Kawasaki Ninja 250 Manual

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Kawasaki GPX250R
Service Manual
Quick Reference Guide
Engine Lubrication System
Electrical System
Engine Removal/Installation
Final Drive
General Information
Thi s q uick rel..ol'lOt !JJide will ...i.l you in
locating I desired tap;c Of prOCOdUfl .
lO8. nd 1110 Plgoo bock 10 m. td1 the block
tob of th . desi..-d ch epler " umbo r with
\11. black tab on Iho edge II l och labl .
01 """,tlntl p .
I R,f" 10 lho ~ o n . 1 lObi. of """tent> 'Of
th l l uet pages to 100011 I.... specific topic
requ i'td,

Service Manual
All rights reserwd. fIIo J*'!' 01 this publQtion ITIlIy be . ep rod uced . nOted in 8 ntrieval system,or
t ransmitted in "''1 form 0# by "''1 mMI'lI, elec1l'onic mec han ical photocopying, recordil19 or othtr-
WiM, without Ihe pr ior _men penni.ion of Ouality A-...I IlCll Oepertment/CoI'llUfTlW Products ..
Components G,oup/K_ _ ki H. ..y l ndun, in, l td., Japoln.
No liability can be accepted fo. eny in8CCUracies or omissions in ttl;s PIlbliut ion, alt hough -V
poMib le c;ore has been ta ken 10 make it as campl118 and accurate at possible.
The right is reserved to make CN nqes al any ti me wit hout prior not ic. and wit tlout incurring a<1
oblill"ti on to make such changet to prodU<;tJ manufactu red p'II!IIiout ly. 5... '10\1' Motorcycle dealer
lor t he 111m informat ion on product Improvements incorporated after thl, publicat ion.
All i nformat ion contained i n thil publication Is based on t he lalen product Informat ion available II
the time of publicat ion. llluw et ioni and photographs in mis publicat ion are Intended for reference
u.. onl y end rnev not depict llCNel model component part s.
C IU....... ki He. .... In<iu<tri<., Ltd. 1987 FII. 1Edition (D:OCt . 2. 1981 @

.'lPe'e(sl Ib pound(s)
ABDC . fter bottom deId =,1... m meler!l )
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total indicllGr ri!adin9
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L liler(s)
U.K. model only
Th. "'_ "'1 -. ...,t, '0 _ 01 """ Iol'-"'l
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Read OWNER'S MANUAL before operating.
-eJpoor... ,I _ ,.... out '" -. Of ;" . .... ,
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To P'OIe<:t th e environment in which we all live, Kawasaki has incorporated cr ankcase
/;; emission ( 1) and exhaust eousstco 121 control wstems in compliance with applicabl e reg. %
0".-'" :'.:
ulatlons of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and California Air R..- .,'i,
$ sources Board. Aclditionally, Kawasaki has incorpo rated an l!IIalXlralive emission cont rol V'.:
.t,_ 5yuem (3) in co mpliance wit h applica ble regulat ions 01 t he California Air Rl!5ources Beard t:}
}?-$ on vehicles 50ld in Calilornia on ly. ;,;;:
1. Crankcase Emisslcn Control Syste m
Th is syitem eliminates the release 01 crankcase vapors int o t he atmosphere. Instead. '"
}h;. t he vepors are routed t hrough en oi l separator to th e intake side olthe engine. While ;;0;;::
;W the engine is operat ing. th e vapors are drawn into combustion chamber, where t hey er a ;;:-:
burned along with the lue l and air 5upplied by the carburetion system. :;;.
2. Emission Control System iJi
..."., ThIS system reduces the amount 01 pollu tants int o th e atmosphere by th e ...
.. K,
:1l! exhaust of this motorcycle. The fuel and igniti on synems of this motorcycle have
"<'i been carefully designed and constructed to ensure an effi cient engine with low yo.
poll utant levels.
.',' 3. Evaporative Emission Contro l System
}jJ. Vapors caused by fuel evaporat ion in t he fuel system are not vented into the atmos- ;,Ji-:
..,.. ."
phere. Instead, fuel vapors ar e routed into the run ning engine t o be bur ned, or stor ed ;)r{
in a can ister when the engine is stopped. Liquid fuel is caught by a vapor separator and
returned t o the fue l ta nk.
. f'.
$ '"
The Clean Air Act , whiCh Is t he Federal law coveri ng motor vehicle pollution, conta ins t::
what is commonly referred to as the Act 's "tamper ing provisions, "
"Sec. 203(a) The following acts and t he causi ng t hereof ar e prohibited. ..
131( A) lor any pe rson t o remove or render Inoper et ive any device or element of desi9'l '.'-

innailed on or in a motor vehicl e or motor vehicle engine in compl iance wi th
regulet ions under this t itle pri or to its sale and de livery to the ult imate purchaser ,
or for any man ufact urer or dealer knowi ngly to remove or render inoperat tve any !J1:
SUCh device or eiement of design alter such sale and delivery to t he ultimate
"."- purchaser.
, (3)( 8) f ged ' h busi I . . - , II" I ;e
'- : :::

vehicles knowingly t o remove or rend er inoperat ive any device or elemen t of ! ....
;* design inst alled on or in a motor vehicle or motor veh icle engine in co mpliance
.... with regulations under t his t itle following its sale and delivery to the ulti mate
pu rchaser... m
(Continued on next page.)
inoperat ive IIny dev/ell or elemenr of design hBS been
inoperlltlve of devices or
oThIJ Ili!mol't' or render
(ltIDtfr8l1y folio"", :
1. Tampering dOH not inc/ud/} the tempomry or rendering
elementt of design in order to perform mainrenance.
2 . TlJmpering could i nclude:
II. MI1I. di usrmenr of vehicle components sm:f! t h/lt the emiuion sttlndards lire exceeded.
b. Use of Nlplilcement parts or accessories which sdversely af fect the performance or
dVnJbiliry of t he motorcycle.
c. Addit i on af comp onenfl or BCcessories tha t resulf in the vehielt! u cel1ding me
d. Permanentl y removing, disconnecting, or rendering inoperati ve ilny component or
element of design of t he emission control syn ems.

.. ,u,.. Mi"
..... "'''l. :,. ... . .';\4.<"'r{.'''' -'' . ..".."" .. ."" !"" "" "",-, ."."".'''''''!j['", .
. . ....s -.,""'..'."o ,..-.u.... . ,."..':. ".,"""' ,v.... j',v.. ".,:<. . . v.o.


Federal law prohibits the fo llowing 8C1S . or t he causing thereof: (1) The remOllal or
:-;: rendering inoperative by any person other t han for purposes of maint enance, repair, or
replacement, of any device or element of d\!$ign incorporated int o any new vehicle for t he 'N{.
purpose of noise control pr ior to its sale or delivery to t he ultimate purchase.- or while it is
li\! '. in use. or (2) the use of the venicle after such device or element of design has boon removed
or rendered inoperat ive by any person. ."....

Among t hoSl! acu pre$umed to con$t i\ute ta mpering are t he acts listed below: .,
_ Raplacement of the original exhau5t S5tem or muffler wit h a component not in corn- \l{:
:- . cuerce wit h Federal regulations.
_ Removal of the muffler(s) or any internal port ion of the muffler($).
'1l: _ Removal of the air box or air box COlIer. Y(-(
.Modificat ions to the muffl ar(s) or air inta ke syste m by cutt mg. drilhng, or other means ,f V':
::',.; $uch modif ications result in increased no,se levels.

n:-'; \li". . ....;,<{. /h;t " ... . ';... ". : \;. . " ...... ; '<1-: ... u " ..-'-;h,,"' :.':. . ...
Tnis service manual supplement contains only
the information uni que to the models covered.
It must be used wit h t he base ""rvice manual
listed below. Read both thi s supplement and
the base manual for complet e info rmat ion on
proper service procedures for the models
covered by t his manual.
In preparing this man ual, we divided t ha
product into its major syltems, These systems
became the manual's chapters, Ali inlormet ion
lor a particul ar "system from adjustment through
disassembly and inspect ion il locat ed in a single
chapt er.
The Quic k Reference Guide shows you all of
the product 's system and assilU in locat ing
th eir chapters. Each chapt er in t um hes iu own
comprehensi ve Table of Contents.
The Per iodiC Maintenance Chart is located in
t he General Informati on chapter, The cha rt
gives a time schedu le lor required maintenance
If you want spark plug infor mati on, for
axa mple, 90 to th e Periodic Mai nt enance Chart
first . The chart tells you how frequent ly to
clean and gap th e plug. Next, use t he Ouic k
Refer ence Guide to locat e t he Electrical System
chept er . Th en, use the Table of Cont ents on
t he first page 01 the chapter to find the sparl<
plug section,
Whenever you see thl!Se WARNING and
CAUTION symbols, heed t hei r inst ructionsI
Always follow safe operating and maintenance
How to Use this Manuel
oThis cauti on symbol ident ifies special instr uc
tionl or prooedures which, if not It rictl y
observed. could ",suit in damage t o or
desll\Jction of equ ipmant.
a This werning symbol ident ifies speci al in.true-
tions or prcet!dures whi ch, if not CO/Tectly
followed, could result in penonal injury, or
10 Sll of tife.
. Follow t he procedures in t his manual carelu lly.
Don't ta ke shortcuts.
. Remember to keep complete records 01 main-
t enance and repair with dates and any new
parts lnst atted.
Part Number
This manual is des igned primarily for use by
t rained mechanics in a proper ly equi pped shop.
However, it contains enough deta il and basic
informat ion to make it useful to t he owne r who
desires to perform hi. Own basic maintenance
and repair work. A basic knowl edge 01 mechan-
ics, the proper use of tools, and workshOp
procedures must be underst ood in order 10 carry
out mai ntenaoce and repair sat isfact orily.
Whenever th e owner has insufficient exper ience
or doubts his abil ity to do the wor k, ail adjust -
ments, maintenance, and repair should be
carried out only by Qualified mechanics.
In or der t o perform the wor k efficiently and
to avoid costly mista kes, read the te xt ,
t h o r o u ~ l y familiarize yourse lf wit h the
procedu res before starting wor k, and t hen do
the work carefully in a clean area. Whenever
special tools or equipment are specified, do not
use makeshift tools or equipment . Precision
measurements can only be made if t he proper
instru ments are used, and t he use of ILIbst itute
tools may affioersely affect safe operati on.
For the duration of the wananty period , we
recommend that all repairs and scheduled
maintenance be perfor med in accor dance with
t his service manual. Any owner maintenance or
repa ir proced urll not performed in accordance
with t his manual may void t he warranty.
To ~ t he longest life OUt of your Motor -
. Follow the Per iodic Maint enance Chart in the
seNice man ual.
Be alert for problems and non -scheduled
Use proper tool. and genuine Kawasaki Mot or -
cycl e parU. Special tools, gauges, and t esters
th at are necessary when servicing Kawasaki
motorcycles are int roduced by the Spec ial Tool
Manual, Genu ine par ts provided as spa re patts
are listed in the Parts Catal og.
Ni nja 250 A
L...: lGPZ 250R)
Saile Manual
This cont';", live symbol, (in
lIddilOOn t o WARNING and CAUTION) which
will help you di st inguish di ff erent Iypt!! 01
" This nor.. s'lmbol pofflt:J of PMficuI
in _ I fo' motY MId CfIItwrPiMr

. Indic. tes or work to be done.
a lndoe-I. , procedur.l sub-$1"1'! Of lith'\' to do
the work 01 the proced ural step it I..,Uows.
It also precedes the text of WARNING,
_Ind oc.t es I condition, 1 step or wh.1 lel ion 10
take besed on the rewlts 01 the 1"1 01 inspec-
t ion in t he procedu",l st ep or .... it
fol lows.
" lndw es conditionel sub-step or wh.t loC1 ion
10 uk, bbed uPO" !he rt!SUltI of tl'>e condi-
il follows.
In most chapl l!1'1 an exploded view illustrat ion
01 th, , ystem components follows Ihe T"ble 01
COllltntl. In t h..." illultr8tions you will fi nd
the instruct ioN indic.ting wh ich pe'lt requi re
sptICified tightening lorQu., oil , grease or
119""1duri ng assembly.
MM_ _ __ _ _ _ _ . ' _'
Before starting 10 wrvice a mo!O<1:Ycl., careful reading of me appl icable sec tion i$ recommended
10 eliminate unneceuary wort< . Photogl1lp/'ls, diagl1ll'nS. notes, CllUtionS, wamings, and delailed des-
criptions h..... bee n included wtlll'feVer ne<:esUry, Nevertheless, ........ a deta iled account h.
limit at ions, a certa in &mount of basic knowledge i, ersc required for successful wor k.
El pecillly nota thl following:
Before removal I nd disassembi y, clean the o-crcrcvcre. Any d irt antl ring the engine or other
parts will work n an abrasive and shortan Ihe lifa of the moto rt:ycle, For t he same reeson. before
inll alling a naw part. clell1 off any dust or malal
121 Baltefy Groond
RIIfYlO\'I! the groond I-I lead from the boInery belore perfor ming ..v operat ion,
on the motorcycl . Thi' pla/ena :
la} the possibility olaceidenlllly tu mi ng the . ngine OII"r wtIile partl "'lv d'NlS1I!fJlbleO.
l b} spark s al . Iectriul connections wtlich will cceur when they- ar. dl lCON>l!Cted.
lei damage 10 . lectrical l>"rts.
Genenlly,....nan inst "' ling " Pl'rt with bgl ts , nUb, or IC!'IW$, they should IllI be Slled
in thei, hollIS and t o" snug ti L Then liltl len them _IVin a cross panem . This is 10
avoid distortion of tha part 1Ind/0lt caaing lP' or 0; 1 leakage _ Convet'1OllV wtIen loosening lhe
bolts. nuts, 0 ' $1';_, first loosen "' I of them by about I quarter of !Um and t hen remove them.
Where there is a tiltltlning il!quence indiCl t ion in this Service Manual, the I.x>lts, nub , or
lICrews must be tiltl_d in the orde, and methw indicate d.
14} Torque
The torque ValUIlS given in t his SeNiti Manual shoul d always be Idhe.vd to. Either t oo liu le
or too much lorque may lead t o serioul damage . Use a good quality, relieble tor que wrench,
(5) Force
Common san$!! 1hould dictale how much fOfCe is necessary in assembly and d isassembly, If
a pert seems espec ially difficult to remove or install, st ep and what may be causing t he
probl em. When"" er tappinll it; necessary, ti P lillhl1 y u$ing a wooden or pllllt ic flOCed mallet. U$!!
an impact driver for screws (parl icularly fOf Ihe removal of screws held by a locking age<1 t ) In
order to avoid damaging the screw heads.
t61 Edges
Watch fo r sharp ed-. lSp<IC'allv during major .nwi ne disassembly I nd anernblv. Protect you'
h.,ds with lIioves Of' a piece of thick doth when lilt ing the engine or tu mi ng it DVfl.
I7l Hiltl FIIISh.pO;nt Solvent
A hid> f1....point solven t is rncommended to fi re d.,ger. A eornmen::illl $OIvent c0m-
monly ..... labI. in North America is Stoddard sdvent 1generic n....... !. Always follow m...... fiC
tlJrer and COOllin regardin... the u. o f an y solvent.
181G.ke!. O-ring
Do no l flUSI a or O-ring once it h. been in service. Th. mali..... surf8Cl!$ aroond the
lIiSkel should be free o f forei gn mat ter and perfectlv smoolh to avoid oi l 0 ' compression I. akl ,
191 Liqu id Gasil. t Non pennanent Locking Agent
Fol low manu lectu re, s di rect ions for cleaning and prepar ing .., rfaocn where these compounds
will be usad, Apply Iparing y. h ceuive amounts may block errgine oi l passages ar)lj Cal1e
serious damage, An examp le of I non-perm..,ent locking agent common ly available in Nor th
America is Loctit e Lock' n Seal (Blua!.
(10) Press
A part insU! lled using a preS'S or driver. such a. a wheel bearing. shou ld first be coa led with oil
on lts OUler or inner circumference 10 mat it will 90 into place Imoothly,
1111Ball Bearing
WIl en installing I ball bearing. the bearing , _ which il affected by frict ion shou ld be pul hed
by a lUitable drive, . This pnNents _ '. $lreII on the beus and r8CM, and prevents races and
bal lt; from being dented. Press a ball bearinll unt il 'I . to ps at the $lOPin the hole or On !he Ihaft.
(12) Oil Seal and Grease Seal
Replace any oil or grease seals that were removed with new ones, as removal generally damages
When pressing in a seal which has manufae lurer'i marks, press it in witn the marks facing OU1.
Seals should be pressed into place using a suitable driver, which contacts evenly with the side of
seal, unti l the face of the seal is even with the end of the hole .
1 1 3 ~ Seal Guide
A seal guide is required for certain oil or graase seels dur ing inst allat ion to avoid damage to t he
seal liP'S. Before a shaft passes through a seal, appiy a little oil, prefarably high temperatura
grease on the lips to reduce rubber to metal frict ion.
114) Circlip, Retaining Ring
Replace any circllps and retaining rings that were remO'ledwith new ones, as removal weakens
and deforms them. When installing circlips and retaining rings, t ake care t o compress or expand
them only enough to install them and no more.
(15) Lubrication
Engine wear is general ly at its maximum while the engine is warming up and before all the
rubbing surfaces have an adequate rubrtcenve film. During assembly, oil or grease (whichaver is
more suitable) should be applied to any rubbing surfltCe which has lost it s lubricat ive film. Old
grease and dirty oil should be cleaned off . Deteriorat ed grease ha'l lost its lubr icative qualitv and
may contain abrasive foreign part icles.
Don't use just any oil or grease. Some oils and greases in particular should be used only in
certein epplications and may be harmful if used in an appl ication fo r which they are not
intended. This manual makes reference to molybdenum disulfide grease (MoS, ~ in the assembly
of cert/lin engine end chassis parts . Always check manufacturer recommendat ions before using
such special lubricants.
(16l Electrical Wires
All the electrica l wires are eit her single-<:olor Or two-color and, with only a few except ions,
must be connectad to wires of the same color. On any of tha two-co lor wires there is a greater
amou nt of one color and a lesser amount of a second color, so a two-color wire is identified by
first the primary color and then the secondary color. For example, a yellow wire wit h t hin red
st ripes is referred to as a "yellow/red" wire; it would be a "red/yallow" wire if the colors W<1re
reversed t o make red the main color .
Nama of Wire Color
Wire strands
(17) Replacement Parts
When there is e replacement instruction, raplace these parts with new ones 8\Iery ti me they ere
removed. These replacement parts will be damaged or lose thei r original function once removed.
(18l lnspection
When parts have been disassembled, visually inspect these parts for the followingcondit ions or
other damage. If t here is any doubt as t o the cond it ion of them, replace them with new ones.
Abrasion Crack Hardening Warp
Bent Dent Scratch Wear
Color change Deter iorat ion Seizure
(19) Service Data
Numbers of service data in this text have following meanings:
"Standards"; Show dimensions or performances which brand-new parts or systems have.
"Service limits" : Indicate the us.ble limits. If the measurement shows excessive wear or dete-
riorated performance, replace the damaged parts.


General Information
Table of Contents
Befor e Servicing . . ... ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. . . . .
Model Identif ication . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "." . .. . . . . . . . . .
General Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wi ring, Cable, or Hose Rout ing .. . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . .
Torque and Lock ing Agent . . .. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... . . .
Periodic Maintenaoce Chart .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .
* : Base Manual

\ 11
Model Identificati ons
EX250-F2 (USModel l
EX250F2 (European or General Model )
Dimenliont :
Ovl!feil length
Overall width
Overall height
Road clearance
Seat he ight
Dry weight
Curb weight :
Fuel tank capac ity
Performance :
Braking dista nce
Mini mum turning r a d i u ~
2035 mm
1095 mm
1400 mm
156 mrn
138 kg, @ 139,5 kg
76 k.g
85 kg, ~ 85. 5 kg
18.0 L
12. 5 m f ro m 50 kmlh
2.8 m
Cooling system
Bore and st roke
Compression rat io
Maximum horsepower
Maximum torque
Carburet ion syn em
Sta n ing system
Ignition system
Timing advance
Igniti on t iming
Spark plug STO
Cylinder numberi ng method
4-stroke, aOHe, 2..::yli nder
62.0 x 41.2mm
248 mL
Max. 27.9 kW (38 PS) @11000r/min (rpm) , @ - ,
@ 27.9 kW (38 P S ~ @12000 r/min (rpm),
24.5 N-m (2.5 kg-m, 18.1 ft -lbl @l 0000 r/min (rpml,
Carburetors, Keihin CVK30 x 2
Elect ric sta rtef
Battery and ooil (transistorized)
Electronicall y advanced
From 10' BTOC@1300r/min(rpm)to
42" BTDC@4500t/min (rpm),
{J:I From 5 BTOC @1300r/ mi n {rpm) to
42 BTDC@4500r/ min j,pm)
Left to right, 1-2
(Conti nued on next page.l
Firing OI'M
Villve ti ming: l n l ~ Open
Ex,,*,n Open
Durat ion
lubrication system
Engine o il: Grade
VitlCOlit y
on... T.....:
PrimV . edue:t ion system: Type
Reduction ..I ii)
Clutetl lype
Tr..-..ission: Type
Gur ratio: h t
' ''''
Final drive Iystem: Type
Reduct ion rati o
Overall drive rl t ia
F" me:
Can", Irak' lingle'
Tr. 11
Front t ite: T ~
RNI" I;'. : T'fP'!
Front suspensio<l : Type
'Wheel trowel
Aear suspension: Type
Wheel t ravel
Brake type: Front
30" BTOC
7(1' ABOC
' 60"
lrt' SBOe
30" ABOC
Forced lubrication (wet 1umpl
SEor SF class
SAE l OW-40. IOW5O. 2OW-40, or 2OW.s<l
1.9 l
Wn m.l lti dj .,
~ . constant mesh, mum shi ft
2.600 1391151
1.189 (34119)
1.400 (3 1/ 221
1.160 (29/25)
1.000 (2m 7l
0.692 (25/28)
Chain drive
3.214 (45/ 14)
8,B59 @Top gear
Tubular, diamond
6 3 ~
10l118().16 505
l J(l,' 8(). 1664S
Telescopic fort<
140 mm
S....;ng il r m (UniTrlk)
Single disc
Single disc
(e;.;,nt inued on !"18K! pege.1
EX250-F 2
.....t :
HNdlig/ll :
Tai l/brake light
Alternator :
12 V B Ah
Sem l-sealed beam
12 V 60/55 W (quanzhalogen!
12 V 8/ 27 W x 2. @ @12 V 5/ 21 W x 2
Three-pha... AC
17 A. 10000 r/ mi n lrpml. 14 V
Short-eircui l
II aJ bjact to dLroge witI10ut notice, and may no t apply to fMrV country.
AUlUalia Mode'l
UIl: Mode'l
Cali fornia Model
1. F_I ... Fluid R__
2, BroIc. '-
3. SIlO ,d, ...... c.-
ot. "' ' .. 1
6. n " Olt'" e- lA__1
a. a ..."" e-
1. Chol<.e-
s. _Uoot

1. R. .. B' .... _ . .. Cyli....'
2. B,oI<. Ho..
3. S ~ r n e t .. Cllbl.
-t. Throttle c..blo ldo<>ol' ro'orl
5. Throttle CobI.(occel. ..to,!
6, Clutch Coble
' .
f ront Fork Log
7. Choke Cobl,
8. ToM_ Unit
9. CIl,bufOto,
10. Ccolont R._.oi, Tank HoY
11. n.ormDltll. H."ni"ll
12. Spork Plug u.t.


1. 8&ttt,y
2. FlItI Tlnk Df .in Hose
3. Botto...,. V.1tt H....
4. C_ R .,.' l ink Vlnl H_
5. Cool.." R " Tlnk
8. Mlin H..o ..
7. Framo TlIbe
B. Rt9JI.tn,!Rtt:tifilr
9. Alt.,...."'. Pkkup Coil L.od.
10. N...trol S...itl:h lnd
11. SidoStand Switdl l -.d
12. To S_ RIllY N_ti T.,,,,;....
13. St lrt.. RIl ly Connector
14. Bam", Ground Cob"
15. Junction B""
18 . Brlk. Switch Co nnector
17. Stort I' Moto, Cobl.




'j j
I .
Ali 'lid
h,llAn! !
... Ii .. ... ! .._ c

-m a: z ", _ _ " .
... , CD l'!:
" "'1

1'5'" ...

1i 1i ls' ,...&
-i i .!u jo Sl' - I
... ...
.... .. it Ji .. j
"6- 0 11 . _ - 0
...... .. :::E .u .. ..

I I ,
. . , i
"'Ii ,s<ll '"
, .i - ..,
.puj , ii"

-' ... ,.;,,: ... .0,..: ....
EY,,-l t iYe Emission Control System
-a. sure to in'tall lhe on !tie position
"' own.
the ta.b, down w..d.
Run to. hose the Ign ition roil with sJ;ook.
1. R......n HOIe w11ll Red M..k
2. CI...,p
3. HOM wit h BI... Morlt
4. T. nk o.erflow On!n Ho..
5. Vepo. Flow
6. Ho.. Gr..n M.k
B. Cooni. tor
8. '-"et '" (R..... n Pump)
10. W_ Pipeo
11. OJ",,"'...m
12. V.... Pul.. HOH with Whlto
13. Alte . net Cooe.
14. Cani ..e' Opening
15. L. ft Hand Ignit ion
16. To Joi nt on Coottinv
Enr lclHor of Left.H_ c..bu..-
17. To V....um )oj ... on Rioglrt-H. nd


Torque and Locking Agent
.......................................................................... ..
The follow ing t ables list t he tightening torque for t he major fast ener s requiring use of a ncn-
perma nent tocking agent or liquid gasket.
Letters used in t he " Remarks" co lumn mean:
G : Apply grease .
L : Apply non -permanent lock ing agent to the t hreads.
LG : Apply liquid gasket to the t breecs.
a Apply oi l t o the threads and sealed surface.
S Tight en t he fastene,. following t he specified sequence.
55 Apply silicone sealant (PN 56019-120) to t he t hreads.
St St ake the lasteners to prl!\lenl loosening.
Nm kgm tt-lb
Fuel SYltem;
Switch housing clamp SCrewS 3.' 0.35 30
Cooling System:
Water te mperature senSOr 7.8 0.80 69 in-Ib SS
Thermostat ic fa n switch 7.8 0, 80 69 in-Ib
Coolant drain plug (cylinder) 7.8 0 .80 69 in-Ib
Coolant drain plug (water pump) 7. 8 0 ,80 69 ln-lb
EllIIine Top End:
Cyl inder head cover bolts 9.9 ' .0
87 in-Ib
Cyl inder head bol ts (8 mm) 25 25 18 in-Ib 5
Cyl inder bolts (6 mm)
, .2 104 in-Ib 5
Chai n guide bo lt (upper) 25 2.5 18.0
Cha in guide bolt (lower) 27 2.8 20 L
Camshaft sprocket bo lts te
, .5 11.0 L
Valve adjust ing screw locknuts ie
, .8
Camshaft bear ing cap bolts
, .2 ,,>I
Camshaft chain t ensioner bolts - - - L
Coo lant drain plug (cylinder) 7.8 0.80 69
Clutch :
Clutch spr ing bolts 8.8 0. 90 78 in-Ib
Clutch hub nut
' 30
13,5 98
Nrn h lb
Engi.,. Lubricat ion Sys1em:
Engine plug 20 20
1 .5
Oil filter bol l 20 2.0 '4,5
Oil plug ts
Oil pr'l$SUre swilCh te
11.0 55
Oil pr......", ..lief valve re
11 .0 l
Oil pump mou nti ng Allen bolts -
- l
Engine oi l hose banjo bol l$ 20 2 0
Engine oil pi pe ban jo bolts
Icr...kcese LHI
104 inlb
Oil breather bola - - - l
Engine Removal /lnmllatlOn:
Engine mounling nUll 32
Cylinder head brackel 00115 32
AIt..me lor rotor boll 69 7.0 51
Aller n. t or n.lor Allen bctrs 12 ' .2
104 in-Ib l
Nt'lJ l ral swilCh
I .'
Shift drum to.. irIQ holder All..... boIU - - - l
Shih drum pm -
Shift drum posilioning 0011
25 as 18 .0
Ext erna l shifl mechan ism rel urn
spriog pin 20 2.0 14.5 l
Coooecling rod IMg end CiP .....u 27 ae 20 0
Sl arl er cl utch Allen bolu
2S l
Crankcase ooltl l6 mm)
12 ' .2
104 in-lb
Crankcase OOltilB mml
27 2.8 20
Engine plug
20 20
Wheels!Tw. :
f ronl 'x'" nul
88 8 0 SS
Rear axle nul
110 11,0 ac
Fi.... Or"":
Engine sprocket bolU
81 in.lb
Rear !prockel nub
6.6 49
Rear sprocket It ud endl - -
Torque link null
Bleed v.lves
0 ""
69 in lb
Torque link null
Caliper rnounlil'l(l boltl {Fron l)
2S 2.'
P . ~
N ~ kll-m ft-Ib
Rear master cylinder devis locknut 16 1.8 13.0
Brake pedal mount ing bolt 8.8 0.90 78 in-Ib
Disc mount ing Allen bolts 23 2.3 16.5
Brake hose banjo bol ts 25 2.5 18,0
8rake lever pivot bolt locknut 5.9 0.60 52 in-Ib
Front master cylinder d amp bolts 8.8 0.90 78 in-Ib S. G
Rear master cylinder mounting bolt . 23 2.3 16.5
Front brake fluid resefVoir
cap screws 1.5 0.15 13 in-Ib
Rear brake fluid reservoir bolt 5.9 0.60 52 in-Ib
f ront fork drain bolts 7.9 0.80 69 ln-tb L
front fork damp boits (upper) 20 2.0 14.5
Hower) 29 3.0 22
Front fork boll0m Allen bolt. 20 2.0 14.5 L
Rear shock absor ber mount ing nut.
4.5 33
Tie-rod nuts 44 4.5 33
Rocker arm pivot shalt nut
44 4.5 33
Swing arm pivot shaft nut 98 9.0 65
Steering stem head bolt 47 4.8 35
Handle bar damp bolts 23 2.3 16.5
Handle holder mounting bolts 23 2.3 16.5
f rame:
Side sranc bracket bolts 44 4.5 33 L
Electri cal System:
Spark plug. 13 1.3 113 in-Ib
Alt ernat or rotor bolt 69 7.0 51
Alternator .tator bolts ta 1.2
104 in-Ib
Thermostat ic fan switch 7.8 0.80 69 in-Ib
Waler t emperature sensor 7.8 0.80 69 in-lb SS
Neut rai switch 15 1.5 11.0
Oil pressure switCh 15 1.5 11.0 SS
Switch housing damp screw. 3.4 0.35 30 ln-lb
Taillight iense screw. 1.0 0. 10 9 in-Ib
Taillight mounting nuts 59 0.60 52 in-ib
f ront turn slgnai l i ~ t mount ing nut . 5.9 0.60 52 in-lb
Speedometer mounting screw' -
- L
Basic Torqua for General h st eners
It lb
30 - 43 ;n-Ib
S2 - 69 in-Ib
10.0 - 13.5
19.0 - 2S
33 - 45
54 - 72
83- 115
125 - 165
165 _ 240
0.35 - 0.50
0 .60 - 0.80
1.4 - 1.9
2.6 - 3.5
4.5 - 62
7.4 - 10.0
11.5 - 16.0
17.0 - 23.0
23 -33
3.4 - 4.9
5.9 - 7.8
14 _ 19
25 - 3<
44 _ 61
73 - 9B
115 - 155
165 - 225
225 - 325
l mml

Threadsd ia.
Tha table below, relati ng t ight ening to rque to th read diameter, lists t he basic torque for t he bolts
and nutl. UJe {his table lor onl y t he bolts and nuts which do fIOt fl!QUire a specil ic torque value. All
of the values . e lor use wit h dry tolvenl-deaned th. Nds.
Period ic Clwl rt
The schedu led maintenance must be done in accordance with this chart to keep the mot orcycle in
good running condit ion. The initial maintenance is vitally important and must not be neglected ,
Whichever .... ODOMETER READIN G
Every "> o/"'1J '), "> ">9' Page
Carburetor synchronization

l2 -81
-check t
tdle speed--check t

hrottle rip pia --check +

Spark lu -clean and


alve clearance--c eck t

Air cleaner element-clean

Air d eaner element--replace 5 deanin 5

ue S stem-c ec

Evapo rat ive emission cont rol
system @ -check t

Battery electro! te level-check month

8r a eli ht +

8rake ad wear--check

Brake luid t month

rake IUld--c an
2 ears


t ee" n -chec +

Drive chain wear --check

l I0-5)
Nuts, bolts, and

ti bt ness-cnec k

Tire wear--check +

Enigne year

I I t er--re ace

Generel lubricat ion-- erform

Front fork o il--change

Swing arm pivot , unitrak

linkaae-lubr icate

Coolant-chan e 2 years

Radiato r hoses, connectio ns
--ched t

Steeri ng stem bearing lubricate 2 years

Mast er cVII,nder cup and dust
2 years
11 19)
,.;aliper p,ston seal and dust
2 years
seal-rep lace
Brake ose--replace

uel hose-or
4 years
Drive chatn-. ubncate
Ever 300 km
Drive chain slack--check t Every 800 km
: For higher odometer readings, re-peat at the frequency inteNal established h",e.
t : Re-place, add, adjust , d ean, or torque if necessary.
rCa) : Californ ia vehicle only
lxx-xx): Reference Page in t he Base Manual
Fuel System
Table of Conlents
hploded View . .
Specifio.tion .
Special Tool .
Thrott lo Gr ip . nd Coble.
Thrott lo Gri p Play In.peet ion
Thrott le cable Adjuotment .
Throt t le cable Lubr icat ion . _
Thrott le Cable 1t''Peotion ..
Choke Cable,
Choke Cable Froo Play In. pect ion.
Choko Cabl o Adju<1m""t
Cho ke C. ble Lubr icat ion
Cho ko Cable In. pect ion . .
1<11. Speed In, pect i"" ,
Idl .Speod Adjuotment .
High Altitude Performonca
Adjustment (US modell
Carbu ret or Synchroni lOt lon
I'"peel ion . . .
Caroo retor Synohronization .
Fuol Level ln. pect ion . .
Fuel Level Adjust m""t .
Fu.1 Svst.m CI", nlin... In._l ion.
Coroo retor Assembly R. moval ,
C., bmetor A...mbl y Inmllat ion
Carburetor Sepa,ation . . . . .
Ca,buretor In".llot lon .
Co, buret or Di. . . ... mblv and
A"embly Note.
Co,bu ,etor Cleani"ll.
Carburoto r I n, peet i""
Ai, Cleone, .
Air Cleane, Element Removal
Air Cleaner Elementl n, ta ll' l ion.
Air Cleoner EI.mont Clooning
Air CI.oner Element In.poet ion
and R.pl,cement ,


f uel T""k
f uol Tonk Remov.l ,
Fuel Tank Inst . ll.tion Not es .
Fuel Tonk ond Ta p Cleaning .
Fuel Tap In.pection.
Fuel Tonk ond Cop In.pect ion . .
E.aPO' at iv. Emi" l"" Contr ol Sv. tem
(US Colifornia Vohido Onlyl .
Po'" Remov. l/lnstallot i"" No... . ...
H",. (n. poeti"" .
Separator l",pe<\i""
Sep.rotor Op"rat ion T..t
Coni. tor In. pect ion . .
Fuel Tonk and Cop (n. pect lon
(,e o Fuel Tank ,""tiOl>I ...
: Bo Manuol


.......... ................
g:Apply .
. Apply oil
U ' US modo;
Co , Coliforni. modoj
_ oL -.:
; 3.4 N-
'.m.'" '"'"

1. Jot N. odl.
2. Pilot CoIif","n" mod.I. 1
3. lUS . ....
4. Pilot Jot
5 NNdI. ....t
8: _I. Jot Hold
7. M.inJ.t
8 Coni".. )
9: Seporot o. (Rotuon Pump
Specificat ions
Votuum Gougo: 670011198
High Altitudo Corburoto' Spocif iution. (@:@ I
Mainjol : #102
Pilot jot : #35
Co,burotor Spocifiution.
Mok. , typo: K . i ~ i n . CVK30
Moinjot : # 105
Main .i, j.1: # 100, #80
Noodlo jot: #8
Jet ....dl. mork: N161
Pilot j. t (.Iow jot) : #38
Pilot oi' iot (slow oi, j.tl , #flO
Pilot . . ..", hum. out!: 2, @ @
Stanor jot: #82
S. ..i fuel Ih ol
(f,om carburolO' body bottom edge):
0.5 mm boIow - 1.5 mmobo.o
Float h.ight : 17.0 2 10m
Throttle Grip Play Inspecrion
.check throt tle grip ffOO play by lightly t urning t ho
thro ttl e grip back and f ort h,
Thronl. Grip Fr.. Ploy
2 -3mm
Pt."u" Coblo Luber: 1(56019-021
Throttle G,ip and ClIbla
1300 t l 00 ,!min I,pml
(includi ng Californ ia model)
# 100. 102, 108, 110
@:@ #3&
Idl. SpMd
Opt ional Por"
Pi lot j. t ,
Sp8Cial Tool.
Along with common hand toob. t he fo llowing more
,pedal ized tool, are required fOr compl". ruel 'V' tem
Fuel lo. eI Gougo: 5700 1-1017
A, Throttle Grip Free PI. y
*I f the throW. gri p free pl.y i, incorr ec t dju,t the
t hrott le cable"
Air Cleaner
_ Remo, o ' he air cloanor hou, i"g cop,
_ Pull l h< clement holder out of pla.
_ Pull OUllhe air <leaner element.
Air Cleaner Element Removal
_ RemO'ie l ht, foll owing pam .
Soal (s<e Frame chapter)
_ Mo, " lhe Ianl bro, kel f",ward to pull t he rubber
bilnd nut uf t he cleaner h"",iog,
C. Groo,e
C11 di rl 9"11 IhrQugh inUl tho . ""e" I
wear _nd po"ibly . 09;n. will ocour.
A, Holder
B, Element
Air Cleaner Element Imtallation
OElemeot in' lallat ion i, t he re,m" of remo, .!. Noll'
the fo llowiog,
_ Be , Ur< '0 fi, tll< el<rm'n, holder io t he groo,e al lhe
bot tom of ,he ""'.
C. Rubber Baod A. n tlk
B. Tank BoI"
_ Push . <Ie, n, lin, fr"" lowel inlo t he .i, cleaner hou, ing
to keep dirt ", o' he, foreign material from ente ring.
I WARNINGI B, Arrow A, Hou, ing C.ap
_Set t he h<>u ' ing Cdp wi' h 'he ."'", mark f.dng for
WArd .
B. Element Holder A, Elemen,
el l dirt or dun i lio,"" to "".. . into Ill_
carburolOn. th o th ro.t1 1. .. m. y _ . nuck,
PO.. cou,i ng.n """ idenl , _ In, tall t ho fuel tank (,e. Fu. 1T. nk In,toll.tion).
Throttle C, ble Infpection
. With th< mrut lle ,. t>le >t both ond" tho
cobl. 'lhould "'me freely wi!hin tho o. b1e hou,ing.
C, Throttle A, Lo<kn ut
e, Adju' te'
Throm. CHJe AdjustmMt
b l ... 1Dttw 0..", _ notitI. lIIe 10110.......
. ....11ft ..i... the 0_encl of lhe...:cele'alOO' ubIe,
Ii",_ the Io<k"", ........ !he ..diu>lft .
Throttle Cable Lubncation
Whene.e, the throttlo c.b1o ;, ",,,,,ed, and in
..:.c<>r d..." with t ho Poriodic "l. inte""". Ch....1 ("'.
Genoul Inform o, ion chaptor), perf0/'" tl><
.... a Ihin of !II"<.'" lu ,1'0 111'011'" <.oble
luwcr ...d>.

1. ....pply
I . Tl.-uttlt Coble
_- _._.._-_.-_._..- _._ _-_..- _._-
Ololr.e e.tJk FtW PI.-y /niPVon
OOChock tlul !tIC etloh _ IT... n, properly ond _
<be in.... uble lIi do> ..... oo lllly.
_If tne ,e i. ony irrqulori'y, <he<1 !tIC chok< <.Ible ...
lIIe _ ......, of o;h....e <,obI. play <&l !tIC
Iewr. Pull me <hoke ...." unt il the ,W",r
plun"", lever .. tho "",Iou,e"" <""laC" w;1Il the ,Wter
plunF; til<> amount <If , h<lle Ie.." t....,1j, the . ", ou nt
<If chol . cal>.
. If free play i, not ,or re<1, . dju' t the choke <able
Cfw:, ko Coblo F.... Ploy
2 -3mm
Choke Lubn'cation
Wh on",", Ihe <hoke <. tole removed, luto rie. to t h,
<hoke cable as fol low"
_Lubriu.te the <;;I to le wilh a penetrali ng ru, t inhibilor_
Cl>okoCoblo In. faCtion
Coblo Lubri""tion
Choke Cable Inspe ction
_Wi lh t he choke cable di" onnccted at t he both end"
t he catole .hould move freely wit hin t he coble hou, ing,
C. Play
B. Play A, Chok. Lever
A. St. rter Plunge; Lever
B. Staner
Choke Cable Adjustmen t
_Loo, en Ihe locknut at the nul of tho <hoke
<able, and t urn Ih<adiu,t ing nul until lhe cable ha, the
proper amount of play.
1. Choke Cabl.
. If c.bl. moyement i, !lOt free ofter lubricating ("'.
Choke ( . blc Luto r;c...tion), if t ho c. toie i, frayed, or
if tho hou, ing i. kinked, repl. c. d the cable.
Id la Spee d Inspection
_SWt the . ngine and warm it up Ihoroughly_
_With the engine idling, t urn the handlebar to bot h
, ide, .
If h... ndleto", movome nt ch.ngc, Ihe idle , peed; t he
throlll < <.tole mav be improperly . dju,led or in<orreCl-
Iy rouled, or il m. y be d... m. gcd, Be lUre to corr t
;(fl y of the.. condi lion. before riding,
A. LocknUI 5, Adju' ting NUl
Ih. locknUl"flCf "djumnent .
CO!>&..t lon -Mtll lmpropo,l y I dju, to<!, inoonoctlv , out . d.
ar . <!omOll. d <21>1. could ,..u1 t In .n un..l . 'i ding .,.,...
echeck idle , peed,
*11 tho idle ,peed i, Out of lh< , ped fied ronge, odiu, ! it.
1 300 ,/ min (,pml
500 nee rlmin (rpm)
Idle S/J86dAdjustment
_Turn Inc . diu'li ng " "\\I unt il idl< ' reed i. correOl,
..:)pen and cl<e t he t hrott l< 10\\1 t imo, to mako ,uro
t hOI t ho idle .peed i. \\I ilhin lhe , pc<it i<d ' ange. Re
adiu'l if nece" ary,
Carburetor Synchronization InWecri on
oWdrm up t ho engine.
idle >oeed . nd . di",r if nec",wv
rurn t he fuel tap PRI po>il iun.
oGo. oline i. oxtr . "",lv flamml bl. I nd oon be explo. I
und., certain condition. . Turn ttl . igniti on ... iteh
OFF. 00 not . moke. M. k. til .. ttl. . ... i. \\Ion
I t><! fr lrom . ny ,ou,,," of I I. me 0' . pork;
t hi. includo. anv .ppliln,," wittl l pilot light
Pull t he v.tCuum ho,., 001 d th vacuum h",. fill ing,
al tl1< fuel t . p .od lhe carburetor fue l enrich<.
i\t!ach vacuu'" W l,ped , 1tool . 57001. 1198) In
the vacuum 11 0,"' ,
A. Vaouum Hm",
_Star l t he engin< .nd idle t o "'O"Ur< the engine int . ke
*11 the inta ke vacuum dine'ence btwecn . ny ' wo
cylinder< xc d, t he limil, ,ynchron;,. the c. rbure,,,,
butt erfly ..Ivo, (.re Butt<rfly V. I,e Syncbron iz.at ion),
Engino Vacuum Synch'onit ion
Lo.. th.n 2,7 kPo (2.0 emHgl diff..onco bet woon
both eyllnde..
Remuve tho yacuum g,luge. wnnt t he vacuum ho""
lu t he ..euum ho>e f iUi,,1l'
Carburetor Synchronizefion
_Turn lhe . diu>ting ", row lu ,ynchronile tho
butle rfly ". lve,.
Fuel Inspection
00000o/;... ;, ..a ..,. M ...... i.
___ _ >di600. . T_ tho .....- """'<II
OFF. Do __ Iolok. _ ... _ ;, _
.-bIo1ood _ tr .. f,_ ...,. -.... _ _'<o;
- - -...,. 'uh __ pioo: lithl .
h oi .....
o.sn __.... _ .... of _

Fuel Adi<4tmtJnr
oRc<Od II>eWARNING in me f .... l evel l_ , ion.
oDr. in tho ruel 0111of Ihe into . ""iubl<
"""liiner .
oRe_ iIoe fIo.ol bowl by 001 Ih, " re""
O5I ide oul Iho pjY<>1 pin ....d ,em"", Itle flo.ll.
oll<nd [he uni on the 0"", . , m ry !l ightly I"
<h.... Ih, " ...t he id'll . In,,,.. III, fl ..., igh[
t""" " f",11e..1.nll ,.... fIo;ol ighl
raj", I .... fu'l ,,1,
lUbber h"'" (6 mm in <i.lmtl1ef ."d oboul )00
"'''' Ionl).
00_ 1 fuel 1M 11"'" (SpKi oll Tool) to lhe
flOOI bowl willi iIoe fuel """'.
oHoid !tI, ....lI" .....m.lly .,.in. , 1:1>. <>f iIoe at.
bum... body .., thol iIoe """0" lino i> ..-..I ....11;.
m'len hi..., ' h... iIoe bonom odie or 1M . ..bur n ...
oTurn iIoe Iuei up 10 I.... PRI posi'ion 1<> ' ted fud 10
the u,buretor, ' ....n !urn 0<>1 Ih' u,bureto' du jn
fo... , u,n.
oW, i, fuel l..el; n the i-'uiI< ..1110.,
o Ke. ping 'he ..I. ' lowly 10"'", t n0 Ilol Uj until
t nc "" '0" I;n. i' even witn tn o bnttom COiC oflhe <".
bU"' l,,, body, Floot Ht igtlt : 17 mm
0D0 "Of to- iIoe MzwoMIm. _tt..bolIom.... of
_ ..... rho "'- __
h,,;- d>Mr rho '-' '-. I f _ ;.
10_100 _ , <&onp rho 1.-1 ""'" of I ' ""0
co",... ....
oRud Ihe fuel loYeI in lhe _. ond ;1 ' 0 the
_ inu,iolL 'ianoo in II>et.arl>uretor dr ..........
oTum iIoe fue( 10 [he ON pooition ond """""" \he
0 1"""' 1 ..... fuel I<wl in Ihr _ UlbureW\ in "'"

*i f lI>c fuel Ie.-eI io inu>rn<: l. <Od j"'l il {.... f .... U>'fl
1. f uol l ..,.,. G, ug<; 570011011
2. f uel l evel
o4<wmble ,he "'bun"".ond the , In<el.
O1 f lb. rocl Inrl be by u.;,. _ .
, .... 00l[ or ,tie n..., .<l.. ;o d.
C. U\>k Tip
-sli p the tiP' 01 111< It!toult in.... ubles out of !he
.... Iley 10 """,pic tllrburt'or run",," .
ooCho:<k '0 "'" i f Ot "". ( om<. oul.
_n p ll en the ..... n plull' """ turn lht fuel top lOON
*I, y 0.- ...cd du. inllht.t>o:e in'll-
ac.,., 111< ,..... '1'>_ 1_
..., floe! T....k -.d
OGo""i ... it . . ..moly 1I. ", ,,,,, IIl11d .... bo expl"';..
undfl _1111'1 _,IOn.. T 11>1 19nitioll Itch
Of F. Do "'" ,mole Mok ,h. __ I 11
...n,i l.tod . nd I... from o"v lOurco of fl . "", ... IlNIrk;
this ind uct" . ny .ppli.nco with . pilot
CMbu,.trwAsHmbJr Rtmo"'/
. Ro<n<- Ihc foll<>oooi "1 PMII.
"................d Ridc<'J
l cfllllCl Ri,tH
Ltft _ RiJhI Sid. Cover>
Rubb & nd _ B.1lI..,.
Ai, CI_ HUU>i".M""nt,n, 801..
R_ f ender "' '''''' tin. &011.
R... Fen..... front 5, ion Mounlinl 801"
Re. Ilu k. R...""i,
( Remo"",!he """,,,til'll boll ."ll pull the
ootof pl.u,l
CooI. n, Ru e"' ..;' T.nk
. 'i l i de the . pr inl! b.nd. orrt he.i, clncr dll<b.
_Pul l the ,i,cleo"et h<>J l ins , . ..",,,d.
-Slip the , ,, burn .. ,, O\Jt,
-Slip the t ip of the chokt Inn.. oohl. ()U[ of the lever,
ond pUll the <obi. 001.
I . r1w[ bowl m, ung su,f...
2, Flo", 0,.1.. n..dlc , od
), n"'l
Flo.. hei tht
OGooolino .. ""tr_y fl_.... _ .n M .
pIooi" ...- ...loin __ r . n tho Ignis.....
..i<ch OFF. Do _ ._. . M,ok. ..... tho 10
...1 _tilo'" _ tr.. _ ..., __of Of
.,.,n..; _ _ ..., . ppIi __11/I "'01
Mthl .
Fu,1 $y$tem Cleanliness IniptlCtion
..._ I ...iubk ho!.< 10 fini", .. !tIe bonom
of...,h urt.." .
R.... the ends of m.1KoIn inlO ....ubk"""
_T\/fn Iud .... '" tho 'Rl pooilion .
f Tum out..,;ll 1lII.1- It.. tU<M4nd chin Ihc
11o.o1 loowk,
. " h. , ......,.;nlll1. <.. ,tuff pi,""", of liMf,.."
<I...... doth> into the .....bu'.1Or 1IoI..." ...d 1110 in!.Ok.
du<;1> to I<eop the dirt ou1 ohllo er>I'lW .on<! ai,
I Yl'AR"' I"' 5
If .., M d,," iI .. _ to _ lrlto .... _
-.. .... thn>ttIo ...,
____ . , .L
<>I f din '" in", _ n....
__poo..bIy ""IIi_d ..,. wil _ .
Carbureror Assembly Installari on NOrf!f
. Mt. r in' liIlling the " , bur. tor" perform I h. following.
<>ChOG k fuel I k.go from the .,oorelo, s,
OF.... IpiUod f,o....... _ bvfOIOfI II ...__.
OAdju, 1 the follow;"Il i....., if nee......y
Idl. speed
Throt tle ",-ble
CtxJ,.ror $BpMatioo
thec...-ecOf .......bly.
oRe- II>e porn t>ef_

Q>ok.l Spoinl ...dCholo l _
Clrt>u Of M<:IJ nti"ll ".t...
1. Chol<. L..--
2. Choke L...... SJlfina
3. Mounli"!l ",.1< (UlII*l
4. eo.w"l E..._ S.,..c""
S. No. 1 ... ILH)
6. I'W. 2 Clrbu..1Of (R, HI
7. ldfc Adju, li/ll5e'r-. t1oIclto"
8 Mouncinl ".Ie (l _ 1
.c..ntl"" _,.e the CMbu..lon f,om ...... ,,\h...
Carburetor IMt/l llar/on
. Wh. n ;n, u llinll , h. ,,, bur. c,,, , be ..'el ul of th.
followinll il. m, .
co, e<kto ... ch.c tho in pl.ct:.
_Tho cenlor line; of lhe o_rPurotor bore, mu,t t>e
p.ral lcl bolh horiw nl_lIy . nd vert ically. If they are
not, loosen lhe mount ing ,n ew, and _Iign me <ar
bu reto" on ft. t surf_<e. Ret ighwn me mounl ing
_Af ler ",sembling t he choke mcoh_ni,m, chec k 10 ;co
,h .t th o <huke I.",r , Iide, right 10 left , m",, 'h ly
with out abnor mal fri<tion.
OFu l mix'u.. t ,oublo could ..lUlt It , h tot t o, dot.
not _t pr _ly In ito ,oot po.i, i"" olto, th. <;!10k.
knob it returned .
Oln, ,.11the fil t ing, ,r><I , priog , ; , huwn.
C. Fill ing
_V;'u. lly ,yneh ron ile the Ihruu lc (butt erfly) val' e,.
'-Chcok to see th. t all valve, open and d u,",
smoo,hl y with ou , binding when tur ning the pulley
<N i, u_lIy , heck the cleM.nee l>et ween t he th rott le ;-al,e
. "d lile ,,,,burel'" bor e in e_, h o_rburot of.
A. Bal. nee Adju"i ng S<rew
8, Clo_'O"oo
A. r itting Pipe
B. Spri ng
C. rini ng;
D. CMbu rel o, Body
01",1. 11 ' he throlt k "" d a;
, hown,
(M t hore i, difference bctwcc" . ny two c.r burelOr< ,
lum , he balan"" ,crewl to obtain the ""nc
elear. nco.
A PI.te
B. Pl,te
C. Spring
Ca,ooreto, Disassembly and Assembl y No w$
QO\l,lng co, buret o, dl..... mbly. 1M careful no, to
dom.go .... diophregm. No. or u.. I "'.rp odll" to
. omo.o t M d",ph gm.
_To in; !_11 the n,,,,dle jel , l urn t he carbu retor body
up' ide-down, and drop tho needle je' in' o pl",e ' 0 th.t
' he ,mailer diamet er end of t he jet goo. ;n f i"t,
Needle Jet
Voouum Piston
1. NeC<l loJ et 2. Sm. 1I Di. meter End 1. V.cuum Pi"on
2. Jot Needle
3. Spring s.at
4, Spring
Main Jet .nd N.odl. Jet Hold. r
OOCard ully "' rowin tho noodle jet holder (.i r bleed pipe),
h will , eat ag.in, t the needle jet , pulhing t he ond of
the jot int o the o" burelOr bore.
_Remow the pilot 'c"" w' from t he o" bureto" ..,
follow, .
oFor the US model, remow t he pilot ", rew plug .,
Pun,h hole in t he plOll and pry it 01 wit h an awl or
other ", iuble tool.
oTurn in the pilot "" ew . nd count the number of turn,
until it ",a t, fully but nottighUy, and thon removo the
",rew. Thi' j; 10 ",t the "rew to ils original l>O' it ion
.... hen ..sembling,
2. Needle Jet Holder 1 Main Jet
A. Pilot Sorew C. Flo", Bowl
B. Plug (US model only)
00<> not to, o. t h. ndi. jet holde, 0' ..... " i9ht.n It.
Th. _ I. j. t 0' th. oo, bu, eto' body could be
dom.ged _ i' ing ,epl..,.mont,
-Slip t he jet needle through t he hole in the center of t he
vacuum pi'ton, and put the w.,her and , pring ,"0< on
t he top of the necdle. Turn the >cal '" that il doc, n01
hlod t he hole .. the bottom of t he v""uum piston.
oTurn in t he pilot , crew fully but not lightly, and t hen
bad il oot Ihe >ame number of turn. , 000nl cd during
oFor the US model, in' tall the pilol re.... plug .,
In,tall Mw piug in t he pilot ' c'e.... hole. and apply d
,ma ll amnunt of a bonding agent to the circum
forence of t he plug to h t he p l u ~ .
1. Apply boodiol"il"M.
2. Plug
). Pi lot ""r,,,.
4. C.,burew, body
lCAUTlOJil '
COD prMoocI _ _ , __
.. "... -'f "'" ...- lor .. _ . . ... tho
- .-.-...""'.... -'f bo ...., a , .
OR-.... -..",w- Of _ "- tho_
"'-._We...... 'I ' ,... tho __... 11II
o _ .........don. Tl>is ",ill _I __ ...
01tho po, tI.
en.. _bwftor -., 1180 p1.nic '*" thol _I bo
,,_. DO NOT MOO 0 . tt..... _burolO'
oolulion wlllcII Id ottodc 1hftt Pl!'U; In.rood, use I
mild 11 11'11 ol....lng , o!ul lon ..10 for pIo.U
000 n01 UIO .. i" or ony 0011.. h" d In.trumanl ' o ....n
_bo............. Hpor;ially iotl. .. ""'" _y bo
COo not ., __-.... _ . ..... P'ulI '"
1lwI _ _ ' ...... -._.
01l'hen ... _,the ......tiftl tf'Irid>or ... """"..,.
the "",,,,,ti,,. W IOWl, reono>'O the o:oo<t, 'PI"'L
OM, dilp/'w4"".
-0;... .-."'" me urbu'tlOn.
Imm..... 1ht ml'tll p,orn In ...""rel<)O" ,1t...,,'1
. R;"", 11>0: por .. 1n",. tn .
e'4'lIm eMport, , ..... , ,..,, them .,; ot< .; .
IOfl:Io<ao th''''' .oio ""d fuel _ lIt' ''';!h
."._ t'" ",bureton.
Carburetor /nsp lICrion
it Ulr_y l lomm.ble and caro bo ..pIooi ..
"""" ca,"'" _ 1010.... Tum tho " Illon _ ell
OFF. Do "0< _ Mal tho "" II _ ,
-tiltwd ond fro... ony of ' ...... 00 spartcs;
___ , 50.. ",iOh lIvI' t.
0(:1.... th. In 0", oll' ''l'ltlloted . ,.., . nd
ca thOl th o.. I. no or fIlImo . ny", her. no" ....
w..... "" " ..; tIl io _ ...... any . ppll ..... wit h . pilot
-... 01 t ho 0.- of 1",", _ 0
...... do _ ,..oIi'" '" kwrI f1....1>OIOIt oot-u
... d _ .._""'........
I . c.rt><Iffl'" I l H)
2- """,,"Ii.. 5<:,",
4. Spri ..
CarbcJretor Cleling
s. Oiop/'wop
6. c.o.- ifll Enric:Iw
7. "' ''''''t'''l PI,to

. 9ef"... ,.......,."bhl'll !I'oc ...rtlutet on. lhe I.....
-. (1ft r l IIKPUtion).
"I fuol I> inwoT..1, iMpe<t .... re., of th<
e:atbu '" brion: _til'll iL
OSIido d>e U10b .. ri" t to ItfI. il 10 dtcd<
lh< 'WI..- p1uI'l!tl!" m""" """"lil ly ..d retum ....Ith
<pring ternl,," .
*11 the .... n plun..", de> _t woO<
!he corbu"' to .
. Tum the throttle , . b<e I'Ul ley to ' htc k Ihot the
throul. ..Ive, move smoothly . nd return by
>p ringten. I"".
'oM the thranl . vol, do not more ,",,,,,thly. Repl" .
the ,..-bu ton.
...f IIlc pIoslk tip k .......,.d. npl.aco lhc.-dlo.
_ ill !hi rod in the Olh<t- end of me fIo.o, w.e
_ <Ie on" then , eplx.c il .
...f '1 _ _ ","1'1'0111, upI"" ""'_.
*OI. <k tfte lapCRd portiOll of the pilot Kth' for ___
ot dom....
1. Pilot sa-
A. Throt tl. V. I"".
e()i"" """bI. ,""
ooCIu n ' he u rburetor>
,h., the "" the Ilo.i, bowl .... d dr.in pi...
m d 11>1: on u.. ....m pi'lon . e in ..,.,..,
condl lion.
... f ...y of ' '''' ().rjnp or dl.optn-4l1"1' "'" not ;" IOOd"", .
dlti"". 1I>fm.
ecI>ed< tfte o.rir>tl .and INpivarm of conbfII _ld\ef
8, (xi'll
A. Vacwm Pl>_
...f \be pilol Kth' k or tWnoged on "'"
portion, il * ,11 pr , tho mlln. nom ;'Ii".
,nfC,o, hly, Replk . il .
th., the ..m pi,''''' ....-. ,,"oothly ion the
<Mburetot body. TI>c ",rf "" of "'" pl, 1on ......., not be
. xce;'i"'ly .
' f me rn pi>!"., doe, not mo.. ,",oomly. 0' if it
i, very I""", in corbur. t ot body, rcplaC<' Iho , bur. t ot .
*11 my of the O...lnp Of dlipfw4flD nul in cood
wndltion."",1Kt ,...... ,
*OIeck ibe pl.nie l' p of "'" 00.0' .oJ.., -.lIf. I,
....""'dbe Imouth. *1_ ony JlOO'C", ..... 1<..... or

I . Rod
2. V. I"" .....dIe
3. v.., .......... w....
Air Cleane r
_ Remove rhe air cleaner ho u, iog cop,
_ Pull t h. clement holder out 01 pla .
_ Pull out t he air oleaner element .
Air Cleaner Elemen t Removal
_ RemO'ie tht, l oll owing pam.
504t (s<e Frame chapte r)
_ Mo, c the tanl bro' ket I",ward to pull the rubber
b.J nd oul of the cleaner housing.
C. Groo , e
q l dirt 9010 through 'h. ""co.. e"lli""
wear _nd PO" ibly _"IIin. domou. will ocour .
A, Holder
B, Element
Air Cleaner Element Imrallation
OElement in' lallat ion i' t he re,""c uf remo".!. Noll'
t he fo llowing,
_ Be , Uf< ' 0 Ii' th. el<rm'n l hc>l der in t h. gr,.,.t t he
bol tom uf ,h. ..s<.
C. Rubber A. n " k Bra'ket
B. Tank Bracket Boll>
_ Push . clean, lint free t owel int o the .if cleanor hou, ing
to keep dirt 0<olher foreign rnaterial fmm emerlng.
I WARNING. B, Afmw A, ...p
_Set t he hou' ing Cdp wilh lhe orrow mark facing 10<
B. Element Holder A, Ele"",nr
Clf dirt or dun i. 0110_ to !'O" throuUh into t il_
corburoton . tho th rottl o ' 01. .. moy _e stuck.
PO.. cou.i OQ on """ident , _ In, tall t ho fuel tank (.e. Fuel T. nk In, toll.t'on).
Air Cleaner Elemen t Cleaning
"In dust y arttIi&, th8 8lem"" t shOtJld N clerm(/(j mo'"
trtJqlJ'lfll/V tIMn the f(J(; om,mmded in", ,,,"' .
GA f/ er riding th rough "" n or on mudrly 108ds, tM
element $h""ld b8 clB/NltId ImmBd/8tlliV.
e Rem'''e Ihe ' ir cle.ner clement (sco Air Cle.ner
Elcment Remov. IJ.
8o(1..n the e1emenl ;n , both high fl, >h point ",I venl,
, nd l hen dry h with rompres>ed air or by shaking it.
000 not u.. lIIIJOlin. or low f1..h-pomt oolnt to
cl... n .....Iem. nt . A Ii.. or explosion 0>u1d r..ult.
81eathe r Oil Inspection
Remove t he plog at the end of t he drain lube on lh<
bottom of the air cleaner and drain oil
" cumul'ted in t he tube.
e Aller ..Iurale lhe >pongc filler with -S E cia"
SAE 30 oil, , que"e out the exce", t hen wrop it in a
elean rag on<! squet'e il as dry .. po" ible. 8e careful
not 10 tear the , ponge filler,
A, Air Cleaner Hoo' ing
a Plug
Fuel Tonk
Air Cleaner Element tnspection
and Replacement
e Reffi O>O the . ir ele. ner element (,ee Air Ci.'int r
Elemenl Rcmo..I).
80(1.." the , ir deaner element (,ee Air Cle. ner Element
eVi, ually inspect Ihe element 10f t"." or br..k, . Check
l he elemem holder . nd wire """"n.
A. Screen
" If il h.. any Ie." or break" replace t he element.
"I f lhe holder or lhe roen Me dinoned, replace lhem.
cWhen replacing the holder Ot ", recn, remove the air
cte..,er hou' ingand ", parale iI
e Repe. led <Ieoning open; lhe po, e>of t he foam in the
element. Replace t he clemenl "C"'ding 10 Ihe Peri-
odio Mainl<nance Chart (,ee General Informal ion
ch. pl<rl
Fuel Tank Removal
00..oli.... ixtn m. ly fl. mmobl. OM e.n bo plo. i
undo< cortoi" "".-.didon. . Tum tho ;gnition switch
OFF. Do not .m<>l<o . M. b IU'. tho .... i . ..oil
ntil.tocl .M f,.. from .ny sou. c. of fl.m. op.rko;
t his includ ny . pplionc. with . pilot light.
Of or 1h. US colifomi. ..bid . if lI"JOlin., JOI.." t. ...t. r
Of ony oth.. liquid ."to...... coni. ..., t ho co"i.1o,' ,
pot """, bin-g ",,_ ity i, grU1l r .td"".d, If tbe
"" "i,,", do.. becomo co"tomin.tod, p1oco it witll.
n... o....
e [{emove Ihe follOWing parts,
Se.ll..e f m. chapter)
Side Cn.." (..e f rame ohopterl
Up per f oiring Allen Boll'
Fuel T. nk Bracket Bolts
" . Upper r .irinl "lItn Boll .
e. f uel T... k llIockct_
Hurn the fuel up to the Off pooilioo.
_ Till the u nk 001 m. re.. of lho fr.mo.
_ Puil iho hme. on Ihe up.
OFor Colif,"ni hicle" Iho brealher and fot i ,elurn
hose. mu,t be di, conneCltd f'om me u nk fill ings
before Unl< ,em"". 1. Pl ug Ihe fu. i 'elurn flUin,. Thi.
p .oii ... fromflowing into the ,""i.le'.
_ Drain Iht fuel unk il neco"..y.
oAr..n.. I ", iuble wnuinor under tho fue l u nk,
ol u,n Iho fucl 14 p 'olho RES j)O>illO<l IO duln \1>0 fuol
into Ih. con"" .... .
Fufi Tank and TlIP C!NfI;ng
_ Remove the fuel tank and <hin ;1 (on r uel Tank
__ hi.. Itasft-poinl "","n. into tho fuel tank
and ",",,0 lh< tan k lD ...- dirt and fuel def>ooi"' .
00_ ... _k No _I-nntilo-tool -. _ - --
__ II .... _ k or fto_ ..ywtoooo _ lito
_ .... __of 11>0-'" of .....11 .....
....... liQooidl. .... "'" _ .......... or __-.poin,
.... _ ... c1_tI>o_.
. Pour tho >01....1out of t ho unk.
. R. ....... the fur l from Ihe tan k by W;. inl out the
holt, with nylon ...0:;11<" .
00. ... U,e furl filter ICr'e<n, in a hil" fll<h'l"'inl
ool, enl.
_p""r hig!1 ftath-point soI..nt tl" uull!:> the UP in Al l
I'..." p",itiom ,
_Ur. Ihe un nd top with ,ompre<",d i ir.
_I n' Ioll Ih. t.lp in the Llnk ('00 fu.1 Tap In.tallal ioo),
_1,,,1011 tile fuolt.nk (,.. Fuel T. nk In' loll. Iloo).
Fuel Tap Inspection
Omon .... fool UI'lk and drain i, (_ Fuol Tank
- I
o+mooe the fuel laP loy lakinl OUI tho boll> with nyIcn
-a.ea tho fuel f&l' iii ... ,,;ram lor any tftal<, or
drlrrior. _ .
F.... T...
1. Filte,
2. ().ring
3. G.aoI<. t
0lf the fool up ","", hi.. any mal<, or "'" dr,.,.;o.
,,'w, il ...... allow dirt to rn ch lh< c.toureror,
poor 1'UI'Itli"l- R.,ucc the fuel tap.
ol f lhe f1.>ol 1aP Ioaok. , or ",10M fuel 10 fIo<oo ........ i,;,
ON or RES witl>oul ..... ...,i.... """';"1. repIxo tho
ciamop JilII<. 1Of ().rjll&-
FU6i r .,,/I: ."dc.,J fnw:tion
. Vi, uAl ly inlfleCt the ... on lhe \.ank and oap for
any dm>.,
*R""tae< tho ""'.<'1 if ar. damoge<l
oRem""" tho h"",,(. ) from tilt fuel !.Ink, .nd open tho
Link oop.
ooCll""k to "'0 If mo t"..ther pi pe 1. 1'" the fuel '<lo,n
pipe fo' the US C. lif",nl in , he tank are nol
clo&!ed. Ch,," Iho lillk t ap b,c.,h cr 100.
*I f t ho u.nk breat ll. , pipe II <luU.d, remo'. til. ,.nk
and drain il and Ihen blow Ih. D.-.. mer ffC....i, h
compr . , ,.d ai, .
*ll t h. !.Ink cop br ther i loUOd, pta il.
Emi$sion Control SVS.....
(US California V.nid. only)
1M h_.tiYe ErniI.iion Control S"'U<I\ 'OU''''''''
.-. ""'" It>< fuel .,....... into 1M'_in, ""Ii'" or
,,"'.. 1M..pon in CMIi.w _ lilt ""iii... io ""l>-
pod. Allll<Jo.F no oOdiU'....... " on "qoulrN.' lI'>orouc"
-... i_ no.. ......' be m_ .1 tile inlOr<". opi roed
try tile Periodic; "' ';n.. ChML
OGNoII ... II ..tR.....y t11_MId _ bo ..pIooi ...
....... co" "n conditiono. Turn "'i'lon owildl
OFF. Do not smon . Mlk the it ..-.II
n'll.tfll MId frn lrom . ny .., "'.. 01 II '" . pork.;
' hi. Include. I ny . "p1 I. n.. wllh ,,1I011l Ilhl .
011 110 1_ . ooI..nl. w.... .... I"y _ hqllid .".... tho
..ni tf>o -.ill. , .. _ ._1MnI --"IV I.
_ tty _ . II tf>o -.it... ......
..................... it ...i .... _ _ .
I TO _Ithe llN>Iine h om flo"";", in.., tilt Unlsl'"
or from .....inl oul of the CMIi'l1". I'IoId the _.tor
poerpendio:.ular 10 the Found.
I 1br hoo.e> """",din, to !he di._of the
.yot.... . "' ... ...... th<-y do no( ..I I'_'" kl<>kool ,
How fnsprctiOll
OCh""k d'ln the h..... ...., """roly "",.-Iool
. RopI. "" my kink. d, do.., I"" lOd '" dom'" h.......
SeM r. w r /nspt!'C fion
. 00""oM 1 th. h""", Irom 1"0 liQuldl .."", 1<,,' ''101,
. nd r.m"". t he "'1'I..tOl f rom tho
eVi, uI II in"",,, the "'"...."" fur cr"" k> and othe r
I lf tho . op..-. t o, h" . n crack '" !l. d . .... pl4<e il
wilh . now""0,
<>G.ooI;". ............,., flo __bo l a:ploaoi...
___n, '11100. . T It>o ....- _
OFF. 00_ ...... _ _ .. _
-.tilI\IOd _ froo fro.,. ...y _ oJt fto_
___.,..,.-__ pilot I"'"
.connecl !he hoo.e> to !he ......."". ...d in. lIII !he
..!Wit", on lhe
ol)i""on.-:. tho b,ulher h""" f,om the lep",,,,,, ...d
in;":' aboul 20 ml or ",101,... Into the \C1ln",
11"0011' tho "-flnin..
0;",,_ 1 doefuel IO''''", "- f.""" the fuef unk
e Run the open ern! of Ihe re,u", _ in 10 the <ontoin..
IIOVOl "';1/0 lhe""' k lOP.
-Sto" tho ..."no, 'ltl d 101 II Idle.
. If tho proline In Ihe .. powo, cam.. oul of the ,,_
the "1'0'"''''' work. _ II. If il does nOI. ...ploco Iho
.."v.,o,with . new""e.
Canister /n$plKri""
o Romo the c... i. t( , . ond di""",necl t he h.,.., f",m
the clIl i. to, .
I Vi. uolly in, pee, the unl" .. fo< "'I<h . nd othor

. 11 the ClIlislef h... OIl" ""k '" l>od d....."". ' ej>loce it
",i lh . new""".
OTlN! c.niftw .. cIor , lid 10 _ _ Ih""'fIh If>o
mt>tt:>teydo'S .wfl'>out " /I _ _ i f it ;, ..-1



- Cont rol Sy. .. m

. Emi ..,,,,,
FUel SYSTEM 2-19
1 Fud Tank
" Carbureto r , ,
. ' ne' Hoo' in
3 Ce. Sep.,at"r
4: Uquid,IV. por
5. C.ni" e, oo,c (Bluo)
6 Bre. the' H H< <e (Red)
7: Fuel
B. Purge (Blue)
9. Breather
10. Cap H",. (While)
11. V.cuum
Cooling System
Table of Contents
hplooed View .. .
Specificat ion .. .
Cooling Sv. tem..
Coolant . . . .
Oat.,ioration .
L I In,poct ion
Coo ll nt Draining.
Coo lant Fillir>g .. .
Air BI. oding .
Vi.uol Leak In,pe<t ion . .
Flu.hi"ll ...
Di,a " . mbly and A".mbly Procoution.
W., .. Pump . .
Pump eo Ro"""ol.
Pump Cv Installat ion Note
Pump impeller Inspect ion.
Water Pump Remo I . . . .
Woter PuMp Inm llal ioo Notal ..
Rodi. t"' . Radiator Fan .
Radiot"' . Radiator Fan Rem"". 1
Rad i",,,, Note.
Rodi"", In.pe<t ;oo . . .
Rad iator CI ni"ll
Rodi. tor Cop Inspect ion . .
Rad iator H",., R......,; r Tank Tub<! Im ""olivn
Rad iator Hosa, Pip.., R,.oi, Tank T" be In".I I. t ion Not .

Rom""al . .
Hou,i ng R.mo. , 1
Inspect ion .
Tl>e, mOltat io F. n Water Temperat u," $on,o,.
W.te, Temper. ture Sensor Removal
Fan Switoh Rom"".i
in".II.t;o n Not ..
In. pect ion

......... .. .. .....
3-2 C .
1. F... Swit<:ll
2. DrainPl"ll atu,.. SI"' ...
Wate, Tamp."
3. Too Iont.
56 : Apply"., lIa,ion.
o . Applv 0,101Ink m 69 in-Ibl
: , 8 N-m (0.8(1 g" n . .
I ", I

Specificat ions
St anda. d
f -
Original Coolant
type of antifr""'le (soft wat er aod
ethylene glycol plus corrosion and rust inhibit or
chemicals for aluminum ei'l9ines and radiators]
Color : Green
Mixed rat io: Soft water 50%, coo lant 50%
Freeling point : -3rC l- 3SoFI
Tot al amOlJnl: 1,0 L (reservoir t ank f ull level including radiator
and engine)
Radiator Cap
Relief 73.5 - 103 kPa
1.05 kwcm' , 11 15 psil
Valve opening tempe rature : 80,5 - e3S e (177 182 FI
Valve full open lift : 6 mm or more@9SC(203F j
I{ow...ki Bond (Silicon. 8oo1. nl) : 56019-120
Cool ing Syltem
The ....11... cool ing h 'ltern is a prHIUrized forced ci rwlation type. Wr.en the engine Io.d va, ies. ttl"
M t1!m con troll the engi ne temperatu re "";r!1 in n. row limits where the .... gine operares mOi l
eflicienlly. In thi1 WIY Ihe e ngine perto-ms $lably in .... riding coodi lions, lIrld is very
<Ollin< i, oold, l h. I. do..d, '"
U"', Ih, "",Ianl flo i nIr itl,d Il.-000h Ih, ..... 11
""Ie. .. u<inll.......gi 10"'"m up more quickly.
I. W" ..
2. w....- i.oc kcI
3. WOI..- pipe (Cylinder)
4, Cylinder h d
5. W.,. r pip< (Cylinder head)
6 . W. , ' <mpe,.lure ...""'"
7. Th<'nno<tat
3. R.><U_ap
, . n,cnnoluti( lin ....,11:II
10. Coolins ''''
11. Radiator
Cooi ont
e Viw.olly In<l't the to<>WIt in the ........,,;. Wl k,
01' ....... i>h <o""o-like f.. 1ft _ . lIumin"",
Pl'b in !he cool ins.y" II< wrrucled. rl,l>< coolin!
is brown, iron Of " ..I pIl1\ lie tu,';ns. In .i!her """,
ftu>h lh.
on 11>. iii... un ... obnorm. 1 ""etl ""'...
ch. nging, check fOf cooling ,y' lem I . It m.y t>o
C4ud ga, le" ing inl O the cooling ,y,I.m,
,,*...,. ", "",-I , .. m. _ i .... If
".. c:ooI.., If "":br> by " Of ".. ,.u_ .,...
".. .;. m UJ\' to. from
Cool/..r Inspeerion
_Si, u", " Ih. mOIO",Yci. '" l h,t h i, p< rpcnui, ul.r to lhe
gr.. . ,md (.... il< ",nl<r . lind),
e Rom<,>VC Ih. knoqr., ip Pld, . nd
ach.d lh. I_I lhrou!tl tI>f <OOI.an ll..... p Ull<on tI>f
.....rwJi. unk. The coolIIol .....,.,Id lie bu-...
the FUl l _ ,I>< l OW_k>
r>Cll* rt>. /rIIt1J _ "., ...,;... io cokJ (room or
000 nor ,;,. by _ .....Of ,;,. CICI. If
,;,. UP ;, ......OI.d. Ii, __ lI"' ;"fO';" e>I4nr.._

1, R...",oi , Tank Tube

2. Radi.n or H.,... - To En.,,"
3. C<>oIM>' lnel
. H<e- To
B. CooIanl Ln.:1
itt m. CDt;I/Mo, ... ",. if """ ..m. Ii.
I'mm,. -.dfld-..,
on- ,.,..,.,. up_" __itt '""" ....,.. Fim
tum If/II UP dat:f;..,.. ro m. finr _. .",., ""'"
_ .... it ..dm. _oI m. _ .
eFili the ",.."",Ir Wl k up 10 the FULL """t wi th
toOI.onl,.and in- WI the ,,",p,
C$oft 0< dilt/lt.d ..._ mun IN uMd ... It h tho . ...
1M' bolo..- for .n'II.....) In ,h. . y.tem.
(lif IIor<I ...... io ud '" 01>0 . y>tom, i, ..u.a _
.eeumulonon In 1110 ..._ poo_', oon._ .bly
..-1.- 1110 .tIiciootcyof 1110 0001...y" .
<>at- wiUtU. ,..;,,_ ..-it> by '-frtinf ... m.
ood..r __
OCI>oi:k ooo/inl.yo,em 10< leak...
-SUI"! the Ii.... ........ il up 11""ouply. ..d It>en ,top
" 00>1< the cool... _ in ,1>0 r"""""';' ,..k .of.... II><
enlli'" """" _ .
..f .... U><JIa,n, Ie'<'d io I.,.. 4dd uooQn. t>p 10 .... FuM
...... k d'>rou" the ......"'OIr unk o;>peninl .
Visual L9ak Impecti on
Any t ime ,h. , yOlom I",. , wat.r, in,petl f ",
-Check the . at<l pump d, ainage "", I. , p...... S. for
t oot.ln,l...ko.
_ If 111< m h iu l "01 io dal'l'U8"d, ,he cool"". leak,
tilroo" 1 ""d d' ain, "'rough ,he p....ce.
Replao;e the at., pump ..ni, .
_II the'e on Ra 4pparenl ......., . p..-"' ..... the .YOlern.
Air Blooding
!lefor. punin t ho moto' tycl. into ope,4ti on. any air
"apped in 111< t ooli n< .y.lOm mw. 1 tie """",,,.d ...
foi l""".
e Rem""" tI>r radialol <op.
_ Filt 111< radialDO' up '0 ,he ..<liato.- fiUe' ne<k . i 'I>
.._ , tYPO omiIrwR "'
--...- --
oofl _a57'ft. ........, U "-
- )O"C 1-2t'FI
1.0 l lup 1<0 NFu " Nm...U
A. Drainage Outlet P...... e
:.ot tI>eboll",," of the pump bo<iy
Cooli ng Sy<tem Pr....IIf6 r ooting
GDu. log ",. ..u t ing, do 00' ox.-d tho pr . ..u, . for
...hi... th y m i. d igno<l. ,.... m.ximum p.....".
i . 123 kP. (12 5 k ~ c m ' , 18 pol) .
o Remove me rAdiAlor cap, and in. toll a cool ing .y'tem
pre"u.e IOster on lhe radiator flilor neck.
oWel the cap ... Iing .urface' ...i. h .... te, or coo lant to
pr.,,""t p. e"ure lea...
oBuild up p.."ure in t he .y.tem carefully unt il t he
pr.., ure ..""he, 103 kP. (1.05 kg/em' , 15 p, i) ,
oWatch . he gauge for al le..t 6 , ewnd. If lhe pressure
hold<' t eady. the ' y"em ;, all right.
Pr. ..ur. T. ..il>\l
1. Pre.., re T..le.
2, Adapl...
o Remove lhe pressure 1<>.e', fepleni'h lhe coola nt, and
in. tall t he rAdiAtor <op,
*11 the pres, ure drop. and no external sou"e j<; found,
check for inlOrnal leak. Droplets in lhe engine oil in
dicate inlernal leakage. Chock th< cvlinder head g"keT
and t he <ylindcr line' Oring leak
Over . pe' iod of t ime, the cool ing <v.lem accumulAte.
' U' l , ",.Ie. and lime in t he "' Ater jacket and ..d;ator .
Wh en thi, iCcumul al;OO ts '"-Ilp.ct od 01 observed, f l u ~
lho cool ing , y' lOm. If lhi, accumula.i on I. nol removed,
it ...ill clog op . he ...ale. pas,age ;md con, id<rably
redut e the eflioiencv of the cooling , y. lOm.
oDrain t he cool ing , y. tem.
of ill the oooling ' V,tem with fre, h "' Ale, mixed ...it h a
Ou' hing compounu.
OWa, m up lhe engine, and , un it At normal operat ing
temperature for abuut t en minute'.
oStop the engine. and drain t he cool ing . y, tem.
o Fill lhe .y.tem with Ir.,h water .
' WArm up t he engi"" and drain the .y.tem.
oRepeAl t he pr.,iou, t...O , t ep. once more.
oFil1 the ' V' lem wilh a perm."en. type cool. nt , and
bleed the air from lhe , y,tem.
.. .
Di$llSSI!mbly a nd Assllmbly P'lI(:lIUtion$
oPrior to di",,,.mblv of oool ing .ystem par" (..diato"
pump, . en,o", e'c) . wail uOlil cooiant cool, do...n and
dr. in cool"nt .
OAfter A"embliog and filling the >ystem ...it h coolan"
bloed . ir l "'tTl Ihe . y, tem.
Water Pump
Pump Caver Removal
o Dr. in lhe coolani by removing lhe drain plug at ' he
"' Aler pump,
oRemove lhe .hilt lever bol' and pull the leve. OIIt of
the 'hilt >h Af"
oRemove t he engine , prockel cover.
oRemove the Water pipe bolts and pull the pipe, olf ' he
pump cover .
oRemove the CoVe' bol" and remove the .... t er pump
A. Water Pipes
B. Pump eove r
C, Cover eon,
0 , Pipe Bolt'
oA, old t ho .... of flullling compound ...hich hOlmfll1
It> tM .Iuminum . ngi... ...d rodi. to, . Corofully follow
tho in.........onuppliod by t M manufoetur o. of .ho
c1_ i"'ll ",oduoo.
Pump Cover /mt8l1atian Note
oReplace the pump cover ga,k el with ne... one.
A. Pump eo...er B, W. l<l Pump
Wilrer Pump IrrsUlI"tton Notr!S
oo::tIeck mal the Q-rin. io If>Od ...,..,<ftion, MId 4lPY
.......1....""nl of eft..... oil l<> lh< O-.-ins,.
T\lf1I 1M....,ft flUl'lll wit until Jlwu;t..., !II< K
alip d ,..;th 1M Midl on lhe oil pump ""'It in th<
, ..ok""".
C. O-.-in. A.OiI Pump Sh.1I
B. W. ter Pump Sh.'t
A. lmpoll
Pump I mpeller InwKrion
Vi.....ly check th e i"'polkt,
_If the ... i, <OtIode<l. 0111 l he 1>I........te _.d,
the"'.w ...."'P ....il .
W"ter Pump Remov,,'
. D..i" the "'I ($.1>0 En, lne Oil " nd/c>< FH...
in [ngil\<' Lubti, otinn Sy, tem chapm ),
. nr . in thocool.nl.
. Rem(\\le the shifl I..., bolt . nd pull Ih. I...... out of
lbe , haft ,
e R""""" Ihe eng;"" 1Pf<><:kel ...,.er.
. Romow 1M... 1.. pi,>n Irom lh. pump.
R........ the pump ",,,,,nl in. boI" . ...d pull It.o pump
.. nil 001of lhe cnro ku.<.
R.ttfj"tor. RIIdi" f or F.ITI
. R""""", the f.inn, f_ h inn. Removal in f ......
R""""", the fucll.Onk.
D...in the"""t,nt.
. [)j O" fle<Ot the fi n molo' ,onne<; U>r bcfOfe
of the t l.di.ito' or ' 4di41l1t f.n.
"n odio' ot &to ond I _1. d1 OI. eIi_y
' 0 th o bon-yo TIlo io' ... Io" ",,,y ....1 ..... If ....
..;non MIl... .. ofI . TOUCH THE RADI


A. Rad i010f
B. Ra dia!Or I'an
C. F. n Mounti ng Boll>
A. Fan Mowr Con nector
S. Fan Swit ch
C. Fan Swi\<h Con n"" or
R<Jdiaror Installari on Note
_Bo 'UfO 10 in>l all t he t ao . witc h w;r< o n th o o ne
of the fan r,wont ing h<, I"
e D;sconnect !he f dn ,w itoh <onnector.
_Loo"",, lhe host cldmp, "od pull off t he rod;"", h",. ,
on booth , ide
A. Hose Clamp (left) C. 110'" CI"mp (Right )
B. Hi ler Sol"
A. Mou ntin g Bolt B. Gr<J<J nd l c. d
_Remo, . t he 0011 and fTee t he d utch cable d amp.
Oi,.;on ".'1 t he ground wire w nncc wT, t hen remo, "
tho r. di., ,,, m""nli ng bQI" and ..ke t he radiator off
,h. frame
A. Mounting Bolt' C. Groond W;,. Connect'"
S. Cabl e Clomp
eSeparat . ,h. fille< and radi., tm hm. from the radiator .
_Sop. rat. t he radi"l<>r fan from t h. radiat or.
Radiator Inspection
'"Chock t he rad i.tor co r .
*11 th. r .,. obstru<tiom t o air fiow, remm e them.
*11 the corr ugated f in' at Cdcl<>rmcd, ",dully , tr.i ghte n
them with tho b1.<k 01 . thin SCrew dr',or.
A. Thin Screwdriver
RBdiator Cleaning
ICAui i,,]
... cl"ninv di. lo. .tHm eln.., b
.. of II.. Ioll0winV to old da.... \0 tho fin.
oK.ep ei. non," 0 0 .& m (2(J In.lwwov from
,.di. lo. ,
OBi.... el. pe. pendlculer1V to tho . adiator co...
ON b1.... . 1, . 1 on ongl lI"i nR tho fin. bu.....
th,ough th.m in tho dl..ction of nat u1 . i, flow.
ON. .......k. 11>0 . 1. no t ight onvl!IOinll .h.
fln., be lUre to....,... it .1 .1 1with tho fin.
A. Top SCaling Seat B. Bottom Sealing Seal
o Run the gun following lhe co. e lin dire<-
l ion_
Radiator Cap Inspection
OCheek the condi tion of Ihe val'e , pring, and t he lOp
and bottom valve st all of the radiato r c,p.
* If anyone of them , how. >i, ible darnall", replace tho
ll. di. \O, Cop
2. More Ihan SO mm
( obIiQUily)
1. St..mGun
oWet the cap , ealing ,urf.ce. with wate, or ooolanl to
p,""ont p,e"ure le. ks.
.I nll all t he oap 00 a oooling ,ystem p,e"ure toster.
Wa tching Ihe pre"u,e goouge, pump t he p,e" ure teste,
to build up the p,. " u, . , Th. cap mu, t ,elain
pr"" u, e al lea" 6 ..,onck_ AI.o t he <ap mu. t open at
Ihc p,c"uro ,hown in t he table.
1. Top S. al
2. Botto m Seal
3. Valve
*I f Ihe air pmaS". 01 the ,. dialo, cure arc blocked more
than 20% by unremOl/able obuwttion. or irreparably
deformed no. , replace the radiator with a new"".
oCheek the ,.dialor f iller neck for , ign. of damage.
oCheek t he condition of t he l Op ""d bott om ,eal ing
"'at; in lhe filler n k, They mu,t be ,mooth and clean
for Ihe radialor cap 10 lunction p,oper ly.
R.din. Col' R.l i. f ur. ..u
93 - 123 kPll
lO.95 - 1.25 kg/em' , 14 - 18 plif
*If lh. cap cannol hold , ho .pcoifiod pro" u," , or if il
hold. Ion much pre" u,e. ' epla"" il with a n<w on<.
Tho,m<>meter -j
,mo't be

A. Radiator Hoses
B. Clamp>
_Oi ;con""n til . water temporal ure ",n"" connect"'.
_Wateh t he vol,c . A, ,oon ., t he val'e Ham t o open.
110 1. t he temperat ure.
* If it i, ou t of t he limit range, ,op lace the ther_
Tll..mDltot Vol.. Oponi"ll T_mlNl rature
80,5 -S3SC ( 177 - 182" FI
A. Senwr
B, Connector
C, Thermo, tat Hou'ing
D, Housing Boll'
_Remove t ho thermo'w bolt', and poll thc
hou, ing out of t he frame.
_Remo' e the therm"'tat eO'lcr and pull out the
thermostat if ncec..ary.
Thermostll1ic Fan Swit ches
Water Tamparatura $en$O r
Water Temperature Sensor Removal
ThermostBt Inspecrion
_ Remove the the'mo'tat, and inwoct the thermo'tal
,alve at room tempe rature.
* If the v. lve i' open, replace the val,o with. new on. ,
_To check val, o upening tempe ratore, ,o,p. nd tho
thermost at and an aceorate t hermomete r in . container
of water.
_Pl ac. the O'Ier a ",urt e uf heat and
rai'e t he tempcroturo of t he water while 'tirring the

OTho f. n owit<>h Of tho woto, to-mpo..tu , ""', , houk!
no" r bo . Ilowed t o f. 1l on h.,d ,f.. co. S"",,,.
>hod<t o -. po, n con 110"-thorn.
_Remove the t hermo' tat hou' ing (;ee . Thermo;tat
H"",; ng Remo", l).
_ Rom",c the ",n",r I""" the the rmo'tat
_Remove the ", n; or from the thermo;t.t

Fan Switch Removal
eu ,.in the cool, nl.
eRemuve ,he fair ing,
. Romo," th , rM' ,wileh w <mOdor, Ihen romo\," Ihe f. n
, witch.
Installarion Note
eApply liquid jl;l,kc{ compo und 10 t h< , hr d, heror.
m<>U nting t he , en, or_
eTighten the walor t emperature "'">Of .nd t he fan
,wilCh (0 t he ,pecified tor que (;c. Exploded Viewing).
Ref" tn t he Electr ica l Sy", m chJ ple r.
A. W.te r Tempera tu re Sen, of
A. Therm",l.ot ic Fan Switch
Engine Top End
Table 01 Contents
Exploded View,
Specificallon, .
Special Tool .
Se<ll "" t . .
Cylind., Head eo..,
OI linde, Haad eo.er A.mo.al ..
Cylinde, i-lead CoYer
Inst,I IOllon No'"
Com"'. " Choin Ten, i""o, .
Chain T.n. I""", Aom""a l .
Chain Too,I"". r In' t.llat ion
Cam""'f, Chain Too,ion.. Di.....mbly ,
Camsh.f, Chain Ton, i"". , A". mbly ..
Cam"'aft, Cam,h.ft Ch.ln, Aock. r Arm
C. m"'af' , Aock., Arm A.mo..'
Camsh.ft \n".II., I"" l l n d u d i n ~
Chain Timing Proced ur. 1
Cam", . ft . nd Sprocket
A" emO!y No' " , . .
Cam!l1aft Oil CIe<lril1Cll lnl peo;lion
Cam", .ft Chai n WOOf
Com"'af, Chain Guld. Wear
Cylinder H.ad. .
Compr.., i"" M...u, .menl
Cylind. r Head Remov.1 .. _
Cylinde, Head Ins, a1 lat lon Not..
Cylinde , Head Di..... mbly and
Assembly IValvo MI'CMni,m
R.m""al , nd In,tollat,""
Cylinder H.ad Warp _ _
Cylinde, Head Cleaning
Val Cloora",," lo' _ t i"" .
Valve Cleo,.""" AdjuOl m.nl
Val.. SeOl ln,pectl"" ,
Val.. Seat Ropoi,
M...u,i n9 V. IYO-t o-Guido
Cleoront.IW<>bbl. Method!. .
" .,

a. a

Cylimler, Pi" on
Cylinder Ramo,. 1
Cylinder In".l lilti"" Not .. . .
PI""" Aom""al .
Pi,ton Inst.l lal i"" Not a
Pi""" Aing, Pinon R i o ~
Groo. e W.ar _
Pist on Aiog End Gap .
Cylinder In, ide Diame",
Pi" "" Di.mot or
Bor in9, Honing .
Corbu,,' or Holder, . .
Carwretof Hold. , In. tollat ion ,
Mulfio, .
Muffler Aem"" . I .
Muttlor Inst allat ion
Exh.u,t Sy" om In. pect ion . .
Ba.. Manua l




.................................................................... ........
Exploded View
................. ....................................... ........ ............
Cylind.. Hood Bolli
S. O, o;n Bolt
LS; :::y ,i ii""". ..... nl .
M . A Y non l'O,m.n.nl lock'
PI'lY. Ihin """I _. __, my . y,ml to IIHt - "
: Ap'" . v, " ....ybd . mI. ...
T1 ,.. y ""'II'''' oil onum <l lOulfi. .
: 7_8 N-m IOBO ' _ .
l 2:9.8N-m (1
13: 12 N-m 87 In-Ibl
14 : 16 N. m 11 5k g-m, 104 in-lb.
rs, 18 N.m 11'8 ke , 11 h lbt
l 6: 25 N. m 12-5 9 13.0 ft lbl
T7: :n N-m (2'8 :9 , 18 h-IM
. y 20 It -I bl
Specificat ionl
Ref.. t o tlMt BaseMan...... not ing ..... following.
- t-- -t--++,Cam Ht ignt
Vol.. h o . ~
v.... _
Sboo.d Senict Limit
c..msh. ft :
Cam height ; Inlet 30. 53 - 31.67 mm 30.43 mm
30.53 _ 31.67 mm
30.43 mm
Cylinder H...:
Cylinder comprftSion 980 _ 1500 kPa
- - -
(UYbIe r...l 11 0.0 - 15.3 k9' cm' . 142 - 218 psi )
V.I" tpl';nll iree leogth:
I nner 30.7 mm 29.1 mm
Outer 35 .0 mm 33.4 mm
V. ...e head t hic:k oeu:
,,- 0.65 mm 0.3mm
b l'laJSI: 0.70 rrvl'I 0.5 mm
Cylina. . Pinon;
Over1in piston and , in\lli +O.5 mm - - -
Piston ring/groove cl eara nce :
Top 0.03 - 0,07 mm 0.17 mm
0.02 - 0,06 mm 0.16 mm
Piston ring groow width:
Top 0.82 - 0.84 mm O.92mm
0.81 _ 0.83 mm 0.91 mm
Piston ring end gap: Top
0.30 _ O.4S mm
O.8 mm
0.30 _ 0.45 mm
0.8 mm
Special Tools
Refer to l h. B.1", Manu>1nuling t he foll owing.
Compr. ..iOfl G....go: 57001221
Ad.p..r: 57001-1225
Go. k01: 570011224
V. I s.. t Cutt.... :
(46 _24.5: 57001.1113)
(32 h . - 0/122: 57001-12061
(32ln. _ </>25: 57001 -1118)
167,5' ~ ~ 2 : 5700 11207)
.................. .... ...... ................................................
Kaw. ..ki Bond ISili_S lant l : 56019-120
K. w...ki Bond l l iqu id G k _ Blockl : 92104-1003
A. Pipe
8. O-Ring
- r ld! lao the . yh_ hMd _ hoi" 10 Ihe Ij>e<ifiocl
tu.-q<>e b.... V_ I.
A. Wot. l'ipe C. IlI"iu"n Coil
8, Cylinder He.Id (;0,..
H H __ _. .._ __ __ _ ..
__ - _....._-__ -
CyJindtlr Htd eo- RMnonJ
_Doli n I!lc o:ooIonl 1_ CooIlnt Drain... in the Coolin,
_Re_ 1hefollowi", p.o< lO,
Upper Fai. ..., (.... W plOf in thi. 'e..)
Fuol T. nk (_ Fuel Sy, ..... <Np' in th"'ul)
RigM.H;tnd lll" jlj"" Coil
_ Rem"". the cylind h..d c"".. b<>l l> . nd lift t hello.d
_ Pull the .. pipe 001 of the cyli<"kr h..d ' nd
remo the cylinder h.ad ,.o. from the , .hk le

Cyl i nder Head CQIIfIf' NOtf!$
_ Itop" "" the ....d ""or ,,'lot ...i.h , .-..w one if the

- " pply .i lit"'" '-""1 10 lh.....linder he'd<0> "","""
1, Cylinder He. d
2. Apply ' ilicone ...Ion! hero.
4-6 ENGINE roe END
_ Sl id the ga'ke t potti. lly to the co.....- with . l iquid
",!okot for j"'UIt. lion "",..nion,
_C""' k thol th. O.,.j"ll i>JI)O<I condit ion, ;md in"'"''''
"".,'" pipe . , >h""'n.
Cam. haft Chain Ten. ioner
Chllin Tan$ioner Removal
e Remove the ten,ioner mounting b<>lt> . nd Uk< out
the chOli n ten,;""er,
A. Ten, ioner B. M(>un ting Bolb
e Be , ure t he Q-ring i, in pi,,,,, in the ton, i""er body.
el nH. 1I the ten,lone, to t he cronke, ,,,.
e Aftc, in, t. ll. tion of t ho ten, ioner, un<crew tho loek
, c, ew . boul 2 mm . nd t hen tighten il. With t he bolt
loo' e, t he ' tiff , pring in,ido t. kes up .ny , lack
. utomalically,
Camshaft Chain Tensioner DisilSsembly
e Remove the cam,hoft eh, in 'ensioner (, ee Com, h,ft
Chain Ten, i""cr RomoI),
e fl. emove lho ,pr ing (B. II . nd Ret, iner) ,
e Remove the "'feW locking the pu,h rod in pl.co.
-Carefully pUll [he push rod out of t he ten, ioner body.
Do no, drop lhe ball and reUi"er m e mbly.
_Slido lhe ball IDd relainer o,,,,mbly and the ,p r;ng
(Temioner) off the pu, h rod.
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Assembly
eSlip t he . pring (Ten, ioner) into the pu,h rod .nd
Compre" it down full ' lroke,
eTurn in the lock ..rew.
_Drop t he ball ond ret, iner "'.. mbly onto the pu'h ,od ,
ond , lip the 'pring {B,II and Retainer) over the pu,h
Camshaft, Camshaft Chain, RocI<&r Arm
........ .............................. ............................. ..........
000 nol l um tho ongino the . om"'ott ehoin
ten,i"" or i, ..movod. Eng;no d.mollll could ","ult.
Chain Ten&loner Installetion
e Loosen the lock ",rew, .nd , ,,,ew out about 2 mm.
e Drop Ihe ball .nd retoiner .,..mbly onto t he pu,h rod.
e Pu, h the pu'" rod up into the tensioner body held
""tiu lly.
_When the pU'h rod i, in r", ,. it will go, t urn in the
lock <crew.
Ch.i n Tonsionor
1. Lock Screw
2. Pu,h Rod
3. B.II and Retainer A"embly
4, Qring
5. Spring (Ten, ioner)
6. Spring{Ball and Retoiner)
Camshaft, Rocker Arm Removal
e Remove the cylinder head oover (",e Cylinder Head
Cover Remo..I).
_Po,i tion the crank,hoft (earn i, not pu, h tho >. Ive) 0'
OTum the cr""k,hofl counterclockwioe whilo wOlching
the mOl'oment of the #2 cylinder', inlet val><s,
OWhon the " I>c, have ju" fini,hed openi ng "" d clo'i ng
(mo>ing downward, ond upw"'d' i.
OTum the crankshaft in thc ..me direction until the
"2T" mark"" the alternator rot or i, . Iigned with the
nntoh in t he in, pection window in the , Itemalor co>.,
(Compre"i"" Stroke TOG).
oTum t he cranksh.ft clockwi, e ,bout 90'.
e RemOl" the cam, h,h choin ten, ioner C. m,h.ft
Choin Ten, ioner Removal).
e Remo>e the ..m,h. ft lOp chain guide boll" ,nd
remo,e t he guide.
A, Top Chain Guide
e Kerno t h. "m,hah oap b<>l h, and rem."e lhe cap.
<lJ1d <am' haft<.
CCo.or ,he chain t unnel with . clo doth.
A Ca rn, haft CdP>
S, Cam,h. l"
_Apply engine oil to t h. u rn", . ft ,"po
echeok " "" . , h.1( pt><ilion 10 ,e. that the Numbe' 2
piw>n i' , ti ll at TOC, and rdju' l i f nece, m y, engage
,h. cam,lu ft chain with (he c. m<haft ' o,,,,,k. ,, . ,
. Pul l th e te n.ion , ide (exh",,!! , ide) of tho chain la ut
and in' t all the cha in on th e , procket ,
oP"' ition lhe c.m, haft <p'o<kOl' '" t h,t the
mark, aliJlll Wilh t he cylinde, hc.d ga, ket ,u rf"...
Cam. n.1t Chain Timing
Fro nl
A, M..k (Not ch)
B. TOC Mark (Numher 2 Pi, tool
CCUU rl t t he cam,h,ft chain link pin'. " , hown to
ver ify t hat t he ,pruck . 1< or. pOIiti<>ned corr ectly,
_In' l.> lI t he cam, hafl cap' in Ihe ",r r<o1 location' .,
, hown ;n t he figure below. LOeal ion ""mo. " ore
mJrked on th. each CJp.
1. Exh..,.t Cam' ha ft Sproc ket
2. Inlet Cam,h . 1t Sp roc ket
3, Nu SI k
C. M"k
D. EXCam' haft
cTh i' x on
",rocker ""d it. IN mom.
Ihe roc kef arm, 011 t he cylinder head.
cMark t he e" h rocker orm, original rooation,
aDo lIot dmp the rocker """ ill the choin fUnll'" erthe
A, cam'haft Sprockel
B. Bolt
Camshaft IIIst1I118tion
(Including Chain Timing Procedure)
_Apply engine oil to all cam part' . If the c. m, h. fl (. )
andlor cyl inder head dre repldCed with new on", apply
thin co.t of molybod enum di, ulfide grea.. on the
new cam part ,u rfa..,.
A Cam, haft C. p,
B, Loc. tion Numbe"
OTho """,,hofl cop. 0'0 mochinod with tho cyli"llo'
hood. SO, il 0 ,,"p I. In. .. llod in tho w, ong lOCOl ion, tho
e.mohoff may . olll boeJu,o of imp, ope, oil d ..ronco
in tho boofing.
of i" t t ighten duwn Ihe Iwo c. m, h. fl <op b"' l'
(Number 1 . nd Numbe, 2 bolt; in t he figu' e) .,enly to
"'.il lhe cam,h ofl' in pl""e, lhen lorque . 11 bolt. 10 tho
,pe<ir...l ion (.ee Expl<>d od View), following t he
,pe<ified ti ghtening.equ, nce
Com.h. 1t Cop Bol.. Tightoning Order
oM6 x 46 mm Bnll 5
Camshaft and Sprocket Assembly Notes
-rhe inlel ond ", h, u, t , procket , . nd t he inlet and
e, h. u,t o.m, haft. arc identio.1.
oBot h sprookel< ,hu uld be in' talled wilh lhe ,ide of the
mark the ,ighl , ide of lhe ond for the
eXt1J u<l . h' !t align the EX mark on it. , prockot wilh
the cam"'aft boll hole. "d fur inlet , h,h, align the IN
mark on Ihe ol her ' prock'" with It ,haft bull hul .
oApply I"" king to , he cam,haft , prockel bolt,
and tighten Ihem to t he ,p<cified torque (>0< h pl<>dod
oi l a new o.m,haft i, to b< u>ed, apply , th in <oat of.
molybdenum di"Midc gre.,e to ' he cam ", tfac""
A, EX u m, haft
B. INu m,haf,
C. Cil m,haft Spr"" ke"
o IN . nd EX Mark'
Camshaft Oil Clearance {nspoctlon
The joo'nal weor i5 mea;u, ed u, ing pl" igage (pr."
gauge), which i, in"'rted into , h. clearance to be
mca;urcd. Tho plo51 igago indicate, t he clearance by lhe
omount it i, and widened when t he pam are
."embl. d.
O(,ut "'ip; of pl"tig"ge to juur.,.1widlh , Place " <tr ip
on .ach journal paralld 10 t he c.m, h. ft w;lh , h. c"m
, haft insta lled io lh. COffect po, ition ar>d 50 tha' t he
will be ,ompr. ,,,,d botween the joorn.1. nd
o.m, h, f t cop.
1. PlmigageSuip
ol n, ..11 the cam, h"ft c.p" Ihe bo ll< in lhe
<orrecl "'quen<e to the ,pedfi e<i lorque (,e. hploded

C{)O not tum the wh<m Ih6 pl ..tigo[jfl I.
M / ween the j ournal .md c",""", .ft cop.
_Remo,'e , h. cam, hof t ca p' again, a nd me ..u, . t he
pl. ,l ig,l go widt h 10 determine the d e" on
each iour nal and the cam,haft CJp , Mea", r. the wid."
port ion of th e
1. widt h Measurement
*11 (he clealance exc eed, the ,",vic. limit, r. pl,," t he
com, haU with a new one and mea, ure th e clearance

",f [he clearance , Iill remain, oul of th o limi' , rep lace
the cylinder h.,d unit .
Chain Guide Wear
_Visually impecl 1ho rubber on the jlUide"
*1 / tho ruboor i , CUI, Of i, mi" ing pi""e"
, ep lace t he _
1. Rul>her
2. Front Chain Guide
3. Rear Ch. in Gu ide
Cyl inder Head
. .
c.""""t 8, i "ll Oi l CI, o",," :
Camshaft Chain Wear
..-.old the <haio taut with, for ce of .bout S kg in >ome
m. nner nd me.",r. a 20-link length. Since the ch.i n
may we., une.enly. take mca, urcmenb . t ""eT. 1

*1 / any me''lUrement ..<Oed, the ," tyke limit . rer1ace
the <l1<>in.
Sl .od.,d:
S.,. icl Limit '
0.030 - 0.071 rnm
0.16 mm
Compression Measuremlmt
ORd er to p, 4-1 1 in t he Ba>o Manual the fol-
_n rooghly warm up the engi,w SO Ihat oil
b<lwee" the pi,ton and cylinder ""all will help seal
compre<>ion as it does dur ing nm-m.1 runn ing.
_ Sl op the engino. femo t he ,park plug,;, and fuel tank.
and amch comF""e"ion g.!U: {.pe<ia l to()J1 flrmly into
Ihe ' p"r k plug hole.
Comp,e..ion Ga"lI"
Com. holt U"llth
Stondord: 121, 0 - 121.4 mm
So",ieo limit: 128.11 mm
1. Compre" ion >7001 221
2. Ad.pte " 57001 .1225
3. Gasket : 5700 11224
a U, ing t he ' Wier nlOlOr,' ot. te t he eng;noo..r with t he
th,ottle fully open unt il t he oompresslon gaull" , top,
' i,ing; Ihe romp'e"ian it Ihe highe, ! r..ding ah"' in
. ble.
a Repea! lhe me. ,uremenl for the other cylinder.
Cvllnder ComPf'l"Oon (U..bl. Ra"llll)
980 _ 1500 kPa, 410 . /min (. pm f
(to.O _ 15.3 kglom', 142 - 218 psif
0lf cylinder eompre"ion I; higher lhan hte m nd>rd
value. ohock the fulluwing;
1. u rb"n l>u ildup an the pi,ton on lhe pi,ton head and
oylinder heJd.
_ ole. n off . ny corban on t he phto n and
oylinder head,
2. Cylinder head ga<kct. cylinder ba<e ga'ket - me
only the proper giI , ket' fa, t he oylinde' he.d and
h" e. The ",e of ga<k el< of the inWrre01 thkkn e..
will Chan#, the compre"ion,
3. VJI,e ' lem oil ,..1, and pi,tan 'i ng< - rapid carhon
a""umul. lion in lhe eomhuHion ohJ mbe" may be
cau", d by darn.ged val'e , tern oil "",I, and!o, d. m-
pi'ton oil ' ing< Thi, may he indicated hy white
e,h.u,! 'make.
_Remo, . t he oylindcr head bolt"
Cvlind..- Head In. talii tion
(' 1rv
I. Cylinder Heod Bolt> 14>6 mm)
2. Cylinder Head Bolts 18 mm)
3. Chain Guide Bolt (Upper)
aRemo.. the a ll h",. bJnjo bolt.
a Before ' emo' ing tho oylinder he. d, hold the earburelO'
to the Jir oledner duct wit h a
a Pul1 off t he cylinder heJd, and remove tho cylinder
he.d ga., ket ,
Cylinder Head Ins tallation Notes
. When In' talling the cylinder head. be ca'eful of the
following item"
OReplace l he cylinder head giI, ket with a new one.
OTiW1 ten the cylinder heJd bnl\< (.ps) J nd (ti) to lhe
,pecif ied 'orque (,ee View).
Ol f cylinder camp, ..' ion i' lower than lhe ..", icc limit,
oheck Ihe following'
1. Ga, leakage around the cylinder head - ' eplace the
g"kel J nd check the cylinder head for
2. Condit ion of the ..I, e "at ing.
3, Val.e cle.. arlOe - if a valve ,equire, ., unu,u. lly
. djuHment 10 ubt. in proper clear.",e. the val, e
may be bend, and not >eati ngcompletely
4, PI" on/cylinder clearanoe. pi, ton , ei, ure.
5, Pi;lon ring, pi' tnn ring groo, e.
Cylinder Head Removal
a Roma.. the fol lowing pJ'''.
FJi' ing (, 0< Fairing Removal in Frame <;ha pter)
Coolan, Draining I' '''' Coolan' Draining in
Sy' tem ohapter)
Ful Tonk (;ee Fuel Tank Remo..1 in Fuel SY'l.m
Radiator hee Radiator, Rodinor FJ n Remo"al in
S"" em
Muffler (see Muffler Remo..l)
Cam,hJft Chain Temionor
Left Jnd 8raekel with Ignition Coil,
a Remo' e t he lhrmo'tat hou<i ng bolt" and free the

egern ove cylinder head cover.
a Remo' e the cam. hafL
a Remo, e t he re. r cam' haft ohain guide boll luppe, ).
and lJ ke the guide off t he oylinder ho'd.
a Pul1 the front c.m ,hall chain off t he cylinder
A. Cylinder Head
B. Carbu, etor
Cylind.r H.od Bal.. Tightening Order





1. V.I,e SpringCompre.><>r A>lemhly: 57001-241
2. Adapter: 5700 i-1202
oAfter cylinde, head in,t all.l ion. in.WII t h, front
camshaft "h. i" guide Jl Ihuwn.
Cho,n GuOd.l n" .II.tion t he are. around Ihe v_lye to ahout 120-
150C {248 - 302'F), and homme, lightly on -. Ive-
guide arbor I, pecial tool) to ,emove the lllJ idc from t he
top of the head.
VI I Guide Aomo,.1
1. ChJi n Guide
2, No SIJck
3 Fil he.,
1. V_I,e Guide Arhor: 57001-1203
the rear o>m.h.ft eh. in guide bult lupper) to
t he ' pecified torq"e bee Exploded View)_
"Tigille" t he oil h",e banjo bolt 10 the , pecified tor que
I>ee Exploded View).
Cyl inder Head Disassembly and Assembl y
(Val ve Mechanism Removal and I nsrallari on)
_U", yolve ' pring Compr.,,,,r . " embly l,peei_l t""l) to
pre" down the v_l, e , pring retoiner. and remove the
, plit keepe" ,
_Valve Guide 10'UII.tion,
OAr r ly oil to the -. I,e guide outor . urfJce before
oH..t the ..ea oround t he v_lve guide hole to , bout 120
- l$O'C (248 - 302' F).
COrive t he v_I'e guide in from Ihe top of the hOod u, ing
the ' ol,e guide "rb",. Tho f lJnge ' lup, the guide from
going in too far.
oRe_m Ihe val,. guide with" valve guide re"mer (, pec,,,1
1001 ) e, en if Ihe oil guide i, re-u", d.
V.I Guid. Aoom...
1, V. lve Guide Reamer, 570011204
A. Str>ighledge
Cylindor Hood Worp
B. Thiekne" Gauge
. Val, e In' tollalion.
OChock to soc t hat lhe " I, e move, .moot hly up and
down in Ihe guide,
oorcc r to IOC lh dl the valve SCali properly in the valc
,eat. If il doe. not, rep.i r t he , . Ive ...l
V.I ... . nd Spring.
1. V. I.. Stem
2, Spring Sear
3. Oil Seal
4, Inner Sp' ing
5. Outer
6. Valve Retainer
1. Spring Seil
8. Clo, ed End Coil
9. Split Keeper
0.05 mm
Cylinder Head Cleaning
. Before io<l. lIal ioo, below the oil p" . age, dea n witl1
eomprcs>td air.
CApply a thin Cool of molybdonum di>ulfi do engine
..", mbly grea'" to the valve "om bofore valve in
, lallalion,
OBo , ure to in,u ll t he inner ,nd outer . pring", at. onder
the inne' . nd oute, , pring,.
olnst. ll t he .pring, '0 lhat t he do"'d ooil ' nd i' facing
toward lhe v. lve <eat(downwards),
Cylinder Head Warp
. L. y a ",ro" the lower , u, face of the head
at , eve,.1 different point' , and mea"" e warp by
in>ert ing a t hk kne" gaugo between lho m.ighledge
and the head,
" If warp exceed, t he .., vke limit, repai, the mati ng
""face, Replace lhe cylinde, head if the
"' rfaeo is b.d ly
A. Oil Pa,,,,&"
Valve Clesrall ce AdiusrmlffJ r
OWhen . dju, ling t he . xh... ot ..I... , I...." , . , remove Iii<
1,"lowi" l pott< to in.., t t he ..I"" .diu, lOr l'I'<dal
r... ""'lOr
RiJll t...a Left Ensi.... lIrlCk." ' '''''1
...iu. l ..... lioa Coil>
. lnooon 1I>e,q'" . diWin. wew Io<ck....\ bY ....... the
..... .odjuotel l..-w1001).
A, V. ... Adjuo...: 510011210
I , For Inle. V. I.. Adjustmenl
2, For bhouU V.... AdluUlll<flt
. In.... 1 Ih. Ihi<l ..... (' I'iol I""' : . djust pu!!")
bet ween Ihe com lob nd th. ,ocker arm,
. Turn the _diu, li ng ""' 01 unl il Ih. gauilC drar;" in th.
..... . ..
Thil;tnN Gaott: 51001 -1221 Adjust e-.
Apply "; 1I" t ho nul ",. Ii" f ,
. l ighten the lock nut by the dju"erl<mporarily,
h l hte<> III. lock.... ' It> the 101_ (12 ...
For.,.) wlhle P'<"<n" ", IIw >dju" .... __ fT"",
tur n.... ...ith tho Iock....t by ........ pu ltl -po. ...... '
. 1101..",,. ltI c Numb..- I , ylindef exh.u. l ..1_ in m.
" m. m.nn..-,
. Turn the ".nk....aft 180" counierd o<kwiw until the
inoption window ",ojoe. i.... on the ah..... l'" <0..,.
UI'" witll l hot 2T ......k or> l hot . U...... 1of rol "',
....,.,re tho Nu_ 2 cylinder', ink1 11I4 ""I....n
. .... de....".. in the .._ ............. I... tho Number
1 <yI"""',
l. Numhor I Cylinder>u moh. h,
_II lhe nI.. ;, _1. the,q""
_ be Idjusted,
I, h hl"'! V. I....
2. Inlet V. I... .
3, Numl> 2Cylin<icr
Numb I Cylinder

" . ... Adju.... : 510011220 8 . PI" M "ul t w...,

_ lt oin' \.I.11t ho f<1n<l'o'e<l' par1>.
H ill the "oBi "" with coolant and blew 01. in the ><>li ng
. yu. m (..u C<>oI ing Sy".m <h.iPI"').
Valve Seat Inspection
_Remo l he val,. (>e. (yl ind.. H.,d Di",...mhly and
A. ..mhIYI.
-co.!.. I ,.., with machini, l'. dy e.
Pulll,h ". into the gukI.
_R" l.tl O 1M 1... the 1 with. l. pp' nl l ool
l l>t ul.. OIl!, and <hod Ih ti.... p,tollern on t he
1.. It mu" be the COfreel wld th.t>d .,...... <lI1
Ih. .... y ..""nd.
"-I.. s--. SUrf-. ....i<Ilh
100.. O.s - 1.0 .....
h _ 0.5 - 1.0_
on.. _ ..... _ pMdo _,..
f1Iirt;Md< .,;"".., 1M"-';0.
el f ee ..01 ' inl pomm il "'" .OI....U. rop,oll 1M
1"' (_ v SUI R..".i. ).
1. V. I
2. V, I Sut
3.....linl Are. OLlh ide
diame, e,
4. Suli nl "'... Widt h
V.I Stlnll P. ...,n
Too Wido
So... CUt'l. r Op tlng CI'"
T. Thl' ".I,e t cutler j; d"eltopcd 10 grind t he " Ive
... t for rep.rr, Therefore Ihe culler must not be u, ed
f()( ot her purpo,"" th. n "'.1rep. Ir.
2, Do not drop 0' shock lhe "Ive '''It culter. or 'he dl.
mond p.rt i, l", moy roll off.
3, 0 0 not fdilto drrly engine 01110 the 'dIve ,e.t culter
before grinding t he , ..t '>Urface. AI", w"h off
gruund p... ,klo< ' l icking to t he cutlc, wit h w" hing
Too Narrow
0Do "ot use. wire brush to '"""0110 pmicl..
from me " will off the diIUJn<J (Mctiel"".
4. t he val, . , eol cul ler holder i' po,iOon,
operote the <utte r In une h.lnd. Do nol dpply too
mIlCh f()(ee to t he diamond portion.
cPri or ro grinding. IIPply oil 1o rf>e cuttt1r ""<I
dun'ng tf>e wush olf uny ground (Mn icles
srlcking to th. cutrer with washing oil .
V. I S. lt Cutt.,
Vol s.lti ng Surf OUllid. Oi.mot .,
. \l e",ure the out, ide didmeter of t he '''' l ing p'llern on
the , al"e ..dt.
" if the uuh ide di. mel er of lhe ..I" " . ling pall e," i,
to<> larg. or '00 ,ma ll, 'cpair t ho <e., I'c" Val," Sc. l
Rep. ir).
VBlve sese Repair
<Cleon t he oylinder head t horoughly (, ee Cylinder Head
CI .. ning).
-'-' .. the following I" ocedur. and tool, tu repoir t he
..I"e "dt.
U..d V. I.. Sool CUllo"
22.11 _ 23.1 mm
20.3 - 20.5 mm
lnto llo Vol.o ond E><hI"'1 V.. . .
45 _ 24.5
32 _ 25 .o
67,5" _ 221J
5700,., 201
45' _ 2 .5
32 _ 22.0
5100 11206
5100 1-1201
1. Cutte r
2 Cultcr Holder
3, B"
5, After u, e, w. ,h il wilh oTi dnd dpply thin
I. yer of oil botore <lor ing.
*11 the tn.nuf.01Urer', in'''"01;on, are not ..ail. bl u>e
lne following I" ocedu,c.
Us..t Hold., . nd Ilo'
Hold. , -1>5

51001 1208
Mark, St . mpO(l on th o Cut*:
The mdrk, 'tamped On tho back uf l he oulle,
,epro..m the
60" Culter angle
37.5 . . . . . . . Outer didmoter of ..
Vo"" U"",,,,
- .......
' - - -I
V.I ",ide

Measuring V,'ve-t o Guide Cleantnce

(Wobble Mtl rhod)
If .. "". 11bo ro 8"08" II not >vail. hl. , in,pe<ll hc Ive
",e., b
"' ' ;n8 the 1.. 10 1.. guide
01,.",< ", ilh lh ""bl. metOOd, '" ind",. t"';! btl",.,
.... ne... . . 1 into lho tuid. ....i"'llh.
pend.. ol.... 1<> il l. elo.t . ' I"", ibl. to the eyliJ>lltr h.4d
mot in8 "",foOt e.
e<,4O'e t he " em ond fofth 1" tIloUWre 1..,1..
lUid. c1UO' M><e.
' Re_ the ..... ..... _tIl in dft<;tion 01 rial't _ k
10 the firll.
*11 the fUd' ''I .""-. the -..;a, limit. . opho:e IN
01M if ....f .c,... ....

(Wol>bl Mo l>odl V I N IG "d CIt ......

. fO....

SlOnd.ord 5<0<. 1.<Umit
0.03 - 0.10 mm 0.2. mm
b hou" cos O.Hmm 0 .29 "'m

Val. , Sool Rop,i,
Machini,!' ,
d," ,, " """'
45' Grind
Tool: 45' ( UlIt'
m"o "'c.
, mon,h and fou nd
,\k ur c SCal ing Aro, O.D
1col Vernier Calip.'
PUIpu, e, ,heck ,eal a .D,
"l(. iml,pee
Re,u lts

45 Grind
M. chini' l"
1001: 4S Cutt er
d'T"'" Purpte: incre.,e 0 .0. of >eat
area to 'peG.
32" Grind
Tool. 32Cullor
Purpo,. : ' educe O,D, of ",.1 are..
to're< ,
"'e,<Ure Se' l Widt h
Tool: Vernie, cal ipe,
PurflO>e chock ,ea l widl h
again'l, pee,


o Too wide
45"G, irl d
45" C" ll"
dye "" ,e al
Purp',," increa,e widt h of , e.,
area beyond ' pee. to
inc, oa", 0 ,D.
67.5 Grind
Tool ' 67.5 C"lter
Purpo", : reduce "'al widt h
10 , pee.
Lap Val, .
Tool.: V. l.. lappel , grinding
Purpo>e' pa-fe"tly match .al. e FINISHED
and , . ot are.: check
" I ho. d for damoge

A. Pi,ton Ba", . 57001-149

Pist on R8moval
_ I<\ . mo, . lhe pi,ton pin <o>p ring from t ho out;lde of
each pi"on.
OBc "'r< to pl' c. i <Ie, n dot h undef lhe pinon t o
pr"".nt t nt , nap ring from falling into t h. crank.." .
A. Pi, t on Pin Pull ef '\, ,,,mbly ' 57001 -910
A, Snip
_ Romo"" lhe pin on by its pi, ton pin out lhe
, ide lh., t he . n>p ring Wi!> romo" d, U, e piston pin
pull.r m embly (, pe<i. l t oo l), if t he pin i, t ight,
Cylinder Removal
_ Romo, o the following par!> before cylinder md pi'lon
remo,. l,
Pol ili,," t he crank, h. fl . t comp"" ion ",ok. TOC
for tho Numb. r 2 pi'ton, .nd lhen lu rn 'hc clockwi,e
Jbout90' ,

Fucl Taok
Cool>nl D"ining
Muff ler
(.,burow r {PuII t ho rearward)
C>m..t1af! Chain Too'i oner
I{' ar ( am,h. ft Ch.in Guid. Bolll Uppor)
Cyl inder H..d Cover
Cylinder H. >d
_Rom",. l ho w.te, pip. boll >nd t ake off ' he
pipo fro m Ine wale' pump.
_Romove lho <ylinde r nd ' hon ' emo,e ,ne w",er hose
from lhe cylinder.
1, Water Pipe
2, Bolt
3. W>t. r Ho...
4. Mount ing Bolt<
Cyli nder, Pi5ton
Woto, on<l Hos.
Cylin der Installation Nores
_Apply > engine oil to the cylinder bOl' ''. pi'ton rinll' .
and pi>ton 'kin,
_Repl. ce the cylind.r b."o gJ,kel with . now one,
_Slip .,i, ton b", e {. podol tool) ., >hown if neco"ary
to hold pi,ton le" l,
_When the toP. <econd oil ring, for carefully , pr..d
lhe opening with your ' humb' Jnd 'hen push up
on ,he ""pOi it ' ide of the ring tn remove it.
Pinon Ring In,l.lIa1ion
Piston Inst allation Note
_The '''01'' on lhe T"" of the pi,to n mu,t poinl toword
1. Top Ring
2. S. ..ond Ring
3. Oil Ring Steel R. il,
4_Oil Ri ng Expdndor
5. Arrow Mark
6_Snap Ring
7. Pi'ton Pi n
A_ArfOW B. Pi""n
nc ", tJII l he oil ring upper . nd lower , t.el rail, _ There i,
no UP Of DOWN to the rail,. They em b. in" .l leJ
eith. r w. y_
-When in'toiling 0 pi, tun pin >nop ring, e" mp,.s> it only
enough 10 in" .11 i' and no more.
COo not , ... ..
defo, ,,,.
evlin"', w. U.
,nop , inljO. o. , omo 1 w..b nnd
Tllt y eould fill oul I nd , eo'o tho
_Po,i lion each pi'lon ring so th l he op.ning in lhe top
.i ng . nd oil 'lcel .. ii, Me facing foward, nd the
, . cond fing ond oil 'i ng exp. nder r.ee . he
re... The opening, of the oil ring , teel roil, mU'1 be
aboul 30 - 40 of Jngle from lhe opening of . he ,op
Piston Ring, Piston Ring Groove Wear
"Check f,.- un""en Kruuve wedr by in, peeti ng t he ring
", ., ing.
*Th. ring' , hould f il perfocl ly p. rallcl 10 t he groo. e
" " fa.... If no' , lhe pi"on mu" be 'Oplocod.
.wit h the pi,ton ring' ;n t hoir groove<, make "" e,.1
mO..UfOment< with 0 t hi,k ne.. gauge to determi""
pi,t on ringfgr""," cleo,.nco.
Top , Soeond
Cylinder Inside Dismeter
_Si",e t here i, differe", e in cylinder we.. in different
di' e"ion" l. ke , ide-' o"ido ond 0 frOnl-to-1lac k
me. ",rement at each of lho 3 loc. tion, (total of 6
mea", remena) ,hown in t he figure.
*If cny of the cylinder in.i de di. meter mca.urcmcnt,
exccod, the ,.,-. ice limit , the cylinder will hove to be
bored 10o. e" i" and t hon honed,
1. Pi""n Ri"g
2. Gap
End G. p M. ..... r. ""'n'
S<lf. ... Limit
0. 16mm
A. Thick..... Gauge
Pilt on Ring G,o"," CIr. n
Stond. rd
0.02 - OM mm
Cylinder In, id. Oi.m. to, M... u," mont
Pis ton Ring End Gap
. PI..e l he pi"on ring in, ide Ihe cylindor, u,ing lhe
pi,lo n 10 locate lhe ring >q uarely in place, S<l it eI",.
to lh. bot lom of the cylinder, whoro cyl inder wear i,
eMed' ure the gap bet ween t he end, of the ring wit h a
t hick... " g. u&e.
40 mm
Pilton Ring End G.P
Top. Second
St . nder"
0.30 _0A6 mm
0.2 _ 0.8 mm
S.",ico Limit
0.80 mm
1.1 mm
Oln" . n 1ft. cl.mp oo,ew. ho,i:u>ntol. 0, , h. 00"""
could como in con,... t with the . ...uum .djusting
.Cmol. , ,.,ulting in.n unf. ' iding""ooition,
............ ...... ....... ....................... ... ... ... ................... ..
Muffl 8\"
.................... ......................... .... ........
Muffler Removal
_Lou", n the muffle, clamp bol, unt il t he clamp turn.
freely on the muffler.
o Remove lh. muffler mounting bolt and nut at the rOd r
f" ut p, g b..cket. and take off each muffler.
_ Repe. t the samo proe<dure on t he ot hor ,ide of the
ve hicle.
_Tak. off oach muftl.r .
_Pull the exhau. t pip. toward the front ,
_Remove t hoexhao" pipe holde" and ga,kelS,
oB. c:a,. ful not to 'ouch the ,.di.tor fio, during ",ark.
Th. fin. or ... iiy deformed.
Muffler Installation
o Refer to t he Ba. e Manual outi ng t he fo llowing.
oThe left-hand muffler ha. an L mark and the fight-hand
muff ler a R mark. Be "'-rd ul not to mix t hem up.
A. aamp B. Mufflor Mounting Bolt .nd Nut
_ Remove the following pam.
Lower Fairing (>ee Frame ehapl<r)
Lower h iring Stay
Exhaust Pipe Holder.
Split Kee pe"
A. L Mark B. R Mark
A, Nuu g , Exh.u n Pipe Holder
Table of Contents
Exploded View . . ... . . . .. . . ... .
$pecific, t ions . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .
Special Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sealant . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. .. .
Clutch Adju llment Check . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . ... . . .
Clutch Adj ustment .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . ...
Clutch Cover Remov.!' . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .... . ..
Clutch Cover Inst. lI"iorI Note ... . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .
Clllteh R ~ _ LlrVe' (Sh.oftl Rem<wal . . . . . . . .
Clutch Rel_ L_ (Sh. ftj lnstallat K.>n Notft . . .
Clutch RfIITIO'l. .. . . . . . . ..
Clutch Instal lation NQles. . .. . .. . .
f rict ion PIma We.,. o..m. IntpeC1:ion . . .. ...
Friction or Steel P" m W..-p Il'llpOll:1ion . . . . .
Ckstch Spri'"9 Free WI"'illh MhlUnment ..
Clutch Hou ";"ll Finget IR$peClion . ... . .
Clutch Hub Spline IntpeC1io n . . . . .. . ... .


. ..........
APIllV 111'"". . nt. G . ,m_l>t
L : Apply " "";"numdiwlfid. 0"'''.
M : Apply mol. oil
o : I ng,,; 78 in_lbl
r t: 8.8 N-m (0 , k m 98 ft-Ibl
T2 : 130 N.." (13.5 g
It em Standa rd Service Limit
Clutc h lever pley 2 - 3mm
- - -
Clutch Spring free lengt h 32.6 mm 31 .7 mm
Fricti ort plate thickrtess 2.9 -3. 1mm 2 .8mm
Frict ioo artd st ee l plate warp Less t han 0.2 mm O.3 mm
Along witl1 common hand tuol<, t ho foliowing m<>re
,peci.l ized lOCi i. required for complete d utch ,""icing.
Clutch Hub Hold. " 57oot-305
Clutch Hoide" 57001-l243
CThi, d utch holder may be used iootead of [he dutch
holder (, peciol ' 001 PI\: 57001.3(5) .
P,.,,,, ,. Cable Luber: K56019-()2t
................ ..................................... .......................
................. .. .........................................................
Kowasaki Bond (Silicon. SHlend : 56019.t2O
-,," 'ID ' !
A' ld ' 411!W" "" ' 14' l np ' 41 I' j' l mlp' ' 41 U'''le
111MA'41 <P '"J" ' "'0'
4"n" ' 41 I" ' l nu SU!l,n!p" ' Iq , .11\1 ' 'II U"''''' l _
-' 14"' ' 41)0 pu,
" 11\ 01' 41 I" " nu "'I1 .. n ' , uop ' 4 10UU,", l! JI.
' 41 UOll!S!1 _
-Ald Joww
_" '''4 III'" " " 14, j np ''11 1' 41 0' "l,n! p' ' 41 uJnle
' ''MI 4>1 nl' ' 41 "'ll u,,, o<q _
JUiJWjsn!p ';1' I.l:Jjn/:;
' 4' 1"1' '411' nlp" '0'"' "41!' ul ' Allnj
J1W\l u. 1()U AtW 4""1' 041 ' lI\om u ""1 " d<'1l '41 J I
"/ill") "" " I" IOU,,"W 4'1"1" 41 ' ''I' IM001 ' ! dl'll J 41 ) 1.
""" 1 " "I.ll '8
006- Og '\I
' InN ':)
IO" " " I:! _ " nlp\I "'VII:!
'.l ' nlp\! "l
ww - l Mid >O'j " " l 4' lnr:> -I
.. .... , 4""1:)

" '01 . 41 pu' .10.'01 ' 41 uJO", p q d. S ' 41
' M,d
OOJJ ' 41 d" 01 4S<lOu. l,n! " " 1 4""1' "'II II" d_
JlJawJsn!p';1' I.l;)Jn/
-"'1,,,lp,,, -r
WW 9 _ 5 'f
-006 _ OS <I J ISU' " Iq"' 4' I" P
OJ "." , "'.'1" 4'lnl' '41 '"41 V ' 4' " WI1 " 41 1\'_
.411'U!<'1l. "nu SU!I,,, lp" ' Iq'"
"Mol '41 pu. "q., mno 4' l np ' 41 1I 0d_
' 14!' !'
,J. ' P. " 41 JO wW 9 _ ,1'41 0. ",,<,, !p' ' 41 UI uml _
-"'''" I 4' ln, ' ' 41 "'I ' U" ""l _
'''0:) 40lnlJ-O
0lq.:) 40ln lJ -:)
<I" N
" , oJ 1' '' 0'\1
'Iu, wll n!p" 4'1"1' ft U!"'P IKl ld uno4
-x> '0 ou,ft uo 041 4' ''0' ,... u ' u, nq 0 Pio er e

' l Jr 4J
'I >'OPgd g41 41!M J'Ul'pJO"" U!
' q n nw 401"1' ' 'II '''' n JO popod ' "'0 Lj :nM <
' lql"O 401n" pup ,.'M 'Hld UO!l>PJ "41 01 , no
............................ .. .. ............ .................... .. ...........
aorr no s-e
kif t ho clutch cannot be . dju, t,d by t hi, mOl hod,
in, peet the clutch pam,
_Tighten t ho knurled locknut at t he olulCh I<vor,
_Appiy , ilioon. sealant part ially to t hoerankcasehal, ..
mating ,urfac. on the front . nd r.or ,ides of th. cover
cae ,'Jr. the ou tet clJbl. end al the clutch lever i.
fully <flared in th. !<ri;ustet the clutch or i r
eoold <iip inro place lar",,_ MOOII> c8ble
t<J pm. enr clutch diumYIJg6fflM{,
_All er ,he "dju,tmcnt i. mJde, ,Urt t he .n gin. and
ch<ck t hat t he clutch do,,, nut , lip "rid thot it rei",,",
Cluteh Cover Removal
_Drain the oil (,ee Engine oil Change in Engine
Luhria tion Sy"em chapter).
_Loosen t he nut<."d , Ii de t ho lower <od of ,h. clutch
cable to give t he a blo plentv of play.
_L",,,en tho knur l<d locknut "t the clut<h I. ". r. and
"r.w in t he . dju" . r.
_Line up the , Iol< ;n the clu'ch ber, knurled locknut,
ond adju, t" , and then iTee the cable from the lov. r.
1, Silicone sealant Applied Areo,
Clutch Release Lever (Shaft) Removal
_R<rTIO Y< the d utch co"er.
_Tum ,h, roi.", I.", r forward as , hown.
_Tak, the pin off ohhe role... , haf,.
Clutch Cover Instelletion Note
_Replace t he c1ulCh co"er ga, ke, wit h now one.
B. Pin A, Rel. " e Shaft
_Pull the relea , haft out of t he ",or,
Clutch Rel fNl Sfl Lever (Shaft) Installa tion Note
_R<I, ... I. "er in, u lI. , ion i, the ro"""e of removal.
_In, pecl t he oil <e.1 . nd repl. ce if nece, ..ry.
0 0 0 nor remOye the durch r, lease Ie. ... ,haft
....mbly unle" It j, ab><>lu tel, nec ""y. Ifrem"".d,
the oil ..al r.pla<oment may be required.
C. Krlurl<d Locknut
B. Release Lever A. Clutch CO"",
A. Adjmter
e, Slot
_R, mo, e the cluteh w.ble low", erld from l he rei. "",
_Turn t h< reioase lover counterclockwise about 90' ,
_R.<mo, e t he d utch ,over bolts and ta ke uff t ho cover.
A Oil se.1
Cluail ,.m
_11:.....-me (luteh We<.
_R_ lilt d UM opr"" boll .. ....."..... ..... IPillCl;
...... ofl 1M dulCh!oP"inl: pIale ..jlh lilt b<'"
A Clut dl S", inl Bolts
B, WI'''''''
C. e....inl
E. Clutdl S",in, PI. le
_ Rem" . e l ho lh,mt .....110" <luteh hub, c1uteh
noed10 bearinR, collar, and ,pacer.
10. Clu"" PIa u
11. Ww.-
12. Hub Nul
13. Pulhc<
14. B_iflI
I S. Sptl... ....,e
16. Out<h Sp.-inJ
11. Boll
8. Colla,
1. Spot'"
2. Cirdip
3. CoIl...
4. 8ei"l
S. Rei..... u--
6. P'i n
1. Out<-h Hoousi",
8. Ouldl Hub
9. F, io;!ion l'I.ou
A. Q,dip
oln'<Ull tho _ ..i, h the dwnfored ..... r"","It
in... rdI .
Olmtoll t he ",,11M ..ilh dw Ittad .ed <irdip """ inwa"'..
C. Hub Nul
D, Qul<h Hub
A. Rillhl
B. Holder: 5700 1305
Clurch Im{f.llarion Nom
-ouu h in, UJI. l ion i< the rem-... of ",,"011. 1. P, V
. 1lention to ,he following il em<,
the f,i<lion plot.. ;and . Ire. pl. I.. ... . <e1.
_ ll;en'IO'o" lhe du M .... b nuL When Ioo.eninl lilt hub
nUl, uW! !he d ula. hub hoi""" (""",..I tool) to k_ do
lilt dula. .... b f rom l urni ng . " lIoovm.
cWhon th" elUioh me,h t he 0 11 pump
d, l,e gear wit h t he 0 11 pump go" '0 t hat the pump ge"
i, tor ning,
COi",a,d the u, ed hub nut, md inlt.lI. new nul.
oin'tiliitho> dotch hub holder (, pooi.l t"" l; 57001-305)
tu KC< P the c1ut<h hub from . nd tho
clutch hub nUl to t he 'roclfi od lo,que (, ee Explode<i
"In' toll tho l riet ion plat...nd . teel plate., 'to'ting wit h
frict ion pl.te . nd . ltcrnating thorn.
oThe groove, on t he frict ion plote ,u,fac", ..e out
trongentially and ,.diolly; in' tall the pl.... ;o
th.t the groo,.. run tow" d t ho <enter in the direotlon
of olut<h hou, ing rotilt ion (oounterclot'kwi,e viewod
from t ho engine , ide).
A. Ma' k,
C'Tighten lho dutch bolt' 10 the <recificd 10 '4UO
(' Exploded Vi."'l
F,iotion Plato InotoUation
I. 011 Groovo 2. Di'eot ion 01 Rot ation
Fricrion Plare Wear. Damage tnspection
. VilUolly ImpeCl t he friction plote; to <ee if t hey ,how
. ny , ign, of ",im,e, Of uneven wear,
*If .ny pial., 'how of da.....ge, repl.", Ihe ffiotion
plate' ond 'toel plate,.< 0 I.
_Mea, u, o the thlckne.. 01 t he fr iction plate, . t "'....I
* If ony of t ho> me..uromcnt, i' Ie" thon t he ,"" ice
limit , replae" the fri<tion plote.
Friction Plato Thickn... Moo.uromt m
1, Friction PI. te
Friction P10' 0 Thickn...
ott n. ... d'y stool plotts and fflol lon Of. Inlt.lled,
apply or>gl... oil 10 11>0 . urfoco. of oac:h plo' o '0 o. "'d
du ioh plo' o ..Izuro.
Stond..d ,
So..l"" Limit:
2.9 _ 3.1 mm
2.8 mm
0Flt lhe ,pri ng plote b.o k int o placo, the mark
on t he pl. te wit h tho mark on t he duleh hub,
et.Ii.ollgnmon, of tho . prlng pl" o con cou clutch drop
I...h. n It I. dln90gedl, or clutch . liWln&.
Friction or Steel Plare Warp Insper;tion
each [, iotion pi>," or ;toel plate on 0 , urI".
pl.te, . nd m. " ure tho g.p b<twoen lho ,urfac< pl. to
.nd c.leh f'iction plate or 'teel plole. The I, the
. mount of frict ion or ' tcel w"p.
*If ony plate I, warped ""e, t he ",rvice limit, replace it
wit h . newono,
Fri",ion or St .oI PI. t. W. rp Impo<:tion
Friction and St 1Pl. t . W.r p
Si&nd.,d: I.tllh,n 0.2 mm
Sor, ieo Limit: 0.3 mm B. Fr ict ion PI't " T. ng A. Clutch Hou, ing Finger
Clutch Housing Finger Inspe<;tion
_Vi",.I I, in. pect t ho fi ngOri of tho clut ch hou, ing ...here
the uf t he frict ion pl.te, hit t hem.
_M the y arc badly wor n or if there arOgmu ve> cut where
t he t.ng' hit . fepl.ce the hou, ing. AI.o. rt pldce the
frict ion pl. t., if their !.a n&, are d.maged.
2. Thickn." 1. Frict ion or St eel PI..e
Cluteh Spring Free Length Measurement
_Sine. the ",r ins become. "'ort er., it we, ken check
it . free lengt h to d<tcrmi ne it . condit ion.
If any nf t he 'P ring. i horter t h.n the >crvice limit . it
m",t be reploced.
Clutch Spri"" Fr L... Meaourem.nt
Clutch Hub Spline Inspection
- Yilually inlPOC I where t he teeth on t he It eel pl.te,
wear ' I!"in' t l he , pline, of t he clut ch hub.
. If there are ""tch., worn inw l he >pli""" replace tho
clutc h hub. AI",. repl..e t he "eel pi"", i f t h. i, tcclh
are d.maKed.
A. Clutch Hub Splinc
I . Clutch Spring
C1 tU<:h Spring Fro. L.ngth
St. od. rd: 32.6 mm
se..ic. Limit: 31.1 mm
Engine Lubrication System
Table of Contents
Exploded View .
Engine Oil Flow Chart . , .. , . . . . . . . , ....... .. .. ... , .. , . . .. .
. . . . ... . ,
Spec ial Too l.. . .. . . ..
Seal ant .. . . ... . . ... . . . . . .. .... ... . . .. . . . . .. . ... . .. . .... .
Engine Oil and Filter. .
Engine Oil Level Inspect ion .
Engine Oil and/o r Filter Change . .... .. . .. . . ... ... ... ... .
Oil Filter and Mounting Bolt Removal .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . ... .
Oil Filter and Mount ing Bolt Install at ion . . . . ... . . .. . . .
Bypass Valve Oisassembly .
Bypass Valve Assembly .
Bypass Valve Clean ing and Inspect ion .
Relief Valve Removal .
Relief Valve Installat ion Note .
Oil Pump . .. . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. .. . . . . . ... . ..
Oil Pump Removal , .
Oil Pump Installat ion Notes . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .... . . .
Oil Pump Oisassembly .
Oil Pump Assembly, , , .
Oil Pressure Measurement .
Oil Pump Inspect ion .
Relief Valve Inspecti on , .



E ~ ~ i ~ d ' V i ~ " " " " " ' "
1. Oil Pipe
2. Oil Pa,,, Pil'll
3. Oil I'a._Plu
4. Oil Brutllef g
6. Oil Fil* Boll
1. Oil Pr..... ,. Swit<:ll
l . Ap I . P V noni>f, manent I k"
o : Ap ply l "!Ii... oj, DC I"!I ogant to til. tlIrood.
SS A .. . .
: Wly ..lIcon. ...1
T1 : 12 N-m (12k ant to the tIl,.od.
T2 : 16 N-m 1"6 kg-m. 104 in-Ibl
T3"20 N . gm. l1.ofHb)
. -m. (2.0 k9' m, 14 .5 fHb)
Engine Oil Flow Chart
1. Oil Pump
2 , BYPd V.lvo
3. Oil Filter
4. Bal.nc"r Sh.ft
S. C" nk, halt
6. Dr;'e Shaft
7. Output Shall
8. 0 ;1Pre;;u,e Swit ch
9. b hau" C.m,h.ft
10, Inlel C. m, hd t
11. Oil Flow from Oil Pump
12. Relief V.I'e
............. .... .. ......... .. .......... ... .. ...............................
Specif icat ions
It em
Sta ndard
Engine oil; Grade
SE or SF class
SAE lOW40. lOW50. 20W40. or 2Q1N50
Requ ired amount
1.5 L (whan filt er ii not removed)
1.9 L Iwhen filt er is removed)
Between upper and lower levels
Relief valve opening pressure
430 -- 590 kPa (4.4 - 6,0 kWcm' . 63 - B5 psi)
Oil Preisu re@4,OOOr/mi n (rpml.
More t han 343 kPa (3.5 kg/em' . 49. 8 psi)
oillemp. 90C (l94" F)
Special Tool s
.. ......................... .. .......... ................... ....... .. ... .. .. ..
Along with w mmon hand 1001'. the following mon
, peei. liled tool, are required for "" molete engine
lubrication ' 'tHemse" icing.
0;1 Pr...u,. GOllgll; 57001-164
0;1p,.",ur. GoU\lO A<Iop\<lr: 610011188
Kow..aki Bond (Sili"""" S..lantl: 56019120
....._........_ _ _ _ _ _ .
EngineOil Mel fill.. ICAUTION I
' Mototeydo _._ with
_inotod lJiI .;l l _ I h d _ and
_., -'" ioI tr ...... --.
."" .......,.
eft tt>o .._ oil _ _ '" if _ ... .... _
... OII_cIotup ... _do""' '''_
po I Iy. _ Ilf_. __ ''''''' _ ..
th .. Ii;IIt ' _ ..... __II ", _ id..
tt>o io. ' ....y __tho ,
Eng"'" Oil LI1WI Impecrioo
lilt oil h.. juot teen ' Wl me I'fl&ine
ru n il r minu l" "' Thi. fill.
Ihe oil fill ith oil. S',,!, ,'''' enlline, Ih... ..... i1
_ >I un, il ' he oil","I<1.
Eng;,.. Oi l 1Ind/O' ChJge
oWorm up Ihe "" . toohe 0;1 will pi<k up . nv
;edimcm .00 d" in Mil
. Thon IIw: tnti .....
-W i, h Ihe mo'<n'f<'le up " n ill GeIO.... W >d, pi.... moil
pm b....eoth tho: <f\I:in .
_R<movc til<: dn in plul , . nd lei til< 041 d" in
<:t>mp l. t<lv,
('R..ing thngin. boIor. Ih. oil r. c.......r y p.o rt ""'"
","Ut. , nginl , . izu'. ,
_If Iho h. , i u'! boon u,"d, .... il <e,e,.1
minu ,.. fot . 11 , h. oil to dr ain do ...n.
' Si' u' I' Ill< mu" '''v<l. so Ih" i, i. l"t'I"t"<l kul. r ' t> I""
..""nd, . nd CMt k Ill< "'I .....ellh'''''sh I,," oil
1 I I\oOUIlO.
Tho t>ill..<t ""'uld <""'" up M h._ Ihe uwe<.nd
10. " 1M li-..
0lf tho t>il l....1i. \nO high. mnoft me IOXUlo. oil . u...... .
,yr in.. '" _ oth.. ",il lb'" d..i<;c:.
oj f Ihe 1....1i. "'" It>wr, Idol ' ho ..........1 ...,.,'" t>f oil
lIttouIIo the oil M .. op<'ni.... U1c me ......., type .and
....ke t>1oiIltw. ;, "reody in .........ne.
A- Du in 9. Oi l r ill... !UI.... n.inc Bol.
"'_of IN .-ified oil rt> "" IJfJ N ..." In _
10 -;", IN .,,;dt .,.. oR _ Ja.,
n- .r ''''J' _ _ """'Of""'",". IN t>iI
<""11>... .."..
SE or SF cl. ..
SAE l OW' O, 10W50,
row. O. '" 2OW50
R ui.-d Amount
W l ilt.. it no1 ....... I'od,
_liI_ io """,,,I'od:
Engino Oil
G,a d. :
Vi""" i.y:
.. I ..... oil filt.... 10 he d ..","", ......... it . ittl . _
""" t- Oi l Ind Bolt Mod
Inolll ll. ion No!e, ).
ea.""" the . 1 the d" in p1u, IOf domogo .
tho Iol,;lo,,,, . ,ttl .- one if it i. d ....,....
_>\Ile r the oil h.. <omplO'lely ",.,ned .... 1. in"oill the
dr';n plu, wil h the or,d li"".n Ii 'u , Il< ope-
dfiod tu,,,,,,, (=h t>!odod View) .
or ill , he ....ilh ll<JOd ""U' or oil 'f'CCiflOtl
in ttl. ubi.,
OChe.;KIll<: " if 1n-.1.
C. Oil Fill.. Openi"AClp
A. Vppt , L-'
B. L....-er L....J
Oil Filler and Mounting Bolt Removal
_Wit h t he motorcycle up un it<center . tand, pl. ce , n oil
pan beneath t he engine.
_Uns.crew , h. uil fiUer mounting bolt , nd drop uul l he
_T. ke " ff t he oil fence, .nd t hen h" ldinS t he filt.,
' teady, t urn tho mount ing bolt to wOfk t he filter free
nd takeIh. film off the bolt ,
_Romove lhe flat .nd , pring. then pull the filter
cover off t he boll.
" il filter hyP." is a",mhled in the mou nt ing
_ In' !<I 1I l he oi l filter and filter co, er then tighlen lhe
muunt ing oolt to the ",coined torque (see Exploded
_ Add engi"" oil (",e Oil Level
Bypass Valve Disassembly
_Remove the oil filtor. Oil draining i, not .
oOr;, e t he rel. ining pin "u l "f t ho filter mounl ing bolt.
_Drop uut t he . nd t he bypa.. valve " eel b.11.
Oil Filter and Mounting Bolt Installation Notes
-eh",k t hAt the ne in w ndil ion,
*If t hey >ee dam. goo, replace them with new one'.
Oil Filt.r ..... Mount ing Bol. Inn .l lo'i on
1, Mounting Bolt Bypa.. V. I,e)
2, O-ring
3 Filter Cov.r
4, Oring
5, Spring
6, W.,her
7. Oil Filter
8, Filter C<Jver
Bypass ValveAssembly
_Drop the byp. " Ive ' toel ball inlo ,he filler mounling
ePut ' he inlOt he mo,mtirl S bol' and wmpre" it
heyond the , m. 11 hole,
_Orivo lh, felairl irlg pin inlO the "".11 hole to hold lhe
,pri ng.
_In' loll t he 0;; fill""
Bypass Valve Cleaning and tmpeatoa
_Remo, e t he oil f iller.
_Di",memblc l he byp." val'e.
OCleon l he bypo" ,.I. e pam in 0 high flash-point
", I" nt.
<:CIon thl ports in I WIII.ontilot1ld " eI, and
th, t t h&ro i, no Or flamnywh.,. no.. 'ho
..... B........ of . h. donyor of highly f1.m-
mabi. liquid" do not 0.. go, alin&or law
OVi,uaily irlltlcot t h. bypass vol, e p.,ts.
*If t her< i, .ny d.maged part , reploce it.
_Apply oil to the mounl ing M it, turn t he fillor Of t he
mounl ing bolt 10 t ho filter into pl., o. Be
thaI the filler grommet>du nol ' lip out ut' plao.
B. Primory G., A. Reiier V. lve
Relief Valve Removal
oRemo," lh. clutoh cme r,
_Un, crow lhe ui l prc"ure relief val" from tho cronk
B, Gromme' A. Turn tho t;I,", .
Relief Valve Instil l/ari on Nore
_Apply a non-perm. n.nl I", king >gont on the ..Iv.
th, o.d ond t ighten the ..lye tu the . poclfi<d tofque
(lee Exploded Viewl .
Oil Pump
....... ............................ ..........................................
all Pump DisilSsembly
. R. mo.... t he o il pump.
. Rcmovc the circlip with cirdip pli. " peeial too l) on
the pump ,haft end.
off t he gOM fr"m t he .haft ,
_Un;c rew the oil pump cover ;CfeW5, ilod take off the
. Pull the oil pump , haft, wJ;hcr, pin. ioner rotor , . nd
oute r rot r:>r from the pump.
Oil Pump Removal
R. mo.... t ho d ut ch COyer (. ee Clutc h Cover RomovJ I in
Clutch ch. pt.,) _
_Remm e t he d utch (_ Clut ch Remo..1 in Clutch
chapter) ,
_Remove the oil pump muunt ;ns Allen bolt, .
A. Circlip
B. G r
C. Pump Cover
D. Pio
E. W..her
F. Pin
C. Pump Short
H. Inner Rotor
I. Outer Rotor
J. Pump Body
A. Allen Bola B. Oil Pump
_Pull t he ," I pump off t he or.tokea. e
all Pump I nsrallil t lon Notes
_rill t he oil pump wit h oil for initi al lubfieation.
_Apply . non-perm. nent loc king agem ' u t he t hreJd<
uf t he pump Allen buill ,
_When ;nll . lling the 0;1 pu mp, nOte ,h. f'O, it ion of
t ho water pump ,haft , lot ond t urn t he oi l pump ,haft
'" th.t t he pro ject ion fil> int o t he , lot ,
Oil Pump Assembly Note
_... Her completing tho 0;1 pump ."embly, , heck t hJl
the mtor , h,ft , nd rot"r t urn ,moothly.
A. WJtef Pump Short
S, Oil Pump Shalt
C. Oil Pun,p
Oil Pressure Me8SUrement
ulf rell&f . IlI.,. aprnlng prauure m."",'""'""r i. fI"1Cf1-
...ry, m""",re tile oil pre""", rha ongi"" ;.
wermlKJ up.
M ,,,,. the reli. f valve pre"ure when th.
0 0 8; 00 i . , ,, Id.
OR. moye the " il pJm.ge plug
" In' tal l t ho oil pre"ure . da pter (, peclal
too l. ).
A. Oil Pro" " ,. Gaugo: 57001164
a. Adapter: 57(0) .1188
C. Plug
" Start the and ,.ad t he oil pre" uro whil.
th e at " ri"", , peod. A normal r. lief
val.. ke. p, the m.ximum oil betw.on lhe
, p.cifiod value, .
Rolief V.I. o Op.ning P, u , ,, ..
430 - 590 kP.
14 ,4 - 8.0 klllem'. 63 - 85 p, il
c5 tr:>p t ho .
0R. mov. th o oil p,e"ur. and , d' pt.r.
cl n" . ll t he oil P".. plug.
* If , h. r..ding excd, t ho ".ndar d by .e'y muoh, t he
, . li. f " lv. i, ' luc k in il. clo.ed p". it ion.
*If th o road ing i, muoh low.r than tho standard, lhe
rolief val.. may be 'tuck opon, 0' t ho," m. y he ot her
dam. go in th e lubrication , y.tem Stop th e
immediately and f ind t he .."' '''
oMea",' o th e oil pr,m u,. at normal lern.
oWarm up th e engine, . nd tkt> W,p t he
OInm ll ' he oil pre>, ur e ga" ge and ada pte r., "'"wn
. h"ve.
G1f t he oi l pa... y. pluy i. , omov.d whil. th o ongine i.
worm, hot . ngine oil will dllin 'h'oull" th e 010 pO"'\III:
li ke ct oy.i n.t bu,n.
c5t.,t the en gine . gain.
oRun t he ""gin< .t t he ,pecified , peed. and read lh. oil
pre" u," gauge.
* If th e oil p,e" " ,,, i, helow the , pec ir.-
"' t ion, in,pect lhe oil pu mp .nd relief valvo.
Oil P, e"u",
Mo.. 345 kP. 13,S SO poil
"000 rl min (rpm!. 9O"C l194 F) of oil te mp.
" If the oii pump and relicl v. lvo.re not al lau l' , in. peet
,h. re., of t he lubr ic. t ion . y"em.
Oil Pump Inspecrion
. Oi.." emhi . t he oil pump,
in, peot th e oi l pump hod y, outer and inner
roto " , and co,"".
*I f th ' r< i, any damaKe or uneven w.ar, r.plac. t he oil
pump", an . "emhly.
Relief Valve Inspection
oRomo, c the reli.f volve.
echo",: to ,e. if Iho Slecl hall in, id, t he valve , ido,
,",oot hly whe n p" , hing it in wil h wood en or ot her
, ull rud, .nd ,"e if it oom.. h. ck t o it, ..at by vol. e
. pr ing pr"' Uf<,
Oln>{JeCI v81vo in its auembled _18.8.
."d a<sembly chVlg<t Ih. valvo f). r!orm8rtCo,
*Ir any rough , pot , are found dur ing , have inspect ion.
w" h th e ..I". c1e. n with a hiSh na,h_p" int ,olv.nt an<l
hlow oot any part icl., th. t m. y bo in the val. e
wit h wmprc"eJ air.
'-'CI"" t ho P' ''' in . woll- nt iloted .... . . nd 10k. co'o
t hlt th i, no Sj)<I , k or f l. mnywho, . n... th e
wo' ki n9 Bee.u of th. dingo, of highly fl. m
mobl. liquid do not u,. 9O, oIioo Or low fl..h_poi nt
,ol nt.,
. If cl..ning doe, not ", Ive lhe prohlem, repla the
rel;. f volve " an ",""" hly. Tlie "Ii.f valvo i, preci, ion
m,de with no allowa nce lore replacemen t 01 indi vid" .1
Engine Removal /Installation
Table of Contents
Exploded View .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .... ... . ....
Special Tool .. . . .. ......... ... . .. . .. ... .. .. ... .. .
Engine Removal/Inst allation .... . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .
Engine Removal ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Engine Inst allat ion . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .
; Base Manual


E ; ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ _ -
_._ _ _ . ~ _ _.._.-...._ _..
.....~ ~ __.- _ _ .
SpeciIII Tool ~ _.
JodI. : 61OO1 -1m
on... tool ....y be lMd ",.......t 01til. """""'" loot
C. Air Clean'" Duct
A. Oll Pre" ore Switch Wire T.,minal
B. AI(ernator Wi re Connector
C. Pi<kup Coil Wiro Connector
D. Side St.:I.nd Switch Wire Terminal
L Neutral Switth Wire Termin.1
A, Carburetor
A. Engine Bracket
B, Engine B,acket Bolt
C. Oil Pre,so", Switch Wi re Connector
eRemove the bracket bolt and take the both
br", k<l wit h ignitiun ,oii. uff II.. (r"",o,
e Before m",ing the engine, hold l he c" burewr
W the air cle.nor dOCI with. m ing,
Engine Removal
_O,.in t he engine oil (,"e Engine Oil Chanll" in Engine
Lubrication Sy'tem <hapter).
_O" in t he <o<>la nt (see Cool.nt Change in Cool;ng
Sy'tem chapt er),
_Remove t he ,ean, , ide Cove"
_Remo, e the upper and lower fa;' ing, (see f'rame
ch.pter) for , emov. 1.
_Remove the fucl lank (see Fuel Tank Rem"",1ih Fuel
e Remove the following part'.
Muffler (,ee Muffler Removal in Top End
(see Engino Sprocket Removal in
Final Drive <hap,er)
ThroWe and Chuke ubi",
ClulOh Cahle
e Disconn 1 t he from ,he engine compooeOl' ,
. od free thorn from the damp,.
Slarter Motof Wiro Terminal
Oil Pre"ure Switch Wire Termin. 1
AllUm.tor Wire Conne<wf
Pickup Coi l Wire Connectof
Side Stand Swi(ch Wire Connector
B.ltery Ground Wire Terminal
N<ul<. 1Switch Wiro Termin. 1
Engine Removal/Ins tallation
o B. "" rolu! not to da"- tho radiator fin. " "ring
aogina , am""al or in' tell. tion.
A Startcr Motor Wirc Terminal
B. Battery Ground Wire Termioal
B. Jack A. Engine Brackt.
oR""te t he wiring " arnc" eorrectory I,e" Wiring
Rout ing in Gene"l lnform. iton chapter).
B. Lower Mounting Bolt
A. Engine M o u m i , , ~ Boh,
e Remo. e t he engine mounti ng bolt>. Support t h.
engine boefor. <tiding out t he engine mounti ng bolt, .
Engine Insrallarion
e Engine in, u ll. tion i' t he revme of rem"".!. Pay
all ention to t he followingitem.
o ln"' rt t he lower engine mount ing bolt r." t, while
. upporti ng the engine. Then in", '! the upper mount ing
bolt, ond t ighten t he nut, 100",ly,
cSefore tightening t he mount ing bolt>, in, ul l t he engine
brocket>. When in>erting t he front engine mounting
bolt. ">e jack under t he engine to lift t he engin .
A. Upper Mounting Bolt
Table of Contents
T.......iooion .. .. . ..
Ex...-NI SlIott _
R..._.. __. .
Exlno1 Sl>if! Ill_ om
. . _ _ , .
SpoCIiao...... . . . _ _ . .
s.-:;. Tool . .
SoNI.-.t . . . . .. _.
Cr_ c.e sPinir'll . . .. . . . ........
o-cae Splitting . ....
0_ ""->lbly . . . . . . . . . ... _
Cf Ex"'-'IJI' _..
Cr.nk,n,lt/Cor>ro8ctlng Rod., .. ,
Crank' haf' Re"'ovol. . ,
Crank, halt In" ollot i"" Ne' n ,
Ccnntcti"ll Roo R_II .
Con ntcti"ll Roo In .
O _ ....It/Connoct'''II Rod
0-,,,, . .
CtJnnooctl", Rod _ . .. ... .
Connootri", Rod Tw"" _
c.:.rw-n", Rod8,. End S".
CI_alll .
Con.--ti"ll Roo 8 1g End ae.;"11
l nooortlO..,kpin W_ .. . . .
C' ....k"""ft Ru nout . , , .. .
Cunk.h.tt M. in In, o,' /
Journ. 1Wg.... .
CrI Mk. "-&" Sid< 0 _ _ 1 ,
e-.c.- .
BoI_ R"""""" .
B_ ,..U11 IMI"" N, .
SNI , _ inll I_ V
JoumoI W6o< _ . . . .
sc.... -...."" a ",c1> .. .. . . .. .
S , Met DO' Outdo R_ I .. _
S , Mot<>< Outd>
Inst ollootion Not .
StI" .. "e,DO' Clu,m Di_bly
Stor' ", Met ", Clu'ch A...",bly Not .. ,
Sta r,.. "e'OI' Clu,ch InolWCti "" . , .

. .
1",,,llo1ion Nma _. _. .. . . .. . .
Eo' ..... Shift Mocho niom I_ioon ...
Tr_ _ Sh&ft R..-. . .. . _
n onom;o,ion Shaft ' m" llo, ion .
Od ... Sh,l t Oi "'bly . . . , .
O, i, . Sh.lt A "'b1y Not , , .
Ou'pu. Shit! Di "'bly . . . .. ..
Output Sholl Auembly NOln .
!iN1l Drum _ fcrk R...-.I . . .
Sl>ilt O. cm _ f ork ' ....I...i"" ... . .
Shift 0 tm-Dly NoM .
SI'Oft 0. Ne"," . .. . ..
<>- 1od<1oIh . . . . .
Sh'f! Fc:rt e-"II .
Shift For ilx.- Gr_ W . . . . . .
Sh'f! f ort G_ Pin/Shift
Drum Gr....... W_ . . . . . . . .
Go.. Oog/G_ Dug Holl D' '''I\II . ,
Boll and Nndll Boa' ing Woor. ,

L . A-'"
. .....y non
c . A--' __m......, __
. .....v r ' .-.0'''''
o ' Awl "luid -,to tho th
M V_"9'M oi l - , ......
o Apply mol ybd .
; . Sh,ft D,u m di", llidt g.-
3' S1o"", Clut ch Bur"'9 Hol d.. .
. Shift Drum 1>00'
of. Noul r.J Switch ,(;on;ng Bolt
6. h l .mol 8h ;
6. Dri.. s_ It ModI... i,... R.. S
7. 0..,,,,,. $110ft ",n pring Pin
R.......... SMISSION

- .
.. _ _ _ _._ - .._ .
..,. .
...., - .
G : Apply
Lh : LAft-H. nd k m 104 in-Ibl
T1 :12N-m(l .2
T2: 15 N-m 11.5 14.5 ft -Ibl
T3: 20 N-m 12.0 kg:.." 18.0 ft .lbl
T4 : 25N.m I2.6kg
T5: V N-m 12.8 25 ft. lb)
T8 : 34 N-m 13.6 '51
T7 : 69 N-m (1.0 kt- m,
er...lNft. Connecting Rods:
Cormecting rod bend - -- O.2l100 mm
Conneet ino rod twist --- 0.21100 mm
Connleting rod big end side cle.anta
D.13 _ 0.38 mm
D.50 mm
Connect ing rod bigeod bearing
insert!cran" pin clearance O,031 - 0.059mm O.10 mm
Cra.... pi.. diameler: 29.984 - 30.000 rnm 29.97 min
29.984 - 29.994 min
0 29.995 - 30.000 mm
Co.... ect ing rod big end bote diameter: 33.000 - 33.016 mm - --
Nona 33.000 - 33.00Bmm
0 33.009 _ 33.016 mm
Connect ing rod bigend bearing
inie rt thickness: White/ Blue 1.490 - 1.494 mm - - -
White/Black 1.485 - 1.490 mm ---
Whita/BrowtI 1.4BO -1.485 mm ---
Cormo!ct ing rod big end bearinll insert select ion:
Con-><l 8,gEnd
Cr_Ilo.. 0 '........
8"';.. , I.....,
80... 0 ......"',
...... ;ng
_ ing
Size Color Pert N<omboo ,
N_ N_
0 0
Nm. 0
C,,"kshaft I\moo t
D.OS mm Tl R
Crankshaft main bear ;"g insert!
joumal c laarance
0,014 - 0.Q38 mm
Crankihaft main jou rnal
21.984 - 28.000 mm
21.96 mm

21.984 _ 27.992 mm
21.993 - 28.000 mm
Cra..kcase main bearing 00.. di.lmelar:
31.000 - 31,016 mm
-- -
0 31.000 - 31.006 mm

3 UI09 - 31.016mm
Crankshaft main bearing insert t hicknen:
Blue 1.499 - 1,503 mm
- - -
Black 1.495 - 1.499 mm
-- -
Brow" 1.491 - 1.495 mm
- --
' Tho beoring in.." lor No. 2 on oil ","00" .
It em
Stllndll rd
Service L.imit
Cranksh aft main be ar ing insen select ion:
Cronke... M.in C..nk.h. lt M.in
SU' ing In rt
Beering Bor. Joom. IOi. mot. ,
Oi om.ter Marking Marking
5O lo Colo, PorI Numbor Journ, l No.

a rown
92028-1488 t. ,
' 00.
92028-1487 t. a
91. ek
' 00.

' 00.
Nono Bl u.
920281466 t. a
"The bearing in.. n lor No. 2 ioom.I, h. v" oil groov...
Crankshaft side clearance 0.05 0 .20mm 0.40 mm
Gear bac klash 0 -0. 17 mm 0.25 mm
Gear shlft fork groove widt h 5.05 - 5. 15 mm 5.3 mm
Shift fork ea r thickness 4.9 - 5.0 mm 4 ,8 mm
Shift for k gu ide pin di ameter 5.9 - 6.0 mm 5.8 mm
Shift drum groove width 6.05 - 6 ,20 mm 6 .3 mm
Balancer Shaft :
Balancer shaft bearing insent
journal cl earance 0.020 - 0.044 mm O.OBmm
Balancer shaft jou rna l diameter: 25.984 - 26 .000 mm 25.96 mm
None 25.984 - 25 .992 mm ---
0 25 .993 - 26.000 mm - - -
Balancer shaft bl!<:l rtng bore diameter: 29.000 - 29. 0 16 mm
29,000 - 29.008 mm
Markin g
None 29.009 - 29. 0 16 mm
-- -
Balance r shaft bearing insen selectlcn :
aa l..,.,. , Shatt Cranke. .. 8.lano. r
a rlng In, . n
Jou,n. 1DiomelO' Shatt B()I'e Diam. , .r
M.rking Marking
5O z. Color Pm Numbor
0 0
, , ~
0 Non.
Block 92028-1423
' 00'
None Nono Blue 92028-'422
Special Tools
Along with common hand too ls and pfoci,ion inmu
ment ,peclallzed 1<;>0 1, ore reqUired for complele crank-
,h.ft/tran,ml"ion ,.,-vicing.
ClrelipPlie.., 57001144
C. Guide Leve,
D. Stoppe, Plale
_Removo t he uprer c"nke.,e h, lf bolt<(4 0' 2 if 2 were
removed just .fter engine remo..l).
_Turn the eogine up, ide dowo.
_Re"lU"" tile oi l li lter mount ing bolt, oil filter , and large
_ Romovo the oil "reen co,e r . nd ",eon if nece.." y.
_ Romove t he 6 mm . nd 8 mm lower cr, nk,, half
bolt. , pi, t he two point> , hown t o , plit t he two c"nk
co,. h.I" , ,port, and lift off lhe iowor crank" .. half.
A. Chain Guido
B. Lever Boil
A. Neut,, 1Po>i l ioning Bolt
_Romove tile <Iot ch only if t he v.n,mlion drive , h.n
_Remo," the neut,. 1po,itionlng bolt,
_Remove the oi l pre" ure ,witch le. d lermin.l, pre..ure
,wi'Ch and oil ho,".
_Remove Ihe neUlr . 1,witch.
_Removo , he external ,hift mechanhm.
_Remove lhe ch. in guide lever bolt . nd l. ke t he >topp<r
pl.l o, goide lo, or, guido, and , p.cer ., a ,ot ,
1, Remove thi, bolt fi"t.
O/f rho ""gino i. I<> movnr.d on ." #f1gilH "''''d,
rho UpptN c,-."kc/1.S8 h8lf bolt> mown mm, b. """0_
movnting the engino.
_Remo, e the following pMt< from Ihe engine.
Water Pump, Ho and Pipe (see W. ter Pump
Remuval In Cooling Sy51em ch.pter)
Stilrter MOIOr Clut ch Gear
Oil Pipe ond Banio Bolt
SIOftor Motor
Oil Pump ("'" Oil Pump Remo,,1 in Lubr icat ion
System ch. pter )
_Remove the following pari< only if t he crank,haft i, t o
be remolled,
Cyllndor Ile. d Cover
Alternator Cover Plug.
Po, i,ion the Oonh hafl at Numb... 2 Cylinder' , TOC
(compre..ion >Hoke), and t urn it cloekwi,. .bout9O'
Altern.tor Rot or
Oil Hose Banjo Bolt
Cam, h.fl Ch,in Ten, ioner
Cam,h.lb (..e Cam,haft, Rock... Arm Removal in
Engine Top End chapter)
Rocker Arm,
Cylinder Head (,.. Cylinder Removal in Engine Top
End ch.pter)
Cylindor (Cylindor Removal in Engine Top End
Pi"on, (' 00 Pi,ton Removal In Engine Top End
Crank CiI$lI Splitting
_Remo, e lhe engine (, .., Engine Remov.I!ln'til llat ion
-set tIlo engine on 0 dean , urface or, profor>bly, mount
it on an engine ,tand 10 hold the engine , te. dy while
pon. are being removed.
_Remuve the wdler pipe . nd ho (cylinder r..rward).
A. 6 mm Boll\ B, 8 mm Bolli
Set Pin nd Sot Ring. Inlt. li.tlon
A. Ply Poinl
01lle upper end 10__ crenkc... he/"'" e,." rned>itmJ e{
me r.c{ary .. MI _ mhly, so me c, Ml ke... h.l.e.
must /"ffPleced.. e $8{.
eA" embly i< t hc ", .." e or , p1 itt ing, Be caref ul of t he
following item"
" Wilh high na< h-point , ol, ent, clean off tho mat ing
, urf. c", of . he crankc. ", hal, .. and wip< dry.
OWhen imtal ling lh. outf>Ot and drive , h.ft>. t he u . nk-
co", ", t pin, mu,t go into the hoi.. in t he n""dle
bc.,ing outt r ract ' nd the ", t rings must fil inlO
t ho gr<>ov.. in t he ball bearings,
1 SCI Pim
2, Set Ring>
3. Upper O.nkca," Half

" Mo k u' . the c...nkco HI pin, . propo,ly . Iigned to

. vold d."",11'1 to the "...nkco upon Inot.li.tion,
ODon't u u.u.1 .-t pin. b.o.u t pins of
mod. 1 . r. diff. r. nl f,om u.u.1 pin. ...
arod . 110 used 10 PO" oil, If you u.. u.u.1 pinl by
mi.,. ke, Ihe . .... in Iw.y i.
OChe<k lh. l the knock pin, (2) arE in pl.ce.
'-'Apply a littl e engino oi l t o lhe ltan,mi"ion gears, ball
b. arings, , hill drum, and crank>h.lt m. in
in",m ,
oAppiy liquid 10 lhc , urface of the lower
u ankc.,c half.
" If liquid 11.....1 .dh..... 10 . ny . rh . nat Indlcat.d, the
' ''9i n. ail "."..g" moy bo a blt,uet.d, cou. i.... .....in
i'ur .
liquid Ge'''t Appli.d Ar ..
] . Luw.r Cr>nkca Half
OCheck to see t haI the ' hift d,um i, in the neutrAl
po, ition, that i' , the proie<tion at operating plote i,
, eon from Mutr, 1 ,witc h holo at the upper cr. nkc_
u pp. , Crank Half B.- to
1. M6xaS mm
2. M6 x 60 mm (Coppe, W..her)
(When fini ng tho lower cr. nkc..,e half on t ho uppe,
c"nkco\< half, e.ch Ihlft fork mu" fit in ia g,
()LoOlcly tishten .11lower crank",. half bolt> 10. , nug
fi t ,
CFoli owing the ..quence numhero on the lower crank-
co,e half, tighten the B mm boilS firot to about 00<half
of the , pecified torquo, . nd finally to th< ,pe, if,ed
torqu< In th. ..me ..quonce (>eo Explod<d View).
A. Neut,.1Switch lIo le
8. Projection
C. Operating Piatc
D, Upper Cr.nkea", Half
OTighten the 6 mm boll> on the upp<' <..nkca,e half to
the ,pecified torque (",e Explod<d View).
oTighten l he 5 mOl bolg on the lower cranke..e h.llto
the ' pe<ified torque ("'. Exploded Vi.w).
_Alte, tightening all crank"'" bolt., check the
following It<m"
oDd,<Ihaftand out put , h.lt [urn freely.
oWhile ,p inning t he OUt pUt 'haft . ,hi ft t he nan,mi"lon
,moolh ly from h t to 6t h g < ~ r , and back,
(>Unl"', tho out pUI ,haft i' turning, the l, an, mi"ion
e.nnot b< , hifted to 2nd gear or other higher gear
posit i"""
low., Cr. oke... Hal' Bolt. TIgh.... lng Old.,
s s
1. M8 x72 mm
2. M6 x 3a mm
3. Ma x 90 mm
4. M6 x 60mm
5, M6 x l35 mm
6, M6 x as mm (Copper W" hor)
C"",kciJlSe Exchange
*I f crankce i, d.maged, repl. it wit h new ""e.
_Remov< th< ,rankc.,< part< from t he d.m aged c.,e.
nd in, ,,,11 it 10 the new c. \<. P a ~ .aemion to t he
following ilem, .
cWhen iml.l liing the Qil p,,,,age plug mu,t be In"' rted .,
, hown,
Oil P....90Pipe In' toll. llon
1. Lower Cronk",o Hil l
2. Oil P.."ge Pipe
3. PI<"
4 , Sm.1l Hall (Up)
5. Slit (Horizontal)
Cr. nk.... P. ...
B.... Body l...toll. Iion
C. Mark< Aligned
1. Sreat her 80dy
2. Oring
3. Upper Crankcase Hall
4. Crankc"e Side
5. 801t
OApply a nonperman<n\l rxkjng a&< nt to th<t h", .d of
lhe br<at her bolIO, .nd lighten them.
Crankshaft Insralla ri on Note!
0l f the or bf.lring lnserts are reptaced with
new one., check the clearance' wilM pl"ligage 10 be
, ur< t he cor rect bearing in.. r" arO in,laIled.
oAlign t he mark on Ihe bal.ncer ori'e wilh
lhe mar kon l he bal. ncer geM.
Cr8r1k!haft Removal
o Remo, e th<engine,
o Remo' e the cylinder hcad, cylinder and pbIOn"
crankeas. (. ee Cranke.", Splitt ing).
OTak< the "'ank<han out nf th<upp< r crank"", .

A. Ba lancer Driv<G. ar
B. Ba l.ncer Sh. n Gear
1. Uprer Crank"", Half
2. Koock Pin
3. Lower O ;tnk c.", Half
4 D.ring
S. Set Ring
6. O-ring
7. Oil Pa"'-110
8, Breather Body
9, O-ring
10. Oil Pipe
11. Oil Seal
12. Oil So. 1
13, Ga.ket
14, Droin Plug
OFiI l he oil pa" . gc O-r ing on t ho breat her body.
Roplace tho wit h new ono', if dN"r iorat od or
dam. god. The fiat , ilk 01 the mu,t facodown.
*If the coonect ing rod. or l>earing imcrt> are rt pl.c. d
with new on." check c! earonco with plOltlgago befnre
..",mbling engine to be ,ure t he correcting t>earlng
in.. m are in' talled.
_Apply engine oil to Ihe be..ing In..m,
Connecting Rod Bend
_Me.,ure conneeting rod bend.
oRemove the connecting rod bigend bearing in.. rt>, and
reinstall the <onneCiing rod big end cap.
OSeleot an arbor of the >a rne diameter'" the connecting
rod big end, md in"'rt the arbor Ihroogtl lh. con
neCii ng rod big Md.
0S. I;t an .,bor of the >amo diameter ., the pi'ton pin
' and at le"'t 100 mm and in.. rl lhe ..oor through
the connecling rod ,m.1I end.
oOn . 'url.ee pl. te, ..t tho big-end arbor on V block>.
OWit h the connecting rod held ,ertkally, u.. a height
gauge 10 me", ure the difference in lhe height of the
arbo' . bo"" lhe .urt;u;e plate OYO, a 100 mm lengt h W
deter mine the amount of connecting rod bend,
*If cnnn<et ing rod bend " coed' tho .. " ice limit, the
connecti ng rod mull t>e replaced,
Crankshaf r/Connecting Rod Cleaning
_Aftor removing Ih. connecl ing rod, from the UMlk-
,haft, w.,h t horn Wilh , high fl ..h.point , olyent.
_Blow the crank,haft oil with compr.,..d air to
remove any foreigo pan icle, or re, idue t hn may ha""
accumulated in the pa"age>,
C. Searing In..'I,
leAUT1O' 1
A, Connecting Rod
B, Big End C. p
OTo pr nt domogO to t ho eronkpin . urt"".... do
ollow m. big .1>II co pbolt . to hie
e Apply engine oi l to t he m. in bearing In.. r!>
Connecting Rod Removal
e Remove Ihe cr,nk>h aft .
e Make and record the locat ion' of the connecli ng rod.
and their big end caps '" that they con I>e ' . . ... mbled
In their originol po,ition, .
e Remove the rod big end cap nut>, and take
nff the connecu ng rod and cap with the bearing In..m,
Connecting Rod Inr tallstion Now.
_To minimi.e vibralion, a p.ir of connecling rodhould
t ho me weigtll mark. Tho woight mark i,
indicoted by a copil.1 lell.r, and i, .umped on the
rod bigend,
Connoctlng Rod Bond
SoI"" Limit : 0 .2/ 100 mm
Woight Mo'k Locotion Connocting Rod Bond M... ufOmont
1. BigEnd Cap
2. Connecti ng Rod
3. We ighl Mark, Alphabet
Connoeting Rod Twi" M...." omon.
Connecting Rod Twist
e Me",ure conne<ting rnd t wist.
the big-end .,bo, , till on V hlocl" hold the con-
necting rod horimnu lly and me>lure the . mount th.,
the art>or "arie, f, om being parJllel with the .u rface
pbte o"er, 100 mm lengt h ul the . rbur to dotermine
th moont of connecting rod twi,t.
I II (he connecting rod (wi,t exceed. t he ,""ite lim,t ,
the eonnec(ing rod mU'1 be r.p lac. d,
Connoeting Rod Twill
So,.i.,. limit: 0.2/ 100 mm
Connecting Rod Big End Bearing
/nserr/Crankpin Wear
fleoring in", rt/cronkpin Wedr i. mea, ured u" ng d
pla;l igage (pre" gJoge). which i. inlo the
de .r,nce lo be meJ. ured. The indicate, the
cI. ar.nee hy t ho .mount il i, 'ompr.... d . nd widoned
when the ports dr. "" embi. d,
.\l. " ur. Ih. b.,ing in. er(/e, ankpln c1ea r. nre.
o Romov. Ih. oonnocting rod big ond oap. and wipoe
each bearing in..rt iUl d crankpin . url"". cl<an of oil.
OCu, . t rip. of pIJ.til(Jge 10 h.oring in..-l widlh, and
plJCO a "'ip on tho criUlkpin for o>oh connecting rod
parJllel to t h. criUlkshall .0 t hdl lhe pi..l igage will be
compre".d bet ween ,h. crankpin and l he beiring
i ",ert.
Oln<u ll t he rod big end u p; . nd tighten lhe
big end eap nuts to ,ho ,peci fied lorque (,.e Explo,k d
Vi.... ).
GOa not tum and/or connocting rod
during ci eartmc8 m""", ,,,m. n f.
" Remov< lhe connecting rod big Md c,p', and m'..ure
(he pl"'tigdg< widt h to d.termin. t he bedring in, ort!
crankpin c1 .,iUl .
Connocting Rod Big End 5i,," Clooran""
*If d " nc. exceed, the ..rvice limil, replace t he coo-
neCling rod ...ith , n. w on nd t h.n ch. ck el..ralle<
agdi n, If cl'dranco i< 100 larg fter connect ing rod
ropiac.men t, lhe cranh hdfl alo;o mu<l be r. pl, oed.
B, Pia' till"ge
Connecting Rod Big Eoo
Sooring In. orti Crenkpin CI..ron""
Stondo' d' 0.031 - 0.059 mm
So..i.,. l imi. : 0.10 mm
_If clcar. nc" i. within (he . tandard, no h. ar;ng repl....-
ment i, required,
*If d.arJn i. bet ween 0.059 mm Jod Ih. ,.",ico limit
(0 .1 0 mml . repl. ce the h.,ing insert> w,(n insert>
p"int. d white/b lu. . Chk in..rt!crJnkpin ol.,rance
with pla" ill"g.. The d.orance may oxceed the
' tanddrd , Ii&h l ly, but it must not b. Ie" t h, n , h.
minimum in ord.r to ovoid b.. ring,. izure.
_If d ranco exceed< the ",rvico limi" me..ur' t he
didm.ter of tho ordnkpin"
A. Crankpin
0.13 - 0.3Bmm
0.50 mm
B. Thickne" Gaug.
So..i"" limi. :
A Connecting Rod
Connec6ng Rod Big End Side Cleafimce
_Me",ure oonnecting rod big end .ide clearance.
Olmcr tol t hicknm ga uge between th. bigend dnd either
erank ...eh to delormine cle.,an.
Cr.nKpin Oi.ml tl '
Stlnd.,d: 32.98 4 - 33.000 mm
k ..ice Limit: 32.97 mm
*If any crankpin ho; worn pa>t the ,"rv ice limit, replace
the crank, haft with a new one.
*If the measured cranlpin diamete" ..e not I.., than
t he service limit, but do nnt coincide with t he original
didmeter marking< 0 0 t he cr. nhh.ft. make new mark,
on it.
Connecting Rod M. rk l OC: l tion
C..AI<pin Ollmetl' Merk.
None: 32.984 _ 32 .992 mm
o : 32.993 _ 33.000 mm
L Big End D p
2. Connecting Rod
3. Diameter MJrk
"0" M. rk Or No Mark
Cr. nIl pin Oi . MOfk Loe.tion
_Select the proper hearing in"' rt in dccordance wil h the
combinat ion of t he connect ing roo and cranbh.fl
_l m,,11t he new in, c' t in t ho connecting rod and checl
insert/crankpin clea.. nce with pl.,tigage,
ring ",ort I oct on
Con-roo Big End Cranlpin
Bea ring Insert
Bore Di, meter Diamoter
Mar king Marking
Si, e Color Paft Numbe,
0 ' 000
White/Blue 92028-1429
0 0
Wh ite/Black 92028-1430
'000 None
None 0
White,IB",w 92028 -1431
L 11
0 0
1, C"nkpin Di.meter M..b " 0 " or None aoari ng In ' t 5i MMk LOCIl ion
Crankshsft nooour
_Me.,ure the c..nk, haft runoul.
oSel the crank,ha ft in a flywheel alignment i i ~ or on V
OSet ' di,l g.u ge 'g.l in,t the center j""rnal.
*Put lhe c o n n e < t i n ~ roo big end Cdp' on the rod, , nd
tighten the out, to the ,pec ified "'rque I... Explooed
View) .
_Me.,ure the in. ide diameter, and mark each connecting
rod big end in ."""rd.nce wilh Ihe in, ide diameter,
oT"" m. rk . lrtNKly on me big end shO'J/ d coincide with
the me;w;remenr.
Connocting Rod Big End In.i dl Oiamlt.. Merk.
None; 36.000 - 36.008 mm
o , 36.009 _ 36.016 mm
L Bearing Insert 2. Coior Si" Mark
oTu' n >l o,""y 10 ....... ...re l he runoul . TM
bel W..,., lIi&ho," . nd 10"'1'01 di,1 il"U1l"
reodin" {Tl RI i, III. , moun' of runoul,
*If Ihe mM",,.m.nl Ih. >er> i, e limil, repl;oc.
IlIo , ..nk,h,h.
Cr_ tho" Aunout
$en.e< l imit: OJ mill TlA
cr...""'1t A.........

er."krJu,ft Mlli n 8Nring Imen/JoumM W_

.. inwftr,.,..,..l ... _ ;. __ed u .
(Pf'e'II ,.1. ,""ich ;. .........ed into .....
de.f...... to be m ' ed. TM lncllc.ol'" lh<
........ nce by the ornounl il i. wmprew:d ond ...itlo: ned
,""enlhe pam a.e .."""bled.
..14..... ,. Ih. In.... , lj""rn. l d ...."".,
<:>Splil the cr,nkeo,e ond "' ipe eo.cI1 be.,inl In"" t . nd
journ. i ", rf,ce de.n of oil,
C:Cul r Ips (}f pl.. 10 bur inll inserl ",idlh, 000
pl"e . tr ip on ...c: h iour .....1p...I1... 10 Ihe
.., 1M tbe pl..tipp: iII b. wmp<ns<'d bet..."" n tbe
jour 0lI<l ..... bc.o" in..,.
01 11 ..... "'- u ku<e holt. _ 1''''len the """
bolt. 10 lh< """, i(1Cd lOf_ (_ E.ploded V.....l .
roo fOOt rum during __
o ...tholt Moi.. 8M. ... InM, " J__Cl_ _
S.ondo, d, 0.014 _ 0.0:18", m
So'.ie, Limit: 0.118 mm
*11 <I." . ""e i' ",ilhin lhe " . nd.,ll, "" bEo' inl replOco.
rmnl "requi,ed
* If .. i. bE -. mm ..... t he I;mil
(0. 08 mm), bE.i", inser" . ll h w-t,
p.oinl<d Ce/l(;k ;.....,/;0.., ... 1 cl _ . itll
pW.ii_ . TIl< deor y
bol ;1 """I not bo INn lho min_in
",d to oK! bt..r i", l<i, <We..
_If c1 tile --.I<e limi.. ........'" tho
of l ho cr...ksh.oft m. in jour...l,
C"nk,h,1t Moin Jou, no' Di"",,'"
SI,ndord ' 29. 984 _ 30.000 mm
Sot..;co Lim;!' 29.lIIl mm
_If ony jou r... 1 h.. worn pas, . he ....'tic. limi' . ,.plau
tbe * ilh a .
1[ the m..... ' ed ;0.., 1 diorlwt 1101 .... _ Ill<
set""tu limil. bol do not wmeid< * ;Ih the oo-iliflal
diamel..- ...... on ..... c:r.........r.. m.k.......... ' b
on il.
cr_thoft ""'... Jau..... Di __
t<Io...: 29.98<t - 29.992 ", m
1 : 29. 993 _ 30. 000 ", m
. f'u , rho low", <..n''''" h.oll on ,h. UPi>t'
h. 11 ...ithoul bo..inl i"""n. ond li","n lho cal< 10 lho
ope<ified ...d """'..... f_
",. ..mbly).
...... moin b<M"'s -.. dlamo.... . nc1 ....' k 1M
lIflIXI ..n US< h.olf in _or,*""" ,.;th tho bOlo
cr.........ft Jau",,11 DiL Mo<k Looohon

I .
1. CWI. ""f' )00"",1Di. mOlt< M.,h
"1" Of None

OTlw ....... -.-., ....
..... ..ido tIIIidr ".. Of _,.
VKemo.e t ho luwer ""nk"," half , nd m..... ,. the
",idth to det...mine t he: h.,inl in.. rt,ljoorn. 1

A. C. ank, nah
C... .. Moln 600'; "\1 80.. Di.moto.
o : 33.000 _ 33.008 mm
No....: 33.009 -33.016mm
Cronk"".. Mork Loco.i on ICrank, hoftl
1. Cronkca", Main BCMing Bore
Di.m' lor M"k. '0" or Nunc
_Select lhe proper bear ing in, ert in accordance with the
combinat ion of th. . nd cranb h. ft ""d ins
_In, t. 11 t ne new in..rt in t he crankco," . nd check in' erll
journ.1d..,. nce with pldltigdjl' .
Buring Insert SI Mork Locot i,,"
Crankshaft Side Clearance
_,\t e"ur< ".nksh.ft , ide clear. nce_
"i n..rl thickne" gauge bet ween the Nu_ . cr. nkcase
m. in jurn,1 and the cronk weh to de.. rmine <I""r.na
" If lho d e.,a" ce oxceed, the ,e", ice limil, repl.c< the
crankc",c h.l , e, ", d , ef.
OThe upper crankc. .. hal'- lower cr-enkc_ "" II.
", ,,,,nined the tactory as 8n """""I>/y, so tn6 "''''I
1M repl/ICed as set.
Cronk, holt Sid. CI...on<o
Stondotd : O.05 - 02 0 mm
$or.ice li mit: OAO mm
1. Bearing In,.rt
Bu. ing ' '''' ' t Selecti" n
Cran ko... M. in Crank, hall Main
Bearing In, ,,, t
BeMing Bore jour""I Di. meter
Di.meter Marking Marking
Si, e Colo, Pan Number Journ . 1No"
920281418 ,.;
a None 92028-1417
" s BI.ok
' 00'
92028-1416 ,.;
Nune Blue
92028-1 419
Balancer Removal
eSplit the c"nkoa>e.
ePul1 t ho bal. n,,,,, ,haft wilh the baldncer gear out of
111, crankca.,.
_<I f clearance i, wit hin t he 'tandord, no bearing
repl. cement i, required.
"' If c1eMan<. i, b.tween 0.044 mm the servic e limit
(0.08 mm), replace the b ., ing in, em with in,en<
p. inted blue. Check insert/ iour",1 de.ranc. with
pIJStill"S", The clearance may exceed the ,undard
, lightly, but it mu>t not be Ie" than the minimum in
order to ..oid bearing,ei, ure,
*If cI.arance exceed, the .." ice limit ; me.u"e the
diam<ter of the b.lancer , h. ft journ,1.
1, Journ, 1
Bal.n.or Shott B...ing Inrt/ Jou.....1eIMr..,,,,,
Stondo,d: 0.020 _ 0.044 mm
lie,"'; limit : 0.08 mm
Bal.nr Shtoft Journal Oi....et ..
SlIndortl: 25.984 _ 26.000 mm
S...i limit ' 25.96 mm
C. Balancer Dri"" Gear A. T;ming Mark
B, Balancer Gear
Balancer Installation Notes
eApply oil to the ill. ide of thc bJ.1.ncer .haft bearing
in, ort
eAlign tho timing m. rk on t ho balancer gear wit h t he
tjming mar ' on the baaocer dr ive geaf of t he cra nk-
<h aft.
Baloncor Shott Journol Ol.moto, Mork.
Bolon,*, Sh. tt Ma,k Locolion
25.984 - 25,994 mm
25.995 _ 28.000 mm 0 ,
Non. :
1. Journal Diameter Mark,
o or None
* If eithor journal ha, worn pa" t he , orvke limit. replaoe
t he bal..ncer , haft with . new on.
* If the me. .... ' ed iournal diameter i, not I." than 1I1e
service limit, but d"", not coincide with the original
di, meter markinS' on the balancer <haft, write now
mark> on it.
Il<aring in"'rt/joumal wear i. m...ured u, ing
pl. 't igage (pre" gauge), whioh i, inserted into the
c!e.,a n<e to be moa""ed. The indiute, the
clearance by the amoun t it i. COmprc..ed ..nd widened
when 1I1e parh are
e Me..ure the bearing in. ertjlnjournal
oSplit 1I1 e orankcase wipe each insert . 00
joumol , urf", e clean of uil,
ceut ",ip' of pla<tigage 10 t>earinS In,",t width, .nd
pi,,,,, w ip On jour",1 to t he bJ.1.."""r
.0 thn the pl.,tig.,ge will be oompre"ed between
the journ.1 and [he bearins in, ert.
0l n". 11 the lower .,,,,,kcose half, and tighten the .., e
bolt' [0 the 'Pified torque {,ee Exploded View).
ODo no. rum11M shaft during daaram:. m. ...
oRemove t he lower crankc.", and mea.... ,. the
width to determine the bearing in>c rt/journa l
_Put the lower half on tho upper crank"",
half wit hoot bearing io",rl>, and til\hleo t he e.,e bolt>
to Ihe . pocifie<J tor que .nd , equence I", e Crankea",
A"embly) ,
_Me.,ure the m.in bearing in, ide diameter, and mork
t he upper crankc.,e h. lf in . u orda"" " wilh t he in' ide
diameter ,
o r"" m.rl< IlIrNdy on r1I. upp.' cr. nkc_ h. 1f ;hould
tJImosr coincid. wi th ,"" m' 8SUrwn"" t.
C.. nl",... _ , ;ng In.id. Di. m.... Morlu
o : 29.000 _ 29.008 mm
Non.: 29.009 _ 29.016 mm
Cro....... . Locotion (Belon. o, Shoft)
Be. ring In.." Selection
Crankea'e Balance' Shaft
Be..ing In'i de Journal Di. - Si, o
Part Number
Diamete, Mark meter M.. Color
0 0
Brown 920281424

0 None
None 0
Starter Mot o, Clutch
Sfsrter Motor Clutch Removal
_Drain t he engine uil
_Or.i n the coo lant {,ee Co" l.nt O,.ining in Cooling
Sy<tem chapter ),
_Pull tile waler pipe, off t ho water pump {,.e Waler
Pump RemO'l , 1inCooling Sy. lem chapter).
A. Water Pipe, B. Alternato r Cover
Ilo lano" Shoft Mork Location
E. 1h' u' t Washer
F. St m e, Motor Clutch Gear
G, Slarter Motor Idle Ge..
H, Sh.ft
A. Alternator Rutor
B, Starter Molor Clu,oh
C. Woodruff Koy
D. Crank, baft End
_Remove the , It., nalor cover.
_Renwv< t he ahernator rot or bee AltornalOr Rotor
Remo,,1in Elcct rical chaptor).
_Pull Ihe , tarler mot or idle gear and , han oot of the
<rankt aw.
_Romove t he woodruff key. t hru't wa,her, .nd sut",
motor clutch gear from t he cranksh' h ond
2, Color Size Mark
2. No, 2 Journal
l. So.,ing In,."
_Solect t ho proper bear ing in"' rt in accordance wit h the
wmbination of t be crankca,. and coding.
el n" all the new in.. rt in the crankca>c and check in' ert/
juurnal clearance with pl.,tigago,
1, No. 1 Journ.1
Starter Mowr Clutch Installation Notes
eApply molybdenum d;;ullide to t he in, ide of
t he " arter molOr clutch gea,.
-Checl lhOl the ' lar le, motor clut ch roller> (3) are in
Starter Motor Clurch Assembly No t/J
e Apply a nonpermanent agent 10 lhread 01
t he , tart er mol or ClulCh Allen bolt ' (31nd tighten the
bol" to the , pecified t'''que hee Explooed View).
Starter Motor Clutch Ins.pection
eOrain lhe engine oi l.
eOrian t he coolanl (, ee Coolanl Draining in
e Pul1 l ho water pip", off lho waler pump.
eRemove t he ,ilernMor <over.
e Remove t he , tarter molor Idle and ' halt Irom l he
e'l urn t he , tart" mot or clutch by h"nd. Tho
, tarter mol'" clutc h gear ", ,,,, id Wrn Ireely
hUl , h'wld nol ,urn COlJOlerciockwi...
A. Rolle" C. Alternator Rotor
8, Storter Motor d Ul<h
e PUl the alternator rolOr {with ,l.,ter mot or clutch) by
the ,tar ler molor clutch counterclocl l'i i",.
Starter Motor Clutch DislJSSembly
e Remove t he ahernalor <oVOr.
e Remove the altern.tor rot", (",e Altern.tor Rot'"
Removol in Electrical chapt", ).
t he . Ilernalo r rotor "eady, remove lhe Allen
bolt' (3) to ",par "le the rolOr and ' larter motor clutch.
e Remove lhe Roller, C4' "d 'pring if ncu, ,,,ry
Sto,W' Moto, Clutch
A. Locl ed
B, Turn Freely.
C. Starle, Mol'" Clutch Gear
1. Allernat'" Rotor
2 Starter Motor Clutch
3. ThrU' 1Wa"'er
4. Roller
5. Spring Cap
6. Spring
7. Allen Bolt
8. Start er Motor Clutch Gear
9. Crank"'aft
*If the , tarler motor d utch doo, nol operate as it ' hould
or If II make. nol.., to the nexl .IOp,
e Di,., ,,,mbie the ,tartor motor dutch, and '; ",all,-
;n<pecl the clulch par!>: <pring" , pring cap" foller>.
and gear.
*If there i' any worn or part. rell l. ce il.
..... ........................................................................
... ................. .........................................................
E" tflrnal Shift Mechani$ro Removal Note
e Before rem<wing lhe Ihin Ie. .. off t ho ' hift <hafl .
m"k the po'ition of t he le..r on the , hilt ,hoft <0 t hat
it can be Inslalled altor ;n the ,.me po, ition,
E"ternal Shiff Mechanism Removal
e Remu' e lhe ,h ilt Ie, ", boll and pull lhe I""er off the
' hlft "'aft end.
D. Return Spfing
E. Shift S03f t
F. Spline,
C. Ove" hift Limitei'
D, Shift Mech. nl,m Arm
D. Rea, Locknut
F. AI"""t Par. llel
Exremal Shi ft Mechanism Inspection
_Examine t he ,hlft , haft for any damage,
A. Ped.1 Po, llion
B, Front Locknut
C, Rod
OCheck t he , hit't , haft fOf bendinS or dam, ge to t he
,pline, .
A, P"wl Spring
B. Ret urn Spri ng
A. Shift Meeh"ni,m Arm
B. Ovcr>hlft Limiter
C. Spring
_Add engine 011 I, ee Engin. Oil Level In;pcOl ion in
Lubfic.lion Sy" e", Chapter),
E. Shift Shaft
F. Return Boll
G Return Spring
B. Shift Shaft A. Shift Lev"
A. Ove"hifl Limiter
B. Shih Drum
C. Shift Mech"ni,m Arm
D. Pawl
External Shifr Mechanism Insrallarion Notes
-eheck that the return , pring and pawl ,pri ng are
properly fitted on t he mechani\lll, In"all l he externai
, hift 'mechani,m, . nd place the , hih mech.nism arm
and o,ormilt limiler on l he , hift drum pin, .
_Greo, e the body of t he ped. 1mounti ng bolt.
on . ,t an<la rd , hif! pedal PO, illon I, . boot 30 ", ,,, lower
t h.n lhe top of the fool peS wilh th. <h ilt I... "
pa"l lel lo e..h ot her.
"' If oeee,,,, ,y diu" the podi i pOIitioo ffom the , u ndo
ard position to , uit you .. follow"
_L"",en lhe f' OfIl and rur rod locknu" . Th. front
locknut ha, ieft hand thre.d, .
_Turn the rod to .diu" the ped.1PO';l ion.
_Tighten the locknut>, ",urely.
_Remove the d utch ("-'. Clu'cIt Removal in Clutch
_Moye t he ,h ift mechani,m arm and O'Ier,hih limiter out
of t heir po, it ion, on the end of the ,hi lt drum, and pull
out lhe , hill ,;,aft wit h l he arm, pawl ,pring and retu rn
,pri rlg.
" If lhe , haf l i, benl, .[.. (l( replace it. If the
. plin", are damaged, repla the <haft .
:heck the ret urn , pring . nd p.wl ,p ring f... break, <>r
di' t<>r tion.
" If t he , pring> arc d. ma>:ed in any w'y, replace them.
r.<:: heek t he ,h ilt mech.ni.m arm .nd ove" hift limiter
for di't... tion.
<<I f t he ,hift mechani,m arm '" o,""hifl limiter i,
in .ny w' y, repl""e the , hift <h.ft.
-Chk thO! the retorn , pring pin i, no t lome .
,o lf il i, loo, e, un", rew ii, apply a non-permanent lOCking
agent to t he t hr""d. , and tighten it to t he , peei/1M
tor que (.ee Explooed View).
_Vi, u.l ly in,!,"'t t he . hill drum pin" pin holder, and
pin plate,
,olf lhoy are badly worn Of if lhey ,how . ny
repla lhem.
Transmission Shaf t Removal
_Remove t he engine.
-Splil t he ".nkc.,e,
_Tak. oul the driyeand out ru t ,h.ft ."embli..
Transmission Shalt I nstallation
_Wilh high f1a,hpoinl ", IYOnt, clean 011 lhe OUte,
cirwmfere",", of the lran,m;;, ioo ball bearing, . nd
necdle bearing hOll,i n!\" . nd wipe dry,
-Chock to , ee th.t t he , et ring> . nd ," t pin. arc in
pl... i" the l"n<m;" ion bearing hOll , inS-. nd blow l ho
oi l p.,sag", in lhe hou, ing> 01... " with com-
p,e""d . ir.
_Inm.ll the driye and out rul ,haft .,,,,mblb in tho
upper crank, ,,e half.
OThc bearing set pin< . nd ring. mIl;t match properly
wit h lhe hoi., Of groov., in the bearing oule, ,ac."
When t hey are properly m. tehed, there i. no clearance
between the crankc.,e .nd lhe bearing oot e, ,ae."
_A. sembl. lhe cranke. ...
_In" all i he engine.
Drio;e Sbst t DiSilSSINnbly
_Remove t he engine.
_Remove t he clutch.
_Split the crank"",.
H .k. out lhe drive ,h.n " ..mbly.
Dri.. stlaft
1. BearingOulcr Race
2. cncue
3, Needle Bearing
4, Thru" W.,hef
5. 2nd Gear
6. Circlip
7. Toot hed W.,her
8. Top Gear
9, Toot hed Wa, her
10, Cirdip
11. 3, d, 4Ih Goar
12, Circlip
13. Wa<he<
H . 5t h Gear
15. Driv<Shaft (ht Gear)
16. B. II Bearing
Dr i ve ShBfr AssINnbly Nores
_Replace any circlip, t hat were remoyed Wil h new on""
_Alw. y, in' tall circlip, '0 t hat !he openi ng i. aligned
with . ,pline groove, and ;n"all toothed w.,her$ '"
lhal t he teel h are nol .I igned wit h the c irclip opening,
Cirdip and Toothod W.,h. , In.toll. no n
1. Circiip
2. Toot hed Wa, her
3. Grooye
Ou tput Shaft Disassembl y
_Remoye t he engine.
_Splil the crankcase,
_T.ke OUl t ho out put S-haft . " emoly.
Output Shaft
1, Collar
2. Ball Boaring
3. Output Shaft
4. 2nd Go..
5, T(}Ot hed W..her
6. Cird ip
7, Top Goar
8 Circlip
9, Toothod W"her
10, 4t h Gw
11. 3, d Ge"
12, TOQthed W..her
H. Ci" lip
14. Stocl Ball
15. 5lh Gear
16 1<t Gear
17. Thfust W. , hcr
18. Needle Bearing
19. BearingOutor R""o
A, 5lh Ge"
S, Steel BJII.
_ Replace . oy eirclip, t hat wero fOmoved Wilh new ooes,
. Alw. y. in, tall <i,clip, so l hal the open ing i, aligned
wit h a 'l' line gmove, .nd in" ,,11 t oot hed w",hers '"
t hat the teet h "ilre not aligned wit h t he <ird ip opening
Shift Drum and Fork Removal
_ Rom""ve the engine (,ee Engino Removal in
Removal/l n"allation chapte r).
_Split t ho <ranke a.. (' co Cranke.", Spliu ing).
_ Remove t he neutr al po; it ioning boll and take uff the
washer, >p ring. and pin trom t he crankoa",.
_ Remove the , hifl drum holding ptat< bolt> (2) and take
t he pl. t e out of t he shih drum and ,h ift rod.
C. Holding Plate A, Shift Drum
B. Shift Rod,
_Th. 5th ge" ha, th ree "eel b.lI, ""'mblod into it fm
the po,it i" nelmal findef meeh.ni. m, To rt move t his
gear f, om the 5th goar . quickly , pin tho . h.h in .
' crt ieal po,il ion while the 3rd gear, and pull
of f the 5th gear upw.,d,.
A. 5t h Gear
Output Shaft Assemblv NotllS
_When in' talling the 5t h gear ' nd " ..I ball" do not
apply gre.", to tho bal l' to hold t hem in plaeo. Thi'
will eau", t he po, itive neulf. 1 finder meehani, m to
malfunct ion.
Nt u" . 1 601'
. Pull Ihe , hilt dr um out of t he upper cr.nk,.,e half.
4. Pin
5. Upper Cra nk"," H. lf
c. Proicol ion A. Operat ing PI.,e Pin
S, Ope rat ing PI. te
OSet t he , hifl dr " m in neu" al po, il ion", ,hown
(When inffaJling rhe ""e,.ring pl. ",. thoprojocrion. f _
toward QUUi dfJ.
Shift Drum and Fork Installstion
_I n, I. II. ,ion i, t he reve"e of removal. Not e t he
echetk t u ,ee thai th e operating pl.t e pin i, in pi",. , fll
th e oper>t ing plate onl o t he end of t he , hilt drum, and
in, ,,, 11 t he d,,;;p.
1. Neum l Po, il ioningB" lt
2. Ga>ket
3. 5pring
_Pull t he , hift rod, " ff th e right , ide of the cr. nkcci>e,
and 1.ke off t he , hift forks,
A.. Shill Fork (Dr;ve) C. Shift Rod ,
B. Shift f or k, (Qu, p"t)
N."".IPOIi' ion
_Pull oul th e , hill drum ab()IJ 1 half,
_R. mo, e 1he pl. .. ' ird ip and """r" lng pl.,e.
Shift D,um
1. Shift Urum
2. Operating PI..e
], Operat ing PI.le Pin
4 Circi ip
I, Nc' utral Bolt
2, G"kot
3. Spr ing
4, Pin
5 Neutr. 1Switc h
OApply linle engine oil to the , hilt rod ond >h ift fork
finge". Insert t he "' ift rod. running it through the
,hilt fork" fitt ing oach >hift f<>r k pin into the
,hift d, om gr<>ove. The output , h.ft ,h ilt for k re
Shift Fork. 1... , .II.'ion
1. Shift For k (Drive Shaft)
2. Shift For k< (Out put Sh. ftl
Qln".11 t he . hilt drum holding pl", e .. , hown.
Shift D,um Holding Pl... Inou n. l ion
OApply non-permanent I""ki ng .ge nt to the t hr..d of
t he plate bolt" . nd l ighten l hem.
Shi ft Drum Disassembly Note
ORemove t he , hift drum and t he di.." emble tbe drum
"' \hown.
Shift Drum PII' h
1. Cird ip
2. Operating Pldle
3. Pin
4. Shift Drum
5. Pin
6. Be"ing
7. Holder
8. Pin
9. Pin Pldte
10. Pin PI. t< Allen Boll
Shift Drum Assembl y Note$
nThe ,hift drum pin, (61 ..e identical.
OApply nonperm,n ont looking agcnt tu t ho pin pln <
bolt, . nd ' Ighten if.
Gear 88l;klilSh
_Split t he crankcase lu ving ' he Ir.n, mi" ion in place.
_Set a di. l gouge .ga in' lthe teeth un on. ge", . nd move
t h. gear back . n<l fon h whil. the ot her ge.,
,t..dy. The differeno. bew' een the high"'t and ' he
lowe' t gauge rding' In ,he . mount of ba<kl..h.
" Replace bOlh g' ''' If t he amount of backl. '" "" eed,
Ihe ..", ice limit.
1. Shift Drum
2. Cir< lip
3. Fit th. pi.,. <nd to t h. notch.
4. Holding PI.t <
5. PI. te Bolt'
G , Bockl..
Stond.,d ,
S. ...,. limil:
O- O.11 mrn
GeM B.ckl a. h In. p. ction
1. Mo,'e back .nd f"' lh
2. Hold ,t <J dy.
Shift Fork Bending
a Vi" " lly in<peot the , hift fork>, . nd repboe . ny for.
,h.t i, ben!. A bent for. w uld ,au, e difficulty in
,hill ing, or alluw Ihe uan, mi"ion to jump <>oJt of gOM
when under power.
Shift Fork/Gear Groove W", r
aMe ure t ho t hiekno" of Th. , hift fork em. J nd
measur< Ihe width of t he . hift fork groove, on t he
tran. mi..iun
*If l he t hick"." of a , hift fork ear i, I... th.n t ho
S<'rvi<e limit, 'he shift for. mu, t be replaced.
G ShifT Fo G.oo.. Width
ST.ndard' 6.06 _ 5.15 mm
Sor.i eo Limit ' mm
Shif t ForI< Guide PinlShift Drum Groove Wear
a Me" u," ,he diamHcr of each , hift for k guide pin, and
measure t he width of e""h . hift drum groO'le.
*11 t he pin on . ny ,h ill fork i. Ie.. than t ho.."i<e
limit , t he for . mu,1 be repl. oed,
Shilt Fo,k Guid. Pin Di.m.t.,
St.ndd, 5,9 - 6.0 mm
Soi... Limit ' 6.8 nUn
* If any shift drum i, worn ove, t he ,orvi<elimit ,
tho drum mu" be repl.ced.
Shih Fork
*11 gear . hift ft>r . groove i, wnrn nvor the ",,, ic" limit,
the mu" t>e "' pl. oed
1. Shifl Fork E." 3. Shifl Fork
2. Shift For k Guide Pin
ShifT Fork Ear Thick......
St.nd. ... ,
Siet Limit,
4,9 _ 6.0 mm
4.8 mm
Shih Drum G,oonWidttl
So..i<;. Limit:
6.06 _ 6.20 mm
A. Shill Drum Groove,
Gear Dog/Gear Dog Hole Damilge
. Vi.... ll y in, peel the g. ar dog, , nd gear dog holc>,
* Replace . ny gc." lhal haYe damaged or <"" iv< ly
worn dog' nr hole>,
G<.r D..wOog Kol.
1, Dog 2. Dog Hoi.
Ball and Needle Beari ng Wear
OCheek the following b, 11 b. arins" dri,. ,h. 1l RH,
output , h.ft l H, and ,h ilt drum RH.
uSinu the hIli be., ing, oro made to extremely eime
tole..""e;, the wear mu<t b. iudg<d hy feel rother ,hon
mea<urem.nl. Cle.n eaeh bearing in a high fl..h-r oint
",Ivent, dry it (do not 'rin t ho ;"'.ring while it i, dry),
and oil it wllh engine oil.
"Sr in t he oc.r ing by hand to check it, cnndition.
*If t he b... noi.y, d"" . not .pin ,moothly, or h..
any rough 'rot., '"rl. it.
OChcck the following needl. drive >halt lH,
and out put , haft RH,
aT;'" mile" in n dle ",-,rmally we", .,,-y
litt l. , and w. ar i, difficult to mn >U re, In' toad of
mt.,uring. in, peet t ho bearing fOf . bra. ion, color
ch. nge, or ot her dam. go,
*11 there i, .ny dO<Jbt "' to tbe condit ion of a needle
bearing, repl, c. it.
Table of Contents
Exploded View .
Specificat ions ........... . .. ... . . .... . ... . . .. .... ... ..... .
Spacial Too l .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ... .. . .. , . ... ..
Wheels (Rim,I .
Front Wheel Removal , ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .
Front Wh&el lnstallal ion . ... ..... .. ..... . .. . . .... .....
Rll8 rWheel Removal ........ .... . ........ .. . . . ..... ...
Rear Wheel In'la liat ion . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .. .
Wheell nspecl ion. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .
Axle tnspectfcn , . ", . ,
Wh" 1Balance . ... . . . . . , ..... ........... . . ... . . . . .
Tir85, ... .... .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . .. . .. ... . . .
Tire Removal. , .. , ... .. .. . , ' . , . . .. . . . .. . .
Tire Imlall at ion, . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . , ..
Tire {nspectlcn . . . . . . .. . .. ... . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ..
Tire Repair . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .
Hub Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
Front Hub Bearing Removel .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ..
Front Hub Searing Installat ion .. ... . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . ... . . .
Rear Hub Sear ing Removal. .. . . .... . . . . . . . . . , . . .. . . . . .
RflJr Hub Bearing Installat ion ........ ... , . . , . , .. .. . ..
Hub Bearing Inspection end Lubricat ion , , . , . . . . . .
Grease Seal !n, pecl io n and Lubr icat ion .
Spe-edomet er Gear Housing .. , .
Speedomet er Gear Housing Oi!la,."mbly .
Speedomet er Gear Housing Assembly .... ..... . . . . . .. . . . ..
Speedomet er Gear Hou,ing Lubricat ion .
9 2
9 3





9 '

Bese Manual
...... .. .. .. ..... . .
W : Apply lOll on
G : Apply p d w.t.r lolubo
T1 : 88 N-rnU...... n. at Rubber Lubri_
T2 : 110 86 ft .lb) t .
. kg_m, 80 flAb)
Speci fications
.................................................................. ..........
It em
Standard service limit
Wheel s:
Tire tread dept h: Front
4 .4mm 1 mm
6,4mm 2 mm Under 130 km/h (80 mph)
3 mm Over 130 km/ h (80 mph)
Stnadard tire: Front 100/80-16 50s TUBEL ESS
130/ 80--16 648 TUBELES$
- - -
Loed Air Pressure (when coldl
Front 200 kPa (2.0 kg(em'. 28 psi)
Tire air pressu re Rear Up t01 520 N
l 155 kg, 342 Ib) 225 kPa (225 kg/em' , 32 psi)
Rim runout: Axi al - - -
O,5 mm
Radial - - -
0.6 mm
Ax le runout/ 100 mm: Under 0,05 mm 0. 2 mm(0.7mm:RLl
Special Tool l
Bood Br.oko, A... mbly : 570011072
Rim Protoetor: 5700 ' -1063
Bearine Ori r Set; 57001-1129
Tir. lron: 57oot.1073
Wheels (Rims)
Front Whee/ I nst allati on
_Inml l i' the re,""e of remo,'a!.
Front Wheel Remova/
_Di""""nect the ' reedomotor cable lowor end .
_Remove both mounting bolts for lhe brake calipcr.
Support t he caliper '>0 lh.t doc. nut hang by i b brake
A. Calipe, Mount ing Bolt ' B. Speedomete' Cilblo
spwdomt ter hoo. ing ro fhu( if fi r. in
rho gear drive norch
Of lr <je/lr hO<Jsi nq .fOP 10 fork leg
.roP. and ch""k mar m6 collar Ison rhe right htllld.ide
of rho hub.
_ Romovo the colter pinnd 1""S<"n the axle nut .
A. Coil.,
B. Sreedometor Gear
C. Hou' ing SlOp
D Fork Leg Stop
_ Tighten tho axlc nut to ttle ,pecified I()(que (' 00 lx-
plodtd View).
_ Repl. c" th e axle nut cotler pin with new"".,
_Tighten the calif"'r mooot ing ho i'" to the .pecified
torque (, eo Exploded Vjew in Broke chapte r).
-Check t he f ront br.ke,
IWARr-l Ir-l G_
" Do not attempt to d,i th. mot<>rey"' . unt il . full
br.k....., is obta in.d by pumping th. brak. I ,
unti l th. pads . t g. in<l the di.c. The b.. k.. will not
fu nct ion on t he lint . pplicat ion 01 the I if thi s i .
not do n .
e. Cot ter Pin
_u... j. ck under t ho engine or othe r ,u it . ble mo. n, to
lift t he front of the mutorlOYde.
_Pull ou t t ho axle to t he right and drop tho fro nt wheel
OUI of the fur ."
_Remove the front
ODo not " y tho wh..1 down on tho disc. This can
d. mogo 0' wO'p til . disc. Plo". blocks unde, th. wheel
SO thOlt.... disc do not touch t ho Il'"ound.
Rear Whf!el Remo val
_ Remove ()( loosen Ihe foll owing par I< bet,,,,, , ear wh'el
Ch.in Cover (Romove)
Axle Nut Cotle, Pin (Remove)
Torque Link Nut (Lomen)
Ch. in Adiu'ling Bolt Locknul' . ,\ diu'ling B"It.
(rull L"",en)
D, ive Ch.in (r ull Loo"' n)
Axle ""d Axl, Nut (Rem"",, )
_ Pull me d' ive chajn toward the left , and , cmo,o the
re., wheel.
Wheel Inspection
II th", e i, any doubt .. to the condition of t ho wheel,
or if ,he wheel h" receivod a hea>y impact, check the
rim runoul., follows:
_Rem"" e the ti re and , uppon t he wheel by lhe . xie.
SOl a di.r gauge t he ,ide of the rim, and rotale
t he wheel to mea", ," the axi,1 ronout. The difference
bCtwOCn t he high. " and lowest dial reading, ij t he
amount of w noUI.
0Set l h, dial gauge d!\din>t l h. outer circumference of
, h, rim, and rol. le t he wheel to me"ure radial runou!.
The difference hell"een t he high"' l and lowe, t dial
rcMJ ing>i, the amounl of run,,",-
" If rimrunout ,"coed, lhc , cr, ice iimit, check t he wheel
hc..-ing, fiN . Repld,e them if t hey arc d.m,ged.
" If th, problem i> no' due to lhe bearings me wheel
m"' l be replaced. Do not anempl lu , opair . damaged
Right Sid.
A, Adju, ling Bull
B, Lucknut
C. Ch. in Adju" er
l . ft Side
D Torque Link NUT
E. Torque l ink
A.iol Run.,., t
So..i... limi"
S. , . i l im;"
Rim Run.....
0.6 mm
0.8 rnm
COo no' I. y ,ho wh..1 on tho !/found w;'h tho " i,.
facing down. Thil C3n or worp th. disc. Placo
block, lind.. tho who. 1'0 'h. dile d.... not ' ollch , h.
1. Radi. 1Runout
2. A, iol RunOll t
Caref uily in'reel the wheel frx , mall craok" dent>,
bending, or worping, If there i, "" y domoge to the
wheel, it mU'1 be
D. Adju'l ing Bolt
E. Axle
F, ( ouerPin
A. Axle NUL
B Ch. in Adjumf
C, I "",n",
Rear Wheel Installation
' In' lallali"" i, t he ro""e of remo",1.
0Be wcful of t hc following nen .
a Adiu>1 lhe drive ,h.in . her im"li.rion (>ee Drive
Chain Adju"m, n' in Final Dri,e chap,"rJ.
aTighten l he n le nut to the , pecified torque (' e< h
ploded View).
aright. n lh. Wr4Ue link nut to t he <peeified tor40C (, ce
h ploded View in Broke ohapter).
ON..., 10 pair dlrmaood who.1. If dior. il
. n, d. mago "",idot wh..1..... Ings. 'h. wh"1 must be
' .pl....d ' 0 In..... sol. opo.o'i onol condl' ion.
If the rim h.. . ", r.,ch deep th,n 0.5 mm . ndl or
,w,,, t he rim-,. , Iing , urface, repl, ce lhe wheel.
1, Billanee Weigthl
2, 14 Turn
WIIool Bol.n.. Ad)u"ment
_Install the b.I"""" weight"" the rim.
cSlip the weight on the rim flange by pu,hl ng
or light ly the in the di",ction <hown
in t he figure,
(>Check t hai the blade and weight ... t fully on the ,;m
fl. nge, and t hat the <lip i, hooked over the rim ridge
. nd re. ch.. rim flat port ion.
COO not lub, i""t. tho Ii.. ....d with engln. 011 or
(II$Oljne boCllUSO tfoey will det erior. te t he tl rt.
To b.l .nc. tho wh..l:
_ If the wh""l alway, , top, in ""e pO,;li"", provisionally
alla<h a balance weight on Ihe , imat the m.,king u'i ng
adhe'ive tope.
_ Rot. te t he wheel )4 t um, and ,ee wheth., Of not me
wheel ,top, in thi, p""ition, If it doe" the <orre<; t
balance weight il b<: ing uled.
*If the wheel rolat e, and the weight goe, op, replace
t he weight with the next he"i. r , il e, If tho wheel
rotates and the weight 8"'" <lown, repla"" the weighl
with the next lighter ,1. Repeat the.. ' tep, unt il the
whrel remain, ot "" t oftef being rolated )4 turn,
_ Rolilte the wh..1 another ", turn, ond t hen onother ",
turn to see if Ihe wheel;' cor,ectly bal"" ""d.
_ Kepeal lhe entire procedure .. many t im'" a, nec<"ary
to achieve correct wbeel balance,
_ Permanently in' tilll the b.lance weighl<,
tnrtllll.t;un uf BoI...,. W. ighl :
_o.e<k If the weight por tion has .ny play on t he blade-
and-clip plate.
* If it doe" discord it.
_Lubrlcatt the b.i .nce woight blade, tire bead, ....d rim
with a ' oap and w.ler 'oluliO/1 or rubber
lub,;cant , Thi' help, tho bal. nce weight <lip O/1to tho
Olf tho boltn.. wt lght hoo . nv i>bov un thol ,1m f1.nlll.
tho bl.d t . nd/or clip 1>0... b..n ot...u:hMl. R.pl....
t ho 100" bolan
000 not rou d bolon... woighU.
A xle Inspection
To me., u", axle runout, remove the oxle, pl..e it in
V blo<k, that are 100 mm apart, and .. t a dial gaul!"
"" t he axle at a point balfway belween Ibe blo<k'. Turn
the axle to measure the runoul. The amount uf runOut
i' the amount of dial varialion.
If runout exceecs rre se....ie.. limit, ,traigh!"n lhe ..Ie
or replace it. If Ihe axle cannot be >traightened to
wilhin ", rvice limit, or if run""t ex"""d, the repair limit,
repla"" the axle.
To chid< thoo who.1 bol.n... ,
-Support t he wheel ' 0 lhat it can be .pun freely.
Spin the wh<e1 lightly, and mark me wheel at the top
whon the wh..1 ,top"
Axl. AunoutilOO mm
Ser.ice Limit: 0.2 mm
A. l'Oi. Limit : 0.7 mm
Axl. Aun""t
Wh..1Bo I.nce C""",,
_ Repeat thi' pro<edure ",,,,,,.1lim." If Ihe wheel . top.
of II< own accord in various po>itl""', it i' well
1. Mark
Balonco' Woill' "
' ''1Numb..
1015I OH
107S lOl 6
(. )P,. " '" h.mme, the in.
IbjWh.n Ih. t l'e i, on th. ' im,
oPr y "'" &.01..... oIf the 'i m 0 ", .....n. 0
'....... up -... a> """'" in Ihe fi .
etnoon of 11>0 ".- be' ...eon the Ii,. beod
..d nt" bbdo ... IJ ee <n<l 01 "'" tip . ......
tho end of , he ,...; !l'tl bIode,
"""'" <ti....- wip .......d iI>e U.. '" thOi "'"
""I \WiD'll >li p. off I'" lim A. n."
oDi,u rd ,h. u.. d bal.n, c .... ight ,
_ _............- - -.................- _ _.
tile wbtl:1 In Hn Ih. molorcyclo (0 Wheel
Remuv..}. . ..... W di" from Ihe hub.
0 10 fl'l.linuin _ b,ol...... .... "'e YaM pooi.
""" on Ihe t ft ",it!l '" m.. tho l if be
rei",toIl<'1l in ,!Ie umc puoil""'.
ou, the . ...., CO 10Itt <lUI l hi, .
................., , ,., , , .
W. ight
(b)ln' toll.ollon <amplebtd.
ltoo ..o<tI 01'--'""""
Ihe P, . b no. on Ihe ri m.
tho bIodo portion ........d 11>0 oul>idl: wi th
"JUI.. ....... dd_ , .and>lip the ....ghtofl tho ri m
ft onge,
oDiiCord t he u\ed bal. nc. .... iShl.
e l.ubrkate the tire bead, and rim flanges OIl Imlh
with. lO.p and wate, . olution or rubber lubricant .
Thi, heir' tbe tire bead, ,l ip off the rim flange,.
GI\I ow, lubricoto witb mino,ol oil (. ngino oil) or I/"oolin.
bocou, . l MYwill cou.. dotorio<otion of t bo tiro,
_Break tbe be.d, away from botb . id. , of the rim wilb
lb. bead b",.ker (,,,,,,,i. 1tool).
1. a. ad Breaker: 570011072
_In' tall t ho rim protect"', (.peeial 1001.) around tbe
... Ive 'lorn. Lubric",,, the t ir" iron. and rim protectors
wilh a . oap . nd wa,.,r 'oiotion, or rubber lulwioant.
eStep on tbc . ide of t h" tire oppo>ite the valve ' tern,
and , tart prying me tire off the rim ne.. the va lv"
,tern with lire iron, (, peeiallools).
Tir. R.mo..1
1. Rim Protectors, 57001-1063
2. Tire Ir""" 57001-1073
oFor Blwa". pmirion Iho riro /)tad
opposite !he val ." st_ in tile rim well , MId pry tile lire
/)tad oro
0110 coroful not to ..ratell t b. inn.r II no, . nd . i, ...lI ng
. urf. .... of 111. rim ond ti ro witb 1110 ti r. iron. . A
" " otell"" inno, lin.. or ..oli"ll , urfoce moy ollow oi, to
I..k ,
AI. S. oling Su,f""o,
1. Air Sealing Surfac. ,
2. Inner Liner
_After removing t ho bead 00 ooe , ide. remove tho other
"" ad from t he ..me ,i de.
_Remove the rim from the tire.
_Remove the , im proleClor< Ir()fl1lhe rim.
Tire Insta llation
_In, peet the rim and tire, and repl.ce litem if nece....y.
eelean the ",a linS ,urfaces of the <1m and tire, and
,mooth the , ealing , urface, of the rim with . li ne
emery cloth il necessary.
_Remove the air valveand dhc. ,d it.
OR. ploce the .i, . 01 wh. n..er tho ti. o i, pl"""".
ODo not ," u.. lII. oi, 1 .
F.onr Hub Beari ng RtHn<;>t4I
DR.mo,," rile fron' wheel.
. 11,. "'0.., th. ' fl"'rIomoter sur hoo.r,in&, . nd ' 0110' (' )
from rII. who. l.
' Rom"", 11>< <lis< Allen b<>Il> .. off tile
_ 11, . ",.".. the <i, <lip .nd , peed"""'.., ge.. dri... .
Ho.r b a-i,.
000 not Io t'" w_ ... """ _lid with tI>o di..
loci... down. Thi. -' do_ or w..- p ,ho <II.... PI...
b1 <>d<. tho wlwo! .. .... <I I <I.... not touc:h ,ho
T" . Air P...... ,. h. ...n ooldl
froM 200 kP_ 12,0 kg/em' . 28 PIl l
225 (2,25 kg/em' , 32 PlU
Tire Repai r
Curr<ntly 'wo type, 01 r.p.rir for 1Ub<1." li ,.. h.ve
come into wi<le ","", 0 "" Iy pe i, ,.II.d "'mpor..
(ed ern"') ,cp.ri" which ..... be <...;'d ou' w;tnuul
,ern"", ins rII. lire from III . ri", nd 0",,11><, lype i.
",,1I.d permanent r"" ......) '.pli', ...hit h , .qu;re lir
...,,,,,,.1. II is ,......11., "".." tootI rII., hig!lc. runni",
du..bilily i. ob..inod by perm......, (in tem.. l) ' . p.ri"
th... by rompor..., ('Klern") on<1. AI.... per.......n,
(in'. rn") ''''';1> . IoG h... "'" ""anus< 01 p.rmi' !in,
lII0r0uglt _d.,.,. dorN&c no,
';'iblc from ""Ie irnpcction of tho lire. r ", thno:
K.iI.._ i """ le'mpor...,
lu te ) n: pli, . Only . ppropr.... pc,"""""l (internal)
, .poOI> lI,.poi, trw;thod> .... ...,.
lli",lIy In"" 10 . r_the ",pM- rnet!>och
", dia,ed by the I eo' of 1l>e "'POi. t ook lI>d
.... tori... ... """ ..f ,,'"" be ot...iMd.
$undonl Ti reo(, .......... t
DUNLOf'Il63OF DUI\I LOf' 11630
<;To ......1. I. ".1_ ..-...... _ -., """ ..
_*.4dn. doL d_"Of ..... , t,W'lnodto
<--O>c>t __rt>.- _ _ ,.,. ;" ..-
2 rnm Up to 130 hll/h (80 ",pill
3 ...... 0- 130 k""" 180 ",pill
l,l", ,,,
, mm
1, Depth
Tire TrH<I Dept h
S. ..' llmi.
S' _rd

A. tn. tire u.od we." down, lhe ,ir. bee "", m"",
, u". ptlhl. til . puncture .nd f. ilure. An ..:c. pled
.,lim. \< k rh.r 90%of. 1I tire f. ilure, o<cur durln,rh.
It 10'i6 of " b.d life (90% worn) . So i, i. fol economy
... d "".. f. 10 u.. lh. tires until they or. bold.
. R. mo.., .ny imbodded ,tone, or other f"'. ;gn """iel...
from the " ..d ,
. Viwolly ,n,pe' l lh. lire for " ... ..nd
,he ,i,e in '"'" of b.d <Iom.lI". S-e1inl or IIi '" lPOl>
indiule in_ n" domoll<, mj\Ii ring tire repl,,,,,,,,,nl .
. ........... the uud depth., te nt uf III< In'" ...;111
o depth ........ Since the ti re y -. ...--....., .
_IS., _ ... pI&es.
"1f lY ""'.........",.rl\ ;, .... th.........",ice limil.
...- .. lirt.
. If .... rim ibnit' and Ii ... oi_a11 ri", ....... _
.,.r.IId, _ lI>o .. _''. 1l>e rim
fIan... .one! b.. b..d. I""QJI tho OCR ..<I ..!\II<
1l>e Ii '" ..,...;n.
. " heo' 1l>e tire bum v.1! in !he rim n , l Of
.r ....1<0. Inn..te!he li re " 'shlly ._ <1 .....
!\I lion. u.... ..,<1 "''''r .... 01 _",
it, on.d dlo<k lor .... -. th., _ 1<1 in<k,o.. I,"", UF.
"'-liu" .... oil '" !he 'Il"cificd "".. ... (....
1i", I... p!i,",, ).
D-'d iu, l l h. ..."""1Nlon<. (see IVl>ecI Bolone. l ,
]. Bearing Urivor
2. Bearing Drivor
3. Drive'
In, p, ct the grea, e " al and repiace if ne, e;sar\" Pre"
i' in until il "op' .. the cir< lip in t he h<>le the
.am< , ,,,,, i. 1tool, used for b,.,ing in'lall.tion
'Tighten the mount ing Allen boilS to the ,pedfied
torque. The dis< mu,t be in>ta lled with the
hole , ide facing toword the wheel. Aftor in>t. lling th.
drsc check t he dfsc runout, Complet ely clean off an)'
grea,e t hat h.. gOttOll OIl eit her , ide of the di'" with.
high ft..hpO< nt 'oI\'<nt . Do nol u'" OIlO which will
loave an oily re,i due,
A. Bearing Seal
Frant Hub Bearing Installation
_When in' lall the front hub, be c"eful ot' t he
cBcfor e in"alling ' he whool !>earin&" blow . n\, dirt or
fo... ign prtide, out of tho hub wil h compre,,,,d air
t o prevent conumin.tion of the hearin&, .
oln, pcel the bearin&, and replace them il nece,,.ry.
Lubricate t horn .nd in' lJ lI Ihorn u, ing t he bearing
driver .' " (.peei .1 1<>01 ') '" Ihat Ihe marked or ' hielded
, Ide' lac< out.
B. Circlip A. S,..,edometer driv<
_R<mO\'e tile groa'" ", . 1"sing a hQOl; , and remove the
d rd ip,
A. Ge" 5e.1
_In",r t m<l.1 'od into the hob from the left 'ide, and
remove the eight . ide hoe"ing by tapping evenly Mound
the bearing inn., rae<.
_ Remove t hc ' emdining bearing by tapping evenl\'
around tile inner race. The dinance collar
corne. 0<1 , with ' he
B.. Remo..1
<>Tiih te" th< di'" moontinl AU. " bolt> t o the """,fred
t o<que (_ hpl<>dod Vie.. in B, .ke "' .pl.,). The di'"
mu,t be I"' ta. lled ...ith the f1.t facl" iI tu....d th<
...heel. Aft.. in' talllni the di": bed tho di",'unout
(..,. 01.. Wear i n B'ake ch.pt. rI ,
OCompietely c1e.n uff . ny I r. ... that has 10t IOO 00
either ,Id. of the dl>c it h . hlllh f'I uh.polnt ,ol..nt .
D<> "ot Ul< 00....hich ill l. ... . n oily re>i due
Cfn SPCCI Ill< lV.......1 and , eplalot If n. ...."My (_
Gr . .... S... J"'pr<; tion). 1'.-..,. I, i.. .....til " Mop>at th<
d '<ll" in the Ilolc u.. n8th. ....... _ ..I t ools u..d for
be";ng in' lallation_
<>Apply . 1<l the insld<: uf the coupl;nl .
Hub Bearing /nspecri oo ."d Lubric. tJ oo
Sin"" , h. .......1 bearin", tn. .... "'.d . ..... ly cf"",
tole,,,,,..., t be de a,a.... <-Mlf\<>l De m"" .d.
1. Be. , ing Dri... Holde,
2, Be.,ing Dri,.,
3, Ik.. ing D,i,.,
RH r Hub Suring ft>lr.Jl.tion
elllhon mtill, nl tho rra.- hub. be ",,"lui 01 tho
followinl ,""".
o 8efcn instdl,nl the "'-I _I', _ ..,y .nn- 0(
f_ 1" patticln "",t <It tho hub .. '"
,""",' coo.....-..-.... of ..... be_ ...
ot _ t Ih< _ "1' _ Ih<m if fItU-V1-
Hub 80"-;"1 inwr<Uor'II. LubriulO thrm '""'" .... ulI
I",,", ........ me - lnJ dr ..... tel: (opeciol took) '" tNl
the nur ked or .... ie6ded Si6Mfa out.
oo.. ..... Ity _ ..- ....... -.
fKOfII_ __ 00 _p,,-.-c. "*-
................. ..- ttw ..... "-
11:...._ Ihe fUf .._ .
11: 0",_ tho , ""'pli". ......... .... "'-I >UpIi"a. v>d
>Upll". '<>IIuIroon tho .._ .
Re",,,,", me di" mou"ti.. g Aile" boh. ...d lAe oll llle
1",_ lhe &<00,., I<id u, I" 1 a hook, and .-- \!Ie
IUl/f10 Il l
CSinu' !N , ..... pockod wi' h ITa .. and
.. !Ny " . not fequifc<l 10 be _ ed '"'bri-
In..n mOl,1 rud int o tho from th. loll
,.m""o the ,;gllI , ide bearing by tappina e"" nly ..
'Il< bearing ;nn.. ' ''0.
. 11:. "'...... Ill< , . m. ininl bearl"iI by .." pinl ... nly
ound ,h. be.,;na inn.. " "" . Til< dl"a"" ' ollao'
"'me> .,., t .." h tho bea'inl-
_For fron' hub beari " g, torn <""h bear ing . nd
fort h whil. checking for rou ghn.., or binding.
*If roughne.. or bi ndi ng i, foun d, repl." the beM;ng,
_F or "'ar hub bearing, w"h t he beMing with. high
fl.,h . point ",Ivent , dry il (do not 5pin it while it i'
dry) , an d oi l it. Spin il by hand lo,hk it; w ndition.
*It it i, noi>y, dOl'> " ot >pin , rnoothly, or h...ny rough
'pot! , it mo" be repl" ed,
*If lh< b,w ing ls to be u<c d . gain, it with ,
quality (I.,h-poi nt , olvont , dry i, . nd pack it with goo d
bearing by h.nd few tim.. to m. ke , ure the g""e i'
di,tribu'e d uniformly in, ido the hoMing, and wipe t he
oil gr<.,e out of the huh before hear ing in' t , ll. t ion,
Cle.n and gr" "e the whoei beari ng, in acco rd.loco with
Ihe Periodic MaintonJnee Chm ,
C>Si rn:. til . bWlrings on til. ,..,r "",..i II ub a,. packed
wi'h grt!"' o ""d s/lield, ' h<Jy 8'-" no , requi,-"d '0 lie
"'m"""d fer lubn'cari M .
Beo,;ng LubriClltion
1. [,rea...
_Ex. min, ' he >e. 1fur 'c. " or
*If t he 5.al i, torn or i, le. king, repl". t he bear ing.
Grease Sea/ Inspecti on and Lubrication
If the we,," , e. l, are " amin.d withou t remoying t he
' eai, t hem..IY" , lock fOf di" o!oWiOll (indi<ot;ng th e
rubb" h., deter iorHed), to the
intern.1 ' ibbi ng, Or ot her damage. If the ... 1or inte rna l
ribbi ng h" harden<d, the d ea..",e b<twoen t he seat
.nd th e ax le , Ieeve will nol he ta ken up , whioh will .l low
dirt and moi't ure to ente r . nd reach t he bearing. If in
dou bt a, to it> cond i' ion .nd whenever th e ..al i,
remov<d for gre..ing th< bear ing, t he ,.01 s.h ou ld be
repl"ed. The .., I are upon ,emo..1
WHEELsrrlRES 9-13
Speedometer Geer Housing
Speedometer Gear Housing Disassembl y
_Pull t he , pc<;dUfrlote r gear hou, ing .nd <oil., off Ihe
(roo t wheel.
_Pull out t he gre, .. ,eo1u, ing, hook.
Spoodomotor Goar Hous ing
1. Speedo mete r Ge., 3. G,c.,e Seal
2, Pi"
_Pull ou' t he , p..d"", ., goar,
_If t he , pe<d"", elor coble bu, hi"g Or , peodome,o,
pinion need' to be ' emo' ed, fL"t dri ll t h<
t he pin u,i ng . 1.0 to 1.5 mm drill bit. Drill
t he hoo,i"g fro m the under ' ide 3.0 10 3.5 mm
drill bit . U, ing. ", itoble 1001, t ap out t h, pin,
. nd ' hen pull ou, l he 'peedo met er cahle bus.hi ng,
pini"", .nd w. s.h e" .
is ",co"'ff"", d<Jd ,h., me 8ssemblr rtJpiBCMrtJ,M r
t />,m ,,,,emptl"9 ro rtJpair
Speedometer Gesr Housing Assembi y
_When ""mb ling ' he ,peedomete r gear hou ,ing, be
c.reful of th< following item' .
DAft er ;n..rUng 0 new pin, stoke Ihe hoo,ing h... to
, ,,,ure th e pi n in place.
o Replace t he greJ' O"di with a "ew ""e. Apply a linle
....o to t ho , eJ I, In,ull 11 u'ing . pre" or " uIUble
driver ' 0 that 'he race of the , e,1 i. level with the
, urf"e of th e hou,i ng,
o Regrea.. the , poedomoter gear.
o l"'toll the , pcedorneter gear hou, ing '" l h. t;t fLu in
'he ,pcedome lCr gear drive nOl<h" .
Spe6domoto, Goo. H " " " n ~ Pio R. mo 1
$pf}edometer Gear Housing Lubricarion
Cle. n and gre. ", t ho ,poodome!e, gear hoo, ing in
acco,da nce with tho Periodic M. in'en on" Chort.
SpOIdom.... Gea, H o u . i n ~ Lubrico,i on
I . Speedomete, Ge.. Hoo, ing
2. Gro... .
A. Speedometer Ge., Hoo,ing
B. Fi! in t he ~ ..r d, i. e not<;h e, .
4. l-3.5mm bit
~ . 3 mm Rod
1.1- ' .5 mm bit
2. Hou,ing
3. Pin
Final Drive
Table of Contents
Exploded View. , .. , < , ,
Speci ficat ion .. , , , .
Special Tool .. . . . . , , .
DriveChain .. .. ... , , , .. , .. . . . . . . . , , . . . . .. . ..
Drive Chain Slack Inspection , , .. , , ' ..
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment , , .
Wheel Al ignment Inspect ion . . . , . . . . . . , , .
Wheel Alignment Adjustment , .. , , , . . , , .
Drive Chain Wear Inspecti on . , , , .
Drive Chain Lubrication .
Drive Chain RemOllal. . . . . . . , _ .
Drive Chain Insta llation. . . .
Sprock et . Coupling , , , .
Engine Sprocket Removal , , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
Engine Sproc ket t nsranat fon . , . ... . . ..... ... . , .
Rear Sprocket, Coupling Removal. , , . , ,
Rear Sprocket. Coupl ing Inst allation .
Sprock ets Wear , . . ... . . .. .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . , .
Sprocket War p " . .. . .. . . .. . . , .. ,. " .. , .
Coupling Bearing Removal _ .
Coupling Bearing Installation. _ _ , .
Coupling Bearing Inspect ion and lubrication .
Grease Seal Inspecti on and lubrication. ... , . . . . . . . . , .
Damper Inspect ion , , . . , . . , .. , . .
: Base Manual

'. 3




......... ..... .. . .
...... .. ..... .. .........

l : Appi
y nonIJO'
, Apply g m.n.n! loc king
T1 : g ., ..... . .gont.
. .m(10k
T2 :67N lSB Slln.lbt
T3: 32 N 13'3 kg 49 ft4bt
. kg 24 ft4bt
Serwi celimit
M. ....r>d type E,", m. EOOIeD
EK52QMV..() 106 link - - -
Ch.in slack 35 - 40 nvn lea than 35 mm,

2o-l lnk length 311.5 -318.4mm
Engi ne sproct<et diameter 60.68 - 61. 18 mml14T 60,3 mm
Rear Iprocket di"""'ter 211.33 - 211.88 nvn /45T 211. 0mm
Re.r Iprocket warp Under 0.4 mm 0.5mm
Sl*Clal TDOli
Dri ve Chain
The dr ive oh.i n mu" be checlced, . diu'led, .nd
lubrie'lod in """,rdance wilh tho P"iodie Maimenance
Ch.,t r<>r ,.rely and to pre--enl ",c,,,,ive wea, If the
ch. in hece>mc> badly worn or m.ladiU' l ed _ eit he, t(}{J
100'" or 100 t ight - lhe chil n cou ld jump off the
,prooket or break,
cA ehoin tt>at boook. or jump' off t h prock . " could
. n.g on tt>a . nginprock. t ar look th. roor whH I
r.IV d.m.ging tIl . motofcycl nd oau. ing it to IPD
""t of control .
A. Torque Link NUl
8. Ch. in Adiu" ing B<>I I
C. L.-x; knLJ t
D. Rear Axle Nut
E. COller pin
Drive Chain Slack Inspection
_Sel lhe mmorcy, le up ()(\ il<ee nte r <land ,
-Check 10 '"0 if whoel . lignmenl i, properly .diu' ted.
The left and right nOl che, on t he adim'er ,huuld
point 10 the " me mark>" r p"'i t ion, ()(\ the , wing ..m.
If lhey do not, ad;u" wheel alignment., describe d in
the li ter paragraph _ Wheel Alignmenl Adiu"mont .
_I f , he dri.c cha in i, too t ight or t oo 100'", adiu" it ""
that the eha in ,I"" k will be with in Ihe ,undard " Iu<.
Chain Slaclc In' PO. tion
_ Remo, o tho " Ie oOllef pin, . nd loo, en the axle nut
oWhcn Ihe cha in i, too t ighl, back oul boTh lhe chain
. diu'ting hn lt, evenly, and pu '" the wheel forward
unlilthe , h.i n i, 100 ICKl'O,
OWhen lho eh.i n i; lao I"""" Illrn in both t he cha in
.diu>ling be>ll> eyenly, To keep the ehain . nd wheel
aligned, lhe not ch "" the left eh. in adiusler , hool d
. Iign wilh the ,.me 5wing arm mar k t haI the right eh. in
. diu, te, nolch align, wit h,
[)ol Choin SI.ck
Too Tight :
Too Loo..:
Cha in Slack
35 -4Omm
L. .. "'an 35 mm
Mor. "'.n45 mm
f'Miu llgnm. nt of t ho w_ will , ult in . bnor m. 1woo,
nd m.y ,ult In .n unuf. ' iding condition.
_Tight<n lhe axle nul 1",,; elVnd t ighlen ooth ch.in
adju'l ing bol l' jhu t not to chan ge l he
. dj u>ttnent), . nd lhen tighte n both loc knut ,",eurely,
lh o . xlc nul and torque link nUllo the
,pecif ied torquo.
_ Rou le the wheel, me.,ufe t he chain , lack _gain at t he
t ight..1 po,it lon, and re. diu, t if nece"ary,
_I n", rl the new cott" pin th rough the axle nu l . nd . xlo,
and ,pre.d ii' end"
Drive Chain SlltCk Adjustment
_L<>o, en the lorque link nul (rear) ,
_Loo, en t h. Id t and , i!<ht chai n . diu'ti ng bolt looknut5.
011 tho . xl nd t orq". link nut r. not ..cure ly
ti ght . nod .nd th o cat t pin i . no t In.un.d n un..f.
,iding eo ndlti on rnoy ,.." It ,
Wheel Alignment Inspection
_x t ,h. motorcy, le up on it> , enler m nd,
-Check 10 "'. if " ignmen, i; properly adiu" ed.
Th. lef' and right notch'" on t he ehain adju, ter ' hould
poin, to t he ,ame mark, or po, i,;on, on the , wing .,m,
*If ,hey do not, . dio" t he wheel . Iignment.
C. Swing Arm
D, Chain Adj"" e,
OW1!",,' Mignment cen bIJ cl>eck edu>ingthe
edge or st n'ng 'nethoo.
'-'If the . KI nd to, qu. link nu" . , . not
tighten. d . nd t h. col1. ' pin il ROt In, tllI. d, on u f.
. Hli "" condinon may ' ....h .
e(hed the ,ear brake (>eo,he Br. ke; section),
Dri"'" Chain Wear Inspe crion
_Ro,.,e ' he rear whee; to in' p-c< t the dr iyc , h.i n for
dam, ged rollm, and 10"'" pin, . nd links.
_Al>o inspect the , procket> f", uM'enly or e"e,,;Ye!y
worn tth, and dam.ged teet h.
*If there i' any irregolari'y, repl. d, ive <h. in
booth , p,oc ket< ,
_S,retch t he ohain ta ut h. nging 0 98 N (10 kg, 20 Ib)
weight on the ch.in.
_Mo' IU,e ' he of 2{) link, on the , 'n ight part of
t he ,ho in from pin <ente, of ' he 1" pin to pin <en,er
of t he 21st pin, Since t he miY we.. un"enly,
uk< me.,uremen" at !evera; p,,,e; ,
<::f\IIi..lIgnmtnt of w_ 1.. ill ,"'ult in oOOor mol WOO"
ond moy , ....It in on un..fo ' iding condition.
Wheel Alignmenr Adjustment
e Loo",n ,he torque link nut.
_L"""en t he left riMh, ' hii n adju>ting boillocknul>.
_Remo, e t he n ;e , oller pin, ond I"""'n t he . xle nu"
_Tum t he adju, ' ing bol ts ' 0 t hat tIleir notc h..
poin, to , he ""ne mark, or po'ition, on t he , wing arm
on bo,h side.
_In' reot ,he . I.e k.
eTighten ,he oxic nu, I"",ely, and tighten oot h oh. in
adi",'ing 001" (but no, enough ' 0 change t he
t hen tighten oolh locknu, ,"wrdy.
_Tighten t he axle nu, and torque link nut to ' he
, ped f io d ,orquo (,eo Exploded Viewl.
e Ro' . '" t he wh. el, me., ure t he , I. ok . g.ln .. t he
tightest po<itinn, . nd if n ..>o'y,
_In"" , ' he n. w ootl e, pin th,ough t he nu, .nd . xle,
. nd ' pread it<end,
CII. in
- 0
1>t 2nd 3rd
1. Weigh'
2. Me.,ure thi ' lengt h
3, Me.,ure
4. 20 link lengt h
20t h 21 "
Drive Chain Removai
_Remove thc ,prue ket cover (<ce Engine Sp'oc k..
_RemollC t he left side l oo t pcg br acket (..e Lef l Foot peg
Bracket Removal in Frame ehapler] ,
C Foot peg Bradet A. Engine Spro, ket Co,",
B. Shift Le"er
_Remov. the LIt mufflor
_Remove t he rlghl ,Ide foo' peg br ae kel (... FOOl-
B,.,kot Remov.1in Frame chapte r).
e Remove t he RH muffler.
e Kemove the rea, calipc, I",e Roar Cdliper Remova l in
Brake>, h. pt er).
e Remo," lhc redr whee l I"" Rede Whee l Removal In
Wheel, fTlrc, chopter)
_Remoyo tilt , wing .. m pivol nut . Do not remove t he
pivot , haft.
OTh. betwoon thid. pl. ... .... In tho lubrl cont
_ n th o p; n . nd tho bu.hing. To ..o id dom.g;ng
,h. O...ing nd , .. ..n' 10.. 01 ob..... ,h.
1<>Il owlng rule .
cU.. only k. to..n. or di. ..! oil 10' c1.. O il>\l
dr; ch"; n. Any ot h.. " nlng su .
11II. 011... or tr lchloroe th vlen. will cou'" det orlorot lon
. nd swoliing 01 th e O...lng. ,
Clmm. dl... ly blow ,h. ch. ln d,y with oompro... d . ir
afw ol..nl"ll '
cCompl"e c1 ..nlng . nd drving th e oh.in wit hin 10
minu ... .
_AppiV oil to the side, of the rolle" so t hat oil will
penelrat . to the rollers and bushings. Appl. t he oi l to
lhe Orlngs so l hat lhe O-rings will be co ated with 011.
OWlpe off dn. CX,"" <>i l.
Oil Appl iod Ar ...
Drl ClIoin Length
Sbl ndotd: 311 .5 -318 ,4mm
Sor.lo. limit: 323 mm
CFor sot...,.u.. ,mi. ,h....ndord ch. ln. I' in . ndl. ..
, ypo . nd .hould no' be cu, 10' in...1I.1ion.
*11 any mea, uroment< exceed, t he ,o"ioe limi l . , epld"
the chd; n, AI<o. rep l.ce t he , ngino dnd re>r , pr och t '
whon the driv, ch.in i, r<pldd.
Drive Chain Lubrication
The eh. in , hou ld be lubricat od with . lub,l odnl which
will both prevent the ext erior from rm l ing .nd . 1' 0
ab;orb ,hod and reduce friction in th o Interior of th e
cha in. An effec llve, good qua lit . lubrieant specially for-
mul.ted for eh.im j; be, t for regul., , h. ln lubri<Otiun.
If , peei. 1 lubrican l i. no, ... il. ble. a heAVy <>i l
, ,,,,h .. SAE 90 i, profetTed to a lighter oi l l>ecause it
will stay 00 tho , haln longer and pr o. ido bell er
Olf t he chain appe." ..peci . lly dirty. it shou ld be
d..ned before lubrioat ioo .
Ori Ch. iR
_Rem",'e t he lower , hook absorher nut , Do not rcmo,"
The 1>011.
_Remo".,. th o unit rak l iNOd upper nut. Do not remo ve
,h. ho lt .
A. Pivot Nut S. Pivot Shaft
f i NAL DRIVE 107
B. Engine Sprock.t Cove'
B. H()lding Plate
1\. Shill Lever
A, Allen Bait>
Engine Sprocket Installation
. In' .... II.. ion i, tho reve, ,,, M rorn()..!. N()te t he
f"' lawing.
(" En&"ge the .procket with the ohain '" t he nat .i de
foe., OU lward,
oTigllt<n the engine ,procket bu lt> to t he ,pified
to rqoe l, .. Exploded View) .
OTighten the t or que link nut to t he specified t"'que (_
Exploded Vie", In Brake, ch.p",,) .
Cln,tall tl\<: . hift I""", at t he carrect po,it ion (see Left
Foo tpeg Brad"t In' !.lliat ion In Frarne cha pter) .
_Loo",n the . ngin proc ket Allen bo lt; whi le Applying
the roar brake ,
. Remo. e the rwr wheel (.e" ReM Wheel Rema..1 in
Whoel.m,", chapter) .
Remo,. th. Alk n boll!. holding plate, . nd pull lhe
engine , prac h t of f the outp ut , h,1l with tho drive
chain nd t hon ,epMAtc t hem.
C. Bolt A. ROd[ Sh()ck AblOrbe,
B, Tierod Upp.r Boh
- Romu, " the Un;tr ak t ie rrxl lower nut . Do not remo;,e
the bo lt.
_R<m",e t he t i. ro d bolt , lIIoc k .b,orber b()lt . and
,w ing Jrm pi.()t ,h.1t while . upp<>rl ing t he , wing arm,
_Pull t ho arm Inward t he ,.ar.
_Take t he dri.e ch. in off the engine ,procke!.
CT. k. 01" not 10 d."",,,,, t ho b",ko ha lO. Dom' 90 10
th. br. k. li... Wooll y ,odullO. t h. br.k. lin. "'. ngt h . nd
in t he chon of br.ko f luid I ' ..u ltlng In
t he 10" of br.ko CC1ntrol.
Drive Chain tnstsnetton
_In' t. ll"ti()" i, the " ve" e of rem();,. !.
. When im l. lling t ho drivo <h. in. be careful of tho
fullowing item, .
oTighte n the ,w ing >rm pi, ot not to t ho <pecified to rGue
(.e e Exp loded View in Su, penr"on ch. pter!,
OTighten th. low <hock ah,arher nut > t he ,peeified
torGu.l_ Exploded View in Su,pen, ion ch.pler) .
oTighlen the to rque link nut ta the , p ified tmque.
(..e<l Expluded View in Brake, chapte r).
Oln. lAll t he .h ift I""e r 01 t he correct po, ilion (>ee Left
Foot peg Bracket In' lAliat ion NOle in Frame chapte r).
OAdju' tth< drive chain .Iack .fter in.lAllatio n.
ReBrSprocke r, Coupling Removal
_ Remove t he rc" whool (.ee Rwr Wheel Rerna..1 in
Wheel</Tif<' chapte r),
Sp rocket, Coupli ng
Engine Sprocket Removal
_ Removo the ,hilt lev. r bolt and pull t ho lev. r.
_ Romave the bal" and ..ke off t he engine , proc ket
cOo not loV t ho whoel on tho ground . im t ho dil<'
b eing down. Thi. cen dlI"- 0' _ p t too di.c. PI. ..
bloob unde r tho ...hOlI ... mo di.c the
gFa UM.
SRemme the coupling with the rear , pro<ket from the
SPfod<.. Teeth
Worn Toot h
(Re. r Sprocket)
60.68 -61. 18mm
202.32 - 202.82 0101
' --
Worn Tooth
(Engine Spfo<ket)
SPfock. t Di. m.""
Engin. Sprock.t
k n '''' li mit
Roor Sprock. l
S. ...!.. lI m,l
Me" ure the diametor of t he ,procht 01 the ba'" of
t he leeth. If t r.c , p'o<kct i' worn down to Ie" than t he
,." ice limit, reploco the ' I"o<ket.
A. Rear Sprocket
Sprocket Warp
[ k . ato the rC. r wheel ", thdt il will Wrn freelY, a"d
,.t dial gouge . goimt t he rear . procket ncar the tttth
., ,how". ROUle the r<or wheel. The diffe.-.n
between the high., t and lowon diol !puge re.dings i. the
amounl of funoot {warp).
If lhe ,unoul exceed, the , ..vice limit, repl" o the
, car .proclet
Dirocti"" of rotati""
Cl f ~ ."rocker "' qui_ "' plecM1lerrt. the chain i.
provablv worn aiso. Upon "'piJlCing ."rocket. inspect
the chllin.
D. Rubber D . m ~ '
E. Coupling Sioeve
A. Rear Spfo<ket
B. Coupling Collar
C. Coupling
A. Tooth Number Marking 6. Chamfered Side
Sprrxkets W e ~ r
Vbu olly in, peet the , pro<ket teeth . If they ore
w{)l' n", illu't Wed, repl" e the , pfockel.
Rear Sprocket Coupling Installati on
e ln. UII . !ion i' the re,,,,,,, of remo..1. Note the
C1 n. ul l the rc"," . pr""kct wit h the chomfered 'i de facing
to toward t he hub {toot h number marking ,ide
outwordj , Tighten the , pro<ket nut> to the >ped /ied
torque {>c'C [ xploded View),
s Pul1 out the wupling collar l rom t he left , . nd ' he
coupling, Ieeve from the right.
s ln. u ll t he rubber damper and wheel coupling teml'O"
rar ily on t he rear hub to aid in rear , pro<ket .-.moval.
SRem" .. Ihe roor ,p rocket nut, (6) to , oparate the rear
, pro<ket ""d wheel coupling.
_Remme the reor ,procket and femme the coupling
for m t he reor wheel.
Sprock., W. rp In.pe. ' ioo
Coupling Beari ng Instal/ll ri an
_Io" alla' ;on h t ho reve,,,, of removal. Not< 'he
oln, peot the bearing, drld r"place if rle",,,,ary (.ee
C o u p l i n ~ Bearing Impeeti",, ). Lubri" le it, and t hen
in, tall it u' ing t he wheel be" ing dri' or "' I (, peei. 1
' 001,).
3. Tu' n.
Und.. OA mm
0.5 mm
AN' Sllfockot Wa,p
Sorvica Limi'
1. Dial Gauge
2. Rear Sprodet
Coupl ing Bearing Removsi
_U, ing a h()(J k. pullout th. gr.." ",al . nd remU.' e ' he
1. B. aring Dri>er Holder
2. Beoring Driver
3. Beoring Driver
_U' ing lhe be.r ing driver ><; 1 {, peeial too;' ) or some
ot her ,uitable lool, romo" lhe be.,ing by lJ pping from
lhe wheol , ide.
Coupiing Beari ng InspBCrion 8lId Lubricll ri on
Since the coupling bearing> are made to . ' tr.m.l y
olo'e tol. rance" lhe clearaoce <aoool norm. lly be
me"ured ,
OPeriodic main""oan i. nol required. If ncoe".ry or
whe".r th. coopling I, removod, io' pe<l ' rid g....,.
lh. b.ar ing' .
_W" h the bearing with a high f1.shpoint ",I ,enl, dry il
(do nol 'pio it while il i' dry), and oil il. Spin it by
hand to ehod i., oondit ion.
*I f it i' noi, y, doe, nol <pin >mool hly, or has . ny rough
, pot;, il mll,t be r.ploced,
_If t he ,.me beariog i, to be used <gai n, rowa>h il wilh a
high fia>h-po;nt ,olveot, dry ii, and paok il witlt good
qualily bearing gre..e before imlillialion, Turn the
bearing by hand a few tim.. lu make sor. the gr.a se i '
dimiboted uniformly imide the bearing., . nd wipe the
old gr.... oot of lhe coupling before bearing
in' lililation,
e...ri"Sl Lubrlcot lon
1. Grease.
3. ik.ring Driver
B. Grea, e 5<>01 A. Wheel Coupling
1. Be. ring Dri,er Holder
2. Bea ring Driver
Grease Seal lm pectlon IJn d Ll'bricatlon
If t he grea,o , eal, are e..mined wilhoot " mo'i ng lhe
,.,. 1, t hem, el' e" look for di>color. tion (indicu ing the
rubber h" deter ioutedL h..dening, dam, ge 10 lhe
inlern, 1 ribbing, or other d.mage. If t he ...1or Inw nal
ribbing h.. hardened, the de.,ance belween Ihe ... 1
"" d the . xl. ,Ieeve will not be u h n up. which will . llow
dirt and moi,lu re 10 enter and re.ch the be.,ing. If in
doubt .. to i" condition . nd whenever tho , e. 1 i,
",moved for Ihe be' ring, the ",.1 'h oold be
replaced, The ,e. l, are upon remov. 1
Damper Inspection
Remove the rear wheel and in,poeCl the
rubber damper,
Replace t he d. mper if it 'ppe." d.m. ged or dete -
A_Rubber O.mpe r
Table of Contents
Exploded View .
Spe<ial Too l' .
Brak. Adjuotment . .
Frool Broke
Reor Brake . ..
Broke P<d.1Pos iliOlll n,pecti on ..
Brako P. d.1 Position Adju. tment ..
C.lipe... ., ." . .
Front calipe r A.mov.l,
Rn' C.liper Rem"I..
C. liper In'tal101 I"" Not .. .
C.lipe, Di mbly NOI. ,.
C. lif"!' A mblv No' .
Flui d $<.1 Dom .
Duot 5 1.... d Cor Da mage ...
Pi""" Cylinder Oamage .
Colii>O ' Holder Sh.tt Wear .
Broko P.d,.
Pad Rom"". 1
Broke Pad In' ta llati on Not o.
Broko Pad l ining Wr In. pect; "",
Maoto' Cylinders.
F' ont Mtor Cylinder Romo., I .
F,ont M.",. , Cyl inder
In.tallation Not e<
R. .. M.ot..,. Cylind... Aemo., I. .
R.ar MO'!MCvlindef
Insta ll.l ion Not ..
Inspoet i"" ...,d Adj u<tment
aft er In' tall.t ion ,
Front M. " . r 0,l lindor
Di mblV No' .. . . .
F,ont Mast., Cylind.r
A... mblv NO' e>
R"'" Ma"er Cyl inder
Di.." embly Not es ..
R..., Master Cyl inder
A..emblv Not e.
Malt er eylin""r In, pect ion
(Vi,uel In. pection l .
R..... '"' Remo . al Not e.
R..er.,", In, t . llati on Note' . ..


Di"" .. .
Di,c Wear.
Di Cleaning .
Di,c Warp . . .
Brake Fluid .
Fluid Le.ell n, pect ion . .
Brake Fluid Change . . . . . .
Brake Flu id Requ;,oment ..
Chenglng Brake Fluid . . .
BI. edin g the Brok. L1 no
Bloo<llng tl>e'ear braka line .
Bleo<li ng the lront bra ke Ii"" .
Bake Hose... . . . .
Br.ke Hose 1"'j>eC1ion
Brake Hos e Replacement
B... Man",1

T3 : (0.10 q , 78 ',..j bl
14 , , (1 .1 " 13.0"""
rs . 23 " 12.3 k ' 6.5 ft -lb'
T6 : 25 N-m 12.&k\l , 18.0 ft -lbJ
T7 : 32 N-m (3.3 kll 24ltlbl
fa' 1.5 N-m (0.1& . I -m, 13 in-lb)
1. RAe 18001 Coll_l
2, 0u0I ...._
$1 ; Al'Plv ,ili.,..... .._ .
T1 : &.8 N m (0.80 kll""" &2 in-Ibl
T2 : 1.8 N.... (OJlOkll-m, &9 In lbl
s........ $ervio:e Lim,1
0.3 "1"1
4.5 "1"1
4.5 "1"1
Cif. lip Plio..: 57001-143

, -
About 40mm
Under 0.15 rom
Under O.15 mm
4.8 - 5.1 "1"1
4.8 _5.1 mm
" .35 mm
Special TDoh

hua H. "y Duly
Sholl Supe, H..vy Duty
r . ..eo Super H...y Duty
W' p'. r Lox' heed He..y Dut y
umol C;..Ii"l-Un.........1
C..llo1 GT (LMA)
wllol Oi" Br. k. FluOi
Pad lining thick",,": Front Ind Ru.-
Brl ke fluid ynde
Brak e posiTion
Disc runout : Front
Di$C thickness; Front
' N'
0.0 .1. 3
- Ql <fj)
~ I /
. 31 ~ @
, ~ ~ , );1 1
g '-
\ L - - ~ L I
' ~ rib
'''''' !I ~
, ~ /
lh. loc knut to lhe ,podt ied ' or que (""
h ploded View).
_In' t.11t hc removal par,,"
Brake Pedal Posi ri on Adjustment
e RetrXl ve t hc righl hand muffler ,
_Louscn l h. ole,'i, locknut and up '" down the d evi, by
t ur ning , he adi u, tor w .diu>! , he hra ke peda l r<" il ion,
Brake Adj ustment
Front Braka:
Disc and di" p.d weM i, autom. ti" lIy com pen","'d
f",."d h.- no enett un b" ke lo" r act ion . So ,he ro ar<
no PiOn> th.t require . djull menl on the front bra'e.
Howe,... if the brake lo, er hJ' a ,oil , or " ,[>Ongy f..,ling",
ehoek t ho brake fluid le,.1 in t ho m.,ter cylinder and
bleed the .i r from lh. brake line I,co Blt<ding t he
C<:h,,"* flui d 1" "",1 in atXordance wi ,h
""riodic M. inrtmBnce C"-rr.
Rear Braka:
Oi" . nd disc pad we.. i, J ut "", . t ic.lly com pen5at ed
for and h., no effe<t on brJk, pod. 1.<t ion , Howe, or,
lhc brake ped. 1 po'ition may occ" ionally requi...
.diu'tment due 10 Wea r of t he ped.1 pivot , or in ca", of
di5a,>embly. II the br. ke ped, 1 hal >on, Of " ' pongy
f..ling", <heck the br.ko fl uid le,,1 in the " ",'o; r and
blced t he . ir from the brake lino (",e Bloeding t he
1\. Adiu' t.r
S, Clevis Loc knu!
C. Coll er Pin
D, M",tcr ( ylind.,
E. Pu, h Rod
F. CI<, i,
G. Join, Pin
CCheck bra,," fl uid ;" tK:cordtll1ce with
Periodic M.im",,,,,,",, Ch.rr
BrBke Pedal Posi fion Inspection
_Wh"" the br. ke pod. 1 i, in itl po, itlon, it , hou ld be
. 1 the wrr<et po,it ion.
Pedal Po. ltion
0l f rll. rMrhl p,,.i ,lon C8ll nO{ /)8 by turning ,,,-
el..i. , ,h. podal b. d<!formed or inc orrecrly

(# rho rod pro'ru sion is 3.5 - 5.5 mm lwlow ,h.
nut, rho pedal p""irion will bfr wirhin ".nd8rd
r8llge 'abou t 40 mm).
Brah Rod Pro'rusiOfl
Sta ndard
Abo u.40 mm ""low to p of footpog
1. Maste r Cyl inde r
2. Adiu".r
] , Rod Prot ru,lo n
. If it is nol , adiu" t he brake pedal po, ilion " foll ow,.
a(.l1<xk rho brake redat po';l ion, and re.diu" it if
ncoc" .,y.
.......... .
2. Cloth 1. Apply comp' e, ..d air ,
C81iper ASSfl mbl y Notes
eApply brake Il uid to lhe outside of lhe pi'ton .nd t he
fluid ..al. and p",h t he pi'ton into lbe cylinder by
band. Tak. ca,. tbat neilher lhe ,ylinder nor tbe
pl, ton , kin get ", ratohed.
C81iper Disassembly Notes
e th ing compre, "'d J i" r.mo' . lbe pi, tun.
(;Cover tb. caliper orc n;ng witb dean. heavy cloth.
c,Remo,e l be pi'lun by light ly applying wmpr c;>ed air
10 ", here tbe I;" . fit< into lhe c,l iper.
Pilton Rom"".1
OTo ..oid ... iou, injury. Moer pIa"" your fi ngO" or
polm in,i <lt tho ,,"I,por oponing. If yOIoI apply com-
pr.,..od . ir int o t h...1; 1'0' . tb. pi,ton may oru,h you'
hand or l ingo...
Calipe r Ins t811ation Notes
e Tighlen th. caliper mount ing boll, t o t he , ped fied
t orque I"e Exploded View),
-connect t be b, ake b"", 10 t he oalipe' putti ng. new
nat wainer on eo<" , ide of the brake b"", fitti ng, and
l igh,en the banjo oolt tu lhe ,ped fi,d t" rque hee
Expluded View).
t bo fiuid 10..1in lb, m..ter cylinder (,., e" oirl.
and l>leed lhe brake line ($te t he Brakel .
e(hock t be brake for WOJk braking power, brake drag,
and fl uid leakage.
o Komove lbe pad;,
ol' u", p l be brake I. , er ur pedJ I to remo'. lbe e.l iper
pl>' on.
ol mmcdi' lely wipe up . ny t hat , pHI,.
D. Caliper
E, Hme
A Calipor Moont ing Boll'
B. Cable Lowor End
C. Caliper tk >l der
Rear Caliper Removal
e Loo, en t he ba" io I>o lt at t he c,lip,,", and t igbt on ;t
e Rem""e lh. " Iipe' m<>unl;ng 001" and lake off th.
e Di\Conn,,, ' t he br"k. hos< f,,-,m l!'to cal iper.
* If lho fro nl Of roar caliper i, t o be di.."omblcd Jf tor
remov.1 and if compre's<d J ir i, not " " ilablo. ,e move
t he pi>ton l he following >ler ' before di, con-
neet ing tbe ho, e frum t he caliper,
A.Cal iper
B, C. liper Mount ing Bol l>
................ ........................ .. .... ............. ......... .... .....
Front Caliper Removal
e Pu! l he ", " loco y, le on center ,t , nd,
e l oo n the b. nio bolt at the caliper, , nd t ight. " it
I" ",ely.
e Romove t he caliper mou nt ing bo ll> and off t be
e DiIConn. <l t he brake how f,,-,m the caliper
O[h oconner:, ,Iw w Hdomerer clJble 10000r ''''d before
caliper r-emOlJl.
e Apply thin co.t of , ilicone gr.... to the
holder sh. ft, and holder hole< (silicon< gre... "
, peti.1high temre<.tllre, w.ter-r.,i, t>nt gr"').
_In, toll t he .nti-rattle , prin!:in the __lIper ., shown.
Dun Seal and Cover D<!mage
-Check that the du<t ",als . nd eove" are not <racked,
w",n, , wollon, or ot herwise dam,ged ,
*If t hey , how . ny d.mag e, repl"e t hem,
Anti -Ratti . Spri"lllnotolilltion
1. AntiRaUle Sprin!:
Fluid $eal Damage
The fluid , eal ."'und the pi"on m.int. in, the proper
pad/dis< olear.n<o. If t hi' ....1 i, not >ati ,Ia<1OfY, p,d
we. r will increa"" and <oostant pad drag tho di,.; will
,.i br.'" . nd brake fluid temprature,
Piston Cylinder Damage
_Vi, ually in' pe<t t he pi<tonand cyl inder , urf"..,
. Repl. ce lhe cylinder and piston if they . re b' dly
"",ed Of ru, ' y.
Caliper Holder Shaft Wear
The caliper body must , lide , moothly on the caljper
huJdo, . h. fh . If tt.. body dot' not <l ido smoothly, one
pad will wear mOre lh.n th. ottl<r, p.d wear will in-
ete..e, . nd ooo,"nt drag on th. disc will ..i", brake
b"k. fluid temporalu" .
echeok to ;eo if tn. " Iiper holder ' h.fts .,e not
Oddly worn or ' topped, ,. rubber frieti"" boot are
nut d. m"ll"d.
. if the rubber friction boot ..e replace tile
'ubber frieli"" boot, and the caliper holder.
Repl" e t he fluid ",.1, under any 01 lho followin!:
conditi""" ( fluid le.ab ge around the pad; (b) brake>
o..rheat; (c) there is . large difference in left . nd , ight
pad we. r; (d) t he ... 1 i, stuck to the pi, ton, If the fluid
,e. 1 is '.pl"ed, replace the du,t ", al .. well. Ai' o, "' .
place all ",.1, e..ry other time lhe pad, are ch.nged.
3. Push t he caliper hulder.
1, r. d
2. Calipef Holder
Brake Pad Removal
e Remove the caliper (, ee f ront or Rear C. liper Remov-
.1). . .
_-rake off t he pi' ton . ide pad !, om the cal,per holder.
e Push the caliper holder to lho pl'lon , ide, and thon
remOve t he pad from t he caliper holder ,hafl.
Pod R.m.....
Bralce Pads
...,.",.." , .. " , " .."" . " ", , ",
...." ,.." .., " " ."" ." ", " ", .
3. Fluid So>1
4. Do" se.1
I , C. lipr
2, Pi,'on
Re<>r M". rer Cylind,.r R,.maval
e Remo"e the roll pin and then pUll Ihe pin out of t he
f'U,h rod d ovi. and brake pedJ I.
e f{emDVe lhe banjo bolt to d"ronneCl t he brake ho,",
from t he ma,l er cylindernd lemporar ily ,ec ure t he
end of the br.ke ho to ", me high place to h. p fluid
10" to a minimum. There i' a flat wa<h. r on each ' ide
of the ho," 11Iting.
A, Clcvi.
B. {'-"ll er Pin
C. Joint Pin
RearMa.ter Cylinder InsUlllarion Notes
eU, e new f1 .t w.,hc, on e.eh ' ide of t he b'ake hose
and tighten the bonjo bol l. to lhe , pecified
torq ue (>e' h ple>ded View), Be , ure t hat Ihe metal
pipe i, prope, ly fitte d int o t he U...hapcd not ch in t h.
m.,lc r cylinder.
e Tighten t he rear mWCr cylinder bolt> (2)
'0 t he , pecificd 'orque (>ce hplod,d View).
OChock and .diu>! t he following i" m,
o Brak, pedal po, i' ion (..e Brake Pedal Po, i, ion
ORear br.k. li!<hl , witch (IC< ReOf Brak. Switch
Po'i tion Adju,tm,nt in Electr ic. 1Sy,t cm chapler).
eSlide Ihe brake ho (ma'ier cylinder) clamp oul of
A. Brake Ho""
B. Bi njo Bolt
C. MJ ner Cylinder
D. Ho", Clamp
E. Mounting Bolls
Inspection and Adjustment after Ins telllJrion
e Bl eed 'he brake line . fl e, master cylinde' in'lall. , ion.
IIChcc k t he braKe tor weak braking pow.... brake drag.
>od fluid
Front MlJster Cyiinder DisilSS8mbl y Notes
e Remove t he front m.,ter cylinder from the handlebJr,
e Remoye t h, r..."oir oap . nd diaphr. gm, and empty
oul t he brake fluid.
e Rem"" e t he locknul and pivot bolt, and r, mo," the
brake lev, r.
eSlide Ihe dU>l cover out nf it' plac"
e RemoY< ' he retainer with a ci rclip plie" and pUll Out 'he
pi, lon wilh >e<;ondary cuP. and u k, off t he I"i-
mary cup and . pring.
e Oi , conne<t Ihe brake ho,e from t he m."'er cylinder,
J nd temp<>fJr ily ,"CUre Ihe end of t he brake ho.e >0
>o rne hillh place to k<op fluid 10" '0 a minimum
immediatelYwipe up .ny hr. ke fluid t hai , pilil.
e Remove the m. "er cylinder mount ing boll, and lake
Ihe ma, ler cyl inder of f the fool pcg bracke' ,
a Do not " mo , 1M ,ocondory CUI' hom tho plOion
,em""o l will dIImogo' hom.
Front M.otor Cylinde, Ra.r M.oto, Cylindo.
_ Remoy. t he r. tdiner wit h . d rclip plicr; and pu ll out
the bfdke h", e co nneClor and O-ri ng from the m..ter
cylinder .
5. Ret. incr
6_ Pilt on Sto p
7. Pu, h Rod
1, Primary Cup
2. Seco ndary Cup
3, Pin on
4. Brake Ho",
1. Primary Cup
2, Secon da' y Cup
3, Pi",,"
4. Ret ainer
Rear MaHer Cylinder Assembly NOleS
_Bef",. ",embly, de. n dll port, including th e m."er
cylinder with brdke fl uid Of . Ico/lol.
Front Master Cylinder Assembly Notes
_ Be l ",e " , embly, ckan all part< ind uding t ho m., ter
cylinder wit h br. ke fluid 0' . Icohol,
... PI for til . dbc po<lo . nd diM:; us. onlv disc br.k.
flUid, isopropyl . I""hol, or hyl .'cohol, for " ning
broke po, tI . 00 no' us ny oth.. fluid for P1ning
til . .. p..... Gosoll n., . fIll in. oil, or . ny oth..
"""oloum di"iII m wi' l cu... doteriorotion of tho
rubbo, P."'. 0<1 spillod OnOily POrt will bo difficult to
w h off oompl otely, end will ntu.lly _ ,10' ."
tho ,ubbo, us.d in tho diM: braka.
... PI for th o di, c 1'0<10 . nd diM:; us. onlV disc br. ko
fluid, Isopropyl al""hol, or othyl 01""1>01, fo r "'.anlng
brake "",n, OO ....t u ny o.h., fluid fo, "'uning
th... parts. Gasoli , aoglno oil, or any othar
potr ol... m distill... will cu ... datario'.tlon of tho
, " bbar po.... Oil sPill'" 0II .1ly poll wil''''' difficult to
wash ofl compl oly, _ will . .....W.IIV <1010,10' .'.
th o ,"""", ...... in 1M disc brak. ,
_Apply brake fiuid '0 the IMrts r,moved . nd 10 the
inner wdll of the cylinder.
_Tdk care no, t o ", catch t he pi'I"" or t he Inner w. 1I of
t he cylinder.
_Apply br. ke flu id 10 the r<mO\'ed parb and ' 0 ' he
inner wall of t he cylinder ,
_Tighten the brake Ie"r pim' bolt and .i ghte n t he
I""knul t o t he 'I"'cj l ied t orq ue,
Rear Master Cylinder Disassembl y Nom
_ Remove the roar ma. ter cylinder fr"", the right loo t peg
_RemO\'e lhe ret . iner with a d rclip pli. " , and pu llout
the pillon 'lOP. pu,h rod, .. a"!. Thon r<mo,"" lhe
pi' lon and , e"ondarv <up, and the , pring . nd prim.,y
co p.
(JOG no ....,0... t ho ......nd.ry cup f, om tho pi'ton ...
,.mo.al will d.mallO it ,
Master Cylinder /nspeUi on
. Di,. " emble t he fro nt .nd rear m..ttr ' ylinders
-Check t hat t here are no ""ale he" rull or pitt ing ()f\ t he
in,i do 01 the mo, "' r cylinder .nd "" the oot,i de of the
p"tOll ,
*If t he m.,t. r cylinder Of pi' tOll ,how, any d,mag< ,
replaoc them .
_I" , ,,,,' t the prim.,y cup, . nd ", eond..y <UPI,
*If <up i, wmn, , olt ened (rotted ), or
",/ollen. the pilt on . " embly , ho uld be replace to
renewt he cop.
*I f fiuid I..k, ge i, noted at t he brdke Ie- er, . he pi"on
....mbly ,hoold be repla<ed t o renew . h. cup.
-ehed . he du't co v,r; for d""'.ge,
*11 t hey ore dam.ged. replace t hem,
acheek . h.t the relief and , upply port:> or< no t plugged,
*If the , mall ' elief port become, plugged, the bn ke pad.
will d,ag on the di,c, Blow t he port< dean with
comp, ,,,,ed ai'.
-Check t he pi,too ' et um , p, ing> fo' any
*If th. ,pring i' repl"e it ,
Reservoir Removal
ORemove the rear brake 'e",,,oi , mount ing bolt .
oRemo, e the bolh and take t he b..cket off t he fra.... ,
oToke t ho ,el. y off the b' acket , and pull the
' c' ervoi' (J ut of t he f'a me.
I. B.. ke Disc
2. Mea50ring A, .,.
B, M(Junting eon
Ol,c Thickn. ..
Disc Wear
Mea"" e the Ihid ne" of each dhc " t he point wh. "
it h" worn the mo, l , Roplae< tho di,c if it h.. worn
pa' t the "'''ice limit.
_r ake (J ff t he ,." ervoir u.p and diaph.. and empty
the brake fluid into . , uitabl. container.
_Sl ide the ho,", clamp" and pull the brake ho'o off
the ,..crvoir. Immediateiy wip< up any brake nuid
that , pill , .
Re.elvoir Installation Nares
_In' \.111 t he cl. mp, for e brake ho," end,.
_Fill the , c, c" oi, wilh f,..h brake fluid, . nd bleed th'
brake line I", e Bleeding the

I I. Ie"'"
12. Push Rod
13. Clamp
14. H"'"

F,ont .nd Ru, Moo.., Cylindo,

1, Ro"'''oir
3. Relief Port
4, Supply port
5, Cylinde'
6, Return Spring
7. P, imaryCup
B. Pi' ton
9. Secondary Cup
10. Ou. t Co"" r
BRAKES 11 11
F,ont Ohc Thiel" .....
Stl ndt,d
So,.ic. limit
Aoa, Oi,. Thlckn. ..
S"... ioo limit
4 B - S.l mm
4.5 mm
5.3 -5.6 mm
CHoi d ,h. reservoir wh80 <hking brob
,oThe fieid I. vol me,l be kopt . bov. t he lower 10>.1lin...
If t ho f luid lovel is low. r than tho lowor lel'Ol lin., fill
lh. ro..rvoir to lho upper le..1 lin. of lhe re. orvoir .
Disc Clellfl ing
Poor c.n be c. "",d by oil on t ho disc. Oil On
tho disc mu<l be c1lnod off wilh an oil-I... c1. ... ing
fluid such a, u ichlor<>eth yl.ne Of acelu".
Th... c1.ning fluid Ir . OHIIIIV hlg/>IV fl. mm.bI . ond
ha, mful if br_eel fo, prolonged poriod. a. ' u, . to
h""" , h. fluid ....nuIo<"lU, ... """oi_.
OC""ngo tho b,ok. fluid In tho brok. lin. compl.t. IV if
tho brok. fluid mutt bo ,efi ll.d but t l>o tvpo.nd brlnd
of III . brok. f luid t h.t . Idv I' in th. ' . .....olr ...
unldontified. Aft., . h.nging tho fluid, u.. ""IV tho
..mo tvpo I nd br.nd of fluid tl>o_fto, .
diff., .nt tVPO' MId brond. of brok. fluid low. .. t!Io
broko fluid boiling point.nd could _ tl>o brlko to
bo in.ffocti. It mov . 100cou.. tho.lIbbor brok. PUll
to 6o...io,ol*.
F,ont a..k. Fluid A...' ....I'
Disc Warp
Jock up t he mot",cycle '0 t hatlh. front whed 1<off
lhe ground, and t urn the handl.bar f"lI y 10 one <id .
S.t up dial gouge ag.l in,[ lhe front dilt . nd me,, ","
disc , unout. Remove the j.ck , , etlhe motorcycle up 00
its cenler 'land, and th. n mea",r. lhe ' . .. disc run()!Jl.
If , un"' l e"c".d, lho servie. limit, repl"". lh. dis.;.
2. Upper Leve l li n.
AIO' Br.ko Fluid R.... '.oi,
1. Lower Level Line
1. B..ke Dis.;
2. Area
Diu: Runout
So.. I limit
... ..........................................................................
................................................................. , .
1. Lower L...i Line
2. Upp.r Level Lin.
Fluid Level Inspection
In ..cordan"" with the Pe'iodic Maintenance Chart ,
impecl t he brak. fluid level in tho front and ro., brake
fluid ' e......oi".
OChe<ok lhc b" ko fiu,d lel'Ol in Ih. reservoir.
Brake Fl ui d Change
In accordance with the Periodic Maintenance Chart.
ch.ng. the hrak. fluid. Tho brake fluid should .1,0 b.
changed if it become, contaminated with dirt or waler.
11-1 2 BRAKES
Rocommt nclod Broko Fluld
Broko Fl uld Roqui romont :
ROOOOlm.nd.d fluid' or. given in the t.bl. below, If
none uf the r<<ommended bra' e fluid, are av. ilable. u",
e",. he.vy-<l uty bra' e fluid (>J\ ly fmm ""Hainer
m"kod D,O,T.3 ,
Chonging Sroko Fluid:
oRemove the robher cap on the blood v. lvo,
oAtt . ch c1e.. pl"tic ho," to t he bleed v,lve on the
<aliper, . nd run lhe ot her end of t he h",e into .
-eJpen the bleod v. lve (countercl",kwi'" 10 Ofl"' n), and
pump t he brake Ie,. r or pedal until . 11 the fluid b
drained from the line.
O(:lo, e the bl""d valve,
ORemme t he r.,orvoir cap.
of ill t h. ,""'rvoir with fre' h brake f1o id,
olnm il lhe r",. , voir ,.p.
OOpen the bleed valve, .pply the brake by the bra
lever or ped. I, clo," the valve wit h the bra.e held
applied, and then quickly rei..", lhe lever or ped. 1.
Repeat !hi' """ral ion until lhe brake i' filled
nd fluid .l ar!>comingout of the pl. " ic ho;e ,
Bleeding the Brake Line
The broke fluid h., a very low oornp.... lon <oof
f ielent 50 t hat .Im"'t all the movement of t he bro'e
lever or ;>cd.1 " t r. n,milled direetly 10 lh< " Iiper
fur hr. ' ing .cti"" , Air, howe..r, i' <.,ily cornpre,sed ,
When oir enter; the hro'e lines, hrok. lever or ptd.1
m""emenl will be par ti,lIy u.. d in <ompre"ing the , i, .
Thi, will ma'e the Ie,er or ped.1 feel , pongy, and t hore
will be a I"" in bra. ing puwe,.
e BI..d t he oir from th. brok. whe""'", brak. IC'ler or
podol . 00ion fet l' , oft or ,pongy, . fle, t he brake fluid
i' <hanged, or when""er a b... line fining h.. h<en
loo'ened for any ,ea>on.
eChed th.t t here i ' plenly of fluid in the , es. rvoir.
fluid le,,1 mu, t b. chooked .." ..I lime. during
t he bleeding operat ion and repl"ni' hed a. nec.....ry
(, ee S"ke Fluid Change).
* If the fluid in t he re, ervoir , un, complelely out .ny
l ime during bleeding, t h. bloe<ii ng operat ion mU' 1 bo
done ow,r ag. in from the beginning . in.., oir will h"e
entered t he line,
e Wi , h lh. ' e, ervnir cap off, , lowly pump lhe brake lever
or ped. 1,eve..1times until no air buhhle; can be 'etn
'i ' ing up t he fluid from t he holes ., the
bot tom of t he reservoir. Thl' bleed' the i ir from lh.
m..ter cylinder end of the line,
*If hrake lever or pedol ' <tion ' till feel' 5011 0' ,pongy,
bleed the remoining air a, follow.
OConnect 0 clear pl>;ti< ho," \0 the bleed volve ot the
coliper, running t he olher . nd of t he ho, e inlo a
Q/'ump t he brake leve, or pedol 0 few lime, unl il il
come, h., d.
CHoldi ng the b"'e opplied, ""idly open (turn counler
c1 ud wi, e) and ol"'e the bleed 'olve.
"RepCJ I thi' oporJIion until no more air <o n be >cen
coming out inw the pla,t ic
OCheek the fluid level in lho re"'''oir ever y 50 often. re
pleni>h ing it a. ne<c,...ry.
OO,T,l ,
Atl.. Extra Hvy Duty
Shell Super Heavy Duty
Texa<o Super He.vy Duty
Wagner Lockheed He..y Duty
C..t rol GirlingUniver",1
Camol GT (LiliA)
C.," ol Dis< Bra'e Fluid
oRepl""i.h tho fluid in rho "'''''''oi' . , ofr"" or nM;<>,"
oory ro k..,p i r from running O<Ir.
OBleed lhe . ir from lhe lin., (continue wilh Bleeding the
Fillinll up tho Sroko li M
1, Open t he bieed v. I...
2. Apply the br. ke and hold it.
3. Clo," the hleed valve
4. Then quickly rele..e the b" l;e,
Bleedin9 tho Bta.. Lineillull
1. Itold t he l>ra k. applied,
2. Quiokly open and close th, 'alv .
3. R. I, .,e t h. brake.
Brake Hose
oWhon air hkoding i' fi nl,he d, In>lail the rubber cap, un
t he bleed ..Iv. , and ehe<k Ih. 1 the b,. ke nuid i, filled
10 t he upper bel line markod in t he rese"oi,
(handlebar tur nod '0 t h.1 Ihe "''''''oir I, lev. ll,
Brake Hose InspectiQf1
_The high pre"u," in' ide Ihe brake line can ",use fi uid
t o leak or t ho hose to bUr<{ if t he line I, not properly
mainta ined, Bend and twi' l Ihe ,ubber hose while
"".mining il.
" Repl. "" It If . ny <racks or bulge> are not iced.
_The mel.1 which feed .tho brake fiuid to Ihe ant i
di" unit. are made of pined 'Ieel, and will ru, 1If the
i, damaged. Replace the pip< if it i, ru' t , d,
e,acked (o, peelally <hed Ihe filli n!!'), or if Ih. pining
i, b.dly ", ,, tohed.
B. Bleed Valv. A, Caliper
1. N.,.r reU," old broke fluid,
2 , Do nol u," fl uid from a conu iner Ihat h... been
I. ft un",. led or t hat h.. l>e< n open for a long t ime.
3. Do nol mix two Iyp<' and brand. of fluid for u'"
in the l>r. ke. Thi, lowe" the brake floid boi ling
point and <ould OiIu", the brake to be ineffective,
It may al,o cau", the rubber brake par" t o det.
riorate ,
4, Don't leave the """oir cap off for any length of
l ime to avoid moi"uro oomom lnat ion of the fl uid.
5, Dont chang' lhe lIuid in lhe rain or when .
' trong wind i' blowing.
6. b oept for the di'" pad' and di"', u'" only di,c bfak.
fl uid. i", propyl alcuhul, or cl hyl akohol for <le.ning
brake para, Do not u'" any other fluid for cleaning
th.", parb. Ga",iin. , engine oil, or any ot her
petroleum di'tillale will cau,. deleriora' ion of t he
rubber pam. Oil ,pilied on any part will be difficult
10 wa'" off complelely .nd wHi "'O"tu. 1Iy dolerio
rale Ihe rubbC1" u>-cd In the di'" hr.ke.
7. Whon handling t he di'" pad, or di"' . be careful
t hat no di>e brake fiuld or any oil geb on them.
Clean ot f any fl uid Of oil thai inadvert enlly ge"
on Ihe p. d, Or di'" with a high fl.,h point ", Ivont,
Do nol u'" one whioh will le..e . n oiiy , e, idue,
Replaoe the pad' wit h new on.. if thoy ,"nnol be
cleaned sat i,fa ctorlly,
8. Srake fluid QUickly ruin, painted , urface>; any
,pilied fiuid ,hO<J ld De <ompletely wiped up imme-
9, If m y of tho brake line fill ing> or t he bleed valve i,
op<nod at any time . the AIR MUST BE BLED
OWhon working wit h 11>. l>rok. , 0.... ' tho
p, . cout lon. Ii. ted below.
Brake Hose Replacement
_Pump t he brake fluid out of t he line ., exploi ned in t he
Ora ke Fluid Change in Orake Fluid Section.
_Remove t he banjo bolt<U bot h end' of the broke hose,
and pull the ho.. off the motor<ycle. E, pcciolly, f()/
the brake hose bet ween the re. , ma.le, cylinder ond
l he re,. "oi', I"",en the <lamp, at l>ot h end. of t he
hose, and \.Ok. off the h",e.
_I nm.ll the new brake ho.. in it< place, and l i ~ h t e n
lhe banjo l>oh. t u the , pccified torque (see Explod<d
View), nol ing the fullowinS
OUse new f1 al wa.ner for ea<h . ide of lhe f itt in!!,.
Table of Contents
Exploded View . . . . .. . .. .. 12-2
Spec ification .. . ' . . . . . . . . . . .. 12-3
Special Tool , . . .. . . . .. . ... . . . .. .... .. . . , . 12-3
Front For k , . . . ... . . . . . , . . . . . 12.3
Fork Oil Change , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Front Fork Removal leach fork leg) . , .. , .
Front Fork Installat ion (each fork leg) ,
Front Fork Disassembly . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Front Fork Assembly .. ... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...
Inn'" Tube Inspect ion. . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .
Guide Bush Inspect ion .
Oil Seal and Dust Seal Inspect ion . . .. ... . .. . . .. . ... .. .. . .
Spring Tension . . . . , . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . .. ... .. . .. . . . . . .
Rear Suspension (Uni-Trakl .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ,
Rear Shoc k Absorber , , .
Rear Shock Absorber Adjustment. , , .
near Shock Absorber Removal . . ' , , .. ..
Rear Shock Absorber Installat ion .. , .
Rear Shock Absorb", Scrapp ing , , .
Swing Arm .. " , , .
Swing Arm Removal , ,
Swing Arm Insta llat ion Notes . . , , , ,
Swing Arm Sleeve inspectio n.. . . , . . .. . . . , .. . . . . . . ,
Swing Arm Needle Bearing Inspect ion.. . .. . . .. . . .. . ... . . . . .
Swing Arm Needle Bearing Lubrication .
TieRod. Rocker Arm: " , .
Tie-Rod Removal , . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
Tie-Rod Installat ion Not e. , .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Rocker Arm Removal , ... .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rocker Arm In. !;IlIat ion Notes . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . .
TieRod, Rocker Arm Bushing Inspection , .. . . .
Tie-Rod , Rocker Arm Sleeve Inspect ion . . . . . . . . . .. . .... ..
Tie-Rod, Rocker Arm Bushing Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


' 20
1 2 ~


Base Manual


I '
/ ro
Exploded View
........... ............ .... ........ .. .......... .. ........
.................... .............................. ................ ..........
" -. ....
..." "'-

1. loftHand Ti. Rod
2. Rock. , A,m
3 Ri\llltH.nd Ti.-Rod OIl
L' : Appl y ""n porm. ....nt locking """nt to th o th.. .
M : Apply mol ybd. num gr.... .
n : 1.8 "' m 10.80 kgm. 69
T2 : 20 "'_m (2.0 kgm. 14.5 ft lbl
13 : 29 "'..., (3.0 kg-m. 22
T4 : 44 "' m 14.6 kg"",. 33 fHbl
T5 : B8 Nm 19.0 kg..., . 66
Specifi cations
F, onl Fo,k Ipe, One unit)
Fmn. fo' k in"", l " bo diameter : ,p36 mm
Fork oilol..."lly: SAE lOW20
Fo.k oil capACity : 268 12.5 mL {complol oly dry l
OPl'>x . 23 (1mL
oi ll
F",k oi l 10..1: 205 2 mm below f ,om 101' of
inn.. W!>O Ifully comp,e""'.
wittlou. moin
F<Hk . prlng it...
SIo_rd: 463.8 mm
se,.icelimit: 455 mm
_Allow the uil tu d' ain into . , uit ablc con l. ine, . If y,,"
pump til e !'r" KI" g' t o force out fhe oil, b. ,ure to colCh
t ile oil in . <nn,. ine, 0' il ,qtJ irl' out ,
_W..h lhe dr . in boillhre.d, c1eon of oil, ood blow lhem
_Apply . liqu id l>',kel 10 lhe thread, of the d.. in bo lt,
and in, u li t he bolt and g"k, t,
_Pour in t he , ped f i<d ty pe ,md ,\moont of oi l.
_Pump t ho for k enuugh l ime' 10 expol t he dir fo, m the
upper . nd lowe, chamher<
_Wi t h t he forKfully <OO1 pr", ,.d inMI' l ope me",ure 0 '
rod in the inllOf dnd mo.."r o t he di' !.l"<e from
tho top of t he inn", tu be t o lhe oiL
*11' th e oil i< abo, e Uf belf)w t l>. 'J'ocified level, , emove
0' add oil and r hec k th e oil level.
Front Fork
_I m pecl t he O., ing on ' he l op plug, and it wi 'h
new one If it i, damaged.
_I nstali lh e , pring , nd , p, ing ""I.
_In,, . ll th e lop plug wil h re!.lining ring.
_Ch. nge t he oil of , he ot hor fork in t ho same
m. nner,
Fork Oil l e.eI M"" ,u, o"",n.
Front Fork Removal (ei/(;h fork l eg)
_ Rcmo," t ile fol luwing p;lm .
lowe, F. I, ing (see F,.me ch.pter in lext)
Upper F. iring bee From. <h. pler in Il\i, lext)
Front Wheei ("'''' B... Manual )
Ii. " dlebar
QThe opo, ot ion 01 oi. l.on1 fori<, i, o, pecially O\Ipenden1
upo n ..." ocl oi l 10.01. Higho, 1 01 1IIon .pecifiod
may COU"" 0 11 lookoll" ond "",I br ookoll". So Iso . u' o to
moln... in t h&, pocili od 10..1.
B. Rel oining Ring
Reo' Shock Absorber
preload .. f\I""...dju..eble
A, Top
Fork Oil Change
_ I{emove t he handlebM holder Alien I>oll"
. nd l. ke t ile handle;"r off lhe m m head.
_Pre" t he top t o femO,'e t ile 'etoining r ing, and
then remov. l he ph' g,
_Pull t he fo, k ,p ring off til e fork leg.
_Unscrew t he drJ in I>o lt from lhe lower cnd of the o,Her
A. Dr. in Bult
(l-'- +
Front Fori<Soporal",n
Front Fork Cylindor Romo. ol
, , ,
1. Fronl Fo<k Cylinder Holder Handlo, 57001183
2. Adap"f: 570011057
3, Front Fork Cylinder
oRemove lho pilt on and t ho rebou nd ,pring fr om lhe
lOp of the innor tu be and t he oylinder b. , e I'rom t he
ou tor lub<.
1, Cyl inder Unit with Rel>o und Spring
2, Cylinder D. ..
_ Remove the dU'1 ,.. 1and oil ,",I rotoinor ring from t he
outer lu b .
OU.. lho fo<k outer tu be weight (,p oelal tool) 10 ",pa.
roto t ho inner tub e from t he oulOr lub .
OHoiding tho inner lube by hand in vortlool po.itlon,
puli down lhe out.. t ube , eve,.1ti m.. to pull out the
inner tu be.
A. Upper CI.mp Ik>It C. Lowe! Clam p Bolt
B. Fork Leg
_If the fork leg w" di..."emhled, check the fork oil
_Tighten til . following boll l to the sped f iod tor que ,
Upper and low", Clamp Bolls (_ Exploded View)
Calip<r MQunt;ng Bolt. (oe. Exploded View in the
a"ke, chapter)
Front Alel. Nut I... Exploded View in t he Wheel'!
Tire' eh.pter)
_Cited thefront brake afler in. tall. tion.
A, 12 mm
_ L",,, en the upper and lower fork d amp b<>l h .
_ Wi t h t he t wi' l ing mOlion, work the fork leg down . rJ<1
~ ,
Front Fork Installation (each fork leg)
_ In' tall the fork leg'" that the top of the innor l ube j,
. b",,1 12 mm abo.. the uppe r ",rfa of l h. item
Front Fork Disassembl y
_ Remove lh. retaining 'i ng, top pluS, ",,"lng, and ,pring
. Pour oul the fork 0;1.
_ Remove l he front fo rk leg he. Front For k Remo..I).
_ SlOP l he cylinder from turn ing by u, ln8 t he front for k
cyiinder holder ftandle and adapter (special 1001.),
Un""e"" tho Allon boll ond tilk< the bolt, and ga..ket
out of lhe l>otlOmof the outer tubo.
1. Inner l ube
2. Weigh" 57001 121B
3. Outer Tub<
4. Pull down.
.4, New Guide Bu,"
S. Front .nd Rear
1. l.Jfi", 570011219
2, U", d Guide Bu,h
3. Spiit
Guide BUlk I"'tellation
0lf tho inn8r tubo I. bodly bonl 0' o....-d, , opl_.,.
it . Ex.....i... bonding, followad by . ubnqllO," otr_ight-
""Ing,.,.n _ kon1M Inn.. ... IM.
_In, ul l t he du, t , eai and clrclip by hand,
_Pour in the type and amount of for k oil . pe<ified (=
Specification,), and . diu,t the oil lo.ci.
_in' tall lhe fork main ,pring ", th.t Ihe , mallor diam-
01o, end i, facing down.
Inner Tuoolnspection
_Vi"' dlly in, poet th. inner lUI><, and repair any damag<_
_Nicl, Of rust d.mago <on ",metime, be repai,,'d by
u, ing a wet-, lone lu romOl' c ,harp edge, or ,. i"d >r.a<
which cau,. ,ea l d.mage.
*11 lhe ddm.ge i, not rep, irable, repl""e the inner tub. _
Since d. mag< to lh. inner lUI>< damAge, t he oil ..ai,
repla the oil ",.1whenever tho inner l\J t>e i, repaired
or roplac. d,
_Temporarily ..", mble lhe Inner and outer t ubo" and
pump t hem i>a< l and forlh m. nually 10 <heck for
, moot h ol"'ration,
_In, t.11 the outer t uhe guide bu, h with a uled gmd<
bmh .. a 1001by tapping the u,ed guide bu,h with the
dr iver (, pecial 1O1) ur'l il it <top" The 'pllt of t he bu,h
mu,t be f.oed toward the righl or loft.
_In, tail lhe w"her.
_Repla the oil ",al wllh ~ new one_
_Apply oil (0 t he oUBldo of the Inner tube and in,ull
Ihe oil ",.1 with t he ", me dri. er ('re<ial tool: 57001-
t 219) '" that the m..-ked. ide face, out.
c. W.,he,
D. Oil So.1
A. Inner Tube Guide Bu, h
B, Outer Tube Goide Bmh
1_Cylindor Unit with Rebound Spring
2. Cylinder ease
_If the drain bolt was rem,wed, check , he ga,kct f",
damago, Replace t he dam"!ied ga,ket with a newone,
_Apply non-pormaoem I""king ' gont to tho Allon bolt.
_Tighten the Allcn bolt to t he ' re d fied tor quo, u,ing
tho front fork cylinder holder handlo (,peei. llool, PN
57001-183) and holder adaptcr l,ped.1 tool : PN
570011057) to . top the <ylinder fron, l U r n i n ~ .
Front ForI< Assembly
OFo<k ."embly i. tho rover", of disa"ombly. Note the
_Chu k th. lop plug O-ring, t", damage. Repl.ce them
with ""w ono, if d.magcd.
_Ropla<e thc oil ,eal removed with a new on. _
_Imp"l the guide bush.. (iee Guide Bush In'l"' elion),
and ropl"e Ihcmwith now one, if nOCC"irY.
_In, ort t ho cylinder unit with the , hor( ,pri ng imuliod
imo the inner tube ,
_In, ort t he cylinder ba.. in the bottom of the outer
_In, ort Ihe innor tube and cylindor ., ", t into the
outer tube.
OThe Gi l ",. 1, wa.her , and guide bu, h", ' om, off with
the I""or tube.
Guide Bush Inspection
_Vi, ually ;n, pc>cllho internal , u,I'.ce of the outer tub<
guide bu,h and the external ... rf... of the inn., tub<
llUide busb.
Repl.ce llle bu"'i nll.' , if thcy b. .. exce,'; ;c,.-ing,
" ratching. or obnormol wea'.
-. - - - .
FINk , pringif.. l""9Ih:
Standord: 463.8 mm
S..."'.limit : 455 mm
F",k Spring FrH lang' h
1. Fork Spring
2. Free Lenglh
1, Inne' Tubo Guido Bu, h 2, Om", Tub<Guide Bu,h
...................."" .. ", " " , " ,
Rear Suspemion
.. .... .. .."".. "" ",.""." .
Rear Shod< Absorber :
Rear Shock Absorber Adjustment
OThe , p, ing preload can nul be . dju' ted,
1, Upper Sh""k Absorl>tr Bolt
Rear Shock Absorber Removal
oThe "''''' kabsorber upper ""'umi ng nut i, welded On
the frame.
Ol! i' not no<:<"'ry lo remove the c""lant re' ervoir tank
and the Ieigniler fo' ' ''''' 'hock romova l.
_Remove the following PJrb.
Seat (see Frame chapler in thi, text)
Lefl Sid. Co..r (<<e Frame . hapter in thi' ,ext)
_ Lo"",n the upper "'''''k ab""ber nut. Do no' remo..
it yet.
2. Du" S<'a l 1. Oil 5 1
Oil Sui and OUlt S I
Spring Tension
_Since the , pring become< ,borter as it weakon" check
its free leng' h to dete'mine it, c""ditinn.
*If Ihe , pring of eithe' fork les ;, !iI1orler Ih, n Ibe
",,.ice limil, il mu, t b< replaced. If the length of a
repl. cemenl , pring . nd Ihal of Ihe
'M y gre.tly , the remaining "'ould al,,-, be
repl.ced in ord In kp tho fo, k le!l' balanced fo'
motorcycle stabilily,
Oil Sea/ and Dust Sea/Inspection
*In, po01 Ihe dm' "' al f or any , ign, of deterioration or
dam. ge.
* Repl" . Ibem if n",:<,,. ,y.
_Replace tho oil ,I with a n,w on. ",ben..er it bas
been ,emo. ed.
_ Remove the lower >ho<k . bsorber boll and the tie-rod
lo,"",r holt and nUl,
Rear ShQCk Absorber Scrapping
1. 40 mm
OSi"" . th. r, .nock aboorbor eootaio. nitrOll"n go,.do
not i"" io. ..to tile r.., . hoek eboo,bor without first
, oI iog th. p. "" it m.y . xplode.
0 Bofo... rr shock . boorbo, io ocr. ppod. drill . holt
point .bout 40 mm up from th. bottom of the
eyllnder to rol. ... tile nit r<>gon p ' eompl.t.ly. We..-
oofMy 91.'_ wh.., d,iIli"ll tho hoi. , as th. \III ' may
blow out bits of d, mod mot ol when th. hoi. opon.
I . Lower Sho<k Ahsorber Bolt .nd Nut
2. TieRod Low"" Bolt and Nut
_Sct the motorcycle on it' oenter ''''nd (0 lift the re. r
wnu l off t he ground,
_Remove the uppe; >hock absorber boll, then la ke off
the reaf .hock . bsorb.. unit toward Ihe ground.
Rear Shock Absorber Installation
_In, u nation b t he reverseof remov. 1.
_When j n , " ' l l i n ~ lhe rr shock ab,orber, be 'Oleful of
the following item,
oTighten t he upper ""d lower .hock ab,orber nu" 10the
specified torque,
oTighlen lhe ti. rod nut to t he , pedfied tor que i,ee
Exploded View).
Swin, Arm :
Swing Arm Removal
_Remove the left , ide f""t peg b..t kN (see Left Foot peg
Btooket Rem",,1in Frame oh. pter ),
A. Engine Sprocket Co, cr
B, Shift Le. er
C. Foot pog Br.ok et
_Remove the LH muft ler.
_Remove the right . ide footpeg hra, ket (seo Right
Footpeg Bracke, Romoval in Frame 'haptor).
e Romove t ho RH mufflor,
_Remove t he 'ear caliper (,ee Rear ( . Iiper Rl'mo,,1in
_R<move t he fe., whed \, <e Rear Wheel Removal \0
WI,I, ( fire, , hapte' ),
_Re"wvc the ,wing "m pivot nut . Do not ,emove the
pi' ot ' haft.
oTighten the tierod upper nut to the ' ped fied lorque
(' Exploded View),
OTighten t he torque link nul to t h<' peeified turque (see
Exploded View in Brake chapter ).
GAdju' l lhe drive oh. in aft er in, wllatiOi1 (;ee Dri,e
Ch.in Slat . Adju' t m. nt in Fin. 1Drive oh. pter).
Swing Arm Sleeve Inspecrion
*If the re i, visible ' eplaoe the , Ive and nooale
bearing.. a .. t.
t he condit ion of . ithcr
bc.ring and , Ieeve a, a
doubt a, to
replace the
Swing Arm Needle Bearing Inspecrion
eThe rollers in the needle bearing< we", 50 litt le thaI
t he w. ar il difficult to me",ure. In'tead, in, peel the
needl, bearing; lor .bra, ion, color change. Of other
*If there i, any
needle bearing.
_Rem.".c t he lower , hock . h"" her nut Do not remo,"
the holl.
_R" w,-c the uniu. k t ie rod upper nut . Do not remove
th. h" l,
Swing Arm Needle Bearing Lubrication
In order I", t he >wing .rm 10 function ..fely . nd
we" ,l owly, it ' hould be lubricated in accordance with
the Per iodic Mainten. ncc Ch.n '" whenever di..,_
e Oisa;;omble the ' Wing "-m.
e U'i ng a high fl..h-point ",Ivent , wa,h the , Ieev", and
ncedle bearing,nd dry them.
e ln, poe<t the noodle bearing.. , Iee, e, and gre." ..als
for ahra;ion, colo< change, or oth er damage,
_Apply a molybdenum di!-Ulflcle grea", to t he ""lOr
. i<c umferenoe of the ,leev",. and pack the needlo
bearing< with tho ...me gro.", .
Tie-Rod, Rocker Arm:
TieRod Removal
e Put t he mot r"cyd e on ;t, t ent'" m nd,
eRemove the tiNOd luwer bolt.
e Removo the tierod bolt, ,hoc k ab;or ber .nd
,wing arm pi, ot shaft while ,upport ing t he arm.
e Remove the arm toward the rear.
Swing Arm Installarion NoUJs
e When in' talling t he ,wing arm, be careful of the
folluwing item" _.
OTight<n thc ,wing orm pi'ot nut to he , peell,cd
torque (, ce [ xploded View)
the lower ' hock nul [0 Ihe 'pe<ified
torque (;ee Exploded ViewI,
A. R,,"r Shock Ah' o' b<r
8. Tic Rod Upper 80 lt
C. Lower Boll
A Tierod Upper Bolt
B. Ti. md,
C. Tie-rod Lower Boll
D. Roar Shock Ab, or ber
. Tighten t he l ie-rod lowor nut to tbe , pecilied l orque
(IC'O E, ploJ oJ View),
oTigh"'n the lower , hoe k absorber nul to thc >pccificJ
torque (, eo Exp loded View) .
tho ro<kor arm . haft nut '0 tbe ,,,,,ci l ied
torque (, eo Exploded View)_
Tie-rod, Rocker Arm Bushing Inspection
oThe bmhing' wear ' 0 little tba' the wear i. difficul t to
me,,"re, In" ead, in. pecl ,he b",hingl for .'hra' ion,
color chonge. '" other damage.
*11 there is any doobt .. to t he condit ion 01 eit her
b" , hing. , replace t he with f>eW one_
E Gre" e So, 1
A_Roeke r Ar m
B_ SI, e",,,
C. 0 ring'
Rocker Arm Removal
. Put a , uitahle 'tand under Ihe engi",, _
. Remove the right ha nd and left hand muflle r<_
oRetrack t he eent er ' tand_
.Remo.... l he lower mod abw rocr nut . Do not remove
the bolt.
oRemove t he t ie-rod lower nut. Do not remove t ho
. Remove t he t ie-rod bolt and , ho<k .b>o,oc, bol t while
, upr<>rting tho ,wing arm.
. Remove the ' iMod upp<r bolt . nd ta ke the tie-rod off.
oRemo", the other lie -ro.t
Tie-Rod Installlttion Note
. Tigl>!en the ' ie-rod upper and 10W< r bolt, to the
,pet iroed torque (= View) .
.Romove the nUl and pull OOt t he roc ker arm maft. nd
remu.... t ho fo<ker orm Ifom the bottom , ide of t he
A. Ti...o'"
S, Rocker Ar m
C. Suila ble Stand
D_unt" Stan d
Tierod, Rocker Arm Sleeve Inspection
*11 tllerc i, yt, ihlc dam.ge, replace the , Ieeve with new
au ' b tood . uitoblo l or tbo b.ig/lt of th. mo'or-
<yd . '. _ino, or , be broke bo m.oy bo tUlllJOd .0<1
Tie-rod, Rocker Arm Bushing Lubrication
In ", dor for tile t ic.,-od and roc ker arm to lunct ion
..Icly and wear , lowly, it . hoold be I" brieotod in
attordance wit h the Pedod ic Maintenance Chan or
when"er di.." emb led ,
oDi,., ocmbl o the lie-rod and roc hr . rm_
. U, lng high fl"h.p,,; nt WIVenl, wash t ho . Iecve, and
h" ' hing" and dry t hem.
oln. peet t he bu, hing> , , key", ' nd grea,. <e.';' lor
, br..ion, color ' hani, or ot her damage,
. Apply J molybde num di",l fide grease to t he outer
eircumlCfence 01 t he , Ieeve; , and pack the hu"' ing,
with t he ,.me grNIC,
Rocker Arm Installation Nates
eLheek Ibat the O-ring, i, in good condition.
Table of Contents
Exp loded View .
Special Tool . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
Handlebar .. .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . ... .... . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . .
Hand leba r Ho lder Installat ion Notes , .
Stee ring Adjust ment .
St eering Inspect ion . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .... . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .
Checking for Steering Too Tight. , .
Checking for Steering Too Loose . . .. . . . . . ... . . , . . . . . . . .
Steering Adjustment . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... .. . .
Stee ring Removal/ Inst allat ion . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . ... . . .. . . .
Steering Stem Bemcval _ .
Steer ing St em Inst al lat ion _ .
Steering Maintenance, , , _ _. . , .
St eering Stem Bearing Lubricati on : _ .
Bearing Wear, Damage . . _ , , , , ,
Stern Cap Det er ioration. Damage .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..
Steer ing St em Warp , .
~ : Base M a n u ~ 1



1. H_leba, CI
2. H...dloba." omp Bol..
3 Stftl oldo, M
4' INlI.l191 ""nting BoI"
. Stool Ball, (20)
G : Applygr..
T1:23N-m ...
T2 : 41 N-m 19.5 ft lb)
. g-m.35
' "
@ ' :"\3) @
,." ' " "' .
.. ..... . .
.. ...............
c. Mounting Ailon IIolt,
Si om Nut Wronch: 570011100
Handlebar Holder Instlll/alion Nores
aWh.., tightening t he handlebJr Imlder mounting !:>nll<,
wi, h handlebar . nd and hnlder pu.ned .. r",ward a,
pu" iblo, tighton the holder !:>nIl' 10th,
,pecified torque I",. hploded View). lhi' r re"nt'
the lell , wien hou, ing from hilt ing t he fu<l lank whon
tile i. turned rully
"-"k: 570011238
0Thi< tool may Deused in" d of (he ""mmon tool.
A. Handlobilr Ends
B. H.ndleb..- Hold""
Polo, 570011190
AdOptor: 57001-317
Boorinv Pullor: 57001-158
Special Tools
Siom Soaring Of i.." 57001-137
Adoptor: 5700 1294
SteeringAdju nment
When t he , teering bearings te properly adj usted. the
handle""-, will lurn f... ly from ,ide to ,ide wit h no
I"",ene" of t he ' teering ,tom wit hin t he In othe r
wOfd, . the will h"e litt le Of no free play and
no preload. In,pe<t the ' teoring ,",oording
to the Periodic Chart or if the following
, ymptom, are noticed.
1. Th. motoroyole while ridden.
2. The feol, tight .
3, The bearing race, be<ome. notched.
1, The "clunk" e>r "olick" when the
applied O( when the motorcycle i, ridden ""e r
pot hole,
2. The handlebars ,eem to . ibrate more t han nor mal.
STeering I nspecrion
eSet the motorcycle on j(, contor 'tand or ot her , uitable
'tand ,
eu, c a jaok under t he engin" to lift the front wheel off
, he ground
10. Too Tight ,
_With tho front wh1 pointing ,traight ahead. altor
nately ta p each end of the handlobar, The froot
wheel , hoold ,wing fully left and right from the force
of gr"lty until t he fOf k hit< t he ,top.
" If tho wheel bind. or catoh.. bofore the , top, the
.teeri ng i, too tight.
Steering Adjustment
es c, th" mutorcyelc up on iii center , Idnd.
e Remove lhe fairin!>, and lh< fu<1 tan l to ..<l id
d.mag ing the painted , urface,
eLoo,en lhe front for l lower clamp bolts.
e Looson t he ,tom heod boll.
eU,i ng a jaok und.r the engine, lift lhe front wheel off
the ground
ou, the ' teering , tern locknut u, ing tho "em nut
wrench (,peoial 1001, ) a or 2 tum, until il t um, . ,ilh
A. Stem fl.ad Bolt
8 Stem Locknut
C. Stem Nut Wren"" , 57001 -1100
D. Fe>r k l ower Clamp 80 lt
OTh. and wln' ng will have rome efftK:, "" r1le
mOfio n Qf rha fQrk which mUSf f>II infOxounf.
SUI-. rh. wi,.. and proPf'rly rourni.
OTh. Nd'in(J$ must be i n goo<1 eondifion.."d properly
l ubticafe<i in order for lest 10 be
Chockillll fOf Sto.. Too Loo..,
_Stand in froot of the mOlorcycle .nd gr.,p t he lower
end. of for k ncar t he ..Ie.
e reer for ' teering loosene" hy pu.ning and r>u ll ing t he
" If you feol loo", no", tho ' teering i, too 100'",
_If t he ,tee ring i, too l ight, loo.on t ho ,tern locknut .
f,. Clion of t urn; if the 'teering i, too 100", tighten
t he locknut a fractloo of !Urn. Tum the locknut 1/16
(20) !Urn al a time maximum.
eTighten tho ,teering , tom head bolt tu the
torquo {,eo Exploded Vie.,j ,
_T1 ghlen t he front fork luwer damp bolt, 10 t he , po
torque (..e E.plodod Viow in Su, pen, ion
.cheok t he , teering ag.lin.
*If t he ' teering i, , lill 100 tight Of too 100"' . ropeat the
.dj u'tment .
_In, ul l t he removed paft ' .
A B e . , i n ~ Ball, B, Gr"",e
Bearing Wear, Damage
eU, in& high fla!hiloint ", Ivent, w., h the bearing,
de." of yea.. and dirt, . nd examine {he roc", . nd
_Vi, ually chook the ball, Of r" ", ,
*11 t he wl l, 0( ra, ,,, are worn, Of if either rao; e i, dent ed,
replace both r""e , . nd. 1I ,he boll> for thaI be", ing.,.
_Apply oil to the lower inner and it onW the
Sl... ,Iem Uling the ltem be.,mg .d" .. . dapter
(,ped.1 tooi,) . Be , ure 10 In unui n 'lOp>
the " em b. ..,
1 Stem Be.ring Drive< ' 57001-137
2, Adapter: 57001-294
_Apply gr.... 10 the upper and lower outo, ,"<e, in Ihe
h..d pipe so thai Ihe ' leel ball, will Slkk ;n place
durinS, tern in>eftlon. In,lanthe upper 'teel b. lI, (19)
and lower Sleel ball, (20). All the "eel b. lI, are the
1. St..r esn,
- Put on Ihe upper inner 'ice and Sleering ,tern cap .nd
inmt the ' teerlng, tern into Ihe he.d pipe.
_ In, t. i1 the Io<oknut ' 0 th.t the reco, sed , Ide la, down.
The lollowins step, ' hould be perfor med
bearlnS in' tall" lon. Thil pmcedure ,ell i., the
b..rin!!' In pia...
OU' ing the stem nut wrenoh, tighten the ' lem looknut to
20 N-m (2 14,5 Itlb) of IOrquo. To lighten the
iocknul 10 the ' I>. d lled IOr'!oe, hook the wreneh On
the " em locknut, and pull the wrenell >. t the with
11 kg offorce in the direction , hown.
Torquo S, om Loeknu, to Soot IIeorlngo
,-t=::::-- - 180 mm
108 N
(11 kg)
1. Stem Nut Wren, h: 57001.1100
OCheok th.t there I, nO play . nd thot the 'teering'tern
turn, smoothly without i"",ene"" Otherwi.., the
'teering , tern bearinllS m.y be
oAgo in b",k w t the "em looknut fraction of turn
until i, !urn, lightly_
- Adju, t tho"eer ing(see St= ingAdju,tment),
_Rein' tall the part, removed.
_ Route the cabl., and ham....' oorre<:tiy. The cabl.,
and wiring horne"., mo" nut hinder handtebar mov.
- Check and adju' t the folluwing item"
Front Brake
Y bl.,
Ru r View Mirror,
Headlighl Aim
Steering Maintenance
Steering Srem Bearing Lubrication
In acoordar,c" with ti' e Periodic M.' ntenanoe Chart,
lubricate the "eering>lem bearing<; ,
_Remuve the >leeri ng ,Iem.
OWipe all the old gre.,e off Ihe roo., and b. II " w.,hing
them in high fl.,h-po;nl >olvenl.
_Vi, u. lly chock the roo., and lhe ball>.
* Rcpl. ce the be. ring ..",mblie, il they , how we., or
damage. . _
_Pad the upper and lower rat t . w,lh greo, .nd ,uck
the bc.. b.il II, In place ., ith grea,. ,
_I"'tall lhe ' leering >tern, .djU>l lhe ' te<ring,
A Ball, B. Gr...,c
Bearing Wear, Damage
eU,i ng high fl.!l1i>0int solvent, w.,h t he bearings
clean of gre'<e . nd dirt , . nd examinc the r.cc, . nd
b.I I,.
_Vi,u. ll\, the b. ll, Of ro<c, .
t he w ll, or ra, es are worn, Of if eit her rao;e i, dented,
replace both r.ce, . nd. 1I (he boll> for t hat bc",i ng.,.
Grease Seal Deterioration. Damage
_I n, peet the gr. ,,,, 5c.1 for . ny , ign> of dClorioroti""
or dam.g<.
* Replac. thc "".f i t ne( e" . ry.
Sreering Stem Warp
_Whenever the ,,ering , tem i, removed, or if the
" nnot be . dju>tc d for ' mooth act ion, ,heck
tho ,Wm for SIr
*If t he , teering ' tem ,haft i, bent, repl"e the "eering
" em
Table of Contents
Exploded View .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seat . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
Seat Removal .
Seat Installat ion .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .
Side Covers . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .
Sjde Cover Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fairings . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Upper Fairing Ramoval . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .
Upper Fairing Insta\lat ion Notes . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
lower Fairing Removal . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . .. . .. ... . . .
Upper Fairing St ay Removal . . . . . . . ... ... . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . .
Fenders . . . . . . . . . .... . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Rear Part of Raar Fender Removal . . . . . . , ,
Seat COVI!f Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . ..
Front Part of Rear Fender Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
Front Part of Rear Fender Installat ion . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .
Footpeg Bracket .. .. .. ... . . . . . . ... . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .
Left Footpeg Bracket Removal . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . .
Left Foot peg Bracket Installat ion Not e . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Right Footpeg Bracket Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . .
FRAME 14-1
' 44
, 4<
: Base Manual
14-2 FRAME
pply gr....
L : Apply non - .
n . 44 N po, m.""nt lock-
1 . m l4.5 kg-m 33 f Ing ogent .
..., h. 6 10
2. Bolt 6 14
3. Bolt 8 20
4. SCfOW. , 6 x 25
6. S",ow. , 6 18
5. Allen BnI
BolIO. 6 10
8. 80110.8. 20
8. BolIO. 6 x 25
10. BollO,6x25
11. BolIO' -
BolIO. 8 16
13. SCfOW 5 x 16
14. S<:<ow
' .'"
6. BoI.. . 25
16. BolIO. 6 14
17, BoIIO.6. 16
18. 14
18. BoI... 6 20
20. Sorow., e 28
FRAME 14-3
14--4 FRAME
1..-1 \II. iplili<>n '.'WI to\' 'nlO _ l lotk_
""", -.. IN ...... por. of thl lh<
ip>'_il"" kO\' cloc k.. ... .
Swin, _ \lit ..... , _ it .
A. Sutlodl
. S1 ip the hool< of !tie ...t undo< th o br. ce 011 m. fuol
lank, . nd put \II< ,toppt" of tho ... 1 Into the ho""ln
Ihe f, ._.
Side Cover Rflmoval
. R.....- \II. _ I .
.R._ .... _.
<!'ull lh. , ...- pori and froot port <>f ttl< """"
evonly outw..d 10 d e.. th. , Iopp"'l.
0 0 0 not bond 0..... 1tHI . H:l1 "'01. 100 for. TIl couH:l
I I'u'" down .... reM pa"1 of It>o ...1 until Ihe Ioct
d 'dr..
A. ""'
B. $t oppet,
l Pu>h do.... l he . ubbe.- cbmpcr lo . ...., the fuol !.Int .
<Ro """,. !h. ,ide ""vor.
to ferno,e the luwer
B. Tank EIf.cket Boits
A. Screw,
A. Upper Fairing Bolls
_If the upper fairing bolts are difficult to install on the
fuel tank bc",u.. of mi.. lignment, I""""n ' he tank
bracket bolls and adjust t he lank po,ition,
_In' tail the mount ing scre,..s, bolts, nul<n.nged colla..,
and w..h... in , he origin.1 po, itions (see Exploded
A. FairingStopper
Lo wer Fairing Removal
_Remo, e the lo ilowlng ",re,.. ,
I. irlng.
Upper Fairing I nstallati on NONS
_Fit ..ch f. iring ' topper into the hole in th. fairing

a Bo ""rolul nol 10 ,"ote h tho "" lot! . urb<:- du,;"11
,"",,0 ..10 ' InOllllation.
_Pull off the t urn ,ignall ight conne<lor>.
_Mo, e the upper fairing forward while
fairingoUlward, .nd ,ernove it.
Upper Fairing RemaVBI
_Rerno, . thofollowing bolt>. . nd screws.
A. Rear ViewMirror Mounting Bolts
B. Allen Bolts
C. xrew.
C. Mount ing Sore"", A. Seale"'e'
B Mount ing Boll.
Front Part of Rear Fender Removal
e Romo,e the following po,l,.
Reot Part of R.., Fender
Seal CO'Ier
Regol. tor/ Rect ifie, Unll (on tho right side)
IC Igniter (=Electritol Systom chapte,)
CooI. nt Ro",,,,, ir T.nk
Air Cleoner Hou, lng Rubbor Band
8ottory and Fender Mounting Boit,
(bouom of the bmeryl
Seat Lo<k LOI'<r Springs
_ Remoye t he two upper ond lwo lower mount ing boll! .
_ Moyo lhe ", al <oye, ,.arword whHe bending the cove,
OlLlward, ond remoy. It.
Seat Cover Removal
_ R. mo, e t he 1<>I lowing Pi'rt<.
Roar ParI of Re., Fondo,
Side Co,o"
T a i l l i ~ h l ConnrxlO"
e Remnye lhe ,..I co, er moonl ing bolls .nd ,ew,.
C. Stay Nut
B. Mounting Bolts
Upper Fairing Stay Removal
- Remove the following pari .
Upper Fairing
Heodlight Unil
Meler Unit
_Tah off the 'lily boil and nut , thon , e"""'e the fairing
' Uy.
8. Stay 8<>11
14-6 FRAME
Reer Part of Rear Ftmder Removal
_T. ko off the mounting boll, to remo.. t il< rea, lendor.
... ................................................................... ......
A. Roar Fender
FRAME 14-7
8 , l ock Lnu- Sprina>
u fr Footpeg 8n1Ckrr
Ii>< n lttNi ",;t (_ ulO<Nl
Shift Me<:1w>M1 R_ l ln ltIo O .nk.....ft!T,.".......
..... ll.
_ Re_ II>e fo>o<pe'(l e<k... Allen boll . ..... QU oft
1. F""l p' g Snokel Allen ll<>lu
Ll!fr Footpeg Br.ckl!l Insl-" auOll Note
Refer 10 Uler Shift In...... Note.
in lhe CUnbh.II{T, i..... c...pLer in mio .........t.
_ the Iron, IW1 of the reu fmdot b.o<k_d.nd
_il _
Ritl>r Ft>t>!f>"g Br.:b t R_ >4I
Refe< '" lhe Boor Mo,....j ""tina Uw 10I"";"e-
Cit iJ nol .--,. '" rnnoow the rrodf\er ............

Front Part of Rear Fender fnstallaulJfl
_In,,,,ll the """"nlinl bol".nd ",. >hor. in tho> OIllin.1
politi"" (oee h pl<><led Vi"",I.
Electrical System
Table 01 Contents

15 13
. ,1514
. 1514
. 15-14
. 15-t 2
. . . 15-14
. . .. 16-11
. . . . .. 15-12
. 1513
Sa.. M.nual
Lighting S. st em ..
He.dl ight Beam
Horizontal Adju.tment . ..
He. dlight Beom Vert ical Adjuotment 16-11
Headlight Bulb Replo""ment Not.. , .
T. il/Br.ke li ght Bulb
Replacoment Not ..
T. II/ B, ake li ght l en, Ram"".I!
Inot.l lat ion Note.
Tum Sign. 1li ght
Bulb Replocamont Note
U"""'e Plato light Bulb
R. placement Not .. . .
In,paction .
He.dlight Roser.. Lighti n<j
Sy$t.m I",pe<:tlon . .
Cooling Fan Sy.tem .. .
F.n Sy"om Circuit In.pect ion .
F. n inspeelion ...
Fan R. la. Inspect ion ..
Met o" and Gauge . . .. .
MeM . and Gauge RalTlO'J.1
Mete" . nd Gauge Oi.....mbly .
Mete ro.nd G. uge Aepl.cement .
MeM Of Gouge Asseml'". Not o
Bulb Aepl.coment Not ",
Tachomete' I....peet ;on .
W.ter Temporature G.ug<
Oper.tion I",peet ion ..
Switch.. '00 50....0'" .
Front Br. ke Light T." ing.
Re., B, oke light T..t lng .
Re., Broke Light Swit ch
p",it lon Adiustment
Switch Removai Not.,
Switch In. poct ion ..
F. n Switch In. pect ion
WaW T.mpe, . t ",.
So"",," I",,,,,ctloo
J unction Box ...
Fuse Remov.I . ..
F"'e In"allat ion not a
Fuse Inspeelion ,
Junction B o ~ Fuse
Circuit In, poct lon
F. n, Startor Circuit 000 H.adli\i>t
R. la. I....pect ion.
Oio<l. Circuit In,pect ion ..
Electrical Wiring .
Wi, Ing l",poCllon . .
Wiring Oiagr.m IUSaoo Conad. model.l . .. 1 ~ 1 1
Wiring Diagram IUK.oo Aust,al i. models) . . . 1 ~ 1 8







, 15-10
Pr.".llt ion,
h"'odod View ..
Parto location . .
Spe"ificationo '
Sped.l Tool>
Battery . .
Precaut io,,"
Electrol yte.
EI. ctro lyt. level In, pect iDil
Batte,y Charging.
Battery ConditiDil
Batt ery lnitlol Charging . .
Batte ry Ordinary Charging
Battery T..t Charging,
Ch. '!ling Sy, tem .
Altemator Co.e r Remo.aL ..
AltemaID' Co.e, In,,. llotion Not
Altem. to, RotOf Remo.a l . .
Alte,n otor Roto ' In.t.l l.t lon Not ..
St.tor Coil Rem",.1. ..
St. tor Coil I",tollat lon Not...
Altornato, In. pectlon . . .
Rectiflor I", pection .
Regulator In. pecti on
Regulator/Recti!ier Outpyt
Voltag.ln.pectiDil .
Ignit ion Svotem. ,
Safet. In,tmct iDil'
Pickup Coil R.moval
Pickup Coil In. taliatiDil Not .. .
Spe, k Plug Rem"".1. .. ..
Spe,k Plug In".II. tlon Note
1\I"Itlon Coil R. m"".1 , .
Ignition Coill nstoll.tion Note . ..
Pickup Coil In. pe<:tion . . .
l\If1 itlon Coil In, pection . .
Spa, k Plug Cleaning In.peetion
Spar k Plug G.p ..
IC ignite, Remo.al .
IC Ignit e, In'tollat ion Note<
IC Ignit er In.pect ion . .
Elect ,i" Slarle1" Sy.tem. . .. .
St.rte r Moto' R.mo, al .
Sta'ter Motor Inst oliation Not.. ,
St.rter Motor Olsasseml'".
Starter Mot or A>orembl .
Bro. h lnopection . .
Bru.h Spring Inspect ion . .
Commutator Cleaning
000 In, pect ion .
Armatu ra Inspect ion
Brush l ead I....pe<:t lon
Brush Platt I"'poot ion
Sta rt.. Rei Inspeelion . . .
Precaut io ns
Thore or, numbor; 01 impor" nt pfoo.ution<th", or,
mU'h ...hon " ",<lri<. 1 <y" em" L, arn and
ubse"e . 11lhe rule, b, low.
a Do not re"e" e t he h. tt<ry lead <onno, liom Thi,
will burn ou t t he diod e, ;n t he olew;c. ' PM!>.
(;Alw. y, oan ory cundilion bdore <ondemning
ot her p.r l> uf . n elect ri<al , y"em, A l ully d>af&ed
b. Uery i mu, 1 for <ondun ing ""o urale elow;<. 1
,y,t om t om ,
QT' ho olt rk.1 p" t, , hw ld nevor h. W U< k , horply, ",
with . h. mmer. or . llo.... d to 1.11 on 0 hord , u,lac o.
So<h . , hud t o t h, p' f1' con d.ma&o t hem.
oTo pre"nt d,mo&o to elowi,, 1 p.rl '. do not di"
, onnt t he bmety Ie,d, or any oth or . I, m b l
coMe<tion, whtn t ho ignit ion ,...itch i. on, or ""hile
[he i, runn ing,
" B",use of tho I., go dmounl uf , urr ' nt , n. yor ke<p
the , tMler ,witc h pmhed when tho , lmOf mot<>r
will nol lur n o"r. <>r th, eurront m. y born Oot the
."' tor mot or winding,
"Do not use moler illomin.,i" n oolh " led for ol hor-
Ih.n or .... It.g, ,poel l i, d in the di
'g" m, '" the motor or p.nol could Do w",pod
by .., ..,;vo hedt ..di. led l rom t ho bulh.
ot aee eM O nut to , hort t h, I..d, lh'l ore direelly
co nnect <d to [he h.ttery po, i[;,. (+) tormin. 1 to t ho
oh. "i, ground
OTruublo, m. y invol,, one or in lOme ..,,'> J II it om,
Never ropl. , dol l i"o pMt wilhuut det ermining
""hOl CAUSED l ho f. ilure, If lho failure """ brough
on by lOme o[her ilOm or it , m, . t hoy too mu, t he
r<pai"d or repl>ced, or t h, now roplooemoot will
won f.iI ' g.>in .
OMake ", re .11con nocto" in the circuit are cle. n and
l ight , ond o,,'ni no w; rel for of
e<c . POOf wi.. , . nd bJd oOMoclio n. ""ill dHoC! olee
tfl<, 1, yllom op<ration
oEloW icdl Co nnector>
Femole Conneeto n
' 'Colo, Code"
81. 81u,
BR Brown
CH (how loto
DG OM !;
G Gfocn
GY G" ,.
L6 Ligh[ blue
l G Li&ht g, o'n
o o..
P Pink
PU Purple
R Rod
W Wilile
Y Yellow
oMeJ"" " coil " tid re' ''lanee whon the pMl i,
cold 1.1 room tompe"l ure)
Mole Connectoro
@ ~ /
. ~ ~
1.1C .....
1. ()I, l'r-. two_
5 . f .. lIiwndl
I . _. Roloy
7. ROIIIII.-IRoct, Ii
I . Plckwp Coil
IS : """"'" __10 "'" ..._ .
T1 : 7. Ill (0.80 19 ,,"I
12: 12 Ill 11.2 k 104 in....
n : 13 ,. 113 ,,-, 113 in 1
T4 : IS,. m (U; kl.... . 11.0 h -lbl
T5: 69 N", 17.0 kl -"' , 51 h-lbl
9. Ignit ion $witch
10. Ru , Br LigMSwitc h
11. Sid. SUnd Switch
12, Tum Sig",, 1R.lay
13. Junction Box
14. Fu
L : Apply l1OI"I1>"' m. ...nt locIc ing _ nt.
16: 5.1/ N-m lO.60 kg-m, 52 in_b)
T7 : 1.0 Nm lO.10 kg , 1/ in.lbl
T8: 3.4 N.... (0.35 kg 30 in-Ibl
2. St.,... loU."." Swi!dl
1. I",ition Coih
-t. B.olllI"y
s. K: l&nil..
6. r "" Swild!
7. Oil .........'" Swild!
I . Pickup Coi l
9. NcuInJ Swil'"
10. Sidr Sund Swi!dl
11. S,..-t... R.I.y
12. TumSil n. I Rol. y
11. ,"",, 'ion
14. W.,.' T.mpo<.t"'. Son""
15. f ront Broh light Switch
17. Rw8..
18. Sur ,... "' atilt
Refer to the B.,e Minual not ing the following.
Ignition Sy" e",
Spa,k plu9 eap ,a.i . la""a: 3.76 _ 6.26 kn
IlII'ition co il , .." tan..
h i",a, y winding: 22 _ 3.6 n
Secondary windi"ll: 10 - 16 kn
(wit h plug eap ' ammadl
Igni tio n ti ming: 10 BTOC Q1300 ,/min (, pml -
42 BTDC(l4&{) 0 ,! min (, pml .
Il 6" Bl OC (11300 , Imin I,pm)-
42" BTOC . 4500 , ' min !rpm)
Picku p coil . ..i'ta..... , 100 150 n
IC Ignita, Inta rnal Re.i.lan..: in tile t ext.
Swit<:ll end San..,,,
Wit.. temperalUre sen<or re>i'lilnce
SO'C (1 76F) 42 62 n
l 00"C (212F) :
Ign ition SPHd Relation,hil>




- -
Special Tools
Refer 10 the Ba.. Minu.1 not ing the following
addit ion. 1tool, .
Timin g l ight: 67001 1241
Coil Toote" 510011242
QU", the coil to' ter in' lead of Kaw.",ki eie<trote".r
(PN, 51001 980).
Spark Plug W,.""" (Ow_', tool l : 92110 1132
Kaw...ki Bond JSilicon. SMI.ntJ: 56019120
Following a few , implo ru le, will greatly ""'end Ih<
Ille uf Iho ball ory.
oWhen t he l<v<1of t he <Iectrolyt < in Ihe bJ lt ory i, low.
ddd OIlly di'l illed wJ ler t o eaoh 0011, unt il the level i,
at the upper lovel line tn.. ked un ,he out,id< of the
b. ll ory. Ord inary tap wJlor i, 001 a <ub<t iluto fo,
di<till<d "'Jler and will , hort on the life of the battery.
" N" or add ,u lphuric .oid '>Olul ion to the balte ry. Thi,
will mJko t ho olootro lyt e ",Iu, iun too <lrong . nd "i ill
ruin the hdUory ", ithi n J very ,hort I.ime.
OAvuid qu id "harging the banery. A qUick" harg< will
dam.go the batt ery pIJl",
' >Nevor lel good bdltory ,uod lur more t han 30 day ,
withou t giying it supp lemental oharge, and never lot
di<ehargtd ballery 'tand without ohorging il . If a
bduory , tdnd, for any lengt h of l ime. it , lowly ", If
disch.rge, Onoe it i, di<ehargod, the pl. t o, ", lphJ te
(' urn white) nd t he b. ll ery ", ill no lon ger t ake.
uKeep t he b. n ory well"harged du ring cold we..ber '0
th' l the olectrolyto doe, not fr o" e dnd <rook opt n t ho
batte, y. Tho more di"ha rged the biluery beoomo,. tho
moro e..ily it f,eezo,.
O/l, lway, keop t ho b,u<rY , ont he," free of ob,truct iuo,
. nd m.ke , uro il doe, oo t got pin<hed, u imped, or
mclled , hut by contact wit h t he hOi mufflor. If
b.ttery ll""" <am", t e><ape throogh thi, ho,o, t hey wiII
oxplode tho bauery.
The ,ide i, grounded.
Electrol yte:
Electrolyte Level Inspection
_ R. movo t ho battery.
_Vi<" .l ly ch..k t he el..lrolyt e level in t he b. ttery.
Bettt ry Eltctrolyt . L I
L Upper L. YeI Lin<
2. Lowe, Level Line
*11' the I..el line of olut rolyte in . ny cell i, boiow the
lower lev<l lIne on the b>tte ry ""<e.add di;t;l led water
on ly to t hot coil.
_In't ,lI t he batt ory.
Battery Charging:
Bat tery Condition
ohorging, cho<k batte ry condit ion by t.-t ing t he
,pecific gravity of tl>< ole<lro lyle in eJoh cell.
Ol)row liul . fl uid from the , oil ", ith a hydromet er.
ORoad tho level of Ibe electrolyte on t he Hoaling ,.", Ie.
Thi, i< t ho , peoifio gr. vity of the ele<trolyto.
Hydromete r
_ Loo k for 'cdl""' nl and whit e , ulf, t ioo in,i de t he cell,
on th. hot t om of t ho prJt.-.
Battery Condi ti on
1. Sulfal ion here
2. Sediment hero
_See t he B.uory Troobb h,,<>!lng Guido in Balmy T.-l
" If t he >pecifi< gravity i, below 1.200 (chorge 60%). t he
ballory need, to be
!'l OTE
uThe spKifk gravity of the oIoctrolyte vori.. with
cII""IJM in tomp",.",,,,. so the spoclfic groviry _Ing
mu.t corrfICt;txi for the of the
Add 0.007 point. to rtJoding for each ore
ebove ere or subtract 0.007 point. for eo<;h nrc
twow ere.
oFah""' hol t: Add 0.004 points to reading for tNlCh /ff F
wove 68'F Or subrnJt:1 0,004 poinrr for Mch urr
beiow 68"F.
*If the , pe<ific g",lty of any of t he cell, i, more t han
0.050 away from any ot her t he battery will
prob.bly not .ccept a oharge. It i, bo, l to
roplace a ban ery In thl' condition.
*I f lhe , pec if ic gra, ity of all lhe oell, i, 1,280 or moye
t he batlery i, chMged,
Bettery Initial Charging
Bef",e being placed In &e"ice, a ntIW bat t.,y muot
be gi. en . n initiol ch0'1lill9.
-Cut off the "" led end of the yent ho,e ond
remoy. tho filler <ap'.
e Fil1ch coil to lhe upper le..1 line on t he bon ery ..,.
wit h fre'" electr olyte at a t emperatur e of 30'C (86" F)
or je", Let t he b.uery 't.nd for about 30 min"t
before eha rging.
Ol f the el ectro/yre I..el droP<, add . Ieerrol yre 10 the
upper chergi ng.
eL.. the c.ps off the cell" <onnect the t o.
, et the ..te . t 1/10 t he battery
<opo<ity, J nd ctlo'llf It fo, 10 ... F", example. if
lhe bonery i, raled 01 12 Ah, the <h"ging ..t e wou ld
be l .2 A.
Cif til . bottory i. not given 0 full init ial char lling, it
diochorgo In 0 f.... w..k. . Altor it coo not bo
""argod by ... pplomootctlo,giog.
OKoop tho botte' y "".y from 11"1<1<nd open ft. ....
doriog ctlorllill9, . Ioco the giv.. off . n
!I'I' 01 hVd,OlIf" . nd oXYII"0' Whon uung 0
bo"ory chorgor. conooc' tho bo"ory 'n .ho clt.orlllll'
bofor. torniov on t ho cka rvor. Thi. prooodur. ",... nt .
. p.rk. at bo...,y t .rmin.l . which could IlII\i ony
bo". ry go .
GOo not u high ,ott i. ty pioally
omployod utomoti.. ..... i ..oliom, unl... tM
"""Il'" rol<l 000 be rodueod '0 the 1.... 1 rflqui'od ,
Chor5liog t ho batlory ot a highor then . pocifi. d mav
ruio tho b.n. ry. Ch. r5ling high rot. ClU. ...xa ..
hut which cao w.rp tho pl.t ood co"", in. omol
. hor ting. High. r-t hon-normal ctlorging rat al.o cauo_
.ho pl.o. .. to . hod acti .o mo riol. O.pooltl will .cou-
mul.to, ood Cln cou.. io rn.1 . horting.
elf tIIo t omperat uro of tho _Ioct rolyto ri... . b"". 45"C
(115'Fl du , lng "".,glll9, roduco the cka rgiov ,.t o to
low,", .h omporotu....nd inc"..... cho, gtll9 time p,o-
portino ly,
eTum t he chJrge r " ff , t hen di" on noct it from the
"'Check ban ory YoltJge , B,nery yolt age , hould he 12-
13 v,
-Check the , pec inc gravitY 01 Meh II wit h a hydrom
el e<(,.e Battery Cond it ion).
*1/ t he yoitmeler or hydmmete< reading, ar. below
t ho", ,pecified, addit ionai is n""",,,, ry before
the b.ttor y <i n be in' talled.
Battery Ordinary Charging
_ Remove t he b.ttery frl;KT1th. motorcycle.

UAtw.y. r.mo tho l rom t he motoroycl. fo,
""org;ng. If the botl.. i. in. tolled,
bott.ry el. ct roly m. v .pi ll . nd torrod. f ,.me or
o.hof p.orts 01 tho motorcycl e.
-Cl eon off the b.ttery u,log 0 baki ng ",daa ndw'le<
one heaping l.ble, poo n of b. king .<Xl. in one cup
of "ator .
OBe carefu l nol 10 get any of the de. ni >o1"l lon in t he
" The termin.1> must be <>peciallyolean.
e lf any of the oel l, Jre iow. fili them 10 lhe LOWER
le""l line Wilh dhti lled wat er only. The eloctm iyt e will
exp.nd du' ing cha rging, and the le, el "il l ri",.
-Cono<ct charger to t he b.ttory BEFORE plugging it
in or it on.
OK..p tho bott.ry aw.y fm", . pork. and open fl . .......
dur ing ch"IIi "ll, .i """ tho b....ry gi. .. off.n . xptosi
g .. of .od Whoo u.i nv
b.ttory thorvor, connect the bott .,y to t M
belo r uming on the chorger. TIIi. procedure pro...nt.
. pork' .h. bottery tMmi,,"l. whi"" coul d igoi onv
b. ttary go ,
. S. t t he oharge ral e .nd t ime accor ding to lhe bJttery
eondil ion pre,iou. ly delermined (, 0< Sall ery Con-
dition) . u,ing the table.
f ullya..pd
------- --




10 11 12
, ,
'-00 "'" _ """' betMry __. .. is typ 1y
....ployed .. _ \1M _trico rt.oio"". "" ....
-.... _ bo __ ... .... ...... _Iraod.
1Mtttoy .. a hit'*" _ opaci l ied "'"
"'i" bott...,. C , a high ,_....... a. _
h hich _ p pI _ .nd ..u.. In.......
o/I""i"ll. Hi<jl. rlh.nnot rnal oh..ginl , . t...Ito ..u
tho pl.t.. to .hod _i _I...OoI>O. ilO will . ...
cumubotond CIIn ..u int...... . hort ;n .
" " Th . ...._ .tu.. 01 .... " oetrolvto , i bo " S'C
(11S' f l .I"",,, _ oi"O. '-ltIa ........ nl ..w to
low.- tM .",__",....... i _ _ Vi"'l tlmo
. Tum tI<e _lOr olf 0< _ 1"1 it. chen <1,""""""'1 i.
ff ..... the bonay.
bottlty _ clition t_ llatll<Y Conditionl.
*If !hoi b.o.moy __indu te< lItal ' I i1 no! fully
ctwFd. clt1i "l u_ ll llol<:nYry.
Tesr Ch.,png
. If the b.oU..,. ;. _'tdof _I drf<octi w . ....lal td.
0< .. a _II", <On>ult the Uble.
. To I"" th... a pe,fo<mthe oli nuy ....,.;nl
proa:du", M>d """,1 1Ot Mlefy ...... an<l oth..
,I"" .. menlione<! bel" w,
*If th_ bone, y wdd<nly jump; to 13 V ill<'
ofter the .un of , har.l nlL lhe plol'" a" probably
. ulf' led, A 8""d b.ne,y will rise '0 12 V imme"i...ly
"nd t hen 10 up 10 12.5 or 13 V in . boUI 30
min 10 and h"", .flo, Ihe " ortof
"' If on' II pr<>d"'.. no l" hubbies '" h6 ' .. ry low
.pet if" gr. vity. it i. probably "'orled.
. if doe> nOl ' u be ",dimenl in <ell
to .horl 1I.. plale<, but that , oil h.. _ y low topeCif"
W.'ti ly . 1... the i. l ully .....god. 'M " "",hie
moy be th.. the.. i. not enouKh acid ' n th.o. """ , oil.
In Ihi> c..e only. .... run'.ocid ...._ ,""y be .addtd
to .... , pKi fo, " ...il y.
*If a fully N t ttrY IIOl in "'" """" it< ""','"
af.... 2 ' 0 7 <Uvs; .... i f .... _ ili<: ...-i.y "'_ _
the b.oIlefy ;' The f-o..a.......
a ""'" b.olttrY ;' only ""'" day.
Batt-y T.....WOsl>ooti.. Gu....
Suspett Ib''''ty M l ion
t+J <oIot ... (. ulphal e<!f; + pl. ", .

H S'. v b,o ken or c"" oded
Sedimenl none. or . mall a"", unl Il dimeni up 10 plote" '""l in
Ih"'t Replo""
Voltage abo.en V Delo... 12 V TIS! ,horge
Lev. 1 above plat.. below lop of plate, Fill ond lesl <h.,lII'
Specific Grity
1,200 in 011 <el1.; oo t wo bol"", 1.100, Of differ' nce M ""'r
Te" ch" Ke
c.tl. """'. than 0.020 different ,h... 0.021)b<twecn ' ''' 0 eoll,
Charging Syst em
Alternator Cover Removal
_Drain t he (,,,., Coolant Draining in Cooli ng
Synem chapt<r).
_Remove the waler pipe<frum t ho water pump.
Alternator Rotor Removal
_Remo, o t he alternator cover ('00 Alte rnato r Cover
_Hold t he .Iternator rot or , teady wah the rolor hold"
('p<cial too l), and , emuve lhe rutor bol l.
A. Kotor ttoldcr , 5700 1-1222
B, Rot o'
C. Rotor Bolt
A. Wat er Pipe!
B. Shift Lever
C. Enl(ine Sprot ket '.<:IV"
D. Water Pump _ Remove the rolor with rotor pulle" l,p eei. 1 too l, )
011 ttle ,ot or i. difficult to remo. o. ""n tIl o pull .. u. ing
o wrench whi lo tapping t ho head 01 t ho pull.. wit h I
hl mm". 00 MIt I ttempt t o m iko th o olgrnator rolOf
itsolf. St ' iking tho rot or ClIn ClIUse tlJ. mognolS t o 10"
t h. i, m*llnoti.m.
S, Rotu, Pulle"
57001 1223
A. Rot o, Pull.,
_Remo,'e t he ,hift I..or.
_Remuvc the engine , proc ket eover.
_ Di" onnen the altern.tor lead and picku p toi l lead
w nneetol';.
_ Remove t he eave, bolt' and t. ke t he Cover off tho
Alternator Cover Insrallarion Note
_Apply . ilicono -ront to t he c'. nh ase
, u,face on the fr ont and re. , , ide of th. co,.. mounl.
1. Silioon. s.al..nt Applied
Al ternator Rotor Inn<ll/<lt ion Notes
_Clean the following p. rt< with ... cleani ng fiuid
, uch " tr ichlorethylene or aCeton e,
0Th ... d ..ninl Ilu id r' u.u.lly highly II.mlNlbl nd
harmlul il br th. d 10' prolonlJOd po. iod . . Bo , u
t o h. od .h.fl uid m.nuloc. u... . ... . ningo.
AI m.'o. Ro.or CIninl Al
Stator Coil Installation Notes
AIt. m or L. od Instoll'tlon
1. The u pered port ion of t he c, . nb h.fL
2. The t apered portion of t he oltem' tor rotor.
1, Silicon Seolanl Applied Ar..
2. Pickup Coil
3. G, omme"
4, Alternolo, l ead
5. Pickup Coil lead
6. Allernator Cover
_When , he , Ilemotor roto r, fi t . he rotor on lhe
crankshaft lapered po rtion and lighte n me rotur boll
_Tight en the alternator rotor boll 1o the , pec ificd
to rquo {,eo Exploded View) while holding lhe al,er
nator rot'" " oady with t ho ' otor hold",.
Stator Coil Removal
_ Romo. o lhe , Iternato r CoVer
_ Remove th o pickup coil , m, w" . nd u ke on t he <oil<.
_ Removo the , Iterna.or ",tor Al len hoi" and u ke ull
the "ato r,
_ Fit t he I..d, grommot into the not ch in lhc allemalor
covor, Not e the l ollowing.
<:Clamp t he . It..nato r Ie.'" .nd pickup coil le. d, "'
, hown,
OApply . ilieon. .., I. nt to the grommo", and fit lhe
gromm et>.. ' hown.
_In' lilll the piokup cuil {_ Pickup Coi l ln;tall.!i" n).
' Tighte n t he , ulor Allen bol" to l he , pee ir.ed , " ' que
{;ee Explodod Viow),
A. Clamp'
B. Sut'"
C. Allen Boll'
Alternator Inspection
The" aro three t ype, of altornot'" f,i lure" , hart.
" pcn (Wi re burn.d out )' '" 10;' in '010' magntti,m. A
, hort '" Op"n in " ne of lhe c"il wi ro, will re, ult in
"ilher low OUl pUl, or no ou tput at 01 1. A10" in rotor
ma.o; net i, m, which may be edu, ed by drop ping or hitt ing
t ho .oI ternal" ', by Ica' ing it n<or an elcel mmagn<t ic
field, Of iust b" aging. will re", lt in low OUtp u.
_To chec k the .. .. rnaw ou tPUt m lt.go, d" th<
following proced ure! . Refe r t o the appropri...
chapte.. , nd ,y,tom Di.g.. m.
Turn un me ign;ll"" , wit ch,
Oi,c""" ect con"ector 2.
Con ne<ottho mult im.te' as , hown in tab le
Starl the .
Run it at the ,pm give" in tab lo,
Nole t ho .,,It.S'' readin!!' {tot al 3 m<", uremenul .
' If the output vollilge .how, ' he ,'alue in labie, lhe
, Itemalor operote> properly i nd t he regul" ",!rec' ifier
i. d.m:og<d, A much luwer reading th, n l h.t , i" n In
the lible indica,.. mat , he alt<roato, i, deleot i .
oChock lhe >lalar coil re, i>ta",e i ' follow>:
S,op the engine
Connec, lhe mult im. ,er ., , hown in table,
No", the ,..dings (total 3 mea,urement)
o tern.tor ,,,put
o _.
R o . d i n ~
Mew (+) 10 M<ter 1 I ~
@4 000 rpm
One yellow Aoot her
Iu d
yellow le, d . bout 45V
(Cunnlor 21 (COnneclor 2)
Ch.rging$y' tomWiring Di.gr.m
L Ignition Swi,oh
Diode, (R'o tifier) n Main Fu, e
Connect'" 1
Connol Circuit (Ie) tz. Ba'terY
3. Connoctor 2 s Regulat"'! Ren ifier i a
Sl.l.r, er Rel,y
AI,em.tor 3 Conne<lor 3
LOi d
Thyristor> W Starler Mo lor
Conne<lo.- 4
SUtor Coli R..I, '.n""
MeIer (+) 10 Me lef ( 1<0
Ono yellow Anol her yellow
, 0
lead lead 0.2 -0.9 0
(Coonector 1) (Connec'ur 1)
'"Any me,e, reading Ie" t han inoily (oO) indicare
. hor" necessilating" ator replact mCn l.
'"If t he , tator coil, have nO""i l re,i' t.nce, but II!<
voltag. check ,howed mo .I remalor 10 be defecli..;
t hen tho rolor magneli,m hav< probably woakened, and
t he ' ola' mu' t be rtplad.
If !htre i<me>re re, i, lanee than , hown in t he T. ble, or
no mc r r..ding (infinily) for any two lead" l he ,Mor
h an open I. ad and must be ,eplaeed. Much Ie" , h.lO
mi, re, i' lance mean. the ' latur i, 'horled, and must be
repl" ed,
_U, ing me highe' t re,i'lance ronge of !he multimel.r,
me. , ure the re, i, tance be, ween each of lhe yellow
Id, aIld ch."i, ground.
Recti fier fnspection
-Ch eck the diad. fe, i' tance i' follow, .
o Remov. tho RegulatorjRectifi<r and di..onne<t tl><
<onneelor 3 (,ee Ch.,ging Sy.tem Wiring Diagraml.
OOConnec l an ohmmo' er la tho regulnorlrettifior '"
,hown in , he Table, and cheek lhc re, i, tance in bol h
direct ion; of each diode following the table.

Rocti fi.. Circuit In. pect lon

Mew (+Ilrad Connection
, too n
"' "'
WiR v v
Hn 400 n 200 n 200 n won
- -
- -
SkU a n soon wo n wo n
10 HI
10 en 10 ec 10 kfl toa en
- - - - -

- -
- -
- -
- - -

T 200 I!
- -
wo n
' 00 n
- -
600 n
' 00 a
-, v
Aegu l.to. / Ro<:tif i Tormin.
Ilrow n Load Term;n.1
Whit "!R.d Load Termi". 1
; Black Le.d Terminal o.
0 === 0
1. Retu l,tor!Rccl ifio,
2, Te' t Light
3. 12 V Bane, y
4. BK
6, Y,
1. Y.
8. 6 Pin Connector
vn. o I t lig/lt ....o,k. a. on inc!icot o, onc! al... . . .
curronl Iimito' t o pr ot ect t h ' .9Ulotor!,oet ll l.' Irom
. x....I " r.nt . Do nol U an ommoto, in" .... of 0
t eotlig/lt.
_Conne<l the bmwn lead '0 the other batte ry (+)
terminal and oonnec' t he biack lead '0the banery (-)
terminal moment.,ily. At thi, time the bulb ,hould
no, be Iii .
nTh, IIClUli m.:" "'iding v.,l.. wirh uud
III1d rho indlvidtiM diode, but, ge-vly _ king, rho
lower _ding "' auld from z"", t a rho 'irlt J> of the
Regulator Inspection
To Ie" t he regulator " ut of <ir<"'l, "'"' three 12 V
batt eri.. and a te,! light made f, om a 12 V 3 _ 6 W
bulb In a ' <>chI with load,.
_ Remove tho regul. tor/ rec' ilier from t he frame,
_U, ing lead, . connect one of the yellow load.
to lh. batl ery (+) [e, min . l, and <on non the {..I light
lJ,eIW."" t he black lead and the b. lle<y (-) terminal
_At thi, lime t he bulb , hnuld not be Iii .
1. ReguI01or!Rl ifier
2. Te' t Light
3. 12 VBattory
4, BK
5. BR
6. Y,
1. Y,
8, Y,
9. 5 Pin Connector
_To .pply 24 V to lhe ", sul.lor/ rect ifie r, co nnect two
12 V bal teri in seri.., and c()f)nect lh< hrown I. ad to
t he N nery (+) lermi n. 1 . nd l he blad I..d to t he
balter y ( .J t erminal mom<ntar il,. . Tho bulb , hoo ld
now light and st.y on um il t he bu lb circu it i, or<' ''''d,
- +
Bat t e,y
R.gulator/Roctifi. , Outp<lt Volt og.
_Slort We .nd not< t he voll.oK" readinK' . t v.,-
lou' enKine ,peed, wit h t he he.dllKht tu r"ed on . nd
then tur ned off (To turn off t he Iwadlight of US . nd
Cm.d. model " di",onnoct the he. dlight CO" ncet",).
"' The r<. din!\' ' hould ,how ne. rl y b.tty vol tage wh<n
th o <nKine ,peed i' low, . nd. , me enJline 'Peed ri, e"
the re. dlnl!' <hould also ri... But mey muot n.y
wilh in l he ' pecified range.
"' Il lhe oUlput volUge i, muoh higher lh. n the ' pe.if i"".
tion, Ihe , el\Ulat",/ rec' if ier i' defecti...
"' If mo output voltaKe do.. not , i.e., th o engine ,peed
increa"" , lhen t he regul.lor/ro<tifier i, defecl ive or lhe
.I t<rn.'or output I, in",ff id enl I", me lo. d" Check
Ihe . It e, n. to, and reK!' lal or/ ,eet ifier 10 deter mine
which parI i' deft ive,
6. YI
7. Y,
B. Y,
9 6 Pin Connect or
2. T." Ughl
3. 12 VBat lor,.
4. BK
000 n", opplv mOre th ... 24 '011. . If mOl1l t hoo 24
. olto i. oppli.d. t he relllJ lo'o,/reetilio, may b. d. m-.l.
0 0 no' .pply 24 V more thM t ow co",," ho
telllJ l. ' or!r . c, ifi.. may be d.mogll d.
Roguloto./ Roet if io, Outp<ll Volt.
Meta' ,ongo: 25 V DC
Conn.aion: Banory 1Q<l (con""""')
M.t.r (+ ) Bott y + ...mi...1
M. ... 1- ) _ 8K/ Y 1_
R..ding: 8ott..y >ol t oll" to 14.0 '0 16 ,0 V
_ Repe. l tho ' hove t h.... <tep, for ot her t wo yellow I. ad,
(In ConMct ", 3 which ie.d, lu the regol. tor / rec'ifier).
* Ropl. "" t he rogul, to rj roOllfier if t he bulb doe , not Iigb'
a, oc,cribed . I>ovo,
Ign it ion Synem
OT/Js abo"" te<t i< no, roolproof. /f t/Js 8b<JOB cIleckl
<how regula/ or/ _ri fisr i. nor bur rhe", i.
srill rroubJ8 in rhs sysrem. fir>r eSnlfu/1y
i"lpecr t/Js bBr",ry . wiring. we 1111 c",,
" fICtion.. RepltJC. the regulal or/ nI<: rif!ar if 8/1 th_
otfle, compon"" f>' rum our good.
Serety In n r ueti om :
e Tho ignit ion .y. t .m produc......' .. mofly high .oltoll".
00 not touch th o ' POrk plug. , high ooil,. 0'
.p., k plug I d. wh ll. t he . ngin. i. runni " 9. or y01l
oould i , Io.", iool . hoc k.
Regu/8tar/Rectifier Output VoIt<Jge Inspection
_ Rem",e the ",al.
-Che, k the b.t"" ry co ndit.ion (.ee Batt ery ..<t ion).
_W. rm up 'he engine to obu ln ,cI",,1 . Ite rnato r opera-
'I nKco"dil ;on, .
e Stop the e" Kine . nd ronnen me ho- nd le, t<r (' I"' , i. 1
t oo l: 57001983) t o t he bon ery le. d, . , ' hown.
0 0 0 no, di.oonn eet th. b.tt. ry INd. 0' anV oth.,
. 1.et,i",,1 conn...mon . wIIon ,h. Igni' i"" , wit ch on. or
whil. t ho . ngino i. , unning. Thi, I. t o pro_ t IC
ignitor d.m. gII .
000 no. i" . ..11th e battorv baockword. Tho n. g.ti.. . ida
i. lII' ound.d. Thi. i. ' 0 018' . ", d.m.go to t ho dio<\t-o
. nd Ie ignit . r.
Pi<; kup Coil Removal
_RcmoY< the allemat or Cover {,ce Alternalor ROlor
_Remove t he pic' up coil lead damp ' CIT W, and t.< ke t he
d amp off t he cover, thcn ,emo>c the pickup coils.
Pickup Coil Installation
_In, ,,11 t he pic' up coil. as lollow>,
''In,,,,11 the le. d clamp belwee" the lib' 0" the
altornalor cover., , how".
o Apply . ili"""" -'ont to lhe grommelS, .nd Ilt the
grommet> .. "'own in the figure (>ee Slaft..- Coil
in th is Chipter).
Pic' up Coil L. ad In,,.II . tion
A. Clomp
B. Water Pump
1. Altemalor Cover
3. CI.mp
4 Li quid G ket Applied Are.
5. Coil Le. d
6. Lib
7. Grommets
GOo not run on the le'd to tho , Iternowr Cove, lib .,
, hown,
"Th e pic' up coil mu, ! be in't alled with the
Ic.d , id< downw...d as . hown,
OClamp t he h, rne" of the pickup coil loi'd' .. shown.
Spark Plug RemovaJ
_Remove t he right ,ide cover (,ee Side Cover Rem<>\'a l
in the Frame chapte, ).
_Pu ll off the ,park plug cap.
_Rem"" e the 'p"' k plug< u, inR the 'p"'k plug wrencl1
(owne, '. tool],
A. Sp"rk PlugWrench' 921101131
$p8lk Plug Installation Nores
_I nsert the ' I"', k plug vertically imo the plug hole with
the plug in'talled in the plug w'enGh.
plug finger and to the ,pecifled
tor que (.eo hplodod View).
Fit t ho plug <ops ..<,,.ely.
I _ "f ,
,. . , 10 0 'f"om W ' Diagram
1. Ignit ion Switch
2, 6-pin Connoctor
3, Stop Switch
4. Gp,n Conn.Of
5. Diodo'
6. Jutleti on ecx
7. Ignition Coli .....r , .



8. Ignitinn Coil #1 C I" d
9. Spark Plug, YIn or
10. Stanor Lockuut'
11 S'd _ witc h
. I e 51. nJ Switc h
12 Neutc.1Switch
13, St.ner Relay
14, Main ru,e30A
Ie Igni te'
l -pi" Connect '"
Allef n.to< Rotor
P,ckup Coil #1, #1 Cylinder
Ignition Coil RemovBl
_ Remove the up per faidn I
out the ping cap, Ir; m<e. Frame chapter).
_Dlsconn""l t he ,'"n', ' thc , park plugs
_R h ,, 1 Ion roil' -
l he coil lead ConneclO" .
015. K nul' and take off
A, Ignition Coil
B, Mounting Bolt,
C, Prim.ry Ld
Ignition COil /nsrallati an Nates
lOCon nect t he primary Ie.d, to t he prim"y coil termi-
nal, .. follow",
Block . nd fed Ie.d, '" No , 1 ignition ", il
Gfeen and rcd lead, ... No._2 ignit ion 'oi l
_The CDand e markings to t he pfim..y coil
terminal, on the ignition coii body indk.te the polJrit y
of the termin. I" The pol. fit y of the two .pork plug
leod, ,are !>hown when the rrimary lead, are con-
nected 0' indicaled in the
Pickup Coi/ lnspect ion
_Oi",nnn t the piCKUp coil conne<tor,
_ Zero t he hand t..ter (,pec i.1 too l: 57001983), .nd
connect it to pk kup coil lead>,
* 11 ,the is more r..i' tiln than the , pecilied value, t he
cOli h.. an open Icad and mu, t be replaced, Much I..,
lhan thi, , ..in,nee mean, the co;1i, , hc..-ted, and mu, t
be replaced.
""tilt til"" K. w_ 1
prodoclJ dlffemm dittOfl ct1, rhe KIlW_i
EI""tro_, i. m;omm.",ied for multo,
_Remo,", t he igniti oo <oil.
lOConnect the ignition w il (Wi th Ihe ,park plug cap left
inm.lled at e. ch of the ' park plug I d) to Ihe le"er,
aI1 d m<",ure Ihe arcing di'tiln ce.
Ignitiun Cull Test

Ei\ 9
- 0 " -
a (j)
1. EJ ectote, ter
2. Voltage Sour
3. IgnilOn Coi l
OTu oid u tr.m. ly high voltoll" , hod.., do n<>1 lOud!
tlHl coil or I..d.
Pio.l<up Coil Roo;, t.,..,.
100 - 150 n
_ tile highe>t , ,,,i, tance ,.ngo 01 the h. nd l<ster,
me..ure the "'!>lonce between t he piCKU p <oil lead,
and ch."i. ground,
* Any me ,", Ie" th.n infinity (00) indic. te, a
, hort, replacement 01 t he pickup coil
* I f t he di' tiln"" ro;Wing i, I. " th""
value, t he ignition coil Of ,por k
def<d iv< _
IgIl itlon Coil Atelng DIIl. nee
Ihe , pecif<ed
plug C>P i,
Ignition Col/Inspection
M. ..uring arcing dist. nce ,
The mO';t . cwrat. Ie" lor det ermining the cunditiOIl
of the ignitioo coil i, made by me..uring arcing di, t.nce
with. coil re,te, l, p"" i. 1tool : 57001.1242)
eTo determine whk h part i, defect i<, mea, ure the
, " ing J i' W <e with the , park plug cop remO\led
from t he ignition coil.
*1/ t he arcing di' tanc. i, , ubnor mal .. before, the
trouble i, wilh the ignition coil ir.elf. If the ."inK
di' lance i, now norm, l, the b"ouble i, with the , p. , K
plug cap.
Me..uring coll re, i, tance:
if the a,dnK ,""e, i, not .., il, bI ., the <oil <.... be
checked for a broken or b.diy shor t. d winding with an
ohmmet<r. Howe."r, an ohmmeter Cannot delect layer
,ho'''' ""d 'hor'" r..ulting form insulotion breakdown
under high voltage.
_Di, conn," l lhe primary lta d, from lhe coil (erminal'
_Me""r< lhe primary winding ,",i,ton,",
C(".(mnect an ohmmeter bet ween t he roil lerminal<.
OSel t he meIer 10 lhe x 1 n range, and read the met.,.
_Me.,u", the ,"condary winding , ..i"anee
OPuII t he , pork plug cap off the lead,
OConnecl an ohmmeter bet ween t he ,park plug leJ d and
the termin. L
oSet the meter to the x 1 kn range, J nd ,".ldthe meter.
* If lhe meter doe, not , pecified, repl.co lhe roil,
Ignition Winding Ao.i. tonee
Po- ima'v windln90: 2.1 _ 32 !l
Sot<:ondory windinll" 10 _ ' 6 kll
Ignition e nil Wi nding A..i"ane.
(3) 0
1, Mc..urc primary winding "" i' \inoe.
2, Me"u", ,econdary winding re, i'tJnco.
3, Ignition coil
*If t he meter read, J' , peeified, the ignit ion ooil
winding> J'e probJbly good, However, if l he
,y'tem ' till d"'" nol perform .. il 'hould after , II
other eomponent,; ha" heen Ch ecked, ten rtplace lhe
coil with one known to be good.
-check lhe ,park plug leJd' for vi'i ble damaJ;e.
*If any , par k plug lead i, dam.ged, rtplace lhe coil.
Spark Plug Cleaning Inspec tion
_Remove Ihe , par k plug.
-Cle.n the ,par k plug, preferably in a ,an dbi.sl ing
devi, and Ihen tI", n off any ab, .,ive p<l rllcle. , The
plug m.y ai,o be cleaned using a high fi ..h-j>Oinl
,ol"enl J nd a wi,e bru' h or ot her ,u it>.ble tool.
*If tho , park eJeet rod", are corroded or damaged,
0' i f t he insulator i' crJoked, "pia"" lhe U.. t he
"""dard pi or i" equivalent
*i f tho , park eleetrod", are corroded or d.maged,
Of it t he insulator i. crJcked, "pia"" lhe U.. t he
"""dard plug or its equivalent
Spark Plug Gap
_Mea>urc lhe gap with a wire.type lhickness gause.
*If t he gap i, incorrect , c. refully bend the , ide elect rode
with a , uiuhl. 1001 to ob" in the correC{ gap
Spark Plug Gap
0 .6 _0.7 mm
Sperk Plug G. p
1. In'ulJtor
2, O nter lIeotr ode
3 Plug Gap
4, Side Elect rode
tc Igniter Removal
_Remove t he left ' ide co. .. I.ee Fra"..., chapter in t hi,
l exl) ,
_Pull the igni tor oUlw",d evenly.. far .. it will go.
_ Pull the igniler upper ' ide oul of t he ..ar fendor tongue
just enough 10 clear the longue, lhon pull the lower
' ide out.
OPulling oitho' . ido of tho ignit<>r too fa< out moy b'ook
t ho f.rod., I_ e, ond tho n"" f. nde, will noad to be
A, lgniler B. Rear Fende' Tongu
_Pull off t he contleclor and remove Ih. ;gniter.
Me",u red with the k awa' aki Hand Teit. r 57001983.
A tester other than tho k, w",aki thod 1.,ter may , how
different readings.

_ 30 _
unit kU
Te,te r (+) Lead <.vnnen lon


as m
.. .

' '''' , j x l kll
- .
IC Ignite, In1ll,,,,,1 R..;,to"""
Ie Igniter Instal/lit/on Note
Qln, talbtio.. i. the r..or," of removal Note the fol
lowing. .
. Put the igniter inwer . ide halfway into the fender
t o..~ u e , t he.. pu,h on the upper ,ide.
()FOfcing . ith. , lid. of the igni"', mav broak th. fonder
tonguo, . nd . h. ' .a, fond..- wlll nood to bfI , . pl_ .
,oReplaee the IC igniter if the fe,d ing i. not t he ' I""ified
Ie IgnitJJr Inspect /on
e Remove the IC igniter.
e Zero an ohmmeter, and connect it to terminal, of t he
Ie igniter 10check tho internal re, istanee of t he igni ter.
0. ' u," to set the toSler to the K1 kU ,.og<.
leAU' lO'1
UU.. only Kowa ki Hand Teotor 57001-983 fo, thl.
t.st. A t1II' other thon tho Kowoki H. nd Tost..
m. y ' hoWdlfferont _dingS.
Olt m_ , 0' . m.t., wi'" l. rgO..,opo";\Vt>.1t..... i
...d. ... . Ie I ~ i t .. will bfI domoged.
Te,minal No. of IC Igni tor
I e I ~ n i ' . r TJ<>ubl hoo, i"ll
In, peo le igniter
and pickup coil .
Repl."e rc
Replace pickup
Trooble m.y l>e <ou",d
by ot her igniti on ,y' tem
pam or . n ~ i n e it..ll.
Replace damaged
port ,
Replace pan
which" nat repl.ced
abo.. , top.
Electric StarterSystem
Starter Motor Removal
_Drain the ens ine ,"I.
Ih ool.nt 1' "0 Coolonl Chong. in Cooling
Sy'tem ch.pter).
_Remove the ",",er pipe bolts ond take t he pire' off t he
",.IN pump.
_ R. move t ho , hilt levor and remove t he . ngine ,procket
_ Remove t he oltern.tor cover and ,tarler idle ge.. ", ith
, hafl.
_Dis<onnen t he ,tarter motor le, d from the motor.
A. ORing
A. Clean 11 ,,,.
_Apply ,moll amoun, of engine oil to the O-ring. B, Bru, h Sprinll'
5, End Covers
A. Brush Hoider
, he ., mot",e off the pinion gear ,ide.
_Rem"" e t he hru, h , pring, from the hru, h holder.
_Pu, the ,torler motor on ,h. crankc.'>e.
_Pre" the por, of ,he mo,or end Covor and pU'h tho
mu'a< into t he hole,
A. St re",.
Starter Motor DiJi!Ssembly
_ Romove ' he . u rter molar (,ee Starter Motor Removal).
_Take out the ",re w, and remove bOlh end covo",
C. Starter M" lor Boll' A. Star ter Molor
B. Slan er Motor L.-d
_Remme the start er motor bolts JIld pull the motor
towa rd t he right.
Starter Motor Installation Notes
OOClo, n the >torter motor lugs and crank.",e where ' he
, ,., ter motor i, grounded ,
el f me bru, he r< to be removed , follow the b<low,
uR<muve the >Cfew . nd t J ke off the negotiv< bru,h ,
oRemo.'o t he nut and t erminal bolt then lake off t he
positive bru, h,
6. Bru. h
A. Too thed Wa'oher
B. Thru.t Wa'oh er
C, A,mat ure
o Tru't Washe,
e ln' tJ ll l he arm.ture and yo ke .. folloW'>,
oFil t he ,pri ng on the 'l'ring pon h, lfway; the po,t mu<l
b< PO, itio ned in lhe D-shaped end of t he , pring, Tum
t he olhe, end of the half t urn d o.k",i,.. and
fil l he end in lhe bru, h woove, Pu,h t he , pring .lI lhe
w'y onto t he P'O>t", me ' tepped por t ion.
06e ,ure the , lender O-ring i; in pi",. on tho bru,h , ide
yoke end.
l he yo ke not<h onto t he end cover pin,
C. Slet1der Q.ring A. Pin
B. Notch
A. NUl
B. Terminal Bolt
Starter Motor Assembly
e ln. tall the negat ive bru, h,
el nm ll t h. terminal boll .nd t he renw ved part:; a.
Terminal Bolt .nd PO'''
, . Nut
2, W, sher
3, L" ge In, ulJ tor
4 Sm. 11In. ul.tor
5. (}.ring
6. Termin, 1Boll
7, PI..tic W., he r
8, Po,i li.. Bru'"
eWhen in' talling lhe pinion gear , ide end <Xvc,. not< the
OFit t he too thed w..her tang, inlo the notches.
OBe , ure lhe , lender Q.r ing i, In pl. ce on t he et1d CO' Of.
11. NeUlral Switch
12. Slarter Motor
13. St.ner Rel.y
14. Maio Fu, .30A
15. Bmory
E1 1<;!Y
A. Align t he mock,
6. Junction Bo,
7, SWIer Circuit Relay
8, 9-pin Connector
9. 21' 10 Con""c!o'
10. 51..-ter Loc koUI Swite h
~ 5:?CI CI
. , "
BK/ Y : : i ~

C, Too thed Washer

( ~ )
1. Ignition Switch
2. 51' ln Connector
3, Engine Stop Switch
4. SIMler Button
S. 4pio Connector ,
@ 6-pin Connector
A. End Cover
8. O-ring
_Alilifl t he mar k on t he pi nion go., , ide end COyer
with the m.,k on t he yoke.
Elect.;" St orie' Circuit
BrU$h InSpl,lCtion
_MelOu,e the of e.ch bru,h.
. 11 . ny i, worn down to tne " ", ice limil, "' place all
Commu' o. o, Diomotor
S. .. ioo l iml' :
23 mm
22 mm
OMe..ure lhe diameler 01 t he ce>mmuta.or,
. Repl. ce lhe ,'artcr motor with a new one if lhe
""mmu lator dia""'ter i, Ie" lhan tho ", ,,,ice limit.
Ccmmutetor C1eaning and Inspection
_Smooth t he commutator , "rface if nece, ..ry with f ino
.""' ry d oth, and cle.n oot lhe 8rOO\,''',
C. Sh,h
D. Dia"",'e,
S, Shah
A, Groove
B, Commut. t", Segment
A. Seg"",n l
Armature Inspection
_U, ing lhe x ] fl ohmmelOr meaWre lhe
,e,i, ' ance bet w"",n any ' 10' 0 oommut.,u, ,egmena,
.11 there i, a high fe, im nce or no reading (00) belw""n
any two <egmenu, a winding i. open and t he ' liorter
moto, mu,' be replocod
_ U,i ng Ihe highe't ohmmeter rang<, me"ure the fe, i, t
anee botwe.n ' he commutator and lhe , haft .
If thcre i, any reading ot all, the " matu,e hlO . , hon
ond the 'torlOr motor mu, t be replaced.
ben if lhe loregoing check< ,how lhe .,mot ure to be
good, it may I>e defectiv. in ",me manner not readily
delectable with an ohm""'ter. i I . 11other , tarlOr motor
and ,t.fler molor circuit components oheck good, but
t he ,,.rter motor " HI doe, no, lurn o'<r o( only turn,
over weakly, replace the "arter mOlor with 0 new one,
11 mm
B. Emery Clot h
B, Lenglh
S.."or Mo.or Bru,h l ongtto
S. ondlord:
So..i... Limi"
Bru&h Spring Inspecrion
-check , h., . he bru, h ,pr inS' are in and will , nap
lhe b, u, h.. firmly inlO place,
. 11nOI , rein't. 11or replace t he , pring,
A, Commutator
Brush Leads I nspe<: ti on
' Set the ohmmeter \0 the x 1 {l ,."ge.
' M,ur. ,he ''''''antebetw " the negal l, . brush and
,h. plale.
e M.,u, . tho , i'lance between the po, ;ti.. bru,h and
Ih. {erminal.
StllJ' ter Relay fmpection
' Qj>ronnect the 'tarler mutUr le. d and baUery po.iti..
te,mi nal from l h. ,l.rtor ", I. y .
Ol h. bl tt ory (+) ,..d with tho rubbor cop I.
conntctod dir_ y to tho batt o..,. "".i' i.. (+I .., minol
o'on wh... 'ho ill"i'ion swi'oh i. off , .o ta k. co, o not to
, hort , ho , omo..d lood '0 cho..i, F e.."... .
Storto, . oloy .., minol.
(Lood. di. conn. ..odl
, , 11
() n . .... , . IOYclick. whon
otort o. blltlon il pu,hod.
Mot.. RullO
Mo, or R..ding:
U, inK the , 1 n ohmmeler range, m.., ure th. r..i<l-
anee ocro" Ihe rel. y terminal;,
*If the relay click> but t he me' .r doe, nol road l .ro, l ne
rel.y i, defecti.. m d mu, 1 be repl.cod. If l h. " lay
d"", nol click at . 11, th. " lay i, defocti.. and muO\ be
r. placed.
*If the " lay m.k., a ,ingl. clickin8 ' Quod . nd t he meier
,..d. zero t h. relay i, good, The trouble i. in the
.... rt. r molor or th. motor pow. , . upply wire.
Swi,ch "".ili on:
IlI"i'ion ,wl'ch ON
Ita p swi, oh RUN
Sta tlor blltton ON
Nou"olsw itch ON (T, ontrni"lon i, In Nou..oO
Mo,o, Conn.."ion:
La..li ""
* If t hore i> nul c''''e to ,.ro onm t he t>u " h i, an
open and bru.h mu,t be repl. oed,
Brush Plate ena Terminal Bolt Impecrion
e Set the <>hmmeter t o (he high." ran ge.
eMe.o, ure 'he re, i, tance b.tween the po, itive bru. h
holder and th e end <0"0' .
_M,ur. t h. r" ;51' ''''< belwecn tho terminal and t he
end cover.
*11 th" . i. any , ,Hng at al l, t he in, ulator may be failed
and the w..her 1lnwlO1or) of the end cor mu,t be
A. Po, iti, . Blu,h Holder B. End Cover
The h.adlight bo. m I, adju' table both horilontally
and ..rtka lly. He. dlighl aimioS mu<l be correctly
. dju".d for your ,afe a, well", oncomioSd,i..".
In moSl are.. il i. ilicgol to , ide wilh improperly ad
iU, l. d h
Headlight Beam Horizontal Adjustment
_PUI a Phillip, , ""'wd,i ... into the horizontal , dju'ter
guide on the back of the headlight.
A. Ven i<. 1Adju'l o< B. Guide A. Horiw ntdl Adju.ter B. Guide
cOt! high b<Hm, the brighttnt point should"" slightly
lHllow horlUJlliel with Ihe molOtcycle on it< wheels
I/11d rhe ridw _ ted. Ad/un: the headlighl 101M
prop<Jr.ngie .ccordlng to 1oc.1nJgUlatlons.
oFor US m<>del, 1M proper II11gle II 0.4 d_below
horizrmr.l. Thi< i<. 50 mil' (2 1111 drop .1 1.6 II' (25
hi mBHIJred (rom th. center of th. hMdlighl with
tIJ. motorcycle onlu wh"".VJd the rider _ted.
_Turn lhe . dju' ter on me he>dlight in or QuI unl il the
be. m poinl, w . ight . head.
Hoodlight Boom Adjurtmont

1. Horiz()flUI Adju,t e,
2. Adjuster Guide
3. Verti,,1Adju'ter
4. Adiu' ter Guide
A. 50 mm (2 in)
B. Onter of Brighte<;\ Spot
C. 7.6 II' (25 ft)
D. Hoight uf He. dlight Center

Headlight Beam Vertical Adjustment
The he.dlight beam i, odju'lilble ,ertic.lly. If .d
jU' led too iow, neit her low nor high be.m will illuminate
lhe road far enough .h"ad. If adju'ted too high, me
high beam will f. il 10 illumi"'ll e lhe ruad ek>.. ahead,
and the low be.m will blind oncoming dri,e".
_ Put a Philli!" ""ewdrl,er Into me , ertical .dju'lef
_Turn t he adj u'ler "" t he h..dlighl in ur uul to adju' l
l he he.dli.ht , ert ie. llv.
<::Whon hondling ' ho quortzhol<>gen bulb', novo, touch
tho gl.., po,tion wit h bor. h, nd. Ah.-.y. lIM , ....n
"ot h. Oil eont.mina\Oon from h, nd, or dirty ..g. con
roduco bulb lifo or e.u, o t ho bulb ttl oxplr><le.
_Fit th e du,t eo"" onl o tho bulb firmly ", ,how" in lhe
Dun Co. or Inn.llot ion
TfJi!/Bmke Light Lens
RemovfJ!/lnstfJlliJtion Note
oBe ."elul no t to u,ert iWi tenl ho Ion. mounti ng . crew.
Tum Signal Light Bulb Replacement Note
0lk "art ful not to overt ight en the len, mount ing ,or"".
License PlfJte Light Bulb Replacement Notes
o ln. I. 1I the I>ull> len; 'iO t hat the "TOP" mark on
the len, poolnl' up.
o Do not o,o'tighten tho len, mount ing .uew,.
1. Du' t Cooe r
A. Top Mork
2, HoadliWi l Bulb
A, " TOP" M.,k
olk cord ul not to oVorl ight, n tho lon, "" d ,,,,kOI
mount;ng ,o ro"", .
Tail/Breke Light Bul b RephlCemeflt Notes
Olnoerl t he new bulb by oligning the pin, with the
grome, in the w. lI, of the . ", ket ' 0 t hn the pin ol"'. ' t
to the bulb baso i, 10 the uppe r righ!.
A. Pin C1 0""l to Ba""
S Modell He.dl ight Circuit lU
Ignit ion Switch
1, ' Con noctor
2, 6-p,n L' h' ing Devi,e
3. Re, "",e I&..t o,
4. 6pin Con," "
unct ion Oh ,
S. Clr, uit Re ay
6 Start
7' He.dl ight RelJ
lOA 8: Headlight Fuse
9. Dinde.,
10, HeadlIght I d',ato, Light
",h Beam n I ' ht
11. . ' dkator L,g
12 FaIlure n
13' 6pin Con n..t n,
, ' Connect or
14, 6-pm S itth
15 Dimmer w
16' 9. pin Connector
. ' Connector
18 3'
ln, ' or/ Roctifi..-
19 Regu a
20' Sta't Relay
21: Main Fu," 30A
22. Battory oct",
23, 4-pmCog n
H. ... lighl Ci"'uit
IOtho, th.n US Modol ShGwnl

1. Igniti"" SwilOh
2. 6pin Connect...
3, Headlight Switch
4, 6-pin Connect",
5. Jonct iGn B<>x
6, Taillight Fuse lOA
7. Headlighl Fo,e l OA
8. Headlighl
9 City Light
10, 2 pin CGnneet ",
11, High Beam Indig t,,( Light
12. 6-pin Connecl",
13. 4pin Connector
14. 9-pinConn<'Ct'"
15, Dimmer Switch
16 Starter Relay
17. Main Fuse 30A
18. Bat te ry
Cooli ng Fan System
Fan System Circuit InspectiOfl
_Disconnect the cOnneclor fr om t he fan ,wit ch.
-Ground t he red/white wi re to lhe engi ne wit h a , uil>ble
* 11 the I. n t urn, . i", pen the fan ,w it ch
*I f the fan d"", nol tU'n' , in, poct t he following,
Junct ion Il<,x Par i' (Fan Fuw, Fa n Relay]
Main Fuse
Fan Inspection
_Di", onneCI t he 2. pin conn lor of lhe fan lead,.
_Using t wo auxiliary wire" , upply battery 10 the
Wi.. ConnoClion.
Bloo L.." Bolterv (+)
Bloclr. Lood Bottory (_I
* If t he fan doe, not t urn al th i, l ime. the fan i, de fective
and mu, t be replaced ,
Fan R8111 tnspection
Refer to the Main, Sl>fter Circuit , and
Relay In, pection in Ihe Junct ion B<>x , ect ion.
Fan Ci...... il
1. CuollngFan
2. 2pin Connector
3. Fan Relay
4. fin Fo, e l OA
5. Junel ion 80x
6. Fan Switch
7. Radialor
8. Starle r Relay
9. Main Fu>e lOA
10. Ballery

, .,,,

............... ................. .............................................
Meteu and Gauge
..................................................... ........................
o Remove t he mel e" and gauge by laking off l he mount
iog nut<,
Meters and Gauge Remov8i
OPl...,. lI>e molor or IIIIU,," so tt10t the I""" i. up. If 0
moler or 90uge i. left upoido down or . idoway. l or ony
Iongth 01 l ime, it will moll uMtion.
Remove the following pam.
Up!>"r Fairing (<ee Fra"", chapler in t hi;
Headlight Unil
Speedometer Coble Up"'; End
A. Headlighl Unit Mount ing Bolt,
A. Three Mounting Nut<
Meters and Gauge Diussembly
_Remo,,", t he COY... mounting",rew"
_Remo"" the COY.,. . The rubb.,. knob cap
come, off with the COY.,. .
_S. p.>ralOeach meier ur gauge by removing the mount
ing sorew, the ter minol
A, Four Cover Mouoting Sere"", B. Co.er
Tachome l.er Inspection
OThe Tachometer inspection i. u p/sine<! on the _ump-
,ion the ignitioo ry.tem o,wra"" normllliy.
_Chock 10 >cc , h. l t he rubber damper> ore in' tili led .t
the meter mounting brack, !
* In, wll . new d.mper where it i,
_Check to ",e tbat the rubber domper> >t tho meter
mount ing brackel are in good coodil ioo they ,hould
not be hard or cr..ked.
* Replace . oy domOll"d rubber dampe" with new 011<>,
-Chock to,.e t hal .11meter mount iog null " etightened
," curely.
*Tighlen the loo, e f., l ene"
Merer or G,wge Replacement
_Repl. the mele, or the with the po;nlef
if neoe,SNy.
Meter and Gauge AS$embly Note
_In' tili! each le.d on lhe po, itinn , hown.
Bulb Replacement Notes
_T" rOm"ve lhe ... type bulb, (indieotor ond
illuminationI. pull uut the bulb , ,,,,keto . nd pUll the
bull>< off the <oc k"t>.
[CAUi i,,]
S. BR, BL/ R
H, FlK/Y, R/FlL, 3A W Fl LJ lb,
I. BK, 3.4 WBulb
ODo Rot u.. bul b. ' . l<l<! fa, gro.... ""o, ..gt ,hon , ho
. potoified . ohlt , ... tho moo. O' \10 ..... I"'nol oould
btoomo ""orpotd by .....i.o hoot .odi..ed from t he
Tachometer Inopecrion
_Che<k the tachometer d rcuit wiring (see Tachomet er
Circuit and Wiring In,pection).
* if . 11 wiring . nd wmponenl' other the tachom
eter uoit check out good, t he unit i, ,u,peot. Check
the unit .. shown.
_Tum the ignit ion 'WilCh ON.
_Remoy. ,h. BK lead uf t he ignition coil.
_Open or connect the BK lead to the b>ttcry p", iti. e
termin.i u, ing .n auxiii.,y lead. Thon lh. pointer
shoold fliok
_Tum t he ignition , witch OFF ,
* If lh. pointer dot' nol flick. ..pl. ", tll< t. chome...
r ..h........... Cirwit
"9[ (': "
1. ignition Swit<h
2, 6-pin Connector,
3_ Tachomeler
4. 4pin Connen""
5. Ignition Coil (#1. lH)
6, Sp.... Plug
7, Starter Rel.y
8 M. in Fu' e30A
9. e.nery

Watll r Temperaturo GaugeOperati on Inspection

. Prop" e an .",iliory wire, . nd chec. t he operation of
th o gaug.
Go_ O"" rnion eh ed<
IlI"ltion Switch Po, i,i ",, : ON
Wi.. Locotion: Fom. I_, Sonsor connoCl<>r
Ro,"I ..: Goug hould rood C whon co nn.."o,
wi.., I, opll nod .
GoUIlO ,hould rood H whon co nnoCl<>r
wi,. i' lI'oundod t o . ngi.....
W..., Tom"",.tu .. G._Circuit
coe not g,ound t ho wiring longor ' hon no<:o" ory. Aft..-
th e nMdIwing. to t he H PO.it ion, ",op th e "'...
Othorwi.. t ho goullO ""uld bo domogod.
*I f these roadiog> are n01 con-"ot, the trouble i< wiIh
t he gauge . nd/o r wifing.
t ho w" Or t<mp<" t ure B, ugo circuit wiring (,...,
Wirln8 ImpeClion).
_If . 11 wiring and compo... n!> ot her t h. n t he wotor tern-
perat u'" gause un;t oUI gwd the unit i, defe, _



W' V
- - ---.,

1_ Ignil ion Switch
2, 6pin Connector
3, W. ter Temperature Gauge
4, 6-pin Conne<t<>r
5 W..", Temporat"re Sen' <>r
6. Sw ter Rel.y
7. M. in Fu", 30A
8. BJt tery
Switches end Sensors
Rear Brake Light Switch Position AdjlJstment
_Remo, e t ho RH , ide eoyor.
_Turn t ho adi u; tlng nut to ad ju' t t he , witch,
Front Brake Light Testing
_Tum on the ignit ion <witch.
_The brake light , hould go on when the front bra ke i,
app lied.
"' If lr doe, nOl, in, peet t he , witch.
cTo old t he ele"', iCIII con neetl"".lnti d. tile
swit<:h, bo . ure t het lh. switoh body does 1>Ot tu m
edj uotmont .
Rear Brake Light Testing
Hum on the ignit ion , witch,
_(]leek the ope rat ion of t he "' or broke light ,witc h by
depre" ing the brake pOdal, The brake light , hoold go
on ,Iter about 10 mm of pedaln"e!.
A. Re. r Brake Light Switeh C. Light ; ooner.
B, Adju, t ing Nut D Light>10""'.
Switch Removal Note
_ Ref. r to the oppropriot. chapters for t he ,wi1Oh.. ond
Switch Inspec tion
_U,ing an ohmmeter, check t o , eo that only t he Con
Mct ini!' , hown in t he table have conti nuity lobout
zero ohm, ).
*I f the , witch h.. an open or 'hort. ", pair it or replace It
with neWone.
B. 10 mm A. Rear Brake Pod.1
Swit ch Connect ion.
St o,to r Button Connoet ion.
Pmh on
Start o, Locl<aut Swit oh Connoction.
When elUleh 'eyer i, pulled in
When clutc h lever i, relo.",d
Oi""".. Sw;t.h Conn""tion. (US mod olf
Horn Button Connectio n.
Bl !Y Bl !Q RIBK
Pu,h on
Oimm. Switch Connect ion.
Sid. Stond $witch Conn.ction.
Whon , ide ,und j; up
When ,id e ' ta nd j; down
N.utral Switt/l Conn.ction.
When t ,. n, mi"ion i, in neut ral
H..dlight Switch Con_tion.
10th. r th.n US mod .1)
RIW RjBl ecv

Oi l Pr... ur. Switeh Conn ect ion.'
Bl lR
When cngine i, , top ped
When onglno i,
F. n Switch (Bl 'C) Connect ion.
QRi. i"ll t.mpor......: From OFF t o ON
.t 94 - 100'C (2(11 - 212F)
QF. lling tomper.t ur.: From ON to OFF
.bo SOoC (194 F)
ON: L... t kon O.5 n
OFF : Mor. t ll. n 1 MU
. ' Engine ,y' t em i, in good condition .
0Tho , wi rch . rId thormomorw muR nOt touch the
comeiner "de< or bottom.
Fan Switch Inspection
. Romoyo the bn <witeh
t ne , wilen in eontai ner of water so th ot t he
t emperdt u," sen, ing proje<ti"" . nd t nr.aded port ion
are 'ubme rged.
Smp.nd . n ...ur.t e t hermomet er in t he watN.
PI.ce the <ontain.r ""er . SOl Jr <C of heat . o<I g,.du.ily
rai", t he temper. 'ure of the water while , t ifl ing the
water 8oot ly.
oU.i ng .., ohmme ter mea,ur' tn. inter nal re, i, " noo of
t he , witoh ", ro" t he te rminal and t ne bodv n t he
t emperature<, hown in t ho t.bio.
+ If t he <>hmme ter doe, not show t he , pecified " Iue.,
repl", e t he ,w iteh.
Pu. n on
Front Brok. Ught Switch Conn.ction.
P...ing Button Conn.ction.
IOth.r th. n US mod. 11
When br. ke leyer i, pu lled in
R.r S.ok. l ioll ht Switch Conn.ction.
Wnen b" ke ped.1i, pushed down
Tur n Sign.1 Swit ch Conr.ect ion.
hn Switch I",p..tion.
Junct ion Bcx
The !>ox ha, fu,e" rel.y' and diode, . The
relay' and diode, can nol be removed.
Wll fer T8mfH/fIlWffI Sensor Imp8Ction
e Remove t he water ternpe.. ,en,or ,
-SO' pend t he , . nwr in a container of water so thilthe
temperalu re 'en,ing projection and th re.ded porl ion
are tu brner&ed.
an iCcur. te thermometer in the wa.. r.
_PI " e the contain", over of he. l and gr.dually
ra ise the temperature of the wOle< while t he
wate, semly.
_U, ing an ohmmele r Me.,u,. the inlernal r..i,,,, nce of
t he ,enlOr aero" the terminal and (he body al lhe
temperatu, .. , hown in the labIe.
*11 the ohmmeter doe, not , how the .pedficd valu..,
replace the , en,or.
Intern. 1R..illll...,. 01W.ter Tlmpe..t u," Sl nlO'
8O'C(17ll"Fh About 52 n
l 00 C l<! 12' F): Abollt 21 n
FUS8 R8movsl
_Remove l/le ..at.
_Unlock the hook 10 lift up t he Io<kingafrn.
A. Fa, . eoYer B. L<xking Arm
0"" _ifr;/l Pd thlrmomete r m",,/ nor ' O<JCh .he
eon", /"., ';des or /xl /rom.
l he fu,e , ,l raight off t he iun< lion box wil h needle
no", pliers,
Fuse I nsralfation Nores
C1 n' I.lI th. fu,e, on the or igin.1po, it;on, $hown,
oThe main 30A fuse i, in' QUed on the lop of the 'Qrter
A. l OA for T. iilight D. 10 Afor Fan Relay
B. 10 Afor Moe,sory E. Spare f u, ",
C. lOA for Headlight Relay
Junction Box Into,nol Cirouit
f (l( u s model


+-+----' l '+'


8-Pin Connector
r- - - ... ,
: .: ::
" "
" ,
, I. '

''5lt1J I ,

I ., "
..l +-+ _.-1:
" ,
I _ _
, ,
cll 0
9.f'in Con"""tor

< ..
o ,
, ) "
Fuse Inspection
_Romovo t hc fu>c from t he junelion box.
_In, peet t he fu>c clomont.
*If it i. blown OUl, ,epl.ce the fuse. Bef", . ,eplacing a
blown fu.., alway. check II ...n,peragc in the affe<ted
ci,cuil. If the amp.rag. i. equal to or we.lOr thdn t he
fu,e rat ing., check l he wiring and r. l.,ed component>
fOf d ,hon circuit ,
Fan. Starter Circuit and
H6adlifl>t Relay Inspection
_Remove t he jun<t ion box from the motorcycle,
":;ho<k conducl i. ily of t he fOl lowing number.d
te,minal, by connecti ng and ohmmel" dnd one 12 V
b. tt e' y to l he junct;on box .. ,hown,
* If t he melc, doe, not read .. ,po<ified, repl.., Ihc
junction box.
. h b b
,rcull n. poOl'O"
Meter Connection Mew Reading (Il)


tz -

R I C'
''Whon replecing a fU" , be . ura t ha now fu.. mat""..
t he .pocified fu.. rat ing fa, that ci, cuit . of
fu.. wit h a h",hor rati ng may cou.. damage to wi,ing
end COmpCIn... lS.
RolOYCircuit In_ <:Iion (with t he bat ter y con",,_l
Fuse Element
Blown Elemenl
Me Ier Battery ConneCl ion Meter

Re. ding (n )
n H u
Diode circotr Inspection
_Remo. e ,he junction box from l he motorcy cle.
_Pull off t h. connecl"" from ,hc juncl ion box.
<Check conductivit y of t he following pair of ' efmin. I,.
Torminal. for Oiodo Circuit In. peetion
"13-3, '13-9, 1214, 1614. 1614
'us Model< Only
JunctiDil Box Fuse Circuit Inspection
_Remove the ionction box fmm Ihe motGrcyde .
. Pull off l he connector> from lhe iunction box.
_Mak, ,me all connector ' erminal, are c1 0dn dnd tighl,
and none of them have been bent.
*Clean the dirty ' erminal, and, <tr.ighlen ,Iightlybent
OOCheck conducl ivilY of t he numbered te rminal, wilh
hand 1",le, .
*i f t ho meter doe, not read d' ,pec ified, repi..e the
ionct ion box.
*The r<>i"ance , huuld be low in one direction . nd move
lh, n tcn time> a> much in t h. other direclion. If . ny
diodc ,how' low0' in both direction" tho diode i,
defec,ive .nd t he junction box mu.t be repiaced.
071> ."tlMl m.r.r ruding .,.ri.. with t"" mOf'" used
."d .he indi vi dual diode, but, gen",IlIly spHking. t""
10,"", ffJoding mould 1M from ,ero to tho lirwl 1> oft""
"" ie,
FUM Circuit In. poet
Mell:r Connecti on
' "
6 -17
' 3A- 8
'8 - 17
'US Modei Only
Meier Re.ding (0)
Electrical Wi. ing
Wiring inspectiDil
_Vi,u. lly in, pect , he wiring for ,igo. of burning,
clc .
* If any wiring i. poor, .par l and in, pecl it fOf corro,ion,
dirt, and damage,
"'"11u<oh wnnoot", ap;lrl and In,pect it for corr"' i"",
dirt, and damage.
*If the connector i, corroded 0' dirt y, clean It carefully.
If it I. damaged. replace it .
-Check the wiringfor wntinul\y.
eu.. the wiring diagram to find the ""d. of the lead
which I, ..... t e d of beinll a problem.
ce""nect on ohmmeter betw..n the end. of the I...d, .
OSet the meter to the 1 n ..nile, and reod the meter.
' <If the m. ter does not reod 0 n , the lead i, def..ti...
Replace the lead or the wiring loom if nec..,. y.
. ...............

E (US and Canada m .
................................. ........
l "'" 12 V , w
...... l.""'

" " ",
.",,""" ". ' "''''
UOh'" V , "





- .

l 1V U A

' {1'

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'.... " .,,,.




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1- - - - --
.... _ T.... !IiroI ,!'rll-. ovvfl1a'<
"'I1V13 W
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'-- - - - - - -- --'
.. ....,, 1.......-
;gM 12 V 3W
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.. ..'-
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.... L'"
... M _ .. _ .. _ .. _ _ .. ..
......'T_ ......
".. L'"

._.. --
.... . l V ' .. ..
EX250F2 Wiri"'ll Oiagr8m
(UK llIld AU1tr8118 modell)
... .......... .. ......................_ .
@'UK model
"on" "_
.... . ..'0" ...

, .,

Tu,n SOlI n" R, I.V

.,. .,



Cooll"" f on

l 1 V 2.9 A

R. .. R;gM Tu,n S,"

l ;g""2V23 .... 21 W
J tl l
- '
?... T. ;o/S,," light

'2V &!2' W
' m ""N
K/ "' m
/ ...


L..::;;, R -00>- R
li<o n.. PI... l ill'"
KfV-Q<WKfV 12 V SW, @ 5 W
, n )

Roo, l.ft Tur n 5;"",1
ligh, '2V 23 W, (B)2' W
Ilr- .I I,
. ,
' - -
.. 0",
' ...---





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Table of Contents
Add itional Cons iderat ions for Rac ing .
Carburetor. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spark Plug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .
Spark Plug Inspect ion .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .
Troubleshooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .
General Lub ricati on .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . ...
Lubrication . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
NUl, Bolt , and Fastener Tightness ... .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .
Tight ness I n ~ t i o n . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .... .. . . .
Unit Conversion Table. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . ..


, , ~

Additi onnl Considarat ions for Racing
Thi, mOloroycle h., be<n mdll ufa<IUred for u'" in
",,,,onable and prudent manner and "' a . ehid e only,
How..er, ,ome may wi, h to , ubie01 mi, mot orcyde 10
obnormol operotion, ,uoh., would l>e experlenocd und.,
racing condition,. KAWASAKI STRONGLY RECOM-
R..ing , hould l>e dono under , upe"i,ed condilion"
and reoognized ..nctioning bodie, ,hould be oonta01ed
fo< further deliil" For t ho, e who de, ire 10 participate
in competiti"" ead ng 0< relaled U"', t he
lechnioal inl <>r motion moy peove "..ful. How..er,
plea, e note the lollowing important point, .
. You ire entir. ly re, pomible for the u,e of your molu,-
oyd e under ahnormal condition, , uoh as racing, . nd
Kawa.. ki ,holl not l>e liable for any damage, which
might ari... from , uoh U>e ,
Limited Motoroycle Warrm ty and Limited
Emi" ion Control Sy>tem, Wo" ant y , po<ifioal ly ex-
c1 ud. motoroyol., which . re u.. d in competit i.. or
reloted ",e,. Pl. . .. re. d the warrant y o"efully,
_Motoroycle racing i, a "ery , ophi' l icn ed ' po<t. , ubject
to many "rioble,. The following informili on i,
theor" ic. 1 unly, and Kow..aki , hil l not l>o liable for
. ny domille, which might ari.. from alt. rilion, utili-
,i n8 th i, inlor mollon.
_When t he motorcycle i, operated on public road" il
mult be in it' , t. te in order to en,u," ..fet y
and compliance with applicable regulation' ,
When a plug 01 the correct heal range i, being u,od,
t he electwde' will >lay hot enough to all the
carbon burned on, bUI <001 onough to from
damaging t he engine . nd lhe plug i1;>< lf. Thi, tem-
peliwr. i, abou' 400 - 800 C (750 - 1,450
F) . nd can
he jUdged by nOling t ho and col", of t h,
oorami< in, ulat", ",,,,,nd t h. nler <I"t rode. If t he
ceramic i, d ean and 01 a light brown Colo<, the i,
operat ingat lhe righl temperat ure.
A ,pork plug for higher operatinS tempew ure< i,
u..d for ,.d ng, Su< h. plug i, de,igned l or hener
oooling efficienoy ' 0 thot it will not O" " heat ond lhu,
i, often called . "oulde, "' plug, If 0 , park plug with
Ion high . he.. range i, u>ed _ t hot i" ,"cold" piug
that 0001, it, elf too woll _ t he plug will ,tay too 0001 10
burn ofl lhe oorbon, and lhe carbon will oorre01 on t he
dcclrodc< . nd t he ocr.mio iOl Ui. l"' ,
The corbon on the ele<trod" oonduct< elec"ioily,
and c.n , hon t he Center <I"ctrode to ground by eit hor
coating t he OOrimlo in, ulotor or bridging aero" the gap.
Such . , h",t will pr..enl on effootive , park, Corbon
buildup on the plug can al, o c. u", other t rouble<. It can
he. t up redhot and cou'" p," lgnition and knocking,
whioh may e.enlually burn a hole in lhe top of t he
Spark Plug

Sparlr Plug Inspection
_Remove lhe , park plug ..,d in' peet t he ceramic in, u,
10lor ,
c:.arb uretor:
Sometime, an aiteralion may t>e de, ieable for im
pro.ed perlor manoo under ,peciol ""ndition, when
proper mixlUre I, not obu ined after the Cir burelor ha'
been properiy odiu' ted, ond oil part' demed and found
to be functioning pwpe rly,
If ' he engine Hill exhibit' , ymplom, of o.erly le. n
carburetion after il l mainwnance and .diu' t ment' are
performed, tho m;tinjet can be replace d with a
, moiler or larger one , A , mailer numbered jet gi,",
I..nor mixt u", and lorger numberod iet a rioher mix
t ure ,
Spark Pl ug:
Tho plug ignite, t he fuel/. i, mi'Wr< in t he
"" mbu,l ion oh.mber, To do thi, effecti..ly and il t he
proper tim<, ,he oorrect , p., k plug muot be used, and
t he , pork plug mu>! be olean and adju,ted,
Te' t h"e , hown me plug li, t. d in the "EI tr icol
Sy, t.m" oh. pter to be the beot plug for gen. ral "....
Since ' pirk requiremeot, ch. nge with the igni-
l ion , nd <., buretion adiu; lmenl> and with riding <ondi-
tion' , whelher or not . ,pork plug of . oorrect he. t linge
i, u", d , hould b. delermined by removing . nd in, pect-
ing t ho plug,
1. Terminal
2. In, ulitor
3, Cement
_ .. 1
-- '\-.--
\ ' -'

4, Ga; ket
5, C<nler Electrode
6 Side Ele<l rod<
Overhu ting

htNlr r /J/1f11' of rh. _ ric fum:llon. l ik.
/h"""".I.r for /h. ""gin., rh. rylN' of
'P.rIc plu(I C81 m-,<. rh. ""(lIn. run roo hal
in ""fi'M or too cold (witt! poor pmorm." , . ,
mi.n'ring, ."d
N",mal opew ion Oil foo ling D rlx>n fouling
PI"ll Conditi""
*Whet her or not Ihe right temperal ure plug il being u.. d
<an be ascert. ined by noting Ihe ",ndilion 01 t he
ceramic insulator "ound the elew ode. Alight brown
color indi<ates Ihe correcl plug is being used, If t he
ceramic I, while, the plug i, operat ing al t oo high a
temp. ..w,e and it sho uld be replaced with the next
<older type.
[cAuiioN I
Clf tho , p k plUII I, .. plo"'" with o ty po ot h.r tkon t lto
, tonde'" plUII. _ ..in t to. ' . "o""mont plUII h..
tho ,om. t h,ood pite/l . nd .... h Ilonvt h of thdod
po, tionl .nd t ho sa.... In, ul.",r typo (.ogulo. typo .. ,
proj _ d ty po) t h. , ..n<h,d plug.
Olt ' h. plug ,..,ch i, too 'hott, ca.bon wil l build up on
t h. plug 1>01. t hr. od, in th. cyll nd h. od, Clu'ing ......
h..,ting ond ""kl"ll It ry ditfl ",,11 '0 InH" t h.
plug I., .
011 , h. , ch i, t oo long, corboAwill build up on t to. u
poOMl 'POrk plug th,d. ""Uling o h..,ti"9,
pr. ignit ion, ond po.oibly b<I,ning 0 hoi. In th. pi' ton
to p. In oddltion, 11 moy 1M impo..ibl. '" r. mo'. th.
plug wlt hollt <h"'"lli"9 ,h. cylind. , h.-d .
Trou bleshooting Guide
0Thl. is nor WI . " h. urn.,. II.., IIMng ...-y _'bi.
C-.JM for uch probl_ Il mtd. II II m"""t .imply 111I
ra<JgI> fl'Ji diJ 10 _i'l til . tra<JblftSI",ot/nll fer 'em' of
til . mo'" commen diHi""III...
l'Iug R. ooh
Corred re"" h Too long
Engine Doesn't Start, Sta rting Difficulty:
S""t.r mata' no, "'bI, ing:
St. , "'r lockout or neutr. 1. witch t rouble
S!>r"" motor trouble
Bat tery vol",ge low
Relay, no t ",ntact ing O' operating
S", . ter button not contact ing
Wiring open or ,""orted
Ignit ion ,wilch tro uble
Engine >lOp , wiICh t rouble
M. in fu,e blown
St t or mot or ,outi ng but . ngino doo.n, ' Urn .. . . "
St arte r mol '" Clutch t rouble
Engin. won'"u. n .. . . "
Valve ,. izure
Rock. r arm seizure
Cylind.r, piston seizure
C nk. haft .eizure
Co nnecl ing rod small end ,e izure
Connect ing rod big end ' eizure
T. on. mi" ion gear or b..ring . eizure
Com,holt ..izure
Hil oulal pisl on
St ond d Spo.k Plug n rood.
Oi.mOlor: 10 mm
Pitch : 1.25 mm
ft ch : 12 .7 mm
No fu.t flow:
Fuel l<I. p vacuum hO>e cloAAl'd
Fuel t..,. air vent obstructed
Fu.1 lap dogged
r u.ll ine clogged
Flo. t valvo dogged
Engin. fl oodod:
in " rbur. tor no>! bowllOOhigh
Flo. t wom or <tuck open
leohnique faulty
(When flooded, <rank lhe . ngin. wit h the t hroll ie
full, open 10 allow more air to r.ach the
. ngin .)
No . pork; . pork w k;
B.tt.,y voltage low
Spark plug dirly, broken, or m. l.dju.ted
Spark plug cop or hiSh ten, ion wirinS lroubl.
Spark plug cap nnt in 8(>od conla<t
Sp.,k plug inoo"ea
IC igniter !roubl.
Neutr. i, 51a, Ier lo, koUl, or ,ide , tond <witch
tr ouble
Pickup <oil trouble
Ignition coilt,,,,, blo
Ignition or engine <lOp, witch ,honed
Wi , ing , ho, ted or open
M. in fu,. blown
Compro"ion Low :
Sp"k plug lome
Cylinder h.,d not , ufficlenUy tight.ned down
No v. lvode",n""
Cylind<r, pi' t"" worn
Pi, ton ring bad (wom, weak brok. n, or ' ticking)
Pi.ton ring/land d .,.n,. n c."iv.
Cylind. r h. ad g.. ket
C, linder head w.,ped
V.I , e ' p, ing broken or weak
V,I .. not , eating properly (v. i.. bent, worn, or
carbon . "umulnion on t h. , urf.c el
Poor Low
Spork w k:
B. ttery v,M. g. low
Spark plug dirly, or m. l.d iu,t . d
Spark plug c.p or high ten, ion {(oubl.
Spark cop .horted or n01 in good com"" l
Spark plug incorrect
IC ignite' {(oubl.
Pickup coil lr oubl.
Ignition <oil tr ouble
Fuel/.i, in<:o<ro", :
Pilot , crew m. ladiu" ed
Pilol jel, ur air pa"ax. c1oAA. d
Air bl. ed pip. bleed hoi.. Cl ogged
Pilot p." age <Ingged
Air c1 e, n.r d ogged, poor ly , ..led, or
Sl<I. rler 'tud open
Fuei levol in "", buretor noat bowllOOhigh or too
Fuei lank .i r vent obm ucted
Carburetor holder 100;<
Air cle.n er duCl loo..
Compr. ..lon low:
Spark plugloose
Cylind.r head not , ufficlently tighte!1 od down
No vol"" clearance
Cylinder, pi'ton worn
Piston ring bad (worn, weak, brokon, or
Pl,ton ring/ I. nd olearance . xce ive
Cylinder h.ad war ped
Cylinder h.ad ga, kel <4ma.ged
, pring broken or weak
V. lve , e.ting properly (val ye worn, or
<arbon ac<umulation on lhe se.ting , urface)
IC ignit. r t rouble
C., buretor:> nol w nehronili nij
Vocuum pi<ton doe; n1 , lide , moolhiy
Engine oil visco" ty too high
Dri'e Ir. in tr ouble
B,.ke dragging
Poor Running or No Power 8t High Speed:
Firing inco". "' :
Spark plug dirty, brok.n, or maladju' lod
Spark plug ,.p , hor led or n01 in good c""tacl
Spark plug inoorrecl
Ie Igniler trouble
Pickup coil lrouble
Ignition coiluoubl.
Fu.lf.I, I""",TO"' :
Starler plunger , tUCk ""en
Main jel clogge d or wrong ,i .e
Jet needle or i. t worn
Air jet d ogged
Fu. l lo, . 1in carburetor float bowl too high or too
Bleed hole, of air bloed pipe or needl. i.t clogxed
Air d oaner clogged, poorly ,e.l. d, 0' mi" ing
Air de. ner dUGt poor ly ... I. d
Water of for. ign ma" er in fuel
Corbu," tor holtler loose
f u. l lank . jr , . nt ob, tr uoted
Fuel l. p dogged
Fuel line clogged
Compr. .. low:
Spark plug100' .
Cylind. r head not ,uffici.n tly ti ghtened down
No valve cl. ... nce
Cyljnder, pinon worn
Pi'ton ring b. d (worn, weak, broken, 0' " iok lng)
Pi' ton ring/land cl. ar. nce oxce" ive
Cvlinder hd g.. kel dam, ged
Cylinder head warped
V. lve , pring broken or w. , k
Val'e not .. properly 1"I, e bent, worn, or
carbon accumulation on t h. , eat ing, urface.)

Carbon built up in combu' tion chamber
Fu.1 poor quality or in<o"ecl
Spark plug inoorrect
IC Igniter trouble
Mi_ II."""uo:
ThrOllle yolve wo n' t full y open
Vacuum pi>!on doe", ', , Iide ,m()()th ly
Clutch >li pping
Overheoti ng
lngine oil level t ()() high
Engine oil visco,i t y t oo high
Drive train tr<>Uble
Overheati ng:
FI'iflg Incor .. ct:
Spa,k plug dirty , bro ken, or m;>i . diu>ted
Spark plug incorre ct
IC igniter trouble
Fuellai, mixt u' o inco"oet :
Main iet clogged nr wr""g ,lre
fuel l., el in carb uretor f loal bowl t oo low
Carburetor hoMer 100'0
Air cleaner poorly ",aled, or mi"ing
Air cleaner duct poorly ,ealed
Ajr cleane r clogged
COmp....ion high:
Carbon built up in combu, tion chamber
Envlno lood foulty:
Clul ch , lipping
Engine all level t oo high
all yl" ", il\' too
Dri," l rain lrouble
Brake dragging
Lubrication inadequate,
Engine oil level t oo low
Engine oil poor qua lity or incorrect
Coolont incorrect:
Coolant le,,1too low
eo"'ant deleriorale d
Cool inV .y.tem cornpo nont lncorrect:
R.dlato r clogged
Th<rmostal t rouble
Radialu' cap lrou ble
I h<rmostati c tan ,witch tmoble
ran relay t rouble
Fan motor broken
Fan blade damaged
Water pump nnt tu rning
Water pump impeller d,mag<d
Ov er Cooling:
Cooling . y. temcompollen, Inco"eet,
Thermosl. t ic fan ,wilch trouble
Thermostat troo ble
Clutt:h Operat ion Faulty :
Clutch .Ii p,"ng:
f rict ion plal e worn or w. ,pod
Steel pl. te worn or wMped
Clutch , pri ng plato mi", llgnm. nt
Clul<h >pring bro ken or wo.k
Clutch relea.. mechani,m
Clutoh hub 0' hoo, ing unevenly worn
Clutcll not di..n\lllging
Clutch pl.te warped or too fOUO'h
Clutch , pring ten, ion uneven
Engine oil dete riorated
oil ,i<co,i ty t oo high
oil 10..1t oo high
Clutch hou,lng frozen on drive >haft
Clut ch rele. .. mechani, m trou ble
Clutch ' pring plate misalignment
Incor rect imUIl.tion of f ri ction pi,,",
Gear Shifting Faulty:
Doo.n', 110 ifllOgeor; . hilt podol d"". n' t rttulO :
Clutch not di..ngaging
Shif t fOfk bem or , eized
Gear stud on t he ,h aft
Shift relUrn ,pri ng wea k or broken
Shill ret urn , pring pin loose
r awl ,pri ng bro ken
Shift mechani, m arm broken
Ju mpoout of goor:
Shift for k worn
Gear groo ve worn
Ce. r and/ or dog hoi.. worn
Shift dr um groove worn
Neutra l po,it ion ing pin , pring we.k or broken
Shift fork pin wor n
Drive ' ha h, out put ' han , and/ or ge.r ,pli n., wor n
O. onhlft s:
Neut ral po,il ioning pin .pring weak or broken
Pawi ' pring broken
Engine Noise:
IC igtlite r trouble
Carbon [,ulll up in combustion chamber
f uel poor quality or Incorrect
Spar k plug incorrect
Overheat ing
Piston slap:
Cylinde r/ pi, t Oll clearance exco" i"e
Cyl inde r, pist on wt>rn
Connecling rod bent
Pist"" pin, pi'lan hole, worn
Vol.. 001.0 :
Val.. clu ran"" incorrect
Valve ' pri"g broken or weak
, -"m, haft hs: aring wor n
O,hor noi. o:
Connecting rod ,malt end clearanco ex,""iYe
rod big end clearance e" elSi,.
PI; ton ring wor n, bro ken or stuc k
Pi, ton >eizure, damage
Cylinder head gasket leaking
Exbau<t pipe l.. at cylinder head connection
Cr.n k, hall runuul ex"""ive
Engine m()IJnts loo<e
C"nk!haft l>< aring worn
Cam,h.ft ohain ten, ioner trouble
Cam, haft chain, , prClCket, guide worn
Abnormal Drive Train Noil a:
e lu"'" nol..:
Weak or damaged damper
C1 ulcl1 hou, inglfrk tion plote clearance excessi, e
ClulCh hou, ing worn
T..n""i..lon noi, . :
Bearing-; worn
Tron, mi" ion gea" worn or ohipped
Melal chip, jammed in gear teeth
Engine oil in. ufficient
Drl eh.ln noi,. :
Dri. e ch.in adju' ted improperly
Ch. in worn
Rear . nd/or engine ' procket WOrn
Chain lubric>!ion in' uffici," t
Rear wheel mi,.ligned
Abnormal Frame Noil a:
Oil in5u fficient or 100 t hin
Spring weak or broken
R , .boom.. noi..:
Shock amorter damaged
Di", b k. noi, o:
r ad in' lalled incorrect ly
Pad 'urface glazed
Disc wa,ped
Caliper t rouble
01ll.r n,,;,o:
a"ckel, boh, elc. not properly mounted or
Oil Prau ura Warning Light GOIII On :
Engine ,"I pump d.maged
Engine oil " re.n d ogged
Engine too low
Engine oil viscmity 100low
Cam, haft l>< oring< worn
C" nk5h,1t bearinl!' worn
Oil pre" u.e ' WilCh dam' ged
Wiring damaged
Reiief . alve , t uck open
O.ring at the ," I pipe in t he crankcase domaged
ExhauJ1 Smokes Excessively:
Whit. ,mok. :
Pi,t"" oil ring worn
Cylinder worn
V. I.. oil , e>1 damall"d
V>I"gulde worn
Engine oil l..el 100 high
Block .mok. :
Air cleaner clogll"d
Main jel lOo large or fall en off
Sw ter plunge. ' luck open
Fuel le..1in carburetor 11 0", bowl 100 bi8h
Brown , mok. :
Main jc, t oo , mall
Fuel l..el in carburetor fioat bowl too luw
Air cleoner doct lo""e
Air oleaner poorly ..aled or mi><ing
Handling and/or Stability Unsa1ilf8ct ory:
H. ndl. bo. hord to , um:
Steering , te rn locknut too t igb I
Bearing d. m.ged
bearing lubrication in.dequate
Steering' tem benl
Tire .i r pre" ure 100 tow
H... dl. bo h. k. , <>r ox"""i..ly .i b.. .."
Tire worn
Swing . rm pl'ot bearing worn
Rim warped, or nol bal. nced
Wheel bearing worn
Handleba. mount ing boit' lome
Steering stem he.d boll loo. e
H.ndl. bo. pull' '" on. " do :
Frame benl
Wh eei mi,.lignment
SwinMarm l>< nt or twi, ted
Slee. inMmal. diu, led
Front fork bent
Right/ left fork leg; oil le.el unbalanced
Shock .boo.ption un,.t l,I.C'tory:
IToo hard)
Front fc..-k oil eue"ive
Fronl fork uil , i, co, ily too high
Tire air pressure too high
Front furk bent
(Too , oft)
Front fork oil in' uff"i ent andlo. leaking
Front lor k oil visco' ilY too tow
Front fo. k, ' ... ,h<><;' absorber weak
R..r ,hock .b,orber oii ie. king
Braka DOIIin't Hold:
Air in the brake liM
Pad o' di,., worn
S.. ke fiuid leak
Di,c wped
Conlamln.t< d pad
Brake fiuid deteriorated
Primary or . eoondary cup damaged
Master cylinder ,"tched in, ide
Battery Di5dla rged:
Battery faulty plat e, <ulphared, ' hor ted
t hrough ", dimentation, <lecVolyte l<vol t()()
Il>.tte rly lead, making poor conlact
Load ", ce"ive (e.g" bulb of excc"i,'e watt age)
Ignition , witeh trouhl<
Alternato r t rouble
Wiring fault y
Regulator!Rect i!i er trouble
Battery Overcharged:
Regulator! Reot ifi er trouble
........ ............ .........................................................
GeneralLuhrlcati cn
......., .
_llefore luhrieat ing each part, dean off . ny fu' ty , pot,
with ru, t remover and wipe off any groose. oil, dirt,
or gfl me.
_Lubricate tbe point! li, ted below with indicated
(W!'>om.",r th . vehicl" htJ< beero OMrar-d un<hr wet or
ntiny c(}f)(/ir ions, or "'Pt1<Oial ly aftor ming a high .
pressure spray wator, ;Mrform rII" general lubric.rion.
Pi... ot'I: wit h Motor Oil.
COnter Stand
Sid. Stand
Cluu:h Le"" r
Brake Lever
Pe dal
Rear Brake Rod Joint
Poin.. : Lubrioo.. wit h Gro....
Throttle Inner C.hle Lower E.n d
Speedomerer Innor Cable'
' Gre"'e the lower part of the inner c. hle <paringly.
Cobl. " Lubricott with Motor Oil ,
Choke C. ble
Throttle C.bl"
Clutch Coble
C.bl. Lub' io. t ion
Nut , Bolt , and Fastener Tiw. tnllSS
Tightness Impecdon
_Chock t h< t igbt n... of the boI" and nut! listed he.. .
AI,o, , he<k 10 see that each <otter pin i, in pl." and in
good condit ion.
cFor th. ""gin. fmenlN>, chock m* tight"... of rIIIJ"l
whom rile""gi". i, cold !. r FOom IINIl;MF8ru,.).
*If ther< are 10O'e fa". ne" , retorque t bem to the
,p""ified torque following the , ped f.. d t ighreoing
,"quen, Refer to the appropriate ch. pt<r for torque
'pecification, If torque ,p""ification, are nol in t he
.ppropriH' ch. ptor. see th. Standard Torque T.ble.
For <ach fa' lener. fi" t loo", n it by l' tur n, then
tl ghren it
*If <oll" pin< are damaged, .. pbce them with new
Nut. Bolt, ond F t. n to b. ehocl<.d
Front Axle Nut
Reor Axle Nut
(h. in Adjusti ng Boll< . nd Locknut'
Re.. Sorocket Mount in. NUl '
r rant Master Cylinder Clamp Bolt<
Front C.l iper MOUnl ln Bolt<
Rear Moster Cylinder Mounting Bolt
Rear Calip.. Muunti ng Bolt
Torqu. Link Nuts
Brake Ltv Pivot Nut
Brake Pedal Bolt
Brake Pu,h Rod Clevi, Cotter Pin
Su, pen, ion:
Front F. o<le r Mounting Boit!
ReM Shock Ab,orber Mounting Bolt>
Swing Arm Pi,o, Sh.ft Nut>
Unit rak Link Nut>
Stem Head Boit
Handlebar Mounting Bolt<
Stem Itead Bolt
Handlebar Mount ing Bolt,
H. ndlebar CI. mp Bolt,
Engine Mounting Bolts
Cylinder Head Bolt'
Mulfter Connect ing Pipe Clamp Boll>
Mulfter Mounting Bolt<
',t ulfter Connect ing Clamp Bolt,
Clu,ch Lover Pivot Nut
Others :
C.n rer Stilnd Bolts
Side Stilnd Bolt
Front Foottl0S Mount ing Bolt<
Fonttl Bracket Bait,
Side Stilnd Bolt
Side Stand Br.c kct Bola
3. 281
0,03937 ..
Units of length:
' m ,
m ,
mm ,
Unil$ 01Torque:
x 0. 1020 kgm
0.7376 It-Ib
N m
8. 851 inlb
kg-m x 9.807 N m
' .m
x 7.233 tt-lb
86.80 inlb
' g
Unit ConVflrsion Table
Pff U -t
UniU of Mass:
re ,xes Or AI s:
Prefix Symbol Power
M X1,000,000

x 1,000
centi c X0.0 1
mill i m X0. 00 1
UniU of Pressure:
Units of Volume:
"" L x 0.2642 gal ( U S ~
0.7501 em Hg
0.2200 gal (imp)
98 .07 .e.
1.0 57 qt (US)
14 ,22 psi
0.8799 qt (imp)
cm Hg
1.333 .e.
2.113 pint (US)
1.816 pint (imp)
0.03381 oz (US)
0.0281 6 oz (i mp)
Unih of Speed:
0.06102 cu in km/n
Units of force:
Units of Power :
1.360 es
N x 0.2248 'b .W x 1.341
' g
9. 807 N es
0.7355 . W
' g
0. 9863
Uni ts of Temperature:
9("C +40) _40,,0F
5 ('F+ 40)
40 " ' C
' F

' F


140 00 : .. 100 :
... ... :,.0
: 2>0 2<0 ; ,..
>0 0 :
". ". ,
i !i
I I!
i I I
I, I I ,
, 1
I ,I

, ,.
.. ..
... : 120 : 140 ...
' c
_11. ' .. 2 ' .7 .." 7J.i
U. ...
Vo.r Modol B&gi"" ina Fromo No.
1988 EX250 F2
IUS, Co n. d. Model)
(Europ" . Go"" r.1 Mod. l)
o : Thh digit In tho fromo numbo. ""' ''\IM from 0"" mochino t o
Part No. 99924- 1109-51
Printed in J.pon

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