Alan Brinkley American History Chapter 32 Outline

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Melany E.

period 4

Chapter 32: The Crisis of Authority

The Youth Culture

The New Left
•The postwar baby-boom generation, the unprecedented number of
people born in a few years just after World War II, was growing

•One of the most visible results of the increasingly assertive youth

movement was a radicalization of many American college and
university students, who in the course of the 1960s formed what
became known as the New Left- a large, diverse group of men
and women energized by the polarizing developments of their
time to challenge the political system.

•The New Left embraced the cause of African Americans and other
minorities, but its own ranks consisted overwhelmingly of white

•The New Left drew from many sources.

•The New Left drew as well from the writings of some of the important
social critics of the 1950s-among them C. Wright Mills, a soci
ologist at Columbia University who wrote a series of scathing and
brilliant critiques of modern bureaucracies.

•The New Left drew its inspiration above all from the civil rights
movement, in which many idealistic young white Americans had
become involved in the early 1960s.

•In 1962, a group of students, most of them from prestigious

universities, gathered in Michigan to form an organization to give
voice to their demands: Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

•A 1964 dispute at the University of California at Berkeley over the

rights of students to engage in political activities on campus
gained national attention.

•The Free Speech Movement, created turmoil at Berkeley as students

challenged campus police, occupied administrative offices, and
produced a strike in which nearly ¾ of the Berkeley students

•The revolt at Berkeley was the first outburst of what was to be nearly
a decade of campus turmoil.

•Also in 1969, Berkeley became the scene of perhaps the most

prolonged and traumatic conflict of any American college
campus in the 1960s: a battle over the efforts of a few students
to build a “People’s Park” on a vacant lot the university planned
to use to build a parking garage.

•By the end of the People’s Park battle, which lasted for more than a
week, the Berkeley campus was completely polarized.

•Student radicals were, for the20first time, winning large audiences for
their extravagant rhetoric linking together university
administrators, the police, and the larger political and economic
system, describing them all as part of one united, oppressive

•As time went on, moreover, the student fringe groups became
increasingly militant.

•Student activists tried to drive out training programs for military

officers (ROTC) and bar military recruiters from college

•The October 1967 march on the Pentagon, where demonstrators were

met by a solid line of armed troops; the “spring mobilization” of
April 1968, which attracted hundreds of thousands of
demonstrators in cities around the country.

•Many draft-age Americans simply refused induction, accepting what

occasionally what were long terms in jail as a result.
The Counterculture
•The most visible characteristic of the counterculture was a change in

•Young Americans flaunted long hair, shabby or flamboyant clothing,

and a rebellious disdain for traditional speech and decorum,
which they replaced with their own “hippie” idiom.

•Also central to the counterculture were drugs: marijuana smoking-

which after 1966 became almost as common a youthful diversion
as b eer drinking-and the less widespread but still substantial use
of other, more potent hallucinogens, such as LSD.

•To some degree, the emergence of more relaxed approaches to

sexuality was a result less of the counterculture than of the new
accessibility of effective contraceptives, most notably the birth-
control pill and, after 1973, legalized abortion.

•The counterculture’s rejection of traditional values and its open

embrace of sensual pleasure sometimes masked its philosophy,
which offered a fundamental challenge to the American middle-
class mainstream.

•The most adherents of the counterculture-the hippies, who came to

dominate the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco and
other places, and the social dropouts, many of whom retreated to
rural communes-rejected modern society altogether and
attempted to find refuge in a simpler, more “natural” existence.

•Theodore Roszak, whose book the Making of a Counter Culture(1969)

became a significant document of the era, captured much of the
spirit of the movement in his frank admission that “the primary
project of our counterculture is to proclaim a new heaven and a
new earth so vast, so marvelous that the inordinate claims of
technical expertise must of necessity withdraw to a subordinate
and marginal status in the lives of men.”

•The use of marijuana, the freer attitudes toward sex, the iconoclastic
(and sometimes obscene) language- all spread far beyond the
realm of the true devotes of the counterculture.

•Rock n Roll first achieved wide popularity in the 1950s, on the

strength of such early performers as Buddy Holly and Elvis

•Early in the 1960s, its influence began to spread, a result in large part
of the phenomenal popularity of the Beatles, the English group
whose first visit to the United States in 1964 created a
remarkable sensation, “Beatlemania”.

•Other groups such as the Rolling Stones turned even more openly to
themes of anger, frustration, and rebelliousness.

•Television began to turn to programming that reflected social and

cultural conflict- as exemplified by the enormously popular All in
the Family, whose protagonist, Archie Bunker, was a lower-
middle-class bigot.

The Mobilization of Minorities

Seeds of Indian Militancy
•Indians were the least prosperous, least healthy, and least stable
group in the nation.
•They constituted less than one percent of the population.

•The Native American unemployment rate was ten times the national

•Life expectancy among Indians was more than twenty years less than
the national average.

•For much of the postwar era, and particularly after the resignation of
John Collier as commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1946, federal
policy toward the tribes had been shaped by a determination to
incorporate Indians into mainstream American society, whether
Indians wanted to assimilate or not.

•Through termination, the federal government withdrew all official

recognition of the tribes as legal entities, administratively
separate from state governments, and made them subject to the
same local jurisdictions as white residents.

•Many Native Americans adapted to life in the cites, at least to a

The Indian Civil Rights Movement
•The National Indian Youth Council, created in the aftermath of the
1961 Chicago meeting, promoted the idea of Indian nationalism
and intertribal unity.

•In 1968, a group of young of young militant Indian Movement, which

drew its greatest support from those Indians who lived in urban
areas but soon established a significant presence on the rese
rvations as well.

•In 1968, Congress passed the Indian Civil Rights Act, which
guaranteed reservation Indians many of the protections accorded
other citizens by the Bill of Rights, but which also recognized the
legitimacy of tribal laws within the reservations.

•The Indian civil rights movement fell far short of winning full justice
and equality for its constituents.
Latino Activism
•Latinos were the fastest-growing minority group in the United States.

•Large numbers of Puerto Ricans had migrated to eastern cities,

particularly New York.

•In 1980, a second, much poorer wave of Cuban immigrants-the so

called Marielitos, named for the port from which they left Cuba-
arrived in Florida when Castro temporarily relaxed exit

•Large numbers of Mexican Americans had entered the country during

the war in response to the labor shortage, and may had
remained in the cities of the Southwest and the Pacific Coast.

•After the war, when the legal agreements that had allowed Mexican
contract workers to enter the country expired, large numbers of
immigrants continued to move to the United States illegally.

•By the late 1960s, therefore, Mexican Americans were one of the
largest population=2 0groups in the West-outnumbering African
Americans-and had established communities in most other parts
of the nation as well.

•Young Mexican-American activist began themselves “Chicanos” as a

way of emphasizing the shared culture of Spanish-speaking use
among Mexican Americans.

•Cesar Chavez, created an effective union itinerant farm workers.

•In 1965 his United Farmers Workers (UFW), a largely Chicano

organization, launched a prolonged strike against growers to
demand, first, recognition of their union and, second, increased
wages and benefits.

•Supporters of bilingualism in education argued that non-English-

speaking Americans were entitled to schooling in their own
language, that otherwise they would be at a grave disadvantage
in comparison with native English speakers.
Challenging the "Melting Pot" Ideal
•The efforts of blacks, Latinos, Indians, Asians, and others to forge a
clearer group identity challenged a longstanding premise of
American political thought: the idea of the “melting pot”.

•The newly assertive ethnic groups of the 1960s and after appeared
less willing to accept the standards of the larger society and
more likely to demand recognition of their own ethnic identities.
Gay Liberation
•The last important liberation movement to make major gains in the
1960s, and the most surprising to many Americans, was the
effort by homosexuals to win political and economic rights and,
equally important, social acceptance.

•On June 27, 1969, police officers raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay
nightclub in New York City’s Greenwich Village, and began
arresting patrons simply for frequenting the place.

•The raid was not unusual.

•The “Stonewall Riot” marked the beginning of the gay liberation

movement-one of the most controversial challenges to traditional
values and assumptions of its time.

•Universities were establishing gay and lesbian studies programs.

•Laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual preference were

making slow, halting progress at the local level.

The New Feminism

The Rebirth
•A few determined women kept feminist political demands alive in the
National Woman’s Party and other organizations.

•The 1963 publication of Betty Friedan’s the Feminine Mystique is often

cited as the first event of contemporary women’s liberation.

•In 1963 the Kennedy administration helped win passage of the Equal
Pay Act, which barred the pervasive practice of paying women
less than men for equal work.

•The conflict between the ideal and the reality was crucial to the
rebirth of feminism.

•The National Organization for Women, which was to become the

nation’s largest and most influential feminist organization.
The new organization reflected the varying constituencies of the
emerging feminist movement.
Women's Liberation
•The new feminists were mostly younger, the vanguard of the bay-
boom generation.

•Many had found that even within those movements, they faced
discrimination and exclusion or subordination to male leaders.

•In its most radical form, the new feminism rejected the whole notion
of marriage.
Expanding Achievements
•In 1971, the government extended its affirmative action guidelines to
include women-linking sexism with racism as an officially
acknowledged social problem.

•Nearly half of all married women held jobs by the mid-1970s, and
almost 9/10 of all women with college degrees worked.

•There were also important symbolic changes, such as the refusal of

many women to adopt their husbands’ names when they married
and the use of the term “Ms.” in place of “Mrs.” or “Miss” to
denote the irrelevance of a woman’s marital status.
The Abortion Controversy
•In least controversial form, this impulse helped produce an increasing
awareness in the 1960s and 1970s of the problems of rape,
sexual abuse, and wife beating.

•There continued to be some controversy over the dissemination of

contraceptives and birth-control inf ormation; but that issue, at
least, seemed to have lost much of the explosive character it had
had in the 1920s, when Margaret Sanger had become a heroine
to some and a figure of public scorn to others for her efforts on
its behalf.

Environmentalism in a Turbulent Society

The New Science of Ecology
•Until the mid-twentieth century, most people who considered
themselves environmentalists based their commitment on
aesthetic or moral grounds.

•They wanted to preserve nature because it was too beautiful to

despoil, or because it was a mark of divinity on the world, or
because it permitted humans a spiritual experience that would
otherwise be unavailable to them.

•They called it ecology.

Funded by government agencies, by universities, by foundations, and

eventually even by some corporations, ecological science
gradually established itself as a significant field of its own- not,
perhaps, with the same stature as such traditional fields as
physics, chemistry, and biology, but certainly a field whose
importance and appeal grew rapidly in the last decades of the
20th century
Environmental Advocacy

•Academic ecologists often have close ties to environmental

organizations committed to public action and political lobbying.
•The professional zed environmental advocacy they provided gave the
movement a political strength it had never enjoyed in the past.

•Lawyers fought battles with government agencies and in the courts.

•When Congress or state legislatures considered environmental

legislation, more often than not the environmental organizations
played a critical role in drafting it.
Environmental Degradation
•Many other forces contributed as well in the 1960s and 1970s to
create what became the environmental movement.

•Water pollution- which had been a problem in some areas of the

country for many decades- was becoming so widespread that
almost every major city was dealing with the unpleasant sight
and odor, as well as the very real health risks, of polluted rivers
and lakes.

•In some large cities-Los Angeles and Denver among them-smog

became an almost perpetual fact of life,=2 0rising steadily
through the day, blotting out the sun, and creating respiratory
difficulties for many citizens.

•Environmentalist also brought to public attention some longer-term

dangers of unchecked industrial development: the rapid
depletion of oil and other irreplaceable fossil fuels; the
destruction of lakes and forests as a result of “acid rain”; the
rapid destruction of vast rain forests, in Brazil and elsewhere,
which limited the earth’s capacity to replenish its oxygen supply.
Earth Day and Beyond
•On April 22, 1970, people all over the United States gathered in
schools and universities, in churches and clubs, in parks and
auditoria, for the first “Earth Day”.

•The Clean Air Act, also passed in 1970, and the Clean Water Act,
passed in 1972, added additional tools to government’s arsenal
of weapons against environmental degradation.

•Different administrations displayed varying levels of support for

environmental goals, and advocacy groups remained ready to
spring into action to force them to change their positions.

Nixon, Kissinger, and the War

•Henry Kissinger, a Harvard professor whom the president appointed
as his special assistance for national security affairs.

•The new Vietnam policy moved along several fronts.

•By 1973, the Selective Service System was on its way to least
temporary extinction.

•In the fall of 1969, Nixon announced reduction of American ground

troops from Vietnam by 60,000 the first reduction in U.S. troop
strength since the beginning of the war.
•By the end of their first year in office, Nixon and Kissinger had
concluded that the most effective ay to tip the military balance in
America’s favor was to destroy the bases in Cambodia from
which the American military believed the North Vietnamese were
launching many of their attacks.

•Four college students were killed and nine others injured when
members of the National Guard opened fire on antiwar
demonstrators at Kent State University in Ohio.

•The trail and conviction in 1971 of Lieutenant William Calley, who was
charged wit h overseeing a massacre of more than 300
unharmed South Vietnamese civilians, attracted wide public
"Peace with Honor"
•In April 1972, the president dropped his longtime insistence on a
removal of North Vietnamese troops from the south before any
American withdrawal.

•On December 17, American B-52s began the heaviest and most
destructive air raids of the entire war on Hanoi, Haiphong, and
other North Vietnamese targets.
Defeat in Indochina
•Late in April 1975, communist forces marched into Saigon, shortly
after officials of the Thieu regime and the staff of the American
embassy had fled the country in humiliating disarray.

Nixon, Kissinger, and the World

China and the Soviet Union
•Nixon and Kissinger wanted to forge a new relationship with the
Chinese communists- in part to strengthen them as a
counterbalance to the Soviet Union.

•In July 1971, Nixon sent Henry Kissinger on a secret mission to Beijing.

•In February 1972, Nixon paid a formal visits to China and, in a single
stroke, erased much of the deep American animosity toward the
Chinese communists regime, but in 1972 the United states and
China began low-level diplomatic relations.

•In 1969, America and Soviet diplomats met in Helsinki, Finland, to

begin talks on limiting nuclear weapons.
In 1972, they produced the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT
I), which froze the nuclear missiles (ICBMs) of both sides at present
The Problems of Multipolarity
•In 1969 and 1970, the president described what became known as the
Nixon Doctrine, by which the United States would “participate in
the defense and development of allies and friends” but would
leave the “basic responsibility” for the future of those “friends”
to the nations themselves.

•In practice, the Nixon Doctrine meant a declining American interest in

contributing to Third World development; a growing contempt for
the United Nations, where less-developed nations were gaining
influence through their sheer numbers; and increasing support to
authoritarian regimes attempting to withstand radical challenges
from within.

•In 1973, a military junta seized power from Allende, who was
subsequently murdered.

•In October 1973, on the Jewish High Holy day of Yom Kippur, Egyptian
and Syrian forces attacked Israel.

•The imposed settlement of the Yom Kippur War demonstrated the

growing dependence of the United States and its allies on Arab

•The United States could no longer depend on cheap, easy access to

raw materials as it had in the past.

Politics and Economics Under Nixon

Domestic Initiatives
•He forbade the department of Health, Education, and Welfare to cut
off the federal funds from school districts that had failed to
comply with court orders to integrate.
In 1973, he abolished the Office of economic Opportunity, the
centerpiece of the antipoverty program of the Office of economic
Opportunity, the centerpiece of the antipoverty program20of the
Johnson years.
From the Warren Court to the Nixon Court
•In Engel v. Vitale (1962), the court had ruled that prayers in public
schools were unconstitutional, sparking outrage among religious
fundamentalists and others.
The Election of 1972
•Nixon was most fortunate in 1972, however, in his opposition.

•The possibility of such a campaign vanished in May, when a would-be

assassin shot the Alabama governor during a rally at a Maryland
shopping center.
The Troubled Economy
•The American dollar had been the strongest currency in the world, and
the American standard of living had risen steadily from its
already substantial heights.

•Its most visible cause was significant increase in federal deficit

spending in the 1960s, when the Johnson administration tried to
fund the war in Vietnam and its ambitious social prog rams
without raising taxes.

•Domestic petroleum reserves were no longer sufficient to meet this

demand, and the nation was heavily dependent on imports from
the Middle East and Africa.

•The U.S manufacturing now faced major completion from aboard-not

only in world trade but also at home.
The Nixon Response
•The government moved first to reduce spending and raises taxes.

•The United States was encountering a new and puzzling dilemma:

“stagflation”, a combination of rising prices and general
economic stagnation.
In 1973, prices rose 9 percent; in 1974, after the Arab oil embargo and
the OPEC price increases, they rose 12 percent-the highest rate since
the relaxation of price controls shortly after World War II.

The Watergate Crisis

The Scandals
•Early on the morning of June 17, 1972 police arrested five men who
had broken into the offices of the Democratic National
Committee in the Watergate office building in Washington, D.C.
Two others were seized a short time porters for the Washington Post
began researching the backgrounds of the culprits, they discovered
that among those involved in the burglary were former employees of
the Committee for the Re-Election of the President.
The Fall of Richard Nixon
•In April 1974, the president released some transcripts of relevent
conversations, claiming that they proved his innocence, but
investigators believed them to be edited for a cover-up.
•The Supreme Court ruled unanimously, in the United States v. Richard
M. Nixon, that the president must relinquish the tapes to Special
Prosecutor Jaworski.
•The House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend three articles of
1. Charging that Nixon had obstructed justice in the
Watergate cover-up.
2. Misused federal agencies to violate the rights of citizens.
3. Defied the authority of Congress by refusing to deliever
tapes and other materials suboenaed by the committee.
•On August 8, 1974, Nixon announced his resignation, the first
president in American history to ever do so.
•Gerald Ford became president.

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