Semester - Iv: Capability. Butterwork Heinemann, U. K
Semester - Iv: Capability. Butterwork Heinemann, U. K
Semester - Iv: Capability. Butterwork Heinemann, U. K
1. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS (PCC206) Objective: Developing entrepreneurship abilities in the students by exposing them to the business opportunities and imparting skills and techniques of exploring these opportunities through the formulation of a bankable project. It is also aimed to study the formalities of setting up of a company and its management. . Content: Unit I (6 Sessions)
Entrepreneurship: Definition of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial motivation and barriers; Internal and external factors; Types of entrepreneurs; Theories of entrepreneurship; Classification of entrepreneurship. Creativity and Innovation: Creative Problems Solving, Creative Thinking, Lateral Thinking, Views of De Bono, Khandwala and others, Creative Performance in terms of motivation and skills. Unit II (6 Sessions)
Creativity and Entrepreneurial Plan: Idea Generation, Screening and Project Identification, Creative Performance, Feasibility Analysis: Economic, Marketing, Financial and Technical; Project Planning, Evaluation, Monitoring and Control, segmentation, Targeting and positioning of Product, Role of SIDBI in Project Management. Unit III (6 Sessions)
Operation problems: Incubation and Take-off, Problems encountered Structural, Financial and Managerial Problems, Types of Uncertainty. Institutional support for new ventures: Supporting organizations; Incentives and facilities; Financial Institutions and Small-scale Industries, Govt. Policies for SSIs. Unit IV (4 Sessions)
Family and non-family entrepreneurs: Role of Professionals, Professionalism vs. family entrepreneurs, Role of Woman entrepreneur, Sick industries, Reasons for Sickness, Remedies for Sickness, Role of BIFR in revival, Bank Syndications. Unit V (8 Sessions)
Introduction to Innovation management, Managing Innovation within Firms, Business strategy & organization Knowledge, New Product Strategy & Managing New Product Development, Role of Technology in Management of innovation, Managing for Intellectual Property Right. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Couger, C- Creativity and Innovation (IPP, 1999) Nina Jacob, - Creativity in Organisations (Wheeler, 1998) Jonne & Ceserani- Innovation & Creativity (Crest) 2001. Bridge S et al- Understanding Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Palgrave, 2003) Holt- Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation (Prentice-Hall) 1998. Singh P and Bhanderkar A- Winning the Corporate Olympiad: The Renaissance Paradigm (Vikas) Dollinger M J- Entrepreneurship (Prentice-Hall, 1999). Tushman, M.L. & Lawrence, P.R. (1997)- Managing Strategic Innovation & Change. Oxford . Jones T. (2003)- Innovating at the Edge: How Organizations Evolve and Embed Innovation Capability. Butterwork Heinemann, U. K.
10) Amidon, D. M. (1997)- Innovation Strategy for the Knowledge Economy: The Kan Awakening. Butterwork-Heinemann, New Delhi, India.
Objective: The course intends to acquaint students with the control systems design and its implementation in profit as well as non-profit organizations in order to achieve desired goals and objectives. Content: Unit I (4Sessions)
An Overview: Nature, Scope and Concept of Management Control Systems. Organizational Goals, Strategic Planning and Implementations, Organization Structure, Contingency Theory, Organizational Climate, Position of Controller in the Organization Structure of an Organization. Unit II (8 Sessions)
The Management Control Process: Programming, Budgetary Planning and Procedures, Budgetary Control, Analysis of Variances, Flexible Budgeting, Zero-base Budgeting, Performance Budgeting, Accounting Aspects of Control including Internal Audit and Control and Value for Money. Analyzing Financial Performance Reports, Performance Measurement, Management compensation Unit III (8 Sessions)
Management Control Structure: Responsibility Centre- Revenue and Expense centers e, Responsibility Accounting, Cost Centre, Profit Centre, Inter-divisional Transfer Pricing, Measurement of Divisional Performance including Performance Evaluation-Qualitative and Quantitative, Investment Centre. Measuring and Controlling Assets Employed. Unit IV (5 Sessions)
Behavioral Aspects of Management Control: Motivation and Morale, Goal Congruency, Participative and Responsive Management, Human as a Part of Information Process. Learning Curves. Unit IV (5 Sessions)
Variations in Management Control: control for differentiated strategies, modern control methods, service organizations, financial services organizations, Multinational organizations, management control of projects.
SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anthony, R.N and Govindarajan, V.- Management Control Systems, Irwin, Latest Edition. Emmanuel, C and Otley, D.- Accounting for Management Control, Nostrand Reinhold, 1985. Ghosh, P.K. and Gupta, G.S.- Cost Analysis and Control, Vision, 1985. Glynn, J.J.- Value for Money: Auditing in Public Sector, Prentice Hall, 1985. Maciariello, J. A and Kirby, C.J.- Management Control System, Prentice Hall, 1994.
3. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS ETHICS (PCC208) Objectives: To orient students into the ethical orientation in various functional areas of management decision making. Content: Unit I (12 Sessions) Ethics in Business: Ethical Theories and Approaches Teleological, Deontological, Virtue and system development theories; Conflict between moral demands and interest and Ethics in work. Ethical Aspects in Marketing, Finance, HRM and Ethics in Global Business. Values and Ethics: Indian Ethos, Indian Value System and Values, Teaching from scriptures and tradition (Geeta, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Upanishadas, Vedas, Bible and Quoran) Unit II (6 Sessions)
Corporate Governance: What is Corporate Governance Definition, Market model of governance, OECD emphasis, issues in corporate governance, need for and importance of corporate governance and benefits of good governance to companies. Unit III (8 Sessions)
Corporate Governance: corporate governance code, transparency & disclosure, role of auditors, board of directors and share holders; Global issues of governance, accounting and regulatory frame work, corporate scams, committees in India and abroad, corporate social responsibility. SEBI and Government. Growth of Corporate governance in India. Unit IV (4 Sessions)
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance: Introduction , Importance and need for Business Ethics in Indian Context, roots of unethical behavior and issues, Corporate governance ethics, How ethics can make corporate governance more meaning full. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Fernando A.C - Corporate Governance : Principles, Policies and Practices Pearson. 2. Murty CSV Business Ethics, Himalaya. 3. Velasquez Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases Pearson/PHI. 4. Hartman - Perspectives in Business Ethics, Tata-McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. 5. S.K. Chakraborty - Management by Values, Oxford University press, New Delhi. 6. Christians Media Ethics : Cases and Moral Reasoning Pearson. 7. B.P.Banerjee- Foundation of Ethics in Management, Excel Books. 8. Satish Modh Ethical Management Macmillan. 9. Boatright Ethics and the conduct of Business Pearson. 10. Singh - Corporate Governance, Excel Books, New Delhi. 11. J.A.Petrik and J.F. Quinn - Management Ethics, Response. 12. S.K. Chakraborty - Ethics in Management, Oxford University press, New Delhi. 13. Solomons Corporate Governance and Accountability John Wiley. 14. Kesho Prasad Corporate Governance, PHI. 15. Bajaj & Agrawal- Business Ethics-An India Perspective, Biztantra. 16. S.Parthasarathy- Corporate Governance, Biztantra.
4. PHARMACEUTICAL ADVANCE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (PCC209) Objective: Focuses on creating learning designs and delivery approaches to meet employee training and development needs, theory and practice of compensation management and examines strategic approaches for determining staffing requirements. Content: Unit I (6 Sessions)
Manpower planning process; Job design strategies and allocation; Job evaluation and control; Recruitment and selection; Talent management and human capital auditing; Managing a part-time based workforce; and organizational structure and restructuring. Unit II (8 Sessions)
Performance Appraisal: Foundations of Performance Appraisal. Performance Management Process-Conceptual Model and its Application, Methods for Appraising Performance. Feedback Counseling and Coaching: Ongoing Mentoring and Protg Development, Annual Stock Taking, Performance Related Pay; Appraising for Recognition & Reward. Unit III (8 Sessions)
Introduction to Compensation, Goals of Compensation System, Compensation Strategy Monetary & NonMonetary Rewards, Intrinsic Rewards Cafeteria Style Compensation, Fringe Benefits and Supplementary Compensation. Internal and External Equity in Reward Management, Role of Wage Board & Pay Commissions, International Compensation, Knowledge Based Compensation, Team Compensation, Competency Based Compensation. Unit IV (8 Sessions)
Overview of Training, The role of Training in Organizations, Structure of Training Organizations, Training Process Model. Training Needs Analysis. Training Design. Training Methods. Management Development: General Overview of the Managerial Job, General Characteristics of Managers, Integration-Strategies and Management Characteristics, Management Development Implications, Sources of Knowledge/Skill Acquisition, the Special Needs of the Technical Manager, Training for Executive-Level Management. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Michael, Armstrong (1999), Performance Management, Kogan Page. 2. Chadha, P. (2003), Performance Management: Its About Performing Not Just Appraising, McMillan India Ltd. 3. Dwivedi, R.S. (2000), Managing Human Resources and Personnel Management in India Enterprises, Galgotia Publishing Company. 4. Mathis, R. L & Jackson, J. H. (2004), Human Resource Management. Thomson Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore. 5. Milkvich & Newman: Compensation TMH. 6. Sinha P.R.N. Wage Determination in India. 7. Henderson Compensation Management in knowledge based world, Pearson. 8. R.K.Sahu, Training for Devolopment, Excel Books. 9. B.Janakiram, Training & Development, Biztantra. 10. Pareek Training for HRD and OD.
5. PHARMACEUTICAL MANAGEMENT RESEARCH PROJECT - (PCC210) Objective: The purpose of this course is to enable students to study a Pharmaceutical company in its totality and appreciate the use of an integrated approach in understanding the environmental issues and problems. A group of three to four students are asked to study a specific company and the major players in that industry in group. The group is required to submit a technical report on concerned company at the end of Semester. The group will identify the company for the purpose of study in the beginning of the semester and will start working on it. The detailed synopsis of the study will be prepared by the group and approved by the faculty in the beginning. The group will also be required to study in-depth at least one specific issue related to any of the courses of study in the said company. The group will identify the issue in the beginning of the semester and will prepare detailed synopsis of the research project study. The research probe on the issue may be based on primary data or secondary data depending upon the nature of the topic and the research design. The project will be evaluated on the basis of written report, presentation and viva-voce. 6. PERSONALITY GROWTH LAB-II - (NCC202) Objective: This is an extra-syllabic component of the MBA programme, central to the individual pursuing this course for a future managerial position in the corporate world. This involves identification and re-identification of a self in both space and time making allowances for the situational dynamics under the pressure of formal and structural changes in society and Government from time to time. Hence, personality of an individual is not a mask but an expressive face that changes contours and eye-focus, redefining the individuals vision of reality. This flexibility of response to his spare time is reflected in the individuals choice of words, gestures, expressions and particularly in the rhythm of his speech, action or/and writing, also in his inter personal relationship. Therefore the module is seminal to a personality, which believes in goal-setting and accomplishment without any interference from his private and personal space-time. Content: Workshops on following aspects of Personality: Understanding self and Others: Johari's Window and Transactional Analysis (TA). Meaning of personality: What personality is? Personality pattern; Symbols of Self; Molding the personality pattern; Persistence and change. Evaluation of personality: Sick personalities and Healthy Personality Personalities 24 Carats of Winning
Facility of expression stemming from clarity of thought, Unity of Thought-Speech- Action, Negotiation Skills, Presentation Techniques, Telephonic Conversation, Preparing CV, One to one discussion / consultation, Facing an Interview and Interviewing Skills, Job Interviews + Taking an Interview. Panel discussion-monitored / anchored, Group discussions with a leader or controlling authority, Open forum-discussions, Presentations at a Seminar / AGM etc., Stress Management, Effective Selling Techniques. Facing an irate mob, Crisis Management, Event management, Taking a Press Conference, Power Etiquette, Wit & Humor.
SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) Friedman- Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research (Pearson, 2nd edition) 2004. 2) Hurlock E- Personality Development (Tata McGraw-Hill). 3) Iyer V- How to Develop a Powerful & Positive Personality (Sterling Publishers).
==================================================================== OPERATIONS ELECTIVES ==================================================================== 7. SERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (POM204) * Objective: This Course aims at acquainting the students with Decision Making in Planning, Design, Delivery, Quality and Scheduling of Operations including Field Service Operations. Content: Unit I (8 Sessions)
Service Operations Concept: Difference between Manufacturing and Service Operations, Service Operations Characteristics, Different Pure Service Organizations and their peculiarities, Field Service and its impact on manufacturing organizations, Field Service and Customer satisfaction. Service Operation Strategy: Service objectives and goal formulation, Service organization: In house Vs. Outsourcing, Centralized Vs. Decentralized, Creating Customer Connection, Enhancing customer satisfaction, Service Operations as Profit Centre. Unit II (7 Sessions)
Field Service Management: Field Service Organization, Field Service Inventory Management, Field Technical Support Service, Integrating Field Service with Information Technology, Field Service Effectiveness Evaluation, Field Service and Customer Relations Management. Unit III (7 Sessions)
Service Manpower Planning and Scheduling: Uncertainty in Manpower Requirements, Cyclical and Seasonal nature of demand, Queuing effect, Service Level Considerations and Cost Considerations in Manning, Linear Programming and other models of planning and scheduling. Unit IV (8 Sessions)
Customer Relationship Management: Customer requirement assessment, Customer satisfaction parameters and indices, Manpower recruitment and training, Customer feedback collection and analysis, Customer service evaluation. IT enabled Customer Service: Call Centre Operations and Management, Web-enabled Services, ERP enabled Field and Technical Support Services, Tele marketing and servicing. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fitzsimons, A.J., Fitzsimmons M.J., Service Management Operations, Strategy and Information Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. Haksever C., Render, Russell R S., Murdick R G., Service Management and Operations Pearson. Hill, A.V., Field Service Management: An Integrated Approach to Increasing Customer Satisfaction, Business One Irwin/ APICS. Heskett J., The Service Profit Chain, Simon and Schuster. Davis M and Heinke, J., Managing Services, McGraw Hill, 2003. Schemenner, R, Service Operations Management, Prentice Hall. Kalakota R. & Whinston A. B., Electronic Commerce A Managers Guide, Pearson. Brown S.A., Breakthrough Customer Services: Best Practice of Leaders in Customer Support, John Wile.
==================================================================== MARKETING ELECTIVES ==================================================================== 7. STRATEGIC MARKETING AND BRAND MANAGEMENT (PMM204) * Objective: To have an understanding and application of marketing tools and techniques in a strategic perspective. To study different aspects of brand management. Content: Unit I (15 Sessions)
Strategic Marketing: Introduction to Strategic Marketing, Opportunity Analysis. Formulating Marketing Strategies for New Market Entries, Growth Markets. Matured Markets, Decline Markets, Marketing Strategies for the new Economy. Organizing and Planning for Effective Implementation, Measuring and Delivering Marketing Performance. Unit II (15 Sessions)
Brand Management: Strategic Issues in Brand Management. Brand Equity. Brand Building, Brand Loyalty, Lessons in Branding, Brand Valuation. Emerging Horizons in Branding. Myths in Branding. Contemporary Issues In Strategic Marketing & Brand Management.
SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Cravens, D W. - Strategic Marketing, Homewood Illinois, Richard D. Irwin. 2. Kaynak, E and Savitt, R. - Comparative Marketing Systems. New York, Praegar. 3. Porter, M. E. - Competitive Advantage: Creating, Sustaining Superior Performance. New York, Free Press. 4. Aaker, David, A. - Managing Brand Equity. New York, Free Press. 5. Cowley, Don. - Understanding Brands,. London, Kogan Page. 6. Murphy, John, A. - Brand Strategy. Cambridge, The Director Books. 7. Steward, P. - Building Brands Directly. London, Macmillan.
8. SERVICES MARKETING (PMM205) Objective: To acquaint the students with concepts and techniques in the management of services marketing and help them learn the issues in managing unconventional challenges in service marketing. Content: Unit I (4 Sessions)
Introduction: Difference between product and services marketing; Characteristics of services; Classification of services; Paradigms in services marketing. Service marketing system: Service quality; Understanding customer expectations and zone of tolerance; Segmentation and zone of tolerance; Targeting and positioning of service. Role of Services in Economy. Unit II (6 Sessions)
Services marketing mix: Augmented marketing mix; Developing the service product/intangible product; Service product planning; Service pricing strategy; Services promotions; Services distributions. Physical evidence: Role of communication in service marketing; People and internal communication; Process of operations and delivery of services; Role of technology in services marketing. Unit III (8 Sessions)
Service Quality: Quality Issues and Quality Models (Gaps model, SERVQUAL); Demand-supply Management. Services failure, service recovery, Customer retention, Customer Relationship management, designing of service strategy. Unit IV (8 Sessions)
Marketing of Services in Practice - Tourism Services Marketing, Marketing of Transportation & Logistics Management, Marketing of Financial Services, Marketing of Communication Services, Media & Advertising Service Marketing, Marketing of Healthcare Services, Marketing of Consultancy Services, Marketing of Retail Services. Marketing of Educational Services, Marketing of Public Services. Unit V (4 Sessions)
Services in global perspective: International marketing of services; recent trends; Principal driving force in global marketing of services; Key decisions in global marketing; Services strategy and organizing for global marketing.
SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) Baron S and Harris K- Services Marketing: Text and Cases (Palgrave, 2003) 2) Lovelock- Services Marketing: People, Technology and Strategy (Pearson Education, 5th edition). 3) Zeithaml, V. A and Bitner, M. J. - Services Marketing (Tata McGraw-Hill). 4) S. L. Gupta Marketing of Services (Sultan Chand). 5) Rama Mohana Raok Services Marketing (Pearson Education). 6) Govind Apte- Services Marketing (Oxford Univ. Press). 7) P.Srinivasan- Services Marketing. PHI. 8) Bhattarcharjee- Services Marketing, Excel Books. 9) Nargundkar Service marketing , TMH. 10) Nimit & Monika Chowdhary- Text book of Marketing of Services: The Indian Experience, MacMillan India Limited 11) Jha Service Marketing , Himalaya. 12) Andersen & Kotler- Strategic marketing for Non Profit Organisations, PHI/Pearson. 13) Kotler, Bowel & Makens- Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, Pearson. 14) T K Panda- Customer Relationship Management in Service Industry-Excel. 15) Rama Mohana Rao, K.- Services Marketing, Pearson Education. 16) Newton M. P. Payne, A.- The Essence of Services Marketing. New Delhi, PHI. 17) Ravi Sankar- Services Marketing, Excel Books. 18) Clow & Kurtz- Services Marketing, 2e, Biztantra.
9. INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION (PMM206) Objective: To acquaint the students with concepts and techniques in the application for developing and designing an effective advertising and promotional programme. Content: Unit I (12 Sessions)
Introduction to IMC, IMC programme situation analysis, objectives for IMC programme. Definition, objectives, functions and classification of advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relation, publicity and personal selling. Advertising Agency: functions & structure of modern agency, functions of the advertising department and advertising manager. Client Agency Relationship (CAR), Selection of agency. Unit II (6 Sessions)
Communication Process: advertising versus other forms of mass communication, planning the communication program, the communication mix, building of IMC program: Creative strategy-Copy, message, advertising appeals, AIDA concept Creation and production in advertising: TV commercials, Radio Jingles, Print ads. Unit III (6 Sessions)
General and special characteristics of different media: Media planning, selection and evaluation. Measuring advertising effectiveness: The rationale of testing- pretesting, concurrent testing & post testing, opinion recognition and recall, inquiries and sales measures, measurement of print media, E-Advertising. Unit IV (6 Sessions)
Advertising Budget: Approach and procedures for determining the size of the budget character of items to be charged to advertising, Administration and control of budget. Regulation of Advertising - Self Regulation by advertising Media (ASCI), Ethics & Social Responsibility in Advertising, E-advertising. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Kazmi & Batra, - Advertising and Sales Promotion, Excel Books 2. Batra, Myers & Aaker, - Advertising Management, Pearson education/PHI 3. Clow & Baack, Integrated advertising, Promotion, Marketing communication and IMC plan, Pearson Education/PHI 4. Wells, Burnett, Moriarty, Advertising: Principles and practice , Pearson 5. Parag Diwan, Advertising Management, Deep & Deep Publications. 6. Manendra Mohan, Advertising Management, New Delhi, TMH, 1995. 7. Chunawalla, Sethia, - Advertising: Theory and Practice, Himalya Publication House. 8. Russel and Lane, Klepnners Advertising Procedure, New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India. 9. Belch & Belch - Advertising and Promotions: An integrated marketing communication perspective, TMH. 10. Jethawaney & Jain, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press. 11. Wells, Advertising : Principles and Practice, Pearson / PHI 12. Jefkins, Advertising, Pearson. 13. Sharma & Singh Advertising: Planning and Implementation, PHI.