Atpa Phase II

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Phase II Preamble Identify the following aspects of an observed child/client with a diagnosed disability: Name: R Chronological Age: 6 Years

ars Old Mental Age: 5-6 Years Old Grade Level: Kindergartensecond time through Socioeconomic Status: low-income, parents are divorced but still live together Race: White Gender: Male Disability: i. IEPOHI (Other Health Impairment), attention disorder, speech Grading Note how the child is graded in relation to the class norm. (May need to discuss with the teacher or special education teacher). Obtain a sample of a blank report card. i. Student is graded the same as the other students, however he obtains more work with special aids. He is pulled out to practice reading and writing and for speech. Works a lot with fine motor skills. Assessments formal/informal/district/state. Identify any accommodations or modifications for the child while participating in assessments. (Can be noted in the IEP). i. Student participates in all assessments, however, an aid is present to read the questions and give further explanation. More time is also given on the assessments if need be. Using a child development framework, identify the typical characteristics of a comparable normal student. How does this student compare to the norm? Discuss what areas of development seem to be different.


Norm (identify source) Use tantrums, teasing, bossing, complaining, and tattling to try out relationships with authority; learn best when adults understand but do not excessively tolerate this behavior Extremely sensitivean ounce of encouragement may be all they need to get through a difficult situation; severe criticism can truly injure them Highly competitive, can overdo the need to win and be first; do better when teachers take the competitive edge off games used for learning Ready to try taking on individual and group responsibilities.

Your Student
Throws tantrums when not getting his way Likes to be the boss and tell people what to do When he does not want to work on something, he throws it to the side and wants the aide to do it for him Wants to always be done first Enjoys working individually, but when ask to work in a group he takes charge and gives his opinions.


Want to be first Competitive; enthusiastic Sometimes poor sport or dishonest; invent rules to enable themselves to win Anxious to do well Thrive on encouragement Tremendous capacity for enjoyment; like surprises and treats Can be bossy, teasing, or critical of others

Very competitive Can be very dishonest Invents his own rules so he is able to win When he knows what is going on he gets very excited When students tell him he is doing something wrong, he works even harder to prove them wrong. Enjoys working by himself, but at play time

Easily upset when hurt Care a great deal about friends; may have a best friend Less influenced by happenings at home than at school

he interacts with many students. Talks about home life often

Social Social & Emotional stated above.

Academic Performance in a content area Math, Reading, Science, Art) May include areas of difficulty

Reading: Partner reading Use writing, drawing, clay, painting, drama, or blocks to show their thoughts and feelings about a story Writing: Story development still strongly influenced by drawings I WNT TO HR HS for I went to her house Handwriting: proper grasp of pencil; letters the same size or slightly larger than at five and more sloppily written because children are usually in a hurry or experimenting with new letter formations; unpredictable spacing Math: Counts and sorts, make set, do simple addition and subtraction using real materials Practice writing numbers

He does not take time to sound out words using the phonics they work on in class, he writes down just random letters most of the time. Enjoys writing about toys and things he enjoys doing. Likes looking and drawing pictures Enjoys art Enjoys music Does not grasp a pencil very well, fine motor skills are not well developed Writes some letters and numbers backwards Can count to 100

Strengths/Needs (IEP/observation and/or discuss with CT)

What are at least 2 individual characteristics from the social, emotional, behavioral or academic areas that you need to consider in meeting this students needs? What information/evidence do you have that leads you to believe that these areas need to be taken into consideration in the design/implementation of the lesson? (Diagnosis) Working on sounding out the word, making sure to get that first sound write. Use the phonics we work on together in class along with the movements to help. Allow them to work fast, and when they are done they go to the check-out line and have a conference with me. We talk about the strengths and something we can work on. If they need to work on something, have them work on one more things and then bring it back. Talk together to form ideas that way when he is on his own he isnt as stuck and has ideas to work with to get him started. What evidence (pre-assessment) do you have that the child needs to meet the lesson objective? (Diagnosis) The student needs to be given the directions multiple times. Examples need to be written and then up for the student to see while practicing on his own. Student needs one on one time at least once during practice time to make sure he is on task or has any question. In this case, the student needs to draw pictures to get his ideas across and then he can begin writing.

What strategies/principles have you learned that could assist you in being more effective in meeting his/her needs in this lesson? (Conceptualization, Coordination) Student uses a pencil with a different grip which has helped his writing to be more legible. Give examples and let him pair-share with a partner to gain ideas. Model what needs to be done and have that as a scaffold for the student. How will you monitor student learning during the learning segment? (Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction) If one of your strategies is to ask questions to monitor the learning, write out possible questions ahead of time. Be sure that the strategies will provide you just-in-time feedback as to how the child is progressing towards meeting the lessons objective(s). Once the student is done writing, we will have a check-in spot where the students will conference with me for a minute or two. This is where I have them explain what they have done and we talk about what is good and what can be even better for next time. This allows the students to take ownership of what they are doing and provides them with something to think about for next time. He really enjoys the check-in too to socialize one-on-one with me. Identify the evaluation criteria that you will use to assess student learning. Look at the objectives and see if he meets them. I am also looking to make sure that he is sounding out the whole word, but really want to focus on him getting the first letter in the word correct. Address the strengths of the student, being sure to include their strongest learning modality (MI) Enjoys socializing with adults and, for the most part, with his peers, so making sure that you include time for him to discuss thoughts and ideas with a partner. Enjoys drawing, so allowing him to use pictures in his writing.

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