NX7.5 Licence Install
NX7.5 Licence Install
NX7.5 Licence Install
5 licence install
Your licence file can be saved as any filename or format (txt, dat, lic) For the purposes of installing the licence you should copy it from the e-mail or other source to your desktop temporarily.
Change YourHostname to the host name of the machine you are installing the licence server on. See next page
For floating licences your HostID or composite ID will already be defined prior to creation of the licence file.
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To get the host ID of the machine you are installing the licence server on, go to the Start Menu and select Run
In the dialogue box, type cmd (no quotes) and click OK.
Finally, in the command window type hostname (no quotes) and press ENTER. This will display your hostname
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The host name you define in the licence must be the machine on which the licence server is running, not the client machine
Remember that the licence file and all references to the licence file on the PC or within NX7.5 use the American spelling of licence which is LICENSE.
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The licence server is a piece of software that runs on a PC or a network server and distributes the floating licence to all the PCs that connect to it via the network. As long as a PC has network access to the licence server then it can use the licence to allow NX7.5 to run. Floating licences will limit the number of concurrent NX7.5 users. Above this number any users trying to use NX7.5 will receive an error notifying that the maximum number of users has reached its limit. For users to connect to the licence server it is necessary for any firewalls on the network to unblock access to the IP address of the machine the licence server is running on and specifically port 28000.
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Common licencing
Both NX7.5 and NX I-DEAS 6.1m1 use the same licencing format. As a result you can run both alongside each other on the same machine with only one licence server having been set up. If you have installed NX I-DEAS 6.1m1 and have already set up the licence server, and you are now installing NX7.5, you do not need to set up the licence server. You still need to ensure NX7.5 is pointing at the correct machine for the licence (see page 11).
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First you must install the licence server from the NX7.5 DVD. From the main DVD menu choose Install UGS License Server. This only needs to be done on the designated licence server machine. If the licence server is to be running on the same machine as NX7.5 (i.e. a stand-alone installation), then install this first.
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Follow the installation procedure selecting the desired install directory. You should eventually come to this screen. Click Browse to locate your licence file.
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Locate your licence file on your computer with the Open dialogue box, click on the file and click the Open button to confirm your selection:
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Once you have located your licence file, click Next to continue the installation procedure. Once the licence manager has been installed your licence server should be up and running.
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After installing the licence server, you then need to install NX7. It is during the installation process where you determine the location of the licence server. After selecting the installation options you will get to this screen:
28000 is the port number. Leave this as is. Ensure the text after @ is the same as the hostname of the machine the licence server is running on. Click Next to continue the installation procedure.
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If you move the licence server at a later date, you can modify where NX7.5 looks for the licence server by editing the environment variable. Right-click Computer, click Properties and then click Advanced system settings on the left. On the System Properties dialogue, click the Advanced tab then Environment Variables. In Environment Variables find UGS_LICENSE_SERVER and click the Edit button. Once in the Edit System Variable dialogue box, change the hostname to the new hostname. This will make sure NX looks in the right location for the licence.
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If your licence of NX7.5 contains any bundles, these need to be activated in order for you to work. If you do no activate these you will receive a licence error on starting NX7.5.
To activate these, locate License Options within the UGS NX 7.5 folder on the Start menu, as per the image below
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Once in licence options, if there is anything in the Available Bundle(s) list, then select them one at a time, click the Add button and check that they are now in the Selected Bundle(s) list.