PICBEE Brochure
PICBEE Brochure
PICBEE Brochure
The PIC-BEE is the first XBee adapter and interface board that embeds a command
interface using simple ASCII commands to monitor and control up to five analog inputs
and a combination of up to 13 digital I/O points. Terminal blocks on each edge
provide the interface for input power (4-12VDC), 3.3VDC and grounds for analog and
digital interfacing (analog range is limited to 0 - 3.3VDC).
Using a host system that interfaces to the XBee radio, the following commands are
available (command preceded by the ASCII “%” and terminated with a return):
The PIC-BEE module creates a simple interface between the Maxstream/Digi XBee
module and real world data acquisition and control. At the center of the design is a
Microchip PIC processor that communicates with the XBee and transfers data between
its digital and analog interfaces over the Zigbee RF link.
The simple nature of using any terminal program to communicate with the Xbee makes
this product very easy to use. The ASCII commands can be embedded into any
embedded or stand alone computing system. The baud rate is set for 9600/1/N as is the
default mode for the Xbee when received from the factory. Although you can change
the baud rate in the Xbee, it does not change for the PICBEE, so that is essentially a fixed
rate. However for most data transmissions, that speed is sufficient.
It is assumed the user is familiar with the XBee products and operation. This document
may refer to commands and functions of the XBee products, and can be used in
conjunction with the Digi/Maxstream documentation.
Referring to figure below, there are four mounting holes that can accept a #4 screw.
The two 12 position terminal blocks can accept wire sizes from 16AWG to 26AWG.
DC power from 12VDC to 4VDC is connected to the terminals VIN and GND on TB1.
TB1 also supports the five analog inputs A0 thru A4. The range of the analog inputs are
the Vdd power (typically 3.3VDC) to ground. These inputs can also be configured as
digital inputs (see commands). In addition to the analog inputs are two grounds and a
VDD to use with the analog devices.
TB2 supports the eight bits of digital input and outputs. These can be configured as either
inputs or outputs. The inputs can be referenced to the board ground and 3.3VDC supply
that are located on the terminal block. Inputs can be simple switch contacts, or other
solid state sensors such as optical and infrared sensors. Outputs can either sink (current
drives into the board) or source (takes current from the board) outputs. It is usually
preferable to sink current into a device, rather than sourcing it. For turning on simple
devices such as LED’s, they can be connected directly (with a resistor of course) to the
terminal block digital output and the power connection. For activating larger devices
such as relays, you will want to use a transistor or FET driver, as they can switch the higher
current that is required for those devices.
There are two jumper blocks on the assembly and are only monitored when the board is
powered up. In the event the XBee module will not respond due to mis-configuration, or
an unknown configuration, placing a shorting block across the 'RESET' block will send the
factory reset command to the XBee and reset all the parameters. Shorting the CFG
block, will temporarily force the DL value to be a value of 0xFFFF and a MY=0x00. This
provides a communications link that can be reserved to be a configuration address only
within a system, and allows the host to send configuration commands to the XBee. See
the command instruction below for further information.
Optional Connectors
There are a number of optional connection points that can support various
communications interfaces :
When the module is first powered up, the LED will turn on as it reads several registers from
the XBee module, and transmit them over the Zigbee RF link. If a host is setup with the
proper settings to communicate with the module, the following data will be displayed
which provides the current addressing information. If the module cannot communicate
with the XBee, the LED will begin to flash rapidly indicating an error condition.
[MY=0] [ID=3332] [DH=0] [DL=0]
Note: The values shown are only representative of typical values, and actual may be different depending on
how the XBee module is configured.
All commands to the module are prefaced with a "%" character, and terminated with a
carriage return (hex 0x0D) The following is a list of valid commands:
%A PortA on the micro controller can either be a digital or analog input (it cannot be
an output port). Sending the command by itself will return a hex value that
indicates the current settings for Port A of the micro controller, with a ‘1’ indicates
a digital while a ‘0’ represents an analog input. The setting is stored in non-
volatile memory such that on power cycles, it will retain its settings. Sending a
ASCII value with the command will force a setting change for it. The valid range
is 0xA thru 0xF per the following table (anything below 9 defaults to A)
%B The micro controller has a 8 bit digital I/O port, called "PortB". Sending this
command by itself, will return a value that indicates if the particular input on the
port is an input (1) or an output (0), represented by two byte hex value. Sending
a hex value with the command will force a setting change for it. The setting is
stored in non-volatile memory such that on power cycles, it will retain its settings.
Valid range for setting is 00-FF
For example, sending the command “%BC3” is equivalent of saying "set PORTB
I/O equal to a '10110011', where a '0' makes the bit an output, and a '1' makes it
an input (this is shown from B7:B0). In technical terms, this is setting the value for
%P Puts a value to PortB. This will allow those pins that are set as output to be turned
on and off.
Please note that the digital range is limited to the board voltage of reference
ground to 3.3VDC (typical) with a maximum current of 25mA per pin. It is typically
suggested that outputs are current sinking, rather than sourcing. Both reference
ground and power are available on the terminal blocks for user interfacing.
%G Get the input status for both port A and port B. This will read the A and B ports,
and return a string of values for each port on separate lines. For those locations
on port B that are outputs, a zero value will return. The format of the string is as
If Port A is set for both digital and analog, the output would be formatted as
A=[00] 2:A9C0|1:6080|0:FFC0|
Note that Port A analog values are always returned in a two bytes since the A/D
is 10 bits in value. The actual value is represented by [9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2] [1/0/-/-/-/-
%C XBee commands. This may be used to query the XBee module using the XBee AT
command set, or set a new value in the device. Setting a new value is always
followed by a write command to the module to store the new value in non-
volatile memory.
For example, sending a %CATID (return) would act as a query only, and return the
PAN ID value. However sending a %CATID5 (return) would set the PAN ID to a
value of 5 and store it to memory.
%L This command controls the LED on the module to be turned on, off, beacon once
per minute or indicate the module is being accessed.
%Q There are two query modes of operation, either a periodic reading of the ports,
that occurs based on the H:M:S timer settings or wake on request (polling). When
Q is set to 1, polling is enabled. This will put the processor to sleep, and wakes
when a serial command is received. The Xbee module is not put to sleep in this
mode. The processor will go back to sleep based on the H:M:S timer settings.
When Q is set to 0, the processor will wait for the time period set in the H:M:S timer
settings, take a reading of the ports, transmit and reset the timer. The Xbee
module will not be put asleep in this mode. Using the command mode to place it
asleep can be enabled, and the wake is asserted by the processor when it is
ready to transmit.