Measurement Centres - Unit Plan

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UNIT PLAN EDTL 4100 Unit Title: Measurement Centres Name: Joanna Roszmann & Julie Schuurman Number

r of Lessons: 12 Time: (in weeks) Grade(s): 2.5 1

Subject(s): Math / Language Arts / Arts Education

Rationale: Measurement skills are important skills for students to gain, because they apply directly to their everyday lives. This unit comprises of activities that are meaningful and relevant to students, with many hands-on and concrete experiences to build a strong foundation for future skills in measurement and spatial sense. In this unit, students will estimate, measure, and compare using whole numbers and non-standard units of measure. As they take part in the centre activities, hands-on investigations, and problem solving exercises, they will begin to realize the importance of measurement in the world around them. Overview: This unit is divided into two focus areas: comparisons and measurement. Students will be introduced to concepts such as comparing differences in length, weight/mass, and capacity. After becoming familiar with these ideas, students will learn about non-standard units of measurement. Centre based activities will play a key role in reinforcing these concepts and providing opportunities for students to work productively in small groups. Prescribed Learning Outcomes from IRPs: Mathematics A6 estimate quantities to 20 by using referents C1 demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing by o identifying attributes that can be compared o ordering objects o making statements of comparison o filling, covering, or matching English Language Arts A2 use speaking to explore, express, and present ideas, information, and feelings, by o generally staying on topic o using descriptive words about people, places, things, and events o telling or retelling stories and experiences in a logical sequence o sharing connections made A3 listen for a variety of purposes and demonstrate comprehension by o retelling or restating o following two-step instructions o asking questions for clarification and understanding
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o sharing connections made A7 demonstrate enhanced vocabulary knowledge and usage Arts Education: Visual Arts B1 describe and apply the principle of pattern Arts Education: Drama A3 Demonstrate cooperation in drama activities. B2 Use movement and their bodies to explore a range of ideas, feelings, and actions.

Prerequisite Concepts and Skills: Students will be required to have basic number sense skills. A rough of understanding of concepts such as less and more would be beneficial, but not necessarily required. Teacher Preparation Required:
Create the Centre Schedule to indicate which centre students should be at (use the team mascots). Create picture instructions for each centre. Before each day of centre activities, set up all required materials and put out the Centre Schedule. Find all materials needed for the centres, including baskets or containers to keep all centre items in. Create animal cards to be used in lesson 1 and then kept as the team mascots. A simple picture of an animal on a piece of cardstock will do. Find all books needed for unit: Actual Size, Balancing Act, Measuring Penny, Inch by Inch Collect all items needed for centres: rice, multiple containers, scoopers, funnels, scales, lego, uni-fix cubes, paperclips, wood blocks, measurable objects, etc. Design and prepare worksheets for each students Measurement Data Duotangs

Cross-Curricular Connections: In addition to integrating Language Arts, Visual Arts, and Drama into this unit, due to the group work based activities students will be expected to work productively in small groups. Social Studies A2 participate cooperatively and productively in groups Extensions to Unit: P.E./D.P.A. integrated lesson - Hop on Pop Lesson Plan ( Differentiated Instruction: Gifted Students may have more advanced vocabularies and writing skills than the rest of their classmates. They also may have more advanced experience with measurement concepts. During centre activities, these students can be challenged to write measurement sentences and tackle more abstract concepts.
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Students with Autism may struggle with focusing on tasks and working cooperatively in groups. These students will be encouraged to do their very best, however expectations may be altered somewhat depending on their ability to focus on that particular day. Remedial students may struggle with individual work and motivation to complete tasks. Adaptations for Remedial students can include: o systematic approaches to setting goals, choosing or creating flexible materials and media, and assessment o support worker or teacher can assist in scribing for students with poor fine-motor skills o advance organizers/graphic organizers to assist with following classroom presentations o extended time to complete assignments o support to develop and practice measurement skills (e.g., in a learning assistance block) o pre-teaching key vocabulary or concepts; multiple exposure to materials o working on provincial learning outcomes from a lower grade level

Resources: British Columbia Grade 1 Curriculum Package Actual Size (Steve Jenkins) Balancing Act (Ellen Stoll Walsh) Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (Van de Walle, John A., and Sandra Folk) Measuring Penny (Loreen Leedy) Math Learning Centers for the Primary Grades (Carole Cook Freeman) Inch by Inch (Leo Lionni) Game idea for Capacity Spin and Compare: Overview of Lessons:
Lesson # and Title
(time in minutes) PLOs in

(a) Instructional Objectives (b) Teaching Strategies Read:

Lesson Activities

Assessment Strategies

Materials (Specific to This Lesson) Actual Size Animal cards Word Wall

1. Comparing with Length & Size (30 min)

Math: a) Instructional C1 Objectives SWBAT L.A.: Use appropriate A2 vocabulary in A7 describing comparisons between length and size b) Teaching Strategies

Read the book Actual Size; stopping periodically to ask questions regarding the comparison of size (i.e. which animal is bigger? Which animal has the longest legs?).

Compare length & size:

Without giving much direction, have children line up by height (tallest to shortest or shortest to tallest). Ask students how they knew how to line up. Have students line up by shoe size. Have each student think of an animal with a tail and draw a

As students present their information to the class, observe for use of appropriate vocabulary in describing the lengths and sizes of their animals.

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Modelling Physicalization/ Movement Group Work

picture of their chosen animal. Ask students to arrange their pictures based on tail length.

Present to the class:

Hand out animal cards to students based on prearranged groupings. Tell students to find their group and sit together. Once groups are together, have groups think of what they know about their animal (i.e. it has fur, four legs, a tail, etc.). As a group think of 3 bigger animals and 3 smaller animals than their teams animal. Present to class.

Start the Word Wall: Brainstorm all the new words talked about today.

2. Comparing Weight (30 min)

Math: a) Instructional C1 Objectives SWBAT Drama: Differentiate A3 between heavy and B2 light items Demonstrate understanding of the terms heavy and light b) Teaching Strategies Discussion Questioning Role Play Math: a) Instructional C1 Objectives SWBAT Recognize the fact that containers may hold different amounts and use a strategy to compare the two.

Read the book Balancing Act, stopping periodically to ask questions and have students make predictions.

Light & Heavy Charades

Explain how the game will work (one student at a time will choose a card and act it out for the other to guess). Students may need a hint (i.e. first letter of the word) in order to guess. Once the item is guessed the class must decide if the item is heavy or light. Model a turn. Play the game.

Observe students for participation and understanding of concepts.

Add to the Word Wall

Add heavy and light to the Word Wall. Review other words.

Balancing Act Items of various weights Word Wall Charades cards (Half light items (i.e. feather, scarf, etc.) and half heavy items (i.e. rock, car, book)

3. Comparing with Capacity (30 min)

Capacity Experiment:
Show students two clear containers: a short and fat one and a tall and skinny one. Have students vote on which container they think will hold more rice. Ask students how to find out which container holds more. Allow time for several different students to provide ideas. Model how to find out the answer (first fill one and then pour that same rice into the other).

Discussion with the class after the game will serve as a time to correct any misconceptions and answer any questions.

Game Capacity Spin and Compare:

Model how to play the game for the students (spin the

Two differently sized clear containers Rice Plastic funnels (top half of 2 litre bottle) Plastic scoops

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b) Teaching Strategies Experiment Problem Solving Partner Work Discussion

spinner to find out if he/she has to find a container that holds more or that holds less. Then go to the collection and chooses a container that fits the task. Students then use the rice to measure and compare to see if he/she is correct). Divide students into small groups and let them play the game at their tables/desks.

Discuss the Game:

Was it hard to find out which container holds more? How correct were your guesses?

Add to the Word Wall

Word Wall Game board found from: 1/04/ourcontainerrunnethoverornot.html#

Add capacity (though explain this to mean how much it holds) to the Word Wall. Review other words.

4. Intro to Comparison Centres (30 min)

Math: a) Instructional C1 Objectives SWBAT Describe the instructions for each centre activity to a partner b) Teaching Strategies Discussion Modelling

Introduce Centres:
Describe and demonstrate how each of the four comparison centres will work. Show students the corresponding picture instructions that go with each centre, and show students where the Centre Schedule is. Take time to present the rules and ask students if they can give examples of what appropriate centre behaviour is (i.e. staying at your centre, using an inside voice, etc.) Have students teach/describe the instructions for each centre to a partner Demonstrate the expected behavior and have students practice modeling the behavior (i.e. practice voice levels, walking from centre to centre, practice the appropriate handling of materials). Announce a planned phrase/attention getter that you will use to get the attention of the class. Practice this.

Assess for comprehension of how centres will work through observation.

Word Wall Comparison Centre materials (see attached) Centre Schedule (displaying where each group is supposed to be during centre time)

Review the Word Wall Review all learned words

5 & 6. Comparison Centres (30 min)

Math: a) Instructional C1 Objectives SWBAT Participate productively in

Review the Centres:

Quickly review each centre. Ask students if they can remember what to do at each centre and explain the centres again if they are unsure. Point out the Centre Schedule on the white board that shows students where they should be.

Students Measurement Data Duotangs will be collected at the end of each week to

Comparison Centre materials (See attached) Centre Schedule Page 5 of 16

small groups Complete the learning objective within each centre (see attached) b) Teaching Strategies Discussion Centres

Have students go to their centre one group at a time. Show students on the countdown clock how much time they will have at their centre.

check for completion and comprehension.

See attached sheet for complete description of centres.

Use attention getting signal to indicate to the class that its time to clean up (i.e. ring a bell). Clean-up, putting all centre materials back into the centre containers.

7. Intro to Nonstandard units in measurement (45min.)

Math: a) Instructional A6 Objectives C1 SWBAT Estimate and L.A.: Measure the length A7 of their shoe by using lego as a nonSocials: standard unit A2 b) Teaching Strategies Modelling Guided Activity Partner Work

Review Word Wall/Read Story

Review Word Wall Introduce concept of estimation and unit of measurement Read Measuring Penny Teacher introduces her measurable objects (white-board pen, kleenex box, her shoe) and lego pieces as an example of a non-standard unit of measurement. Teacher calls upon student volunteers to estimate the length of each object in terms of lego pieces; teacher records each estimate on the white-board. Teacher demonstrates/calls upon student volunteers to demonstrate how to measure each object with the lego pieces; recording each measurement on the white-board Discussion does the length of an object change whether it is measured horizontally or vertically? Students work in pairs recording their estimations and results for measuring the length of their shoes and one other object in the classroom on their Measurement Data sheets provided by the teacher.

Lego as a Unit of Measurement/Demonstration

Anecdotal notes for students participation and effective use of work time Measurement Data Sheets for students understanding of concept


Word Wall Measuring Penny White-board pen Kleenex box Teachers shoes Lego (divided into ziplock bags; enough for each pair of students) Measurement Data Sheets

Graph of the Day

Comparing the length of each students shoes

Students Measurement Data Duotangs

Math: a) Instructional 8-11. Measurement A6 Objectives

Review Word Wall

Review Word Wall and what we learned in the previous lesson about non-standard units

Word Wall Centre

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Centres (30min.)

C1 SWBAT Participate Socials: productively in A2 small groups Complete the learning objective within each centre (see attached) b) Teaching Strategies Discussion Modelling Centres Group work

Introduction to Centres Round 2

Teacher introduces new measurement centre activities to students including the centres purpose, necessary materials, directions, and data recording sheets Reviews expected behaviours for centre activities and centre groups Students will be split into four groups and will rotate between each of the four centres over the next four days. Group rotations will be designated on the Centre Group Chart posted on the whiteboard. Students split into their centre groups and complete each centres activity; recording their results in their Measurement Data Duotangs For Centre Descriptions, please see attached document.

will be collected at the end of each week to check for completion and comprehension.

Schedule Measurement Data Duotangs and worksheets for each student Measurement Centre Materials (see attached)


Students share with their desk partners one thing they learned
at their centre, and teacher calls upon 3 student volunteers to share what they learned with the class.

12. Conclusion Inch Worms (45min.)

Math: a) Instructional C1 Objectives SWBAT Arts: Use their inch worm B1 rulers to measure various objects in the classroom b) Teaching Strategies Discussion Skill development

Review Word Wall/Read Story

Review Word Wall and What weve learned so far in our centre activities Read Inch by Inch Discussion what units of measurement have we discovered so far (paper clips, unifix cubes, wooden blocks, etc.)? Teacher introduces an example of the inch worm rulers students will be making; emphasizing the use of pattern in decorating the ruler. Students decorate their inch worm rulers. Students find objects around the classroom to measure with their rulers and record their findings in their Measurement Data Duotangs.


Anecdotal notes for students participation and effective use of work time Measurement Data Duotangs for comprehension and completion

Word Wall Inch by Inch Example of inch worm ruler Inch Worm rulers (for each student) Crayons (for each student) Measurement Data Duotangs

Closure: Teacher calls upon student volunteers to share their inch

worm ruler with the class and one object they measured with it.

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Comparison Centre#1 TITLE: Ordering Straws PLOs: Mathematics C1

SWBAT: Order and sort straws by length and provide a verbal explanation of their straw comparison (i.e. shortest to longest, longest to shortest). ACTIVITIES

Essential Question: Are some straws longer or shorter than others?

Remediation: On Grade Level: Accelerated: Students will be asked to Students will compare the lengths of the Students will be asked to write compare fewer straws. straws they are given and tape the straws on a sentence describing their a piece of paper by length. arrangement of straws. Students will then complete the worksheet on length and add it to their Measurement Data Duotangs. MATERIALS RESOURCES Straws of various lengths for each student N/A Paper Tape Length worksheets Picture instructions for centre Students personal Measurement Data Duotang LOCATION OF CENTER ASSESSMENT TOOLS TBA Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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Comparison Centre #2 TITLE: Rice Capacity PLOs: Mathematics C1

Remediation: Students may work with the teacher or a SW to complete the task.

MATERIALS Rice Scoops Funnels Clear containers of various sizes Picture instructions for centre Students personal Measurement Data Duotang LOCATION OF CENTER TBA

SWBAT: Essential Question: Estimate which container will hold the most rice Which containers will hold and make comparisons of different sizes and the most rice? shapes of containers. ACTIVITIES On Grade Level: Accelerated: Students will choose two containers to compare Advanced students can and estimate which container will hold more rice. compare more than one set of Students will draw pictures of each containers on containers or they can write a their data worksheet and circle the container that short sentence to describe they think will hold more rice. which container holds more rice. Students will then fill up one container and pour that rice into the second container (using a funnel and pouring over the large rice container to avoid making a mess). Students will then colour in the picture of the container that held more rice and add the worksheet to their Measurement Data Duotangs. RESOURCES N/A

ASSESSMENT TOOLS Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs.

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Comparison Centre #3 TITLE: Longer, Shorter, Same PLOs: Mathematics C1

SWBAT: Essential Question: Differentiate between objects based on their What is longer than, shorter lengths and find comparisons between than, or about the same objects. length as this object? ACTIVITIES Remediation: On Grade Level: Accelerated: Students may work with Students will sort objects as longer than, Students will be encouraged the teacher or a SW to shorter than, or about the same as a specified to find alternate ways to sort complete the task. object. the items as well (i.e. mass, volume, etc.) Struggling students will Students will record their findings on a also be encouraged to worksheet that allows space to draw/write work with a partner. the name of their chosen object as well as space for objects that are longer than, shorter than, or about the same. Students will add their worksheets to their Measurement Data Duotangs. MATERIALS RESOURCES Miscellaneous items for students to sort by length N/A (i.e. pencils, crayons, ribbons, etc.) Students personal Measurement Data Duotang LOCATION OF CENTER ASSESSMENT TOOLS TBA Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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Comparison Centre #4 TITLE: How Heavy? PLOs: Mathematics C1

SWBAT: Essential Question: Differentiate between and compare heavy Which object is heavier? and light objects. ACTIVITIES Remediation: On Grade Level: Accelerated: Students can work with a Students will sort the collection of heavy and Students may choose to partner to complete the light objects based on how heavy they are. compare more than one set of task, or receive help from First students will hold an object in each items, or compare items which the teacher or SW. hand, and with arms outstretched, decide are equally heavy. which object is heavier. Students will then put both items on a scale and see if their guess is correct. Students will record their results on the worksheet in their Measurement Data Duotang MATERIALS RESOURCES Collection of objects (ranging from heavy to light) N/A Scale(s) Students personal Measurement Data Duotang and worksheet LOCATION OF CENTER ASSESSMENT TOOLS TBA Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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Measurement Centre #1 TITLE: Cube Trains PLOs:

Mathematics A6 & C1

Make estimations and test their estimations regarding the length of various objects using unifix cubes or cube trains as a non-standard unit of measurement

Essential Question:
How many unifix cubes does it take to equal the length of a _______ (un-sharpened pencil, duotang, tub, etc.)?

ACTIVITIES Remediation:
Students will not be required to measure all of the provided objects

On Grade Level:

Students will be challenged to make estimations and measurements regarding objects widths as well

Using unifix cubes as a non-standard unit of measurement, students will be making estimations and measuring the length of various objects (i.e. unsharpened pencils, their duotangs, wooden blocks, etc.) Students will record their estimations and results in their Measurement Data Duotang

Unifix cubes Un-sharpened pencils Students personal Measurement Data Duotang Unifix cubes tub Wooden blocks Adjacent to the doll house



Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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Measurement Centre #2 TITLE: Line Measurement PLOs:

Mathematics A6 & C1

Recognize differences in length between a bumpy or straight line

Essential Question:
Is a line drawn bumpy or straight the same length?

ACTIVITIES Remediation:
SW may be required to demonstrate the measuring

On Grade Level:
Students will see three lines drawn on a chart (as seen below). Students will predict which line is the longest, and use yarn and unifix cubes to measure each lines length and test their predictions


Unifix cubes Yarn Line Chart (as seen below) Students personal Measurement Data Duotang Desks



Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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Measurement Centre #3 TITLE: Cheerio and Paper Clip Measuring PLOs: SWBAT:
Mathematics C1 Measure the length of various lines on an activity sheet using cheerios and paper clips as a nonstandard unit of measurement

Essential Question:
How many cheerios or paper clips does it take to equal the length of a line?

ACTIVITIES Remediation:
Students will not be required to measure all of the provided objects

On Grade Level:
Using cheerios and paper clips as a non-standard unit of measurement, students will be measuring the length of various lines on an activity sheet Students will record their results in their Measurement Data Duotang

Students will be challenged to make estimations as well as measurements regarding each lines length

Cheerios Paper clips Activity Sheets (in their duotangs) Students personal Measurement Data Duotang Round Table

Math Learning Centers for the Primary Grades by Carole Cook Freeman


Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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Measurement Centre #4 TITLE: How Tall Am I? PLOs:

Mathematics A6 & C1

Estimate and Measure their height using rectangular, wooden blocks as a non-standard unit of measurement

Essential Question:
How tall am I in terms of wood blocks?

ACTIVITIES Remediation:
Students will have SW or teacher support during this activity

On Grade Level:
Using wooden blocks as a non-standard unit of measurement, students will be assisting their group members in making estimations and measuring their height Students will take turns being measured, with one student lying down on the carpet, while the other lines up wooden blocks to determine their height Students will record their results in their Measurement Data Duotang

Students will be challenged to make estimations as well as measurements regarding their wingspan as well (finger tip to finger tip)

Wooden Blocks Students personal Measurement Data Duotang Carpet



Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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Measurement Centre #5 TITLE: How Long Is My Shoe? PLOs:

Mathematics A6 & C1

Students will have SW or teacher support during this activity

SWBAT: Essential Question: Estimate and Measure the length of their shoe by How long is my shoe in terms of paper clips, uni-fix cubes, and using lego, uni-fix cubes, and paper clips as nonpieces of lego? standard units of measurement. ACTIVITIES On Grade Level: Accelerated:
Using paper clips, uni-fix cubes, and lego pieces as a non-standard unit of measurement, students will estimate and measure the length of their shoes. Students will record their results in their Measurement Data Duotang N/A

Worksheet Paper clips Uni-fix Cubes Lego Pieces Students inside shoes Students personal Measurement Data Duotang Adjacent to the barn yard bulletin board



Students personal Measurement Data Duotangs

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