A Recipe For The 'Perfect' Scone

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A Recipe for the 'Perfect' Scone


Popular, Easy Bake Scone Recipes

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Sc one Rec ipes H ome P opular Sc one Rec ipes U nus ual Sc one Rec ipes Baking T ips & xtras for the 'Perfect' Scone - by Valerie Colem an AERecipe Sc one Rec ipe V ideos Sc one Rec ipe Blog What you will need: T o follow this s c one rec ipe, you will need 8 oz of s elf- rais ing flour, a pinc h of s alt, 2 oz of granulated s ugar, 3 oz margarine and 1 - 2 fluid oz of s emi s kimmed milk. T his s c one rec ipe makes 6 s c ones and is for a bas ic plain s weet s c one. Your Scone Recipe & Instructions.... Sc ones are funny c reatures , rather like making a traditional englis h yorks hire pudding prac tic e makes perfec t (well nearly)! Start by mixing the flour, s alt & s ugar together in a large bowl. N ext rub in the margarine to the dry ingredients (try not to us e the tips of your fingers as they tend to be warm and melt the margarine too quic kly. When thoroughly mixed in it s hould look s imilar to bread c rumbs , now onto the tric ky bit... Slowly pour 1 /2 of the milk into your mix and s tir gently (I us e my fingers to do this ). T he mix will s tart to c ome together gradually. A dd more of the milk until you have a s oft, firm ball. T he les s you handle the mix at this s tage, the better and lighter your s c ones will be. N ext dus t your work s urfac e with flour and knead the mixture lightly - roll out to approx 1 " thic k and us ing a 2 " c utter c ut out your s c ones . P lac e the s c ones on a non- s tic ky baking s heet. G ather up any remaining dough and re- roll / c ut out until all of the dough is us ed. Brus h the top of the s c ones with milk and bake for approx 2 0 minutes in a fan oven s et at 1 9 0 degrees . T ry not to open the oven door before 1 5 minutes or your s c ones may c ollaps e. T he bes t way to c hec k if they are ready is to gently s queeze one of your s c ones between your thumb and index finger (they s hould be firm but s till s lightly s oft). C ool on a wire rac k and s erve your s c ones ! Remember prac tic e makes perfec t and good luc k!

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12/14/2009 7:50 PM

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