Doom Rider
Doom Rider
Doom Rider
The Doomrider is Daemon Prince of Slaanesh who is often summoned by cults dedicated to that god in times of upriaing, where they wish to breach the defences of their enemies. He bursts forth from the Immaterium riding a monstrous, twisted bike , spewing Plasma and Melta fire while scything down opponents with a flickering Daemon Sword, causing panic and mayhem before disappearing back into the Warp, leaving a burning trail of mangled, charred bodies in his wake, his maniacal cackle echoing over the battlefield long after he leaves. Any Apocalypse Chaos Space Marine army may take Doomrider as long as it contains more models with the Mark of Slaanesh (Including Doomrider himself) than any other mark. Owing to his origins as a Chaos Space Marine, he may not be taken in Chaos Daemon armies
Oh great Lord Slaanesh, send forth your servant, the Daemon Prince Doomrider! Let our enemies tremble in raptured awe before his fearsome visage Grant them exquisite death crushed beneath the flaming wheels of his chromium steed!
- Exerpt from the Canticle of Summoning
A NOTE ON MODELS This datasheet is designed to be used with a converted, monstrous version of Doomrider. If you wish to use it with the official, smaller model make the following adjustments: The model costs 300pts Change Type from Monstrous Creature to Bike Infantry Reduce Strength, Initiative, Wounds and Attacks by 1
UNIT: Doomrider TYPE: Monstrous Creature Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv 7 5 6 5(6) 4 6 4 10 3+ SPECIAL RULES: Fearless, 5+ Invulnerable Save, Eternal Warrior
The Daemon Sword Blissgiver: See Codex: Chaos Space Marines. In addition, Doomrider may choose to exchange all his close combat attacks for one Strength D attack
He comes, He goes: Doomrider is deployed a if he were a Lesser Daemon pack. DAEMONIC GIFTS: Aura of Aquiesence, Soporific Musk, In addition, roll a D6 at the end of every turn, modified as Transfixing Gaze. follows: Doomrider did not move this turn: +1 WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT: Doomrider took more wounds than he caused: +1 Doomriders Steed Doomrider used the Turbo-boost rule: -2 The Daemon Sword Blissgiver Doomrider arrived this turn: -4 Twin-linked Meltagun On a 6 he is removed from play for the rest of the battle, Plasma Pistol but does not count as being destroyed. If the modified die Mark of Slaanesh (included in profile) roll is a 1, Doomrider may use the Strategic Redeployment asset in the next turn. SPECIAL RULES: Doomriders Steed: Speed Daemon: The Steed is an ancient, twisted motorbike infused with When Doomrider uses the Turbo-Boost special rule, he the energies of chaos. Although he is a Monstrous Creagains a 3+ Invulnerable save in addition to the cover save ture, the Steed allows Doomrider to move like a Jetbike granted by the Turbo-Boost rule (he retains the Move Through Cover rule for being a Monstrous Creature)