining Dual pricing KITEX CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION Distribution is the act of carrying goods or services from the producer to the customer


DISTRIBUTION OF CONSUMER GOODS Producer Producer Producer consumer retailer wholesaler consumer Retailor Cunsumer

DISTRIBUTION OF INDUSTRIAL GOODS Producer Producer industrial user industrial distribution user






CRITERIA FOR SELECTING DEALERS Usually not more than two dealers are appointed in a town .dealers are selected on their experience in relating potential of particular town.after selecting dealers a contract is entered between the dealers and company.the contract layscertain items and condition of dealership at the time of appointment.a deposit of 2000 is accepted from him. The dealer is allowed 12% interest per annual of the deposit recieved.the deposit decrese is payable on temination of dealership effort. PRODUCT INNOVATION Company takes its time to analyse its oppertunities and prepare the best product and then compete itself for the long run to make product a success. All the products are marketed through a network of over 2000 authorised dealers.



The company employees over 750 workers and does not have any trade union problems.the workers and the management sit across the table and negotiate their demands and rights .the company has an efficient administrative department which carryout the following function .

Functions The main function or role of personnel manager and Administration manager 1. Advisory Role: Industrial psychology and Sociology. 2. Operative and Service role. 3. Conciliators Role. 4. Specialist advisory Role. a. Formulation of HRD function and suggesting the HRD needs of the organization. b. To find out ways and means of implementation of HRD Function. c. Monitoring the HRD activities of the organization. d. Total commitment towards implementation of HRD.

Role of Personnel Manager 1. To create necessary infrastructure for HR development activities. 2. To laise with HR manager in identifying areas for HR development. 3. To arrange proper placement to trained employees.

4. To activate association and employees to take part in HR development activities which are beneficial to both employee and management. 5. To monitor utilization and effectiveness of HR development training.

The Activities Normally Associated with This Department Are: 1. Human Resource Planning Human resource planning is understood as the process of forecasting an organization future demand for, and supply, of the right type of people in the right number. In Kitex Ltd, The concerned department is always updating the list of people (after all preliminary formalities).

2. Recruitment Recruitment is a process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs from among whom the right candidate can be selected. Recruitment process is done after the job analysis and job design which specifies the taste and duties of job and qualification expected from the respective job holders.

In Kitex Ltd, the personnel and administration department have a clear cut recruitment planning. For this they give advertisement in news paper and other medias. After collecting all application, department sorts these application and call up the right candidate for the interview. This process comprises of 5 interrelated stages. They are:


o Planning o Strategy Development o Searching o Screening o Evaluation and control

In Kitex Ltd, internal recruitment also takes place. This includes present employees, employee referrals, formal employees and former applicants.

For the recruitment of office staff and managerial personnel, external sources like advertisement in news papers, employees weekly etc are used. Other sources are advertisement in company website, employee references and resumes of the candidates which the company passes. While selecting the weaver trainees and helpers, qualification along with sufficient experience in the industry is also required. They can directly appear for interview. Some times selection order is on the basis of the recommendation from the known person. For skilled jobs like fitter, electrician, instrument technician, jobber, etc information is passed through advertisement. For this, experience in respective field is good advantage.

3. Interview and Selection After screening test the candidates are called for the interview. For the post of office staff and managerial position various other test are also conducted with

the help of experts in the field. The short listed candidates are going for interview. The interview panel consist of M.D, G.M, Department head, and Administration manager.

For the post of work men interview selection is conducted usually 2 nd Saturdays. The organization conduct walk-in-interviews also.

4. Probationary Period After the selection process the selected supervisory and managerial positions holders have to under go probation of 6 months. During this period monthly evaluation is done on the basis of the following criteria. Professional Knowledge Promptness Dependability Attitude towards supervisors Attitude towards co-workers Leadership and Initiative qualities Attendance and Punctuality General ability

Grades are given like Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Outstanding, and Good.


If a candidate gets satisfactory grade in consecutive months, he will be eliminated before the termination of the probationary period. Confirmation is done only after the probationary period.

5. Training and development Training and developments refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities, and knowledge to an employee. Successful candidate placed on the job need training to perform their duties effectively. For the weaver trainees, the period is 1year.

In addition to the technical training, training program is conducted by Kitex Community college. The company is also conducting on the job training programs. Training program includes morning and afternoon sessions. During the training period food and accommodation is provided by the company. After successfully completing the training program the candidate are awarded certificates.

6. Performance Appraisal Yearly evaluation of performance is done for the employees. The evaluation criteria for the managerial and supervisory levels are: 1. Conceptual skills ability 2. Decision making skills ability 3. HR skills ability

4. Organizational skills ability 5. personal characteristics 6. Job ability 7. Integrity and honesty.

7. Employee Remuneration Remuneration of the employee occupies an important place. Remuneration is the compensation that the employee receives in return for his or her contribution to the organization. In Kitex Ltd, the organization provides all remuneration insisted by the govt of India and Government of Kerala. This includes: Wages and salary Incentives Fringe benefits Perquisites Non- monitory benefits.

8. Wages and Salary The company follows time rate system and piece rate system. The employees other than the office staff and plant general workers come under this system in which payment is made according to quantity produced on a monthly basis. Salary is paid along with pay slip, which contains details of the pay. At the time when an employee receives salary he should sign on the copy of the pay slip and it is filed in the department.

The compensation package consists of: Basic pay + DA + HRA + Conveyance + Childrens educational allowance

9. Incentives Besides the above package the employee will get other incentives like production incentives, monthly incentives etc.

10. Employee Welfare Measures In India labour welfare measures can be divided in to statutory welfare measures and non-statutory or voluntary welfare measures.

a. Statutory Welfare Measures I. Accident Benefit If the employee, who is covered under the Employee State Insurance Scheme (ESI), during the works, suffered with an accident he will be paid as per ESI scheme. If the employee is not covered under ESI, the company will meet all expenses and grant him special leave in case of any accident. A group accident policy is also taken by the company by which all the employees will be benefited.

II. Annual Bonus


The company pays annual bonds to its employees based on the companys performance in the previous year. 8.33% to20% of the profit is given as bonus every year. III.Canteen The company has separate canteen for male and female employees. For drinking water, coolers are also installed in the company wherever necessary. IV.Gratuity

Kitex Ltd maintains a gratuity scheme for its employees who have completed 5 years of experience including training period.

V.Provident Fund The company contributes 12.5% in the employee P.F scheme.

b. Voluntary Welfare Measures i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Attendance Allowance Uniform Allowance Childrens education allowance Free tea and coffee for office staff Funeral expenses on the death of family members of the employees Saving schemes for employees Stands as guarantee for the employees to buy vehicles and house holder on hire purchase

viii. ix. x. xi. xii.

Leave- Earned leave for 15days is granted to employees. Maternity leave of 12weeks is granted to the female employees Free accommodation is granted to female employees Night shift allowances and OT allowance One day tour program is conducted once in every 2 years Health and Safety measures.

11. Hostel In Kitex Ltd, organization provides separate hostel facilities for the ladies and gents. It includes canteen, accommodation, and entertainment facility. For the purpose of administration of ladies hostel, organization has appointed a hostel warden and two assistant warden and hostel staff. In every weekend the P&A manager or personnel officer visits and check the facilities and function of the hostel. Also the department conducts performance appraisal and annual day celebration for the employees.

12. Security Department For the security and discipline of Kitex Ltd, the organization provides a security department under the P & A Department. This includes a security officer and staff. The main function of the security officer is to check the baggage and carriers coming into the organization and the products delivered from the packing section. The security department marks in the register the quantity of the product, place, time etc.


13. Trade Unionism There are companies which are non- unionized. Kitex Ltd is such a company. In Kerala we can see a lot of trade unions and problems created by them. In this case this is great privilege for the company as a union free company. This is maintained in Kitex through good employee relation.

14. Industrial Relation Industrial relation is concerned with the relationship between management and workers. In kitex Ltd and all other Anna group of companies the management is very conscious about maintaining good industrial relation between management and workers and the role of regulatory mechanism helps in resolving any industrial dispute.

15. Promotion Promotional activities contribute to the employees satisfaction and motivation. If mishandled it leads to discontentment, frustration among employees and culminates in a high rate of labour turn over. In Kitex Ltd within the limitation the personnel department, it lays down a sound promotional policy and ensures its implementation.

16. Transfer


Transfer involves a change in the job (accompanied by the change in the place of the job) of an employee without change in responsibilities or remuneration.

17. Separation Layoff, resignation and dismissals separate employee from their employer. Separations are painful to both the parties and should therefore administer carefully. They are: Lay Off:- Temporary separation Resignation:- Termination of employment at the instance of the employer Dismissal or Discharge:- Termination due to excessive absenteeism, serious misconduct, false qualification statement, theft of company property VRS:- A novel scheme or golden hand shake plan


Finance is the blood of business .finance department consists of all the managerial activities of raising funds and effective department lies in decision making area of investment,finance and dividend.recruitment and promotion in production are the activities of H.R department.but it requires payment of wages,salaries and other benefits.but these are done by finance manager is the head of finance department.Mr.Dony Dominic is the finance manager of Kitex Limited.He decides when and where the acquire funds to meet firms investment needs.he should determine the proporition of equity/ debt.the Finance department should strive for obtaining the optimum capital structure for the organization.the finance department may consists twenty five staffs. BOOKS MAINTAINED BY FINANCE DEPARTMENT Cash book


Bank book Sales pay book Purchase pay book Journal register DUTIES OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT

Maintaining the books of account Preparation of budget estimate Preparation of administrated reports Schedules of the employees Preparation of the monthly and annual accounts Verifiction of all proposal related to finance Strict adherence to bill of material during purchase

MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT Recording of day to day transactions Preparation of various statement regarding stock,receivable etc.which are to be submitted to various authorities like,bankers,insurance etc.

Planning and controlling of the expenses and funds for production Approving and making payments to different parties,creditors or suppliers Receiving payments from customers and dealers in specified time Raising short term loans or creditors from banks and other financial institution Preparation of sales budget or revenue budget and expenditure budget on a quarterly basis Preparation and maintenance of costing records Preparation of fund flow and cash flow statement for every month Timely preparation and filling records Preparation and filling of quarterly and final income tax returns Preparation and implimentation of cost reduction and cost control programmes

In addition to the above mentioned work the following reports are prepared by the finance department

Annual statement






figures,profit and loss account,balance sheet and other financial


Half yearly and quarterly reports Monthly reports to the top management on the financial performance of the company including sales achieved and profit generated Conduct and co-ordination of internal and statutory audits Prepectual stock verification and asset verification Investment analysis or feasibility study in production,supply

order,contracts etc.. The finance manager is responsible for maintaining funds at optimum at taken to see that working capital never gets blocked anywhere at any time.the company meets working capital requirements usually by bank OD and other short term loans on the security of stock of finished goods

The company has a short term investment of RS.10 crore and annual turnover RS.75 crore from the sale of greige fabric and finished products.


The Purchase department plays a very important role in the company and it has its effect on every vital factor concerning the manufacture, quality, cost efficiency, and prompt delivery of goods to customers. Its function is to procure materials, supplies, services, machines, and tools favourable terms consistent with maintaining the desired standard of quality. Purchasing is the important function of materials management as the moment an order is placed for materials a substantial part of the companies finance is committed which effects cash flow position of the company.

The company is having a centralized Purchase department headed by the purchase manager. He is assisted by 2-purchase officers and an office assistant. Mr.Venugopal is The Purchase manager of Kitex Limited he is assisted by two purchase officers and an office assistant.the Purchase manager reports to the General Manager and Managing Director.the Purchase manager coordinates the entire purchase activities. In case of local purchase or minor items which are frequently required, it is the responsibility of the purchase officers to ensure the timely procurement of materials as the purchase requisitions issued by the stores when the items of materials have reached the re-ordering level. The basic objective of setting up a separate purchasing department is to ensure continuous availability of quality materials,so that production is not held up and reduce the cost of finished product according to their proper plan.

Duties and Responsibilities of Purchase Manager 1. To make continuous availability so that there may be uninterrupted flow of material for production. 2. To make purchase competitive and price at the most economical form. 3. To make purchase in reasonable qualities to keep investment in material minimum. 4. To purchase proper quantity of material to have minimum possible wastage of material and loss in production. 5. To develop alternative source of supply so that material can be purchased from those alternative source if particular supplier fails to supply the material. 6. To adopt the most advance method of purchase to ensure smooth delivery of material from supplier and to avoid the risk of any dispute and financial loss. 7. To serve as an information centre on the material knowledge relating to purchase, source of supply specification and mode of supply. Factors considering while selecting supplier 1. Manufacturing capacity. 2. Reliability of suppliers. 3. Financial condition of the suppliers. 4. The management of supply firms. 5. Price quoted. 6. Terms of payment

7. Terms of delivery. 8. Specification to which products are manufactured. 9. Quantity for which price quoted is applicable.

Materials Purchased the following are the major items of materials purchased by the company. 1. 100% cotton yarn of different specifications. 2. Sizing chemicals alpenol, tapioca starch, adhesives etc. 3. Loom Spares. 4. Electrical equipment and accessories. 5. Packing materials and office stationary. The company is having a centralised system of purchases .almost all purchases are managed by the purchases department and controlled by the top management.purchase officer assist the purchase manager.they coordinate the entire purchase the case of local purchases or minor items,which is frequently require,it is the responsibility of purchase officer to ensure timely procurement of materials.the purchase department purchases the materials as per the purchase requisitions issued by the stores when the items of materials have reached the re-ordering levels.

Purchasing procedure 1. Identifying the materials 2. Exploring the sources of suppliers.


3. Issuing purchase order. 4. Receiving and inspecting materials. 5. Checking and passing of Bills for paymen


The stores department headed by stores manager.He is assisted by four persons; two in general shift and one each in other two shift.The stores manager is reporting to the general of all items of rawmaterials including sizing chemicals,yarn ofdifferent specifications, adhesives,spareparts,electricalitems,lubricants,tools,office stationerypacking materials,etc.. are the responsibility of the stores department.functioning stores manager with of the stores help of department the is controlled /administered by the stores manager.materials storage is planned by the the purchase/production department.yarn and packing materials are stored in the production department go down and packing section respectively,due to lack of sufficient space in the store and to facilitate easy handling both the items.but the stores department controls the issue of both these items.



When particular item of raw material spare parts or tools are required for production,the supervisor of the concerned section of the production department issues a material requisition.on receipt of the materials requisition note or material indent,the stores manager sees whether the item demanded in stock in the stores.if the required item is sotred in the stores,it is issued to the concerned department or section and the acknowledgement for the same is obtained and field in the stores.if the particular item or material is not available with the stores or the same has re-ordering level,the stores department informs the purchase department and issuing purchase requisition.

The quantity ,quality and other specification of the item issued are recorded in the issue are recorded in the store ledger control account,prepared and maintained by the stores.Issue and usage of cotton yarn and packing materials are recorded in the stores ledger control acccount even though they are not stored in the stores

The store department is fully computerized .A special software package is designed and installed for inventory management in stores.All the receipts and issues are recorded in the company.ABC analysis of inventory is done regular basic.physical stock taking is done once in every month by the stock taking by the statutory auditor.The stock varification is done independent of the store keeper and stores manager.All stock of raw materials and spare parts are stored in assigned areas only.Access to those areas is resticted.All stock of raw

materials,spare parts,tools,etc..are insured aganist fire and hail damage.A record is maintained for the insurance policies are duly complied with perpetual stock records and are kept for races materials,stores,spares,work-in-progress finished goods.these

records are periodically reconciled with accounting records


The company has a materials control system,which ensures that right quality of materials is available in the right quality at the right time and right place with the right amount of is a comprehensive farme work for the accounting and control of materials court designed with the objective of maintaining materials suppliers at a level so as to ensure uninterrupted production,but at the same time minimizing investment of funds.because materials constitute such a significant part of product cost and since this cost is controllable.the company has proper planning,purchasing,handling and accounting for materials.two levels of material control trust in the companyquality control and financial control.production manager and stores manager are primerily

interested in quality control,because it is their responsibility to see that there should be no stock out manager,on the other hand is interested that too much money should not be invested in materials and every rupee spends on materials should be effective and efficiently utilized. TECHNIQUES OF MATERIAL CONTROL

The following are the main techniques of material conrol used by the stores department Leavel setting,economic order quantity ABC analysis Perpectual inventory system Material turnover ratio Material cost report

The company does not have any stock in public warehoues or with consignes.some stocks are lying with job workers,which are given to them for processing ( bleaching,dyeing and printing).

Features of Material Control System


Continuous availability of all types of materials in the factory. No excessive investment in stock materials. While purchasing materials, it is seen that it is purchased at reasonable low price by the store department. Information about availability of materials is continuously made available by the store manager. There is proper co-operation and co-ordination among departments. As a part of material control system there exists an internal check on material so as to avoid misappropriate of store items.


Kitex is very much concerned about the quality of the product and some export is also made .so high quality must be ensured to meet international standards.the company has ISO certification.the company has different equipments and


machineries to ensure at different stages of production.the main aim is to provide maximum quality at minimum cost. Before purchasing yarn the quality parameters is checked and getting assurance from the yarn supplier reating to count,strength,twist etc.. for checking or measuring the above parameters various equipments are available in the company .the company used to purchase good quality yarn i.e,auto cone ,auto spliced,electronically siro cleaned combed yarn for making 100% dying standard quality fabric for export garments


standard quality of greige fabric will depend on the buyers requirerment.Even

though the company follow stated quality policy 4point system from the textile distributors association .Inc,USA and American textile Manufacfectstures Institute .Inc,Newyork.The penalty or demerit points are calculated according to the length Defects in the fabric .The American 4 point system is as follows :

AMERICAN 4 POINT SYSTEM Length of the defect in the fabric in either Length or width

Demerit point

Up to 3 Over 3 up to 6 Over 6up to 9 Over 9

1 2 3 4

REMARKS No one yard is to be penalized by by more than 4 points . All holes2 or more broken endswill be penalized with 4 points. Any running defects more than 4 continous yards will cause the the roll to be rejected.

Usually fabric is graded firstin the Demerit points do not exceed the limits ,but the acceptance tolerance has to be confirmed by the buyer . In woven fabrics maximum 40 points per 100 square yards are calculated as to be:

Demerit point recorded*100*36 = Point per 100 square yard Yardage of piece *width of the fabric

PENALITIES FOR IMPERFECTION warp defects 10-36 inches 5-10 inches points 10 5 filling defects full width 5 inches to half Width 1-5 inches Up to 1 inches 3 1 1-5 inches up to 1 inch 3 1 points 10 5

NOTE: No one yard should be penalized more than 10points.any warp or filling defects occurring repeatedly throughout the entire piece makes it seconds. A combination of both warp and filling defects when occurring in one yard should not be penalized more than 10 points in one yard. METHOD OF GRADING FIRST QUALITY-A piece is graded as first if the total penalty point does not exceed the total yardage of the piece. SECOND QUALITY-A piece is granted as second if the total penalty point exceed the total yardage of the piece. In increase of not more than 10%in penalty points will be allowed on first quality goods over 50 inch width.


TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT [TQM] Total quality management [TQM] journey started at ANNAgroup on 6 th june 2005 .It is a long journey towards success .In Kitex quality means 100% quality in attitude ,speech,people ,work,discipline,surrounding,product etc. 5S technique for good housekeeping is a part of TQM .This is actually a Japanese Method .It helps to improve productivity,saves time and solves space constraints.

SERI(sorting) Segregate required usable and required item. Dispose unwanted item. Clear off walk ways (one picture is worth more than 1000 words) SEITON(systematizing)

Use label colour codes for easy identification. Use index of files,records,drawing etc to facilitate retrievability. Plan storage with accessibility. (A place for everything and anything in its place)


Inspect and clean the supply the lines ,godown,scrap yards and gardens. Clean up work place ,machines and tools after use.

Identify root cause of loud noise,vibration,heat buildup in equipments and take remedial actions . (Spic and span leads to zero breakdown)


Develop standards. Establish checking procedure. Create visual control. Devise means and ways to expose problems. (action speaks louder than words)


Develop action plan for maintaining the set standards. Give ambiguous advice or instructions to the work association Carry on 5s activates a matter of habit and enthuse to practice 5s. Conduct self audit.

TOTAL QUALITY POLICY OF KITEX We are committed to manufacture and deliver quality griege fabrics and processed fabric as per customer specification efficiently in a professional and environment friendly manner on time and
at right cost at most customer satisfaction while driving to became a world class organization through continual improvement


Increase sales of value added items by 20% from existing level Reduce rejection from 10%from present value Reduce customer complaint by 10%

Increase product range by introducing inner garments


At present ,the over all fuctions of the company are going on well,but certain changes are required to bring in the developmental angle.suggestions are made under the various employee related areas,which are given below;

To increase organizational effectiveness


Majority of the work force is from the lower level of the society and is in the lowest level in the Maslows Need Hierarchy .only the fulfillment of their basic needs through money can motivate them.

Resistance to change by all concerned. HRD takes a lot of time and effort for obtaining tangible output.HRD suggestions shall be more effective and the result shall be more forth coming,if the following background studies are implemented before taking up the suggestions.

Vision ,mission ,quality policy etcfor the organization to the development in liaison management. A formal top to bottem flow of information between the

management and the employees to be generated throughcircular,notice etc..this creates awareness regarding the company vision,objectives,policies and practices.

Job description revamping the organizational structure (look to decreasing span of management) and job specification studies.job evaluation study and gradation along with gradation,designations have to be revamped.

Industrial visists to other establishments to be arranged for the employees to create and develop general awareness regarding new concepts systematic functioning etc..visits could be conductued to textile plants in coimabtore manufacturing units in and around cochin.

Monthly informal meeting of all the managerial staff to sort out problems in an informal way to aid in conflict resolution,team building etc..











has given me deep knowledge about the organization and the textile

The data with regard to the study collected from the Kitex helps to understand the process of production of textiles.each department in Kitex was analysed in detail.various processes are controlled and monitored under the skilled supervision and skilled labours.


The study given information about the manufacturing products,organizational structure of the company,departmental functions and gives a good knowledge about the financial position of the company.the co-operation and interaction extent by the employees and management of the Kitex have made it possible for the depth organizational study which would be of much used to the research in the future.



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