Speech Rubric

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Oral Presentation Rubric : Persuasion

Student Name: ________________________________________ Period

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of understand the
chosen topic and chosen topic and parts of the topic topic very well.
has obviously put has put some time and hasn't put
time into into grasping the much time into
understanding the topic. understanding
various aspects. the topic.
Use of Appeals Uses all three Uses two rhetorical Uses only one Does not use any
rhetorical appeals: appeals at least rhetorical appeal of the rhetorical
ethos, logos, and once each. at least once. appeals.
pathos. Uses
appeals at least one
time each.

Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly Often mumbles,
distinctly all (100- distinctly most of the and distinctly can not be
95%) the time. time but some words most of the time understood, or
were inaudible or but many words speaks too
spoken too quickly. were inaudible quickly the
or spoken too majority of the
quickly. time.
Wholeness/ There is a distinct There seems to be a The speech The speech had
Completion beginning, middle beginning, middle seemed no logical
and end to the and end to the disconnected progression at all.
speech and there is speech but there and suddenly
no sense of missing may have been ended without
information. some information left closure or
out another part
seemed to be
missing entirely.
Counterarguments There are at least There are at least There is at least There are no
three two one counterarguments
counterarguments counterarguments counterargument addressed in the
addressed in the addressed in the addressed in the speech.
speech. speech. speech.

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