HyCO 2DT Manual (Preview)
HyCO 2DT Manual (Preview)
HyCO 2DT Manual (Preview)
How-To build a simple device to install on turbo-charged diesel engines that saves you money! Tested by major diesel engine manufacturers on their own dyno's and operated by truck drivers all over North America
George Wiseman
Energy Solutions
since 1984
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Energy Solutions
since 1984
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Table of Contents
How the HyCO 2DT works . . . .P2 Mounting HyCO 2DT container. . P2 Routing fuel hoses. . . . . . . . .P3 Installing Vapor tube assembly. . .P6 Mounting Vent container. . . . . P7 Venting fuel tank/s. . . . . . . . P8 Routing vent hoses. . . . . . . . P8 Hooking up the buzzer. . . . . . P8
out of a fuel injector nozzle is that the ball bypasses the laminar stage, so the inherent droplet size is usually ten times smaller than a normal nozzle spray. Note: This ball technique was originally developed for use in military heaters, because they needed a design of heater that would burn any fuel, regardless of viscosity, dirt, water, etc. Fuel must be vapor before it can burn and so this is one way they did it. The mist created by the ball is so fine that it will not wet a mirror held in it. The rest of the fuel simply drains back to the fuel tank. The very fine mist is directed to the intake side of the turbocharger. The turbo charger further mixes the mist with air, most of the mist actually turns into vapor. The turbocharger homogenizes the air and vapor fuel. Note: When diesel turns to vapor it requires a large amount of heat. It takes that heat from the air around it, thereby having a net cooling effect. The air then becomes denser. So the HyCO 2DT assists the turbocharger and the inter-cooler with this side effect. Note: Diesel fuel must be vapor and mixed with oxygen before it can burn. It takes time for the liquid fuel sprayed into a combustion chamber (from an ordinary injector) to turn to vapor and then to mix with oxygen and burn. This is called "lag time". There is no chance that the HyCO 2DT vapors will burn before the injector sprays, because the HyCO vapors are way too lean to
Other options and considerations Air pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . P8 Deceleration shutoff. . . . . . . .P9 Air tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . P10 Fuel Pump on drain. . . . . . . P11 Dual Turbo Chargers. . . . . . . P11
burn (not enough fuel). It is not easy to cause diesel fuel to evaporate, so only a very small amount of fuel turns to vapor and gets homogenized with the air. The homogenized air/fuel vapors simply assist combustion once it is initiated by the injector. The benefits of a homogenized air/fuel mixture are; a slight reduction in the lag time, smoother combustion, slightly increased power, decreased exhaust temperatures, reduced pollution and dramatically reduced fuel consumption. The HyCO 2DT is built heavy duty and will easily outlast the engine it is attached to. It requires no maintenance and is entirely automatic in its operation. We have HyCO 2DT's installed on test vehicles since November/91 and they are doing well. As of today on large trucks our results have been a net fuel mileage gain of between 7 and 14 percent, depending on load, with the better results being on the heavier loads, because the turbo pressures are higher, making the HyCO 2DT more efficient. In small vehicles, we've achieved over 40% fuel economy gain when the turbo is activated. All internal parts to a HyCO 2DT are set, there are no adjustments to make. It produces its fine mist with a patented procedure using liquid fluid films and exact application of moving gaseous fluids. In normal operation, a HyCO 2DT doesn't work if there is no air pressure applied, (the fuel just drains through it) so it is
automatically not working at idle, because there is no turbo pressure. As the engine begins to work, the turbo pressures rise, automatically starting the HyCO 2DT misting action. The HyCO 2DT doesn't really start to do anything until the turbo air pressure is above 5 psi. Then the response from the HyCO 2DT is rather linear till about 30 psi, any pressure greater than 30 psi does increase efficiency but in a greatly reduced amount. So I design the HyCO 2DT to operate under 30 psi. The ordinary HyCO 2DT installation depends on gravity to drain its container. If any HyCO 2DT is required to be mounted so that the diesel fuel cannot flow freely back to the fuel tank, then You have two choices (1) put in a separate (new) fuel return line or (2) the HyCO 2DT must be equipped with a float switch that powers an electric pump to make sure the HyCO 2DT container doesn't fill up with diesel. The HyCO 2DT is designed to have zero fluid level, all the liquid fuel must drain away. The draining action is assisted by the slight pressure created by the ball.. We have found in some cases, the truck's drain line is too small to make an adequate drain for gravity feed. Such as the Cat's #4 line. You have a choice of upgrading the drain line to at least a #10 (I prefer #12) or installing an electric fuel pump to assist the HyCO drain. Given a choice, I would always choose to install a large drain line because, as an inventor, I've always found that when you depend on moving parts, they will eventually fail. The HyCO 2DT is designed to operate with no moving parts, I like to keep it that way. The HyCO 2DT does require a source of compressed gas. By "gas" I mean a state of matter, as in solid, liquid, "gas". Normally we use turbo
pressure for the source of compressed gas, in this case the compressed gas is air. It is also possible to use many other sources of compressed gas, propane for example. But for simplicity, we find the turbo pressure to be adequate and convenient. Step one, figure out where everything is going to be. Then measure the hose lengths and determine if you need any more fittings. Remember that JIC and SAE fittings are different. It is best to use all of one or the other. The HyCO 2DT kit uses SAE fittings. SAE fittings are usually brass and can be picked up in a hardware store. JIC fittings are usually steel, made for high pressure hydraulic applications. Step two, go get all your hoses and fittings. Be sure to get DOT approved fuel hose that will fit your fittings. Make up the parts you need to fabricate on the spot. Step three, start mounting your HyCO 2DT. If you are doing this for the first time, you likely spent a couple of hours looking over this instruction manual. Then all one morning getting your parts and are at about 2 in the afternoon before being ready to start installing. It will take you one to four hours to install, depending on how good you are. These figures are based on my actual experience. Once you're experienced, a full installation will take you less than three hours, I've see it done in two.
reason, the HyCO 2DT will not drain to the fuel tank by gravity. Usually there would be enough fuel return flow to simply split the fuel return and feed it into both containers. Both containers need to be drained separately to the fuel tank/s
HyCO 2DT retains fuel, the rising fuel level will interfere with the "misting" action and eventually will overflow the container, causing liquid fuel to drain over into the engine. Note: Fuel condensation in the inter cooler has been expressed as a concern. Our testing has shown this to be of little concern as the mist is (or very near) a vapor state when it comes out of the turbo and will not condense for minutes or hours. However we cannot say that it will not happen, so if you are concerned with this, our recommendation is to draw some pressurized air from the spot in the inter-cooler most likely to accumulate liquid (like the bottom of the inter-cooler); if in fact the mist did condense, then it would be purged to the HyCO 2DT drain. Note: Using propane or natural gas (methane) mixed with diesel enhances combustion. So using these gases to pressurize the ball will have double effect. But take care, vapor fuel is "more volatile", your current fuel mixture starts to explode when just over 5% of it finds the proper combination. Note: It is possible to totally shut off the HyCO 2DT by inserting a valve in the air pressure hose and in the vapor hose. Then it is simply a wide spot in the fuel return line. Most truckers choose to exercise this option, for safeties sake. I seriously recommend it. I've never seen it needed but it's there. Note: Some gaskets and hoses in some Diesel air intake systems are not totally fuel compatible, This leads to gasket or hose failure as the gasket or hose absorbs the fuel mist over a period of time. Simply replace these gaskets and hoses with fuel compatible versions.
That wraps it up for now. These are very basic instructions and I apologize for that. I invite feedback from your tests and comments of any kind on the product or this presentation. It is my intention to write a very comprehensive Manual for the HyCO 2DT and feedback is extremely helpful. We have (Feb./93) run testing on one of the best dynamometers in America, using a Kenworth truck and a CAT engine model 3406 B. The tests confirmed everything the on-road truckers had been telling us. The tests were so good that the companies we are dealing with couldn't believe it and are setting up SAE testing to confirm. We have also tested the HyCO 2DT on a Perkins turbo-charged Diesel in Mexico City. This Perkins engine was hooked up to a Perkins Dynamometer at the Perkins engine manufacturing facility. We got 10% increase in economy (used less fuel) and 14% increase in power AT FULL FUEL RAIL! It was funny to see the engineers trying to figure out that one, but they had to acknowledge the results.
02-23-1993 13:51:10
Control test shows normal power curve, exactly between min/max lines. Tests performed in Boise, Idaho at Western States Cat. Tests Sponsored by Entech Corporation of Meridian, Idaho. Results qualify as independent confirmation HyCO 2DT performance.
V e h C p o w e r
Engine Speed
V e h C p o w e r
Engine Speed
02-23-1993 13:57:45
Minimum 20
F u e l V o l u m e
Engine Speed
Minimum 20
F u e l V o l u m e
This test with the HyCO 2DT installed shows the engine's fuel volume to be lower than the manufactures expect for power. The actual fuel curve is BELOW the min/max lines.
Engine Speed
Energy Solutions
since 1984
Dear Alternative and Sustainable Energy Enthusiast, Im a full time self-employed inventor. I research things that interest me, for use in my own life. The plans I sell are not just some armchair theorist brainstorming (though I usually start a project that way). I build the projects and make them work. They need to (and do) work because I use them myself. I develop them, redesign them, refine them and once Ive figured out how to DO IT in the most practical way I can... I DO NOT PATENT! I write a book; the books allow me to 1. Help (teach) a LOT of people AND 2. Bring in the money I need to pay bills and fund further research. 3. Make sure the technology is not lost if/when the Vested Interest finally shuts me down. Ive been a self-employed inventor since 1986 (started Eagle-Research in 1984). I (and thus Eagle-Research) am ENTIRELY SELF FUNDED, literally from satisfied customers. I do not accept Government grants or any money from anywhere that has any strings attached. Selling these books is how I fund research worth millions of dollars (and bypassVested Interest Suppression). Most of the money I make and years of my time go into to developing (and upgrading) innovations. Innovations that you can now know for the price of a book. This is why, when people copy and/or give away my books, they hurt 1. Me (copyright violation and loss of income), 2. YOU (you are denied technology upgrades on technology youve purchased), 3. All of society (everyone is denied practical innovation choices that could have been) On Scribd.com, otherwise well-meaning and enthusiastic people uploaded my books, which were downloaded (for free) over 10,000 times. That could have financed my Gravity Machine or an improved Free Energy Accumulator... To help enthusiastic people spread the word LEGALLY, weve started an affiliate program. As an affiliate, you will get PAID when you refer people to us and they buy any of our products. By now youve likely realized that most of this books pages are not included in this free preview. You can find a full authorized latest edition of all our books and kits in our eStore. http://www.eagle-research.com/store/ All products sold with 100% money back Satisfaction Guarantee. Use coupon code Scribd130313 to get a one time 20% discount on an order (good until 2016). You can also find a (purchase separately) online Resources that keeps this technology current as there are corrections, upgrades, options, proofs, FAQ, Blogs, Forums, links, similar research by others, etc. (plus a lot of free information) You can also subscribe to my eNews (see website sidebar) to stay informed on whats happening. I thank you for your interest and I look forward to helping you achieve what Ive already done.
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Energy Solutions
since 1984
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Canada: 160 Panorama Ridge, Box 21017, Penticton, BC, V2A 8K8 USA / Int'l: 1306 Main St., Oroville, WA 98844
Energy Solutions
since 1984
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Too low they build, who build beneath the stars. - Edward Young -
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