ProbabilityDistributions 61
ProbabilityDistributions 61
ProbabilityDistributions 61
The concept of probability is an important aspect of the study of statistics and within this
chapter we shall introduce the reader to some of the concepts that are relevant to prob-
ability distributions. However, the main emphasis of the chapter is to focus on the con-
cepts of discrete and continuous probability distributions and not on the fundamentals of
probability theory. We will initially explore the issue of continuous probability distributions
(normal) and then introduce the concept of discrete probability distributions (binomial,
Poisson). Section 5.1 will provide a very brief introduction to the probability concepts and
laws and Sections 5.2 and 5.3 will explore the concept of a probability distribution and intro-
duce two distinct types: (a) continuous and (b) discrete. Table 5.1 summarizes the probabil-
ity distributions that are applicable to whether the data variables are discrete/continuous
and whether the distributions are symmetric/skewed.
Variable type
Measured characteristic Discrete Continuous
Shape Symmetric Skewed Symmetric Skewed
Distribution Binomial Poisson Normal Exponential
Table 5.1
Learning Objectives
On completing this chapter you should be able to:
Understand the concept of the following terms: experiment, outcome, sample
space, relative frequency, and sample probability.
Understand the concept of events being mutually exclusive and independent.
Use the basic probability laws to solve simple problems.
Use tree diagrams (or decision trees) as an aid to the solution process.
Probability A probability
provides a number value
to the likely occurrence of
a particular event.
Continuous probability
distribution If a random
variable is a continuous
variable, its probability
distribution is called a
continuous probability
Discrete probability
distribution If a random
variable is a discrete vari-
able, its probability distri-
bution is called a discrete
probability distribution.
Sample space The sam-
ple space is an exhaustive
list of all the possible out-
comes of an experiment.
Event An event is any
collection of outcomes of
an experiment.
178 Business Statistics Using Excel
5.1 Introduction to Probability
5.1.1 Basic ideas
Tere are a number of words and phrases that encapsulate the basic concept of probability:
chance, probable, odds and so on. In all cases we are faced with a degree of uncertainty and
concerned with the likelihood of a particular event happening. Statistically these words
and phrases are too vague; we need some measure of likelihood of an event occurring. Tis
measure is termed probability and is measured on a scale ranging between 0 and 1.
From Figure 5.1 we ob serve that the probabil
ity values lie between 0 and 1 with 0 represent
ing no possibility of the event occurring and
1 representing the probability is certain to
occur. In reality the value of the probability will
lie between 0 and 1.
In order to determine a probability of an event
occurring, data has to be obtained. Tis can be
achieved through, for example, experience or
Understand the concept of a probability distribution.
Calculate using this distribution the expected value and a measure of spread.
Have an introduction to discrete distributions.
Understand when to apply the binomial distribution.
Solve simple problems using both tree diagrams and the binomial formula.
Understand when to apply the Poisson distribution.
Solve simple problems using the Poisson formula.
Have an introduction to continuous distributions.
Use the normal distribution to calculate the values of a variable that correspond to
a particular probability.
Calculate as one parameter of the normal distribution if the other parameters are known.
Use the normal distribution to calculate the probability that a variable has a value
between specific limits.
Understand when to apply approximations to simplify the solution process.
Have an introduction to the uniform distribution.
Have an introduction to the Students t distribution.
Have an introduction to the chi square distribution.
Have an introduction to the F distribution.
Solve problems using Microsoft Excel.
Expected value The
expected value of a
random data variable
indicates its population
average value.
Normal distribution The
normal distribution is a
symmetrical, bell-shaped
curve, centred at its
expected value.
Figure 5.1
Probability value, P
0.5 0 1
179 Probability Distributions
observation or empirical methods. Te procedure or situation that produces a defnite
result (or outcome) is termed a random experiment. For example tossing a coin,
rolling a die, recording the income of a factory worker, determining defective items
on an assembly line are all examples of experiments. Te characteristics of random
experiments are:
Each experiment is repeatable.
All possible outcomes can be described.
Although individual outcomes appear haphazard, continual repeats of the experiment
will produce a regular pattern.
Te result of an experiment is called an outcome. It is the single possible result of an
experiment, e.g. tossing a coin produces a head, rolling a die gives a 3. If we accept the
proposition that an experiment can produce a fnite number of outcomes then we could
in theory defne all these outcomes. Te set of all possible outcomes is defned as the sam
ple space. For example the experiment of rolling a die could produce the outcomes: 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, and 6; which would thus defne the sample space. Another basic notion is the concept
of an event and is simply a set of possible outcomes i.e. an event is a subset of the sample
space. For example take the experiment of rolling a die, the event of obtaining an even
number would be defned as the subset {2, 4, 6}. Furthermore, two events are said to be
mutually exclusive if they cannot occur together. Tus in rolling a die, the event obtaining
a two is mutually exclusive of the event obtaining a three. Te event obtaining a two and
the event obtaining an even number are not mutually exclusive since both can occur
together i.e. {2} is a subset of {2, 4, 6}.
5.1.2 Relative frequency
Suppose we perform the experiment of throwing a die and note the score obtained. We
repeat the experiment a large number of times, say 1000, and note the number of times
each score was obtained. For each number we could derive the ratio of occurrence that an
event A will happen (m) to the total number of experiments (n = 1000). Tis ratio is called
Student Exercises
X5.1 Give an appropriate sample space for each of the following experiments:
(a) A card is chosen at random from a pack of cards.
(b) A person is chosen at random from a group containing 5 females and 6 males.
(c) A football team records the results of each of two games as win, draw,
or lose.
X5.2 A dart is thrown at a board and is likely to land on any one of eight squares num-
bered 1 to 8 inclusive. A represents the event the dart lands in square 5 or 8.
B represents the event the dart lands in square 2, 3, or 4. C represents the event
the dart lands in square 1, 2, 5, or 6. Which two events are mutually exclusive?
180 Business Statistics Using Excel
the relative frequency. In general, if event A occurs m times, then your estimate of the
probability that A will occur is as follows:
( ) =
Here m represents the frequency, or the number of times a particular number occurs (an
outcome). Te result of the die experiment is shown in Table 5.2 below:
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 173 168 167 161 172 159
Relative Frequency 0.173 0.168 0.167 0.161 0.172 0.159
Table 5.2
Tis notion of relative frequency provides an approach to determine the probability of an
event. As the number of experiments increases then the relative frequency stabilizes and
approaches the true probability of the event. Tus if we had performed the above experi
ment 2000 times we might expect in the long run the frequencies of all the scores to
approach 0.167, i.e. P(2) = 0.167, P(3) = 0.167, etc. Tere are many situations where prob
abilities are derived through this empirical approach. If a manufacturer indicates that he
is 99% certain (P = 0.99) that an electric light bulb will last 200 hours, this fgure will have
been arrived at from experiments which have tested numerous samples of light bulbs. If
we are told that the probability of rain on a June day is 0.42, this will have been determined
through studying rainfall records for June over, say, the past 20 years. A number of import
ant issues are assumed when approaching probabilities in general:
Te probability of each event lies between 0 and 1.
Te sum of the probabilities of these events will equal 1.
If we know the probability of an event, then the probability of it not occurring is P(Event
not occurring) = 1 2 P(Event occurs).
Student Exercises
X5.3 How would you give an estimate of the probability of a 25 year old passing the
driving test at a first attempt?
X5.4 The table below provides information about 200 school leavers and their
destination after leaving school.
Leave school
at 16 years
Leave school at
a higher age
Full-time education, E 14 18
Full-time job, J 96 44
Other 15 13
181 Probability Distributions
5.1.3 The probability laws
In case we are measuring probabilities for multiple events, very often we would like to
be able to calculate what is the probability that either one or the other event will happen,
or the probability that both events will happen simultaneously. If this is the case, certain
probability laws apply. Let us take a look at the general addition law. In its simplest form
the addition law of mutually exclusive events states that:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) (5.2)
In other words, a probability that either of the two events will happen is equal to the
sum of the two probabilities for every individual event. However, when events are not
mutually exclusive, i.e. two or more events contain common outcomes within a sample
space, then this law does not hold.
Te event {A or B} contains the outcomes of either odd integers or integers 5. A little
thought would indicate that the number containing event A or B is given by the equation
Determine the following probabilities that a person selected at random:
(a) Went into full-time education.
(b) Went into a full-time job.
(c) Either went into full-time education or went into a full-time job.
(d) Left school at 16.
(e) Left school at 16 and went into full-time education.
Example 5.1
To illustrate this case consider a sam-
ple space consisting of the positive
integers from 1 through 10. Let event A
represent all odd integers and event B
represent all integers less than or equal
to 5. These two events within the sam-
ple space are displayed in Figure 5.2.
While the events A and B overlap (the
intersect) common sample points are
present and would represent the event
{odd integers and integers 5} or {A and
B} or {A > B}.
Figure 5.2
182 Business Statistics Using Excel
n{A or B} = n{A} + n{B} 2 n{A > B}. Consequently by transforming the events into prob
abilities the general addition law is as follows:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) 2 P(A > B) (5.3)
Tus if two events are mutually exclusive, P(A > B) = 0.
Lets look at the general multiplication law. We mentioned above mutually exclusive events,
i.e. events that cannot occur at the same time, but what about completely independent
events? An example is rolling a die twice. Te fact that we got 6 on the frst roll, for example,
cannot infuence the outcome of the second roll. Similarly take the example of picking a
ball from a bag, if it were replaced before another was picked nothing changes; the sample
space remains the same. Drawing the frst ball and replacing it cannot afect the outcome
of the next selection. In these examples we have the notion of independent events. If two
(or more) events are independent then the general multiplication law applies:
P(A > B) = P(A) * P(B) (5.4)
Example 5.2
A card is chosen from an ordinary
pack of cards. Write down the prob-
abilities that the card is: (a) black and
an ace, (b) black or an ace, and (c) nei-
ther black nor an ace.
Let event A and B represent the
events obtaining an ace card and B a
black card respectively. The sample
space is represented by Figure 5.3.
(a) P(B and A) =
Number of outcomes inA B
Total number of ou
0.0385 = =
(b) P(B or A) = P(B) + P(A) P(B > A) =
+ = = 0 538462 .
(c) P(neither B nor A) = 1 P(B or A) = 1 0.5385 = 0.4615
Note The terms independent and mutually exclusive are different and apply to
different things. If A and B are events with non-zero probabilities, then we can show that
P(A > B):
P(A > B) = 0, if mutually exclusive. Mutually exclusive events cannot occur at the same
P(A > B) 0, if independent. Independent events do not influence each other.
Independent events Two
events are independent
if the occurrence of one
of the events has no influ-
ence on the occurrence of
the other event.
Figure 5.3
183 Probability Distributions
5.1.4 Probability tree diagram
Probability tree diagrams provide a visual aid to help you solve complicated probability
Example 5.3
Suppose a fair die is tossed twice. Let A = Event first die shows an even number and B =
Event second die shows a 5 or 6. Events A and B are intuitively unrelated and therefore are
independent events. Thus the probability of A occurring is P(A) = 3/6 = 0.5 and the probabil-
ity of event B occurring is P(B) = 2/6 = 0.3. Thus, P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B) = 0.5 * 0.3 = 0.16.
Example 5.4
A bag contains 3 red and 4 white balls. If one ball
is taken at random and then replaced and then
another ball is taken then, calculate the following
(a) P(Red,Red)?
(b) P(just one Red)?
(c) P(2nd Ball White)?
Figure 5.4 displays the experiment in a tree dia-
gram. Each branch of the tree indicates the possi-
ble result of a draw and associated probabilities.
Multiplying along the branches provides the probability of a final outcome:
(a) P(R,R) = P(R) * P(R) = 3/7 * 3/7 = 9/49
(b) P(Just one Red) = P(R,W or W,R) = P(R) * P(W) + P(W) * P(R) = 3/7 * 4/7 + 4/7 * 3/7 = 24/49
(c) P(2nd Ball White) = P(R,W or W,W) = P(R,W) + P(W,W) = 3/7 * 4/7 + 4/7 * 4/7 = 21/49.
1st Ball 2nd Ball
Figure 5.4
Student Exercises
X5.5 Susan takes examinations in Mathematics, French, and History. The probability that
she passes Mathematics is 0.7 and the corresponding probabilities for French and
History are 0.8 and 0.6. Given that her performances in each subject are independ-
ent, draw a tree diagram to show the possible outcomes. Use this tree diagram to
calculate the following probabilities: (a) fails all three examinations, and (b) fails just
one examination.
184 Business Statistics Using Excel
5.1.5 Introduction to probability distributions
We already stated that the concept of relative frequency is one way to interpret proba
bility. Equation (5.1) shows us how to calculate these frequencies. In other words, the
relative frequency (or proportion) represents an estimate of the probability of the stated
occurrence occurring within the total number of attempts (or experiment sample space).
In this respect equation (5.5) provides a frequency defnition of probability which is known
as the experimental (or empirical) approach.
Number of successful outcomes
Total num
( ) =
bber of attempts (5.5)
Example 5.5
Consider the situation where a financial analyst collects data about the sales of a particular
type of fridge freezer. From the data he is interested in the probability that this type of
fridge freezer will be sold in a particular region which he will then use to produce sales
estimates for the next 12 months. From the data he finds that this region sold 230 out of a
national number sold of 1670. From equation (5.1) the relative frequency, or proportion, or
probability of this type of fridge being sold is P(X) = 230/1670 = 0.137725 or 13.8%. This can
then be used within the sales forecast plan as will be outlined when discussing expectation
in Section 5.1.6.
Example 5.6
To illustrate the idea of a probability con-
sider the following frequency distribution
representing the mileage travelled by
120 salesmen (Table 5.3). From this table
we can calculate the concept of a relative
Mileage travelled (miles) Frequency, f
400420 12
420440 27
440460 34
460480 24
480500 15
500520 8
Note From Table 5.3 we notice that the class limits are 400420, 420440,,
500520. We notice that a salesman could have a value of 420 miles and then the question
becomes which class 400420 or 420440? The answer to this question is to place all val-
ues less than 420 in 400420 and all values equal to or greater than in class 420440. This
rule would then be applied to all data values.
Table 5.3
185 Probability Distributions
Figure 5.5 illustrates the cal
culation process.
We observe from Figure 5.5
that the relative frequency
for 440460 miles travelled is
0.283333. Tis implies that we
have a chance or probability
of 34/120 that the miles trav
elled lies within this class.
Te distribution of probabilities
given in Table 5.3 and graphi
cally represented in Figure 5.6
are diferent ways of illustrating
the probability distribution.
Whereas for the frequency
distribution the area under
the histogram is proportional
to the total frequency, for the
probability distribution the
area is proportional to total
probability (= 1.0).
Given a particular probability distribution we can determine the probability for any
event associated with it. Tus, P(400460 miles) = P(400 x 460) = Area under the dis
tribution from 400 to 460 = P(400420) + P(420440) + P(440460) = 0.10 + 0.225 + 0.283 =
0.608. Tus, we have a probability estimate of 61% for the mileage travelled to lie between
400 and 460 miles.
Note Thus, relative frequencies provide estimates of the probability for that class,
or value, to occur. If we were to plot the histogram of relative frequencies we would
in fact be plotting out the probabilities for each event e.g. P(400420 miles) = 0.10,
P(420440 miles) = 0.225.
Excel Solution
Mileage data Cells B4:B9 Values
Frequency, f Cells C4:C9 Values
Relative frequency Cell D4:D9 Formula: =C4/$C$11
Copy formula from D4:D9
Total f Cell C11 Formula: =SUM(C4:C9)
Total relative frequency Cell D11 Formula: =SUM(D4:D9)
Miles travelled, X
Mileage travelled by 120 salesmen
y 0.300000
420440 450460 460480 480500 500520
Figure 5.6
Figure 5.5
186 Business Statistics Using Excel
5.1.6 Expectation and variance for a
probability distribution
Te value of the mean and standard deviation can be calculated from the frequency dis
tribution by using equations (4.3) and (4.16). By using relative frequencies to determine
the mean we have in fact found the mean of the probability distribution. Te mean of a
probability distribution is called the expected value, E(X), and can be calculated from
equation (5.6):
E(X) X P(X) = (5.6)
Further thought along the lines used in developing the notion of expectation would
reveal that the variance of the probability distribution, VAR(X), can be determined from
equation (5.7):
= ( ) [ ]
From equation (5.7) the standard deviation can be calculated using the relationship given
in equation (5.8):
SD X VAR X ( ) ( ) =
Note A point to notice about this type of probability distribution which has been
derived from continuous data is that if we decreased the class limits and increased the
sample size the associated polygon of the distribution would approximate to a curvethe
probability distribution curve.
Note Some textbooks use the phrases for the expected value and the mean
Example 5.7
Returning to the miles travelled by salesmen we can easily calculate the mean
number of miles travelled and the corresponding measure of variation as illustrated in
Figure 5.7.
187 Probability Distributions
Excel Solution
Mileage travelled Cells A6:A11 Values
Frequency, f Cells B6:B11 Values
LCB Cells C6:C11 Values
UCB Cells D6:D11 Values
Class mid-point Cells E6:E11 Formula: =(C6+D6)/2
Copy formula from E6:E11
Relative frequency Cells G6:G11 Formula: =B6/$D$17
Copy formula from G6:G11
X*P(X) Cell I6:I11 Formula: =E6*G6
Copy formula from I6:I11
*P(X) Cell K6:K11 Formula: =E6^2*G6
Copy formula from K6:K11
N = f = Cell C15 Formula: =SUM(B6:B11)
XP= Cell C16 Formula: =SUM(I6:I11)
P = Cell C17 Formula: =SUM(K6:K11)
Mean = Cell C18 Formula: =C16
Variance = Cell C19 Formula: =C17C18^2
Standard Deviation = Cell C20 Formula: =C19^0.5
Interpretation From Excel, the expected value is 454.5 miles travelled with a
standard deviation of 27.38 miles travelled.
Figure 5.7
188 Business Statistics Using Excel
Te manual solution to Example 5.7 is illustrated in Figure 5.7 where we have made use
of Excel to undertake the calculations:
Expected Value, E(X) X P(X) = = 454.5
= ( ) [ ] = 207320 2 (454.5)
= 749.75
Standard Deviation SD X VAR X ( ) ( ) = = 27.38
To solve this problem we frst
need to calculate the associ
ated probabilities of choosing
3, 2, 1, and 0 white balls, and
a tree diagram (see Figure
5.8) visually enables identi
fcation of these probabili
ties. Te fnal stage consists
of calculating the associ
ated expected value given we
know what the winnings are
for 3, 2, 1, and 0 white balls.
From the tree diagram
illustrated in Figure 5.8 we
can identify the diferent
Note Re-arranging equation (4.3) to give the expected value (mean) represented by
equation (5.6):
X P(X) = = =
The frequency distribution variance equation can be re-arranged to give equation (5.7):
f X X
X E X P(X) X P(X)
= = =
( )
( )
( )
Example 5.8
Consider the problem of a stall at a fete running a game of chance. The game consists of
a customer taking turns to choose three balls from a bag that contains 3 white and 17 red
balls without replacement. For a customer to win the customer would have to choose
3 white, 2 white, or 1 white with winnings of 5, 2, and 0.50 respectively. On the day of
the fete 2000 customers tried the game. How much money might be expected to have been
paid out to each customer?
3 White
2 White
2 White
1 White
1 White
0 White
1 White
2 White
1st Ball 2nd Ball
3rd Ball
Figure 5.8
189 Probability Distributions
routes that we can achieve 3, 2, 1, and 0 white balls. Te probability of 3 whites is
P(3 White) = P(1st White and 2nd White and 3rd White) = 3/20 * 2/19 * 1/18 = 0.0009.
By a similar process: P(only 2 White) = 0.0447, P(only 1 White) = 0.3579, and P(no
white) = 0.5965.Te probability distribution for the expected winnings can now be con
structed and is illustrated in Figure 5.9.
Excel Solution
Number of white balls Cells B4:B7 Values
Amount won, X Cells C4:C7 Values
Probability, P(C) Cells D4:D7 Values
X*P(X) Cells E4:E7 Formula: =C4*D4
Copy formula from E4:E7
E(X) Cell E9 Formula: =SUM(E4:E7)
Total Cell E10 Formula: =2000*E9
Interpretation From Excel, we observe that the expected winnings for each game
played is E(X) = X * P(X) = 0.27285 (or 0.27 to the nearest cent). Given that we have 2000
players (or games played) then the total winnings is 545.70 (= N * E(X) = 2000 * 0.27285)
to the nearest cent.
Example 5.9
A company manufactures and sells product Xbar. The sales price of the product will be 6
per unit, and estimates of sales demand and variable costs of sales are as follows:
Probability Variable Cost per unit ()
0.1 3.0
0.3 3.5
0.5 4.0
0.1 4.5
Table 5.5
Probability Sales Demand
0.3 5000
0.6 6000
0.1 8000
Table 5.4
Figure 5.9
190 Business Statistics Using Excel
Te unit variable costs are not conditional on the volume of sales demand and fxed costs
are estimated to be 10000. What is the expected proft? Te expected proft can be calcu
lated if we realize that proft is determined from the following equation: Proft = Sales 2
Variable Costs 2 Fixed Costs.
Te expected sales demand is cal
culated using equation (5.6) with the
probability distribution employed to
calculate the column statistics (see
Table 5.6). Te expected demand is
E(X) X P(X) =
= 5900 units.
Te expected value of the vari
able cost per unit is calculated using
equation (5.7) with the probability
distribution employed to calculate
the column statistics (see Table
5.7). Te expected value per unit is
E(X) X P(X) =
= 3.80.
From these calculations we can now calculate the overall value of sales, variable costs,
and expected proft as follows: sales = 5900 * 6 = 35400, variable costs = 5900 * 3.80 =
22420, fxed costs = 10000, and expected proft E(proft) = sales 2 variable costs 2 fxed
costs = 35400 2 22420 2 10000 = 2980. Te expected proft is expected to be 2980.
Probability, P Sales Demand, X XP
0.3 5000 1500
0.6 6000 3600
0.1 8000 800
Total = 5900
Table 5.6
Probability, P
Variable Cost
per unit (), X XP
0.1 3 0.30
0.3 3.5 1.05
0.5 4 2.00
0.1 4.5 0.45
Total = 3.80
Table 5.7
Student Exercises
X5.6 A bag contains 6 white and 4 red counters, 3 of which are drawn at random and
without replacement. If X can take on the values of 0, 1, 2, 3 red counters, construct
the probability distribution of X. If the experiment was repeated 60 times, how
many times would we expect to draw more than one red counter?
X5.7 You are considering putting money into
one of two investments A and B. The net
profits for identical periods and probabili-
ties of success for investments A and B are
given in the following table.
(a) Which investment yields a higher net
(b) Can you make a decision on which
investment is better, given this extra
Probability of Return
Net profits A B
8000 0.0 0.1
9000 0.3 0.2
10000 0.4 0.4
11000 0.3 0.2
12000 0.0 0.1
191 Probability Distributions
5.2 Continuous Probability Distributions
5.2.1 Introduction
A random variable is a variable that provides a measure of the possible values obtainable
from an experiment. For example, we may wish to count the number of times that the
number 3 appears on the tossing of a fair die or we may wish to measure the weight of
people involved in measuring the success of a new diet programme. In the frst example,
the random variable will consist of the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. If the die was fair then
on each toss of the die each possible number (or outcome) will have an equal chance of
occurring. Te numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 represent the random variable for this experi
ment. In the second example, the possible number values will represent the weights of
the people participating in the experiment. Te random variable in this case would be the
values of all possible weights. It is important to note that in the frst example the values
take whole number answers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and this is an example of a discrete random
variable. Te second example consists of numbers that can take any value with respect to
measured accuracy (160.4 lbs, 160.41 lbs, 160.414 lbs, etc) and is an example of a continu
ous random variable. In this section we shall explore the concept of a continuous prob
ability distribution with the focus on introducing the reader to the concept of a normal
probability distribution.
5.2.2 The normal distribution
When a variable is continuous, and its value is afected by a large number of chance
factors, none of which predominates, then it will frequently appear as a normal distri
bution. Tis distribution does occur frequently and is probably the most widely used
statistical distribution. Some of the reallife variables having a normal distribution can
be found, for example, in manufacturing (weights of tin cans), or can be associated with
the human population (peoples heights). Te normal distribution is governed by equa
tion (5.9):
f X
( )
( )
Tis equation can be rep
resented by Figure 5.10
and illustrates the sym
metrical characteristics of
the normal distribution.
For the normal distri
bution the mean, medi
an, and mode all have the
same numerical value.
Normal curve
Figure 5.10
192 Business Statistics Using Excel
To calculate the probability of a particular value of X occurring we would calculate the
appropriate area represented in Figure 5.10 and use Excel (or tables) to fnd the corre
sponding value of the probability.
1. The mean and standard deviation are represented by the notation and respectively.
2. If a variable X varies as a normal distribution then we would state that X ~ N (,
3. The total area under the curve represents the total probability of all events occurring
which equals 1.0.
Example 5.10
A manufacturing firm quality assures components manufactured and historically the
length of a tube is found to be normally distributed with the population mean of 100 cms
and a standard deviation of 5 cms. Calculate the probability that a random sample of one
tube will have a length of at least 110 cms. From the information provided we define X as
the tube length in cms and population mean = 100 and standard deviation = 5. This can
be represented using the notation X ~ N (100, 5
). The problem we have to solve is to calcu-
late the probability that 1 tube will have a length of at least 110 cms.
This can be written
as P(X 110) and is rep-
resented by the shad-
ed area illustrated in
Figure 5.11.
This problem can be
solved by using the Excel
function NORMDIST(X,
, TRUE).
This function calcu-
lates the area illustrated
in Figure 5.12.
Normal curve
= 100
Figure 5.11
Normal curve
NORMDIST P(X <= 110)
P(X => 110) = 0.02275
= 100
Figure 5.12
193 Probability Distributions
Excel solutionExample 5.10
Te Excel solution is ill ustrated in Figure 5.13.
From Excel, the NORMDIST() function can be used to calculate P(X 110) = 0.02275.
Interpretation We observe that the probability that an individual tube length is at
least 110 cms is 0.02275 or 2.3%.
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell C5 Value
Standard deviation Cell C6 Value
X = Cell C8 Value
P(X <= 110) = Cell C10 Formula: =NORMDIST(C8,C5,C6,TRUE)
P(X => 110) = Cell C12 Formula: =1C10
Figure 5.13
Example 5.11
Calculate the probability that X lies between 85 and 105 cms for the problem outlined in
Example 5.10.
In this example we are
required to calculate P(85
X 105) which repre-
sents the area shaded in
Figure 5.14.
The value of P(85 X
105) can be calculated
using Excels NORMDIST()
Normal curve
P(85 <= X <= 105)
= 0.839995
=105 X
= 85 = 100
Figure 5.14
194 Business Statistics Using Excel
Excel solutionExample 5.11
Te Excel solution is ill ustrated in Figure 5.15.
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell C5 Value
Standard deviation = Cell C6 Value
X1 = Cell C8 Value
X2 = Cell C9 Value
P(85 <= X <= 105) = P(X <= 105) P(X <=85)
P(X <= 85) = Cell C13 Formula: =NORMDIST(C8,C5,C6,TRUE)
P(X <= 110) = Cell C14 Formula: =NORMDIST(C9,C5,C6,TRUE)
P(85 <= X <= 105) = Cell C16 Formula: =C14C13
Interpretation We observe that the probability that an individual tube length lies
between 85 and 105 cms is 0.839995 or 84.0%.
Student Exercises
X5.8 Use NORMDIST to calculate the following probabilities, X ~ N(100, 25): (a) P(X # 95),
(b) P(95 # X # 105), (c) P(105 # X # 115), (d) P(93 # X # 99). For each probability iden-
tify the region to be found by shading the area on the normal probability distribution.
Figure 5.15
From Excel, the NORMDIST() function can be used to calculate P(85 X 105) =
5.2.3 The standard normal distribution (Z distribution)
If we have two diferent normal populations then it could be difcult to compare them as
the units might be diferent, the means and variances might be diferent, etc. If this is the
case, we would like to be able to standardize these distributions so that we can compare
195 Probability Distributions
them. Tis is possible by creating the standard normal distribution. Te standard normal
distribution is a normal distribution whose mean is always 0 and the standard deviation
is always 1. Normal distributions can be transformed to standard normal distributions by
equation (5.10):
( )
Where X, , and are the variable score value, population mean, and population standard
deviation respectively taken from the original normal distribution. Any distribution can
be converted to a standardized distribution using equation (5.10) and the shape of the
standardized version will be the same as the original distribution. If the original was sym
metric then the Z transformed version would still be symmetric, and if the original was
skewed then the Z transformed version would still be skewed.
Te advantage of this method is that the Z values are not dependent on the original data
units and this allows tables of Z values to be produced with corresponding areas under the
curve. Tis also allows for probabilities to be calculated if the Z value is known, and vice
versa, which allows a range of problems to be solved.
Figure 5.16 illustrate
the standard normal
distribution (or Z dis
tribution) with Z scores
between 24 to +4.
Te Excel function
NORMSDIST() calculates
the probability P (Z z) as
illustrated in Figure 5.17.
The Standard Normal curve
0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Figure 5.16
The Standard Normal curve
0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
P(Z <=z)
Figure 5.17
Note From calculation we can show that the proportion of values between 1, 2,
and 3 population standard deviations from the population mean of zero is 68%, 95%, and
99.7% respectively.
196 Business Statistics Using Excel
Excel solutionExample 5.12
Te Excel solution is il lustrated in Figure 5.18.
Example 5.12
Using the data from Example 5.10, if a variable X varies as a normal distribution with a mean
of 100 and a standard deviation of 5, then the value of Z when X = 110 would be equal to
Z = 110 100 5 2
( )
= + . The value of P(Z 2) can be calculated using Excels NORMSDIST ()
function. Note the difference between NORMDIST and NORMSDIST.
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell C5 Value
Standard deviation Cell C6 Value
X = Cell C8 Value
P(X <= 110) = Cell C10 Formula: =NORMDIST(C8,C5,C6,TRUE)
P(X => 110) = Cell C12 Formula: =1C10
Z = Cell C14 Formula: =(C8C5)/C6
P(Z <= +2) = Cell C15 Formula: =NORMSDIST(C14)
P(Z => +2) = Cell C16 Formula: =1C15
Figure 5.18
Normal curve
P(Z => 2) = 0.02275
Z 2 0
Figure 5.19
Tis solution can be rep
resented graphically by
Figure 5.19.
From Excel, the
NORMSDIST() function
can be used to calculate
P(Z +2) = 0.02275.
197 Probability Distributions
Excel solutionExample 5.13
Te Excel solution is illustrated in Figure 5.20.
Interpretation We observe that the probability that an individual tube length is at
least 110 cms is 0.02275 or 2.3% (P(X 110) = 0.02275).
1. This method is used to solve problems using tables of Z values and associated
2. The value of the Z score can be calculated using the Excel function STANDARDIZE().
3. The Excel function NORMDIST() calculates the value of the normal distribution for the
specified mean and standard deviation.
4. The Excel function NORMSDIST() calculates the value of the normal distribution for the
specified Z score value.
Example 5.13
If we re-consider Example 5.11 and transform the value of X to Z then we find the solution
is as follows:
Figure 5.20
Note we can use the Excel function STANDARDIZE to calculate the values of Z (see chapter 6).
198 Business Statistics Using Excel
Figure 5.21 illustrates the
Excel solution.
From Excel, the NORMS
DIST() function can be
used to calculate P(85 X
105) = P(23 Z +1) =
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell C5 Value
Standard deviation = Cell C6 Value
= Cell C8 Value
= Cell C9 Value
P(85 <= X <= 105) = P(X <= 105) P(X <= 85)
P(X <= 85) = Cell C13 Formula: =NORMDIST(C8,C5,C6,TRUE)
P(X <= 110) = Cell C14 Formula: =NORMDIST(C9,C5,C6,TRUE)
P(85 <= X <= 105) = Cell C16 Formula: =C14C13
Z1 = Cell C18 Formula: =(C8C5)/C6
Z2 = Cell C19 Formula: =(C9C5)/C6
P(85 <= X <= 105) = P(Z <= 1) P(Z <= -3)
P(Z <= 3) = Cell C23 Formula: =NORMSDIST(C18)
P(Z <= 1) = Cell C24 Formula: =NORMSDIST(C19)
P(85 <= X <= 105) = Cell C26 Formula: =C24C23
Interpretation We observe that the probability that an individual tube length lies
between 85 and 105 cms is 0.839995 or 84.0%.
Student Exercises
X5.9 Use NORMSDIST to calculate the following probabilities, X ~ N(100, 25): (a) P(X 95),
(b) P(95 X 105), (c) P(105 X 115), (d) P(93 X 99). In each case convert X to
Z. Compare with your answers from Exercise 5.8.
Figure 5.21
199 Probability Distributions
Excel SolutionExample 5.14
(a) Te frst part of this problem can be split into two parts: (i) calculate the probability
that one lamp would fail in the frst 700 hours, and (ii) calculate the number of lamps from
the 2000 that we would expect to fail in the frst 700 hours.
Te Excel solution is il lustrated in Figure 5.22.
Tis solution can be represented graphically by Figure 5.23.
Example 5.14
A local authority installs 2000 electric lamps. The life of lamps in hours (X) follows a nor-
mal distribution, where X~N (1000, 40000). Calculate: (a) what number of lamps might be
expected to fail within the first 700 hours, (b) what number of lamps may be expected to
fail between 900 and 1300 hours, and (c) after how many hours would we expect 10% of
the lamps to fail? From this information we have population mean, , of 1000 hours with a
, of 40000 hours
. This problem can be solved using either the NORMDIST() or
NORMSDIST() Excel functions as follows:
Figure 5.22
Normal curve
P(X <= 700)
= 0.066807
= 700 1000
Figure 5.23
200 Business Statistics Using Excel
From Excel, the NORMDIST() or NORMSDIST() function can be used to calculate P(X
700) = 0.0688. Te number of lamps that are expected to fail out of the 2000 lamps, E(fail) =
2000 * P(X 700) = 133 lamps.
(b) Te second part of the problem requires the calculation of the Probability that X lies
between 900 and 1300 hours, and the estimation of the number of lamps from 2000 which
will fail between these limits.
Te Excel solution is illustrated in Figure 5.24.
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell C5 Value
Variance = Cell C6 Value
Standard deviation Cell C7 Formula: =SQRT(C6)
X = Cell C9 Value
P(X <= 700) = Cell C11 Formula: =NORMDIST(C9,C5,C7,TRUE)
Z = Cell C13 Formula: =(C9C5)/C7
P(Z <= 1.5) = Cell C14 Formula: =NORMSDIST(C13)
E(X) = N*P(X <= 700) = Cell C16 Formula: =2000*C11
Interpretation This problem consists of solving P(X 700). Using the NORMDIST()
function we find that out of the 2000 lamps, 133 lamps are expected to fail within the first
700 hours.
Figure 5.24
201 Probability Distributions
Tis solution can be represented graphically by Figure 5.25.
From Excel, the NORMDIST() OR NORMSDIST() function can be used to calculate
P(900 X 1300) = 0.624655. Te number of lamps that are expected to fail between 900
and 1300 hours out of the 2000 lamps, E(fail) = 2000 * P(900 X 1300) = 1249 lamps.
(c) Te fnal part of this problem consists of calculating the number of hours for the frst
10% to fail. Tis corresponds to calculating the value of x where P(X x) = 0.1.
Normal curve
P(900 <= X <= 1300)
= 0.624655
= 1300 X
= 900 1000
Figure 5.25
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell C5 Value
= Cell C6 Value
Standard deviation = Cell C7 Formula: =SQRT(C6)
= Cell C9 Value
= Cell C10 Value
P(X <= 900) = Cell C12 Formula: =NORMDIST(C9,C5,C7,TRUE)
P(X <= 1300) = Cell C13 Formula: =NORMDIST(C10,C5,C7,TRUE)
P(900 <= X <= 1300) = Cell C14 Formula: =C13C12
E(X) = N*P(900 <= X <= 1300) = Cell C15 Formula: =2000*C14
= Cell C18 Formula: =(C9C5)/C7
= Cell C19 Formula: =(C10C5)/C7
P(Z <= 0.5) = Cell C21 Formula: =NORMSDIST(C18)
P(Z <= 1.5) = Cell C22 Formula: =NORMSDIST(C19)
P(0.5 <= Z <= 1.5) = Cell C23 Formula: =C22C21
E(X) = N*P(900 <= X <= 1300) = Cell C24 Formula: =2000*C23
Interpretation This problem consists of solving P(900 X 1300). Using the
NORMDIST() function we find that out of the 2000 lamps, 1249 lamps are expected to fail
between 900 and 1300 hours.
202 Business Statistics Using Excel
Tis problem can be solved using the NORMINV() or NORMSINV() function for
standardized distributions, as illustrated in Figure 5.26.
Tis solution can be represented graphically by Figure 5.27.
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell C5 Value
= Cell C6 Value
Standard deviation = Cell C7 Formula: =SQRT(C6)
P(X = x) = Cell C9 Value
X = Cell C11 Formula: =NORMINV(C9,C5,C7)
Z = Cell C13 Formula: =NORMSINV(C9)
X = + Z* = Cell C14 Formula: =C5+C13*C7
Interpretation The expected number of hours for 10% of the lamps to fail is 744 hours.
Normal curve
P(X <= x) = 0.1
x x
Figure 5.27
Figure 5.26
From Excel, the NORMINV() or NORMSINV() function can be used to calculate the
expected number of hours for 10% to fail. From Excel, the number of hours obtained for
10% to fail, x = 744 hours.
203 Probability Distributions
5.2.4 Checking for normality
Normality is a very important concept in business statistics and we shall see that the tests
described in Chapters 710 require the population distribution to be either normally or
approximately normally distributed. Te issue of checking whether the population is nor
mally distributed is an important concept and can be achieved by either constructing a
fve-number summary (or box-and-whisker plot) described in Section 4.3 and/or by con
structing a normal probability plot described below. Section 4.3 describes the concept of
1. This problem corresponds to finding the value of x such that P(X x) = 10% (or 0.1). From
Excel, we find that P(X x) = 0.1 corresponds to Z = 1.28. To find x we would then solve
the equation: 1.28 = (X 1000)/200. Re-arranging this equation gives X = 1000 + (1.28) *
(200) = 744.
2. The Excel function NORMINV() calculates the value of X from a normal distribution for the
specified probability, mean, and standard deviation.
3. The Excel function NORMSINV() calculates the value Z from normal distribution for the
specified probability value.
Student Exercises
X5.10 Given that a normal variable has a mean of 10 and a variance of 25, calculate the
probability that a member chosen at random is: (a) 11, (b) 11, (c) 5, (d) 5,
(e) between 5 and 11.
X5.11 The lifetimes of certain types of car battery are normally distributed with a
mean of 1248 days and standard deviation of 185 days. If the supplier guaran-
tees them for 1080 days, what proportion of batteries will be replaced under
X5.12 Electrical resistors have a design resistance of 500 ohms. The resistors
are produced by a machine with an output that is normally distributed
N(501,9). Resistances below 498 ohms and above 508 ohms are rejected.
Find: (a) the proportion that will be rejected, (b) the proportion which would
be rejected if the mean was adjusted so as to minimize the proportion of
rejects, (c) how much the standard deviation would need to be reduced
(leaving the mean at 501 ohms) so that the proportion of rejects below
498 ohms would be halved.
Normal probability
plot Graphical technique
to assess whether the data
is normally distributed.
204 Business Statistics Using Excel
a fve number summary and corresponding boxandwhisker plot to evaluate whether the
distribution is symmetric.
A normal probability plot consists of constructing a graph of data values against a
corresponding Z value where Z is based upon the ordered value.
Example 5.15
The manager at BIG JIMS restaurant is concerned at the time it takes to process credit card
payments at the counter by counter staff.
The manager has collected the following
processing time data (time in minutes) and
requested that the data be checked to see if it
is normally distributed (see Table 5.8).
Processing credit cards (n = 19)
0.64 0.71 0.85 0.89 0.92
0.96 1.07 0.76 1.09 1.13
1.23 0.76 1.18 0.79 1.26
1.29 1.34 1.38 1.5
Table 5.8
Figure 5.28
Excel solutionExample 5.15
Figure 5.28 illustrates the Excel solution to Example 5.15.
205 Probability Distributions
Te method to create the normal probability plot is as follows:
Order the data values (1, 2, 3, . . . , n) with 1 referring to the smallest data value and n
representing the largest data value.
For the frst data value (smallest) calculate the cumulative area using the formula:
= 1/(n+1).
Calculate the value of Z for this cumulative area using the Excel Function:
=NORMSINV(Z value).
Repeat for the other values where the cumulative area is given by the formula: =old
Input data values with smallest to largest value.
Plot data value y against Z value for each data point.
Excel Solution
n = Cell C3 Value
Ordered value Cells E4:E22 Values
Area Cell F4 Formula: =1/(C3+1)
Cell F5 Formula: =F4+$F$4
Copy formula from F5:F22
Z value Cell H4 Formula: =NORMSINV(F4)
Copy formula from H5:H22
Ordered data value Cell J4:J22 Values
Figure 5.29 illustrates the normal probability curve plot for Example 5.15. We observe
from the graph that the relationship between the data values and Z is approximately a
straight line.
For data that is normally distributed we would expect the relationship to be linear. In
this situation we would accept the statement that the data values are approximately nor
mally distributed.
0 1 2
Z Value
Data value, y
Normal probability plot
1 2
Figure 5.29
206 Business Statistics Using Excel
Interpretation Due to the fact that the normal probability plot shows
more or less a straight line, we conclude that the data is approximately normally
Note From Chapter 4 the decision on the symmetry of a distribution is as follows
together with the shape of the normal probability curve:
(a) Figure 5.30 illustrates a normal
distribution where largest value 2
equals Q
2 smallest value.
In Example 5.15 we have: larg-
est value 2 Q
= 0.18 approxi-
mately equal to Q
2 smallest
value = 0.26.
(b) Figure 5.31 illustrates a left-skewed
distribution where Q
2 smallest
value greatly exceeds largest value
2 Q
0 1 2
Z Value
Data value, y
Normal probability plotnormal curve
1 2
Figure 5.30
1 2
Z Value
Data value, y
Normal probability plotleft-skew
1 2
Figure 5.31
207 Probability Distributions
(c) Figure 5.32 illustrates a right-skewed
distribution where largest value 2
greatly exceeds Q
2 smallest
0 1 2
Z Value
Data value, y
Normal probability plotright-skew
1 2
Figure 5.32
5.2.5 Other continuous probability distributions
A number of other continuous probability distributions will be discussed in Chapter 6,
including: Students t distribution, chi square distribution, and F distribution.
1. Students t distribution
Te Students t distribution is a distribution that is used to estimate a mean value when
the population variable is normally distributed but the sample chosen to measure the
population value is small and the population standard deviation is unknown. It is the
basis of the popular Students t tests for the statistical signifcance of the diference
between two sample means, and for confdence intervals for the diference between
two population means.
2. Chi square distribution
Te chi square distribution (
distribution) is a popular distribution that is used to
solve statistical inference problems involving contingency tables and assessing the
signifcance of a model to sample data (goodnessofft).
3. F distribution
Te F distribution is a distribution that can be used to test whether the ratios of two
variances from normally distributed statistics are statistically diferent. Te test statis
tic is defned as F s s
= , where s
and s
are the sample 1 and sample 2 variances
respectively. Te shape of the distribution depends upon the numerator and denom
inator degrees of freedom (df
= n
2 1, df
= n
2 1) and the F distribution is written as
a function of n
, n
as F (n
, n
Students t distribution
The t distribution is the
sampling distribution of
the t statistic.
Chi square distribution
The chi square distribution
is a mathematical distribu-
tion that is used directly or
indirectly in many tests of
208 Business Statistics Using Excel
Two other continuous probability distributions which are beyond the scope of this text
book include the uniform and exponential distribution. Te uniform distribution is used
in the generation of random numbers for diferent probability distributions and the
exponential probability distribution is important in the area of queuing theory.
5.3 Discrete Probability Distributions
5.3.1 Introduction
In this section we shall explore probability distributions when dealing with discrete
random variables. Two specifc distributions we included are: binomial and Poisson
probability distributions. We will also explore how to approximate one distribution with
another, if appropriate.
5.3.2 Binomial probability distribution
One of the most elementary discrete random variablesbinomialis associated with
questions that only allow Yes or No type answers, or a classifcation such as male or
female, or recording a component as defective or not defective. If the outcomes are also
independent, e.g. the possibility of a defective component does not infuence the pos
sibility of fnding another defective component then the variable is considered to be a
binomial variable. Consider the example of a supermarket that runs a two week televi
sion campaign in an attempt to increase the volume of trade at a supermarket. During the
campaign all customers are asked if they came to the supermarket because of the televi
sion advertising. Each customer response can be classifed as either yes or no. At the end
of the campaign the proportion of customers that responded yes is determined. For this
study the experiment is the process of asking customers if they came to the supermarket
because of the television advertising. Te random variable, X, is defned as the number of
customers that responded yes. Clearly the random variable can assume only the values 0,
1, 2, 3, . . . , n, where n is the total number of customers. Consequently the random variable
is discrete. Consider the characteristics that defne this experiment:
Te experiment consists of n identical trials.
Each trial results in one of two outcomes which for convenience we can defne as either
a success or a failure.
Note The normal, t, and chi square distributions are special cases of the F distribu-
tion, as follows:
T distribution = F(n
= 1, n
) distribution
Each trial can result in either a bull (success) or not a bull (failure).
The probability of a success (P(a bull) = p = 0.3) is the same for each trial.
P(X = r) is the probability of event r occurring.
Te symbol r represents the number of occurrences of an event and can take the value
0 (infnity).
r! is the factorial of r calculated using the Excel function: FACT().
is a positive real number that represents the expected number of occurrences for a
given interval. For example, if we found that we had an average of 4 stitching errors in a
1 metre length of cloth, then for 2 metres of cloth we would expect the average number
of errors to be = 4 * 2 = 8.
Te symbol e represents the base of the natural logarithm (e = 2.71828...).
Unlike other distributions, the Poisson distribution mean and variance are identical, or
very close in practice.
Example 5.19
The following data, derived
from the past 100 years, con-
cerns the number of times a
river floods in a wet season.
Check if the distribution may
be modelled using the Poisson
distribution and determine
the expected frequencies for
a 100 year period (see Table
Number of Floods (X)
Number of Years with
X Floods (f)
0 24
1 35
2 24
3 12
4 4
5 1
Total = 100
Table 5.10
219 Probability Distributions
Excel solution is provided in Figures 5.38 and 5.39 below.
Figure 5.38
Figure 5.39
Excel Solution
(a) Calculate frequency distribution mean and variance
Number of floods X Cells B7:B12 Values
Number of years with X floods, f Cells C7:C12 Values
xf Cells D7:D12 Formula: =B7*C7
Copy formula from D7:D12
X = Cell C13 Formula: =SUM(C7:C12)
Xf = Cell D13 Formula: =SUM(D7:D12)
Cells F7:F12 Formula: =B7^2
Copy formula from F7:F12
Cells H7:H12 Formula: =C7*F7
Copy formula from H7:H12
Mean = Cell D16 Formula: =D13/C13
Variance = Cell D17 Formula: =H13/C13C16^2
Excel solutionExample 5.19a
Te frst stage is to estimate the average number of foods per year, , based upon the
sample data. Figure 5.38 above illustrates the Excel solution.
220 Business Statistics Using Excel
(a) The probability distribution is given in Table 5.11 as follows:
r P(X = r)
0 0.2466
1 0.3452
2 0.2417
3 0.1128
4 0.0395
5 0.0111
Te average number of foods per year, , and variance is calculated from this frequency
dis tribution:
Mean . = = =
1 4
foods per year and
Variance VAR(X) =
( ) . .
1 32 =
Variance VAR(X) =
( ) . .
1 32 =
Te chi square goodnessofft test is used to test if the Poisson model is a signifcant ft
to the sample data, but this is beyond the scope of this book.
Excel solutionExample 5.19b
Tus, we can now determine the probability distribution using equation (5.16) as illus
trated in Figure 5.39 above.
Interpretation The average number of floods, i.e. the mean, is 1.4 floods per year
with a variance of 1.32. They seem to be in close agreement (only 5.7% difference), which is
one of the characteristics of the Poisson distribution. The mean and variance of the Poisson
distribution have the same numerical value and given the closeness of the two values in
this numerical example we would conclude that the Poisson distribution should be a good
model for the sample data.
Excel Solution
(b) Calculate the Poisson probabilities and fit probability model to data set
r Cells J7:J12 Values
P(X = r) Cells K7:K12 Formula: =POISSON(J7,$C$16,FALSE)
Total = Cell K14 Formula: =SUM(K7:K12)
Expected frequencies Cells M7:M12 Formula: =$C$13*K7
Copy formula from M7:M13
Total = Cell M14 Formula: =SUM(M7:M12)
Table 5.11
221 Probability Distributions
Table 5.13 illustrates the calculation of the Poisson probability values for = 1.4 by apply
ing equation (5.17) as follows:
r Poisson Value Excel
0 P X 0
1.4 e
0 1.4
= = =
( )
1 P X
1.4 e
1 1.4
= = = 1
( )
2 P X 2
1.4 e
2 1.4
= = =
( )
3 P X
1.4 e
3 1.4
= = = 3
( )
4 P X 4
1.4 e
4 1.4
= = =
( )
5 P X 5
1.4 e
5 1.4
= = =
( )
Table 5.13
(b) To check how well the Poisson probability distribution fits the data set we note that
the observed frequencies are given in the original table and that the expected fre-
quencies can be calculated from the Poisson probability fit using the equation EF =
f P(X r) ( ) = . The manual solution is now presented in Table 5.12 as follows:
r P(X = r) Observed frequency Expected frequency
0 0.2466 24 24.66
1 0.3452 35 34.52
2 0.2417 24 24.17
3 0.1128 12 11.28
4 0.0395 4 3.95
5 0.0111 1 1.11
Totals = 100 99.68
Table 5.12
We note that the expected frequencies are approximately equal to the observed frequency
222 Business Statistics Using Excel
Figure 5.40 illustrates a Poisson probability plot for the number of foods example.
Te skewed nature of the distribution can be clearly seen (left skewed).
Number of floods, X
Poisson (mean = 1.4 floods per year)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 5.40
If we determine the mean and the variance either using the frequency distribution or
the probability distribution we would fnd.
= VAR(X) = Mean (5.18)
For Poisson to be applicable:
Mean = Variance.
Events discrete and randomly distributed in time and space.
Mean number of events in a given interval is constant.
Events are independent.
Two or more events cannot occur simultaneously.
Note Once it has been identified that the mean and variance have the same numer-
ical value, ensure that the other conditions above are satisfied, indicating that the sample
data most likely follow the Poisson distribution.
Example 5.20
A company is reviewing the number of telephone lines available for customer support.
The average number of calls received per day is 3 calls during a 5 minute period of time.
Estimate the proportion of phone calls that cannot be answered during a 5 minute period:
(a) if the company installs 4 lines and (b) if the company installs 5 lines?
223 Probability Distributions
Excel solutionExample 5.20
Te Excel solution is illustrated in Figure 5.41.
Te probability that a call cannot be answered P(call not answered) = 1 2 P(X 4). Table
5.14 illustrates the calculation of the Poisson probability values for = 3 by applying equa
tion (5.17) as follows:
Excel Solution
= Cell C3 Value
r Cells B6:B10 Values
P(X = r) Cells C6:C10 Formula: =POISSON(B6,$C$3,FALSE)
P(X <= 4) = Cell C12 Formula: =POISSON(B10,C3,TRUE)
P(X <= 4) = Cell C13 Formula: =SUM(C6:C10)
P(X > 4) = Cell C15 Formula: =12C12
P(X > 5) = Cell C17 Formula: =12POISSON(5,C3,TRUE)
(a) If the company has 4 lines then the probability that a call cannot be answered
P (call not answered) = 1 P(X 4) = 1 P(X = 0 or X = 1 or X = 2 or X = 3 or X = 4).
From Excel, P(call not answered) = 0.185263245 or 18.5%. Probability that callers
cannot connect is 18.5% of the time.
(b) Should another line be installed? The corresponding calculation shows that if n = 5
then the P(call not answered) = 1 P(X 5) = 1 P(X = 0 or X = 1 or X = 2 or X = 3 or
X = 4 or X = 5). From Excel, P(call not answered) = 0.083917942 or 8.4%. The prob-
ability that the switchboard could not handle all calls has been reduced to 8.4%.
Whether or not this was worthwhile depends upon the likely profits that this would
create against the cost of installation and running an extra telephone line.
Figure 5.41
224 Business Statistics Using Excel
r Poisson Value Excel
0 P X 0
3 e
0 3
= = =
( )
1 P X
3 e
1 3
= = = 1
( )
2 P X 2
3 e
2 3
= = =
( )
3 P X
3 e
3 3
= = = 3
( )
4 P X 4
3 e
4 3
= = =
( )
Table 5.14
Student Exercises
X5.19 Calculate P(0), P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(5), P(6), and P(>6) for a Poisson variable with a
mean of 1.2. Using this probability distribution determine the mean and variance.
X5.20 In a machine shop the average number of machines out of operation is 2.
Assuming a Poisson distribution for machines out of operation, calculate the
probability that at any one time there will be:
(a) Exactly one machine out of operation.
(b) More than one machine out of operation.
X5.21 A factory estimates that 0.25% of its production of small components is defective.
These are sold in packets of 200. Calculate the percentage of the packets contain-
ing one or more defectives.
X5.22 The average number of faults in a metre of cloth produced by a particular machine
is 0.1. (a) What is the probability that a length of 4 metres is free from faults?
(b) How long would a piece have to be before the probability that it contains no
flaws is less than 0.95?
X5.23 A garage has three cars available for daily hire. Calculate the following probabilities
if the variable is a Poisson variable with a mean of 2: (a) Find the probability that on
a given day that exactly none, one, two, and three cars will be hired and determine
the mean number of cars hired per day. (b) The charge of hire of a car is 25 per
day and the total outgoings per car, irrespective of whether or not it is hired, are
5 per day. Determine the expected daily profit from hiring these three cars.
X5.24 Accidents occur in a factory randomly and on average at the rate of 2.6 per month.
What is the probability that in a given month: (a) no accidents will occur, and
(b) more than one accident will occur?
225 Probability Distributions
5.3.4 Poisson approximation to the binomial
When the number of trials in a binomial situation is very large and when p is small then it can be
shown that the binomial probability function can be approximated by the Poisson probability
function with = np. Te larger the n and the smaller the p, the better is the approximation. Te
following equation for the Poisson probability is used to approximate the true (binomial) result:
P X r
np e
= ( )
( )
Te Poisson random variable theoretically ranges from 0 . However, when used
as an approximation to the binomial distribution, the Poisson random variablethe
number of successes out of n observationscannot be greater than the sample size n.
With large n and small p, equation (5.19) implies that the probability of observing a large
number of successes becomes small and approaches zero quite rapidly. For small values
of p (< 0.1), and large values of n, the Poisson distribution will approximate the binomial
distribution with = np. For the binomial distribution with p small (< 0.1) the mean (or
expected) value = np and the variance = npq = np(1 2 p) np. Tis implies that for small
p the expected value and variance for the binomial distribution is approximated by the
mean and variance of the Poisson distribution ( = np, VAR(X) = np).
Excel solutionExample 5.21
Te Excel solution is illustrated in Figure 5.42.
Example 5.21
In a large consignment of apples 3% are rotten. What is the probability that a carton of
60 apples will contain less than 2 rotten apples? We have here a binomial experiment and
therefore could easily apply the binomial distribution with p = 0.03, q = 0.97, and n = 60. We
can also apply the Poisson distribution.
Excel Solution
n = Cell C3 Value
p = Cell C4 Value
np = Cell C5 Formula: =C3*C4
Binomial: P( X < 2) = Cell D7 Formula: =BINOMDIST(1,C3,C4,TRUE)
Poisson: P( X < 2) = Cell D8 Formula: =POISSON(1,C5,TRUE)
Figure 5.42
226 Business Statistics Using Excel
Te degree of agreement between the binomial and Poisson probability distributions
for this problem can be observed in Figure 5.43. Tey virtually overlap.
Interpretation We can see from Excel that the binomial and Poisson distributions
provide approximately equal results, 45.92% and 46.28% respectively.
Comparison between binomial and Poisson
0 5 10
Figure 5.43
Note The solution process is as follows:
1. Binomial Solution: P(less than 2 rotten) = P(X < 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1).
P X 2 C p q C p q
0 60 0 60
1 60 1
( )
= + = +
0 60
1 59
C 0 0.97 C 0.3 0.97 .3
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
P X 2 <
( )
= + = 0 1608 0 2984 0 4592 . . .
2. Poisson Solution: P(less than 2 rotten) = P(X < 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1). Since n is large and
p is small we can use the Poisson distribution. To check we will see if the mean and the
variance of the distribution are equal: Mean = np = 60 * 0.03 = 1.8, Variance = npq = 60 *
0.03 * 0.97 = 1.746. Comparing the two values we see that they are approximately equal
and the binomial distribution can be approximated using the Poisson distribution:
P X 2
1.8 e
1.8 e
0 1.8 1 1.8
( )
= + = + 0 1652 0 297 . . 55 0 4627 = .
Table 5.15 compares the two solutions:
Problem Binomial Poisson
P(X < 2) 0.4592 0.4627
Table 5.15
227 Probability Distributions
5.3.5 Normal approximation to the binomial
Computing binomial probabilities using the binomial probability distribution can be dif
fcult for large values of n. If we were undertaking the calculation using tables then usually
tables are supplied up to a value of n of 50 and for particular values of the probability of
success, p. We have seen that the Poisson distribution can be used to approximate the
binomial distribution when n > 20 and p < 0.1. Substituting equations (5.15) and (5.16)
into (5.10) gives equation (5.20):
X np
( )
Te normal distribution can be used to approximate a binomial distribution, when n large
and p close to 0.5 (np > 5).
Example 5.22
Assume you have a fair coin and wish to know the probability that you would get 8 heads out
of 10 flips. The binomial distribution has a mean of = np = 10 * 0.5 = 5 and a variance of
npq = 10 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 2.5. The standard deviation is therefore 1.5811. A total of 8 heads is
1.8973 standard deviations above the mean of the distribution [(8 5)/1.5811]. The question
then is, what is the probability of getting a value exactly 1.8973 standard deviations above the
mean? The answer to this question is to remember that the probability of a particular event for
a normal distribution is zero given that a particular event (or value of X) will not have an actual
area within the normal distribution. The problem is that the binomial distribution is a discrete
probability distribution whereas the normal distribution is a continuous distribution. The solu-
tion is to round off and consider any value from 7.5 to 8.5 to represent an outcome of 8 heads.
Using this approach, we can solve discrete binomial problems with a normal approximation if
we transform X = 8 for the binomial to the region 7.58.5 for the normal distribution.
Student Exercises
X5.25 A new telephone directory is to be published. Before publication entries are
proof-read for errors and any corrections made. Experience suggests that, on aver-
age, 0.1% of the entries require correction and that entries requiring correction
are randomly distributed. The directory contains 800 pages with 300 entries per
page. Two methods for making corrections are proposed: Method A (costs 50p per
page containing one correction and 1.50 per page containing two or more cor-
rections), and Method B (costs 1 per page containing one or more corrections).
Which method based on cost should be used?
228 Business Statistics Using Excel
The area shaded in Figure 5.44 is an approximation of the probability of obtaining 8 heads.
We can see that the binomial probability distribution solution, P(X = 8)
P (7.5 X
Normal curve
9 8 7 6 5
P(X = 8) = 0.043495
Figure 5.44
Excel Solution
n = Cell D5 Value
p = Cell D6 Value
Mean = Cell D7 Formula: =D5*D6
= Cell D8 Formula: =D5*D6*(1D6)
SD = Cell D9 Formula: =SQRT(D8)
Number of heads X = Cell D10 Value
P(X = 8) = Cell D11 Formula: =BINOMDIST(D10,D5,D6,FALSE)
Excel solutionExample 5.22
Te Excel solution to this problem is illustrated in Figure 5.45 below.
Figure 5.45
229 Probability Distributions
We can see from Excel that the two probabilities agree with one another. Te binomial
probability of obtaining 8 heads from 10 fips is 0.043945 and the normal approximation
probability of containing 8 heads is 0.043495.
Example 5.23
Enquiries at a travel agent lead only sometimes to a holiday booking being made. The agent
needs to take 35 bookings per week to break even. If during a week there are 100 enquiries
and the probability of a booking in each case is 0.4, find the probability that the agent will at
least break even in this particular week? To solve this problem let X represent the number
of bookings per week, p represents the probability that a booking will be made p = 0.4, and
n represents the number of possible bookings over the week, n = 100.
The area shaded in
Figure 5.46 is an approxi-
mation of the probability
of obtaining at least 35
We can see that
the binomial probabil-
ity distribution solution,
P(X 35)
1 P(X
Normal curve
Binomial, X
40 34.5
P(X => 34.5) = 0.86921388
Figure 5.46
Lower X
= Cell D13 Formula: =D100.5
Upper X
= Cell D14 Formula: =D10+0.5
P(X1 <= 7.5) = Cell D15 Formula: =NORMDIST(D13,D7,D9,TRUE)
P(X2 <= 8.5) = Cell D16 Formula: =NORMDIST(D14,D7,D9,TRUE)
P(7.5 <= X <= 8.5) = Cell D18 Formula: =D16D15
Interpretation The probability of obtaining 8 heads from 10 flips of a fair coin is
approximately 4.3%.
230 Business Statistics Using Excel
Excel Solution
n = Cell D3 Value
p = Cell D4 Value
Mean = Cell D5 Formula: =D3*D4
= Cell D6 Formula: =D3*D4*(1D4)
SD = Cell D7 Formula: =SQRT(D6)
P(X = > 35) = 1 P(X <= 34)?
Binomial X = Cell D12 Value
P(X = > 35) = 1 P(X <= 34) = Cell D13 Formula: =1BINOMDIST(D12,D3,D4,TRUE)
P(X = > 34.5)?
Normal X = Cell D18 Value
P(X => 34.5) = Cell D19 Formula: =1NORMDIST(D18,D5,D7,TRUE)
Z = Cell D21 Formula: =(D18D5)/D7
P(X => 34.5) = Cell D22 Formula: =1NORMSDIST(D21)
Interpretation The probability of obtaining at least 35 bookings is 87.0%.
Excel solutionExample 5.23
Te Excel solution to this problem is illustrated in Figure 5.47.
We can see from Excel that the two probabilities agree with one another. Te binomial
probability of obtaining at least 35 heads is 0.86966347 and the normal approximation
probability of obtaining at least 35 bookings is 0.86921388.
Figure 5.47
231 Probability Distributions
5.3.6 Normal approximation to the Poisson distribution
Te normal distribution can also be used to approximate the Poisson distribution when
ever the parameter , the expected number of successes, equals or exceeds 5. Since the
value of the mean and the variance of a Poisson distribution are the same ( = =
Te approximation improves as the value of the mean () grows larger and at a particular
value we can assume that the Z variable is normally distributed.
(a) Binomial solution
P(X = 35 or more) = P(X 35) = P(X = 35 or 36 or 37 ... or 100)
This would be quite difficult to solve manually. From Excel we find that this probability value
is P(X 35) = 0.8697.
(b) Normal approximation solution (n = 100, p = 0.4)
= np = 0.4 * 100 = 40, = npq = 4.899.
P(X 35 for Binomial) P(X 34.5 for Normal)
P(X 35 for Binomial)
34.5 40
= P(Z 1.12) = 0.8692
Comparing the two answers we can see that good agreement has been reached.
Student Exercises
X5.26 Given X is a discrete binomial random variable with p = 0.3 and n = 20: (a) can
we use the normal approximation to estimate the binomial probability, (b) what
if n is changed to 15, and (c) if n = 40 and p = 0.1 is the normal approximation
Example 5.24
The average number of broken eggs per lorry is known to be 50. What is the probability
that there will be more than 70 broken eggs on a particular lorry load? We may use the
Normal approximation to the Poisson distribution, where the mean and variance are cal-
culated as follows: mean (
Normal Poisson
50 = =
) and variance (
50 ).
Require P(X > 70 for Poisson) P(X 70.5 for Normal).
232 Business Statistics Using Excel
Figure 5.49
Te area shaded in Fig
ure 5.48 is an approxima
tion of the probability of
obtaining more than 70
broken eggs.
We can see that the Pois
son probability distri bution
solution, P(X > 70)
P (X 70.5)
Excel solutionExample 5.24
The Excel solution to this problem is illustrated in Figure 5.49.
Normal curve
Poisson, X
P(X => 70.5) = 0.001871
Figure 5.48
Excel Solution
Mean = Cell D3 Value
= Cell D4 Value
SD = Cell D5 Formula: =SQRT(D4)
P(X > 70) = 1 P(X 70)?
Poisson X = Cell D10 Value
P(X > 70) = 1 P(X 70) = Cell D11 Formula: =1POISSON(D10,D3,TRUE)
P(X 70.5)?
233 Probability Distributions
We can see from Excel that the two probabilities agree with one another. Te Poisson
probability of obtaining at least 70 broken eggs is 0.002971 and the normal approximation
probability of obtaining at least 70 broken eggs is 0.001871.
Normal X = Cell D16 Value
P(X 70.5) = Cell D17 Formula: =1NORMDIST(D16,D3,D5,TRUE)
Z = Cell D18 Formula: =(D16D3)/D5
P(X 70.5) = Cell D19 Formula: =1NORMSDIST(D19)
Interpretation The probability of obtaining at least 70 broken eggs is 0.2%.
(a) Poisson solution
P(X > 70) = P(X = 71 or 72 ...)
This would be quite difficult to solve manually. From Excel we find that this probability
value is P(X > 70) = 0.002971.
(b) Normal approximation solution (mean = 50)
= = 50 and =
= 7.071068.
P(X > 70 for Poisson) P(X 70.5 for Normal)
P(X > 70 for Poisson)
= P(Z 2.899138) = 0.001871.
Comparing the two answers we can see that good agreement has been reached.
Student Exercises
X5.27 A local maternity hospital has an average of 36 births per week. Use this informa-
tion to calculate the following probabilities: (a) find the probability that there are
fewer than 30 births in a given week, (b) find the probability that there will be
more than 40 births in a given week, and (c) find the probability that there will be
between 30 and 40 births in a given week.
5.3.7 Other discrete probability distributions
Other types of discrete probability distributions include the hypergeometric discrete
probability distribution which measures, like the binomial distribution, the number of
successes from n observations of the experiment. Unlike the binomial which involves
234 Business Statistics Using Excel
replacement and therefore the probability of success (p) is constant. Te hypergeometric
distribution involves sampling without replacement. In this case the probability of suc
cess (p) is dependent upon the outcome of the previous run of the experiment. Tis topic
is beyond the scope of this text book.
Techniques in Practice
1. CoCo S.A. is concerned at the time to react to customer complaints and has imple-
mented a new set of procedures for its support centre staff (see Chapter 4 TP1). The
customer service director plans to reduce the mean time for responding to customer com-
plaints to 28 days and has collected the following sample data after implementation of the
new procedures to assess the time to react to complaints (days):
20 33 33 29 24 30
40 33 20 39 32 37
32 50 36 31 38 29
15 33 27 29 43 33
31 35 19 39 22 21
28 22 26 42 30 17
32 34 39 39 32 38
(a) Estimate the mean time to react to customer complaints.
(b) Calculate the probability that the mean time to react is not greater than
28 days.
2. Bakers Ltd is currently in the process of reviewing the credit line available to super-
markets who are defined as good and bad risk. Based upon 100000 credit line the profit
is estimated to be 25000. If the company accepts a bad risk credit request it will lose
8000. If it rejects a good risk it will lose 5000 in good will but if it rejects a bad risk
nothing is gained or lost.
(a) Complete the following profit and loss table for this situation.
Accept Reject
Type of Risk
(b) The credit manager assesses the probability that a particular applicant is a good risk
is 4/10 and a bad risk is 6/10. What would be the expected profits for each of the two
decisions; consequently what decision should be taken for the applicant?
3. Skodel Ltd is developing a low calorie lager for the European market with a mean
designed calorie count of 43 calories per 100 ml. The new product development team are
235 Probability Distributions
having problems with the production process and have collected an independent random
sample to assess whether the target calorie count is being met.
49.7 45.2 37.7 31.9 34.8 39.8
45.9 40.5 40.6 41.9 51.4 54.0
34.3 47.8 63.1 26.3 41.2 31.7
41.4 45.1 41.1 47.9
(a) Estimate the mean and variance based upon the sample data.
(b) State the value of calorie count if the production manager would like this value to be
43 5%.
(c) Estimate the probability that the calorie count lies between 43 5% (assume that
your answers to question (a) represent the population values).
In this chapter we have provided an overview of the concept of probability and its associat-
ed rules of addition and multiplication to solve a range of probabilistic problems. To aid the
solution of these problems we introduced the idea of using a visual display (tree diagram)
to enable the events contributing to the solution to be identified. The concept of relative
frequency was applied to enable the concept of a probability distribution and expectation
to be introduced to the reader. The notion of a discrete and continuous probability dis-
tribution was then introduced and examples provided to illustrate the different types of
discrete (binomial, Poisson) and continuous (normal) distributions. In Chapter 6 we shall
explore the concept of data sampling from normal and non-normal population distribu-
tions and introduce the reader to the central limit theorem. Furthermore, we will introduce
a range of continuous probability distributions (Students t distribution, F distribution, chi
square distribution) which will be used in later chapters to solve a range of problems that
require statistical inference tests to be applied. Chapter 6 will apply the central limit theo-
rem to provide point and interval estimates to certain population parameters (mean, vari-
ance, proportion) based upon sample parameters (sample mean, sample variance, sample
Key Terms
Binomial distribution
Continuous probability
Decision tree
Discrete probability
Expected value
Expected value of a
discrete variable
General addition rule
General multiplication rule
Hypergeometric distribution
Independent events
Mean of the Binomial
Mean of the Normal
Mean of the Poisson
236 Business Statistics Using Excel
Further Reading
Textbook Resources
1. Whigham, D. (2007). Business Data Analysis using Excel. Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 9780199296286.
2. Lindsey, J. K. (2003) Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Modelling Approach (2nd
Edition). Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-852895-1.
Web Resources
1. StatSoft Electronic Textbook
(accessed 28/1/2007).
2. HyperStat Online Statistics Textbook
(accessed 28/1/2007).
3. Eurostatwebsite is updated daily and provides direct access to the latest and most
complete statistical information available on the European Union, the EU Member States, the
euro-zone and other countries (accessed 28/1/2007).
4. Economagiccontains international economic data sets (
com) (accessed 28/1/2007).
5. The ISI glossary of statistical terms provides definitions in a number of different
Formula Summary
( )
= (5.1)
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) (5.2)
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A > B) (5.3)
P(A > B) = P(A) * P(B) (5.4)
Number of successful outcomes
Total num
( )
bber of attempts
E(X) = X P X
( )
= ( ) [ ]
Mutually exclusive
Normal distribution
Normal probability plot
Poisson distribution
Sample space
Standard deviation of a
discrete variable
Standard deviation of a
normal variable
Standardized normal
Statistical independence
Students t distribution
Uniform distribution
237 Probability Distributions
( ) ( )
= X
f X
( )
( )
( )
Total Probability =
P X r =
( ) = 1 (5.11)
P X r
p q
r n r
= =
( )
( )
( )
r! n r !
n! = n * (n 1) * (n 2) * (n 3)............3 * 2 * 1 (5.14)
E(X) = n p (5.15)
VAR(X) = n p q (5.16)
P X r
( )
= VAR(X) = Mean (5.18)
P X r
np e
( )
( )
X np
( )
( )