A / an Larticle indeterminat a/an equival en catal a un, una. (indefinite article) Use a/an with singular countable nouns. The first time you mention a thing/person.
I saw an old man with a dog. When you say what something is. Its a nice house. When you say what somebody does. (Jobs) Shes a lawyer. In exclamation with What! What an awful day! In expressions like Three times a week. With the meaning of per He was driving at 90 miles an hour. Julie earns 500 a week. The concert costs 50 a ticket.
incontables. Larticle a sutilitza quan la paraula segent comena per consonant i an quan la paraula segent comena per vocal. Per exemple: a car an apple
Use a/an with a singular noun. Use an with a noun beginning with a vowel.
Recorda: a + paraula comenada en so consonntic ex. a computer an + paraula comenada en vocal ex. an orange, an exercise Exemples: There is a book on the table. (Hi ha un llibre a sobre de la taula). There is an elephant in the Zoo.
The Larticle determinat the equival en catal a el, la, els i les. (definite article) Use the when we know which (door, windows). Open the door/Close de windows. Use the with singular and plural nouns.
The boy (el noi) The boys (els nois) The girl (la noia) The girls (les noies) Exemples: The film that I saw yesterday was very funny. (La pellcula que vaig veure ahir era molt divertida). This is the T-shirt that I bought last week. (Aquesta s la samarreta que vaig comprar la setmana passada). Recorda: En aquests casos ens estem referint a coses concretes i s per aix que serveix l'article determinat the.
Use the When we talk about something weve already mentioned.
I saw an old man with a dog, and the dog was barking. When theres only one of something. The moon goes round the sun. When its clear what youre referring to. He opened the door. With places in a town, e.g. cinema, theatre, post office, bank, station, airport, city centre, doctor, dentist, Im going to the cinema. Im going to the dentist tomorrow. With superlatives. Its the best restaurant in town.
The piano, the guitar, the violin, Before the names of river, seas/oceans, mountain, ranges, deserts group of islands/state, families and nationalities. The river Thames, The Sahara, The Smiths, The Pacific, The USA, The Chinese,
Dont use the When you are speaking in general (with plural and uncountable
nouns). Women talk more than men. Love is more important than money.
Whit some nouns (e.g. home, work, school, church) after at/ to/
from. Shes not at home today. I get back from work at 5.30.