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B^eginnine Teacher Information

xame:{I\(!CLr'1*fk'cffl/ School; Alf.r-f- - l"tSz^t

Mentor Teacher Information

ln.grffritiiiA{ ffil..
rcle: Year I

Name: ftttf&n fl11;f1!6f Crk) School: At-n. - Aiyg Grade LeveUContentArea: $ - t L trifdt(L l>Ir. r: *rt ii :,f

Mentor/Mentee Interactions ContactLog

2) lvlakecopiesof the completedlog for ffust-year Mentors: 1) Pleasemaintain this interactions contactlog for you and your mentee. and/orsecondto use as data/evidence in preparalion for Comprehension Evaluation.3) Documentat least 10 hourseachsemestef. 4) Submit.acopv vear teachers t o d o c u m e n t s e r v i c e s a n d r e c e i v e a $ 5 0 0 m e n t o r i n g s t i p e n d . 5 ) S a ve a co p yfo r yo u r fi l e ' Mentorsareencouraged to meet with mentees eachweek th-roughout the year.List standards and issuesdiscussed in the comments column and generated Duplicatethis paeeas needed. briefly describeideasand practicai applications during interactions.

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Total Time Per Week

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Total l{ours:

Mentee signature:

Mentor sisnature:
Adaptedfrom: KonmanfHonaker, 200 I BEST/IA/PEP

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