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Spareage Seals Ltd.

Manufacturers of : SEALS FOR HYDRAULIC, PNEUMATIC AND ROTARY APPLICATIONS. Address : OIL SEAL HOUSE, PLOT NO. A-403, ROAD NO. 28, WAGLE ESTATE, THANE - 400 604. INDIA Tel. : +91-22-25800972 (10 Lines) Fax No. : +91-22-25823991 , 25827480 E-mail: [email protected] Website :

Sale Bill No.. : AR/ 12-13 DC/ 12-13 3465769/0 / 7351 / 7351 Date : Dated : Dated : 30/08/12 30/08/12 06/08/12

Sale Challan No : P/Order No :

Customer Code: CB175 To, BALLARPUR INDUSTRIES LTD-YAMUNA NAGAR . "SHREEGOPAL," "PO YAMUNA NAGAR," YAMUNA NAGAR - 135 001 IN CST No. : JAG/CST/1911 SST TIN No. : JAG/1911 TIN No. : 06881601911 V/C No. : Due Date : 30/08/12

Delivery From: Spareage Seals Ltd. Oil Seal House Plot No. A-403, Road No. 28, Wagle Industrial Estate Thane (W) 400604 Maharashtra,India

Excise Gate Pass No.: 7351

Sr.No 1

Item No. BKIT100608

Description ITEM CODE : DD100006 SEA KIT FOR AS PER DRG.

job card no 18767

Qty 10

Rate Discount ( INR ) % 185.40 0.00

Amount ( INR ) 1,854.00

Transport Payment Terms Remarks :


R.NO 292572171 DT 30/8/12

Basic Total Basic Exice Duty @ Education Cess @ S & H Education Cess @ CST @ Courier Charges 12 % 2 % 1 % 2 %

1,854.00 222.48 4.45 2.22 41.66 INR 100.00

Indian Rupee

Two thousand two hundred twenty-five

Total INR


VAT TIN NO .27980298751 V / CST TIN NO . 27980298751 C

I /We herby certify that my / our registration certificate under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act,2002, is in force on the date on which the sale of the goods specified in this tax invoice is made by me / us and that the transaction of sale covered by this tax invoice has been effected by me / us and it shall be accounted for in the turnover of sales while filing of return and the due tax, if any payable ont he sale has been paid or shall be paid


Authorized Signatory

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