IARI PHD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Post Harvest Tech (P o ST Harvest Technology o F o T I

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Post Graduate School Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Examination for Admission to Ph.D. Programme 2011-2012


: Post Harvest ~ & h n o l o ~ ~ Harvest Technology o (Post

Roll ~ o . 1

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Discipline Code : 19, Sub code :01

Please Note:

(i)This question paper contains 12 pages. Please check whether all the pages are printed in this set. Report discrepancy, ifany, immediately to the invigilator.

(ii)There shag be NEGATIVE marking for WRONG answers in the Multiple Choice type questions (No. Z to 130) which carry one mark each. For every wrong answer 0.25 mark will be deducted.

PART I(General Agriculture)

Multiple choice questions (No. 1 to 30). Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d) and enter your choice in the circle (by shading with a pencil) on the OMR answer sheet as per the instructions given on the answer sheet.


5 To address the problems of sustainable and holistic develoument of rainfed areas. including approl;riate farming and livelihood system approaches, the Government of India has set up the National Rainfed Area Authority National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas National Mission on Rainfed Areas Command Area Develoument and Water Management Authority '

a) b)

1. Which of the following crops have been approved for commercial cultivation in lndla? a) Bt cotton and Bt brinjal b) Bt cotton and Golden Rice c) Bt maize and Bt cotton d) 8t cotton only 2. This year (2010-11) the expected food grain production in lndia Is a) 212 million tonnes b) 220 million tonnes c) 235 million tonnes d) 250 million tonnes 3. The genome of which of the following crops is still not completely sequenced? a) Rice b) Soybean c) Sorghum 8 ) Wheat r
4. According to the Approach Paper to the 12" Five Year Plan, the basic objective of the 12Ihplan is a) Inclusive growth b) Sustainable growth c) Faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth d) Inclusive and sustainable growth

c) d)

6. Which of the following sub-schemes are not covered under the Rashtriya Krishl Vikas Yojana? a) Extending the Green Revolution to eastern indla .. b) Development of 60,000 pulses and oilseeds villages in identified watersheds c) National Mission on Saffron d) National Mission on Bamboo
7 . The minimum support price for the common variety of paddy announced by the Government of lndia for the year 2010-11 was a) t 1030 b) t l O O O C) 7 980 d) ? 950

8. According to the Human Development Report 2010 of the United Nations, India's rank in terms of the human development index is a) 119 b) 134 c) 169 d) 182

Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (Post Harvest Techrrology of HortlculNlral Crops) - 2011

9. Which of the following does not apply to SRI method of paddy cultivation? a) Reduced water application b) Reduced plant density c) Increased application of chemical fertilizers d) Reduced age of seedlings
10. Which organic acid, oflen used as a preservative, occurs naturally in cranberries, prunes, cinnamon and cloves? a) Citric acid b) Benzoic acid c) Tartaric acid d) Lactic acid 11. Cotton belongs to the family a) Cruciferae b) Anacardiaceae c) Maivaceae d) Solanaceae 12. Photoperiodism is a) Bending of shoot towards source of light b) Effect of lightldark durations on physiological processes C) Movement of chlorowiast in cell in response to light d) Effect of light on chlorophyll synthesis 13. Ergot disease is caused by which pathogen on which host? a) Claviceps purpurea on rye b) Puccinia recondita on wheat c) Drechlera sorokiniana on wheat d) Albugo candida on mustard 14. Rocks are the chief sources of parent materials over which soils are developed. Granite, an important rock, is classified as a) Igneous rock b) Metamorphic rock c) Sedimentary rock d) Hybrid rock

17. Which of the following is qommoniy referred to as muriate of potash? a) Potassium nitrate b) Potassium chloride , c) Potassium sulphate d) Potassium silicate 18. Inbred lines that have same genetic constitution but differ only at one locus are called a) Multi lines b) Monohybrid c) lsogenic lines d) Pure lines 19. For applying 100 kg of nitrogen. how much urea would one use? a) 45 kg b) Illkg c) 222 kg d) 333 kg 20. The devastating impact of plant disease on human suffering and survival was first realized by epidemic of a) Brown spot of rice in Bengal b) Late blight of pptato in USA c) Late blight of potato in Europe d) Rust of wheat in India 21. The species of rice (Ofyza) other than 0 . saliva that is cultivated is a) 0. rufipugon b) 0. longisteminata c) 0. glaberrime d) 0. nivara 22. The enzyme responsible for the fixation of C02 in mesophyli ceiis of C-4 plants is ; a) Malic enzyme . b) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase c) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase d) RuBP carboxyiase 23. a) b) c) d) Which one of the following is a 'Vertisol"? Black cotton soil Red sandy loam soil Sandy loam sodic soil Submontane (Tarai) soil

15. a) b) c) d)

Which one of the following is a Kharif crop? Pearl millet Lentil Mustard Wheat *

16.The coefficient of variation calculated by the formula a) (Mean1S.D.) x 100 b) (S.D.IMean) x 100 c) S.D.IMean d) Mean1S.D.



24.What is the most visible physical characteristic of cells in metaphase? a) Elongated chromosomes b) Nucleus visible but chromosomes not c) Fragile double stranded loose chromosomes d) Condensed paired chromosomes on the cell

f Crops) - 2011 Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (PoslH o rtest Technology o Hor~icul~urol ~ 25. Ail weather phenomena like rain, fog and mist occur in a) Troposphere b) Mesosphere c) ionosphere d) Ozonosphere 26. Which of the following elements is common t~ ail proteins and nucieic acids? a) Sulphur b) Magnesium c) Nitrogen d) Phosphorous 27. Silt has intermediate characteristics between a) Sand and loam b) Clay and loam c) Loam and gravel d) Sand and clay 28. a) b) c) d) 29. a) b) c) d) Certified seed is produced from Nucleus seed Breeder seed Foundation seed Truthful seed Seedless banana is an Autotripioid Autotetraploid Aliotriploid Aiiotetraploid

33. Optimum R H.for storage of onion and garlic is a) 50-60% b) 61-70% c) 71-80% d) 81-90% 34. a) b) c) d) Father of Quick freezing is Kidd and West ' S.P. Burg S. Ranganna Clarence Birdseye

35. Proteoiytic enzyme in p~neappie IS a) Bromeiin b) Ficin c) Diastase d) Papain

36. Black neck in tomato ketchup is due to the formation of a) Ferric tannate b) Sodium benzoate c) Ferric sulphate d) Acetic acid 37. Acidic fruit juices are sterilized under a) Low pressure b) High pressure c) Normal atmospheric pressure d) Vacuum 38. a) b) c) d) Foiic acid rich vegetable is Spinach Lettuce Pulses Brussels's sprouts

30. Which one of the following is used to test the goodness-of-fit of a distribution? a) Normal test b) t-test c) Chi-square test d) F-test

PART- I/ (Subject Paper) Multiple choice questions (No. 31 to 130). Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d) and enter your choice in the circle (by shading with a pencil) on the OMR answer sheet as per the instructions given on the answer sheet.

39. Most impoltant pathogenic bacteria causing spoilage of food is a) Clostridiumbotulinum b) Bacillus cereus c) Streptococcus aureus d) SalmoneNa typhimurium 40. a) b) c) d) 41. a) b) c) d) Blanching is done to inactivate enzymes Remove the peel Remove moisture Remove microorganisms Vinegar is 1O acetic acid h 10% acetic acid 40 grain acetic acid 80 grain acetic acid

31. importadt tree vegetable of perennial nature is a) Murraya keonigii b) Capsicum annum c) Vigna unguiculata d) Phaseolus vulgaris 32. a) b) c) d) Kwashiorkor is due to the deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin B-complex Protein Minerals 1

42. Potassium permanganate is used in sealed packets to a) Create an inert atmosphere b) Reduce the levei of CO2 c) Reduce the level of ethylene d) increase O2 levei

f Crops) - 2011 Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (Post Harur*stTechnology o Horflcul~~ral
43. Freezing preservation involves the principle of a) Addition of cold b) Removal of heat C) Addition of heat d) Addition of ice 44. Which of the following organism produces single cell protein? a) Methylophilus methylotrophus b) Salmonella sp. c) Trichinella sp. d) E. coli 45. The ideal conditions for ripening of mango are a) 0-2C and 80-95% R.H. b) 2-4OC and 80-90% R.H. c) 18-25'C and 85-90% R.H. d) 30-35'C and 8045% R.H. 46. The important quality parameter for export of dehydrated onion is a) Red colour with low pungency b) White colour with low pungency c) Brownish yellow coiour d) , Reddish brown colour 47. Spectrophotometer with visible wavelength should have range between a) 300 to 500 nm b) 380 to 760 nm c) 480 to 900 nm d) 500 to 960 nm 48. The number of ATP molecules synthesized on complete oxidation of a hexose sugar would be a) 20 b) 32 c) 38 d) 56 49. a) b) c) d) 50. a) b) c) d) For canning factory analysis is important for Sensory quality of food material Storage quality of food material Packaging of raw material Bacterioloqical quality of water Waxing of ?ruits is done mainly to reduce Transpiration Respiration Ripening Transpiration and respiration

52. The most accepted pathway of ethylene biosynthesis is a) p-alanine pathway b) Ethanol pathway ' c) Linolenic acid pathway d) Methionine pathway 53. Conversion of glucose to pyruvate by EMP pathway takes place in a) Mitochondria b) Cytoplasm c) Nucleolus d) Vacuoles 54. Enzyme responsible for conversion of sucrose to glucose and fructose during , respiration is a) Hexokinase b) Maltase c) Dehydrogenase d) lnvertase 55. The energy production per mole of glucose in anaerobic respiration is a) Equal to aerobic respiration b) Less than aerobic respiration c) Greater than aerobic respiration d) (a) or (b)
56. Optimum harvest maturity of Gerbera flower

a) b) c) d)

is decided When the flower is fully open When centre of the oldest floret opens When the flower is half open When outer rows show pollens

57.in general, longevity of cut flowers is increased with a) lncreased lipid level b) Decreased lipid level c) Increased carbohydrate level d) Decreased carbohydrate level 58. For better post harvest quality, the cut during fiowers should be h a ~ e s t e d hours a) ~vening b) Early morning hours c) Noon time d) Late in the night

51. The major indicator and a useful guide to predict the potential storage life of the fruits and vegetables is a) Water uptake rate b) Rate of ascorbic acid loss c) Rate of mineral uptake d) Respiration rate

59. Planting system of fruit trees should be such that a) lntercept minimum lunar energy b) intercept maximum solar energy c) lntercept moderate solar energy d) lntercept little solar energy 60. a) b) c) d) 'Meadow' orchard stands for High density orchard Ultra high density orchard Ultra low density orchard Low density orchard

f Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (Post Harvt?stTeclrnology o Horficulturnl Crops) - 2011

61. A visible shrinkage of freshly harvested fruits and vegetables appear when the moisture loss is around a) 1-2% b) 2-3% c) 3-5% d) 10-15% 62. Lye peeling is a technique of peeling of fruits and vegetables using a) 1-2% HCL b) 1-2% H2S04 c) 1-2% NaOH d) 1-2% KOH 63. 'Exhausting' a term in canning is associated with a) Removal of microbes b) Removal of air c) Removal of flavour d) Removal of colour 64. A dividing line of pH between acid and nonacid foods is a) pH = 3.5 b) pH = 4.5 c) pH = 5.0 d) pH = 5.5 65. The time-temperature combination which has been received by a food during sterilization is usually expressed as a) D-value b) F-value c) 2-value d) All of the above

69 In food preservation most commonly used irradiation is a) X-rays b) a-rays c) p-rays d) y-rays

70.The natural red colour pigment which changes its colour with pH is a) Carotene b) Xanthophyll c) Betalain d) Anthocyanin
71. Fruit juices may be clarified to get rid of very minute particles and colloidal materials by a) Filtration '.,' b) Enzymes c) Centrifugation d) Boiling 72. Deaeration in orange juice is done primarily to prevent a) Destruction of Vitamin A b) Destruction of Vitamin C c) Destruction of Vitamin E d) All of the above 73. In any chromatography two things are common in all a) Solvent and column b) Solvent and detector c) Stationary and mobile phase d) Detector and Injector 74. Two treatments are significantly different at 5% level of significance means a) They are similar b) They are dissimilar c) They are 95% similar d) They are 95% dissimilar 75. The t-test is used for testing the significance of a) Difference between the means of two related lots b) Difference between the means of two unrelated lots c) Difference between the frequencies d) Differences between both related and unrelated lots 76. Acid resistant tin cans are also called a) C-enamel b) L-enamel c) R-enamel d) S-R enamel 77. a) b) c) d)

66. Water activity in a processed food usually denotes a) Actual water content b) The availability of water for microbial growth c) The availability of water for enzyme activity, browning and oxidation d) Both b) and c)
67. Which one of the following driers takes least time for drying? a) Hot air qrier b) Heated ~utface drier c) Infra-red drier d) Microwave drier 68. a) b) c) d)

'Hedonic scale' is used to determine Physical quality Chemical quality Sensory quality Microbiologicalquality

Sauerkraut means Acid cabbage Sweet cabbage Blanched cabbage Dehydrated cabbage

f Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (Post Hnrve!st Technology o Horllculturnl Crops) - 2011
78. For preparing fruit jelly, quantity of sugar to beaddeddependsupon a) Protopectin b) Starch c) Pectin d) Pectin acid 79. Oxidation of fats in potato chips is prevented by a) Preservative b) N2 gas packaging c) Citric acid d) Colouring agent 80. The browning of fresh potato cut surface is due to a) Non-enzymatic browning b) Mallard reaction c) Fermehtation d) Enzymatic browning 81. Formation of brown mass due to burning of dry sugar is called as a) Charcoal b) Caramel c) Anthrax d) Browning 82. Mixing of 1 kg of sugar in 1 kg of water gives sugar syrup of 'Brix a) 25 b) 50 C) 75 d) 100 83. The most important commercial product prepared from the grapes is a) Pickle b) Marmalade c) Wine d) Raisins 84. The Food Safety Act was issued by the MOFPl in the year a) 2001 b) 2003 c) 2005 d) 2006 85. a) b) c) d) 87. a) b) c) d) 88. a) b) c) d)

T.S.S. is maximum in RTS drink Squash Natural fruit juices, Jam Spongy tissue in mango fruit is due to Disease Physiological disorder Mechanical damage Chilling injury

89. Which of the following fruits is rich in riboflavin? a) Apple b) Banana c) Guava d) Bael fruit

90. a) b) c) d)

Vacuum cooling is ideally suitable for Root vegetables Temperate fruit Leafy vegetables Fruit type vegetables

91. Which of the following fruits belongs to climacteric group?. a) Pomegranate b) Passion fruit c) Litchi d) Loquat 92. Which of the following fruits is stored commercially under CA condition? a) Papaya b) Apple c) Lemon d) Pineapple 93. Who is considered as the 'Father of the canning industry? a) Peter Durand b) Metalmikoft c) Nicholas Appert d) Thomas Sadditington 94. a) b) C) d)

Specific d~avity the ratio of is WeighWolume VolumeNVeight WeighWolume x 100 Volumelweight x 100

Albedo of citrus fruits is rich in Acid Sugar Pectin Colour

86.Covering of candied fruits with a thin transparent coating of sugar which imparts them glossy appearance is known as a) Blending b) Baking c) Glazing d) Syruping

95. The 'Flat sour' spoilage causing bacteria of canned foods are a) Mesophilic b) Psychrophiiic c) Thermophilic d) Halophilic

Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (Post Harvest Technology of Horllculturnl Crops) - 2011

96. Green portion of potato is undesirable as it may contain harmful substances like a) Chlorophyll b) Amylase C) Solanin d) Lipoproteins 97. Name the lowest a value for permitting the , growth of osmophilic yeasts a) 0.91 b) 0.88 c) 0.75 d) 0.60 98. Degreening of citrus fruit is done by the application of a) 0 2 b) COz . c) Ethylene d) Nitrogen 99. Easily useful fermentable component in food is a) Fibre b) Carbohydrate c) Lipid d) Protein 100. Under commercial practice, the recommended ethylene dose for ripening of banana is a) 1000 ppm b) 100 ppm C) 10 PPm 101. Chlorine compounds are the most popular sanitizers used in the food processing factories because of the following characteristics except a) Activity against a wide variety of microorganisms b) Harmless residue left over c) Easily dissociation d) Stability in the presence of hard water salts 102. Symptoms associated with chilling injury are a) Freezing injuly and burn J n b) Freeze b: and discoloration c) Internal discoloration and electrolyte leakage d) Electrolyte leakage and burning 103. Laminated film with lowest water vapour and oxygen transmission rates is a) Saran b) OPP c) PE d) CPP

104. Pro-Vitamin A activity is found In a) Lycopene b) p-carotene c) Xanthophyli d) Lutein

a) b) c) d)

C O ~ ~ D O U ~ ~ common in Aonla. which is Jamun and Tea is Ascorbic acid Organic acid Amino acids Phenols

106. Lemon squash is generally preserved by a) Acetic acid b) Citric acid ,, c) Sugar d) KMS 107.The major constituents of Aspire, a bioproduct used commercially for the control of PH disease is a) Candida oieophila b) Pseudomonas syringae c) Bacillus subtilis d) Debaryomyces hansenii 108. The first example of the use of bioagent for controlling post harvest disease is the use of a) Candida oieophila b) Pseudomonas syringaa c) Bacillus subtilis d) Trichoderma hanianum .. 109. The moisture coiltent of dried cashewnuts should be a) Nearly 2% b) Nearly 5% c) Nearly 8% d) Nearly 12% 110. Button mushrooms are harvested when the size of their cap is between a) 10-20 mm b) 20-30 mm c) 30-40 mm d) 50-60 mm 111. Blue mold of apple is caused by a) Penicillium expansum b) Penlcillium digitatum c) Penicillium italicum d) Botrytis cinerea 112. Strawberry fruit is derived from which plant tissue? a) Pericarp b) Receptacle c) Pedicie d) Peduncle

Subject : PhD- Post Hawest Technology (Post Hnrvesl Technology o Horllcril/ural Crops) - 2011 f

113. Carotenoids in plant cell are stored in a) Amylopiasts b) Chloroplasts c) Chromoplasts d) Ribosomes 114. Distinctive flavour in Jamun is due to the presence of a) Methyl propionate b) Methyl isothiocyanate c) Methyl anthranilate d) Hexal 115. AH, B theory of sweet taste reception was proposed by a) Solms (1971) b) Shallenberger and Acree (1969) c) Marse (1981) d) lkeda (1909) 116. Which food contains nearly 800 volatile compounds? a) White wine b) Beer c) Grape d) Coffee 117. Flavour enhancing property of Monosodium glucamate was discovered by a) Flaming (1899) b) Sudds (1928) c) lkeda (1909) d) Acree (1940) 118. Umami is related to a) Glutamic acid b) Tartaric acid c) Gymnemic acid d) Ascorbic acid 119. Strawberry contains a acid, which has anticancerous properties a) Gallic acid b) Ellagic acid c) Phytic acid d) Citric acid 120. 'Celiae' disease is consumpfion of a) Gluten enbiched foods b) Non-glutenous foods c) Phenol rich foods d) Low gluten foods associated with

122. Which protein contains highest glutamlc acid? a) Wheat gluten b) Casein c) Corn gluten d) Egg albumen 123. Waxy flavour is a characteristic of a) Palmitic acid ' b) Acetic acid c) Lauric acid d) Decanoic acid 124. Hesperidin is primarily isolated from a) Lemon b) Grapefruit c) Pummelo d) Mandarin 125. Taste buds for bitterness are located at the of tongue. a) Sides b) Tip c) Base d) Both at tip and base

126. Which preservative is mainly used in baked products? a) Sorbic acid b) SO2 c) Sodium benzoate d) Sugar 127. Which grape variety is commercially used for champagne making in the world? a) White Riesling b) Thompson Seedless c) Sundekhani d) Pearl of Casaba 128. For apple cider making, the TSS of apple variety should be a) 8-9 b) 12-13 C) 15-16 d) 18-20 129.The DFFB. a maturity index used commercialiy for Delicious group of apples under Indian conditions is 4 a) 88 i days b) 1 2 6 t 4 days c) 150 i 4 days d) 1 8 0 i 4 d a y s 130. Which chilli has maximum SHU units in the world? a) Red Sabina b) Bhut Jaulokia c) Shimla Mirch d) Pusa Sadabahar

121. Which salt has sweet taste? a) Sodium bicarbonate b) Barium chloride c) Potassium iodide d) Lead acetate

Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (PoslHarvesf Technology of Horllcultural Crops) - 2011

Matching type questions (No. 131 to 140); ail questions carry equal marks. C h o o s e the correct a n s w e r (a, b, c, d or e) for each sub-question ( , ii iv a n d v) a n d ii i, i, enter y o u r choice in the circle ( b y shading with a pencil) on t h e O M R answer sheet a s p e r t h e instructions given on t h e a n s w e r sheet.

i) SEm* ii) RBD iii) Correlation coefficlent iv) Rehydration ratio v) Irradiation
137. Chemical i) Tubercles ii) Cysteine suiphoxide ili) Butyi acetate iv) Allyiisothiocyanate v) Cis-3-hexen-1-01 138. i) Evaporative cooling ii) Elevated C02 iii) irradiati0.niv) VHT V) HACCP

a) b) cj d) e)

ANOVA Critical difference KGY PositiveINegative Drying

131. i) Beauty Seedless ii) Himsagar iii) Bosrai iv) L-49 v) Pusa Deepti 132. ' i) Dehydration ii) Climacteric fruit iii) Jelly iv) Cool chamber v) Chlorophyll 133. i) lnvertase ii) Papain ili) Lipase iv) Diastase v) Bromoljn 134. I) Tomato ketchup ii) Antibrowning agent iii) Cell shrinkage iv) Heat unit v) Dieback 135. i) Malformation ii) Granulation iii) Bunchy top iv) Leaf curl v) Black heart

a) b) c) d) e) Mustard Onion Raspberries Litchi Tomato

a) b) c) d) e)

Mango Capsicum Banana Grapes Guava

a) b) c) d)

Pectin Storage structure Pigment Drying under controlled condition e) Mango

a) b) c) d) e)

Cold sterilization Food safety Controlled atmosphere Quarantine Pusa zero-energy cool chamber

a) b) c) d) e)

Pineapple Starch Sugar Fat Papaya

139. i) Stem-end rot ii) Anthracnose iii) Cigar end rot iv) Botrytis rot v) Blue mold 140. i) Pasteur effect ii) Bitter pit iii) Jelly seed iv) Oieoceilocis V) Burg, S.P.

a) b) c) d) e)

Banana Grapes Citrus Mango

Diplodirr sp.

a) b) c) d) e)

Ascorbic acid Osmosis Sodium benzoate Citrus fruits Peas

a) b) c) d) e)

LP storage Mango Citrus CA-storage Apple

a) Banana b) Potato c) Tomato d) Mango e) Citrus

Subject :PhD - Post Harvest Technology (Post Harvest Tecltnology ofHorNculfurn1Crops) - 2011


Short questions (No. 141 to 146); each question carries FIVE marks. Write answers, Including computation I mathematical calculations if any, in the space provided for each question on the question paper itself.
141. "Fruit ripening is considered both as biosynthetic as well as bio-degradative process" statement.

- justify the

142. What do you mean by CA-storage? Wrlte down the details commercial CA-store.

requirements to establish a

Subject : PhD - Post Harvest Technology (Post Harvest Technology o Horticultur~l f Crops) 2011


143. Define water activity. Mention water activity limits for various microbial growth and quality retention of food.

144. wnat IS pre-cooling? Name the various methods of pre-cooling of fruits and vegetables. Mention

four most important advantages of pre-cooling.

Subject : PhD Post Harvest Technology (Post Harvesl Technology of Hortlculturnl Crops) - 2011
145. Draw a flow diagram of a model pack-house operation for long distant marketing of kinnow.


146. What do you mean by critical difference at 5% level (CDo.05)? Write down ail t &mponents of ANOVA table of an experiment planned using RBD-Factorial layout. S ose, there are 4 treatments in an experiment; what would be the minimum no. of replic ons required to draw statistically valid conclusion on the results if the experiment is to be conduc d as RBD layout?

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