IGNOU - B.Sc. - PHE09: Optics
IGNOU - B.Sc. - PHE09: Optics
IGNOU - B.Sc. - PHE09: Optics
1.6 1.7
You all know that light is responsible for our intimate contact with the universe through one of our sense organs. We are able to admire the wonders'of the world and appreciate the beauty of nature only when there is light. The reds of the sun or the ruby, the greens of the grass or emerald and the blues of the sky or sapphire involve light. In a way light plays a vital role in sustaining life on earth. Even so, we are strangely unaware of its presence. We see not light but objects, (shapes, colours, textures and motion) as constructed by the brain from information received by it. Have you ever thought : What is light 7 How light behaves when it reaches our eyes ? And so on. These questions proved very difficult even for the genius of the class of Newton and Einstein. In fact, search for answers to these gave birth to a new branch of physics: Optics, which is extremely relevant to the modem world. It occupies a prominent place in various branches of science, engineering and technology. Optical studies have contributed to our understanding of the laws of nature. With Ihe development of lasers, fibre optics, holography, optical communication and computation, optics has emerged as a fertile area of practical applications. It is therefore important for you to understand the language and vocabulory of optics very thoroughly. to unfold the nature of light. However, before you do so you should revise second block of PHE-02 course and fourth block of PHE-b7 course. In Sec. 1.2 you will learn about corpuscular (particle) model of light. In Sec. 1.4 we have discussed the wave model of light, with particular reference to electromagnetic waves. You may nowbe tempted to ask: Does light behave like a particle or a Wave ? You will learn that it is like neither!
. In this unit you will learn some important facts and developments which were made
After going through this unit you should be able to name phenomena distinguishing corpuscular and wave models of light derive an expression for the velocity of electromagneticwaves specify the frequency ranges of different portions of eleclromagnetic spectrum, and explain the importance of Poynting Vector.
Introducing Light
1.2 THE
You must have read in your school physics course that corpuscular model is due to Newton. Contrary to this popular belief, the credit sllould be given to Descartes, although the earliest speculalions about iight are attributed to Pythagoras.
The corpuscular model is perhaps the simplest of the models of light. According to it, light consists of minute invisible stream of particles called corpuscles. A luminous body sends corpuscles out in all directions. These particles travel without being affected by earth's gravitation. Newton emphasized that corpuscles of different sizes stimulate sensation of different colours at the ratina of our eye.
In your physics courses at school you must have learnt about evidences in favour of this
model. Can you recall them? The two most important experimental evidences are: (i) Light travels in straight lines. This rectilinear propagation of light is responsible for formation of sharp (perfectly dark) shadows. If we illuminate a barrier in front of a white screen, thc region of screen behind the barrier is completely dark and the region outside the barrier is completely lit. This suggests that light does not go around comers. Or does it?
The speed of propagation of light has been mensured by a variety of means. The earliest measurement made by Roemer in 1676 made use OF observations of the motion of the moons of Jupiter and apparent variations in the periods of their orbits resulting from the finite speed of propagation of light from Jupiter to earth. The first completely terrestrial measurement of the speed of light was made by Fizeau in 1849.
(ii) Light can propagate lhrough vacuum, i.e., light does not require any material medium, as does sound, for propagation. We can also predict the correct form of the laws of reflection and refraction using the corpuscular model. However, a serious flaw in this theory is encountered in respect of the specd of light. Corpuscular model predicts that light travels faster in a denser medium. This, as you now recognise, contradicts the experimental findings of Fizeau. D o you expect the speed of light to depend on the nature of the source or the medium in which light propagate? Obviously, it is a properly of the medium. This means that the speed of light has a definite value for each medium. The other serious flaw in the corpuscular model came in the form of experimental observations like interference (re-distribution of energy in the form of dark and bright or coloured fringes), diffraction (bending around sharp edges) and polarization. You may now like to answer an SAQ.
Grimaldi observed that the shadow o l a very sinall circular obstacle placed in the palh of light is smaller than its actual size. Discuss how it contradicts corpuscular model.
In thc experiment described in SAQ1, Grimaldi also observed coloured fringes around the shadow. This, as w e now know, is a necessary coilsequence of the wavelike character of light. It is interesting to observe lhat even though Newton had some wavelike conception of light, he continued to empllasize the particle nature. You will learn about thc wave model of light in the lollowing section.
also why diffraction effects are small and light is said to approximately travel in straight lines. (A ray is defined as the path of energy propagation in the limit of h-, 0). A satisfactory explanation of diffraction of light was given by Fresnel on the basis of the wave model. An important part in establishing wave model was played by polarisation- a subtle property of 1ight:It established that light is a transverse wave; the oscillations are perpendicular to the path of propagation. But what is it that.oscillates? The answer was provided by Maxwell who provided real physical significance and sound pedestal to the wave theory. Maxwell identified . light with electromagnetic waves. A light wave is associated with changing electric* and magnetic fields. You will learn these details now.
From the PHE-07 course on Electric and Magnetic Phenomena you will recall that a varying electric field gives rise to a time and space varying magnetic field and vice-versa. This interplay of coupled electric and magnetic fields results in the propagation of three-dimensional electromagnetic waves.To show this, we first recall Maxwell's field equations: V.D-f? (l.la)
and where p and J denote the free charge density and the conduction current density, respectively. E, D, B, and H respectively represent the electric field, electric displacement, magnetic induction and the magnetic field. These are connected through the Eollowing constitutive relations:
D = E E
J m u E
where E, p and a respectivcly denote the (dielectric) permittivity, magnetic permeability and the electrical conductivity of the medium. For simplicity, we consider the field equations in vacuum so that p
0 and
Introducing ~ i g h t
x E
V ( a w a t ) X
since - is independent of V x operation. at To simplify the left hand side of this equation, we use the vector identity
VXVXE= v(v.E)-V~E
Since V. E
The 3-D wave equation has the form
= 0
V ~ E =
p~--(Vx at
5 min
Prove Eq. (1.6) Do you recognise Eqs.(l.S) and (l.6)? These are identical in form to 3-D wave equation derived in Unit 6 of the Oscillations and Waves course (PHE-02). This means that each component of E and H satisfies a wavelike equation. The speed of propagation of an electromagnetic wave in free space is given by
This remarkably simple result shows that the speed of an electromagnetic wave depends only on and EO. This suggests that all e.m. waves should, irrespective of frequency or amplitude, share this speed while propagating in free space. We can easily calculate the magnitude of v by noting that for free space
p~, =
4n x I O - ~ N S ~ C ~ .
[(8.8542 x 1 0 - ' ~ C ? ~ - l m -x ( 4 x ~)
This is precisely the speed of light! It is worthwhile to mention here that using the then best known value of EO, Maxwell found that electromagnetic waves should
travel at a speed of 3.1074 x 1 ms-'. This, to his amusement, was very close to 0 ' 0 the speed of light measured by Fizeau(3.14858 x 1' ms"). Based on these numbers, Maxwell proposed the electromagnetic theory of light. In his own words "This velocity is so nearly that of light, that it seems we have strong reason t~ believe that light itself is an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of waves propagated through the electromagnetic field according to electromagnetic laws." We cannot help but wonder at such pure gold having come out of his researches on electric grid magnetic phenomena. It was a rare moment of unveiled exuberance - a classic example of the unification of knowledge towards which science is ever striving. With this one calculation, Maxwell brought the entire science of optics under the umbrella of electromagnetism. Its significance is profound because it identifies light with structures consisting of electric and magnetic fields travelling freely through free space. The direct experimental evidence for electromagnetic waves came through a series of brilliant experiments by Hertz. He found that he could detect the effect of electromagnetic induction at considerable distances from his apparatus. His apparatus is shown in Fig. 1 1 By measuring the wavelength and frequency of .. electrorriagrietic waves, Hertz calculated their speed. He found it to be precisely equal to the speed of lighl. He also demonstrated properties like reflection. refraction, interference, etc and demonstrated conclusively that light is an electromagnetic wavc.
Nature of UgM
You now know that electromagnetic waves are generated by time varying electric and magnetic fields. So these are described by the amplitudes and pliases of these fields. The simplest electromagnetic wave is the plane wave. You may recall that in a plane wave the phases of all points on a plane normal to the direction of propagation are same. And for a plane electromagnetic wave propagating along the + z - direction, the phase is (kz - o t ), where k is the wave number and o is the angular frequency of electromagnetic plane wave. And the scalar electric and magnetic fields can be expressed as
Ho exp [ i ( k z - 9 t ) l
Introducing Light
For a wave propagii~ing along the + z-direction, the field vectors E and H are independent of x and y. Then Eqs. (1.3a) and (1.3b) reduce to
By the same argument you will find that the time variation of Ez and Hz can be expressed as
To arrive at Eqs. (1.9 a,b), we write the z-components of Eqs. (1.3~) and(l.3d) as
aE,-aE,_ ax
a H~
What do these equations convey? Physically, these imply that the components of E and H along the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave (+z-direction in this case) does not depend upon time and the space coordinate z. So we must have
E, = 0
You should convince yourself why any other constant value of E,and H, would not represent a wave. We can now draw the following conclusions:
SinceE and H are independenl oEx and y, the LHS will be identically equal to zero.
Plane electromagnetic waves have no longitudinal component. That is, they are transverse. This implies that if electric field is along the x- axis, the magnetic field will be along the y-axis so that we may write
* y H o ei ( k z - t o t )
You may now ask: Are EQ andHo connected? If so, what is the relation between ion them'?To discover answer to this ques~ you have to solve TQ2:
phase. Thus if E becomes zero (~naximum) some instant, H must also at necessarily be zero (maximum) and so on. This also shows that neither electric nor magnetic wave cilk exist without the other. An electric field varying il:
Ag.1.2: The electricnnd Iilngln ,:tic fields nssocinted with n plane electron~ngnetic wave
time sets up a space-time varying magnetic field, which, in turn, produces an electric field varying in space and time, and so on. You cannot separate them. This mutually supporting role results in the generation of electromagnetic waves. The pictorial representation of fields of a plane electromagnetic waves (propagating along the + z- direction) is shown in Fig. 1.2. You will note that electric and magnetic fields are oriented at right angles to one another and to the direction of wave motion. Moreover, the variation in the spacing of the field lines and their reversal from one region of densely spaced lines to another reflect the spatial sinusoidal dependence of the wave fields.
Nature of Light
If you now substitute for the cross products on the right-hand side froin Maxwell's third and fourth equations respectively for free space, you will get
Recall the identity V.(A x B) = B.(VxA)-A.(VxB)fron~ unit 2 of PHE-04 course on Mathematical Methods in Physics-I.
so that
V.(E x H)-
- - 2 ( ( E " E , E +p o H . H ) at
Do you recognise Eq. (1.13)? If so, call you idcntily it with some known equation in physics? This equation rcseinbles the equatioii ol continuity in hydrostatics. To discover the physical signiCicailce of Eq. (1.13), you should integrate it over volumc Vbound by the surface S and use Gauss' theorem. This yields S v . ( E x H)dV-
Gauss' divergence theorem relates the surface integral of a vector funclion to the volu~ne integral of the divergence of this same fu~ictiori:
4 n . d ~{ V . U I V
The surface i~itegral taken is
over the closed surface, S bounding the volume, V.
- -S a
1 ( E O ~ . ~ +H.A)~V 2
The integrand on the right hand side refers to the time rate of flow of electromagnetic energy in Cree space. You will note that both E and H contribute to it equally. The vector
S=Ex H
is called the Poynting Vector. It is obvious that S, E and H are mutually orthogonal. Physically i t implies that S points in thc direction of propagation ol'thc
Introducing 1,iyhl
wave since electromagnetic waves are transverse. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.3. You may now like to know the time-average of energy carried by electromagnetic waves (light) per unit area. If you substitute for E and H in Eq. (1.14) and average over time, you will obtain
Before you proceed, you should convince yourself about the validity of this result. T o ensure this we wish you to solve SAQ 3. lYa
Spend 5 mirz
Prove Eq.(l.15).
10' I l z
I I L I , , I C I I c \ I -
- ' I
.r v
- - H c r ~ / i i ~ nwaves
\\,avcleng111 10 "
10 '
i CII:
I0 '
\ 1olc1 llctl
4000 A to 7000 A. As you know, different wavelengths correspond to difterent colours. The red is at the long wavelength-cnd of visible region and thc violet at the short wavelength -end. For centuries our only information about the universc beyond earth has come from visible light. All electromagnetic waves from 1 m to 10 6 m are referred to as radiowavcs. These are used in transmission of radio and television signals. The ordinary AM radio corresponds to waves with h = 100m , whereas FM radio corresponds to lm. Thc niicrowaves are used for radar and satcllitecomrnunications ( h-0.5m - 10- m ). Belween two radio waves and visible light lies the infrared region. Beyond the visible region we encounter the ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays. You musl convince yourself that all phenomena l'rom radio waves lo gamma rays are
essentially the same; they are all electromagnetic waves which differ only in wavelength (or frequency). You may now be tempted to enquire: Why do we attribute different nomenclature to different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum? The distinction is a mere convenience while identifying their practical applications.
In our solar system, thc sun is the major source of e.m. waves. If you closely examine the solar spectrum received on the earth, you will ohscrve broad continuous spectrum crossed by Fraunhofer dark absorption lines (Fig. 1.5). Let u s now sum up what you have learnt in this unit.
Light is an electromagnetic wave. The electric and magnetic fields constituting an electromagnetic wave satisfy the equations
For a plane electromagnetic wave propagating along the + z- direction, the electric and magnetic fields can be expressed as
xEo exp [ i ( / c / . - w t ) ]
exp [ i ( k z -
Th, :lectromagnetic waves are transverse. The pointing vector S = E x H delines the direction al propagation of an electromagnetic wave. The visible light is confined to a very limited porlion (4000 electromagnetic spectruni.
A - 7000 A) of
Introducing Light
Derive the wave equation for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a conducting medium. Starting from Eqs. (1.3~) (1.3d) show that and
The energy radiated by the sun per second is approximately 4.0 x 10~"s-'. Assuming the sun to be a sphere of radius 7 x 108m,calculate the value of Poynting vector at its surface. How much of it is incident on the earth? The 11 average distance between the sun and earth is 1.5 x 10 m.
1. According to the corpuscular model, light travels in straight lines. As a result, the size of the shadow should be equal to the size o l the object. Grimaldi's observation - the size of the shadow is smaller than the size of the obstacle indicates that light bends around edges, contradicting corpuscular model.
Taking the curl of Eq. (1.3d), we get
Since V . H
0, we get
S = E X H
Taking only the real part of Eq. (1.11), the electric and magnetic field vectors can be represented as
x E , cos(kz- w t )
z-& Cleo
c o s 2 ( k z - ot)
This gives the amount of energy crossing a unit area perpendicular to z-axis per unit time. Typical frequency for an optical beam is of the order of 15 -1 10 s and the cosine term will fluctuate rapidly. Therefore, any measuring device placed in the path would record only an average value. The time average of the cosine term, as you know, is 112. Hence
1. While deriving the wave-equation for electromagnetic waves in free space, w e assumed that the electric cuurrent density is zero:
This is because the conductivity (o) of the free space was taken to be zero However in case of conr-uctingmedium, o is non-zero. Hence
where symbols have their usual meaning. With the help of above relations, Maxwell's relations in a conducting medium can be written as
( la>
g r a d d i v E - V ~ E = -( V X B ) at
Introducing Light
This is the wave equation lor the propagation of the electromagnetic waves in a conducting medium.
Now let us take x-axis along the electric field vector E. Then
= 0
From Eq. (1.10) it follows for electromagnetic wavc travelling along the s-:\xis thi~t
3 E.* -- Po
a H,
-- -ax ay
a H,, a H ,
Thc plane wave representation of the clcclric and magnetic l'iclcl vectors is given as
= ;
Eo * exp [ i ( k z - ( o f ) ]
Ho exp [ i ( k z -
w t ) ]
We know that Poynting vector denotes the rate at which energy is radiated per unit area. S o we can write the total average energy radiated from the surface of sun per unit time as
To calculate the encrgy incident on the earth, we should know the average Poynting vector ( SE ) at the surl'acc of earth. To do so, we denote the distance between the surface ol earth and ccntre of Ihc sun as RE = RELY R ancl note that +
Idealization of Waves as Light Rays Fermat s Principle Summary Terminal Questions Solutions and Answers
In the previous unit you have learnt that light is an electronlagnetic wave. It is made up of mutually supporting electric and magnetic fields, which vary continuously in space and time. An interesting question related to e.m. waves is: What happens to these fields when such a wave is incident on the boundary separating two optically different media? From Unit 7 of PHE-02 Course you may recall that when a wave passes from air to water or air to glass, we get a reflected wave and a refracted wave. Reflection of light from a silvered surface, a looking mirror say, is the most common optical effect. Reflection of e.m, waves governs the working of a radar. Reflection of radiowaves by the ionosphere makes signal transmission possible and is so crucial in the area of communication. In your earlier school years you have learnt that refraction explains the working of lenses and is responsible for seeing; our contact with surroundings. Even the grand spectacle of sun-set or a rainbow can be explained in terms of refraction 01light. Refraction of e. m. waves forms the basis of one of the greatest technological applications in signal transmission. In fact, electro-optics has seen tremendous growth via optical fibres for a variety of applications. In Unit 7 of PHE-02 course on Oscillations and Waves, you learnt to explain rellection and refraction of waves on the basis of Huygens' wave model. Now the question arises: Can we extend this analysis to electromagnetic waves, which include visible light, radiowaves, microwaves and X-rays? In Sec. 2.2 you will learn to derive the equations for reflected and transmitted fields (E and B) when an e.m. wave is incident normally as well as obliquely on the boundary of two media. You are aware that many physical systems behave according to optimisation principle. In PHE-06 course you have learnt that-when several fluids'at different temperatures are mixed, the heat exchange takes place so that the total entropy of the system is maximum. A ball rolling on an undulating surface comes to rest at the lowest point. The profoundness of such situations and scientific laws governing them led Fermat to speculate: Does light also obey some optimization principle? And he concluqed: Ray of light chooses u path of extremum between two points. This is known as Fermat's principle, Implicit in it are the assumptions (i) Light travels at a finite speed, and (ii) The speed of light is lower in a denser medium.
In Sec. 2.4 you will learn about Fermat's principle. We have shown that all laws of geometrical optics are contained in it.
After studying this unit you should be able to
explain reflection and refraction of e.tn. waves incident normally and obliquely on the interface separating two optically different media apply Fermat's principle to explain the reflcction and refraction of light, and solve problems based on retlection and refraction of e.m. waves.
Medium 1e , p,
Medium 2 E, p2
PIg.2.1: A nnifvnn pliinc wave Is incldenl no~l:l:rlly on i1 pli~ne boundury. The ~*ellccled and refmckd (lr?l~:snlittcd)wirvcs rrre allso sllown. 'l'hc nnglc of incidence Is a and rrnglc of refraction Is p.
and permeability: E I , lor medium 1and EZ, 11.2 h r ll~ediuln A unil'orm plane 2. wave travelling to the right in mcdiulli 1 is incident on the interface normal to the boundary. A s in the casc of waves on ;I string, we expect a reflected wave propagating back into thc rncdium and a transmitted (or relractcd) wavc travelling in the second medium, Wc wish (i) to derive expressions Cor thc fields associatcd with reflcctcd and rclriictcd wavcs in terms ol lhc rield associatcd with the incident wave and (ii) know thc liaction of the incidcnt energy that is reflected and transmitted. T o do so wc ncetl to know thc I)oundat-yconditions satisfied by these waves at the interlace separatjng the two mcdia. We obtain lhcse conditions by
Introducing Light
stipulating that Maxwell's equalions must be satisfied at the boundary between these media. We first state the appropriate conditions. Their proof is given in the appendix to this Unit.
Boundary Conditions
You learnt to derive the boundary conditions from Maxwell's equations for a medium free of charges and currents in Unit 15 of the PHE-07 course on electric and magnetic phenomena. For your convenience, we rewrite appropriate integral form of these equations:
where S is a surface bound by the closed loop C. The electric field can oscillate either parallel or normal to the plane of incidence. The magnetic field B will then be normal or parallel to the plane of incidence. We will denote these with subscripts I1(parallel) and I(normal). The boundary conditions for normal and parallel components of electric and magnetic fields take the form (Appendix A).
E ~ E &~? E 2 - 0 ~ =~
We shall now use the boundary conditions expressed by Eqs. (2.221- d) to study reflection and refraction (transmission) at normal as well as oblique incidence.
Rg.2.2: A dnusoldnl plane c.m. wave Incident normally at ~ t boundary of two optlcally ~ c transparent media
The appropriate magnetic fields to be associated with electric fields are obtained from the equation
k t us suppose that the electric field is along the y-direction. Then the electric and magnetic fields associated with the incident wave are given by EI(x,t)
~ o ~ f [ i (x I~ - w t ) ] e k x
B I ( x , t ) = - k exp [ i ( k ~ x -w t ) ]
Er o
The reflected wave propagates back into the first medium and can be represented by the following fields:
EoRj exp [ - i ( k I x + a t ) ]
exp [ - i ( k l x + o t ) ]
The minus sign in,the exponents in Eqs. (2.4a,b) indicates that propagation of the wave is in the -x direction. But the negative sign with the amplitude in Eq. (2.4b) arises because of transverse nature of e.m. waves and that the electric and magnetic field vectors should obey the relation
If you visualise Eqs. (2.3) and (2.4) diagramatically, you will note that the electric vectors have been kept fixed i the same direction but the magnetic field vectors h have been oriented. The orientation of the magnetic field vector ensures that the flow of energy is always along the direction of propagation of the wave (Poynting theorem). The electric and magnetic fields of the transmitted wave, which travels to the right in medium 2, are given by E T ( x , ~ ) ~o?'.fex~ i ( q t + k ~ x ) ] [ and (2.5a)
The phenomenon of reflection and refraction is usually analysed in two parts: (i) To determine the relations between the field vectors of the reflected and refracted waves in terms of that of the incident wave. These relations determine the reflection and the transmission coefficients. In this derivation, we match the E and B fields in the two media at the interface with the help of appropriate boundary conditions there. (ii) To establish relations between the angle of incidence and the angles of reflection and refraction we may emphasize that so far as the laws of reflection and refraction are concerned, explicit use of any boundary condition is not required.
Introducing Light
Solving Eqs. (2.6a) and (2.6b) for toe reflected and transmitted electric field amplitudes in terms of the incident amplitude, you will find that
For most optical mcdia, the permeabilities are close to their values in vacuum
( pi
~ l ). In g
such cases a
-and we have
This suggests that when Q z vl,the reflected wave will be in phase with thc incidenl wave and for ~ 3< vi, the reflected and incident waves will be out of phase. , This is illustrated in Fig. 2.3.
Fig.2.3: The phase relationship between rcflcctcd wave and the incident wave
and EoT
= --E0l . ill f n3
When an e.m. wave passes from a rarer medium to a denser medium (nl < 112), the EOR ratio w i l l be negative. Physically, it mcans that the reflected wave is 180' out Eor of phase with the incident wave. You have already learnt it in case of reflection of sound waves in the course on Oscillations and Waves. When an e.m. wave is incident from a denser medium on the interface separating il from iI rarer medium EOR (111> az), the ratio - is positive and no such phase changc occurs. EOI We can now easily calculatt: the reflection and the transmission coetlicients, which respectively measure the fraction of incident energy that is reflected and tran>mitted.The first step in this calculation is to recall that
* where I IT and II respectively denote th6 reflected, transmit~edand incident wave intensity. Intensity is defined as the average power per unit area, (112) v E'. So you can readily show that
Introducing Light
You can convince yourself that R +T = 1. For air (nl = 1) - glass (nz = 1,5) interface, the R and Tcoefficients have the values R = 0.04 and T = 0.96. There is no energy stored (or absorbed) at the interface and you can now realise why most of the light is transmitted. We will now repeat this exercise for the case of oblique incidence.
EOR [ - i ( w R t - k R . r ) ] exp
BR= -(kRx
Transmitted Wave
You may recall that the boundary conditions must hold at every point on the interface at all times. If the boundary conditions hold at a point and at sometime, they will hold at all points in space for all subsequent times only if the exponential parts in above expressions for each wave are the same, i.e.
at the interface. This implies that: for equality of phases at all times we must have
o~= O R =
That is, the frequency of an e.m. wave does not change when it undergoes reflection and refraction: all waves have the same frequency. Since the fields must satisfy Maxwell's equations, we must have for the wave vectors
rurmer, ler a, I ~ K1.z represent mex, y ana z components ol' k. W e can use K anu r .similar notation for k~and k ~For the continuity conditions to be satisfied at all . points on the interface, we must have
Flg,2.4: The rcflectlon of a plane wove wltll its el~rtric vector parnllcl to the planc ollncidcncc
(i.e. we assume k~to lie in the x-z plane - see Fig. 2.4). Consequenlly
kTy= kRy= 0
This result implies that the vectors kr, Further, from Eq. (2.14b) we get kl sineI sin& 1 k1( and kR will lie in the same plane.
kT sineT= kR sineR
That is, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, which is the law of reflection. Further, sin OT sin01 kr -- - - w kr =
sin OT
Introducing Light
vl -v2
n2 -nl
nl =
c d z a n d
m = C = .c v2
represent the refractive indices of media 1 and 2 respectively. Do you recognise ~ q(2.18)? It is the well known Snell's law. : Eqs. (2.16) and (2.18) constitute the laws of reflection and refraction in optics. You can now derive Fresnel's amplitude relations following the procedure outlined for the case of normal incidence. For brevity, we just quote the results without going into details. (You will not be examined for the same in the term-end examination.) When E oscillates parallel to the plane of incidence, we have
Eztl - -Ed1
2 cos 81sin eT ~ i n ( 8 ~ + 0 ~ ) ~ 0 ~ ( 8 1 - 8 ~ )
= -
sin ( 01
e T )cos2 ( 4
eT) sin" 01 + eT )
sin2 ( 81 sin 281sin 20T
TI =
sin2 ( 8 t OT ) 1
As before, you can easily show that for normal incidence these equations reduce to Eq. (2.10a, b).
So far you have learnt to explain reflection and refraction of plane electromagnetic waves at a plane interface. This signifies a relatively simple situation where the solutions of Maxwell's equations give the laws of propagation of light. It is not true in general and we invariably seek approximations to describe a phenomenon well. One such approximation makes use of smallness of wavelength of light. You know that the wavelength of light is very small ( -10-7m). It is orders of magnitude less
Fig.2.5: Ray representation ofn plane, diverging spherical and converging sphcrlcnl wavefronts moving from left t right o
than the dimensions of optical instruments such as telescopes and microscopes. In such cases, the passage of light is most easily shown by geometrical rays, A ray is the path of propagation of energy in the zero wavelength limit ( A 0 ). The way in which rays may represent the propagation of wavefronts lor sonic familiar situations is shown in Fig. 2.5. You will note that a plane wavefront corresponds to parallel rays and spherical wavefronts correspond to rays diverging from a point or converging to a point. You will agree that all parts of the wavefront take the same time to travel froin the source. The laws of geoinetrical optics are incorporated in Fermat's principle. We will now discuss it in detail.
Huygens proposed that light propagates as a wavefront (a surface of constant phase) progressein a medium perpendicular to itself wit11 the . speed of light. The zero wavelength approximation of wave optics is known as geometl.icd optlcs.
Any light ray travels between two end points along a line requiring the minimirm transit time.
If v is the speed of light at a given point in a inediutn, the time takcn to cover the distance dl is
In your earlier years you have learnt that the refractive index of a medium is deEiied as the ratio of the speed ol' light in vacuum to its speed in the medium, i.e.
Introducing Light
Hence, the time taken by light in covering the distance from pointA to B is
The quantity
has the dimensions of length and is called the optical distance or optical path length between two given points. You must realise that optical distance is dilferent from the physical (geometrical) distance (
n~cdium, optical disbince is equal to the product of the geometrical length and the the rcrractivc indcx of Lhc medium. Thus, we can write
dl ). However, in a homogeneous
principle o Icilst time. k t us pilusc for :I moment i~nd T ask: Is there This is Fcr~nilt's any exception to this Ii~w? Yes, thcrc ilrc CiIScS where the opticrll path corresponds lo mi~ximum Lime or it is ncithcr il mi~ximum il minimum, i.e. sl;.~tion;~ry. nor To incorporittc such sil~i~tions, principlc is modified ;IS lollows: this
\?, . / \J
' !
Fig. 2.6
Out ol' many paths connecting two given points, the light ray follows that path for which the lime required is un extremum. In other words, the opticill path length between any two points is a I I I ~ I X ~minimom, or stationary. ~I~I~I, Tllc csscntiill point involvccl in Fcrmi~l's principlc is t h i ~slight verii~tionin the t i ~ c t ~ i ~ lciruscs 21 second-order vi~ri;~tion the iicLui11path. Lct us consider t h i ~ t pi~th in light propagi~tcs liom pointA in tllc nlccliurn chi~ri~ctcrisctl thc rcfrilctivc indcx tl hy to Lhc point B as shown in Fig. 2.0. According to this principle,
'or a homogeneous mcdium, the r;lys arc stri~ight lines, sincc the shorlcsl oplia~l path between two points is i~long slraight line. a
,/ ,
. . I
In effect, Fermat's principle prohibik thc considcration o :In isoli~tcdrily ol'alight. C I t tells us that a path is real only when we extend our examination to the paths in immediate neighbourhood of the rays. To understand Lhe meaning o this C statement, Icl us consider the case of finding the path of a ray from a pointA to a point B when both of them lie on the same side of n mirror M (Fig. 2.7). 1 can bc 1 seen that the ray can go directly fromA to B without sufl'cring ;my reflection. Alternatively, it can go along the path APB alter suffering a single reflection from the mirror. lf Fermat's principIe had asked for, say, an absolute minimum, then the path APB would be prohibited; but that is not the actual case. The path APB is illso minimum in the neighbourhood involving paths likeAQB. The phrasd "immediale neighbourhood of path" would mcan those paths that lie near the path under
consideration and are similar to it. For example, the path AQB lies near APB and is similar to it; along both paths the ray suffers one reflection at the mirror. Thus Fermat's principle requires an extremum in the immediate neighbourhood of the actual path, and in general, there may be more than one ray path connecting two points. All the laws of geometrical optics are incorporated in Fermat's principle. We now illustrate Fermat's principle by applying it to reflection of light.
Example 1
Using Fermat's principle, derive the laws of reflection.
Let us first consider the case of reflection. Refer to Fig. 2.8. Light from a pointA is reflected at a mirror MM towards a point B. A ray APB connectsA and B. 81and 8~ are the angles of incidence and reflection, respectively. We have denoted the vertical distances o f A and B from the mirror MM by a and 6. From the construction in Fig. 2.8 and Pythagoras' theorem, we find that thc total path length I of this ray from A to MM to B is
wherd x is the distance bctween the foot of the perpendicular from A and the point P at which the ray touches the mirror.
" ' I lncidcnl rny
According to Fermat's principle, P will havc a position such that the time of travel of the light must be a minimum (a n~aximum stationary), Expressed in another or way, the total length I of the ray must be a minimum or maximum or stationary, In other words, for Fermat's principle to hold, the derivativc of I with respect to x must be zero, i.e. dlldx = 0. Hence, on differentiating Eq. (2.25) with respect ton, we get
Plnnc or incidcncc
dn. 2
hZ+ ( d - x ) ~ ]
2(d- x)(-1)= 0
sin IR
which is (part of) thc law of rellcction. You will also note that the incident ray, tlic rrllcctcd ray and thc normal to MM lie in the same incidcncc plime. In thc ahovc examplc time rccluired or thc optical palh lcngth can bc sccn to bc minimum hy calculating the sccond deviative and finding its value at s lor which dlldx = 0. Thc 2nd derivativc turns out to bc positive, showing it to be minimum. You can convince, yourself by carrying out this simple caculation. We now summarise what you have learnt in this unit.
Introducing Light
When an e.m. \s'ave is incident normally an the interface separating t\vo optically different media. the reflected and transmitted electric field amplitudes are @\.en b!.
where a
\/ p1
The frequency o f an e.ni. 1vai.e is not affected \+.heni t undergoes rztlc.crii~:. or refraction. Fermat's principle states that a ray of light travels beh+.eenn+.o$;\.en points along that path for which the time required is ,m estremum:
where 1 (= rt, I, + 11; I,) is the optical path length of the ray. The geometrical path in this casc is 1, + I,. I A is the waveIength of light in vacuum and A,, in a f medium of refractive index it, then A = n A,. This shows that the optical path length is equal L thc length that the same number of waves would have if the o medium were a vacuum.
Reli-action o' l
Fermatasprinciple requires that dl / dx = 0 for some values ofx. The optical path length I = Il t11 + I2 nz
= tt~flx?
+ t ~ l / I ? +( d d- x
so that or
dl -
a + x
= 15
( b 2 +( d - x ) ~ ) d- x
[ h 2 + ( d - r12\ As before, we can write it in ter~ns the angles of incidence and refraction as of 121sin 8 = nz sin , @I
+ x2)
which is Snell's liiw of refrucliat~. shows thnl when light passes from a It medium of lower refractive index (rarer rncdiurn) to a medium of higher refractive index (denser medium), it bends towards the surl':~cl:normal.
Fig. 2.10: depicts cross sectional view of prrallel rays correspcinding L a plane o wave WW incident on the mirror. The retlected rays converge on F. The optical path lengths of all rays reaching F must be the same:
n;(AB t BF) = 11; (EG t GF) = ... i l ; ( X Y + * ) -be prolonged through the mirror to Now let thc line scgrnents AB, EG, ... ,
points C, H, ,.., Z such tlial
= . .. + BC EG .t The two sets of equalities ;~hovc imply that = + which tclls us Ulat h e diskmu belween WlV:lnd W' I~Vftlirough H, . .., Z C, is constant. We have thus constructed a straight line W' CV' such that tlle points of M are equidistant from it and point F. By definition, then M is parr~bolic (with Focu,~F).
Human Vision
Viewing Apparatus: The Eye Image Formation Information Processit~g Defects of Vision
Colour Vision
The Dimensions or Cc~lour Colour IZeceptors
Tile sensc of vision is one of our lnost prizcd possessions. It enables us to cnjoy splenclours of ni~turc, stitnulatcs our thinking and enriches our lives in Inany ways. We bccornc ilw:Irc of the infiilite variety of ol?jccts around us, especially their shapes, colours, textures and tlzotion etc only due to our ability to see them. But havc you cvcr thought: What miikcs us to scc? It all begins with cyes but also depends on what happens hcllind the eyc. Every object viewed is seen with light. Eye responds to illurninntion. We all know that all living species - from one cclled amoeba to the great bald eagle - havc dcvcloped special mcchanisms for responding to light. Hutniin pcrceplion of light, i.e. vision is a inore developed process. It takes place al~lxost spontancously without any one, other thiul the perceiver, knowing what is happening. Perception of light involves for~nation sharp iinages (in the of visual apparatus) atlci their interpretation. Vision begins in the cyc, but light is sensed by the brain. In fiict, what wc scc is thc world created by our visual apparatus inside our hcacl. So we can say that vision involves a mix ol' pllysical and physiologia\l ~>llcnonzcn;~. ;Ire alrcildy lanliliar with solrlc of the aspccls about You light and visual systems from your cilrlicr classes. Thcrcforc, you are advised to glance through NCERT pl~ysics book. In this unit we will clcvelop on what you text already know. In Sec. 3.2 you will gel an opportunity to review internal eye structure ancl know how light is scnscd. Sec. 3.3 is devoted to colour vision where you will learn about Jimcnsions o colour, thc trichromatic ;ind opponent-colour C theories.
The alnoebj reads on1y lo exireme changes in light interlsily such as light and darkness. The earlhworms rexl to light through light s e ~ ~ s i ~ i v e cells present o n Ihcir skin. Tl~is ;~hility sense only gencral lo level c>l'liglilintensity is lern~cd pholosensitivtly,
0bject ives
Alter studying lhis unit, you sl~ould able to be cxplain the Sunctions oldil'ferent parts of thc eyc
list common cyc dcl'ects and suggcst rcmcctial measures descrihc how list common cyc clcfccts and suggest scmcdial mc;lsures human cyc responds to coloi~r, ant1
Introducing Light
Human vision also has a rich relationship with other senses. In fact, all our five senses cooprate and augment each other.
In medicine, the study of structure, functions and diseases of the eye is called opthalniology.
Human eyes are very versatile and highly accurate. Their overall visual horizon is broad. But they are less acute than a hawk's eyes and less wide-seeing than those of a deer. Moreover, human eyes are not idally suited for seeing underwater, nor are they very efficient at night. Even in twilight, eyes lose all q..olour perceptions.
Central fovea
The sclera or 'white' of the eyeball is an opaque, fibro-elastic capsule. It is fairly tough and gives shape to the eyeball, protects its inner parts and withstands the intraocular pressure in the eye. The muscle fibres which control eyeball movement are inserted on the sclera. The cornea is a tough curved front membrane that covers the iris, the coloured circular curtain in the eye. The cornea acts as transparent window to the eye and is the major converging element. The cornea is followed by a chamber filled with a transparent watery liquid, the aqueous humor, which is produced continuously in the eye. It is mainly responsible for the maintenance of intraocular pressure. Besides this, aqueous humor is the only link between the circulatory system and the eye-lens or cornea. (Neither the lens nor the cornea has blood vessels.) The intraocular pressure maintains the shape of the eye, helps to keep the retina smoothly applied to the choroid and form clear images. Near the rear of this chamber is the iris. The iris is opaque but has a small central hole (aperture), called pupil. In our common observation, pupil appears more like a black solid screen. Why? This is because behind the opening is the dark interior of the eye. The size of pupil in normal eye is about 2 mm.The light enters the eye ball through this area. The iris is suspended between the cornea and the lens. The principal function of thc iris is to regulate the intensity of light entering the eyeball. When the light is bright, the iris contracts and the size of the pupil decreases and vice versa. Thread-like suspelisory ligaments hold the biconvex crystalline eye-lens, which is just behind the pupil and iris. The muscle responsible for changes in the shape of the lens for near as well as far vision is called the ciliary mascle. The cyc-lens is an elastic structure made of protcin fibres arranged like the layers of an onion. It is perfectly transparent and its focal length is about 3 cm. The crystalline lens is followcd by a dark chamber, which is filled with vitreous humor. It is a transparent jelly-like substance. It augments the functions of aqueous humor and helps the eye hold its shape. The rear boundary o l this chamber is retina, where the image of the object is lormed. Microscopic structure of retina is shown in Fig. 3.2(a). It consisls of a nervous layer and a pignientell laycr. Apart from sensing the shape, and the movement of an object, the retina also senses its colour. The retina consists of five types of neuronnl cells: the photoreceptors, bipolar, horizontal, arnacrine and ganglion neurons. A magnified view of the arrangement of neuronal cells in the retina is showii in Fig. 3.2(b).
Perception of Light
The intraocular pressure maintains Lhe shape of the eye, helps to keep the relina smoothly applied to the choroid and form -clear images.
Optic ncrvc
Pig.3.2: (a) Microscopic structure of retina (b) A MngniDcd view of nrlnngelllent of neumnnl cells In Ihe retina
Introducing Light
The photoreceptor neurons are of two types: rods and cones. (This nomenclature is due to their geometrical shape<) It is estimated that about 130 million rods and cones are found lining the retina. O these, about six million are cones and about f twenty times as many are rods. The light sensitive pigments of photoreceptors are formed from vitamin A.
Blind spot
At the very centre of the retina is a small yellowish depression, called fovea. This small valley (of about 5mm diameter) contains a large numbcr ( 110,000 ) o l , cones and no rods. The distribution of rods and cones across the human retina is shown in Fig. 3.3. The horizontal axis shows the distances in degrces of visual angle from the fovea located at 0'.
Rods are 11ighlyspecialized for vision in dim light. They enable us to discriminate between different shades of dark and light, see shapes and movements. That is, rods provide a high sensitivity. Cones contain light sensitive pigments which make colour vision and sharpness of vision (high visual acuity) possible. When light is absorbed by photoreceptor cells, the light sensitive pigments arc broken up by specific wavelengths of light. The bipolar nerve cells carry nerve impulses generated by rods and cones to the ganglion cells. The axons of the ganglion cells converge on a small are:] of the retina. It is lateral to the fovea and is free from rods and cones. Can you say anything about its ability for vision'? Since this area contains only nerve fibres, no image is lormed on it. That is, it is devoid of vision. For this reason, it is called the blind spot. You may be tempted lo ask: Is there a spot in the eye Tor rnaximuin vision? Certainly yes, thc I'oven is the valley o l the sharpest vision. This remarkable perceplivc ability is provided by the cones. Muscles for moving the eye spring from the sclcra. The conjunctiva - a supplc protective membrane -joins the front of the cyc to the inside of the eyelids.
The light entcring the eye through the transparent window - cornea - ulldergoes refraction four times. This is because the cye has lour optically difl'crcnt media: cornea (n = 1.38), aqueous humor (tt = 1-33), eye-lens (n = 1.40), and vitreous
humor (n = 1.34). Most of the refraction occurs at the air-cornea interface. Can you say why? This is because the cornea has a considerably larger refractive index than air (n = 1.0). Moreover, due to the curved shape, the cornea bends the light towards the retina. Additional bending is provided by the eye-lens, which is surrounded on both sides by eye- fluids (Fig. 3.1). However, the power of the lens to refract light is less than that of the cornea. S o the main function of.lens is to make fine adjustments in focussing. The focussing power of eye lens depends on the tension in the ciliary muscle. When the ciliary muscle is relaxed, the lens is stletched and thinned. When a visual object is 6m or more away from the eye,cornea receives almost parallel light rays. When the eye is focussing an object nearer than 6m, the ciliary muscles contract. AS a result, the lens shortens, thickens and bulges and its focussing power increases. These features are illustrated in Fig. 3.4. The great v;ilue of the lens lies in its unique ability to automatically change its focal control. This ability is called
Perception of Light
While a healthy cornea is transparent, disease or injury may result in blindness. But eye surgeons have now acquired competence in replacing damaged cornea with clear one from human donors. Any imperfection in the shape of the cornea may cause distortion in visual images.
The eye-lens oP elderly pcople tends to be less flexible ;I nd loses ability to accommodate. This condition is called prcstyoph. For extra focussing power, they use glasses (spectacles or contact lens).
Ciliary muscle
Far accommodation
Near accommodation
Pig. 3.4: Far and near accolnlnodatlon (a) In the dingrum on the let-&the ciliary muscle is relaxed. This ci~uses eyc-lens to curve less. In the othcr diagram, the the ciliary muscle is contri~cted. Thls callsrs the lens to culrc 11101.c. (b) Accommodation for far vision (6111 lnorc away). (c) Acommodation for or
accommodation. Since accommodation means work for the lnuscles attached to the eye lens, viewing an object nearer than 6m for a long time can cause eye- strain. Constriction of Pupil
Constriction of the pupil means narrowing down of the diameter of the hole through
Introducing Light
which light enters the eye. This action occurs simultaneously with accommodaLion of the eye-lens and prevents the entry of light rays through the periphery of eye-lens, which can result in blurred vision. The pupil also constricts in bright light to protect the retina from sudden or intense stimulation. (When the level of illumination is low, the pupil dilates so that the retina can receive enough light.)
Human beings have single binocular vision. This signifies that both eyes focus on only one set of objects. When we stare straight ahead at a distant object, the incoming light rays are directed at both pupils, get refracted and are focussed at identical spots on the two retinas. Suppose that we move close to the object and keep our attentiomon the same stationary object. Our common sense suggests that even now images should form on the same points (in both retinas). It really does happen and our eyes automatically make adjustments by radial movemerlt of two eyeballs. This is referred to as convergence. Refer to Fig. 3.4 again. You will note that the images formed on the retina are inverted laterally as well as up-side-down. But in reality w e do not see a topsy-turvy world. You may now ask: How does this happen? The solution to this apparent riddle lies in the capacity of the brain which automatically processes visual images. This suggests that though vision begins in the eye, perception takes place in our brain. Its proof lies in that severe brain injury can blind a person completely and permanently, even though eyes continue to function perfectly.
You may now like to reflect on what you have read. So you should answer the following SAQ before you proceed.
Human beings are unable to see under water. Discuss why'?
By now you must be convinced that mechanically speaking, human eye is an optical instrument resembling a camera. (A better analogy exisls between the eye and a closed circuit colour TV system.) The eye-ball has a light focussing system (cornea and lens), aperture (iris) and a photographic screen (retina). This is shown in Fig. 3.5. There are of course very important differences between our eye and a camera. The engineering sophistication of human eye is yet to be achieved even in the costliest camera. The camera-man has to move the his camera lens for change of focus, whereas the eye-lens has automatic illtensity and focal control. (The brain constantly analysis and perceives visual images. This is analogous to the development of a photograph.) The image on the retina is not permanent but fades away after 1120th of a second and overlaps with the next image. This gives the impression of continuity. There is of course no film in the eye that records the images permanently as a photo film does.
Iris diaphragm
--- - ->----FA-, C
kYg.3.5: The sin~ilarity between the eye and the cnmern
Perception of Light
Let us now understand as to what happens to rhodopsin in rods. (The same basic
Rhodopsin has a molecular weight or about 4 x lo4 dallon. It consists of the scotopsin protein and the chromophure retinene, a derivative of vitamin A in the form called cis-retinene. Any deficiency of vitamin A causes night-blindness. Fig. 3.6 shows the absorption curve of rhodopsin.
changes occur in the visual pigments in cones.) Reler lo Fig. 3.7 which depicts the rhodopsin cycle. The first slep in this process is the absorption of photon by rhodopsin, which then undergoes a chemical change. 11s cis-retinene portion changes to all-tmns-retinene On referring to Fig. 3.8 you will note the rotation that occurs around the carbon numbered 12. This change triggcrs decomposition ol rhodopsin (into scotopsin and all-trans-retinene) by a multi-stagc process known as bleaching action. The pigment loses colour and the visual excitory event is believed to occur. Then rhodopsin is resynthesized in the presence of vitamin A. In this process, an enzyme, retinene isomerase, plays the most vital role.
Introducing Light
The rods respond even to poor illumination such as twilight. Rhodopsin is highly sensitive to even small amounts of light. Their responses to light generate colourless images and objects are seen only in shades of grey. It is for this reason that you see a red flower black in the evening. On the other hand, the pigments of the cones are much less sensitive to light and require bright illumination to initiate decomposition of chromophore. Visual acuity or ability to see clearly and to distinguish two points close together is very high and their responses produce colouredimages. The information received in terms of light is converted into electrical signals in the retina. The potential of the cell membranes of the photoreceptor cells undergoes a change even on brief illumination. This occurs through a complex chemical process involving a flow of calcium ions and sodium ions across the membrane. The change in membrane potential, AV,, is governed by the following equations in time and space : AV,,, ( t ) and
I m R ( l - e-"')
where Im is the membrane current, R the membrane resistance, 7 is the membrane x time constant. Vo is the change in the membrane potential at x = 0 ( being the distance away from the site of current injection) and L is the length constant. As can b e seen, the spread of AV,,, in space is governed by L (whose values fall in the range of about 0.1 to 1 mm), It is important to note that while slow potentials are generated in most cells, action potentials are produced only in the ganglion cells. The signals generated in the retina are further transmitted to the higher centres in the visual pathway of the brain such as lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex. In this way, precise information about the image projected on the retina is conducted accurately to the brain. The transfer of visual information in a typical retinal circuit is shown (Fig. 3.9).
Fig.3.9: Retinal circ~~it showing Ihc eleclrical link. between cells of the ~rtina: Action polentiel
We hope that now you have a reasonahlc idea of how we perceive the world around us. You may now like to know the factors that hamper vision.
Perception oS Light
Introducing Light
Another physical dimension associated with colour is the degree of purity of spectral composition. That is, purity characterises the extent to which a colour (hue) appears to be mixed with white light. This is responsible for variations in the perceived saturations of the colour. For example, when we add white light in a spectrally pure blue, the light begins to look sky- blue. On progressive addition of white light you may eventually observe it as white. We may therefore conclude that
Intensity is defined as the amountof energyreachinga receiver of given crosssectional area every second.
Thinking logically, you may now ask: 1s there any other alternative expression for the dimensions of colour ? The answer to this question is: Yes, there is. It is based on the observation that colour depends on intensity of light. Let us now learn about it in some detail.
You must have realised sometimes that when intensity of light is low, we see no colours. You also know that by varying the wavelengths and/or intensities of lights of different colours, it is possible to produce light of a desired colour. In your school yo^ must have learnt that all the colours of the visible spectrum can be produced by mixing lights of just three different wavelengths: red, green and blue. These are known as primary colours. The explanation for this trichromacy lies in the mechanism for colour vision. You will learn about it in the next sub- section. Another important phenomenon associated with colour vision is complemantarity of colours i.e. pairs of colours, when mixed, seem to annihilate one another. For example, when we mix suitable proportion of a monochroniatic blue light (A- 470 mm) with a monochromatic yellow light ( A- 575 nm ), we obtain a colourless grey. Reflecting on this observation, Hering suggested that complementary pairing is an indicator for pairing in the mechanisms responsible for signalling colour in the visual system. The complementary relationships among pairs of colours can be well represented as shown in Fig. 3.12. To locate the complementary colour in this figure all that you have to do is to choose any point and draw a line passing through the centre of the circle. A suitably adjusted mixture of two complementary colours will appear grey.
Before you proceed further, we want you to pause for a while and answer the following SAQ.
SAQ 2 How would you indicate brightness and saturation in Fig. 3.12?
Note the presence of 'purple' hues. You may recall that dispersion of white light by a prism does not reveal this hue. Then the question arises: What is their significance in the colour circle? The complementary circle will remain incomplete without them. You may also note that though colour circle represents colours as a continuum, primary colours are perceptually quitc distinct. The phenomena of primary colours and trichromacy led Young to propose three different types of receptors (cones) for colour vision. You will learn the details as you proceed.
5 milt
Colour Blindness
You now know that a singlc monochr,omatic light can be produced by combining two primary colours. The measurements made to know the amounts of these colours required to match a givcn monochromatic colour gave fairly standard results. That is, when we ask a group of people to match a test colour, experience tells that they mix the same proportions of primary colours. But colour-mixing requirements for some individual may be anomalous. In fact, some individuals may need only two, rather than three, primary colours to inatch all the inonochromatic hues. These anomalies are indicative of varying degrees of colo~rr blindness. People who show anomalous colour-matching requirement do not see the same colours as individuals having normal vision. The most common defect is in the proportions of red and green lights required to match a monochromatic yellow. The manifestation of this in everyday life is a limited ability to distinguish between red and green.
Fig. 3.13: Speclrnl absorption cllrvcs for three dlme~mt cone plgnients
Introducing Light
We all know that yellow gives a sensation independent of red, blue and green, i.e. it seems as much of a primary colour. But no coding system is postulated for yellow in the trichromatic theory. Such feelings, though subjective, led Hering to propose an alternative theory of colour based on four colours: red, yellow, green and blue. This is known as opponent-colour theory. These colours are associated in pairs: red-green and blue-yellow. The members of aspairare thought to act in opposition adding upto white. Hering also specified a third pair of black and white to represent the varying brightness and saturation of colours. (The perception of brightness of the colour also depends on the mood of the perceiver.) You must appreciate that the most important difference between this theory and the trichromatic theory lies not in the number of postulated receptor types, but in the way their outputs are signalled to the brain. Fig. 3.14 depicts a simple version of the opponent-process theory. Three basic receptor types are indicated by X, Y and 2. Mixture of Y and Z is perceived as yellow. White is obtained by mixing X, Y and 2.
Blue -Yellow
Flg.3.14: Opponent-process theory based on Hering's postulate.X, Y and Z denote basic receptor types.
According to the model shown in Fig. 3.14, three different receptor types are each sensitive to a range of wavelengths. The mode of operation is such that the activity level increases in response to a predominant input about one colour. You may ask: What happens in response to the input about the complementary colour? We expect it to decrease. To illustrate it, let us consider that the input to the blue-yellow system is predominantly in the yellow region of the spectrum. Then, there is an increase in activity (over a spontaneous level) about yellow colour. On the other hand, if the input is pred~min~antly there is a decrease in activity. Activity in blue, the black-white mechanism is based on outputs from all three receptor types. Even though trichromatic theory and the opponent- process theories appear conflicting, recent studies show evidences that they are compatible. Researches at the Johns Hopkins University (US) provide evidence in favour of trichromatic theory. However, the cones do not send 'color signals' directly to the brain. Cone signals pass through a series of neurons which arecolour specific. Vision is an endlessly fascinating area . We hcre conclude saying: Eye is not merely an instrument for survival; it is a means for enrichment of life. We will now like you to answer the following SAQ.
Name the regions of retina specialized for (a) colour and detailed vision at high levels of illumination and (b) non-colour vision at low levels of illumination.
Pel-ceptionof Llghl
Perception of light involves formation of sharp images in the eye and their interpretation in the brain. That is, vision involves a mix of physical and physiological phenomena. Human eyes are image making devices. They have striking similarities to a camera of automatic intensity and focal control. There are however differences in details. Cornea is the major converging element in the eye. The image of an object is formed on the retina. It consists of five types of neuronal cells: photoreceptors, bipolar, horizontal, acrine and ganglion neurons. The photoreceptor neurons are of two types: rods and cones. Rods are specially suited for vision in dim light and provide high-sensitivity. Colour vision and sharpness are possible due to.cones. Image formation on the retina involves refraction of light, accommodation of eye-lens, constriction of pupil and convergence of the eyes. Information processing involves structural changes in photosensitive pigment rhodopsin by bleaching action. Two common defects of eye are Myopia (short sightedness) and hypermetropia (long sightedness). These are corrected by using a conmve and a convex lens respectively. Colour, as a perceptual phenomenon, is three dimensional: hue, illuminance and purity. According to Young's trichromacy theory, colour vision requires three types of receptors (cones) for three primary colours. According to Hering's opponent - colour theory, colours are :~ssociatedin pairs: red-green, blue-yellow and add up to white. The brightness and saturation are determined by a black-white pair.
e o
The refractive indices of water and cornea are 1.33 and 1.38, respectively. Due to small difference in these values, cornea is unablc to bend light towards the retina. This is why humans are unable to see under water. An arrow originating at the centre and directed towards the circumference would indicate increasing colour saturation. Brightness does not depend on hue and saturation. So a line drawn normally out of the page (towards you) would represent increasing brightness. The first description applies to the fovea whereas the second description applies to the peripheral regions.
Introducing Light
Some of the main differences are tabulated below. You can add more if you have thought of others.
Lens is responsible for focussing.
--.- -
Cornea as well as lens is involved in focussing; lens is responsible for fine adjustments Lens is soft and flexible. Fine focus is achieved by alterations in convexity of lens. Pupil adjustment is an automatic response. The brightness of a perceived scene depends 1 on prevailing illumination as also the lighting level to which the eye has been previously exposed. Light-sensitive substances are constantly regenerating. Image is in constant motion (owing to eye movements). Information on retina is autornalically processed and the results are immediately transmitted to the brain.
Lens is rigid and fixed. Fine focus is achieved by changing lens and/or by changing distance between lens and film. Only sophisticaled cameras have automatic aperture adjustments. The brightness of a photograph depends directly on the level of illumination.
Light-sensitive substances do not regenerate once film has been exposed. Image is fixed.
The principal mechanism for dark adaptation is regeneration of bleached visual pigments, in partcular rhodopsin. So, the first part of the curve signifies the foveal adaptation, due to cone cells. It levels off at the kink. And the second part of the curve represents the contribution of rods.
4.1 4.2 4.3 Introduction
w a v e plates: Circular and Elliptic Polarisers Summary Terminal Questions Solutions And Answers
In Unit 1 of this block, you learnt that light is a transverse electromagnetic wave. In your school physics curriculum you have learnt that while every wave exhibits interference and diffraction, polarisation is peculiar only to transverse waves. You may even be familiar with basics of polarisation like: What distinguishes the polarised light from unpolarised light? Is light from an ordinary (or natural) source polarised? How do we get polarised light? and so on. In this unit we propose to build upon your this preliminary knowledge. You must have seen people using antiglare goggles as also antiglare windshields for their cars. Do you know that polarisation of light has something to do with these? Polaiisation of light also plays a vital role in designing sky light filters for cameras and numerous optical instruments, including the polarising microscdpe and polarimeter. You may get opportunity to handle some of these devices if you opt for physics laboratory courses PHE-08(L) and PHE-12(L). In Sec. 4.2 we have discussed as to what is polarisation. In Sec. 4.3, you will learn about simple states 01polariscd light. Sec. 4.4 is devoted to ideal polarisers and Malus' law. In this section you will also learn about double refraction or optical birefringence - a property of materials helpful in producing polarised light. In Sec. 4.5, you will learn about some techniques of producing circularly and elliptically polarised light.
After going through this unit you should be able to explain what is linearly, circularly or elliptically polarised state of light describe how can light be polarised by reflection solve simple problems based on Malus' law and Brewster's law explain how optical birefringence helps in production of polarised light, and explain the production of linearly polarised light by dichroism.
What is polarisation? Why light, not sound, waves are known to polarise? These are some of the basic questions to which we must address ourselves. Polarisation is related to the orientation (oscillations) of associated fields (particles). Refer to Fig. 4.1 which depicts a mechanical wave (travelling along a string). From Fig. 4.l(a) you will note that the string vibrates only in the vertical plane. And vibrations of medium particles are confined to just one single plane. Such a wave is said to be (p,lane)polarised. Wow would you classify waves shown in Fig. 4.l(b) and (c)? The wave shown in Fig. 4.l(b) is plane polarised since vibrations are confined to the horizontal plane. But the wave in Fig. 4.l(c) is unpolarised because simultaneous vibrations in more than one plane are present. However, it can be polarised by placing a slit in its path as in Fig. 4.l(d). When the first slit is oriented vertically, horizontalvibrations are cut off. This means that only vertical vibrations are allowed to pass so that the wave is linearly polarised. What happens when a horizontal slit is placed beyond the vertical slit in the path of propagation of the wave? Horizontal as well as vertical components (of the incident wave) will be blocked. And the wave amplitude will reduce to zero. Let us now consider visible light. The light from a source (bulb) is made to pass through a polaroid ( P),which is just like slit one in Fig. 4.1. The intensity of light is seen to come down to about 50%.Rotating P in its own plane introduces no
Fig. 4.1: (a) A vertically plane polarlsed wave on a string (b) A horizontally plane polnrlsed wave (c) an unpolnrisd wwte. (d) The wave In (c) becomes plnne to polarlsed after passing through slit one; the wave aniplitude red~~ccsze1-0 If anotherslit oriented pcrpe~ldiculnr slit one is Introduced. to
further change in light intensity. Now if a second identical polaroid (A ) is introduced in the path of light so that it is parallal to P, the intensity of light from the bulb remains unaffected. But rotating A in its ow11plane has a dramatic effect! For 90' rotation, the light is nearly cut-off. You can analyse this result in terms of electromagnetic theory, which demands complete description of associated electric vector and the way it oscillates with respect to the-direction of propagation. For the arrangement shown in Fig. 4.2, the vector at the source has all orientations in the yz plane. The wave propagates as such till it reaches the polaroid P, which allows essentially unhindered passage of electric vector oriented parallel to its transmission axis. If the transmission axis is along y-axis, the electric field along y-direction (E,,) passes through it unaffected. In addition, the y-components of electric field vectors inclined to y-axis can also pass through P. Thus, after passing through the polaroid P,the electric vectors oriented only along y-axis will be present. When electric vector oscillates along a straight line in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation, the light is said to be plane polarised. The plane polarised wave further travels to the polaroidA, which is identical to P. WhenA is at 90' with respect to P, it can allow only the z-components of E to pps. Since only y-components of E are present in the wave incident on A, no light is transmitted by A. We may now conclude that
Ydarlsation of Light
1. No polarisation of longitudinal waves occurs as the vibrations are along the line of transmission only.
An important menifestation of this result arises in TV reception. You may have seen that the T V antenna on your roof-tops arc I'ixcd in horizontal position. Have in you ever thought about it.? This is because the TV signal trn~~smission our country is through horizontally oriented transmitting antenna. The explanation for this lies in the observation that the pick up by the receiving antenna is maximum when it is oriented parallel to the transmitting antenna. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.3 for a vertical (dipole) transmitting antenna. Tran~mitti~g antenna
Pig. 4.3: Polarisation or an elcctromagnctlc wave. The antenna responds to the vcrticnl elcctrlc ncld stl-cngth of thc wave. Reception is nlnxin~u~ll Position 1 in and mininiuni iq I'ositlon 2.
You may now like to know: Do natural (or ordinary) light sources emit polariscd light? Answer to this question is 'yes' as well as 'no'! Is this answer not funny? You know that emission of light involves a large number of randonily oriented atomic (or molecular) emitters. Every individual cxcited atom radiates polarised waves lor about 10- s. Thcse waves form a resultant wave of given polarisation which persists for the lil'etime of the cxcitcd atorn. At the same timc, other atoms (molecules) also emit waves, whose resultant states of polarisation may be quite
lntroducinfi Llght
different. Because of this randomness, every orientation of electric vector in space is equally probable. That is, electric vectors associated with light waves tiom a source are oriented in all directions in space and thus there is a conlpletely unpredictable change in the overall polarisation. Morcover, due lo such rapid changes, individual resullant polarisation slates becomc aln~ost indiscernible. Thc light is then said LO be unpolarised.
In practice, visible light does not correspond to either of these extremes. The oscillations of electric field vectors arc neither conlpletely regular nor completely irregular. That is, light from any source is partially polarised. We ascribe a degree o r polarisation to partially polarised light. The degree of polarisation is one for completely polarised light and zero for unpolarised light.
C The next logical step perhaps would be to know various types o polarised light. Let us learn about this aspect now.
The yr-plane (orx = 0 plane) i n Fig. 4.4 is the plane of polarisation of the weve. Wecan identi y other ski tes of polarisation by looklng at the trq)ectories of the tip of the elcctric field vector as thc wave the passes khro~~gh reference plane. You should always look at the reference plane from the side away from Lhe source (looking back at the source) for the defimitions to be i~nique.
You now know that in e.m. theory, light propagation is depicted ;is evolution of electric field vector in a plane perpendicular to the direction of transmission. For unpolarised light., sspatiai variaiion of eleclric Cield at any given time is inore or less . . ., irregular. For pla~ie polarised light, the tip of electric vector oscillates up ancl down in a straight line in the same plane. The space variation of E h r linearly polarised wave is shown in Fig. 4.4 (a). The diagram on thc 1elLshows the path fo>llowed by the tip of the electric vector as timc passes. You will know that the tip of E cxccutes one lull cycle as one full wave length passes through a reference planc. Thcre arc two othcr states of polarisation: circular po1aris:ition and elliptical polaris;~tion. The path followed by the tip of E, as thc limc passes, h r thcse is shown in Fig. 4.4 (b) and (c),respeclivcly.
, '
, '
Fig. 4.4: Spntlal variation of elcclric ncld vcctor for (n) lineilrly po1nrisc.d light. The diagnm on the lel't show the path taken by the tip of the electric vcctor as tinic vei-ies. (b)and (c) show the path taken by the tip ol'the clccll-ic vector ~ O I circulurly and elliptically polurisd lighl.
Let us now mathematically analyst: how superposition of two plane polarised light waves of same frequency moving in the same direction gives rise to linearly, circularly or elliptically polarised light.
0and vice-versa.
Here ex and eyare unit vectors along the x and y-axes respectively. (These are also called polarisation vectors.) Q, is the phase difference between the two waves. We expect that the nature of the resultant wave will be dctemined by the phase difference between them and the value of the ratio Eoz/Eol. Mathematically, we can write the vector sum of these as E(z,t)
Resbltant Amplitude
E l ( ~ , t+ Ez(z,t) )
f i ~ o
(4.3) Let us first take the simplest case where Q, is zero or an integral multiple of That is, when in - phase waves are superposed, Eq. (4.3) takes the form E(z,t)
tan 45
eyEo2)cos ( k z - w t )
and the electric field oscillations in the reference frame The amplitude q.djl+ make an angle 9 tan- ( E@/Eol ) with the x-axis.
For the special case of in-phase waves of equal amplitude (Eol Eo2 = Eo), the and resultant wave has amplitude equal to fiEO the associated electric vector is oriented at 45' with the x- axis. So we may conclude that when two in-phase linearly polarised light waves are superposed, tlie resnltont wuve has fixed
Introducing Light
orientation as well as amplitude. That is , it too is linearly polarised, as depicted i n Fig. 4.5 (a). In the plane of observation, you will see a single resultant E oscillating cosinusoidally in time along an inclined line (Fig. 4.5 (b) ). The E - field progresses through one complete cycle as the wave advances along the z- axis through one wavelength. If we reverse this process, we can say that any linearly polarised light can be visualised as n combination of two linearly polarised lights with plnr~es of polarisation parallel to x = o andy = o planes. (This is similar to resolving a vector in a plane along two mutually perpendicular direclions.) In the subsequent sections, you will use this result frequently. If the phase difference between lwo plane polarised light waves is an odd integral multiple of + n,the resultant wave will again be linearly polarised:
(;,Eo, - $ , ~ ~ ) c o s ( k z w t ) -
What is the orientation of tlie resultant eleclric vector in the refercnce plane'? To know the answer of this question, work-out the following SAQ.
Depict the orientation of electric vector defined by Eq. (4.5) in the reference (observation) plane.
W e now investigate the naturc of the resultant wave arising due to superposition of two plane polarised waves whose amplitudes are equal (Eol = Eo2 = Eo) but phases differ by n 12, i.e. their relative phase difference @ = 2n - -- n = 0, * 1, i 2,... For
E ( z, t )
You may note that the scalar arnpliludc of' E is constant (= Eo ) bul its orientation varies with time. To determine Lhe trajactory along whicll the lip of E moves, we can readily combine Eqs.(4,6a) and (4.6h) to yield
which is the equation of' a circle. That is, the orientation of resultant electric veclor changes continuously and its tip inoves along a circlc as the wave propagates (time passes). This means that E is not restricted to a single plane. Thc question now arises: What is the direction of rotillion'? Obviously thcrc arc two possibilities: Clockwise and counlerclockwise. To know which of these is relevant here, you should tabulate E at diCCerent space points al a given time, t = 0 say:
z= 0
A, -
h 2
e j;e~Eo
ey - e x E o
- e x + eyEo
- e y Eo
ex - ey Eo
These are depicted in Fig. 4.6. If you position yoursclf in the reference plane and observe the evolution of E from z = h to z = 0 (bachward towards source), you will find that the tip of E rotates clockwise. Such a light wave is said to be riglit circular wave. The electric field makes one complete rotalion as the wavc advances through one wavelength. In case the phase difference (1) = 2 1 + -with 7
11 =
AILerntively, we may fix an "rbit'"ypint = and nbserve evolution of E as Lime p s c .The figure below iss depicts what is happening a t some arbitrary pointzO on the
rllodificd to
Vig. 4.6: Koli~lion 1 l l ~ e 0 clcclic vcclor in r l riyhl-cirulnr rr.ilvc. For consislcncy, wc have used a right linntlcd s y s l c ~ i ~ .
It shows lhat the E-vcctor roti~tcs counter-clockwise in tllc relere~lce lramc. (Bel'orc proceeding further you should collvince yoursclf by tabulating the values of E at t = O for different space point.) such a wavc is referred to as left-circular wave. Can you now guess as to what will happen il two oppositely polnrised circu1:ir waves o l equal amplitude are superposed'? Mathematically, you should add Eqs. (4.8) and (4.9). Thcn you will find tlial
2,Fo cos ( kz - wt )
This equation is similar to Eq.(4.1) which represents ti linearly polarised light wave. Thus, we may concluclc that sl~pelposilion two oppositely polarised circalar of waves (of same amplitude) results iu ii linearly or pl:~nepularised light wave.
Introducing Light
- [ I - ( El/Eol )'
Do you recognise this equation'? It defines an ellipse whosc principi~laxis is inclined with the (El, coordinate system (Fig. 4.7). The ilnglc ol' inclin:~tion, E2) say u , is given by tan 2 u
Eoz cos Q,
For a = O or equivalently $ =
which dcfincs ;In ellipse whose principal axes arc aligned with [he coordin:~te ilxes. Wc would now like you to solve an SAQ.
Spend 5 mitt
Starting from Eq. (4.12) show that linear and circular pol;iris:~tionst;~tes speci;~l arc cases o elliptical polarisation. L
Now that you undcrsland what polarised light is, thc next 1ogic:rl slep is to know tcchnic(ucs uscd to gct poli~riscdlight. You will 1e;ll-n sonlc 01' Illcsc IIOW.
54 .
where 0 is the angle between the transmission axes of the polariser and the analyser. The maximum intensity I(0) occurs when the lransnlission axis of the polariser and the analyser are parallel.
Eq. (4.15) constitutes what is known as Malus' law. To use it to check whether an optical device is an ideal linear polariser or not, you may like to solve an SAQ. ,
SAQ 3,
Unpolarised light falls on two polarising sheets placed one over another. What must be the angle between their transmission axes if the intensity ol' light transmitted of finally is one-third the in~ensity the incident light'? Assumc that each polarising sheet acts as an ideal polariser.
Spend .5 mitt
So far we have conl'incd to a linear ideal polariser. Polarisers are available in several configurat.ions. (We can have circular or elliptical polarisers as well.) They are based on one of the following physical mechanisms: reflection, birefringence or double refraction, scattering and dichroism or selective absorption. You will now learn about some of these in detail.
Introducing Light
This eifect was studied by Malus. One evening he was examining a calcitecrystal while standing at the window of his house. The image of the Sun was reflected towards him from the windows of Luxembourg When he looked at image through the calcite crystel, he was amused at disappearance of one of the double images as he rotated the crystal.
Pig. 4.9: (a) Polnrisation by reflection: the unpglnriscd light bcanr hns been represented as +*+ which indicate two electric Rcltl vibrations. '*' indicalcs and '-' indicates elecldc electric field vibration perpendicular to the page (PL) tleld vibration In the plane of the papcr ( 41 (b) At Brewsfer's angle, the ). reflected light is plnnc plnrised.
where 8, is the angle of refraction. These equations show that whercas RI can
= 8, is triv~al 2 as it implies continuity of optically identical media.) That is, there will be no reflected light beam with E parallel to the plane of incidence. The angle of incidence for which light is completely transmitted is called Brewster's angle. Let us denotc it by 8~ . A plot of RI and RII versus 88 is shown in Fig. 4.10 for the particular case ol' air-glass interface.
3t - . (The case 8;
We can represent an incoming unpolarised light as made up ol two orthogonal, equal amplitude P-states with electric field vector parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Therefore, when the unpolarised wave is incident on an interface and the angle of incidence is equal to Brewster's angle, the rellected wave
will be linearly polarised with E normal to the incidece plane. This provides us with one of the most convenient methods for production of polarised light. To elaborate, we recall from Snell's law that n; sin
Yolnrlserron 01ugnr
n2 sin 0,
where nl and 122 are the refractive indices of the media at whose interface light undergoes reflection. Since 0,
= -
rzlsin IB
n2 cos
tan IB
That is, the tangent of Brewster angle is equal to the ratio of the refractive indices of the media a1 whose interface incident light is reflected. When the incident beam is 12 in air (/ti= 1) and the transmitting medium is glass ( 2 = 1.5), the Brewster angle is for nearly 56'. Similarly, 813 air-water interface, like surface of a pond or a lake is 53'. This means that when the sun is 37' above the horizontal, the light reflected by a calm pond or lake should be completely linearly polarised. We, however, encounler some problems in utilizing this phenomenon to construct an effective polariscr on account of two reasons: (i) The reflected beam , although completely polarised, is weak. (ii) The transmitted beam, although slrong, is only partially polarised. These sliortcomings are overcome using a pile of plate polarisers. You can fabricate such a device with glass plates for the visible, silver chloride plates for the infrared, and quartz for the ultraviolet region. It is an easy matter to construct a crude arrangement of this Sort with a dozen or so microscope slides (Fig. 4.11).The beautiful colours that appear when the slides are in contact is duc to interference, which you will study in the next block. You may now like to solve an SAQ.
A plate of flint glass is immersed in water. Calculate the Brewster angles for internal as well as external rellection at an interface.
Spend 5 min
Having studied as to how reflection of light can be uscd lo produce polarised light, you may be tempted to know whether or not the phenomenon or refraction can also I be used for the same? Refraction of light in isotropic cryslals like N ~ Cor noncrystalline substances like glass, water or air docs not lead to polarisation of light. However, refraction in crystalline substances like calcite or cellophane is optically anisotropic becouse it leads to what is known as double refraction or birefringence. This is because anisotropic crystals display two distinct principal indices of refraction, which correspond to the E-oscillations parallel and perpendicular to the optic axis. Let us now learn how birefringcnce can be used to produce polarised light.
book, you will see two images of each letter. It is because the calcite crystal splits the incident light beam into two beams.\This phenomenon of splitting of a light beam into two is known as double refraction o r birefringence. Materials exhibiting this property are said to be birefringent. We bring you the excitement of Bartholinus, who discovered birefringentce, in his words: Greatly prized by all men is the diamond, and many are the joys which similar treasures bring, such as precious stones and pearls ... but he, who, on the other hand, prefers the knowledge of unusual phenomena to these delights, he will, 1 hope, have no less joy in a new sort of body, namely, a transparent crystal, recently brought to us from Iceland, which perhaps is one of the greatest wonders that nature has produced. As my investigation of this crystal proceeded there showed itself a wonderful and extraordinary phenomenon: objects which are looked at through the crystal do not show, as in the case of other transparent bodies, a single refracted image, but they appear double. Before we discuss polarisation of light by double refraction in detail, you should familiarise yourself with some of the concepts related to this phenomenon. The two refracted beams into which incident light splits have different angles of reliaction. The distinguishing feature of these two refracted light beams is that one of these obeys the Snell's law. It is called the ordinary ray (0-ray) in accordance with the nomenclature given by Bartholinus. The other beam does not obey Snell's law abd is called the extraordinary ray (e-ray). That is, a birefringeilt crystal displays two distinct indices of refranction. Another important concept is that of optic axis, which signifies some special direction in a birefringent crystal along which two refractive indices are equal (i, e. both o-and e-rays traval in the same direction with the same velocity). When unpolarised light is incident perpendicular to these special directions, both the o-and th e-rays travel in the same direction with different velocities. You may now like to know: Does optic axis refer to any particular linc through the crystal? Tht dnswer to this question is: It refers to a direction. This means that for any given point in the cryst4, an optic axis may be drawn which will be parallel to that for any other point. For example,AA1and broken lines parallel to A A' show the optic axis for a calcite crystal as shown in Fig. 4.13. Birefringent crystals which posses only one optic axis are called uniaxial crystals. Similarly, crystals having two optic axes are called biaxial crystals. Calcite, quartz and ice are examples of uniaxial crystals and mica is a biaxial crystal. Most of the polarisation devices are made of uniaxial crystals. Further, the uniaxial crystal for which the refractive index o-ray ( no ) is more than the refractive index for the e-ray ( ne ) is called nigsttive uniaxial crystal. On the other hand, if n, > rt,, we have a positive uniaxial crystal. Values of no and n, for some of the birefringent crystals are given in Table 4.1.The difference A n = ne - no is a measure of birefringence.
4.1: Refractive indices of s o n ~ e uninxinl birefringent crystnls
calcite cyrstal
Pig. 4.12: Double refraction cf a light beam by calcite crystnl.
In some of the text books, you may find that ordinary and extraordinary rays are being denoted by bold letters 0 and E. We have used small letters (oand e-) to avoid confusion with the notation for the electric field.
Pig. 4.13: A Calcite crystal. The line AA' shows the direction of the optic axls. For the cnlcite crystal, the direction of the optlc axis Is determined by joining the two blunt corners of the crystal.
Letus now enquire how unpolarised light incident on uniaxial crystal gets polarised? We know that when unpolarised light beam enters a calcite crystal, it splits into the o-and the e-rays. The electric field vector of e-ray vibrates in the plane containing the optic axis and the electric field vector of o - ray vibrates perpendicular to it, as shown in Fig. 4.14.We may, therelore, concude that due to
Polnrisation of Light
Fig. 4.14 (a) ABCD Is one b i Lhe princlpnl sections of the cnlcile crystal; it contalns the optlc axls and is n o ~ ~ l ltol llle clcnvage faces BECF andAHDG. (b) a Unpolnrised light bennl passing through n prinicipal section of the calclte crystal.
double refraction, the unpolarised light beam splits into two components which are plane polarised. Huygens explained many aspects of double refraction in calcite on the basis of wave theory. Since the o-ray obeys Snell's law, it propagates with uniform velocity in all directions in the crystal. As a result, the wave surfaccs are spherical. However, the e-ray propagates with different velocities in different directions in the crystal and hence the resulting wave surface is an ellipsoid of revolution, i. e. a spheroid. Further, to reconcile with the lac1 that both thc o-and e-rays travel with thc same velocity along the optic axis, both the wave surfaces ware assumed to touch each other at thc two extremities of thc optic axis. These featurcs are depicted in Fig. 4.15. You may now like to know the nature of wave surfaces for o-and e-waves in positive uniaxial crystals. This is subjcct mattcr oPTQ 1. From the above discussion it l'ollows that in double refraction, an unpolarised light wave splits into o-and e-components with their E-vibrations perpendicular to each other. By selective absorption of one o l the P-states, we can produce linearly polarised light. This is readily donc by a device, called Nicol prism, by removing the o-ray through total internal rellection. It was designcd by William Nicol in 1828. You will learn about it now.
Nicol prism
Nicol prism is made from a naturally occurring crystal o l calcite. The length of the crystal is thrce timcs its width and the smaller faces PQ and RS and ground from 71' to a more acute angle 0 ~ 6 8 (Fig. 4.16). The crystal is then cut along PS by a ' plane passing through P and S and perpendicular to the principal section PQSR. The cut surfaces are polished to optical flatness and then ccmented together with a layer of (nonrefringent material) Canada bals'm. Can you guess why Canada balsam is used as cementing material? Well, for sodium light, refractive index of Canada balsam is 1.552, which is inidway between refractive indices for o-ray (no= 1.658) ancl the e-ray (n, = 1.486) i calcite. Thus, it n is an optically rarer medium with respcct to ordinary ray and denser for extraordinary . . -1 1.552 ray. The critical angle for total internal reflection of o-ray is sin -1.658 So, when incident unpolarised light splits into two rays inside the cryslal, the o-ray gets totally reflected at the canada balsam surface when It is incident on it at an angle of h9O. (It is for this reason that the end faces of the crystal are ground so as to make the angles 68' from 71.) The emergent light will, therefore, be made up only of plane polarised e-component. Some of the limitations of Nicol prism as polariser are:
Introducing Light
It can be used for polarisation of visible light only. e-ray also can get totally reflected by the Canada balsam surface if it is travelling along the optic axis. Why? It is so because in this situation the refractive index for e-ray will be same as for o-ray (i. e. greater than the refractive index for Canada balsam).
With time, a number of modifications have been incorporated in the basic design of the Nicol prism to overcome some of these limitations. However. we will not go into these details. So far you have studied about production of linearly polarised light by reflection and double refraction. Other methods employed to produce linearly polarised light are selective absorption (or dichroism) and scattering. We will here discuss only dichroism and that too in brief.
An easy way out of this difficulty in the fabrication of the grid polariser is to em~lov long chain voivmer molecules made up of atoms which provide high electrical conductivity along the length of the chain. These chains of polymer molecules behave similar to the wires in the wire-grid polariser. The alignment of , these chains are almost parallel to each other. Because of high electrical conductivity, the clectric vector of unpolarised light to the chain gets absorbed. And the P-shle perpendicular to these chains passes through. These chemically synthesized polarisers are fabricated in the form of plastic sheets and are known as pohroids.Since the spacing between lhese molecular chains in a polaroid is small compared to the optical wavelength, such polaroids are extremely el'lectivc in producing linearly polariscd light.
Dichroic Crystals
Some nalurally occurring crystalline materials are inhcrently dichroic due to ;~nisolropy thcir Slrudure. Onc ol' lhc best known dichroic materials is tourmaline, a in
stone often used in jewellery. Tourmalines are essentially boron silicates of differingchemical composition.The component of E perpendicular to the principal axis is strongly absorbed by the sample. Thicker the crystal, more complete will be the absorption. A plate cut from a tourmaline crystal parallel to its optic axis acts as a linear polariser. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.18, We shall now consider a class of optical elements known as wave plates which serve to change the polarisation of the incident wave. A wave plate introduces a phase lag between the two P-states by a predetermined amount. That is, the relative phase of the two emerging components is different from its initial value. This concept can be used to convert a given polarisation state into any other and in so doing it is possible even to produce circular or elliptic polarisation as well. This is the subject matter of the next section.
Polarisation of Light
Consider a plane wave incident on a calcite crystal. It splits in o-and e- waves. Since calcite is a negative uniaxial crystal, no > 11 and v , , (velocity of e-wave) > v (velocity of o-wave) implying that the e-ray travels faster than the o-ray. After traversing the calcite crystal of thickness d, the path difference between them is given by
though while entering both the components were in phase. The state of polarisation of emerging light depends on 6, apart from the some amplitudes of incoming orthogonal field components. Let us now co~lsider specific cases: (i) When the phase difference, 8 2mx; where m is an integer, the ralative path difference is m h. A device which induces a path difference betweenthe two orthogonal field vibrations in integral multiples of h is called the full wave plate. It introduces no observable effect on the polarisation of the incident beam. That is, the field vibrations of the emergent light will be identical with the field vibrations of the incident light.
(ii) When 6 = ( 2rn + 1 ) x, the relative path differcncc will be ( m + '/2 ) h Such crystals we called half-wave plates. (iiii)When 6
( 2m
a birefringent sheet is called quarter-wave plate. When linearly po arised light traverses a quarter-wave plate, the emergent light will, in general, be elliptical and the axes of the ellipse will coincide with the previleged directions of the thin plate. However, half-wave or.full-wave plate leave the state of polarisation unchanged. Thus, we may conclude that the path difference between the o- and +waves in a birefringent device depends on its thickness. You should now solve the following SAQ.
- Such
Introducing Light
Calculate the thickness of a quarter waveplate for light of wavelength 5890 refractive indices for o -and e -rays are 1.55 and 1.50 respectively. W e now summarise what you have learnt in this unit.
5 min
Visible light can be linearly, circularly or elliptically polarised. All these polarisation states arise on superposition of two linearly (or plane) polarised light waves characterised by different amplitudes and phases. The electric field vectors of two linearly polarised light beams propagating along z-axis can be represented as
where E,, and E,, are the amplitudes of the two waves and Q, is the phase difference between them. Superposition of these two polarised waves will result in Linearly polarised light if
According to Malus, when the transmission axes of polariser and the analyser are at an angle 8, the intensity of the polarised light reaching the detector is givenby I ( 8 ) = I ( 0 ) cos2 8 where, I ( 0 ) is the intensity of the polarised light when 8 0.
When natural light strikes an interface at Brewster's angle $ = tan-' ( nz/ltl ), where nl and n2 are the refractive indices of medium of incidence and transmission, the reflected light is.finearly polarised. When light falls on a calcite crystal, it splits into two. The phenomenon is known as double refraction or birefringence. These two refracted beams are known as o- and e-rays. Snell's law holds for o-rays (ordinary rays). In a birefringent material, the o- and the e-rays travcl in the saine direction with same velocity along the optic axis. However, in a direction perpendicular lo the optic axis, they travels with dini'rent velocities. The electric field vibrations for o- and the e-rays are inutually per~endicular. of The phenomei~on double refraction produces linearly polarised light. Nicol prism works on this principle. In the Nicol prism, the o-ray undergo total internal reffection at the inferface and the transmitted beam consists of only electric field vibrations corresponding to e-ray and hence the transmitted beam is linearly polarised. Selective absorption (or dichroism) of the electric lield compoilent wit11 particular orientalions by material can also be used h r producing linearly polarised light. Tourmaline is an example ordichroic material, For a calcite crystal of thickness d the path difference between o- and e- rays is given by A = d I no - 11,)
When the phase difference 6 = 2mn where m is an integer,the relative path difference between the o- and e-rays will be mh. Such crystals are called full-wave plate. When 6 = ( 2m + 1) n,path difference will be h / 2 and h such crystals act as full-wave plate. And when b = ( 2m + 1 ) Z path , difference will be h / 4 (for m quarter-wave plate.
= 0 ) and such
In sub-section 4.4.3, you studied about propagation of o- and c- waves in a negative uniaxial crystal (calcite). Draw a diagram and describe Lhc propagation of o- and e-waves in a positive uniaxial crystal (quark) tbr normal incidence. For a certain crystal, no
6x m. Calculate the least thickness of a quarter-wave plate made from the crystal for use with light of this wavelength.
The plane of vibration of the electric vector defined by Eq. (4.5) is rotated with respect to that shown in the Fig. 4.5. This is signilied by the ncgi~tive sign hcforc iy parentheses and is depicted below in the
If we choose 4
n in (i), we get
Introducing Light
This defines a straight line (y =mx)with slope E,,/E,,. In other words, elliptically polarised light reduces to linearly polarised light for @ 11JC(11 = 0 ) f : 1 ) 2 ,...).
When @
a 2 ) of radius E,
3. Since both polarising sheets are ideal, the intensityof the incident unpolarised beam, I, will reduce to half after passing throught one of them as shown in the Fig.4..19. After passing through the second polarising sheet, we are told that the intensity reduces to one third of original value.
Incident beam
First polariser
Second polariser
Fig. 4.19: Unpolnrlsed Ught beam of intensity I pnssing through two polnrisers
That is, the angle between the transrnissio axes of two polarisers is about 3 ' 5
n2 -
1..67 1.33
1.33 L.67
The path difference produced between thc o- and e-rays of birefringent crystal of thiickness d is
- d(11~-rt,))
f 1. In case o negative uniaxial.crystal (calcite), e-ray travels faster than the o-ray and hence no > n,. Therefore, when a light beam is incident normally upon a calcite crystal, whose optic axis is parallel to the refracting surface and lies in the plane of incidence, o-wave has a spherical wavelronl and the e-wave has an spheroidal wavelront.
Fig. 4.20: (a) o-nnd c-wnvc surfnccs in n posilivc uninxlnl crystal (qunrtz): (b) Propngation of o-and e-waves in yunrlz.
In case olpositive uniaxial crystals like quartz, the e-ray travels slower than the o-ray. Therefore, the spherical wavefront corresponding to o-ray will be outside the spheroidal wavelront corresponding to e-ray (Fig. 4.20a). Since the optical properties of birefringent crystal are symmetrical with respect to its optic axis, the axis of revolution of the sphroid must coincide with the optic axis of the crystal. When a light beam falls on a positive uniaxial crystal, with its optic axis in the plane of incidence and parallcl to the refracting surface, the wavefront for o- and e-waves is shown in Fig. 4.20b.
Introducing Light
In the above mentioned case, E E ' and 0 0 ' are the refracted wave-fronts for e- and o-rays respectively at the same instant of time. They are parallel to each other and travel in the same direction which is perpendicular to the refracting surfacee AN.. These two wavefronts, however, will travel with different velocities. As a result, a path difference will be introduced between the o- and the e-ray on emergence, but there is no separation between the two beams. In principle, we can constructs quarter-wave plate, half-wave plate etc. using positive uniaxial crystal as well.
In the birefringent crystal of thickness d, the path difference between the oand e-rays is d ( n, - n, 1. In this problem, n, > no,so that we can write A
corresponding relative phase difference
d ( n, - no ) and the
For constructing a quarter wave-plate, the path difference should be h/4, which corresponds to phase difference of z/2. Thus, from above equation, we must have, for a quarter wave plate
We have
1.5533,and A
6 x 10- m.
m thick.
Fresnel's Biprism Some Other Arrangement for Producing Interference by Division of Wavefront Summary
5.8 5.9
Anyone with a pan of water can see how the water surface is disturbed in a variety of characteristic patterns, which is due to interference between water waves. Similarly, interference occurs between sound waves as a result of which two people who hum fairly pure tones, slightly different in frequency, hear beats. But if we shine light from two torches or flashlights at the same place on a screen, there is no evidence of interference. The region of overlap is merely uniformly bright. Does it mean that there is no interference of light waves? The answer is 'No'. The interference in light is as real an effect as interference in water or sound waves, and there is one example of it familiar to everybody - the bright colours of a thin film of oil spread out on a water surface. There are two reason why the interference of light is observed'in some cases and not in others? Firstly, light waves have very short wavelengths - the visible part of the spectrum extends only from 400 mm for violet light to 700 mm for red light. Secondly, every natural source of light emits light waves only as short trains of random pulses, so that any interference that occurs is averaged out during the period of observation by the eye, unless special procedures rye used,
Like standing waves and beats, the phenomenon of interference depends on the
superposition of two or more individual waves under rather strict conditions that will soon be clarified. When interest lies primarily in the effects of enhancement or diminution of light waves, these effects are usually said to be due to the interference o? light. When enhancement (or constructive interference) and diminution (or destructive interference) conditions alternate in a spatial display, the interference is said to produce a pattern of fringes as in the double slit interference pattern. The same condition may lead to enhancement of one colour at the expense of the other colour, producing interference colours as in the case of oil slicks and soap film about which you will study in next unit. In this unit, we will consider'the interference pattern produced by waves originating
from two point sources. However, in case of light waves, one cannot observe
interference between the waves from two independent sources, although the interference does take place: Thus, one tries to derive the interfering waves from a single wave so that the constant phase difference is maintained between the interfering waves. This car, be achieved by two methods. In thefirst method a beam is allowed to fall on two
closely spaced holes, and the two beam emanating from the holes interfere. This method is known as division of wavefront and will be discussed in detail in this unit. In the other method, known as division of amplitude, a beam is divided at two or more reflecting surfaces, and the reflected beams interfere. This will be discussed in the next unit. As the phenomenon of interference can be successfully explained by treating light as a wave motion, it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of wave motion. Although you have learnt about this in your class XI1 and also in the PHE-02 course "Oscillations and Waves", we will begin this unit with study of wave motion which will serve as a recapitulation. In the next unit we will study how interference takes place by division of amplitude of light wave.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
use the principle of superposition to interpret constructive and destructive interferencc, distinguish between coherent and incoherent sources of light, desrrihe the origins of the interference pattern produced by double slit, describe the inrensity distribution in interference pattern, express the fringe-width in terms of wavelength of light,
a a
describe various arrangements for producing interference by division of wavefront, appreciate the dilference belween Biprism and,Lloyd's mirror fringes.
The best and elementary way to represent a simple harmonic motion is to consider the motion of a particle along a reference circle (See Fig. 5.1). Suppose a particle P travels in a circular path, counterclockwise, at a uniform angular velocity a.The point N is the nerpendicular projection of P on the diameter AOA' of the circle. When the particle P is at point B, the perpendicular projection is at 0. As the particle P starts from B , and lil!)ves round the circle, N moves from 0 to A, A to A' and then returns to 0. This back and forth motion of N is simple harmonic. Let us obtain expressbns for displacement, velocity and acceleration and define few terms.
Suppose the particle P starts from B and traces an angle 9 in time velocity w is
where the angle 8 is measured in radians. The displacement, y, of N from 0 at time thus given by
y = ON = O P sin NPO
= a sin 8
8 a =-, SO that
[- LNPO = LPOB = 61 :
e = wt
I y = a sin wl ]
This is the equation of simple harmonic motion. SAQ 1 See Fig. 5.1. If you have studied the motion of the point M, which is the foot of the perpendicular from the point P on the x-axis, then write down the equation of simple harmonic motion. Velocity: The velocity of N is given by
~ t= d O O C O S W ( = W ~ ~
.. .(5.2)
Periodic Time: The periodic time, T, of N is time taken by N to make one complete vibration. Thus
Amplitude: Amplitude of vibration is equal to the radius of the reference circle i.e., a. SAQ 2 A particle is executing simple harmonic motion, with a period of 3s and an amplitude of 6 cm. On;-half second after the particle has passed through its equilibrium position, what is its (a) displacement, (b) velocity, and (c) acceleration? Phase: The phase of a vibrating particle represents its state as regards i) ii) the amount of displacement suffered by the particle with respect to its mean position, and has the direction in which the displacemer~~ taken place.
In Fig. 5.1, we had ~onveniently chosen t = U as the time when P was on the x-axis. The choice of the time t = 0 is arbltrarv, and we could have chosen time t = 0 to be the instant when P W ~ at P'(see Fig.5.2). If the angle P'OX = 0 then the projection on the S y-axis at any time t would be given by
y = a sin (at + 8)
...( 5.5)
The quantity (ot+ 6) is known as the phase of the motion and 8 represents the initial phase. It is obvious from the discussion that the value of 8 is quite arbitrary, and depends on the instant from which we start measuring time. We next consider two particles, P and Q rotating on the circle with the same angular velocity wand P' and Q' are their respective positions at r = 0.Let the angle LP'OX and 1 Q 'OX be 8 and 4 respectively (see Fig. 5.3).
F g 5 3 The points Nand ~ ' e x c c u t esinrple harmonlc mntlon with the same frequency ar The inltlal i..: phases of N nnd N' are 0 and respcctlvely.
Clearly at an arbitrary time t the distance of the foot or perpendiculars from the origin would be
.. .(5.6a)
.. .(5.6b)
represents the phase difference between the two simple harmonic motions and if 8- q= 0 (or an even multiple of z) the motions are said to be in phase, and if 8 4 = A (or an odd multiple of z).the motions are said to be out of phase. If we choose a different origin of time, the quantities 8 and 4 would change by the same additive constant; consequently, the phase difference (8 - 4) is independent of the choice of the instant r = (1
Energy: A particle performing simple harmonic motion possesses both types of energies; potential and kinetic. It possesses potential energy on account of its displacement from the equilibrium position and kinetic energy on account of its velocity. These energies vary during oscillation, however, their sum is conserved provided no dissipative forces are present. Since the acceleration of vibrating particle is d y , the force needed to keep a particle of mass m at 'a distance y from 0 is m d . y If the particle is to be displaced through a further distance dy, the work to be done will be W2 mydy. Now the potential energy of ,the pariicle at a displacement y.is equal to the total work done to displace the particle from 0 through a distance y.
The total energy of the particle at any distance y from 0 is given by Total energy = K.E.+ P B
1 = - mu2 a 2 2
Therefore, total energy (interisity) is proportional m (amplit~de)~, since o = 2m, and, n being the frequency, the energy is also proportional to (freq~ency)~. If 1 represents the intensity associated with a light wave then
So far we considered a single particle, P, executing simple harmonic motion. Let us consider a number of particles which make a continuous elastic medium. If any one particle is set in vibration, each successive parlicle begins a similar vibration, but a little later than the one before it, due to inertia. Thus, the phase of vibration changes from particle to particle until we reach a parlicle at which the disturbance arrives exactly at the moment when the first particle has completed one vibration. This particle then moves in the same phase as the first particle. This simultaneous vibrations of the particles of the medium together make a wave. Such a wave can be represented graphically by means of a displacement curve drawn with the position of the particles as abscissae and the corresponding displacement at that instant as ordinate. If the particles execute simple harmonic motion, we obtain a sine curve as shown in Fig. 5.4.
It will be seen that the wave originating at a repeates itself after reaching i. The distance
ai, after travelling which the wave-form repeats itself, is called the wavelength and is
denoted by A. It is also evident that during the time T,while the panicle at a makes one vibration, the wave travels a distance A. Hence the velocity v of the wave is given by
&. The particles are out of phase if the distance between them is
Fig. 5.5 shows the wave travelling in the positive *-direction. The displacemenl y ~f the
y = a sin
...(5 .l)
Let v be the velocity of propagation of the wave. Then the wave starting from 0 would reach at a point A, distant x from 0 in xlv seconds. Hence the particle at A must have started its vibration xlv seconds later than the particle at 0. Consequently, the displacement at A at the time t would be same as was at 0 at time - seconds earlier i.e. v. at time
X X - -. Substituting t - - for t in Eq. (5.1) we obtain the displacement at A at v v
X .
A. -
2% - (vt - x) a
This equation represents the displacement of a particle at a distance x from a fixed point at a time t. This is, tnerefore, the equation of the wave. The wave shown in Fig. 5.5 is generated along a stretched string and in a rope. Such type of waves are called transverse waves. From Unit 4 of Block-1 , you already know that light travels in the form of transverse waves, therefore Eq.(5.12) represents a light wave.
2~ - (vt- x l ) a
. :
Y = 2 r (P&
difference) be o b t p i in a : ,, ,(5.13) lelr fond mumw by member- . Phase difference = 2 x (path difference) ing that a diffama in pbaae of 21r wmspnds lo When two or more sets of waves are made to overlap in some region of space, one wavelength and calculating the
pbse mmnce by
interesting effects are observed. For example, when two stones are dropped simultaneously in a quiet pool, two sets of waves are created. In the region of crossing, there are places where the disturbance is almost 24x0, and others, where it is greater
than that given by either wave alone. These effects can be explained using a very simple law known as principle of superposition. We will use this principle in investigating the disturbance in regions, where two or more light waves are superimposed. Let us now briefly study this principle.
Interference by ~ l WavefrW
Fig3.6: The propagntloo of two triangular pulses In opposite d M l o m In a strclched string. The solid line dvcs the actual &ape of the string; (a), @), (c), (d) and (e) correspond to different Instants of time
Superposition of Two Waves of Same Frequency but having Constant Phase Difference
Consideq two waves of same frequency but having constant phase difference, say 6. Since they have same frequency, i.e. same angular velocity, we write
y1 = a1 sin
yz = azsin (w + S)
where a, and a2are two different amplitudes, and w is common angular frequency of the two waves. By the principle of superposition, the resultant displacement is
Y = Y1 + Yz
= al sin
Let us write
where A and 8 are new constants. This gives y=sin w A c o s e+coswlA sin 8 or
y = A sin
(uu + 8 )
Hence the resultant displacement is simple harmonic and of amplitude A. Squaring and adding Eq. 5.14a and 5.14b, we get
Thus; the resultant intensity I which is proportional to the square of the resultant amplitude, is given as
(Here we have taken the constant of proportionality as 1, for simplicity). Thus, we find that the resultant intensity is not equal to the sum of the intensities due to separate waves i.e., (a12+ az2).Since the intensity of wave is proportional to square of amplitude, II a a12and I2 a a z2 as before, taking the proportionality constant as 1, we can rewrite Eq.(5.15) as
In Example 1, see how Eq. (5.16) has been used to find the resultant intensity.
Example 1
Consider interference due to two coherent waves of same frequency and constant phase difference having intensities I and 41, respectively. What is the resultant intensity wHen the phase difference between these two waves is rt/2 and n?
According to Eq,{S.16)
II = 1and I2 = 41, so
I,, = 51 + 41 00s 90 = 51
I,= 51 + 41 cosz = I
Thus there is a variation of intensity due to interference phenomenon. Refer again to Eq. (5.16). The intensity I is maximum when cos 6 = + 1, that is, when phase difference is given by
lnterrerence oy v ~ v l s l o n r o Wavefront
The resultant intensity is, thus. greater than the sum of the two separate intensities. If
The resultant intensity is thus less than the sum of two separate intensities. If I1= 12, then Imi, = 0,which means that there is no light.
Two waves of same frequency and constant phases difference have intensities in the ratio 81:l. They produce interference fringes. Deduce the ratio of the maximum to minimum intensity. In general, for the two waves of same intensity and having a constant phase difference of 6, the resultant intensity is given by
= 2 1 1 (1 + cos 6)
Therefore, we find that when two waves of the same frequency travel in approximately the same direction and have a phase difference that remains constant with the passage of time, the resultant intensity of light in not disuibuted uniformly in space. The nonuniform distribution of the light intensity due to the superposition of two waves is called interference. At some points the intensity is maximum and the interference at these points is called constructive interference. At some other points the intensity is minimum and the interference at these points is called destructive interference.
Usually, when two light waves are made to interfere, we get alternate dark and bright bands of a regular or irregular shape. Tbese are called Interference
Fig. 5.7 shows two situations where waves emanating from two sources, A and B, arrive at point C and interfere. Which of the two situations indicate constructive interference and destructive interference? Give reasons. (Eq. (5.13) will help you in answering this questi~n.)
After solving the above SAQ one can infer that: for constructive interference, path difference = nA, where n = 0,1,2,3 for destructive interference,
...( 5.18)
For the production of stationary interference patterns, i.e. definite regions of constructive and destructive interference, the interfering waves must have (1) the same frequency, and (2) a constant phase difference (and they must be travelling in the same or nearly the same direction). If these conditions are satisfied, we say the wave sources and the waves are coherent. Sources can readily be found with the same vibrating frequency; however, the phase relationship between the waves may vary with time. In the case of light, the waves are radiated by the atoms of a source. Each atom contributes only a small part to the light emilted from the source and the waves bear no particular phase relationship to each other; the atoms randomly emit light, so the phase "constant" of Lhe total light wave varies with time. Hence, light waves brought together from different light sources are coherent over very short periods of time and does not produce stationary interference patterns. Light from two lasers (about this you will study in Block 4) can be made to form stationary interference patterns, but the lasers must be phase-locked by some means. How, then, was the wave nature of light originally investigated, since lasers are a relatively recent development ? In the following sections we will discuss the various arrangements, which provide coherent sources and enable us to observe interference phenomenon. Thomas Young had first demonstrated the interference of light. In the next section we will describe the experiment done by him.
Fig.5.8: Young's double slit experiment. The pinholes SI and S act as coherent sources and an , interference pattern 1s observed on the screen C,
Fig. 5.9 shows the section of the wavefront on the plane containing So,S1,and Sz.Since the waves emanating from SIand Szare coherent, we wilI see alternate bright and dark curves of fringes, called interference fringes. The interference pattern is symmetrical about a bright central fringe (also called maximum), and the bright fringes decrease in intensity, the farther they are from the central fringe.
Fig. 5.9: Sectlons of the spherical wavefkonts emanating from So, Skand S2.
To analyze the interference pattern and investigate the spacing of the interference fringes, consider the geometry in Fig. 5.10. Let S be a narrow slit illuminated by monochromatic light, and S1and S2 two parallel narrow slits very close to each other and equidistant from S. The light waves from S arrive at S1and Szin the same phase. Beyond S1 and S2,the waves proceed as if they sprted from S1and Szwith the same phase because the two slits are equidistant from S.
Plg.5.10: The geometry of Young's experiment: The path dhference of the llght from the sllts arrlvlng at P on the screen Is d sin&
It is assumed that the waves start out at the same phase, because the two slits S1and S2 are equidistant from S. Furthermore, the amplitudes are the same, because S1and S2are the same size slits and very close to each other. (So the amplitude does not vary very much.) Hence these waves produce an interference pattern on a screen placed parallel to S1 and S2. . To find the intensity at a point P on the screen, we join SIPand S2P.The two waves arrive at P from S1and S2 having traversed different paths S I P and S2P. Let us calculate ' this path difference S2P- SIP. Let,
y = distance of P fiom Po, the central point on the screen
d =,separation of two slits S1 and S2.
Hence, we may assume triangle SIA Sz as a right-angled mangle and S2A = d sin 8 = ' d sin 0 = d tan8, as for small 0, sin0 = tan 0. As can be seen from the Fig. 5.10, tan 0 = y/D.
Now the intensity at the point P is a maximum or minimum according as the path difference S2P - S I P is an integral multiple of wavelength or an odd multiple of half wavelength (See Eq. 5.18 and Eq. 5.19). Hence, for bright fringes (maxima),
where m = 0, 1, 2.....
. ..(5.21) The number m is called the order of the fringe. Thus the fringes with m = 0, 1 , 2 , ....
y =mD Ald
(bright fringes)
etc. are called zero, first, second....etc. orders. The zeroth order fringe corresponds to the central maximum, the first order fringc (m =1) corresponds to the first bright fringe on either side of the central maximum, and so on. For dark fringes (minima),
y = (rn +
(dark fringes)
Eq. (5.21) or Eq. (5.22) can be used to find out the distance yn of the nth order bright (or dark) fringe. Try to solve the following SAQ.
SAQ 5 Monochromatic light passes through two narrow slits 0.40 mm apart. The third-order bright fringe of the interference pattern, observed on a screen 1.0 meter from the slits, is 3.6 mm from the cenlre of the cenrral maximum. What is the wavelength of the light ?
Fringe Width
If y, and y n +denote the distances of nth and (n+l)th bright fringes, then ~
Yn+l =
D - (n + 1) A d
The spacing between the nth and (n+l)th fringes (bright) is given by
It is independent of n. Hence, the spacing between any two consecutive bright fringes is
the same. Similarly, it can be shown that the spacing bet\keen two dark fringes is also
d fringe-width, which is denoted by
& a . The spacing between any two consecutive bright or dark fringes is called the
P. Thus
The fringe-widths are so fine that to see them, one usually uses magnifier or eye-piece. To make certain that you really understand the meaning of the fringe width, try the following SAQs.
In a two-slit interference pattern with 2 = 6000 A, the zero order and tenth order maxima fall at 12.34 mm and 14.73 mm respectively. Find the fringe width.
If in the SAQ 6, A. is changed to 5000 A, deduce the positions of the zero order and twentieth order fringes, other arrangements remaining the same. Shape of the Interference Fringes In Fig. 5.1 1, suppose SI and S2represent the two coherent sources. At the point P, there is maximum or minimum intensity according as
Thus for a given value of n, the locus of points of maxitnurn or minimum intensity is given by S2P - SIP = constant, which is tlle equation of a hypcrbola with S1and S2as foci. In space, the locus of points of maximum or minimum intensity for a particular value of n will be a hyperboloid of revolution, obtained by revolving the hyperbola about the line S1S2. In practice, fringes are observed on a screen XY in a plane normal to the plane of the figure and parallel to the line joining S1S2.Hence the fringes that are observed arc simply Lhe sections of the hyperboloids by this plane, i s . hey are hyperbolae. Since the wavc-length of light is extremely small (of the order of 10-~cm),the value of (S2P- SIP) is also of that order. Hence these hyperbolae appear, more or less, as straight lines. Intensity Distribution in the Fringe-System To find the intensity, we rewrite Eq. (5.15), taking a, = a2, as follows
= 2a2 (1 + cos 6)
If the phase difference is such that 6 = 0 , 27r, dz......, this gives 4u2 or 4 times the intensity of either beam. If 6 = n, 3z, 5 n,......,'The inicnsity is zero. In between the intensity varies as cos2 6/2. Fig. 5.12 shows a plot of the intensily against the phase difference. When h e two bearns'ol' lighl arrive at a point on the scrccn, exactly out of phase, they interfere destructively, and the resultant intensity is zero. One may well ask what becomes of the energy of thc two bcams, since the law of conscrvadon of energy
tells us that it cannot be destroyed. The answer to this question is that the energy, which apparently disappears at the minima, is actually still present at the maxima, where the intensity is greater than would be produced by the two beams acting separately. In other words, the energy is not destroyed, but merely redistributed in the interference pattern, The average intensity on the screen is exactly what would exist in the absence of interference. Thus, as shown in Fig. 5.12, the intensity in the interference pattern varies between 4A 2 and zero. Now each beam, acting separately, would contribute A 2, and so, without interference, we would have a uniform intensity of 2A2, as indicated by the broken line.'L,et us obtain the average intensity on the screen for K fringes. We have
1 + coso =
Fig. 5.12: Intensity distribution for the interfcrence fringes from two waves of the same frequency.
Thus, the average intensity is equal to the sum of the separate intensities. That is whatever energy apparently disappears at the minima is actually present at rhe maxima. There is no violation of the law of conservation of energy in the phenomenon of interference. Till now we have considered interference pattern produced when a monochromatic light from a narrow slit'falls on two parallel slits. What happens if white light is used to illuminate slits? Read the following sub-section.
White-Light Fringes
If white light is used to illuminate the slits we obtain an interference pattern consisting of a central 'white' fringe, having on both sides a few coloured fringes and then a general illumination.
A pair of white light coherent sources is equivalent to a number of pairs of monochromatic sources. Each monochromatic pair produces its own system of fringes
) : D
At the centre of the pattern, the path difference between the interfering waves is zero. Therefore, the path difference is also zero for all wavelengths. Hence, all the different coloured waves of the white light produce a bright fringe at the centre. This superposition of the different colours makes the central fringe 'white'. This is the 'zero order fringe'.
As we move on either side of the centre, the path difference gradually increases from zero. At a certain point it becomes equal to half the wavelength of the component having the smallest wave-length, i.e., violet. This is the position of the first dark fringe of violet. Beyond this, we obtain the first minimum of blue, green, yellow and of red in the last. The inner edge of the first dark fringe, which is the first minimum for violet. receives sufficient intensity due to red, hence it is reddish. The outer edge of the first dark fringe, which is minimum for red, receives sufficient intensity due to violet, and is therefore, violet. 'The same applies to every other dark fringe. Hence, we obtain a few coloured fringes on both sides of the central fringe. As we move further away from the centre, the path difference becomes quite large. Then, from the range 7500 - 4000 A, a large numbcr of wavelengths (colours) will produce maximum intensity at a given point, and an equally large numbcr will produce minimum intensity at that point. For example, at any point P, we may have
interference by Dlvlsion or
[= (11 +
+ ;)A;
,.. eti.
For maxima, path difference = " where
1 '
... Thus, at P, we shall have l l t h , 12th, 13th, etc., bright fringes of A,, 4, A3, etc., and llth, 12th, 13th,... etc., dark fringes of A;, A',, Aj, ...etc. Hence, thc, resultant colour at P is very nearly white. This happens at all points, for which the path difference is large. Hence, in the region of large path difference uniform white illumination is obtained.
SAQ 8 Let the path difference S I P- S2P = 30 x P is a maximum?
In the usual interference pattern with a monochromatic source, a large number of interference fringes are obtained, and it becomes extremely difficull to determine the position of the central fringe. Hence, by using white light as a source the position of central fringe can be easily determined.
Displacement of Fringes
We will now discuss the change in the interference pattern produced when a thin transparent plate, say of glass or mica, is introduced in the path of one of the two interfering beams, as shown in Fig. 5.13. It is observed that the entire fringe-pattern is displaced to a point towards the beam in the path of which the plate is introduced. If the displacement is measured, the thickness of the plate can be obtained provided thc refractive index of the plate and the wavelength of the light are known. Suppose a.thin transparent plate of thickness t and refractive index p is introduced in the path of one of the constituent interfering beams of light (say in the path of SIP, shown in Fig. 5.13). Now, light from S1 travel partly in air and partly in the plate. For the light path from S1 to P, the distance travelled in air is (SIP - t), and that in the plate is t . Suppose, c and v be the velocities of ligh~ the air and in the plate, respectively. If in the time taken by light beam to reach from S, to P is, T, then
Plp. 5.13: If n thin transparent sheet (of thickness t) Is introduced In one of the pattern gets shifted by a dlstance (p-1) tDld.
beams, the f d q e
Thus the effective path in air from S, to P is [ S I P + (p - l ) t ] , i.e., the air path SIP is increased by an amount (p -'l)r, due to the introduction of the plate of material of refractive index, p. Let 0 be the position of the central bright fringe in the absence of the plate, the optical paths S1O and S 2 0 being equal. On introducing the plate, the two optical paths become unequal. Therefore, the central fringe is shifted to 0', such that at 0' the two optical paths become equal. A similar argument applies to all the fringes. Now, at any point P, the effective path difference is given by
In the absence of the plate (t = O), the distance of the nth bright fringe from 0 is D d
- nA.
. :
The shift is independent of the order of the fringe, showing that shift is the same for all the bright fringes. Similarly, it can be shown that the displacement of any dark fringe i s also given by Eq. (5.25). Thus, the entire fringe-system is displaced through a distance D (p - 1 ) t towards the side on which the plate is placed, The fringe-width is given by: d
= -D A
Eq, (5.25) enables us to determine the thickness o extremely thin transparent sheets f (like that of mica) by measuring the shift of the'fringe system.
Now, apply this strategy yourself to SAQ 9.
Interference by Division of
In a double slit interference arrangement one of the slits is covered by a thin micg sheet whose refractive index is 1.58. The distances SISzand A 0 (see Fig. 5.13) are 0.1 cm and 50 cm, respectively. Due to the introduction of the mica sheet, the central fringe gets shifted by 0.2 cm. Determine the thickness of the mica sheet.
If screens M and N are placed, as shown in the Fig. 5.14, interference fringes are observed only in the region bc. When the screen ae is replaced by a photographic plate, a picture like the upper one, in Fig. 5.f5, is obtained.
are The closely spaced fringes in the centre of the pl~otograph due to interference, while the wide fringes at the edge of the photograph are due to diffraction. These wider bands are due to the vertices of the two prispls, each of which act as a straight edge, giving a pattern of diffraction (about this you will Iearn in Block 3). When the screens M and N are removed from b e light path, the two beams overlap over the whole region oe. The lower photogra~h Fig. 5.1 5 shows for this case the. equally spaced interference in fringes superimposed on the diffraction pattern, of a wide aperture.
Fk. 5.15 Interference and difiadion frlngs produced In tho Fresnel Blprkm experimental arrangement.
With such an experiment, Fresnel was able to show the interference effect without the diffracted beams through the two slits. Just as in Young's double slit experiment, this arrangement can also be used to determine the wavelength of monochromatic light. The light illuminates the slit S and interference fringes can be easily viewed through the eyepiece. The fringe-width P can be determined by means of a micrometer attached to the eye piece. If D is the distance between source and screen, and d the distance between the virtual images St and S2. the wave-length is given by
The distances d and D can easily be determined by placing a convex lens between the Biprism and the eyepiece. For a fixed position of the eyepiece, there will be two positions of the lens, shown as LI and L2 in Fig. 5.16 where the images of S1 and S2can be seen at the eyepiece. Let d l be the distance between the two images, when the lens is
Fie. 5.16: Frcsnel's blprlsm ; rrangement. C and L represents the posltlon of cross wlres and the eyeplcce, respcctlvely. In order to determlne d a lens Is Introduced between the blprlsm and cross wlres. L, and L2 represent the two posltlons of thc lens where the slits are clearly seen.
at the position L1 (at a distance bl from the eyepiece). Let d2 and b2 be the corresponding distances, when the lens is at L2. Then it can easily be shown thal
SAQ 10
In a Fresnel's Biprism experiment, the eyepiece is at a distance of 100 cm from the slit. A convex lens inserted between the Biprism and the eyepiece gives two images of the slit in two positions. In one case, the two images of the slit are 4.05 m m apart, and in the other case 2.10 mm apart. If sodium light of wavelength 5893 A is used, find the thickness of the interference fringes.
8 1
They are like the images in Fresnel's biprism, and interference fringes are observed in the region bc, where the reflected beams overlap: Even a simpler mirror method is available. This is known as Lloyd's mirror. Here the slit and its virtual image constitute the double source.
At grazing incidence, almost the
Lloyd's Mirror
It is a simple arrangement to obtain two coherent sources of light to produce a stationary interference pattern. It consists of a plane mirror MN (Fig. 5.18) polished on the front surface and blackened at the back (to avoid multiple reflection). S1 is a narrow slit, illuminated by monochromatic light, and placed with its length parallel to the surface of the mirror. Light from S 1 falls on the mirror at nearly grazing incidence, and the reflected beam appears to diverge from Sz, which is the virtual image of S1. Thus SI and S2 act as coherent sources. The direct cone of light A S I E and the reflected cone of the overlapping light BS2C are super region B C on the screen.
entire incident light is reflected so that the direct and the reflected beam have nearly equal amplitudes. Hence the fringes have good contrast.
Zero-Order Fringe
The central zero-order fringe, which is expected to lie at 0 (the perpendicular bisector of S I S 2 )is not usually seen since only the direct light, and not the reflected light, reaches 0. can be seen by introducing a thin sheet of mica in the path of light from It S , , when the entire fringe system is displaced in the upward direction. (You could see this yourself while solving SAQ 11.)
2 4
SAQ 11
Interference bands are obtained with a Lloyd's mirror with light of wavelength 5.45 x 10-5cm. A thin plate of glass of refractive index 1.5 is then placed normally in the path of one of the interfering beams. The central dark band is found to move into the position previously occupied by the third dark band from the centre. Calculate the thickness of the glass plate. With white light the central fringe is expected,to be white, but actually it is found to be 'dark'. This is because the light suffers a phase change of n o r a path-difference of 2 when reflected from the mirror. Therefore, the path difference between the interfering rays at the position of zero-order fringe becomes A. (instead of zero), which is a 2 coildition for a minimum. Hence the fringe is dark.
A -
Determination of Wavelength
Let d be the distance between the cdherent sources S1 and S2, and D the distance of the screen from the sources. The fringe-width is then given by
p=- D A
Acromatic Fringes and their Production by Lloyd's Mirror A system of white and dark fringes, without any colours, obtained by white light are known as 'achromatic fringes'.
Ordinarily, with white light, we oblain a central white fringe, having on either side of it a few coloured fringes (as you have studied in subsection 5.4.1). This is because the DL fringe-width = - is different for different wavelengths (colours). If however, the
fringe-width is made the same for all wavelengths, the maxima of each order for all wavelengths will coincide, resulting into achromatic fringes. That is, for achromatic fringes, we must have
- - - constant DL
- = constant d
We can easily reaIise this condition with a Lloyd's mirror by using a slit illuminated by a narrow spectrum of the white light as shown in Fig. 5.19. The narrow spectrum R 1 V1 is produced by a prism, or, preferably, by a plane diffraction grating. The Lloyd's mirror is placed with its surface close to the violet end of the spectrum and such that R , VI is perpendicular to its plane.
R1 V,, and its virtual image, R2 V2, formed by the mirror act as coherent sources. They are equivalent to a number of pairs of sources of different colours. Thus, the pair R1 R2 produces a set of red fringes, and the pair V, V2 a set of violet fringes. The intermediate pairs produce the sets of fringes of intermediate colours. The red and violet fringes will be of the same width if
where dr is the distance X I R2, and d, the distance V , V2. Hence, the last expression gives
Therefore, if the distance of the violet end V1 from the surface of the mirror is so adjusted by displacing the mirror laterally that the above condition is satisfied, the red and violet fringes will have the same width, and will exactly be superposed on each other. Since, in a grating spectrum, the dispersion is accurately proportional to the wavelength, the condition (214 = constant is simultaneously satisfied for all the wavelengths. Thus, when this adjustment is made, fringes of all colours are superposed on one another. Hence, achromatic fringes are observed in the eyepiece E placed in the over-lapping region.
In biprism, the complete pattern of fringes is obtained. In Lloyd's mirror, ordinarily, only a few fringes on one side of the central fringe are visible, the central fringe itself being invisible.
In biprisrn the cenual fringe is bright, while in Lloyd's mirror it is dark. The central fringe in biprism is less sharp than that in Lloyd's mirror.
uivlsron ui Wavefront
The coherent sources in the biprism are A l 8 , and A2 B2 (Fig. 5.20a) the virtual images of a slit AB. In Lloyd's mirror, the coherent sources are a slit A l B , itself and its virtual image B 2 A2 (Fig. 5.20 b). In both cases, A1 and A2 form one extreme pair of coherent point-sources, and B I and B2 another extreme pair. In the biprism, the zero-order fringes corresponding to Al A:! and B , B 2 are formed at A. and Bo, which lie on the right bisectors of Al A2 and B 1 B2, respectively. Hence, the zero-order fringe extends from A. to BO. In Lloyd's mirror, on the other hand, all pair of coherent sources have a common perpendicular bisector, so that zero-order fringes due to all of these are formed in one and the same position. Hence the zero-order fringe is sharp in this case.
() 1
Pig. 5.20 : Showing the difference between hipris~lland Lloydls mirror fringes.
aH pairs of coherent sources. In L.loyd's mirror arrangement d is different for different pairs of coherent sources, e.g., A , A2 > B , B2. Hence, the fringe-width is different for different pairs of coherenl sources.
The relationship between phase difference and path difference is: phase difference =
(path difference)
If two waves of same frequency and of amplitudes al and a2 and phase difference 6 are superposed then, according to principle of superposilion, the amplitude A of the resultant wave is given by
Two sources are said to be coherent if they emit light waves with no or constanl phase difference. When two waves of the same frequency travel in approximately the same direction and have a phase difference that remains constanl with time, the resultant intensity of light is not distributed uniformly in space. This non-uniform distribution of the light intensity is due to the phenomenon of interference. For construc~ive interfcrence path difference = nA, where n = 0, 1, 2, ... and for destructive interference
a, path difference = m - where m = 1, 3,5, 7 2 In an interference pattern, the distance between any two consecutive maxima or minima is given by
where p is called the fringe-width, 4, is the wavelength of light used, d is the distance between the two coherent sources, and D is the distance between the sources and the screen.
When a thin transparent plate of thickness t and refractive index p is introduced in the path of one of the constituent interfering beams of light, fhe entire fringe
D system is displaced through a distance - @ - 1) t. d Just as in Young's double slit experiment, the wavelength of light can be determined from measurement of fringe-width produced by the biprism by the following relation:
where d =
and D = bl + b2.
dl is the distance between the two images, when the lens is at the position L1 at a distance b l from the eyepiece. d2 and b2 are the corresponding distances when the Iens is at LZ.
Some other devices for producing coherent sources are : Fresnel's two mirror arrangement and Lloyd's mirror. Lloyd's mirror produces achromatic fringes.
(A= 5460 A) from a narrow slit 0.1 cm from its plane, and 5 cm, measured in
that plane, from its near edge. Find the separation of the fringes at a distance of 120 cm from the slit, and the total width of the pattern observed.
y = (0.06) sin 2 x 1 8 0 0 ,
- X cos 60" 3
= 0.063 inb-'.
Acceleration. = 04 =
sin w
2~ ( ) x 0.06 x sin T
= 0.228 m ~ - ~ .
We have
Hence Im,,/Imh = (
The phase difference is related to the path difference by Eq. (5.13) as follows :
This is the condition of maximum intensity. So the waves interfere, constructively, in Fig. 5.7(a). In case of Fig. 5.7(b) phase difference =
2n - (AC - BC) a
This is the condition of minimum intensity. Here the waves are completely out of phase and destructive interference occurs. Given : d = 0.40 mm, D = lo3 mm, y = 3.6 mm, and m = 3. Using Eq. (5.21), we get
Hence, the light is in the blue-green region of the visible spectrum. With A = 6000 A, the distance between zero-order and tenth order fringe is 14.73 mm - 12.34 mm = 2.39mm, so that the fringe width is 2.39 md10 = 0.239 mm.
Thus, with R = 5000 A, the zero-order fringe will still be at 12.34 mm, while the twentieth order fringe will be at
I =
- 1)
= 6.7 x
By introducing a glass plate of thickness r in one of the interfering beams, r cm of air (p = 1) are replaced by r cm of glass (p= 1.5). r cm of glass are optically r equivalent to p or 1.5 r cm of air. The, increase in the length of the path = UI- r = 0.3. This produces a shift of 2 in the interference bands
The fringe width fl in Young's experiment is P = ;ID/d Since 20 fringes occupy a distance of 10.92 mm, the fringe width is
= 0.07912 mrn
2) See Fig. (5.10). Suppose the required distance on the screen is y. Here
A=5 x
1 k 7 m (wave length)
But from Fig. 5.10, the path difference between the waves arriving at P is d sin 0. Hence or 5n = 2n (d sin 8) 51~. 5 X.IO-~ x sin 8 = - - (5n) = 2n d 2 ~ 2x x
= 6.25 x lW3
From Fig. 5.10. the required distance on the screen y = D tan 8
'' .
tan 8 = sin 0
Let MM', (Fig. 5.21) the Lloyd's mirror be 5 cm long. The source S , is as shown in the figure. The interference pattern is observed in the region AB. The fringe width P is given by P =
Fig. 5.21.
d = 0.2 cm
=2 x
= 0.3276 mm.
The total width of interference pattern is obviously AB. From Fig:(5.21), tan
Stokes' Analysis of Phase Change on Reflection Interference in Thin Films Interference by a Wedge-shaped Film Newton's Rings Applications of the Principle of Interference in Thin Films Summary Terminal Questions
We havc all seen the marvellous rainbow colours that appear in soap bubbles and thin oil films. When a soapy plate drains, coloured reflections often occur from it. A similar efl'cct occurs whcn light is reflected from wct pavements that has an oil slick on it. I-Iave you ever wondered what causcs the display of colours when light is reflected from such lhin oil film or soap bubble? All ~hcsc ellecls are duc to intcrlerence of light reflectcd from the opposite surfaces of . the film. Thus the pllenornenon owe its origin to a combination of refleclion and intcrfcrcnce. In the last unit, we discussed the interference of ligh~, thcre, the two inlcrrcring light but waves are produced by division of wavefront. For example, in Young's double slit experiment, light coming out of a pin hole was allowed to fall into two holcs, and the light waves emanating from these two holes interfered to produce the interference pattcrn, But the interlerence of light waves, which is responsible for the colour of thin lilms, involves two light beams derivcd from a single incident beam by division of amplitude of the incident wave. When a light wave falls on a thin film, the wave rcflccted from the upper surface interreres with the wave reflected from the lowcr surl'acc. This givcs risc to bcautilul colours. Howcvcr, one Inus1 initially considcr how thc phase of a light wave is affecled when it is reflectcd.
In lhc last unit, you noted that in Lloyd's mirror, the intcrfererlce takes place bctwecn wlivcs coming direct lrom the sourcc and those reflected from an optically denser mcdium. As a consequence of this, the cenlral fringe is round to be 'dark' instead of 'bright'. This was explained by assu~ning fact that a phase cl~angc r takes place the of whcn light waves are rcflcctcd at lhe surrace of a "denser" medium. We will begin this unit by giving proof of the statement made above; this proof will be based on the principle of reversibility of light.
It is illso possible to observe inlerference using multiple bearns. This is known as multiplc beam interferomeuy, and it will be discussed in the next unit. It will be shown thcre that multiple beam inlerferometry offers some unique advantages over two beam , interlcromctry.
After siudying this unit, you should be able to
provc that when a light wave is reflected at the surface of an optically denser mcdium, it suffers a phase change of r,
describe the origin of the intercerence pattern produced by a thin Tilm, describe the formation, shape and location of interCerence fringes obtained from a thin wedge-shaped film,
describe how Newton's rings are used to determine the wavelength of light, explain why a thin coating of a suitable subslance ~ninimizes reflection of light the from a glass surface,
media, Sir G.C. Stokes used the principle of optical rcvcrsibility. This principle states [hat a light ray, that is rcClccted or rcfractcd, will retrace its original path, if its direction is rcvcrscd, providcd thcre is no absorption of light.
Fig. 6.l(a) shows the surface MN separating media 1 and 2, the lower one being denser. Supposc medium 1 is air and medium 2 is glass.
Fig. 6.1: (a) A ray is rcllcctcd u ~ l drcfractod a1 all alr-glass 111tcrT;lce. Tile oplic:~lly~~a\~crscd (b) slt~intlon; t l ~ c rnys ill tho lower Icrl ntust catlccl. 111both cases, n2> 81, (n, and n, nrc thcrcfrnctivc indices two or thc ~tlcdin).
An incident light wavc, A B , is parlly rci'lccled along BC and parlly Lransrnilted (rerrac~cd) along BD. Lcl a bc tllc amplilutic of the incidcnt wave AB, r bc the fraction of thc amplitude rcflccted, ancl t bc the fraction translnitted whcn the wave is travelling from mcdium 1 L 2. Thcn thc amplitucics along BC and BD arc ar and at, rcspectively. o Now, supposc the direclions of ~ h rcl'lectcti and Lransmilled (refracted) waves are c reversed. As shown in Fig. 6.l(b), thc wave BC, on revcrsnl, gives a rcflcctcd wave along BA, and a translnilted (rccracted) wave alol~g The amplitude of reflected wave RE. alnpliludc of transmitted wave along BE is art. Similarly, along B A is ar.r = ar 2 and L ~ I C the wave ED, on reversal, givcs n transrnilled wave along BA and a reflected beam along BE. Let r'and t'be thc fractions of amplitude refleclcd and transmitted when the wave is travelling froin ~ n c d i u ~ nto mcdium 1. Then lhc amplitude of the transmitlcd 2 wave along B A is att' and the amplitudc of reflecled wavc along BE is a d . But, according to principle of revcrsibility of light, Lhe reflected and lransmitled waves BC and BD, when reversed, should give the original ray of ampliludc a along BA only. Hcnce, the component along B E should be zcro and that along BA should be equal to a. That is art and From Er T, (6.1) and (6.2), wc get
~=' O
.. .(6.1)
tt' = 1
- r2
. .(6.4)
I~itcrl'crc~~cc You musl bc awarc L ~ I a L ~ tratlsvcrsc wavc it1 a spririg undergocs a 180" pllasc changc u h c n rcflcc~cdfrom a rigid suppufl. A sirr~ilarphase c h a ~ ~ g e occurs for Ihc rcflcclion of a light wavc from ~ h boundary of c a mcdiurn, having a grealer index o f relrac~ion.'rhc oplically dcnscr mcdium corresponds to a r ~ g i dsuppon, A light wave reflcctcd from the boundary of a ~ncdiurnwhosc itidcx of rcfraction is grcstcr than [hat of ~ h rncdium in which [he c i11cidcn1 wavc lravels undcrgocs a 1 SO0 phasc chsngc.
Eqs. (6.3) ant1 (6.3) are known as Stoke's relations. Now. observe carcrully Eq. (6.3). Hcre r is lhe fmc~ion ampliludc reflec~ed of when . incidcnt wavc is travelling from a rarer to denscr medium, and r'whcn incident wave is travclling horn a denser LO a rarcr mcdium. The Lwo fraclions are nulnerically equal but havc opposite signs. Hcnce, ~hcsc exaclly out of phase wilh each other, i.c., their are phasc difference is 'd. no phase change occurs whcn a light wave is reflectcd by a If denser meiium thcn there must be a phase change of n wlicn a light wave is reflectcd by a mrcr medium-and convcrscly, i f no phase change occurs when a light wave is reflectcd by a rarer medium ~hcn there must be a phase changc of n whcn a light wave is reflccted by a denser medium. Now, out of the two alternatives mentioned above second one is correct because it has been experimentally observed (See sec 5.6 in connection'with Lloyd's mirror) that the phase change of n occurs when tlie light strikes the boundary from the side of rarer medium. Hence, light reflccted by a material of highcr refractive indcx than thc medium in which the rays are travelling undcrgocs a 180' (or rc) phase chungc. Rcllcction by a ~nalcrial lower relractive index than the medium in which the rays are of travclling causes no phase change. The rollowing SAQ will provide a uscful chcck of your understanding of this section.
In Fig. 6.2, wc have illustrated four siluations. In the two examples on Lhe lcft, tlic rerractivc index bclwccn llic surfaccs is higher than that outside; in the lwo examples on the right, it is lower. This determines whether or not there is a phasc change. In Fig. 6.2(a) and (b), we have indicated the phase change taking place at he points marked by an arrow. Redraw the Fig. 6.2(c) and (d), indicating tlic phase change taking place at the points markcd by an arrow.
No phase
Fig. 6.2
is now collected by a lens, and focusscd at P, each ray has travelled a different distance, and [he phasc relationship bctwcen them may he'such as to produce destructive or constructive interfcrcnccat P. It is such intcrference that produccs thc colours of this film when seen by nakcd eyes.
Flg. 6.3: (a) h,lultiplc rcflcctior~in a soap lilu~. The I~~terfercnce (b) pattern produccd due l o rays (1) and (2) is apl)roxlulntcly the sanlc as wollld huve heell produced Ily two collcrent po111t sources S ' r n d S'!
Now, wc know that thc LWO rays rcinforce.eac11 othcr, if the path dilfcrence between than is an intcgral ~nultiplc A,whexc ; is tllc wavclcngth of light, which is being of 1 uscd L illuminalc Lllc film. Hcncc, Ict us first find out the path diffcrcnce bctween the o rcflcctcd rays (1) and (2).
. :
AB=BC=-=-, BM cos r
r cos r
Pig. 6.4: Optical path dlffercncc bel\rfcc!~ co~~sccul~vl: i11 n llluil~plc two rays reflcctioll.
and Now,
AN = AC sin i
AC = A M + M C
= 2t tan r
sin i
sin 2r cos r
Substituting these values of AB, BC and AN in Eq. (6.5) we get, path difference = p
+ cosr
- 2 p t-
sin 2 r cos r
= 2 P t (1 - sin 2 r) cos r
At A, the ray is reflected whilc going from a rarer to a denser medium and suffers a phase change At lhe takes place when the ray is going from a denser lo a rarer medium* and there is no phase change.
However, we must take account of the fact that ray (1) undergoes a phase change of r at reflection while ray (2) does not, since it is internally reflected (See SAQ 1). The
A phase change of rc is equivalent to a path difference of -, Hence, he effective path 2 difference between ray (1) and rays (2) is
The sign of the phase cnangt is immaterial, Here we have chosen the negative sign to make the equation a bit simpler in form.
A As you know from Unit 5, if this pain ul~rerence an odd multiple of -, we might is 2 expect rays (1) and (2) to be out of phase, and produce a minimum of intensity. Thus the condition
2 p t cosr
A A - - = (2n - 1) -, 2 2
becomes a condition for destructive interference as far as rays (1) and (2) are concerned. Next, we examine the phases of the remaining rays, (3), (4), (5),.,...Since the geometry is the same, the path difference between rays (3) and (2) will also be given by Eq. (6.6). But, here, only 'internal reflections are involved, so the effective path difference will still be given by Eq. (6.6). Hence, if the condition given by Eq. (6.8) is fulfilled, ray (3) will be in the same phase as ray (2). The same holds true for all succeeding pairs, and so we conclude that, under the condition given by Eq. (6.8), rays (1) and (2) will be out of phase, but rays (2), (3), (4),.....,will be in phase with each other. Now, since ray (1) has considerably greater amplitude than ray (2), we might think that they will not completely annul each other, that is, the condition given by Eq. (6.8) may not produce complete darkness. But it is not so. We will now prove that the addition of rays (3). (41, (5).....,which are all in phase with ray (3, will give a net amplitude, just sufficient to make up the difference and to produce complete darkness. Fig. 6.5 shows the amplitude of successive rays in multiple reflection.
Adding the amplitudes of all the reflected rays but the first, on the uppcr side of the film we obtain the resultant amplitude:
less than 1, the geometrical series in parentheses has a finite sum Since r IS, necessal~ly, equal to 1/(1 S),giving
A = atrt'
1 (1 - r 2 )
This is just equal to the amplitude of the first reflected ray, hence, we conclude that under the condition of Ecl. (6.8), Lhere will be cornplcte dcslructive interference. On the other . hand, if thc path diffcrcnce given by Q. (6.7) is an inlegral multiple of A, i.e., when 2,ucosr or
1 - - = n l , w h c r e n = 0,1,2,... elc. 2
...( 6.10)
a 2p cosr = (2n + 1) 2
then ray (1) and (2) will bc in phase with each other and gives a condilion or constructive interference. But rays (3), ( S ) , (7) ,... will be out of phase with rays (2j, \4), (6), Sincc (2) is marc ir~tcnse .... than (3), (4) is more intense than (3,etc., these pairs cannot cancel each other. As the stronger series combines with ray (I), the strongest o f . all. Lhere will be maxin~um intensity. of Thus, when a thin film is illuminated by monochromatic light, and seen in reflected
light, it appears bright or dark according as 2~ cos r is odd multiple of - or integral A 2 multiplc of 1 , respectively.
2p t cosr = (2n + 1)
Using Eq. (6.7), state whether the followi~ig statement is true or false. Give reasons,
"An excessively thin film seen in reflected light appears perfectly black".
Now we are in a position tp know the reason of the production of colours in thin film of soap water. Colours in Thin Films The eye looking at the film receives rays of light reflected at the top and bottom surfaces of the film. These rays are in a position to interfere. The path difference between the interfering rays, given by Eq. (6.7), depends upon t (thickness of the film) and upon r, and, hence, upon inclination of the incident rays (the inclination is determined by the position of the eye relative to the region of the film, which is being looked at). The sunlight consists of a continuous range of wavelengths (colours). At a particular point of the film, and for a particular position of the eye (i.e.. for a particular t and a particular r), the rays of only certain wavelengths will have a path difference salisljling the condition of maxima. Hence, only these wavelengths (colours) will be present wilh the nlaxirnum intensity. While some others, which satisfy the condition of the minima will be missing. Hence, the point of the film being viewed will appear coloured. We arc working out an example so that the phenomenon of production of colours in thin film is clear to you.
Example 1
A thin film of 4 x 10-5crn thickness is illuminated by white light normal to its surface (r = 0"). Its refractive index is 1.5. Of what colour will the lhin film appear in reflected light?
Here p = 1.5; t = 4 x 10-5cm and r = O0 (since light falls normally) so that cos r = 1.
Taking n = 0, 1, 2, 3,
.........we get
These are the wavelengths reflected most strongly. Of these, the wavelength lying in the visible region is 4800A (blue). So far we have considered viewing of thin film in reflected light. Suppose the eye is now situated on the lower side of the film, shown in Fig. 6.3 and Fig. 6.5. The rays emerging from the lower side of the film can also be brought together with a lens and made to interfeqe. Let us find out what colours will arise, when the film is viewed in this position. For this, we have to first calculate the path difference between the rays in transmitted light. The path difference between the transmitted rays BTl and DT2 is given by Eq. (6.6), i.e., (BC+CD)-BL=2ptcosr In this case, there is no phase change due to reflection at B or C, because in either case
the light is travelling from denser to rarer medium (See SAQ 1). Hence, the effective path difference between BT, and DT2 is also 2 p t cos r. The two rays BT1 and DT2 reinforce each other, if 2
where n = 1, 2,3. In this case, the film will appear bright in the transmitted light. The two rays will destroy each other if 2 u t cos r = (2n + 1)
h (condition of minima) 2
where n = 0, 1, 2,.... and the film appears dark in transmitted light. A comparison of Eqs. (6.1 la), (G.llb), (6.12a) and (6.12b) shows that the conditions for the maxima and minima, in the reflected light are just the reverse of those in transmitted light. Therefore, only those colours will be visible in transmilted liglit, which were missed in reflected light. Hence, the film which appears bright in reflected light will appear dark in trans~nitted light and vice versa. In other words, the appearances of colours in the two cases is complimentary to each other. Interference fringes produced by thin films can be classified into two: Fringes of equal inclination and fringes of equal thickness.
Fig.6.6: (a) Frlnges scan In a small portlon of the fllm.(b) Frl~~ges c ~ ~ a large rcglon of tho fNm. s c on
The angle i or equivalently r, determined by the position P,will, in turn, control the path difference. The fringes appeaing at-points PIand P2 in Fig. 6.7 are, accordingly, known as fringes of equal inclination. Notice that as the film becomes thicker, the separation AC in Fig. 6.4 between my (1) and (2) also increases, since AC = 2t tiln r. When only one of the two rays is able to enter the pupil of the eye, the interference pattern will disoppenr. The larger lens of a telescope could then, bc used to gather in both rays, making the pattcrn visible. Thc
separation can also be reduced by reducing r, and, therefore, i, i.e., by viewing the film at nearly normal incidence.
Fig. 6.7: All rays il~clinednt thc surne ullgle arrive ut tlrc same point.
The equal inclination fringes that are seen in lhis manner for thick plates are known as Haidinger fringes. With an extended source, the symmetry of [he set up requires [hat the interference pattern consists of a series of concentric circular bands centered on the perpendicular drawn from the eye to the film, as shown in Fig. 6.8.
Circular fringes
Extended source
Black baorground
such fringes are formed at infinity, and are observed by a telescope focussed at infinity. These fringes are observed in Michelson interferometer, about which we will study in next unit. Fringes of Equal Thickness Interference fringcs, for which thickness t is the dominant parameter rather than r, are referred to as fringes of equal thickness. Each fringe is the locus of all points in the film for which thickness is a constant. Such fringes are localised on the film itself, and are observed by a microscope focussed on the film. Fringes due to the wedge-shaped film belong to this class of fringes, which you will study in the next section. Fringes of equal thickness can be distinguishcd from the circular palern of Haidinger's fringes by the manner in which the diameters of the rings vary with order n. The central region in the Haidinger paltern corresponds to the maximum value of n, whereas just the opposite applies to fringes of equal inclina:ion.
Sodium arc
a .
P.lsr8 plater
Pig. 6.9: Frl~iges cquul thickness: (a) method of vlsual obscrv~tiolls. a parallel beam of llgl~t of (b) incident on a wedge.
Lel us consider a thin wedge-shaped Silrn of refractive index p, bounded by two plane 0 t surfaces AB and CD,inclined at an ~ n g l c ns shown in Fig. 6.9b. ~ e the film be illuminated by a monochromalic sourcc of light from a slit held parallel lo the edge of the wedge he edge is the linc passing through he point 0 and perpendicular to the planc of the paper). Inlerfe~.ence occurs belween lhe rays reflccled at he upper and lowcr surfaccs of the film. In this case the path difference for a givcn pair of rays is practically that given by Eq. (6.6). But, if it is assumed that light is incident almost nor~nally a point P on the film, ihe factor cos r may be considered equal to 1. Thus, at Lhe path dilference between the rays reflectcd at the uppcr and lower surfaces is 2 p t , where t is the thickness of the film at P. An additional path differcnce of - is
introduced in thc ray reflccted,from the upper surface. Thc effective pall1 difrerencc between the ~ w o is rays
2 p t = ( 2 n + 1)2
It is clear that for a bright or dark fringe of a particular order, t must remain constant. Since in the case of a wedge-shaped film, t remains constant along lines parallel to the thin edge of the wedge, the bright and dark fringes are straight lines parallel to the thin edge of the wedge. Such fringes are commonly referred to as "fringes of equal
h thickness". At the thin edge, where t = 0, path difference = -, which is a condition for
minimum intensity. Hence, the edge of the film is dark. The resulting fringes resemble the localized fringes in the MicheIson interferometer (this you will study in next unit) and appear to be formed in the film itself. Spacing between Two Consecutive Briglit (or Dark) Fringes For the nlh dark fringe, we hove
Let this fringe be obtained at a distance x, from the thin.edge. Then t = x, b n 8 = x,, 0 (when 0 is small and measured in radianls).
Similarly, it can be shown that the spacing between two consecutive bright fringes
h (fringe width) is 2p8 '
Using sodium light (A = 5893 A), interference fringes are formed by reflection from a thin air wedge. When viewed perpendicularly, 10 fringes are observed in a distance of 1 cm. Calculate the angle of the wedge.
If the fringes of equal thickness are produced in the air film between a convex surface of a long-focus lens and a plane glass surface, the fringes will be circular in shape because the thickness of the air film remains constant on the circumference of a circle. The ring-shaped fringes, thus produced, were studied by Newton. In the next section, we will study Newion's ring.
When a plapo-convex lens of large radius of curvature is placed with its convex surface in contact gith a plane glass plate, air-film is formed between the lower surface of the k h s ( L O L and the upper surface of the plate (POQ), as shown in Fig. 6.10. The , . ~
thickness of the air film is zero at the point of contact 0, it increases as one moves and away from the point of contact. If monochromatic light is allowed to fall normally on this film, reflection takes place at both the top and bottom of the film. As a result of' interferencebetween the light waves reflected from the upper and lower surfaces of the air film, constructive or destructive interference takes place, depending upon the thickness of the film. The thickness of the air film increases with distance from the point of contact, therefore, the pattern of bright and dark fringe consists of concen~ic circles. In Fig. 6.10, 1 and 2, are the interfering rays corresponding to an incident ray AB. As the rings are observed in reflected light, the effective palh difference between the interfering rays 1 and 2 is praclically that given by Eq. (6.13).
As we have considered an air-film, 11 = 1. The condition for the bright ring which is given by Eq. (6.14), is
and the condition for the dark ring which is given by Eq. (6.15) is
Let us find out the relationship between the radii of the rings and L e wavelength of the h light. Consider Fig. 6.11, where the lens LOL'is placed on the glass plate POQ. Let R be the radius of curvature of the curved surface of the lens. Let r,, be the radius of the nth Newton's ring corresponding to point P, where the film thickncss is r. Draw perpendicular PN. Then, from the property of a'c'ircle, we have
Fig. 6.11:
represents the radius of the nth dark ring, tho thlckncss of air film (where the nth dark ring is formed) i I. s
D n If D, be the diameter of the nth bright ring, then D, = 2rnor r,, = -. Substituting this 2
- 4-
.. .(6.22)
This shows that the radii of the rings vary as the square-root of odd natural numbers. Thus the rings will be close to each other as the radius increases, as shown in Fig. 6.12.
Between lhe two bright rings there will be a dark ring whose radius will be proportional to the square-root of the natural numbers. Attempt the following SAQ and prove the above statement yourself.
Using Eqs. (6.20) and (6.21), prove that the radius of the dark ring is proportional to Lhe square-root of the natural numbers. The ring diameters depend on wavelength, therefore, he monochromatic light will produce an extensive fringe system such as Lhat shown in Fig. 6.12. When the contact between lens and glass is perfect, Lhe central spoi is black. This is direct evidence of the relative phase change of z bet\iteen the two types of reflection, air-to-glass and glass-to-air, mentioned in Sec. 6.2. If there were no such pl~ase change, the rays reflected from the twb surfaces in contact should be in the same phase, and produce a brigllt spot at the centre. However, he central spot can be made bright due to sligh~ modification. In an inlercsting modification of the experiment, due LO Thomas Young, if the lowcr plate is made to havc a higher index of refraction Lhan ~ h lens, and Lhc film in between is fillcd with an oil of intermediate index, then c both reflections are at "rarc-to-dense" surfaces. In Lhis situalion, no relative phase change occurs, and he central fringe of the reflccted system is brigllt. If D, is the diametcr of tlie nth bright ring, hen
It may be menlioncd licre, Lhat the point oS conlact may not be pcrfect. As such the nth t always valid. On measuring Lhe ring may ~ i o bc thc 11th fringe but Eq. (6.25) is al~iiost dialnclers of thc rings and thc radius of curvaturc R , he wavelength can be calculated. with thc hclp of ~ h Eq. (6.25). In laboralory, ~ h radius of curvaturc can be accuralely c c ~ncasurcd wilh thc help of a sphcromcter. If a liquid of rcfractivc indcx / L is introduced between tlie lens and the glass plate, Lhen thc cxprcssion for path diflerencc bclwecn two intcrfering rays will also include p. Then the radii of thc dark rings would be givcn by
Thus, when a little water is introduced bctwecn the lens and the plate, the rings contract c according to ~ h relation tlia~neter a ring in water-film of dialncter of tlie same ring in nir-Silm whcre p is the refractive indcx of walcr..
1 -- fi
A ring systcln is also ob,servcd in thc light transmi~tedby Ncwton's ring plates. There arc two tliffercnccs in the reflected and lransmittcd systems of rings, (i) Thc rings observed in transmitted light arc cxactly colnplemcntary L ~Iiose o seen in the reflccted light, SO that thc central spot is now bright. (ii) Tlic rings in transmilled light are much poorer in contrast than those in reflcctcd light.
If in a Newton's ring experiment, the air in the interspace is replaced by a liquid of refractive inaex 1.33, in what proportion would the diameters of the ring change?
If we assume normal incidence, then the path difference between the light wave 'reflected from the upper surface of the film and the light wave reflected from the lower --
4Pi 2 180' as rellections at both surfaces are from "rare-to-dense". Thus, the two reflected waves are out of phase because of path difference and, therefore, these interfere desrructively. Such a film is known as non-reflecting film, because it gives zero reflection. However, this does not mean that a non-reflecting film destroys light, but it merely redistributes light so that a decrease of refleclion is accompanied by a corresponding increase of transmission.
~ h6.13: .
A m m coating on a
The practical importance of these films is that by their use one can greatly reduce loss
glass lens makes the of light by reflection at the various surfaces of lenses or prisms used in binoculars, lcns "non-reflcctln~" cameras, eke. Usually, glass is coated with a very thin layer of magnesium fluoride, the when the film refractive index of which @ = 1.38) is intermediate between those of glass and air. fhlcklless Is for normal Inclde~~t. The 2. total p131h dircrence Another important application of thin film interference phenomenon is the converse of the'reflected rays is of the procedure just discussed, viz., the glass surface is coated by a thin film of Ihcn IU2, lhe suitable material to increase the reflectivity. The film thickness is again A/4*, where ~ ( f wnvcs intcrfcre dcstructlvely, i.c., the represents the refractive index of the film. The film is such that its refractive index is greater than that of the glass, This is because nn abrupt phase change of occurs only incldcnt light is transmilted. at the air-film interface and the beams reflected from the air-film interface and he film-
You should be able to apply whatever you have learnt in this seclion to solve the following SAQ.
It~tcrfcrct~cc Divisiot~of by
When the light wave is reflected from a boundary, there is an abrupt change of phase. When the light ray is reflected while going from a rarer to a denser medium, . it suffers a phase change of n B u t there is no phase change when the light ray is reflected while going from a denser to a rarer medium. Length 1 in a medium of refraclive index p i s optically equivalent to length pl in a vacuum. pl is called the op~ical path-length of distance 1 in the medium. For a thin film in reflecled light, he conditions for consuuctive and destructive interference are: 2 p I cos r = (2n 2 2 p I cos r = n a (minima)
a - (maxima)
where 11 is the refractive index of the film, t is its thickness and r is the angle of refraction in the film.
For a thin film in transmitted light, the conditions for cons~ructive destructive and interferencc are:
J. + 1) - (minima) 2
The basic formula for the path difference between the interfering rays, obtained due to division of amplitude by a film of thickness r and refractive index p, is 2 p r cos r, where r is the inclination of ray inside the film. If the thickness of the film is uniform, the path difference 2 p t cos r varies only with inclination r, and gives rise to the "fringes of equal in~li,nation". the other hand, if the thickness On of the lilm is rapidly varying, the path difference 2 p r cos r changes mainly due to changes in p. This gives rise to the "fringes of equal thickness". The spacing fl between two consecutive bright (or dark) fringes produced by wedge-shaped' film is given by
where A is the wavelength of light bcing used for illurninnling the film, p the relractive index of the film, and 8 (measured in radians) the angle between the two plane surfaces, which form the wedge-shaped film.
The diameters of the bright rings are proportional to the square-rools of the odd natural numbers, whcreas the diameters of dark rings are proportional to the squareroots of natural numbers, provided thc contact is perfect. On measuring the diarncters of Newton's rings and the radius of curvature R, the wavelength can be calculated with thc help of he following relation:
0 .
The phenomenon of interference is used in the testing of optical surfaces and producing non-reflecting glasses of ieflective coatings.
White light is reflected normully from a llnifor~n film (j.t =1.33), An oil interference maximum for 6000 A and a minimum for 4500 A, with no minimum in between, are observed, Calculaic the thickness of the film.
Light (A = 6000 A) falls nor~nally a thin wcdgc-shapcd film (p = 1.5). Thcre on art Zcn bright and ninc dark fringes over the lcngth of the film. By how much docs the rilln thickness change over this lcnglh? Two glass pIates 12 cm long touch at one end, and are separated by a wire 0.048 mm in dianictcr at the other. How many bright fringcs will be obscrved ovcr thc 12 cm distance in the light ( A = 6800 A) rellectcd normally from the plates? Newton's rings are rorlneti in rcflectcd light of wavelength 5895 x 10-8cm with a liquid betwccn the planc and curved surraces. Thc diameter of the fifth ring is 0.3 cm and the radius or curvalurc of thc curved surhce is 100 cm. Calculate the rcrractive index of the liquid, whcn the ring is (i) bright, (ii) dark. A Ncwton's rings arrangcmcnt is used with a source emitting two wave-lengths
A1 = 6.0 x
cm and A2 = 4.5 x
o and i t is round that the nth dark ring due L ill coincides with the (n+l)th dark ring duc to A2. If the radius of curvature of the curvcd surhce is 90 cm, find the dia~netcr lhe nth dark ring for A1, of
See Fig. 6,14 According to Eq. (6.7) the path difrerence between Lhe inlerfering rays in reflcetcd light is 2 p I cos r - h. When the film is excessively thin, t is very
small, and 2 / L t cos r is almost zcro. Hence the path ciifference, in such a case
Let 8 radian be the anglc of lhe air-wedge. For normal incidence, Lhe Cringewidth is given by
p=" 2 0
Here 2, = 5893 x
p = 1 for air)
Accorciing to Eq, (6.20). the condition for the dark ring is 2t = nil But from Eq. (6.19), 2t = I" R
Thus, the diameters of the dark rings are proportional to the square root of the natural number.
The rings are contracted to 0.867 their previous diameters. In this case of interference in thin films, the situation is somewhat different. The reflections at both the upper and lower surfaces of the material @ =1.25) film take place under similar conditions, i.e., when light is going from a rarer to a denser medium. Thus, there is a phase change of n at both reflections, which means no phase difference due to reflection between the two, interfering beams. The path difference between the two interfering beams is 2 p I for normal incidence, where t is the thickness and p the refractive index of the film. The two beams will destroy each other, if the path difrerence is an odd multiple
A of -, i..e, when 2
A ; where n = 0. 1,2,...
In view of eq. (i) we have taken the integer (n eq. (ii) Comparing eq. (i) and (ii), we get
+ 1) rather than n in
The condition of deslructive interference in light reflected from a film is 2 p I cos r =nA. Suppose the film thickness changes over this length by At. Lct n be the order of the dark fringe appearing at one end of the film. The order of lhe dark fringe at the olher end will be (n + 9 ) . Wc, therefore, have
Subtracting, we get
2 p (At) cos r = 9A
I = -
2 1 cos r 1
Let t bc ~ h thickness of the wire and 1 the length of lhc wedgc, as shown in c Fig. 6.15. The wcdge angle is
0 = - radian.
Incident light
Now, fringc-width
a P= --. 28
P. Thus
where D, = diamcter of nth ring, R = Lhc radius oE curvcd surface and X = the wavclenglh of light. If D, and D,+l be two diameters,.
D = 411RAl :
D2n+1= 4 ( n t l ) R& But
Dn = Dn+l
- i, = 4 R h l)
Putting n = 3 in (i) D ~ = ~ x ~ x ~ O X ~ X ~ O - ~
7.1 7.2
Michelson Interferometer
Circular Fringes Localized Fringes (Straight Fringes) mite Light Fringes Adjustment of the Michelson Interferometer Applications
Fabry-Perot Interferometer
Intensity distribution Suberiority over Michelson Interferometer
An instrument designed to exploit the interference of light and the fringe patterns that result from optical path differences, in any of a variety of ways, is called an optical 'interferometer. In this unit, we explain the functioning of the Michelson and the FebryPerot interferometers, and suggest only a few of their many applications. In order to achieve interference between two coherent beams of light, an interferometer divides an initial beam into two or more parts that travel diverse optical paths and then superpose to produce an interference pattern. One criterion for broadly classifying interferometers distinguishes the manner in which the initial beam is separated. Wavefront division interferometers sample portions of the same wavefront of a coherent beam of light, as in the case of Young's double slit, Lloyd's mirror or Fresnel's biprism arrangement. Amplitude-division interferometers, instead, use some type of beamsplitter that divides the initial beam into two parts. The Michelson interferometer is of this type. Usually the beam splitting is managed by a semi-reflecting metallic film. In this interferometer, the two interfering beams are widely separated, and the path difference between them can be varied at will by moving the mirror or by introducing a refracting material in one of the beams. Corresponding to these two ways of changing the optical path, there are two important applications of this interferometer, which we will study in this unit.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
understand how ?Michelson interferometer produces different types of fringes, viz., circular, localised (or straight) and white light fringes,
describe few applications of Michelson interferometer, relate the intensity of the transmitted light to the reflectance of the plate surface in Fabry-Perot interferometer, and understand the difference between Michelson interferometer and Fabry-Perot interferometer.
Its main optical parts are two plane mirrors M 1and M zand two similar optically-plane The plane mirrors M 1and M 2are silvered on their front parallel glass plates P1and P2. surfaces and are mounted vertically on two arms at right angles to each other. To obtain fringes; the mirrors M 1and M 2are made exactly perpendicular to each other by means of screws shown on mirror MI. mirror Mzis mounted on a carriage which can be The moved in the dircclion of the arrows. The plates P1and Pzare mounted exactly parallel The to each other, and inclined at 45O to M Iand Mz. surface of PItowards P2is partially silvered. The plate P1is called beam splitter. Working: An extended source (e.4.. a diffusing ground glass plate illuminated by a discharge lamp) emits lightwaves in different directions, part of which travels to the The right and falls on P1. light wave incident on P, is partly reflected and partly transmitted. Thus, the incident wave gets divided into two.waves, viz., the transmitted wave 1 and the reflected wave 2. These two waves travel to M Iand Mzrespectively. After reflection at M Iand M2the two waves return to PI. Part of the wave coming from Mzpasses through P1going downward towards the telescope, and part of the wave coming from M 1gets reflected by P1 toward the telescope. Since the waves entering the telescope are derived from the same incident wave, they are coherent, and, hence, in a position to interfere. The interference fringes can be seen in the telescope.
In mnmat to h e Young double slit cxpcrimmt, which uses light from two vuy narrow awrar, the Michdson interferometer usen light from a broad rpmdout source.
You must be eager to know the purpose of the plate P2, because till now we have pot mentioned anything about Pz.
Function of the plate Pz:Note that if reflection at PI-occursat the rear surface at point 0 ,as shown in Fig. 7.1, the light reflected at M2will pass through PI three times while the light reflected at M Iwill pass through only once. Thus, the paths of waves 1 and 2 in glass are not equal. Consequently, each wave will pass through the same thickness of glass only when a compensator plate P2, the same thickness and inclination at P1, of is inserted in the path of wave 1. The compensator plate is an exact duplicate of PIwith the exception that it is not partially silvered. With the compensator in place, any optical path difference arises from the actual path difference.
Form of fringes: The form of the fringes depends on the inclination of M Iand M2. To understand how fringes are formed, refer to the Fig. 7.2, where the physical components are represented somewhat differently. An observer at the position of the telescope will, simultaneously, see both mirrors MI and M 2alongwith the source L, formed by reflection in the partially silvered surface of the glass plate PI. Accordingly, we can redraw the interferometer as if all the elements were in a straight line. Here Mi corresponds to the image of mirror M 1formed by reflection at the silvered surface of the glass plate PI so that OM, = OM;. Depending on the positions of the mirrors, image M; may be in front of, behind or exactly coincident with mirror M2. surfaces L1 The and Lz are images of the source L in mirrors M I and M 2respectively. If we consider a single mint S on the source L,emitting light in all directions, then on reaching 0, it gets split, and thereafter its segments get reflected by MI and M2.In Fig 7.2, we represent this by reflecting the ray off both M Iand M2. Thus, the interference fringes may be regarded to be formed by light reflected from the surface of M; and Mz. Here, S1and S2 act as coherent point sources, because to an observer at D the two reflected rays will appear to have come from the image points S1and S1. mirror M zand the The virtual image of M 1play the same roles as the two surfaces of the thin film, discussed in unit 6 , and the same sort of interferences fringes result from the light reflected by these surfaces. Now, let us discuss the various types of fringes, viz., circular fringes, localized fringes and white light fringes.
Loddng om.arls
interferometer equation.
Mlcbdm ln191mmotk.
(iii) Next, assume that we look obliquely into the interferometer and that our line of sight makes an angle a with the axis. Ordinarily, the two planes M Iand M 2are at a
distance d apart, and the two virtual images; I and I' separated by 2d. But for oblique incidence, as we see from Fig..7.3, the path difference between the two lines of sight becomes less and instead of Eq. (7.1), we get .
.. .(7,2)
l For a given mirror separation d , and a given order m, wavelengtli i and angle a is constant. The maxima will lie in the form of circles about the foot of the perpendicular from the eye to the mirrors. These circular fringes will look like the ones shown in Fig. 7.4. Fringes of this kind, where parallel beams are brought to interfere with a phase difference determined by the angle of inclination 0, are referred to as fringes of equal
Fig. 7.4: Frhges observed using (a) Michelson interferometer, (b) Fabry-Perot Interferometer.
inclination. These fringes are also known as Haidinger fringes. They differ from the fringes of equal inclination considered in Unit 6, only in that, here there are no multiple reflections so that the intensity distribution is in accordance with Eq. (5.17)
Flg. 7.5: Appearance of the various types of fringes observed In the Mlchelson Interferometer. Upper row shows circular frlnges whereas lower row shows, locellzed frlnges. Path dlIference Increases outward, In both dlrectlons, from the centre.
The upper part of the Fig. 7.5 shows how the circular fringes look under different conditions. When M2 is few centimeters beyond MI, fringe system will have the the general appearance shown in (a) with the rings very closely spaced. If M zis now moved slowIy toward MI, so that d is decreased, Eq. (7.2) shows that a given ring, characterized by a given value of the order rn, must decrease its radius, because the product 2d cos a must remain constant. The rings, therefore, shrink and vanish at the l or 12 centre, a ring disappearing each time 2d decreases by i, d by ; 1 . This follows from the fact at the centre cos 9 = I , so that Eq. (7.2) becomes
which is Eq.(7.1).
To change m by unity, d must change by AD. Now as M2approaches MI, the rings become more widely spaced as indicated in Fig. (7.5b), until we reach a critical position, where the central fringe has spread out to cover the whole fieid of view, as shown in Fig. 7.5 (c). This happens when M2and M Iare exactly coincident, for it is clear that under these conditions the path difference is zero for all angles of incidence. If the mirror is moved still farther, it effectively passes through MI, new widely and spaced fringes appear, growing out from the centre. These will gradually become more closely spaced, when the path difference increases, as indicated in (d) and (e) of the Fig. 7.5.
Fig. 7.6: The formation of fringes wlth Inclined mirrors in the Michelson Interferometer.
The two rays reaching the eye from point P on the source are now no longer parallel, but appear to diverge from point P' near the mirrors. For various positions of P on the extended source, the path difference between the two rays remains constant, but the distance of P from mirrors changes. If the angle between the mirrors is not too small, the latter distance is never great, and hence, in order to see these fringes clearly, the eye must bk focused on or near the rear mirror Mz. localized fringes are, practically, straight, The because the variation of the path difference across the field of view is now due primarily to the variation of the thickness of the "air film" between the mirrors. With a wedge-shaped . film, the locus of point of equal thickness is a straight line, parallel to the edge of the wedge. The fringes are not exactly straight, if d has an appreciable value, because there is also some variation of the path difference with angle. They are, in general, curved and are always convex toward the thin edge of the wedge. Thus, with a certain value of d, we might observe fringes shaped like those of Fig. 7.5(g). M2could then be in position such as g of Fig. 7.6. If the separation of the mirrors is decreased, the fringes will move to the left across the field, a new fringe crossing the centre each timed changes by AJ2. As we approach the zero path difference, the fringes become smighter until the p i n t is reached where M2actually intersects MI, when they are perfectly straight, as in Fig. 7.5(h). Beyond this point, they begin to curve in the opposite direction, as shown in Fig. 7.5 (i). The.blank fields shown in Fig. 7.5 (f) and ('j) indicate that this type of fringe cannot be observed for large path differences. As the principle variation of path difference results from a change of the thickness d, these fringes have been termed fringes of equal thickness.
.Fig. 7.7: The iormatlon of whlte light frlngos with a dark fringe at the centre.
The fact, that only a few fringes are observed with white light, is easily accounted for when we remember that such light contains all wavelengths between 400 and 750 mm. The fringes for a given colour are more widely spaced, the greater the wavelength. Thus, the fringes in different colours will only coincide for d = 0,as indicated in Fig. 7.7. The solid curve represents the intensity disaibution in the fringes for the green light, and the broken curve for the red light. Clearly, only the central fringe will be uncoloured, and the fringes of different colours will begin to separate at once an either side. After 8 or 10 fringes, s o many colours are present at a given point that the resultant colour is essentially white. White light fringes are, particularly, important in the Michelson interferometer, where they may be used to locate the position of zero path difference, as we shall see later.
i) For Localised Fringes: The distance of the mirrors M1 and Mzfrom the silvered surface of P1 are fust made as nearly equal as possible by moving the movable mirror M2. A pin-hole is placed between the lens and the plate P I (Fig. 7.8). If Ml is not perpendicular to M2, four images of the pin-hole are obtained, two by reflectibn at the semi-silvered surface of PIand the other two by reflection at the other surface of P1,
The former pair is, naturally, brighter than the latter. The small screws at the back of the mirror, M1, are then adjusted until the two bright images appear to coincide. The pin-hole is now removed. If the coincidence of the images was apparent, the air-film between M2 and Ml would be wedgeshaped, and-the localised fringes would appear. ii) For White light Localised Fringes: First, the localised fringes with monochromatic light are obtained. The mirror Mz is then moved until the fringes become straight. Monochromatic light is replaced by white light. M 2is further moved in the same direction until the central achromatic fringe is obtained in the field of view. iii) For Circular Fringes: After localised fringes are obtained, the screws of MI are adjusted so that the spacing between these fringes increases. This happens when the angle of the wedge decreases. If this adjustment be continued, at one stage, the angle of the wedge will become zero, and the film will be of constant thickness. At this stage, circular fringes will appear. Finer adjustment is made until on moving the eye side ways or up and down, the fringes do not expand or contract.
There are three principal types of measurement that can be made with Michelson interferometer: (i)wavelengths of light (ii) width. and fine structure of spectrum lines (iii) refractive indices. As explained in the sub-section 7.2.3, when a certain spread of wavelengths is present in the light source, the fringes become indistinct and, eventually, disappear as the path difference is increased. With white light they become invisible when d is only a few wavelengths, whereas the circular fringes obtained with the light of single spectrum line can still be seen after the mirror has been moved several centimeters. Therefore, for making these measurements with this interferometer, it is adjusted for circular fringes. Determination of Wavelength of Monochromatic Light
After having adjusted interferometer for circular fringes, adjust the position of M2to
obtain a bright spot at the centre of the field of view. If d be the thickness of the film and n the order of the spot obtained, we have
If now M2 be moved away form M I by U2,2d increases by A. Therefore n + 1 replaces n in Eq. (7.4). Hence, (n + 1)th bright spot now appears at the centre (see sec. 7.2.1). ~ h u seach time M 2moves through a distance AD, next bright spot appears at the centre. , z Suppose, during the movement of M through a distance x, N new fringes appear at the centre of the field. Then we have
Thus, by measuring the distance x with the micrometer and counting the number N, the value of A can be obtained. The determination of A by this method is very accurate, because x can be measured to an accuracy of 10-4mm,and the value of N can be sufficiently increased, as the circular fringes can be obtained up to large path differences.
When the movable mirror of Michelson's interferometer is shifted through 0.0589 mm, a shift of 200 fringes is observed. What is the wavelength of light used? Give the answer in Angstrom units. Determination of difference in Wavelength : When the source of light has two wavelengths A, and & very close together (like D l and D 2lines of sodium), each wavelength produces its own system of rings. Let A1 > &. When the thickness of the film is small, the rings due to 4 and ;iz almost coincide, since AI and are nearly equal. The mirror M2 is moved away. Then, due to different spacing between the rings of Al and &, the rings of Al are gradually separated from those of &. When the thickness of the air-film becomes such that dark rings of A, coincides with bright rings of ;iz (due to closeness of A, and &, the dark rings due to rZl will practically coincide with bright rings due to ;Y2 in the entire field of view), the rings have maximum indistinctness.
The mirror M 2 is moved further away through a distance, say, x until the rings, after becoming most distinct, once again become most indistinct. Clearly, during this movement, n fringes of A, and (n + 1) fringes of & have appeared at the centre (because then the dark rings of AI will again coincide with the bright rings of &). Now, since the movement of the mirror M 2by & results in the appearance of one new fringe at the centre, we have
Since ill and & are close together, ill & can be replaced by ill and 5.
Thus if we measure the distance moved by M 2between two consecutive positions of disappearance of the fringe pattern and the mean wavelength is known, we can determine the difference (A1-%).
In Michelson's interferometer, the reading for a pair of maximum indistinctness were found to be 0.6939 mm and 0.9884 mm. If the mean wavelength of the two components of light be 5893&, deduce the difference between the wavelengths of the components.
If a thickness t of a substance having an index of refraction p is introduced into the path of one of the interfering beams in the interferometer, the optical path in this beam is increased because of the fact that light travels more slowly in the substance, and consequently, has a shorter wavelength. The optical path is now p through the medium, whereas it was practically t through the corresponding thickness of air 01. = 1). Thus, the increase in the optical path due to insertion of the substance is 01 - l ) t , In practice, ~ h insertion of a plate of glass in one of the beams produces a c discontinuous shift of the fringes so that the number of fringes cannot be counted. With monochromatic fringes, it is impossible to tell which fringe in the displaced set corresponds to one in the original set. With white light, the displacement in the fringes of different colours is very different. This illustrates the necessity of adjusting the interferometer to produce straight white light fringes. After having adjusted so, the cross-wire is set on the achromatic fringe, which is perfectly straight. The given plate is now inserted in the path of one of the interfering waves. This increases the optical path of the beam by (jf - 1) t. Since the beam traverses the plate twice, an extra path difference of 2 (jf - 1)t is introduced between the two interfering beams. The fringes get shifted. The movable mirror M 2is moved till the fringes are brought back to their initial positions so that the achromatic fringe again coincides with the cross wire. If the displacement of M 2is X, then
Alternatively, if N be the number of fringes shifted then 201 - l ) t =NA Thus, measuring x, t , may be calculated if p is known, or p may b calculated if t is e known. This method can be used to find the refractive index of a gas. The gas is introduced into an evacuated tube placed along the axis of one of the interfering beams, and the experiment is carried out as described above.
A transparent film of glass of refractive index 1,50 is introduced normally in the path of one of the interfering beams of a Michelson's interferometer, which is illuminated with light of wavelength 4800&. This causes 500 dark fringes to sweep across this field, Determine the thickness of the film.
There is yet another type of interferometer, called Fabry-Perot interferometer, which produces ?inges much sharper than those produced by Michelson interferometer. In the next section, let as study this interferometer and see how it is used as a powerful spectrometer.
It is based on the principle of multiple beam interference. It is a high resolving power instrument, which makes use of the 'fringes of constant inclination' produced by the transmitted tight after multiple reflections between two parallel and highly-reflecting glass plates. It consists of two optically-plane glass plates A and B (Fig. 7.9) with plane surfaces. The inner surfaces are coated with partially transparent films of high reflectivity and placed accurately parallel to each other. Screws are provided to secure parallelism if disturbed. The two uncoated surfaces of each plate are made to have a slight angle between them in order to avoid unwanted fringes formed due to multiple reflections in the plate itself. One of the two plates is kept fixed, while the other can be moved to vary the separation of the two plates. In this configuration, the instrument is called a Fabry-Perot interferometer. Sometimes both the plates are at a fixed separation with the help of spacers. The system with fixed spacing is known as Fabry-Perot etalon. The Fabry-Perot interferometer (or etalon) is used to determine wavelengths precisely, to compare two wavelengths, to calibrate the standard metre in terms of wavelength, etc.
S, is a broad source of monochromatic light and L1a convex lens which makes the beam more collimated. An incident ray suffers a large number of internal reflections successively a1 the two silvered surfaces, as shown. At each reflection a small fractional part of the light is also transmitted. Thus, each incident ray produces a group of coherent and parallel transmitted rays with a constant path difference between any two brings these rays together at a point P in its successive rays. A second convex lens, L2, focal plane, where they interfere. Hence, the rays from all points of the source produce an interference pattern on a screen S2 placed in the focal plane of L2.
Formation of the Fringes: Let d be the separation between the two silvered surfaces, and 0 the inclination of particular ray with the normal to the plates. Then the path difference between any two successive rransrnitted rays corresponding to the incident ray is 2d cos0. The medium between the two silvered surfaces is usually air. As you saw, while solving SAQ 1 in Unit 6, that n phase changes occur on both of these (airto-glass) surfaces, hence, the condition
holds for ~naximuinintensity. Here, n is an integer, called the order of interference, and A the wavelength of light. The locus of points in the source which give rays of a constant inclination 6 is a circle. Hence, with an extended source, lhc interference pattern consists of a system of bright concentric rings on a dark background, each ring corresponding to a particular value of 8 Fig. 7.4(b) shows the rringes obtained using a Fabry-Perot interferometcr, Also . shown, in the figure for comparison, arc fringes obtained by wing Michelson interferometer (see Fig. 7.4a). It can readily be seen that the Fabry-Perot interferometer, which employs the principle of multiple beam interference, produces much sharper fringes, and could, hence, be used to study hyperfine structure of spectral lines. The intensity distribution of the circular fringes of Fig. 7.4b is not in accordance with Eq. (5.17). To determine how much light is reflected and transmitted at the two surfaces, let us read the following section.
We return now to the problem of reflections from a parallel plate, already considered in a two-beam approximation in Unit 6. Fig. 7.10 shows the multiple reflections and transmissions through a plane parallel plate of "air" enclosed between two glass plates of Fabry-Perot interferometer. Here, n'is the refractive index of glass plate and n the refractive index of air enclosed. Suppose a wave is incident at an angfe 8, as shown in Fig. 7.10. This incident wave will suffer multiple reflections. Let the reflection and transmission amplitude co-efficient be r and t at an external reflection and r'and t'at an internal reflection. If the amplitude of incident ray is expressed as a eiu, the successive transmitted rays can be expressed by appropriately modifying both the amplitude and phase of the initial wave. Referring to Fig. 7.10, these are
A, = (rr' a) eiW' = (tt' r'2 a) ei(m- 6) A3 = (tt' rt4 a) ei(u"2fl and so on.
The quantities r, r', t, t', are given in terms of n, n'8, 8' by the Fresnel formulae. For our present purpose we do not need these explicit expressions but only relations between them. We have
.. .7.9(a)
.. .7.9(b)
r2 = r" = R
where R and T, respectively are the reflectivity and lransmissivity of the plate surfaces. Then, using Eq. 7.9, we have
Here, we have ignored eia, as it is of no importance in combining waves of the same frequency. Hence,
The infinite geometric series in the parentheses has the common ratio Rei%nd has a finite sum because r2 < 1. Summing up the series, we obtain
a2T2 a2T2 1 - R2 - 2R (ei6 + e-j6) 1 + R~ - 2R cos 6 a2T2 a2T2 6 -RZ) + 2R - cos 6 ) (1 - ~ 2 +) 4R sin2 2
and transmlsslon In a parallel "air" plate enclosed between the two platcs of FrabryPerot Interferometer.
The intensity will be a maximum when sin2 6 = 0, i.e. 6 = 2nn where n = 0, 1,2, .... Thus 2
Similarly, the intensity will be a minimum when sin2 6 = 1, i.e. 6 = (2n 2 n = 0, 1 , 2 , ...Thus 1 (1 - RI2 1+ 4R (1 - R)2 Eq. (7.10) can now be written as
lmin =
a 2 ~ 2
+ 1) n where
-= q 5 j =
4' 1 +-sin2 S ( l - ~ ) ~ 2
1+ F sin2
4R is Here, F = - called the coefficient of Finesse. Eq.(7.14) is the intensity (1 - R ) ~ expression for the Fabry-Perot fringes.
If we plot I against 6for different values of R (the reflectivity of the plates), a set of cunrcs is obtained (Fig. 7.11). They show that the larger the value of R, the more rapid is the fall of intensity on either side of a maximum. (That is, higher the reflectivity of the plates, sharper are the interference bright fringes.) Further, as Eq. (7.11) and (7.12) show, larger the value of R, greater is the difference between I,, and I&,,. In fact, we obtain a system of sharp and bright rings against a wide dark background. As mentioned in the beginning of the sec. 7.3, Fabry-Perot interferometer is a high resolving power instrument. Its resolving power
a - is given by A11
11 -- - 47rh cos r f i
4.147 A
Flg. 7 1 : The transmitted .1 i n h w l t ~ a funetlon
8harpneJs depends on
r~ne~tonc~ of
where h is the thickness of the film enclosed between the two silvered surfaces, r is the angle of refraction inside the film, A the wavelength of incident light and F is the coefficient ohinesse. TO have an idea of the numerical value of resolving power, let us consider a FabryPerot etalon with h = lcm and F = 80. The resolving power for normal incidence in the wavelength region around A = 5000 A would be
Pkn*es der to
-- a
x 4.147
= 5.42 x lo5
o o
The Michelson interferometer uses an extended monochromatic source. When M 1and M 2are perpendicular to each other, i.e., when M Iand M2are parallel, the fringes given by a monochromatic source are circular and localized at infinity. When the mirrors of the interferometer are inclined with respect to each other, i.e., when M 1and M2are not perpendicular to leach other, a pattern of straight parallel fringes are obtained. Whether M 1and M2are parallel or inclined, any fringe shift seen in an interferometer may be due LO either a change in thickness or a change in refractive index. each fringe will move to the position 2' previously occupied by an adjacent fringe. If N is the number of fringes that have moved past a reference point, when the mirror is moved a distance x, then As the movable mirror is displaced by
Michelson interferometer can be used in the measurement of two closely spaced wavelengths. Fabry-Perot interferometer, which employs the principle of multiple bean, interferencc, produces much sharper fringes than those produced by Michelson interferometer. In the Fabry-Perot interferometer it is the fringe pattern formed by transmitted light that is observed and as such that intensity distribution would be given by
The distance, x, moved by the mirror when N fringes cross the field of view is given by
If x be lhe distance moved by the movable mirror between two consecutive positions of maximum indistinctness (or distinctness), we have
Here A = 5893A = 5893 x 10-8cm and x = 0.9884 - 0.6939 = 0.2945 mm = 0.02945 cm.
Let t be the thickness of the film. When it is put in the path of one of the interfering beams of Lhe MicheIson's interferometer, an additional path difference of 2(p - 1)t is introduced. If N be the number of fringes shifted, we have
= 0.024 cm.
I) Darkness is observed when the light beams from the two legs are 180" out of
A., phase. As the length of one leg is increased by - the path length increases by 2 A, and the field of view changes from dark to bright to dark. When 1.50 fringes pass, the leg is lengthened by an amount
(150) 2)
The expression for the bright circular fringe is 2d cos r = n A At the centre r = 0, so that
n now stands for the order of the central bright Cringe. The order of fringes decreases.as we move outwards from the centre. Thus the second bright fringe is of (n - 1)th order, ...,seventh bright fringe is of (n 4 t h order. Hence if 8 be the angular radius of 7th bright fringe, we have
2d cos 8 =(n -6)A
(i i)
= I - 0.0005896 = 0.9994
B = cos
(0.9994) = 2'.
where 6 = kx is constant at a particular point in space and represents phase of the wave. The presence of i = -1 in this equation makes the quantities complex. We can nevertheless use this representation, and at the end of the problem take either the real (cosine) or the imaginary (sine) part of the resulting expression. The time-varying factor exp (iwt) is of no imporlance in combining waves of the same frequency, since the amplitudes and relative phases are independent of time. The other factor, a exp (-iS), is called the complex amplitude. It is a complex number whose modulus a is thc real amplitude, and whose argument 6 gives the phase relative to some standard phase. Negative sign merely indicates that the phase is behind the standard phase. In general, the vector a is given by
Thus, if a is represented as in Fig. (7.12), plotting horizonlally its real part and vertically its imaginary part, it will have the magnitude a and will make the angle 6 with the x axis, as we require for vector addition. The advantage of using complex amplitudes lies in the fact that the vector addition of real amplitudes can be written more easily in the form of an algebraic addition of complex amplitudes. For example, consider the real parts of two waves that follow the equations
8.3 8.4
Fresnel Construction
Half-period Elements
Rectilinear Propagation
We know from our day-to-day experience that we can hear persons talking in an adjoining roonr whose door is open. This is due to the ability of sound waves to bend around the comers of obstacles in their way. You are also familiar with the ability of water waves to propagate around obstacles. ~ o u ' m a y ask: Does light, which is an electromagnetic now wave, also bend around comers of obstacles in its path? In the previous block you have learnt manifestation of wave nature of light in the form of interference: Light from two coherent sources interfers to form fringed pattern, But what may puzzle you is the fact that light casts shadows of objects, i.e. appears to travel in straight lines rather than bending around comers. This apparent contradiction was explained by Fresnel who showed that the ease with which a wave bends around comers is strongly influenced by the size of the obstacle (aperture) relative to its wavelength. Music and speech wavelengths lie in the range 1.7 cm to 17m. A door is about 1 m aperture so that long wavelength waves bend more readily arcund the door way. On the other hand, wavelength of light is about 6x1P7m and the obstacles used in ordinary experiments are about a few centimetres in size, i.e. 104-105 times bigger. For this reason, light appcars to travel along straight lines and casts shadows of objects instead of bending around their comers. However, it does not mean that light shows no bending, it does so under suitable conditions where size of obstacles is comparable with the wavelcngth of light. You can get a feel for this by closely examining shadows cast by objects. You will~observe the that edges of shadows are not sharp. The deviation of waves from their original direction due to an obstruction in their path is called diffraction. The phenomenon of diffraction finds grcat use in daily life. You will learn that diflraction places a fundamenhl restriction on optical instruments, including human eye, in respect of resolution of objects. In this block you will learn that a lot of good physics is involved in diffraction limited systems. The phcnomenon of diffraction was first observed by Grimaldi, an Italian mathcmatician. And a systematic explanation of diffraction was given by Fresncl on the basis of HuygensFresncl principle. According to it,diffraction is attributed to the mutual interference of secondary wavelets from different parts of the same wavefront by taking phase difference into account. (The interference phenomenon involves two coherent wave trains.)
You may have see11TV IoNcr in Dclhi. It is 235111 and almost high three times taller than Ql~tub Minar. Have you ever thoughk Why is TV transmission beamed from a height? 'Ihc TV transmission involves shod wavelength signals, X e lcm. These arc blocked by hills, buildings and the curvature of Eanh. It is only to avoid blockage that TV sighals are transmitted from high towers. The radio signals am reflected by the ionospheric layers before reaching us. In contrast to this, the T.V. signals which arc microwaves, do not gel reflected by h e ionosphere. Their transmission lakes place along h e line of sight. To get the T.V, signals aansrnined over long distances, geostationary satellites are used, which when placed at suitable heights reflecl these signals.
For mahematical convenience and ease in understanding, diffraction is classified in two categories: Fraunhofer diffraction and Fresnel diffraction. In Fraunhofer class of diffraction, the source of light and the observation scrcen (or human eye) are effectively at
Fraunhofer diffracdon and Fresnel diffraction are also called far field diffraction and near field diffraction, respectively.
infinite distance rrom lhe obstacle. This can be done most conveniently using sitable lenses. It is of particular practical importance in respect of the general theory of optical instruments. You will learn about it in the next unit. In Frcsncl class of diffmction, the source or the obscrvation screen or both are at finite distances from thc obs~aclc. You will recognise that for Fresnel diffraction, the expcrimen~l arrangement is fairly simple. But its theoretical analysis is more difficult than that of Fraunhofcr difhction. Also, Fresnel diffraction is more general; it includes Fraunholcr diffraction as a spccial case. Moreover, it has importance in historical perspective in Ll~at led to thc development of wave model of light. You will learn these it debits in this unit. You may be aware of thc prclirninarics of diffraction phenomenon from your school physics curriculum. Or you may have opted PHE-M course on Oscillations and Waves. In whatevcr situation you are placed, you should refresh your knowledge.
Aftcr studying this unit, you will bc able to
stale simplc cxperimcnts which illustrate diffraction phenomenon dcscribc an cxpcrimcnhl sct-up for diffraction at an aperture e.g. a circular aperture cxplain hat Fraunhofcr diffraction is a special case of Fresnel diffraction
e a
e e
discuss ~ h conccpt of Frcsnel half-period zones and apply it to zone plate c discuss diffncrion pattcm duc to a circular aperture and a straight edge, and solvc nurncrical problcrns.
As you know, thc wavclcngth of visible light ranges from 400 nm to 700 nm. And to see diffraction, carcful obscrvations havc to be made. We will now familiarise you with some simplc situations and cxpcrimcnts LO observe diffraction of light. The pre-requisits for thcsc arc: (i) a source of lighl, prcfcrably narrow and monochromatic, (ii) a sharp edged obslaclc and (iii) an obscrvation scrccn, which could be human retina as well. 1. Look at a distant slrcctdlightat night and nearly close the eye lashes. The light appears to slrcak oul from ~ h bulb. This is bccausc light has bcnt around the comcrs of your eyelids. c
2. Stand in a druk room and look at a distant light bulb in another room. Now move slowly until thc doorway blocks hnlf of thc light bulb. The light appears to streak out into the umbra rcgion of thc dark room duc to diffraction around the doorway.
3. Takc a piccc of finc clolh, say finc handkerchief or muslin cloth. Stretch it flat and keep it closc to 1t1ccyc. Now locus your cye on a distant street lamp (atleast 100 m away) through it. Do il a1 nigh^. Do you observe a regular pattern of spots arranged along a reclanglc? On carcful cxarnination you will note that the spots on the outer part of the pallcrn appcar colovrcd. Now rotatc thc handkerchief in its own plane. Does the pattern ro(;llc? You will bc cxcilcd to see that the pattern rotates and the speed of rotation of the palcrn is samc as that of h c handkerchief.
Wc arc now tcmplcd to ask: Do you know why is this pattem of spots obtained? You will agrcc that Ihc hllndkcrchicf is a mcsh (criss-cross) of finc threads in mutually pcrpcndicular directions. Obviously, thc observed pattern is formed by the diffraction of ligh~ (frorn thc lan~p) Ll~c by mcsh of thc handkerchief.
f7ig.X.I : Observing dlffradinn using n pair of razor bladcs
4. Takc a pair of razor hladcs and onc clcar glass elcctric bulb. Hold the blades so that the
cdgcs arc parallcl :md llavc a narrow slit in-bctwccn, as shown in Fig. 8.1. Kmp theslit closc to your cyc and parallcl lo lllc lilarnent. (Use spectacles if you normally do.) By carcl'ully adjusting thc widlh of Ihc slit, you should observe a pattem of btight and dark bands which show somc colours. Now use a bluc or red film. What do you observe? clcnrcr? Docs Lllc pattern t)cco~nc
5. Mount a small ball bearing carefully on a plate of glass wilh a small amount of h w a x so that no wax spreads beyond the rim of the ball. Place Lhis opaque obstacle in a smng beam of light (preferably monochromatic) diverging from a pinhole. Under suitable conditions, you will obbrve a bright spot, called P o h n spot at the centre of the shadow cast by the ball bearing. This exciting observation proved unchallengable evidence for diffraction of light.
You will recall that in the Fresnel class of diffraction, the source of light or the screen or both are, in general, at a finite distance from the difficting obstacle. On the other hand, in Fraunhofer diRraction, this distance is effectively infinite. This condition is achieved by putting suitable lenses between the source, the obstacle and the screen. A large number of workers have observed and studied Fresnel and Fraunhofer difbction patterns. A systematic study of Fresnel diffraction pattern from obstacles of different shapes e.g. small spheres,, discs and apertures - circular, elliptical, square, or brianylar - of different sizes was done by Indian Physicist Y.V. Kathvate under the guidance of Prof. C.V. Raman. Their
judge Frcsnel's disytation. To dispmvc Freanel. and hence wave Lhmry. Poiason stguul that I centnl high;spot should-in Ihe ahadow of a circular ohnude. I-Iis logic, called ruluctioad abarnium, goes M follows: Consider the shrdow of a perfectly d object baing caer by a point awra (0) ahown below.
experimental set up for photographing these patterns is shown in Fig. 8.2. It consists of a light tight box (length nearly 5 m) with a fine pinhole at one end. The light on the pinhole from a 100 W lamp was focussed using a convex lens. A red filter was used to obtain monochromatic light of wavelength 6320 A. The obstacle was placed at a suitable distance (about 2 m) from the pinhole. The photographic plate was mounted on a movable stand so lhal i ~ distance from the obstacle could be varied. They used steel ball boarings of radii s l.SXrnm, 1.98mm. 2.37mm and 3.17mm as spherical obstacles. They also worked with discs of Ule same sizes. (As such, you should not attach much sipificrulce to the exaclness of these sizes.) These obstacles, in turn, were mounted on a glass plate, which was kept at a distance of about 2 m from the pinhole.
The photographic plate was kept at distances of 5cm, IOcm.
Amording to the warc theory all Ihe waves a the periphery will be ! in phaaa lhla in b w c they hnve covered the ~ m diatancc from the c sourct. So chc waves starting fmm the rim PP'and reaclling C should all be in phase a Ihe centre of the shadow. This implies chpt t e hn should be a bright spot at tho centre of the shadow. This wcu considered absurd by Poisson. He was definitelynot aware h !the bright a spot in questionhad alrendy bear d i a w v e d by Maraldi alrnos~ a century ago. Soon after Poi~aon's objection, Arago carried out the experimentusing a disk o Z i n f ru diameter. To hia surprise, hc rediacoved the central bright
a m . 40cm and 18km from the mounted glass plate (obstacle). For the last case, the diffraction patterns obtained from these spheres are shown in Fig.8.3 (a). These patterns clearly show the distribution of light intensity in the region of geometrical shadow of the obslacles.
Flg.8.3: Fresnel diffraction patterns: Kathvate experlments with (a) spherm and @) circular discs of four slzes
The diffraction patterns for circular discs of the same size are illustrated in Fig.8.3(b).you will f i d that these patterns are almost similar to those for spheres. Moreover,the diffraction patterns on the left half of this figure,which comespond to bigger spheres and discs (radii 3.17mm and 2.37mm), show the geometrical shadow and a central bright spot within it. On the other hand, in the diffraction patterns corresponding to the smaller sphere and disc of radius 1.98mm, the geometrical images are recognisable but havc fringes appearing on edges. The fringe pattern around the central spot becomes markedly clearer for the sphere and disc of radius 1.58mm. An enlarged view of this pattern is shown in Fig. 8.4. The formation of the bright central spot in the shadow and the rings around the central spot are the most definite indicators of non-rectilinear propagation of light This suggests diat light bends in some special way around opaque obstacles. These departures from rectilinear propagation come under the heading of diffraction phenomenon.
Let us pause for a minute and ask: Are these diffraction patterns unique for a given source o and obstacle? The answer t this question is: Fresnel pauerns vary with the distance of the source and screen from the obstacle. Let us now study how this transition evolves.
8.3.1 Spatial Evolution of a Diffraction Pattern: Transition from Fresnel to Fraunhofer Class
Fig&.& Enlarged view of fringe
lor db ofrad,l 1 3 m m (upper) and 1.98 m m (lower)
To observe transition in the Fresnel diffraction pattern with distance, we have to introduce a small modiTication in Kathvate's experimental arrangement, as shown in Fig. 8.5(a), The pint source is now located at the focal point of a converging lens L. The spherical waves originating from the source 0 are changed into plane waves by this lens and the wavefront is now parallel to the diffracting screen with a narrow opening in the form of a long narrow slit (Fig. 8.5(b)). 'These waves pass through the slit. The diffracted waves are also plane and may have an angular spread. You may now like to know the shape, size and intensity distribution in the diffraction pauern on a distant observation screen.
Pig. 8 5 (a): Arrangerneat to obsene trandtloa In Pesnel dlffkactlon pattern @) Cros~-Pectlwnl view of the geometry s h m in (a) above.
A slit is a rectangular opening whose wicbh (0.1 mm or so) is much d l c r than it.! length (1 an or more).
When the incident wavefront is strictly parallel to the difbcting screen, we get a vertical patch of light when the obsefvation screen is immediately behind the aperture. That is, we get a region A'B' of uniform illumination on the observation screen. The size of this region is equal to the size of the slit both in width and height. The remaining pottion of the screen is absolutely dark. Aplot of this intensity distribution is shown in Fig. 8.6 (a). From P to A', the intensity is zero. At A', it abruptly rises t I. and remains o constant h m A' to 8'.At B', it again drops to zero. We can say that A'B' represents the edges of the geometrical shadow (and the law of rectilinear propagation holds).
2. As the screen i moved away from the aperture, a careful observation shows that the s o patch of light seen in (1) above begins t lose sharpness. If the distance between the
obstacle and the obsefvqtion screen is large compared to the width of the slit, some fringes start appearing at the edges of the patch of light. But this patch resembles the shape of the slit The intensity distribution shows d i m t i o n rippling effect somewhat like that shown in Fig. 8.6(b). From this we can say that the intensity distribution in the pauem depends on the distance at which the observation screen is placed.
When b (-lm) is much greater than the width of the slit (- 0.1 mm), the fringes seen in (2) above - close to edge of the patch - now spread out and the geometrical image of the slit can no longer be recognised. As distance is increased further, diffraction effects become progressively more pronounced. When b is very large, i.e. once we have moved into the Fraunhofer region, ripples no longer change character. You can observe this pattern by putting a convex lens after the slit. The observation screen should be arranged so that it is at the second focal plane of the lens. These variations in Fraunhofer diffraction are shown in Fig. 8.6(c). You will learn the dztails of the Fraunhofer pattern in the next unit.
From this we may conclude that thc Fresnel diffraclion can change significantly as the c o distance from the aperture is varied. You must now b intcrcstcd l understand these observations atlcast qualitlttivcly. First systematic efforl in this direction was made by Fresnel. Let us learn about it now.
L ~ us consider a plane wavc front represented by WW' propagating Lowards the right, as L shown in Fig. 8.7(a). First we calculate thc effect of Lhis plane wavcfronl at an external point P,, the screen at a distance b. Then we will introduce an obstacle like a straight on cdge and see how intensity a1 Po changes.
I;ig.d:'l: Frcsncl construction (a) Propagrition IT a plol~c wavefront and (b) Dlvlsion of wnvefrnnt into annular spaccs cnclmcd by conmntrle circles
W know that every point on L e plane wavefront may bc though1 of as a source of c h scconclary wavelets. We wish to compute the resultant cffcct a1 Po by applying Huygens-Frcsnel principle. One way would be lo write down the equations of vibrations at P, due to each wavelet and then qdd them together. This is a cumbersome proposition. Thc difficulty in mathematical calculation arises on two counls: (i) There arc an infinile
number of points and each acts as a source of secondary wavclcts and (ii) Since the distance travelled by the secondary wavelets arriving at Po is different, they reach the point Po with different phases. To gct over these difficulties, Fresnel deviscd a simple geometrical metliod which providcd uscful insight and beautiful explanation of diffraction phcnomenon from small obstaclcs..Hc argued that (i) It is possible to locate a series of points situated at Ihe same distance from Po so that all the secondary wavelets originating from them wave1 the same distance. (ii) We can, in particular, find the locus of those h 3h points from where the wavelcls travel a distance b + - b + b + - and so on. 2' 2'
Thc Fresncl construction consisls of dividing the wavehont into annular spaces enclosed by concentric circlcs (Fig. 8.7(b)). The effect at Po will be obtained by summing contributions of wavelets from these annular spaces called half period elements. When an obstacle is inserted in-betwccn the wavefront WW' and the point Po, some of these half pcriod clemcnls will be obslruclcd depending upon the size and shape of the obstacle. The wavclcts from thc unobstrucled parts only will reach Po and their resultant can be calculated easily by Frcsncl's mcthod. Let us now learn about Fresnel construction, half pcriod clcments and the mcthod of sumrnation of the contributions of secondary wavelets.
calculalc thc resultant amplitudc of thc field at an arbitrary point Po due to superposition of all thc secondary Huygens' wavelets originating from the wavefront. To do so, we dividc thc wavcfront into half-pcriod zones using the following construction: From the point Po wc drop a perpendicular PoO on the wavefront, which cuts it at 0. The p i n t 0 is callcd thc polc of the wavcrront with respect to the point P . Suppose that b is the , disuncc betwecn the foot of Lhe perpendicular to Po,i.e. OP, = b. Now with Po as centre, h 2h wc dnw sphcrcs of ndii b + - 6 + b + %, and so on. You can easily visualise that 2' 2 lhcsc spheres will inlerscct the plane wavefront in a series of concentric circles with centre O and ndii OQ,, 0Q2, OQ3, ....,as shown in Fig.8.8. This geometrical construction . dividcs lhc wavcrront into circular strips called zones. The first zone is the space enclosed by the circlc of radius OQ1, the second zone is the annular space between the circles of radii 0Q2 OQl. Thc third zonc is annular space between the circles of radii OQ, and and 0Q2 so on. Thcse conccntric circles or annular rings are called Fresnel zones or half and peritd elements. This nomenclature has genesis in the fact that the path difference bctwccn Lhc wavelets rcaching Po rrom corresponding points in successive zones is v2.
To compute the resultant amplitude at Po due to all the secondary wavclets cmanating from the entire wavefront, we first consider an infinitesimal arca dS of Lhc wavefront. We S assume that the amplitude at Po due to d is (i) dircclly proponional LO thc area dS since it determines the number of dcondary wavelets, (ii) invcrscly proportional LO lhc distance of d from Po and (iii) directly proportional to thc obliquily raclor (I+ cosB), where 8 is the S angle between the normal drawn to the wavefront at dS and lllc linc joining dS to Po. 8 is zero for the central point 0. we go away lrom 0. thc value of O incrwses until it As becomes 90' for a point at infinite distance on thc wavclronl. Physically, it ensures that wavefront moves forward. That is, thcre is no rcvcrsc (or backward) wave. The obliquity factor takes the value 2 for forward direction. 1 for 9 = 90" and zcro for 8 = 180'. If we denote the resultant amplitudes at Po due LO all the sccondxy wavclcts from the fust; second, third, fourth. ...,nth zone by a,, a2, a,, a4, ..., a, , Lhcn wc can write
a, = Const x - (1+ cos 0)
A n b n
where A,, is the area of the nth zone and bn is the avcragc dislancc of thc nlh zone from PP C
Eq. (8.1) shows that L know the amplitude o l secondary wavclcki arriving nl Po from any o zone, we must know A,. This, in turn, requires knowlcdgc or lllc radii of thc circlcs defining the boundaries of the Fresnel zones. To calculate radii of various half pcriod zoncs in tcms of known distances, let us denote OQ, = r , , OQ, = r2, OQ, = r,, ...,OQ,= rn.From Pythagoras' theorem we find that the radius of lhc first circlc (zonc) is givcn by
7 1/ 2
The approximation 1 <c b holds for pnclicnl syserns using visible light. Similarly, the radius of the n ~ h circle (zone) is given by
for all diffraction problems of interest to us here. It readily follows from Eqs. (8.24 and (8.2b thn thcradii ol' the circlcs arc proportional 43, G... Thcrcforc, i f lhc first zone lo the square root of natural numbcrs, i.c. I , has radius r , , the successive zoncs have radii 1.41 r,, 1.73 r , , 2 r , and so on. For He-Ne laser light (h= 6328 A), if we takc Po LO bc 30 cm away (b = 30 cm), tllc radius of rhe first zone will be 0.436 mm.
Lel us now calculate the arca of cach of the half-pcrid zoncs. For lhc fiisl zonc
The area of the second zone, i.e. thc annular rcgion bclwccn he lirsl and Lhe second circlcs is
Similarly, you can rcndily vcrify hat Lhc area of the nth zone
= n: r;4 - r:-,
)= xbh
That is, all individual zones havc nearly Lhe same arca. The physical implication of the c of equality of zonc arcas is ha1 ~ h a~nplilude secondary wavelets starting from any ~ w o zoncs will be vcry ncarly cqual. You must howcvcr rcmember that the result contained in Eq. (8.3) is approximate and is valid for cases whcre b 9 nh A more rigorous calculation shows hat lhc arca ofa zonc gradually increases wilh n:
In this equalion b + n \
Rcfcr to figure abovc and consider the contribulions from thc (ti - 1)th and nth zones. Firs~ly, areas of the the Iwo a~nular regions are approximately cqual, is., ~ h c ampli~udes secondary wavclc~s of s~arlingfrom khthe zones arc l equal. Secondly, Ihe poin~s thc on i~incrmosl circlc of ( n - l )rh zonc e.g. poin~s R are situated at a distance likc of b +(n -2) h/2 from Po- whereas h e points on the innermon circlc of nth zone c.g. poinls like S arc situa~ed at a dislance of b + ( n - 1) h/2 from Po.Thc padl differcncc belwcen the secondary wsvclels reaching Po from H and S is h12. This means hallhe wavcs re~chirig arc out of phase Po by hf2 and cancel each olhcr. Similarly for every pin1 hetween R and S in the (n - 1)1h zonc we have a corresponding point hctwcen S and T in thc nth zonc which have a pah differcnce of h/2 or phase difference of x and hence cancel each other. Sincc the areas of the lwo 7anes are approximately equal, we arrive at he rcsult that for every point In Ule (n 1)th zone we have a point in the nth zone which is out of phase by x or half orn period. Hence the name halfperiod zoncs.
geometry of he nth zonc is shown in Fig. 8.9. It is important to point our here that the effect of incrcnsc in A, wilh n is almost balanccd by the increase in the averagc distance of the nth zonc from Po. That is. thc ratio A,,/bn in Eq. (8.1) remains nh , which is constant,
5 5dcnolcs the average distance of the nth zone from Po. The
Fig. 8.9 : Hidr pcriud zuncs and thclr ovcrage dktnnce from the
point of observation.
indcpcndcnl of n. This mcans that Ihe amplitude due to any zone will be influenced by the obliquity Tactor; it is actually rcslmnsible for monoionic decreasc in the amplitudes of higher zones (a, > a, > u3,... > a,). Also, il is irnporlant for our computation to note that phases of wavclcls from conscculivc zoncs dill'cr by one-half of a wavelength. Therefore, h e secondary wavcs from any two corresponding points in successive zones [nth and (n - 1)th or (n + 1)h]rcach P,, out of phasc by x or half of a period. Suppose thal ~ h conlribulion of all h c sccondary wavelcts in the nlh zonc at Po is c c dcnolcd by a,,, Thcn, thc contribution of (n - 1)lh 7 ~ n a, - will tcnd to annihilate the effect of n h zonc. Malhcmalically wc write the resultant amplitude at Po due to the whole wavcfron~ a sum of an infi~lilc as scrics whosc lcrms are alkmakly positive and negative but the magnitudc of succcssivc lcrms gradually diminishcs; that is,
Wc will show that thc sum ol' lllis infinilc scries is cqual to a,/2. In words, the resultant amplitude at P, duc to all thc scconthry wavelcts emanating from the entire wavefront is equal to onc-hnll'of thc contribution of secondary wavclels fmm the firs1 zonc. There are scvcral mcihods of dcriving this rcsul~. Hcrc we will dcscribe a simple graphical construction. (Thc malhcmalical mcthod is given as TQ.) Lcl AB, CD, EF, Gf?, ..., respectively denorc Ulc amplitudes o~rcsultant vectors a,, 3, a,, ... due to the first, a,, sccond, ihird, fourh ,... zonc. (Wc know lhat a,, a,, a,, a, , ... q,are alternately nlh posilivc and ncgalivc.) 'I'hcsc vcctors arc shown scpardtcly in Fig. 8.10(a) to show their rnagnitudcs and positions. But thcir uuc positions arc along the same line, as shown in Fig. 8.10 (b). Thc rcsullilnt of Lc rirst ~ w zoncs will bc h e small vector AD. But the resultant of the h o first lhrcc zoncs is Ihc largc vcclor AP; orthc four 7nnes the smallcr vector AH and so on.
Refer Lo Fig. tl.lO(a)again. You will notc that thc rcsulmt of infinitely large number of zoncs is cqual lo (i,/2. lr wc considcr a Uinitc numbcr of noncs, say n, the resultant is given by
where n is any number(odd or even). To see this, you closely reexamine Fig. 8.10(b). You will note that all vectors repmting a,, 3, a4, are line segments whose midpoint cohcidcs with the midpoint of at (nuked a-) $, s-.
Fig. 8.10: Phasor diagram for F m n d (half-period) zones. I~~dlviduul utnplitudcs am shown in (a). Actually all vectors arc along the sumc lioc. This is shown in (b). l'hc m u l t a n t amplitudes due to n = 2, 3, .. zoncs a r e shown 111(c). ( .)
(You must convince yourself about this.) In other words, lhc vcclor reprcscnting an is a c line, half of which is above the horizontal line passing Lllmugh ~ h midpint of a, and the other half is below this line. The resliliant of n zones is a vcclor joining A lo he end of the vector representing a,,. When n is odd, the end point of he veclor representing anwill be above the horizontal line by a$, which proves the rcquircd result. If n is even, the end point will be below this horizontlil Iinc by a,J2. Addd vectorially, we have the same result. We thus sed that the resultant arnplilude at Po duc to n zones is half the sum of amplitudes contributed by the first and he ILSL zonc. 5 will be numerically greater than a,/2when n is odd and smallcr than a,/2 whcn n is evcn. For cxample, the a1 MN resultant contribution due to 7 zones is AO, which is cqual to - + --- . On the other 2 2
a 1 OP I hand, for 8 zones the resultant is AQ = y - -
So fur we have considered the effect of a whole number of half period elements at a given point. The sum of the amplitudes due to all h e secondary wavelets starting from the nth ? m e was represented by %,But s far we have not computed the o magnitude and phase of this vector. An obvious related problem is to cnlculate the effect at Podue to a fraction of a given half period element. We can do h i s easily by the vector summation method. We divide a Fresnel zone into a series of n subzones of equal areas. Refer to figure below. It shows such a division for ) the annular space between (n 1h and n h circles. 0 is taken as a n t r e and circles of slightly differing radii have been drawn such that the annular space between two consecutive circles enclosca equal arca. Now wi~hin l ~ area covered by l c n sub-wne, we can neglect variation in inclination factor. Since all thcrc aub-zones ~ R V C bccn drawn so that they have q u a 1 areas, h e amplitude nt Po due to ihcse small equal arcas will be the same. But the phases will change wniintiously from one sub-zone to die next subzone by Wn since the phase difference ktween Ule secondary wavelas starting from h e innennost to ihe outermost subzone of any one
Frcsnel half period w n c is - or x. If 2 we make n very large, we will have infinitesimally small but equal arcas md phases of wavclcts from these vary mn~inuously uniformly. and
It may be emphasized that in this graphical method of summalion of Ihe scrics, we have c used three properties: (i) vectors representing a,, a,, ... arc all dong ~ h same straight line (ii) alternate vectors are oppositely directed and (iii) the mugniludcs of a,, +,... decrease gradually. We now consider a simple example to illustrat lhcse concepts.
Example 1
Consider a series with n = 100 in which each Lerrn is equnl to thc arithmetic mean of the the preceding and h e following temrs. Calcula~e rcsul~anl.
'Ihus wc have u SCL of disturbnnces of qua1 amplitude hut unifornlly changing phasc such that the phasc dificrenco bctwcen the two extreme disturbances is x . l h c s e extreme vectors are reprcsen~cd AA* and by UR' in the figure shown on the next pagc. We know ha^ in si~ch case a he veclor diagram is a scrnicirclc and h e resullant of ~ h sunimntion c of amplitudes is dlc diamcter AB.
As a special case, we can take the terns of Ihc scrics as 100, 99, 98, .... 3, 2, 1. .. E, = (100-99)+(98-97)+(96-95)+ ....(4 - 3 ) + ( 2 - I )
= 1 +1+ 1 = 50
.... 50 terms
and take different number of terms in this arithmclic scries. If wc have only one term, (a, = loo), we take lhe first term as also thc last lcrm as 100. Thcn we gel
Now we will compute magnilude and phaoeof the resultant AB. I all the f disturbwcw from the subzones were in the same phase, the resultant would have been a line along AA' and equal to the length of the arc of the semicircle AD (= lr r) of radius r. But we find that the actual resulmt amplitude is AB = 2. Thus the resultant ampliulde is'
(100 -99)
=? times XI It
Ihree terms
a, 2
2 -
100 + - 2 99 - 2
the value which would be obtained if all h e wavelets within a Fresnel half period element had the m e phase. Since h e line AB is parailel to the line MN, we see that the resultant phase of vector AB is the some or that of the veaor M N representing the disturbance startinp from the middle . p i n t (M) the &e. In other words, of AB is perpendicular to AA'. 'hat is, it is a quarter-period behind the wavelet starting from the innermost sub-zone. We can find, in a similar manner, the resultant contribution due to the next half-period zone. It is given by CD and differs from AB by n. The resultlnt of the sum of these two zones is the smaller vector AD. The magnitudes of v e a o n and their phases for succeeding zones give rem of the figure.The resultant curve is the vibration spiral with gradually smaller and smaller semicircles until eventually it coincides with Z. The resultant of all the half-period elements is AZ which is half of h a t which would be produced by the first 1-2 1 zone aldne. It is equal to x2 x-lr times h a t which would be produced by all the wavelets from the first wne acting together in the name phase.
and For four terms, and For five lerms and For six terms and and so on. Thus we see that 5 is given by - +
a1 2 a, - to a fairly good degree of accuracy. 2
5 = (100-99)+(98-97)
+ 9 6 = 98
- --
spherical wave will not qualitatively change the argument.) Let us work out the sizes of Fresnel half period clelnents for h e typical case where the screen is 30 cm away from the cm. aperture. Taking h = 5 x 10" crn, we get r,=d(30 cm) x (5 x 10" cm) = 3.87 x This means that L c diameter of lhe first zone is less than 1 mm. Let us consider the 100th h zone. Its radius r,,, = 430 cm x 100 x 5 x 10" cm = 3.87 x 10-'cm so that the diameter will be a litlle less lhm lcm. Thcreforc,if the aperture is about 1 cm in diameter, it will accomodate over 100 Frcsncl zones and the amplitude at Po due to the exposed part of the wavefront will be 2
", 1 + -. Since a,, 2
essentially half of that due to the first half period zone, which is h e intensity expected at Po when Ihe apeis completely removed. We U~us that even through a s a l aperture we get the find ml original intensity at Po.That is, light travels in a straight line for all practical purposes. Let us now understand thc'formation of shadows and illuminaled regions due to an obstacle (Fig. 8.12). Consider Ihe point P3 whose pole is 02, Ihe distance between O2 If
shadowdlllun~inatPd regions
and the edge A of the obstacle is nearly 1 cm, over 100 half period elements will be
a1 accomodated in it. And as seen above, the intensity at P, will b nearly equal to - . In e
oher words, h e obstacle Twill have no effect at h e point P,. Similarly, at P,, which is taken 1 cm inside the geometrical edge of the shadow, over 100 half period elements
a oo 1 around 0, obstructed and the intensity at P1 will bc less than - , which is almost are 2 negligible. This implics almost complete darkness at PI. In other words, the obstacle has completely obstructed thc light from the source and Lhe region around point P, is in the shadow. Only ardund Po, which signifies the geometrical edge of the shadow, we find fluctuations in intensity dcpcnding on how many half period elements have been alIowed to pass or have been obstructed. This explains the observed rectilinear propagation of light since Fresnel zones are obstructed or allowed through by obstacles of thc size of a few mm for these typical distances.
A special optical device, designed to obstruct light from allernatc half-period elements is known as Zone plate. It provides experimental evidence in favour of Fresnel's theory. Let us learn about it now.
The zone plate is a special optical device dc~igncd block light from altcmate to hall-period zones. You can easily make a zone plate by drawing concentric circles on a white paper, with their radii proportional t the square roots of natural numbers and o shading alternate zones. Fig.8.13 shows two zone plates of several Fresncl wnes, where
all evcn numbered or odd numbered zones are blacked out. Now phologaph these
pictures. The photographic Lransparency (negative) in reduced size acts as a Fresnel zone platc. (Recently, Gabor has proposed a zone plale in which zones change udnslnission according to a sinusoidal wave.) Lord Raylcigh made h e first zonc plate in 1871. Today
zone plates are used to form images using X-rays and microwaves for which conventional lenses do not work. If you now pause for a while and logically reflect upon the possible properties of a Fresnel zone plate, you will reach the following conclusions:
A zone plale acts like a converging lens (see Example 2) and produces a very bright spot. To understand the formation of the spot, let us suppose that the first ten odd zones are exposed to light. Then, Eq.(8.4) tells us that the resultant amplitude at Po is given by
If the obliquity factor does not produce much change, we may write gm = 10 a,, which means that the amplitude for an aperlure containing 20 zones is twenty times and intensity is 400 times that due to a completely unobstructed wavefront. This is illustrated in Example 2.
Example 2
Solution Refer to Fig. 8.14. It shows the section of the zone plate perpendicular to the plane of the paper. S is a point source of light at a distance u from the zone plate and emits spherical waves. We wish to find the effect at Poat a distance v from the plane of the zone plate.
In this zone plate we divide its plane into zones bounded by circles with centre at 0 and radii OQ,, OQ,, OQ,, ... OQ, such that the path of the ray from S to Po increases by - from successive zones. Then we can easily write 2
where rnis the radius of the nth zone. Similarly, you can convince yourself that QnPo= v + 2v
e +.. .
rZ ". Hcnce 2v nh
Fresnd Diffraction
That is, the radii of the circles are proportional to the square root of natural numbers, as before. If we identify
which is identical to the lens equation. Therefore, this dcvicc behavcs like a converging lens with a focal length f = r: lnh and forms a real image of S at P,.
2. The zone plate has several foci. To understand this, we assumc that the obscrvation
screen is at a distance of one focal length from the diffracting aperture. Then it readiIy follows from the above example that the most intcnse (first order) focal point is situated at fi = d / h . To give you a feel for numcrical valucs, Ict us calculatcfi for a zone plate with radii r, = 0.1Gcm and illuminated by a monochromatic light of wavelength h = 5500 A. You can easily see that
0.1 ~ r n ) ~ = 182 cm
To locate higher order focal points, we notc from Eq. (8.2b) that for rn fixed, n increases as b decreases. Thus for b =f1/2,n = 2. That is, as Po moves towards the zone platc along the axis, the same zonal area of radius r , encompasses more half-pcriod zones. At this point, each of the original zones covers two half-period mnes and all zones cancel. Whcn b = f1/3,n = 3. That is, three zones conhibutefrom the original zone of radius rl. Of hesc, two cancel out but one is left to contribute. Thus other maximum intensity pints along the axis arc situated at 6 182 182 fn = - for n odd. For the above numerical example,f, = -- cm,f5 = -cm,f7 = cm nh 3 5 and so on. Between any two consecutive 7 foci, thcrc will bc dark points.
It is inaruaive to compare h e action of a converging lens and a mnc plate in forming a real imagc of an object. Rcfcr to figure below which shows a converging lcns. Consider two rays OADI and OCDI. Taking the refractive indcx for air and glass as b a n d pE, e optical h path lengths of ~ h e s e rays will I x p,OA + pgA13 + p,BI and p,OC + p CII + C L Dl. , ~ The lens is so designed that these opical palhs are equal. This is true for dl other rays, e.g. OEGI. Thus different rays starting from 0 reach I in the same phase and form a bright image. In a zone plate (Fig. 8.14), alternate zones arc blocked. Ihcrcforc, rays fmm the source S after passing through the first, hird, fifth, etc. wncs reach h e point Po with a path difference of X, 2X , 3X , and hence rcinforce cach olher. This ruults in the formation of a bright image at Po. Obviously, we will get sevcral psilions of bright images if h path differencc ktwcen the c successive exposed mnes is nh
From Sec. 8.3 you will recall that by utilizing Kalhvatc's expcrimcntal arrangement, the Fresnel diffraction pattern of various apertures and obstacles could bc photographrid by varying distances between the source, the object and lhe photographic plate. Wc wilt now use results derived in Sec. 8.4 to cxplain Le observcd diflraction pattern of simple h obstacles like circular aperture and straight edge. We begin by studying the Fresncl difliaction paltern of a circular apcrturc.
where a,, a;?,... etc. give the contributions due to successive Fresnel zones. Our problem here can be solved by constructing appropriate Fresnel zones and finding out as to how many of these half period elements are transmilled by Ihe aperture. However, it is important to note that for an aperture of a given size, the number of half period elements transmitted may not always bp, the same. This is because the radii of the Fresnel zones depend upon the distance of point Po from 0 (r,, = 1 -. You can easily convince yourself that if the int Po is far away from the aperture(b is very large), the radius of the first zone, equal to f", b may be 1 larger than the radius of the a p e m e . In such a situation, all the secondary wavelets starting even from the entire first zone alone may not be transmitted. That is, the wavelets from a small portion of the first Fresnel zone only are transmitted.
Fig. 8.15: Dlffractlon by a clrcular aperture: A cram-scctlonal view of the experimental arrangement
The next question we have to answer is: How to calculate the amplitude at Po when the aperture has transmitted only a fraction of the first Fresnel zone? As a first approximation, we assume that the wavelets anive at Po in phase. (This is quite justified because the path difference between the extreme wavelets within anyone half period elements is AJ2 and . since only a fraction of the first zone may be transmitting here, the net phase difference will be correspondingly less.) Further, the inverse square law for intensity tells us that the amplitude at Po will be inversely proportional to 6.Hence, the effect at Po, which is at a largc distance, will be quite small. As the point Po moves towards the aperture (b becomes smaller), the zone size shrinks and a greater part of the central Zone is transmitted. As a result, the intensity increases gradually. As the observation point comes closer and closer, with the shrinking of the sizes of zones, a stage may r ~ c when the first zone exactly fills the aperture. Then h the radius of the first zone.is also the radius of the aperture. We know that the fist zone contributes al to the amplitude at Po. Compare it with the situation where the obstacle with circular aperture is not present. The entire wavefront contributes but the amplitude at
Po is - Since intensity is proportional to the square of amplitude, the intensities at Po 2 a : with and without the aperture are respectively a and - That is, the intensity at a given : 4 point is four times as large when the apertiue is inserted in the path than when it is completely removed. This surprising result is not apparent in the realm of everyday experience dominated by rectilinear propagation of light
As the observation point Po comes still closer, the circular aperture may transmit first two zones. The amplitude will then be(a, - 4 which is expected to be very small. The additional light produces practically zero amplitude, hence darkness, at Po. Bringing the point Po gradually closer will cause the intensity to pass through maxima and minima along Ihc axis of the aperture depending on whether the number of zones transmitted is odd or even. If we continue to bring the point Pocloser to 0, the number of Fresnel zones a1 Lansmitted by the aperture goes on increasing. The value - is finally reached' when the
point Po is so close that an infinitely large number of zones contribute to the amplitude.
The same variation in intensity should be experienced if thc point Po is kcpt fixed and the radius of the aperture is varied continuously. This can bc donc cxpcrimcnti~lly is but somewhat more difficult. We have calculated the intensity at points on the axis but thc abovc considcralions do not give any information about the intensity at points off thc axis. A dclililcd and complcx mathematical analysis which we shall not discuss herc, shows hat P, is surrounded by a system of circular diffraction fringes. Photognphs of thcsc rringc puuerns have becn taken by several workers and we referred to Kathvate's expcrirncnts carlicr in his unit. We now illustrate the concepts developed here by solving an examplc.
Example 3
Fresnd Difiractlon
In an experiment a big plane metal sheet has a circular apcrturc of diamcter 1 mm. A beam of parallel light of wavelength h = 5000 A is incidcnt upon it nor~nally. shadow The is cast on a screen whose distance can be varied continuously. Calculate the distance at which the aperture will transmit 1,2,3, ... Frcsncl zoncs.
Soluti~n Let b,, b,, b,, ...,bn be the distances at which 1,2,3, ..., n zoncs are transmitted by an aperture of frxed radius r. Fmm Eq.(8.2 b) we know h a t
Plg. 8.16: Variation of ampllludes at axial polnu at different disiances from the aperture
Anolher conclusion of historic interest follows if wc substitutc thc apcrturc by a circular disc or a round obstacle just covering the first Frcsncl zone. The light rwching the point o of observation Po will be due t all zones except h c first. Thc sccond zonc is therefore the first contributing zone and the intensity of light spot at thc cenue of Ihc shadow of the obstacle will be almost equally bright as when the first zone was unobstructed. You may now ask: Why is the bright spot at the cenlre only? This is because there is no path difference and hence phase difference between wavcs reaching an axial point. At any other off-axis point, waves will reach with different phases and may lend to cancel mutually. The existence of this spot was demonstrated by Arago, though Poisson gave his theoretical arguments t disprove wave theory of light. o You may now like to answer an SAQ.
Acoin has a diameter of 2 cm. How many Fresncl zoncs docs it cut orf if Llic screen is 2 m away? Do you expect to see a bright spot at the cenue? If wc movc thc scrcen to a distance of4 m, how many zones will it cut off? Will the bright spot now look brightcr? Why? Take h = 5 x 10-~m. So far we have discussed diffraction patterns which had axial symmclry: the object or aperture was circular and the planc wavefront originated rrorn a point source. We now wish to consider the case wherein source is a slit source. This sourcc will cmit cylindrical cdge. waves with the slit as axis. We wish to study h c diffraction pattern or a s~raight
Spend 2 min
'l'hc slit has a very small wid~h compared to its lcngh. Or we may say h a t in comparisorl to its width, it has an infinite length.
Let S bc a slit sourcc pcrpcndicular to thc plane of the paper. This sends a cylindrical wavefront towards thc obslaclc which is a straight edge perpendicular to the paper. You can take a thin mebl shcct or a razor bladc wih the sharp edge parallel to the slit. Fig. 8.17(a) shows a scction ~~crpcndicularthc IcngLh of the slit. The line joining S and E, the point on to the wavcfront touching the cdgc of L c straight edge, when produced meets the screen at. h
Pig. 8.17: (u) Cruss section~llviuw of the gcomctry to ohscrvc diffraction due to a stmlg-ht edge and (b) 1Frcsnd constructlo~ldivides thc cylindrical wavefront La half period strips
Po,which is thc gcomclrical boundiuy of the shadow. Consider any point P on the screen. A line joining it to S cuts the wavefront at R. We wish to know how intensity varies on the screen. This calculation is somewhat complicated because. unlike the previous case, we now have a cylindrical wavefront. Morcover, the obstacle does not possess an axial symmetry. For a plane wavc and obslacles with axial symmetry you know how to construct Fresnel zones. To conslruct half period elements for a straight edge, we divide the cylindrical wavefront into strips. As before, we make sure in the construction that the amplitudes of the wavelets from thcsc strips arrive at Poout of phase by n so that alteinate terms are positive and negative. 'This is achieved by drawing a set of circles with Poas centre and radii
b, b + - , b + - ,...cutting be circular section of the cylindrical wave at points 0, BB', AA', 2 2 CC', .... Fig. 8.17(b). If lines are &awn Lhrough A, A', B, B' etc. normal to the plane of the paper, the upper as wcll as the lower half of the wavefront gets divided into a set of half-period strip. These hdT pcriod strips stretch along the wavefront perpendicular to the plane of the papcr and have widths OA, All, BC, in the upper half and OA', ;4'B', B'C', in the lower half. You may recall that Fresnel zones are of nearly q u a l area. For half period strips, this does not hold. The arcas of half-period strips are proportional to their widths and these decrease rapidly as we go out along the wavefront from 0.
From the georneiry of the arrangement AL-, it is obvious Lhat on the screen there will be no
intensity variation dong the direction parallel to the length of the slit. Therefore, the bright and dark fringes will bc struigh~ lines parallel to the edge.
A plot of theoretically calculated intensity distribution on the screen is shown in Fig. 8.18. You will note the following salient features:
(i) As we go from a point I" deep inside the shadow towards the point Podefining the edge of the shadow, the intensity gradually rises. At P', the intensity is almost zero. (ii) At PO, the intensity is one-fourth of what would have been the intensity on the screen with the unobstructed wayefront. (iii) On moving fuaher towards P, the intensity rises sharply and goes through an alternating series of muxima and minima of gradually decreasing magnitude before approaching the value for thc unobslructcd wave. This is expected since effect of the edge at far off distances will be almost negligible.
(iv) The intensity of the first maximum is greater than the intensity of unobstructed wave, i.e. it is greater than 4 times the intensity at Po. Beyond these altcmale maxima and minima, there is uniform illumination. (v) The diffraction fringes are not of equal spacing (as in in~crfercncc experiments); the fringes gradually come closer together as we move away from the point Po. You may now like to know atleast qualitative explanation or these results. From Fig. 8.17 we note that the line joining P and S divides the wavcfront into two parts. The amplitude of wave at P is due to the part WE of the wavefront, which is complctcly unaffected by the straight edge. The amplitude at P will be maximum if RE contllins odd number of half strips. This will happen if EP RP = (2n + 1) hn.(When EP - RP = nh , the portion RE will contain even number of strips.) As pointed out earlier, the amplitudes due to slrips are alternatcly positive and negative. Thereforc, as point P rnovcs away from Po, h e illumination on the screen will pass altematcly through maxima and minima when the numbcr of half period strips in RE is 1,2.3,4, .... At Po, only half of thc wavcfront E W contributes. Therefore, the amplitude is halved and thc intcnsity is one-fourth of the unobstructed wavefront.
It is worthwhile to ponder as to what pattern thc gcomclry of tllc expcrirncnlal configuration throws. We expcct dark and bright bands parullcl to thc cdgc. However, the dark bands will not be completcly dark sincc the uppcr tiall' of lhc wavcfront RW always r ontributcs light to this part of chc scrccn.
now consider the situation for thc point P' insidc thc gco~nctrici~l shadow. Refer to Fig. 8.19. You will note h a t the corresponding point R isshil'tea bclow h c cdge so that the illumina~ion P is due entirely to the wavclcts Troln thc uppcr half of thc wavefront; the at ' Fig.8.19: Cross-sectiond 'lcw Or lower portion having been blockcd by the edge. Evcn thc uppcr hall' is cxposed only in geometry shown in part. 1f thc edge culs off r strips of the uppcr half of thc wavcfront, ~lrc efkct at P' will be Fig. 8.17(s) when the due to (r + I), (r + 2), (r + 3) etc. strips which may bc tllkcn to bc cqual to one-half of observation polnt is in the geometrical shadow that duc to (r + 1)th strip. This will rapidly diminish to zcro as shown in Fig. 8.18 because the c~~cctivencss higher ordcr strips goes on dccrcasing. or
Let us now dcduce the width of the diflraclion bands. Again rerer to Fig. 8.17(a). Supposc that wc have the nth dark band at P . Then
EP- R P = nh
where we have retained only first two tcrms in thc binomial serics. From the ASPP,, we can similarly writc
x2 1 RP=SP-SR=b+-2 (n + 0)
We therefore find that the distances of the dark bands from the edge of the geomebical shadow are proportional to the square root of natural numbers. Consequently, the bands will get closer together as we go out from the shadow. This fact distinguishes the bands, which are equidistant. diffraction bands from the interfe~nce To enable you to grasp these ideas, we now give a solved example.
Example 4
If in the above experiment a = 30 cm, b = 30 cm and 3c = 5 x 10" cm, calculate the position of the lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th minima from the edge of the shadow.
Solution From Eq. (8.10) we know that the distance of nth minima from the edge of the shadow is given by
If we substitute given values of a, b and h and take n = 1.2, 3 and 4, we find that
From these values we find that the distance between consecutive minima decreases continuously as we move away from the edge of the shadow. You may now like to answer an SAQ. Spend
2 min
Instead of the straight edge we keep a narrow obstacle, say a wire of diameter 1 mm. What will be the intensity on the screen? Let us now summarise what you have learnt in this unit.
When the distance between the source of light and the observation screen or both from thc diffracting apenure/obstacle is finite, the diffraction pattern belongs to Fresnel class. When the screen is very close to the slit apeme/obstacle, the illumination on the screen is govemed.byrectilinear propagation of light. The Fresnel diffraction pattern represents fringed images of the obstacle. Depending on the distance, there can be an infinite number of Fresnel diffraction patterns of a given obstacle/ aperture. When plane'wavefrontsare incident on a diffracting slit and the patternis observed on a screen effectively at an infinite distance, the diffraction pattern belongs to Fraunhofer type. Unlike the Fresnel diffraction, there is only one Fraunhofer diffraction patlern.
e e
Fresnel construction for the diffraction paucm l'mm a circular obswcle, when a plane wavefront is incident on it, consists or dividing the wavcfront into half period zones. The area of each Fresnel half-period zone is nurl y equal to TC bh
The resultant amplitude due to nth zone at any axial point is given by
An an = Constant x - (1 + cos 9) b n
2 x
times the value which would be oblaincd if all h e wavcfronls within Lhe halr-period element had the same phase.
The phase of the resultant vector of the first hall. period zone is of light from the centre of the zone.
A zone plate is an optical device in which allcmale half-pcriod xorics arc blackened. In Fresnel diffraction pattern due to a circular apcrturc thc inlcnsity at an axial point goes through a series of maxima and minima as wc vary lhc dislmcc of Ihc point of observation. The diffraction pattern of a straight edge consisis or allcrnalc bright and dark bands. The spacing between minima (or maxima) dccrcascs as wc move away from thc edge of the shadow:
Starting from Eq.(8.4) prove the result conttlincd in Eq. (8.5). Assunic that thc obliquily factor is such that each term in Eq. (8.4) is less than Ihc arithmclic mcm of its preceding and succeeding terms. The,eighth boundary of a zone plate has n diamctor OF brim. ~ / ~ cisrits principal focal c point located for light of wavelength 5000 A?
3. How many Fresnel zones will be obstructed by a sphcrc of radius 1 mm if the screen is 20 cm away? Take h = 5000 A. If the distance of the screen is increased Io 200 cm, what will be the size of the sphere which will cut of[ 10 zoncs?
n =
= 50
Thc cenwal spot is cxpcctcd to bc somcwhat brighter. Does it not appear to contradict the inverse squarc law?
Fig. 8.20: A cross-sectional view of thc arrangement for producing dlKractlon due to a narrow obstacle
2. Rcfcr to Fig. 8.20 A point P I outside the gcomelrical shadow is similar to such a point in the slriight cdge. So wc will havc unequally spaced bright and dark fringes parallel to the wirc on cach sidc or thc shadow. What is the intensity at Q inside the shadow? It is simply half ff~c cll'cct of Lhc first half period strip on either side of the thin wire. It will show equally spaccd fringes inside thc shadow.
a(&) = 5 2
(? -
2)+ (T
- a,,
less than hc arilhrnctic man of its prcccding and succeediig terms i.e., an < (an-, q +,). + Thcn the quantities in Lhc parcnlhcses in (i) will be positive. So when n is odd, the minimum valuc of thc arnplitudc produccd by consecutive zones is given by
a. as (8.4)
(ii) Following ffic argurncnt uscd in obtaining the lower limit on the amplitude, we find that lhe upper limit is
Since the amplitudcs for any lwo adjacent zones are nearly equal, we can take an Within this approximation
- , s an.
The results contained in (ii) and (iv) suggest that when n is odd, the resultant amplitude at Po is given by
Following h e same rncthod, you can readily show that if n were even
(b) In this part we have to calculate r,, for given values of n = 10, b = 200 cm and h. = 5 x W5cm:
Introduction Objectives Diffraction from a Single Slit: Point Source Observed Pattern
Calculation of Intensity Distribution
In the previous unit you studied Fresnel diffraction and learnt that the diffraction pattem depends on the distance between aperture and screen as well as the source. As the observation screen is moved away from the aperture, the diffraction pattern passes from the forms predicted in turn by geometrical optics, Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction. When a plane wavefront is incident at the diffracting aperture, the transition from Fresnel to Fraunhofer pattern is determined by the ratio of the size of the diffracting obstacle to its distance from the source and/or the observation screen. You will now learn about Fraunhofer diffraction in detail.
In Sec. 9.2 we have dcscribcd the experimental arrangement and salient features of the observed Fraunhofer diffraction pattern from a single slit illuminated by a point source. This is followed by a simple theoretical analysis of observed results. When we deal with plane wavefronts, you will find that theoretical analysis is fairly simple. In Sec. 9.3 we have described Fraunhofer diffraction by a circular aperture because of its importance for . optical devices. You will learn that the diffraction pattern consists of a central bright disc (called Airy disc) surrounded by concentric dark and bright rings. As a corollary, you will see that a random array of small and nearly circular obstacles gives overlapping diffraction patterns called halos. You may have observed brilliant halos while driving a car whose fogged window is illuminated by a motorcycle at the back. We shall discuss the physical basis for diffraction halos at the end of this unit
After going through pis unit you will be able to
c c
describe experimental arrangement for observing Fraunhofer diffraction pattern from a narrow vertical slit and a circular aperture explain observed irradiance on the basis of simple theoretical analysis solve numerical problcms, and . explain formation of diffraction halos.
source of tight and the observation screen at infinite distance from the diffracung aperture? This definitely is not practical because (i) the intensity of diffracted light reaching the obscrvation screen would be reduced infinitesimally (inverse square law) and (ii) we will require infinitely big laboratory rooms. Do these limitations suggcst that we cannot observe Fraunhofer diffractibn? These difficulties arc readily overcome by using converging lenses in an actual'experiment
Fraunhofer Diffraction
Thc cxpcrimcntal arrangement for producing Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is shown in Fig. 9.1. A monochromatic point sourcc(S) of light is placed in thc focal plane of a converging lcns L,, so that a plane wave is incident on a long narrow slit. Another convergent lens L, is placed on thc othcr side of the slit. The observation screen is placed at thc sccond focal point of this lens. Then light focusscd at any point on the observation screcn is duc to parallel diffracted wavelets emanating from different portions of h e ;lit. You must note that the observation screen and diffraction screen arc kept parallel. Moreover, both the screens are perpendicular to the common axis of L, and L .The slit is , so adjuslcd that the cornmon axis of thcse lenses is perpendicular t the length of the slit o and passes through the middle of h e slit, both in height and width.
In a physics laboratory this arrangement is easily achieved by using an ordinary
spectrometer. We hope hat you got an opportunity to work with a Spectrometer in your second lcvcl laboratory cowse. To observe the diffraction f o a point source, thc slit of the rm collimator should be replaced by a finc pinhole, which should be m f u l l y positioned 1the focal point ol the collimator lens. Thc observation screen can be placed at the back focal plane
of the tclescopc. Alternatively, wc may observe the back focal plane of lens with an eyepiece. The dificting screen with slit ape-, is placed between the two lenses suitably on the turn table.
ii) The horizontal pattern is a series of bright spots. The spot at the central point Po, which lies at the intersection of the axis of L1 and Iq with the observation screen, is the brightest. On either side of this spot, we observe a few more bright spots symmctrically situated with respect to PO.
iii) The intensity of the central spot is maximum and its peak is locatcd at Po. The pcak intensities of other spots, on either side of thc ccnlral spot, dccrwsc rapidly as we move away from Po. The central maximum is called principal maxima and other maxima as secondary maxima.
The widh of a is s ~ c i t i e d h c distance between two consccuiive minima.
iv) The width of the cenml spot is twice thc width of olhcr spots. v) A careful examination of the diffraction pattern shows that ~ h central pcak is c symmetrical. But on either side of the central maximum, secondary maxima are asymmetrical. In fact, the positions of the maxima arc slightly shirtcd towards the observation point Po. Let us now lcarn the theoretical basis of thcse result?.
We take the plane of h e paper as horimnta'. The planeOf the paperis defincd by the diffraclionstreak and the axis of the lens 4.
Refer to Fig. 9.3a which shows the geomehy for the imdiance at point Pe (on the distant screen) which makes an angle 0 with the axis. In order to sum up the contributions of different wavelets at Pe, must know their amplitudes and phases. The amplitudes of the we disturbances from A. A,, A2, .:. will be very nearly equal. Do you know why? This is because the distance of point P, from the diffracting s c w n is very large compared to the width (b) of the aperture. Now let us consider the phases of the disturbances reaching the point P. You will agree ,
that the points A, A,, A,, A, ... B within thc aperture form a scries of coherent sources since they havc originated from Lhe same point source. Also points A, A,, A,, ...,B are in the same phase since Lhcy lie on he same plane wavefront. The phase difference between different diffracted rays reaching h e point. P, arises due to the difference in path lengths o travcllcd by Lhcm to reach P,. To know the phase difference, we draw a plane normal t thc parallel diffractcd rays. Thc mace of this plane in the planc of the paper is AD (Fig. 9.3a). Though Lhc disturbances are in phase at points A, A,, A,, ...,B when they stut, they reach thc trace AD in diffcrent phases because of the unequal path lengths travelled by
Fraunhofer Dlffraclion
le Fig.9.3: (a) Cross-sectional vlcw or thc geomctry for s l ~ ~ gslit diffrnctiun (b) l t a c c or optical paths bctwcen sllt and scrccn
ihcm. Thc optical paths of diffracted wavcs from the plane A D to the focal point P , are cqual. This is bccause in a welt corrected converging lcns L c optical paths of all rays h bclwccn any plane intcrsccting ~ h parallcl bcam of light pcrpcndicularly and thc poirit c whcrc rays convcrge aftcr traversing thc Icns, arc cqual. That is, optical paths Ap, Po and Dp2 P, arc cqual, its may be seen from Fig. 9.3(b). Therclorc, lhc wavclcts arrive at Po wilh ttc same rclativc phnsc diffcrcncc as the ones existing at thc Lrace A D . Lct us considcr thc apcrture AB to bc dividcd into n cqual puts so that A d , = A,A, = A d , = bln = A. 11 rncms that wc havc a scrics of p i n 1 sources from A to 3. Actually, lhc apcrlure contliiris a continuous distribution of points from A to B , and lhcrcforc in thc limiting casc, nb-+ and A -+0 s ~ ~ Lhal nA -+ b. Consider Lhc two rays stiirting from two ch ncighbouring points A and A,. l'hc path diffcrcncc bctwccn thcm is AA, sine, where 8 is he anglc bctwccn the diffractcd rays and the normal lo the slit. Hcncc the corresponding phase dirfcrencc is givcn by
$ t
- (AA,
sin 0) =
LcL thc ficld a1 P, duc lo thc disturbancc originating from A bc a, cos of. ,Then, thc ficld duc L thc disturbance from A, is a,, cos (w1 - Q, ). Hcrc wc havc assumd thal the o amplitudcs or disturbances from diffcrcnt poinls arc cqual. The ficld duc to disturbanccs from succcssivc poin~c A,, ....,B arc a, cos (or - 2@ a, cos (or - 3$ ), ..., A,, ), a,, cos ( f- n@ ), rcspcctivcly. Thc magniludc of resullant ficld at P, is cqual to thc sum o of thcsc disturbanccs. Hcncc wc can write
E = a,, cos o + uocos (wl - Q, ) + a,, cos (w - 24, ) + ...+ u, cos (ot --n$ ) r
Unii 2 of PHE-02 course on Oscillations and Wavcs, wc sunimcd up tllis scrics (Eq. (2.38)). Wc will just quote lhc rcsul~ hcrc:
a, sin (4I/2)
so [hat 0 =
Subslitutc this rcsult in Eq. (9.3). On simplification you will find that sin
El &2 !& !
(n brine)
You will notc that for a givcn wavclcnglh, P signirics half or lhc phasc difference betwccn disturbanccs originating from thc exwcmc points A and B. Thc cxprcssion for resultant ficld at P, wkcs thc form
E = A
cos (,I
- ) = 4 cos (a , -
Let us pausc for a whilc and pondcr a to what wc havc achieved. This result suggests that s thc intcnsily is maximum at 8 = 0. This rcadily follows by noting that when we suhslitulc 8 = 0 wc have holh P and sinp equal to zcro but
This rcsult is cxpcclcd on gcomcWical considerations. In h c limil or a dishnt screen, thc central point bccomcs cquidis~nt from cach point on thc slit. All diffrdctcd wavcs arrive in phasc at Po and intcrfcrc cons~ruclivcly. is thcn thc valuc of thc maximum intcnsily A2 a1 thc ccnlrc or thc paucrn. This niaximum is also lcrmcd principal maximum.
For brcvity wc writc I,=, = A2 = lo. Thcn inlcnsily ar any poinl at an anglc 9 with the horizoourl axis is givcn by
le = I(,
A very clcar idca of thc singlc slil pattcm a n be ohaincd from the following simplc qualitalivc argument. The path diifcrcncc bctween waves difiractcd by extrcmc points in Ihc slit is BD = b sin 9 (see fig. bclow). Suppose h a t lighl is focussed at some point Po If BD is an intcpral multinlc of A, we will show that hc"resultant'intcnsiti at Po will be zero. For = angle e salisfics the muation b sine = h, w e divide the slit into two qua1 halvcs AM
= rnn
m = 4 l , k 2 , % 3,
Nolc Lhal h e valuc m = 0 is excludcd bccausc it corrcsponds lo Lhc principal maximum (for p = 0). Substituting the valuc OK from Eq. (9.8) in Eq. (9.5) we find that Lhc condition for minima can also be cxpkesscd as b sin 8 =
+ h, + 21. 2 3h...
rtl =
= nth,
+ I , f 2, k 3,...
That is, C) dcpends on thc wavclcngth of liglit and thc slit width. For a givcn slit width, the sprcad in diffraction paucrn dcpcnds dircctly on h c wavclcngb. Accordingly you should cxpcct that rcd light will bc diffraclcd Lhrough a largcr an:!lc than thc bluc 01. violct liglit. You irlay now like lo know: Whal will happcn whcn whitc light illuminatcs a singlc slit? Wc cxpcct that cach wavelength will bc diffrdctcd indcpcntlcntly. This givcs risc to a whitc ccnual spot surrounded by colourcd fringcs. Thc outcr part o this patlcrn would T lcnd L be reddish. You can easily observe this diffraction paticrn by looking through lhc o tincs of' a dinner fork at a candlc in a dimly illuminatcd room. On twisling lhc fork about its handle, you will obscrve thc diffraction pattcm as soon as thc cross-sectional area bccomcs small cnough. Thc cxprcssion I , = lo givcs thc diffraction intnsity in diffcrcnt directions. In
pint sources M. 7hc diircrcncc hc~wccn them is AM sin0 (bp)sin9 = U2. Ihc corresponding phase dificrcncc will hc x. I'hereiorc the two wavcs on supcrposilion Icctd lo 7 ~ r intensity HI P,, o Similarly, iora poi111A ,, jusl below A , thcrc will bc a &rrcspdnding point hf, hiow such hat dificrcncc betwccn disturbances gcncrated by them is agnin hr2. On suprposition this pair nlso leads lo 7,cro intcnsity a1 P" Wc can thus pair off all thc points in 111e uppcr half (AM) will1 corresponding points in the lowcr helf (MO) and Illc dismrbanccs due IQ upper half of thc slit will bc cancctlcd by dislc~rbiurccs to the lowcr half. So duc the rcsultanl intcnsily at Po will bc mro. This cxplaios why we gct a minimum intensity ut Po whcn thc path diiicrcnce ktwcen thc rays from extremes is cqual to a.
ordcr t dctcrmine thc directions (and positions) of secondary maxima, wc diffccrcnriatc o this equation with rcspect to p and equatc k e result to xcro. This givcs
Lct us now considcr rhc carc rn = 2 so &at thc p t h diffcrcncc b sine betwccn thc cxtrcmc rays is qua1 to We can now irnaginc that h e lit is dividcd into four cqunl parts. Wc can, by similar pairing, show that the first and second quancrs havc a path difference of hR and cnnccI each other. Third and f o u h quancrs canccl cach othcr by h e samc atxumcnt so hat the rcsrllmt inlcnsilyin the focal plane a1 Po is again zero. Form = 3 thc path differcncc between the two cxtrcmc rays is b sin0 = 3h. In this case, thc slit should be divided into six equal parts to show similar pairing and cancellation and lhcn By leading to 7cro inlensi~y. this simple qualita~ive argument, wc have shown hat whcn h e path diffcrcncc between h e extreme parallel diffracled rays in a particular direction is an inlegral multiple of h , thc resultan1 difiradcd intensity in that direction is
T m C .
so that
P (P - tan p)
p = 0 anci p - tan P = 0. Thc condition sin /3 = 0 implics that P = -t mn, whcre m is any intcgcr. This is a Lrivial
From this wc get the conditions sin condition as it signifies minima and is of no intcrcst. Thc condition P = tan P therefore givcs the positions of secondary maxima. This is a transcendcnlal equation. Thc rooE of this cquation can b found by a graphical method. c All you havc to do is to rccall that an angle equals its tangent at intersections of the slraigh~ line
and thc curve
Plots of these curves arc also shown in Fig. 9.4. The points of intersection excluding P = 0 (which corresponds to principal maximum) occur at P = 1.43~. 2.461~.3 . 4 7 ~ and give ctc. the position of the first, second, third maxima on either side of the central maximum. You should note that thcse maxima do not fall midway between two minima. For instance, the rist maximum occurs at 1 . 4 3 ~ rather than 1.5h. Similarly the second maximum occurs at 2.46~ rathcr 2.5h and so on. This means that the intensity curves are asymmetrical. The plot clcarly shows that the positions of maxima are slightly shifted towards the cenue of the pattern. You may recall that this asymmetry is observed experimentally as well.
Fig. 9.4: Amplitude and intensity contours for Fraunhofer diffraction of a slngle slit showing positions of maxlma and minima
Let us now calculate the intensities at these positions of maxima. The intensity of fust secondary maximum is given by sin 1.43 x ( - 1 - J
= 0.04%
= p is a s~taighllinc passing through ~ h origin. y = lan p is c rcprcsen~ed a family o f cuwcs by having for asympto~es
This means that the intensity of the first secondary peak (nearest to the central peak) is about 4.%% of the central peak. Similarly, you can calculate and convince yourself that the intensities of the second and third secondary maxima are about 1.68% and 0.83% of the cenbat maximum. We call these maxima as secondary maxima. The intensities of the secondary maxima can be calculated to a fairly close approximation n 2x 2x 3x by finding the values of P at halfway positions i.e. at P =2 2 ' 4 4 4 3n 4rr,... etc.The intensitiesatthesepositionsare-* - Or 2 gK2* 2 . ~ ~ 49$ 2 I - I I , ... of the central maximum which are very close to the above 22.1 ' 61.7 ' 121 calculated values. We thus see that most of the light is concentrated in the central maximum.
p = -n , 2
x *3T , 5n *-,... 2
Another important characteristic of the principal maximum is that its width is double of the width of secondary maximum. We have left its mathematical proof as an exercise for you. Before you proceed, you should solve SAQ 1.
Spend 5 min
Show that the principal maximum is twice as wide as the secondary maxima. To give you a feel for numerical values and fix the ideas developed in this section, we now give a few solved examples. You should go through these carefully.
Example 1
In the experimental set up used to observe Fraunhofer diffraction of a vertical slit (width 0.3mm), the focal length of lens L, is 30 cm. Calculate (a) the diffraction angles and positions of the first, second and third minima, and (b) the positions of the first, second and third maxima on either side of the central spot. The slit is illuminated with yellow sodium light which is a doublct. You may take h = 6000 A.
Praunhofer Diffraction
You have seen that the conditions for minima are given by b sin 0 = rnh ; rn =
+ 1, + 2,
and the distance Po P, is f 8, where f is the focal length. Therefore,the diffraction angles h h a e l , 8,, 8, for the first, second and third minima are - 2-, and 3 - , respectively.. b' b b On substituting the numerical values of h and b we find that
8 = 28, = 4 x ,
rad rad
= 301=6 x
The distances d l , d2, 4 of these minima from the central spot are dl = f 8, = (30 cm) x 2 x
= 6 x 10-2~m =O.Mcm
d, = 2f 8, = 2 x 0.06 cm = 0.12 cm
You will note that these minima are separated by a distance of 0.06 cm on the focal plane of the lens. We know that the first three secondary maxima occur at P = 1.431c, 2.46~ and 3.47~c, respectively. The corresponding dillaction angles in radians for these lhree maxima are
h = 3.47 b
= (1.43) (2 x
=2.46 (2 x
= (3.47) (2 x 10")
and the corresponding distances from the ccnwal point (Po) are dl = f (0,)= (30 cm) x 1.43 x 2 x 10 -3 = 0.086 crn
d, = f(O&,, = (30 cm) x 2.46 x 2 x 10" = 0.16 cm d3 = f (8,)Example 2 In the abovc experirnenl, we change slit widths to 0.2mm, O.lmm, and 0.06mm. Calculate the positions of the first and second minima. Solution For slit width b = 0.2 mrn, we have
= (30 cm) x 3.47 x 2 x 10" = 0,21 cm
These minima are separated by 0.09 cm. Rccall that he corresponding value for a slit of width 0,03 crn was 0.06 cm.This mems that for a given wavclenglh, thc spread of secondary maximum increases as slit width decreases. This conclusion is brought out in the following calculalions as well.
d, = 2 x 0.18 cm = 0.36 cm
Wc thus find that for slits of widths 0.3mm, 0.2rnm, O.lrnm, and O.Mrnm, the first minimum on either sidc of the principal maximum occurs at distances of 0.06 crn, 0.09 cm, 0.18 cm, 0.3 cm. In these four cases, the corresponding principal maximum extends over 0.12 crn, 0.18 cm, 0.36 crn and 0.6 cm. This shows that as the slit becomes narrower, the spread of central maximum increases. Conversely, the wider the slit, the narrower is the central diffraction maximum. We now considcr an inlcresting case whcre width of the slit is varied in comparison to the wavelength of light.
Example 3
Consider a slit of widh b = 10h , 5h and h . Calculate the spread of the central maximum.
From Eq. (9.9), we note that for a slit of width b = 10h , the first minimum is located at 10h sine= h or sin 8 = 0.10 and
That is, as the aperture of lhc slil changes from 10h to 5h , the diffraction pattern sprcads out about twice as far. For b = h , sin 8 = 1 or 8 = 90"
Fig. Q.5: Single-slit diffraction irradiancm a the slit s width varlcs
The rirst minimum falls at 90". That is, h e central maximum spreads out and the dirfracdon pallern shows no ripple. These features are shown in Fig. 9.5. You may now like to answer an SAQ.
Spend 5 min.
1% illumi~rate slit of Example 1 with violet light of wavelength 4358 A.from a thc mercury lamp, Show hat the diffraction pattern shrinks correspondingly.
Slit Source
The experimental arrangement shown in Fig. 9.1 is modified as shown in Fig. 9.7 so 'that instead of the point source of light we have a slit source of light (Fig. 9.7(a\\.
Irlg.9.6: Diffroctlon h m a rectangular aperture. Both dlmcnslons of the rectangular aperture are s a l and a twoml dlmenslonal dlffradon pattern is d lscernibleon the screcntThelower part shows dlffhttloa pattern of a single square aperture
I;ig.9.7: (a) Experimental arrangement for diffraction from a vertlcal narrow single silt Ulurninatcd by a slit source (b) Expcrimcnhl arrangement In a physics laboratory.
As a mattcr of fact, thc experimental arrangement, which is commonly employed in most experiments, uses a spectrometer (Fig. 9.7(b)). The slit of the collimator arm is illuminated so that each point of the slit source acts as an independent source. You know that a point source gives a horizontal streak of light as the diffraction pattern of a vertical slit. Now whcn wc use a slit a s a source, we can imagine a series of point sources 0,, O,, etc. U2. one above the other to form the slit source (Fig. 9.7(a)). Each point source will give its own diffraction pattcrn since each point is to be regardcd as an independent point source. With the same diffracting slit and the same I~itses and 4,the central dffraction L, maximum due t all point sources will lie above one another and give a central bright o vertical fringe. Similarly from secondary maxin~a minima points, we will obtain a and series of vertical fringes, which will be situated at equal intervals on either side of the central fringe. The resulting pattern arises by superposition of a serics of horiwnlal diffraction streaks sucked on each other in a vertical direction. Thc intensity along any horizontal line wiIl be the same as in Fig.9.2. This is because Cach point of the slit source acts as an independent and effectively as a non-coherent source.
You will observe that clear fringes are obtained only when thc width of the source slit is small. Suppose that thc width of the source slit is gradually increased. This will lead to an increase in the width of its image on the observation screen. A stage will come when the width of its image, becomes comparable with the distances between successive vertical fringes. This will gradually make the vertical fringes less clear and indistinct. For a similar reason, we obtain clear fringes only when the source slit is parallel to the diffraction slit.
Fig.9.8: (a) Expcrimcntal arrangcmcnt for observing the Fraunhofcr diffraction pattern by a circular aperture. (b) Thc Airy pattern of threc stars; the circlc of light a t the lcft of the figure corresponds to zeroth ordcr (c) The corresponding intensity distribution.
thc aperture is placcd close to it. The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is observed on the back focal planc of thc lens. Because of the rotational symmetry of the system, we expect that the diffraction pattern will consist of concentric dark and bright rings known as Airy pattcrn. Fig. 9.8 (b) shows the Airy pattern of three stars. Thc dctailed derivation of the diffraction pattern for a circular aperture involves complicated mathematics. So we just quote thc final result for the intensity distribution:
Here D is the diameter of thc aperture, h is thc wavelength of light and 0 is the angle of diffraction, lois the intensity at 9 = 0 (which rcprcscnts the central maximum) and Jy(y ) is he Bessel function of thc first ordcr. (We know that you arc: not very familiar with Bessel functions.) Wc may just mention that thc variation of J, (y ) is somewhat like a damped sine curve. Moreover, the intensity is maximum at the centre of the pattern sincc
Other zeros of J , (y ) occur at y = 3.832,5.136, 7.016, which correspond to the successive dark circles in the Airy pattern. Thus the first dark ring appears when
Let us compare this result with the analogous equation for the narrow slit. We find that the angular half-width of the central disc, i.e. the angle between the central maximum and the fist minimum of the circular aperture, differs from that for the slit pattern through the weird number 1.22. The intensity distribution of Eq.(9.11) is plotted in Fig. 9.8(c). The pattern is similar to that for a slit, except that the pattern for circular aperture now has rotational symmetty about h e optical axis. The central maximum is consequently a circular disc of light, which may be regarded as the diffracted "image" of the point source by h e circular aperture. It is called the Airy disc. It is surrounded by a series of alternate dark and bright Fringes of decreasing intensity. However, the pattern is not sharply defined.
If you consider any section through the circular aperture intensity distribution is very much the same as obtained from a point source with a single slit Indeed, the circular aperture pattern will be obtained if you rotate the single slit pattern about an axis in the direction of the light and passing through the central point of the principal maximum. We now give an example to enable you to have a feel for h e numerical values. Example 4 Plane waves from a helium-neon laser wih wavelength 6300 A are incident on a circular aperture of diameter 0.5 mm. What is h e angular location of the first minimum in the diffraction pauern? Also calculate the diameter of Airy disc on a screen 10m behind h e aperture. Solution We know from Eq. (9.13) that
D sin 0 = 1.22h
On substituting the given values, we get (0.5
x 630 x 10-9m
sin 9 =
On a screen placed 10m away, the linear location of the first minimum is
This value of x signifies the radius of the Airy disc so that the diamctcr is about 3 cm. You can observe a white light circular diffraction pattcm by making a small pinholc in a sheet of aluminum foil. Then look through it at a dislant light bulb or a candlc standing in a poorly illuminated (dark) room. Imagine that a random array of small circular apcnurcs is illuminated by planc wavcs from a white point source. Wc know that each aperlurc will gcneratc an Airy type diffraction pattern. If the aperturcs arc small and closc togclhcr, thc dirfraction paucrns arc largc and overlap. The overlapping diffraction patterns producc o rcadily visiblc halo, namely, a central white disc surrounded by circular coloured rings. Which colour do you expcct to be at the outermost rim? Should it not bc rcd? Similar halos arc also obscrvcd when thc diffraction is due to a random array of circular obslaclcs. Suspended water (n = 1.33) droplcls in air (n = 1.00) givc risc to dilTraction halos: Whcn observed through a light cloud cover around h c sun or moon, thcsc dirrraclion halos arc rererred to as coronas. Wc can distinguish bctwccn diffraction halos and icc cryslal halos. Icc cryslal halos are due to rcrraction and dispcrsion by thc icc crystals; they havc rcd on thc insidc of the rings. Whilc driving a car at night, you may have sccn brilliant halta through fogged up car windows on which light of a molorcycle following you is incidcnL Thcsc arc dilliaclion halos. You can mrily produce such halos by breathing on the sidc of a clcar glass and hcn looking through h e fogged area at a small source (c.g., match, penlight, or dishnt bulb).
To observe Fraunhofer diffkaction pattern, the distance of the diffracting screen from the source and obseriration screen should be alomost infinite. Experimentally this condition is achieved by using convergent lenses. The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a slit formed by a point source consists of a horizontal streak of light. This horizontal diffraction panern may be regarded as a spread out image of the point s o m e and consists of a series of diffraction spots symmetrically situated with respect to central point. The central spot has a maximum intensity and its width is twice compared to other spors which are of equal width. Their intensities decrease rapidly. In fact, most of the light is concentrated in the central maximum. The plane wavefront incident on the slit gives rise to a system of vertical plane diffracted wavefronts which originate from each point of the diffracting aperture. The intensity at any point Pe on the screen is computed by taking the phase difference between the successive diffracted waves into account. The intensity at a point Pe is given by
If the path difference b sine between waves diffracted by extreme ends of the slit is an integral multiple of li, we obtain zero intensity. The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a slit (as aperture) formed by a slit source of light consists of a series of vertical fringes. In this pattern, the central vertical fringe is the brightcst and thc intensity of other fringes decreases rapidly. The width or central fringe is doublc of that for other fringes. The diffraction pallern of a circular aperture consists of concentric rings with a central bright disc. Thc first dark ring appears when sin 0 = 1.22 7L ID.
- -
1. A singlc slit has a width of 0.03 mm. A parallcl beam of light of wavelength 5500 A, is incident normally on it. A lens is mounted behind the slit and focussed on a screcn located in its focal planc, 100 cm away. Calculate the distance of the third minimum h from L c centre of the diffraction paltcm of the slit.
A helium-ncon lascr emit.? a diffraction-limited beam (li = 6300 A) of diametcr 2 mm. What disunctcr of light patch would the beam produce on the surface of the nioon at a distance of 376 x 103kmfrom thc earlh? You may neglect scattering in earth's a trnosphcrc.
For small 8, wc have sin 8 = 8 and wc find that principal maximum is spread from
lo = -- ' b
Similarly, you can show hat the first sccondary maximum on thc positive side cxtcnds h 2h h 2h [ram 0 = - to 0 =- and on thc negative sidc Iiom 0 = - - lo I = -b b b b Thus we sce that the central maximum is twice as wide as a sccondary maxima.
2. Wc know that
b sin 8, = h
sine, = 1.45 x In the small anglc approximation we can take 8, = 1.45 x and rad
= 5.5 cm
Suppsc that the light patch on the Moon is taken to bc Airy disc oldiamelerx of a dilrraclion limitcd beam of inilial diameter 2 mm. Then using Eq. (9.13) we can write sine =
1 22 h
In the small angle approximation, sine E 0 = 384.3 x lo4 rad. Sincex = 21.8, we find on substituting the numerical values that
x = 2
= 289 km
10.6 Summary
You have learnt about Fraunhofer diffraction produced by a sinale slit aperture. When a n'vrow vertical slit is illuminated by a distant point source, the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern consists of a series of spots situated symmetrically about a central spot, along a horizontal line. The intensity of the central spot is maximum and it decreases rapidly as we move away from the central spot. For a circular aperture, the diffraction pattern consists of concentric rings with a bright central disc. You might have learnt in your school physics that diffraction phenomenon limit the ability of optical devices to form sharp and distinct image? of distinct objects. This restriction at one time hampered the spectroscopic work particularly for substances whose spectrum consisted of doublets. The problem could be overcome by increasing the number of diffracting slits, that is, by using a diffraction grating. In Sec. 10.2 we have listed qualitative features of the observed double slit diffraction pattern and compared these with those ~f a single slit pattern. For this we will consider the source of light as a slit. A distinct feature of double slit pattern is that it consists of bright and dark fringes similar to those observed in interference experiments. In Sec. 10.3 we have derived the equation for the resultant intensity distribution. This mathematical analysis is extension of what you have already learnt for single slit. You will learn that the intensity of the central maximum is four times the intensity due to eithcr slit at that point. However, the interference maxima are diffused (broader). These results are generalised for the case of N equally spaced, identical slits in Sec. 10.4. You will observe that as the number of slits increases, interference maxima get narrower (sharper). For sufficiently large value of N, interference maxima become narrow lines. For his reason, diffraction gratings are an excellent tool in spectral analysis. The occurrence of diffraction grating effects in nature is surprisingly common. Do you know that the green on the neck of a male mallard duck, blue appearance of wings of Morpho butterflies and the beautiful colours of the 'eye' pf the peacock's feathers are also due to diffraction grating effects? The layered structure in cat's retina acts as reflytion grating and is responsible for meltalic green reflection at night.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
Diffraction Cratlng
state salient features of the double slit diffraction pattern qualitatively compare double slit and single-slit diffraction patterns compare the double and N-slit patterns derive equation for the intensity distribution for the double slit pattern extend the double-slit calculation for N equally spaced slits describe the use of a difhaction grating in specual analysis, and solve numerical examples.
e e e
Source Slit
Observation Screen
Fig.lO.1: Experlmcntnl arrangement for observing diKkactlon from two identical vertical $Its
Therefore, the distance between two similar points in these apertures d = b .c a. Have you noticed that diffracting apertures are illuminated by a slit source rather than a point source of light? We have used this arrangement because this corresponds more nearly to the actual conditions under which an experiment is performed. That is, the diffraction pattern
-- -----..--_ __--------* P o
S o m e Slit
plg.lO.Z:'Ray geometry of cxperimenlnl arrangement shown fn Flg. 10.1
Observation Screen
from a slit source is of greater practical importance than from a point source. The ray geometry of Fig. 10.1 for observing Fraunhofer diffraction from a double slit illuminated by a slit source is shown in Fig. 10.2. The length of the source slit in the arrangement should be adjusted to be parallel to the lengths of the diffracting slits. Suppose we block one of the diffracting slits, say slit 1, shown in Fig. 10.1 and observe the diffraction pattern on the screen. Obviously, you should expect the single slit diffraction pattern (due to slit number 2 which has not been blocked). Next, uncover slit 1 and block the other. You should again expect single slit diffraction pattern with exactly the same intensity dislribution. But what may surprise you at the fmt glance is that both diffraction patterns ape not only identical, they are located at the same position. Were you not expecting these diffraction patterns to be laterally displaced? These patterns are not laterally shifted with respect to one another because of the (well corrected) lens 4.This is true even for N identical venical slits. The diffractedwavefronts originating from any slit and travelling along the axis of lens L, are focussed at Po,which forms the peak of the central spot. The diffracted wavelets originating from either slit and moving at an angle 8 are focussed at Po.
In a well comded lens mnsider parallel beams of light travelling in a direction inclined to the axis and falling on different pans of ihe lens. They ate all brought to focus on the back focal plane at a point which is located by the beam passing through the optical centre of the lens.
Now uncover both the slits so that each slit gives its own diffraction pattern. The salient features of the resultant diffraction pattern, shown in Fig. 10.3, are summarised below: (i) The doublc slit diffraction pattern consists of a number of equally spaced fringes similar to what is observed in interference experiments.
(ii) The intensities of all hinges are not equal. The fringes are the brightest in the central part of the pattern.
(iii) As we movc away on either side of the cenaal fringe, the intensity gradually falls off to zero. (iv) The fringes reappear with reduced intensity Uuee or four times and become too faint to be observable thereafter. (v) Thc inlensity at the maximum of double slit pattern is greater than the intensity of principal maximum in single slit pattern. (vi) The single-slit diffraction pattern acts as an envelope to the double slit pattern. What is responsible for this pattern? How bright are double slit fringes compared to those in the single slit pattern? You will discover answers to these and other related questions in the following section.
slit source. For deriving the equation for intensity of double slit pattern, we extend the procedure used for the single slit (Unit 9). Slit 1 acts as a source of diffracted phne wavefronts originating from points A,, A,, A,, ... in it. We represent these by a, cos wt, a, cos (01- 4 ), a. cos (01,-.24 ), ..., where $ is thc constant phase difference. The magnitude of field E, produced by this slit at the point P, is given by (Eq. 9.6):
Dlffradlon Grating
El = . 4
(y )
cos (01 - 8)
n b sine where p = 2.
For every point like A, in slit 1, we have a corresponding point B , in slit 2 at a distance d. The phase difference between diffracted wavehonts reaching P, from A, and B , is given by
2t 7 2~ 6 = - (a + b) sin 9 = - d sin 8 2. h
Therefore, the diffracted plane wavefronts starting from points B,, B,, B,, ... may be represented as a. cos (at - 6), a, cos (wt 6 - $), uo cos (01 - 6 - 2 $),... And the field E, produced by slit 2 at Pe is given by
E2 = A
E @
Since h e sources A,, A,, A,, .... and B , , B,, B,, ... are coherent, the magnitude of resultant field at P, due to the double-slit is obmiried by thc superposition of magnitudcs of individual fields:
cos [(at -
- ,I
= A
Using the trigonomerric identity cos A + cos B = 2 cos rewrite the above expression as
- cos B,
(1 7,
we can
E = 24
cos [(s P)
- -
= 24
6 rc where y = - = - d sin 8.
2 1
cos , (
] (t) :
For 8 = 0,both
_, = 41, = 4A
The expression for intensity of double slit diffraction pattern can be written as
Since the maximum value of I, is 410, we see that the double slit provides four times as. much intensity in the central maximum as the single slit. This is exactly what you should have expected since the incident beams are in phase and amplitudes superpose. If you'~losely examine Eq(10.6) you will recognise that the term (sin2 P)/P2 represents the diffraction pattern produced by a single slit of width b. The cos2 y term represents the interference pattern produced by two diffracted beams (of equal intensity) having phase
difference 6. That is, the intensity of double slit diffraction pattern is product of the irradianccs observed for the double-slit interference and single slit diffraction. For a > 6, the cos2 y factor will vary more rapidly than the (sin2 P)/PZfactor. Then we obtain Young's interference pattern for slits of very small widths. In general, the product of sine and cosine factors may be considered as a modulation of the interference pattern by a single slit diffraction envelope. We shall discuss it in detail a little later. Before we investigate the positions of maxima and minima, let us understand the phisical phenomenon that takes place. Diffracted light emerging from these two slits constitutes two coherent beams. These interfere leading to the formation of fringes on the screen. But the intensity of a fringe depends upon the intensities of interfering beams and the phase difference between them when they reach the point under observation. We know that the intensitics of diffracted beams are controlled by the diffraction conditions and the direction of observation. Consequently, the intensities of interference fringes are not the same at different points of the screen. In particular, in those directions in which the intensities of diffracted beams are large, the constructive interference will lead to brighter fringes whereas in directions whtre the two diffracted beams themselves have lower intensities, even thcir conslructivc interference will lead to faint fringes. You should nolc that we havc described the phenomenon as interference between two diffracted beams. How do we distinguish between the two words interference and diffraction which we have used? When secondary wavelets originating from different parts of thc same wavcrront arc made to superimpose, we call it diffraction. Such a case arises whcn we considcr all thc wavelets arising from the various points situated in the aperture between thc LWO jaws of a slit. But when two separate beams coming from two different slits arc superimposed, we call it interference. It should be clear that in all cases where we apply thc principle of superposition, h e wavelets have to be coherent in nature to produce an observable paucrn. Bcfore you proceed, you may like to answer an SAQ.
SAQ 1 If inslead of a monochromatic source of wavelength, we use a source emitting two wavelenlhs, h, and & (< h,), how will the double slit diffraction pattern get influenced?
We note that the intensity I, will be zero when either (sin(3/ P)2 or cosZ is zero. From Unit 9 you will recall that the diffraction factor (sinp / P)2 will be zero for
..., mh
(07 1.)
This equalion specifies the directions along which the available intensity of either beam is zero by virtue of diffraction taking place at each slit. The second factor (cos2y.) is an interference term and will be zero when
This gives the angles for the intensity to be zero by virtue of destructive interference between two beams. You may recall that this is the same as the condition for the
minimum of the interference pattern between two point sources. Eqs. (10.7) and (10.8) specify the direction when the intensity is zero. We cannot obtain the exact positions of the maxima by any simplc rclntion. This is because we have to find the maximum of a function which is product of two terms. But we can find their approximate positions if we assume hat (sinp / P) docs not vary appreciably over a given region. W are quite justified in making this approximation if e the slits are very narrow. Note that we observe Ihc maxima nwr Ihc ccnwc of the pattern. Under these conditions, the positions of maxima arc solcly dctcrmincd by thc cos2yfactor. You know that this factor defines maxima for
Dlffractlon Grating
We know that d sine represents thc path diffcrcnce bclwccn 1hc corresponding points in the two slits. When this path difference is a whole number of wavclcnglhs, cons~uctive interference occurs between the two beams. Thcn wc gcl a maximum which lcads to the formation of a series of bright fringes. The ccnlral liingc corrcsponds LO d sin0 = 0. The c l nth fringe (on either side) occur: whcn d sine = nh. W Lhcrcrorc say ~ h n tr rcprcscnts the . order of interference.
cos2 y , wc 11avc =
IT b sin 8
R d sin 8 mcl y = -
P and yare not indcpcndcnt. Thcsc nrc corincclcd lo cach ohcr through
ol' Cases of special interest arise when d is an inlcgral mul~iplc 0, say il is iln intcgcr p so h that d = pb. This will happen whcn L c opaquc portion (1 is an intcgral mulliplc or lhc transparent part b. The possibilities are: a = h, a = 21) or (1 = 30 ctc. so 1hol dlb = p = 2 , 3, 4 , ,..in Lhese cases. Under these conditions, thc directions ol'dil'l'roction mi~~imum and interference maximum will necessarily coincide. To show his, ICL us assume thnl a direction of diffraction minimum is givcn by b sin 8 = mh W will automatically have the interfcrcncc maximum in lhis tlircction wlncn d = pb since e d sine = (ph) sine = p (b sin0)
arc where n = pm. The possible values of p are 2 , 3 , 4 ,... iund Ihosc o l ' t ~ I,?, 3,... Thus thc nth order interference fringes for which n = ptn will li:~vczcro inlcnsily sincc lhc inlcnsity of both beams is zero by virtue of diffraction condilion. As a result lhcir cornslructivc interference also leads to net zero intensity. Thcsc arc usually known ns missing orders. For example, when p = 2, we will have 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 ordcrs missing I m valucs or 1,2, 3 ,... ... b etc. Similarly, when p = 3, we will have 3 , 6 , 9... ordcrs missing iuvl so on. The special case when dlb = 1 means that the opaquc part a = 0 and thc two s cxactly 1 i5 l. Aclually [his join one another. Then we find that all thc intcrrcrcncc ordcrs arc rnissir~g. means that we now have a single slit of doublc widlh and conscquailly wc gcl a singlc slit diffraction pattern (with no inkrfcrence fringes).
Example 1
Consider a double slit arrangement with b = 7.0 x 10-3cm,d = 3.5 x 1e2crn and 7c = 6300A. How many interference minima will occur between the diffraction minima on either side of the central maximum? If a screen is placed at a distance of 5m from the diffracting aperture, what is the fringe width?
Solution The first diffraction minima on either side of central maximum 0 = 0 will occur when b sin0 = + h .That is, for sin8 = +_ h / b = 9 ~ 1 0 - The interference minima will occur when ~. Eq. (10.8) is satisfied, i.e. when
sin 8 = 0.9 x
Thus there will be ten minima between the two fust order diffraction minima. If 8 is small we may write 8, = 0.9 x 10" rad, O2 = 2.7 x 10 -3 rad, 83 = 4.5 x 10" rad, rad and the angle between successive interference 8, = 6.3 x 10" rad, 0, = 8.1 x minima is 1.8 x l o 5 rad. Thus the fringe widlh f A0 is (500 cm) x 1.8 x 10 -3 = 0-9 cm
scale of 8. Fig. 10.4(a) depicts thc curvc for cosy which gives a sct of uluidistant maxima of equal intcnsity located at P = 0, x, 2n, 3n,... In Fig. 10.4(b) we have ploltcd (sinp/P)2 which gives a maximum at = 0 and minima at P = + n, 2n, ... In Fig. 10.4(c) wc have plotted heir product. , m a t do you observe? The intensity of thc fringes in h c resultant
+ +
sin2 p
This mcans that h e central fringc or the zeroth fringe is h e brightest and the successive iwo fringes are of decreasing intensity until we reach the point P = n wherc the intensity is zero. Thus the third fringe corresponding to cos2y = rt 3n falls at P = n or - n and their product is zero. Therefore, the third hinge on either side of the central maxima has zero intensity and its location at h e angle 9 satisfies simultaneously p = +n:andy=rt3x
This third fringe will therefore be missing. We will observe the 4th and 5th fringes. We can arguc in a similar manncr that for 6th fringe
which will thcreforc havc zcro intensity and thus bc missing. You may now like to answcr the following SAQ.
Writc clown thc gcneral condition for missing ordcrs in tcrms of thc ratio dlh.
2 min
8ig. 10.5:
0) (ii)
so h a t
Kc ( cxp (i8) I
= msH
cos (01- p
: .
cos (or
- p) +
cos . (01
- . - 6) + ....= 11
whcrc various sylrbols Iluvc tl~c same nlwning as in Scc. 10.3. Also, wc llavc assumed that hc phasc changcs by cclual arnount 6 from one slit to ~ h ncxt. c Thc I'icld E al P, is ol~~~~inctl by sulnn~ing hcsc N tcms :
I<c e i ( w - 6) e i ( ~ u6-61+
i (N ... + c i ( P -~ - I ) s ) I
.., + e-i(N-U6 I
acos (a1 B
- - 8)
I - r'
sm 3
cos (or -
cos[or -
p - (N -
You havc Icwnl lo sum thc scrics given hcre [Unit 2, Block 1 of tllc PHE-02 course on (ascillations and Wavcs; Eq. (2.38)]. Wc have reproduced it in the margin. The result is
sin (N612)
sin (6/2)
The inlcnsity of thc rcsulhnl pnltcrn is obtained by squaring the amplitude of thc resultant ficld in this cxprcssion. ThcrcTorc
Let us pausc for a whilc and ask: Whal have wc achicvcd so far? We have obtained an expression for tlic rcsullltnt intensity of diffracuon paltcm from N-slits. We expect it to be true for any numbcr of sliLs. Forasinglc slit. Eq. (11.13) rcduccs to
Dlfhction Grating
Show that for N = 2, Eq. (10.13) reduces to Eq. (10.6) for the double slit.
Spend 2 rnin
2n, ..., nx. At the first glance, you will note that thc iuoticnt bccomes indc~cnninate at
these values. To overcome such a situation, wc colnputc thc first dcrivativc of the numerator as well as the denominalor separately bclbre iliscrling lhc villuc of argument. Following this procedure you will readily obhin
.rc b sine where p = - -
Physically, at thcsc maxima thc ficlds produccd by c x h ol' drc sli~s in phase and the arc resultant field is N timcs thc ficld duc to cach of thc slits. Whcn N is large, the intensity, bcing proportional to N2, is vcry k~rgc wc will obtain i11ic1 Such as intense maxima, if only sin2 P / P2 is not loo s~ni~ll. n1;lsinln arc k~lown principal
= nh
Thc principal maxima in N-slit pattcm corrcspond in position to thosc ol' Uc doublc slit. r
2. The relative intensities of diffcrent ordcrs arc modulatd by tllc singlc slit diffraction envclopc.
3. n cannot bc grcatcr than d/A since lsin 8 ,< 1. Ciin you imaginc thc implications of this 1 condition? If you pondcr for a while, you will rcalisc tlri~tUlis contlition suggc:csts cxistcncc of only a finitc numbcr of principal ninxima, wl~iclr dcsignatcd as thc rust, arc second, third, order of diffraclion. Morcovcr, thcrc will Ix:as many firs1ordcr principal maxima as thc numbcr of wavclcnglhs in h c incidclrt wavc.
The relation between P and y obtained for double slit in terms of slit width and slit separation does not change. That is, Eq. (10.10) ho!ds for N-slits as well.
N where q takes all the integral values except 0, N, 2N,...... In other words, q = (1,2, ......,(N-1)) ,(N + 1, N + 2, .....2N-I), (2N + 1, .....) etc. You should note that when q = 0, N, 2N, Nn we see that d sin 0 becomes equal to 0, X, 2X, .... nh so that d sin 0 becomes equal todwhich represent the principal maxima and are omitted in the values of mimina. Let us summarise what you have learnt in this unit so far.
! =@
The condition for principal maxima: y = 0,n,2x ,...,nn and therefore Ny = 0, Nn, 2Nn, ...,nNn
i y = -m i n 0 ~ = n ~ w h e r e n = O ',2 ~ 1 h In terms of path difference d sine, = nh The conditions for minima: , Ny = [n, ~....., (N-1) n];[(N+ 1) x, (N+2) x, ......,( 2 N - l ) ~ ]...... 2 ,
We may write
rc 271:
In terms of path difference
' """'
If you write all possiblc values of y, you will find that we have (N - 1) positions of minima between any two successive principal maxima. In Eq. (10.17) the first square bracket lists
the positions oi(N-1) minima betwccn thc central and first principal maximum. Simi1;uly the second square brackct lists the positions of (N-1)minima bctwccn h c lirst and s ~ o n d principal maxima. In olher words, thc first minimum oncithcr sidc of thc nth principal N Furthcr, we know that between any two consccutivc minima, Lhcrc has to bc a maxima Such maxima arc said to be secondary maxima. Thcrc will bc (N - 2) positions of secondary maxima bctwcen two consecutive principal maxima. As in singlc slit diffraction pattern the swonc1at-y maxima arc not symmeuical, and the intcnsity of secondary maxima is vcry small. Thcre are lhereforc of liUlc practical imporlance. Fig. (10.6) shows the intensity pattern for N=8. Here we havc shown principal maxima comrponding to n=O, 1,2,3 and six secondary maxima between adjacent principal maxima. maximum givcn by d sine,,,
Dilfraction Grating
1 2n 1 4n 1 6'n I
NY= n
3n 5n 7n
Example 2
1 l l n )13n 115n
10n 12n 14n
I l l
Calculsrtc thc maximum numbcr of principal maxima that can be formed with a grating
50W lines pcr cm for light of wavelength 5000
Solution :
Grating element d =
I cm --2 x 5000
? b
Therefore, it will be able to show Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th orders of principal maxima. If, on the other hand, wc have a grating with 15000lines per cm
which is less than 2. Such a grating will show only 1storder spectrum with X = 5000 A. You can verify this result while observing grating s p e c m in your second level physics laboratory course.
You may now question as to why is 68 called angular half width? It is quitc simple. You know that the principal maximum exrends from minimum on one side to minimum on the other side and 68 is half of it. If we consider the case of 6 slits the first principal maximum extends from Ny = 5nto Ny= 7x or
d sine,,
when y = nx k - . In terms OF palh diffcrcnce and angle of diffraction, the conditions for N principal maxima and the adjaccnl minimun~are d sinQmz= nh and (10.19a)
5h = 6
The angle bctwccn Om,, and C),, is callcd thc angular half-width of principal maxima. Let us dcnotc it by 68. Wc rlow procccd to calculatc this angle. Wc can calculate 60 (= I 0 -I,, I) by compuling 8mx and 0," from these equations. Alternatively, by choosing 0, > Ow, wc substilulc 0,, = 0- + 68 in Eq. (10.19b) to obtain
You must note that the term half width of a speutum line (or a diffrauion curve) has a slightly diflerent meaning. The diagram shown below represents the intensity vs 8 curve. The half width gives the width o f the curve at
d sine,,
cos 88 + d COS~,,
sin 68 = nh + -
It is equal
t o AC in the diagram. The angular half width on the other hand, is equal to BD. Obviously you can convince yourself that A C is not equal to BD. Only in the extreme case whcn the curve is a triangle ia AC = BD.
so Lhat
60 =
N d cos 8-
which shows that ~ h c principal maximum becomes sharpcr as N increases. It is for this reason ha1 grating spccuum is so sharp. You will now learn about it in detail.
With the experimental arrangement described above we will gcl Lhcsc principal maxima as one line in each order. Using another source of light which emits a longer wavelength b, we will gct a corrcsponding line in each ordcr a1 a larger angle 9,:
d sine, = n
Diffraction Grating
n = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ,...
However if the same source of light emits bolh the colours corresponding to wavelengths A, and &, we will get two lines simultaneously in cach ordcr. Thcse two lines will be seen as two spectrum lines separated from each olhcr. This is bccausc cxccpt the central maximum (zeroth order). the angles of diffraction for h, and & arc difrcrcnt in various olher orders. In the cenual maximum 0 = 0 for all wavclcngths and Lhcrel'ore different colours are not s~parated from each other. What do you cxpcct lo obscrvc when we have a white light source? The central image will bc whilc whilc all othcr orders will show colours and we will see a continuous spectrum, We note that in the grating equation, if we know d, 8 and n, wc can calculate the and wavelength of light. Since the grating clemenl (d)is known for a gr~tirig 0 can be measured. this arrangement provides a simple and accuralc rncthod ol' ~ncasuring k. This is discussed in the following section.
The lclescope arm is rotatcd and brought in linc will1 Lhc colli~nnlor. This crlsurcs ha1 Lhc parallel beam of light falling on the objcctivc of lclcscopc is focussed at Lhc crosswircs, sourcc ol' light sllould b c which is in the focal planc of he cyc piccc. Thc posilion ol' L ~ I C adjusted to gct the brightest image. Wc mount Lhc dilli~action gr:~tiogon Lhc ~ur11l;lblc 'and adjust iL so that the lighL is incident normally on Lhc grnling. Ncxt we route Llic lclcscopc a m to the left or right to get the first ordcr spcclruril in Lllc I'icltl or view, 11' lllc swrcc of r lighl is a discharge tube containing sodium, rncrcury or argon, L c sl)cctrmll will consist of h a scries of spccuum lincs. Each spectrum linc is n difliaclctl imngc ol' lhc slil, formed by different wavclengths prcscnt in thc sourcc. To gcl sll:u-p linc irnagcs, wc a(ljusl Lhc grating SO that thc diffrac~ing slits are parailel to lhc colli~nator This call bc tioric by rolating slil. lhe grating in its own plane. TO mcasurc the wavelength of cach line, we sct Ihc vcrlicnl crosswil.cs a1 Lhc ccnlrc of cach spcclrum linc and notc 1hc position of Ihe tclcscopc in cnch casc. Tlic difrcrcncc bclwecn this position of the tclcscopc and ~ h dirccl position givcs Ulc :mglc of diffraction c tclcscupc is nolcd on both sidcs for cach of thc lincs. To rcducc crror, thc position or ~ h c of thc dircct position and half of this anglc givcs llic anglc ol' dil'linction. You must have obscrved thal
To mount a grating for normal incidcncc, you should follow he stcps givcn bclow : 1. Takc Ihc reading of thc mmtablc when ~ h ~clcscope is in line c arm with Ihc collimator. Let il be 9. 2. Rotatc ~ h tclcscopc 10 position c I k 9. $ 0 ' 3. Mount Ihc grating on h e [urn table and rotale die turn table lill you sce Ihc image of the slit after reflection from Ihc grating. A1 h i s position Ihc surfacc of the grating is inclined at 45" to ihe parallel beam cmerging from the of ligh~ collimator. 4. Obviously turning the grating through 45' in the propcr direction will makc the light fall normally on the grating surface.
Light emitted by an atom consists of sharp spectrum lines. Light emitted by a molccuie consism of a group of lincs which when unresolved give a band likc appearance and is oficn called band spcctrum, while an incandescent lamp or similar sourccs will givc a continuous spcctrum, whcrc various colours mcrgc into onc another.
2. 3.
Apart from fhe first order, Lhe second or even third order spectrum (depending on the grating element) are also prcsent DiNerent spectrum lines are not equally bright or sharp. This depends on the energy levels and the transitions OF thc atom giving the spectrum. These concepts are further illustrated in h e following example.
Example 3 Rowland ruled 14438 lines pcr inch in his grating. (i) Calculate the angles of diffraction for violet ( h = 4000 A) md rcd (h = 8000 A) colours in the fmt order of spectrum. (ii) What is thc largest wavelcngth which can be seen with this grating in the third order? Solution
For first ordcr, on subs~ituiingthc givcn values, you will get sin 0, = Therefore lo" = 0.2274 1.759 x 104cm
0, z 13"
Similarly, for rcd colour ( X = 8000 A), wc have sin 0, = so that 8, = 27' thc visiblc spcclrum in the first order extends from nearly 0 = 13O This means tha~ c~ilirc to 9 = 27", i.e. covcrs an ariglc ol' about 14". (ii)
d sin0 = 3 Am, lWscm = 0.4548 1.759 x 10-"cm
This calculalion su rgcsts ~hi.11in die Lhird order spectrum, the sodium doublet consisting of 5890 A and 5896 will no1 bc visible. Do you recall this from your observations on spcctral analysis using a diffraction grating? If you have so far not opted for the second lcvcl physics, it will bc worhwhilc w verify this result.
If you calculalc sin 8, and sin 0, Sor lst, 2nd and 3rd orders, you will find that for
1st ortlcr
sin 0, sin 0,
= 0.2274
4 0,
3 3
= 0.4548 = 0.4548
2nd ordcr
sin 0,
sin 8 ,
- 27" 0, - 27O
9 ,
14" spread
= 0.9096 3 8,
- 65"
3rd orcirr
38" spread
* 47'
sin O, > 1 cannot b observed. 3 entire visible spectrum is not c available in 3rd ordcr.
Schematically it is shown bclow for the spectnrrn on thc Icli sidc of ~ h ccnuc. A similar c spectrum will be observcd on the right side of Ihc central orticr.
3rd order
2nd order
Thus wc find that in 1st order red just touches sccontl ordcr violcl. (Tl~is bccause we is no have selected A = 4000 A and A = 8000 A.) It mcans tllat Llicrc is csscnti:~lly overlapping of fist and sccond ordcr spcctra. hl third ordcr h, begills a1 C) z 43'. If you calculate wavelength li, of 2nd ordcr prescnt a1 0 = 43" you will find that
Therefore h = 6000 A of the 2nd ordcr occurs at Lhc sarnc plncc as h = 4000 A of third order. Therefore, from 6000 A t 8000 A will havc ovcrlnppi~ig o colours. This dirficulty is usually avoided by using suitable colour filters. We now summarise what you have learnt in this unit.
The double slit diffraction pattern consists or a nulnbcr olcquully spaccd fringes similar to what is observed in intcrfercnce cxpcrimcnls. Tlicsc liingcs are the brightest in thc central part of thc pattern. In double slit pattern fringes reappear ~hrcc four tilncs bclbrc Lhcy bccome too or faint to observe. The central maximum in doublc slit paltcrn is li~ur Limcs briglitcr ~Ii:inlhat in single slit pattern. The intensity of double slit diffraction pattcm at an arlglc O is givcrl by
a a
belwcen two similar points in these aperlurcs. I t is ctlunl to a + 13, whcre a is the width of the intervening opaque spacc bctwccn two slits.
The intensity of double slit diffraction pattcm is product or lJlc irradionccs observcd for the doublc slit interference and singlc slit difrraclion. Physicrlly, it arises due Lo interference between two diffracted bwms
For slits of vcry small widths, the double slit diffraction pallem reduces to Young's inlcrfcrcncc paucm. The conditions of maxima and minima in doublc slit (equally spaced) interference pallcm arc: d sin% nh = (maxima) (minima)
and thc condition for minima for diffraction intcnsily is b sin0 = mh
Thc condilions Tor maxima and minima in N-slit pattern are given in h e box on pagc 50.
As the numbcr of slits increases, the maxima get narrower and for sufficiently large valucs of N, thcy bccome vcry sharp lines. The angular half-width of principal maximum 60 is givcn by
68 =
h N d cos 0-
2. Can Lhcrc bc principal maxima of zero intensity because of diffraction at each slit? If ycs, discuss.
pattcrn for h2 will be smallcr if 12< 'They will both be superimposed on one another 1,. coinciding at 8 = 0.
Thc gcneral conditions for missing orders in tcrms of y and P arc: y= 4 nx or d sin0 = k nhandp=+mnorbsine=+mh. Thcreforc whcn n = pm (n, m, p arc all intcgcrs) we gcl
The missing ordcrs occur whcn dlb is an integer. When dlb = 1, i.e. h e two slits exactly join, all thc interfcrcncc ordcrs are missing. Physically it means that we have a singlc slit of doublc width and consequently no interfcrcnce. Forg = 2, s m n d , fourth, sixth, ... orders will bc missing. What do you say about b
Diflraction Grating
A2 sin2 2
I. As before, each wavelengh will give its interference fringes. The central fringe for all wavelengths will coincide and hence the central fringe will be white. Fringes of order n = 1,2,3, located on either side of the central fringe, at different 8 values given by ... d sin 8 = n3c for diffcrcnt wavelengths will bc colourcd.
2. There can be a principal maxima whose intensity is zcro bccause of the diffraction at
each slit. These are called missing orders or absent spectra. We know that the relationship between P and y in terms of slit width and slit separation for N slits is the same as for the double slit. Therefore, the conditions for missing orders rcmain uaal~ercd.And a particular maximum will be absent if it is formed at the same angle as thc minimum of single slit diffraction pattern. This occurs at an angle which satistics Eq. (10.19a) and (l0.19b).
11.1 Introduction Objectives 11.2 Diffraction and Image Formation by an Optical Instrument
11.5 Summary
11.6 Tcrminal Questions
In the preceding two units of this block you have learn1 that due to diffraction, the image
of an object is fringed evcn if an aberration-free converging lens is used. That is, image of
a point objcct is sprcad over a small area on the observation screen. Does this mean that no oplical device can form a pcrfect image? The answer to this question is: The image of a poinl sourcc is not geometric point. And diffraction does place a limit on the ability of optical dcviccs to transmit perfect information (quality image) about any object. Such optical systems are said L be diffraction limited. o Broadly speaking, dirlraction limited systems can be classified into two categories: and (i) Human eye, micr~scope telcscopc which enable us to see two objects (near or distant) distinct and (ii) Grating and prism which form a spechum and enable us to see two dislinct wavelengths (colours). In principle, in both types of instruments two close fringcd (diffraction) patterns are formed on the screen. The question that should logically comc to your mind is: How to charackrise the ability of an optical instrument to distinguish two close but distinct dilfraction images of two objects or two wavelengths? This ability is mcasurcd in'lerms of resolving power. You may now like to know: What critcrion cnablcs us to compute resolving power? The most widely used criterion is due to ' Raylcigh. According to this, two diffraction images are said to bc just resolved when the first minimum of diffraction pattern of one objecl falls at the same position where the ccntral maximum or the dirrraction pattcrn oi the other lies. When the pattems comc closcr than this, thc objects are not resolvable. When the patterns do not overlap, the imagcs are distinu and hence objects are resolved. It is also important to know whether the samc criterion applies to both types of optical devices? How can we improve resolution and sce dccpcr in space evcn during the day? We have addressed all these aspccls in Lhis unit.
Aflcr sludying Lhis unit, you should bc ablc to
0 0
cxplain how diifraction limits image forming ability of optical devices usc hylcigh criterion to compute cxprcssions for resolving power of a telescope, a microscope and a diffraction grating solve numerical problems based on resolution, and
star and D h c diameter of thc circular apcraturc (i.e. thc objcclivc of thc tclescopc).
Thcrcforc the angular diameter of h e ccntral disc is 2 x (1.22 k). Obviously for small
apcralure sizcs, thc size of the Airy disc inscreascs. But the larger thc apcnturc size, the smallcr is the Airy disc and hcrclbre, thc more true is tho imagc of a point source. Therefore no matter how frce from abcrrations an astsonomical ~clcscope objectivc be, what is obscrvcd at best is not a point imagc of a star, bul a small bright disc of I'initc for size. Similar arguments are ~ruc a microscope. Wc thercfoce concludc that diffraction constrains an optical divice in the formation of sharp point-like image of a point source due to finite sizes of its compoents.
A Sin 8 = 0 = 1.22D
With two closc Airy discs, Raylcigh laid down the criterion that the two patterns are just rcsolvcd when the ccntral maximum of one diffraction pattern coincides with the first minimum of the olhcr diffraction pattern. This crilerion a p m s arbiuary but has the virtue of being particularly simple. In Raylcigh's own words : "The rulc is convcnicnt on account of its simplicity and is sufficiently accurate in view of the uncertainty as to what exactly is meant by resoIutionl'. Bcforc applying Lhis critcrion to specific instruments e.g. tclescope wc will consider the intcnsily of the rcsul~antpatlem of two stars of equal intensity, whcn the two discs are so s close that they satisfy the Rayleigh's criterion a in Fig. 11.2. We can show (see example 3) that whcn the maximum of one intensity curve falls at the minimum of Lhe olher curve, the two curves cross each other at 0.4 of the maximum intcnsity. Thcrcfore at this point the resullant inlcnsity will bc equal to sum of the two intensities and equal to 0.8. This means that the resultant intensity will show a dip of 20%. This dip is easily visible to evcn unaided human eye. But one can argue that even a smaller dip in intensity could be dctcctcd by a scnsitive instrument and therefore fixing the dip at 20% by Raylcigh's criterion is arbilrary. But this crilcrion is accepted because of its simplicity, which is based on thc positions of maximum and minimum.
Barely ResoIved
Fig. 11.2: Rayleigh criterion for h aging two stnrso f small angular sfparation
half-width of the Airy disc. Using Eq. (9.13) we can say that the minimum resolvable angular separation or angular limit of resolution for two close stars which can be resolved by a telescope is 1.22 h emin = -
N o stars subtending an angle a at the objective will be resolved for a > 8 and " , unresolved for a < Q,,. The intensity plot for more than resolved, and unresolved stars are shown in Fig. 11.3.
Not Resolved
Fully Resolved
The resolving power, often abbreviated as R.P. for an optical devicc is generally dcfincd . as the reciprocal of resolving limit, i.e., as 0 ~ : This mcans that resolution ability of diffraction-limited systems depends on the s i 7 ~ thc rrperlurc and the wavclcngth. For a of given wavelength, the resolving powcr of a tclcscopc can bc incrcascd by using larger diamcter objectives. To give you some apprccialion ol'numcrical valucs, wc now give a solved example. You should go through it carefully.
Example 1
An astronomical observatory has a 40 inch telescope. Calculalc the angular half-width of Airy disc for this telescope. Take h = 6000 A.
Before Ihc S.1, units wcrc adopted, Ihc objective sizcs wcrc cxpresscd
in inchcs,
An aslronaut orbiting at an height of 400 km claims Lhal hc could scc thc individual houscs of his city as they passed beneath him. Do you bclicvc him. If not, why?
5 min
You now know that a 40 inch telescope has a minimum angle of rcso~ution equal to rad. We have seen that the minimum angle of resolution of the eye is about 1 7.2 x minute of arc. We take the minimum angle of resolution of the eye about 3.35 x 10 -4 rad. An important question that should come to our mind is: What should be the magnifying power of rhe eyepiece of the telescope to take full advantage of the large 3.35 x 1 ( P rad = 465 diameter of the objective? The telescope must magnify about 7.2 x 1(r7rad times. Note that any further magnification will only make the image bigger but it would not be accompanied by increase in details which are not available in the primary image. (The resolution is determined by diffraction at the objective, i.e. the magnitude of Ok,,.) To get some idea about these details, you should carefully go through the following example.
Example 2
Compare the performance of two telescopes with objectives of apertures 100 cm and 200 cm. Take their focal lengths to be equal.
100 cm
The area of the tclescope objective which collects light is K (lm;mJ ------
. This light is
largely concenlratcd in the central maximum and gradually decreases as shown in Fig. 9.8. If we assume hat light is unirormly disuibuted over the disc, its brightness i.e. light per unit area
200 cm second telcscope is half of that for thc first telescope. In other words, the R.P.of 200 cm telescope is twice as large. To compare their relative performances, let us compare the brightness. As More, the area of central diffraction disc
and brighmcss
In words, the area of h e central diffraction disc of the first telescope is four times bigger. And h e light collected by the second telescope in four times greater. Hcnce the brighlness o image by the second telescope is 16 times. In other words by making the aperture 2 C times, the intensity of image becomes 24= 16 times. So we may conclude that
(i) The ability of a telescope to resolve two close stars dcpcnds on L c diamctcr of its objective. h (ii) The intensity of the image formed by doubling the size of apcrturc is sixtcen times since the objective collects fqur times more light and concentrates it over an arca of the Airy disc which is only one fourth. This means that a distant star, which is too faint to bc observed by a smaller objective (of the smaller telcscopc), becomcs visible by a larger telescope. That is, a bigger telescope can see farthcr in thc sky. Thcrcforc, the deeper we want to penetrate the space, the greater should be the aperture or the objective of telescope.
- ---
You may now like to pause and ponder for a whilc. Thcn you should answcr SAQ 2.
We can sec the stars at night but as sun rises they gradually fadc away and are not visible during the day. What measure would you suggest to enable researchers to make astronomical observations in the day time itself? Example 3 Calculate thc dip in the resultant intensity of two
5 min ,
critcrion, i.e, when the maximum of one curve falls on the minimum of the other curve. Solution We asumc that the two curves have equal intensity. These curves are symmetrical and will cross at p = ED,as shown in Fig. 11.4. At L c point of intersection, both curvcs have equal intensity: h
At this point the resultant intensity will be equal to the sum of the two intensities and thcrefoce equal to 0.8106. This means that according to Rayleigh criterion, the resultant intensity will show a dip of about 20%. And this dip is easily visible to evcn unaided human cye. If these two cyrves are brought closer, the dip wiil gradually decrease and it bccomcs difficult to resolve thc irnagcs. Moreover, if thcse intensities wcre unequal, the dip will not bc 20%. In thc above example we have taken the intensity of both h e curves to be equal. This csscntially means that in Raylcigh criterion we rake both the stars to be equally luminous. Anoqcr important point to notc is that the curves arc of finite angular (or lateral) width. In case of grating (or prism), two spcctrum lines, though assumed to be of equal intensity, arc vcry sharp. Now the question arises: Can wc usc thc Rayleigh criterion even for a grating? From your second level physics laboratory you may recall answcr Lo this question; wc do use thc same criterion. Is the dip 20% or so even in this case? To discover answcr to this question, you should answer the following SAQ. SAQ 3 What is the dip in h e resultant intensity of two criterion? Anolher more realistic criterion for resolving power has been proposed by Sparrow. We know that at the Rayleigh limit there is a central dip or saddle paint betwcen adjacent pcaks. As the distance between two point sources is decreased beyond Rayleigh limit, the ccntral dip will grow shallower and may ultimately disappear such that the resultant curve has a broad flat top. The angular separation corresponding lo thal configuration is said Lo bc Sparrow limit. However, we will not discuss it any further.
5 min
Another useful image forming device is a microscope. Let us now learn to calculate its resolving power.
11.3.2 Microscope
We know that an astronomical telescope is used to view far off objects whose exact distances are usually unknown. However, we were chiefly interested in their smallest permissible angular separation at the objective. In case of an optical microscope, the self-luminous objects being examined are very close to the objective and subtend a large angle. For this reason, by resolving power of a microscope we mean the smallest distance, rather than the minimum angular separation, between two point objects (0 and 0') when their fringed images (I and 13 are just resolved. Each image consists of a central Airy disc (surrounded by a system of rings which are very faint and not considered). According to Rayleigh criterion, the central maximum of I should be at the same position where the minimum of I' lies. The angular separation between the two discs
Fig. 11.5: The optical microscope (a) Alry pattern Images of two objects O and O' separated thrwgh a distnnce s (b) Ray diagram for mmputatlon of path difference 0% Oii
from 0' dikacted to I has zero intensity (first dark ring) and extreme rays O'BI and O'Al differ in path by 1.2211 , i.e. O'BI - O'AI = 1.22h since BI = AI. Thercfore, the path ' difference O B - O'A = 1.22h (Fig.ll.S(a)). We show an cnlarged part in the Fig. 11.5(b) from which we see that O'B is longer than OB by s sin i and O'A is shorler by the same amount. Here the pint 0 subtends an angle 2i at the objective of lhc microscope. Thus the path difference of the exweme rays from 0 to the objective is 2 sin i. Upon equating ' s this to 1.22h, we find that h e minimum separation bctwecn two poinLs in an object that can be resolved by a microscope is given by
In high power microscopes, the space between the object and objective is filled with oil of refractive index p.. For an oil immersed objective, the above expression bccornes s = - 0.61 h p sin i You may now like to answer an SAQ.
In the above discussion we assumed that the two point objects werc sclf-luminous. Suppose two objects are illuminated by the same source. Will Eq. (1 1.3) still hold? Abbe investigated this problem of image formation in detail and found that the resolving power depends on the mode of illumination of the object. In the above trcaunent both 0 and 0' were treated as self-luminous objects and thus the light givcn out by these had no constant phase relationship. For all practical modes of illumination, the resolving power
5 min
may be taken simply as 0.61 1 R . P =p sin i The term p sin i is termed as numerical aperture (N.A) of the microscope objective. The
h maximum value of i is 90". This gives the microscopic limit on R.P approximately as -.
This shows that smaller the N. A greater will be the distance between two resolvable points. In practice, good objectives have N. A =1 so that the smallest distance that can be resolved by a microscope is of the order of the wavelength of light used. Obviously, with light of shorter wavelength, say ultraviolet rather than visible light, microscopy allows for perception of finer details. (We may have to take the photographs and then examine the images.) In your school physics curriculum you have learnt that electrons exhibit diffraction effects. The deBroglie wavelength of an electron is given by
where h is Plandc's constant, m, is electronic mass and v is eledmn speed. When an electron beam ia accelerated through a potential a difference V,we c n wriw
m e
= 1 6 x lo-l9c, .
This wavelength is lo-' times that T r visible light. The resolving power of an electron o microscope will therefore be very high. This makes it possible to examine objects that would otherwise be completely obscured by diffraction efCects in the visible specbum. In this connection we may mention lremcndous utility of electron microscope in the study of minute objects like viruses, microbes and finer details of crystal structures. It is better than even ultraviolet microscope for high resolution applications.
X R.P. = (A,"l n) i
where (A 1) is the least resolvable wavelength difference or limit of resolution and h is , the mean wavelength. It is sometimes also called chromatic resolving power. at W know that the grating forms a principal maximum corresponding to wavelength 1 e the diffraction angle 0. Similarly, the principal maxima corresponding to X + A X will be at 8 + 8. At fust thought you may argue that the two colouts will be separated and A always appear to be resolved since the two angles are different. This could be so if the principal maxima, i.e. the spectrum lines in the experimental arrangement, were truly sharp like an ideal geometric line. But we know hat the principal maximum has a finite (angular) width. Therefore, the question is: How close can these be brought so that they h are seen distinct? Obviously, sharper the lines, L e closer Lhese can be bmught and still be seen as two. This question was also carefully examined by Rayleigh. In Fig. 11,6(a) we show plots of two widely separated principal maxima. In Fig. 1l.qb) we have brought these closer so that the principal maximum of 1 A h is situated at the position where the minimum of + h falls. The dotted line defines resultant intensity, which shows a dip. You will recall that according to Rayleigh criterion, this is the closest we can bring these curves and still regard them as separate. If we bring them still closer, as in Fig. 11.6(c), the resultant intensity (shown by the dotted line) signifies a single enhanced principal maxima. W apply e Rayleigh criterion, for the resolution of two speclral lines by a diflraction
0 +A0
grating for the common diffraction angle 0. From Eqn. (10.19), the condition for the principal maxima of (A + 81) is :
and the condition for the fust minimum adjacent to the principal maximum for wavelength Ais:
We note that in a given order n, thc R. P is proporlional to the total number of slits. Does this mean that R. P increases indefinitely with N? It is not so. Think why? Does it have some connection with the width of the grating? You will also note that the resolving power is independent of grating constant. It means that resolving powers of two gratings having equal number of lines but different grating constants will be equal.
To enable you ta grasp these concepts and appreciate the numerical values, we now give some more solved examples.
number of lines in a grating which will resolve the doublet in the first order. Solution Let us take the average wavelength as 5893 A. From Eq. (11.6) the resolving power is
Therefore, we must have a grating with more than 983 lines to resolve sodium doublet in fust order. A grating of 1000 lines will serve the purpose.
Example 5 Suppose that to obsem sodium doublet we use a grating having d = lW3cm and a lens of focal length 2m. Calculate the linear separation of the two lines in the 1st and 2nd order. Solution We know that
d sin 0 = n 1
Let us first consider the 1st order. For the D,line sin 8,- 5890 x 10" cm = 5890 x 10" 10 -3 cm or
9, E 5896 x l o 5 rad
A 8= 8, - 0, = 6 x 10 -5 rad
With a lcns of focal lcngth 200 cm, we find that lincar separation betwcen D,and D2lines is
DifFrrction m d Resolution
This shows hat 6 A are separated by 0.12 mm in 1st order. Alternatively we may say that linear separation is nearly 50 A per millimeter in the first order. You can readily check that in thc second order this linear separation will be 25 A per millimeter.
nd sin0 where p = nusine andy=X 1 in which a is the slit widh and d is h e slit separation. The positions of h e maxima arc given by d sin 0 = nX when: n = 0,1,2,3, ... Whcn 0 is small, h c successive maxima occur at
so !hat the angular separation between successive maxima is X fiivcnby O1 =.;i. Further, if a is . small, the interference pattern will be essentially a cos2 curve near h e centre.
We can show graphically that if this shift is a small fraction of the angular separation 8, the resultant intensity distribution resembles a cos2 y curve. The resultant intensity does not fall to zero at the minimum. By successive increase in angle 8, a stage can come when thc maximum of one pattern, say due to 0 , coincides with the minimum of 0,.Then we
el h h have - = - . And the paths from the two sources differ by - . We can show 2 26 2 graphically that Ihe resultant curve shows a uniform intensity and the fringes have disappeared. If we displace the two curves further, the fringes will reappear becoming sharp when the fringes are displaced by a whole fringe width i.e., 8 = 8,. They will 38, 58, disappear again when 8 = - or -. Therefore, with two point sources subtending 2 2
angle 9 at the double slit, the condition for the disappearance of fringes is
To measure angular separation of a doubIe star, the double slit is mounted in front of the objective of the telescope which points towards the double star. (We should remember that the line joining the stars should be perpendicular to the length of the slits.) We expect interference pattern due to the double slit. If on adjusting the separation between the slits, the interference fringes can be made to disappear, we can infer that the star is a double star. The first disappearance should take place when the angular separation is - . Let us 2d compare this with the expression for the resolving limit of a telescope (0 = 1.22 - , where
a is the diameter of the objective). If the double slits are a apart and the f ~ s t disappearance occurs for d = a, the angle 8 between the double stars is 0 =- - 2d-2a' This angle is effectively half of the resolving limit of the telescope. It explains the genesis of thc slatcment : The R.P of a telescope may be doubled by placing a double slit in front of it. You must however note that with a double slit, we can only infer the presence of a double star (from the disappearance of the fringes); we neither get the images of the stars nor resolve them. Indeed, even before the disappearance of the fringes, a blurring of fringcs slarts. This angle is only a small fraction of 8,. You may have realised that this mclhod enables us to measure Ihe angular diameter of the disc of the star and Michelson successfully used it in 1920. Angular Diameter of a Star For measuring h e angular diameter of the disc of a star we should first know the condition for the disappearance of fringes for a double slit placed in Front of a telescope. In contrast to two point sources, the disc of a star consists of a series of points extending from one end 0, to another end 0,. In Fig. 11.7, we see that when 0, and thc central point 0 satisfy h e condition for disappearance of fringes, the point just next to 0, will have a similar point next to 0 and so on. Thus all the points between 0, and 0 will have corresponding points lying between 0 and 0, satisfying the condition for disappemnce of fringes and h e disc of stars will show no fringes. Since the angle between 0, and 0 for the fnst disappearance of fringes is &. the angle between 0, and O2 (which is for the 26 h total disc) equals - . Thus the angular diameter 0 of the disc of the star, computed from
the first disappearance of fringes, is given by 8 = - The fringes from extreme points 0, d and 0, are displaced by a whole fringe. For successive disappearances 8 is given by 8 =
- 3A , .... W know that if the source is a circular disc, the correct condition for the e
d ' d
first disappearance is 8 = 1.22 - This method was successfully used to measure angular d diamelers of planetary satellites. But attempts to apply it for single stars failed because of their small angular diameters. Even with the largest slit separation possible with the available telescopes, the fringes remained distinct; no disappearance was achieved. To overcome this difficulty, Michelson devised stellar interferometer in 1890. We will discuss it now.
girder in front of the telescope. The inner mirrors M 3and M4 are fixed but the outer minors M Iand M, can be separated out symmetrically in a direction perpendicular to the lengths of the slit apertures. Therefore light from one edge of the star (shown as solid line) reaches the point P in the focal plane via the palhs 0,MI M3S1Pland 01M2 S2 PI, M4 This will form interference fringes with the angular separation equal t - , the central o
fringe being at P I , The other edge of the star sends light along the path :hewn by dotted lines 02M, an O , and produces a similar system displaced slightly so that its central @, fringe is at P,. You now know that from a continuous series of points when two extreme fringe systems are displaced by a.whole fringe width, the resultant intensity pattern will show uniform intensity and the fringes will disappear. We will show that the angular diameter of the star a = 1.22 - , where D is the separation of outer mirrors M1and Mz.
h D
You can easily convince yourself by noting that ihe optical paths M IM3S1and M2M, S, have been maintained equal so that the optical path difference for light from the two cdges of the star is the same at S, and S, as at M, and M,. If the path difrerence at M,and M, is one whole wavelength, the path difference at S, and S, is also one whole h and fringe shift is equal to one fringe width. This leads to disappearance of fringes.
h We now proceed to show that when a = - the two dotted rays 0 8 , and O@, have a ,
path difference of one h when they reach the mirrors MI and M,. The path difference of one wavelength arises because as shown in Fig. 11.8, the telescope is so directcd that the and travel equal paths to arriveatmirrors M Iand M2 and hence two rays O,M, 0,M2 and arrive in phase at mirrors M, and M2.However the two dotted rays 02M, O F 2are inclined to the axis of the objective of the lens at an angle a, so that this edgc of the star and is sending rays O$f, 02M2 one wavelength farther from M, than from Mp This explains the path differencc of one h Howcver one may argue that the dotted rays will not be reflected by ordinary laws of reflection. But because anglea is so small there will be enough diffraction at mirrors M, and M 2so that we still can select a pair of rays which reach the centres of Sland S2 by paths which are identical Lo those traversed by solid lines. For small angle a we have a = h D'
In this arrangement the smallest angular diameter that can be measured is determined by the separation of the outer mirrors M Iand M 2rather han the diameter of the objective of the telescope. Therefore, the stcllar interferometer magnifies the effective resolving power
of Ihc klescope in the ratio - We may emphasize that for a circular star disc, the fringes
out a little farther. You should note that the fringe separation is conbrolled by the small distance d, rather than the bigger distance D, and hence is easily seen.
The interferometer was mounted on the large reflecting telescope (diameter 100 inch) of the Mount Wilson observatory, which was used because of its mechanical strength. The first star whose angular diameter was measured by this method was Betelegeuse (a-Orions) whose fringes disappeared when the separation between M Iand M, was equal to 121 inches. Assuming A = 5700 A, we find that
The distance of Betelegeuse was measured by parallax method. Its linear diameter was then found t be 4.1 x lo8 km, which is about 300 times the diameter of the sun. The o maximum separation of the outer mirrors was 6.lm so Ihat the smallest measurable angular diameter with h = 5500 A was about 0.02 seconds of arc. This is insufficient for most of the stars. The smallest star for which measurements were made was Arcturus. Its actual diameter is 27 times that of Ihe sun. At the surface of the earth, the sun disc has an angular diameter of about 32'2 0.018 rad. If we imagine the sun to be at a distance of the nearest star, its disc would subtcnd an angle of 0.007 seconds of arc. This will require a mirror separation of 20m for disappearance of fringes. It is difficult to achieve this in practice since we require a rigid mechanical connection between mirrors and eye piece. Let us now summarise what you have learnt in this unit
e e
Diffraction constrains an optical device in the formation of a sharp point-like image of a point source. Rayleigh's criterion for resolution of two imnges demands that the first minimum of diffraction pattern of one object and the central maximum of the diffraction pattern of the other should fall at the same position. The minimum resolvable angular separation or angular limit of resolution of two close objects by a telescope is given by
The resolving power of a telescope is inverse of angular limit of resolution. The deeper we want to penetrate the space, the greater should bc the aperture of the objective of telescope. The resolving power of a microscope is defined as the smallcst dishnce between two point objects when Lheir fringed images are just resolved:
whcre i is the angle of incidence. p sin i is known as numerical aperture and is approximately equal to one for good objective.
where A h is the least resolvable wavelength difference, n is order of spectrum and N is h e total numbcr of slits.
from a space laboratory orbiting at an altitude of 500km. How large an area would the cenual beam illuminate?
2. Rehchon takes place in a prism. The face of h e prism limits lhe refracted beam to a rectangular section. By using Rayleighscriterion, it can be shown that the resolving power of a prism
where t is the length of the base of the prism, p is the refractive index of the material of prism for wavelength A. A prism is made of dense flint glass for which refractive indices for h = 6560 A and 4860 A are 1.743 and 1.773 respectiveIy. Calculate the length of the base of thc prism.
Since it is much less than the width of individual houses, it is not wisc to believe the astronaut.
2. As we increase the aperture of the telescope, the light collected by it from a star gradually increases and gets concentrated in the image (the diffraction disc). Ultimately a stage will come when the image of the star becomes brighter than the background and be visible (This is because the intensity of the image of a sLar is proportional L fourth o power while the background sky light increases as the m a of the aperture.) This m a n s that researchers can see stars during the day by using a telescope with larger objective!
3. The maximum is at Nnn and minimum at (Nn + 1)rr; . The two curves are symmetrical n: and if lhey are of equal intensity, they will cross at Ny = Nn7c + - . Therefore, if you 2 n iuaiuate the function at NY = hhn and Ny = Nnn + , i.e.7 = nn and
y = nn +
[ J S
show a dip of about 20% as in h e case of a telescope. 4. The waves given out by each self-luminous object bear no constant phase relationship so
that the intensities can be add4 up. The objccts viewed wilh microscopes are illuminated by the same source and here will be some phase relationship between the wavcs emanating from these. Strictly speaking the intensities will n t be additive. But o Abbe found that Eq.(11.3) gives the correct order for the limit of resolution.
TQs 1. We know that half angular spread of light beam is given by
the area of the earth illuminated by the beam focussed from the space laboratory at an altitude o 500 km is f
i d
4 .
Note that spectral spread is very wide whereas d should be a small change. Assuming that p changes linearly between these two colours, we have
The negative sign signifies inverse value of relationship between and y. The prism is made of dense flint glass and to just resolve D, and D2lines we require
so that
DifTractionand Resolution
When we make astronomical observations through a ground bascd telescope, light colning from a distant star is fist incident at thc top of the atmosphere in the form of a plane wavcfront. This light has to travcl through the atmosphcre to rcllch the objcctive of thc tclescopc, which brings it to a focus. Thcreforc when wc look at a star, wc are 'sccing' through the atmosphcre. If the atmosphcrc produces no distortion in the plane wavel'ront, the resolution of the telescopc is 8 = 1.22
not achieved bccause of thc degradation of the image quality inlroduced by the nunosphcrc. Small tempcraturc fluctuau'ons wilhin thc atmosphcrc (c lo)produce fluctuations in the atmospheric rcfractivc indcx. The light which is initially a plan- wave , bccomcs corrugated and distorted artcr passing through thc atmosphcrc. The magnitude of is the distonion in~oduccd of the order of a few wavclcngths of visible light. In the last decades "adaptive optics techniques" have been developed, first to sense lhe distortion and then makc a suilablc wavefront correction by controlling the optical path Icngth, If no corrcclion is donc, for a lclcscopc Irugcr than 10 cni, Lhe rcsoludon is scvcrcly limited by the cffcct of 'sccing' (which is observnblc as twinkling). Obviously 'seeing' depends upon observation sics which have therefore to bc carefully chosen. Good observation sitcs would bc high peaks situated in a flat area. Somc good examplcs arc Mauna Kea, Hawai; or La Palma, the Canary Islands. In addition to h e limit imposcd by 'secing' through die atmosphcrc, the image quality of large lclcscopes is affected by [he a&mtions produced wihin the tclcscopc. Techniques for improving the imagc quality have been developed for ensuring precise shapc of the primary mirror. This Lechniquc is called "active optics". From the earth we can use only a small part of thc clcctromapclic radiation. Thus we can use only thc visible light and radio waves (and parts of the infrared). A large portion of radiation remains inaccessible because il gets absorbcd or scattered while passing through thc earths' atmosphcrc. The only way is put up a tclcscope above the earths' atmosphere like a satellite where it can receive the incoming radiation and thc full information can thcn be bcarncd to the shtion on earth. For this reason Humble Space Telescope was launchcd in -1990. Since it is above the allnosphcrc it is froc from atmospheric distortions in he image. Also, bcing in a weightless stntc, it is not subject t distortions of the mirror o which arise due to wcight for a ground based tclcscopc. However it is worth rncntioning that wilh the rcccnt advanccs in active and adaptive have achieved a high level of accuracy, optical techniques the ground bascd ~elescopcs colning close to that of space telescopc.
12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Introduction
Spatial Coherence
Angular Diameter of Stars Visibility of Fringes
In Unit 5 of this course, you studied about Young's double-slit interference experiment. We emphasized that for observing interference fringe pattern, the light from two sources must be coherent. By coherence, we mean that the light wavcs from two slits have a constant phase relationship, Can you recall how this condition of coherence is achieved? back to relevant pages. Now the question If you are unable to d o so, you should~efer arises why coherence is a proreq$isite for observing interference? You will learn about coherence in detail now. In Sec. 12.2, we elaborate the concept of coherence as applied to waves in general. Further, the most elementary defiaition of coherence says that the phases of the coherent waves have a predictable relationship at different points and at diferent times in space. This space and time predictability of the phase relationship of waves gives rise to two types of coherence, namcly, spatial coherence and temporal coherence. The concept of temporal coherenke, which refers to the phase relationship at different tin~es at a point, has been discussed in Sec. 12.3, You will also learn about the correlation between the width of a spectral line and temporal coherence. In Sec. 12.4, we have discussed spatial coherence which relates to the coherence of two waves travelling side by side. The relationship between the visibility of fringe pattern with spatial coherence is also discussed in detail.
After going through this unit, you should be able to
g explain the concept of coherence
. ..
0 distinguish temporal coherence from ipatial coherence 0 relate temporal coherence with the width of spectral lines
relate spatial coherence with the visibility of fringe pattern, and solve numerical problems based on coherence.
two or more sources. That is, in order to observe interference fringes, there must exist a definite phase relationship belween the light waves from two sources. Hence, we may say that the necessity of having coherent sources for observing interference fringes essentially implies that the waves from the two sources must have a constant and predictable phase relationship. It is thc absence of a definite phase relationship between light waves from ordinary sources that we do not obtain any observable interference fringe pattern. Now, you may ask: Why there is no definite phase relationship between light waves from two ordinary light sources? Well, the basic mechanism of emission of light involves atoms radiating electromagnetic waves in the form of photons. Each atom radiates for a small time (of the orcler of 10- 's) . Meanwhile, other atoms begin to radiate. The phases of these emitted eleclroniagnetic waves are, therefore, random; if there are two such sources, there can be no definite phase relationship betwecn the light waves emitted from them. Ingeneral, sources, and the waves they emit, are said to be coherent if they (i) have equal frequencies,
(ii) maintain a phase difference that is constant in time; If either of these properties is lacking, the sources are incoherent and the waves do not produce any observable interference. Let us pause for a while and ask ourselves: Why it is a prerequisit for observing interference fringe pattern? To answer this question, let us consider the origin of the bright and dark fringes in the Young's experiment (Fig. 12.1). Let El and El be the electric fields associated with the light waves emanating from slits S1 and S2. These waves superpose and the combined electric field at any point on the screen is given by,
You may recall that in the intcrlerence pattern, we observe the intensity of light, not Lhe electric field. Since the average intensity of light is prorporlional to thc time averaged value of the associated Clectric field, we have
l a CE'>
.Scrccn '
Fig.lZ.1: Young's interference experiment.
Eq. (12.3) shows that the resultant intensity on the screen is the sun1 of intensities Il and Iz(due to individual slit sources) and an interference term 2 < El E2 >. The interference term is crucial because it determines whetlier the resultant intensity is an uniform illumination or a fringe pattern on the screen. The contribulion of the interference term to the resultant intensity dcpends primarily on the phase relationship between the light waves emanating tiom thc two slits. Let us first consider the case when the light waves are in phase at one instance and are out of phase at another instance. In such a situation, the product El E2will be positive at one instance and negative at the other. As a result, the time avcrage ofEl E2will be zero, i.e.
Waves having this kind of phase relationship (varying with time) are said to be incoherent and the resultant intensity will be
I = I,
+ I,
Thus, when light waves from two incoherent sources interfere, the resultant intensity will be the sum of individual intensities and the screen will be uniformly illuminated. To give you a simple example, when t.heheadlights of a car illuminate thc same area, their combined intensity is simply the sum of two separate intensities. The headlights are incoherent sources and there is no contribution of the interference term. Now, what will happen if the light waves from two slits have a definite phase relationship i.e. a phase relationship which is constant in time. Source of light emiting such waves are coherent. When light sources are coherent, the reslilta~it intensity is not simply the sum term of individual intensities. It is so because in that situation, the i~iterfere~ice in equation (12.3) is non-zero. Let us see what is the form of the interference term when two coherent light waves superpose. There are two cases; (a) When El = E2,that is, the two waves llavc salnc amplitude, frequency and phase. Thus,
+ 2cE,E2>
+ I, +
Thus, the points on the screen where two interfering waves are in phase, the resultant intensity is four times that due to an individual source. These points will, therefore, appear bright on the screen.
(b) El
- 4,that is, the two waves have samc amplitude and frequency but their
phases differ by 180"which remains constant in time. In that case, the two waves
are completely out of phase and the resultant wave amplitude and intensitywill be zero.
The points on the screen where the interfering light waves satisfy above condition will have zero intensity and hence they will appear dark. Thus, the constant phase relationship between superposing light waves i.e. coherence, is a necessary condition for obtaining interference fringe pattern. When the phase relationship is not constant, the points where superposing light waves arrive in phase at one instant may receive light waves which are cokpletely out of phase at another instance. This results in uniform illumination of the screen and no interference fringe pattern can be observed. In the above discussion, you have studied about the necessity of having coherent sources for observing interference fringe pattern. As mentioned earlier, coherence, which is essentially a correlation phenomenon between two waves, can be with respect to time and/or space. Thus, for expediency, we distinguish two types of coherence: Temporal Coherence and Spatial Coherence. Temporal coherence, or the longitudinal spatial coherence (often called monochromaticity) applies to waves travelling along the same path. It refers to the constancy and predictability of phase relationship as a function of time. Spatial coherence, or transverse spatial coherence refers lo the phase relationship between waves travelling side by side, at a certain distance from one another. The further apart are the two waves, less likely they are to be in phase, and less coherent the light will be. You will study these two types of coherences in the following sections.
r.k.12.2:Typlcal variation or the nmplltude of an clectromrcgnelicwnve with time. Three lypicnl wrnve s trains have been shown The coherence lime rc I the nvcrngc durntion or the wave trains.
And the path length corresponding to z, given as LC = c t, is called the coherence , length of the radiation, where c is the velocity of light.
In order to study the time-coherence of the radiation, let us re-consider Michelson's interferometer experiment. For completeness, we have reproduced the experinlental arrangement in Fig. 12.3. A nearly monocliromatic light sourcc is used in tlie investigation.
For the source ( S ) we may use a neon lamp in front of which wc place a filter (F) so that radiation corresponding to L = 6328 A is allowed L fall on tlie beam-splitter G. o Glass plate G' is the compensating plate. You may recall from Unit 7, if the eye is in the
position as shown in the figure, circular fringes are observed due to interference of the beams reflected from mirrors MI and M2. You may also rccall that for obtaining these circular fringes, the mirrors should be at right angle to each olhcr and the path difference (GM2- G M l ) should be small. If mirror M2 is moved away from the beam splitter G, the visibility and hence lhe contrast of the interference fringes will become poorer, and, eventually, the fringe pattern will disappear. Why does it happen? Does disappearance of interference fringes has to do something with temporal coherence of light waves from neon lamp? Yes, it is so. The disappearance of the fringes is due to the following phenomenon. When mirror M2 is moved through a distanced, an additional path 2d is introduced for the beam which gets reflected by M2. As a result, the beam reflected from Mzinterferes with the one reflected from M Iwhich had originated (2dIc) s, where c is the velocity of light, earlier from the lighl source. Clearly, if this time delay ( 2 d c ) is greater than the coherence time (23 of the radiation from the source, thc waves reaching the eye after reflection from mirors M I and M2 will no1 have any definite
phase relationship. In other words, the waves reflected from mirrors M I and M2 are incoherent. Thus, no interference fringes will be seen. On the other hand, if ( 2d/c ) < < z a definite phasc relationsllip exists between the two reflected waves , and hence interference fringes with good contrast will be seen. It is so because in this case, we are superposing two wave trains (after reflection from mirrors MI and M2) which are derived from the samc wave train (from the source) and hence they are ten~porally coherent. For the neon light (A = 6328 A ), the disappearance of fringes occurs when path difference between the reflected waves from mirrors MI and M2 is about a few cm. This
path difference, LC = c
s. For commercially available lasers, the coherence length exceeds a few kilometers. Thus, if light beam from a laser be uscd in the above experiment, we can observe interference fringes for d as long as a few kilometers (provided, of course, we havc such a big laboratory!). In short, if the two paths, GM1 and GM2in Fig. 12.3 are equal in length, the fringes have maximum contrast, hence a maximum temporal coherence. If they are not of equal length then the contrast is less. Hence temporal coherence is less. Temporal coherence is, therefore, inversely proportional to the magnitude of the path difference and directly proportional to the lcngth of the wave train. The wave trains are of Iinile length; each containing only a limitcd number of waves. The length of a wavetrain is, therefore, the , product of the number of waves, N, contained in a wave train and of its wave length A so LC= AN. Since visibility or the contrast of the interfere~~ce fringes is directly proportional to the length of the wave train, it call also be taken as proportional to the product of N and A. Further, for a given source of light, you can have some idea about its telnporal coherence in t e r m of the pat11 difference between two interfering waves of Michelson interferometer. You should now work out the following SAQ.
If light of 660 nm wavelength has a wavetrain 2(U long, what is its (a) cohcrence length and (b) coherence time.
source of light is intimately related to the width of its spectral lines. To see how, let us again consider the interference fringes obtained by Michelson interferometer. You may recall from Unit 7 that Michelson's Interferometer can be used for the measurement of two closely spaced wavelengths. Lct us consider a sodium lamp source which emits , predominantly two closely spaced wavelengths, 1, = 5896 A and 1 = 5890 A. Now, you may recall from Unit 7 that near d = 0, the fringe patterns corresponding to both the wavelengths will overlapp. If the mirror is moved away from the plate G by a distance d, Fig. 12.3, the maxima corresponding to the wavelength1, will not, in general, occur at the same angle as for 1. It is so because the spacing between the fringes f o r l , , and1, will be different. Indeed, if the distance d is such that the bright fringe corresponding to 1,coincides with the dark fringe corresponding toll, we havc
=. 1
If 'd' is the distance through which one of the mirrors has been moved, the effective path difference will be 2d. And the condition for bright fringe is
2d =
+ V2)l
whcrc m is an integer.
(bright fringe)
2d = (nr
+) 1,
(dark fringe)
and the fringe system will disappear. The condition for disappearerlce of fringe pattern can, therefore, be expressed as (see margin remark)
, since 1, = 1.
Now, if we assume that the light beam consists of all wavelengths lying between 1and 1+ A1, instead of two discrete values1, and A,, fringes will not be obscrved if
Starting from Eq. (12.5) which gives the path difference (24, in terms of two distinct wavelengths 1,and A,, for which fringes will disappear, derive Eq. (12.6) which is for all wavelengths lying betwecn 1a n i 1 M.
5 ntilt
Now, can you sce the basic reason why fringe pattern disappears? Is it son~ehow related to the nonmonochromaticity of the light beam? Yes, it is so. If fact, the moment we consider that the light beam consists of all wavelengths lying between1 andll + M, we are essentially considering interference pattern produced by non-monocl~ron~atic light beam. You may notice from equation (12.6) that as the spread in the wavelength (M) becomes small (more and more monochromatic), the path difference ( 2 ) for disappearance of fringes becomes large. And as mentioned carlier, larger the value of path difference for which fringe pattern does not disappear., more te~nporally coherent nature of light the light beam is. In other words, monochromaticity or the si~lusoidal coherence of the beam beam is strongly related to its temporal coherence. The tc~nporal
is, therefore, directly associated with the width of the spectral line. Since no fringe pattern is observed if the path difference, 2 4 exceeds the coherence length, LC,we may assume that the beam consists of aIl the wavelengths lying between l andA M with
This gives the relation between coherence length and spread in wavelength of a light beam. Further, since v = c/l, the spread in frequency A v is
Thus the frequency spread of a spectral line is of the order ol the inverse of the coherence time. In this section, we discussed about temporal (or longitudinal spatial) coherence which relates the predictability or constancy of the phase relationship between two waves arriving at the same paint after traversing different optical paths. In othcr words, we talked about thc constancy of phases of waves travelling along the same line. Light beam coherence, if was considered as a series of wave trains. As per requirement of ten~poral these wave trains are to produce observable interference fringe pattern, they must (a) have the same frequency and (b) overlap at the point of observatioil (i.e. palh difference should be less than the coherence length). Now, what aboul the phase relatio~iship between two waves travellingside by side at a certain distance from each other? Well, the constancy of the phase relationship of such waves relates to another lype ol coherence called spatial (or transverse spatial) coherence. This is the subject matter OF the next section.
Fig. 12.4: (a) young's double slit experiment wit11 a polnt source,S, (h) Youngk double slit experiment with nn extended source S ' S,
In order to understand the effect of an extended source (and hence ofspalial coherence) on the interference fringes, let us consider Young's double-slit experiment with an extended source. Fig. 12.4b shows schematically the two slits S, and S2with an extended light source S' S of width W at a distancer. Light from some points in the source illuminates the slits, and interference fringes are produced on the screen. If the source consisted of just this single points (as in an idealised Young's experiment, Fig. 12.4a), the fringes of maximum visibility would have been observed. A real source (such as S' S in Fig. 12.4b) is, however, of finite size and the fringes produced by illumination from other points of the source are displaced relative to those due tos. Light from the extended source, therefore, produces a spread in fringes with a consequent reduction in the visibility of the fringe pattern. In order to have some quantitative idea about the spatial coherence, let us assume that the two extreme points of the exlended source (Fig. 12.4b), S' and S act as two independent sources. Each source will produce its own interference pattern. Let us assume that SSI = SS2and the point 0 is such that S1O = S20.Clearly the point source S will produce a maximum around 0. the other hand, intensity at 0 due to S' On will depend on the path length (S' S2- S t S,). YOU niay recall from Unit 6, that if this path difference
the minima of interference pattern due to S will [all on the maxima of that due toS1.As a result, there will not be any observable interference pattern. From Fig. 12.4b, we have S'S, But
- S'S,
= S,P = ad
( neglecting
term )
For every point on an extended source of extension r/d, there is a point at a distance rDJ which produces interference fringes separated by half a fringe. width. Thus,for sourcesof such an extension, the visibility of the fringes would be poor.
We may, therefore, conclude that if we have an extended source whose linear dimension is - h / d , no interference fringe pattern will be observed. Equivalently, for a given source of width W, interferencefringes will not be observable if the separation, d, between slits S1 and S2 is greater than A r/W. If 13denotes the angle subtended by the source ( S' S ) at the point 0 (midpoint of slits S, SJ, then 8 = W/r. So, '
d = B
which gives the maximum lateral distance between slits S1 and S2 such that the light beam from the extended source may be assumed to have some degree of coherence (i.e,, the light waves from an extended source, after passing through slits S1 and S2 are able to produce interference fringes). The quantityA/d is known as Lateral (or transverse) Coherence Width and is denoted byl, You may note that the coherence width is linear in dimension and is approximately perpendicular to th,e direction of wave propagation. By contrast, the coherence length, introduced in relation to temporal coherence, is along the direction of wave propagation. For this reason, temporal coherence is sometimes called longitudinal coherence and spatial coherence is sometimes called lateral coherence. Further, closely related to coherence width is a parameter called coherence area given as
The waves at any two points within coherence area are coherent. You may have noticed that Eqs. (12.11) and (12.12) apply to the case in which the extended source is essentially a uniform linear source. If the source is in the form of an uniform circular disc, the lateral coherence width is given as
Well, in order to recaptulate what you have studied in this section, how about solving an SAQ! SAQ 3
Spend 2 min
Suppose we set up Young's experiment wt a s a l circular hole of diameter 0.1 mmin ih m l " 's front of a sodium lamp (A -5893nm) source. If the distance from the is lm, how far apart w l the slits be when the fringe pattern disappears? i l
- 10-
radians, the distance d between the slits for which fringes disappear will be
And for such a large value of d, the fringe width will be too small. To overcome this difficulty, Michelson used an ingeneous technique. He achieved an effectively large value of d by using two movable mirrors M and M ' as shown in Fig. 12.5. This modified interferometer is known as Micl~elson's Stellar Interferometer.
Since you have studied in detail about the Michelson Steller interfcrometer in Unit 7, we would just mention here the results of one typical cxperirnent. In a typical experiment the first disappearance of fringes occured when the distance between mirrors M and M ' was about 7.3111 which gave the angular diameter, 8 as (taking 2 -5 x 110-7111)
= 8.4 x 10-
* rad
From the known distance of star and the value of its angular diameter, 8, we can estimate its diameter.
Let us assume that Em, can take any arbitrary value but Emin 0. Then visibility, V = = 1. On the other hand, if Em, = Emin, = 0, fringes cannot be seen. Thus, the visibility V may assume any value between 0 and 1. Generally, a visibility of 0.8 is considered high, but a value 0.2 is barely visible. Now, you may like to know whether visibility is related to coherence? Yes, it is. To see how, let two points on a distant screen be illuminated by two light sources that produce equal areanas E,. Light waves from each consists of two parts-coherent (A) and incoherent (B). Areana due to the coherent part, A can be expressed as
Interference fringes are observed because of partA. The coherent part forms fringes whose maxima have intensities. Areana of the maxima is four times as high as the individual contribution. Thus, the maximum areana, (E,Jrnax, is 4pEo and minimum is zero. Moreover, on this interference fringe pattern, due to the coherent partA, a part uniform distribution due to incol~erent B, is superimposed. The areana of this distribution will be twice as high as the contribution EB,because it comes from two sources. Hence,
=A '(
) o + (EB) o mx mx
Therefore, Eq. (12.14) for visibility of the fringes can be written as,
1 . SUMMARY 25
Coherence is a property of light. A predictable phase relation exists between light waves passing through a point at different times.
Temporal coherence or thc longitudinal spatial coherence refers to the predictability of the phase of radiation as a function of time. In other words, temporal coherence can be identified as the interval of time during which the phase of the wave changes in a predictable manner as it passes through a fured , . point in space. This time interval is known as coherence time, z And the path length corresponding to t,, given as L, = c t, is called the coherence length of the radiation.
Temporal coherence is related with the width of the spectral lines. The spread in wavelength is given as,
Spatial coherence or transverse spatial coherence refers to the correlation between the pbases of two light waves travelling side by side. Use of point source in Young's double slit experiment is essentially to meet the requirement of spatial coherence.
If an extended source of light of width Wis used in Young's interference experiment, for observing interference fringe pattern following condition must b e satisfied
where, Ais the wavelength of the light, and 0 is the angle subtended by the extended source on the slits. The quantity (1/8) is known as lateral (or transverse) coherence width, I,. For a circular extended source, the coherence width I, is given as
1 .
in wavelength, A 1= 0.0194 A. Calculate (a) the coherence length and (b) line width in hertz.
If the visibility in an interference fringe pattern is 50 percent and the maxima receive 15 units of light, how much light does the minima receive?
The wavelength of the light,L = 660 nm and N,the number olwaves in the wave train is 20.
(a) So, the coherence length
= 3 x 10 ms
Ecl. (12.5), 2d = A2/2(A, -1,)gives the path difference for the disappearance of fringe pattern due to light of wavelengths I, and& When this expression is to be used for the disappearance of thc fringe pattern due to the light bean1 consisting of all wavelengths lying between A and A + A 1,we must dividc the interyal (width) into two equal parts of M/2. Thus, the fringe pattern will bc produced by wavelength values
which is Eq. (12.6) Now, for each wavelength lying bctween I ancl L -t M/2, there will be a such I corresponding wavelength lying betwcenL M / 2 andA & that the minima of one falls on the maxima of the other. Therefore, the cringe pattern will disappear.
r = lm
Hence the angle subtended by the source on slits
x 10- 4m =
Thus, if the separation between the slits is more than 0.72 cm, the fringe pattern will disappear.
M =
I' - ;where, LC =
coherence length
(b) The spread in frequency A Y (line width in hertz) and the coherence time z is , related as (equalion (12.8))
= 1.6 X 1 0 ' ~ ~ .
E , is the maximum areana i.e. the amount of radiation power contained in m the maxima of the fringe pattern; and Eminis the minimum areana.
From the problem, we have
V = 50 percent = 1 . 2; Em,
= 15 units ; Emin= ?
Emin= 5 units
Hence, 5 units of light will be received in the minima of the fringe pattern.
13.1 13.2 Introduction
Types of Lasers
Solid State Lasers Liquid Lasers Gas Lasers
Applications of Lasers
Communication Basic Research Medicine Industly Environmental Measurements Photography
In the previous unit, you learnt about coherence and cohcrent sources of light. It was explained there why conventional thermal sources of light emit radiation which have very low degree of coherence. However, phenomenon like interference which requires coherent light sources, can indeed be observed with conventional light sources. The quest for obtaining a light source with high degree of coherence led to the invention of lasers. As you know, a useful indicator of the degree of coherence is the coherence whereas the length. For ordinary light, the coherence length is of the order 1oU2m, 5 coherence length for a laser light can be as long as 10 m! So, you may appreciate the difference in the degree of coherence between an ordinary light and the laser light. In the present unit, we will discuss about this source of highly coherent light beam-the LASER. The name laser is an acronym for LightAmplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. You must realise that the key words here are amplification and stimulated emission. The existence of stimulated emission of radiation, when radiation interacts wilh matter, was predicted by Einstein in 1916. His theoretical prediction was realised by C.H.Townes and co-workers in 1954 when they developed microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (maser). The principle of maser was adapted for light in visible range byA. Schawlow and C.H. Townes in 1958 but the first laser device was developed by T.H. Maiman in 1960. Once the laser was invented, it has found applications in such diverse fields as basic research, industry, medicine, space, photography, communication,defence, etc,
In Sec. 13.2, you will learn about the quantum mechanical description of the emission and absorption of light. In particular, you will learn about spontaneous emission and stimulated emission of r,adiation.In Sec. 13.3, the physical principles involved in the operation of lasers viz.excitation (or pumping), the need of an active medium and the feedback mechanism have been explained. Since the invention of laser by Maiman using small ruby rod as active medium, Lasers have come a long way. Presently, lasers are built using solid or liquid or gas as active media. Apart from these, now semi-conductor based lasers are finding wide application:. These different types of lasers have been briefly discussed in Sec. 13.4. The applications of lasers are so many and so varied that thcir detailed account will take us too far. In Sec. 13.5, we have, however, briefly discussed applications of lasers in industry, medicine, communication and basic research. In the next unit, you will study about holography, which would not have been possible without laser light. And in Unit 15, you will study about optical fibres-a medium of transporting light-which is a very active area of research and development for long distance optical communication purposes.
Physics of h e r s
After going through this unit, you should be able to explain the concept of stimulated emission of radiation and differentiate it from spontaneous emission describe the need and methods of pumping list the characteristics of the active medium for lasers describe different types of lasers, and describe the important applications of lasers.
where Eiis the energy of the initial orbit, Efis the energy of the fmal orbit, v the frequency of the emitted light and h is the Planck's constant. The quantized orbits of the electron and the energy level diagram of the simplest atom-the hydrogen atom-are shown in Fig. 13.1. Quantum numbers
Flg. 13.1: (a) Bohr clrcular orbits for lht revolving electron of^^ a m s b w h g transllons, giving rise to Lht tmitW 1Ight waves of dlflercnl trequencits; @) Energy level dlngram tor the hydrogen atom.
The quantum mechanical explanation about the origin of light, as discussed above, applies to all the known light sources. To focus our attention on the atomic processes involved in the emission and absorption of light, let us consider only two energy levels of an atom. Let the energy of the lower level be El and that of the upper level be Ez. An atom lying in level E2 will tend to make a transition to level El so that it occupies a state of lower energy. Such emission process is known as spontaneous emission because it occurs in the absence of any external stimulus. The process of spontaneous emission is shown in Fig. 13.2(a). The photon emitted in spontaneous emission will have the energy (E2-El), while its other characteristics such as momentum, polarisation, will be arbitrary. The light emitted by ordinary sources results due to spontaneous emission. Absorption of light is the converse process of emission. The atom in a lower energy state can absorb a photon of energy hv (= E2 - El) and get excited to the upper level E2.The absorption process is depicted in Fig. 13.2(b). Now, can you guess what w l happen if an atom is in the Egher energy level, E2, and a i l photon of energyhv (= E2-El) interacts with it? Well, in such a situation, the photon may trigger the atom in the upper level to emit radiation. This emission process is known as stimulated emission. When the atom is already in the higher energy level, the photon, instead of being absorbed, may play the role of a trigger, and induce the transition from E2 to El. As a result, the atom falls into lower energy level and an additional photon OF energy hv = E2-El is emitted. In this process of stimulated emission, shown in Rg. 13.2(c), both the inducing and tbe induced photons have the same energy. The Light tkom laser is due t d e stimulated emission of radiation. It is worth mentioning here that of the three processes mentioned above, only the first two, that is, the spontaneous emission and the absorption of light were postulated on the basis of Bohr's theory. It was only when Einstein considered the whole idea of emission
Physics of Lnsers
Fig. t3.2: (n) Spontnncous Eniisslon (1)) Absorplion and (c) Slimul~lled Emission of light
and absorption of radiation in terms of thermodynamic equilibl.iun1between matter and of radiation that stimulated e~nission radiation could be predicted. What were Einstein's theoretical arguments for the prediction? Let us lcarn these now.
Fig. 13.3: A n nlonlic s y s l c ~ n Iwo encrfiy icvcls sllowing dlffcrcnt cnlission nnd of ahsorption proccsses.
of atoms Nl and N2 respectively. Let El < EZ. You may rccall from Unil13 of PHE-06 that according to Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, thc ratio of population of atoms in diiferent levels for the systcm in thermal equilibrium is givcn as
where, kg is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature. Now what will be the ratio of the population of the energy levels if radiation of energy hv is introduced into the system? Einstein proposed that if this system of energy levels and the radiations is to remain in thermal equilibrium, the rate of downward transition (due to spontaneous and stimulated emission) must be equal to the rate of upward transition (due to absorption). He, therefore, arrived at the relation (see box below),
where, u (v) is the energy density of radiation at frequency v and B12, A21,B21are Einstein's co-efficients.A2, is associated with spontaneous emission, Bzl is associated with stimulated emission and B12 is associated with absorption. Following Einstein, let us write down the rates of spontaneous and stimulated emission and the rate of absorption of radiation. The rate of spontaneous emission will be independent of the energy density of the radiation field because for this process t o occur, presence of photon is not required. This emission process will be proportional to the number of atoms, N2, in the higher energy state, So, we may write the rate of spontaneous emission as
where AZl is constant of proportionality. Assume next that the system of atoms is subject to some external radiation field. In that case, as mentioned earlier, one of the two processes, namely, the stimulated emission and absorption, may occur. The probability of their occurrence depends on the energy density of radiation at the particular frequency separating the two levels and the population of states from which transition takes place. Therefore, the rate of stimulated emission wiH be proportional to the energy density of the radiation and the population of higher energy state, N2.Thus, the rate of stimulated emission
P1 2
N2 4
where Bzl is another constant of proportionality and u (v) is energy density of radiation at frequency v. O n the other hand, the rate of absorption will depend on u (v) and the population of the lower energy state, Nl. Thus, the rate of absorption
where B12is the constant of proportionality. The constantsAzl, B12 and Bzl are known as Einstein's coefticients. With the system in thermal equilibrium, the net rate of downward transition must be equal to the net rate of upward transition. Thus, we may write
so that,
Physics of Lasers
(v) =
A1 2 - eh v / k ~ B~
Now, you may recall from unit of PHE-06 that the energy density of black body radiation is given by Planck's radiation law:
Equation (13.5) must be same as Eq. (13.4). So we must have B21 = B12 and
These are Einstein's relations. On the basis of Einstein's relations, we can conclude the following: (a) Eq. (13.6) indicates that the probabilities of absorption and stimulated emission are the same. In other words, when an atomic system is in equilibrium, absorption and emission take place side by side. Normally, N 2 c N,, and absorption dominate stimulated emission. An incident photon is more likely to be absorbed than to cause stimulated emission, But, if we could find a material that could be induced to have a majority of atoms in the higher state than in the lower state, i.e. N2 > N,,the stimulated emission may dominate absorption. This condition of the atomic system (where N2 > Nl) is known as population inversion. And when the stimulated emission dominates over absorption in thc atoniic system, it is said to lase. (b) If we substitute BI2 = B2, in equation (13.4), we get the ratio of the number of spontaneous emission to stimulated emission
When the system is in thermal equilibrium at temperature T, for lrv < < kgT, Eq. (13.8) suggests that stimulated emission will dominate spontaneous emission. On the other hand, when h v > > kBT,spontaneous emission will dominate stimulated emission. Now which of these two processes will dominate for ordinary thermal sources of light? To know that, you should do the following SAQ.
The absolute temperature, T, for an ordinary source of light is typically of the order of 10'~. With the help of Eq. (13.8), show that in such sources, the process of spontaneous emission will dominate over the stimulated emission.
5 ,ribr
1954, when Townes and coworkers developed a microwave amplifier (MASER) using NH3. In 1958, Shawlow and Townes showed that the maser principle could be extended into visible region. In 1960, the prediction was realised by Maiman who built the first laser using Ruby as an active medium. Maiman found that a suitable active component for a laser could be made from a single crystal of pink ruby: aluminium oxide (AI,O,), coloured pink by addition of about 0.5 percent chromium. For any laser action to take place, a condition of population inversion must be met. By population inversion we mean that the number of atoms in higher energy state is larger than the ground (or some lower energy) state. The energy states of the chromium atom, as shown in Fig. 13.4, are ideal for obtaining population inversion. The chief characteristics of ener levels of a Chromium atom is that the levels labelled as El and E2 have a life time 10 s. whereas The the state marked M has a life time 3 x 10-~s. energy state M with such a long life time (as compared to other excited states) is called a metastable state.
Ground level
Fig.13.4: Energy levels of chromium atom: (a) atoms in the ground state @) on absorbing pholons, atoms l are exclted to one of the two energy levels E and Et (c) atoms glve up some ot I t s energy to the cryslal lattice and fall to a me(nsbble level, M, (d) When stimulated by photons, the atoms in melasiable level emit photon and fall to ground state.
A chromium atom in its ground state can absorb a photon (A = 6600 A) and make a transition to the level El; it could also absorb a photon of lZ -4000 A and make a
When an atom undergoes a lion-radiativetransition the energy is not released in the form OF photons; rather, the energy is via atomic collisions, collision with the crystal lattice etc.
transition to the level E2. In either case, it subsequently makes a non-radiative transition, in time 10"s, to the metastabe state M. Since the state M has a very long life, the number of atoms in this state keeps on increasing and we may achieve a population inversion between the state M and G (the ground state). Thus, we may have larger number of atoms in the level M compared to those in the state G. Once population inversion is achieved, light amplification can take place. In the original set up of Maiman, the pink ruby was machined into a rod of length nearly four centimeter and diameter half a centimeter. Its ends were polished optically flat and parallel and were partially silvered. The rod was placed near an electronic flash tube (filled with xenon gas) that provided intense light for pumping chromium atoms to higher energy states. The set up of rltby laser is shown in Fig. 13.5. When the required population inversion was achieved with the help of electronic flash tube, the first few photons released (at random) by atoms dropping to the ground state stimulated a cascade of photons, all having the same frequency.
I1hysicsof Lnsers
Powcr source
You now know how a ruby lascr, developed by Maiman, works. You will appreciated that production of laser light demands that certain conclitions must be met beforehand. (We deliberately avoitled reference to tlrcse in above paragraphs.) Firstly, is it possible to achieve laser light from any medium? If not, what are the chahracteristics of the medium which can produce laser light after proper excitation? (The media capable of producing lascr light are called active media.) Secondly, how do we achieve population inversion? Further, for sustained laser light, it is necessary to feed some of the output energy back into the active medium. This is known as fcedback and is achieved by resonant cavity. What is the nature of this rcsonant cavity for lasers? These are some of the important aspects of laser operation and design about which you will learn now.
Fig.13.6: Rwic c o ~ ~ ~ p o n eoftH lnser osclilnlor: Energy source (I) si~pplics n e r g to riclive n s t medium (2). Medium is conlninetl between two mirrors (3 nnd 4). Mirror 3 Lv hilly reflecllve wl~ile mirror 4 Is pnrtltiily trnnsprrent. Lnser rntlintion (5) emerges t h r o ~ ~ g h Partinlly trnnspnrenl mirror.
In a typical laser operation, energy is transferred to the active material, which is raised to the excited state, and ultimately lases in various ways. The medium may be a solid, liquid or gas and it may be one of the thousands of materials that have been b u n d to lase. The process of raising the medium to the excited state is called pumping, in analogy to pumping of water from lower to a higher level of potential energy. Some lasers are built as laser amplifier. They need no optical cavity. Most lasers, however, are laser oscillators. For sustained laser oscillations, some kind of feedback mechanism is needed. The feedback mechanism is provided in the form of optical resonant cavity. In both laser amplifiers and oscillators, the first few quanta of radiation will probably be emitted spontaneously and will trigger stimulated emission. Let us now discuss the above mentioned three components of a laser.
The heart of the laser is a certain medium- solid, liquid or gaseous called a n active medium. Since Maiman's discovery of ruby, many new laser materials have been discovered. They include crystals other than ruby, glasses, plastics, liquids, gases and even pfasma (the state of matter in which some of the atomic electrons are dissociated from the atoms). What should be the characteristics of an qctive medium? The only general requirement for an active medium is that it provides an upper energy state into which atoms can be pumped and a lower state to which they will return with the spontaneous emission of photons. The medium must also allow a population inversion between the two states. It may happen that the active species o r centres, which provide lasing levels, constitute a small fraction of the medium. For example, in case of ruby, which is A1203 with some of the Al atoms replaced by Cr atoms, only the latter (Cr) is the active centre. T ical number of active species per cubic centimeter in solids and 19 15 17 liquids is 10 to 10 and that for gaseous media their number is about 10 to 10 . How the light beam gets amplified when it passes through an active medium? T o get the answer we examine the process of population inversion now.
Population Inversion
W y is the condition of population inversion between the lasing level necessary for h
operation of lasers, i.e. for amplification of light to occur? We can investigate this by calculating the change in intensity of the light beam passing through an active medium. Refer to Fig. 13.7. A collimated beam of light having intensity I,,travels along thex-axis through an active medium of thickness du.
Fig. 13.7: Light beam of intenslly Iv passing through an actlve medium along the x-axis
If the cross-sectional area of each of the planes is S, volume of the layer will be Sdr. Let Nl(v) dv represent the number of atoms per unit volume which are capable of absorbing radiation whose frequency lies between v and v + dv. The nurnber of upward& transmitted (El+ E2) atoms per unit time in the layer of volume S& would be (refer lo box on page 26)
Similarly, let N2(v) dv represent the number of atoms per unit voli~me which are capable of undergoing stimulated emission by falling down to level E l . The frequency of these emitted per photons lie between v and v dv. Then the number of stimulated pho~ons unit time in the layer is
In each transition, photon of energy h v is emitted and this reinrorces the propagating beam. Thus the energy gain by the incident radiation per unit time is
hv [ N , (v) dv BZL (v) ] Sdw ic
You may have noticed that we have neglected spontaneous emission. It is so because a photon, emitted via spontaneous process, is in a random direction. And, as such, it does not contribute appreciably to the intensily of the beam. As a result of above processes, will the intensity of the light beam increase or decrease with time? Since u (v ) dv Sdw represents the energy in the layer within frequency range v and v -f- dv , we can write the rate of change of [lie energy with time as
IEI, represents intensity, I,, dv signifies the energy crossing a unit area per unit time whose frequency lies between v and v + dv. Then
denotes the rate at which the energy flows out of the layer. Since u ( v ) dv Sdw represents radiation energy contained in the layer with frequency in the range v and v f dv, we will have
a x
- B,, N2 ( v ) ] 11 (v)
I,, = u (v) V
C/IZ; = IZ
If the light beam is propagating in absorbing media, the loss of inteasity, - d I,, will be proportional to I,,and du;
dIv = - a, I,, dr
If we compare Eqs. (13.12) and (13.13), we get the expression for absorption co-efficient:
At thermal equilibrium, N1 > N2, that is, the population of ground state is greater than , the population of the excited state and as can be seen from Eq. (13.15), a is positive. Positive a, implies, (from equation 13.14) that the intensity of the beam decreases as it propagates through the material. The lost energy is used up in the excitation of atolils to higher energy states. O n the other hand, if we have a situation in which N2> Nl, a, will be ncgative and intensity of the light beam would increase, that is, get amplified as it propagates through the material. This process is light amplification. Since this occurs when there is a higher population in excited state than in the ground (or lower energy) state, the material is said to be in the state of population inversion. Thus, the condition of population inversion is necessary for amplification of intensity of lig'ht beam.
Physics of Iascrs
In Optical Pumping, a source of light is used to supply encrgy to the activc medium. Most often this energy comes in the form of short flashes of light, a method first used in Maiman's Ruby Laser and widely used even today in Solid-State Lasers. The laser material is placed inside a helical xenon flash lamp of the type customary in photography. The xenon flash lamp for pumping is shown in Fig. 13.5. Another method of pumping is by direct electron cxcitatio~i it occurs in an electric as discharge. This method is preferred for pumping Gas lasers of which the argon laser is a good example. The electric field (typically several KV m") causcs elcctrons, emitted by the cathode, to be accelerated towards the anodc. Some of the electrons will impinge on the atoms of the active mcdium (electron impact), and raise thcm to thc excited statc. As a result, thc population inversion is achieved in the active mcdium. In the inelastic atomic collision methocl of pumping, the electric discharge provides the initial excitation which raises one typc of atoms to their excited statc or states. Thcse atoms subsequently collide inelastically with anotlicr type of atoms. The energy transferred illelastically raises thc later typc of atonls to thc excited states and these are the atoms which provide the population inversion. An example is Helium-Neon Laser, to be discussed later, in which such a pumping proccss is employed. A direct conversio~l electrical energy into radiation occurs in light cmitting diodes. of Such light emitting diodes (LED) are used for pu~nping direct conversion in by semi-conductor lascrs. These are some of the proccsscs used for pumping atonls of the active medium to achieve population inversion. Atoms (or molecules) used as active ccntrcs often exhibit rather .complexsystem of energy levels. However, for all t.be variety of thesc slrt~ctures, the actual pumping schemes may be narrowecl dowil to a few rather simple diagrams correctly showing the puinping process. Typically, these puliiping schcmes involve three to four levels. We think you would like to know about thcin. Let us consider some of the pumping schcmcs. To do so, lct us iclcntify diffcrcnt energy states necessary to explain the pumping schelnc as: thc ground state as 0; tlic lower lasing state as 1; the upper lasing statc as 2; and the puinping state as 3. We shall indicate pumping transition by upward arrow, thc lasing transition by downward arrow and non- radiative fast decay by slantecl arrows. Now Ict us consider a three-level pumping scheme shown in Fig. 13.8a. Lct us assumc that by onc of the pumping methods, more than half the number of atoms 01activc spccies havc becn pumped from ground state to pumping statc 3. Thc pulnpcd a t o m in statc 3 dccay non-racliatively to -8 upper lasing state 2. This decay is vcry fast, (lifc time is typieillly of the order to 10 s). The upper lasing state 2 is generally a metastable state i.c. tbe lire time of this statc
Atoms or ~noleculcs tend lo OCCU~~IOWC~~ cnerastatc. Thcrcforcl Lllc~o~~llationoft~lc ground statc (lowcst encrgystatc) ishigh.
( lo5 s) is much higher than the pumping state (or the excited state). Therclore, we have a situation of population inversion bctwccn lasing states 2 and 1 and hence lasing may take place. You may notc that in this pumping schcmc, thc ground statcS(0)and thc lower lasing slate (1) are the samc state. This fcatwe of the pumping schenle proves too demanding for the pumping proccss bccausc in norinal circumstances, the ground state
Fig.13.8: Three level pumping schemes, (a) the ground slnte (0) nnd lower lasing stale (1) are the snme, (h) pumping sfnte (3) nnd upper lnsing sitate (2) are the same. (c) Four level pumping scheme;
is highly populated. And, as you can appreciate, an ideal lower lasing state (1) should be empty or very thinly populated. How to get rid of this problem?
According to the uncertainty arinciule, about which YOU will stud3 in the PHE-11 course on P h ~ i c s an enera g with longer life time will have narrow frequency band.
This problem can be taken care of if the pumping scheme is as shown in Fig. 13.8 b. As you can sec, the atoms in the lower lasing state undergo non-radiative transition to the ground state (0). Since this transition is very fast (- logs) ,the lower lasing level is empty for all practical purposes. You may, however, note that the same energy stale acts as pumping state (3) and the upper lasing state (2). This stale or affairs has its own shortcoming. If the pumping state has to act as upper lasing state, it must have a longer lifc time (metastable state) which implies that it must have very narrow frequency width. On the other hand, for proper ulilisation of pumping energy, this state must have a wide frequency width so that more and more atoms get accomodated there. So, you see, il is a kind of conflicting requirements put on a single energy slates. The pumping scheme free from the shortcomings mentioned above with reference to three-level pumping scheme is what we call four-level pumping scheme shown in Fig. 13.8~. this case, the pumping stale (3) and the upper state (2) are seperate; atoms in In the pumping state undergo non-radiative transition to the upper lasing state. The four level pumping scheme, however, has some limitations. Substantial energy is lost during non-radiative transitions between pumping state (3) and the upper lasing state (2) and between the lower lasing state (1)and the ground stale (0).
You may now ask: Which pumping scheme is better and preferred? Each pumping scheme has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the pumping schemc in designing a laser depends upon the active media, the kind of use we want to put the laser light to, elc. We will discuss these aspects in the following sections. You may now like to answer an SAQ
2 ntirt
If laser action occurs by the transition from an excited state to the ground state and it
produces light of 693nm wavelength, what is the energy of the excited state. Take the energy of the ground state to be zero.
to initiate stimulated emission. Instead, it is the spontaneously emitted photon from upper lasing state which stimulates the emission of new photons. Each spontaneous photon can initiate many other stimulated transitions which, in turn, may cause light amplification. Well, in this way, we do get atnplification of light by stimulated emission. ~ u thow is coherence of this amplified light ascertained'? In other words, how can wc , ensure that the laser light has a very narrow band width (monochromaticity) and a high degree of phase correlation? As such, the amplified light from laser is not cohcrent. It is because the spontaneous photolls are indcpcndcnt of each other and travel in different directions. Therefore, the correspondillg stinlulated photons will also travcl in diffcrcnt directions. Can you suggest as to what should we do for obtaining a highly coherent laser beam'? For obtaining a coherent light beam, we need to havc a lncchanism by which a colldition is created such that sponlancous emission only in certain selected dircction can dcvelop stumulated emission. This tnechanism is known as fccdback ~ncchanism. The spontaneous photons emitted in othcr directions leave thc activc medium without initiating much stimulated emission. Now, you may ask; how do we actually achieve this favourable condition for spontaneously emitted photons in some preferred direction to furthcr sti~nulate
Physics of Lasers
Fig.13.9: Optlcnl resonntor consisting of two nilrrors M I and M2; M I is totnlly reflecting wit11 tl~nt the active of whereas M2 is semltronspnrent; tile nxis of the nlirrors is ~ l i g n e d mrrterlal.
emission? Well, this is accomplished by means of an optical resonator-an essential component of a laser. Let us understand how an optical resonator works. Optical cavity resonator can have nlally conligurations. Thc schcmalic arrangcmcnl of a simple resonator is shown in Fig. 13.9. It consists of a pair of planc mirrors, M I and M2, set on an optic axis which defincs the dircction of the lascr bcarn. The activc material is along theAA placed in betwccn these mirrors. The photons enlittcd spo1lta11col1sly direction or sufficiently close to it travcl a relativcly longcr distance within thc active material, It is so because photons travelling al&g AA will be reflected back and forth by the mirrors MI and Mz, You tnay notice that the direction of travel of these photons is quite fixcd. Now, as a result of spcnding morc timc in the activc material, these spontaneous photons will interact with more ancl more atoms in upper lasing level. Thus, the stimulated emission will add iclentical photons in the samc direction, providing an ever-increasing population of coherent photons that bounce back and forth betwccn the mirrors. On the other hand, spontaneous photons and thc corresponding stimulated emission in other directions will traverse rclatively shorter distances (and hence spend lesser time) in the activc meclium. Hence thcy will sooll dic out. Thus the optical resonant cavity provides the desirecl selectivity of propagation clirection and tllcreby ensures the spatial coherence of the lascr bcarn. Now, what about monochromaticity of the lascr light? Well, the laser light is highly monochromatic due to very nature of its origin thc stimulatccl crnission. It is so bccausc the spontaneously emitted photons whosc frcquency do not match with the frcquency difference betwcen lasing Icvels will not give rise to stimulated cmission. Thus, the band
You may rccall tliat thc spatial col~e~~cnccmeasure of the is a uniformity oithe phasc across the optical wavefront. And Lhc temporal coherence is a measure of the nionochromaticity of thc light.
of wavclengtlis cmitted during sponlancous emission is narrowed down. The monochromaticity of the laser light can further be enhanced by the optical resonant cavity. Suppose there are more than one upper lasing levels in a particular active medium. In that case, the laser output will consist radiations of more than one of frequency. Now, if the ~iiirrors the resonant cavity are such that their reflectivity is a function of frequency, the radiations due to undesired lasing between levels will be damped out. l'lierefore, resonant cavity is the most vital component of the laser to obtain highly coherent light beam as output. In this section, you learnt basic constituents of a laser. Since the invention of ruby laser in by Maiman in 1960, the research and developme~~t this field has produced a variety of lasers. It is not possible to discuss all of them in detail here. However, we will discuss some of them now.
As such, lasers can be classified in a variety of ways. One of these is in terms of their active media. As mentioned earlier, materials in all the three states of matter, namely, solid, liquid and gas, have been used as active mediilnl to produce laser beam. Further, lascrs have also been colistructed using semi- conductors and plasma as active medium. In the following, let us know about sonie of them with particular reference to the physical properties of the activc medium and the pumping mcthods employed.
Pumping sourcc
lasers are the ruby laser and Nd:YAG (neodymium: yltrium, aluminiuni, garnet) laser. 3 -k Ruby isA1203crystal (corundum) doped with triply ionized chromium atom (Cr ). You have learnt the functioning of this laser in section 13.2. In solid-state lasers, the optical pumping is done by placing the active material (in the for111 rod) at one focus and the pumping source (in the shape of a right cylinder) at of another focus of an elliptical reflector as shown in Fig, 13.10a. The advantage of such an arrangement is that any light leaving one focus of the ellipse will pass through the other focus aftcr reflection froni the silvcrcd surface of the pump cavity. All of the pump radiation, therefore, is ~naxinlalIy focussed on the active material, as shown in Fig. 13.10b.
Physics or Lasers
E4 + El. The Nd: YAG laser is an example of four-level laser. and This solid-state laser has two advantages: (a) it has a low excitation thresl~old (b) has a high thermal conductivity. Due to high thermal conductivity, it can be used for generating lighl pulses at a high repetition rate or for conti~~uous operation.
In contrast to solids, liquid clo not crack or shatter and can be made in sizes almost unlimited. Another advantage of liquid lasers is due to [heir (that of organic dyes) wide obsorption bands in the visible and near ullravoilet portion of the electromagnctic spectrum. Therefore, liquid lasers are an ideal candidate for tunable laser i.e. the frequency and hencc energy of [he outpul Iascr beam can be sclected with ease.
The attractive feature of gas lasers in which rarified gases are the active media, is that they can be designed to produce output beams over a wide range of wavelengths. Except . for the cesium- vapour laser, gas lasers are pumped electrically rather than optically. + Can you say why? It is because the condition for amplification by stimulated emission, at one wavelength or another, are satisfied by an electrical discharge through almost any gas. Another reason for employing electrical pumping for gas lasers is that, unlike solids and liquids, the absorption lines of active centres in gaseous media exhibit substantially narrow widths. Therefore, optical pumpipg would prove very inefficient for gas lasers because the pump radiation obtained from optical sources d o not have line spectrum of very narrow lines. In other words, the energy of optical pump radiation has a ' considerable spread in its value and since the gaseous active media will absorb radiation of almost single energy, most of the pump energy will go waste. Hence, opticaI pumping is not used for gas lasers. Further, gas tasers have advantage over solid state and liquid lasers in that they are free from local irregularities. Most gaseous systems have a high degree of optical perfection simply because the density of the gas is uniform. We will now briefly describe a typical gas laser-the Helium-Neon gas laser. This was the first gas laser operated successfully.
A A + n 2
A A+ A l
Flg.13.13: Energy level diagram or helium-neon laser. Arrnws (a) indicate thc lasing transition
laser is shown schematically in Fig. 13.12. The puniping is done by a stationaryglow discharge iired by a direct current. When thc potential difference between the anode and cathode is about 1000V, a glow discharge is initiated in tlie working capillary (containing He-Ne mixture) of a few milliicter diameter. let us look at the pumping scheme of the He-Nc lascr. Refer to Fig. 13.13 which ' shows the energy level diagram of Hc-Ne laser. When frce clcctrons produced during the gas discharge pass through the Me-Nc mixture, they collide with the He and Ne atoms and excite them by impact energy transfer. Such absorptive transitions due to electron impacts are shown by dashed arrows in Fig. 13.13. These excited states of He ( i. e. El' and E,' ) are metastable. Thus, He-atoms excitcd to these states stay there for
a long time before losing energy by collision. The interesting feature of the Hc-Ne energy diagram is that the excited states o Ne, namely E3 and EShave approximately C same energy as that of E l ' and E,' o He atom. Therefore, wlien Hc-atoms in El1and E,' C collide with Ne-atoms in ground state, thc He-atoms transfer their cncrgy to Ne-atoms and raise them to the states E3and E5. Such an cxchange of encrgy is known as resonant collision energy transfer. Due to this energy transfer, Hc-atoms fall back to ground state. As a result, tlie excited statcs E3 and E5 of Ne-atoms liavc a sizable population which is much more than that of states E2 and E4. Thus a condition of population inversion is achieved between tlic upper lasing levels E5 (or E3) and lower lasing levels E4(E2). In such a situation, any spontaneously emitted photon can trigger laser action betwccn tliesc lcvels. The Nc atoms then drop clown Crom the lower lasing levels E2 and E4, to the levcl El through spontaneous cmission. The wavclengLh of transition bctwccn lcvels E5 + E4,E5 -, E2, E3 -,E2 are 3.39pn1, 0.63pm and 1.55pm respectively. As you can easily make out, radiations corresponding to 3.39pm and 1.55pm fa11 in tlic infrarccl rcgion of tlic clcctromagnctic spectrum. The radiation corresponding to 0.63,~im, howcver, gives thc rcd liglit - charactcristic light o C He-Ne laser. Proper seleclion of diCCcrcnt frequcncics may bc niade by choosing end mirrors of the rcsonant cavity wliicli lias high reflectivity ovcr only Llic desired wavelength rangc. Before we concludc our cliscussion about typcs o lascrs, you must know that apart Crom C C those mentioned abovc, there are many other typcs o gas lasers. Wc may particularly lasers, plasma lasers, mention molecular 1:rsers (carbon Jioxicle lascr), cl~emical semiconductor lasers, etc. Wc liavc not discusscrl tliese here since for an understanding of their pumping schemcs, you need to know molecular spcctroscopy, se~niconductor physics etc. It is, howcver, worth mcnlioning hcre that the csscntial principles, in so far rcmain tlie samc in all types of lasers. as laser action is conccr~iecl, The importance of lasers in contemporary physics lies in their so many and so varied applications. To give you a gli~nsc these we now discuss some of the important of applications of lasers.
Applications o l any device essentially stern from its unique fcatures. What are thc unique Cealurcs of a lascr? First and the formost, laser light is highly cohcrcnt. This characteristic has cnablcd us to use lasers for data transmission and processing, precision measurements, photography (holography), etc. Secondly, lascr light lias unprecedented brightness (cncrgy pcr unit arca). Brightness of lascr light, a by product of ils coherence, can be many orders of magnitude greatcr than the brightcsl o C the light produced by convenlional sources. Furthcr, laser beanis arc highly directional.
In a typical laser, this directionality is limited only by the diffraction of the emerging beam by the laser aperture ilsclf. The brightness and directionality of laser beam are exploited to produce targetted effects in materials. These applications include material working (such as heat treatment, welding, cutting, hole burning etc.), isotope seperation, medical diagnostics, etc. In the following, you will learn some of these applications of lasers.
13.5.1 Communication
You may be aware that in a typical c:ommunication system, information is communicated (between the transmitter and the receiver) through electromagnetic waves, which are known as carrier wave. These are rnodulated by the desired signal (the oscillations of the information proper). Normally the signal frequency is appreciably lowcr than the frcquency of the carrier wave. Moreover, higher tlie carrier frequency, wider frequency range it can modulate. In other words, the capacity of a communication channel is proportional to the frequency of the carrier wave. The frequency in the centre of the visible spectrum is about 100,000 times greater than the frequency of 6 cm waves used in microwave-radio relay systems. Consequently, the theoretical information capacity of a typical light wave is about 100,000 times greater than that of a typical microwave. rely Long distance communication syste~lis on the principle of multiplexing-the simultaneous transmission of many different messages (information) over the same pathway. The ordinary human voice (conversation) requires a frequency band from 200 to 4000 Hz, a band 3800 Hz wide. A telephone call, therefore, can be transmitted on any band that is 3800 Hz wide. It call be carried by a coaxial cable in the frcquency band between 1,000,200 and 1,004,000 Hz, in the MHz range, or a He-Ne laser beam (638.8 in nm, 4.738 x 1 0 " ~ ~ ) the frequency range bctwecn 473,800,000,000,200 and 473,800,000,004,000 Hz. You may note here that the telephone message requires about 0.4 percent of the available co-axial carrier frequency. And, rhc same telephone message requires less than one-billiontli of 1 percent of the available laser-beam frequency. Thus, the information carrying capacity could be enhanced tremendously if laser beams are employed as carriers. So, wait for sotne more time till laser trunk lines come into use in a big way and you may be saved from listening "11 lhc lbies itt this rorlle are busy. Please dial ajkrsotne time"!! Now you may ask: Light, as such, was available to us from time immemorial, then why is it that we are using (or planning to usc!) it for communication purposes now? Is it related to the discovery of a laser in any way? Yes, it is. As we mcntioned earlier, light from conventional sources may not be pure (that is, it may be non-monochromatic) and hence cannot be used for transmitting signals. Radio wavcs from an electromagnetic oscillator are confined to fairly narrow region of electromaglletic spectrum (i.e. it has a well defined frequency). These radio waves are, therefore, free from "noise" (considerabte spread in frequcncy values) and hence can be used for carrying a signal. In contrast, all conventional light sources are esscntially'noise' generators i.e. they simultaneously emit electromagnetic radiations of different frequencies and hence are not suitable as carrier waves. With the invention of lasers, however, the situation changed. As you know, the light produced by lasers is highly monochromatic and coherent which enable them to act as carrier waves in the communication systems. Now, what is the medium through which laser beam travels while it carries information'? The signal carrying laser beams can be transmitted througll free (unguided) space, and by light guides. Light guides in tlie form optical fibres have found wide use in optical communication. You will learn about the details of fibre optics in Unit 15 of this course.
Physics of Lmsem
The discovery of a laser gave birth L O an entircly new branch of optics known as nonlinear optics. Even at ordinary laser intensities, transparent materials (which are nonconductors), respond in an unusual manner. You niay recall, for example, that the dielectric constant of malerial dcpends on its nature as well as on the frequency through it. But, it has bcen observed that when the ordinary light of thc light beam is replaced by a lascr beam, the clielectric constant also dcpends on the instantaneous magnitude of the electric ficlti component of the laser bcam. In other words, the response of a ~~iatcrial high clcctric fields is non-linear. It is just one of to the several non linear cffccts that a laser beam produccs whcn it interacts with matter. In fact, almost all tlie laws of optics are modifiecl to sornc cxtent at high intensities produced by pulscd lascrs. Another important applicalion of lasers in basic rcscarcli and dcvclopment ii in the field of thermonuclear fusion. As you know, for cffectivc fusion to take placc, extreniely high 8 temperature ( 10 K) must be niaintaincd. In principlc, such high Lcniperatures can be achieved by powerful laser bcams.
Yet another remarkable application of lascrs is in isotope separation. You may recall that one of the basic requirements of hanicssing nuclcar cncrgy from uranium is to have 2-3% of uraniuni isotopc ( 2 3 5 ~in the fucl. 111nalural arimium, however, the ) 238 percentage of 3 3 5 is only 0.7. ( ~ h major conrtitucnt of natural uranium is u.) ~ c 235 Therefore, to have fucl clirichetl in U, we call usc laser bcams. Each of these isotopes absorbs radiation oT different Srcqucncy. So when a lascr beam of parlicular frequency is passcd through tlic mixtare of "U and *'*u , tlic atoms of2"u absorb the radiation and get excited. The cxcitcd atoms of thc desircd isotope arc further excited so that they get ionized. Once ioniscd, il can easily bc separated by applying a dc electric field. This is one of the several mcthocls of using laser beam for isotope scperation.
13.5.3 Medicine
A properly focussed laser beam, is an excellent tool for surgcry. Thc advantage of lascr surgery is that it is bloodless sincc the bcam not only cuts, il also "welds" blood vcssels. It C has a high sterility as no contact o tissucs with surgical tools takes place. Also, the laser surgery is painless and operations arc very fast. In fact there is not enough time for the patient to respond to thc incision and sensc pain. Laser beams are being widely used lor performing eye and stone surgcry.
A word of caution. As such, any light can causc damage. Laser, in parlicular, can be highly damaging because it has spatial coherence, i.e., it can be focussed down to a high power densities. The ~nnxirnurnperrnissilrle exposure (MPE) is 0.0005 mJ cm" . 34 1 J For exposure time from 2 x 10- 's to 10 s, the limit is MPE = 1.8t m cm-
13.5.4 Industry
Invenlion of lasers has made it possible to develop sophisticatcd 1001s of malcrial working (such as drilling, welding, etc) processes used in industry. With appropriate choice of lasers, a laser beam can be focusscd inlo a light spot of diameter 10-100pm! Can you imagine this dimension-it will be slnaller than thc dot you mark will1 your pen on a piece of paper! Due lo this sharp focussing, a very high concentration of energy is available within a small spot on 111e surface of thc material. For example, when a 1kW output of a continuous wave (cw) lascr is focusscd a spot of 100,~ diameter, tlie m
resultant irradiance (intensity) will be 10 W cm drilling very fine hole through the materials.
Laser cutting, as compared to other cutting processes, offers several advantages e.g. possibility of fine and precise cuts, minimal amount of mechanical distortion and thermal damage introduced in the material being cut, chemical purity of the cutting process, etc. Laser cutting is extensively used in industry. For example, in high-tech garment factories, C02laser capable of lOOW of continuous output is used for cutting cloth. The laser cuts l m cloth in a second! And, laser cutting is also employed in the fabrication of spacecraft to cut the sheets of titanium, steel and aluminium. In cutting and most of the industrial applications, carbon-dioxide (COJ laser is used,
object that cannot be recorded by any other photographic process. Holography is the subject matter of the next unit (i.e. Unit 14).
According to the Bohr's theory, if an atom makes a transition from an excited state (of energy Ei) to a state of lower energy Ef, emission of electromagnetic radiation (photons) take place. The energy of the emitted photon is
hv = Ei - El
When electromagnelic radiation interacts with matter, three type o processes E may occur (i) Spontaneous Emission (ii) Absorption (iii)Stimulated Emission emission, Light emitted by ordinary sources is due to spoi~taneous The existence of stimulated emission of radiation was predicted by Einstein on E the basis of thermodynamic considerations. If the population o [he energy E level El be Nl and that o E2 be N2 (El c E2), then, the ratio of the population of the two states is given as
where, u (v) is energy density of radiation at frequency v and B1,, B21. andAZ1 are Einstein co-efficients. Einstein coefficients are related to each other through the relations
Einstein's relation clearly indicates that stimulated emission may dominate spontaneous emission provided thecondition of population inversion exists. And in a atomic system where a condition of population inversion exists, one may have amplification of light, that is, laser light. Einstein's prediction was first realised in the optical frequency range by Maiman wlio developed a lascr using a ruby rod. There are three prerequisits for laser operation: (i) Active medium
(i) Pumping
(iii)Optical resonant: cavity The change in intensity of a light beam passing through an active medium is given by
This relation clearly indicates that for enhancement in the intensity of the light beam as it traverses the active medium, N2> N1,i.e. a condition of population inversion must exist. There are variety of methods for pumping, such as, optical pumping, electronic discharge, inelastic atomic collisions etc, The choice of pumping process mainly depends upon the nature of the active medium.
There are two types of pumping schemes:three level and four-level. Optical resonant cavity helps in obtaining sustained laser light.
T= 103~
Let us take the wavelength of light,A = 6000 A. Hence the corresponding frequency,
23 JK-
B,, u (v) =
Physics of Lasers
Thus, for ordinary sources of light, the number of spontaneous emission is much, much greater than the number of stimulated emission.
Let the energy of the excited state (upper lasing state) be E2 and that of the ground state (lower lasing state) be El. The laser light is due to the atomic transitions from E2 to El. Thus, the frequency of the laser light will be
E2 = ? E l = 0 and Hence,
Let the two energy levcls bc El and E2 (such that El < E2) and their population be Nl and N2respectively. According to thc Boltzma~ln distribution
- El)
= hv
= 31,114 X
k , T = 1.38 x 10-"(J/K)
x 300(K)
Time Given, Power = 100W = 100 ( J/s) Time = 10ms = 10 x 10- ( s )
= 2.29
= 1J.
14.1 14.2 14.3
14.4 14.5
In the previous Unit, we pointed out that one of the revolutionary applications of lasers is in the development of a novel technique of photography, known as holography. This word is the combination of two Greek words - holos (complete) and graphos (writing). That is, holography is the technique of obtaining complete picture (as true as the object itself) of an object or a scene. In other words, it is a three- dimensional recording of an object or a scene. Well, you may be wondering as to what essentiallydifferentiatesthis technique from the normal photography! In normal photography, a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional object is recorded on a photosensitive surface. The photosensitive surface records the intensity distribution of light falling on it after reflection from the object. As a consequence, we obtain a permanent record of the intensity distribution that existed at the plane occupied by the photographic plate when it was exposed. Since the photosensitive surface is sensitive only to the intensity variation, the phase distribution existing in the plane of the photographic plate is completely lost and is responsible for the absence of the three-dimensionalcharacter in it. Holography is that technique of photography where not only the amplitude (and hence the intensity) but also the phase distribution can be recorded. As a resilt, pictures obtained by holographic technique possess three-dimensional form and are visually rich. Holography was introduced by Dennis Gabor in 1948. H e showed that one could indeed record both the amplitude and the phase of a wave by using interferometric principles. In Sec. 14.2, you will learn the basic concepts involved in the holographic technique. You will be able to appreciate the similarity between the hologram and the diffraction grating. The process of holography i.e. how to obtain a hologram, how to obtain images from the hologram etc. has been explained in Sec. 14.3. Due to high cost of lasers, (an essential reqdirement for holography) this technique is not being used extensively. The technique, however, has tremendous potential and some of the important applications have been explained in Sec. 14.4.
After going through this unit, you should be able to
differentiate between normal photography and holography explain the basic principle of holography describe how holograms are obtained, and state some of the applications of holography.
Object wave is the light wave reflected from the object and received at the photosensitive surface at the time of recording the hologram.
I Fig. 14.1: The principle of holography: (a) Point object forming concentric diffrnclion rings as In zone plalq reconstn~cliun zone plnte gives point image (top right). For two of potnls and a rnure complex object, these tealures are shnwn in (b) and (c) rcspecllvcly.
Rcconslruclin~~ l i c irnapc
Let us understand the basic concept involved in holography with the help of a simple example. Incident light, shown in Fig. 14.1 (a), is diffracted by a point object. It gives rise to a series of bright and dark concentric rings. The pattern is recorded photographically and made into a transparency. This pattern, called a Gabor zone plnte, is similar to a Fresnel zone plate. In the second step (top right) light is incident on the ring pattern (i.e. the Gabor zone plate) and focussed by it into a point, as focussed by a zone-plate. Now, refer to Fig. 14,l(b) in which the object consists of two points (pixels). The diffraction pattern then consists of two sets of concentric rings. When the pattern is illuminated, each of the two sets focus, and the image consists of two points. As the object is a n aggregate of many pixels, its diffraction pattern is shown in Fig. 14.l(c). The intermediate recording is a continuum of superposed zone plates- an unrecognizable multiplicity of lines and rings. Each pixel in the object forms its own set of fringes. Within each set, the light interfers but between sets, there is no fured phase relationship and hence no interference. In order to make the different signals compatible in phase, another wave called reference is added. Refer to Fig. 14.2 where the effect of adding
a sufficiently strong reference beam to the random - phase signal is shown. As a result, the phase of the resultant of reference and the signal becomes similar to that of the reference alone. Thus contributions from different pixels produce an interference fringe pattern.
Reference beam
Fig. 14.2: Addltlon of a strong cohcmnt mfennce beam (top leN) wltlr random-phmc signals (top rlght) glvcs slmllnr resultant (botiom).
The essence of holography is that the process of image formation is being interrupted and splitted into two. In the first step, the object is transformed into a photographic record, called the hologram and in the second step called reconstruction, the hologram is transformed into image. No lens is needed in either step. You may now like to answer an SAQ.
Using the size of the amplitude vectors drawn in Fig. 14.2 calculate (a) the ratio of-intensities, and (b) the contrast resulting from these intensities. At this stage, you may say that in photography, what we essentially record is the light reflected from the object and not its dirfraction pattern. Well, it is 'easy to extend the plate, to the actual basic idea of holography, explained above in terms of ~abor'izonephotography situations. Reflected light waves, like other waves, are described by their amplitude (or intensity) and their phase (or frequency). To capture the wave pattern completely (that is, to obtain the hologram) both the amplitude and the phase of the wave must be recorded at each point on the recording surface. As you are aware, recording of the amplitude portion of the wave is achieved in normal photography by converting it to corresponding variation in the opacity of the photographic emulsion. The photographic emulsion is, however, insensitive to phase relations. In holography (also known as wave-front reconstruction), the phase relations are rendered visible to the photographic plate through the technique of interferometry. You may recall from block-2 of this course that interferometry converts phase relations into corresponding amplitude relations. When two plane waves derived from a common source impinge at different angles on a screen, they produce a set of uniform, parallel interference fringes. The spacing of the fringes depends solely on the angle between the impinging waves (that is, on the path difference between them). A photographic recording of such a fringe pattern results in a grating-like structure. In case of holography, one of these waves is the one reflected from the object (called the object wave) and hence need not be a plane wave. The wavefront of the reflected wave will be highly irregular because of the unevenness of the object surface. When this irregular reflected wave pattern interferes with the reference wave, the resulting interference pattern will not be uniform. Rather, it will have irregular interference pattern- the irregularity of the impinging wave fronts. At places where the
Spend 3 min
signal bearing waves (the object wave) have maximum amplitude, the interference fringes have the greatest contrast and vice-versa. Thus, variations in the amplitude of the object wave menifest as the variation in contrast of the recorded fringe pattern. Can you recall the implications of the spacing of the interference fringes? It is related to the path difference (and hence the phase difference) between the two interfering waves. And the path difference, in turn, depends on the angle between them. Larger the angle between the two interferingwaves, more closely spaced will be the fringes and vice-versa. Therefore, variations in the phase of the object wave menifest as the variations in the spacing of the fringes on the photographic record (the hologram). Thus, in a hologram, both the amplitude and the phase of the signal-bearing wave (the object wave) are preserved as variations in the contrast and spacing of the recorded interference fringes respectively.The hologram obtained in this manner has many properties similar to the diffraction grating about which we will discuss in the next section. When this hologranl is illuminated by light of appropriate wavelength, a three- dimensional image of the object can be obtained.
Fig. 14.3: Recording the hologram; mleroscope lenses brondens boll1 beanas will~oul affecting their coherence.
microscope, however, a hologram is found to consist myriad of tiny "cells" , each cell containing a series of fringes of various lengths and spacing. Further, a laser is needed for holography, merely because its coherence length exceeds the path difference due to unevenness of the object. Now, having learnt how holograms are recorded, let us pause for a moment and think about the fundamental difference-in terms of technique as well as characteristics-of a hologram and a conventional photograph. This is the subject matter of T Q 1.
You may notice that the amplitude of the reference wave is not a function ofx ory (the photographic plate is inxy lane) indicating, therefore, that it is constant at alt points on the photographic plate, On the other hand, the amplitude of the object wave,Al, is a function ofx andy because it will vary from point to point on the photographic plate due to reflection from the object. Similarly, the phase of the reference wave @2wilt be constant if it (the reference wave) falls normally on the photographic plate and will be il function ofxg if the incidence is at some angle. The phase of the object wave $1 wl be, however, a function ofx andy. When these two waves arrive at the photographic plate, the total field distribution will be
As you know, the photographic plate responds only to the intensity. Thus, to get the intensity distribution on the photographic plate, we must take the time average of
(3 ,oh, l2 i.e.
Eq. (14.4) indicates that the phase information of the object wave is also recorded in the intensity pattern on the phorographic plate.
Now, as mentioned earlier, during the reconstruction process, the interference pattern on the photographic plate (called hologram) is illuminated by a reconstruction wave. Let this reconstruction wave, q3has the same phase as that of the reference wave, q52. So,
-- -
;~r-.~t be the natpre of the transmitted wave when the reconstruction wave falls on will
ihc hologram? Well, the hslogram is exposed in such a manner that the amplitude transmittance is linearly related to I (x,y), the incident intensity at the time of recording. So, we have, the trksmitted wave
derive Eq.(14.6) using Eqs. (14.4) and (14.5) The transmitted wave represented by Eq. (14.6) consists of three terms. What do these term signify physically? The first term is the reconstruction wave (v3) with its amplitude modulated by the amplitude of the object wave ( A l ) .It is so because Al is a function ofx andy whereas the reference wave amplitude A , is a constant. As a result, this part of the transmitted wave will travel, with slight attenuation, in the direction of the reconstruction wave, The second term is identical to the object wave ( q 1 )except for the constant term (A2A3)/2.Here lies the beauty of holography. The hologram and the reconstruction wave have generated a wave which is in every way identical to the wave which originated from the real object itself while recording the hologram. This part of the transmitted wave forms a virtual image of the object. The third term which is similar to the object wave forms a real image of the object. As a result, a three-dimensional picture of the object can be obtained by placing a camera in the position of real image. The reconstruction process alongwith various parts of the transmitted wave is shown in Fig. 14.5. You may note that the object is not present when image is reconstructed. However, one of the evolving beam, resulting due to reconstruction process, is identical to the beam reflected by the object at the time of recording the hologram.
Re h e n c e
Virtual imagc
Rcnl itnagc
Fig. 14.5: (a) Recording the hologrorn:Wave reflected from an obJtci lntrrlereswllh the reference wave. ( Reconstr~~ctlon: hologrnrn diflracls the reconstrucilonwave, I) I The resulting In transmltted wave which produces a real and a virtual image.
essentially related to the photographic film, the stability and the coherence condition. Let us have a closer look on these practical considerations. So far as the photographic film is concerned, hologram must be recorded on films of high resolvance. Look again at Fig. 14.3. You may notice that the reference wave, (the light reflected by the mirror), and the signal (the light reflected by the object) subtend certain angle at the photographic plate. If this angle is too large, more than a few degrees, the fringes formed between the signal and reference are very closely spaced and even the best emulsion cannot resolve them. To obtain high resolution, extremely fine-grain film has to be used. But fine-grain films are veryslow and hence require larger exposure time (a few minutes). And, if during this exposure time object moves, the recording of hologram will not be proper. What is the way out of this problem? The way out of this situation is to use high power laser beam to compensate for the exposure time.
Further, the whole system of recording the hologram should be highly stable i.e. it should be completely free from vibration. Can you say why? It is becausc the density of the fringes on the photographic film is extremely high. For example, if the angle between the signal and the reference wave is 30" (Refer Fig. 14.3) and the wavelength of the laser light is 633nm, the fringe frequency (Refer to Block-2)
The most important and obvious consideration in holography is to use coherent iiluminaiion. The coherence length of the lascr used for illurninati~lg object must be the greater than the patl. difference betwcen the reference wave and the object wave. The practical problem is that as power of laser increases (which we use for minimising the exposure time), its coherence Icngth is reduced. Similarly, the coherence area (spatial coherence) of illumination from a laser must be greater than the transverse size of the object t o be photographed. Having learnt about various aspects of holography, you may now be interested to know about its applications. This is the subject matter of the next section.
Holograaphic Interferometry
Youwill appreciate that, in most of the cases, one of the first areas to benefit from the new technique was the area that gave rise to it. Similar was the case with holography which introduced a new range of powerful methods to interferometry. Interferometry is generally used for precise measurement and comparison of wavelengths, for measuring
very small distances or thicknesses (of the order of wavelengths of light) etc. Testing for stresses, strains and surface deformation is one of the most useful practical applications of holographic interferometry. In the double-exposure technique of holographic interferometry for measuring deformation in object due to strain, two exposures are made of the object, - one before loading, and the other after (i.e. under strain). The original object and the object after deformation are recorded holographically on the same photographic plate. The hologram thus obtained is a double exposure, with the second pattern of wave fronts superposed on the first. When this hologram is reconstructed by illuminating it with the reference wave, both images are viewed simultaneously. Since they are slightly different due to deformation, the two images interfere. Thus, any distortion of the ohject will show in the form of fringes. Like other kinds of interferometry, the technique readily detects changes that produce optical-path difference of the order of a fraction of the wavelength of light, And unlike normal interferometry, however, it is possible to perform experiment quite readily with almost any type of material.
Holographic Microscope
Microscopy has been the primary area of applicatioil of holography. In fact, Gabor's discovery of this tecnique was the outcome of his attempt to enhance the resolving power of an electron microscope. In contrast to a conventional high power microscope, a holographic microscope has an appreciablc depth of field and it need not be focussed at all. To see how a holographic microscope [unctions, refer to Fig. 14.6. The light beam from laser is split into two. One beam is passing through the specimen and through the microscope, and the other beam is led around it. The two beams interfere on the film, producing hologram. The reconstructed image can be viewed in ally desired crosssection. The observer merely looks at the cross-section, he or she wishes to see, moving back and forth throughout the depth of the image without the object being present at all.
Information Storage
Information can be stored and retrieved more efliciently in the forin of holograms than in the form of real images. Further, it is the characteristic of the hologram that it will
only reconstruct the holographic image if the reconstruction beam is incident on the hologram at the correct angle. Due to this property, several holograms can be recorded on the same holographic plate by using a slightly different angle between the object and the reference beams for each hologram. Thus, on reconstruction, depending upon the angle of incidence of reconstruction beam, a particular holographic image will be visible. Perhaps this is how information is stored in the brain. If that is the case, it would help explain why attempts to locate certain centres in the brain never met with much success and why brain injury often does not lead to predictable circumscribed defects.
Pattern Recognition
One of the most exciting applications of holography is the pattern recognition, also called the character recognition. Early pattern recognition systems, before hol~graphy came on the scene, were based on geometrical optics. Consider, for example, that we want to read the IetterA (Fig. 14.71.A set of charactersA, B, C are printed on a strip of film and this film is moved through the image plane. If the character to be read matches the character on the film, the output from a photo detector is zero, triggering a printer. But, in reality, this does not work. The character and the negative must be aligned perfectly, both in position and size, which is an unrealistic requirement.
Modern pattern recognition systems are based on holography. In place of a mark containing the real imagge of the letter A we may use the hologram of the letter A.
As in holography, hologram of the IetterA is the superposition of two sets of wavefronts, the signal and the reference. The signal is diffracted by an original A and the reference is a beam of collimated light. Subsequently, when the hologram ofA is illuminated with light from anotherA, plane wavefronts arise that can be focussed into a bright spot (Fig. 14.8 top). The spot can easily be recognised by eye or photoelectrically. On the other hand, if the wavefronts are coming from B or from other characters, they do not transform into perfectly plane wavefronts and do not produce a focussed spot. Instead, a diffuse patch of light (centre) is produced. Hence, we can scan a given matrix of characters and determine whether or not a particular character is present (bottom).
The holograms shown in Fig. 14.8 appear to be amplitude filters. But because they are generated by interference between signal and reference, they in fact represent both ampIitude and phase of light. They are called "complex", "matched", or "vander Lugt fr)ters".
Fig. 14.8:Paltern recognition by holographic vander Lugt filler. (The hologramsere seen between the lenses)
Form reading machine are a distant reality. Some letters and words are "bide" others. For example F is inside E, P is inside R and B, T, L have the same horizontal and vertical lines and 'arc' is inside 'search'. Clearly, more alike are the two characters, the less will be the power of discrimination. Another problem will be to 'teach' the machine to recognise the "meaning" of a letter set in different typeface. The letterA can be written in an infinite number of variations possible when it comes to handwriting. However, pattern-recognition using holographs is being extensively used in library which stores the fingerprints of individuals with dubious character.
Holography, discovered by Gabor, is a novel technique of photography by which a three-dimensional picture of an object or a scene can be obtained. In holography, the interference pattern produced by the light reflected from the object and a reference beam is recorded. Such recording on the photographic plate is called the hologram. The three-dimensional picture of the object is obtained by iUuminating the hologram by a reconstruction light beam, which in most cases, is identical to the reference beam. Holography is, therefore, also known as wavefront reconstruction photography. Hologram is produced by splitting a beam of coherent Iight from laser into two. One beam is directed, with the help of mirror(s), towards the object and the other is made to fall directly on the photographic plate. The light reflected from the object reaches the photographic plate and interfers with the reference beam. The recorded interference pattern on the photographic plate is the hologram.
I f l l l l ( = A , ( x , ~ ) c o s I w t + + 1 ( x , ~~ l l y 2 ( = A , c o s t o t + 4 2 ( 1 : > ~ ) )d respectively represents the object wave (wave reflected from the object being photographed) and the reference wave, the intensity distribution on the photographic plate is given as
During reconstruction of image, when the hologram is illuminated by the = reconstruction wave, (q3 A3cos [ wt + q5Z ( X , y ) ] the transmitted wave through the hologram is
[(A: + A: 1 ~ 3 A,A,A,
- - - - - - .
cos ( wt
+ +
2 +-A 1 A2A 3
cos (cot
The second term on the right hand side has the same form as the object wave and it represents the three-dimensional virtual image of the object. The third term is also similar to the object wave and represents the real image of the object which can be recorded on a photographic plate. In order to obtain a hologram, the photographic plate on which the hologram is to be obtained must be of high resolution. This is required because the density of interference fringes in the hologram is extremely high. Also, the whole arrangement of holography- recording the hologram as well as its subsequent reconstruction-must be highly stable, i.e. it should be free from even a slightest mechanical vibration. And of course, we must use coherent light for recording the hologram as well as reconstructing the image.
Holography has varied applications. Holographic interferometry is a distinct improvement over normal interferometry because the former can be used for any kind of material. Holographic microscopy has enourmous magnification and it also offers appreciable depth of field. Holography find extensive use in information storage and pattern recognition.
If the angle subtended at the hologram by the signal and the reference beam is lY, what is the spacing of the fringes provided the wavelength is 492 nm?
(a) The least possible amplitude (when signal and reference are out of phase, pointing in opposite direction) is 4.36 1 =. 3.36.
This is because, measuring the lengths of vectors Fig.14.2, we find that the ratio of signal versus reference is 1: 4.36.
The highest possible amplitude (when signal and reference are in phase) and pointing in same direction is 4.36 + 1 = 5.36. The ratio of the amplitudes = 3.3615.36 , Thus, the ratio of intensities is
= (3.36/5.36 l2 = 0.39
The transmitted wave is linearly proportional to the incident intensity1 (x,y) at the time of recording the hologram and the reconstruction wave, i.e.
d i e r s from that of ordinary photography in three aspects. Firstly, in ordinary photography, the light reflkcted from the object is received on the photographic plate with the help of lenses.or other image forming device. Amplitude of the light wave, reflected from each point of the object, is recorded at corresponding point on the photographic plate. On the other hand, in holography, no lens or other
image forming device is needed and hence, as such, no image is formed on the hologram. What essentially is obtained is the interference pattern due to the light reflected from the object and the reference beam. Secondly, for obtaining hologram, coherent light is used whereas in case of normal photography, no such source of light is needed. The requirement of coherent light is due to the fact that the hologram is an interference pattern. Thirdly, in holography, a set of mirrors is used to render the reference and object beam on the photographic plate. (b) Hologram has several interesting properties. Some of them are given below: (i) The image obtained from the hologram has three-dimensional character unlike normal photographs which are two-dimensional. Due to the three-dimensional character of the image obtained in holography, you can observe different perspective of the object by changing the viewing position. Also, if a scene has bee1 recorded, you can focus at different depths. (ii) We do not obtain negative in holography. Hologram itself, however, can be considered as negative in so far as obtaining the positive is concerned. Otherwise, there is no similarity between the typical negative of the ordinary photographs and the hologram. You may have noticed that when the negative of an ordinary photograph is seen through, we do get a feel of the object o r the scene photographed. On the other hand, when we look at a hologram we observe a hodgepodge of speaks, blobs and whorls; it has no resemblance whatsoever with the original object.
Let ampIitude of the signal (or the object wave) beAl and that of the reference wave be A2,then, as per the problem
When these two waves are out of phase, their resultant amplitude will be (10 -1) = 9. On the other hand, when they are in phase, the resultant amplitude will b e (10 + 1) = 11. Thus, the ratio of their intensities,
d = - -A
Fibre Optics
OpticaI Fibre
Types of Fibre Applications of Optical Fibre
15.5 15.6
You might have seen advertisement dispalys (made of glass or plastic rods) and illuminated fountains. While looking at these, you might also have noticed that Iight seems to travel along curved path. In the above mcntioncd cases, most of the incoming light is contained within the boundaries of the medium (glass or plastic or water) due to the phenomenon of total internal reflection. And since the medium itself has a curved shape, the light travelling through it appcars to travel along a curved path. Optical fibre, which is made of transparent glass or plastic, also transmit light in a similar fashion. These fibres a r e thread like structure and a bundle of it can bc used to transmit light around corners and over long distances. Since optical fihrc can transmit light around corners, it is being used for obtaining images of inaccessible regions e.g. the interior parts of human body. The real potential of the optical fibrcs was, however, revealed only after the discovery of lasers.
You may recall from Unit 13 of this course that the discovery of lasers- a source of coherent and monochromatic light raised the hope of rcalising communication at optical frequencies. Since increase in frequency of the carrier wave enables it to carry 15 more information, communication at optical frequencies ( - 10 Hz) has obvious 6 9 advantages over commu~~ication radio wave ( - 10 Hz) and microwave ( - 10 Hz) at frequencies. But, early attempts at communication at optical frequencies faced a major problem. When optical radiation travlcs through the Earth's atmosphere, it is attenuated by dust particles, fog, rain etc. Thus, a need for an optical waveguide was felt and the answer was the optical fibres. Optical fibres are an integral part of optical transmission of speech, data, picture or other information - by light. communication In this unit, you will study about the optical fibres, especially in the context of optical cammunication.
In Sec.15.2, you will learn the physical principles involved in transmission of light has through fibres. Types of fibres used in optical co~nmunication also been explained. General considerations about the optical communication through fibres has been discussed in Sec. 15.3. In the same section, you will also learn about the requirements which must be met by optical fibres so that efficient optical communication may take place. The area of optical fibrc is relatively new and an cxciting Geld of activity. A thorough understanding demands rathcr sophisticated mathematical background on the part of the student. It has, therefore, been attempted herc to kcep the mathematical aspects to a bare minimum and thc underlying physical principles have been highlighted.
image forming device is needed and hence, as such, no image is formed on the hologram. What essentially is obtained is the interference pattern due to the light reflected from the object and the reference beam. Secondly, for obtaining hologram, coherent light is used whereas in case of normal photography, no such source of tight is needed. The requirement of coherent light is due to the fact that the hologram is an interference pattern. Thirdly, in holography, a set of mirrors is used to render the reference and object beam on the photographic plate.
(b) Hologram has several interesting properties. Some of them are given below:
(i) The image obtained from the hologram has three-dimensional character unlike normal photographs which are two-dimensional. Due to the three-dimensional character of the image obtained in holography, you can observe different perspective of the object by changing the viewing position. Also, if a scene has beel recorded, you can locus at different depths. (ii) We d o not obtain negative in holography. Hologram itself, however, can be considered as negative in so far as obtaining the positive is concerned. Otherwise, there is no similarity between the typical negative of the ordinary photographs and the hologram. You may have noticed that when the negative of an ordinary photograph is seen through, we do get a feel of the object or the scene photographed. On the other hand, when we look at a hologram we observe a hodgepodge of speaks, blobs and whorls; it has no resemblance whatsoever with the original object. 2. Let amplitude of the signal (or the object wave) be A* and that of the reference wave be A2,then, as per the problem
When these two waves are out of phase, their resultant amplitude will be (10 -1) = 9. On the other hand, when they are in phase, the resultant amplitude will be (10 + 1) = 11. Thus, the ratio of their intensities,
- 492
sin 1 5 '
15.1 15.2 Introduction
Fibre Oplics
Optical Fibre
%es of Fibre Applications of Optical Fibre
You might have seen advertisement dispalys (made of glass or plastic rods) and illuminated fountains. While looking at these, you might also have noticed that light seems to travel along curved path. In the above mentioned cases, most of the incoming light is contained within the boundaries of the medium (glass or plastic or water) due to the phenomenon of total internal reflection. And since the medium itself has a curved shape, the light travelling through it appcars to travel along a curved path. Optical fibre, which is made of transparent glass or plastic, also trailsmit light in a similar fashion. These fibres are thread like structure and a bundle of it can bc used to transmit light around corners and over long distances. Since optical fihrc can transmit light around corners, it is being used for obtaining images of inaccessible regions e.g. the interior parts of human body. The real potential of the optical fibrcs was, however, revealed only after the discovery of lasers.
' r
You may recall from Unit 13 of this course that the discovcry of lasers- a source of coherent and monochromatic light raised the hope of realising communication at optical frequencies. Since increase in frequency of the carrier wave enables it to carry 15 more information, communication at optical frequencies ( 10 Hz) has obvious G 9 advantages over communication at radio wave ( - 10 Hz) and microwave ( - 10 HA) frequencies. But, early attempts at communication at optical frequencies faced a major problem. Whcn optical radiation travles through thc Earth's atmosphere, it is attcnuated by dust particles, fog, rain etc, Thus, a need for an optical waveguide was felt and the answer was the optical fibres. Optical fibres are an integral part of optical transmission of speech, data, picture or other information - by light. communication In this unit, you will study about the optical fibres, especially in the context of optical communication.
In Sec.15.2, you will learn the physical principles involved in transmission of light through fibres. Types of fibres used in optical coinmunication has also been explained. General considerations about the optical communication through fibres has been discussed in Sec. 15.3. In the same section, you will also learn about the requirements which must be met by optical fibres so that efficient optical communication may take place. The area of optical fibre is rclatively new and an exciting ficld of activity. A thorough understanding demands rathcr sophisticated mathematical background on the part oE the student. It has, therefore, bcen attempted here to kcep the mathematical aspects to a bare miilimum and the underlying physical principles have been highlighted.
Objectives After going through this unit, you should be able to explain light transmission through fibre
distinguish between step-index and GRIN fibres derive expression for pulse dispersion in fibres, and
An optical fibre consists of a cylindrical glass core surrounded by a transparent cladding of lower refractive index. This assembly is further covered by a plastic coating to protect it against chemical attack, mechanical impact and other handling damages. ~ i ~ . ' l 5 . 1 shows the geometry of a typical optical fibre. The core diamter is in the range 5 p m to 125 ,urn with the cladding diameter usually in the range 100pm to 150pm. The plastic coating diameter is around 250pm.
In order to understand why the incoming light does not come out through the of cylindrical surface of the fibre, you should recall the pl~enomenon total internal reflection. You are aware that when light travcls from an optically de~lser medium to a rarer medium, it bends away from the normal as shown in Fig.15.2(a). If the refractive indices of the two media are tll andrt2 such that n, > n2,and O1 and are the angle of incidence and angle of refraction respectively, then, from Snell's law
sind2 sinel
As thc angle of incidence is increased, the refracted ray will further bend away form the
normal. Ultimately, when the angle o incidence reaches the critical value - k~iown f as critical angle, 6, - the refracted ray travels along the interface separating the two media, as shown in Fig. 15.2 (b). And, wl~en angle of incidence is increased beyond the there is no refracted ray and the incident ray undergoes total internal reflection into the optically denscr medium, Fig.15.2(c). This phenomenon is known as total internal reflection and the critical angle, 0, is given as, from Eq.(15.1)
~ransmission light, based on above principle, through an opticaI fibre of core of in refractive index nl and cladding refractive index n2 with ltl > n2 is sl~own Fig.15.3(a).
Fibre Optics
FIg.15.3: (a) Light propagotion through a flbre by totnl l~iteninl refleelion. @) Light pmpngntion through a bent fihrc.
When the ray of light is incident at angle 0(> 0,) at the core - cladding interface, it undergoes total internal rellection. Due to cylindrical synunetry of the fibre, the ray undergoes total internal reflection at subsequcnt incidences at the core -cladding interface and hence gets trapped inside the fibre. Due to this "guiding"properly, optical fibres are also called "Optical Waveguides". Fibres in the bent form can also guide the light, as indicated in Fig.15.3(b), provided that, even at curved portion, the angle of incidence is greater than 0,. D o you know why cladding material is needed? The need for a cladding material of lower refractive indcx is due to two rcasons. Firstly, to achieve total internal reflection at the core -cladding interface. Secondly, when light undergoes total internal reflection, a part of it penetrates into the cladding material (region of lower refractive index). This may lead to leakage of light, and it may also couple with lr the light travelling in adjacent fibres. The use of sufficiently thick cladding material prevents this type of loss. You may note, from Eq. (15,2), that the critical angle for the incident ray depends on the refractive indices of the core and the cladding material. In Fig. 15.3(a), 0 is the angle at which incident light falls on the core - cladding interface and this angle is different from the angle, i, at which light is incident at the entrance aperture of the fibre. It is so because the entrance aperture is an air (refractive indexrto 1) - glass (refractive index nl) interface. Thus, according to Snell's law, (reler to Fig.15.3(i1))
no sin i =
sin q 5
Now,if this ray has to undergo total internal reflection at the core - cladding interface,
from Eq.(15.2)
sin 8 2 nzlnl
from A OAB, sin 9
= =
cos 6'
= [I-
2 112
= 1 1 , sin p
i, m
F: -
1 4
The angle of incidence,,i ,, given by Eq.(15.4) is a measure of the light gathering capacity of the fibre. You should convince yourself that if the incidence angle is greater , the light will be refracted into the cladding material. All the light incident on than,,i the fibre aperture along the core formed by i = O to i = i,, will undergo total internal reflection in the fibre. The quantity (nlz - nZgln in Eq. (15.4) is called the numerical aperture of the fibre.
Radius of iibrc
In optical communication, signal is transmitted through the fibre in the form of pulses.
Fig, 15.4.
Further, when light travels through the optical fibres, there are different types of losses as well as a broadening of the pulse. These aspects of the optical fibres are of vital importance for optical comunication and have been discussed in the next section. In order to overcome some of the inherent deficiencies of the step - index libres, another type of fibre in use is called GRadient INdex Fibre (or GR.IN fibre). In the GRIN
Fibre Oplics
Cladding (bl
Fig.lS.5: (a) The refrnctive index profile ofn Gradient index fibre; (b) Rt~y ppntl~s such n fibre. in
fibre, the refractive index of the core material decreases continuously along the radius, nearly in parabolic manner, from a maximum value at the center of the core to a constant value at the core - cladding interface. The variation of the refractive index, with radius, of a GRIN - fibre is shown in Fig.15.5(a). Since the refractive index gradually decreases as one moves away from the axis of the fibre, a ray that enters the fibre is continuously bent towards the axis of the fibre as shown inFig.15.5(b). Can you explain why does this happen? This smooth bending of the ray towards the axis is again a consequence of Snell's law. As the ray moves away from the centre, it encounters media of lower and lower refractive indices and hence bends towards the axis of the fibre. Can you name a natural phenomenon which results due to the atmospheric gradient of refractive index? You guessed rightly - tile Mirage, which is observed while looking across on expanse of hot desert is one such example.
What will happen if the refractive index of the cladding material is higher than that of the core?
Spend 2 mi11
Having learnt about the basic principles involved in transmission of light in optical fibres, let us study some of its imp6rtant features as a component oloptical communication system. But before we do that, let us see what are the uses to which t optical fibres has been put .:
The most elementary application of the optical fibres is the transmission of light either
example of transmission of images using optical fibres is the flexible fibrescope. As shown in Fig. 15.6, some of the fibres conduct light into the cavity to be examined, while the others carry the image back to the observer. The image conducting fibres, upto 140000of them, are by necessity very thin, often no more than 1 0 p m in diameter, and the entire fibre-bundle has diameter of the order of a few mm. Fibrescope are used extensively in medicine and engineering. They make it possible to inspect a cavity in the human body and to look inside the heart while it beats. Of increasing interest is the use of fibre guides for communication. Compared to electrical conductors, optical fibres are lighter in weight, less expensive, equally flexible, not subject to electrical interferences and more secure to interceptions. Fibres can now be made which has losses as low as 0.2d~km-'. This is a remarkable achievement considering that only a decade ago the best fibres had losses in excess of 1000 d ~ k m " and 20 d ~ k m -was thought to be the limit. I
from one point to another? No, the optical fibre must have some additional characteristics if at all it has to serve as an effective optical signal carrying medium. The optical fibre should be, as much as possible, free from pulse dispersion in order to carry large volume of information. Pulse dispersion arises because different light rays take d different times t o travel a f ~ e length in the fibre. Secondly, as we know, even the light from lasers may have a spread in its wavelength. That is, even laser light is not completely monochromatic. And since the refractive index of fibre material is a function of wavelength, light of different wavelengths will travel with different velocities. This inherent property of material is yet another cause of pulse dispersion and is known as material dispersion. Further, the optical radiation will be attenuated by the material of the fibre due to scattering and other phenomenon. In the following you will learn how these problems can be tackled.
Fibre Oplics
However, the ray, markedA in Fig. 15.7, which is incident on the core-cladding interface at the largest angle will travel a longer optical pat11 as cornbared to other rays incident at smaller angles. A s a result, different rays will take different times in traversing a given length of the fibre. This causes broadening of the information carrying pulses, as shown in Fig. 15.8. What effect the pulse broadening has on the signal transmission capacity of
The transmission capacity of the fibre is determined by the number of pulses transmitted per unit timc. For correct information retrieval, the pulses must remain resolvable i.e, they should not overlap each other.
Fig.15.8: Pulse dispersion: (a)At the input, the infornlalion cnrrylng pulses ere well resolved. (b) At the output, due to brondening, pulscs overlnp nnd are uhrcsolvablt.
the fibre? Well, pulse broadening severely restricts the transmission capacity of the fibre. It is so because the pulses which are well resolved (Fig. 15.8a) at the input may overlap at the output (Fig. 15.8b) due to pulse broadening. To avoid this overlap, the time delay between two consecutive pulses must be increased. Therefore, the number of pulses that can be transmitted per unit time through the fibre wl go down, that is, the il transmission capacity of the fibre will be reduced. T o have a quantitative idea about the pulse dispersion in case of propagation through step - index fibre, refer to Fig. 15.9. Let a ray of light be incident at an angle i with the axis of the fibre. The time taken by this ray to travel a distance P R
" = -1 c
c cos y'
What does this relation indicate? It indicates that the time taken by the ray of light in travelling a distance through the fibre depends on the angle it makes with the axis of the fibre. Thus, for a fmed length L of the fibre, minimum time will be taken by a ray which travel along the axis of the fibre ( 9 =0) i.e.
tmin = nlLlc
and the maximum time will be taken by the ray for which 9 is equal to (zf2 8,); where 0, i the critical angle at the core cladding interface. Thus, q5 = c ~ s - ~ ( n ~ / ~ s and the maximum time
Thus, if all the input rays travel along the fibre simultaneously, the spread in time in traversing a distance L wilI be
t = pQ
QR where c/nl = velocity of light in the core medium (refractive index nl)
rt,L tm,
-n f c it,
IFthe core and cladding refractive indices for a step index fibre is 1.47 and 1.46 respectively, what will be the broadening of a pulse aftcr a distance of 5 km? Due to the pulse dispersion represented by Eq. (15.5), the signal transmission capacity of optical fibres is severly restrained. Therefore, an efficient optical fibre should have least possible pulse dispersion so that it can carry larger number of pulses per unil time. Now the question'is: D o we have any mcthod to minimize the pulse broadening in optical fibres? Yes, there are methods by which we may minimizc the pulsc broarlcning. One of them is to use gradient - index (GRIN) fibre. In the fi)llowing, you will lcarn how GRIN-fibres help in reducing the pulse broadening.
Spend 3 tnitl
\ -
distance, does so in the region of higlicr rerractivc indcx. Hencc Lhc vclocity or Iiglit along the path taken by rayA will hc snialler (vclocity of light = c h ) . 0 1 1 thc ollicr hand, rayB which travels a rclatively larger distance, does so in thc region of lowcr rcrractive index and hence with higher velocity. The nct rcsult is that the rays making different angles with the core axis take equal time in propagating through the fihre. Due to this reason, the pulse broadening is reduced in GRIN-fibre. The volume of information which may be transniiltccl tlirough GRIN librc is morc or less free from pulse broadening due to above reason. Tllc infornialion carrying capacity of such fibre is only limited by material dispersion ahnut which you will lcarn in Lhc following.
1 5 3 3 Material Dispersion
~b~~~ we discussed about the pulse broadening in oplical l i b r arising bcc;alsc of [Ile ~~ fact that light rays incident at different angles at tho core-cladding illterhcc take different times to traverse a faed length of fibre. We also discussed how to reduce tllis dispersion by using GRIN-fibre. Now, suppose that the light beam travelling through the fibre is free from the pulse broadening due to above mentioned reason. Does it ~ source of mean that the beam is free from pulse broadening? No, tberc i s Y C ai~other pulse broadening known as inaterial dispersion. Material dispersion ariscs dsc to tile variation of refractive index with wavelength, i.e. the vetocity of light in the medium is dependent upon its wavelength. You are aware that light even froin highly pure source (like laser which give highly monochromatic light) will have a s p r e a d is its wavelength, Therefore, different wavelengths, with in the range, will travel with different velocities and hence will arrive at the end of the fibre at different times and cause broadening of . . the pulse. You may note that the material broadening is an intrinsic physical property of the fibre material. Although glass is transparent to electromagnetic radiation in t h e visible range, it does absorb a part of it due to several processes. As a result, the i n p r ~powcr of the light t beam will suffer a loss while traversing the length of the fibre. In the following, we briefly discuss some of these processes causing power loss in fibres.
When eleclromagnetic radiation interacts with matter, it may lose el~ergy different via , mechanisms. In case of optical fibre material, silica, major loss in energy 01.powcr is caused due to absorption of pl~otons impurity atoms. Therefore, lo minimize this loss, by the fibre material should be of high purity. Secondly, the photons may also lnsc energy by exciting the atoms of oxygen and silicon (the building blocks of silica, Si02). Thirdly, silica being amorphous material, it offers randomely varying refractive index. Due to this, the propagating light beam may gct scattered and its direclioh of propagating may change drastically. These loss causing mechanisms are take11 c a r c of hy prnpcr tlcsign and synthesis technique of the fibres. The power loss we are talking about is expressed ill ternls of be1 or dccibcl which are cornparablc units. One be1 means that power in one chan~iclol. one liille is 10 timcs at that in another channel, or at another time. 2 be1 means 100x,3 bcl ll~cans 1000~ so a11d on. For practical use, the unit be1 is too large. Hcnce the decibcl, dB, is uscd. 1 bcl = 10 dB. A decibel (dB) is equal to 10loglo(pz/P,) where pl ant1 p2 a r c input 21nd oulput *powerelevels. Thus, if the power level of an optical signal reduces by half, the power the loss in decibels will be 1010glo(1/2)= -3dB. In optical fibre comm ~~nication, power loss is expressed as dBkm-I. In long distance optical communication through Ohrcs, tile permissible loss is 20dBkm-l. With modern techniques of synthesis, optical fibres with power loss as low as -- 0.2dBkm-' can be produced.
a An optical libre consists of a transparent glass core and a cladding o f lower
refractive index. Since the refractive index of the cladding material is lowcr than that of the ewe, much of the light launched into o n e c ~ l d cmcrge frolll will the other end due to a large number of total'internal reflections. In the step-index fibre, the refractive index chal~ges suddenly at the core-cladding interface. On the other hand, in the gradient-index (GRIN-) -tibres, the refractive index decreases continuously Gom tlie core a& as a functioii of radius. The maximum entrance core angle, also known as acceptance angle, is a measure of the light gathering capacity of tile Ebre and iF given as
I n optical con~munication, information is transmitted in the form of pulses. While travelling through the fibres, these pulses broaden becausc rays incidcnt at different angles at the core- cladding interface take different times in traversing a futed length of the fibrc. Pulse broadening due to this reason in a step-index fibre of length L. is given as, It, L At = -[ n , - rt2] cn2 Pulse broadening can be greatly reduced if, instead of stcp-index fibre, we use a GRIN- fibre. It is so because in GRIN-fibre, though different rays traverse different optical paths in the core, they all take same tinie in travelling through a given length of the fibrc. Material dispersion is yet another cause of pulse broadening. Material dispersion arises because the refractive i~lclcx (and hcncc t11c velocity of light) is a mediu~n a function of wavelength of light. And, even highly monochromatic light has a spread in its wavclenglh.
Suppose you have two optical ribres A and B. The refractive indices of the core (nl)and the cladding (11~) ~nalerials is ( 1 1 ~ =~1.52, (It2)* = 1.41, ( 1 1 ~ =~1.53, ( 1 1 ~ =~1.39 ) ) ) Which of the two fibres will have higher light gathering capacity?
A step-index fibre 6.35 x 10-~rn diameter has a core of refractive index 1.53 and a in cladding of refractive index 1.39. Determine (a) the numerical aperture for the fibre; (b) the acceptance angle (or maximum entrance cone angle).
If the refractive index of the cladding material is higher than that of the core material of the fibre, the incoming light will not undergo total internal reflection. It is so because when the light t~.avelsfrom a rarer to dcnscr medium, it bends light ray incidc~it the core-cladding on towards the surface normal. Thus, t l ~ e interface will, instead of conling insicle the core, get refracted in the cladding material (refer to Fig. 15.2).
The pulse broadening is given as
At = -( n , - 11,) C n2
5 x 10 m,
itl =
1i2 =
Refer to Fig. 15.3. The maximum anglc of incidence, i , of the light beam al air-core interfacc is the measure of the light gathering capacity of the fibre. The C sine of this angle o incidcnce is givcn as sin , i
- I,;]
where, ,to, nl and w2 arc the rcfractivc indiccs of air, core and cladding respectively.
11, =
sin,i ,
- (1.41)']~"
= [0.3223]'/~
= [(1.5312 - (1,39)~]*/~
= sin-' [0.64)
N.A. =
[1 1
- 11~1
= [ ( l . ~ 3-) (1.39)'jlR ~
The acceptance angle or the maximum entrance angle,,,i corresponds to 0,, the critical angle for total internal reflection at the core-cladding interfacc.
1 sin i,,, = - [N.A.!
= 0.64 -1 = sin [0.64]
* ,,i
E 40"
V.K, t.'~dlc&:u. Ncllnrc-S2.1IWI1,An11hr;r hsllcsh I(1IN ('arllcgo. I b ~ l l ~ ~ ~ p u l . Vipy;1wadr1-5200(ll, Anllhru Pradcsh AIIOI.,L'< I > c ~ ~Ilyd~1al~i~il.50(~LIl, CIIIII.~~. c s h ~ ~ r l l lE'rnrlcrh ru (~i~lwi~huli Il~~ivcrs~ty. Ciuwnhnli-7Xl01.1, Assnn~ lllqll~~rl~ MIIIIIIVI~YIIII~. Il0llpnigi1~1n.78328~1, (;uwnl~nll ~lclllllllilc Girl5 <'llIIcge. ~~llwil~1illi-7HI Assnm IDll, l i t ~ v tScicncc Ciillc~e. J~I~III~I-~XS~IO, AA WII l111la11 ('~~llcgc. I'ctl~~;~l;r. Pellis~lln I?O. Darpct;~ I)rslrlc~-7813?5. Assnm i)vlri3d Illby (:~~llcgc. Ci~ilnghal I'.O. (ielogbn1-7X5621,Arsnln I . i ~ k l r l ~ l ('ililh t ~ r ~ l ~ I:IIIIc~P. K t l c l t ~ ~P.O. N o r ~ h i~n Lnkli111ip11r-7X703 Assan1 I, Sikkllr~ linvl. Cqollegc. '[brlony, Giinglrrk-737102.Sikklm 05111 05:I~l OO CS 115OH 05l10 05 I SIt 0 5 2I 0523 052.1 05?5 1I.R.S. Hih~lr lllliversity I.ibrary. M U Z ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ nllrnr~(O I I college, -W~ 1 I. . s MII.I~~'II~II, UtI~ur) Mlirw;lri ('o1legc.U". l l l ~ n p i i l ~ University). Rl1n~olpur-Al2007. ~ur ~ I'urcIlll Ccrtlcgv, l'11r11ca-HSr1301, 1)lhnr ~tlilclltll;~ ('~allcgc.('lrl1:1prn-X4l3Ol, nlllflr Rvllbil Villyll~ll'~'l11, ~ k l ~ i s ~ ~ r131I,A I l.: i ~ i - Ulllnr Sllllltl (:'ollcgc. I!(>. Sllnl~i.I(:X 1 1 Dlinnbnd, UIIlnr 1. I'hl. ( ' ~ ~ l l e lKili~l:l~i~t. :~. I)i~rI~l~nngil, I3lllllr Ll~hnr NIIII~IIIII~ ( ' C ~ I I SP~IIIII.x(x)(~).I, ~ ~:~~. I I ~ ~ ~ h f i ~ l i i lI~~vllc:;~, i~ ('II;II~I~I$:I,1'0, CII~I~IIII~~I.#~~~[II, wcsl Disl. ~~1111~~~1~l~111111, I!II1111.
22 (19.?H(I>) 51, ~.'~IIIIII~III~ l'i~ll~~[:c, Collcgc More, llx~.:1ribngl1-8253Ol l1,<1. 21 IlS?.~> AI~II:~.LII N i l r d ~ l l l Collc&r, nitri~ll:I t ~ i ~l'alna-HDIKII3 d. 4. I)lII.Al llE(;ION IllISot1l1111111l WPSIHC#III, (;III~#~IIIII, l ' k ~ ~ d l 1 ~ 1 l l d h!l~llllll'll) lllld 2:1 07117 MI'HC. JIIIIII,~ Millill I\~~IIIII~I.N i ~ # New D c l l ~ i -I0025 J~III il~ l 25 1111 1 Ii ~ i rl't~Ile[y,Sin Vc~fl i~~ I<I,;III, New I)cIIII-I I~[MI> 26 11'115 Acl1111yi1 N;lrrt~~lii~ ('ollcge, Knllnji. Ncw I)ulhi.I I(X)I9 I)cv 5, I)ICLIII 1t11010N (21 (Nert11 I I I linsl HCKIII IIICIII~IIII[e ~ r ~ hll,~ ~ ~ l l ~ i ~ l l : n r II~ hi l 311111 (~11114111b1111 1)IslrIcI~ (llll~r of I'rl~dcsI~) I l l a + l i i r i ! r l ~ ~ ~'ru t; l~r ~ 111 Apl>licd Scicllce\. Vccr Suvnrknr C~mn~plrx, l y c Pusn IU?H 27 Nuw 1)cllrl.l IlXII2 K(II~IIIII (:IIIIC~C, I:JI\I C ~ ~ I ~NII~II~N ~ W II. CI I)C I I(HNIX 28 o7.V~ 29 .!'/.I 1 I,a111i11l lll.li.) <',tIlegc, S11hihitl~i11l.2lilI~lS. l n r l'rndcsh N11t lll 6. A ~ M E D A I I A I ) It1S(;ION (I;IIJII~III, I)IIIII~III K I)IIl,II~III~IIR R N. II IIII).cIII 30 oool I.1) AII~('IIIIc~c, NIIV~IIII~~II~II, ~ \ ~ I I I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ GuJnrnlO , H~M~~~ Iicllrrill l i ~ h ~ c a l ~ i i i i Ruilrling, M S Ill~ivrr\ily. V;I~~~II~~I-~~OGOL, Cujsral ll'lll? 31 IIOIHI I l l 'fll:~ckcrl;~m~~~ercc C~~llr[:r, lllni~~3'11XHIl. Cisj.11n1 (Lnlun Collcgc, 32 I l l l ~ ~;~llurntl Ij. 33 II~~IIO Nrw I'rt~fl~ca\ivcc h ~ r s ~ il'r~l,~.Mrl1w1ie-.lX.~II(12. li o~t (;uJnrul Sl1r6.c l i ~ t l l iVi~lytdi~p~, No olll, lilll(' li$lnlr. Ai~klcrliwnr,Gujnrnl l I'll11 34 Il'ld?~ l(l
N~~I~III~IJI~~IIIIIIC ~~~III~IJ(PIIII.III III' ~III~ III~~IIIII~II~IHI 'lcd~~~ulogy (NIMIT) ('/I) Ikr~!:Ail J 1 ~ ~ I~I C ~~ It~?ik~al.S I + ~ .t ~ ~ ~ l l Ilal. Arts I',~llcl:c. I~;III~.I~I 1'1:). 11JO?IO ,111~1 11111 1 1
llXlX IN' I II IIII?. 1111,1 >Llll (Illtnuchul P r ~ ~ d cstill I ' l ~ u ~ r d l ~ n r h ) al~ 34 11111 '15 1105 IIII 46 47 1111i 9.J A M M I I HI<(;ION (JikKI 4n l"111
39 40 41 42 43 O. SII1MI.A RI'(;lON
I A l l 11111111 Jill IICIIIU\ MPIIIIII~,;~ l'olli:):~, HIIIIIR~. I l i ~ r y l ~ n l l ) I i l ~ v l('tullrgc. (Iii~l,V i l i ~ )S~.c~lir.. lti~ilwny . \ , 11 . I{~~.irl. Knm11ul-l32Mll,Hnrynnn Iiobl. I' 1 i ( ' ~ i l l c p ~ ~ , Ili\<,ir I251~1l. I~II~YIIIIII M;rrLi~~~tl.t N,III~III,~~ ~'LIIIUHL', l ~ i ~ l ~ i iY ~ i~ n~ ll.i ' i l ~ ~ l r u . S l ~ ~ llurynnn
I I~~$FIIIIIII.III I' Ii I'IIIJCAC. Jintl. 120 Ill?. Ilnrynnn
I l , V. ( ' t r l l ~ y . li~l,~~ittl~~~r.lJ.IlX, \ I'unj~ll, l1r~cri111rr111 l',,llt:~r,S~III~II~I~. Ilop 511111i1~117IOOf1. I~IIIIOP~IIII l ~ Prnda IIIIIIII~IIIII I'rn~lcsl~ (IUVI. lX.li ('t11I~l:c.1l1l11~~1111~11~11Mll. I'rndcsl~ 1ll11111tlii1I (iamr~ I)~.~!rc:r l'n#lIrl:r. IIr.u~inl:I'rtcb. K n i ~ l i 1)1\1.. Iilnrncl~nl ~r l'rndesli
( ;,~~,~IIIII~.III 1'~ille~:c. l~lr;~r:~n~rh;~l;~. 171~2 15.
49 12(nt 50 1?.117 51 ILllH 52 I.!21tl'1 10. BANGALORII RIS(;ION (Knntwlaka u l ~ i(;ctuI l 53 II~II~
I I ~ ~ l v r l r i01 J,IIIII~III. II~~~II~II~IL:III ly 111 ~~III~I~~:BIIICI~IS~LII~ICS. I~IIIII~III 'l~1u1~1Ullilill. J&K (I ;.III~~~I hirli1or1.11 SCICIICC ('11Ilcg~1.III~ 'l:lwi. J & K ) JII fi~~vl. I)n*.~cc: ('1~lli~1:c. K~IIIII:~,.I&K ( i n v ~l>rl:icr ('tnllcfic, Ki~jnm~iri, K J& ~;,,vI IJCI~,~CVI'IIIIc~!~, 1'110ncl1, .I&K I ; . ~ ~ ~l ~l ~ Il~~ ; ~ ~ <.,IIII~ h~ .l I l ~ ~ 1.1111cge. Rillpllr, Bnnt~~hlr. Jn1r1m11.1H1123, & K J I ) l ~ c ~ ~ r l r ! III' Arl, ,UI Scicncc, I!O. UI~XNo. 222, Pnnjilil, 'cdlly!,c t;ei~,,iounll ISS i'ullr[:c, I)li;1rwinl.SH(Hh').1. L n m u h b (;l,vl. Sclcllrr I"l,lh:gc, Nlmlrnl~lungfl Rood. Hn11yohirr-S6lHHJI. n m a t a b K III~I~I~IIC (11 M~III~I~~IIICII~i n C;V.I I Vik118~I~ILIV~II, 'rlrimnnn1nl111rnm-G950l I Keruls, (Ilnivcrtily ('~lllcgc, n ~ i r ~ ~ i i i ~ n l s p u r ~ ~ , Kernln) J l)'VI?l!~rn, I'~II~CUI.~~~~OIU. 1Cerul11 ('ullurl~ci~rc 1'1tllogc. I'11tl1~1lontl11tr.<iH'JIrl5, Kcrnla Sllit Nurayn~~ ('ollcfic. Kunin1r-(iIMX17 St Allreria C i ~ l l c ~I r . L I ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I I ~ ~ H ~ O I U , (~ Kernlu
55 .
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