Lazarus and MySQL

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Lazarus and MySQL

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Using a MySQL database in a Lazarus program

Version 1

Introduction Preparations Putting the Lazarus Database Components on the form Connecting SELECT INSERT direct INSERT with TSQLQuery Viewing the data DELETE Appendix A : Getting MySQL with XAMPP lite Appendix B : Creating a MySQL database Appendix C : Getting libMySQL.dll Appendix D : Starting MySQL in XAMPP lite Screenshot Source Code


A Lazarus program can modify, interrogate and view the contents of an existing MySQL database. This tutorial is a step-by-step guide. However, it is worth looking at the layout of the Form and the source code now. They are at the end of this document. I am working with Lazarus beta in MS Windows. You will connect using components from the SQLdb component palette. This comes with Lazarus. This palette has a specific MySQL component which we will use.


Create a folder called MySQLConnect. To save a Lazarus application into the folder Click File/New/Application and the familiar Form1 should appear Click File/Save All and navigate to your MySQLConnect folder Click Save (for the unit) and Save (for the project). Click the green run icon and check that a blank form appears Close the blank form. Lazarus is ready. If you need to get MySQL then see Appendix A.

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Lazarus and MySQL You need to create a MySQL database beforehand. My database is called A.db. I created it using the XAMPP lite portable webserver. See Appendix B. You need to start the MySQL server. This is easy with XAMPP lite. See Appendix C You need the file libMySQL.dll for MySQL 5.0 in the same folder as your Lazarus project. See Appendix D. Everything is now in place. Summary You need A Lazarus project in a folder called MySQLConnect A MySQL database called A with the table - Student(StudentID , First, Second) The file libMySQL.dll in a folder called MySQLConnect

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Putting the Lazarus components on the form

In Lazarus, you need to find the SQLdb component palette at the end of the row of tabs holding components. On the right of SQLdb component palette you will find a component called TMySQL50Connection. Click on it. Click on Form1 and drag open a window Release and the component will appear. TMySQL50Connection is not a visible component. It does not appear on the Form when the program runs. We will change its properties dynamically as the program runs. The TSQLTransaction component is at the other end of the SQLdb component palette. Drop a TSQLTransaction component underneath the TMySQL50Connection component on the form using the same method as before. This component passes Database transactions to the Connection component. The TSQLQuery component is in the SQLdb component palette near the TSQLTransaction component. Drop a TSQLQuery underneath the TSQLTransaction component. The TSQLQuery component stores the results from any query that you have run on the database. It also passes any changes to its contents to the TMySQL50Connection component. The TDatasource component is in the Data MySQL component palette. Drop a TDatasource component on the form underneath the TSQLQuery1 component. This takes data from the TSQLQuery component and feeds it to the database-aware components that you will shortly put on your form. The TDBGrid component is in the DB controls component palette. Drop a DBGrid component onto your form under the TDatasource component. This is a visible component so you must drag it to a reasonable size on your form. It is a database-aware component and it displays whatever it is fed from the datasource. The TButton component is in the Standard component palette. Drop a button onto your form at the top and resize it. Click on the Button once. Check that the Object inspector shows the button and change the caption property from Button 1 to Connect The button should now have the word Connect on it. Click the green run button. A form with just your button should appear. Close the form.

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Lazarus and MySQL Summary Components on the form MySQL50Connection1 SQLTransaction1 SQLQuery1 Datasource1 DBGrid1 Button1 : caption = 'Connect'

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You now set up the connection between the program and the database. When you click the button Connect then a connection to a.db, (the MySQL database) is made and the data from your database will appear in the DBgrid. Here is how: Double-click the button. The source editor appears. In the Button1click procedure add the following code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MySQL50Connection1.DatabaseName:='LazConnect'; MySQL50Connection1.UserName:='Admin'; MySQL50Connection1.Transaction:=SQLTransaction1; SQLTransaction1.Database:=MySQL50Connection1; SQLQuery1.Database:=MySQL50Connection1; SQLQuery1.Transaction:=SQLTransaction1; SQLQuery1.UsePrimaryKeyAsKey:=False; SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM Student'; Datasource1.dataset:=SQLQuery1; DBGrid1.DataSource:=DataSource1; end; This code Tells the TMySQL50Connection the name of the database and the transaction Tells the TSQLTransaction the name of the TMySQL50Connection Tells the TSQLQuery the name of the TMySQL50Connection and the TSQLTransaction. Tells the datasource the name of TSQLQuery Tells the DBGrid the name of its datasource You can see that it prepares a route from the database to the DBGrid. It also prepares (but does not execute) a query to get all the data from the database using SELECT * FROM Student Run the program. Click the button There should be no errors. You should see the same as before. If the program doesnt run or there is an error when you click the button then you must stop and check everything. It is pointless to proceed since this problem is going to block you every time. Add a label to Form1. The TLabel component is in the 'Standard' component palette. This label will change to show you are connected when you connect.

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Lazarus and MySQL To do this, add the 5 lines that are highlighted just before the end; Datasource1.dataset:=SQLQuery1; DBGrid1.DataSource:=DataSource1;

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MySQL50Connection1.Open; If MySQL50Connection1.Connected then begin Label1.caption:='connected -great'; end; end; Rerun the program Click the button Connected to MySQL database great should appear in the label. If the label doesnt change then you must stop and check everything. It is pointless to proceed since there is no connection. Next add the one line of code immediately after the code you just wrote and just before the end of the procedure:; This single line executes the query that was prepared earlier. The table of results is stored in SQLQuery1 Select * from Student is passed to the TMySQL50Connection and then to the database and the result is passed back through the chain to the TSQLQuery, the datasource and into the DBGrid. Run the program It should compile without errors Click the button The label should say 'Connected to MySQL database - great' The DBGrid should fill up with the data from your database. If it does then that is great. You can go on. If it doesnt then you must stop and check everything. It is pointless to proceed since there is no connection. Summary Components Label1 Procedures Button1.Click Initialise components Connect Open Query


SELECTing data
You can interrogate the data in the database using SELECT. Add a new button (Button2) and in the Object Inspector change the buttons caption to SELECT. Also add an editbox (Edit2) onto the form so that the user can enter their SELECT command. It needs to be fairly wide.

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Lazarus and MySQL Add the procedure below procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin SQLQuery1.Close; SQLQuery1.SQL.text:=edit1.text; SQLQuery1.Open; end; Closing SQLQuery1 clears the contents in preparartion for a new query. Then the new query is loaded. Then the new query is executed and the table of results made available in SQLQuery1. Run the program. Click the Connect button Check that the data appears in the DBGrid Enter SELECT First FROM Student; Click the Select button The list of first names only should appear in the DBGrid. Summary Components Button2 : caption = 'SELECT' Editbox1 Procedures Button2.Click Deactivates the SQLQuery1 Copies the query from the edit box into SQLQuery Executes the Query Reactivates SQLQuery

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INSERTing data directly

There are two ways of inserting data into the database. Both work and both are good. The first method uses a transaction Add a new button (Button3) and in the Object Inspector change its caption to Insert. Also add an editbox (Edit2) so that the user can enter their INSERT command. It needs to be fairly wide. Double-click on the button and add this source code: procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin SQLTransaction1.commit; SQLTransaction1.StartTransaction; MySQL50Connection.ExecuteDirect(edit2.text); SQLTransaction1.commit; end; The first line completes any transactions that may be outstanding from procedures that we have yet to write. The next three lines simply perform the transaction. This procedure changes the database directly according to the INSERT command in the edit box. So if you write INSERT INTO Student VALUES (23, Fred,Jones); then this will enter Fred Jones as student 23 into the database. Run the program 04/04/2013 22:49:53

Lazarus and MySQL Click the connect button Add the above In the editbox Click the Insert button. Enter in the select edit box - SELECT * FROM Student; Click the select button the new entry in the DBGrid. Close the application. Summary Components Button3 : caption='INSERT' Editbox2 Procedures Button3.Click Inserts data directly

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INSERTing data with TSQLQuery

This is the second way. This method uses SQLQuery and is very similar to SELECT Double-click on the button3 and add this source code: procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin //Not now needed - we will use SQLQuery1 instead // SQLTransaction1.commit; //SQLTransaction1.StartTransaction; //SQLite3Connection.ExecuteDirect(edit2.text); //SQLTransaction1.commit; SQLQuery1.Close; SQLQuery1.SQL.text:=edit1.text; SQLQuery1.ExecSQL; end; Using // comments out a line in Lazarus. The technique above is a neat way of making code invisible to the compiler but retaining it for reference or later use. This is very similar to the SELECT code. The rule is if you are using SELECT or expect data to be returned to SQLQuery then use to execute the query. if you are using INSERT/DELETE/CREATE and expect NO data to be returned to SQLQuery then use SQLQuery1.ExecSQL to execute the query. Now if you write INSERT INTO Student VALUES (24, Stefani,Germanotta); then this will enter 'Stefani Germanotta' as student 24 in the database. Run the program Click the connect button Add the above in the INSERT editbox Click the Insert button. Enter in the select edit box - SELECT * FROM Student; Click the select button Check the new entry is in the DBGrid. Close the application.

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Lazarus and MySQL Summary Components Button3 : caption='INSERT' Editbox2 Procedures Button3.Click Insert data with SQLQuery

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Viewing the database in a memo box

You can see the whole database in a memobox. The memobox cant be edited and it doesnt change with each new SELECT because it is not a database-aware component. Its still nice to see the database contents initially (and its easy!). Add a new button (Button4) and in the Object Inspector change its caption to Show Whole Database. Add a memo box from the Standard component palette. procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin SQLQuery1.Close SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:='Select * FROM Student'; SQLQuery1.Open; while not SQLQuery1.Eof do begin memo1.lines.add( ' ID: ' + SQLQuery1.FieldByName('StudentID').AsString + ' First name: ' + SQLQuery1.FieldByName('First').AsString + ' Second name: ' + SQLQuery1.FieldByName('Second') .AsString) ; SQLQuery1.Next; end; end; The first 3 lines execute the query SELECT * FROM Student; so the whole table is copied to SQLQuery1 automatically. It then appears in the DBGrid because DBGrid is database-aware. This is just as before. The while block analyses the database table row-by-row. For each row it dumps a string into the memo box. The string is created by concatenating 4 smaller strings, two of which are simple labels and two of which are the entries in that row of the database. Run the program Click Connect Click Show Whole Database The database should appear in the DBGrid and the memo box. Summary Components Button4 caption='View the Whole Database' Memobox1 Procedures Button4.Click Runs SQLQuery1 04/04/2013 22:49:53

Lazarus and MySQL Cycles through the database table in SQLQuery1 Creates a formatted string of the contents of each row Puts the string into the memo box.

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The method for deleting data is easy. Remember that the code for INSERT isn't just for INSERT but for any SQL command that does not return a result from the database. DELETE is just such a command. Therefore the code for DELETE is identical to the code for INSERT. Therefore you can enter a DELETE command in the INSERT edit box and it will work Remember to then run 'SELECT * FROM Student' in order to see the effect. The SQL command DELETE FROM Student WHERE StudentID=23 will delete student 23 Fred Jones from the database . To test this out write Run the program Click the connect button Add the above in the Insert editbox Click the Insert button. Enter in the select edit box - SELECT * FROM Student Click the select button Check the entry has gone from the DBGrid. Close the Form. To get a 'good' DELETE button you would first have the code for INSERT and then have the code for opening the query 'SELECT * FROM Student' after it. Then the result will then appear instantaneous.


Appendix A
Getting MySQL with XAMPP lite The best way to get MySQL is to have it as part of the portable webserver XAMPP lite. This is an easy download.


Appendix B
Creating a simple MySQL database called A.db You need to create an MySQL database. My database is called A.db, and it has one table called Student, with three columns - StudentID(number), First(text) and Second(text). There are three rows in the table. To produce the database Open a text editor like Notepad Save a text file with filename A.txt Copy and paste the SQL below into it. -- SQL for the Student table CREATE TABLE Student( StudentID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, First VARCHAR(20), Second VARHAR(20)); 04/04/2013 22:49:53

Lazarus and MySQL

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-- Some Student Values INSERT INTO Student VALUES (1, David, Beckham); INSERT INTO Student VALUES (2, William, Shakespeare); INSERT INTO Student VALUES (3, Reginald, Dwight); -- End of SQL Then Start MySQL (see Appendix D). Open your browser. Type into the URL edit box. phpmyadmin will appear. It is a really nice GUI for MySQL Look at the first window you see Create a database called A. Enter the database by double-clicking on it (on the left) Select import Browse to the A.txt file you created earlier, which has SQL in. Click Go The Student table should have been imported along with the three records. Check they are there by browsing them.


Appendix C
Getting libMySQL.dll The libMySQL.dll file MUST be for MySQL5.0 NOT MySQL5.1. Unfortunately, XAMPPlite now comes with MySQL5.1. Therefore you can not copy the file of the same name from XAMPPlite. Nonetheless, the 5.0 file can be obtained from the Internet but it is not easy to find. You can try a search. MySQL is open-source and so there should not be a problem with copyright. This is how I did it. Visit the MySQL archive, download the whole of MYSQL 5.0 and install it on your C drive. Then look in the folder C:/Program Files/MySQL/ MySQL 5.0/bin you will find libMySQL.dll. Copy and paste it in to your folder.


Appendix D
Starting MySQL in XAMPP lite You need to start the MySQL folder before you can connect Find the XAMPPlite folder. Click Click Click Click on the folder to open it on the orange XAMPP control icon start MySQL start Apache

They should both then say running. MySQL has started. You can make a connection. The link between Lazarus and A is made.


Screenshot of the form

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Lazarus and MySQL

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Source Code
unit Unit1; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, odbcconn, sqldb, db, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, DBGrids, StdCtrls; type { TForm1 } TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Button3: TButton; Button4: TButton; Datasource1: TDatasource; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Memo1: TMemo; MySQL50Connection1: TMySQL50Connection; SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery; SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); private { private declarations } 04/04/2013 22:49:53

Lazarus and MySQL public { public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation { TForm1 } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MySQL50Connection1.DatabaseName:='LazConnect'; MySQL50Connection1.UserName:='Admin'; MySQL50Connection1.Transaction:=SQLTransaction1; SQLTransaction1.Database:=MySQL50Connection1; SQLQuery1.Database:=MySQL50Connection1; SQLQuery1.Transaction:=SQLTransaction1; SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM Student'; Datasource1.dataset:=SQLQuery1; DBGrid1.DataSource:=DataSource1; MySQL50Connection1.Open; If MySQL50Connection1.Connected then begin Label1.caption:='connected -great'; end;; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin SQLQuery1.Close; SQLQuery1.SQL.text:=edit1.text; SQLQuery1.Open; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin //Not now needed - we will use SQLQuery1 instead // SQLTransaction1.commit; //SQLTransaction1.StartTransaction; //MySQL50Connection1.ExecuteDirect(edit2.text); //SQLTransaction1.commit; SQLQuery1.Close; SQLQuery1.SQL.text:=edit1.text; SQLQuery1.ExecSQL; end; procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin SQLQuery1.Close SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:='Select * FROM Student'; SQLQuery1.Open; while not SQLQuery1.Eof do begin

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Lazarus and MySQL memo1.lines.add( ' ID: ' + SQLQuery1.FieldByName('StudentID').AsString + ' First name: ' + SQLQuery1.FieldByName('First').AsString + ' Second name: ' + SQLQuery1.FieldByName('Second') .AsString) ; SQLQuery1.Next; end; end; initialization {$I unit1.lrs} end.

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