British Pharma
British Pharma
British Pharma
The BP is an annual published collection of quality standards for UK medical substances . It is used by individuals and organizations involved in pharmaceutical research , development , manufacture and testing .
BP is published for the Health Ministers of the United Kingdom on the recommendation of the Comisson on Human Medicines in accordance with section 99(6) on the Medicines Act 1968 .
It is notified in draft to the European Comisson in accordance with Directive 99/34/EEC
Legal Basis
The regulation of medicinal products by officials in the United Kingdom dates back to reign of King Henry Vlll (1491-1547) . The first list of approved drugs with information on how they should be prepared was the London Pharmacopoeia published in 1618. The first edition of the British Pharmacopoeia was published in 1864 and was one of the first attempts to harmonize pharmaceutical standards
The BP contributes significally to the overall Control of the quality of medicinal products by providing an authoritive statement of the quality that a product , material is expected at the period of use . The Comission on Human Medicines wishes to record its appreciation of the services of all those who have contributed to this important work .
The first British Pharmacopoeia was published in the English language in 1864. The latest edition (2013) of British pharmacoepia is avilable in market .
To promote the highest standards for the drugs for use in humans and animals within practical limits of the technologies available for manufacturing and analysis
To bing new editions and supplements of the British Pharmacopoeia at regular intervals . To accelerate the process of preperation , certification and distribution of IP Reference Substances . To establish working relations with other Pharmacopoeial Agencies .