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Lesson Plan and Observation: Alverno College

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Candidate: Ashley Komorowski Cooperating Teacher: Cindy Polansky School: Greenfield MS Date: April 27, 2012 Grade: 8th Subject(s): Pre-Algebra: Angles

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, DiagnosisWTS:

1,7DISP: Respect Responsibility) Demonstrates knowledge of content and pedagogy Chooses and creates learning experiences based on appropriate objectives Selects services or resources, e.g., media, technology, materials, to reinforce instruction

Evidence (Candidate

Use of the SmartBoard worked well. You handled initial technical issues with ease. The video was a nice way to set the stage and activate prior knowledge. Giving students the opportunity to work with the protractors not only kept them engaged but will give you data about individual understanding.





Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination, Integrative Interaction

WTS: 2,3,5DISP: Respect, Responsibility) Reinforces a learning community in which individual differences are respected and in which students work collaboratively and independently Plans for and delivers motivational instruction by relating lessons to students interest, providing student choice, questioning and investigation Organizes, allocates, and manages resources of time, space, activities and attention to engage students productively Maximizes the amount of class time spent in learning by creating expectations and procedures for communication and behavior ____Inadequate ____Emerging __X__Proficient ____Distinctive

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Good morning guys. Is there another way you could greet them to get their attention? Great job of setting context so that they know what the lesson will cover. Good use of questions to be sure students understand the types of angles and how to use the protractor. The students work well together it is evident that they work together often and know what to expect. You maintain a safe and collaborative environment by letting them work together and answering their questions as needed.

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

ED FORM 712 0210 ED

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative

InteractionWTS: 2,3,4,5,6,7DISP: Respect Responsibility) Models and supports active listening, interactive discussion and thoughtful responses in reading, writing and other media Uses different types of explanation, levels of questioning and discussion techniques to challenge and support student thinking Actively engages students in meaningful learning Adjusts instruction to meet student needs and styles in order to enhance learning Varies her/his role in the instructional process in relation to the content and purposes of instruction Communicates with sensitivity to cultural and gender differences

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You used the video to provide background knowledge and when it was over you asked questions to be sure students understood the concepts. Sharing how you remember the difference between acute and obtuse angles was good it also prompted a student to share how she remembers the difference. You planned the lesson so that students would be actively involved throughout, which is good. You moved around the room monitoring progress and offering assistance as needed. Your cooperating teacher assists as well. You have clearly written objectives that are connected to your assessment strategies.




____Distinctive Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 8,9

DISP: Respect, Reflection) Uses appropriate formal and informal assessment strategies that are linked to lesson objectives Monitors the impact of teaching on student learning, modifying plans and instruction accordingly

Great job of moving around the room to monitor progress this allows students to ask questions as needed. You have considered how you will get at individual understanding, which is important. They are able to work in partners for part of the lesson but must solve a few problems on their own this information will be helpful as you determine if lesson objectives were met.
Evidence (Candidate)





Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative

InteractionWTS: 10DISP: Collaboration, Communication) Relates professionally and effectively with the cooperating teacher and faculty Dresses professionally and consistently portrays a professional demeanor Reflects on own performance in relation to Alverno Education Abilities and WI Teacher Standards

You appear to have a positive relationship established with your cooperating teacher. You were professional in all interactions and the students responded positively to your instruction. Your cooperating teacher is helping students and points out information you should share with the group. This type of collaboration is great and you respond positively to her feedback.





Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

ED FORM 712 0210 ED

Summary Statement and Areas to Concentrate on Improving: Consider how you can address the whole group (rather than you guys). You could use Eighth Graders, Mathematicians, Ladies and Gentlemen etc. You want to be sure you get their attention and guys is so often used that it doesnt cause students to stop and take notice. Using the agenda partner strategy worked well. There was some confusion as several students were absent but your cooperating teacher helped to get them paired up. It might be a good idea to get the students in their pairs first, and then pass out the materials before giving directions. Your cooperating teacher helps with this by reminding students what they are doing. Additional directions get added along the way, would it be a good idea to have the directions up on the board for students to refer to throughout the lesson? Once students are done in pairs, you ask everyone to draw an 83 degree angle and are asked to label it as well. Your cooperating teacher writes the new direction on the board consider how you can use the SmartBoard to help you (and the students) with directions. If students are working, they may miss the new direction. If its written down, they can refer to it as needed. This will help you as well as you wont have to repeat yourself as often. You do a nice job of helping students who are having difficulty. Dont lose sight of the rest of the class as you are assisting individuals be watchful and listen for cues that some may be finished and need something else to do. This is a very well behaved class so there wasnt much to worry about but you always want to be aware in case you would need to redirect some or all of the group. Im going to pass out a little assessment thing. You want to be clear about your expectations with this last part of the lesson as you will be using it to determine individual understanding. If you make it sound unimportant, they may not respond as you hoped. They do quiet down and get to work consider how your cooperating teacher has set up the classroom and the expectations that make this type of environment possible.

Final Reflection Feedback: Your final reflection indicates strengths and areas in need of further development and you provide evidence of each. Your reflective nature serves you well as you are carefully considering how you can improve so that you are sure to meet student needs. The goals you have set for yourself are excellent and will benefit your teaching as well as student learning. You are open to feedback from others and connect with your students to make sure they are on the right track. I wish you the very best as you move forward!

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate




Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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