Felt Laptop Computer Bag: Skill Level

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skill level


Project courtesy of Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft Stores Designed by Cindi Schramer

SUPPLIES & TOOLS: 1/2 yd Felt for body of bag 1/4 yd Coordinating felt for bag trim 2 yds Decorative ribbon Basic sewing supplies Optional pinking shears DIRECTIONS: 1. To create body of bag, cut two 15"x17" felt rectangles. From coordinating felt, cut two 5"x15" rectangles. Optional: use pinking shears to cut out coordinating strip. 2. Stitch decorative ribbon to coordinating felt strips as shown. 3. Measuring 3" from bottom of bag, attach decorative strip to each bag section. 4. For handle: Measure 112" from top of each section, center and draw a 5" line. Using a wide, close-together zig-zag stitch, stitch 1/4" above, on the sides and below the drawn line. The stitching should look like an oversized buttonhole. Cut opening by carefully trimming felt from "buttonhole". 5. Cut 112" squares from bottom corner of each bag section. 6. With right sides together, stitch sections together along side and bottom edges. Finger press seams open. 7. To form bottom: With right sides together, match side seam to bottom seam. Stitch together. Repeat for other corner. Turn bag.

felt laptop computer bag

Skill Level 2: Some sewing experience needed Approximate Crafting Time: 1 hour
Due to seasonal nature of project, supplies are available for a limited time only. Please read all instructions prior to beginning; read and follow all manufacturers instructions for all tools and materials used. Provide adult supervision if children participate in this and all craft projects. Because Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. has no control over the use of materials and tools, nor surroundings, during construction of projects, Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. disclaims any liability for injury, damage or other untoward results. Content of this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. 2007 Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. All rights reserved.

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