Management Programme: Assignment First Semester 2009
Management Programme: Assignment First Semester 2009
Management Programme: Assignment First Semester 2009
Management Programme
Please attempt the assignment questions given in this leaflet/booklet and submit it to the coordi-
nator of the study center, you are attached with, on or before 30th April, 2009.
Course Code : MS-2
Course Title : Management of Human Resources
Assignment No. : MS-2/ SEM-I/ 2009
Coverage : All Blocks
1. Discuss the concept of competency mapping. Briefly explain the methods of competency
mapping citing suitable examples.
2. Summarise the recent trend of reward systems in India. Analyse it with respect to your
organisation or an organisation you are familiar with and discuss its impact on productivity.
Describe the organisation you are referring to.
3. Define and discuss the need of human resource planning. Take an account of the human
resource planning in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with and give a
brief note on that. Describe the organisation you are referring to.
4. What are the forms and causes of indiscipline in an organization? Study and present the
existing disciplinary action mechanism in your organization or an organization you are
referring to. Describe the organization you are referring to.
5. Define HRM and differentiate it from traditional personnel management. Write an overview
on the HRM functions of your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with. Briefly
describe the organisation you are referring to.