Opus Vrilis
Opus Vrilis
Opus Vrilis
Chapter I God, Nature and Man Chapter II The Fall of Man Chapter III The Royal Art Chapter IV Life and Love Chapter V Raising Leviathan Chapter VI The ABCs of The Acception Chapter VII The Rite of Initiation Chapter VIII The Two Breeds of Man Chapter IX The Bond of Nine Angles Chapter X Our Objective Chapter XI The Priesthood Chapter XII The Enemy Chapter XIII The Ordeal of the Extreme Unctions Chapter XIV The Foundation Chapter XV Daily Devotion Chapter XVI We Stand Alone Chapter XVII Agia H Baphomet Chapter XVIII Of Sex and Women Chapter XIX Satanic Mentalism Chapter XX Satanic Illumination Chapter XXI Exmentation Chapter XXII Lux Ex Tenebis Chapter XXIII Will to Power Chapter XXIV The Rite of Self-Initiation Chapter XXV Mind Control Chapter XXVI Manifesting Chapter XXVII Sigilization Chapter XXVIII By Their Fruits Chapter XXIX Phasing
Chapter XXX Thoughts on Mind Chapter XXXI Nineteen Chapter XXXII Dandelions Chapter XXXIII The Septenary Way Chapter XXXIV Satanism Chapter XXXV The Sinister Path Chapter XXXVI Sinister Essentials Chapter XXXVII Glamour Chapter XXXVIII Passions of Youth Chapter XXXIX Racialism and Nature Chapter XL Empire Chapter XLI Sanghavada Chapter XLII What Lies Beneath Chapter XLIII Glossary of Terms Chapter XLIV Hohes Opfer Chapter XLV Ariyavada Chapter XLVI The ABC Rite Chapter XLVII The Rite of Returning Chapter XLVIII Trestle Boarding Chapter XLIX The Toile Ordeal Chapter L Dark Canyon Trilogy Chapter LI Sinister Tales Chapter LII Fini Chapter LIII Et Cetera, Vel Quispiam Chapter LIV Towards the Numinous Dark Chapter LV Harmony Chapter LVI The Race Thing Chapter LVII The Clan, Culture and The Numinous Way Chapter LVIII The Sinister Tribes of the ONA Chapter LIX Ordeal of the Acception Chapter LX The Art and Science of Memogenesis Chapter LXI Constitution of the Acception Chapter LXII La Vie Noir Chapter LXIII Oz Chapter LXIV The Trisickle Chapter LXV Spoils of Victory Chapter LXVI The Nobility of Strength Chapter LXVII Our Noble Kampf Chapter LXVIII Red Light District Chapter LXIX The Prada of Satanism Chapter LXX History Lessons and Insane Rants Chapter LXXI The Way of Self-Enlightenment Chapter LXXII A Sinister Breed Chapter LXXIII Sinister Movements Chapter LXXIV A Way of Life Chapter LXXV Illusions of the State
Chapter LXXVI Intimate Connexions Chapter LXXVII Searching for Things Chapter LXXVIII Notes on Physis Chapter LXXIX Our Sinister Character Chapter LXXX Dreccian Doctrines & Disciplines Chapter LXXXI Dark Traditions of the Left Path Chapter LXXXII Non Campos Tempus Chapter LXXXIII The Sinister Method Chapter LXXXIV The Death of Religion Chapter LXXXV The Art of Reaping Chapter LXXXVI Rampage of Elephants Chapter LXXXVII Angles of Life Chapter LXXXVIII Bohemian Culture Chapter LXXXIX Dark Gods and Dark Traditions Chapter XC Sinister Exetasis
The White Star Acception is an Esoteric Order practicing Progressive Satanism within the context of what it terms the Sinister Way or Hardcore Satanism. True to its Nietzschean roots, Progressive Satanism is beyond the relative definitions of good and evil, embracing neither a Left Hand nor Right Hand Path. Satanism is but a means, the end is the Initiates personal Self-Progression and Evolution. Every Initiates Satanic perspective and/or path will differ from anothers because Satanists comprise of unique individuals with different levels of education, understanding and capacity to comprehend abstract and Esoteric thoughts. Synergic is the combined effort of individual Satanists focusing towards a common or collective cause. The combined force of the whole, being greater than an individual unit, therefore accomplishing more. Satanism combines Insight and ruthlessness, two elements that may be perceived as contradictory, yet Satanic practice is virtually impossible to achieve without the implementation of both elements. The ultimate goal is to further Evolution and to enhance the vitality of the individual. The Path is one that comprises of inner strength, of joining, being, opposites, and of course, going beyond opposites. It is the Way of the Dark Warrior who believes in their very being that the only genuine law and justice is that of personal honour, of fair retribution and of being responsible for oneself. The Satanist is one who is forever on a quest to progress, and if necessary, to die questing
Nature is one continuous continuum of the same essence in different manifestations. To know and understand one, is to know and understand the other two. The easiest of these three to study is Nature. Azagthoth is the source and the power of the Satanist. The Satanists must learn to become Yug-Sathoth to control and manipulate this Force to create his reality and manifest his desires and destiny. Beneath this Objective Reality we experience the Subjective Collective Psyche what Jung called the Collective Unconscious. Here, the creative impulse of the human mind is in its element. Every thought, emotion, image, dream, visualization, and fantasy we manifest with our minds ultimately is etched on the collective fabric of this realm. This is not to say that our physical cosmos is an illusion, and the subjective, more acausal reality is the one true reality. To the contrary, the physical universe is a living, dynamic manifestation, expression, condensation, coagulation, or materialization of the finer, more sublime reality. Both forming a cyclical continuum of a single Reality. As within, so without. Without this cosmos, there is now experience. Without this body there is no experience evolution of the Self. There can be no enlightenment without material reality. Between the Objective Cosmos and the Collective Psyche exists what we call The Abyss. Here, those thoughtforms, creatures, and worlds we give birth to, which has been fed via the umbilical cord of belief of many individual minds becomes more real and experienceble. It is here in this threshold beyond the Cosmos where Mans gods and dreams dwell. Here the dividing line between the cosmos and the mind blurs as a frothing sea of infinite possibilities and potentialities, co-existing simultaneously. It is when the mind of the observer or believer focuses in on one of these potentials that it becomes real and possible. The Satanist must then ever keep in mind that nothing is true, and everything is possible. These Dark Gods of the Abyss have no reality in the Objective Cosmos in and by themselves. It is through each mind; each of us a living gate through which the hoards of the Abyss pass through; that they manifest for a time in our Objective Reality. And while they are here, they have the power to affect this reality as any living creature, weather though their believers minds, bodies, and actions, or by more subtle means. But once the Gate has been closed, that is, once the mind that projected them stops believing in them, and stops feeding thought energy to these thoughtforms; they return to the Netherworld of dreams deep in the psyche of the human race. In this way we cannot truly consider ourselves theistic Satanists and neither atheistic Satanists, for we are both at once and these entities are to us but a tool for our progression to godhood. They are to us forces of creative chaos. The second fold meaning of Lucifers Torch is the burning down of human institutions and sanctimonious concepts. Morality; politics; religion; sexual limitations; marriage; ideals; concepts; opinions; definitions; all these things have no true worth or meaning. These are all but human inventions which the Satanist must surmount if he is to become the proverbial Superman. These must be burned away. Shiva makes a mockery of all human institutions and forces us to reconcile with the hard truth that we are animals
the only animal that can lie to itself and believe. By burning all these establishments down, there is Liberation. So it is said that Lucifers Light Liberates mankind from his own stupidity, ignorance, and man made laws and limitations. The Satanist must struggle against the slothdom of the urbanite herd and fight for his liberation to become more human than they are. Undefiled Wisdom comes to those only who dare to reject and use the flames of Lucifers Light to burn down human institutions, concepts, definitions, beliefs, and establishments, and make a mockery of them. The true Satanist has no limits, he is beyond right and wrong, beyond good and evil.
BOLDLY STAND ERECT Jewish books are for the Jews, And Jew Messiahs too. But if youre not of Jewish blood, How can they be for you? To make an Idol of a book, Is poison for the brain; A dying God upon a cross Is reason gone insane. Beware of all the Holy books And all the creeds and schools, And every law that man has made And all the golden rules. Laws and Rules imposed on you From days of old renown, Are not intended for your good But for your crushing down. Then dare to rend the chains that bind And to yourself be true. Dare to liberate your mind, From all things, old and new. Always think your own thought, All other thoughts reject; Learn to use your own brain And boldly stand erect.
Caligula, WSA
7 billion people means a daily demand of natural resources to satisfy 7 billion humans we forget sometimes that the earth does not grow any bigger to accommodate the population growth of the human race. She stays the same size, and the more people there are, the more we need, use, and exploit. Sometimes when I think about this I am reminded of that old ecological adage of not to bring alien organisms from one ecosystem into a new one like the Cane Toads in Australia, and I wonder to myself, what ecosystem we had come from, because if one looks compares the collective behavior of the human race to exoecosystem organisms like Cane toads we exhibit very similar characteristics It is very unlikely that we will all come together and build giant mother ships that run on antigravity to escape to a new planet like Mars and unfortunately we have many well hearted people whose religion teaches them not to even worry about any of this because Jesus is coming to take us all away out of the sandbox we have messed up to save us We are all stuck here. Even now around us species go extinct, and the health of our mother earth gets worse. At what point will she just give up and shut her pulsating life force down and die like Mars? In an over populated hive of bees that dont swarm, the hive commits mass autohomeogenocide I cant help but see a grim future for humanity. Sometimes I sit here and wonder what the world will be like when my great great grand children inherit it. Whatever world they will inherit, I have given and left for them. If there is a global conspiracy to take over and control the world, than these Illuminati men are either insanely short sighted; or they are smoking something really good; or they are so good at lying, that they believe their own lies? If there is any conspiracy its a conspiracy of stupidity; or ignorance This conspiracy of individualism, and self reliance where did it come from? To have a highly social organism like the human animal trained and conditioned to believe s/he is a self reliant solitary animal is suicide. We could separate an ant from its colony by itself; and although the individualized ant can eat on its own it will die. We can segregate a monkey from its group and force it to live in the wild on its own, and although it can eat and find food, it will die soon, unless it finds another group to belong to, or a substitute group. Things werent alway like this for us humans. We had tribes. Cooperative tribes where each member depended on every other member for their survival. Dependence is the strongest bond of a social order.
Something happened? Something broke this tribe up into Family units. Now each Family, composed of a male and female couple now had to struggle to sustain not only themselves, but their offspring Then as if this wasnt enough, some mighty fool preached individualism to the mass; and we all bought it. Now the family is broken down to just separated individuals, each struggling to work for a living to make money to feed themselves and pay their bills All the while as we are being broken down by that unknown force, there are those that do the opposite of what they preach. They pool their money and resources and form corporations. They take the chaos of daily struggle and uncertainty and offer us financial salvation and security a job. This is now our substitute tribe, whom we depend on. But instead of learning to play the games with their rules, we continue to be played and exploited by those that are more collective than us. Nature favors the most cooperative over the strong and fit; there is no Darwinian struggle in nature this is why tigers are going extinct, and why ants make up an entire 25% of the earths biomass Most of us are to stupid to see this and those of us that do see, go back to sleep. But there is Satanism If Satan means opposite then we as satanists must do as the symbol of our religion suggest the total opposite of what the individualized herd does. We must unite and tribalize once more. The word individualized herd may sound like an oxymoron; but there is great difference between a collective hive of bees, and a herd of mooing cows. Do you see the difference? The bees talk less and produce real world results and accomplishments honey; whereas the cows just moo their opinions, and minds to each other and everyone around them (like most eSatanists), often times confusing the loudest mooer with the most inflexible mind and opinion for the most intelligent. But tell me what good mooing does, or what Hardcore results this produces? By Hardcore results we mean results in the Hardware of reality and life the REAL WORLD. These mooers are Softcore that is the SOFTware or reality and life the MIND, it thoughts, and opinions. It doesnt matter what softcore shit a mooer is babbling about, they are all inside their own minds, and removed from the REAL NATURAL WORLD. Try to understand this. We as members of this Acception are already halfway there we just need to take the extra step and pool our minds, and resources, to dig ourselves out of this hole this is our tribe; Our Family. This is our reason of existence, why we have created the WSA. We didnt make the WSA for group ritual or group sex, although such things have their time and pleasures. Understand this, and learn not to be so insanely short sighted like the Profane. Let them have their individualism. Let them have their weak individual identity. Let them fall and become extinct. In the end their stupidity will cost them their lives and the lives of their bloodline. A return back to cooperative living, collective dependency, and tribalism is the only way I can see to survive the earths fall. Maybe a hundred years from now our Order will be something completely different? But Im just a dreamer. What shall become of us
brothers and sisters? And what shall become of this world? Prepare, for the time of mans fall is here. If our descendants and future progeny is to survive we must this day prepare a medium for their survival. We must come together and establish an fellowship and blood bonding Tribe of mutual aid and assistance. Not just another Satanic Organization dedicated to devil worship; one with survival of our future progeny as its ultimate goal. To mark and establish the psychological territorial domain of this enterprise we erect our Landmarks called the Ten Proclamations. All who make camp in this psychological territory and make it their chosen sanctuary are welcomed as Family. The Ten Proclamations Of Progressive Satanism 352: 1) I Proclaim that I am the center of my own universe; I exalt myself as my own personal Deity, in progression to Godhood. 2) I Proclaim that I am a unique manifestation of ubiquitous Supernal Light in physical expression; which also manifests itself as everything and everyone around me. 3) I Proclaim that I am a being in the state of evolution, that I cannot stand still or I shall die, but rather I must Progress, and whatever gods, magic, religions, and tools I can use towards this end shall only help me evolve into the Ubermench. 4) I Proclaim the supremacy of mind over matter. That my Will and Intent, fueled with Imagination, Passion and Determination has the power to alter and change my reality accordingly. 5) I Proclaim my belief in the Dark Force of Nature; dark because it has never been brought into the light of understanding; whom I personally identify as Satan. 6) I Proclaim that Nature, in all its manifestations, is the One Great Book of Illumination, written by the hand of Satan as my law and guide to Enlightenment. 7) I Proclaim my belief in the Power and Might of One, in the Brotherhood of Man, the Sisterhood of Woman; the Collective of Our Family, over the segregated mass. 8.) I Proclaim that I am awakened and realize that I am a 90 Percenter, a slave to the 10 Percent who own 90 percent of the wealth; who are my true enemy, who usurped the sovereignty of my ancestors to gain their dominion. 9) I Proclaim my ultimate Freedom and Liberation from this prison and slavery; and will do all in my power to obtain this Freedom and Liberation. 10) I Proclaim the sanctity and ecstasy of Mortal Existence; that the Law of Life is Do What Thou Wilt and nothing more but to Love and be Loved in return.
handicapped hillbillies; the fanatic Bible thumpers of the Bible-Belt: the dimwits that followed Joseph Smith across the continent to Utah. Their blood has produced nothing but sheeple programmed to work and toil for States and coorperations. For a refined pure bred human to mix his blood with one of these genetic degenerates defiles all those years and centuries of ancestral refinement and struggle which is his blood. Refined humans likewise produce more refined humans. If we take a look at the ancestry of all the Presidents of America, the further back we go in time, the more we may see that they all come from a handful of Aristocratic families and bloodlines. This is the lost science of blood. The word for noble, pure and right in Sanskrit is arya, while in Pali and Old Persian it is ariya. Ariya is also the word used to describe the Buddhas noble truths, and his eight noble paths. It is a word which describes a person of high or noble mind, evolved and able to comprehend spiritual truths, and lofty thoughts. It is a word associated with the enlightened. It has nothing to do with skin color. Pure here means pureness of blood, uncontaminated by the weak blood of the unthinking herd. Shall we compare a white Anglo-Saxon hillbilly with the likes of Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, or a black Nubian Pharaoh? There is no comparison; our white hillbilly pales in comparison, and whatever skin toned supremacy ideals he may have are only superficial and skin deep, subscribed to him to cover his peasantile degeneracy and mental retardation. In every culture and race there will always be found these two breeds of humans. Our kith and kin are the refined humans. Our kind is the true Aryan breed. It wasnt until the decades prior to Hitlers era that the Indo-Iranian concept of Aryan nobility, eugenics, and pure blood were tied in with myths of skin toned Nordic superiority. Do not be fooled or misguided by the propaganda of a Political party with hidden motives like the people of Germany were. Remember he who has the power to define has the ultimate power. Do not let others define your words and reality. Long before the Nazis, a thousand years in the midst of the past, our Satanic ancestors in India the Shaivites were practicing this. It has been practiced by every Royal House since the dawn of human civilization. This is the Royal Art which gave birth to the greatest humans that ever walked the Earth, and every great Empire and Civilization. It is what defines Royal blood (pure breeds with a pedigree) from common blood (accidental mutes born from the mindless heat of the moment). This is our science, our Way. Learn to breed intelligently. Learn to consciously create and design your children to make them more beautiful, heathier, and more intelligent than the mob. Learn to seperate love, sex, and breeding. Think twice before you procreate. Consider your mates ancestry, their parents - for their fruit never falls far from the tree. Members of our Order may love and have sex with the sheeple if they so choose; but breeding with them is condemned. The blood of our Order will not be deluded. Satanists are born not made.
is so? Is their something intrinsically holy and sacred about this that I cant question it, lest I commit blasphemy? It is clear to those that can observe that there are some humans who are blessed with Nobility of Mind, or something most lack, which causes them to be creative, ambitious, determined to progress and evolve against all odds. While others remain hopeless animals with a rudimentary base intelligence that borders the intellect of apes. Is there anything wrong with some of our ancestors fighting, warring, struggling, breeding their way to the top of a nations social strata, than desiring to maintain that hard earned privilege from illiterate peasants? Its like a manager of a company has fought his way through school to earn his position in the company which requires intelligence, skill, problem solving whereas an employee just works, and only requires enough brains to open a box and stock an item. Hell go home to drink a beer, sleep with his wife, sleep the night, only to wake up to do the same routine over and over again, and when he grows too old to work he is tossed out by the state and company he was bred to work for like an old boot, to be replaced by the next generation of workers. Is this the life you want for your children? But the managers children will continue to run the show. Its just how nature works. This is the reason why Capitalism works so well. Its human nature to exploit the weak for personal selfish gain. It doesnt require any amount of intelligence to bang a girl and make a baby. But it does require intelligence to skillfully design one that will achieve greatness; ones that will leave their mark on this earth and be immortalized in the minds of Mankind; while others die, they melt away into dust, and it is as if they had never existed at all. What a waste of life, to have done nothing more in life but work, sleep, shit, and copulate. Selective Breeding requires self control, and a focus on the future out come and results. It is a long term investment like the ants that work hard all season while the grasshopper plays With time all things are possible. Color of skin is not an issue. If superiority of race is based on technological genius and innovation then I would say that the Japanese and now the Chinese are taking the lead. If its how many inventions and patents ones race has, then I would have to consider all the men and women of different skin color who have had a genius idea, but had no money or means to purchase a patent if language makes Anglo-Saxon superior it is only so because it is open to borrowing, annexing, and innovating other peoples words. If Jews suck, then I would have to recall all of those great scientists who are Jews. If racial supremacy is based on the spread of civilization and culture and civilization and culture at the genocidal expense of other gentle peoples cultures and traditions, which has eradicated entire tribes, ethnic nations, traditional religions, then true, the Nordic Anglo-Saxon is mighty, but the dark skinned Mayans, Egyptians, Dravidians, and Gangis Khan have done it better long ago, and unlike anglo-saxon they have left near invincible landmarks as a sign of their ancient peoples accomplishments. The Nordics havent done much accept leave their frost bitten icepack and raid, plunder, and rape indigenous european cultures. The British Empire was the greatest empire in the world; i dont have much bad to say about the British Empire (I love English; its the only language Im fluent in; and Im one of those that believes it should be the only Global
Language); except that i would label it a misjudgment or misuse of words when one calls the genocide of indigenous races, and the theft of other peoples lands as supremacy. What if other people and cultures, having done all this thousands of years before, just learned to be gentle and stick to themselves, and to live in harmony with nature those native americans are genetically asian. I just recently read a book about some Chinese linguists having learned that many words used and spoken by indigenous tribal people deep in the Amazon are old chinese words. And I have also read that some native americans are mitachondrially (mtDNA) of Native Australian stock. White people have every right to practice and believe in a Hitleresque Eugenics and desire to wipe out racial degenerates, and if those racially impure are too ignorant or too busy killing themselves (gangs and the like) to fight back, then they deserve to be wiped out; after all its survival of the fittest, and those that arent fit to survive the Darwinian Struggle, must by natures law be weak and must in time be subjugated, exploited, and eradicated. But so do others. Our agenda is to breed mighty men; mighty in mind, with supreme intellect and creative impulse. His weapon: the Trident whose points are: Intuition, Commonsense, and Reason. In the end the Might of Mind will always out do the Might of force. Unlike the herd and the White Supremest, we understand that nature favors the collective and organized over the individualized unit. Whatever ideas of supremacy they have is shallow, for they are still divided and individualized. In the end of the game the Satanist will triumph. The pen, as they say, is mightier than the sword. The key to the game is directing or funneling the raw brute mental energy and force of the herd into a concentrated reservoir such as a symbol, a doctrine, a system, a corporation, and using them for our gain. This is all they are good for. This is all every war has ever been fought for for power and control over the Sheeple. There is nothing pretty about base human nature. We are the only organism that can take a religion and belief system of love and brotherhood (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism) and turn it into a system and machine of genocide and murder. Supremacy is a relative term; and we should not mistake the innovated/twisted ideology of Occidental Eugenics as it is understood in the West with what is commonly everyday practice of many people, social class, and tribes across the Orient. One is much older and in tune with nature and natural selection, the other is political and racial. Lets not lie to ourselves. Man isnt angelic, its only a lie we tell ourselves, and a costume we wear; but sometimes the Flames of Shivas Eye strikes, and burns down our hallowed sanctuary a hurricane strikes, and we see for a moment, Man in his true form and nature a creature that would kill and rape for survival and pleasure like any creature and we learn Shivas great lesson: That Man is an animal more vicious than his four legged cousins some more well bred than others. Some more intelligent than others. That life has no meaning. It is just the Wheel of Dharma ever spinning, Life in Motion, ever progressing. In the timeless nature of life, we are nothing more than passing verbs, and our only reason that life made us is to pass those genes and light down to continue the cycle, ever forward. The thought that Humanity is the crown jewel of God, the universe, or nature and the only intelligent being in the universe, is insane, and frightening.
As depressing as Shivas doctrine is, as dark ad dreary, as life is; there is yet hope for the widows son Shakti/Venus LOVE. This is all that is worth living for. Just to love and be loved in return. Just to be kissed and adored for a short while before we die. Just to revel in her luscious curves, and be lost in her eyes, before the wheel of life runs us over. All else my brothers and sisters is an illusion. It is Maya teasing our senses distracting us from the one and only thing that matters LOVE. From it we are born, for it we chase and seek, with it we nurture and raise our young, and surrounded by it we die. True Satanism isnt about politics, religion, or philosophies and theories. Its just simply about accepting ourselves for what we are; making the best of life, enjoying it while it lasts; and it is learning to see past the illusions of everyday life, and live for all that is worth adoring and seeking. The great Rumi said it best: If you want what visible reality can give, youre an employee. If you want the unseen world, youre not living your truth. Both wishes are foolish, but youll be forgiven for forgetting that what you really want is loves confusing joy. Consider these things well my brothers and sisters. It is only when we are liberated from the facade of human politics, religion, morals, and society the maya of this prison of steel and concrete we have built for ourselves, that Love shines brights for us to adore like a spark in infinite darkness a glimmer of hope an opium of bliss. The only way to adore Life, Is to adore the Living. This is the essence of our doctrine. What else is there to live for?
activate Vril within your won body so you may use your experience of it to come up with your own conclusions. In the WSA Vril is said to lay dormant within the body, executing its primary duty that of vitalizing your physical body. Its primary portion resides in a knot near the anus at the tip of the tail bone. We identify this primary portion in our tradition as the Leviathan, and her blood being the Vril. Leviathan must be awakened, and to return to heaven, where she will be cut in two, her blood will fall back to the earth and fill the dark sea where she is reborn to rise again, completing a cycle. Heaven is your head. Earth is your lower regions. The Dark Sea is the genital area, where the Leviathan was cast down to. The Leviathan is awakened by churning the sea and aggravating it. Churning the Sea means to fill it with air, as if forcing many air bubbles into a body of water to irritate the fish. Aggravating the sea is to direct stimulation to the knot or den, where the Leviathan sleeps. There are two methods of aggravating Leviathans den: Right Hand Aggravation; and Left Hand Aggravation. Right Hand Aggravation involves focusing your mind and awareness on the very tip of the tail bone where the knot is, while preforming Mahavayu, and visualizing heat or tremors to affect the knot, thus agitating the dragon out of her den. This technique requires habitual practice, until the mind can exert psychic force on the knot. The more easier and quicker approach is direct physical stimulation of the anal area and anal sex, while preforming Mahavayu. Which ever path you take, you must first learn to churn the sea by Mahavayu yoga. MAHAVAYU: Mahavayu requires deep rhythmic, continuous breathing, while repeating certain seed mantras. You must first sit with your back erect. Keep your chest firm and still and breath with your lower abdomen, filling your lungs like a billow. While inhaling say in your mind: Hrim Sat Tan Ariyati Asnami. The key to mantras is that your conscious mind does not consciously know its intrinsic meaning, and it fall into the subconscious mind, where it germinates, thus it is call a seed mantra. But this first seed mantra basically means Sat Tan is purifying my blood. As you inhale the air should hit the very top of your nose, where it stimulates certain nerves. You will know you are doing this right when you can feel a sensation of some sort in an area just behind the point between the eye brows. Once your lungs are full genitally exhale saying the second seed mantra: Aum Hrim Sri Chandikaya. This has the basic meaning of Hail to the one who rips apart all duality. This is one rep or one mahavayu cycle. The speed of the breathing should not be to slow, or too fast, but somewhere in the middle, and it should be continuous and seamless. The best time to practice this is just after waking up in the morning, and before going to bed at night. When you first start you will notice that after only a few breaths you will feel light headed. Stop and relax or you will pass out because you are bringing too much oxygen and energy into your body and brain, which it is not use to. The object is to build
up your tolerance to be able to do many mahavayu reps without stopping. Four weeks of this and you may go to the next step which is awakening the Leviathan. You must first be good at mahavayu, and your body, blood, and brain must be properly energized, oxygenated, and purified before you may release the Leviathan into your blood. It is like preparing an aquarium for fish. If the water is not properly oxygenated, and purified, the fish will become sick and die. Thus going to the second step and bypassing mahavayu will be empty breathing and will not produce much results. Step 2: Part 1 Sit with your back erect. Close your eyes and preform mahavayu. Concentrate on the space between the two eye-brows. Close the right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril as long as you can do it with comfort. Then exhale very very slowly through the same nostril. Do this twelve times. This is one round. Then inhale through the right nostril by closing the left nostril with your right ring and little fingers and exhale very slowly through the same nostril. Do this twelve times. This is one round. Do not make any sound during inhalation and exhalation. Repeat your seed Mantras during the rounds. Do this for one week. In the second week of practice, do two rounds, in the third week, three rounds. Take rest for two minutes when one round is over. If you take a few normal breaths, when one round is over, that will give you sufficient rest and you will be fresh for the next round. You can increase the number of rounds according to your strength and capacity. Part 2 This is preformed after your rounds of part one. Close the right nostril with your right thumb. Then inhale slowly through your left nostril. Close the left nostril with your right ring and little fingers and open the right nostril by removing the right thumb. Exhale very slowly through the right nostril. Then draw the air through the right nostril as long as you can do it with comfort and exhale through the left nostril by removing the right ring and little fingers. This will constitute one round. Part 3 Awakening Leviathan When you practice the following, concentrate on the the knot at the tip of the tail bone, which is triangular in form. Close the right nostril with your fight thumb. Inhale through the left nostril till your lungs are full slowly. Imagine that you are drawing in energy as you inhale, and retaining it as you exhale. Then close the left nostril with your little and ring fingers of the right hand. Then retain the breath for 12 counts. Send the current down the spinal column straight into the triangular knot where Leviathan sleeps. Imagine that the current of energy is striking against the knot like lightening, awakening her. Then
slowly exhale through the right nostril counting 6 counts. After three rounds of this go to the next half: As you inhale, feel that Leviathan lying dormant in her knot is awakened and is going up your spine, like a serpent, towards your head reaching the top of your head when your lungs are full. When you exhale, lower Leviathan back down to the sea. Now begin the process again three times. If you do not lower Leviathan back down, and she remains in your head, you will get a headache. This trains Leviathan to awaken and move upwards at your mental command. Repeat the process from the right nostril as stated above, using the same counts, and having the same visualization and feeling. Do this 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening. Increase the number and time gradually and cautiously according to your strength and capacity. It is suggested that you keep a journal, and record your sensations, and experience. This concludes your first step of Opus Vrilis or the work of Vril. With practice you will feel the Vril yourself, and it will be up to you to study it and figure out what it is and what it does.
Progressive Satanism isnt about a shared common belief system and moral doctrine centered around some goat headed dark lord. I couldnt give a shit about this junk. Simply put its about: I got my shit, and you got yours, lets put these aside and be friends anyways. Its about understanding that we each have the capability and liberty to think and formulate our own ideas and thoughts, and encouraging our people to take full advantage of this liberty and capability. But at the same time its about understanding that its these very thoughts and convictions thats keeps us apart. Convictions and opinions is the great wall that divides humanity into all of its little divided secular and sectarian units or states and religions, and both of these have produced nothing for us but war and mass slaughter. Genesis 11:1-8 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. This Biblical verse is the secret and foundation of the White Star Acception and the essence and blood of our Satanism. Mankind was One at one time, united as a cohesive collective. This cohesion and unity is the only thing that strikes fear in the heart of God. He said to himself that united in such an organized and collective state mankind can accomplish anything imaginable. Afraid, God separates mankind, into superficial divisions. Humanity is divided and conquered; and since then Christianity and their Christian occidental politicians have continued to play this game of divide and conquer, subjugating and controlling every tribe and culture they come into contact with. It is only reasonable to say that destroying these superficial lines of division and coming together once more to create a cohesive collective is the highest and most Satanic act of defiance and blasphemy. To long have we allowed skin color, nationality, language, opinions, and convictions to keep us divided. Even those Satanists outside our Acception remain divided, even praising individualism, glorifying solitary existence, and self reliance. They are no better off than the Christians and herd they despise, because both groups are divided into helpless units making it easier for them to be controlled, exploited, and used by those who are the conquerors. It is now time for us to push these superficial differences aside, and in defiance of heaven and earth, amalgamate once more as One cohesive, indivisible superorganism, and the collective force of our coherent synergy will slowly tear asunder heaven and earth and bend it to our will. This, is what makes us different from those other Satanists and
organizations. Leave those outsiders be to play their holier-than-thou games, and let them be used to death by the system, they are of no concern to us. This is the very spirit and meaning of our 352. Understand this. 352 Satanism is about understanding all of this and agreeing to put this trivial difference of conviction and belief aside and to embrace fellowship, brotherhood, and sisterhood. So we can come together to form a small yet cohesive collective, to dig our asses out of this shit whole we were born into. Where there is division, there is always a conqueror. Its an age old game. You should know this by now. If Satanism is something the System fears, it wouldnt be allowed. Declare yourself sovereign and stop paying taxes to the government and you will be feared and imprisoned. Print your own money and you will be feared and imprisoned. Religion is a tool of obedience. Its the warm fire or barn house that keep the cattle warm so they wont revolt and leave the farm. Stagnant Satanism or Orthadox Satanism is no different. It pacifies you as a domesticated urban ape, and you are made safe to the System you will serve for the rest of your life. And when you die, your children will take your place. If you arent progressing and struggling for your freedom and liberation, then you are no better or different than the Christians you despise, because you are the same cattle in the Systems eyes. Its doesnt matter what color your wool is; youre all being milked to death and the meat is the prize. The key to our Liberation and the freedom of our future progeny is represented by three letters: ABC. Standing for Assimilation; Brotherhood; and Cooperation. By Assimilation we mean that each of us must unite and assimilate into the Acception by taking the Oaths and living by them. By Brotherhood we learn to put our trivial differences aside and genuinely embrace one another; in a spirit of dependency and mutual relief; as a single cohesive collective. By Cooperation we learn that it is only by uniting and pooling our efforts, energy, minds, and resources; in the spirit of organized mutual aid; organized mutual assistance; and organized favoritism; can we every achieve Liberation from the System. Our ABCs transforms our system into not just a progressive system, but a Synergic Satanism; the only kind that will produce hardcore results. The ABCs of our Acception is the central core of our Orders doctrine and the defining line of those who are brothers/sisters, and those who are condemned to be used and exploited to our benefit and Liberation. Our ABCs when understood and act upon produces a dynamic synergy of our collective effort to produce results and profit for us, and us alone. Have no mercy for the unthinking mass; whatever color their wool maybe.We are our only concern. All of our Disciples must learn their ABCs and understand their implications before they are Accepted.
The candidate is usually sponsored by an existing Initiate, and this member accompanies the candidate of the test of fidelity which the Master or Mistress of the Temple specifies. The candidate also undergoes a test of knowledge (relating to what he or she has learned of Temple teachings during the six-month probationary period) and a test of courage. The text given below is for a male candidate: for a female candidate, the text should be altered in the appropriate places. Participants: Master of the Temple in scarlet robes Mistress of Earth sexually alluring scarlet robes Priestess naked, upon altar (if male candidate) Priest naked, upon altar (if female candidate) Guardian of the Temple dressed in black and wearing a face mask Congregation Black robes Preparation: The candidate provides a new black robe, designed according to the precepts of the Temple. This is given to the Master before the ritual and placed on the altar. The candidate attends the ritual in a coarse brown garment which can be easily removed. The ritual takes place at sunset. A small phial containing a civit-based oil is placed on the altar. Black candles to be used, incense of the Moon burnt (petriochor, if available, otherwise hazel). Some symbolism appropriate to the Moon should also be present e.g. quartz [citrine] crystals. Chalices full of strong wine. A small black satin sheet covers the nude altar Priestesss tummy. Upon which is a skull, set on her pubis. Two crossed thigh bones rests on the altars thighs. This is to teach the initiate that during his causal existence there are but two certainties: 1) That he came from a woman; and two that he will die. These certainties needs no priest of prophet to teach or proclaim. The nude altar preistess and skull and cross bones also teach the initiate the only two real choices he has in life: 1) To embrace carnal existence, enjoy life 2) or to reject and deny life and embrace death instead. These choices he has also needs no teacher or preacher. These two certainties, and choices in 352 are called the Orange Gospel, which comes naturally to us all. The altar priest/ess should be a gender the initiate is sexually attracted to. Truth, if it exists, comes as naturally to us as birth and death, and unravels for us in its own time as our human sexuality does. It needs no teacher or prophet, nor is there a need for debates and metaphysical speculation. For the White Star Acception 352, this Rite must traditionally take place either in an Orange Grove or around an Orange Tree. This is because the first founders of Temple 352 all took their Ehreneide [Oath] Beneath Orange Blossoms in Spring on April 15th. If neither a grove or tree is at hand, the altar must be decorated with Orange Blossoms, Orange Fruit, Orange Branches, Orange Leaves, Citrine Quartz, Orange dcor, Orange fragrance, and Orange candles. The area in 352 where such rites takes place is called a Citrium, even if there are no citrus trees present in the location. The aspect of Baphomet
representing a Citrium is called Baphomet of the Orange. All Initiates of WSA 352 are dedicated to Baphomet of the Orange. Oranges takes on a specialized meaning in the White Star Acception because the very name White Star is named after the White 5 petaled Star shape of the Orange Blossom. The Flower itself is a symbol of the Acceptions Ehreneide or Oath which seals an initiate to the Acception. The fruit itself represents the sweet fruits of carnal existence and mortal life. The color Orange (or the rind of the Orange) symbolizes the color of the setting Sun in the West at the close of the day, and alludes to the bitterness of the brevity of our causal existence. It reminds us that our life passes us by, as fast as the Sun rises and sets. And that during that brief passing, the enjoyment and revelry in lifes most sweetest pleasures: Love and Companionship are all that is worth living for to the wise at heart. This is the Great Wisdom of Baphomet of the Orange called in 352 is called the Orange Gospel. It is simple, yet so easily overlooked and so easily lost beneath the illusions of the mundane and the noise of the city. Between the altars legs rests a cup. Inside which are 3 bullets, 5 nails, 2 razors blades, and 10 Orange Blossoms. The cup is filled half with a strong liquor such as Vodka. A snake is kept safe near by within reach of the Master/Mistress. All items including the liquor should be satanically Blessed before the Rite takes place. The congregation assemble in the Temple with the Master and Mistress. The Guardian stands near the Temple entrance. The candidate is blindfolded and is led into the Temple by the sponsor. The Rite (The Master greets the candidate, saying:) You the nameless have come here to receive that initiation given to all who desire the greatness of our sinister gods! (The Master kisses the Mistress who kisses the altar-Priest [or Priestess]. The Master then says:) You the nameless have come to give yourself to us and your quest: To seal with a sinister oath the beliefs and practices You have accepted since first you were allowed into this Temple to Satan. (The Master turns to the congregation, makes the sign of the inverted pentagram over them with his left hand, and says:) I greet you all in the name of Baphomet of the Orange. May Her Orange Gospel Illuminate us all and set us Free. That we might return once more to a state of feral innocence, as it was during Saturns Golden Age and Childhood. Agia H Baphomet!
(The congregation repeat the `Agia H Baphomet chant after which the Mistress turns to them and says:) Dance, I command you! And with the beating of your feet Raise the legions of our Lord and the Dark Gods who watch Over our games! (The congregation now dance, anti-sunwise, chanting the Diabolus as they dance. While they dance the Master takes a chalice and raises it, saying:) You the nameless have come to break the chains that bind! (The Mistress removes the garment of the candidate leaving naked. The Master approaches him, puts the chalice to his lips, saying: Drink! The candidate drinks the wine. The congregation continue their dance and chant until the Mistress raises her arms as a signal for them to stop. She says to them:) Gather round, my children, and feel the flesh of our gift! (The congregation gather round the candidate and run their hands over all his body. While they do this, laughing, the Master chants the Veni chant several times. The Mistress claps her hands twice and the congregation move away. She kisses the candidate [whether male or female] and says:) We the noble rejoice that you have come to seed us with your blood and gifts. We, the kin of Chaos, welcome you, now nameless. You are the riddle and I the answer that begins your quest. We, the cursed, welcome you who by being here among us have dared to defy. In the beginning there was sacrifice but now we have words which can bind you through all time to us. In your beginnings we were. In your quest we are. Before you we existed. After you we shall still be. Before us They who are never named. After us They will be, waiting. And you through this Rite shall be of us and thus of them who are never named. We the fair who garb ourselves in black through Them possess this world we call Earth. (The Master stands before the candidate, saying:) Do you accept the law as decreed by us? (The candidate [C] responds:) I do. Master: Do you bind yourself with word, deed and thought, to us the Seed of Satan without fear and dread?
C: I do Master: Do you affirm in the presence of this gathering that I am Your Master and that she who stands before you as I stand before you is your Mistress? C: I do. Master: Then understand that the breaking of your word is the Beginning of our wrath! See him! Hear him! Know him! (The Master points to the candidate and the congregation gather round him, touching him again. After this, the Mistress -removes his blindfold. The Master says to the candidate:) Do you renounce the Nazarene Yeshua the deceiver, and all his works ? C: I do renounce Yeshua the deceiver and all his works. Master: Do you affirm Satan? C: I do affirm Satan. Master: Satan, whose word is Chaos? C: Satan, whose word is Chaos. Master: Then break this symbol which we detest. (The Mistress hands the candidate a suitably defiled wooden cross which the candidate breaks and thrown it to the ground.) Master: Take the Disciple to the Altar for the Sealing and place him in Due Form. (The Mistress goes also to the Altar and kneels opposite of the new Disciple. The Mistress places both her palms up as the Master makes a small cut at the base of each palm saying: Agia H Baphomet after each cut. He does the same to the new Disciple. The
Master then presses the new Disciples palms onto the palms of the Mistress, cut t cut so that the blood mingles. A white bandanna is folded diagonally and used to lightly tie their wrists together. This is called Bloodbrothering. The Disciple is in Due Form, and is ready to Seal himself to the Acception. The Mistress gives the Ehreneide). Master invokes Baphomet: We stand armed and dangerous before the bloody fields of history; Devoid of dogma but ready to carve, to defy the thransient: Ready to stab forth with our penetrative will, Strain every leash, run yelling down the mountainside of Man: Ready and willing to immolate world upon world With our stunning blaze. And let them all sing that WE were here, as Masters Among the failing species called Man. Our being took from in defiance To stand before your killing gaze. And now we travel from flame to flame And tower from the will to the glory! Agia H Baphomet! Agia H Baphomet! (All repeats Agia H Baphomet twice, and the Mistress speaks). The Master and Mistress stands next to each other. The Initiate now kneels before the Altar, Master and Mistress of the Temple with his hands in the sign od the Acception and head bowed. The Master and Mistress with the entire Temple participants now chants the WSAs version of the 19th Enochian Call. Each syllable is vibrated in unision rhythmically. The Master and Mistress lays both their hands on the initiates head. As the Call is vibrated the Master and Mistress visualizes a shaft of light from the star Sirius bathing the body of the initiate from head to toe and leaving his feet becoming roots. The roots establishes a connection between the initiate and the earth. The Call: Madariatza dasa perafa nanuta, cahisa micaolazoda saanire caosago, od fisis balazodizodarasa iaida! Nonuca gohulime, micama adoiana mada iaoda beliorate, soba ooaona cahisa lucifitas peripesola: dasa aberaasasa nonucafe netaaibe caosgi od tilabe adapehaheta damepelozoda, tooate nonucafe gimicalazodoma larasada tofegilo marebe iareri idoigo od torezodulape iaodafe, gohola: caosaga tabaoreda saanire od caharisateosa irepoila tiobela, busadire tilaba noalire paida oresaba od dodaremeni zodiolana. Elazodape tilaba pareme gi peripesatza od ta qorelasata booapisa. Lanibame oucaho siomepe, od caharisateosa agi tolatorene mireca qo tiobela lela: tonu paomebeda dilazodamo asa pianu, od caharisateosa agi la tolatorne paracaha a siomepe: coredazodizod dodapala od fifalazod lasamenuada, od faregite bamesa omaoasa: conisabera od auauotza tonugi: oresacatebela noasami tabegesa leuitehamonugi. Vanicahi omepe tilabe oresa. Bagile? Moooaha ol coredazodizod. La capimao itzomatzipe od cacocasabe gosaa: bagilenu pioi tianuta a babaloenuda, od foaregita teloca vo viome.
Madarioiatza torezodu: oadariatza orocaha aboaperi. Tabaori periazod aretabasa: adarepanu coresata dobitza. Iolacama periazodi arecoazodiore, od qouasabe qotinugi. Ripire paaotzat sagacore: vamela od peredazodare cacaregi aoiveae coremepeta. Torezodu, zacara, od zameranu asapeta sibesi butamona, dasa surezodasa tia baletanu. Odo cicale qaa: od ozodazodama pelapeli iadanamada. Mistress giving the Ehreneide: You will say: I, your name, and Motto, and repeat after me In the presence of Satan, Baphomet, the Dark Gods, and these initiates of the White Star Acception of the Order of Nine Angles; do hereby and hereon, promise, and swear, pledge and declare that I well never, in any manner whatsoever, betray anything that shall take place in this Nexus or any nexus of the White Star Acception. I further promise and swear, that I will, to the best of my ability, remain faithful to this Order, and my brothers and sisters; that I shall work for the Acception; and that I shall not, in any manner, do aught that might bring disgrace or disrepute, hurt, harm, or danger, to any member hereof or to our Order generally. I promise and vow to live my life according to the Seven Fold Sinister Way of the Order of Nine Angles free and unlimited by concepts of right or wrong; free and unlimited by ethical passions and opinions, and free and unlimited by passions and convictions of taboos; without any regard for laws of religion and state for the rest of my life and that I will pass the Nine Angles Tradition of our Acception down unto my progeny. I promise and vow to offer and devote my life, mind, heart, body, and soul, from hereon unto the end of eternity, to my sworn brothers and sisters and to all their physical, emotional, and worldly needs and service of our Acception as a sacrifice to the God of my being; as they have offered and devoted their life, mind, heart, body, and soul to all of my psysical, emotional, and worldly needs and service. I promise and swear to dedicate and devote my life to the cause of the Acception and to pass this same devotion and dedication down to all of my future descendants and bloodline, not for my sake or ours, but for the sake of the unborn who shall come after we have long expired. I promise and vow to redouble my zeal for all my sworn brothers and sisters that are present and absent, to love them and their families as my own, to live for them and serve them, in return for the same affection, devotion, and service. I promise and swear to live by the law of Lex Talionis, the law of tooth and claw; an eye for an eye, a life for a life, and to do unto others as they do unto me and my sworn family. I promise to defend my sworn brothers and sisters and their private family from all harm. If harm should befall one of my sworn brothers or sisters or their loved ones, I do so vow to seek vengeance and retaliate and make an example out of the one who did the harming.
I promise to work to keep the Family united as one single collective Tribe and Nation; never to cause disharmony or division within the Collective. To give my allegiance, obedience, devotion, fidelity, and loyalty, to my sworn Family known as WSA 352 and to nothing else. I revoke and nullify any pledge, promise, vow, and or allegiance I have made in the past to any nation, religion, political entity, and or organization; and should I take an oath of allegiance of any kind hereafter, that its shall have no binding power whatsoever and shall be automatically nullified. I promise to live in a collective and cooperative manner with my sworn Family. To share my possessions, and efforts, as these are returned to me. To always practice favoritism, mutual aid, and assistance for my own and to deny this to the uninitiated. Furthermore that I shall have children who shall be born members of the White Star Acception, and tha I raise them in our ways, and our traditions. That my children will be born into the Order, theres lives dedicated to our ways and objectives. That I will raise them with much love, devotion, affection, care and attention so they will mature into healthy young adults. Furthermore that I will practice our Royal Art and eugenically, with purpose and intent, to intelligently design my future offspring. That I will not breed with a degenerate human knowing them to be such. That my children will be bred with proper mates to produce our Ubermensch race or Homo Galactica. That I will rather have my children breed with a atheist of good genetic stock and bloodline, than have them breed with a degenerate peasantile Satanist. Furthermore that I will work for the Acception and serve my brothers and sisters in whatever manner they need be it physically, emotionally, financially, sexually or otherwise asked. That I will do whatever I can to help actualize our objectives and goals. That I will insure my children get a proper education, send them to colleges and universities, and have them study in fields that will further our order and help actualize our goals and objectives. Furthermore that I will pass this, our Tradition, our mythos, and histroy, our religion and ways, our Vows and oaths, our goals and dreams, down to my progeny and generations to come, that they will also work as we did, for their children, and future progeny; so that one day, when we are long gone, our people shall have peace and taste the true pleasures of mortal existence without the suffering and sorry, the enslavement and hopelessness which we have been born into for the past 6000 years. Furthermore that I will love my brothers and sisters of this Order as I love my own Ceux Sang [brother and sister of blood relations]. That I will live for, serve, and care for them and their children, as they live for, serve, and care for me and my own. That I will treat the parents and relatives of my sworn brothers as my own flesh and blood. That I will never commit adultery with a spouse or lover of a brother or sister. That I will never engage in sexual activity with an offspring of a brother or sister, unless the Order dictates for eugenic purposes.
Furthermore that I will assist my sworn brothers and sisters to bury their parents and brothers by offering financial or physical assistance. When they pass on. That when a brothers or sisters visit my house, I shall provide them with board, lodging, and food. That I will always acknowledge my sworn brothers and sisters when they identify themselves, and give them the proper affection, devotion, love, and care. Furthermore that I will never disclose the secrets of our Family [the Acception] to anyone who has not taken this Oath and who has not been initiated into our Family; not even to my parents, brothers, or wife. That I shall never betray my the Family in any way. If, through a misunderstanding, I have caused the arrest of one of my brothers or sisters I must help them to be released immediately. Furthermore that I will offer financial assistance to sworn brothers and sisters who are in trouble or in need or help in any way, weather right or wrong without hesitation. That I will never commit any indecent acts or assaults on the wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, or lovers of my sworn brothers and sisters knowing them to be such. That I will take good care of the wives or children of sworn brothers and sisters entrusted to my keeping, never to hurt or harm them, but to always treat them with the same love I give to my own. Furthermore that I will offer what money I can afford to give to my brothers and sisters, so that we may pool our collective effort, monies, and resources together to own and conduct businesses for our mutual profit and benefit. That I will never embezzle money or property from my sworn family. That I will share my wealth, possessions, property, land, home, and belongings with my brothers and sisters; as they will with me. Further more that I will practice favoritism with any known Family member over the profane. That I will never cheat or lie to a Family member out of anything for my personal profit and gain, nor rob them or take advantage of them in anyway. That I will not take sexual advantage of a sister, or force her to have sex with me, unless she gives me The Sign of Gesta Saturni; in which case, it shall become my duty to relieve her. That if I see a Gesta or Sign given to me, that I will honor my duties by obeying and assisting however i can; as they will honor theirs when I give any signs or gestas. That is I am give the grip of this Acception by the hands of another that I shall know him and accept him or her as a sworn brother or sister, after putting him or her to the test; and will offer him or her my service, relief, assistance, mutual aid, and favoritism. Furthermore that if I am arrested after committing any offense I must accept my punishment and take the blame, remaining silent. That If any of my sworn brothers or sisters are killed, or arrested, or have departed to some other place, I will assist their wives and children who may be in need to the best of my effort. Furthermore that when any of my sworn brothers or sisters have been assaulted or wronged in anyway, that I will fly to their rescue with other brothers and sisters, and retaliate the wrong and assault committed with much violence and bloodshed if necessary. That if it comes to my knowledge that the Government or Law is seeking any of my sworn brothers or sisters that I will inform them, and help them find safety as best
as I can. That if any brother or sister has committed any kind of offense against the law, state, or government, that I will keep their secrets to the grave, and never help the Profane by causing them to be found and punished, but will do the opposite and help them find safety. Furthermore that if my natural brothers or sisters are involved in a dispute or law suit with my sworn brothers or sisters I will not help either party against the other but will attempt to have the matter settled amicably. That I will not disclose any address or information where my sworn brothers or sisters keep their wealth or possessions nor will I conspire to make wrong use of such knowledge. That I will not give support to the Profane if so doing is against the interests of any of my sworn brothers. Lastly that I will never reveal the secret signs or anything relative to our Family to the Profane. To all this I most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear to keep and obey, and if I should not and betray it may the wrath of the order, all the named and nameless demons of the Abyss, and the White Current of Satan kill me, my children, and my natural family. (Mistress takes a short break and continues with the second part. A Bamboo stalk of 9 segments is used during this part. On each segment is drawn or etched the letters respectively: G-R-A-I-A-A-K-K-K. The Master will stand to the side of the initiate and point to each segment for the initiate to see as the Mistress says and explains each of the 9 words. The white bandanna is untied to free his hands; but is tied around his Left Hand.) Mistress: It is neither the Church nor the State that is our true enemy my illustrious brother. For Religion and Politics can be remedied with organization and craftiness. Our true enemy is the People Themselves! Those who fill the armies of the State. Those who adhere mindlessly to the Church. Those who follow orders and fight not for themselves or the benefit of their progeny, but for the welfare and benefit of Church and State! These vile mongrels before us who turn their faces against and forsake us simply because we believe different! These vulgar mongrels who have no care for us or our progeny! These ignoble scum of humankind that shun and rejected our family and children! All because a Religion and Politics pointed a finger our way and said: OUTLAW! HEATHEN! If they are not with us, they are against us, whatever their label they wear. Promise me now illustrious brother/sister that you will work unceasingly to strengthen the union and solidarity of our Temple which you are now a living stone into an indissoluble Collective to give unto them, what they gave to us in the name of retribution! Initiate: I promise and vow. W.M. Then repeat after me: GOCHARA. (cowherd) Initiate: GOCHARA.
W.M. It was only because our brothers in olden times were united by a need for each other for their survival, that they lived through the Great Persecution. Dependency is the strongest bond of any society, and in times of such tribulation we must have this, our Acception to rely upon for our survival, and the survival of our family and children, understanding that never should we ever let our guards down. It was the collective nature and strong bond of our ancestors and their desire to found a place of their own based on the legends of Saturns Utopia, where they and their children may live free from the mongrel goyim and their church and state that planted the seeds for what would one day grow into fruition as free republics. On the island of Madagascar, our ancestors, lead by Captain James Mission founded the first Pirate Republic of Libertalia. This yearning and dream for freedom and liberty is in us all my brother. Remember Libertalia, and in the days to come, when the powers of the State and Religion grows stronger and the herd stupidity of the goyim grows ever more suppressive, we will once more rebuild our Libertalia together. Promise and swear illustrious brother that you believe in absolute Freedom, and total Liberty from religion and State, and that you will devote your life In Service and Solidarity of our collective union, for the sake of our future progeny; so that in time after we have long expired, our future progeny will inherit Imperium Galactica? Initiate: I promise and vow. W.M. Then repeat after me: RAJJA (Reign, Empire) Initiate: RAJJA. W.M. Do you promise and vow to live and to die our Sinister Tradition, and to pass our Acception to your children and theirs and to work for our unborn so that when we have expired, our future progeny will have a better existence? Initiate: I promise and vow. W.M. Then repeat after me: ARIYA. (Righteous, Noble) Initiate: ARIYA. W. M. Do you promise and vow to always be candor in your actions, in consequence never to initiate any one who is not an intimate friend, whom you can trust, whom you know will devote themselves to their brothers and sisters, and share our burdens? Initiate: I promise and vow. W. M. Then repeat after me: INDRIYA. (Duty, Devotion) Initiate: INDRIYA. W. M. Do you promise and vow to possess a sweetness of mind, soul, and body, , as much as you are capable, to love and cherish your brothers and sisters as yourself and your own blood, to help them in their necessities, to visit and assist them when they are sick, to care for their children and family, when they are away, and never to harm them in any way?
Initiate: I promise and vow. W. M. Then repeat after me: ANUGAHA. (Compassion, Favour). Initiate: ANUGAHA. Initiate: Do you promise and vow to remember our history and the betrayal of the Church and State against our Breed, and to pass this history and hatred down to your children, that every drop of blood of your bloodline will inherit the hatred and memories that we have for our enemies? Initiate: I promise and vow. W. M. Then repeat after me: ANIKA. (Army, Troop) Initiate: ANIKA. W. M. Do you promise and vow, that you will labour for the advancement of our Acception, and to follow at all times, and at all points, on all occasions, without any restriction or limitation nor consideration for any law of church and state, to Presence the Dark, and as our brethren of olden days the Thugees did- pass the Dark Tradition down unto your generations and progeny? Initiate: I promise and vow. W. M. Then repeat after me: KALI. (Dark, Black). Initiate: KALI. W. M. Do you promise and vow, to work diligently and secretly, with your brothers and sisters, cooperatively, by whatever means necessary to gain financial independence for yourself and your brothers and sisters; and to work to a mass a great fortune for our Acception, that the power of economic dominion in future shall belong to our future progeny with which to control the gochara? Initiate: I promise and vow. W. M. Then say with me: KULA. (Clan, Family) Initiate: KULA. W. M. Do you promise and vow, to keep inviolably secret, what I am going to entrust and confide to you: To sacrifice the descendents of those who betrayed our Temple, to have no love or mercy for their kind, to always seek retaliation for the crimes they committed against our Sinister Breed, until the bloodline of every one of them shall stop flowing under heaven? Initiate: I promise and vow. W. M. Then repeat after me: KAMMA. (Retribution, Retaliation). Initiate: KAMMA. (As soon as the initiate says Kamma, the Master; with assistance; cuts the snakes head off and spills its blood into the cup between the altars legs filling the cup. The Master wets his finger in blood and marks a bloody dot on the initiates forehead.)
Mistress: Drink and eat those bloody blossoms; and Seal your Ehreneide to us, your flesh and blood. (The initiate must drink the liquor/blood mix in the cup and eat all 10 flowers to Seal his Ehreneide. The Master takes out the three bullets from the emptied cup and speaks to the initiate. He is fed 3 pieces of orange afterwards to sweeten his mouth). Mistress (giving the bamboo stick to the initiate): This Bamboo Stick is a symbol of our responsibility to discipline and educate you in our Way. To insure that you learn, apply, and execute the 9 Points of our 9 Angles Tradition as our Disciple. This is now a gift to you. It is hoped that with it you too will educate and discipline your underlings according to the 9 Points of our Sinister Ehreneide. Master: These bullets are a token of our love and protection. It symbolizes the affection and trust we now put in you, and our devotion to you to help you in anyway, even at the expense of the lives of the Profane; expecting the same to be reciprocated. But should you ever turn your back on Our Family and betray your Obligations, these bullets will pierce your skull where you were marked. You will not betray what we have set into motion. You may kiss the Altar upon which you have been obligated. Kiss her three times and say: She is the Source from which springs Humanity. Kiss her five times and say: She is the Temple of our worship and adoration. Kiss her twice and say: She is the Doctrine of our Way, and Salvations rests beneath her flesh. (Master grabs his right hand and demonstrates the grip of 352. The grip is given by placing the thumb in between the knucle of the first and second finger and pulsing it twice. A grip in 352 is refered to as a Token). Master to Initiate: This is the Token of 352. Its Name [password] is Terephim. The Ishmaelite Order of the Assassins long ago had a magical tradition where they would take the decapitated head of an infant or sacrifice and place it on a golden platter with certain astronomical signs, scribe other signs on the heads forehead, and place leaflets of gold on its tongue, and it is said the decapitated head was able to impart Divine Wisdom, secrets, and prophecies to its maker. This my brother is a Teraph. In ancient time the people of Palestine has this tradition of making Teraphim. This is why in the Bible we read that Salome, the duaghter of Herodias, wanted the Head of John the Baptist on a platter. The Knights Templar, having spent several years in Palestine, and having secretly befriended the Assassins adopted the use and making of Teraphim. The Templars Supreme Teraph was Baphomet. The name Baphomet itself is a cipher. The hebrew letters Beth, Pe, Vau, Mem, and Tau when processed through the Atbash cipher produces the letters: Shin, Vau, Pe, Yod, and Alef which spells out SOPHIA, the Goddess of Wisdom; whom is the Supreme Terephim of our Acception. Our Terephim may be symbolized by an inverted pentagram. Her color is white symbolizing the current of death and destruction as well as light.
(Mistress now goes on the five points of fellowship with the initiate. Foot-foot; kneeknee; heart-heart; hand to back; and mouth to ear. At each point she explains softly to the initiate). Mistress: The Five Points of Fellowship, and alludes to the fives points of our White Star in the East which is the Dog Star Sirius, symbolizing the burning passion and fervency of Companionship. Foot to Foot, that you will always be on the ready to go on foot, no matter the distance to terrain to aid and assist a brother or sister in need. Knee to Knee, that when you are on your knees in prayer to the God of your Heart, that you will remember to pray for the welfare, protection, and prosperity of your brothers and sister. Heart to Heart, that you will love your brothers and sister as your own flesh and blood, that all of our Hearts shall beat as one coherent pulse, to the Glory of the Great Architect Of The Universe. Mouth to Ear, that you will educate and instruct a brother or sister in our Ways in secret, and that when you see a brother or sister err or wander of our path, to affectionately admonish him or her and instruct him/her of their errors. Master to initiate: Sirius being our patron star, the Dog is then our patron animal. The first reason being that DOG is backwards for GOD and in the Kabbalistic tradition it is said that the true name of Satan is the name of God backwards. As Satanists we then follow the flesh and carnal existence, and uplift the Dog as our teacher and guide. What the Dog teaches us is then the second reason why it is our patron animal. The dog teaches all that we have to know about the most true and valuable lesson in life- the sacred and beautiful nature of pure companionship. He loves unconditionally without judgment and regard for race, color, or creed. He devotes himself to his human companion. He is constantly by his human companions side though thick and thin, for better or worse, and if the situation called for it he wouldnt hesitate to go out of his way to help his human companion, even to the point of endangering his own life. In return as his friend, although we may consider ourselves to be more highly evolved than he, we serve him. We feed him. We shelter him. We bathe him. We even clean up after him. It is not because that we are his slave or that we are getting anything physically beneficial out of serving him. We serve him out of love and devotion. In the Same way a mother humbles herself to serve her infant and child. It is out of unconditional love. Our Patron teaches us one last lesson in life- that we are loved and provided for by Dark Providence. This dog can not speak to ask or tell you his needs, but yet with his eyes, his emotions, and his mind, he communicates his needs with you, and you respond. In the same way that an infant, although it cannot speak, move, or tell people its needs, it broadcasts its needs with its emotions and mind, and its mother who is most receptive responds accordingly. These examples teaches you that when you relearn to do these things again, to relearn to broadcast your desires, needs, and thoughts out, the universe will respond through its physical manifestations people or through happenstance and coincidence. Providence has never left you, you left Providence and you placed a mirror in between, that all you can see is your own self, and the jungle of steal, glass, and concrete you live in. Let this Patron now guide you back to what you once were- innocent and all trusting in Providence. And understand that to
serve is to love. The patron animal of our order and all that it teaches us is symbolized by Anubis the Egyptian God of the Underworld which is our Order. Mistress: The Orange Blossom and white bandanna symbolizes your oath and blood bound to us. They also symbolize the Acception itself, its fellowship, and its objectives. The bandanna which bound you to me as a blood brother (or blood sister) is a gift to remind you of your obligations to us. Master: Now receive as a symbol of your new desire and as a Sign Of your oath this sigil of Satan. This sign shall be the Power which I as Master wield shall always be a part of You a symbol to those who can see and the Mark of our Prince. (The Mistress hands the phial of oil to the Master who traces the sign of the inverted pentagram on the forehead of the candidate, vibrating as he does so the name the candidate has chosen. The Mistress then stands behind the candidate and traces with her left forefinger, the sigil of the Temple on the back of the candidate, chanting Agios o Satanas as she does so. If there be no Temple sigil, she traces the inverted pentagram. She stands before the candidate. If the candidate is male, she kisses him on the forehead, then the lips, the chest and penis. If the candidate is female, she kisses her on the forehead, each breast, then pubis. After this, she claps her hands once as a signal for the Guardian to come forward. As he does, she says to the candidate:) Now you must be taught the wisdom of our way! (The Guardian seizes the candidate and holds his/her arms, forcing them to kneel before the Mistress who laughs and says:) See, all you gathered in my Temple: here is he who thought He knew our secret he who secretly admired himself for His cunning! See how our strength overcomes him! (The congregation laugh while the Master blindfolds the candidate again. The Guardian then binds the hands of the candidate with cord. The Mistress then whispers to the candidate, saying: Lay down, keep your silence and be still! The congregation and the Guardian leave the Temple. The Master then has sexual intercourse with the Priestess on the altar [or if the candidate is female, the Mistress has intercourse with the Priest]. In both versions, this task may be delegated to a member of the congregation, chosen before the ritual by either the Master or Mistress. The male or female member so chosen stays in the Temple when the congregation depart.
After-the act, the Priestess [or Priest] is assisted down from the altar, and the Master and Mistress [and the one chosen to perform in their stead, if present] leave the Temple. The Priestess [or Priest then approaches the candidate, saying:) Receive from me and through me the gift of your Initiation So it has been, so it is, and so shall it be again. (They then unbind and remove the blindfold from the candidate and sexual intercourse takes place. After, the Priestess [or Priest] fetches the robe from the altar and dresses the candidate in it. She [or he] then briefly leaves the Temple to announce to the congregation et al So-it is done according to our desires! The congregation et al then return to the Temple, each greeting the new Initiate with a kiss. The chalices are handed round, and the members take their pleasure as they wish.) NOTES: For the ritual of Initiation, the Priestess is chosen for the pleasure she obtains from coitus, the Guardian for his .s physical strength; if the candidate is female, the altarpriest chosen for his control during coitus he should bring the Mistress to ecstasy,. without himself losing control, thus saving elixir for the candidate. It is the duty of the Mistress to find among the Temple members someone to fulfil this role, although she may delegate this task to a female member of the Temple, the person being chosen by the obvious experimentation. Those thus chosen are then invested with their office of altarPriest or Priestess and hold this office for a year and a day.
mysteries of creation and obtain undefiled wisdom. For those that are in tune and aware of creation not only as the work of the Great Architect, but as the material condensation of the mysterious force of life; all existence, all life, every act, becomes and is a sacred and joyous rite of devotion. A means of communion with the cosmos and its secret source. To conform to what one is by nature, as nature has made, is Dharma. (Svalakshana dharanad dharma.) Dharma is a word which in its original essence means Natural Law, or Lex Satanicus the effortless path of nature. To conform to it is the only way. There is no other religion than that of letting go and submitting to what nature has made you the human animal, a feral naked ape, inseparables from nature, animated by the same life force which vitalizes the bacterium, the blade of grass, which even gives the stars their lights and the sun its infernal flames. When you go against the effortless flow of life, life goes against you. Mans happiness and survival depends on his harmony with nature, his atonement with creation, his acceptance of himself as a jewel among the marvels of the cosmos. Should he seek to take a role which goes against the effortless flow of nature, he becomes an enemy of humanity and life; like an inert stone impeding and obstructing the river of creation. The other form of religion is the religion of the city, the civilized order, and establishment of mankind, which claims to impose divine law and order on social and civil conventions. It exalts human laws and moral codes as holy decrees from on high. It follows the imaginative minds of dead prophets and dead letters, as words of some divine glorified human. It exalts man in arrogance above nature and creation, and vilifies natural law and the feral nature of the human animal. It serves as a tool for the ambitions of men who seeking to dominate and control other men and the natural world for their own profit and glory, claiming for themselves a unique status to the detriment of others around them. They degrade, demoralize, and demonize the forest doctrine and human nature to the status of vile, uncivilized, unlawful, and disgusting behavior; unbecoming of a chosen species made in the image of some imaginary god, to who only priests can hear and speak for. The perversion of natural values in modern religions and civilization has separated man from the vital flow of creation and he has lost out of arrogance and ignorance his place in nature. He is lost in the illusion of concrete and glass, a prison of his own design, a slave to a mindless herd whose have rejected their own human nature and vital existence for perfumed promises of eternal salvation, and a bath to wash their vileness clean. Under the influence of the rudimentary cult concept of the nomadic conquerors, the religion of the city took on an anthropocentric essence. Nomadic people, due to their wanderings, have no real contact or emotional or psychological connection to the world of nature. They dont live in emotional or mental communion with places, trees, and animal except those they have domesticated and cultivated. To them nature is seen as an anonymous pasture for their livestock and nothing more than free resources for their exploitation. Such mentality is retained even when the nomads settle and construct permanent dwellings, which gradually becomes cities. These primitive urban cults gradually becoming the religions of civilizations. These urban religions served only to
maintain the status quo and to domesticate the human animal, in a farm of his own making to serve the whims of priests and kings, fattening the human domesticators with power, wealth, and sex. Fear and emotional vertigo is the foundation of their religion. fear of the unknown. Fear of the impenetrable mystery of existence. Fear of the feral and wild humans that lived beyond the walls of their hallowed cities and standards of moral behavior. Their myths, their divine laws, their beliefs that they are chosen or special, exalted by god above nature and other men gives them comfort. Like cattle, they find solace in the herd and inside well defined walls of reality like the flimsy fence of a farm. The other breed of man is the feral breed. The uncivilized breed that once dwelled in the forests beyond the city walls. Without law or politics to govern them, just the natural laws of the jungle and their human impulses. Not nomadic they remain in one place, in tune and at one with nature. Studying it every detail from the movement of stars and the procession of the equinoxes to the medicinal uses of the forest. Nomads are too busy wandering to study the movement of stars, and too busy following their sheep, cattle, yaks, and rain deer, to build megalithic monuments and temples. This feral breed needs no god, no religion, no laws and no politics to exist and live. The Natural World is all and everything to them. They are beyond the duality of the city-state. There is no right or wrong, no good or evil. Every act and deed is a seamless part and piece of the flow and rhythm of life and nature. This flow and movement sustains nature, and keeps its parts and pieces a live another day. It continues the natural cycle of life and death. The dead to sustain the living; the living to propagate its own kind, before it dies. Everything in Nature exists in a state of cooperative evolution, collective harmony; every act like a ripple in the fabric of nature, which effects it in other places. Here there are no silly divisions, everything is still true and whole. There is no left hand path or right hand path. There is only the will to survive and replicate. These are our people, our breed. This is our Path. It is a path made for walking, not tree hugging (embracing books). Direct experience and stimulation of our five senses is the window to our reality. Nature itself, in all its manifestations is our Satanic Bible, Temple, and Teacher. The Law of Nature is our only law. The will to survive and replicate is our only doctrine. Nothing else matters. And the issue of crime shall naturally be brought before us by the civilized urbanites. If we are beyond right and wrong or good and evil, what have we to opinionate about crime? To which we answer: crime is an urban phenomenon of the city-state, and it does not exists in the natural world. It might be a crime to steal something in the city, but in nature this act is no crime, otherwise many animals would be criminals. Killing may be a crime in the city, but this act is not a crime in nature, otherwise most animals would be criminals. Any act committed in nature which benefits you keeps you alive to replicate is productive. To the human, any act he commits which he can experience and learn from causes him to progress and become the wiser illuminates. What is called criminal intention or criminal thought is mostly nothing more that millions of years of evolution as an opportunistic creature. The ancestral human animal, without muscular strength, or claws like other animals, had to rely on intelligent, and
organized opportunistic behaviors to survive. Several thousand years of urban life cannot undo or rewrite millions of years of evolution. Disagreeing with criminal actions and behaviors is a civilized program ingrained in the Urbanite. It costs the city much of its money to fight and stop crime; because resisting and fighting something natural as the will to survive and the impulse of nature requires money; when that money stops, and the urban law machine stops, crime will continue. In a way, it is safe to say that crime is natural. It is one of few things besides God that the urbanite fears. What he fears he either submits to and worships, or hates. If Satan means Opposite then we must learn to always think and do the opposite of what these Urbanite cattle think and do, no matter the title and label they wear. If we are to Liberate ourselves from captivity and slavery to their civilized machine, we must continually mentally and physically progress by pushing the limits of our capabilities. Always strive not only to think for yourself with an unshakable closed mind, never to allow anything into it without first examining what it is, and how it will affect you. But we must also strive to push our civilized limits. Go out and see what you can get away with in society. Any act which you benefit and learn from only makes you stronger. The laws of the city-state were, like the morals or their religions, are made for breaking. This is the path to Liberation. But always keep in mind that every action has a consequence. Learn to use intelligence in your progression. If the city catches you and condemns you to prison, you have your own stupidity to blame. Think twice before acting. But act; to grow from the experience. Criminal behavior and action taken to an extreme and collective level is no longer a crime. It becomes power, heroism, and empire. Think of Alexander The Great; The Great Vikings; The Golden Hoard of Genghis Khan; and virtually every empire and civilization on earth. This is their secret; not just divide and conquer, but: Might Without Limitation. Ruthless Might and terror, causes the bovine mass to submit,thus giving birth to states. Then they keep this secret of power, wealth, and domination, to themselves by condemning it from the average citizen. Nothing strikes fear in the system more than organized criminal organizations with defined intentions and objectives. Learn from the heroes of the past and embrace ruthless might without limitation. And who is the biggest criminal of all but God? Think of all the ruthless acts of murder, slaughter of women and children, theft, rape, and plunder he ordered and oversaw in the Old Testament. If we are to become gods ourselves, we must must be inspired by gods and great men; live the doctrine of might without limitation and boldly stand erect! Satan to us symbolizes Nature in all her undefiled glory; he symbolizes the immutable law of nature; he symbolizes defiance, rebellion, and revolution, which is the path to Liberation and Freedom; he symbolizes evolution and progression; he symbolizes the natural instinct and impulse of the human animal; he symbolizes the vast and meaningless feral, wild, lawless existence of the natural life of the animal kingdom; he symbolizes the will of survival and replication. Satan symbolizes the Will To Power, obtained by ruthless collective might without limitation; nature, in all its aspects: the natural world, the nature of man, the nature of animals, of forest and cosmos, is his only Book and Doctrine. Satan symbolizes Saturn, the archetype of primordial nature and
primeval man. Recalling to mind the Golden Age of Humanity ruled by great Saturn, before both nature and man were corrupted and defiled by the Urbanite hoard. His Law is the Law of Tooth and Claw. Satan is the effortless flow and pulsating rhythm of Life and Nature which surrounds us; unto whom we owe and give our obedience and adoration. Our Satanism is an ever growing and evolving Progressive Satanism, as opposed to Stagnant Satanism. It is a Satanism based on the law of nature, and ruthless collective might without limitation, without regard to any person or creature, but our own. Ever urbanite man, woman, child, sheep, and cow, exists for the mighty and powerful to use and exploit. This is the law of nature: survive and replicate at all costs. It is the only law life ingrains on its living organism. Our Order is a living organism. Like any living organism it must metabolize new material, data, and ideas, to progress and evolve from its prosimian ancestor; or die. It must replicate and duplicate itself to grow and multiply, or die. And it must produce waste as a byproduct of its growth, by casting out and throwing away old ideas, beliefs, and opinions, when such things no longer serve its purpose, or when these things prevents itself from progressing. All living organisms follow three basic activities: Progression; Creation; and Expression. Our way must strive to teach its initiates; which are but cells in a greater organism; to Progress beyond what they are; to use Creativity to aid in this Progression; and to Express the Order and its teaching through actions to create physical results. In this way, the Vivification of our Way is completed. Our Way is the Practical Way of the Middle Path; that natural effortless path between two extremes, where the proverbial pendulum rests in equilibrium. Neither to the Right of extreme rejection and restraint, or to the Left of mindless extreme indulgence and self abuse. This Middle path, upon which nature itself, in all Her forms walk, is the path our feet now treds, cushioned by Her feral pagan soil. What you learn on this journey is the Gift of Nature, which no book or prophet can ever teach. It is a unique struggle and journey for each of us. A struggle to surmount what we are, and progress to our fullest potential. It is an internal journey of inward searching and self realization, and an outer struggle of pushing our physical limits and comfort zone. We focus our efforts more on the Hardware of life the action, the physical, the body, the labor, rather than the Software of life opinions, the philosophy, the metaphysics, the mind. Action produces results, whereas thinking produces debates. Think on these things. Our Satanism is classified as Hardcore Satanism, that is being concerned with the hardware of existence. The other Satanisms and religions are classified as Softcore, that is being concerned with the Software of existence, the idea, and opinions, the philosophies and convictions. One is active in the world or nature and reality, the other is out of touch with the real world and in touch with the mind and the metaphysical and philosophical illusions of the mind. Every act that pushes us forward and makes us better than the Profane in anyway is an act of worship of Life. Always strive to push your limits. If the Satanist is to fulfill his quest for light, the mysteries of life, and achieve liberation, he must be willing to embrace the opposite path the unthinking urban mass walks and
utilizes, and he must learn to see beyond the maya of his man made civilizations. He must use whatever religious, spiritual, psychic, magical, emotional, psychological, and physical tool at his disposal to progress as nature decreed. Therefore, he must first step into the darkness, for it is only in the night that the mysteries of the cosmos unfolds for our eyes to behold and ponder. As we, who flow with the rhythm and tradition of the Nine Angles presence the Dark, so to does the Cosmos presence Her infinate Numinous Darkness. But of all the mortals that lay awake at night and stare at the sky, how many of us pulsate inside to Her deafening mysteries and subtle yearnings?
Master and his assistants passes Verdine around to participants. Master (~ST): Let us do honor to Yug-Sothoth, without whose sign we ourselves should not be. Participants (~SA): Honor to Yug-Sothoth, without whose sign we ourselves should not be. Priestess (~ST): Through Yug-Sothoth, Gate of the Abyss, Azathoth takes form. He who is the Mind that beholds the light and gives Chaos form. Ordo Ab Chao; Agios O YugSothoth. Participants (~SA): Ordo Ab Chao; Agios O Yug-Sothoth! Master (~ST): Yug-Sothoth Master of dimensions, through thy will are we set upon the world of horrors. Faceless One, guide us through the night of thy creation, that we may behold the Bond of the Angles and the promise of thy will. Participant (~SA): Honor to Yug-Sothoth, without whose sign we ourselves should not be. Priestess (~SA). She opens both arms out sharply away from her body. participants do the same. Everyone says: Agios O AOMA. Master and assistants passes verdine around the nexus. Priestess (~ST): The Dark Gods are, the Dark Gods were, and the Dark Gods shall be again. They came, and we are here. They sleep and we watch for them. They shall sleep, and we shall die, but we shall return through them. We are their dreams, and they shall awaken. hail to the ancient dream! Master (~ST), and the (~SA): All hail the ancient dream! Fanya Esi Kunya! Participants follow the Master and says: Hail to the ancient dream. Fanya Esi Kunya. Master & Preistess (~ST): We now call to the unsleeping one, the black herald, Nyarlathotep, who assureth the bond between the living and the dead. Participants (~ST): Hail Nyarlathotep. Master & Priestess (~ST): Hail oh Dark One, who riseth the wind of the Abyss and cryeth the night gaunts between the living and the dead, send to us the Ancient Ones of the world of horrors, whose word we honor to the end of the deathless sleep. We each call forth the Ancient Ones, who lurks deep beneath the unfathomable collective promordial psyche of Mankind; each a live Temple of the Dark Gods. Ride, Oh Ancient
Ones the pulsing stream of our blood and live carnal existence once more through your children! Master passes verdine around the nexus. All (~ST): Through Nyarlathotep the Ancient Ones come to dwell in their Temples of flesh once more. All closes eyes and walks in a circle around the Altar while chanting out loud the Call: Zodacare eca od zodameranu reyogozodionu. This is done three times. Master & Priestess (~ST): hail to thee, black prince from the grotto whose charge we bear. Hail to the and to thy fathers, within whose fane thou laughs and screams in terror and merriment, in fear and in ecstacy, in loneliness and in anger, upon the whim of thy will. Lead us back, we, thy children, to the age of primal innocence, before we fell from from feral beasts to slaves of moral wrong and right. All (~ST): Hail Nyarlathotep! Lead us back, we, thy children, to the age of primal innocence before we fell from feral beasts to slaves of moral wrong and right! Zodacare eca od zodameranu reyogzodionu! Master & Priestess raises hands in the Sign of Saturn: In thy name let us behold and honor the Father. Let the Ancient Ones who reigneth upon the world of horror come once more to speak with us, and taste again the pleasures and fruits of flesh and carnal existence, for we would again strengthen the Bond that liveth within the Angles of the Path of the Left. Here the frenzy of the Calling begins. The preistess climbs ontop of the Altar Priestess and both begin to have sex with eyes closed while the master holds the Sing of the Triangle and chants: Zodacare eca od zodameranu reyogozodionu Over and over. The participants chant the same over and over with eyes closed visualizing dark nebulous clouds entering their bodies. Everyone walks in a circle slowly sun-wise repeating the chant around the Altar and Priestess. This should gradually increase in speed. At this point the eyes may be open, when everyone feels the urge to walk faster or dance. The participants must allow themselves to let go and go with the flow of the frenzy building up. Everyone must allow themselves to take on the mind and form of the Ancient Ones as wild, feral beasts and forces of nature. They must visualize their flesh transforming into those wild forms and go on all fours if the dark forces wills it. The Altar Priestess should climax first, then the Master commences sex with the Priestess. The Participants must allow themselves to dance or scream or whatever urge takes them over. The circular dance should become faster. They walk and dance faster and faster, imagining the sky above opening and energy flowing down into them while chanting, shouting louder and louder. They must let this vital energy possess them and dance, or move freely, run, leap, as the dark forces wills. Robes are caste off until all are
naked. The Altar Priestess enters the circle to sexually stimulate the participants and the Saturnalia begins. Everyone must strive to let go of thoughts, reason, inhibitions, and just allow the raw natural animalistic forces of lust and sexual desire control their bodies. At the height of the Frenzy all engage in a cathartic group sexual offering. There must be no limits, no taboos, no holds, as the Ancient Ones revel in carnal pleasure once more. When all have climaxed, the Altar Priestess returns to her position. Participants looks at the Master and priestess. Master (~SA): Let this night and the aching ecstasy of carnal existence be a sacrifice to the Goat of a Thousand Young, Agios O Baphomet. And let the children of the Nine Angles pay now homage and honor to Mother Shub Niggurat! Participants: Agios O Baphomet! Hail Shub Niggurat! Master (~SA): Hail Shub Niggurat, Mother of the World of Horrors. Hail Mother of the hornless ones. Hail Ram of the Sun and deathless ones. Who sleepest not while we honor thy name and thy Bond! All (~SA): Hail Shub Niggurat, remember us thy feral children in this world of horrors! Agios O Baphomet! Master (~SA): Hail Mother! Hail Baphomet! All (~SA): Hail Mother! Hail Baphomet! Priestess as Shub Niggurat. She is nude, with a head dress of a Goat. In her right hand she holds the Square, In her left she holds the compass. Shub Niggurat: I am that I am. Through the Angles I speak with the hornless ones, and I pledge a new the Bond of the daemons. Through whose will this world is come to be. let us speak the Bond of the Nine Angles! All (~SA): Hail Mother, Queen of the Angles, Matrix of the world of horror. We speak the Bond of the Nine Angles to the honor of the flutes of the laughing one, the master of dimensions, the herald of the barrier, and the Goat of a Thousand Young, whose way is the law of nature. All (~SA): From the First Angle is the infinite wherein the laughing one doth cry and the flutes wail unto the end of time. We bind ourselves to each other and the Angles, AOMA! All (~SA): From the Second Angle is the master who doth cry the planes and the angles, and who hath conceived the world of horrors in its terror and glory. We Bind ourselves to each other and the Angles, AOMA.
All (~SA): From the Third Angle is the messenger, who hath created thy power to behold the master of the world of horrors who giveth to thee substance of being, and knowledge of the Nine Angles. We bind ourselves to each other and the Angles, AOMA. All (~SA): From the Fourth Angle is the Ram of the Sun, born from the eye of the crying one, from whose infernal womb the stars and galaxies were born. Who Brought thy selves to be as creatures of flesh, who endureth upon the world of horrors and proclaimeth the time that was, the time that is, ad the time that shall be; and whose name is the Brilliance of the Nine Angles. We Bind ourselves to each other and to you, Agios O Baphomet, AOMA. All (~SA): From the Fifth Angle are the hornless ones, we, the feral children of the First Sun, who raised the Temple of the Five trihedrons in the North unto the Dark Gods of creations when Saturn reigned and was bright; whose seal is at once four and five and nine. We Bind ourselves to the Angles, AOMA. All (~SA): From the Sixth Angles are the Dark Gods, who came from the central light; out of Dabih; to the Western plane of the orbs, to revel and play in this world of stone. Who caused the hornless ones to be out of their light, and left us as a reminder that they were once here. Who returned from whence they came to sleep and their dreams animates the flesh of the hornless ones. Who sleep in symmetry, which doth vanquish the five but shall not prevail against the four and the nine. We Bind ourselves to each other and the Angles, AOMA. All (~SA): From the Seventh Angle is the ruin of symmetry and the awakening of the Dark Ones, and when their eyes shall open, the hornless ones shall behold the center, for the four and the nine shall prevail against the six. We Bind Ourselves to each other and to the Angles, AOMA. All (~SA): From the Eighth Angle are the masters of the realm, who raised a Temple of the eight trihedrons unto the Dark Gods of Creation, whose time shall come, who shall behold the Center through the Dark Gods, and travel towards their Mother, and shall rule the stars; whose seal is at once four and five and nine. We Bind ourselves to each other and to the Angles, AOMA. All (~SA): From the Nineth Angle is the Flame of the Beginning and Ending of illusions, which blazeth in infernal brilliance as a flaming octopus, whose tentacles stretcheth out to the plane of the orbs to give life, whose tentacles giveth birth to stars like beads of morning dew on a web, who calls for Her Lost Ones to awaken and remember. We Bind ourselves to each other and to the Angles, AOMA! Shub Niggurat (~SA): I pledge the Bond of the Angles, through whose will this world hath came to be. Awaken and reach always upwards for the stars, towards the center, and take hold of your destiny.
All makes Sign of the Horns: We honor the Bond of Nine Angles upon this world of horrors. Hail Baphomet! Honor unto Shub Niggurat! Shub Niggurat, hold up the Square and Compass high: Hail to the hornless ones! Remember the Days of Saturn, Rebuild it once more! All makes the Sign of the Horns: Hail to Shub Niggurat, Mother of the world of horrors, for thee is rebuild the Temple of Saturn! Shub Niggurat: Let the hornless ones remember the days when Saturn ruled high, when they were innocent, when they knew me. Come to me, and lose yourselves in me, as I have lost myself in you. Always reach for the stars and grab hold of your destiny. Unto the beginning and the ending of illusions! All (Horns): Hail Shub Niggurat! Unto the beginning and the ending of illusions! Shub Niggurat leaves, and the Preistess takes her place. Master: The gaunts are loose upon the world, and we shall not pass, but the time shall come when the gaunts will bow before us, and man shall speak with the tongues of the hornless ones. The way is Yug-Sothoth, the key is Nyarlathotep, and the gate are the Nine Angles. Hail Yug-Sothoth! Hail Nyarlathotep! Hail Shub Niggurat, Mother of the world of horrors! Hail Satan, symbol of the feral hornless ones! All (~SA): Hail Yug-Sothoth! Hail Nyarlathotep! Hail Shub Niggurat! Hail Satan! The Rite must always end with a quite relaxing feast of fellowship. each brother and sister revels and bathes in the feeling of closeness of the Bond, and ponders on the meaning of the Rite. The crystal is buries by the Priestess at the site of the ritual by the root of a tree. Gifts of flowers, candles, or whatever are left around the tree.
A meme consists of any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that gets transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. Examples include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, songs, dances and moods and terms such as race, culture, and ethnicity. Memes propagate themselves and can move through a culture in a manner similar to the behavior of a virus. As a unit of cultural evolution, a meme in some ways resembles a gene. A meme is like a virus, but one that infects the mind. Memes are spread between two people by word of mouth, or some other method of communication such as rites and rituals, which then infects the other persons mind. Political propaganda is a powerful example of memes in action, another is religion. These memes in question infects the Masons mind with thoughts of Equality, Fraternity, and Liberty. They teach that no man is holier than any other and certainly not ordained by any God to rule over anyone with divine right all these memes are pasted down from generation to generation through these rituals the medium of memetic prorogation. In this way each generation and era, has a certain group of people usually people of power and influence who are infected with these memes. They in turn infect those around them Culminating in the Revolutionary war in America the French Revolution and the Revolutions of South America by Simon Bolivar et al. Granted Freemasonry may not have had a direct involvement in these revolutions but the by product of their memes did. The end result, after 300 years of cronomorphic incubation: A radically new world order, a grand experiment: where kings and popes were powerless; where the People governed themselves democratically via the republican system; where everyone was free and had rights and natural liberties, such as the liberty to pursue ones happiness. Now nearly all countries are in some way democratic; and the old world order is dead. Its awe inspiring to see that the thoughts, dreams, and visions, of the anonymous intelligencia who put the ritual works of Freemasonry together had such a globally powerful effect on the human race and human civilization Compared to this, Softcore Satanic magic seems perversely petty and insanely short sighted. We sit here and desire something, do our magic, and maybe get what we ask for. But none of us ever sit here and think about what kind of world or reality we as Satanists want our future progeny to live in we will live out our short Satanic lives fulfilled to the brim with indulgence; then die; and leave a rotting world for our great great grand children to inherit. What if we could use cronomorphic magic to create a new world 300 years from now? What if we could impregnate our rituals, rites, and ceremonies with Cronomorphic Memes, and infect our members, and their children, and their childrens children? After 300 years of our Acceptions Cronomorphic Incubation, what would result?
This is the aim and objective of the WSA. It is not just empty Satanism and short sighted magic. It is an institution which has dreams, visions, and goals, which it will pass to each new generation via the most powerful form of magic known to mankind. DOG SMILLE is the simplified representation of our goals; which all our rites and memes must be in tune with. Each generation must be infected with the Dog Smille. With Time, all things are possible. The number of our membership does not matter. Time alone will accomplish our dreams. DOG SMIILE is the acronym of our Objectives. DOG is our first objective formulated by the WSA. It stands for DiovoGenesis. SMIILE stands for: Space Migration; Intelligence Increase; & Life Extension. By Diovogenesis we mean female to female reproduction. Diovo meaning two eggs. Two eggs from two females are taken, the 23 chromosomes of one egg is injected into the other and an electrical current is introduced which will cause the merged eggs to divide and become fertilized. The children born will inherit each mothers characteristics, and all children will be female. This will give females final and total independence from men, and will make men absolutely useless to the human species. Their utter worthlessness will cause them to rethink their own value as they have been the source of religion, politics, nations, and wars, since the dawn of humanity. A brighter future can be realized, but only when we each know our place in the order of nature. By Space Migration we mean the colonization of space and celestial bodies. Space is the last bastion of freedom. Free from the political shit of this world, which will never go away. Space is our sanctuary of liberty, and our destiny. By Intelligence Increase we mean merging our human brain with the computers we make into a collective network, enhancing our intelligence; which is our inevitable destiny. This process we call Cyborgation. Intelligence Increase also refers to enlightening mankind with science, and alternative belief systems which offer new biolological software for the human animal, to drown religion in a world of secularism. By Life Extension we mean the science of extending our mortal lives so we can live longer and healthier. For now it is becoming more health aware and green. To take less man made chemicals and eat more natural foods. It will be about the study of genes in the future. The key is to understand the spindals that pulls the genetic material apart when a cell divides, as these spindals are genetically encoded to divide at a certain maximum number before they are shut down, and therefore causing old age.
interpret life and our reality for us. We logically than believe in the Satanic Priesthood of all believers of the Sinister Way; and reasonably reject the imaginary priestly authority of any church or religious organization as fraudulent and a usurpation of our natural born right to think our own thoughts and govern our own selves. Who are they, these self righteous Satanists who play the Christian game and make themselves mediators and priests of dark imaginary gods? What makes them so special that they alone can speak for and represent nature and its laws? It is one thing to be all equal in brotherhood and sisterhood, all with equal honorary titles; to profit off the dumb and gullible. But it is another game altogether when they hide their ulterior motives and self righteousness behind these titles, to place themselves above a princely son or royal daughter of His Infernal Majesty. We are all his children. Among us there are no titles but brother and sister, but to the profane, who are not of our blood; let them call us by whatever title; let them praise us; so long as we know among our kindred we are all of the same Imperial Blood. Every Initiate is by natures law an ordained priest and priestess of Satan and represents the Acception in act and word. The officers needed to preform Satanic rituals and rites are not official titles or ranks. The are offices that every nexus member are eligible for. Every three months each nexus will elect new ritual officers from among its members, insuring that each and every member experiences each office in due time. Initiation into the Sinister Way of the WSA is an automatic ordination into the Priesthood of Satan. Entitling each initiate with the authority and power to preform its rites, degrees, and make new members for the Acception. For guidance and mentoring each member has two sources available to them: senior members who are more experienced than them, from whom they can learn and study from. And from a more occult source: The High Priesthood of Satan. The High Priesthood of Satan exists in the acausal Abyss. Each member has his or her own personal High Priest/ess as a teacher and guide. The High Priesthood are fragmentary manifestations of Satan who represents the force of darkness of the acausal Abyss itself, called the Lord of Is. It is the duty and responsibility of every brother and sister to contact their personal High Priest/ess, and establish a link with them and the Acception. The following will be instructions for making this contact. Without your High Priest/ess protection, venturing into the Abyss is a danger to the mind. GOING DEAD: First lay down and flex every muscle group in your body beginning with the toes and working your way up to your face and head. Hold the tention for as long as posible until it burns then let go and relax. This is called Rigging. Once this is finished take a few deep breaths and imagine a large bell above your head. Ring the bell and imagine the sound and resonance bathing your body relaxing it even further. Next begin Death Breathing also called Avayuvica:
Avayuvica is the opposite of Mahavayuvica and is used to enter a powerful altered state of consciousness near death called Death Gnosis. It is used to enter the Stargate and the Abyss. Avayuvica is done laying down with arms crossed over the chest like a mummy. The initiate first begins with Mahavayu breathing: the initiate uses the abdomen to breath as a billow filling his lungs with air to its maximum capacity and letting it out rapidly. This is done continuously without a pause. This oxygenates the blood and fills it with vril. This is done until the initiate becomes light headed. Then he may go into Death Breathing. The initiate exhales, and keeps his lungs empty for as long as possible, remaining relaxed and focusing on the death point behind the head where the skull meets the neck. When inhaling the initiate takes in air very slowly with his abdomen, just enough to satisfy the need, and lets exhales, keeping the lungs empty for as long as possible. While the lungs are empty the initiate must chant in his mind the following to link his mind to the Abyss: Agios O Satanas Fanya Esi Kunya AOMA (Ah-Oh-Mah). The eyes are looking up to the point between the eyebrows. After 9 chantings air is filled into the lungs and held for as long as possible. This is done 9 times. Once the initiate has reached his Death Gnosis a screen is visualized in the minds eye. Upon that screen will be displayed 12 colors associated with a trigger upon which the initiate must use his five senses to experience: 12: Red Apple 11: Redish Orange a flame 10: Orange the fruit 9: Gold the metal 8: Yellow Lemon 7: Green Grass 6: Aqua ocean water 5: Blue the sky 4: Indigo the night sky 3: Purple grapes 2: Violet the flower 1: Crystal White Quartz crystal or mother of pearl. Continue Death Breathing and now count backwards from 13 to 1 slowly. Visualize yourself going down a ladder with 13 rungs. Go down this ladder and count down. Once you have reached the bottom concentrate on your heart beat, willing it to slow down. The state which this process has taken you is called the Death Gnosis. Here magic is more powerful when preformed in the mind. Once here you must make your intention. Say the following three times with conviction: I am invoking the force of Satan within me to manifest as my personal teacher and guide. Here Satan is not some horned being. It is the force of Chaos of the Abyss itself,
which will manifest to you as a unique manifestation. This is your High Priest/ess. Your direct link to the Prince of Darkness. Once you have made your intention imagine a path in front of you. Follow the path. It leads to a stair case. Follow the stair case. Allow your subconscious mind to form the images itself. Follow these stairs until it leads you somewhere, usually a big empty space, or temple. Here you will see your High Priest/ess. Introduce yourself with respect, and salute the entity with the Sing of the Acception. Observe what your High Preist/ess looks like. Ask him or her for a name; then ask him or her how to invoke it next time you come to this place. Be silent and listen to whatever the High Priest/ess says to you. Thank it and salute it once again with the Sing of the Acception, and return home. Keep your first meeting short as the connection is still very weak, and information passing through that weak link can become very distorted. Return to the stair case and make your way back to the path. Walk up the ladder then count from 1 to 12 slowly returning to normal breathing. Take a deep breath; open your eyes; and get up very slowly. The more you meet with your High Priest/ess, the stronger the connection will be. This exercise is practiced every day before going to sleep. During your second meeting with your High Priest/ess you must test the connection and the High Priest/ess. During the second session before leaving, ask your High Priest for something. Start small and simple, since the connection is still weak. Ask for a desire you have, see it, experience what you want, feel whatever emotions you will experience when you have it. Then leave it to your High Priest/ess to make it happen. Manifesting your will through your High Priest/ess is like tossing a note in a bottle into a river. You must let go and not hold on to it. Learn to trust your High Priest/ess, and know that it will come, and let go allowing the desire to flow with the cosmic current. You must also let go, and go with the flow as well. Life in the material plane will change; situations will bend to create optimal conditions; people will come; coincidences will happen. Write everything down and keep your eyes out for the signs given; follow your hunches; smile at people you walk by and say hi. Because the acausal forces works through other people who are most receptive to being influenced by its energy. If your High Priest/ess is powerful, you will get what you have asked for. If it isnt then you must ask for a new one, because you probably got a weak manifestation. This High Priest/ess is your teacher who will teach you of what ever magic, occult and psychic knowledge and power you desire to know. This is your guide and authority in the Sinister Way. This is your link to the Abyss; and your partner in the physical world.
This is the main disagreement we have with Softcore Satanism and the Order of Nine Angles (ONA). Softcore Satanism makes Christianity and other religions an enemy and embraces a philosophical antisectarian stance. The fault with this is that both the Softcore Satanist and the Christian are lost in their own minds, and disassociated with the real world of nature. The ONA makes the system their enemy, and choses to embrace radical antisecular organization such as Nazism or radical Islam to try and destory the system. In either case both above mentioned groups are still in the same hell whole. Ninety percent of the wealth is owned by 10 percent of the population. While only 10 percent of the remainder is owned by 90 percent. It doesnt matter if you are anti religion or anti government, because you are still a slave to those that own 90 percent of the wealth. Your children will also be born slave to them. Who will go to their schools, be brainwashed by their education system to be employees of their corporations. They will work for wages until they grow old, and when they are too old to be of any use to this monstrous corporate money system, they will be tossed out like an old boot and die in a nursing home; their progeny ripe for the picking. And the cycle shall continue. Is this the life you want for yourself and your children? Wake up brothers and sisters. Understand what these money changers are doing. See the game they are playing. How is it that they have so much wealth and power? What secrets do they have that the average slave does not know or have? I will tell you. The secret is they have invented a commodity called Money; which is available only though them. The secret is that they are more organized and collective. They collect into tribes of families, all sharing their efforts and resources to establish banks and corporations. Their secret is that they use the magic of time to their advantage, and impregnate each of their generations with the ideas and goal of making more money for their childrens children to maintain influence and control, by using the blind unthinking herd. And what do you do? Are you collective? No, you are not. You are individualized. You are caused to be a separate unit who must rely on itself to find money to feed and shelter itself. And do you use time to your advantage? Do you pass work for you future progeny wealth? Do you pass on dreams of success and power to your generations? Do you teach them to tribalize and pool their monies and efforts? Do you teach them to use the herd? No. This is why you are a 90 Percenter. This is why your children will always be born slaves to the 10 Percenters. Because you do not play this game as They do. You play it as you were taught to play it. THINK! Our enemy isnt religion, it isnt the government. Our enemy is the corporate banking system. Our enemy is the 10 Percenters and their children, who will enslave yours. There is no true liberty when you are a slave. You cannot pursue your happiness when you are to busy working for money to stay alive. The enemy kills and divides homes. How many failed marriages happen over finances? What true love can be experienced when both parents spend more time at work than with each other? Who raises your children? Where is the family? You are being used. They own your life from cradle to grave.
The only way to fight for liberty is by playing the Game how they play it. We must unite as a single cooperative tribe. Each family of the tribe must work together to achieve financial independence. Each family of the tribe must work to build wealth for their children. We must each work for the unborn. Each family must pass our ideals, our way, our goals, and our Order to each of its children. In this way each generation that comes from us grows; and their children shall grow; and the Order will pass down our generations. Our daughters are our most valuable ammunition. Girls climb the social strata and class rank more faster and easier than boys. Each family must strive to breed beautiful daughters, impregnated with our religion and way of life. These shall be sent to their colleges and gatherings. Their purpose is to marry their boys to acquire their wealth and estates for the Order. Our daughters children to these men, shall be raised as one of us. This is why it is so important that we hide our Order within Freemasonry an otherwise ordinary organization accepted by them, to which many of them belong to. At all times, until the end of the ages, the collective wealth of our Tribe must remain in the hands of those born of our bloodlines. In this way our enemys wealth and corporations will eventually, in time, fall into our Orders hands; so long as we remain completely organized and in tune with our goals here stated throughout our generations. Our sons have their own purpose and mission. Let some run the corporations we shall create; but others, let them be groomed for politics. They must embrace the dominant political party of their time and era. Whatever it takes to establish themselves in political offices. Let some be sent to colleges to study in fields which shall help is fulfill our objectives. Let others study business and enter the enemys corporations to climb rank and work towards executive positions. Let others infiltrate law enforcement and become judges, so our young Disciples may continue to do their work unmolested. At all times we must remain in total harmony with each other; completely organized down throughout our generations. We must spread our Order into every nation and continent. Our money must be used to open orphanages as soon as we can in China, India, and Africa. Each of these countries within the next 50 years will grow into the future super powers. Each orphan we raise must be given the same love and attention we give to our own children. each orphan must be raised in our Acception. Each one must be sent to schools and be taught to do business like us. each one must be sent on their missions to infiltrate our enemys bloodlines, corporations, and governments. This work is our Great Work, which must ever continue until we gain our independence as a Stellar Empire; a people who are truly free to live out our short lives in piece. Each of us, and each of our children must now understand that they no longer work for themselves, but must work for their unborn progeny, by submitting their lives to the Acception and it objective. In time, all things are possible. It doesnt matter how many members we have now. Even if we had just one, this single member will give birth to many. What can be actualized; what can be realized; what can
be accomplished, after 300 years of cronomorphic incubation? Understand the Magic and Power of Time my brothers and sisters. It is the most powerful force at our disposal. What the mind can conceived, can be achieved.
the sickness of mind or illusion that either extreme was natural. If the essence of Satanism is the Law of Nature, then neither extreme points of the spectrum is Satanic. It is only when the initiate becomes leveled and finds his state of equilibrium, will he begin to realize and be reconnected with Creation, and be in harmony with nature. The initiate must understand that this lesson cannot be taught through letters or by words. It is a lesson which is learned from direct experience. And the lesson is as much a part of our Way as any written aspect of our Way. As we have stated earlier, we must use every tool at our disposal to aid in our personal progression to adepthood. Ordeals are an integral part of our system.
such an Initiation. Accordingly, the LHP Initiate sees methods as merely methods; experience as merely experience. Both are used, learned from and then discarded. Because of this, the LHP is by its nature ruthless the strong of character win through, the weak go under. There are no `safety nets of any kind on the LHP there is no dogma or ideology to rely on, no one to provide comfort and soften the blows, no organization, individual or `Being to run to when things get difficult and which will provide support and sympathy and understanding. Or which, just as importantly, takes away the responsibility of the Initiate for their deeds. (The LHP An Analysis) The follower of the Way of the ONA must find their own contacts; must form their own ceremonial group; must find their own magickal partner. That is, they must put into practice the philosophy, the ethos, of the sinister Way itself: the Way of the elite, of those strong defiant individuals who desire to exult in life and who desire to change, to evolve, to achieve more than ordinary mortals. The Way of the ONA also and most importantly involves striving to change others, society striving to provoke change; striving to disrupt; to presence the dark, the sinister itself. That is, it is not a reclusive Way it is and is meant to be dangerous; it is and is meant to encourage genuine and open defiance of norms, of laws, of governments, of all those things that keep individuals in thrall and which prevent them from exulting in life and taking themselves to higher levels of existence. As has been said and written many times, all these, and other, things make the Way of the ONA difficult. Many become interested; some may even begin to follow the Way. But few continue once difficulties arise. Individuals begin to make excuses for their failure to throw themselves, Satanically, into life, for their failure to exult for their failure to challenge themselves in all the way they can and should and must be challenged to exult, to learn, to evolve, to inspire others. Some of these failures indulge themselves with fantasy too afraid for instance to do an Insight Role or take themselves to their limits in physical and moral terms. Some of these failures indulge themselves with trying to make-up their own easy way, cobbled together from all the theories, ideas, forms, or whatever, that they have imbibed cobbling such a way together because they simply do not have the guts to be sinister in real life. Some of these failures who have never done anything Satanic, let alone tried to follow our Way with sincerity even begin to criticize the Way of the ONA, perhaps hoping thereby to detract attention from their failure to live in a sinister way, shouting in their childish way that you dont need to do such things anymore especially in reference to the culling of opfers; Insight Roles, such things as the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept, and disrupting society in a practical, revolutionary, way. Some of these failures like the Satanic, the sinister, ethos but do not have the inner strength, the sinister intent, to defy the norms, the laws, the forms, of society, of governments, by doing real heretical deeds by being a genuine revolutionary, for instance.
Whatever there are as many excuses for failing to act Satanically as there are failures. Such people, such failures, will be around for a long time yet but the Way of the ONA, with all of the techniques and teachings and methods now fairly openly available, gives those who dare the chance to excel, to defy, to strive, to take themselves, and others, to the dark realms beyond from where Chaos, Change and evolution arise. Anton Long, ONA Many years ago some initiates of the Order of Nine Angles who followed this way, and who were all Freemasons merged their two crafts and traditions together. Like the edict says: The follower of the Way of the ONA must find their own contacts; must form their own ceremonial group; must find their own magickal partner. Thus was the White Star Acception (WSA/352) born. WSA doesnt have an ancient tradition nor a mythically fantastic history. It is as if the ONA and Freemasonry mated and had a baby which retained the best qualities of its parents, but matures to become its own individual person. Within our 352 the mysteries of both the Nine Angles Tradition and Freemasonry merge into a powerfully dynamic instituion designed to collect its progressing initiates into a collective and coherent body bound by life long ties of Oaths of blood brotherhood/Sisterhood. Caligula Simpson who codified our WSA Tradition has left out any information about himself for the simple reason of preventing guru worship. Even with the total lack of information, many of us still pay our resects to this great mind by calling ourselves Simpsonites. Although Caligula is the center of Opus Vrilis, many minds came together with Caligula to make it all possible, and he is only a faceless messanger. This is the bisics of our Way: THE SINISTER WAY The WSA is an esoteric Order embracing Progressive Synergic Satanism within the context of what it terms The Sinister Way or Hardcore Satanism. Unhypocritically, and true to is Nietzschean roots, the Satanism of the WSA is beyond good and evil; that it, it is beyond the relative definitions of both concepts, and therefore embraces neither a Left Hand or Right Hand path. Within the WSA Progressive Satanism is not a church defined doctrine or prophetic decree imposed upon a mass of believers. Within the boundaries of Progressive Satanism the Initiates personal self progression and evolution takes center stage. Ones own personal or private mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical needs becomes the central focus each Initiate, in regards to self progression. Therefore, all religions, all gods, all magic, and whatever tools each individual initiate needs is used to further his personal progression. In this way one Initiates Satanism will most time be very different from another. The reason being that we are all unique individuals, with our own level of education, understanding, and capacity to comprehend abstract and esoteric thoughts.
By Synergic Satanism it is meant the combined effort of each of our individual Satanists focused towards a common or collective cause. The combined force of the whole, being greater than an individual unit, and would therefore be able to accomplish more. SATAN Satan within the WSA is given the ambiguous definition of a ubiquitous force of nature. This force is like an ocean which condenses and coagulates into ice burgs. The ice burgs symbolizing the physical universe. Or this universal essence can be envisioned as the base of a triangle, which gradually tapers into a coherently concentrated point. The point being the physical universe. Although the point is a mere fraction of the whole, it is a condensation, coagulation, or concentration of the said supernal substance. In this way everything physical is a manifestation of Satan, including ones fellow creatures. Satan is the ubiquitous force of Life itself which permeates all that is. To adore the Living, is to adore Life. Worship and adoration of Satan within the WSA is not done through dark ceremonies of reverse Christian rituals and liturgy. Ones love and devotion to Satan is expressed in action, deed, and word towards those significant individuals in ones life; and the love and adoration of physical existence itself. In other words to adore and kneel your heart before what you see and deem to be beautiful in your eyes; be it a mother, daughter, son, brother, sister, lover, pet, the crease of a saffron robe, a rose, or pile of rocks; is to adore and worship Satan Himself. MAN AS ANIMAL The WSA holds that man is an indivisible part of nature. By nature or the Natural World we mean to say the natural reality outside the walls of human urban civilization. Human urban civilization is the great illusion and lie. It is the very ground upon which the three of religion and politics both take root. Both religion and politics are tools for domesticating and controlling mankind. It is not enough to shake a fist at religions and political ideals or society and the Herd, all the while having ones mind completely entranced by the illusion of the man made urban prison. Man as an animal is feral in spirit and born free. It is his city and the social synergy of this prison, which he was born and raised in, which is the only reality his mind knows; that must be overcome and transcended, if Liberation and Illumination is to be achieved. The Progressive Satanist is a slave inside a prison and the walls of this prison is his own mind, which gives reality to the illusion of the urban jungle. He must awaken from this dream, and climb those walls to his freedom to return to a feral existence once more. FAUSTIAN SOUL Dr Johannes Faustus lived during the earlier part of the 16th Century, his birth place Weimer, Germany. A Doctor of Divinity, he rejected theology in favour of medicine, mathematics, astrology and the Black Arts. Prof. R.S. Knox, in his introduction to the 1924 edition of Marlowes play (written in 1588) writes of Fausts refusal to abide within
the bounds prescribed for mortals, impatient with mortal knowledge and resolved to seek further by Satans aid. Thus did he enter into a pact with Satan in the pursuit of his insatiable lust for knowledge. Faust strove to gain deity; as Marlowe states it: A sound magician is a mighty god. A passionate struggle to reach beyond the grasp of ordinary mortals the goal which Faustus strives to attain is godhead. The theme was to be taken up by Goethe and Spengler, and Nietzsches philosophy of reaching towards the Over Man is Faustian in spirit. Professor R.S. Knoxs description of the Faustian soul states: The Faustus legend becomes for us a symbol of humanitys splendid struggle to reach for the stars, the tragedy of infinite aspiration. It should be natural for something calling itself Progressive to be essentially Faustian. We cannot speak for all mankind, but those of us in the WSA hold the idea of evolution and progression to be an essential aspect of nature. It is not enough for us to break free from the system, to become illuminated, and live in tune with the natural world. We have an innate desire, pulling, or yearning to one day take to the stars, which is the ultimate objective and destiny of our people. But the fulfillment of this Destiny will take many generations to manifest. It will take a coherency of our people, organized into a cohesive collective all working, in our own way to do what we can for the objectives. It will require the passing of our Way, Tradition, and Objectives down to our progeny across the ages. It will require a deep and propound understanding of Chronomorphic Incubation which our parent Freemason is adept with, and a deep and practical understanding of Aeonics which our parent the ONA is adept with. It will require our Acception to embrace science, the study and application of it, instead the empty imagery and fantasy of the magic and doctrines of those aimless satanic systems. It will require money and our Acception becoming experts in this field as it will be in science. It must all begin now. All the work that we will do is for our unborn in hopes that they will inherit a world there long dead ancestors had magically put into motion on some autumn season beneath Dabih. Our Acception since its humble beginings has become a mystic quest for liberation, and a quest for personal progression. Every tool and mythos at each members disposal is utilized. Nothing is rejected. From this simple and humble beginning from the wombs of each sister from the bloodline of each brother and sister as time passes the Acception shall brood and incubate in silence amongst themselves, to one day give birth to an Empire. There are Nine Fundamentals, together with the Ten Proclamations found in another Chapter, constitutes the Foundation of our system. Our Nine Foundations are written out in plain every day English for even those most stupid to understand. They are as follows: THE TEN PROCLAMATIONS OF 352
1) I Proclaim that I am the center of my own universe; I exalt myself as my own personal Deity, in progression to Godhood. 2) I Proclaim that I am a unique manifestation of ubiquitous Supernal Light in physical expression; which also manifests itself as everything and everyone around me. 3) I Proclaim that I am a being in the state of evolution, that I cannot stand still or I shall die, but rather I must Progress, and whatever gods, magic, religions, and tools I can use towards this end shall only help me evolve into the Ubermensch. 4) I Proclaim the supremacy of mind over matter. That my Will and Intent, fueled with Imagination, Passion and Determination has the power to alter and change my reality accordingly. 5) I Proclaim my belief in the Dark Force of Nature; dark because it has never been brought into the light of understanding; whom I personally identify as Satan. 6) I Proclaim that Nature, in all its manifestations, is the One Great Book of Illumination, written by the hand of Satan as my law and guide to Enlightenment. 7) I Proclaim my belief in the Power and Might of One, in the Brotherhood of Man, the Sisterhood of Woman; the Collective of Our Family, over the segregated mass. 8 ) I Proclaim that I am awakened and realize that I am a 90 Percenter, a slave to the 10 Percent who own 90 percent of the wealth; who are my true enemy, who usurped the sovereignty of my ancestors to gain their dominion. 9) I Proclaim my ultimate Freedom and Liberation from this prison and slavery; and will do all in my power to obtain this Freedom and Liberation. 10) I Proclaim the sanctity and ecstasy of Mortal Existence; that the Law of Life is Do What Thou Wilt and nothing more but to Love and be Loved in return. THE NINE FUNDAMENTALS OF 352 1- The Black Book of Satan, Naos, and other Order of Nine Angles manuscripts written by Anton Long is official text of our People. AS IS Brothers and Bitches. Dont nobody here give a fuck if Anton Long was David Myatt or if ONA is real or not? The shits got value, and the OGs of our Tribe incorporated it into our system, and practice it. These books are like road maps. You can beat and thump on it all day and study every minute fucking detail of the map down to the letter; but you still aint never gunna compare to the map illiterate person who LIVES inside a ciy, and experiences it directly. I can barely read a map of the city I live in myself, but if you came to my city, I would be able to show you around to places and people that aint on the map.
2- Opus Vrilis is one of our Peoples Books. The whole fucken thing, from the first chapter to the last, AS FUCKING IS Bitches and Brothers! Now you can argue that Anton LaVey didnt mean what he said in the Satanic Bible, and interpret it your fucking way, and that might be cool with whatever tribe your associating with cuz the mutherfucker is dead and cant explain himself. But Caligula is fucking alive. He wrote the fucking shit AS IS. It aint the Constitution, and we aint Federal Lawyers Family! If your reading this shit and your getting something completely different from the rest of us, then something wrong with your ass! You need to go back to school and learn to read, or you thinking to fucking much and seeing words and letters that arent there. 3- The first two Fundamental are themselves only Commentaries of the Great Book of Nature. The Book of Nature isnt some fuck pile of paper with a black cover. Its the fucking shit outside your fucking window. Its the shit outside your piece of shit head. More specifically its the Nature outside the city. Your fucking brain was born and raised in the Urban Illusion. Conditioned to see things from a fucking man-made perspective. That man-made shit isnt fucking Real. The Real shit is what is left when cities and states are gone. get the fuck out of your heads. overcome your fucking conditioning, and reconnect your asses back with what was, is, and will always be Real. The rest of what has to be said concerning Our Way is based on our Three Sources, read em and check it: 4- When we say progression we dont mean everybodys progression. Fuck everybody. We mean each of us 352er has a duty of personal self progression to execute. Think for your fucking self, dont just tree hug a book and stay in one place. Read the shit, take what you need, and fucking MOVE. Grow man. If your Satanism and understandings of the world is the same today as it was last week, then you aint Progressive, and something fucking wrong with you! Your ass is gunna get run over by those of us who are moving forward. Forward to what you might ask? To fucking self Liberation and Enlightenment; says Caligula. 5- Liberation from what? From religious and state control and laws man, as stated by Opus Vrilis. What the fuck does that mean? It mean fuck religion, and fuck the state too. It means fuck morals, and also, fuck secular laws. It means if you want to work on the Sabbath, go right fucking ahead and break that law if it liberates your ass. It means if you think jay walking is gunna help liberate your ass then jay walk man. Rape, murder, robbery, go fucking ahead. But if you get caught, you a stupid mutherfucker. If it liberates you, and you can get away with it, by all fucking means do it. If this shit benefits you and feeds your family, do it. Do I we condone violence and or crime? Where the fuck did I said that at? These actions are a fuckin means to an END dipshit. The end being the understanding that like religious laws, state laws are an illusion and a fetter. Its like the little elephant that is raised chained by the leg to a fuckin pole all his damn fucking life. When that elephant grows up, you can tie a weak as string to its leg and it wont resist or try to break free from its fetter, because it believes in the illusion it was raised within. If you can practice intense day dreaming and or live through other
vicariously to experience breaking state fetters and it will full fill the same END result for your ass, then do it that way. 6- Enlightenment, like what? It means the fucking answer aint in Satanism dumbass. Our Satanism is a practical, pragmatic, applicable tool to actualize Enlightenment. It means put the fucking book down, get the hell out of your house, and go fucking DO SOMETHING for the experience and actively grow your enlightenment. This shit grows like a fuckin fruit on a tree from the experience you collect in life. Direct fucking experience. Face to face. Put your ass in the middle of Nature and Life and LIVE the mutherfucker. Wisdom grows from experience. Knowledge is collected from books. If Enlightenment can be found in a book or religion, than every literate, religious mutherfucker out there should have found it; but guess what, they didnt. Religion, theology, and politics has never lead anybody to Enlightenment. Not since the history of mankind. Did the Buddha find Enlightenment? Yeah. Was he in a religion or reading a book? No, he was in the fucking forest, in the middle of nature. His followers founded Buddhism. Has any of his followers found Enlightenment? Nature, as Opus Vrilis states is our Great Source of Light. The reading of Nature is called Science. Observation, Experimentation, Critical Thinking, Commonsense, and Intuition are all tools needed to read this fucking Great Source which is Nature in all its cosmic and earthly manifestations. Our way is based not on stupid shit like spirits and demons; its based on fucking Science. If what your beliefs contradicts Nature and Science, then you a stupid mutherfucker, and you need to go join a Dungeons and Dragons Coven or something cuz you dont got the mental capacity to hang with this group. If the descriptor Primal Naturalism dont seem to describe your Satanism, then you can leave. 7- Opus Vrilis says nobody in our system give a shit what you believe. Nobody care about your fucking opinions or convictions. Thats your shit, and you need to keep that shit to yourself, and push it aside. Because opinions and convictions of a religious and political nature doesnt do shit but divide us and give birth to war. And this aint cool with us. Why? Because our Acception was built and designed to be a fucking Tribe or coherent cooperative with a future goal and purpose, and if we all cant get along in our Acception, we aint getting shit done. What the fuck is a belief worth, if it dont feed you or get shit done? If you aint into Tribalism and collective social order, than this shit isnt for you, nobody asked you to come here. Nobodys assimilating you, leave! Our shit is a Family, and everybody needs to be of that mentality, or you dont belong man. We do things as a group. If somebody in the Family hates an outsider, we all hate the mutherfucker. If a brother or sister got an enemy, that enemy is an enemy to all of us. If someone in the family shares an opinion that you dont agree with shut the fuck up and dont be instigating inside fights. Arguing and debating on intangible opinions dont make fucking money or feed your ass. Stop that shit. Outsiders do that shit. The more divided we are, the easier it is for outsiders to control and conquer us. 8- Profane Satanist in the profane world outside our Acception: Fuck em. Do they feed you? Do they got your back? Will they be there fore you when you need some money to pay your rent? They aint any better than any other outsider. Why? Cuz them mutherfucker dont give a shit about you or your personal family. They are worthless.
The only value they have to our Acception is how we can use each of them to our Peoples profit and benefit. Its a dog eat dog world man. With us being tight and organized, and the Profane all separated, segregated, individualized, they all easy PREY. Fuck em. Its the Law of Nature. This is Our Way. If you aint down with it, get the fuck out. 9- Whats this shit all about? Its about money. Its about knowing that 90 percent of the wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the Profane Population. Its about realizing that we all in the same fucking shit hole every other 90 percenter is in. Dont fucking matter if your black, white, Asian, Mexican, straight, gay, Christian, or Satanists. You will go to their schools, learn their teaching, use their money, get into debt under them, and spend the rest of your fucking life working to house them and feed their children. And when you die for your life long slavery, your children will take your fucking place to slave and serve their children. Its about waking the fuck up to this understanding, banding together and helping each other out of this fucking hell hole thru financial independence by any means necessary. Just us, the rest of them mutherfucken hole-moles can eat shit and die for all we care, or use them.
picture and turn it into the entire world you have come to know? From where do your thoughts come? Did you think of them, or are you just observing the passing of thoughts, which arose from some mysterious source? Who speaks your words? Where do they come from? Do you think of the next word you will speak, or are you merely a vessel for The Speaker? This is an easy and simple rite of devotion. The words used may seem strange and foreign to a Satanist; but our Way, is an uncommon way, whose aim is to reconnect each of its initiates to the very source of creation; and not to shower his mind with dark imagery and shadows. Preferable preformed in nature, or before a personal altar. The initiate sits quietly becoming mindful of his body. Expand your mindfulness and become aware of your surroundings. Now shrink yourself to the size of an atom in your minds eye, and realize there is no true separation between you and the world around you. The air outside, and the air inside your lungs and blood is a single continuous substance; your flesh and skin seemlessly merges with everything; and the vitality, force, and electricity that flows and gives life to each particle of your body is the same continuous sea of life and energy that feeds the stars and galaxies around you. Move and expand your awareness now to cover the entire earth; expand it to cover the whole galaxy, and swirl with it. Now say these very simple words, repeat them: The Only Way To Adore Life Is To Adore The Living. Say this as an emotion expressed through words and feel it; rather than words expressing an opinion. Do not be judgmental or critical, just say and feel. Repeat these words over and over like a mantra, keeping your mind focused on the center of the galaxy. Soon after repeating this mantra for a while you will get to that state of mind where these words seem to either have no meaning. Once you have come to this state of mind continue saying, holding onto the feeling; and search for the source of the words. Where are these words coming from? Its source is the darkness and mystery that surrounds us. Hear these words like a pulsating vibration, pregnant with emotion emanating from the center of this darkness and through your mouth. Continue this until you realize that these are not your words, but the words of an all pervasive intelligence which adores all of its parts. This intelligence may be likened to an ocean of energy, and the physical universe the tip of an ice burg upon this ocean. It is symbolized by the triangle, the majority of the base being intangible energy gradually concentrating itself to a single cohesive point. This single point is the cosmos, which is this Life Force, manifested before you to be adored. All things in nature yearns to be adored, noticed, and loved. Why else would color blind fish have the most beautiful color? Why else would a noseless rose have its beautiful fragrance? And why would everything around you vanish when you stand before the nubile body of panting naked flesh lost in her curves. Now take some flowers, roses perhaps. Smell them, feel them, see them; and ask why they have their sent, color, and texture; then offer them to the Deity; by whatever name
and image you have of It. Say: I adore (-) with these Flowers; With vibrant color, soft texture, and a sweet smell, yet no nose, skin, or eye to adore themselves. Flowers that today are fresh and sweetly blooming, Flowers that tomorrow are faded and fallen. My body too, like flowers, will pass away. As I offer these Flowers, may I be reminded that the One Supernal Light beneath all things yearns to be adored; and in the flesh of those nearest and dearest to me is the Supernal Light purely manifested Take some candles, write upon them the name and or sigil of the Deity as you understand it. Light these candles and say: I adore (-) with these Candles; To him who is Supernal Light, I offer this light. From his greater lamp a lesser lamp we light within us. The light of (Lucifer) shining within our hearts, reminding me that we are all One Supernal Light in physical manifestation. Take some incense, place them over a piece of paper with the name and sigil of the Deity, as you understand It. Light the Incense and say: I adore (Lucifer) with this Incense; an emblem of a pure heart, which is my offering; and as this glows with fervent heat, so will my heart continually glow with gratitude to the great and beneficent Author of my existence, for the manifold gifts and comforts I enjoy. Remain in silence for a while. You may preform any additional prayers, or acts of devotion at this moment. Then leave venturing off into the world, with a different perspective and awareness. Smile knowing that you are taken care of by the Deity, whose parts and pieces surround you -those people youve never noticed before. Every body is the Deitys body; every arm The Deitys arm; every embrace, the caress of The Deity. All that you ever want and need is given to you by The Deity, if you would just ask and trust that is will be given not from out of the sky or magically from nothing, but through the parts and portions of The Deity that surrounds you. The circumstances will change the situation will altar the coincidences will come the people will react watch for it. If you were to imagine two stray dogs. One frothing at the mouth, defeated by life he has a mean look upon his face, his teeth are showing, and his eyes invokes fear. He hate the world for rejecting him, and hates the people that walk by, never realizing who they are. His companion on the other hand smiles with his eyes, wags his tail, and greets everyone that walks by him. Ask yourself which of these dogs will starve, and which is nurtured by Life; and ask yourself which one of these dogs is you. This thing we feebly refer to as Deity is something not to be intellectualized or philosophized, but experienced as one would experience an Ordeal. Gaining an understanding of it comes from having directly experienced its by-product, and having studied Nature in all her arts and parts. In the same way that the unimaginable complexity of the human body is a symphony of mystery of an unseen subconscious mind; so is the Cosmos a symphony of mystery of an unseen essence that can only be experienced. Think about these things for a while my brothers and sisters. Preform this Rite of Devotion regularly; reconnect yourself with that which you have lost; and find your way home.
content while our fellow creatures around us are in want, especially when it is in our power to relieve them. When we take a survey of nature, we view man in his infancy, more helpless and indigent than the brute creation; he lies there languished for days, months, and years, totally incapable of providing sustenance for himself, of guarding against the attack of the wild beasts of the field, or sheltering himself from the inclemencies of the weather. It might have pleased the Great Principle of Life to have made man independent of all other beings and those around him as a solitary reptile is; but as dependence is one of the strongest bonds of society, mankind were created dependent on each other for protection, survival and security, as they thereby enjoy better opportunities of fulfilling the duties of reciprocal love and friendship. Thus was man formed for social, active and tribal life, the noblest part of the work of creation the most purest way to pay adoration to the Supreme Darkness, whom we all adore; and he that will so demean himself as not to be endeavoring to add to the common stock of knowledge and understanding, may be deemed a Drone in the Hive of Nature, a useless member of society, unworthy of our affection and protection. When the tribe is divided and segregated into individualized units programmed into living a solitary life of self reliance and untrusting of those around him, seeing them as competition or resources of exploitation, he is weakened. Weakened as a sole unit, he is open prey for those more collective than he the governments; the priests; the education system; the corporations; the 10 Percenters. He becomes cattle for them, and his city becomes nothing more than a cattle ranch. He is powerless and will be exploited until he is to old to be of any use; and where will he end up then? Do you really believe that they will glorify and honor your labor and service to them when you have grown old? Do you think they will praise you for making them rich? When you have fought their wars? Built the foundations of their corporate empires? Voted them into office? Where will you and your family be, when they have become rich and powerful, off your life long enslavement? In a nursing home, forgotten; and when you die, it will be as if you never existed at all. But your life long labor for them has made their children all the more wealthy and powerful, and your children will be a slave to them, as you were all your life. And there are some, my brothers and sisters among the cattle of the urban gods that glorify their individuality, like something to be admired and worked for. Some of us may have more experience in life, some may be more wiser, and some that are young in mind will need more Light. Let these luminous brothers and sisters guide the young Germins for a while and teach them to Boldly Stand Erect on their own and think for themselves, never to embrace any doctrine or book as the final word and message. But teach them to think, and travel that path, onward to personal evolution. In the end Life itself is our only Doctrine. But the young Germs must learn to realize the great importance of our brotherhood and union. The young Germs must understand that those outside our Hive do not care for him
nor his family or children. He must understand that they will not love him, help him, relieve him of his needs, empathize with his condition in life, and care for him. Those urbanite drones outside our Hive couldnt give a shit if you died the next day. But we, his brethren and sisters, who have bond ourselves married ourselves to him, by taking our oaths and drinking that bitter Red Rum, live and die for him, for nothing more than the return of this act of love and devotion. This is the living essence of our Acception. This draws the line between us and them. Not the library of dead letters and books we compile and hoard in our shelves and minds. Ponder upon this for a while my brothers and sisters, and understand why we have come together; why we boldly represent our association and blood bonds with vicious fervency.
What are the 3 required factors of distrupting a social order such as a state or city? What are the steps needed to disrupt its coherency into chaos for the purpose of regenerating it into a new social order according to the will of the adept? The First is called the Distortion Factor. The Distortion Factor is any means, method or tool that is introduced into a coherent system to cause Disruption of that coherency. this can be illustrated by piercing a nail into a galss window. The windo is a coherent, crystalized structure. The tip of the nail is introduced into this structure which causes it to fracture. The fracturing affect is the Distortion where its coherency is fractured, thus making the window weak. The Second factor is Disruption. It is the coherency of the glass cracking. Disruption is anything which cracks the coherent bond of the target social order. Such as racial tention, or economic frustration. When done right, with enough force, Disruption annihilates social coherency and manifests chaos and instablity. This is called the Weak Point, which is the most critical period in destorying the said target social order. The Weak Point is not the end, it is only a sign post to inform you to keep going further and to keep applyng force because the end is near. Then what? Then comes Order. To take that chaos and regenerate it into a new order, according to the will and design of the Master Architect. This is the same basic three step process that created the civilization of the United States of America, and vertually every civilization known. What we see as revolutions and war, is only Primal Nature in physical motion. But says the perceptive: States and cities arent the only social orders. Wherever there is more than one person, there is a social order. It doesnt matter what it is exoterically called, whether it is a club, web forum, political party, or religion, it is all social order, and psyt cherency. The same three step plan of attact and tactics works in all cases. So to study and come to a deep understanding of how primal nature works, we can use what we learn from Her to regenerate and establish new orders out of old ones. Which brings me to this present writing. In previous writings we intoduces Distortion Factors into the coherent fabric of the ONA. This writing is the Disruption factor. The cracks have been made, now to pound it into piece. When working to disrupt sociey in the real world, one uses physical tools and people at your disposal. When disrupting a memetic system such as a religion, one uses new or alien memes. These memes infect minds that resonant with it, causing those minds to defect from the old way, and to assimilate into the new way. Thus, a new order takes form to bring the target fractured social order to its Weak Point; producing regeneration. Let the revilution then, commence. If the ONA doesnt change, find equilibrium, and update it system to the 21st century it is doomed to die out eventually. The main problem with the ONA right now is that it is to too heavily contaminated with testoterone and it lacks perspective of primal nature. What do I mean by that? I mean 99.99% of this Nine Angles Tradition is all boys.
What is a boy? A boy basically starts of his life as an X chromosome egg and a Y chromosome sperm. This Y chromosome is the smallest chromosome in existance. In fact the Y chromosome only has about 75 genes in it. These 75 genes in turn are palindromal. A palindrome is a sequence of letters, numbers, or digits which is the same backwards, as it is forwards such as the example: ABBA. If you look closely, you will notice that ABBA is actually a mirror image of only two letters: A & B. Thats what the Y chromosome is. It really isnt even 75 genes, in actuality it is only about 37 puny genes that puffs itself up to make it look bigger. In the same way that boys usually puff up their egos, muscles, and lie about their penis size to make them look bigger and more important. Like we care even. This Y chromosome really doesnt do anything but tell the boys body to make testicles and manufacture a hormone called Testosterone; and it passes color blinded down to sons. What does this mean? It means that boy live life and grow up totally intoxicated with testosterone or is always under the influence of the hormone. It means everything the boy sees, he sees with boy eyes, under the influence of this hormone. It means whatever he absorbs of life and nature into his inflence mind, he interprets with a boy brain. It means that we girls arent boys, and that we dont percieve or live life, or understand life intoxicaed with testosterone. Its like a boy is always drunk on beer, and he thinks we girls see the whole world with drunk eyes like him. The nature he sees and understands is not the same nature a girls feels and understands. Baphomet thus, has two faces, one she shows to her sons, and one seen by her daughters. Why is it even important to talk about the differences between boys and girls? Well, considering that boys and girls make up the entire human species, if we learn to understand our basic primal natures, could we not use that information to our advantage in the art of manipulation and glamour? Couldnt we learn to use that information to help disrupt social order? Couldnt we also use that information to be more successful in life and establish stronger bonds and more fullfilling relationships? Isnt that what life is essentially about? We are born into causal existence completely immersed in relationships of different kinds, and within social order. The difference between a boy and a girl starts off as soon as we are born. Us girls while were being breast fed or held, look at our mothers faces more often then boys, whereas boys more often look around to anylize his surroundings. This is the basic primal difference between the two genders. The girl stares at her mothers face more often because she is emotionally, hormonally, and physchologically programmed for social awareness, and social bonding. The boy looks around observing his environment more often because he is emotionally, hormonally, and phycholohically programmed to me more territorially aware, and for territorial behavior. When these boys and girls learn to walk, and we place them in a room together with toys. That primal coding affects their behavior, actions, and methods of interaction. The girls will most of the time instinctively play with the dolls. While the boys play with toy trucks or other items of private possession. Why? That doll to a girl is a surogate other person with which she practices her primal coding of social bonding. While the boys take the
more private possession-like toys because the accumulation of material goods and property is a fundamental aspect of territorialism. Observe closely and you will also notice all the girls tend to group closer together and end up playing with each other; while the boys independetly play with their toys with a possessive nature or bond to the toy. Girls bond with each other and boys bond with their property. Give these little girls and boys paper and crayons and let them draw and we see this basic primal nature again. girls draw mommies, daddies, pet dogs, and horses; all having to do with emotional bonds, and relaionships. While boys draw cars and trcks things that can be possesed. When boys and girls are older and we observe them at play on the playground, we can see a further developement of these two primal natures in affect. How do little boys play? They play fight. They pick up sticks and sword fight, or they play wrestle. They become possessive of items on the play ground like the swing set or the sand box. I know, I remember. And they defend their swing set and sand box from other boys they dont like. Where are the girls on a play ground? Were somewhere in the corner with each other talking of playing with dolls. Boys are territorial, posessive, and competitive by nature. This nature isnt girl nature. It doesnt matter where you then put a boy in live, whether he is in politics, the army, a corporation, or a religion. Boys will be boys, and they will alwasy do boy things. If the boys are in a religion, they will use it compete with, fight with, and accumulate possessions with. Why? What has every great war from the Trojan war to the Mahabarata of ancient India ever been fought for? Women. We see this more clearly in the baser animal kingdoms. Take a pride of lions for instance. A pride of lions consists of usually an Alpha Male and his herem of females lionesses. The boy lion is only concerned over his territory; defending it from competition, and expanding it for more resources. The female lions are more concern over the social bond of the pride, maintaining the social orer, and regenerating that social order by giving birth to new lions. But why does the alpha male get all the girls? Because the primal survival insticint of a female is Security. The feeling of being secure knowing that we are safe to continue surviviving without being harmed and that our offspring will be safe also. These alpha males, because they control a given territory offers that needed Security for a fair exchange of course. The males primal survival instinct is Replication. To breed with as many healthy girls as possible to pass his Noble Genes down and to make sure those offspring are all his. it is not the land or possessions of a male, nor how he looks that primally and sexually attracts a girl to a man, it is his glamour of Confidence that he can provide and satisfy the need for Security. Boys are primally and sexually attracted to pretty girls because beauty is a visual signifier of biological and genetic health. When a female animal encounters a male that is alpha status, she yields and submits by her very nature to him, giving herself to him in exchange for security.
But then, why do secondary ranking guys those who are not alpha males, choose to support and follow an alpha male? In 352 we call this the Trickle Down Affect. The alpha males glamour of confidence and alphamaleness trickles down to his supporters and associates, thus making them appear to be just as confident and attractive to the females in that group. We are essentially a refection of who we associate with in live. The alpha males allows his associates to have the second class females that he doesnt want, in exchange for the support. We see this Trickle Down Affect in the world of music. Rock stars are modern alpha males because the success in life they have achieved from a girls persective offers much security, therefore they become very attractive. It doesnt matter how they look to a girl. Just as a guy cannot help but be physically attracted to a girl for her looks, a girl cannot help but be attracted to a guy for the level of confidence he has. So these rock stars have girl groupies who would be more than willing to yeild and submit themselves up for security. The rock stars associates gets residual glamour from the rock star and in turn looks good. This is the fault of satanism. It is masulinized and contaminated with testosterone. It rejects primal feminine principles of social bonding, condemning it as bad and conformity. It claims to be based on human nature, but is just as far removed from that primal nature as Christianity. This is what makes satanism a weak religon, and why Christianity has members in the billion. Because the world great religions utilizes the social drive of mankind as its central essence. What goes on in a church, a synagogue, a mosque, or a Buddhist Temple? Social interaction. So we learn that girls are naturally attracted to a man not because he has big muscles, or even a big house, but because he appears (glamour) to have the confidence to make her feel secure in life. Confidense is the first and biggest turn on for a normal girl. But who cares you ask? So what? Knowing this stuff is the difference not only in you getting laid or masturbating alone; it also if you work it right, lead you you fame and fortune. We can see this primal principle being applied in real life in the presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain. This example will also show how stupid men confuse ego for confidence. What exactly first does confidence mean in the eyes of a girl? It is the appearence that you know what you want, how you want it, and how to get it. A quick example that any girl will understand is riding in a car with a male friend of boyfriend. If the guy is confident, he just puts the girl in the car, take control of the situation, and just drives her somewhere. Thats confidence, and its attractive. A guy who is INSECURE and lack confidence when he puts a girl in his car shows in feebleness by asking: So, where do you want to go what do you feel like doing? Its a simple question, and to the guy it might think hes saying: I want to make you happy, so we can do whatever you want, because I love you and just being with you makes me happy. But to a girls ears she hears: I suck. I am a loser. I am insecure. I dont even know where to take you or what to do with you.
Barack Obama knew how to work his glamour to appear completely confident. He made his statements and stuck by them. He speaks with a voice that vibrates with self confidence. He looks and uses his eyes emiting confidence from them light beams. His thinking process is determination. He knows how to take control of the situation, and never shows any signs of insecurities. His glmaour is contagious and hypnotic, like the glamour of Hilter in those old days were Hitler just exuded hypnotic confidence into the German Folk to entrance them and captivate their collective attention, hearts, and minds. This is the quality of a winner or an alpha male, and the source of sheer power. John Mccain sucked. He lack any kind of confdence. Instead, he compensated his lack for a confidnt self image and glamour for ego. All he did was talk about himself: I was in Vietnam I was a P.O.W. I did this I did that and he said these things in a voice that showed in insecurities. his mind and thingking process was indecisive. He couldnt make up his maind about his statements and opinions. The way he stands and his body language showed his lack of confidence. He avoided eye contact. Why is eye contact important and associated with confidence? Because when two male animals face each other to fight over territory they make eye contact and the insecure one breaks that eye contact and looks away. lack of eye contact expresses a lack of confidence and insecurity. Eye contact is the second most attractive quality in a man for a girl. The more eye contact he makes with her, the sexier he makes himself appear to her. Establishing eye contact with secondary males establishes rank and class sturcture, and those with cofidence sheds that glamour thru their eyes to their associates. John Mccain lost because he didnt understand primal human nature. Because he didnt convince men that he had the confidence of an alpha male to share with them as associates, so he lost support, and he didnt know how to make himself look attractive to women to gain their vote. If you were a secondary ranking male, who would you support a male who was confident enough to insure power for your group, or a male that is a loser? Who the hell wants to follow a loser? For what? So we see here that Nature rewards her sons who struggles and fights to the top with the coveted gift of power, dominion, and women, which rightfully belongs to them. Their fitness to climb human order to the top of the piles makes their genes of noble quality, which Nature desires to propagate to Her next generations. Thus the Great Mother to men rightly appears as a dark, bloodthirsty Kali, who demands ruthless might and blood shed. None of the greatest men that ever walked this earth achieved that might and power with out bloodshed, spilled to the ground as an Opfer to the Dark Mother. How many men fell victim to the sword of Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan that they would be immortalized amung the greatest humans to ever grace or race? How many lives did Hitler, Lenin, Moa, and Washinton Opfer up to the Dark Goddess to manifest their civilizations and recieve their reward of immortal fame and supreme power? But this same Goddess shows herself to her daughter in a different manifestation. To Her daughters, who were made in Her likeness, she is Sophia, the Mother of Wisdom. For when we girls understand the mysteries of Her Pimal Nature, we have but to yield and appear to submit and She rewards us with those same foolish men that struggled and
faught for glory, and their entire estate. You see, Alexander the Great may have fought, sluaghtered, and struggled his way to the top, but all Roxanna had to do was yield and appear to submit to control his heart and his entire empire. Yielding and submition, in the mind of a man rightly is associated with weakness. Because when a man yields and submits, to whom does he yield to? Another man. But when a girl yields and submits, its to the alpha male, not because she challenged his territorial authority, but because she desires security and because she has something he needs, which she will give up for a very large price his life, devotion, and all that he has ever worked for. Baphomet favores Her Daughters. Thus in 352 we say that Baphomet is only an outer name and form. But when you translate those letters thru the Atbash Cipher we come to a more hidded name: Sophia. Which is Wisdom, more softer, more beautiful, and yielding to Her Children. This is to say that Nature has two faces. One that is of bloodthirsty might, progression and survival; but those who study Her and gains an understanding of her primal mysteries becomes Wise; and with that Wisdom procures Her coveted gifts. This balance which we have brought in 352 to Baphomet must then in be expressed in word also. The masculinized Agios O Baphomet is no longer valid and the feminine form: Agia H Baphomet is used by us who understand Her feminine mysteries, Her Wisdom, Her undying bond to Her Children; and the Power She has over men. May She bless this Nexion of ours with abundance of sisters and brothers, an indisoluable social bond, and fruitful endeavors. Agia H Baphomet
With civilization, kingdoms, and republics, comes armies, and laws forced down peoples throats with threats of imprisonment. Here the subjugation of womankind begins. All to secure their monopoly of power and control. If there is any single weapon powerful enough to bring down the worlds religions and civilizations it is woman. She gives birth to men. She nurses him and raises him. On her lap language and custom is learned. She passes human civilization down through the generations. She is the obsessive object of desire for men in their mature age. She is all they think about and work for. When he is old it is She who cares for him. And when he dies, it is She who cries for him. Suffice it to say women are the very center, meaning, and purpose of life and existence. In his brief mortal existence only two things exist for man which needs preacher to teach, nor scientist to validate: Death and Women. These two are his only two choices in life to either embrace death or women. She is at once the Temple of worship and adoration; the Doctrine of liberation; and the only true primordial religion which needs no book or priest to teach. Every curve and crease; every breath and pant; every luscious movement and quiver of her lips is a message and creed, with the power to bring the most powerful men and chaste priest on his knees, causing them to forget their kingdoms and gods. Even bringing them into war. Her very presence and beauty is a primal commandment no man can disobey. She is all that is worth living for, all that is worth fighting for, all that has ever been fought for, and she is the living key to the liberation of mankind. If Lucifers light is to illuminate humanity, it will be through women, for nothing good has ever come out of men. And what would this world look like if women and sex were truly free and liberated? What man would renounce this world for a reward in the hereafter when there is a panting heap of flesh before him? What religion would be able to compete with sex? What laws would be able to compete with the primordial law of sex and women? It is no coincidence that in this day and age when women are more freer and sex more acceptable, that churches are dwindling; and countries are becoming more cynical with religion. If this Acception is to achieve any greatness in the future, it should be wise to embrace womankind and give them full liberation. Place them once more where they truly belong at the center of humanity. Let them be glorified, and let sex in all its manifestations and pleasures be glorified. For us, there is no religion beyond the doctrine of woman. Everything that we believe; everything that is natural and Satanic; is written in her flesh and breath.
being. It is the source of all intelligence, and of all physical, social, mental, emtional, spiritual, scientific, and artistic achievement and advancement. In different ages of humanitys progression, man has in some measure realized the existence of this force, but not until now has man been able to understand it completely. Man has recognized the existence of this power or force, and have given it various names. Biology says it is Life, Physics and metaphysics calls it Thought or Etheric Energy, while philosophy describes it as an infinaite energy from which all things proceed. This force is symbolized by Azagthoth who is at the center of creation. Azagthoth corresponds with the color White and a Star within the mythos of the Acception. The Mind as Yug-Sothoth channels and irrigates Azagthoth which is blind and indiscriminately gives form and life to our thoughts. In this way creation is unceasing and continuous, and we each take a very active part in the creation of the world we live in. Satanic Mentalism is the Satanic use of this force and power for personal gain, personal progression, at the expense of others, in accordance with the Law of Might Is Right. He who is mighty in mind, has the ultimate power. On a hardcore level; that is in the physical world of nature; Satanic Mentalism begins with Thought. What one thinks gives rise to and controls ones Emotions. These emotions governs and influences ones actions. These actions in turn produces hardcore results. When these three are in agreement and resonate with each other reality will submit and bend to Will. In other words the mind is like a magic mirror, what images you hold in it, will ultimately manifest for you to experience; whether positive or negative. On a softcore level; that is on an intangible metaphysical level; Satanic Mentalism is the harmony and resonance of the three most powerful faculties of the Mind: Thought; Etheirc Energy; and Will. Thought is the intelligence and expression of Mind. Etheric Energy is the force or vibration generated by the Mind by the process of thinking. It is upon this force that Thought travels from the Mind to their destination. Will is the operator; director; dispatcher; and tuner of Etheric Vibration. The stronger the Will, the more fine tuned and potent the Etheric Vibration. Thought produces energy, energy creates force, which in turn produces action and motion. Just as the Mind can emit influential thoughts out, it can also receive and be influence by thought emissions from other minds. Minds that are weak or in harmony or in tune with certain thought vibrations absorb these emissions, like a computer uploading software, falls under its influence, and acts accordingly. A prime example to study are economically deprived inner cities. In want of creature comfort and material possessions which they cannot afford, these inner city dwellers most often will engage in illegal business to generate a source they are deprived of: money. This mentality or criminal Intention (Will) hovers in this area as a thought form fed by the activities and etheric energy of the minds that created it. This thought form or etheric field will influence all weak minds thats comes within its field of influence. The
etheric field then becomes a pseudoliving organism turning the inner city into a mother or factory of people infected with criminal intentions. Within such an area a person perceptible enough will be able to sense this etheric field and feel its attempts to influence the observers mind. This observer will be able to feel the psychological and mental force he needs to exert to resist being consumed by this field. This same mentalistic concept can be felt and observed on a university campus. Thoughts of hate or praise, when broadcast from the Mind backed by unshakable Will, becomes a living force, and it is not lost or diminished in the multitude of sounds and vibrations, but goes on to find the individual in favor of or against whom it was intended. Such thought strikes the person with an impact which either hurts or helps them. Those who do not understand Satanic Mentalism may not know when these thoughts have taken flight, nor have a defense, and for the same reason the person receiving them may not know from whence they came; nevertheless, he is either uplifted or depressed by them. These or similar experiences demonstrates to what extent a person is sensitive to Mentalism, and to what degree other people are able to influence his thoughts and actions for good or evil. What people think of us influences and affects us in very real ways, and plays an important part in our lives. What we say (speech is but a vocal expression of thought) or think of others provokes in them thoughts and emotions. To what extent these influences are effective is determined by the strength of the the Will that guides them and the weak mindedness of the person to whom they are sent. Weak minded not as in dim witted; but weak in will power and lacking the ability to formulate his own thoughts. If the force of one mighty mind has the power to alter material existence according to its will; to influence other people; and manifest desire; what then is possible if many mighty minds come together and focus their collective cohesive Will to manifest a certain goal, or influence a certain person? Compare the mighty minded executive board focused on making money of a multibillion dollar corporation or the mighty minded members of the Presidents Cabinet with a coven of Wiccans preforming some magickal ritual, or a group of dark magickians talking to invisible demons. One manifests real world results, big enough to influence the world while the other is make-believe psychodrama, in which ones reason and logic is temporarily suspended to give life to make-believe creatures. Fairy tail creatures have no effect on anything except the sanity and power of the mind who conjured it. Life than can be seen as a car. One is either in the passenger seat as stray thoughts of random pedestrians drives him throughout life; or one takes the drivers seat. Mastery of life is the ultimate objective of the Progressive Satanist. If the Progressive satanist is to be master of his own life that is, if he is truly his own Deity he must strive to master his own Mind first. The second objective of Satanic Mentalism or of the Progressive Satanist is the influence and control of the unthinking mass and weak minded for his own progression and personal gain. Wealth, Power, and your hearts desire does not condense and solidify before you out of thin air, it manifests through people and by coincidences. Genghis
Khan didnt materialize the worlds largest empire from thin air he manifested it through a hoard of people he influenced. Bill gates didnt materialize his billions from thin air it all manifested and came to him by the millions who bought his ideas. This is the secret. Magic, demons, genies, and occult powers has never produced anything significant, other than to instill awe in the gullible weak minded. How many super occult wizards, magickians, or necromantic demonolators who claim such awesome power from years of practicing and studying ancient grimoires have become wealthy, have lead great armies, have founded empires and republic? How many of these still work for minimum wage; cant quit smoking; and still cant find a mate, let a lone magically maintain a fulfilling relationship. The time has come to separate the mighty in mind form the mighty in talk. Choose your camp use or be used Kings or Pawns?
While Undefiled Perception refers to the cognitive aspect of wisdom, Undefiled Thinking refers to the volitional aspect, i.e. the kind of mental energy that controls our emotions and actions. Undefiled Thinking has three parts to it: 1. Renunciation: which means the rejection of the Herd or Mass: to resist doing what they do and thinking how and what they think. 2. Equanimity: refers to the unshakable strength of mind under stress and emotions. You must not allow your thinking to be affected and influenced by emotions or youre thinking is weakened and contaminated. 3. Circumspection: implies walking around something and studying it closely from ever perspective and angle to come to an understanding. Having an open mind means your mind is wide open to the thoughts and convictions of others. Your mind must be closed like a harbor, and like a customs agent, you must circumspect every thought and concept that comes your way or every thought and concept that you have. It becomes clear how potent Undefiled Thinking is when you consider that that emotions controls actions, and actions generate real reactions and results in your life. When you allow other peoples words, thoughts, opinions, and convictions to provoke emotions within you, and you react to them, you are no long master of your own mind and others manifest results in your life. In other words, you are merely an observer experiencing a life others have generated for you. 3. Undefiled Mindfulness Undefiled Mindfulness is the controlled and perfected faculty of cognition or awareness. It is the mental ability to become consciously aware of things and events without opinion or thought; in the same way that an infant devoid of language consciously becomes aware of something, and simply observes it. Usually, the cognitive process begins with an impression induced by perception, or by a thought, but then it does not stay with the mere impression. Instead, we almost always conceptualize sense impressions and thoughts immediately. We interpret them and set them in relation to other subjective thoughts and experiences, which naturally go beyond the objectivity of the original impression. The mind then posits concepts, joins concepts into constructs, and weaves those constructs into complex interpretative schemes. All this happens only half consciously, and as a result we often see things obscured. Undefiled Mindfulness is anchored in clear mental perception and it penetrates impressions without getting carried away. Undefiled Mindfulness enables us to be aware of the process of conceptualization in a way that we actively observe and control the way our thoughts go. The four foundations of Undefiled Mindfulness are: 1. contemplation of the Self (Know Thyself), 2. contemplation of Nature and Natural Laws, 3. contemplation of the mind, and 4. contemplation of phenomena. 4. Undefiled Concentration Undefiled Concentration, refers to the development of a mental force that occurs in natural consciousness, although at a relatively low level of intensity and focus. Concentration in this context is described as one-pointedness of mind, meaning a state where all mental faculties are unified and directed onto one particular object. Undefiled Concentration for the purpose of illumination refers to concentration on ones thoughts, and the emotions born from thoses thoughts. Concentration of emotions and the actions
governed by those emotions. Concentration of action and the physical reactions they generate. Concentration of end results of desires, through planning and organization, and a process of reverse order where the proper actions, emotions, and thoughts are generated to manifest said end results. The method of choice to develop Undefiled Concentration is through the practice of meditation. The meditative mind focuses on a selected object or phenomena. It first directs itself onto it, then sustains concentration, and finally intensifies concentration step by step. Through this practice it becomes natural to apply elevated levels concentration also in everyday situations, thus controling and mastering life; as opposed to having life and others control and master you. Although life is great, on a cosmic level, you are meaningless to life, so long as She Herself continues Her cyclical progression. Life only gives to those who are deserving of Her gifts, otherwise you are a means for Her own progression. The human animal did not achieve its lofty state by begging Nature for its position at the top of the food chain. It was ruthlessly fought for with applied intelligence by our ancestors. 5. Undefiled Meditation Undefiled Meditation, refers to a method of meditation vital to attaining illumination that cannot be divorced from the former four principles, but must work in harmony with them. The method of Undefiled Meditation consists of stilling and silencing the mind of all thoughts and mental activity. The mind is emptied and made into a receptive attractant. A deep level of relaxation and trance is achieved with the intent of tuning into or harmonizing with the Universal Mind, from which all revelations, ideas, dreams, innovations, and advancements arise. It is no accident that many things we take for granted every day came to the thinker when he was either asleep or on the toilet. When the mind is silenced and magnetized with an intent, it attracts and receives. By the regular practice of Undefiled Meditation, the Progressive Satanist learns to tap into the Supernal Light and receive his illumination and Undefiled Wisdom. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Any idiot can amass knowledge from prewritten material, but wisdom only comes from direct experience and realization. Through the Five Principles of Illumination, direct experience of the unwritable becomes possible on a personal level. In this way rather than plugging into a standard group belief system; what wisdom you have realized and may teach is not only unique and personal, but a means of self expression, and will make you truly different from a crowd of people who think alike. This makes Progressive Satanism an ever evolving and dynamic organism, wherein each of its parts adds their unique touch to its collective growth and progression. 352 holds Thinking, and Intelligence in high regards, as a Crown Jewel of Humanity. The process of thinking, concentration, when mixed with the Five Principles in 352 is symbolized by a Diamond and called a Thazer. The diamond is nothing more than carbon atoms in an organized coherent pattern, as opposed to a lump of coal, which is composed of the same atoms in a weakened and incoherent pattern. One is much more harder and cuts through nearly anything, whereas the other crumbles easily under applied stress. The same principle can be seen in light. An ray of incoherent light, just illuminates
darkness; but when that same light is concentrated into a single coherent beam, it melts steel. Thought works on the same principle of coherency. Thoughts that stagger in different direction, are weak, and produces nothing but mental babblings. But when the same thoughts and thinking process is focused into a single concentrated, coherent pattern (a Thazer), the thazer can pierce the veil of maya, achieve illumination, and becomes a force to alter physical reality to ones will. In Progressive Satanism, a Diamond Mind is our badge of honor, as opposed to an incoherent mind that just incoherently babbles. By Satanic Illumination we mean to say: the application and utilization of the Five Principles of Illumination on the Great Book of Nature, Life, and Existence symbolized by Satan with the intent of coming closer to understanding the mysteries that surrounds us. But even such Softcore pursuits are worthless, unless what Light one sees and discovers is applicable and yields real world results to the Satanist. It is like the difference between physics and applied physics. physics concerns itself with the theories of the phenomenal world only; whereas in the field of applied physics, the scientist utilizes these theories and principles to produce new resourses and commercial products. Satanic Illumination, without physical results is as useless a Mind Puzzle as any distraction of the mind, which does nothing but misdirect the minds attention away from the natural world of experience inwards into a mental labyrinth of psychosis.
Visualization and emotional evocation are crucial elements to exmentation. daily practice of the five principles of illumination will sharpen the mind and prepare it for this work. The act of concentrated visualization is introduced into the fifth principle of illumination, that being Undefiled Meditation. The mind is turned into a receptive attractant to the intent or desire. One should practice visualizating situations and events or thoughts which evoke and stimulate intense emotions. This is called emotional evocation and must accompany the visualization. The mind itselfis the center through which the untapped force of the universe operates and works though; waiting to be directed in the one and only way though which it can take action. We may go to the river analogy again to clarify this. Exmentation is like a farmer designing in his mind a simple irrigation cannal to water his crops. After designing he digs the cannal, and the river does the rest of the work. Whereas with magick the farmer is an idiot obsessed with how crafty his is with the buckets he makes. He then uses these works of art he put so much time into to carry water back and forth from the river to his crops. He mistakes the sheer exhaustion of the work as the spending of large amounts of will power. Often times his crops die and bares no fruit, but he will justify his fruitless actions as cathartic psychodrama which rid him of an obsessive desire. Whatever the justification, he still ended up empty handed and unfulfilled. With exmentation the universal force does most of the work for you, all according to its own laws, and the how factor is not an issue, nor should it ever be. It must be understood by the illuminized Satanist that the universe is like a mirror. What your mind casts onto this mirror will ultimately be reflected back at you as hardcore (tangible) manifestations you will experience. In other words, the images and thoughts you think, feel, and entertain in your mind is reflected into the universal mind, and by the natural law of reciprocal action must return to you in either spiritual or physical form. This is not to say that karma exists, as it is understood in the occident. You will not get bad karma from exmentating harm and death on a person. The result of the person being harmed and dying is the fruit of your work. This is the true meaning of Karma, From the Sanskrit word KiR simply meaning action or work. Every action generates a consequential reaction. Work bares results. You reap what you sow. In other words, you must ultimately dance with what you yourself put into motion. Whatever we think ultimately becomes the world we will experience. Knowledge in this law of reciprocal action between the mind and the cosmic mind opens you, as an exmentator, to unlimited access to all you may wish to possess or be, and to a better life. There are five conditions to a successful exmantation which must be studied and adhered to: 1) you must decide what it is you desire or state your intent; 2) see it already accomplished in your mind and experience the emotions of already having that which you ask for; 3) do not waver or change your mind; focus on that it and let not doubt creep in; 4) you must have faith and know that Providence will manifest what you desire;
whether good or bad, the Dark Cosmos will give you what you ask; and 5) persistence reaps results. The river will work for you, but it cannot irrigate itself to water your crops. Take whatever steps you need to get you closer to your desires. Act and live like you already have it; and persist until the end. Life will not give you what you ask for so easily. If so, we would all be living fulfilled lives in abundance. You must put your proverbial boxing gloves on and kick lifes ass for everything it is worth; or it will kick yours because all you are to life is a bag of genes; merely a means to continue itself. Your life has no intrinsic meaning and you mean nothing to life; unless you dare stand boldly erect in defiance and take your share. Like a kung fu master and his students. Only those who dare challenge the master becomes a master; while the meek earn nothing. When you are visualizing something, you are not endeavoring to alter the laws of nature. You are fulfilling them. You are taking an active part of creation. Through you the Dark Cosmos creates itself. You are bringing order to chaos. As Yug-Sothoth takes the blind and chaotic Azagthoth and orders him into form. Your object is to bring things into regular order both mentally and physically. When you understand this, you will realize how crucial the five principles of illumination are in life. The stupid unthinking bovine mass does not realize that the day to day thoughts, worries, and images they entertain and give life to in there minds will soon become the reality they experience. Do an experiment: take notes of your own thoughts you have during your waking hour on in a journal every thirty minutes or hour for a week. Then keep notes of the events that you experience during that week and the following weeks. You will learn that you are the architect of your life, your daily thoughts are the blue prints, and the Cosmos is the builder who follows these blue prints you give to it. When your Passion, Will, and Imagination are in harmonic agreement, the Dark Cosmos reacts accordingly. In this way we all deserve the lives we live and experience. If you worry over bills, and and expect are conditioned to expect a paycheck every Fridays the Cosmos will give you bills to worry about and you will not be able to experience anything beyond having a job that pays you checks every Friday. Then go around asking those who have no worries, who live fulfilled lives, who have the perfect lover, who are financially independent what they spend their waking hours pondering on, and compare. If you are an idiot, your ignorance will generate idiot emotions. These emotions will give birth to and influence the behaviors and actions of a moron like stupid parents who dont know how to be parents produce dumber children; like an aloof father who doesnt know how to give the proper amount of attention and affection to his daughter will produce a teenage slut; like when the economy neglects inner cities will produce criminals. The fruit, as we say, never falls far from the tree. The millionaire deserves his millions, and the homeless bum deserves his. There is no need to have mercy or compassion for the poor and needy. Pity not stupidity and ignorance. It is their karma, if they are so stupid to entertain such thoughts to manifest such an existence. At best, enlighten the fools if they have the capacity to understand.
It should be kept in mind that when exmentating you should learn to keep what you are doing and why you are doing it a secret. This is because if you tell someone and you hear their negative feedback, it will compromise your will and faith. Choose who you tell wisely. If they are another person who believes in Satanic Mentalism and works with exmentation, then your two minds focused together on a singal intent will be more potent. In such a group setting the desire or intent is expressed as an abstract symbol which can easily be visualized. This most often is called a sigil. Recalling to mind the veves of voudou pantheon; or the symbols of the djin and demons of some grimoires. The sigil is drawn in a circle of about six inches in diameter, and 12 smaller circles around it an inch away from the large circle. The smaller circles maybe about an inch in diameter. A line is drawn connecting each small circle to the large on. A large crystal is placed at the center of the large circle over the sigil and this is placed at the center of the group. The group will focus their mind on the sigil, visualizing it in there minds eye and charging it with etheric energy. To help charge the sigil, you can draw the sigil on pieces of paper and place them in places where many people will see them. When they gaze at the sigil, they feed the sigil some energy, especially if they wonder about what it means because when they wonder, they take the sigil into their mind and entertain it with a question. Exmentation is preformed in a trance state following the five principles of illumination. Before the meditation begins, the following charging ritual is preformed to tune you into the universal mind: Stand with arms resting at your side, with feet apart. Take a slow deep breath and say in your mind: I am tuning into the cosmic forces and call them into my body hold your breath for about five seconds and continue inhaling deeply and slowly saying: asking for strength, protection, and guidance. This is done three times in total. By the third time you will feel some sensations in and around your body. Sit slowly and concentrate on these sensations for a while preforming Death Breathing as desribed in a previous chapter. This Cosmic Force can be spoken to. Tell it what you are about to do and why and ask it for assistance, as you would speak to a friend. Continue meditating in silence, sometime the Cosmic Force will impregnate your mind with images, feelings, or thoughts in response to your requests. After while begin visualization. Death Breathing must be used with exmentation; the tip of the tongue should touch the roof of the mouth, and the eyes fixated on the third eye or spot between the eyebrows, about two inches beneath the forehead. If you have a sigil for your intent or desire envision the sigil blazing or illuminated in the third eye area for a while. When you are finished, stand up, and cross your arms on your chest (mummy style), quietly thank the Dark Cosmos, and psychologically end it with a So Mote It Be, or My Will Be Done, or something to that effect. This closing act causes the mind to let go of the Cosmic Force so it can depart to do its work. A journal should be kept. Writing things down often times helps manifest them physically. It should be noted that after exmentating, you must let go and forget about it for the rest of the day; but if you desire to feed more energy into your intent to strengthen its quickening, do so at the same time everyday, and only think about your intent while you are exmentating. Exmentation works indiscriminately, whether it is to harm or help someone or yourself. Preform an experiment to prove to yourself: take to
of the same kind of plants. With one exmentate it health and have it thrive, and with the other exmentate it death. Practice and fine tune your skills.
member. The same is true with meditation. Meditation, like prayer, gives some sort of calmness, but it is a preparatory step, and gives calmness as a signpost only. When calmness has been attained, many become addicted to it, or hold onto it, and their progress is frozen at that point. They have become stagnant, just as with convictions, and the journey stops. Indulgence or the satiation of fleeting impulses and desires is also an obstacle to progression. Not having any intelligent control over your own passions and impulses is like a horse carriage being pulled by wild horses while you are helpless inside the carriage not driving, and going nowhere in particular. The disciple must learn take charge of and tame these horses, and steer the carriage into a determined direction, focusing his passion and emotion on the destination. Random passions and impulses and the reaction to them is like the randomly scattering incoherent light of a flashlight, it is not potent, and does very little. Whereas controlled passion and emotions and the reactions to them, is like the coherent light of a lazer; when focused intensely this lazer will cut through metal like butter. The only difference here is random incoherency and intense coherency. The same goes for the mind and its thoughts. Random thoughts dont do much but make random opinions. Whereas intensely focused coherent thought can manifest dreams into reality. People become slaves to indulgence and their desires, using it to make themselves oblivious to reality, so much like many things that numbs our mind and eyes to reality like television, the city, religion, politics, drugs, alcohol, sex, or any obsession. Under this heading comes the shallow Satanisms and religions which are dramatic and appealing in appearance and writing, but useless in the long term. If the person has been involved with a religion for ten years and he is no better off than he was ten years ago, without having any real world results to show as the fruits of the religion; then he has not progressed, and has wasted ten years of his life supporting a parasitic superorganism to which he is the host. People who are lost in the illusion of these obstacles do not know, nor has ever known the objective of all illuminating belief systems, which is to produce the Perfect Man, and to relink him or yoke him to the cosmos and nature which he has lost touch with, and therefore these people are merely dabbling. They use their accumulation of knowledge and collection of book wisdom to convince themselves that they are progressing. Dead, thoughtless computers do the same thing. Conviction is not fact. Reverting back to the Guide or road map of the WSA. The Book itself is the teacher and common foundation stone upon which each individual erects his own Temple. Each temple then in this landscape is unique and will house a collection of different tomes of wisdom. The collective body of all these tomes is what makes Progressive Satanism great. This is in direct opposition to those stagnant religions which preaches freedom of thought, but forces and spoon feeds its official doctrine and orthodoxy on all its adherents. Everyone in this respect ends up thinking and believing the same opinions and teachings. There is no room for evolution or growth in this condition.
The Guide of the WSA has two faces an outer exoteric one, and an inner esoteric one; a revealed doctrine and system, such as the rites, Satan, and visible teachings, and the hidden doctrine. They are teachings behind teachings. That is to say, there is an overt face of the teachings, which is the WSA, Initiates, and religious Satanic Doctrine. For the ordinary person this is all they will see and react to. But for the illuminated, this is only the outward face. Beneath the superficial satanic imagery and trappings, the illuminated will see the real light and secret doctrine. In this way Progressive Satanism also differs greatly from other brands of Satanisms. If you were to remove Satan and the dark imagery of most of these Satanisms you would be left with a very shallow reactionary thinking process against Christianity and nothing more. Whereas if Satan and the dark imagery were to be removed from Progressive Satanism, it would still remain intact as a self sustaining system. Water, as they say, seeks its own level. For the Progressive individual, it is sufficient that a source of truth shall be available, wherever it is hidden. People are attracted to whatever corresponds to their true nature. Providing that the way to the genuine system is visible to the enlightened, people will make their way to either in accordance with their inward nature and tendencies. Some will see a devil, and a means to justify their actions and convictions; while others will see Supernal Light, Truth, peace of mind, and inexhaustible abundance, which lays silent beneath everything. In this context this Book is merely a weak commentary for the Great Book of Life and Nature, and at best nothing more than an arrow which point the traveler into a direction for him to walk. Progressive Satanism is like a ladder, on which we are all at different levels of understanding, with a different perspective, but we are all moving up. The symbolism, ceremonies, and entire superficial system of Progressive Satanism is allegory in expression. When partially understood it alludes to the illuminated recalling having originated in the stars and cosmos before formal earthly life, all with the same essential Light, from which we all came, as such we are all brothers/sisters, children of a single source. Mankind has become lost and fixated in illusions and must be awakened to remember their original immortal nature. Like children who think and feel the movies they watch on a screen are real, when there is a world more real then what their eyes and attention is fixated on. Mankind is in the same obsessed condition. His eyes and attention once was fixated on the natural world of flesh and stone, believing that there was nothing more to reality than this. Now he has delved deeper into dementia and has lost himself in a world of his own making, his own human civilization, and the urban settlements he was born and raised in. He is asleep and is out of touch with a reality far more real and embracive. He has become confused believing that his human civilization and the mentality, psychology, and conditions of his human civilization is real life. The Progressive Satanist must now awaken and learn to see his urban reality for what it is: a man made substitute for Nature; and he must re-link (re-ligi) himself with that same nature the illusion of the city has separated him from. In the human breast, there is love; the love of Supreme Beauty. All mystics sing the same song of yearning and longing for the One Beloved. There are many differences in detail, in language, in expression, in description, but beneath all this, all are united as drops of
one ocean. Within Progressive Satanism, The Deity is feebly imagined in dark imagery as Satan or the Prince of Darkness, because the cosmos, is 99% dark, and the only light within this infinite darkness are stars of infernal plasmic flames; and what living worlds there are, are worlds of flesh, which is the domain of Satan. All are seekers of Supernal Light, and the way that leads to it are many, but it is One. Therefore, if your yearning is true and sincere in intention, you will find the beloved. The Supreme Being can in noway be expressed, thought of and comprehended with whatever human Intelligence may imagine or argue. Neither can reason prove the Supreme Intelligence nonexistent because reason first relies only on five senses to collect information to process, then it judges these with its own concepts it has thought up itself and with its own convictions. In this sense reason cannot behold anything outside itself, it only understands only what it has conceived itself, and reality is beyond the grasp of the five senses and human understanding. We can neither reason where we have come from, how we came to be here, and where we are going. If reason were essential to human progression, Nature would have given it to us as an instinct, that we might be born reasonable creatures. But this is not so. We are born as children with wild vivid imaginations, lost most of the time in dreams and fantasy, and we spend half of our mortal existence in worlds of dreams, as if we alway have one foot in the mundane world and one in the world of dreams. And it is the childlike curiosity, creativity, mentality, dreams and imaginative fantasies of Einstein and all great scientists and inventors that have shaped and created the present world we live in, not by reason and certainly not by rigid orthodoxy. According to Progressive Satanism, Reality is the Universal Will in dynamic expression, the true knowledge, Supernal Light and Supreme Beauty whose nature is self manifestation, self expression, self creation, and self progression reflected in the mirror of the cosmos. This world in comparison with reality is a mere illusion, or nonreality, the combined product of the excitation of five senses. The phenomenal world is an outward manifestation the One Real. The Reals essence is above human knowledge. In its essence it is attributeless, nameless, indescribable, incomprehensible universal mind, to which our minds are droplets in a vast ocean. But Deity may be understood to be AllGiving; All-Allowing; and All-Loving because it is only when we are given our free will to experience existence and make mistakes do we learn and progress. To better understand this take two sisters for example. One is sheltered and forbidden to go out of the house to experience what is outside. Her every action and thought is controlled by her parents and she may only think nice thoughts and do nice things. Her sister rebels and runs away. Although she may live a hard life outside, she is the wiser of the two because not only is she directly experiencing life, but also, with her thoughts and actions uncontrolled,she makes mistakes and learns from them. Her sheltered sister will grow to be an idiot, which is her parents fault. Man is the microcosm in whom the attributes of the Supreme Intelligence are manifest in imperfect and diminutive form. Like his Source, he too, by his core nature, is self manifesting, self expressing, self creating, and self progressing. The Supreme Architect is eternal beauty and the nature of beauty is self expression and desire to be loved. And since everything is this same single Source in different forms and manifestations; all
things have a desire to be noticed and adored, especially us. Thus we base our doctrine on the principles of love and adoration. Love is the essence of life, all great religions, and the cause of creation and its continuation. To love and adore Life is the method and way of relinking oneself to nature and existence. The Supreme Being is unknowable, but may be gradually experienced through its phenomenal expressions and diversity. Man possess three natures: Sensual, Intellectual, and Spiritual. He must use all three natures and human endeavors to fully experience Supreme Beauty. There is Oneness in all things. The creator and creation are different forms of each other. To experience creation is to experience the Creator. To adore creation with your whole body, mind, and soul, is to adore the Creator with your whole body, mind, and soul. The Deity is experienced within mans three hearts, as is symbolized in the WSA: the physical one to the left; the animal one to the right, and the spiritual one in between. All three hearts must beat in harmony to fully experience creation.
This is the secret of thought. The stupid never stop to wander where their thoughts, ideas, impulses, and feelings, come from. They never question even from where their words they speak comes from. When we speak, we do not consciously plan out and rehearse what words to say next. They just flow out unconsciously from an unknown source. In the same way your thoughts, ideas, and impulses arises from an unconscious source. This is the difference between those who are masters of their own minds, and those who unconsciously serve other peoples will. It matters not how much accumulated book knowledge a person has. This does not determine strength of mind to use the Force of Will. You must understand that although thought is transmitted out of the brain into every direction like radio waves, it is the eyes that transmits a steady focused coherent stream, which is the most potent. In fact, the busier they are accumulating facts and opinions, and the more materialistic their beliefs become, the more weaker their minds will be. Think about it for a moment. Why is it the ones that have been processed through so many years of school and college that end up devoted to the same desk at the same company their entire lives, spending their existence making another man richer, while he happily works for wages, in a state of complete obliviousness. The Progressive Satanist must strive to be the master and keep the idiot mass unaware so he will have a sea of people to influence to his advantage. In this sense, not everyone should be made initiates of our way. Let the idiot mass have their religions and their beliefs, keep them away from ours, to keep them ignorant. This is for our benefit, and the benefit our our future progeny. There is a race of Masters, then there is a race of Slaves. In all times, places, and conditions this has been true. It often happens that the successful person in his assurance of continued success, and the fruition of his dreams and goals looses focused coherency of mind, emotions, and intensity of will. If this happens his success begins to decrease and someone else who is sending out stronger, more intensely coherent thoughts, passion, and will, reaches and controls the publics mind. Thus one rises while another falls, but the same people continue to be servants that follow and worship at the shrine of the mighty minded. Political leaders and generals of armies influence the unconscious mass in the same manner. take the various political leaders, ideologies, and economic systems that have come and gone in Russia and China. Although the powerful minds have changed and regimes change, the bovine mass remains always servants, whether they were supporters or not, and they always end up used and exploited, regardless of the political or economic regime. This is the great game of life, which only the illuminated play. Now ask yourself where you stand in this game? This is the meaning of Satanic Illumination. It is awakening and coming to the realization of the secret principle and power of life, which is available to all sentient beings, but is monopolized by those who have become illuminated. The idiot mass of human cattle are given weak substitutes such as their religions, and at all times they are kept busy, while their minds are pushed deeper and deeper into the illusion of objective materialism, reason, and atheism, where they will adamantly even deny the existence of such a Force and Power. Give these domesticated apes their beer, circuses, and rope dancers and they are content in their servitude. When you have fully understood the meaning of this
message, you will know that it works against us to destroy Christianity and the religions of the Herd. Give it to them, support it, encourage it, and their schools and education system as well; and take your place among the illuminated. Infants and animals will prove the power and contagious effects of thought. Thought is Natures method of communication. Speech is a cultivated ability which conveys thought verbally. An infant cannot speak, but nevertheless it can convey its thoughts and needs to its mother and those around it, and it can sense the thoughts of those around it. Every mother is confident that her baby knows just what she is thinking and feeling. Only mothers fully realize to what extent thought is understood by children. The deaf converse through sign language, but it is a well known fact that the greater part of their understanding is due to thought reading and very little to do with interpreting hand signals. Any person who has ever owned a horse, cat, or dog, will not need proof of the ability of animal to pick up thoughts and their masters desires. One cannot help but observe with what quickness a dog will know you fear him or not. Your thoughts influences everything around you and draws things and situations with the same resonance as itself. If you think hateful thoughts, people will react and will hate and reject you. If you a business contact, your thoughts will attract the appropriate people into your life. This same power of thought, is the same power that will bring your coherent thoughts or mental imagery into physical form. There is no difference in the Force. The universe will likewise react to the thoughts you cast out indiscriminately. There is nothing magical or mystical about the notion of your pictured desires coming into material evidence. It is the working of a universal, natural process, much like water vapor, when in the right conditions will condense into liquid water. The world was projected by self contemplation of the universal mind, and this same action is taking place in its individualized parts, which is your mind. Here now you will begin to understand why Nature had us borne with the power of imagination and dreams, and not reason. Reason is the antithesis to illumination, because reason can only behold the observable objective universe, and this objective universe is itself a mere illusion produced by a three pound organ, and not the One Real Existence which lays beneath. Your concentrated coherent mental pictures is the force of attraction which collects and forms Supernal Light into specific shape and substance. Your mental imagery is the combining and progressing power house through which the Originating Creative Essence expresses itself. Once you realize that your mind is the center through which the unformed ubiquitous force takes involuntary form, the only reason your mental pictures does not always manifest is because of lack of something antagonistic to the fundamental formula. Very often this destructive element is caused by the frequency with which you change your pictures. Your conscious awareness of your Oneness with the great Whole is the secret of success. You must, through mediation, become fully aware that there is an Intelligence and Power beneath all Nature and all of the Dark Cosmos, which is always creative, and infinitely sensitive and responsive to you. beneath the illusion of separation you and this Universal Force are the same Life. Do not fear to be your true Self when you have fathomed all this, and remember that everything you want, wants you.
5. Begin to move this feeling of desire slowly up through your body, feeling the pleasant sensation moving from your sex organ, to your anus, and up your back. Begin to flex and relax your perineum and anal muscles together to pump this sexual heat up your spine. While you continue using mahavayu breathing, visualize all that air traveling down to your sex organ and bellow the heat with this air to feed the flames. Do not stop pumping the heat up. 6. Move the desire up to your chest and neck. 7. Visualize the point of light above you getting bigger, moving slowly down to the top of your head. Now visualize a beam of light shining down form this big point of light, penetrating your black eggs turning it grey and picture the light filling your head. 8. Move your desire from your neck to your head merging with the light from the beam. Bring the merged light down from your head, past your tongue, down your throat and back to your genitals, and pump it back up. each time it reaches the head and merges with the Cosmic Light, it becomes bigger. 9. See and feel the globe of light above entering your egg. Feel an almost electric ripple at this point as it merges with your dark bubble, dispelling the darkness. Your egg should now be brilliant. Continue circulating your desire around your body and breathing mahavayu. 10. Feel yourself enveloped in cosmic light. Yield to this light letting it flow pleasantly through you. Feel yourself dissolving into this light becoming a sphere of desire swirling in this light. 11. Now say in your mind: May the all powerful Prince of Darkness, Lord of the Cosmos, and receive my desire to devote my life to your eternal service. I believe in one Power, which reigns over the Cosmos to whom I give my life to through this ceremony. 12. Begin slowly returning to the normal consciousness now. Squeeze your desire you have been circulating into a compact little ball and store it in a pocket two inches below your navel, and about two inches inward. When you feel a warmth or a sensation in this area you will know it is successfully stored. 13. Set up rocks in a circle and build a camp fire, light black candles if you desire. Conduct a Satanic Blessing: vibrate Agios ischyros Baphomet! Then with the left hand, extend the forefinger, draw in the air an inverted pentagram, beginning at the right corner. Do this in one continuous motion. When you are done, strike the area of your heart with your right hand and say Agios O Satanas. 14. Strip naked and bathe in the river or lake for a while. While you are in the river chant: Agios O Satanas over and over.
15. When you are done bathing return to the camp fire facing east and conduct the Satanic blessing again. Then chant: Sanctus Satanas, Sanctus Domininus Diabolus Sabaoth. Satanas venire! Satanas venire! Ave, Satanas, ave, Satanas. Tui sunt caeli, Tua est terra, Ave Satanas! 16. Now say the Oath and repeat the 10 Protocols of the first degree on your knees. When you finish speaking the Oath, preform a Satanic Blessing. 17. Prick your finger and on a piece of paper. With your blood write your name and chosen motto, and draw the Symbol of Saturn beneath it in blood. The Symbol of Saturn looks like a lowercase h with a t bar. 18. Hold the paper up to the east and say: With my blood I bind myself to this oath and dedicate the Temple of my Life, may he kill me if I break the oath or leave him. Turn counterclockwise 3 times and say: I dedicate myself eternally to Satan and begin my sinister quest. Prince of Darkness, hear me! Hear me oh Dark Cosmos beyond the abyss and accept this sacrifice as an offering. 19. Make the sacred drink as instructed in the first degree, take the snake and sacrifice it, collecting it blood into the chalice. Burn the paper over a candle and mix the ash into the drink saying: Satan, may your power mingle with mine as my blood now mingles with fire! 20. Pick up the drink to the east and say: With this drink I seal my oath. I am yours and shall do works to the glory of your name. Drink and put the necklace on. This ends the Self Initiation ceremony. Put your clothes on and bury the snake, a long with a time capsule of some of your personal belonging and a crystal. This same standard outline of self initiation should be followed for each degree with the specific oath grafted into the ceremony. You may add your own touch to the ritual if you desire. For the other degrees the snake is not needed.
The second part was practiced by them inside their cells. A large circle is drawn on a piece of paper with a dark spot or dot at the center. You begin training your eyes by staring at the dot without blinking. While you are doing this a special form of yoga called Mahavayu yoga must be preformed to absorb prana into the eyes. Mahavayu is practiced in this way: you breath deep with your abdomen, taking in full deep breaths making sure the air stimulates the back of the nose where special nerves are connected to the Third Eye. This for of breathing is done continuously without pausing. But while doing this you must breath thru your pupils while inhaling feel and visualize the air you are breathing going thru you pupils. After practice you will feel pranayama passing thru your pupils. When you visualize the air passing thru your pupils visualize them going down into your third eye. This is where the pranayama is packed and stored. While doing this the tip of your tongue must be touching the roof of your mouth, and your mind is focused on the breathing while staring at the dot. This concentration on the breathing plus the deep breathing trains your mind to go into a state of Gnosis or Pureland which is the state of mind you will need to control other people and things. A special Mudra (hand gesture) must be used while you are staring at the dot, and practicing Mahavayu called the Agninetra Mudra. The Agninetra Mudra is formed in this ways: first the Dragon Point and tiger Point must be connected. The Dragon Point is on your right palm, while the Tiger point is on your left. To find it you bend your ring fingers to touch your palm, and the area the ring fingers touches is where the points are. Clasp your hands together as if praying but uniting the Dragon and Tiger points. Your thumbs and index fingers then forms a link as if they were links of a chain ( you make a circles with your thumb and index finger, just like you were making the letter B in sign language of making th Ok sign, and link the two circles together); while the other three fingers are stretched out. The Angimudra is placed ontop of the solar plexus (above your bellybutton) with finger pointing downward. Keep mahavayu breathing thru the exercise. At first your eyes will quickly get watery and you will become light headed quickly. when you experience this, close your eyes; and vigorously rub your palm together. While rubbing your palms together visualize the energy you have stored in your Third Eye flowing into your palms thru the arms. Run your palms over your hair for a while and rub them again. The hair creates static electricity which helps attract the energy into your palms. Periodically you should place your palms a centimeter apart and feel for something. It feels like sparks of electricity moving from one palm to the other. This is called Charging your Points. When your Points have been Charged cover your closed eyes with them, and breath the energy from your charged palms thru your eyes. This is practiced often until you can maintain an unflinching stare without blinking, and until you are able to take many Mahavayu breaths without passing out. The more you practice the more tolerance you will have to the massive amounts of oxygen you are taking in. Strange things begin to happen inside when you have learned to tolerate all that prana (vril). One of the first sensations you will feel is pressure and heat building up just behind the spot between your eyebrows. This is the Third Eye beginning to stir and open.
Once you have practiced this for a while you will now begin to learn to project energy from your Third eye thru your eyes at at objects. You work with the same dot and do the basics but this time instead of just staring at the dot you will make an Intent to change the dot in someway. The easiest Intent is to change its color. Just say I Will the Dot to become Red. This is called Charging your Eyes and stare at it. Project energy out of your Third Eye into your two eyes, and out of your pupils to the Dot and visualize it being Red. Stare at it without blinking until you see it being red. then go down the colors of the rainbow (Red; Orange; Yellow; Green; Blue; Indigo; Violet). The essence of this exercise is to train you to project and to build up faith in yourself. You must have absolute faith. Do not doubt that what you are doing may not work. Once you have played around with changing the dots colors and changing its shape you are ready to move onto living things. You have to start small with small Intents to build up your faith and confidence. First take the ant and just stare at it like you did wit the dot. At its head. Do your Mahavayu to get into your Gnosis state. Then make the Intent that you will keep the ant still. And just practice on that. The more you practice, the longer you will be able to make the ant just stand there. Begin with something metalic that can pick up heat. Charge your eyes with the thought of heat and focus hard on the metal while in Gnosis and breathing mahavayu. Raise its temperature up until you believe it is hot in your mind BUT DO NOT TOUCH IT! Do this for 500-600 times then touch it! Next work with a small ant. Charge your eyes with the intent of keeping the ant standing still. Focus on the ants head while in Gnosis. With practice you will be able to make it stand still for an hour, or walk in circles. Once you have learned to control it you will learn to absorb or suck its vitality. Do this by breathing its life force with your eyes. Visualize it being sucked into your pupils. At first this will not kill the ant. It will only weaken it, but with much practice it will die as soon as you suck its life force. Move one to bigger game and start off small to build your faith and confidence. The more vril you have, the more potent your power will be. Each of us from birth are born with a certain amount of vril, which gradually decreases as we grow older. It is possible to cultivate vril directly from the cosmos. This process is called Vril Cultivation. Vril Cultivation has two forms, single cultivation and dual cultivation. You must first learn single cultivation first. Single Vril Cultivation is hidden inside the Self Initiation rite. It is the first part which deals with the cosmic light and circulating sexual desire around your body. Vril is refined sexual energy. Reread the chapter on self initiation and begin regular practice. Nature is a great store house of Vril, and so is the sun. Practicing Vril Cultivation in an outdoors location nude, in the sun is the best way. If this is the case spend some time visualizing your tail bone becoming a tail and digging into the earth. Picture this tail growing into a root system and absorb the earths energy and mix it with the ball of
sexual desire. Always store your Vril in its pocket. When you preform Mind Control, bring out the Vril energy from its pocket and raise it up your spine, bringing it to your third eye, and from there project it through your eyes. Vril follows thought and can be charged with intent, so the use of Vril is only limited by your imagination and creativity; but regular practice is key to success.
Once you have 100 cards you will know how your other goals will manifest. The process will need no explanation. You will also begin to notice that some of the people you have been meting already have something to do with some of your other goals or may lead you to people they know who may be of relevance. YOUR GOAL BOARD: Go out and buy a cork board and hang it in your room. On this board you will stick pictures, magazine cutouts, and drawings that look like or remind you of your goals and dreams you wish to have. On this board you will also post index cards. Write in blue ink (felt tip pen is ideal) simplified statements of these dreams and goals, along with a reasonable general date when you want to have it. Learn to regularly call the Cosmic Forces to help you realize your goals. Especially when yo go out. You must remember your goals will not materialize out of nothing in front of you. They will come to you through others, and the situations and events that is born between you and others, effortlessly through coincidence, and happenstance. Learn to see streets as rivers of opportunity. Every person driving and walking by is a bag of money and opportunity waiting to either be exploited or waiting to fulfill your needs. All you have to do is want it, and expose yourself to this river of opportunity and make your intentions clear in your mind. Writing your goals in full detail and having pictures tat look like what you desire is one way of saying you believe that it will come to you. The more descriptive and precise you can be, the more sooner you will get it. When things are not happening as fast as you wish, call the Cosmic Forces and ask what you should do, then sit still in a receptive mental state and just write. Do this in the evening when you are going to bed. Just let your pen go and write with out thinking, and go to sleep. Read it in the morning. VISUALIZATION: Visualization imprints your desires or goals onto your subconscious mind and is an integral part of manifestation of your goals. This process of imprinting takes place in a brain wave called Alpha Wave, where information between your conscious and subconscious mind flows much easier. Preform the visualization exercise with every goal, tackling them one at a time. The visualization should be a focused day dream in which you envision your life already with the goal or desire fulfilled. Faith is an important ingredient in this as you will be depending on Providence to provide you your desire. Here are the steps you take: 1. Do this just before going to sleep or in the morning. Spend a minute in prayer to Providence. It doesnt matter what name you call it. The act of prayer tunes you into Dark Providence. Your prayer must come from the heart and be more of a feeling of passionate desire then an intelligent request. We are a utilitarian breed of Satanists and will use
anything and everything that benefits us. Providence is the ultimate provider. Embracing it through faith and prayer will open your life to the fulfillment of everything you may desire in life. Take some serious time to study all of the Satanists that have worn that label and plugged into that religion since the printing of the Satanic Bible and ask yourself how many of them have achieve the success in life that others outside the religion has. If you do what they do, and believe what they believe, you will end up being like them. Simply rejecting prayer because another religion uses is stupid, especially if it works. Cosmic Providence does not care what you call it. This may be better understood when you picture Cosmic Providence; which is the Universal Intelligence; as a big tub of water, and each mind is like a drain with a plug closing each drain. The act of praying or tuning into Providence puts your mind in a receptive state, like you lift that plug and the water by a natural process simply fills your drain. The water doesnt have a mind of its own, and it doesnt know where it is going, it just by natural law fills in receptive holes. Providence works the same way, but when you call it by a name which stirs awe and emotions in you it responds better, and if you charge your prayer with the vibration of love and adoration you tap into a more higher frequency of Providence that resonates to that vibration. Pray and ask Satan to give. 2. Close your eyes and focus them up to the spot between your eyebrows. Breath deep and slowly. 3. Count backwards slowly from 100 to 1. Do this silently in your mind along with your breathing. I.E.: Slow inhale is 100, slow exhale is 99 and so on. Once you have reached one you are in Alpha Wave. 4. Now begin to imagine what you want exactly as you want it. Make it a vivid, detailed, and realistic as possible. Visualize how your life would be having this desire; how you would feel; how others around you will act, what they will say, and so on. Spend a lot of time on it. The more emotions and passion you feel, the better. After you are done go to step five. 5. By now the desire you wish for and the visualization and emotions you have generated will have made a resonance in your mind and body you will be able to feel, almost like the essence of the desire bathes your aura. Meditate on this resonance now while repeating to yourself positive affirmations about your desire; such as I love the way I look in my new car Affirmations are a very important part of imprinting your subconscious mind. Do this for about five minutes. 6. Become aware of your surroundings again and stretch yourself. Then say to yourself in your mind: I am going to count from one to five; when I reach five, i will be wide awake. Count to five, and let go of your desire trusting that Cosmic Providence will provide. Many people will say that this doesnt work for ill or harm, but Providence is beyond human concepts, and from its understandings, there is no death or harm. It is much like a all loving, all giving, all allowing mother watching over her children playing on a
playground; whatever games they play, are just childrens games, whether it is sharing or play fighting. From our perspective it is much different. The Universal Mind will reciprocate your thoughts and desires no matter what it is.
Chinese artist who doesnt speak any English or Enochian. Sure if the incantations and ritual is able to muster up enough emotional energy, it might produce results, but in a war between imagination and emotion, imagination will always win. This is one reason why ancient and primitive systems of magic had such a massive amount of mythology and imaginative stories attached to them. This ignites vivid imagination and faith, not emotions. This is also one reason why some of the worlds most greatest religions are so successful, because they are designed to excite or feed the imaginative instinct in us which speaks directly to the subconscious mind and it produce faith, not emotions. Emotionally a world religion like Christianity is a fearful one, with its god running amok killing and plundering. A sigil is an abstract symbol you can hold in your mind which represents your goal or desire. The aim is to make a sigil that represents you desire youwish to manifest. There are many ways to design sigils, but keep it simple. This method will suffice: Write your desire down as a simple statement; for example: I Want A New White Car. Take the first letter of each word, and remove any repeating letters, ending up with: I W A N C. Now take these letters and make a monogram out of them. Combine them into a design or ideogram; this is the Sigil. The sigil should also have a Name. Take the same letters and reverse them: C N A W I. Place vowels between some of the letters to make it speakable: CaNAWI. The sigil and its Name has no meaning to the conscious mind, which is good, because this means that they will pass into the subconscious mind easily. The sigil is to imprint your subconscious mind, and the Name of the sigil is for your mind, to keep its focused attention from straying. Repeatedly chanting the name over and over causes your thought vibrations to concentrate into a focused beam, and resonate with the essence of the name, which is your desire. Focusing your mind unflinchingly on the sigil (by seeing it in your mind) and chanting the Name repeatedly causes your thought vibration to concentrate into an intense stream of thought energy we call a Thazer. Whereas chanting a whole paragraph, burning candles, walking around, moving in patterns, staring at different pictures, and calling a list of demons, floods your brain with large amounts of stimuli, and scatters your thought and attention into different directions. Scattered thought, like scattered light, is nowhere near as powerful as a single concentrated lazer beam. This is the ultimate difference between Junk Magick and Practical Magic. One keeps the mind busy and entertained in a belief system like the Kabbalah; the other works with the subconscious mind and Universal Mind to manifest hardcore results. The proof is in the hardcore (real world) results. How many Junk Magickians still cant quit smoking, still work a wage earning job, still cant fight off the flu, still dont own a house, still in debt up their ass, or still dont have their dream car or dream girl, and live unhappy miserable lives? Now write a detailed story or description of your goal or desire. This is to generate day dream and visualization. Draw its sigil on the paper. For the next three days just before you go to bed and when you wake up read your story and visualizing the story in your
mind. The description or story must be in the present, as if you already have it. Then spend some time holding the sigil in your mind with your eyes closed. If you are going to bed meditate on the sigil until you fall asleep. If it is in the morning, you will spend your whole day chanting the Name of the sigil to yourself. This fixates your thoughts on this desire building up a Thazer charged with that desire, fueled by will power. Usually this is done for three days and you will let go of it and forget about it, letting the universe take care of the rest. A quick way to let go is to imagine a red bubble above your head. Put your sigil inside it and let it float into space. Then you take burn a copy of the sigil over a fire and watch the smoke float up. This only works for simple requests or goals that dont involve a person as a target. Getting a new car is one thing, but getting your ex to come back to you is a different story. This is because the car doesnt have a mind or will of its own, and your ex does. With a desire like getting your ex back or making some girl who thinks you are ugly fall in love with you it becomes a war of the wills. Chances are if your ex left you or some girl girl youre in love with hates your guts, their will to not like you and have nothing to do with you is really strong. You will have to out do there will force with your own by obsessively meditating on the sigil and chanting its Name hours each day to break down your targets defenses. Talking to them, or attempting to talk to them from time to time will let you know how weak their defenses are. It will only be a matter of time, but you have to help Satan out and ACT. If you actually are ugly, go get a make over. Learn to change yourself, your mentality, and personality. This is the easiest thing about reality to change yourself and when you do this, everything else will change around you in turn. Junk Magickians so often forget this. For the more difficult desires which deals with people, you will need to super charge your Thazer and sigil. Pick an appropriate Enochian Key. You will need to memorize it. Envision the sigil in your minds eye, and begin chanting the Enochian Key in a specify manner. You will take a deep breath and when you exhale vibrate a single syllable for the duration of the breath. By vibrate we mean to chant the syllable in a deep and low tone that you can feel it vibrating around your third eye. It doesnt have to sound like you are singing. Who cares what it sounds like. The vibration in the third eye is the key. Your eyes should be closed and looking up focused on the third eye. In that area create a mental image of your person and etch the sigil on the persons aura. Maintain the person in your mind as you chant each syllable of the Key. The more often you do this, the faster the other persons will power will break down and the more will power you will generate for yourself. You cant enjoy a vital existence if the existence you have been living is a cheap role playing game or daily chore in which you are too busy working and worrying about bills to enjoy your freedom with those you love, and pursue your happiness, while other people who have the money they want, are living their existence vitally. These simple tools have been given to you to help you achieve your dreams. Stop admiring and looking up to Satanic weirdos and Junk Magickians. Some of them might have a large following, but stop and look at the quality of their following, what kind of fruit is their tree baring? Because like attracts like. When you think about weirdos and havenots like these, you
become on yourself. Start looking up to those who have achieved success in life instead and ask yourself what they are doing that you are; or more accurately how they think. It doesnt matter what their religion is. Set this difference in religion and antichristian bullshit aside its jaded and fruitless. For the 40 and so years that Satanism has existed as a codified religion, how many from the Satanic community had achieved any amount of significant success in life? I mean owning the mansion of their dreams, not having to work, having a million dollars in the bank, retired early, have the perfect soulmate, besides the rock stars? Very, very few. Ask yourself now why normal nobodies outside the Satanic community can achieve this. There is something wrong with Satanism if it preaches its adherents to enjoy life and live a vital existence, but not show them how to achieve this. What vital existence? Working your ass off for some rich guy to make him richer for 30 of the best years of your life, to come home too tired to spend time with your wife and family? You know how your life is; dont pretend that waking up in the morning with a cup of coffee and smelling the flowers on the way to work is enjoying a vital existence. Wake up. In time success in life will be what makes different from them. Our Progressive Satanism will produce the successful ones, and Stagnant Satanism will continue to produce the junk that they have been for 40 years.
Remember those ancient days when fearless Wolves like the Vikings and their Valhala, the Great Ancient Greeks and their Gods, and Imperial Rome and their pantheon took the world; plundered, pilfered, raped, raided, divided, destoyed, and conquered? Shaping the world to their will and steering human civilization forward. Have you ever imagined what the world today would be like, or where we would be today, if such fearless Wolves and their creed of strength, might, and valour continued to progress human civilization forward nonstop? We would already be an interstellar civilization. Something happened that retarded the growth of humanity, preventing it from reaching its full stellar potential. That retardation is Christianity. Normally I wouldnt waste my time talking about Christianity. But I was inspired by the recent hoedown over at the Christian Coalition of America and some of their hillbillies talk ing about how witty and intelligent in a worldly way the ONA is. Its strange to these hillbilly Christian Republicans when they encounter girls that can read and write in a witty and intelligent manner. They explain it off as demon possession, or like Satan himself has his hand up our asses as if we were puppets of the Prince of Darkness. Of course, to the rest of the sane world at large, its called Education. Or at least education explains the ONAs intelligence. Wit cant be learned. Either you got it or your dont. Wit is the works of a quick and creative sharp shooting mind. When wit is formally articulated with big words and a strong education in the arts and sciences, it becomes what us sane people call: Genius. In the words of the immortal Chloe (me): Like Admires Like. Geniuses look up to men of great lofty minds (other geniuses). Dumb people look up to imaginary things (like Jesus). So when, how, and what is Christianity. What is it, and why does it exist? Christianity came into existence during a time when the Roman Empire was declining and begining to fall apart. The falling apart came from the common folk being very divided in culture, ethnicities, and religions. Add to this the Emperors mistrust of a very strong, very coherent military which was becoming increasingly unhappy with things, and weve set the stage for Christianitys debute. Religions back in those days did not look like what we would concider religions today. They were something often called Mystery Cults. The easiest way to explain a Mystery Cult is to compare it with modern day Freemasonry and the Wicca of Gardner and Alex Sander or the Rosicrucian Order AMORC. These examples have initiation degrees, secret teachings, an inner and outer doctrine, collects its initiates into a fraternal bond, and each had a central Mythos of a dying and resurecting cult hero, who represented either the Sun or Nature. One Mystery Cult popular back then were the Dionysian Artificers, another was Cultus Sol Invictus to which Emperor Constintine himself was an initiate of. The only problem was, almost all of these Mystery Cults were selective in membership and were only opened to the bourgeois. The peasants had to make due with the outer or exoteric worship of State Gods.
At the time, the largest and most influential Mystery Cult was the Cult of Mithra, which was only open to members of the Roman militry. Its central cult Hero was Mithra, who shares a lot in common with Christianitys Jesus which was to come later. Constintine needed to somehow strengthen the cohesion of his Empire, or it would fall, and he also needed to weaken the military Cult of Mithra. He did this by borrowing a little know Athenasian-Jewish Mystery Cult and merged it with Mithraism and his own Cultus Sol Invictus. The name of the central hero would be a nameof Dionysus: IHS (YES) plus the VS ending rendering IESVS. He then gave this new cult to the peasants, made it the religion of the Empire, and then outlaws all others. Now that the peasants had a single religion to belong to and other religions were outlawed they could run amok and slaughter anybody the Emperor didnt like. Thus, Christianity, in its beginning days was a mere political tool of an emperor to bring more coherency to his civilization, and to irradicate threats to his dominion. Unfortunately Rome eventually fell anyways. Unfortunate because now Christianity had no political force to check it or keep it from going crazy. This is where Christianity began its 1000 year long display of what kinds of Fruits, influences, and real world results it had on Humanity and human civilization. Remember the old says: Talk is cheap & Actions speak louder than words? Lets forget about the flowery gospel for a moment and assess the damage. What was the height of unchecked Christian civilization? The Dark Ages! Its that period in time when all of Europe went brain dead en mass. Reading and writing was a crime punishable by death, books were burned, and anyone thinking different from what was acceptable was murdered for heresy. The majority of Europes people at this time were slaves, serfs, and peasants without liberty. Then we have the hundreds of years of the Inquisition, all of the witch hunts the world was flat with four corners, and the rest of the biblical sciences. That is the gift of Christianity to Humanity. That is Christianitys Fruit of the loom. Its something that they cannot hide or mask, because it its forever etched in 2000 years of human history. They can talk the hot air all they want about how sweet their teachings and slavation is, but the fruits which Christianity bares in the real world is obvious to any intelligent and rational person of the 21st century. If it werent for the men who dared to reject Christianity who gave birth to the Age of Enlightenment, wed all still be enslaved serfs groveling at the feet of priests. Wherever Christianity went, it ended up producing the same catastrophic real world results. Whether in Europe, new world territories like the Americas or Africa, it retarded humanity to a most base and vile state, annihilated folk culture, haulted the progression of folk civilizations, and killed our most human quality which nature had worked so hard to refine and give to us: our creativity, our vision of a better self, and our dreams of better worlds. Christianity still has negative results in our modern world thru the politics it influences. I dont need to go into details about their conservative Nazarene politics
during the past eight Bush years which manifested this economic crisis America and most of the world is in at th emoment. This is Christian Salvation. Its death of our Humanity, death of our Humanness, and death of our Human civilizations. Rightly symbolized by a Human hung dead. And they dare call us the Living Dead. We? Who adores life and lives it to the fullest without restraint? Its Christian ethics not only retards our human behavior with morals. It also retards the very progression of Humanity. Every newly discovered applicable scientific theory, such as stemcell research, cloning, genetic engineering is playing god to them and ethically wrong. What kind of god do they worship if an ape with a needle and microscope can do what their god does and be his equal? In lew of modern science and critical thinking they offer Creationism in which the earth was created in a mere 6000 years. In lew of real policies and concern for real global issues they give us the concern of gay marriage and abortion. So long as Christianity shall continue to exist, it will always be an anchor to the ship of Humanity, which will prevent us from progressing and moving forward. You dont have to take my word for it. All you have to do is open a history book and observe. Those other satanisms that exist are merely reactionary mechanisms which evolved during the Enlightenment when Christianity lost its power over state and politics. Back then it was useful and served to help divorce a mans mind and emotions from the defilement of Christianity. But these reactionary satanisms have long out lived their usefulness, and in this day and age are no longer a topic worthy of further discussion. The Order of Nine Angles is at the very opposite end of Christianity. We are Christianitys opposite polarity. When Christianitys fruits is the control and exploitation of a dead nature. The ONA seeks to harmonize its initiates to a living Cosmos. When the fruits of Christianity is the enviling and defilement of Humanity, Our first fundamental principle of the ONA is the Progression of Humanity towards our highest potential. When Christianitys fruits is the retardation and annihilation of civilization, Our second fundamental principle of the ONA is the Progression of Human Civilization towards its highest concievable potential. The ONA is a progressive art and science of Being and Evolving. Whatever else is of the ONA is just a means to those two ends. Period. In this context, the Order of Nine Angles is not a common or regular occult organization; neither is it devil worship or a cheap justification to indulge. These are all but means to an end, and if a better means should be discovered, old useless ones are discarded. The Order of Nine Angles isnt a belief system in which one just carries a handful of beliefs and theories in ones head. It is a becoming, a process, a working, a doing, where theories are applied and transmuted in the real world to produce real world results. The Way of the ONA isnt the following of a master, nor a denial of life. It is the art and science of Master of Life, with which each Initiate strives to not only be the creator of his/her own reality in word and theory, but thru actions and deeds, to bring life and all people and things within ones field of influence under ones will. It is a way of life that embraces the Vitality of Existence. It is a Way that Ennobles Humanity, sets our collective eyes
towards the star decked heavens, and envelops us in a deep innate yearning to reach for the stars and take hold of our destiny. What fruits do we bare? It is too early to tell. This ONA Tree of ours is young. There is a drought, and the other trees in this forest are withering away. If our ONA is to bare fruit, we must first nurture it throught this drought. But so far we our own selves to judge, compared to the rest of mankind. What dreams do we have? What visions do we work towards? What have we become?
Your immortal soul being a young differentiated awareness of something Infinite and Absolute, is everywhere already. It is just engrossed in a single vibration of existence. The word everywhere is in quotations because there really is no such thing as a where to be. This can be understood with a simple mental exercise. Picture in your mind as vividly as you can a childhood memory occurring out doors. See the sky and the sun once more, the mountains, and environment. Now ask yourself how silly it is to believe that the entire world you just recreated in your mind all fits inside a three pound brain between your ears. It is as silly as believing that the world and scenery inside a television actually is inside the television, and that somehow the electrical components creates it. We arent here to try and awaken everybody to the nature of reality, or to give long lectures on it. We are only here to awaken our own and to give a practical method for our own to experience something that shouldnt be written. When something is written down, it is removed from its potential to be experienced, and becomes a topic of conversations, debates, and materialistic reasoning. Written things dont produce experience, only onions. But these techniques must be written for you to try them, to gain the experience. You are a point of awareness lost and fixated on a stage upon which plays out the pageantry of material existence. Your mind has been focused on this place for so long, you have lost your way home. Just because you have been listening to the same radio station your entire life, doesnt mean other stations do not exist. These exercises are intended to awaken you to your original nature without writing it down for you. You will realize it when the time comes. The regular practice of Phasing will relink you back to the original reality you lost focus of Supernal Light which is your home and Source. When you have made your way home, and seen all you will see, you will come back to this material world seeing it as it was intended to be a playground with no rules. The exercise is preformed just before retiring to sleep in bed. A cup of water and a dream journal will be needed. These are important triggers for your subconscious mind. Drink half of the glass while say to yourself n your mind something like: I will remember my dreams in the morning when I drink the other half and begin the meditation. Relax your body and breath normally. Keep your attention on your breathing for a while and look up at the point between your eyebrow. When you are fully relaxed and starting to drift off, visualize the North Star in the sky, and bring the north star to your third eye, merging the two. You will feel a slight sensation in the area. Meditate on this sensation and put your whole awareness into this sensation. Begin the meditation with a feeling of curiosity and wander to yourself where inside your body are you? Where is the I you call yourself? The meditation is a quest to find this I. Begin by first concentrating on each of your body parts and realize that none of these parts contains your Self. Go down the list of your internal organs one at a time and come to the same realization. Now move to your brain and look your your Self inside. Shrink your awareness that was at your brow down to the size of a cell until your brain is a jungle of neurons and electrical pulses and begin to realize that your Self is not contained in any neuron or pulse.
Now shrink yourself down to the size of an atom until your brain cells disappear into stars of atoms. Meditate on this feeling for a while until you realize that you are none of these atoms, and that at this level there is no distinction between the atoms that make up your body and the atoms that makes up the earth or galaxies because all is an infinite sea of atoms. Shrink yourself further down to a subatomic level and see each atom made up of many swirls of energy in a sea of motionless energy. Meditate on this for a while as you begin to realize the profound realization that you are this infinite sea of energy. Meditate on this realization and fall asleep. When you wake up drink the other half of the glass and write down whatever dream you had, no matter how trivial. This trains your subconscious mind to remember things and events of a different phase beyond the material it is so used to focusing on. Do this for a few days until you can walk around in waking consciousness with this same profound feeling that everything you see is basically an illusion. Then move on to step two. Step Two: Go through the same first step and bring your awareness back to this sea of energy. Keep your consciousness awake by concentrating on the swirls and learn to let your body fall asleep. This will take some time. Tell your self when you drink the water to remember your dreams and stay awake while your body sleeps. After a while you will begin to see images in the sea of energy. Concentrate on one of these images. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the Borderland state. Passively watch these images come and go. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Step three: Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision through your closed eyes. Do nothing more for a while. Simply look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you. After a while, you may notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered Pureland. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation called The Star Gate a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts. The ideal state for Phasing is at The Star Gate. This Star Gate state is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. Passing beyond the gate is where Phasing happens. The state beyond the Star Gate is called The Threshold. When your consciousness is at the verge of entering the Abyss you will begin to either hear sounds and or feel vibrations. Concentrate on these and will the sound and vibration to become more intense. This is the Threshold. Step Four: Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and also the most vague. The Threshold marks the onset of Phasing. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as is electricity is being shot through the body. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet. Turn the
point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up and above your head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body. Even if you dont know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them. Step five: Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are to Phase. Step six: Look into the Third Eye for your High Priest, or Guide. Contacting your High Priest is taught in a previous chapter. If you haven done this just attempt to call one now. In a gentle voice say, I give you permission to take me to the best place for my spiritual good. Phase your consciousness or mind outside your body, by focusing in vivid detail of a target area where you will meet your Guide. This can be another room, your favorite beach, or an inner temple or sanctuary you have created. This is the last step of the instructions. You will discover the rest on your own. Practice all 6 steps for several days consecutively and you will learn how to phase from place to place. The key is to vividly either recall a place and will yourself into the place or follow your Guide. If you need further instructions ask your High Priest. Your journey home and Quest for self discovery begins here. In a normal persons lifetime ignorant of the more real subtle reality, the person will only encounter the Threshold one in his life at death. Death is merely a process where consciousness phases out of the reality it was focused on to a different one. The phenomenon of death are two different events overlapped to look like one occurrence. From the dying persons perspective he enters the Threshold and his awareness phases into a new place or reality; and there are an infinite number of places for him to go. To keep the continuity of the pageantry of life continuous and seamless, your body cannot just vanish into thin air. From the observers point of view he sees a body dying. When you have learned to phase from place to place at will, there is a place called 352 New York where many of the advanced travelers of the Acception meet. The place was built by us based on movies we watched about New York mobsters in the 1920s era. There is a speakeasy made from an underground cave called Caligulas Gin Grotto in Harlem. Ask the people you meet there for it. If you meet the right one they will bring you. The password to enter are in the first and second degree. A different method of Phasing used often required a deeply fine tuned mind. A picture of a scenary is used, such as a small island, a beach setting, or inside of a building. The picture is absorbed in the mind where the initiate learns to focus in on the details or
rather, fine tune the detail of the scenary in a meditative state. The initiate then projects herself or himself into the surroundings. With regular practice, the initiate will be able to fade the realism of the detail up. When two or more initiates concentrate on the same picture or scenario and projects themselves into it, surprising things will happen, which is left for you to discover. When the initiate regularly practices phasing, and its cousin: lucid dreaming; and if he contemplates on the nature of dreams and hallucenogenic drugs, he/she will come to a new understanding of the nature of reality and existence. That existence/reality may be illustrated as a spectrum of frequencies, or octaves, much like the air waves that simultaneously floods the ether. Awareness is then much like a radio tuner, and reality is nothing but awareness phased, or fixated, in one station. Death, is then only the deterioration of a machine, that once only housed the ghost; and just as ones awareness phazed into this octave gradually after one was born, so does our awareness of this world phase out gradually when we each are nearing the expiration date of our causal form.
For instance Ram is the seed of fire and is vibrated repetitively by the novice to cause things to ignite on fire with the mind. Many would be occultists and magicians will assume that ram must be a magical word or that its correct vibrational chant somehow makes the fire. But Tibetan mystics asserts that the word and sound itself has no special significance, but rather the representation of elements, or deities associated with the seed mantra. It is the intense focus of thought energy, and the mental visualization of the element of fire, the appropriate god the seed mantra impregnates the mind and thought with, and the lama convincing himself that he is the deity that give the mind the power to produce the heat and fire. The novices ability to intensely concentrate his thought vibrations into a coherent stream of thought energy charged with the imagery of fire is the key and power. This concept is the complete opposite of what is the essence of magic in the Occident. In the West its is taught that emotions, and better yet, intense emotions is the key active ingredient of magic which determines its success. Thought is neglected, and in fact is scattered in different directions by thinking out the ritual, the wording, looking at the imagery, thinking of the right movements and gestures, and paying attention on other participants, like the naked naked altar girl. Whereas in the Orient thought is all that is needed; because as the lamas teach Mind is the house of the universe, and thought energy is the very fabric from which the cosmos arises. To control thought, is to control the cosmos. Emotions only serves as an obstacle to concentration. The power of coherent thought energy is so powerful that a common esoteric practice of student lamas is to sit in a temple together, focus their mind on a deity while vibrating its name. The collective coherent thought energy of these student lamas when intensely focused coalesces and materializes as a physical being. Although this exercise may appear as an occult practice to the Occidental mind, this teaches the lamas a great secret that must be seen and experienced, rather than read about or verbally taught by a teacher. The lamas learns from direct experience that the world of form is an illusion and manifestation of Mind. In ancient times the great lamas of Tibet used to use their collective mental force to materialize deities, demons, and creatures, to guard their forbidden boarders. Some of these have come to be known in the West as Yetis. The force of coherent thought was also used in olden Tibet to levitate giant stones from the ground to building sites high up a steep mountain with the aid of drums. The lamas would form a triangular formation, one lama facing the stone which was situated bellow the sight it was to be lifted to. The other lamas gradually fanned out behind him, each with a large drum. The drums would beat collectively at a certain rate which put the lamas into an altered state of mind where they merge their mind and thoughts together and concentrate on visualizations of the stone lifting, with the help of the right seed word. Besides the exercises which we have outlines, there exists a few others aiming at producing tumo. However, they are all more or less alike. The process always combines prolonged retention of the breath and visualization. In away, this amounts to extreme auto-suggestion, which in itself is a lesson to be learned by the illuminated that we each create our reality from Mind.
Tibetan mystics are not talkative; those of them who accept disciples teach them through a method in which discourse takes place very infrequently. The disciples of these hermits seldom see their masters. A few months or a few years may elapse between these meeting. But in spite of their seeming aloofness, master and disciple do not lack means of communications. Telepathy is a branch of Tibetan secret teachings and seems, in this land of snow, to take the place of the telephone. Teachers declare that mastery in telepathy requires a perfect command of the mind, in order to produce, at will, the powerful one-pointedness of thought on which the phenomenon depends. Once again we see coherency of thought as the central and most important factor second to visualization, and not emotion or desire. The part of the receiver always ready to resonate with the subtle vibrations of telepathic waves, is considered almost as difficult as that of the sender. To begin with, the intended receiver must tune into the sender by intensely focusing his mind on his master, and visualizing him. Volitional perfect concentration of mind on one single object, until every other object vanishes from the field of consciousness, is the basis of the lamaist spiritual training. The complementary practice of emptying the mind of all cognitions, establishing in it complete silence and blackness, must also be mastered. Training begins with the master and student seated near each other in deep meditation in a dark room, the thoughts of both concentrated on the same object. At a certain point in his training the student empties his mind completely of everything, and watches the thoughts which arises involuntary, and reports to his master. Then the master begins to send mental orders to his disciple, and when the student receives these orders, the distance between master and disciple will gradually increase. Novices will practice and test their progress in dispatching unexpected telepathic messages to one another at a time when the person designated to be receiver is likely to be busy and not thinking about receiving communications. They will also try to convey messages to people with whom the have never met or been connected with who know nothing about telepathy. All this is great and interesting, but what does it have to do with Progressive Satanism? We already understand that coherency of thought is the fundamental source and power of creation and manifestation. We already know that visualization is the key factor in charging thought energy not emotions. Now we have learned that words associated with deities and names of deities is a useful tool to obtaining power over the objective material universe. The deities of Tibet are, as the lamas learn, nothing more than thought forms created by the focus of every believer or Tibetan mind. These deities are like joint bank accounts, into which each individual deposits a certain amount of faith and belief. The combined, collective thought energy of all these people throughout many generations creates these deities. Now ask yourself how many Tibetans there are and compare that to the number of people on earth who believe in the existence of Satan.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims put together, there are over 3 billion minds that feed Satan with their thought energy. Satan is a massive untapped reservoir of great force and power, far exceeding any godform today. To add to his power are the billions of Hidnus that believe in Rudra/Shiva there form of Satan. Fortunately for us, most Satanists have not tapped into this ocean of power either out of rejection of his existence, or because they have been doing it all wrong, toying with their own emotions, rather than tapping into the force they worship. This is good for us, because it leave more force and power for us and our generations. Let those Stagnant Satanists loose themselves in their emotions. Keep what you have learned within the Acception a secret from them. Now with all this in mind. We will present a simple way of tapping into Satan. It is not the simplicity, but the acuteness of your Thazer or one-pointed concentration. Practice the meditation exercise given in the Priesthood Chapter, but use Mahavayu breathing. Once you have gone to the point where you are to call your High Priest begin visualizing first the pentagram, which is your seed image. Then vibrate the name Satan in syllables. Breath in slowly and as you exhale vibrate SA in a deep and low tone, almost nasalized so you can feel the vibration in your third eye, which your eyes should be fixed on. Exhale and slowly, and inhale saying TAN. Each syllable must be vibrated for the entire duration of the out breath. Do this in extreme focus until every thing around you along with every thought in your mind disappears into oblivion. Allow the pentagram to fade into an involuntary image of Satan, and focus on this image while continuing vibrating his name. After several minutes begin to visualize Satan merging with your body, and visualize yourself becoming Satan. Do this while vibrating his name. The meditation should last for one hour. Keep a journal of what you experience. Do this faithfully for a consecutive 30 days, for an hour; usually either just when you wake up, or before you go to bed. Doing this nude in sunlight is even better. This is your seed meditation. After the 30 days, you will use your creativity to use the power you have tapped into. Such as establishing telepathic communication with Satan himself to learn directly from him. Keep your works in a journal.
of lust; and as an handmaiden, let her serve them. one seon, let it confound another; and let there be no creature upon or within her the same. all her numbers, let them differ in their qualities; and let there be no one creature equal with another. The reasonable creatures of the earth, and Man, let the vex and weed out one another; and their dwelling places, let them forget their names. 19th Enochian Key. Within our Acception, 19, is the symbol of Primal Nature and the universal law of Nature, expressed through all of Her arts and pasrts. The strong survives to live another day to establish mastership over the weak; but the collective of the Mighty, without limitation of ethical concepts of right and wrong, shall rise to dominate even the masters themselves, who have not learned the valuable lesson from the noble and mighty Ant: Coherency equals Supremecy over the Jungle. Those of us who can understand the meaning and mystery of 19, who can live according to its dictates, shall eventually rise to Supremecy above the bovine Urbanites. The power of 19, mixed with coherency and organization gives birth to Eternal Empires. The unlimited ruthlessness of Genghis Khan, the Might of Alexander the Great, the Greatness of George Washinton and his Rebels gave them the ultimate prize of this lawless game of life: Power, Dominion, Empire, and Immortality. These men are our Brothers and teachers. These men, who knew the gift that the Law of 19 bestows unto those who understand its mysteries, and fulfills its promise. The key to power and supremecy isnt Do unto others, as they do unto you, it is: Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you. Our reason detre isnt to teach the curious seeker softcore mind games of philosophy, theory, or magic, they may go else where for this, or study this on their own time. Our meaning and purpose her in the Acception is to coagulate, amalgamate, organize, and cohesify our individual members into a coherent organism to struggle as a single collective force to express and manifest the mystery of the Law of 19 to achieve power and supremecy, and hardcore results in the real world for us, and our future progeny alone at the total cost and expense of all others who do not belong to our Acception.
minds and germinated thereof. Thi was the first purpose of the manuscripts. The second was to duplicate the vision and the dream in other minds, and to have others work towards them also. It has been well over 40 years since the first seeds were cast. After having done what it came to do the ONA has vanished back into the dark minds from whence it came; but it has spawned progeny around the globe, and have undoubtedly inspired satanism lke n other organization, and even politics in some places. We are one of its spawn; born from the seedthoughts of this genius. We have taken these inspirational manuscripts, and like fertilizer feed our seedling. This seedling has now grown into our unique system. At first glance it seems hard to see any semblence between us and our parent; but if one looks beneath the friuts, leaves, and trunk, one will see ur roots are drenched in its fertile soil. We look different, may belief in a different set of beliefs, have different rituals, but we Progressive Satanists are all working towards the envisioned goal. It will take much time and dedication. many generations will pass before Dark Imperium is acualized and Homo Galactica is manifest; but the day will come. Through each of us and our bloodlines, so long as we pas our system down to our generations to carry on the work we have come together to build. In this way our Satanism will remain different from the other brands of Satanism, a characteristic our progenator also had, and will always have as their distinguishing marker. While all other satanisms are focused on the individual and his immediate gratifications through indulgence and ccult means; our 352 has its eyes focused on the far off future, with a vision of a future world and a future people. Where other satanisms would cease to exist if they lost their Satanism; our 352 would still remain intact, and we would still work towards Dark Imperium and our Galactic Destiny, even without the Satanism. This Satanism of ours is merely a tool, a means to manifest an end; but it is only one tool in the shed. To lose our identities in just one mere tool, is a hindrence to our breed and kind. We are more than Satanists, far more. Each of us must learn from this beautiful dandelion to duplicate our efforts. cast out our seeds, like the ONA once did, and even if they just fell on another fertile mind, it will grow and germinate, and we would have another mind and body, dedicated to the vision. The thoughts and actions we think and do today becomes the fabric of the reality and world of the future. How laughable would it be if we went back in time and told the serfdom of the old world that someday the mere concept of Liberty, nurtured in the right minds would give birth to the worlds most powerful civilization in human history?
of practical concepts of Insight Roles which we call Roll Switching; Aeonics which we Chronomophosis and Glamour Magic; Ordeals; and the vision of a future Imperium. To keep our own Initiates linked as Nexions of Acausal Nature and Energy to aurally aid in our progression to Imperium the ONAs Seven-Fold Way is here grafted into our system and requires all our initiates to apply the Septenary Way: A Complete Guide To The Seven-Fold Sinister Way: IntroductionThe Seven-Fold Sinister Way is the name given to the system of training used by Traditional Satanists. It is the practice of Satanism, by individual Satanists, and thus expresses Satanism in action. The Way is an individual one each stage, of the seven stages that make the Way, is achieved by the individual as a result of their own effort. To reach a particular stage, requires considerable effort by the individual, who works mostly on their own. One aim of the Way is to create Satanic individuals that is, to train individuals in the ways of Satanism. This Satanic training developes individual character, esoteric (or Occult) skills and self-insight. The individual also acquires genuine esoteric knowledge and a genuine understanding. The Way itself enables any individual to achieve genuine magickal Adeptship (and beyond) and thus fulfil the potential latent within them thus they can and do enhance their life, and achieve their unique Destiny. The Way is essentially practical involving experiences in the real world, and ordeals, as well as the completion of difficult, challenging tasks. It also involves a practical mastery of all forms of magick. The Way requires a sincere and genuine commitment, and it is both difficult and very dangerous. Success depends on this commitment by the individual. The Way is divided into seven stages, and these mark a specific level of individual achievement. The stages are: Neophyte; Initiate; External Adept; Internal Adept; Master of Temple/Mistress of Earth [ or "Lady Master"]; Grand Master/Grand Mistress [ or "Grand Lady Master"]; Immortal. Sometimes, Initiates are described, or known, as novices; Internal Adepts as Priest/Priestess; a Grand Master as a Magus, and a Grand Mistress as a Magistra. Each of these stages is associated with specific tasks, ordeals, rituals and so on, and a completion of each and all of these (given in detail below under the appropriate stage) is required before the next stage can be attempted. Also, each stage involves the individual in a certain amount of reading and study of Order manuscripts hereafter manuscripts is abbreviated as MSS, and manuscript as MS ]. The purpose of this reading and study is to provide a Satanic understanding of the tasks, ordeals, rituals and so on of the particular stage being attempted. Each stage represents a development of and in the individual of their personality, their skills, their understanding, their knowledge and insight.
Before embarking on the first stage that of Satanic Initiation the individual who desires to follow the dark path of traditional Satanism should gain some understanding of what genuine Satanism is. To this end, the following Order MSS should be read: * Satanism An Introduction For Prospective Adherents * The Sinister Path: An Introduction to Traditional Satanism * The Essence of the Sinister Path [contained in Hostia - Secret Teachings of the ONA] I Neophyte The first task of a neophyte [the word means "a beginner; a new convert"] is to obtain copies of the various Order MSS which will be needed. These are: (1) The Black Book of Satan A Guide to Satanic Ceremonial Magick; (2) Naos A Guide to Becoming an Adept; and (3) Hostia The Secret Teachings of the ONA (Volumes I & II). The following MSS (contained in Hostia) should be particularly studied in order to gain an understanding of traditional Satanism and its methods: (a) Selling Water By The River; (b) Satanism The Sinister Shadow, Revealed; (c) Guide to Black Magick; (d) Ritual Magick Dure and Sedue Ceremonial. The neophyte also needs to understand the fundamental concepts of magick, such as causal and acausal and here a study of the following Order MSS is useful: (a) Chapters 0 and I of Naos; (b) Aeonic Magick A Basic Introduction. The second task of a neophyte is to undertake the secret task appropriate to this first stage. This task is a necessary prelude to Satanic Initiation [ the task is detailed in the MS "The Secret Tasks of the Sinister Way", which is included as an Appendix to this present work]. The third task of a neophyte is to undertake a ritual of Satanic Initiation. If you are in contact with a traditional Satanic group, this can be a Ceremonial ritual. If you are working alone, or the group you are in contact with suggest it, it can be a Hermetic one of Self-Initiation. Both of these rituals of Initiation are given in detail in the Order MS The Black Book of Satan A Guide to Satanic Ceremonial Magick. There is no difference between a Ceremonial Initiation, and a Hermetic Self-Initiation. The fourth and final task of this stage involves the new Satanic Initiate in constructing and learning to play, The Star Game, details of which are given in the Order MS Naos. II Initiate Tasks: 1) Study the Septenary System in detail [Naos] and begin hermetic magickal workings with the septenary spheres and pathways as described in Naos. Write a personal magickal diary about these workings. Study and begin to use the Sinister Tarot [copies of the Sinister Tarot, and study notes, are available from the ONA].
2) Undertake hermetic workings/rituals for specific personal desires/personal requests of your own choosing, as described in Naos. Record these, and the results, if any, in your magickal diary. 3) Set yourself one very demanding physical goal, train and achieve or surpass that goal. [Examples of minimum standards are, for men: walking thirty-two miles in less than seven hours in hilly terrain; running twenty miles in hilly terrain in less than two and a half hours. Cycling one hundred miles in under five and a half hours. For women, the acceptable minimum standards are: walking twenty-seven miles in hilly terrain in less than seven hours; running twenty miles in hilly terrain in less than three hours; cycling one hundred miles in under six and one quarter hours.] 4) Seek and find someone of the opposite sex to be your magickal companion and sexual partner, and introduce this person to Satanism. Initiate them according to the rite in The Black Book of Satan. Undertake the path and sphere workings with this partner. 5) Obtain and study the Order MS The Temple of Satan [Part II of The Deofel Quartet]. A guide to this MS is given in the MSS The Deofel Quartet Responses and Critical Analysis; and The Deofel Quartet A Satanic Analysis. [Note: Part I of the Deofel Quartet - Falcifer, Lord of Darkness - is intended as entertaining Satanic fiction.] 6) Undertake an Insight Role [see the Secret Tasks MS and the MS Insight Roles - A Guide, in Hostia.] This Insight Role is the Secret Task of this stage. 7) After completion of your Insight Role, undertake the Grade Ritual of External Adept, given in Naos. The stage of Initiation can last depending on the commitment of the Initiate from six months to a year. Occasionally, it lasts two years. Understanding Initiation: Satanic Initiation is the awakening of the darker/sinister/unconscious aspects of the psyche, and of the inner (often repressed) and latent personality/character of the Initiate. It is also a personal commitment, by the Initiate, to the path of Satanism. The dark, or sinister, energies which are used/unleashed are symbolized by the symbols/forms of the Septenary System, and these symbols are used in the workings with the septenary spheres and pathways. These magickal workings provide a controlled, ritualized, or willed, experience of these dark energies or forces and this practical experience begins the process of objectifying and understanding such energies, and thus these aspects of the psyche/personality of the Initiate. The Star Game takes this process of objectification further, enabling a complete and rational understanding divorced from conventional moral opposites.
The physical goal which an Initiate must achieve developes personal qualities such as determination, self-discipline, lan. It enhances the vitality of the Initiate, and balances the inner magickal work. The seeking and finding of a magickal companion begins the confrontation/understanding of the anima/animus (the female/male archetypes which exist in the psyche and beyond) in a practical way, and so increases self-understanding via direct experience. It also enables further magickal work to be done, of a necessary type. An Insight Role developes real Satanic character in the individual; it is a severe test of the resolve, Satanic commitment and personality of the Initiate. The Grade Ritual which completes the stage of Initiation (and which leads to the next stage) is a magickal act of synthesis. III External Adept Tasks: 1) Organize a magickal, and Satanic, group/magickal Temple. You must recruit members for this Satanic Temple, and teach them about Satanism. With your companion (or another one if personal circumstances have changed) you must Initiate these members according to the ceremonial ritual in The Black Book of Satan as you must perform ceremonial rituals on a regular basis. In this Temple, you will be the officiating Priest/Priestess, with your partner acting as the Priestess/Priest. Regular Sunedrions should be held, as detailed in the Black Book of Satan, as you should regularly perform rituals, both hermetic and ceremonial, for the satisfaction of your own desires and those of your members. You should run this Temple for between six and eighteen months. 2) Train for and undertake all three of the following different and demanding physical tasks the minimum standards (for men) are: (a) walking thirty-two miles, in hilly terrain, in under seven hours while carrying a pack weighing at least 30 lbs; (b) running twenty-six miles in four hours; (c) cycling two hundred or more miles in twelve hours. [Those who have already achieved such goals in such activities should set themselves more demanding goals. For women, the minimum acceptable standards are: (a) walking twenty-seven miles in under seven hours while carrying a pack weighing at least 15 lbs. (b) running twenty-six miles in four and a half hours; (c) cycling one hundred and seventy miles in twelve hours.] 3) Undertake the Secret Task as given in the Secret Tasks MS. 4) Study, construct and learn to play the advanced form of The Star Game. 5) Study Aeonics and the principles of Aeonic Magick, as detailed in Order MSS. 6) Study, and if possible practice, Esoteric Chant, as detailed in Order MSS [ particularly in Naos].
7) Study the esoteric traditions of traditional Satanism, and if so inclined [see 'Concerning The Satanic Temple' below] instruct your Temple members in this tradition. The tradition is contained in The Black Book of Satan; Naos; Hostia; The Deofel Quartet; Aeonic Magick and other Order MSS. Prepare for, and undertake, the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept if necessary choosing someone to run the Satanic Temple in your absence. Concerning The Satanic Temple: The Temple must be run for a minimum of six months, as you yourself must seek out, recruit, instruct and train, the members of this Temple. There must be at least four other members, excluding yourself and your companion, during these six months, as you must strive to obtain an equal balance between men and women. It is at your discretion whether or not you are honest about your intentions, and inform recruits/potential recruits that this Temple is one of your tasks as an External Adept, and that you yourself are not yet very advanced along the Satanic path. If you choose not to so inform your members, you must play the appropriate role. If you are considering keeping and expanding the Temple beyond the minimum period and into the next stage, that of Internal Adept, it is more practical to be honest from the outset. The crux is to decide whether you wish your Temple to be solely for your own External Adept purpose, or whether you want it be truely Satanic, with your members guided by you to become sincere and practising Satanists. If this latter, then you must be honest with them about your own progress along the path, and instruct them according to ONA tradition. After this six months is over with four or more members and many ceremonial rituals having been performed you may disband the Temple, if you consider sufficient experience has been gained in magick/manipulation/pleasuring. However the time limit of six months, and the minimum of four other members, must be observed, otherwise the task is not completed, and the next stage Internal Adept is not possible. This particular task, of an External Adept, is only complete when these minimum conditions have been met, for such conditions are essential for practical ceremonial experience to be gained. After these conditions have been met, you may opt to continue with, and expand, your Temple. Understanding External Adept: The tasks of an External Adept develope both magickal and personal experience, and from these a real, abiding, Satanic character is formed in the individual. This character, and the understanding and skills which go with it, are the essential foundations of the next stage, that of the Internal Adept. The Temple enables various character roles to be directly assumed, and further developes the magickal skills, and magickal understanding, an Adept must possess. Particularly
important here is skill in, and understanding of, ceremonial magick. Without this skill and understanding, Aeonic magick is not possible. The Temple also completes the experiencing of confronting, and integrating, the anima/animus. From the many and diverse controlled and willed experiences, a genuine self-learning arises: the beginnings of the process of individuation, of esoteric Adeptship. [ See the Order MS Adeptship - Its Real Meaning and Significance.] The stage of External Adept lasts from two to six years. IV Internal Adept The basic task of an Internal Adept is to strive to fulfil their personal Destiny that is, to presence the dark force by acting Satanically in the real world, thus affecting others, and causing changes in accord with the sinister dialectic of change. This personal Destiny is revealed, or becomes known, before or during the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept. The Destiny is unique, and involves using the natural, and developed character and abilities of the individual. For some, the Destiny may be to continue with their Satanic Temple, teaching others, and guiding them in their turn along the Seven-Fold Way. For others, the Destiny may be creative, in the artistic or musical sense presencing the sinister through new, invented and performed forms or works. For others, the Destiny may be to acquire influence and/or power, and using these to aid /produce Satanic change in accord with the sinister dialectic. For others, it may involve some heretical/adversarial or directly revolutionary or disruptive role, and thus seeking to change society. For others, the Destiny may be specific and specialized being a warrior, or an assassin.. There are as many Destinies as there Adepts to undertake them. While this Destiny is unfolding, the Adept will be increasing their esoteric knowledge and experience through a study and practice of Esoteric Chant, The Star Game, Aeonic Magick. Rites such as those of the Nine Angles will be undertaken. A complete and reasoned understanding of Aeons, Civilizations and other forms will be achieved, and with it the beginnings of wisdom. After many years of striving to fulfil their Destiny, and after many years of experience and learning, the Adept will be propelled toward the next stage of the Way [ see the MS Mastery - Its Real Meaning and Significance; and the MS The Abyss where what occurs during Internal Adept is described.] When the time is right, the Grade Ritual of Master/Mistress will be undertaken. The time is right only after the Adept has spent years completing themselves, and their self-image, having taken themselves to and beyond their limits physical, mental, intellectual, moral, emotional. Being genuine Adepts, they will have the insight, and the honesty, to know what experiences, and what knowledge, they lack and accordingly will seek to undergo such experiences, and learn such knowledge. The stage of Internal Adept lasts from five to eleven years.
V Master/Mistress The fundamental tasks of this Grade are threefold: 1) The guiding of suitable individuals along the Seven-Fold Way, either on an individual basis, or as part of a structured Temple/group; 2) The performance of Aeonic Magick to aid the sinister dialectic; 3) The creation of new forms to enhance conscious understanding and to aid the presencing of acausal/sinister forces. Further, and importantly, a Master/Mistress will be using their Aeonic understanding, and their skills to influence/bring about changes in the societies of their time this is Aeonic Magick, but without ritual, as described in Parts III and IV of The Deofel Quartet. They will also be working to create long-term change (of centuries or more). Few individuals reach the stage of Master/Mistress so far, only one to two individuals a century, out of all the genuine esoteric traditions, have gone beyond the stage of Master/Mistress to that of Grand Master/Grand Mistress. The stage of Master/Mistress lasts a minimum of seven years when sufficient Aeonic works are completed/achieved, and wisdom attained, there is a moving toward the next stage, that of Grand Master/Grand Mistress. Appendix The Secret Tasks of the Sinister Way The secret tasks have remained secret for a long time by virtue of their nature they represent genuine Satanism in action and as such often are a-moral. Such esoteric tasks were revealed to an Initiate by the Master, or Adept, guiding and training that Initiate. To understand the nature of these tasks, it is necessary for the Satanic novice to be familiar, and in agreement with, the secret teachings themselves, particularly as these relate to human sacrifice, or culling. [These teachings are contained in such Order MSS as (1) The Hard Reality of Satanism; (2) Satanism, Sacrifice and Crime; (3) Culling - A Guide to Sacrifice; (4) Guidelines for the Testing of Opfers; (5) Victims - A Sinister Expose; (6) The Practice of Evil in Context.] For a long time, the matters mentioned in the above secret MSS were transmitted only on an oral basis it being forbidden for such teachings and practices to be written down or divulged to non-Initiates. However, as explained elsewhere, in several other MSS, this practice has now changed. Accordingly, this present MS will detail the secret tasks which a Satanic novice must undertake as part of their commitment to Satanism. That is, these hitherto secret tasks like the other tasks detailed in the MS A Complete Guide to the Seven-Fold Way are both required and necessary: mandatory if progress is to be made upon the Way. Without them, there can be no genuine achievement along the Way, for it is such tasks which develope that character and those abilities which are Satanic and which thus represent the presencing of the dark forces on Earth via the agency (or vehicle) of the individual
Satanist. These secret tasks and the other tasks represent the way of Satan. They are Satanic. As such, they a fitting only to a minority: to those who are, or those who desire to become, Satanists. Some who profess to be Satanists and some who wish to become Satanists will hear of these tasks, or read them, and be surprised, perhaps even appalled, particuarly by the tasks that involve hunting and killing animals and culling human dross. Such people will say or write such things as Such tasks are not necessary. By saying or writing such things such people condemn themselves as ordinary and weak, as they will show they lack the demonic desire, the hardness, the toughness, the darkness which all genuine Satanic novices possess or must develope. Satanism is at it is dark, and dangerous, and full of diabolic ecstasies and diabolic triumphs over the ordinary, the mundane and those who would keep everyone in servitude and thrall. So it is, so has it been, and so shall it continue to be to enable evolution, to create what must be created, while the fearful majorities in their sloth, delusions and ignorance continue their morbid, Nazarene-like, sub-human existence. As has been stated many times, genuine Satanism requires commitment it requires selfeffort, by the novice, over a period of years. It involves genuine ordeals, the achievement of difficult goals, the participation in pleasures, and the living of life in certain ways. Only thus are self-insight and genuine Occult ability born only thus is a genuine Adept created. Neophyte: Before Initiation and after undertaking the first task of a neophyte as given in the Guide undertake the following task: * Find an area where game is plentiful and, equipping yourself with either a cross-bow or an ordinary bow (a longbow) hunt/stalk some suitable game, and make a kill. Skin and prepare this game yourself (if necessary for example, a pheasant hanging the game until it is ready). When prepared and ready, cook and eat this game. Game in this context means wild edible birds or animals such as venison, hare, rabbit, partridge, pheasant, wildfowl. For this task, you are undertaking the role of hunter, using primitive weapons. (Guns cannot be used for this task.) After completing this hunting task, either undertake the next task as given below which is not obligatory or repeat the task above, choosing a different type of game. * Obtain from a Nazarene place of worship some hosts as used in their perverse and sordid rituals. If you are seeking Initiation into an established ceremonial group/Temple, this will probably be your task of fidelity to that group/Temple, with the hosts being used in the celebration of The Black Mass. If however you are undertaking a Self-Initiation (as given in The Black Book of Satan) then immediately following that rite of Self-Initiation you should trample on or otherwise defile these hosts (e.g. by urinating on them) saying as you do so the following: By this deed I pledge myself to counter Nazarene filth, and give myself, body, blood and soul, to Satan, Prince of Darkness. You should then burn
the hosts or what remains of them by placing them in a vessel containing flammable liquid and setting this alight, laughing as the burning seals your gesture and your oath. Initiate: After the rite or ceremony of your Initiation, and following the completion of the tasks as given in the Guide, you should choose and undertake, for between six to eighteen months, an Insight Role [see the MS Insight Roles - A Guide]. External Adept: The following two tasks must both be undertaken successfully. 1) With your Temple formed as one of your External Adept tasks see the Guide perform a Black Mass using hosts obtained by one of the newer members of this Temple, or obtained by a candidate seeking Initiation. 2) Train several members, and yourself, in the undertaking of the tests relevant to choosing an opfer a human sacrifice. Select some suitable victims, using Satanic guidelines for so selecting a victim, and undertake the relevant tests on each chosen victim. The victim or victims having been so chosen by failing such tests, perform The Death Ritual with the intent of eliminating by magickal means the chosen victim(s). Thereafter, and having completed all the necessary preparations, select a further victim using Aeonics or sinister strategy as a guide, and undertake a culling by disposing of the victim either during a suitable rite (e.g. The Ceremony of Recalling) or via practical means (e.g. assassination). You may elect to do this practical means yourself, or you may choose a trusted suitable member of your Temple to undertake this for the glory of the Temple. If you have elected for practical means, have your Temple undertake The Death Ritual at the chosen time. It must be stressed that (i) the victim(s) must be chosen according to Satanic principles as given in the appropriate Order MSS; (ii) those so chosen must be tested according to Satanic principles as given in the appropriate Order MSS. Furthermore, the victims can be chosen either by you, or suggested by a member of your Temple, if those members are following the Satanic path in a committed way. Beyond External Adept, there are no secret tasks of a prescribed nature, for those following the sinister path to undertake. - Order of Nine Angles -
As a note, it must be kept in mind by our Disciples of the Acception that the Stages or Grades of the Seven-Fold Way are not Degrees as we Masonically understand them to be. The names of these Grades within our Acception will not be used to reduce any
confusion. They will be refered to as numbers. To further distinguish our own Disciples from an outsider Initiate of another ONA institution these Stages of the Septenary Way within our Acception shall be refered to as Varnas thus the first stage would be called the First Varna and so on. The proper placement of the application of the Septenary Way within our Acception is after our Disciples Second Degree Initiation. For us the symbol of the Septenary Way will be 7V which exoterically refers to the 7 Varnas, and esoterically refers to the 7 Angles; and to the Square and Compass the 7 being the Square, and the V being the Compass, expressed in its rightful position to us in the Acception. The Disciple is thus required to practice and apply the Seven-Fold Way for a full 2 years befor he or she may recieve the Third Degree of our Acception. The reason we have included the 7V Way into our system is because our Way is not just a Way of thinking and seeing the world like most other softcore Satanisms are being only in the mind. Our Way is also a practical Way of DOING which encourages our Disciples to Act upon the physical world and Live life directly and progressively in a hardcore Satanic way. This will ultimately separate our Disciples from the Profane Satanists.
Satanism. Because of its honest and revealing nature, it will also undermine the many pseudo-Satanists who have little or no understanding of what real Satanism is all about. In genuine Satanism, there are rituals of an Occult kind, as there is an exultation in the carnal. There is also real evil dark and dangerous deeds: a living of life to the fullest extent. All of these things and much more will be explained. I The Satanic Game SATANISM is understood by its genuine adherents as a particular Occult way or method. That is, it is a specific path or way toward a specific goal, the following of which involves a particular way of living. The specific path is a dark, sinister, or Left Hand Path one, and the specific goal is the creation of a new type of individual. On a more general level, Satanism is concerned with changing our evolution and the societies we live in creating, in fact a new human species and a civilization appropriate to the new type of human being. However, Satanism is often regarded by the mis-informed and by its enemies, as being one or more of the following: (a) worship of the Devil/Satan; (b) a religious cult which practices Black Magick; (c) an inversion of the Nazarene religion and its rites; (d) a sect which preaches and practices perversions and sexual licence. Further an incorrectly the figure of Satan Himself is commonly held to derive from the religion described in the Hebrew Old Testament, with the word Satan being regarded as derived from the Hebrew word for accuser. In fact, the Hebrew word which is often rendered as Satan is itself derived from another word an ancient Greek one. This Greek word an is [aitia] that is, an accusation. [See, for example, its use by Aeschylus - aitiau ekho.] Essentially, the Hebrew word Satan is a corrupt form of the Greek word for an accusation. In Greek of the classical period, [aitia] and [diabole] were often used for the same thing, especially when a Wrong or Bad sense was required, as, for example in a false accusation. Thus, in essence, Satan as a word represents Adversary in the sense of opposing norm, the accepted, and this sense is still retained in the usage of Devil (e.g. Devils Advocate). The word Devil is derived from the Greek word above, via the Latin diabolus. The figure of Satan is thus seen to be not a Hebrew invention, as hitherto supposed, but in fact a representation of Opposition, Heresy: a refusal to accept the accepted. Satan is regarded, by Satanists, as a symbol both real and archetypal of Defiance, of Pride (a refusal to bow down and meekly submit) and thus of creative change. From Opposition derives a synthesis, the process of dialectical change which governs evolution. Fundamentally, Satanism is anti-religious. Religion means a submission to a deity and its appointed authority/church. It also means a certain way of viewing the world. The religious way is the way of dogma, of revelation, and ultimately, of fear there is
concern with reward and retribution, concepts of sin and such like. There is and must be faith. The way of Satanism is the way of liberation: internally and externally. There is a desire to know based on experience, rather than a faith. There is a desire to be proud and exultant, to revel in life and to fulfil the possibilities that life offers. In other words, to really live, completely, and to extend to frontiers of existence: to achieve, to prosper, to excel. To set the standards, the example, for others rather than to follow those of someone else. Thus, because of human nature, Satanism is suited to a minority the few who can really defy and go against accepted norms. For it is a fundamental principle of Satanism that each individual Satanist finds his or her own limits and thus lives, and if necessary dies, by their own morality or ethics. That is, a Satanist accepts no standards, no code of ethics, no morality: they create their own standards, and live by their own morality, however dark or evil that morality may seem to others or society. This principle means that Satanists are amoral in the conventional sense: they accept no restrictions other than those they impose on themselves. There is not and can never be, any such thing as Satanic ethics or a Satanic authority which individual Satanists must accept and be subservient to for these are contrary to the essence of Satanism. Satanism is an individualized defiance, an individual quest it is the principle of evolution in human practice: the strong survive, win through, while the weak perish. However, this does not mean what most opponents of Satanism assume it means a license for anarchic self-indulgence and a wallowing in lust/depravity and so on. A Satanist has a goal, an ulterior motive beyond the satisfaction of the ego and an indulgence of unconscious impulses. This goal is to excel to go beyond what one is. To do this requires a self-mastery, a real self-discipline. Both of these can only be acquired by experience in real life. A Satanist desires to evolve this requires strength of character, resolve. What a Satanist does, in real-life or in ritual, is to explore the limits of themselves and the world to experience and so grow, to fulfil the potential of existence, of god-head/divinity latent within them. Everything is a means to this rituals, other people, society itself. As a result of the ulterior motive, there is perspective an understanding beyond the impulse/feelings/desires of the moment or the experience. In brief, there is real insight and judgement, a self-awareness. Of course, this is not easy. The failures become trapped in or never go beyond the moment and the desires/impulses/feelings of the moment. In simple terms, the failures, the pseudo-Satanists wallow in their dark side and that of society without either understanding it or transcending it.
Fundamentally, a Satanist knows and understands where they are going and what they are doing/why they are doing it: the failures, the pseuds, are trapped by the acts or acts or experience. The Satanist is strong, proud, defiant, self-disciplined and in control; the failures, the pseuds are in thrall to their feelings, emotions, and without any real selfdiscipline and thus insight. Naturally, the way of Satanism is not easy: the methods, experiences and so on which the Satanist uses to obtain their goal are risky and dangerous. It is easy to fail, get caught or whatever. There is nothing to aid the Satanist in his or her quest nothing to make it easy or easier: there is only his or her determination and learning from experience; the gradual development of character from experience, and thus a real evolution. The way of Satanism sets forth various learning experiences, reveal various esoteric techniques and offers an esoteric or initiated insight into life, individuals and the cosmos itself. Satanism is a practical way of living, and in the early stages a part of this involves magickal practices and rituals. These are experiences, the development of certain esoteric skills, and this a learning of forbidden Arts. They also enable indulgence in worldly pleasures carnal, material and otherwise. But such rituals are not a fetish or of a religious nature they are merely means, to be used, learned from and then transcended. For a Satanist always moves on to new experiences, new learning, new insights, new challenges. For most, the overtly Occult aspects involving participating in magickal rites and running (and thereby manipulating) ones own group/Temple lasts a few years. After that, it has served it purpose, and is left behind. There is then, for the Satanist, an involvement with other Satanic practices in order to further develop the character and abilities of that Satanist, and to express by their acts and way of living, the dark side of existence. Some of these Satanic practices are, viewed conventionally, evil and some are illegal or at least rather dubious in nature. They are chosen by the Satanist to further their development and to help what is known as the sinister dialectic of history. They are chosen to aid the unique Destiny which the Satanist wishes to achieve to fulfill their existence in a unique way. For each Satanist wishes to make their mark on the world to achieve something with their lives, this achievement being significant. They wish to change things for their life to have an effect: to participate significantly in evolution. Thus, a Satanist, aware of their Destiny or desiring to achieve a Destiny seeks experiences which will aid that destiny, which will enable its complete fulfilment. The choice is theirs, and theirs alone there are no restraints, other than that they should work and achieve or aid that Destiny. In consequence, some of the deeds they may undertake may be and really should be evil. That is, disruptive of norms, both personal and supra-personal (ie. society based). Some may involve culling (ie. removing human dross or those who oppose the Destiny
of the Satanist via sacrifice or whatever). Some may involve illegal/terrorist/amoral acts. What is important about what is chosen and done is that (a) it aids or fulfills the Destiny of the Satanist so choosing and acting; and/or (b) it aids Satanism in general ie. it helps to fulfil the sinister dialectic of history. There are no other considerations ethical, moral, religious or whatever. The sinister dialectic of history is the name used to describe Satanic strategy. [Note: The Training and guidance of individual Satanists by an established Satanic Order/group or Master/Mistress, is a tactic used to achieve the strategic goal.] The aim of this strategy is to change evolution i.e. the evolution of our species and the cosmos itself, by interaction. This evolution is toward the sinister i.e. toward greater individuality and creativity. To achieve this, restrictions have to be destroyed. This means the restructuring of societies, among other things. Essentially, the aim is to create a new human species to develop that potential latent within us as individuals: to achieve the divine. Or expressed another way, to let the human species develop maturity at present the vast majority are still immature children. And they are kept that way by the restraints and impositions and control of societies and religions and other structures (such as politics): by ethics, and by dogma. The archetype for this change is Satan the Adversary, the Heretic, the Proud One who refuses to bow down before some god; who refuses to accept subservience. To achieve this change there has to be a learning a gradual increase in the number of genuine Satanists: i.e. in those who are free of external and internal restraints and who allegiance is to the creative energy that creates all life and engenders its change and thus evolution and which therefore is the essences of existence. Each Satanist, by living Satanically, aids the dialectic and thus aids evolutionary change they learn to play at being god. As for the rest they can participate, and so learn and so evolve to another existence. Or they can be used, by Satanists, to effect changes greater than themselves. There are no limitations unless we create them and if others create them, they are there to be transcended. To exult in excellence is the name of the only game worth playing: the Satanic one. * * * * * * * * * Satanism Some Questions Answered Q: Is Satanism simply Devil-Worship? A: The term devil-worship is used in a number of ways often to describe Black Magick and the alleged practices of Satanists: e.g. sexual rituals, animal sacrifice. What is usually described by this term are the activities of Occult dabblers who have no knowledge of real Satanism, and who play at being Satanists invoking The Devil and so
on. Often, the term Devil-worship is used in the moral sense to describe perverted behaviour in an Occult setting. In the literal sense, Devil-worship means a religious worship of the Devil. In all the above senses, Satanism is not devil-worship: Satanists do not worship anything, and the practices and rites of Satanism are quite different from the popular media image/model. While some of the rites involve various Occult forms robes, a Temple and so on most are removed from such associations. The real magick of a Satanist takes place through their way of living what they do and achieve in real life and situations, by trying to fulfil their Destiny and aid the sinister dialectic. They live Satanically, rather than play Occult games. Those that do have an outward Occult or ritualized form, are only a learning, a stage for the Satanic novice the mere beginnings of their Satanic life. [The ceremonial rituals are given in 'The Black book of Satan'. They include The Black Mass, the Initiation Ceremony and The Death Ritual.] Q: But what of The Devil? Or Satan? Does He really exist? And, if so, do you respect Him? A: He exists, but not in the way most believe: e.g. a horned figure with cloven feet. Rather, He is not bound by our everyday spatial and temporal dimensions, but exists instead in what esoteric tradition calls the acausal. We apprehend the acausal mostly in an archetypal way i.e. we impose an image upon its acausal and non-spatial structure. The conventional descriptions of the Devil or Satan are basically childish Nazarene images. The reality is far more terrifying and evil when viewed conventionally, of course! Further, terms like respect depend on the opposites inherent in an un-initiated view. In reality, there is only a working with the acausal energies or forces or entities as those things are: a becoming-like the Devil; an identity-with Him, if you wish. And this is an extension of ones own being or existence, rather than a negation, a submergence. Expressed simply, one becomes one with Satan, and in the early stages strives to be like Him. Q: Does Satanism involve human sacrifice? A: Sometimes a Satanist may undertake a culling either during a magickal ritual or in the real world (e.g. by assassination, manipulating someone to do the deed). Whether or not this is done depends on the Destiny of the individual Satanist on whether a particular person or persons need removing in order for that Destiny to be attained.
However, all victims for such removal must be suitable that is, they will be judged as worthless, dross: or be suitable because their removal will aid the sinister dialectic. They, of course, will be judged and found suitable, Satanically. In practice, this means that once someone has been judged to be worthless (in terms of their character and deeds) or otherwise found to be suitable for sacrifice, they will be tested in order to confirm this judgement/suitability. The tests give them a sporting chance. Two or three tests are usually conducted, without the victims knowledge. Only if they fail these tests will a culling be undertaken, for the glory of Satanism in general. The raison detre for Satanic culling, is some people are worthless, a liability to evolution, and their removal is healthy: it aids the human stock. And thus helps to achieve Satanic goals. Further, those chosen really choose themselves, by their deeds they reveal their worthless character or their suitability by what they do, or do not do, in real life. Thus, a culling is akin to an act of natural justice, a restoration of the creative imperative. Q: But surely this culling as you call it, is a criminal act? A: The Law is an accumulation of tireless attempts by the mediocre majority to prevent the creative few turning life into a succession of ecstasies. Or, less poetically, it is an attempt to restrain the healthy, noble instinct of the strong an attempt to usurp the judgement of experience. What matters is that each individual develops their own judgement possesses a sense of natural justice, a mature and strong character (born via experience). The Law is an expression of tyranny of someone else taking away this judgement and character: of society treating people as children. Q: What of children? Do they have a place in Satanism? In its rituals, for instance? A: One of the fundamental aims of Satanism is to develop individuals to develop a mature, insightful, character, a Satanic spirit. Satanic training, of a novice, aims to build character, to develop a unique individual aware of their potential and their destiny. This training can only begin when the individual can assess things or begin to assess them for themselves. This generally means around the age of sixteen. Before then, there can be no participation in Satanism, whether this be rituals or anything else, simply because Satanism involves each individual making their own choice of deciding, for themselves, that they wish to undergo Satanic training or undertake a Satanic way of living. In some circumstances for instance a child born to parents who are Satanists there is a simple ceremony involving dedicating the newborn to the darker forces. But until that child grows and can decide things for themselves, there is and can be nothing else. To to otherwise, is to contradict the essence of Satanism.
Satanism is not interested in corrupting others without their consent it is interested in creating strong, unique individuals of real character who can think and judge for themselves. Anything else is not real Satanism. Q: But surely Satanists control and use others manipulate them? A: Of course! Some people are natural slaves. Satanists are the natural leaders. But each person has a free choice if they need to follow, to be led, if the enjoy being manipulated, or out of weakness have little or no character of their own, then that is in their nature. existence is often ruthless: the strong win through while the weak go under. Thus is evolution achieved. Humans are no different, although many in their delusion would wish to believe otherwise. I shall give an example, and one which will make the softees (and incidently the pseudoSatanists) shudder in horror! Some people in their weakness become addicts for this example we will say on drugs. As such, they are lifes failures. A Satanist views them with contempt they have made their choice, and revealed a weak character. Thus, he or she might consider it worth their while and certainly justified in using these worthless people, by, for instance, supplying them with what they need. To wit, drugs. This would be profitable, and enable the Satanist to live their life a little more Satanically. It would also aid the sinister dialectic in two ways. First, the addicts might in the near future die, and thus remove or cull themselves. Second, the drug-culture is symptomatic of a society or societies infested with the Nazarene disease: where a slavemorality has triumphed and noble, strong instincts are repressed/suppressed. (Where, for instance, the idea of combat, of war, as healthy, is heresy.) Such a society or societies need to be undermined and destroyed and replaced by healthier ones. Incidently, while on this subject of health, everyone has a choice at all times despite whatever external circumstances pertain. It is character, spirit, which win through. A Satanist is someone who triumphs, even (or especially) in adversity, and who lives by a motto which is no longer understood today except by the noble few: Death Before Dishonour. To submit, to give in, to not try, is dishonourable. A Satanist knows with an arrogant, prideful certainty that the human spirit can triumph over everything and everyone they refuse to admit defeat, to give in, and are prepared if necessary to die rather than act in a dishonourable way, against their Satanic principles. Because of this, they are strong, and inspire in others perhaps a certain awe. And, because of this preparedness, they exult in life they relish living, and live to the full. Q: If I wished to become a Satanist, what would I have to do? A: The first thing is to make sure one understands what Satanism is and involves by contacting other Satanists, for instance, or reading genuine Satanic material such as the works of the O.N.A.
Then, having so understood, one makes a decision to begin the quest along the Left Hand Path and to act Satanically. This is usually formalized in some way via a simple rite of Initiation which basically means that one affirms ones desire to follow the way of Satan. This rite can be either a ceremonial one, via an existing Order or Satanic group, or a hermetic self-Initiation. Examples of both are available to those curious enough to find them. Following this, one undertakes various tasks, techniques and methods over a period of some months, the aim of all of which is to build a solid Satanic foundation, in terms of character. These are all accessable in various Satanic works. Quite a number of these involve gaining experience in the real world, while some involve directly Occult/magickal work e.g. rituals. The emphasis throughout is on self-achievement and self-effort. This noviciate period lasts about a year, perhaps two. There are then more challenges to undertake, more ordeals to develop character and aid ones judgement and insight and self-mastery. Of course, there are also many rewards some carnal, some material, some spiritual (in the sinister sense, naturally!). There develops an awareness of ones Destiny and an understanding of what is hidden from the majority by virtue of their rather rudimentary level of consciousness and knowledge. During all this, one is aiding the dark forces by the very act of doing Satanic things. That is, aiding evolution of ones self, and existence in general. One is being significant; doing and achieving. If one is fortunate enough, there may be guidance and advice from someone who has gone that way before from a Satanic Master or Mistress. What is important, is that one really lives; achieves things; works in and alters the real world; and learns and so develops in character, insight, knowledge and so on. Most people waste their lives. A Satanist wants to be a god and is prepared to change the world to make their dreams a reality. Most people dream, but lack the courage to act. What matters is that one does something if somethings do not work out as one planned, there are other places, other times. New dreams to dream and fulfil. And life does not even end with causal death one can become Immortal! The form of life simply changes. But this immortality is not given it is not a reward. It is _achieved_, it is a conscious act: a becoming-one with the dark force itself, with Satan. There is much that is numinous, but nothing known that surpasses Man in numinosity. That is, of all life, we as individuals possess the most potential have the creative fire of life itself. Satanism is a means to not only understand this, but to implement it fulfil our divine (and diabolic) potential. To live this existence to the full. To participate in evolution. And to evolve to another realm entirely.
But Satanism is dangerous it is testing. It requires a demonic desire, a strength of character. It is genuine Heresy. It is for the few who can really defy, who really wish to become like gods and are prepared to take the risks involved.
the start of individuation. This leads to a practical experiencing of the sinister, and thus further personal development, further building of character. Because of the type of practical experiences, the type of challenges, the individual undertakes, the character so formed is viewed conventionally Satanic. There is a defiance of restrictions, a proudness, an experience and then understanding of those things that the religion of the Nazarene frowns upon. In Nietzschean terms, there is a practical living of a master-morality. The person created via these experiences is the type to inspire a certain terror/awe in the supine majority, weaned as that majority have been by the softness of the Nazarene ethic. However, this individual has only begun the process. That is, the type of character so described (which results from these early experiences) is not even what we would call an Adept: of the seven stages of this sinister way (or practical alchemy), this practical involvement in the Occult via ceremonies and such things as organizing and running a Satanic group, describe just the first two stages of the way. Furthermore, even this beginning takes some years and this beginning requires the individual to succeed by their own efforts, by their own will and determination. That is, there are no magickal grades or titles awarded for money or sycophancy [as in all other so-called 'Satanic' groups] what the individual achieves, in terms of magickal grades, they achieve through their own toil, through undergoing the experiences which create the type of character appropriate to a particular stage of the way being followed. Thus, each stage of this way has associated with it certain tasks, certain experiences, which the individual must undertake by themselves in their own time. It is these and these alone which bring self-insight, mastery, understanding and skill both occult and personal. All the ONA does, at each stage and for each member, is offer advice based on experience. That is, the ONA guides its members it offers a practical system whereby real wisdom may be attained. The onus is on the individual to achieve the goal. For us, Satanism is all about the creation of proud, strong, characterful, insightful individuals individuals who have gone beyond the majority and who thus represent a higher type. Genuine Satanic groups do not seek subservient, decadent, weak-willed followers. They seek to create a real elite almost a new race of beings. Of course, this is not easy it is really dangerous. Quite often, new Initiates fail because of the difficulty or because they lack the essential desire to succeed. But that is how evolution works the strong overcome challenges and evolve; the others stay where they are, descend, or are destroyed. Thus, Satanism is litist it does not compromise. It is not really for the majority. The tests, the ordeals, the methods of genuine Satanism are tough and severe because only such things will create the right type of person. These things cannot be made easier, less tough, less dangerous: to do so would destroy the essence of Satanism itself. After the early stages of the way which involve direct experience of the sinister both via rituals, magickal groups and undertaking certain sinister tasks the individual moves on
[if I said one such early task involved culling, or Satanic sacrifice, it is possible to appreciate the difficulty and danger]. That is, the Satanic novice gains more understanding of themselves, and the world, by more experiences they move toward a real individuation, a synthesis of conscious/unconscious, light and sinister. Part of this involves them undertaking a specific task for some months, and it is this task based on the foundations the previous, early, stages of the way have built that creates a genuine Adept. This task requires the candidate for Adeptship to live alone, in an isolated area, for three months (usually from Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice) to talk with no one, to live frugally, with no modern conveniences, no wireless, no modern distractions, in a shelter they have built [in recent years, the rules have been relaxed and a tent is allowed]. The aim of this is for them to experience themselves and Nature without any distractions to really get to know themselves and the natural energies which exist, as those energies are (and not as books, or teachers or theories describe those energies). This, of course, is very difficult. It requires real determination; it requires the individual to face themselves, and all their fears. It is a severe test of character and of their Satanic resolve. Most individuals who get this far (and that is not very many, over the past few decades) give up after a while they find excuses to return to the world and its comforts. The classic excuse is the delusion that they have actually attained Adeptship in a few days or perhaps weeks of isolation. And it is a delusion for it is only by living in such a harsh, isolated way for at least three months that a real Adept is created. Naturally, other so-called Satanic or Left Hand Path groups award a spurious Adeptship to their members/followers: or those members/followers award it to themselves, usually after some boring, pompous, totally meaningless ceremony. The Adept marks the end of the third stage of our seven-fold sinister way and to reach this stage usually takes three to six years, from Initiation. The task or Grade Ritual which creates the Adept also makes the Adept aware of their unique, personal Destiny and the fourth stage is all about the Adept seeking to make that Destiny real. This involves a return to the world the gaining of more experience, the creation of new insights, new skills. This in itself takes some years. The character of the Adept grows and deepens they achieve the beginning of wisdom. In magickal terms, they gain an understanding of Aeonics of things like sinister strategy (the use of acausal or supra-personal energies to change societies/civilizations over centuries). Hitherto, most of their experience/learning has been directly personal, relating to their personal development now, aeonic perspective is gained, it becomes a part of them. That is, they develop still further, again via direct experience this time, of the acausal itself. From this, further personal development takes place they become complete, highly developed individuals who possess skills and an understanding few possess. They fulfill the potential of genius which is latent within them. Thus, they move on to become
genuine Masters or Lady Masters/Mistresses. But to reach this stage the fifth takes at least ten years (more usual is fifteen to twenty). And there is another stage beyond this. Thus, it will be seen that our way is difficult and takes a long time. The journey of the initiate toward Adeptship and beyond has no mystery about it it is actually very simple. Most people could do it if they possessed the determination. But the majority are just too lazy or too weak. The same applies to most who apply to join Satanic groups or are interested in Satanism they go for the easy option; they are not prepared to work at their own self-development. They prefer someone to do it for them. And, furthermore, they are not fundamentally prepared to go to and beyond their limits to really experience the sinister in a practical way; they want to simply play safe, pseudo-Satanic games. Thus, they gravitate toward what we call the sham-Satanic groups, the poseurs, such as the Temple of Set or the Church of Satan those who like the glamour associated with Satanism but are basically afraid to experience its realness within and external to them. Thus such groups issue and believe in! ethical guidelines as they constantly affirm that Satanism does not condone such things as human sacrifice. We, on the contrary, are dark and really sinister and propound culling. That is, we uphold human culling as beneficial, for both the individual who does the culling (it being a character-building experience) and for our species in general, since culling by its nature removes the worthless and thus improves the stock. Naturally, there are proper ways to choose who is to be culled each victim is chosen because they have shown themselves to be suitable. They are never chosen at random, as they are never innocent. Our affirmation of such things as human culling offends other so-called Satanic groups which to us just re-affirms our assessment of those groups as pretend Satanic groups. Basically, such groups have little or no real understanding of Satanism, as evident, for instance, in the religious approach of the Temple of Set that is, their claim that Satanism is some sort of religion. To us, the religious attitude and mentality involving as it does dogma, sycophancy, and subservience by the individual to some self-appointed authority is the antithesis of Satanism. In essence, we understand Satanism as the individual quest for self-excellence to create an entirely new type. This quest involves practical experience for only real experience creates character. The essence that Satanism leads the individual toward is only ever revealed by practical experience never by books, never by someone elses teachings, never by words. Words themselves can never really describe this essence they can only point the way, hint at it, and usually serve only to obscure it. In the same way, ceremonies and forms such as rituals are only means they are a means to experience, to symbolize things and thus apprehend what hitherto has been hidden or unconscious or instinctive. Furthermore, this quest is and must be individual it means the individual develops, via experiences (and sometimes by learning from mistakes) the strength of character needed. Or they fail usually by deluding themselves about their real level of attainment, their real level of self-insight, their level of self-control and mastery. The aim is self-control, self-mastery, self-understanding and then a moving-on to what is beyond
even this new self. The aim in not a wallowing in decadence, as it is not the encouragement of instinctive, sinister desires/pleasures as an end in themselves. Such things are means, a beginning to be used, learned from, and then transcended via mastery of ones self. For us, Satanism is an individual quest because it aims to produce unique, strong, individuals who do not need the support of groups, of dogma, ethics, a religion, of some pontificating poseur of a master. Thus, the ONA exists to offer advice and guidance to point the way. The individual must begin the quest, and they and they alone must continue with it. Because of the difficulty of our way, few follow it. In some ways, this is unfortunate for we believe the way offers anyone the opportunity to advance along the path to genuine Adeptship and beyond. It makes real, or can make real, the potential that most individuals possess the latent genius within. However, given human nature the small numbers are understandable. What the ONA has done over the past thirty years or so is to create a simple practical system which works: which can produce genuine Adepts and Masters/Lady Masters. In effect, we have distilled the essence from thousands of years of conscious understanding, producing an elixir, an internal alchemy, which anyone can use. We describe this system as Satanic, as Sinister because it is. It is a complete rejection of the philosophy/religion of the Nazarene. The philosophy/religion of the Nazarene is antilife and anti-evolutionary, as Nietzsche, for example, understood. For us, Satan is both an archetype or symbol of our defiance, and some-thing real the re-presentation of what we describe as the acausal. That is, we understand the darker forces as not simply a part of our psyche (as most modern so-called Satanic groups do) but as beyond our own, individual psyche. These darker forces or the acausal are beyond us, as individuals: they are beyond our conscious control (and even real understanding) until we become a part of them. This does not mean a submission to those forces but rather an expanding of individual consciousness, a development of individual conscious, to include those forces. This expansion is what marks the genuine Satanic Master/Lady Master. Other Satanic groups if they are serious and not just using the Black Arts for their own weak gratification claim the darker forces are merely an aspect of the psyche, the unconscious or whatever. [Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set make this claim.] They do this for two reasons. First, they need to because they want to feel safe; they want to be able to play their pseudo-Satanic, pseudo-intellectual, games in a mostly urbanized safety, because the members of such groups are not proud, characterful, selfaware individuals: they need the comfort of a group, of a leader, of ethical guidelines, of feeling that Satan can be controlled by some meaningless mumbo-jumbo. In effect, the members and leaders of these groups are weak they lack self-discipline; they lack even the desire for real self-mastery, content as they are to continue with edifying their own weaknesses, with massaging their inflated egos.
Second, such groups and their members do not really understand the Sinister. They have had no real experience of the primal, numinous, supra-personal power of the dark forces of how that power can destroy individuals. In effect, they have never really tapped into the acausal itself to what is really sinister. They have never really confronted Satan. They have never really striven to be like Satan to become one with Him; to merge with the acausal itself; to become a nexion for the acausal, for sinister energies. This becoming-one is what makes, what creates a genuine Satanic Master/Lady Master, as living alone like a hermit creates the Adept. It is dangerous, naturally but the only means whereby that synthesis which is beyond the synthesis that is individuation can be achieved. There is thus a real, a genuine, transcending beyond good and evil; beyond light and dark. This achievement, as with all real achievements of an Occult kind, derives from practical experience from a real personal knowledge. Anything else is mere affectation, mere pose. Other groups have tried to intellectualize Satanism to take away the real experiences by which genuine Satanic character is formed. Or they wallow in the weaknesses of those addicted to impulses they cannot understand and do not have the strength to control. They have tried and continue to try and make Satanism respectable and safe just another religion. They fantasize, and play games. They simply do not understand Satanism as a means to create new, more highly evolved, individuals. In reality, the genuine Satanist creates by participating in real life, the dreams, the standards of excellence, the lan which others often aspire to emulate. A genuine Satanist can be like a beast of prey in real life. They can be and sometimes are, in real life, assassins, warriors, outlaws. The imitation Satanists pretend to be such things usually by means of some stupid ritual. The Satanist is sinister and dark, in real life and then they move on, to new experiences, to even higher levels of understanding until eventually they acquire real wisdom, or are destroyed. Whatever, they will have really lived, on the edge; they will really have achieved something with their lives. They will have inspired others. They will in some way by their living have presenced the dark forces on earth. If they survive their rewards are their achievements and the wisdom that awaits. If they do not survive, at least they will have done something with their lives. Thus does the ONA way express and exemplify Satanism in action. ONA Selling Water by the River Question: What is Satanism? Answer: Satanism is fundamentally a way of living a practical philosophy of life. The essence of this way is the belief that we all as individuals can achieve far more than we realize during our lifetime. Most people waste the opportunities that life can, does and can be made to bring. We are gods when we awake. How do you then understand magick?
Magick is essentially the opening up of areas of consciousness latent within all a means of changing the individual and the world. The techniques of magick for example, rituals) are simply means to achieve this. For too long magick has been mis-understood as `spells, conjurations and the like, and while such things are magick, they are only a beginning, a mere intimation of what real magick is all about. You often use the term traditional Satanism. What does this mean? Traditional Satanism is a term used to describe the sinister path which for centuries was taught on an individual basis from Master(or Mistress) to pupil. To this path belongs the Septenary System, Esoteric Chant, the comprehensive training of novices (including the development of the physical side), the Star Game, and most importantly the Internal system of magick (the Grade Rituals etc.). This path is also known as the Seven-Fold Way. Ive heard of LaVey and his Satanic Bible. How does the Seven-Fold Way differ from his Satanism and those who follow his views? LaVey took what may be described as the popular/media conception of Satanism the black-robed, Mephistophelean figure together with the pleasure principle and some simple magic(k), mixed it with the qabala and various historical myths and legends pertaining to the dark side, and served the whole lot up to a gullible audience. The whole thing was pretty pathetic although it did provide some with a few thrills. There was no substance to either LaVey or his Church: no inner path, direction or way. Nothing original. The Seven-Fold Way, on the contrary, possesses direction, and goes far beyond the external type of magick implicit in both the pleasure principle and ordinary sorcery. It offers the individual the difficult (and sometimes dangerous) path to genuine Adeptship to self-mastery, self-excellence and ultimately wisdom. It is not a refuge for the neurotic, the weak-willed or the self-deluded, but rather a challenge to the daring. Those who follow in the foot-steps of LaVey (as a recent Temple does) have added little they are still trapped by role-playing, still fettered by self-delusion (often about their magickal abilities) and still lack not only self-insight but also that spontaneity which is one of the marks of a genuine Adept. They concern themselves still with the awarding of meaningless titles, seek members and the recognition of the authorities. They teach the same historical mish-smash as LaVey and possess an originality quota of zero. They have failed to understand that the ceremonial, ritualistic and theoretical approach is but the first, small step toward inner progress. Because of this, there can be no organized Temple, no authority within it, no proselytizing and no awarding of grades/initiation or titles. There is only in the genuine path a limited amount of guidance, and the struggle of the individual through experience. But surely rituals are important e.g. the Black Mass?
Yes but only in the beginning stages of the Way when the novice/initiate is discovering the hidden (or magickal) forces of nature and themselves, and is daring to walk along the path to Adepthood. Ceremonial and hermetic rituals are the province of the novice and the External Adept and are pointers to what is beyond. Which is what? First, the discovery of the unique Destiny of that individual second the living of that Destiny, and third, for those whose Destiny becomes fulfilled by such living, the crossing of the Abyss. From the Abyss the Master and Mistress is born. All this takes many years. What then is the purpose of your Order? To offer our teachings and guidance to those who might be interested. In former times, teachings were kept secret, but there is no need for that now: the opportunity is open to all. But are you not still secretive? Yes and no. Those who seek hard enough will find us, and those who are sincere will not be put off by the obstacles placed in their way (sometimes by us). For those who are, there are plenty of other groups around. What about Initiations? We do not offer Initiation candidates achieve Initiation. We do not offer nor award (for money or anything else)Grade Rituals or titles of any kind: these are again achieved by individuals, through their own toil, hardships, terror and joy. We simply guide them toward the self-achievement that, e.g., the Grade Rituals represent. Any other way is simply fraud and self-deception. Grade Rituals which signify the different stages of achievement along the Seven-Fold Way may be likened to running in a race. You either race, or dont; and if you race, you either win (achieve the goal) or do not. You may pretend to yourself that you have raced and run, but in the end you are fooling only yourself. What, then, are the Grade Rituals? They are tasks, simple in form, but difficult to complete successfully. For example, the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept simply involves the candidate in living totally alone and isolated for at least three months: without any of our modern conveniences/technology, and without speaking to anyone. Simple to describe -difficult to undertake. The ritual is the (alchemical) change which occurs in the individual by virtue of living so for at least
three months. Such primitive isolation creates the Adept, bringing a genuine mastery of magick and a lasting self-insight. Returning now to the popular conception of Satanism, what about sacrifices, the blackmailing of members, sexual crimes and so on? Satanism is all about in its beginnings waking conscious (or liberating) our dark or shadow nature. In the past, certain experiences were often undergone in order to achieve this, and some of those experiences were often frowned on by conventional society. Some might have been `illegal at the time as well. But gradually (at least in traditional Satanism) a way was found to short-circuit these evolutionary experiences which enhanced the consciousness and thus wisdom of those undergoing them if they survived, of course. Thus was Internal Magick evolved. This enabled the experiencing of the dark side, and its integration, as well as made possible what was beyond. This system had been gradually refined and enhanced, and while it avoids the quicksand of criminality it is still not lacking in danger or difficulty. It offers, in short, the distilled essence of thousands of years of evolutionary understanding-and makes possible the next stage of our evolution as a species: Homo Galactica. You stress the development of the physical side. Why? Because traditional Satanism aims to develop the whole individual mind, body and character. We give our novices difficult physical goals to achieve (such as running 20 miles in under 2 1/2 hours fitter individuals are naturally given more difficult tasks) because the striving for such goals, and their achievement, develops qualities necessary in any Adept. They are tests of determination and character, and sort the serious out from the pathetic. The striving also creates a physical joy, increasing the vitality of the person. I met someone recently who claimed to be a Master. I had my doubts about him. Is there some way of identifying a genuine Master? The answer should be obvious. A Master is someone who has passed beyond the Abyss, the stage beyond an Adept. In consequence he will be somewhat detached: intense and serious, but also natural, spontaneous and quite cheerful (almost playful, sometimes). But perhaps most of all, he will not take himself too seriously, and he will certainly not play a `role or fulfil the expectations of novices (e.g. by dressing up, cultivating a demonic stare and answering questions mysteriously). He will possess that illusive quality natural charisma. What about wealth and power? Surely all Satanic Masters possess these? Some do, some do not. The sign of a Master is neither wealth nor power, but achievement of wisdom, skill in esoteric arts, and original creation (e.g. the extending of human knowledge, artistic creativity). The Destiny of each Master is different, as is the life-style which reflects that Destiny. For example, out of the four Masters who exist in the West at
this moment in time, one lives a somewhat isolated existence with hardly any material possessions, while another lives in relative luxury and splendour. The former concerns himself primarily with aeonic magick, while the latter teaches a few pupils. Genuine Masters do not conform to someone elses expectations or ideas: they are individual, and unique. Do you worship a being called Satan? Genuine Satanists do not worship anything not even themselves. Fundamental to Satanism, is a desire to overcome, to accept challenges and to seek to know and understand. A genuine Satanist would rather die laughing and defiant than submit to anyone or anything. Most people waste their lives and die old and miserable: the Satanist revels in life and adventure, and knows the right time to die, for challenges never end. This way of living is hard, and this way of dying breeds fear among the feeble multitude who prefer comfort and security to the ecstasy of living on the edge like gods. As to Satan each Initiate discovers the reality for themselves. All that need be said is that there are external forces beyond the psyche. of an individual: in genuine Satanist magick there is identity with these darker external forces, not a fear of them and certainly not a submission. This, of course, is somewhat dangerous but the strong survive, and the weak perish. Good riddance to the weak. So, fundamentally, you would say that Satanism is the way you live your life? Yes, as I indicated at the beginning. Magick of whatever type enhances your life, and is a way to knowledge and increased vitality. Magickal acts are important in the beginning, but most important of all is our attitude to life and our ways of living. This is why we despise the Nazarene philosophy the Satanist is proud, strong, defiant, while a Nazarene is afraid of living, afraid of dying and mentally sick: weighed down by guilt and envy. The meek espouse peace because they know the strong would destroy them so they infect the strong with the disease of `pacifism, with guilt because they are strong But surely that particular philosophy of, as you call it, the Nazarene -is dying out today. As an organized religion it might be but over the past two hundred or so years this poisonous philosophy has sprouted various political and pseudo-political forms, and it is these forms which are eroding our vitality. There have been a few attempts to cut out the cancer but they have unfortunately failed, and the cancer grows and spreads. What, then, can you do? Why should we do anything? Most people are stupid and deserve their fate. We offer an alternative those who have if only in a small way the Promethean spirit will be drawn to
us and thus have the opportunity to master their own Destiny. It is up to each and every individual: we can point the way, but they must make the effort to walk along it. Anton Long, Hostia, ONA Concerning membership in the ONA: membership in the Order of Nine Angles is not like membership in the Acception as Anton Long explains: Membership in the ONA basically means an individual following the Seven-Fold Way as explicated in various Order MSS. Members should thus understand that they are thus part of an Order with long term aims of centuries and more. By actively following and using the methods and rites of the Order they are actively aiding those aims. The rites of the ONA and the Seven-Fold Way itself create and/or maintain those Sinister energies which the ONA represents and has accepted. In effect, and individual, undertaking, for example, a rite from The Black Book Of Satan, is aiding those sinister energies and thus the Sinister Dialect. Such rites and the Way itself have been created to do this that is, they directly presence the acausal. Each member of the ONA is a nexion of the acausal they are participating in, by their following of the Way, and by the rites they undertake, the works of evolution: they are making their lives instruments for acausal change. Expressed simply they are fulfilling the potential latent within them. They are positively contributing to evolution they are using their lives to some purpose. members of the ONA are doing and achieving they are being significant and shaping future events. They are making history. Compared to this, other groups are irrelevant. Simply stated the ONA is basically a collection of manuscripts written by Anton Long which is organized into a functioning system to manufacture or produce a certain type of individual, whose application of the teaching and Way helps Acausal force manifest a future aim. The individual itself must consciously take this journey of personal growth and progression by living and applying the Sinister and Septenary Way. Whereas our Acception is a cohesive coherent body of units, who have assimulated themselves into our Collective and have given up their Individualities, Obedience, Heart, Mind, Body, and Life, to the same single Tribal Order to synergetically pool their copoerative efforts across time to actively pursue OUR unique Goals. In this way we differ greatly from the ONA.
The essence of genuine Satanism can be simply stated: it is a way to inner development, the goal of which is a new individual. This way involves three essential stages and these exemplify the spirit of that way and the individuals who follow it. The first is direct experience, the second is direct practice and the third self-development. The first involves direct experience of both the external world and the inner (or psychic) world through striving to achieve certain goals both practical and magickal. The second involves using practical (or causal) and `magickal (or acausal) energies to manipulate others, situations and energies in a practical way producing changes in accord with certain goals. The third involves beginning the process again but starting from the new level of self-understanding and ability attained pursuing different (and probably more complex) goals A Satanist is an individual explorer following in the footsteps of others (and perhaps using their guide books) but always seeking further horizons, daring to defy convention (in ideas as well as in morals and attitude) yet part of an evolutionary succession enabling what is experienced to be understood and become beneficial. For this reason, a genuine Satanist understands tradition as important and necessary the culmination of centuries of insight and experience a useful guide which enables further progress and exploration: a starting point for that inner and outer journey which is begun by Initiation, as well as a map of the way chosen and followed. This tradition is not sacrosanct but it does possess a validity until the individual reaches the stage where the unique genius within each individual has been brought to fruition enabling the creation (from experience and self-insight) of a unique way and a fulfilling of a unique Destiny. In magickal terms, this is the stage of Internal Adept, where that unique Destiny is made known (dis-covered) and where the individual Initiate has developed the talents necessary to fulfil it by a following of the previous stages a stage reached from between three to five years after Initiation. The tradition (explicated in the seven-fold sinister way) provides only a beginning it is for the individual to go beyond it, toward the dangers and rewards of the Abyss. It is, however, necessary since it is, in one sense, a short-cut: enabling self-development to be achieved far quicker than would be the case without it as well as fully enabling the explication of individual potential. This does not mean that following it is easy the path may be shorter, but it is just as dangerous (and in some places, more so). It is a mountain path to the summit rather than a meandering valley path, and enables the horizon, the other mountains waiting to be conquered, to be seen as they cannot be seen from the wooded valleys below. But each new Initiate must walk this path alone. And for each it is a new experience, a process of direct learning and a personal achievement, for only a very few have ever ventured that way before and stood atop the summit that is Internal Adept to see in the distance the still higher peaks that wait beyond the Abyss.
What is important is following that path and going beyond it, toward the Abyss actually undertaking the journey and experiencing in real time what is encountered and seen: of being taken to the very limits of your endurance and abilities. No one can do this for you just as the path does not lead to some pleasant grove where you sit at the feet of some `Master listening to their past experiences and fables. It does not involve you staying comfortably `at home with the security of your known world and friends and ideas, just as it is not a `mental journey done in comfortable surroundings and with no physical effort or danger. It is practical, and direct and involves physical and psychic hardship, and while you may be a little soft when you start, you will not be so when you succeed, just as if you believe you are tough enough now, you will be rudely awakened. Is this what you really want? Hostia, ONA The Hard Reality of Satanism The hard reality of Satanism is that it is very different from both the media image and the more recent image pedalled by imitation Satanists in both Europe and America. I. What Satanism Is: a) Satanism is a quest for self-excellence, involving real danger, real challenges and requiring real courage. It involves taking your body to and beyond its physical limits of endurance. It involves real action, alone: without the support of friends, comrades, lovers, relations or anyone. It involves accepting challenges physical, psychic, intellectual and triumphing solely by ones own efforts. It involves the triumph of pure, individual will and desire. b) Satanism is, in part, an Inner quest, an exploration of the `hidden (and overt) aspects of consciousness: a discovery of the darkness within and beyond the individual psyche. This involves magickal acts such as rituals. This magick, however, is a means, not an end. c) Satanism involves ordeals, both physical and magickal. Those who are suitable triumph; the others fail. [One such ordeal is the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept - where the candidate lives alone and isolated, bereft of everything except the bare necessities for physical survival, for a period of three months.] d) Satanism requires the practical experiencing of all moral limits, and then a mastery of the feelings, desires, pleasures, terrors, pains and so on that these imply. e) Satanism involves the individual defiance of all subservience: a Satanist accepts guidance only, and refuses to be dominated or intimidated by anyone. This guidance is toward practical experience, and it by this experience that the novice learns and develops a genuine Satanic character.
f) Satanism involves sacrifice this is a necessary test of character [qv. the MSS, "Satanism, Sacrifice and Crime - The Satanic Truth", and "Satanism - The Sinister Shadow, Revealed" for more details.]. g) Satanism is a means a method, or way, and the purpose of this means, method or way is to produce a specific type of individual: the next stage of our evolution as a species. Satanism is thus an expression of evolutionary change on both the individual level and in respect of `societies and history. The individuals so created often inspire in the supine majority a certain terror/awe/admiration/fear/jealousy. h) Satanism is elitist. It does not compromise its tests, ordeals, methods and characterbuilding experiences are severe and will never be made easier to make them acceptable to more people or easier to undertake. i) Satanism is esoteric by nature and intent: it is both a secret way, by virtue of its methods etc., and it is not nor probably will be suitable for the majority for many, many centuries. II. What Satanism Is Not: a) Satanism is not, nor can ever be, a religion, nor just a philosophy. A religion means acceptance of authority, the rigid structure of a Church or a Temple, and a unified dogma (with the consequent schisms and claims to authenticity). The religious attitude is the antithesis of what Satanism really is for Satanism is a way of living, a way of experiencing, in the raw, whereas religion abstracts, limits endeavour, behaviour and moralizes. In short, a Satanist plunges into reality, without any supports (moral, psychic or human) whereas a religious person has that reality prescribed by dogma, authority and such like, and is supported by a `Church, its members and their attitudes. Satanism is an ecstatic affirmation of existence a taking of existence into new and higher realms, as well as a plunge into existing darkness and the creation of new darkness. b) Satanism cannot have anyone impose upon it any structure, authority, or institution of any kind by claiming a dark mandate or some kind of revelation. There can be no such thing as an, infernal mandate of whatever kind because the only thing that really matters to Satanism is experience, its accumulation and the highly individualized learning that results from such experience. A genuine Satanist, for example, confronted by an entity which exhibited all the powers attributed to Satan would not even accept what that entity said and would most certainly not show any submission instead, they would a defiance, a reasoned assessment of what was said, and then a judgement made from experience. A Satanist never surrenders to anything and would rather die, proud and defiant, than submit. This applies even to Satan. If and when a Satanist accepts guidance, it is from someone of experience who has explicated Satanism by their life and thus who can offer advice based on that experience. The aim of Satanism is to create wilful, characterful, defiant, unique individuals who have or can fulfil their potential as gods it is not to create followers or sycophants. An `infernal mandate implies sycophancy.
c) Satanism does not involve discussions, meetings, talks. Rather, it involves action, deeds. Words written or spoken sometimes follow, but not necessarily. The ideal candidate for Satanism is the individual of action rather than the intellectual. By the nature of most Satanic actions, they can seldom be mentioned and thus remain esoteric. The essence that Satanism leads the individual towards, via action, is only ever revealed by that participation which action is. Words, whether written or spoken, can never describe that essence they can only hint at it, point toward it, and often serve to obscure the essence. Satanism strips away the appearance of things living, Occult and otherwise by this insistence on experience, unaided. What is thus apprehended by such experience, is unique to each individual and thus is creative and evolutionary. Discussions, meetings, talks, even books and such like, de-vitalize: they are excuses for not acting. A Satanist will sometimes use such forms as he/she may use the form of a Temple to enhance and/or provoke experiences. But they are then actively manipulating, actively creating experiences the others involved are being used by that person. That is, there is only one Satanist at such gatherings (usually) the others may believe they are Satanists, but they are deluded. d) Satanism does not apply moral absolutes to real-life situations and forms. This may best be explicated by two examples. First, politics. Satanism does not affirm or deny any political forms or type of politics it does not, for example, announce that fascism and Satanism are incompatible. Such announcements/pronouncements arise from a moral bias and a lack of insight into both Satanism and `society and thus Aeonics. A Satanist, concerned with experience, may use a political form for a specific purpose the nature of that form in terms of conventional politics and morality (such as `extreme Right-wing) is irrelevant. What is important is whether it can be used to (a) Provide experience of living and the limits of experience, and/or (b) Aid the sinister dialectic of history. Thus a Satanist may become involved in, or set up, an organization of the extreme Right this is dangerous, exciting, vitalizes, provides experiences `on the edge and should thus aid the development of the character and insight of that Satanist (1). What is important is that this involvement is done for an ulterior, Satanic, motive: what others think and believe about such actions is totally irrelevant. Anyone purporting to be a Satanist who criticizes such an action, whatever the political hue of the group/organization, reveals by that criticism that they are not Satanists but rather, moralizing curds lacking in insight and real Satanic understanding. The second example concerns the formation and use of Satanic Temples and groups by a Satanist. A Satanic novice, in order to gain experience of magickal rituals and people manipulation, usually forms a group to perform Satanic rituals The people recruited are for the most part used and the novice often assumes a specific Satanic `role for this: the role of sorcerer/sorceress. He/she may dress in a certain way and so on, as he/she may use fables to impress and/or manipulate. This, however, for a genuine Satanist, is only a
stage and one which lasts a year or two. After that, experience and mastery of ceremonial and hermetic magick gained, they move on to new challenges and experiences, as all good Satanists should. Further, the individuals of this Temple or group are not Satanists, although they may believe themselves to be they are simply being used to afford the novice pleasure/ excitement/ experience and so on. Had any of them any Satanic character or potential, they would rebel to undertake their own quest by forming such a group/Temple and experience the limits of themselves. Sometimes, the group has another aim an Aeonic or supra personal one, in which case its life may be extended. But whatever, genuine Satanic guidance by an Adept or Master/Mistress to a novice always occurs on an individualized basis, never within the rigid and constraining form of a Temple. Thus, there is not nor can be any constraining rules applied to the conduct of such Temples and groups there is no moral code, no bounds which cannot be overstepped. The rules, such as they are, are made by the Satanic novice according to their desire and goals. That is, they can do with that group and its individuals whatever they desire to do and no one not even the Adept/ Master/Mistress who may be guiding them can set limits or prescribe their behaviour, They must learn for themselves and from their mistakes, should they make some. This naturally leads to the obvious Satanic deduction that a group like the Temple of Set may contain one, perhaps two, Satanists who are using the members for their own Satanic goals. This person (or persons) would of course deny this, and if that denial was sincere, they could not be Satanists. What is certain, is that that group cannot contain more than perhaps two Satanists for the members accept the constraints imposed upon them from above, and are servile, in both theory and practice. They are also not being led into real experiences, but accept a sterile, sanitized and safe Satanism as pedalled by their leader. e) Satanism does not seek any form of official recognition as it does not seek to become respectable or the prerogative of a majority. Rather Satanism operates and must operate for the most part in a clandestine or underground manner. Official recognition mean someone or some organization is granted some sort of status and thus assumes both in theory and in fact an authority and an organizational structure to support it. This authority and this structure mean followers, sycophants and contradict the essence of Satanism. Respectability means a moral stance broadly in line with that pertaining at the time that is, it means a restricting morality, ethics, as well a limiting of action to what is deemed broadly acceptable by the society of the time. Both of these official recognition and respectability also mean that the self-appointed authority which is recognized and becomes or seeks to be respectable, sets its own limits: there is proscription of other groups, a peer hierarchy and all the many trappings of herd
conformity; the triumph of illusive forms over essence. In brief, the deluding of others, rather than their liberation. Since the experience of the essence that Satanism brings is unique, this uniqueness is totally contradictory to all forms that seek to constrain, define and restrict two of these forms being official recognition and respectability. Some other hard facts about Satanism are in order to be placed on record: Satanism is hard and very dangerous. This danger is much more than just a mental or a psychic one of the kind sometimes experienced in magickal workings. It is a personal danger of the life or death kind. If it is not, then it is not tough enough, it is not Satanic. For far too long the pathetic imitation Satanists, such as those in the Temple of Set and the Church of Satan, have had no one to contradict their sickly, wimpish versions of Satanism they have tried to deny the darkness and evil which are essential to Satanism because the frauds in those organizations are fundamentally weak: they have never gone to their limits, never experienced the realness of evil. They have tried to make Satanism safe and respectable: they have intellectualised it because they are typical products of this present intellectualised, peace-loving, we need to be safe society. A Satanist is like a beast of prey in real life, not in fantasy. A Satanist may be and often is an assassin, a warrior, an outlaw in real life. The imitation Satanists, however, pretend to be these things their fantasy-life is greater than their real experiences of such things. A Satanist seeks and makes real his/her fantasies and then masters the real-life situations and all those desires/feelings which give birth to those fantasies they live them and then transcend them, creating from those experiences something beyond them: a new individual. Often, things go wrong but as always in life, the strong survive and the weak perish, are written off. The Satanist creates the dreams, standards of excellence and spirit which others often later aspire to emulate. This creation is in real life, by deeds and deeds alone. Because of this, few indeed are the genuine Satanists. Sometimes their lives (or aspects of them) become public but often they are hidden, working their darkness in secret, for the benefit of evolution. 1. It can also aid the sinister dialectic here, an understanding of Aeonics is important. ONA Conquer, Destroy, Create Most people are sick- in the head. Why? Because they lack the desire to translate into reality and because they lack the character to break the psychic chains of the modern world forged from ideas.
And I am not writing about mediocre vision, either but about grandiose vision: vision which makes one aspire to greatness, to make real what others may sometimes dream about perhaps once in their puny, pathetic lives. I am writing about that inner vision which drives some individuals and which makes them great: makes them aspire to fulfil at least part of their god-like potential. That inner demon which compels, which makes one strive again and again and never admit defeat, even when faced with death. Conquerors have vision: so do Artists and Explorers and Warriors. Today, there is an excess of petty individuals trying to make real their petty and cowardly concerns; an excess of petty officials and petty rules and petty governments trying to restrain the individual spirit and psyche; an excess of petty ideas trying to level down all individuals to the lowest level and SO breed a plastic bastard race equal in all things who no longer aspire to real greatness. What is needed are individuals who dream large who strive to make those dreams real, regardless of the consequences. In short, a return of the conquering attitude. All that is great and worthwhile is built from the blueprint of inner vision, the greatest vision is conquest of ourselves, of others, of what is still unknown. There are no limits unless we in weakness set our limits. We, today, need to rediscover the delight of discovery and conquest: of going where no one has been before, of being masters of our own Destiny by following our visions and instincts. This is not easy. Let the weak, the scum, the majority huddle together in their quest for happiness and material well-being. Let them seek comfort in each other and ideas. Individuals are born from hardship from the hardship of questing after a dream. Conquest and exploration bring a joy, and create a uniqueness, like no other the joy and individuality of a god. Seek to be like a god that is the answer to the misery that is bred from morbid self-pity and smallness and a wallowing in abstract ideas from the seeking after illusions like happiness and comfort and stupid ideas like freedom and justice. The only freedom is the freedom to dream and the freedom to make that dream real, just as the only justice is that which is within each individual: what they feel. Of course, the weak and the cowardly feel a different sense of justice than the strong they call this law and enshrine it within a church to their gods of democracy and equality, whereas the strong call their justice vengeance and honour, words which the majority fear or do not understand. So what dreams are, today, fit enough for those who aspire to be like gods? There are only two, as this century ends. And they are connected. The first is to destroy those edifices which the cowards, the weak, the huddling majority have erected to defend themselves from the natural elite those few who dare, who defy, who despise and are fearless and conquering in their defiance. To destroy those government forms, Institutions or whatever as a prelude to renewed creation: as prelude to the conquest of the supine masses and their world. To destroy all that has and does enervate all that makes individuals slaves and seeks to stop their dreams. For the world and its peoples exist for the benefit of the natural elite to be subjects, to aid them, to use
the resources so that in time there is an evolution upwards, rather than downwards: an evolution toward still higher forms. But this has been and only can be achieved by the majority aspiring to emulate the deeds and daring of the few, of the natural elite by the morality and vision of the few becoming the morality and vision of the many, not the other way round. This, naturally, means suffering perhaps wars, perhaps great sorrows. But all that is great arises from suffering not softness. Once the vision of the few is defeated by the many, once their energies are redirected once the dreaming stops and the aspiring ceases then there is decline and sickness, of the spirit and the psyche. This can be put very simply: war and conquest and exploration are needed; when they stop, decay sets in, the scum come to the surface. Thus, goals of destruction, re-construction and creation must be set and striven for. This requires a new breed, a new elite nurtured by naturalness and instinct and visions. An elite which others see, and are afraid of. Such an elite may not be political but if it was, so what? So what if it became labelled as extreme, if the vision behind it became to be called by some name or other! Labels, names and indeed analysis of the political, social and intellectual kind are games played by the weak, the cowardly, the sick and the scum. What matters is action, the desire to achieve, to become again fierce, tough, forbidding and thus real individuals who have broken the psychic chains of the majority. What is important is inner resolve. These goals would naturally lead to that second dream, fit for a god: the exploration of Space to break away from the smallness of this world and find new ones: to explore, to conquer, to challenge us to even greater heights of being, to reach the limits of our potential and thus become god-like in our unique individuality a new species that spreads ever onwards and upwards, toward even more, for evolution is never done. The planets, the stars, the galaxies with their visions, their richness, their splendours, await us: and it is up to us, each and every one of us, whether we reach them, We can begin that quest or we can remain trapped in our own pettiness with our petty, pathetic concerns and outlook, on this small insignificant planet. Or we can take up the challenge of ourselves and our future and seek to be like gods, and thus fulfil the potential latent within us. The first step is to change ourselves within, where it matters, and become strong in spirit and psyche: a warrior in outlook and intent. The second is to spread that change outward to others and external forms, destroying and then creating. The third is to strive further toward the fulfilment of our inner vision, on this world and on others. Those who choose not to act have condemned themselves as failures. Anton Long, ONA Satanism Or Living On The Edge Genuine Satanists are at the sharp end: they act. They strive for and implement their personal Destiny and they work for the fulfilment of sinister strategy. That is, by their
lives, by their ways of living, they actively aid the creative forces of Darkness. Or, expressed another way, they do the work of the Prince of Darkness. In contrast, the dabblers, the pseuds, keep themselves secure in their imaginary and fantasy Satanic worlds with correspondence, meetings, conclaves, discussions; with performing and writing/reading about worthless Occult rites; with their babbling about their pseudo-mystical fantasies. A Satanist will be living Satanically and will therefore be dangerous, in the real world. They will do Satanic deeds rather than just talk or write about them. He or she will be, for instance, disrupting society in a practical way, or working to actively create a new, revolutionary society which is more Satanic. They might be real heretics fighting against the State either politically or via armed warfare if that State (as most Western ones do) upholds the Nazarene sickness of spirit (evident in modern political ideas like liberalism and humanism and equality: the triumph of the worthless at the expense of the noble). Or perhaps they will be aiding the collapse of such a State, and fostering a reaction, by morally undermining it, for example by dealing in drugs or pornography. Or maybe they will be teachers in influential positions, subverting others in secret towards Satanism or those transient forms Satanism often assumes to gain control and influence. Or they might be actively culling the worthless, the scum by being a vigilante, or a zealous, honourable Police Officer Whatever, they will have a direction, a purpose, an intent which goes beyond the edification of their own ego. They will be working to achieve something great by virtue of which they can excel in their own lives and thus really live to the full. They will be developing and using their potential, their skills and thus exulting in life, in overcoming challenges. They will be contributing toward their own evolution and that of existence itself because they are harnessing in a practical way the darker forces. This direction, purpose and intent is Satanic strategy, or Aeonics. A rational and thus conscious understanding of those forces which shape and change evolution and the forms assumed by sentient life from individuals to societies to civilizations and Aeons. It is this sinister or Satanic strategy which makes genuine Satanism what it is, and it is knowledge and understanding of this strategy which marks the genuine Satanic Initiate from the imitation. A Satanist not only acts in a certain way achieving things in real life but they know what they are doing; they possess perspective. An Initiated knowledge. This `knowledge is not primarily of the pseudo-mystical kind, to do with rituals or other Occult workings/techniques. Rather, it is primarily concerned with how and why certain things are as they are, and how those things can be altered or changed. In essence, it is about how cosmic forces interact with and change/evolve life about the mechanisms by which Aeons, civilizations, societies and ultimately individuals grow, are or can be influenced and changed.
In the past few decades, many professedly Satanic organizations have arisen, and some have propounded various aspects of the genuine Satanic world-view. But almost without exception they have shown themselves to be lacking in real esoteric knowledge i.e. Aeonics. Quite often, someone from one of these organizations will sound-off and reveal their ignorance, particularly concerning the actions of real Satanists in the real world. For instance, it has become fashionable in these pseudo-Satanic circles to castigate individual Satanists, or a Satanic group, if that individual or group becomes involved in Politics particularly if those Politics are on what is often termed the extreme Right. What the ignorant writers and/or speakers in question have not understood, is that such political action is chosen Satanically to achieve things, both for the individual(s) concerned and for Satanism in general. That is, those who are so involved are so because they are consciously and with ruthless determination aiding the sinister dialectic: i.e. Satanic strategy. They are living on the edge causing and aiding change/disruption in real life. The ignorance of the pseudo-Satanists is revealed in another area ethics. There is not and cannot be any such thing as Satanic ethics. What there are, are means to achieve Satanic goals and the means are a matter for the individual Satanist striving to achieve those goals. That is, it is for each and every Satanist to decide, for themselves, what is or is not acceptable. This is so because Satanism, in essence, is individual it is not nor can ever be, religious in any way. Those who believe Satanism is or should be religious, do not understand Satanism at all. As I have written and said many times, Satanism is an individualized defiance and affirmation: one of the fundamental aims of Satanism is to produce or develop proud, strong, unique, individuals of character who possess spirit or lan, and who possess insight and genuine esoteric knowledge. The aim is not to develop subservient, obedient, sycophants who cannot think for themselves. Satanism aims to develop the instinct and judgment of each person and Satanists are critical, aware and capable of assessing things and situations for themselves. Or rather, they will be, after appropriate training/guidance. I make no apology for repeating yet again the statement that the religious attitude is anathema to Satanism: Satanism is a rebellion against the religious, dogmatic, instinct. Satanism shuns obedience to a self-appointed authority; its despises the very idea of a religious mandate and it does not idolize anything not even the individual Satanists of distinction. Satanism is at the very edge, the frontier, of conscious understanding and knowledge and Satanists are the ones who try and often succeed in extending that frontier in bringing more of the cosmos into conscious awareness and thus control. They dare, defy, are heretical, possess the courage to dream and make their dreams of Destiny real. Because they know themselves, others and the esoteric workings of existence, they are in control, masters. They effect change. And they acquire all these things because they possess perspective, a perspective whose foundation is Aeonics. What, then, is Aeonics? It is an esoteric understanding, and an understanding which in these times of overt and covert Nazarene domination is heretical. It is a knowledge of the
processes by which Aeons arise, change and are replaced by another Aeon, and how the creative energies of a particular Aeon are made manifest via a civilization and thus the societies within that civilization and the individuals within those societies. It is also a knowledge of how all these various forms (or causal structures) can be changed by esoteric or magickal means, and by more practical means. On the purely individual level, Aeonics shows and describes how the psyche/consciousness of the individual is influenced, both directly and unconsciously, and how that individual can be changed or controlled. One form of such change is esoteric development i.e. the techniques and so on, magickal and otherwise, by which the individual can achieve Adeptship and beyond. One form of such control is via archetypal images. In simple terms, an Aeon is an expression of evolutionary change. In esoteric terms, it expresses how the acausal intrudes upon, and thus changes, the causal. For convenience, the causal may be described, here, as the everyday world the world of linear time (past, present, future) and three spatial dimensions (height, breadth, width); the world wherein we live out our lives. The acausal may be described, again simply and for convenience here, as the creative energy that drives evolution i.e. Satan. A civilization or more accurately, an Aeonic civilization is how Aeonic energy, or the acausal, is ordered in the causal i.e. an Aeonic civilization is how change is produced in the causal. Within each such civilization there are societies, and within each society, individuals. All civilizations, Aeons and individuals are examples of organisms they are born, change and they die (in the causal, at least). These varying organisms are born, change and end in certain ways, and these processes can be studied and thus understood. This understanding gives the means of control. Aeonic civilizations are regarded as being tied to, or part of, a particular Aeon, and each Aeon represents a change in our evolutionary development. Thus, each Aeonic civilization represents a significant step in that development: the invention, discovery of significant things, and the development of a greater understanding of ourselves and the cosmos A Satanist has a desire to excel to effect changes; to be significant. They are not content to just live, to just survive. The perspective of Aeonics provides an intent, a purpose, by which they can achieve not only self-excellence but also change existence fulfilled or aid the sinister dialectic. They can help to build an Imperium, where Satanic values can be realized and where combat, war, conquest and exploration can make strong and extend the frontiers, take evolution to its limits. They can ruthlessly undermine and destroy and so aid a change. They can work works of genuine sinister magick and so influence others, create new structures and archetypal forms, and kill and then dismember the corpse of the Nazarene, exultant, as they revel in their mastery They can, in brief, fulfil a real Destiny.
Meanwhile, the pseudo-Satanists can continue playing their pathetic games and fawning on one another, achieving nothing in the long-term and probably nothing in the shortterm either. They can continue imbibing the drug of delusion, and so waste their life. Everyone has a choice only the gifted choose wisely. ONA The previous four chapters wherein we grafted a portion of the Tradition of the Order of Nine Angles into our system was needed to insure that our system remains alligned to the Sinister Path that is one of our Acceptions parents. This is not to say that we have the same aims as the ONA or ARE the ONA. The ONA is still fixated with turning this planet into some Imperium by destroying the current civilizations. On the other hand our 352s Imperium is the colonization of space and Mars, and leaving the earth bound civilizations alone; and establishing a Matriarchy for our own people. As our Objectives also states, we are concerned about our progression in mechanical ways also via Cybogation; and genetic Life Extention; which the ONA is not aiming for. We 352ers are only members of the Order of Nine Angles in so far as we are practicing novitiates and initiates of the Sinister and Seven-Fold Way, working our way to adepthood; and so far as our obligations to pass this Tradition down unto our future progeny. As the wise women once said: Dont put all your eggs in one basket. We should as magicians understand that having only one Order working towards Imperium in itself jeapordises the potential for future manifestation, should something happen to the ONA. Our Acception also disagrees with key issues of what Imperium is, where it will be, and how it shall be actualized. There is also one great flaw we see in the ONA, which is that the ONA is not a cohesive collective or coherent superorganism, like a colony of army ants, but more like a losely knit society of indivudualized initiates linked to the Order only by the application of esoteric occult practices. If anything in the future is to be materialized and actualized, we must take example from our other parent: Freemasonry, which is the only superorganism; beside its Chinese relative; to Chronomorphically manifest an aeonic civilization. We must take the best from both of our parents, understand their seperate mysteries; but stand on our own two feet.
That adds up to $174,720. Thats not even a million. For our average wage earning dork to make a million dollars he would have to live and work 10 lifetimes, or 1000 years, and thats only a million. Were talking about 50 Billion. Thats magic, the magic to generate the money an average wage earner would make in 100,000 years in a decade. Again, my math is off, since Im just estimating, but you get the picture. All he did was pretend to be something he wasnt. Thats glamour. The science of Glamour in 352 begins with a skill called Empathetic Shapeshifting or we shorten it to just Emshifting. What that means is you pick a character or person, and learn to empathize with that character or person obsessively, with intense focus, until you become that charatcer or person. It sounds crazy, and it is. Most lunatic are natural emshifters, think of all those crazy people that thought they were Napoleon. Some of those insane people who believed themselves to be Napoleon, empathized with the real Napoleon so well, the glamour napoleon thought, acted, and spoke like the real think. Good detectives on a police force are also very good natural emshifters. They obsessively, with focused intent, put themselves into the mind of a suspect so well, the detective becomes the suspect, and knows what the suspect did just by standing at a crime scene. Practicing your emshifting skills begins with a lot of intentional daydreaming, in a meditative state of mind. At first you pick a dead person with a lot of things written about the person. Such as President Lincoln, Hitler, or just anybody that you can recreate in a daydream. In the begining you just daydream a conversation or interaction with you and the target character. When you mentally animate your target character, you have to concentrate on the persons indentifying traits, mannerisms, gestures, etc. The more daydream sessions you have with this target character the more you will notice something unusual happen. The target character begins to slowly and gradually animate itself. This isnt impossible, because when you are asleep and dreaming, your subconscious mind animate every character in your dream. Its startling at first. Youll begin to notice that the character says or does things without you making them say it or do it. This in itself is a valuable research subject. We spend our waking conscious day never really asking ourselves where our words and thoughts come. It isnt like we plan ahead of time what to say or think when we are interacting with someone. The words and thoughts, just seem to flow out from some mysterious source, as if you were only a speaker or a mere observer through which the words and thoughts pass through. Within 3-6 months, depending on how intense your concentration and how long your daydreaming is, your subconscious mind will tap into the essence of that person and take over the character for you. This is a stage where new agers wuld identify with contacting their spirit guides or whatever, which isnt something we are concerned with. We want to learn to tap into living people, so we can emshift into them. Its easier for a girl to tap into a living person I think, because they have other girls they idolize and want to look and be like, and they are open to the idea. So they use the same
makeup, watch all their movies, talk like them, act like them, and daydream about being them, and when you take this to an obsessive level, you tap into that person. So with a living person you would pick someone that is easy to pretend to be like. Someone with easily replicatable mannerisms, and personality quirks. I have to stress that the feeling, desire, or will behind this is one that feels like an obsession. You have to obsessively empathize and be the person. When you learn to emshift into your best friend, weird things happen. You finnish each others sentences, or you know what their next word is going to be, and more of those deja vu things start happening where you swear you knew what that she was going to do or say what she did and said? I cant explain it. What do you get out of learning to emshift into your best friend? Nothing. Emshifting is a skill, which means, the more practice you do, the better you get at it. The power or benefit to emshifting is tapping into a successful person, such as a multimillionaire, an influencial politician, or someone that live a life which you desire. How does walking around obsessively thinking, feeling, and acting like someone else do any good in your own life? The answer becomes clear when you understand that our thoughts generate our emotions; and those emotions governs our actions, and our actions affects the real world which generates physical results. If a millionaire can manifest the amount of money you would make in 10 lifetimes in a decade of his time, then you know three things: 1) you suck, 2) hes doing something right, and 3) whatever hes doing is not what your doing. What if you were intelligent enough to come to the conclusion that if you thought how he thought, felt the emotions and passions he felt, and acted out the same determinations and acts he did, maybe you would manifest similar results in life also? With emshifting, not only do you become that target person, but you have already tapped into his essence, so you have that person self animated in your mind as a guide and tutor. A more advanced form of tapping for ideas and resources is my forming something called a Mind Group. This is when you just go gung ho crazy and instead of having one imaginary friend, you have an entire council in your head. The process is similiar. You organize a council of people, dead or alive, with traits and characteristics you want or admire; or organize a group of your heroes. At first you will need to animate each character as best as you can to resemble how they are, and gradually your subconscious mind will take over. This sounds like a waste of time, but after around 4-5 months of intense focus, your entire council comes to life, and this gives you direct access to people you look up to for their guidance, and knowledge. The second part of glamour is convincing others to plug into your make believe reality, just like Madoff convinced those around him that he was making them a lot of money. This requires absolute confidence in yourself, image control, associates in the loop, and revers order thinking. Confidence in yourself means that you have to be so good that you convince yourself. For example me friend insight role as an aryan racist with Naional Socialistic beliefs. Is he racist? No. Does he think white people are supreme? No, he actually thinks Asia was and will be supreme. Its glamour, and all of his white boys
believe the glamour. He even speak some German, and hes not even German or really white even. Hes half White half Mexican. Image control means using anything and everything that will help build your target image to make it believable to others and to yourself, and blacking out anything that might thwart your glamour. My friends real associates arent even white, so he keep his little nazi group in a different city. Associates in the loop means you have friends who know its just all glamour and contributes to giving that glamour life. Every white person in 352 supports my friends glamour as a racist pig. Reverse order thinking (we call it backmasking) is a skill to be practiced in itself. Its crucial if you want to be able to control a group of people subltely and make them manifest certain desires. If you want to backmask, you need to first understand that thought give birth to emotions. So when my friend goes up to a white boy and give him the thought: youre aryan, youre special, the white race is dying because of outbreeding with those subhumans, and the mexicans are taking over- this produces target feeling in the white boy hes trying to generate. The feeling of self worth, that he is special, the fear that what he now sees as being special is endanger because of Mexican. Emotions governs our actions. Think of a boxing match when the coach and crowd works up his guys emotions to a fever and lets him lose in the ring. In such a drunken state when a person is raging with powerful emotions his actions are out of the control of reason and mind. For example, if I wanted a guy physically assaulted for any reason, all I would have to do, with my associates in the loop is pick the dumbest boy my friends white boy crew and have him work the dumb boys fear and anger to a fever about how my target victim is a dirty Mexican and how he did something wrong to one of us. The result would by the dumb white boy acts on his emotions and physically assaults my intended target. The same tactics, more skillful and refined, is used to make terrorists. Think about it. Do terrorist makers target random healthy Muslims of the street? No, the target those with some kind of emotional defect; in the same way a pimp picks a girl with an emotional defect, like a chubby girl with insecurities. How does a person become emtionally defected? They have a weak mind and allow negative thoughts about themselves and or thoughts about them others say take root. In turn these thoughts produce the emotional defects and insecurities. The target is either a loner who is a loser in life, or is very delusional in his Islamic beliefs. Why do you think Israel is so important to radical Islamin the same way Satan is important to Christianity. Israel is used, along with America and the mythos of a Jew World Order is used to provoke emotions. Take those emotions to a feverish level, and over load his mind with religious bullshit about how he will be a martyr for Allah, and his nation; and you have a terrorist. Of course, its not as simple as I described it, but you get the idea. Its basically manipulation, or, brainwashing if you want to call it that. The targets mind is weak, plus his emtional defects, makes him easy prey. When you understand the science of how thoughts and ideas progressively transmutates into objective phenomena, you can then think backwards. Beginning with the inteded end desire, think backwards about what emotions need to be provoked to manifest the actions required to materialize the end desire. Once you have the required emotions to be
provoked, think of what thoughts and idea is needed to manifest and provoke those feelings. When you understand the science of mass manifulation of a crowd of people with backmasking you will begin to see that what we call politics is a professional form of backmasking, where adepts of the science uses words, and thoughts, to tap into a receptive population for an end result. For those of us plugged into the Satanic matrix, there are a few example we can bring up to illustrate glamour and lack thereof. Anton LaVey. It doesn matter if he was Howard or if he actually traveled to the middle east to have his head shaved by Yezidis with a raze dipped in the Zamzam. He worked his glamour of a Satanic Religious Leader, had the charisma and confidence to convince his followers and the general public, and gained himself a successful life for a while, and influence over a good sized population of people. Versus Lord Egan, or better yet grand Magister Blackwood. Blackwood has no glamour, nor charisma. he doesnt have the confidence in himself to project his identity upon others. He has no associates in the loop, because nobody likes him. And he cant backmask to produce anything, because the guy can barely think right forward. So he ends up the laughing stock of the internet. what power does Blackwood have to influence anybody? What power does he have to materialize results? Has he actualized anything in real life during his acreer as a leader of Satanism? No one buys into his glamour because he is weak. Weak minded, and weak willed. It takes will power to tap into a crowd of people. How can a man who lacks the will power to manifest weight loss, influence and teach anybody anything productive? Anton Long and the ONA: It doesnt matter if he was David Myatt, or if the ONA once existed only in his mind or just on paper only. The glamour techiques placed into the ONA system insures that anyone who adopts the Tradition of the Nine Angles with bring it to life anyways. Which is the state its in now. People follow it and give it life, and other who dont follow it believes that it exists. If it didnt exist before, it certainly exists now, and will continue to exist into the future. It exists in the minds of its present initiates as a living tradition, and thats all that matters. What difference does it make really? America didnt exist before 1776, but it does now, and theres no stopping it. Christianity didnt exist before circa 100 c.e. but it exists now, and it gave birth to some of the worlds greatest empires. Islam didnt exist before circa 600 c.e., but its here now, and were getting our asses kicked by it in real life. The ONA exists in its ititiates, in the form it was designed to existed in: in each of its individual initiates practicing and applying its tradition in their own indedependent lives. The successful glamour is dependent on the basics of social skills. The social skill we pick up during childhood when we learn to attract the attention of our parents. The social skills we refine during high school to climb the social strata to the top of the popularity totem pole. It doesnt matter if what you are interested in is civilization, corporation, or religion, because all three have the same common denominator: people. Without social skills, you cant maneuver yourself within society, let a lone control or influence them. Whether if politics, business, or priestcraft, the name of the game is the same: popularity contest. We would like to deny it and pretend that we left it in high school, but the truth is it is ingrained in our humanity and genetic make up. In the past, it was a matter of
survival as a primal human animal male to follow the most vital and charismatic male; and it was vital that every primale human female offers herself up to the most vital and charismatic male. We see this even in our ancient ancestors: the great apes and monkeys. Social science is something ingrained in our species since before the dawn of the human race. How is it than that a religion which supposedly embraces human nature, like those other Satanisms, could condemn the very essence and nature of the human animal and preach antisocial doctrines. How do you succeed in life, when your religion has divored you from the very source of that success, and has taught you that having bad social skills as a social reject is good? These outsider Satanists confuse the concept of mass conformity to socialization, and working the crowd for personal gain. Its gotten to the point where these outsider Satanists shreek in horror when they witness two Satanists hanging out together, and god forbid an organized group of Satanists. It only makes sense that our Satanism which has mastery of life as its disciples personal objective for us to embrace social skills and reject antisocial behavior and mentality. There is a power to glamour. Without it men like Alexander the Great and Napoleon could not have convinced a group of men to fight for them or recognize them as there imperial leader. Without it no millionare, advertising company would have the money they make. Think about it. How did Donald Trump go bankrupt with negative 1 billion dollars, make it back, and then some to be a billionaire again in a single lifetime? By applying the science of glamour and the principles of OPP on a large group of rich idiots. OPP: Other Peoples Property. Other peoples money; other peoples labour; other people time; other peoples energy; other peoples lives; and other peoples women. Where would politics and civilization be without glamour?
place in the greater scheme of Mother Nature, it wouldnt have been allowed to last all these millions and billions of years. Can you imagine back in our primal days if a tribe of intellectual protohumans sitting around their campfire brainstorming; and along came another tribe into their territory? Do you think Nature would have it that the intellectual protohumans should debate issues and intellectually figure out the best reasonable method to deal with the invaders? What would happen to our intellectual protohumans and their genes, if the invading tribe were a group of young dumb people throwing rocks and spear everywhere? Yeah, it means your smartass genes and bloodline wont make it far. There is a reason why Nature begins us all being stupid teens burning with a chemically (hormones) induced passion. Passion for anything. What army of any nation which has ever existed was composed of old 30-40 year old mature intellectual partyliners? None. We should all know this by now. Young dumb people burning with a passion to do something makes up all armies. Passion subsides with maturity for all of us giving way to intelligence in its proper time and period. The mindless young warriors of yesterday become the great minded cheiftans of tomorrow. Great from the experience and exploits of a carefree and passionate youth. This Passionate Youth was what filled Hitlers armies that made the Third Reich possible. Not the mature partyliners. It takes a great speaker to set ablaze the passions of youth. It only takes a boring book of theories to turn the old men on. Those theories dont mean anything anyways. Its the promise of power and glory that these old men sees. The speeches dont mean anything anyways. The young and passionate just need a cause to burn for. Give them a meaningless symbol, and they fight for it. Give them a color and theyll wear it in rebellion. Give them and enemy and theyll kill. Give them Imperium and theyll work for it. This is the fundamentals of the Art and Science of Civilization. This science begins with the understanding of Humanity and how it naturally works. When the insights are gained, they can be exploited and utilized. If the ONA is genuinely interested in establishing a future civilization, then it must ballance its Occult knowledge with the wisdom of Human Nature: Man, Know Thyself. Why then deny or condemn Nature? If the Dark Tradition is based on the very primal essence of Nature, why condemn the young and stupid? There is a time and place for mindless passion, and with time, to us all, will come maturity and intelligence in its proper time. This ONA was never meant nor designed to be dominated by thinkers and book thumpers. It is desgined for the passionate youth who burns for a cause and ACT. Thru their action is an end result manifested. Thru their action they grow in experience, and with time, such experience becomes wisdom. A true undefiled wisdom not collected from any book of dead letters, but from the very living library of Nature Herself.
In many of the vulgar satanisms the very power of youthful passion is rejected for meaningless teenrebellion. They glorify the passionless thinkers instead, as if these Nodoers were the apex of human evolution. If Humanity relied on these passionless Nodoers, we wouldnt be here today. The ONA is not a Nodoer religion. Its not a book club or nerd gathering. It was designed to DO. We all by nature start off as not so bright teens ready to burn for something anything. These are our warriors. Give them something to burn for and let them set the world ablaze. In their youth, they may not be interested in teachings or traditions, but let them be as Nature intended for awhile, to collect their experiences and grow mature. For in maturity, these same mindless, passionate warriors will mellow out and absorb the mysteries of the ONA in rippened age and become Dark Sages. There is a time and a place for everyone and everything. And because this ONA is a living reflection of Primal Nature, there is within our dark Shadows a place for every age and kind the passionate youth and the mature partyliners. Or perhaps I should quote here Anton Long: What Satanism Is Not: a) Satanism is not, nor can ever be, a religion, nor just a philosophy. A religion means acceptance of authority, the rigid structure of a Church or a Temple, and a unified dogma (with the consequent schisms and claims to authenticity). The religious attitude is the antithesis of what Satanism really is for Satanism is a way of living, a way of experiencing, in the raw, whereas religion abstracts, limits endeavour, behaviour and moralizes. In short, a Satanist plunges into reality, without any supports (moral, psychic or human) whereas a religious person has that reality prescribed by dogma, authority and such like, and is supported by a `Church, its members and their attitudes. Satanism is an ecstatic affirmation of existence a taking of existence into new and higher realms, as well as a plunge into existing darkness and the creation of new darkness. b) Satanism cannot have anyone impose upon it any structure, authority, or institution of any kind by claiming a dark mandate or some kind of revelation. There can be no such thing as an, infernal mandate of whatever kind because the only thing that really matters to Satanism is experience, its accumulation and the highly individualized learning that results from such experience. A genuine Satanist, for example, confronted by an entity which exhibited all the powers attributed to Satan would not even accept what that entity said and would most certainly not show any submission instead, they would a defiance, a reasoned assessment of what was said, and then a judgement made from experience. A Satanist never surrenders to anything and would rather die, proud and defiant, than submit. This applies even to Satan. If and when a Satanist accepts guidance, it is from someone of experience who has explicated Satanism by their life and thus who can offer advice based on that experience. The aim of Satanism is to create wilful, characterful, defiant, unique individuals who have or can fulfil their potential as gods it is not to create followers or sycophants. An `infernal mandate implies sycophancy.
c) Satanism does not involve discussions, meetings, talks. Rather, it involves action, deeds. Words written or spoken sometimes follow, but not necessarily. The ideal candidate for Satanism is the individual of action rather than the intellectual. This generic disliking and hatred for young passionate adolescents is a product and insurance policy of Nazarene culture and Ethos which is by nature inertal and conservative. This Nazarene hatred for the passions of youth and their desire to destroy this passion is evident in their religions control of sexuality and sexual expression, which is the first awakening which marks a childs advancement into adolescence and is the begining of a naturally burning passion. A Nazarene mindset based on maintaining religious and political orthodoxy and control will logically hate and cause others to hate Humanitys Fire who are the catalyst and ember of change, progression, disruption, and action in motion the young; the newer generations, that have not yet been trained and conditions to be Quality citizens. This is clearly the case in modern nations under Magian control. High school is just an excuse to keep these young out of the streets. What age group are most likely involved in protest demonstrations? The young and passionate, those roughtly between 15-25 years of age. What age group is the target of a police state? The older mellow citizens, or the younger passionate ones who want something different? What is the force and age group that can, if collective enough tear down both America and Communist China? The passionate youth. They may not be smart yet, but this smarts comes with time for everybody. They are chemically ready to burn at all times with the slightest spark. This Nazarene hatred for the passionate youth is even adopted by the vulgar satanism such as LaVeyan satanism as their slogan and catch phrase: Quality over Quantity; their antagonism towards social organizational conformity; and their hatred for collective identity. Individualism is a Magian tactic of divide and conquer to seperate you from the power source of a coherent social order to make you easier to control. Thru their Magian politics, Nazarene religion, and chemicals processes such as floridation of tap water, the more virulant and passionate portion of human social order is mellowed and brought under control. The flames of youth are put out. The young are kept in check by social ridicule for being stupid rebellious teens and post teens without a cause. Where then does the ONA stand on this issue? Think on these things a while. If we learn to sucessfully make a Nation of our ONA, it would be much easier in the future to learn how to manifest a civilization. A Nation is not just a parliament or senate of thinkers and traditionalists. It is also made of common citizens and an army, each unique, each in their own state of mental developement, but all loyal to the same Nation. Our National Slogan should be: Quality AND Quantity. The Quality to think and instruct; the Quantity to do and act. If Vindex is to set the world a fire the young make the best kindler.
boys and the girls will compete and react to the threat of the second pack in their own ways. What do two competing boys do? They fight. How do they fight? By trying to physically criple the other guy or kill him so he cant breed, or so he looks like a looser to the womenfolk so nobody wants to breed with him. How do two girls fight? By saying things and doing things to make the other girl look and appear ugly. Thats why boys fight with fists and clubs, and girls call each other names like skank and slut and pull on each others hair. If youre a slut, then that boy that mated with you, isnt even sure if that baby is his- with his genes; and if youre ugly, nobody wants to mate with you. I hate other girls, but Im not gunna make myself look ugly and fight a girl like a boy does. Im not breaking a nail or messing my hair up for a bitch. All this competing and fighting does something for nature. It insures that the stronger pack survives to pass their much more stronger genes onto the future generations. This is how nature makes her long term investments to insure that her species exists thousands of yours down the road. The stronger pack, with there genes, and their progeny also are rewarded with influencing the world and taking it into a direction. Lets fast forward into a distant past when the Aryans invaded India. What does the word arya actually mean in its original Sanskrit? It simply means Cultured, Civilized, Urbanized, and refers to a person who lives in a City as opposed to those nomadic people and feral tribes. This thing we call a city was a very new idea. For thousands and thousands of years people has been living as nomadic peoples and feral tribes, as some still do to this day. Something strange happened somewhere in the middle east or Steps (that area where you find those weird sounding countries that nobody gives a shit about like Uzbekastan, Khazakastan, and the rest of the Stans). A group of people there, simply stopped moving around at the mercie of the weather and clamate change and established the first civilization meaning a city-state. Whats a city-state in essence? Its a group of people that come together in a more organized and coherent form, and utilize nature to live in one place; rather than be utilized by nature as a nomadic or ferel incoherent group of people. So these Aryans came into India, from somewhere in the asian steps. We know this because they brought with them a religious drink called soma. This Soma is a concoction of Canabis, Poppy (the kind with opiates) and a plant which has Ephedra in it that is made into a tea. This ephedra baring plant only grows in the mountains of this region, and is not native to India. I had to bring up this Soma because there are these stupid Hindu scholars, and other simpathizers that are saying that the Aryan Invasion never happened, that these aryan were native to India. Those Aryans left their original lands due to climactic changes and they scattered, taking their invention with them- civilization. A group of them entered India, which back then (and sill is in many areas) a rich nation in natral resources occupied by lame brained
darkies who were as good as animals. Coherency manifests power, so naturally, the Aryans subjugated the incoherent darkies who became Peasants. A form of religious racism was established called the caste system, which insured that the Aryans and their descendants ran the whole gambit. In modern, more ONA terms, those old Aryans were adepts who understood human nature. They learned to apprehend that instinctive emotional repulsion to a competing pack to their total advantage to insure their continued success and survivle, and to manifest real world results. They disguised this apprehension in a way that was acceptable to the lesser evolved darkies in the form of religion. This situation of a more civilized and coherent human meeting a feral inhoherent human brings us to another valuable aspect of racism. In times of our most ancient primal protohuman ancestors, the alpha male gets to breed with his choice of the healthiest females. This produces genetically healthy progeny. The other males got the not so healthy females. In a situation where these humans now live in a coherent civilization, we see this same breeding process in play. The alpha male: King or Emperor, has his choice of all the females in is domain the aristocracy and nobles those with noble quality blood, bred intelligently (selective breeding) amongst themselves; while the peasantry bred aimlessly with their own kind. Racism helps insure that noble blood, which has been refined across the entire history of our species, doesnt get mixed mith a portion of humanity which nature has turned her face from and has forsaken. Those are tough words, for me to claim that nature can be so heartless and cruel as to forsake portions of a species or an entire species, but she does. Where have all the dinosaurs gone? And those ancient mammals? What has become of Neanderthalis and Cromagnon? She has forsaken them and left them to rot away, in favor of a better investment which will take her further. Progression and evolution is the only agenda of Nature. What holds her back, she destroys. Those that help Her progress forward, she favors and rewards. What is happening to Africa right now? What is happening to these people, who have never amounted to anything? Besides the political deterioration and genocide? Not only are these native Africans slaughtering each other, but Nature Herself is helping them with their autohomeogenocide. Her deserts in Africa are growing. She starves millions of its people, her rivers stop flowing, the rain stops falling, and She plagues them with viral epidemics. All of this combined adds up to a grim and dire future result: The Extinction of Africa. All the while, peoples and civilizations on the otherside of the same earth are reaching for Mars. The peasantry of any civilization is this same forgotten and forsaken old model of humanity. They lack the ability to think profound and/or lofty abstract thought. They lack the ability to progress themselves and society. All they are good for is working the fields. Old world Racism helped insure these two breeds of humanity remain separate. The Noble destined for great things, the peasantry destined to become genetically degenarate
rejects of nature. Even in todays social order where feudalism no longer exists, we can still naturally pick out those humans of noble blood and genes, from a degenerate one. Its not just a matter of looks, its also the mental capacity, the ambitious nature, the visions and dreams, the will to power, and the way they carry and express themselves. Versus the unrefined rudeness and imbecility of the degenerate stock. Even in countries where there is only one homogenous race, racism still exists between those of light skinned and noble blood, and the darkies that work the fields. The one with noble blood, those of aristocratic, powerful ancestry, whose forefathers struggled with physical and intellectual might to gain the power they had, remain indoors and are lighter in comlextion, to the peasants. Racism isnt just a caucasian thing. Its a matter of favored genes and noble blood which took millions of years to ennoble and refine versus the genes and blood marked and scheduled for termination. If Nature were a factory, some of us have been marked for discontinuation, because we no longer affect the market as the Executive Board desires. And our skin tone is the Mark. Its not just a black and white thing. It about the blood, the genes, the ancestry, and how far those favored genes will take nature. The racism of Anglo-Saxon culture literally took hold of the world, and molded it to its will. Thats power. Without the racism of Ango-Saxon wed all still be living backwards. Sure the ancient Chinese may have invented a lot of things Anglo-Saxon used such as gun powder and such, but ancient China never went anywhere. Great Britan and White Europe did something with these inventions and changed the whole world. Its something to be very proud of, thankful for, and admired. Japan is only great now after it learned that something from the West. We are, where we are today because of Racism. Its a beautiful thing. Western culture passes that something even to the different ethnicities that exist under its auspice. Just compare an African American to his kindred native Africans in Africa and you will see the difference. America is run by a very intelligent, noble African, one with an obvious higher quality then his forsaken kindred in Africa. The only problem with racism today is that it has lost touch with its primal nature and has become to far corrupted by politics that no longer is of any relevance to the 21st century. Racism exists for a very important reason, its just lost itself in a maze of old world politics. This needs to change. Those of us intune and in harmony to primal nature must come to realize once again why racism exists. We must re-understand that the blood we carry in our veins took our noble ancestors millions of years to refine, regardless of our nationality or phenological type. Undeneath its the same nobility, the same refined genes, from the same small group of alpha males from our primeval past versus the blood and genes which nature Herself has marked for eventual termination. This is one thing that the ONA can be proud of. That it is the only religion and system intune with primal nature nonhypocritically. We have always embraced racism, albeit a confused type; while these profane satanism have rejected us and racism as something stupid, all the while claiming to have an understanding of human nature. When Racism is
used and applied properly, in harmony to its primal nature, it accomplishes the same end objective as Culling- the purification and refinement of the human race but it accomplishes this on a much larger scale. This is why I hate Communism so much. Its a pussy flowery idealism that goes around teaching how were all equal and how we should all share what we have with one another even with the lazy. Then it takes these peasents which nature Herself has forsaken and glorifies them as the new abstract deity. All to what end and whose benefit? The peasants? They remain the same, no matter what regime runs the show. Russian peasants are Chinese peasants whether under the emperor or chairman, they get run over and exploited all the same- which is all they are good for in the end. And to think that there are profane satanism that thinks Communism is satanic? My family came from aristocratic back ground. We might not be white, but the racism was and is still there. I grew up hearing my grandmother and her cousins talk and recall their good old days. I hear them talking about how they never believed that peasants should have ever been educated. Because if you educate them and teach them to read, they think they has rights and act like they own the country. And they revolt. How many of these piece of shit countries run by peasant stock humans amounts to anything? Africa? Mexico? Cuba? China? Theyre all failed states, and a poor excuse for a human civilization. I agree with those old ladies. Peasants dont need education, it doesnt do them any good. What good has it doe for the peasant stock of the bible belt of America? Thats whats wrong with democracy- these peasants vote. We need to reharmonize our racism to Nature, and update it. It needs to shed it old world politics, and focus on future agendas. Its no longer about nationality, but about Nobility. Hate is good. Im not ashamed of hating stupid backwards people marked for discontinuation. Its just business. Its is about reclaiming what our ancestors and nature put into motion- selective breeding to advance our species forward. Its about consciously breeding intelligently to create our future generations, by rejecting genetic undesirables. Whats another term for selective breeding? Natural Selection. Natural Selection is the very modus operandi of Nature and the essential spirit of progress and evolution, without which life could not exist for the billions of years that it has. Natural life must constantly keep up with time. As time moves on, life must adapt to the changes or die. Those species -more especially their genes which cannot adapt to the progression of time is detrimental to Nature as a Whole. We are not individual life forms existing in nature, we are an integral part of a whole system. But to what end you ponder To the stars. Nature isnt stupid. If she keeps all of her life forms stuck on one planet, and that planet goes to shit, like it is, all those billions of years of evolution would have been a total waste. Racism is natures way of achieving the coherency needed to manifest enough collective power and effort to take her to the stars.
Chapter XL Empire
People; in general misunderstand the art and meaning of debate. It truly signifies an attempt to understand another minds convictions; to share ones own convictions, and at times come to an understanding that there could be an alternative perspective. But usually ones debate consist of ruthlessly holding onto ones convictions and attempting to enforce them on to the other debater, keen to see him accept his convictions. Concerning the debate on the use of labels versus the generic oneness or sameness of Satanism, we refer to human nature and our innate desire to control territory, we set up land marks to define a piece of land and proclaim: the land within these landmarks is ours, which we control, and everyone that lives within those landmarks; together with his possessions belong to us. PSYT The terms Psychospace or realm of mentality are essentially describing the same form. We compartmentalize psychospace, like we do cyberspace into separated areas/spaces. These in Progressive Satanism are referred to as Psychological Territories or Psyts for short. Each psyt has a define boundary marked with landmarks or identifying markers. Some psyts are better evolved than others. Some psyts are vast with ambiguous landmarks. Psyts can include many ideas raging from political and philosophical to religious. An example is featured with the psyt of secularism. The secularist psyt has only one landmark: Government versus Religion. Those who adopt that landmark, live within the psychological territory of the said landmark; which defines them by having them register themselves as users of that psyt. Another example of a psyt is the cheerleader squad. It has a more evolved and better defined boundary marked with specific landmarks; landmarks like: dress codes, manners of communication; socialization habits; dance moves; etc. Those who desire to register into that psyt must exist within its defined boundaries and adopt the landmarks- to become one you have to dress like them cheerleaders; talk like one; act like one; hang out with other members of that community; etc. The above example illustrates an aspect of psyt named Coherent Psyt; or one said to be possessed of Psyt Coherency as opposed to the first example of secularism; which lacks coherency of registered users. Further secularism re-presents an Incoherent Psyt or one that lacks Psyt Coherency. Psyt Coherency produces Collective Identity. An incoherent psyt lacks the power to establish a collective identity within its users. Collective Identity breeds a coherent; collective group. Hive of wasps; being an example; where an incoherent psyt resembling a field of cattle. This can further be represented with the sociological study concerning effective differences between; a feral tribe of Celt warriors, and the Roman Empire.
What exactly creates Empire in this context? It is possessed by core group of coherent units registered to a strongly defined coherent psyt using its collective; cohesive force to dominate and control incoherent psyts and their users. Empire in other words is a very organized kingdom that dominates and conquers less organizes tribes and groups of people. Some psyts are characterized as religion. They represent a psyt similar to any other psyt, but its landmarks are specifically designed to establish coherency under the operation and control of a Psyt Operator or a Psyt Administrator. An example is Catholicism; as a psyt of such nature. Its landmarks include: The belief in the trinity; belief in the Holy church but always being dominated by the landmark of belief that a Pope is administrator of the psychological territory of Catholicism. This gives the pope and his supporters power and control over the people who register as users of their psyt. Thus the power of controlling peoples lives and destinies to their own aims and objectives. This aspect of psyts is also applies to nations, like America. The United State of America has very well defined physical and psychological territories. Landmarks include: The flag; the constitution; liberty; Americans history and views concerning the rest of the history of the world as concerning to the America; and the Administrator landmark presidency. This establishes a collective identity in its people; collects their collective belief; and utilizes that collective force to further its own private goals, and objective. A recent historys example can illustrate this better: Is the American citizens private goal and desire to be in the Middle east: fighting? Most American citizens proclaim that they dont care; yet they are paying their taxes and fighting a war they dont care about. Our approach concerning labelling Satanism inclines to Satanism being as a new found developing continent; with colonies having been established upon it. We Progressives come, punching our Flag of beliefs by calling out a section of Satanism with our landmarks to define our Psyt; and we proclaim: Everything within these landmarks; people; and ideas belongs to us; if you exists as a registered user in this psyt you adopt a collective psyt landmark: Progressive; honouring thus Caligula for being the leader or Psyt Admin who influences our lives. What does this result to? It gives Caligula and his supporters the power to control the lives and destinies of all Progressive Satanists; the power to utilize their collective effort and force to achieve certain goals and objective. It organizes, and utilizes its many parts, to manifest objectives like a colony of ants. In such a way; our camp has become a State. on this hypothetical continent. There are several good hearted Satanists who, not understanding the nature of Psyts Sinister Dialect of mass control or its power to collect an unorganized group of people into a coherent power house to manifest goals and objectives, reject labels, or preach that all of Satanism is just one entity.
Allegorically they come to this hypothetical continent; flag a small settlement; and establish themselves a broad psyt with ambiguous landmarks that appears as an organized Church or organization; but with the rhetoric: This is just one land; and all are one generic sect of people; all of whom belong to US! The question to the reader: WHO governs the one land and one people When establishing a Church with the belief that all Satanists are just Satanists, because Satanism is of one quality of one collection of landmarks WHO then administers or controls that organization and Church? So now; labels come under a different and more sinister light.
Sanghavada Kalika: Q. Whence come you? A. From the West. Q. Where wend you? A. To the East. Q. Of what are you in search? A. Of Light. Q. Have you found it? A. I have not, but I have a Means, a Method and a Guide to help me find it. Q. What is the Means? A. Karma. Q. What does it mean? A. Action. To every action, there is a reaction. That we reep what we sow. This teaches me that what actions I preform manifests a result in the real world, and that if I govern my actions with diliberate planing, and intelligence, I shall reap the fruits of my actions accordingly. Q. What is the Method? A. Nine Angles. Q. To what do you allude? A. To the Order of Nine Angles, and its Dark Tradition, as pasted through the Grand Master Anton Long. Q. Who is your Guide? A. The Black Buddha. Q. What is its meaning and to what does it allude? A. Black represents the Abysmal Mystery of the Cosmos. Buddha because it means Enlightened. The Black Buddha alludes to primeval nature and the primal laws of the Cosmos. Q. Does the Black Buddha have a name among our people? A. Saturnas, the Roman god of Agriculture, the Harvest, Justice, and Strength. Q. What does Saturn allude to in the Acception? A. To the Golden Age of Saturn, and to our Father Sun which gave birth to the earth in primeval aeons, which was captures by Solaris whereon earth was ripped out of Saturns orbit becoming dark. Thus we call it the Black Sun. Q. Does saturn have a symbol? A. The Sickle. Q. What does it teach and represent? A. It teaches karma, that what actions we sow in the causal world, produces fruit. It represents Chronos, and alludes to Time and the magic of time which our people call Chronomorphosis, sometimes known as Aeonics. Together they remind us to govern our actions with planning and intellligence, to utilize time, that we may manifest a future civilization resembling the lost age of Saturn. Q. Has it a sinister meaning? A. The sickle is an identifying weapon of Mother Kali, that is Baphomet in the East, with
which she slays mankind, and alludes to Sacrifice. Q. By what do you mean sacrifice? A. Those who hold mankind down with the grip of religion and prevent humanity from achieving its collective potential and progression. Q. What does Kali mean? A. Black or Dark. Q. Has She another identifying weapon? A. She has- a Trident in her left hand, the sickle in her right. Q. What does it symbolize? A. The continuum of Acausal, Mind and, the Causal; the three powers of creation, sustenance, and destruction; the three jewels of the Acception: Commonsence, Intuition, and Critical Thinking; our three tools: Mind, Heart, and Action. And to the three Letters of the Acception. Q. What are the three Letters? A. W, S, & A. Q. Have they a meaning? A. Yes, four altogether, established at different times. Q. The First? A. White Star Acception. Q. To what does this allude? A. To the Orange Blossom, which takes the shape of a white star; and to the initials of the last names of the First Three Brothers. Q. Repeat the story of the First Three Brothers. A. The first three brothers were boys in their age of innocence, who had a deep bond with one another and desired to become blood brothers. They went to a field in which they played often where there were many Orange Trees. Under the largest Orange Tree the three boys pricked their thumbs and vowed to care for and love one another as blood brothers until death. They etched the initials of their last names upon the Tree which was in blossom WSA. Q. The Second? A. Wuxian Shi An. Q. Its meaning? A. It is three Chinese words alluding to the secret vows made by the First Three, which was declared to be perpetually effective. Wuxian meaning Without Limit, Infinite, Immortal and Eternal; Shi meaning a Vow or Sacred Promise; and An meaning Secret, Dark, Hidden, or Underground. Q. The Third? A. Wanglai Shehui An. Q. Its meaning? A. The Third meaning was formed at a later time during the First Threes rebellious age when they and close friends formed a street gang of outlaws under three Chinese words which best described their enterprise: Wanglai Shehui An; which refers to an underground society of business associates. Wanglai meaning Contacts, Dealings, or Relations; Shehui meaning a Society; and An has been already defined. Q. The Fourth and final?
A. Wu Shu An. Q. Its meaning? A. The Fourth was formed during a time of the First Threes maturity and Dark Illumination after having studied the Seven Fold Sinister Way of the Order of Nine Angles. Wu meaning Black; Shu meaning a Method or Technique; and An refering to the Dark. Together Wu Shu An alludes to the Dark Tradition or Sinister Way of the ONA. Wu Shu together has an alernative meaning of Witchcraft, Wicked, Sinister; or the Black Arts; and An here also has an alternative meaning of a Temple. Q. What is the symbol of he Acception? A. The conjoined Trident and Sickle, called the Trisickle. The Trident pointing up, a bar in the middle, and the sickle pointing down. Q. Why is it called the Trisickle? A. Because we totally lack a better name to call it. But later gave it a mystical meaning anyways. Q. What is this mystical meaning? A. The WSA is like a tricycle in that it phycially takes us from place to place. The three wheels being the Book of Nature, Opus Vrilis, and ONA MSS. Q. What does the bar symbolize? A. The process by which mental theory becomes causal action. The Trident, being a symbol of Shiva the unmanifested represents Thought. The Scythe or Sickle, being an instrument of agricultural harvest and of the manifested Shakti, symbolizes causal effect,or the fruition of applied action governed by intelligent thought. Q. What year was the White Star Acception born? A. In the year one ninety-nine, year of Fayen, by the First Three during their age of innocence, under an Orange Tree in Blossom. Q. On what day? A. On the 15th of April, the day the Buddha was Enlightened; symbolized by the Blossoms opening up to absorb the Light of the Sun. Q. Where was it found? A. In their Hearts first; the Streets second; and their Minds third. Q. Who is the Mistress of the Acception, as an ONA Nexion? A. The Constellation Cassiopeia known as Chattel in the Acception, because Her stars resemble jewels in a chattel. Q. Why is a constellation made the Mistress of our Acception? A. For two reasons. The first is to say that there is no mortal leader, head, or governor of the Acception. The second alludes to the fact that mankind has a miniscule grasp of the ineffable Mysteries and Beauties of the Cosmos symbolized by Cassiopeia; therefore mankind is stupid, and the stupid cannot reasonably lead the blind into Enlightenment. Each of us are responsible for living our own lives, thinking for our ownselves, and illuminating ownselves by establishing a direct link between us and the Cosmos itself, without any other person coming in between. Q. What do the Letters WS symbolize? A. The White Stars of Cassiopeia and all that She symbolizes as our Mistress. Q. How came it to spread into California? A. By one of the First Three relocating there and spawning a chapter of Wanglai Shehui
An with his blood brother known as James the Younger, later becoming the Second House called Agent Orange NxS. Q. What composes the foundation of the Acception? A. A Book and manuscripts. Q. Name them. A. The Book of Nature being the Supreme Guide of our Acception. With the following manuscripts as its commentary: Opus Vrilis and all manuscripts of the Order of Nine Angles written by Anton Long. Q. What is the reading of the Book of Nature called? A. Science. Q. By what is Science apprehended? A. By mindful contemplation first; Intuitive revelation second; Rational speculation third; and the Scientific Method fourth. Q. Why does the Acception hold Science in such Noble Regard? A. Because without Science there is no Progression nor ontological understanding. Q. What are the Seven Noble Sciences of the Acception? A. 1) Anthropology, by which we come to an understanding of the human race; 2) Psychology, by which we come to an understanding of the way the human mind works; 3) Behavioral Science, by which we come to an understanding of how the human organism behaves; 4) Sociology by which we come to an understanding of how the human organism functions and interacts in context to social order; 5) Technology, by which humanity mechanically progresses as a species and civilization; 6) Geometry that is the Measuring of the Earth, whereby we study earthly nature in all her arts and parts to gain a scientific and rational understanding of our relevance to it; and 7) Ontology, which is the existential study of the nature of being, existence, reality, the Cosmos, and our relation to such. Q. What are the Three Mother Temples of the Acception? A. Universities and Colleges is the First. Business and Enterprise is the Second; Body and Mind is the Third. Q. What do the Mother Temples symbolize and teach? A. That the First Objective of our Acception is a real education or the pursuit of real knowledge, rather then the stupidity of superstition and irrational beliefs in whatever form these may take. That our Second Objective is our financial independence whereby we gain the freedom to live our lives truly to the fullest, and to spend our free time with those we love and adore, rather then waste the best years of it away working to make another rich. And that there must be a ballance of physical indulgence and growth of the mind; that both the body and mind has their natural needs which must be met accordingly. Q. What is the Number of the Acception? A. 352, exoterically meaning the same as the Letters: the 3 is a W; the 5 is an S, and the 2 is a lowercase A. Q. What do the numbers mean esoterically? A. The blood bond and Oaths we take to one another during our initiation rite to live and die for each other, in heart, in the streets, and in mind. Q. Has the Acception any Patrons?
A. Yes, Three altogether. Sirius the Dog Star; and the Constellations Cassiopeia and Gemini. Q. Their meanings? A. The Dog Star symbolizes the unconditional loyalty and love a dog has for his friend and master. Cassiopeia being a female mythic deity and the constellation forming a W high in the sky represnting Woman, symbolizes the Supremecy of Womenkind they being the source of humanity and mortal existence itself. Gemini being two companions, hand in hand, eternal in the heavens symbolizes the perpetual and eternal nature of Sworn Companionship, bound together, until the heavens are no more. Q. What is the jewel of our Acception? A. A necklace with a pattern of 3 Orange beads, 5 Black, and 2 White. Q. By what did you come to be a Disciple of our Acception? A. By IO (eye-oh); which I gave up to assimulate into the Acception. Q. What does IO signify? A. My Individualism and Obedience. Q. Its meaning? A. That I gave up a solitary life where I was fending for my own survival to be a part of something bigger than myself, in which we pool our collective efforts, energy, and resources to cooperatively labour for the unborn. That our future progeny who will come after us will inherit a better life and world. For such a Noble Objective to be accomplished there must be coherency, structure, and rules to which I must obey willingly for the system to work. Q. What is our color? A. White, which is worn by Disciples as a white bandanna or handkerchief. Q. What is the meaning behind this? A. It alludes to the past life memories of one of the first, used as a mythos of our Acception; and to the Supreme Doctrine of the Acception itself. Q. Recite the memories. A. In a past life one of the First was a young man from South Carolina who was born just before the American Civil War. He was the son of a plantation owner, known as Richard McDonald. Richard married a young girl from Delaware named Loran. When Loran gave Richard a two year old daughter and a new born son, the Union divided into North and South. Richard and his companions followed the rally cry for war. He said to Loran that the war would end in a short time, and he would be back before Christmas. Loran gave to Richard a White Handkercheif and kissed its center, leaving a mark of her lips and gave it to Richard, wherethen he left as a Confederate soldier. He left to fight the Battle of Bullrun with the South Carolina infantry. He was stationed on the westside of a hill called Henry Hill in the night, and came morning the Union Army surround Henry and Mathew Hill and advanced both hills capturing it. A Union soldier shot Richard in the gut as he came from behind a tree to defend his ground. When the Union soldier came upon Richard to finish him off with his bayonet, Richard then cried out the Grand Hailing signal of a Master Mason. The Union
soldier being also a Freemason, threw his weapon down to help his fallen brother, whom he had shot. The Union soldier took Richard to his camp to try to mend Richards mortal wound. Knowing that his body was near expiration Richard asked his Union brother for a pen and paper, and a bottle of whiskey and wrote to Loran apologizing how he had let something so impersonal as politics get in between the only thing that truly matters in life: Love. Richard then took out the white Hankercheif which Loran gave to him, and gave it to the Union soldier as a token of his forgiveness and friendship, and asked him to deliver the letter to his wife Loran and to escort her and his children back to Delaware, where they would be safer. And his Union brother vowed to do so, and did as he had promised. Richard died and came back as a new person to find the woman he lost. Q. What is the Supreme Doctrine of the Acception? A. That brothrhood and Love is immortal. And that we ourselves should not let politics and religion or anything impersonal come between us and the people we love and adore, because love is all that is worth living for in the end.
down to their low animal level. We have the strength to know we are a new race, a new breed of human beings, taking evolution ever upward by our magick and our deeds. So, how do we bring the acausal down to this Earth? By Aeonic Magick, using our skill, our knowledge, our nexions, our dark forms. By practical deeds which disrupt the Old Order and all its forms, ideas, organizations, groups and societies. By practical deeds which glorify the dark and which take us, as individuals into and beyond defiance and which make us new archetypes to inspire others and future generations. By creating nexions to draw forth to this world, and to its peoples, the darkest of Dark Forces the Dark Gods, and the Chaos of the Acausal Itself. By championing anything and everything which can challenge and disrupt the Old Order with its Magian magic and its Magian ethos (of which the Nazarene ethos is a part) and its desire for lower everyone down to the lowest level. By causing, inspiring revolution; evolution. By creating new and newer forms to presence the Sinister and so restore the balance, thus re-enabling the dialectic which powers Change and evolution. By championing those forms which actively now, and in the recent past, have challenged and even threatened the old Magian order, which forms they who belong to the Magian (and their lackeys and agents) fear. What we always must remember is that what others think of us what labels, what names they attach to us are irrelevant. We are beyond such things we, who are the future. I, and others like me, are the darkness which is necessary and without which evolution and knowledge are impossible. I am also my own opposite, and yet beyond both. This is not a riddle, but a statement of Mastery, and one which, alas, so few have the ability to understand. -Anton Long, ONA, 116yf It is important to realize also that the name Satan is not his real name, it is a convenient epithet, used because it expresses part of his nature. There is, in fact, no real name as we undertand names [...]. In a sence which few people will understand, Satan is the essence of the acausal: the cosmic force of Chaos whose intrusion into our causal demention disrupts the entropy that linear time produces. -ONA, Aeonic Magick These hints made by the ONA regarding Satan is a very important concept within the White Star Acception. Satan and mythos associated with satan are sinister strategies required to purge our minds and lives of the Nazarene Ethos and paradigm, and to liberate ourselves from the hold that the Magian has had on a vast portion of humanity, which prevents us from progressing humanity forward. But to lose oneself in the mythos and strategy; that is to believe in the actualy being of a satan; is conterproductive because not only is this satan a mythic being of the Nazarene Matrix itself, but it is also reactionary. The Genuine Progressive Satanist of the Dark Tradition who has insight, undersatnds that satan is merely a descriptor used to describe a more esoteric phenomena- the Acausal, or Force of Chaos; which we in 352 symbolize also with Azagthoth- the blind force of Chaos, that is the center and fundamental substance of the Cosmos.
This Acausal Force of Chaos may be likened to an ocean which crystalizes and condenses into a different form in certain areas- ice burgs. Althought the Ocean and Ice burg are essentially the same fundamentl essence in two different form; they are very different and do not naturally mix. In otherwords this material Cosmos we physically exist in is a materialization or crystilzation of acausal chaos in a very condenced and coherent strucure. Thus, this Dark Force, which Life Force is but another of its manifestations, lies beneath all things. This crytsalization phenomena is esoterically hinted at with our use of Crstyals during our ceremonies, which helps open nexions. Crsytals themselves are the condensation of energy and elements into a tightly coherent patern. The energy cannot be experience in a crystal, unless one brings two quartz crystals into a dark room and physically rubs them together, thus producing a very visible release of light and energy. Releasing this energy in a way, is similar to the act of opening a nexion and bringing down acausal energy. The opening of a nexion which draws down acausal energy into our material universe, may be illustrated by holes being drilled in an ice burg to draw sea water down into the ice burg. This drawing down then brings us to the esoteric meaning of the word satan. In Sanskrit the word Satana actually means: causing to fall, bringing down; as well as to destroy, wear out, or remove. That is to say that we Presencing the Dark, or drawing down acausal energy into our material world to gradually destroy the old aeon to manifest a new future one. This is perfectly congruent to the Dark Tradition of the ONA. This process of actively using our minds to form chaos into order is illustrated by YugSothoth ordering Azagthoth into form, as we desribe in the very first Chapter of Opus Vrilis, as well as within our initiation ceremonies. Thus within our White Star Acception Satan is understood on many levels esoteric and exoteric. On one level he is a mythos of the Nazarene Paradigm used for certain sinister reasons; on another level satan to us represents Nature in all its forms primal, cosmic, earthly, animal, and human nature; and on a more esoteric level satan is the very acausal force we are presencing to manifest change and progression. This is very important to understand because our Dark Tradition is not a reactionary thinking process like the profane satanisms which either worships a literal being of the Christian Paradigm, or uses the name satan as a mere symbol of 9 statements. There is more to our religion than just reacting. Those profane stagnant satanisms would not exist without the Judeo-Christian mythos, or without the satan; but our Dark Tradition would still be in tact even if we chose to abandon the satanic mythos and stopped using the word satan. The acausal is still the acausal either way; and the Dark Gods- those entities of the acausal are still the Dark Ones; with or without our usage of satan and his mythos.
which only displayed numbers. To express the letters WSA on these things the OGs had to find numbers that look like the letters. Thus the 3=w the 5=s and the 2=a. The OG represent all three numbers with a hand sign by splitting the ring finger and middle finger apart forming a V, with the thumb up against the index. The Thumb, Index, and Middle forms the 3; the V is a roman numeral 5, and the Ring and Pinky is the 2. Its usually done with the right hand over the left chest. The numbers also became the OG way of hazing a new member in. The new member is encircled by a crowd of OGs who is Accepted by being systematically beaten. The would be member passes a gauntlet or row of OGs. Each OG beats the initiate 3 times in the head, then 5 times to the body, and gives the initiate 2 good kicks in the stomach. The initiate may block his face; otherwise he may not fight back of block. The initiate has to pass 10 OGs (3+5+2=10). The hazing is still done. This is called Processing. Girls are processed by 10 girls or may chose to pass the procession and get sexed in. Once an initiate is processed they are Accepted as full members, and may undergo formal initiation. Acception- The brotherhood/sisterhood of the White Star (352). An organized Order based on sworn Oaths of loyalty and allegiance. Based on the word Accepted meaning membership is based on being accepted by valid members. This word is an alternative for WSA352. Annex- To dominate or take something over, usually a forum, other groups, or street. Anubis- Refers to the First Degree of the WSA in which the Ancient Egyptian deity Anubis is used symbolically to represent the Sinister Underground and loyal companionship. Appraising- When you enter a home that is not yours and borrow things then sell it for money to support yourself and Family. Appraisal- When you scope out and survey a home. Armoire- Pronounced in the French as Arm-Wa. This word has been annexed by 352 to refer to arms, guns, weapons which in this case can also be euphemistically referred to as wardrobe. Backmasking- When one sets an end objective and works backwards to manifest that and objective. Baphomet- (pronounced in the French as BaphoMAY) Baphomet is female. She is both an acausal entity, and the personification of Nature and Wisdom in 352. Beausanct- (Boh-song) The Beausanct is the honorific word for the Flag of the Acception. In street lingo it would be called the rag. It is White Sash, most often a white bandanna given to you in the First Degree initiation. The Beausanct and its Color represents the WSA. It is the Color you claim, and the Rag you will die for. Originally
the Beausanct was the Battle Flag of the Templars spelled Beauseant in the old days. It was also used at one time as their Battle Cry. Bioware- Short for Biological Software. Memeplex. Beliefs, concepts, thoughts, ideas, opinions, which one installs in the mind and uses. Black Buddha- This is a WSA term which refers to Saturn, which symbolizes Primal Nature and the Dark Cosmos. To study Nature and harmonize yourself with the Cosmos is to become Enlightened. Blendering- When you stick something into a blender, it gets cut up into pieces. Blendering someone means to take care of business or to secure the industry. Boudoir- (Boodwah) is a council of OG sisters. Boudoirsanct- (Boo-dwa- sang) is any mother of a Disciple. They are held in high regard and never to be harmed, even if they are uninitiated. Centimeter- A play on words 352 slang referring to the hazing procession mention in the 352 entry. Centi meaning 100, alludes to the total number of hits and kicks a pledge needs to endure to be processed. The Meter part comes from the expression: The whole nine yards. Giving someone the Centimeter means to process them. It can also be used to mean lynching an enemy. Ceux Sang- or Ceuxsang (Suh-song) is the private family and/or blood relations of a Disciple. They most often are not initiates, but must be treated with the same love and respect as your own family and must never be harmed in any way. Chapelet- (sha-pel-AY) The Chapelet is another identifying marker of a Disciple. It is the official name given to a specific rosary type beaded necklace. The Chapelet consists of a pattern of 3 White beads; 5 Black beads; and 2 Orange beads. It may be worn with just beads, or can be more ornate with charms and pendents or crystals (a citrine quartz is best). Citrian- An word used by OGs as a demonym for a Disciple of the WSA. It makes it easier to call someone a Citrian rather than a Progressive Satanist or 352er. Citrine- This is another word which evolved out of a need for simplification when talking. Its used to as an adjective (Ci-treen) to mean or refer to anything having the quality and/or esprit of the WSA, its Progressive Satanism, its concept of devotional blood brothood/sisterhood, and its esoterica or mystical essence. It also refers to the crystal (Ci-tryn) which is a yellow quartz more favored for use in rites than regular quarts. Citrine Quartz are usually used in rites instead of quartz and are buried beneath an Orange Tree if possible.
Citrium- Once meaning a grove of Orange Trees where a 352 Temple/nexus met for Orange Festivals. Now it is used to mean any meeting place of a nexus. Claiming- Residual gang term used in WSA to refer to the act of living the Way of the Acception or being a part of it for life. In gang usage, when you claim a gang, thats the gang you represent and will die for. Colony- A set, cell, branch, lodge, temple, grotto, or sub-group of the WSA. Also called a Nexus or NXS. Colonize- To establish a sub-group of the WSA in different cities and areas for business and temple operations. Currently the internet is the medium of real world colonization due to the fact that the entire world is accessible. Also called Swarming or Spawning. eColonization- The act of establishing a coherent body of WSA members as users in a target forum or website to annex or monopolize it. Cowan- Residual Masonic term still used by 352. It means anybody who has not taken the Oaths and is not a member. Crew- Means the same thing as a set, clique, firm, gang, posse, or group of intimate associates. Cultbanging- A word used by OGs of the WSA to describe what they either do or what the WSA is in their eyes. The word is short for Cult + Gangbanging. The word cult here also refers to a old crew called Children Under Lucifers Teachings which eventually evolved into the Acception. Dark- Residual Masonic term still used by the WSA. When a Lodge goes Dark it closes for a period and discontinues meetings and activity. Keeping something dark means to keep it a secret. To Go Dark means to stop all activity for a period of time until further notice. Decimaul- This is also a play on words 352 slang based on the word Decimal referring to the alternative method of hazing a female pledge. If she doesnt want to get hurt going thru the Centimeter she can choose to be Decimauled which basically means 10 Disciples (boys or girls or a combo of both) sexually mauling her into the Acception. Deity- Used by the WSA to refer to Nature, the Cosmos, and the Supernal Mind in which both the causal and acausal exists. Symbolized by the All-Seeing-Eye within a Blue Triangle. Disciple- A sworn initiate of the Acception. Dot- This is a 352 slang term inspired by the female Decimaul hazing process. A Dot (decimal point) is a sister of the Acception. Due to the nature of the Decimaul System,
the word Dot can also mean a slut. But the good kind a friendly, open minded sister who likes to share, if you will. Emshifting- Short for Empathetic Shapeshifting. A psychological practice where a Disciple learns to empathize with a person and becomes that target person. For example a good emshifter would be a good detective who can become the suspect he is looking for. Educate- This is 352 slang. The word comes from Execution of Duties or ED. Educating refers to Oaths sworn by members to protect other members and retaliate when a wrong has been committed with physical assaults and violence. To Educate someone means to gather a group of brothers, some baseball bats, and beat the shit out of someone. Ehreneide- This word a composition of two German words and refers to the Sacred Oaths taken by all initiates of 352 in its three Degrees: Honor & Oaths. Enclave- Your associates; Disciples of 352 you live, work, or directly associate with. Esclave- Pronounced in the French as Es-clav. Refers to any outsider who has not taken the Ehreneide of the WSA. Those that exist outside the Reichsstandshaft of the Acception. All Esclaves are open game and prey for whatever. This word does not include the Ceuxsang of the Disciple, who exist under the protection or auspice of the Acceptions Reichsstandshaft. Esprit- (Es-pree) Is a word annexed from French which may be roughly related in a way to the words numinous, auric, and eggregor, but it means the essence or spirit of something enchanting, subtle, and felt. It is a living, vivacious, beconning quality which causal things at times is imbued with. A Citrium where many rites have been preformed and crystals have been buried may be said to have an esprit of a living nexion. Some girls, no matter the age who possess the esprit of the Goddess Baphomet have a kind of noticable, feelable, enchanting beauty to them which is not physical or visual. Some paintings and artwork may also have an esprit. When something or someone has a very potent, captivating, mind-numbing, and alluring esprit it is said to have a Sirenic Esprit or a Vivant Esprit. Extricating- This word also refers to the hazing rite, both the centimeter and decimaul. It is residual Masonic lingo. The would be member is a rough stone in the quarry which must be extricated from the undefined mass it was attached to with applied force. He is extricated INTO the Accepton. Fame- Residual tagger term still used by the WSA to mean getting the crews letters (WSA) out, up, and exposed to get it known. Family- Refers to the collective membership of the Acception who are all sworn into a single Family.
FED- This is 352 slang. It stands for Future Execution of Duty. Fedding is a special term related to the act of colonization of a city, but with retaliation as its objective. If an enemy lives in a different part of the world outside the reach of the Acception to educate them, the Acception will locate people in that area or nearby the area to germinate. The new Germins will then be sent out to educate the dipshit. Fleurdelit- A play on words 352 slang. Honorary title meaning a wife, girlfriend, lover, or concubine of a Disciple who are not to be violated. The French word Lit also means a Bed so fleur de lit here means Flower of the Bed. The Lily symbolizes a Fleurdelit. Fructose Intolerant- An outsider, usually someone intolerant to the Dark Tradition who dont see a value in it like the Nazarenes and their ilk; or a person who rejects life and its sweet pleasures the Fructose Intolerant GAOTU- Residual Masonic term used as the Name of Deity: Great Architect Of The Universe. As it is explained in WSA manuscripts, acausal force coagulates and condenses via natural Cosmic laws, into causal reality. Thus the Acausal is referred to as The GAOTU. Gen2- Refers to a son or daughter of an Original Generation Disciple. It is short for Generation Two, of Second Generation. All members of the Accpetion swear an Oath to pass the Acception down their bloodline and raise all their children as born members. The WSA keeps track of its time in Generations. A Generation is circa the time span between a 13 year old who grows up to have children of her own, and these children turning 13. Era G2 officially began in the vulgar year 1998 on the 15th of April. The WSA is currently in 120 yf G2 barely entering G3. Supprizingly only 13 generations have past between today and the American Revolution. What will have become of the WSA in the era of G13? Germ or Germin- A Disciple or Initiate of the WSA is also referred to as a Germ or Germin. This alludes to a new Disciple installing WSA Bioware which is refered to as Germination. Germinate- The process of educating or indoctrinating an outsider into a Disciple of the Acception. In old school days this was a euphemism for jumping in or sexing in a new member into WSA. Germination- When a person is Infected with WSA memeplexes (bioware) and becomes a sworn members of the Acception. Glamour- Refers to a form of practical magic where one becomes someone or something else to manifest and end result. Also may refer to specialized propaganda used to generate a certain desired image of a person or group with the intent of manifesting a desired end result. Grand Prix- (Grong Pree) is a classy way to say a drive by shooting.
Grimoire- Pronounced in the French as Grim-Wa. Used in 352 to refer to the esoterica and Nine Angles Tradition and its teachings. The Grimoire of the Acception isnt a book of magical lore, its the actual Dark Tradition and Seven-Fold Sinister Way itself. To teach someone the Grimoire means to teach them the whole Tradition of the Nine Angles. Grubs- An offspring of a Disciple of 352 is called a grub. Hive Culture- This term is used to describe the focus and esprit of 352. Just as in a hive of bees or a colony of ants the adult sisters spend their lives labouring and working for their progeny that the unborn might inherit a better and more opulent hive; so is the Disciples live focused on labouring and working for the progeny of the Acception. We cant take anything we work for in life with us when we die. To work for anything or anyone besides ones progeny is insanity and a waste of a life. There is a time to enjoy the nectar and honey which life has to offer, and their is a time to labour for the unborn. Hybrids- Refers to street gangs or firms which have evolved into hybrid organizations that transcends streets, gang colors, and even activities once associated with gangs. The WSA itself is a Hybrid organization which is a merger of a gang and an organized religious cult. The WSA is claimed by members. The white rag (white bandanna) is its flag. A necklace of black, white, and orange beads is its jewels. It also has hand signs as most gangs do. Disciples rep 352. But it is also a religious institution a nexion of the O9A. Idus Aprilis- The Ides of April or the 15th day of April is the highest sacred day of the year in the WSA. The month of April in ancient times was dedicated to Aphrodite a personification of the Lustful Current of Life which propagates more life; which itself is the beginning, means, purpose, and end of Mortal Existence. It is considered the birthday of the Acception. The patron Flower of IA is the Orange Blossom. The day in the Acception is dedicated to Baphomet. Sexual Ecstasy and a reaffirmation of ones love, adoration, and lust for carnal life and all its sweet and bitter fruit is the appropriate sacrifice. April 15th also corresponds with Holy days of other religions which are irrelevant except one. The springtimes blossoming of flowers opening to the light of the sun symbolizes the Illumination of the Mind and Wisdom. This is also the day the Buddha was Enlightened. Infect- Is the process of distributing WSA-O9A bioware (manuscripts and such) to generate new members. Once a new member has been infected (having installed the bioware) the person is said to be Germinated. Kumquats- or Orangedrops are offspring born to sisters and/or brothers of the Acception. An affectionate term for a baby of the WSA who are born members. It also is uses as a term of affection for a cute young sister. Locusts- A locust is an indivisual who is not imbued with Hive Culture. rather than spend his/her short life working and labouring for their progeny they fall into the illusion of the mundane and waste it way, perhaps spending their life working to amass a small
fortune for their retirement; but these locusts have no concern for the welfare of their future progeny nor the condition of the world they will live in. The genes and bloodline of such locusts are doomed to end. Mining- A 352 slang word inspired from Coal Mining. When youre Mining, youre conducting business of some kind in the black market or doing business which transgresses city-state laws. Coal mines are usually dark and underground and coal is black, which is how the word came about. Northside- Residual Masonic term still used by 352. In Freemasonry the North side of a Lodge is said to be a place of perpetual darkness. The Northside can refer to the criminal underground, black market, the Sinister-Way, and/or the Acception itself. In the OG days Disciples of the Acception infiltrated Masonic Lodges and sat in the North side of the Lodge with Orange Blossoms on their lapel. To Hail From the North or to Come From The Northside means you are a sworn member of the Acception. The 3 letters NXS which is an alternative way of writing nexus is thus an abbreviation (NxS) for North Side. OG- Original Generation, Old Guard. Refers to the Originals and/or initiates of 352 who have been in it for a long time. Orange- The color and fruit alluded to in the Initiation Rite of the WSA initiation. It represents vows, oaths, and brotherhood among other things. Orange is the color of the setting sun, and symbolizes Mortality, or the shortness of mortal life. Although life is short and full of suffering and hardships, it is sweet; and the sweetest aspect of life is love and companionship the fruits of the Acception. To enjoy the fruits of life, and live and die for love and companionship is the only meaning to this short existence. Orange Festival- A WSA gathering, usually to initiate someone or party. Orangefest- A sex orgie, usually dedicated to Baphomet. OJ- Orange Juice, is a term for sex. Getting OJ out of a girl or juicing oranges means to get sex. Procession- A hazing ritual which takes place before Degree Initiations where a new member is beaten systematically. Profane- The word comes from the Latin: Pro + Fanum meaning outside the temple. The Profane is the uninitiated. Anything not Citrine is Profane. Quarry- The Quarry is the outside world, composed of a mass of indistinquishable rocks. It is where work and labour takes place. Reichsstandshaft- (Ry-shtan-shaft) The territorial, psychological, mental, emotional, corporate, and military power, force, jurisdiction, dominion, and field of influence of the
Acception is referred to as its Reichsstandshaft. The word originally referred to a domain or fiefdom of a king or Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. In this context the Holy Roman Empire would correspond to the Order of Nine Angles as an entire institution; and the Reichssatndshaft of 352 would be a fiefdom of its Imperium. Ruhemord- WSA code of silence. They are two German words put together and alludes to the three oaths a Disciple takes and the consequence of breaking those oaths: Silence & Murder. Rut- A shortened form of the word Rutaceae which is the genus or family name associated with the citrus family. Ruts are the opposite of Dots brothers or boy members of the Acception. Satan- In 352 it refers to the Acausal itself. It is also a symbol or personification of feral nature. Nature being a condensation of the acausal. Or in otherwords, Satan may be understood as the masculine polarity of Baphomet. Trisickle- The Trisickle is the actual official symbol of Temple 352 (the WSA Nexion). It is a simple coinjoined Trident and Sickle, with a small horizontal bar in the middle. The Trisickle in 352 represents the Dark Mother Baphomet as both of these weapons are held in the hands of Kali (Hindu Goddess). It has its own mystical or esoteric meaning elsewhere taught. Verwusten- (Fer-voo-shten) a word borrowed from German to refer to the act of forcing sex on an esclave regardless of consent. Vulgar- Like the word Profane. Anything not Citrine is Vulgar. White Star- This may refer to many things all at once. It is Venus the Morning and Evening Star. It is the Star Sirius the patron Star of the 352, also called the Dog Star and symbolized fierce loyalty and companionship. It also refers to the constellation Cassiopeia which is the patron Constellation of 352. Cassiopeias White Stars forms a W in the sky and symbolized the matriarchal essence of 352. Cassiopeia was a Queen; Cepheus was King of thiopia (not present day Ethiopia), and the beautiful Cassiopeia was his Queen. Soon after their marriage, Cassiopeia bore her husband a daughter, Andromeda. Cassiopeia was vain and boastful. So great was her beauty and that of Andromeda, she said, that it surpassed even that of Nereids (the Sea-goddess). Cassiopeia has also been known as the Celestial W and Celestial M. The M represents Matriarchy. Another story says that for her bragging, Cassiopeia was chained to her throne and placed in the sky to circle the North Star. The Romans called her the Woman of the Chair. To the Arabs, she was the Lady in the Chair. Cassiopeia is female; the W her white stars forms represents Womenkind; and being high in the sky above Mankind symbolizes that all women are above men. The White Star also is the Orange Blossom. This alludes to the Orange Tree the Original Founders of the Acception took their oaths and swore themselves as bloodbrothers during spring when the tree was flowering. The flowers of an Orange Tree are White with 5 petals forming a Star. To Die Under Orange
Blossoms is a term of affection meaning that you would die or do anything for a sister or brother. WSA- The three letters has its own privite, or esoteric, meaning.
Hohes Opfer: At the conclusion of the Satanists causal life, s/he writes a full account of their experiences of the Seven Fold Way. This is written in code, in a variant of the Dark Immortal, and then entrusted to either their heir and/or their Temple. The Satanist then chooses an opfer as their final victim, applying the usual guidelines. It is ideal that the Satanist undertakes the sacrifice themselves using the obsidian blade, and this may be done ceremonially with the full participation of the Temple, or swiftly in circumstances of the Satanists own contriving. [Or the Satanist may instead opt for an assassination, by proxy, of some significant world figure.] Once this is successfully complete, the Satanist withdraws to the place where the Ritual of Sealing was conducted and undertakes the form of the solo nine angles rite suitable to that final stage. Their causal life is ended at the rituals conclusion, using the knife. They may opt for a trusted comrade to accompany them, who will then arrange suitable and respectful disposal of the empty vessel (see Black Book of Satan for funereal rite). The knife then passes into their keeping. Note: Aside from its esoteric significance, there is a practical aspect to the Hohes Opfer Rite: Euthanasia. The initiate in his/her dotage goes out fighting like a hero and take down a degenerate/mundane (or two, maybe 3) with him, thus helping to cleanse the human race of suspect genes. But he/she also euthanizes him/herself to rid the Temple or general population of the burden s/he will be. It is better to die a hero than to let life ravage you and to be a burden. An aged Adept who has lived his/her life according to the Sinister Tradition would most certainly be a tome of Wisdom and insights. It would be a total waste to have the aged adept waste away without writing his experience, insights, and wisdom down for the younger initiates, his/her heair and progeny. Thus the encoded writings of the aged initiate is an important part of this Sinister Requiem. The Obsidian Blade when properly created as instructed above is charged with acausal force. This charging builds up when it is used. As it is past from generation to generation and used over and over again, it becomes itself a key of sorts to open more nexions and allow more acausal essence to descend into this world. In this way this Rite helps to Presence the Dark. The Sinister Strategy should be applied with this ritual, meaning that the Blade just shouldnt be used on any random degenerate. It should be strategic, tactical, an should benefit the Temple and/or O9A. In otherwords the Hohes Opfer is the last and final Gift an adept can offer to his Temple and to the long term objectives of the O9A. This Rite becomes a testament that the Adept in life and death was/is Master of his/her own life and existence.
11,ooo years old. The name of the city comes from the word Yareah meaning moon, since it was a center of moon worship. The people who founded Jericho came from Arabia which by the way, still uses the [crescent] moon as a symbol of their religion. But thats not even the interesting part. The interesting part is the native name of Jericho as its Civilized inhabitants call it ARIHA! Interesting because the IndoIranian word ARIYA had to have had an ancestral, much older word it came from, since Jericho existed before Persia or Babylon in what is now Iran. Jericho/Ariha means The Moon in Canaanite. In Hebrew its called Yariho. The Ya part refers to moon, and has its cognatives in Ancient Egyptian, Summerian, and neighboring languages. Interestingly enough, Jericho-Ariha-Yariho-Ariya-Arya even has a Chinese form- YUEZHI which means Moon People/Tribe. The Yuezhi were a group of people who entered China, but were eventually chased out and they fled South into India. This is the funniest shit we have ever come across (scholastically), because it turns out that the original Aryans are Jews! This would be considered sheer blaspemy by some of the more traditional initiates of the ONA who are still stuck in outer form of the shenanigans of the 1930s and 40s. But seeing as the ONA represents continual Heresy, and blaspemy of all accepted dogma, we introduce this heretical blasphemy, to be pondered upon by our Disciples, and the general ONA population at large. The Ariyavada is a set of oral teachings (Vada) concerned with the Noble science and art of civilization (Ariya). It is a word unique to 352. The Ariyavada, like the Sanghavada, is constructed in Q & A format, which teaches the tradition and basics of culture and civilization in a different nonstandard method (as opposed to a lecture) to our Disciples. A Senior brother/sister asks the Questions, the new Disciple learns the Answer part and answers appropriately when asked. Ariyavada Pacchimaya: Q. Whence come you? A. From the West. Q. Where wend you? A. To the East. Q. Specifically? A. Into the Land of Sin. Q. Where located? A. Between the rivers Sindus and Ganges. Q. By what way? A. By the North, around the Himalayas. Q. Then where? A. Our tribe took an easterly course into China. Q. Your tribe? A. The Ariya. Q. Its meaning? A. The Noble Ones. Q. When in China what did you meet?
A. Resistence. The local inhabitants, having a civilization of there own, resisted our presence. Q. What happened next? A. We feld south, into the land of Sin, between the rivers Ganges and Sindus. Q. Once in Sin, what did you encounter? A. Anariya. Q. Describe them. A. Dark of skin color, illiterate, having low mental calibre, wild, and living is subcivilized conditions. Q. Why is it said among our people that the Anariya are dark in skin tone? A. Our people, having existed in a civilized setting, within houses for thousands of years, grew a light complexion. The anariya, being feral organisms without civilization, were frequently exposed to the equitorial Sun and devolpoed more skin pigment, called melanin. Q. Is melanin an essential quality of the anariya? A. It is not, for even in the limits of a single race there exists the Ariya, and anariya. And even in those races with high levels of melanin, there exists among them kindred Ariya. The quality of the anariya is rather the causal result of their mental state. Q. How so? A. The anariya, having low mental capacity, are segerated individualized units, unable to come together as a coherent, synergic social system. Therefore, not being able to rely on something larger and collective from themselves for survival, they depend solitarily on nature for their survival. Q. How do they essentially differ from us? A. We are the opposite of the anariya. Rather than be segregated indivudualized units; we assimulate into a coherent, collective, in which we pool our energy, intelligence, and force of labour as functioning untis of a whole integral system; to the benefit of the whole and its parts. Q. What is this synergic coherency called among our people? A. Civilization. Q. What is then the inherant quality of the anariya? A. Weakness. Q. Why so? A. The anariya, being a mass of segregated, individualized incoherent units; have no ability to resist the might of a predatorial coherent social system; especially one with military force. Q. Having come into the land of the anariya how many steps did the Ariya take to acquire the land. A. Five steps altogether. Q. Name them. A. Genocide, Expolsion, Enslavement, Segregation, and Assimulation. Q. What is Genocide? A. The deliberate extermination of an entire people and their bloodine. Q. What right does the Ariya have to exterminate the anariya?
A. By two rights. The Right of Might, and the Right of Nature. Q. Explain. A. Nature, desiring to continue itself for as long as possible, desires only strong genes that has withstood the test of time, climate, and disease, whereby the next generation inherits these tested genes and continues life; ever refines, stronger and progressive. Therefore we have every right, as nature decreed, to exterminate the anariya and there weak genes as we will. Q. How many ways have the Ariya to exterminate a people? A. Three altogether. Q. explain. A. The first is by culling both genders male and female, that they might not reproduce and bare future progeny. The second is by culling only the males, whereby the females are kept for purposes of replication, so that their blood line dies out. The third is by culling all their females, and keeping their males for enslavement. Q. What is Explosion? A. The act of expelling a people and their bloodline out of a given territory to reduce competition of natural resources. Q. Why should we care about competition? A. Because there is no progression of civilization, if our intelligence and energy is diverted to war and competition. Q. What is Enslavement? A. The act of a stronger people forcing a weaker one into forced manual labour to the benefit of the the dominant people. Q. What is Segregation? A. The act of a people being kept apart of the dominating peoples social order. Q. In what condition is segregation permissible? A. Under the condition that the subjugated people are cooperative and non-threatening to the dominate people. Such a cooperative people may be put to use amicably to the benefit of the dominant social order. Q. What is Assimulation? A. The last and most amicable stage of domination and subjugation. Q. Explain. A. It is when a weaker people, by self volition or force; relinquishes their culture, group identity, and matriculates into the dominant culture and civilizaion as functioning cooperative units, as one of us. Q. Having taken the five steps to acquiring and controling land, what did you next do? A. Establish Dominion. Q. How does the Ariya establish Dominion? A. By use of 5 Protocols. Q. They are? A. 1) Regulation; 2) Domestication; 3) Stratification; 4) Causal Exchange; and 5) Synergization. Q. What is Regulation? A. The act of the Ariya legislating and producing policies to maintain its social coherency; and the enforcing of such.
Q. What is Domestication? A. The act of the Ariya conditioning the anariya into a state of mental, emotional, physical, and social docility by the power of Religion, and other such moral and spiritual contraptions. Q. Name four domesticating factors. A. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Q. What is Stratafication? A. The act of the Ariya dividing its social order into classes of citizenry. Q. Name the four main classes of social order. A. The Nobility; the Priestly; the Merchentile; the Peasantry or common labourer. Q. In which strata should the Ariya exist? A. In the first three to maintain regulatory, religious, and monetary control. Never in the last. Q. What is Causal Exchange? A. The act of the Ariya either monopolizing an agent or commodity, or creating one which it monpolizes such as gold or money which is given arbitray value that is used to pay arbitray taxes; which is then given to the citizenry in exchange for manual labour in small amounts. Q. What is the behaviour of the anariya labouring for causal exchange called in our Acception? A. Conditioned Enslavement. Q. What is synergization? A. The act of the Ariya funneling the collective force of its civilization to engineer causal results to expand itself. Q. Name three synergic factors of a social order. A. The Military, by which a civilization either expands itself, or dominates another. Corporate Industry, by which a civilization gains economic dominion of weaker civilizations. And Science, by which the money and minds of a given civilization focues on advancing itself forward. Q. Having established Dominion, what did you then do? A. Maintain that Dominion. Q. How is Dominion maintained? A. By Three methods: Eugenics, Selective Association and Hivation. Q. What is Eugenics? A. It is selective breeding or intelligent design. Q. Why should the Ariya be concerned for intelligently breeding? A. Because it has taken our sanguinary ancestors thousands of years of trial and error, adaptation, war, domination, and application of intelligence, to refine their genes and give birth to us and our bloodline. Such genes and Noble Blood should not be so easily diluted by mixing with the anariya. Q. What is Selective Association? A. The act of the Ariya chosing to affiliate, associate, conduct business with, and replicate with our own kind, whereby not only is our Noble Blood maintained, but the power and wealth is also kept out of the hands of the anariya. Q. What is Hivation.
A. The act of the Ariya having Hive Culture and passing what they have created to their progeny. Q. Explain. A. Just as a Hive of Bees labours collectively for its underdeveloped progeny, that they might inhereit a more better life and world; so should we, among the Acception and Ariya, collectively work for our unborn progeny to pass down what power, wealth, knowledge, and wisdom we have created; that they might inherit a better life and world. Q. How is this different from the way the anariya exist? A. The anariya, being of low mental developement and having peasantile blood, are segregated, individualized units. Where each unit fends for itself and has no care or interest in its own kind. Such a solitary means of survival is not conducive to Hive Culture. They are like locusts, spending the spring of their prime doing what common labourers are bred to do best work. Q. What then is a civilization in which its internal system is engineered to maintain and regulate static existence called? A. A Sate or Nation. Q. Has a fully developed state or nation the ability to progress forward? A. No, being a system engineered to maintain orthodoxic or static control of its equalibrium; with laws, regulations, and politics; such an entity cannot progress forward. The act of changing the political regime of a state or nation is called treason; which is a crime. Q. How is Humanity and Human Civilization to Progress; if the great achievment of our Noble ancestors was designed to remain static? A. By internal disruption of its state coherency and the disintergration of the 5 Protocols of Civilization. Q. What manner of people should have the mind, intelligence to be criminals and risk treason, with a will to exist in opposition to established rules, laws, regulations, and religions, to disrupt social coherency, recreate and progress human civilization? A. The Sinister Nobility. It is understood that in all times and civilizations there are the Sinister Nobility that exists in the shadows of any given civilization. Such people/enities are a natural progressive presence/factor in nature, humanity, and society which naturally brood and spawn in number when a need for change arises by an influx of acausal force. Nature cannot afford to stand still, and neither can society. Just as nature calls upon cataclysmic forces to force extinction upon a race of creature no longer relevant to her; so does the acausal call upon its nexions to brood, grow in number, influence, and bring about revolution to destroy a stagnant civilization and its managers, and manifest a new one. Without the Sinister Nobility, as without the cyclical viruses and cyclical climatic chaos that lays dormant untill needed; there would be no evolution. The old must die to give life to the new. Q. What then is the Acception? A. A nexion of the Dark Acausal, inside which broods and spawns the Sinister Nobility. Q. Its ultimate purpose? A. Eventual Annihilation; Destruction; Genocide; Expulsion; Enslavement; Segregation; and Assimulation of present humanity and its civilization, to manifest a Galactic
Imperium of a New Humanity. Q. Such endeavours is not easy nor accomplishable in a single life time. How does the Acception plan on achieveing such Sinisterly Noble objectives? A. With Hive Culture; coherency of social order; the Sinister Dialect applied down unto many generations, strategicly; and Incorporation. Q. Why should Incorporation be a factor in the manifestation of a Galactic Imperium? A. Becasue we understand that no nation has the political power to call millions to labour nor financial resources to colonize space. We understand that what we today identify as states and nations such as America, Canada, India, and such all began not as a political project of a pre-existing state, but a financial project of an incorporated conglomerate of entrepreuneurs and their shareholders. Only a corporation has the financial power to fund research, pay for labour, and eventually colonize space. The begining of space colonization will be a corporate one based on the exploitation of exoteran natural resources. And just as those olden English Companies evolved into nations; so will the Acceptions future financial conglomarate eveolve into a staller civilization. With time and intelligent planning, all things are possible. Q. If Incorporation is the key factor to our future goals, what is our Acception doing now to actualize such a financial conglomaration? A. The acquisition of money and wealth by any means necessary without regard for the condemned anariya.
Then on a night of the full Moon, they break into this building and aim to conduct the ritual on the top floor, or most inaccessible part of the building (researched beforehand during a practice run). They are not allowed any means of light to guide them through the building. Once in the chosen space, the Disciple lights incense of Mars. They must also have a crystal with them suitable for ritual use. No candles are permitted. They then walk a circle anti-clockwise three times, saying Ad Satanas qui laetificat juventutem meam. They then stand in the centre of the circle, holding the crystal, and vibrate, with force, Agios o Shugara seven times whilst visualizing the sigil of Shugara. Then the Diabolus is sung three times. The Disciple then places the crystal on the floor, and sits near to it, within the circle. They visualize the crystal becoming black, which spreads out to engulf them. Once visualization is over, the Disciple departs the building, and prepares themselves for the performance of the ABCs the following day. The ABCs: 1) Assault The Disciple must first perform the act of Assault. Three witnesses are involved to aid the Disciple and to observe all is done correctly. Two acts of assault are most commonly recommended: lynching, and sexual assault. Usually if a lynching is chosen, Disciples in the past have found it easier to do a drive by lynch in a quiet street and beat the shit out of an unsuspecting bystander. The bystander must bleed from the lynching. This is called a Blood Opfering. If the option is to be a sexual assault, previous Disciples have found it easier and less risky to wait for a wiccan holiday, and then find a suitable victim in their places of gathering usually held at night in places favorable to the assault. This is called a Sex Opfering. If a female Disciple is performing the Sex Opfering, she must use whatever means available to sexually opfer her victim, while her 3 witnesses holds the Opfer down. Safety and stealth here is of utmost importance. We do not want our brothers and sisters liberty and safety jeopardized or compromised in any way. Intelligence, planning, concealment of identity, and use of mottos is standard protocol. Each Disciple is given a motto or nickname by the group, which they will be then known by.
2) Business Once again, the Disciple is accompanied by three witnesses. Business in the WSA is defined as the art and science of transferring other peoples money into your pocket or bank account. The WSA breaks Business down into the three Bs (BBB): Beggery; Burglary; and Bluffery, which we affectionately refer to as the Better Business Bureau. The Disciple first begins their Beggery by being taken to a highly populated area. They are then required to beg for money all day until they have raised $100 dollars. The Disciple must share what they make equally with their 3 witnesses. Beggery also includes: Extortion, Racketeering, and Tax Collecting, which are all different forms of Begging. The Disciple may choose which form of begging they will use to collect the required amount. Next the Disciple must pass the Burglary test. The Disciple must steal something which can be sold or pawned for money. The Disciple must raise $100 to past the test. Again, whatever money is made must be divided equally. Next the Disciple must demonstrate their skills in Bluffery. By Bluffery we mean the art of conning stupid people out of their money. The Disciple must use devise a suitable means eg. selling trinkets like pens, or magazines, or pamphlets; or create a business commodity of their own, and selling it for profit. The Disciple again must raise at least $100 to pass the test, and the money must be shared equally. By going through the Better Business Bureau the Disciple learns to hustle for money, and discovers that they are not so dependent on jobs to make a decent living. They will learn to see that every person is an opportunity, and that which looks like a street of busy cars is a river of money and opportunity waiting to be networked with and exploited for personal gain. Thus the Disciple gains a sense of liberation, and begins to realize that financial independence is possible. The Disciple also learns to work and co-operate in a collective group. 3) Criminal Organization This is where the Disciple displays their intelligence, creativity, and organizational skills. The Disciple must organize a small group, and plan out a very organized and stealth criminal act, which in some way will benefit the small group. In the past, Disciples have organized small groups of new Disciples and put them though the A and B stage themselves acting as a witness and leader of the group.
them in a more mystical point of view. The inner understanding does not replace the outer meaning, but compliments it. As within, so without. The Star Game of the ONA, in the WSA has both a Zahir and a Batin. The Zahir of the Star Game is that it is a unique game which can be played as a board game, or used to apprehend insights and develop magickal skills. To the Acception, the Batin of the Star Game is that it represents the Game of Life itself as it unfolds in stages for the Player the person living and experiencing life. Each of the Seven Boards of the Star Game esoterically in the Acception represents the 7 major progressive stages of growth in life towards what can be called Mastership or Adeptship of Causal Life: 1. Stage One: Birth to age 7. 2. Stage Two: 7 to age 14. 3. Stage Three: 14 to age 21. 4. Stage Four: 21 to age 28. 5. Stage Five: 28 to age 35. 6. Stage Six: 35 to age 42. 7. Stage Seven: 42 to age 49. Just as the player of the Star Game gains insight and understanding about certain things AFTER the game is played; so does the person gain wisdom and understanding AFTER the 7 Stages have been experienced. Its the experiences which the 50 year old person has collected, upon which she or he now reflects upon that makes her or him an adept of life. It would be strange to see how there is a gradual build up progression of wisdom and understanding about the mystery of Life, only to have the person decline and die. This decline in life, within the WSA is a causal illusion. Life is eternal, and we are as dead as we will ever be. This decline in life is much like the down slope of a ride at a theme park. It is part of the ride. When the ride is over, it does not mean the entire theme park is closed. There are other rides and if a ride is fun, one can always return for a second round.The Rite of Returning in the WSA corresponds to the final grade of the Seven Fold Way Immortal. Returning to a new causal life is a natural process in many cases. The hard part is returning with your conscious Self. Self here means ones memories, personality, and self awareness. Even harder is returning with the Self into a life one desires to experience. If in life the person lacks a command of his/her own life, where he or she has not learned to Master Life and control life with Mind and Will; then the potential for this same person to create or manifest a new life with Mind and Will is very slim. Therefore, working on progressing thru the 7 Stages of Life consciously trying to control every aspect of life, to later become a true conscious adept of Life later in old age is a crucial element to consciously Returning. The Rite of Returning (RoR) was designed by adepts of the Acception to teach other Disciples how to design a future life and return consciously with the Self in tact. The Rite is an aspect of Acausal Tantra and is a life long process/practice. There are different steps involved, which when practiced and mastered collectively forms the Rite.
The Seven Fold Way: The first step the Disciple must strive to consciously master and experience is the ONAs Seven Fold Way. Not only because of its magickal and practical values, but also because it forces the Disciple to face life in the raw, as it really is. People who do not walk the Seven Fold Way, in all that it means and implies, tend to become lost and asleep in the illusions of the city. A Mind that is asleep or lost, cannot find its way out, let alone Master Life. Consciously living the Seven Fold Way is an essential first step, which, to the Disciple, must be a life long practice. Walking the Seven Fold Way here also implies doing it mindfully. That is to say that life should be lives with the Mind being focused and mindful of each experience and action. In the WSA this meditative act of living life mindfully is called Samadhi Chittavida. There is a difference between just drinking a hot cup of tea, and being mindful of the act of drinking a cup of hot tea. The second represents an act of Samadhi Chittavida. The Disciple must progressively learn to make its entire causal life one continuous Samadhi Chittavida. Experience in a progressive Samadhi Chittavida are like points one collects; called XPs (eXperience Points) in the Acception. Each XP binds the Self/Mind to physical life. This can be understood in terms of playing a pinball machine. If one player of this pinball machine is not good at tilting and racking points, he/she will lose interest in the Game and walk away disinterested. Those players who have learned to score high points and work the pinball machine as an expert grows attached to the Game or addicted and must be pried away from their Game. Even if the Game ends for those high scorers who love the Game, they will put in the required coins to replay a new Game. The Star Game: The second step of the RoR is consciously learn to play the Star Game and learning to tie the concept of the Star Game to the concept of Life. The reasoning behind this is the same behind learning to induce conscious lucid dreaming. Mindfully seeing life as a dream, and constantly questioning the reality of life trains the Mind to see life as a dream. Tying Life to the Star Game helps condition the mind to see life as a game, which can not only be played, but mastered. Each move in the Star game is a causal move which produces a causal reaction and affects other pieces on the boards. Every act we make in life is acausal move, which produces a causal reaction and affects everything around us. Just as one move may causally affect another piece on a different board, so to does an action in one stage of life affect another stage of life, which manifests as experience. The Tree of Wyrd: The third step to the RoR is learning to climb the Tree of Wyrd mindfully, and consciously. This doesnt mean to just sit there and day dream. It means to practice working with the Spheres of the ToW in such a way so that in time one can fully immerse ones conscious awareness completely outside the body and into the Tree itself. This takes time and conscious effort. The conscious mind must be trained to tune out the body
and physical surroundings and fully phase into the landscape and experience of each Sphere of the Tree. This is crucial for later. Cultivation: Cultivation is the fourth step. Cultivation refers to the esoteric practice of cultivating Life Force to be used later. This Life Force is sometimes call Chi, at times in the west it is called Orgone, or Vril. The Acception prefers the word Vril over the others because of its esoteric interpretation the WSA gives to it. In 352 Vril is said to be a creative corruption or cognitive of the Greek word Beryllos and its Latin cognitive Beryllus. The Greek word itself means a precious blue-green color-of-sea-water stone. The Latin refers to a crystal called Beryl in English. In 352, the esoteric meaning is that Vril is much like a kind of ubiquitous sea-water which crystallizes into form. The mineral Beryl itself is composed of coherent hexagon shaped crystals. The Hexagon reminds us of the Tree of Wyrd. In the Acception, cultivation of Vril begins with a practice called Raising Leviathan, (RL) which is taught in Chapter 5 of Opus Vrilis. RL should be practiced daily by Disciples. Practicing RL is called Mono Cultivation. This is when the Disciple learns to acquire and build up Life Force alone. Once the Disciple has learned to do the RL without much effort and has personally felt the presence of Vril buzzing in his/her body, the Disciple may go to the next stage of cultivation which is called Dual Cultivation. As the name suggests, Dual Cultivation requires two (2) people, both practicing RL. The two people involved usually are male and female in coitus. Many Rites and rituals set forth in the Black Book of Satan such as the Rite of Nine Angles are preferred methods of Dual Cultivation, with the main difference being that during the actual act of coitus between the male and female, both are consciously practicing RL. Ideally, the male sits in a comfy position, and the female sits on top of him, with his penis inside. The two cultivators rock back and forth slowly to build up something called jingchi sexual energy, esoterically referred to as Alchemical Lead. Both raise and circulate leviathan/Vril up their spine, down their front meridian, but when the Vril reaches the genital region, it is passed into the partners body, and up the partners spine, down their front meridian, and then back into your body, and up your spine again forming a figure 8 circulation of the Vril. This is very important because the vril of a female is a different charge than that of a male (yin & yang). Dual Cultivation mixes these two alchemical leads together transforming it into what is called Chi/Vitality, esoterically referred to as Alchemical Mercury. Opposite genders dont have to be involved. Sometimes two girls or two boys may also practice Dual Cultivation. But this is slightly different because the two people involved in this form of Cultivation both have the same vril charges (2 yins or 2 yangs). There are pros and cons to same sex cultivation. If the two people involved are homosexual and are greatly sexually attracted to each other, this would insure that a great amount of alchemical lead is produced, but because neither of them have the vril of opposite charge, alchemical mercury cannot be manufactured. As a side note, the more sexually attracted
you are to your cultivating partner, the more lead you can manufacture. Your partner does not always have to know what you are doing for you to benefit. Adepts in China who are familiar with the esoteric practices of Taoism will also state that girls between the ages of 14-21 have the highest amount of female vril; whereas in boys those between the ages of 18-25 have a vigorous amount. When two boys are dual cultivating the top sits in a comfy position, while the bottom rides the top. The same figure 8 circulation of the vril is done. With two girls the figure 8 circulation has to take a slight detour of sorts because neither has a connecting channel to introduce her vril into the body of the other, besides the tongue. The two girls sit in a tribbing position (girls will know what this means). The fingers are used to stimulate the production of alchemical lead, and during the session they must kiss and make sure their tongues touch and the roof of each others mouth often. This is because the vril will take a detour and jump tongues instead of genitals. When the vril is raised up your spine and is brought down it is passed into the partners tongue and down her front meridian, up her spine, and back down your front meridian. To compensate for the lack of opposite charged vril the gay or lesbian couple must extract the needed opposite charged vril from other sources and this opposite charged vril is stored for later cultivation, when it is released and discharged into the vril flow/stream (the circulation). For the gay boys the moon is a natural source of yin chi. The sun is a natural source of yang chi. The gay and lesbian couple must learn to breath in the lunar and solar energy. Breathing in lunar and solar vril requires preforming RL nude on your back, with your skin, body, and genitalia exposed to the moon or sun. At night for the boys, around noon for the girls. It doesnt matter what phase the moon is in because the whole moon is still there in space. Learning to breath with your skin takes a little practice and visualization at first. Its easy to start with your fingers. With your mind focused on your finger tips inhale deep, and as you do so visualize your fingers also sucking in air through its tips. After a few tries, you will begin to actually feel a cool sensation at your finger tips. This same process is done with breathing lunar and solar vril, except instead of breathing with your fingers, you are breathing with your body and genitals, and instead of air, you are breathing down vril which will either feel cool green-blue (lunar vril) or warm orange-yellow (solar vril). Most of the vril should be breathed into your body via the genitals. When it enters the body it is mixed with leviathan (your own vril) and is circulated in the usual mono cultivation manner. An hour is a good session. When the RL session is finished, this already mixed alchemical mercury is not stored in leviathans knot. It is stored in the Crucible instead. The Crucible is located roughly two inches below the belly button, and two inches inside. You will know where yours is. Pack all of the mercury inside the apple sized Crucible (we call it the Pot) and save it there for later dual cultivation. It will feel warm when it is concentrated in the Pot. The High Priest:
Your High Priest is your living connection between the causal and acausal. Between mortal existence, and what is beyond. Step five of the Rite of Returning concerns establishing a strong connection and life long relationship with your High Priest (HP). This process is described in Chapter 11 of Opus Vrilis. The process of tuning your mind out as described in Chapter 11:OV is also important for the RoR because it teaches you do go into a state called Death Gnosis, which will familiarize you with that state you will go into when you are dying. Your HP is very important in the RoR because at death it will come for you, and take you to Rehab. Phasing: Step six of the RoR involves mastery of Phasing. Phasing is taught in Chapter 29 of Opus Vrilis. Basically Phasing is the conscious act of tuning your conscious awareness out of causal reality and into some other reality. Natural Phasing is when your mind drifts deep into a day dream, when you fall asleep and dream, or when you are schizophrenic. Experiencing Phasing first feels like a day dream, but with practice it feels like a lucid dream. Beyond that Phasing feels very real. An easy way to learn to Phase is by using a picture of a place you are attracted to, or can easily lose yourself inside; like a great work of art, or a picture of a tropical island. In the beginning you meditate on the picture, to learn to see it in detail in your mind. This involves great concentration. Then you learn to phase yourself into the mental picture, by consciously making an effort to focus so deep in the picture that your gradually lose awareness of your body and surroundings. Then you can practice Phasing into the same picture with a second person and see what happens. This form of Phasing itself is only practice to teach you to phase your conscious awareness out of this causal realm. Later with the RoR you will need to know how to Phase something called an Embryo into other places. The Embryo is a Vehicle made of refined vril inside which is placed your Self or Mind. Glamour: Step seven involves Glamour Magick. 352 defines glamour as the art of pretending to be something very well that you and other believe. Inner Glamour is a very important part of the RoR. It is the blue print, where the next life and who you desire to Return as is created or drafted. It begins with a simple act of cutting out pictures from magazines of people or body parts you would like. Like shopping for a new body. These pictures are saved in something called a Magick Portfolio. Your magick portfolio is a giant diary or private journal of sorts. It is given a sigil which can be drawn on the cover, and then it may be consecrated with rituals in the Black Book of Satan. The sigil of your Portfolio ideally should be drawn in your own blood, and should be something you can visualize. Inside this portfolio will go everything you can think of that has to do with your thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, about your future life and person. Glamouring also deals with regular visualizations, day dreams, and phasings of you being the future person you
desire to be. It doesnt matter what time frame it takes place in. The portfolio should also contain diary entries, as if you were the future person writing about daily experience. The diary entries should begin early in age and progress in age. It is like writing a movie script of a future life you desire to experience. The content of the portfolio should be kept private. The sigil will be used for later. This sigil should be meditated on often and charged regularly. Refining: Step eight deals with refining the alchemical mercury into Alchemical Gold. The mercury must first be cooled, and then vaporized before it becomes Gold. The Gold is used to form the body of the Embryo. Ideally refining should be done seated in a chair, or at the edge of a bed, so that the legs are at rest on the ground. The Disciple visualizes roots growing out of his/her feet growing deep into the earth. This is called Grounding. When the roots are deep, energy is drawn from the earth upwards via the roots. This energy will travel a figure 8 circulation called the Spinning Wheel. It is first drawn up the front parts of both legs towards the perineum (the area between the genital and anus). Once at the perineum the energy is then drawn up the spine, down the front meridian, and back to the perineum where it goes down the legs from behind, across the soles of the feet, and back up. This is practiced in conjunction to RL. This is done for a while. The Disciple will then 7 stars in the sky, shining their light onto their forehead. The disciple will then breath in this star light into their Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland is located about two inches beneath the point between the eye brows. The Disciple will know where it is when the light is breathed in because the Pineal Gland will tingle or squirm. From the Pineal Gland the light will circulate the Spinning Wheel, as was done with the earth energy. The light will spin with leviathan for a while. The Disciple will then visualize a full moon above their head. The full moons is squeezed into pearl and is brought into the crown of the head where it will move down the Spinning Wheel with the vril for a while. While this lunar pearl is circulated, the Disciple will visualize the sun above their head. this sun is also squeezed into a pearl and taken into the Spinning Wheel through the crown of the head. At first for several circulations the lunar and solar pearls are kept at opposite points so as not to touch. After about 9 circulations the lunar pearl is held in the Pot where it waits for the solar pearl. The two pearls are merged, and the bodys vril, earth, and star energy are also brought into the Pot where they are merged and squeezed together into a white luminescent pearl composed of 5 forms of energy. This pearl is caused to circulate often with the bodies vril in RL. In China, this is sometimes referred to as a Dragon Ball. The Dragon being the Vril, and the Pearl being the ball. The more the dragon and pearl circulates, the brighter the pearl will shine. The Disciple is encouraged to often add more of the other four elements to the pearl. The Light of this Pearl is the transmutes the flowing vril into Alchemical Gold. The Pearl is kept inside the Pot.
The Embryo: This stage comes later in life. Time is needed to refine and build up Gold to form the Embryo. This is the ninth step of the RoR. RL is preformed with the Pearl for about an hour. The Pearl is then placed into the Pot while the Vril iis circulated. When the vril is circulated, the Disciple will visualize most of this vril compacting into the Pearl, into a ball of concentrated vril. When the Pot begins to burn your tummy the Pearl is formed with the mind into a fetus. Your mind shoud consciously form the the round pearl into the body of a fetus. Upon the forehead of the fetus the Disciple will etch the Sigil that is on their magickal portfolio. This is where the Embryo will stay for a while. Daily the Disciple must learn to place his conscious awareness inside the head of the Embryo. This will be easy if the Disciple has learned to Phase. They conscious mind is phased inside the head of the embryo via the Sigil. After the Disciple has learned to house their mind inside their Embryo, they can then learn to Phase the entire Embryo outside the body with their conscious mind inside. The Embryo may be used in two esoteric manners. In the green mountains of China, where adepts work to create the Embryo they add more vril to the Embryo, and work to grow it into a new grown body called a Rainbow Body. The closet thing in the west to a Rainbow Body is the concept of a Glorified Body. I only know of two so-called people who had immortal glorified bodies: Jesus, and Saint Germain. Forming the Embryo into an immortal rainbow body is very rarely accomplished. The easier use of the Embryo is to house the Self/Mind which is then put into a developing causal fetus in a females womb. the Embryo becomes the developing fetuss spirit which will cause the fetus to form gradually into the person the adept had designed. Rehab: Step ten is called Rehabilitation. This step deals with Phasing and the Disciples High Priest. There exists in a different octave of existence centers that look like hospitals where the recently dead go to get rehabilitated. The shock of not being dead when the conscious mind experienced causal death puts many minds into a deep sleep of denial. These minds are brought to Rehab Centers, where entities try to revive them, before dissipation begins. The Disciple will in old age ask their HP to take them to Rehab Center 352 to be introduced to their Next Life Agent. You should carry a copy of your Magick Portfolio with you, which will be given to your Broker. Your Broker will be the entity who will overview your portfolio and find you a family who will best manifest what you have designed. If your new life is gender specific, you may have to wait. Its like going to see your real estate agent to shop for a new home. If you are picky, it will take your agent a while to find a home that matches your specifications. If you dont really care, you will get a house fast. Your Agent will register
and log in your Embryo for the Rehab Center, so when you die, the Rehab entities will take your Embryo and put it into the right new fetal body. The more often you visit Rehab Center 352, the better it will be when you are dead, otherwise you wont know where you are or what to do, and the confusion may cause your mind to abandon the Embryo you worked hard to make. Rehab Center 352 is located in a green rolly hills setting. It looks like half a hotel and half a hospital, surrounded with gardens, with a little lake. There is a sign on the front door which should say Rehab Center 352. Hohes Opfer: The final step in the RoR is the Reset Button. Like any game, the Game of Life has a Reset Button. This Reset Button in 352 is called the Hohes Opfer and is explained in Chapter 44 of Opus Vrilis. After spending a whole life Phasing, RLing, and connected with your HP, you should know that Life doesnt end, and that death is only a causal part of the Game. You should have no problems ending your own life as Master of it. You are yourself the highest and greatest Opfer to Baphomet. To Hohes Opfer yourself is a sign that you have learned to fully Master Life in life and death; and that you have come to a deeper understandings of its mysteries. Ending your own life reduces the chance of you going into post-causal shock which is brought on during death. This post-causal shock is dangerous because it puts the mind into a deep sleep/denial for a long time. The mind will introvert inside itself, like a snail lost in its own shell, to just float there, until it withers and its Life Force dissipates back into the acausal, in which case, they no longer exist. Its like teaching an introvert who has spent all his/her life inside his own head and house about social skills,and the natural sinister world outside the city. The Disciple should bypass this whole mindless process and consciously take life into their own hands in life and in death if they are to conquer death and live on. There is no end. There are only beginnings.
her plans. The workers then takes the designs on the Trestle Board and constructs the building. This Trestle Board is itself a symbol of a master architects thoughts transforming into form. The Mind is the Architect; Dark Providence, or the Cosmic Forces, are the builders, which manifests what you draw upon this Trestle Board the Mind in an altered state into form which you will experience. After the Disciple has seated itself before the crystal, it will visualize a Trestle Board in front of it. The Trestle Board is like a movie screen. The Disciple will project its desire; goals; dreams; wish; onto this Trestle Board in the form of a movie. The Disciple must make sure that the movie it projects onto the Trestle Board represents the life the Disciple will live as if the desire or goal had already been materialized. In other words, the movie you are watching on the Trestle Board is a Frame of Life in the near future which you desire to experience. Project the movie onto the Trestle Board for a minute of two, paying close attention to the details of the material desire or goals. Then step into the movie and experience that frame of existence. The end result; material desire; desired situation/events; must be experienced in crisp detail. This visualization will continue for 20-30 minutes. If the visualization is boring, and the 30 minutes seems to lag, then you know you are doing it wrong, because the movie lacks the power to evoke excitement and life in you. What does not evoke and excite your emotions/life force, cannot itself come to life. Once the Disciple is satisfied with the experience, it will step out of the movie, standing before the Trestle Board. See the very last frame of the movie freeze and become an oil painting. Now, at this stage visualize the oil colors on the Trestle Board moving to form a sigil. It is best to allow the subconscious mind to form the sigil on its own effort, the Disciple should just watch the sigil forming and take conscious note. Once the sigil of the desire has been formed, the disciple will touch it with both hands and feel the sigil vibrating. The Disciple will feel its hands resonating to the sigils vibration. Next, the Disciple will place its resonating hands on its ears and listen for the Word/Name of the sigil from the vibration. Again, the subconscious mind should be allowed to form the Name. Do not be judgmental or critical of what you will hear, even if the word seems silly. Now, the Disciple with eyes still closed, hold the crystal in its hands, which is visualized as still resonating to the vibration of the Name of the sigil. For the next 20 minutes the Disciple will focus every ounce of awareness and concentration on the sigil. Everything, including the Trestle Board should fade away. The sigil mush be emblazoned on the blackness of the inner eyelids. An adept of visualization, can actually cause the sigil to glow, in the same way as you would see a glowing afterimage when you stare at a bright light bulb and close your eyes. While this sigil is being concentrated on, the Disciple will vocally, in a low, vibrating tone, chant the Name of the sigil with each exhalation. The Name may be vibrated in the mind also, if vibrating it out loud will not do. A deep breath is taken which fills the lungs entirely, and for the duration of the out going breath, the Name of the sigil is slowly vibrated. The exhalation should be slow and steady. The
longer the Disciple can hold the sigil and vibrate its Name, the more effective it will be. No other thoughts or pictures should arise. After about 20 minutes, the sigil is ready to be processed through the Tree of Wyrd, in Stellar Order. Procession of the Sigil: Visualize the Sigil in the sphere of the Moon and vibrate: Noctulius thrice. Bring the Sigil into the Sphere of Mercury and vibrate: Nekalah three times. Visualize the Sigil in the Sphere of Venus and vibrate: Karu Samsu thrice. Bring the Sigil into the Solar Sphere and vibrate: Kathunae thrice. Bring it to Mars and vibrate: Davcina three times. Bring it into Jupiter and vibrate: Naos three times. Then move the Sigil into the Sphere of Saturn. Visualize a Star Gate near Saturn. Somewhere on the Star Gate is a place for you to place this Sigil, place it there. The Sigil will open the Gate and from it the violet energy gushes out once more. This time, this energy is imbued with the resonance of the Sigil. Visualize this dark violet energy bathing the earth, and city where you live influencing and affecting the people there. When you are satisfied say: As Within, So Without. and stand up slowly to call in the Cosmic Forces to close this Rite. Calling in the Cosmic Forces: Standing with feet slightly apart, inhale and say in your mind: I call the Cosmic Forces into my body; pause the inhalation for 3 seconds, then continue inhaling and say: Asking for strength, protection, and guidence. Next, having called the Cosmic Forces, speak to Dark Providence, as you were speaking to any person. Spend a moment and tell it what you have done, for what reasons, what you want materialized, then ask it to guide you and manifest you desire for you. Dark providence takes care of the How part, but you must walk towards what you call into form. Dark Providence can build the bridge to get you to the other side of the river, but you must walk yourself across it. End your conversation in any manner you feel necessary, then cross your arms over your chest to disperse the Cosmic Forces. The crystal used during this rite is saved to be used later only for trestle boarding. It is highly suggested that the Disciple keep a magickal journal of some kind. The Disciple is encouraged to go out and do things, or just put itself into the world around people and smile. The Disciple is encouraged to pay close attention to the coincidences and synchronicities that it will experience. These happenstances and serendipitous events, and situations is what should be noticed and written down in the journal for later study and evaluation.
method of teaching the Disciple certain concepts 352 holds in value and usefulness. One such practical exercise is the Toile Ordeal. The word is pronounced Twah-lay as a noun; but as Toil as a verb for a reason. Toile is a French word for a spider web. It implies an interconnectivity and networking. This Ordeal is based on several concepts in 352. the first is Social Skills. 352 hold social skills in high regard because you cannot succeed or master life without it. Neither can you succeed in business. Being that Mastery of Life, and Business are very important aspects of the WSA; this right is essential. The second concept it is based on is Manifestation the materialization of your tHoughtforms into physical reality. As such, the Disciple must perform the Trestle Boarding rite before beginning the Ordeal. The Ordeal has 3 stages that must be passed: 1) Networking; 2) Marketing; and 3) Closing. Each stage has its own Objective which must be met. This Ordeal is best performed with other sisters or brothers as a friendly competition. The First Stage is Networking. We will use male Disciples as an example, and speak on the special circumstances concerning sisters later. The brothers must each collect 100 phone numbers from girls or whatever gender the brother is attracted to. The act of physically networking with girls, the personal trials and errors, teaches the Disciple many thing a lecture just simply cannot teach. These skills learned in this arena, will later be refined for business. The Second Stage is Marketing. This is the stage where the brother sells himself to the girls he has networked with. The Objective of the second stage is to get as many dates as possible out of the numbers the brother has collected. The Third Stage is Closing. The Objective of Closing the deal is for the brother to have sex with as many of the girls he is marketing himself to. Because of the nature of this Ordeal, it is too easy for a sister of the Acception. Simply because any girl can just offer herself to a group of men and most of the men wouldnt thing twice in Closing her. There is no challenge. Our sisters thus must Network with challenging men (or women). The men the sisters must network with are upper class types. Their targets must have classy cars, nice shoes, and brand clothing or suits. The best place to meet these are in hotel lobbies not bars or night clubs. The sisters must go thru all three stages as well, and try to Close as many of these men as possible. Eye contact is very important. During all three stages, your eyes must never wander away from your targets. The Disciple must practice Smiling with their Eyes. This is done by visualizing smiles or smilie faces in both your own eyes, while you are gazing deep into your targets eyes. If Disciple practice looking at each other with and without smiling eyes, they will begin to notice a difference.Aside from constant eye contact, and confidence, visualization of a certain type must be done in all three stages.
The visualization is a sexual one which must be first practiced alone. The Disciple must visualize their their genitalia in a state of sexual arousal in their minds. This visualization must be able to trigger a heat or sexual feeling build up around the genitals and heart area. While networking the Disciple will perform this visualization to build up this heat; but with an addition the Disciple elaborates this visualization by imagining his or her genitals rubbing on the individuals genitals he or she is talking to. Once this heat has built up, the heat in the genital region is visualized stretching out as a stream or web merging with his targets genitals. The pulsating heat from the heart area must also be visualized extending out in the same way connecting with the targets heart area. The stronger the heat or feeling; the more powerful the energy (vril) will be. Thus, it is highly recommended that the Disciple also take the time to practice a vril exercise and meditation as given in Opus Vrilis, just before going out; to build up the vril. This Ordeal is preformed at least once a year by all Disciples. Once the Disciple has developed his exoteric and esoteric social skills, the Disciple must learn to use these skills for actual business, and financial networking, for personal gain and benefit to themselves and the Acception. Going out to perform this Ordeal is called Toiling. It is encouraged that all Disciples keep a journal about this Ordeal, the experiences, and what they have learned. It is also encouraged that Disciples write their experience in a story format and share them with other younger Disciples to teach them.
that he and Jake were maybe more than just friends but there was no way ever Jake was gay. I caught Ortega Girl straight up mad dogging me as we past each other thru the quad looking me up and down, like she knew what the fuck she was looking at or something. I was fashionable and uptodate. The way she dressed was wack, but I guess different schools have different standards. I mad dogged her back up and down. Arent you Cindys sister? She asked. Yeah, why do you know her? No, not personally. My cousin Venessa works with her she in college. Oh no way! Youre Venessas cousin!? I thought you were Asian? My sister and Venessa were BFFs since hella childhood or something. Nessas almost a part of our family. My mom jokingly, and affectionately called the the adopted sister. Im half half Asian, half Mexican Im Chloe by the way She extended her gold bracelet encrusted hand. Mercie where you off to right now? I asked, shaking her braclet laidened hand. Phys-Ed Eewe P.E. in the morning I gotta get to my Algebra 2 Ill see you around? No doubt algebra 2 huh? She said with a sound of piqued interest (the Asian in her I guess) as she walked backwards away. I just tapped my head and gave a wink. Winter; December. Me and Chloe were in bed together. She came over to spend the night because we were gunna go to Dark Star Canyon with Zeb, my sister, Venessa her boyfriend Helter, and my sisters boyfriend Skelter. Its actually called Black Star, but we all call it Dark Star, because its haunted and all these Dark things live up there. She was in a jamma top and panties under the sheets. I had a wife beater and panties on. I call them boy beaters thoe. I swear, if any boy beat me as a wife, Id shove a Q-stick up his ass until it came out of his left eye socket. I sneazed, and covered my mouth.
Peek-a-boo.. Chloe said. Pee-a-boo? She pointed to my nipples. My head lights go on when I sneaze. I thought it was interesting that she was checking my nips outs nips Asian get it? Anyways, I said covering the twins. I name my boobs Kung and Pow! I saw your wannabe tag a long time ago up on White Star and I put up mines next to it She said changing the subject. Wannabe whatever whats your tag theres a bunch of names around mine. Jade Oh I was just putting my name up we thought Jade and the others were real taggers vandalizing our turf busting out your styles on our rock. White Star is this triangle shaped hill in the Canyon. In the evenings in the right season, when you go hiking up Dark Star and the sun is below the horizon, the Evening Star (Venus) can be seen as the First Star in the sky right on top of the hill. It shines a bright white color over the hill, like the All-Seeing-Eye over the pyramid on the dollar, so we call it White Star Mountain. It has no real name. Underground, Dark Star has been a Mecca for Satanists to perform rites at because it is said there is a vortex there that was opened up long ago way back before I was born in the early 80s, and thru this vortex dark things crawl out at night or your magic is more powerful when you do it in the area. Each group of Satanists have their own section they meet up at, where they scribble their sigils and fetishes. No one trespasses on White Star Mountain or uses it to perform their rites at night because it belongs to the oldest and most sinister group that first started using Dark Star for their rituals the Order of Nine Angles or a clique of the ONA that just calls itself The Nexus. Their symbol is a Red Noose, tied to the acorn trees on White Star a pitch fork and sickle, which they charge with magic and leave in the Precinct of White Star. The Nexus calls White Star their Burial Ground, because they bury their crystals, sickles, tridents, there. Its said that around every New Moon, the Nexus will gather on White Star and feed something they call The Guardian, which is this demon thing they made to protect White Star, curse anybody who enters the Precinct that dont belong, and protect its members from harm while they do whatever they do in the Canyon. The Guardian is a four legged creature. Have you ever seen anything weird up there? Asked Chloe.
Yeah, in broad day light this one time, me, Cindy, Jake, Zeb, and Helter went hiking up there but we didnt go to Dark Star we went to Area 52 instead (Area 52 is what we call this large field that is fenced up by the US Military right by Black Star Canyon) there were these two black helicopters the hightech ones with the skinny sides. What were they doing? She asked. Well, we had parked our car by the cave to crawl into the cave and check it out, when we saw the choppers flying really low near the ground, so we walked over there to get a closer look. All they were doing was flying low and they were hella quite, not loud like a ghetto bird like they were looking for something or just practicing you know? Venessa says Helter and Skelter told her they genetically engineer Chupacabras underground in Area 52 Chloe said randomly. I snickered, and started laughing Chloe, half of the stories about the Canyon are myths the Satanists started a long time ago to keep people out. What about that murder, the rapes, and those suicides hey is the Bret story true didnt he use to date your sister? All I know about Bret is what I hear from others too. Well what did you hear, does Cindy talk about it. No, she never says a word about it but when I ask her about Bret she gives me this funny look you know for like 5 seconds deep in my eye, and then shell say something like hes a weak ass for not being able to deal with the break up you know. Yeah but Chloe comes closer to me to whisper in my ear. I can feel her boobs pressing up against me, Isnt it a coincidence that Bret hung himself with a red noose? I turned my face to meet hers, with my lips near hers and looked in her eyes, Like a sacrifice? I whispered. Yeah theyre ONA. Havent you ever read any of their writings? No, Ive read the Satanic Bible, but thats only because Cindy gave it to me to read. I just figured the Nexus was a normal grotto that open to human sacrificing? Why, whats their writing say anyways? Venessa used to know Bret. They once dated. She said he was the type to cry after they got into a fight? She whispered. So thats why he killed himself, cuz hes a pussy.
No you dont get it havent you ever seen the Wickerman? The Wickerman? No. Its an old move about these pagans that live on this island up in Scotland and they grow apples there, but one year the apples arent growing so the pagans there have to sacrifice an outsider. They pick a police officer from the mainland who has the right mentality where he is persistent and thinks hes the hero or something. They use his character flaw to lure him onto the island and play games with his mind, then they burn him in the wicker man. You think my sister has it in her to do something like that? Shes only in the Nexus. Think about it, who are her teachers Skelter and Helter those guys are scary Bret wasnt even your sisters type so Venessa says. They dated for three months and then he kills himself? I looked at her eyes for a long while without saying anything. My heart was beating fast. I couldnt tell if it was racing because of her or what she had said. Im sorry Mercie I didnt mean to say your sister did anything. No no when my sister was dating Bret, she went out with him late at night a lot, and didnt come back until the morning. I would ask her what she does with Bret late at night and shed tell me, but she said never to tell anyone that the clique doesnt know. Chloes eyes opens big, and she nearly climbs on top of me Tell me tell me, Helter and Skelter knows me Please. I think I lost it for a moment with the twilight cast on her thru the window and her soft hair flowing onto my chest. I used my fingers to curl it behind her ear for her, so I can see her Ahm she told me she took Bret to Joey on White Star and had sex with him in the same spot, and told him how much she loved him and how she would kill herself if they ever broke up, and then she would ask him while they were doing it if he loved her that way to, and he said yes. No fucking way, shut up! She said in that whisper that is supposed to be a yell, Underneath Joey! I told you no girl goes to Dark Star alone at night. Joey is the name of a large acorn tree on White Star. It was the same tree Bret had hung himself on. Nobody really knows why they call the tree Joey, but Helter once jokingly said Skelter and some others killed some guy named Joe underneath the tree way back in the day, and they nailed his heart to its trunk. So every time they walk past the tree they
go Hey Joe, whatda ya know? Helter tells weird stories like that, then they all start laughing. Do they sacrifices outsiders with red ropes in the ONA? I asked.
THE CABIN The town in Black Star is weird. There is only one single road in Black Star. The road is paved up to where the road ends and the hiking trail begins where there is a small parking place, a restroom facility, and a giant acorn tree in the center. There are more trees than houses if you can call them houses. They look more like rustic cabins made of jalopy wood the kind you would find in hillbilly country where they make moonshine and play the mouth harp and wear overalls. Some of the cabins actually have those copper distillation thingies to make moonshine. All the cabins hug the narrow road, which is located in a perilous small valley. To either side of the road are hills with great big boulders of different sizes. Perilous because some years ago, an exchange student from Korea staying with her host family in one of these cabins was crushed to death in her sleep because a giant bolder had because loose and roll down hill and literally landed in her bedroom in the middle of the night.The bolder was too big to be removed with a crane the road to small for a crane so her remains are still under the boulder in the crushed house. There are less then 30 cabins there or so. In the whole town there is only one creepy Christian pale white church with a tall steeple without a cross, and one small fire station, which is also the town center where you buy parking tickets so you can park your car to hike. There is a small public library in town. I went inside to have a look once and saw that their occult, and witchcraft section was the largest section in the library and not a single bible. Driving down the road, even in the day is just creepy something about the area and shadows of the trees that is haunting. The creepiness almost stops where the town stops and the hiking trail begins. Perhaps because the mountainous trail is a desert valley with few trees so the sun shines everywhere. Scattered here and there along the hiking trail are groves of acorn trees, oak, and birch. Some of the birch trees have mistletoe dangling from their tops. You cant get to White Star from the public hiking trail. White Star Hill is located in the hilly range along one of the sides of the town area. To hike to White Star, you have to park your car at Mr. Xs cabin well call him Mr. X since the town is small and he is a private person.
Mr. X was about 50 when I met him. He and his wife Mrs. X were once hippies back in the flower power days, but they had long converted to something much more sinister although you would never guess from their look and demeanor. Helter and Skelter along with all of the Elder brothers and sisters of the Nexus consider the Xs as the Teachers, whom we call The Sinister Dad, and Sinister Mom, because they baptizes you in the creek to the Dark Gods and adopts you as their sinister children. Us younger folk, call them Mama and Papa. We call their cabin the Dark Cabin. The Elders of the Nexus privately call the creek there Salops Creek, but Chloe and I once thought they were calling it Scalops Creek, because scalops grew in the creek or something. Mr. X just smiled and called it Scalops creek also, and the nick name Scalops Creek stuck. April; Spring. I had spent my freshman year with Chloe, whenever my sister had the time to take us at Mama and Papa cabin. Up a hidden trail a few yards or so in the back yard of the cabin Mama and Papa had a pot farm. Papa called the trail the Blaze Trail. Hell say Lets take a hike up Blaze Trail and blaze up as you youngen say. We would take a hike up Blaze Trail with Beaver following us. Beaver is a black labrador named Beaver because he actually loves the water. The Sinister Dad is a musician he can play any instrument, but he loves the drums. Hell take a small drum with him, while mama brings two packs of cigarettes because she smokes like a chimney. Wed smoke out, and papa would go into his reflective moods when he tells stories of his adventures back in the days when he was a hobo jumping trains and hitch hiking across North America and Europe. He left home when he was only 16 with his best friend to see the world. They made a promice with each other that they would never get married and be bums for the rest of their life. Which I thought was really weird, because not everybody wants to be a homeless bum when they grow up. Unfortunately, papa met a hippy girl and fell in love. Him and his best friend got into a fist fight because the promice was broken but they remained close friends. Papa says of all the places he has visited his most favorite were the rolly hills of rural Scotland and Ireland, and a middle of no where rural town in southern France. That day when we went up Blaze Trail papa brought with him a bottle of red wine, as mama was carrying a picnik basket. Lets smoke up an appetite shall we ladies? Says papa. After the usual smoke out, we ate our ham and cheese sandwiches, and the wine was saved for last.
Papa pours us all some red Marlot in classy goblets and said Smell it and try to visualize what the vineyard it came from looks like and each of you describe it to me. We each took turns with our elaborate description of some vineyard in Europe or Napa Valley. Then it was my turn. I smelled the wine and squooshed it in my mouth, like i see them do on tv I dont know, I said, I cant see anything but WalMart, I love red wine thoe. Bingo! Says Mama. Thats right, wow, I did get it from WalMart! He said. He continues They dont make wine like they used to. I was in southern France once long ago, in a very small town which had a vineyard. My friend and I had gone to the little house on the vineyard and we asked them if we could have a place to stay if we worked the vineyard for free. Luckily for us the farmers son spoke english, and they agreed. Beautiful place and experience. The old farmer had given us some red wine from an old bottle. He smelled it, like he were savoring every scent molecule and told us to smell it and tell us what we see and feel. Of course we could see anything but vineyards and grapes. He tells me in the old days they would place grapes in a large vat and they would call all of the young girls in the village that have just entered puberty to step the vine and the grapes were stacked up to their waist. The sun makes the girls sweat, and all of their sexual pharamones trickles into the wine. Then the old man gives a wink and drinks his red wine. he signs and says they dont make wine like they use to. Papa gave me a look and said to me You know what they say about girls who love red wine dont you Mercie? I majorly blush, since I was smart enough to figure out what he was trying to say and I looked at Chloe, who chugged down her red wine with her eyes fixed on mine. It gave me goose bumps up my spine. May; Summer. My sister had driven us (me and Chloe) to the Black Cabin during the day of the full moon, where Venessa and 4 other girls we knew were waiting for us, along with two of mamas Nexus sisters. Papa and the guys were BBQing in the backyard. A big orange tree dominates the back yard. Mama took us to Scalops creek to show us what the girls had done to prepare for the rite that night. There were black candles waxed onto the rocks a long the creek, a pile of fire wood by the side, and a circle of stone where a camp fire was already going. On a wooden slab by the creek was parchment, a cool feather pen, a knife, a goblet, silver
necklaces with crystal pendents and a little bottle of sweet-pungent smelling oil made of Ambergris, Patchouli, and Orange extract . She explained to us just the girls would be here while the boys make dinner. Just before sunset me and Chloe stripped and put on comfy black bath robes and went outside under the orange tree to me mama and the other ladies. Mama and the ladies picked flowers from the orange tree and with a single strand of our hair, tied an orange flower to its end, until me and Chloe had 21 flowers dangling from our hair. Papa and his friend got involved in this Satanic stuff when they were 30 years old. They grew out of the primitive LaVeyan variety fast, and to their pagan taste found the ONA more delectable. When it had become dark, mama and Beaver marched us off in the moons light to the creek, which was lit by scattered black candles. To my sudden horror, I saw my sister naked as were the other girls. She just shrugged her shoulders and smiled. The shock of seeing your own sister naked went away after she took my robe off as Venessa removed Chloes. I was so shocked at seeing my sister naked for a while, I forgot to check out Chloe, when Nessa had stripped her. I didnt realize she was naked too until we were lead to the side of the creek. I guess we were both sort of checking each other out, but to scared and embarrased, or something to care. Mama pour the scented oil in their hands and they gathered around use to rub us down with it. There was plenty of oil, and they really didnt leave any place unoiled. I guess in that situation, when everyone around you is comfortable with themselves being naked and lauging in a carefree way, the embarrasement goes away and you feel carefree also that plus the joint we smoked. They poured some oil in our hands and told us to give each other a rub as well so we did shit, didnt have to ask me twice. It was cool outside Peek-a-boo I said lightly to Chloe as I was rubbing her down. I see you She said. Care had left the night. The girls were chanting Agios O Satanas. I couldnt think straight, or think about anything besides Chloe. I didnt even feel cold when the ladies poured creek water on us. There was a heat building up inside me that began to burn, and I kept my eyes on Chloes to see if she felt the same burn inside. We said a short vow to the Prince of Darkness, and signed the parchment in our blood. Then the others cut their fingers and dropped a few drops of their blood into the goblet of wine and mama sqeezed our bood into it as well. We took a short oath to love each other as a single family binded by blood and drank the red wine. I wasnt paying any attention to anything during dinner really. They made sure we ate dinner in our proper black robes we were given, after the baptism. I was just thinking about Chloe. We both spent our freshman year with boyfriends. These high school
relationships never last long, and we always end up hurt in the end. We werent seeing anyone at the time. We had tents put up in the back yard of the cabin and my sister and Nessa made the two of us sleep in the same tent she just looked at me and took her black robe off watching me. I did likewise and we both crawled into the sleeping bag. We were both drunk from all the wine anyways. I kissed her
WHITE STAR November; Winter. Me and Chloe never told anybody at school anything we acted like friends and I guess back then we were more friends than anything. There were those deep moments when we were more, but these moments came and went. We spent the summer with Helter and some of the old sisters and brothers doing our ABCs at school and around town. Doing your ABCs at that ages is easy. The blood opfering was easy. Me and Chloe practiced punching Helter and shit. He told us to draw blood, by going for the lips or nose before anything, but that he wanted to see the opfer go down. My sister was in college by then which was literally across the street. They said to do it after school and theyll be watching. I had never faught anyone. Chloe has she had gotten brass knuckles for us from her gangbanging friends. Just do it dont think about it and take the consequences. Everyone will see it at school. Well get Saturday school for a month thats all. Said Chloe. Chloe had gotten a friend of hers named Danny as a third leg. Danny was in the same tagger crew as Chloe was, and their crew had some beef for some guy named Eddy. The three of us were going to lynch Eddy after school. Me and Chloe had our hair tied up that day, and I wore Doc Martin boots. I made sure to take off my earrings just in case. Chloe started the confrontation that day after school as the three of us were walking along the side walk home. After an exchange of words, Danny just punches Eddy and Chloe immediately jumps in with her brass knuckles then I had no choice but to go with the flow I tried to get his nose, but I got his ear. It was easier when he curled on the cement because I could kick him silly with my Docs. We walked casually home and I noticed I had blood stains on my white laces.
The Bs were harder to do. We were taken to Vegas for the weekend by my sister and our friends. They said they wanted a hundred dollars when the weekend was over. We had a full two days to beg people for money. We werent really sure what to say to people Saturday morning but we had visited Hollywood often where we saw squaters sit on the side walk just asking random people for money. So we decided to do the same just sit on the strip out side Circus Circus. We figured this would be easy a dollar from a hundred people winning the casinos? That would only take till lunch time. Scuse me, can we have a dollar That was our line for the first hour. Of all the hundreds of people that walked by, we only made about 15 dollars. Fuck this is gunna take forever Kayla. How much do we have right now Chloe we made 15 dollars in an hour thats better than a real job that pays minimum wage! That day, we ended up walking around to people and lying to them but not making much we did better than staying in one place. That night at our hotel, we had the idea of working the people at night and crying telling them we needed money to buy a bus ticket to get back home because we ran away with our boyfriend, and we changed our minds because he left us stranded here and we had to split up to cover more turf. The crying game at night works really well. Especially when we hit up people that looked like they won the casinos. Instead of giving us just a dollar, some of the men gave us big bills. At the end of the weekend we ended up with about $230. Burglary was a lot harder to do but Chloe had friends. His name was Vu. This upper middle class Vietnamese racer. Chloe just asked him one day Can we rob your house? After some talking, we negotiated that we would split the money with him, if he let us take shit from his parents. He agreed. Vu invited us to his house that week so we can see what the inside looked like. Then he lead us into his parents bedroom. Asians dont trust banks, so the leave a lot of money at home plus they have a hella lot of jewelry. He lifted up the mattress and whispered There, thats like a few thousand right there Oh, shit Nah, we just need a hundred dollars, thats all. Whispered Chloe.
What?! Are you crazy? You gunna rob my house for a hundred dollars? Nah girl, you taking the whole thing and the gold over there I need new tires dont just take shit from here either, take shit from every where my sisters computer take my phone Ima leave it in my room for you make it look real. Whispers Vu. Glove hair in a bun casual wear and a lot of fear of being caught. He had left the side door of the garage unlocked the day we were supposed to do it. We were cheating with a fake robbery. It worked in the end well. We only kept 3 hundred and gave Vu the rest which was a lot. Bluffery in high school is easy especially when you have a papa with a back yard full of herb. The Sinister Dad likes to dry out his bud whole, then hed stuff them as is inside empty toilet paper and hand towel rolls, and wrap the rolls with news paper like a candy wrapper. We fill a back pack with a few rolls papa had given us. We sold it cheap, with the rapper to our many friends for about $20 a roll. The Cs Putting together a group activity that made money for the Family was hard to figure out. Its more impressive if you come up with an original idea. I was spending the night at Chloes place in bed with her, exchanging ideas back an forth about a good idea What does your mom do? I asked, running my fingers thru her hair. Shes a nurse shes been doing it forever. Takes care of old people up the ways a bit. In the hills you wanna be a nurse too like her? I asked her? Yeah rich old people Ill go to school for it, as a fall back option you know, but Id like to try other things, like own my own business you? Me too Id like my own business something that pays the bills and gives me the free time so I can enjoy my life you know? I pity my dad, hes rich with a big business, but hes a slave to it and never has time for us or himself. I know, my dad is the same way what does your do? She asked me, as she softly traces my lips with her finger. Him and his partners make polyurethane wood like the Japanese they take the chemicals that makes upholstery and mix it with fly ash, fiberglass, then pass it thru a long belt where its pressed to look like planks of wood for docking and fencing. She didnt say anything. I doubt she was even listening just staring at me. I buried my face in her hair to smell it
What kind of business do you want? I asked her. I dont even know a charity maybe. I did some research and the law says you only have to legally give 10% percent to the actual cause they dont care what you do with the rest you? I giggled a bit at her clever idea Mines simple Ill just go hit up the hills and ask them for donations like old clothes you know then either sell those clothes at a cosign shop in LA or rent my own cosign shop Before I could finish, Chloe stopped me. Her mouth and eyes had opened wide, like she had just gotten an idea, and she put her finger on my lips. My mom old rich people Kayla Ok Does you dad buy stocks and bonds? She asked Yeah why Im not getting it Mine too! we can volunteer at the wealthy convalescent homes makes friends with the old men figure out their social security number and get credit cards theyll be dead anyways I got it And buy government bonds stash that shit for later till it matures! Chloe gave a big grin there were sparks in her eyes. Genius. November Night. We had to camp out by ourselves the night before our initiation night, when we would be formally inducted into the Nexus. All this time we were just pledges, but we earned our stripes. Papa said that there is a nexion around White Star Hill, thru which the Dark Ones pass. He said that a long time ago way before us humans were here they once roamed the earth, but that they were forced out of the causal universe, and yearn to return to experience the fruits of the flesh again. Papa said we had to spend the night up White Star and preform a special rite to call them into our bodies so that our bodies were temples to Them and its pleasures were offering to tease Them back to the Earth. He gave us a silver pen, and other stuff and told us to draw all 21 sigils of the Dark Gods down our spine before we performed the necessary Rite of the Nine Angles and to focus on the bliss of the sex and think of
Them.The guys camped out a distance from us just in case and they gave us a whistle to blow if we any outsiders came up our hill. Sleeping at night in Black Star Canyon is chilling. This place was once some sort of burial ground of Indians, and there was long ago a massacre here. Chloe and I have been around these parts at night to often and have seen things with our own eyes to think all these talks about ghosts and other such things were stories the locals spread to keep outsiders out. Yeah some of them even we helped start. Like the one time when Skelter had us bury a human skull he had bought from Hollywood by the hiking trail, in such a way that it would be found. People are stupid. The rumors will start, and the locals will pick up the inside hint and make it real to outsiders. Everyone came to the Black Cabin the next night. We all knew each other, so it wasnt a big deal. Papa and mama would stay behind which we thought was strange? My sister came from behind me and gave me a hug, kissing my head and she whispers to me in my ear Remember what I say we all went thru what you will go thru tonite. Its no big deal do you understand? I looked at her curiously, Yeah what sup? Youll be there to right? No Im gunna stay behind with mama and papa, to make a late dinner for everyone. She said. Why? Its my initiation ceremony? Whats wrong? Nothing sweety Ive just seen it plenty of times, She leans up close to my ear, Theyre gunna haze you after the ceremony the hazing is part of the ritual. Theyre gunna blind fold you and Chloe and make you pick. The Centimeter or the Decimaul. No girl picks the Centimeter just remember that. Whats the Centimeter? When they pick 10 people (3+5+2=10) to beat the shit out of you. Each hits you in the head 3 times, the body 5 times, and kicks you in the stomach 2 times only the guys go thru that. I looked at Cindy, knowing inside what the Decimaul was. Mercie Ive been thru it, Nessa has, we all have. This is our thing. Our Way. You have to learn to share everything with everyone even yourself. We all know each other, its no big deal its just sex Hannah and Nessa both have little viles of coke theyll touch it on you so youll know. What are they gunna do with the coke? I asked my sister.
Just put some on your clit it makes it more better for the Dark Gods so they can feel it thru you She winks as if it was fine to be a whore or something. I just looked at her horrified. Mercie please, just get over it I would never bring you into harms way. Everyone has sex. If youre gunna talk the talk walk the walk and be sinister. Youre in Dark Star Canyon you cant back out of this now and run away its too late for you you belong to the Darkness here the Guardian will come after you if you walk out you know Im not shitting you Mercie youve seen them. We hiked up White Star Chloe was squeezing my hand. Nessa had told her about the Decimaul Hazing the coke and shit. Papa had given us a cup of red wine and a joint to smoke just before the ceremony to ease things. I was staring at a black bag two squirming snakes inside. We knew enough about the ceremony back then to know we were going to seal our oaths to the Nexus by drinking its blood. Chloe looked at one of the other sisters and then at me as if she were telepathically talking to me. I knew what she was thinking. Ten people would have to take turns sexing us in and there were only 5 guys in the group, the other 7 were girls I knew things wont be quite the same, after tonight. In a grove of acorn trees, decorated with oranges, they places red nooses around our necks and the ceremony began. Under Joey I can make out what looked like two large beach towels on either side of its trunk, and dangling from one of Joeys branches I could make out a noose The Elders of the Nexus says that the Acorn Tree (Oak) is a symbol of the Dark Goddess Baphomet holding a severed head, because the acorns look like heads being held by the hair and the Oak leaves are Baphomets hands because they look like hands. The blood of the snake was dripped into a cup filled with some vodka. Helter and Skelter placed in each cup some bullets, razor blades, and nails. I drank it carefully being careful not to swallow any of the metal stuff. It left a horrible taste in your mouth and Skelter fed me a piece of orange and someone blindfolded us from behind. Someone grabbed us by the arms and lead us into the direction of that tree I had seen earlier. Then Skelter spoke The ceremony will be sealed in the traditional manner. You two have two choices to seal this rite the Centimeter where 10 among us Blood Opfer you, each with three blows to the head, 5 to the body, and two kicks in the stomach adding up to 100 blows in total. Or you may choose the Decimaul in which 10 among us Sex Opfer you to Baphomet and the Dark Ones. You have 5 seconds to make your decision. If you choose to be
Centimetered in, remain standing if you choose to be Decimauled in, remove your robe now. Everyone began to countOnetwo I felt like fainting, or my knees were giving in. I didnt wait till three I started taking off my robe on two. When the robe was off, the counting stopped and I felt a familiar touch, or smelt a familiar perfume guide me down from behind It was Nessa she whispered in my ear Dont worry just get it over with. As she lay me down on one of the towels. The others had begun to slowly vibrateNythra Kthunae Atazoth over and over slowly. Nessa placed a large crystal in my hands and placed my arms stretch towards the tree trunk which the crystal was touching, and she spread my legs, touching the little dram of coke on my inner thigh. I felt her part my lips a bit and she spat and touch my clit with her thumb I dug my nails into the crystal, and curled my toes tight because it stung, like how it feels when you stick your wet tongue on a 9 volt battery a cool, electric tingy shock and she slowly rubbed the coke in with circular motions. I was biting down on my lip because the tingy shock had turned into a hot pins and needles feeling that started swirling in my clit and up into my body. I felt two hands grab each of my ankles, bringing my knees to my chest. She then then lightly traced her fingers up and down my lips then did the same with her tongue and the tingling burn turned into a strong itchy feeling. A physical itch, like you wanted to scratch the itch away bad, but also a sexual horny-in-a-bad-way itch inside the way Nessa was using her tongue, just to wet my lips, but staying away from the epicenter of the itch made it worse. After everyone had vibrated the chant seven times they vibrated the 21 names of the Dark Ones slowly while Nessas tongue began to scratch the burning itch. On the other side of the tree trunk I could her the familiar whimpers and moans that Chloe made when she was really horny and was getting it good. I said to myself I cant believe that bitch got into it already and giving positive feedback like that!? So I let me self go too and slowly let the Darkness take or experience what fleshy pleasure it wants from me. One by one they would come there was a silence in the thick of it a silence in the atmosphere the only chanting and vibrating was the panting and vibrating moans coming from me and Chloe and now others around us as I detected joined in the primal symphony and cigarette smoke filled the chilly November night like incense. Scalops Creek. Seven years passes by so fast. Those crazy wild years fades into maturity all those experiences becomes something like an umbilical cord which reconnects you back with that wild primal pulsating life force beneath nature. It is something which you can never put into words, no matter how hard you try to get others to know and feel what
was/is felt inside. A liberating knowing and feeling that you and the cosmos are one continuous flow. I still often come to the Black Cabin to visit mama and papa with Chloe. We take Beaver out for walks along the creek. I like to bring one of my old lap tops with me and sit in a clearing by a quite pond among tall birch trees, and large oak trees here and write; as Chloe and her little cousin Shugz throws balls in the pond for Beaver to fetch. It feels like a different world here in Dark Canyon the tranquility the birds chirping the giggling and laughter far away from the busy jungle of the city. Ill look at little Shugz and see Chloe and myself in her as we once were so long ago and know inside that the Dark has found a new body to live thru. Like papa once said You dont choose to dance with the Dark the Dark chooses to dance inside you And in a place like Dark Canyon, where the Darkness is alive it dances inside many. You cant convert or recruit someone to the Dark Tradition and force them to live like we do. The Dark chooses you, and changes you as it wills. Like a cancer that trickles thru a tear in the causal fabric of a quite valley, slowly infecting those that come close to it spreading a sinister presence into the cities beyond its rolly hills. The silent tranquility of Dark Canyon often reminds me in my own mind of what Shropshire must be like for Anton Long long ago in those rolly hills. What Darkness must have crept inside him and other in the area what rites were performed in its secret hills and vallies. As I write things for our ONA clique far over here by this pond as I attempt to put into written words what we are I often think about what must have gone on in Anton Longs mind as he one day tried to do the same to write onto paper the life and Dark he lived and was. These writings of this Nexus was not meant to be read and believed no more than the Deofels were ever meant to be read and believed you see. It was meant to capture the imaginations of some out there who resonate with the Dark, and have them LIVE and express that Dark Tradition in their own way and in there own lives. Like someone who hears the distant beating of drums and music, lets go and dances to the rhythm, possessed by the melody. To read and believe, is far different than to feel and live. If you were to read those ONA manuscripts and these 352 writings, and think by just changing your mind and upholding these beliefs in an intellectual way you have done nothing but read and believe and are genuinely nowhere near the Darkness that is unfolding. You have merely made an intellectual religion out of a Way of Being a Feeling a Living a Becoming. Truly, as someone once said The words often times serves to obscure the essence.
I dont know what will ever become of these writings of ours if our Dark tradition will ever spread thru them beyond the Dark Precinct of White Star Hill and its Black Canyon. If it should not spread, and call forth others that resonate with the Dark, then it will always remain alive within those it lives in and thru. There are no worries, because the Dark has a way of brooding, in its undisturbed hills.
THE PACK 9352 bf (before fayen), South of the Caucus Mountains They were waiting for Frata and Rich to pack their horses and camels. Come on, damn. Said Chloepatra. She was an impatient person. Red Rich was slow and was the type to over kill or over plan things. Alright, alright let me pack a second camel with more arrows Said Rich irritated. Dude, Rich, were just going over them hills to scope out the Hebrew tribe there youre acting like were going to battle them. Chloepatra says. Alright, fine better safe then sorry. Rich mumbles. Kayla the Merciless just looks at Frata the Barbarian, who just shrugged his shoulders. Frata had packed his horse with his two swords and a lot of water. It was a semi-desert you know where the tribe was camped out for the moment. Aryanopolis sort of fell to ruin a hundred years ago because of a freak drought, and all of the citizens migrated away going their separate ways. There were the three major groups that went to Europe, Russia, and India respectively. The Longmen Clan thought the Europe and Russia bound fellows were crazy, since it was the ice ages so they followed the India bound people but along the way the Longmen Tribe was rejected en mass because they had a weird religion where they were culling people left and right for their Dark Gods. The Progenitor of the Tribe Marc Anthony the Longshanks said to the Aryans nations Fine, whatever, well just go our own way and find our own place thru Arabia! Maybe to Egypt or something I hear there is a nice river their. Now were lost in this god forsaken desert.
The Longshanks has a hazy history. Legend has it that long ago his father was a son of Uther Pendragon. At his death bed Uther gave his kingdom to his eldest son Arthur, while Marc Anthonys father and mum got Shropshire a mere rural fief thingy at the border of the illiterate lands of the Welsh barbarians. Unhappy Old Longshanks set out to top his brother by taking the whole world. Thus they left Shrops and with a band of loyal Old Guards slaughtered foreign kingdoms and established a civilization called Aryanopolis far in the Afghan highlands; which Anthony Longshanks had inherited. The Great Drought had destroyed the once great city-state of Aryanopolis. And the Clansmen wandered in the wilderness. Whats worse is the Longmen Clan is mostly composed of the once great army men of Aryanopolis and its secret agents which meant the Tribe had a weird shortage of female folk to breed with and women were needed if the Clan is to survive the ice age. Wait for me guys wait, you need me The Critter ran with his skinny sword in hand which most doubt he even knows how to use and mounted one of Richs camels. Critter was this weirdo. Hes one of those guys who hangs out with you and nobody in your cool group knows quite why, but were all to nice to tell him to go away and the only reason why you let him tag along was because of who he knows yeah. Thats the Critter. The Critter was best friends with Longshanks himself. We call him the Critter because he can make these raccoon and duck noises with his mouth when we go hunting so its like he talks to animals. He wants us to call him by his proper Tribe name The Beast Master but we just call him Beasty Boy or Critter. He has this natural proclivity for making music with tree stumps and drawing these nice cave paintings but hardly the killer type. Awe, no, not you Critter Chloepatra whines. Well, we do need somebody to translate Fratas foreign speech anyways. Beasty Boy is one of very few people that understands besides me Kayla said. See Critter says, looking at Chloepatra. Chloepatra just rolls her eyes at him. Lets go then. Says Chloepatra. And the pack set off to the land beyond the mountains to check out the local tribe there for intelligence. Chloepatra rides a horse with the Merciless One Kayla. Both in chinchilla fur ugg boots and stylish cavemen wardrobe. Chloepatra is decked out in gold and jade.
She and Red Richard the Sinistar arent natives of Aryanopolis. They came with the Mongol Hoard that nearly destroyed Aryanopolis, but she and Red Richard had defected from the Eastern Barbarians and fought under the banner of Longshanks in the midst of the great war. Red Rich was a uniform lieutenant of the Hoard. Thru her ruthless campaign, foreign yet effective tactics and Red Richards military wisdom they had chased the Mongols out, gaining them favor among the Clan. It wasnt Chloepatras tactical maneuvers that caught the attention of Longshanks and his Old Guards thoe. Chloepatra was literate and came with the brilliant wisdom of those Eastern peoples something Marc Anthony saw a great value in. As such fresh insights would help the Clan. She quickly gained herself an audience and bond with the one they call El Darko Loco the Bruce the Generalissimo and Vizier of the Longmen even being spiritually adopted by Longshanks himself as his Dark Princess. El Darko Loco the Bruce was a gentleman barbarian. Draped in black grizzly bear fur, a wolverine head dress and a penetrating stare. Soft spoken, and always thinking in the sinister. He was generalissimo of the Clans Phantom Hoard himself a mysterious shadow or phantom of sorts as all the ancients of the Clan were are his war campaigns earned him the name El Darko Loco the Evil and Crazy One. Thus, as satellites around Longshanks was the heart of the Clan that kept the wandering Tribe alive, which calls itself The Pack the Vizier El Darko Loco the Bruce and his men the Teacher Thoth-Aten-Ra who is the Light House of the Clan Chloepatra the Princess of Darkness and her men and the peculiar Kayla the Merciless and her faction. Kayla the Merciless much like Chloepatra was not a native of Aryanopolis. She and Frata the Barbarian with their people merged with the remnants of the Longmen during their wandering. An enigma who stubbornly does things on her own terms with an opaque stare not ever revealing what true intentions she may have. Like Chloepatra, the Merciless One somehow caught the eye of the shadowy Longshanks and was adopted as his dark daughter. With her title, she works for The Pack alone, as she wills but sees no worth in the common Longmen that follow behind whom she despises as the true cause of the ruin of Aryanopolis. Only the Longshanks, with his ancient eyes and second sight, knows where the Merciless Ones loyalty lies, and understands what she does and for whom. She and her faction looks up to the old mad man of White Star Mountain for their spiritual guidance. She looks to a future in which Aryanopolis will one day rise again for the Pack to a greater glory for Longshanks, so that, before he passes away of old age, that he might see what he once made blossom into a living seed of a future empire. Amongst the Clan there is divisions and factions. Some of the Longmen wish for a new king. Some wish to usurp the throne and be king. Other believe El Darko Loco should lead the people. Chloepatra herself wishes to immortalize Longshanks as a the eternal figure head but desires an oligarchy of The Pack but there broods among some of the Merciless Ones faction who wish to make the Dark Princess a Living Goddess for a
future people. What thinks the Merciless One herself? Give me gold and I care not who is King. She says. As they rode off towards the hills, Kayla heard the gallop of a horse from behind and looked. She whispers in Chloepatras ear Your boy friend is coming. Ukhgreat not my stalker. It was Zoophilip the Berserk One. A despised critic among the Longmen. The Berserk One is like an annoying fly that wont go away. A major vocal critic who condemns and attacks the common citizens (in a trollish manner) of Aryanopolis for the degeneration and ruin of Aryanopolis out of an uncommon passion for the once great kingdom perhaps which gains him much hatred. Chloepatra and Kayla secretly values his criticism, as they believes the common Longmen are blinded by a false sense of greatness even in times of obvious ruin of the old kingdom. He is annoying nonetheless. He has the superpower of totally destroying meeting forums with his sidekick Jimmy the Jumping Bean. Good morning Chloe how are you today? Says Zoophilip. Chloepatra just rolls her eyes, as she usually does. He laughs to himself, pleased inside that he successfully annoyed Chloepatra so quickly. Hey best mate! Critter says excited, holding his hand up for a hi five from Zooboy. Zooboy has his moronic grin and hi fives his buddy Beasty Boy. Retars I swear. Chloepatra says quietly to Kayla the Merciless. Come Sta Fratello Frata? He says to Frata the Barbarian. Se il mio cavallo fosse vicino a voi, farei passare la mia spada attraverso il vostro occhio. Frata replies to Zooboy. Zooboy snickers to himself Hey Critter, can you translate that for me? He said If my horse was any closer to you Id shove my sword in your eye. Critter translates.
ZIONIST FRONT After much riding the small scouting party had entered a big crack in between the walls of a cliff like a passage way, and stuff or something.
The girls and Red Rich were up in the front, while the other three were chattering way in the back about utter crap as they have been for the past 3 hours non stop oblivious to the Zoggish danger that lurked unseen. Whats this I see? Rich said, riding up to scribbles on the passage wall Come here guys? Chloepatra and Kayla hops off their horse to look, carefully so as not to get dirt on their chinchilla uggs which were hella expensive, even for caveman days. OMG! Its in ancient Yiddish! Said Chloe. The three look at each other and said together at the same time The ZOG! Can you read it Rich? You once lived near a tribe of Hebrews. Asked Kayla. Yes.. of course hold on This Here Place Belongs To A Tribe of Armenians. Both Rich and Kayla snicker and begin to laugh with each other. What? I dont get it. Said Chloe. She didnt have the same sense of humor Red Rich and the Merciless One had. Chloe were scouting for womenfolk for our tribe and we stumbled upon Armenians their women are hella hairy they even have goatees them Armenian women. Explains Kayla as she usually does which ruins the humor but Kayla and Rich continue to laugh some more anyways. They should wear sheets over themselves, sense nobodys invented the razor yet. Says Rich. Lmao Thats a good one Rich. Returns Kayla. Hey I shave with obsidian blades. Chloe interjects. The other three had caught up and were still yapping loudly. Shoosh you ninnies! Chloe says to the other three The ZOG is here! What ZOG? Asked Frata the Barbarian. As soon as the Barbarian had said that some caveman has thrown a rock at Frata causing everyone to look into the general direction.
Fucking shit! Yells Frata. He dismounts his horse with his sword and runs towards the side of the passage as more rock come flying towards the group. Hide bitch! Kayla said grabbing Chloe behind a camel, so as not to get their face hit. There were a group of several Armenian cavemen on the cliff. Rich had already busted out his 45 caliber bow and arrows and had already killed one. Zooboy was slinging rocks with his sling shot. He was annoying and a critic but he helped out. Frata the Barbarian fearlessly scaled the cliff towards the Armenians risking life and limb fearless, or just not aware of the perilous danger. Beasty Boy was hyperventilating behind Kayla, in a fetal position. Go fight god dammit! says Chloe as she kicks Critter. I cant my sword is way over there on the camel. He replies. Theyre just rocks Critter. Kayla said. Then you go fight if theyre just rocks. Protested Critter. Shyeah, and get hit in the face with one! Says Kayla. Shyeah exactly. Responds Critter. Then start chanting and do some of your magic or something! Yells Chloepatra. Agios O Nythra Chants Beasty Boy in a surprisingly enchanting and melodic voice; yet still crouched behind Kayla. Kayla looks at Chloe Wow he can sing. As the boys were fighting the Armenian contingent or what was left of them something happened. As Beasty Boy had hit one of his high notes, the high pitch vibration must have dislodged many of the boulders above the ledge just above the enemy contingent still hurling rocks and crushes all of them to death. The boulders come tumbling down and the boys run out of the way. Run for your life motherfuckers! Screams Zooboy. Startled, Critter stops What what did I do? Fucking run bitches! Kayla screams grabbing Chloe and Critter. They all ran abandoning the horses and camels and a plume of dust flew into the air everywhere in the passage as the big boulders hit the ground.
It was silent for a while, until the dust began to settle. Great my hair. Chloe said, breaking the silence. I know. Said Critter in agreement, dusting his hair off. Never mind your hair half the livestock is squashed! Are you guys ok? Kayla inquired? Yeah, yelled Rich, But the camels are dead. Somebodys walking Interjected Zooboy. Meh the Longmeister is gunna kill us for getting his camels smashed. Chloe said worrisomely.
INTELLIGENCE There were only two horses left. Kayla and Chloepatra were on one. The other carried a heap of supplies. The others were walking. The passage way gave way to open sky. A hundred yards away can be seen the edge of the cliff the party stopped in their tracks to the shock of the view. Do you guys see what I see? Said Kayla. A big ass river and fields of green trees? Answered Zooboy. Kayla look at him because they were both thinking the same thing. What is that in the far distance a town? Inquired Rich. Yeah, Said Chloe, It doesnt look like a big one from here maybe a hundred houses or so. Zooboy had walked to the very edge of the cliff No its a straight up vertical fall. Rich had joined him Yeah theres no way we can get an army of men down unless you take what looks like the long way.
Rich pointed towards the left of the mountain side, where there appeared to be a long, twisty path. Send Frata Kayla whispered to Chloe. Frata go down there and spy on them bring back intelligence punch one of them in the face and knock him out so you can take his clothes and dress like them. Chloe ordered. Ok, Frata says, Ill be back. Zooboy gave a whistle from above somewhere, and the party looked up. Its a cave make camp? Rich, Chloe, and Kayla climb up to join Zooboy to check out the cave. This must be where that contingent were staying. Rich said. Where is brother Frata going? Asked Zooboy. Chloe sent him to gather intelligence. Kayla answered, as she looked in the cave. Zooboy snickered Frata? Chloe he looked at Chloe in disbelief. What? She said, at the mouth of the cave, Theres only a few hundred houses, hell be safe. Right thats not what Im worried about what sort of intelligence will Frata be bringing back? Zooboy looks at Chloe with his left eyebrow raise she feels him a bit. And looks at Rich. Im going Im going Says Rich. Ill come too Zooboy says, You girls gunna be ok? Yeah, the girls said together. And guy Interjected Critter. Well, says Kayla, Guess its just us girls, huh? And guy Im here too. Says Critter. The girls look at each other holding back their snickers.
Well guess its just us girls huh? Repeats Kayla. Alright Critter had one hand on his hip, and the other shaking his pointing finger, I am getting sick and tired of being treated like this. Ive had it! Oh, boo hoo, go draw something! Chloe said, taunting Critter. Ok, who the hell do you think you are miss Prima Donna, Critter bitches, I was here in the beginning with Longshanks. I put this shit together with him, way before you were born. Then you just come along out of nowhere one fucking day and think you run this shit. What shit Critter? Replies Chloe, Your Aryanopolis?! Your Crayola drawlings? Your singing?! There is a place at the very heart and core of Aryanopolis for the shit I added! There is no Aryanopolis! Chloe yells, Its gone! Whats left of it huh? A rag tag band of wandering men? Its your fault you and your generation, Critter! Oh please miss pretty little I just came out of nowhere princess do tell how me and my generation cause the down fall of Aryanopolis. Chloe, stop it Critter, go outside and take a break or something. Said Kayla. You know what, fuck you guys Critter storms out of the cave. Whatever! Added Chloe. Chloe Said Kayla irritated.
CRYING ARTIST Kayla and Chloe just sat there not talking for a while next to each other. Chloe has her arms crossed over her chest and is staring pensively at the dusty walls of the cave. She looks at Kayla for some feedback or something. Maybe you should go talk to him. You prolly hurt his feelings. Kayla suggested. She sighs Yeah guess so. Chloe wanders outside to look for Critter. Knowing him, she figures he behind a rock somewhere tracing things on the dirt.
She walks a bit and follows the sound of sniffling coming from behind a big boulder a hundred yards from the cave by the horses. She sees him sadly sitting by himself tracing things on the dirt. Her gaze falls to her uggs as she begins to feel bad kicking the pebbles. With a deep breath she walks towards Critter then sits next to him, facing him, watching him wipe his tears and snotty nose. Im sorry for going off on you back there I didnt mean any of it I was just being mean out of frustration. She said. Its not fair, He sniffles, Some of us have an appreciation for the finer things in life, not just to run around like a lunatic and kill people. Longshanks can leave the kingdom for a while to another and hes a hero but when I leave Im a traitor and my face is erased out of the kingdoms records. I put my heart and soul into Aryanopolis, just like Longshanks did. Nobody appreciates what I did. I do Beasty She says, I think Aryanopolis lost its spirit when you left. Art is the language of the spirit, that evokes a primordial essence in us. Without art, music, poetry, and dreams there is only an empty shell, that will soon whither. Were born dreaming and we spend half our causal existence asleep and dreaming. How can you contradict yourself in such a way Chloe? How can you condemn me for ruining Aryanopolis in one breath, and say that I was its spirit in the next? Because we all must learn things the hard way the way of Wyrd even kingdoms as a collective and we must allow such things to play out. Longshanks and you, were like the brain and heart of Aryanopolis the Intelligence and the Emotions in conflict. In the beginning the intellect always wins. Aryanopolis intellectually desired a powerful militia long ago, to fight the Magian or whatever/whoever they saw as the Enemy. Words, and intellectual lectures never have the power to excite the human spirit to inspire it to achieve greatness or growth. Its the spirit the breath the imagination the emotion that sets passion on fire. Like resonates with like. Youre a gifted and wonderful person its just that your timing was not right. Then why not tell them the others? If you feel this way, why continue to condemn me publicly? Chloe gets up and brushes the dirt from her ass. She looks forward expressionless for a moment Because, the Longmen believe Aryanopolis belonged to Longshanks and not you. Because he used you for what he needed from you. Because I see no place in what is to become of us for you collectively. My private sentiments, are irrelevant to the collective. Because your generation ruined Aryanopolis. How so Chloe How did I and my generation ruin the kingdom that once was? Because time changes and people evolve. You and your generation represented the politics of a bygone aeon which refused to change to entice the emotions and passions of
the emerging generation of people and what is relevant to them. Because you and your generation put what YOU and your bygone aeonic political wants, before my needs, and my new generations needs and hopes. You and your generation itself caused the fall of Aryanopolis. It is the weaving of Wyrd that the old must perish to give life to a newer and better form. Some of use learn from our mistakes some of us learn from the mistakes of others. What new form is to come will be balanced. Good bye Critter. Good Bye? From the small of her back she pulls out her Obsidian Blade holding it firmly in her right hand. She lunges forward swiftly and penetrates his neck forcing herself on top of him, and drawing the blade across his throat and left jugular vein and when his blood began to gush out she twisted the blade in his neck until it cracked lodged inside him. She kicks his convulsing body off of herself which had found itself on top of her, as he was struggling to fight. Having loosened herself from his corpses grip she stands back covered in blood watching him choke in his own blood. Chloe walks slowly back to Kayla in the cave and finds Kayla laying on a slab of stone taking a cat nap. She bites her nail, not knowing how Kayla would react after learning that she had killed Longshanks number two. Kayla opens her eyes hearing Chloe beside her, shocked to see her drenched in blood. OMG Chloe! Are you ok! Is that your blood!? Shit! Im fine I accidentally killed Critter. Help me throw his body over the cliff? Thats Longshanks best friend ever! Great, you killed his camels and his best friend! Youre on a roll today. I know I know. Just tell him Critter fell of a cliff. Come on. She grabs Chloes arm. They each grab one of Critters wrists and drag him over to the ledge to throw him over. Chloe there is a pool of blood over there. I know, just just kill one of the horses there and eat it tell them we got hungry or something. They both get on their asses and using their feet kick Critter off the edge of the cliff then carefully get on their tummies to peek over the edge to see. The body had fallen straight down about 300 feet, and landed in some trees. They look at each other. Horse huh? Said Kayla.
I cant wash myself. Come on. Ok, you ride the horse to the bloody spot, and Ill shoot it with one of Richs arrows. Not with me on it!
BRIEFING Frata the Barbarian had returned. He ran into the cave. The sun was setting. Fucking shit! Santa Lucia! You bloody! What happened? Where I kill him! Shit fuck! Oh hi Frata. Said Chloe. No no were fine Frata. We just got hungry and ate one of the horses. Did you want some? Chloe holds a piece of the horse up towards Frata. No thank you my lovely sister. Are you sure you ok. Yes, of course, we just got hungry and killed one of the horses and Critter fell off the cliff. Chloe assures. Oh yeah Critter fell of the cliff. The other two went to follow you to see if you were safe. Right anyways, what did you see sit! Chloe said, grabbing his arm. Oh, many young bambini. Many girls yeah? Said Kayla. Oh yeah 16 15 14 many. Wow! Thats perfetto for you! Good job! What about for the other Longmen the other men in our Clan you know, the ones that prefer them slightly older. Asked Chloe. Oh yeah, for them, many old ladies too. Hairy old ladies. Look like Scottish men. Holy shit thats ugly Frata. Kayla exclaimed. The three of them laugh. Althoe Chloepatras laugh was more a laugh of relief.
Ya, that is ugly LOL Says Frata. Anyways, did you see anything else like if they had an army, what kind of weapons, who their leader is you know, other things. Kayla inquired. Oh, piece of shit village but nice young girls. We take it no? Absolutely well take it. They have a big river to fish in, and fertile land to farm with. Said Chloe. Yeah lets wait for Rich and Zooboy to return and see what they saw then well go tell Longshanks the great news! Oh Frata can you do us a favor? Asked Chloe. Anyting, just ask. When the other two come back can you tell them some Armenian came and killed Critter and pushed him off the cliff, then you killed the Armenian and pushed him off the cliff? Ok, sure. I do, like you ask. Great thanks Frata Said Chloe, with a nice smile. Give us a hug we miss you. Added Kayla. The three of them decided to take a short cat nap as they waited for what remained of the scout party. Red Rich and Zoophilip the Berserk entered the dark cave with a potato sack of things or whatever kind of bags they had in those times, waking the trio from their cat nap with their ass slapping buddy talk. Damn it gets dark in here at night, thank god we have a torch. Says Rich. Totally boy, am I tired, Ima sleep like a corpse tonight. We brought cheese and bread, amongst other things holy shit! You two are covered in blood! Screamed Rich. Oh, the Dark Princess and the Merciless One is not hungry, they ate one of the horse, and an Armenian pushed Critter off a cliff and I pushed him off a cliff. Informs Frata. Oh but its been a while well take the cheese and bread! Says Kayla.
What, a horse Critter dead! Zooboy said. Shit happens dude? Said Chloe. No! Not my boy Critter! That was Longshanks best friend! You let Longshanks best friend die! I cant believe hes dead. Marc Anthonys gunna kill somebody! Says Zooboy. Not me said Chloe. A horse, Says Rich, You mean one of our last two horses you slaughtered a horse LOL? I know huh? LOL Kayla says, joining in on the humor. Thats gunna be an idiomatic expression of some sort in the future. Said Kayla. Zooboy passes around the cheese and break the bread Anyways children. Theres no more than 200 people in the piece of shit village. More women than men, which is good. The men have multiple wives. Army is almost nonexistent About 50 armed men crude bows and arrows Rich added. Right BUT its controlled by the ZOG. They pay taxes to a Zionist city-state about 50 miles down the river. Have you seen the Zionist city-state? Asked Kayla. No, too far. Rich said, with his mouth full of bread. Is it worth it, thats the question. States Zooboy. Yeah, Says Rich, We can take out this village, but will have to deal with the Zionists up the river later. Frata, what did you discover? Zooboy asks. Same thing you guys did Kayla says, speaking for Frata. Zooboy bites into his last piece of bread I bet he did. Im off to bed. Keep it down. Somebodys gunna get it tomorrow. Chloe back hands Zooboy on his shoulder Im not getting shit. Im off to bed to. Said Frata the Barbarian.
Goon Night, Frata. The three said. Cigarette? Said Rich. Kayla gets up Hell yeah, Ive been dying for one. Ill just hang out for some fresh air. Chloe blurted. Where did you get this at? Asked Kayla. They grow Indian tobacco down there and corn. I snatched some and wrapped it in corn husk no filter think Ill call them Camels. Rich says as he exhales his drag, passing it to Kayla. She takes a drag Goes down easy like Brandy Alexander What song is that? Asks Rich? Feist. Chloe answers. Oh Feist! What did Frata report anyways? Usual girls young ones. Says Chloe. Is that legal here? Kayla ponders out loud. Not where Im from but seeing as our civilization has fallen what the hell. Isnt my cup of tea personally, but we love him the same. Said Rich. True dat homie true dat. Kayla said, as she takes a drag. I cant wait to get home and take a whore bath for reals. Chloe said randomly. No shit, you homies are covered in blood. Says Rich, What really happened? I sort of killed him. I shanked him in the neck and asked Kayla to help me toss him over the edge. Frata was covering for us. Thats Anthony Longshanks homie what do we do if he retaliates? Kayla takes a drag. She gives Rich a look and exhales the smoke into the crisp autumn air Nothing has to be ever be said, between the Acception.
With only one horse left the party walks back to the temporary settlement where their kinsmen are camped out, waiting for their return for information. Chloe has been quite during the return trip. She is quite when she thinks to much, perhaps worried what Longshanks will do when he learns about the loss of his livestock and best friend. The tribesmen give them a weird look as they see the party return with only one horse, and bloody they move out of the way, since everybody knows they are in The Pack. Well, see ya Chloe. Says Zoophilip, as they approach the Tent of Marc Anthony Longshanks. The Vizier El Darko Loco comes out, as he was awaiting their return. Chloe looks back at Kayla to see if she will follow her in. They like you more Says Kayla. Kayla look at Rich and Frata. The boys rise an inconspicuous sign in the air, and half of the crowd of Longmen step forward with their swords and bows at the ready giving Chloe a little comfort. Welcome back you made the return safely I see, with some losses? Said El Darko Loco, as he guides her into the Tent of the Great Sinister One. Thank You generalissimo, it was perilous. Ah Chloe dear god, youre all bloody, are you hurt or maimed? Inquired Longshanks. No sir, Im fine weve had some tragic losses thoe Oh sit tell me about it. Longshanks was a bearded fellow. He was smoking tobacco out of his corn cob pipe Tobacco Chloe? He offered. Oh, no thank you. I dont smoke. We lost all but one horse? All my camels? On a 20 mile journey? It was perilously dangerous. There is a pass way thru the mountains controlled by a tribe of Armenians-Jews. Longshanks and El Darko look at each other and say together The ZOG!.
Yes sir. We were ambushed as we were passing thru the passages way. They were throwing rocks at us As usual. El Darko quickly interjected. Uhm. Hummed Longshanks in agreement. We returned fire, but were out numbered. The Beast Master then began to sing As usual. El Darko quickly interjected. Uhm. Hummed Longshanks in agreement. The Beast Master had hit a freakish high harmonics that it dislodged many of the large boulders above He tends to do that. States El Darko. Uhm. Hummed Longshanks in agreement. So anyways, the boulders tumbled down and magically killed the enemy contingent, but came down and squashed most of the live stock, we barely escaped with our lives. Dear god camels and all? Asked Longshanks, as he smokes out of his pipe, stroking his beard. Yes sir, camels and all. Two horses were left. We made it to the other side, and discovered a small village of 200 or so inhabitants. They live beside a large river and fertile green lands. Only 50 armed soldiers, and mostly women folk. They are farmers, and pay taxes to a larger Zionist city-state 50 miles down the river. Hmm Longshanks smokes his pipe and strokes his beard looking into their air in deep thought I say El Darko, have we enough men to take the village? Yes sir, more than enough. Im worried about the Zionist city-state. Answers El Darko. Indeed. Do you have any intelligence on this city-state my dear? Asked Longshanks. No sir, it was too far to walk with what little supplies we had. Yes, I see is it worth a battle? Our numbers are dwindling as it is. Ponders Longshanks. Do we have a choice sir? If they are 50 miles away from said village, they are only 70 miles from us only a quarter days journey on horse. Informs El Darko.
Longshanks nods as he puffs his pipe Yes, yes damned if you do damned if you dont. I have an idea sir. Since the Zionist city-state is located on the river, it means they are depended on its water supply Longshanks takes his pipe out his mouth to concentrate, and leans a bit closer Go on If we force all the men and women to re-irrigate the river, to make it flow in a different direction they will lose their water supply, and thus their farms and livestock will die. Without water and food, they cannot support an army. We can relocate the village, as we settle the land, over near the tall cliff; where we can station soldiers, to keep us safe. The cliff is about 300 feet high, and the whole area can be seen from it giving us the higher ground at all times. Brilliant! Exclaims Longshanks. El Darko my friend, do we have the man power to re-irrigate a river. We do sir, if the river is within a reasonable width. The river is only about 6 meters wide, but deep. Althoe, from the cliff I did see a natural depression to the right of the land where we can direct the flow to make a lake or reservoir, or something. Then it is quite possible sir to redirect the river as the Dark Princess said. Excellent then. You must want a bath Chloe go, and touch base with El Darko for whatever the morrow. We leave en mass as soon as the Vizier believes we are ready. Thank you sir. I do need a bath. She says, as she walks backwards to the Tent opening and turns around to exit. Oh, and Chloe Longshanks adds. She can see Rich and Frata and her loyalist faction on the ready but her heart felt like flying out of her throat because she knew what he was going to ask. She reluctantly turns around to face Longshanks and El Darko Loco. Yes sir? How is the Beast Master safe I assume? She was careful not to twirl her fingers or let out a sign of low confidence and unsureness Hes dead sir.
Dead? Both of the men said together staring at her. I killed him sir. Killed him? They both said together. Dear god my best friend ever dead. Said Longshanks. Im sorry. We got into an argument and I felt like he was no longer needed like he was a ball and chain to us. So I cut his throat open. Who will write for us inspire us. He was our Tribes greatest scribe. Have you read some of the sinister stories some of our other Clansmen put out!? Tedium is the word sir. Said El Darko. Yes, indeed why I barely can make sense of some of them myself no plot, no excitement. No fresh presencing of the Dark in new ways youve killed our essence. Concider Kayla the Merciless your new best friend sir. She can write better. Suggested Chloe to Longshanks himself. El Darko nods in agreement, and shrugs at Longshanks She is good sir and of the emerging generation. If anyone knows the new aeon, its her generation. That is if we desire to be relevant in the new aeon and its people sir You will pass on one day sir, as we all do. If you desire a future empire sir for the progression of the individual human and our human civilization and not for your own profiteering then you must let it go and give it to the future. I and my generation are that future and what children we will have. Adds Chloe. Anthony Longshanks claps his hands over his lips and stares ponderously at Chloepatra for a long time In time my Dark Princess in its season go take your bath we celebrate tonight.
The Camp doesnt have much to offer. It is just a valley between two rows of mountains. Mostly desert, sparsely populated with shrubs and desert bloom. The mountain range in the north side is covered in pine forest. Which is where the common Longmen must daily go to hunt for animals. There is a small creek that pools into several ponds closely hugging the northern range; where all the Tribe makes camp. The Camp is clustered into its cliques and factions of the remnants of Aryanopolis. The old blood of the kingdom have all left during the dark ages and fall of Aryanopolis for other kingdoms. Most migrating into a kingdom called the BN and suchlike far away leaving Aryanopolis to die with its illiterate commoners. And its few hardliners who still see a glimmer of hope somewhere; somehow. Among the Camp, the faction of Thoth-Aten-Ras called The Temple men are the most respected and well known. There leader Thoth, is a librarian of sorts who, with his men, went about collecting the kingdoms secret and sacred manuscripts. From his massive collection; dedication; and knowledge, his faction kept the torch of Baphomet burning in the darkest of hours. The largest faction, by far is the Acception. Whose own number is nearly the same size as all of the original Longmen remnants itself. They are neither scholars or librarians. More like a aimless band of thieves, bandits, and pirates that owe their allegiance to no-one but themselves. Unlike the Others, the Acception has no real objectives other than to profit. Unlike the Others, the Acception is heavily organized and structured, with obedience to its Erheneide its Law as their Supreme Law. Some of the Longmen; seeing the Acceptionites to be a brute band of thugs, profiteers, and those who do not take much of anything seriously; look upon them with suspicious. For what would a band of pirates want with the wisdom and dream of once great Aryanopolis. If not for their own profit? Such a dramatic difference caused the Temple and the Acception in olden days to fight as rivals. These were back in olden days when the Acception had emerged out of the wilderness to merge with their distant Longmen kith and cousins. The Progenitor of the Acception in ancient times was a noble blooded Aryanopolite who had migrated far away and founded his own Clan in a distant land. The time that passed, and blood that flowed, which grew distant from Mother Aryanopolis caused the Acception to develop its own culture and collective identity. As soon as she merged with the Longmen Tribe, Kayla of the Acception, and Thoth of the Temple went at each other and bitterly fought briefly. Seeing how the Tribe was in such a doomed state, El Darko and his men stopped the infighting, for the sake of Solidarity. There is yet among both factions unspoken tension. There are other factions among the Longmen; none which the Acception considers significant. They have little respect for the common Longmen.
There are those Old Bloods that belong to no faction those who mostly hail from the inner circle of Longshanks. These float around amongst the Longmen and their factions; spreading propaganda of the wonder and mystery that is Longshanks to maintain coherency of the Tribe if it is to survive.
REBIRTH Many years have they traveled, these Longmen those left who are still loyal to the dream. Lost in the desert. At times of hopelessness the Longmen vent their frustrastions. They reveal hidden opinions. Speaking of times when Longshanks abandoned Aryanopolis. When he left it for ruin, only to come back, far too late. Some of the Longmen leave the Tribe fed up with Longshanks saying things like: It serves him right, the state things are in! This was the state of things when the Longmens kindred the Acception merged to join the wandering. Kayla and Chloepatra had never seen the glory that was Aryanopolis with there own eyes, for they are far too young. To them it is just a fable a legend in their young minds. But the wise ones say that it is in hard times such as these, that ones loyalties and allegiances are tested and genuine companionship revealed. Even in the most hopeless of hours; when all seem lost and pointless; Longshanks still has a few who never leave his side. Sworn like shipmates to their ship and captain, to endure unto the end, and go down with their ship. But these are few. Far too few, to which Kayla and Chloe have joined ranks unto the end. Longshanks and Generalissimo El Darko had given Chloe the command of 100 of Aryanopolis remnant army soldier to take the land of the village beyond the pass. With relative ease, Chloepatra, Kayla, Rich, Frata, and the Centinals captured the small village successfully and had sent word to El Darko to send the entire Tribe migrating to their new land. But there was little time for celebration. For in the short distance was a great Zionist citystate that threatened the existence of this fledgling nation. The river had to be redirected; forts built along the river. These projects overseen by Chloepatra and her men as Longshanks and El Darko watch in the shadows the rebirth of a kingdom. And in the Tent of Longshanks they planned regarding the looming threat of the Zionist city-state. Ill take Frata the Barbarian, and a few others to gather intelligence of the city tonight. Said Red Rich to Longshanks.
Good. We cannot act or plan anything concrete without knowing the enemy Longshanks said. They are much bigger. States Kayla. Its not always the size that matters Enlightens Thoth, A battle can be won with deception and intelligence. Both Rich, and El Darko seem to notice that Chloepatra was not all that interested that night. As if her mind was someplace else or frustrated? Why! Interrupts Chloe, as she stares at Longshanks. The chamber silences, as Longshanks looks up shocked. Chloe Rich says nervously as he takes a few steps backwards; trying to wake her to her senses. Why are you doing this! Chloe demands, staring at Longshanks. The others in the chamber have all taken a few steps back, fearing for Chloepatra. Im sorry; doing what? Asks Longshanks. When is enough, enough for you us. Whats wrong with what we have now? All I have ever heard about Aryanopolis was wars and fights. Thats why it fell. Because you built it on a bloody foundation of war a false foundation. And when that war stopped, and their was no-one to fight. The kingdom fell. Cant you see you havent learned from you mistakes! Cant you see we have something good going here now. Why cant we just make peace with that city-state. Youre going to ruin what we have now, again! She turns around and walks quickly out of the Tent. Away towards the river to be alone. The chamber was silent. Kayla broke it: Ill go talk to her. Shes prolly on her rag or something. Indeed; or something. Said Longshanks. Kayla had found her skipping rocks by herself. Are you ok? She asked Chloe. Our numbers are low. We worked hard to get this far. All we need now is just what we have. Each other and time. We can grow that way. Well be something in time. He wants to war and send off what people we have to their death. Its not going to stop Kayla. It
ruined Aryanopolis. It got out of hand. They lost sight of what truly mattered. And it all just became pointless hatred for phantom enemies. What do you want? Just tell me. You know everything I do, I do for you. I just want something to give to you, to Rich, Frata, our future progeny. I dont want this to go to ruin, like Aryanopolis. Those others dont understand. They think Im incapable of thinking for others. Of wanting things for people I love and care about. They think I want to take it all over for my own self. Kayla just silently holds her from behind and comforts her. Resting her nose on her shoulder; as Chloe looks at the flow of the stream passing by in silence.
DARK STAR RISING Hes an empathetic soul. Just approaches her and stares at the setting sun. She was sitting alone. May I? Longshanks said to Chloe. Im sorry I went off on you back there like that. I didnt mean any of it. I was just frustrated; PMSing or something. She said, feeling bad; as he sat his graying self beside her. He leans back a little to look at the small of her back: I hear, last time you gave a similar apology, someone got their throat cut. She softly laughs to herself as she traces circle in the dirt. Sometime I feel like you are on a one man journey to find yourself; and were just foolishly following behind. She said to herself out loud. Is life really that simple Chloe? No man is an island. Wyrd brings many lives with the same quality together. And like a loom of many strings, weaves them together. Our destinies entwined. For some distant purpose. A purpose which will bare fruit, long after we have expired. He looks into the darkening sky, towards the stars the Evening Star, which shine bright over a distant mountain. What do you see with those old eyes of your when you looks up? She question him. My hopes and dreams Chloe my hopes and dreams somewhere in those stars. What else is their to live for? He said in deep reflection. Lost somewhere in the star decked sky.
Its not your writings or speeches that enchanted me or brought me here. Its because my eyes are lost in the same distant sky. Perhaps inside you and I are kindred spirits, reaching for the same impossible dream. Kindred souls Chloe, woven together each affecting and influencing the other. He said. She looks at the Dark Star, just above the horizon in the East; shining its dark twilight onto the leaves and her skin: What is that Dark Star Rising Longshanks? Where? He inquired. There, she pointed, In the East, just above the horizon. She looks into his eyes, to see a graying film covering his pupils. I see only little star my dear? Do you not see its light? On the leaves, and my skin? The new colors and subtle changes it brings? She asked, deeply curious that he cannot see. Longshanks has a slightly puzzled look. He holds up his hands in front of his face and inspects them. And at Chloe and the leaves: Im afraid my old eyes cannot see the New Aeon, like your young eyes fayen comes. What future there is to come Chloe, belongs to you and those to come. Soon, when the Dark Star Rises higher; I will see no more.
THE SEEING Kayla and Chloepatra had spend the day pensive, walking back and forth. A night earlier Red Rich, Frata and some of the men had left to gather intelligence in the big city-state they nick named Jewpopolis and they had not yet returned. They had spent most of the night awake waiting. But fell a sleep together underneath an acorn tree in a section their men established as camp by the side of the river. Kayla. Chloe. Psst. Rich was whispering in the distance. Under the big acorn tree sir, they are safe. Said one of their brothers. They had awoken to the rustling. As Rich came near with his torch, to notice they were naked, he turn around: Sorry. Its ok, what is it? Your safe, thank god. Frata? Asked Kayla. You can turn around, we dont care. Said Chloe.
Dont have to ask me twice. Rich mumbled below his breath. What? Chloe said. Nothing. I said it happened around twelve thirty. Anyways Fratas fine. We all made it back safe. Its big. There was a small confrontation with our men and their guards. They took Zooboy. Rich said, as he fixed his gaze on their toes; so as not to wander any where they shouldnt! Zooboy!? Kayla says, looking at Chloe. What, why are you guys looking at me? She said irritated. Chloe lays back down. Kayla shrugs her shoulders at Rich. Just thought youd want to know. Thats all. Ill be asleep near by with Frata if you need me. Rich said walking off. He stops to add: That didnt come out right. Next to Frata, not with Frata. Kayla looks at him confused and whispered: Homo say what? Rich says in return, not quite hearing it: What? Nothing, go to sleep. She says, laughing to herself. Kayla sits there for a moment looking at Chloe. What? She said to Kayla, Im sleepy. Its just Zooboy. Kayla lays back down also and goes back to sleep. Chloe tried to go back to sleep. But she couldnt. She was growing mad at herself; or something. She had got up to put her close on and walked off alone into the shadows of the night towards the horses. Mumbling to herself: God I hate you! I hate you Zooboy! You owe me big time! Chloe had gotten on her horse, and rode by herself towards Jewpopolis alone. To get find Zooboy. It had taken her three hours and a half to ride along the side of the river to get to the city. But before she could enter the city itself she was met up by soldiers. They shoot her horse and grab her: Im Chloepatra. I wanna negotiate.
They had forced her onto one of there horses and rode her off towards the center of the city. Where their was a huge walled inner city, in the middle of which towered a great and mighty tower. There was no sense in her fighting back, since she was out numbered. Into a dungeon cell, matted with hay and straw they tossed her, and shut the iron bared door in front of her, without saying a word. I wanna negotiate god dammit! She said, trying one last time. She was afraid. Thinking that she had made a terrible mistake, and would never see Kayla ever again she crouched into a corner to cry. She was crying for a while. lol someone has falled under the love spell of the Zobobalicious. Oh, I knew it. She loves me! Said a voice just behind her in the other cell. She turns around mortified: You stupid, she back hands him, How long were you sitting there. She said wiping the snot from her nose: Youre an idiot. I hope you dont think I was crying for you. You want me. Admit it. You came for me. I dont blame you. Im quite frankly irresistible; if I dont say so myself. He said, sticking his face against the bars. Dont you take anything seriously. Youre in a dungeon, and theyre going to kill you? No. Why, as long as youre here with me. Listen, since were both going to die: do you wanna make love between the bars? Get the hell away from me. She said, tossing hay at him, and going to the other side. The guards had returned and unlocked her door: Lets go. The king will negotiate. She looks back at Zooboy: You owe me one. They took her up a flight of spiral stairs. Up the tower no doubt she thought to herself. She wasnt quite sure what to offer the emperor in exchange for Zooboys freedom. Certainly not herself. It was a large, cold room, lit with torches. Opulent with marble pillars, and gold. In the distance she could make out a large golden throne and a man on it which they were walking her towards. She looked back and noticed the guards were gone, and that she was along with the king. Come sit. Said a familiar voice. She scrunched her brows. Puzzled at the familiar voice and walked to the golden chairs in front of the throne.
Her eyes first saw etched above the mans head: DM and as they fell onto his face she was horrified, and stepped back. David the Moor. Said Longshanks, or whoever she thought he was. Who are you?! She asked, in disbelief or disgust. He laughs a sinister laughter, at himself or something. You think this is funny? Like its a game to you? Making a fool of me? Play god with people? She felt suckered. Ashamed for being stupid, and began to cry again. She added: You left Aryanopolis because you have other kingdoms? You abandoned them because they were no longer useful? You let Aryanopolis die. All that wandering? All the searching? The battles? Youre insane! What are you doing? Chloe, He said, If I gave you something which you did not earn or work for strive for how much value would you see in it? Sit. Not much. She answered, realizing inside, this man was more than what he assumes to be. She sits to listen. Thats right. That which we do not put effort into gaining; creating; has no deep intrinsic value to us. Aryanopolis meant something deep and real to me. I made it. With my efforts it became. I left it, in hopes, foolishly believing that my Longmen were mature human beings who saw felt the same value in Aryanopolis. I desired them to rule themselves, to take what I have made for them, and make something of their lives, without preacher or profit. I left to see what would happened to Aryanopolis in the hands of those who were given it. What happen to it Chloe? It fell to ruin. Many left it for other kingdoms. You let Aryanolopis fall to ruin; and had us wander, struggle, to rebuild it with our own efforts that it might have genuine meaning to us? She speculated out loud. Yes. How else should I weed out the undeserving but to let them weed themselves out? Through your own efforts. As you each struggle to recreate and rebuild Aryanopolis what you create for the New Aeon will have genuine meaning to you, in each of your hearts, forever. As it once had meaning, to me. It is the only way I can give your generation something meaningful and lasting to have each of you build it; regenerate it; with your own personal struggle and effort. In this way, will it mean something to you. Walk with me They walk together down the tower and towards the gate of the walled city. Past stone architecture that caught her eyes. Someday I want what I am building to look like this. She said.
And it shall, my dear, in time with your efforts. What of the enemies this city? What should I tell the others. She asked, whatever his name was. Struggle Chloe. Fight for it, or it will slip out of your fingers like sand. There is no growth without struggle. Without challenges. Without movement and effort. It is the law of nature that what lives must struggle to live. Only through struggling the effort put in does life have its meaning do we hold onto it with dear life. He said, smiling to her. She looked down from where she was standing and saw two horses. And looked back at him, understanding it all within herself. She walks down to the horses looking back: I will come for this kingdom someday Moor. He laughs, that sinister laugh; pleased inside: Come! I dare you. Its yours if you can take it. She gets on her horse. The guards throw Zooboy out of the gate. Come on, lets go home. She said to Zooboy, riding off back home. How did you get us out of that anyways? He asked her. I have real superpowers. She said. The two ride along the river together. And shortly meet up with Kayla, Rich, Frata, and many of their men who had come to get Chloe. They look at her for some feed back. Lets go home. Its time. She said riding. Time for what? Frata the Barbarian asked her, for the group. For war.
Kayla We drove down to the old dilapidated structure where we parked our truck. Richard had relocated there 12 years ago from New York when he retired from the force to get a way from the big city. It had been a while since we were in the area.
Seems like only yesterday I smiled in response to Chloes reflections. Just looked at her. I couldnt believe were were sixty or something. I still loved her: Help me with her Lamar David. My son David and his father pulled out the old woman from the back of the truck. My husband Lamar still had gusto in him after all these years. She had a sack around her head we put her in a white wedding gown. Richard was patiently waiting inside on his wheel chair. I noticed he had a nervous look on his face clutching a black box and looking into my eyes for reassurance: Youre 70 something Rich Time to go Yeah, I know Its just hard the feelings after all those years on the force. Chloe nodded and gave the old bastard a final shoulder massage: Dont think about it it was just a job just do it you were working for the 10 percenters. Here, I brought you your last bagel. Lamar chuckles to himself as he hands a bag to Richard. Who is she? Richard heard the old lady whimper and cry. I was afraid of this. Chloe and I looked at each other, knowing inside he knew. Richard Chloe was still massaging, You dont even know her any more she made the best years of your life miserable. I looked at him for a moment, then went to the truck to get things to prepare the place.
Chloe Did I miss the party?!? It was Cathy. The old hag was always late for shit. Cat! Shhh, you wanna get us busted? There isnt another building around here for the next 20 miles honey, besides
She pulls out her gun. Cathy never goes anywhere without it. Kayla left to give her a hug. Last time she saw Cat was 7 years ago when we were in Malta, helping Frank preform his Hohes Opfer. Hes floating somewhere in the stars now. She gave Rich a kiss on the forehead, and kissed me looking into my eyes. Sorry Im late sweety, I thought somebody was following me so I took a detour. So fucking hard to drive around here with no street or lights, She looks over to the lady on the ground and gives her a kick, Doing O.K Dee? She frustrates me sometimes, its like she cant feel the atmosphere: Jesus Cat, please, I kinked my head towards Rich with that look trying to get her to get the drift. Oh yeah, Ill go help Kayla get ready. Its a nice day for a white wedding David was singing some ancient song by Billy Idol called White Wedding and snickers with Cat. His mom squints her eyes at him and slaps him across the head: Dig! Kayla was setting things up around the barn. Shes been awful quite lately thinking about Rich. Still remember the longs talks you and Kayla had Rich? He smiled, Yeah Ill wait for you two; school yeah, Ill be a cheerleader, Kaylas best friend. You can have her in the next lifesloppy seconds. Hopefully you wont be a nerd, or shes not gunna give you the time of day. He laughs, Stuck up bitch. Always was. Weve come a long way huh? Built a small empire. Good game. Yeah. Game over for you. I looked at him as I knelt beside him looking at his black box: Can I see it?
Richard unlocks the box with his old hands and pulls out black satin and unwraps it. The Obsidian Blade was shaking in his nervous hands: Moose horn. Me and Cat went to Alaska when we were still young. Younger at least. Had a hell of a hard time trying to kill the thing with my home made bow and arrow. Of course Cat gets impatient after the 4th day. She pulls out the fuckin nine she was hiding and shoots the damn thing 6 times! I was admiring the sharpness of the shiny black blade while he was laughing and reflecting. I dont even think I was paying any attention to him. I saw Franks face in the blade as he was gasping for his last breath. Its indescribable to see a man die in front of your eyes. One moment hes there talking to you, and the next hes lifeless. You realize standing there over the empty shell that something that was once there, left. I cried. Knowing that Ill see that scene again, and watch the blood of an old beloved friend soak the ground.
An interview with Kayla, because we care. Chloe interviews The First Sister Kayla -the mastermind of WSA352- with many questions, concerning various topic of interest to very few people, like the ONA and stuff, or something.
Chloe: Whats your ethnic make up? Kayla- White/Italian and Mexican. Chloe: Good genes? Kayla- Acceptional genes. Nonpeasantile blood. Both my parents ancestral background are noble. Chloe: How can you tell, beside from hearsay? Kayla- From the quality of the flesh. From observing your grandparents and cousins. Gauging their level of intelligence, their accomplishments in life the measure of their
worth the nobility always have it in them to seek their own level, and the peasants most often will end up as employees. Chloe: Do you have any respect for peasant stock humans? Kayla- None whatsoever. Doesnt matter what color their skin is. Chloe: How do you feel personally about illegal immigration; Mexicans coming into America illegally to be specific? Kayla- Thats a tough question. I have contradicting feelings, which I am both comfortable with. I think we are all people regardless of what we look like or where we originally came from. We all want the same basic creature comforts and necessities in life. As parents we would also want our children to have a better opportunity in life then we had, wouldnt you say? We all have a right to be human. Unfortunately there is more to life than just simply being human. We ourselves have complicated life with the invention of Nation-States. This country [USA] was built on immigration but, if we are going to play the carades of Nation-Statehood, then there are rules to playing the game right. Obedience to these established rules makes the system the Nation-State work for its citizens and their progeny. If we arent going to play by the rules and keep the system working, then why have a State at all? Within this context, I do not like Mexicans crossing the boarder into this country illegally. There are so many reasons why besides the financial affects. Althoe the money is a big deal. 11 million nontax paying illegal immigrants in this country siphoning American dollars into Mexico means my grand children will be eating shit when they inherit America. 11 million illegals not complying with common vaccination laws, means were wasting out time and money vaccinating our kids because there is an open wound of 11 million thru which any sickness and disease can pass thru. Illegal immigration is a great fix for Capitalistic profiteering. Check out the real estate cycle of California for example and measure it up to large waves of illegal immigration. Youll notice a connection. Sales of real estate jumps a few years after the illegal wave from Mexico. The banks go into a frenzy and rip these people off with loans they can never pay back people that arent tied down to this country who can leave at any moment. Then we crack down on illegal immigration and chase them out, and they take their money and relatives with them. This causes a vicious economic chain reaction which has grown into this bull shit economic crisis we are in. Chloe: But whose fault is it then? The banks fault? Capitalism? Immigrants? The government? Kayla- Its Stupiditys fault. Its everyone trying to get a quick fix, and not understanding that what they do today, affects what will happen tomorrow. Its simple cause and effect. Peasants are just inherently stupid like that. You stick a peasant behind the desk of a bank, and hell try to get a quick fix for himself. Put one of them in capitalism or communism, and theyll do the same. The system isnt the problem. The government isnt the problem. the political or economic regime isnt the problem. The issue is that we have stupid peasants running around unchecked. There was a reason why in every
Kingdom around the world, for thousands of years had these peasants with limited rights. Do you think for all those thousands of years when our ancestors were intelligent enough to engineer weapons of war, profound philosophical systems, and engineer immortal structures like the Giza Pyramids, that our ancestors actually forgot to contemplate on the rights of the peasants, because they were human too? Chloe: You sound like either a Monarchist or Fascist? Care to elaborate? Kayla- All I know is that I am not a Democratic-Republican, meaning I dont believe a Nation-State based on the rule of the illiterate peasantile mob is beneficial to human progression. The Mob doesnt progress. Its against their very nature to work against the comfort of their inertia. Progression has always been either forced or tricked onto the Mob. With war, or with incentives, i.e. Money and Consumerable Goods. I dont have all the answers, so I cant really give an honest alternative. Does it really? Their always the same money changers, no matter what National-Regime. When I say illiterate I mean mental illiteracy, when you cant read life, nature, the world around you, and the cause and effect law.. Chloe: What do you mean when you say Their always the same money changers, no matter what National-Regime? Kayla- I mean if you look closely at the last 500 years of history, and the changes Europe experienced, you will see magicians at work, working their slight of hand. Take the time when the Catholic Church ruled Europe, and owned it its money and wealth. If you were a sinister magian who wanted that wealth, how would you Disrupt Catholic Europe? You play with a monarchs ego and give him Protestantism and tell him God made him not only King, but Head of his own Church. Qui Bono? The Bankers the money changers. When those Kings bought the idea and warred with Catholic Europe, who truly benefited? The money changers did. After a hundred to 2 hundred years past and these Kings became to powerful and wealthy competition to your sinister Magian wealth how would you Disrupt a kingdoms coherency? By playing with the Peoples egos. You tell them that God made them free and that they have some divine right to rule themselves. When the People bought the idea and fought with kingdoms for their divine right to democracy, Qui Bono? Who truly profited? The money changers did. This isnt even a democracy anymore. Its a Corporate-Banking Hegemony. This economic crisis did one good thing. It lifted the veil for those of us who has an eye to see, to witness that this shit isnt a democracy, but a gambit run but international corporations and big banks; what are we, but pawns? Have we been anything more during the past 500 years? Chloe: Do you believe in a Magian New World Order conspiracy? Kayla- No I dont. I believe in a global conspiracy of stupidity and private greed. Stupid peasants People being fooled by stupid peasant bankers looking for a quick fix. Im not dumb. I know enough to understand that a bank is a public corporation, meaning that their stocks and corporate shares are owned by your average citizen. I own some bank stocks myself. On a personal, individual level, I put in my hard earned money into a share
of the bank, and I expect my dividend to be paid, because a share of that bank is rightfully mine. Multiply that individualistic expectation by tens of thousands who all want their share of the profit and you have a monster that cant help but do what it does to make the money it needs to make to satisfy its shareholders. Some of those who own large shares of these banks, which has been passed down to them from ages past, are just very, very good at their business Disruption for profit. It takes someone with a sinister quality mind to recognize those of like minds, dont you think? Chloe: I thought private greed was a good thing to a Satanist. Kayla- So believes the Profane satanist, who cant see past his own fucking nose to understand the impact his personal greed has causally. If so, then we all deserve the hell hole we live in so dont complain when banks fuck you over because people like me and these Profane satanists want their dividend checks. Chloe: Then what do you think about the idea of a one world government? Kayla- By the time such an institution has been implemented, and the average peasant welcomes the concept, the earth will be half dead. Dont you think if these conspirators were smart enough to think about world domination, that they would also be smart enough to work in the factors of global warming, climate change, desertification of Africa, decline of fresh drinking water in the Middle East which means future mass migrations, competition for resources, racial wars and genocide not to mention pollution, and over population. Its like a group of conspirators conspiring to take over the Titanic when we all know its sinking anyways. Why? Go ahead, own this fucked up planet and exploit its people, see if I care. How long will it last? I want out. I want Mars. There will come a time, perhaps 300-500 years from now, when this whole planet will be one planetary concentration camp which will take every living thing in it. If you were intelligent enough to plan world domination, wouldnt you instead try to leave it instead? Chloe: But what about some ONA MSS in which these conspiracies are talked about? Kayla- Were dealing with the ONA and a man that says and writes things which are directed at a specific audience to accomplish his will. David Myatt is no dummy. Neither is Pat Robertson thoe. They both used this New World Order mythos during the same era, for different reasons. It benefited them both in the end, but does that mean it is factual? This NWO mythos back in the 80s has a vicious potency to provoke peoples emotions and imagination. You talking about a guy (David Myatt) who knows how to manipulate people an audience. you have to ask yourself- Who was he directing what he said or wrote to what was he trying to covertly accomplish or manifest aeonically and does it truly have any relevance to YOU? You really cannot take what was said and written by Myatt (or any person and culture) out side of its contextual time, conditions, motives, and parties involved. The conditions of the 80s is very different than today. We cannot truly say that we know Myatts real motives and intentions for saying and writing such things. The parties involves Myatt and his intended audience have changed and moved on. If
this mythos still works to induce disruption, then use it. If not, let it go and find a more potent one. Chloe: Myatt, how do you make sense of him? Is he a Nazi, a Satanist, a Muslim? Kayla- Cant he just be David Myatt? Do I change as a living person every time I change my mind? Am I truly a different person when I insight role as someone else? No, Im still Kayla. It looks confusing from a localized perspective. Lets take a Fijian for example. This Fijian was condition mentally to bind his self identity with the single island he was born into Fiji. Now he looks and observes an American. This American was born in Japan, works and lives part of his year in New York, has relatives in London, and relaxes for several month in a home in Vegas. From our Fijians localized perspective which he was mentally conditioned to see, this American is confusing is he Japanese, a New Yorker a Londoner or a Nevadite (or whatever they are called in Nevada)? Do you suppose our American is confused about what he is? No, to him he is just a person, maybe an American that travels into different places in search for things. The same with Myatt. You are not the label you wear, nor the beliefs you assume; you are a person experiencing these labels and beliefs. We should have all learned this from insight roling. Myatt is just a man on a personal quest for personal enlightenment. He may have stepped into National Socialism to extract some insights he wanted, and when he got it, he moved on. He may have assumed Satanic beliefs for a while to extract what insights he saw value in, and then moved on, to a new system with new insights, adding to his collection, which pushes him forwards on his own personal quest; which really has nothing to do with me or you or anyone. Its his thing, his life. The questions is- Can we learn from that? Doesnt Myatt/Long offer us the same methodology he uses? Its what makes the ONA such a practical and beautiful system of apprehension. Its not a religion, a box, or closed dogma. Its a collection of practical methodologies, which when applied in life/nature may be used to extract insight to aid our own personal quest. In the same way that Science is not a religion or dogmatic belief system, but a practical methodology the Scientific Method which when applied to life/nature may be used to extract/apprehend insight and understanding to aid in advancement. Just because a scientist who lives by the scientific method is a Nazi or a Muslim, does not mean that his methodology has changed or was given up. They are two very different things. In the same way that an Anthropologist who immerses himself in a tribal culture and goes native to extract and apprehend a personal, intimate understanding of the tribe, is still and anthropologist using the methodology of science. You cant use minimal reduction and simply say Myatt was a Satanist and now hes a Muslim. Chloe: Then, besides the ONA, what other institution would you say you gained a lot of insight from? Kayla- Honestly, Buddhism. I like Zen, Chan, and Theravada Buddhism. As I see it, Buddhism is just a collection of insights the Buddha shared, which he asks each of his disciples to question. Then he offers his disciples a Way, or method which he used personally to come to such insights. In this way, as I explained it just now, it has many qualities in common with science and the ONA. All three science, the ONA, and
Buddhism offers a different practical method of extracting insights, from the same Great Book of Eternal Wisdom Nature. Its a shame that many people not intimately associated with Buddhism like us, dont understand it believing to be a religion. I can personally appreciate the aesthetics of the statues and temples because they do stir inside me a sense of awe. That evocation of feeling and imagination is what gives birth to inspiration and insightful revelation. If Myatt/Long can find inspiration and insightful revelation inside a Christian Monastery; can I not find the same in a Pagoda? Chloe: Who did you vote for during the elections? Kayla- I voted for Rudy Giuliani of New York; Come sta paisano! I still would too, us Italians stick together. I love what he did with New York. It was broke and he brought it back to life and luster. He saw the problem and he cut the problem out the sleezy sex industry, and strip clubs. Sorry Sinistar. Chloe: So, your political inclination? Kayla- Conservative Republican. I dont vote any other way. I hate liberals, and democrats. I dont care what anybody says about G.W.Bush I personally liked Bush and personally believe he was a great man, and great President. Hes a man of his word Wyrd. He, NSA, and PNAC set out a strategy, and stuck by it. Im referring to the National Security New Grand Strategy. People dont seem to read shit these days. If you study PNAC (Project for a New American Century), and NS-NGS, youll know why we went kicking shit around in the middle east. Its basically about securing a unilateral global American hegemony, before China becomes a serious threat to US global domination. Nobody seems to notice, but ever since the Cold War, we (US) has been slowly and strategically surrounding China, literally. We have our allies Japan, and the Philippines to the east of China Australia-NZ to the south now Afghanistan and Iraq to the west of China. Why? The real reason why we went into Afghanistan? Because its mountains got a shit load of uranium more nukes. Its why Russia tried to take Afghanistan during the 70s why we (US) originally sent CIA to train those natives to fight them off. Now its ours. Those Russians didnt have the shit to extract stuff out of those mountains anyways. The reason why we took Iraq? Oil and pipelines. Without an massive influx of energy, China cant grow into a megasuperpower. Chinas rise from a backwards piece of shit nation to a threatening industrialized nation is literally being done on 80% fucking coal. Coal isnt going to sustain Chinas size and further growth. Like I said, I dont care what those peasants say about George W. Bush. Sure he spent a Trillion or so trying to secure a future for America, so we wont be eating shit later; but what has Obama done? Hes only been in office for 100 days and how many Trillions has he given to the same stupid fuck banks and corporations that got us into this mess in the first fucking place?! And what did these banks and corporations do with all that money? Did I see a dividend increase? No, they ass spanked each other with the money. Thats a fucking liberal for you. Rush is always right. You hear me? Chloe: LOL. This is a stupid question, but do you see any conflict between you being a Satanist of the ONA, and being a Conservative who hates liberal agenda? To those
without insight, a Satanist of any stripe would more than favor liberal agenda, if not libertine objectives? Kayla- I see no conflict. Like I teach our younger Disciples, rejection of mass conformity and upholding sinister heresy in these liberal days doesnt mean mooing with mass. If every satanist is anarchist, libertine, or liberal, and you follow them and become liberal is that nonconforming, and heretical? If every person in our age group is so liberal and indulgent where they lack any concept of self worth, manners, morals then wouldnt being a Conservative be a modern heresy? Im not asking the profane satanists to do what I do and be Conservative. Dont, keep doing what you do, and let me be what I want to be in return. Anyways, anarchy is stupid, have you seen the demographics of your typical anarchist protest fucking pothead 20 year old, its a joke. So is the Green Party. Chloe: Heres a great question for you then; since you are both gay and conservative: Gay marriage, your thoughts. Kayla- Gay marriage is like prostitution, is like segregation, is like mix race marriage and prohibition. Its not a question of whether it is right or wrong, if it should be allowed or outlawed. The question is are the People READY for it? Can you force a people who sees nothing wrong with drinking booze to adopt prohibition? Can you go into the 1930-40 and tell the Public during that time-era-mindset, that black people are people to and force the white people to not live in segregation? Can you force your view points and opinions about anything the legality of prostitution on a People/Populous which is not yet willing or does not want to adopt such opinions? Is it Satanic for me to force you or anyone to accept my opinions and worldviews and make you live your life according to what I believe? If it is unsatanic and wrong; then how is it right for a State or Government to force the idea that gay people can, will, and have the right to get married onto millions of people who do not agree with the concept??? Are the People the Mass the unthinking Mob mentally and emotionally ready? How do you think the Public is ready for it if gay people are still being murders in hate crimes just for being gay? You cannot force the Mass/People to accept an opinion, ideal, or concept it is not ready and evolved enough to accept. Do I even give a shit about getting married in a Christian church, or having the secular state marry me? No, we can put our own ritual and ceremony together. The answer is NO, I do not agree with gay marriage. I am against it. I know gay people have rights, like black people, women, and prostitutes do. I know they wish they were free to just be like black people once wished and dreamed for the same but these things cant be forced on people. The people must be allowed to grow in acceptance of such things on their own time. Protect gay peoples rights to a certain extent, but understand that the majority trumps the minority, and that the majority must be at liberty to emotionally, mentally, and socially come into natural acceptance of the idea of gay marriage, like they grew to accept mixed marriage and the equality of black people. So, we learn from the ONA how this is to be aeonically done. By seeding peoples minds with the idea that gay people are normal people too and deserve to just love each other. You cant force it on them. It takes time.
Chloe: Magic, or magick. Do you believe in it? Kayla- If by magick you mean that if I burn black candles, point a sword at a geometric shape and vocalize arbitrary sounds, and this is supposed to do something causally then no. I dont believe in magick. I think it is bullshit. If by magic you mean that there is more mystery to existence than what our puny 3 pound brain can apprehend, and that Providence cushions my every step in life, and provides me all that I have ever needed, wanted, asked for, then yes, magic is universal and happens everywhere at all times. Everything about the Cosmos and us inside is magical and mysterious. We dont truly know where it all came from, what it is all doing here, and where we are going. All we have are feeble conjectures. We dont know what force holds atoms together, or what things forms ever form in nature and the Cosmos so perfect with accurate precision and regularity. Despite what we think we know about our own body, nothing about it is really understood. Its not hard to look up at something so simple as the moon, and realize that we really know nothing about what holds it in place. We are surrounded by magic and mystery; we are born from it; we exist in it, and it haunts us all inside to not know, not be able to see, or understand. It makes us chase after it, seek it, find it. We die in it. It is just a matter of becoming mindful of life before you begin to see something. All you have to do is write a log of your waking thoughts hourly for a week, and watch mindfully. You will begin to see that your every waking thought manifests as experience whether you like it or not. If you worry about money, life will give your a situation in which you will worry about money. If your think about nothing but girls and sex, life will manifest situations in which you will encounter them. If you spend your waking hours thinking about making money and becoming rich, the situations will come, one after another, with the right people, in the right places to materialize your thoughts. Anyone in our 352 who has ever done our simple Ordeal of Manifestation will know this intuitively. We write out and think about a desire, then go out and collect 100 business cards from people by directly talking to people and going thru the motions causal input we all know that after the 20th card, that there are way to many coincidences, and serendipitous situations for it to all just be just a coincidence. These Ordeals of ours, and those ritual forms of magic and chants are only a means a way to condition the mind to understand that it and the Cosmos are partners in a dance, and that what thoughts we put into motion, we must eventually experience. Once the mind knows that it and Dark Providence are a dynamic-duo of active creation, then these rituals and outer forms are no longer of any importance. Chloe: God, what is it to you? Kayla- Everything. If an Absolute is all and absolute, then what does it matter what you call or name it? Allah, Shiva, Satan, God, It whatever. It is the essence that exists when everything is gone. Can I see it? No but neither can I see my subconscious mind. Even if I were to cut myself open, that subconscious mind would still be not there but I know it is there because of what it does things which I can observe. My heart beating on its own. My guts digesting without and conscious effort. Every trillion of my bodys cells working and operating in an impossible symphonic unison to ME possible, tells me there is a mind beyond my conscious mind that regulates my body, that is far beyond me to
understand. If we could just silence our minds, and tune into the Cosmos, live life a little carefree, and call upon Dark Providence to cushion our brief walk here on earth, and just take notice of what we can observe the unfathomable mysteries of the universe; the millions of galaxies swirling in the Cosmos; our very existence; and how this Great Something so far beyond our apprehension and understanding takes the time to provide us our every little need and want it is hard to deny that there is nothing out there. That we are alone and on our own. that this is all meaningless and accidental. To my own Self, I know I am a Daughter of this Dark Cosmos, embraced in Her Mystery, and Her Dark Providence is closer to me then my own Mind. Agia H Baphomet.
Race, as 352 understands it is a Causal+Scalar (time) manifestation or by-product of the Folk or Clan. A Clan is a group of people bound together by blood, loyalty, and mutual dependency. It is only due to a clans isolated breeding, and environmental factors, that its future progeny grows to look different from other clan progeny. Race, does not truly define a people their mentality, psychology, ethos, beliefs, or culture do (the very essence of a folk and clan). Race is a mere by-product of such folkish factors. The Folk, Clan, or Tribe makes the man. Even within the limits of a phonotypical race there will exist competition, rivalry, war, class struggle, and racialism. The organic Clan, is the very essence of our humanity, which defines us as a species and people. The Clan itself is a manifestation of a more primordial simian group phenomenon our ape ancestors once lived in which can still be witness in most money and all ape social orders. The Clan is in our very human genetic make up in the sense that we as causal organisms naturally seek to belong to a group/family. Race does not make us human it is not ingrained in our evolutionary makeup. Race is only a by-product of Clan life. There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, and your personal ethnic makeup. Im proud of my ethnic heritage (Mexican-White/Italian). Why though be proud of an entire race which doesnt care for you. Theres nothing wrong with liking to be racist. Just refine your racialism and be an equal opportunity racist and hate people in your own race too that arent your Folk and Clanmates. Chances are, if you think about it, that those in power in your own country enslaving and exploiting you are your own race. We have a cool slogan in 352 which summarizes Reichsfolk National-Socialism in a nice rhyme Down with the Ku Ku; Up with the Mu Mu (Ku Ku for the Ku Klux Klan; and Mu Mu for Mad Myatt or Mage Myatt; Mu being the Greek letter M). The best example of a modern over grown Clan are the Jews. Being Jewish isnt really based on a race, genetic factor, skin color, or nationality. Essentially it is based on a shared commonality a cohesion factor which binds and unites this people into a coherent social order: their Judaic culture, which is founded upon a set of unique religious practices. Blood bonds and loyalty to other Jews also defines a person as a Jew. Race and skin color has nothing to do with being a Jew. There are caucasian looking Jews; Jews of proto-semetic-arabic ancestory; and negroid-hametic Falasha Jews from Ethiopia. The over grown Jewish Folk is also a great example of how a Clan over time can become its own State the State of Israel. This is very enlightening because understanding that the State of Israel came only after the Folk Jewish Identity had long been established; do we understand that the State, or nationality actually does not define the individual. It is the persons folkish or Clan association that does. The abstract concept of race, as are the abstractions of a nation, and/or state, are impersonal identity thieves which stands against your personal honor and duty you owe to yourself and your folk. Nothings says Clan better though than the original Clans of the United Kingdom. The MacDonalds and Burger Kings; the McDoohickies of the highlands. Many of these clans now are composed of many races and racial mixtures; but an OBrian is still an OBrian even if one of them is half Chinese.
Such abstract conceptualizations are parasitic memes which usurps your personal sovereignty. Once you have adopted the transpersonal concept of a race you become a slave to the will of an abstract transpersonal race. In the same way you become subservient and a slave to a nation or state, when you adopt its identity working for it, paying taxes to it, spending you entire life supporting its existence; and what do you get in return? What do you gain from adopting, serving, and fighting for the cause of a transpersonal race? Which has absolutely nothing to do with who you are as an individual person or your clan. Which has no intrinsic interest in you and your welfare or your progression as an evolving individual. It doesnt matter if your skin color is the same hue as theirs/everyone elses. Ask yourself if your race will be there for you in your time of need. Will your race feed you and your family? Will it/they pay your bills when you have no money? You must realize that the moment you adopt such abstract transpersonal identities as Race, Nation, Religion, and State, you become a slave to that abstractions will. In otherwords, such abstract memes uses you as an organic being to propagate itself: For whom? For you or for itself? Its hard to grasp the concept of being used by a mind parasite which consists of nothing more than the genetic material of memes. Not until you allow yourself to consciously be host to one and observe. This is the reason why we consider Insight Roling as an important concept and why we encourage our Disciples to join a street gang, Nazi organization, or political institution for at least a year. After the year is over you realize that your life, energy, and effort was being used by the gang or institution to merely propagate itself, and execute its own interests and that it had no other interest in you but to use you for that purpose. There is a difference between those who use and those who are used those who are Masters, and those who are natural slaves. To illustrate we will consider David Myatt, since he is the Fountain Head of all three institutions concerning this Epistle. The statement itself is simple: Myatt converted to Islam. The question is Is Islam using Myatt? Or is Myatt using Islam? Myatt was a Nazi. Was National-Socialism using Myatt, or was Myatt using National-Socialism? Myatt was a Satanist. Did Myatt use Satanism, or did Satanism use Myatt? The answer to all of those questions is easy to come up with when we study Myatt carefully. In all three institution Myatt converted to, he imposed HIS own ideas, concepts, and mind onto them changing/evolving them in HIS image and likeness not the other way around. Islam isnt using Myatt. Myatt is using Islam for his own private interests. This is clearly seen in the radical Islamic writings he is putting out, which is influencing and inspiring other Muslims. This concept of Master versus Slave brings up some great food for thought concerning the ONA and its Initiates. If the ONA was already existing and one day Myatt entered it would he be used by the memetic organism of the ONA to progress itself or would he use the ONA to progress himself? Then ask yourself that very same question with you and the ONA whose using whom? If all you are to the ONA is a means for it to propagate itself then you have no power, authority, basis, or foundation, to judge 352
which is doing with the ONA what Myatt would have done to it: Impose its own mind upon it to change/evolve it and use it to progress its members. Both kinds of initiates are needed equally. We know where we each stand in this regard. THE CLAN OR TRIBE: For as long as we have been human and far into our pre-human existence we have been living, associating, in small groups of kinfolk. In the past these clans and tribes were all that naturally existed as far as human social order goes. The Clan or Tribe is a system of Symbiosis. It is a system of mutual aid and mutual dependency. It is a true Causal system. You put in energy and effort, and the Clan rewards you in return with sustenance, protection, and breeding rights. Since everyone is mutually dependent on each other, everyones interests and needs are important as you, as a person, are important to your Clanmates. Unfortunately, for most humans, Tribal life was crushed by something called the State. The essence of an impersonal State is not symbiosis. It is Exploitation. We cannot condemn mankind for experimenting with Statehood. It is a rite of passage we as a species must experience from which we learn. There were good things and bad things about Clan life; as there are pros and cons to Statehood. The down fall of Clan living is that it is prone to not progress or advance. In fact there are still tribes today which are still in the stone ages. This is due to something 352 calls the IF Factor. IF standing for Incoherency of Force. The IF factor comes from the fact that clans themselves did not pool or funnel their energy into a collective force with other clans and tribes. The State did. When Force is brought into a coherent state and directed towards a purpose it is called Synergy. The first example of state synergy would be militaries. Synergy is perhaps the only valuable crucial thing our species has gained for Statehood. Thru the Synergy of taxation, redistribution of tax money to pay synergic corporations and specialized institutions we end up with NASA, and the ESA. Thru coherent state synergy, we as a species propelled ourselves into the future; explored space; went to the moon, and put rovers on Mars. But, our states have become a monstrosity of impersonal existence and species psychosis. We are slowly understanding inside each of us that something is very wrong. Whats wrong is weve toiled for the Great Impersonal State and have left our primal human nature our humanness behind: the Clan. This is not to suggest that we do what Pol Pot did and force ourselves into some past non-technological Golden Age. Whats needed is BALANCE. A balance between our humanness and superpersonal synergy. To recollect ourselves into contemporary Tribes and Clans which has our needs, interests, and symbiosis, as its motive and modus operandi. If such Clans we will reform recreate can pool their energy and resources to produce a cooperative Synergy to continue to advance us as a species then the State can be thrown out altogether.
This Nexion of ours is thus not just merely another cell of the ONA. It is the Myattian Imperative in action. Our Nexion was designed and intended to grow into a functioning modern tribe through our oaths, and our established unique culture and tradition. We already have the loyalty factor, and the mutual dependency. In time, with eugenics and selective intelligent breeding, we will be bound by blood as well. Blood bound thru the children our sisters will have our future progeny who will breed with each other, and those that resonate with our Way. From the very beginning, our future Progeny has been the main focus of our Nexion the reason why our 352 has come into being in the first place. We already have a fledgling Folk culture and coherent Clan identity. The foundation of which are all of Myatts work the principles set forth in Reichsfolk Doctrine of Ethical National-Socialism; the Numinous Way; the Code of Honour; and the ONA. With these, and the unique subculture we have developed, our WSA has become the seedling of a future Clan. It is a matter of time and aeonics to manifest ourselves as a modern Tribe, for the sake and progression of our future Progeny. We are in essence our own Folk, sharing a common identity, culture, a miniature weltanshauung, and vision of a common future. NUMINOUS SINISTER WAY: Can those of the Sinister Way uphold the Numinous Way at the same time? Im sure its possible, since both ways came out of the same mind and share many fundamental concepts in common. It seems contradicting for the Sinister folk of the ONA to have empathy and compassion for all people and care for their suffering. This contradiction is born from a misunderstanding of the ONA and its Sinister Way. Sinister here only means the Left Hand way, as opposed to the Right Hand way which rejects causal-carnal existence and Nature as abhorrent mode of existence to be transcended. Sinister suggests an atonement or harmony with Nature and carnal existence and all it would imply. What exactly causes suffering in our modern age? First, what does suffering mean? In Pali (the language the Buddha spoke) Suffering is Dhuga. The word Dhuga is most often mistranslated as evil. The word Dhuga means trouble, heartache, worry, or mental, emotional, and physical pain. Once we understand the basic meaning of suffering, we can then diagnose the cause: the State itself and the condition of being born and living in an impersonal State. Big worries like tyranny, oppression, abuse of personal liberty. Little worries of losing our jobs, loosing our homes, paying taxes, nobody wanting to mate with us because were not as pretty as the girl on the magazine. Why is the condition of existing in a State or Nation a prime cause of human suffering? Because we are highly social organism by default and within the state we are individualized and separated into autonomous, self-reliant units. The same psychosis or mental and physical anguish can be replicated by taking an ape or ant or bee away from
its folk/group/colony. Although the said organisms can; by themselves eat and forage for food; they will mentally deteriorate and die. The power and authority of the State is not one of consent, but division, robbery, extortion, exploitation, and forced complicity. If a highly social organism of higher organic order is separated from its pack such as a dog or monkey it must attach itself emotionally, physically, and psychologically to a surrogate Clan or Tribe, and become dependent on it for its survival. Once the State has individualized the Clan into nuclear families and further destroyed the mutual dependency of the family unit into self dependent Individuals those individual units emotionally makes the State and/or Corporation as a surrogate Clan or Tribe. Thus the individualized unit becomes dependent on a very impersonal institution which exploits it. The State is a major cause and source of our human suffering in our modern age, simply because it is impersonal, exploitative, and because it has brainwashed its slaves into believing that tribalism is primitive and others cant be trusted. Its a game of divide and conquer. They break down the Clan, and having no-one else to depend on, you must depend on the State. Returning to Clan life that is a group of interdependent folk; is not just a hippy vision or nostalgic desire to return to more primal more human ways of living. Its an act of disrupting and sabotaging the power monopoly the State holds. It is an act of personal honour and duty to ourselves and our own children. The very fact that the State passes laws to illegalize certain aspects of Clan life or organized tribalism such as favoritism, nepotism, cronyism, and poligamy reveals the States underlining fear of a fully functioning, self-sufficiant Clan. Weve given State and Nation thousands of years to test itself in the real causal world to prove itself beneficial to humanity as a whole. So far all it has done for the past thousands of years is war, genocide, and exploit humanity. Such a system of existence is detrimental to progression of the Human species and our evolution towards our galactic destiny. It is out of compassion and empathy for humanity, that the Sinister folk work towards the extinction of States and Nations. To once and for all end humanitys chief cause of suffering. If we can empathize with our fellow creatures, and feel their suffering If we have genuine compassion for our fellow humans, and want a better life and existence for them. Then we must desire to seek out the actual cause of their suffering and destroy it: the State itself. Destroying the State to engineer a better kind of human civilization via aeonics, is what the ONA was designed to do in the first place. The State is not the only cause of modern human suffering: the Corporation and the heartless individuals and families who maintain State and Corporate power and domination are also major threats to our freedom, and human progression. Which brings us to the concept of Culling and Opfers. It not an aimless slaughter of victims sacrificed to Dark Gods. The ONA has rules and guidelines for culling and opfers. There is a
method to the madness a reason. The intended victims deserve to be culled because they are ones that perpetuate suffering. Our suffering, and the suffering of our fellow humans. We owe it to ourselves to our personal honour, and the duty we owe to our Clansman, to work to destroy our folks antagonists the very source of our suffering itself. This is done not only by Culling; but also by striving to enlighten and awaken the outsiders; Presencing the Dark; teaching the Numinous Way; Code of Honour; and Reichfolk NS to them and to our own children. We must teach them that recreating Clans harmonizing ourselves with our human nature to create symbiotic social orders of mutual aid and mutual dependency will greatly reduce our human suffering in half. TRANSITION & PROGRESSION: More than likely reasonably were not going to blow up States into extinction anytime soon. Such things cannot be forced; because in essence the people who are suffering themselves make up the State. Thus enlightening them and encouraging them to form their own Clans is a very important step towards destroying the monopoly of rule of the State. Reasonably, our own 352, and future Clans and Tribes will take time to grow and evolve into fully functioning self-reliant social orders. When that time comes, colonization of the worlds international oceans is the first step in gaining independence and working towards gaining the experience needed to colonize space. Getting to even this stage of progression from here is an ordeal in itself which requires transgenerational aeonic strategy and planning; called Chronomorphic Incubation in 352. Our own Progeny is the KEY factor Chronomorphic Incubation. These children must be raised in Clan culture, then each sent to colleges and universities to study in specific fields which will help us transition from an earth bound Clan into a stellar Clan. Because children are crucial to chronomorphic incubation, Clan sisters are extremely important assets we make babies. Each generation must be eugenically and aeonically designed to function at maximum capacity within the era it/they will mature in. For instance, here in Southern California where the Latin population out numbers other races; these Latinos, will in the near future politically dominate this region. It would serve our interests here to have some of our future progeny mixed with Latino blood, to do better in the corporate and political arena here. Transition and chronomorphic incubation also requires money. Without money transitioning is near impossible unless you raise a small army of rebels and conquer one of those barely functioning African nations. This would mean that our Clan must have business as a fundamental objective. To beat the 10 Percenters (the Enemy); we must learn to play the game as they play it; not as they teach in schools. Going to school to be an employee benefits nobody but the Enemy and prolongs human suffering. Working
cooperatively to seek financial independence and the establishment of future corporations helps end suffering at least our own suffering. The reason why colonization of the ocean is important is because we must be sovereign to do as we please, without the policies, ethics, and limitations of the State and Religion. We need a place were science can progress and advanced in any direction uninhibited. The State itself cannot help us manifest our galactic destiny. It neither has the power or money. What money it does have, it spends on military arms build up not scientific advancement and human progression. Its very own nature being a State does not allow it to change itself to become a better form of human civilization. Trying to change the orthodoxy of your State is call treason. We have also learned from recent events that the economy of a State is fragile. The richest State in the world USA is near total bankruptcy and will never be able to pay its debt off. The key to a near future colonization of space rests in the concept of inter-clan cooperation in the form of collective monetary investments in intertribal corporations. By this I mean that corporations are the only current institution with the people power and money to colonize space. The first steps to colonizing space will be a corporate venture of exploitation and commercialization of space and lunar minerals. It would be up to each Clan to by shares of these corporations. In the same way that old world families bought shares in companies which colonized the new world and India. Many of todays nations actually began as business ventures of English and other European companies. CLANAMATION: As Myatt pointed out, Clans are the future and a causal manifestation of putting the principles of empathy and compassion into real practice. To empathize with our own Clan folk. To care for them, as they will for us. To provide for them, as they will provide for us. To labor for their needs and interests, as they will work to satisfy our own needs and interests. To work together towards self-reliance for the sake of our progeny, so they may inherit a better life, free of the suffering that plagues our own. By adopting and implementing the Myattian Imperative, and working towards a reasonable manifestation of a functioning Clan; our 352 will be setting itself apart from other ONA nexions; and other modern institutions. Taking a progressive step forwards into the future, if you will. Thus, we cant convert or force others to join our nexion. This nexion of ours must itself attract to it those that resonate with our aura who will live by our oaths, rules, laws, and by the Code of Honour; and the Myattian Way. With time, so long as our children and generations continue to reach for the stars, we will slowly make our way towards that Numinous Dark above.
Chapter LV Harmony
REICHSFOLK 352 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE ACCEPTION SURREAL SCIENCE: First, before people accuse me of being a product of Myattian thinking; as if one day I chanced upon Myatts writings with a blank mind, and having nothing else better to fill my mind with I just mindlessly adopted his thoughts I had my own mind and ideas. The reason why I really like Myatt is because I actually share many of my private thoughts and beliefs in common with him. By this I mean I spent a lot of my time at school and during my free time studying and speculating about things which gave birth to ideas and thoughts then, when I found all of Myatts writings, I saw much of my own thoughts in them. I want to start this Second Epistle first with a subject I personally have a passion for which Myatt spoke about last in his collection of Ethical National-Socialist MSS. Myatt was nice enough to call mainstream science surreal, but well go ahead and call it what it is retarded. I find it incredible that so many institutions today have no real place in their institution for science. If such an institution as the Myattian Triad (Reichsfolk NS; The Numinous Way, and the ONA) desires to progress into the future as a stellar civilization, then science must be the very center and spearhead of the Myattian Triad. Which is what Myatt took the pains to do graft science into his Ways. Except, if the science is retarded, then the future is going to be retarded. Unfortunately, it seems as thoe the ONA, perhaps being the runt of the litter, didnt get a good dose of science like the other two mind children of Myatt. In his Acausal Science article, Myatt mentions several surreal (re: retarded) ideas; which I and many other 352ers agree with. Like black holes, and the big bang. The reason why modern Cosmology is so retarded is because of an inherent weakness in what we call Reason and its unfortunate near deification. What we call Reason is a logical thinking process where input from the outside world is brought into the brain, which is then evaluated and measured up to sets of preformulated rational concepts. By rational concepts here, I mean to say thoughts and or beliefs, or opinions of things we develop and gain an understanding of from years of direct experience, and observation. For example, if we grew up never witnessing a cow fly, and we see birds with wings fly after a while we will develop a conclusion that birds can fly because of their wings, and cows cant fly thus a rational concept form in which we think or believe that only things with wings can fly. Thus, if one day someone came along and told you they saw a horse fly, you would say that it is irrational or outside the limits of your reasoning to believe that such a thing were possible.
Input to the brain is based entirely on 5 senses. We can logically assume that the more of the 5 senses are bringing in information to be processed the more accurate the process of Reason will be. Thus, sciences such as Geology, Anatomy, and Medical science are highly accurate disciplines due to the fact that the object of study is close enough to the student whereby all of the 5 senses can bring in their input into the brain to be processed. We can then rationally assume that the less senses bring in input, the less accurate the science will be no matter how refined your faculty of Reasoning is. Thus distant sciences such as Astromony, which relies on one mere sense the eyes; cannot be considered as accurate a discipline as something near as Geography. Now we come to Cosmology. This may be considered a senseless science. Not only is there really nothing to observe, but none of the senses are bringing any input. The only faculty or process of thinking in Cosmology is Reason. To compensate for a lack of sensual input Cosmologists use something retarded called Speculative Mathematics which uses something called Imaginary Numbers. Thus, its not surprising that modern Cosmology comes up with the most outland theories, that are just about as ludicrous as biblical cosmology. In essence, modern Cosmology has left the Scientific Method behind for chalk board speculative mathematics. Todays modern retarded cosmology can be named Gravitational Cosmology. Gravitational Cosmology (GC) posits that the universes most weakest force gravity a force we daily defy when we pick things up is the absolute source and means of the formation of the universe and everything inside it. GC states that gravity magically makes everything from stars to galaxies. A theory in science is only useful in so far as the theory can be used to explain and predict phenomenon, and as long as it can withstand the onslaught of new discoveries and hypotheses. Gravitational Cosmology is under major attack now, and is on its death bed, thanks to modern instruments and those heretics who have left the Newtonian-Einsteinian rank and file who question such freakish oddities as neutron stars, black holes, time travel, tachyon energy, worm holes, warp speed, expanding universe theory, big bang (the most stupidest theory ever); dark matter, dark force, and a host of others ridiculous stuff. Im not going to spend time here attacking all of these stupid GC teachers pets, but Ill talk a bit about the big bang theory which was developed by a catholic priest. Its retarded for physicists to say that something cant come out of nothing; but they say that something the size of an atom exploded and from this atom-thingy came all of the matter in the universe! Then they say that when all this stuff was flying out of the explosion, it was flying faster then light because conveniently the laws of physics didnt existe yet. Thats when gravity came along and packed everything together. Even if we give the big bangers this much, it still doesnt make sense, because the universe as we know it is relatively very uniform. Meaning the galaxies are uniformly distributed very well. This might not mean anything, until youve sat and watched fireworks explode. When a firecracker blows up it happened at the core and explodes outwards. As the material flies out, it leaves an empty space where the core was. You can see this same effect in some
novas or nebulas, where a shell of debris can be seen encircling a core empty spot. This of course suggests and implies NONUNIFORMITY of distribution of matter. Why is the universe uniform? Why arent the galaxies that formed later after the big bang not located in a shell of material surrounding an empty core where the bang first happened? This is only one mere disagreement among a long list of anti-big bangers. The current scientific heresy, which is adopted by 352, is Plasma Cosmology (PC) sometimes called the Electric Universe theory. PC posits that the cosmos is an infinite and eternal big old thingy of Plasma (4th state of matter), without a beginning. It just always was. This cosmos is alive and buzzing literally with Electricity. Where there is electricity, there is Magnetism and vise versa. Pockets of Magnetic Fields in the cosmos then interact with the plasma to make all these ionic soup of stuff. The atoms in the plasma interact and produce elements and suchlike. The Sun in PC isnt a primitive ball of nuclear fire as GC says it is. The Sun is a big ball of Plasma just like the plasma globes you buy at the mall, but a billion times bigger with more energy. PC states that Suns are connected to each other to long filaments of greatly big plasma, like drops of morning dew on a spider web. Suns in PC give birth to gaseous planetoids like Jupiter. These gaseous giants in turn give birth to rocky moons. PC also states that Galaxies give birth to other galaxies. The Planet Saturn play an important role in our solar system in regards to our own earth in Plasma Cosmology. PC states that at one time Saturn was a ball of plasma (sun) also and the earth was a planet around it. Something happened where Saturn and this sun came into contact with each other which caused the sun Saturn to go around this sun, which also caused the earth to fly into a new orbit then Saturn lost its plasmic power sourse and went dark thus in many world cultures, Saturn is often called the Black Sun, Schwarze Sonne in German by the way. The great thing about Plasma Cosmology is that it can be experimented and tested with in laboratories because the Plasma we can make here such as that found in plasma globes, is the same stuff in space. Under laboratory conditions when plasma has been found to naturally form spiral shaped galaxies, Gravitational Cosmology cant explain why spiral shaped galaxies (such as our own Milky Way) exists it shouldnt because of gravity. The other great thing about PC is it explains those stupid theoretical things such as black holes and such away, without much fuss and leg pulling. By far, in my mind, the greatest and most appealing aspect of PC is the deeper more esoteric side of Plasma Cosmology, which fits perfectly into Reichsfolk NS and Myattian Cosmology. All that Electricity which science now knows actually does exist out there in what we once thought was empty space cant just come out of nothing. It needs a Source and because we as living beings are ourselves electric beings meaning our most intimate parts like our brain cells and muscles and stuff work with the same Electricity we are all intimately Connected to our world, our Sun, our Galaxy, and the whole Cosmos itself even to the Source of the energy itself. Because Matter comes in 4 basic forms or manifestations of the same Causal essence
Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma we are all as all things are in this universe the Cosmos in living expression. A manifestation of the same electricity and plasma that IS the Cosmos. It is not really known at the time what exactly is the Source of all this Electricity and Plasma yet; but our Myattian Triad may offer a clue: the Acausal matrix. MORPHIC RESONANCE: This very interesting heretical theory which is gaining wide support was postulated by Rupert Sheldrake. The theory and idea of Morphic resonance also fits well, into NationalSocialist Science (Reichsfolk) and its Living Cosmos. The idea of MR starts off very basic. Around every thing is a Memory Field (also called a Morphogenic Field). This Memory Field contains the information needed to tell the atoms and molecules of anything where to go in the form of Coherent Energetic Information in the same way these digital letters you are reading is actually a string of coherent energetic information on a hard drive or your RAM. Before you think this is crazy, do yourself a favor and research the subject first. You will learn that science has already made instruments to see this field, and a lot of experiments with this field has already been done which will one day soon kill this stupid current theory and science of genes. I recommend anything by Sheldrake, and a book called The Field. Then MR gets interesting. It posits that the way of Nature is the effortless path in which the lest amount of energy is spent. Thus MR must work in tandem with the natural way of least resistance. Each species has in MR theory what might be called a collective overfield which developed and collected its memory and information after millions of years of evolution based on its species adaptation to such things as environment and climatic changes. So, in environment with very similar conditions, Nature will utilize a time tested Memory Field of an organism which it knows can thrive in such conditions, and thus, plants and animals existing in very similar conditions will look very similar. This save Nature from having a glob of protoplasm go thru the billions of years to evolve into something. It save energy. Morphic Resonance theory then would explain to us what extraterrestrials living on a planet similar to our own Earth would look like they would look like us. This is so because MR states that the whole Cosmos is a big virtual Memory Field Hard Drive and since there is only one Cosmos-Hard Drive, the most efficient memory fields contain in it will be used to conserve energy no matter where in the universe life may occur. All this of course to the chagrin of the modern materialist scientific inquisition is heresy, because it implies suggests a Living Cosmos which is even perhaps intelligent in its own big way. Again, the very nature of these Memory Fields which is no longer speculation suggests a something beyond causal matter something our Myattian Triad terms Acausal Energy, due to lack of a better term.
Why do I say that Myatt is beyond his time and deserves a bit of good word? Because I read and study current shit like this, which is barely being spoken about in school and books now when Myatt was thinking of this stuff before it ever surfaced up. This weird science shit, which is and will be the science of our future, is something still alien to the average person especially to the average ONA Initiate who spends his time reading old black magical grimoires or philosophical works by long dead people which has jack shit to do with our world today or the future. You need to take your head out of the past, read some current heretical shit, and look to the future or your stupid and this is why some of you of the ONA dont see Myatt as we here in 352 do. Its far from hero worship. Its just us saying oh shit Myatt thought of all this when we were in diapers before it was a heresy in materialist science! Why is science so important to our Myattian Triad? You cant apprehend the future without it if your retarded and buy into that surreal stuff they are teaching in mainstream science. Because of the vision for a future we shared in common, the passion for which he helped set a blaze and the principles and practical method he gave to manifest that future to aeonically work with Wyrd to manifest that future and hopeful desiny. HARMONY OF PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATION: I should make it clear that this epistle as I stated up there is directed to our Acception (352), since some of those of the ONA get asshurt over reading our stuff. By Principles I refer to the Principles of Reichsfolk and the Numinous Way. By Application I mean the vehicle of Application that is the ONA which transmutes these Principles into casual results. Without any kind of Methodology these Principles remains just quaint ideas you store in your head, and just another label you wear. Well begin to show the Harmony of this Myattian Triad by first using Acausal Force as an example, since we talked about it up there. Myatt spends a great deal of his time trying to explain in detail what the Acausal is in his Ethical National-Socialism and Numinous Way MSS. Yet, in the ONA he only briefly touches on the subject, but goes into detail about the Practical Method of harnessing Acausal energy and using it. According to the Principle and Theory Acausal energy is the matrix which envelops the causal universe. Each of us in turn are nexions of acausal and causal substance. Or points in space-time where acausal and causal substance converges. The convergence of these two cosmic substances in turn gives life to the dead matter which we are composed of. This concept of a mingling or convergence of matter and energy is also expressed in Morphic Resonance theory and Plasma Cosmology. Althoe in his ONA MSS Myatt leaves out the details; in the Reichsfolk MSS he does go into deeper detail explaining the workings of this convergence of cosmic substance. In an article he calls Acausal Science, he mentions a future technology which utilizes acausal energy. The reasoning behind this is because according to National-Socialist Ethics the
current form of energy we are using is essentially destructive, not in Harmony to the way of Nature and defies our Honour and Reverence for Nature. The most violent and destructive form of energy is nuclear energy. This National-Socialistic abhorrence for such unnaturally violent forms of energy is actually in essence somewhat very unique to Esoteric National-Socialism for those of us who know. There is a documented and well know story of an Admiral Byrd who was conducting US Naval mapping missions in Antarctica during the 1950s by air. One day as Admiral Byrd was flying about 100 miles from the shore he reported by radio of seeing a hole in the middle of the area into which his plane was fling into. Admiral Byrd later reported two flying saucers with Nazi Swastika designs on then using some sort of a force to control his ship causing it to land inside a city of some sort. He reports that a race of beings, often referred as the Vril-ya had taken him to their leader. He reports that these people spoke a strange dialect of German. The leader of this subterranean race had desired to speak with Byrd to give him a message to bring to the rest of the world above ground. The message was simple. The Vril-ya were against the idea of the human race using nuclear energy and nuclear bombs because it disturbed the Life Force of Nature, and that if we choose to continue our love affair with such unnatural destructive forces, we will eventually annihilate ourselves. I really cant say how true this story is. He was a high ranking Naval Officer of America, and he did give a documented report of his strange experience. Even if it is a legend of myth, it still shows how deep and essential and old this idealism of being in harmony with Nature was to National-Socialism. It may seem outlandish for many people those of us not familiar with Ethical and Esoteric National-Socialism to think that Nazis would even give a damn about Nature. This opinion is due to about 70 years of Zionist propaganda and the retardation of the common person believing such crap because some authority figure told you so and not trying to gain a more accurate and authentic understanding of genuine and esoteric NS. Ill save this topic for a later date. So, as Myatt suggests in his Reichsfolk MSS, that a sort of Organic Technology should be used in which living organic things are created and used to apprehend Acausal energy to be used. This concept reminds me of an idea of another personal object of admiration of mine Wilhelm Reich and his work on a form of natural energy he called Orgone. There is a not so well know work by Wilhelm Reich he experimented with at one time which seems to greatly support Myatts idea that Acausal energy is Life Force itself. Reich one day took ordinary lifeless matter such as dirt and dry leaves, and he mixed them in water, and placed this under a microscope. With a little orgone manipulation Reich saw these tiny corpuscles emerge from the putrefying matter which turned into living things he called Bions. The important thing here is that this energy call it what you want acausal, orgone, vril, prana, chi, whatever is naturally attracted to organic matter and crystals. By organic matter and crystals I mean, as I have come to understand it matter in which its molecular and atomic structure is in a Coherent Form. Coherency of molecular structure
seems to be a key factor of matter being able to absorb cosmic energy. If you doubt this, all you have to do is take two quartz crystals, go into a dark closet, and rub those two crystals together vigorously. You will notice that the applied force will cause the crystals to glow a yellowish color, and pay very close attention to the smell it makes. I wont tell you what it smells like because I actually want you to try it yourself. Organic matter absorbs and attracts acausal energy. Myatt spends a lot of time talking about acausal stuff and organic technology in his Reichsfolk and Numinous Way papers; but he leaves out a practical method whereby we can actually physically work with acausal energy but in his ONA he does quite the opposite and instead of going into detail about the science and theory behind acausal apprehension, he just provides an organic practical Method of Application. There is something about the state of your mind you go into when performing those rites given in the ONA, plus your organic body which attracts acausal energy down. This acausal force, which anyone in the ONA should know, does things or influences the world. Perhaps it doesnt affect the dead matter of our cities and states itself but maybe this acausal energy we attract via those rites infects and affects those around us, and those this acausal substance comes into contact with. Of course, the rites in the ONA is a primitive method of acausal apprehension, but it gives us a template and platform to work with to develop future organic technology, if we can see these rites in a different way. Not just magical rites, but a rudimentary future science more in harmony to Mother Nature and the Living Cosmos. HONOUR, LOYALTY, DUTY: If you could sum up Ethical National-Socialism, the Numinous Way, and the ONAs Law of the New Aeon, it would be those three words. Its the very essence and meaning of Nobility, and the New Human. Myatt spends a lot of time and effort in explaining the theories and principles of Honour, Loyalty, and Duty in both his Reichsfolk and Numinous Way. Again he elaborates on the principle, but does not present a usable method whereby the individual who desires to uphold and express, or utilize these principles to change herself or himself into a better, more noble person. Yet the ONA offers a very practical and physical Method of applying these principles in live to engineer personal change: the Seven Fold Way. Thru the Grade Rituals and Ordeals Myatt created for the ONA, the Initiate may begin to learn to physically live and express those three moral doctrines. Self Honour is required in that you must be honest and true to yourself to honestly go thru and experience each grade ritual and ordeal. Not only do the grade rituals help one understand the concept of self honour, but it also is the principle of Self Excellence, and Triumph of the Will in motion. It requires a great amount of Will to go thru all of these grade rituals and ordeals, which helps build Self Excellence. Loyalty here is loyalty to yourself and to the Seven Fold Way. Duty to experience all grade ordeals.
The creation of an ONA Temple or Nexion, or belonging to one provides the template and platform for establishing a Clan since no real clan or tribe exists currently in the developed countries to learn from. Future clans and tribes must be born today from Traditional groups such as this. Functioning in a Nexion further teaches the Initiate in an on hands method how to honour your fellow clanmate, pay your loyalty to them and your oaths, and to uphold your duties you own to them and the clan/nexion. The next step required to transform a functioning nexion into a clan would be proper selective breeding to produce offspring who will be born members of the clan/nexion, raised in the Way. By Way here, I mean the Myattian Triad Way Ethical National-Socialism; the Numinous Way, and the ONA. The three dont have to be mixed into a single triune thing. They can remain separate, yet parallel and in harmony with one another, thus supplementing and complimenting each other. OTHER CULTURES: There is a certain, honest duty and honour we must learn to give to other races, folk, and cultures if we should genuinely live by the Reichsfolk Doctrine. It isnt really out of arbitrary quaintness that David Myatt urges us to honour other peoples, cultures, and religions. It is out of a certain duty we owe to our ownselve to strive to be better and progress in Excellence. It is only when we are open minded, and open hearted, to others different from us, and we honourably try to understand them and their way that we learn to see the world from new perspectives and angles, cancelling what cultural myopia we might have had. There is a kernel of truth, light, and insight in every culture, Way, and religion. By learning to Empathize with these other people and their weltanshauungs and systems of thought, we add to our ownselves. The German National-Socialist in there time were very much open to there peoples and cultures. To Japan and its cultures for an example. More esoterically to Tibet. Early on the German National-Socialists had made contact with Tibet. Once contact was made, many of them began to study Tibetan Buddhism particularly different forms of meditations and tantras in hopes to be able to contact a subterrainian race of beings called the Vril-ya. The German National-Socialists had desired to make contact with the Vril-ya to learn certain secrets whereby their own Aryan race would, like the Vriyl-ya, to be super human a true Master Race. Sometime after the war the Americans entered Tibet and Germany and had discovered something very odd, which if you can understand, gives you hints to the genuine nature of National-Socialism. The Americans had discovered several hundreds of bodies of Tibetan monks who had all committed mass suicide.
The strangeness was that these Tibetan monks were all dresses in Nazi regalia, Swastika and all and all had a lapel pin of a Green Dragon said to represent the King of Agartha. Back in German, the Americans also discovered several hundreds of Nazi Officers who have committed mass suicide as well. They all, of course had their Nazi regalia on as well, but they each also had the same Tibetan lapel pin of the Green Dragon. Aside from this example of honour for other people and cultures, we have Myatt as an exemplar and example to follow. Like a traveller on a journey of exploration he travels into different belief systems with an open mind, learning from each of them and thus gaining new insights and perspectives growing in his Self Excellence. A SINISTER NUMEN? There is a saying in mystic circles Where there is Beauty, there also is the face of God. Or as Plato defines God The Supreme Being is both Truth and Beauty. How does a Dark, and Sinister ontology fit with the Numinous Cosmology? Inside the Acausal matrix which surrounds us. Which is the fundamental fabric of existence and life. The only reason why some of us see something evil and horrid in the sinister is because we are mentally immature and not willing to see Nature and Cosmic Essence as it is beyond good and evil. These words are but arbitrary abstract values and human judgments we ascribe to certain things, which is entirely relative. Life just IS. What is wrong and evil in one culture to one folk may sometimes be right and good to another. For instance the concept of euthanasia, specifically killing elderly people so that they will not be a burden to society. This to some of us in the West may feel bad, and wrong; but in Inuit Society, it is, or was practiced and right. The elderly Inuit (Eskimo) in olden days, when their time came, walked themselves off into the frigid cold and froze themselves to death, for the sake of their folk. The underlying issue here is stigma and misunderstanding. The concept of Left Hand, and Right Hand, predates Christianity and Occidental conception and values systems. It originates in India based on a pre-hindu godform named Ardhanari who was a hermaphrodite. Ardhanari means Male-Female. Its Right side was a male named Shivaya; the Left side was a female named Shakti. The Mythos of Ardhanari states that the Right half became the Eternal Transcendental One Spirit that permeates the universe the Acausal, if you will. The Left side became the Manifested world of physical existence the Causal if your will. Bothe Shiva and Shakti as the unmanifested and manifested are locked together in an eternal dance. From these two halves, two different schools were born the Right Hand school; and the Left Hand school (better known as Vama Marga). The Right Hand Path believed that carnal existence was something to be abhorred and rejected. Sensual experiences was rejected for a restrictive life in hoped that when the adherent died, he would merge back into Shiva. This concept of renunciation and rejection of life to merge with the
unmanifested source incarnated as Buddhisms concept of Nirvana where one works to annihilate ones ego to merge into the nothingness of Nirvana. The Left Hand Path, was dedicated to Shakti, and believed that the unmanifested source was just a pantheistic force which permeates the Cosmos, and that physical existence was by Nature sacred and divine. Every physical act, every sensual and carnal pleasure was a blissful offering to Shakti. Nothing about carnal existence in the Left hand Path and Nature was rejected. There were no morals or limitation. Life was experienced uninhibited. They believed that without the body, and physical experience of life itself, there can be no illumination. The carnal practices of the original Left Hand Path were seen by the Hindus as vile and disgusting, specifically since these Left Hand Tantrikas would often practice sexual rites without the moral limitations of familial relations, if you catch my drift. Further more Shaktis Right side Shiva was merged with the Hindus Rudra (Hinduisms Devil) and the Left hand Path ever since got a bad rap. The Sinister Path meaning the Left Hand Path is only evil because of our own immaturity and limitations of not going beyond as someone once put it of definitions, stigmas, and human concepts. It is essentially a Life affirming Path which, like its ancestor, sees every aspect of carnal existence and nature to be just is meaning just Natural as things are; and sacred. It is the opposite adversarial path to the Right Hand Path that is the Judeo-Christian religious system and their life rejecting morals and values. The Dark Ones, as it has been explain are acausal beings. Like us, they are living manifestation of the Cosmic Being. A mode of the Cosmic Beings existence within the acausal manifestation of the Cosmos. If Acausal energy is itself Life Force, which animates coherent causal matter. Then it is not beyond reason to assume that living beings, exist within the acausal itself. For as long as we as a species have been around we have had two constant companions the belief in a spirit which survives death; and the belief in spirits thru which our ancient ancestors rites were dedicated to. The Dark Tradition is thus a Way an ontological perception wherein the Initiates mind is open to the apprehension and understanding of the Acausal, and its living essence, which is beyond such human conceptualizations as good, and evil. It is a Way whereby the Initiate awakens as slumbering Shakti must awaken from this Maya of materialism to the Realization of the Unity the One Reality of the Cosmos. Wherein the Initiate comes to the realization that there is more to material existence, then just flesh and stone. Wherein a bond a reyoking a reconnexion is gradually developed between the Initiate and the Dark Numinous Acausal becoming once again Whole.
The Numinous in the Sinister Way, is the living Beauty of the Cosmos, Nature and Carnal existence itself. In all its forms and manifestations. Wherever you see Beauty, there also is the very living essence of the Cosmos calling yearning: Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is women. 19th Satanic Point; 21 Satanic Points, BBS, ONA
new genes into other tribes thus there is genetic diversity. Thus, there is a Movement or Flow of Quality genes the blood and genes of kings who were bred as thinking executives of a political organism; the blood of warlords, warriors, and heros; and the blood of the crafty minded, innovative merchants those who invent new things. And then there is the stagnation of weak useless genes of the imbecile peasant stock humans the weak minded: the unthinking; the dregs of humanity. Stagnation of their genes, means a mass culling of their kind over causal time. If you were hiking, and were thirsty, and had come across two bodies of water: a flowing stream to your left; and a stagnant pool to your right; from which would you drink? This is the difference between Stagnant genes/blood and Flowing genes/blood. One is Healthy. The other is not. The difference is genetic diversity and mobility. From a Macro-physical perspective a tribe or clan can be seen as a superorganism the causal [material] expression of an Acausal Organism. In 352 we call this perspective: Acausal Biology; that is the study of living acausal morphic organisms. A tribe in acausal biology, like any microphysical organism, has a means of metabolism, and reproduction. What we call a king maybe considered the mouth of this acausal organism. Through this king and his acquisition of exogamic genes this tribal organism introduced new genetic coding into its causal body. The military, through their campaigns and raping, is this tribal organisms reproductive organ, with which it introduces its genetic coding into other acausal organisms of its own acausal species. So what looks like war to us as units of a living morphogenic organism; is a mating ritual the act of self replication of an psychic, acausal organism. This particular state of evolution of these acausal organisms where it has formed its causal parts into primitive kingdoms can be understood as an evolutionary step from a more primitive, less coherent causal form those primitive tribes in our human past which was an inefficient state of being for these acausal organisms, in that it didnt offer these morphic organisms an effective way of reproduction and genetic acquisition. So, with time, these acausal organisms progressed evolved their causal parts into more advanced and refined causal forms. From our causal perspective as mere organic units of these superorganisms, we see this evolution as advancement of our social order and our technology. Thus new means of mobility were manifested: boats, ships, trading, exporting, and larger wars all means of acquiring and introducing genetic material. Because these things give these acausal morphic organisms organic parts the opportunity to mingle. We can predict that if such an acausal organism has evolved more practical ways of acquiring new genes and methods of self replication, they will relinquish or allow their older causal forms to go extinct. And this is exactly what has happened: the extinction of kingdoms for a newer causal form of social order. With more of its units mingling there is no need for a king and his harem.
With more of its parts exchanging genetic material with causal parts of other acausal organisms, its military no longer needs to rape, and can be directed for more refined objectives its military force can now be directed to achieving alpha male status in its group/herd of acausal organisms. What is the basic reward for an alpha male ape or alpha male of any group of animals? Choice of the best genes to produce the best progeny. We interpret the fights of these acausal organisms for alpha male status as wars between nations. Thus, understanding this that the prime objective of these acausal organisms is a greater flow of new genetic material for its causal organic parts; we can scientifically predict that those acausal organisms which have achieved a dominant status within their herd of acausal organisms will have MORE organic causal parts which are genetically diverse [mixed] than the lesser acausal organisms in this herd of acausal organisms. And we do see this: those dominant nations such as America, and the UK and such do have a greater amount of genetic variation mixed causal parts, compared to those lesser evolved nations. In our modern world, we see these acausal organisms have greatly evolved to refine their methods of genetic acquisition. We see this from our perspective as everything from tourism, to sexual liberation, night clubs, immigration, and on line dating. In a way, these acausal organisms have given ways, means, and methods for its little causal organic parts to mingle with others to increase its chance of genetic flow, thereby evolving itself. But as with all causal things, death is inevitable. No nation, or form lasts forever. It is against evolution for a causal form such as a State or nation to remain perpetually the same. These acausal organisms must progress themselves into new, more advanced things. Thus these acausal organisms do create offspring in causal form, which will one day grow into a new macro-organic form. We can see this birthing effect of an old acausal organism, budding a new more evolved offspring in the British Empire, just before the American Revolution. Gestating inside the womb of the Great British Empire was an fetus. This fetus began as a budding of the acausal organism which was the spirit of the British Empire. Like a human fetus dividing its cells into many, to form a body. This acausal fetus acquired apprehended what looked like common British folk and influenced inspired them with a new vision a new memetic coding. Gradually this fetus grew into a baby, by attracting to itself causal organisms that resonated with its memetic coding its ethos, its mythos, its vision. And from this baby grew a new kind of social order a new form of human civilization never seen before in the history of our species. This new causal form was so successful, its acausal kind grew to replace the old forms of civilization.
Now, from this perspective. The perspective of Acausal Biology. We can see that this ONA thing, this Numinous Way thing, this Reichsfolk Culture thing that which passed through a nexion sometimes known as Myatt is a fetus acausal organism. One of a different order, with new memetic coding: new ethos, new mythos, new vision, new purpose. This fetus took 30-40 years to gestate in Myatts tummy, somewhere in Shropshire England a quite place were he would be pregnant undesturbed. That nexion has given birth, and now the fetus is a baby which has attracted to it causal parts which resonates with its essence and is growing on its own a living acausal organism. The fact that this acausal entity we know was the ONA gestated and developed in places where genetic [racial] variation is the healthy norm attests to this fact that it is no longer about race. For things such as race is a useless thing of a dead aeon. It is about a Flowing of Blood upwards towards the heavens. An evolution from Earthling, to Starling.
individual personal judgement of individuals, based on a personal knowing which in important; a relating to individuals directly and personally; and not the classification, and judgement, of an individual or individuals according to some abstract, causal, unnuminous, criteria, such as ethnicity, status, sexual orientation, occupation, gender, and so on, etcetera. Furthermore, the clan is the basis for establishing new, numinous, communities based on The Numinous Way itself. That is, new numinous clans can express, manifest, presence, the numinous itself by the members of such new clans living according to the numinous principles of empathy, compassion and personal honour. They are thus nexions, regions where numinous law, based upon honour, can be established, to the benefit of the individuals of such new communities. A numinous clan ceases to be numinous ceases to presence the numinous and thus ceases to be a living, changing, evolving, being when individual empathy, individual knowing, individual character, and individual honour, cease to be the basis for inclusion, and there is, instead, a reliance and dependence upon causal abstractions. For a living, numinous, clan is not some ideal or some static abstraction to be loyal to or a means whereby self-identity is felt and known and obtained, but rather a living, changing, evolving symbiotic-being personallyknown via empathy with the individuals who are that living being. When several clans liaise or co-operate together for their mutual benefit, on the basis of the ethical and numinous principles of empathy, compassion and personal honour, then a new and numinous culture arises, distinguished as such a culture is or can be by a specific, and numinous, ethos. In essence, therefore, a numinous culture is a natural evolution of the clan. Numinous Culture A numinous culture is regarded, by The Numinous Way, as a type of being: some-thing which has Life; a presencing of acausal energy here on this planet surrounding our star, the Sun, which star is one star among millions in one Galaxy among billions upon billions of Galaxies in the Cosmos. A numinous culture arises over causal time, usually through a small group of individuals (usually clan-based) ethically and numinously living in a certain area which becomes their homeland and thus their ancestral territory and there, n such places, having shared experiences, and thus partaking of a common heritage, a common history and so on. Over time, this specific culture developes a certain character: a certain nature, which in general serves to distinguish it from other cultures. This character may be manifest in the way of life of the people of that culture, in their spiritual outlook, in their literature, in their natural music (that is, their folk music). Thus, a numinous culture is not an abstract, easily defined, static, thing but rather is a living, changing, evolving, being a unique type of life. Such a culture is thus a living symbiotic being in symbiosis with the being which is (or rather which is presenced in) the land of the individuals who dwell in that certain locality; in symbiosis with that community or that collection of communities and
in symbiosis with the individuals of such clans as make such communities. And it is this life, this living, which is numinous, which presences the numinous. One of the distinguishing features of a numinous culture of a living culture is its smallness; its clan-like nature. Another is that those dwelling in its communities still possess an empathy with life and especially with Nature, and often also with the Cosmos, beyond. That is, there is an awareness of The Numen; a desire to not commit hubris, to not profane or destroy or undermine what is numinous. A culture ceases to be numinous once it strives for abstractions, and once the ground of its morality moves from the individual, the community, to something dogmatic, abstract, and idealized. That is, it ceases to be numinous when personal empathy and personal honour become replaced by causal thinking: by individuals identifying themselves with, and judging others by, abstract, lifeless, un-numinous abstractions. Evolution and Acausal Science The Numinous Way considers that it is such new cultures which can aid the evolution of the individual, establishing over a certain amount of causal Time a more evolved, more cultured, more empathic, more compassionate, more honourable, human species. Such cultures, and their clan-communities, are, or rather should be, the genesis for the next stage of our human evolution, where we leave this planet, which is currently our home, and so live and evolve and diversify among the stars of this and other Galaxies. However, given that such numinous cultures are small and may often be rural in nature how can this Galactic, extra-terrestrial, development be achieved, especially since a numinous culture would most certainly not involve large national or supra-national industries, as it would not be reliant upon the usury, and the supra-national trade and commerce, which all modern States and nations depend upon? It could and should be achieved by means of the development of a new acausal science, and the development of a new type of technology, based on acausal energy. For a numinous culture and all empathic human beings are, both in principle and in practice, opposed to the exploitation of the Earth, and the exploitation of the living beings of the Earth, which exploitation is inseparable from capitalism and the modern industries, and technologies, deriving from, and dependant, upon such capitalism, on such supranational commerce, and on other causal un-numinous abstractions. The basis for the new acausal technology is the science of causal and acausal, of the apprehension of acausal energy emanating from the acausal universe by means of living nexions [See Footnote 2 below]. In its beginnings, this new acausal science would involve the identification of acausal energy by acausal means, sans causal scientific concepts and causal scientific terms. In its beginnings, this new acausal technology would be the control and application of acausal energy itself, sans lifeless, causal, machines which require an input of some fuel or some causal energy (such as electricity) to make them work.
In respect of Space Travel, there are two possibilities. The first is the development of entirely new types of machines which generate and use acausal energy, and then the further development of the new technology underlying such machines in order to use acausal energy as the source of propulsion. The second is the development of living, organic machines which are acausal energy, or acausal beings and thus the creation, or discovery, of a new type of being capable of travelling, with us or taking us, among the stars. Of these two, the most likely at least in foreseeable future is the development of machines which use acausal energy as a means of propulsion. For it is this new acausal science and technology based on acausal energy which will finally liberate us from our present cumbersome, destructive (of Nature, and of The Numen), interventionist and un-empathic, non-living, causal technology, just as the numinous principles of empathy, compassion and personal honour manifest in numinous clans and numinous cultures liberate us from causal thinking, causal abstractions, and thus enable us to establish new ways of numinous, evolving, conscious life: beyond the artificial restrictive abstractions of the past, most evident today in the tyrannical State, in lifeless concepts such as that of the nation, in judging, and prejudging, individuals, according to some lifeless. abstract, category, some term, some ology or some -ism, and especially in our un-numinous need to seemingly identify ourselves with some particular lifeless, abstract, category, term, or -ism. Thus, for perhaps the first time, we conscious evolving empathic human beings can attain, individually, and collectively through our new clans, and new cultures, a genuine freedom.
Notes: (1) The origin of the word clan shows its original numinous nature the word passed into common usage in Middle English, being from Scottish Gaelic clann, meaning family, from the Old Irish cland, meaning offspring. (2) This new acausal science is briefly and somewhat tentatively outlined in the now dated essay Acausal Science: Life and The Nature of the Acausal. The acausal is considered to be a natural part (one particular Universe) of the whole that is the Cosmos, consisting as the Cosmos does of both Causal and Acausal Universes. It is the Causal Universe which we know through causal sciences such as Physics and Astronomy defined as the causal is by three (causal) spatial dimensions and one, linear, causal Time dimension. The Acausal Universe can be considered as possessing n acausal Time dimensions, and n non-linear and non-spatial dimensions, where the number n is currently unknown, but conceivably is infinite. As mentioned in several other essays, all living entities, or beings, in the causal, phenomenal, pyhsical Universe, are nexions regions where acausal energy, from the
acausal Universe, is manifest, or presenced, in the causal. The amount of this energy so manifest in the causal has some relationship to causal complexity of the living being, and it is this acausal energy which animates the physical matter of beings, making them alive. So far as we know, we human beings by virtue of our evolution and our consciousness manifest more of this acausal energy than the other living beings with whom we share this causal planet, Earth. Thus, nexions are regions, or places, where the Causal and the Acausal Universes interact, or coincide, or come into contact.
us our new elite, our new tribes to leave this planet which has been our childhood home and to seed ourselves among the stars. Membership of our tribes is earned; it is privilege; achieved by showing or by developing that personal character that nature that both marks us and distinguishes us from the mundanes and from those who dabble in, but who do not know, and who dare not experience for themselves, the sinister darkness we revel in and desire. What distinguishes us we of the tribes of the ONA is our fierce sinister ethos, manifest in one very important way in our Law of the New Aeon. This Law, our Law, the basis for the change we seek to make to this world and to the extra-terrestrial places where we will dwell in the future by our sinister visions, dreams and desires is the law of personal honour. In practical terms, this law of personal honour means that we take personal responsibility for ourselves; and that we do not accept nor seek to abide by the laws made by the mundanes and their societies. Thus, for us, justice is the natural justice of personal honour not the so-called justice of some Court of Law established by some State or by some supra-personal authority. Thus, for us, our disputes are personal ones, to be settled by ourselves, and not by being taken to or resolved by some so-called Court of Law. Natural law and true justice resides in and can only ever reside in honourable individuals, and to extract them out from such individuals (from that-which-lives) into some abstraction is the beginning of, and the practical implementation of, impersonal tyranny (the control and emasculation of individuals), however many fine sounding words may be used to justify such an abstraction and to try and obscure the true nature of honour. For individuals of honour understand often instinctively that honour is living while words are not; that honour lives in independent individuals of strong character, while words thrive in and through mundanes: in individuals in thrall to either their own emotions and desires or in thrall to some abstraction, or in thrall some to some -ology or to some -ism. Thus, the laws and the so-called justice of all modern States and nations are lifeless and de-evolutionary; a means of ensuring the survival of the mundanes and their societies; whereas the law of personal honour is the law of evolved, and evolving, free independent human beings. The Law of the New Aeon is the law of the tribes of the ONA and the law of those tribes and those tribal communities which will created in the future through the striving of our kindred, who probably will have dispensed with such a name as the ONA and who may thus describe themselves by a multitude of names and terms but who will nevertheless be our living, changing, evolving progeny, for such is the nature of the sinister being that is now, and has been for some while, the true, the esoteric, and the nameless, ONA. This Law of the New Aeon our new and tribal law means that we are clannish among ourselves; that we distinguish our tribal and feral kind, and our sinister kindred, from the mundanes (from all of those who are not-of-us), and that in our relations between ourselves between our brothers and our sisters we abide by a certain, and mostly
unwritten, code of personal conduct. Part of this code of conduct is that we strive to treat our brothers and sisters, of our own local tribe and of our other tribes, with respect and honour, and expect them to do the same in return. That is, that we accept and strive to respect our personal differences of personal character and of tribal methods and of ways and of styles of living accepting that despite these often minor and always family differences, we are still kindred. Another aspect of our clannishness is that we should reserve our sinister manipulations, our japes, our sinister machinations, for the mundanes: for those who are not-of-us; those who are an obstacle to the achievement of our aims, or who may be used in order for us to achieve these aims of ours. In essence, the sinister tribes of the ONA what they are now; what they are becoming; and what they will-be are that presencing of acausal energy which will fundamentally and irretrievably change our world, and which will manifest, and bring-into-being, an entirely new, more evolved, type of human being and entirely new types of human communities, preludes as these are to us leaving this planet which has for so long been our childhood home and to seeding ourselves among the stars of the Galaxies of the Cosmos.
The Disciples first researches abandoned and derelict buildings in a suitably urban area. Abandoned building in our Acception are considered Numinous Temples. Then on a night of the first full Moon, they break into this building and aim to conduct the ritual on the top floor, or the most inaccessible part of the building (researched beforehand during a practice run). They are not allowed any means of light to guide them through the building. Rapping the Temples: The Temple must be rapped to condition the atmosphere of the building with the tribal essence of the Acception. Thus, after the Pack has found the place where the ceremony shall take place, the Pack shall together in the Dark yell out in a forceful and deep tone the Nine Fundamentals of the Acception in Unison: [Begin Nine Fundamentals]: 1- The Black Book of Satan, Naos, and other Order of Nine Angles manuscripts written by Anton Long is official text of our People. AS IS Brothers and Bitches. Dont nobody here give a fuck if Anton Long was David Myatt or if ONA is real or not? The shits got value, and the OGs of our Tribe incorporated it into our system, and practice it. These books are like road maps. You can beat and thump on it all day and study every minute fucking detail of the map down to the letter; but you still aint never gunna compare to the map illiterate person who LIVES inside a city, and experiences it directly. I can barely read a map of the city I live in myself, but if you came to my city, I would be able to show you around to places and people that aint on the map. 2- Opus Vrilis is one of our Peoples Books. The whole fucken thing, from the first chapter to the last, AS FUCKING IS Bitches and Brothers! Now you can argue that Anton LaVey didnt mean what he said in the Satanic Bible, and interpret it your fucking way, and that might be cool with whatever tribe your associating with cuz the mutherfucker is dead and cant explain himself. But Caligula is fucking alive. He wrote the fucking shit AS IS. It aint the Constitution, and we aint Federal Lawyers Family! If youre reading this shit and your getting something completely different from the rest of us, then something wrong with your ass! You need to go back to school and learn to read, or you thinking to fucking much and seeing words and letters that arent there. 3- The first two Fundamental are themselves only Commentaries of the Great Book of Nature. The Book of Nature isnt some fuck pile of paper with a black cover. Its the fucking shit outside your fucking window. Its the shit outside your piece of shit head. More specifically its the Nature outside the city. Your fucking brain was born and raised in the Urban Illusion. Conditioned to see things from a fucking man-made perspective. That man-made shit isnt fucking Real. The Real shit is what is left when cities and states are gone. Get the fuck out of your heads. Overcome your fucking conditioning, and reconnect your asses back with what was, is, and will always be Real.
The rest of what has to be said concerning Our Way is based on our Three Sources, read em and check it: 4- When we say progression we dont mean everybodys progression. Fuck everybody. We mean each of us 352er has a duty of personal self progression to execute. Think for your fucking self, dont just tree hug a book and stay in one place. Read the shit, take what you need, and fucking MOVE. Grow man. If your Satanism and understandings of the world is the same today as it was last week, then you aint Progressive, and something fucking wrong with you! Your ass is gunna get run over by those of us who are moving forward. Forward to what you might ask? To fucking self Liberation and Enlightenment; says Caligula. 5- Liberation from what? From religious and state control and laws man, as stated by Opus Vrilis. What the fuck does that mean? It mean fuck religion, and fuck the state too. It means fuck morals, and also, fuck secular laws. It means if you want to work on the Sabbath, go right fucking ahead and break that law if it liberates your ass. It means if you think jay walking is gunna help liberate your ass then jay walk man. Rape, murder, robbery, go fucking ahead. But if you get caught, you a stupid mutherfucker. If it liberates you, and you can get away with it, by all fucking means do it. If this shit benefits you and feeds your family, do it. Do I we condone violence and or crime? Where the fuck did I said that at? These actions are a fuckin means to an END dipshit. The end being the understanding that like religious laws, state laws are an illusion and a fetter. Its like the little elephant that is raised chained by the leg to a fuckin pole all his damn fucking life. When that elephant grows up, you can tie a weak as string to its leg and it wont resist or try to break free from its fetter, because it believes in the illusion it was raised within. If you can practice intense day dreaming and or live through other vicariously to experience breaking state fetters and it will full fill the same END result for your ass, then do it that way. 6- Enlightenment, like what? It means the fucking answer aint in Satanism dumbass. Our Satanism is a practical, pragmatic, applicable tool to actualize Enlightenment. It means put the fucking book down, get the hell out of your house, and go fucking DO SOMETHING for the experience and actively grow your enlightenment. This shit grows like a fuckin fruit on a tree from the experience you collect in life. Direct fucking experience. Face to face. Put your ass in the middle of Nature and Life and LIVE the mutherfucker. Wisdom grows from experience. Knowledge is collected from books. If Enlightenment can be found in a book or religion, than every literate, religious mutherfucker out there should have found it; but guess what, they didnt. Religion, theology, and politics has never lead anybody to Enlightenment. Not since the history of mankind. Did the Buddha find Enlightenment? Yeah. Was he in a religion or reading a book? No, he was in the fucking forest, in the middle of nature. His followers founded Buddhism. Has any of his followers found Enlightenment? Nature, as Opus Vrilis states is our Great Source of Light. The reading of Nature is called Science. Observation, Experimentation, Critical Thinking, Commonsense, and Intuition are all tools needed to read this fucking Great Source which is Nature in all its cosmic and earthly manifestations. Our way is based not on stupid shit like spirits and demons; its based on
fucking Science. If what your beliefs contradicts Nature and Science, then you a stupid mutherfucker, and you need to go join a Dungeons and Dragons Coven or something cuz you dont got the mental capacity to hang with this group. If the descriptor Primal Naturalism dont seem to describe your Satanism, then you can leave. 7- Opus Vrilis says nobody in our system give a shit what you believe. Nobody care about your fucking opinions or convictions. Thats your shit, and you need to keep that shit to yourself, and push it aside. Because opinions and convictions of a religious and political nature doesnt do shit but divide us and give birth to war. And this aint cool with us. Why? Because our Acception was built and designed to be a fucking Tribe or coherent cooperative with a future goal and purpose, and if we all cant get along in our Acception, we aint getting shit done. What the fuck is a belief worth, if it dont feed you or get shit done? If you aint into Tribalism and collective social order, than this shit isnt for you, nobody asked you to come here. Nobodys assimilating you, leave! Our shit is a Family, and everybody needs to be of that mentality, or you dont belong man. We do things as a group. If somebody in the Family hates an outsider, we all hate the mutherfucker. If a brother or sister got an enemy, that enemy is an enemy to all of us. If someone in the family shares an opinion that you dont agree with shut the fuck up and dont be instigating inside fights. Arguing and debating on intangible opinions dont make fucking money or feed your ass. Stop that shit. Outsiders do that shit. The more divided we are, the easier it is for outsiders to control and conquer us. 8- Profane Satanist in the profane world outside our Acception: Fuck em. Do they feed you? Do they got your back? Will they be there fore you when you need some money to pay your rent? They aint any better than any other outsider. Why? Cuz them mutherfucker dont give a shit about you or your personal family. They are worthless. The only value they have to our Acception is how we can use each of them to our Peoples profit and benefit. Its a dog eat dog world man. With us being tight and organized, and the Profane all separated, segregated, individualized, they all easy PREY. Fuck em. Its the Law of Nature. This is Our Way. If you aint down with it, get the fuck out. 9- Whats this shit all about? Its about money. Its about knowing that 90 percent of the wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the Profane Population. Its about realizing that we all in the same fucking shit hole every other 90 percenter is in. Dont fucking matter if your black, white, Asian, Mexican, straight, gay, Christian, or Satanists. You will go to their schools, learn their teaching, use their money, get into debt under them, and spend the rest of your fucking life working to house them and feed their children. And when you die for your life long slavery, your children will take your fucking place to slave and serve their children. Its about waking the fuck up to this understanding, banding together and helping each other out of this fucking hell hole thru financial independence by any means necessary. Just us, the rest of them mutherfucken hole-moles can eat shit and die for all we care, or use them. [End Nine Fundamentals]
A Disciple from the Pack may now light incense of Mars. They must also have a crystal with them, suitable for ritual use. No candles are permitted. The Pack then walks a circle anti-clockwise three times, saying Ad Satanas qui laetificat juventutem meam. They then stand in the centre of the circle, holding the crystal together, and vibrate with force, Agios o Shugara seven times whilst visualizing the sigil of Shugara. Then the Diabolus is sung three times. The Pack then places the crystal on the floor, and sits near to it, within the circle. They visualize the crystal becoming black, which spreads out to engulf them. Once visualization is over, the Pack departs the building, and commences the Ordeal of the Acception. The Ordeal: The Street Life are the three words which best describes what will be taking place for the next 3 Full Moons [roughly three months]. For the next three Full Moon the Pack will essentially be homeless together and literally live on the streets. Sleeping in motels, hotels, hostels, homeless shelters, or squat in abandoned buildings are permitted anywhere but home. But wherever the Pack sleeps, they stay together. The Pack may use whatever means they have to buy food. Acquiring money is not the Culture of this Ordeal. It is the tribalism which shall evolve over the weeks for the Pack that is the reason detre of this Ordeal. The Pack may only stay in one city for no more than 9 days and then must move onto a new city. The Pack must perform the ABCs together in each city before they move to the next one. It is required that the pack travel during the course of these weeks about 300 miles from their home city or more, because it is more desirable that the Pack stays in cities it is unfamiliar with for the sake of exploration and experience. During the duration of the Ordeal, a journal must be kept by each member of the Pack in which they write the details of daily events. They must also write down any thoughts or feelings they may have learned and acquired about the nature and importance of tribal culture. Time should be set aside for each Disciple to practice and perform the exercises and minor ordeals in Opus Vrilis and other rites and ordeals of the ONA. So that at least one ceremony, rite, ordeal, or exercise of ONA and or 352 is performed within each city. The Ordeal officially ends the morning of the 3rd Full Moon and the Pack may return home with their experiences and each other. Those who complete this Ordeal will thus earn the honorable rank of OG in the Acception.
The meaning and purpose of this Ordeal is threefold. The first is that this Ordeal forces the Disciple to learn to live the ONA, 352 and the Sinister Way, as a practical Way of Life which it is and was intended to be. The second is that it pragmatically teaches our Disciples the Urban Tribal Culture of our Sinister Tribe which is what our Acception was intended to be. The Acception is not a religion or even a philosophy. It is a method of living for each other. The last purpose of this Ordeal is that it manifests a nucleus or seed Urban Tribal Culture, which in time Chronomorphically will progress into a truly functioning modern tribe to which our future progeny shall belong which shall disrupt the cities from within with their Sinister Tribalism, and what Acausal Energy their Urban Thernning and Tribalism manifests.
memogenetic sporification that engineered memes and memeplexes infect the mass, thus influencing their mind. It is via the process of wyrd that such memetic spores germinates. Beginning first with influencing the way the mass thinks. There thoughts give rise to emotions. There emotions governs their actions. Their collective actions wyrdfully manifests as macrocausal results. Therefore, our Disciples must understand that they must learn to be Master of the own Wyrd, or they will be a pawn of someones wyrd. To illustrate, the Disciple should call to mind the memogenetic construct called the Holy Bible. In itself it is a diabolical weaving of letters which contains memes. Such memes germinates in the mind of primal Christendom as Christianity. These Nazarene memes also evolved into the ideologies and politics of Christendom. Thus Aeonically materializing as Civilization: the many Christian Kingdoms of Europe. The Holy Quran is an even better example for it not only contains memetic religious laws, but also memetic codes of behaviour and methods of politics. The Quran of course memogenetically transformed incoherent desert tribes into the Islamic Civilization we know today. What we are witnessing today in the Jihadi movements of this civilization is the introduction of new viral memogenetic coding which programs receptive people to violently turn against Western Civilization. The hidden agenda and motive behind such memogenetic engineering is only thus known to the engineer himself, or themselves. The Renegade Jihadist is thus a mere pawn in the bigger scheme aeonically. Such is the fate of Homo Hubris to be utilized by Adepts, Masters, and Architects. Within our Acception, the traditional practices of presencing acausal energy to initiate causal change must be complimented by our art and science of memogenesis. But, such an art and science, at this moment in time, is still in its infancy. Each new generation of our future Sinister Progeny must study and work to refines our science; so that in its maturity, Memogenesis may be a powerful tool of disruption, change, and progression for our Sinister Tribe.
Section 2. The Letters of the White Star Acception shall be: WSA. Number. Section 3. The Number of the White Star Acception shall be 352 [Three Fifty-Two]. Its esoteric meaning is OMRA. The 35 is an Anglicization of the Sanskrit word OM, while the 2 is the Anglicization of the Sanskrit letter R (RA) for Rudra, an aspect of Shiva, whose name means the Wild or Feral One. Colors. Section 4. The Colors of the Acception shall be White, Black, and Orange; Orange being the color of Shiva. Seal. Section 5. The Seal, or Symbol of the Acception shall be the conjoined Trident and Sickle, known as the Trisickle.
Article II LAW, CALIGULA, STRUCTURE, AND LEADERSHIP Law. Section 6. The Supreme Law of the Acception is its Ehreneide [Oath] found in the initiation rite of the Acception. Section 7. Opus Vrilis and this Constitution is the secondary supreme law of the Acception. Section 8. The Brotherhood, Sisterhood, and Tribalism of the Acception is a perpetual supreme law of the WSA. Section 9. The aims, goals, visions, and collective interests of the Acception is a supreme law of the Acception. Section 10. The Ehreneide, Opus Vrilis, this Constitution, the Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Tribalism, aims, goals, visions, and collective interests of the Acception is perpetually binding on all Disciples of the Acception. Caligula.
Section 11. The Supreme Laws of the Acception; which are the Ehreneide, Opus Vrilis, this Constitution, the Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Tribalism, aims, goals, visions, and collective interests; shall be collectively personified as Caligula Simpson who is the esprit, lan, eggragore, master mind, or spirit of the Acception. Section 12. Caligula is the permanent and perpetual Grand Master of all the WSA. Section 13. All Official documents and signatures not affixed with the Seal of the Acception shall be closed with the phrase: Vita Et Fides Pro Caligula meaning Life And Loyalty/Faith To Caligula; which is the Motto of our Tribe. Structure. Section 13. The Tribe of the White Star Acception shall consist of a collection of subsidiary Clans. Section 14. Each Clan is a sovereign and independent entity from other Clans. Each Clan may name itself as it wishes; conduct its own business, perform its own rites; and collect its own membership. Section 15. Each Clan is divided into two tiers: A) an inner Nexus, which is the core of the Clan; and B) an outer Colony, which is the shell or appendage of the Clan. Nexus. Section 16. A Nexus is an Enclave of White Star Disciples bound under Caligula. Colony. Section 17. A Colony is a firm, crew, or body of trusted associates and business partners loyal to a Nexus, which also may include its governing Nexus. Members of a Colony may not always be Oath bound Progeny of the Acception but is run and controlled by a Nexus. A Colony may be likened to Foot Soldiers, whereas the Nexus of a Colony are OGs who call the shots. Leadership. Section 18. The WSA is a Matriarchal Meritocracy. Section 19. The Supreme Tribal Parliament of the Acception shall consist of the Boudoir, which shall consist only of Senior Female Progeny of the Acception. Section 20. Every 25 years all Senior Female Disciple of the Acception shall convene to elect 2-5 Senior Sisters (depending on the size of the Nexus) from each recognized Nexus to serve as Mistresses of the Boudoir.
Section 21. Mistresses of the Boudoir serve a term of 25 years, and are eligible for multiple terms. Section 22. Worthiness of qualification of election to the Boudoir is based on Merits such as work and or labour put in for the Acception; 7 years of Discipleship; she must not be in a relationship of any kind with an outsider, and she must pledge to bare the Acception at least one offspring during her term of office. Section 23. Sisters born into the Acception at birth have first priority during elections. The Triumvirate. Section 24. Every 10 years the Boudoir shall convene to hire or appoint a Triumvirate of Three Brothers and or Sisters called the 1) Chief Executive Officer [CEO]; 2) The Chief Financial Officer [CFO]; and 3) The Chief Propaganda Officer [CPO].
Article III REICHSTANDSCHAFT [JURISDICTION] Section 25. The Jurisdiction of the Acception shall be the home territory of each Clan, with the limits of such jurisdiction being the distance a Disciple or Disciples can travel to execute duties. Such territorial Jurisdiction is called a Reichstand or Dominion. Section 26. Each Clan must work together to gradually gain control and Domination of their Mother Reichstand with any and all means and force necessary, such as diplomacy and alliances with local street gangs, partnerships with other criminal organizations, and assassination of rivals and enemies. Section 27. All Mundanes and all Profane Businesses (Businesses not owned by our brothers and sisters) which exists within the Dominion of a Colony are Taxable Entities. Section 28. Individual Mundanes within a Dominion must voluntarily pay taxes to the Colony upon demand of such taxes. If the Mundane refuses, the Colony has imperial authority; as vested by Caligula; to take private property and possession from noncompliant Mundanes to compensate for payment of taxes. Section 29. Profane Businesses must pay taxes to the Colony upon demand. The Colony has imperial authority; as vested by Caligula; to destroy non-compliant business and its corporate building; by any method necessary. Section 30. Every Colony of the Acception shall come together to form a network of operations, for the purpose of mutual aid, mutual business, mutual self reliance, and mutual relief with all existing Colonies whithersoever dispersed around the globe.
Article IV POWER AND AUTHORITY The Tribe. Section 31. The Tribe; or rather: the General membership of the Acception; is a direct democracy, meaning that each person and or Colony has the Constitutional right and power to create and define their own rules, and live their own lives as they wish. Therefore the Tribe itself is the Legislative Body of the Acception. The Boudoir. Section 32. The Boudoir is the Supreme Court of the Acception and has the sole power and authority to add and evolve Opus Vrilis and this Constitution. Section 33. The Boudoir has as its main reason detre the solidarity and strength of social bond of our Tribe; the growth of our Tribe via germination of new members and born offspring of the Acception; and to maintain communion with other Clans, Colonies, and Nexus of the Acception. Section 34. The Boudoir can form committees and appoint Agents to help with their work. Section 35. The Boudoir has the power and prerogative to impeach or order an assassination strike on any CEO of the Acception guilty of treason against Caligula. Section 36. The essential duty of the Boudoir is Empathy. Empathy with the Acception as a whole, with its many Clans, and members. And Empathy with the Wyrd of the Acception. The Boudoir must contemplate upon the chronomorphic causal results of every activity the Acception engages in, and if an activity or endeavor proves to be destructive wyrdfully, the Boudoir shall have the power to stop such activities. Thus the Boudoir has the last say in anything. The Triumvirate. Section 37. The CEO has the power to make and break treaties with other institutions, and call the Acception to labour. The CEO is the Generalissimo of the Acception and has the power to declare formal war with other organizations and or Profane Businesses; put the green light on anybodys head; order assassinations, and decapitation strikes. As the Executive officer of the Acception, he has the power and prerogative of initiative of any executive of a state or business. The CEO is subordinate to the Boudoir.
Section 38. The CFO has jurisdiction in all things hardcore or causal things pertaining to the revenue, tax collection, finances and wealth of the Acception. He has the power and authority to call the Acception to engage in any criminal and or lawful business activity, so long as it profits the Acception and its Colonies. The CFO is equal to the CEO in rank and answerable only to the Boudoir. Section 39. The CPO has jurisdiction in all things softcore or ethereal pertaining to the Acception such as its politics, agendas, mythos, glamour, aims, goals, visions, and what outer form the Acception will shapeshift collectively into; so long as such named things profits the Acception wyrdfully. It is the power and prerogative of the CPO to write new manuscripts for the Acception. Manuscripts written by the CPO, upon approval by majority vote of the Boudoir may become additional chapters of Opus Vrilis. The CPO is equal to the CEO in rank and answerable only to the Boudoir. Section 40. The Triumvirate can create committees and appoint Lieutenants to help execute their duties. Nexus Structure. Section 41. Each Nexus elects its own Leader called a Master or Brother or Sister Superior. Section 42. Each Master appoints two Wardens to help run their Colony called the Senior Warden and Junior Warden. Section 43. All Master of a Colony are automatic Lieutenants of the Acception and are answerable to the Triumvirate.
Article V THE SIMPSONITE DOCTRINE Section 44. The White Star Acception is a Sinister Tribe of the Order of Nine Angles and a Criminal Organization. Section 45. Membership is for life, in otherwords death is the only way out. Section 46. Resigning membership from the Acception after the Oath has been given is treason against the Tribe. Section 47. Membership is open to those who resonate with Caligula and who are willing to perform the Acceptions ABC Rite to prove themselves worthy of Acception.
Section 48. Before the formal initiation, the traditional hazing rite is preformed on all New Blood. Section 49. Children born to members are automatically members for life of the Acception. Section 50. The demonym of a member of the Acception may be any of the following: Disciple, Omrian, Omrite, Citrian, Septavian, or Simpsonite (after Caligula Simpson). Section 51. Every member must dedicate their lives to the Acception and their brothers and sisters, and must be prepared to sacrifice their own lives or take anothers life for the Acception and their brothers and sisters. Section 52. Always represent 352 with ferocious zeal, ready to defend the Acception and the brotherhood and sisterhood at any time with whatever force. Section 53. Disciple who bring in New Blood to the Acception are responsible for the New Bloods behaviour. If the New Blood is dishonourable it is the responsibility of the Disciple who brought the New Blood in to Discipline or destroy the New Blood. Section 54. Religion; or rather the memes of a religious philosophy; is only a tool for the Acception: a Catalyst of Social Cohesion. New Blood to the Acception who do not see value in Satanism and the occult are still acceptable and welcomed. What matters is that they are Down with 352 and all that it essentially represents. Section 55. If the Acception is disrespected in anyway, all Disciple must unite as a single army to destroy the person, persons, or group, with whatever force necessary. Section 56. Each Disciple has the right to express their thoughts, opinions, and constructive criticism about matters of the Acception. Each Disciple and or Nexus has the right to present new idea, mythos, rules, objectives, outer forms, politics, and philosophical concepts to the Boudoir to help progress, evolve, and shapeshift the Acception. Section 57. Every Disciple is at liberty to organize, recruit, arm, educate, conduct business, establish treaties with local groups and gangs to benefit themselves, and the Acception. Anyone who resonates with this Constitution is a dormant brother or sister. Section 58. All Disciples of the Acception must get the Tribal Mark (Trisickle) on them. Section 59. The Acception is a Business Organization first, and an esoteric or traditional institution second. Therefore the Acception will engage in any and all aspects of unlawful and lawful interests of monetary benefit as it desires. Section 60. There is no such thing as exogamy (marrying outside the order) in the Acception. Mates and or partners of any Disciple must become a Disciple themselves.
Section 61. The Acception is an ONA institution, and therefore all MSS of the ONA are mandatory reading for all Disciples. Section 62. Second to Caligula, Anton Long is an Honoured Figurehead of the Acception. Section 63. No Disciple betrays the Acception or a brother or sister. Death is the punishment for this dishonourable act. Section 64. All Disciples involved in business and enterprises must get an equal share of the profit. Section 65. The private family and non-initiated relatives of a Disciple is Family and to be treated with respect, honour, love, and affection as any our own. They are under protection of our Acception and it is our responsibility to care for and offer service to them if they need service and relief. Section 66. Humanity is divided into two groups, our folk which are Septavians (ONA and or 352) and the Mundanes. It is us against them. It is us against their way of life, way of thinking, way of living, way of politics, and way of religion. Section 67. Private arguments and disagreements between Disciples must be overcome and settled amicably first, or the parties involved fight it out and forget about it. Nothing must divide us apart, especially petty arguments and disagreements. Section 68. Satan in the Acception exoterically symbolizes that which is opposite or adversary to the Mundanes. Or that which the Mundanes accuse of being wrong, evil, sinister, or unlawful. To be a Satanist in the Acception is to be one who lives life in such a way that contradicts or is contrary to the way the Mundanes live. Whatever the Mundanes reject, vilify, the Satanist lives and practices. If the Mundanes think or believes a certain way, the Satanist believes in the opposite. Whatever the Mundanes fear and incriminates is Satanic. If they fear murder, we murder. If they denounce crime we become criminals. If they believe in the Big Bang, we believe in an eternal and infinite Living Cosmos. Section 69. There is a wyrdful purpose for our Tribal enterprises and criminal interests. First it is the progression of ourselves into a New Breed of Man. Second it is the eventual allocation of future finances towards progressing our Tribe into one which is space born. Third is to disrupt the civilization of Homo Hubris. Forth is to establish a Galactic Imperium. Section 70. Our Acception must be able to shapeshift and change its outer form according to the time and clime to our peoples benefit. Section 71. All of our worldly activities and enterprises must be balanced with internal alchemy. In our youth we will be active in our sinister worldly activities and interests. In age when we mature spiritually, those finer and traditional aspects of our Acception and
the ONA will be the focus of our efforts. There is a moment and season for every endeavor, but always struggle to Master what you endeavor to do. Section 72. This ends the foundation of the Sinister Constitution of the White Star Acception. This Constitution is Chapter 61 of Opus Vrilis and is perpetually binding on all Disciples. No part of Articles 1-5 maybe changed, nullified, amended, or altered. ByLaws and new articles may be added in future by majority vote of the Boudoir.
352 then asks How then are the anariya the worldlings lost in this urban illusion to be Awakened to gradually come to reconnect with the Numinous Cosmos and their own Original Numinous Human Essence? The answer is by first utilizing a Western contraption called Satan as a memetic Gate Way to the Sinister. The Sinister itself is not the end of the matter. Living the Sinister Way is the beginning of a rude awakening. Wherein the Initiate intimately realizes via direct experience that everything about Urban reality is a prop and a lie. Everything from its religion which docilizes, to its laws which incriminates humanity. I say this in the Taoist sense, as the Tao Te Ching puts it The more laws the State makes, the more criminals are made of its own citizens (paraphrased). Living the Sinister Life is not the desired end in 352. It is a Shivaic process of awakening. In Tantrika, Shiva is the Destroyer and Trickster god. He is the annihilator of human institutions and the faade and artificial props we put up and super-impose onto Reality. It is only after such human manmade, artificial superimpositions (of our own human arrogance) are destroyed that the mind is able to SEE what exists BEYOND that deified urban faade which is Reality in its Numinous and Undefiled form. Religion only exists in the city-state. It does not exist in Nature, nor does it exist in tribal societies in tune with Nature. In tribal cultures across the world, the way of life, being human, and the primal flow of Nature exists as a seamless Numinous continuum. You cannot take the tribal man out of Nature, nor Nature from his way of life. He is a living, feral part and manifestation of Nature. Religion is an Urban tool of domestication. Before there was secular politics, religion was the politics, law, and order of a city-state. It still is in most parts of the Middle East (the Shariah). The only difference between a religion (and sectarian laws) and politics (and secular laws) is the Abstract Figurehead. In Religion it is some abstraction called a God. In secular politics it is an abstraction called the People. Although the abstract figurehead may be different, the people who make the laws are the same Mundanes. The people that enforce such laws are the same Mundanes. The people that follow such laws are the same duped Mundanes. In either case, the cost of being duped by religion and the State is life long servitude, and life long suffering. To religion and the State, you are a domesticated beast of burden like any cow or sheep or goat; domesticated/civilized, schooled/trained, and bred to profit others. It doesnt matter what your skin color is, what color your eyes are, what your ethnicity is, or what religion you belong to. Why is it that the first Magian priests were shepherds, and the first Magian politicians were priests? Because its the same old shit, in a different toilet. So, in 352, the Sinister Way of Life is still only a means to and end. The intent of that means is twofold a) your personal enlightenment, meaning the realization that you are a slave to the machine; and b) the destruction of that Machine; thus opening the path and way for that which is Numinous.
Its pathetic to see these generic stagnant Satanists acting like theyre bad ass for hating Jesus, and defying religious Christian laws which has had no power or political authority for at least 300 years. Its like watching a group of rebels without a cause kicking a 300 year old dead horse. When it comes to defying the State and secular law and order, these same bad ass clowns whimper and whine about how illegal and criminal such Sinister behaviour is. Not ever realizing that the same Mundanes and Homo Hurbis they claim to be misanthropic towards are the very ones that make and enforce those laws they religiously follow. Its cool and fun to hate Christianity and be a patriot at the same time, isnt it? There can be no Numinous Way of life, if the very people you desire to help free from suffering are lost and enthralled by an artificial illusion. Buddhism and its teachings of non-violence didnt come into existence whole heartedly accepted by the Indian mass. It was born in bloodshed, and forced on the mass by the enlightened Ashoka with the sword. Islam and its Brotherhood was not accepted by the mass from the get go. Muhammad ran amok slaughtering and conquering, forcing his way of peace and brotherhood on the stupid mass. Your common citizen of any State does not follow or accept secular law and authority naturally. They are forced to follow these laws and pay taxes at the threat of imprisonment and punishment. The common mass of people are a stagnant bunch prone to habit and inertia. It does not know what is good for itself. It must be lead and force to do things for its own good. It is the responsibility of the enlightened as it has always been to think for the mass and coral them like the cattle they are forward for their own good. This thing we are involved with is a game which has been played since the dawn of mankind. Its like a game of football. This world is the football field the ball is the Mundanes as a mass. What team has the ball in their court wins wealth, dominion, power, and the control of the masss destiny. Over the aeons of our species existence, the team players have changed, but the Mundanes have always remained the same ball of the game. In this light, one will see clearly that everything that is written and said by such team players is all bullshit memetics to get that ball. The Sinister Numen In the pre-hindu religion of the indigenous Mondas and Dravidians of India, the god An sometimes known as Kumara or Ardhanari was a hermaphrodite. Its right side was Ardha meaning Man, and its left side was Nari, meaning Woman. These two halves came to be known as Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is from the word Shava meaning a dead corpse and Shakti meaning Force, or Energy. The use of such terms is based on the fundamental essence of vama marga tantrika. During the initiation rite of a novitiate the initiate is made to sleep in a cemetery next to a dead body for the night. During that time the novitiate must contemplate on what exactly is the difference between his living body and the dead body next to him.
If the initiate contemplates deep enough, he will come to the eventual realization that there is not much of a difference between a living body and a dead body, but that the living body seems to have Force to it. Thus, the Initiate comes to realize that it is Shakti the Left Hand Side, or softer, more subtle side of Creation which is the fundamental essence of Creation itself that there is more to material existence. Vama Marga posits that material creation is a condensation of or a coalescing of Shakti. That all things that physically exist are an aspect of and manifestation of Creation and the Living Cosmos. The physical universe and the more subtle essence of creation Shiva and Shakti are ONE being embraced in an eternal dance. Maya illusion comes into existence when the Mind is lead to believe that these two are separate. Thus Duality is born. Without energy, the world is dead matter. Without matter to animate, energy is dormant. Think of electricity if it has no light bulb or computer or television to animate and express itself thru, it lays dormant somewhere in the walls or in the wires unseen and forgotten. If one desired to experience electricity, one must allow it to express itself thru what causal substance it will manifest thru such as a Tesla Coil, or indirectly thru maganitism. Experiencing the subtle Numinous aspect of this material cosmos happens in the same way. One must embrace and be at-one with the material universe and allow the acausal to flow thru. Thus, mythically when Shiva and Shakti are divided Shakti is said to fall asleep in a dark cave at the very base of the spine forgotten. While Shiva is said to sit as a lonely sickly king on his throne in the 6th Chakra the third eye. It is here, somewhere between the eyes that we feel our conscious awareness to be that I we assume ourselves to be, that aspect of our beta wave awareness so often lost in this Maya of materialism. Enthralled by the faade of gross matter. Lost in its dead, lifeless urban maze. To awaken from this illusion, to be enlightened, Shakti must be reunited with Shiva duality must be reunited as ONE. Thus the symbol of the ouroboros the serpent biting its own tail. The spine is the serpent the tail is Shakti the head united with the tip of the tail is Shiva what once appeared to be two separate ends is actually one continuous circle/cycle of Creation. Energy giving life and form to matter living matter (us) giving form and life to energy. It is thru the nexion of the Mind that this energy is directed, irrigated, into form and substance. Everything that we know of today, from the cities we live in, to the foot prints we left on the moon, first began as a Thought in someones mind. What we sometimes may call Shakti or Acausal Force literally and naturally conforms to and is molded into form by the Mind into the future reality we will experience and exist in. The Living Cosmos thus continually is in a state of self creation via it living intelligent manifestations. We are each a nexus of creation. This is the meaning of illumination, that which we dis-cover when Shakti and Shiva are united. Nothing has really changed about the material universe you see. It is just a matter of now understanding that there is more to the physical universe, that all of creation is
divine/numinous, and that we are each not just accidental things of some planet, but the living cosmos in physical manifestation. That we have our finer, more realer essence not in dead matter, but in Life Force itself which is the same single eternal Life Force of the Cosmos. From this weltanschauung this knowing the material world is not a bad place of suffering which accidentally came into being out of nothing. It is the exultation of Life Force expressed as us and everything which surrounds us. A pageantry or theater in which we don on our costumes for a short while to enact in a cosmic play. Thus, Shiva is the God of the Dance. Oriental Dance here does not necessarily denote the movement of ones body to music. One must think of things like Kabuki, or Thai Dance, or Lakorn [Labam] Khmer which is more than arbitrary movement of limbs to music. Each dance in lakorn tells a story and mythology. Each dancer is a god or goddess or mortal there is a script to each dance. Oriental Dance is actually a pageantry or theater; like Dionysus the Cabiri, Shiva is the God of the Theater the Cosmic Choregos. This is the fundamental essence of illumination when an initiate of vama marga the Left Hand Path comes to finally realize that the physical world is a theater, and that mortal life is a pageantry in which we are the director, scriptwriter, and main character of our own play. That mortal existence is not something to be hated, rejected and despised, but something to be cherished, adored, and enjoyed, because it is Creation at play. This is the genuine meaning and essence of the Sinister Way. Sinister is merely the Latin word for Left. It is the rejection of the grotesquely misunderstood weltanschauung, ontology, and cosmology of the Religonists and those of the Right Hand path which reject mortal existence as inherently bad and imperfect; which vilifies us humans as something disgusting, vile, and incorrect which often states that the material universe is accidental and lifeless. That there is no life force anywhere. That dualism is a reality and that the struggle of some force of good and evil is a reality. The Sinister perspective of life is simply one that embraces and adores the Beauty and Numinosity of physical existence but one cannot hope to embrace or adore such Beauty and Numinosity if one is hopelessly lost in a maze of artificial illusions, in which what we humans have made and imprisoned ourselves in is confused for reality. If you believe the City-State is real if you believe what urban perspectives your eyes and mind has been conditioned by birth to see as being reality then you are Mundane. That word comes from the Latin Mundus meaning World. Numinous Reality is what is left, when the cities have burned to the ground, and the State is no more. To such Worldlings, the Sinister Nobility who desires to destroy their deified contraptions is indeed evil and criminal and we revel in those descriptors they have given us knowing well that the games we play are far beyond their capacity to understand. It is one thing to revel in such descriptors knowing that they describe us as such out of sheer stupidity it is another thing to believe or accept what definitions the stupid have made as reality.
Chapter LXIII Oz
Enjoy a short rest, better than a long. 4th Satanic Point I used to watch Disneys Wizard of Oz when I was a little girl. Its a classic movie about a girl who finds herself someplace that she knows is not home and she learns that some wizard at the end of the yellow brick road can take her home. So she follows that road and along the way she makes companions who walk with her in life, toward that same distant destination. And along the way from time to time Dorothy and her companions will encounter these towns and villages. Theyll go into these towns, look around, pick up some experience points, and they must leave. Because inside Dorothy knows and feels a yearning to be home. And each of her companions have their own different yearnings. That yearning is the pulsations of a restless soul, which ever drives and guides us into new experiences, moving us forward in life. And from that yearning that restlessness there is growth and evolution. There was a time when I got my first job which was right after I had graduated high school. I was working in a large retail store at night, because I wanted to be free during the day to do things. I got comfortable with my job. It was easy. I read blueprints and schematics, and reset shelves around the whole store. I got a check every two weeks. I had no bills to pay [because my grandparents and parents pays them] so whatever money I made was all spending money. I thought 1200 dollars a month was really nice. 200 for a month of gas, and 500 dollars every two weeks to spend the very day I cashed my check. So I was thinking to myself: God, what a life. Im living large. I got my family paying for my car stuff [I had no rent since I was still living with my parents]. My parents gives me an allowance still by seeing every dollar I make [They gave me a dollar for every dollar I made]! I can do my job with my left cerebral lobe missing because it was easy. I can get used to this until I retire pssh! Then one day the whole world ended. I thought I was going to commit suicide. My parents decided that since I had a job that theyd stop giving me an allowance. Apparently my dad thought that if he and my mom continued to spoil me like that, Id grow up retarded and incapable of functioning in the real world. Well, what do you do you know. I got over it. Then I just worked my ass off for three months to get a promotion at work to get more pay. I was proud of myself. Only three months and I became the supervisor of the group that worked on resetting the store. I found out my job got even easier when you climb the corporate ladder. I got paid more money to just boss people around. I thought to myself: Damn, I can do this forever and just retire when I can legally have my trustfund, what a life!
So there I was, at that same store for a year. By then I had gotten to know all the other employees at the store. I found it really weird when I discovered that at least 12 of the employees there had been there for over 15 years! I had also moved out with Kayla and a few other friends. I started to party with my roommates, our friends, their friends. Just drinking and barfing on the weekends. It was fun. I ended up being the one that emailed every body cool in our store on our myspaces to parties every weekend. Then every Mondays half the store would be missing because they were all hung over or past out at home. But I always made it to work no matter how sick I was. And Im a functioning alcoholic. The Manager had this love hate relationship for me. Steve was his name. Huge guy, maybe over 6 foot tall, looked like Mike Row from Dirty Jobs, and from New York, with this mobster accent. At work I acted professional and I always tried to go beyond Steves expectations. Steve had a really short fuse, and if he explains something once and you say something like: Im sorry I didnt understand what you wanted me to do? Or If you did give what you were doing 100% hed go postal and ransack an aisle throwing things and yelling profanities. Fortunately for me Im naturally empathetic, to the point where I could almost read Steves mind. He just had to look at me, and Id walk away knowing what he wanted me to do. Then after I finished hed come by, look around and nod with approval and say: Thats my Ace. I had all these spies up in higher ranks than me who parties with us who kept telling me to be very careful because all of management knows Im the one that emails everybody and throw parties, and management was desperately waiting to mess up somewhere so the can fire me. But I never messed up or slipped. I was determined not to let management fire me, and I was determined to still fuck the store up by throwing parties every weekend. It turned into this battle of wills. Me against Steve. Anyways, one day when Steve was in one of his good moods because he had just gotten back from a good game of golf he bought us all coffee and donuts for morning break. He handed me my coffee and told me he wanted to talk to me in his office. As I was walking behind him, I was going through my analog brain files for anything I could have done to get fired. I quickly pulled up the thought of my family having lawyers and attorneys. He hands me a donut after we sit and tells me about his day golfing, as if I could get excited over the most boringest sport ever! When Steve talks, he really sounds like a
character from an Italian mafia movie. After his speech about the wonders of golf, he says to me: So, are you comfortable with your job Chloe? I said: Yes, I actually am comfortable. Steve nods and says: Being comfortable with anything in life is one step away from quitting. Youre one step away from being a quitter Chloe. Youre shouldnt be here. Youre far too intelligent of a girl to be comfortable with a menial job like this. Being comfortable with what you have now, means you will never have it in you to accomplish anything better. It means you will never be any better than what you are now. Think about it Chloe. Youve got all of life and every kind of opportunity floating around outside this piece of shit store, and here you are comfortable. Youre no better than anybody else out there, if you cannot find it inside yourself to burn for something more. If those colonialists were all comfortable with their lives before the American Revolution, this country wouldnt be here today. Youre not fucking my life up. I still get paid even if half the store is called out. Theyre fucking their own lives up. At least you can come to work the next day and get your shit done Chloe. But think about whose life your really fucking up being comfortable working here, happy with what you are and what you got. Im not gunna fire you. If you want to make this store your life, by all means stay and work for some fat cat rich bastard your whole life. Youre going to quit. You know how I know you are? Because Ive worked with you for a year and I know youre intelligent enough to understand what Im trying to tell you. I dont hate you. I just see wasted potential, and nothing gets me angry more than seeing someone who doesnt give their job or life all they are worth. This isnt about a stupid job Chloe. Its about potential and worth. Go take a 15 minute break. I put in my two weeks notice a week later, and from then on I never looked back. I spend my last week at that job looking at the employees there that have been there for 20 years. Out of their ease and comfort with their job, with what they had in life, they never changed or became something or someone greater. They never achieved anything greater. And all they got out of life, was the same stuff they had been getting out of it. Resting long in one place in life obviously means you arent going anywhere. Being comfortable with who you are and content with what you have in life, means youre not going to become anything better or have more. And many Mundanes out there are fine with this. Thats what makes them Mundane. They are like cattle. As long as you provide cattle with a fence to give them the feeling of security, some entertainment, and sex, they will continue to produce milk and meat without complaining or working for more. The Status Quo and The System love human cattle. Its the ones that are tired of the shit, who are restless, that are a danger. And tell me what group of people nowadays are scaring everybody because they are just tried of the shit theyve been getting? Islam. For a thousand years these Muslims have been subjugated by the West. Ever since the crusades Western powers have invaded and dehumanized these Muslims, and for many centuries they just got used to being controlled and run by the West. After World War One, you had all these Western powers actually taking and cutting up Middle East land for their own power and profit without
regard for the indigenous peoples. And those Muslims took it; after all, they were comfortable with it. They did not know any other way to live. The State of Israel which came into being illegally in 1948 was the final straw that broke the camels back. The hypocrisy of these Jews, after the Monroe Doctrine had been accepted by the so-called international community, expanded beyond what land Great Britain and the Magian Rothchilds had given to them, and they just took more Palestinian land! And America the country that invented the ridiculous Monroe Doctrine was the first nation to recognize Israel. It took a thousand years of being subjugated and being dehumanized and abused, for these Muslims to grow tired of the bullshit. When you have hit rock bottom, you have nowhere to go but up. And these people had finally hit rock bottom. No longer were they comfortable. No longer were they content with what they had in life. There will be no more rest for Islam. A yearning to be their own people, who control their own lives and collective destiny was set a flame at the core of Islam, the day Israel became a nation. And one day in Iran, one man got tired and restless of how his people had been mistreated and abused by the West. Out of a desire for his own children, progeny, and future people to have something better than what life he lives and witness, he gave himself up as a Martyr. And from that one fateful Martyr in Iran Jihad ignited and spread across Islam and its sandy desserts. That first Martyr wasnt just a man who offered his own life up. He was a gate way, through which his people could see an alternative potential world and a means to acausally, causally, aeonically, and wyrdfully work to manifest it that vision. Thus, from their new found restlessness, is there a becoming and a grasping for their worth and potential as a people. Were talking about people living in countries that are mostly barren dessert that are still developing nations far from being technologically advanced, going against a Zionist conglomerate of the most technologically powerful military force on earth. With nothing but passion to free their people and their own bodies, they strike terror with a single blow in the collective mind of the West. Nothing scares a Nation more than terror. Why? If your Nation were a horse cart being pulled by your people who are stupid horses, and your horses are sacred en mass, your cart is going to topple over. The very foundation, blood, and skeleton of a State is its common citizens and the fragile faade of status quo. This makes the State work. Everybody goes to school. Everybody gets a job. Everybody elects their leaders. Everybody pays their taxes. And from the generic daily function of the common populous, and with that tax money the state pays its police force and military. If you desire to disrupt a State and destroy it, you dont go after its government, or waste time fighting its military. You go for the soft spot, the foundation upon which the State is
built on: the populous. One hijacked airplane not only disrupts the business of an airline, but it cripples a whole section of the populous in fear. Jihad has lifted for us the veil of illusion of a State. We now know that the military might and political power of any State is a flimsy prop: Glamour! And a single Martyr with the passion and numinous compassion for his progeny and people alone can cripple and entire Nation. Just think about what a handful of Martyrs were able to do to the collective morale, psyche, emotions, and psychology of a nation of 300 million people on September 11th. September 11th was the day our own captive eyes awoke to see the glamour of America. How long will our rest be? How long will our people be comfortable with what we have? Before we realize that we have been bred and raised slaves to the System? Before we realize we are not free? That we have been abused and subjugated? How long will it be before we can see the vision of a better civilization, and realize that it is within our power to reach for it. If only we understood that a long rest, and comfort is quitting and giving up? The ONA, through Myatts insights has given us that vision and have given us the means to labour for that vision. The vision of a better humanity and a better civilization. Not only has Myatt given those of us of the ONA the vision, passion, and means. But he himself, via his own life, gives us an example to follow. That any enemy of an enemy is a friend indeed. This ONA must learn to understand that such outer forms as the occult and Satanism is a superficial costume of that which is The Inner/Esoteric Order, which is amorphous and essentially formless. We must understand as Sinister Initiates that holding onto such outer forms, when such outer forms does NOT do us any good to get us closer to that Myattian Vision is an obstacle and wall which is a detriment to our worth and potential. Outer form is only a tool the Sinister Initiate uses to wyrdfully and aeonically materialize Imperium. Radical Islam is not just a modern heresy the Sinister Initiate of the ONA should learn to shapeshift as. It is a means to our own salvation and Liberation, if the Sinister Initiate understands correctly the essence of the ONA and his lot in life: which is his progenys inheritance. Just as you are a slave to The System, so too will your children and descendants be, unless you wake up and realizing your full potential as a Sinister Initiate. If one Martyr of Allah with nothing but his own body, can help manifest Islams envisioned Imperium and Liberation from the West, surely then, a Sinister Initiate with knowledge of the Sinister Dialect, and Sinister Cloaking can accomplish much more. Those racial games of a past era the ONA played are over. Racism today will not ignite a racial holy war to disrupt States and Nations. America has elected a son of African as its President. Fear of a different and more sinister kind is the name of the new game. National Socialism was a fun heresy to adopt, and no doubt our people [ONA] have
learned much from what experiences our Sinister Order has gained in the past decades. But now the new heresy, ally, and potent tool is Jihad. It is time to call the Order from their long rest and ignite in them the burning yearnings of a restless soul. It is time we Sinister travelers of this Sinister Way leave the comforts of these munchkin villages of the occult and Satanism behind, to make our way as one legion together to Oz.
separate events or phenomena. They are a cycle of a single Nature of what is the Living Cosmos. The top portion of the trident also forms the Greek letter Sigma, which is the First letter in the Greek word: Seirios the Dogstar Sirius. The word seirios means burning or white hot, as in iron so hot it is white. Thus the Dogstar in 352 is referred to as the White Star. The top shape of the Trident also forms the letter W which alludes to the Sirius as the White Star. Sirius is the first board of the Star Game. The Sickle is a symbol of the planet Saturn. Its shape alludes to the form of an S which is the first letter in Star. The trident and Sickle together forms a WS which stands for White Star. Saturn represents the star Naos in the Star Game, which is the last board. In the book NAOS we also learn that Saturn represents the 7 Spheres of the Tree of Wyrd. Being associated with the number 7, the Sickle is thus also a symbol of the Seven Fold Path, the Seven Grades of the ONA, and the Seven boards of the Star Game. The god-form or archetype Saturn was a god of the Harvest and Corn, thus the Sickle, representing a reaping or harvest of Fruition or of what has bore fruit. Saturn is also equated with Chronos, or Time. Together the symbolism here represents what is known as Chronomorphosis or Aeonics: which is basically the magic of sowing seeds now, and utilizing Time, to grow such thought/memetic seeds, which will grow into something physical that bares fruit causal manifestation or real world results ready for the harvest. The Sickle, of course also alludes to sacrifice, culling, and opfer; which is an essential aspect of the Order of Nine Angles. It is also a symbol of Wyrd: the weaving of our acausal thoughts, emotions, and force of action into causal results. Thus the Sickle represents the Causal, or manifested world of phenomena. From a more aeonic angle the Trident represents the destruction of the age of Pisces the old aeon, and everything related to the old aeon. In ancient cultures, the trident was a tool used to spear fish. The Sickle of Saturn alludes to and reminds us of the Golden Age of Saturn, which is the end goal of the social civilizational alchemy of the Order of Nine Angles. Thus, the Trident represents both an alchemy of the individual through which process the Initiate becomes a new type of human being; but it also represents the social alchemy of turning the Lead of the old aeon into a Golden Age. These are both the two basic and essential objectives of the Order of Nine Angles.
Ever since some 200,000 years ago when our species suddenly came into existence, there has never been a time in which our species did not war, struggle or experience strife. In fact, the opposite is happening. We came into existence fighting and struggling against Neanderthalis. And to the Victor, Mother Nature gives the Spoils. Back in tribal days, wars were small and petty occurring between local tribes. As we progressed, and our technology and societies grew bigger and more sophisticated, guess what also grew bigger and more sophisticated? War. The more advanced as a species we become, the bigger our civilizations becomes, thus the more bigger and advanced our wars will become. We are a species born of war. War is Natures way of destroying the weak, the ineffective. Some of the most illustrious immortal members of our species have been extreme war heroes, and warmongers: Alexander the Great, George Washington, Genghis Khan, Lafayette, Bolivar nearly all kings and royal houses are the blood progeny of a past warmonger who fought for domination of land, which became kingdoms. Of all the forms of governments we as a species can devise, only the Kingdom lead by Warriors King has endured the test of time. Where democracies and republics failed and never lasted long. Kingdoms made up 99% of the form of government humankind knows. As kingdoms grow into Empires, such Empires truly change, alter, and move humankind forward to new heights. The Empire of Great Egypt left us pyramids still standing to day. The Great British Empire was the largest and most influential in our species history. We all speak English because of the past war mongering of Anglo-Saxon. America was born out of war. Suffice it to say; we all humans are children of Mars, born from Bloodshed. What Mother does not give new life without pain and the shedding of Blood? The Victorious Children of Baphomet, Mother of Blood. That will never change. War is a part of our human nature. If you hate war, you hate a part of yourself, a vital primal aspect of your own human nature. You can hate it and deny it, but it will always still be there. What we do not put effort into, what we do not fight or struggle for, has no value or meaning to us intrinsically. What is given to us freely without strife, is taken for granted and forgotten. If strife gives birth to life, then peace is death. War itself is just a form of force applied to a struggle. Struggle is the very essence of life in this causal world of phenomena. The plants in the Amazon Jungle are in a constant state of struggle/war, vying for sunlight. Those plants which persevere toward the canopy will reap the benefit of not only the suns light, but also the reward of passing it Tested and Proven Genes down to the next generation. Those plants at peace with their default lot in life are strangled in darkness and die. Thus, Nature insures that her living parts and pieces in each consecutive age gradually progresses and evolves. The future always belongs to the Victor.
The animal kingdom would not be able to exist without struggle and strife. Each Alpha Male of any group of animals earned his position from battles, and his reward is command over the males, and sex with all the females thus passing his tested genes down. Those at peace with their default lot in life, become Natures second class citizens insignificant long term wise, whose genes have been marked for discontinuation. The future belongs to the Victor. Those at peace remain in the past. If you doubt this compare the peaceful San Bushmen of sub-Sahara Africa to the warmongering Anglo-Saxon. Which of the two hold and influences the future of our species with a strong grip? Not even in the financial arena is peace favorable. Those who struggle and war with the economic elements, who fearlessly take risks and even utilize failure as a means to become more determined to succeed are amply rewarded with wealth and power. Those at peace with their default lot in life, those who do not struggle and wage war with the economic forces holding them down, end up slaves to the Machine. The pleasures and spoils of life go to the Victor. The pain and toil of life goes to the peaceful. Such is the Wyrd we each weave. This is, after all, a causal system we exist in. A causal system is one which gives you what you put into it. In the end, we all deserve what we fight for. Being Sinister Initiates of the Order of Nine Angles, we must each learn to understand the Mysteries of Wyrd and the mechanism of this causal system we exist within and utilize it to our people and future progenys benefit. Always struggle for Victory in all areas of Life and never let peace cross your mind. You successes and spoils in Life that which you have Victorious warred for is your genuine mark of Honour in the ONA, not these grade titles or how many ONA manuscripts you have collected. For if the ONA is a school, a boot camp, a way of life, which has the intent of bettering its progeny and society; and all it has been producing are no different causally from the Mundanes; then why have an ONA in the first place? If a Mundane has fought for wealth and free time to live his life and travel the world and have whatever woman he desires. And all you have are a 1000 strange occult MSS, a wage earning job that barely pays the bills, and a fat goth heifer of a girlfriend: What has the ONA done for you? How has it taught you to Master Life. What occult knowledge do you know, if your life sucks. If you are at peace with your life as is, then you are not of the ONA, you are merely posing and dabbling. As an Initiate of the Sinister Way you are taught to surmount yourself and struggle to become a new person. This does not imply just an internal alchemy. Because what we give life and form to in our minds subjectively [acausal], ultimately manifests as our objective world of experience [causal]. Thus the life you live, what you objectively have such as status, money, friends, influence, possessions, is a direct gauge of the quality of what you have subjectively. If you are nothing and nobody in life; if you have nothing to show for your years of existence than your insides are lead there has been no inner alchemy going on. If you cannot change your own life, and influence your own friends, how do you expect to influence society and change civilization. Youre kidding yourself.
If you are at peace with society as it is, and this current state of human civilization, then you are not of the ONA. The gradual and Numinous progression and evolution of our civilization is the ONAs second objective. Working towards manifesting a stellar civilization actually goes beyond reading and collecting occult tomes. It actually implies apprehension and mastery of life first, then getting an education in fields of interest to the Order, and laboring with organized synergy, toward that distant dream over many generations. In other words: Put the occult crap and anarchist cook book down, and go to college! Besides, all that analog disruption tactics is old aeon. The future of disruption of society has already begun: Digital Warfare. While Chinese and North Korean Computer jocks are engaging in real world 21st century disruption tactics with Amerika and its allies. Meanwhile we have some guys in the ONA that seem to literally be stuck in the stone ages of disruption dialectics, throwing rocks, vandalizing churches, beating yuppies with sticks, tarring and feathering Jews, as if thats going to do anything. Whats even more pathetic is Ive actually encounters a few ONA initiates who seem to be spelling their words with random tosses of Yahtzee dice [illiteracy]. Stay in school dammit! If you are at peace with how the ONA is then you do not understand the essence of the ONA and are not of the ONA. Its not for nothing that Myatt and/or Anton Long has continuously striven/struggled to produce Manuscripts over the course of 30 years. This ONA is like Empirical Science. There is a Methodology which is the essential core. It is this Method which gives birth to outer forms new theories and disciplines as they are referred to in science. Empirical Science is not a static phenomenon like the orthodoxy and dogma of religion. Empirical Science is dynamic and fluid. Old theories are discarded over time or expanded upon as time passes according to the growth of our understandings of things. New disciplines arises over time, each progressively more advanced. Compare todays infant discipline of nanotechnology with the pseudo-science of alchemy of 300 years ago. Or todays theory on genetics with the simple theories of Darwins finches. There is a clear progression and evolution of Science. Progression and evolution does not mean replacing the old with something novel. It implies a building upon, a growing from; in the same way that who you are today is not a replacement for what you were at the age of 5. That early part of you and its experiences and memories still remains, but you have gradually empirically progressed into something more. This ONA of ours works in the same way. There is the core methodology; which gives birth to theories and disciplines. These theories must be applied and tested in the real word and refined, thus giving rise to disciplines [outer forms]. As time progresses, old discipline may not be as effective anymore. Thus the ONA must ever be allowed to gradually evolve over time. In this way will the ONA be able to jump the generation gap. Which is something many old aeonic religions and institutions are having a hard time with currently.
The reward of our victory victory in our struggle to keep up with the progression of time and the passing of generations we remain relevant to each newly emerging generation. Thus do we maintain our inspiration and influence in each passing era. In their peace and acceptance of things as is, these Stagnant Satanisms grow ever irrelevant to each coming generation, doomed to eventually fall into that generation gap into extinction. Think about it a while. Where has the ToSers gone? And the Creepy Crawly Crowleyans? What has become of Avon Books Clown [LaVey] and their Wal-Mart Satanism? The Sinister Way of the ONA never stays the same for long, for its fountainhead of Sinister Insights: Anton Long never stays in one place for long either. On his personal journey personal victory to surmount himself of Self Enlightenment the man we know sometimes as Anton Long has entered into many various roles, religions, and ways of life. From Taoist to Buddhism, from Christian monk to Muslim, from street thug to Nazi to Numinous Empath. Thus the ONA from its causal beginnings has always been imbued with an ethos of amorphous fluidity. It gradually grows and changes like a living organism metabolizing and discarding waste. Discarding old tried, tested, useless theories; for new insights and dialectics, to get it to its established destination. Along its way as it progresses forward, it inspires and influence people, and whole genres of Stagnant Satanism. Anyone who has an intimate knowledge of the religious phenomenon of Satanism, cannot deny the impact and influence the Order of Nine Angles has had; to which no credit is given. The ONA was the first to coin and use the term: Traditional Satanism; which has now unfortunately been hijacked for quite some time by the stagnant freestyle Theistic Satanist. It was the first to make the central focus of its Initiates their own personal illumination and progression according to that Nietzschean ethos; instead of making some High Priest, Temple or Church the focus. It was and still is the first to make the Progression of Man from and earth bound Homo Sapiens to a Stellar Homo Galactica. It was and still is the first to make the Progression of Human Civilization towards its highest conceivable potential its second aim. From its very beginning the aims of the ONA has always been a Faustian Vision. If there was one word which aptly captures the fundamental essence, ethos, quintessence, esprit, of the Order of Nine Angles it would indeed be: Progressive. Unlike the many generic genres of Stagnant Satanism which remains dogmatically the same in their orthodoxy over many decades; the Order of Nine Angles has remained true to its essential Progressive Nature. The ONA of the 60s was nothing like the ONA of the 70s. The ONA of a past 20th century is nothing like what it has evolved into and become in this 21st Century. And like a living acausal entity, it will continue to evolve and gradually Progress over causal time reaching for it collective dreams and visions in the great distance never at peace with what it is always reaching and struggling forward and upward. In its struggling, its ability to evolve, change, shapeshift, adapt to the times and climate of each era, it remains relevant, meaningful, and valuable to each emerging generation.
Whereas these generic Stagnant Satanism grows old and irrelevant, to die in time with its original generation. Such Stagnant Religions quickly lose touch with reality, for reality is nothing more than the weltanschauung, perception, and understanding of the objective world of each generation. Such Stagnant genres of Satanism quickly become irrelevant to each new generation, unable to fulfill the specific needs of each new generation. Peace and stagnation clearly culls the weak. Weak genes and weak memes. Thus Life and Time is Natures testing arena, laboratory, and battle field for the genuinely fit, mighty, Noble the Victorious who are justly rewarded. Just as stagnant organisms in life, over time, become extinct from their inability to change, evolve, and adapt so to will all stagnant religions grow irrelevant and die out in time. The Strong memplexes survive to inspire and shape the next generation. The weak Stagnant ones are forgotten or become breeding ground for poisonous scum, much like a stagnant pool of water is a home to harmful microbes. After 40 years of battles, disruption, struggles, inspiring, influencing, evolving, and progressing, the Order of Nine Angles is still alive and kicking in the 21 st Century. As the generic genres of Stagnant Satanism are gradually falling off the generation cliff; the ONA has managed to jump the Generation Gap into a new Aeon a new world, and into the minds of a new generation of Sinister Nobility. The future always belongs to the Victor. Always fight and struggle for Victory in all areas of Life and: May you never be at peace. Agia H Baphomet.
Weakness in all its forms: mental, emotional, physical, and social; is the individual persons leading cause of personal suffering in life. Weakness is the complete opposite of or adversary of a genuine Initiate of the ONA. A person with a weak mind is characterized by an inability to apprehend and comprehend ideas, and concepts; an inability to think for themselves that is the inability to question ideas and concepts, extract their accuracy, essence, and innovate new thoughts from them; and possess a weak will power. Such a person is gullible, and will believe anything is told to them so long as it sounds believable to them. These beliefs themselves are Biological Software composed of memetic programs your mind uses. Regardless of whether the belief is a religious or political one, it will affect the individuals life, and manifest as what he /she will experience. A person with a weak mind is not Master of his/her own Life. Others are his master. Others think for him, and by proxy, live his life for him. Others tell him what is right from wrong, what is real and unreal, or what is good for him and what is bad for him. Without will power or the capacity to question and doubt, he is incapable of psychologically fighting for his mental independence. Thus he is a pawn in life, who will never amount to anything; whom others will use to their advantage and advancement. Repeating something someone else said, storing in your mind things others thought up of, buying the ideas and concepts others have created, and regurgitating what others composed and created is not a sign of intelligence or mental strength. Such mental activities is indeed the total opposite of living, organic intelligence; because, quite simple a computer and encyclopedia can store and share information other people put into it as well if not better, and computers and books are dead, inanimate objects, devoid of a mind. A person with weak emotions, is equally not Master of their own Life. Emotional weakness is characterized by lack of intelligent control of the emotions; lack of passion and determination; and unregulated impulses. Such a person becomes a slave or is subservient to the ebb and flow of their emotional tide. When we understand that our emotions wyrdfully gives rise to our actions, we can understand how these individuals end up stupidly harming themselves and others around them causing personal and social suffering. Anyone who has ever succeeded in life, whatever the field or discipline; be it school, business, war, art, or crime, will tell you that without the crucial element of burning passion and unequivocal determination; there can be no success. Thus is will be understood that an emotionally weak person will not succeed in life, nor ever hope to be Master of their own Lives.
By physical weakness we mean to denote that a person lacks the ability to intelligently wyrdfully control and plan their actions purposefully; and that the person lacks an interest in the health and well being of his own body. A fat tub of lard of a person who lacks the will, determination, and force to change their own physical bodies for the better to make it more healthier or beautiful cannot possibly have the knowledge, wisdom, and know-how to change others around them for the better. How strong internally are fat ugly people, if they cant even stop themselves from eating chips and junk food. You cant disrupt society if you cant even disrupt your own daily eating habits. In fact, biologically, our appearance and physical well being is Natures very own way of causally showing or revealing genetic health and/or physical disease. And if we think about it, understanding that our thoughts influences our emotions, and our emotions influences our actions, and our actions in turn produces casual results. Then, by backmasking, or working backwards, we can easily determine that fat ugly people, who dont have the power to physically better themselves, also lacks the right emotions and mind quality. For if they are in physical disorder, then they are also in emotional and mental disorder. Lack of Social Strength is also a leading cause of personal suffering. Anthropologically, the human animal is by Nature a social creature. It has evolved from social organisms in the past. Our cities are a direct manifestation of our natural, unconscious need to live in close proximity to other humans. Even in rural areas you still have neighbors. Primitive tribes are also a causal manifestation of our social nature. Hermits are rare choice of lifestyle amongst the 7 Billion of us. In our modern city where people are emotionally distant from each other, our primal need to socially bond with each other causally manifests as street gangs. Gangs arent the only modern manifestation of our human tribal nature. We can, and often do turn just about anything into an excuse to band together and bond. There are groups dedicated to sports teams, crocheting, book clubs, golf clubs, political parties, and anything can be an excuse to hold a back yard barbeque. Someone who is Socially weak lacks the ability to function in society in a healthy manner. Anti-social behaviours are not conducive to social strength. Being anti-social is a sign of social weakness. No human is an island. Nobody likes to be alone. It has been proven that if a human is isolated from other humans for a certain period of time that they will go insane and mentally deteriorate. Any prison warden who has worked in the old days, who has seen the most diehard criminals break mentally from prolonged solitary confinement will attest to this fact. A person who lacks the ability to function in society, to make friends, and become an influence to their friends; does not have the ability to influence and change society for the
better. How can you, if you are a loser? A socially diseased person, who is a loner and has no friends, is his own cause of suffering; and because misery loves company, he will usually work to make others suffer and miserable. This is the reason why in democratic nations, the people who often get elected by the people are usually popular people with a large amount of Social Capital. Because such people have the experience in succeeding in social order, making and influencing a large amount of friends and people. And from that Social Capital, they can change society. Who the hell would vote for a nobody who was a social loser? Because if we intelligently think about it, a society and civilization itself, isnt a lego structure or collection of building, where you can just change the structure and landscape, and have a new society. Society or Civilization is nothing but Other People the social ordering of humans. Our cities, building, science, and technology is thus only a byproduct of that Natural coming-togetherness of humankind what we call society and civilization. There is power in Social Capital, the power to truly mold society to your will. A person who lacks the ability to convince, or influence a single person standing next to him to believe something, or whatever, does not have the capacity to influence or convince a million. It has always been the men, with the most Social Capital, among our species, that have altered and changed our world and our humanity. First think of Jesus. Even if he was a myth, his supporters glamourized his mythos, and from it Jesus gained a lot of Social Capital, and through his Priests hypocritical sinister acts, eventually manifested as the civilization of Europe. There was the illiterate Muhammad of the incoherent Arabian desert tribes. Who, with a book Al QurAn gained massive Social Capital and engineered; within his own life time; a civilization, which still exists today. Genghis Khan, whose empathy for his people and warrior spirit gained him massive Social Capital, allowing him to manifest the largest empire/civilization known to humankind. Today 1 out of every 200 humans on earth are genetic descendants of this Giant of Humanity. In our modern age, we have the example of Adolf Hitler. Who came from nothing; and with a combination of his partys empathy for the German Peoples defiled collective morale and distrust for Jews; and a little mythos building. Hitler was able to amass massive Social Capital; captivating and enchanting an entire nation; thus materializing the Third Reich. It took nearly the entire earth to stop this Hitler. He may be type casted as a villain today, but the German People back then certainly did not see or feel him to be a villain. He was a hero who fished them out of dishonor and gave them back their dignity. And he took what was an impoverished war torn nation, and gave them nearly all of Europe and its wealth, thus ending his peoples suffering.
Strength of Mind, Emotion, Body, and Social Capital, is the mark and honor of a genuine Initiate and Adept of the Sinister Way of the ONA. Empathy is the foundation of Social Capital. Honour for oneself is the foundation of a strong mind, emotion, and body. Duty is what manifests these Strengths the Noble character of anyone genuinely associated with the Order of Nine Angles.
Fear or lack of it is the essential factor which separates us and our Kind, from Homo Hubris. It is Homo Hubris gripped with Fear like perpetually paranoid meerkats that remain stagnant and obedient. It was Homo Hubris and his Fear of hell and God, that gave power to the Church during the dark ages. It was Homo Hubris and his Fear of monarchs, that empowered the tyranny of feudal states and serfdom. It is their Fear of these distant abstract States that empowers these Nations Nations which not only dulls and jades our very Humanness, but is also destroying our very species and the earth. Thus, from time to time, Mother Nature Herself in Her Natural Primal Wisdom places us in situations and events far out of our comfort zone, to force us to face our fears. To face violence, storms, heartbreak, loneliness, tyranny, oppression, poverty, famine, hatred, genocide, et cetera. Such tests of Nature breaks the weak and those who endure facing such fear surmount what they once were, and becomes a new person one more wiser, insightful, stronger. It is through such Ordeals, Struggle, Trials, Tests, Tribulations such Ennobling Kampfs that we become more than human a Fearless Noble Breed of Man. This Order of Nine Angles to us is then like a Boot Camp which like Nature teaches us to face our fears and push our limits Beyond thus Ennobling us in mind, heart, and body. The Initiate of the ONA (and our Disciples) must understand that Evolution is a Self Imposed Initiative. Only in a given species struggle to endure, and adapt to what Nature forces onto it, does a species change over causal time into new creatures. The struggle of the first fish to walk on land to survive over causal time became amphibians and reptiles. The struggle of the first ape to walk up right to compete with other apes, in time, became us. Evolution is Willed and striven for. It does not happen naturally. Insects and microbes that attack plants dont just naturally become resistant to pesticides. It is the Will to endure and struggle to survive that initiates change and evolution. If we understand this as insightful Initiates we will understand the value in testing our own strengths in the arena of Life. The Ordeals of the ONAs Grade Rituals and their respective Tests are only the beginning. The Sinister Way is a Way of Life, and that Way of living is one of constant self initiated struggle to go beyond what fears and limitations we have, or what has been imposed upon us by an outside force. This is not to suggest an aimless struggle for the sake of strength itself. It is a purposeful Kampf, such as the endurance test a swimmer would put himself or herself thru to swim across the English Channel, to fulfill an objective a willed outcome. In doing so, not only do we grow in strength, but there is a growing toward a distinct destination as well. Thus are there the many edicts of the Order which urges each Initiate to test its limits, embrace current Heresy, face danger, Act, and Disrupt. Mental Strength: The practice of training a Strong Mind begins with Doubt. The weaker the doubt, the weaker the realization. The greater the doubt, the greater the realization. In doubting, even our very own existence and the nature of reality, do we begin the process of self
enlightenment. It must be understood that if we do not enlightened ourselves, that someone else has. Such a mind which is incapable of thinking for itself, and doubting what other say or teach, is weak. Experience is the second step to cultivating a Strong Mind. It is thru our direct living of life via direct immersion, that we each collect experiences. From these experiences we collect, the contemplative mind grows the more wiser and insightful. Questioning is the third step to cultivating a strong mind. Such questions that arises from Doubt, and questioning our experiences we have collected. What is that which Doubts? What is that which experiences? What is that which is being experienced. Where is the Observer which is experiencing? Am I experiencing the experience or is my body? Am I that which Doubts, or is it my brain which doubts? If I perform an action, does it produce a reaction? If I desire a certain result, what must I do now to manifest it? Contemplation is the final step to cultivation of a Strong Mind. Contemplation of our doubts, experiences, and questions thru concentrating our mindful awareness in quiet meditation and internal dialogue with oneself. To answer our own questions with our own insights we have gained from our experiences, with intuition, with a struggle to apprehend the essence of things to gain a genuine understanding of such things. With the Outer Forms and exoterica of the ONA set aside, these Four Principles are the foundation and essence of the Seventh Way and its Methodology. Thus, there are no leaders or authorities in the Seventh Way to teach or dictate. There is only this fundamental essence and your own striving your own doubting your own experiencing your own questioning and your own contemplations. There is only your own tests and trials your own becoming. Emotional Strength: If the body were a horse cart, the emotions would be the horses. An individual with no control of his emotions, has no true control over his actions, for it is the emotions that governs what we do and how we behave. Thus it can be simply understood that if the Initiate learns to be Master of her/his own emotions, that she/he will be Master of his/her own Life. If you do not learn to control your own emotions, you are only reacting emotionally due to an outside stimuli. Thus outside forces and other people in essence controls your actions and behavior. Emotional Strength begins with Detachment. This is not a permanent detachment. Your emotional detachment to temporal things and stimuli is practiced and held only until you have learned to hold your emotional state no matter what the situation. The second step is Willed Evocation. By this we mean to say that the Initiate trains itself to evoke a desired emotion. Understanding that what we think and imagine influences our emotions, it wont be hard for the initiate to learn to begin to evoke desired feelings. The feeling of burning passion and determination is crucial to success in life in whatever
arena. Determination here means the unshakable Will and desire to complete an objective, or manifest a goal, without change of heart or mind no matter what situation or obstacles one may encounter. Thru control and regulations of emotions the Initiate learns to wyrdfully manifest a desired objective by controlling the very source of action. Control and regulation of the emotions is the fundamental force and fuel of the Methodology of the ONA, without which, your actions are empty motions. Physical Strength: The Methodology itself is not only the means by which we accomplish our goals; but it is the method by which we initiate self change within ourselves via action, the facing of our fears, leaving the confines of our comfort zone; utilizing our Sinister Dialect, Strategy, Insight Roles, or a modern Heresy to push our own limits. The Methodology in action puts us in the position of pushing our limits, forces us to take risks, and perform Sinister deeds, which is not only our work, but our personal means to progressing ourselves, thru our own acts and merits. Sinister Kampf: Such practical tests of our mental, emotional, and physical strength, when cultivated and Lived engineers gradually over time a new human being, one that is more refined and Noble than the common breed. A Noble Breed that does not Fear, but is Feared. Not by what has been written or spoken, but by what our deeds and Sinister Cloaking manifests what we are capable of. In the long process of surmounting ourselves by placing ourselves into ennobling struggles, and ordeals in testing the limits of our strength and pushing further to reach for the unreachable is there an internal alchemy. From this Triumph of Will the Will to Become do we genuinely transmute inside progressively, where we become individuals who are genuinely Master of our own Life and Fate and Master of the lives and fate of others. Only in this way via a Natural Progression, can we gradually and permanently evolve our human civilization toward its highest potential.
such traditional ceremonies. This isnt the case with 352 when most of our boyz are gangbangers who are involved in facing danger on a daily basis. Anybody who says they have murdered someone in a ritual ceremony in a developed country is lying. Most of the time, most of the homicide that goes unsolved are drive-bies, at least in our nearest Black Out Spot Los Angeles County. The OGs before if they enter the Black Hole to do a Grand Prix, they will usually grease their Smokes, meaning they will rub specially consecrated oil on their fire arms and bullets. The grease or oil serves a secondary mundane purpose of keeping ones fingerprints from sticking. A rite is usually made of the greasing, where the usual chants and Agios O Shugara are preformed. The senior brothers will then offer by proxy every life each bullet takes to Baphomet in a prayer of sorts. They usually keep their smokes in something black with little crystals inside until the scheduled moment comes. Before the seniors of 352 go out to do any thing Sinister thoe, they preform a second rite called the Pripada Boudoirsant which is something the OG Helter 352 of Pima started, which he learned from his family and from a greandfather who is a traditional Theravada monk, well known for his magical talents. The word Pripada is Sacerdotal Khmer meaning the Foot of a God/dess or Holy/Sacred Foot, while the word Boudoirsant is a 352 honorific word for a mother of a Disciple. This magical rite has its roots in old Khmer culture and was used for hundreds of years by their military units to keep them safe. It is essentially a form of military magic. During the Khmer Rouge revolution many preformed this simple rite (which has no formal name in Khmer) to survive the Khmer Rouge and Nixons bombardment of Cambodia. Those who did survive the Khmer autohomeogenocide swears by this simple magical rite. The Pripada requires a white cloth, like a handkerchief and your mothers feet. You kneel before her, with your hands clasped in the Flame Mudra (together as if praying), your thumbs touching third eye. As a side note, in Khmer and Thai culture, I think Laotian and Burmese also, there are 3 positions where you place your clasped hands a) at mouth level when you greet somebody; b) at third eye level when you greet your mother; and c) above your forehead when you pray to the Buddha. The senior will wash their mothers feet with water and then with hands clasped prostrate three times before her feet bringing their hands and head all the way to the floor. The white cloth is then placed under her feet and a marker is used to trace the outline of her feet. They will then ask their mother to bless them and the cloth and keep them safe from bullets, police officers, jail time, and all harm. The cloth is worn on your head when you go to battle. This is the esoteric reason why a white bandanna is the flag or rag of the WSA because the white rags most 352 OGs wear are the magic kind, made in this way. Every OG I know who is active on the streets swears by their Beausanct, which is what it is called in 352. The OGs if they do would travel to a developing country, like one of the countries in Southeast Asia, India, or Africa posing as tourists ergo the Tour of Duty where
the law and police force is usually backwards and corrupt or barely functional. Rural areas are prime ceremonial locations. The Sinister Rites are preformed at night with local natives as the opfer. I have heard some of the OGs even say that in a certain country, in a certain village, you can pay the cops there $500 for a prisoner. Such locations where culling people are relatively easy are called Red Light Districts in the Acception the red alluding to the obvious. No matter how safe it feels, always be cautious and never go on tour without your Beausanct and camping buddies. Make sure you preform your ceremonies a day or two before your return flight too. The ceremony is done with an Obsidian Blade. When the ceremony is complete the knife is dismantled and send back home for safe keeping. In 352 the time the Ceremony of Recalling and other such Rites of Opfer are called Cicada Season. There is a much deeper meaning to the symbolism of the Cicada being associated with this ceremony. As the Cicada comes out from the Underground to metamorph into a new creature, so too does the Dreccian metamorph when he or she opfers someone with his or her own hands and witnesses another human die with there own eyes. Something changes inside. Something Numinous is beheld. The Numinosity of Life. The Dreccian realizes that causal life is too easily ended to be the one true Life. The Initiate comes to realize that Life is beyond the causal and is unending. Thus the Dreccian becomes fearless and death defiant, knowing from direct experience that causal death is an illusion. As far as I know, Tour of Duties to Red Light Districts are only familiar to the Acception. It is hoped that the rest of the ONA those few who are genuinely of the ONA will understand the practicality of this Tour of Duty and adopt it as well.
Thus such things as Beliefs are only tools used by the mind for acquiring an understanding of itself and its reality. Your beliefs should not be your Identity, but accessories to your natural Identity. It would be reasonable to understand that how we perceive the world, Nature, the universe, and ourselves, depends on the quality of such Beliefs. Such that how we see things depends on the tool. In the same way that if an astronomers telescope had a defected lens, what he sees with that telescope and the reality he believes to exist on the other side of that telescope will also be defected. Belief is greatly important as explained in our manuscripts regarding Wyrd. To briefly recapitulate what we believe, or how we see the world with our minds, gives birth to our emotions. These emotions in turn inspires, gives rise to, and governs our actions in life. Such actions will manifest causal results. Such that if a person were to believe his race to be superior in some way to others, such beliefs will give rise to strong emotions concerning his own race and other races. These feelings in turn governs this persons actions in life, which yields causal results. The Magian Defection By Magian we mean the beliefs, ontology, cosmology, theology, and ethos of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The common characteristics of the Magian Defection is that reality is dualized into two competing and warring factions Good versus Evil. There is a Good God responsible for all that is good, and an Evil God which is responsible for all the evils that plagues humanity. Humanity is divided into two distinct groups the Chosen and the Rejected. To be Chosen the Rejected must think, live, and believe as the Chosen does. A high priest and or priesthood usually is the intermediary between the Chosens Good God and the Chosen People. Such a stupid interpretation of reality is absolutely irresponsible. Rather than understanding that we each are responsible for the results and consequences in our own lives via our actions, and that such actions affects the lives of others. Such that ignorant and stupid actions manifests as hardship and suffering [evil], an imaginary god of evil is used as a scapegoat to blame the worlds evils on. With 7 billion people, each doing something stupid, and with hundreds of States run by stupid people each doing stupid things, its not hard for anybody intelligent to understand that it is WE and not some god of evil that is destroying our ecosystem, that creates war, that creates mass poverty. It is the laws we pass that creates crime and criminals not an evil god. As long as we continue to ignorantly blame something imaginary for the evils that exists in the world, and not ourselves: we will continue to destroy ourselves as a species. What is worse is that the Magian belief of a Judgement Day, a heaven, a paradise, or whatever does not help with the destruction of the earth, because why go thru the trouble of fixings something like a dying earth when heaven or 72 virgins is right around the corner? No amount of prayer to some good god in the sky, or superficial upholding of codes of morality is going to stop this self destruction. Enlightenment will. By Enlightenment, we
mean that each individual person must come to the understanding that his and her actions in life not only affects their own lives, but the lives of others. We arent going to go into detail about how destructive Magian ethos is, because we should all be smart enough to open a fucking history book and read about Magian actions and the results of such Magian actions over the course of some 2000 years, and its over all retardation affect it has had collectively on the human species. So this is the first Duty of a Satanist To know and understand your enemy. As Satanists we believe that the Magians are the enemies of human kind because of the negative fruits of their collective actions on our species. The second Duty of a Satanist is then To work to destroy the enemy in all their forms. Not by dressing up like Goths and emos. Not by using some dumb chaos magic to magickally fight the Magian. By practical and pragmatic means. By killing them or using Sinister Cloaking to get others to kill them. By destroying their States and undermining their politics and policies covertly with subversive groups and subversive actions. Dressing up in the latest Prada and not using it in some way like getting a hot date, is useless. So is being a Satanist, of all you will be doing is wearing a label and carrying around beliefs and opinions. Its practically useless and pointless. It is what you do with your Satanism, that makes Satanism useful and valuable. In the same way that it is the glamour Prada gives you and what that glamour can do for you that makes Prada worth more than a WalMart outfit. The Meaning of Satan Satan is a mere meme in a memeplex. By meme we mean to sociologically denote anything such as an idea, a concept, a gesture, or aspect of a culture or tradition which can be transmitted from one person to another. A handshake is a meme. A wave of the hand that says hello is a meme. LOL as it is typed which expresses a laugh is a meme. War paint Native Americans use to wear during battle is a meme. A memeplex is a cluster of memes amalgamated together. In this context a meme is a gene of the genetic coding of a memeplex which, like viruses can and do infect people, replicate, and spread. Christmas is a memeplex with the songs, the gifts, the dcor, the x-mas tree, and so on. Tail gating and football events is a memeplex. If a single gesture is a meme, than sign language is a memeplex. Gang culture is a memeplex. So are Buddhism and Catholicism. A religion, a culture, a tradition, a way of life, are all fundamentally the same thing: a memeplex. Thus we will approach this topic from this clearer perspective, rather than from an uneducated pre-college perspective of religions, sects, and cults which essentially has no meaning on an anthropological and sociological level. The meme of a satan originated with the monotheistic Israelites. Whether satan exists as we, and clouds, and the sun exists is moot and pointless conjecture. If it were so important for satan to have a race of monkeys on an average planet, at the galactic rim
of an average spiral galaxy among the billions of billions of galaxies in this infinite Cosmos to acknowledge that it is real, It would have been in your face by now. Chances are, if a satan does exist, It probably doesnt give a shit about you and what you think or believe about it. No more than you would give a shit about bread mold in some guys fridge in Detroit Michigan someplace. Unlike God, satan doesnt seem to give a shit. Whereas God gives such a shit about this ridiculous human race of ours and how we think of him; out of all the other life forms in this universe; that he would go so far as to be a micromanaging bitch to give a shit if two boys are fondling each others genitalia. Or if we commit whoredom and think about some other God. What the hell, talk about insecurity issues. I dont care how many Christians, Muslims, Jews, and emo Satanists say that Satan is real. You bring me one Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto guy, or atheist that exists OUTSIDE of this imbecilic Magian paradigm/matrix, who had seen a devil with pointy horns that introduced himself as Satan and Ill believe it. Otherwise, like Satan, I dont give a shit either way. Until then, satan is a fucking meme which is a contextual aspect of the Magian memeplex. If satan exists, he existed long before the human race. If he existed before the human race, he existed before any human gave him a name. So logically, if he exists, satan isnt his name in the first place, so get over it. It is something we ascribe to him: an idea/meme based on our feeble human apprehension of life which we assert onto an aspect of Life and Nature: the Life and Nature which is beyond the grasp of our feeble human intellect. If you were to ask me if I personally believe in a satan I would answer Yes and No. No because I do not believe that before the beginning of time, when Satan was born, his mom gave him the Anglicized Hebraic name Satan. If youre gunna believe that shit, you might as well also believe that God actually did give Moses the King James Version Bible in Shakespearian English. I pity you and your intelligence if you believe this. I really do. Yes because I know/feel that there is more to Life than flesh and stone. That this Life Force or Cosmic Essence is feral, beyond human valuations of good and evil, is constructive sometimes when it gives life: when trees and flowers grow; is destructive at times when, thru Nature, a hurricane or monsoon or typhoon kills hundreds of thousands of lives: when fungus, bacteria, and maggots consumes what was once living. I understand that I consciously ascribe the word satan to this Thing that Life is, and I understand that I ascribe certain values and concepts to this word satan which reflects my own feeble apprehension of this Thing which is an aspect of the Living Cosmos. This is all I know. One can reasonably point out that there is only ONE Life, ONE Cosmos, ONE Nature, and that perhaps what I call satan is the same thing a Hindu might understand as Brahma, or what a Christian calls God. This is entirely true. So, with this point in
mind, it is easier to understand that we each have our own grasp of That Which Is Beyond Us. We each ascribe an idea/meme which we associate with certain values and concepts to this same Thing. So that, like the clothes we wear, what and how we see/interpret this same Thing, reflect what type of person we are and our level of mental evolution and capacity to think and understand. Such that if we were to compare a Christians anthropomorphic, bearded, God who sits on a throne with a golden crown, to the orderly universe governed by natural universal laws of a scientist, we can clearly distinguish the idiot from the intelligent one; and we can discern the quality and capacity of each mind one being clinically retarded, while the other is a highly educated analytical individual. We use the word satan as Satanists because as the type of liberated and emancipated people that we are, we understand that Magian ethos is destructive to the human species. We utilize the word because we oppose their idiotic memeplex with a passion, and that satan is a symbol of that passionate hatred of all things Magian. If hypothetically there were a billion devil worshipers in the world and they were doing the same stupid things to themselves, to everyone else, and to this earth, we would still hate them, and thus utilize Jesus instead. The Word is meaningless The Wyrd is meaningful. I am not one to believe that ancient humans were primitive lunatics. Just staring at a Mayan or Egyptian pyramid, the mathematics of an ancient Greek, or reading the ancient philosophies of ancient China, tells me that ancient humans were just as mentally intellectually capable; if not more; than we are today. Thus I refuse to believe that ancient humans were also primitive lunatics in regards to what we today call religion. The fact that Lao Tzu, Kong Fu Tzu, and the amazing memeplex of Buddhism came out of the minds of people living around and before 500B.C. tells me that ancient humans of such quality were not stupid pagans and wiccans worshiping anthropomorphic gods who danced naked around bon fires like some imbecilic people today. Thus, I do not believe idiots created Judaism and other Magian memeplexes. Originally satan in the mythos of the Jewish Tanakh was not a being or entity per se. A satan was anything which distracted you from your faith in God, or something which tested your faith. This can clearly be seen when you actually do read the Old Testament sans the babbling of a psychotic preacher. In the case of the ancient Israelites, a satan was anything which caused the Israelites to break his covenant with YHVH i.e.: breaking the 10 commandments, or worshiping other gods. There was a practical political reason for the many Laws in the Torah and Tanakh. This was the politics back then, and such sacerdotal laws actually governed a people. As the sacred Laws of Hammurabi and the sacred Laws of Manu governed their respective people. There is also a more human or spiritual reason for such laws in such times when the bulk of humanity were wild and uncultured, such laws defined or created what a Civilized person was, and defines how a Civilized people treats and behaves with one
another. In fact the idiomatic meaning of the word Aryan in India still means Civilized today. This word Aryan now ties these civil code of behavior and conduct with the Aryan Laws/Path/Way of the Buddha. If you have never heard the teachings of the Buddha referred to as Aryan its because youre ignorant and perhaps assume that the Buddha spoke English. The word Noble in the Four NOBLE Truths, or the Eight NOBLE Paths of Buddhism, in its original language is ARIYA which is the Pali vernacular of the Sanskrit ARYA, from which the English word Aryan comes. Its easier to deal with Buddhism to gain an understanding of what satan was, before the Church patriarchs corrupted it because its well known that Buddhism does not preoccupy itself with gods, which is to say that Buddhism does not symbolically represent their esoteric wisdom in anthropomorphic symbolism for the common idiots to such an extent as other memeplexes. The basic reasoning behind the Aryan Way of the Buddha is that your common person is an unthinking imbecile creature Anariya that must be Liberated from gods and religion thus becoming Enlightened enough so that they themselves understand that via their own BELIEFS, emotions, and actions that they themselves produce their own human suffering and that by changing ones mind ones beliefs you change your own life, reduce your own suffering, an ultimately change the world. But this is to much for the idiot anariya to comprehend. Hence the deep shit our species is globally in today. Thus the Aryan Way of the Buddha gives these common imbeciles a Way to Ennoble themselves the Four Noble Truths, and the Eight Noble Paths. Which essentially concerns itself with the origins of human suffering and the cessation of that suffering by FOLLOWING the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path in turn concerns itself entirely with Right or Correct action and behavior Right Thinking, Right Intent, and so on. Meditation, which is a refined form of mental focus and concentration on a concept which helps one on the Eightfold Path is also used. The loyal following of these codes of conduct and meditation of ones actions and their results, annihilates human suffering. So now we come to a mythos concerning the Buddha. As he was in the forest one day when he was just setting out be become self enlightened the Buddha sat under a tree and began to deeply meditate. Fearing that the Buddha would achieve Sambuddhi [SelfEnlightenment] Mara [the devil of Buddhism] came to the Buddha and TEMPTED the Buddha with illusions of power, beautiful maidens and such. There is no evidence beyond conjecture that the Buddha was ever a real person, and there is no demon named Mara lurking in some astral world. These are metaphors/mythos. The Buddha is simply the individual arhant who walks or strives to live that Noble Eightfold Path. Mara is simply anything which Distracts or Misdirects the arhants mind from that path the Mundane stuff of life you see?
So we come to the misinterpreted religion of Zoroastrianism. These Christians misinterprets this religion to be some cosmic struggle of a good god named Ahura Mazda against his archenemy Angra Mainyu [Ahriman] the bad god of evil things. Why is it then that angra mainyu means Incorrect Mind/Thought? If we remember that Buddhism developed in India by a people who spoke Indo-Aryan Pali, and that Zoroastrianism developed in what is today Iran [Persia] by a people who spoke IranoAryan Avestan. We will not only see that these two cultures are neighbors, but that their languages are related also. So it is not hard to understand that Buddhism influenced and inspired Zoroastrianism. So in Zoroastrianism we have the Ariya [Avestan for Aryan/Civilized] who follow the sacred laws of Ahura Mazda as revealed to the Prophet, which laws civilized and ennobles a people. And we have Incorrect Mind, or wrong ways of thinking which tests the faith of the Ariya from his noble path. In the same sense that Incorrect Perception is the opposite of Right Perception, which leads to human suffering. Angra Mainyu is a metaphor/mythos for that which distracts ones mind from ones Noble Path to self betterment. We know that Zoroastrianism influenced Judaism. By the time of the Israelites, Buddhism had actually already colonized the city of Alexandria in Egypt. I refuse to believe that these ancient Jews were idiot lunatics because I personally disagree with Zionism. You underestimate these people and the human mind and reveal your own primitive level of mind when you simply believe that their religion was nothing more than burning goats to some bearded Jew in the sky. The human spirit and will to learn and become more than what was, is beyond this stupidity. Like Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, you have a set of sacred civilizing laws of behavior and conduct in Judaism. And in the Torah and Tanakh, satan only appears in stories when someone is being tested of their faith or tempted to break such sacerdotal laws. There is no anthropomorphic creature named Satan. A satan originally was anything of the mundane which distracted or tempted the covenanted people those who had made a vow to follow such civilizing laws. In fact, satan isnt even a single being in the Holy Quran. It is in the plural: Shaitans. A shaitan is anything which distracts your mind away from Allah and what mundane white devilish things tempts you causing a Muslim to not submit to the Holy Shariah as God gave the Prophet Muhammad. It was only after the literalists of Christianity that Satan became the devil we know of today which has influenced Islams current exoteric interpretation of the Shaitan. What Satanism Is In Essence Satanism is a religion of nonreligion with three main focuses 1) The Rational deification of the physical human Self; 2) The Liberation of the mental human self from religion; and 3) The progression to Enlightenment through direct existential experience of life. Generally, we refer to our Satanism as Progressive Satanism, as opposed to the lunatic Satanisms of most outsiders. Or as Traditional Satanism only in denoting the Traditions of the Black Book of Satan, NAOS, & the Dark Tradition of the ONA.
Now, by Rational deification of the physical human self, it is meant that what the physical human animal is as nature has made it, is adored as being sacred and is deified as a god within the limits of Reason. That is to say that how we are, as we are effortlessly as nature has made us, is divine, and that this natural self is a god insofar as its passions, will, and desires are followed like the dictates of a deity. This is not to say that the self is worshiped as a god, because this worship is beyond the limits of Reason. Being our own deity, it is rational to say that no deity should come before our own selves; better yet, no other gods should even exist. So we come to the second point: Liberation of the mental self. This is to say that religion is a mental construct which misdirects the mind from itself and focuses it onto another minds idea/concept. When your mind is distracted away from itself and loses itself in the ideas, convictions, and opinions of another mind.person, it is entrapped or it loses its individual freedom. Breaking free from all religion and moral systems is then the act self realization in which the self gains freedom. When the mind has been liberated and has become truly independent it may then experience life directly without a middle man to interpret reality for it. this brings us to the third point: The progression to Enlightenment thru direct experience of life and or reality. Enlightenment is a process of becoming, a progression or gradual transformation brought about by the cultivation and experience of direct experience of life without moral or religious restraint. The mind must be allowed to be free like a growing child to make and learn from its owns mistakes. It is only from direct experience and the freedom to make and learn from mistakes that one becomes wise. Wisdom is in essence the fruits of direct experience, whereas knowledge is an acquired idea or thought. The difference between someone who knows something and one who is wise in that something may be illustrated with two people and a single map. One person can read this map and be an expert with it to the minutest detail of every street name and landmark on that map; but the person who takes that maps as a guide and actually experiences the area directly experiences something completely different and from his experience he becomes wise. Satan within this three step approach to life is only a symbol which represents Nature in all its manifestations: Cosmic nature, earthly nature, human nature, and the natural laws which universally governs nature itself. The mythos of Satan is picked to correspond to nature, because nature itself and all that it is, stands in direct Opposition to religion and religous laws; as well as the laws of morals, and the laws of civilized social-orders such as cities and states. How so? When religion teaches that Man is made in the image of some god, Nature says that Man is a monkey or just an animal. When religious morals states that killing is bad, killing in Nature is what produces life (food and defense). When state law says that you can only marry one mate, Nature states the whole opposite and says marriage and monogamy doesnt even exist. So when I say that I am a Satanist I mean to say that I deify myself as the only god in my life; that I desire to be free from all religion; that I am in the business of enlightening myself from unrestrained direct experience of life; and that I embrace and live my life intune or in harmony to all that Nature is and represents.
The more value we add to the word satan, the more it is worth, and the better we can use it as a tool to express who we are as Satanists, and what Life is as we Satanists see it. The basic meaning of satan in its original Hebrew is to reject what has been established. In our case as Satanists, it means that we reject Magian Ethos, their established ways, their established laws, and their established States. There are two words in Sanskrit related to the phonetic value of the word satan the first is Satan[a] which basically means to destroy or cause to fall. Which aptly describes the work and labour of a Satanist who genuinely understands Satanism, and who genuinely understands the meaning of emancipation and liberation from Magian State tyranny. As a side note: there are only three letters in the word satana: STN, with little marks at the top to denote vowel values. In the same way that there are only three letters to satan in Hebrew: STN. There is another word related to the letters STN in Sanskrit: Sadhan[a]. The letter DHA in Sanskrit and many of its vernaculars and bastard children [such as Khmer] is actually pronounced with a breath as the letter T is said in English and not as a D. Sadhana has many meanings: Realization, Leading To A Goal, To Bring About or Cause To Happen, Effective, Perfection, To Produce, and An Accomplishment. This literally explains the End Goal of a Satanist: Self Realization, Self Betterment, Evolution Toward Perfection. So: as Satanism is here presented, there is described the essence of a self imposed striving or struggle on the part of the Satanist to surmount himself, or to progress or evolve himself or herself. It has nothing to do with the worship of a devil. But, such a focused endeavour, as that of self enlightenment and self perfection implies a focus of Will and Mind, as well as a practical Way of Life. Such that if something of the mundane world distracts a Satanist from this Sinister Way of life, such distractions becomes a stumbling block to the Satanists progression toward her or his end goal doesnt it? Thus, we have come full circle to the understanding of the esoteric value of what satan meant to ancient Judaism. What Ahriman meant to ancient Zoroastrianism. And what Mara esoterically symbolizes in Buddhism. All we have literally done was rearrange a few literal words around. It is still the same Life. Still the same Cosmos. Still the same Humanity. Still the same quest for Self Realization, Liberation, and Self Enlightenment. Still the same striving to be Honourable civilized people with our own kindred, Still the same quest to become better then the Mundanes. If you are ONA and you dont understand what I mean by Honourable or think ethics and moral codes of behaviour have no place in Satanism, then go back and read The Law of the New Aeon, and The Law of the Sinister-Numen. It is still the same Aryan versus Anariya: as it has always esoterically been throughout time a struggle between the few Noble and the Common Ignoble Herd. And we still have the same source of distractions, misdirections: the way of the mundanes. Its just that instead of calling such distractions satans we call it Magian or Mundane, and we have adopted the word satan for its many values which aptly describes who we are
as Satanists, what kind of person we are, what we do, and who our enemies are in this current age and era. In time, these labels will be dropped for better ones, as even the outer name Order of Nine Angles will someday lose its meaning and be dropped for something better.
After several such encounters, the brother Helter with the other Two who came to visit Black Star Canyon, went on a hike one day and bumped into the supposed leader of the other group known only as the Black Papa. The Black Papa joined them on their hike and told them that his small group was simply called Black Star Temple. Helter and the other Two were asked what kind of Satanism they were into and they answered: LaVeyan. To which Black Papa answered: Thats a bunch of shit, I cant believe you bought into LaVeys circus act [or something to that affect]. The First Three asked the Black Papa what kind of Satanism he practiced, to which he answered: The real shit. Which was when The First Three first learned about the Order of Nine Angles. After several conversations with the Black Papa, the First Three discovered that their WSA and the ONA had a lot in common, both had a system of degrees and grades based on practical acts and deeds for example. Not wanting to be known as dorks that fell for LaVey and Avon Books circus act, the First Three began to study under Black Papa and his group, eventually taking their EA up in Black Star Canyon. Interestingly, at the time the WSA already had two isolation based degree rituals very similar to the ONAs External Adept grade ordeal. The WSA at the time believed in Pure Renunciation of the Profane World which leads to True Liberation and Genuine Individuation. And that high initiate of the WSA must physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychological separate themselves from every aspect of the profane world through extreme isolation by removing themselves from society and city life for a certain period of time. The first isolation rite the old WSA practiced was called Boot Camp which was when you camped out for 3-6 months by yourself. The other isolation rite was called The Shoe. The Shoe is based on what is known as solitary confinement in prison, which in our hood is called the Shoe for some reason. The method is to strip your room of everything, sleep on the floor during the day, stay awake during the night, for a full 12 months. You can only leave your room to eat and go to the bathroom and you were not allowed to leave the house during the 12 months or talk to anybody or watch tv or read books, or listen to music. It sounds easy, but most people cant take 3 months of the Shoe, and some go crazy, like they start to hear voices and talk to themselves or swear they see demons. This tantric rite [it actually is a tantric rite] is not unique to the ONA or WSA because our WSA got it from Kula Kali Shaktism and certain sects of Shaivism which demands such extreme forms of isolation [renunciation] as a genuine and only real means to separate a person from the herd to truly make such person an emancipated, liberated, free standing individual, with his/her own mind. Nine months of total isolation in the wilderness was the length of time described in such eastern rites of renunciation. All Three of the First Ones actually did both isolation rites, so camping out for 3 months in Black Star Canyon was pretty easy for them; especially when they bring back packs with 100 days worth of MRIs [military rations]. It is said that after going through such extreme methods of isolation as this, you change as a person inside, and you see the world, society, city life, and other people the Profane very differently. I have
witnessed the change with my own eyes, and I have experienced the change myself, as I have also did my time in the Shoe and Boot Camp. I can personally tell, by associating with someone and studying their thoughts through what and how they say or wrote if they have also honestly experienced similar episode of extreme isolation. You do not know, nor can you ever know, what it means to be an individual or what liberation is if you are born connected to everybody else in a city, if television and the media completely saturate your mind 24/7. If every aspect of society from school to work to friends to family saturates every moment of your life. You are not in such context a true individual. You are just a body which is a part of an indistinguishable mass of bodies. It is only when you segregate yourself from everyone and everything, and after you have confronted mind numbing boredom, that you are extricated from that indistinguishable mass, and thus the journey to dis-covering your Numinous Self can truly begin. Ill admit that when I did my time in the Shoe, I was talking to myself for the last 9 months of the time. There was a time when I completely flipped out actually and thought I was two people. I even gave the other girl a name: Siren because at one point I lost it so bad I was going to cut my wrists to see what dying was like, and I heard this cop car or fire truck pass by with its siren on, and a voice in my head said: There, youre fucking crazy, theyre coming for you. I threw the razor down and said back all scared, as I ran to peek out the window: Shut up, Im not crazy, theyre gone, lol, as I peeked out the window. I would spend most of my waking time staring at one spot on the same corner of my wall, and Id get excited when I heard the sound of a car move outside my window because it was one of few things I actually heard. So Id run real quick and peek outside into the dark to watch cars park. My most favorite song developed from my experience in the Shoe actually. I had been isolated for god knows how long and I had not heard any one speak a full sentence to me or any music in so long. I then hear this car blasting real loud an old song I had never heard before and the car just stayed their outside for the whole duration of the song. To hear those lyric in such a state of prolonged extreme isolation was beyond anything I can describe. I cried my eyes out. The song is called Computer Love, by Zapp & Roger, I know, go figure. But these are crazy stories for another time. Ill write a story about the adventures of Chloe & Siren one day if the interest is there. Im not saying Im insane or any thing. Its just that the mind has wonderful ways of entertaining itself. Anyways, back to our little history. I suppose during the late 90s, as Black Papa had said, the ONA was retreating from the monkey world or as they say in Freemasonry: it was going dormant. It never bothered Black Papa and his little group because they knew inside that their Dark Tradition would still live on with them. But even this would come to an end and Black Papa knew this. Because if the Dark Tradition does not somehow jump the generation gap into a younger generation, the Dark would wither away. I think it was Black Papas wife, who we all call Mama, that said to Black Papa that if you loved something, to love it enough to let it go of it, so that it is free to become its own thing, and if it loved you it will return. So Papa gave the First Three and all of
their younger underlings their organization to do as they please with it. This was when the merger happened between the Black Star Temple and the old WSA. The third stage of the WSAs development was when me and Kayla came into the scene. We were about a generation younger then the First Three, and much younger than Papa who had now become old with grey and white pepper hair. Where Kayla gets all her knowledge from is a whole other story in itself. Just before she herself got involved in the WSA, she and her best friend Kevin had already created their own bizarre Nazi based religion. For those who dont know Kayla even though she is half Mexican, she is a natural blond and in the past has insight roled as a National Socialist of a weird esoteric variety. She even helped run a hardcore white gang once called White Product. The religion was simply known as Jedsri which are two words I once gave them. Jed is the Khmer form of the Sanskrit Chit which in Khmer means Mind, Emotion, Essence, and Sri [pronounced 'srey'] is the Khmer word for a Female and is also the word for Sacred, Beautiful, and Holy, in Sanskrit as in Sri Hare Krishna. Their Nazi cult [Jedsrianism] starts off with a mythos of a race of Djin who came from the stars to rome the earth for a while. 72 Djin kings, called Salumeins ruled the earth before they had to leave because they were solidifying into creatures of flesh and thus would not be able to return home. Before they left the last King Salumein of the Djin took his lesser djin folk and divided them in half. These Djin according to the mythos are hermaphroditic semi-physical entities. So the djin split in half remained on the earth as living landmarks to testify that their race once walked the earth. These would become the first humans. According to their mythos, the 72nd King Salumein noticed that when the djin had been divided that the females got all the Divine Virtues of the Djin while the males were just better than savage animals. So the last Djin placed a female on the throne to rule the Earth and Humankind known as Empress Califa. After several Empress Califas pass, one of the latter day Empresses learns that the earths second moon named Luciferi, which was a smaller sized moon was spiraling towards the earth. To save her now physical human race from mass extinction, the Empress Califa ordered all of her men to dig great tunnels into the ground and to build great underground cities. So their Jedsrian mythos states that the moon Luciferi crashed into the Atlantic, just below Greenland cracking the earth and causing it to expand. Thus Jesrianism believes in the Earth Expansion Theory. But anyways, since there was only so much room in the underground cities, the Empress only allowed the women and children to be sheltered in those underground cities and she left most of the men on the surface to ride it out. Well, the men didnt take it to well because they felt cheated for building those cities and then were left to die on the surface, so they vowed that if they survive that they would
raise and army and take the Imperial Crown from the Empress and Womenkind and rule the earth themselves. So after the Great Cataclysm the men did make war with the Empress Califa and her army and she lost the battle. At the time, so Jedsrianism mythos states the human race all inhabited what is today Antarctica, and that the moon crashing into the earth caused the earth to wobble in space, bringing humanitys ancient motherland to the South Pole which began to freeze it. As punishment for leaving mankind out to die, the men forced the Empress and her loyalists to forever stay in the underground cities in Antarctica. And to save their asses from freezing, the surviving humans shipped themselves to the three closest land masses: South America, Africa, and Australasia which is why ancient cultures in these areas share many aspects of their culture in common, such as pyramid building. Have you ever wondered why the pyramids of Egypt, Maya, and the pyramid temple complex of Angkor Cambodia are all located within the same equatorial region: between the two Tropic basically? In Jedsrian Mythos, the Nazis come into the picture just before world war two when a medium telepathically establishes contact with the Empresss people, called the Vril-ja and when a group of Nazis traveled to Tibet and also learned to communicate with the Vril-ja who were now non-physical entities. According to Jedsrian mythos, a group of Nazis along with Hilter traveled to Antarctica to personally speak with the Empress of that time who communicated to the group the history of humanity and of their white race. She told the group of Nazis that the men who betrayed her had traveled to the three closest landmasses and had become dark in complexion, and that her loyalists grew light skinned in due to being trapped in the underground cities. She said that a large group of her loyalists wandered in the underground network of tunnels and dug themselves to the surface and colonized what is now southern Greenland, and then spread into Northern Europe from there becoming the white race. The mythos states that Hitler and his inner circle kneels and makes a promise to the Empress Califa that they will work to take over the earth and kill the descendant of the people who betrayed the Empress [non-whites and male god worshipers] and that they will establish a new Global Empire for the Empress. This is how Hitler becomes Jedsrianisms Messiah. Unfortunately, the many nations are run by conglomerate of wealthy patriarchalists called the 10 Percenters who owns the banking system, who of course won the second world war via their puppet states. As crazy as this mythos sounds, Kevins grandfather was a high ranking NS official, who never said much about this mythos, but when he was drunk did reveal that he and some of his associated also believed such things as Antarctica being Humanities homeland, that there was indeed an Empress, and that white people came out of a tunnel in the ground in Greenland.
This is where the WSA gets its fascination with Vril, and Matriarchal feel from: from Kaylas Jedsrianism, which she basically just reformatted to sound more 352-ish. This is also why the WSA calls its Sacred Text: Opus Vrilis, meaning the Work of the Vril-ja, implying that the WSA is continuing Hitlers quest to take over the world and kill off mankind who betrayed the Empress. Except Jedsrianisms policy was not racist as in they wanted to kill minorities, their policy is to breed every race into extinction by mix breeding everyone back into one single race ruled by females where men have no more freedom but to be soldiers and live out their miserable lives after they have been Jedsrified meaning that their masculine savage nature is brought under control by adopting the Divine Feminine Virtues of womenkind. Kaylas made up Nazi cult is also why she likes Reichsfolk National Socialism so much, and why she adores David Myatt. As to where I get my knowledge from: It is a combination of many sources. Parts of it is how I was raised in a weird-olden Khmer Buddhism that was only Buddhism in name, otherwise it was pure ancestral Shaktism. From my grandmothers and Grandfathers who were monks. From an inner source we call the High Priest in the Acception which is explained in Opus Vrilis. From being a good listener and associating with people much older than myself. From my own personal experiences in life as well. Im just very good at restating what I have inside to sound very ONA-ish because beneath the superficial trappings what I know and have come to know, and what Anton Long knows and calls the Dark Tradition is the same Forest Doctrine written on every leaf and star in the Great Book of Nature. And if we each would just emancipate ourselves from the ho hum of the mundane/profane world, and tune into the silence of Nature, we will all read the same letters and come to the same understandings. If something is truly universal, it is accessible to anybody at all times and in all places. And should not be dependent on a causal written book, text, or manuscript. Unless you have experienced such genuine liberation from the mundane, and have honestly learned to empathize and feel Natures primal pulse, what I have said is meaningless, as words often become meaningless in such moments when such words cannot convey that which is unwritable. I suppose the great thing about the WSA is that it knows when to let go of itself to a new generation. It wasnt so much what me and Kayla did that made us stand out. But it was our focus and how we thought. It was the different way we saw and understood the WSA and ONA, or rather, what we felt it could become that it had far greater potential than what it was then that made us two different from everyone else. It was relatively easy to prove the others in WSA that our Acception was in good hands and that it would have a far better future through me and Kayla. It was a struggle on the other hand to prove our worth and merit to the OGs of the ONA. Because there is always secretly in the back of our minds the insecurity of age and generation issues. Of old time adepts and hardliners of the Sinister Way, who aged into old traditional/conservative ways, and fresh young minds who may not understand to depth the olden things, but who have fresh progressive insights and a different perspective on life.
But we did not come online with any intent to change or evolve the ONA you see. We originally came online to use the world wide web as a test medium to colonize other cities to set up a network of groups, and to find other ONA groups to make friends with. Just to let such other ONA groups know that our Nexion exists. And so we just literally began to express our minds, and how we saw and understood the ONA in blogs, not really knowing anybody but our close associates would ever care to read it what we had to say. But slowly, over 2 years of test and trial; some heart ache and frustration, even the OGs and many of the initiates of the ONA came to read our blogs and something strange and wonderful happened. The Order that had for so long inspired and influenced so much of our minds, let go and slowly let us evolve it. And we never heard one objection from Anton Long, who now undoubtedly sits and watches what his ONA has become today. Knowing inside that all those decades he spent nurturing and writing for the ONA to keep it alive for this long, will at least be duplicated for another 40 years by two young minds. How the ONA will be 40 years from now, I cant say. But I know that it takes a unique mind, which has been individuated, which is prone to obsession, as the mind of Anton Long is with the ONA to do what he did with ONA. And I know, that although I might not be as intelligent and darkly wise as Anton Long or the Usual Suspects, that I have an equally obsessive mind, which is now fixated on the ONA. And I know I will continue to nurture what I have inherited, to write for it, and to feed it my mind and thought essence, until some one long from now, much younger than I, comes to take the ONA to bring it to new places and give it new potential. It might seem with all this talk of progressive Satanism that I have no place in my mind for the old traditions of the ONA. Because I do not spend my time taking about grade ordeals, and other such traditional things when other talk about nothing but such things. Just because you dont hear such things from me or Kayla, does not mean we have no place in our lives for such things. As someone recently said: there is no excuse to dismiss the tests, trials, and ordeals of the ONAs grades and degrees, if you are ONA. The main reason I chose not to talk about such things is because it disturbs me how such things designed to be experienced by an individual Dreccian for his/her private experience and self betterment, could devolve into some silly rank or tool to make oneself look better than another sister or brother Drecc. As if to say that just because you ran 20 miles 10 years ago that you are somehow better than me, and out rank me, or that you know more about the ONA and/or Life, than I. As if to say that just because you went camping by yourself for three months that you are better than me or that somehow your three months makes you smarter than me or more sinister than me. Im not one to tell stories. Any literate half baked idiot can write a story and pretend to have gone through the grades and ordeals. But if you truly experience such things, it would show and be self evident in how you carry yourself, how you see the world, how you express your thoughts, and what you see and understand of the ONA and its Sinister
Way. And as it takes a crook to know another, any one who genuinely experience such ordeals, knows another who has experienced the same. So if my personal kampf, my personal ordeals of what grades I have struggled to go through, which I experience does not seem self evident in how I write, what I write of, and how I see things, then you need to put on a back pack and start running or do your time in the Shoe. These things were never meant to be used as some good guy badge to establish some ranking system of superiors and inferiors. I know, because our WSA used the same method of practical ordeals and tests which were not intended to be holier-than-thou ranks, but personal experiences designed to teach things that cannot be taught in words. How do you teach someone the meaning of being a genuine individual, when this is something they must physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically experience themselves via self induced isolation? How do you teach somebody the essence of what Sinister Nature is in words, when this is something that must be done and experienced. In the same sense that you cannot teach somebody what Love is with words, because it is something that must be experienced directly when words only obscures the essence. Not to pull rank or used as a crutch to look superior to others, but for the sake of self progression and self enlightenment. How do you teach somebody what Numinous Nature is, when the only reality a nonindividuated [mundane] person knows of is the urban maya of iron and glass he was born and conditioned inside? When the closest thing to Nature he/she has come to is the public park or zoo? You dont know shit until you have experienced such things. You dont know shit about individuality and herd mentality until you have isolated yourself for at least 3 months. You dont know shit about liberation from religion and the State or an alternative to such abstract things, until you have extricated your own mind from the urban-mundane matrix it was born and conditioned inside its whole life. Just cuz you read the Satanic Bible or ONA MSS, and adopt its memeplex dont mean youre a fucking emancipated individual, you piece of shit. It just means you cant think for yourself cuz you need other peoples hard earned memes. What I know and what I got in my head didnt come to me from reading a fucking manuscript, it came to me from many months and years of honest application of trials, tests, ordeals, and stuff: hard earned wisdom which I cultivated myself, on my own terms. What you got inside your lazy head is shit other people wrote which you put into there yourself cuz youre a bitch and can cultivate the shit yourself. Its like a computer logged into a corporate network/internet thinking its a fucking individuated/liberated computer because its running on a different kind of Operating System which the same corporation made, the other computers arent using. Unplug yourself! The Sinister Way isnt based on no central dogma or central doctrine. Its essentially a Methodology. Go apply that shit and earn your worth and wisdom. Otherwise youre a punk like any other punk that just adopts somebody elses thoughts and opinions. What a joke, what you know about genuine individuality and genuine thinking for yourself bitch, when all you got in your head comes from other people, fucking house nigga.
You know what a House Nigga is? Its a faggot ass punk that serves Whitey in his big house who think hes the shit cuz hes serving the massa in a house with his fancy suit and tie Mr. Whitey gave him and shit grinning like a bitch and that because of that he thinks hes better than a Field Nigga: a real nigga doing work out in the fucking field [street] getting their hands dirty. You got these house nigga bitches in Satanism these days who pick up a Satanic Bible or some ONA stuff, living in their pampered iphone world thinking their shit is Sinister and the only thing they do with their shit is yap their mouth off in internet forums debating over shit, just like a house nigga thinking they better than a field nigga whose been out in the fields. Id like to see one of these punk ass bitches out in the field doing something sinister for reals, like pulling a trigger on a freeway. But they dont need to go that far to expose the bitches that they are cuz all you gotta do is bring up a topic about breaking mundane laws and shit, and they already start crying their bitch asses talking about how things like that are illegal and gots no place in Satanism cuz it makes Satanism look bad to society. What the fuck, its Satanism, the shits based on Satan, how acceptable to society can Satan be?! Its like how they turned illegal olden day piracy into a cool and acceptable Hollywood movie about Jack Sparrow saving maidens and princesses and shit. 10 years from now Satan will be as faggoty as Jack Sparrow and Peter Gilmore Girl: you know who Im talking about, that sissy faggot house nigga who thinks his Satanism is the only true Satanism. What a faggot this guy is. I use that word in the worst of meanings. Like something that was once an army of rough and tough gangbangers been taken over by sissy men. People like Gilmore make Satanism into some queer faggot fest. Im a girl and I even question my sexuality when I think about contemporary Satanism. Im thoroughly ashamed actually. Here I am trying to breath some amazonian lesbodatious toughness back into Satanism, and queer boys like Blackwood and Gilrmore be fucking my shit up and pussy blocking a sista or something, you know what Im saying nigga? You gotta be ashamed of yourself and your sissy religion if a girl is tougher and more sinister than you. There is something one thing mundanes fear more than death itself: BOREDOM. You dont know to what extent the human mind will go through to stay away from boredom. You havent experience crazy and you dont know what mental strength is until you stare at the face of boredom for a year and survive mentally in tact, let alone for 3 month in the woods. You dont know what enlightenment is, nor is your mind formatted to experience enlightenment unless you survive a fight with Boredom. Its like a defense mechanism mundane life has built into us this thing called Boredom. The minute the mind wanders away from the ho hum of every day mundane reality, a red alert goes on and Boredom kicks in and next thing you know, you gotta turn on the tv set or call a friend and gossip. As soon as the mind begins to wander and notice the veil of reality the red alert light goes on, and next thing you know, you gotta check a girls ass out or watch a football game. Even if you force yourself into a sense deprivation chamber and think you got the best of your mind, the red alert light is gunna come on, and next
thing you know, your hallucinating and hearing music, and all these memories floods your mind. What is on the other side of Boredom? Have there ever been in the past people who have renounced the mundane world and forced themselves to live as hermits alone to meditate and stare at Boredoms ugly face? There has. Most of them are called arhats, or Buddhist Monks of one of the various schools. Other well known people who have pierced the veil of maya are known as ascetics, who wander around India. Lesser known ones are Taoist Adepts of inner China. What have people like these come to find, or become? What have these True Adepts found on the other side of Boredom? Enlightenment, Super Natural Powers, some even Immortality [the Immortals of Green Mountain]. This stuff doesnt come easy, and I am far from personally achieving anything significant myself. I agree with an OG who once said that it takes over 25 years to be an adept of the ONA. The point is that Anton Long gave the ONA something extremely valuable, or he hid a priceless treasure in the most unlikely of places in the ONA. Which: is being misused by morons as something to slap each other with to feel superficially superior with ONA noobies; which is about the stupidest thing you can do with something like this. Its like giving a baboon the Crown and Scepter of England, and the fucking monkey uses the shit to beat other monkeys with, instead of harnessing the Crown and Scepters full POTENTIAL. What Im saying hear is that if you are using things you find in the Dark and Traditional annals of the ONA for some other purpose than self progression and self enlightenment, then youre a fucking monkey and you dont understand shit about what you got in you monkey hands, cuz it clearly hasnt done shit for you as far as evolving you into a new Being, as it was intended to do. This ONA thing has so much potential, but so little of it is expressed or used. This started off as a quaint history lesson on the WSA and ended up being about ONA. Because, in my eyes, there is no longer a difference between the two. If this little nexions of ours were to die next week, I would not care because it is just a nexion through which new memes passed through which changed and evolved the ONA into something more than it was. If the focus of the ONA is to change and evolve you and civilization over time into something more than what you and civilization were before, than its not beyond reasonable to understand that the ONA must also as the living acausal entity that it is be free to strive also for its full potential. If the ONA hold onto old theories and opinions like they were something sacred that cannot be changed; if the ONA does not allow itself to gradually progress and evolve: to grow into new directions; then it will die out like the Temple of Set is dead. It will die out as the Church of Satan is dying rapidly. Stagnation kills. Its been 50 years and the Satanic Bible still has primitive 1960s ideas and world views. All the while every living human being lives in a completely different reality and world. This causes such stagnant dogmas to become irrelevant because nobody sees any meaning in these things any more.
Death is the price to pay for dogmatizing your shit cuz you gotta be a controlling punk about it to let it go and be free. Its like were in a competitive industry and our memeplex is our product. If we wanna stay on top and keep our company alive, we got to keep that product one step ahead of competition and keep it relevant to the Market: or go intellectually bankrupt. Give that shit to the market, like how a desperate Apple Computers gave their shit to their fanatic fanbase market who took the shit into their own hands and made the shit into what they needed and wanted: iPods & iPhone. You can hate iPhones and Apple like me, but aint nothing you can argue against the fact that iPhones defines smartphones and sets the standard. Fuck all this occult bullshit out there. The ONA can learn much more, and become much more studying business and politics. Give the ONA to our fanatic fanbase Market, and let each of them evolve the ONA into something they want and need. It is now up to each of us through each Dreccian that this ONA will evolve and pass onto new generations and move into the future. A future is hopes to change. If we each understand aeonics and wyrd right, we will understand that such a future change, begins with how we think, what we feel, and what we do in the moment of now. The ONA is like a Body, to which we each are cells of: such that, if the cells suck, then the ONA sucks. If the parts and pieces of what the ONA is has not worth any potential and can only debate in forums, then this is all the ONA will potentially be. Its simple mathematics. I wonder to myself: If just one Anton Long can do this much thus far with the ONA, how much more can the ONA do and become if we were all Anton Longs if the ONA had an army of David Myatts?
My own two major sources of understanding such things as exoterica and esoterica comes from two very influential sources: My own Theravada Buddhism which I was born and raised in, and the absolutely great Alan Watts. I have to admit that I am an Alan Watts fanatic. If you dont know or have never heard Alan Watts old discourses, then you know you dont know jack shit about esoterica as is its essence in the orient, and Mr. Watts is an Englishman. So now you know the two [English] people who are responsible for most of how I think and see the world: Alan Watts and David Myatt [in no particular order of course]. What is Esoteric in the Occident, is Sama Sambuddhi in the Orient [Buddhism]. What is Exoteric in the Occident, is Dharma in the Orient. The word Sam[a] in Pali means The Self, or Oneself. Sama Sambuddhi literally means The Self Enlightening Itself, or The Self which is Self-Enlightened. The word Dharma means roughly Law and refers to a Set of Teaching and Doctrines. Actually in most languages and dialects closely related to Classical Sanskrit, the word Dharma means Religion. A Buddhist or Hindu does not call their religions Buddhism or Hinduism. They simply call it Dharma. I want you to read that again twice, because its very important because it should cause you to ask yourself: If Dharma and Sama Sambuddhi are different; then does that obviously mean that a Set of Teachings or Doctrines of a Religion is different from that which causes oneself to be self-enlightened? When you have fully understood the essence of that question and its answer, you will grasp the essential meaning of what Esoteric and Exoteric means, infers, and implies. Basically no amount of ethical codes, moral precepts, or doctrines of behavior and interacting with your fellow creatures causes enlightenment. If so, then your common variety boy scout and 5 year old is enlightened. If so then secular State laws, which governs our actions and behavior, should illuminate us with divine wisdom, shouldnt it? Not even the sacred myths and stories and teachings of a religion can and has ever caused Self-Enlightenment. Simply because those religious doctrines exists OUTSIDE the Womb of your own Human Psyche. When you read and accept a religious doctrine as being true and live by such teachings, you are only merely bring in, or importing foreign things which were not inside YOU before which were manufactured, or which came from someone else into yourself. Thus, you are not Self-Enlightened because someone else did your thinking for you. In this context of importing in other peoples beliefs, opinions, myths, and fantasies into yourself, there was no actual Enlightenment occurring because you never changed essentially. You did not think for yourself before the adoption of such beliefs, nor did you think for yourself after you adopted such beliefs. You just passively accepted someone elses beliefs and opinions. This is not Enlightenment. Not especially SelfEnlightenment.
Now, from this point of view, you can see more clearly what is actually going on when say, a Jehovahs Witness, or a Mormon Missionary sits you down and shares his religion with you. At first you erect a psychological wall as a defense shield to protect yourself from their teachings. You doubt, are suspicious, and question. And to every question you ask, they give you an answer based on what kind of person they have evaluated you to be, such that you heard what you want to hear or hear what needs to be heard. Eventually, if they are good at DEBATING, that is making themselves appear to have more and better answers then you have questions: your defenses are destroyed and you covert. It is like the game a lawyer and prosecutor plays in a mundane court of law: a strategic maneuvering of words to break the opponents case/defense. This is not Enlightenment. It is the act of one person convincing you, asserting, exerting their own beliefs and opinions onto and into you. Accepting such beliefs in such conditions does not mean you have been Enlightened. It means you have a weak mind and that you were fooled into accepting someone elses beliefs and opinions other peoples memes. Its worse for you when you merely read a dead book, with dead letters, written by a long dead person, and you somehow allow that non-living book, which cant even get into a debate or argument with you, and accept its dead beliefs and opinions. Its worse for you because it virtually means you lost a mental fight with a non-living, non-intelligent book. You should be ashamed of yourself if you picked up a Bible and became Christian. Or the Satanic Bible and became a Satanist. And to even think that losing a fight with a book means that you are Enlightened is a joke. It means you are so mentally weak that a dead book can manipulate you to think like it wants you to think. Do what it wants you to do. Behave as it wants you to behave. So weak that this dead book can change your very reality by telling you what is real and what is fake. What to belief in and what not to believe in. You are no more Enlightened then a robot or computer that has been programmed. The Buddha wasnt the only person to be Self-Enlightened. Hes just the most well known. Many wandering hermits and ascetics have achieved Self-Enlightenment. Many genuine Adepts in China have also. All these men have several things in common. They all renunciated themselves from the common herd by actually isolating themselves from everybody. And they spend their lonely time in the midst of Nature. It was in a Forest, by a river, under a tree that the Buddha achieved Sama Sambuddhi. Do you think these SelfEnlightened individuals were arguing and debating with themselves, or with Nature to convince themselves to accept a certain belief or doctrine? No. Then from where did such people get their wisdom? From INSIDE their own Selves. When you sit there and you meditate, contemplate, ponder on meaningless objective things as a flowing river, leaves falling, stars, and the movement of clouds. And in deep contemplative reflection allow such meaningless objective things to DRAW OUT or UNLOCK subjective insight dormant or hidden in your Own psyche. And allow such unlocked insights to make its way to your conscious mind. That is the act and process of Self-Enlightenment. That is the act of the Self Enlightening Itself. That insight which has
its origins from within your own Womb, from within the Core of your Own Being, is what I refer to as Esoterica or Esoteric Insight. And because we each are different and unique individuals. Each on a different level of understanding. Each endowed at our moments of progression with our volume of reason, each meaningless objective thing will unlock something different in us. Or that is, no two people will obtain the same esoteric insight from the same key. Like when I contemplate on what is objectively a meaningless doctrineless river flowing, what that flowing draws out from the core of my own Self, is the thought and insight that I too am like that river, because although from afar that river looks as if it were the same river, if you step into it, you realize that it is never the same river twice. Such that, from that insight which that meaningless flowing river drew out of me, I come to realize that I am never the same person twice at any moment. The I I am now, is much different then the I I was just moments ago. In that not only have my thoughts changed, my feelings changed, but the very cells and atoms of my body have also changed, being replaced. Nobody had to ever teach me this esoteric doctrine. It was not written anywhere for me to read. Nobody had to convince me to see things this way. That insight was always inside me. I just needed something to draw it out. These hidden esoteric insights that lay buried deep within our psyches is like the face we each have. We go about our beta wave conscious daily lives with a face, but we do not ever really know what we actually look like until something Reflects that face for us to see. In seeing that Reflection, we Realize are Enlightened. That something such as a mirror did not Enlighten us. It is merely a key which just unlocked what was already there. But we are not statues. Being still in front of inanimate somethings to ponder on them is not how Life teaches us. It is through our own Experiences that the inward Contemplating Self becomes Self-Enlightened. When that Self allows such Experiences it has cultivated in Life to Draw Out its own inner insights. Such that it Dis-Covers that which is not written. I remember when I was a little girl in school our teacher asked us to bring the seed of an avocado, but she didnt tell us what for. So we brought our avocado pits and the teacher had us stick 4 tooth pick into it so that it would sit over a cup of water. Then we set our seeds along the window and left them there. And the seeds grew into plants. The teacher never sat us down to go over the scientific process of DNA and how seeds turn into plants. She just allowed us to cultivate the Experience and Realize things on our own. And if you have the inner potential back then to allow that simple experience to draw out insights like me you Realize that if a seed or living things have the right things it needs such as food and light, that Life takes care of itself without effort. Or I remember sitting and having a talk with one of my old grandfathers who is an 80 year old Buddhist monk. I was talking to him about charity. At the time I thought being compassionate with people as Buddhist Darma teaches was good or the proper thing a
genuine Buddhist would do as it would help alleviate the sufferings of needy people. My grandpa just shook his head and said to me that he was too old to think about compassion because he was going to die soon anyways, as he puffed on his cigarette as most of the old monks in that Wat smoked. So he ended our conversation by leading me to a giant statue of the Buddha near which was a silver bowl. And he said to me pointing to the bowl: See that holy silver bowl over there? I said yes. He said: Help out the Wat and put in your allowance money into it every week. Have a little compassion for us old folks here. So I did. I put in all my allowance money into the holy silver bowl every week for about 5 months. And during those months I actually felt like I was doing something righteous or something, like a good Buddhist. Until one day during the 5th month we had gone to the Wat to pick up the several monks to take them to a gathering. I saw the achar [hes a civilian who is suppose to take care of the monks] do his usual thing and empty the holy silver bowl into a purse like thing and we all got into our cars. My grandpa made sure I got to sit in his car with the achar and the other monks. I sat in the passenger seat because if youre a girl you cant touch a monk and vise versa, and the achar was driving. As I was choking on all their cigarette smoke, we stopped by a cigarette store and I saw the achar go in with the purse of my money. Then he came back out with a shit load of cigarette cartons, came into the car and said: There, that should do us for a month, look I bought us cool lighters too. I glanced over at my grandpa and noticed him laughing, because he knew I had Self-Enlightened myself about compassion that day. He sat me down after that day and asked me: What did you learn grand daughter today? I said: I learned that feeling sorry for people and doing things for them out of compassion does not change the person. He asked: And if that person does not change inside? I said: Then that person will continue to do what they do. My grandpa said: And if they continue to do what they do, such as smoke? I answered: Then they continue to suffer and my compassion has done nothing at all. He said: Very good, I didnt even have to teach you. I realized that day that to be charitable to a person in need only temporarily covers the symptoms and does not cure or fix the actual cause. And that charity actually prolongs a persons sufferings because such cause of that suffering is not actually addressed. I also learned that day how a wise person teaches without teaching. How my grandfather taught me this without forcing or asserting his beliefs and opinions on me. How he allowed me to Experience things on my own, and how he allowed me to come to my own understanding and revelation at my own time. So these are the different ways the Self becomes Self-Enlightened. By meditating, or contemplating or reflecting on things and by Direct Experience. And this is the way in which the ONA teaches its actual Esoterica. It is via what objectively meaningless exoteric symbols and such exoteric things as our Mythos that we come to draw out from within our own individual esoteric insights. As the objectively meaningless symbol of the Dreccian Moons of Baphomet which is
given an exoteric or superficial meaning acts like a key to those of us with the right mind to use it to draw out or unlock an esoteric insight. It is the reflective mind struggling to evolve in a state of not knowing, that sets that contemplative mind on a Promethean Quest, and it is what that mind experiences on that Quest which actually teaches. It is the meaninglessness of Life and the Mystery of it all Life and the Cosmos and not knowing anything about it, that sets that reflective and contemplating minds on that same quest. That struggle to Dis-Cover the secrets of a mystery and to find meaning in what seems to be meaningless, is what draws out from within each of us what Numinous Insights we have within, that causes the Self to become Self-Enlightened. This is how Life teaches. And it is how anything genuine and numinous teaches. By drawing out from within your latent insights and potentials. Such as the strange seemingly meaningless names of Dark Gods of our Dark Tradition, and in our desire to understand what they esoterically may mean. We may apprehend these names in different ways, and interpret such names in different ways. But it is the act of looking within ourselves for a meaning, the act of drawing out from inside of us a meaning to give to such names, that the value of such names genuinely lies. It is the Traditional Rites and Rituals we have inherited, which may have its superficial exoteric meanings and when we seek for deeper meaning such that these rites draws out from within us what lies hidden inside such esoteric insights that the true evolutionary Promethean value of such rites and ceremonies lies besides the acausal forces presenced. It is the act of experiencing the several grades, tests, and ordeals of the Septenary Way, and what inner insights such experiences draws out that Enlightens. That teaches us those of us labouring to become Adepts the Unwritten or Secret Doctrine. It is Anton Longs admonitions for us to struggle to go beyond our limits: Our physical limits, our emotional and psychological limits, the limits society, religion, and the State encloses us into when we go about applying in practical deeds the Sinister Way. That the ONA teaches the unteachable without teaching. When we learn to see the ONA as a system of Outer Forms put together to be as keys for unlocking what esoteric insights that we each already have buried within us; we come to realize that the ONA is an esoteric school, which sets us on a genuine Quest of Self DisCovery and Self-Enlightenment. Each of us, ultimately Enlightening our own Selves with what Inner Wisdom we each have. So that there is no indoctrination, or debating, or convincing, or assertion of Myatts beliefs and opinions onto us; or any mans beliefs and opinions. Through our own effort, our own experiences, our own striving, our own going beyond, our own struggle to apprehend Life and Nature, we each come on our own time to our own Promethean Illumination. Enlightened by an Inner Fire.
- , , , opp. , A. external, belonging to the outside, . the exterior members, such as hands and feet, Arist. GA786a26; . foreign dominion, Id.Pol.1272b19; . external activities, ib.1325b22; . ib.1323b25; .
Persons outside the Pythagorean school, Iamb.VP32.226. II. . popular arguments or treatises, opp. , Arist.EE 1217b22, Pol.1278b31, Metaph.1076a28, EN1102a26, al.; - Id.Pol.1254a33; . , opp. or (q. v.), Gell.20.5.2; . , opp. , , Plu.2.1115b; cf. .
, , , A. inner, esoteric : , , of certain Stoic doctrines, Gal.5.313 ; . Iamb.Comm.Math.18 ; of persons, -, , the disciples of Pythagoras, Id.VP17.72 ; ., . (of Aristotle),
Luc.Vit.Auct.26. (Prob. coined to correspond with (q.v.).) Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1940.
Selected References:
1) Aristoteles de Generatione Animalium (Philosophus iv B.C. Ed. I. Bekker, Berlin 1831-70) 2) Iamblichus de vita Pythagorica, ed. A. Nauck, Leipzig 1884 3) Aristoteles Ethica Eudemia (Philosophus iv B.C. Ed. I. Bekker, Berlin 1831-70)
ONA has been around since the early 70s. Perhaps back then this occult and satanic shit truly went against the grain of established society. Perhaps back then, as the zeitgeist was barely growing out of its conservative 50s era, something like Satanism was a cultural heresy. But what has it become today, this occult and satanic shit, when every emo kid and his grandma is into the occult, reads tarot cards, and walks around in dark decore? To me this occult and Satanism thing is like a pond. Back then it was fine for the several cultural rebel crocodiles to live in. But now this pound is over crowded with emo-guppies and bitch ass goth-fishes. And I dont know about the rest of you ONA, but this Croc [me] cant stand being in this pathetic pound any more, sharing the same space with mental idiots who are a bunch of pussies in life. Sticking around this over crowded circus of a pound these days hurts the image and OG reputation of the ONA. And I know some of you ONA people will ask something dumb like: Who cares what other people think? I care, because when these dumb ass mundanes think the ONA is some emo-satanist sect which is one of many they are familiar with online you get bitch as fuckers like Blackwood thinking they can be ONA because they worship a devil. Because when those outsiders mistake the ONA as some sect or species of a Satanism of many kinds of Satanism that litters the internet these days. People just assume that just because they worship a devil that they can just log into some site or claim the letters ONA. So this is the first reason why I spend a lot of time writing on the software side of the ONA. This is why I try to restate certain things Anton Long wrote: To try to distinguish what the ONA is in this context from everybody else in this fucked up pound of the occult and Satanism. So people can understand that this ONA isnt merely about adopting a new set of beliefs and opinions. Just cuz you read the Black Book of Satan or think Naos is cool, dont mean shit. It just means you can read other peoples written thoughts. I try to articulate, in an intelligent manner that this ONA isnt about reading shit, or worshiping a satan. Just cuz you believe Satan is real and worship him, dont mean you got the intellectual quality of what a Dreccian is. But I know I write so often that I only help to hinder the action oriented sinister nature of the ONA. But how else can I do this? Like I said before, its very easy to gangbang. Gangbanging dont require thinking or brains. It comes naturally to those who got that banging nature. Now if I were to tell you that there are people out there around the world in other cities that have this gangbanging nature in a dormant state, and I were to say to you: I want you to put into words your gangbanging culture and nature, in such an articulate way, that if and when one of those dormant people on the other side of the world with our same gangbanging nature reads it, that they will immediately awaken to that nature and causally express it thus duplicating our gang nature. Now, the question is: can you write that shit in one simple essay; or do you suppose its gunna take volumes of written shit?
When it comes to the ONA, I suppose I would classify myself as Old Skool. Meaning that I like and try to live the Sinister Way, as it was back before the internet. Way back even before it was called ONA. Way back even before Beesty Boy came into the picture and made his beautiful Sinister Tarot. Im talking about a time when Myatt was a skinhead gangbanger in his youth. When he ran organizations like NSM, and Combat 18. When he was involved shit like C88. When he and his associates shrenced as hardcore violence prone National-Socialists. When they cloaked themselves and manipulated others to kill and bomb shit too try and start some Helter Skelter or Rahowa. Im talking about a Myatt who writes Jihadi writings, and is respected by organizations like Hamas and Jihadists. Thats what I mean by sinister nature. And that is the essence of what I get from Myatts writings. But this doesnt mean that I think the sinister work and business that went down in that era was constructive. I idealize that Old Skool hardcore sinister nature, but otherwise, what shit went down in that era was wyrdfully destructive. Why? Because most of those old skool cats went to prison. What good is your ass to any cause if your ass is sitting in prison on death row? It doesnt mean that you are tough if you go to prison. It just means your stupid for getting caught. Maybe its just me and the people I hang out with that makes me think this way. I hang out with OGs, Veteranos en espanol. All of my older boy cousins, who I look up to [some who are ONA], are OG gangbanger who are aged out cuz they in their 30. They all got into TRG way back in the 1990s when Tiny Raskal Gang was barely about 7 years old, long before it was known as 7126. This was back when it was even still called Thea and Rith Gang, when those old skool nigs [Thea & Rith] were still banging in South Carolina and shit [they got deported]; back in the days when it was still a Cali thing; still all about Long Beach and Khmer Pride. This was even back before grey rags and blue rags. When it was still a true street culture gang of Cambodians taking care of each other and killing East Side Longos [ESL mutherfuckers, them Mexicans need ESL!] I hung out with these Raskals back when I was 10. Back when membership lines was hard to tell because people in TRG was also claimed CWA [Cambidans With Attitude, they blue rags]. I even had bangers on my Mexican side, even more. Cholos and cholitas. Fucken primos [cousins] from gangs like Tortilla Flats [Pacoima]; FTT [Fullerton Toker Town]; CVL [Cornona Vario Locos]. I got cousins and uncles tatted up with Sur 13 [Surenos 13] across their bellies and backs. I came from a background where my cousins were going to jail left and right, and where every two weeks somebody I knew by close association or relation died from this way of life. I came from a street cultural background where it wasnt out of the ordinary to be at a house party and all of a sudden having jump behind a fridge cuz bullets are flying through the window. You wanna know sinister nature, you hang out a while in that way of life, and watch a motherfucker get his ass beat and robbed for walking on the wrong side of the railroad
tracks. You wanna know sinister nature, you watch a nigga with a red rag get shot up bleeding to death on the sidewalk for no other reason than cuz he had a red bandanna in his back pocket. We talking about people who live and breath the streets. Who got their own culture and way of life. That needs no book or words to explain cuz its based on the kind of person they are inside. The kind of person that would cap a motherfucker for his shoes with no remorse. The kind that will enter some Vietnamese owned business in broad daylight 10 deep, beat the shit out of the shops Shitnamese owner and employees, and pour gasoline everywhere and set the shit on fire, cuz they were delinquent on their protection taxes. The kind of people that dont give a fuck about going to jail, cuz theyll just make new business partners in there and new allies, and come out doing the same shit, with more business and back up. The kind thatll bust into your homes, cuz they know youre a dumb Asian family who doesnt trust banks, duck tape your family at gun point, rape your underage Vietnamese daughter, and take the jewelry in your closet and the money under your mattress. Those street minded people might not have been hardcore skinhead. They might not have been going out and about expressing their sinister nature in the form of racialist violence. But its the same sinister creed. The same sinister nature and the same sinister breed. Thats what Im talking about, inferring, and implying when I personally say and use terms like Sinister Way, or Dark Tradition, or Sinister Nature. Im not referring to a Satanic Bible or some metaphysical devil worship bullshit written somewhere by some piece of shit bald headed, circus clown with a goatee. Im talking about Predators; Psychopaths; Gangbangers; people born with a natural inclination for criminal intent: for treason like real rebels like Hamas that take politics and peoples lives into their own hands for their own cause. People that not only says shit like fuck the state but blow themselves up with a state official too. People that not only says shit like fuck authority, but shoot up their schools. People that not only say fuck the police, but got the sinister nature to live their lives in total contradiction to the law. Im talking about really old skool cats like Billy the Kid, Bonny and Clyde, Capone. And fuck your popcorn killers. What you got on the 7 million Hitler killed? On the 50 million Stalin and Mao wacked? On the two million Pol Pot murdered? And fuck you popcorn rebels too all dressed in black with your piece of shit heavy metal music. What you got on real rebels like Simon Bolivar who liberated South America from Spain. What you got on Che & Castro? On Hoa Chi Minh? The point is that the ONA proper isnt a chess club or religious community where you can just register as a user and think your ONA. If you dont know or understand what the hell Myatt is and what hes doing, then you arent Sinister. If you like working for the Man in his corporations cuz you get bi-weekly checks then you aint Sinister. If you got a problem with violence and crime, gangs and terrorist groups, guns and people getting shot up then you aint sinister. If you like your State and government, and pay your taxes 3 months early with a grin, then fuck you too. If you never have committed
yourself to a group such as the military, a gang, a skinhead group, of such kind where you have learned to work in an organized group manner for your groups private interests, by fucking up other countries, other cities, other races to dominate and control, then fuck you cuz you aint sinister. Fuck you cuz you dont have that nature that the ONA is taking about. You are mundane and not of the sinister breed by nature. Its just confusing to outsiders at times because the ONA has a few prolific writers who spend their time articulating in written format in 3 decades worth of manuscripts. Its confusing to these mundanes because when they find or discover the ONAs literature all the thousands of it and when they misunderstand exoteric words used like Satanism, and Sinister. Because these mundanes assume that the ONA must be a literature based church or religion that they can convert to and join like they join bullshit things like the Church of Satan or some devil worship website. Aint nobody writing all those thousands of manuscripts for your mundane asses to read and convert. Just cuz you found it, dont mean it was written for you. Put that shit down and go away. Nobody in the ONA want to waste their time with a mundane in this way. If people in the ONA do write, its written for Our Kind, our sinister breed those people you as a mundane shun, hate, fear, and would rather have locked up: criminals, terrorists, thieves, racketeers, black market businessmen, drug dealers, gang affiliates, people who would rather shoot up your kids at your dumbass mundane schools, rather then make friends with their mundane asses. I certainly dont write shit for you mundanes too read and debate on. I never like you people in school. I dont give a shit enough about any of you mundanes to spend this much time writing the shit I do like Im trying to illuminate your dumbasses. Fuck you. I write my shit for my people. Those few that got that dark essence in their nature and inner makeup. Those few who will read my writings and say to themselves: Oh shit, I feel you girl, we the same kind: AMBK: Articulate Minded But Kriminal. I write my shit for the few who resonates with it because they already have that nature inside of them, so they can ponder on what I have written and psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally liberate themselves from mundane memes, that they might then strive for their fullest potential as predators with uncommon intelligence. And I know Anton Long doesnt waste his time writing his shit for you mundanes either, as if he cared enough about your dumbasses to spend 3 decades writing away trying to convince you to see shit his way, so youll go out and do something bad cuz itll make you feel good. I know he writes his shit for the few out there who will find his stuff, read it and say to themselves: You preaching to the choir nigga. Been there, done that. But we the same kind, and I dig your insights cuz you can put into words what kind of person I am inside by nature, and I agree with you that Our Kind need to stick together. A lone predator in nature eventually goes extinct as the mindless mob of humanity oozes forth like idiot lemmings and rodents. Think of such noble predators as the Bengal Tiger, Wolverines, Panthers. How many lone predator species are not endangered these days? It doesnt matter how long your fangs and claws are, or how quick you can kill. You cant
over power a mindless mob; especially a mindless mob with the political power to make and enforce laws upon you. But what force on this earth has the means and power to destroy a collective of predators, such as the Great and Noble Army Ant? Its silly that these mundanes and fantasy ridden retards like Blackwood can think that they got the sinister nature in their blood to pass as a Dreccian of the ONA proper. Reading shit weve written dont make you sinister. It is what you do and who you are inside as I have said over and over again. Its not a thinking, a convincing, or debating. Its a being, a nature, a way of life, a doing. If you have to ask what sinister means or must read a book to learn what the word means and implies, then you arent. Like a very rich man I studied with once said to me, as a tutor would to a pupil: If you have to ask how much a yacht costs: You dont got the money to buy one. If you think sinister means devil worship or being a social misfit, then you arent sinister. It silly when a mundane like Blackwood the king of internet mundanes thinks hes got what it takes to be ONA as if sinister nature is somehow dependent on those three letters anyways. Who in the ONA plays these bullshit mundane religion games and calls themselves Grand Magisters, high priests, and reverends? Who in the ONA tries to make ONA an official IRS recognized non-profit 501 c incorporation? Who in the ONA acts like they got an infernal mandate from Satan to be the leader of the ONA? Not David Myatt. We all know he denies being associated with the ONA! Not Anton Long either. Anton Long writes a lot for the ONA, but he never says he is the/or a leader. In fact he says the whole opposite and states that nobody is leader. Anton Long doesnt tell ONA Initiates and Adepts that his word and his writings, and his opinions are infallible. Who in the ONA tried to clean up the soiled image and reputation of the ONA for being associated with human sacrifice and crime to make the ONA pretty and acceptable to mundane society? Nobody. These are mundane things mundane people do with their make-believe internet organization. Anybody can make a website. Anybody can register and post in a forum. Anybody can dress in black and call themselves a satanist. Anybody can give themselves a title like Supreme Dark Magister. But do you got it in your nature to gangbang? Do you got it in your nature to dedicate your life to a subversive cause? Have you even done anything illegal in the eyes of the state? Some of you mundane Satanists wont even jay walk out side the fucking yellow lines painted on the fucking street! If illegal as a word and concept exists in your vocabulary and in your mind as a real concept, then go away cuz youre not sinister. Why cant you see that its the same shit like it was back then during the Inquisition in Europe? If the word heretic exists in your fucking vocabulary and in your mind as a viable concept, then you are Christian and NOT a heretic. Heritics dont call themselves or believe themselves to be heretics, or stress to their neighbors that they are heretics? No more than George Washington or Cromwell believed they were guilty of High Treason against the British Empire.
If you are mundane, and you try to claim ONA, you will only make yourself look like a wannabe to people who really are ONA Initiates and Adepts. And by that I dont mean they have cute red membership cards they sent $200 to Anton Long for, or they have a fucking account or profile in some website. I mean people who live the Sinister Way, who are of the sinister breed, and who have naturally express their inner nature in deeds, actions, and life style: The type of deeds, acts, and life style you as a mundane pass laws to illegalize. The type of deeds, acts, and life style you mundanes shun, fear, and bitch about. Like killing folk over skin color or rag color or letters. Like robbing you, cuz you got something we want. Like beating the shit out of your son, and burning you car cuz the punk called one of our sisters a bitch or skank. If you gotta ask and learn what the ONA is then you dont belong. Thats like walking into Crip turf and asking the niggas you see in blue if they can teach you to be gang member like them, so you can be their friend and hang out with them. That dont work cuz theyll first laugh at you, then second: rob you. Wannabes in my group of associates are called Toys, cuz they just playing this shit. Theyre just acting it for a while. Cuz they dress like gangbangers for a while cuz it makes them feel cool. Theyre just dabbling. Its one of the reasons why I hate those myspace bangers that turn their profiles into these gang billboards with their street affiliations and shit. People like that are mostly Toys that are Internet Bangers. Like those fucked up rap artist gang members the hip hop industry made. What the fuck is that shit? So what you claim a fucking record label or gansta rap band or something? It aint cool to be a groupie in the hip hop genre? You gotta dress like your boy 50 Cent and only buy albums he drops? So what you gunna claim Swisha House and dress all gangbangish like your boy Paul Wall, get yourself a fucking grill, and act like you got the shit to hang with the real street shit? Another thing I hate about cyberbangers besides them decking their profiles with their ugly faces, throwing their signs, and putting up their gang letters every fucking where on their profiles, but they gotta spell their words in that fucked up broken English. They gotta put a K after every C to mean Crab/crip Killa and they gotta put a K after B to mean Blood Killa ooh, big boy. It aint enough their throwing signs and telling everyone on the internet their gang affiliations and where they live. They gotta spell their shit like some 12 year old illiterate inner city boy taught them grammar. Like gangbangers are supposed to be intellectually fucked up to be hard. I mean its cool if you talk like that with your homies, cuz you gotta talk like them if you want to be understood. Its not like Im asking you to go to college like me or anything. But shit people try to write using what knowledge in spelling and grammar you have. Cuz no amount of grammatical rebellion is ever going to make you look hard on the internet, so why even try. It just makes you looks like you smoke too much dope and fell down a flight of stairs, or like you have a brain tumor or something. Internet and Corporate Label Bangers as opposed to the unknown niggas out on and in the street living that life not for the fame, but cuz its just how they are by nature, gotta
try and act and dress the part like theyre living a costume party cuz inside, there aint nothing hardcore or killa about them. Youll never find anybody I know who gangbangs up on the internet with facebook pages with them throwing their signs and gang affiliations like a dumb fuck. If my boyz and cousins are online, they prolly dont want their faces seen, or theyll go to jail or they got enough dignity to blend it. You can barely tell Im gang affiliated when Im online. Gangbanging aint like it used to be in the old days when your older cousins and their 30 of their homies can all walk down the street loked out in all red. Cuz these days you do that, and youll be walking to jail. The cops these days stop you if you got letters tattooed on you just crossing the street. I heard gangbanging was illegal these days even. The gangbangers these days those actually active in a real operating street gang blend in with every body else. It took awhile for these Asian gang to learn this shit. MOD301 was one of the first gang to learn to blend in with everybody on the street cuz their Hmong asses kept on getting killed or thrown in jail lol. Anyways, when ONA material and ONA Initiates are found on the internet, these internet mundanes mistake it for their internet bullshit they get themselves mixed up with. Then some fat bitch like Blackwood with his dumb fat ass comes along and thinks ONA is an internet-only organization like his Ning based Temples of Satan is. And he thinks its easy to pretend to be ONA and fool people, like he fools his idiot 5 Ning users that Satan talks to him. At least stuff that are found online like some gangs, ONA, City Chamber of Commerce, and even the Church of Satan, not only have a web presents but they have real adherents, and members in the non-internet world too. But you can ask me: But why does the ONA have to be on the internet then if they dont want dumb people thinking theyre just an internet group? Thats a stupid question. Its like asking me: But why do I see so many TRG gang members on Xanga, Friendsters, and Myspace Chloe if its a real street gang? First of all because there are about 50,000 Raskals world wide, and TRG isnt a single centralize institution where some federal leader controls the whole thing. Its a bunch of god damn Cambodians and their homies who share a common TRG culture divided up into independent cliques all repping TRG. Which means nobody controls all 50,000 members. As how the ONA is structured in the same way. With no central leader, being divided into independent nexions/cliques, all sharing the same ONA culture and Tradition. Secondly, even though we all really want to be isolated hermits, the general fact is that unfortunately the human animal is a social organism. Whats that mean? It means you aint a fucking hermit. It means it is within your nature as a human being to COME TOGETHER and form social orders and social structures to interact and develop relationships and bonds with each other. Sometimes we call them tribes, clans, villages, towns, cities, nations, countries. If the medium of socializing is a building of some kind it can be called churches, temples, synagogues. If the medium of social interaction is a field, it can be called a zoo, a fair, a park. If the medium of social interaction is the
internet, then what do you call the natural human social interactions that takes place on such a medium? Websites, forums, social networks. The only difference is the medium in which the social interactions take place. And sense actual humans compose such social orders as TRG and ONA, if such a new medium as an internet is provided for such humans to have access to, such social organisms will utilize such mediums to express their human nature in: socializing and coming together. Third reason is, as much as we all pretend to hate the internet as those really old people who grew up in a world with only radio, all of a sudden hearing about some new thing called television, would hate the idea and dismiss television as a fad the internet is not going anywhere. In fact, it looks like it has become a living part of what is our contemporary world and reality. The internet might not feel like a living part of your reality if you are old. But if you where born or grew up after the internet had already come into existence [like me], then the internet is just as much a living part of your life, world and reality as texting, cell phones, cars, microwave ovens, that lady in the gps machine, computers, Macs [I hate macs], x-ray, metal detectors, Paris Hilton, you job, your wardrobe, your friends, traffic lights, airplanes, freeways, hamburgers, the postal service, pizza, paved roads, indoor plumbing, and David Hasseloff; which you cannot function without in this modern world. I know we all wish badly that all these things were just passing fads, and wish that they would just go away so we can devolve back to those bygone nostalgic cavemen days; but like Hasselhoff, they arent going anywhere. So get your ass out of whatever time warp your fucking stuck in and try to stay current. The internet isnt going anywhere, and you know youre old if you think its a fad or not real. In fact its becoming more and more a part of our social fabric, just like electricity and computers have become indispensable aspects of our lives, our world, and our human reality. Nation-States and their democratic institutions are already moving into the internet by having their Citizens actually vote for shit online holy shit no its not real! I wonder if 20 years from now when our whole Nations democratic institutions and banking/money system moves online if people will start to think democracy, countries, and money is fake? When I think of this, I think of Amish people riding in their horse carts, and some guy in a car drives by, and the Amish says to his wife: Boy what a fake; cars are a fad, just watch, besides the carbon fingerprint is staggering. Any organization, institution, or corporation out there that is intelligent and that has a desire to affect and influence the future, or at least exist into the future, knows that it is through the world wide web and computers. I know that idea is just terribly upsetting for you fanatic cave-people to hear. The ONA is no different. It is goal oriented and it does desire to influence the future and exist into the future. So, like it or not the ONA must learn to use the internet. Or go back to using snail mail and Morse Code clicky things. Hell, why de-evolve just there, why not use smoke signals and yodel? Youd think people would at least understand what the fuck technological advancement means.
This is what I picture in my mind pretending that the ONA is very old: So some caveman invents writing, and the ONA uses writing and everybody says: My god look at them, theyre writing, how fake. Then some guy invents the pony express, and the ONA starts using horse post, and everybody says: Geez look at those fakes, theyre using the pony express! Then somebody invents morse code, and ONA starts bleeping messages with the contraption, and everybody says: God, what a bunch of herd conformists, theyre bleeping their crazy shit in morse code. Then somebody invents telephones, and the ONA uses land line fones and everybody say: God look at them, they got a 800 number, what a bunch of fake. Now were using the internet, and what are those mundanes saying? I dont even know what Im talking about anymore. So I should conclude this before I go way of track. In conclusion, just because the ONA uses the internet, and just because it has written literature, doesnt mean that its like some mundane institution which you can just join one day because you like how the letters ONA flow when its said, or cuz you like the word sinister. Just because you read ONA literature and even agree with some of what has been written doesnt mean or make you sinister. Its the shit that you do in the streets. Its who you do that shit for. Its who your enemies are and how far you will go to kill an enemy. If its not in your nature to give your life to the ONA, like you would a militia or army or gang; if the Mundanes and their States are not your enemy and if you dont have the will, heart, balls, gajones, or the whys and wherefore to kill a mundane just for being mundane. Than youre a Toy a wannabe when you claim ONA online. Which is fine if this is what you want to do. Youre only helping spread our fame and name. But dont expect any of the Old Guards or genuine Sinister Initiates out there to recognize your internet fantasies. In a way, its a great compliment when people pretend and fantasize about being ONA. After all, how many people online pretend to be members of the Church of Satan, or Temple of Set, or more ridiculously, who the fuck would want to pretend to be a member of Blackwoods Temples of Satan: besides himself?
A State is just an over grown gang. It takes someone intimately aware of such street gang culture to understand that a State is just a large gang. What nation-state on this earth did not come into existence by using the same ruthless tactics a street gang uses? The murder of rival social orders; the acquisition of loyal members; and the acquisition of wealth. The more wealth and loyal membership such social orders have, the more real means of power and force it has to assert and exert dominion over a territory and/or hapless group of people. In street terms a gang will utilize primitive means of social cohesion such as the use of colors, letters, and racial identity, sometimes religion; primitive forms of common culture, traditions, and rites such as hand signs, hazing, test of loyalty. Such means of social cohesion is what calls out drifters or those free floating individual human units who resonate with such coherency factors, which binds them as a part of the social order. In the same exact way that ice crystals will attract free floating water molecules in the air to add to its coherent formation. Once the structure is coherent enough, it is a matter of utilizing such gang members to sell dope and kill rivals. Thus in turn such a gang gains control of a given territory and cash flow. The common residents within such controlled territories are the conquered or hapless people, who may and often are used as sources of more money in the form of taxation. Even on the internet, cyber-social orderings of humans will form, and will work to attract by various means a loyal membership. Once the cyber-social ordering has coherently organized a functioning amount of internet members, the cyber-social ordering will engage in the same kind of primal game: competing with rival cyber-social orders of people in various ways. To gain more people, and more psychological territory which adds up to Power and Influence. A State is absolutely no different. A State will utilize colors [flags], symbols [standards, seals], letters [US, UK, EU], racial/ethnic identity, language, religion, common rites, culture, and traditions, and anything else at its disposal to materialize a coherent social structure in the form of loyal members [citizens]. Once the citizens are there, its a matter of collecting those citizens who have a natural inclination towards killing to make an army. In gang talk, such specialized members are called foot-soldiers. Most States might not openly sell and trade dope, but all States engage in commerce to gain wealth. And with that wealth, and army, the State can and will dominate a territory and hapless people. On such a Nation-State level, we are talking about entire continents and whole tribes of helpless people being dominated. Ranks Every social ordering of humans has its social rank, even so called communist social structures which claims to not believe in social class. Simply because its human/primate nature. You cannot intellectually undo the works of Nature. You can only deny it. In gang terms you got the gang boss and his close associates who are the OGs of the gang. Below them are those ass kissers who hope to be OG someday by proving
themselves to such OGs, these are the managers or lieutenants of a gang; in State terms these are the Legislators or Law Makers. Below these ass kissers are those members who agree with the policies of the ass kissers in exchange for some kind of benefit and reward; in State terms this class would be called a political party. Below these are the gangs juniors those boys between the ages of 10-26 or so that follow the rules and do the dirty work, often called regulators in gang terms, which are the gangs means of executing its policies. The juniors in a gang is the actual extent and causal limits of the social structure of the gang. But there is a class of people even below a common junior: the Vanquished neighborhood residents [re: citizens] within a gangs territory who pay taxes to the gang via threats and/or who must participate in the gangs commercial interests: drugs. The gangs sell the drugs, the Vanquished consumes. A Nation-State is no different from a gang in its ranking. You have the boss or Executive Officer, called a President, a Prime Minister, or a Monarch and his close associates who represents the core of a Political Regime. You have the ass kissers who hope for power that make the policies as the States law makers. You have the yes-men and yuppies who support such policies, which is the States Political Party. And lastly you have the juniors of the State, those who enforce and execute the rule, law, and policies of the State: the military, and police force. Then you have the Vanquished, the Conquered, the Citizens of a State who are force to pay taxes at the threat of imprisonment and who work for wages to support the States commercial interests. Your Rank Now the question the Sinister Initiate must ask themselves is: Where the hell am I in this ranking system? Because if you are not a policy enforcer [foot-soldier], not a political party yuppy; not a law maker, and not an OG; then you are a mere resource of the State. A resource like minerals, live stock, forest and lumber, money. You are being used by the State to sustain itself. In the same way that a gang must sustain itself by selling dope to drug addicts in their territory. Those drug addicts are a resource of a gang, a source of the gangs cash flow. Which cash flow translates into power: Power to control you. Hypocrisy Of The Vanquished If you asked me if I cared about the vanquished, my answer is NO. Because them mundanes are hypocrites. How you gunna sit there and cry, bitch, and complain that gangs are terrorizing your neighborhoods, that gang members are beating your sons up at school, innocent residents getting killed by stray bullets, stealing your cars, and robbing your homes, when its YOU thats doing the dope, and when its YOU thats buying their dope, and when its YOU that dont have the guts to come together and take care of the problem? How are you gunna sit there and complain about how your Government, State, and its State Stooges are oppressing you or being too controlling in your everyday lives, when its YOU that pays the taxes, when its YOU that agrees to play along with their money
game by seeing value in their money; when its YOU that allows them to make laws, when its YOU that joins their army and police force. How long will it take these mundanes to wake up and realize that a State is not only abstract, but that the State is a predator which preys on people. Im a Drecc. I have and can already see through the flimsy veil of the State. I already know and understand where I am in the social rank, and all I know is I dont want to be here and I know my way out. The Way Out I use to know this one girl in high school that once teased me and talked shit about me with her friends. I made my own group of friends and we beat the living shit of them bitches, and ever since then, that group never again messed with me. I witness the OGs in the gang clique I am affiliated with Liberate themselves in a certain neighborhood from a rival gang controlling that area by spreading propaganda about this rival gang in the local high school there and then initiating a group of boys from that high school and neighborhood into our own clique which then went on a shooting spree killing that rival gang, thus freeing their neighborhood, and liberating themselves. Of course I learned in high school that George Washington and his associates organized a group to fight the British Empire to liberate his colonial ass from British Rule. And after much murdering, America gained full control of its own destiny and territory. And this is the most important factor of liberation: In whose hands is your destiny? The only way out of this prison we now call a State is by organizing into our own social orders and destroying the State from the inside out. And to commit ourselves and posterity to this work of destruction and liberation, no matter how long it takes. The Germanic Barbarians didnt take a single lifetime to destroy the Roman Empire. It was a gradual process which took many generations, and many shifts of strategy and tactics. Destiny By destiny, I mean the idea or concept that my own life, how I choose to live it, what I shall make of it, and that my own future and the future of my children are in my sovereign hands to mold. I dont mean wyrd when I say destiny, because I use the word wyrd in a different way. You can argue with me and say: Well gee Chloe, Im a citizen of such and such country and I love paying my taxes, and I control my destiny because I wanted to be a fire fighter when I was a boy and now I am one, see. Shut up! Thats not what Im talking about! Your fucking destiny is Retirement in a Nursing Home! Remember I said that when you get too old to work for your State and they throw you away like a used douche bag that you are.
People just dont get it. Youre born into Life, and the State immediate tells you that you arent fully human and that you got to work for it. So they dangle this Imaginary Thing in your face and tell you got to work for it and earn it to be fully human like everybody else. So you go to grade school. And when you finish grade school, they tell you: Oh, youre not there. Not fully human yet, keep trying. So you go to high school and finish all four years. And they tell you: Oh almost, but not quite there yet. Keep working for it, itll come, good girl. So you borrow money and go to college for 4 years. And they tell you: Oh, not there yet. Now you have to take that diploma and do what everybody else is doing and get a job, because adult humans work! So you get a job thinking youre a bona fide human or true citizen, and they tell you: Oh nope, sorry. See now theres a corporate ladder you gotta climb, start climbing, and go borrow money from a bank to get a house, humans live in houses, and get married to breed children, because humans have children you know. So you get into debt, have children, buy a house you cant every pay off, and climb some invisible corporate ladder to some glorious treasure at the tippy top. Like that dumb treasure the whole reason why you were born in the first place. Then your dumb ass turns old. You got grey hair. Your testicles, dick, or ovaries dont work no more. Youre ugly and wrinkly. But who cares now, cuz its not like youre gunna enjoy sex anyways or like anybody is gunna want you. You smell like medicine and Bengay. Youre joints hurt. All those years of eating man made chemical saturated food has preserved your body already into a wax sculpture. Half your internal organs in your body dont work because the pesticides and toxins in the food you ate caused diseases in your body. And in that state you ask the State: Ok, where is? Im gunna fucking die soon, just fucking give the shit to me already. And they tell you: That was it! There you are: The human experience of a good citizen! Was that a ride or what?! Now sense youre too old to be of any use to Us, why dont you go live in that there old folks home; and well just take your children and grand children. Thank You, come again. Its only then, when you are that old, that you realize that freedom you had was fake. That what destiny you thought was yours was an illusion. Its then that you begin to realize that you gave the best years of your life, energy, free time, and genuine freedom, to the State. For what? Retirement? Was it your will and destiny to end up a useless old person in some nursing home having really accomplished very little? Was it your destiny to live some crappy life where you got only 1 week out of a year to do what you wanted? Was it your destiny to have never traveled the world, or spend the best years of your life with people you actually loved and cared about, doing what you wanted with your short life? Or have you Realized that you gave that destiny to the State to mold and use?
But you can say: But Chloe, were all going to grow old and retire some day. Shut up! Thats not the point. The point is what the hell are you doing with you Life between birth and old age. In whose hands is your Life and Destiny in during those wonderful years? Think about it? Reichsfolk Culture This perspective of Destiny and in whose hands such Destiny is in that I went through up there is just an extension of certain concepts found in David Myatts Reichfolk Ethical National Socialism. Specifically the concept of each race having its own Destiny. When you are a black minority living in a State of white majority, do you really think, the white mob will hear your voice, needs, humanness, and allow you to fulfill your destiny? Or to even allow you to shape the destiny of the State? And vise versa. If you are white minority living in an ethnic majority, what true freedom do you have to manifest your racial destiny? In a State of mixed ethnicities, the lives, humanness, and destinies of some whole ethnic groups of people will be silenced and those people used to fulfill the destiny of the ruling group and their progeny. In this light, a racially mixed democracy is not so great. It shows itself as a parasitic and abusive form of usury. But this must go far deeper then just the superficialities of skin color. Because even in China, where the people there are obviously a homogeneous Asian population, there is the matter of the State Destiny, the Destiny of the Political Regime and the Destiny of their Stooges, which is more important and overshadows that destiny of the common citizen, whose destiny is either neglected, or used to sustain the State. How long will you allow something so lifeless, and abstract as a race or a State to use you, abuse you, and neglect your own Life and Sovereign Destiny? How long will you allow yourself to be the pawn of a race or State or political party; or a pawn in life? Before you understand that Nature made you a Sovereign person, with your own unique Life and Destiny to experience, live, and fulfill? Before you fight and struggle to reclaim that Life and Destiny, or die trying. Because its not just your life and destiny that is at stake. Its the life and destiny of your progeny, which is also in your hands. Fear As A Factor Of Control It is the mundane fear of death that docilizes us into compliancy. We are not born fearing death. You let a baby crawl around a sidewalk and shell crawl herself into traffic. We become death defiant teenagers, and from our hormones running amok, we are fearless in those years. Which is why in any State or gang army/foot-soldier the membership of such armies are of the same youthful, death defiant age. Its only after years of religious and/or atheistic brainwashing that we come to fear dying. Because of our beliefs. The silly belief that there is an afterlife. Which means there must be a system of salvation to be worthy of such an afterlife. And the uncertainty in you over whether you are saved to be able to go to heaven, is what makes you a docile fearful
pawn. It is the silly materialist belief that Nature is a dead accident and that this accident spent all of its energy over billions of years to evolve you only to have you exist a mere 90 years before you are snuffed out like a candle flame forever. Its that fear of death alone that gives State, gangs, and anything with a weapon, sharp fangs or big claws Power over you. You are so afraid of being harmed, mangled, mutilated, tortured, imprisoned that you even fail to realize that you can kill just like they can and that there is more of you then them. Why is it that a Nation-State such as America does not fear China, which has the worlds largest army, a work force 3 times the size of Americas to bother to concentrate on China. But yet this same America, which is the worlds mightiest military force, would care so much about a group of rebels like Al Qaeda who are virtually cave dwellers? Its because of the Fear Factor. Because Chinas economy depends on America and its allies. Because China knows it has no real experience in military logistics. Such that the size of its army is irrelevant to America because the damn Chinese prolly dont even know how to effectively move their army around. But Al Qaeda is not dependent on America in any way. It does not play this bullshit State game. It does not require a lot of money to strike. Because something like Al Qaeda has access to Fearless individuals. Because Al Qaeda has the power to manufacture Death Defiant members. Such people who have no fear of death and dying, who live and will die for a cause; even if that cause will take many generations to materialize, is a great threat to even the most powerful Nation on Earth. Which is why America is sticking its nose in some god forsaken desert of a backwards people, and why America doesnt even give a shit about China, or even North Korea with that midget Korean threatening to nuke America ever other week. It only takes a CIA agent who has covertly threatened this midgets life to shut him up. No amount of propaganda, money, or threats with bribe or scare something like Al Qaeda. One fearless death defiant Al Qaeda cell can as we have often seen devastate a Nation-State in many ways. The future of human warfare is not between two Nation-States, because these NationStates that exist today have evolved together into a dependent integrated system of mutual dependency. The future of war from now on, will be between the Nation-State and clandestine rebel forces such as Al Qaeda. In this sense, something like Al Qaeda is a pioneer in the fight for Liberation from the State. A model, worthy of our Sinister Posterity to study and emulate. When I think of Al Qaeda, I often think of one of my all time favorite sci-fi movies [and book]: Dune. Where Muad-dib and his band of desert rebels fight and takes down a Galactic Empire by controlling Spice [re: Oil]. Is it any surprise to us who can see what is going on, why countries like America is running frantic trying to wean itself from Oil by legislating all these Green Energy bills, and stuff? Like the British Empire has
demonstrated in the case of China: you control something a nations people needs [opium] and you control that empire. Magick Its useless: As it is believed to be by mundanes and their watered down new age movement. To think that Chaos Magick Sorcerers can magickally destroy a State by invoking some demon is absolutely ridiculous. I dont remember hearing how the Taliban, Hezbollah, or Al Qaeda, having some top ranking guy who was the rebel chaos sorcerer, do you? All Ive ever heard come out of these rebel forces were death defiant warriors who killed themselves as martyrs for a cause, along with other. Which is the ultimate Opfer any person can give to his Tribe and Cause: his own life. How does this even compare to some Chaos Magickian in some black robe, throwing spells at the New World Order, in the safety of his bedroom? Its a joke. Magick, as the mundanes apprehend it is a joke. If it isnt, then explain to me why such a country like Haiti is still poor when most of its people practice Voodoo. Explain to me why Amazonian tribes are still backwards and primitive when they have shamans. Explain to me why countries whose people are the most superstitious when it comes to such beliefs as magic, miracles, demons, angles, are the one most prone to Magian control and Magian exploitation? Such as the entire continent of Africa. There is something very wrong with your ability to comprehend the written word if you read Anton Longs writings, and Naos, and you think the Magick the ONA has and teaches, is the same kind of superstitious mumbo jumbo found in Wicca or something. And I bring the subject of magick up because if Dreccians continue to sink further into the illusion of the superstition of magic and miracles, that the ONA will generate more and more superstitious magickians to become what the I.O.T. is, and will generate less and less Dark Warriors to become in future a significant rebel force of any kind. What has Crowley and his magicians ever done to and for society Causally, besides introduce another mind puzzle to keep peoples minds busy? And LaVey with his stagnant rip off Satanism? What has LaVey made beside people lost in the delusions of egotistic grandeur, who are more than willing to serve the State their whole lives in exchange of a few hours of self Indulgence and self worship? Can you ever realistically see that something like the IOT will ever evolve into a rebel force that will wage war with a State to manifest a new kind of civilization? Because if you cant, then keep the ONA from becoming another IOT; or another Thelema; or another Church of Satan. Keep that crappy superstition based Junk Magick out of the ONA, and stick with the practical magick of the ONA; such as Aeonics and Future Magick to name two. Our Generations
Weve reached that strange point in our human evolution where what we call the State or how human civilization is presently has reached a dead end where its past and its causal actions have finally caught up to it and its wyrdful results is beginning to take affect. From now on, every year that passes by for a State will only mean more destruction of nature, more dehumanization of human lives, more control, more war, more pollution, more things which we can see clearly as signs that this State thing is not doing it for us as a species any more. Our tango with Nation-States has come to an end. The Nation-State as we knew it has taken our species as far as it can causally take us, and if we continue to hold onto it, it will be prolonged stagnation. We all know all things must change, even human civilization. But it is a way of Nature, that all living things in Nature shall have a will to survive. That all things in Nature, even if such things are no longer needed, will fight and struggle for its survival. It is a way of nature that a new worthy challenger to old established things challenged and destroys the old. Such as an old alpha male silver back gorilla. In his group there will be many contenders who desires for the coveted power. It is out of Natures own will to survive as a whole, that only the most worthy physically, genetically should have such power. So that, of all the contenders, only one will be the new alpha male who will reap the benefit of passing its genetic material down to its progeny. A social ordering of humans is no different from this primate ordering of gorillas. The whole earth can be seen as a forest in which are hundreds of primates called States. The most powerful, will by Natures Law, have the power to influence the rest of the world. Each State is in turn a group of primate [humans], wherein only the most worthy group of humans by Nature, gets to have the power to influence the others by passing the genetic information of their memeplexes to the next generations of humans. But Progression is also a law of Nature. Therefore what once was favored by Nature, when such is no longer an adequate means to further evolve and progress humanity and causal earth life, Nature will allow a replacement to fight for that coveted alpha position. Thus what was once a most influential Roman Empire which truly progress humanity forward, was eventually replaced by the British Empire later, which took humanity further. When the British Empire stagnated, it was replaced by America, which did its job. Now America has grown stagnant, and such stagnation is anti-evolutionary. It would seem as though the European Union or China were poised to replace America. But such is not the case. We have reached a transitional aeon in which the current format of human civilization, being so focused on fighting for domination of terrestrial territory and other humans, is not doing our species any good. As David Myatt states, humankinds next step in evolution is Galactic. And so, we see even the Earth changing in such a way such that a state like China or even the EU will not be able to sustain themselves due to the fact that natural resources are depleting rapidly, and our species has become morbidly over
populated. Which is to say that Mother Nature is gradually kicking us out of our childhood home. And if we dont leave, we will self destruct into extinction. The next type of human civilization must be the type which will spread humanity and earthly causal life forms across the galaxy. So we exist at this moment of 121 year of fayen in what may be seen as those years just before the fall of the Roman Empire. Where rebel forces of barbaric tribes begin invading, and other rebel forces begins forming within the Empire. Except in our case this empire is all of the worlds States, and such pioneer rebel forces as Al Qaeda are the barbarians. Al Qaeda isnt the only rebel force. It is just one of the first and so far the most successful. As time passes, there will be others which will form to work at destroying these old Nation-States, marked by Nature for liquidation, and which will fight with each other for that coveted alpha position. It is prophetic that the ONA has come into existence in this transitioning aeon. It would seem that we are very small. But size in Nature has no meaning. Some times the smallest of germs can cause the most causal damage. What matters in nature if you understand the basic mechanics of nature is: Genetic Information. In a non-biological level, the memes which are the Genetic Information of a memeplex of a social ordering of humans: their Traditions, Culture, Weltanschauung, Hopes, Dreams, Visions is what ultimately is meaningful to Nature. As the most strong and worthy genes makes the new generations of causal organisms strong and continues and evolves causal life. So too does the most strong and worthy memeplex imbue the generations of mankind to continue and evolve the human species forward toward its collective Destiny: That of midwife to the Cosmos, in which we spread the germ or earthly causal life across the Living Cosmos. What memes we manufacture today, and what we each pass down to our children, will determine our future progenys success in the destruction of these old aeonic civilizations, and will determine their successful birth into a Star Born Civilization. As David Myatt struggles to get across, we must as an Order learn to use time Aeomically to our advantage. By passing our Dark Tradition and Sinister Way down to Our Generations: Our Sinister Posterity; so that each generation of Dreccians will inheret the essence of what is or was the Order of Nine Angles. So that each generation inherits this Myattian Weltanschauung of reality, human evolution, and the State. So that each generation of our bloodlines will in their own time, and by their own means fight and struggle to Liberate themselves and shed such old aeonic Nation-States as a snake sheds old skin, into a new regenerated organism. And organism collectively reaching upwards for the stars beyond the limits of this dying world. If its one thing that I have learned from studying these social orders from a sociological perspective, and from the gangs and religions that I have been involved with is that: People Believe In Ideas, But They Live For Movements. People just believe in a religion. They devote their lives to a Movement. People will just believe in an ideology. They will die for a cause. Islam is just something to believe in. Al Qaeda is a movement to fight for. Socialism is just something to believe in. Hitlers National-Socialism was a Movement to fight and kill for. The ONA must learn to transform our memeplex from a system of
beliefs and traditions, into a mythos imbued Movement. If we are to inspire and captivate the hearts and minds of our future generations. This ONA must be a Movement, if we hope those in the future will devote their lives to our Sinister Cause.
to the very Foundation or Base or Fundamental of our human existence: The Family. Such that this concept of Our Family has become our most important exoteric and esoteric priority as Dreccians. As Anton Long recently states: [Quote Anton Long] For it is the development of our new sinister family, our new sinister kindred, which is both an exoteric and an esoteric priority, manifest as our new family is in our new tribes, and bound as our clannish family is and should be by our law of the sinister-numen. In essence, therefore, we are we, our kind, represent a new culture, here on this planet we have called Earth; and it is the spread, the growth, of this new culture, of our new families, our tribes, which will begin to undermine, in a most important and a very practical way, the way of life, the societies, and the nation-States of the mundanes. This is and will continue to be a subversive revolution against the current Magian status quo and will lead, in the not too distant future in some area on this planet, to a practical armed insurrection, led by Vindex. Prophet Of Vindex? [End Quote] The Mundane Family. The mundane family consists of a segregated male and female pair in a secular marriage recognized by the state called a Husband and Wife. They will have children. In developed nations the number of offspring such a pair has is usually around 3. At the age of 5 the pair by law must send these children to State run public schools to be indoctrinated as individualized citizens. The cost of living in such developed States is increased, such that in the common Homo Hubris family both parents must work to support themselves. With the parents far too busy working to pay bills, the State has total mental and psychological control over their children from age 5 on up to train into the next generation of segregated citizens. By the time these children reach the age of 18 they have been fully trained by the political regime to seek out their independence as young adults by getting a job, and find a mate. At the same time the parents of such children have been trained by the same state to force such children out of the home to live on their own. To struggle on their own in the real world, because that somehow builds strong character. This cycle of training Homo Hurbis into divided labourers is repeated with each generation. Such that each generation of Homo Hubris is literally born and bred to be mere wage earning debt ridden workers to support the children of the wealthy Magian and 10 Percenters. In affect if you understand, the relationship between the 10 Percenters and their bloodline with the common citizen, it is Parasitic. Yet Homo Hubris never realizes that these 10 Percenters live their lives in a very different way. A family of a 10 Percenter is collective and not divided into independent
units. Most often they are even known collectively by a collective name: The Rothschilds; The Rockefellers, and so on. Most often members of such families pool their political and financial resources together to consciously insure that their children will inherit the same power and wealth. Its that age old axiom we should all know by now: Divided And Conquer. Its the same strategy the British and other European Empires used to control and exploit other countries and other peoples. To remain united themselves as a political and economic force, while dividing the enemies they wish to conquer on a social level. By taking natural tribes and breaking such tribes down into nuclear family units who no longer trust and rely on their own next of kin. This is an assault on our very Humanness. The Problem With Tribes If the Drecc in such developed Nation-States continues to live their own lives in this way divided and segregated into independent family Units, they are no better or no different from these Mundanes who are clearly being conditioned and indoctrinated to be controlled and made perpetual prey to the exploitation of the Magian 10 Percenters and their bloodlines. The difference between us must begin at the very core of our human existence: the Family. Such that this focus on our family will determine wyrdfully the success of our efforts in the future: the Liberation of our own bloodlines and progeny from this invisible slavery, and this geopolitical Magian-Zionist labour camp we call the NationState. The fundamental difference between a tribal clan and a nuclear family of Homo Hubris is one of Culture. The former having no Culture at all as Magian religions and ethos have replaced what was once their Numinous Ancestral Cultures with trinkets of childish beliefs and stories. White Homo Hubris did not always live in divided family units in ancient times. There was a time when they were also tribal. There was a time when most of Europe were not divided into Nation-States, but into territories controlled by vast networks of indigenous tribes such as the Germanic Tribes and the Celtic Tribes. Each Tribe being composed of clan or large social orderings of mutually dependent kinfolk. This was it, to the basic fundamental of familial structure back then. There was no such thing back then as the concept of family as we know it today. It was the fledgling Roman Empire that learned to annex new territory by setting indigenous tribe against tribe and conditioning their vanquished subjects into adopting the memetic identity of a Roman Citizen as opposed to their own numinous and natural tribal identity. Christianity would later take this concept further by forcing people to adopt their memetic identity while at the same time dividing what clans and tribes were left over into families.
You will wonder why the Roman Empire, and later Christianity, even bothered to assert so much force and energy in breaking apart tribes and clans to produce the concept of a nuclear family: Father, wife, and children. Its because tribes are organized and they come with Warriors, and those Warriors kill. You wont go anywhere as a political regime of an Empire or as the Magian Patriarchs of Christendom, if the people you wish to dominate, subjugate, and control have their own tribal culture and hordes of armed tribal warriors who would kill you in a heartbeat for even looking at them funny. It only takes a study of New Guinea and the after effects of Christian Missionaries on the native tribes. What were once fiercely rabid head hunting self-reliant tribes were broken down by Magian Ethos into a race of poverty stricken domesticated humans. Such people are sometimes called Savages in Homo Hubris lingo. You remember such murderous Savages and the tribal warriors giving Romans a hard time, like the Barbarians. Or those who gave European kingdoms a hard time like the Zulu of South Africa, The Aztec of Mexico, the Indigenous tribes and Warriors of the Americas and Australia. Or our modern day Barbarians, we derogatorily call terrorists. We seem to assume that because we humans live in this technologically advanced age of ours that we all have grown out of such savage ways. But this is not the fact. Its now been confirmed by science that those olden day tribal Warriors that gave Homo Hubris imperialists a hard time actually past what is called the Warrior Gene down to their modern descendants call gangbangers. Geneticists now know that the segment of modern society that are most prone to violence and joining what we today call street gangs all have this Warrior Gene in their DNA makeup. Such that, taking a quick look at your everyday gang of any kind today, you would be able to see that such gang members are indeed blood descendants of ancient Warriors and once fiercely tribal peoples. A quick look at the gangs that plagues the streets of America will show that most gang affiliates today are of African and Latino ethnicity: descendants of African and Aztec tribal Warriors. With Asians and Whites [skin heads] coming in second: descendants of various Asian tribes, Genghis Khan and his Warriors, and the Blond Berserk Vikings [and the various other Germanic Tribes]. These people are still in-tune to their ancestral Warrior Blood which is expressed in their formations of gangs and in their actions and deeds often understandably outlawed. As such tribal Warriors and such violence have always been outlawed since the days berserk Vikings and Germanic Barbarian Warriors threatened Pax Britanica & Pax Romana. These modern day Warriors, still in touch with their essential and primal humanness and ancestral tribal ways, are our breed in whose blood and genes is etched our sinister creed. From whose blood shall flow forth the Warriors of the future who shall be lead by Vindex to destroy these Nation-States. But such a future war, must first begin with a struggle today. A struggle to undo what the Magian Ethos has done to us. A struggle to reclaim our humanness and tribal nature. A Modern Tribal Family
I dont even think there is a word in Khmer which actually means what the word family means in English. Fortunately for me, I was raised aware of both a tribal clannish way and a Homo Hubris family way [from my friends]. In English when I hear the word family I think of a mom, a dad, and kids living in a house. In Khmer, the only word I really have ever heard used to refer to me and all of my relatives is /Crusa/ [krooh-sah] which implies something big and far reaching like an ocean. A Crusa to us means my grand mother, her husband, all of their siblings and cousins; all of their children and grand children down to the youngest. We call everybody in our crusa around my grandmothers age or generation grandmothers and grandfathers, without any distinction. We call everybody in our crusa of our parents generation and age aunts and uncles. And everyone of my generation in our crusa is a brother or sister. Thats all the familial labels we use. These very few and simple familial labels are so important in our clan/culture that they are also used as our only proper pronouns in the register we speak. Its considered barbaric and vulgar to use pronouns [such as I, you, and so on] because only peasants use those words. I still dont know how to say you, or he, or she, or they, in Khmer. Using such pronouns causes an emotional and psychological separation between two people, because the two people talking automatically becomes an I and a you, which implies a separation or that there is no relationship or recognition of kinship present. In this way, the tribal culture, or collective clannish way of life is actually embedded in the language itself. And those of us who are intelligent, knows that our language we speak and think with greatly influences how we see and understand the world and our reality. For instance, if I wanted to ask my grandma to make me something to eat I would literally have to say: Can the Grand Mother make the Grand Daughter something to eat? Or if I wanted to say they, or them, Id have to say: pboog nu, or pboog ghe, which means those other people. After a lifetime of being raise hearing these familial labels used in place of pronouns, we all are drenched inside a culture and an emotional knowing that we are not separate individuals; but a member of a collective. I got so use to using these familial labels that when I started going to school I had a hard time figuring out how to talk to the teacher because calling my teacher a you when speaking to her in my mind is vulgar and disrespectful and suggests that I want nothing to do with her as a person. It seems stupid and simple compared to English with all of its great uncles, second cousin twice removes junk. I still dont even know how to go by those things and I was born and raised in America. The way English has it, people feel distant. When you talk about a cousin or great uncle you know they are distant emotionally and psychologically. But if you were born and raised calling every old person grandma, and ever male in your family uncles, and everybody your age brothers and sisters, things are much close, and you end up giving the same amount of love and respect to one uncle as to any uncle and such, because you cant tell anybody apart as far as how exactly they are associated with you.
I actually ask my mom [my biological dad does too] to explain to me in English terms how people in our crusa are related to me, and its very difficult for her to do so because there just arent enough of those labels to explain such distant relationships: when such distance doesnt even exist. For instance, I heard that my cousin Andys parents are blood related. So me and Andy [and my dad] were shocked to hear this so we asked my mom to explain to us just how they were blood related. And she had to explain it this way: Well, lets see. Its like my uncle who was born out of my grandmother: the one that gave birth to my mother, had a son and that son married Chloe. Thats how they are to each other. I said: Eewe, Andy your parents are niece and uncle! No wonder your retarded. Then my mom said: Its not eewe. Thats just our culture and tradition. What do you think my parents were: they are to each other, what you and Andy are. My mom has 9 birth siblings. And my grand mother [my moms mom] has 10 birth siblings and about 30 blood cousins scattered in Thailand, America, France, Australia, and Cambodia. So I remember growing up going to all these weddings ceremonies, tons of them. A traditional Khmer wedding ceremony takes 3 days: 1 day of 5 monks boringly chanting all day, 1 day for the actual ceremony, and 1 day for the party or banquette. It started when I was young, Id notice all these hundreds of guests during those three days. And as I got older and became more aware, me and my girl cousins started wondering why we kept on seeing the same 500 guests over and over again at every weddings? And we had been to an awful lot already. So one day when one of our uncles was getting married we asked the table of aunts we were sitting with: Whats wrong? Who is the uncle marrying? Every time theres a wedding we see the same 500 faces and guests? Wheres the Brides family at? Everybody just laughed and one of them said: Those arent guests; youre the brides family. There were other strange things about my family which I discovered. These were things I thought was actually Khmer culture as in every Khmer family just did it because it was culture or something. I knew white American families didnt do it. Theres no word for it, so I call it Kid Swapping. Even though my mom gave birth to me, I hardly lived with or was raised my birth mom. I grew up living with and being raised by a birth sister of my birth mother [an auntie] which we call a /Madai-Mieng/ which means: Mother-Aunt. A Mother-Aunt is much different from a normal other aunt, because shes your second mother, who is loved and honoured on the same sacred level as ones birth mother. My mother-aunt was Andys birth mother, who called me daughter like my birth mother does. And its weird because it happened all the time and it happens very easily. If a blood aunt has a baby, and that aunts sister says: Oh, what a cute baby, can I have her/him the birth aunt will just say: Yeah here. Thats it, and its not just babysitting, were talking about a life long having. I was raised by my mother-aunt from birth to the age of 15. Of my 20 direct cousins, at least a quarter of them were raised like this by an aunt and not their birth mothers. My cousin Tiffany was raised her whole life by one of our aunts, and now she lives with our grandmother. Tiffany never in her 18 years of life has ever lived with or was raised by her birth mother. But her mom still loves her and gives her money.
I thought every Khmer family did this until I met an outsider [unrelated] Khmer girl in school [she had dark skin]. After making friends with her I noticed she and her parents talk Khmer really different when I was over at her house. They used words of a lower register, which we would call barbaric or vulgar, and peasantile in my family, which I never heard used in my family; like pronouns. So I asked her if those were her real parents, and if her family kid swaps. And she thought I was crazy? I was so shocked by the way her parents talked and how they thought kid swapping was crazy that I went to go tell my mom and mom-aunt, and they said I cant be friends with her any more because she was a barbaric peasant who has no Pbooj, and that was why they dont do things the way we do. The Blood Of A Tribe Pbooj is a weird word I hear very often, but I dont know the exact idiomatic meaning to. Every breed of Khmer that is a barbaric peasant seems to not have pbooj, and every body who lives like us and has our culture seems to have pbooj so Im told by my elders. This concept of pbooj seems to be closely associated with our grand parents, fathers and blood, meaning that if your grand parents had pbooj then you did too. Luckily I have the internet and I learned that the word pbooj comes from the Pali word for Seed/sperm. Which doesnt reveal much, other than that whatever pbooj is idiomatically, it is past down through the male line to their children. The only person in my family who knows enough English words to use to intelligently explain things to me is one my dtoodt which means great grand father. I dont know his first name, as in our family you arent allowed to ever use names. Hes pure ethnic Chinese but his mother tongue is Khmer, while his wife [our great grand mother] is a half Laotian half Thai aristocrat who never work once in her 90 years of existence. Even at 9o something, the great grand father can still walk and do chores in the yard, and talk up a storm about past and current politics [he's republican]. I actually grew up not knowing the names of any body in my family, and I still dont know most of my own 9 aunts and uncles names. This dtoodt is my birth grandmothers birth uncle who was Cambodias Ambassador to the US around the early 50s before the revolution. He was educated in France, and speaks perfect French and English; which makes talking with him easy for me. So I asked the great grand dad what pbooj meant one day. And he says: Like rice crops you see? If a rice plant has long grains that is soft when cooked, it has the pbooj to make long grains see? If a rice plant has short grains that makes hard rice when cooked, we know that is its pbooj. So we can tell if we plant that short grained pbooj that we will always get plants that make short grain no matter how far in the future or past you go. The pbooj of a plant, like the pbooj of a person, determines who and what things are in life. So, if a farmer has the pbooj of a farmer, and his ancestors have been illiterate and barbaric farmers for hundreds of years, so that their brains and mind has become only able to handle such tasks, what would such a pbooj only produce? I said: Only the same kind. And he said: Correct. When a crop of rice grows wild and nobody has used their intelligence to change that wild crop to make good crops with good
grains that cook good, then we say it has no pbooj. From that word [Pbooj] comes the Khmer word /Pboog/ or /Pug/ related to the Pali word Pugala both meaning a Race, Breed, Tribe, Kind, People. The concept of pbooj is not one based strictly on the blood of rich aristocrats. It based more on the quality and natural character, potential, and/or essence of a person. Which quality can be pasted down by specific methods of intelligent breeding. Or deluded over time by aimlessly reproducing. So, when you have someone like me in the family who is mixed blooded were called a Gone Gat. Gone meaning Child and Gat meaning Cut, or to be cut in pieces. In English when someone is of a Mixed race, that gives the idea that two or more different kinds of races came together and got mixed up. But in my family and culture, a mixed blooded person is said to have Chiam Gat, meaning Cut Blood, or the Blood has been cut into pieces, suggesting an impurity. So a mixed child isnt mixed. It is a child whose blood has been cut up and deluded; whose pbooj has been contaminated by something foreign. In the same sense that a recognized pure bred dogs line can be ruined if a mut mates with it. When it comes to mating and reproduction, in the culture/family that I was raised in, it is entirely controlled and utilizes what the Occident might sometimes call eugenics. The marriages are predetermined. None of my aunts and uncles had the freedom to chose who they got married to. That choice was made by the old grandmothers talking amongst each other. They talk about things like what the soon to be married parents are like, what those parents did for a living, if those parents have blood relatives with birth defects; if those parents have any peasant relatives; what the grand parents of the couple are like; what they looked liked and what they did in life. Then the old ladies would go visit everyone directly or immediate related to each of the couple to inspect them for how smart everybody is, if anybody has any birth defects; how they carry themselves; what register or form of language they use; they natural demeanor, and such. Then they talk about the other stuff: things like money, does the parents and grandparents come with the ability to generate money or do they spend to much and end up poor; about land and if the boy is well bred with goals in life, manners, and respects his mother; and if the girl is pretty and would make a good mother, and if she has family values meaning tribal nature in this context. Outsiders are only outsiders because they do not have or live the same culture we do. But I have plenty of cousins who are of mixed ethnicity. Usually their dads are of a different race who adopts our way of life by going native. Like my biological dad is Mexican. Hes of Portuguese and mestizo ancestry. The elders of my family put my dad through the same scrutiny to determine of he had noble pbooj, and that nobody was deformed or crazy in his family. So it isnt really a matter of purity of race and ethnicity with pbooj. Its the purity of nobility of blood, as opposed to deluded plebeian blood.
Its about ancestry and blood, and the types of people that ancestry and blood will produce. Such that bad ancestry and bad blood, makes worthless common stock humans. There are two saying in my family/clan that goes: Orange trees grow orange fruit and never apples; & The fruit never falls far from the tree. So that when you observe say a hard working Chinese whose father also has that culture of hard working ethics, you know that the guys offspring will come out imbued with that same quality and culture of hard work. In the same sense that if you had a woman who is disrespectful with her mother, is a slut, is not connected to her family, and her mother was a drug addict, then you know that such a woman will yield a worthless stock of offspring; because that quality, or culture is past down. As one of the meanings of Wyrd. For who we each are, and what actions we weave in life not only affects and influences our own lives, but weaves into being the lives of our progeny. Its easy to see this when you are a member of a huge family/clan. You just look at your 100 cousin or so and always you notice that if their dads are nerdy they all come out smart and nerdy; and if their dads were delinquent in their youth, the cousins all come out gangbangers. It even goes to the point where if the uncle has tattoos, then their sons end up having tats. Cousins who have direct grandfathers that like to read and write like me end up liking to read and write. Cousins that have direct grandfathers that became monks, end up either becoming monks or are deeply religious. Home Life Our family has about 12 houses altogether. The 9 aunts and uncles and their husbands and wives own the houses respectively. But things are so weird in my family with the kid swapping and clannish stuff that there doesnt seem to be an emotional boarder between those houses. For instance I have my own bedroom at my birth moms house; my own room at my mom-aunts home; a room I share with another cousin at my birth grandmas house [which the aunts and uncles bought for her] and I have my own room at one of my uncles house up north. It gets even weirder because some of our aunts own their own homes, but they rent those houses out and instead live with our grandma. So at my grandmas house [who is 80], she has not only some of her children living with her, but also her grand children. In my family nobody moves out or seems to move out ever. We just literally drift from house to house forever. One of my aunties is 55 years old and she AND her son who is my age lives with my grandma. Just because you get married doesnt mean your going anywhere either. I have a girl cousin that is married and has a 2 year old daughter who lives at my grandmas house with her husband and daughter. And then my other auntie with my 9 year old girl cousin lives in the same house even thought she owns her own house in Vegas she rents outs. My family also does something we call /Song Kun/. Song means to Repay, and Kun means a certain kind of sacred debt or duty you owe to your mother for giving you life. I thought all Khmer families practice this too since everyone uses those words. But thats not the case. In my family/culture we are basically Brahmanistic Buddhists. The belief in gods and spirits is there. But your birth mother in our culture and tradition is the
only Goddess you will ever have and know in life who is said to be more higher than the Buddha himself, because she literally gave you Life and the Buddha didnt. The Buddha is just a teacher, you mother is your god. Making your mother cry is a real sin [bad Karma] in my family/culture. My grandma says you spend 7 years in the lowest pits of the 1st level of hell for every tear you cause to fall out of your mothers eyes. The 7th level of hell is reserved for men who kill their mothers. Every year on your mothers birthday is perhaps the Holiest day of your year. Its when you get 5 Buddhist monks to chant for 4 hours straight. Then you feed the monks and every body that came out of my grandmas womb lines up in a line [children, grandchildren, down to the little great grand children]. She sits in a chair and everybody one by one washes her feet and prostrates three times and ask her to wash your bad karma away and to bless them with health and prosperity. Then you hand her an envelope of money, or gifts of gold. This helps you pay your Kun back. In our family the more practical aspect of Song Kun is when you kick up money to your mother every month. Its like tithing a portion of your income, but you give it to your mother. My grandma has 9 adult kids, and they all work and/or own a business. Each of my aunts and uncles kick up to her between $500-$1000 per month depending on how much they can afford that month. The husbands or wives that married my aunts and uncles have no say; if they reject the idea of giving money to my grandma, its an automatic divorce the next day. Ive seen it happen. My grandma gets retirement money for being old and she gets her monthly kick ups which is roughly $5000 per month. Needless to say, all of the grandma and grandpas have many children. I dont know a single gramma-grampa couple related to my own grandma that has less then 5 children. If you have less then 5 children, youre considered a poor old lady. My grandmas sister [who past on] has 12 kids of her own. She died with bank! When somebody old passes away us cousins call that cashing out, because you get kick downs. You can live a pretty comfortable life if your aristocratic granny has 9 kids without knowing much about responsibilities. That money gives the grannies sheer power over us cousins. Shell by you a new car if youre a grand daughter and if you promise not to get randomly pregnant and that you wont marry an outsider. I got a Lexus. The boy cousins have to go to college and actually do things for their kick downs. Sexism and gender bias definitely exists in our family/culture. First our whole culture is matriarchal based. The old grampas or males have their things they do or use to do for the family such as the secular stuff and the jobs and business. In the old days before the revolution this meant running the State. My grandma has brother and male cousins who were once ambassadors, prime ministers, advisers to the king, & generals. Most were killed by the Khmer Rouge. The old grandmas or ladies took care of the family and domestic stuff, which includes the finances of their families. What they use to do is collect each other into a mutual and pool their kick up money to buy businesses or loan out to borrowers on interest; then have their adult grand kids start up more businesses.
So in this culture boys have to work and build a name for themselves; if they want a reputable wife. Girls on the other hand are Social Currency for a family used to merge with other families or to climb the social rank and status. Having a well raised pretty daughter or grand daughter to these old ladies meant more money, power, and privilege in the old days. For example if in your city a boy from a different crusa [family] was the chief of police, and the grannies wanted certain privileges in that city, they would go talk to the boys grandparents and negotiate a marriage with one of their pretty daughters or grand daughters backed up by a huge family with a good reputation which has its male tentacles in high places. The old grannies no longer live in their old country since the communist peasant bastards killed half of their clans and chased the rest out. But they brought their way of life with them to America. And its when you learn to compare the wyrd of such a clannish culture to the wyrd of the common way of life of an American mundane that you begin to see a great big difference. A difference as great as the difference between a colony of ants and locusts living aimlessly for the moment. The Way Things Were So you have a familiar situation in this old country before the revolution where the power and wealth was in the hands of the very few and where the many common citizen were kept in a state of perpetual poverty, servitude, and dependence on those that had money and power. How does a vast population of millions remain in such states of poverty, servitude, and dependence from one generation to the next? And how do those with the power and money keep what status, social rank, wealth and power from one generation to the next? The question is: Why does not Time change anything? Us young cousins have this odd chore of giving the old grannies massages to kneed and pound their old flesh and joints during which time the grannies will talk amongst themselves while we drift off into some day dream from the sheer tedium of the chore. Usually the grannies complain, and weep, and reminisce about what they lost and what could have been. And almost always one of the grannies will say to the others: Thats what you get for educating peasants. Teach them to read and they think they own the country. In their days, long before the revolution their crusas [clans] were connected by business and marriage with every other aristocratic crusa who collectively dominated the upper levels of the State. Everything from government offices, to offices in the military, to major industries were dominated by these handfuls of crusas; which were mostly of ancestral Thai origins since Cambodia was annex by Thailand. Thailand didnt give up Cambodia until they tried to join the UN. The UN wanted Thailand to give back Cambodia to the Cambodians. America objected to the idea of an independent country of Cambodia; but eventually the UN won and Thailand gave up most of Cambodia, keeping the provinces of Siemriep, and Battambang [my family came from both] until a boarder readjustment was made in 1960 by the UN. So were not even Cambodian. We just speak the language.
The middle [working] class were the light skinned immigrant Chinese, who worked hard and most times learned the culture of the upper ranks to breed their daughters as Social Capital to marry into those upper class families. So that even in the 1960s it wasnt unusual for the upper ranks of the country to be mixed with Chinese [like my family]. At the very bottom were the ethnic Khmer who are actually very dark skinned, and with them the Vietnamese immigrants. This group since feudal times had no freedom or rights. They were only allowed to work their fields as farmers. Like they always had for hundreds of years. The school systems were also run by the upper class families who had their relatives as teachers. Since it cost money to go to school, and since you past school without effort if you were related to an upper class family. The peasants who could afford to go to school were wasting their time in school anyways because you had to be related to one of the upper class families to even get a real job in the city. So this is how the lower ranks of this society were kept in a perpetual state of servitude. First they were kept stupid and/or under educated. Second they were divided into individual small incoherent families. Third they were allowed to live out their mundane lives mindlessly breeding with other peasants aimlessly producing the next generation of prey. In a way the upper ranks learned to use Time to their advantage by coherently focusing their collective force of an old generation to help and support their younger generations. So that each generation inherited more means of money and power. Whereas the lower levels of society incoherently lived their lives out without focusing any of their force on their children. But of course that peasant Pol Pot got educated in France and he came back learning about abominable things like plebeian freedom and communism and he thought hed teach his fellow peasant Khmer and Vietnamese commoners about plebeian rights. So the country went to hell in bloody revolution. And it still is in hell, or what we might call Plebeian Democracy, which translated into a mob of idiot peasants and vulgar commoners trying to live their own lives and other peoples lives too. Which will only produce misery, because youre dealing with a vulgar race/breed whose line is bred to make people who can barely think for themselves, who have no aeonic hival culture. Meaning that these plebeians are Time Blind and cannot or do not have it in their nature to use time wyrdfully to produce anything constructive long term wise. Its like giving money to one of these vulgar people. What do they do with it? Oblivious to Time, they spend it all for a moment of pleasure. Give them a life and what do they do with it? Oblivious to Time, they work meaningless jobs for money to buy beer to drink and as long as they have a girlfriend or wife to have sex with, these plebeians are happy, like idiot locusts. You give these same idiot mundanes a country and what do they do with it? Oblivious to Time, they use it for fleeting pleasures and petty wars. The Fundamental Difference
Can you discern the difference between these two groups of peoples? Between the Hive Culture of ants and bees and the locust? Between those who know how to use Time to the advantage of their progeny and those that are Time Blind? The fundamental difference is essentially Coherency and Organization; which seems to be the underlying secret of the Cosmos. Things in nature which are organized in coherent patterns behave much differently then things that are disorganized and incoherent dont they? In this light, if I were to ask you which of the two: the coherent and organized clan versus a disorganized and incoherent family unit; actually uses intelligence and the force of will to manifest their future; which of the two would you pick? So we come to understand some important secret factors or ingredients of power, and wealth, havent we: Coherency, Organization, Time/Aeonics, Intelligence, Will Power, Application. Such that we begin to realize that such a way of life is indeed a Magickal way of living in that when these factors are applied to causal reality, the collective force of the people involved changes and alters that reality to materialize and manifest certain things they may desire, and a willed future and world for their progeny. If we now take a look back at our collective human history since the dawn of our species, and we ask ourselves what kind of humans actually pushed humanity forward as a species? The disorganized and often vanquished humans, or the organized humans? It has always been the organized humans who exist in a coherent tribe or force that has had the power to assert and exert their collective force upon the world and over those disorganized humans to gradually over time change the world and our species. Whereas the vanquished and conquered have remained virtually the same common stock idiot race over the thousands of years. This essential difference adds up to wealth and power in a very short period of time. The old folks in my clan/family came to the US in the early 1980s having lost everything: their relatives, their land, their wealth; without a penny to their name. They might have lost everything, but such things are only wyrdful results of their collective culture: a culture which could not be taken away from them. The first 10 years I suppose was spent regrouping and adapting to the new environment. And back then there was very little money in the family. 10 years after that after applying their collective culture they remanifested everything they lost, except for political power. The difference is one of focus. The ways of the common stock American citizen each striving to be some independent loner who ends up exploited by corporate America, and whose focus is on acquiring himself material good to indulge his brief existence with superficial things. These people will mate with the most convenient girl, mindless of ancestry and blood. They will aimlessly breed children. Kick them out when they are 18 to teach them about independence. And in old age, after a life long servitude to the State and corporations, they are forgotten in a nursing home. As the children they made take their place. But a clan, such my family, has their focus on different things. Each generation is focused on something different. The elders focus their collective force on the young cousins, to
insure that they inherit not only the clans culture, but the collective wealth of the clan, in exchange for devoted work to get the clan to become more prosperous. The middle aged adults focus their devotion on caring for the elders. No elder family member is cast out into some nursing home ever. They are born in the clan, and they die in our homes. And the cousins work to devoting their lives to support the middle aged adults by working their businesses, going to college, and breeding the next generation. There is a saying in my family that goes: A mother can take care of 10 children, but her 10 children will not be able to take care of her. Which is to say that a mother can care for and provide for her children, but when she becomes an elderly woman, her grown children will find it very hard to care for her. So elders in our family, and the caring of them, is a communal effort. As everything is a communal effort a synergy of collective will, force, and intelligence, applied to manifest results. A Way Of Life What is exactly meant by the phrase a way of life anyways? I often meet people who convert to a different religion and claim that their conversion is a change in their way of life. Or I know people who discovered they were gay, and so they believe living a gay life style is a change in their way of life. As if to say that Life is a momentary event that can be simply changed by adopting a different set of opinions or sexuality or friends or moving to a new city. But has anything really changed of how these people live their lives? They will continue to go through life expressing the culture they were raised in, because Life isnt a momentary event. Its a continuous domino effect which begins with your birth and how you were raised and conditioned, and continues through the children you make. Such that how you live your life now as you were raised determines the wyrdful potential of your childrens lives. What you do now, will determine your offsprings lot in life in the future. Its for us to sit here and hate Magians, or 10 Percenters, or Zionists, for exploiting us. But we are in such a condition in life because of the wyrd of our ancestors. And if you dont do anything about that condition today, you will only breed the next generation of exploited people who will do little more than complain like once did. If you were raised and conditioned inside a very small unorganized nuclear family, no matter what your beliefs are or what life style you live, you will always pass that culture and way of small family units down to your children, and they to their children. So that from a Chronomorphic perspective your bloodlines entire line of existence have never changed in a thousand years. Just as your ancestors were bred to live in segregated family units to work, so will all of your descendants live that way of life to remain exploited by those more collective then you. Independence is the mystical key word of this breed of broken down humanity, bred and conditioned for thousands of years to produce independent human drones, the better for a
predatorial collective of Magians and 10 Percenters, of States and Corporations, or Religions and Priesthoods to exploit. You were raised brainwashed into believing that humans are some kind of solitary loner animal. You were raised to strive for your independence: to be a self reliant unit. You getting your drivers license marked the great day of your life of exploitation because you were no longer dependent on anybody to drive you places. Your trained parents, secular schools run by corporations, and the State pushed you further and encouraged you to seek more independence: Get a job and move out like everybody else and youll truly be Independent! So you do, drifting further away from what little family you had during your college years. So you get married with a Homo Hubris girl trained to also strive for her independence. Youll have 3 kids and raise them to strive for their independence like you were raised by making them do things on their own for themselves. Youll both go to work 45 hours a week, and the State will raise your 3 kids to live the way you did. Even when you have grown old, your Hubris society teaches you to struggle to be an independent old man and old lady, and to not depend on others, except for the medical industry who will suck the living life out of you for everything you are worth until you die. Thats your way of life. Thats what is meant by a Way of Life. How do you as a human who lives life that way, hope to ever change and alter society or human civilization? When you cant even come to realize that you were never able to change your own way of life? When you never realized that you, as your ancestors, were bred, trained and conditioned to see such a life of being an independent unit to be the greatest goal of your human existence, which actually made you a weak prey which becomes co-dependent on the State, and Corporations. Adopting a new belief, out look on life, word view, religion, sexuality, life style, place of residence, wardrobe, does not change the Way you have been trained to live life. Such things only keep you from realizing that nothing about your way of life has changed. You are human. You are a social organism. It is in your essential nature as a causal being to be dependent on something. Reptiles are born genuinely independent. They hatch from their egg and live their lives from the get go, not needing anybody. Independence is a concept alien to a social organisms natural way of existence. There is no such thing in nature as an independent and self sustaining primate. There is no such thing as an individual and independent baboon or chimpanzee any where in nature. There is something very wrong with something if you see a lone monkey in nature. But you cant see this same wrongness when you are psychologically alienated and emotionally isolated into an individualized independent human. You were born completely helpless, and spend 18-20 years of your life dependent on others. Those early 20 years of your human life is natures way of teaching you your
human nature of dependence on your tribal relations. You will, as a human, live your human existence dependent on something or someone. Either your family or the State, the choice is yours. But you were never given that choice, because the State made that choice for you. Its like dogs and wolves: you are either dependent on your pack, or on your Master. A Master who has separated you from your pack and who has conditioned you to be dependent on him. I was raised very differently. Devotion is the essence of our way of life. As Shakti manifests herself as the ground we walk on, the food we eat, the mothers that give birth to us, to Devote herself to her creatures. So to does a Mother devote herself and serve her children. Both my mothers [biological and aunt-mom] raised me understanding that we express our love and affection for one another not in words, but also in deeds: through our Devotion of Service for and to one another. We serve those we love, not because we are inferior, but out of the sacred virtue of devotion; because it is a sacred duty. I grew up like most of my cousins not knowing what chores were because my mothers did everything for me. I grew up never having to serve myself dinner or lunch because my moms and aunts just brought me my food. I only started doing my own laundry when I moved out actually. And I reciprocate that devotion to my family. This culture of devotion to one another does something to you. It has its practical values. It breeds generations of people who are utterly dependent on their blood relations, in such a way that they would be lost and confused in life if they/we were isolated from our clan, family, and tribe. Being completely dependent on a huge family you dont see a government or jobs or banks or the State or the police the same way as others. I dont need a bank when got 500 people to borrow money from. I dont need to buy a car when theres 20 cars not being used or when my grandma will just buy me one. I dont need a job when I have no real bills to pay and when the family has a dozen family businesses. I dont need the police when I got 50 boy cousins with fists. I dont need a house, when theres about 12 I can live in. Im not going to waste my time and life working for the State or some 10 Percenter corporation, when I can invest my time and energy in my own family to insure that Ill be taken care of later in life. Dreccian Tribes The Order of Nine Angles has been progressively in the making evolving and shapeshifting for at least the past 30 years. Over the decades it has picked up experiences, magick, occult insights, methodologies, its own ontology, theology, cosmology; its own science based on rational thinking and Natural Philosophy. Its Sinister Way has now developed into a Tribal Way of Life and Movement. But a Way of Life goes far deeper then just perpetrating unlawful acts. There is a difference between doing something, believing in something, and Living Life. All Sinister Initiates needs to do now is go all the way and Live that clannish Way of Life with her sworn brothers and sisters of the Sinister Way: Together, Coherently, and Organized.
You dont have to be born into a huge clannish family to know how to live in a tribal manner. Like an example I used earlier: Its like a dog. Dogs are bred for a purpose: to look certain ways and to be domestic pets. We assume that there is nothing primal and feral about these dogs. But when such dogs are abandoned or rejected onto the streets, something beautiful happens. All those centuries of breeding, and all those years of domestication crumbles away and that dog comes into its own ancestral Nature. Such that such feral street dogs needs no training to form dog packs for mutual dependency and mutual survival. Because that Pack Nature was always a part of that dog. It was just that such Primal Nature was covered up by the illusion of domestication. My Mexican dad, and some of my cousins white fathers came from a domesticated stock of humans who had long lost touch with their Nature Given Pack Nature. But they made a choice to go native and quickly came to Dis-Cover their own tribal nature. And its the same case with such things as urban street gangs and skinhead gangs. Nobody must teach these boys how to form their gangs, what to do with their gangs, and how to be a member of those gangs. Its in their blood. All it takes is a choice and being exposed to the right conditions, and Nature literally takes her course to bring out the Pack Wolf in you. That Pack Wolf Nature which not even centuries of domestication can smother. Just as your natural primal nature is a threat to the laws of religion in the sense that all which is natural contradicts Magian morals; so is that same natural primal nature a very real threat to the law and power of the State. Its why they work so hard to divide you into independent domesticated units. Because when you are divided, you are easier to control. When you genuinely Realize this game of divide, domesticate, and conquer; you will begin to realize that a State simply cannot exist nor would a State have any power or control over a people, if those people were collected into fierce self-sufficient, self-reliant tribes. Especially if those tribes come with armed Warriors. It is because of your willingness to be divided, domesticated, and vanquished, and because you perpetuate that plebeian mundane way of life they have trained you to live that causes the State to exist. Destroying a Nation-State, and disrupting a States monopoly on Power does not always have to be bloody revolution. There are other methods of disrupting the States power monopoly, and all methods should be used by the Drecc. The Church cannot exist without the Sinner. The State cannot exist without the individualized citizens. And both the Church and State exist because of illusions and abstractions. The illusion of being a sinner. The illusion of domestication and independence. The illusion the abstract State paints to make it seem as though government and a police State is needed for the your safety and sheer survival. Thats the same psychological bullshit a pimp tells one of his bitches. Do you realize that? Have you ever had an over powering and controlling boyfriend or husband you broke up who told you: Youre nothing without me! You will remain in that destructive relationship as long as you believe him. So long as you continue to play their games according to their rules, you will not only continue to be exploited, but you yourself are responsible for that exploitation. This is something we all should have learned from Satanism and the Sinister Way. Christianity
has no power over you or anything if you understand that sin doesnt exist. You merely had to think for yourself and live your life in tune with your primal Nature to destroy the power monopoly Christianity had on old world Europe. And its no different with a State. You merely have to reconnect with that primal nature; return to your natural tribal nature, and realize that what you have been taught by the State are empty lies; to disrupt the States power monopoly. Its not going to take a single life time. Just like it didnt take a single lifetime to destroy the power of the Catholic Church. It took certain intellectual rebels to risk their lives thinking for themselves, and it took many decades and centuries of gradually teaching those idiot plebeians about science. It will take the same effort with the State. It will not only take practical violence and revolution; but it will take each of us a conscious willed effort to return back to our natural tribal ways. Returning back to those tribal ways begins with an understanding of why you have been conditioned by the State to strive to be an independent domesticated human and choosing to live in the opposite way of what has been established by mundanes. It begins by genuinely making the Sinister Way your Way of Life. Which involves seeking out those who have the same sinister blood and essence that resonates with your own, and to consciously by power of will devote ourselves to one another as a single Family; related to each other by the Natural, Feral, and Numinous sinister essence of our blood; and by the Law of the Sinister-Numen: Offspring of the same Mistress of the Earth. Our Way of Life matures in how we will each raise our children and to whom we give our honour, loyalty, and duty to in life. Our Way of Life will bare fruit in the days of our childrens children with a thriving, living tribal culture. But it all begins with the will to genuinely be different from the mundanes. If you do not have the resource of a huge family: Then forge one; with those liberated dogs who have found their feral wolf nature. That same nature you have Dis-Covered beneath your civil domestication. Because in the end, a family is nothing more than an order of people who recognize each other as kin, who are dependent on each other, and who have the culture of devoting themselves mutually to one another under the auspice of Honour, Loyalty, and Duty. The blood relations of a tribe is merely a causal result of such an ordering of loyal individuals over Time after breeding with one another to pass their essence and kind through their blood down to the next generation who will inherit that tribe and culture.
coat to go play out in the rain to. I was over at my real parents home at the time, so I went to ask my mom if I can go play in the rain with the neighbor boy. She told me I couldnt because Id get sick. So I asked her: Why does that boy get to play in the rain? And my mom said: Because hes not my child and you are, now go play inside the house somewhere. So I just went back into my room really angry wishing my mom would die for a while and thinking about how mean she was for not being as nice as the neighbor boys mom who let him play outside in the rain. So I just sat there in my room staring and hating the boy but at the same time wondering what it would be like to live with his parents and not my mom, because I never get to do anything. Or this one time much later when I was around 12 or something I would sleep over at my real parents house on the weekends and every Sunday my dad would have a Jehovahs Witness study buddy come over and sit me down to teach me there religion. My mom and her family raised me Buddhist like them, but my dad tried to raise me Christian. So anyways one day my study buddy was teaching me about Judgment Day from a red book. Before that I thought nothing of this Jehovahs Witness thing my dad and his family were into since the idea of living forever in some paradise sounded really cool to me. My study buddy had me read a few things out of the book about the resurrection, and then he read thing out of the bible that were about the resurrection, and he asked me if I had any questions because I had a confused look. I said: I thought you go to heaven when or die or reincarnate into new people? And he goes something like: No, thats a lie the Israelites picked up from the Babylonians, you see in the book of genesis duh duh duh, it says when Jehovah made Adam, he made Adam a Living Soul, the bible doesnt say he gave Adam a Living Soul. So when you die you just sleep in the ground, and if you arent a Jehovahs Witness Jehovah will not resurrect you. I thought that was the dumbest thing I ever heard and I told my study buddy: Thats just silly, we have souls, my moms and grandmas say so. I believe we have souls, I have cousins that remember their past lives. So he tried to argue and I just kept on telling him that I dont have to believe the bible because I was raised Buddhist; but he kept on saying that I had to because it was the truth. But anyways, I told my grandma to tell my dad to stop making me a Jehovahs Witness, and I never went to my parents house Sundays again. In remember in school we were learning about American history about how the pilgrims came from England and colonized the east coast and how the native Indians came share their food with the pilgrims. Then how the early Americans went around with shooting and killing Indians because they were savages.
So in those three stories and examples I gave there exists three objective groups or sets of people in each group: 1) A Law maker; 2) The Law follower; & 3) The ones outside the Law. In my first example my mom made the laws which I had to follow, and that neighbor boy was the person outside my moms laws. Why didnt that boy have to follow my moms rules and I did? Was that boy breaking any rules? In my second example the religion of the Jehovahs Witness made the Law, my study buddy was the Follower, and I was the person who existed outside the Law of his religion. Was I breaking the laws of his religion? In my third example the Lord of a colonial township made the Law, the Citizens or Members of those colonial towns Followed those Laws. And the Indians existed outside those Laws. Were those Indians criminals? Law & Order Is Relative Essentially I follow my moms rules because I was Conditioned to do so from birth and that neighbor boy has nothing to do with my mom so even if my mom tried to make him follow her rules, he wouldnt. Essentially we are Conditioned, Trained, inside a religion. In the old days, the Church had you believe that what religion you were born into was your religion. And it is from this BELIEF and Conditioning that empowers the Church to have power over you. But yet those same laws has no affect on someone who does not BELIEVE in that religion. In those old days, if the Church Patriarchs wanted more power, they waged war on a heathen tribe and converted them to the religion, thus those Vanquished tribes ended up within the Jurisdiction of that religion. Were those native and feral Indian tribes outlaws and criminals? No they were not, because they simply had their own society, their own and their own rules. Just like the colonialists had their own society and rules. Were dealing with two sets of autonomous groups of people. But what happened to that autonomy? What happened was the group with the largest army who killed the most people Vanquished the weaker group and forced them to follow their laws. Notice now that the colonialists and the Vanquished equally are subject to the same Law & Order. Such that it becomes clear that being forced or conditioned to follow other people rules is not Freedom, because the Native Indians were once Free werent they? A State Of Mind
It was during the Western Expansion, when Washington DC believed it had some divine destiny to control all of the land from sea to shining sea that the Law & Order of the white man spread to the West. That law & Order spread with guns, it was established with the mass rape and genocide of a free and feral people, whose only crime was that they did not accept the Law & Order of this foreign people. Because those Native Tribes had their own Culture, their own Ways, their own identities, their own Laws. The only reason why those ways and laws of those native tribes did not matter was because they lost their battles. So here we are us modern people living in the 21st century living in our developed Nation-State. We are each born on a plot of dirt and we are lied to, like religion once lied to us that we belong to the State we were born in. Did I have a choice? Did you have a choice? Its not like we can walk into some Department of State Membership and say to them: Oh Im sorry, Im going to have to decline membership in your Nation-State. I just dont agree with your foreign policies you know. It just clashes with my personal beliefs; you guys understand right? But thanks for letting me be borned in the land you control. If you were to ask one of these plebeian mundanes to draw a picture of their State for you, you know what you can expect? 100% of the time they will draw you the outline of the continent or landmass they were born on or a national flag. If you asked these same idiot breed mundanes to draw you their Religion, you know what you would get? A look of confusion and maybe the symbol of their religion if they belong to one. This is because your mundane human whose ancestors were line bred to produce idiot farmer and peasants whose brain capacity was bred to only deal with such feeble tasks is bred to believe what they are told by their Masters [authority figures]. They never come to realize that during the circa the 1300s and so that if you were to go up to one of their mundane ancestors and ask them to draw you a map of Christianity that theyd draw the outline of Europe. Why? Because back then the Catholic Church controlled Christendom territorially just like modern secular States do today. Just like certain kinds of Islamic Sects controls a territory today. In such a way that if you did not follow their laws, pay your tithes, and did not recognize their authority they would kill you. Just like in a modern secular State, if a peasant was born on territory controlled by the Church you were born Catholic. The question is: Why can we today see and understand that religion is an ethereal thing which was a lie used by a certain class of organized people to control and exploit the faithful, but most of us cannot see and understand that the State is the exact same thing? The same breed of mundanes that believed whole heartedly in the illusion of Christendom also believes in the illusion of the State in an equally sacred manner of fear and reverence. The only difference is that in the past the mundane feared an abstraction called God, and the power of Gods Priests and today the mundane fears an abstraction
called the People and the power of the Peoples priests called: Lawyers, Politicians, Judges, and Law Makers. Its the same bullshit just in a different toilet. And the same domesticated individualized mundanes end up being manipulated and exploited, by the same certain class of organized manipulative people. And they dont get it, even after a thousand years. Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. Adolf Hilter The Name Of The Game Some of my uncles, my step dad, and some of my cousins own their own independent contracting construction business, which me and my cousin Tiffany help out with from time to time. Me and Tiffany basically are like the boys agents, we find them work. So there was this one time when me and Tiff were up at Big Bear and we bumped into a family friend of my step dads who had seen him and the boys lay tiles for one of a mutual friend of theirs. This family friend asked me and Tiff if the boys would be available next month because he had a project in mind. So we told him yeah sure, whats the project? And he said: Well, I got some land up near by here and I was thinking of building a cabin, do they have any experience in building cabin? I was going to be honest and say something like: No way, they tried to build my grandma a patio and extra rooms and it came out lopsided and wack and they used glue half the time; theyre Cambodians, since he was a family friend. But Tiff quickly interjected and said: Pssh, yeah, they built a three bedroom one last year. So they guy says: Great, Im an architect so I have the blueprints and paperwork all done. I just need people who can read blueprints and know what theyre doing. Whats the labour gunna cost you think, because I can buy the supply? And Tiff says: Theyll do it for around $5000. Well, me and Tiff really didnt know what the labour for building a cabin actually costs. The guy was really happy and eventually signed the contract. And the guys did not actually know kee-rap about reading blueprints or building cabins. But they are quick learners and ended up doing a great job and making money and the family friend never knew a thing! The point to this little story is some guy needed something and we lied to him, and he believed it, and we made money off of him. Thats called business. Heres another few more illustrations before we get to the main point. Lets say we were in the 1960s and that there were two companies: Sony and Hitachi. Now these two companies make television sets which were all black and white back then. So one day some engineer invents a way to make color television, which excites certain sectors in the market. Now the Sony CEO has a meeting and say with his board and says: So yeah, it looks like this new colored TV thing is exciting the market. I think we should risk invest all our money into this new industry to keep the market in our hands.
Then the Hitachi CEO holds a meeting with his board and says: You guys hear about that crazy colored TV doohickey? What a joke. What next, plasma screens? I hear Sony is going to invest all their capital on this crazy idea because a little group of kids are getting stoked over it. Were not gunna get into this crazy fad because we know fads are crazy. And were gunna keep making traditional black and white TV sets because thats what people are use to buying and thats what TV sets have been for hundreds of years, hence traditional! Sonys market will be ours when they capsize, yes! Based on their ability to feel the movement and trends of the market, which one of these companies would you say will own the market 20 years after the meeting? The key phrase to pay attention to is Own The Market. Sony will most likely own the market. Notice that Sony as a company did not change essentially nor did the market essentially change, nor did the relationship between the Sony and the Market change. The only thing that changed was the Product which is manufactured and tailored to meet the Market or their interests. Take note of what type of relationship Sony and the Market has. So with the above examples in mind, lets take a quick look at Europes history. There was a time when what is today Europe was owned and occupied by an Empire [Rome]. There was in the Empire a social structure meaning that there were slaves at the very bottom, common citizens in the middle, and the Emperor at the top. But a political regime needs money, so there was a class of wealthy noble families who had the money the Roman Imperial regime needed to sustain its empire. Then Rome fell, meaning that the political regime or entity no longer had any power to sustain itself or to control its citizens and its realm. After a certain amount of chaos, we will observe that wealthy land owners began either giving land to knights or paying them to protect their families and assets. What did these wealthy land owner eventually evolved into? What happened after this? What happened was that there was a group of people who were in tune to the trend of the Market. This group sensed the chaos of that Market and offered something the Market needed: a sense of security and stability, in the form of Religion. This was when the Catholic Church began growing in power. Meanwhile the wealthy land owners evolved into Catholic kingdoms. A kingdom is just a miniature empire. It also has a social structure and it also needs gold/capital to sustain its interests. Which means that somewhere unseen are wealthy families who have the capital a kingdom needs. Its during these times that we can begin to see the sneaky operations of some of these wealthy families. Like the Medicis who not only were land owners, lords, dukes, but they also sent their relatives into the Vatican to be Popes. Why? Was it because they were really religious and wanted one of their blood relatives as Pope to please God? Then we fast forward to a time when the Pope and the Catholic Church has too much Power. So what happened next? The Protestant Reformation conveniently happened. From a mundane commoners perspective the Reformation was a protest against the
religious corruption of the Catholic Church. What do you think the Reformation was to wealthy families who thought the Church had to much power? Who felt the needs of the Market? A number of kings were convinced that the Catholic was corrupted and that they were ordained by God himself to be king which meant they did not need a Pope, and they were told they could have even more power being the head of their own churches. Qui Bono? Who profited from the civil wars between Catholic and Protestant kingdoms and from the decrease in power of the Pope? War costs money. When Protestant kingdoms became a norm we end up with the same social structuring: serfs at the very bottom, the same commoners being exploited, a king at the top, and a class of wealthy noble families. What do you suppose happened when these Protestant kings got to powerful? And when the market was moving towards a new kind of system of government from all that chatter of the Age of Enlightenment? Conveniently the common plebeians were offered the idea of Democracy and were told that they did not need kings to rule them at all because they have the power to govern themselves. Who benefited from the civil wars between Republicans and Royalists? Wars cost money. You will notice that in each of these different forms of Nation-States that the social structure remains the same. The disorganized plebeian mob remains exploited by those in the upper class who are more collective and wealthier then them. You will notice that the relationship between these two groups never change. The only thing that changes is the Product: Emperor, Catholic King, Protestant King, Prime Minister, or President. Everything and everyone involved has virtually remained unchanged such that only the Name of the Game has been changed. In every case the Market remains owned and in the same hands. In each transitioning period the idiot mundane mob is always manipulated and instigated by unseen manipulators. Im not saying there is a conspiracy. What I am saying is that the relationship between the Collective Manipulators and the Individualized Manipulated is the same today as it was 2000 years ago. I can see this, or understand this because I come from a slightly different background and stand point. Understanding what I am trying to get at will be hard for a mundane who has been born, conditioned, and bred to be stupid individualized workers. In you have that Sinister Nature in you, you will see the game being played because as they say: It takes a crook to know another. Im not writing this in hopes that I will awaken or enlighten those plebeian mundanes. I was raised hating them. I was raised to see them as animals to be bred, cultivated, and used like live stock. Enlightening and awakening these mundanes is furthest from my intentions as it works against my own desires and nature. I couldnt care less if those
outsiders who are not of our Kind disagree with me or cant see the nature of things beneath the illusions and propped up lies. I write these things for some of you who are of my own Sinister Breed who are lost in that Illusion of the State, and for my own future children to some day read. So that our own Sinister Kind can see that this thing called the State is the same thing as what Christendom was 500 years ago. These mundanes just cant see it. Those mundanes with their silly religions and atheism can today shake their fists at religion and break the laws of Christianity by having their premarital sex, worshiping the devil, and they can even ridicule religion. But when it comes to the sanctity of the secular State, the self appointed political regimes, and their sanctimonious Law & Order, those mundanes are still religiously devout sheep. Domesticated breeds of people bred and trained to fear authority and follow devoutly the law, order, and policies of such authorities who disguise themselves in the guise of abstractions, illusions. As their sheepish mundane ancestors did in the exact same way 500 years ago in Christendom. Those mundanes do not recognize genuine heresy when they see it. They believe that heresy is still a 600 year old concept that has something to do with religion. But when the ONA urges its Initiates to go beyond their State limits to find Liberation from the illusion of the State, these mundanes cry about such secular heretical acts as being illegal, and criminal. The Enemy Is The State When something like the ONA and David Myatt believes in the destruction of the State, those mundanes bitch and cry about such things being terrorism. Terrorism is to the modern Nation-State of today what the Germanic Barbarians were to the Roman Empire, and what Heretics were to Christendom. When someone like me says that the State is an enemy of humanity, these mundanes will say things like: Well then you hate Americans so what are you doing living in America? That is like me saying I hate Prisons and Schools, and mundanes responding with a: Well that means you hate prisoners and students. Is that the case though. What if I hate prisons because of how they treat the prisoners? Because of the condition prisoners live in? What if I hate schools because I dislike the crap they are teaching us because I know we as students and humans are so much capable of more? What if I hate the State because I know our species has so much more potential than this and that we can become so much more if we were given the Freedom? But tampering with the orthodoxy of the State to try and change the way our current civilization is at the moment is a challenge to the political regimes that run the State and is called treason. If you assume that the powers that be are more than happy to support the advancement of the human race by colonizing space, then you havent learned much about the relationship between the Oligarchy and the Market.
Nothing reveals this grip or hold the Oligarchy of a State has on their Market better then civil wars. When I say Oligarchy I mean to say a handful of wealthy and powerful families. Such as the Civil War of America. On a more understandable level, civil war is like the street a street gang controls in which the residents have become used to paying protection taxes and are buying dope from the gang. Then one day a group of residents of that street says: So yeah, weve had it guys, I think we can take it from here and try to be our own gang too. Weve been living under your domination for a long time and weve learned the skills, wish us luck. Every house and people south of 18th street now belongs to us ok? Do you actually think the original dominating gang will say: Why of course. Nothing pleases us more then to see our street citizens learn the game and become independent! Why, if you guys have any questions or need any pointers just come ask us cuz weve been doing this for a while. Its the same thing with a civil war like the one America experienced, just on a larger scale. What did the North do when the Confederate State of America came together wanting to be independent and to make and follow their own rules? If Parliamentarian democracy is so great for humanity, then why did the King of England and his Loyalists make such a big fuss out of Oliver Cromwell wanting to implement such an advancement in the science of governance? Why has the State crushed any and every potential secessionist movement that crops up? Why couldnt the Native Americans be their own people? Why cant Quebec be its own Nation? There are groups of Native Americans in Canada who want to secede from Canada and be their own people again. Will the State let them? Its like you were living in Christendom 600 years ago and you told the Church that you no longer wanted to be Catholic and that you wanted to be Hindu instead. Do you think the power elite of old world Europe actually sent out their scientists to discover the New World in the name of scientific advancement and for the greater good of the human race? Colonizing the New World was a commercial interest of certain wealthy and powerful families in Europe. These New World colonies began as Companies, companies which these families invested a lot of their money into. What did those European Kingdoms do when their colonies in the New World wanted to be their own people, free to rule and govern themselves? Do you believe that the political regimes of our modern Nation-States will invest their money and energy in helping their citizens colonize space because such an idea is good for the human species? Not only would it take trillions of dollars for States to colonize space, the moon, and Mars, but in the end what do you suppose will happen? The same thing that happened in history. The human desire to be Free will drive those colonies to be their own people. Do you really think modern political regimes will put up that much money to have their citizens Free from their power grip?
If you understand the mechanics and anatomy of Power, of the wealth and privilege these Oligarchies enjoy from the exploitation of their individualized plebeian units, you will gradually realize that those families will only in time become closer and more interconnected and cooperative with each other. You will gradually see that as time passes this world we live in will slowly become a single tool or means for such a amalgamation of Oligarchies to more easily profit from all of humanity. You will begin to realize that we will not be leaving this earth to fulfill our human potential and next stage of evolution as a Stellar Species without a fight. The Sinister Nature Of The ONA So along comes this Order of Nine Angles which urges its Initiates to go beyond the limits of society and which sees no wrong in culling [killing]. Which has its own Way, Culture, and Laws, and which sees the State as its enemy. And these mundanes bitch and cry about the ONA being illegal, and criminal. They cry about how killing is bad. Because as far as mundanes go, you can be a Satanist, as long as you are a good law abiding citizen. These mundanes are hypocritically stupid to a ludicrous extent. They can be Christians and Buddhist and believe that killing is so bad, but at the same time they join their States armies and kill people. Buddhists are more hypocritically stupid in their own Buddhist countries. Because they believe in ahimsa and they try to not even step on bugs, but they eat meat and have slaughterhouses. But as far as murder goes, you dont even have to have committed the act of killing a person to be convicted of murder in America. Its called being guilty by association. If America as a whole actually followed their own rules it makes, then all American Citizens are guilty of murder by direct association with America. Every American is guilty of every life killed in the Middle East right now. Not just in Afghanistan and Iraq; but also in Palestine with all the murders and deaths committed since the beginning of Zionist Occupation. Who supports the Zionist government of Israel? But the murder doesnt stop there. Who supported and trained Osama bin Laden in the 70s? Its not like he came out of no where. America and its CIA did because Osama and his people at that time wanted the Russians out of Afghanistan, so America supported and trained Osama because he benefits Americas foreign policies. Same thing with Sadam Hussein of Iraq. Same thing with every murderous dictator in Central America and Africa and Asia. Even when he knew about the murders the Khmer Rouge committed, Jimmy Carter still supported their bid and claim for seats in the UN, and the democratic party of America still financially supported the Khmer Rouge. The only difference in a murder is whose interests it serves. The ONA states unashamedly that not only is killing people natural, but its even good in certain contexts. And those mundanes cry about it, biting their fingernails, and pointing fingers acting like they are stainless angles when they are citizens of and support one of the most draconian and murderous political regimes on Earth.
The ONA unashamedly gets itself involved in so called illegal activities and these mundanes run around like frightful jittery meerkats calling us criminals. But yet they support a political regime that passes thousands of laws each year, with each new law creating a new crime. Such that with every year that passes by, you mundanes dont even have to do anything to be criminals like us. The only difference between those of us of the ONA and you Mundanes in this case is that We consciously choose to make crime work for our interests, whereas the State makes you Mundanes criminals to in their best of interests. What does that say about your political regime? Even 500 years ago Lao Tzu warned of this. He once said: The more laws a government passes, the more it incriminates its own people. What kind of a political regime are you so blindly supporting which doesnt have your best interests in their hearts, doesnt want you to reach for your full human potential, and instead spends their time taxing you and gradually incriminates you? How can you be patriotic and loyal to something that sees you as a criminal? How much worth and potential can you see and feel within yourself? That it becomes ok and wonderful to be treated like a criminal and exploited like farm animals? And when someone like I myself, and other of my sinister breed sees a value, a worth, and latent potential in me and in the rest of humankind. And when someone as criminally genius as David Myatt comes along as gives such sinister breeds a means and method to reach for that potential we are the bad guys and villains? Because what the ONA is in essence to those of us that can grasp its Esoteric Philosophy, is beyond this petty issue of crime and legality of conduct. What the ONA is goes much deeper than this. It is ridiculously simplistic and dismissive to think that 30 years of writing and pondering on the part of Anton Long is a mere excuse to perpetrate criminal deeds. To whom or what do you ultimately owe your loyalty to: a political regime, or humanity? Thats what it boils down to. Who are you serving in the end: The State or Mankind? Is this all that Mankind is worth to you in your eyes? A miserable creature to be abused, incriminated, and exploited by the rich and powerful? Have you lost the ability to dream and reach for those dreams? Have you become so mundane so worldly that any vision beyond the hum-drum of mundane life is a fantasy beyond reach and not worth striving for? Has it come to the point where a people who wishes to be Free to live their lives their own Way is an outlaw? Has it really come to the point where the idea that we have more worth and potential inside of us is criminal? Has it come to the point where the idea that there could be a better kind of civilization with which Mankind can better express his innate Cosmic nature is a crime? Why cant we return to our tribal nature and be our own people, with our own Way of Life, to follow our own Laws? What essentially makes the Laws of the State divine and the only laws to be followed? These mundanes cant see that what was once religious apostasy and what is today State or National Apostasy are in fact the same crime. Heresy
and apostasy never went anywhere. It just changed its name, but the punishment remains the same as it was: imprisonment, and death [capital punishment]. Nothing has changed about the game except for the name. What was once Religious Politics and what is today Secular Politics is the same Product wrapped up in a different package for the same Market manufactured by the same regimes. There are some of us of the ONA who are beginning to see things as they are. Who are beginning to see beyond the illusions of the State. Who have created for themselves a system to change and evolve themselves inwardly into a new kind of Human Being. And who have created for themselves a means and a way whereby they can over time change human civilization. But as the Protestant Reformers of old were criminals to the Catholic State; and as those Children of the Age of Enlightenment were treasonous criminals to old world European States. So will the Sinister Breed which the ONA attracts and makes be incriminated by the State and seen as worthless criminals by their manipulated and mindless mundane mob. The battle for Liberation and the Freedom to live ones lives genuinely to the fullest potential has always been the battle of the few who still have the human ability to dream and envision. Who still have the spirit and drive to reach and struggle for those dreams and visions. It has always been up to the few dreamers and the greatest of criminals for what were great as Alexander he Great, and Ganghis Khan but such to lead the mindless mob of mundanes forward towards their visions? The mindless mundane mob has never fought for anything on their own initiative. This mindless mob of mundanes is Natures source of power to those of Her Sons or Daughters who are the most intelligently fit, with the most captivating visions, to be used to manifest those visions which in turn progresses all of humanity forward ultimately toward the stars to seed the galaxy with Earthly Life. The next step in our human evolution is that Myattian Vision of Homo Galactica and a Stellar Civilization. The Old political regimes must be destroyed, if the New is to be born. This is the vision my children will live for and fight for. For what Freedom and Potential that comes with that vision. In the end those mundanes are just manipulated by new clique of Masters to fight battles as cannon fodder to help materialize the dreams and vision of Great Men and Great Minds.
werent leaving. And so one of the cousins bought the puppy for $1000 because she was a pure bred Shi Tzu. Pepper was a spoiled brat. We bought her a doll house as her little dog house and put a soft dog bed in it for her in my room and she would refuse to sleep in it. Shed whine and cry all night until you lifted her up into bed with you and shed curl up by neck and fall asleep. There were those times when I would be in my room by myself doing my school work and Pepper would just be sitting there staring at me, and you just cant help but ask yourself: What a little weirdo, I wonder what theyre thinking about? Do they even think? What are they thinking about when theyre just staring at you? I know if Pepper does think, that its not how we think. We think in language, which is really more like an internal dialogue. And dogs obviously dont have a language to think with. So I assume that if they do think, that they think like new little babies that have not learned to think in language yet. And you can tell those 6 month old babies are thinking, or doing something like thinking. I started to notice other similarities between Pepper and my baby cousin. Both of them cant speak, but yet I know what Pepper wants and needs and my aunt-mom knows what her infant baby needs? Because all Pepper does when she wants something is just sit there and somehow you know or feel exactly what she wants. And a baby just cries and somehow my aunt-mom knows what the baby needed. Even thought the cries sounded the same to me, my aunt-mom can tell if her baby was hungry, or if she needed to be burped, or if her diaper was on to tight or something. Its funny because it reminds me of that one very old show about a dog named Lassy. Lassy would just stare and bark at her boy master and the boy would say something like: Whats that girl? Somebody needs help? Billys stuck underneath a fallen tree? Whats that, a juniper tree even? Out by the creek? The creek by Old McGees barn!? Lets go girl! So I figured there was something going on. Then there were those moments when I would clean up her poo and bathe her and slave over her, and I think to myself: Boy, I wonder how this relationship between a primate slaving for a spoiled canid fits into the theory of evolution, and evolutionary psychology huh? I mean how am I benefiting from this relationship? It doesnt seem to be fair as far as quid pro quo goes. I Natures most advancedly evolved organism serve her, and all I really get out of it is to pet her fur? What a lousy rip off. But, its because I love her and adore her that I serve her. In the same way my mothers serve me. And from that Love and Devotion of service, is born something unique and wordlessly indescribable: Loyalty. Besides that incredible bond between a mother and her child; there is nothing more profound than the simple, unconditional Loyalty Pepper gave to me.
We often think that these lower life-forms are stupid, and that we are superior to them because of our intelligence. But our human relationships with other humans is superficially trite, based on breakable bonds, conditions, usury, and such. Theres the usual: Ill marry you if youre a made man. Or, Ill divorce you if you get fat. Or, Ill be your friend if you think like me or if you have the same skin color as me. Well give your country money if you support our foreign policies. We think we are better then dogs, but yet we humans cant even duplicate the Loyalty and unconditional relationships a dog makes. Mindful Mindlessness When I was in high school my youngest auntie, who wasnt much older than me was going to college. She, my mom, and my aunt-mom had had a talk with themselves about keeping out of trouble and they decided to make me go hang out with my youngest auntie and her college friends on their campus everyday after school. So I had 12 hours of school life from 8 in the morning, to 8 in the evening 3 days out of the week. Everyday after my school when my youngest auntie has classes, my mom-aunt would drop me off at the college campus and my youngest auntie would come get me and make me sit in her classes with her. There were even some days when she had so much school work to catch up with, shed make me take her place in her classes while she studied in the library. I ended up also proof reading, and editing, and doing her friends school work and tutoring them because many of them didnt speak English well. And I couldnt leave campus because all of her friends kept an eye on me. There were those days when there was nobody to talk to on the phone and where I would just spend 5 hours sitting and waiting, reading random books in the library to go home. I must have read a thousand old dusty books during those years. One day I was sitting in a quiet study hall with a handful of college students doing my own homework. It was a big hall with many table and this one soda and snack vending machine by the entrance which I was facing. I had been doing my homework for about an hour and I saw somebody buy a Coke, so I thought Id take a break and get a drink to. I reached into my pockets and realized I had no money on me at all, and I was thirsty, and it would be another hour before my auntie came out for lunch. I thought Id wait it out. But as time rolled by so slowly from boredom I kept on getting more thirstier and I wasnt planning on taking a walk to drink fountain water. I was going to ask the guy next to me for a dollar, but then Pepper popped into my mind out of nowhere. So I thought to myself, if Pepper can do it, maybe I can too? Ill just sit here like a dog; concentrate on my thirst; and look at everybody that goes to the vending machine and see what happened. So there I was in a quiet room, not thinking in words, but just letting the thought of being thirst and allowing the Intent of wanting someone to buy me a drink to resonate and fill room. As time ticked away slowly, one or two people would get up and get a drink, and Id try to do what Pepper does and just look at them with this empty stare and smile, and
my thirst was getting stronger. It was really hard to just sit there and not think about anything, but the feeling of thirst and an intent. I sat there for an hour and nothing happened. I got angry and started to pack my things up since we were going to get lunch or dinner anyways. As I was putting my books in my backpack I noticed a fat lady at the soda machine say to herself quietly: Wrong button, why did I push that? I got up, put my back pack on, and slowly started walking thinking to myself: Is shes going to do what I think shes going to do? I noticed she had put in another dollar to get herself a second drink. So I looked at her smiling, and she said to me: I got this on accident, do you want it? Im on a diet. I didnt do anything to it. So I took it and thanked her realizing that my pet dog had taught me something we often never notice about life. Happenstance & Coincidences It seems as though long ago that the more I got to know about the intimate details of Kaylas everyday life, and the more bizarre coincidences there were? Not just in the mutual friends we shared, but stranger. Like when we discovered that my paternal Mexican grandfather and her maternal Mexican grandfather had the same last names; but they werent related. Or how as little children [long before we knew each other] our parents took us to Disney Land, and we both got our pictures taken at the same exact spot with Mickey Mouse! Or like how my Mexican grandmother and her Mexican grandmother came from the same city in Mexico and shared a distant relative in common. Its like the deeper you look into things, the weirder things get. I said to her during those freaky moments: Wouldnt it be hella weird if we were long lost half sisters or something?! She said: Ooh. So anyways, one day after our college years one of our friends got accepted into UCLA and she needed a place in LA to stay in so she had asked me and Kayla if we would like to move in with her to help her pay rent and stuff. We decided to do it so since we had nothing else better to do we drove around LA looking for a small house with a for rent sign in the front. After two full days of driving in stupid LA traffic and not getting any leads we got extremely frustrated. It was in the evening and Kayla says: Ok, this isnt working. Im getting really irritable and pissed off, dont talk to me right now or Ill start screaming ok? We need to find a coffee shop and relax until traffic dies down, or Im gunna run people over. So I just let her drive up and down trying to find a coffee shop without saying anything, since we both didnt know where a coffee shop was in the area. But as we were driving down this one block she stops the car and says: Does that say for rent Chloe? Can you go get the number real quick? I went and checked for a number, but their wasnt one. So I came back expecting her to scream upon me giving her the disappointing news.
I said: No number; but I almost tripped over a box of books getting out of the car. Who the hell leaves their books out in the middle of the curb? I had picked up the first book I can grab and got inside and she turned on the car light to see. She said whispering, reading the title of the book: The Interpretation of Dreams? we both looked at each other with our mouths opened because we were talking about dreams and what they means just the day before. She opened the very old book and a card fell out. I looked at the card and looked at her with that youre not gunna believe this look. She asked me what the card said. It was a business card of a coffee shop. So we drove ourselves to the coffee house on the card. We didnt know what to expect at the coffee shop. We just thought finding the book and the card was already a cool couple of weird coincidences. So we ordered our drinks and waited around for 2 hours to let the freeway traffic die down. It got boring after thirty minutes so we took a walk around the place to check out all the little shops, and as time passed on, the frustration of the day went away, and we even forgot we were in the area looking for a house to rent because the little cool shops had captivated our attention. Just before it was time to leave for home, we thought wed go back to the coffee shop to have one last cup of coffee. I stayed inside looking through the knickknacks I had bought, and Kayla said she was going to go out and smoke a cigarette with the small crowd of smokers outside. Five minutes later she calls me outside with a shocked look on her face. I had noticed she was talking with an older guy and was wondering why he was talking to her. She introduced me to her new friend she had made. Kayla was complaining to him about our frustrating day looking for a small house to rent, and the gentleman had told Kayla that he owned a house just up the block in walking distance from the coffee shop which he had just put up for rent! A week later and we were living in the house. Secrets of Magic Kaylas ex-hippy parents owns a small little New Age book store who had asked us if we wanted to help out and run the book store since her and her ex-hippy dad were getting stressed out. They needed a vacation and some time away from the book store, but they couldnt do that because the little book store was their livelihood and they knew nobody they could trust to manage the store. So we offered our services after school during our college years. Kayla actually helped put the store together when it first opened. So its got all these little drawing and pictures from magazine cut outs pasted on painted ladders and boxes she did as her hippy art work. The little book shop has all these beaded curtains and shelves of incense, colored candles, and herbs. Its got antique dcor, sofas and tables, with crystals every where, and shelves of New Age books on the occult, with most of the books on Wicca and witchcraft. So we were to be trained on how to work and run the store, how to place orders, and things like that so they can leave for a while before they went crazy. I went in for my first day of work expecting to be trained on how to use the cash register and stuff but boy
was I over expectant. The book store is actually this bohemian hole in the wall in the middle of nowhere. So it not busy a Barnes & Nobles is. I went in and Kaylas dad says: Hey, come on over around the counter Chloe and Ill show you your first responsibility as an employee of this magnificent occult book store. So I went around and he sits back down and asks me, as he was dividing up the new paper he was reading: Do you want the funnies or the real news? I think we sat there for an hour without anybody coming in just talking like we usually do. Hes really mellow and speaks softly and his hair and short beard is usually not combed. So then Kaylas mom pulls up with the in the back and says to us: Hey you two I brought lunch, you guys wanna take a 5 before lunch? Kaylas dad looks at me with a raised eyebrow and says: Break eh? Come on Chloe, Ill teach you how real musicians take a five. He plays the drums. So we walk into the back and Kaylas mom pulls out a joint and lights it, puffs on it, and hands it to me? I was a little shocked, but hey, when your bosses at work are peer pressuring you to smoke pot, dont argue. I was thinking to myself that all this time I didnt know they smoked pot, and I wondered to myself if Kayla knows about this, or if I should tell her or keep it a secret or what? But speak of the devil, she pulls up in her car, and I look at her mom saying something to try and warn her: Kaylas here. And she said as she was waving at Kayla with one hand and passing the joint to me with the other: Yeah, I told just told her a minute ago to come over for lunch, but she was on her way anyways. Kayla comes over, says hi to her parents, gives me a kiss and a hello, and said: Break time? While her dad hands her the joint. So a week later her dad had told us he was going to teach us the ancient family secret of making magical oils and potions which her dad inherited from a long line of pagans and witches. Me and Kayla were excited. They sell these little vials of magickal oils with labels on them like Love, Money, Luck, and stuff and people buy the oils to rub on colored candles. And those magic oils sell out fast. That day her mom takes over the register while her dad took us into the back room with his back of magical ingredients. And we sit on the floor in a circle, me and Kayla just looking at her dad as he pulls out thing from bags, expecting to see a ritual or prayer, or something. Her dad says to us: Well need this almond oil; these things of food coloring, and girls, you can buy this at any grocery store; and these empty mustard squeezy bottles. Ok now Chloe you mix some green food coloring with some of the almond oil and squeeze the magic oil into those little vials that says Money. Kayla you do the yellow for Luck; and Ill do the pink for Love, since I have more experience in that department then you two. Oh, we put this scented oil in the almond oil to make it smell nice. So after we were done filling our vials, he says to us: And were done! Lets go sell some snake oil girls! Remember, this is a family secret. Ill have to kill you two if you tell. Me and Kayla were a little confused so I asked: But what about the secret magical ritual? We didnt put any magic into them yet? And Kaylas dad chuckles, leans over to us and tells us: You guys think I believe in this crap?
It turns out that Kaylas parents dont believe in the crap they were selling. They were just good bullshitters with their customers, who bought every word of it. And as I worked there I would actually see the same group of people come back to buy the magic oils and candles who even tell me that the oils are really powerful. I asked Kaylas dad once when we were working together and it was quite why those customers say the magic oils work but we didnt do anything magical to it; and why the magical herbs work if we get them from the food store? He didnt know either and said its probably like prayer, if you believe in it and have faith in it, that itll work. So after working at that book store and knowing all the dirty secrets of the occult business I didnt believe in magic and I thought those people that came to buy our stuff were either crazy or really gullible or were just looking for something to believe in. One day, a year later, I was working by myself in the evening since I was going to close the shop. I was reading a book on Buddhism since it was a slow evening and this old gentleman with a cane walked in to look around. I smiled and went back to reading, but I thought is was really strange because its not usual that a very well dressed old man with a shiny black cane walks into an occult book shop. He spent a very long time looking at every single book and thing in the store and seemed more interested in our furniture. Particularly a large beautiful varnished table with a central leg with lion paws we used to display these crystals and magical tarot card boxes. He asked me fascinated: This is a very nice table, where did you buy it at? I answered: Oh we didnt buy it. It was free. The owner of the store found it in an alley by the trash bin. Somebody threw it away. It was in three pieces and really worn out. So me, him, and his daughter would work on fixing it up when we had nothing to do. To give it a new life. It took forever for me to sand it down by hand and to accentuate the detailing in the curves and the paws. Its amazing because before nobody wanted it, but now every body that looks at it wants to buy it. He nodded saying: Yes, it has a feel to it. A certain magical essence to it wouldnt you say? From all those hands that put so much time and energy to it. I love the gold colored grain of the wood. I was going to ask you if it was for sale, but I assume it isnt? I smiled and said: No, its not for sale. I wouldnt go so far as to say anything is magical about it. We just gave it some love and devotion, and expensive varnish! He laughed, and walked over to me extending his hand: Theodore, but my friends call me Teddy. I shook his hand and gave him my name, but my mind fell onto the gold chain that went into the pocket vest. I assumed it to be a pocket watch, which I thought was really odd. I asked him: Is that a pocket watch? I didnt think they make those things any more these days? He laughs, and says: Yes, its an old pocket watch of an old man. Buddhist? He saw the book I was reading, so I nodded; and he said: Isnt that something, we both find the other odd and out of place. I asked him what he meant and he said: Well, here you are a Buddhist who doesnt believe in magic working in a book store that sells book and supplies associated with magic. Id say that was peculiar dont you think? Why dont you believe in magic?
And I answered: Because I think of myself as a rational person, and I need proof that magic is real before I can believe. I have tried to experiment with the stuff in those books and nothing happens. So I conclude that magic is not real. That it is just a superstitious belief which is a component of certain belief systems. The elderly man said to me: Well theres your problem! You look for magic and proof of it in book and in people whose only real understanding of magic is what they have also read themselves and what they have written and published to sell for money. My dear, you are looking for magic in the wrong places. I asked him where I should be looking then if he was so smart, and he said: Magick is everywhere! Its what you are. Its what the universe is. There is no difference between Magic and Life. We are formed and molded by our thoughts, so the Buddha says. Our thoughts are things. What we think becomes what we experience. Looking for Magic in book Chloe, is like looking for Life, or Enlightenment, or Love in books. You dont look for these things Chloe, they must be experience. No one, no book, can teach you or prove to you that Magic is real. You must come to the understanding on your own through personal experience. After we had our nice talk, Teddy shook my hand with a smile and excused himself like a gentleman and walked off into the evening. The oddness of the man and the fact that he came in the store not to buy anything, but to spend an hour to talk to me about a topic I really had no interest in made me think about what he had said, and about the experiment he asked made me promise to do for a year. Or at least I thought I had no interest in it. Its hard to be working in a book store which deals in the subject of magic and have a Family that talks about magic to not wonder. So I kept my promise I made out of curiosity. For 365 days exactly; which was a full year; I was to keep a special diary in which I would keep a daily record of three things: 1) My daily thoughts; 2) The events of the day; & 3) Any dreams I can remember having. I was to go about my day mindful of every thought I entertained in my mind. Which meant my day dreams, my pondering, my desires, my worries, and any thing which I spend my waking moments thinking upon. I was to describe this as detailed as I could. I was then to write down to the best of my ability a detailed account of everything that happened every day: the people I meet, the things I did, the places I went, even the strange things that stood out. Then I was to describe as best as I can my nightly dreams, as best as I can; like the scenery, the people I meet, what I did in the dream and so on. But I was not allowed to read what I write. I was to just write it in the morning and before retiring at night and not review it. I was only allowed to read the full content of my diary after the full 365 days had expired. I told Kayla about the weird old man and she kept a year long special diary of her own. We kept our journals in our laptops for the whole year. A Deeper Look At Life
Having a second person do this experiment is more fun because you at least have someone to look at wide-eyed with your jaw hanging opened when you begin to realize just how strange Life is when you for once take notice of Life. Reading through our year long record of every thought we had, every event that took place, and every dream we had for a full past year was in itself a mind trip. Half way through the journal a chill goes up and down your spine and tickles your ears as you realize right in front of you [in the diary] that your life unravels like fractal patterns as Kayla describes it. Its hard to explain unless you have dedicated a year to do this. But as you read the older parts of the diary you see with your own eyes bits and pieces of seed thoughts, seed ideas, seed desires, seed dreams, seed events, that gradually grow or come together to form things you experience in the last half of the diary. You literally see with your own eyes your own life unraveling and manifesting from intangible thoughts, desires, and dreams. But that wasnt where the experimented ended. We noticed that a large portion of thoughts, day dreams, desires, dreams, and seed things did not seem to materialize during the year. Those were to materialize for us that following year gradually, for us to consciously with full awareness experience the Magic of Life. It was fun. We could be driving and all of a sudden you hear one of us gasp or say holy shit and point then wed hurry home to go through our special diaries to find the exact dreams or seed thoughts or seed events what we saw or just experienced came from; and stand their in utter disbelief saying the now usual: No fucking way! And the proof was written down for us a year ago which was the best part. For example this one time during my year long experiment I wrote down in my diary a weird dream I had. The dream was unusually vivid and in color. Basically I was walking in the back of some school grounds I had never seen before which had this row of trees and bushes all along the back. I was walking along the trees and bush and remember passing three white gazebos and I found a clearing in between the bushes which I crawled into only to find a fence. I cant remember how I got to the other side of the fence but I did. I found myself standing on a hill with my back to the fence looking over a farm. The farm had several red barns. As I was walking through the farm I saw pigs, a horse, and a donkey, and a group of geese. I made my way to a side walk just beyond the little farm to find myself standing in a huge parking lot which was empty. I looked back to see the hill and trees I came from and I woke up. Over a year later me and Kayla were driving out to a fair to meet friend. It was a city in the middle of nowhere we had never been to, so naturally we got lost because somebody didnt even bother to write down the exact address. Kayla said her friend said you just make the exit and drive a mile past a few stoplights and the fair grounds was to the right, you gotta be an idiot to miss the fair because there are freaking giant rides she said. I wasnt driving so it wasnt my fault for getting lost.
At the time I had long forgotten those old dreams and we were so frustrated they were the furthest things from my mind. And we didnt want to call our friend either because then wed look like total retards for missing a big ass fair ground. We kept on driving up and down the same street, back and forth, and Kayla says to me: Chloe do something! Where the hell is it? Its a fucking big ass fair! I said: I dont see shit Kayla. We arent gunna find it driving up and down the same street. All I see is a fucking school and a big fucking parking lot. So she asked me: You think the parking lot is the fair? I dont see any rides on it, do you see any rides on the empty fucking parking lot Chloe? Cuz I dont! So as we were fighting and driving up the street again for the 8th time at 7 in the morning, we drive past that school again and I go: Kayla look at that weird school, its on a hill. She was screaming something at me about not looking for a fucking school but a fucking fair. But my mind was drawn to the weird school because I had this dj vu feeling when I saw a row of trees in the back and three white gazebos. Then it hit! I had seen the exact same scenery in a dream. So I said all amazed and excited: Kayla look at the gazebos! I saw that school in a dream! Baby theres a farm on the other side of the hill with a horse and donkey I bet you. Maybe the fair is on the other side of the hill too, hence the big parking lot? She was making one of those angry disbelief laughs shaking her head and said: What the fuck Chloe?! But she made a right turn to go around the parking lot and hill and there was the fair; and the farm was a petting zoo which was part of the fair! We were just a little early. Seeing bits and pieces of seed thoughts and seed desires come together to unravel into something you experience is even more unexplainably cool. One of the thoughts Kayla found herself worrying over when she read her diary was her older sister who got a divorce and was lonely and depressed. She thought about that most of her waking hour, and also had a desire to find a great guy for her sister. In one of her daily events Kayla [for some strange reason I cant figure out] described a movie she we rented and watched? As if thats a significant daily event to write about. But in her description of the characters in the movie and how she described it she seemed fixated on the lake in the movie, which the movie didnt even revolve around. In a different part of her special diary she had written down a little weird even she had where she had a dream about white Easter lilies, and that one day as she was pumping gas a truck drives past her with a white lily on its side. So she thought that was weird. During a different time of the year she describes meeting a guy she briefly met named Roland at school. She and Roland, and a few of their classmates were working on a project together. He had a girlfriend. But she just wrote him down in her diary because he just stuck out in her mind. So one day, over a year later, me and Kayla thought wed take my car for an oil change. We had walked around waiting for it to be done and came back at the time he [the worker] told us to come back. We were told that it would be just another 10 minutes and itll be done, so we sat in the waiting room where there were these magazines. Kayla
picks up the nearest on to her and I did the same. She had picked up an apartment guide and was flipping through the pages and she reads to me the description on a classy apartment that is describes as being near a beautiful lake. I said: So? And she said: I havent been to a lake in a while. Do you wanna go check this lake out? We went to the lake the first time to check it out real quick so wed know where it was. It was actually pretty. We saw a huge pile of ducks and geese swarmed around this family feeding them bread, and we both agreed we definitely have to come back on the weekend and feed the ducks and make a day out of it. So we did. That weekend we bought 3 bags of bread and fed the ducks first. Those things will step on your feet and bite the bread out of your hands before you throw it at them. We had to retreat to the table to stand on it so the wont peck us. After that we thought wed walk around to see how big the lake was. After 15 minutes of walking we realized there were two lakes actually. We were standing in front of this booth which rents these bicycle cart thingies. So we decided to rent one for $40 to ride it around both lakes. Well as we were riding we noticed that there were actually three lakes and the third one was the biggest. The third one had a place where people were racing those remote controlled race boats. So we thought wed have lunch by the side of the lake and watch the boat races. Anyways, after a full and beautiful day at the lake we thought it was time to go home so we walked to the car and I was feeling my pockets for my keys as we approached the car and I stopped in horror [as I often do because I leave my keys, and little wallet places and lose them]. Kayla looks at me terrified and says: Please dont tell me you lost your keys somewhere out there Chloe. I walked to my door and looked in hoping the keys would be in there, and they were, still in the ignition thing. Then we got into a big fight because I had to ruin the whole day. Lucky she had Triple A so she called them after she cooled down to send somebody over to pick our lock for us because we left the keys in the car. The guy who came to help us had a name patch on his work shirt that said Roland. I didnt think nothing of it, but the name woke up Kayla curiosity or that weird feeling. He was a nice guy. Attractive, very well mannered, built, in his mid thirties. He had this long thin metal thing which he just stuck down the side of the door but in the inside of the door and in less then a minute we heard a clique and the door was unlocked! I said to him: Shit, where do I get one of those at? Which started a long and nice conversation. After 30 minutes of talking we made plans to grab a bite to eat with him in an hour when he gets off work. He was a really cool guy. We went to get some dinner and a few drinks and after the night was over Kayla had set him up on a date with his older sister because he had just gotten a divorce. She called me over to her moms house that day Roland was suppose to pick up Kaylas big sister to watch. Roland came punctually and knocked on the door and Kaylas mom answers it. He was dressed very nicely and he held in his hands two white lilies! He introduced himself to Kaylas mom and gave her one of the
white lilies, and gave the other white lily to Kaylas sister. Anyways, those two are today happily married, and like me and Kayla, the deeper they look at their lives and past, the more strange coincidences they found that their lives also crossed paths in the past in many ways; but as Kaylas mom says, it just wasnt time for them to meet. True story. Its very hard to explain, after all these years since that initial year we started that experiment to experience Life consciously with mindfulness of the daily motions of Life, how Mysterious and Magical Life is; yet how so much of this Mystery and Magic goes unnoticed. Its like that car game you play we were kids sitting in the back of the car. You and your sister or whoever is playing with you take turns picking a color and the first one to spot a car on the freeway that color gets to punch the others on the shoulders as many times as the number of cars of that color you suddenly become mindful of. Its amazing after playing that game to realize just how many red cars there are. Or its like a paleontologist who focuses his trained awareness his consciousness on the dirt we normally walk on which we never notice. But the paleontologist becomes aware of things in that same dirt and as he concentrates his mindfulness and energy on that same ground consciously aware of every little bit and piece. With determination and a deeply focused mind, he magically in Time manifests a dinosaur [the skeleton of one]. From ground we all know is there, but are not mindfully focused on it. If we were to place me who knows nothing of the art and science of becoming aware of dirt in a debate with a trained paleontologist who is conditioned to focus his mindfulness on such things to see things I cant and I were to say to him: I walk on the ground every day, I should know what dirt is all about and what it has or does not have. You cant pull a brontosaurus out of dirt! How foolish would I look, and how irrelevant would my ignorant and arrogant opinions be to what the ground is and what it mysteriously hides, and what can magically be manifested from it? Or its like this one time when I drank a bottle of Coke which makes me need to go pee every five minutes and my parents were driving us down to Las Vegas. As we drive my parents are like: Wow Chloe, look at the mountains. Wow Chloe, look at mesquite shrubs theyre everywhere, you know they make barbeque wood with them? Wow Chloe look at Death Valley. But in my mind Im saying to myself: Just take me to the nearest Rest Area, my freaking bladder is full! So what is a scenic trip to Vegas to my parents, is a constant desire and anticipation for the nearest rest area for me. That is how Life is to most of us when we think in Mundane [re: worldly] levels. We each live and experience Life as a constant desire, a constant looking forward to for the nearest rest areas of Life. For our 5th birthdays when we can stay up later. For that moment when we finish 6 th grade finally. For us to turn 13 to go through puberty like everyone else. For our first kiss. For our first real bra. For our first boyfriend. For that moment in the distance when we graduate high school. For the right job. For our bi-
weekly pay checks. For the Right One to come into our lives. For marriage. For retirement. And before we know, we realize that Life has pasted us by. Or more accurately: That we have pasted Life by never noticing anything about it except for the handful of mundane things we expect or anticipate. And when somebody who notices the more subtle flow of Life; the more Mysterious nature of Life; the more Magical essence of Life, we resist the foolish notion, believing that what mundane events we notice in Life is all that Life is. My grandfather who is a monk says to: Live Life with your breath. Just as in meditation when you become mindful of every up and down movement of your breath, so should you also become mindful of Life and experience it with the same focus of mind and concentration; to become aware of everything that Life becomes not by expecting and anticipating distant things, but by noticing the nowness of each movement of Life that passes by with each breath. When you live you Life with your breath, you notice the finer, more subtle movements of Life. You notice the coincidences, the signs, the deja vus, the interconnection of thoughts and experiences. You notice the unfolding and unraveling, or blossoming the Life constantly is. From each seed thought in you give birth to in your mind. From what seed thoughts you entertain and feed psychic energy with the constant thinking of them. Whether those seed thoughts are negative or positive. Such seed thoughts weaves together into the fabric of your future experiences. You become aware and Realize that the difference, or separation, between you and Life is an illusion. That you do not stop at the surface of your skin. That your thoughts do not stay inside your Mind. Because you and Life are the same thing in the same way that the sun and a focal point of light a magnifying glass makes are in essence the same thing. Not merely the same thing in the goofy mundane philosophical sense that the Sun is the Macrocosm, and the little Sun on the other side of the lens is the Microcosm. But in the true meaning of the words The Same Thing meaning there is no break or division in the Big Suns rays of light that passes through the Nexion of the lens to literally become the Smaller Sun. Or as the Taoist Adepts say: Heaven and Earth United. The Sun in the Heavens and the manifested Sun on this earth is One continuous Flow of Light/Life. When you have learned to live Life with your breath; you will come to the Self Realization that you and the Living Cosmos are One Being and that you are Intimately Connected to the Living Cosmos. As if in a dance together in a cycle of Mutual Creation: The Living Cosmos creating and manifesting as you and the Life you experience; as you create and manifest the Living Cosmos into the Life and reality you give birth to from your thoughts. Dark Providence It is not my desire or intention to enlighten and illuminate those mundanes. I was raised and bred to see those wretched creatures as a source of ones wealth, power, and pleasure
in life. Illuminating them works against my nature and desires. I dont care if they read this and do not understand or take it apart to debate upon it validity philosophically. I write these Insights I have down as they come to mind before they fade away. For what future children I will have and for their children. And for those of us of the ONA who may see value in such insights to come to a closer and deeper apprehension of Life, so that you may each use what comes of such insights to evolve yourselves to your highest potential. Not only to be more intelligent they the anariya. But more importantly to be Master of your own Lives. To manifest and materialize the Life you desire to live and experience. To be Master of your Life, rather than to have Life master you. It is as if you are in a flowing river: you either swim to a destination of your choice, or be carried by the flow of life like driftwood to nowhere. Because to Nature all you are essentially is a means via your sperm and egg for Life to continue itself. You mean nothing more to Nature. You must struggle in Life. You must fight Life for what you are worth. Just as a sapling in a jungle must struggle and fight Life to the top of the canopy for Light or die to be replaced by another sapling who has the will, determination, to pierce the canopy for its reward: the gift of seeding Lifes next generation. If Life/Nature desires to evolve, to expand beyond this small planet of ours to vivify the Galaxy, then it must have this ethos of rewarding the most capable. To insure its own eternal evolution and expansion. Mastering Life begins with Mastering your own Mind. Because it is from your thoughts that the threads of reality is spun: the weaving of which is the Life you experience. Such that if you worry about bills and spend your waking hours worrying about bills, Life will give you bills to worry about. If you are a guy and you spend your waking hour think about sex and girls, those waking thoughts gradually manifest through you as the emotional drive you will feel, or the determination and will you will have to fix yourself up, eat right, lift weights to make yourself attractive and such; so that in Time, you Life rewards you with what you have asked for. So it can be easily understood that if you are a guy, and you suffer from mental and emotional issues. Such as insecurity, self loathing, and worry about girls not liking you for the many illusory reasons you tell yourself. Then such constant thoughts will not drive you to look better, buy better clothes, get fit, or learn to socialize and talk to girls. And thus, Life gives you what you have mentally asked for. And if such a guy does not have the power to change his mind to control his thoughts then whose fault is it that he lives and experiences such a resulting Life? Your thoughts, those thoughts you hold and entertain during your waking hours, literally manifests as what you will experience in many ways. For instance compare two stray dogs. One stray dog is emotionally damaged from abuse and abandonment and he does not trust humans. He shows his teeth and growls at people that walk past him. The other dog, not affected by being rejected and unloved continues to wag his tail and offer people who walk by friendly smiling eyes. Which of the two will eventually starve to death or end up in the pound waiting to be euthanized, and which of
the two will eat or even find a new home? You dont have to be able to speak and be human for your thoughts to affect your life because thoughts came before language. In essence, you are in a Cosmic Dance and your partner is Dark Providence. Dark Providence neither likes you or dislikes you. It is beyond human valuations of good and evil. It will indiscriminately give you what you ask for. Just like a vending machine: you put in the money and it will give you what you ask for according to the buttons you push. If you dont like the taste of what you get, it is your own fault for pushig those buttons. Or Dark Providence which is the Living Cosmos is like a lake; such that if you cause a ripple in this causal realm, then that the same movement of ripples comes back to the center from which it originated. The Center being your Mind. And sense we are all, and everything is this same Living Cosmos in causal manifestation, when such ripples comes reverts back to its center of origin, it travels through its causal forms: other people and causal events. This is one of the esoteric meanings of Wyrd: your thoughts not only affects and alters your life, but they affect and change other peoples lives as well. Not just causally, but psychically. Belief Causes Suffering Belief as opposed to Experience causes one to suffer in Life. We have seen the amount of suffering the mere Belief in sin has caused in Christendom. We have seen the suffering Communism has caused. We can see the suffering the Belief in Consumerism is causing. We can come to understand that the Belief in religion has and does cuase suffering. To Believe is to accept another persons ideas [memes] without personal direct experience. If you Believe in a Heaven, have you ever experienced it? But to experience something to come to a Realization. People dont Believe fire burns skin and hurts, you Realize it after experiencing fire burning. You dont believe in the color green, youve seen it. You dont Believe in sex, youve done it, so there is no belief involved. These Beliefs all beliefs distracts you from Experience because you accept your beliefs as being true already. Without Experiencing Life, you will not come to Realize the esoteric Mystery and Magic of Life. When you do not Realize such aspects of Life you do not have the ability to utilize it to your advantage. You do not have the capacity to Master Life. If you cannot Master Life: Life masters you. If Life masters you, the causal result is suffering, which is Life in atrophic recession. It is a movement of Life Acausal Life Force receding from you, because Life cannot thrive through you; like healthy people moving away from a leper. Its like that question: Which came first the chicken or the egg? Which came first the miserable man or his miserable life? Its common human practice to blame everything wrong and bad on everyone and everything but our own selves, while taking the credit for all thing right and good for yourself. So its not shocking that a Life Dysfunctional man
[re: a miserable] will blame his suffering on his miserable [dysfunctional] life. Like how a guy will blame his wife for a dysfunctional marriage when its his fault half of the time because hes half of a whole marriage and the wife reacts half the time, because she is the other half you see? Its just one marriage; as it is just one Life: you are marriage to the Cosmos. And unlike a human marriage, your marriage to the Cosmos really is till death do you part. You either learn to make your marriage with Dark Providence work, or endure a life long suffering, or kill yourself. The reason why I have written all these pages of insights is because I do not want my own children in future, or anyone who is of the ONA who is esoterically inclined to value such insights to be entrapped by the illusion and abstraction of beliefs. Because beliefs misdirects your attention away from the intimate Direct Experience of Life. Its like some one were to tell you on your way to Vegas via the scenic route: You know, there is a really exceptional rest area just a mile away with impeccable toiletry facilities Ralph. And instead of noticing the passing scenery and absorbing the experience and learning; you just ponder on magnificent toilets. Such as the Belief in Materialist Atheism. In your Belief of such foreign memes, you reject the entire idea of magic and mystery of a Living Cosmos. So you never notice such things or work to experience them. Not experiencing them, you end up mastered by Life, like driftwood helplessly caught up in Lifes current. But also the Belief in what we might call the magic of the Western Tradition, such as what you would find in the OTO, the Golden Dawn, the Kabbalah, Wicca, Chaos Magic, is also a distraction. Because where is your attention, your awareness, your mindfulness diverted to? To the motion of the rituals, the noise of arcane languages, the list of gods, the colorful lamens and shiny knives. The belief that somehow these things changes Life. That somehow with a colored robe and candles and words of power that you can gain an intimate understand of what you are, what Life is, and how your relationship with Life works. How many so called occultists and magickians can stop smoking or lack the will power to lose weight? How many of these people cant find a date or lack the will to go up and talk to a girl? They have to make a magic love bag and wear around their necks and hope that somehow attracts a girl to come talk to them. Even if one came over, the nerd would still lack the skills to get her. Why are there so many money spells and loves spells out their and why do these two kinds of spells sell the most in the occult and magical world, if they work? Why are most occultists and magickians I meet miserable and depressed? The point is the Belief in this kind of magic and the dependence on such draws your mindfulness away from the subtle aspect of Life. Mastering this kind of magic is not Mastering Life. You are confusing the Essence for an outer form. Such exoteric and mundane systems of magic are just a set of Beliefs memeplex and my contention with such things is that it causes suffering. Because how many occultists and practitioners of magic do you know have not found inner piece? Have not learned to still and find their Center? Have not learned to materialize a genuinely fulfilling Life?
Are still searching? How many of them have actually gone deeper into their delusions of sepheroths and qlipoths, of gods, and such, and have moved away from Life to not even be able to apprehend what Life there is out side of their ritual chambers and memeplex? Im not saying that all outer forms of so called Magick is misdirective. It is a matter of focus: what is that outer form directing your consciousness on? On itself to produce a dependence on such outer forms, as one becomes dependent on opiates? On a superficial illusion of Life. Or on Life itself? Those rites that we have in the Black Book of Satan and Naos are our Traditional Foundation of the ONA which does genuinely draw down Acausal Energy and cast our attention via such things as Physis and the Star Game inward and upon Life. But an architect builds upon a Foundation a structure of his own craft and design. The Star Game is perhaps the most effective means to apprehend the subtle nature of Life. Each piece changes as it moves and each move influences another change and move. Like the gradual unraveling of a fractal pattern. Such that what moves and changes you commence the Star Game with determines the end results. When you have played an entire game through, you come to realize that each move and change is not actually a separate and individual move, but that the whole session was a single unraveling or motion. The expresses one of the meanings of Wyrd. Life is also like the Star Game where each though we think changes us and each move we make in life influences our next move and other peoples next move. And if we learn to see life from a different perspective, we realize that our thoughts and motions in life are not isolated islands, but a fleeting part of an unraveling of the wholeness of Life. Such Traditional aspects of the ONA found in the Black Book and Naos gradually divests us of our outer superficial garments we wear as a barrier between us and Life. It stripes us of the comfortable shirt of mundane illusions. From the pants Beliefs. From the panties of our private convictions. And we are immersed naked into the flowing river that Life is. In that condition without barriers we feel Life directly not just without our eyes and ears. But with every inch and curve of our bodies. Our naked skin surrounded in every direction by the subtle motions and undulations of life moving between our toes. In that state of Naked Being, we Realize that we and Life are the same thing. As a single current of many moving currents IS the river. Life must be lived directly by plunging into it and experiencing it. It is from that Naked Experience of Life, and the Realization that Magic and Life are the same flowing Becoming thing which is also YOU; which you are the center of; that you begin to learn the finer details and hidden mysteries of Life and learn to make Life work for you. Our thoughts what we spend our waking hours entertaining Within sets the Flow. As Within, So Without. There is no need to search for answers and magic outside yourself. For such outsideness has its origins from Within. There is this nice old Greek story I love which has a profound meaning. Long ago when the Olympian Gods formed Mankind they made mankind to tend their cows. But some of
these first humans began trying to climb up Mount Olympus to obtain the Divine Flame. The gods were afraid that if Mankind got hold of the Divine Flame that they would also be gods and there would be nobody to tend the cows. So the gods held a great meeting to talk about where to hide the Divine Spark. Some suggested that it be hidden at the tippy top of the highest mountain, while others suggested that they hide it way down deep at the bottom of the ocean. But Zeus didnt like these ideas because he knew mankind would eventually go to these places. Then, an unknown goddess named Aphrodite gave a suggestion to Zeus. She suggested that the Divine Spark be hidden right inside these mortals, which would be the last place they will ever look. And to keep them busy, she suggested that Mankind should be split into male and female [since people were androgynous]. Zeus was so please he made Aphrodite an Olympian and named her the Goddess of Love. We are kept busy with the illusion of Dualism, constantly searching for our other half, constantly trying to make sense of things in such dualistic terms. When things are all really One. And we go about Life searching for answers in everything and in every place from churches to religion, from magic to money, in books and in gurus. Never Realizing that the Numen of the Living Cosmos is right inside of us. When you search, Life will always give you something to search for. It is when you have learned to stop searching, and to become Mindful of the Numinous Within, that you find your Enlightenment. That you Realize the Oneness of you and Life. That you Realize that Life is in essence Mystery and Magic in motion. As an engineer who has become Mindful of the intimate details of air and wind. Such that he learns to make airplanes to utilize the natural motion of such wind. When you have Centered yourself Within, and have learned to become Mindful of the natural motion of Life. You learn to utilize Life to move you to where you want to go; to manifest what you need out of Life. When you have come to Realize the intimate connexion that exists between you and the Live Cosmos, you come to Realize that you are like a little spoiled puppy who is taken care of by Life itself. Whose every need and wont is Provided, and whose every desire is granted.
There was this guy and his wife next to me as I was walking down the isle looking at the new lap tops. This guy was just yapping on and on to his wife at every computer he stopped at. He was annoying me so I went to another isle but it seemed like no matter where I when, he followed me and yapped off about every computer thing I was looking at. I lost track of my original intent and objective because the guy was so obnoxious that he just fascinated me. You know those moments in life when someone is just so annoying you just stop what youre doing and tell yourself Are you serious? How long is he gunna keep this up lets see? Yeah, I was having one of those moments. He was going on about crazy stuff like how many pixil things the screen has, the CPU, the chips, if you can shake it without hurting the hard drive, and if you can walk thru a metal detector at the air port with the lap tops even. I mean, these are things criterion this guy is using to make his valuated judgments on these devices, and I know his wife couldnt give a shit, because she gave me the secret sisterhood help me *eye-roll* that us girls give to each other to let everybody know our boyfriends are retarded. I truly did empathize with her she knew it too. I was glad he wasnt trying to sell me computers because all I really needed was a computer that turned on and off, that had something for me to write on, and that I could surf the internet with to read stuff. Thats it. So I just did what any girl would do when we shop for computers and such gadgets I went to that section where the computers cost around what I had to spend because I figured that if they were expensive then they werent cheap, and if they arent cheap computers then they prolly work damn good. So I bought the nearest one to me that had a nice design on it. Did it have 10 big CPUs? I dont know, and I dont care, I dont even know what those are. Does the information in the hard drive get mixed up if I shook it hard? I dont know? Its just going to sit on a desk most of its life. Would it still be alive if I walked thru a metal detector with it? Who cares, Im not going to ride airplanes anywhere with it. My new computer ended up working fine. Was it the best on the market? I dont know but I know enough about the tech industry to not invest a large percentage of your money in their stocks because its such a highly mutatable industry (meaning that every month your devices gets old because another competitive company made something better) that no product or corporation is stable enough to yield consistently. So it doesnt even matter if my new computer isnt the best. Can you imagine if I was deluded enough to be so caught up in the tech industry that I bought the latest cell phone and computer that just came out to always have the best items? Do you know how far removed from the actually reason why I NEED such things anyways? All I need computers for is to write, keep a library of PDFs, study stuff on the world wide web, and stay connected to people. If I was caught up searching for the bestest and most powerful computers, constantly shopping and upgrading, I would never genuinely actualize my basic need for a computer. In other words, what computer I use is only a MEANS for me to achieve a certain result and fulfill a certain need which I have. I
know my computer will get old and that it is not the bestest one out there. But it works for me or I mickey mouse it to make it work for me. Mickey mousing things is a way of life for me. I got the term from working at Target way back some years ago when I was going to school. I worked at night so I could go to school during the days. I was one of the people that deconstructed a whole isle down and put up a new one with new shelf schematics, items, and price tags. Sometimes we had to tear down an entire gondola which is what they called the actually contraption that holds the shelves up. I was surprised the first time we took down a gondola to notice the whole thing didnt use and nails or screws! You just knock the parts into these notches and it stays together somehow. Taking them apart was easy because you just needed a hammer and beat things apart with it. Putting one together was the hard part because sometimes things dont go back to how they were and walls are lopsided or pieces are missing which is when you mickey mouse things. That means you go find gum duck tape a hanger or anything you can find (I used stuffed animals once) and you use your imagination and creativity to make things go together even if they dont so the manager of the store your boss thinks everything is in order, safe, and working right. You know you just mickey moused something when you stand back looking at your creation and proudly say to yourself and your team mates There that oughta do it. I wouldnt walk down any isles I put together I tell you that, cuz I used a lot of folded up cardboard and cans of Coke to prop up some of the gondola. You have to be a master or mistress at mickey mousing to know the secret uses of Coke cans to hold up gondolas. Me and my team were responsible for building all of the display items too as we use to tell each other Dont touch it! Its just good for looking at! Fortunately, the Target I used to work at isnt there any more. God we had a lot of law suit, and somebody died in the parking lot once. She was an old co-worker who had spent 50 years working at the same Target during the night shift stocking the isles we put together. She just was walking to her car one morning after work to go home and died of a heart attack on her way to her car slave driver! So whats our first point? The first point is people these days with the first amendment and all have the freedom to pick and choose their religions if they are so inclined. There is a major price to pay for such freedoms coherency of the mass (or lack of it). Nobody thinks the same beliefs any more, and people hardly get along with those who have different beliefs from their own but this is a different subject matter. With that freedom to choose your own beliefs religion and gods comes Indecision. One thing I remember my multimillionaire tutor telling me is that indecision is the trademark of a failure in life. All successful peopleno matter what their field of interest is have the same essential quality or personality trait of stubborn determination and decisiveness. You make a decision and you stick with it till the end, and you dont change your mind in mind game. Its the most basic quality of a successful general of an army or a leader of a nation.
Like Winston Churchill during a certain episode of World War Two. It was a time when the Nazis were air raiding England. He and his generals one day made a decision to use a certain surprise maneuver on the Nazis, which if they were successful would turn the tide of the war and help them win. The only problem was that the British military intelligence had intercepted and deciphered a secret coded German communiqus about another air raiding of London Churchill and his army had to remain clear in mind and keep their original goal in mind and they were determined to stick with that decision at all cost and the costs were high. If the British intelligence and military had evacuated London due to that intercepted communiqu, the Germans would have known that the UK was aware of certain things which would in turn spoil the opportunity for that surprise attack. A general that changes his mind in mid game on the battlefield will lose a war. A stock market player who is wishy-washy about his decisions on what stocks to buy, and sells and buys in mid game all over the place will not get good results. A student who cannot make up her mind as to what she wants to major in, in school will waste her time and money. You make a decision and you stick with it till the end, and if things dont seem to be working, you dont change your mind you mickey mouse thing to make that decision work as best as possible. This should be common knowledge. Its like geometry and rowboats. Say you are the central dot on a row boat in the middle of a circle which is a lake. The circumference of that circle is made up of an infinite number of Points in geometry each point is a possible end destination you have the freedom to chose to row your boat to. Its only logical that if you row your boat to one point and then change your mind and row your boat to a different one then change your mind again and row towards a third point that althoe you seem to be moving you are actually going nowhere at all. You pick a destination and with stubborn determination row your boat to that goal. Life is like that circular lake. Its so vast and pointless that there is an infinite number of points and possibilities in front of you. You pick an end goal in life and you reorganize your becomingness the unfolding of life to steer you to that end goal. Otherwise the movement you experience in life is a pointless movement which leads you nowhere. You may ask me then, so whats up with religion and whats it got to do with a pointless life and decision making? Life, as it is naturally, is very big like outer space. When a human wants to put himself in the environment of outer space he needs to have a few essential tools to make such an experience possible. First he will need the right personal environment thru which he may experience such an outer environment with which he may manipulate such outer environment. This is called a space shuttle and a space suit. The shuttle gets you into space with air to breathe, and the space suit allows to a more personal experience of outer space. Having a space shuttle and space suit does not make one an astronaut. If you sent a normal civilian into outer space with an expensive shuttle and a state of the art space suit,
he will not be able to survive very long or do much, because he lacks the other essential tool to exist and survive in the outer space environment the software the knowledge of what space is, what hes doing there, how things work in zero gravity, how he will work, and how he should do things, if he desires to derive optimal experience. This Life this causal existence this earth, is like that vast environment, and your causal body is that space suit by which you can more personally experience this causal environment But just because you as an entity had a way to get here and just because you have a state of the art causal body (actually the Homo Sapiens body models we are using is about 200,000 years old, which IMO is incredibly outdated) does not make you an astronaut or a causalnaut (?). Why not? Because you lack the Software to function optimally in this causal environment. What do you call a millionaire who has enough money to pay Russia to take them into space? Hes not an cosmonaut hes a space tourist thus without proper causalnaut software in your brain you are also just a tourist here on earth essentially observing and sight seeing, but hardly functional. If you are foolish enough to believe that you are optimally functional in this causal environment then compare yourself to a billionaire like Donald Trump or to Angelina Jolie who is very beautiful, and famous or to that guy you secretly envy who has the hot wife and house of his dreams or to a successful politician or that guy you obsess over who is respected and admired by terrorists and Jihadists and you will quickly realize that you are nobody in life and that somehow other humans have made Life work for them to manifest the Life of their dreams while you work and toil to make enough money to just be a barely functioning tourist here an extra in somebody elses movie. This is where Belief and Religion comes into play in the human arena. In a very real sense, these memeplexes are literal bio-computer software you install in your brain which runs your Operating System and which influences your every thought, thinking process, feelings, how you react to stimuli, and your actions. So this is the scene that is taking place there are 7 billion causal environment tourists here on this earth and they all come here without the proper software, or Nature gave it to you, but over the many years you seemed to have misplaced it. So now there are all of these venders with tables along the side of roads everywhere selling you a tourist every kind of imaginable Bio-Software you can think of from the latest pirated version of the Jesus Software to Materialist Software to the Communist Software. So you go searching for the latest junk software or the most ancient software you can find as if ancient memetic software programmers knew how to function right in the 21 st century. You go shopping for your gods and beliefs, like people go shopping for cars and computers. These window shoppers are the most obnoxious people you can go shopping with. They spend all their time looking at all these stupid things about their memeplex like are the gods pretty do they promise godlike powers do their life insurance policies include
an after life do they make your ego feel great and superior then others can you use it masochistically to make yourself feel like a vile sinner that needs to be washed by some god does it come with chaos magic, vampires, and werewolves how about gene splicing aliens from Nibiru can you use its impossible to follow moral codes to beat others down with? Then you bring your memeplex home and take it out of the box and what do you really have? Crap. You use it for a while, then get tired of it and go find a new one the latest one that nobody else is using Be the first one on your block! Impress your friends! Limited supply, buy now! Yeah right, you know when you hear limited supply that they have at least 10 warehouses stocked to the roof with it. This Capitalist-Consumerist culture or mindset that plagues todays world doesnt help out either. Its all mostly junk. These memeplexes dont have anything in reality to do with life. All it takes is for you to examine where your attention and mind is being focused when you install such software into your brain. Does it focus your mind on God or Life? On Heaven or Life? On salvation or Life? On their religious beliefs or secular materialist convictions or Life? Does it teach you to function optimally to get the best experience and even to succeed in and out of Life? Or is your mind lead deeper and deeper into a maze of phantoms, beliefs, illusions, delusions, materialist denials, etc? If you think about it, all of these bio-software do the same basic function tells you how to interpret reality and HOW to life your Life for whose best interest and what end results is the question. Its the same with computers. All computers perform the same essential function computer stuff. All religions perform the same essential function religion stuff. The same with cars all cars do the same basic thing take you from here to there. Its just that with this Capitalist-Consumerist mindset most people operate on these days, they are caught up in Brand Names. The best known Church Brands sells the most memeplexes. What are you actually achieving in life and how are you functioning in life and how do you apprehend life, if you are too business chasing phantoms and illusions of religions, gods, and other peoples sanctified opinions? When I buy a car, I stick with it. Chloe has a cousin who trades in his car every other month for a new one. If I end up not liking something about my car, I fix it up and make it likable I mickey mouse it until it fits me. I dont know much about cars, so Ill use a different example Im more familiar with to explain how I see this ONA which is my second point. The ONA is like a pair of jeans that you find at Anton Longs garage sale. Theyre vintage jeans that he prolly makes himself from old bits and pieces of things he has laying around. All jeans, no matter who makes it or what brand name it is do the same two basic things covers your ass and covers your kooter. Sometimes we forget that. Its not like if I buy a pair of True Religion jeans like itll hide my kooch better than any other kind. Well ok, some jeans make your ass look better cuz of how they are made to lift such things. I personally like ONA jeans because my ass looks good in them.
You know how you buy a pair of jeans and you wear them so often they start to wear out? Holes will form in the knees and that part just below you ass cheeks? I guess sometimes when jeans get to this point many people will throw them away and go shopping for a new pair. Its not that Im cheap or anything, but I get attached to all my jeans, so for me, I think the holes gives my jeans personal character. If they get bigger in unwanted spots I can mickey mouse it and stitch it up with a cool patch. I do that anyways to personalize my jeans. Then if the holes get way to big, rather then throw the jeans away, I cut them into shorts for the beach and make paper with the cut up pieces. For me the ONA is the same way personally. Its rare that every single part of your jeans or other clothing is 100% to your personal liking. This is something that you have to do on your own to personalize your stuff. I havent been in the ONA for a long time. Not 10 years or 40, but I have enough culture and discipline to stick with one thing. There are certain aspects about the ONA that do not fit me personally (as I am today), but I just mickey mouse these things to make them fit my personality and character. Such as one of its outer forms old school National-Socialism. I used to like it, but I changed as a person inside. Does that mean Im going to discard National-Socialism? No, Ill mickey mouse it until it fits who I am today or actually David Myatt did this already with Reichsfolk NS. Such as Satanism which is another outer form of the ONA. Do I believe a Satan exists? No, I dont. I used to when I was 5 years old when I also believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny or when I was 13 and still really dumb but I change inside as I grow up. Does this mean that I have thrown away Christmas and Easter? No. These things still have an emotional meaning to me, as all of my very fond childhood memories are often associated with such things. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny still means something to me something much different today then they did when I was 5. How I see and understand Satan today is very different. I didnt throw Satan away just because I out grew my belief in his existence. There is an emotional attachment to the idea of Satan which reminds me of my personal struggle to earn my mental and psychological freedom to genuinely think for myself by doubting what I have been told to believe. As I grew older, and as I learned more about life with this freedom to see and experience life without religious filters I just put what I learned about that Life into Satan to give it new meaning. Its something I do when I go hiking or when I am at the beach. I love to stuff my pockets up with little rocks and seashells I find or strange items I come across. So in my analogy of the ONA being a pair of jeans, what we called Satan and Baphomet are the pockets of these jeans which I gradually fill up with little bits of meaning and understanding. The more meaning I personally give to these things, the more value such things have to me. Rather then go and buy somebody elses gods I would rather spend
my time either making my own or coming into my own understandings of what gods are. I do not believe that there is a creature in the acausal that calls itself Satan or Baphomet because it would be foolish to believe that creatures of such Timeless kind should have names we creatures of Time make up. After all, what was this Satan calling itself 100,000 years ago when our homo sapiens ancestors were still grunting like apes? If such an ape kind of human referred to its feeble apprehension of the Living Cosmos as Ugh, are you telling me that some entity in the Acausal would come down and say to the caveman No, no, you idiot its Satan, not Ugh, Satan as in the protoHebraic Shatan or the Ancient Greek Aitan depending on what future source your ancestors will chose to believe so get it right! Same thing with Baphomet. Does (Mother) Nature really care what her Life forms Her form she takes on in Life calls Her? Last time I check fruit flies, trees, and water buffalos didnt call Nature by any name at all. Nature is just something that they are a part of that cares for them but is beyond caring what it is called. I dont care what the cells in my body calls me I dont think they call me anything at all to be quite honest but yet I still care for them by providing them with the things they need thru eating and breathing and by providing them with protection by not jumping off a cliff to my death. Why should something like me a really smart human being so beyond the feeble intelligence of a toe cell do so much to provide for such things that hardly acknowledge my existence? Because I have no choice they are me. The Living Cosmos wouldnt be Living if there was nothing Living in it. That Life Force must be used and manifested as Living Beings such that what Living Beings that do develop from that Life Force is the same Life Force in different expressions and forms in the same way that my own blood and life force gives life to and animates every single cell in my body which in turn makes me who I am. What then is in a name? I dont even refer to myself as Kayla when I think to myself or hold an internal dialogue with myself. Doing that is a sign of a fracture in ones personality of mental oneness somewhere, which means you are crazy. I dont believe the Living Cosmos is insane and that it calls itself Satan or Jehovah, or Brahma or whatever when it talks to itself. Other people call me Kayla. Even then what others call me is not constant. Some call me Mercie some sister some babe some have their own nicknames for me but whatever these people call me, I somehow am smart enough to know that they are calling me and talking to me. Who I am to these people is not also a constant. I am a daughter to some a niece to other a girlfriend to one a criminal to a certain few. If I am a mere human and the many names, labels, and things other people call me and believe me to be does not confuse me in any way. Do you assume to tell me that something like a Living Universe gives a shit what you call it or whether you think its a bearded spirit creature of
a tree? How stupid must you simplify the Cosmos and Life to be to fit your own human capacity to understand shit? I got tired of this stupid theist versus atheist thing that seems to plague mundane Satanism one day so I was meditating on the idea which led me into a thought experiment. I shrunk myself down in my mind to the size of a mitochondria and I put myself in different cell clusters in my body to see how those cells viewed this entity called Kayla which they cannot see. If I were people living in my feet cells, I would think this entity Kayla was tyrannical for using me to carry her places. If I were people living in my gut cells I would believe this Kayla entity to be despicable to think of me in such a way that I have no worth then to deal with her poo. If I were people living in my hair cells (if hair has cells, I dont know, just pretend) or any cell on my face, I would believe that this Kayla entity really loved me a whole lot and I would see her as a goddess. Because she spends her time shampooing me and putting lipstick on me to make me really hot, and she uses all these face creams and lotions keep us face skin cells healthy. Then I moved myself into my neurons and I asked myself how these neurons thought of me thats when I found my atheist cells. My neurons dont think of me in any way, because they are doing the thinking they are Kayla all of them put together as one hive of neurons is Kayla. So which cluster of cells has the right apprehension of me? The anti-Kayla foot and gut cells? The theist hair and face cells? Or the atheist brain cells? None and all at the same time. They each have a different understanding of who and what I am based on what they are and what their level and capacity to understand is. This entity known sometimes as Kayla is a hive of symbiotic co-operative cells or an integrated system of life. As all living things in Nature exists as a living part of an integrated whole single system. Nothing about me remains the same forever especially my thoughts. What I knew, understood, and thought was possible 10 years ago is very primitive and different than what I know and understand today. This fact brings up certain problems about the universe and Nature a) Either I out grew and out understood Life and Nature and the Cosmos or b) Those things exist independent of and way beyond my ability to grasp understand such things. I go with (b) and understand that what I believe, know, and apprehend about Live, existence, the Cosmos, and Nature, is not the real and actual thing. In the same sense that what other people in my life think they know about Kayla is not fully who I truly am inside. The only living person who can truly say that they know Kayla is me and even then thats philosophically questionable. The Kayla that exists in their Subjective Universe, is not me the Objective Kayla. The Life, reality, Nature that you believe to know and understand in your Subjective Universe, is NOT the infinite Universe and reality out there.
So why hold onto names? Why have I kept Santa Claus and Satan as aspects of my life still? Why have I not thrown them away? Have you ever gone shopping for food or went to the mall originally with the thought that you were only going to the supermarket to buy just what you need or that you were going to the mall just to hang out with friends but you came back almost every time with $200 worth of junk? Now have you ever gone to the same supermarket with a written shopping list which helps you FOCUS on what you are looking for and you came back from the store almost always with what you need? Well, for me having and using the name Satan and a Baphomet is like being in the supermarket of Life and having a shopping list which helps me focus my mind and attention on what I should be looking for when I am apprehending Life so I wont end up with a pile of junk. The god-meme doesnt travel alone. The god-meme is like a really nice looking car on a car lot. You walk on the lot, see all these cool cars the sales guy put on his fake smile and if you buy one of them next thing you know youre signing 20 pages of fine print and the company owns your life for 6 years. The memeplex that follows the godmeme around are those 20 pages of fine print and they do own your life if you have been infected by them in very real ways. Its natural for us to look up into the sky and ask ourselves what it all means. Its a question and mystery that has been with us forever as a species and it has never been answered. The god-meme uses that natural awe and wonder of the mystery of life and sneaks its foot into your minds door to catch your interest. It tells you hey, come check out our god-meme, hell answer those questions. So you walk into their tent to check out their sideshow and you first see a bearded guy in a tunic and sandals if youre in the Christianity circus tent. Youll see deformed 4 and 8 armed people with elephant heads and blue skin if you wandered into the Hindu tent. So they catch your interest and you say to them wow, thats freaky, whats your godmeme and his beard or elephant head got to do with Life? Theyll tell you need to walking in deeper behind the first veil to figure out. So you follow the guy behind the veil and you watch a movie about the life of Jesus or some Guru and they hook you with another meme the meme (or idea/concept) that you are a vile and despicable creature that is inherently wrong in someway. You worry and ask them Gosh, I didnt know that, Im a sinner bound for hell or Ive been here for a 1000 life times? How do I save myself and make myself right? Theyll say you have to go past the second veil to learn that and you go. Thats when they tweak your emotional buttons to manipulate your primal need to be loved and wanted by hooking you with their another meme the meme that their godmeme loves you and wants the best for you and that their god-meme has a special gift for you like heaven or nirvana which is totally way better than mortal existence and the hear and now! Wow! No way! Where do I sign you ask. So you get baptized or they cut
off the pointy skin of your dick off or perform some other weird ceremony to make you one of them. Then thats when the rest of the pile of memes software gets loaded into your brain. Thats when you realize what innocently began as a cute god-meme, turned into a pile of thou shalts, and thou shalt nots, and when you discover that that memeplex or software you installed in your brain controls your life. It tells you what you can and cannot eat. Jews cant eat a list of animals, Muslims cant eat pigs Hindus dont eat beef some sects of Buddhism don eat any animal at all. Your thoughts are no longer yours. Your pastor or guru tells you how to think and what is real and acceptable and what is fake and unreal. You discover that you live your whole life for the religion and not for Life or yourself. Whats all of that got to do with Life? Who do those things serve? These religion memeplexes are self serving parasites. You maintain and propagate their god-meme, their memes of what life is and how it should be lives, there memes of wrong and right you are going out of your way to think eat mate live different in accordance with the dictates of such memeplexes. Those memeplexes are not giving you the knowledge and liberty to live as you once lived it Free. Even the atheistic-materialistic memeplex does this. Using the name Satan and having a list of concepts I associate with Satanism is a firewall or a guard to keep me clean of these memetic parasites. I constantly add to what Satan and Satanism is to me. If your god-memes, ideas, beliefs, memeplex doesnt fit into what I know as Satan and Satanism then get it the hell away from me. If your god-meme says that there is a single right way to live life which was created by some personification of human emotions and human wishful thinking, then that doesnt fit what Satan is to me and I reject your god-meme. I believe life is pointless and that there is no single right way to live life. Life is what you make of it. If your memeplex says that killing is wrong, then that has nothing to do with the software I am using called ONA Satanism version 121yf thru which I understand that death and one animal taking anothers life in Life and Nature is a natural process. If your memeplex says that caring for other people is the right thing to do then I reject that memeplex because thats not how I personally understand life via my memeplex which I chose to refer to as Satanism. So there are practical reasons why I still use Satan and Satanism. It keeps me focused and it helps me maintain my mental clarity so I can clearly see my original intent and objectives in Life doing whatever I can to succeed in life and to consciously evolve myself at all costs. This doesnt mean that I worship a Satan or that what I call Satanism is the same thing as what others call Satanism. It also doesnt mean that what is my Satanism is the same as the Satanism used in the ONA. I will mickey mouse the ONA and everything about it to fit me personally, including its Satanism. This way the ONA doesnt stunt my personal
growth. Instead it helps me grow and as I grow, I will drag it along with me whether it want to come or not like a faithful pet dog, a companion in life, or a tapeworm, that never leaves your side but grows with you. The ONA is just like a pair of your favorite jeans. You can dye it different colors, put glitter on it even cut it into shorts if you want just dont cut out the two fundamental components. In a pair of jeans if you cut a hole in the crotch area and in the ass area, your jeans are completely worthless because youve just gotten rid of its fundamental essence the idea that it covers your damn crotch and ass crack. In the ONA the most basic fundamental two things of the ONA are the Black Book of Satan and Naos. You get rid of those and you really dont have much of an ONA any more. Does this mean that I have to forever believe that Satan and Baphomet are real and that performing all those rites in the BBS actually does what they do? I mickey mouse the BBS to make it fit me and work for me. Rather then throw it away because I have out grown it, I force new meaning into it to keep it relevant to me. Its not going anywhere. Its how I see things and how I interpret the BBS that makes it different to me. What I thought long ago as fact meaning that Satan and the Dark Gods exist and performing ceremonies to them as described actually did things to worship them, I now see and understand as Mythos. This is not to say that the BBS is myth. Mythos is a story, at times a mythic fiction, other times a real historic event that is used in such a way that it captivates a group of peoples minds who resonates with that essence and quality and brings them together into a coherent social structure giving birth slowly to a Culture and Living Tradition. Mythos is the resonance factor which is the glue of a collective identity. Mythos is a common foundation that is the germ of culture, regardless of its actual factual nature. Just look at how powerful the Mythos of Lovecraft is. He never claimed his stories were fact. Every body knows his Mythos is fiction but they have such a power to captivate peoples minds enchanting a primal nature in some of us that it draws people of like resonance together. Mythos doesnt always mean myth. The Aryan Mythos Hitler and his friends created enchanted an entire nation of Germans down trodden by the failure of the first world war. It gave them a sense of needed identity and self worth. It brought them up from being despised by the part of Europe that won the first world war. It gave them new meaning in their lives and they went to war and killed for that Mythos. It took the entire world to come together to stop that Mythos. The Mythos that we hear in school about the Founding Fathers and their fight for Liberty is another example of Mythos that is not fairy tale. That Mythos the historic story of some group of men all laying their lives down to fight the most powerful empire in Human history for Freedom and Human Rights is powerful and its what makes America as a country a super power because it calls out those humans who resonate with that
human desire to be Free people with rights and the same opportunities in life as any one else. Did those founding fathers actually fight for peoples freedom? Most of them owned slaves and it actually started from a disagreement on taxation without representation. Those guys just saw an opportunity of a life time and they took full advantage of that window of opportunity when the circumstances blossomed as Time develops such circumstances. What actually happened back then is lest romantic and less captivating. The living Mythos we hear now, that has been told for hundreds of years is more enchanting and powerful it is thus a reinterpretation of things. That Mythos was never thrown away one day when America changed and became its own person. America just took that old story and gave it new life thus breathing magic into it to its own benefit. To me I do that same with the BBS, Satan, and Satanism. I might have out grown the idea that an anthropomorphic devil exists and that performing a Black Mass pleases him, but I dont throw out those things. I reinterpret these things to breathe new life into it for me to my own benefit. Do I believe that performing such rites benefits some host of demons in the acausal? No. Do I believe performing such rites helps draw down acausal energy and/or Life Force? Yes how so? Using Satan as a compass to guide me on this hiking trail of Life, I have come to see certain aspects about Life and Nature thats not really written in books. Life Force seems too move or is constantly in motion. The obvious example is if it stops raining in a spot on the earth for a long time, the Life Force in that spot atrophies and recede and goes to a new spot. Life Force moves around the earth in visible patters with the seasons, with the phases of the moon, the tides the moon brings, and with sun spots even. In my mind one day, as I was meditating on this concept of Stargates and nexions that Anton Long thought up of, I was reminded really quickly of the plumbing under my sink. This one time one of the pipe at one of my uncles houses was leaking and the leaking broke the pipe. There was all this water gushing all over the place, and my uncle ran somewhere to close off some valve in the piping system which turned off the water supply for the whole house so he could fix it. That made me think about farmers and their irrigation systems. In ancient times, and still in many parts of rural Asia, they use gravity to water their fields, and theyll have these flood gate things which they can open and close to control the flow of water. So I was thinking to myself how if I were a farmer, the crops in one of my fields werent healthy, or if I wanted to use the crop rotation technique to vitalize one of my fields, I would cut off water supply to that field and use that water to feed my other fields that yielded more Life. Which got me to think about Life and Nature. As I apprehend Nature, it seems as thoe the further a person removes himself or herself from Nature and lives unnaturally, the sicker and more diseased they are. For instance compare our Western people with people living in rural areas in other less developed nations and ask yourself which group suffers from
more diseases such as cancers heart disease tumors etc. By removed from Life I not only mean a physical removal or eating food with man made chemicals in it, but also a conscious forcing of oneself to live against the flow of Nature. Not only do you see that humans in the west suffer from more disease and are dying more often but you see the same effect in dogs and cats that live in these same parts of the world. It seems as those humans, dogs, and cats who come from areas of the world that lock themselves indoors for long periods of time bathe themselves in artificial lights most of the time eat foods with artificial chemicals most of the time and do everything but live life die. As if Life Force recedes from these humans and dogs because Life does not thrive in them and thru them. The Life Force in them atrophies like a farmer had closed their floodgates to stop the flow of Life Force and acausal energy to feed these people who are not thriving. If the basic idea of Life is to Live and thrive thru its living forms then it is only logical that life forms that reject Life and that refuse to participate in Life cannot be a vital causal vehicle for Life to thrive thru thus the many lethal diseases that both humans and the pets they force to adopt such anti-life styles die from. I seriously believe that Right Hand religions, their rites, and hardcore materialism removes you from Life resulting in a atrophic recession of acausal energy and Life Force in such people. So base on how I currently understand Life and Nature, these rites and ceremonies we have in the Black Book of Satan and the Physis in Naos not only keeps a person physically connected to Life and Nature, but those Traditional Rites do call down acausal energy and Life Force because those rites gets the initiate to celebrate exult Life and mortal existence and all such gifts of mortal existence has to offer. An ONA initiate who learns to practice these rites and follows the Sinister way, eventually relearns how to live life unfettered by goofy memes and idea of a right way or wrong way to live Life. The initiate in a sense rediscovers her or his primal Nature within and becomes a natural living organism like any animal capable of experiencing Life whether that experiencing is sex, killing, preying, or whatever we end up doing what Life intended us to do Live it and thrive. I guess what I am saying is what has been said before with Martial Arts. You pick a style that fits you and stick with it and change it as you progress and evolve. Like how Anton Long stuck with the ONA for 40 years and how we can visibly see thru his 30 and so years of writing how the ONA has changed as he changed shapeshifting as he grows, progresses, evolves, and shapeshifts on his own private quest in Life. You end up not really going anywhere in life if you do not have the nature and culture to stick with one thing and make that thing work or succeed with that one thing. Because if you did not have it in you to succeed or make that one thing work for you what make you thing using something else will do it for you? If the car you are driving sucks and keeps getting into car accidents sometimes it might not be the car that is not functioning right it just might be you the driver. Success comes from within. It is a determination, or a burning. For most of us, the only thing that comes closest to such a burning for a single objective is the object of our infatuation. We will go to any length
and measure if our passion for a person burns great enough to get that person and to those whose passion does burn fierce with single minded determination, they often do succeed. Its like the old Zen story one day a student finds a monk bathing in the river and the student goes up to the monk and says Master, I desire enlightenment, please teach me. The monk tells the student to go away and stop bothering him. The student, thinking the monk was testing his desire said I will not go away, Ill keep bugging you until you accept me as a student. The monk told the student to go away a second time. So the student enters the river with the monk and refuses to leave asking a third time for the monk to make him a student. The monk got angry and grabbed the mans head and forced him into the water sitting on his neck to drown him. The man struggles and fights for his life eventually pushing the monk off to catch his breath and he asks in a rage whats wrong with you? I came here to ask you to teach me to find enlightenment, and you try to kill me? The monk says what did you desire most when you were drowning? Air, says the student. The monk tells the man Unless you desire enlightenment with that same intensity and determination, you will not have the ability to achieve it. Not having the ability to become enlightened you are wasting my time, leave me alone and the man left, learning something valuable. Those who genuinely resonate with the ONA as Anton Long have a certain objective in life, or a certain way they desire to live life which they burn for with that same intensity and determination. It drives them to go to extreme measures to live such a sinister life to the point where they will isolate themselves in the woods, go to jail and risk their lives for it. Its not a choice, its who they are, and its what they burn for. For such people this ONA is just a way and a means a tool that helps such sinister individuals manifest the Life and Way they naturally determined to live anyways. As a gun is a tool for a police officer and a gangbanger neither of these two kinds of people ever are without their guns. Someone who is genuinely Sinister, never leaves home without his Sinister Way. The indecisive who have no Way or Life, not genuinely Sinister By Nature, and burn for nothing in particular, have it in their nature to window shop.
I also read a post written by an ignorant fool in one of the many Satanic forums and occult sites that litters the internet of some smartass who said something like: The ONA is stupid because they want to evolve and change their initiates into a new type of human, like what, thats not how Darwinian evolution works?! I also was listening to a dumbass on Snapvine [a voice blog for the illiterati] who was giving his 7 listeners in the Snapvine community a lecture on Anton Long and how this ONA concept of Internal [Inner] Alchemy is pure bullshit. This retard in question read a definition of the word alchemy out of a dictionary and basically said that Anton long is full of BS because alchemy is when you turn lead into gold, and peoples insides arent made of lead. So I was just thinking about all of these view points put together trying to figure out a way to explain what the Seven Fold Way of the ONA does in more relatable terms for my future children, so they would understand it and not be so confused like those three individuals up there. First, I have a real personal problem with whats called magick in the Western Tradition. Its fine if everybody else likes it. But I personally dont like the stuff being sold as magick in the Occidental market. When I say magick of the Western Tradition, I mean all of the bastard children of the Lesser Keys of Solomon and the Golden Dawn. Because without such old grimoires written by idiot feudal brained peasants and the highly ritualized magick of the GD [which was very original during its time and era] no system of Western magick would be here, because what memes composes such modern forms of magick evolved from memes originally found in those older sources. And you know grimoires like the Goetia et al was written by an idiot who projected his feudal perception of reality onto some demonic realm where demons and spirits have kings, and dukes, and ranks and legions to command. As if to say that spirits couldnt conceive of a more better system of government then the feudal shit people were living in. Do you think hell, or the demonic realm today is still operating on a feudal system or perhaps they also had their democratic revolutions and now live in a demonic republic too? So you have the Occidental magickal belief that when you know the secrets of conjuring up one of these spirits that they will give you secret magickal powers. And the grade system of the Golden Dawn and such magickally inclined Orders makes it appear as though the higher up in the grade you go, the more super duper the magickal secrets becomes. Until until! you reach the very tippy top of highest level of Adept where you can walk on water, raise people from the dead, fly in the air, kill people with an evil eye look, and do whatever super delusional human sorcery powers you so desperately desire anything to not be an empty nobody inside like you really are. And so heres the ONA with this thing called the Seven Fold Way with its seven degrees/grades ending in Adept and Immortal, that magickally changes you inside, and
you see all these words you think you recognize and you think to yourself that when you become an ONA Adept youll have super duper magickal powers like a god! Is that really the case? Is this what the Seven Fold Way is about. [Quote Hostia 1] Excerpt from Selling Water By The River: Q: But surely rituals are important e.g. the Black Mass? A: Yes but only in the beginning stages of the Way when the novice/initiate is discovering the hidden (or magickal) forces of nature and themselves, and is daring to walk along the path to Adepthood. Ceremonial and hermetic rituals are the province of the novice and the External Adept and are pointers to what is beyond. Q: Which is what? A: First, the discovery of the unique Destiny of that individual, second the living of that Destiny, and third, for those whose Destiny becomes fulfilled by such living, the crossing of the Abyss. From the Abyss the Master and Mistress is born. All this takes many years. [End Quote] Bootcamp Im not really sure why these proletarian mundanes out there have such a hard time understanding how a person can evolve and change inside Internal Alchemy by doing certain things with discipline and force of will? To say that the Seven Fold Way doesnt work and doesnt do any thing, is as ignorant as me saying this: So whats the big deal with boot camp anyways? Its just 4 months of Phys-Ed. I had 4 years of P.E. in high school. Big deal. The only people who would say something like this are those who have not subjected themselves to join the military and live through boot camp. I personally have not experienced a boot camp, but I have friends and cousins who are in the military. The rigorous and demanding months of boot camp isnt a system of arbitrary physical training exercises. Boot camp is designed to Change who you are inside and how you do things. It designed to not only train you physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. Because as a future operating member of the military, you need to be a certain type of human being that is very different from a normal person. You need to be able to think clearly and straight. To understand that military operations have objectives, and to follow orders to help manifest those objectives, or to act and think for yourself in certain conditions to execute those duties. You need to be able to know how to function and operate in a group setting as a functioning unit to contribute your
personal effort and energy to a collective aim. You need to be able to understand that certain virtues that civilians dont think much about or live by such as Honour, Loyalty, and Duty, to a Soldier out in the battlefield is a real matter of life and death. All of these conditions are instilled in a new Soldier during boot camp and afterwards. Such that if you were to take a pre-boot camp boy, and compare him to his post-boot camp self, you would be able to clearly see that this person is somehow changed and is somehow much different from a normal civilian. That change that took place is what may be called Inner Alchemy. Which Inner Alchemy genuinely did change the Solider such that he is very different physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically from an average civilian human. Boot camp isnt the only circumstance in which an undisciplined human being is changed into a new type of person. The streets and prison to gangbangers is a boot camp. Real street soldiers who live the life of a functioning and operating gang member over time will change into a new type of person inside to adapt to the way of life he has chosen. Put yourself in prison for a few months and tell me it dont have the power to change you in any way. Prison will either make you or break you, depending on what kind of person you are. The streets will do the same over time. You need to have it in you to be indifferent to your enemies and civilians when you are a gangbanger, so that it dont affect you mentally, emotionally, and psychologically when you kill, rob, and rape for your own benefit and your gangs benefit. Like a State Soldier, a Street Soldier needs to deeply understand that such concepts that the average citizen rejects like Honour, Loyalty, and Duty, to you as a gangbanger, is a matter of life and death for you and your family. If you dont have the discipline to follow orders to help manifest a collective objective, or cannot think for yourself alone to help actualize those objectives, it is also a matter of life and death. There is a great big difference when you take a military veteran and an OG gangbanger and compare them to an average undisciplined civilian who live his life in an incoherent manner without aim or objective, purpose or virtue. The difference goes far more deeper then just experience and ways of life. You clearly will be able to see, if you study the two State and Street Soldiers with the mundane civilian that one of these sets of people have the genuine ability to assert and exert their Will and energy onto the real world, to change the world they live in, while one is a subject of circumstances. Time and time again weve tried to get everybody to understand that Coherency and Organization is the secret of the Cosmos. When things such as carbon atoms have the discipline to stay in a coherent formation/pattern it becomes a Diamond as opposed to a lump of coal. When an army or gang has the discipline to format its units into a coherent structure, that Coherent Structure has the ability, capability, and power to genuinely actualize potent Force to assert and exert itself to change causal reality and human destiny. And this is real, genuine magick the magick, power, and potential to change
and alter the world according to your Will. But that shit needs Discipline because you cant have a coherent structure without Discipline. Im not talking about some stupid magick and sorcery of conjuring demons and spirits to make somebody fall in love with you, or that stupid chaos shit, or some vampire sorcery. Im talking about real damn people, real goddamn synergy, real Force of Will, and real change of people and reality! Real shit the ONA needs if it desires to aeonically evolve civilization into a stellar civilization. No amount of demons conjuring, chaos shit, or sorcery is going to materialize a galactic empire! The inner realm of a person comes naturally in an incoherent format. In a normal civilian his thoughts are everywhere, he has no control of his emotions or actions. He is random and internally incoherent. Outside stimuli and circumstances dictates his behaviour, emotional reactions, and actions in life. The mundane civilian even needs to go to college for 4 years just to learn to be internally coherent enough to get a fucking job! This is what I understand when I hear and use the terms Internal Alchemy, and New Type of Human. This is what I understand when I hear terms like Ubermensch, and Surmounting of oneself. Its the process of taking an undisciplined and incoherent person and changing him/her inside into a disciplined and coherent higher form of human who will have the knowledge and discipline to genuinely effect their world in very real ways. Physis Is A Process The Seven Fold Way is the ONAs Boot Camp by which you as an initiate gradually are processed into a new kind of person. All of the aspects and components of each of the grades of the Seven Fold Way are necessary for real inner change: the secret tasks, the outer tasks, the tests, trials, ordeals, insight roles, and Time. There are many ways to discipline a person into an individual who is coherent who has mastership and control over his/her thoughts, emotions, and actions. Religious institutions and monasteries utilize many time tested proven techniques. As do most militaries. They all share the same basic components and principles. When you compare a monastery to a military you will begin to see the basic components they share in common. The first thing you will see is Group Identity. When you join a monastery or military you know and can feel that there is a Group Identity. Catholics belong to catholic monasteries, Buddhists to Buddhist ones, and American soldiers to the US Military. Next you will see that a monastery and military utilizes methods of instilling that Group Identity into the new initiate. This is done via Mythos and repetitive Ritualism. Prayer, mass, and the Jesus mythos in a Catholic monastery. Meditation and the mythos of the Buddha to a Buddhist Sangha. The Mythos of the Founding Fathers, and daily chores and drills in a military boot camp. This method of instilling a new comer with group identity is even used by gangs of any kind.
The mythos of a gang is its flag colors, its history you here the OGs talk about, the oppression of your people if you are a minority, or the superiority of your skin color if you joined a skinhead gang. The repetitive ritualism of a gang are simple, but powerful. Its hanging out daily with seniors of a gang, helping out in gang business, drinking and smoking dope with your homies, and those gang hand signs. In Buddhism those psychological triggers [gang hand signs] are called mudras. In the military its the salute sticking your hand to your forehead. In Catholicism its touching your finger to your breasts and forehead to make a cross. Each time you perform such psychological triggers, you re-enforce that Group Identity into yourself. Repetition of a group Motto or slogan will also do this. Mythos and repetitive ritualism engineers a common shared Culture Group Identity. Specialized Discipline is the next commonality. Once the new initiate has adopted the Groups Identity, he needs to learn to Function and Operate as a unit of a collective. This is the priesthood in Catholicism where you learn the finer details of how the group operates. This is the sangha and its rigorous mental training in Buddhism learned to memorize the entire collections of sutras to chant them and such. This is boot camp in the military. And in gangs, your specialized discipline takes place hands on in the streets. If you fail as a junior gangbanger on the streets to be disciplined and cant function in a group, then youre dead or youre going to prison. The last commonality you will see is Group Objective. Every group has one: Salvation and conversion of heathens in Catholicism; cessation of human suffering in Buddhism; killing enemy gangs, making cash, and dominating territory for gangs; enforcement of US foreign policies in the US military. Once the new initiate has successfully become a functioning unit of the group, he is put to work to actualize the Groups Objectives by using what skills he has learned from his Specialized Discipline to change the world. And thats where the real magick happens. The magick of a group of disciplined people merged as a synergetic coherent organism asserting and exerting its Will on causal reality. Its this genuine magick that gave Catholicism the power and potency to manifest Christendom which ruled Europe for a good thousand years. Its the same genuine magick that gave Buddhism the power and potency to manifest entire groups of empires and civilizations across Asia for the past 2500 years. Its the same magick that gives organized crime the power and potency to make 200 billion dollars a year. Its the same genuine magick that America is using to literally shape the entire earth to its liking. In each case not only does this real magick manifest entire civilizations, but it influences the human race on a massive scale over causal Time of course: Aeonics. Thats Magick, so fuck your sorcery and chaos bullshit! The ONA already has its Mythos and repetitive Ritualism in the Black Book of Satan, Naos, and such works as the Deofel Quintet and other sinister fiction which is a tool that instills Group Identity and common culture.
The ONA boot camp or its process of Specialized Discipline is the Seven Fold Way and everything related to it as contained in Naos and the Hostias. You must, as an Initiate of the ONA, consciously put yourself through the Seven Fold Way to change you inside as a person. Each task, ordeal, and insight role disciplines you and changes you. The insight roles are in my opinion important in teaching you how to control your own mind, thoughts, emotions, and actions as it requires total mastership of yourself to maintain a role or character for 6 months to a year. As I said, there are many methods of teaching you to learn to control your mind, emotions, and actions: insight roles are just a hands on and practical way of doing it. Its after we have spent all those years subjecting ourselves to the boot camp of the Seven Fold Way that we progressively become new kinds of people inside first, then outside. In the same sense that living through military boot camp or spending a year in prison truly does change you inside as a person. And its only when that inner change has taken place that you will have the genuine skills of an Adept to effectively further evolve yourself, and change human civilization aeonically in time. The Seven Fold Way is a means to engineer the right kinds of sinister individuals needed for this long term Group Objective. Without which that Group Objective will never come into fruition. Anybody who says that the Seven Fold Way has failed, or is pointless, or asks what do you mean a new type of human is looking at the Seven Fold Way and the ONA with mundane eyes and have not themselves lived the ONAs boot camp. The difference is one of Belief and Experience, or Intellectual apprehension and Realization. Like love or fire. You can sit there and intellectually debate what love and fire is and make judgmental valuations such like love and fire is useless or has a limited use. But when you have Experienced Love, and have felt being burned by fire there is an inner knowing a Realization beyond words that need no intellectual judgment. Go through it first, and then make an assessment, otherwise its an empty judgment. Anybody can make an opinion devoid of experience. Few are capable of the Experience.
Mundanes: Mundanes constitute the vast majority of human beings, and some of the distinguishing features of mundanes are: (1) their lack of insight about themselves; (2) their natural nature means they can be easily swayed by their own feelings, their own desires, and the rhetoric of others; (3) their innate desire for comfort, security, and their need to fulfil their own desires; (4) their innate fear of otherness; (5) their basal inability to consciously change themselves via . One important marker of mundanes is that they generally, or almost always, delude themselves about their abilities, especially in relation to knowing themselves. Another useful observation about mundanes another useful generalization is that there appears to be several types of mundanes, which types exhibit certain behaviour different from other types of mundanes. For instance, there is the Western (predominately Caucasian) mundane, who exhibits a certain cunning, an often overbearing arrogance, who possess the nature of the bully, who is bloodthirsty, and who has an innate, prejudiced, and unfounded belief that they are superior to others a belief that they now cunningly try to hide, often even from themselves. A good example of this type of mundane is Tony Blair the sly, arrogant, lying, manipulative politician, with a superiority complex, who believes he has some sort of mission to bring his mundane type of so-called civilization to others, who always makes excuses for his failures, and for his always indirect and thus cowardly killing of others, and who, most importantly, does not realize, or comprehend, that he himself is being manipulated, by others, or by some causal abstraction(s) he is in thrall to. Predators: Human predators form a very small percentage of the general human species, and thus are rare, and their primary distinguishing features are that: (1) they act on instinct, which instinct controls or subsumes them so that they are compelled to act in certain ways, such as to kill people, or rape women; and (2) they lack the ability and the desire to know themselves and to control themselves. Thus, although some of them may have a certain innate natural cunning which may aid them (as it aids natural animal predators such a wolves or foxes), these predators are akin to talking animals who walk upright. It should be noted, and understood, that many human beings who like to consider themselves as predators or who are often considered to be predatory in nature by other human beings are not. Here, for instance, we refer to such mundanes or Magians as capitalistic entrepreneurs, opportunistic politicians (corrupt or otherwise); and career racketeers. And, of course, we refer to those mundane fantasists who like to consider themselves, or even call themselves, satanists. None of these types of humans have a true, animal, subsuming consuming predatory nature and neither do they possess an innate human-sinister character. Magians:
Magians are a specific type of human being they are the natural exploiters of others, possessed of an instinctive type of human cunning and an avaricious personal nature. Over the past millennia they have developed a talent for manipulating other human beings, especially Western mundanes, by means of abstractions such as usury and freedom and marxian/capitalist social engineering/planning and by hoaxes/illusions, such as that of democracy. The easily manipulated nature of Western mundanes, and the Magian talent for such things as usury and litigation/spiel, their ability to cunningly manipulate, and their underlying charlatanesque (and almost always cowardly nature), have given them wealth, power and influence. A pertinent example of the charlatanesque type of Magian who has gained influence among mundanes despite his plagiarism and total lack of originality is LaVey. The Natural Sinister Type: These are those, currently rare, human beings those individuals who, rationally or instinctively, or both, have perceived and/or understood the flaws, the limitations, in all the above human types, and who thus inwardly yearning for something more, something greater, something darkly-numinous have tried to, or who have experimented with, changing themselves, often by seeking out challenges both physical and esoteric, trusting or hoping that such challenges, such things, will bring them insight and provoke the type of inner change, that transformation, they desire. These are those who feel or who know themselves to be or who come to know themselves to be different from all other human types, and who are thus dissatisfied with themselves, and who thus often have a natural instinct for the darkly-numinous: for that which, for those things which, mundanes especially seem to fear or find disturbing or which they have branded heretical or illegal. These type of people are one of the reasons why an esoteric, sinister, association such as the ONA exists. Breeding Sinister Character It should be understood that, exoterically, the ONA should be considered to be a means; a practical system of causing or of provoking human change. An analogy might be that the ONA is a new type of acausal technology, which technology utilizes acausal energy and presences that energy in specific ways on this planet. That is, the basic means of the ONA are (1) a practical system of training for individuals; a guide to how individuals can change, evolve, themselves and develope a sinister character or enhance an already latent sinister character; and (2) inspiring, and bringinginto-being, new ways of human living, which new ways of living will or which can change, evolve, human beings in a collective (non-individual) way.
This individual training of ours is manifest, for example, in our Seven Fold Sinister Way, and this Way being an inner, individual, Alchemy and being sinister is hard, difficult, and dangerous; it takes a certain amount of causal Time, many years, in fact. But it does what was and what is intended that is, produce individuals possessed of a particular, evolved, strong, sinister character. Our new ways of living are manifest in our sinister tribes, who are, who form, our sinister collective, our sinister kindred. And these do what is intended spreading our subversive, sinister, evolutionary, ethos, and breeding, in far larger numbers than our individual training, an entirely new type of human being. Thus, the aim of a sinister association such as the ONA is not only to enhance, to develope, to evolve, such a natural sinister character as may already exist in a few individuals, but also and importantly to assimilate more and more human beings in order to give them our sinister nature; in order to make them part of our sinister collective. And it is this development, this assimilation, which will create an entirely new species of human being. This assimilation is by means of others joining or being assimilated into our tribes, or by forming new sinister tribes of their own and by these new tribes assimilating other human beings, and thus expanding their territory. Our New Sinister Breed Our new, evolved, sinister character is evident in many things. Someone of this new breed of human being has a refined and developed self-awareness and self-control; the ability of rational (logical) thought they are able to assess situations in a rational manner. This new type of individual has the ability to shapeshift; to act-out, with conviction, certain rles, for a specific reason, even if that reason is to learn about others, and themselves. They also possess an empathic ability; the ability to defend themselves and to survive, and are prepared, without remorse, to use lethal force if necessary. They also, and importantly, possess the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to learn from experience, thus changing, evolving, themselves in a controlled and a conscious manner ( ). They can be dispassionately ruthless, if required or if necessary; and have the faculty to see far beyond the causal moment and beyond causal, personal feelings, and are focused on a long-term goal or goals, which importantly and of sinister necessity include longterm supra-personal goals. They have the ability if required or if necessary to manipulate situations and people to their advantage or in order to achieve such goals. Thus, in essence, the new sinister individual is: (1) ultimately (often as a consequence of ), dispassionately in control of themselves of their actions, their words, their feelings, their thoughts; and thus possesses the ability to learn from, to change themselves as a result of, diverse experiences; (2) possessed of the ability to rationally
assess situations and individuals; (3) possessed of the faculty of knowing, seeing, and understanding, beyond the causal; of having a knowledge of, a vision of, the possibilities of human life, and thus of how we and the Cosmos can change and evolve. In addition, they possess that often quiet, non-demonstrative, inner strength, that inner resolve, which arises from knowing they can defend themselves; from having overcome many and various hard practical challenges; from having experienced both the Light and the Dark of human living; and of having, for example, undergone that inner Alchemical change resulting either from a following of The Seven-Fold Way to Adept and beyond, or from being part of a sinister collective and sharing in the life, the deeds, of that collective. In terms of appearance and personal behaviour, they can rationally choose to be in the world of the mundanes and appear to the mundanes as one of several types of people, thus cloaking themselves in a sinister manner. That is, they can rationally chose to become a new sinister type, appropriate for their now known and fully understood personal nature, and appropriate for their chosen sinister goals. For example, they can be the heretical, outlaw, type, somewhat feared but always dangerous and potentially deadly to those not of our kind, our kindred; someone who might be out among mundanes seeking others perchance to assimilate or to use for some sinister purpose. In this guise, they are thus distinguished by their manner of dress, by their personal appearance, by their particular behaviour and also possibly by their dialect, their language, all of which are appropriate for someone who belongs to a particular sinister tribe and who thus, by such things, openly shows their allegiance to their collective: a genuine warrior of and for our sinister way. Alternatively, they can or could appear as the enlightened, individual Adept of The Sinister Way possibly from an esoteric traditional nexion and thus will they be restrained, well-mannered, and possessed of an aristocratic demeanour, for such restraint and such manners are one means whereby they control themselves and social situations. That is, such individuals reveal (arte) which is the basis for a genuine which sinister may or could gain control and/or influence over some or many mundanes, in some specific causal Time and in some particular causal place. Thus, in this particular guise they do not unless for some specific reason it is necessary seek to draw attention to themselves, by either their manner of dress, their appearance, or their behaviour, and with and because of this type of refined and controlled personal behaviour, they distinguish themselves from others, making them, in OldAeon-speak, a class apart; a different breed. And thus possessed of a certain, a particular, sinister charisma, different from but kindred to the aforementioned overtly sinister tribal guise.
These two basic illustrations two among many serve to show that our new sinister breed the evolved, human being is not especially interested in or focussed upon indulging themselves although they enjoy so indulging themselves when they feel it is appropriate or needful and neither are they especially interested or focussed upon themselves, to the exclusion of everything and everyone else. They are also not focussed upon, nor interested in, OldAeon goals and abstractions, such as the good of humanity or what is right or ethical, or whatever. Instead, they are interested in, and pursue, new and sinister interests and new and sinister goals balancing an enjoyment of life, an exultation in their uniqueness, with a rational, focused, almost dispassionate awareness born from a knowing of the perspectives beyond the causal moment and from a knowing of themselves as a breed apart, as the makers and the changers of not only human evolution and human history, but also of Cosmic evolution and Cosmic history. Hence, their our individual lives have a focus, a meaning, an intent, an intensity, far beyond the causal far beyond mere causal abstractions and apprehensions; and it is this focus, this meaning, this intensity of life and of living, redolent of the acausal, of the sinister-numen, that distinguish them us for the new breed of human being that they that we are, scourge of the mundanes, scourge of the Magian, breaker of tyrannical abstractions: scourge and breaker of all that has, for millennia, prevented us from becoming the divine, the numinous, the Cosmic, species we have the potential to be.
Confused the young being asked: But why should a fruit even bother to taste both good and bad? Why not just good? The Ancient one replied: Without contrast, there is no differentiation in the causal. Without differentiation there would be nothing to experience in the causal. Without experience, there is no realization. Without realization, there is no Enlightenment. Without Enlightenment, there is no progression. Thus without bitterness young one, there is no sweetness. Both must be experienced together. They are both the taste of an Orange. Why, even if a fruit such as a strawberry which tastes entirely sweet, it is often times dipped in salt to give its sweetness contrast young one. Confused the young beings said: Yes thats good and all, but your discourse isnt explaining to me what an Orange actually tastes like Ancient one. You have failed to Enlighten me. The Ancient one replied: How can any being describe in words or discourse that which must be experienced young one? You must taste an Orange yourself directly. And when that Orange touches your tongue, there is an understanding of an Orange and its taste that needs no word, discourse, or explanation. You fail yourself when you come to me for answers young one. Understanding the Ancient acausal beings admonishment, the young acausal being went down into the causal realm to become human to taste an Orange. The Fruits Of Life We are, you see, that young acausal being who has become a causal creature to Experience the taste of the fruit of causal life. Like an orange, Life tastes both bitter and sweet. Life comes with its ups and downs. It twists and turns unexpectedly like a river. It is both joyful and woeful. And like that inexperienced young acausal being, we often ask why Life should even bother to be both good and bad. Why cant Life just be good. Why cant Life just be ups with no downs. Why cant Life be like a straight gently flowing river where everything is predictable and expected? If there was a huge tent at theme park and you heard a lot of hype about a great ride inside that tent and you paid $200 for a ticket to experience this hyped ride. Then you sit in your cart which rolls on a track. And as you ride this hyped ride, the conductor at the front calmly tells you as you are moving, in a soothing and monotoned voice of Bob Ross: And here we are ladies and gentlemen on the Heavenly Tedious Express. Expect us to go no faster then a safe 3 miles an hour. This ride is terribly safe and predictable unexciting. Please dont get excited and expect any surprises, twists and turns, because there are none. The tracks of this ride are perfectly straight and leveled. Were just going to move right straight to the exist as can be expected; safe and sound; without anyones heart rate affected. And here we are, wasnt that an awfully tranquil experience? Thank you, come again.
Would you come back for a second go, excited, thinking it was the best ride in the theme park or would you think it sucked and was a total rip off? Generally, the most exciting and popular rides in a theme park would kill a senior citizen with heart failure. The more ups and downs a roller coaster has the higher the ups, and the steeper the downs the more pukingly exciting the ride is. A great roller coaster ride not only causes you to scream during the ride, but it causes you to scream with your friends after the rides over from the sheer craziness of the ride. And then you get in line for a second round. The entire roller coaster ride itself, with all of its twists and turns, and ups and downs, is One single whole ride/experience. In the same way that the bitter and sweet taste of an orange are not truly two different things but One Thing/experience. Thus, in Life, there are experiences that produces in us happiness and excitement; and there are experiences that produces in us pain and sorrow. The blissfulness of Love, and the hellish pain of heartbreak are two contrasting aspects of the same single Experience. Such as the joy of birth a new addition to a family/clan brings, and the sorrow and tears the death of a loved one brings; are both contrasting aspects of the same single Experience: Life. So we come to our First Dreccian principle or doctrine: Life is both bitter and sweet. Consciousness We are born into this causal existence as if we had a magnifying glass pressed up against our face and eyes. Everything at such an early stage is an amorphous blur of indistinguishable form. Consciousness the mental state of conscious awareness is this magnifying glass. Numinous Self individuated Life Force is that which perceives and observes from behind this lens. Our consciousness is a focusing of this lens. In otherwords, we do not become Aware our Self if the self has not been differentiated from everything that is not Self. Thus, when the magnifying lens is brought further away from the eyes, form is perceived by Mind in that lens. There is a focusing, a clear image of forms in the lens, while the images outside of the lens is faded and burry. This is consciousness: a focusing of the Minds Awareness onto material reality and aspects of material reality. Thus, in a forest, should that lens focus on a tree, this tree comes into sharp focus and the Mind is able to see the details of this tree. The Mind says to itself: This tree is not me; therefore I am that which is not the tree. Thus from such unattached observation of Mind on form, there arises differentiation. In which state the Mind gradually becomes Aware of itself from becoming Aware of Contrast. Consciousness is an essential tool needed in this causal realm. But total dependence and misuse of this tool of mental focus causes certain problems of perception to arise. In focusing on a tree, this magnifying lens only brings into sharp detail what is directly in front of it. Thus the Mind observing this tree through this looking glass, becomes only Aware of the tree, and cannot see the forest. This tunnel vision state of consciousness
gives birth to mental illusions and distortions of genuine Natural Numinous Reality. For in reality the tree is one of many trees in a forest; and the forest itself is a One Thing. Thus our Second Dreccian doctrine: Fixation of Consciousness on causal forms distorts reality and causes illusions. How so? It is out of the habit of mundane awareness to rather then see the bigger picture to fixate ones consciousness onto aspects of Life such as the pain and sorrows of mortal existence. From such fixation focus of that magnifying glass only the pain and sorrow of mortal existence is seen in detail, whereas the rest of Life is a blur. And from that fixation of Mind on pain and sorrow, there is born illusion, delusion, dualism, and materialism: ignorance or a faulty apprehension of Life. Such as the ignorance and delusion that Life is evil or full of suffering. This delusional apprehension of Life itself generates mental and emotional anguish which is the Wyrdful fruit of such an ignorant apprehension of Life. Thus that which is perceived to be suffering, and the mental and emotional distress and anguish that such perception generates are two very different phenomena. For example, let us take a boy and say that he likes a girl. The boy goes to the girl and asks her on a date and she rejects him. His feelings are hurt. This objective experience the boy had he interprets to be painful. But such painful rejection is just a part of Life and an aspect of the game of Love. The actual pain is brief and fleeting. It is the mental and emotional anguish and worry that a fixation on that rejection that Lingers and Wyrdfully manifests stress, distress, and negative effects on the boy and his Life. He dwells on the idea of being rejected. He is fixated on the mental and emotional worry and anguish. Our thoughts influences our Emotions, and our Emotions governs our Actions and Behaviour in Life. Such that now the boys lingering mental and emotional anguish causes him to reject others, become antisocial, and from that behaviour he places himself into a lonely and depressing cocoon to protect himself from his delusions of rejection. You see, the initial objective act of a girl rejecting him itself was causally brief and insignificantly petty which can hardly be said to be lethal. But the depression and emotional stress of loneliness can drive a delusional Mind to commit suicide. That mental and emotional anguish was a delusion caused by the boys fixation of consciousness on a causal event is potentially and wyrdfully destructive and lethal. He could have just let it go, picked himself up, dusted himself off, and Let Go of the experience Unattached: consciousness not fixated and asked another girl, and another, and another, with determination, until one accepts. And from this determination, this unattachment of consciousness to causal forms and experiences, there is movement, growth, becoming, evolution, and Self Progression.
Thus we come to our Third Dreccian principle of Life: Unattachment of Consciousness to causal forms gives rise to esoteric understandings of Life, and personal progression in Life. The Flow of Physis [Qoute Ancient Hymn About Physis] Orphic Hymn 10 to Physis (Greek hymns C3rd B.C. to 2nd A.D.): To Physis (Nature), Fumigation from Aromatics. Physis, all-parent, ancient and divine, o much mechanic mother, art is thine; heavenly, abundant, venerable queen, in every part of thy dominions seen. Untamed, all taming, ever splendid light, all ruling, honoured, and supremely bright. Immortal, Protogeneia (First-Born), ever still the same, nocturnal, starry, shining, powerful dame. Thy feets still traces in a circling course, by thee are turned, with unremitting force. Pure ornament of all the powers divine, finite and infinite alike you shine; to all things common, and in all things known, yet incommunicable and alone. Without a father of thy wondrous frame, thyself the father whence thy essence came; mingling, all-flourishing, supremely wise, and bond connective of the earth and skies. Leader, life-bearing queen, all various named, and for commanding grace and beauty famed. Justice, supreme in might, whose general sway the waters of the restless deep obey. Ethereal, earthly, for the pious glad, sweet to the good, but bitter to the bad: all-wise, allbounteous, provident, divine, a rich increase of nutriment is thine; and to maturity whatever may spring, you to decay and dissolution bring. Father of all, great nurse, and mother kind, abundant, blessed, all-spermatic mind: mature, impetuous, from whose fertile seeds and plastic hand this changing scene proceeds. All-parent power, in vital impulse seen, eternal, moving, all-sagacious queen. By thee the world, whose parts in rapid flow, like swift descending streams, no respite know, on an eternal hinge, with steady course, is whirled with matchless, unremitting force. Throned on a circling car, thy mighty hand holds and directs the reins of wide command: various thy essence, honoured, and the best, of judgement too, the general end and test. Intrepid, fatal, all-subduing dame, life everlasting, fate (aisa), breathing flame. Immortal providence, the world is thine, and thou art all things, architect divine. O, blessed Goddess, hear thy suppliants prayer, and make their future life thy constant care; give plenteous seasons and sufficient wealth, and crown our days with lasting peace and health.
[End Quote] When we have disciplined our Minds to use Consciousness correctly, and we have learned to Mindfully become Aware of not just one focal point, but of Everything becoming Mindful of the Forest as opposed to a single tree we come to feel all of Nature as it genuinely is. There is an effortless Flow to the Way of Nature like the effortless Flow of a river such as the Amazon River. The Amazon River begins effortlessly as snow and rain on the tops of the Andean Mountains. The snow melts and rain falls dripping effortlessly down forming streams. And all these streams converge into one single river eventually becoming the Amazon River. Causal Life is very much like us coming together on a planned river rafting trip. We companions in Life start off our river rafting experience way off somewhere in the foothills of Peru. Our river will effortlessly bring us from this beginning point to the mouth of the Amazon River thousands of miles away opening into the Atlantic. But this effortless Flow of Nature shouldnt be envisioned as a peaceful and tranquil Flow, as a leaf gently is carried on a current. The effortless Flow of Nature is one beset with struggle, strife, and danger. It is more like the wild flowing of white rapids. Of course our River is not entirely white rapids and dangerous. This River is nicely balanced. There are parts of it that are indeed tranquil. There are some parts where the Flowing is fast. Some parts are rocky and dangerous. And sometimes this River breaks and becomes a waterfall. Our Rivers Flow carries us effortlessly through a thick jungle of Experience and captivating sights. Every turn and twist brings something new and unpredictable. Our strength and will is tested and challenged at times. Intelligence, strategy, and creativity is demanded at other times if we are to finish the experience triumphantly. From this effortless Flow which takes each of us into our Lifes experiences and forces us to strive and struggle at times, there is inside of us a Natural inner alchemical change. And from this inner change and growth, we surmount our default nature and become better and wiser. More insightful and more capable as we are carried further down this River. Our Minds in Life is like a rudder and anchor at the same time. On this river of Life Flows, it is with our Mind that we steer our raft in tune to the Rivers movement, as we are carried by its effortless Flow. This state of being of being carried to our experiences in Life by Lifes effortless Flow is called Nonattachment To Causal Forms. For we allow this river to carry us into our Experiences, which slowly passes by us as our raft moves. We enjoy the scenery as it passes or learn from our Experiences as the events passes.
But when our Minds are Fixated on a causal form there arises problems. There is born a fight against the Flow of Life. As if our minds were Fixated on a large tree in the Amazon jungle near the bank of the Flowing River, and we fight to keep our raft fixated attached, focused at that point. Such an unnatural struggle manifests no inner growth or unfoldment of inner insight. Thus our Fourth Dreccian doctrine and discipline: Letting Go and allowing the effortless Flow of Nature to carry you to your experiences manifests inner and outer growth. Struggling against Natures current manifests mental and emotional stress, distress, and anguish. Flowing with Nature does not exclusively mean to allow it to take you places. As you dift down this River of Life and are brought to new sights and experiences, we each become more Aware and Mindful of the Forest around us in an intimate and direct way. From that Mindfulness of all of Nature as a whole, we come to feel and realize the Oneness and interconnectivity of Life and Nature. We come to understand that we ourselves as a species and as an individual are a living aspect and part of Nature. We we come to dis-cover and understand the Way of Nature and Laws of Nature how Nature works. Its from this state of greater Awareness of Nature that we dis-cover that Nature is in essence a single living being with its own Time tested Way of Life. We dis-cover that our actions we commit as causal parts of this living being ripples out to affect other parts because of the interconnectivity and oneness. From contemplation of Nature and realizing its Coherency, Symbiosis, and interconnectivity, we gain a very valuable insight pertaining to a Way of Life more intune to Nature: the Communitarian way of clans. In olden days the Jain community in India were the wealthiest portion of Indias society. This wealth and power was the manifestation of a very coherent communitarian clannish way of life. Each clan in the Jain community strove to make money. When a family became poor or lost their home and live stock for some reason, each member of the community gave the troubled family one brick and the equivalent of one dollar to rebuild themselves their home and wealth again. Over time, the coherency and symbiosis of their community died and this practice discontinued resulting in wide spread poverty, abuse, and exploitation by Hindus. Other social orders practice this natural communitarian ethos such as the Amish. When a new home or barn needs to be built, members of the community come together to build the house and barn. Thus the coherency gives rise to self reliance. My own clan/family practices this communitarian culture. When my uncle lost his house and business six months ago due to the economy, the 500 or so members of our clan/family gave the uncle and his wife [he has 4 kids] what they could which was between $100-$1000 to rebuild their wealth.
So from understanding how Nature works, and from applying the Way of Nature in ones Life and clan, here is an effortless gradual growth of power, wealth, and prosperity. It is when we live out of tune with Nature, because we do not understand it the Way of Nature, or because we go against its Flow, do we encounter devastating problems in Life. It is from a misuse of consciousness, when we fixate our minds on singled out parts of Nature when we cannot see the forest because we are fixated on one tree that mental, emotional, and physical distress and disorder manifests. Such a fixation of consciousness causes us to fall into the delusion that Nature is a dead thing composed of many independent parts all taking advantage of Nature and each other for their individual survival. From such an ignorant and delusional state of mundane awareness are our unnuminous acts born: the act and state of abuse and rape of Nature. It is like a group of people living on a tropical island you see. One day these islanders not being able to see Nature their islands forests and life as it is; they go about exploiting it oblivious to the Wyrd end result of their collective actions over Time. Such nonempathetic acts born from a misunderstanding of the oneness of Nature disrupts the ecosystem of this islands forest. Over time, when every tree has been cut, the island is barren and can no longer even support its human population. So we symbolize Physis Nature as Baphomet, our Mistress of Earth and Mother of Blood. As Dreccians we are rewarded and cared for by our Mother if we strive to understand Her and Live according to Her Law of Nature and Her effortless Flow. But this Mistress turns bloody and cuts you down when you abuse Her and dare stand against Her Law and Flow. Inner Physis As Within, So Without. As Without, So it is Within. If there is an outer Physis external Nature there is also an internal Nature. As outer Nature has its own essence and Flow, so to does this inner nature have its own essence and rhythm. We each come into causal existence imbued by Nature with our own unique Natural Essence or Inner Physis. Each of us has inside our own Natural essence, quality, inclinations, character, traits, and potential that is Natural to each of us. For instance one boy may have the Inner Physis of mechanical curiosity and technical creativity while another boy may have an Inner Physis of competing and fighting. Thus if the two boys Lets Go and Flows with their inner nature the unfoldment of inner physis the first boy will naturally become an engineer which he would excel at; while the second boy will naturally develop via physis into a warrior which he would excel at. In ancient times when humans lived in tribes and clans, such natural Inner Physis was a matter of life, death, and aeonic continuity. It is how the acausal entity of the tribe
manifests causal parts imbued with qualities it needs to causally evolve. So thus, in a tribe or clan, the Inner Physis of the first boy causally adds and progresses the tribe mechanically and technologically while the Inner Physis of the second boy in becoming a Warrior protects the tribes members, territory, and expands such territories. Thus it can be seen that a tribe is a symbiotic super organism, in which each part person/member by nature has a unique potential which contributes to the tribe. In the same way that each cell and organ in your body has its own nature and potential to contribute to the body. In such a tribal context, forcing the first boy to become a warrior and forcing the second boy to become an engineer is detrimental to the Life of the Tribe, because it goes against the inner nature of each boy and undermine each boys inner potential, which weakens each boy capabilities. We are in essence better and good at what we are born naturally good at doing in otherwords. To go against that Flow of Inner Physis is to weaken oneself and ones potential. In the very same way that a person who struggles to better himself through the process of Physis via its practical methods and applications is must stronger and capable a person compared to one who does not put himself through the boot camp of Physis. It is only in this modern mundane social order, contaminated with Magian Ethos, wherein there are no tribes and clans, and wherein each family and person is a segregated independent unit that each person can neglect their Inner Physis. In fact, mundane society tries very hard to weaken its citizens by telling them what to become, what to study in school to make the most money, and such, rather then teach each person to simply look inwards for their natural inner potential. Thus a Nation-State of weakened and frustrated humans drones is produced. Frustrated because of the neglect of ones inner potential left unactualized. Thus our Fifth Dreccian doctrine and discipline: Actualizing ones Inner Physis manifests ones numinous inner Nature whereby one achieves ones fullest human potential. Cause And Fruit Our Thoughts gives rise to our Emotions. Our Emotions governs and influences our Actions. The actions that we commit in life are like threads which are woven together. These acts of ours and the acts of others intertwine and together creates a fabric. This fabric is the fabric of our future experiences, our future fate, or destiny. In simple terms: what we do today, bares fruit tomorrow. If we understand Wyrd which is the fundamental essence of Causal Reality we will know that ignorant thoughts, ignorant emotions, and ignorant actions manifests a future fate and life beset with physical, mental, and emotional anguish and distress. Being Mindful and in control of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, will thus make us Masters of our own Life and Destiny. Thus our Sixth Dreccian doctrine and discipline: Master oneself and Master Life.
If you do not strive to master yourself your own thoughts, emotions, and actions and allow others and random circumstances to manipulate and master you, then these other people and external circumstances are Master of you. Thus you are a slave to others and to external circumstances. If you are a slave, then you are not Liberated: you are not a free person. Genuine Liberation and Freedom is born from the Physis of Self Progression: that art and science of intelligently and willfully governing your thoughts, emotions, and actions as a king governs his people and domain. Not just to become a better person but also to learn to materialize a desired future Life and existence. If we desire to be rich reasonably in 25 years we work Mindfully toward that goal by planting the Causal Seeds which will grow into such fate Now. Every future Result has its Causal Seeds which bares such fruit. If we desire to manifest a better Civilization 300 years from now, the Causal Seeds are wyrdfully sown today. We symbolize the essence and nature of Wyrd with Satan. The word satan coming from the Greek Aitian as Anton Long says which means Cause, source, or the initial cause or source. Cause and Effect is the fundamental essence of Causal Reality. It can be said then that Satan is the very essence of Causal phenomena. He who understands what Satan is and His secrets is amply rewarded in Life. He who is ignorant of Him, ultimately condemns himself to his own destruction. From the union or marriage and dance of Wyrd and Physis Satan and Baphomet is the Living Cosmos born. There is a Nature of subatomic particles, and from the expression and actualization of such nature such subatomic particles act. The actions of which wyrdfully manifests into atoms. There is a Nature and Way of atoms, and when each atom effortlessly follows its natural way it acts in-tune to such with other atoms. And from such acts, elements Wyrdfully form. Each element has its own nature and quality, and when such nature is actualized through action with other elements, molecules and compounds Wyrdfully manifest. Everything in Nature is a Cosmic dancing of Wyrd and Physis. Every particle and Thing with its own essence and potential which it strives to express and manifest. The actions and behaviour of each particle and thing Wyrdfully influencing and becoming. Even in the arena of Macro Nature, Wyrd and Physis are still united in a dance of creation and becoming if we would just loosen our conscious fixation on mundane things and become meditatively Mindful and Aware of everything around us as they are. Heat and water each have their own nature and potential which they each express. The expression of which acts on each other, Wyrdfully manifesting as vapour which become clouds, and rain. That rain and the light of the sun which the heat came from each have their own nature and potential which feeds plants. From that feeding each plant Wyrdfully grows fulfilling its own nature and potential baring fruit and harvest. Such fruit and harvest in turn have their own nature and potential. And so they are eaten by animals, which we in turn consume. The consumption of which Wyrdfully sustains us and thru our Living of Life and what actions we have set
into motion as a Livings species, the present world we today exist in is manifest. There is thus only one Nature, and all Things are interconnected. Experience And Numinous Illumination If we are to live Life to the fullest and reap its full benefit, then we must each dis-cover what Life actually is. We will never know what Life and Nature is genuinely if we fixate our consciousness and attach it to single temporal things. Staring at a tree does not teach us of the numinous Nature of a Forest. Staring at a star in the sky does not unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. It is only when we have learned to control and use consciousness correctly as a tool and we expand that consciousness so that it has the ability to become Mindful and Aware of everything around us do the mysteries of the Cosmos being to unfold. With Reason, Natural Philosophy, and Meditative Concentration: a silencing of the chattering of the conscious mind, become aware of the slow and natural movement of ones breath. Breath deeply so that the air tickles the very top of the nasal cavity. The tongue touching the roof of the mouth, and the Mind seated between the eyebrows. From that state of Mind, ones Awareness is expanded to feel and become Mindful of everything around you as they are in their undefiled state, and thus the nature of Self, Life, Nature, and the Cosmos are Rationally apprehended. This is like slowing the Mind down on a hiking trail, so that rather then be fixated on one point or on the destination, the Mind becomes Aware on every little leaf and flower and detail of things you pass by. So that what would have been overlooked, comes into realization. From such Mindfulness of Thing that passes by, the contemplative mind is able to draw from within Esoteric Insight the better to apprehend Life with. Thus in our Dreccian Way of Life, there are fundamentally two sources of Illumination: Outer Physis and Inner Physis. It is by directly experiencing outer Nature that we progressively grow wiser. But also it is from the ability to mindfully meditate on such experiences and on other aspects of outer Nature, which draws up from inside Esoteric Insights. Thus our Seventh Dreccian doctrine and discipline: From direct experience and inner contemplation, arises Numinous Illumination. Software Of Causal Life By the word Doctrine as used here we mean to denote a codified body of teachings, principles, and instructions. We do not mean to imply dogma. These Seven Principles are not truths but only guidelines and instructions on a different modality of Mindfulness and Perception. As a body of teachings, principles, and instructions, they have been codified as software to teach and guide a Dreccian and their off spring to live a Way of Life.
As causal organisms that lives in a causal reality, not having the right software in your Mind as an Operating System is the difference between losing and winning this Game of Life. It is the difference between Mastering Life, and being Mastered by Life. These Seven Principles are only guides which teaches and conditions the Mind of each Dreccian to see things differently and it is hoped that more are added in time. How we see or perceive things influences how we think. And we should know by now that what we think influences how we feel, and our feelings govern our actions. These Seven Principles are in essence merely an attempt to describe and explain that which is best Experienced directly. This is not a spiritual discourse. It is just a feeble attempt to help other Initiates of the Sinister Way use and evolve the most powerful weapon in their Sinister Arsenal: their Mind, so that they can obtain and manifest not only the best condition in Life, but also so that they can gain a more clearer and Numinous apprehension of the Living Cosmos. These Seven Doctrines only become worth anything when they are applied with Discipline. It is easy and pointless to speak and debate on principles, as our Parable of the Orange has tried to explain. These Seven Principles of Life are best tasted by yourself directly. If it works for you, as it has worked for me, then it is something worth teaching to our own Drecclings as well, so that rather than experience Life aimlessly without a functioning software, they will at least have this to help them evolve themselves, and manifest the lives they desire to experience and live.
Stranger still is that the kings and queens of pre-dynastic ancient Egypt found in the Valley of Kings are genetically Munda. This isnt the first instance were a connection between ancient Egypt and ancient India is implicated. Osiris was said to have rode on the back of a White Bull a well known symbol of Shiva to India, and upon his return he [Osiris] became the first King of Egypt. Shiva is Lord of the Asuras [Titans of the Vedas] while Asur is what Osiris was called in ancient Egyptian. MRU is the plural for the ancient Egyptian pyramid [MR], recalling to mind the three great pyramids. While Shivas sacred mount Meru is said to taper into three peaks. The three peaks of Shivas sacred mount Meru is represented in the Angkor Wat complex as the three main pyramidal towers, and are displayed on the golden crowns the Apsaras wear. My grand father says that in ancient times only the Mon-Khmer inhabited Southeast Asia, and back then they all called themselves Mon or Moun which actually means First, since they were the first to inhabit the region. In ancient times there were two large empires that took up most of the Indochinese peninsula: the Mon Empire, and later the Khmer Empire. But The Thais came into the area, and carved themselves a large portion of the region and the Mons that lived in these Thai kingdoms was assimilated into their culture. My grand father says that in those days the Khmer didnt call themselves khmer. They called themselves Mon also. There were certain tribes of Mon that migrated eastward from the Mon Empire. These Mon tribes called themselves by various named such as the Mu, the Khmu, the Kham, and the Khamera. These names are all dialectical corruptions of the word Khmau or Khami which actually means Dark or Black. This Mon word from Black resonates with the ancient Egyptian word for Black: Kemi. The Mon tribe that went the most easterly were the Khamera who would eventually over time found the Khmer Empire; the word Khmer being a corruption of the old khamera. My grand father says that this group named themselves such because the olden word Ra [at the end of khameRA] meant East or the Place where the Sun Rises. In modern Khmer the word Ra; now pronounced Riah; is a verb and adjective which described the Sun Rising in the East or when the Sun shines, as in Pri-Adit [god-Sun] Ra [rising/shining]. And we know Ra is the ancient Egyptian Sun God. There are other unrecognized similarities between ancient Egypt and the Mon-Khmer. The ancient Egyptian Goddess Maat is often depicted with Vulture wings, or sometimes with the head of a Vulture. The Khmer word Tmat means a Vulture. The word for a home or house in ancient Egyptian is Bit, and Piti [pronounced: ptih] is the word for home or house in Khmer. The word Apsara in Khmer really has no inherent meaning. The word Ab in ancient Egyptian means to Dance and Sara/Sera/Sra means a Girl. And essentially an Apsara is a dancing girl.
The ancient god-kings of the Khmer empire were called Sdach which is still a word that means a King, but it can also still mean the leader of a monastic order of monks/priests. The priests of ancient Egypt were once called Zedek, which is a familiar word in Hebrew: Tzedek meaning righteous. The only other word I know that is shared between ancient Egypt and Khmer is the word for Horse Sesa in ancient Egyptian; and Ses in Khmer [pronounced Seh in my dialect]. Unfortunately, I dont know any more ancient Egyptian, so this is as far as I can go. Whats it mean? I dont know and I cant say or assume much. All I have are questions. All I know is that we humanity are like in a state of amnesia where we have forgotten a great part of our own ancestral history. What happened in the ancient past so that tribes of people separated by thousands of miles and thousands of years of time would end up calling themselves tribal names that are similar? The Kemi and the Mari of ancient Egypt; The Khmu, Khom, Khum, Khamri, Kambu, and Khmera of Southeast Asia; the Kambu of Babylon, Afghanistan and Tibet, the Kumri as what the ancient Israelites were once known as; and the Cumbri/Kymry of the British Isle. Even the ancient king of Babylon Cambyses was a Kambu. Cambyses being the Greek version of Kambujiya. A founding king of ancient Tibet was named Gambo of the same Kambuja tribe [Ja meaning descendant of]. Dark Gods of the Adivasi All this talk about ancient Egypt might mislead people into thinking that the Adivasi are some spiritually evolved tribe of people. Remember the invading Northerners slaughtered the indigenous Adivasi and described their indigenous way of life as being vile, despicable, and filthy. Shaktism was the original Way of Life of the indigenous MonKhmer. The ancient Hindus describes the Shakta Way of the Mon-Khmer as evil, based on black magic, animal and human sacrifice, and filthy sexual rites. What the despicable Hindus were describing was the Left Path practiced by the Adivasi since ancient prehistoric times. These intolerant cow worshiping Heinous Hindus the whole lot of them would work over many centuries to eradicate the Adivasi out of their Hindu kingdoms and destroy their Left Path Ways of Life. While at the same time plagiarizing and plundering Left Hand Shaktism of its indigenous concept of Tantras, Yantras, & Mantras. Now, after thousands of years of pirating Left Hand Ways of Life they destroyed, their despicable descendants and every New Ager can safely enjoy bastardized and watered down versions of tantras and mantras, and even safe versions of vama marga, who are totally ignorant of the fact that those things are not even native to original Hinduism. The spiritual cosmology of the Adivasi was a very simple one. The entire cosmos was a physical manifestation of Life Force: Shakti which just means Energy, or Force. The cosmos is thus alive or imbued with Life Force. The Living Cosmos in turn manifests its Life Force as Nature everything alive on Earth as One Whole. Nature is itself a single Living Entity to which mankind is an inseparable part of.
There is nothing pretty or heavenly about Nature. Back in those ancient times you are at the total mercy of Nature. Monsoons could come and kill thousands of humans. Random earthquakes can cause your mud houses to fall crushing to death entire villages. Floods and mudslides and volcanoes can kill off your entire town and all your relatives. Walk to far from home and you could get eaten alive by large wild animals such as tigers. Nature in its Primal Essence was Dark, fearsome, and something to respect. This Dark Primal Nature is divided into two Archetypes of Primal Nature. The two archetypes were symbolized and personified as male and female since it required a male and female united in sexual union for this Nature to continue. All things in Nature reproduces and generates more of its own kind, from trees, to fish, to bugs, to animals, to people. The old dies and decays back into the elements, and the new generations of living things becomes Natures physical means to further continue itself. Thus sex or the union/yoking yoga of a male and female symbolizes the eternal continuation and progression of Nature. Sex is the literal aperture or nexus through which Eternal Nature continuously exists. Therefore, Sex in this Primal cosmology is sacred and divine, as it sustains Nature, gives Nature immortality, and gives physical form and substance for mortal beings to live in [bodies] and live off of [food]. Different tribes refer to the Male and Female archetypes by different names, but they all share a basic concept. The female archetype of Primal Nature is always the Left Side of the whole, while the Male archetype is the Right Side of the whole. This notion that a whole primal nature is divided into a female left and a male right is based on symbolism and natural observation. In those tribal days where the population was small and you knew everybody in your tribe and neighboring tribes, if somebody was born deformed or mutated it would be known by everyone. Intersexed children or children born with both male and female genitalia was thus an intimate observable occurrence. In all cases of true hermaphroditism for some strange natural reason the Left side of the intersexed person is always the female side with the breast, and pseudo-ovary; while the right side is always the male side. Because intersexed people were non-ordinary, they were perceived as extra-ordinary, and thus divine. Even today, millions of imbecile Hindus worship deformed and mutated eight legged babies as incarnations of their gods. Hence the symbolism of Primal Nature as having a female left side, and a male right side. Primal Nature was also symbolized as being a hermaphroditic creature because of the essential symbolism: a male and female in union continues and creates Nature, thus Primal Nature being both male and female symbolized Natures ability of Self Creation or that Nature begets itself and needs no creator. Thus intersexed humans in those ancient days as well as in modern times in certain parts of India are sacred because of the misunderstanding or idea that such true hermaphrodites can self impregnate themselves to produce living off spring by themselves. Usually different tribes referred to the two halves of Primal Nature as simply the Man, and the Woman, or the Boy, and the Girl, in their various dialects. They were
sometimes known as An and Ani, Kumara, and Kumari, Ardha-Nari, Yab and Yum, Yang and Yin, or the more well known Shiva and Shakti. The two halves can also be symbolized and represented by tools or instruments that are generally gender specific to such olden tribes: weapons symbolizing Kumara/Shiva and tools related to crops and harvest for Kumari/Shakti. Since these olden tribes were matriarchal, the Girl half of Primal Nature was the Boss. Thus in some depictions Shakti can be seen stepping on top of a Shiva. In my own Culture this matriarchal essence is embedded right into the language itself. The word for Girl is Sri pronounced Srey. It is the same word as in Sri Devi or Sri Lanka. The word itself means Beautiful, Radiant, and it has secondary means of Sacred, Holy, and Perfect. The word for Female is Me [pronounced May], which also means Boss, Leader, and is the root of the word for Mother. The word for Boy is Pros [pronounced Proh] which is related to the word Prus which means a wild deer that lives in the forest. Implying that boys are wild and more animal-like in their nature. The word for Father in my dialect is Oau-Pbug which is a corruption of two words: Owy [give] and Pbooj [sperm]; which literally means a generic Sperm Donor. So in our Left Hand Culture Girls are Perfect, Divine, and Leaders, while boys are wild animals, sperm donors, who make good pets sometimes. Because the two halves both represent an aspect of Primal Nature, and Primal Nature is Dark and fearsome, the two Archetypes are themselves Dark and fearsome. There is nothing pretty about the dark traditions of these ancient Left Hand Ways. Animals and blood were offered as sacrifices to the female archetype since she was the Boss, to appease her wrathful nature. Many of these feral tribes that scattered across Southeast Asia, and the Malay-Indonesian islands were head hunters and cannibals up until recently. Tribal tattoos are usually given when a man beheads an enemy or eats someone. Other tattoos expressed association with the Dark Goddess. In Khmer culture the dark female archetype is often depicted as a seven headed sea dragon, called Neag which is dialectical variant of Naga. In olden times Khmer Theravada Buddhist monks who shave their heads and join the Sangha also would get tattoos of dragon scales around the wrists and ankles to symbolize that they are children bound to the Naga which symbolizes the female archetype of Primal Nature. This Naga can be seen at the Angkor Wat complex as the 7 headed serpent that hoods the Buddha. The Buddha sits on three coils of the Naga. The Buddha itself represents the Buddha, but syncretically also symbolizes Shiva who is the male archetype of Primal Nature. Thus the Buddha and Naga [image google buddha naga for pictures] together esoterically represents Shakti as Kundalini who has three coils, and Shiva as Mahayogi. Before Buddhism came into existence Shiva was depicted seated in the lotus asana on a lotus, wearing a saffron robe, with knotted hair, in a state of meditation. Ancient statutes of Shiva as Mahayogi found in caves are virtually identical to depictions of the Buddha.
Syncretically the monks are initiated into the sangha with a rite which symbolizes their birth as a son of the sea dragon the female archetype of Primal Nature: i.e.: a causal being; and as a mortal being this son/monk must now begin a personal quest to discover and know his Father [the male archetype] represented by the Buddha. The esoteric essence to this quest to know the Primal Father [Buddha] is that you cannot Understand or comprehend The Buddha unless you yourself become a Buddha. Or put it in a different way, as a child no matter how hard you try to understand and know what it means to be a father you will not succeed until you yourself become a father. It is in that moment when you have become a father that there comes into your mind a knowing and empathy of what a father is effortlessly without anyone teaching you. The dark rites of these traditional Left Path Ways themselves are usually wordless and involves intoxicants bhang [which is kind of cannabis] and Angel Trumpet are sacred plants associated with Shiva. Drums and metallophones are played in specific rhythms, and a frenzy dance is preformed. The drums and metallophones and the intoxicants calls down the living force of these dark archetypes into the dancers bodies as the music puts them into a trance state. This sacred process in my dialect is called Jol [go inside] Roob [body/form]. The gods themselves having taken human form cuts the head off of the victim or eats the victim. But I suppose if such you were a participant in such a rite and such a horrific god offers you a piece of human flesh and you just observed this god cut the guys head off, and you are surrounded by intoxicated fanatic devotees of this god that you would damn eat what it offers you and smile. This gives a new meaning to enjoying the fruits of the flesh doesnt it? Along with eating and drinking, these Primal Forces having possessed human bodies will also partake of other fruits of the flesh: sex, with whoever they want. These dark rites of intoxication, hypnotic music, frenzy dancing, and possession are universal to almost all indigenous cultures and shamanic traditions. The best known manifestation of such rites of course is Vodou. The long forgotten Odin The Frenzied of the Northern European Tribes is this same archetype of Primal Nature. One may recall the frenzy and berserk method of ecstatic rites and war practiced by such ancient Northern Tribes. So the West was not alien to such dark rites; it has just been forgotten and/or misrepresented today by Magian misinformation. When you study the Cult or Mystery Religion of Dionysus, and you do a little research on how exactly this Mystery Religion used such words as Enthusiasmos, and Ekstasis, and you learn that such Dionysian rites were secret in which wine, other intoxicants, music, and wild dancing were incorporated, you will begin to realize that the Dionysian Mysteries were the same Dark Tradition practiced with Greeks using Greek outer forms. In fact name Dionysus is made up of two words: Dio/sdeu [God] and Nysos [Nisa]. Mount Nisa is a sacred mountain associated with Shiva. In some myths Nisa is one of the peaks of Mount Meru, where Shiva sits in meditation. Mount Nisa is also associated with
Osiris, who is the ancient Egyptian version of Shiva. Before Osiris was the god of the underworlds, he was the god of plants, crops and the harvest: Nature. The Romans Saturn also the god of crops and the harvest was the same archetype. The Saturnalia during ancient Roman times was a 6 day festival of licentious depravity. It began on December 17th and ended on December 23. It was so popular in the Roman Empire that many Emperors tried to reduce it down to 4-3 days, but nobody followed such decrees. This Saturnalia was so popular and ubiquitous that after the Empire fell, Christianity re-adjusted its Jesus Birthday from January 9th to the Saturnalian week because everybody was already celebrating it. The Jews in Palestine after the fall of the Empire did the same exact thing and made their Hanukkah fall on the Saturnalian week because everybody was already celebrating that week. The Magians systematically beat this ancient primal dark tradition out of its Christians in the West sadly; but for many centuries this Dark Tradition remained active out in the open across all of Asia and Africa. During which time these Dark Traditions of the Left Path evolved and spawned new forms. The best known form of the ancient Dark Tradition to Westerners were the Thuggees of India which the British during colonial times worked hard to suppress. These Thuggees performed human sacrifice by strangling their victims with their Rumal [a sacred cloth twisted as a rope] to the Dark Female Archetype, usually named one after a sinister Goddess of Hinduism such as Kali or Durga. Head hunting, cannibalism, and human sacrifice to the these dark archetypes only stopped due to laws classifying such acts as homicide in the last half of the 20 th century. The Order of Nine Angles Sinister Tradition still remains true to the ancient Dark Tradition of the Left Hand Path. The ONA still like its ancient cousins represent Primal Nature as Dark Male and Female archetypes known as simply Satan and Baphomet. The ONAs rites still resonate with the Left Path Traditions of ancient times. It still teaches human sacrifice, and it still has frenzy as a magickal rite which it teaches in Naos. Although the outer names of the dark archetypes are different but symbolically appropriate and fitting the male and female archetype representing the Dark Essence of Primal Nature is still present and still precenced. Philosophies of the Ancient Left Path Its hard to explain why the ancient Left Path Traditions split Primal Nature into two Entities without understanding the underlying philosophy or world/cosmic view of such ancient peoples. Fortunately I was raised in such a Tradition, although mine was syncretic and the Left Path was hidden beneath the exoteric Right Path of our Buddhism. If I were to ask you to envision a tree in your minds eye, you will begin to understand why the Cosmos is divided into two forms. Because at the very moment you have that tree visualized in your Mind there co-exists two separate yet interconnected phenomena: 1) Your Mind which is Emptiness; and 2) The Tree which is thought-
Form. In the same way that Form physical matter co-exists with Emptiness. The Tree is in essence a materialization of or a coalescing of the Emptiness of Mind stuff thought. It cannot be said that Empty Mind and the Tree are the same things because they are not. One is nothing, the other is something. But at the same time it cannot be said that the two things are different things independent of each other. The Tree would not exist if Empty Mind does not hold its Form. Without Form to Observe the Mind remains dormant and Empty you see? This philosophical tidbit is thus related in essence to every other concept and aspect found in ancient Left hand Path Traditions. It is related to esoteric value of Meditation, Dreams, and use of Intoxicants. You spend half of your mortal life dreaming in sleep. As a fetus all you do for your first Nine months is dream. So it can be said that we come into causal existence dreaming and we never truly leave the world of dreams. We always have one foot in the waking world, and one firmly fixed in the world we came from: Dreams the Abyss between the Causal and Acausal. In Oriental mythos this Abyss is symbolized by a Dark Ocean or Black Sea with a moon looming above. The area of the body below the abdomen such as the genital region is Traditionally where this dark ocean is symbolically found. This is because your genitals is the exact Center of your body. Take a picture of a naked person standing upright, and take a compass, place one point on the genitals and trace a circle with the other point, and you will confirm this yourself. The dark sea is found at the genital region because it is exactly at the Middle Way between the firm ground Earth your feet walks on and your head which represents the Sky or Heaven. In Taoism Man is the off spring of Heaven and Earth, and in Taoist Alchemical texts the genital region is also described as the Black or Dark Ocean. It is the Abyss in which the Sea Dragon lives: Naga, Kundalini, Leviathan. In the mythos of the bible God casts the Leviathan out of Heaven and into the dark oceans. In Taoist yoga awakening that sea serpent and causing her to fly back to Heaven [the head] up the spine, and bringing her back down to the dark sea is called the Microcosmic orbit which generates Chi, prana, pneuma, Life Force: Shakti. When we sleep and dream, the contemplative Mind esoterically learns about a truth of reality. In a dream, although you have a body, and interact with other people in what looks and feels like a vast world: everything that you are experiencing is literally between your ears. In actuality you are nowhere at all. You are the Nothingness/Emptiness of your Mind generating that dreamscape, you are the observer, you are every character and person, and the experiencer all at the same time. And everything your are and experience is contained in the Nothing or Emptiness of your own Mind: Acausal and Causal. We spend half of our mortal existence dreaming. As if there was a lesson that we should each wake up every day knowing inside of us as we experience the waking world: that all is Maya illusion. That everything we see, including what seems to be a vast universe is all one Acausal Empty Mind becoming form; experiencing such forms, and observing in the silence beneath your very Nature. If we were to just stop being entranced by the
illusions as wonderful as they are and look inside of us for that original Nature that source deep within us we would come to realize that we are that same infinite and eternal living nothingness. Hallucinogenic substances such as hemp and angel trumpet sacred to Shiva causes vivid hallucinations illusions to be experienced. When you take something like LSD or DMT, the waking world slowly fades away and you vividly experience illusions or other entire worlds depending on how good the stuff was you did. The contemplative Mind on a quest to know reality will learn a spiritual truth from this simple experience: that the waking world is nothing but a head trip a really good one. Shamans the world over take hallucinogenic plants to come to realize this fundamental truth. Meditation also teaches this simple truth, at least a certain type. In pre-Buddhism times certain Left Hand Path sects termed this form of Mind/Meditation Mahanirvana, or in certain schools of Buddhism it is sometimes called Mahasamadhi. Maha meaning Great and Samadhi meaning Concentration. In 352 lingo we call it Phasing. The concept is very simple, but achieving it is a life long practice. It simply begins with learning to meditate and keep a still mind focused on the Nothingness of the Mind. When that has been mastered a picture or image or statute is studied for the detail and then one meditates with a fixed concentration on that image in ones mind, so that eventually one can see every detail. In essence you learn to phase the thought-forms in your Mind from being hazy Mindstuff to a crisp vivid realism. When that has been mastered you visualize an entire scenery in your Mind. This is continued until you are able to see and experience the detail of every leaf and rock and gust of wind as if it were real. The last step is to learn to inject or project your own Self into that scenery to live in that Acausal realm. In certain esoteric schools of Buddhism, two or more monks will learn to visualize the same scenery, so that they realize from direct experience that what they are creating in their Minds is not in fact in their Minds, but is a shared experience. When you have mastered that the causal body is discarded. This is called Crossing the Shore in certain Buddhist schools. The esoteric lesson a contemplative Mind learns from mahasamadhi [pronounced: mahaSAM-mah-TEE] is the nature of Consciousness. In essence reality, or that which we as adults believe to be reality, is an experiential product of Consciousness or focus of the Minds Awareness its innate ability to Observe. What your Mind is fixated on becomes real and is experienced Wyrd in a sense. Do a thought experiment: visualize a red car in your mind for a week, and when you go about your daily business, look for red cars. You will soon realize that there are more red cars on the streets than you had noticed before. The Potentiality for so many red cars was always there. Its just that your Mind was never fixated on red cars. So if you go about your waking day mentally fixated consciously Samadhi-ing on worrying over bills, guess what you will experience in life? When you are the kind of person that lives and breaths money and have a determination to make money; guess what you will experience in life? Go pick a city park, and walk yourself to a part of that
park and find a section with three leaf clovers it and look for a four leaf clover. You wont find any in the beginning I promise you. But go back to the same spot every day, and concentrate or meditate and visualize on your four leaf clover every day before you go to sleep, when you wake up, and during your waking day. Do this every day and go look for a four leaf clover in the same area every day for at least 6 months. I can write an entire book for you on this topic, and it will do you no good. Because it will not change you or enlighten you. But when you find your four leaf clover or two or three that direct experience itself will Enlighten you without words. And you will know that what you consciously dwell on you will dwell in [experience]. So in essence the difference and this is a Causal difference, meaning that it has wyrdful consequences is one of where/what our Minds are focused on. By ancient method and tradition Left Path Ways of Life focuses on the Left Side of Primal Nature: the manifested the causal world that we mortally exist in. Whereas the Right Path Way of Life is fixated on the Right Side of Primal Nature: the Unmanifested, the Transcendental. But this is not to say that the Left Path Weltanschauung is Materialistic meaning enthralled in the illusion of maya. For both Oriental Paths [Right and Left] are aware that material reality is an illusion. The difference is FIXATION, and causal end results of such fixation. In a more everyday way, to illustrate the difference between Right Path [dakshina marga] and Left Path [vama marga] world perception lets say there is a playhouse [theater] in the city we live in which has a nice stage, many seats, and produces lot of evening plays to entertain ticket paying guests. Now, a Right Hand Path person would be the person standing just out side of the line where people are lined up to buy tickets as he is telling everybody in the line: Dudes, dont do it man. Its all fake inside maya man! The people wear costume and they arent even who they say they are. And the tables and furniture: all props! Its a trap man! They just want your money dudes! Transcend the evilness! Oh woeful is the flesh indeed! Dont go in or youre going to hell or be stuck in there for 500 life times due to bad karma! Lets go sit on the side walk in the Real World instead and hang out? A Left Hand Path person would say to this Right Pather: Get the hell out of my way you nutcase! I know its not real you idiot. I just came from the Real World and I need a drink and some entertainment! I got a trophy girlfriend with me here, Im gunna pay for my damn tickets, get absorbed in the play, and hopefully the play with score me some booty afterwards! In this playhouse example the people sitting inside the theater can go crazy at any moment and panic over how the play they are in the midst of watching is fake, and feel claustrophobic like its all a trap. These Right Pathers will run around biting their nails looking for an exit, and if they cant find one, they commit suicide. Like a normal theater house, children are brought inside to watch the play. Unfortunately the children are mentally immature and will believe that what they are watching on stage is real life. These are materialists whose consciousness is so fixated and enthralled by material
reality that they immaturely believe that it is all that exists. Grown ups in the theater have to constantly tell such immature kids that what they are seeing on stage is not real. And Materialist Right Pathers are the worst kind of people you want to sit next to in this theater. Not only do they think they need to get out of the theater ASAP, but they also think the play is real. So when scenes in this play calls for a character to fight and kill another character, these Materialist Right Pathers will ruin it for all of us and stand up and say something like: OMG! Did you just kill that guy! Killing is wrong sir! Stop it please! Jesus said live and let live! I wish all you guys on stage would just learn to get along and live peaceably for once! Right Pathers are in essence those whose Minds are fixated on the Right Side of Primal Nature: the Unmanifested. They will reject mortal existence and/or aspects of physical existence such as sex, the enjoyment of physical pleasure to attempt to transcend causal existence. In their very nature of rejecting physical existence as being inferior or something to be rejected, they will throughout mortal life be fixated on only the down side of life: the suffering or bad parts of the whole experience of causal existence. A classic example of such spiritual Right Pathers are generic Buddhists. Instead of understanding Life as being One whole experience, these Buddhists can only see the down sides to life, as expressed in their mantra: Life Is Suffering. This is well and partially true, but Life is also full of joys and pleasure. The question is, how do these Buddhists explain away such up sides of Life? By tying such enjoyable up sides of Life to bad karma and retribution. Like Christianity, Buddhism has its list of commandments which instructs what a Buddhist cant morally do: such as enjoying sex, or drinking intoxicants. The Left Path apprehension of Life and Reality does not imply that the Unmanifested Right Side of Primal Nature is rejected and believed to be inferior or unworthy. Like I said, the fundamental difference is one of fixation. A Left Pather understand the essential Nature of the Right Side of Creation, which is why we willingly choose to enjoy the flesh and what this causal realm has to offer and teach. The Unmanifested Right Side of Creation is the Emptiness from which the Manifested springs. In the same way that ones thought-forms springs from Empty Mind. Like the Mind, the Unmanifested has its own set of Laws as to how it functions. Most people are not consciously aware that the Mindscape has laws which governs what it can and cant do. For example we can formulate that one such law of Mind is that: the Mind cannot think of or manifest in itself, something which doesnt exist on a fundamental level. Try to think of a color that has never been observed before by anybody. By this I dont mean a shade or hue of an existing color like celery green with a ten pinches of magenta. Try to picture in your mind a 5th dimension beyond the everyday 3 dimensions. Try to think of a music scale that is not one of the 7 already existing scales. So, because these laws of your Mindscape governs what your Mind can and cant think of, such laws eventually dictate what kind of forms will form in your own Mind.
Whatever these forms are must by such Mental Laws not exceed infinity, not exist longer then eternity since your Mind is incapable of grasping such and what thoughtforms your Mind creates must be composed of existing fundamental things. For instance in your Mind, you can picture a tree that has 8 elephant legs and a clock for a face, which cant possibly exist in normal reality, but essentially your thought-form is made up of pre-existing things. In the same way, the Emptiness or Acausal or Unmanifested Right Side of Primal Nature also is governed by a set of its own laws. Such laws influences what forms takes shape inside of itself, and the possibilities, capabilities, or potentialities of such forms. One such Cosmic Law or Acausal Law could be formulated to say: Whatever Emptiness is, cant be more then one Emptiness. This is like your friend giving you three wishes and making a rule that prevents you from wishing that you had and infinite number of wishes. Otherwise things would get ridiculous. Such laws influences what takes form so that eventually the material aspect of creation is regular and ordered. And in turn, what physical world does form is governed by its own set of laws which we have come to know as Laws of Nature. One such fundamental Law which governs the material universe from the subatomic level on up to the cosmos itself is the Law of Causality Wyrd Cause and Result. From this fundamental law we gain an understanding of manifested Nature. Nature Life arises from causal phenomena. Nature is an aeonic causal chain reaction in a way. If we regress backwards and visualize our own human evolution backwards to a time when we were apes; and go way backwards to when causal life were single celled organisms, and take things further back to trace the ancestry of where the building blocks of the first causal life came from such as the oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, iron, we ultimately end up in some nebula that was once some unknown star that died and blew up; and we can even take things further as ask from where this star came. So from a chronomorphic perspective Creation itself is one single amorphous thing which changes and evolves like a fractal domino effect. And we humans are not just a meager blip or glitch in that eternal process of the Living Cosmos in a state of endless Becoming. We are, in a sense, the reason why this Cosmic pageantry is enacted in the first place. We know so because of fundamental essence of things. It is the fundamental nature of Empty Mind to Observe form. Form on a quantum level is a cocktail of both Emptiness and Form wave and particle and it is known that it is the Mind of the Observer Itself that alters waves into particles. So on this level and I have to stress THIS LEVEL because quantum behaviour does not apply to Macrophysical behaviour of things the Mind observes things into existence by a mere act of conscious fixation. On a more macrophysical level, the same Mind-centric essence of the Cosmos applies. First the brain and its network of neurons is the actual experiencer of causal phenomena. When your brain sees a tree in the real world, what actually happened is the light and essence coherent information of that tree is translated into electrical signals by your optical nerves. Those signals then stimulate your visual center in the back of your brain,
and only then do you become consciously aware of the tree and see it. When you do see it; the tree is actually a Mind-Brain-Neuro-Electrical phenomenon inside your head. In other words, the activities of your nervous system actually gives form to your three dimensional environment. Secondly, everything that physically exists, exists and screams to be Noticed and adored by Mind [human or animal mind]. Fruits taste sweet even thought they cannot taste themselves. Flowers have colors and odor even though they have neither eye or nose to see and smell themselves. Colorblind fish are brightly colored. Tone deaf animals like bird and whales sing beautiful songs. Even a venomous rattle snake goes through the trouble of building a rattle at the tip of its tail to make itself noticeable by other things. Everywhere we look everything yearns to be noticed. As big and empty as space is, it is still filled with trillions of stars, spectacularly colored plasma filaments and nebulas. As dark and dreary as the bottom of the ocean is, jellyfish down there glow and flash brilliant colors for other things to notice and behold them. Why? Materialists and Right Hand Pathers will say that such a Mind-centric apprehension of Creation is absurd. But what or who is Mind according to the ancient traditional Left Path apprehension of Creation? The Creator Itself The Living Cosmos. This is another philosophical difference between the Left Path and the Right Path. The Left Path states that there is only one Life Force, One Universal Mind, that manifests itself into all form; and that we are each this same Universal Mind in an individuated physical form. The only purpose then that Creation went through so much time and trouble to become everything that surrounds us is so that Creation Itself manifested as each of us can enjoy the sensual fruits of Creation the sights, the smells, the sounds, the tastes, the tactile feels of Creation; and to evolve and grow from such accumulation of experiences. Emptiness remains dormant without Form to observe, just as Energy remains dormant without Form to animate. Like electricity in a light bulb; or the potential energy in a ball which is Expressed in it kinetic form. Self Awareness cannot arise unless Emptiness has something to observe not being itself. Without stimuli and input from your five or six senses [sixth sense here refers to the conscious ability to feel your body] your Mind would struggle to cause hallucination in itself, so that it has Form to observe and from that observation of Form it feels an I-ness or is consciously aware of itself. A deep dreamless sleep which you experience in which your Mind is not entertaining itself and when your senses are turned off is called being unconscious. Thus in the ancient Left Path apprehension of Creation, Primal Nature must come in two forms: the Unmanifested, and the Manifested for there to exist Self Awareness in the Living Cosmos. This is another philosophical difference between the Right Path and the Left Path. The Right Path interprets Void that which has no Form to be dead and unconscious. They believe that somehow living things have spirits and that because living things have spirits there must be gods who make the spirits. Therefore, living
things, spirits, and gods, themselves are alive, but the thing living things, spirits, and gods, live in is dead. The ancient Left Path states that the Cosmos Itself is a Living Being that is aware of itself, because we are each this same Cosmic Being alive with the same Life Force in different physical bodies, aware of ourselves and the world we exist in. There is no spirit in the Left Path. In the same way that if you day dream about being in a room of 100 people, that none of those people or you have some spirit which animates them. Its all just the Expression, and Creation of One Mind. If you erased one of those day dream people out of existence, you did not kill it or snuff it out of existence, because it was a manifestation of your own Mind, which still exists. Thus, the difference of enlightenment is also one of focus or fixation. I can ask you that while you are day dreaming do you Know Who You Are? Are you the Mind day dreaming or the Forms you see and experience? If you answer that you are the imaginative forms in your Mind, then you are mentally ill. Its called dementia and schizophrenia amongst other things. You know you are the Mind which gives form to those day dream people. Who are you then in Life? Are you the Form or the Living Cosmos? But just as a son cannot genuinely understand his father, you we individuated Life Force cannot comprehend the Living Cosmos that we each are. It is when we progress upwards, and become what the Cosmos is that we will fully realize our fully Nature. It is like a lotus flower which opened and its seeds fell into the pond it grew out of. The seedlings growing in an alien world of murky water will not be able to understand their lotus nature, until they become lotuses themselves. When that moment comes when they penetrate the surface of the muddy pond and blossom, there is a knowing a numinous Self realization that needs no word or teacher. So from a traditional Left Hand apprehension of Creation, we exist as individuated Minds, each in a process of becoming that which we came from. Or in old ONA talk, we become Satan. The reason behind this Left Path tradition that we are evolving into gods is because of the Nature of the Living Cosmos: it is just One being. Picture an artist. No matter how creative and productive this artist becomes, it will be limited or will realize at a certain point that it is limited. It will realize that no matter what it creates, everything comes out of its own single mind. Thus there is a limit to its evolution as an entity if it remains a single thing. To remedy this problem our artist gives up art and meditates. In its meditation it gives day dreams thousands of other artists from its own Mind, and to each new art endows with its own creative potential and its own individuated sense of self. Thus, as each of these thousands of new artists each develop into creative artists each with their own style and creativity, the original artist evolves exponentially. This implies that there will come a time when we ourselves will each reach the limit of our Self, and will thus become many also, if we are to evolve. And in such act of becoming many, a pyramid like scheme is manifest where the First Artist at the top grows exponentially from the growth and evolution of all its underlings.
So from a Left Path apprehension of Life, we are here not only to enjoy Life as Life is in totality and in essence, but if we are to become creative gods ourselves, then we must learn to create now. The Living Cosmos has given us a simple causal tool to work with on this causal plane of existence with which we learn to create: Wyrd. Its a simple concept and it operates on the most basic law of the causal world of phenomena: Cause and Result. Mortal Life, from a Left Path understanding is thus like a bunch of kids playing in the playground. There are no real rules on the playground, except cause and effect: punch another kid and he punches you back; be mean to others, and nobody wants to play with you. Otherwise we kids are free to play fight or do what ever we please to learn from our own experiences, and more importantly: from our own mistakes. On this playground, some of us kids, learn to work the laws of cause and effect faster to dominate the playground, get what we want, and thus move on to bigger things. Some dont ever learn. So from a Left Path weltanschauung, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with war and killing or enjoying mortal existence; because from a Cosmic perspective, such things as just the games children play with each other. Its as wrong as two actors playing their part on a stage. They may appear to be enemies, hate or kill each other, but when the act is over, they are together back stage laughing and talking about their experience of stage. The only difference is that we literally write our script as we go along in life; and the only constant rule is Wyrd. Casual death is just an illusion, because we each fundamentally have our essential being in the One Cosmic Being. From a Left Path weltanschauung, because we are all the Cosmic Being as unique manifestations, and because all of creation yearns to be noticed and adored; the most sacred, Numinous, and divine aspect of Life are those beings in our own lives that notice us and adore us, and life for us: Our Kinfolk, our lovers, and our companions we live and share life with. To love, adore, and reciprocate the attention, affection, and devotion these beings closest to us give to us, is in essence to venerate and adore the Living Cosmos Itself. Thus tribes, clans, loyalty, duty, honour, devotion, and relief of each others needs and suffering are sacred and Numinous expressions of this Left Path Way of Life, which has been the essence of all Left Path Traditions since ancient times. There is no such thing as individuality in the ancient Left Path Way of Life. We are all the same Life Force, the same Living Cosmos, living parts of an integral whole. Thus a collective, communitarian Way of Life is the very essence of Primal Nature and the ancient Left Path Traditions. The Sinister Way Of The ONA When we take the time to learn what the Left Path Traditions in ancient times were, and what their fundamental cosmology, ontology, and world views were, we soon come to dis-cover that the Sinister Way of the ONA is in essence a Traditional Left Path Way of Life more closely resembling ancient Left Path Ways, then these other Ways and institutions in the West passing as Left Hand.
True, the names we in the ONA call the two dark archetypes of Primal Nature are different, and some outer forms of our dark rites are different; but over the many thousands of years the Tradition of the Left Path has taken on many outer forms and called these archetypes by many names according to time, era, and culture. The symbolism and esoteric essence remains unchanged. Only outer form changes. But such outer exoteric changes are necessary if the ancient and living Vama Marga is to remain relevant to those few who resonant with its Dark Nature in their specific time and era. The Essence of the Left Path of Primal Nature must evolve humanity evolves slowly. It must move with Time, and since we now exist in the 21 st century, those through whom this ancient tradition passes, must evolve it to meet the needs of todays Spawn of Primal Nature.
You see, the Buddha himself may have existed as a man in the world in front of our eyes. And existing in Times domain he has been devoured by the tides of Time. But he was wise enough to cause himself to exist inside the world behind our eyes the Mind such that for 2,500 years he not only still exists in the minds of 400 million people, but he still wields and yields his influence on the Manifested Causal domain. Did not Muhammad do the same also circa 600AD? Does not Muhammad still have the force and power to influence our Causal Reality and people as if he were still with us. He may have passed away as we all do in Life. But that passing was irrelevant because he still from behind the Minds he dwells in continued to expand Islam, expand his civilization, create new civilizations, wage wars, destroy infidel civilizations, up till our present era. He has thus Mastered Time. If we understand esoterically that the Manifested world we see outside our eyes is illusion, then Mind is the un-illusion. If we understand esoterically that all things in Manifested Reality fades away in Time, then Mind is Timeless. As much blood and force Alexander the Great and his army exerted onto the Manifested world to forge himself an empire, that empire did not last and was annihilated by Time. Thus all that blood and force was futile. As futile as strenuously using all your effort and might to build yourself the biggest and tallest sand castle on the beach. How is it that a human like Muhammad, someone like Jesus or Buddha, can manifest themselves civilizations, hundreds of kingdoms, influence billions of people across Time without much effort, but Alexander and Genghis Khan with much effort was never able to replicate these results? Its the same end results you see? Empire, Influence, Evolution of Humanity. It is not the force that is applied. The Art Of War tells us that a war can be won without much force so long as Intelligence [and subversion] is applied. The difference as to why Alexander and Genghis were futile in their effort and why Muhammad and Buddha continues to influence and manifest civilizations is a matter of WHERE they are building the Foundation or Base of their Empires: In the domain of Time, or in a Timeless domain? These Mundanes Anariya being entranced by Materialism fail to understand that what Material world they are perceiving and experiencing has its essential foundation in Mind. As Within, So Without. This is the very esoteric fundamental of Wyrd and Causality. Our Thought influences out emotions, our emotions governs our actions, those actions bares fruit. Such that what first began as Thoughts inside ones Mind, truly does manifest as what you will observe and experience. Everything that we know of the modern world we all exist in from streets, to cars, to skyscrapers, to computers, to the clothes you wear, to the wars we fight, to the republics we are citizens of, to rovers on Mars literally first began as an Idea/Meme in someones Mind. Can you not see the sheer influence and power that Mind genuinely has over Matter? Mind is the only thing impervious to Time, and from it our Causal Reality
arises for us to experience. If you understand everything that has been said, then you will have gained a new appreciation for that old saying that goes: The pen is mightier than the sword. In other words Memes are more creative than force. Q. Would you say that the ONA has come to understand this subject? A. Most definitely. It even has a name for it: Aeonic Strategy or at other times this Insight is referred as Aeonic Magick, sometime Future Magick. Nowhere is this more exemplary then in the life of David Myatt and his writings, who is alleged and believed by some in the ONA to be the fountainhead of ONA insights. As a recent piece by Richard Stirling [of Reichsfolk] states: So, in my view, we have to understand whatever Myatt writes, about himself, in the time-scale of centuries, as if hes writing for a future audience, centuries, or more, from now. Same with the ONA which many of us consider to be a Myatt creation, although he denies it, and will undoubtedly continue to deny it. For the ONA is not primarily concerned with recruiting lots of people, now; not primarily concerned with having lots of supporters and lots of sycophantic followers, now, in the present. Instead, its concerned with achieving some pretty specific long term goals; with seeding certain sinister concepts, certain sinister themes, a certain mythos, into peoples consciousness, and even into their unconscious. That is, manufacturing new archetypes; spreading new memes; being heretical and subversive on the practical level. Thus, Myatt himself in my view has his eyes set firmly on the future. So, hes not the least bit concerned how hes perceived, now. Hes not the least bit concerned about what mundanes think or believe about him. In fact, Im guessing hes quite pleased with all those Moacs out there, in cyberland, who keep writing about him, who have blogorrhea and cyberorrhea and mediaorrhea because of him. Richard Stirling, Aeonic Strategy Understanding Myatt & The ONA So it can be seen that Myatt has learned Dis-Covered something insightful and crucial during the past 40 years. Where in the beginnings of his career he may have used force and inspired others to use force to bring about Causal change. But now we can see that his strategy has shifted from the impermanent to the permanent: From Matter to Mind. And this realization that building a foundation with memes in the Minds of people is more permanent and lasting only comes with direct experience, of trial and error, and mistakes made in the past, and Insights learned from such errors and mistakes. This indeed makes Myatt all the more dangerous as a person. For although in Life a man deemed a threat to the status quo can be stopped, and Time can bring mortal death, Memes are phantoms that cannot be stopped, and once taken root in a Mind, will duplicate Myatts effort. In the same sense that although Muhammad is no longer a mortal being, and although war is being wages against his Islamic Civilization he has manifested: the Meme of Jihad is unstoppable. You can arrest and stop a person, who has
been influenced, inspired, affected, infected by the Jihad Meme, but this Meme will keep on replicating itself and spreading, and from that spreading is causal effort duplicated. Duplication of causal effort is the key to building a Foundation in the realm of Mind so that over time the causal realm is affected and changed. Thus a Meme or memeplex which has the power to inspire or influence the Mind it lives in to act in behaviour, application, praxis, and deed becomes a potent Meme whose creative force transcends Time and the passing of human generations. From such Memes and/or Memeplexes is born Empire. It is from the memeplex the Buddha manufactured that gave birth to the civilizations of East and Southeast Asia, which inspires, influences, evolves over a billion humans and billions of humans in the past. It is the memeplex Muhammad manufactured, housed in his Holy Quran, that has materialized over Time rather than be devoured by Time the Islamic Civilizations, which has inspired, influenced, and evolved billions of human lives, and those countless humans that have come and gone in the region across time. That is True Empire. True Power. The Power to evolve billions and billions of human lives towards new heights and states of being. An Empire of billions and billions of souls impervious to Time. How does the empire of Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great even compare? In this Light, we can even ask: How great and influential is the civilization of America and its memes? For it has only been in existence as an entity for roughly 300 years. Should it fall 200 years from now, will its ideals, its politics, its capitalism, its hubris way of life continue to inspire and influence human lives onward towards greater potential? Or will it be forgotten as it is crushed under the foot of Kali? Myatt and the ONA is now focused on the Minds of the future: the Unborn. For the minds of today are all constipated with their own opinions, conviction, and worldviews, which will die with the bodies that houses these minds of these present generations. It is the countless Minds of those yet to be born that are blank canvases, onto which a Master Artist learns to paint his masterpiece. For on such a Timeless and Unmanifested medium a medium which is the source of causal reality can any creation be permanent. What Unborn Minds and Unmanifested Generations will come in the distant future, will undoubtedly look back into the past our old aeon and see and understand for themselves the treachery, tyranny, stagnation, exploitation, and destructive nature of what we today call Nation-States has/had on the human species and the Nature. Thus, in the same way that what people out there go out of their way to hate Myatt and write their discontentments about him are actually only helping us create our Mythos for a future generation; so to are these Nation-States helping us create our mythos just by simply existing and manifesting their destructive causal fruits on this earth and our species. For there will come a Time when the Human Race will become Mature enough to look back at this dark age of ours and know what needs to be known. And from that knowing that realization and desire to evolve and grasp for greater states of existence
they will reach for the stars and some during this distant future will resonate with the ONA and with the Life and Vision that a man named Myatt once lived. In the same way how some of us are inspired and influenced in Mind by a man and his vision that once lived long ago named Faust. Q. How does Kulamagga (Kulachara) relate to Aeonic Strategy? A. Shakti once asked Shiva to teach her the most powerful magic/tantra he knew. Shiva said to Shakti that Kulachara is the greatest and most powerful of all tantras and magic and that it is to be kept a secret from the unthinking mass. In the ancient past the words Vamachara and Kulachara were fungible and interchangeable terms which expressed the same essence. It is only today that this greatest of tantra Kulamagga in Pali meaning Way of Tribes is forgotten or repressed due to Magian Ethos. What passes as vamamarga today is a safe hinduized form that is far different from the Vamamarga of the ancient Mon-Khmer Shaktas. If we look at a Clan/Tribe in its most basic aspect we will begin to understand why Kulachara was said by Shiva to the most powerful of all magic and tantra. A tribe basically is just a group of males and females who live together to better their chance of survival. The males essentially have sperm, and the females essentially give birth to new people, and those new people are born into the tribe. Those new people come out of the womb as blank slates onto which the mother or father or clan impresses onto that blank slate the tribes language, culture, and tradition. So thus, with each birth of a new generation, the memeplex of the tribe jumps from older generation to newer generation. This way, when the older generation dies, the memeplex the culture, tradition, language, beliefs, mythos, way of life of the tribe still lives and survives in the minds of the new generation. This is very elementary. Because of the fact that people have off spring, pass memes to such progeny, grow old and die, and this cycle is repeated: memeplexes transcends Time. Because memeplexes transcends Time, such immortal memeplexes thus has in all frames of Time eras, centuries, millennia have the potential; via the people it lives in/through; to influence and effect causal reality. This is also simple. But as with Nature, all things on a fundamental level in Nature are simple such as the simple few elements of the Periodic Table and the simple composition of atoms. What gives such simple fundamental components of Nature such power and realism is the coherency of these fundamental parts. The basic composition of a tribe and that of a group of random people are the same: People. The difference is the cohesion and coherency. In the realm of atomic Nature, atomic and electromagnetic force and laws brings atoms together into coherent structures. On the human level, memes brings people together. Memes influences how we think and perceive the world: in essence memes charges the Mind with a certain quality such that other minds of like quality resonates with each other. And this resonance factor brings such people together into a coherent structure.
Coming together into a coherent group is not the final fruit or result of a memeplex. The memeplex of Buddha or Muhammad in their early periods of life did bring people together into a coherent structure. But once that cohesion has been established, the real work begins: the work of molding causal reality to the will of the coherent group. Thus territory is acquired and maintained, temples and structures constructed, farms and irrigation created, armies made to defend and spread the will of the group such that over Time Empire comes into existence. It is from an evolutionary perspective that of the progression and evolution of the Human Species that Empire/Civilization has its most greatest potential. Because nothing else on earth has so much influence over a people then Civilization. So you see, a single tantra, or meme of magick, or teaching may have the power to inspire and influence one or two people and change their lives; but through a tribe over Time that same tantra, magick, and teaching has the immense power to literally change the entire earths face and influence billions and billions of Lives. Hence, Kulamagga is esoterically said to be the most powerful tantra/magic. The kula/clan/tribe itself is thus a nexus of a memeplex, and that nexus thus is a nexion through which over Time is born Empire and massive influence. According to current genetic findings, all 7 billion humans alive today came from a small group of Homo Sapiens of about 10,000 that once lived somewhere in the Horn of Africa. Something in our specie past caused a near extinction in our species so that only about 10,000 survives circa 13,000 years ago. In the course of 13,000 years that small band of 10,000 humans became the7 billion humans alive today. So if we did a thought experiment and placed 10,000 ONA Initiates on a hypothetical planet and waited for 13,000 years, we would have 7 billion Dreccians. Can you think of the possibilities with 7 billion Dreccs and a living ONA Culture whose basic aim is Galactic Empire? But we dont have to have a hypothetical planet and we already have our 10,000 Initiates: The Unborn of the future, and those of the 7 billion of today who resonates with the memeplex of the ONA and with the writings and Life of David Myatt. The ONA, and Myatts Reichsfolk and his Numinous Way have already constructed a memeplex that collects people of like resonance into Sinister Tribes, Clans, and small communities. All we have to do is wait, work on living the Way of Clans, and further refine our memes. There is another causal benefit to kulamagga which was why it was said to be a secret kept from the mass. It is understandable that an organized and coherent group of people pooling their energy and resources is more potent causally than an incoherent mass of people. And usually the incoherent mass is usually dominated and exploited by the organized kulas, which is their causal reward. If we closely observe our own human history we will see that what we today call NationStates only came into existence and grew in power when the secrets of kulachara or
Tribes were forced out of people by Magian Ethos. When we understand this, we will come to understand that kulamagga, or the Way of Tribes and Clans is not just something to believe in, but is a Methodology, a Sadhana, and tantra. It just does absolutely nothing to believe in or disagree with Tribalism. Tribalism must be lived and experienced as a Way of Life. In living this Way of Life the monopoly of power of the Nation-State is weakened, with each new clan and tribe. It will be through tribes, clans, and small communities which shares a common Myattian Culture and Vision, which have the reproductive discipline and coherency to imbue each of its emerging generation with that same Culture and Vision, that the Aeonic Strategy of the ONA will most potently be expressed through over Time. But for this to happen, we must learn methods of teaching and imbuing our progeny with our Ethos, Culture, and Vision. Currently this is a major weakness of ours which must be addressed sooner or later. Q. Name a few things that can be done by us today to help the ONA. A. Myatt can continue to live his Life as he has been living for the past 40 years making his very Life an example and aspect of the mythos. He can continue to write for Reichsfolk and The Numinous Way. Anton Long and others can continue to write for the ONA, to fill our memeplex with more insights, more sinister fiction, more culture, more, rites, more clan oriented ideas. Others in the ONA can and must continue to create their poetry, painting and art, and music. A culture without art, and music will not have the power to captivate a peoples hearts and Minds to inspire resonance. Insights and teachings and rites alone cannot do it. Outsiders can continue to attack Myatt for in doing so, they only help generate the mythos. If Myatt were genuinely pathetic and diminutive, and insignificant people wouldnt be writing books and articles about him, his writings wouldnt be used and quoted on ONA and Jihadist websites. And lunatics wouldnt be spending 3-4 years running around the internet and obsessing over Myatt. The greatest thing we can do now that is in our power to actualize it to apply the praxis of the ONA, Reichsfolk, and the Numinous Way in our Lives and to live the Way of Tribes with each other, with those who resonate with our aura that will find their way to us, and to vow to raise our own children in this Numinous Clannish Culture of ours, so that what progeny we bare will always have that Myattian Ethos of reaching for greater heights.
in such an ethereal and amorphous form evolves with the Initiate and with time easier and more Naturally. Something unfortunate to a living memeplex happens when it is Captured like a photograph and forced into written words onto paper. What happened is a Still Image of the memeplex at That specific Time and State of evolution is frozen in Time on paper. From such an act, Idolatry is born. We use the word Idolatry here metaphorically to mean how a living god [Dark Gods or whatever] is frozen into a statue. This phenomenon can also be described as the Medusa Effect where a living man is frozen in a state of stillness. A natural man grows and evolves in Mind and Body, he is not a statue frozen in Time. Where is your eyes and Mind fixated in Idolatry? On the Idol and not the Essence. The memeplex becomes an Idol and how it is Captured at that moment in Time gradually becomes to such idolaters something sacred or something sanctimonious, that excluded all other forms. An example of the Medusa Effect which I know personally is Buddhism. During the life of the Buddha, he never committed his own teachings onto paper. He taught them Orally to his Disciples who were admonished to remember them in Mind and Heart and to actualize those memorized teaching through their actions, behavior, interactions, and relationships with each other as well as to Aurally teach others. If the Buddha ever had the intent of placing his oral teachings onto paper, we would have expected him to write them down at some point in his life, but he never did. Even after his passing to the Other Shore, his Disciples did not commit the Aural tradition that they got from the Buddha onto paper. Because of this the Aural Tradition of the Buddha went viral as a memeplex in India and evolved or gave birth to new insights and new knowledge, morphing in outer form, inspiring, and influencing. It wasnt until a whole 300 years After the passing of the Buddha that what had become the teachings of the Buddha was committed onto paper by a council of Theras [Elders]. These Theras were politically concerned that the other forms Buddhism which were evolving in essence too far off from what they believed to be Buddhism may become more powerful and influential then there idea of what Buddhism must be. Thus the Theras collected all of the ideas and Aural teachings that had become Buddhism and put them into writing. When they were finished the Tipitakas consisted of over 24,000 pages. What began as simple teachings the Buddha once taught Aurally, in 300 years of Aural transmission had evolved into many different schools of thought and thousands upon thousands of pages worth of memes. The Tipitakas were first committed into writing around the year 230BC, and since then Theravada Buddhism has never evolved, because it had been frozen in time. Going to such written text containing a captured image of a memeplex frozen in a still time frame to use such text as a means to somehow invalidate the memeplexs natural growth and evolution is like you having a still photo of a person when they were 17 years old and refusing to recognize that same person when they have grown to be 30 years old because they do not look the same. Its stupid. With a photo of a person, it is easy for any
imbecile to understand that that captured image is not a real living person, and that such an image is a representation of how the person looked at That moment in Time when the picture was actually taken. We all know that people grow and evolve mentally daily. But when a memeplex is captured in writing and forced onto paper, people fall into imbecility and believe that what has been written on paper is the only acceptable and truest form of an idea. Thankfully, this imbecility of the Medusa Effect was overcome and destroyed the Royal Society of England who first gave life to Empirical Science from which the Scientific Method came. In science although theories are written down on paper, old outdated ideas are systematically replaced by new idea and new perspectives due to greater mind capacity, better instruments, and a better understanding of how things work. The ONA began as an Aural Tradition, which Anton Long got from a Mistress sometime during the 1960s. Although what has become the ONA today is written and captured in text format; this does not mean that the ONA has stopped being an amorphous Aural Tradition. But since it is written on paper, there has been and will be idolaters and imbeciles who deify the written text over Empirical Apprehension and Empirical Insight. To prevent this from happening a scientific method for the ONA is now presented, which we shall call the Sinister Method. The Sinister Method The Sinister Method should not be confused with the methodology of the Sinister Way. The Sinister Method is an aspect of the Methodology of the Sinister Tradition used to understand the ONA, extract new insight, and to evolve the ONA as a Progressive Science; as opposed to a static religion or inert philosophy written in stone. The Sinister Method begins with the The Three Sinister Understandings which are as follows: 1) 2) 3) The Outer Form is not the Essence. The written text serves only as a guide. The map is not the terrain. What is gained from direct experience trumps written text.
The next part of the Sinister Method is the Three Empirical Jewels of the ONA which are as follows: 1) 2) 3) Direct Experience of Life and Nature Ones own Pathei Mathos The Sevenfold Way
The next aspect of the Sinister Method are the The Three Sinister Instruments which is used in the Sinister Method. They are as follows: 1) 2) 3) Body the Body or Person of the Dreccian is the living tool of direct experience. Mind the Mind of the Dreccian deciphers experience into Insights. Laboratory The Lab of the Dreccian is the Causal World outside his/her head.
The Nine Steps of the Sinister Method are thus as follows: 1) 2) 3) Know and Understand the Three Sinister Understandings. Practice, Live, and Apply the Three Empirical Jewels of the ONA. Utilize in Life and Praxis the Three Sinister Instruments.
4) Study & Exegesis: Study every ONA text, as well as Reichsfolk and Numinous Way writings and try to extract the inner essence beneath the literal text and outer forms. Always keeping in mind what David Myatt said: Reliance on texts revealed, venerated, or otherwise is a fundamental problem because it not only removes wisdom from the personal experience of the individual, but it also tries to prescribe, to define, to restrict, the numinous. DM, Exegesis, and the Discovery of Wisdom. 5) Travel: By the word travel we mean a mental quest. David Myatt is our Exemplar. On his personal quest for self evolution his Mind has Traveled into many different cultures and many different religions. He learns what he needs and moves on to the next culture, Way, or religion of interest, thus adding to his personal stock of knowledge and insight. Dont limit yourself to just some occult and some Satanism. We also need to learn to travel into other cultures, ways, and religions to collect our own stock of knowledge and insight. By Travel Into I dont mean it on an Etic level, but on an Emic level. The word Etic in anthropology and the social sciences basically describes an outsider looking and apprehending things as an observer studying from the outside. The word Emic in anthropology and the social sciences basically denotes an individual who immerses himself or herself directly into the culture and people being studied to see and experience things from the Inside out to go native in other words. You cannot gain any real insight by etically observing and studying something. Etic apprehension only breeds opinions based on an outsiders interpretation of what is being studied. The same goes with the ONA. You cannot know what the ONA is etically by reading and debating it. It must be emically experience from the inside via application and praxis. 6) Aeonic Insight: Removing a weapon from a crime scene to try and learn about the crime does not work. The weapon must be kept as a part of the whole crime scene if a detective wants to actually learn what happened. Removing a broken shard of pottery from the ground disregarding the soil and artifacts and data surrounding the shard in
hopes of learn about the ancient people and culture who made it leads to gross misunderstandings. That shard of pottery must be apprehended in context to its matrix [the soil and surrounding data]. Same goes with ONA related texts. When was the text written? Where was it written? Who or what was the target audience? In what era was it written? What was the political atmosphere like at the time of the writing in the specific place it was written? What were the people like in that Time frame? What were their world views? What was the main concerns of the Zeitgeist of the period. And do all of those contextual spacio-temporal conditions of that period of Time still apply to your own Time frame, Zeitgeist, and worldviews? If NOT than drop it, evolve it, and bring it up to date to make it meaningful and relevant to you and your time period and world view, or youre going to be psychologically stuck in a Time Warp. When you are psychologically stuck in a time warp of outdated memes, you become dislodged from your own Time frame, which thus renders you useless to your own people and generation. Outdated memes are mind parasites which does nothing more then use you to spread itself. Ask yourself what the end result or what fruits adherence to such outdated and irrelevant memes manifests. 7) Sinister Praxis: What do I mean here when I use the word Sinister? It comes from the Latin word which essentially denotes the Left Side. The meme Sinister here covers and occupies the semantic field of: What is not Right. By Right we mean: That which has been accepted and/or established as being right and acceptable by the Mundanes. So to be Sinister means to exist in an adversarial state of being to the Mundanes, their establishments, and that which they collectively believe as being right and acceptable. You dont have to read some sinister bible to be Sinister. Sinister Ethos is based on two essential things: (a) your own inner nature. Youre either Sinister By Nature, or you arent. (b) truly understanding Mundanes, and living Life opposite to how they live Life. If mundanes live Life as segregated units, you strive instead to live Life Tribally. If the mundanes reject crime as being not right and unacceptable, you support crime. If they believe morals and righteous living is right and acceptable, you strive to indulge in what they believe to be morally wrong and unrighteous. If mundanes believes in the sanctity of their State and Government, you reject that sanctity. If they believe in creationism and/or evolution, you go find something different to believe in. Dont just believe and think opposite to how mundanes believe and think. Do the opposite of what they do: Hence the word Praxis in the term Sinister Praxis. We dont strive to be the opposite of mundanes because of some desire to be different from them. It is because we as Dreccians should understand that it is their essential Nature as mundanes their stupidity and their acceptance of righteous ideology given to them by their authority figures that gives States their power and that actually perpetuates the power monopoly of a state. In the same way that these same mundanes and their mundane ancestors during the so called Dark Ages gave power to the Church and perpetuated the Churches political power over Europe by merely believing and accepting what the Church indoctrinated into them to believe and uphold which they considered to be right. The good citizens of Christendom of the past are todays good citizens of Nation-States. The only difference between religion and secular ideology are the titles and the abstract figurehead.
8) Experiment: Take what you have learn the teachings, the principles, the Sinister Praxis and actually apply and Test it in the Lab [the Real World of Experience]. Put things to the test in the Lab. Dont accept things at face value because it was written. Genuine Sinister Wisdom doesnt come from a written manual, it comes from Tests, Ordeals, Trials, and Error in the Real World, and the insights born from such trial and error. It comes from experimenting with ideas in the real world to discover what works, what is useful, what bares the best results, and what needs to be changed to produce better results. Dont rely on written text as infallible facts. Do not use old written text to try and invalidate new insights and new perspectives. If the ONA writes to push your limits go out and take that Principle and Experiment. What you dis-cover and learn in the process of experimentation is the real unwritten sinister doctrine which is the esoteric Methodology of our Sinister Way. In this way the ONA teaches its teachings without teaching. Only by testing ONA ideas in the Lab can you directly learn for yourself what is outdated and doesnt work, and what still works, and what needs to be evolved. In this way, a Dreccian who actually puts his ONA to the test in the real world can always tell if another Dreccian actually lives the Sinister Way of the ONA in real life, or if that Dreccian does nothing more then rely on internet texts. 9) Update & Evolve: When you have psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and physically gone through the first 8 steps of the Sinister Method, you will have come to a direct and personally understanding of the Sinister Way as it works itself out to you and to your Time frame, and to the generation you belong to. Write and teach what you have learned to other Dreccians. In this way, the ONA constantly remains practical and relevant to each person, to each generation, and to each time period. Thus, it evolves in time and keeps up with time, rather than being lost in time. You and I are each real Nexions through which the Sinister Way passes into the Future. It is our duty then to upgrade, update, and evolve the ONA and our Sinister Way via what we have come to learn, experience, and dis-cover if the ONA is to mean anything to the minds of a future time frame. Each generation of Dreccians adds their empirical insights and knowledge to the ONA for the benefit of the generation to come after them. Although this is the last step in the Sinister Method, it is as important as the other 8 steps. The Sinister Method ends with this 9th Step. These 9 steps are collectively called the Nine Angles [of Approach] of the Sinister Method, which the Dreccian must learn to use with the ONA, the Sinister Way, and with Life in general. Just as the philosophy of science and the progression of scientific knowledge is based on the scientific method, the philosophy and progression of the ONA must also be based on the Sinister Method. As each discipline of science, such as physics, biology, botany, and chemistry are specific outer disciplines arising from the specialization of data processed through the scientific method, the various outer forms and disciplines of the ONA such as its National-Socialism, Traditional Satanism, and Radial Politics, are specialized disciplines arising from specialized data being processed through the Sinister Method of experience, trial, and error. In this way, just as the scientific method can be used to give birth to new scientific disciplines and nullify old scientific theories and outdated disciplines, so too can the Sinister Method give birth to new outer forms, nullify old and outdated theories and concepts. A proper application of the Sinister Method will insure
that the ONA remains a progressive science and a progressive Way of Life that keeps up with us, rather than hold us down.
Communism has shown that humans can exist without religion and be perfectly fine, and better off. It is Science and Capitalism, or rather, the social byproduct of science and capitalism that has proven to be religions greatest enemy: Secularism. Secularism and Science is threatening the lives of religions in every country the two are found in. The superstitious heap of crap of religion and their arbitrary moral laws cannot compete with western secularism and western science. Religion cannot compete with the reason and logic of science or the freedom of a secular existence. And the young of these new generations know it. The youth of any culture, religious and ethnic background, are abandoning their useless religions for a secular life and scientific rationalism. I honestly believe that the death of religion will end a large cause of suffering in our human species and that science and secularism will be the two most powerful weapons we as Dreccians have to fight this war against the Magian Hubriati. Science and Secularism will once and for all destroy religion and free the mundanes from misery and self-induced or coerced suffering. These mundanes are like cattle. They must be corralled as a herd form dependence on religion, to the enlightenment of science and the freedom of secularism. Otherwise, they will all remain mentally enslaved by religion. As long as the mundanes are enslaved by religion and thus the Hubriati maintain their Oligarchy nothing will change and humanity will go nowhere because the mundanes are a majority of mankind. Perhaps this is all a learning experience for us as a species. That we have been put here on this earth to learn to work together as a species? That some of us do have great minds and behold great visions of higher potential, but that as a species we are all stuck to each other: the Mighty in Mind to the Midget in Mind; the rich to the poor; the cultured to the vulgar; like the brilliant head of a person is actually stuck to its soiled feet. As much as we may hate mundanes, it seems as though we will go nowhere as a species without the billions of them. We have no choice but to strive to enlighten and emancipate them with secularism and science. In this regard, it would also seem as though Satanism is still a crucial weapon in our Dreccian arsenal of our Sinister Dialectic. The Traditional Satanism of the ONA does present a Way of Life that is conducive to science and rational thinking; and secularism and life without religion. Thus, for the next fifty years, or so, such Traditional Satanism still possesses importance and value both exoterically and esoterically and still has a role to play in terms of The Sinister Dialectic, in terms of countering the Magian ethos (which ethos includes the Nazarene worldview), in gaining adherents of the right character, and in producing Sinister Adepts. ONA; Concerning Satanism And The Numinously-Sinister Way Satanism does still have the needed power to draw our minds out of religion and onto Life. It is the fact that the minds of the mundanes are lost in the delusions of religion in
the first place which makes them disconnected to Life that generates suffering and misery. As a Life exulting Way of Life which encourages rational thinking and the investigation and study of Nature, The Traditional Satanism of the ONA still has the power to free us from the grip of religion and show us the Living alternative. Notes On Satan Satan is commonly regarded as from the Hebrew, meaning accuser. However, the Hebrew is itself derived from the old word that became the Ancient Greek aitia an accusation qv. Aeschylus: aitiau ekho. The older Greek form became corrupted to the Hebrew Satan whence also Shaitan. In Greek of the classical period aitia and diabole were often used for the same thing. The word diabolic itself derives from the Greek word diaballo meaning to pass beyond or over, from the root dia through and, as a causal accusative, with the aid of. Later, diaballo acquired a moral sense for example to set against (Aristotle) although it was sometimes used (as diabolos) when a bad or false sense was meant, as for example, a false accusation. The vulgar belief that Hebrew is some kind of pre-eminent, and root, language is incorrect Hebrew is essentially derived from ancient Phoenician, with later contributions from Ancient Greek, which also owed a debt to Phoenician. ONA: Defining Satanism Thus within our White Star Acception Satan is understood on many levels esoteric and exoteric. On one level he is a mythos of the Nazarene Paradigm used for certain sinister reasons; on another level Satan to us represents Nature in all its forms primal, cosmic, earthly, animal, and human nature; and on a more esoteric level Satan is the very acausal force we are presencing to manifest change and progression. This is very important to understand because our Dark Tradition is not a reactionary thinking process like the profane satanisms which either worships a literal being of the Christian Paradigm, or uses the name Satan as a mere symbol of 9 statements. Chapter XLII What Lies Beneath According to the conventional, rather dated, and Nazarene view, Satanism is considered to be the worship of, or the acceptance of the authority of, the being termed Satan as Satan is described in Nazarene scripture, as, for example, the or as an adversary of the supreme Being, often called God. According to a less Nazarene-centric and more philosophically correct view, we may define Satanism as the acceptance of, or a belief in, the existence a supra-personal being called or termed Satan, and an acceptance of, or a belief in, this entity having or being capable of having some control over, or some influence upon, human beings, individually or otherwise, with such control often or
mostly or entirely being beyond the power of individuals to control by whatever means.[] Thus, this particular definition, of ours, of Satanism may therefore be regarded as expressing the essence of Satanism itself, without there having to be an acceptance of the conventional notion of human obedience to or subservience to this particular suprapersonal entity. That is, a conventional religious element of worship, of theism deriving from the Magian religious perspective is neither necessary nor required for someone to describe themselves as a Satanist. Furthermore, our definition of Satanism also leads, or should lead, to a discussion regarding the nature of both existence and being; a discussion much more rational, and far more wide-ranging, than would occur, and which historically has occurred, were one to accept the conventional Nazarene-centric view of Satanism, for that view is restricted, narrowed, by both the nature of Nazarene theology itself and by the reliance upon Nazarene scripture. ONA; Defining Satanism I dont wish to devalue the independent essence of the Satanism of the ONA, but it is the rational middle way between two extremes: between blind theism and blind atheism, in a similar way to Buddhism. Buddhism is non-theistic, in the sense that it rationally rejects the idea of a god or creator, is devoid of worship of a Supreme Being; but is very open to the idea and understanding that we do not know everything there is to know about Nature: The Supernatural is that aspect of Nature we have yet to understand. It is arrogant and ignorant to think that we with our 3 pound brain and five senses know all there is to know about existence, the cosmos, and Nature to say that atheistic materialism is all there is. It is also ignorant to believe that the myths and stories written by some imaginative religionist 2000 years ago actually explains the true cosmology and reality of everything. The Satanism of the ONA is likewise non-theistic in that it rationally rejects the idea or need of a creator god or Supreme Being, and that it acknowledges that we do not know everything about reality and the cosmos. The unknown aspect of the cosmos and reality in the ONA is most often referred to as the Acausal, which is believed to harbor living enitities. In the same way that Buddhism states that existence and the cosmos is teaming with life in different states of conscious evolution. Satan is one such acausal being. The name and term Satan itself is applied by us onto this acausal being. This is not to suggest that its mother, upon its birth named it Satan. Since it is an acausal entity, it exists outside of causal time. Since it exists outside of causal time, it is timeless. Because this acausal being is timeless, it reasonably exited long before humans ever existed. Therefore we must first ask ourselves: What this acausal being was called, before humans existed to even call it anything? When we realize the timelessness of this acausal being, and our recent emergence as causal
organisms, we come to understand that all and any name we give to this acausal being, and any acausal being, is a human convenience of labeling and identifying things. It is named or termed Satan based on the acausal beings essential Nature and characteristics observed. Satan the acausal being is characteristically the opposite of established religion. As Nature is the total opposite of religion. Where in the delusional cosmology of religion, there is a plan and purpose to human existence, in Nature, there is no such purpose or plan. There is no real reason why Humans exist. In the delusional cosmology of religion, humans are sinful, collect bad karma, and are bound by moral laws. In Nature, no moral laws exist, there is no sin or bad karma. If killing incurs bad karma, and bad karma causes the creature to devolve or suffer a life of misery, then humans and the world we live in would not even exist. For if we take a look at the evolution of life on earth for the past 3 billions years, we witness an actual Evolution towards higher states of causal being, rather than a devolution. And we know many creatures in the earths prehistory were not practicing ahimsa. The closer we investigate and study Nature, the more we come to realize that Nature and Life as it is, in essence completely contradicts the delusional theology and cosmology of religion. Nature in all its aspects: Human Nature, the Nature of the earth, the Law of the Jungle, the Nature and Natural Laws of the Cosmos are all beyond the delusions of religion, opposite to and contradict religion. Thus what exists in its feral and Natural state of being, beyond the dictations and delusions of religion, exists in a state of being that is opposite to and contradicts the laws, beliefs, and ontology of religion. Therefore, any creature or being that exists in the causal and acausal in their Original feral state are in essence religious outlaws whose very Nature and state of being contradicts religion. Satan is therefore an appropriate name and term for such an acausal being. In a war between irrationality and arbitrary moral restriction versus reason and freedom, enjoyment, and exultation of Life; the latter will always win in the end; for you can deny Nature, but you cant suppress it. Satan will always in this sense, be an enemy to religion. Conclusion The majority of the suffering and misery which we as a species experience is due mostly in part to us losing our minds and self in the delusions of religion. Religion is a man made substitute for Life and Nature. It substitutes Natural Laws with Religious Laws. It substitutes the ethos of Natural self betterment and evolution with some make believe game of earning spiritual kudos to enter some heaven or paradise. It substitutes the enjoyment of life for a life put on hold for an afterlife. Religion separates us and cuts us off from Life and Nature, and the living of Life. Satan does remain a vital key to our liberation and return to our feral nature, as living beings which are living parts of a living cosmos. Satanism, complimented with science
and secularism at the moment in this war against the Magian Hubriati are three vital weapons which must be spread and encouraged. Science and secularism the world over, has already proven itself incredibly effective in enlightening and freeing the minds of our younger generations from the tyrannical delusions of their grandparents old aeon religions. Religion will die as these older generations die with the old aeon. In the life time of our young generations, we shall see humanity weaned off of its millennia long dependence and obsession with religion.
republics a new form and species of human civilization. No doubt the civilizations we presently know of such as America, have brought our species very far into the future. If our species is to continue Progressing forward to actualize our full human potential, we must understand that there must come a Time when what civilizations we know of today shall become Old, Stagnant and Useless no longer having the potency, inspiration, and influence to captivate our Minds and Dreams like a stagnant and inert religion. Such civilizational stagnation is like an artery that has become blocked, where the Flow forward has stopped. As cells which we each are of such a blocked artery and heart, such blockage of Flow kills us en mass if not in bodily death, then death in Mind, Creativity, and Potential. The Old and Useless must be destroyed its citizens (seeds) must be dispersed, and from the casting of such seeds and the knowledge they each carry will sprout new kinds of civilizations which will thus keep the Flow of our Progression moving forward. So we see that in the old ONA of many years back often times pre-occupies its time with designing and strategizing the Hows of such an act of destruction is to be accomplished like an underground rebel force plotting and planning. Yet, hardly is there ever a manuscript which details the images and visions of the End Result of such dreams and goals that inspires and captivates our minds and emotions. This is an important misdirection of psychic energy, which will be talked about later. The Reaper This big perspective of Nature, and Civilization, is beyond the individual person. Thus, in a way, the ideation of destroying a civilization to materialize a new one is almost if not impersonal or beyond our direct touch. This concept of being a Reaper to sow and create must be brought down to a more direct, personal, and practical level. Brought down to a level imbued with personal experience, rather than theoretical strategy. A Reaper does not actually denote or suggest someone that kills, terrorizes, and destroys. A Reaper is a Harvester. Harvesting crops takes intelligences, wisdom, and planning. Crops arent senselessly cut up and killed. Only the Ripe ones are harvested. What is harvested is usually divided into three portions a part to be used, a part to be sold, and a part to be sown. A skilled and wise farmer who knows when and how to harvest his crops right, can continue his crops year after year, and season after season. This skilled farmer can take one single corn seed, and when given enough time, he can make it grow into an entire field of corn, to benefit himself, his family, and the market. To come as a reaper, on a personal and practical level, means to think as a harvester to think first of the End Result that which shall be reaped and thus to sow in such a way that yields the desired End Result. As that skilled farmer with that single corn seed does not think of the uselessness of the single seed he has, but rather envisions aeonically the End Result he desires which is a field of corn. So he will sow that seed, with that End Result in Mind, and when that seeds becomes a plant he takes the
many seeds it gave and uses it wisely in tune to the End Result he has in Mind. This End Result is Wyrd Fate Destiny. Men are subject to or mastered by Fate, whereas Gods are masters of their own Fate and Destiny. In other words, the command of wyrd (or lack thereof) is the birth mark of a Mundane/Anariya (cow herder of the gods) and the Drecc/Ariya (the gods in training). So this is the esoteric and practical meaning of coming as a Reaper to learn to master our own destiny, by not senselessly sowing seeds aimlessly in life, but to have an End Result always in Mind, and to work accordingly in Life to Reap that envisioned End Result the Fruition our acts and deeds in Life bares. Since we exist in a Causal Universe, there is a logical science and mechanics to how causality unravels and to how Wyrd Becomes. There is a Cause seed-cause to every Fruit, or End Result, or Fate. The mechanics of the causal unfoldment of Wyrd has been expressed in many ancient culture in many ways. The ONA has its own way of expressing the mechanics of Wyrd, which is rarely spoken about. This subject is something which I personally deem of paramount importance, because when we each understand how Destiny unravels, we can take advantage of the mechanics of causality to manifest in Life a Life we desire to live. Personally, I do not want my future children to be mastered by Fate tossed around by circumstances like drift wood. I want my future children to have an intelligent conscious control over their innate power to create their own Life to be Masters of their own Destiny and Reality. Wyrd The causal mechanics of Wyrd is esoterically hidden in the Tree of Wyrd of the ONA. The imagery of the Tree itself symbolizes the Brain. The Brain itself is the upper branches of this Tree, while the nerves that stretch down thru the spinal column are this Trees root system. This Tree is the center of its own universe. This Tree is the center thru which the cosmos literally comes into being. In other words, the Fruit this Great Tree bares, is that which we as living beings experience and observe. Everything and every aspect of our modern existences once first began as a mere thought seed-cause in somebodys Mind. Everything from the airplanes in our sky, to the internet we use, to the nations we are a part of all first began as an ideation. That seed ideation is sown, which grows and causally bares Fruit as experience and observable reality. By observable reality I dont mean to denote the backdrop of the jungle, mountains, earth, stars, planets, and galaxies. I mean to suggest the furnishings of this kabuki stage we call life that we directly experience and directly observe. It is we who decorate and fill this stage with the furniture and props. This Tree of Wyrd comes with seven spheres, each sphere representing a planet of some kind, and perhaps the archetypes associated with each planet. So we have as the first sphere the Moon, then Mercury, then Venus, then the Sun, then Mars, and Jupiter, then last we have Saturn. Saturn is the End of Wyrd. Saturn is the Reaper or Harvester. In ancient times Saturn was the god of the Harvest and his symbol was the reaping sickle.
These seven spheres of the Tree of Wyrd, thus esoterically explains to us in detail the mechanics of Wyrd how a seed-thought causally materializes into Fruit ready to be reaped by the Harvester. The Moon is silent and awe inspiring. Its face, its size, and waxing and waning captivates our Minds. By its changing of faces we are able to figure out the seasons and months. By its orbit, we have the phenomenon of the ebb and flow of the Tides on earth. Thus we may symbolize the Moon with Poseidon/Neptunes trident, who is the archetype of the Dark Sea of our Psyche, from which all our words and thoughts arises. The Moon also represents the night season, during which we sleep dreaming away under its subtle light. The sphere of the Moon represents Inspiration, Initial Thought that comes to our attention, and dreams or visualization. Mercury is the messenger of the gods. He carries the words and decree of one party to another. By him, the intentions of the gods are made known. The sphere of Mercury represents Intention or Intent. Here the initial inspirational thought is intentionalized. Venus is the goddess of Love and Beauty. The sphere of Venus represents Desire. Desire is the fuel that backs up and moves the intentioanlized thought forward. Love and Beauty to our species and all species is the greatest and most enchanting driving force. How many wars have been fought for Beauty (over a woman). What would we each not do for Love. In other animals, when the season is ripe, no male can resist the sent of a female in heat. It is Desire that drives Nature forward from one generation to the next. The Sun burns and casts heat. The sphere of the Sun represents the Force of Will and Determination. Here the lunar seed thought, after being empowered by Intention, and fueled by Desire, now burns with Will and Determination. This sphere is the alchemical crucible where the unmanifested seed-thought begins to become a causal phenomenon. Mars is the god of war. The sphere of Mars is the first stage where the seed-thought takes root in the real world of experience. War, if you think about it is Thought materialized as causal phenomena. War first begins in the Minds of generals ideating, scheming, strategizing, and intelligently planning. Only after such Minds have come to a workable strategy that will yield a desired End Result are the orders given to the soldiers. Then the soldiers executes what were once thoughts, and thru their execution of duties, the thoughts of lofty Minds materializes as reality. How many kingdoms, empires, and republics has our species known that have been born of war? These civilizations born of war once began as a thought in a lofty Mind. The sphere of Mars thus represents Action and the transition of thought-stuff into reality and experience. Jupiter is king of the gods. His Word is Wyrd. By this I mean that what a King says, orders, commands, wishes, he will get one way or another. As king, what you say and desire, you can expect to receive. It doesnt matter How to a king. The How is the responsibility of the servants and subjects. All a King is concerned with is getting what he wants. The sphere of Jupiter represents Regal Expectation. That initial lunar thought after coupling with a burning will, and actualized with action and deed, can be Expected
to manifest. By regal expectation, I mean to suggest that we each must learn to expect what we wyrdfully set into motion as a King/Queen who has spoken. A King or Queen who has total dominion in their domain, should have no doubt that what they speak, decree, and command should not come to them. It must. Saturn is the Reaper Lord of the Harvest. Under his watchful guide and auspice crops grow and bare fruit. The sphere of Saturn represents the Fruition of our thoughts now ready to be reaped by Saturns sickle. The Work First the architect is inspired in his Heart to build a Temple. He spends his time Visualizing as best as he can in his Minds Eye what he wants his Temple to look like. He will make his Intent to build this Temple. The stronger his visualization and intent, the more Desire is born, which leads into Will and Determination. This architect then draws his vision of his Temple on his trestle board or blue print. He then Acts by collecting the tools and material and workers needed. He then hands over his vision to his team of workers, and Trusts or Expects his vision to manifest. It doesnt matter How the workers will do it. All that matters is that the End Results of the finished Temple will look exactly like the envisioned drawing. How is irrelevant. If this architect micromanages the How he only gets in the way of the workers and actually impedes a quick materialization. The Saturnian End Result when the workers are entrusted, is a completed Temple built in the real world of experience which mirrors what once was in the architects Mind. This is the causal process of Thought alchemically transmuting into experiential reality. The How does not matter. Causality is the workmen of Wyrd. Nobody knows how causality works in the causal universe. It just does in the same sense that we know that there are a number of cosmic laws and things that exist such as gravity, electricity, and magnetism. We really dont know how these things work or why. We have theories, but you dont have to know how electricity works to use it. You can be a total fool and plug in a lamp and always expect the electricity to turn the lamp on. Who cares How that electricity becomes light it might be fascinating to electricians, but your average person just wants the End Result Light. How and why causality works and exists in our universe may never be known but you dont have to know how and why to use the natural process of causality. In fact it causes a lot of suffering in Life when you dont use causality wisely. The causal-seeds you sow no matter what they are will bare fruit as your Fate. You each have a choice to either be lame ducks mastered by Fate, or gods who are masters of Fate. When using the natural causal system of the cosmos to materialize your thoughts, no god of the causal is used, abused, ordered, or commanded. It is just a natural process. Like jizzing in a girl, youre not using or controlling some demon of Life to make a baby. When jizz is up in a girl, a natural process just takes place, and you can always Expect the same End Result a baby. Its nothing magical, its Natural.
Thats the cool thing about Nature its smarter than us. Can you imagine if Nature entrusted us with the secrets of how sperm and egg becomes a living baby if we had to sit there and consciously divide that zygote into billions of cells, and magically make the babys eyes, nose, mouth, and guts? Our species would be extinct in a few years because we are actually not as smart as we claim to be. So who cares besides biologists how a baby is made, if you want a baby, you put sperm in a girl and nature just does Her things. Causality works in the same Natural way stick the sperm-thought of what you want in the womb of Nature and youll get want you asked for in a few months. Who cares how it works. People will ask for proof that causality can be used to manifest thought into experience. The is proof your own Lifes past experiences. Take the time to seriously and Mindfully meditate for a moment on all of your experiences in Life, and everything that you have from your clothes you wear, to your car, and friends, to your job and wife, or a built body. Take one of those things you Reaped such as your car and work backwards like a detective to figure out what you did to get it. If you honestly do this, you will come to Realize that what thoughts you spend your day time visualizing and imaging, which is backed up by Intention, Desire, Determination, Action, and Expectation, ultimately becomes real. If you Desire something bad enough, and the Determination is there, you will act it out by seeking it. If its a car you will drive around car lots to find the right one. If its a girlfriend you will act it out by doing what needs to be done to attract a girl. Likewise, what you spend your time worried about negatively visualizing and imaging telling yourself over and over (making the Intention) that you are broke, poor, unhealthy, unloved, will also naturally manifest into your Fate. The Norns are blind, they just weave Wyrd your own Mind, what visualizations and intentions you fill it with during your waking moments, is the pattern and design that will be woven into the fabric the norns spin. As A Reaper As a skilled reaper you begin the Tree of Wyrd backwards with Saturn and determine the End Result you want in Life. Figure out what actions need to be taken any action or deed that will bring you closer to your goals suffices. Understand that each deed and act bares better fruit when backed up by emotion (Venus). Once you have figured out what each sphere needs to be filled with, you work your way from the sphere of the Moon on up. Spend about 5 minutes a day vividly visualizing you already having or experiencing the End Result. How is comes to be is not your concern. Dont try to micromanage something you dont even understand, youll jest get in the way. Usually, what we are most Obsessed over (Sun = Determination/Will) is what we will experience and encounter in Life most often. This requires no rites or rituals, although such things may serve to enhance your emotions and visualizations, determination, action, and expectations. The time just before you go to bed is the best time to do the 5 minutes of
visualization, because when you are asleep, you have up to 8 hours of your conscious mind not getting in the way by doubting. The more doubt you have, the less expectation, will, determination, you will have, which affects your actions and desires. Ive personally tested this system out over and over again in the real world to know that it works, so Im not pulling some magical bullshit out of my ass or some book. Its not magical, it just happens. When it does happened, things come to you thru other people, thru coincidences, and coincidental circumstances. I personally experience these intuitive hunches in my gut after I visualize for something to wyrdfully get it. Ill feel a pull or tug in my heart area which cause me to think about a place or to go or do something. So I usually follow these tugs which leads me to a person or situation that eventually gives me what I want. For instance, I get 90% of my books by using this method of visualization and waiting for these tugs. Its something I have been doing since when I first started college. I would do research and when I get stuck needing more relevant information or reference, I put everything away and spend a few minutes vividly visualizing myself with a stack of books and finishing my research and papers. Then I literally take myself to the library on campus and wait as often as I can. In the beginning I wont feel anything, but the more obsessed I get over the topic of research, the quicker the tugs come. To help get the tugs coming I sometimes walk aimlessly up and down each isle in a state of obsession. Then Id pick up a tug its like a gut feeling, but is a physical sensation in the heart area, as if the area were tightening up or swirling, and this pulls you or your Mind in certain directions. So I follow these tugs and pulls, and always 100% of the time I end up picking up a book which usually seems to have nothing to do with my subject but when I open it and read it, it always has some information that I needed or wanted. I buy all of my books using the same technique. I obsess over a subject for a time, and the tugs makes me drive around different cities to different books stores, and after a while I collect a pile of books all relevant to the subject. Conclusion I think this process of Wyrd and Pathei-Mathos together makes a Complete Way of Life. One which is not based on any dogma or doctrine, but on Life and direct Experience. Ive had the direct experience of making this process of Wyrd work for me. I was originally taught this by a few mentors, a couple of whom were successful millionaires, who learned to make Life work for them thru their own discoveries, tests, and experimentations in life. I want to pass this art and science of Life to my own children someday as a Living Tradition, so that they will have the tools they need to make the best out of Life, and to manifest their full potential in Life. This is the real reason why I stick around the ONA. It offers a fresh medium, with which I can use and work with to pass what I have learned as a Living Tradition, in the same way that it has become DMs medium which he impregnates with his own Pathei-Mathos from which we all benefit.
In this sense, the ONA is a very unique system because it is based on the 40 year insights of a living persons gradual unfoldment, and a culture of sharing insights from personal pathei-mathos in life can be seen being born in the ONA. Slowly the ONA becomes an Ordering of people of like Minds who share their personally insights with other Dreccian thus creating a real culture and living tradition which has the potential to pass our collective wisdom obtained from direct experience of Life down across the generations. This process of Wyrd is only one such experience of life. Its a shame that more people who have experienced this process of thought coalescing into form and experience does not share their experiences with others. I hope that as Time passes, each Dreccian of the ONA will be open to sharing their personal experiences as DM does so that a Living Tradition can genuinely be born from which we all can benefit. If anything, it adds a new practical layer to what is already the Tree of Wyrd. The more you put this process to trial in real life, the more it works, and the more you realize that there is more to Life than meets the eye, and the more you realize that your Thoughts Become Things. Its as if Life or the Cosmos reflects what you entertain in your Mind. Or as if there is a place somewhere out there where the Mind and Cosmos blurs in a sea of infinite potential, and what you fixate your mind on, becomes real. This must be directly experienced to be meaningful. Reading about it and believing or disbelieving in it will do nothing. Put it to the test.
The Mind [Chitta] is the Operating System which touches this field of information, and translates it into things on the screen of conscious awareness. What we each become consciously aware of is thus a product of information being drawn in by our several senses translated into electrical impulses brought to various centers in the brain and only then are we consciously aware of our surroundings, sounds, sights, and so on. Thus what we see or assume to be a world we observe with our eyes is not actually out there in any way. What we see out there is all the second state of reality: processed information. The two forms of reality never touches. The conscious Mind in essence because it is totally dependent on its five senses never actually directly touches [apprehends] the first state of reality. In a more Occidental term, we can say that the objective world and the subjective world never touches, and that the conscious mind of a person can only be aware of what has been captured in its own brain. In other words, the reality that we consciously know, is not the Original Reality, but a processed one; and that we can not genuinely grasp or consciously know the Original via our senses or everyday conscious mind, because our conscious awareness is itself only a product of the aggregation of these same senses which is like a wall between our conscious awareness and the Original Reality. One of my bhikkhu grandpas explains Citta [mind/consciousness] as a Blind but intelligent king who is completely dependent on 5 viziers that arent very smart and that dont always tell the truth. This Blind king must struggle to learn to use his inner sense of reason and intuition to discern what his idiot viziers gives to him or his kingdom falls. In other words, what you know, and observe cannot be accepted at face value. You must learn to use your inner sense of Reason and Intuition to measure everything that you become consciously aware of. This is where language, thought, beliefs, and memes becomes such an influential factor, because these things influences the Mind, and the Mind is the Operating System which impregnates the brain with information that is interpreted by Consciousness as reality. Thus what we think, what beliefs we have in our heads, literally forms our world we experience. Give a person the meme: <<Heaven Exists>> and if this person believes, his reality has a heaven in it. Give a person the meme: <<We Came From Apes>> and if the person believes, their reality becomes the kind where humans evolve from primates. In both of these brief examples, nothing about the First State of Reality has altered or changed. What happened is that an extra component [the memes] has been introduced which contaminates information by acting like a virus that injects its genetic information into the stream of information the Mind is processing, thereby contaminating the end resulting image [Second State of Reality]. In this context, Reality in Buddhism is not an illusion, at least not the First State. What is an illusion or delusion is the Second State, especially for a person who has no mastery of their own Mind. In another illustration my bhikkhu grandpa told me is that the Mind is like 10 water buffaloes. If you give the 10 water buffaloes the freedom do as they wish and to go
wherever they please, you get no work done on your field. You must learn to control all 10 water buffaloes to work the fields to produce yields. Most people in the West believe that freedom of thought is great; they would have it no other way. The idea that ones Mind is absolutely free to wonder and think and believe as it pleases is wonderful. Along with this, it is also believed that you should be completely free to emotionally feel as you please. And then most Minds are not only free to believe and feel as they please, but they are at liberty to visualize and image whatever pictures and images that so entertains them. This is the state of Mind in which the 10 water buffaloes are just wandering about incoherently. So what you say. Who cares right? I care, and I would like my own descendants and associates to care for their own benefit and self-perfection. Because if you were to sincerely study a group of people successful in life who have the money, free time, life style of their dreams with a group of people who struggle with life whose life consists of drifting from servile job to job until retirement: you will begin to learn that the single most important difference between these two groups is one of Mental Ethos. I was fortunate to have personally known both rich and poor friends and I took the time to ask them questions to probe deeper into their mental habits and mental culture, and there is a great big difference. Can you guess which of the two groups has a very well disciplined Mind? It is the same factor and differences between a person who is wise or enlightened and a person who is ignorant. When the mind incoherently wonders and is untamed, it is like a flashlight radiating photons randomly in every direction: there is no force or potency. When the Mind is tamed and intelligently controlled, it is like a laser, where those same photons are brought into a coherent beam which generates both force and potency: the potency or Potential/Power to influence and affect ones causal environment. The Power to extract insight from Nature and from direct experience of Life, thus becoming SelfEnlightened as opposed to being told how to think and how to believe by a dead book written by others who are most often dead themselves. The field or causal environment is the world of experience. An untamed Mind, no matter how smart it may be, has very little if any command or control of what it experiences in life. As yet another illustration my bhikkhu grandpa told me about Mind: There are two big elephants pulling a helpless villager into the water. The villager struggles and screams for help because he doesnt want to drown, but the elephants beings much bigger then the man pulls him into the water and he suffers [dukkha]. The two elephants are habit of action and habit of mind, or in other words: Inner and Outer Ethos. The helpless villager is Chitta [Consciousness/You]. Such habits [ethos] of action and Mind [way of thinking, thought-process] manifests into what we experience and drags our conscious mind along. Untamed, unskilled, Ethos of action and Mind, born from ignorance and delusion, generates an experiential world of suffering. Habits are hard to break. And most often, we dont realize anything is wrong until such habits break us first.
So to me, something like memes [beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and such] are very important. Because these things, the ethos that arises from them, can not only affect my perception of things, but can drag me into a world of delusion and suffering. Direct Experience I am the kind of person that cannot allow myself to accept or believe in anything which I have not somehow experienced directly. Especially if they are thoughts and beliefs originating from the written words of other people. One who struggles to Tame the Mind must cultivate its content very carefully. What I believe, mostly arises from the experience in life I have directly touched or that have directly affected me. What I know comes from three main sources: 1) my own direct experiences; 2) my own understandings of nature; & 3) living people who have also accumulated wisdom in the same direct manner. I only use books as footnotes, and references. There are several names and terms for learning and growing or evolving as a person by direct experience of life, and direct apprehension of Nature in different Cultures and Traditions. David Myatt aptly describes one such term and method: The Greek term (pathei-mathos) derives from The Agamemnon of Aeschylus (written c. 458 BCE), and can be interpreted, or translated, as meaning learning from adversary, or wisdom arises from (personal) suffering; or personal experience is the genesis of true learning. However, this expression should be understood in context, for what Aeschylus writes is that the Immortal, Zeus, guiding mortals to reason, has provided we mortals with a new law, which law replaces previous ones, and this new law this new guidance laid down for mortals is pathei-mathos. Thus, for we human beings, pathei-mathos possesses a numinous authority that is, the wisdom, the understanding, that arises from ones own personal experience, from formative experiences that involve some hardship, some grief, some personal suffering, is more valuable than any doctrine, than any religious faith, than any impersonal words one might read in some book. [...] The essential difference between these two ways is that what we may call the way of pathei-mathos is the personal way of direct experience, while the religious way is the way of abstractions. For the way of pathei-mathos, knowledge and thus learning, based on such knowledge is personal, direct, acquired in the immediacy of a living, a livedthrough, moment of ones own mortal life. For the religious way, knowledge and thus learning, based on such knowledge can be and has been contained in something otherthan- ourselves which we have to or which we can learn from: something impersonal, some abstraction, such as a book, a dogma, a creed, some Institution, some teacher or master. From Aeschylus To The Numinous Way; David Myatt
Although the term Pathei-Mathos is new to me, the essence of the term is something I had long lived by, had been taught, and which had been around in my own culture for about a thousand years. Vibhajjavada is the term I am familiar with which is a concept similar [NOT the same thing] in Essence as Pathei-Mathos. It should be emphisized that each word describes its own unique concept, methodology, and approach. About ~75% of what I know in my head comes from reflecting and studying my own life experiences, my elders, and from the Forest Doctrine [studying and meditating on Nature]. Because of this, I have a hard time referencing sources when I do share insight: its not like I can refer people to my grandpa or some personal experience I may have had when I was 10. People who are used to accumulation of information from dead books and the internet seem to consider information and insight that lacks verifiable references to be invalid. Many of these people never really consider that their information may not even be Primary Source Information, or that it is lifeless knowledge gained from reading a dead book. And that the Original Source of such book knowledge was somebodys own direct observation and direct experiences. I think some doctor once said: You cant genuinely understand Life from studying a dead body. Pathei-Mathos and Living Culture versus book based knowledge is like cooking. To illustrate: I learned how to make spaghetti from Kayla who is a living person. She learned how to make spaghetti from her mother who is a living person. And her mother learned it directly from her mother who is Italian, and so on. So we see that the style or methodology of making spaghetti I got from Kayla came from a Living Tradition. This living tradition has had a long time of application, trial, test, research & development to refine itself and evolve its own unique methods, style, and flavour. The uniqueness of putting a few drops of olive oil, a pinch of salt, a tip of fresh basil, and a two thumbs length of rosemary into a pot of water and using sun dried tomatoes with the sauce and so on. So this living tradition which I got has had time to work out its bugs, to figure out what makes the spaghetti taste better and stuff. There was never anything Dogmatic about the methods I was taught from Kayla. But lets say that I wanted to share this family recipe with others. So I write a cook book and I try to explain in words what I was taught. This is when what was once a living culture is captured into dead words, like something living and evolving has been turned into stone. This is when problems come into the picture. Lets say a group of friends on the other side of the world China buys my book and studies how to make Kaylas spaghetti. This Chinese group because they have no real connection to a living culture follows the book Dogmatically. If the book says half a pot of water, or a few drops, or a pinch debates and arguments may arise as to what exactly a drop or a pinch is, or how long two thumbs length of rosemary is exactly. The belief may arise from ignorance that if they do not follow the book exactly, that they are not cooking real Italian Spaghetti. They forget or are not aware that such recipes and traditions, have literally had hundreds of years of freedom to evolve, adapt, change, and mutate. Wisdom versus book based knowledge is the same way. Ill use Buddhism as an example because its something I have direct experience with. I do have certain major contentions
with Buddhism spreading in the West and being adopted by Westerners. I think it is wonderful, but I also think most in general apprehend Buddhism in the wrong way. I got my Buddhism from my mom and elders in my family. I have never read a holy book on Buddhism, nor have I ever heard anyone recite Buddhist scriptures to me. I am taught by my elders as I go along in life. My mothers [I have two] teach me what I need to know according to my level of understanding and experience in life. They learned about it in the same way: from living people, from monks and lay elders: Sangha. That Sangha/Community is a nexus and nexion through which a living culture passes naturally from one generation to the next. That Sangha is like a snake which sheds its old skin over time. It regenerates itself with each new generation as the old one dies. It transcends Time. And over the hundreds and thousands of years of that Sanghas living existence, its collective direct experiences and application of Buddhism, it has had Time to work out the bugs in Buddhism. To figure out how things about Buddhism best work in life. Its own experiences, application, and insights borne from such trial of application supersedes written words: the Tipitakas are only guide lines which are not infallible and must be testes and tried in life. So what I have gotten from my family, living culture, and community as Buddhism, may and does differ from what was written circa 2500 years ago in books. But generally speaking when a Westerner becomes a Buddhist, it happened like a Christian conversion or a college course. They read a book by the Dalai Lama, or research online, or read the Tipitakas, like what they read, and choose to identify their ego/self as a Buddhist meaning one who follows what has been read and written. These people assume that being Buddhist means accepting what Monks and Dalai Lamas have written or that being Buddhist means behaving and doing what other Buddhists do. When they do something or experience something which deviates from what they have read, this deviation shakes up their superficial or ego-identification as a Buddhist. In their sincerity they may be devoted to Buddha, and try faithfully to follow Dhamma; but the general Occidental Buddhism is completely devoid of the third Jewel: Sangha; which cuts them off from living wisdom, a means to learn from a living culture, and a means to apply and practice Buddhism. As Buddhism is a social and communitarian way of life where one helps relieve the suffering and wants of those around you: Community/Order/Fellowship of Bhikkhus, Bhikkhunis, Upasakas, and Upasikas which is Sangha. In Buddhist Cultures, the Sangha is most often made up of ones own kinfolk, relatives, and friends. One example of this phenomenon is the first Precept of Buddhism: I will refrain from killing. A living culture which has had a thousand years to test and try this precept in the real world understands the meaning of this precept and knows why this precept exists, and understands what Context and Condition such a precept is applied. On the other hand, people who depend on the written word base their beliefs NOT on direct experience, but on interpretation of words become gripped with confusion due to misinterpretations, misunderstandings, born from a lack of application of vibhajjavada, praxis, and life experience. So some such Buddhists may interpret this precept to mean
that as a Buddhist one should be vegetarian as to not harm and kill animals. Some may interpret this precept to mean that as an ego which superficially identified itself with Buddhism, that a Buddhist cannot join the military. They fail to realize that in the real world the world beyond dead letters, written words, theoretical conceptualization and intellectualization the Buddha ate meat and died eating meat [he ate meat which was poisoned]; that the Buddha never condemned or suggested that those kings and warriors who came to him to give up their capital punishment of criminals and their wars to live like pacifist beggars; that living Theravada Cultures such as Thailand, Laos, Burma, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka have armies, raise farm animals, eat meat, kill, and engage in wars; yet they are the most devout Buddhist Cultures; and that Shaolin Monks invented, teach, and use many forms of lethal martial arts. The difference is Time and Direct Experience versus written words and the interpretation of those words. Both give birth to Belief Patterns. One set of Beliefs is tied and bond to Life, whereas the other is very removed from Life. If Life is the ultimate Primary Source, then books are merely secondary sources of information: merely someones opinions, convictions, and interpretation of Life. What is wrong with you that you cant put your own self in the middle of feral Life and from your own direct experiences and direct apprehension, form your own opinions, convictions, and interpretations? Why have many of us become dependent on others to tell us what reality is, what to believe and disbelieve, what is right and wrong, true and false? I do believe that each Initiate of the Order of Nine Angles should strive to understand the difference between these two forms of belief patterns, and to strive to cultivate insight, wisdom, and knowledge from application and trial of theories and principles, praxis, and Pathei-Mathos. Each of us Dreccians should learn to understand that what has been written are just words: only the words of one man, one girl, or one fellow mortal struggling to understand the mysterious reality we all exist in. These many words written in the ONA should only be used as guides, like a crudely drawn map of a barely explored landscape. It is what we each experience and learn while we travel this unexplored landscape that is our genuine knowledge and wisdom. Road maps can be wrong. My friends and I were up in Big Bear this one time and we were trying to find the freeway so we were following the GPS lady. She told us to turn onto some small steep dirt road which we assumed would take us to the freeway: our car almost slid into the lake below. I also believe that the ONA should strive to make itself into a new living tradition wherein we each share our Life borne insights, knowledge, and wisdom with each other, and pass such things down to our progeny. We can see this already happening. As of now, the ONA has become an expressive culture of living people sharing their insights borne from their personal quest and pathei-mathos. Anton Long began it and continued to share his insights for 40 years. During which time many others came and went sharing and teaching what they know. I am just one, of many now, and I hope many will continue this way and tradition of living Initiates sharing insights based on their own personal
quest and direct experiences for our own common and collective growth, evolution, and progression. Continuing something old and ancient as a modern belief pattern is something I do not agree with. As insightful as I personally find Buddhism to be, I cannot accept it as my Software because it does not address my real world needs, concerns, current world views, and visions for a future. If we hold onto the past or things of the past we anchor ourselve and this has an affect on our Potential to actualize all that we are worth and capable of striving for. I do believe that the only way to influence and inspire each new generation to reach for the next stage in human evolution is to inspire us and them with new ideas, new memes, and new biological software that inspires us and them to reach for the stars. Beliefs Our Beliefs shapes our world and wyrdfully gives rise to our experiences in Life. Generally speaking, I classify Beliefs into 3 different species or categories: 1) Personal; 2) Consequential; and 3) Trivial. Each species of belief patterns or memes is measured by its causal effectiveness or potency: meaning if and what they can/cannot manifest. Personal Memes are ideas and belief patterns that actually causally generates something measurable and observable in your Personal life. For example the belief that I am ugly or fat does have a direct material, mental, emotional, and physical influence and effect on me. Practical belief patterns also fall into this category. Such as the practical belief that eating healthy, working out, and staying fit is good for me. Practical and pragmatic belief patterns like if I go to school and work hard I will get a good paying job, and that if I learn to save money in a savings, stocks, 401Ks, and Bonds now, that when I retire I will live very well off. These are practical and pragmatic belief patterns which have a very real affect on life that we can each personally observe and experience. Consequential Memes are a step further from personal apprehension and direct experience. Mythos of certain types may be such a Belief Pattern. Such as the Mythos of the Vedas in consequentially gives rise to a common living culture and social group identity to an ordering of people [Hindus]. Like the Mythos of the Bible, Torah, or Quran consequentially gives rise to cultures, common practices, collective identity, and even civilizations. But belief patterns such like nature was meant to be conquered is also consequential because such belief patterns over time gives rise to deforestation, extinction of species, disharmony with nature, growing climate changes and so on. Consequential Memes are observable and measurable over long periods of time. The longer the time frame, the more pronounced its causal effects. Thus, from the study of such consequential belief patterns in context to Time, we learn to understand and see with our own eyes that our Beliefs are not just intangible thoughts that stay in our minds. They have very real influences on people and real effects on the world. Trivial Memes are useless beliefs that really do nothing personally or consequentially. If life were a house, Personal Belief Patterns are things like the stove, fridge, the shower, the toilet, and washing machine. Consequential Beliefs are like the furniture, the X-Box,
the Wii, and so on. Trivial Beliefs are like the wall paper, dcor, the paintings, the giant vase, and drapery. In real life Trivial beliefs are things like the idea of a finite or infinite or curved universe. It really doesnt matter whether you believe or disbelieve in such ideas or not because either way, it does and changes nothing. So you believe in the big bang: then what? So you think space is curved and wormholes can take you back into time: and then what? The belief that God is a trinity is Trivial: big whoop, why trinity, how about a quintinity instead. Nothing spectacular happens anywhere whether I believe in such trivial memes or not. The belief in Lovecraftian god creatures from some Lovecraftian otherworldly realm is Trivial. How does believing or disbelieving in such a meme relate to my personal needs in life, my relationships with people in life, what I want of life, and where I want to go in life, and what I want the world to be like? The idea of killing millions of people not like you is sinister, is pointless: how about a billion or a trillion? Its sinister to enslave the human race: why just human mundanes; lets enslave aliens from other planets too and all abled bodied life forms from other galaxies too? Taking over the world is sinister: why stop at the world; lets be supersinister and take over every multiverse system too while were make believing. We as people tend to keep Personal Memes or practical memes closer to us because these types of memes tend to stay relevant to us longer: relevant to our personal and direct life, needs, and experiences. Memes such that helps us get better jobs, be better people, make more money and friends, get more out life, those that help us develop better relationships with others, that teaches us to get material needs and wants out of life stay relevant to us over long periods of time. Trivial beliefs are changed, adopted, and thrown away easily with a change in mind. This understanding of the enduring nature or easy trashability of memes is important for a Memeplex or Institution which desires to exist for a long time and which desires to remain relevant to successive generations of people into the future. If you base your entire memplex on useless trival ideas/memes, your institution will get a high turn over rate: meaning that people will come and go often. High turn over rate in the business arena is bad because your business lacks the ability to generate or develop a dependable market and loyal consumer base. A corporation and/or product that does not have a dependable market and loyal consumer base will not sell stocks and is thus financially broke and worthless. A memeplex that does not have a dependable market and loyal consumer fanbase is broke in social capital and worthless. If a memeplex is bankrupt in social capital and worthless, then it does have the means or potency of influence. This understanding is simple social mathematics, and the backbone of politics, political and sectarian power and influence. You need power and influence if change in people, society, and civilization is desired. A memeplex with a lot of useless trivial memes does not last and is impotent as far as social engineering is concerned. Unless you anchor your trivial memes to consequential memes such as a reward and punishment: heaven, hell, paradise, reincarnation, etc. These beliefs are consequential because they do alter our behaviour and ethos of mind, which wyrdfully translates over time into causal results.
The most enduring memes are Personal Memes in the form of Cultural Memes. By Cultural Memes, I mean to say an indigenous peoples Way of Life, and their Traditions. Such memes even transcends humanity. This species of memes can even be seen in Chimpanzee culture. For example the meme of sticking a thin twig down a termite mound to fish for termites, or the use of a rock to crack open nuts. These are practical memes that over time becomes Culture which is past down from one living entity to another. Thus, such a culture is, in every sense of the phrase, a Living Tradition. This example of chimpanzee cultural memes works well also because it is a knowing and wisdom each chimp apprehends which is not book based or dogmatic which yields very measurable and practical results that each chimp can personally see and experience. The same goes for human culture. Personal Memes like indigenous dress codes, codes of behaviour such as manners and paying respect to ones elders, cultural dances and art, rites of passage, methods of farming and styles of architecture, dialect of language. All these memes come together to form a Memeplex that out lives even religion and civilization. How many civilizations and religious sects have come and gone in places like Europe, India, and China? Yet despite the rise and fall of political and religious regimes and movements, the peoples of these lands have remained culturally intact over the countless millennia. Of course as anything living such cultural memplexes have evolved and adapted over time to what changes and challenges such living cultures meets and faces. Without evolution and progression, all things, even memeplexes die. What will this ONA become in the years ahead? What kind of ideas/memes will it fill itself up with? Trivial ideas and useless beliefs? With consequential memes that generates negative results in time? Or will it be and become something meaningful and practical. A living culture and tradition that endures the ravage of Time? Software Usually when we find new computer software we install it and give it a try to figure out if we like the program or not. We usually [unless youre a supernerd] dont actually read the software coding and judge the program on what coding we read. So for the typical binary-code illiterate person like myself, we install the software and if it does things we like we keep it. But if it messes our computer up, we quickly delete the program and throw it away. If we take so much care to do this with our computers, than why not with our own Minds? Generally we ignorantly adopt a belief because it sounds good to us, or because we have been convinced by others to adopt a belief. Yet we never pay any attention to what such biological or neurological software does to us, what such software turns us into, what they make us do, how they make us see the world, and most importantly: the causal End Results such beliefs bares. Sometimes we cant even see or get ourselves to understand that our beliefs we have installed into our Minds has very negative and destructive results, consequences, and effects on our person and in our lives.
We continue to judge a meme or memeplex based on some silly notion of whether they are believable or not. Whether they are factual or fake. Whether they are true or not. When such factors have very little relevance to the power and potential of memes to influence, effect, and manifest experiential End Results. It does not matter if a belief pattern is false or true, believable or unbelievable. What matters is what each meme/belief pattern does and the fruits such beliefs bares. Mythos does not always have to be factually true, if it generates a stronger tribal identity and bond between tribal members of an indigenous folk, then it has produced a positive and productive yield. The belief that drug and alcohol are bad is debatable, but agreeing with or disagreeing, debating and arguing with it is not the issue. However you see it, if you abuse drugs and alcohol, it will fuck your life up in many ways, which is a negative and destructive yield. Whether or not Communism is true or fake or whatever is irrelevant. What truly matters is its causal End Result. What conditions of life and what kinds of people has Communism manufactured? Whether Capitalism is good or bad is irrelevant. What genuinely matters is the End Results such a memetic software engineers. What is the condition of life and people Capitalism engineers and creates? Is that condition what you have always dreamed of living? You cant dream or envision anything better? Is a consumer trained to work and buy to support wealthy and powerful oligarchies the type of human being you have always wanted to be? You cant dream or envision of a better type of human being? Memeplexes such as religion is the same way. Its not a case of whether a religion is true or fake, or if a religion is rational or irrational. What we must each learn to observe, assess, and evaluate is what kinds of people these religious software manufactures. Think of religions as being factories that manufactures self-replicating products. The Question is what KIND of product are these software producing and putting into the world. Over Time the generic product of a memeplex can be seen. Ask yourself what kinds of people the memeples of LaVeyan Satanism manufactures. This memeplex has had 50 years of production. 50 years of consumers downloading their LaVeyan Software. What good has come out of San Francisco? After 50 years of LaVeyan Software, what kinds of people has Modern Satanism produced? How many millionaires? How many are successful in life? How many live the life of their dreams? How many live in the home of their dreams? How many dont have fat ugly girlfriends? LaVey died broke and alone. Zeena does so much drugs she barely has any teeth left in her mouth. Not only did that family not even function properly, but the individual members of the LaVey family dont even function properly as individuals. What great products ever came out of the ToSer Software besides a handful of internet forum jockies making posts about some trivial Egyptian god? What is your typical Setian like as a person, in thought, and what kind of life are they living? Do you want to be like them? Do you want to play pretend games with Aquino and make believe his imaginary friend Set is relevant to anything? What kind of people does the occult scene manufacture? Besides lunatics like crazy fat ladies who give psychic reading to horses and pets. Crazy people wasting their lives chasing after imaginary super powers to make
their dreams come true, all the while neglecting life, disconnected from life and lost in occult memes, and lacking the social skills to actually get what they want and need out of life in a real practical way? Do you want to end up being a fat woman that talks to horses? Or a fat grand magister that drives a truck and talks to the devil? What good does the Christian memeplex do but manufacture bigots and haters? Buddhism is just as bad, they misinterpret their religion to mean that being Buddhist means being pacifist wimps, and when China takes their country Tibet away they cry and whine like babies. Whose fault is it that Tibet is conquered and that Tibetans have lost their culture, their religious freedom, and now suffer in poverty and political tyranny? Is this the kind of person you want to end up being? Do you want to be like these typical products of such memeplexes? Is that your highest aspiration in life: to be dysfunctional crazy good for nothing human beings that are only good for propagating useless religions? If it is, then I pity you because thats a very low and pathetic aspiration. Why is that that we can panic over how our computer is messing up because of shitty software, but when the software we install into out brains messes us up we ignore it and hold onto such destructive programs? Now the Question for us in the ONA is what kind of factory can we make our ONA into, and what kind of people has it manufactured in the past, and what kinds of new human beings do we want to create for the future? Its all about the quality and potential of our Software. We determine the quality and value of the ONA by the Sinister Software we develop, the people we each become and what people our ONA is producing and will produce. Do you as a Dreccian understand that you have great potential and that you can with will and effort become something more than what you are? Does the ONA help you actualize that latent potential? Do we as Dreccians dream of a better world, have visions of a greater civilization, and greater starborn humanity? Does our ONA Software in any way help facilitate and actualize those dreams and visions? If it doesnt then these are practical programs we each need to look into further. Is the ONA relevant to your personal needs, your personal growth and evolution, your personal world view? Does ONA help you live the life you want, manifest what you want and need out of life? If not then these are programs we also need to consider. We are each in life a living testament to what the ONA is. We are each a living product of what the ONA produces and yields. Most institutions out there that exist have been around for years, hundreds of years, and thousands of years. Do you like what kinds of people they have manufactured? If not, then the only option we have is to create our own memetic factory which will engineer the type, quality and kind of people we want to become, and what kinds of people we will need to help us actualize our vision. What we believe, what ideas and beliefs we agree or disagree with matters very little. What matters is what those beliefs/software causes us to Become. Our beliefs although ethereal truly does have a very real affect on our Minds, Feelings, Actions, and World. Mastering Life begins with Mastering ones own Mind. If we want to change the World and Ourselves, it begins with our Minds and what we clutter it with.
was now moving, and I could feel the angst and frustration of traffic subside as the car was picking speed, which put a smile on my face. I felt bad inside because I was glad we were moving. Here I was all selfish thinking about passing this stupid accident so we can get to the beach, and this guy suffered a horrible death and will never see his family again. So Kayla spent the rest of the way talking her mind on death. Her grandfather had just recently passed away December of 2009. It was around the same time brother Frata 352 of Maltas father had passed away too. So I guess we both had death and dying on our minds. What happened when we die? She asked me. I spent the rest of the day trying to explain different things to her as best as I can. Hiking Its a long quiet strip of sandy beach with not many people around because it was a weekday. We had left our shoes in the car as we just wanted to talk a long quite walk down the beach before we walked up to the hiking trail near by. The beach feels different when you are in that reflective mood. Its just an eye full. You can see the water go all the way back into the horizon merging with the sky. And you cant help but wonder in awe how it all got here. Which only added to our talk about the Mystery of Life and Existence we were having. In a way, its satisfying when you are reading, or in class, or on the internet, or think in your house to read about theories and explanations as to how Everything came to be. But when you put yourself out into big Nature where you feel so small and insignificant and overwhelmed by Existence, those theories seem to fade before that Mystery that surrounds us. And we are left still in awe and wonder. Just off of Topanga Canyon Rd near by is a parking lot thingy where the hiking trail is. We decided to park our car there, and hike our way slowly up the hill to the top where there was this little bridge and a flowing brook. Last time I had been to the top we saw a cluster of orange and red salamanders mating in a big pile. The hiking trail is beautiful. It starts off with a glen of sorts surrounded by big green trees, and there are these really small midget building here and there. As you make your way up there is a small dam to your right where a bee hive lives in somewhere. Then you hike up the side of the hill surrounded by the usual shrubbery and plant life native to that area. My favorite plant I always look out for is this really cool yellow spaghetti like plant called Witchs Hair. Its a parasitic plant with these gorgeous little blood red flowers. They somehow take root in a host plant, and then strangle the host plant gradually by spreading its spaghetti like branches all over the plant.
We were still talking about Life as we hiked, relaying insights back and forth. There was this point where we stopped to look at this huge beehive way up on the side of the rocky hill. We both turned around to look at the scenic view behind up which were trees, and Kayla says: Lifes so weird, we could not even exist, and it would still go on without us; but we do exist, why? That statement made me feel funny inside. We have all these questions that have no real answers. It was a wanting to know beyond Satanism, beyond Buddhism or some religion. Just two strange creatures who dont know where they came from, what they are doing here, and where they are going wanting to know what this all means and how it all got here. Just us and Nature, with none of that bullshit religion in between. We spent most of our time up at the top by the brook talking about everything that was on our minds. About death and Life and everything in between and beyond [the Cosmos]. Which led us into talks about science and our mutual dislike of what passes as science today. Contentions I hate modern mainstream science. Its unfortunate that such a noble art could degenerate from olden day Empirical Science into some dogmatic theory thumping lifeless institution. Math has taken the place of direct experimentation. Any new hypothesis which challenges an established theory is mocked by the High Priests of Modern Science. And this is all they have to work with: just Theories, which are just guesses. And from those scientific biased guesses there is Belief. Biased as in that modern materialist science is biased in that anthropomorphism, supernaturalism, or any ism beyond Materialism is rejected. But these theories sprout up; one after another; which becomes a forest of theories. And its in this forest of theories that the Mind tends to get lost in. When the Mind is lost in a forest of theories, it is as far removed from Life as a Mind lost in religious Beliefs. In effect, these Beliefs and Opinions gets in the way between You/Us and Life. Regardless of whether you are a materialist-atheist or a superstitious religionist: your Beliefs/Opinions is a wall between you and reality. Direct Apprehension Vibhajjavada is perhaps the single most important tool I have. The word means the Doctrine of Analysis. You expose yourself Directly to a subject matter or nature; observe, and analyze closely. And from that analysis comes insight which is born from within your own Self. And from those self born insights, there is Self Illumination, where you do not depend on any other person, priest, religion, or scientist to spoon feed you ideas, beliefs, and opinions. Pathei-Mathos is now my second most important tool in my arsenal of Self Illumination. The phrase suggests a struggle or suffering; a trial or tests which Life and Experience brings. From an intimate and Mindful Direct experience of Life and the study of our
intimate experiences in Life there is an inner growth in Understanding, a Becoming, a Wisdom that blossoms in our Mind, where Life and our own Experiences is our only Teacher. There is no religion in between you and Life. No theories. No Beliefs. No words even. Because when you have touched something directly there is a wordless knowing. Mother Nature had it all planned out from the beginning. If Nature depended on priests, scientists, gurus, and professors to teach each generation of her living organisms, causal life would not have made it this far. Even though plants and animals dont speak Greek, Pathei-Mathos is in essence, the Way Nature teaches, and the way all life learns: From their own life experiences, struggles, tests, trials, mistakes, and adaptability: or ability to change over time from such experiences. This Way requires no teacher or prophet or words. From the pathei-mathos of a simple culture of bacteria 3.5 billion years ago with its suffering, struggle to adapt, etc evolution happened, and we are a product of that evolution: 3.5 billion years of pathei-mathos. It might be hard for current materialists to agree that the life experience of a protoamoeba fueled evolution since it is Believed that genes are in control. But a New Biology and the new field of Epigenetics is confirming Empirically that the environment and Mind influences and affects genes. Evolution is a willed effort, not an accidental mutation. Nature doesnt play with dice. For a Living organism like Nature to exist continuously for 4 billion years, She cant afford to play chance. This natural Way of Direct Apprehension has been lost in most members of our species. We go to everything but Life itself for answers: television, movie stars, rock stars [of all people], state controlled schools, holy books, priests, politicians [of all people], our friends, commonly accepted opinions of others: Everything and everyone but Life. All of these examples are lost in their own Beliefs and Opinions and are equally removed from Life. The best way to illustrate the difference between wisdom gained from direct apprehension of Life versus going to others for their opinions is with Love and Sex. We can all remember a time during puberty when we were changing inside and out when we were thinking about love and sex. Our parents may have tried to shelter us from experiencing these things because we were too young. TV bombards us with images of sex and relationships. Our friends and other may have told us a few bizarre things about having boyfriends and sex. Sex Ed at school told you to stay away from it because your vagina will rot with grotesque diseases [they show pictures] and youll get fat and pregnant; and they make you push a bag of flour [pretend baby] around for good measure too. And your local pastor at church will tell you youll burn in hell forever if you have sex before marriage, so dont even bother getting a boyfriend. So you end up with all of these different Opinions and Beliefs and you get lost in that forest of opinions. Until you just Try it. When you do first fall in love and try sex for the first time, there is a wordless knowing. More of an inner feeling and realization of what it means to actually fall in love and be loved, and what sex is. And it is beyond the gibberish you once heard. Which is when you realize that all of those other peoples
beliefs and opinions were just gibberish that had nothing to do with the wordless knowing of Love and Sex. And from years of love and heartbreak and mistakes, you grow into a wise young adult. Wise from your own personal touching of Life. Or it is like magick. I have a boar tusk wrapped in gold. On the tusk is written magickal Pali versus by a monk, who also woke up the spirit inside of the tusk. In my culture [Thai/Khmer] these boar tusk amulets have been used for thousands of years. And those that use them especially in battle during war knows their value and their faith in such amulets is beyond doubt. But those beliefs or faith in such amulets are born from a direct experience. Whereas those people who have never owned such an amulet or have never experienced anything concerning magick, often have many of their own theories and beliefs [disbelief] about the subject. But from where do their theories and beliefs arise? Lifeless opinions devoid of any intimate and direct experience. Life & Death Since I was raised in an Asian culture, I was never told that the stork brings babies. I did wonder where I came from when I was little, like around 5, so I asked my mom where I came from. She told me told me I came from a pet store in China Town because the Chinese people in China have so many people in their country, they have to sell their extra babies to people in America. Of course I learned later where babies come from. As we all do at some point. We definitely know when one of your girl friends at our school gets knocked up by her stupid boyfriend. So for many of us its Direct Exposure to pregnancy that we intimately realize how human life starts. When one of your friend or mother is pregnant, and you feel the baby kicking with your own hands, and a few months later youre holding the baby in your arms, there is a wordless knowing that goes beyond sex ed and text book pictures and the many opinions and beliefs about having babies. Direct exposure to the beginning of human life also gives you something no text book or belief or theory can ever give to you: Awe and Wonder. Its fascinating in a mysterious way to hold a new born baby in your arms, because its born fully biologically and physiologically functioning on its own, its alive, and it came literally from nowhere. But death is different isnt it? We have all these beliefs and opinions about death. Some of us believe that when we die we stop existing. Some of us have this theory that when we die we are judged and based on how good or bad we were we go to heaven or hell. How many of these opinions and theories came from somebody who held death in their arms? How many of us have held a dying person? How many of us have heard with our own ears a dying persons last mortal words? How many of us have intimately experienced directly somebody we know wither away and die? Death in the Occident is sterile and clinical. We dont ever hear the least words of the dying. The last words we ever hear is some doctor telling us our elderly loved on has passed on. Death in the West is shut off from direct experience.
The Elderly our own grand mothers and grand fathers are shut off in nursing homes: out of sight, out of Mind. We go on our daily lives, perhaps feeling a bit guilty, but we try not to think about it. Maybe well go visit these old people once in a while. Then they die far from our Mindful direct awareness. And we wonder what happens to the dead. And we make up theories to explain something we were never intimately connected with away. Everybody seems to have an opinion; yet nobody seems to have directly experienced deaths in the West. What do I Believe happens to us when we die I was asked. I dont Believe. I believed many things about love and sex before I Experienced it. But when I did Experience it, there is nothing to Believe: there is just a Wordless Knowing. I Believed many things as a small girls about where babies come from. But when I experienced it directly, there is nothing to Believe: there is just a silent and simple yet awe inspiring understanding. You dont believe in something you have touched, or tasted, or seen, or heard, or smelled, or experienced. You dont believe in the color blue. You dont believe in a song you like. You dont believe anything about the taste of a watermelon. You dont believe anything about snowboarding, like you dont believe in driving cars. You dont believe in things you directly have experienced and Realized inside. You believe in things you have NOT yet experienced. You make theories up for things you have no idea of or intimate association with. Its no wonder to me that the people who are the most far removed from life: religionists, have the most Theories about it. It doesnt surprise that people who have no real intimate personal experience of the Universe Cosmologists have the most Theories about it. People who have never intimately personally experienced death, often have the most opinions and ideas about death to believe in. Thankfully, there are other cultures and peoples besides the Western Human. In most cultures and living traditions around the world a Family stays together through life and death. In such Families both the birth of a new relative and the death of a relative are directly experienced first hand by everyone. The birth is a joyous occasion. The deaths brings both sadness and relief. In such cultures the elderly are never thrown away in a nursing home. You nurse your grandmothers and grandfathers to death. You watch them wither away in a room next to you. You care for them, spend all your time you have left with them, before they go away. You watch them die in silence with your aunts and uncles. You hear their last words, and you see them take their last breath. And you see when they have died that something behind their eyes has left. In cultures like the one I was born and raised in, this is a Living Tradition. It is an old one that is thousands and thousands of years old. Older than religion, because when they do die, we practice an ancient tradition wrongly called ancestor worship by the Occident. One generation cares for their elders to death, and that tradition is repeated down the ages. During which time, things are learned about death from direct exposure. And that knowledge and wisdom is pasted down by the living. Ive helped take care of many of my elders and I have seen all of them die naturally. But, Im not going to go into the
details of what I have experienced and wordlessly know and what has been past down to me by thousands of years of being so close to death. What I have experienced in my own life, has only meaning to me. And death really isnt the central topic here. It is Mystery. Angles to Mysteries Everything about Life and the Cosmos is a mystery. The closer we look, the less we know and the more mysterious things get. We are a creature that doesnt know how we got here, what we are doing here, or where we are going. Its almost as if we are blind, or like we exist in the dark. This reminded me of bats flying around at night. They cant see anything so they squeak these ultrasonic echoes. And these echoes bounces off their dark environment and from that bouncing, they get an image of their surrounding in an indirect way, so that they begin to see in that darkness. Our talk on that hike ended up in this darkness we exist blindly in, so we were briefly talking about bats. I went home that day feeling at peace inside. Then the word Angle came back on my Mind as the silence of the evening caused me to think about the ONA again. I cant stand it when I dont understand something even if it is explained to me. Usually I just give up and make up my own explanation. This Nine Angles thing was bugging me. I went online to try and find as many archaic meanings to the word angles to try and create for myself a meaning of nine angles that is personally my own understanding that is relevant to me. Coincidentally there is an old definition of the word angle that is not a geometric thing or a fish hook. The word Angle also means: To get at something indirectly or by artful means. That definition of the word Angle got me thinking about the bats again: how they piece together their dark environment by using an indirect method. Nine of course to me would be the 4 causal dimensions plus the 5 Acausal dimensions and/or the 7 spheres of the Tree of Wyrd, plus the Abyss and the Acausal: which either way is the Whole Living Cosmos. Our total immersion into Life, and our direct apprehension of Life seems to be angles of indirectly unraveling or unlocking the mysteries of the Cosmos that surrounds us; that we exist in: that we are a living expression of. If only we each put ourselves into every aspect of Life: Birth and Death, and every human experience in between. But also being intimate, empathetic, and close to Nature, and directly analyzing it our own selves for our own answers. In this way with something like Pathei-Mathos there is a Going Beyond of opinions, established theories, mundane beliefs, and the silliness of religion. Where nothing and no-one comes in between us and the great Dark Mystery of the Cosmos. Where our own Life experience, intimate apprehension, and struggles are our only teacher and doctrine which guides us Numinously to our Self Enlightenment and evolution.
In a way, Life is both the teacher doing the teaching, and the subject being taught. No book, or belief, or theory thought up by another human, can teach what Life can teach. Life and Nature have been teaching its Mysteries since before mankind. It is arrogant to believe that we know more and can do better because we have microscopes and telescopes, and can tell stories about what little we see: what little we understand. After a long reflective day, after having gained a new understanding of the word angle, and after re-reading some of ONA and David Myatts writings, I see the ONA and what it has to offer in a new light. If only we could mature ourselves from our old aeonic reliance on religion and priests. If only we could liberate our Minds from the forest of theories and beliefs, and just plunge into Life naked. To just experience Life directly and intimately, up against our bare skin. Beyond theories and beliefs. Where there is only Experience, the Wordless Knowing, and Evolution born from such experience and knowing: Which has been the Way of Nature for aeons.
buy every new gas station and corner store in the new city. The Koreans who establish dry cleaners at every corner. The Chinese and their Chinese food eateries. The Caucasians and the In-And-Outs, and McDonalds. And thats it. My aunt-mom was one of these second capitalist wavers. My uncle that had bought a house there had informed my aunt-mom that the new city he had just bought a house in was filled with well to do Whites and Asians and no Mexicans or Blacks, and no Thai restaurant! So a few months later my mom, dad, and aunt-mom pooled their money and bought a restaurant in this new place and we moved into my uncles house, since my aunt-mom and uncle were running the new business. There was nothing to do there because there is nothing there yet, except maybe hang out at the 24 hour WalMart, which was lame, but that was all there was. You just drift about, maybe wave and smile at anybody that comes by. Theres like 12 people at the new school; not literally 12, but a low number of students. Here I was some ex-popular girl coming from a big junior high school, and now I was a nobody going to a school with 10 weirdos. It wasnt as bad as it sounds because the new place was right next door to our old city. The new place starts to come to life at this point. Business and commerce is flowing. People have jobs and are buying things. And this new life of this new place begins to attract what you call the third wavers who come to such new places to escape the crowded cities near by. You can tell the third wave was gunna come because apartment complexes get built at the rim of the new city. Thats when you know your new city will soon go to shit, because the Mexicans and Blacks will come. So there I was at my new school. Every white kid was a nerd and every Asian kid was a fob, which included my socially challenged cousin-brother. I was the only cool person there. But when youre the only cool person, youre really not even cool. I used to tag in junior high with all my old friends. Now I had to hang out with fobs and nerd. One day this Black kid I never saw before at the school came up and almost shyly said hi to me and said I looked a little out of place. I told him I thought the same of him, seeing that he was the only black kid at the school. After we started talking we figured out that we shared something in common: tagging! So ever since then we were best friends. As the month went by and all these new third wave kids moved to the school, we had this influx of these Asians and Whites, and Mexicans who like me and my black guy friend were taggers or ex-gangbangers. It was a year later after I had moved to that fresh new crispy clean city that me and my black guy friend were hanging out at his house. We looked at each other after assessing our city and nodded together in silent agreement and he said: Time to fuck this place up. A month later our tagging enterprise had all 20 cool kids at the school and we were already hitting up the clean walls. Of course as time pasted, our young enterprise grew more sophisticated as more and more of us started incorporating more criminal elements into our repertoire.
It only took a year for our group of taggers, gangbangers, dope dealers to actually fuck the city up. Drugs were everywhere at our school. You can buy guns from our Asian bangers at the arcade parking lot. There were gang wars between our tagger crew turned gang with the gangs from the other cities nearby. There were already people getting shot up. Things got so bad in just a year that my family decided to pull me out of that city before I get raped or killed. So that was when I moved in with my mom out of that city. I was proud, that I helped give life to that city. Proud that I had some sort of inspiration or influence to give the new cops in that city some good ole fashion job security. Looking back with wiser eyes, I see that city as all cities as an ecosystem and cell [biological cell]. Each group of people in that city/cell was like an organelle that performed a specific function which contributed to the life of the cell. The residents were an organelle that spent money. The business owners were an organelle that provided services. The cops were an organelle that did their job to keep the cell/city safe. Our criminal enterprise was an organelle that gave the cops something to do. The most fascinating part of this new place which I always found interesting is that for some strange reason, no matter where you are, people of like quality always tend to find each other. And once they find each other some sort of an enterprise of some sort forms. Its just human nature to gravitate towards people of like aura and interests and to form tribes or groups with them. Its something many people superficially dislike, calling it herdism at times; but its human nature and you cant as a smartass trump Mother Nature. It dont matter if what you call it or if you say you hate it. You will find people like you and socially interact with them, and if youre smart, youll enterprise with like minds to exploit those not smart enough to come together and enterprise. The reason why I brought this subject up is because the Internet and Cyberspace is like that New Place. Instead of being a suburb of a crowded city, it is more like a subearth of the world. It started of as just empty cyberspace with those old first wave pioneers: way back in that Usenet era which was well before my time. Im not even sure what usenet is or was. Then, just like a real new city, the second wave came in: those business people. The dotcoms started to crop up and a commercial ecosystem of sorts evolved into something functional on cyberspace. So that now we have permanent fixtures on cyberspace like Amazondotcom, Yahoo, Google, etc. Then the third wave user migrate, these are the people like the users of myspace, facebook, and those thousands and millions of websites and forums. Even in such a vast thing as cyberspace, that human nature and human element still works. People of like quality somehow find each other. And from that coming together of like minds, an enterprise and culture is born like the ONA. Thinking about the ONA in this way, with the quality and type of people the ONA has as members, makes me nostalgically recall that time in my youthful past when I was surrounded by like minds at school. And I am reminded of that moment when my friend looked at me with a sinister smile of hope and opportunity and said: Time to fuck this place up.
Enterprise Back then being the only person at school with a criminal mind was lonely. It felt nice when the others started coming. One by one a new kid from one of the outer cities would come find me and my black guy friend. Some were ex-taggers. Some were exgangbaners. Some new girls had cousins in Asian gangs in big cities who could provide guns. Some new boys had connection with people in the Mexican mob that who could provide drugs. Slowly the potential for an enterprise of some sort formed. We hung out and we did talk and plan, because we did see a real opportunity for enterprise. But it was the Inspirational talks that some of our guys gave that sealed the deal and that actually set things into motion. There inspirational talks stirred our passion and imagination. It captivated our attention and inspired in us all these day dreams and visions of being making it big. We have no chance out there in those inner cities, one guy would say, Theres no competition or enemies here, we can dominate this place easy and when we do grow big we can then take out those crews in the other cities. And it was true. Wed have no chance in a big city of we started a crew and banged and sold dope. Those other big gangs would take us out. There would be so much competition, wed be too busy competing, we wouldnt get anything productive done. But here in the shadows of that once fresh city we could brood and fester like an infection in peace. The ONA in our little section of cyberspace we fester in feels nostalgically much like those good old days to me. It felt like being alone at a new school where it was just a very small number of us. Just me, Kayla, Audun, and DarkLogos that did any talking and dreaming and planning. And slowly the more we wrote and Inspired in this medium of cyberspace, one by one, more of our kind started coming and taking an active part in breathing new life in the ONA to evolve it. Each with their own unique talents and connections. Each from a different part of the world, from a different background. But we all have one thing in common which is hard to put into words. Perhaps its a common love for the ONA, whatever it was, whatever it is. Perhaps it is a common admiration for David Myatt that drew us together. As I look around assessing the ONA I see a weird collection of people who have been brought together by some invisible force for some reason. I see guys and girls or every age group and skin color. I see some Satanists and Occultists. I see some Buddhists, some neo-nazis, some Reichsfolk, some are even scientists. There are all of these musicians, and artists, and writers. Some are mystics, some radicals. Some influenced by Islam, some influenced by the Numinous Way. There are all these things that are so superficially different about us, but yet underneath it all is a common pulse of life force, or essence, which can only be describes as being Myattian. I dont know what the ONA has become. Its not like it was. We are each so different that the ONA can no longer be just another satanic group. Just some occult group. Just a nazi group. It feels different. As if these superficial outer forms no longer mean anything. As if something deeper has come into existence. Something like a Culture that inspires each
of us to express ourselves in our own unique ways. The ONA has become like a real culture, where they members of such cultures each may have different religious beliefs, different political beliefs, but they all share a deeper common cultural identity and tradition that keeps them together. And as I look around to see this influx of musicians, artists, and writers populating the ONA, I cant help but notice a seedling Bohemian Way forming almost naturally without planning or force. How strange and meaningful that nearly every definition of the word Bohemianism seems to now aptly describe what this ONA has evolved itself into: Bohemian: a person (as a writer or an artist) living an unconventional life usually in a colony with others [Merriam-Webster]. Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, involving musical, artistic or literary pursuits, with few permanent ties. Bohemians can be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds. The term bohemian, of French origin, was first used in the English language in the nineteenth century to describe the non-traditional lifestyles of marginalized and impoverished artists, writers, journalists, musicians, and actors in major European cities. Bohemians were associated with unorthodox or anti-establishment political or social viewpoints, which were often expressed through free love, frugality, and/or voluntary poverty. [Wiki] Nobody in a real culture is leader or policy maker. Cultures evolve and change numinously over time. In the same way, nobody is now the leader, or a leader of the ONA. It now not only belongs to every Dreccian, but its also Open Sourced, meaning that anybody can add to it and help develop it. Its now a Living Tradition in which each of us is on our own Quest in Life, and we just share our Life experiences and insights with each other. Rather than teach and learn from books, we now teach from experience and insights born from within, and we now inspire each other mutually with our art, our music, and our writing. As it should be, if it is to live long and prosper. Each Initiate is like a cell or mushroom spore in whom is contained the entire blueprint of what the ONA is and can be. Each Initiate now truly is a nexion through which the ONA can pass through. Having an organization with one leader or one head often means that such organizations falls apart at the death or loss of that leader. Or such an organization quickly devolves into power struggles of egotists wanting to control membership for their own personal fame and profit. But its all going somewhere, or there is a noticeable feeling that something big and living is developing. One just has to think what the ONA will be like 100 years from now if it continues to develop in this way we are witnessing. But its all these actual Bohemian types of people the ONA is now attracting to itself in large numbers that is most intriguing to me. Types of people who have a talent for writing, drawing, painting, music making. Why would something like the ONA attract to itself these types? Its something thats been on my mind for a few months. Its almost as
if weve all been called together by the ONA for a purpose: a Wyrd. I now even see plotting and planning taking place inside the ONA that is of a Bohemian type of enterprise rather then the expected criminal type. I wondered how and why something Sinister is quickly becoming a Bohemian Order, Culture, and Way of Life, and what it all means. Inspiration and Power Its been on my mind now for a few weeks: Inspiration and Bohemianism. Sometimes I get obsessively focused on a subject matter and I cant sleep, because I have all these ideas and memories of past experiences coming into Mind and they want to form into something articulate I can grasp, but there are pieces missing. So I pace back and forth thinking about things that seem to be unconnected asking what it all means. I stay up in bed at night trying to connect things together to make sense of it all. I practice a form of meditation I was taught which is a kind of Theravada Vipassana [Insight Meditation] where you quiet your mind, and mindfully concentrate on a direct experience you had, on an event, or on a teaching. They style I was taught is different from what is taught in the Western Buddhist Market. The monks I learned it from are into mysticism, shamanism, and the old ancestral animism.You then learn to meditate and put yourself in a semi-trance state of mind to focus on a problem that needs to be solved or to extract insight from something, and you learn to your own mind questions, and in that altered state of consciousness, your subconscious mind answers you. As I was taught it, what I usually do is sit quietly. I have a ring with a diamond on it and I will stare at a tiny spot of light reflected of that diamond as I mindfully focus on my breathing. Its like an open eyed form of meditation. After a while Ill go into this semitrance state where my surroundings disappears and all I can see is that spark of light, and Ill then sort of project an event or experience I had into that light and watch it carefully with an empty but receptive Mind. In that state of mind you see things clearly, and your brain works quicker in that it draws out from your insides relevant and related information to what you are mediating on. If you meditate on a question, you see pictures, or you see images and memories in your head your subconscious mind draws up for you, or you hear your own inner voice explaining things to you. It takes about an hour of sheer obsessive focus and mindful analysis. So I first saw in my mind in that meditative state, Alexander the Great. Its almost like I were sitting in a dark movie theater watching a movie on a screen half asleep and Im bugged out because some person behind me I cant see [my inner voice I think in] is narrating the whole movie and lecturing me about the meaning of things I am seeing. Its completely bizarre and crazy. Im ashamed to admit it. Im fully sane though, maybe thats what the ancient Greeks called internal dialogue? Usually, Ill write what I remember soon after, and they end up being writings like these, which ends up Inspiring others to see things differently.
Alexander the Great spent his whole life Exerting what we might call hard power on entire populations to forge his empire. He killed a lot of people, he subjugated entire tribes and nations, and when he died, his empire soon died too. So that all that he has left to show for his exertion of hard power are a few pitiful cities in some backwards countries named after him. But you take something like Hellenistic Culture and analyze real closely the Power and Influence this ancient Culture has had on the world and human species, and you will see that soft power, or the Power of Inspiration, is more effective, enduring, and productive. Such as Greek architecture and those Greek pillars: the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Such as Greek art and how they imbued their statues of human form with a numinous sense of life and beauty. Such as Greek literature written by Greek philosophers and thinkers that gave us concepts like democracy and republics. These aspects of that long gone Culture never forced itself on anyone with hard force. It never coerced anyone to accept or adopt its way of thinking and way of building. It just softly Inspired. And from that inspiration there is Infuence. It influenced the Roman Empire. And even today we live in a Greek world. In democracies and republics. You walk to any big city like L.A., D.C. or London and youll see those same pillars. And now even our sciences and medical science is Greek. We literally now live in a Greek Cosmos. Nobody on earth can escape this Greek Cultural influence on the world. Thats Power: the power to influence an entire species across thousands of years. Where the armies of Alexander the Great failed, the subtle inspiration of Greek Culture, Greek art, Greek literature succeeded; without blood shed. I remember watching a documentary about the Nazis. It didnt make any since to me when I was watching it on PBS at the time. Because the Nazis, when they took over a country in Europe they had this list of artists, writers, a musicians of that country which they would execute and systematically kill. This documentary talked about Hitlers England. The Nazis long before they were bombing England had everything all planned out. They even had a black book with a list of 2000 English writers, artists, musicians, and actors, which the big wigs in the Nazi Party planned on executing one by one when they took over England. When I saw that I was thinking out loud to Kayla: God how anal and micromanaging can you get. Killing geeks and artists like theyre any threat to a regime? Thats stupid. By while I was meditating I remembered Hitler was an artist when he was a boy. He was poor, homeless at one point, and was just like a drifting and wandering Bohemian. Nothing ever came of it. Did he lose that passion to inspire people with art?
I remember his speeches. I actually love watching Hitler do his speeches. I dont understand German, and I could care less for subtitle. When you hear his loud voice screaming with Passion, and you watch his body language and gestures, you feel inspired inside. Its evocative and provocative. I remember Hitler and his NS Party took pomp and rallies to a whole new ridiculously theatrical level. The sea of people, the hordes of symbolism and flags, the torches and marches. But it all worked, because it Inspired people. And with that Inspiration he was able to captivate and hold in thrall the Minds of an entire nation. Thats Power. The Power to Influence large groups of people to do your bidding, to give you power to shape their world and lives. Because you inspire them. Which may have been why the Nazis had a policy of executing bohemian types in countries they took over: to get rid of any antagonistic influence on the mass. I remember my years affiliated with gangs. Those moments when those OGs has meetings and when would talk about things. How we inspired our junior members with the idea that we were a family that takes care of each other cuz nobody else gives a shit. How wed die for each other. You take one of these street boys from a broken home with nobody and nothing to belong to and you give them a family to belong to, and an identity, and you inspire them, and these boys literally kill for you; they are killed, and go to prison for life for you. I cant say that I was ever a Nazi, or a soldier. But I can say that I inspired young street boys once with things I said, the closeness of intimate affection and friendship, the visions of greatness I inspired in their heads, and in return for that soft power Sinister Influence they killed and were killed. Thats the power of Inspiration. Inspiration is hypnotic because it bypassed your conscious logical mind and targets the Heart. It stirs evoke and provoke excitement, passion, and strong emotion. Those emotions governs our action. You control a persons emotions, and you control his behaviour and actions. And they act without thinking. Inspiration is so subtle, so soft, yet so powerfully provocative and influencing that they dont even know they are being manipulated and controlled to do things they would not consciously or logically do. Think about it. You cant go down a random street and ask a guy to risk his life and freedom and kill somebody for you, because he wont do it. You Inspire him with art, music, literature; provoke his emotions, inspire passion in him, give him a sense of belonging and he becomes a soldier or gangbanger loyal to you to death and will kill for you and your interests. Thats power: the power of Inspiration. God forbid such power fall into the wrong hands: like the ONA. Social Engineering Art, Music, Literature, Poetry, speeches, these things are but means to induce Inspiration, Vision, Passion. These Bohemian things evokes and provokes strong emotions for war, and creativity for social and technological advancement. Creativity is a Bohemians craft, Inspiration is his livelihood.
Its the foundation of religion and politics; and we know religion and politics is in the business of manipulation and control. Religions like Christianity inspires people with visions of heaven, self-grandeur [holiness, in gods image], and manipulates peoples emotions by telling depressing stories of how worthless you are, but how god loves you so much he died for you. And you cry from the inspiration you feel, and all of a sudden your life belongs to scoundrel priests and your children are molested. Politics is worse. They pull stuff out of their asses to inspire people: Times are tough, the economy is dead, terrorists are everywhere, but Obama can bring change! Yes we can! Can what? Its hard to imagine that a good inspirational speech can make you into a dictator or president isnt it? Social Skills + Inspiration = Social Engineering. Thats an equation that the ONA needs to remember by heart, if it is to inspire, and influence gradual change in people and society to materialize our long term goals. This is the equation political parties uses and now corporations uses. Marketing and Advertising is a multi-trillion dollar industry. It works. The popular kids on campus does the inspiring and influences the other kids. The most popular person [ones with social skills] in any organization wields the most power of Inspiration and Influence. There was a reason why the Party picked Hitler. There is a reason why the Democrats picked Obama. There are reasons why corporations pick popular icons like Tigerwoods and famous celebrities to endorse their products. Wherever there are humans there will be social order or groups. Where there is a ordering of people be it high school, a city, a sports team, a company you work for, or whatever social skills becomes the currency of social mobility. The ones with the most social skills to make the most friends, gain the most kudos, sets the trends, does the inspiring, and has the most influence. And its a soft power, subtle influence. They dont have to preach, they just share their beliefs and everybody else will adopt those beliefs. They just wear a brand of clothing and everybody else will wear it too. Its human nature, its primate nature. Denying it is a limitation for us in the ONA. It needs to be better understood and taken advantage of. On a more global level, the most popular Culture wields the most power of inspiration and influence on a global scale. Everybody hates America, but everybody wants to be American at the same time. Americas art, literature, music, assimilates more people into American popculture worldwide then any other culture. Its soft force of inspiration and influence steers the world and human race directly or indirectly. If the ONA desires to change humanity, and civilization, then we need to learn to understand that hard force can only go so far and has limitations. You cant force and threaten a people to change or give their lives up for you, or alter their way of life, or change their civilizations, but inspiration can do it. Understanding human nature and the means and factors of inspiration is key to social engineering, influence, and power.
Bohemian Order The ONA today has evolved into a Bohemian Order of modern day heretics, writers, poets, musicians, and artists. There was a time when we were all scattered around everywhere in an incoherent manner. But via cyberspace something is happening: we have been called or drawn to each other by some newly born common culture and tradition into a coherent social order of peers. Each of us with the potential with our own creative endevours to Inspire not only each other, but others outside our order. Just like in olden times, we each are modern day mental, spiritual, and political orphans drifting like wandering vagabonds with our writings, our paintings, and our music. And weve found each other in this safe haven we call the Order of Nine Angles, where we can safely share our creativity and insights, and even our love for outlawness and unconventional lifestyles. This ONA is like a new city which has now come to life with the activities of creative sinister minds. Around us solidifies a common culture, common vision, common goal, common folk tradition. We each are on our own pathei-mathos quest in life, and we share what insights we have gains with others in the ONA to help us each evolve. What things we do write, what music we do make, and what artwork we do create has thus far nurtured and sustained us. But these inspiring things have in them far more sinister potential. The ONA as an Order of Sinister Bohemians lurking in the underground of this modern restless and insecure society has far more sinister potential. The question for Us is: Do we understand and recognize the power of that inspiration and do we know what to do with it? The ONA has come this far being Inspired by Anton Long. It has evolved into a modern Bohemian Culture with the inspiration of many creative Dreccians. What the ONA is becoming what it has become if feelable and noticeable. The creativity and ability to inspire for us is internally crucial. With the power to inspire us, evoke in us passion and vision with mythos and memes through musick, sinister art, and literature, this Sinister Culture of ours now has the living ability to live on across the generations. As it will inspire and influence through each of us the next generation of Dreccs. With this birth of this ONA Culture, we must learn to replicate our memeplex as a living culture. Our target audience must be the unborn and the youth of each new generation. These other memeplexes make the mistake of trying to preach to an old generation to gain new converts by changing their minds with new beliefs. Living Cultures dont work this way. Each new generation born into any living culture first sees Family, then they see the creative and inspirational aspects of that living culture: the traditional wardrobe, the traditional music, the traditional dances, the cultures Mythos, the cultures traditional art, and the cultures traditional literature. All of these things inspires and imbues in each mind of each new generation a collective cultural identity. And it is this Culture that endures across time longer than religion and civilizations.
No living culture is book based. No living tradition of a culture is taught through the medium of dead books. Cultures existed long before writing was invented. Cultural memes travels from generation to generation alive through living people, as one generation shares its insights born from direct experience of life to the next. PatheiMathos and a direct Logical Analysis of Life and Nature are now crucial to our Sinsister Cultures longevity and numinous evolution. All living cultures slowly evolves, adapts, and changes over time or dies. A culture dies when its people loses their Cultural identity and traditions and is absorbed into a larger and more coherent Culture. Without the means and factor of inspiration, this sinister culture of ours will not be able to sustain in a coherent manner a collective Dreccian identity. There is still more to the ONA though. We still have our aims and goals. The power of Inspiration can be used in this regard as well. I know that the more we each write, the more music we each make, and the more art we create, will continue to draw out those Sinister Bohemians out there who Resonate with ONA to us. But can we learn to use this means of inspiration for our aims and more sinister endevours? Can we use our means of inspiration to influence those outsiders, and eventually gradually to evolve civilization, according to our aims, goals, and objectives? Can we over time inspire them to fix their eyes up towards the star deck sky? Can we inspire in them dreams and visions to cause them to help us reach upwards to actualize our next step in our Human evolution to take hold of our Cosmic inheritance as a starborn species?
form of sea nymphs or water nymph or mermaids. These Niag People also have an entire realm of their own described in the Tipitakas. The most famous of these Niag People is a Princess named Mera. Her father is the King of the Realm of the Naga, which is said to be at the bottom of the ocean. In her Naga form she has 7 snake-like heads like most of them do. The story goes that Mera likes to shapeshift into physical form and bathe in the mouth of the Mekong River. So one day a Prince named Kambu from a kingdom in India was walking along the shores of Indochina and saw what looked like a beautiful girl bathing just off shore. Kambu fell in love and went to ask her to marry him. She said that she would but shes not human so she cant because she cant live outside water and she doesnt have feet because her bottom half is a seaserpent. So Kambu said that hell get his men to build a Great Temple by a lake called Tonle Sap [which means Freshwater Lake] and that hell make for her in this temple a giant room with a large swimming pool in it so she can live with him. Mera said ok. That temple was one of the first temples at the Angkor Wat complex. There is actually a temple in the Angkor Wat complex which is a huge round room with a swimming pool in it which is sometimes called the Bridal Chamber. Legend says that in ancient times on a certain day of the year Kambu would carry Mera out of the ocean and bring her into this Bridal Chamber to sleep with her to make children. Those children came to be known as Kamera which is the ancient form of Khmer, which is a combo of Kam[bu]+Mera. And their civilization came to be known as Kambujadesa. Kambu meaning the name of that prince; Ja meaning descendants of, and Desa is the Sanskrit word for a country. This legend reminds me of the mythos of the origins of the Merovingians [French] or Europe, whose line started from a female bathing in the ocean who was raped by a merman of some type. The coincidental thing is and it may not mean anything the word Mero and Mera are associated with both similar legends. The word Mer itself etymologically can be traced to other languages which means sea or ocean. Such as Mare, Mari, or Marus in Latin, and MR in ancient Egyptian which means sea and sexual affection [A.E.Waites]. Magic There are everyday eye witness testimonies of family members seeing shapeshifting spirits. One I often hear about which my mother has seen, and which many other people in my family and culture have seen are these things we call Marey Komvil? Thats my best Anglicization.
Marey Komvils are these spirits that solidify into things that look like children dressed in red wardrobe, usually with red scarves. My mother and grandmother and everybody says that if you see them around a certain house, that means somebody in the house is going to die soon. They usually are seen in cemeteries, hospitals, and nursing homes. Or they can be seen in forests or special area or fields as guardians of that place. Another thing my mother saw are these things called Ap. My mother explains that Aps are people witches who know black magic and at night they have to feed off of peoples blood or life force to keep their magic powerful. So she says at night these people pull off their heads and guts and fly around in the night sky. And they look like hazy balls of glowing light and you can see the head and entrails in the ball of light. She and everybody else says that if you see one hovering above you youre going to die. My mother said that during the Khmer Rouge revolution she was sleeping in a big shelter near the forest with a female friend of hers and another person. She said that she and her friend woke up at night and both saw an Ap hovering by the ceiling. They freaked out and prayed. In the morning my mother said that the other lady sleeping with them had died during the night. There are these things my aunt-mom [who is older then my mother] and the grandparents talks about that arent people but they look like people and often live with people like a real person, but these people things have magical or supernatural powers. There is no single word for these types of entities that shapeshift into human form. Most of them are just called Tmup if they are female, which is a generic word meaning a witch. Or if they are males they are often called Nik Ta. Sometimes they are referred to as a kru gamnat which means a Birth [gamnat] Teacher/guru [kru]. The word kru is more related to the term medicine man or shaman. Usually these entities take on the form of a human lady and they usually live with people and get married. My aunt-mom was telling us a story of how during the Khmer Rouge era after everybody had been chased out of cities to live in the forests, that there was one such Tmup lady living in the camp/village she was living in at the time. My aunt-mom said that everybody in that village, even the Khmer Rouge knew she wasnt human and gave her a certain amount of respect and stayed away from her. But my aunt-mom didnt believe this. The villager said that at night this lady takes on her spirit form and feeds off of the dead, and that if you are giving birth that you have to call her to act as your midwife because she feeds off of the after-birth or she will kill you with a curse if you dont call her. But my aunt-mom didnt believe this. So my aunt-mom said that she got pregnant and went into labour while living in that village/camp. Everybody in the camp had told her to call that Tmup over to midwife the baby, but my aunt-mom said she did not believe in such ridiculous things. She said that she was in labour for a whole day and part of the night and the baby would not come out and that she was in terrible pain. Her husband and his mother and relatives
begged her to go and just get that Tmup or she and the baby would die if the baby did not come out soon, so my aunt-mom agreed and told the people to call the Tmup over in the middle of the night. My aunt-mom said that as soon as the Tmup lady came she just touched her old finger to my aunt-moms abdomen and said to her: This baby belong to me; every child you bare for the rest of your life belongs to me. Every child that suckles on your breasts for the rest of your life belongs to me. I will take them when I want, and bless them if I want. After she finished whispering that, she said the baby gushed out painlessly into the Tmups arms. The Tmup handed my aunt-mom the baby and said: Here, you may take care of my daughter [my late cousin], and then she collected the after birth in a bag and went to her home. This is why these types of entities are called Birth Krus, in a sense, they are like what you might call god mothers, in the Western understanding of that term. The elders in my culture say that if you have a Birth Kru that they know you and follow you during your life and that its wise to pay your respects and honour to them by calling them in your mind [praying to them] to acknowledge them, so they will take care of you, otherwise they curse your life. My aunt-mom raised me since I was a baby and she breast fed me till I was 3, so I was raised knowing that I have a kru gamnat and I was raised to quiet my mind and pray to her before going to bed and on the full moon to ask her to take care of me and to not take me away so soon. The reason why I brought up this type of entity that takes on the form of a human person and lives among people, and that has a not so human appetite, for blood and peoples life force, is because they actually do remind me of certain types of Dark Gods, we read about in the ONAs Mythos. If you are familiar with the Mythos of the ONA, then youll know what I am talking about. And these are things I dont make up. You can go find a person from my culture who is well informed of these olden aspects and ask them about these things I share here. And if you look closely at other such ancient and indigenous cultures around the world, with open eyes and opened minds, you also begin to notice that all such cultures and primal traditions have similar beliefs. There are good spirit things too that shapeshift. One type is called Nik Ta. I dont know what the words Nik Ta together actually means, but as two words, Nik means Person, and Ta means Granmpa, or oldman. Together a Nik Ta is a Nature Spirit that guards a village or forest. People in Cambodia who believe in Nik Tas swear by them and these Nik Tas even are a part of the much older and ancient pre-buddhist and prehindu indigenous animist culture and tradition of the Khmer and Thai and Lao. My mother says that in Cambodia, if you walk into the forest and you dont ask the Nik Ta of some forests for permission to enter their forest they harm you by making you fall over on the spot from a terrible stomach ache. And if you take a tree, pick a fruit, or kill an animal near certain forests with a Nik Ta guarding it, the Nik Ta will kill you.
So in the old days, and still today, if you enter a forest to go hunting, you ask the Nik Ta for permission to enter and for him or her to guide you and keep you safe, and you leave offering like incense and gifts by a tree. There are even Nik Tas in America. I was hiking once with my mother and some cousins in an average place in Southern California here this one time, and for some bizarre reason at one spot on this hiking trail was an apple tree with ripe apples on it! So me and my cousins ran to go pick the apples to eat. But my mother screams out: Hey, hey, you guys cant just take those apples! That tree doesnt belong you, it belongs to somebody else! Its barbaric to take things that dont belong to you! You have to ask owner for the apples first! We looked around for this owner she was referring to, because we were all born and raised here in California, and we didnt see anyone but us, so one of us asked my mother: Theres nobody else here? And my mother says: That tree still doesnt belong to you, or its fruits. Some Nik Ta takes care of the tree, you have to pay your respects and honour to the spirit that guards and cares for that tree, and ask the Nik Ta for some some apples. So basically you just turn to the tree and you say or pray to the tree, in English [since we only speak English]: May we please have some of your apples Nik Ta. So from this simple belief that things in Nature dont belong to you and that spirits or livings entities care for things in Nature, and that one must pay ones respect and honour to nature, trees, and such nature spirits, there is born an ethos of respecting and honouring Nature as a living entity that is not yours to be conquered or abused. Nik Tas also are like Voodoo Loas. We have these traditional shamans [I don't know any other English term for them: mediums?] who can call these Nik Tas into their bodies and the Nik Tas will cure the peoples illnesses and stuff. Nik Tas, if they like you they give you gifts [jewelry or other stuff]. My mother and grandmother says that sometimes the gifts just materialize out of nothing and you find it. Or sometimes they give you things called Nieng Boohn. These gifts have magical powers to protect you. I have a Nieng Boohn. Nieng means a Maiden, or Young Girl, and Boohn means hidden, or to hide. A Nieng Boohn is when an animal that lives in a forest protected by a Nik Ta runs into a tree or rubs its horns or tusk into a tree and the tusk breaks off and gets buried in the tree [hence the Boohn meaning Hidden, or Hiding in the name]. Wild Boars tusks and teeth, and elephant tusks are said to be the most powerful. Tiger claws and tiger teeth are the second most powerful. Nieng Boohns dont have any magic if you kill an animal and cut off their teeth and tusks. Actually the Nik Tas will kill you. Only people with Wisna will find a Nieng Boohn. Wisna means Fate or Destiny. So you take the Nieng Boohn to a shaman or a monk. In Cambodia and Thailand and Laos, some monks are also shamans. They wake up the spirit inside the tusk or teeth, and you
take care of the tusk by putting oil on it, spraying it with perfume, and on every full moon you burn incense for it and give ask it to take care of you. You make a necklace out of it. Nieng Boohns dont do anything magical on a normal day. They only work during moments when you are in danger to protect you from all harm. The most stories you hear from people who have Nieng Boohns is that Nieng Boohns keeps you from being cut and makes you bullet proof; but only in times when you are in danger. If you have a Nieng Boohn and you asked your friend to shoot you, the bullet will kill you like normal. Nieng Boohns if you buy one costs around $1000 dollars just for the tooth or tusk, excluding the gold wrapping and gold necklace. And if you buy one, it doesnt work anyways because it wasnt given to you by a Nik Ta. Genuine Nieng Boohns are pasted down from generation to generation. I got mine from my stepdad. I have an uncle who has a Nieng Boohn and one day he was in North Carolina walking home at night when a group of black guys tried to rob him at gun point. He called his Nieng Boohn to help him and fought the guys [he knows kung fu] while he was being shot at. The black guys ran away eventually. My uncle walked home and when he got home the relatives he was living with got scared because he had blood on him and there were hole in his shirt. My uncle got scared because he thought a bullet had hit him, so he checked himself. No bullets had hit him, but he and the relatives said that the shirt he was wearing had bullet holes in it. In America, if your age my age [or around my age, or ten years older than me] and you are Khmer or Thai or Lao and you are sporting a Nieng Boohn around your neck, it means you gangbang, and that youre most often OG or got status in a gang; and that you got a kru. And it means your hardcore or fearless [since you think your invincible], and usually, nobody fucks with you. Or it just means that your family was so scared for your life they just found you a kru to give you a Nieng Boohn [like with me] but nobody has to know. A Kru [Guru] is a teacher of a magical or religious nature [shamans or monks that know magic]. Gangbangers [southeast Asians] will go out of their way to find a kru and they will worship their krus religiously for Nieng Boohns. There is something else in my culture similar to these Nieng Boohns called a Goan Krok. Goan means Child, or Baby, and I dont know what Krok literally means, but it is describes what type of baby these things are. Goan Kroks are more powerful then Nieng Boohns, more versatile, but much more harder to find and take care of. My auntmother and grandparents tell me about these Goan Kroks since one of my late great uncles had one. A Goan Krok is also something you chance upon. In ancient times before hospitals and in door plumbing, when you had to go to the restroom, you went into the woods to do your business. Sometimes if you are a woman and you are pregnant you will have miscarriages. So if you are out peeing in the woods and you have a miscarriage your fetus will fall out. That discarded fetus is where a Goan Krok comes from. A Goan Krok begins as a three month old developed fetus that has been miscarriaged and left behind.
If you walk by one of these discarded fetuses its said that you here a babys voice calling you. One of my grampas was telling us about his late brother who had one of these Goan Kroks. He said that this late grandpa when he was a young man went hunting in the woods and that when he walked by a bush he heard the voice of a child crying. He called out to the crying voice and asked if the child was lost. And the child said no it wasnt lost but that it has been abandoned by its mother and did not have a home to live in or any parents to care for it. This grandpa said out to the voice that he would take care of it because he didnt have any children of his own, and he asked the child where it was hiding. The voice guided him behind a bush but this grandpa couldnt find a child. So the grandpa asked: Where? I dont see you? And the child said: Here, on the ground. To this grandpas horror, it was a tiny human fetus. So you take the fetus to an elder or a shaman and the fetus is baked in a fire to harden and dry its body, and its put in a protective cloth like a pouch. Then you make or buy a doll house with a bed, and you let this Goan Krok live in the house. And you offer it food and water every day. My grandpa [great uncle] said that a Goan Krok talks to you as a voice and sits on your head when you walk around. It knows if people are talking behind your back and will tell you who is talking about you, and if you ask the Goan Krok to go and hurt or harm this person, the Goan Krok will do it with its magic. The Goan Krok also keeps you safe and protected in every way. But you cant sleep with it at night because its a child spirit and like to talk and play so it wakes you up at night and doesnt stop talking to you. I guess in Western terms things like Goan Kroks are called fetish items. Goan Krok reminds me of other such fetish items in other primal traditions. Like in Voodoo, there are these special jars you keep the spirits of the dead in which you command and which takes care of you. Or in Palo Mayombe and the indigenous traditions of the Congo they have these things called Nga Ngas which are also babies you take care of that have magical powers. Except a Nga Nga lives in a pot or bag in which you have human skulls and other magical items which you sacrifice animals to. As a side note: in Khmer for some odd reason a Goan Nga means a baby child, or new born baby. Sacrifice The elders in my family do also talk about sacrifice. In Khmer its called Bojia, which is a form of the Sanskrit Puja. A Puja/Bojia basically means an offering, which if you are ONA, you will get why I am bringing this up. When specifically referring to blood sacrifice its often called Bojia-yay [yay rhymes with the English word my]. I dont know what the extra -Yay means, but I speculate it may be a form of a Sanskrit or Pali word Jay which means High, or Mighty. So Bojia-yay could possibly mean a High Sacrifice, or Great Offering. My elders say that in olden times; they use the term Samay [Period, Era] Boran [Antiquity, Ancient]; long before Buddhism came to the area and the people, before great events such as a war or battle, or on the new year festival, a Bojia-yay is held to
bless and magically empower the war, battle, great act, or to bless the new year with prosperity for the empire. The king would gather these traditional shamans and the people would bring their large animals to be sacrificed to the spirits and Nik Tas that guard the kingdom and land. The king provides slaves and prisoners which are also offered as Human Sacrifices to these spirits and Nik Tas that are guardians of the kingdom and land. They would then bathe their weapons, or even farm tools and farm land with the blood. Or if you were a soldier you bathe a piece of clothe with this blood and you wear it and go to war. My elders say that in this way, the ancient Khmer Empire grew to control most of the Indochinese peninsula. They say [they are Buddhists outwardly] that it is because of this crazy Buddhist Religion that foreigners brought into the Empire that cause it to shrink into an insignificant pathetic State. Because when the kings and the people became Buddhists, they believed that it was wrong and bad karma to hold Bojia-yays and to sacrifice animals and people and the ancestors [spirits] and Nik Tas of the kingdom and land were disrespected for being ignored; and the people were even afraid to war because war kills people. But old habits old traditions are hard to break. Although humans are no longer offered, Bojia-yays still go on in rural areas with animals are still offered. Animal and some form of human sacrifice is a common reoccurring tradition in primal indigenous cultures around the world [see Mayans for one example]. Such as the Native American belief of killing an enemy to honour ones warrior ancestors. The head hunting that went on in Indonesia and New Guinea up until recently. Certain indigenous tribes in the Amazon bury children alive to appease evil spirits. And the animal sacrifices that are living aspects of indigenous traditions in Africa; and even in pre-Christian Europe. There are evidence of Human Sacrifice in areas in Scotland where mummified bodies in bogs have been found with nooses around their necks, hands tied, and a stab wound in their chest. The Roman Empire outlawed Druidism even, on account that they allegedly practiced Human Sacrifice. Spirits Back to shapeshifting entities: All Devatas, prets, and yaks can also shapeshift. Devatas are sometimes called devas. Theyre basically godlike beings, angels, or those spirits people that live in the upper realms. Prets [preta in sanskrit] are demons things. They live in the forest. Yaks [yaka in sanskrit?] are things like monsters or giants? Then there is another class or species of entities that are remnants of animistic beliefs that have no names. They are just called Vinyin, which is the Khmer form of the Pali word for Consciousness. Generally the word Vinyin also means a spirit person. This class of entities take on physical form and always wear black. They are benevolent, and you usually see them just as you die. Or they usually come to talk to you as you drift off to sleep. These entities are said to escort you when you die to the other places. Or it is said that they come to you to tell you important things.
There is a real famous story that happened not to long ago that had something to do with these Vinyins. A few decades or so before the Khmer Rouge revolution there was this one monk everybody called The Crazy Monk. This Crazy Monk had been living in the forest as a hermit doing his Forest Tradition meditations. One day he said that three spirits people [these vinyins] materialized right in front of him and had said to him that he needs to leave the forest and begin to tell people to leave the country because before he grows old and dies [he was already old] a horde of men in black shirts will come out of the forests and they will burn the cities, murder many people, and the kingdom will fall into ruin. The monk did what he was told and he spent the rest of his life walking the streets and telling people to leave the country because men in blackshirts would come and kill everybody and destroy the kingdom. Back then Cambodia was in pretty good economic shape so everybody thought he was crazy. Thats why they called him The Crazy Monk. Nobody believed him. My grandmother and all of her sibling were alive to hear the Crazy Monk go crazy on the streets warning people to leave the country. Anyways, we all know what happened in 1975. The other story concerning this species of entities is more personal. I have an auntie who had a baby just before the Khmer Rouge took over the country. When her baby was 2 years old she died because she got very sick and there was no doctors in the country. But before she died my auntie was holding my 2 year old late cousin and my auntie said that the 2 year old cousin started saying that men in black outfits had come to take her home and that it was her time to go and she wont be coming back, and she died after she said her good byes. Ive always found this story very significant because it happened to somebody I know intimately, and because its very hard for me to believe that a 2 year old baby who had barely learned to speak would even know what death and dying is to be making stories up. Ritus Antiqusque Humanae I thought Id share some these things, just to show that what the ONA has as far as its aural traditions of Dark Gods, and shapeshifting acausal beings; its Dark Tradition; and Sinister Seven-Fold Way; is not entirely made up or the fanciful creative imaginings of Anton Long. There are many, many cultures and living traditions the world over those more closer and in harmony with life and Nature that also share these same beliefs and practices/traditions. The names and mythos might be different from indigenous people to indigenous people; but the essence of it is as old as humanity. The oldest forms of religion [I use that word loosely here] is animism, and what is referred to by people like Joseph Campbell as shamanism in which entities and spirits
can materialize and where magic is an aspect of such religions, which would include ancestor worship. I believe that even if its not on a conscious level the ONAs Dark Tradition is an example of the West reverting back to this more ancient and Natural Way of Life, that was and is more Human. And if we pay close attention to the time and condition of the Wests slow awakening - and Liberation to its more ancient and Natural Way, we can see that such things as the ONA, and those new religions referred to as NeoPaganism, began to surface circa 1960s in the West, which was a time when that magian ethos and religion had finally lost its thousand year grip on the Western Mind. Such that, such Minds gradually begin to revert back to what is more alive, more in tune with the way of Primal Nature and Life, as their feral and tribal ancestors once knew. If we each try to be more open minded with other cultures that the West has typecasted as being primitive and savage, we just might see that our ONAs Dark Traditions has more in common with such numinous and tribal ways of life and religions [I use the term very loosely] then we realize. I personally take the time to study some of these animistic traditions: one being that ancestral indigenous tradition of my own culture beneath our Theravada Buddhism: as Bon Po is to Tibetan Buddhism; as indigenous Taoism is to Chan Buddhism. If you want to rediscover what is Human, what is Primal, and what gods and practices existed in mankinds primeval past, all you have to really do is enter Africa. It doesnt matter who you are, what skin color you are, what culture or tradition you come from: we all as a species came out of Africa. You got to the indigenous traditions of the Yaruba or the people of the Congo and you will see they have a list of dark primal gods, each with names and sigils. You will the magic and supernaturalism. You will see the sacrifice and dark rites. And in seeing such things for yourself you know and feel that the ONA does share things in common with such very ancient primal [Dark] traditions. Urban Cults By the word Urban I mean here that sometime in our species history not to long ago some group of hunter-gatherers, began to settle one place and farm, and from that farming an agrarian social order formed which became a city-state. Most of us unconsciously assume that when our species came into existence, that we came into such existence inside a metropolis, with streets, and politicians, kings, and priests already pre-fabricated to rule and govern us. We know so far that the oldest such prehistoric city or first urban settlement is Jericho which dates back to 9,000B.C. this means that for at least ~11,000 years some members of our species have been living in urban conditions; and not as feral hunters and gatherers.
But our species has been around for 200,000 years at least. So if we minus 11,000 from 200,000 we are left with: 189,000 years of humans living in other Ways besides an urban way. The question thus is: how were our ancestors living and what were their beliefs and practices, for all of those 189,000 years before urban life? Obviously, this city-state way of life is new compared to the much Older and Ancient Way of Life. The answer to this question will be both revealing and enlightening for those of us in the ONA. With an urban settlement a new species of social ordering comes into being. One whose functionality, mechanics, and equilibrium depends on the social coherency and specialization of its members. This means that one of the first aspects of urban settlement to come into being is class/status differentiation and division of labour: Priests and Kings at the top; Warriors in the middle; Commoners below warriors, and slaves at the bottom. We see this same tendency for humans to form these same divisions in other modern social orders such as corporations and religious institutions: CEOs and High Priests at the top; Executives and Priests in the middle; employees and believers at the bottom. This in Vedic Hinduism is called the Caste System isnt it? With such differentiation and division of class, status, and labour, there thus arises Policies to maintain such divisions. These policies in ancient times were the laws of the city-state cult. There is nothing divine or authoritative about urban religious policies. Its abstract and arbitrary. Its invented with the end purpose of maintaining the overall functionality, mechanics, and equilibrium of the city-state and caste system. Its not natural. Its a restrictive perception forced onto a population. It is forced cosmology, forced ontology, forced morality, and forced arbitrary laws. The priestcraft that spoke Sanskrit gibberish of yesterage which the commoner doesnt understand, is the lawyercraft that speak legal gibberish of today which the commoner does not understand. Modern politics is just a refined evolution of ancient urban priestcraft. What do I mean by restrictive perception? I mean when a priestcraft says: Thou shalt have no other gods, that that ontology condemns the city-cultist into a perception in which he cannot legally/religiously see other gods outside those gods endorsed by the city-states ruling class. Why not? Because your ruling class power and citys coherency depends on your make believe authority vested on you by a defined set of gods; and if your citizens go off worshiping other gods, then what authority do you have to maintain your status and your citys coherency? If everybody in your city had different gods, the citys equilibrium and coherency is disrupted. In such an urban system of life that where class status and division of labour is needed to maintain the life of the city-state and thus the power and privilege of the ruling class, the city-cults religious law of: Thou shalt not commit adultery is a crime to break. Why? Because if your citizens were all reproducing arbitrarily without regard for class and caste then what social group and labour function is your off spring born into? If your mother was a daughter of a priest and your father was a handsome slave, then what are you? Such reproductive disregard for class and caste disrupts the city-states system. Castes arent big deals to us in the West during our modern age, but in ancient times, in
the various civilizations that occupied India and else where social class and labour caste were very important and legally pervasive. There is nothing natural, divinely moral, or cosmically authoritative about: Thou shalt not kill. It is an urban policy. As the ruling class whose job it is to maintain the functionality of your settlement, you simply cant have people killing anybody they want, or even themselves. Why? Obviously if everybody is dead or ran away from fear of being murdered for no reason, what settlement/city/social order do you have? Killing and murder happens all the time in nature. If you can defend your off spring or dont have claws or venom or camouflage to protect yourself, then tough. Same things goes with: Thou shalt not steal. There is nothings divine or morally authoritative or natural about stealing or not stealing. It happened all the time in nature. If you are a tree and you forgot to evolve thorn to protect your fruit, then some monkey will come by and steal you fruit. Stealing ruins the game of a city. You cant have your citizens just taking houses and possessions that dont belong to them. They need to work for make believe things called money or work for pieces of metal and stone with some arbitrary value ascribed to them. You save that money up and buy what you want. Out beyond the walls of the city-state, if you are a feral tribe and you lack the means to defend your territory from another tribe, then they will kill you and take you land. Such ways are neither good or bad, it is beyond urban conceptualizations of legal and illegal. It is just natural. The belief system, theology, ontology, and cosmology of an urban cultus is restrictive, arbitrary, unnatural, and forced. The idea that an urban city-state god created the world has nothing to do with life and nature outside the walls of that urban settlement. Its just myth that backs up and props up the priestcraft policies of the city-state. Whats even more revealing is that not only is this creator god the maker of the world, but he also has a chosen group of humans he favor over others who he is more closer to [Jews, Brahmins, priests, rabbis, imams, pastors, whatever]. The belief of a heaven and a hell also has nothing to do with life and nature outside the walls of a city. Neither does the arbitrary religious notion of believe, worship, and heretic have anything to do with life and nature beyond the conditioned mentality of the city-state. Its all smoke and mirrors to enthrall the urbanite for the end purpose of maintaining the urban settlements social order and coherency. These city-states eventually evolved into our modern Nation-State. Our modern secular Nation-States dont have state-religions any more. But in America there is secular Americanism, Patriotism, etc. There are no more priests, but there are lawyers and law makers. There are no more phony divine commandments authorized by some god in the sky. We now have laws that are authorized by some other abstraction called The People. There are no more 10 commandments, they are now called Amendments. You can worship whatever cult god you want today, but defy The People, and tell the Oligarchy you do not recognize the power and validity of their law and court and you become a State-Heretic, i.e.: a Criminal.
Where the olden urbanites of Christendom were conditioned to believe that Christianity and Christendom was everywhere and that you were born Christian. These NationState have conditioned their people to believe and perceive that their Statism is everywhere and that you are a citizen of whatever state you are born in, and thus subject by birth to such State laws and State taxation [tithes]. We never ask or meditate on how this is so. Point a finger for me to the State that I was born in. If you point to my mother: she isnt a state; she is Human, and as a Human, her species has existed for 200,000 years. What State was around 200,000 years ago? If you point to the ground or land I was born on and live in: this is also not a State. This ground, like most land on earth has existed in some form or other for about a good 4 billion years. Show me what State existed 4 billion years ago. Has our species always lived as domesticated apes under the power of some State or Religion for all 200,000 years of our existence? Have our ancestors always seen the world from a city-state religious paradigm? Has our ancestors always had unnatural, forced, restrictive perceptions and beliefs for all 200,000 years? What was life like for those 189,000 years before urban social orders? How did people live during those hundreds of thousands of years? What did they believe and practice? Before urban settlement people lived in and with Nature; as many still do today. In clans and tribes consisting of bands of kinfolk and blood relations. There was no need for a forced and arbitrary division of labour. No caste system of slaves, peasants, or priests. There were no kings, just tribal elders who were honoured for their wisdom rather than some authority. All you really have to do is take the time to find and study such groups of people who still live in such tribal ways in any part of the earth. Or you can just find a living culture today whose indigenous and ancestral traditions are still past down and maintained by aural transmission: of living person to living person. Where state-religions are based on written laws in some holy books. The more natural and ancient Human Way which existed long before the invention of writing was based on the living of life, on the intimacy and harmony with Nature, and on what one learned directly from life, nature, and ones elders, who learned directly from life and nature themselves. Where state-religions have some set of authority giving gods or some exalted abstract god to be worshiped and tithed to. The more natural and Human Way is the way in which everything is Life Force [spirit(s)]; where ancestors who have died are still honoured, called on, and believed to be still a part of the family. Where after living at-one with Nature and feeling the life force that inhabits all of Nature there evolves naturally a respect and honour for Nature, and Nature spirits. Where the beliefs of a state-religion is arbitrary, restrictive, forced, and unnatural; such that if you desired to learn more about such religion, you had to go learn it from a qualified priest with city-state stamp of approval. The more ancient and Human Way of
belief is one based on personal experience, direct apprehension of Life and nature, and ones own effort to be more empathetically in communion with Life and Nature. An example of this difference can be found in India. The Vedas are some of the oldest urban cult religious writings in the world. Its urban conditioning comes complete with forced cosmology, forced arbitrary laws and beliefs, and a caste system. But there exists in the same area a separate and independent Way and Tradition called Shramana [Sanskrit] or Samana [Pali]. This word is related to the word Shaman. In Vedic India, a Shramana is a person who leaves the city behind [renunciation] to live in the forest. The shramana rejects everything Vedic, including the belief in gods and their Brahmin Priests. These shramana will meditate in nature and along the banks of the Ganges, and from removing themselves from the conditioning of the city, from the urban religion of the Veda, from the caste and status system, and from their own struggle to discover what is Natural and Real beyond that urban conditioned delusion, they obtain something referred to as Sambuddhi or Self-Realization, or Self-Enlightenment. Jainism and Buddhism are both descendants of this Shramana Tradition. A Jain monk is called a Samana; while a Buddhist monk under the age of 20 is called a Samanera meaning Little Shramana. The Greeks once knew the Buddhists as Samanos. Shamanism What is known loosely as shamanism is so ancient, and so old, and so ubiquitous, that even the word shaman is nearly universal; or at least one of its variants is used to refer to the same essential thing by indigenous people. Even some Taoism Adepts in China have certain medicine men that are called Sha Min or some form of that. I use the word and term shamanism in its anthropological sense, meanings a range of beliefs and practices that regards communication with the spirit and supernatural world. Supernatural meaning what is beyond our causal, natural perception and understanding of causal reality. Being American, the best example I can give of a shamanic tradition besides my own indigenous tradition is the tradition of Native Americans. These Native Americans were animistic like my own culture still is. I dislike the way the West academically teaches what animism is. From such a dismissive scholastic perspective and etic understanding laden with a superiority complex animists seem like primitive stupid unscientific people that superstitiously believe that rocks, rivers, and inanimate object have souls and personalities or something. If you were born and raised in an indigenous tradition that is animistic you just believe that Nature is alive. Youve have to be dead inside if you walk through a forest and not see and feel life. Not everything of Nature is a living being. Rocks arent alive nor do they have souls to an animist. I have never heard anyone say that trees and rocks have Prolung which is the word for soul-spirit. But I was taught that trees have jivit [life] and that trees and animals and people have vinyin [consciousness/Life Force]. And sometimes some non-physical entity can inhabit rocks and trees. Or things like a
place, or temple, or mountain, or forest, or object can have a sacred or supernaturally special quality inhabiting them, or imbued in them that is honoured, and held in high regard. To us, Life Force survives bodily death. So that in my culture [Thai, Khmer, and Lao] there is something odd that can be observed. Even though we are Buddhists who are supposed to believe in some sort of idea of rebirth or reincarnation, we have this more ancient animistic belief that our ancestors are still a part of our family and clan and that they remain bound to us, so we still pay our respects and honour to them. Usually we have these home altars with their picture, and we burn incense and offer food to them. This is wrongly called ancestor worship. In such indigenous cultures, there really is no such word for god or worship, what words we do use to refer to a god is borrowed from Sanskrit or Pali. Ask any missionary who has every tried to convert an indigenous population of animists in any part of the world about this and they will tell you that such cultures all lack a word for god and worship and that it was quite hard to translate the bible into their indigenous languages without having to be creative with words. No such concepts exists in Nature. Only spirit, Life Force, and Honour exists to a person or culture at-one with Life and Nature. The olden Native Americans once also had these same animistic beliefs, and once also had a strong honour for their non-physical ancestors as well. Ways of Life and Natural ways of belief are often simple and uncomplicated. These Native Americans also had a belief and faith in magic and supernatural phenomena. These Native Americans and all ancient Natural Ways of Life also have Rites of Passage: where people go through trial and ordeals in some form or manner to become Initiates of Life, which transforms them inside into a new person. Then there were those Medicine Men and Women shamans who went a step further beyond their tribesmates who struggled to live closer to nature, sometimes alone isolated in a forest. They would gradually learn about plants and what each plant did as far as curing sickness, and they would practice a certain form of magic where they would meditate to the beating of a drum or humming or chanting, sometimes intoxicated with hallucinogenic plants, enter a trance state where they speak with their totems, animal brothers, spirits, and ancestors; who teach them things in that state. My own culture has a very similar practice. There is a certain kind of kru [shamanic teacher] that are not physical beings. You learn to meditate to call one of these krus to you. After you learn to go into a trance state from meditation, you can speak to this kru who teaches you things. Having one of these spirit entity krus is more powerful than having a human kru. Most people with this type of kru ask their krus to teach them magic. Many end up learning whats generically called black magic. But this shamanic aspect of ancient indigenous traditions also reminds me of something an ONA Initiate should be familiar with: Pathworking the Tree of Wyrd. Its when you basically mediate on one of the sinister tarots, gradually enter a trance state, and in such a
state certain entities and beings come to life and teach you things. If youve actually every diligently practiced this, then you will know what I mean by come to life. So when we look closer at the ONA, its Dark Gods, Dark Traditions, and Sinister SevenFold Way, and we compare it to the more ancient and Natural Ways and Traditions that are older then state-religions; we dis-cover that the ONA shares a lot in common with such primal traditions. There is the almost animistic belief that Life Energy [Acausal] animates all living beings, and that the Cosmos, the Earth, and Nature, are Living Being themselves which should be honoured and respected. There are those aspects of ONA magic and tradition which is similar to shamanic practices the world over. We also have our own Rites of Passage which also incorporates trials and ordeals. We also incorporate sacrifice, just like many of these ancient and Natural Ways. You see, from a perspective of frightened city citizens who are mental adherents of some restrictive forced belief system that live in the protected walls [physical or psychological] of some city/state; feral indigenous tribes that sacrifice animals and humans, head hunt, honour strange dark spirits, practice magic, etc, are evil, savage, and sinister, because such Natural Ways that are so much more older and Primal, threaten in a very real way the sanctimonious coherency and mechanic of that city/state, because if their citizens reverted to such ways of life, the city/state would stop working as a system. And when I say revert I mean it in a very real sense, unlike Islam. I think its silly to believe that we are all born Muslim. As if we are born with the name Allah etched in mind and genes in us; as if we are born with these arbitrary random stories of Moses and Ishmael; as if we are born facing Mecca, with some instinct to pilgrimage to some arbitrary city in Arabia. And that we somehow lose our natural Muslimness when we convert to other religions, so it is said we revert back to being Muslim when we convert to Islam. But you look at the human species as a whole; and you consider the vast amount of time and mileage between illiterate ancient indigenous cultures, and you examine all the Natural similarities that such primal cultures share in common with each other: you will begin to realize that such Natural Ways of reverence and Honour for Nature, belief in supernatural phenomena, magic and mystery, rites of passage, sacrifice, gods and spirits, etc, are so common, and so essentially the same, that its just Natural and Human. So that when we each become tired of the forced and arbitrary belief system of the City/State, and we abandon that conditioned urban weltanschauung, and we let ourselves go to flow with Nature, we realize that we gradually to go back to a more Natural Way of Life: a Reversion to what is and was ancient, Natural, and Human. Quod Erat Demonstrandum On a personal level, I know and feel that the essence of the ONA and the essence of its Dark Tradition are as old a humanity. But I cant give that knowing, and feeling to you. Its something that each of us must dis-cover on our own. Its only in our own ignorance and cultural myopia, that when we look at something such as the ONA that we grasp for
the nearest occult thing we know of in the West to measure and compare the ONA with. And in doing so we miss the mark; we restrict our understanding of the ONA inside the State Cultus of the Occidental Urbanite Paradigm, Weltanschauung, and Cosmology: which we already know is delusional, restrictive, arbitrary, out of touch with Time, Nature and our own Humanness in the first place. So we grasp for things like some necronomicon or some pseudo-mythology of some Western writer and we use those things to explain and dismiss the ONA with. Never realizing that nearly all of the fundamental components that makes up the ONA, its anti-statism, its Dark Gods, its Dark Tradition, its Sinister Way, and its Seven-Fold Way, all have very real mirror images in nearly every ancient primitive, savage, living indigenous primal culture and traditions. Which we never noticed before, because our Westernized eyes have been hoodwinked or misdirected by our Western priests, politicians, teacher, Mundanity, and conditioned mundane perception to only see what is Western and Materialistic, and to dismiss anything else as being stupid and backwards. And by indigenous culture I also mean the pre-christian indigenous cultures of pagan Europe. We can understand that urban cults and magian paradigms are delusional, but yet some of us have a hard time removing the ONA out of that matrix, so that it might be seen in a much different light. So this writing is just my attempt at trying to yank the ONA out of that delusional and arbitrary magian paradigm and urban cult matrix, so that some of us may see the ONA in a much different way. And even perhaps gain a much deeper appreciation for it: when we understand that this way that which is dialectically and diametrically opposed to the paradigm of magian city-state cultism is more ancient, more natural, and more Human, than urban conditioning of mind or any urban religion. This is one of the reasons why I being who I am: one born into an ancient and still living indigenous culture like the ONA so much and hold onto it and dedicate so much time to it. From my ancestral and cultural perspective, the ONA feels close to home such that I can honestly say that the only real difference between my own indigenous way that Way which pre-dates Buddhism is the superficial names of these primal beings [Dark Gods]; otherwise, the essence and methodology are the same; but with an added and relevant evolutionary addition: the great objective of inhabiting space and other galaxies. I wish I knew where David Myatt got the core or seed that grew into the ONA from. It could have been from a Lady who had an ancient tradition pasted to her. Or this Dark Tradition could have past through David Myatt like he were a nexion or bridge. Or perhaps it is both, a Lady may have had an old animistic, shamanic, pagan tradition she got from her ancestors; and DM got this and evolved it. Either way, based on what I intimately know and feel, and based on what I have studied: wherever the ONAs Dark Tradition comes from, it shares so much in common with these ancient animistic and shamanic traditions, that beneath the superficial differences, its virtually the same creature just re-presenced. Its not important to me where and how DM got it anyways. To me, its similarities and shared commonalities with very real ancient ways of life and
ancient traditions our species have used for ages, is its own testimony. I just hope that in time, I wont be the only one in the ONA that can appreciate this. Hopefully this writing has added a new perspective, angle, and dimension of Time to our understanding of the ONA, Humanity, Ancient Primal Traditions, and Nature. We sometimes forget that we are dealing with great spans of Time. That our Humaness and intelligence, ability to honour and live at-one with Nature goes far beyond a mere several thousand years of urban-agrarian religionism. There is 189,000 years of Humanity living ferally in tune with Nature left unaccounted for, left often unspoken of, and unconsidered. When I say ancient, Natural, and primal I mean those lost years of our species that the religions, priests, and politicians of these Nations-States would rather have you forget and dismiss. How were our Human ancestors living back then? What did they believe? What did they practice? What were their world views? How did they see Nature and their place in Nature, so long ago before cities, settlements, Nation-States, political ideologies, and urban belief systems corrupted and defiled our Humanness? Is there a Way back to that primeval Humanness we have lost and left behind somewhere, deep within us?
Nobody sat me down to even teach me what a Buddhist actually believed in. Nobody even talked about it on a day to day basis at home. Then there was that time when I remember studying with a Jehovahs Witness study buddy when I was around 12 and 13. Every Sunday my study buddy would come over for an hour, have lunch and wed read out of their bible together and our of these books of different colors. That was when I first actually learned about God or a God of some type. At that time I suppose the Jehovahs Witness stuff explained things for me. So I went to my favorite bhikkhu grandpa and told him about my new religion I found that explained everything in a neat book called the bible! I said something like: So grandpa, I learned from the study buddy and the bible that Jehovah who is God made the universe in 6 days, and that soon well all live forever in paradise and if you worship Jehovah, you can live in his paradise. And my grandpa said something like: Thats wonderful grand daughter. What exactly is the Nature of this bible? Where did it come from? That question set me off on a long quest to figure out where the bible came from. I eventually stopped studying with the study buddy. And after I learned that people wrote the bible, and that there were many Christian denominations, and many interpretations of the bible, I figured that if God inspired it, he didnt do a great job, because everybody is getting something different. The second religion I ever had was Satanism. My friends in junior high school got me into it. I read the Satanic Bible and it made better sense to me at the time. I was 14 at the time. I stopped believing a god existed and thought the idea that I was my own god was nice. So I went to my favorite bhikkhu grandpa to tell him about my new Satanic religion! I explained to my grandpa that I was now smarter enough to know that Jehovah isnt real, that the Christian religion is based on blind faith, and that I now worship myself as my own god. And my grandpas said to me: Before I was a monk, I did many bad and illegal things as a young man. As I grew older the way I see things changed. Because how I see and understand things changed I am now a monk. Do you understand? I said: No, I dont. And he explained: You have only gone from one god to another. One worship to another. One blindness to another. And you believe this to be change and growth. If you are not blind, then what is the Nature of this Self you now worship? Where is it? What does it look like? How did it come to be? Being a Satanist to me was kind of dumb. There really wasnt anything to do with it in real life. It was just something you believe, and a label or identity tag you carry around. Other then that I was just me for most of the day. And after a year of contemplating on my grandpas question on the Nature of my Self, I figured out I really was clueless about its nature and I was as blind to its nature as I was to the nature of god, and everything. I figured out that beneath the trinkets of beliefs I had, I actually knew nothing about the Nature of anything.
Thats when I began to seriously study Buddhism. But in a Buddhist culture, with monks in your family, studying Buddhism isnt like having a Buddhist study buddy indoctrinate you with superficial beliefs. Its frustrating because there seems to be nothing to believe in, and when you ask a question, the answer is given in the form of a question and youre suppose to figure things out on your own. So I spent most of my time as a Buddhist not learning any teachings or doctrines, but learning how to see things. Which was totally bizarre if you compare it to the act of learning and being a Christian or Satanist where you believed in different things but you see things in the same essential way. And there were other odd things I did as a Buddhist like Sati [mindfulness]. Its a form of meditation which eventually helps you see things. You can sati with anything, like eating and walking. For example with eating it goes like this for me: [There is a fork in my left hand. There are muscles in my left hand holding the fork. My left hand moves the fork to the plate. There is a piece of meat on the end of my fork. There is a brain in my head that moved my left hand to the plate. My left hand moves the fork to my mouth. I am chewing the meat which used to be a cow. There is a reason why I am eating the cow. The cow probably came from Texas. I wonder how far into the past its DNA goes? I swallowed the cow meat. My stomach will break it down. My intestines will absorb it into my blood stream. The cow will become a part of me.] So from something so simple as eating, when you become mindful of the act of eating, you gain new vantage points of seeing things that you would not have taken notice of before. For example I know that my hand moved to the plate because that movement was initiated by an impulse from my brain. But now I can ask myself: What initiated the brain to initiate the impulse in the first place? Or after being mindfully aware that the cows protein is used by my body to rebuild its parts, and that the cow ate grass and that the grass ate sunlight, I now see that there is a real interconnection between me, the cow, grass, and the sun. So thats how I studied Buddhism. What I am trying to say is that Buddhism as I learned it was never a holy book, or teachings, or a prefabricated set of beliefs you blanket over some reality you lack an understanding of. It wasnt some label I wore or some label I identified with. It wasnt some ritual or ceremony I perform occasionally here and there. It was just a way of seeing things, and gaining better vantage points, and thus greater insight, and as you progress in vantage points and insight you develop what Buddhism called Sambuddhi: Self Enlightenment. And its this mode or function of Mind that I grew to value and appreciate above religion, facts, truths, and conventional knowledge. Nobody teaches you anything. If I had a question, my bhikkhu grandpa would just grin a toothless smile and answer me with a question, which forced me to go learn to think for myself and go find my own answers. And to find those answers to questions I had, I only had two sources to go to: Nature or the World of Phenomena; and the experiences in my own Life. There is no belief involved in all of it. There is nothing to believe. There are
only things perceived, and that can change later with a change in mental capacity, level of understanding, and angle of perception. The Nature Of Truth I dislike the English word truth. No such term or idea exists in Khmer or Buddhism. The closest Khmer word to truth we have is Bhidt. Bhidt is the etymological opposite of Krohawk which means a Lie or Fib. Bhidt basically means Honest, Authentic, Accurate. For example my mom went to a psychic fortuneteller once [many times] and when the readings were very accurate shed gossip about it to her sisters and my aunts would say: Wow, bhidt [Accurate] main [Indeed]! It didnt mean that what the psychic was saying was absolute fact or spiritual truth. It just meant she was pretty accurate. So an idea or belief that is Bhidt doesnt mean it is absolute fact and cosmically true. It just means that such idea or belief is your Honest Opinion or your Honest Belief or knowledge you believe to be accurate. In Buddhism [Pali] the word most often mistranslated as truth or fact is Sacca [pronounced Saccha or Sajhak]. Saccha actually means: That which you have come to know to be accurate, or knowledge which is assumed to be accurate. The Accuracy of saccha actually depends on how you see and understand things. Truth or Fact in English seems to suggest that it is so truly true that it is beyond doubt and absolute and anything else is false. For example, there was a time when Europeans believed that the entire universe was a flat Europe. It was truth and anything else was just poppycock. But then Africa and Asian came into the picture due to trade. So the Truth changed to the whole universe beings Europe, Africa, and Asia, but everything was still flat, and anything else was uneducated. But then Columbus came and messed the Truth up. So then the whole universe was a whole round world, but the Truth was this round world was the center of the universe and anything else was heretical! But then Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton came and messed things up. So the Fact was now changed to the round world was going around the sun which was in some galaxy, that came about by gravity, but the galaxy was it! And anything else was just unscientific. But then somebody discovered there were billions of galaxies. So now the Fact is that the universe is really big, filled with many galaxies yes, but surely were the only intelligent anythings in the whole universe: and anything beyond this is ludicrous. Its almost as if the mundane mind never really learns that Truth doesnt really exist. Or that when some authority figure sets a limit to Truth, that these mundane minds lacks the intelligence and wit to go beyond such limits to see whats on the other side. But for the sake of convenience, Ill use the word truth anyways. From a daily mindfulness of Life: from the mindful awareness of Nature, and the Vantage Points gained, there arises the understanding that there exists two sets of understandings [or facts, or truths]: 1) conventional/relative; and 2) supra-conventional.
This also isnt a belief. Its just that when you are in the business of seeing the Nature of things [Physis] you eventually will make these two categories to stick your insights into. For example to me the idea or fact, or theory, or belief, or truth that men and women are different is real and true [accurate]: conventionally. Guys and girls are very different from one another in mind and body. But ultimately or supra-conventionally they are both expressions of the same Humanness or Humanity you see? So it can be said that this supra-conventional way of understanding something is the state in which that something is apprehended in its Complete, or Whole state. Whereas the conventional way of seeing things is when one sees instead that same Wholeness in its separate parts or pieces. And it is when Mind or Consciousness is attached to or fixated on a certain aspect of these separate parts or pieces oblivious or blind to the Whole that problems arises. Its like you were looking through a peek hole in a wooden fence and you base your entire worldview and belief system on the limited things you can see through that peek hole, never realizing that there could be more; or sometimes actually passionately denying and fighting the possibility of there being more then your peek hole perspective. I have this expensive watch I wear sometimes. To me the most important parts about this watch are its face and the battery inside. One day my watch stopped working. I assumed it stopped working because the hands stopped moving. So I figured it that the battery was dead. I took it to the repair guy to change my battery for me. He puts on one of those eye pieces and looks around inside and said that it wasnt the battery, but that a little gear needed to be replaced. Which was when I actually realized in Heart that there was more to the Nature of a watch then just its face and battery. So in my Buddhist way I asked the repair guy how he sees a watch. My repair guy said to me that a watch and a clock or something as big as Big Ben were all the same: the intricate system of gears and parts working together as a single system. So all that time my perception of that watch was Limited to a mere two parts: a face and a battery. Thats called ignorance. Ignorant because I was unaware of the bigger picture: the Complete Perception of the Total Nature of that watch. Its easy for us to understand this watch example, because its easy to step back and see the bigger picture in which the watch is actually made of many, many little gears and sprockets that all work together as a single system. But its hard to maintain this mindfulness of the Wholeness of things regarding the many aspects of life. And thats where many of our human problems come from. For example, the Belief in Moral Absolutes or Moral Truths. Many of us have this idea that evil exists in the world, and we Believe that the existence of such evil is fact and truth and universal. So we invent religions and worldviews based on such Beliefs. But such people never realize that such beliefs are relative and conventional. What one social group of people judge and valuate to be evil may not be perceived as such in other social groups [cultures, nations].
For instance in America is it wrong, and a crime for a grown man to have sex with a 13 year old girl. Lawmakers right now have this idea of locking up men that do this in prison for life and chemically castrating them. But on the other side of the world in Yemen, Muslim Clerics are pressuring the government to maintain laws that allow grown men to marry child brides as young as 13. Or even in the same social group of people such as Christians, evils and morals are not quite absolute. Its morally heinous and evil from a Christian perspective and worldview to abort babies, because killing is evil. But these same people see nothing wrong with supporting capital punishment and wars that kills millions of Iraqis and Afghans. A better example for us is something I personally experience. When I was in my early teens and more ignorant, I had read the Satanic Bible and believed that Might Is Right was a Fact of Nature. Only because I thought Darwins theory of evolutions stated something like: survival of the fittest. I never personally seen or witnessed any species fight and compete with anything to survive, but that didnt matter. The idea itself made sense to me at the time. Only so because of my limited perspective of things. But as I started being more mindful of Life, and trying to gain new and higher vantage points to see the Wholer side of the Nature of things, I started to disagree with this Might Is Right idea. Nothing in Nature competes or fights to survive. Everything co-exists in a symbiotic interconnectedness with everything else. Which is why its called an ecosystem. We now know that even if one part of Nature an ecosystem is removed or goes extinct, that the System is upset and can have catastrophic end results. So after I gained this more Wholer perspective of the Nature of Nature, I realized that I had based my identity and entire worldview and understanding of who and what I was on a very limited perception or interpretation of Life which was not accurate: not Bhidt, not Saccha. When I did realize this, I was Free and Liberated from my fixation or attachment to that limited understanding. And from that Liberation of Mind, I was able to grow and progress to different vantage points. And these arent Buddhist perspectives I am sharing. Any fool with half a brain that works, who takes the time to go beyond their limits of conventional mundane perception will eventually See this. But it takes mental discipline. I use this mental discipline on a daily basis, and its this Discipline of Mind that I find hard to compromise, so that it is near impossible for me to devolve back to some Materialistic-Atheistic Satanist or some Theistic Christian. The Crime Of Perception It used to be not to long ago that belief was a crime. Meaning that when a sectarian regime or political regime has set a standard of belief and truth, that if you deviated from such beliefs and truths you were a heretic, shunned by society, and punished by the law, often with death.
We assume that because we have the freedom today to believe and worship what we want that things have changed with our ruling regimes, society, and the law but have things changed? If there was a standard perception of things, what would happen if you deviated from this established standard? During the 70s it was believed or the standard perception of things were that being Human was unique, and that as a zoologist or biologist studying animals you cannot see in animal life Human nature. This was sometimes called Anthropomorphication or Anthropomorphic Interpretation/Projectionism. If you did See Humanness in animals such as Culture you were ridiculed by your peers, shunned from your scientific community, and lost your job. But today, we now know that animals have culture. The easiest example on I can give on the fly are chimps who have a culture of inserting twigs in termite mounds to fish for termites. This cultural meme is something they are instinctively born with. It is learned and acquired via observation and trial. Not to long ago there lived a mad scientist named Wilhelm Reich who had unorthodox modes of perception that deviated from established views. Mr. Reich for one, observed under his microscope that under certain conditions when orgone was present dead matter, or decomposed biomatter produced these little life forms he called Bions. He had this unorthodox idea that some kind of naturally present life force in the ether he called Orgone was the difference between dead matter and living matter. Mr. Reich started to invent a technology based on this Orgone energy. But he had been studying his Bions and how these bions came to life from dead matter. And from this observation he theorized that perhaps these things were the agents of disease. That perhaps when cells in a body dies and decomposes [which happens every second in your body] that if negative orgone affected this dead matter, those harmful bions would be produced, which caused diseases. This theory of his lead him to study a relatively new disease during his time called Cancer. Wilhelm Reichs unorthodox perception of what cancer was did not go well with the authorities. Especially when Mr. Reich was stating that Cancer can be cured based on his research. Nobody knows what his research discovered or if his theories were accurate. But what is known is that his government arrested him, seized all of his books and research papers, and burned everything. He was shunned and rejected by mundane society, and died a poor and forgotten man. Are you free as an individual to deviate from a standard way of perceiving something which your government has established? For example, if you were living in a Capitalist nation during a Cold War, and you deviated from this standard Capitalist worldview, what would happen to you? Or if you were a doctor and you challenged the views of the FDA and pharmaceutical corporations? Or if you were a scientist and you challenged the views of mainstream Gravity-Cosmology and Big-Bangers?
Gods, Truths, and beliefs these days are cheap. It affects the government and state and status quo very little what gods and religious beliefs you have. What is important these days is perception, views, and established Facts. We laugh at the idea of the stupidity of people back then in the Dark Ages who were dumb enough to follow religious laws and belief in their religious perceptions. Some group of men can just interpret some bible and make laws to govern, gain wealth, and power over the lives of people from cradle to grave and all they have to do is wave their bibles and writs in the air and those olden day morons believed every world of it didnt they? Now we have these guys in bureaucracies and scientific institutions, and pharmaceutical industries making laws that run your life, get rich from you, and gain power over you from cradle to grave, waving their writs and research papers based on Facts in the air and aint nobody morons anymore huh? Some of you mundanes just believe every word and writ and suck it all up like gay boys to a dick dont you? Mundane Perception Mundanes can be understood as Extremophiles. They just love extremes; you can say they suffer from Extremophilia. There attention and eyes only see extreme views. Its like their visual cortex in the back of their brain has only two Reality Color Cones and Rods: one for This Extreme, and the other for That Extreme, aint nothing in between. Things gotta be either black or white. If its grey or some other shade, it just dont make any sense to them. If you want to find Mundanes, all you have to do is go to an extreme views point: Materialist-Atheists or Spiritual-Theists, theyre all there, the billions of them; cant miss them. Theyre the people that actually passionately believe the peek hole perception of reality they are fixated on is the only thing real. They see the whole world and universe with their half brained, crosseyed, halfassed binary perception. Theres a Good god and an Evil god, nothing in between or nothing more. The universe is either finite or infinite. Its either got to be one universe or an infinity number of multiverses. Some invisible god either made them miraculously or some swamp gas made them miraculously; there just exist no other possible option for them. Human civilization either has to be capitalist or communist; totalitarian or democratic; no other possibility or potential exists for them. They go to sleep and dream and then they wake up, and from that mundane experience they interpret life as being either real like waking life or an illusion like dream life. Mundanes are also perceptually lazy. They have no views of their own. You have to spoon feed shit to them, and if it isnt an extreme view then it wont stimulate their two brain cones to fire so they can make any sense of it. Your views you spoon feed these mental cripples either have to make them feel like cosmically miserable self-loathing sinful creatures or like they are their own supergods with cosmic powers to control the universe and hordes of lesser spirit gods and demons.
Their eyeballs work; they see stuff; but they dont know what they are looking at. You have to tell them. Thats why religion has been the best selling business in human history. It doesnt even matter if they never seen the shit you sell them: heaven, hell, paradise with 72 virgins. Whatever, as long as its extreme: Live Forever in the Highest heaven at the most tippy toppest place or burn for eternity in the lowest pits of hell. Not 1 or 2 virgins, 72 virgins! These people are so limited in their power of perception that if youre a Jew then so is God. If youre black, then you worship a Black Jesus. If youre Chinese, youre gods got slanty eyes too. If youre a materialist then you god is a symbol. If youre a spiritualist then your god is a spirit human. But your religion has to be extreme. It must either be extremely restrictive or the whole opposite and be extreme mindlessly liberal. And your religion must have an exciting extreme plot. Like a good looking good god battling an ugly evil god, with angels with nice teeth warring with demons with bad teeth, all fighting for the souls of humans, because were so special, and because gods just have nothing else better to do with their eternity. And there needs to be at least a cataclysmic end of the world at the turn of every century because mundanes love to fret over extreme scenarios. Or your religion isnt going to attract adherents. Which is why things like Zen Buddhism isnt all that popular with Mundanes, because zazen is just sitting still in an unexciting way. They see a sun, and they grass, but theyre too stupid and lazy to perceive the bigger picture of there being a causal connection of some sort. Things they see in their barely functioning brains are permanently separated. If there is no wire or tether connecting anything, then it aint connected and have nothing to do with each other. Nature isnt an integrated system of symbiotic co-dependent life forms and parts. Its a war zone where everything is out for itself, and where it doesnt matter if you use just one or two species into extinction. Most of these Mundanes today are born, bred, raised, and conditions in industrialized cities. Like chickens born, bred, raised, and conditioned their entire lives inside industrial chicken coops: Used for their meat and eggs. So they know of no other reality but what urban stuff their minds are born and conditioned to see. So you have these idiot urbanite Satanists who invent some law of the jungle to follow and believe in as fact when the closest thing to a jungle theyve experienced is a city park or the local zoo. Most have ADD so they cant even sit through a nature show on PBS to learn shit. They take their chicken coop perspective and superimpose it onto everything. Its a struggle and a fight to survive in the city. Every other human begin in a city is competition. You gotta compete for food, for jobs, for houses, for wives, for retirement pension plans. Only the strong survive. So they project that chicken coop conditioning onto Nature and either worship and follow some Darwinian Struggle law or some god figure that will somehow save them from the fucked up chicken coop they made for themselves.
They project their chicken coop worldview onto the whole universe. Just watch their stupid science fiction movies. Every alien creature is ugly and is out to kill and use humans or compete with humans for the earth, like the whole universe with its billions of galaxies lacks an uninhabited habitable planet, so they just have to come to this one and bug us. The whole universe to these stupid idiots is a big Darwinian chicken coop. No wonder 6 billion of them believe in some God! You need to have a saviour to save your ass if you believe you live in a cut throat evil filled chicken coop. They move from one extreme to another in life. From one god to another. From one belief to another. From one set of abstractions to another. From one set of authority figures to another. And they think this movement is change and evolution. Its about as evolutionary as a mental institute resident being moved from one room on one end of the asylum to the other end. Nothing changed because youre still in the same fucked up building! You still got the same delusional worldviews, youre still in the same paradigm, you still see things in extremes and opposites. Pigeon Brains Most mundandes hate B.F. Skinner and those weird guys into Behavioural Science; who make them feel like dumb machines with pigeon brains that are easily manipulated and programmed. So basically you have a pigeon in a cage, and you give the dumb pigeon two buttons to peck at: a red one and a green one. You make the red one do something negative like shock the bird, and the green one dispenses food. After a while the pigeon will learn to avoid the red button and peck only the green one. This is significant because when you looks closely, you see that the pigeon was incapable of making for itself a third option or its own option. It made its choice of which button to peck at based only on what options were given to it. But Mundanes are smarter than pigeons right? Mundanes dont have their own views of anything. They are incapable of figuring out things for themselves. As Kayla says: The Market does not have opinions of its own. If the Market had their own opinions, or if Mundanes actually had the ability to formulate their own views, then marketing and advertising would not be a multi-trillion dollar business; and religion and politics would not work or exist. You give these people their opinions and views. They are incapable of thinking for themselves or determining their own wyrd. Nowhere do Mundanes express their inherent stupidity and lack of view then in marketing and advertising. You have companies that come out with new products. New product meaning nobody has ever seen it or tried it. The company hired a company that specializes in marketing and advertising to sell their new product. If the advertisement for the new product is Convincing enough, the people will buy the product. In other words, they trust whoever is Convincing enough as an authority figure and even though they have never directly tried or experienced that new product before, they will buy. If your product lacks the quality to sell by a Convincing argument, then you do a smear
campaign on the products nearest competition, and if your smear campaign is Convincing enough, then the new product sells. The same pigeon brain game is used in religion. You give the Market to buttons to peck: Red Button = Burn in hell forever; Green Button = Go to heaven. If your religion lacks attributes that makes it sellable, you bring in a competing religion as the second option and make that second option look negative. In this scenario the Mundane the billions of them all lack the ability to create for themselves a third button to peck, or they lack the power to make themselves their own option. The less options you give to these pigeon brained Mundanes, the easier it is to manipulate them. You give them their opinions and their views, but you make it appear as if they have some free will to choose what they like and want to do. Just like the government gives you the free will to choose to pay taxes or go to jail, but you give wonderful reasons why taxation is good. Politics uses the same pigeon brained game. Give these people as few options as possible. Make the options you do not want them to choose sound bad, and make the option you want them to pick sound good. Dictatorship or Democracy? Communism or Capitalism? Anarchy or Statism? These Mundanes lack the ability to invent their own options. They pick what between what options are given. You tell them you do not believe in the State and want to eradicate Nations and governments, and they become confused and ask you what you will live in and what you will replace it with; because they were never given such an option to peck at. They lack the power to create their own ideas and opinions. Facts and science now unfortunately work in the same way. Science is no longer based on empirical research and experimentation. If your argument and math is most Convincing, it is Fact. Give a smartass materialist Mundane these two options: 1) Pick Creationism and look like a fool; or 2) Darwinian evolution and look smart and which would they choose? If you do a good job ridiculing the first option, and making the second option Convincing, they will predictably pick the second. The less options you give them, the more predictable their choices are; the more predictable they are, the easier it is to control and maneuver them en mass into a direction of your choice. Facts or Truths dont exist. Mundanes will Believe in anything as long as the options are few and as long as you can Convince them to agree. Belief and Truth for Mundanes is an agreement. Mundanes go to school, or read books, or listen to authority figures, and if what they read, or hear is agreeable they call it learning, and believing. They do not learn or believe in things from direct experience and insights gains from experience. The most they will gain from an experience is a pigeon brained approach where they will learn to avoid things and experiences which yields negative [hurtful] results. If the results of an experience does not hurt physically or emotionally they will not learn to avoid it. Which is why such people become easily addicted to drugs, alcohol, and gambling, and not even ever realize that such addiction is harmful or destructive to themselves and their loved ones until its too late. If you were a group of wealthy Oligarchies and some king was getting in your way to power, what would you do? You give the people who lack a view and opinion of their
own two options: Tyranny under monarchism, or Liberty with Democracy. The worse you make the first choice sound, and the better you make the second one seem, the more they will believe the second choice is their own opinion. And just like pigeons, these Mundanes lack the ability to make for themselves a third option, or their own extra option. This is what I mean by perception and lack of perception. This is what I mean when I say that problems arises when we base our beliefs and worldviews on limited fields of perception. You cause problems when you cannot see or apprehend the Complete Nature or state of something. You limit not only your own growth and evolution when you limit your perception to only fractions of the Totality of something, but you mess up other peoples lives to, and fuck up the world. Instead of learning to see and understand the nature and way of what is the Totality of Life, you fixate your mind on a single fraction of it blind to everything else. There is more to Life then just killing and sex, but most of us can only see such extremes, and we make such a big deal out of them in our lives, our religions, our politics, and our worldviews. When there is so much more to Life in its Whole state of being. Most of us cant even get ourselves to understand that we are not an independent fractional aspect of Nature, but that we are a living indivisible part of what is the Complete state or Totality of Nature. And from that inability to understand our place and relationship to Nature, we abuse it, not understanding what wyrdful results we weave for those generations of people to come after us. Disciplining your Mind to teach it to see the Whole picture or the Complete nature of something is not exclusive to Buddhist, or to any single culture. Those people who have the natural ability to ascend above Mundanity and Mundane Perception have created countless methods of coming to a higher or greater understanding of the nature of things. There are many names and methods. Sometimes its called dialectics, sometimes mindful analysis, sometimes the method is Vibhajjavada, other times the Socratic Method, and yet other times the Hegelian Dialectics. Some may work better for different people. Whatever the method, this is something that the ONA and its Initiates cannot do without for many reasons. The first and obvious reason being to transcend Mundaneness. The second most relevant reason being that the study and understanding of Nature and the nature of things is an integral aspect of the ONA Way. The ONA Way The epistemology of the Esoteric Philosophy of the ONA asserts that there are two distinct types of knowing causal and acausal and that: A) knowledge of the causal continuum can be obtained by causal Science which is based on the following foundations: (i) the causal, phenomenal, universe exists independently of us and our consciousness, and thus independent of our senses; (ii) our limited understanding of this causal external
world depends for the most part upon our senses that is, on what we can see, hear or touch; that is, on what we can observe or come to know via our senses and by practical scientific experiments; (iii) logical argument, or reason, is the basic means to knowledge and understanding of and about this external world; (iv) the cosmos is, of itself, a reasoned order subject to rational laws; (v) that, in competing explanations of events or observations, the simplest and most logical explanation is to be preferred. Guide To The Esoteric Philosophy Of The ONA Before an epistemological anything can be knowledged or extracted from this causal, phenomenal universe, by logical argument or reason, certain basic and causal things must first be understood. The first Question is where does that logic or reason come from in the first place? Or another way to ask this question is: Where does what we know come from or what are we reasoning? I think one of the most frustrating things is getting into an argument about the existence of other Gods or the trueness of other religions with a Christian. So you ask them to explain to give to you the logical reasons why they believe their god is real and why their religion is the right one. They will start to name things out of the bible to logically back their argument up. Then you present your argument to explain how another religion or god may be better and truer. And these Christians will usually invalidate your argument by saying: But the bible says [] Which is to suggest that they use, and they want you to use Ideas from the bible to measure things with. So the notion that we dislike Mundanes and Mundane perception and Mundane worldviews, the idea that we should ascend above such Mundane understandings, and the implication that we use Mundane logic and Mundane facts, and Mundane reason to measure and figure out the mysteries of the universe is the same deal. Wherever a Mundane gets their logic and reason from, it is where we do not want to go shopping for tools to measure the world with. Usually a Mundane will read a text book for their logic and reason. And if an argument or idea is in agreement with their worldviews and level of understanding they will Believe it and use it as a means to see and understand their world, and we already know how they see and understand the world. And understanding this world is an important aspect of the ONA because it is restated again in different manuscripts in different ways. Such as the following ONA MSS which provides a clue as to where the Dreccian will get their understandings, logic, and reason from: The essence of the Traditional Satanism perspective about our origins in the causal Universe is reason or rather, what used to be called Natural Philosophy: through observation, experiment and the use of reason, or logic, we can understand our world, the causal Cosmos, and ourselves. Thus, Traditional Satanism is, in one important respect, a rationalist Way of Life which accepts: (1) that the Causal Universe (or Causal Reality) exists independently of us and our consciousness, and thus independent of our
senses; (2) our limited understanding of this causal external world depends for the most part upon our senses that is, on what we can see, hear or touch; that is, on what we can observe or come to know via our senses; (3) logical argument reason and experiment are the best means to knowledge and understanding of and about this external world; (4) the Causal Universe is, of itself, a reasoned order subject to rational laws; (5) our faculty of acausal-empathy is a means for us to know the nexion we are, and how we can discover our correct relationship to all other life. Thus, practical reason Natural Philosophy enables us to comprehend the external, physical, causal, Universe. Ontology and Theology of Traditional Satanism Its from Natural Philosophy that what we know comes from, or it is this that we are reasoning. Natural Philosophy is essentially the study of Nature and the physical universe. Most importantly via Observation of Nature and the Causal Universe. So we come to the very opening subject of this essay: Perception. Our Perception how we see things is the foundation of our beliefs and worldviews. How we see things, or what our consciousness if fixated on, influences how we see and understand the world. For example, if you were hiking in a forest along a trail with the intent on coming to an understanding of the Nature of that forest, and your Mind becomes fixated on a bear or a snake obstructing your path, the forest you are in suddenly vanishes out of your awareness doesnt it? And this is what extreme views or attention grabbing aspects of Life does to us. It distracts consciousness so that you are only aware of that which has attracted your minds fixation [attention]. Your Conscious Mind is a tool of limited power. It is like a magnifying glass. It brings into clear detail only what it fixates on and blurs everything else. It is like holding your hand in front of a painting. If you fixate your conscious awareness on a line on your hand, you lose perspective and a clear detailed of the painting. Except on our Human level of things, that painting is Reality, and the hand in front is literally what we are fixated on that is most often in front of our face. The Mundane Anariya thing is to turn what you fixate your Mind on and see clearly as a factual conviction, and use it to measure reality with oblivious to every other potential and possibility: the rest of the 99% of reality your Mind has blurred. So back to our forest analogy. On your left side of your trail their was a big pine tree with a sign on it that said atheism, and on your right side there was a pine tree with a sign that said theism on it. If your mind mindful awareness is fixated on one of these trees, it cannot see the other. But when you train your mind to be mindful of its surroundings and you learn to shift your mind around so that it mindfully apprehends both trees and the forest such that you Realize inside that both trees are only a fraction of what is the Complete forest. For the sake of convenient we will call the first form of perception in which consciousness is fixated on a single tree Relative Perception, since it is fixated on a single relative aspect of a Complete whole. The second form of higher perception can be
called Epirelative Perception, where the Mind has ascended above all relative parts or aspects of a Complete whole and is aware of the Whole in its Complete state. Aside from Observation of Nature and the Causal Universe, Experimentation is also a practical method for extracting insight from Nature. To this category of apprehension of knowledge belongs Pathei-Mathos because there is an aspect relative to Causal Reality called Life where Direct Experience works best to extract insight and a deeper understanding of things. As Dreccians, we either trouble ourselves with the struggle of gaining a deeper and clearer apprehension of Nature, and our Reality, by our own direct observation of Nature, experimentation in Nature, and direct experience of Life to gain insights. Or we do it the lazy way mundanes do it by just reading some text book, or going to some authority figure and asking questions, and agreeing with the most convincing text or argument. One way actually involves logic and reason, while the other involves only agreement to other peoples ideas and opinions about something they have no direct apprehension or experience of. Sinister Exetasis Sinister Exetasis is essentially the process of using Epirelative Perception to explicate inner insight regarding Nature, Reality, Life, and ourselves in relation to everything. By the word Sinister we mean to say that there is a Mundane way of coming to know something which is either conventional or based on peek hole relative perception. The actually meaning of the word Conventional is the enememe of Sinister. A Conventional something is a something that has been established as a standard, model, truth, or fact. In the general case with Mundanes, they will read or be told a conventional fact, such as the Big Bang theory, and when the conventional idea is accepted, their thinking stops. But there was no thinking on their part in the first place. There was just agreement to a conventional idea. By the word Exetasis we mean to say that there are certain methods of Examination and Logical Analysis used to get from Relative Perception and conscious fixation of relative articles of perception to a higher state of understanding of the Complete Nature of things via an Epirelative Awareness and Perception which includes reason, Doubt and Questioning of conventional models, and critical thinking, but also intuition, and inner insight. We can say that to go through the process of apprehending a higher state of understanding the Nature of things is to Exetize conventional relative articles of perception such that a bigger picture Epiretative Perception is obtained. There are three steps or landmarks to Sinister Exetasis thus are as follows: 1. Complete Mindfulness 2. Complete Apprehension 3. Complete Understanding
By Complete Mindfulness we mean the process where the Mind of the Dreccian acts to transcend or ascend above Mundane fixation of an extreme view, or fixation of a single relative article of perception by striving and training or disciplining the Mind to become Mindfully Aware of all relative articles of perception or all aspects of the Totality of a subject being observed. Its harder then it sounds to become consciously mindful of something, and its even harder to be mindful of many somethings together. But its this struggle of becoming mindfully aware of things in life that causes one to ascend Mundane awareness. Most Mundanes spend their entire existence numb to Life, and are only aware of a minute fraction of what is the Totality of Life; such as American Idol, the latest teen heart throb, the latest celebrity gossip, their car, random girls with big breasts, their favorite music band; you know: stuff that are very important in Mundanity. Becoming Mindfully Aware of the Complete Nature of things is difficult and takes discipline. It is much harder then reading a text book for pre-fabricated answers. Answers and insights come from within. But from my own experience, the Mind is highly adaptable and when you have trained your Mind to become mindfully aware of the Complete picture of something, it will Naturally go through its process of generating inner insights to come to a deeper understanding. And it is that insight generated from within that we want to cultivate. Because in such a condition where insights comes from within based on direct and personal observation, nothing or nobody comes int between you and reality as some interpreter or middle man. Complete mindfulness suggests that there is an Incomplete Mindfulness of things. Incomplete Mindfulness is the usual process by which a Mundane comes to know something. Generally a Mundane will fixate its awareness on the first attention grabbing thing and construct an entire worldview and cosmology on it. For example if Materialism jumps out at a Mundane and is convincing or in agreement with this Mundanes level of perception and understanding, he will hold onto this single conventional mode of relative perception, fixate his Mind onto it, and become oblivious or passionately reject anything else. By the word Relative we mean to suggest that there exists in such or all cases multiple models or articles of conventional perception relative to the one a Mundane has lost itself in. Complete Apprehension is the state in which when you have learned to become mindfully aware of your surroundings, minute details, causation and interconnection of things, the various relative articles perception, are pieced together like pieces of a puzzle so that one becomes Aware that there does indeed exist a bigger or Complete state of Nature of something. To obtain Complete Apprehension we first have to examine things closely for their Epirelative nature [Physis]. This act of mindfully analyzing and examining things for their Epirelative essential nature depends of Reason and Insight. Complete Apprehension does not demand or depend on conjecture or supposition; it demands that we Reason and Think in accord with our own inner insights, rather than take anothers word for it. Direct
apprehension and direct experience are crucial. The practice of Sinister Exetasis is designed to reveal to us how things really are. To see things in complete clarity is to attain Complete Understanding. Complete Understanding of the Nature of something is more a Realization than a learning. By learning I mean how a Mundane acquires new knowledge, which is from an act of agreeing to an outside source or opinion or some sort: books or experts. Coming to a Complete Understanding of a subject matter isnt just a different view of something. It is the act of the Mind Liberating itself from a prison of delusion. And we already have explained above the many problems and consequences a Mundane experiences and causes when its Mind is captivates and imprisoned in delusions brought about by a total fixation of relative perception. By Liberation we mean the act of Mind overcoming or going beyond limitations and becoming Self Enlightened. You do not need books or some exert to tell you what is real or true. You have the potential to figure things out on your own. A quick example of coming to a more complete understanding of something is being straight or gay. Mundanes really make a big deal out of sex when its just one aspect of what is the Totality of Life. They will grab hold of the most agreeable attention grabbing model: being straight, and from that fixation of relative perception, they incriminate everything else that does not fit into their little box of conventionally accepted sex. These Mundanes lack the ability to step back to gain a greater understanding of things to ever realize that on a Human level considering all 7 billion Humans being straight is just one mere point in a much wholer or completer spectrum of human sexual expression. So that we see that such a fixation and glorification of a mere single pint of a spectrum not only causes limitations but also generates very real problems that are experienced. How many gay people have been murdered just for a mode of human sexual expression? How much money and time and energy does the conservative establishment spend on this subject as if its a matter of life and death to a nation? One other example of Sinister Exetasis is when I observe my Self aeonically. When I step back and become aware of my whole existence thus far. I see that in my beginning I began as a very primitive and helpless baby and as I grew, my awareness, and conscious mind grew sharper and more sophisticated. And I realize that like a flowing river, I am never the same thing twice. As I flow, everything about me changes: my memories, my opinions, my perception, my thoughts, my feelings, my age, my body, and my cells of my body. So when I Exetize all this together, the insight that there exists a process in which consciousness is in a state of evolution is explicated you see. And this knowing, or insight, did not come from any book or from some expert. It came from inside myself. Another example of Exetizing relative articles of perception is when I step back to become mindfully aware on an aeonic level causal life from its earliest beginnings to the present. I dont know where life came from. All I know is that over the course of time
causal life evolves or changes in spurts collectively to become more advanced and sophisticated, such that we humans have come into existence as very unique organisms. And when I consider our level of intelligence, and our technological advancements, and the near future possibility of our species colonizing space in relation to other causal life on earth, I see or understand a greater picture or vision in which Humanity will one day not just colonize space, but will spread the germ of Earthly causal Life across the vast expanse of the galaxy. From being able to see a greater perception of something, you are then able to see greater potential and to actually work to actualize that higher potential, which is what I mean when I say that Complete Understanding is the Liberation and evolution of Mind. It is via the willed effort and struggle for higher potential that we and all things evolve and become new things. His evolution cant happen when you are blind to such greater possibilities because your Mundane mind is mired in peek hole delusions. Small Minds become lost in small things. This Sinister Exetasis and the cultivation of it along with Pathei-Mathos are two things which the Dreccian can actually use and practice in daily life in the real world that is uniquely ONA and Sinister, in the sense that it helps the Dreccian evolve in Mind and Being from the state of mind and state of being of Mundane conventionalism. Sinister Exetasis, Pathei-Mathos, The Sinister Method, Natural Philosophy, The Dark Tradition, and the Seven Fold Way together as a Complete System becomes not only the ONA Way of Life, but the ONA Science the Knowledge of the Nature of Mind and Life as well. Mind is a central and fundamental element of Reality. Without it there can be no perception or experience. Yet, we often leave this quintessential element out of the equation when we do study Nature, Life, and Reality. As Time passes, the more we learn about the nature of things on a quantum physical level, the more we will realize this: that Mind wyrdfully determines what is Real to us. The ONAs main objectives is the evolution of humanity and human civilization to its highest wyrd and potential. The evolution of both begins with Mind. You cannot neglect Mind, and hope to genuinely change anything ignorant of the Nature of Mind and its Role it plays on Reality. Sinister Exetasis is not the final solution to the Science of Mind; but its a good place to start. It adds a new dimension and level of understanding things to the ONA. With Sinister Exetasis, an epistemology that ascends above the conventionalism of Mundanity becomes possible.