BMC Remedy Action Request System 7-5-00 Error Messages Guide
BMC Remedy Action Request System 7-5-00 Error Messages Guide
BMC Remedy Action Request System 7-5-00 Error Messages Guide
January 2009
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Product information Product name Product version (release number) License number and password (trial or permanent)
Operating system and environment information Machine type Operating system type, version, and service pack System hardware configuration Serial numbers Related software (database, application, and communication) including type, version, and service pack or maintenance level
s s s
Sequence of events leading to the problem Commands and options that you used Messages received (and the time and date that you received them) Product error messages Messages from the operating system, such as file system full Messages from related software
E-mail [email protected]. (In the Subject line, enter SupID:<yourSupportContractID>, such as SupID:12345.) In the United States and Canada, call 800 537 1813. Outside the United States and Canada, contact your local support center for assistance. Submit a new issue at
Preface Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR System Error Messages form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminology used in error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR System documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 1 AR System diagnostic messages 7 7 7 7 8 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 17
Message reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server error reporting in UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server error reporting in Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message catalogs in UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message not in catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR System Error Messages form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Localizing error messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages
The compatibility information listed in the product documentation is subject to change. See the compatibility matrix at for the latest, most complete information about what is officially supported. Read the system requirements for your particular operating system carefully, especially the necessary patch requirements.
This guide is written for developers, administrators, and users of BMC Remedy Action Request System (AR System).
WarningA message that warns you of facts you need to know, but that are
acceptable to the system. You can take action in response to this message, but the system continues with normal operation. Warnings are labeled ARWARN in AR System.
ErrorA message that indicates a failure. You must correct the cause of this message to perform the attempted operation; the system does not perform the current operation. Errors are labeled ARERR in AR System.
AR System documents
The following table lists documentation available for AR System products. Unless otherwise noted, online documentation in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format is available on AR System product installation DVDs, on the Customer Support website (, or both. You can access product help through each products Help menu or by clicking Help links.
Title Concepts Guide1 Description Audience
Overview of AR System architecture and features; includes Everyone information about add-on products that extend AR System functionality and a comprehensive glossary for the entire AR System documentation set. Instructions for installing AR System. Information about the development of AR System applications, including an introduction to using BMC Remedy Developer Studio. Administrators Developers2
Installation Guide Introduction to Application Development with BMC Remedy Developer Studio
Form and Application Objects Information about AR System applications and their user Guide interface components, including forms, fields, views, menus, and images. Workflow Objects Guide
Information about the AR System workflow objects (active Developers links, filters, and escalations) and how to use them to create processes that enforce business rules. Information about configuring AR System servers and clients, localizing, importing and exporting data, and archiving data. Administrators
Configuration Guide
BMC Remedy Mid Tier Guide Information about configuring the mid tier, setting up applications for the mid tier, and using applications in browsers. Integration Guide
Instructions for integrating AR System with external Administrators/ systems by using web services, plug-ins, and other products, Developers/ including LDAP, OLE, and ARDBC. Programmers3 Information about monitoring and maintaining AR System Administrators/ and AR System applications to optimize performance and Developers/ solve problems. Programmers
AR System documents
Description Database administration topics and rules related to how AR System interacts with specific databases; includes an overview of the data dictionary tables. Information about implementing a distributed AR System server environment with BMC Remedy Distributed Server Option (DSO).
BMC Remedy Distributed Server Option Guide BMC Remedy Flashboards Guide C API Reference C API Quick Reference Java API
Instructions for creating, modifying, and administering Administrators/ flashboards to display and monitor AR System information. Developers Information about AR System data structures, C API function calls, and OLE support. Quick reference to C API function calls.
Programmers Programmers
Information about Sun Java classes, methods, and Programmers variables that integrate with AR System. For the location of the JAR file containing this online documentation, see the information about the Java API in the Integration Guide. Information about Java classes, methods, and variables used Programmers to write plug-ins for AR System. For the location of the JAR file containing this online documentation, see the information about plug-ins in the Integration Guide. Instructions for configuring and using BMC Remedy Email Administrators Engine. Descriptions of AR System error messages. Administrators/ Developers/ Programmers Everyone Administrators
Master Index BMC Remedy Approval Server Guide Release Notes Release Notes with Open Issues BMC Remedy User Help BMC Remedy Developer Studio Help BMC Remedy Data Import Help BMC Remedy Alert Help BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool Help BMC Remedy Browser Help
Combined index of all books. Instructions for using BMC Remedy Approval Server to automate approval and signature processes in your organization. Information about new features, compatibility, and international issues.
Information about new features, compatibility, international Everyone issues, installation planning, and open issues. Instructions for using BMC Remedy User. Instructions for using BMC Remedy Developer Studio to develop AR System forms, workflow objects, and applications. Instructions for using BMC Remedy Data Import. Instructions for using BMC Remedy Alert. Instructions for configuring BMC Remedy Mid Tier. Instructions for using AR System forms in browsers. Everyone Developers
1 The full title of each guide includes BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.5.00 (for
example, BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.5.00 Concepts Guide). Preface 9
Application developers who use BMC Remedy Developer Studio. C and Java programmers who write plug-ins and clients for AR System.
An online version of all messages and descriptions is available in the Error Messages form. Occasionally, it might not be clear from the diagnostic messages how to correct a problem. This chapter describes common problems, and outlines the process you must follow to resolve each of these problems. If you are still unable to resolve a problem or if you encounter a problem that is not covered in this chapter, contact your Customer Support representative. The following topics are provided: Message reporting (page 12) Message catalogs in UNIX (page 13) AR System Error Messages form (page 15) Localizing error messages (page 15)
Message reporting
All interactive AR System tools (BMC Remedy User, BMC Remedy Developer Studio, BMC Remedy Alert, and BMC Remedy Data Import) report errors directly to the terminal. If a tool fails during startup, the error messages appear at the command line from which the program was started.
BMC Remedy User and BMC Remedy Mid Tier might display slightly different error messages for the same problem. In BMC Remedy Mid Tier 7.5.00, a pure Java qualification parser replaced the C-based qualification parser used in earlier releases. Due to this change, the error messages cannot be synchronized. Hence, you might find a few differences.
To start logging, add a line similar to the preceding line to the /etc/syslog.conf file, and reset logging by sending a kill -1 signal to the syslogd process to cause it to reread its configuration file. AR System administrators can configure system logging options. For more information, see the Configuration Guide. All errors are also written to the arerror.log file in the ARServerInstallDir/db directory. (See information about log files and debug modes in the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide.)
12 Error Messages Guide
For example, this is the syntax for specifying the AR System message catalog location (assuming the default language environment) on Solaris:
On some systems, the directory holding the catalogs is mounted as read-only, making it impossible to store a link to the message catalogs. You might want to store the catalogs in another location. The catalog files are in the locale directory under the AR System installation directory (by default, this is /usr/ar/locale).
Use the NLSPATH environment variable to place the catalogs in a directory other than in the default directory. On Solaris, for example, if the default catalog directory is read-only, you can link to the catalogs by setting the NLSPATH environment variable as follows:
setenv NLSPATH /usr/ar/locale/%N:/usr/lib/locale/%L/LC_MESSAGES/%N
Include the default directory in the NLSPATH environment variable to make sure that catalogs for other products are still accessible. For more information about internationalizing message catalogs, see the documentation supplied with your operating system.
Messages are returned by the server or the client. In general, messages with numbers below 1000 are from the server, while messages 1000 or higher are from the client. Errors above 10000 are defined by workflow (active links, filters, and escalations) and might come from either the server or the client.
The AR System Error Messages form is now ready for use. To search for AR System error messages, including flashboards and notification error messages, select AR System in the product list.
Chapter 2
Do not define custom error messages for your applications with numbers in these ranges. If you do, they might be incompatible with future versions of AR System.
Start 1 1000 1800 2000 3000 3300 3350 3380 3500 4000 4500 4900 5000 5400 5500 6000 End 999 1799 1999 2999 3199 3349 3379 3499 3999 4499 4899 4999 5399 5449 5999 6999 Product AR System Server BMC Remedy User BMC Remedy User Description Server messages and notifications BMC Remedy User errors, warnings, and notes BMC Remedy User errors
BMC Remedy Administrator client BMC Remedy Administrator errors and warnings (release 7.1.00 and earlier only) AR System Server AR System Server AR System Server Reserved for AR System BMC Remedy Distributed Server Option messages
BMC Remedy Administrator client BMC Remedy Administrator errors and warnings (release 7.1.00 and earlier only) AR System Server BMC Remedy Mid Tier AR System Server BMC Remedy Email Engine Server messages Mid tier error messages Server messages Email workflow messages
message catalog is accessible but does not include this error. In this case, check this document for the message number and information. If the message number is not present in this document, contact Customer Support, and provide the message number and the circumstances that prompted the message. 20 Note AR System server terminated when a signal or exception was received by the server. The error message includes the signal that was received. (For UNIX) If the signal is 15, the AR System process was stopped due to a normal shut down command. This signal indicates that the process terminated from a command to do so. If the shutdown signal is anything other than normal shutdown, the AR System server has failed and the incident will generate stack output to the arerror.log file. To help resolve this problem, contact BMC Remedy Support and provide the following information: The arerror.log file that includes the time of the crash. The armonitor.log file that includes the time of the crash. If other AR System processes failed abnormally due to a shutdown of AR System server, or to a server crash, the armonitor.log file will provide information about other processes that failed.
Note: Only those processes that are started with the AR System server by means of an entry in the
armonitor.conf file are included in armonitor.log output. Any other AR System logs that cover the time of the crash. The current version and patch level of the AR System server. The first step in troubleshooting a crash of the AR System server is often to upgrade to the latest patch release of a current version. 21 Note AR System server terminatedfatal error encountered. A fatal error occurred in the arserverd process. Details about the error are in an associated message. This is a generic message indicates that the error was fatal, and the process is shutting down.
Chapter 2
22 Error
Failure occurred during open or write to the filter or escalation log file. A file system error occurred while AR System was running a filter or escalation that logs information to a file (using the Log to File action). An associated message detailing the reason for the failure appears with this message. Processing continues, but logging to the log file is suspended until the problem is corrected (see Error 23). Open or write action to the filter or escalation log file resumed successfully. A failure was reported on an open or write action to the log file identified by Error 22. Additional actions occurred to access this file, and the file is now accessible and can be written to. Any operations between the message indicating a write failure (Error 22) and this message are not included in the log file. Failure while trying to run the filter or escalation process. An error occurred while AR System was executing a filter or escalation that runs a process. An associated message provides details. Verify that the process definition is correct. If necessary, correct the process definition in the filter or escalation. Fields in set fields action incompatible with form for filter or escalation. The filter or escalation being executed is trying to set values in fields that do not exist in the target form. Fix the definition. Specify values only for fields that exist in the target form. A common cause for this error is a filter or escalation that tries to assign a value to a field that formerly existed on the form but was deleted after the definition was created.
23 Note
24 Error
25 Error
26 Error
Administrator operations are disabled on this server. The AR System server is configured to disallow administrator operations. If the server is part of a group of servers sharing the same database, perform the server operations on the server in the group that allows administrator operations. This version of the Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative or visit This version of BMC Remedy AR System has a maximum limit of 2000 requests per database table, includes a maximum of three fixed licenses, and is configured for each client to access a maximum of one server. To obtain a version of BMC Remedy AR System without these limitations, contact your BMC sales representative, an authorized reseller, or visit
27 Note
28 Error
The AR System server does not have a license. Previous demo license has expired. This system can be used for evaluation, but is not allowed for production use. Contact your distributor for license information. The demo license for the system on which you are trying to run the AR System server expired. The system is now running in an unlicensed mode (see Error 27). You must obtain a license to run AR System server in any mode other than evaluation mode.
29 Note
The AR System server license is a demo license that expires expirationDate. You are operating with a demo license, which expires on the specified date. Contact your distributor for information about upgrading your license.
30 Error
You are already at the limit of the number of fixed user licenses of the type licenseType. You tried to define a new user and assign this user a fixed license. Your current number of users is equal to your current number of fixed licenses. You can add the user with a read, none, or floating license, but not a fixed license. The licenseType is replaced by write, full text, or flashboards, to indicate the type of fixed license. If you have no more fixed licenses, verify that the sample users were deleted. For a more detailed explanation, see the Configuration Guide. Contact your distributor for information about obtaining additional licenses.
31 Note
A fixed licenseType license was issued for the new user: xOfY. You created a new user who is assigned a fixed license. A user was successfully created. The message shows the current number of users who have a fixed license and the total number of users allowed. The licenseType is replaced by write, full text, or flashboards to indicate the type of fixed license.
AR System server terminated normally. Server shut down without problems. Failure occurred during execl( ). AR System failed to start a process. Make sure that your system has no resource problems that prevent new processes from starting. Error occurred while opening the AR System server lock file. AR System server (arserverd, arservdsd, or arservftd) opens a lock file named ar.lck at start-up, and ar.lck.rpcNum (ar.lck.390601 for arservdsd and ar.lck.390602 for arservftd) for servers on alternate RPC sockets. These files are used to prevent multiple copies of the AR System processes from being started on a single RPC socket simultaneously. An associated file system error message supplies more details. Fix the problem, and rerun the server. Another copy of the server is already running on the same RPC socket. Only one instance of AR System server can be run (on a specific RPC socket) on a computer at a time. If a server is already running in this RPC socket, no action is required. If the server is not running, you probably encountered a known problem with the NFS lock manager on Sun workstations. At times, the lock manager keeps a lock active even when the process holding the lock is no longer running. If no arserverd process is running, free the lock by deleting the lock file. Start the arserverd process after removing this file.
35 Error
36 Error
The database is not the expected version. You might need to run an upgrade program. AR System server (arserverd) expects a different version of the AR System database from the version being referenced. AR System server cannot run against an unknown version of AR System database. Error occurred while accessing one of the debug trace files. The system debugging mode was activated, and the system cannot access one of the debugging trace flags. The associated message provides details. To correct the problem, see the message. The system continues to run, but debug tracing to the file is disabled. Filter or escalation set field process returned an error. A filter or escalation was performing a Set Fields action using the option to run a process and return a value, but the process returned an error message. The text of the message returned appears with this error. The error terminates the operation being performed, and the current transaction is rejected. No update to the database occurs.
37 Error
38 Error
Chapter 2
39 Error
Filter or escalation set field process timed out before completion. A filter or escalation was performing a Set Fields action using the option to run a process and return a value, but the process was not completed within the time-out interval specified for filter processes. The administrator has control over the timeout setting for the process. It can be configured, in BMC Remedy Developer Studio, to be from one to 20 seconds with a default of five seconds.
41 Warning
Unrecognized command line argumentignoring command line and continuing. The command line argument displayed on the following line is not a legal command line argument for AR System server. The command line argument is ignored and processing continues. Server is not licensed to run with multiple-RPC socketsignoring setting and continuing. The server is configured to run multiple queues, but you do not have a multiple server license. The RPC socket setting is being ignored, and processing continues. A character field with a $MENU$ pattern is failing due to errors retrieving the character menu to validate against. A $MENU$ pattern is specified for a field with a character menu, and the server is encountering an error while building the menu to verify the value against. The error can be due to one of the following reasons: The menu is built from a search against a form on a different server. The server restricts access locally to the same server process for performance and consistency reasons. You cannot use a $MENU$ pattern verification for a remote search. The menu is built from a search against a local form, but the search is encountering an error during retrieval. The menu is built from a file, and the file cannot be found. The menu is built using a direct SQL command against another server. The server restricts access locally to the same server process for performance and consistency reasons. You cannot use a $MENU$ pattern verification for a remote SQL command. The menu is built using direct SQL against a local database, but the command is encountering an error during retrieval.
42 Warning 43 Error
44 Error
You are already at the limit of the number of forms allowed for your server license. The AR System server you are running against has a limited license. You are allowed to create only a specified number of forms, and you are at that limit. Remove one or more of the existing forms before you create a new form. Message action and Log action in else branch are not supported for escalations. You created an escalation and specified one or more message type actions or one or more log actions in the else branch. Escalations do not have a message type action and do not support log or set field in the else branch. Change the definition to eliminate the message type actions, and use log actions in the action list only. Email notification operation timed out before completion. The system was blocked while trying to send a notification through email. To prevent the arserverd process from hanging while waiting for the mail system, the process waits for 20 seconds. If arserverd receives no response, the process disconnects from the mail system and issues this error. The mail will probably be delivered when the mail system recovers.
46 Error
47 Warning
48 Error
Internal error: The maximum response value in the control record is too small (minimum of 4096 bytes). An internal RPC failure occurred. A client is accessing the server and has specified insufficient space for the response to be returned.
49 Error 50 Warning
Internal error: The request ID for a multipiece RPC response is invalid. An internal RPC failure occurred. A client is accessing the server and has specified an invalid identifier for the requested information. Only the administrator has access to this field. The field is accessible only to administrators. No permission settings were specified to allow access to other users. This is expected if you are restricting access to the field. However, if you want other users to access and manipulate this field, you must assign permissions to the field. Field ID specified does not exist in this form. A retrieval operation was attempted for the field identified by the indicated ID, but the target form has no field with that ID. The data for the correctly identified fields was retrieved. The field is a core system field and cannot be changed. You tried to modify the contents of a core system field (Request ID, Create Date, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, or Status History). These fields are managed by AR System and cannot be changed. Administrator access required to get permission information. You requested permission information about a field. Only a user with administrator access can retrieve permission information. No permission information is returned, but all other requested information is retrieved. No changes have been specified for the update operation. You specified a Modify operation to the system, but there were no modifications specified. If the command is being executed programmatically and there is potential for set operations with no changes to be specified, this warning can be trapped and ignored in your program. The following item was not imported: item. You tried to import one or more items (forms, filters, active links, escalations, or character menus) to the current server. The listed item was not successfully imported. An associated message indicates why the item was not imported. Fix the problem, and try to reimport the item. Entry does not exist on form. You tried to retrieve a request that does not exist. If this message is received when retrieving an item that was reported in a preceding retrieval, the item might have been deleted by another user. One or more fields in the statistic operation had a NULL value. Those values are excluded from the statistics computation. The requested statistical operation found one or more NULL values in the fields that were being used for the calculation. Because NULL fields contain no meaningful data for the calculation being performed, only those fields that contain non-NULL values are included in the computation.
51 Warning 52 Warning
53 Warning
54 Warning
55 Warning
56 Warning 57 Warning
59 Warning
User does not existsuccessfully connected as a guest user (type user name exactlyincluding capitalization). You tried to log in with a user name that AR System did not recognize. AR System allowed you to log in, but only as a guest user. If you think the login name exists, verify spelling and capitalization to continue. Enter the login name correctly (including case). If the login name does not exist, ask the administrator to add the user as a valid login name to the system.
Chapter 2
60 Warning 61 Warning
You do not have read access to this field. You tried to access a field to which you do not have read access. If access to this field is required, ask the administrator to extend your permissions to include this field. You do not have read access (for this entry) to this field. You tried to access a field to which you do not have read access for the current AR System request. If access to this field on this request is required, ask the administrator to include read access to this field. This message is issued (instead of Warning 60) when you may have access to this field on some requests, such as when you are the Submitter or Assignee, or are a member of the Assignee Group of the specific case.
62 Warning
You do not have access to the requested entry. You tried to access a request to which you do not have access. If access to this request is required, ask the administrator to grant access to you. This error results when you do not have access to the Request ID field (the unique key given to each request in the system).
63 Warning
One or more values in the statistic operation cannot be retrieved due to access control restrictions. Those values are excluded from the statistics computation. You tried to perform a statistical operation that included values from fields that you are not allowed to access. AR System completed the statistical operation, but the inaccessible values were not included in the results. If it is necessary that those values be included in the computation, ask the administrator to extend your permissions to include the fields.
64 Warning
The filter or escalation action cannot write to the specified log fileaction created but file must be verified. You created a filter or escalation action that logs to a file. The action was created, but the file you specified does not exist and cannot be created. An associated message provides details. The action does not perform an operation until the file system error is corrected. When the log file is created, the action logs transactions.
65 Warning
The filter definition contains multiple form links. This is an older definition, and the filter is linked only to the first form in the list. The filter definition uses an older syntax in which filters could be linked to multiple forms. The new definition allows only a single form link. The filter is loaded, but only with access to the first form in the list of forms. Ask the administrator to restructure the filter definition to see a single form. If you need filters with the same actions, create multiple filters.
66 Warning
The search matched more than the maximum number of entries specified for retrievalreturned entries are limited to the specified maximum. The retrieval included a search that selected more than the maximum number of items allowed by the client or server. The call returned the number of entries specified as the maximum. Narrow your search criteria or change the limit in user preferences. To change the local setting in BMC Remedy User, choose Tools > Options > Behaviors, and modify the settings for Limit Number of Items Returned. Only an administrator can change the server settings.
67 Warning
Attempt to open menu file failedcharacter menu is incomplete. A character menu that references a file was being expanded, and the specified file could not be accessed. An associated message contains details. The character menu being expanded is incomplete, with no menu where the file was to be expanded. Fix the problem, and re-expand the menu.
68 Warning
RPC environment variable is out of valid range (390600, 390603, 390619 - 390669, 390680 - 390695). NOTE: The value 390603 and the range 390619 - 390669 are specialty servers and may have restricted functionality. The value of the ARRPC environment variable is not a legal value. To use the default RPC socket, clear this variable. To use the ARRPC environment variable, this value must be 390600 (the admin daemon), 390603 (the escalation daemon), 390619 (the flashboard daemon), 390620 through 390634 (fast daemon), 390635 through 390669 (list daemon), or 390680 through 390694 (private daemon). The environment variable is being ignored, and processing continues.
69 Warning
Creation of one of the SQL views for the form failed within the SQL database. Operation was completed successfully, but the SQL view is not in place. While trying to create the SQL view for this form, the system encountered the associated SQL error. This error prevented the creation of the SQL view. The table definition and the structure needed by AR System server is complete and in place. Only the SQL view for this form is not in place. The definition of the form and associated fields are complete and in place. You can access the form and continue with operation of the system. The only missing information is a SQL view for this form, which is needed only if you directly access the SQL database by using the SQL view.
70 Warning 71 Warning
One or more fields in this form reference character menus that no longer exist. The character menu referenced by one or more fields in this form does not exist. There is no character menu for the field, even though the system has a menu defined for it. Group Access is not definedonly the administrator has access to this active link. The active link is accessible only to Administrators. No permission settings were specified to allow access by other users. This is correct if you are restricting access to the active link. However, if you want other users to perform this active link, administrators must assign permissions to the active link. The search matched more than the maximum number of entries specified by the serverreturned entries are limited to the specified maximum. The retrieval being performed included a search that selected more than the maximum number of items specified by the server. This number is less than the maximum specified by the server for this call. The call returned the number of entries specified as the maximum by the server.
72 Warning
73 Warning
A value change is pending on the Submitter Mode settingchange will take effect the next time the server is started. A change to the Submitter mode setting does not take effect until AR System is shut down and restarted. It is a pending change until the next restart.
74 Warning
A duplicate index has been specifiedduplicate was omitted and indexes were created. You specified the same index twice for a form. You cannot create duplicate indexes. This message is a warning about the duplicate, but processing was completed with the index created only once. AR System automatically creates a unique index on the Request ID field. Although this index does not show in the list of indexes, it is present on every form. You receive this error if you try to create an index that contains only the Request ID field.
75 Warning
No floating write license tokens are available. Currently accessing the system in read-only mode. License will upgrade when a token is available. You are assigned a floating write license, but no floating write license tokens are available at this time. You are allowed access to the database for read-only use. The system will try to upgrade your license type when a token is available.
Chapter 2
76 Note
A write token has become available and has been allocated to youaccess has been upgraded to write access. You previously received Warning 75. A floating write token became available, and it is allocated to you. You now have full read and write access within your permissions.
77 Warning
No free-floating Full Text Search Option license tokens are available. Currently accessing the system without full text search (FTS) capability. License will upgrade when a token is available. You are assigned a floating, Full Text Search Option license, but there are no floating, Full Text Search Option tokens available at this time. You are allowed access to the database but without access to the full text search (FTS) engine. The system will try to upgrade your license type when a token is available. The system uses the default database search capability on all fields, including the fields that are FTS indexed.
78 Note
A Full Text Search Option license token has become available and has been allocated to you access has been upgraded to allow full text searching. You previously received Warning 77 indicating you could not get a Full Text Search Option license token, but you were allowed to access the system by using the default database search strategy. A floating, Full Text Search Option license token became available, and it was allocated to you. You now have full text search (FTS) access within your permissions.
79 Warning 80 Warning
Request for unique setting on database index has been ignored for fields of this type. A unique index was requested for a field type that does not allow unique indexes, such as a currency field. Request a unique index only for field types that allow it. Delete column failedcolumn contents set to NULL and column renamed. You tried to delete a field from a form. The delete operation failed. Details are displayed in an associated message. The system performed the next closest operation by logically deleting the column, renaming it in the database to avoid naming conflicts, and setting all data values to NULL. The field is a Distributed Server Option (DSO) reserved field that can be updated only by the DSO process. Some of the DSO reserved fields cannot be changed except by arservdsd. An attempt was made to change one of these reserved fields.
81 Warning
82 Warning
One or more indexes were updated to remove reference to the fieldlength was changed so that it is not allowed in an index. A change to the limits definition of a field was made. The new limits cause the length of the field to be changed from fewer than 256 bytes to 256 bytes or greater (unlimited). This field is used in one or more indexes for the current form. A field with a length of greater than 255 bytes cannot be used in an index. To prevent an error, the reference to the field that cannot be in an index was removed from the index definition for the form, and the remaining indexes were rebuilt.
83 Warning
The query list fields definition of the form has been updated to remove references to the field the length was changed so that it is not allowed in the query list. A change to the limits definition of a field was made. The new limits cause the length of the field to be changed from fewer than 256 bytes to 256 bytes or greater (or unlimited). This field is used in the list of fields defined to be returned in the results list. A field with a length of greater than 255 bytes cannot be used in the results list. To prevent an error, the reference to the field that cannot be in the results list was removed from the results list definition.
84 Warning
The sort list definition of the forms has been updated to remove reference to the fieldthe length was changed so that it is not allowed in the sort list. A change to the limits definition of a field was made. The new limits cause the length of the field to be changed from fewer than 256 bytes to 256 bytes or greater (unlimited). This field is used in the sort list. A field with a length of greater than 255 bytes cannot be used in the sort list. To prevent an error, the reference to the field that cannot be in the sort list was removed from the sort list definition.
85 Warning
Indexes are ignored for join formsbuild the index on the base tables. You cannot create indexes on a join form. To index a field, define the index on the base form.
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90 Error
Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System server. The AR System server is inaccessible from the client computer where the error occurred. To resolve this problem, consider these questions and then follow the appropriate suggestions: Is the ARERR 90 isolated to a single client computer or user? If so: Check the configuration on the client computer. If the configuration is correct, check the network connectivity from the computer where the error is reported. Is the error reported to a group of computers or users or system wide? If so: Check the network connectivity from a computer where the error is reported Make sure the AR System server process is running. Check the client computers configuration Review the etc/ar file (utilities or other server components) or the Login > Accounts dialog box (Windows clients) to verify that the server is registered for client access. If no entry is present in the ar file or the server is not marked with a green check mark in the Accounts dialog box, add the entry or (on Windows) select it. Make sure the server name is spelled correctly in the ar file or the Accounts list in the Windows client Login dialog box. If access to the server requires a TCP port (for example, the server is behind a firewall or is not using the portmapper), make sure the correct TCP port is included in the entry. If the error was reported in BMC Remedy User, exit and restart BMC Remedy User. The server might have been temporarily inaccessible. Check the network connectivity At a command prompt on a computer where the error is reported, issue a ping command to the server. If the ping command does not return a successful reply, there is a problem with the network connection to the AR System server. You might need to test the connection to the server using the short name (for example, serverName), the fully qualified domain name (, and the IP address (for example, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) of the AR System server. If necessary, work with a network administrator to resolve the problem. Check the server process Use operating system tools to make sure that the server process (arserverd or arserver.exe) is running. When the AR System server starts up, error 90 can appear while the server is still loading information into the cache. In this case, the server process is running but error 90 still appears. To check if this is the case: On UNIX, check for the arforkd process. If it is running, the server has finished loading the cache. On Windows, use NETSTAT -a to determine whether the server port has been assigned. The port is set when the cache load has completed. On both UNIX and Windows, review the arerror.log file and the armonitor.log file. If the AR System server failed during startup, errors reporting that the server terminated are reported to these logs. If the AR System server is not running, restart the AR System server. Check the UNIX server hosts file If the server is configured to use a portmapper (TCP port = 0), make sure that the localhost line in the /etc/hosts file is above the hostName line, for example: localhost TestServer
91 Error
RPC call failed. AR System clients use the RPC layer to connect to the AR System servers TCP port. This error occurs when an RPC call fails for some reason. Some possible causes of this error include but are not limited to: An invalid RPC packet was detected The AR System server is low on file descriptors (UNIX) On UNIX, the number of file descriptors allocated to the AR System server is determined by an operating system setting in the shell where the AR System server was started. If thread logging is turned on when the AR System server starts, the number of file descriptors appears in the thread log, for example: Limits found: current rlimit=8192 max rlimit=8192 BMC recommends a minimum file descriptor setting of 2.5 to 4 times the number of concurrent users, or 2048 whichever is greater. Concurrent users include other server tier components such a Email Engine, DSO, custom API programs, and so on. It is not uncommon to run with file descriptors set to 8192 on UNIX with recent releases of AR System to ensure that adequate file descriptors are available. On Windows, the default setting of 10,000 file handles is generally sufficient. Check Windows Task Manager to see if a process is using a large number of handles If this is a recurring error, and increasing the file descriptors or file handles available to the AR System server does not resolve the problem, turn on ARAPILOGGING for the client that receives the error to isolate the API call that is failing with ARERR 91. For information about how to configure and use client-side API logging, see the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide. A less common cause of this error is running an API program that is incompatible with the AR System server. In this case, recompiling the API program with the same API version used by the AR System server might resolve the error.
92 Error
Time-out during database updatethe operation has been accepted by the server and will usually be completed successfully. A time-out occurred while data or structures in the database were being updated. In most cases, the operation is still performed after the time-out. Review what was expected to be updated to verify the update did complete and retry the operation if necessary. Since this error occurs on update, the error can be associated with a filter action. If this is a recurrent error, use ARAPILOGGING along with client workflow logging to capture the specific API call and SQL statements associated with error 92. For more information about logging, see the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide. Engage your database administration support and review performance of the database itself. The performance of AR System server during database updates is dependent on the performance of the database. BMC strongly recommends that AR System administrators work closely with database support to ensure optimum database tuning. When contacting BMC technical support for additional assistance with error 92, provide Filter, API and SQL logs containing the SQL statements associated with the API call that returned the time-out error.
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93 Error
Time-out during data retrieval due to busy servertry the operation again. A time-out occurred during a retrieval operation because the server or database was busy performing other operations. Possible causes can include low system resources, such as CPU time, or server resources, such as thread congestion. To troubleshoot this error, first determine whether the timeout error is isolated to a given operation (for example, saving a form), to a user or group of users, or is reported system wide. If the error is isolated to a given operation or to a user or group of users, use client-side logging, including ARAPILOGGING, along with server API and SQL logging to capture the specific API call associated with error 93. The failed API call is marked in the log with a status of FAIL. The following example shows the entry for an ARGetServerInfo call with a timeout error: */+GSI ARGetServerInfo -- as user . . . */-GSI FAIL -- RPC Client has timed out For more information about logging, see the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide. When contacting BMC technical support for additional assistance with ARERR 93 timeout errors, provide at least the following information: The server API and SQL logs that capture the time when ARERR 93 occurred. If the error is isolated to a specific operation or user, provide the client workflow logging with API, database, filter, active link, and macro output captured. A copy of the server ar.conf or ar.cfg file. AR System server environment information, including: The server operating system and version The database type and version The AR System server version and patch level A list of other applications that might share server resources with the AR System server or the database.
94 Error
Time-out during database searchconsider using more specific search criteria. A time-out occurred while data was being retrieved from the server during an ARGetList call (such as ARGetListEntry, ARGetListEntryWithFields, and so on). This error can be caused by poorly specified search criteria, or by the database being too busy to respond within the timeout period. If this error is reproducible, use client-side ARAPILOGGING to isolate the API call that fails with ARERR 94. Then use the information from the client-side API log to isolate the API and SQL SELECT statement associated with the error in the client workflow log output or the in the server API and SQL logs. This error is often associated with a query to a form when a large number of records is returned. You can resolve the time-out error by modifying the search to return fewer records. If the error occurs during a workflow search, it might be necessary to modify the workflow actions or adjust the server settings to return fewer records. Engage your database administration support and review performance of the database itself. The performance of AR System server during database updates is dependent on the performance of the database. BMC strongly recommends that AR System administrators work closely with database support to ensure optimum database tuning. You can check the database response time for the AR System API call that generates this error by running the SELECT statement captured in the SQL logging. To do so, log in at the database prompt as the database owner of the AR System server in the same environment where the AR System server is running. Run the statement from the command line and not from a database tool to more accurately reflect the time it takes.
RPC and sockets initialization failure. The attempt to initialize the RPC and sockets subsystems failed. Make sure the proper sockets libraries are present. Feature not supported by this AR System client. Some features cannot be fully mapped from earlier versions of BMC Remedy User and BMC Remedy Administrator. Connection has been attempted to two unlicensed servers. You can connect to only one unlicensed server in a session. Connection to the second server is denied. The system allows you to connect to a single unlicensed server at any time. You can connect to any number of licensed servers. Either you specified multiple unlicensed servers to connect to or workflow is accessing a second unlicensed server. You must license your servers to connect to them at the same time from a single client tool.
98 Error
The Administrator Command feature is no longer supported. The Administrator Command feature was removed from the product. Its functionality is no longer supported. A comparable functionality is available through active links, which enable you to define a running process in which the process runs on the server. Two servers have been encountered with the same AR System server IDneither will be accessible until one is shut down and the tools started again. Two servers in your environment have the same AR System server ID. Both servers are disabled until the license conflict is resolved.
99 Error
Request ID parameter is empty. The operation being performed requires the request ID to be specified, but the parameter was not supplied. Retry the operation, this time specifying the request ID for the entry. Request ID parameter value is longer than the maximum allowed length. The request ID specified for the Request ID parameter was longer than the maximum length allowed (AR_MAX_ENTRYID_SIZE, 15 characters). Verify the request ID of the entry, and retry the operation. Remember that character strings must be terminated by a 0 (zero) character. Name parameter (or name field in a parameter) is empty. The operation being performed requires a name specification for an item, but no name was specified. Specify a value for the name parameter, and retry the operation. Name parameter (or name field in a parameter) is longer than the maximum allowed length. The name specified was longer than the maximum length allowed (AR_MAX_NAME_SIZE, 30 characters). Verify the name of the item, and retry the operation. Remember that character strings must be terminated by a 0 (zero) character. Field or value list item is empty. The field or value list parameter for this call is NULL or contains zero items. This operation requires at least one specified field or value item. NULL pointer for result list. The parameter meant to hold the data that is the result of this operation is a NULL pointer. To return the requested data, this parameter cannot be NULL. Request ID list is empty. The list of requests selected to perform the statistical operation on is NULL or empty. Specify a list of one or more requests to perform the statistical operation. Statistics list is empty. The list of operations to be performed in this statistical operation is NULL or empty. Specify a list of one or more operations to be performed.
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108 Error
Field display definition is incorrect. One or more of the fields in the display structure for the field are invalid. You might have specified an illegal display type, label positioning, or option. Verify that the include file ar.h has legal values for these fields. File name is longer than maximum allowed file name. The file name parameter you specified is longer than the maximum file name allowed by the system (AR_MAX_FULL_FILENAME, 255 characters). Make sure that the file name you specified is a legal name. Remember that character strings must be terminated by a 0 (zero) character. Unrecognized data type. The value you specified for the data type parameter is not one of the legal values recognized by the system. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have legal values for this field. Unrecognized data type for default value. The value you specified for the data type field of the ARValueStruct parameter defining the default value is not one of the legal values recognized by the system. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have legal values for this field. Character menu definition is empty. The structure you specified for defining the character menu for a field is either NULL or empty. If you are defining a character menu, you must supply a menu definition in this parameter. Name list parameter is empty. In a field operation, the list containing the selection values for a selection type field is NULL or empty. A selection field must contain one or more legal values. Entry error in the name list. During processing of a list of names (such as selection value names), one or more of the values was invalid. An associated message describes the problem. This error relates the associated error to the name list instead of to another parameter in the call. Operation mask parameter is out of bounds. The filter operation set parameter is invalid. This parameter is a mask of one or more operations on which the filter might execute. This parameter either has an empty mask or has values outside the limits on the mask. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have legal values for this field. Filter does not have an action defined. The action field for a filter is either NULL or empty. A filter must define at least one action. Command string is empty or longer than the maximum allowed length. The command string that issues an external command to the operating system is empty or is too long. If empty, you must supply a command. If too long, you must reduce the command to the maximum length allowed (AR_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, 255 characters). Note that if the command being created is in an active link, filter, or escalation, the command string might contain parameters. When they are expanded, the command line might expand to 4,096 bytes. The unexpanded line is limited by the value defined by AR_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE.
109 Error
110 Error
111 Error
115 Error
118 Error
Unrecognized or inappropriate value for field option. The value you specified for the field option parameter is not one of the legal values recognized by the system, or is inappropriate for usage in this case. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have legal values for this field. This message can result from a change to the display optioneither setting it or removing itwhere this is not allowed. For example, if you create a trim or a control field, you must set the option to AR_FIELD-OPTION_DISPLAY.
119 Error
Unrecognized create mode. The value you specified for the create mode parameter is not one of the legal values recognized by the system. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have legal values for this field. Unsupported data type in this client. AR System server is a newer version than your client software. Your client is too old to display one or more fields on this form. Install an updated client, and retry this request. Entry error in the Request ID list. During processing of a list of request IDs, one or more of the values was invalid. An associated message describes the problem. This error connects the associated error to the ID list instead of to another parameter in the call. ARServerInfoRequestList structure is empty. The value you specified for the list of information to retrieve from the server was NULL or empty. To retrieve information, specify what information you are trying to retrieve. Unrecognized server information tag. You specified a code for server information that was not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid codes that can be specified. Entry error in the field/value list. One of the items specified in the field or value list contains an error. An associated error message contains details. Entry error in the statistics list. One of the entries specified in the statistics operation list is invalid. An associated error message contains details. Unrecognized statistics operation. One of the statistical operation codes is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid operation codes. Entry error in the permission list. One of the items in the permission list is invalid. An associated error message contains details. Unrecognized permission tag. One of the permission tags is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of the valid permission tags. Field limit definition is invalid. The field limit specified for this field is invalid. For a numeric field, make sure that the high range is greater than the low range. For a character field, make sure that the pattern is within the size limit of the field. Also, verify that the specified character menu, the menu style setting, and the match operation setting are legal. For a selection field, verify that the value is a legal value for the field.
122 Error 123 Error 124 Error 125 Error 126 Error 127 Error 128 Error 129 Error
Entry error in the character menu. One of the entries in the character menu is invalid. A child menu tag was assigned but no child menu exists, or a leaf item was specified but no leaf string exists. Unrecognized character menu item type. One of the character menu type tags is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid character menu type tags.
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132 Error 133 Error 134 Error 135 Error 136 Error 137 Error 138 Error
Structure item is empty. The structure list parameter is NULL or is an empty list. To perform a structure operation, you must have a list of the options to get or set. Unrecognized structure item tag. One of the structure option tags is invalid. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid structure tags. Entry error in the structure item list. One of the items specified in the structure list is invalid. An associated error message contains details. Unrecognized filter action type. One of the filter action codes was not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all filter action type tags. Unrecognized notify mechanism. The code specified for the notify mechanism in one of the filter actions is invalid. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all allowed notify mechanisms. Unrecognized message type. The code for the type of error message to return is invalid. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid message types. Filter, active link, or escalation message number must be greater than 10000. The message number of a message you define through the Message action of a filter, active link, or escalation must be greater than 10000. Numbers less than 10000 are reserved for AR System. Restrict your errors to values greater than 10000 to avoid conflicts between errors you add to the system and errors from AR System. Option cannot change for core or reserved field that has a fixed options definition. The core fields of the system have restrictions on what changes are allowed. You are trying to change a characteristic of a core or reserved field that cannot be changed in the way you are requesting. Review the Form and Application Objects Guide for information about the restrictions for each of the core fields. A default must be active for the Status field. The Status field must have a default value. You are trying to change the definition of the Status field, which eliminates the default value and is not allowed. You can alter the number of states and change the default value, but you cannot eliminate it. Can use the Qualify None option only at the top level of a qualification. You specified the tag AR_COND_OP_NONE as the tag for an ARQualifierStruct structure when this structure was not at the top level of a qualification. This tag indicates no qualification. Restructure the call to remove the tag from the middle of the tree. Unrecognized operation in qualify conditions. The tag for one of the nodes in the qualify condition structure is invalid. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid tags. Relational operation is empty. The value portion of a relational operator qualification structure is NULL. Specify a value for a relational operation. Unrecognized relational operation. The tag for the relational operation to perform is invalid. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid tags.
139 Error
140 Error
141 Error
145 Error 146 Error 147 Error 148 Error 149 Error 150 Error 151 Error 152 Error 153 Error 154 Error
Arithmetic operation is empty. The value portion of an arithmetic operator qualification structure is NULL. Specify information for an arithmetic operation. Unrecognized arithmetic operation. The tag specified for the arithmetic operation is invalid. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of the valid tags. ARFieldValueOrArithOp structure is empty. The value portion of a field, value, or arithmetic structure is NULL. Specify information for this structure. Unrecognized ARFieldValueOrArithOp structure tag. The tag for the type of the field, value, or arithmetic value is invalid. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all valid tags. A user name must be supplied in the control record. The name field of the ARControlStruct parameter is empty. Supply the name of an AR System user in this field. A server name must be supplied in the control record. The server field of the ARControlStruct parameter is empty. Supply the name of the server to reference in this field. Required form parameter is missing. The form parameter is required, but the value passed is either NULL or an empty string. Load this parameter with the name of the form you want to reference. Entry error in the sort list. The value specified for the sort list parameter is invalid. An associated error message provides details. Unrecognized sort method. The code for the specified sort method is invalid on one of the entries in the sort list. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the valid codes. Malloc error in client library. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory space. The failure occurred on the client during processing of the call to or from the server. This error usually occurs when there are too many processes running or some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory space on the client. You can recover the memory space by shutting down unneeded processes. Restart processes that have been running for a while to recover space the applications might have leaked over time. Return buffer is NULL. The buffer that holds the return value of the call was passed a NULL value. For the call to return the data requested, there must be a parameter specified to hold a pointer to the result. Supply a value for this parameter. Input buffer is NULL. The buffer to hold the input value to the call was passed a NULL value. For this call to perform the requested operation, there must be a value specified for this parameter. Supply a pointer to the input buffer for this parameter. Field IDs below 100 are reserved for core fields. You specified a field ID of less than 100 for a new field. IDs of less than 100 are reserved for AR System. You cannot specify IDs in this range for fields you create. Perform the call again, specifying a field ID greater than 100.
155 Error
156 Error
157 Error
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158 Error
Request ID field must contain at least 5 non-defaulted spaces. You requested a modification to the length of the Request ID field. This field is a character string containing from 5 to 15 characters. You are allowed to specify a default value of from 0 to 10 characters that acts as a prefix to the generated IDs. The combination of the prefix and the total length allowed for the field must allow at least 5 characters free for the integer portion of the ID. If you receive this error, the combination of the length you specified for the field and the default value prefix leave less than 5 spaces.
159 Error
A server name must be supplied. This message occurs while creating or adding a workflow action, such as Open Window, Call Guide, or Service, and a server name is not specified. The workflow or user must supply the correct server name. This error can occur when the workflow uses a dynamic design (SAMPLE DATA data source) that supplies the server name at run time. In this case, review the appropriate workflow logs and the workflow configuration to determine the cause of the problem.
160 Error
Decompression has failed. There was a failure in decompressing the data being processed, for example, when saving an attachment in the Save-Attachment Run Process filter command. The format of the compressed data was not correct. Invalid session identifier supplied in the control record. The session identifier in the control record is invalid. The session identifier is set in the control record by the ARInitialization() function and is valid until a call to ARTermination() is made. Notify text is empty or too long. The notify text you can specify for a notification is limited to 255 characters before expansion. The text you specified is over that limit. You must correct your text string to 255 characters or less. Character strings must be terminated by a \0 character. Unrecognized notify field ID tag. The tag for the notify fields structure is invalid. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the valid tags. Items specified are NULL pointers. A parameter was specified that contains a numItems value that indicates one or more items for the parameter, but the value field in the structure is a NULL pointer. If there are items, the value field must point to the items. If there are no items, the numItems field must be initialized to 0. Field default type and data type do not match. The data type specified as the default value for the field does not match the data type defined for the field. The data type of the default value must be compatible with the data type of the field. A default value of the same type as the field is always compatible. A default value of AR_DATA_TYPE_NULL is always compatible with any data type. A keyword value is compatible with the data type that matches the type of the resulting keyword (for example, 12/25/01 is compatible with AR_DATA_TYPE_TIME, but not with AR_DATA_TYPE_CHAR). All other combinations are illegal.
161 Error
162 Error
166 Error
167 Error
Field limit type and data type do not match. The data type specified in the limit for the field does not match the data type defined for the field. The data type in the limit structure must be compatible with the data type of the field. A default value of the same type as the field is always compatible. A default value of AR_FIELD_LIMIT_NONE is always compatible with any data type. It indicates that the field has no limit. All other combinations are illegal.
168 Error
Error in one of the field or value assignments in the set fields action of a filter, active link, or escalation definition. An error occurred with one of the field or value assignments in the Set Fields action of a filter, active link, or escalation definition. An associated message provides details. Usually, the problem is an attempt to define an assignment between incompatible data types or to nonexistent fields.
169 Error
Execution order value is out of range. The execution order field of the filter, active link, or escalation definition contains a value out of range. The legal range for the execution order is 0 to 1000, with items at lower values being performed before items at higher values. Unrecognized status history tag. The tag that specifies whether you want the user name or time stamp for a status history value is not a recognized value. The only supported values for the tag field are AR_STAT_HISTORY_USER and AR_STAT_HISTORY_TIME. Status history selection value is out of range for status definition. The status field value you specified does not match a defined status for this form. The selection value specified is a 0-based, positional index into the list of states defined for Status. Service was not started. The Windows Service was not started. This could be due to the service being stopped by the administrator prior to completion of its startup tasks or an error occurred that prevented the service from starting. Consult the Application Event Log for details concerning any errors that occurred. Language specified in the control record not recognizedusing default language on server. The language you specified for the system is not recognized by the server. If you are coding directly to the API, the language field is in the control record passed to each call. To use the default language, leave the language buffer empty (set to an empty string). You can also set the language to the default language of C to use the standard language defaults. You can set this value to any language your environment supports. If you are running one of AR System tools, the language to use is picked up from the LANG environment variable. Verify the setting of that variable and correct it if it is wrong (or delete it if the default language is sufficient).
170 Error
173 Error
174 Error
Display type specified is inappropriate for the data type. The display type value specified for this field is not compatible for the data type of the field. You must choose an appropriate display type: Display type AR_DISPLAY_TYPE_CHECKBOX supports data type AR_DATA_TYPE_ENUM Display type AR_DISPLAY_TYPE_CHOICEsupports data type AR_DATA_TYPE_ENUM Display type AR_DISPLAY_TYPE_NUMTEXTsupports data type AR_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER Display type AR_DISPLAY_TYPE_TEXTsupports data types AR_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER, AR_DATA_TYPE_REAL, AR_DATA_TYPE_CHAR, AR_DATA_TYPE_DIARY, AR_DATA_TYPE_ENUM, and AR_DATA_TYPE_TIME
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175 Error
The length or numRows value of the display parameter is out of range. The length or numRows (number of rows) value for the display parameter is not within the allowed range. For fields displayed as TYPE_TEXT, neither the length nor NumRows field should be zero (0). The length field specifies the width of the control, and the NumRows field specifies the number of rows of data that are displayed for the field. For fields displayed as TYPE_NUMTEXT, the length field must not be zero (0). The length specifies the width of the control, and the number of rows value is ignored. For fields displayed as TYPE_CHECKBOX or TYPE_CHOICE, the numRows field must not be zero (0). The numRows field specifies how many rows the check boxes or choices must be displayed in, and the length value is ignored.
Duplicate selection value exists in the selection or bitmask value list. In the list of selection or bitmask values, the same name is used for two separate states. Rename one of the duplicate selection values so that each selection or bitmask value has a unique label. Cannot specify change access for a view-only group. You specified that a group must be given change access to a field; however, the group is a View group and cannot be granted change permission. You can assign only view permission to the field for this group. Field ID parameter is NULL; must be a pointer to memory. The field ID parameter is a NULL pointer. It must be a pointer to a field ID. To assign the ID for a field, load this parameter with the value. If you want the system to assign an ID, assign this field to 0, and the system assigns a value and returns the result in this field. Pattern in a character limit is invalid. The pattern specified for a limit to the character field is illegal. Typically, the pattern either has an opening bracket ([) with no matching closing bracket (]) or has a range within double brackets ([ ]) with the starting value greater than the ending value (for example, [c-a]). Default value for a character type is longer than the maximum allowed length AR_MAX_DEFAULT_SIZE. The value specified as the default value for a character field is longer than the maximum allowed by AR_MAX_DEFAULT_SIZE (256 bytes). Verify the default value, and retry the operation. Character strings must be terminated by a 0 (zero) character.
178 Error
179 Error
180 Error
181 Error
The ID specified for this field is in the reserved field range. The ID for the specified field falls within the reserved range of field IDs. This is likely caused by a programming error. An API call did not set the flag indicating that it allows creation of fields in this range. API calls must set that flag to allow the creation of a field with this ID. Alternatively, an API call can set the flag to 0 to have the system generate a unique ID. The system returns the assigned ID.
182 Error
Too many actions have been specified for this filter, active link, or escalation. The filter, active link, or escalation has more actions defined than the maximum allowed by the system (25). Reduce the number of actions by combining several action steps into one or by creating a second filter, active link, or escalation and separating some of the actions into the new filter, active link, or escalation. Duplicate group ID was specified in permission list. You specified a group ID more than once in the permission list you are sending to the system. Any given ID can be specified only once with the permissions allowed for that group field. Remove the duplicate reference.
183 Error
184 Error
Cannot specify a quotation mark in default value for Request ID field. The default value for the Request ID field (used as the prefix for the IDs generated for each entry or request) cannot contain a single quotation mark character. Specify a default value that does not contain a quotation mark character. Cannot assign default value to system-supported core or reserved fields (except Request ID). You assigned a default value to a system-controlled AR System core field (Request ID, Create Date, Last Modified by, Modified Date, or Status History field). The only system-controlled core field that can have a default value assigned to it is the Request ID field, where the default is used as a prefix to the ID. The other AR System system-controlled core fields are automatically updated by the system, so no default value is needed or allowed. Cannot assign character menu to system-supported core or reserved fields. You assigned a character menu to a system-controlled AR System core field (Request ID, Create Date, Last Modified By, Modified Date, or Status History field). The system-controlled core fields cannot be assigned values by the user, so a character menu is not needed or allowed. Execute mask parameter is out of bounds. The execute mask is a bitmask of the conditions under which an active link executes. The value you specified includes bit settings outside the legal range of conditions under which you can execute an active link. The bitmask can be created by totalling the set of defines that represent the conditions under which you want the active link to execute. Execute mask setting requires a field choice. The active link you defined has the On Return or On Menu choice condition set in the execute mask, but no setting indicates which field to attach the operation to. Specify the field where you want to attach the active link action. Active link does not have an action defined. The action field for an active link is either NULL or empty. An active link must define at least one action to be performed. Unrecognized active link action type. One of the active link action codes is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all active link action type tags. Unrecognized assign type. The assign type tag is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all assign type tags. Field or assignment list item is empty. The field or assignment list for an active link Set Fields action is either NULL or empty. A Set Fields action must define at least one field to be assigned a value. Entry error in the field or assignment list. One or more fields, or assignment items in the field or assignment list, encountered an error. See the associated message for details. Unrecognized tag for filter, active link, or escalation set field action. The ARAssignFieldStruct structure tag is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all ARAssignFieldStruct tags. Filter, active link, or escalation set field definition is missing. The field definition in the field or assignment structure is set to NULL. Supply a field definition value in this structure.
185 Error
186 Error
187 Error
188 Error
189 Error 190 Error 191 Error 192 Error 193 Error 194 Error 195 Error
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Macro branch of active link action must include both a name and macro text. The definition of a macro action must include both a name and the text of the macro to execute. One or the other is either NULL or an empty string. Unrecognized keyword. A keyword type value was specified, but the keyword identifier was not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of IDs for all supported keywords. Cannot use the $DEFAULT$ keyword as a default value or in a qualification. The keyword $DEFAULT$ cannot be used when specifying the default value for a field. The $DEFAULT$ keyword indicates that the default value must be used for the value; using it as the default itself creates a self-reference that cannot be resolved. The keyword $DEFAULT$ cannot be used when specifying a qualification, whether in an active link, filter, or escalation, or on the qualification bar. If an arithmetic operation is involved or the operation is a complex one, it is not clear which fields default value is being referenced under all conditions. Therefore, the $DEFAULT$ keyword is disallowed in qualifications.
199 Error
Missing or blank name for a macro parameter in the active link action. A name field in the list of macro parameters is either NULL or blank. When specifying macro parameters, supply the parameter name for the value you are specifying. You can omit parameters from the list of parameters, but if they are included on the list, you must provide a name. Macro value string is longer than the maximum length allowed. The value specified as the default value for a character field is longer than the maximum allowed by AR_MAX_MACRO_VALUE (255 bytes). Verify the default value, and retry the operation. Character strings must be terminated by a \0 character. Unrecognized or misused tag for field/value definition. The tag for indicating the type of field or value reference is undefined or is not allowed in the current context for the ARFieldValueOrArith structure. Notify user name is longer than the maximum size allowed for the name. The name specified for the user to be notified is too long (the maximum is defined by AR_MAX_NAME_SIZE, 30 bytes). Specify a name within the length restrictions. Value list is empty. The value list parameter for this call is NULL or contains 0 items. This operation requires at least one value item to be specified. Notify priority is out of range (must be 1 to 10). The value specified for the notification priority is outside the legal bounds for this field. Specify a value between 1 and 10 for the priority, where 1 indicates the highest priority and 10 indicates the lowest priority. Unrecognized character menu type. The ARCharMenuStruct structure tag is not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the recognized ARCharMenuStruct tags. Unrecognized character menu refresh code. The code for the refresh interval for the character menu is not one of the defined choices. View the include file ar.h for a list of the valid codes. Unrecognized character menu file location. The code for the location of the file for the character menu is not one of the defined choices. View the include file ar.h for a list of the valid codes.
200 Error
File name for a character menu is NULL, empty, or too long. The file name for a character menu is a pointer to NULL, is an empty string, or is longer than the maximum allowed length for a file-name. Define a legal file name for the character menu file. Total length of all fields involved in an index is greater than maximum allowed length. The sum of the length of all fields specified for the index is greater than the maximum allowed for an index by AR_MAX_INDEX_BYTES (255 bytes). Remove one or more fields from the index definition to reduce the total length of the index information. Either zero or greater than the maximum number of allowed fields are specified in a single index. An index definition must reference from 1 to the number defined by AR_MAX_INDEX_FIELDS (10). Your index definition specifies an index on no fields or an index on more than the maximum allowed number of fields. Display list is empty. If you receive this error when doing a field operation, the display list containing information about the display definition for the field is NULL or empty. A field must define at least one display definition. Qualifier parameter is NULLmust be a pointer to memory. The qualifier parameter must be a pointer to memory. This memory location is where the base of the qualifier structure for the string being parsed is stored. One of the structures in the list of fields to display in the query list is invalid. One of the items in the list of field definitions is invalid. This list of field definitions is for fields displayed in the query list. See the associated error message for details. ARServerInfoList structure is empty. The server information list is either NULL or empty. To set one or more pieces of server information, the settings with their values must be specified. Server information associated with this tag cannot be updated. The server information for the specified tag is read-only data. You are not allowed to update this information. Retry the operation, setting only values that can be updated. Server information associated with this tag cannot be retrieved. The server information for the specified tag is write-only data. You are not allowed to view this information. Retry the operation, requesting only values that can be retrieved (viewed). Server information data associated with this tag uses an incompatible data type. The server information for the specified tag represents information that has a different data type from the type specified in the update operation. Retry the operation, specifying the correct data type for the value. Local variable number is out of range (must be 0 to 10). The code specified for a local variable is outside the legal range for local variables. Specify a number between 0 and 10. Query value structure is empty. The query value structure pointer is NULL. To define an assignment to a value from another form, specify a query value structure definition that defines the form and conditions on that form. Query value structure item contains an error. One or more of the fields in the query definition of an assignment operation contains an error. See the associated error message for details.
211 Error
212 Error
213 Error 214 Error 216 Error 217 Error 218 Error 219 Error
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Unrecognized value for the query value multimatch code. The tag specified for the action to take if there are multiple matches in the ARQueryValueStruct structure is not a legal tag. Cannot index a diary field, an unlimited length field, or a field with a maximum length over 255 bytes. Fields that have lengths longer than 255 bytes (including diary fields and unlimited length character fields) cannot be indexed. You specified an index that includes a field that meets these criteria. If the index is a multiple-field index, you can still create the index if you remove the field that is not allowed.
225 Error
Set fields actions that reference entries in other forms can only reference forms on the same server in a filter or escalation. A Set Fields action in a filter or escalation can reference other forms for pulling data to the current request. However, the referenced form must be on the same server. You defined a reference to a form on a different server. Choose another operation (for example, perform the operation in an active link), or move the remote form to the server where the filter or escalation is being defined.
Type of field, value, or arithmetic operation is not supported on the GetListEntry operation. The type of value specified in the ARFieldValueOrArithStruct structure is not allowed in a query list. The tag refers to an operation supported only during a filter or active link operation. Unrecognized value for set focus characteristic. The code for the field where you want to set focus in the set field characteristics action of a filter is not one of the defined choices. View the include file ar.h for a list of the valid codes. Unrecognized value for set access option characteristic. The code for the set access option field, of the Set Fields characteristics action of a filter, is not one of the defined choices. View the include file ar.h for a list of the valid codes. Function definition is empty. The function structure pointer is NULL. To define an assignment to a function result, specify a function definition that defines which function is to be performed and that provides the parameters to perform the function. Unrecognized function code specified. A function was defined, but the function code was not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of valid function codes. Parameter list for a function is empty. The parameter list for a function is NULL, but the number of items indicates one or more parameters. If the number of items indicates parameters, the parameter list must contain the parameter values. If there are no parameters, the parameter list can be NULL, but the count of parameters must be set to 0. The types of the values in a value set are not compatible. The data types of the values in a value set are incompatible. All types must be the same or compatible types. Wrong number of parameters or invalid parameter values specified in function for the field. In a Set Fields action for a filter, active link, or escalation, one of the settings assigned the result of a function. A function definition that was specified has an error with the specified parameters. Either the wrong number of parameters was specified, or one or more of the parameters is the wrong data type. View the definition of the function to verify the parameters. The ID of the field that the function is associated with is reported.
234 Error
Value specified for the filter or escalation set fields process time-out is outside the valid range of 1 to 20 seconds. The filter Set Fields process time-out value is not in the legal range. The time-out value can be as low as 1 second and as high as 20 seconds. Retry the operation with the value in this range.
Unrecognized code for user list type. The code for the type of user list to retrieve is not one of the legal codes. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of supported codes. Value specified for the license time-out must be 1 or greater (in hours). The value specified for the license time-out value was 0 or a negative number. This value must be greater than or equal to 1 hour. The value remains unchanged (defaults to 2 if nothing is set). Value specified for DDE service name or topic is missing or is larger than the maximum allowed length. The DDE service name or topic field of the DDE active link action is missing or is too large. Both of these fields are required, and both have an upper limit of 64 bytes. Verify the values, and correct them as appropriate.
Value for DDE item is larger than the maximum allowed length. The value specified in the DDE item field is larger than the maximum allowed (32767 bytes). Verify the value, and correct if necessary. Unrecognized value set for DDE action code. The code for the DDE action to perform is not one of the legal codes. Verify the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of supported codes. Cannot specify a diary field, a character field with unlimited length or maximum length over 255 bytes (254 bytes for DB2), or Status History as a sort field. Fields that have lengths over 255 bytes (including diary fields, unlimited length character fields, and the Status History field) cannot be specified as sort fields. You specified a sort that includes a field that meets these criteria. Specify a sort list that does not include this field. For IBM DB2 databases, the limit is 254 bytes.
241 Error
Cannot specify a diary field, a character field with unlimited length (or maximum length over 255 bytes), or Status History as a field in a Get List description. Fields that have lengths over 255 bytes (including diary fields, unlimited length character fields, and the Status History field) cannot be specified as fields in the list returned by the Get List operation. You specified a list that includes a field that meets these criteria. Remove this field from the list.
Type of field, value, or arithmetic operation is supported only for a filter qualification. The type of value specified in the ARFieldValueOrArithStruct structure is allowed only in a filter qualification. Specify a tag allowed outside a filter qualification. DDE definition is empty. The DDE structure pointer is NULL. To define an assignment to a DDE result, specify a DDE definition that defines which DDE operation is to be performed and that provides the values to perform the operation. Value specified for DDE path to program is missing or is larger than the maximum allowed length. The path to the program field of the DDE active link action is missing or is too large. This field is required and has an upper limit of 255 bytes. Verify the value, and correct as appropriate.
244 Error
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246 Error 247 Error 248 Error 249 Error 250 Error 251 Error 252 Error 253 Warning
Invalid day format. The format specified for the day portion of the time is not recognized. Review the structure definitions in the include file (ar.h), and correct the definition to match the rules defined there. Invalid interval time. The format specified for the time portion of the time is not recognized. Review the structure definitions in the include file (ar.h), and correct the definition to match the rules defined there. Invalid day selection. The format specified for the day portion of the time is not recognized. Review the structure definitions in the include file (ar.h), and correct the definition to match the rules defined there. Invalid hour selection. The format specified for the hour portion of the time is not recognized. Review the structure definitions in the include file (ar.h), and correct the definition to match the rules defined there. Invalid minute selection. The format specified for the minute portion of the time is not recognized. Review the structure definitions in the include file (ar.h), and correct the definition to match the rules defined there. Invalid value for enabling or disabling a filter, active link, or escalation. The value specified for the flag to enable or disable a structure is not recognized. Set the value to True (1) to enable the structure or False (0) to disable it. Unrecognized group in the Subadministrator group list for the form. One or more groups in the list of groups for the Subadministrator is not a group defined on this system. The group must exist to be assigned Subadministrator access to the form. Inappropriate group in the Subadministrator group list for the form in import. One or more groups in the list of groups granted Subadministrator access to a form does not exist. The operation being performed is an import. The problem is treated as a warning, and the import is completed successfully. You can define groups with the missing IDs, or you can update the definition of the form to remove the undefined IDs.
254 Error
Subject line is longer than the maximum length allowed. The value specified as the subject line for an email notification is longer than the maximum allowed by AR_MAX_NOTIFY_SIZE (255 characters). Verify the subject line value, and retry the operation. The character strings must be terminated by a 0 (zero) character. Unrecognized submitter mode. The code specified for the submitter mode is not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the submitter modes. Unrecognized server statistics tag. The tag specified for the server statistics structure is not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the server statistics tags supported. Duplicate tag used for several items within the display list. A display tag to identify the view desired is not unique. There are two or more instances where the same display tag is used. Each display tag must be unique. Fix the definition to supply unique tags.
258 Error
The RPC socket number for the Distributed Server process is not one of the legal values (390600, 390621 - 390634, 390636 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). The value supplied as the RPC socket number, to be used by the DSO daemon for access to AR System, is not a legal socket number. For the operations that the server must perform, specify either 390600 (the Administrator server) or a value in the ranges 390621 through 390634, 390636 through 390669, or 390680 through 390694 (private servers), inclusive. For more information about using RPC sockets with DSO, see Distributed Server Option Guide.
259 Error
Unrecognized no match code. The code specified as the no match code (the action to take when there are no matches to the values in a Set Fields action) is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all no match codes. Unrecognized multiple match code. The code specified as the multiple match code (the action to take when there are multiple matches to the values in a Set Fields action) is not recognized. Verify that the #define statements in the include file ar.h have a list of all multiple match codes. SQL command is NULL or empty. The SQL command pointer is NULL or points to an empty string. To define an operation that executes a SQL command, specify the command, and set this structure to point to it. Cannot specify a diary field, a character field with unlimited length (or maximum length over 255 bytes), or Status History as a field to group by. Fields that have lengths over 255 bytes (including diary fields, unlimited length character fields, and the Status History field) cannot be specified as fields to group by. You specified a grouping that includes a field that meets these criteria. Specify a grouping that does not include this field.
260 Error
263 Error
Unrecognized save login code. The code specified as the save login code (determining whether the user or the administrator has the ability to set the save login option on the client) is unrecognized. Verify the definitions in the include file ar.h for a list of the save login codes. Server name for a character menu is empty or is too long. The server name for a character menu is an empty string or is longer than the maximum allowed length for a file name. Define a valid server name for the character menu file. Compound form structure is empty. The compound form structure is empty or has missing pieces. When a join or view form is defined, this structure is required. Invalid join member form name. The name specified for either the primary or secondary form in a join form definition is not a legal name or does not exist in the current server. You can only create a join between existing forms. Invalid join form qualification. The qualification specified for a join form is invalid. Specify a join criteria for the join form; it must be a legal qualification that associates the two forms. Verify the qualification, and update it so that it is an acceptable join definition. Invalid view form definition. The definition of the view form is invalid. One or more pieces of the view definition is missing or invalid, so the system cannot create a clean interface to the non-AR System table. Make sure that the definition of the view form is complete and accurate.
268 Error
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269 Error
Invalid form type in compound form structure. The form type tag specified for the compound form structure is not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the recognized form types. The form structure is empty and is not allowed. Field mapping structure is empty. The field mapping structure is required when defining a data field on a join or view form. For this call, the structure is empty. Specify appropriate contents for this structure. Invalid base form index in a join field mapping structure. A form field is tied to an invalid index. When defining a join field reference in a join form, specify an index (of 0 or 1) indicating whether the field is tied to a field in the primary or secondary form. The value of the index is not 0 or 1 in this case. Change the index to indicate the appropriate form. Invalid external table name in a view field mapping structure. The table name identified in the view form definition is illegal, or the table does not exist. The table referenced in a view form must exist before the view form can be created. Invalid field mapping type. The field type in the field mapping specified for a field in a compound form is not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the recognized field types. Invalid compound form structure change. After a form (base, join, or view) is created, you cannot change the form type. The compound structure requested a change to the form type, and this action is not supported. Index not allowed in this type of form. Because join forms are relational joins of base tables, you cannot define indexes on join forms. To index one or more fields, specify the indexes on the base tables that underlie the join. The form is referenced by a join form as a base form. When deleting a form, an option controls whether the form can be deleted if a join form depends on this form. This error indicates that deletion of a form was attempted, but one or more join forms depend on this form. To override this error, specify the delete option AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE, which deletes the form despite the dependency. The join forms dependent on this form are also deleted.
272 Error 273 Error 274 Error 275 Error 276 Error
277 Error
The field is referenced by a join form as a base field. When deleting a field, an option controls whether the field can be deleted if it is referenced by a join form that depends on this field. This error indicates that an attempt was made to delete this field, and one or more fields in some join forms depend on this field. To override this error, specify the delete option AR_FIELD_FORCE_DELETE, which deletes the field despite the dependency. The fields in the join forms that are dependent on this field are also deleted.
278 Error
The field is referenced in the join qualifier of a join form of which this form is a member. When deleting a field, an option controls whether the field can be deleted if it is used in the join qualification of a join form. This error indicates that an attempt was made to delete this field, and the field is used in the qualification of a join form. To override this error, specify the delete option AR_FIELD_FORCE_DELETE, which deletes the field despite the dependency. The fields in the join forms that are dependent on this field are also deleted.
279 Error
Selection Value ID too large. A value for a selection field cannot exceed 2,147,483,647.
281 Error
AR System server does not support multiple links to the same button. In older versions of the AR System server, this error occurs when you try to attach additional active links to a button that already has an active link associated with it. In these older versions, a button can have only one active link associated with it. A form can have only one default view and there is another view defined as the default for this form. One of the properties of a view is whether the view is the default view for the form. Only one view per form can have this property set to True. An attempt was made to set this property for the view, but another view is set as the default. Remove the default property setting from the view that contains the setting before giving it to another view.
282 Error
AR System server does not support the specified dataType. An RPC procedure mapping error between the client and the server occurred. You cannot create, get, or set this field on this version of the AR System server because it is not supported. Escalation does not have an action defined. The action field for an escalation is either NULL or empty. An escalation must define at least one action. A field referenced in the qualification is not a data field. A qualification contains a reference to a nondata field included in the message. Only data fields can be included in qualifications. Because trim and control fields do not have associated data, they cannot be used in qualifications. Display only fields cannot be included in a query to the database. A qualification being used to search the database contains a reference to a display-only field. The field is included in the message. Display-only fields cannot be referred to in database searches, because the database contains no data for them. They can, however, be included in workflow qualifications. Status field must be created before status history field can be created. When you create a status history field in a schema or a join schema, a status field must already be available. The requested operation is not supported on the server. A newer version of an AR System client attempted an operation on an older version AR System Server that is unavailable on the older version AR System Server. Direct the request to an AR System server with a version of AR System that supports the operation. Cannot create nested outer join form in Sybase or SQL Server. The Sybase database supports outer joins for joins of two tables only. If you join more than two tables, the database supports only inner joins. Therefore, if you create a join that includes a join form, you cannot create it as an outer join if you are using Sybase. Message text is empty or too long. The text you can specify for a filter, active link, or escalation is limited to 255 characters before expansion. The text you specified is over that limit. Correct your text string to 255 characters or less. Character strings must be terminated by a 0 character. The text string might contain parameter references that are expanded before the message is delivered. The expanded message can contain as many as 4096 characters.
286 Error
289 Error
291 Error
292 Error
Invalid item list for entry existence. You must provide an array for server to return request existence information.
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293 Error
Expected column data missing from multiple entries. This is an internal error. There is a software bug in field value list processing in a GetMultipleEntries( ) call. As an input parameter to call GetMultipleEntries( ), the caller needs to provide a two-dimension array to hold the request value. If the internal column index is greater than the array size, this error is returned. Requested number of multiple entries exceeds maximum allowed. Each GetMultipleEntries( ) call can only return a maximum of 100 requests. If there are more than 100 requests specified in the entryId list parameter of the GetMultipleEntries( ) call, this error message is returned. File pointer is NULL or not a valid file pointer. The file pointer specified for an API call is NULL or is not a pointer to an open file. The parameter must be a valid file pointer. Invalid support file type. The file type specified for a support file in a compound form is not recognized. View the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of the recognized file types. Administrator released license too recently. The administrator released this users license too recently. An administrator can release a users license only once every two hours. Too many filters processed during this operation. There is a 10,000 filter limit per operation. This error occurs when more than 10,000 filters are run from a single operation. This error might be caused by a push fields operation that runs recursive filters. See the Workflow Objects Guide for more information about filters and push fields actions. Too many levels in filter processing. There is a limit of 25 levels for filter processing. This limit exists to protect against recursive filter actions. For example, a filter that includes a push fields action, with that action launching another filter with a push fields action, with that action launching another filter with a push fields action, and so on. See the Workflow Objects Guide for more information about filter actions and push fields. Malloc failed on server. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate space. The failure occurred on the server during processing of a call from the client. In general, this error occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory on the server. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. Error while writing to a file. An error occurred while writing to the indicated file. An accompanying message from the operating system provides details. Determine why the write failed, and correct the problem before retrying the command. Entry does not exist in database. No entry exists in the database with the Request ID you specified. The specified Request ID is invalid, or the entry was deleted by another user during the time you were processing it.
Note: This message is returned by web services and API programs. In the same situation, similar
294 Error
299 Error
300 Error
301 Error
302 Error
messages are returned by BMC Remedy User (see message 1200) and web clients (see message 9296).
Form does not exist on server. The server has no form with the specified name. Either the specified name is incorrect, or the form is on another server. Must have administrator permissions to perform this operation. Some operations in the system are restricted to users with Administrative access. These operations include the ability to restructure the database by adding forms, filters, and active links and the ability to delete existing requests from the database. To perform this operation, you must log in as a user who has administrative permission to the form you want to update.
305 Error
Next available ID produces a request ID that overflows Request ID fieldcontact the administrator. AR System automatically generates IDs for requests in the system. The next available ID will overflow the definition for the Request ID field. If you specified a length for the Request ID field that is less than the maximum allowed (AR_MAX_ENTRYID_SIZE), you can increase the size of the field to eliminate this problem. If the field is already at the maximum and a default value exists, you can change the default value to a shorter string. As a final option, contact Customer Support to help you reset the next request ID counter. Do not try this task yourself because numerous actions must be performed, in sequence, to make this change successful.
306 Error
Value does not fall within the limits specified for the field. Limits are specified for the indicated field. These limits might be a low and high range limit if the field is an integer or real field, or a maximum length or pattern if the field is a character field. The actual limit and which field the limit is on are displayed with the error message. Verify the value specified against the limits defined for this field. The value must be changed to be within the limits, or the limits must be redefined to allow the value specified.
307 Error
Required field (without a default) not specified. During submission of an request, no value was supplied for the required field. The field does not have a default value, so a value must be supplied during the submit operation. Perform one of the following actions: Supply a value for this field. Change the definition of the field to specify a default value (used when the user does not supply the value) or change the field to be optional so that a value is not required.
308 Error
Duplicate field in the definition. A field was specified twice in the field or value list. Each field can be assigned only a single value and can be specified only a single time in the field or value list. Remove the duplicate definition from the list, and reissue the command. Entry has been modified since the get time. The entry you are trying to modify was modified by another user after the last time you retrieved the definition. The changes made might impact your changes. You can override this error and apply the changes. If you apply the changes (and override the error), all changes you make take precedence over the changes made by the previous user. If you do not apply your changes, the previous users changes are retained.
309 Error
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310 Error
Value has wrong data type for the field. The value for a field in the field or value list is incompatible with the data type defined for that field. The value of a field must be the same or compatible data type. Change the value specified to be compatible with the data type of the field to which the value is being assigned.
311 Error
Field ID is not related to this form. The field ID references a field that is not defined for the current form. You attempted an operation against the wrong form or server, or the structure of the form was changed to eliminate the field ID from the form. Change to the correct form or server, or remove the Field Name from the Field Sort Order list to complete the operation.
312 Error
Data types are not appropriate for arithmetic operation. The data types of the fields used in an arithmetic operation are not consistent with the operations allowed for that operation. Review the Form and Application Objects Guide for information about the allowed data types of operations. Data types are not appropriate for relational operation. The data types of the fields used in a relational operation are not consistent with the operations allowed for that operation. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for information about the allowed data types of operations. Field does not exist on current form. The field is not related to the current form. You attempted an operation against the wrong form or server, or the structure of the form was changed to eliminate the field ID from the form. Change to the correct form or server, or remove the ID from the field list to complete the operation.
313 Error
314 Error
Must override form or field (where entries or data still exist) to delete. You are trying to delete a form or field that contains data. You must explicitly override this error for the operation to succeed. By default, the system deletes structures only when no data is lost. Failure with a temporary file. During processing, an error occurred while the server tried to use a temporary file. An associated error message contains details. By default, temporary files used by the server are created in the directory /usr/tmp (UNIX) or \tmp (Windows). Verify that this directory is present and writable by the user running the arserverd program. Also verify that the temporary directory was redirected and that the specified directory exists and is writable by the user running the arserverd program. The directory can be a link to another directory as long as the appropriate user can write to it. Review the reason for failure, and correct the problem. Then repeat the operation.
Duplicate form name. A form with the same name already exists on this server. Form names must be unique. Choose a different name, or rename the existing form. Group does not exist on server. No group with the indicated ID exists on this server. The group ID specified is incorrect, or the group with this ID was changed or deleted from the system. Determine what groups are available. If the group ID was changed, simply change the ID, and reissue the request. Otherwise, use the ID of another group, or remove the reference to this group and reissue the request.
319 Error
Request for length change of core or reserved field is out of limits. The operation you are performing requests a length change to one of the core fields. The field you are changing has restrictions on its length. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for information about the use and limits of the core fields. Character menu does not exist on server. The character menu is not defined on the current server. You attempted an operation against the wrong server, or no character menu is defined by that name. Change to the correct server (if the former), or specify an existing character menu (if the latter).
320 Error
Too many levels in character menu definition. Menus can contain a maximum of 15 levels. You specified a menu that contains more than 15 levels at some point in its hierarchy. Invalid hierarchy in character menu definition. A character menu definition was found in which the definition of menu items and children do not form a consistent tree structure. Some children item definitions have no parent item. Filter does not exist on server. The filter is not defined on the current server. You attempted an operation against the wrong server, or no filter is defined by that name. Change to the correct server (if the former), or specify an existing filter (if the latter).
Duplicate filter name. The name you are specifying for this filter is already in use by a filter on this server. Choose a different name for the filter, or rename the existing filter. Required field cannot be reset to a NULL value. You are trying to set a required field to a NULL value ($NULL$). Assign a legal value for the field, leave the previous value in the field, or change the structure definition for the field so that it is no longer required. Cannot perform statistic operation on the data type of the target. Statistical operations can only be performed on integer and real fields or with arithmetic operations that result in real or integer fields (for example, the difference between two times). The operation you attempted is incompatible with these limitations. Invalid password or authentication string for an existing user The password you specified for the user name is not recognized. The problem can be with the password or with the authentication string (for NT authentication, the authentication string is the NT domain) or with both. Enter the password defined for this user name to access the system as that user. You do not have write access to field. You do not have write (change) access to a field that you are trying to change. You must have write access to write to that field. You do not have write access for this entry to this field. You do not have write (change) access to a field that you are trying to change on this entry (request). You have write access to this field for requests assigned to you (or to a group you are a member of) or submitted by you, depending on the permission settings. On this entry, you are not serving in the role that allows you change access to the field, so you cannot change the field on this particular entry.
327 Error
329 Error
Chapter 2
332 Error
You do not have write access (at create time) to field. You do not have write access to this field at create time. This indicates that you do not have general write access to the field, and the create mode of the field is protected. You have access to this field on requests assigned to you (or a group you are a member of) or submitted by you, depending on the permission settings. Because this request does not exist yet, you are not serving in any role yet, so you cannot set the field for this instance during a submit operation. You have no access to field. You do not have access (read or write) to the field that you are trying to access. You must have access to a field to read or change its values. An AR System reserved field definition is incorrect. Several reserved field definitions are reserved for AR System. You specified one of these fields with settings that are incompatible with the limits set on the definition of those fields by AR System. See the discussion of the AR System core and reserved fields in the Form and Application Objects Guide. Format for an AR System reserved field is invalid. The data contents of a reserved field do not meet the rules for the data in that field. See the discussion of the AR System core and reserved fields in the Form and Application Objects Guide for details on the allowed data format. Cannot assign a user to the special Submitter (3), Assignee (4), Assignee Group (7), Dynamic, or Computed groups. You cannot assign a user to any of these groups using the User form. The Submitter (ID 3), Assignee (ID 4), Assignee Group (ID 7) and Dynamic (IDs 60000 to 60999) groups define perinstance access rights. You become eligible for the extra access permissions allowed to these groups if you are the Submitter or Assignee or are a member of the Assignee Group or Dynamic group for the request being displayed. You are the Submitter if your login name appears in the Submitter field, and you are the Assignee if your login name appears in the Assigned To field. Membership in a computed group is determined by the contents of the Computed Group Definition field on the Group form.
335 Error
336 Error
337 Error
You have reached the maximum number of database entries permitted with this version of the Action Request System. To purchase the unrestricted version, contact your AR System sales representative or visit This version of BMC Remedy AR System has a maximum limit of 2000 requests per database table, includes a maximum of three fixed licenses, and is configured for each client to access a maximum of one server. To obtain a version of BMC Remedy AR System without these limitations, contact your BMC sales representative, an authorized reseller, or visit
338 Error
Duplicate request ID for merged item, but Create New ID was not specified. You are merging requests into a form from another source. You specified a request ID in the merge operation that conflicts with an existing ID in the system. You did not specify to create a new ID in case of conflict; therefore, the merge operation failed. To merge the new request, specify the option to create new IDs, or delete the existing request before merging the new one.
339 Error
Incorrect format for a diary field. You specified a diary field in the merge operation, and the format of the diary data does not match the expected format. A diary field is a formatted character string consisting of a set of user name, time stamp, and character string triplets separated by valid separator characters. Separators are defined in the include file arstruct.h. If you receive this error during an import action, it is probably caused by a corrupt change diary. Try importing without the change diary. You can do this by removing the lines beginning with change-diary from the export file.
340 Error
Incorrect format for the Status History field. You specified the Status History field in the merge operation, and the format of the status history value does not match the format expected. A Status History field is a formatted character string consisting of a set of user name and time stamp pairs organized (in order) by the various states that status can contain and separated by valid separator characters. Separators are defined in the include file arstruct.h. Cannot run the requested process. Could not run a process as requested. The process was a filter or escalation Set Fields process action. In either case, the process did not run. An associated error message might contain more details. Determine why the process did not run, and, if possible, correct the circumstances. Then retry the operation.
341 Error
342 Error
Cannot find or open the directory file. The AR System directory file could not be opened. An associated error message describes why the ar file/etc/ar (UNIX) or ARConfigDir\ar (Windows)could not be opened. This file contains the name of each AR System server that this client tries to connect to. The file must be present to identify which servers to use. Error in definition for a filter. An error occurred when loading a filter definition from the database. An internal error occurred, or manual changes were made to the contents of the database. Group type or category conflict between two groups with the same group ID. Two groups were defined with the same group ID but with different access characteristics. All groups are keyed by the group ID. Two or more groups with the same ID are actually a single group definition with two names. If there are two groups with the same ID, both definitions must specify the same group type and group category. To correct the problem, change the group ID for the group being added to be unique, or change the type and category of the new or existing group to be of the same type and category.
Duplicate active link name. The name you are specifying for this active link is already in use by an active link defined on this server. Choose a different name for the active link, or rename the existing active link. Active link does not exist on server. The active link is not defined on the current server. You attempted an operation against the wrong server, or no active link is defined by that name. Change to the correct server (if the former), or specify an existing active link (if the latter). You have no access to active link. You are not allowed to access the specified active link. Permissions defined for the active link do not allow you to get the definition of or execute the actions for the requested active link. Contact your AR System administrator if you need access to the active link.
347 Error
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348 Error
Group cache structure is emptyno access to database is possible. At startup, the group cache for the database contains no group definitions. Without group definitions, only AR System administrators can access the system. This error usually occurs due to someone deleting data from the database. Re-establish the group structure for successful use of the database. Cannot delete a core field. You specified one of the core fields in a delete operation. Core fields cannot be deleted. If you do not want to use the core field, you can ignore it by defining it as a hidden field. The obsoleted core fields (IDs 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14) can be deleted from your form. Attempt to divide by zero (0) in arithmetic operation. During an arithmetic operation, the system detected a divide by 0. Restructure your queries to avoid this illegal operation. Cannot specify qualification on password field. The password field is a write-only field. To maintain security, you cannot specify a qualification on the password field. Notification to special Submitter or Assignee group specified. Reference to the Submitter or Assignee group exists in the referenced Submitter or Assigned To field. Notification canceled to prevent a potential infinite loop. During a filter or escalation action, there was an attempt to notify the submitter or assignee of the request. However, the field holding this information contains a reference to the Submitter or Assignee group. To prevent an infinite loop, the system is canceling the notification. If you are receiving this error, reconfigure the notification targets in your system to eliminate this condition.
349 Error
353 Error
You have no access to form. You are not allowed to access the specified form. Form permissions do not allow you to get the definition of the form or of its fields or to access the data it contains. Contact your AR System administrator if you need access to the form. Must be administrator to access the filter. Only users with administrator permission can access (for read or change) a filter definition. The current user does not have administrator permission. Duplicate character menu name. The name you are specifying for this character menu is already in use by a character menu defined on this server. Choose a different name for the character menu, or rename the existing character menu. Character menu contains too many items on one level (maximum 99). The character menu definition contains too many items on one level of the menu tree. AR System allows a maximum of 99 items on any one menu level. You can use multilevel menus to split large menus into multiple smaller and more manageable menus. Error while accessing a menu file on the server. An error occurred while the system tried to access a menu definition file on the server. An associated error message contains details. After you fix the problem, the menu is available. Set, Create, and Delete operations to structures are supported only on RPC socket 390600. The server is running in a multiple-socket mode, and the socket in use for this client is not the default socket of 390600. All structural changes must be made using the server connected to the default socket. Use routines connected to the default socket, or restart this tool with the RPC socket definition reset to the default value of 390600.
357 Error
360 Error
No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. A currency conversion between two different currency types was needed during the execution of workflow, and the conversion ratio does not exist in the AR System Currency form. Supply conversion ratios in the AR System Currency form for all possible conversions. An unqualified search was issued, and the server has been configured to disallow unqualified searches. Specify some search criteria to perform a search on this form. This server is configured not to allow unqualified searches, and you issued an unqualified search. Specify some qualifying criteria in one or more fields to limit the amount of data being returned from the server.
361 Error
363 Error
Required field assigned $DEFAULT$, but there is no default value for the field. During submission of a new request, a value specifying the keyword $DEFAULT$ was supplied for the required field. The field does not have a default value specified so you cannot use the $DEFAULT$ keyword during the submit operation. Perform one of the following actions: Supply a value for this field. Change the definition of the field to specify a default value or change the field to be optional so that a value is no longer required.
364 Error
Diary field cannot be set to a NULL value in a filter or escalation. The filter definition contains a Set Fields action where a diary field was assigned a value of $NULL$. A diary field is append-only. Accordingly, it cannot be assigned a NULL value. Specify an alternate value, or remove the assignment of NULL for the diary field. Escalation does not exist on server. The escalation is not defined on the current server. You attempted an operation against the wrong server, or no escalation is defined by that name. Change to the correct server (if the former), or specify an existing escalation (if the latter).
366 Error
Duplicate escalation name. The name you are specifying for this escalation is already in use by an escalation on this server. Choose a different name for the escalation, or rename the existing escalation. Error in definition for an escalation. An error occurred when loading an escalation definition from the database. An internal error occurred, or manual changes were made to the contents of the database. Must be administrator to access the escalation. Only users with administrator permission may access (for read or change) an escalation definition. The current user does not have access to the escalation. No form ID for the form. No form ID was found in the file This is usually caused by a manual edit to the file or by a file from a previous release of AR System. If the former, restore the file from a backup before the manual change. If the latter, restore a file from the correct version or, if you have not run the upgrade program after installing the new version, run the upgrade program to bring the file up to date. You cannot change the value of the Submitter fieldthe Submitter Mode of the system is configured to be locked. The system can be configured with a Submitter Mode of Locked or Changeable. You configured the system with a value of Locked. In this mode, the value of the Submitter field cannot be changed after submission (even by the administrator).
371 Error
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372 Error
Could not create alert event. The server could not create an alert event request in the database. An associated error message contains details. The following are possible causes: The server could not find an Alert Events form. More than one form with the reserved alert events fields was found. All but one form must be removed. The request was not added to the database.
Must be administrator to access the distributed mapping. Only users with administrator privileges can read or change a distributed mapping definition. The current user tried to access a distributed mapping and does not have administrator privileges. Distributed mapping does not exist on server. The specified distributed mapping does not exist on the current server. One of these conditions exists: You attempted an operation against the wrong server. Change to the correct server, and retry the operation. No distributed mapping with the specified name could be found. Specify an existing distributed mapping, and retry the operation.
Duplicate distributed mapping name. You cannot assign the same name to more than one distributed mapping. Choose a different name for the mapping, or rename the mapping with which the conflict exists. Cannot update this entrythis distributed entry is not the master copy. In a distributed environment, you can update only one entry (marked as the current master) in a chain. You tried to update a copy other than the master. Perform the update on the current master copy of the entry. The distributed or application operation specified in the filter Run Process action contains mismatched quotation marks. A distributed or application operation activated by a filter action includes one or more arguments with single () or double quotation marks (). Somewhere in the command line, a mismatch in the number of quotation marks exists (the number of open and closed single or double quotation marks is not even). The command line arguments cannot be processed. The command line in which the mismatch exists is displayed and includes an error message. The distributed or application operation is not performed. Retry the operation, and use the correct command line syntax.
377 Error
378 Error
Must be Distributed Server to perform this operation. You must be the user (process) Distributed Server to run the specified delete operation against the Distributed Server Pending and Distributed Server Mapping forms. The distributed forms are part of the system structure and must not be deleted or modified. To delete one or both of these forms in BMC Remedy Developer Studio, select the forms for deletion, and ignore the system warning related to the forms. Problem encountered during creation of one of the distributed forms. When a system is licensed for the Distributed Server Option, a pair of forms is automatically created by the server. During the creation of these forms, an error occurred. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and restart the arserverd process (or send a SIGHUP signal) to re-create the forms.
379 Error
380 Error
No item matches filter conditionsthis operation has been defined so that no match generates an error. A filter action was extracting data from another form, or from another table in the database, and found no rows that matched the qualification criteria. The administrator configured the action to return an error if no matches were found.
381 Error
Multiple entries match filter conditionsthis operation has been defined so that multiple matches generate an error. A filter action tried to extract data from another form, or from another table in the database, and found multiple rows that matched the qualification criteria. The administrator configured the action to return an error if multiple matches were found.
382 Error
The values for this entry violate a unique index that has been defined for this form. The administrator defined one or more unique indexes on this form. The values on the entry you are submitting or modifying duplicate the field (or fields) defined in the unique index. Review the values for the entry to make sure that values that must be unique are unique. File menu contains too many items on one level (maximum 1000). A maximum size restriction of 1000 menu items is placed on the size of file style menus when accessing the system from a Windows client. Large menus are unwieldy and can hurt performance. If you need a large menu, consider breaking it into smaller pieces and connecting the appropriate menu with the subset you are interested in. The name specified contains an invalid character. Only printable characters are allowed. The name contains a control character. Object names can contain only printable characters. Change the name to remove the control characters. The same ID was specified several times in a multiple structure operation API calleach ID specified for this call must be unique. Multiple API callsthose enabling you to perform a set of operations in a single calldo not support specifying the same ID several times in the same call. If you specify two sets of changes or specify to delete the same object several times, confusion about the desired operation can arise. Reissue the operation without specifying the same ID multiple times.
383 Error
Exception occurred while handling previous exception. A nested filter exception error is returned because a filter exception condition is already being thrown. Updating this entry will violate join condition. When updating an entry in a join form, an option controls whether a field used in the join qualification can be updated. To maintain data integrity of the record in the join form, this operation is not allowed using BMC Remedy User. To override this error using the AR System C API, specify the set option of AR_JOIN_SETOPTION_NONE. A setting of AR_JOIN_SETOPTION_REF enforces the referential integrity and causes the update to be rejected. See the C API Reference.
388 Error
VUI does not exist for the specified form. The VUI is not related to the specified form. You attempted an operation against the wrong form or server, or the structure of the form was changed to eliminate the VUI ID from the form. Change to the correct form or server or use a VUI ID that is associated with the form to complete the operation.
Chapter 2
389 Error
Duplicate VUI for the form. The VUI is already associated with the form. Both the VUI name and the VUI ID are unique values. One or the other is already in use for this form. To create a new VUI, specify a unique name and IDor leave the name blank and the ID set to 0 to have the system create a name and ID for you.
390 Error 391 Error 392 Error 393 Error 394 Error
Cannot delete final VUI for a formall forms require at least one VUI. Every form must have at least one VUI defined. You are trying to delete the only VUI for the form, and this is not allowed. Creation of VUI failed. A new VUI for the form could not be created. An associated error message contains details. Field or VUI name must be unique for the formthere is already a field or VUI using this name. The system requires that the name for all fields and VUIs on a form be unique. You supplied a name already used by another field or VUI. Change the name of this item, and retry the operation. Status History field cannot be used as labelField or valueField in the query menu. Neither the Status History field nor any part of the Status History field can be used in a query style character menu. The administrator has set access for administrator users only. Please retry your operation later. AR System server was temporarily locked for use by users without administrator permissions; for example, because updates are being performed. If you cannot wait to try your operation, consult your AR System administrator. The system has timed out while waiting for a process that is running on the server to return a value. An active link specified that a process is to be run on the server to return a value to be assigned to a field. The server timed out waiting for the process to return the requested value. Ask the administrator if the filter process time-out must be raised (up to 20 seconds) or if another change is needed so that the process returns a result in a timely manner.
395 Error
396 Error
Support file does not exist for the specified object. The support file is not related to the specified object. You attempted an operation against the wrong object or server, or the structure of the form was changed to eliminate the indicated support file ID from the object. Change to the correct object or server or use a support file ID associated with the object to complete the operation. Reserved field Group List has too many characters; must not contain more than 255 characters. The Group List field (field 104) is a reserved field with a restriction that the field cannot be more than 255 bytes in length. The definition being saved or imported has an unlimited length. Change the definition to be 255 bytes or less. Unable to allocate memory for cache. If the server is unable to allocate memory from the shared cache, this message appears, and the server terminates. Error in definition for an active link. The AR System server detected an active link definition integrity issue. Repair or replace the active link definition. The file specified for a form does not hold a form definition. The file that was expected to hold the definition of a form does not hold a form definition or is incorrectly formatted. The error is usually caused by a manual change to one or more AR System database definition files. If you manually changed a file, the change is invalid. If you did not changed a file, this is an unexpected error.
397 Error
401 Error
Form definition in the source file is not the expected definition. The file contains a form definition, but it is not the expected form definition. The error is usually caused by a manual change to one or more AR System database definition files. If you manually changed a file, the change is invalid. Incorrect format in the definition file. A format error was detected in a definition file. This error is usually caused by a manual change to one or more AR System database definition files. The error message contains the error. If you manually changed a file, the change is invalid. The form definition file field count does not match number of fields in the file. The number of fields defined for the form does not match the count in the form header definition. This error is usually caused by a manual change to one or more of AR System database definition files. If you manually changed a file, the change is invalid. If you did not changed a file, this is an unexpected error. Field ID is in the core field range but is not recognized. A field ID in the core range was found, but this is not one of the defined core fields. The ID is, therefore, an illegal ID and cannot be used. A core definition from the definition file is incorrect. The definition of one of the core fields is inconsistent with the rules defined for that core field. This error is usually caused by a manual change to the form definition file. If the definition file was changed, the change is invalid. One of the core fields is missing from the form file definition. The form definition being loaded is missing one or more of the required core fields. These fields must be present as part of the definition of the form. You may or may not use them, but they must be present. This error is usually caused by a manual change to the form definition file. If the definition file was changed, the change is invalid. Duplicate field or VUI ID in the definition. The form definition contains a duplicate definition for one or more fields. A field or VUI ID must be unique within a form. This error is usually caused by a manual change to the form definition file. If the definition file was changed, the change is invalid. Selection data type requires a limit specification. All fields with a Selection data type must define a list of one or more values that define the selection for that field. A definition was found without that selection definition. This error is usually caused by a manual change to the definition. If the definition was changed, the change is invalid. No definition is in the file. The structure file does not contain definitions. This error is usually caused by a manual deletion of the contents of a structure file. If the file was deleted, it must be restored from a backup. The file specified for a filter does not hold a filter definition. A file specified as holding the definition of a filter does not contain a filter definition. This error is usually caused by a manual deletion of the contents of a structure file. If the file was deleted, it must be restored from a backup. The import file is in an incorrect format. The import file contains data that is not part of a legal structure definition supported by AR System. Remove the definition file of all lines that are not part of a legal definition, and then retry the import operation.
402 Error
403 Error
406 Error
407 Error
408 Error
412 Error
Chapter 2
413 Error
The file specified for an active link does not hold an active link definition. A file specified as holding the definition of an active link does not contain the definition. This error is usually caused by a manual deletion of the contents of a structure file. If the file was deleted, it must be restored from a backup. The file specified for a character menu does not hold a character menu definition. A file specified as holding the definition of a character menu does not contain the definition. This error is usually caused by a manual deletion of the contents of a structure file. If the file was deleted, it must be restored from a backup. The file specified for an escalation does not hold an escalation definition. A file specified as holding the definition of an escalation does not contain the definition. This error is usually caused by a manual deletion of the contents of a structure file. If the file was deleted, it must be restored from a backup. The file specified for a distributed mapping does not hold a distributed mapping definition. A file specified as holding the definition of a distributed mapping does not contain the definition. This error is usually caused by a manual deletion of the contents of a structure file. If the file was deleted, it must be restored from a backup. Cannot translate the group name in either the Group List or Assign Group field. The system was translating the contents of a group (for example, from the Group List [field ID 104], Assignee Group [field ID 112], or a dynamic field) from a text string into the internal format of a sequence of IDs. The operation was occurring during the processing of a filter or escalation. During the conversion, an error occurred. The likely cause of the failure is that the system encounters a name that is not a defined group. Incomplete join form definition. During import, a form defined itself as a join form. However, one or more key pieces of information (such as the type of join or the primary or secondary form) are missing. The join form definition is dependent upon complete information about the join, so it cannot be created. Incomplete view form definition. During import, a form defined itself as a view form. However, one or more key pieces of information (such as the table being referenced) are missing. The view form definition is dependent upon complete information about the view, so it cannot be created. Invalid field type. With a join or view form, the field type specified in the field definition for a data field is not appropriate for that form type. For example, if the form is a join form, all data fields must be defined with a field type indicating that they are a join field, because there are no base data fields when you are working with a join form. Incomplete field mapping definition. The field mapping of this join or view form is not consistent with the type of the form. Unrecognized escalation action type. The type of the action attached to the escalation is outside the allowed range of types. The file specified for a container does not hold a container definition. The file contains a container definition, but it is not the expected definition. Make sure that you did not changed the name of the file prior to import.
414 Error
415 Error
416 Error
417 Error
418 Error
419 Error
420 Error
424 Error
Filter and escalation Push Fields actions can only affect forms on the same server as the filter or escalation. In filters and escalations, you cannot use a Push Fields action to push values to forms residing on different servers. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for more information about Push Fields actions, filters, and escalations.
The file specified for a VUI does not hold a VUI definition. The import file does not hold a view definition. Field ID is too large. The value supplied for the field identifier exceeds the maximum allowed value. Specify a value less than or equal to 2147483647. Fields of this type cannot be included in multi-column indexes. A multi-column index was specified that includes a field type that is not allowed, such as a currency field. Remove any fields that are not allowed from the index specification Currency field has too many functional currencies to allow indexing. A currency field selected for indexing has too many functional currencies to index each column without exceeding the index limit of 16. Do not index the field, or remove some functional currencies from the field definition. Not a lock block definition. The definition file is invalid. It is possibly corrupted. Verify the validity of the export definition file and re-export it if necessary. An invalid or a corrupt lock block definition was skipped. A portion of the definition file was skipped because it is invalid or corrupted. Verify the validity of the export definition file and re-export it if necessary. Server information associated with this tag cannot be updated because Admin operations have been disabled. Administrative operations are disabled. Administrative operations must be enabled before you can modify this server setting.
Invalid format for server information setting. The input value for this server setting is invalid. Verify that the input value for this server setting is the correct type and is properly formatted. The file specified for the form data does not hold the form data definition. The import file does not hold a form definition. Reload Failure. Indicates that a SQL error occurred during a certain stage of the AR System server initialization. After the server cache has been loaded, patches can be provided to correct database problems. This message indicates that an error occurred during the post-cache upgrade. Contact Customer Support. Invalid array index, out of range. The array index given to the AR System API is out of range for the specified array. Re-try the call with a proper index value. The required API input argument is a null value. Supply a value for the input argument to the AR System API. Changing the field option of the field is not allowed You tried to modify a field option, but this option cannot be modified.
Chapter 2
447 Error
Server information data associated with this tag has an invalid value. The AR System server configuration setting for the specified tag includes a value that is outside the range of valid values or that is NULL for a non-NULL configuration. The error message provides information about the valid values. Fix the invalid value in the AR System Administration: Server Information form (recommended) or in the server configuration file, and then retry the operation. Cannot open a report definition file. Continuing the operation without the file identified in the associated message. When creating or updating an active link, a macro action or else definition contains a reference to a report file that does not exist. The active link is created or updated without the file. If it is replayed, the user receives a warning about the missing file. Locate the expected file, and put it in the proper location; then, reselect the macro in the action, and update the active link definition to have the file included in the active link.
450 Warning
451 Warning
Failure during load of report definition file into server. View the associated messages. Continue with any other files. While trying to read a report file referenced in a macro definition embedded in the active link definition being created or modified, the system encountered an error, and the report file was not retrieved. The operation continues without the report file. The file is not saved as part of the definition.
Missing audit information in the ar.conf/ar.cfg file. Application auditing was enabled, and the system tried to load configuration information for the application auditing but could not locate it in the configuration file. Contact Customer Support. The AR Server version does not match the Lite license version. AR System on the server containing the application was updated to a different version. The licensed application is supported only on the version of AR System included with the application. Install the AR System included with the licensed application. The form is not a member of a Lite licensed application. A form was added to a licensed application that does not support added forms. You cannot add forms to this application. Cannot create a form in a Lite licensed AR Server. You tried to create a form on an AR System server that was installed with an application that does not support added forms. You cannot add forms on this AR System server. Cannot change the form name in a Lite licensed AR Server. You tried to change the name of a form on an AR System server that was installed with an application that does not support changing the names of forms. You cannot change the name of a form on this AR System server. Cannot change the form mapping criteria in a Lite licensed AR Server. You cannot change the join criteria of a join form or the properties of a join, vendor, or view form on this AR System server. Invalid or pre 6.0 AR Server license file. The license file is corrupted, formatted incorrectly, or from a version of AR System prior to 6.0. Do not edit the license file. Contact Customer Support. Invalid AR Server license import option. Specify 0 or 1 for the license import option. For more information, see the C API Reference. Error reading license cache table. An error occurred in loading data from the license_cache table in the AR System database.
469 Warning
Warning, this key is not valid for this server. This warning indicates that the entered key is not valid for the AR System server where it was entered. If the AR System server is in a server group environment, the key might be valid for one of the other servers in the group. In this case, you can ignore the warning. If this warning appears on a single server, there is a problem with the license entry. Check the fields of the key for leading or trailing spaces, and make sure that the correct Host ID was used when generating the key. User Cache utilities are disabled. The arcache utility was run on an AR System server that is configured to disallow the arcache utility. No licenses in file. Indicates that the file supplied during an ARImportLicense() API call does not contain valid licenses. Supply the correct file name. Too few arguments specified for upgrade program. The program that upgrades the database structure to the current structure requires more arguments than you specified. The upgrade program is run automatically as part of the installation operation. You need not run this program. Too many arguments specified for upgrade program. The program that upgrades the database structure to the current structure requires fewer arguments than you specified. The upgrade program is run automatically as part of the installation operation. You need not run this program. Oracle 8.0 is no longer supported by upgrade. The program that updates the database structure to the current structure no longer supports Oracle 8.0. Upgrade your Oracle database to Oracle 8i or higher. This 6.3 Unicode database is not yet ready for upgrade. Please contact Customer Service for details on how to prepare your database before attempting an upgrade to a 7.0 Unicode database. When upgrading an AR System 6.3 Unicode server to an AR System 7.0 or later Unicode server, you must prepare the database by first running a utility that prepares the database for this upgrade. If this utility has not been run, this error is generated by the installer.
476 Error
479 Warning
The temporary column control.unicode63handled, created for upgrading the 6.3 Unicode database to a 7.0 database, could not be deleted. Please delete this column manually. When upgrading a previous installation to AR System 7.0 or later, the installer creates temporary tables to allow it to move and transform data types. After this data move is completed, the installer attempts to delete these columns. If the delete fails, this error is generated.
480 Error 481 Error 482 Error 483 Note 485 Error
Status History field is not supported on View forms. You cannot create a Status History field on a view form. Requested database table not found. Please check the spelling (table name is case-sensitive). The correct column information (for example, the right number of columns) for the external schema was not retrieved. This View Form contains Request IDs that are null. Make sure that the key field is set to a nonnull, unique column to avoid data corruption. You cannot search the database for the entry ID in a view form if its value is NULL. Please restart the AR System server for the changes to take effect. Restart AR System. Reserved ID OK parameter is NULL -- must be a pointer to memory. The reservedIdOKList parameter in the ARCreateMultipleFields() API function was supplied as a null pointer. This parameter must be supplied with a pointer to an ARBooleanList.
Chapter 2
486 Error
Item count in a list parameter does not match the item count in the Field ID list. A list parameter supplied in an ARCreateMultipleFields() or ARSetMultipleFields() API call does not have the same number of elements as the fieldIdList parameter. All list parameters that are supplied must have the same number of elements. Set field status list parameter is NULL -- must be a pointer to memory. The setFieldStatusList parameter in the ARSetMultipleFields() API function was supplied as a null pointer. This parameter must be supplied with a pointer to an ARStatusListList. Field creation error occurred at the reported list position. An error occurred during one of the individual field creations for an ARCreateMultipleFields() API call. The specific error is reported as an item in the status list. This error supplies appended text containing the zero based list position of the field the error occurred on. For example, if the appended text is 2, the error occurred on the third field in the field list. At least one set field failed in a multi-field operation. At least one error occurred during the operation of the ARSetMultipleFields() API call. If this error is returned, the setFieldStatusList parameter supplies the details of the individual field failures. Invalid preference server option, out of range. Check preference server settings and make any necessary corrections. Missing or invalid form definition file. The server could not open the form data dictionary file ( This file is in the database directory referenced by the Server-directory setting in the ar.conf file (UNIX) or the ar.cfg file (Windows). Make sure that the directory setting is correct. If it is correct, look in that directory for the definition file. An associated error message explains why the file was not opened. If the file is not present, restore the file from a backup. Verify the permissions on the file to make sure that the user running the arserverd process has read and write access. Update ownership or permissions as needed.
489 Error
This operation caused an uncommitted database transaction that has been rolled back. Due to a workflow design error or an AR System internal error, the transaction is not committed. To ensure database integrity, the transaction was rolled back. Failure while trying to connect to the SQL database. Ensure that the SQL database is running, or contact the database administrator for help. An error occurred while the system tried to open a connection to the SQL database. An accompanying error message provides details. The ar.conf file (UNIX) or the ar.cfg file (Windows) contains definitions for the environment variables to set for each database. The value for Dbhome-directory, applicable only to the UNIX setup, is the directory of the database server or client installation on the UNIX computer where AR System is installed. The names of other needed settings begin with the name of the database (for example, Sybase-Server-Name or Oracle-SID). Make sure that these values are correct. If you moved your database or changed these parameters, you must update the requests in this file and then restart the arserverd process.
551 Error
Cannot initialize contact with SQL database. This error can have several causes, including: During server start-up, the database was not accessible. Verify that the database is running and is accessible to the AR System server. During operation, this error can occur if AR System needs to contact an external database that is not accessible, for example, when opening a view of an external table. When ARERR 551 occurs, the database error is usually captured in the AR System SQL log. To help diagnose the cause of this error, generate client-side ARAPILOGGING (when the error is generated from user interaction) and server API and SQL logging to identify the call that failed and the specific database error message.
552 Error
Failure during SQL operation to the database. A SQL database error occurred during an operation against the database. An associated error message contains the full text of the error message from the database. This error could be caused by a direct SQL command in active link or filter workflow. To identify the database error, turn on SQL and Filter logging on the AR System server. The database error will appear in the SQL log. Also turn on client workflow logging as well as ARAPILOGGING. Use the workflow logging to identify the SQL operation that causes the error, and use the database error from the SQL log to work with the database administrator or database vendor to identify and resolve the database problem.
553 Error
Operation requested is too large for a single SQL command. The operation you attempted generates a SQL command that is too large for the database to process. If the error occurs during execution of workflow, turn on filter logging and active link logging on the AR System server to identify the workflow involved. In the case the resolution is to modify the workflow to reduce the size of the operation. If the error occurs when saving a form or other workflow object, the reason for the error might be the size of the CREATE VIEW statement generated when the form is saved. You might need to reduce the number of fields on the form. In this case, the CREATE VIEW statement in the AR System SQL log might be truncated. To troubleshoot the error in this case, engage database administration support to capture the full CREATE VIEW statement in the database logs and to provide information about database limitations.
554 Error
AR System structure error in the SQL databasemissing control record. This is a serious error. The Control record for the data dictionary in the database is missing or contains no records. This error usually indicates a failed installation or a permissions issue. If the error occurred directly after an installation, the installation might not have completed successfully. Use the installer logs to identify the cause of the problem. However, if the table does exist and contains a single valid record, work with the database administrator to determine if there is a permissions problem with the database.
Chapter 2
555 Error
AR System structure error in the SQL databasemissing enumerated value. This is a serious error. One or more enumerated (selection) values are missing from the data dictionary in the database, or are corrupted. This error is most often generated when the AR System server starts up. To troubleshoot this error, gather and provide the following information and to BMC technical support: The arerror.log file. In release 7.5 and later, if the error occurs during server startup, use the database consistency checker (the -dbcheck server option) and capture the output to a log file. For more information, see the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide. On UNIX, also capture the UNIX console output during startup when the error is generated.
556 Error
Missing data in the SQL database. This is a serious error. Data expected to be found in the database cannot be found. This error can be caused by data missing in an associated table to a base data table. It can also be caused when there is corruption or inconsistency in the data dictionary definition of a form or other object. When the data is managed through AR System, all appropriate cross-references are maintained. If you manually updated data in the database, you might have broken one of the required references. Manual updates at the database level are not supported and can result in errors during AR Server startup or caching of form and object definitions. To troubleshoot this error, gather and provide the following information and to BMC technical support: The arerror.log file. The API log and the SQL log. These will help identify which forms or tables were involved. In release 7.5 and later, if the error occurs during server startup, use the database consistency checker (the -dbcheck server option) and capture the output to a log file. For more information, see the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide. On UNIX, also capture the UNIX console output during startup when the error is generated.
557 Error
Too much data in the SQL database (likely data corruption). This is a serious error. More data was found in the database than was expected. This error is usually caused by inconsistent definitions in the data dictionary. When the definitions are managed through AR System, all data is updated appropriately to avoid extra definitions. If you manually updated the data dictionary definitions, you might have added data that conflicts with existing definitions. To troubleshoot this error, gather and provide the following information and to BMC technical support: The arerror.log file. The API log and the SQL log. These will help identify which forms or tables were involved. In release 7.5 and later, if the error occurs during server startup, use the database consistency checker and capture the output to a log file. For more information, see the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide. On UNIX, also capture the UNIX console output during startup when the error is generated.
558 Error
Table entry defining form or field is missing. This is a serious error. One of the data dictionary entries defining a form or field is missing. To troubleshoot this error, gather and provide the following information and to BMC technical support: The arerror.log file. In release 7.5 and later, if the error occurs during server startup, use the database consistency checker and capture the output to a log file. For more information, see the Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide. On UNIX, also capture the UNIX console output during startup when the error is generated.
559 Error
Character string exceeds maximum size allowed. The total length of a character or diary string exceeds the maximum size of a string allowed in the underlying database (500K characters for Oracle). If the field is a character string, edit the data to less than the maximum allowed. If the field is a diary field, you cannot add data to the field for this request. Each database vendor has its own limitations for field sizes. If you have questions, ask your database administrator.
560 Error
Multiple actions have the same internal index (likely data corruption). This is a serious error. More than one action for a filter or active link contains the same internal sequencing number. This number allows ordering of the actions in the proper sequence. If you manually changed the database, undo the change you made to restore the database to a consistent state.
561 Error
The underlying database does not support qualifications on diary fields and on character fields with a maximum length over 255 bytes. The SQL database engine being used does not allow qualification on diary fields or character fields with a maximum length over 255 bytes. You cannot specify a qualification that includes a reference to these type fields.
562 Error
Table entry defining help text or change diary for a structure is missing. The SQL database engine being used stores Help text and change diary information in separate tables from the structure definition. The Help text or change diary entry for a structure is missing. Even when no Help text or change diary exists, a NULL entry is present in these tables. If you manually changed the database, undo the change you made to restore the database to a consistent state.
563 Error
The underlying database does not support the modulo operator. The SQL database engine being used does not support the modulo operator. You can use the modulo operator in filter, active link, and escalation qualifications, but you cannot use it to search for entries in the database. The underlying database does not support field references within a like operation. The SQL database engine being used does not support field references in a LIKE operation. You cannot specify a search that includes a field on the right side of a LIKE operator. Index for value in SQL command is greater than the number of values returned. A SQL command was issued, and values are being retrieved from the database. A request was made for a value from the command. However, the index of the column requested is greater than the number of columns that were requested. If you are using the SQL option of the Set Fields operation, correct the definition of the SQL command used as the qualification to include sufficient columns, or correct the assignment to include one of the returned values. If you are not using the SQL option of the Set Fields operation, this is an internal error. Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages 67
566 Error
Deadlock during SQL operation to the database. A deadlock condition was detected in the database. The operation for which this message was received was canceled. Because the deadlock condition should be trapped and the command automatically retried by the server, you should not receive this error message. If you receive this message, continue by reissuing the command. Record the operation you were performing (and the message received), and contact Customer Support.
Failed to connect to database after multiple attempts. The system tried to establish a connection with the database and received errors after multiple attempts. The number of database records affected by a SQL statement was not available from the database. The database was configured not to supply the number of records affected by a SQL statement. Configure the database to supply this information. For example, on Microsoft SQL Server the No count connection option cannot be selected. Incorrect format in the SQL command. Incorrect format in SQL command. This is an internal AR System server error that happens while creating a new SQL command from another one. If this error occurs, check the SQL and API logs to help debug the issue. SQL database is not availablewill retry connection. The SQL database is unavailable. The process periodically retries the connection until a connection is obtained or it encounters a fatal error. SQL database is still not availablecontinuing to attempt connection. This message periodically appears while the system tries to connect to a SQL database that is not responding. It is preceded by message 590. This message is issued as a reminder that the system is not connected, but that it is continuing to retry the connection. SQL database is now available. The previously unavailable SQL database is now available, and a connection was established. This message follows either message 590 or 591. Error while opening or reading from AR System directory file. The system failed to retrieve the list of AR System servers. This list is retrieved only when you specify an update to all servers. If you start the tool from the command line and you use the command line option -s to specify an update to a single server, this error cannot occur because no server list is accessed. Unrecognized command line option. The specified command line argument is not a recognized argument for this program. Verify the definition of the program for information about the valid command line arguments. The program does not execute with invalid arguments specified. Cannot specify both -G and -U, and cannot specify either more than once. The command line has both a -G and -U option (or either one) specified two or more times. One of the two options must be specified, and they cannot both be specified in the same command. You must break the operation into two commands. Must specify the options -u, -g, or both. Either the -u, the -g, or both options must be specified for the arreload program. Specify which user or group form to use to reload the cache.
601 Error
602 Error
603 Error
604 Error 605 Error 607 Error 608 Error 609 Error 610 Error
Must specify the operation to be performed (-G or -U). Specify either the -G or the -U option for this command. Indicate whether you are adding or deleting a group or user entry. One or more of the command line options is not appropriate for operation. A command line argument is not appropriate for the operation being performed. Review the documentation of the command for details about the options allowed with each operation. An option required for the operation is missing. A required option for the specified operation is missing. Supply all required options. Review the documentation for the command for details about the options required with each operation. A value is expected for the command line option. The specified option expects a value but none was specified. Supply an appropriate value. Invalid tag for Group or User operation. The specified value is not one of the legal tags (a or d) for the -U or -G option. Specify whether the system is adding or deleting the entry specified. Error while accessing server cache file ( The server could not open the access control server cache file ( This file is in the database directory referenced by the Server-directory setting in the ar.conf file (UNIX) or the ar.cfg file (Windows). Make sure that the directory setting is correct. If it is correct, look in that directory for the file. An associated error message explains why the file was not opened. If the file is not present, restore the file from a backup. Verify the permissions on the file to make sure that the user running the arserverd process has read and write access. Update ownership or permissions as needed.
Computed group qualifier includes dynamic group. Dynamic groups are not permitted in the definition of a computed group. Specified user is not registered with this AR System server. The user specified as the administrator user to allow you to perform this command is not a recognized user in the system. You must connect with a valid user with administrator access. Unrecognized group typemust be 1 (view) or 2 (change). The value for the group type option must be an integer code 1 for a view group and 2 for a change group. The value specified is not one of these values. Re-enter the command, and specify an appropriate value. Unrecognized license typemust be 0 (none), 1 (fixed), or 2 (floating). The value for the license type option must be an integer code (0 = no license, 1 = fixed license, 2 = floating license). The value you specified is not one of these values. Re-enter the command, and specify an appropriate value. No such user exists. The user trying to log in is not a registered user. Although the system was configured to allow guest users, the user is not allowed to log in as a guest user because the user name differs from a registered user. Group category is unrecognized or isn't appropriate. An incorrect group ID value was specified for a dynamic group, or a group ID in the dynamic group range was specified for a regular group. Group IDs in the range from 60000 to 60999 must be used only for groups in the dynamic group category. Computed group includes circular reference. The computed group definition contains a circular reference. Remove the circular reference.
614 Error
615 Error
616 Error
617 Error
Chapter 2
618 Error 620 Error 621 Error 622 Error 623 Error 624 Error
Computed group qualification contains invalid content. The syntax of the computed group qualification is incorrect. Make sure that the syntax is correct. Two forms contain the same open license tag -- ignored for both forms. The system found two forms containing the same open license tag specified in the change history. The two forms are identified in an associated error message. Problem processing the license tag filelicense tag file ignored. The system encountered an error while trying to process the license tag file. Problem while preparing open write licensingopen write licensing may be incomplete. The system encountered an error while trying to prepare open write licensing. An associated error message contains details. Authentication failed. Make sure that your user name and password were entered correctly. User locked out due to too many bad password attempts. Consecutive login attempts failed because of invalid passwords. The AR System server administrator can configure the number of attempts to allow. To unlock your account, reset your password or contact your administrator. Date in the holiday list is invalid. A date in the holiday list of the Business Time Holiday form is not a legal date. Illegal dates are ignored and processing continues. Time in the workday definition is invalid. A time specified in the Business Time Workday form is invalid. Invalid times are treated as if no time was specified, and processing continues. Two forms contain all the reserved holiday fields -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved holiday fields. You must delete one form for business time processing to continue. The two forms are identified in an associated error message. No Holiday form could be found on the server. The system could not find a form with the specified reserved holiday fields on it. Business time processing involving holiday schedules cannot proceed without this form. During installation, a definition file with copies of the business time forms was placed on the server system. The Holiday form can be imported from that definition. No holiday definition exists with the specified tag. The tag included in this message was specified as a holiday tag on a business time calculation. However, this tag cannot be found in the Holiday form. Either correct the workflow to reference a legal tag or add a new tag to the Holiday form. Two forms contain all the reserved workday fields -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved workday fields. You must delete one form for business time processing to continue. The two forms are identified in an associated error message. No Workday form could be found on the server. The system could not find a form with the specified reserved workday fields on it. Business time processing involving workday schedules cannot proceed without this form. During installation, a definition file with copies of the business time forms was placed on the server system. The Workday form can be imported from that definition.
637 Error
638 Error
639 Error
640 Error
No workday definition exists with the specified tag. The tag included in this message was specified as a workday tag on a business time calculation. However, this tag cannot be found in the Workday form. Either correct the workflow to reference a legal tag or add a new tag to the Workday form. The workday schedule defines no open hours. The workday schedule does not contain any open hours. For a workday schedule to be valid, there must be at least one minute during the week defined as open. Fix the definition to specify open times for the schedule. Two forms contain all the reserved Time Segment fields delete one to continue The Business Time Segment form must be unique. You cannot have more than one copy of this form. No Time Segment form could be found on the server The shared library you are using for the catalog is old or corrupted. No Time Segment exists with the specified tag You specified a time segment that does not exist in the Business Time Segment form. Make sure that the associated tag name is correct, or create a new Time Segment. The level specified has to be from 1 to 1000 The level parameter of the Application-Bus-Time2-Get-Free-Window command is out of range. Rerun the command, specifying a level of 1 to 1000. Two forms contain all the reserved Segment-Entity Association fields -- delete one to continue The Business Segment-Entity Association form must be unique. You cannot have more than one copy of this form. No Segment-Entity Association form could be found on the server A Business Segment-Entity Association form was not found. This error can occur if the shared library you are using for the catalog is old or corrupted. Level 1 Time Segments must be 'Available' and Level 2 must be 'Unavailable.' Level 1 and Level 2 Time segments are special time segments. Level 1 can only be Available and Level 2 can only be Unavailable. Recurrence Start Time must be less than Recurrence End Time. For a recurrence time segment, the start time must be less than the end time. ARFullTextInfoList structure is empty. The ARFullTextInfoList structure is either NULL or empty. To set one or more pieces of server information, the settings and their values must be specified. Full text search (FTS) information data associated with this tag has an incompatible data type or the value is out of range. The full text search (FTS) information for the specified tag represents a piece of information that has a data type different from the type specified in the update operation, or the value specified is out of the legal range of values for the FTS information setting. Retry the operation, specifying the correct data type for the value.
641 Error
642 Error 643 Error 644 Error 645 Error 646 Error 647 Error 648 Error 649 Error 651 Error 652 Error
653 Error
Full text search (FTS) information data associated with this tag is invalid. The data value specified for one of the full text search (FTS) values is an empty string. If a value is specified, it must have a legal value assigned. You must omit this value from the Set operation, or you must supply a value.
Chapter 2
654 Error
The full text search (FTS) information tag is unrecognized. You specified a code for a piece of full text search (FTS) information that was not recognized. Review the #define statements in the include file ar.h for a list of all valid codes that can be specified. ARFullTextInfoRequestList structure is empty. The value you specified for the list of information to retrieve from the FTS value was NULL or empty. To retrieve information, you must specify what information you are trying to retrieve. Could not initialize the full text search (FTS) database. The server encountered an error while trying to connect to the full text search (FTS) database. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and restart the server process. Failed to complete full text search (FTS) operation. This generic message indicates that an error occurred during a full text search (FTS) operation. An associated error message contains the full text of the error message from the FTS engine. Failed to read full text search (FTS) documents. While performing a full text search (FTS) operation, an error occurred while reading from the FTS database. An associated message contains the full text of the error message from the FTS engine. Failed to open the Ignore Words list file. While the system tried to retrieve or set the Ignore Words list, an error occurred. An associated message contains the full text of the error message from the full text search (FTS) engine. This error is often caused by a permission problem with the Ignore Words list file. Search the FTS home directory and index directory for a file named style/style.stp. The file must exist in each directory, and the user running AR System server must have read and write access to the files.
655 Error 656 Error 657 Error 658 Error 659 Error
Failed to update the Ignore Words list file. While the system tried to update the Ignore Words list, an error occurred. An associated error message contains the full text of the error message from the full text search (FTS) engine. Failed to relocate full text search (FTS) index directory. An error occurred during an attempt to change the location of the full text search (FTS) index directory. An associated error message contains the full text of the error message from the FTS engine. This error commonly occurs when the target location does not exist, does not have appropriate permissions, or does not have enough disk space for the existing FTS index.
662 Error
Operation requested is too large for a single full text search (FTS) command. The operation you attempted generates a full text search (FTS) command that is too large for the database to handle. Break the operation into smaller pieces. For example, if you are searching on many different fields that are FTS-enabled or you are issuing many different qualifications against a single FTS-enabled field, reduce the number of operations being performed. Consider using the accrue capability to combine searches for multiple values on the same field. A full text search on a field that is not a character, diary, or attachment field is not allowed. An error occurred during a full text search. An attempt was made to search on a field that is not a character, diary, or attachment field. This message indicates an error in the database structure tables. Contact Customer Support. No users are licensed for full text search (FTS) operations on this server. An attempt was made to retrieve or set information about the full text search (FTS) environment on the server. However, there are no Full Text Search Option licenses defined for the server. If you are not using the full text search (FTS) capability of the product, this error can be ignored. To use the full text search (FTS) capability, you must obtain a license. Error Messages Guide
663 Error
665 Error
666 Error
Full text search (FTS) operations are disabled. Turn on FTS operations, and try your operation again. You tried to perform an operation that can only be performed when the full text search (FTS) state is set to Enabled. It is set to Disabled. To perform this operation, change the FTS state to Enabled, and retry.
667 Error
Full text search (FTS) operations are enabled. Turn off FTS operations, and try your operation again. You tried to perform an operation that can only be performed when the full text search (FTS) state is set to Disabled. It is set to Enabled. To perform this operation, change the FTS state to Disabled, and retry.
668 Error
Invalid full text search (FTS) query. The full text search (FTS) operation failed because the search criteria had syntax errors. An associated error message contains complete information from the FTS engine. Contact Customer Support for assistance in resolving the error. Destination full text search (FTS) index directory already exists. You tried to move the location of the full text search (FTS) index directory. The target directory already exists. To move the index directory, the directory you will be using cannot already exist. If the directory you specified is incorrect, change the name to the directory you want. If it is correct and an empty directory is in place, remove the directory and retry the operation. Field is pending a full text search (FTS) operation. The field you are performing the search on is a full text search (FTS) enabled field; however, the index does not exist on this field. Its creation is pending. It might take a few minutes or a few hours for the index to be created and put in place, depending on the amount of indexing pending. For now, the system defaults to the search strategy supported by the underlying database. When the indexing is completed, the field will be available for full text searches again.
669 Error
670 Warning
672 Error 673 Warning 674 Error 675 Error 677 Error
Cannot perform a full text search (FTS) index on a Status History field. The Status History field (core field ID 15) cannot be enabled for a full text search. You performed an operation that attempted to index this field. The query compares two fields that involve full text search (FTS) indexed fields. The full text search capability does not support comparing two fields. The comparison is made using the functionality of the database. The full text search (FTS) query is not sufficiently qualified. The attempted query involved a full text search (FTS) indexed field, and the search term matched too many words in the FTS dictionary. The full text search (FTS) home directory can be set only by the installer. You cannot use the API call arsetfulltextinfo to set the FTS information home directory. This directory is set during installation. Unrecognized license type -- should be 0 (none), 1 (fixed), 2 (floating), or 3 (restricted read). The value for the license type option must be an integer code (0 = no license, 1 = fixed license, 2 = floating license, or 3 = restricted read license). The value you specified is not one of these values. Re-enter the command, and specify an appropriate value. Full text indexing is disabled -- turn on full text indexing and retry your operation A full text related operation was requested, but full text indexing is not enabled. Form based search is not allowed without a full text license or while full text searching is disabled A search was requested using the special form-based search field in the qualification. To use this search feature, you must have a current license of the specified type, and you must enable full text searching. Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages 73
680 Error
Unable to dynamically load full text search engine software library The server attempts to load the specified library if full text user licenses are present on the system. If you installed the full text search engine, it was not installed correctly. If you did not install the full text search engine, you must install it to activate the full text search feature. If you do not want to use the full text feature, you can remove the full text user licenses or ignore the error message. A rebuilding of the corresponding full text index has been initiated due to the field length change. AR System NM Daemon: Cannot register with network manager. The system failed to connect to the network management platform. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem (for example, run the network manager if the manager is not running), and rerun the daemon. AR System NM Daemon: Cannot register with network manager event dispatcher. The system failed to connect to the event dispatcher of the network management platform. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem (for example, if the event subsystem is not configured, configure it), and rerun the daemon. AR System NM Daemon: Malloc failure. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate space. In general, this error occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory on the server. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. AR System NM Daemon: Cannot open the configuration file. An error occurred while the system tried to open the configuration file. Because this file contains the definition of all mappings to perform, the system cannot run without this file. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and rerun the daemon. AR System NM Daemon: Failure checking whether configuration file has been accessed. An error occurred while the system verified whether the configuration file was updated. Because this file contains the definition of all mappings to perform, the system cannot run without this file. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and rerun the daemon. AR System NM Daemon: Format error in configuration file. The format of one or more lines in the configuration file is unrecognizable. If the file was manually edited, restore it to its previous format. If the file is updated through AR System NM daemons, this error should not occur. AR System NM Daemon: Too many fields specified for one of the traps or events. The configuration specified more fields to be mapped than the maximum amount allowed. The system can map a maximum of 300 fields in any single trap mapping; more than this number are defined. AR System NM Daemon: Unrecognized command-line option. The specified command-line option is not a legal option for this program. A complete definition of the allowed command-line options is in the Integration Guide. AR System NM Daemon: A value is expected for the command-line option. The specified command-line option requires an additional value with this program. A complete definition of the allowed command-line options is in the Integration Guide. AR System NM Daemon: Connection to trapd lost. The arxxxd process lost connection to the trapd process for the network management platform. This error is not expected.
701 Error
702 Error
703 Error
704 Error
705 Error
706 Error
750 Error
Changes to your event or trap mappings will be lost if you exit. You did not save your new or changed definitions. If you exit the tool, all changes will be lost. Unless you are discarding invalid changes, do not ignore this messageacknowledge it and save your changes before exiting. The configuration file has been changed by another user while you have been modifying its contents. While you were modifying the contents of the mapping file, the file was changed by another user. If you save your changes, they overwrite the changes made by the other user.
751 Error
752 Error
User does not exist on the server. The specified user does not exist on this server. If all fields being mapped have an open create mode, an unknown (or guest) user can perform submissions. If guest users are allowed and create modes are open, ignore this error and continue. If any fields being mapped are protected fields, however, you must be a registered user with update permission to the field to perform the submission. Data in other fields truncated for entry. The total of all data being mapped causes an overflow of the definition in the mapping file. This message indicates that one or more field definitions were truncated and will be lost from the mapping specification to fit within the file line-length limits. Changes on this screen will be lost if you continue. Changes you made to this screen will be lost if you continue. To discard the changes, simply continue. To keep the changes, cancel the dismiss operation, and save the changes. You have not opened the file defined in this windowthe file will not be opened if you continue. You specified a file name in this window. The file was not opened because of a previous error or because you did not click the Save button on the window. If you continue with this operation, the new file will not be opened. You have not saved the changes you made; they will be lost if you exit. You did not save the changes you made to this file. If you continue to exit the tool, you will lose the changes you made. To save the changes, cancel the exit operation, and save the changes by using the Save command on the File menu. After the changes are saved, you can exit the tool without losing them. Out of memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory. In general, this error occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory on the server. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. No AR System servers registeredcannot validate user to allow configuration. Cannot connect to any AR System server. Accordingly, the system cannot verify permissions or retrieve information about forms to map into. You cannot run this tool unless at least one AR System server is accessible as a target for traps that are mapped. Cannot successfully connect to any server as special NM user. Cannot connect to any AR System server as the current user. You (1) have not supplied a password, or (2) your password is different from the one supplied, or (3) the server does not have a registration for you and does not allow guest users. You cannot run this tool unless you can access at least one AR System server to be the target for traps that are mapped. Invalid password for user on server. The password you specified is not the password recognized for you. Verify the password that you entered (remember that passwords are case-sensitive), and enter the corrected password.
753 Error
759 Error
760 Error
761 Error
763 Error
764 Error
Chapter 2
765 Error 766 Error 767 Error 768 Error 769 Error 770 Error 771 Error
Cannot open the network management configuration file. The specified network management configuration file cannot be opened. An associated message contains details. Fix the problem, and try to reopen the file. Cannot access the indicated file. The file indicated in the error message cannot be accessed. See the associated error message for details. A target form for the mapping must be supplied. You must specify a form that is the target of the trap being mapped. If no target form exists, no mapping is performed. Failure while writing to the file. An error occurred while the system tried to save changes to the specified file. An associated message contains details. Fix the problem, and resave your changes. Failure while building Set Fields screen. An error occurred while preparing the Set Fields screen. See the associated error message for details. You have entered a nondigit character for a numeric field. You can enter digits only in numeric fields. You specified a character string in a numeric field. Change the contents of the indicated field to a legal number. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a real field. The value for the real field is not a recognized real format. The system accepts real values in decimal or scientific notation. Change the value to a legal real number format, and repeat the operation. Unrecognized selection value. A selection value was specified that is not one of the legal selection values for the field. You can add the value as a new option to the selection choices, or you can change the value to one of the legal values. Invalid mapping of an SNMP varbind variable. An error occurred while the system tried to map an SNMP varbind variable. Verify the syntax specified in the mapping, and correct it as needed. Cannot open the SNM configuration file. The program cannot open the specified SunNet Manager configuration file. An associated error message contains details. You cannot add new definitions until you can open the file. Fix the problem (for example, if you do not have read or write access to the file, change your file access permissions), and rerun the tool. Failure while writing to the file. An error occurred while the system tried to write updates to the definition file. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem (for example, if you are out of space, remove some files to create more space), and perform the operation again. Failure while trying to create a backup file; the operation is continuing. This message indicates that an error occurred while the system tried to create a backup file for the SunNet Manager definition file. A failure occurred when system attempted to create a backup of the definition file named fileName.bak. The system continues the operation and updates the definition file; however, no backup file is created. An associated error message contains details. A value is required for both the label and the command. You must supply both a label and a command. The label is the name displayed on the menu, and the command is the operation performed when the label is selected.
772 Error
792 Error
793 Error
794 Error
795 Error
Cannot have a quotation mark in the label due to SunNet Manager syntax. The specified label contains a quotation mark. You cannot specify a quotation mark in the label because it is a special character in the SunNet Manager definition syntax. You must change the label so that it does not include a quotation mark character. Cannot have a quotation mark in the command line due to SunNet Manager syntax. The command line you specified contains a quotation mark. You cannot specify a quotation mark in the command line, because it is a special character in the SunNet Manager definition syntax. You must change the command line so that it does not include a quotation mark character. Invalid mapping parameters. You defined a mapping (probably using varbind) where one of the mappings is wrong. Fix the mapping, and reissue the mapping request. AR System server terminated unexpectedlyrestarting. The server detected that one of the child processes it is responsible for terminated. The name of the process being restarted is reported in an associated message. The server process relaunches the server that shut down. Malloc failed on TC server. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate space. The failure occurred on the server during processing of a call from the client. In general, this error occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory on the server. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. Failure during fork operationcannot launch child server. A failure occurred while the system tried to launch a child process. An associated message provides details. The child process was not launched. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. Failure during exec operationcannot launch child server. A failure occurred while the system tried to launch a child process. An associated message provides details. The child process was not launched. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. Attempted to launch this server more than four times within 30 secondsabandoning attempt to start this server. The server process tried to launch a child process more than four times within 30 seconds. The name of the child process that was not restarted is identified in an associated message. Because this process continues to fail, the server stops trying to launch the process and removes it.
796 Error
842 Error
Failure during wait operationunable to wait for status change. A failure occurred while the system tried to wait for a status change. An associated message provides details. This is an internal error. Pending list lock file exists. The work file must be locked by the arservftd process but is being held by another process. Pending list lock file does not exist The arservftd process cannot release the work file, because the file does not exist. Pending list file open action failed. A full text search (FTS)enabled field was updated. The file holding the list of fields that have indexing pending could not be opened when you tried to add a note about the updated field. An associated error message provides details.
Chapter 2
858 Error
Pending list file write action failed. A full text search (FTS)enabled field was updated. The file holding the list of fields that have indexing pending could not be written to when you tried to add a note about the updated field. An associated error message provides details. Record does not exist in the pending list file. A full text search (FTS)enabled field was updated. The file holding the list of fields that have indexing pending could not be written to when you tried to add a note about the updated field because the record associated with the updated field was not found. An associated error message provides details. Failed to truncate the pending list file. A full text search (FTS)enabled field was updated. The file holding the list of fields that have indexing pending could not be truncated when you tried to add a note about the updated field. An associated error message provides details. Failed to purge pending list file. During a reindex operation, an error occurred while the system tried to purge the list of pending changes. An associated error message provides details. Too few arguments for the full text search (FTS) indexer process. You did not provided the minimum set of arguments required by the full text search (FTS) indexer process (arservftd). See the Configuration Guide. Too many arguments for the full text search (FTS) indexer process. You exceeded the limit of arguments allowed by the full text search (FTS) indexer process (arservftd). See the Configuration Guide. Invalid action for the full text search (FTS) index process One of the arguments for the full text search (FTS) indexer process (arservftd) indicates the action for the program to take. The supplied action code is not recognized. See the Configuration Guide for information about allowed routines. Full text search (FTS) indexer process terminated when a signal was received by the server. The server for the full text search (FTS) search feature (arservftd) was terminated by a signal. The number following this error is the signal that was received. If the signal is 15, restart the server and continue to work. The process was stopped either accidently or intentionally by a user in your environment. If the signal is a number other than 15 or is one you sent directly to the process, contact Customer Support for assistance in determining the cause of the problem. The server most likely shut down due to a bug in the system.
859 Error
860 Error
865 Error
Another copy of the full text search (FTS) indexer process is already running. Only one instance of the full text search (FTS) indexer process can be run on any given computer. Determine whether a copy of arservftd is already running. If so, no action is required. Form ID or name, field ID, Request ID, and action are required together. When specifying an operation against a specific request, you must supply a form ID or name, a field ID, and a Request ID. One or more of these values is missing. See the C API Reference for more information. Too many arguments specified for optimize argument. The optimize argument was specified for the full text search (FTS) indexer process. There is a limit to the other arguments allowed when this option is specified. In this case, one or more of the arguments that are not allowed were specified. See the C API Reference for more information.
868 Error
869 Error
Too many arguments specified for the retry argument. The retry argument was specified for the full text search (FTS) indexer process. There is a limit to the other arguments allowed when this option is specified. In this case, one or more of the arguments that are not allowed were specified. See the C API Reference for more information. Invalid image definition. A file specified as holding the definition of an image does not contain an image definition. This error is usually caused by a manual deletion of the contents of a structure file. If the file was deleted, restore it from a backup. The specified image could not be found. The specified image is not in the AR System database. An operation was attempted against the wrong server, or no image is defined by that name. Change to the correct server or specify an existing image. Duplicate image name. The specified image is already in the AR System database. Choose a different name for the image, or rename the existing image. No image specified. No image content has been specified for the image being created or updated. This argument is required when creating or updating an image object. No image type specified. No image type, such as jpg or bmp, has been specified for the image being created or updated. This argument is required when creating or updating an image object. Maximum number of client transactions already in use. Can not begin transaction because a transaction is already open. The submitted mail message did not contain a form name. The mail message does not contain a line identifying which form is the target of the submission, and no default form is configured for the armail daemon. The message can be resubmitted with a form specified, or a default form must be configured for the armail process. The submitted mail message did not contain a body providing details for the new entry. No text exists in the body of the mail message to specify values to be assigned for the new entry. To create a new entry by using the mail daemon, one or more values must be provided. The message can be resubmitted with the additional information added. The submitted mail message had a format that was not recognized. The format of the mail message does not match the expected format that. Review the message and verify the format against the formats shown in the Configuration Guide. Missing value for command line parameter. A command line argument that requires a value was specified but no value was provided. You must supply an appropriate value for the argument. Failure occurred while accessing mail configuration file. The system encountered an error while attempting to access the configuration file indicated on the command line. An associated message contains details. Most likely, the specified file does not exist (file name was misspelled, or the file was moved). Fix the problem, and reissue the command.
881 Error
882 Error
883 Error 884 Error 885 Error 897 Error 899 Error 951 Error
952 Error
Chapter 2
957 Error
The submitted mail message specified a form that does not match the required form. The mail message specifies a submission to a form that is not the form specified as the required form in the mail configuration file. This daemon was configured to support submissions to only a single, specific form. A user tried to submit a request to another form. The submitted mail message specified a server that does not match the required server. The mail message specifies a submission to a server that is not the server specified as the required server in the mail configuration file. This daemon was configured to support submissions to only a single specific server. A user tried to submit a request to another server. The server specified for this message is not a recognized serveraccess was attempted, but no server was found. The armail process was run, specifying the -x command line option to connect to a specific server. However, the server or AR System on that server is not active. The process must be able to connect successfully with at least one server.
958 Error
959 Error
961 Note 964 Error 965 Error 966 Error 967 Error 968 Error 971 Warning
Your submission was accepted by the AR System. ID for the new request is requestID. The submitted email message successfully created a request in AR System. Use the Request ID number for querying or modifying the request. The armail attempt to log on to the mail post office failed. armail failed when trying to log in to the mail system. Verify that the Mail login and password given during installation are valid and that the mail system is accessible. Could not resolve the armail address. The armail address specified is not considered unique within the mail system. Could not read mail from the mail post office. armail could not read a mail message from the post office. Make sure that the mail system is still accessible. Could not log off from the mail post office. armail could not log off from the post office. Make sure that the mail system is still accessible. Attempt to send mail to the mail post office failed. To: destination. The address indicated is either ambiguous, does not exist in the mail system, or is not accessible. Use a valid address, and make sure that the mail system is still accessible. The number of matches to your query request exceeded the configured limit of limit. The maximum number of allowable matches are returned. When retrieving data through the mail query interface, the criteria specified matched more entries than the limit configured for the armail process. The return includes this message and the data for the specified maximum number of entries.
No matches were found to your query request. When querying through the mail interface, no requests were found that match the query conditions specified. No fields in the query list are accessible to you for this form. You specified a quick report format, and one or more requests were found. However, you do not have access to any of the fields in the report, so you cannot see any data returned from your search. See your administrator to get the necessary permissions so you can see the data you are trying to retrieve. Required currency value not specified. The value portion of the currency structure was not provided. This error can be encountered only through an API program.
980 Error
981 Error 982 Error 983 Error 984 Error 985 Error
Required currency code not specified. The currency code portion of the currency structure was not provided. This error can be encountered only through an API program. Bad currency value. When a character value is converted to a currency value, this error message is returned if the string contains no numeric value or if the decimal number is invalid. No common functional currency exists to use in relational operation. No common functional currency was found when currency constants were compared with functional currency data. No Currency Code form exists. A system error occurred, or the AR System Currency Code form was deleted. Restart the AR System server, which automatically re-creates the form if necessary. The currency code either does not exist in the Currency Code form or has not been marked as Active. An attempt was made to reference a currency code that does not exist or was disabled. Add the currency code.
986 Error 987 Error 988 Error 989 Error 998 Error 999 Error 1000 Error
Currency value contains a currency code that is not allowed for this field. A currency code was entered that is not an allowable currency code for this field. Currency fields not allowed for grouping. A currency field was specified to be the group-by field in a statistical query, which is not allowed. Currency part must be specified to use currency field in this context. A currency field was specified in a context where only a specific currency field part is allowed. Specify a currency field part. Cannot create or modify a currency field without specifying at least one functional currency. When a request is submitted that includes a currency value, AR System converts that value to a functional currency type and stores it. You must include at least one functional currency type. Unable to free shared or exclusive lock on user cache hash list. This is an internal error that probably indicates the system is low on resources. Restart the server. Unable to free shared or exclusive lock. A shared or exclusive lock cannot be released due to unexpected events in the server. You cannot allocate memory on startup. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory. In general, this error occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes grow to occupy most or all available memory on your server. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. The -e and -i options require a macro name. The -e or the -i option was specified as the last option on the command line. Both of these command line options require the name of the macro to be run at start-up. Remove the option, or specify a macro to go with the option. The -p option requires a substitution parameter and a value. The -p option was specified as the last option on the command line. This command line option requires that the name of a parameter and the value for that parameter be supplied. Remove the option, or specify a parameter and value to go with the option.
1001 Error
1002 Error
Chapter 2
1003 Error
The format for the -p option is -p name = value. The -p option requires the name of a parameter followed by an equal sign followed by a value. One or more parts of the definition are missing. If either the name or value contains spaces or special characters, the value must be quoted to be treated as a single value on the command line. Unrecognized command line option. The specified command line option is not recognized. See the Integration Guide for information about command line options. Parameters can be specified only if you specify a macro first. You specified a -p command line option that specifies values for parameters in a macro to be run at startup. However, no macro is defined (by using the -e or -i options). If you specify parameters to be used in a macro, specify the macro that uses them. You cannot read the configuration fileARHOME variable may be set incorrectly. Configuration information for your session is stored in a configuration file named config in the directory indicated by the ARHOME environment variable. If no ARHOME environment variable is set, it is in a directory named arHome under your UNIX login directory. The program cannot read the contents of that file. Verify the setting of the ARHOME environment variable if you defined an alternate directory. View the permissions on the file to make sure that you have read access (and write access if you intend to update the configuration file).
1006 Error
1007 Error
You cannot connect to the X server. The aruser program on UNIX is an X program. It requires that an X windowing system be running to allow the program to operate. No window system is running in your environment. Start a windowing system, and restart the aruser program. The macro name in a parameter is longer than the maximum allowed length. The macro name specified on the command line is too long. The maximum length for a macro name throughout AR System is 30 bytes. Specify a legal macro name defined in your system. Two startup macros have been specified. Two or more startup macros were specified on the command line. BMC Remedy User allows a maximum of one macro to be specified at startup. You can specify a macro that runs other macros if desired. Both the -e and -i options specify macros to be run, so only one can be specified on the command line at any time. No servers are defined for the AR System in the directory file. No servers were specified for the aruser program to connect to. There must be one or more servers defined in the /etc/ar file or, if starting the aruser program from the command line, one or more servers must be defined by using the -x command line option. Two directories for startup macros have been specified. The -d command line option was specified two or more times. This option can be specified only once. Re-enter the command, specifying only one -d command line option for the directory that contains the startup macro you want to run. The -d option requires a directory name. The -d command line option requires that you specify a directory. Re-enter the command, omitting the -d option if not needed or supplying an appropriate directory name. The directory name in a parameter is longer than the maximum allowed length. The directory name specified in the -d command line option is longer than the maximum length allowed for a directory name. Verify the syntax of the command line to make sure that you did not omit required spaces between options.
1010 Error
1011 Error
1014 Error
A directory can be specified only if you specify a macro. You specified the -d command line option, but no startup macro was specified using the -e or -i command line option. Re-enter the command, omitting the -d option or specifying a startup macro with the -e or -i option. The -x option requires a server name. The -x command line option requires that you specify a server name. Re-enter the command, omitting the -x option (if not needed), or supplying an appropriate server name with the -x option. The server name in a parameter is longer than the maximum allowed length. The server name specified in the -x command line option is longer than the maximum length allowed for a server name. Verify the syntax of the command line to make sure that you did not omit required spaces between options. Server is not compatible with BMC Remedy Alert. The BMC Remedy Alert client works only with 5.x or later AR System servers. The process terminated unexpectedly. No description. The entry was successfully created with ID = entryID The Save operation was completed successfully. This message displays the entry ID of the newly saved entry. The preceding error occurred during execution of active link activeLink, action action. The error occurred while running an active link. This message gives the name of the active link and the specific action in the active link where the error occurred. This information is useful for debugging active links. In general, you can ignore this message. Additional errors were truncated. The operation that was being performed generated a large number of error messages. The most serious messages are displayed. However, to avoid overflowing the screen, some of the messages were suppressed. Attachments for the report are exported under directoryName. Include this directory in the export file to import the data. This message notifies user when the attachments are exported to a directory for reporting. No matching requests (or no permission to requests) for qualification criteria. No requests were found that match the qualification criteria you specified. There are two possible reasons that requests were not returned: The criteria you specified do not match any requests. You do not have access to the request or to the fields you specified in the request.
Note: This message is returned by BMC Remedy User. In the same situation, similar messages are
1015 Error
1016 Error
1102 Note
returned by web services and API programs (see message 302) and web clients (see message 9296). 1201 Warning New text is longer than the maximum allowed lengthtruncating to fit. The text you specified is too long for the field you are trying to update. The field has a maximum length defined, and the text that you entered is too long for the field. The extra text is truncated so that it fits in the target field.
Chapter 2
1202 Warning
A recording operation is in progressyour current recording will be lost if you exit. You specified that you want to exit BMC Remedy User; however, a macro recording operation is in progress. To save the macro you are recording, click Cancel Exit, and then save the macro. After the macro is saved, you can exit without losing the macro. If you do not want to save the macro and you want to exit the program, click Exit. This record has been updated by another user since you retrieved it. Saving your changes will overwrite the changes made by that user. Do you want to save your changes? The request you tried to save changes to was modified by another user after you last changed it. You can save your changes over the changes of the other user, or you can cancel the operation (not save your changes), retrieve the request again, and re-enter your changes. If you are updating a diary field, your changes do not overwrite changes made by the other user. If you are changing fields where the data you enter is supposed to be the final value, continue with the operation, saving your changes.
1203 Warning
1204 Warning
Partial selections will become full selections on playback. Macros cannot record operations continuing from partial selections in a query list. The contents of the query list are likely to be different when the macro is replayed, so the macro cannot reasonably record information about partial selections. The macro records the operation as if all items in the query list were selected. New fields added or made accessible by administratoradded as hidden fields to local view file. An administrator updated the form being opened. One or more fields were added to the form. However, you have a customized view of the form. To avoid possible conflict with your customizations, the new field is added as a hidden field on your view. You can use the Customize View operation in BMC Remedy User to locate the new field, move it to an appropriate location, and make it visible if you want to use it. A recording operation is in progresscurrent recording will be lost if you continue. You started recording a macro and then requested that the macro recording be canceled. If you click Cancel Recording, the recorded operations are lost. To continue with the recording, click Continue Recording. You have not saved changes on this screenthey will be lost if you continue. You changed the data on the current screen. If you continue with the Dismiss operation, your changes will be lost. To keep your changes, click Cancel Dismiss, and then save the changes. To discard the changes, click Continue. You have not saved changes on this screenthey will be lost if you continue. You changed the data on the current screen. If you continue with the Next or the Previous operation, your changes will be lost. To keep your changes, click Cancel Dismiss, and then save the changes. To discard the changes, click Continue. You have not saved changes on the properties screenthey will be lost if you continue. You changed the data on the form Item Properties associated with the Customize View window. If you continue with the Dismiss operation, your changes will be lost. To keep your changes, click Yes, and then save the changes. To discard the changes, click No. You have not saved changes on a diary or text edit windowthey will be lost if you continue. You changed the data on a Diary or a Text Edit window. If you continue with the Dismiss operation, your changes will be lost. To keep your changes, click Cancel Dismiss, and then save the changes. To discard the changes, click Continue.
1205 Warning
1207 Warning
1208 Warning
1209 Warning
1210 Warning
1211 Warning
1212 Warning
Search window is now connected to a different formcontinuing will change the current form. The Search window is connected to a form different from the form being referenced in the window where you are performing the operation. If you continue this operation, the window changes to the new form. If you cancel this operation, the operation is canceled and the window remains unchanged. Multiple requests match qualification criteriaInformation pulled from first matching request. More than one request matched your qualification, but BMC Remedy Developer Studio defined AR System to display only the first matching request from the search. Macro recording is activeoperation recorded but no database operation performed. To avoid spurious submissions to the database and to prevent incorrect bulk modifications of data, the Submit and Modify All operations are not performed when you are recording a macro. This message is displayed to indicate that the operation is complete and would have been performed if the macro recording was not in progress. Server cannot set the client locale. Locale-sensitive operation done on the server may not conform to the clients locale convention. Make sure that the server and client can use the clients locale convention. This operation will modify number entries. Do you want to continue? The operation you are performing modifies many entries in the database. The message specifies the number of entries that will be modified. To continue with the modification, click Continue. To avoid modifying multiple entries, click Cancel, and verify the operation you are performing. This message is issued only from the Modify All window. You have not saved changes on a diary or text edit windowthe changes will not be included in the current save action if you continue. You changed the data in a Diary or Text Edit window. Your changes will not be saved if you click Continue. If the changes are important, click Cancel Dismiss, save the data in the Diary or Text Edit window by selecting Save in that window, and re-click Save on the current window. To discard your changes in the Diary or Text Edit window, click Continue, and continue with the Save operation. The data in the Text Edit or Diary windows might be overwritten by the existing text in the windows after the Refresh operation following a successful modification.
1217 Warning
The specified file already exists. The file you specified as the target of your report already exists. You can overwrite the file or cancel the Report operation. Unable to find help for the specified field. A failure occurred while the system tried to retrieve Help text for the field. An associated error message provides details. Duplicate name for macro. Do you want to overwrite the existing macro? You specified a name for a new macro that matches the name of an existing macro. You can overwrite the existing macro to replace the old definition with the new definition, or you can cancel the operation and change the name for the new macro, leaving the existing macro definition intact. The name for a macro is a combination of the name and the directory it is stored in. You can have a macro with the same name in different directories without conflict.
Chapter 2
1224 Warning
Duplicate name for custom report. Do you want to overwrite the existing custom report? You specified a name for a new custom report that matches the name of an existing custom report. You can overwrite the existing custom report if you want the new definition to replace the old definition, or you can cancel the operation and change the name for the new custom report, leaving the existing custom report definition intact. The name for a custom report is a combination of the name and the directory it is stored in. You can have a custom report with the same name in different directories without conflict.
1225 Warning
Duplicate name for user command. Do you want to overwrite the existing user command? You specified a name for a new user command that matches the name of an existing user command. You can overwrite the existing user command to replace the old definition with new definition, or you can cancel the operation and change the name for the new user command, leaving the existing user command definition intact. The name for a user command is a combination of the name and the directory it is stored in. You can have a user command with the same name in different directories without conflict.
Failure trying to expand the character menu. An error occurred while the system tried to expand the definition of a character menu. An associated error message contains details. The selected macro definition will be deleted. This prompt is issued (when you try to delete a macro definition) to make sure that you do not accidentally and permanently delete the wrong definition. Click Continue to continue with the operation and delete the macro, or click Cancel to cancel the Delete operation and retain the macro definition. The selected custom report definition will be deleted. This prompt is issued (when you try to delete a custom report definition) to make sure that you do not accidentally and permanently delete the wrong definition. Click Continue to continue with the operation and delete the custom report, or click Cancel to cancel the Delete operation and retain the custom report definition. The selected user command definition will be deleted. This prompt is issued (when you try to delete a user command definition) to make sure that you do not accidentally and permanently delete the wrong definition. Click Continue to continue with the operation and delete the user command, or click Cancel to cancel the Delete operation and retain the user command definition. Macro recording is activemodifications will be made to the entry but will not be recorded in the macro. You are recording a macro in BMC Remedy User. When the macro was processed, any operation that used a global (Modify All) or unrecoverable (Delete) action was performed. No action was taken, but the operation was recorded and will replay on later use.
1229 Warning
1230 Warning
1232 Warning
Your disk drive is almost full; please remove unwanted files. The disk containing the file you are writing is approaching its maximum storage capacity. To continue with the operation, create space for the file. Help text is too long; only the first 32,000 characters are shown here. BMC Remedy User displays only 32,000 characters of Help text.
1235 Warning
Text field is too long; only the first 32,000 characters are shown here. If you change this request, it will damage the record. Character fields display only 32,000 characters in BMC Remedy User. If you add more characters to the field, you lose all information over the 32,000 character limit and any changes that you made.
1236 Warning
Your window resources are low; close unwanted windows or applications. You are running too many applications to operate AR System client tools efficiently. Shut down all tools other than AR System tools. Consider adding more memory or reconfiguring your system resources. File will be saved in Report File format. Default file extension is *.rep if none specified. This message appears if you are saving a report and do not specify .arx, .rep, or .csv formats. The report definition defaults to saving the report as a .rep file. You can continue with out-of-date customized view files, or they can be reloaded from the server. Do you want to reload the form from the server? If you click Continue, you will lose your customized view. If you continue with the view from a previous version of the tool, you cannot further customize without reloading an Admin view from the server. All customizations will be lost, but you can recustomize the view and continue with the new view. If you do not continue, the existing customized view remains available.
1243 Warning
You cannot translate the group name in the Group List or Assignee Group field. A group name specified in the Group List field (ID 104) or Assignee Group field (ID 112) cannot be translated. This means that the name is not recognized as one of the groups defined for the system. Verify the spelling, capitalization, and spacing of the name to make sure that it is one of the legal group names. There was a problem expanding the EXTERNAL qualification. The supplied qualification or assignment statement has improper syntax. No such form existsmake a selection from the list. You entered an unrecognized form name. The list contains all valid forms. Double-click a form from the list. The workflow logging file specified in the logging options dialog cannot be opened. The workflow log files path, name, or bothas specified by the user in the workflow logging options dialog of BMC Remedy Usercannot be opened. Verify that you have file or directory access permissions. You cannot open view file. The file containing the cached view for the form cannot be opened. This can be caused by permission problems in your ARHOME directory. Verify that you have read and write access to the ARHOME directory and to the view files (.arv files). Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot open definition file. The file containing the cached definition for the form cannot be opened. Verify that you have read and write access to the ARHOME directory and to the definition files (.arf files). Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot open default file. The file containing the user-defined defaults for the form cannot be opened. Verify that you have read and write access to the ARHOME directory and to the default files (.ard files). Fix the problem, and retry the operation.
1401 Error
1402 Error
1404 Error
Chapter 2
You cannot open configuration file. The configuration file cannot be opened. Verify that you have read and write access to the ARHOME directory and to the configuration file (config). Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot open the specified file. The file indicated in the message cannot be opened. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot open a temporary file. A failure occurred when the system tried to open a temporary file. These files are opened in the directory /tmp. An associated error message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot read from the specified file. An error occurred while the system tried to read from the file identified in the error message. An associated error message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot write to the specified file. An error occurred while the system tried to write to the file identified in the error message. An associated error message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot write to the definition file. An error occurred while the system tried to write to the definition file for this form. These files are stored in your ARHOME directory (.arf files). An associated error message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot write to the view file. An error occurred while the system tried to write to the view file for this form. These files are stored in your ARHOME directory (.arv files). An associated error message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot write to the default file. An error occurred while the system tried to write to the user-defined defaults file for this form. These files are stored in your ARHOME directory (.ard files). An associated error message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot reset user view. An error occurred while the system tried to reset your view. An associated message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot restore previous view. An error occurred while the system tried to restore your previous view. An associated message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot make a backup view. An error occurred while the system tried to create a backup copy of the view file. An associated message provides details. The operation continues without creating a backup file. You cannot open support data or cache file. The file containing the support file for the form cannot be opened. Verify that you have read and write access to the ARHOME directory and to the view files (.arv files). Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You cannot write to the specified support data or cache file. An error occurred while the system tried to write to the support file for this form. These files are stored in your ARHOME directory (.arv files). An associated error message provides details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation.
1412 Error
1413 Error
1418 Error
Fork operation failed. A failure occurred while the system tried to start a child process. An associated message provides details. The child process was not started. Fix the cause of the failure, and retry the operation. Failure occurred while trying to run a process to load a field value. A failure occurred while the system tried to start a child process that is retrieving data for a field. An associated message provides details. The child process was not started, so no data is changed in any fields. Fix the cause of the failure, and retry the operation. Out of memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory. The failure occurred on the client (the one running the aruser program, BMC Remedy User). This error can occur when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory on your client computer. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. You cannot record operation: operationType. An error occurred while the system tried to add the specified item to the list of recorded operations. The system is probably out of memory. The indicated operation will not be in the macro you are building if you continue. Cancel the recording operation, and treat the error as if an Out of memory error occurred (see Error 1500), and rerecord your macro. Only integer data types can be displayed by using numeric text (defaulting to text field type). You requested a field type of numeric text for a field that is not an integer field. Only integer type fields can have a field type of numeric text. The field type for this field is text. If a text field type is acceptable, you can ignore this message. Otherwise, specify a field type appropriate for the data type for this field. Only selection data types can be displayed using checkboxes (defaulting to text). You requested a field type of check box for a field that is not a selection field. Only selection type fields can have a field type of check box. The field type for this field is text. If a text field type is acceptable, you can ignore this message. Otherwise, specify a field type appropriate for the data type of the field. Only selection data types can be displayed using exclusive choice boxes (defaulting to text). You requested a field type of exclusive choice (option buttons in UNIX) for a field that is not a selection field. Only selection type fields can have a field type of exclusive choice. The field type was changed to text for this field. If a text field type is acceptable, you can ignore this message. Otherwise, specify a field type appropriate for the data type of the field. Unrecognized field type (defaulting to text). You specified an unrecognized field type for a field. The field type was changed to text for this field. If a text field type is acceptable, you can ignore this message. Otherwise, specify a field type appropriate for the data type of the field. Cannot create new field. An error occurred while the system tried to create a field on the form. This error usually indicates a serious resource shortage for the application. Treat the error like an Out of memory error (see Error 1500). View file format error: invalid form name. The form name found in the view file does not match the name of the form in the definition file. The view file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. View file format error: missing form name. The view file for the form does not have a form name. The view file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form.
1500 Error
1501 Error
1502 Error
1503 Error
1504 Error
1505 Error
1506 Error
Chapter 2
View file format error: field clause. Because a field clause was not found where expected in the view file, the format of the view file is unexpected. The view file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. View file format error: field definition. Because an invalid clause was found in a field definition in the view file, the format of the view file is unexpected. The view file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. View file format error: invalid form or active link end. Because the end clause of a form or active link definition was not found where expected in the view file, the format of the view file is unexpected. The view file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. View file format error: begin active link. The only information expected after the end clause of a form is the definition of active links. When the file contents after the end clause were processed, an entry was found that was not the start of an active link. Therefore, the format of the view file is unexpected. The view will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. View file format error: active link definition. Because an invalid clause was found in an active link definition in the view file, the format of the view file is unexpected. The view file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Definition file format error: invalid form name. The form name found in the definition file does not match the name of the form. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Definition file format error: missing form name. The definition file for the form does not have a form name. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Definition file format error: field clause. Because a field clause was not found where expected in the definition file, the format of the definition file is unexpected. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Definition file format error: field definition. Because an invalid clause was found in a field definition in the definition file, the format of the definition file is unexpected. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Definition file format error: character menus. An error occurred with the definition of a character menu. Because a menu definition that tries to jump more than one level in the menu hierarchy is present in the file, the format of the definition file is unexpected. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Definition file format error: invalid form or active link end. Because the end clause of a form or active link definition was not found where expected in the definition file, the format of the definition file is unexpected. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form.
1512 Error
1513 Error
1518 Error
1519 Error
1520 Error
1521 Error
Definition file format error: begin active link. The only information expected after the end clause of a form is the definition of active links or of character menus. When processing the file contents after the end clause, an entry was found that was not the start of an active link and also not a character menu. Therefore, the format of the definition file is unexpected. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Definition file format error: active link. Because an invalid clause was found in an active link definition in the definition file, the format of the definition file is unexpected. The definition file will be deleted and reloaded the next time you access the form. Unrecognized selection value. The specified selection value is not a legal selection value for the field. View the definition for the field to verify the legal values. Remember, selection values are case-sensitive. Total number of lines between margins less than minimum of five. The total number of lines on the page between the top and bottom margins is fewer than the minimum of five lines. A report requires space for at least five lines of text on the page. The space available for a page is the total number of lines allowed on the page less the size of the top and bottom margins. Increase the page size, or decrease the size of the top or bottom margin so that the total space available is at least five lines. Total number of characters per line between margins less than minimum of 40. The total number of spaces on the page between the right and left margins is fewer than the minimum of 40 characters. A report requires space for at least 40 characters of text on a single line. The space available for a line is the total number of characters allowed on the line less the size of the right and left margins. Increase the line length, or decrease the size of the right or left margin so that the total space available is at least 40 characters. Total number of characters per line including margins is greater than maximum of 4096. A report cannot have lines with more than 4096 characters of text. Decrease the line length so that the total space available is no more than 4096 characters. Column headers will not fit within the space defined between top and bottom marginstotal number of lines increased to the following value. The number of lines that remain between the top and bottom margin on the page are insufficient to allow the column headers to be printed. The number of lines per page was increased to the indicated value to provide enough space for the column headers and five lines of data.
1522 Error
1526 Error
Status field is not accessiblecannot display Status History. No reference to a Status field can be found for this form. Accordingly, you cannot display Status History information. This is an unexpected error. Update of custom operation failed. The update of the custom operation failed. An associated error message contains details. A failure when the system opened or wrote to the file containing the custom operation is a common cause of this problem. X, Y, or both, coordinates are out of range. The X or Y coordinate value specified is out of the legal range for the coordinate. The X coordinate must be between 0 and 1500 inclusive, and the Y coordinate must be between 0 and 3000 inclusive. Change the value of the X and Y parameters. Cannot format diary entry. An error occurred while formatting the diary text for a field. An associated error message contains details.
1531 Error
1533 Error
Chapter 2
Must specify a user name. You must specify a user name to log in. You can dismiss this window without changing the login information for the current user. To change the login information, specify a user name. Cannot query servers. An error occurred while the system tried to create a list of the forms available from each of the connected servers. An associated error message contains details. Supply a name for your macro or custom report. You requested that a macro or custom report be saved. However, you did not specify a name for the operation. If you are saving a new operation, specify a new name in the Name field. If you are saving an updated macro or custom report under an existing name, specify the name you are updating, and click Continue when the prompt warning of duplicate names appears. You cannot specify a COUNT operation with a column layout without specifying a field name. You requested a count statistic with a column layout without specifying a field name to count on. The field name is used to determine which column to display the result under in a column-style, statistic result. Specify the field name to identify which column the result is printed under.
1539 Error
Attempt to create macro or custom report failedfile system error. The file system could not create or write to the file holding the definition of the operation. An associated error message contains details. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a date/time field. The format of the time value is not recognized. The value was entered in a field with a data type of date/time. The value is not a legal time value. Change the value to a legal time value, and retry the operation.
1543 Error
A field name is required for all operations except COUNT. All statistics operations (except COUNT) require a field name. This name specifies the field the operation is performed on. You must specify the field name (or arithmetic operation) on which the operation is performed. Value specified for field name not numeric or not a field. The value specified for the field name must be a field defined for the form, a numeric value, or one of the numeric or date keywords. These are the only types of definitions allowed in the field name for a statistical operation. Make sure that the spelling is correct, and update the field name request to be a legal operation. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a real field. The indicated value was entered as a value for a field with a data type of real. The value is not a legal real value. Change the value to a legal real value, and retry the operation. You entered a nondigit character for a numeric field. A numeric field contains a nondigit value. You can specify digits only for integer (numeric) fields. Change the value to a legal integer value, and retry the operation. You entered a value for a numeric field that is either smaller than the minimum size allowed or larger than the maximum size allowed. The value you specified for the numeric field is either smaller than the minimum size or larger than the maximum size. Use BMC Remedy Developer Studio to confirm the size limits of the field properties.
1544 Error
1548 Error
You have entered an improperly formatted value for a decimal field. The value was entered in a field with a data type of decimal. The value is not a legal decimal value. Change the value to a legal decimal value, and retry the operation.
1549 Error
Modify All operation failed during operation on request with ID number. An error occurred in this request during a Modify All operation. All requests with IDs previous to the specified ID (in the sort order) were updated, and all requests with IDs after the specified ID are unchanged. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. No macros are defined. Because there are no macros defined, you cannot run or edit a macro. Define one or more macros before you open the Select Macro or Edit Macros windows. You cannot locate the selected command. The requested user command cannot be located. If you are selecting the command interactively, the command was probably deleted or moved by another user after you started the program. If you are selecting the command from a macro, the command was probably deleted after the macro was recorded. Enter a command name. You requested that a user command be saved. However, you did not specify a name for the operation. If you are saving a new command, specify a new name in the Name field. If you are saving an updated command under an existing name, specify the name you are updating, and then click Continue when the prompt warning of duplicate names is issued. Enter a command string to execute. You requested that a user command be saved. However, you did not specify a command to be performed for the operation. Specify the command you want to be executed when this user command is performed, and then save the user command. Cannot create user commandfile system error. An error occurred while the system tried to create a user command because the file system could not create or write to the file holding the definition of the operation. An associated error message contains details. Error in macro or custom report. An error occurred while the system tried to perform the operation specified in the macro or custom report. You might get this message for the following reasons: The macro or custom report does not exist. It might have been deleted or moved to a new location. Or a macro might run another macro as one of the operations it performs, and that embedded macro does not exist. The format of the file holding the macro or custom report does not match the expected format. A common cause is a missing end statement or incorrect formatting of one of the command lines. The macro and custom report files cannot be edited. Rerecord the macro or custom report operation.
1555 Error
1557 Error
1558 Error
1559 Error
1562 Error
Second part of report operation missing or invalid. The report operation in a macro consists of several commands. The second part of the command that provides the destination for the report is missing or is not recognized. This is a specific case of Error 1559, Error in macro or custom report. Enter a directory to store the command in. You requested that a user command be saved. However, you did not specify a directory in which to store the operation. If you are saving a new operation, specify a new name in the name field. Specify the directory to store this user command definition in.
1563 Error
Chapter 2
1565 Error
Second part of statistics operation missing or invalid. The statistics operation in a macro consists of several commands. The second part of the command that provides the destination for the statistics result is missing or is not recognized. This is a specific case of Error 1559, Error in macro or custom report. No custom report formats are defined. There are no custom reports defined. Accordingly, you cannot manage a custom report. Define one or more custom reports before opening the Manage Custom Reports window. Unrecognized operation detected while loading a custom report format. An unrecognized operation was detected in the custom report definition. A custom report definition can contain only operations related to a custom report. This error is usually caused by trying to rename a macro as a custom report when the macro contains data other than custom report definition data. Empty macro definition. You are trying to save a macro that has no commands defined for it. You cannot create a macro that does not perform an operation. Make sure that the correct options are set on the Stop Recording window. If they are correct, you did not perform any operations after you started recording. Perform the operations you want to record before saving the macro. You cannot create new item. An error occurred while the system tried to create the new definition on the Customize View window. An associated error message provides details. Usually, a lack of system resources causes the error. File name is longer than maximum allowed. The file name specified is too long. The maximum size for a file name is 255 characters, including the directory path and the name of the file. The file specified for this operation is longer than this maximum. Define a file name that fits within the size limit. You cannot use a selection value name in Status Historyyou do not have access to the Status field. You do not have access to the Status field for this form. Accordingly, you cannot use a status selection value name as the middle portion of a Status History reference. To reference a specific Status History value for this form, use the 0-based selection index for the selection value you require.
1569 Error
1572 Error
1574 Error
1579 Error
1580 Error
Missing closing quotation mark on a character string or name. A field name or character string has an opening quotation mark as required, but no corresponding closing quotation mark is at the end of the string. You must supply the ending quotation mark. If the name or string contains a quotation mark that is the same type of quotation mark around the value, you must double the embedded quotation mark. Unexpected character at this location in the search line. A parsing error was detected in the search line. This message indicates that an error occurred and shows the portion of the string containing the error with a caret marking the location. The error is usually at or just before the marked position. Fix the problem, and perform the search again. Logical operator expected at this position. The only legal operator at this position in a search line is a logical operator (AND, OR, or NOT). Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again. Relational operator expected at this position. The only legal operator at this position in a search line is a relational operator (=, !=, <, <=, >, >=, or LIKE). Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again.
1581 Error
Field or value expected at this position. At this position in a search line, a field reference or value is expected. Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again. Too many nested levels of parentheses in command. There are too many open parentheses (maximum of 64 open parentheses active in the search line) at this position in the search line. The search operation is too complexyou must have fewer levels of nested operations in it. Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again. Closing parenthesis expected at this position. A closing parenthesis to match an open parenthesis specified in this command was expected at this position. There must be a balanced number of parentheses in the command. Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again. Unknown field referenced in search line. The field referenced in the search line is not a recognized field on the current form. This error often has one of the following causes: Omitting the single quotation marks around a field reference that contains spaces or other special characters Using single quotation marks around a value when double quotation marks must be used Omitting double quotation marks from around a value Specifying an invalid field label Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again.
1586 Error
1587 Error
1589 Error
Format for status history reference is invalid. The format of a status history reference is incorrect. A reference must be the name or ID of the Status History field, followed by a period, followed by the name or index (0-based) of the status selection value, followed by a period followed by the keyword or index of a user or time reference (for example, Status-History.Fixed.TIME or 15.2.1). Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again. Format of date or time value is not recognized. The format of a time value is unrecognized. You can omit the time portion of a time stamp and include only the date, or you can omit the date and include only the time. The portion omitted defaults to an appropriate value. However, the format of the portion of time specified must match the rules for time stamps. Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again. You cannot translate the group name in the Group List or Assignee Group field. A group name specified in the Group List field (ID 104) or Assignee Group field (ID 112) cannot be translated the name is not recognized as one of the groups defined for the system. Verify the spelling, capitalization, and spacing of the name to make sure it is one of the legal group names. Overflow while expanding active link process (maximum expanded command is 4096 bytes). Overflow occurred while expanding the command line for an active link. This could be the command line for a Run Process action or for a $PROCESS$ operation in a Set Fields action. In either case, the command line contains more than the maximum of 4096 characters after expansion. Review the definition to make sure that the correct values are being specified. Overflow while expanding active link macro parameter (maximum expanded parameter is 4096 bytes). Overflow occurred while substituting a parameter value for a macro parameter in a Run Macro action for an active link. When a parameter contains data that expands, the maximum expansion of the values is 4096 characters. Revise the parameter values that are passed to be fewer than 4096 characters.
1590 Error
1592 Error
1600 Error
1601 Error
Chapter 2
1602 Error
No item matches active link conditions; this operation has been defined so that no match generates an error. An active link action was extracting data from another form or another table in the database and found no rows that matched the qualification criteria. The administrator configured the action to return an error if no matches were found.
Set fields active link running a process failed. The process that was run to get a value for a field failed. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. Active link attempting to set nonexistent menuresetting to the default menu. An active link specified a new character menu for a field. However, the specified character menu is not defined. The character menu for the field is being reset to the default menu for the field. Fix the active link to see an existing character menu, or create the character menu needed by this active link. Active link trying to set nonexistent field. An active link specified a new character menu for a field that does not exist. Fix the active link to see an existing field for the form, or remove the active link. No user commands are defined. There are no user commands defined. Accordingly, you cannot run or edit a user command. Define one or more user commands before you open the Select User Commands window. Value exceeded report maximum length. A value exceeded the maximum size of a value that is allowed in a report. Because the value will overflow the internal buffers used for reporting, it cannot be included in the report. Specify a report that excludes the long field, and re-create the report. The statistic operation is too complexit references more than 50 distinct fields. You defined a set of statistical operations for a report that includes more than 50 distinct fields in the reporting criteria. The reporting system supports a maximum of 50 unique fields referenced in statistical operations. Simplify the statistics you are gathering, or divide the report into several pieces, each of which references 50 or fewer fields in the statistical operations. You must set the environment variable ARHELP to point to the help directory. This is usually the directory named help under the AR System install directory. To use the Help system under the UNIX environment, set the environment variable ARHELP to point to the directory containing the Help files for the AR System.
1609 Error
1610 Error
1611 Error
Found more entries than expected during workflow processing. An active link action was extracting data from another form or table in the database and encountered multiple rows that matched the search criteria. The administrator configured the action to return an error if multiple matches were found. Source used in Push Fields active link not allowed: PROCESS, DDE, or SQL. In a Push Fields active link action, the source expression cannot contain $PROCESS$, $DDE$, or $SQL$. Data from these sources cannot be incorporated into a Push Fields source expression. An internal error has occurred during workflow processing. Unexpected, incorrect, or inaccurate definitions were encountered during processing. This indicates a corrupted or incomplete definition. This message is usually accompanied by error messages that explain the failure. Cannot find this macro name in macro list. You tried to access a macro that is not found in the macro list. To continue, verify that the macro exists.
1620 Error
1621 Error 1622 Error 1624 Error 1625 Error 1629 Error 1630 Error 1650 Error 1651 Error 1653 Error 1654 Error 1655 Error 1656 Error 1658 Error 1659 Error 1660 Error
Not all entries are displayed in the selection list. The selection list opened by an active link operation contains more items than can be displayed. The list contains the first 6000 matching items. An error occurred while updating the server. View has not been saved. During an export view operation, an error occurred while the system tried to update the view definition on the server. A message preceding this message contains details. Cannot access the active link debug file. Active link debugging is active. An error occurred when the system tried to open, close, or write to the active link debug file. An associated message contains details. Reporting to an external report writer is supported on the Windows platform only. A macro specified that a report is to be generated to an external report writer. This functionality is supported only on the Windows environment. Too many windows are open. Close some windows before opening another. Insufficient memory is available to open additional windows or applications. Your window resources are low; close unwanted windows or applications. Insufficient memory is available to perform basic BMC Remedy User functions; for example, you cannot access a form because there are insufficient memory resources to open it. Servers with versions earlier than 3.0 are not supported by this client. BMC Remedy User version 4.0 or later tried to connect to a pre-3.0 AR System server. Only version 3.0 or later AR System servers can be used by BMC Remedy User version 4.0 or later. Incorrect format in the definition file. BMC Remedy User generated this error message while loading a form. It usually indicates that the cached form definition files (the .arv and .arf files) contain unexpected content. Unable to read the recent search file. The system cannot read the recent search file. Try using the advanced search capabilities of BMC Remedy User. Unable to read the saved search file. The system cannot read the saved search file. Try using the advanced search capabilities of BMC Remedy User. Unable to write the recent search file. The system cannot save the recent search file. Reformat your search to continue. Unable to write the saved search file. The system cannot save the search file. Reformat your search to continue. Error occurred in generating report. This message appears when an error occurs during report generation. Click Show Details in the message box for more information. No report or an incomplete report will be generated. This message appears as a hint in the error message box when a report error occurs. Click Show Details in the message box for more information. Login macro action is not supported. You cannot record a macro that logs in to an AR System server. This action is not supported.
Chapter 2
1661 Error
One or more items match active link conditionsthis operation has been defined so that any match generates an error. Used by the Push Fields action when the administrator configures it to return an error when multiple matches are found. On the If Action page, the If Any Requests Match field has Display Any Match Error selected.
1662 Warning 1800 Error 1801 Error 1802 Error 1803 Error 1805 Error 1806 Error 1807 Error 1808 Error 1809 Error 1810 Error 1811 Error 1812 Error 1813 Error 1814 Error 1815 Error 1817 Error
Run Macro was not executed because the macro contains statements that are not supported. In ARWeb 4.0, not all macro statements are supported. If the macro cannot be executed, this statement is displayed. Internal errorunable to create form information. Insufficient memory is available to allocate the form information structure. Close some open windows or applications, and log in again. Unable to connect to any servers. To operate BMC Remedy User, you must have access to at least one server. Make sure that you have a network connection to a server and that it is running properly. You cannot create directory directoryName. While storing a macro or report, BMC Remedy User failed to create a missing command directory on the local disk. Cannot open file fileName. BMC Remedy User could not open or create a printer setup file for a custom report. System out of memory, executable file was corrupt, or relocation was invalid. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 0. Executable not found. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 2. Path not found. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 3. Insufficient memory to start application. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 8. Invalid executable file format. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 11. Incorrect version of Windows software. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 10. Sharing or network protection error. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 5. Application designed for different operating system. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 12. Application developed for older version of Windows software. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 15. Attempted to load second instance of application. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 16. Attempted to load compressed executable. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 19. Unknown executable format. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 14.
1818 Error 1819 Error 1820 Error 1821 Error 1823 Error 1825 Error 1826 Error 1827 Error 1828 Error 1829 Error 1830 Error 1831 Error 1832 Error 1833 Error 1834 Error 1835 Error 1836 Error
Invalid dynamic-link library. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 20. Application requires Windows 32-bit extensions. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned Error 21. Unknown errorerror code = errorCode. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec returned an unknown error code. WinExec failed for actionType. During a Run Process active link action, WinExec failed. Another error message documents the cause of failure. Failed to display all or some of the notification messages. BMC Remedy User could not retrieve notification information from the Alert client. In general, this is because the Alert client is not responding. Unable to load Submit form. Form information was not loaded. The form definition files might be unavailable or corrupt. Unable to load Query form. Form information could not be loaded. The form definition files might be unavailable or corrupt. Unable to load Customize Default form. Form information could not be loaded. The form definition files might be unavailable or corrupt. Unable to load Customize View form. Form information could not be loaded. The form definition files might be unavailable or corrupt. Internal errorinvalid window description. An MDI child window could not be created because an internal windows function provided an unexpected result that was detected during window creation. Internal errorinvalid window description. An MDI child window could not be created because an internal windows function provided an unexpected result that was detected during window creation. Failed to create the dialog box. The status history modeless dialog box could not be created because of a Windows error. Memory failurecannot initialize the current statistics information. BMC Remedy User ran out of memory while building the statistics list for the statistics report window. Invalid field nameattempt the operation again. You entered an invalid field name in the report sort dialog box. Failed to create the AR System home directory directoryName. Could not create an AR System home directory while updating user login or server information. This usually indicates a serious disk problem. Internal error (1). An internal Windows error occurred while updating user login information. Specifically, Windows provided an invalid LB index. This usually indicates a serious Windows error. Internal error (2). An internal Windows error occurred while updating user login information. Specifically, Windows returned an LB error. This usually indicates a serious Windows error.
Chapter 2
1837 Error 1838 Error 1839 Error 1840 Error 1841 Error 1842 Error 1843 Error 1844 Error 1847 Error 1848 Error 1849 Error 1850 Error 1852 Error 1853 Error 1854 Error 1855 Error
Failed to create memory. BMC Remedy User ran out of memory while building the user information list when updating the login information window. Internal errorunable to initialize user information. Initialization of the user information in uiroot failed during user login. Internal errorunable to create form information. BMC Remedy User ran out of memory while allocating the schemaInfo structure during user login. The X location and width of the symbol is greater than 1500. The X location of a field was made greater than 1500 in the Display Attributes dialog box. The Y location and height of the symbol is greater than 3000. The Y location of a field was made greater than 3000 in the Display Attributes dialog box. Failed to display the report. The report to file or screen failed to generate. Failed to get printer information. Printer driver initialization for the printer selected in printer setup failed while printing a report. Report to file failed. Ensure that you have enough disk space. BMC Remedy User could not open the specified report output file. Failed to create the user home directory directoryName. Creation of a home directory for the last user failed during application startup. This usually indicates a serious disk problem. The user home directory in the ARuser section of the win.ini file cannot be located. A home directory path was not found in the win.ini file for the last user logged in to AR System. This condition is detected during application startup. Not enough memory to initialize font. BMC Remedy User ran out of memory while building the font preference structure when changing AR System font preferences. Not enough memory to initialize all fonts. BMC Remedy User ran out of memory while building the font preference structures during font preference dialog box initialization. Action Request System requires Windows enhanced mode. During application startup, it was detected that Windows is not running in enhanced mode. The working directory must be the same as the program path in File > Properties. During application startup, the Windows working directory was not set to the AR System application directory. Failed to initialize the system globals. During application startup, BMC Remedy User globals could not be initialized. This usually indicates a serious Windows error. Failed to initialize the user information. During application startup, BMC Remedy User could not initialize user information lists (macros, reports, and so on) because memory allocations for lists failed. This usually indicates a serious Windows error. Unable to register window class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Error Messages Guide
1856 Error
1857 Error 1858 Error 1859 Error 1860 Error 1861 Error 1862 Error 1863 Error 1864 Error 1865 Error 1866 Error 1867 Error 1868 Error 1869 Error 1870 Error 1871 Error 1875 Error 1876 Error 1877 Error 1878 Error
Unable to register submit window class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register query window class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register child window class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register queryList window class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register report window class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register custom windows class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register customize view class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register customize default class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register text viewer window class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register text view class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to register Dialog2 class. You encountered an unusual error condition. Unable to create frame. Creation of the MDI frame window failed during BMC Remedy User startup. This usually indicates a serious Windows error. Unable to initialize APIs. Windows API initialization failed during BMC Remedy User startup. This usually indicates a serious Windows error. Unable to load the menu accelerators. BMC Remedy User for Windows failed to load menu accelerator tables during startup. Failed to initialize DDE. DDE API failed during BMC Remedy User startup. Internal Errorunable to create form information. BMC Remedy User ran out of memory while allocating the schemaInfo structure during startup. Internal ErrorLoadIniFile. User or password data is incorrect or irretrievable from win.ini file during BMC Remedy User startup. Unable to load Submit form: schemaName. Form information could not be loaded. The form definition files might be unavailable or corrupt. Unable to load Query form: schemaName. Form information could not be loaded. The form definition files might be unavailable or corrupt.
1879 Error 1880 Error 1881 Error 1882 Error 1883 Error
Failed to connect to application DDEApplicationName using specifiedDDEPath path. DDE connection failed due to incorrect application file path setting. Invalid DDE action specified. DDE action other than EXECUTE, POKE, or REQUEST DDE action was specified. Set Fields active link running a process through DDE failed. A DDE-invoked process failed and did not provide data to be used as the source of a Set Fields active link. The DDE application name is not defined in dde.ini file. DDE Target application entry was not found in the dde.ini file while building DDE file specification for a DDE operation. The format for the application section in dde.ini is invalidyou can specify only CSV or TAB for format. While reporting to an application, the DDE entry for the target application in the dde.ini file does not specify CSV or TAB format.
1884 Error 1885 Error 1886 Error 1887 Error 1888 Error 1889 Error
The item item is missing from application section section in dde.ini. The specified item is missing from the DDE target application entry in the dde.ini file while building DDE file specification for a DDE operation. Memory allocation failure during DDE process. BMC Remedy User ran out of memory while allocating memory to support a DDE action. Error in reading the GetDetails Information for list item number item. While processing a notification get details DDE request, the specified item could not be found in the notification application. Grid width and height must be between 2 and 128. The customize view grid width and height parameters are not within the allowed range. Blanks and spaces are invalid in a view name. No description. Date is out of allowed range of 01/01/1970 to 01/19/2038 (GMT) for Windows client. If you enter a date outside of the listed range, based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), you receive this error message. GMT is the time zone from which all other time zones are adjusted. This error also appears for dates that are within the hour that the time changes for the start of daylight saving time.
1890 Error
Currently running MISCDLL.DLL version oldVersionNumber is an old version. Version currentVersionNumber of MISCDLL.DLL is required. This might be the result of installing an older version of BMC Remedy User in the same directory as a newer version. Reinstall the latest version of the BMC Remedy User.
Time is out of allowed range of number and number. AR System cannot process a time that is out of range. Try again, using a time within the allowed range. Date and time are out of allowed range of number through number. AR System cannot process dates and times that are out of range. Try again, using a date and time within the allowed range.
Cannot perform this operation in the current mode of the form. AR System cannot perform this operation in the current mode of the form. Try again with a different mode of the form. The system is out of memory or resources. The system is out of memory or resources while running active links. Terminate unused applications to make system resources available. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a currency field. A currency value was created with an incorrect format. You can enter the currency decimal value and currency code directly into the field, or enter the decimal value and select a currency code from the list. If you specify only a decimal value, the Primary Allowable currency type is used. Date is out of allowed range of 01/01/4713 B.C. - 01/01/9999 A.D. A date value was entered that is out of range. Date fields can accept values from January 1, 4713 B.C.E. to January 1, 9999. There is no Home Page form available. Please verify your user preferences or check with your administrator. The Home Page form name specified on the Home Page tab of the Options dialog box in BMC Remedy User or on the Home Page tab of the AR System User Preferences form cannot be found. Verify that you entered a valid AR System server and form name in your BMC Remedy User options, or contact your AR System administrator for assistance.
1899 Error 1900 Error 1901 Error 1902 Error 1904 Error 1905 Error 1906 Error 1907 Error 1908 Error 1925 Error
Cannot retrieve starting active link: activeLinkName. An error occurred while loading the starting active link for an entry point guide. Contact your AR System administrator for assistance. Error generating application list field content. An error occurred while generating the dynamic content for the Application List field. Contact your AR System administrator. entryPoint is not a valid entry point. The entry point chosen from File > Recent Entry Points and the form or guide is no longer a valid entry point. You have entered an invalid currency type. The specified currency value is a not an allowable currency type. Contact your AR System administrator. An error occurred while generating the Crystal report: CrystalReportsError. See your Crystal Reports documentation for more information. numberString - ODBC data source: source. An invalid ODBC data source was found, or an error occurred when connecting to the specified ODBC data source. errorNumber - CrystalReportsError. This is a Crystal Reports Engine exception. See your Crystal Reports documentation for more information. Error generating navigation bar field content. An error occurred while generating content for the navigation bar field. Report to file failed. Ensure the directory does exist. Failed to create the window. Could not create a new child window. There might be a resource or memory limit on the client.
1926 Error 1930 Error 1950 Error 1951 Error 1952 Error 1953 Error 1954 Error 1955 Error 1957 Error 1958 Error 1959 Error 1960 Error 1961 Error 1962 Error 1963 Error 1964 Error 1965 Error
Unable to initialize frame. Creation of the main MFC frame failed during BMC Remedy User startup. This usually indicates a serious Windows error. Login aborted. You cannot close all windows. The login was aborted because all open windows could not be closed. Error loading menu. Character menu expansion failed in the symbols library; the menu did not load. This is often caused by a lack of space in the Windows resource heap when loading large menus. Failure trying to expand character menu. Character menu expansion failed in the symbols library; the menu did not load. Unable to load menu. Indicates a serious problem with menu loading. Error getting group information. BMC Remedy User failed to get the group list from the server. Failure loading group information. Group list expansion failed while the system tried to build the group list. Error creating a menumenu too large. Adding a submenu to a menu failed and resulted in a Windows error. Unable to write to file fileName. The field editor could not open a file with write permissions. Unable to read file fileName. The field editor could not open a file with read permissions. Unable to create work buffer for file fileName. Allocation of global memory failed while performing edit operations. Cannot write file fileName to disk. Writing to a file failed in the field editor. You are trying to access a menu with more than numberOfEntries entriesthe menu will be truncated. The number of items returned for a menu load exceeded the maximum allowed. Error creating menuout of resources. Failed to build the Windows popup menu. The application resource memory area is probably full. Unable to load help. Windows Help system failed to load. This is usually caused by the failure to create a temporary file. Unable to commit changes. Cannot commit changes to a dialog box or to a submit or a modify record action. Functions MAX and MIN are not supported in Push Fields actions. Functions MAX and MIN are not supported in Push Fields actions. Push Fields actions provide little information about the destination field. Without knowledge of the destination data type, these two functions cannot be evaluated correctly. Failed to initialize MAPI mail. The MAPI mail system failed to initialize when sending an AR System object to a mail recipient. The failure usually indicates an incorrectly installed mail system.
1966 Error
1967 Error 1968 Warning 1969 Error 1970 Warning 1971 Error 1972 Error 1973 Error 1974 Note 1975 Error
Send Mail failed. The message was not sent. The MAPI mail system failed to send the mail when sending an AR System object to a mail recipient. Due to the length limit of the SQL command by Crystal Reporting Engine, only the first number entries are reported. The Crystal Report Engine returned less data than requested. The Crystal report contains an invalid SQL statement. The SQL command passed to the Crystal Reporting Engine is invalid. Verify the syntax in the SQL command. The report format is reset to Record. The report type is being reset to Record mode. Too many columns (fields). Ensure that all column titles fit into one report line. Too many fields were selected in a Column type report. The specified directory is not valid. The directory specified in a file path is invalid. The directory might not exist or the user may not have access rights. Failed to save file fileName. An I/O error occurred while generating a report to file. One or more active links failed when closing the form. Do you still want to exit the application? When exiting BMC Remedy User, an active link failed on window close. This note gives the user a chance to abort BMC Remedy User termination. Report will not be displayed in specified external program because of the following error: errorType. There was a failure opening an external viewer (for example, Crystal Reports) during the print preview operation.
1976 Warning 1977 Error 1978 Warning 1979 Error 1980 Error 1986 Error 2001 Error
The given directory does not exist. Create the new directory? The directory specified while saving a macro does not exist. The directory cannot be created. The directory specified while saving a macro cannot be created. This is likely caused by a file system error. The given directory does not exist in the search path. Add the new directory? The directory specified does not exist. Printer error occurred. Verify the printer setup on your system. A report cannot be printed. This is usually caused by problems with your printer setup or with cables. A printer error occurred. The default page setup is used. Page setup could not be determined, so printer defaults are being used. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a currency field. You entered an invalid currency value on a currency field. For example, you entered 1,00 USD. Cannot allocate memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory. In general, this error occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes grow to occupy most or all available memory on the client. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while.
2002 Error
Cannot read the configuration file. The UNIX configuration file (config) is missing, or the permission settings are such that you cannot access it. Make sure that ARHOME is correctly set and that you can read and write to the config file, and then restart the tool. You cannot connect to the X server. The aradmin program (BMC Remedy Administrator) on UNIX is an X program. It requires that an X windowing system be running to allow the program to operate. No window system is running in your environment. Start a windowing system, and then restart the aradmin program. You cannot initialize the AR System. Failure occurred during a call to initialize AR System client environment. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and restart the tool. No servers are currently accessible. None of the servers specified in BMC Remedy Administrator are accessible. Associated error messages provide information about why the tool could not connect. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. Failure while retrieving entries from the server directory file. An error occurred while the system retrieved entries from the server directory file. The error might have been caused by an inability to allocate memory to hold the list of servers found or by an inability to find or open the directory file, /etc/ar (UNIX) or \ARHomeDir\ar (Windows). No servers are specified on the command line or in the AR System directory file. On UNIX, if you used the -x command line option to identify one or more servers, the system could not connect to any of the specified servers. BMC Remedy Administrator cannot start without a server to connect to. If you did not use the -x command line option or are using Windows, the AR System directory file is empty or contains references to inaccessible servers.
2003 Error
2006 Error
2009 Error
2100 Error
You have specified a field ID within the reserved range. You tried to assign an ID number to a form field, but that field number is within the range of reserved fields (100 to 536870911) in AR System. You can create a field in this range, but be aware that the field might have a special meaning. If you are creating this field to have the special meaning, ignore this message and proceed. If you do not want to create a specific reserved field, choose an ID outside of the reserved range (greater than or equal to 536870912). If you are running BMC Remedy Administrator, leave the field ID blank to automatically generate an available ID outside the reserved range.
2101 Error
Your filter definition and all associated actions will be deleted. You are deleting a filter. A Delete operation removes the definition and the workflow associated with the definition. If you proceed, the definition is removed. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the definition is retained. No structures are in the import file. You specified a file to use during an Import operation. When trying to load this file, the tool did not find any AR System structure definitions in the file. This means that there is nothing to import. Make sure that you specified the correct name for the file you are trying to import. The import operation in BMC Remedy Administrator is used for structure definitions only. If you are trying to import data, use BMC Remedy Data Import.
2102 Error
2103 Error
Incorrect parameter specificationverify field name spelling. When specifying a field reference using the field name, the system could not find a field with the specified name for the current form. Fix the spelling of the field name in the reference, and make sure that the field exists for the target form.
2104 Error
You have not saved changes on this screenthey will be lost if you continue. You made one or more changes on the current window after changes were applied. You are now trying to close the window. If the window is closed, all changes after the last Save will be lost. Click Cancel to cancel the dismiss action and retain the window and its information. This server serverName is not licensed from BMC and has limited capabilities. For unlimited capabilities, contact your BMC sales representative or visit The server reported an invalid license during login verification. Your form definition and all associated data will be deleted. You are deleting a form. A delete operation removes the definition, the workflow associated with the definition (such as filters and active links), and all data associated with the definition. If you proceed, the definition will be removed. If you cancel, the operation will be terminated, and the definition will be retained. Your active link definition and all associated actions will be deleted. You are deleting an active link. A Delete operation removes the definition and the workflow associated with the definition. If you proceed, the definition will be removed. If you cancel, the operation will be terminated, and the definition will be retained. Language defined by LANG environment variable not recognizedusing default on server. The language defined in the LANG environment variable is not recognized by AR System. The default language of the server is used instead. The following field labels are duplicated in your form. The field labels identified in the message are used for multiple fields on the form. Because fields are uniquely identified by field ID, duplicate labels are allowed. Because it can be confusing to have fields with duplicate labels, consider changing one of the labels. Changes on the following screens will be lost if you continue. After changes were last applied, you made one or more changes in a child window of the current window. A request was made to close or dismiss the parent window. If the window is dismissed, all changes after the last Save will be lost. Click Cancel to cancel the dismiss and retain the current window, its children, and their information. Your menu definition will be deleted. You are deleting a character menu. A Delete operation removes the definition. If you proceed, the definition will be removed. If you cancel, the operation will be terminated, and the menu definition will be retained. The following fields (including data), active links (or both), will be deleted. You requested that one or more fields or active links be deleted. The affected fields and active links are listed as part of the message. Deleting fields deletes the associated data for the fields and requires restructuring the table in the database. Deleting active links removes the workflow associated with the active link. Proceed with the Delete operation to continue. Click Cancel to stop the Delete operation from being performed. Additional errors were truncated. The operation encountered a number of errorstoo many errors to fit in a single dialog box. The most critical errors are displayed in the current dialog box. Fix the problems, and repeat the operation to find out whether the other errors remain. Your filter action will be deleted. You are deleting a filter action. A Delete operation removes the action definition. If you proceed, the action definition will be removed. If you cancel, the operation will be terminated, and the action definition will be retained.
2109 Error
2115 Warning
2117 Warning
2119 Warning
2120 Note
2121 Warning
2122 Warning
Your active link action will be deleted. You are deleting an active link action. A Delete operation removes the action definition. If you proceed, the action definition will be removed. If you cancel, the operation will be terminated, and the action definition will be retained. Your form view will be deleted. You are deleting an administrator view of a form. A Delete operation removes the view definition. Users using this view are reset to the default view the next time they connect to the system. If you proceed, the view will be removed. If you cancel, the operation will be terminated, and the view will be retained. Your form view name is not unique. The name of an administrator view must be unique for the form. Another view exists with the same name. Choose a unique name for the view. You currently have an escalation time specified. You are changing the timing setting for an escalation from calendar to interval, and a calendar screen is open on the system. The calendar screen is inappropriate when an interval time setting is used. This prompt enables you to cancel the operation or to close the open window. The full text search (FTS) reindex operation can take a long time. Do you wish to continue? You selected the full text search (FTS) reindex operation. FTS search capability will be disabled while the operation is in progress. Because this operation can take a long time and performance of the system might suffer, perform reindex operations during off hours whenever possible. Your escalation action will be deleted. You are deleting an escalation action. A Delete operation removes the action definition. If you proceed, the action definition is removed. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the action definition is retained. Your escalation definition and all associated actions will be deleted. You are deleting an escalation. A Delete operation removes the definition and the workflow associated with it. If you proceed, the definition is removed. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the definition is retained. You are logged in as a subadministratoraccess to some structures and functions has been disabled. You are logging in to the system as a user who is a subadministrator. A subadministrator does not have access to all functions on the tool. If you are not allowed to perform a specific operation, you probably do not have sufficient permissions. You can log in as an administrator to get full access.
2123 Warning
2127 Warning
2128 Warning
2129 Warning
2130 Warning
Incompatible data types in qualification line. The data types of a pair of values in a qualification line are not compatible. In the qualification line, make sure that operations are performed only between items with compatible types. Full text search (FTS) index operations will be started. You activated the full text search (FTS) subsystem of AR System. Items that are pending indexing begin indexing immediately. Full text search (FTS) index operations will be shut down. You are deactivating the full text search (FTS) subsystem of AR System. All operations that require updating the FTS index are queued and performed when the system is reactivated. You must be a member of the Administrator or Subadministrator group with a fixed license to use this tool. Administrative functions in AR System require a user who is a member of the Administrator group (with full functionality) or Subadministrator group (with limited functionality). The user must have a fixed write license. The user trying to get access does not meet these criteria.
2135 Error
The selected distributed mapping will be deleted. You are deleting a distributed mapping. A Delete operation removes the mapping definition. If you proceed, the definition is removed. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the definition is retained. The selected pending mappings will be deleted. You selected one or more pending mapping definitions to delete. A Delete operation removes them from the set of operations to perform. The distributed operation that was initiated against these items is removed. If you cancel, these items are retained. Changes on the mapping fields screen will be lost if you continue. You made one or more changes on the current window after changes were applied. A request was made to close or dismiss the window. If the window is dismissed, all changes after the last Save are lost. Click Cancel to cancel the dismiss and to retain the window and its information. You are attempting to delete a Distributed Server Option (DSO) form or fielddo you want to continue? The form you are deleting is a special DSO form. Deleting the form might affect the functionality of DSO. When you restart the system, the server automatically re-creates the form. If you are deleting a field, the field is a field that makes the current form a DSO form. Deleting this field makes this form unavailable as a DSO form. When the system is restarted, a new form that contains all the distributed fields is created.
2136 Warning
2137 Warning
2138 Error
Changes in current view will be saved if you continue. You are changing views without saving your changes to the current view. If you continue, your changes are saved automatically. Other forms depend on the current form. Deleting this form will cause forms that depend on it to be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue? The form you are deleting is a base form for one or more join forms. Because join forms are dependent on this form, all such forms are deleted if you delete the base form. Continue only if you want all dependent forms to be deleted.
The following field names or IDs have blank labels in your form. You applied changes to a form that contains one or more fields with blank labels. Your guide will be deleted. You are deleting a guide. If you proceed, the guide is removed. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the guide is retained. Your application will be deleted. You are deleting an application. If you proceed, the application is removed. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the application is retained. Your packing list will be deleted. You are deleting a packing list. But because a packing list is really only a container of AR System objects, if you proceed, deleting the packing list does not delete any underlying forms, workflow, and so on, that are in the packing list. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the packing list is retained. Your web service will be deleted. You are deleting a web services object. If you proceed, you delete only the AR System web service object and not any underlying XML schemas or WSDL handler URLs. If you cancel, the operation is terminated, and the web service is retained.
2145 Warning
2146 Warning
This view contains one or more intersecting FORM declarations. Any FORM tags inserted by the user must not overlap on the open and close service tags. You added a form to an existing web view between open and close services and are trying to save it. A limitation of the authoring environment does not allow nested or intersecting FORM declarations. Open and close services are the start and end of a form, respectively. The authoring environment checks to make sure that this situation is brought to the attention of the user.
2148 Warning
System does not ensure consistency if global elements/complex types in use are changed. Please choose 'embedded' option if you are not sure. This warning is returned when you select the Linked option from the Advanced Properties dialog box after clicking the Options button in the Web Service tab. Proceed at your own risk. The system does not guarantee any consistency.
'Public' access is not specified. This will force users to login before accessing wsdl. This warning is returned when you do not have access to that web service and you try to save a web service without public permissions. You cannot allocate memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory. In general, this error occurs when there are too many processes running or when some processes have grown to occupy more, or all, of the available memory on your client computer. You can recover that memory by shutting down unneeded processes. Additionally, restart processes that have been running for a while to help recover space those applications might have leaked over time. Only integer can use numeric text type. While defining properties for a field, you tried to assign the field type Numeric Text to a field other than an integer field. Only fields with the data type Integer might be of numeric text type. Only selection type can use check box. While defining properties for a field, you tried to put check boxes on a field other than a selection field. Only fields with the data type selection can use check boxes. Unrecognized field type. Incompatible data types in qualification line. The type specified for the field is not recognized. Update the definition of the field to indicate a valid display type for the field. Set Up Search Database command failed during Import. BMC Remedy Administrator failed to import the required forms while setting up the Search database. This error can occur if a server exits unexpectedly or fails to import because of some other server-related cause. Verify the server status, and retry the Set Up Search Database command. You can not perform Synchronization of Search databases for same or different servers at the same time from the same instance of the BMC Remedy Administrator. More than one Sync Search Database command cannot be issued from the same instance of BMC Remedy Administrator. Open another session of BMC Remedy Administrator to perform these operations simultaneously.
2207 Error
2208 Error
Could not load the definition file from the resource. The definition file of the search database in BMC Remedy Administrator did not load. Close and reopen BMC Remedy Administrator before you retry the operation. If the error persists, contact Customer Support. Field fieldName has a duplicate name. Please select a unique name for this field before saving the form. All other changes are not saved. This form cannot be saved because two or more fields have the same database name. Make sure that each field has a unique database name, and resave the form.
2209 Error
2214 Error
You cannot open the export file. The file specified to receive the exported definitions cannot be opened by the tool. This error can be the result of an access problem or of a nonexistent directory. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. Form definition problem: invalid field specification. An error occurred while the system tried to build the GUI structure to represent a field on a screen. An associated error message contains details. Button field is missing an active link assignment. This compatibility error occurs when you use a 3.0 (or later) UNIX Administrator Tool or BMC Remedy Administrator to connect to a pre-3.0 server. In the pre-3.0 AR System, all buttons in a form must have an assigned active link. You cannot open configuration file. An error occurred while the system tried to open your configuration file. An associated message contains details. Fix the problem, and repeat the operation. X or Y (or both) coordinates are out of range. The X or Y coordinates you specified for the layout of a form field are not in the valid range. The range for the X coordinate is 0 to 1500. The range for the Y coordinate is 0 to 3000. Change the coordinate to a valid range. Enter a form name. Specify the name of a form so you can complete the specifications for the window. Enter a user name. Specify the name of a user so you can log in. Enter a name, and click Save. Cannot query servers. An error occurred while the system tried to retrieve the list of forms available to the new user. The system could not connect to the servers. An associated message contains details. A selection is required. To perform an import or export operation, select one or more items to be imported or exported. You cannot open the specified file. An error occurred while the system tried to open a file. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. Select an item. No field or active link is selected on the window; therefore, you cannot select the Delete operation. To delete a field or active link, select the item, and click Delete. Cannot delete the selected item from the list during a cut operation. An internal error occurred while the system tried to remove an item from an internal list. Exit the tool, and restart the tool. No data entered at selected menu level. No menu definition exists at the selected level in the menu. Save all work on the current window, and exit the window. The error message should be dismissed when you reopen the character menu definition. You must enter a label before selecting Insert or Modify. You must enter a label for a menu item that you are creating prior to selecting Insert or Modify. Enter a label, and reselect the desired operation.
2232 Error 2234 Error 2236 Error 2241 Error 2243 Error 2269 Error 2279 Error 2281 Error
2283 Error
2284 Error
No data entered at previous menu level. No menu definition exists at the previous level in the menu. If you receive this message, save all work on the current window, and exit the window. The error message should not be displayed when you reopen the character menu definition. Enter a filter name. You did not enter a name, which is required, for the filter you are creating. Enter a name, and click Save. The message number is invalid. When creating a message type action, the message number is outside of the allowed range. User messages have message numbers of 10000 or greater. Fix the message number, and click Save. You must select a form. You did not specify a form for the structure you are creating. You must specify the form to which the structure is attached. You must select at least one operation. You did not specify an operation for the filter or escalation to execute. You must specify one or more operations. Select an operation and click Save. Missing closing quotation mark on a character string or name. When a line was parsed, an open quotation mark was found, but no corresponding closing quotation mark was found. Review the string for the missing quotation mark. If a quotation mark is contained within a string, you must double the contained quotation mark. Unexpected character found. When a line was parsed, an unexpected character was found. An associated message contains information about the position within the line where the unexpected character is located. A conditional operation expected at this position. When a line was parsed, a conditional operation was expected but not found. An associated message contains information about the position in the line where the operation was expected. A relational operation expected at this position. When parsing a line, a relational operation was expected but not found. An associated message contains information about the position within the line where the operation was expected. A field or value expected at this position. When a line was parsed, a field or value reference was expected. An associated message contains information about the position in the line where the field or value was expected. Too many nested levels of parentheses in command. When parsing a line, the system supports a maximum of 64 levels of nested parentheses. The string being parsed has more than 64 levels of nested parentheses. A closing parenthesis expected at this position. When a line was parsed, a closing parenthesis was expected. An associated message contains information about the position in the line where the parenthesis was expected. Unknown field reference found. When a line was parsed, a reference to a field was found, but it could not be translated to a known field for the current form. Make sure that you used the correct type of quotation marks (for example, you might have placed a single quotation mark around a value that should have included double quotation marks). The message contains information about the position in the line where the field reference is located.
2285 Error 2286 Error 2287 Error 2288 Error 2290 Error
2291 Error 2292 Error 2293 Error 2294 Error 2295 Error 2296 Error 2297 Error
2298 Error
Value specified for selection not one of defined values for this field. When a line was parsed, a specified value for a selection field was determined not to be one of the legal values for the field. An associated message contains information about the position in the line where the selection value is located. You have entered too many parameters in a set fields assignment. The function definition contains more parameters than are allowed. Review the definition of the function, and enter only the appropriate parameters. An associated message contains information about the position in the line where the function with the extra parameters is located. Format of time value is not recognized. The format of the specified time value is not recognized. The format is controlled by the default LANG setting and can be overridden by using the ARDATE environment variable. Specify a directory and file name. You must specify a directory and file name to open a file. Specify both, and click Save. Please enter data. No data is entered on the current screen. Make sure that you specified the required information in the fields you are assigning. For example, on a Set Fields window, specify one or more fields to receive a value. If you do not want to specify data, select Dismiss to skip this action. Selection fields require one or more values. A selection field requires that one or more values be specified. The field is not fully defined until it contains one or more values. Character menu Delete operation failed. While an item was being removed from the menu, an internal error occurred. If you receive this message, save all work on the current window, and exit the window. The error should be gone when you reopen the character menu definition. You have created the maximum number of filter actions allowed. A filter can contain a maximum of 25 actions. You are already at the maximum number of actions allowed. To perform additional actions, create a new filter with the same conditions, and add actions in the new filter. Specify an execution order greater than the current filter so the new actions run after the existing actions. Resulting file name is longer than maximum allowed. The file name specified is longer than the maximum file name supported by the system (up to 255 characters). Error encountered writing to file. An error occurred while the system tried to write to a file. An associated error message contains details. Fix the problem, and retry the operation. You have created the maximum number of active link actions allowed. An active link can contain a maximum of 25 actions. You are already at the maximum number of actions allowed. To perform additional actions, create a new active link with the same conditions, and add actions in the new active link. Specify an execution order greater than the current active link, so the new actions run after the existing actions. You must select a form. You did not specify a form for the active link you are creating. You must specify the form to which the active link is attached. Enter an active link name. You did not specify a name for the active link you are creating. A name is required. Enter a name, and click Save.
2299 Error
2308 Error
2314 Error
Select a field for your Execute On condition. The execution condition requires that a field be selected to attach the operation of the active link to. This is required when you execute on Return or on Menu Choice. Select a field to attach to, and click Save. Select an execution condition for your active link. You did not specify when to execute the active link. You must specify one or more occasions for active link execution. Select an execution condition, and click Save. Unrecognized group in group list, or group list longer than maximum allowed. When the contents of a Group List or Assignee Group field was parsed, an unrecognized group name was found, or the total length of the field exceeds 255 bytes. Fix the problem, and continue with the operation. Assignment line error at position location. While parsing an assignment line, an error occurred. This message contains information about the position of the error in the line. Qualification line error at position location. While parsing a qualification line, an error occurred. This message contains information about the position of the error in the line. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a real field. The value entered where a real value is expected is not in legal format for a real value. Real values can include a single decimal point or can be in scientific notation. Re-enter the value in one of these formats, and click Save. You have entered a nondigit character for a numeric field. An integer or real field contains a nondigit character. Integer and real fields can contain only digits (except for real values in legal scientific notation). Unrecognized arithmetic operation. The arithmetic operation specified is illegal in the current context. The internal field length may not be less than zero. The length specified by a character field must be greater than or equal to zero. Field IDs below 100 are reserved for core fields. You cannot create a new field with an ID less than 100. Fields in this range are reserved for the core fields that are created and managed automatically by the system. The one exception to this rule is the set of six fields that were core fields in the initial release of AR System (but are no longer core fields). For compatibility, you can use those field IDs for fields with compatible definitions.
2326 Error
You have specified a field ID already in use. The ID for every field must be unique. You specified an ID in use by another field. Change the ID to be unique. If you are using BMC Remedy Administrator, you can leave the field ID blank for the new field, and a legal ID is automatically created. You do not have a known server specified in your configuration filethe tool will default to the first server specified in your directory file. Your configuration file registered that you were last connected to a server to which you no longer have contact. The system default connects to the first server listed in your configuration file.
2328 Error
2329 Error
There are no administrator macros defined. There are no macros available to the administrator for creating a macro-type action for an active link. Make sure that the macro you want to run is defined. Use the ARPATH environment variable to point to alternate locations for macro definitions. Error Messages Guide
2331 Error
An error occurred while formatting your diary text. An error occurred while the system tried to format the change history information for the structure. Review the definition stored in the database. You can change other aspects of the definition, but the change history is unavailable. One of the field names is invalid. One or more of the names specified in the Get list or Index list is not a valid field name for the current form. Verify the spelling of the names to make sure that you specified legal fields. You must select a form. You did not specify a form for the filter you are creating. You must specify the form to which the filter is attached. Total width of your fields exceeds the maximum. The total width of all the fields specified for Get List fields is greater than the maximum of 128. Review the width specified for each field and the width of the separators and adjust, as needed, to be within the maximum width of 128 bytes. There are no If actions defined. Create at least one If action. No If actions were defined for the filter, escalation, or active link. You must specify at least one If action. The field ID is illegal. The ID specified for the field is outside the legal range of field IDs. Change the value to be in the legal range. If you are using BMC Remedy Administrator, you can leave the field blank, and a legal ID is automatically created. You cannot change type of an existing action. You cannot change the type of an existing action. You must delete the existing action and create a new one. Delete operation failed. An error occurred while performing a Delete operation. An associated message contains additional information. Too many levels in nested macro. If a macro nests to include other macros, the maximum number of nested levels of macros is 15. The macro you are using has more than 15 levels of nested macros. You can run the macros one after another in the same macro, but they cannot be nested more than 15 levels deep. Invalid parameter specification in the DDE assign line. The format of the DDE assignment line used in a Set Fields operation is invalid. Review the documentation for the expected format of the DDE line, and correct the line. Invalid macro definition file format. The macro specified is not in the correct format and is, therefore, unrecognized. You must specify a valid macro definition. Selection values must be unique. The values specified for a selection type field must be unique. You specified two or more values that are the same. The system cannot tell the difference between the identical values. You cannot expand menu menuName for field fieldName. An error occurred while the system tried to retrieve and build the indicated menu for the specified field. An associated message contains details.
Field data type and assignment data type are not compatible. A value with an incompatible data type that cannot be converted was assigned to a field. You must specify a value with a compatible (or at least convertible) data type. You have entered a value in your integer field that is outside of the legal range for integers. The value for an integer field is outside the range for a 4-byte integer value. Enter a value within the legal range for a 4-byte integer. Duplicate mapping namerename your distributed mapping. While creating a distributed mapping, you assigned the mapping a name already used by another mapping. Mappings must have unique names. Return to the Modify Distributed Mapping window, and rename the mapping. Invalid mapping definitionrespecify your custom mapping. The tool could not decode the mapping definition for the custom mapping. The format of this definition was manually changed, or there is a problem in the database with the storage of definitions. Re-create the custom mapping. One of your mapping servers is not available or does not exist. Because the server specified as the source or the target of the mapping is unavailable, the system cannot retrieve the list of forms that are on this server for menus (or a list of fields that are in a form) for a custom mapping specification. To specify a custom mapping or to view a menu of forms, wait until the server is available again. You do not have permission to perform Distributed Server Option (DSO) operations. You are connected to the system as a subadministrator, and you do not have access to the Distributed Mapping form to allow definition of Distributed Mappings. You must be an administrator or be given sufficient access by an administrator to create and modify distributed mappings. You have not entered data for any of your fieldsenter data for at least one field before clicking the Save button. The Set Fields action is not defined to assign values to fields. Specify the assignment of one or more fields.
2351 Error
2352 Error
2353 Error
2354 Error
2355 Error 2356 Error 2357 Error 2358 Error 2359 Error 2360 Error 2361 Error
An active link already exists in this form with the name: activeLinkName. An active link with the same name already exists. The names of all active links must be unique. Change the name of the active link so that it is a unique name. You have entered a value in a real number field that is outside the valid range for real numbers. The value in a real field is outside the range for an 8-byte real value. Enter a value within the legal range for an 8-byte real field. Get operation failed. An error occurred while the tool tried to retrieve a property from a field. Set operation failed. An error occurred while the tool tried to set a property for a field. number is not a valid number for the date date. The number must be between number and number. This is an out-of-range error. For example, the message is displayed if you entered 1/1/2075 as a date. name is not a recognized monthOrDay. This message is displayed if you misspell a month or day name. name is not recognized as a legal component of the date or time format string. This message is displayed if the format string you specified in the Control Panel is illegal.
Date is out of allowed range of 01/01/1970 to 01/19/2038 (GMT) for Windows Client. If you enter a date outside the listed range, you receive this error message. GMT is Greenwich Mean Time, the time zone from which all other time zones are adjusted. The table field tableFieldName definition is corrupt. If you Save the form, you will delete this field. The table field did not find a field ID referenced by a column in the table field. The qualifier for the table field might be improper. If you proceed, the column representing the field ID is removed from the table field. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for more information about table fields. Table field tableFieldName has no columns. Add at least one column before you create or modify this table field. Table fields must have at least one column. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for more information about table fields.
2366 Error
2369 Error
The listed columns for the tableFieldName table field do not have corresponding data fields. One or more columns in a table field do not match field IDs in the corresponding form. All columns with no matching field IDs are removed from the table field when the table field is modified. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for more information about table fields. Form formName on table field tableFieldName does not exist on server serverName. The form was deleted from the AR System server. For more information about table fields and forms, see the Form and Application Objects Guide. For more information about servers, see the following AR System documentation: Configuration Guide Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide Database Reference
2370 Error
Enter an application name. You tried to save an application without providing a name. Enter an application name before you save the application. Unable to save an image for the application. This message occurs when you select an invalid file type for the image you want to associate with an application. Valid file types include .bmp, .jpeg, .jpg, and .dib. Server serverName for table field tableFieldName is not accessible at this time. The table field tried to connect with the listed server, but the AR System server is not running. Try again later. For more information about servers, see the following AR System documentation: Configuration Guide Optimizing and Troubleshooting Guide Database Reference
Duplicate distributed mapping name. This message appears when you try to save a distributed mapping with an existing distributed mapping name. Change the name of the new mapping or delete the existing mapping. Page or Page Holder field cannot be set to a NULL Field ID. You cannot set the Database ID of the Page or Page Holder fields to a NULL value. You must supply a non-NULL value for the Database ID.
2381 Error
Error getting active links list. The error occurs when BMC Remedy Administrator is unable to complete an operation because it failed to obtain an active links list from the current server. Close the dialog, and retry the operation. Error getting filter list. The error occurs when BMC Remedy Administrator is unable to complete an operation because it failed to obtain a filter list from the current server. Close the dialog, and retry the operation. Error getting escalation list. The error occurs when BMC Remedy Administrator is unable to complete an operation because it failed to obtain an escalation list from the current server. Close the dialog, and retry the operation. The application state system form could not be found on the queried server. The AR System Application State form was not found. Restart the AR System server, which recreates the form if necessary. The application roles system form could not be found on the queried server. The Roles form was not found. Restart the AR System server, which re-creates the form if necessary. The application roles system form did not contain any state fields. No state fields (fields with field IDs within 2000-2999) exist on the Roles form. A system failure occurred or you must add state fields to the form. The state fields included by default in the Roles form are the Test and Production fields. An entry in the state table could not be found for this application. The system failed to create an entry for the application in the AR System Application State form. Create an entry for the application manually. Could not query the application state table. A system error occurred or the AR System Application State form was deleted. Restart the AR System server, which automatically re-creates the form if necessary. Unknown error code errorNumber encountered. The message with error code errorNumber is missing from the string table. Unable to initialize user information. Reading of user preferences from ar.ini failed. This can be due to an invalid or missing home directory for the selected user name. Make sure that the ar.ini file exists in the user home directory and that a home directory is associated with the user in the aruser section of the win.ini file.
2404 Error
Unable to connect to any servers. While trying to log in and connect to the specified servers, BMC Remedy Administrator failed to connect to a server. This can occur when the server is down, when the network is too slow (leading to a time-out), or when you are not an administrator or subadministrator user for the server. Failed to initialize the system globals. You encountered an unusual error condition. The user home directory is missing from the ARuser section in the win.ini file. While trying to initialize the user preferences, BMC Remedy Administrator failed to read the home directory for the logged in user. The directoryName might be missing from the aruser section of the win.ini file, or the specified directory might not exist.
2412 Error
Currently running MISCDLL.DLL version oldVersionNumber is an old version. Version currentVersionNumber of MISCDLL.DLL is required. Installing an older BMC Remedy User or BMC Remedy Administrator in the same directory as a newer one might cause this error. Reinstall the latest version of the BMC Remedy User or BMC Remedy Administrator.
2416 Error 2417 Error 2418 Error 2419 Error 2420 Error 2421 Error 2422 Error 2423 Error 2426 Error 2427 Error
Failed to create memory. BMC Remedy Administrator could not allocate memory for its data structure. Close one or more applications to continue. Failed to create the AR System home directory. BMC Remedy Administrator failed to create the specified user home directory. Make sure that the path is valid and that the disk is not full. User Name is missing. You must specify a user name when saving user information in the Login Information dialog box. AR System home directory is missing. You must specify a home directory when saving user information in the Login Information dialog box. At least one field must have a value in a Set Fields action. You cannot save a Set Fields action without specifying a value for a field on the form. Specify a value for the field on the form to continue. You cannot delete an object that you are currently editing. You cannot delete an active link, filter, escalation, or form that is open. Close the window in question, and retry the deletion. Failed to load the selected image file. The selected file is not a valid BMP (bitmap) file, or it is larger than the supported size of 15 x 16 pixels. Select an appropriate file to continue. You must specify a menu or button field for active links that execute on a menu or button. You selected Execute On: Menu Item/Button in an active link without associating it with a menu item or button on the form. Server serverName not found in server list. You cannot access a server that is not specified in the list of servers you are logged in to. Add the server to your server list in the Login Information dialog box, and log in again. The following fields do not have valid values set: In an existing Set Fields action, BMC Remedy Administrator found some fields whose values are no longer valid. This can occur if BMC Remedy Administrator cannot allocate enough memory to get the fields value or if the fields data type is no longer valid. Specify an SQL command. To save a SQL Set Fields Action, you must specify a SQL command. This is not validated in any way but cannot be left blank. Enter a SQL command to continue. Could not remove all the specified pending operations. The server had a problem deleting the pending operation after you clicked Remove in the Pending Distributed Operations dialog. Supply a label index (greater than 0). In a SQL menu definition, you must specify the column number of the SQL query result to use to create the menu itself. Any number greater than 0 is accepted.
Supply a value index (greater than 0). In a SQL menu definition, you must specify the column number of the SQL query result to use as the value the menu choice inserts into its associated field. Supply an SQL command. To save a SQL menu definition, you must specify a SQL command. This is not validated in any way but cannot be left blank. Enter a SQL command to continue. Button field is missing an active link assignment. While saving a form using a 3.x (or later) BMC Remedy Administrator into a 2.x AR System server, the specified button field was not associated with an active link. You must assign an active link to the button field (or delete the button) before you can save the form.
2437 Error
Cannot read forms for server. BMC Remedy Administrator failed to read the list of forms on the current server. BMC Remedy Administrator might have failed to allocate memory to save the list of forms, or there might be a network connection problem. You have selected more fields than will fit in the clipboard. Select fewer fields, and try again. If you selected more than 300 fields on the screen, you cannot use the Edit > Copy operation. Select 300 or fewer fields to continue. The following field cannot be displayed in this view because it contains invalid properties. Remove it from this view by using the Fields In View dialog box. The specified field in the current view has missing or invalid display properties and cannot be displayed in the view. Remove the field from the view to continue.
2440 Error 2441 Error 2442 Error 2443 Error 2444 Error
Insufficient resources to create the palette. The floating palette tool bar used to create new fields could not be created because Windows ran out of memory. Close some applications, or restart your Windows session. Another view already exists with that name. The name you specified is used by an existing view. Specify a new name for your view; remember that names are case-sensitive. You must specify the hours or minutes (or both) to retry a distributed operation. When defining a distributed mapping on the Options page, you can specify the length of time to retry. If you selected this option, you must enter this information. Get list of fields operation failed. Your attempt to get a list of fields from a server failed. The server might have failed after you logged in to it. value is not a valid value for field fieldName. Values set to newValue. When defining a Set Fields action in an active link, you specified a string value for an enumerated field that does not represent a valid state. For example, you cannot set Status to Done if the legal states are New, Assigned, and Closed. The Value field is set to the first member of the set of legal states. Note that value is outside the range for field fieldName. When defining a Set Fields action in an Active Link, you specified a numeric value out of range for that field. The Value field is not set. You must enter a distributed mapping name. When creating a distributed mapping, you did not specify a name. Enter a distributed mapping name to continue.
You must enter an escalation name. When creating an escalation, you did not specify a name. Enter an escalation name to continue. The current custom mapping is not valid. Unable to display unmapped fields. You tried to Show Unmapped Fields in a custom distributed mapping; one or more of the field mappings is incorrect. A value must be entered for the following fields: Request ID, Form, and Server. When specifying a Distributed Delete DSO Action for a filter, you must provide a request ID, form name, and server. The field can contain double quotation marks () or single quotation marks (), but it cannot contain both kinds of quotation marks. You tried to add or modify a DSO Action to a Filter with a field that contains a combination of double and single quotation marks. This can occur in the If Action or the Else Action page of the Create or Modify Filter window when the New Action selected is DSO Action. If the Distribute Transfer option button is selected, the Mapping, To Form, and To Server fields might not contain a combination of double and single quotation marks. If the Distributed Delete option button is selected, the Request ID, Form, and Server fields might not contain a combination of double and single quotation marks. These fields might not contain a combination of single and double quotation marks because those values are stored already surrounded by either double or single quotation marks, so one of these must not exist in the field.
2454 Error
A maximum of 1985 items can be exported at once. Select a fewer number of items, and try the operation again. You tried to export definitions for more than 1985 items. This error can occur when you select the items directly or when you select Related Items and the number of related items plus the number of selected items exceeds 1985. To avoid this error, export fewer than 1985 items at one time.
The width of a results list field and its separator combined is limited to 128 characters. The administrator tried to make a column of the results list wider than 128 characters. You must have at least one field with a value in a push field action. You tried to save a Push Field action without specifying a push field value for a field on the form. Specify a value for the field on the form and try again. This is a special object parameter in which you can only add another method which returns the same object. You defined an OLE method that has a parameter of type object (IDispatch) and you nested another method whose return type is incompatible with the object type, or you entered a value for a parameter of type IDispatch.
2460 Error
This is a special parameter in which you can only add another method which returns this object type. You defined an OLE method that has a parameter of type pointer and you nested another method whose return type is incompatible with the pointer type, or you tried to enter a value for a parameter of type pointer. The parameter can be filled only by nesting another method whose return type is compatible. You can also use $fld$ to enter the value for a pointer parameter. AR Runtime gets or sets the value of the $fld$ and treats this field as an OLE pointer variable.
2461 Error
Please select a matching function. Looks like the return type of the method selected and the method to be added are incompatible. When you define an OLE method that has a return type and you try to nest or call another method on this return type, BMC Remedy Administrator validates whether the return type is of type object. You can call or nest another method out of this return type only if the return type is of type object or object pointer.
Please select a matching function. You defined an OLE method that returns a pointer, and you tried to nest an incompatible return type. The two pointer types do not match. Please select another one. You tried to nest a method that returns a pointer, but the pointer is incompatible with the parameter pointer type you want to nest. You cannot call another method on the parent method. The Parent return type is not an Object. When you nest a method, the parent methods return must be one of the following types: IDispatch, VARIANT, or Compatible. If the parent methods return type is not one of these types, this error is returned. Please select a method that returns a pointer. When you nest a method to a parameter, the parameter must be of type pointer. You cannot add a method here. Type incompatible. You tried to add or nest a method to a parameter, but the return value is incompatible with the parameter's native type. Cannot add the method. Incompatible objects. Try again. You tried to add or nest a method, but the containing object of the child method differs from the return type object of the parent method. The Constants and properties are for display only. Cannot be inserted by clicking the Add Method button. The constants, enums, and other data structures displayed in the type library tree are for display purposes only. This error occurs when you place your selection on one of these data structures and attempt an Add Method operation.
2469 Error
The Parameter or Return value is of wrong type. Please type in a proper value. When you provide a value for a parameter, BMC Remedy Administrator tries to map it to the OLE methods parameter OLE type. If unsuccessful in the conversion, BMC Remedy Administrator returns this error message explaining that the value cannot be converted to the native OLE parameter type. Please select a method to delete. You clicked Delete Method without first having selected a method. Can delete only methods at the root level. To be deleted, a method must be a nested parameter either at the parameter level or at the return level. You can't add methods to a return value. You defined an OLE method that has a return value, and you tried to add a method by clicking Add Method when the selection was at the return node. A label must be unique and consist of one or more characters. Labels in guides must be unique. Rename the label, providing a name that has not yet been used in the guide.
2474 Error
You have entered an improperly formatted value for a decimal field. The administrator defines the number of places to the right of the decimal point (precision) for a given field. The administrator might also define the high and low range for values entered into the field. The value you entered does not meet the criteria defined by the administrator. Please enter a server name. This message occurs when the Server Name field in an Open Dialog action is empty. Enter a server name to continue. Cannot edit return value. Right-click to select a Field. You cannot enter a value in the return value node. Right-click and select a field. If the return type is an object, you can nest another method. You cannot have duplicate named predefined searches. Please give the entry a unique name. Predefined searches cannot have duplicate names. Enter a unique name to continue. Enter a packing list name. You must specify a name when creating or modifying a packing list. No work space has been selected. You selected View > By Workspace, and you selected Enable Workspace; but you did not select a packing list. Select a packing list, and retry the operation. There is already another view with the same label, platform, and locale combination. An error is returned because the view you are creating contains the same combination of information as another view. To continue, create this view with a different combination of label, platform, and locale.
2475 Error 2476 Error 2477 Error 2478 Error 2479 Error 2480 Error
2481 Error 2482 Error 2483 Error 2484 Error 2485 Error 2486 Error 2487 Error
Please enter a non-empty string in label and name fields. An error occurred because you tried to create a view without a label or name. To continue, specify a view label and name. An unspecified error occurred. When an application was deployed, an unspecified error was returned during HTML file generation. The error was not covered under errors 2483 to 2495. The file fileName could not be located. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because the HTML file could not be created. Bad Path: directoryPath. When deploying an application, the HTML file generation stopped because all or part of the path is invalid. The permitted number of open files was exceeded. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because the permitted number of open files was exceeded. You do not have the proper permissions to access the file fileName. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because the file could not be accessed. There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because the file is either corrupted or the file is open in a nonshared mode.
The current working directory cannot be removed. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because the current working directory cannot be removed. The number of directory entries for directory directoryPath has been exceeded. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because there are no more directory entries. There was an error trying to set the file pointer. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because there was an error trying to set the file pointer. There was a hardware error. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because there was a hardware error, for example, your drive is corrupted or you are trying to write to a network drive and the network is down. Attempted access to file fileName produced a sharing violation. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because a shared region was locked. There was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because there was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked. The disk is full. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because the disk is full. The end of file was reached. When an application was deployed, the HTML file generation stopped because the end of file was reached. Other forms depend on form formName. If you delete this form, all other forms that depend on this form will be deleted. Do you want to continue? You are deleting a form used as a member of a join form. If you continue, the join form is also deleted.
2492 Error 2493 Error 2494 Error 2495 Error 2501 Warning
2502 Error
Warning: If you change the form, existing actions might be made invalid. Verify your existing actions. Your active link and filter actions might contain references to fields on this form. Those actions are invalidated if you reattach them to a form that no longer contains those fields.
The following fields were not pasted, because they are already in this view. During a Copy or Paste operation from one view to another, you tried to add fields to the view that already exist in the view. Any fields already in the view are unaffected. You are removing these data fields from their only view: fieldNames. These fields do not exist on any other views. All display information, including label text and location, will be lost. Do you want to continue? You are removing data fields from their only view. If you continue and put the fields back into a view, they have a default location and appearance.
2505 Warning
No integer or selection fields exist to cross-reference against. You specified Cross-Reference as the notification mechanism for a Filter Notify action, but there are no integer or selection fields that you can select to cross-reference against on this form. Try another notification mechanism.
2506 Error
Unable to open more windows, because Windows resources are low. User Heap: percentage% free. GDI Heap: percentage% free. Close some windows or running applications to gain more space. A new window could not be opened because there are too many windows open or too many applications running. Close some windows or applications to continue.
2507 Error
The value being deleted is the same as the default value. If you continue, the default value will also be deleted. Do you want to continue? You are deleting a value from a selection field that matches the default value. If you continue, the default value is also deleted. You might want to specify a new default value.
2508 Error
The status field must have a default value. If you continue the default value will be changed to the first entry. Do you want to continue? The Status core field is special because a default value is required. If you delete the current default, it is replaced by the first value in the list. If you continue, you might want to specify a new default value.
2509 Warning
Confirm that you want to save the form; the following fields will be deleted: fieldNames. You deleted fields while editing the form, and those changes are about to take effect. This is a final confirmation and a chance not to save the form changes. If you save the changes, the fields are deleted. Otherwise, you can close the form without saving any changes. You cannot add or modify the Default Login name. Changes are lost. You tried to change the name or add a new Default Login user name to the login user list. The Default Login name is a reserved name and cannot be added or changed. Login aborted. You cannot close all windows. When you tried to log back in, BMC Remedy Administrator failed to close all existing open windows, possibly because of a user request for an unsaved window. Character menus cannot exceed 14 levels. You can create a character menu only up to 14 levels deep. Failed to read field for form. BMC Remedy Administrator failed to read a field for the form you selected for an active link or filter. Make sure that BMC Remedy Administrator can still connect to the server that the form is on, and then try again. The minimum and maximum values are the same. You illegally specified a range of exactly one value. Save the form before renaming it. You must save the form before you can rename it. The minimum value is out of range. The range is 2147483647 to 2147483647. Integer fields require a number in the valid range. The maximum value is out of range. The range is 2147483647 to 2147483647. Integer fields require a number in the valid range. The default value is out of range. The range is 2147483647 to 2147483647. Integer fields require a number in the valid range. The minimum value is out of range. The range is number to number. Real number fields require a number in the valid range. The maximum value is out of range. The range is number to number. Real number fields require a number in the valid range.
2516 Error 2517 Error 2518 Error 2519 Error 2520 Error 2521 Error 2522 Error
2523 Error 2524 Error 2525 Error 2526 Error 2527 Warning
The default value is out of range. The range is number to number. Real number fields require a number in the valid range. The precision is out of bounds. Valid range is 0 to 30. Real numbers must have a precision (number of places to the right of the decimal point) within the specified range. This change will move the field out of bounds. You must give field coordinates (X, Y location) that keep the field within the maximum dimensions of a view (1500 x 3000). This change will cause the field to be out of bounds. You must give field coordinates (X, Y location) that keep the field within the maximum dimensions of a view (1500 x 3000). The following restored fields are no longer in this view: You restored the selected fields from the database. If any of these fields were added to the current view after you last loaded the form, they no longer appear in the current view. Use the Fields in View dialog box to see which views the fields are in. Multiple views may be affected by this operation. Do you want to continue? The current operation can affect the display properties of one or more unloaded views. If you continue, you can switch to the other views that contain the affected fields to see the result before applying the changes to the form. Active link activeLinkName is already used by controlFieldName. Are you sure you want to move it to controlFieldName? Active links can be attached to only one button or menu item. Attaching an active link detaches it from its current button or menu item (if it has one).
2528 Warning
2531 Warning
2532 Warning
You are removing these trim or control (or both) fields from their only view: viewName. These fields will be deleted from the database. Do you want to continue? When trim or control fields are removed from all views, they are marked for deletion, just as if you had explicitly deleted them.
2533 Warning
A time-out occurred while copying form formName to formName. The operation most likely succeeded but the server is still busy. This warning occurs when the Save Form As command is used to copy a form. The server is busy and has timed out. Your form has probably been copied, but verify at a later time (when the server is not busy) that the copy operation succeeded.
2534 Warning
The layering of some fields in this view was not valid. The problem has now been corrected, and the changes will take effect when you save the form. BMC Remedy Administrator detected and corrected a minor problem with the front-to-back ordering of fields in this view, and all fields in the view will be saved to the database when form changes are applied. This usually occurs because of direct API setting of field properties or because of problems with the conversion of an old form definition.
2535 Warning
Copy and Paste of join fields is not supported; the selected join fields will not be copied. Normally, the Copy operation is disabled when join fields are selected. This message indicates that a mixture of join and trim fields was selected, and a Paste operation was attempted. Only the Paste operation of trim fields will succeed. You cannot have a a join field appear more than one time in a form. There are no toolbar items on any of the menu items. No menu items in the current view have an associated toolbar item. Therefore, BMC Remedy Administrator cannot display the Toolbar Layout dialog box.
2536 Warning
2537 Warning
At least one trim, button, or menu item field will be deleted because you are deleting its only view. If you delete this element from this view, it will not exist on any view; it will be completely and permanently deleted. Select Cancel if you do not want to delete the selected item. Active link activeLinkName is already used by buttonName. It can not be added to buttonName. This version of AR System does not support moving an active link from one button to a different button. To continue, create a new active link. You have specified an ID within the reserved range. Do you want to save this field anyway? While creating a new field in a form, you specified a field ID less than 536870911. Field IDs in this range are reserved by AR System. Unless you are intentionally using the AR System reserved field ID range, cancel this operation, and choose a field ID outside of the reserved range.
2540 Warning
None of the requested field deletions occurred on the server. Please close and reopen the form after the save operation has completed. This warning is returned because, although the form is in the process of being saved, the delete operation did not complete as expected. To continue, open the form after the save operation completes and try deleting the fields again.
2541 Warning
This form contains a non-standard set of Distributed Fields. Select none, basic, full, or advanced to return to a standard set of fields. An inconsistent set of distributed fields is present in your form, possibly because one or more fields were deleted. Distributed fields are system-generated and cannot be mixed-and-matched. Use the Distributed Fields dialog box to re-create a standard set of distributed fields in your form.
Distributed Fields will be deleted. Are you sure you want to have numberOfFields Distributed Fields instead of numberOfFields? This is a confirmation message when you want to delete DSO mapping fields. This form contains a Distributed Field of the wrong data type. To delete Distributed Fields, select None in the Distributed Fields dialog, and press OK. This message occurs when an incorrect data type is associated with distributed fields. Distributed Fields will be deleted. Are you sure you want to have numberOfFields Distributed Fields? This is a confirmation message when you want to delete DSO mapping fields. Selecting this option could cause an infinite loop in the system. Do you want to continue with overriding loop detection? By shutting down loop protection, you run the risk of creating infinite loops and overwriting the original record in a distributed transfer operation or a distributed return operation. Save the filter or escalation only if you are understand the risk in what you are doing.
2546 Warning
One/more fields have been deleted from the form which will affect Setfield list. Please press Modify Action button to rectify the problem. You opened a Set Field active link action, and some of the fields used in the setfield/value list box were deleted from the form. To correct this problem, click Modify Action.
Please enter a form prefix. When you selected the Form prefix option in the By Form dialog box, you did not enter a prefix before clicking OK. Please add at least one form to the selected form list. You selected the Selected Form option in the By Form dialog box but did not select any forms before clicking OK. Select a form, and then click OK.
2550 Warning
A maximum of numberOfForms forms can be selected. Please remove some forms from the selected form list. You can select a maximum of 10 forms through the Selected Form option of the By Form Dialog Box. This message indicates that you selected more than 10 forms.
2551 Warning 2552 Error 2553 Error 2554 Warning 2555 Error 2556 Warning
Warning: All the subsequent calls will be deleted. When you try to delete an OLE method, BMC Remedy Administrator warns you that all subsequent methods (if nesting was done) will be deleted. The minimum value has a bad value. You entered an invalid value for the minimum value in the Field Properties Attributes page for a Decimal Field. The maximum value has a bad value. You entered an invalid value for the maximum value in the Field Properties Attributes page for a Decimal Field. No image conversion will take place. Save anyway? If you try to change the extension of an image formats extension (for example, trying to save a JPEG file as something.gif), this warning appears. The precision is out of bounds. Valid range is 0 to 28. You entered an invalid value for a Decimal Field in the Attributes page of the Field Properties Dialog Box. The valid range is between 0 and 28. A duplicate server was detected in the server list for user userName. Server Name in list: serverName Short Name of detected server: serverShortName Long Name of detected server: serverLongName. This warning appears when you add the same server name, for both the short and long names, in the list of servers.
Warning: Form formName not available in server serverName. This warning appears when you change a server name for an open dialog active link action. You are given the option to reset the value to the previous server you selected. To improve this view so that it looks the same on all clients, BMC Remedy Administrator will upgrade the layout information for this view when you save this form. You tried to import a pre-4.0 form with a 4.x (or later) version of BMC Remedy Administrator. This changes all fields bounding boxes so that they are compatible with 4.x or later. This warning appears the first time a form is imported and when the forms views are changed.
The field type selected is not valid for global fields. You chose an invalid field type to become a global field. To continue, see the Form and Application Objects Guide for available field types. A maximum of number forms can be selected. When viewing a select number of forms in the Server Window, you selected more than 10 forms. The maximum is 10. To continue, select a number less than 10. A workaround would be to create a packing list and use it to view a larger number of forms. A global field has just been set to a regular field. The entry mode selection will be set to default. Global fields by design have no default values. By turning the field back into a regular field, you now can specify an entry mode. Field ID 706 and 1020 are reserved for Alert and Results List respectively. Please choose another Field ID for fieldfieldType. These field IDs are reserved for Alert Lists and Result lists. Choose another field ID not from these reserved numbers.
2563 Warning
Field IDs from 711 to 718 are reserved for columns of Alert List. Please choose another Field ID for fieldfieldType. This range of field IDs is reserved for columns in an Alert List. Choose another field ID not from this reserved range.
Some fields that are mapped will not be relevant for this form. This warning is returned because you changed the Form Name in the Open Window action and these field mappings might be invalid in the On Open or On Close modes. No field mappings have been defined for Open and Close dialog states. This warning is returned because you did not define any field mappings for Dialog window type. No field mappings have been defined. This warning is returned because, in Search or Submit mode, you did not define any field mappings. Exporting extension objects in XML is not supported. Selected extension objects will not be exported. This warning is returned because you cannot export extension objects (non-AR System objects) in XML format.
2569 Warning
Entry point guide does not have a starting active link. The guide will not be executed. An entry point guide was created without a starting active link. The entry point guide cannot execute correctly in an Application List field without a starting active link. To remove this warning, specify a starting active link for the active link guide. Deleting this object, objectName, will delete all objects in the same lock group. If there are any forms in this lock group, then those form definitions and all the associated data will be removed. Are you sure you want to continue? A single object that is a member of a locked group cannot be deleted. If you delete an object that belongs to a locked group, such as a filter in a locked group of filters, all objects in the locked group are deleted.
2570 Warning
2571 Warning
The form, formName, appears to have dependant workflow that is part of a lock group. Deleting this form will trigger the deletion of one or more lock groups, would you like to proceed? Locked workflow is attached to the form being deleted. To successfully delete this form, the attached workflow must also be deleted.
2572 Warning 2573 Warning 2574 Warning 2575 Warning 2576 Warning 2577 Warning 2578 Warning
One/more fields have been deleted from the form which will affect the Open Window action field mappings. Please press Modify Action button to rectify the problem. Verify field mapping for the deleted fields, and then click Modify Action. IDs must be in ascending order. Choose a different ID or renumber other entries first. Any existing custom IDs will be replaced with a linear sequence. However, these will not be saved until you save the form, and existing data will never be affected. Continue? Only positive integers, 0 to 2147483648, may be set. No field mappings have been defined for Input and Output modes. This option is deprecated from BMC Remedy Administrator. Go to BMC Remedy User and open the corresponding option in the AR System Administration Console. One/more fields have been deleted from the form which will affect the Service Window action field mappings. Please press Modify Action button to rectify the problem.
This option is partially deprecated from BMC Remedy Administrator. For complete functionality go to BMC Remedy User and open the corresponding option in the AR System Administration Console. Unable to realloc memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory space when creating indexes. This error usually occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory space on the client. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. Unable to malloc memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory space when adding indexes. This error usually occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory space on the client. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. The maximum number of fields that can be specified in one index is numberOfFields. You exceeded the number of fields that can be added to a single index, which is 16. You might be indexing too many fields in your form. Good candidates for indexing include fields that you search on frequently. If necessary, create multiple indexes for this form. You have reached the maximum limit of the fields in an index. You exceeded the number of fields that can be added to a single index, which is 16. You might be indexing too many fields in your form. Good candidates for indexing include fields that you search on frequently. If necessary, create multiple indexes for this form. One or more indexes does not have any fields specified. You created an index without any fields. To continue, add fields that you search on frequently to your index. Unable to realloc memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory space when creating query lists on a form. This error usually occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory space on the client. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. Unable to malloc memory. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory space when updating query lists on a form (for example, when removing items from the list). This error usually occurs when too many processes are running or when some processes have grown to occupy most or all available memory space on the client. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. Please supply a menu name. When creating or saving a menu, you did not enter a menu name. Enter a menu name to continue. Please select a menu type. When creating or saving a menu, you did not specify a menu type. Specify a menu type to continue. Please select a refresh code. When creating or saving a menu, you did not specify a refresh code. Specify a refresh code to continue. Please supply a server name. When creating or saving a Search menu type, you did not enter a server name. Enter a server name to continue.
2707 Error
2709 Error
2710 Error
2714 Error
2720 Error 2721 Error 2722 Error 2723 Error 2724 Error 2725 Error 2726 Error
Please supply a form name. When creating or saving a Search menu type, you did not enter a form name. Enter a form name to continue. Please supply a label field. When creating or saving a Search menu type, you did not select a label field. Select a label field to continue. Please supply a value field. When creating or saving a Search menu type, you did not select a value field. Select a value field to continue. Please select a file location. When creating or saving a File menu type, you did not enter a file location. Enter a file location to continue. Please supply a file name. When creating or saving a File menu type, you did not enter a file name. Enter a file name to continue. Menu definition is empty. When creating or saving a Character menu type, you did not add any menu items. Add menu items to continue. You cannot delete the following core field(s): When creating or modifying a form, you illegally tried to delete a core field. These fields are system-generated and must exist in any regular form. If necessary, you can hide these fields, but you cannot delete them. Must be greater than 9999 and less than 2147483647. When creating a Message active link action, the message number is outside of the allowed range. User messages have message numbers of 10000 or greater. Fix the message number, and click Modify Action. Missing message text. When creating a Message active link action, you did not enter any message text. Enter the missing message text, and click Modify Action. Missing field name. When creating a Change Field active link action, you did not select a field name. Select a field name, and click Add Action. DDE 'Service Name' is missing. When creating a DDE active link action, you did not enter a DDE service name. Enter a service name, and click Add Action. DDE 'Topic' is missing. When creating a DDE active link action, you did not enter a DDE topic. Enter a DDE topic, and click Add Action. DDE 'Item' is missing. When creating a DDE active link action, you did not enter a DDE item. DDE poke actions must include a DDE item. Enter a DDE item, and click Add Action. DDE 'Path' is missing. When creating a DDE active link action, you did not enter a DDE path. Enter a DDE path, and click Add Action.
2727 Error
2728 Error 2729 Error 2730 Error 2731 Error 2732 Error 2733 Error
2734 Error 2735 Error 2736 Error 2737 Error 2738 Error 2739 Error 2740 Error 2741 Error 2742 Error 2743 Error
DDE 'Command' is missing. When creating a DDE active link action, you did not enter a DDE command. Enter a DDE command, and click Add Action. The minimum value is greater than the maximum value. When creating a decimal field, you specified an illegal range of minimum and maximum values. To continue, create a minimum value larger than the maximum value. The Default value is out of range with the minimum and/or maximum value. The default value: When creating a decimal field, you specified an illegal default value. To continue, create a default value within the minimum and maximum ranges. The search database has been synchronized successfully. You successfully updated the search database. You now can search for any new objects added to your search database. Synchronization of the Search Database Failed. Try again. There was a failure in updating the search database. You cannot perform searches for new objects added to your search database. To continue, try performing the synchronization later. Server object objectName cannot be opened from here. Please open it from the Server Window. You cannot open server objects from the Related Workflow tab on the Field Properties window. Click OK, and then open the server object from the Server Window. Macro name is missing. When creating a Run Macro active link action, you did not specify a run macro command. Specify a run macro command, and click Add Action. The named menu is not defined at this time, do you wish to continue? When attaching a menu to a character field, you selected an illegal menu. To continue, select a menu from the drop-down list of available menus. Unable to Save/Update Form. You attempted changes to a form that were not accepted by AR System. The Default value is out of range with the minimum and/or maximum value. The minimum value minimumValue and the maximum value maximumValue. When creating an integer field, you specified an illegal default value. To continue, create a default value within the minimum and maximum ranges.
2744 Error
The Default value is out of range with the minimum and/or maximum value. The minimum value minimumValue and the maximum value maximumValue. When creating a real field, you specified an illegal default value. To continue, create a default value within the minimum and maximum ranges.
Do you wish to close the field property dialog before correcting the errors? You specified incorrect field property settings. If you close the Field Property dialog box, your settings are not saved. The field length must be between 0 and 4294967295. When creating a character field, you specified an input length outside the legal range of values. To continue, specify an input length within the legal range. Invalid View Name. You must select a defined name. When choosing a default form view in the Manage Views dialog box, you can choose only from the listed views in the drop-down menu.
Alert text is missing. When creating a Notify filter action, you did not enter notify text. Enter notify text, and click Add Action. User text is missing. When creating a Notify filter action, you did not enter a user name. Enter a user name, and click Add Action. Reference Field is missing. When creating a Notify filter action, you did not select the reference field required when the notification Mechanism is Cross-Reference. Select a reference field, and click Add Action. Sorry, unable to locate your default browser. Feel free to visit our website for the latest information about BMC Remedy products and services at You choose items from Help > Remedy on the Web > Remedy Home Page in BMC Remedy Administrator. You must install a browser to access this information.
2753 Error
Unable to log on to any server as administrator or sub-administrator. There was a failure during log in for these reasons: AR System did not recognize this user name as a valid administrator. You entered an invalid server name. To continue, verify that the server and administrator names are correct.
Please enter Qualification query for this action. When creating a Push Fields action, you did not enter a Push Field If qualification. Enter a qualification, and click Add Action. Qualification line error at position number. When creating a Search type menu, you did not enter a valid qualification. Check your qualification, and click Add Action. Error Getting Font Data. The fonts you selected in the Form Fonts tab in the Preferences dialog box were not accepted for some internal reason. You can troubleshoot this problem by verifying that you can select a different font as a preference. If you can, the font you previously selected cannot be understood by AR System for some unknown reason.
2759 Error
Error getting form list on server serverName. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of forms on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. Error getting active links list on form formName. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of active links connected to this form on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. Error getting filter list. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of filters on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer.
2760 Error
2761 Error
2762 Error
Error getting escalation list. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of escalations on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. Server serverName not found in list of servers. When creating an Open Window action, you specified a server that the system could not find or resolve. Enter or select a different server name to continue. Form formName not found in list of forms. When creating an Open Window action, you specified a server that the system could not find or resolve. Enter or select a different server name to continue. Warning: Some fields that are mapped will not be relevant for this form. When creating an Open Window action, you tried to enter a set of field/value mappings that are invalid for the form you selected. Enter a new set of mappings, or select the form used for these mappings. Error: No server has been selected. When creating or modifying an Open Window action, you did not specify a server. Enter or select a server name to continue. Error: No form has been selected. When creating or modifying an Open Window action, you did not specify a form. Enter or select a form name to continue. Warning: No field mappings have been defined for Open and Close dialog states. When creating or modifying an Open Window action, you did not specify a set of field/value mappings. BMC Remedy Administrator lets you save the action, but the action does not function properly. Create a set of field/value mappings to continue. Assign line error at position number. While parsing a qualification line in the Open Window action, an error occurred. This message contains information about the position of the error in the line. You will lose your existing guideName assignments by changing the form. Do you want to continue? When modifying an active link or filter guide, you changed which form controls the active links. Active links and filters can be attached to multiple forms. This change might create unanticipated results in your guide. To continue, verify which form or forms you want to control the active links in your guide.
2777 Error
Error in export! Export aborted. An error occurred while the system tried to export mail templates. To continue, make sure that all fields requiring a value are visible in the default administrator view of the form and that the Allow Any User To Submit check box is selected before you attempt the export operation. Error: No guide selected for CallGuide action. When creating or modifying a Call Guide action, you did not select a guide. Select a guide to continue. Error: Addition of guide guideName addition to tree failed. An error occurred when the system tried to add a complete list of guides to the tree. Verify that the guides exist and try repeating the creation of the Call Guide action to continue.
Error: No Active Link specified for guide to go to. When creating or modifying a Go To Guide Label action, you did not enter a guide label. Enter a guide label to continue. The Default value has a bad value. When creating a decimal field, you specified an illegal default value. To continue, create a default value within the minimum and maximum ranges. Error getting field list on form formName. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of fields connected to this form on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. Failed to analyze field fieldName in form formName. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find this field connected to this form on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. Failed to analyze escalation escalationName in form formName. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of escalations connected to this form on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. Failed to analyze filter filterName in form formName. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of filters connected to this form on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. Error opening file fileName. When attempting to save a report of results from BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer, you were unable to open a new file. Make sure that you are using a .txt format for the file and that you have write access to this directory path. Could not detect image type of imageType. There was an error because the image you tried to save to a file is not from the following types: .jpg .jpeg .bmp .dib You can use only these formats, and you can save only to a file of the same image type.
2784 Error
2785 Error
2786 Error
2787 Error
2788 Error
2789 Error
Errors were found. Please check the tab order to make sure that all shared fields are in the same order relative to each other. This error occurs only with multiple native views of a form in which you are creating the tab order. When you create a tab order for shared fields across pages in a page holder, make sure that the tab order is the same for each view of the form.
2791 Error
Unable to open file. When you tested the Help file or saved it to disk, an error occurred. To continue, verify that you have the necessary permissions to access the file.
2793 Error
Error getting application list. BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer could not find a list of applications on the server. Possible problems might be a memory allocation error, or AR System server might have stopped running. After you verify that you have enough memory resources and that the server is running, rerun BMC Remedy Administrator analyzer. User userName does not have admin or subadmin privileges on server serverName. Connecting as a guest user. There was a failure during login because AR System did not recognize this user name as a valid administrator or subadministrator. You can continue as a guest user, or enter a different login name.
2794 Error
2795 Warning
Some Fields could not be saved in this form. The server failed to save some of the fields you tried to add to or modify on this form. Nevertheless, the form was created on the AR System server, along with other modified fields. This problem might be connected to the inability of your underlying RDBMS to create these fields. Failed to load serverObject for form formName from server serverName. During the login process, the server failed to load the different AR System objects connected to this form when you were viewing objects by workspace or by form. Verify in BMC Remedy Administrator if you can view all forms and all objects. Failed to get related items. Export file will not be generated. When an object was exported, its related items were not loaded. The export operation fails. Verify in BMC Remedy Administrator whether objects are related, for example, whether an active link is connected to a form, and so on. Unable to refresh field detail for field fieldName in form formName on server serverName. Any further operation on this form can cause unpredictable behavior. BMC Remedy Administrator issued an API call to refresh the fields on this form, but the call failed because of instability in the client tool. To handle this problem, close both the form and the BMC Remedy Administrator client. Then restart BMC Remedy Administrator and open the form. If this does not work, you might need to reboot your system.
2796 Warning
2797 Error
2805 Error
2807 Error
Error: The Active Link activeLinkName could not find the View viewName in Form formName. The View will return to default. When you created an Open Window action, the Form View you selected was not found on the AR System server. Accordingly, the view used in the action is the default administrator view. Open the form in BMC Remedy Administrator and choose Form > Select a View to verify that the view you want to use exists.
2808 Error
Please select a Source Control Provider. You did not select a source control application before you clicked OK in the Source Control tab. To enable source control integration with AR System, first select a provider from the Provider Name drop-down list, and then click OK.
2809 Error
Please select a Source Control Project. You did not select a source control project before you clicked OK in the Source Control tab. To enable source control integration with AR System, first click the Browse button to select a project and location from the Project Name drop-down list, and then click OK.
2810 Error
Object already exists in Source Control. You tried to create an object that has the same name as an object that already exists in the source control system. Use a different name. Otherwise, you overwrite the old object with a new one.
Error getting definition file for object. You tried to import the object definitions from source control, but the operation failed. Object does not exist in Source Control. You tried to perform an operation on an object that was not first added to the source control system. Add the object to the source control project. Are you sure you want to remove the selected objects from Source Control, as you will lose history data along with them? When you remove an object from source control, you lose the ability to track the history of any changes made to the object. However, you are not deleting an object from AR System server. Click OK to continue.
Object is checked out by userName. You tried to check out an object that is checked out by another user. Contact the other user if possible to resolve any administrative issues. Error writing Registry values. You tried to retrieve user information from source control, but the properties could not be displayed in the User Info dialog box. You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object because it does not exist in Source Control. In Enforced mode, you tried to modify an object that does not exist in the source control database. First check the object in to source control.
2817 Error
You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object because it is already checked out to another user. In Enforced mode, only one user at a time can check out an object. Contact the other user if possible to resolve any administrative issues.
2818 Error
You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object because you did not check it out first. If conflicts occur when two users are trying to check out an object at the same time that is in Enforced mode, the user who checked it out first is its owner. Contact the other user if possible to resolve any administrative issues.
2819 Error
You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object. The server is configured for Source Control but you have not integrated it on your client. You tried to modify an object under source control in Enforced mode on the AR System server. However, you do not have a source control client installed, or you did not properly configure it with your BMC Remedy Administrator client. Make sure that you properly installed the source control client software, and then configure it in the Source Control tab in the AR System Administration: Server Information form. You can then modify objects under source control. For more information about source control, see the Integration Guide.
2820 Error
You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Your Integration is not initialized, so modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone elses work. You tried to perform a source control action, but your BMC Remedy Administrator client is not properly initialized with the source control system. Configure your system to have the proper source control integration with AR System. Otherwise, you run the risk of conflicting with another users work.
2821 Error
You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone elses work because it does not exist in Source Control. You tried to modify an object under source control in Advisory mode on AR System server. In Advisory mode, multiple users run the possible risk of accessing the same object at the same time. Be careful not to overwrite some other users changes.
2822 Error
You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone elses work because it is already checked out to another user. You tried to modify an object under source control in Advisory mode on AR System server. Because AR System integration detects that the object is checked out to another user, you run the almost certain risk of overwriting another users changes or introducing inconsistencies. If your development environment absolutely requires Advisory mode, contact the other user if possible before making any changes to resolve any conflicts.
2823 Error
You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone elses work because you did not check it out first. You tried to perform an operation on an object under source control in Advisory mode on AR System server. In Advisory mode, multiple users run the risk of accessing the same object at the same time. Check out the object before performing any further operations.
Please enter a definition file name. When importing from source control into a file, you did not enter a file name before you clicked OK. Enter a file name to continue. Please relogin to this server for the changes made to Source Control Integration to take effect. After you make any changes in your source control provider, project, and other configuration settings in the AR System Administration: Server Information form, you must log in to BMC Remedy Administrator again. Then you can start using source control integration with the AR System server. Source Control operations can not be performed on Groups. You tried to perform a source control operation on a group, for example, checking a group name in to source control. This functionality is disallowed with AR System integration. Source Control operations can not be performed on Distributed Mappings. You tried to perform a source control operation on a distributed mapping, for example, checking a mapping in to source control. This functionality is disallowed with AR System integration. Error opening Source Control project. You tried to open a source control project but were unable to. To continue, verify that you have access to the project, for example, by opening it in the source control client. You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot import this object because it is already checked out to another user. You tried to perform an import operation on an object checked out to another user. Contact the other user if possible to resolve any administrative issues.
2830 Error
Error updating Source Control database. The operation to AR System server was successful but the update to the source control database failed. Verify that the source control database is running, and then retry the update operation to continue. Error getting file from Source Control database. There was a failure to retrieve a definition file from source control. Verify that you have access to the file, for example, by opening it in the source control client, to continue.
2831 Error
The object you are importing has been checked out to someone else. Import to server anyway? If the object is checked out to another user, that object is skipped and the import process continues. Import the object to the server later. Error importing some objects. During an import operation from source control, there was a failure importing some of the objects because the server name alias could not be resolved and show the server name. The operation is only partially successful. You also see this error message if you import server objects from a .def file and a server name alias exists that cannot be resolved in either of the following places: Server Name Alias field in the Platform tab in the AR System Administration: Server Information form Server-Name: in the ar.cfg/ar.conf file. To continue, verify that you have access to the objects in the source control database, for example, by trying to access them in the source control client, to continue. If you are successful, log back in to BMC Remedy Administrator, and retry the import operation. If you are using a server name alias, verify that it is valid.
Object is not checked out. You tried to manipulate an object (for example, checking it in to the source control project) that was not first checked out. Check out the object from source control to continue. Do you wish to continue? During a bulk update to the source control database, an error occurred, preventing you from modifying the selected objects. Make sure that you properly installed the source control client software, and then configure it in the Source Control tab in the AR System Administration: Server Information form. You can then modify objects under source control. For a detailed discussion on source control issues, see the Integration Guide and the Configuration Guide. You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify the selected objects. The server is configured for Source Control but you have not integrated it on your client. You tried to modify objects that are under source control in Enforced mode on AR System server. However, you do not have a source control client installed or you did not configure it properly with your BMC Remedy Administrator client. Make sure that you properly installed the source control client software, and then configure it in the Source Control tab in the AR System Administration: Server Information form. You can then modify objects under source control. For a detailed discussion on source control issues, see the Integration Guide and the Configuration Guide.
2836 Error
2839 Error
Min value should be less than Max value. When configuring the number of server threads in the Server Ports and Queue tab in the Server Information dialog box, you tried to make the number of Min threads exceed the Max number. Make sure that the number of Min threads is less than the number of Max threads. Min and Max value should be greater than 0. When configuring the number of server threads in the Server Ports and Queue tab in the Server Information dialog box, you tried to set the number of Min and Max threads to zero. Perform one of the following tasks: Make sure that the number of Min and Max threads is greater than zero. Ask yourself whether this type of server thread is necessary in your operation.
2840 Error
2842 Error
The Form name has not changed. Please specify a new name. You tried to save a form under source code control. To continue, change the name of the form.
2843 Error
The specified file does not exist. Do you want to create it? You tried to retrieve an object from a source control database that does not exist on the AR System server. Click Yes to create the object. The object is added to source control. You can then manipulate the object as needed. Error creating the file. When retrieving the latest version of the file from source control, there was an error in creating the file on AR System server or in the location you specified. To continue, verify that the object exists in the source control database, and that both AR System server and the source control database are running. Also, if you are copying the file to a location, check your permissions. The specified file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? You tried to retrieve the latest version of the file from the source control database, but the file already exists either on AR System server or in the location you specified. Click Yes to overwrite the existing file with the latest version from source control. Invalid refresh state returned. You tried to refresh the status of an object from the source control database, but an invalid status was returned. Verify that the objects exist in the source control database, and that both AR System server and the source control database are running.
2844 Error
2845 Error
2846 Error
Failed to load serverObjects from server serverName. During the login process, there was a failure to load the server objects that the user is permitted to see. To continue, verify that the server is running. Also, verify the users access control settings. The number of rows exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 230. In the Display tab of the Field Properties window, you tried to set the rows displayed in a form to a number larger than 230. Enter a number equal to or less than 230. Please enter a comment. Developer comments are required for this operation. Source control is configured in the Server Info window to require comments when objects are checked into or checked out of the source control project. Add the required comment, or change the configuration settings.
2850 Error
No matches found in the database for the given query. When the system searched the Search Objects window for an object, no results were returned. Objects might have been deleted or the names modified. Deleted objects do not appear even if the database is not synchronized. Please select a source code control provider. You did not select a source control application before you clicked OK in the Source Control tab. To enable source control integration with AR System, first select a provider from the Provider Name drop-down list, and then click OK. Duplicate distributed pool name. When trying to create and name a Distributed Pool object, you used the name of an object that already exists. Use a different name or rename the original object. Source Control operations cannot be performed on Distributed Pools. You tried to perform a source control operation on a distributed pool, for example, checking a distributed pool in to source control. This functionality is disallowed with AR System integration. Missing target location text. When creating or modifying an Open Window action, you did not specify a target location. Enter or select a target location to continue.
2851 Error
Error: No sample server has been selected. When using the Advanced functionality for an Open Window action, you did not specify a sample server name. Enter a sample server to continue. Error: No sample form has been selected. When using the Advanced functionality for an Open Window action, you did not specify a sample form name. Enter a sample form to continue. Error: No view has been selected. When creating or modifying an Open Window action, you did not specify a form view. Enter or select a form view to continue. Some items failed to import. During an import operation from source control, there was a failure importing some of the objects. The operation is only partially successful. To continue, verify that you have access to the objects in the source control database, for example, by trying to access them in the source control client. If you are successful, log back in to BMC Remedy Administrator, and retry the import operation. Warning: No field mappings have been defined. When creating or modifying an Open Window action, you did not specify a set of field/value mappings. BMC Remedy Administrator lets you save the action, but the action does not function properly. Create a set of field/value mappings to continue. File already exists in the current directory. When creating an application object, you cannot add a support file to your application that already exists in the current directory. Cannot delete root element. When creating an application object, you cannot delete or change the name of the Resources Directory Structure level under the Support Files tab. Please select an item before creating the directory. When creating an application object, you cannot create a directory before selecting a support file. If you do not add support files to the new directory, the directory is removed from the directory structure the next time you open the application object. Cannot add file. Directory depth exceeds the maximum allowed limit. When creating an application object, you cannot add more than 255 support files to the current directory. Could not create the directory. The Create Directory function failed while deploying an application or a form. This error can error because of one of several reasons, such as no disk space, duplicate directory name, or invalid directory name. This version of the Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative or visit This version of the BMC Remedy AR System has a maximum limit of 2000 requests per database table, includes a maximum of three fixed licenses, and is configured for each client to access a maximum of one server. To obtain a version of BMC Remedy AR System without these limitations, contact your BMC sales representative, an authorized reseller, or visit
2868 Error
2877 Note
2878 Error
Alias values must be unique. When adding localized text in the Alias Value field, you need to specify a unique alias value.
Modifying Packing List may result in loss of data. Your changes to this packing list in your role as a subadministrator might result in loss of data. To continue, contact your AR System administrator for assistance in modifying this packing list. Web view is created but not initialized! Please initialize the web view by opening and saving the web view. When you were saving the application to disk in BMC Remedy Administrator, you did not first save the contents of the web view to the server.
2881 Error
Error in converting to Open Window action. AR System could not convert the existing macro functionality to its equivalent 5.x (or later) Open Window action. Your pre-5.x workflow still functions. However, as a workaround, you can manually create an Open Window action as a substitute for your BMC Remedy User macro used in workflow. Error in converting to Run Process (Preferences) action. AR System could not convert the existing macro command preferences (found in the Desktop preferences) to its equivalent 5.x (or later) Run Process action. Your pre-5.x workflow still functions. However, as a workaround, you can manually create an Run Process action as a substitute for your BMC Remedy User macro used in workflow. Error in converting a macro command. AR System could not convert a keyword used in a macro command to its equivalent 5.x (or later) workflow action. Your pre-5.x workflow still functions. However, as a workaround, you can manually create a workflow action as a substitute for your BMC Remedy User macro used in workflow. Error in converting to Run Process action. AR System could not convert the existing macro functionality to its equivalent 5.x (or later) Run Process action. Your pre-5.x workflow still functions. However, as a workaround, you can manually create a Run Process action as a substitute for your BMC Remedy User macro used in workflow. Error in converting modify to Push Fields action. AR System could not convert the existing macro functionality to its equivalent 5.x (or later) Push Fields action. Your pre-5.x workflow still functions. However, as a workaround, you can manually create a Push Fields action as a substitute for your BMC Remedy User macro used in workflow. Number of resultant actions exceeded the maximum; the active link will not be saved. To enable successful conversion, please decompose the active link into multiple active links and try again. AR System could not convert the existing macro functionality to a new set of active link actions. The maximum number of new actions that can be created is 25. To use the 5.x (or later) macro conversion tool, divide the old active link functionality into multiple active links, and then retry the macro conversion. Otherwise, you could create new active links that use the 5.x (or later) workflow functionality.
2882 Error
2883 Error
2884 Error
2885 Error
2886 Error
2887 Error
New Action cannot be inserted. AR System could not convert an existing macro to a new active link action. Your pre-5.x workflow still functions. As a workaround, create a new active link that uses the 5.x (or later) workflow functionality. Succeeded. AR System was successful in converting the existing macro functionality to a new set of active link actions.
2888 Error
2889 Error
Server is referred by a keyword or field ID. Server name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. AR System could not convert a macro that contained the $Server$ keyword to an equivalent qualification used by the 5.x (or later) workflow actions. Your pre-5.x workflow still functions. As a workaround, create a new active link that uses the 5.x (or later) workflow functionality.
2890 Error
Could not connect to QBE referred server. Server name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. AR System could not convert the macro to an equivalent qualification used by the 5.x (or later) workflow actions, because the qualification used in the macro used a server that could not be found. This problem might also affect your pre-5.x workflow. As a workaround, create a new active link that uses the 5.x (or later) workflow functionality.
2891 Error
Could not load the form specified by QBE. Form name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. AR System could not convert the macro to an equivalent qualification used by the 5.x (or later) workflow actions, because the qualification used in the macro used a form that could not found and loaded. This problem might also affect your pre-5.x workflow. As a workaround, create a new active link that uses the 5.x (or later) workflow functionality.
2892 Error
Failed to convert QBE into equivalent qualifier structure. AR System could not convert the macro to an equivalent qualification used by the 5.x (or later) workflow actions. As a workaround, create a new active link that uses the 5.x (or later) workflow functionality. At least one macro command is not supported. AR System could not convert the macro to an equivalent 5.x (or later) workflow action, because one of the macro action is not supported. As a workaround, create a new active link that uses the 5.x (or later) workflow functionality. Conversion Complete. AR System was 100% successful in converting the existing macro functionality into a new set of active link actions. Alias should start with an English alphabet. Your web alias started with a characters that was not alphanumeric. Begin your alias with alphanumeric characters only. Alias must contain alphanumeric characters only. Your web alias contained characters that were not alphanumeric. Use only alphanumeric characters in your alias. There is already another view with the same alias, platform, and locale combination. In the View Properties window, you tried to create more than one view with the same web alias, platform, and locale. Only one view per form is allowed this unique set of features.
2894 Error
2899 Error
You must first specify a server. In the Password Administration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form, you tried to enter a port, password, or RPC program number before you entered a server. To continue, enter a server name first. No key field specified. Please specify a key field for this form. When creating a View form, you did not specify a unique table column to be used as the key field. This key field functions as the equivalent to the Request ID field in a regular AR System form. To continue, select a unique table column to be used as the key field.
2901 Error
2902 Error
No table name specified. Please specify a table name for this form. When creating a Vendor or View form, you did not select a database table name. This database table provides the external data used in the creation of an AR System form. To continue, select and load a table name. No vendor name specified. Please specify a vendor name for this form. When creating a Vendor form, you did not specify the names of database tables associated with the vendor. These database tables are connected to data sources exposed by an ARDBC plug-in. To continue, select a vendor name. Please enter field type. When creating or saving a Data Dictionary menu type, you did not specify a field type under Field Details. Specify a field type to continue. Please select object type. When creating or saving a Data Dictionary menu type, you did not select an object type. Specify an object type to continue. Please specify web alias. You tried to create view properties without entering a web alias. Without a web alias, you cannot deploy a form to the web. To continue, enter a web alias. Some web views do not have WebAlias property. This may result in invalid .jsp file names after deployment. You tried to create a web view without a web alias. Without a web alias for a forms web view, you cannot deploy the form to the web. To continue, enter a web alias.
2903 Error
2911 Warning
Form and some web views do not have WebAlias property. This may result in invalid .jsp file names after deployment. You tried to perform a save operation on a form without first creating a web alias. Without a web alias for a forms web view, you cannot deploy the form to the web. To continue, enter a web alias.
2913 Error
Please install Internet Explorer 5.5 or later version to proceed further. You have attempted an action which requires this component. The web view of your form cannot be opened because it requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later). You might also see this error message when performing a command-line bulk conversion of the form layouts.
The selected extensions will be deleted. You are about to delete one or more custom server objects (for example, a Flashboards server object). Click Yes to continue the delete operation. You cannot create the following core fields in view or vendor forms. You tried to create a Status History field (a character field with a field ID of 15) in a view or vendor form. However, the Status History field is the only system-generated core field not allowed in the view or vendor forms. Directory directoryName creation failed. There was a failure to create a directory when making a link, for example, to the folder where an external image is stored. Verify that you have access to the file (for example, in the Explore window) to continue. The file fileName does not exist. There was a failure to access a file when making a link, for example, to where an external image is stored. Verify that you have access to the file (for example, in the Explore window) to continue.
2916 Error
2917 Error
2918 Error
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later cannot be found. Portions of the BMC Remedy Administrator will not be available until it is installed. You do not have access to important functionality in BMC Remedy Administrator because Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) is required for application initialization. To continue, install Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) on your system.
2919 Warning
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later cannot be found. This functionality will not be available until it is installed. You do not have access to certain view functionality because Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) is not installed on your system. To continue, install Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later).
Form must have web alias to generate valid .jsp file name for its web views. You tried to create a web view of a form without supplying a web alias. To continue, create a web alias. Administrator operations are disabled for this server. Cannot create new objects. In the Configuration tab on the AR System Administration: Server Information form, the AR System administrator configured this server to disable admin operations. No new objects can be created. To continue, reset the configuration settings. Active link could not be converted successfully. Original Active Link is restored. When the Macro Conversion utility was used, a failure converting the macro into its equivalent active link functionality occurred. The conversion, however, tries to convert the other macros. To continue, repair the macro appropriately, for example, remove the unsupported commands (login-related macro commands) or repair the incorrect syntax in the commands, and retry the conversion process. For a workaround, see error message 2927. Error in saving active link. When the Macro Conversion utility was used, an error in saving the active link occurred. The conversion, however, tries to convert the other macros. To continue, repair the macro appropriately, for example, remove the unsupported commands (login-related macro commands) or repair the incorrect syntax in the commands, and retry the conversion process. For a workaround, see Error 2927. CCSSchema could not be loaded. When the Macro Conversion utility was used, an internal schema error occurred when the macro was converted into its equivalent active link functionality. For a workaround, see Error 2927. Field specified in assignment structure is missing in the schema. When the Macro Conversion utility was used, an internal error occurred when a string was transformed to its equivalent assignment structure (ARAssignStruct). For a workaround, see Error 2927. Value assigned to field cannot be converted to equivalent AR structure. When the Macro Conversion utility was used, an internal error occurred when a value was converted to its equivalent assignment structure (ARAssignStruct). For a workaround, see Error 2927.
2922 Error
2923 Error
2926 Error
2927 Error
The following description lists active links and indicates nature of failure or success under each RunMacro action. In case of failure, original active link will be restored. Users can see the FAQ for resolutions and try again. The following errors frequently occur when macros are converted to active links: An error indicating that the qualifier could not be loaded might indicate (1) that specified fields are not present or (2) that the field labels are referred to in the macro query but the conversion process expects the field database names. Verify that the conversion of the query string to a qualifier is correct. An error indicating that the QBE cannot be loaded might indicate that the schema is unavailable. See the following workaround. The server is referred to by a keyword or field ID, and should be available to process QBE queries. See the following workaround. An error indicating that the QBE query could not connect to the server. Workaround: The schema and server names are not available to queries and can be validated. The schema and server names are represented by $field-id$. These values can be replaced with specific values for conversion. After successful conversion, the administrator can see $fieldid$ by directly editing the Open Window action. When editing the Open Window action, the administrator must choose the Advanced option, allowing the schema and server names to be edited. Another error that occurs when macros are converted is that the query is converted but some field/value pairs that were present in the QBE part of the query are missing. Workaround: Verify that the fields are display fields. Because your query is on field values in database and display fields, the database does not contain any associated values. Display fields should not be in a QBE and are ignored during conversion.
Error in converting AR System Reports keyword. When you used the Macro Conversion utility, an internal error occurred when the AR System report command in the macro was converted. Error in finding reports end. When you used the Macro Conversion utility, an internal error occurred when the end of the AR System report in the macro was converted. Error in creating or opening of temporary AR System Report file. When you used the Macro Conversion utility, an internal error occurred when the temporary AR System Report file in the macro was created or opened. Field with ID IDNumber is not present in this form. Looks like a corrupt field. Would you like to delete this field? When an application was deployed, an error occurred during HTML file generation because of nonexistent fields in the web view of the form. This corruption might be due to the user hard coding a new field in the form. To continue, delete the field.
Source Control operations cannot be performed on Extension Objects. You tried to perform a source control operation on a custom server object (for example, a Flashboards server object). This functionality is disallowed with AR System integration. Cannot find server ARSystemServer. Possible server alias name problem. During import operation, the objects could not be imported because: The object iteration was not constructed properly. The server name alias embedded in the object could not be resolved properly. If you are using a server name alias, verify that it is valid.
2934 Error
Could not open file: fileName. When creating an application object, you cannot open the support file that you wanted to add to your application. To continue, verify your permissions and that the support file exists and is not corrupted. Error from Source Control ProviderInitialize failed. Source control applications return this error message. The source control engine failed. To continue, verify that you can start the source control executable independently of BMC Remedy Administrator. Error from Source Control ProviderUnknown project. Source control applications return this error message. The source control project could not be located. The project name is a local directory of .def files on your system. To continue, start the source control application and verify that the source control project exists on your system. Error from Source Control ProviderCould not create project. Source control applications return this error message. The source control project could not be created. To continue, verify your permissions. Also, verify that you have access to the project, for example, by opening it in the source control client. Error from Source Control ProviderNot checked out. Source control applications return this error message. You cannot modify an object under source control unless you check it out first. To continue, check out the object. Error from Source Control ProviderAlready checked out. Source control applications return this error message. You tried to perform a source control operation on an object checked out to another user. To continue, wait until the object is checked in. Error from Source Control ProviderFile is locked. You tried to perform a source control operation on a locked file. To continue, confirm whether some other user is accessing the file. Error from Source Control ProviderFile out exclusive. Source control applications return this error message. You tried to perform a source control operation on a file exclusively locked by another user. To continue, confirm whether some other user is accessing the file. Error from Source Control ProviderAccess failure. Source control applications return this error message. You failed to access a file in use by another user. Error from Source Control ProviderCheck in conflict. Source control applications return this error message. You failed to check the object in to source control because of a conflict between you and another user. To prevent this happening in the future, set the source control project in AR System server to Enforced mode. Error from Source Control ProviderFile already exists. Source control applications return this error message. You cannot add this file to source control because the file already exists. To continue, delete the file from the source control database first. (When removing the object from the source control database, you lose history data.) Error from Source Control ProviderFile not controlled. Source control applications return this error message. You failed to access a file because it is not under source control. To continue, add the file to the source control database.
2936 Error
2937 Error
2938 Error
2945 Error
2946 Error
2947 Error
Error from Source Control ProviderFile is checked out. Source control applications return this error message. You failed to check out this file because it is checked out to another user. Contact the other user if possible to resolve any administrative issues. Error from Source Control ProviderNo specified version. Source control applications return this error message. You failed to access this file because it contained no specific version history in the source control database. To continue, examine the version history of AR System objects under source control. Error from Source Control ProviderRequested operation not supported. Source control applications return this error message. You failed to access this file because this operation is not supported by your source control application. Error from Source Control ProviderNon-specific error. Source control applications return this error message. An unspecified error was returned in your source control provider that was not covered under any specific error conditions. Error from Source Control ProviderRequested operation not performed. Source control applications return this error message. You failed to access this file because this operation was not performed by your source control application. Error from Source Control ProviderType not supported. Source control applications return this error message. This file type is not supported under source control. Error from Source Control ProviderVerify merge. Source control applications return this error message. The file merge operation failed under source control. Error from Source Control ProviderFix merge. Source control applications return this error message. The file merge operation failed under source control. Use your source control application to repair the file merge. Error from Source Control ProviderShell Failure. Source control applications return this error message. An unspecified shell failure was displayed by the source control application. Error from Source Control ProviderInvalid user. Source control applications return this error message. You are not a recognized user in the source control database. Verify that an account was created for you and that you have permission to access the source control database. Error from Source Control ProviderProject already open. Source control applications return this error message. You tried to open a source control operation on an object that was already opened by you or another user. Error from Source Control ProviderProject syntax error. Source control applications return this error message. There was an unspecified project syntax error displayed by the source control application. Error from Source Control ProviderInvalid file path. Source control applications return this error message. You could not access files in your source control project because of an invalid file path. To continue, verify the correct file path. Error from Source Control ProviderProject not open. Source control applications return this error message. You tried to access a file from a source control project that was not open. To continue, open the project first.
2948 Error
2949 Error 2950 Error 2951 Error 2952 Error 2953 Error 2954 Error 2955 Error 2956 Error
2961 Error 2962 Error 2963 Error 2964 Error 2965 Error 2966 Error 2967 Error 2968 Error 2969 Error 2970 Error 2971 Error 2972 Error 2973 Error 2974 Error 2975 Error 2976 Error 2977 Error
Error from Source Control ProviderNot authorized. Source control applications return this error message. You tried an operation not authorized by your source control engine. Error from Source Control ProviderFile syntax error. Source control applications return this error message. There was an unspecified file syntax error displayed by the source control application. Error from Source Control ProviderFile does not exist. Source control applications return this error message. You tried to access a file that does not exist under source control. Error from Source Control ProviderConnection failure. Source control applications return this error message. There was a failure to connect to the source control application. Rename operation failed on the Source Control Provider. Source control applications return this error message. The rename operation failed. Format of date value is not recognized. The value of a time stamp was incorrectly converted for a date type field. Cannot create or modify a Currency Field without at least one selected Functional Currency. Please select at least one Functional Currency. You did not select a functional currency list. Incorrect precision. Please enter a single digit numeric precision. You did not define a single digit of numeric precision (for example, numbers 1 to 9) for the Currency Codes preferences. Incorrect currency code. Please enter a valid 3 digit Currency Code. You entered an invalid currency code in the Currency Codes preferences, or left the currency code field blank. Duplicate Operation Name. Please enter a unique name for operation. You created a duplicate operation name in the Operations List. All operation names must be unique. Duplicate Operation Name. The name will not be modified. You modified an operation name but the operation name is not unique. All operation names must be unique. One or both of the objects have already been mapped. Unmap and continue. You created a duplicate mapping. Form should be mapped before the fields. You tried to map the fields before you mapped the form. Mapping cannot be defined. Your mapping is invalid. Objects are not mapped. No objects are mapped. Objects selected do not have the same map. The web services mapping is not unique. Name should start with an English alphabet. The web services name does not use English alphanumeric characters.
Name must contain alpha numeric characters only. The web services name is empty. WebService Handler is using an insecure (http) protocol. If username and password are mapped, they will be sent in plain-text. The web service you are consuming is not secure. Any critical information (for example, passwords) are not properly encrypted.
Web service cannot be saved without any operations. You cannot create a web service that has no operations. Enter at least one operation in the operations list. This mapping object is corrupted. Please delete the current operation and continue. The mapping you created for the web service operation is corrupt. Delete this operation, and try creating a new one. The XML element selected has maxoccurs greater than 1. This mapping is not supported. A field cannot be mapped more than once. This mapping is not supported. In a multi-layered XML schema with a parent-child relationship, you cannot map a field in a web service object from one form to an XML element whose top-level form mapping is done with another form. Cannot create or modify a data field without specifying a corresponding DB column name. Please specify a valid DB column name. When creating a view form, you must link data fields to an underlying database column. Cannot create or modify a display-only field which has a valid DB column name. Please specify a valid entry mode. When creating a view form, you cannot link a display-only field to an underlying database column.
2992 Error 2993 Warning 2994 Error 2995 Error 2996 Error 2997 Error 2998 Error
The Database Name for a Flashboard field must not be NULL. When creating or modifying a Flashboard field, you cannot leave the Name field in the Database tab (in the Field Properties window) empty. Enter a name for the field. At least one choice is not mapped in the mapping object. All the choice nodes have to be mapped for the web service to work properly. You did not map any of the choice nodes in a XML schema. Primary key is mapped. The primary key should not be mapped. The primary key of the parent form was mapped. Primary key is not mapped. If field ID is not 1, the primary key should be mapped. A field other than the Request ID (1) is used as the primary key but not mapped to any element in the XML schema. Distinguishing key(s) is not mapped. Map and continue. The distinguishing key in a child form is not mapped. Foreign Key(s) is mapped. Unmap and continue. One or more of the fields selected as foreign keys in the child forms are mapped. Form mapping under a choice node or a complex element of type all is not supported. One or more of the immediate children under the choice/all node are mapped to a different form.
2999 Error
Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Character can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string, integer, nonPositiveInteger, negativeInteger, nonNegativeInteger, or positiveInteger. You tried to map incompatible data types. AR System Distributed Server terminated when a signal was received by the server. The server for the DSO process (arservdsd) was terminated by a signal. The number following this error denotes the signal that was received. If the signal is 15, restart the server, and continue to work. The process was stopped either accidently or intentionally by a user in your environment. If the signal is a number other than 15 or is one you sent directly to the process, contact Customer Support for assistance in determining the cause of the problem. The server most likely shut down due to a bug in the system.
3000 Note
AR System Distributed Server terminatedfatal error encountered. A fatal error occurred in arservdsd, and the process was shut down. An associated error message contains details. Entry pending transfer or update has been pending for longer than the specified retry timeout. A request pending transfer or update was in the pending state for longer than the Maximum Time to Retry interval, which is specified in the Modify Distributed Mappings form or overridden in the distributed fields on the actual request. If the request has a Transfer or Update Status distributed field, the field is updated to the status Time-out. The request is removed from the pending list, and the operation is not performed. Pending distributed operation canceled due to error. An error occurred while the system tried to transfer or update a request. If a Transfer or Update Status field is on the request, the field is updated to the status Canceled. An associated error message contains details. AR System Server is not currently availablewill retry connection. The AR System Distributed Server Option cannot connect to the AR System server. The connection attempt is retried periodically for several minutes. If repeated connection attempts fail, an associated error message is generated and no further attempts are made. AR System Server is now available. The AR System Distributed Server Option was previously unable to connect to the AR System server. A subsequent connection attempt succeeded. This scenario is possible when the Distributed Server Option is started before the AR System server is ready to accept connections.
3003 Note
3004 Note
3005 Note
3100 Error
The AR System is not licensed for the Distributed Server Option. A license for the DSO process is required to use the distributed functionality of the system. arservdsd cannot be run unless the system is licensed for it. Contact your distributor for information about obtaining a DSO process license. Error while opening the Distributed Server lock file. AR System DSO process (arservdsd) opens a lock file named ar.lck.390601 at startup. This file is used to prevent multiple copies of arservdsd from being started. An associated file system error message contains details. Fix the problem, and rerun the server.
3101 Error
3102 Error
Another copy of the Distributed Server is already running. A computer can run only one instance of the DSO process at a time. If another DSO process is running, no action is required. If another DSO process is not running, you probably encountered a known problem with the NFS lock manager on Sun workstationsthe lock manager sometimes keeps a lock running even when the process holding the lock is no longer running. If no arservdsd is running, delete the lock file to free the lock, and then restart arservdsd.
3103 Error
Malloc failed on Distributed Server. The system encountered an error during a call to allocate space. The failure occurred on the server in the DSO process. In general, this error occurs when too many processes are running or when certain processes occupy most or all available memory on your server. Recover the memory by shutting down unneeded processes or by restarting processes that have been running for a while. The server being accessed is not licensed for the Distributed Server Option. The arservtcd process might be on a target server that is not licensed to use the DSO process or on a version 2.0 or earlier target server that does not interact with arservdsd. No Distributed Mapping form could be found on the server. A Distributed Mapping form is required for the system to support distributed operations. No form containing all the special reserved fields indicating it is a Distributed Mapping form could be found. Load the Distributed Mapping form, and define the appropriate mappings. Two forms contain all the reserved distributed mapping fieldsdelete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved distributed mapping fields. You must delete one form, or change it so that it is not considered a Distributed Mapping form (remove fields in the 200 to 220 range). The two forms are identified in an associated error message. No Distributed Pending form could be found on the server. A Distributed Pending form is required for the system to support distributed operations. No form containing all the special reserved fields indicating it is a Distributed Pending form could be found. Load the Distributed Pending form. Two forms contain all the reserved distributed pending fieldsdelete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved distributed pending fields. You must delete one form or change it so that it is not considered a Distributed Pending form (remove fields in the 250 to 260 range). The two forms are identified in an associated error message. From form in mapping definition is different from the source form in the attempted mapping. The form defined as the From form does not match the form that is the source of this transfer. Typically, this error occurs when a mapping specified in a transfer operation on the current server differs from the same mapping on the original server. From server in mapping definition is different from the source server in the attempted mapping. The server defined as the From server does not match the server that is the source of this transfer. Typically, this error occurs when a mapping specified in a transfer operation on the current server differs from the same mapping on the original server. To form in mapping definition is different from the target form in the attempted mapping. The form defined as the To form does not match the form that is the target of this transfer. Typically, this error occurs when a mapping specified in a transfer operation on the current server differs from the same mapping on the original server.
3108 Error
3109 Error
3110 Error
3111 Error
3112 Error
3113 Error
3114 Error
To server in mapping definition is different from the target server in the attempted mapping. The server defined as the To server does not match the server that is the target of this transfer. Typically, this error occurs when a mapping specified in a transfer operation on the current server differs from the same mapping on the original server. Unrecognized pending type. A pending request with the pending operation tag set to an unrecognized value was found. This error should occur only if you manually added requests to the Distributed Pending form, which is a system form that should not be manually manipulated. If you made no manual requests to the Distributed Pending form and encounter this error, contact Customer Support. Only the master copy of an entry can be transferred. You can only transfer the master instance of a request. The system tried to transfer the specified request, but the Master Flag field on the request is set to No. Update unsuccessfulFrom Form or From Server field has no value. The From Form and From Server fields contain information about the previous copy of this request (from where the request was transferred). If the Master Flag is set to Yes, the system expects a value in the From Form and the From Server fields. If you used the ardist program to manually change the Master Flag value, you must make sure that there are also values assigned for the From Form and the From Server fields (you can also change these by using ardist). Failure during an attempt to perform a distributed command. arserverd received a request to record a distributed command or encountered a situation in which it tried automatically to record a distributed command, and a failure occurred during recording. Thus, the distributed command was not performed. The attempted command is displayed in this message. An associated message contains details. A specific mapping was specified on the entry and is currently disabled. A transfer was attempted with mapping defined in the To Mapping (or From Mapping for an update) field. The specified mapping is disabled, so the transfer or update cannot be performed. The distributed operation being attempted expected additional information which is not present. The Distributed Delete operation requires information about the item being deleted. This information is stored with the pending operation. If you encounter this message, the required additional data is missing. Without this data, the operation cannot be performed. This error should occur only if you manually added requests to the Distributed Pending form, which is a system form that should not be manipulated manually. If you made no manual requests to the Distributed Pending form and you encounter this error, contact Customer Support. Specified Create New as the action if duplicate entry IDs are encountered during transfer target form is missing the required From Entry ID field. You tried to transfer a request to the target form with ownership transferred to the new request, thus creating a new request due to ID conflict. However, the target form does not have a From Request ID field, which is required for this action. The From Request ID field provides a place to store the original ID of the request so the original can be updated when the copy changes. If you must retain ownership on the original, pass the request as data only.
3115 Error
3118 Error
3121 Error
3122 Error
Cannot specify a distributed operation during a Delete of an entrythe delete of the entry and the distributed operation canceled. A filter invoked a distributed process (Distributed-Transfer, Distributed-Update, DistributedReturn) during the deletion of a request. If a delete operation is in progress, the distributed process waits for the operation to be completed. When a distributed process begins, the error is createdbecause the request against which the distributed process is run no longer exists. Remove or disable the filter attempting the distributed operation, or reset the filter so it does not execute on a delete operation.
3123 Error
Must map the Entry ID field to the target Entry ID field, or the From Entry ID field must be present on the target form. You tried a distributed transfer operation to another form by using a custom mapping with a transfer mode of Data + Ownership, and one of these conditions exists: You did not map the Request ID field of the source form to the Request ID field of the target form. You did not map the Request ID field on the source form to a From Request ID field on the target form. You must map the Request ID field on the source form to one of these fields on the target form. Fix the mapping, and retry the transfer.
3124 Error
Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain Master Flag field. You tried a distributed transfer operation by using mapping to another form with a transfer mode of Data + Ownership, and the target form does not contain a Master Flag field. The target form (identified in the error) must contain a Master Flag field if ownership is being transferred. Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain From Form field. You tried a distributed transfer operation by using a mapping to another form with a transfer mode of Data + Ownership, and the target form does not contain a From Form field. The target form (identified in the error) must contain a From Form field if ownership is being transferred. Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain From Server field. You tried a distributed transfer operation using a mapping to another form with transfer mode of Data + Ownership, and the target form does not contain a From Server field. The target form (identified in the error) must contain a From Server field if ownership is being transferred. Transfer with ownership requires that source form contain Master Flag field. A distributed transfer operation was attempted that included a mapping to another form with a Data + Ownership transfer. The source form does not contain a Master Flag field. The source form (identified in the error) must contain a Master Flag field if ownership is being transferred. Two forms contain all the reserved distributed pool fieldsdelete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved distributed pool fields. You must delete one form. The two forms are identified in an associated error message. No Distributed Pool form could be found on the server. A Distributed Pool form is required for the system to support distributed operations. No form containing all the special reserved fields indicating it is a Distributed Pool form could be found. No Pending Errors form could be found on the server. A Distributed Pending Errors form is required for the system to log pending errors to that form. No form containing all the special reserved fields indicating it is a Distributed Pending Errors form could be found. Two forms contain all the reserved distributed pending errors fields -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved distributed pending errors fields. You must delete one form or change it so that it is not considered a Distributed Pending Errors form. The two forms are identified in an associated error message. Illegal value specified for -m optionlegal values are 0 (not master) and 1 (master). The value specified for the -m argument was not 0 (not master) or 1 (master), as required. The field is a selection field and requires a numeric value. The value specified was either a character or an integer other than 0 or 1. Reissue the command, and specify a legal value for this argument. Must specify the -e {entryID} option. You must specify the -e argument to denote the ID of the request (entry) to be modified.
3125 Error
3126 Error
3127 Error
3131 Error
3194 Error
3195 Error
Must specify the -s {form} option. You must specify the -s argument to denote the name of the form to be modified. Must specify the -x {server} option. You must specify the -x argument to denote the name of the AR System server containing the form to be modified. A value is expected for the command line option. You included an argument with no specific value on the ardist command line. Reissue the command with values assigned to all arguments. Unrecognized command line option. The specified command-line argument is not recognized by ardist. See the Distributed Server Option Guide for more information about valid command line arguments. ardist cannot execute with invalid arguments specified. No Alert Events form could be found on the server. The server could not locate a form containing the reserved alert events field. Two forms contain all the reserved alert event fields -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved alert events fields. You must delete one form. The two forms are identified in an associated error message. Problem encountered during creation of the Alert Events form. The server could not successfully import the Alert Events form at startup. An associated error message contains details. Must be AR_NOTIFIER user to perform this operation. The server does not allow the removal of the Alert Events form or its reserved fields. Error occurred attempting to communicate with alert client. A sockets error occurred while the system tried to establish communication with an alert client. Turn on alert logging to view a trace of the communication activity. Timeout occurred attempting to communicate with alert client. An attempted communication with an alert client did not succeed within the configured time period. Turn on alert logging to view a trace of the communication activity. Failed to load the alert cleanup escalation. The server could not successfully import the CleanupAlertEvents escalation at startup. An associated error message contains details. Invalid alert message format. A failure occurred while the system tried to decode an alert message sent from the server to an alert client, indicating a data transmission error. Address in use error occurred attempting to communicate with alert client. When attempting to send an alert to a client, the AR System server encountered a socket address that the system was still using. This can occur on a system that is not releasing address/port combinations in a timely manner. Turn on alert logging for more information about the server actions taken. Error occurred prior to connection attempt with alert client. There was an error while trying to establish the connection with the BMC Remedy Alert client. The most common reason for this error is a network connectivity issue. Re-try the operation.
3300 Error 3301 Error 3302 Error 3303 Error 3314 Error 3315 Error 3316 Error 3317 Error 3318 Error
3319 Error
3320 Error
Two forms contain all the reserved server group fields -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved server group fields, which qualifies both forms as the AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form. You must delete one form. The two forms are identified in an associated error message. No server group operation ranking form could be found on the server. An error occurred during the automatic creation of the AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form. Contact your AR System administrator. Unrecognized server group operation encountered in the ranking form. A server group operation was found that the AR System server does not recognize. Use only the supplied operation names. Problem encountered during creation of the server group operation ranking form. The AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form definition could not be imported. Check the server error log for the cause of the problem. This configuration setting is not allowed when the server is a member of a server group. The setting of the configuration item is not allowed because it conflicts with server group operation management. Do not set the configuration item while the server is a member of a server group. Failed to send a server group related signal to another server. The AR System could not successfully run a signaling process. Make sure the arsignal utility program is present in the AR System directory. Unable to find a server group entry for this server. An error occurred during the creation of a server group entry in a data dictionary table. Contact your AR System administrator. The specified check interval is below the minimum value of 30 seconds and has been set to 30. A value of less than 30 seconds was specified for the check interval. You cannot set the check interval to a value of less than 30 seconds. Failed to start a server group related agent process. Unable to launch an agent process to communicate with an external program. Make sure that the specified program is present in the AR System server's directory, or, if the operation is not appropriate in the current environment, remove the ranking entry for the corresponding operation from the AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form. It might take two restarts of the server to prevent the error from being reported when the operation is removed from the ranking form. A floating license specification was ignored because it requires a server group tag. The AR System server encountered a floating license definition that was ignored because a server running as a member of a server group accepts only licenses that have a server group tag. Replace the license definition with a license that has a server group tag. A floating license specification was ignored because it is not allowed to have a server group tag. The AR System server encountered a floating license definition that was ignored because an AR System server not running as a member of a server group accepts only licenses that do not have a server group tag. Replace the license definition with a license that does not have a server group tag. A floating license specification was ignored because differing server group tags were encountered The AR System server encountered a floating license definition that was ignored because an AR System server running as a member of a server group accepts only floating licenses that have the same server group tag. Make sure that all floating license definitions have the same server group tag. Error Messages Guide
3329 Error
3330 Error
3331 Error
3332 Warning
A value change is pending on the Server Group Member setting -- change will take effect the next time the server is started. The Server Group Member option was changed and the new value does not take effect immediately. The AR System server must be restarted for the setting to take effect.
Invalid or missing server group operation definition. An internal table containing server group operation definitions has an invalid entry or is missing an expected entry. Contact your AR System administrator. Invalid or missing server group license entry. An internal table containing server group license entries has an invalid entry or is missing an expected entry. Contact your AR System administrator. A value change is pending on the Check Interval setting -- change will take effect when all servers in the group are restarted. This is a warning that AR System must be restarted on all servers in the server group before a change in how often the server communicates with other servers in the group takes effect.
3336 Warning
Duplicate server group ranking value encountered in the ranking form -- ordering cannot be guaranteed. A duplicate server group operation ranking was encountered during loading of the ranking data. The name of the operation is supplied as appended text. The ordering of duplicate values is not guaranteed to be consistent, therefore you should change the ranking values to be unique.
3340 Error
Unable to start arsignald. Server group error indicating that the AR System server was unable to start the arsignald process. Arsignald is a small process, managed by the AR System server, that is used for communication between members of a server group. This error is typically caused by the executable file not being in the same directory as the AR System server executable (possibly as an installation error). Make sure that the arsignald executable is in the AR System server installation directory. If this does not resolve the problem, make sure the AR System server has permission to run the arsignald executable. Unable to create arsignald start up info. Indicates that the AR System server was unable to start the arsignald process because it was unable to allocate memory for the required start up information. Although this is not a fatal server error, it is unlikely that the server will successfully start up when memory cannot be allocated. Give the server more memory. Unable to write to arsignal daemon. Indicates that the AR System server was unable to issue a command to the arsignald process. This error is caused by a broken communication pipe between the AR System server and arsignald, possibly caused by arsignald being killed or crashing. The situation should be corrected automatically, because the AR System server attempts to restart arsignald if it detects a communications problem. Unable to locate Report form. The report plug-in could not locate a form containing the reserved Report form fields. Unable to get temporary file name for report definition file. A failure occurred while the system tried to get a temporary file name for a report definition. Unable to create temporary file for report definition file. A failure occurred while the system tried to create a temporary file for a report definition. Additional information contains the file name.
3341 Error
3342 Error
3353 Error
Illegal field encountered in the field list. The field list in a list retrieval contains fields that are not part of the report creation vendor forms list of reserved or core fields. Only fields that map to individual fields on the Report form are allowed. Illegal field encountered in the sort list. The sort list in a list retrieval contains fields that are not part of the report creation vendor forms list of reserved or core fields. Only fields that map to individual fields on the Report form are allowed. Illegal field encountered in the qualifier. The qualifier in a list retrieval contains fields that are not part of the report creation vendor forms list of reserved or core fields. Only fields that map to individual fields on the Report form are allowed. Invalid report definition encountered. While the system tried to transfer data from a formatted report definition to the fields on the report creation vendor form, an unexpected definition format prevented proper decoding. Inspect the contents of the report definition file for the entry. Required report field is missing. The field value list supplied to the report creation vendor form is missing a required field. Additional information contains the field number. Cannot connect to the directory service. The host name or port number for the directory service is incorrect, or authentication with the directory service failed. The specified LDAP URL is not formatted correctly. The LDAP search URL does not follow the standard format. The format is: ldap[s]://hostName[:portNumber]/ The LDAP operation has failed. The LDAP operation was unsuccessful, for example, because proper attribute names were not specified or the operation would violate access privileges enforced by the directory service. At least one field on the form must reference the Distinguished Name attribute At least one field on the form must reference the distinguished name attribute. Empty or NULL value encountered for the Distinguished Name attribute during a create operation. The field associated with the distinguished name attribute has no value. The distinguished name must have a value to create objects.
3354 Error
3355 Error
3356 Error
3357 Error 3375 Error 3376 Error 3377 Error 3378 Error 3379 Error
Unable to access server configuration file. The BMC Portal External Authentication plug-in could not access the AR System server's configuration file. Verify that the server's configuration file is present and accessible. External authentication endpoint URL not configured. The BMC Portal External Authentication plug-in could not locate an endpoint URL configuration item in the AR System server's configuration file. Verify that a line with the Ext-Auth-EndpointURL label is in the configuration file. Unable to initialize web service interface. The BMC Portal External Authentication plug-in could not initialize a web service interface to perform authentication. See the supporting text for more information.
3402 Error
Unable to terminate web service interface. The BMC Portal External Authentication plug-in could not terminate a web service interface that was performing authentication. See the supporting text for more information. Please provide a name for the alarm. You tried to save an alarm for which you did not specify a name. You must provide a name to save an alarm. The variable associated with this alarm has been deleted. A variable should be associated for this alarm to work. You tried to open an alarm that references a variable that no longer exists. You must create a new variable for this alarm.
There are no variables in this server. Please create a variable before creating an alarm. You tried to create an alarm before you created any variables on the server. Please select a variable. An alarm cannot be saved without selecting a variable. You tried to save an alarm for which you did not select a variable. You must create a variable before you save the alarm. You must enter a user name and message. Please enter them. You tried to save an alarm, but in the Notify Properties area of the Configure Alarm tab, you selected a notify mechanism value other than None and you did not specify a user name and message. Provide a name for the data source. You tried to save a data source without specifying a name. You must add at least one variable to save a data source. You tried to save a data source that does not contain any variables. Group access is not defined -- only the administrator has access to this data source. You tried to save a data source without assigning public permissions to it. Please provide a name for the flashboard. You tried to save a flashboard without specifying a name. You must associate a data source name with the flashboard. Select one from Configuration tab. You tried to save a flashboard without first associating a data source with it. The data source you selected does not contain any variables. Select a data source with variables. You tried to save a flashboard that references a data source that has no variables. No data source has been defined. At least one data source is required to define a valid flashboard. You opened or created a flashboard without a data source. End Date and Time should be greater than Start Date and Time. You tried to save a flashboard that references a variable with collection interval end date and times that are greater than its start date and time. One of more variables have been deleted from the selected datasource since this flashboard was saved. You opened a flashboard when the variable was deleted. Maximum custom range can not be less than the minimum custom range. You tried to save a flashboard with a maximum custom Y-axis value less than the minimum custom Y-axis value.
3506 Error 3507 Error 3508 Error 3509 Error 3510 Error 3511 Error 3512 Error 3513 Error 3514 Error 3515 Error
You cannot select the start time greater than/same as end time. While working with a variable, you tried to change the data collection start time to be the same as or earlier than the end time. You will have only one data collection in the specified interval. While working with a variable, you specified data collection start and end times such that the data collection interval can only contain one data collection. For example, if you specified hourly collection, but set start and end times only one hour apart, you could only have one data collection for that interval and start/end time combination. You cannot select the end time less than/same as start time. While working with a variable, you tried to change the data collection end time to be the same as or later than the start time. Please select form before proceeding. You tried to save a variable without specifying a form name. Please provide a name for the Variable. You tried to save a variable without providing a name. You must type an expression for this operation. You tried to save a variable for which you specified an operation other than Count and an empty expression. Invalid schedule interval. The schedule interval is invalid, such as when you try to save a variable with an invalid schedule. Pie charts cannot be selected for History/Summary display type. You tried to select a pie chart for a History/Summary display. Pie charts are valid only for realtime data. Group access is not definedonly the administrator has access to this Flashboard. You did not add permissions to the flashboard. To make sure that users can see the flashboard, add the appropriate permissions. Group access is not definedonly the administrator has access to this Variable. You did not add permissions to the variable. To make sure that users can use the variable, add the appropriate permissions. Internal error. A system error occurred. Contact your AR System administrator. Flashboard flashboard not found on server ARSystemServer. The flashboard was never created, was renamed, or was deleted. Re-create the flashboard. No forms found containing Flashboards field ID: fieldID Make sure that the form contains the correct fields. Multiple forms contain Flashboards field ID: fieldID Do not modify the Flashboards forms. If you modified the forms, you have the same field IDs in multiple forms. Work only with the forms provided. No forms found with the name: formName Check the name of the form and rename the form, if necessary. Invalid Flashboard Data Source: Statistic and History Variables should not be mixed together. Check the data source type and modify, if necessary.
3518 Error 3519 Error 3520 Error 3521 Error 3522 Error 3523 Error 3524 Error 3525 Error 3600 Error 3601 Error 3602 Error 3603 Error 3604 Error 3605 Error
Invalid Flashboard type. The type of flashboard is invalid for the action. For example, you might have tried to use an active link to change a line chart to a stack chart. Enter the correct flashboard type. The following parameter(s) needed to display the chart are missing: parameters. You may need to relogin to view the chart. The required parameters might be missing from the flashboard definition. Check the flashboard definition.
3608 Error
You have exceeded the allowed usage of Flashboards. Please obtain a license if you wish to continue using Flashboards. Review the license information in the BMC Remedy Flashboards Guide to make sure that you purchased a license, or contact Customer Support.
3609 Error 3610 Error 3611 Error 3612 Error 3613 Error 3614 Error 3615 Error 3616 Error 3617 Error 3618 Error 3619 Error 3620 Error 3621 Error 3622 Error
Error encoding image: imageName. A system error occurred. Contact your AR System administrator. Error sending image: imageName. A system error occurred. Contact your AR System administrator. General exception creating Flashboard. Contact Customer Support with a copy of the log statements for the action. User has no access permission to Flashboards data source dataSource. Permissions problem. Contact your AR System administrator. There was no valid Datasource for this Flashboard. The data source is either not associated with the flashboards correctly or does not exist. Check the flashboard definition. There was no valid Variable for this Flashboard. The variable is either not associated with the flashboards correctly or does not exist. Check the flashboard definition or create a new variable. Invalid chart type, valid numbers for a chart are from 0 to 5. Specify a chart type from 0 to 5. Internal error. A system error occurred. Contact your AR System administrator. Internal error. Form meta data is invalid. A system error occurred. Contact your AR System administrator. No history data was found in the AR System server to display this Flashboard. No history data was collected in the FB:History form for this flashboard. History data can not be displayed on a pie chart. History data can be displayed in all chart types except pie charts. To display history data, specify a different chart type. No user-customizable parameters have been defined. User-customizable parameters have not been defined for the flashboard. See your AR System administrator. No summary data was found in the AR System server to display this Flashboard. No history summary data was collected in the FB:History Summary form for this flashboard. There is no data available to display this chart. The AR System form defined for this flashboard contains no data.
Summary data can not be displayed on a pie chart. History summary data can be displayed in all chart types except pie charts. To display history summary data, specify a different chart type. Cannot login to the AR System server. The flashboards mid tier system could not log in to the AR System server because the user does not have the required permissions, or the flashboards mid tier system could not connect with the AR System server. Contact your AR System administrator. Cannot display a graph that contains more than number data points. The number of data points to be plotted on the flashboard exceeds the limit. The default limit is 3000 data points. An AR System administrator can increase this limit by adding the following property to the file in the midTierInstallDir/WEB-INF/classes directory: flashboards.maxDataPoints An example property that increases the limit to 4000 is: flashboards.maxDataPoints=4000
3625 Error
4000 Note 4001 Note 4002 Note 4003 Note 4004 Note
Import completed successfully -- number records imported. This message appears after a successful Import operation. No errors occurred during import. Import of importFileName started. System reports that the Import operation started. This message is logged only to the log file. Only one field title exists in import file -- ensure that you specified the import file correctly. System warns you that the specified import file has only one field. This is usually caused by an incorrect Import file format or separator string specified on the Open Import File dialog box. You have not added or saved your changes to the current fallback mapping -- if you continue, those changes will be lost. System dismisses the Fallback Mappings window before applying the changes. You have not saved nor imported data with the current mappings -- if you continue, the mappings will be lost. You tried to exit the tool without saving the modified mappings in the main window. Use the Save Mapping menu item or the Import button before exiting the tool to avoid this note.
4005 Note
You have not added or saved your changes to the current mapping -- if you continue, those changes will be lost. The current mapping was changed but not applied. Click the Modify or the Add button to avoid this note.
4006 Note
You have not saved your changes to the current mapping -- if you continue, those changes will not be used for this import. The current mapping was changed but not applied when the Import button was clicked. Click the Modify or Add button to avoid this note.
Are you sure you want to delete all mappings? System confirms the Delete All button is in both the main and Fallback mapping windows. Record number: Field fieldName truncated to number characters. This message is logged to the log file when a field is truncated during an Import operation. This message is logged only to the log file. Are you sure you want to start importing? System confirms that you really want to begin the Import operation.
4010 Note 4011 Note 4012 Note 4013 Note 4014 Note 4015 Note
Mapping mappingName not loaded. The specified mapping is not loaded. Earlier messages described why. Duplicate name for mapping. Do you want to overwrite the existing mapping? A mapping with the name you specified already exists. If you overwrite it, the earlier mapping is replaced by the new one. Exit Import Tool? System confirms that you want to exit BMC Remedy Data Import. Did not find any matching fields to add as new mappings. The Add All button operation did not find any matching form and import fields to add as mappings. Copy unprocessed import records to the log file? You stopped the Import process before the tool completed its operation. Specify whether you want the remaining records to be copied to the log file. You have not saved your changes to the current fallback mappings. If you continue, your changes will not be used for this import. You are starting the Import operation without applying the changes made to the fallback mapping window. If you continue, any settings you made to the fallback mappings window that were not saved are ignored. If you want those settings used, do not continue with the import; instead, save the changes on the fallback mappings window, and restart the import.
4016 Note
Save your current mappings before closing this window? You made but did not save changes to the Save Mapping window. If you continue, your changes will be lost. To save your changes, click No to cancel closing the window. This file contains duplicate or empty field titles. A number has been appended to those titles. The .csv or .asc import data file contains duplicate field titles. A number was appended to the end of the field titles in the import fields list so you can distinguish between them. Names are processed from left to right in the file with the field toward the right being modified. You can continue with the Import operation and no data will be changed. The name was changed so that BMC Remedy Data Import can distinguish between the two fields during mapping of data values. This file contains duplicate or empty field titles. Those titles have been replaced by their field ids. Duplicate field titles exist in the .arx import data file. When duplicate names are found in an .arx format file, both fields are replaced with their IDs to eliminate confusion about the fields. This form contains duplicate or empty field labels. Those labels have been replaced by their field ids. The form contains duplicate field names. These fields are shown by their field IDs in the form fields list.
4017 Note
Invalid AR Export format, file: importFileName. The specified import file is not in AR Export format, which you specified it to be. Import completed with errors: number records were imported; number records were not. The Import operation was completed. View the log file to see the error messages and records that did not get imported. User did not wish to continue operation. The user terminated the Import operation after it started.
4106 Error
Copying remaining records of importFileName to log file. This is the second part of the message that appears after you stop the Import operation before it is completed and copy the remaining records to the log file. You should never see this message by itself. Stop broadcast. During a broadcast of messages within Windows, the broadcast message was stopped. Cannot log record starting at fileOffsetOfRecord. The record starting at the specified offset cannot be read. This error might indicate that Open or Seek operations cannot be performed in the import file. No mapping selected to delete. You tried to delete a fallback mapping in BMC Remedy Data Import without first selecting one. No saved mappings specified in batch mode. The tool is running in batch mode, but you did not specify which mapping to use for import on the command line. Cannot get children widgets, or widget not a child. When you tried to add, change, or remove a mapping request (regular or fallback), the mapping or the fallback mapping list box failed to add, remove, or change the request. Cannot login to any AR Server. The tool is running in batch mode, but none of the servers specified on the command line or in the /etc/ar file are available. Two mappings have been specified on the command line. The tool is running in batch mode, but you specified two mappings to use for the Import operation on the command line. Only one mapping is allowed. The -m option requires a mapping name. You used the -m flag on the command line, but did not supply a mapping name following the flag. The mapping name is longer than the maximum allowed length. You specified a mapping name that is longer than 30 characters. A directory may be specified only if you specify a mapping. You used the -d flag on the command line, but did not also specify a mapping with the -m flag. fieldName is not a Form Field. The field name specified in the Form Field text control is not a valid field name for the current form. Enter a valid field name. Try reselecting the form and redefining the mappings; it is possible that the definition of the form was changed by another user.
4108 Error 4110 Error 4112 Error 4114 Error 4116 Error 4118 Error 4120 Error 4122 Error 4124 Error 4126 Error 4128 Error
fieldName is not an import field name, id, or keyword. You used the variable syntax ($) in the mapping value, but the string enclosed by the dollar signs ($) is not an Import field, an Import field ID, or a keyword. Cannot get the status of or cannot open log file. You specified a log file name that cannot be opened for read and write. You might not have permission to use the log file. Verify the owner and the permissions for the file. A log file name is required. You erased the log file name and clicked Save in the Preferences window.
4135 Error 4136 Error 4137 Error 4138 Error 4140 Error 4142 Error 4144 Error 4146 Error 4148 Error 4150 Error 4152 Error 4153 Error 4154 Error 4155 Error 4156 Error
Log file pathName is a directory. You specified a directory in the log file text field. Import log file name is longer than the maximum allowed length. You specified a log file name longer than 255 characters. Log file fileName is not a regular text file. You specified a log file that is a special file type instead of a normal text file. Choose another file as the log file. Cannot write to log file. A system error occurred while writing the log file. The system error is the second part of this message. Cannot initialize the server API. BMC Remedy Data Import cannot initialize the server API and so cannot establish a connection to AR System server. Cannot build the main import window. BMC Remedy Data Import could not create the main window, and the tool could not be started. The system is probably out of memory. Bad parameters. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Bad globals. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Cannot add to mapping list. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Cannot set mapping list item. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. No tokens for a Direct Mapping. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Cannot open map file for specified mapping. The mapping file that contains the specified mapping cannot be opened. You might have moved the file or the directory that contained the mapping. Cannot find specified mapping. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Cannot read map file for specified mapping. The mapping file that contains the specified mapping cannot be read. The file probably has incorrect permissions set. The import option value is invalid. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation.
4158 Error 4160 Error 4162 Error 4164 Error 4166 Error 4168 Error 4170 Error 4172 Error 4174 Error 4175 Error 4176 Error 4177 Error 4178 Error 4179 Error 4180 Error 4182 Error 4184 Error
The mapping file has a syntax error. The mapping file contains invalid syntax. This is probably caused by a user who edited the mapping file manually. Fix the syntax as necessary. Bad Mapping or Compound mapping within Compound mapping. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Bad internal list. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Import fields' titles-list is invalid. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Bad Mapping list. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Bad Fallback Mapping list. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Bad Form Information UI Fields list. This is an internal error. You might be able to perform the operation by shutting down BMC Remedy Data Import, restarting it, and performing your operation. Record number: Cannot parse record in import file The tool could not understand this record in the import file. This condition could result from low memory. Cannot parse import field titles in import file. The tool could not understand the field titles in the import file. This condition could result from low memory. Specified import file does not exist. You specified a nonexistent file as the import file, or you removed the file after BMC Remedy Data Import started. Syntax error in the mapping string. The tool could not understand the syntax in the mapping value string. Rewrite the mapping. Specified import file is a directory. You specified a directory as the import file. Specified import file is not a regular text file. You specified an import file that is a special file type instead of a normal text file. Cannot get the status of import file. The import file, or the directory it is in, is no longer accessible. Specified import file is empty. The import file is of length zero. Specified import file has no data. The Import file contains only field titles (if that) and no data. An import file name is required. You tried to close the Open Import File window without specifying an Import file. Error Messages Guide
4186 Error 4188 Error 4190 Error 4192 Error 4194 Error 4196 Error
Import file name is longer than the maximum allowed length. The specified Import file name is longer than 255 characters. The import field separator string is longer than the maximum allowed length. The specified Import field separator string is longer than 30 characters. A field separator string is required. For the ASCII file format, a field separator string is required for reading in the field titles. Cannot open specified import file. The specified import file cannot be opened due to a system error. The system error appears in the second part of this message. Cannot seek in import file. A Seek operation cannot be completed in the import file due to a system error. The system error is in the second part of this message. AR Export file's Field ID string does not contain a number. Digits are expected in the line after the string FLD-ID, but a character that is not a digit was found. Make sure that the export data file (.arx) is not corrupt, and correct the file so that it contains only digits in the FLD-ID line.
4198 Error 4200 Error 4202 Error 4204 Error 4206 Error
Record number: Unrecognized tag in AR Export file: fileName. A data line in an export data file (.arx) did not begin with DATA. The data in the file must be corrected before an import of this line is possible. Import file fileName is of an unknown type. This is an internal error. The import file type is not set. Cannot find form field with saved index. You failed to put the mapping at a given index into the form and into the mapping text field in BMC Remedy Data Import. Bad Import file record. The specified import file contains an improperly formatted record. Record number: value is not a valid value for field fieldName. The value in the import file is invalid for the form field it is mapped to. This could be caused by an unrecognized selection when mapping to a selection form field, or by a character that is not a digit when mapping to a numeric field. Record number: Too many fields; found numberFound, expected numberExpected. The record has more fields than the number of field titles. Record number: Not enough fields; found numberFound, expected numberExpected. The record has fewer fields than the number of field titles. Import completed successfully: numberImported records imported; numberTruncated records were truncated. After you choose the Truncate option in the Preferences dialog box and records are truncated, this message indicates how many records were truncated and imported.
4214 Error
End of numberOfCopiedRecords records. This message is printed in the log file at the end of all copied records from the Import file. You never see this message in a dialog box.
4216 Error
Import completed with errors: numberImported records were imported; numberNotImported records were not; numberTruncated records were truncated. After you choose the Truncate option in the Preferences dialog box and records are truncated (and some records not imported due to errors), this message indicates how many records were truncated and not imported.
4218 Error 4220 Error 4222 Error 4224 Error 4226 Error
Two directories to look for saved mappings have been specified on the command line. Only one -d argument is allowed on the command line. Create of mapping failed. The mapping file could not be created. The error was displayed in previous dialog boxes. No mappings are defined. You chose the Load Mapping menu item, but there are no mappings files in $ARHOME/arcmds or in any of the directories on the ARPATH environment variable. Broadcast message not handled. A window broadcast a message to another window, and that window could not handle the message. Record number: a field exceeds the maximum size allowed. A field of the specified record exceeded 32,767 bytes (one byte less than 32 kilobytes). You can take one of the following actions: Exit the record to make the field shorter. Turn on the truncate character fields value option if it is a character field.
4227 Error
Cannot open the default log file. The default import log file (/tmp/arimport_user.log on UNIX, and arimport.log in the ARHOME directory on Windows) cannot be opened. Verify the file path to make sure that there is enough disk space and that all the directories exist. User stopped import after numberProcessed records were processed, of which numberImported were imported. You decided to stop the import process before it was completed. This message indicates how many records were processed and how many were imported.
4499 Warning
4500 Note
AR System Application server terminated when a signal/exception was received by the server. A signal terminated the approval engine. It was terminated either accidentally or intentionally by a user in your environment. The number following this error is the signal that was received. If the signal is 15, you should be able to restart the server and continue to work. AR System Application server terminated -- fatal error encountered. A fatal error occurred within the approval engine. Details are in an associated message. This message indicates that the error was fatal and the approval engine is shutting down. Operation cancelled due to error. The command could not be performed because of an unspecified error. The command that failed is included in this message. AR System Approval Server restarting. Two or more roles have the same name. The system encountered two or more entries in the Approval Role form for the specified name. The system does not allow this. Delete or change one entry. The name is included in this message.
4511 Warning
No Approval Administration form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Administration form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. No Approval Notification form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Notification form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. No Approval Form form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Form form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. Confirming password is not valid for the current user. The approval process is configured to require users to enter their password to approve or reject a request. Either the password was not supplied, or the supplied password was invalid for the user performing the operation. Problem encountered during creation of one of the application forms. During the creation of the Application Pending form, an error occurred. Details are in an associated message. To re-create the form, correct the reason for the failure, and restart the arserverd process (or send a SIGHUP signal). Must be Application Server user to perform this operation. You must be the user (process) AR System Application Service to run the specified delete operation and mapping forms. The forms should be considered part of the system structure and should not be deleted or modified. To delete one or both of the forms, use AR System Developer Studio to select the forms for deletion, and ignore the system warning related to the forms. Two forms containing all the reserved application pending fields encountered -- delete one to continue. The system encountered two forms that have all the reserved application pending fields. The system cannot work correctly if two forms contain pending information. Delete one of the forms, or change it so that it is not considered an Application Pending form by removing fields in the 250 to 260 range. The two forms are identified in an associated message.
4512 Warning
4513 Warning
4549 Error
4550 Error
4551 Error
4552 Error
4553 Error
No Application Pending form could be found on the server. An Application Pending form is required for the system to support application operations. No form containing all the special reserved application pending fields was found. Load the Application Pending form. Failure during an attempt to perform an application command. The system received a request to record a command or encountered a situation in which it attempted to record one automatically, and a failure was encountered during recording. Thus, the command was not performed. The attempted command is displayed with this message. An associated message contains more information. Command requires a form name be specified. The parsing or formatting command requires a form name. None was specified. Check the syntax of the command, and enter a form name as required. Form name specified on command is not valid. The specified form name is invalid on the system. The specified form name must be the name of an existing form.
4554 Error
Parse set fields command requires two forms be specified. The parse set fields command requires that two forms be specified. Either none or only one was specified. Qualification line error. An error was detected in the qualification line. Additional information identifies the error and the position in the qualification where the error occurred. Assign line error. An error was detected in an assignment line. Additional information identifies the error and the position in the assignment where the error occurred. No Approval Details form could be found on the server. A request was made for finding forms joined to the Approval Details form, but no Approval Details form exists on the system. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The command is not valid without the Approval subsystem. Command requires a field name be specified. The command requires that a field name be specified. Review the syntax and retry the command with the appropriate field name specified. Field name specified on command is not valid. The field name specified for the command is invalid within the indicated form. The command requires that a valid field name be specified. Command requires a entry ID be specified. The command requires that a Request ID be specified. Review the syntax of the command, and retry the operation. Entry ID specified on command is not valid. The Request ID specified for the command is invalid. No Approval Signature form could be found on the server. A request was made that requires access to the Approval Signature form, but no Approval Signature form exists on the system. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The command is invalid without the Approval subsystem. No Approval Detail-Signature join form could be found on the server. A request was made that requires access to the Approval Detail-Signature form, but no Approval Detail-Signature form exists on the system. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The command is invalid without the Approval subsystem. Command requires appropriate parameters. One or more expected parameters are missing from a process command. The start or end time provided for the command is not valid. No Approval Server licensecannot run the approval engine. BMC Remedy Approval Server checks licensing to determine whether a server is licensed for approval functionality. For an approval license to exist, a valid server license must exist because the server license is the base license and the approval license is an option. Make sure that the server license is valid and implemented. There are two forms with the same license tag. Limited licensing is in effect for approvals, and the system encountered two forms with the same license tag. Only the first form found with the tag will be loaded.
4561 Error 4562 Error 4563 Error 4564 Error 4565 Error
4566 Error
4578 Error
4579 Error 4580 Error 4581 Error 4582 Error 4583 Error 4584 Error
Limited licensing for Approvals and no form was found linked to any license. Limited licensing is in effect for approvals, and the system could not find any form with the tags in the limited license tag list. This is an error condition. Form is not licensed to work with the approval engine. Limited licensing is in effect for approvals, and the system could not find a license in the limited license tag list for the specified form. The form name is identified in the message. Malloc failed in Approval Server. Another copy of the Approval Server is already running or the Application Dispatcher is in use. Error while opening the Approval Server lock file. The system encountered an error while attempting to open the Approval Server lock file ARServerInstallDir\arserver\db\ar.lck.390609. There are two forms identified as the Approval Detail form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Detail form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. There are two forms identified as the Approval Signature Line form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Signature Line form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. No Approval Signature Line form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Signature Line form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. There are two forms identified as the Approval Process Definition form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Process Definition form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. No Approval Process Definition form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Process Definition form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. Command requires form and entry ID be specified. Parameters are missing from the command to the Approval Server. An associated message with the actual command was sent to the Approval Process administrator. There are two forms identified as the Approval Rule Definition form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Rule Definition form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. No Approval Rule Definition form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Rule Definition form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted.
4585 Error
4586 Error
4587 Error
4588 Error
4591 Error
4592 Error
There are two forms identified as the Approval Alternate form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Alternate form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. No Approval Alternate form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Alternate form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. There are two forms identified as the Approval More Information form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval More Information form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. No Approval More Information form was found. The system could not locate the Approval More Information form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. There are two forms identified as the Approval Process Administrator form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Process Administrator form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. No Approval Process Administrator form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Process Administrator form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. There are two forms identified as the Approval Role form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Role form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. No Approval Role form was found. The system could not locate the Approval Role form. Generally, this means that the Approval subsystem is not installed. The form is found by searching for a form with a specific tag in the Change History field, so it is also possible that the Change History field is corrupted. Cannot create new approval detail as is already an active detail entry. An approval is in progress for the indicated approval process and entry ID, so a new approval detail entry will not be created. Multiple rows matched next approver condition and configured to error. More than one Next Approver record was returned for the entry, and a Get Next Approver rule for the approval process is configured to return an error when multiple rows are returned. The operation has stopped. You must either change the rule to allow multiple next approvers or specify only one next approver for this entry. AR System server does not support AR System Application Service user. This can occur when AR System 5.1 is used with Approval Server 4.x. Either upgrade your Approval Server to 5.1, or remove your AR System Application Service password.
4593 Error
4594 Error
4595 Error
4596 Error
4597 Error
4598 Error
4599 Error
4602 Error
4603 Error
Field specified for first approver is not defined on the form. The field defined to specify the first approver for the process does not exist on the application form. The field ID is appended to this message. If the process is defined as Ad Hoc, the operation stopped. If the process is defined so that Anyone can specify the next approver (see the BMC Remedy Approval Server Guide), the operation will continue after this message. Sig-xxx command requires form to be the approval signature line form. The issued command (sig-approved, sig-rejected, sig-cancelled, sig-reassign, sig-notify) must come from the AP:Signature form. Sig-xxx command requires process to match details if process is specified. The process specified in the issued command (sig-approved, sig-rejected, sig-cancelled, sig-reassign, sig-notify) does not match the process specified in the details record of this pending approval request. No process specified but there are two or more for form so cannot continue. Your application has two or more approval processes configured for it, but the issued command (Add-sig or New-details) did not specify which one to use for the new approval. Process allows only one next approver but two or more were specified. The process was configured to allow only one approver, but more than one approver was entered in the Next Approvers or Reassign To field. MoreInfo-xxx command requires form to be the More Information form. The issued MoreInfo-Return command must come from the AP:More Information form. A process was specified but no process by that name exists. The process specified in the AP:Notification entry or in the issued command (Add-sig, New-details, sig-approved, sig-rejected, sig-cancelled, sig-reassign, or sig-notify) does not exist. No active process is associated with this form. No process is associated with your approval application form, so the operation stopped. You must configure a process for a form before using it for approvals. No join is defined between the form and the approval detail form. Before you use the Approval Server with your application, you must join your application form to the AP:Detail form. Instructions are in the Approval Server Guide. No join is defined between the approval detail and signature line forms. Before you use the Approval Server with your application, you must join your application form to the AP:Detail-Signature form. Instructions are in the Approval Server Guide. Update-Config command requires tag. The issued Update-config command did not have a tag for the config parameter. If you are making approval configuration changes in the Server Settings form, try again. Failure trying to map names to IDs in a string. The field names specified in the Send to Other, Subject, and Message fields in the AP:Notification entry could not be converted to their field IDs. The actual error is appended to this message. Failure trying to retrieve join of a form with Detail-Signature. See error number 4612. There are two forms identified as the Approval Administration form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Administration form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms.
4610 Error 4611 Error 4612 Error 4613 Error 4614 Error 4615 Error 4616 Error
4617 Error
There are two forms identified as the Approval Notification form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Notification form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. There are two forms identified as the Approval Form form. The system encountered two forms designated as the Approval Form form. The system does not allow this. One of the forms must be deleted for the Approval system to work correctly. An associated message identifies the forms. There are two forms identified as the Approval Preview Signature Line form Only one form can have this designation. This message appears when the approval engine starts. To resolve this problem, designate only one Approval Preview Signature Line form. No Approval Preview Signature Line form was found An Approval Preview Signature Line form is required, but no form was designated for this purpose. The Completion field is required on Detail form but is not present. The Completed? field (ID 13004) is missing from the AP:Detail form. The Form field is required on Detail form but is not present. The Application field (ID 10050) is missing from the AP:Detail form. The Entry ID field is required on Detail form but is not present. The Entry ID field (ID 8) is missing from the AP:Detail form. The Next Approver field is required on Sig Line form but is not present. The Next Approvers field (ID 13205) is missing from the AP:Signature form. The Process field is required on Detail form but is not present. The Process field (ID 10000) is missing from the AP:Detail form. Invalid Value. An invalid value was supplied, such as a user name or a server name. Verify your input email message. Contact your AR System administrator if necessary. Already Bound. An attempt was made to initialize a mail box that was already initialized. Verify your email configuration or review the email engine logs to diagnose the problem. NULL value. A NULL value was supplied, such as for a user name or a server name. Verify your input. Contact your AR System administrator if necessary. Missing : in the parsed instruction. A colon was not supplied after the label name in supplying field values. This error can occur while parsing an instruction. Supply a colon (:) between the field label and the value in your input. Missing Field Label in parsed string. The field value was supplied without the field label in the email message. Supply the field label. Missing XML <> tag parsed instruction. An expected XML tag is missing in the email message. Supply the missing XML tag. Missing name value tag in HTML parsed string. An expected HTML tag is missing in the email message. Supply the value tag.
4618 Error
4619 Error 4620 Error 4650 Error 4651 Error 4652 Error 4653 Error 4654 Error 4900 Error 4901 Error 4902 Error 4903 Error 4904 Error 4906 Error 4907 Error
Invalid value. An invalid field value was supplied, such as a non-numeric value for an integer field. Supply the correct value, depending on the field type in the incoming email message. Missing Instruction. The expected header instruction action is missing from the email message. Supply the action instruction. Error creating mail message. An outgoing email message cannot be created because certain information is missing or an internal error occurred. Review the email engine logs to diagnose the specific problem. Unable to locate the specified User Instruction. The user instruction specified in the email message does not exist. Verify that the specified user instruction exists in AR System Email User Instruction Templates form. Contact your AR System administrator if necessary. Command Line Parameter already defined. The command line parameter is specified more than once. The message contains the parameter that is specified more than once. Specify the parameter only once. Command Line Parameter not defined. A required command line parameter, such as a server name, is not specified in the email engine startup script. The message provides a description of the missing information. Provide the missing parameter. Command Line Parameter Value is missing. A command line parameter is specified without a value in the email engine startup script. The message provides information about which parameter value is missing. Provide the missing parameter value. Command Line Parameter is not valid. An invalid parameter or an invalid value for a parameter is specified in the email engine startup script. The message provides information about which parameter is invalid. Invalid Email Daemon. Invalid configuration values in the file. Review the file to see if anything is missing. Missing Action Parameter. A required action parameter, such as a form name or a request ID, is missing in the incoming email message. The message provides information about the missing parameter. Field type does not allow the field to be modified. You cannot modify the form because an invalid value was supplied. The supplied data type does not match the data type required for the field. Provide the correct value for the field. Missing Attachment. An expected attachment was missing while processing an incoming email message. Provide the expected attachment. Security Key is disabled. The security key provided in the incoming email message is disabled. Contact your AR System administrator. Security Key has expired The security key provided in the incoming email message expired. Contact your AR System administrator.
4914 Error
4915 Error 4916 Error 4918 Error 4919 Error 4920 Error 4922 Error 4923 Error
Security Key not found on Form. An invalid security key was entered. Verify that the right security key was entered. If the problem still occurs, contact your AR System administrator. Security Key is not valid for the specified From Email Address. The security key does not match the originating email address. Verify that you specified the correct security key for the email address used. Missing AR System User Information. No login information was specified or the specified login information is invalid. Check the email sent. If login information was specified, make sure that the email mailbox is set to use user supplied login information.
4928 Error 4929 Error 4930 Error 4931 Error 4932 Error 4933 Error 4934 Error 4935 Error 4936 Error 4937 Error 4938 Error 4939 Error
Unable to locate the specified User Instruction. The specified instruction cannot be found in the AR System Email User Instruction Templates form. Check the instruction specified or contact your AR System administrator if necessary. Missing Template. The specified template cannot be found in the AR System Email Templates form. Verify that the correct template was specified or contact your AR System administrator if necessary. Unable to encrypt. A problem occurred in encrypting the modify key. Contact Customer Support. Unable to decrypt. A problem occurred in decrypting the modify key. Contact Customer Support. Unable to locate message with the specified Entry ID. The modify key contains an invalid entry ID. Make sure that the modify key was not modified and that the original outgoing email message was not deleted. Invalid Server Name. The modify key contains an invalid AR System server name. Make sure that the modify key was not modified and that the original outgoing email message was not deleted. Invalid Checksum. The modify key in the incoming email message with modify action is invalid. Make sure that the modify key was not modified. Missing Modify Key, unable to execute Instructions. The modify key is missing from the email message with the modify action. Make sure that the modify key was not deleted from the message. Modifications are disabled on this mailbox. Modify actions are disallowed for the incoming mailbox. Contact your AR System administrator. Unable to execute Modify Action due to missing security key. The email message with the modify action is missing a security key. You must provide the security key. Invalid Date/Time format for specified date. The correct format is format. An invalid format was used for the date/time fields. This error message gives details about the correct date/time format. Supply values for the date/time fields in the suggested format. Internal Exception Caught. An unknown system error occurred. Contact Customer Support
Recipients have not been specified for this email. No email addresses are specified for the email message. Verify that the email address was specified. No matching requests (or no permission to requests) for qualification criteria. No matching entries were found for the qualification. Verify your qualification or contact your AR System administrator AR System server is not available. Will retry connection to server in timeInterval. A problem has occurred with the connection to the AR System server. Wait for the email engine to reconnect to the server so that all pending actions can be completed. If the connection is not reestablished within timeInterval, then check whether the AR System server is running, and if it is, then check the network connectivity. Form is missing. Will retry connection to server in numberMinutes minutes. The AR System Email Mailbox Configuration form does not exist or the AR System server is unavailable. Contact your AR System administrator. Invalid Enumerated Value supplied for selection field. The supplied value for an option (radio button) or a drop-down list item is invalid. Verify that you provided the correct value. Sender address not found in original email. The email address of the sender of the modify email is not found in the original email message. Contact your AR System administrator. No field values supplied. No fields were specified for submit or modify operation. Specify values for the action. Missing currency code for the currency value specified. A currency value was specified without a currency code. Specify a currency code for the value. Attachment file size exceeds the limit set in The attachment is too large. See your AR System administrator. Email address contains invalid characters. Invalid characters were found in the email address for the email message. Verify that the email address that was specified correctly. Variable replacement with a qualification requires a form and a server. If you use variable replacement with a qualification, you must supply a form name and an AR System server name. None of the recipients have access to form: formName. The required form access permissions are unavailable. See your AR System administrator. Messages From or Reply-To person is same as incoming mailbox user, which may cause message loop. The name in the From or Reply-To field of the current email message is the same as the incoming mailbox user name; this may cause a message loop. Use a different name in the From or Reply-To field of the current email message.
4943 Error 4944 Error 4945 Error 4946 Error 4947 Error 4948 Error 4949 Error 4950 Error 4951 Error 4952 Error
4953 Error
Store entry for this message failed, we will not be storing this message in Message form. The Store entry has not been created for the current email message, because it was not saved in the database. This problem may occur due to the AR System server being unavailable, a database connectivity issue, or a connectivity issue between the AR System server and the email engine. Check whether all of these are working and then resend the message.
5000 Error
Store is not connected to ARSystemServer. The store is not connected. If the user is working against an AR System server it means that the user has not logged in to the server. If the user is working against a different store implementation, it means that the store has not been initialized. Unable to update cache. The cache could not be updated for an object. For additional information, see the log file. Unable to retrieve field list for form formName. Invalid store for object. The store attached to a specific model object is invalid. This is an error intended for Java developers who are developing plug-ins for BMC Remedy Developer Studio, and does not effect users. Assign a valid store instance to the object. No field limit information available for field fieldname type type. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. No metadata available for limit limit for field fieldName. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. Object is not editable. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. Wrong type for property property for field fieldName expected value, got value. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. Cannot create a value object for property ID ID in field fieldName. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. Property property for field FieldName not described in metadata. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. Unexpected enum property value value found for property property for field fieldName. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. Unable to update enum value value for field fieldName. This is an internal error message used for debugging purposes. Subadministrators must have permission to the form formName because object reservation is enforced on this server. Object reservation is done via entries on a form on the AR System server. This error is generated if sub-administrators do not have permissions to the form. Modify the form to give subadministrators permission.
5004 Error 5005 Error 5006 Error 5007 Error 5008 Error 5009 Error 5010 Error 5011 Error 5012 Error
No field mappings have been defined. This warning is returned because you did not define any field mappings. The field label label is duplicated on this form. The field labels identified in the message are used for multiple fields on the form. Because fields are uniquely identified by field ID, duplicate labels are allowed. Because it can be confusing to have fields with duplicate labels, consider changing one of the labels. The form cannot be saved. A dynamic field value in tableFieldType tableFieldName contains an invalid field or keyword reference. Provide a correct dynamic value. A dynamic field value was specified that does not match a field reference on the current form or a keyword. Enter a field reference or select a keyword from the list for the field.
5027 Error
5028 Error
Unable to add a menu item because there are too many levels in the character menu. Character menus cannot exceed 15 levels. Menus can contain a maximum of 15 levels. You specified a menu that contains more than 15 levels at some point in its hierarchy.
5029 Warning
The entry point guide will not be executed because it does not have a starting active link. An entry point guide was created without a starting active link. The entry point guide cannot execute correctly in an Application List field without a starting active link. To remove this warning, specify a starting active link for the active link guide. The error handler does not exist. The error handler does not exist to validate the property. Object is owned by another application : objectName : applicationName. This object has an application owner and cannot be added to this application. You must remove this object from the application that owns it before you can add it to this application. You cannot create or modify a data field without specifying a corresponding database column name. Specify a valid database column name. fieldName When creating a view form, you must link data fields to an underlying database column. The field on this form with the name or ID of name|ID needs a label. You applied changes to a form that contains a field with a blank label. All subsequent calls will be deleted. When you try to delete an OLE method, a warning is returned that all subsequent methods (if nesting was done) will be deleted. You cannot call another method on the parent method. The parent return type is not an object. When you nest a method, the parent methods return must be one of the following types: IDispatch, VARIANT, or Compatible. If the parent methods return type is not one of these types, this error is returned. Select a matching function. The return type of the method selected and method to be added appear to be incompatible. When you define an OLE method that has a return type and you try to nest or call another method on this return type, BMC Remedy Developer Studio validates whether the return type is of type object. You can call or nest another method out of this return type only if the return type is of type object or object pointer.
5030 Error 5031 Error 5032 Error 5033 Warning 5034 Warning 5035 Error
5036 Error
Empty COM method list. Add at least one COM method. The method list required when defining an OLE Automation active link action is empty. You must provide at least one method for this structure. This is a special parameter. You can only add another method that returns this object type. You defined an OLE method that has a parameter of type pointer and you nested another method whose return type is incompatible with the pointer type, or you tried to enter a value for a parameter of type pointer. The parameter can be filled only by nesting another method whose return type is compatible. You can also use $fld$ to enter the value for a pointer parameter. AR Runtime gets or sets the value of the $fld$ and treats this field as an OLE pointer variable.
5039 Error
The parameter or return value is the wrong type. Enter a value with the correct type. When you provide a value for a parameter, BMC Remedy Developer Studio tries to map it to the OLE methods parameter OLE type. If unsuccessful in the conversion, this error message is returned explaining that the value cannot be converted to the native OLE parameter type.
5040 Error
A network connection cannot be established to AR System server: ARSystemServer. errrorMessage/ Reason The server is inaccessible due to one of the following reasons: There is a connectivity problem with the network. Issue a ping command to the server. If the problem is with the network connection, you must solve all network connectivity problems before you can use the AR System server. When the network connection problem is corrected, you can successfully connect to the server. If there is no network connectivity problem, make sure that the server process (arserverd) is running. If it is not running, ask your AR System administrator to start it. If the server is running, review the /etc/ar file (UNIX) or Login Information window (Windows) on your computer to verify that the server is registered as one of the servers you can access. If no entry is present in the file or window, add the entry. If the connection is still unsuccessful after you eliminated these potential causes, shut down and restart BMC Remedy User. The server might have been temporarily inaccessible.
5041 Error 5042 Error 5043 Error 5044 Error 5045 Error 5046 Error 5047 Error 5049 Error 5051 Error 5052 Error 5053 Error 5054 Error 5055 Error 5056 Error
propertyName requires a value to be specified. Supply the missing value. The fieldName fields length cannot exceed number characters. Specify a field length that is within the listed number of characters. The fieldName fields value must be in the range between value and value. Specify a value that is within the listed range. The referenced field fieldName does not exist. Field fieldName is not found on form formName. The fieldName fields value cannot be less than fieldValue. Specify a value that is equal to or greater than the listed value. The fieldName fields value cannot be greater than value. Specify a value that is equal to or less than the listed value. Notify field references must be of type Integer or Selection. Dynamic values for the sampleForm/sampleServer must contain valid field/keyword references. A dynamic field value was specified that does not match a field reference on the current form or a keyword. Enter a field reference or select a keyword from the list for the field. Invalid color: color. Could not parse the color string to a valid RGB color. Property propertyName for field fieldName is not described in metadata. The specified property is not defined for the field. Unexpected enum property value propertyValue found for property propertyName for field fieldName. The value set to the property does not exist in the list of valid values. Unable to update enum value value for field fieldName. The value submitted is not a valid value for the enum property of the field. Could not find an enum value for string. The value submitted is not a valid value for the enum property of the field.
5058 Error 5059 Error 5060 Error 5061 Error 5062 Warning 5063 Warning 5064 Warning 5065 Error 5066 Error 5067 Error 5068 Error 5069 Error 5070 Error 5071 Error 5072 Error 5073 Error 5074 Error 5075 Error
Invalid qualification: problemDescription. Invalid webServiceName : userSpecifiedName. The name must start with an alphabetical character or _ and can have alphabetical characters, digits, _, ., or - only. Enter a valid name. Login failed for AR System server ARSystemServer. ARSystemServer errorMessage The connection could not be made to the AR System server, the AR System server is not running, or the port number is incorrect. The fieldName fields value cannot be more than number digits. Specify a value that is equal to or less than the listed number of digits. Hidden locked object cannot be edited: objectName. You tried to modify a hidden object that has a read-only lock, such as by adding a form to a readonly filter. You cannot modify a locked object. objectName is locked as read-only. Adding associated forms and modifying permissions (if applicable) are the only changes allowed. Any other changes will result in an error when the object is saved. objectName is locked as read-only. Any changes will result in an error when the object is saved. The objectType objectName has an open editor. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be renamed. Cannot release the reserved objects due to an AR System server error. Open the Reserved Objects user list to view and release reservations. Cannot import application because it is reserved by another user. Cannot add the following forms to the application as they are either not reserved for you or reserved by other users. Only forms reserved by you can be added to deployable applications. See the list of forms that follows this message. Cannot export to a file because creation of directory directoryName failed. The specified directory cannot be created. This might be caused by a file system error or a hardware problem. The selected file does not exist or does not contain applications. Application import failed. The file used to import applications does not contain any applications or the file does not exist. The file does not exist or does not contain any object definitions. In Import Object definition, the def file used does not contain any object definitions. The file is incorrect or corrupted. Cannot import because all the objects are reserved by other users. Cannot import because all the forms are reserved by other users. The file does not contain any view definitions. The def file specified to import view definitions from does not contain any view definitions. An incorrect file was specified. Invalid file. Errors were encountered while parsing the file. An error occurred parsing the def file with view definitions. The file might be corrupted.
Cannot export to file fileName. The file type must be in either def or xml format. Cannot export to file. The file type must be to arm format. Unable to export mail template. errorMessage An error occurred while the system tried to export mail templates. To continue, make sure that all fields requiring a value are visible in the default administrator view of the form and that the Allow Any User To Submit check box is selected before you attempt the export operation. Selected objects cannot be deleted. objectNames A server exception occurred when deleting server objects. All of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be deleted. Some of the objects you want to edit are not reserved by you. Reserve them to edit. You must reserve all the objects you need to edit. Cannot export to file fileName. The file is read-only. Specify a writable file. Some of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be released. Some of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be reserved. The following objects could not be reserved: objectNames Refresh the object list to see if any of these objects are reserved. The objects might be reserved by another person. Refresh the object list to get a fresh list from the server and show the reason why the objects cannot be reserved.
5079 Error 5080 Error 5081 Error 5082 Error 5083 Error 5084 Error 5085 Error
5086 Error 5087 Error 5088 Error 5089 Error 5090 Error 5091 Error 5092 Error 5093 Error 5094 Error 5095 Error
Unable to retrieve the object from the AR System server. errorMessage Errors encountered while retrieving objectListType lists from ARSystemServer. errorMessage Unable to retrieve application from ARSystemServer. errorMessage Unable to populate the list information. errorMessage Some of the selected working lists are open. Working lists that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted. The selected packing list has an object list open. Packing lists that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted. The selected application has an object list open. Applications that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted. Unable to add new action. You must select one primary form. Unable to add new action. There are already 25 actions, which is the maximum number of allowed actions. Errors encountered while determining related objects. errorMessage
5096 Error 5097 Error 5098 Error 5099 Error 5100 Error 5101 Error 5102 Error 5103 Error
No user name entered to log on. Enter a user name. You must specify a user name to log in. You can dismiss this window without changing the login information for the current user. To change the login information, specify a user name. No AR System servers selected to log on. Add at least one AR System server name. Error connecting to preference server. ARSystemServer The record for the user in the AR System User Preference form might contain bad data or be corrupted. Error connecting to preference server. AR System User Preference form not found on the server. The AR System User Preference form is automatically recreated when you restart the AR System server. Error connecting to preference server. The AR System server might be down. errorMessage This can occur when the preference server is down or when the network is slow (leading to a timeout). Contact your AR System administrator. There are no forms included in the application. To define statistics, you must add forms to the application. The navigation fields you deleted had associated items. Use the Form > Edit Menu Bar command to access these orphaned items. fieldType fieldName references a field that does not exist. Update the fieldType field to reference a valid field before you save. The table column field fieldName refers to a remote field which does not exist. Update the value to a valid field by creating the missing field, or remove the column field.
5105 Error 5106 Error 5107 Error 5108 Error 5109 Warning 5110 Error 5111 Error
fieldType Field fieldName has no label. Using the database name as the label. fieldType Field fieldName has missing layout information. Modify its layout to display it. Only one reservedFieldType field is allowed per form. resultsListField field is not allowed in a display-only form. Save successful with warnings. Currency field fieldName has no functional currency values. Add at least one functional currency value before you save. dataType Field fieldName has a minimum value equal to the maximum value. When creating a decimal, integer, real, or currency field, you specified an invalid range of minimum and maximum values. To continue, create a minimum value that is smaller than the maximum value. dataType Field fieldName has a minimum value greater than the maximum value. When creating a decimal, integer, real, or currency field, you specified an invalid range of minimum and maximum values. To continue, create a minimum value that is larger than the maximum value. dataType Field fieldName has a default value less than the minimum value. When creating a decimal, integer, real, or currency field, you specified an invalid default value. To continue, create a default value that is within the minimum and maximum ranges.
5112 Error
5113 Error
5114 Error
dataType Field fieldName has a default value greater than the maximum value. When creating a decimal field, you specified an invalid default value. To continue, create a default value that is within the minimum and maximum ranges. When creating a decimal, integer, real, or currency field, you specified an invalid default value. To continue, create a default value that is within the minimum and maximum ranges.
5116 Error
panel Field fieldName has a minimum size less than 25. Enter a value that is equal to or greater than 25. For a panel field inside a panel holder, you have specified minimum size of less than 25. This message applies only to panel fields inside the Collapsible and Splitter holder.
5117 Warning
panel Field panelName has a minimum size equal to the maximum size. For a panel field inside a panel holder, you have specified same value for the minimum and maximum properties. This message applies only to panel fields inside the Collapsible and Splitter holder. panel Field panelName has a minimum size greater than the maximum size. For a panel field inside a panel holder, you have specified minimum value greater than maximum value. To continue, create a minimum size that is smaller than the maximum size. This message applies only to panel fields inside the Collapsible and Splitter holder. panel Field fieldName has an initial size greater than the maximum size. For a panel field inside a panel holder, you have specified an invalid initial size. To continue, create a initial size that is smaller than the maximum size. This message applies only to panel fields inside the Collapsible and Splitter holder. panel Field panelName has an initial size less than the minimum size. For a panel field inside a panel holder you have specified an invalid initial size. To continue, create a initial size that is greater than the minimum size. This message applies only to panel fields inside Collapsible and Splitter holder. The form cannot be saved. fieldType fieldName has no columns. Add a column. Table fields must have at least one column. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for information about table fields. The form cannot be saved. fieldType fieldType has no cell fields. Add a cell field. Table fields must have at least one cell. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for information about table fields. The following indexes are empty and will be ignored: indexNames Unable to add this form to application applicationName. The application could not be found on the AR System server. It might have been deleted. This form has Web - Legacy as the default view, which is not supported in this version of Developer Studio. Switching to another supported view type. The error occurs when you try to open a Web - Legacy (Relative) view, which is not supported in AR System 7.0 and later. The view is switched to the standard view.
5118 Error
5119 Error
5120 Error
5121 Error 5122 Error 5123 Error 5124 Error 5125 Warning
This view cannot be deleted because a form must have at least one view. This form contains a non-standard set of distributed fields. Select None, Basic, Full, or Advanced to return to a standard set of fields. An inconsistent set of distributed fields is present in your form, possibly because one or more fields were deleted. Distributed fields are system-generated and cannot be mixed-and-matched. Use the Distributed Fields dialog box to re-create a standard set of distributed fields in your form.
This form contains a distributed field of the wrong datatype. To delete distributed fields, select None in the Distributed Fields dialog box and click OK. This message occurs when an incorrect data type is associated with distributed fields. Cannot export to file fileName. The specified directory does not exist. Specify an export destination file name. Cannot export to file fileName. The specified directory contains invalid characters. The following characters are invalid in directory names: Windows " \ [ ] UNIX . " \ [ ] :
5133 Error 5134 Error 5135 Error 5136 Error 5137 Error 5138 Error 5139 Error 5140 Error 5141 Error 5142 Error 5143 Error 5144 Error 5145 Error 5146 Error 5147 Error
Cannot export to file fileName. The specified file name contains invalid characters. The following characters are invalid in file names: ."/\[]:, Cannot export to file fileName. The specified file name does not contain an extension. The extension of the file must be .DEF or .XML. Cannot export to file fileName. A file name must be supplied. Display order expected. Internal error. If this error is received, provide a non-zero value. The start active link is not allowed unless an application display order is also specified. Start active link activeLinkName does not exist. The Entry Point Guide has no starting active link. Contact your AR System administrator. At least one field type must be selected for fieldType: select any one type from the check boxes. The character menu cannot be saved. It has no items. Add an item to the character menu. label is required. Provide the required value. labelIndexList has more than 5 labelIndex values defined. valueIndex must contain a non-NULL value. valueIndex does not have a valid value. It must be greater than 0 and less then a 10 digit number. Empty mapping. Mappings are not present in the Mapping table on the Operations panel. At least one operation must be added to port: port. WSDL expected at least one operation element. Provide at least one operation node. Unknown error: error. An unknown or unexpected error occurred. This message appears when Developer Studio catches an unknown or unexpected exception. Use the reported error value to help identify the root cause of the problem.
5148 Error 5149 Error 5153 Error 5154 Error 5155 Warning 5156 Error
Unable to locate or load the specified file fileName. The WSDL file that is being loaded is not valid because it requires mandatory elements and a specific format. name is not a valid form name. An attempt was made to access a form that is not present on the AR System server. This might be because workflow points to a form that no longer exists. Load of model object objectName failed. Internal error. Provide at least one mappingName. Mapping is not present in the field mapping table. mappingName has not been provided. Mapping is not present in the field mapping table. item does not contain a valid selection. This occurs when you did not enter a valid value for the item in question while working in a Developer Studio selector dialog box, such as the Field Selector or the View Selector. Select an existing value or enter a valid value for the item. Field with execution order needs a valid field selection. The field ID or field name is invalid. Verify the spelling of the name to make sure that you specified a legal field. value is not a valid selection for propertyName. Form does not exist on supplied AR System server ARSystemServer. The server has no form with the specified name. Either the specified name is incorrect, or the form is on another server. The character menu cannot be saved. The menu or a menu item has an empty label. Supply the required label. executeOnCondition has no valid field. The specified name is not a valid field name for the current form. Verify the spelling of the name to make sure that you specified a legal field. You must select a valid option for the selected Execute Options field. In the Execute Option Panel of the active link, when a field is selected in the field selector, a valid enabled option must be selected. field contains an invalid field selection. In the Execute Option Panel of the active link, a field selector for Field or Button/Menu Field contains invalid selection. Undefined XML mapping item name. There are no columns in the table: tableName. Table fields must have at least one column. See the Form and Application Objects Guide for more information about table fields. The following fields already exist on the view. viewName You tried to add fields to the view that already exist in the view. Any fields already in the view are unaffected. Only administrators can edit objectName on ARSystemServer.
5157 Error 5158 Error 5159 Error 5160 Error 5161 Error 5162 Error 5163 Error 5164 Error 5165 Error 5166 Error 5167 Error 186
5168 Error 5169 Error 5170 Error 5171 Error 5172 Error 5173 Warning 5174 Error 5175 Error 5176 Error 5177 Error 5178 Error 5179 Error 5180 Error 5181 Error 5182 Error 5183 Error 5184 Error 5186 Error 5188 Error 5189 Error
Only administrators can edit deployable applications on ARSystemServer. A menu parent cannot be added as a child to a horizontal navigation field. A menu parent cannot be added as a child to a horizontal navigation field. Field: fieldName is not added. Enter a panel name to create. AR System server name ARServerName is invalid, the server is down, or the AR System server version is less than 4.0. There are no additional objects available for selection. All objects are selected and no additional objects are available for adding to the selection. The Message Number value has been reset to 2147483647. The value supplied was greater than the maximum value allowed for this field. The Entry Point Application List Display Order value has been reset to 2147483647. The value supplied was greater than the maximum value allowed for this field. Your changes cannot be saved, as objectType is reserved by user userName. Use Save As to save a copy of your changes. objectType cannot be reserved due to error: error. Use Save As to save a copy of your changes. Reserve failed for this object. Refresh the object list to see if this object is reserved. No groups selected. Select at least one group. Buttons must have labels. Provide a label. Buttons must have values. Provide a value. Unable to Export Custom Button Configuration. error The file is read-only, the file path is invalid, or there was an error writing to the file. Unable to export column preferences. error The file is read-only, the file path is invalid, or there was an error writing to the file. Select a method to delete. You can only delete methods. Failed to load selected image. error Cannot be loaded because the image could not be accessed, is corrupted, or is too large. For more information, see error. At least one port must be added to this web service. WSDLPorts Unknown error occurred while attempting to connect to the selected AR System server. BMC Remedy Developer Studio failed to connect to a server. This can occur when the server is down, when the network is too slow (leading to a time-out), or when you are not an administrator or subadministrator user for the server.
5190 Error 5191 Error 5192 Error 5193 Error 5194 Error 5195 Error 5196 Error 5197 Error 5198 Error 5199 Error 5200 Error 5201 Error 5202 Error 5203 Error 5204 Error 5205 Error 5206 Error 5207 Error 5208 Error 5209 Error 188
Cannot export to the file. error The file is read-only, the file path is invalid, there was an error writing to the file, or there was an error on the AR System server. Unable to import objects from file. error The file is read-only, the file path is invalid, there was an error writing to the file, or there was an error on the AR System server. AR System Server name expected in property. AR System server name is empty in a workflow action, such as a Set Fields or Push Fields action. AR System Server name ARSystemServer is invalid. There was a failure during login, because you entered an invalid server name. ARSystemServer is not valid due to error. Connection could not be established to the selected AR System server in a Set Fields action due to an unknown reason. ARSystemServer is not valid. propertyName is not in the correct format. A property is invalid, for example, providing a string for a numeric value. propertyName must have a minimum length of minimumSize. propertyName can only have a maximum length of maximumSize. Unable to transform property due to an API error error. This is an internal error. string is not a valid qualification. The label \guideLabel\ is already being used in the guide. The label must be unique. Labels in guides must be unique. Rename the label, providing a name that has not yet been used in the guide. No primary field is defined for the root mapping item using form formName. Invalid primary field ID is defined for the root mapping item using form formName. Specified primary field ID does not exist on the form. Unable to locate form formName. Form does not exist not exist on AR System server. Unable to locate field fieldName on form formName. The listed field could be found on the listed form. It might have been deleted from the form. Field fieldName has no associated parent form. The parent form is missing from the web services field map for fieldName. menuName is not valid menu selection for propertyName. The Change Field menu is empty or invalid. Minutes value must be between 0-59. Missing hour information. Hours must be specified.
5210 Error 5211 Error 5212 Error 5213 Error 5214 Error 5215 Error 5216 Error 5217 Error 5218 Error 5219 Error 5220 Error 5221 Error
Missing weekday information. A weekday or day in the month must be specified. Time does not contain valid values. The escalation time interval is set to 0. Invalid interval time. With the Escalation Time Execution option, Run By = Time, and Time is not entered. The cross-reference mechanism is not allowed unless a reference field is also specified. When creating a Notify filter action, you did not select the reference field required when the notification Mechanism is Cross-Reference. Select a reference field to continue. The Selected Fields option requires you to specify a field. Specify a SQL command. To save a SQL Set Fields Action, you must specify a SQL command. This is not validated but cannot be left blank. Enter a SQL command to continue. Unable to convert the operations XML document. Unable to convert the input mapping XML document. This error can result from corrupted mapping XML. Unable to convert the output mapping XML document. This error can result from corrupted mapping XML. Unable to parse the XML document. error Add at least one If action. No If actions were defined for the filter, escalation, or active link. You must specify at least one If action. fieldType Field fieldName has a minimum width greater than the maximum width. A composite field, embedded in another composite field, with the Fill layout has a Width property under the Display category. The Minimum value should not be greater than the Maximum value for this property. Specify a minimum width that is less than or equal to the maximum width. fieldType Field fieldName has a minimum height greater than the maximum height. A composite field, embedded in another composite field, with the Fill layout has a Height property under the Display category. The Minimum value should not be greater than the Maximum value for this property. Specify a minimum height that is less than or equal to the maximum height. BMC Remedy Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative or visit Server: ARSystemServer. This version of BMC Remedy AR System has a maximum limit of 2000 requests per database table, includes a maximum of three fixed licenses, and is configured for each client to access a maximum of one server. To obtain a version of AR System without these limitations, contact your BMC sales representative, an authorized reseller, or visit
5222 Error
5223 Note
5224 Error
Forms cannot be moved from ARServerA to ARServerB. An attempt was made to drag a form from AR System server A to an application on AR System server B, which is not allowed.
5225 Error 5226 Error 5227 Error 5228 Error 5229 Error 5230 Warning
Form already exists on applicationName application. fieldType fieldName Field contains information that does not match the remote field type. A table column field is mapped to a remote field of a different type, for example, a column field with a type of char using a remote button field. Creating field is not allowed in Tab Order Increment on Click mode. fieldType fieldType contains an invalid form name. Provide a correct remote form name. Remote form name is empty or form does not exists on AR System server. fieldType fieldName is linked to an unreachable AR System server ARServerName. Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System server. This error is similar to error 90. For troubleshooting steps, see the description of error 90. Selecting the override loop option could cause an infinite loop in the system. By shutting down loop protection, you run the risk of creating infinite loops and overwriting the original record in a distributed transfer operation or a distributed return operation. Save the filter or escalation only if you are understand the risk in what you are doing. filePath does not exist. The Log to File action will create the file. Z order for fieldType field fieldName has been modified to fix duplicate Z order. You cannot delete the following core fields: fieldNames You cannot move a panel to the same parent. You cannot create data fields on audit forms. Z order for fieldType field fieldName has been modified to make it consecutive with other fields. Empty assignment value for target field fieldName. Set Field actions and Service action assignments need an assignment value for each fields added in mapping. Port not defined for operation: operationName. Missing port in WSDL operation in a web service. Duplicate operation: operationName. You created a duplicate operation name in the Operations List. All operation names must be unique. Invalid operation name operationName conflicts with output top level parent name for operation: operationName. This error occurs if an operation name like WSDLNameResponse is used and there is already an operation named WSDLName. Because internal operations are saved with a suffix of Response, avoid using Response as a suffix.
5231 Error 5232 Error 5233 Error 5234 Error 5235 Error 5236 Error 5238 Error 5239 Error 5240 Error 5241 Error
label is empty. Specify a value. Duplicate file names were found in the current directory. The duplicate files were not added. The file name being added already exists in the current directory.
5244 Error 5245 Error 5246 Error 5247 Warning 5248 Error 5249 Error
Vendor table tableName does not have any available columns. Web Services Publishing Location contains invalid name reference URL. The web service location must end with the web service name. Web Services Publishing Location must contain a valid location. The web service location must be a non-empty string. Invalid Web Services Publishing Location has been updated with correct name. Following Column fields for tableFieldType tableFieldName do not have referenced fields columnFieldNames on the current form. They will be deleted on OK. The active link activeLinkName could not find the view viewName in form formName. The view will return to the default. When you created an Open Window action, the Form View you selected was not found on the AR System server. Accordingly, the view used in the action is the default administrator view. Open the form in BMC Remedy Developer Studio to verify that the view you want to use exists.
5250 Error 5251 Error 5252 Error 5253 Error 5254 Warning
Exporting flashboard objects in XML is not supported. Selected flashboard objects will not be exported. Your changes cannot be saved, as objectName is reserved by user userName. Unable to display image. It does not appear to be a supported image format. The image cannot be displayed. Valid file types for images are .bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, and .png. Unable to display background image. It does not appear to be a supported image format. The background image cannot be displayed. Valid file types for images are .bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, and .png. Changing the form might make existing actions invalid. Check existing actions. When modifying an active link or filter, you changed which form controls the active link or filter. Active links and filters can be attached to multiple forms. Verify your actions after you change the form in an active link or filter. Cannot add a submenu because a menu in a character menu cannot have more than 99 submenus. The character menu definition contains too many items on one level of the menu tree. AR System allows a maximum of 99 items on any one menu level. You can use multilevel menus to split large menus into multiple smaller and more manageable menus. You have not specified any allowable currency types. All currency types are now allowed. Cannot connect to server with version version. Only servers that are 7.0 or later versions are supported. Search was canceled by the user. The results list might not be complete. Search did not match any objects. When the system searched for an object, no results were returned. Objects might have been deleted or the names modified. Deleted objects do not appear even if the database is not synchronized. Web Services Publishing location contains 'public' within the URL, but permissions have not been set to public for ''webServiceName''.
5255 Error
5260 Error
You cannot move a panel to any field in the child hierarchy. A panel or a page cannot be moved to its child page holder. Error connecting to BMC Atrium Orchestrator server. Reason: error Closing current editor due to resource error. error This is an internal error. You cannot add a method here. The type is incompatible. When you nest a method, the parent methods return must be one of the following types: IDispatch, VARIANT, or Compatible. If the parent methods return type is not one of these types, this error is returned. A valid Web Services Port has not been selected. You must select a valid Web Services Port. A valid Web Services Operation has not been selected. You must select a valid Web Services Operation. A valid Operation has not been selected. You must select a valid Operation. A valid Configuration Name has not been selected. You must select a valid Configuration Name. A valid Process has not been selected. You must select a valid Process Name. A valid Web Services File has not been selected. You must select a valid Web Services File. Column columnName used by Field fieldName is already referenced by another field. In the View form, columnName in the Column property of fieldName is already used in another field. Use some other available columnName. Unable to add an active link. You must select one primary form. Layout style for panel panelLabel is changed from XY to Fill. There are no integer fields on this form. An Execution Order From Field Value option cannot be used in a Goto action if the primary form does not have integer field. Add an integer field to the primary form. The configuration name name does not exist in the AR System Orchestrator Configuration form. The entry name might have been deleted from the form. fieldType Field ''fieldName'' cannot refer to Column ''databaseColumnName'' of type databaseColumnType. The fieldType must match the databaseColumnType. The named menu menuName referenced by fieldName is not defined. The menu might have been deleted. Output Mapping to a static value is not allowed for mapping item value. Errors were encountered while accessing the file.
5265 Error 5266 Error 5267 Error 5268 Error 5269 Error 5270 Error 5271 Error 5272 Error 5273 Warning 5274 Error 5275 Error 5276 Error 5277 Error 5278 Error 5279 Error
5280 Error
Cannot create new object because application applicationName is reserved by another user user. This occurs when object reservation is in use on the server, and you try to create a new object in an application that is reserved by another user. Wait until the reserved application is released. Alternatively, create the object outside of the application by using the All Objects node in the AR System Navigator. Add the object to the application when the application is no longer reserved.
fieldName is not allowed in a view form. You cannot create an Attachment Pool field in a view form. Invalid schedule interval. The expiry schedule for collecting data in a Flashboards variable when one of the expiry options is chosen was incompletely specified. The amount to keep data before it expires must be an Integer. Pie charts cannot be selected for History or Summary display type. Group access is not defined -- only an administrator has access to this flashboard. Group access is not defined -- only an administrator has access to this variable. The threshold value must be greater than zero. Specify a value that is greater than zero for the threshold value. The threshold value must be a non-negative integer. Specify a non-negative integer for the threshold value. Invalid alarm variable. Specify a variable that exists on the AR System server for the alarm to monitor. Invalid alarm variable name. Specify an alarm name that exists on the AR System server. Invalid alarm variable. A variable with the given name does not exist. Specify an alarm variable that exists. The alarm cannot be saved. Correct the following errors. See the following messages for the errors to correct. The alarm variable was not specified, or the specified variable name is invalid. Specify a variable that exists on the AR System server for the alarm to monitor. Alarm variable variableName does not exist. Specify an alarm variable that exists. Alarm variable variableName is invalid and might not exist. Specify a valid variable name that exists. Alarm variable variableName is invalid. It might not exist or the server might not be able to retrieve it. See the following messages. See following messages for more information. The alarm trigger is invalid. Specify a trigger that exists on the AR System server for the alarm. A user and a message must be specified for the alarm notification. Specify a user and a message for the alarm notification. Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages 193
5376 Error 5377 Error 5378 Error 5379 Error 5380 Error 5381 Error 5382 Error 5383 Error 5384 Error 5385 Error 5386 Error 5387 Error 5388 Error 5389 Error 5390 Error
5400 Note
This version of BMC Remedy Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative or visit Server: ARSystemServer. This version of BMC Remedy AR System has a maximum limit of 2000 requests per database table, includes a maximum of three fixed licenses, and is configured for each client to access a maximum of one server. To obtain a version of AR System without these limitations, contact your BMC sales representative, an authorized reseller, or visit
5401 Error 5402 Error 5403 Error 5404 Error 5405 Error 5406 Error 5407 Error 5408 Error 5409 Error 5410 Error 5411 Error 5412 Error 5413 Error 5414 Error 5415 Warning 5416 Error
Login failed for server ARSystemServer. error This can occur when the AR System server is down or when the network is slow (leading to a timeout). Contact your AR System administrator. No user name entered to login. Enter a user name. You must enter a user name. No servers are selected to login. Add at least one server name. A server must be selected when logging in. Error connecting to preference server. ARSystemServer The record for the user in the AR System User Preference form might contain bad data or be corrupted. Error connecting to preference server. AR System User Preference form not found on the server. The AR System User Preference form is automatically recreated when you restart the AR System server. Error connecting to preference server. Server may be down. ARSystemServer This can occur when the preference server is down or when the network is slow (leading to a timeout). Contact your AR System administrator. Form is not selected. Select a form. You must select a form. Data file is not selected. Select a data file. You must select a data file. The fieldName fields length cannot exceed number characters. Specify a field length within the listed number of characters. Saving to .arm file is not supported. Use Save As and save file fileName to .armx file format. Import failed. The import file cannot be accessed or the AR System server might be down. No mappings found to import. Create a mapping before doing the import. Source form name is empty. Select a valid source data file. You must select a source data file. Target form is not selected. Select a target form name. You must select a target form name. Switching target form will clear all the existing mappings. No field is selected. Select a field. You must select a field.
5417 Error 5418 Error 5419 Error 5420 Error 5421 Error 5422 Error 5423 Error 5424 Error 5425 Error 5426 Error 5427 Error 5525 Error 5526 Error 5527 Error 5528 Error 5529 Error 5530 Error 5531 Error 5532 Error
No fallback value is entered. Enter a value or select a keyword. You must enter a value or select a keyword. No mapping value was entered. Enter a value or select a field or a keyword. You must enter a value or select a field or a keyword. The specified file is not found. Reason: reason The specified file has unsupported encoding and cannot be read. Reason: reason Import engine received an exception. Reason: reason The specified file cannot be read. Reason: reason The specified file cannot be parsed. Reason: reason Cannot create the Mapping editor. Cannot save to the specified file. fileName Saving the file failed, possibly because the file could not be accessed or a write to the file failed. Import failed. Reason: reason The AR System server version is version. It must be version 7.0 or later. Unknown error: exception. This error is reserved for a case where search cannot determine what went wrong. Empty search text. Enter text in Search Text. No search location was provided. Select at least one search location. Invalid search locations specified. For every selected object type, at least one location must be selected. Invalid field ID specified. To specify text as a field ID, a numeric value must be entered in Search Text. Invalid search locations specified. Treat as field ID is selected, but none of the selected Search-In locations match any fields. Invalid search text specified. Search text cannot contain the following special characters [characters]. Search cannot be performed on \ARSystemServer\. Record Object Relationships configuration is not set. Search cannot be performed on the selected AR System server because the Record Object Relationships setting is not enabled. To enable this setting, update system information in the AR System Administration Console using BMC Remedy User. In the System Information form, click the Configuration tab, and then and select the Record Object Relationships option. You must restart the AR System Server for the changes to take effect. After the server restarts, try searching again in BMC Remedy Developer Studio.
5533 Warning
Searching for a string inside string constants is a intensive task. Select this option only when you are sure that the entered search text will not match many objects. Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages 195
5534 Error
No objects were selected. For Selected Objects scope at least one object must be selected. This error occurs when Selected Objects is chosen as the search scope, but no objects have been selected on which to perform the search. To resolve this error, select at least one object using the Choose button. Search is already running in background. Only one search can be performed at a time. This error occurs when an attempt is made to search again when a previous search is still running in the background. Invalid search locations specified. You have chosen to match only string constants, but none of the selected Search-In locations match any string constants. Analysis completed with no inconsistencies found. Related Objects cannot be added. Record Object Relationships configuration is not set. Select the Record Object Relationships option on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. For more information, see the Configuration Guide. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Integer can only be mapped to XML Datatype - int, boolean, short, byte, unsigned Int, unsigned Short, or unsigned Byte. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Decimal can only be mapped to XML Datatype - decimal, long, or unsigned Long. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - View or Display can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - DateTime can only be mapped to XML Datatype - dateTime. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Date can only be mapped to XML Datatype - date, gYearMonth, gYear, gMonthDay, gDay, or gMonth. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - TimeOfDay can only be mapped to XML Datatype - time. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Real can only be mapped to XML Datatype - double or float. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Diary can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Enum can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string. You tried to map incompatible data types. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Attachment can only be mapped to XML Datatype - hexBinary or base64Binary. You tried to map incompatible data types.
5535 Error 5536 Error 5550 Note 5551 Error 7001 Error 7002 Error 7003 Error 7004 Error 7005 Error 7006 Error 7007 Error 7008 Error 7009 Error 7010 Error
7011 Error
A few warnings occurred while loading the xml schema. You loaded the external XML schema for the input and output mappings of a web services operation, or you opened a web service that is imported from another system but that does not have all the forms associated with the web service. Failed to create internal mapping from wsdl. You entered an invalid URL (or a URL that you have no permissions to access) for loading Wsdl while creating the filter Set Fields web services action. Failed to generate wsdl from internal mapping. Problems occurred while the web service was imported from a definition file or while the web service was saved. Failed to resolve existing mappings with the specified schema. You loaded a new XML schema that might be affecting the mappings already created in the web service. Failed to get top level elements from xml schema. Specified schema could not be imported. A problem occurred when the external XML schema was loaded. For example, the dependencies of an element in a schema might be missing. Failed to create initial mapping from the specified top level element/type. A problem occurred when the XML data type was retrieved from the schema. Failed to initialize JRE and internal java module. The Sun Java runtime environment (JRE) dependencies are missing or corrupt. Check the required JRE configuration information in the Configuration Guide. Failed to load WSUtil70.dll (related to webservices). Please verify your installation procedure. The WSUtil70.dll file must be in the \Admin folder under AR System. If this file is not present, verify the BMC Remedy Administrator installation logs. Please enter statistics logging interval for form. The interval is blank or invalid. An integer value specifying the interval (in seconds) to collect statistics is required. Auto Layout Style Property must be available at application level or view level. Turning off the Auto Layout mode. No style sheet is available for the current view or the application, or the style sheet was removed. Add the style sheet, and then turn on Auto Layout.
7012 Error 7013 Error 7014 Error 7015 Error 7016 Error 7017 Error 7018 Error 7034 Error 7035 Error
There are no properties in the style sheet. When exporting a style sheet to an XML file, the style sheet must have properties defined. Can not switch to restricted list as selected form(s) do not belong to the application. Remove references to forms that are not in the application or in access points. The entry point order must be between 1 and 2147483647. Please enter a new order. The Order field on the Basic tab of the Active Link Guide dialog box, or a default entry point on the Basic tab of the Form properties dialog box, must have a value that of one or greater. Specify a value of one or greater than one for the entry point order. The dynamic field values must contain valid field / keyword references. A dynamic field value was specified that does not match a field reference on the current form or a keyword. Enter a field reference or select a keyword from the list for the field. Please enter statistics logging interval for application. The interval is blank or invalid. An integer value specifying the interval (in seconds) to collect statistics is required. Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages 197
Application Statistics Configuration form not found on the server. The Application Statistics Configuration form is deleted or corrupted. Restart the AR System server, which automatically re-creates the form. The set field list did not contain a reference to a dynamic assignment. The active link cannot be saved because the Advanced option is selected and no advanced features are used. You must either create a dynamic field assignment or clear the Advanced option. XML export of locked objects is not supported in this version. The objects will be exported in def file format. Export of locked objects is not supported. If you specify an .xml file name extension, the extension is changed to .def and the objects are exported in definition file format.
7046 Error
Navigation area is greater than VUI area. The value for the width of the Navigation Area is greater than the value for the width of the View Area. The most likely change to make is to increase the width of the View Area. Left margin/Level Indent in the navigation properties is greater than the Navigation Area. The sum of the leftMargin and the levelIndent values is greater than the width value in the Navigation Area. Reduce the value for the leftMargin or the levelIndent. This operation may delete some fields, resulting in a loss of data and/or broken workflow. Do you wish to Continue? During the import-in-place operation, data might be lost and workflow that depends on fields that are deleted might be broken. It is recommended that you back up your data and current definitions before continuing.
Permissions should be supplied to the owning application object. This is a warning that you should supply valid corresponding permissions to the application object that owns the current server object. Moving a form into a deployable application will strip away all non-implicit groups from the form and its related workflow objects. You must assign roles to these objects for proper access control. Do you want to continue? This is a warning that roles must be assigned to objects for access control in deployable applications.
7052 Warning
Moving a packing list into a deployable application will strip away all non-implicit groups from the packing list. You must assign roles to the packing list for proper access control. Do you want to continue? This is a warning that roles must be assigned to packing lists for access control in deployable applications.
7053 Warning
All the Data associated with the forms selected for Import will be deleted. Do you wish to Continue? This is a warning that as a result of the import-in-place operation from a pre-6.0 AR System server, data might be lost and workflow that depends on fields that are deleted might be broken. You should back up your data and current definitions before continuing.
Once you have licensed an application, you cannot unlicense it. This is a warning that the license for a licensed application cannot be made less restrictive. Licensing an application is not a reversible process. Do you wish to continue? This is a warning that after an application is licensed, the license cannot be made less restrictive. Can not delete an application which is open in an Application Window. You must close the application window before you can delete the application
This is an archive form. Are you sure you want to delete it? This warning appears because deleting an archive form deletes the data on the form, which might be needed as a backup copy of data on the source form. Some forms had archive forms associated with them. These archive forms have been automatically licensed. This informational messages explains that if you license a form, any associated archive form is automatically licensed.
7060 Error 7061 Error 7062 Error 7064 Error 7065 Error 7069 Error 7070 Error 7071 Error 7072 Error
Unable to Save/Update Form due to an HTML processing error: systemErrorCode. An internal error occurred during HTML processing, which probably indicates that the system is low on resources. Restart the computer running AR System. Unable to Import web page due to an HTML processing error: systemErrorCode. An internal error occurred during HTML processing, which probably indicates that the system is low on resources. Restart the computer running AR System. Unable to merge template due to an HTML processing error: systemErrorCode. An internal error occurred during HTML processing, which probably indicates that the system is low on resources. Restart the computer running AR System. Please provide valid target directory for the following object type(s): objectType A target directory is required for all object types when the BMC Remedy integration with ClearCase is used. Form does not have Web Alias. This may result in invalid .jsp file names after deployment. Do you wish to continue saving? Since you retrieved this object from the server, it has been modified by userName. Do you want to overwrite userName's changes with your changes? This prompt appears when you try to modify an object that someone else is currently modifying. Can not add Menu types to Horizontal Navigation fields. You tried to add menu types to horizontal navigation fields. Please enter a non-empty string in NULL Values field. You tried to enter an empty string in the field. You must enter a value. The default view of this form is Web - Legacy (Relative), which is not supported in version 7.0. To view this form in version 7.0, open it in a previous version of Remedy Administrator. Then, change the default view to Standard. The error occurs when you try to open a Web - Legacy (Relative) view, which is no longer supported in AR System 7.0 and later.
The specified application does not exist: applicationName. The error occurs when you try to open an application that was deleted after you logged in. For example, another administrator might have logged in and deleted the application. Please enter Qualification query for this search When you try to create a defined search (in the View Properties dialog box), you must enter a qualification for the search. 0 is not a valid value for statistics logging interval. You entered 0 as the statistics logging interval. Enter a number greater than 0. Tables may not be audited. Their audit status will not be changed. If you change a table fields properties in the Multiple Field Properties dialog box, this warning appears when you click OK to close the dialog box.
7080 Error 7081 Warning 7082 Warning 7083 Warning 7084 Error 7085 Error 7107 Error 7117 Error 8000 Error
Please enter a Name for this search. You must enter a name for the administrator-defined search you are trying to save. Trailing spaces are not allowed in the form name. The trailing spaces will be trimmed. You entered a form name when performing a Save or Save As operation, and the name has trailing spaces. You must designate another field as key field before saving. You deleted the key field in a vendor form, and you confirmed that deleting the key field was the action you wanted to take. Audit Log Key key is already in use. The sub-administrator cannot create deployable applications. You tried to create a deployable application, but you are not an administrator with full access. The next request ID block size must be between 1 and 1000. Please enter a new size. You entered an incorrect number in the Next Request ID Block Size field in the Basic/Entry tab of the Form Properties window. If you are working with a Unicode server, only the current view is modified and saved. Click Display to display the view, and click Save to save your changes. The current view has been modified. Contents will be lost if you switch the view without saving. Do you wish to continue? Click yes to continue to switch and click No to remain in view. The error handler does not exist. The specified error handler does not exist in the AR System database. You attempted an operation against the wrong server, or no workflow object is defined by that name. Change to the correct server, or specify the proper name. The error handler name is too long. The name of an error handler is limited to 254 characters. Too many levels reached processing filter error handlers. Could not locate error handler in schema workflow list. For an error handler to function, it must be associated with the same schemas as the parent workflow object. The parent workflow object is the workflow that has been designed to invoke an error handler when an error occurs. This error will occur if the AR System server encounters a defined error handler that is not associated with the schema related to the parent workflow object. The error handler name can not be same as itself. To avoid recursive operations, a workflow object must not refer to itself as its own error handler. Filter processing called with no filter context. Internal AR System server error. Contact Customer Support. One or more entries match filter conditionsthis operation has been defined so that any matches generate an error. The Any Match for a Push Fields filter action is defined as Error. Some of the fields and/or workflow in this form are not supported in this version of the client. When a list of field definitions for a form was retrieved, a failure filtering certain field IDs (for example, attachment fields) into the destination structure occurred. The copy operation failed because of problems with permissions.
An admin group list was found in an owned container. The administrators access permissions are determined by the owning object. An owned container cannot have a list of subadministrator groups. The list is disregarded. A value change is pending on the floating license timeoutchange will take effect the next time the server is started. The number of hours for the Write Floating License Timeout was changed in the Timeouts tab of the Server Info window. These server configuration settings do not go into effect until the server is stopped and restarted.
8034 Warning
A value change is pending on the full text floating license timeoutchange will take effect the next time the server is started. The number of hours for the Full Text Search Floating License Timeout was changed in the Timeouts tab of the Server Info window. These server configuration settings do not go into effect until the server is stopped and restarted.
Referenced character menu does not exist. The character menu listed in the message is referenced in a container, but no longer exists. Create the character menu or remove the reference from the container. Character(s) remaining after parse completed The server parsed the data you specified, but at least one additional character could not be interpreted. Extraneous characters are ignored. Index length longer than 255 bytes -- may not work on all databases The operation proceeds. However, some database products do not support indexes exceeding 255 bytes in length. For more information, consult your database product documentation. The RPC socket number specified is not one of the legal values (0, 390600, 390621 - 390634, 390636 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). When connecting the client to AR System server, you set the RPC socket number to a value outside the legal range. The legal ranges of values are: 0 390600 390621 to 390634 390636 to 390669 390680 to 390694
8202 Error 8203 Error 8204 Warning 8205 Warning 8301 Error
The RPC port specified is not one of the legal values (0, 1 - 65535). When connecting the client to AR System server, you set the TCP/IP port to a value outside the legal range. The legal range of values are 0 and 1 to 65535. The servers RPC version is not supported. There was an error creating an RPC connection, because this version of AR System server is no longer supported. To continue, upgrade to a later version of AR System. RPC control failed to set non-blocking I/O mode. Continuing in blocked I/O mode. The RPC-Non-Blocking-IO parameter was set in the AR System configuration file, but the AR System server continues in blocking mode. For more information, see the Configuration Guide. Port is busy -- check with netstat to view ports in use This message appears when a server is started on a port that is in use. Only one form can contain the Server Version Control Reservation fields.
8302 Error
The data entered is invalid. Version control object reservation mode only supports 0 for disabled mode and 10 for enforced mode. You must specify a value of 0 or 10. Verify the Object Reservation option on the Version Control tab of the AR System Administration:Server Information form.
8303 Error 8304 Error 8305 Error 8306 Error 8307 Error 8308 Error 8309 Error 8310 Error 8311 Error 8312 Error 8313 Error 8314 Error 8315 Error 8316 Error 8317 Error 8318 Error 8351 Error
The operation failed because another user has reserved the object. The operation failed because another user has reserved the form. The operation failed because another user has reserved the filter. The operation failed because another user has reserved the active link. The operation failed because another user has reserved the character menu. The operation failed because another user has reserved the escalation. The operation failed because another user has reserved the container. The operation failed because another user has reserved the application. The operation failed because another user has reserved the image. The operation failed because another user has reserved the dependent join form. The operation failed because another user has reserved the related filter. The operation failed because another user has reserved the related active link. The operation failed because another user has reserved the related escalation. The operation failed because another user has reserved the related container. The operation failed because another user has reserved the related application. The object cannot be reserved because it does not exist on the server. You must save an object on the server before you can reserve it. The data entered is invalid. Version control object modification log mode only supports 0 for disabled mode and 10 for enabled mode. You must specify a value of 0 or 10. Verify the Object Modification Log option on the Version Control tab of the AR System Administration:Server Information form.
Only one form can contain the Server Version Control Task fields. Only one form can contain the Server Version Control Object Modification Log fields.
The operation succeeded, but all or some of the corresponding log entries were not added to the AR System Version Control: Object Modification Log form. The operation succeeded, but logging failed. The data entered is invalid. Version control object modification log save definition files only supports 0 for save and 10 for not save. You must specify a value of 0 or 10. Verify the Definition Files option on the Version Control tab of the AR System Administration:Server Information form.
The number of rows exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 999. You tried to set the number of rows for a character field in BMC Remedy Developer Studio to less than 999. Please select a source code control provider. In the Server Information Dialog, Source Control page, you clicked the Browse button but no source control provider is selected in the Provider Name field. You must install a source control system and select it in the Provider Name pull-down menu before you click the Browse button. Bad attachment locator type. The only acceptable attachment locator types are the filename or the buffer. Use only these types. Invalid attachment size. AR System forms cannot store attachments of the size reported. This error is usually caused by an attachment that is too large. This error can also be generated when an attachment is erroneously reported with a negative size, for example, by an API program. Empty automation. The automation structure required when defining an OLE Automation active link action is empty. You must specify the appropriate contents for this structure. Empty COM method list. The method list required when defining an OLE Automation active link action is empty. You must provide at least one method for this structure. Invalid COM value. The value of an ARCOMValueStruct variable in a method or parameter of an OLE Automation active link action is invalid. Provide a valid value. Invalid COM name. The name of an OLE server or a parameter of an OLE Automation active link action is empty or exceeding the maximum length allowed (64 characters). Fix the name to continue your work. Invalid class ID or interface ID. The name of an OLE class ID, a method ID, or an interface of an OLE Automation active link action is either empty or exceeding the maximum length allowed (128 characters). Invalid COM method. The method structure of the OLE Automation active link action is invalid. Detailed errors follow that explain what part of the method structure is invalid. Invalid COM method name. The name of a method in an OLE Automation is either empty or exceeds the maximum length allowed (128 characters). Empty COM method. The method structure required when defining an OLE Automation active link action is empty. You must provide at least one method for this structure.
8704 Error 8705 Error 8706 Error 8707 Error 8708 Error 8709 Error 8710 Error 8711 Error
8712 Error 8713 Error 8714 Error 8715 Error 8716 Error
Empty COM parameter list. The parameter list required when defining an OLE Automation active link action is empty. You must provide at least one method for this structure. Empty COM parameter. The parameter structure of a method required when defining a method in an OLE Automation active link action is empty. You must specify the appropriate contents for this structure. Invalid COM parameter. The parameter structure of a method in this OLE Automation active link action is invalid. Detailed error messages explain what part of the structure is invalid. Invalid automation string. An automation action string required when defining an OLE Automation active link action is either empty or exceeds the maximum length allowed (2000 characters). The RPC socket number for the Approval Server process is not one of the legal values (390600, 390680 390694). The value for the RPC socket is not set properly. Use the Approval Server Admin-Server Settings form to set this to a legal value.
8717 Error 8720 Error 8721 Error 8722 Error 8723 Error 8724 Error 8725 Error 8726 Error 8727 Error 8728 Error
The value for the Application Check Interval is not within the legal range of 0 to 3600 seconds. The value for Application Check Interval is not set properly. Set this to a legal value. Open dialog structure empty. This message occurs when you try to create an Open Dialog active link action without specifying an open dialog structure value. To create the Open Dialog active link action, enter a value. Call guide structure empty. This message occurs when you try to create a Call Guide active link action without specifying a Call Guide structure value. To create the Call Guide active link action, enter a value. Guide name missing. This message occurs when you try to create a Call Guide active link action without specifying a Call Guide active link name. To create the Call Guide active link action, enter a name. Go To guide label empty. This message occurs when you try to create a Go To active link action without specifying a Go To action label. To create the Go To active link action, enter a label. Go To action tag is invalid. The tag must be a field or value. This message occurs when you try to create a Go To active link action without specifying a field or value for the Go To action tag. To create the Go To active link action, use a field or value. Continuation button title is empty or too long. The button title cannot be empty or longer than the defined size of the button. If the title is empty, supply a title. If the title is too long, shorten the title or lengthen the button. Guide calling itself is not allowed. The guide cannot contain workflow that calls that same guide. Invalid external table name in a vendor field mapping structure. The name identified in the vendor field definition is empty or exceeds the defined length restriction. Invalid vendor form definition. The name identified in the vendor form definition is empty.
8729 Error 8730 Error 8731 Error 8732 Error 8733 Error 8734 Error 8735 Error 8736 Error 8737 Error 8738 Error 8739 Error 8747 Error 8750 Error 8751 Error 8752 Error 8753 Error
Vendor forms not allowed in join forms. The join form definition includes a vendor form as one of its base forms. Vendor forms may not participate in joins. Specify only forms that are not Vendor forms. Changing the field mapping is not allowed for join fields. The field definition for a field on a join form may not be modified after the field is defined. However, you can modify it without error by setting it to the existing mapping. Changing the type in the field mapping structure is not allowed. When modifying an existing field in a form, you tried to change a field to a different type. Bad client type. The value must be a non-negative integer. You tried to define a disabled or nonexistent client type in the client list by setting the client type to a number less than zero. Unrecognized currency part tag. The currency part structure tag contains an illegal value. Invalid currency code string length. The currency code is not a valid three character string, for example, USD. Invalid decimal value. The decimal data is formatted incorrectly. Only numeric characters are valid as decimal data. For example, 1.234 is a valid decimal value, while is an invalid decimal value. An arithmetic error was encountered in a decimal calculation. Your system is unable to complete the arithmetic operation. Contact your AR System administrator for assistance. Notify header name is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter a header name of 255 bytes or less for the email notification template. Notify footer name is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter a footer name of 255 bytes or less for the email notification template. Notify content name is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter a content name of 255 bytes or less for the email notification template. Unable to access thread local storage. The AR System server encountered a serious error performing a fundamental operating system function. The most likely cause is that the system is out of memory. Create entry operations are not supported for this form. AR System database connectivity plug-in associated with the form does not support create operations and a creation was attempted. Set entry operations are not supported for this form. AR System database connectivity plug-in associated with the form does not support modify operations and a modification was attempted. Delete entry operations are not supported for this form. AR System database connectivity plug-in associated with the form does not support delete operations and a deletion was attempted. Error in plugin. A run-time exception occurred during a Java plug-in server call to a plug-in. AR System adds detailed information about the error to the ARServerInstallDir\Arserver\Db\arjavaplugin.log file.
Retrieving attachment data is not supported for this form. AR System database connectivity plug-in does not support attachments. The specified plug-in does not exist. AR System server referenced a plug-in that the plug-in service has not loaded. An error has occurred while loading a plug-in. The plug-in service could not load the specified plug-in. An associated error message contains details. The plug-in name is empty, contains invalid characters, or is a reserved name. The plug-in will not load. Plug-in names may not be empty, may not contain space characters, and may not be a reserved name, such as AREA.
8759 Error
The plug-in does not implement ARPluginIdentify(). The plug-in will not load. All plug-ins must define the function ARPluginIdentify() and the specified plug-in does not do so.
8760 Error
Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System plugin server. Error 8760 and error 8939 can be caused by a plug-in operation that fails when the AR System servers connection to the plug-in server fails. This is either due to a configuration problem, or the plug-in server is not running. Some example operations that can generate this error include initial login to the AR System server, an attempt to create a vendor form, interaction with ITSM consoles, or any other operation that is supported by plug-in functionality. To diagnose the cause of this error, check the following things. Confirm that the plug-in server is running: On UNIX, confirm that the arplugin process is running. On Windows, check Task Manager to confirm that arplugin.exe is running. If plug-in logging is turned on, check the output at the time the error occurred to verify the state of the plug-in server. Verify that plug-ins are correctly configured to load when the plug-in server starts, and that each is successfully loading: View the contents of the ar.conf or ar.cfg file. For each entry with the format Plugin:pathToPlug-inLibrary, verify that the plug-in library exists in the location defined and has permissions and ownership consistent with other AR System server libraries and binaries in the ARSystemInstallDir/bin directory. Turn on Plug-in Server logging and set the Plugin Log Level to All. Verify that each plug-in listed in the ar.conf or ar.cfg file appears with a successful start in the log file. Determine which plug-in is associated with the error and, if possible, the events that lead to the error: To help isolate the workflow or operation that triggers the error, turn on server API and Filter logging. To identify the API call that results in the error, turn on client-side ARAPILOGGING on a client computer where the error appears. Although the plug-in server can use a port mapper, to troubleshoot this error, consider setting a plug-in port and a Server-Plugin-Alias setting in the configuration file to see if it resolves the problem. For information about these settings, see the Configuration Guide. If the plug-in connection error is related to a BMC Remedy application, make sure that you have applied the latest patches for the application. For more detailed information about troubleshooting the plug-in server connection, see the BMC Remedy Support Knowledge Base at
8761 Error
An invalid password has been used for access to the plug-in server. Contact your AR System Administrator for assistance. The plug-in server password was established to restrict access to AR System servers that are similarly configured. In this case, the password used by AR System server does not match that of the plug-in service.
The specified plug-in failed to initialize properly. Contact your AR System Administrator for assistance. The plug-in encountered an error while trying to initialize and failed to load. The specified plug-in failed to set properties. The set property function of the specified plug-in failed in some way.
8764 Error
Error while loading the native plugin hosting library arpluginjni. This error from the Java plug-in server is logged to the arjavaplugin.log file. The Java plugin server can host native and C plug-ins. It does this by first loading the arpluginjnia JNIbased library that hosts the C plug-ins. This error indicates that the Java plug-in server Java Virtual Machine could not find or load the JNI-based arpluginjni library that hosts the C plugins library, which results in none of the native plug-ins configured being loaded. You can ignore this error if you are not using C plug-ins in the Java plug-in server. The Java plug-ins will function without any problems. The appended text indicate the problem, such as if the file could not be found or dependencies could not be found. Make sure the arpluginjni library and all its dependencies are in the system PATH. Error while initializing the JNI type manager for native plugins. This error from the Java plug-in server is logged to the arjavaplugin.log file. The Java plugin server can host native and C plug-ins. It does this by first loading the arpluginjnia JNIbased library that hosts the C plug-ins. The Java objects are converted to C structures by the ARTypeManager JNI layer. This is an internal error and indicates that the type manager could not be initialized. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact Customer Support. Error encountered while invoking a Native plugin host call. This is error from the Java plug-in server is logged to the arjavaplugin.log file. The Java plugin server can host native and C plug-ins. It does this by first loading the arpluginjnia JNIbased library that hosts the C plug-ins. This is an internal error and indicates that a call to a C plugin could not be made even though the plug-in has been loaded successfully. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact Customer Support. Error while loading Java wrapper for native plugin. All C plug-ins loaded by the Java plug-in server are internally represented as Java plug-ins. This is an internal error and indicates that although the C plug-in was loaded successfully, the Java plug-in wrapper failed to load. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact Customer Support. Could not load/Save the plugin server configuration file. This error indicates that the pluginsvr_config.xml plug-in server configuration file could not be loaded. Make sure that the plug-in server configuration file is in the class path of the Java plugin server. Invalid configuration for a plugin. One of the required values was not provided. An invalid value was provided for one of the parameters in the plug-in configuration in the pluginsvr_config.xml file. Make sure the values provided for configuration items in the plug-in server configuration are valid. For more information, see the Integration Guide. The RPC socket number for plug-in loopback is not one of the legal values (390621 - 390634, 390636 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). The value specified for the plug-in loopback RPC socket number in the configuration file is not in the acceptable range. Choose a number in the listed range.
8765 Error
8766 Error
8767 Error
8768 Error
8769 Error
8770 Error
Duplicate name detected for plugin. Skipping duplicate entry. Plug-ins are identified by their names. Make sure that the names configured for plug-ins are unique. Duplicate user. AR System does not support duplicate user names, such as two users called XYZ who use different passwords or belong to different user groups. User names must be unique. Contact your AR System administrator.
8781 Error
Invalid Command line arguments. Usage: java ARPluginServerMain -x hostname -t portnum -i workingfolder. Invalid or missing values were supplied for the Java plug-in server startup. Make sure the command line arguments are valid.
Invalid port number. Usage: java ARPluginServerMain -x hostname -t portnum -i workingfolder. The TCP port number to which the plug-in server will bind must have a valid value. Specify a free port in the range between 1 and 65000. Unknown host. Usage: java ARPluginServerMain -x hostname -t portnum -i workingfolder. The host name used for the Java plug-in server is invalid. Supply a valid value. Data encryption error encountered. Depending on the encryption policy, all data flowing between the AR System server and the plugin server is encrypted, unless the policy to not use encryption is chosen. This error indicates that there was an error during encryption of data to be sent to the server. Try using a different encryption policy or algorithm. Data decryption error encountered. Depending on the encryption policy, all data flowing between the AR System server and the plugin server is encrypted, unless the policy is chosen to not use encryption, This error indicates that there was an error during decryption of data coming from the AR System server. Try using a different encryption policy or algorithm. Error while creating setting up public/private key pair. The plug-in server sets up the encryption keys for key exchange between client (the AR System server in this case) and the server (plug-in server). There was an error while setting up these keys. Try using a different encryption policy or algorithm. Error fetching private key bytes. The plug-in server sets up the encryption keys for key exchange between client (the AR System server in this case) and the server (plug-in server). There was an error while fetching a private key. Try using a different encryption policy or algorithm. Error fetching public key bytes. The plug-in server sets up the encryption keys for key exchange between client (the AR System server in this case) and the server (plug-in server). There was an error while fetching a public key. Try using a different encryption policy or algorithm. Error encountered while encoding string to bytes. All string data sent to the AR System server from Java plug-in server is transcoded from the plugin server character set to the AR System server character set. An error was encountered while encoding string to bytes using the AR System server character set. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact Customer Support. Unknown system error. This error most commonly occurs when an exception occurred while processing a call that is not recognized by the plug-in server. The most common cause is uncaught exceptions encountered in the plug-ins, like null pointer exceptions.
8785 Error
8786 Error
8787 Error
8788 Error
8789 Error
8790 Error
8792 Error
Exception occurred while loading the native plugin host library. This error from the Java plug-in server is logged to the arjavaplugin.log file. The Java plugin server can host native and C plug-ins. It does this by first loading the arpluginjnia JNIbased library that hosts the C plug-ins. This error indicates that the plug-in server Java Virtual Machine could not find or load this library, which results in none of the configured native plug-ins being loaded. You can ignore this error if you are not using C plug-ins in the Java plug-in server. The Java plug-ins still function without problems. The appended text indicates the problem, such as if the file could not be found or dependencies could not be found. Make sure the arpluginjni library and all its dependencies are in the system PATH. AR Plugin Server Startup Error. A fatal error was encountered during plug-in server startup. To resolve the issues, check the log files for information about the reason for the failure. Plugin Termination Error. When a thread goes down in the plug-in server, the terminate method is called on all the plug-ins. This error indicates there was an error during one of the terminate calls. Check the log files for details about the error. Plugin Create Instance Error. Create instance is called on each plug-in on a new thread startup so plug-ins can create an instance of any thread safe data and save it in the plug-in server threads context. This error indicates that there was an exception while creating an instance. Check the log file for details about the error. Plugin Delete Instance Error. Delete instance is called on each plug-in on a thread shutdown so plug-ins can cleanup any thread safe data that was saved in the plug-in server threads context. This error indicates that there was an exception while deleting an instance. Check the log file for details about the error. Error encountered while encoding bytes to string string. All string data sent to the AR System server from Java plug-in server is transcoded from the plugin server character set to the AR System server character set. An error was encountered while encoding a string to bytes using the server character set. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact Support. The specified container owner name is incorrect. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program. The value of the specified reference is empty. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program. The label of the specified reference is empty. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program. The description of the specified reference is empty. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program. The specified container does not exist. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program. You might also see this if an Open Window active link action tries to open a form from a different server and a different application name. You do not have access to the specified container. You do not have permission to access this container. Contact your AR System administrator for assistance.
8795 Error
8796 Error
8797 Error
8800 Error 8801 Error 8802 Error 8803 Error 8804 Error
8805 Error
The specified container is missing. A parameter is required, but the value passed is either NULL or an empty string. Load this parameter with the name of the form you want to reference. Illegal container type. You tried to define a container owner object that is not a supported container type. Supported container types include: ARCON_GUIDE ARCON_FILTER_GUIDE ARCON_APP ARCON_PACK ARCON_WEBSERVICE Supported container owners are: ARCONOWNER_NONE (container is globally owned) ARCONOWNER_SCHEMA
8810 Error 8811 Error 8812 Error 8816 Error 8817 Error 8818 Error 8819 Error 8830 Note 8831 Warning 8832 Error
The specified container already exists. Enter a different name for the container. No name was specified for the owning object. No owner name was specified. Typically, this occurs when a definition file you try to import contains an error. Container cannot be owned by this type of object. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program. Illegal reference type. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program in which the reference list is invalid. The value of the external reference has an invalid format. This is likely caused by a programming error, for example, in an incorrect API program. The container is not supported by the server. This is likely caused by old server containers. Application owner mismatch for schema. Object cannot be locked. One of more objects being exported cannot be locked. Object locking is not supported for DSO or flashboards objects. Contact Customer Support for assistance, if necessary. Locking level cannot be decreased. A locked object can be exported only at the same lock level or a higher lock level. Contact Customer Support for assistance, if necessary. Unknown object lock level specified. Specify one of the following lock levels: AR_LOCK_TYPE_NONE (0) AR_LOCK_TYPE_READONLY (1) AR_LOCK_TYPE_HIDDEN (2) This error can be encountered only through an API program.
8833 Warning 8834 Error 8835 Error 8836 Error 8837 Note 8838 Warning 8839 Error
Lock key cannot be changed, so the existing key will be kept. A locked object can only be exported with the same lock key. Changing the lock key is not allowed. Lock information mismatch. Locking properties of the object do not match the locking properties of the lock group. The definition file is possibly corrupted. Contact Customer Support. Unable to load object lock information into cache. A system error occurred. Contact Customer Support. Specified lock block cannot be found. A noncritical error occurred in the server cache. Restart the AR System server. End of file reached. An unexpected end of file occurred during file processing. No information is returned for the hidden locked object. Information is not returned for hidden locked objects. Cannot delete a locked object -- must override to delete. You cannot delete just this single locked object. You must delete the group of objects that have the locked key. Use the AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE option to delete all objects in the lock group. This error is encountered only through an API program. Attempt to modify a locked object failed -- inappropriate changes are discarded. You tried to modify an object that has a read-only lock, such as by adding a form to a read-only filter. You cannot modify a locked object. Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted form. A system error occurred. The object is possibly corrupted. The form might have been modified at the database level. Contact Customer Support. Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted container. A system error occurred. The object is possibly corrupted. The container, such as a guide, an application, or a packing list, might have been modified at the database level. Contact Customer Support. Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted active link. A system error occurred. The object is possibly corrupted. The active link might have been modified at the database level. Contact Customer Support. Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted filter. A system error occurred. The object is possibly corrupted. The filter might have been modified at the database level. Contact Customer Support. Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted escalation. A system error occurred. The object is possibly corrupted. The escalation might have been modified at the database level. Contact Customer Support. Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted menu. A system error occurred. The object is possibly corrupted. The menu might have been modified at the database level. Contact Customer Support. Field creation not allowed on a locked form. You cannot create fields on a locked form. Field deletion not allowed on a locked form. You cannot delete fields on a locked form.
8843 Error 8844 Error 8845 Error 8846 Error 8847 Error 8848 Error
8849 Warning 8850 Error 8851 Warning 8852 Error 8853 Error 8854 Warning
Setting object lock information is disallowed at this time. During set or create operations locked object properties are not expected. You must export the object as locked. A lock block must be exported entirely in xml or entirely in def format. In a single export call, all objects must be exported in the same format, which can be .xml or .def. Setting BSM tag disallowed. This action is for internal use only. Server setting out of range. Check server settings and make any necessary corrections. Invalid Locale Info Supplied. This error occurs when you use the API to send initialized locale information in ARControlStruct. Review your program and make sure the correct ARControlStruct parameter is passed. Child entries are not processed. An XML Service Entry does not support processing of multiple entries. If the input XML document holds multiple entries when executing an OpService web service operation, the XML Service Entry will process only the first entry, Child entries will not be considered. This warning indicates that the operation is successful but that the child entries are not considered. Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted image. A system error occurred. The object is possibly corrupted. The image might have been modified at the database level. Contact Customer Support. GetListFields not allowed with this type of form. This operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. A dialog has no data to query. GetListFields ignored for this type of form. This operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. A dialog has no data to query. Sort list not allowed with this type of form. This operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. A dialog has no data to query. Sort list ignored for this type of form. This operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. A dialog has no data to query. Escalations cannot access fields in this type of form. This operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. A dialog has no data to query. This type of form can only have display-only fields. This operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. A dialog has no data to query. Windows logon fails due to unknown user or invalid password. Either the user name or the password is invalid or does not exist on Windows Logon Server. Make sure that the user name and the password exist and are correct. Dialog forms not allowed in join forms. An attempt was made to create a join form and one of the forms in the join was a dialog form. You cannot create joins with dialogs. The field is referenced in the qualifier of a table field. You tried to delete a field referenced in a table field qualification. You cannot delete fields referenced in table field qualifications. To delete the field, remove the field name from the qualification.
8855 Error 8900 Error 8901 Warning 8902 Error 8903 Warning 8905 Error 8907 Error 8908 Error 8909 Error 8910 Error
8911 Warning
Some of the fields have been truncated from the results list because the total length of the fields and separators is greater than the maximum allowed. The maximum allowed length of AR_MAX_SDESC_SIZE is 128 bytes. Remove fields from the list, specify shorter field widths, or reduce the separators between columns to reduce the total to less than AR_MAX_SDESC_SIZE.
The ARGetListEntryWithFields call is not supported by the server. Active link workflow tried to perform an ARGetListEntryWithFields call with a pre-4.0 AR System server. This API call is not possible with older servers. Error accessing semaphore. A server could not get or lock a semaphore. Make sure that your computer is correctly configured for shared memory and semaphores. If it is, run arsystem stop, and then run arsystem start. Workflow logging active. The request log type matches the current log. Unable to write logging to requested file. This logging error typically is returned when you run out of disk space. To continue, free up space in the log directory by deleting old or unwanted files. Failure during attempt to update next available VUI ID. You were unable to update the next field ID column in the database for a new VUI in a form. Must specify a workflow connection structure to create an active link, filter, or escalation. You did not specify the forms for the workflow you are creating. You must specify the forms to which the workflow is attached. Workflow connection structure type of form list specified, but no form list was supplied. The form list contains no forms. The workflow must be associated with a single form or a list of forms that exist on the server. The authentication service is not responding. Cannot connect to the system at this time. Contact your AR System administrator for assistance. The external authentication server is not responding to calls from the AR System server. Unrecognized or misused tag for workflow connection structure. No form list exists for the workflow connection. The workflow must be associated with a list of forms that exist on the server. Form name specified multiple times in workflow connection structure form list. Two or more forms in a form list have duplicate form names. The legal value for the RPC socket number for the External Authentication process is 390695. The user tried to set the value of the external authentication RPC socket to a value other than 390695. Specify 390695 only. Authentication Note: note. The appended text is a message from the external authentication server. Authentication Error: error. The appended text is a message from the external authentication server. The form was not found in the cache. An invalid form was found in the form list.
8914 Note 8915 Warning 8918 Error 8920 Error 8921 Error 8922 Error 8923 Error 8924 Error 8925 Error 8926 Note 8927 Error 8930 Error
8931 Error 8932 Error 8933 Warning 8934 Error 8935 Error
Error in semaphore name. An error exists in the FTS handle (for example, it is greater than 255 characters), and therefore the event semaphore could not be opened to enable signals from server. You do not have write license. A user is modifying the contents of a field but does not have write access. No views were imported. Your attempt to import views into the form failed. An associated message indicates why the view was not imported. Fix the problem, and reimport the item. Unable to communicate with arfork daemon. The proxy fork process could not write information to its log file. Upgrade of the server internal forms failed. Only a valid internal form definition can be upgraded. Only the following forms are valid here: Distributed Mapping Distributed Pending Distributed Pool Application Pending
8936 Error
Compression of file failed. Compression failed when adding the attachment file to a request during the Perform-ActionAdd-Attachment command used in a Run Process filter action. To continue, increase the size of the buffer used in the attachment field. This error also is returned if the size of the input buffer exceeds 57 bytes. Client operation was disabled. A client-type operation was disabled for the current user, for example, if a user belongs to an excluded group. Error during Xerces-c Initialization. The Xerces library globals used in the XML parser failed to initialize. The AR System Plug-In server is not responding. Cannot connect to the system at this time. Contact your AR System Administrator for assistance. An RPC time-out occurred when connecting to the plug-in server. Make sure that the plug-in server and AR System plug-ins are running. For more information about troubleshooting plug-in server connectivity, see the entry for error 8760.
8940 Error 8941 Error 8942 Error 8943 Error 8944 Error
Error during XML definition parsing. An error occurred when an XML document was parsed. The XML file, XML string, and XML object name cannot be parsed. XML Parsing error. Invalid element tag. The parser found an invalid element tag while parsing the XML document. XML Parsing error. Invalid attribute tag. The parser found an invalid attribute tag while parsing the XML document. XML Parsing error. Invalid enumeration value. The parser found an invalid enumeration value while parsing the XML document. XML Parsing error. This parsing error occurred while the character data was parsed.
8945 Error 8946 Error 8947 Error 8948 Error 8949 Error 8950 Error 8951 Error 8952 Error 8953 Error 8954 Error
No such object in the parsed XML stream. This parsing error is returned because no such XML object exists in the object list. EXTERNAL qualification contains a circular reference. An EXTERNAL qualification making a reference to itself is an illegal operation. The process stops and an error message is returned. Invalid license key. Please provide a valid license key. You were unable to create a license because the license key does not match the generated key based on the license information provided. The value for the session configuration option is not a valid value You were unable to set a valid public API session variable. This error can be encountered only through an API program. The value of the enumerated value style is not a valid value. There is an invalid value for an enumerated data type. Duplicate numeric values specified for a custom style enumerated value. The values must be unique for each choice. Duplicate values exist in a custom style enumerated data type. Make sure all choices are unique. The Status field cannot be a query style enumerated value. The Status History field of a Data Dictionary style character menu cannot be expanded as a query style enumerated value. An invalid XML document type was specified. The server could not parse the XML document because you specified an invalid XML document type. Unable to load the arxmlutil library. The server failed to load the AR System XML shared library. The name of the library is arxmlutil. A failure occurred while trying to open the file. While trying to append the string contents to the end of the file, the operation failed because the file could not be opened. To continue, verify that the file exists and that you have permissions to access it. XML import and export is not supported. XML import and export is not supported for this object in the file. The requested dateparts is not supported by this operation. The requested dateparts is not supported by this operation. Either the dateparts value is invalid, or this operation does not support the dateparts value. The date format is invalid. The specified date string is invalid. For example, an invalid date format would be 22/15/02, which would be converted to Month 22, Day 15, Year 2002 (there are not 22 months in a year). The date value is invalid. When converting a ISO or US date string to Julian calendar format, you see this error message if the string contains an invalid date value. The XML data type is not supported. The XML data type being converted is not supported by AR System or the XML data type is invalid.
8955 Error 8956 Error 8957 Error 8958 Error 8959 Error
8960 Error 8961 Error 8962 Error 8963 Error 8964 Error 8965 Error 8966 Error 8967 Error 8969 Error 8970 Error 8971 Error 8972 Error
Server information data is in an incorrect format. Server information data is not correctly formatted. This error can occur with commands that take as parameters multiple strings separated by semicolons. Required element expected in the input XML document. Verify that the XML input document is correct for the XML mapping document. A required element is missing from the XML input document. Unexpected element encountered in the input XML document. Verify that the XML input document is correct for the XML mapping document. An unexpected element is in the input document. The number of entries exceeds the XML element's maxOccurs value. The number of entries in the list must be equal to or less than the maxOccurs value. The number of entries is less than XML element's minOccurs value. The number of entries in the list must be equal to or greater than the minOccurs value. The default notification mailbox is not specified. No default mailbox was configured so no default mailbox is available for the email notification. Required XML element is missing from the XML mapping. The format of the XML mapping document is incorrect and must be corrected. Required XML attribute is missing from the XML mapping. The format of the XML mapping document is incorrect and must be corrected. Required attribute expected in the input XML document. Verify that the XML input document is correct for the XML mapping document. A required attribute is missing from the XML input document. The distinguishing key is not unique. The key for this entry must be unique in the XML input document. Two forms contain the reserved centralized user preference field -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved centralized user preference field. You must delete one form. Two forms contain the reserved centralized administrator preference field -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved centralized administrator preference field. You must delete one form.
8973 Error 8974 Error 8975 Error 8976 Error 8977 Error
Two forms contain the reserved centralized file preference field -- delete one to continue. The system found two forms containing the reserved centralized file preference field. You must delete one form. Notify from is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter from information of 255 bytes or less for the email notification message. Notify replyto is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter reply to information of 255 bytes or less for the email notification message. Notify cc is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter CC information of 255 bytes or less for the email notification message. Notify bcc name is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter BCC information of 255 bytes or less for the email notification message.
Notify organization name is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter organization information of 255 bytes or less for the email notification message. Notify mailboxname name is over the maximum size allowed for the name. Enter mailbox name information of 255 bytes or less for the email notification message. A failure occurred while trying to open a system form definition file: fileName. The server failed to open a system form definition file that should be present in a standard location. The server needs to add the system form by importing the definition from the file. Make sure the file specified in the error message is present and accessible. Setting application owner is disallowed. The application owner object property cannot be set. Object is already owned by another application. This object has an application owner and cannot be added to this application. You must remove this object from the application that owns it before you can add it to this application. Changing the data type of the field is not allowed. You cannot perform an import in place operation if the data type of a source field is different from the data type of a destination field with the same field ID. Group permissions have been removed from the object because the object is in a deployable application. A deployable application cannot have group permissions. Roles permissions have been removed from the object because the object is not in a deployable application. An object not in a deployable application cannot have role permissions. The alias for this object is not unique. It will be set to empty string. The web alias names for applications, forms, and views must be unique. The web alias names for views must be unique in all views for the form. Unrecognized option value for change field action. Please see manual for valid values for this option. The option value that was specified is invalid. It must be specified as 1 to indicate a field or to 0 to indicate a value. Contact your AR System administrator.
8981 Warning 8982 Error 8983 Error 8984 Warning 8985 Warning 8986 Warning 8987 Error
Archive or Audit information could not be set for this form. This message is accompanied by more specific messages. Examine the associated messages to diagnose the problem. Cannot delete data fields from Archive or Audit form. An attempt was made to delete data fields (field types 1 to 14 and 35 to 37) from an archive or audit form. To delete a field, clear the Enable option in the source form to disable archiving or auditing for the form first. Cannot modify Limit Info or Permission for a data field in an Archive or Audit form. These values will be made NULL before setting. This warning is returned when the LimitInfo or Permission property for a field that takes data (field types 1 to 14 and 35 to 37) in an archive or audit form is modified. The system sets these properties to NULL before setting them. Set these values to NULL to avoid seeing the warning message.
8990 Warning
8991 Error
Cannot create this field in Archive or Audit Form. If this is a main form, then a field with that ID exists in the Archive/Audit form and archive or audit will be disabled. If this is an Archive/Audit form then fields of this type cannot be created. When a field is created in the source form, AR System tries to create the same field in the corresponding archive or audit form. This error is returned if another field with the same field ID but a different data type exists in the archive or form. Either create the field with the same ID and data type in the source form, or clear the Enable option for archive or audit on the source form. Data fields, such as fields with data types 1 to 14 and 35 to 37, cannot be created in an archive or audit form.
8992 Warning
Could not create the Archive or Audit Form specified. Archive/Audit for this form has been disabled. An archive or audit form cannot be created for a source form because of a lack of memory or a database error. The create or set operation on the source form completes, but archive/audit is disabled.
If any of the Copy options are chosen, form name should be present. The Archive Type selected is Copy To Archive And Delete From Source or Delete From Source, but the archive form name was not specified. Enter a form name in the Archive To Form field. Both the Source form and the Archive or Audit form must belong to the same Application. You cannot add or remove only the source form or only the associated archive/audit form from an application. The source form and a corresponding archive/audit form must be removed from an application together, or added to an application together. Archive Type does not match the remaining archive information passed in. If archiveType is not one of the valid archive types or archiveType is AR_ARCHIVE_NONE, all other fields, including form name, time, enable, and query, should also be empty. Specify the correct archive type with the right parameters in the API call. Archive not possible on Dialog or Archive forms. For Vendor forms, only 'Copy to Archive' option is available. Forms with a Dialog or Archive form type cannot be archived. Only the Copy to Archive archive type is available for Vendor type forms.
8995 Error
8996 Error
8997 Error
Turn off the archive or audit to this form in order to delete this form. If an archive or audit form is being deleted and its source form has archive/audit enabled, either disable archive/audit on the source form or, if you are using the ARDeleteSchema API call, use the AR_SCHEMA_SHADOW_DELETE option. Cannot modify or create entries in an Archive or Audit form. You cannot create or modify existing entries in an archive or audit form. If you are using the MergeEntry API call, entries can be added to the form, but existing entries cannot be overwritten or modified. Also, filters (Push field or Set field) cannot modify or create entries in an archive or audit form. The Archive or Audit form is invalid. Archive or Audit form should be of proper type, proper permissions as the source form. Please check the manual for requirements for a valid Archive or Audit form. An existing form that is not a valid archive/audit form is specified as an archive/audit form. Fix the archive/audit form, or specify the name of an existing form, and AR System automatically creates a valid archive/audit form. For more information about archive and audit forms, see the Configuration Guide and the Form and Application Objects Guide.
8998 Error
8999 Error
9000 Error
Encryption is disallowed by the AR System server. The RPC call failed, and AR System server does not support encryption.
9001 Error
Encryption is required by the AR System server. The AR System server does not disallow encryption. The key exchange protocol requires shared encryption keys between the client and the server and checks the encryption policy of the server. The client default is to make encrypted calls to the server. Data encryption key exchanged failed. The actual key exchange between the client and the server failed due to a serious error by one or both of the RPC calls. Error during public key data decryption. Public key decryption failed due to no authentication between client and server. Error during symmetric key data decryption. The MAC (message authentication code) failed during the decryption routine, when comparing the MAC in the decrypted message against the locally generated MAC. An error occurred in the encryption library. There was a failure in generating the random number used during the encryption routine. Unrecognized encryption algorithm. An unknown encryption algorithm was used. XDR sizeof error during XDR encoding. The size of the memory buffer used in XDR (external data representation) is invalid. XDR xres error during XDR encoding. The XDR (external data representation) process could not present the result pointer into the memory buffer. Client/server encryption is enabled but the encryption library was not found. Either install the encryption library or disable client/server encryption. Encryption is required, but the encryption shared library is not loaded. The encryption library was not found and cannot be loaded. Encryption is turned on, but the required encryption shared library DLL could not be found or loaded. Loading of encryption library failed. The encryption shared library DLL could not be successfully loaded. Encryption is not licensed on the AR System server. No encryption licensing is present on the AR System server. The encryption license does not match the encryption library. No encryption licensing is invalid on the AR System server. The encrypted string is greater than the maximum length allowed. The actual size of the string exceeds the size limit specified for the string. This error can occur when the string becomes corrupted. To encrypt/decrypt a null string is not allowed. An internal error occurred because the string has a NULL value. An error occurred with the decryption because the CRC is invalid. The encrypted string could not be decrypted because the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) failed. An invalid CRC indicates that the encrypted string is corrupted. FIPS encryption failed. To comply with FIPS 140-2 standards, the encryption library must enter FIPS mode. This error indicates the encryption library failed to enter FIPS mode. Error Messages Guide
9002 Error 9003 Error 9004 Error 9005 Error 9006 Error 9007 Error 9008 Error 9009 Error 9010 Error 9011 Error 9012 Error 9013 Error 9014 Error 9015 Error 9016 Error 9017 Error
9018 Error
Client cannot connect to this FIPS-compliant server because the client is connected to a server that does not enforce FIPS. Cannot connect to server. Servers that enforce FIPS compliance have one of these encryption configurations: Encrypt-Data-Encryption-Algorithm set to 8 (Performance Security) and Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 1 Encrypt-Data-Encryption-Algorithm set to 9 (Premium Security) and Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 1 Servers that do not enforce FIPS compliance include the following: Servers on which Encrypt-Data-Encryption-Algorithm is set to 6 or 7 Servers using AR System 7.1 encryption modes Servers using no encryption Servers whose encryption is disabled Servers on which encryption is allowed (Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 0) but not required (Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 1)
9019 Error
Client cannot connect to this FIPS-noncompliant server because the client is connected to a server that enforces FIPS. Cannot connect to server. Servers that enforce FIPS compliance have one of these encryption configurations: Encrypt-Data-Encryption-Algorithm set to 8 (Performance Security) and Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 1 Encrypt-Data-Encryption-Algorithm set to 9 (Premium Security) and Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 1 Servers that do not enforce FIPS compliance include the following: Servers on which Encrypt-Data-Encryption-Algorithm is set to 6 or 7 Servers using AR System 7.1 encryption modes Servers using no encryption Servers whose encryption is disabled Servers on which encryption is allowed (Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 0) but not required (Encrypt-Security-Policy set to 1)
9020 Error
FIPS mode requires the security policy to be encryption required. Cannot connect to server. The AR System server Encrypt-Data-Encryption-Algorithm option is set to 8 (FIPScompliant performance security) or 9 (FIPS-compliant premium security) but the Encrypt-Security-Policy option is set to 0 (encryption allowed but not required). Therefore, the AR System server or the Java plug-in server did not start. For more information, see the AR System server arerror.log file or the Java plug-in server arplugin.log file. To fix this error, set Encrypt-Security-Policy to 1 (encryption required). Localization has been turned on but no Message Catalog exists. The Localize Server check box is selected on the Advanced tab of the Server Information dialog box, but an AR System Message Catalog form cannot be found on the server. This error can occur for several reasons: The form might have been deleted. A field on the Message Catalog form might have been deleted. Corrupt data might have been added. To continue, make sure the form exists. If it does not exist, stop and start the server. The form is automatically re-created at system startup. If the form itself is corrupted, you might need to delete the form and start over. In this case, export any data into an .arx, .csv or .xml data file format so that you can reimport it after the form is re-created at system startup.
9050 Error
9051 Error
Multiple Message Catalogs exist. There must only be one Message Catalog. Two or more AR System Message Catalog forms were found on the same server. To continue, you can have only one Message Catalog form on a server. Delete one of the Message Catalog Forms and restart the server. The VUI is not unique for the form. The label, locale, and platform properties of this VUI must be unique to the form. For localization purposes, VUIs for a form must be unique. To continue, create a unique VUI combination of label, locale, and platform.
9052 Error
9053 Warning
The default VUI specified in the schema import file was not found. The default VUI was redefined to a pre-existing VUI from the form. The default admin view of the form was not found during the import operation. Instead, the previously existing default admin view is used.
9054 Warning
The specified field does not exist in the form. The display instance of a field in the VUI did not correspond to the display instance of the field in the cache during the import operation. The field is not imported, and the import process continues. The VUI import file is in an incorrect format. No VUI definition from the file was retrieved during the import operation. The format of the import file was corrupted so that it contains no VUI information. The server is not localized. This error is returned when a request is made to return multiple localized texts from the Message Catalog Form but the server is not actually localized. Possible reasons include: Message Catalog Form was not found on the server. No messages were found in the Message Catalog Form, not even defaults. The Localize Server check box was cleared in the Advanced tab of the Server Information dialog box. To continue, make sure the Message Catalog Form exists, that its contents is not corrupted, and that the Localize Server check box is selected in the Advanced tab of the Server Information dialog box.
9057 Error 9058 Error 9059 Error 9060 Error 9061 Error 9062 Error
Recursion of localized queries are not allowed. A query cannot retrieve more than one localized value of a message at a time. Update of Localized Active Link or Menu failed. The timestamp of the localized active link or menu could not be updated. The join form contains a circular reference. Fix the join form definition. Unable to create the Unicode Converter. A system error prevented the Unicode converter from being opened. Error encountered during string conversion to Unicode. Character data could not be converted to Unicode format. Error encountered during string conversion from Unicode. Character data could not be converted from Unicode format.
9063 Error
Server allows only Unicode clients (except Administrator and Alert tools). AR System server does not support non-Unicode clients such as BMC Remedy User, BMC Remedy Data Import (GUI Version), the runmacro program, and version 6.3 of the Mid Tier. The server provides limited Unicode support for BMC Remedy Administrator and BMC Remedy Alert. To contact this server, use a browser instead of BMC Remedy User. Use BMC Remedy Developer Studio instead of BMC Remedy Administrator.
9075 Error
Problem encountered during creation of one of the server system forms. On AR System server startup, if one of the AR System servers system forms does not exist, AR System creates it. This message indicates that AR System failed to create the missing forms, however, AR System still starts. You might also see this message when starting the AR System server if you replace the AR System executable or do not overwrite the database when installing AR System. To eliminate the message, delete the Server Events and Server Statistics forms. The next time you restart AR System, these forms are automatically re-created, and the message no longer appears. Cannot find the Server Events form. While server event recording was enabled, the server could not find the Server Events form to record an entry. Only one form can contain the Server Events fields. The Server Events form is defined from a unique combination of AR System reserved fields. If an attempt is made to create a form that contains these fields while the Server Events form exists, the server prevents creation of the new form. Cannot find the Server Statistics form. While server statistics recording was enabled, the AR System server could not find the Server Statistics form to record an entry. The form might have been deleted or there might have been a system failure. To automatically re-created the form, restart the AR System server. Only one form can contain the Server Statistics fields. The Server Statistics form is defined from a unique combination of AR System reserved fields. If an attempt is made to create a form that contains these fields while the Server Statistics form exists, AR System prevents creation of the new form. Only one form can contain the Application Statistics fields. The Application Statistics form is defined from a unique combination of AR System reserved fields. If an attempt is made to create a form that contains these fields while the Application Statistics form exists, AR System prevents creation of the new form. Cannot find the Application Statistics form. While application statistics recording was enabled, the AR System server could not find the Application Statistics form to record an entry. The form might have been deleted or there might have been a system failure. To automatically re-created the form, restart the AR System server. Only one form can contain the Application Statistics Configuration fields. The Application Statistics Configuration form is defined from a unique combination of AR System reserved fields. If an attempt is made to create a form that contains these fields while the Application Statistics Configuration form exists, AR System prevents creation of the new form. Cannot find the Application Statistics Configuration form. The AR System server could not find the Application Statistics Configuration form. The form might have been deleted, or there might have been a system failure. To automatically re-created the form, restart the AR System server.
9078 Error
9079 Error
9080 Error
9081 Error
9082 Error
9083 Error
9084 Error 9085 Error 9088 Error 9089 Error 9090 Error 9091 Error 9093 Error 9094 Warning 9095 Warning 9096 Error 9097 Error
User is currently connected from another machine. A user cannot log in to AR System from two computers at the same time. Host IP address not found. The AR System server did not find the client IP address in the API call. Contact Customer Support. The file specified for an application does not hold an application definition. The import file does not hold an application definition. User data is corrupted. User information in an internal database table is damaged or corrupted. Contact Customer Support. Cannot change license type of a user to Fixed more than 3 times in 1 week. An attempt was made to change the license type of a user to fixed more than three times within one week. Obtain additional fixed licenses if necessary. User data is corrupted. License deleted. User information is being updated and information for the user is damaged or corrupted. The user license was deleted by the system. Contact Customer Support. User is currently connected from another machine. A user cannot log in to AR System from two computers at the same time. You can terminate the connection to AR System from the other computer. Subadministrator group permissions have been removed from the object because the object is in a deployable application. A deployable application cannot have subadministrator group permissions. Subadministrator roles permissions have been removed from the object because the object is not in a deployable application. An object not in a deployable application cannot have subadministrator role permissions. Value specified for the Authentication Chaining Mode is outside the valid range of 0 - 4. This error occurs when the authentication chaining mode parameter is set outside the valid range in the AR System configuration file. For more information, see the Configuration Guide. Cannot find the Server License form. The AR System server is unable to locate a form containing the server licenses, which might have been accidentally removed. The Server License form is automatically created when AR System is started, so try restarting the server. If the problem still occurs, contact Customer Support. If restarting fixes the problem, you might need to re-enter the server licenses. If the problem is not fixed, AR System runs in evaluation mode. Only one form can contain the Server License fields formName. The AR System server can contain only one form containing the license fields. Note that the license form field IDs are in the restricted range. This error can be caused by creating a copy of the license form. The command does not occur on the local server. A nonlocal server execution error occurred during the following operations: Executing a run process command on the server Retrieving a list of SQL values specified in the SQL command
9098 Error
9100 Error
9101 Error
The command is not a server-side command. During import and export operations, the direct SQL and run process commands are valid only as server-side processes, not as client-side. In certain cases, the processes are exported as clientside processes. Error in parsing the Run Process or Direct SQL command. There was an error returning the fully substituted command from the database, for example, an invalid server-side run process command. To continue, verify if the SQL command or run process command works from a command line. Server does not have a valid host id. Please correct this error to enable licensing for this server. The host ID you entered does not match the host ID in your license. Make sure that the host ID you entered is the one you supplied when you requested the license. Error encountered while executing a Web Service. This error message is generated by the Web Service plug-in whenever an error occurs during the execution of a Web Service. XML Output mapping cannot be NULL. Default value of element should match the input value. In web services, a field in the output mapping is set to a default value, but the incoming value does not match it. Error while opening the armonitor lock file. You cannot run multiple instances of armonitor from the same installation directory. However, you can run another instance of armonitor from a different installation directory. (UNIX only) User has no access permission to objectName. You tried to perform an operation (for example, opening a form) to which you have no permissions. Check with your administrator. Session is invalid or has timed out. Please reload page to log in again. Your session is no longer available because either the session is invalid, the session timed-out, or no session data was retrieved. Log in again to continue. There are no available attachment fields. You tried to attach an object to an attachment pool in which no fields are available (all fields might be in use). Remove any unnecessary attachments if you have permissions, or ask your AR System administrator to add more attachment fields to the attachment pool. The form action request failed. There was an error in one of the form actions, for example, Submit, Search, Modify, or Delete Entry. Please select an attachment file first. You tried a display, save, or delete operation but did not first select an attachment. No help available. A failure occurred while the system tried to retrieve Help text for this form or field. An associated error message provides details. Cannot get the fields in the form. A failure occurred while retrieving the list of fields that contain Help text.
9102 Error
9110 Error 9130 Error 9131 Error 9132 Error 9150 Error 9200 Error 9201 Error
9202 Error
Illegal request parameter. You entered a set of incorrect parameters for this operation, for example, an invalid qualification statement. This is an unexpected error. Failed to get config property. A failure occurred in retrieving a property from the configuration properties file. Cannot find an empty attachment field large enough to hold this attachment. No field in the attachment pool is large enough to contain this particular file. Contact your administrator to enlarge the size of the attachment field so that you can attach it later, or try zipping the file to make it smaller. The size of the attachment is too large. Maximum size of available slot is number K bytes. You tried to attach a file larger than the maximum size allowed for this attachment field. Contact your administrator to enlarge the size of the attachment field so that you can attach it later, or try zipping the file to make it smaller. You can also try to attach to a different attachment field. You have to specify a file to upload. You tried to attach a file to an attachment field but did not enter a file name. To complete this process, enter or select a file. Failed to add attachment. The operation of adding an attachment file failed. Check your permissions. If that does not solve your problem, contact your AR System administrator. Servlet does not support the doGet() method. There was a failure in loading the attachment file because the method attribute of the form tag in the servlet request was set to GET, not POST. The file does not exist or is empty. The operation of saving the attachment file to disk failed, either because the file does not exist or its value is NULL. Make sure that the file exists. Internal error. This all-purpose error occurs during numerous internal system failures, including the following conditions: Name of a system object or field ID is NULL when the system tries to retrieve a system object Internal cache error Web tier exception XSL stylesheet not found for certain type of object Failure to create request in Push Field workflow action at runtime Failure to set a field in the Set Field workflow action at runtime Failure to expand an open window
9210 Error
9211 Error 9212 Error 9213 Error 9214 Error 9215 Error
9216 Error
Display or save attachment failed. Invalid request parameters. There was a failure in viewing or saving an attachment file, for example, a new window could not be opened to display the file. This error occurred here because the request parameters for the file were invalid, because the file path was NULL, or you did not enter a file path name. File not found. Either the file requested is not present or the URL supplied is bad. There was a failure in viewing or saving an attachment file because the file could not be found on the web server. Contact your administrator. Problem sending file. There was a problem viewing the file because, even though the system located the file, it could not be sent.
9219 Error 9220 Error 9221 Error 9222 Error 9223 Error
There is no attachment file to delete. There was a failure to delete an attachment file because it could not be located on the web server. Make sure the file exists. There is no attachment file to display. There was a failure displaying the attachment file in a new window because it could not be located on the web server. Make sure that the file exists. There is no attachment file to save. There was a failure saving the attachment file to the clients local file system because it could not be located on the web server. Make sure that the file exists. Download attachment failed. There was a failure downloading the attachment file because it could not be located either on the web server or AR System server. Make sure that the file exists. Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: no fieldname to match with NULL value. Please see your administrator. A valid AR System query that uses a $NULL$ value must be either in a field = $NULL$ or field != $NULL$ format. Because the AR System query did not use this format, the attempt to convert it into a Crystal Report web query failed.
9224 Error
Crystal Report does not allow } in fieldname. Remove this character from the fieldname. An illegal field name not allowed by Crystal Reports was found when an AR System query was converted into a Crystal Report web query. Rename the AR System field so that it does not use a close brace, and then retry the conversion. Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: character value in QualifierInfo object is NULL. Please see your administrator. A failure occurred during conversion because the field value is NULL and the field name is incorrect.
9225 Error
9226 Error
Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: bad enum field type. Please see your administrator. There was a failure during conversion because the field for which an enum value was provided is not an enum field type.
9227 Error
Query conversion failure unknown: queryName. Try again or rewrite your AR System query in another way. There was a failure in converting the AR System query into a Crystal Report web query, but the specific reason for the failure is unknown. To continue, rewrite the AR System query into a format more easily understood by the Crystal Report engine.
9228 Error
Unsupported syntax in query conversion. Try to rewrite your AR System query in another way. There was a failure in converting the AR System query into a Crystal Report web query because of unsupported syntax. To continue, rewrite the AR System query into a format more easily understood by the Crystal Report engine. Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: invalid data type for enum value. Please see your administrator. The conversion failed because an invalid enum string value appeared in the AR System query. To continue, rewrite the AR System query into a format more easily understood by the Crystal Report engine.
9229 Error
9230 Error
Report filespec location not specified for native reports. Please see your administrator. The native report output failed because the file location was not specified.
Invalid AR System report definition. Re-attach the definition and try again or create a new report. The native report output failed because of an invalid report definition. To continue, try creating a different definition file or redesigning your report. Field has no info in AR System report definition. Re-attach the definition and try again or create a new report. The native report output failed because the report definition specified no fields. To continue, try creating a different definition file or redesigning your report.
Cannot display AR System report reportName. Please try again or see your administrator. The native report failed to appear on your browser for unknown reasons. To continue, see the remainder of the message. Bad report operation for AR System reports. Please see your administrator. An invalid operation was specified for a AR System report. See your administrator. Cannot open AR System report file fileName. Please try again or see your administrator. The native report operation failed to open the report *.arr definition file. Verify that the report exists. You might also check your permissions and try again. Also check the disk permissions on your configured report directory. Problem in parsing AR System report definition: no 'Report: ' string found. Re-attach the definition and try again or create a new report. The report operation could not parse the field attributes in the definition file. To continue, try creating a different definition file or redesigning your report.
9237 Error
9238 Error
Cannot parse AR System report definition. reattach the definition and try again or create a new report. The report operation could not parse the field IDs and sort order. The report consists of a string that cannot be understood by the system. To continue, try creating a different definition file or redesigning your report.
9240 Error 9241 Error 9242 Error 9243 Error 9244 Error 9245 Error
Cannot decode URL. The URL supplied is invalid. Please see your administrator. The location (URL) of the native report cannot be decoded. Contact your AR System administrator. Cannot create report directory directoryName. Please see your administrator. Check the name of the configured report directory and try again. Bad data type for report attachment field. Please try again or see your administrator. There was a failure when extracting the report due to an invalid data type for the attachment field. Ask your administrator to check the report form definition. No attachment info for report attachment. Please try again or see your administrator. The report was not extracted because information about the attachment field could not be retrieved. To continue, check that the reports entry in the report form has a valid attachment. No filename for report attachment. Please see your administrator. The report was not extracted because the file name of the report could not be retrieved. To continue, check that the reports entry in the report form has a valid attachment. No base directory specified for reporting. Please see your administrator. The report definition file was not extracted because no session-specific report directory could be retrieved from the configuration. To continue, use the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool to specify a report directory.
9246 Error
Cannot find report reportName of type reportType for form formName on server serverName. Please see your administrator. The report was not retrieved when the Report form was queried for the entry that matches the parameters in the request. To continue, check the report and report type forms on the server for valid report names and types.
9247 Error
Cannot find report type reportType. Please see your administrator. The report type was not retrieved when the Report form was queried for the entry that matches the parameters in the request. To continue, check the report and report type forms on the server for valid report names and types. Internal error: Bad data type for query class field. Please see your administrator. There was an invalid data type for the query class field when the query string was converted from the AR System native format into the report engines format. Cannot load query converter class classType. Please try again or see your administrator. The query converter class was not loaded when the query string was converted from the AR System native format into the report engines format. To continue, verify that the query converter class is installed in your CLASSPATH. Invalid report operation. This operation is no longer supported. During report creation in the Open Window action, an invalid operation was used to post the report. The only valid operations are run, create, or edit. To continue, fix the action to use a valid operation. Bad data type for report operation command field. Please see your administrator. An inappropriate command was issued for the report because of an invalid data type. To continue, check the report type form definition. Report operation command is empty. Please see your administrator. The report operation command does not have a command specified for this report type. ARSystemServer serverName does not have form with ID IDNumber. Please see your administrator. There was a failure because AR System server failed to retrieve the form with the specified ID needed to create the report.
9250 Error
9254 Error
Security violation in creating directory directoryName: directoryName. Please see your administrator. There were permissions problems in creating a report directory. To continue, verify that the mid tier has write access to this directory.
9255 Error
Cannot instantiate query converter class className. Please see your administrator. An instance of the query convertor class was not created when the query string was converted from the AR System native format into the report engines format. To continue, verify that the query converter class implements the report query converter interface. Problem with starting query conversion: stringContents. Please see your administrator. An initial failure occurred when the original query string was converted into a QualifierInfo structure that the report engines format can interpret. To continue, check that the query converter class implements the report query converter interface. For information about the QualifierInfo class, see AR System Java API documentation. Problem opening output stream: stringContents Please see your administrator. There was a failure creating the report definition file from the Message Catalog.
9256 Error
9257 Error
No such object(s) in AR System server. This object (for example, a schema, active link, or container) was not located in the server cache. To continue, verify that the object exists on AR System server. Report location is missing from report settings configuration page. Please see your administrator. The location of the Crystal Reports Server XI engine is not specified in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool. Error generating Status History information. The XML string containing the Status History field information was not created. Status history is displayed for the web in a separate window. Submit failed. The Submit operation failed when creating an AR System request. There are many possible causes for a Submit failure, for example, a required field is left blank. In this particular case, enter a value for the required field and retry the Submit operation. Modify failed. The Modify operation failed when updating an AR System request. Possible causes for this error include, for example, a simultaneous modification by another user or a failure in workflow. User has no access permission to the form formName. You entered an incorrect user name or tried to access an AR System form that you have no permissions to. Try reentering your user name, or check your permissions to continue. User has no access permission to the field fieldName. You tried to access a field that you have no permissions to. Check your permissions to continue. Please select an entry first. There was a failure displaying the status history in a new window because no entry was selected. The request was therefore ignored. Required parameter(s) missing in Direct Access: parameterName. There was a failure in creating the form view because the required parameters either contain no value or a NULL value. Required parameters include the following items: Form (or form alias) Server name
9263 Error 9264 Error 9265 Error 9266 Error 9267 Error
9268 Error
Problem opening form in Direct Access. There was a failure retrieving the path of the JSP page that represents the form. The JSP path could not be constructed because some of the following data is missing: Form View Application Locale
9269 Error
Unable to perform query because results list field not found. Please inform your AR System administrator. The query failed because the result list in the form could not be located. You also see this error if you are unable to drill down to a record in a table field using an Open Window active link action.
Entry with ID IDNumber does not exist in database. The request retrieval failed because the entry ID does not exist in the database. You have entered an improperly formatted value for the field. There was a failure to validate the values for this field so that it can be properly formatted. Error Messages Guide
Value does not fall within the limits specified for the field. There was a failure to validate the values for this field because they are out of the acceptable minimum and maximum range limits defined by the administrator. This is a display-only field. There was a failure to add the field to the query bar HTML input element because it is a displayonly field. Only fields holding actual database values like, for example, an integer field, are included. Status History operation valid only in modify mode. There was a failure to display the status history because it is valid only in modify mode, not for submit or query. There is no valid web view for this form. You tried to drill down on a table or to display, by using an Open Window action, a form that does not have a web view defined. This could be a form on a 5.x or later environment in which no web view was defined or a form on a pre-5.x AR System server. The system cannot open a form that does not have a valid web view on the web. If the server is a 5.x or later server, add a web view for the form, and you can then open it. If the server is pre-5.x, you must upgrade the server to 5.x or later and then create a web view for the form before you can open it.
9277 Error
Found more entries than expected during workflow processing. There was a failure because multiple matches were found in the form during a Set Field or Push Field action. All workflow processing is stopped. To continue, configure the workflow in BMC Remedy Developer Studio for a different multiple match response in AR System, for example, Set Field to $NULL$, or Use First Matching Request. No item matches active link conditions; this operation has been defined so that no match generates an error. There was a failure because no matches were found in the form during a Set Field or Push Field action. All workflow processing is stopped. To continue, configure the workflow in BMC Remedy Developer Studio for a different multiple match response in AR System, for example, Set Field to $NULL$.
9278 Error
9279 Error 9280 Error 9281 Error 9282 Error 9283 Error 9289 Error
Not a valid license for web tier to access the server: ARSserver. A failure occurred because there is no server license for the mid tier. To continue, verify that a valid license exists. Server not present in the configured servers list - ARSystemServer. A failure occurred because the name of the server is not present in the list of valid mid tier servers. To continue, verify that a valid server exists. Set fields active link running a process failed. There was a failure in the process used by the Set Fields action. No results were returned. To continue, verify that the process works independently of the Set Fields action. Failed to create the following menu: menuName. There was a failure to expand the query string for a dynamic menu, for example, a search menu. The server could not parse the query correctly. An internal error has occurred during workflow processing: errorMessageString. There was an internal system failure during the execution of this active link. This error is not due, however, to a more common multiple match or no match error. Invalid AR System Server Name. There was a failure during login, because you entered an invalid server name.
9291 Error
Not a valid administrator password on the server - ARSystemServer. Please add/modify the password for the server in configuration page. The mid tier administrator password you specified is not recognized. To continue, try re-entering your password or contact your AR System administrator for assistance.
Not a valid administrator user on the server - ARSystemServer. There was a failure during login, because the system does not recognize this user name as a valid administrator. To continue, enter a different login name. Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: you cannot use operatorInQuery to evaluate null. Please rewrite your query. An AR System query failed to convert into a Crystal report query. The Crystal engine does not recognize this method for checking NULL values. Rewrite the query to use operators in the AR System query that the Crystal query understands, for example, field = $NULL$. You can only test for = $NULL$ or != $NULL$.
9294 Error
Your query has returned too many results. Narrow your query criteria, specify a smaller maximum number of queries to return, or ask your administrator to specify a smaller chunk size for the table or results list. You are running out of available memory because the query returned too many results. To continue, rewrite your query to return fewer requests.
Incorrect login parameters. Web page, user, and/or server name(s) must be provided. There was a login failure because you did not enter certain parameters, for example, form name or user name. To continue, enter the missing parameters. No matching requests (or no permission to requests) for qualification criteria. No matches were found for your qualification. However, processing continues to display the zero matches label in the results list header. To continue, refine the qualification to make sure that it returns at least one matching request.
Note: This message is returned by web clients. In the same situation, similar messages are returned
by web services and API programs (see message 302) and BMC Remedy User (see message 1200). 9297 Error The query is too complex for the report engine. There was a failure converting a AR System query into a Crystal Report query because Crystal has a limitation in how many boolean operators can be used in a query. You also see this message if a list of selected requests contains too many nonconsecutive entry IDs. In this case, the converted query is replaced by the original AR System query string. 9298 Error The original table field/results list query will be used. The AR System query format failed to convert into the report engines format because the converted query was too complex. The converted query is replaced by the original AR System query string. This record has been updated by another user since you retrieved it. Saving your changes will overwrite the changes made by that user. Do you want to save your changes? A conflict exists because another user and you are retrieving the same request. To continue, perform one of the following tasks: Contact the other user (if you know who she is) to avoid overwriting her changes. Cancel your changes. Requery, and then modify. Save your changes only if you are sure your changes will not destroy important information.
9299 Warning
Error occurred when executing process during an active link. There was a failure in the Run Process active link action because this run process command is not supported. To continue, use a different run process command. Cannot create Report file fileName. The report file cannot be retrieved from the server to the mid tier server. Cannot communicate with less than version AR Servers There was a failure retrieving a user from the pool of available users, because a user pool does not work with this version of AR System. Cannot get embedded report. There was a failure retrieving the report file because the ReportServlet used by the Open Window active link action could not create a temporary directory in which to hold the report or extract the report to the directory. You cannot translate the group name in the Group List or Assignee Group Field. The qualification failed because the system was unsuccessful in translating the group names into group IDs. Attempt to divide by zero (0) in arithmetic operation. The qualification failed because of an illegal mathematical operation. A NULL value is returned. To continue, rewrite the query so that you do not divide by zero. Date is out of allowed range of 1970 to 2037 for web client. You entered a value for a date/time field that does not fall in the supported range. To continue, enter a date in the range between 1970 to 2037. Page has been updated. Please Refresh to get the updated page. Your form is outdated. The form was recently updated in memory. To continue, click the Refresh button on the page. Show Status History action ignored. Status History field does not exist in form. The status history failed to appear in a new window because the Status History field is missing from the form. The request to display the status history is ignored. Invalid time format. Please enter time in this format: You entered the wrong time format into the Calendar popup window. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a currency field. You did not enter a valid currency value on a currency field. For example, you entered 1,00 USD. You have entered an invalid currency type. The specified currency value is a not an allowable currency type. Contact your AR System administrator. You have entered an invalid currency code for a currency field. Using previous valid code. You did not enter an allowable currency code on a currency field. The mid tier returns the field results based on the last previous valid currency code. The location does not have the required parameter server or webService. When details about the web service request were extracted from the input document, this error message was returned because the namespace was incorrectly formatted. The location must include the server and the web service parameters. No Web Service named webServiceName exists in server ARSystemServer. When a web service request was processed on the mid tier, this error message was returned because no such web service exists on the server.
9305 Error 9306 Error 9307 Error 9308 Error 9309 Error 9310 Error 9325 Error 9326 Error 9327 Error 9329 Error
9330 Error
9331 Error 9332 Error 9334 Error 9335 Error 9336 Error 9337 Error 9338 Error 9339 Error
No operation named operationName exists in web service webServiceName. When a web service request was processed on the mid tier, this error message was returned because no such operation was found in the web service. Invalid operation type operationType specified in web service container. The mid tier could not make the necessary API call because an invalid operation type was specified for the web service. The XPATH expression xpathExpression is not found in input mapping. A string value could not be substituted for the XPATH expression because the mid tier server could not find the corresponding mapping node. Invalid Date Time Value: dateTimeString The mid tier could not parse the XML date/time string. Invalid URL for accessing WSDL: requested_URL The WSDLServlet servlet could not generate the WSDL for a requested web service because the URL was invalid. No web service definition found: webServiceName A web service was requested, but the mid tier could not locate the web service definition. No authentication information is found: ARSystemServer Authentication information is not supplied in the web service request, and anonymous user information is not specified in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool. Data types are not appropriate for arithmetic operation. In an active link arithmetic operation, the two operands cannot be made to match, or the arithmetic operation is not supported. For example, you try to add two currency fields that have different currency codes, such as USD and CAD, and there are no matching functional currencies to add. Or you subtract Decimal1 - Decimal2 = Character. If the target field is a character, only addition is supported (string concatenation). No Preference servers or Configuration Home Page Server. Home Page needs a server. The AR Server field on the Home Page tab of the AR System User Preference form and the Server Name field on the Home Page Settings page of the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool are blank. Specify a server in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool or specify a server for this user in the AR System User Preference form. No servers configured in Configuration. Home Page needs a configured server. No AR System servers are configured in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool. Contact your AR System administrator. No Preference form or ServerSetting Home Page form. Home Page needs a form. The Form Name field on the Home Page tab of the AR System User Preference form and the Default Home Form field on the Configuration tab of the Server Information dialog box are blank. Specify a default home page form in the Server Information dialog box or specify a home page form for this user in the AR System User Preference form. Cannot connect to server ARSystemServer to access Home Page. Unable to connect to the server that contains the Home Page form. This can occur when the server is down or when the network is too slow (leading to a time-out). Contact your AR System administrator. Home Page cannot connect to any Configuration servers with user name and password. Your user name or password was not accepted by any AR System server configured in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool. Contact your AR System administrator.
9341 Error
9344 Error
9345 Error
9346 Error 9350 Error 9351 Error 9352 Error 9353 Error
Failed to deploy. Make sure the form - formName and the view - viewName have an alias name. The form or view does not have an alias name, which is required for viewing the form on the Web. Contact your AR System administrator. Network protocol/data error when performing data operation. Please contact administrator. An internal error occurred because parameters passed to the back channel were incorrect. Unable to setup data connection, which is preventing the application from working correctly. An internal error occurred during a back channel request from the browser to the mid tier server. A form definition has been changed, so unable to retrieve data. Please contact administrator. The definition of a form that users have loaded was changed in such a way that a table on the form cannot be refreshed. The operation cannot be completed because you are being logged out. A user who is logging out tried to make requests to the mid tier. This can occur if a user opened multiple windows and is trying to do something in one window at almost the same time as logging out in another window. No compatible (standard or web fixed) view for the requested form can be found - unable to display form. The mid tier could not find a view to display for the specified form. This can occur if a form contains only relative views because relative views are no longer supported by the mid tier.
9354 Error
The requested form formName cannot be found. The form specified in the URL does not exist. Unsupported locale locale. A user tried to load a form on the mid tier in an unsupported locale. The locale is specified either in the languages selection in the browser or in the user preferences. For information about supported locales, see the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Guide. Unsupported timezone timeZone. A user tried to load a form on the mid tier in an unsupported time zone. The time zone is determined at login time or from the user preferences. Application does not exist on server - ARSystemServer. The application specified in the URL does not exist. ViewFormServlet requires server and form parameters on the URL. The view form servlet requires the server and form parameters to be in the URL (other parameters are optional). If these parameters are missing this error occurs. The current global field values are too large to be stored. The mid tier implementation of global fields limits the amount of data that can be stored in all global fields to about 3.5 KB. If this size is exceeded this error occurs. A current session exists for a different user - userName. Log off the existing session and try again. The view form servlet was used with user name and password parameters that differ from the ones used to create the current session. ViewFormServlet no longer supports formalias, viewalias, or appalias parameters. Use form, view, or app parameters instead. Aliases are not supported by the AR System 6.3 and later mid tier so the alias parameters to the view form servlet are no longer supported.
9357 Error 9358 Error 9359 Error 9360 Error 9361 Error 9362 Error
9363 Error
Action canceled or unable to contact the web server. The action failed because the mid tier is unavailable or could not be contacted. This error could also occur if the action was canceled by the user while it was being performed. Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages 235
9364 Error
One or more items match active link conditions; this operation has been defined so that any match generates an error. Used by the Push Fields action when the administrator configures it to return an error when multiple matches are found. On the If Action page, the If Any Requests Match field has Display Any Match Error selected.
No rows have been selected for ModifyAll. The modify all action requires that at least one row is selected in the results list. Select one or more entries in the results list and try again. Active link run process not supported. There was a failure in the Run Process active link action because this run process command was used incorrectly, such as using a run process that does not return a value in a Set Fields action. Data types are not appropriate for relational operation. The data types of the fields used in a relational operation are not consistent with the operations allowed for that operation. See the Workflow Objects Guide for information about the allowed data types of operations. Function error in active link (bad function signature). An AR System API function call was used with an invalid data type. Function not supported. AR System functions (used in assignments) such as CONVERT, ENCRYPT, and DECRYPT are supported only in filter workflow and not in active link workflow. The guide guideName is invalid or not owned by any form. The guide or the primary form for the guide could not be determined. Dynamic workflow allows an active link guide to be named at run time. If the guide name does not exist on the server, or the guide does not have a primary form, this error is generated. The guide guideName is invalid for active links. The guide specified (via dynamic workflow) is invalid. With dynamic workflow you can specify guide names from workflow instead of in BMC Remedy Developer Studio. The definition for the guide specified cannot be found and might be missing from the AR System server. Bad menu. The specified menu is invalid. This error occurs if the browser client requests a nonexistent menu. This could be due to an active link change fields action that changed the menu for a character field. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a real field. The indicated value was entered as a value for a field with a data type of real. The value is not a legal real value. Change the value to a legal real value, and retry the operation. You have entered an improperly formatted value for a decimal field. The value was entered in a field with a data type of decimal. The value is not a legal decimal value. Change the value to a legal decimal value, and retry the operation. You entered a nondigit character for a numeric field. A numeric field contains a nondigit value. You can specify digits only for integer (numeric) fields. Change the value to a legal integer value, and retry the operation. Format of date or time value is not recognized. The format of a time value is not recognized. You can omit the time portion of a time stamp and include only the date, or you can omit the date and include only the time. The portion omitted defaults to an appropriate value. However, the format of the specified portion of time must match the rules for time stamps. Fix the format of the line, and perform the search again.
9371 Error
9372 Error 9373 Error 9374 Error 9375 Error 9376 Error
Time is out of allowed range of number and number. AR System cannot process a time that is out of range. Try again, using a time within the allowed range. The query matched more than the maximum number of entries specified for retrieval. The retrieval included a search that selected more than the maximum number of items allowed by the client or server. The call returned the number of entries specified as the maximum. Narrow your search criteria or change the limit in user preferences. To change the local setting in BMC Remedy User, choose Tools > Options > Behaviors, and modify the settings for Limit Number of Items Returned. Only an administrator can change the server settings.
9379 Warning 9380 Warning 9381 Error 9382 Error 9386 Error 9387 Error 9388 Error 9389 Error
The time entered is invalid. Therefore, the popup will be initialized to the current time. Click the icon to the right of the field to select the desired time. The date entered is invalid. Therefore, the popup will be initialized to the current date. Click the icon to the right of the field to select the desired date. No such user exists. A user with the supplied login ID cannot be found on any AR System server. Invalid password or authentication string for an existing user. The supplied password is invalid. Security Exception!! Possible insecured call is issued. Please try opening the report again. A request was sent to open an unencrypted Crystal report. Request timeout. Please try opening the report again. A request to open a Crystal report through the web timed out. Authentication failed. An authentication failure occurred, such as supplying the wrong administrator password on the configuration page for the AR System server. ViewFormServlet required parameters server or form is too long. The length of server name or form name passed to the viewformservlet is longer than the allowed length. The maximum server name length is 64 characters and maximum form name length is 254 characters. There is either no definition or the user user does not have permission for keys keys for the module module in the server ARSystemServer. The requested plug-in definition does not exist in the Data Visualization Definition form, or the user does not have correct permissions to access that data.
9390 Error
9391 Error
No module with name moduleName was found in the following configured module server(s) servers. The requested plug-in does not exist in the list of plug-in servers in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool.
9392 Error
Could not create the required module cache directory directoryName to download module module from server ARSystemServer. The mid tier should be able to create a directory so that it can download the plug-in information. If it cannot create a directory, this error occurs.
9393 Error
There is no jar file for the module module in the server ARSystemServer. The plug-in JAR file is missing for a given data visualization module in the Data Visualization Module form.
9394 Error 9395 Error 9396 Error 9397 Error 9398 Error
Could not download the module jar file for module module from the server ARSystemServer due to an exception. Please see the log file for further details. The mid tier cannot download a JAR file for a particular data visualization plug-in in a server. No local copy found for module module. Flashboards and reports are built on mid-tier local data visualization modules. This error occurs if a request is made for these modules and they are unavailable in the local plug-ins directory. Could not read the properties file fileName for local module module In the available local plug-ins directory, there should be a details.txt file that contains the information of these modules. If the file is missing, this error occurs. The jar file fileName for local module module is not present. A JAR file is missing in the local plug-ins directory. The module class class for the module module from server ARSystemServer does not implement the required interface. The entry class specified for the module does not implement the plug-in interface provided in the GraphPlugin.jar file.
9399 Error 9400 Error 9401 Error 9402 Error 9403 Error
The module class class for the module module from server ARSystemServer is not found in the jar file. The entry class specified for a module was not implemented. The module class class for the module module from server ARSystemServer does not have the required no arg constructor. The plug-in container in the mid tier cannot instantiate the specified entry class for a module. The module class class for the module module from server ARSystemServer made an illegal access and cannot be instantiated. The entry class was accessed incorrectly. The server ARSystemServer is not localized or not contactable. The localized version of a given string is unavailable, or the string is not localized. The module module from the server ARSystemServer does not have the privileges to perform the call. The administrator login option was not selected when module information was created in the Data Visualization Module form, but the module requested the administrator anyway.
9500 Warning 9501 Warning 9502 Warning 9503 Warning 9701 Error 9710 Error
Nothing got deployed since the deployed Application is up-to-date. Nothing was changed, so nothing was deployed. Cannot retrieve Starting Active Link activeLinkName in Application applicationName on server ARSystemServer. The Entry Point Guide has no starting active link. Contact your AR System administrator. No fields available for the form: formName. The form contains no fields. Every view that needs to be deployed should have an alias. All forms and views must have an alias name specified to be deployed on the Web. Problem encountered during creation of a Currency form. The Currency form does not contain the correct number of required currency fields. Bulk entry transaction already in progress. An attempt was made to initiate a bulk entry transaction when one was in progress.
9711 Error 9712 Error 9713 Error 9720 Error 9730 Error 9750 Error
No bulk entry transaction is in progress. An attempt was made to end a bulk entry transaction when no transaction was in progress. Invalid action type for end of bulk entry transaction. The action type supplied for ending a bulk entry transaction was not one of the acceptable options. See the C API Reference for the list of acceptable values. Bulk entry transaction has failed due to an error encountered during an individual operation. The attempted bulk entry transaction failed due to an error in one of the individual operations. Check the return list for more detailed information about the individual operation failure. The updating of object relationship data through the AR System Object Relationships form is not allowed. The updating of metadata through the Metadata view forms is not allowed. Error encountered while loading the shared library. The AR System Server could not load a shared extension library, such as the CMDB engine. Shared libraries are registered for loading in the ar.conf file. The server functions, but any functionality associated with the shared library is unavailable. The error message is written to the arerror.log file. Check the library paths specified in ar.conf. Make sure that the shared library and all dependent libraries are specified correctly, and restart the server.
9751 Error
The shared library identification is invalid or duplicate When a shared extension library is loaded, the AR System server invokes callback routines to identify the library to the server. This error occurs when the ar.conf file contains multiple registry entries for the same library or when the identification callback routine returns an error.The library is then unloaded from memory. The server continues to function, but any functionality associated with the shared library is unavailable. The error message is logged in the arerror.log file. The shared library does not provide an Identification routine implementation When a shared extension library is loaded, the AR System server invokes callback routines to identify the library to the server. This error occurs when the server invokes a routine that is not implemented by the shared library. The library is then unloaded from memory. The server continues to function, but any functionality associated with the shared library is unavailable. The error message is logged in the arerror.log file. The shared library is invalid because it violates one of the prerequisites When a shared extension library is loaded, the AR System server invokes callback routines to identify the library to the server. This error occurs when the shared library does not implement a required routine. The library is then unloaded from memory. The server continues to function, but any functionality associated with the shared library is unavailable. The error message is logged in the arerror.log file. The shared library does not provide the RPC program number it is registered for. The server loads a configuration management database (CMDB) shared library and assigns it a remote procedure call (RPC) identification number. The RPC number is returned by the library through a callback routine invoked by the server. In this case, the routine returned an invalid RPC value. To fix the problem, check the implementation of the callback routine and make any necessary corrections.
9752 Error
9753 Error
9754 Error
9755 Error
Error encountered while initializing (Initialization routine) the shared library. On server startup, an initialization routine runs for all shared extension libraries that are loaded. The initialization routine returned an error, and the shared library was unloaded from memory. The server functions, but any functionality associated with the shared library is unavailable. To resolve the problem, check the implementation of the routine and make any necessary corrections. This version of internal API is not supported by the server. This is an internal error. A shared library tried to use an internal API exposed by AR Server, but the API version is incompatible with the AR Server version. Invalid filter processing call made outside of filter context. An internal error occurred because a filter workflow extension library was called by a filter action that does not have a filter context. Identify the user activity and workflow associated with the error, and then report it to Customer Support. Extension library called with no filter context. An extension library was called by a filter action that did not have a filter context. This is an internal error. Identify the user activity and workflow associated with the error, and then report it to Customer Support. Workflow API function called from improper filter phase. Error in the BMC Atrium CMDB extension library API. Contact Customer Support. Unrecognized internal workflow API function. Error in the BMC Atrium CMDB extension library API. Contact Customer Support. Role name was not found. Verify that the role name is valid. The server tried to resolve a role name to a role ID, but the role does not exist. Role names can be specified by a user or by workflow. Check the associated role name and make sure it is valid. Problem encountered with an Email form. Reserved fields are being created on the Email form that already exist on the form with the same field IDs. Couldn't locate the Email form. When an email message is sent to a specified user, this error message is returned if the server cannot find the Email Message, Email Attachments, or Email Association forms. Email attachment mapping structure is invalid. An internal system error occurred. Contact Customer Support. Cannot locate mailbox. In an email notification, either there is no default mailbox or the mailbox specified in the notification does not exist. A required form for Email is missing. Server will attempt to import the form in place. Please verify the form gets imported or import it manually to make sure that the Email Engine will work properly formName. The identified form is missing and must be imported if necessary. Error opening license audit file. The AR System server is unable to open the file that contains the license audit data. Each time an audit is run, AR System attempts to recreate the file if it is not found or inaccessible. This error can be caused by the AR System server not having read/write permission to the server log directory.
9759 Error
9760 Error 9761 Error 9781 Error 9800 Error 9801 Error 9802 Error 9803 Error 9804 Error
9820 Error
9821 Error
Error reading license audit file. The AR System server received an error when attempting to read the license audit data file. This can be caused by the AR System server not having read/write permission to the server log directory. Error writing license audit file. The AR System server received an error when attempting to write to the license audit data file. This error can be caused by the AR System server not having read/write permission to the server log directory. Error, corrupt license audit file. The data in the license audit file is corrupt. The existing file is renamed and a new audit data file is created. Error, unable to initialize license audit mutex. An internal error occurred during the AR System server start up. Try restarting AR System. If restarting AR System does not fix the problem, contact Customer Support. You do not have application write license. Either this user does not have an application write license for the application, or a floating license is unavailable for assigning. Contact your AR System administrator. There are no application fixed licenses of this type for assigning: licenseType. No additional application fixed license for this type of license is available for assigning. Get more licenses if necessary. An Application fixed license of this type has been assigned to more users than the number of valid licenses you have: licenseType. No more fixed licenses can be assigned until the number of fixed licenses is greater than the number of users who are assigned fixed licenses.
9822 Error
9823 Error 9824 Error 9850 Error 9851 Error 9852 Warning
9853 Note 9854 Note 9855 Note 9856 Error 9857 Error 9858 Error 9859 Error 9860 Error
The following application fixed licenses have been returned to the system: licenseType. A fixed license was returned to the system and is now available for assigning. The following application fixed licenses have been granted: licenseType. A fixed license was assigned. The following write application token has become available and has been allocated to you -access has been upgraded to write access. A floating license was assigned for your use. There is no such application user fixed license on the system: licenseType. Either license information was entered incorrectly, or the fixed license does not exist. Contact Customer Support. Application or Form already Licensable. Cannot modify or unlicense the Application or Form. You cannot make an application license less restrictive. Contact Customer Support. The application is not licensed. Make sure that the application is a deployable application, not a local application. For information about local and deployable applications, see the Form and Application Objects Guide. The license information provided for this form does not match that in owning application. An internal system error occurred. Contact Customer Support. The application license format is not valid. License information might be entered incorrectly. Make sure that license names end with User Fixed or User Floating and that each license for a user is separated by a semicolon (;).
The form is missing application licensing information. An internal system error occurred. Contact Customer Support. No free application user floating write license tokens are available. Currently accessing the application form in read-only mode. License will upgrade when one is available. You have read-only access to the application. Try later to see whether a floating license becomes available, or contact your AR System administrator.
No license property can be set while creating a form. License properties for a form cannot be set when a form is created. You can set the license properties after the form is created. The Application or the Form cannot be made licensable. Only deployable applications can be made licensable. Also, Forms have to belong to deployable applications to be made licensable. A local application cannot be made licensable. For information about local and deployable applications, see the Form and Application Objects Guide.
Execution terminated by workflow debugger. A filter or escalation execution was terminated with a forced error from the workflow debugger. Error in field value list (bad ID or datatype). Adding a field or changing the data type is not permitted when setting the field value list during workflow debugging. Command not valid at this time. The workflow debugger command was issued at an incorrect time. For example, this error would result when you try to view the field-value list when the debug thread is idle (workflow is not executing), because there is no field-value list at that time. Issue the command when workflow is executing. Invalid Breakpoint ID. Breakpoints are identified by a numeric ID. This error typically indicates that the breakpoint specified in a command does not exist. For example, if you have only breakpoints 1, 2 and 3, and you issue a command to clear breakpoint 4, this message is issued. To see the list of valid breakpoints (including ID), issue the List Breakpoints or List Remote Breakpoints command. Internal API call failed. An internal system error occurred. Retry the operation. Illegal command line parameter. A program was called with a command line parameter that cannot be used; it might not be legal for this program or it might not be legal in combination with other parameters. Check the documentation to verify that your parameters are legal and can be used together. Audit not possible on Dialog or Audit forms. You cannot audit the specified form types. Join form Audit cannot be enabled unless the base forms have audit enabled. Enable auditing for the base forms and retry the operation. The same Log Key cannot be applied to more than one field in a schema. Specify a unique log key for each field.
9874 Error
9925 Error
There are an incorrect number of reserved fields in the Archive or Audit form. Choose one of the following options to correct the problem: Make sure that the main form is linked to the correct archive/audit form. Set archive/audit to none in the main form, correct the problem, and enable archive/audit again. Choose a new name for the archive/audit form, and AR System automatically creates a form.
9926 Error 9927 Error 9928 Error 9929 Error 9930 Warning
The Archive or Audit form is already in use by another form. To correct the problem, see Error 9925. The number of data fields in the main form should be less than or equal to the data fields in the Archive or Audit form. To correct the problem, see Error 9925. The data types of the data fields in the Source and Archive/Audit form do not match. To correct the problem, see Error 9925. Field is missing from the Archive/Audit form. To correct the problem, see Error 9925. Cannot import only Archive/Audit form. Either the Main form by itself or both Main and Archive/Audit can be imported. You cannot import only the source form. You can import the main form alone, or the main form and the corresponding archive/audit form.
Qualification cannot contain EXTERNAL references. The audit qualification cannot have external references. Archive or Audit form not found. Archive or Audit will be disabled. This warning is received when a form with audit or archive enabled is imported from a file and the audit or archive form is not present on the AR System server. For example, if you are importing a form named form_audit that has audit enabled, and a form with the same name is not present on the AR System server, audit is disabled on the imported form. You cannot disable the audit on this form until you disable the audit on dependent form. The form for which you are disabling audit has a dependent form on which audit is enabled. For example, if you have a join form that has audit enabled, audit on the base forms cannot be disabled. You must disable audit on the dependent (join) forms first, and then disable audit on the base forms. You cannot enable the audit on this form until you enable the audit on base forms. The form for which you are enabling audit has a base form on which audit is disabled. For example, if you have a base form that has audit disabled, audit on the dependent forms cannot be enabled. You must enable audit on the base forms first, and then enable audit on the dependent forms. The input provided for calculating the next recurrence is bad. An internal error occurred. Check the arerror.log file. The date calculated is invalid or a bad date format. Please make sure the date format is in the ARServers date format and separator. Check the date and make any necessary corrections. Type of recurrence requested is invalid. Valid recurrence types are Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, and Special Dates. Month of year selected is invalid. Enter a month value between 1 and 12. Chapter 2 Action Request System error messages 243
9933 Error
9934 Error
9954 Error 9955 Error 9956 Error 9957 Error 9958 Error 9959 Warning 9960 Error 9971 Error
Week of Month selected is invalid. Enter a week value from 1 to 5. Day of Month selected is invalid. Enter a day value from 1 to 31. Hours of day selected is invalid. Each element in the HoursOfDay array cannot be greater than 1. Day of the week selected is invalid. Each element in the daysOfWeek array cannot be greater than 1. The date is out of range of the 1970 - 2038 allowed by the OS. The year of the calculated recurrence date is outside of the range allowed by the operating system. The recurrence date is not valid for this month. Skipping to next recurrence. Using the recurrence provided, the date obtained is not valid for this month. The next recurring value will be tried. Recurrence of type Specific Dates has no dates. Make sure the dates are in the servers date and separator format. Separate dates with semicolons, for example, 12/24/07;12/25/07. Cannot find respective System Log Form. The log form is missing or corrupted. Import the LogForm*.def file from the C:\Program Files\BMC Software\AR System\Arserver\systemforms\en folder, using the overwrite option if the form exists but is corrupted. Only one form can contain the fields reserved for respective System Log Forms. Only one form can contain the Application_Properties fields, Only one form can contain the Application_Interface fields. There is no recursion qualifier specified in the Recursive Query. The ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function tried to perform a recursive query, but it failed because the recursion qualifier (recursionQual) was not specified. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaRecursiveQueryStruct structure
9976 Error
Wrong schema type specified for a query from list item in the Recursive Query. The ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function tried to perform a recursive query, but it failed because one or more of the items in the query from list (queryFromList) of the recursive query structure were not of the type AR_MULTI_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_NAME. All the items in the list should be of that type. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaRecursiveQueryStruct structure
9977 Error
Can not specify more than one Recursive Query. The ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function tried to perform a dynamic join, but it failed because more than one recursive query was included in its query from list (queryFromList). The query from list can contain only one item of the recursive query type. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaQueryFromStruct structure
9979 Error
Can specify fields from only one schema in the Recursive Query fields list. The ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function tried to perform a recursive query, but it failed because the fields that the recursive query was instructed to retrieve were on more than one form. All the fields must be on the form designated by the recursive schema alias (recursiveSchemaAlias). For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaRecursiveQueryStruct structure
9980 Error
Wrong recursive schema specified in the Recursive Query. The ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function tried to perform a recursive query, but it failed because the recursive schema alias (recursiveSchemaAlias) does not match any alias or schema (form) in the recursive querys query from list (queryFromList). For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaRecursiveQueryStruct structure
9981 Error
Wrong or missing join type. The ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function tried to perform a dynamic join, but it failed because the join type (joinType) of one of the items in the functions query from list (queryFromList) is either invalid or not specified. Use one of these integers to specify the joinType:
For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaQueryFromStruct structure
9982 Error
Wrong query type specified for an item in the query from list. A call to the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function failed because one or more of the items in the functions query from list (queryFromList) is of the wrong type. These are the valid item types: Form = 0 (AR_MULTI_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_NAME) Recursive query = 2 (AR_MULTI_SCHEMA_RECURSIVE_QUERY) Verify the type and retry the operation. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaQueryFromStruct structure
9983 Error
Schema alias associated with the field is not valid. A call to the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function failed because the alias (queryFromAlias) of the form or recursive query associated with one of the fields specified in the call is either empty or exceeds the maximum length (AR_MAX_NAME_SIZE, 254 characters). Verify the alias and retry the operation. Character strings must be terminated by a \0. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaQueryFromStruct structure
9984 Error
RegularQuery cannot be NULL. The RegularQuery parameter of the getListEntryObjects function (Java API) is NULL. Provide a valid instance of the RegularQuery object and retry the operation. For more information, see these documents: C API Reference, which includes information about the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function and its Java class diagram Java API online documentation
9985 Error
The list of query sources should contain one or more items. The RegularQuery parameter of the getListEntryObjects function (Java API) contains a list of the query sources that is either NULL or empty. Ensure that the list has at least one element. For more information, see these documents: C API Reference, which includes information about the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function and its Java class diagram Java API online documentation
9986 Error
Join qualifier is specified but join source is not valid. One or more of the query source objects (IQuerySource) in the RegularQuery parameter of the getListEntryObjects function (Java API) contains a join qualification but does not specify a query source object to join with (getJoinedWith element). Ensure sure that the object specified in that element is valid. For more information, see these documents: C API Reference, which includes information about the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function and its Java class diagram Java API online documentation
9987 Error
Field definition not valid. The definition of a field specified within a call to the getListEntryObjects function (Java API) is invalid. Either the field source object is NULL or the field ID is less than 0. For more information, see these documents: C API Reference, which includes information about the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function and its Java class diagram Java API online documentation
9988 Error
Recursive query cannot be NULL. The ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function tried to perform a recursive query, but it failed because although the recursive query type is specified in the functions query from list (queryFromList), the recursive query structure is missing. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaRecursiveQueryStruct structure
9989 Error
The list of the query fields must contain at least one regular field you have permission to. A call to the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function failed because the user issuing the call did not have permission to any of the fields in the functions getListFields parameter. To enable the function to return data, give the user permission to at least one field in that parameter. To return all matching requests, give the user permission to all fields in that parameter. For more information, see the C API Reference. The list of the value set query fields can contain one field only. A call to the getListEntryObjects function (Java API) failed because the list of fields in the ValueSetQuery object contains more than one field. Fix this error and retry the operation. For more information, see these documents: C API Reference, which includes information about the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function and its Java class diagram Java API online documentation
9990 Error
9991 Error
Invalid join qualifier for schema. A call to the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function failed because the join criteria for one of the forms in the functions query from list (queryFromList) did not reference a field in the preceding item in the list. Review the fieldId element in the join criteria (ARMultiSchemaQualifierStruct) and retry the operation. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromStruct structure ARMultiSchemaQualifierStruct structure
9992 Error
Dialog forms not allowed in a dynamic query. A call to the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function failed because the functions queryFromList parameter contains a display-only form, such as a dialog box. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromStruct structure ARMultiSchemaQualifierStruct structure
9993 Error
Join qualifier not allowed for the first query source in the list. A call to the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function failed because the first item in the functions query from list (queryFromList) contained join criteria (joinType and joinQual). Specify join criteria in the second item and each item thereafter to define the join with the previous item. Do not specify the join criteria in the first item in the list. Review the join criteria and retry the operation. For more information, see these topics in the C API Reference: ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList structure ARMultiSchemaQueryFromStruct structure
9994 Error
Diary field or long char field not allowed in join criterion. An API call to one of the following functions failed because the join criteria associated with the function contains a diary field or a long character field: ARGetListEntryWithFieldsRemove these field types from the predefined join criteria in the AR System join form specified by the functions schema argument. ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFieldsRemove these field types from the join criteria (joinQual) of the items in the functions query from list (queryFromList).
11001 Error 11002 Error 11003 Error 11004 Error 11005 Error 11006 Error
The Force For Mailbox has been enabled but no Mailbox has been supplied. If you select Yes in the Force For Mailbox field, you must specify or select a valid mailbox in the Mailbox Name field. The Expires has been enabled but no Expiration Date has been supplied. If you select Yes in the Expires field, you must select a date and time in the Expiration Date field. The Force From Email Addresses has been enabled but no Email Addresses have been supplied. If you select Yes in the Force From Email Addresses field, you must specify an email address in the Email Addresses field. Mailbox Name is missing and no default Mailbox has been configured. A mailbox name is required. You must specify a mailbox name or request your AR System administrator to set up a default mailbox in the AR System Email Mailbox Configuration form. You are removing the default mailbox. Please specify a new default mailbox. If you delete the default outgoing mailbox and do not specify a new default, the mailbox name must be entered when sending an outgoing email or replying to an incoming email message. You are deleting a record that has an associated mailbox. This means that you will no longer be able to send email notifications and/or reply to emails. If you delete an associated incoming or outgoing mailbox, you cannot send email notifications or reply to email using this mailbox.
Email Action cannot be set to Parse if no Outgoing Mailbox is associated with this mailbox. If you select Parse in the Email Action field on the Advanced Configuration tab, you must select a mailbox in the Associated Mailbox Name field. Outgoing Mailbox configuration does not contain a Server Name. If you select outgoing for the Mailbox Function, you must specify a server in the Email Server Name/IP field. Incoming Mailbox configuration either does not contain a User Name or Server Name. If you select incoming for the Mailbox Function, you must specify a server in the Email Server Name/IP field and a user in the Email Server User field.
AR System Error Messages form 15 AR System Message Catalog form 15 AR System messages help with 15 message catalogs 13 message reporting 12 UNIX server error reporting 12
help with error messages 15
localizing message catalogs 14
message catalogs described 13 localizing 14 messages AR System Error Messages form 15 AR System Message Catalog form 15 custom 18 localizing 14 message catalogs 13 reporting 12 reserved ranges of message numbers 18 syslog daemon on UNIX 12 terminology 7 UNIX server error reporting 12 Windows server error reporting 13
BMC Software, contacting 2
catalogs, message on UNIX 13 custom error messages 18 customer support 3
display data types 37 documentation, AR System 8 documentation, help with error messages 15
error message custom 18 defined 8
note informational message, defined 7
organization of this guide 17
forms AR System Error Messages 15 AR System Message Catalog 15
product support 3
ranges of message numbers 18 reporting, messages by AR System clients 12
support, customer 3 syslog daemon on UNIX 12
technical support 3 troubleshooting. See diagnostic messages
UNIX message catalogs 13 server error reporting 12 syslog daemon 12
warning message, defined 8 Windows, server error reporting 13