1988 - 2831
1988 - 2831
1988 - 2831
Propulsion Solid-propellant rocket Boost: 2 x Hotchkiss-Brandt/SNPE composite solid, 4sec burn, 3,500kg thrust each, jettisoned; sustain: Turbomeca TR 281 Arbizon turbojet, 400kg thrust Boost: SEP double-base, l-7sec burn, 4,400kg thrust; sustain: SEP 300 composite, 73sec burn, 100kg thrust Boost: SEP; sustain: SEP 300 Nissan Motors Guidance Cruise: inertial + radar altimeter; attack: active radar homing Cruise: autopilot + radio altimeter; attack Mk 1 Thomson CSF two-axis active radar seeker (12km from target, + 20 search in azimuth); Mk 2SMA single-axis active radar seeker Beam rider + command + radio altimeter, optical backup (Clos in Marte / Mariner) Cruise: gyro control; attack: active radar seeker Cruise: Japan Aviation Electronics inertial: T R T / Japan Radio AJV-7 radio altimeter, attack: Mitsubishi Electronics active radar seeker Cruise: Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk inertial; attack: Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk IR As above Cruise: inertial midcourse preprogrammed via waypoint; attack: IR search and homing Philips Elektronidindustrier active radar seeker Warhead 150kg HE 65kg explosive + incendiary material for total of 210kg SAP + residual fuel gives 250kg. Can penetrate 4cm + Ni-Cr armour plate 70kg SAP, impact + proximity fuzes
Dual-thrust A / S Raufoss Ammunisjons Fabrikker solid As above Solid-rocket sustainer Microturbo TR1-60-2 turbojet + two solid boosters
SARillumination by Ferranti Seaspray radar Cruise: preset; attack: active radar seeker
Boost: Aerojet, 6,600kg thrust, 2 5sec burn, composite propellant, boosts to M0-75; cruise: Teledyne CAE J402-CA-400 turbojet, 300kg thrust, 15min endurance
Cruise: Lear-Siegler or Northrop strapdown platform IBM 4PiSP-OA computer Honeywell AN/APN-194 radar altimeter; attack: Texas Instruments PR-53/DSQ-28 two-axis active radar seeker
Semi-active laser seeker Cruise: autopilot; attack: active radar Cruise: autopilot + midcourse update; attack; active radar/IR As SS-N-3?
Naval Weapons Centre 227kg penetration blast, contact (with time delay) + proximity fuzes
Mk 78 solid-propellant rocket 1 solid rocket Solid-propellant rocket Boost: Jato units; cruise: turbojet
68kg fragmentation 200kT nuclear or c.500kg HE Nuclear or HE, c.500kg Nuclear or HE, c. 1,000kg
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Warhead Acoustic-homing Mk 44, Mk 46 Stingray, or Tp 427 torpedo Nuclear depth charge Nuclear depth charge
Radio command
Propulsion SEP solid-propellant booster and sustainer Single-stage SNPE Leris9 4,850kg thrust, 2-3sec burn, 2,450daN, extruded double-base propellant Double-stage S N P E Lens solid rocket, 7,500daN, extruded double-base propellant, 4-5sec burn Boost: SNPE Roubaix, l-7sec burn, extruded DB propellant, 1,600kg thrust; sustain: SNPE Lampyre, 13-2sec burn; cast DB propellant, 200kg thrust Improved solid-propellant boost and sustain motors Hercules solid rocket Solid-propelland rocket Single-chamber triple-thrust solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance SAT passive IR homing IR autogathering, then beam-rider (monopulse Ku-band radar, 1-1* beam) with X-band c o m m a n d / T V backup for 16*w levels As Crotale IR autogathering, then Saclosoptical (Roland I) or radar (Roland II) IR autogathering, then radar Saclos Laser beam-riding Saclos CLOS
Warhead 3kg with laser proximity fuze 14kg focalised fragmentation (2,300 m/sec fragments lethal up to 8m), IR proximity fuze 14kg focalised fragmentation 6-5kg contains 65 projectile charges . lethal up to 6m, T R T radio-electric proximity fuze 9-1kg Octolite with impact and proximity fuzes 12+kg He, contact + proximity fuze Focussed-fragment HE 22kg blast/fragmentation with proximity fuze
Nissan Motor solid rocket Boost: Bofors solid, jettisoned; sustain: IMI solid IMI Troy dual-thrust solid IMI Thermopylae dual-thrust solid-propellant rocket
Pre-programmed + IR terminal homing Laser beam-rider Saclosoptical or with MSDS DN181 Blindfire radar As above
HE* with contact 2 proximity fuzes 1kg prefragmented; Bofors laser proximity + impact fuzes 0-5kg semi-armour-piercing, impact fuze only Combined fragmentation with proximity fuze and hollow-charge with impact fuze