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Bill DDE Over Ethernet

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Bill DDE Excel over Ethernet Version 1.

0L and more
Documentation: 03/03/2011

Our Internet site: http://www.billproduction.com/ Email: [email protected]


This free resident plugin software, create a real-time connection between Bill Redirect Software and your Microsoft Excel. With this solution, you can connect a peripheral and receive the data directly in your Microsoft Excel.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 98,Me,2000,3000,XP,NT4,Vista, Windows 7

Simply the best DDE over Ethernet software available !


* This free plugin work with Bill Redirect version 3.0A and more.
To configure this software you have to enter in the field password www.billproduction.com In Bill Redirect software configuration options you have the possibility to change this password for what you want.

To use some Plugin Excel, you must start some instance of the software. Use this syntax: BillDDEOverEthernet.exe /#INSTANCE_NAME# Each instance can have a different configuration ! Example: Create a Shortcut instance Scanner_001 - Create a shortcut on your desktop to start Bill Redirect software
Shortcut properties:

- In the first field (Target) enter:

"C:\Program Files\BillProduction\Bill DDE over Ethernet\BillDDEOverEthernet.exe" /#Scanner_001#

- Start our software with this shortcut Example: Create a Shortcut instance Scanner_002 - Create a shortcut on your desktop to start Bill Redirect software
Shortcut properties:

- In the first field (Target) enter:

"C:\Program Files\BillProduction\Bill DDE over Ethernet\BillDDEOverEthernet.exe" /#Scanner_002#

- Start our software with this shortcut

Dont forget to push the Save Configuration button to save your current setting.

Custom Software Development

With over 15 years of experience in successfully providing Custom Software Development solutions for over 300 customers, we have honed our processes and skills to cater to your specific business needs. To request a feature, a Customize option or any kind of Software: Contact by email: [email protected]


The TCP Connection Status:

CONNECT, The connection is establish with Bill Redirect software. RESET, Reset the TCP connection. ERROR, Cant establish the connection. You can see the error if you place your mouse cursor to the status field. LISTEN, The TCP port wait until the software Bill Redirect open the connection.

The IP:
In this field you can see the IP address of your computer.

The Port:
In this field enter the TCP PORT.

The button Reset:

Click on this button to reset the TCP communication.

The DDE Connection status:

CONNECT, The DDE connection is establish. Path Error, The Excel file path does not exist. File Name Error, The Excel file name does not exist. Sheet Name Error, Excel is not open or the Excel sheet name does not exist.

The Excel file path:

In this field enter the directory where your Excel file is. *If the back color field is GREEN, its because this directory exist.

The Excel file name:

In this field enter the file name of your Excel file (.XLS file). *If the back color field is GREEN, its because this directory exist.

The Sheet name:

In this field enter the name of your Excel Sheet. *Usually the name is: Sheet1 or in French Feuil1 *If the back color field is GREEN, its because this directory exist and Excel is open.


The button Test DDE:

Use this button to test the communication between this software and your Excel

The Excel Limit Position:

Use this section to specified where the information are sent in your Exel: - Excel Row: First row where the data is sent. - to: The Last row where the data is sent. - Excel Column: The column where the data are sent. * When the data reached the last row, it return to the first line.

The Excel current Position:

You can see in this section where the next data will be sent * You can change or reset this position.

The Optional:
Date: Activate this option to send the Date Stamp to Excel. Time: Activate this option to send the Time Stamp to Excel.

The button Close:

To close this software.

The option Reset on connect:

Enable this option to automatically reset Excel row position when the connection is establish with the Excel sheet.


To connect a peripheral and receive the data in Excel

Use this configuration:

Bill Redirect Bill DDE (plugin)

Use this configuration if you run Bill Redirect on a computer and the Excel Plugin on another computer:

- Section KEYBOARD BUFFER: Set the switch to: OFF - Section Plugin set the switch to: On - Section Plugin click on the button Configuration - At question #1 IP enter the IP address that you can see in the software Bill DDE (plugin) - At question #2 Port enter the same port number that you use in the software Bill DDE (plugin)
Use this configuration if you run Bill Redirect and the Excel Plugin on the same computer:

- Section KEYBOARD BUFFER: Set the switch to: OFF - Section Plugin set the switch to: On - Section Plugin click on the button Configuration - At question #1 IP enter: - At question #2 Port enter the same port number that you use in the software Bill DDE (plugin) Microsoft Excel configuration: - Open Microsoft Excel software. - Save the default Excel document to a directory.
*Example: C:\BillProduction.CFG\BillRedirect.xls

Bill DDE (plugin) configuration: - Excel file path: Enter the directory where your Excel file is. - Excel file name: Enter the Excel file name document. - Excel sheet name: Enter the Excel sheet name. - Click the button: Test DDE, to test the communication with your Excel
* You can use Bill Redirect and the plugin on the same computer. * You can use Bill Redirect on a computer and the plugin on another computer. * Dont forget to push the Save Configuration button to save your current setting.

Excel VBA
To send data command from Excel to Bill Redirect peripheral use this VBA source in your Excel: ChannelNumber = DDEInitiate("BPEXCEL", "BPEXCEL") DDEExecute ChannelNumber, "{TX_SERIAL[Hello Word !{ASCII:13}]}" DDETerminate ChannelNumber '** Replace the command {TX_SERIAL[Hello Word !{ASCII:13}]} by the command you want

Use the manual to see all the commands available: http://www.billproduction.com/Bill_Redirect_Manual.pdf

Bill Redirect Data Filtering Configuration

To add a rule in Bill Redirect

Click on: Configuration

Click on button: ADD

If your devices send many data separated by a character. To receive data in Excel in different columns. Example: If the character that separates the data is a comma Enter in field Search Enter in field Replace by


If your devices send many data at different position in the string. To receive data in Excel in different columns. Example: If the first data is at position 1 to 9 the second at position 10 to 13 and the third at position 14 to 22
Enter in field Search {ALL_RX} {STRING_MID[RX_DATA,1,9]}{ASCII:9}{STRING_MID[RX_DATA,10,4]}{ASCII:9}{STRING_MID[RX_DATA,14,9]} Enter in field Replace by

Use the manual to see all the commands available: http://www.billproduction.com/Bill_Redirect_Manual.pdf

For more documentation visit:


If a problem persist or to do more

use our Software configuration and integration service It's free, fast (usually the same day), and efficient ! Submit your case to [email protected] and receive a customized solution !

For more flexibility/options or an installation package build for your company:

[email protected]

*Also available on request, all our advertising (PDF format) are available in source mode (Document Word), send your request by e-mail to: [email protected]

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