Bill DDE Over Ethernet
Bill DDE Over Ethernet
Bill DDE Over Ethernet
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Documentation: 03/03/2011
This free resident plugin software, create a real-time connection between Bill Redirect Software and your Microsoft Excel. With this solution, you can connect a peripheral and receive the data directly in your Microsoft Excel.
* This free plugin work with Bill Redirect version 3.0A and more.
To configure this software you have to enter in the field password In Bill Redirect software configuration options you have the possibility to change this password for what you want.
To use some Plugin Excel, you must start some instance of the software. Use this syntax: BillDDEOverEthernet.exe /#INSTANCE_NAME# Each instance can have a different configuration ! Example: Create a Shortcut instance Scanner_001 - Create a shortcut on your desktop to start Bill Redirect software
Shortcut properties:
- Start our software with this shortcut Example: Create a Shortcut instance Scanner_002 - Create a shortcut on your desktop to start Bill Redirect software
Shortcut properties:
Dont forget to push the Save Configuration button to save your current setting.
The IP:
In this field you can see the IP address of your computer.
The Port:
In this field enter the TCP PORT.
The Optional:
Date: Activate this option to send the Date Stamp to Excel. Time: Activate this option to send the Time Stamp to Excel.
Use this configuration if you run Bill Redirect on a computer and the Excel Plugin on another computer:
- Section KEYBOARD BUFFER: Set the switch to: OFF - Section Plugin set the switch to: On - Section Plugin click on the button Configuration - At question #1 IP enter the IP address that you can see in the software Bill DDE (plugin) - At question #2 Port enter the same port number that you use in the software Bill DDE (plugin)
Use this configuration if you run Bill Redirect and the Excel Plugin on the same computer:
- Section KEYBOARD BUFFER: Set the switch to: OFF - Section Plugin set the switch to: On - Section Plugin click on the button Configuration - At question #1 IP enter: - At question #2 Port enter the same port number that you use in the software Bill DDE (plugin) Microsoft Excel configuration: - Open Microsoft Excel software. - Save the default Excel document to a directory.
*Example: C:\BillProduction.CFG\BillRedirect.xls
Bill DDE (plugin) configuration: - Excel file path: Enter the directory where your Excel file is. - Excel file name: Enter the Excel file name document. - Excel sheet name: Enter the Excel sheet name. - Click the button: Test DDE, to test the communication with your Excel
* You can use Bill Redirect and the plugin on the same computer. * You can use Bill Redirect on a computer and the plugin on another computer. * Dont forget to push the Save Configuration button to save your current setting.
Excel VBA
To send data command from Excel to Bill Redirect peripheral use this VBA source in your Excel: ChannelNumber = DDEInitiate("BPEXCEL", "BPEXCEL") DDEExecute ChannelNumber, "{TX_SERIAL[Hello Word !{ASCII:13}]}" DDETerminate ChannelNumber '** Replace the command {TX_SERIAL[Hello Word !{ASCII:13}]} by the command you want
If your devices send many data at different position in the string. To receive data in Excel in different columns. Example: If the first data is at position 1 to 9 the second at position 10 to 13 and the third at position 14 to 22
Enter in field Search {ALL_RX} {STRING_MID[RX_DATA,1,9]}{ASCII:9}{STRING_MID[RX_DATA,10,4]}{ASCII:9}{STRING_MID[RX_DATA,14,9]} Enter in field Replace by
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