Week10 Homework

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Year 3 Homework Week 10 Term 1 2013

Dear Parents and Caregivers of Year 3 Students, We have recently completed the basic facts tests for our assessment folders. A lot of children have only reached the beginning or proficient stage. We need the children to be advanced to enable them go onto the next level. The main thing that is tripping them up is working on subtraction at speed. It is essential that they know all addition/subtraction facts to and from 20. Later on in the year we will start on times tables. They MUST know addition and subtraction to 20 first. Sumdog is a great tool to practise these facts. Please mark the subtraction facts below with your child. Please encourage your child to visit our class Wiki www.2013pinehill17.wikispaces.com Over the next 2 weeks the year 3 students will be working together to create a musical instrument that does not exist yet. They have met on several occasions and they are now at the stage of collecting resources from home. They will be constructing their instruments next week. Please encourage your child to bring to school what they have agreed to bring. There is a padlet for them to check via Rm 17s Wiki www.2013pinehill17.wikispaces.com * Room 17s Library day is Wednesday. Please bring the library book to school in a book bag, not a school bag. * Please bring in a box of tissues for the classroom. Thank you to those who have already done so.

Spelling Words Last week I got __ /5 for my spelling test. This week my spelling words are: 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________ 5. ______________

Basic Facts Last week I got __/20 for my maths test. This
week the Basic facts that I am learning are doubles and halves.

This week I went on Sumdog Yes / No

1+1= 2+2= 3+3= 4+4= 5+5= 6+6= 7+7= 8+8= 9+9= 10 + 10= 11 + 11 = 12 + 12 = 3+3= 7+7= 9+9= 5+5= 12 + 12 = 8+8= 5+5= 11 + 11

of 2 = of 4 = of 6 = of 8 = of 10 = of 12 = of 14 = of 16 = of 18 = of 20 = x 22 = x 24 = x6= x 14 = x 18 = x 10 = x 24 = x 16 = x 10 = x 22 =

Reading Please fill in the reading log below to show that you have read a book every night. Monday




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