) | Pr(
) | Pr(
) | Pr(
) | Pr(
changes without event No
changes without event
input in changes with event No
input in changes with event
If LOR is positive, changes in one or more inputs enhance the probability of the specified event.
If LOR is negative, then the changes in the inputs cause a reduction in the probability of the
event occurring or increase the probability of the event not occurring. The greater the magnitude
of LOR, the greater is the influence of the input (Stiber et al., 1999).
2.2.2 Application
The LOR method was used by Stiber et al. (1999) to identify key inputs to a model of
groundwater decontamination via reductive dechlorination. The model inputs referred to as
evidences, included site parameters such as temperature, pH, and whether various specific
chemicals were found to be present, such as oxygen, hydrogen, chloride, dichlorethene (DCE),
methane, and others. The key model output is the probability that anaerobic degradation of
trichloroethene (TCE) via reductive dechlorination is occurring. An expert judgment-based
approach was used to estimate the output probability. A total of 14 possible pieces of evidence
were considered in the analysis. The results of the LOR analysis of Stiber et al. (1999) are
given in Figure 1. For example, if there is no evidence that oxygen is present then there is
increased probability of anaerobic processes occurring. If chloride or DCE is present, then there
is positive evidence of the degradation of TCE. From the sensitivity analysis, it appears that
evidence regarding DCE is the most important determinant of anaerobic degradation of TCE,
because changes in evidence for this particular input lead to the largest differences in the log-
odds ratio.
2.2.3 Advantages.
The LOR method is a useful measure of sensitivity when the model output is a
probability (Menard, 1995).
2.2.4 Disadvantages.
The LOR method can only be used when the output is in terms of probability (Menard,
1995). It suffers from other drawbacks similar to nominal range sensitivity analysis. For
example, similar to nominal range sensitivity analysis, LOR cannot account for nonlinear
interactions between or among inputs. Similar to nominal range sensitivity analysis, the
significance of differences among the sensitivities can be difficult to determine for nonlinear
models and correlated inputs, making it potentially difficult to rank order key inputs.
2.3 Break-Even Analysis.
Break-even analysis is more of a concept than a specific method. Broadly speaking, the
purpose of break-even analysis is to evaluate the robustness of a decision to changes in inputs
(von Winterfeldt and Edwards, 1986).
2.3.1 Description.
Break-even analysis involves finding values of inputs that provide a model output for
which a decision maker would be indifferent among the two or more risk management options.
The combinations of values of inputs for which a decision maker is indifferent to the decision
options are known as switchover or break-even values. Then, in order to assess the robustness of
a choice between the options, one can evaluate whether the possible range of values of the model
inputs corresponds with only one of the two choices (Morgan and Henrion, 1990). Indifference
of a decision maker to the two choices is often represented by a break-even line or indifference
curve such as an iso-risk curve. Ambiguity regarding selecting a particular choice exists if the
uncertainty range associated with an output may correspond to either of the two or more possible
choices. Different options that result in equivalent levels of risk reduction also can be identified
so that a decision maker can evaluate these options. If there are more than two decision options,
the analysis can get complex (von Winterfeldt and Edwards 1986).
2.3.2 Application.
Break-even analysis is often used in economics for purposes such as budget planning
(Dillon, 1993). Break-even analysis has also found applications in several other fields such as
health care (Boles and Fleming, 1996). Kottas and Lau (1978) describe the concept of stochastic
break-even analysis. Starr and Tapiero (1975) explain the use of break-even analysis with
consideration of risk.
As an example of a breakeven analysis, consider a choice between two medical treatment
options: medication versus an operation. The patients valuation of the possible outcome of
each option is represented with a utility function, and the probability of success of the operation
is not known. Figure 2 illustrates the combination of values for the utility of the medication and
the probability of success of the operation that lead to a preference for medication, as in the
upper left portion of the graph, or for the operation, as in the lower right portion of the graph.
Along the indifference line, there is equal preference for both options. If the patient has a high
utility for the outcome of the medication, and believes that the probability of success of the
operation is low, then medication is clearly preferred. If the range of uncertainty in the
probability of success is large, and if the range of uncertainty encloses the indifference line, then
it will be ambiguous as to what treatment option is preferred. In the former case, a decision can
be made that is robust to uncertainty. In the latter case, more information is needed to reduce
uncertainty in one or more of the inputs in order to make a decision with a high degree of
2.3.3 Advantages.
The switchover or break-even point guides further modeling and elicitation. If the range
of uncertainty regarding an input encloses the break-even point, then that input will be important
in making a decision; that is, there will be uncertainty regarding which decision to take. In such
a situation, further research can be directed so as to help the decision maker to narrow the range
of uncertainty and make a decision with more confidence. On the other hand, if the uncertainty
regarding an input does not enclose the break-even point then there will be high confidence
regarding the decision.
2.3.4 Disadvantages.
Break-even analysis is not a straightforward method to apply. Though it is a useful
concept, its application is increasingly complex as the number of sensitive inputs increases (von
Winterfeldt and Edwards, 1986). There also is not a clear ranking method to distinguish the
relative importance of the sensitive inputs.
2.4 Automatic Differentiation Technique.
The automatic aifferentiation (AD) technique is an automated procedure for calculating
local sensitivities for large models. In AD, a computer code automatically evaluates first-order
partial derivatives of outputs with respect to small changes in the inputs. The values of partial
derivatives are a measure of local sensitivity.
2.4.1 Description.
Most existing sensitivity analysis methods based upon differentiation, such as numerical
differential methods, have one or more of the following limitations: inaccuracy in the results,
high cost in human effort and time, and difficulty in mathematical formulation and computer
program implementation (Hwang et al., 1997). To overcome these limitations, AD techniques
were developed. AD is a technique to perform local sensitivity analysis and not a new method in
itself. In AD the local sensitivity is calculated at one or more points in the parameter space of
the model. At each point, the partial derivatives of the model output with respect to a selected
number of inputs is evaluated.
AD is implemented by pre-compilers that analyze the code of the complex model and
then add instructions needed to compute first or higher order derivatives in an efficient manner to
save computational time and reduce complexity (Kedem, 1980; Rall, 1980; Carmichael et al.,
1997). The resulting expanded code is then complied with a standard compiler so that code can
evaluate function values used in the model, outputs, and derivatives. Automatic Differentiation
in Fortran (ADIFOR) is one of the softwares used for implementation of AD (Bischof et al.,
1992, 1994 and 1996).
2.4.2 Application.
Automatic differentiation finds application in models that involve complex numerical
differentiation calculations such as partial derivatives, integral equations, and mathematical
series (Hwang et al., 1997). It is used in fields such as air quality (Carmichael et al., 1997),
aerodynamics (Issac and Kapania, 1997), mechanical structures (Ozaki et al., 1995), and others.
Christianson (1999) used AD for verification of part of a model.
As an example, Carmichael et al. (1997) applied ADIFOR to calculate the sensitivity of
ambient air ozone concentration to air quality model inputs representing initial conditions,
reaction rate constants, and others. For this purpose, dimensionless sensitivity coefficients were
calculated based upon the numerical partial derivative of ozone concentration with respect to a
selected input, divided by the ratio of the values of the concentration and the input:
= Normalized local sensitivity coefficients for i
chemical specie and j
= The absolute change in the output concentration of i
chemical specie;
= The absolute change in the j
= Values of model inputs; and
= Concentration of a chemical specie i at a given time.
The normalized local sensitivity coefficients were calculated for a 5-day simulation for
two different meteorological scenarios. The estimated ozone concentration was found to be most
sensitive to the initial ozone concentrations in both scenarios, with normalized sensitivity values
of 0.082 and 0.054 for the marine and land scenarios, respectively. In contrast, the results were
relatively insensitive to the initial NO concentration in both cases, as revealed by a normalized
sensitivity coefficient of approximately 0.001. Lumped sensitivities were also reported to give
the global effect of a perturbation in a given input on the whole system. Lumped sensitivity of a
chemical specie is the summation of normalized local sensitivities at different time stages for that
chemical specie.
2.4.3 Advantages.
AD techniques, such as ADIFOR can be applied without having detailed knowledge of
the algorithm implemented in the model. ADIFOR does everything automatically once it is
appended with the main code (Bischof et al., 1992). AD is superior to finite difference
approximations of the derivatives because numerical values of the computed derivatives are
more accurate and computational effort is significantly lower (Bischof et al., 1992). Hwang et
al. (1997) observed CPU time saving of 57% by using AD for sensitivity analysis as compared to
using a traditional method. If the model is constantly modified and improved, then ADIFOR
provides a convenient tool to easily accommodate such necessary model changes, which can be
very difficult to do in the case of other techniques (Carmichael et al., 1997).
2.4.4 Disadvantages.
The availability of AD technique may be limited to specific computer languages such as
FORTRAN in the case of ADIFOR, requiring the user to provide FORTRAN code for the
model. Because AD is a local technique, it suffers from the limitations of nominal range
sensitivity analysis. Furthermore, unlike nominal range sensitivity analysis, the possible range of
values of the inputs is not considered. The accuracy for sensitivity results is conditioned upon
the numerical method used in the AD software. Also, for nonlinear models, the significance of
differences in sensitivity between inputs is difficult to determine, making the rank ordering of
key inputs potentially difficult. This method cannot be used if partial derivatives cannot be
evaluated locally.
2.5 Regression Analysis.
Regression analysis can be employed as a probabilistic sensitivity analysis technique as
demonstrated by Iman et al. (1985). Regression analysis serves three major purposes: (1)
description of the relation between variables; (2) control of predictor variables for a given value
of a response variable; and (3) prediction of a response based on predictor variables (Neter et al.,
1996; Sen and Srivastava, 1990).
2.5.1 Description.
A relation between inputs and the output should be identified prior to regression analysis
based on techniques such as scatter plots or upon understanding of the functional form of the
model. Methods, such as stepwise regression, can be used to automatically exclude statistically
insignificant inputs. The regression model may not be useful when extrapolating beyond the
range of values used for each input when fitting the model (Devore and Peck, 1996).
Regression analysis is most properly performed on an independent random sample of
data. The effect of inputs on the output can be studied using regression coefficients, standard
errors of regression coefficients, and the level of significance of the regression coefficients
(Devore and Peck, 1996; Steel et al., 1997; Sen and Srivastava, 1990). Regression analysis
typically involves fitting a relationship between inputs and an output such as this linear one:
= o +
+ +
= i
output data point for i
input data points;
= i
input data point for the j
= regression coefficient for the j
input; and