Model Exam: 1. Draw Figures Neatly For Each Question If Applicable. 2. Answer All Questions Compulsary
Model Exam: 1. Draw Figures Neatly For Each Question If Applicable. 2. Answer All Questions Compulsary
Model Exam: 1. Draw Figures Neatly For Each Question If Applicable. 2. Answer All Questions Compulsary
PART A (EACH QUESTION CARRIES ONE MARK) 1. What is coherent system of units? Give example 2. If all measurements in an experiment are taken up to same number of significant figures, then which measurement is responsible for maximum? 3. What are the limitations of dimensional analysis? 4. Is it important in the long jump that how much height you take for jumping? 5. Define one newton and what is difference between one newton and dyne? 6. Mountain roads rarely go straight up the slope but wind up gradually: why? 7. Why does a heavy rifle not kick as strongly as a light rifle using the same bullets? 8. A moving car suddenly stops. Is its momentum destroyed? Explain it 9. Why mercury is used in barometer? Give one reason. 10. Why the meniscus for certain liquids in a capillary tube is convex upwards whereas for others it may be concave? PART B (EACH QUESTION CARRIES TWO MARK) 1. Two protons are brought towards each other. Will the potential energy of the system decrease or increase? If a proton and an electron be brought nearer, then? 2. Slow neutrons have much greater chance of inducing nuclear fission than fast neutrons. Therefore, in a nuclear reactor, fast neutrons are slow down by colliding them with the atoms of some moderator. Which material would you select out of water, lead and zinc to be used as a moderator? 3. A horse has to pull a cart harder in the initial state of motion. Why? 4. A balloon filled with helium does not rise in air indefinitely, but halts after a certain height. Why? 5. Distinguish between streamline flow and turbulent flow of a liquid? 6. The kinetic energy K of a particle moving along a circle of radius R depends on the distance covered S, according to K=as2. Determine the force acting on the particle? 7. Why the new earthen pots keep water cooler than the old earthen pots? 8. Why iron rims are heated red hot being put on the cart wheels? 9. What is the physical significance of molar gas constant R? 10. What is Doppler Effect and what are the applications of DOPPLER EFFECT? PART C (EACH QUESTION CARRIES THREE MARK) 1. What are the different types of errors in measurement? Explain each of them. 2. Write the 3 different applications of dimensional analysis? Then derive an expression for period of simple pendulum based on it 3. Define triangle and parallelogram law of vector addition with figures. 4. What do you mean by impulse and explain impulse-momentum theorem in physics? 5. What do you mean by angle of repose and derive and expression for acceleration of a body is moving along the incline, plane due to its own weight, given k is the coefficient of kinetic friction? 6. What is Archimedes Principle? Prove it. 7. Define Center of Mass and deduce an expression for center of mass for N particles system?
8. What are the Keplers law of planetary motion? Prove the 2nd and 3rd law. 9. Define stress and strain, the deduce and expression for potential energy in a stretched wire 10. What do you mean by ENTROPY, INTERNAL ENERGY and write all the process of Carnots cycle briefly with figures
PART D (EACH QUESTION CARRIES 2 MARKS, ANSWER ANY 5 QUESTIONS) 1. The equation of a stationary wave is y = 12cos (/5)sin 20 Where x and y are in cm and t in second. Find out: amplitude, wavelength, velocity, and frequency of the component of progressive waves? 2. Two identical sonometer wires have fundamental frequencies of 500Hz, when kept under the same tension. What fractional increase in the tension of one wire would cause an occurrence of 5beats per second, when both wires vibrate together? 3. When an engine goes away from a stationary observer then the frequency of the whistle of the engine appears 6/7 times the real frequency. Calculate the speed of the engine. The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s? 4. A resonance tube resonates with a tuning fork of frequency 256Hz. If the lengths of the resonated air column are 32 cm and 100 cm, what is the value of the end correction? 5. A gun weighing 10 kg fires a bullet of 30 g with a velocity of 330 m/s. With what velocity does the gun recoils? What is the combined momentum of the gun and bullet before and after firing? 6. A train 110m long is travelling at 60 km/h. In what time it will cross a cyclist moving at 6 km/h (a) in the same direction (b) in the opposite direction? 7. Two 22.7 kg ice sleds A and B are placed a short distance apart, one directly behind the other, as shown in figure. A 3.63 kg cat, standing on one sled, jumps across to the other end immediately back to the first. Both jumps are made at a speed of 3.05 m/s relative to ice. Find the final speeds of two sleds?
8. A spherical mass of 20 kg lying on the Earths surface is attracted by another spherical mass of 150 kg with a force equal to the weight of 0.25 mg. The centers of two masses are 0.30 m apart. Calculate the mass of the earth. Radius of earth is 6000 km, g = 9.8 m/s2?