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Microelectromechanical Systems Vibration Powered Electromagnetic Generator For Wireless Sensor Applications

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Microsyst Technol (2006) 12: 10711077 DOI 10.



E. Koukharenko S. P. Beeby M. J. Tudor N. M. White T. ODonnell C. Saha S. Kulkarni S. Roy

Microelectromechanical systems vibration powered electromagnetic generator for wireless sensor applications
Received: 1 August 2005 / Accepted: 28 October 2005 / Published online: 25 April 2006 Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract This paper presents a silicon microgenerator, fabricated using standard silicon micromachining techniques, which converts external ambient vibrations into electrical energy. Power is generated by an electromagnetic transduction mechanism with static magnets positioned on either side of a moving coil, which is located on a silicon structure designed to resonate laterally in the plane of the chip. The volume of this device is approximately 100 mm3. ANSYS nite element analysis (FEA) has been used to determine the optimum geometry for the microgenerator. Electromagnetic FEA simulations using Ansofts Maxwell 3D software have been performed to determine the voltage generated from a single beam generator design. The predicted voltage levels of 0.74.15 V can be generated for a two-pole arrangement by tuning the damping factor to achieve maximum displacement for a given input excitation. Experimental results from the microgenerator demonstrate a maximum power output of 104 nW for 0.4g (g=9.81 m s1) input acceleration at 1.615 kHz. Other frequencies can be achieved by employing dierent geometries or materials.

1 Introduction
The rapid increase in demand for remotely located wireless devices has demonstrated the need for self-sufcient power sources. The growth in wireless sensor networks has been greatly facilitated by developments in low-power communications standards such as Zigbee and IEEE 802.15.4. Similarly, low-power microelectroE. Koukharenko (&) S. P. Beeby M. J. Tudor N. M. White School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ Southampton, UK E-mail: ak@ecs.soton.ac.uk T. ODonnell C. Saha S. Kulkarni S. Roy Tyndall National Institute, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland

mechanical systems (MEMS) have allowed the development of highly accurate, portable sensors and instruments for numerous applications in health care, condition monitoring (embedded sensors in building and bridges), consumer products, and defence [1]. Wireless operation enables such microsystems to be completely embedded in a structure with no physical connection to the outside. Typically, the energy necessary to power such systems is stored in batteries, which have drawbacks: they tend to be bulky, contain a nite amount of energy and have a limited shelf life. The replacement of batteries places an additional cost and environmental burden on the use of wireless sensor systems and is not possible in embedded applications. Alternative power sources can potentially overcome these drawbacks. A potential alternative to batteries is miniature, selfcontained, renewable power supplies that convert energy from an existing source in the environment into electrical energy. The most common ambient sources are solar, vibration and thermal. In this work, we have used the principle of electromagnetic induction for the generation of electrical energy from kinetic energy present in the environment in the form of vibrations [25]. An earlier device developed at the University of Southampton was around 3,000 mm3 in volume and was fabricated using conventional machining techniques [6]. The motivation for this work is the development and fabrication of a MEMS version of this generator that uses standard silicon-based fabrication techniques and a low-cost, batch process.

2 Microgenerator structure
The arrangement of the MEMS version of the device, based on four magnets, is shown in Fig. 1. The coil is recessed in a silicon cantilevered paddle designed to vibrate laterally in the plane of the wafer. Discrete magnets are positioned within etched recesses in capping wafers that are bonded to each face of the middle wafer. The bonding process is aligned to ensure correct place-

1072 Table 1 Simulation results for the natural frequency, fres, voltages, Vload, (peak) and power, Pload, delivered to the load resistance, Rload for three generator structures with 500 lm separation distance and 240 lm maximum displacement of the centre point of the coil Model A B C fres (kHz) 9.812 7.149 4.743 Beam width (lm) 500 400 300 Rload (kX) 20.4 14.8 9.8 Vload (V) 9.0 6.5 4.3 Pload (mW) 2.0 1.45 0.96

Fig. 1 Micromachined silicon generator




The amplitude of vibration is limited by the surrounding silicon frame thereby providing physical overrange protection. The corresponding maximum displacement of the centre point of the coil is 240 lm. The reduced stiness of the lower frequency designs means that the level of stress experienced at the maximum deection is lower than for the stier structures. In the case of device C, the least sti device, the maximum stress is 2.6 GPa which is well below the yield strength of silicon. The ultimate robustness of the generator will in practice be limited by surface and/or material imperfections and any impact stress arising from the paddle contacting the frame. The inuence of surface roughness is discussed in more detail in the fabrication section below.

Supporting cantilever

4 Magnetic modelling
Electromagnetic FEA simulations using Ansofts Maxwell 2D software has been performed to determine the magnitude of the voltage which can be generated from the single beam generator designs. The coil used in the initial simulation is a conventionally wound enamelled copper coil with 600 turns of 25 lm wire. The outer diameter of the coil is 2.4 mm and the inner diameter is 0.6 mm. The separation between magnets and coil is 0.1 mm. The resulting mass of the silicon paddle plus coil is measured to be 2.8105 kg. As described above, and shown in Fig. 1, the coil is positioned between the magnets. Four magnets are arranged in pairs to form a two-pole arrangement as shown in Fig. 4. The magnets used were sintered NdFeB with dimensions of 113 mm. 3D FEA simulation has been used to verify the ux density distribution between the magnets. The ux density distribution for the two-pole conguration is shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen from the plot the ux density varies from approximately +0.5 T under one pole to approximately 0.5 T under the other pole. In order to determine the voltage which would be induced in the coil, given a certain vibration frequency, f, coil displacement, Xmax, and velocity, v, a 2D transient nite element simulation is used. A sinusoidal velocity given by v=Xmax2pf sin(2pft), is used as input to the transient simulation to specify the coil movement. Table 1 gives the predicted results for the voltages and powers generated according to the FEA for the three

Fig. 2 Top view silicon paddle

ment of the coil relative to the magnets. Figure 2 shows the top view of the paddle layer, which is fabricated by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) through the total thickness of the wafer.

3 Microgenerator mechanical modelling

The mechanical characteristics of the moving component of the generator (the cantilevered paddle) have been simulated using ANSYS nite element analysis (FEA). The natural frequencies of dierent cantilever congurations machined in silicon have been determined using modal analysis. Mechanical stresses induced by the deformation have also been simulated in order to ensure that the structure can withstand repeated cyclical stressing at maximum amplitude. Three sets of supporting paddle beam dimensions have been simulated, each 1 mm long and 500 lm thick. In model A the beam is 500 lm wide, model B 400 lm wide and C 300 lm wide. Table 1 lists the resonant frequencies of the fundamental lateral modes of the generator, which is the operating mode of interest. This mode is shown viewed from above in Fig. 3.

1073 Fig. 3 Generator mode of operation

Fig. 4 Magnet conguration Fig. 5 3D FEA simulation of ux density for the two-pole conguration with 100 lm separation distance between coil and permanent magnets

beam geometries A, B and C and two-pole magnet conguration for a 240 lm coil displacement and a 100 lm separation distance between the coil and the permanent magnets. The simulation results indicate that sucient high voltages, which allow rectication without signicant loss, can be generated. The estimated power is based on the power delivered to the load resistance indicated in the table. This value of load resistance has been chosen so as to maximise the displacement for 1g vibration acceleration as described below. For the purposes of the 2D nite element simulation the maximum displacement is xed at 240 lm and it is


assumed that sucient mechanical force, given by the product of mass and acceleration, exists to give the required displacement. In order to illustrate how this is aected by the choice of load resistance, we assume that the motion of the device can be described as a single degree of freedom, damped mass-spring system, as described in [2, 4, 5]. If we assume that the device is operated at resonance, i.e. the frequency of the driving vibration is equal to the natural frequency of the device, then it can be shown that the amplitude of the movement of the mass is given by [4]; ma Xmax 1 D2pfres where, D is the electromagnetic damping factor for the device, and m is the moving mass, and a is the acceleration of the input vibration. In this case only electromagnetic damping is considered, and the electromagnetic damping factor, D can be estimated by [4] D NlB2 Rload Rcoil jxLcoil 2

changes, the actual coils used only have 600 turns due to a lower than expected coil lling factor. The measured resistance of the coil is 112 X and the inductance is 367 lH at 10 kHz. From experimental tests on the devices, the resonant frequencies were found to be 1.6 and 9.5 kHz. Table 2 shows the predicted voltages from the actual devices, assuming that the full paddle displacement of 240 lm is achieved. The table also gives the predicted power delivered to a 2 kX load resistance.

5 Micro generator fabrication

The prototype uses discrete components for the permanent magnets and coil, and employs seven masks in the fabrication process. The full device consists of three wafers bonded together. The central silicon wafer was etched by DRIE to fabricate the silicon paddle, frame and beam. A KOH etched V groove is also included along the centre line of the beam to provide a channel for the copper wire from the coil. In this way the wires can be kept below the surface of the wafer and not interfere with bonding. The full batch fabrication process is shown in Fig. 8. The capping wafers will eventually be made from Pyrex wafers with etched recesses for location of the permanent magnets and also to provide clearance for the paddle to vibrate. These Pyrex wafers will be anodically bonded to each face of the silicon wafer. However, the initial assemblies use Perspex chips of similar dimensions fabricated using traditional milling techniques. The Perspex chips were individually glued to the silicon chips during assembly. A silicon paddle with a 500 lm wide beam, v-groove and frame for the prototype microgenerator is shown in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) image in Fig. 9. Figure 10 shows the components of the generator prior to assembly. The centre chip shows the coil integrated within the silicon paddle. The two permanent NdFeB magnet pairs can be seen mounted in the outer Perspex

where N is the number of turns in the generator coil, l is the side length of the coil (assumed square), and B is the ux density to which it is subjected and Rload, Rcoil, and Lcoil are the load resistance, coil resistance and coil inductance, respectively. Equation 2 shows that the damping factor can be adjusted by varying the load resistance for a given device since all the other parameters are xed by the geometry. The expression in Eq. 1 shows that the maximum displacement is inversely proportional to the damping factor, and proportional to the input acceleration with the other parameters xed by the device geometry. Provided, as it usual, the electromagnetic damping is dominant. If the input acceleration is xed at a value of 1g (9.81 m s2), then the maximum displacement can be controlled by choosing the value of load resistance, Rload. The value of load resistance shown in Table 1 corresponds to the value required to achieve a 240 lm displacement of the paddle for 1g input acceleration. After assembly, the devices were inspected and some deviations from the simulated parameters were observed. In the fabricated devices the separation between the magnet and coil is 0.5 mm as opposed to the 0.1 mm separation assumed above. This was due to the use of a Perspex chip, which was glued to the generator chip as described in Sect. 5. This increase in separation between coil and magnets will result in a decrease in the ux density between the magnets. In order to compensate in part for this, a mild steel yoke has been used across the magnets. The diagram in Fig. 6 shows the half model of the actual device which has been fabricated. Figure 7 shows the plot of ux density between the magnets for this conguration. The ux density varies from +0.2 T under one magnet to 0.2 T under the other. This is signicantly less than 0.5 T predicted for the closer separation in the earlier simulations. In addition to these

Fig. 6 Magnet conguration used in the simulation and the half model used for the 3D simulation

1075 Fig. 7 3D FEA simulation of ux density for the two-pole conguration with 500 lm separation distance between coil and permanent magnets

Table 2 Voltages and power obtained from the 2D transient simulation for two-pole conguration with 500 lm separation distance and 240 lm maximum displacement of the centre point of the coil Frequency (kHz) 1.6 9.5 Peak voltage (V) 0.7 4.15 Power 2 kX load (mW) 0.11 3.35

chips. Figure 11 shows an assembled microgenerator mounted into a standard package.

6 Testing results
In order to evaluate the output power from the microgenerators, devices were tested using a Bruel & Kjaer type 4810 mini shaker driven from a signal generator via a 100 W RMS MOSFET amplier. Excitation vibrations were measured using a PCB Piezotronics model

1 m SiO2 160nm Si3 N4 Photolith trench, Dry etch SiO2/Si3N4 Wet KOH etch Si Strip SiO2/Si3N4 Evaporate 1 m Al Photolith and wet etch Al Photolith Si paddle SPR220 resist DRIE Si through wafer Strip resist Si SiO2 Si3 N4 SPR 220-7
Fig. 9 SEM image of Silicon paddle chip with v-groove

Fig. 8 Discrete coil generator fabrication process

1076 Fig. 10 Generator components (two Perspex chips with magnets and silicon paddle and coil)

0.140 0.120 Power (W) 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 9350 9400 9450 9500 9550 Frequency (Hz) 9600 9650

Fig. 12 Power extracted from generator model A

Fig. 11 Assembled microgenerator

354C03 three-axis accelerometer. The tests were performed at acceleration levels of 0.4g (3.9 m s2) and the resonant frequency of the generator observed on a Hewlett Packard 3588 A spectrum analyser. The output of the generator was applied across an impedance-matched load and the voltage observed on a digital oscilloscope. Typical generator outputs are shown in Fig. 12. Figure 12 shows the results from a model A cantilever generator with a beam width of 500 lm. This was found to have a resonant frequency of 9.5 kHz and generated 122 nW into a 100 X load with a Q-factor of approximately 200. The dierence between the measured and simulated resonant frequencies is predominantly due to the inuence of the assembly process and the bonding of the enamelled copper wires along the beam or across the meander. It is also clear from the measured results that mechanical damping mechanisms are dominating. These undesirable damping eects need to be substantially reduced in order to achieve the predicted power levels given in Table 2.

Dierent beam dimensions have been investigated. Magnetic nite element simulations predict that voltage levels of 0.74.15 V can be generated for a full 240 lm displacement of the paddle. Simulations show these voltages can be increased if the separation between the magnets and moving coil is decreased to 0.1 mm and the number of turns in the coil is increased. With these improvements FEA predicts that voltages between 4 and 9 V can be generated for a 1g acceleration input, with an optimised choice of load resistance. Further work to improve the performance of the generators by reducing the gap between the magnets and the coil and reducing the magnitude of undesirable damping eects is currently underway. This will be achieved by optimising fabrication and assembly process and operating the devices in a vacuum.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the European Union for funding this Framework 6 STREP project VIBES, project reference 507911.

References 7 Conclusions
This work presents the mechanical and electromagnetic behaviour of a silicon vibration-powered generator.
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