Constitutional Pursuit
Constitutional Pursuit
Constitutional Pursuit
Constitutional Pursuit I. Benchmark/Standard a. 3.2.1 Explain how the principles of enumerated powers, federalism, separation of powers, bicameralism, checks and balances, republicanism, rule of law, individual rights, inalienable rights, separation of church and state, and popular sovereignty serve to limit the power of the government. b. 5.3 Rights of Citizenship: Identify the rights of citizenship by investigating the question: What are the personal, political, and economic rights of citizens in the United States? c. 5.3.4 Describe the relationship between personal, political, and economic rights and how they can sometimes conflict Behavioral/Objective a. Students will be able to apply the principles in the Constitution to hypothetical situations Anticipatory Set a. Schoolhouse Rock video on the Constitution with discussion of the imagery used in the video Objective/Purpose a. The goal for the day is to be able to be able to use the Constitution to make sense of hypothetical situations Input a. Task Analysis i. State the objective (1 min) 1. The goal for the day is to be able to be able to use the Constitution to make sense of hypothetical situations ii. Schoolhouse Rock Video (8 min) 1. Students should be look for what imagery was used in the video that relates to class yesterday and the homework 2. Show Video 3. Discuss different imagery students saw a. Domestic Tranquility the Judge putting stop the dual. Umpire stopping the fight b. Establish Justice the judge with his gavel c. Provide for the Common Defense Old militia army. New modern army. d. Secure the blessings of Liberty People voting iii. Directions for Constitutional Pursuit (2 min) 1. Explain that we are going to use the Constitution to make decisions in hypothetical situations 2. Show the directions on the overhead 3. Include that they are playing a game and will earn points for different parts of the questions iv. Model question #1 (4 min)
1. Use ELMO cart so students can follow along v. Reveal Question #2 (4 min) 1. Students work on it with their partners 2. When time is up, swap papers with partner 3. Score their answers 4. Return paper vi. Continue for Questions #3-8 (28 min) 1. In between questions ask if students got the correct answer with the correct reasoning 2. Take note of how many are getting it vii. *If time Finish Sections from Notebook Guide b. Thinking Levels i. Analysis c. Method and Materials i. Teacher demonstration, Partner Work, Group Discussion ii. Answer Sheets, Answer Key, ELMO Cart, Laptop connected to projector Modeling a. Question #1 on the ELMO cart Checking for Understanding a. Ask how many students got the correct answer with the correct reasoning after the questions Guided Practice a. When students are working in partners I will go around and help students who are not getting through the answer sheet Independent Practice a. Working with their partners on the questions Closure a. Ask students before the bell rings what they learned today i. If no answers ask: 1. Can the president declare war on a state a. No, only Congress can declare war 2. Can states join together to form one larger state? a. Yes, but it must be approved by the states and Congress