Andersonville Prison Photographs

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List the names and school affiliations of all contributors to this classroom activity

Jesse - MacIntyre Park Middle School Rhonda Thomas County Middle School

Each activity should meet a Georgia Studies standard and Common Core State Standard. Separate the standards by commas. Example: SS8H4, ELACCRI1, L6-8RH1

SS8H6b, L6-8RH7, ELACC8RI7.

Time Needed to Complete Activity:

One class period.

Provide a few sentence preview of the activity.

Students will analyze photos of Andersonville Prison taken during the Civil War.

Materials Needed
Give a list of all materials needed for the activity included access to internet, charts, graphs, worksheets, etc

Photos of Andersonville Prison: gen ngen

Provide a more specific description or list of student/teacher procedures

Teacher Task: Make and present a PowerPoint presentation illustrating P.O.W. camps during the Civil War. The PowerPoint should contain a site map of different P.O.W. camps on both the Union and Confederate side. Slides should detail prisoner treatment (perhaps mention any differing treatment between officers and enlisted men), population, sanitary conditions, food, rules, day-to-day life, etc. As a class analyze the photos taken of Andersonville. Have students apply what they just learned about P.O.W. camps to their understanding of the photo. Do we see hints of how we can learn about topics such as treatment, conditions, day-to-day life from the photo? Have them point things out. - Also ask how and why photographs are useful resources for studying history; or why they are not.

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