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[email protected]
NAT Simolution Qoestion:
A neLwork ussocIuLe Is conIIgurIng u rouLer Ior LIe weuver compuny Lo provIde
InLerneL uccess. TIe SP Ius provIded LIe compuny sIx pubIIc P uddresses oI
1q8.18.18q.1o 1q8.18.18q.11o. TIe compuny Ius 1q IosLs LIuL need Lo uccess
LIe InLerneL sImuILuneousIy. TIe IosLs In LIe compuny AN Iuve been
ussIgned prIvuLe spuce uddresses In LIe runge oI 1qz.168.1oo.1; -
1qz.168.1oo.o .


CIIck Knowledge Buse Ior NAT SIM Lo Ieurn LIe concepLs beIore
uLLempLIng or IeurnIng LIIs SM QuesLIon

NAT SIM ConIigorution:

TIe IoIIowIng conIIguruLIon LrunsIuLes beLween InsIde IosLs (Weuver AN)
[email protected]
uddressed Irom 1qz.168.1oo.16 Jz8 neLwork (1qz.168.1oo.1; -
1qz.168.1oo.o) Lo LIe gIobuIIy unIque pooI oI uddress provIded by SP
1q8.18.18q.1o - 1q8.18.18q.11o Jzq.

Weuver=conIigore terminul

BeIore sLurLIng LIe NAT conIIguruLIon verIIy LIuL rouLer IosLnume currenLIy
conIIgured Is weuver. I noL cIunge IosLnume Lo Weuver usIng LIe commund

Rooter{conIig)=hostnume weuver

Step1: CreuLe un uccess-IIsL Lo muLcI uII LIe Weuver AN uddress LIuL need Lo
be LIe cundIduLes Ior NAT LrunsIuLIons

Weuver{conIig)=uccess-list 1o permit 1q.16S.1oo.16 o.o.o.1g

Step: CreuLe u NAT PooI wILI pooI nume Isp_udr und specIIy LIe pooI
uddress runge provIded by SP wILI LIeIr neLmusk.

Weuver{conIig)=ip nut pool isp_udr 1qS.1S.1Sq.1og 1qS.1S.1Sq.11o
netmusk gg.gg.gg.qS

Step: PuckeLs LIuL muLcI uccess-IIsL 1o wIII be LrunsIuLed Lo un uddress Irom
LIe pooI cuIIed "Isp_udr".

Overloud keyword specIIy Lo use PorL bused NATIng Lo supporL uII LIe
Weuver AN uddress runge.

Weuver{conIig)=ip nut inside soorce list 1o pool isp_udr overloud

SM QuesLIon uIreudy provIdes LIuL upproprIuLe InLerIuces Iuve been
conIIgured Ior NAT nsIde und NAT OuLsIde sLuLemenLs.

[email protected]
or your InIormuLIon conIIguruLIon wouId Iuve been IIke LIIs

Weuver{conIig)=interIuce Iustethernet o[o
Weuver{conIig-iI)=ip nut inside

Weuver{conIig)=interIuce seriul o[o
Weuver{conIig-iI)=ip nut ootside

Ionctionulity Test:
Our requIremenLs ure Lo uIIow LIe IosLs (Weuver AN) LIe ubIIILy Lo
communIcuLe wILI LIe nLerneL. or LIIs LesL, we pIng LIe nLerneL devIce (SP
rouLer SoJ1) Irom HosL Ior LesLIng.

Go Lo host Ior testing:
C:\>ping 1q.o..11q

PNG sIouId be success Lo 1qz.o.z.11q sInce SM quesLIon provIdes LIuL sLuLIc
rouLe Is uIreudy conIIgured on rouLer.

On consoIe oI rouLer (Weuver) :
ssue show ip nut trunslution commund Lo verIIy LIe NAT LrunsIuLIons.

SumpIe ouLpuL:
ConsIderIng host Ior testing P uddress Is 1qz.168.1oo.1;

weuver= show ip nut trunslution

Pro nsIde gIobuI nsIde IocuI OuLsIde IocuI OuLsIde gIobuI
Icmp 1q8.18.18q.1o:qq 1qz.168.1oo.1;:qq 1qz.o.z.11:qq 1qz.o.z.11q:qq
Icmp 1q8.18.18q.1o:q 1qz.168.1oo.1;:q 1qz.o.z.11:q 1qz.o.z.11q:q
Icmp 1q8.18.18q.1o:q6 1qz.168.1oo.1;:q6 1qz.o.z.11:q6 1qz.o.z.11q:q6
[email protected]
Icmp 1q8.18.18q.1o:q; 1qz.168.1oo.1;:q; 1qz.o.z.11:q; 1qz.o.z.11q:q;
Icmp 1q8.18.18q.1o:q8 1qz.168.1oo.1;:q8 1qz.o.z.11:q8 1qz.o.z.11q:q8
[email protected]


Affer odding PTP_Z roufer, no roufing updofes ore being exchonged
befween PTP_I ond fhe new Iocofion. AII ofher infer connecfivify ond
infernef occess for fhe exisfing Iocofions of fhe compony ore working

The fosk is fo idenfify fhe fouIf(s) ond correcf fhe roufer configurofion
fo provide fuII connecfivify befween fhe roufers.
Access fo fhe roufer CLI con be goined by cIicking on fhe oppropriofe
AII posswords on oII roufers ore cisco .
[email protected]
IP oddresses ore Iisfed in fhe chorf beIow.

RTR_Ashow running-config
interfuce FustEthernet0/0
ip uddress 19Z,1,0,97 Z,Z,Z,Z40
interfuce FustEthernet0/1
ip uddress 19Z,1,0,113 Z,Z,Z,Z40
interfuce SeriuI0/0
ip uddress 19Z,1,3,14 Z,Z,Z,ZZ
cIockrute 4000

router eigrp Z1Z
network 19Z,1,3,0
network 19Z,1,0,0
no uuto-summury

[email protected]
RTR_Ashow ip route
19Z,1,3,0/30 is subnetted 1 subnets
C 19Z,1,3,1Z is directIy connected SeriuI 0/0
19Z,1,0,0/Z4 is vuriubIy subnetted subnets Z musks
C 19Z,1,0,9/Z is directIy connected FustEthernet0/0
C 19Z,1,0,11Z/Z is directIy connected FustEthernet0/1
D 19Z,1,0,1Z/Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,3,13
00:00:7 SeriuI 0/0
D 19Z,1,0,144/Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,3,13
00:00:7 SeriuI 0/0
D 19Z,1,0,Z4/30 [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,3,13 00:00:7
SeriuI 0/0
D* 19,0,1,0 [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,3,13 00:00:7
SeriuI 0/0


RTR_Z show running-config
interfuce FustEthernet0/0
ip uddress 19Z,1,77,34 Z,Z,Z,ZZ
interfuce FustEthernet0/1
ip uddress 19Z,1,0, Z,Z,Z,Z40
interfuce FustEthernet1/0
ip uddress 19Z,1,0,1 Z,Z,Z,Z40

router eigrp ZZ
network 19Z,1,77,0
network 19Z,1,0,0
[email protected]
no uuto-summury

RTR_Zshow ip route
19Z,1,0,0/Z is vuriubIy subnetted Z subnets
C 19Z,1,0,0 is directIy connected FustEthernet1/0
C 19Z,1,0,4 is directIy connected FustEthernet0/1
19Z,1,77,0/30 is subnetted 1 subnets
C 19Z,1,77,3Z is directIy connected FustEthernet0/0


RTR_ show running-config
interfuce FustEthernet0/0
ip uddress 19Z,1,0,1Z9 Z,Z,Z,Z40
interfuce FustEthernet0/1
ip uddress 19Z,1,0,14 Z,Z,Z,Z40
interfuce SeriuI0/1
ip uddress 19Z,1,0,Z Z,Z,Z,ZZ


router eigrp Z1Z
network 19Z,1,0,0

RTR_show ip route
19Z,1,0,0/Z4 is vuriubIy subnetted subnets Z musks
C 19Z,1,0,Z4/30 is directIy connected SeriuI0/1
C 19Z,1,0,1Z/Z is directIy connected FustEthernet0/0
C 19Z,1,0,144/Z is directIy connected FustEthernet0/1
D 19Z,1,0,9/Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,0,Z 00:00:7
[email protected]
SeriuI 0/1
D 19Z,1,0,11Z/Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,0,Z
00:00:7 SeriuI 0/1
19Z,1,3,0/30 is subnetted 1 subnets
D 19Z,1,3,1Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,0,Z 00:00:7
SeriuI 0/1
D* 19,0,1,0 [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,0,Z 00:00:7
SeriuI 0/1


RTR_1 show running-config
interfuce FustEthernet0/0
ip uddress 19Z,1,77,33 Z,Z,Z,ZZ
interfuce SeriuI1/0
ip uddress 19,0,1, Z,Z,Z,0
interfuce SeriuI0/0
ip uddress 19Z,1,3,13 Z,Z,Z,ZZ
cIockrute 4000
interfuce SeriuI0/1
ip uddress 19Z,1,0,Z Z,Z,Z,ZZ
cIockrute 4000

router eigrp Z1Z
network 19Z,1,3,0
[email protected]
network 19Z,1,0,0
network 19Z,1,,0
network 19,0,1,0
no uuto-summury
ip cIussIess
ip defuuIt-network 19,0,1,0
ip route 0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0 19,0,1,
ip http server

RTR_1show ip route
19Z,1,3,0/30 is subnetted 1 subnets
C 19Z,1,3,1Z is directIy connected SeriuI 0/0
19Z,1,0,0/Z4 is vuriubIy subnetted subnets Z musks
C 19Z,1,0,Z4/30 is directIy connected SeriuI0/1

D 19Z,1,0,1Z/Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,0,Z
00:00:7 SeriuI 0/1
D 19Z,1,0,144/Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,0,Z
00:00:7 SeriuI 0/1
D 19Z,1,0,9/Z [ 90/Z10Z0 j viu 19Z,1,3,14 00:00:7
SeriuI 0/0
19Z,1,77,0/30 is subnetted 1 subnets
C 19Z,1,77,3Z is directIy connected FustEthernet0/0
C 19Z,0,1,0/Z4 is directIy connected SeriuI 1/0
*S 0,0,0,0 viu 19,0,1,

Idenfify fhe fouIfs in configurofion on RTR_1 ond RTR_Z. As fhe SIM
specifies oII ofher infer connecfivify ond infernef occess for fhe exisfing
Iocofions of fhe compony ore working properIy.

Poufing ProfocoIs used in fhe SIM is EISRP wifh AS Z1Z os provided by
[email protected]
FuuIts Identified:

I. Wrong AS (EI0PP ZZ) provided of RTR_Z (Mew roufer)
Z. PTP_I does nof odverfise fhe new nefwork befween PTP_I ond
PTP_Z info EI0PP.
We need fo correcf fhe obove fwo configurofion misfokes fo hove fuII
StepZ: Correcting the EISRP AS to Z1Z
Wrong AS (EISRP ZZ) provided of PTP_Z (Mew roufer)
AII roufers fhof wonf fo exchonge roufes wifhin EI0PP needs fo be in
some Aufonomous Sysfem.

Step Z,1:
Firsf we need fo remove fhe currenf wrong EI0PP AS ZZ from Poufer
CIick on Host-F fo gef CLI of RTR_Z

Possword : cisco (Provided by SIM Q )
RTR_Zconfigure terminuI
Step Z,Z:
Pemoving fhe wrong EI0PP roufing process wifh AS ZZ
RTR_Z{conf}no router eigrp ZZ
The obove sfofemenf removes oII fhe EI0PP configurofion configured for

Step Z,3:
Adding fhe correcf EI0PP configurofion
Sforf fhe EI0PP roufing process wifh AS ZIZ
RTR_Z{conf}router eigrp Z1Z
Step Z,4:
Adverfise fhe direcfIy connecfed nefworks info EI0PP on PTP_Z

[email protected]
Fu 0/0 - 19Z,1,77,34
Fu 1/0 - 19Z,1,0,1
Fu 0/1 - 19Z,1,0,
RTR_Z{config-router}network 19Z,1,0,0
RTR_Z{config-router}network 19Z,1,77,0
RTR_Z{config-router}no uuto-summury

Step Z,:

Imporfonf sove fhe chonges mode fo roufer PTP_Z
RTR_Zcopy running-config sturtup-config

Step 3:
PTP_I does nof odverfise fhe new nefwork befween PTP_I ond PTP_Z
info EI0PP.
CIick on Host-S fo gef CLI of RTR_1
The nefwork I9Z.Io8.77.0 is used befween RTR_1 Fo0/0 - RTR_Z Fo 0/0
This nefwork needs fo be odverfise info EI0PP roufing process of RTR_1
Possword : cisco (Provided by SIM Q )
RTR_1configure terminuI
Step 3,1:
Enfer EI0PP roufing process for AS Z1Z
RTR_1{conf}router eigrp Z1Z

Step 3,Z:
The nefwork I9Z.Io8.77.0 is used befween PTP_I Fo0/0 - PTP_Z Fo 0/0 .
Adverfise fhis nefwork info EI0PP
RTR_1{config-router}network 19Z,1,77,0

[email protected]
Step 3,3:
Imporfonf sove fhe chonges mode fo roufer RTR_1
RTR_1 copy running-config sturtup-config


ping PTP_I SerioI I/0 IP oddress I98.0.I8.o
RTR_Zping 19,0,1,
A successfuI ping shows fhe new PTP_Z wiII hove fuII connecfivify wifh
ofher roufers.

[email protected]

[email protected]

SeIecf fhe consoIe on CorpI roufer

Configuring ACL

CorpI#configure ferminoI

commenf: To permif onIy Hosf C (I9Z.Io8.33.3){source oddr} fo occess
finonce server oddress (I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.Z3) {desfinofion oddr} on porf number
80 (web)
CorpI(config)#occess-Iisf I00 permif fcp hosf I9Z.Io8.33.3 hosf
I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.Z3 eq 80

commenf: To deny ony source fo occess finonce server oddress
(I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.Z3) {desfinofion oddr} on porf number 80 (web)
CorpI(config)#occess-Iisf I00 deny fcp ony hosf I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.Z3 eq 80

commenf: To permif ip profocoI from ony source fo occess ony desfinofion
becouse of fhe impIicif deny ony ony sfofemenf of fhe end of ACL.
CorpI(config)#occess-Iisf I00 permif ip ony ony

AppIying the ACL on the Interfuce

commenf: Check show ip interfuce brief commond fo idenfify fhe
inferfoce fype ond number by checking fhe IP oddress configured.
CorpI(config)#inferfoce fo 0/I
If fhe ip oddress configured oIreody is incorrecf os weII os fhe subnef
mosk. fhis shouId be correcfed in order ACL fo work
fype fhis commonds of inferfoce mode :
[email protected]
no ip oddress I9Z.x.x.x Zbb.x.x.x (removes incorrecf configured ip
oddress ond subnef mosk)
Configure Correcf IP Address ond subnef mosk :
ip oddress I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.30 Zbb.Zbb.Zbb.Z40 ( ronge of oddress specified
going fo server is given os I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.I7 - I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.30 )

commenf: PIoce fhe ACL fo check for pockefs going oufside fhe inferfoce
fowords fhe finonce web server.
CorpI(config-if)#ip occess-group I00 ouf


Imporfonf: To sove your running config fo sforfup before exif.
CorpI#copy running-config sforfup-config

Verifying the Configurution :

SfepI: show ip interfuce brief commond idenfifies fhe inferfoce on
which fo oppIy occess Iisf .
SfepZ: CIick on eoch hosf A,8,C & D . Hosf opens o web browser poge ,
SeIecf oddress box of fhe web browser ond fype fhe ip oddress of
finonce web server(I7Z.ZZ.Z4Z.Z3) fo fesf whefher if permifs /deny
occess fo fhe finonce web Server .
Sfep 3: OnIy Hosf C (I9Z.Io8.33.3) hos occess fo fhe server . If fhe
ofher hosf con oIso occess fhen moybe somefhing wenf wrong in your
configurofion . check whefher you configured correcfIy ond in order.
Sfep 4: If onIy Hosf C (I9Z.Io8.33.3) con occess fhe Finonce Web Server
you con cIick on MEXT buffon fo successfuIIy submif fhe ACL SIM.

[email protected]

[email protected]
TIIs LopoIogy conLuIns rouLers und 1 swILcI. CompIeLe LIe LopoIogy.
Drc the cppropricte detice icons to the lcbeled Detice
Drc the cppropricte connections to the locctions lcbeled Connections.
Drc the cppropricte IP cddresses to the locctions lcbeled IP cddress (Hint:
use the iten host cddresses cnd Mcin router injormction)
To remove u devIce or connecLIon, drug IL uwuy Irom LIe LopoIogy.
Use InIormuLIon guLIered Irom LIe MuIn rouLer Lo compIeLe LIe conIIguruLIon
oI uny uddILIonuI rouLers. No pusswords ure requIred Lo uccess LIe MuIn rouLer
. TIe conIIg LermInuI commund Ius been dIsubIed Ior LIe HQ rouLer. TIe
rouLer does noL requIre uny conIIguruLIon.

ConIIgure eucI uddILIonuI rouLer wILI LIe IoIIowIng
Conjiure the interjcces uith the correct IP cddress cnd encble the
Set the pcssuord to cllou console cccess to consolepu
Set the pcssuord to cllou telnet cccess to telnetpu
Set the pcssuord to cllou pritilee mode cccess to priopu

Note: Becuuse rouLes ure noL beIng udded Lo LIe conIIguruLIons, you wIII noL be ubIe Lo pIng
LIrougI LIe InLerneLwork.
AII devIces Iuve cubIe uuLosensIng cupubIIILIes dIsubIed.
AII IosLs ure PC`s

[email protected]


TIe quesLIon LeIIs us LIuL LIey ure rouLers und 1 SwILcI.

rug the uppropriute device icons to the lubeled evice

DevIce RouLer (1) und RouLer (z) ure connecLed Lo muIn rouLer dIrecLIy.
We cun conIIrm LIIs becuuse LIe oLIer DevIce IubeIed Ius u oJz und u oJq
InLerIuces LIereIore LIIs devIce Is u swILcI.

rug the uppropriute connections to the locutions lubeled

1. TIe MuIn rouLer Is connecLed over serIuI IInk Lo RouLer (z) becuuse on
RouLer (z) LIe exIIbIL provIde S oJo P uddress Icon Lowurds MuIn rouLer.

z. RouLer (1) Is connecLed Lo MuIn rouLer usIng u crossover cubIe. We requIre u
crossover cubIe Lo connecL Lwo sImIIur devIces.
[email protected]

. To connecL IosL A dIrecLIy Lo RouLer (1) IusL eLIerneL oJ1 we need u
crossover cubIe

q. SLruIgIL-LIrougI cubIe Is used Lo connecL u rouLer (z) und swILcI LogeLIer.

rug the uppropriute IP uddresses to the locutions lubeled IP
uddress {Hint: ose the given host uddresses und Muin rooter

HosL A P uddress gIven 1qz.168.1z.1zq Jz8.
HosL C P uddress gIven 1qz.168.1z.zz Jz8

Jz8 = 11111111. 11111111.11111111.1111oooo
= z.z.z.qo
SubneL musk Is z.z.z.zqo

VurIous subneL neLworks und ILs vuIId P uddress runges Ior LIe ubove subneL

1 - 1
16 - 1
z - q;
q8 - 6
6q - ;q
8o - q
q6 - 111
11z -1z;
1z8 - 1q (HosL A P uddress Is purL oI LIIs subneL neLwork P uddress runge,
So RouLer (1)
u oJ1 uddress Is 1qz.168.1z.1qz)
1qq - 1q
16o - 1;
1;6 - 1q1
1qz - zo;
zo8 - zz
zzq - zq (HosL C P uddress Is purL oI LIIs subneL neLwork P uddress runge,
RouLer (z)
u oJo uddress Is 1qz.168.1.z8)
zqo - z

[email protected]
Use LIe consoIe oI MuIn rouLer und Issue show ronning-conIig commund
uL enubIe mode Lo verIIy LIe exIsLIng P uddress conIIgured on MuIn rouLer
SerIuI InLerIuce so Ius Lo IdenLIIy LIe NeLwork used In connecLIng RouLer (z)
over serIuI IInk und dependIng on LIe neLwork cIoose LIe upproprIuLe P
uddress Ior SoJo RouLer(z).

SImIIurIy verIIy LIe usL ELIerneL InLerIuce P uddress conIIguruLIon on muIn
rouLer und seIecL u P uddress Ior RouLer (1) Iu oJo IL sIouId be Irom sume
neLwork uddress runge.

ConIigore Rooter {1) und Rooter {) with the Iollowing

ConIigore the interIuces with the correct IP uddress und enuble the
Rooter {1): ConIigorution

RouLer1#conIIgure LermInuI

RouLer1(conIIg)#InLerIuce Iu oJo
AssIgns P uddress Lo u oJo und correcL subneL musk
RouLer1(conIIg-II)#Ip uddress 1qz.168.1z.1qo z.z.z.zqo
EnubIes LIe InLerIuce
RouLer1(conIIg-II)#no sIuLdown

RouLer1(conIIg-II)#InLerIuce Iu oJ1
AssIgns P uddress Lo u oJ1 und correcL subneL musk
RouLer1(conIIg-II)#Ip uddress 1qz.168.1z.1qz z.z.z.zqo
EnubIes LIe InLerIuce
RouLer1(conIIg-II)#no sIuLdown

Set the console, telnet und privilege mode uccess pussword us
Console: consolepw ; Telnet: telnetpw ; Privilege mode: privpw

To set console pussword

RouLer1(conIIg)#IIne consoIe o
RouLer1(conIIg-IIne)#pussword consoIepw
[email protected]

To set telnet pussword
RouLer1(conIIg)#IIne vLy o q
RouLer1(conIIg-IIne)#pussword LeIneLpw

To set privilege mode pussword

RouLer1(conIIg)#enubIe pussword prIvpw

Rooter {): ConIigorution

RouLerz#conIIgure LermInuI

RouLerz(conIIg)#InLerIuce Iu oJo
AssIgns P uddress Lo u oJo und correcL subneL musk
RouLerz(conIIg-II)#Ip uddress 1qz.168.1z.z8 z.z.z.zqo
EnubIes LIe InLerIuce
RouLerz(conIIg-II)#no sIuLdown

RouLerz(conIIg-II)#InLerIuce serIuI oJo
AssIgns P uddress Lo serIuI oJo und correcL subneL musk
RouLerz(conIIg-II)#Ip uddress 1qz.168.1z.1;q z.z.z.zqo
EnubIes LIe InLerIuce
RouLerz(conIIg-II)#no sIuLdown

Set the console, telnet und privilege mode uccess pussword us
Console: consolepw ; Telnet: telnetpw ; Privilege mode: privpw

SImIIur conIIguruLIon needs Lo be done Ior RouLer (z) Lo seL LIe pusswords Ior
consoIe, LeIneL und prIvIIege mode us we dId Ior RouLer(1)

[email protected]


ConIIgure LIe rouLer per LIe IoIIowIng requIremenLs:
1) Nume oI LIe rouLer Is NIW_RTR
z) EnubIe-secreL pussword Is cisco
) TIe pussword Lo uccess user EXEC mode usIng LIe consoIe Is cluss
q) TIe pussword Lo uIIow LeIneL uccess Lo LIe rouLer Is cluss
) PVq uddresses musL be conIIgured us IoIIows:
.:) Ethernet netuorl zop.:.zoz.:z8 ,z; - Router hcs the lost cssincble
cddress in subneL.
.z) SerIuI NeLwork Is 1qz.o.z.16 Jz8 - RouLer Ius LIe lust ussIgnubIe IosL
uddress In subneL.
6) nLerIuces sIouId be enubled.
,) Rooter protocol is RPvz

1) Nume oI LIe rouLer Is NIW_RTR
[email protected]
RouLer# conIIgure LermInuI
RouLer (conIIg)# IosLnume NEW_RTR
z) EnubIe-secreL pussword Is cisco
NEW_RTR(conIIg)#enubIe secreL cIsco
) TIe pussword Lo uccess user EXEC mode usIng LIe consoIe Is cluss
NEW_RTR(conIIg)# IIne con o
NEW_RTR(conIIg-IIne)#pussword cIuss
NEW_RTR(conIIg-IIne)# exIL
q) TIe pussword Lo uIIow LeIneL uccess Lo LIe rouLer Is cluss
NEW_RTR(conIIg)# IIne vLy o q
NEW_RTR(conIIg-IIne)#pussword cIuss
NEW_RTR(conIIg-IIne)# exIL
.:) Ethernet netuorl zop.:.zoz.:z8 ,z; - Router hcs the lost cssincble
cddress in subneL.
NEW_RTR(conIIg)#InLerIuce Iu oJo
NEW_RTR(conIIg-II)#Ip uddress zoq.16.zoz.18 z.z.z.zzq
6) nLerIuces sIouId be enubled
NEW_RTR(conIIg-II)#no sIuLdown
.z) SerIuI NeLwork Is 1qz.o.z.16 Jz8 - RouLer Ius LIe lust ussIgnubIe IosL
uddress In subneL.
NEW_RTR(conIIg)#InLerIuce serIuI oJoJo
NEW_RTR(conIIg-II)#Ip uddress 1qz.o.z.o z.z.z.zqo
6) nLerIuces sIouId be enubled
NEW_RTR(conIIg-II)#no sIuLdown

[email protected]
,) Rooter protocol is RPvz
NEW_RTR(conIIg)#rouLer rIp
NEW_RTR(conIIg-rouLer)#versIon z
NEW_RTR(conIIg-rouLer)#neLwork 1qz.o.z.16
NEW_RTR(conIIg-rouLer)#neLwork zoq.16.zoz.1z8
Save the configurations to NVRAM
NEW_RTR# copy run sLurL

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