Earned Value 2
Earned Value 2
Earned Value 2
The tips and tricks below are taken from Project Mentor, the smart way to learn Microsoft Project. For further information, please go to: www.projectlearning.net/project_mentor.htm More useful tips and tricks can be found on the Project Learning blog: www.projectknowledge.net Related document(s) Earned Value Analysis Overview www.projectlearning.net/pdf/I2.1.pdf
In addition to assessing any slippages or cost overruns in a project in general terms, Earned Value Analysis (EVA) can be used to help determine if a project is providing value for money or not. EVA concentrates on three basic parameters: How much work SHOULD have been done so far (BCWS); how much money has ACTUALLY been spent to progress the project so far (ACWP) and what is the VALUE of work that has been accomplished so far (BCWP). By comparing these values, assessments can be made about how efficient a project is and where problems may lie.
SPI (schedule performance index) = BCWP / BCWS These values can be seen within table columns and can give an indication regarding the schedule status of a project in value terms: a. Select a suitable task-based view (Tracking Gantt for example). b. From the View menu, select Table and then select More Tables. c. Within the table library, select as below, and then click .
'Exercises' (ringed in blue above) is ahead of schedule by 23%. $5,630 worth of work should have been achieved by the status date. $6,950 worth of work has been performed. As such, this summary task is $1,320 ahead of schedule in value terms. 'Content' (ringed in green above) is behind schedule by 24%. $8,900 worth of work should have been achieved by the status date. Only $6,751 worth of work has been performed. As such, this summary task is $2,149 behind schedule in value terms. The project summary task 'Manual Project' (ringed in red) is 5% behind schedule in value terms. $830 worth of work needs to be caught up for the project to complete on schedule.
The SV, SV% and SPI fields don't exist in Microsoft Project 2000. Custom fields can be created to replicate them using the calculated values shown above. Tasks with a SV of 0 or a SPI of 1 are on schedule. SV, SV% and SPI values roll up from subtasks to summary tasks and hence ultimately to the project summary task. Negative values may be displayed either with the minus sign or in parentheses; for example, "-879.82" or "(879.82)".
These values can be seen within table columns and can give an indication regarding the cost status of a project in value terms: a. From the View Menu, select Table and then select More Tables. b. Within the table library, select as below, and then click .
'Exercises' (ringed in blue above) is under budget by 13% as of the project's status date. $6,950 worth of work has been achieved by the status date and only $5,990 has actually been spent to achieve that progress. As such this summary task is currently $960 under budget. 'Content' (ringed in green above) is over budget by 19% as of the project's status date. $6,750 worth of work has been achieved by the status date and $8,047 has been spent to achieve that progress. As such this summary task is currently $1,296 over budget. The project summary task 'Manual Project' (ringed in red) is 2% over budget. $337 worth of work needs to be achieved at no additional cost for the project to complete on budget.
The CV, CV% and CPI fields don't exist in Microsoft Project 2000. Custom fields can be created to replicate them using the calculated values shown above. Tasks with a CV of 0 or a CPI of 1 are on budget. Additional fields can provide further cost analyses: EAC and VAC (the difference between EAC and BAC).
John (ringed in green above) has achieved $4,800 worth of work by the status date. As he was only expected to achieve $3,520 by that date his work is ahead of schedule by $1,280 worth of work. In addition, his work so far has only cost 3,840. As such he is $960 below budget. Tim (ringed in red above) has only achieved $3,900 worth of work as of the status date. He should have achieved $6,000 worth of work and as such is $2,100 worth of work behind schedule. In addition, his work so far has cost $5,200. As such he is $1,300 over budget.
Values for EAC, BAC and VAC can also be seen on a resource-by-resource basis:
Custom fields can be created to highlight where CV percentages are positive or negative. These fields can then be added to tables and enhanced by using graphical indicators:
To achieve the formula shown above within Microsoft Project 2000, a custom field would first have to be created to become CV%. This field could then be applied within the formula. To hide unnecessary detail (for example where CV% = 0), click on . To expand detail, click on Group criteria, global filters and custom fields are common project components. As such, they are saved with the project document and can be copied to other projects using the Organizer. Aim for consistency in the use of groups and custom fields, especially if working in a programme environment. Contact a programme office for advice (if one exists).
c. Choose to export data for all tasks or just those that have been selected, followed by NEXT.
d. Use NEXT.
f. Choose if a graph should be produced by Excel at step 4 of the wizard, NEXT. g. Export the data at step 5 of the wizard and then review within Microsoft Excel.
Aim to export similar values with an equivalent scale; for example cost values OR work values. Aim to not have cost and work values within the same graph and therefore sharing the same graph scale. For long timescale projects, choose a unit of weeks for the timescale granularity or a 'To' date equal to the project's status date. When data is exported, the file created is called Timedata.TXT. This file should be saved as a .XLS file before any further analysis is made against the data.