Introduction To Generalized Functions With Applications in Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics

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NASA Technical Paper 3428

Introduction to Generalized Functions With

Applications in Aerodynamics and
F. Farassat
Langley Research Center  Hampton, Virginia

Corrected Copy (April 1996)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Langley Research Center  Hampton, Virginia 23681-0001

May 1994

F. Farassat: The Integration of δ′(ƒ) in a Multidimensional Space,

Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 230, No. 2, February 17, 2000,
p. 460-462
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. What Are Generalized Functions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1. Schwartz Functional Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2. How Can Generalized Functions Be Introduced in Mathematics? . . . . . . . 6
3. Some De nitions and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2. Generalized Derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3. Multidimensional Delta Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4. Finite Part of Divergent Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4. Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2. Aerodynamic Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3. Aeroacoustic Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

A(x) coecient of second order term of linear ordinary di erential equation
A( ) lower limit of integral in Leibniz rule depending on parameter
a constant
BC, BC1 , BC2 boundary conditions
B(x) coecient of rst order term in second order linear ordinary di erential equation
B( ) upper limit of integral in Leibniz rule depending on parameter
b constant
C; C1; C 2 constants
C(x) coecient of zero order term (the unknown function) in second order linear
ordinary di erential equation
c constant, also speed of sound
D space of in nitely di erentiable functions with bounded support (test functions)
D0 space of generalized functions based on D
E1; E2 expressions in integrands of Kirchho formula for moving surfaces
E( ) function de ned by equation (3.70)
Eh shift operator Eh f(x) = f(x + h)
Eij viscous stress tensor
F in F [], de nes linear functional on test function space; generalized function
F (y; x; t) = [f(y ; )]ret = f(y; t 0 rc )
Fe (y; x; t) e y ; )]ret = e
= [f( f(y; t 0 rc )
f(x); f(x) arbitrary ordinary functions
f1(x) arbitrary function
fi() components of moving compact force, i = 1 to 3
f(x ; t) equation of moving surface de ned as f(x; t) = 0, f > 0 outside surface
e x ; t) moving surface de ned by ef(x; t) = 0 intersection of which with f(x; t) = 0
de nes edge of open surface f = 0, ef > 0
g(x; y); g(x; y) Green's function
g =  0 t + rc
g1(x; y); g2 (x; y) de ne Green's function for x < y and x > y, respectively
g(2) determinant of coecients of rst fundamental form of surface
g(x); g(x) arbitrary functions
in H[], linear functional 01 (x) dx based on Heaviside function
Hf local mean curvature of surface f = 0
H(x; ) function de ned by equation (3.71)
h constant
h(x) Heaviside function
h" (x) function of x indexed by continuou s parameter "
I interval on real line, expression given by integral; expression
i = 01; index
j index
K in K [], de nes linear functional on test function space; generalized function
k nonnegative integer
x x
k( ); k( ; t) equation of shock or wake surface given by k = 0
L in dL, length parameter of edge of 6 surface given by F = Fe = 0
` in `u, second order linear ordinary di erential equation
M Mach number vector
Mn = M 1 n; local normal Mach number
Mr = M 1 br
M = M1 
m index of summation of Fourier series
N unit normal to F = 0
Ne unit normal to Fe = 0
n nonnegative integer
n local unit outward normal to surface
n0 local unit inward normal to surface
n1 vector (n1, 0, 0) based on n = (n1 ; n2; n3)
o in o(" ), small order of "
PV principal value
P ij compressive stress tensor
p blade surface pressure
p0 acoustic pressure
x Q(x; t)
Q( ; t); source strength of inhomogeneous term of wave equation
r = jx 0 yj
ri components of vector r = x 0 y, i = 1 to 3
ri components of unit radiation vector rr , i = 1 to 3
S in dS , surface area of given surface; space of rapidly decreasing test functions
S0 space of generalized functions based on S
Sk portion of surface k = 0 inside surface @

s(t) position vector of compact force in motion

T ij Lighthill stress tensor
t variable; time variable
t1 unit vector in direction of projection of br onto local tangent plane to f (x; t) = 0
t1 in @t@1 , directional derivative in direction of t1
ui components of uid velocity, i = 1 to 3
un local uid normal velocity
ui curvilinear coordinate variables, i = 1 to 3
vn local outward normal velocity of surface
vn0 local inward normal velocity of surface
x observer variable; (x1 ; x2; x3)
y source variable; (y1; y2 ; y3 )
constant, parameter
f constant dependin g on shape of surface f = 0
0 in d0, length parameter along curve of intersection of surfaces f = 0 and g = 0
0 strength of vorticity
height of cylinder
1 jump in function at discontinuity
(x); (x); (f) Dirac delta function
[] linear functional representing Dirac delta function
ij Kronecker delta ij = 0 if i 6= j, ii = 1
" small parameter
 Lagrangian variable
 angle between rf and rg; angle between radiation direction br and local normal
to surface n
1 angle between br and n1
0 angle between N and N e
3 = jrF j, F = [f]ret, jrf j = 1
3 = jrFe j, Fe = [f]
e ret, jrfej = 1

30 = jrF 2 rFe j, F , and Fe as de ned above

 unit inward geodesic normal
 variable of Fourier transform
0 density of undisturbed medium
6 surface F (y; x; t) = 0
 test function, arbitrary function
1; 2 test functions
n sequence of test functions; component of vector eld  normal to surface
(k) kth derivative of 
8(x; t) unknown function of inhomogeneous wave equation
 extension of function  to unbounded space
1;i components of vector function 1 , i = 1 to 3
 source time

open interval or region of space; @

boundary of

( ) sphere r = c(t 0  ); (x; t; ) kept xed

h in Eh, shift of function by amount h to right or left
n; n0 component of vector eld in direction of local normal n or n0
n index of sequence such as n
0 in 0, indicates condition of undisturbed medium
ret retarded time
x in `x, indicates that derivatives in ` act on variable x in `xg(x; y)
" continuous index in function such as h" (x)

k in (k), k th derivative of 
n in (n), nth derivative of 

D'Alembertian, wave operator c12 @@t22 0 r2
[] in F [], indicates functional evaluated for ,  a test function
supp support of function
e in , indicates restriction of  to support of delta function
b in b , indicates Fourier transform
3 in  3 , indicates emission time
r gradient operator
r2 surface gradient operator
ry gradient operator acting on variable y
0 over derivative such as f0(x), indicates generalized di erentiation
@ in @
, indicates boundary of region

Su mm ary

Since the early 1950's, when Schwartz published his theory of distributions, generalized
functions have found many applications in various elds of science and engineering. One of
the most useful aspects of this theory in applications is that discontinuous functions can be
handled as easily as continuous or di erentiable functions. This provides a powerful tool in
formulating and solving many problems of aerodynamics and acoustics. Furthermore, generalized
function theory elucidates and uni es many ad hoc mathematical approaches used by engineers
and scientists in these two elds. In this paper, we de ne generalized functions as continuous
linear functionals on the space of in nitely di erentiable functions with compact support, then
introduce the concept of generalized di erentiation. Generalized di erentiation is the most
important concept in generalized function theory and the applications we present utilize mainly
this concept. First, some results of classical analysis, such as Leibniz rule of di erentiation
under the integral sign and the divergence theorem, are derived with the generalized function
theory. The divergence theorem is shown to remain valid for discontinuous vector elds provided
that all the derivatives are viewed as generalized derivatives. An implication of this is that all
conservation laws of uid mechanics are valid, as they stand for discontinuous elds with all
derivatives treated as generalized derivatives. When the derivatives are written as the sum of
ordinary derivatives and the jump in the eld parameters across discontinuities times a delta
function, the jump conditions can be easily found. For example, the unsteady shock jump
conditions can be derived from mass and momentum conservation laws. Generalized function
theory makes this derivation very easy. Other applications of the generalized function theory
in aerodynamics discussed here are the derivations of general transport theorems for deriving
governing equations of uid mechanics, the interpretation of the nite part of divergent integrals,
the derivation of the Oswatitsch integral equation of transonic ow, and the analysis of velocity
eld discontinuities as sources of vorticity. Applications in aeroacoustics presented here include
the derivation of the Kirchho formula for moving surfaces, the noise from moving surfaces, and
shock noise source strength based on the Ffowcs Williams{Hawkings equation.

1. Intro du ctio n

In the early 1950's, Schwartz published his theory of distributions that we call generalized
functions. (See ref. 1.) Earlier, Dirac had introduced the delta function  (x) by the sifting
property Z1
(x)(x) dx = (0) (1:1)
Dirac recognized that no ordinary function could have the sifting property. Nevertheless, he
thought of  (x) as a useful mathematical object in algebraic manipulations that could be viewed
as the limit of a sequence of ordinary functions. The Dirac delta function is a generalized function
in the theory of distributions. Schwartz established rigorously the properties of generalized
functions. His theory has had an enormous impact on many areas of mathematics, particularly
on partial di erential equations. Generalized function theory has been used in many elds of
science and engineering.
To include mathematical objects such as the Dirac delta function into analysis, we must
somehow extend the concept of a function. The process we use to introduce new objects
is familiar in mathematics. We extended natural numbers to integers, integers to rationals,
and rationals to real numbers. We also extended real numbers to complex numbers. In each
extension, new objects were introduced in the number system while most properties of the old
number system were retained. Furthermore, for each extension, we had to think of the new
number system in a di erent way from the old system. For example, in going from integers to
rationals, we view numbers as ordered pairs of integers (a; b), where b 6= 0. We identify ordered
pairs (a; 1) with integer a . The new number system (the rationals) includes the old number
system (the integers). We must now think of numbers as ordered pairs (a ; b), which we usually
write as a =b, instead of as a single number a for integers. Similarly, to extend the concept of
function to include the Dirac delta function, we must think of functions di erently.
We explain in section 2 how to think of functions as functional (i.e., the mapping of a
suitable function space into scalars). In this way, the Dirac delta function can naturally be
included in the extended space of functions that we call distributions or generalized functions.
The usefulness of this theory stems from the powerful operational properties of generalized
functions. In addition, solutions with discontinuities can be handled easily in the di erential
equation or by using the Green's function approach. Many ad hoc mathematical methods used
by engineers and scientists are uni ed and elucidated by generalized function theory. In uid
dynamics, the derivations of transport theorems, conservation laws, and jump conditions are
facilitated by that theory. Geometric identities for curves, surfaces, and volumes, particularly
when in motion and deformation, can be derived easily with generalized function theory. In
section 2 we also de ne generalized functions as continuous linear functionals on some space
of test functions. Some operations on generalized functions are de ned in this section, as are
various approaches to introduce generalized functions in mathematics.
In section 3 we present some de nitions and results for generalized functions as well as
some important results for generalized derivatives, multidimensional delta functions, and the
nite part of divergent integrals. In section 4 we present various aerodynamic applications
including derivation of two transport theorems|the interpretation of velocity discontinuity as
a vortex sheet and the derivation of the Oswatitsch integral equation of transonic ow. The
aeroacoustic applications include the derivation of the solution of the wave equation with various
inhomogeneous source terms, the Kirchho equation for moving surfaces, the Ffowcs Williams{
Hawkings equations, and shock noise source strength. All these applications depend on the
concept of generalized di erentiation. Concluding remarks are in section 5 and the references
Many articles and books have been published on the topic of generalized function theory.
Most of these works have extremely abstract presentations. In particular, multidimensional
generalized functions, which are most useful in applications, are often treated cursorily in
applied mathematics and physics books. Of course, some exceptions are available. (See
refs. 2{7.) Multidimensional generalized functions are relatively easy to learn and use if the
theory is stripped of some abstraction. To work with multidimensional generalized functions,
some knowledge of di erential geometry and of tensor analysis is required. (See also refs. 8
and 9.) In this paper, we present the rudiments of generalized function theory for engineers and
scientists with emphasis on applications in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. The presentation
is expository. The intent is to interest readers in the subject and to reveal the power of the
generalized function theory. Some illustrative mathematical examples are given here to help in
the understanding of the abstract concepts inherent in generalized functions.

2. Wha t Are Gen er alized Fun ctio ns?

2.1. S chwartz Fu nctiona l Ap proa ch

It can be shown from classical Lebesgue integration theory that the Dirac delta function
cannot be an ordinary function. By an ordinary function we mean a locally Lebesgue integrable
function (i.e., one that has a nite integral over any bounded region). To include the Dirac
delta function in mathematics, we must change the way we think of an ordinary function f (x).
Conventionally, we think of this function as a table of ordered pairs (x; f (x)). Of course, often
this table has an uncountably in nite number of ordered pairs. We show this table as a curve
representing the function in a plane. In generalized function theory, we also describe f (x) by a
table of numbers. These numbers are produced by the relation
Z 1
F [ ] = f (x)(x) dx (2:1)
where the function (x) comes from a given space of functions called the test function space.
For a xed function f (x), equation (2.1) is a mapping of the test function space into real or
complex numbers. Such a mapping is called a functional. We use square brackets to denote
functional (e.g., F [ ] and [ ]). Therefore, a function f (x) is now described by a table of its
functional values over a given space of test functions. We must rst, however, specify the test
function space.
The test function space that we use here is the space D of all in nitely di erentiable functions
with bounded support. The support supp (x) of a function  (x) is the closure of the set on
which (x) 6= 0. For an ordinary function f (x), the functional F [] is linear in that, if 1 and 2
are in D and if and are two constants, then
F [ 1 + 2 ] = F [1 ] + F [ 2] (2:2)
The functional F [] is also continuous in the following sense. Take a sequence of functions fn g
in D and let this sequence have the following two properties:
1. There exists a bounded interval I such that for all n, supp  n  I .
2. lim (nk) (x) = 0 uniformly for all k = 0; 1; 2; : : :.
Such a sequence is said to go to 0 in D and is written  n ! 0 . Here supp n stands for support
of  n. We then say that the functional F [ ] is continuous if F [ n] ! 0 for n ! 0 . We will
have more to say in this section about the space D and why we require the two conditions above
in the de nition of n ! 0 .
As an important example of a function  (x) in D , for a given nite a > 0, we de ne
8  2 
< exp a
x2 0a2 (j xj < a)
(x; a ) = (2:3)
:0 (j xj  a)
Note that supp (x; a) = [0a; a ] and is bounded. We can show that (x; a ) is in nitely
di erentiable. Therefore,  (x; a) 2 D. The proof of in nite di erentiability at x = 6a is
somewhat messy and algebraically complicated and we will not belabor this point here. We can
show that from any continuous function g(x), we can construct another function (x) in D from
the relation Zc
(x) = g(t)(x 0 t ; a ) dt (2:4)
where the interval [ b; c ] is nite. The support of (x) is [ b 0 a; c + a], which is bounded.
The in nite di erentiability of (x) follows from in nite di erentiability of (x; a). Therefore,
(x) 2 D. There exists an uncountably in nite number of continuous functions. (Consider the
family of continuous functions sin( x), , "(0; 1). This family has an uncountable number of
members.) It follows from the above argument that there exists an uncountably in nite number
of functions in space D, so our table constructed from F [] by equation (2.1) representing
the ordinary function f (x) has an uncountably in nite number of elements. This fact has an
important consequence. Two ordinary functions f and g that are not equal in the Lebesgue
sense (i.e., two functions that are not equal on a set with nonzero measure) generate tables by
equation (2.1) that di er in some entries. Thus, the space D is so large that the functionals on
D generated by equation (2.1) can distinguish di erent ordinary functions.

We now give an example of a sequence fng in D such that n !D 0 . Using the function
(x; a ) in equation (2.3), we de ne

n(x) = (x; a) (2:5)

This sequence can easily be shown to satisfy the two conditions required for n ! 0 . We note

in particular that supp n = [0 a; a] for all n.

Now we de ne distributions or generalized functions of Schwartz. First, we note that for an
ordinary function f (x) (i.e., a locally Lebesgue integrable function), the functional F [] given by
equation (2.1) is linear and continuous. The proof of linearity is obvious. The proof of continuity
requires only that n ! 0 uniformly, which already follows from  n ! 0 . Remembering that we

are now looking at functions by their table of functional values over the space D and that this
functional is linear and continuous, we ask if all the continuous linear functionals on space D
are generated by ordinary functions through the relation given in equation (2.1). We nd they
are not! Some continuous linear functionals on space D are not generated by ordinary functions.
For example,
 [] = (0) (2:6)
Proof of linearity is obvious. Continuity follows again from n ! 0 uniformly. However, this
functional has the sifting property that the Dirac delta function requires. As we stated earlier,
no ordinary function has the sifting property. Therefore, this approach introduces the delta
function rigorously into mathematics. We de ne generalized functions as continuous linear
functionals on space D . The space of generalized functions on D is denoted D0. Figure 1 shows
schematically how we extended the space of ordinary functions to generalized functions. We call
ordinary functions regular generalized functions, whereas all other generalized functions (such
as the Dirac delta function) are called singular generalized functions.
For algebraic manipulations, we retain the notation of ordinary functions for generalized
functions for convenience. We symbolically introduce the notation  (x) for the Dirac delta
function by the relation
 [ ] =  (0) =  (x)(x) dx (2:7)

Note that the integral on the right side of equation (2.7) does not stand for conventional
integration of a function. Rather, it stands for (0). We can now use  (x) in mathematical
expressions as if it were an ordinary function. However, we must remember that singular
generalized functions are not, in general, de ned pointwise; they de ne a functional (i.e., a
function from our new point of view) when they are multiplied by a test function and appear
under an integral sign. Thus, when a singular generalized function appears in an expression, it
is always in an intermediate stage in the solution of a real physical problem.
More facts about space D in multidimensions, convergence to 0 in D, and the concept of
continuity of a functional are appropriate now. The multidimensional test function space D is
Space of generalized functions D´




Singular generalized
F[φ] = ∫ fφ dx, φ ∈ D

Real or
complex numbers
φ(0) F[φ]

Figure 1. Generalized functions are continuous linear functionals on space D of test functions.

de ned as the space of in nitely di erentiable functions with bounded support. For example,
for a > 0, 8  2 
< exp a
jxj2 0a2 (jxj < a )
(x; a) = (2:8)
0 (jxj  a )
where jx j = x2
is the Euclideannorm. Other functionsin this space can be constructed
i =1
by using any continuous functiong(x) and the convolution relation
(x) = (t)(x 0 t; a) dt
g (2 :9)

is a bounded region. The multidimensional generalized function space D 0 is de ned as
the space of continuous linear functionals on the spaceD. In the multidimensional case, a number
of importantsingulargeneralized functions of the delta function type appear in applications. In
one dimension, the support of (x) consists of one point, x = 0. We de ne the support of a
generalized function later. In the multidimensional case, in addition to  (x), which has the
support x = 0, there is also  (f ) with support on the surface f (x ) = 0. Section 2.2 contains a
detailed explanation of (f ).
We now discuss the de nition of continuity of linear functionals on the spaceD. Continuity
is a topological property. SpaceD is a linear or vector space. It is made into a topological
vector space by de ning the neighborhood of (x) = 0 by a sequence of seminorms. The two
conditions required above in the de nition ofn ! D
0 follow from the conditions used to de ne
the neighborhood of (x) = 0. (See refs. 10 and 11.) The de nition of continuity of linear
functionals on space D can be based on the weak or strong topologies of space D 0. (See ref. 11.)
It so happens that the de nitions of continuity based on these topologies are equivalent to the
earlier de nition of F[n] ! 0 if and only if n ! D
0 . Furthermore, we note that because D is
a linear space, we can de ne n !  if n 0  ! 0 and because F[] is linear, we can also say
that F [] is continuous if when  n !  , we have F [n ] ! F [].
We conclude this discussion with one more important fact. Although in this paper we con ne
ourselves to the test function space D, in many applications we should use a di erent test function
space. For example, to de ne Fourier transformation, we should use a test function space S of
in nitely di erentiable functions that go to 0 at in nity faster than j xj0 n for any n > 0 (the
space of rapidly decreasing functions). Other test function spaces are de ned in Carmichael
and Mitrovic (ref. 10) and in references 12 and 13. Generalized functions on these spaces are
de ned as continuous linear functionals after a suitable de nition of convergence to 0 in the
test function space is given to get a topological vector space. Note that in all these spaces
of generalized functions, the important singular generalized functions (such as the Dirac delta
function) are retained with properties essentially similar to those we study below in space D0.
It can be shown that if A  B and if A and B are two test function spaces used to de ne
generalized function spaces A0 and B 0, respectively, then we have A  B  B 0  A0 (i.e., the
space of generalized functions A 0 is larger than B 0). In particular, D  S  S 0  D0, where S
is the space of rapidly decreasing functions de ned above.
2.2. H ow Can Gen era lized Fun ction s Be Introduce d in Mat hema tics?

Although Schwartz developed the theory of distributions, like many great ideas in mathe-
matics and science, the subject has a long history. Synowiec (ref. 14) has stated that evolution
of the concepts of distribution theory followed a familiar pattern in mathematics of multiple and
simultaneous discoveries because the appropriate ideas were `in the air.' Several good sources on
the history of theory of distributions are available. (See refs. 15 and 16.) Therefore, we will not
present a detailed history here. Also, many di erent approaches in mathematics can be used to
introduce and develop systematically generalized function theory. We mention several of them
2.2.1 . Functio na l ap proach to generalized functions. In the functional approach, generalized
functions are de ned as continuous linear functionals. This approach (which we use here) was
originally introduced by Schwartz (ref. 1) and is the most popular and direct method of studying
generalized functions. (See refs. 3, 4, and 7.) The operations on ordinary functions such as
di erentiation and Fourier transformation are extended by rst writing these operations in the
language of functionals for ordinary functions, then by using them to de ne the operations for
all generalized functions. After the rules of these operations are obtained, the usual notation of
ordinary functions can be used for all generalized functions. A working knowledge is relatively
easy to develop with this notation without confusion. Some elementary knowledge of functional
analysis is needed in this approach.
2.2.2 . Sequential ap proach to generalized functio ns. The sequential approach is essentially
based on the original idea of Dirac in de ning a delta function as the limit of a sequence of
ordinary functions. The approach was originated by Mikusinski from a theorem in distribution
theory that the space of generalized functions is complete. Therefore, singular generalized
functions such as the delta function can be de ned as the limit of ordinary (i.e., regular) functions
much like de ning irrational numbers as limits of a Cauchy sequence of rational numbers. Many
good books have been published on this subject. (See refs. 2, 6, and 17.) To de ne a generalized
function, the analyst is required to construct and work with a sequence of in nitely di erentiable
functions. Although mathematics only to the level of advanced calculus is involved, the algebraic
manipulations are technical and laborious. An extension to the multidimensional case also
appears more dicult than with the functional approach.
2.2.3. Bremermann approach to generalized functions. In the Bremermann approach,
generalized functions of real variables are viewed as the boundary values of analytic functions on
the real axis. (See refs. 12 and 13.) The Bremermann approach has its basis in earlier works on
Fourier transformation in the complex plane to de ne Fourier transforms of polynomials. This
approach employs some of the powerful results of analytic function theory and is particularly
useful in Fourier analysis and partial di erential equations. A recent book on the subject is by
Carmichael and Mitrovic. (See ref. 10.)
2.2.4. Mikusinski approach to generalized functions. The Mikusinski approach is based on
ideas from abstract algebra. A commutative ring is constructed from functions with support
on a semi-in nite axis by de ning the operations of addition and multiplication as ordinary
addition and convolution of functions, respectively. This commutative ring has no zero divisors
by a theorem of Titchmarsh. (See refs. 18 and 20.) Therefore, it can be extended to a eld by
the addition of a multiplicative identity and the multiplicative inverses of all functions. This
multiplicative identity turns out to be the Dirac delta function. The Mikusinski approach gives
a rigorous explanation of the Heaviside operational calculus and solves other problems such as
the solution of recursion relations. One limitation of this approach is that the supports of the
functions are con ned to semi-axis or half-space in the multidimensional case. Good sources
for this approach are Mikusi nski (ref. 18), Mikusi
nski and Boehme (ref. 19), and an excellent
expository book by Erdelyi (ref. 20)
2.2.5. Other approaches to generalized functions. Several other important approaches
introduce generalized functions in mathematics. One approach is based on the nonstandard
analysis of Robinson. (See ref. 21.) Nonstandard analysis uses formal logic theory to extend
the real line by the rigorous inclusion of Leibniz in nitesimals. Many interesting applications
of this theory, particularly in dynamical systems, are now available. Another more recent
approach is presented in Colombeau (refs. 22 and 23) and Rosinger (ref. 24). This approach
uses advanced algebraic and topological concepts to develop a theory of generalized functions in
which multiplication of arbitrary functions is allowed and it is gaining popularity at present.
Applications to nonlinear partial di erential equations are given by Rosinger (ref. 24) and
Oberguggenberger (ref. 25).
3. Some De nitions and Results
3.1. I ntrod uction

In this section, some important de nitions and results used later are presented. Then, the
generalized derivative, the multidimensional delta functions, and the nite part of divergent
integrals are discussed. This paper is application oriented so we are selective about the material
presented here. We also freely refer to a generalized function by a symbolic or a functional
3.1.1. Multiplication of a generalized function by an in nitely di erentiable function. Let
f (x)be a generalized function in D 0 de ned by the functional F [ ] and let a (x) be an in nitely
di erentiable function. Then, a(x)f (x) is de ned by the rule
a F [ ] = F [a ] (3:1)
Note that a F stands for the functional that de nes a f . Also, because  is in D , so is a . We
can use this de nition to de ne a(x) (x). Let [ ] be the Dirac function given by equation (2.6);
a [ ] =  [a ] = a (0) (0) (3:2)
Symbolically, this equation is interpreted as
( ) ( ) = a(0) (x)
a x  x (3:3)
In the space D 0, multiplication of two arbitrary generalized functions is not de ned; however,
this statement needs clari cation. Obviously, ordinary functions are also generalized functions
and any two ordinary functions can be multiplied; thus, they can also be multiplied in the sense
of distributions. However, multiplication of a regular and a singular generalized function or two
singular generalized functions may not always be de ned. For example, the multiplication of
 (x) by itself (i.e.,  2 (x)) is not de ned, neither is f (x) (x), where f (x) has a jump discontinuity
or a singularity at x = 0. In applications, experience or inconsistencies in the results occasionally
show that some multiplications of two generalized functions are not allowed. Sometimes this
problem can be removed by rewriting the expression such that the troublesome multiplication is
avoided. For example, diculties with multiplication of distributions appear if we use the mass
continuity and momentum equations in nonconservative forms to nd shock jump conditions
(section 4.2). These diculties can be removed by using the conservation laws in conservative
forms. To overcome the problem of multiplication of distributions in space D 0, new spaces of
generalized functions have been de ned. (See refs. 23{27.) Colombeau (ref. 27, chapters 1{3)
gives an intuitive description of the problem of multiplication of distributions and shows how to
remedy this problem.
3.1.2 . Shift opera tor.Let f (x) be an ordinary function and de ne the shift operator as
Ehf (x) = f (x + h). Then, if F [] is the functional representing f (x) by equation (2.1) and if
the shifted function Ehf (x) is represented by EhF [], we have
EhF  [ ]= ( + h)(x) dx
f x
= f (x) (x 0 h) dx
= F [E0h ] (3:4)
This rule can now be used for all generalized functions in D0 because E0h is in D . For example,
Eh (x) = (x + h) has the property
[ ] = (x + h)(x) d x

= [ (x 0 h)]
= (0 h) (3:5)
Note that the integral in equation (3.5) is meaningless and stands for the functional Eh [ ],
which in turn is given by  [ E0h ].
3.1.3 . Equa lity of two generalized functions f (x) and g(x) on an
open set. Two generalized
functions f and g in D0 given by functionals F [] and G[ ] on D, respectively, are equal on an

open set if F [] = G[ ] for all  such that supp  

. For example, (x) = 0 on open sets
(0; 1) and (01; 0). Note that generalized functions are compared only on open intervals.
3.1.4 . Suppo rt of a generalized function. The support of a generalized function f (x) is the
complement with respect to the real line of the open set on which f (x) = 0. For example, the
support of  (x) is the set f0g; that is, the point x = 0.
3.1.5 . Sequence of generalized functions. A sequence of generalized functions Fn [] is
convergent if the sequence of numbers fFn [ ]g is convergent for all  in D. For example, let
< n n 0 jxj
> 2 1 jxj  n1
n ( x ) =   (3:6)
:0 jxj > 1n
This function is shown in gure 2 and is, of course, an ordinary function. It can be shown that

n!1 n (x) =  (x) (3:7)

Thus, for the functional  n[ ] representing n (x),

n [] = n (x)(x) dx (3:8)

when  is in D , we have

n !1 n [] = (0)
=  [] (3:9)

The index in the de nition of convergence can be a continuous variable. For example, F"[ ] is
convergent as " ! 0 if lim F"[] exists for all  in D.
The following important theorem characterizes D0 and has signi cant applications. (See
ref. 7.)


1 1
– n n

Figure 2. Example of  sequence.

Theorem: The space D0 is complete.
This theorem implies that a convergent sequence of generalized functions in D 0 always converges
to a generalized function in D 0.
We use this theorem later in this section when we discuss the nite part of divergent integrals.

3.1.6 . O dd and even genera lized functions. A generalized function F [] is even if F [ (0x)] =
F [ (x)] and odd if F [(0 x)] = 0F [(x)]. For example  (x) is even and x is odd.

3.1.7 . Derivative of a genera lized function. The derivative of a generalized function is the most
important operation used in this paper. Let f (x) be an ordinary function with a continuous rst
derivative (i.e., f is a C 1 function). If f (x) is represented by the functional F [ ] in equation (2.1),
then we naturally identify its derivative f 0(x) with F 0 [] given by the functional
F [ ]
0 = 0
f  dx (3:10)

Now we integrate by parts and use the fact that  has compact support to get
F [ ] =0 0
f  dx

= 0F [ 0] (3:11)

Because  2 D, then 0 2 D . Thus, F [ 0] is a functional on D. We now use equation (3.11)

to de ne the derivative of all generalized functions in D 0. We can keep taking higher order
derivatives and obtain the following result:
h i
(n) [] = (01)nF (n) (n = 1; 2; :: :) (3:12)

We have thus arrived at the following important theorem.

Theorem: Generalized functions have derivatives of all orders.
We have obtained a very surprising result. Even locally Lebesgue integrable functions that are
discontinuous are in nitely di erentiable as generalized functions. What are the implications of
this theorem in applications? We address this question about generalized derivatives and their
applications in section 3.2. First, some examples would be helpful.
Example 1. The derivative of the delta function  0 (x) has the property,
 [ ] = 0  [0]
= 0 0(0) (3:13)

Symbolically, we can write Z

 (x)(x) dx = 0 0(0) (3:14)

Note that 0 (x) is an odd generalized function.

Example 2. The Heaviside function is de ned as

1 (x > 0)
h(x) = (3:15)
0 (x < 0)
or in functional notation, Z1
H [ ] = ( x) d x (3:16)
This function is discontinuous at x = 0. To de ne the generalized derivative, we use
equation (3.11) as follows:
H [] = 0H [ 0]
=0  dx
= (0)
=  [] (3:17)

Symbolically, we write
 0(x) =  (x)
h (3:18)
Note the use of the bar over h0 to signify generalized di erentiation because h0 (x) = 0 where
now h0 stands for the ordinary derivative.
We give one more important characterization of space D
0 (ref. 7) known as the structure
theorem of distribution theory.
Theorem: Generalized functions in D 0 are generalized derivatives of a nite order of continuous
For example, we note that the Dirac delta function is the second generalized derivative of the
continuous function 
x (x  0)
f (x) = (3:19)
0 (x < 0)

3.1.8 . Fourier transforms of generalized functions. We now work with the space of rapidly
decreasing test functions S . (See sec. 2.1, the last paragraph.) In this space the Fourier transform
of each test function is again in S . (See refs. 2, 4, 6, and 7.) We de ne the Fourier transform of
an ordinary function (x) as Z 1
b ( ) = (x)e2ix dx (3:20)
Let f (x) be an ordinary function that has the Fourier transform f^( ) (e.g., let f be square
integrable on (01; 1)). Then for (x) in S , the Parseval relation is
Z1 Z1
^f (x) (x) dx = f (x) b(x) dx (3:21)
01 01
If now F [ ] is identi ed with f (x), then we should identify b
F[ ] with ^f ( ). However,
equation (3.21) is actually the relation
F[ ] = F [b] (3:22)
We use this relation as the de nition of the Fourier transform of generalized functions in space
S . For example, Z
b [ ] =  [ b] = b(0) = 1 (x) dx (3:23)
The last integral is the functional generated by the function 1 so that
b ( ) = 1 (3:24)
Thus, the Fourier transform of the Dirac delta function is the constant function 1.
We will not discuss this subject further because we do not use Fourier transforms extensively
in this paper. We note, however, that if is in D , then b is not necessarily in D and
equation (3.22) is meaningless in D0 . Therefore, we must change the test function space from D
to S . Another method of xing this problem is to use the Fourier transforms of functions
in space D as a new test function space Db . The Fourier transformations of functions in
D0 are now continuous linear functionals on space D b . These generalized functions are called
ultradistributions. (See ref. 28.)
3.1.9 . Excha nge of limit processes. One of the most powerful results in generalized function
theory is that the limit processes can be exchanged. For example, all the following exchanges
are permissible:
d Z Z d
1 11 = 11 1 (3 :25a)

d X X d
1 11 = dx
11 1 (3:25b)
n n
1 11 = 1 11 (3: 25c)

1 11 = lim 1 1 1 (3:25d)

dx n!1
1 1 1 = lim
n!1 dx
1 11 (3: 25e)
1 11 = n !1 1 1 1
lim (3:25f)
m m

2 2
@ xi @ xj
1 1 1 = @ x@ @ x 1 1 1 (3 :25g)
j i

Here, as before, a bar over the derivative indicates generalized di erentiation. For example, let
us consider the Fourier series of the simple periodic function with period 2
1 (0 < x <  )
f (x) = (3:26)
01 (0 < x < 0)
which is 1
X 4
( )=
f x
(2m + 1)
sin(2m + 1)x (3:27)

This function is shown in gure 3. The function f (x) has a jump of 2(01)n at x = n  for
n = 0; 61; 62. By a result given in section 3.2.1 (eq. (3.43)),

d f 1
=2 (01)n (x 0 n) (3:28)
n = 01

–2π –π 0 π 2π


Figure 3. Periodic function with jump discontinuity of 2(01)n at x = n, n = 0; 61; 62; : : :.

Also, by equation (3.25b), we have

d 1 4
sin(2m + 1)x
dx dx (2m + 1)


d 4
= sin(2m + 1)x
dx (2m + 1)


= cos(2m + 1)x (3:29)


From equations (3.28) and (3.29), we conclude that

2 X1 cos(2m + 1)x =
X1 (01)n (x 0 n ) (3:30)

m=0 n= 01
The series on the left is divergent in the classical sense. Nevertheless, such a result is often useful
in signal analysis. Another important application of exchange of limit processes is in obtaining
the nite part of a divergent integral. (See sec. 3.4.)
3.1.10. Integra tio n of generalized functions. We say that G[ ] is an integral of F [ ] if
G [ ] = F [] (3:31)
For example, we can easily show that the Heaviside function is an integral of the Dirac delta
function because
H []
0 = 0H [ 0]
= (0)
=  [] (3:32)
Let K [] be a generalized function such that
K []
0 =0 (3:33)
for all  2 D. Then, if G[ ] is an integral of F [ ], it follows that (G + K )[ ] = G[ ] + K [ ] is
also an integral of F []. References 7 and 29 show that the only solution of equation (3.33) in
D is Z
K [] = c (x) dx (3:34)
where c is an arbitrary constant (i.e., K [ ] is a constant distribution). This result corresponds
to the classical inde nite integration of a function
( ) = g(x)+ c
f x dx (3:35)
We use the same notation symbolically for all generalized functions. For example, we write
( ) = h(x) + c
 x dx (3:36)
where h(x) is the Heaviside function. Note that the integral on the left of equation (3.36) is
meaningless in terms of the classical integration theories.
3.2. Gene ra lized Deriva tive

The generalized di erentiation concept is quite important in generalized function theory;

this section focuses on it and gives some very useful results for applications. Indeed, the results
themselves, rather than the mathematical rigor used in deriving them, are of interest in this
paper. As before, a bar over the di erentiation symbol denotes generalized derivatives if there
is an ambiguity in interpretation. For example, we use df= dx, f 0(x), @ f =@ xi , and @ 2f =@ xi @ xj
to denote generalized derivatives of ordinary functions, but we do not use a bar over  0 (x) and
@  (f )=@ xi because it is obvious thatthese derivatives canonly be generalized derivatives because
 (x) and  (f ) are singular generalized functions.

3.2.1 . Functions with discontinuities in one dimensio n. Let f (x) be a piecewise smooth
function with one discontinuity at x0 with a jump at this point de ned by the relation
1f = f (x0+) 0 f (x00 ) (3:37)
We want to nd the generalized derivative of f (x). Let  be in D and let x0 be in the
support of  (x). Then if F [] is the functional representing f (x) by equation (2.1), we have for
supp  = [ a; b ], the result
2 3
F [] = 0F 
Z b
=0 ( ) 0( )
f x  x dx
"Z Z b #
x0 0
=0 + ( ) 0( )
f x  x dx
a x 0+
Z b
= 0(
f x  x dx ) ( ) + [ f (x0+) 0 f (x00 )] (x0)
Z b
= 0(
f x  x dx ) ( ) + 1f (x0) (3:38)

We have performed an integration by parts to getto the last step. We have also used the fact that
(a) = (b) = 0 in the integration by parts. Noting that  (x0 ) =  [ (x + x0 )] = E0x  [ (x)],
where E0x0 is the shift operator, we write equation (3.38) symbolically as
f 0(x) = f 0(x)+ 1f  (x 0 x0) (3:39)
One question is the use of f0 (x) compared with the ordinary derivative f 0 (x). Let us study
equation (3.38). The functional F 0[ ] corresponding to f 0(x) indeed has retained the memory of
the jump 1f on the right side of the equation. Symbolically, f0 (x) can be integrated over [c ; x],
where c < x0 < x, to give the result
( )=
f x
f x dx) + f (c) + 1 fh(x 0 xo) (3:40)

Thus, we have recovered the original discontinuous function. We note, however, that
f x ( ) 6=
f x dx) + f (c) (3:41)

because the memory of the jump 1f is not retained in f 0 (x) but is retained in f0 (x). If a
function f (x) has n discontinuities at xi ; i = 1 0 n with the jump 1fi at xi de ned by
1fi = f (xi+) 0 f (xi0 ) (3:42)
then n
f 0(x) = f 0(x) + X 1fi (x 0 xi ) (3:43)

This equation is the rst indication that when we work with discontinuous functions in
applications, the proper setting for the problem is in the space of generalized functions. In
particular, if an integral method, such as the approach that uses the Green's function, is used
to nd the solution, essentially no signi cant changes to algebraic manipulations are needed in
nding discontinuous solutions provided we stay in the space of generalized functions. Again,
we will have more to say about this later. (See sec. 3.2.3.)
3.2.2 . Functions with disco ntinuities in multidimensions. Let us now consider the function
f (x), which is discontinuous across the surface g (x ) = 0. Let us de ne the jump 1 f across
g = 0 by the relation
1f = f (g = 0+) 0 f (g = 00) (3:44)
Note that g = 0+ is on the side of the surface g = 0 into which rg points. We would like to
nd @ f=@ xi . To do0 this we
1 use the results from section 3.2.1 as follows. Let us put a surface
coordinate system u1; u2 on g = 0 and extend the coordinates to the space in the vicinity of
this surface along normals. Let u3 = g be the third coordinate variable that is well de ned by
the function g in the vicinity of this same surface. We note that f in variables u1 and u2 is
continuous, but it is discontinuous in variable u3. Therefore, we have
@ ui
= @@ufi (i = 1; 2) (3 :45a)
= 3
3 + 1f  (u ) (3:45b)
@f @f
@ u3 @u

In equation (3.45b), we used equation (3.39). Thus, using the summation convention on index
j , we get

= @u
@f @u
j @x

j 3
= @@ufj @@ux + 1 f @@ux  (u3)
i i

= @@xf + 1f @@gx  (g) (3:46)

i i

We can write this in vector notation as

r= f + 1f g  (g)
f r r (3:47)
In section 3.2.3, we discuss how to interpret  (g) when g = 0 is a surface. We can similarly
de ne generalized divergence and curl as follows:
r 1 f + g 1f  (g)
r 1 r 1 (3 :48a)
r 2 = f + g 1f  (g)
f r 2 r 2 (3:48b)
The rigorous derivation of both these results requires some knowledge of the invariant de nition
of divergence and curl in general curvilinear coordinate systems. (See refs. 8 and 9.) We can
combine the above three results by using for the three operations such that

r 3 f= r3f + g 1f  (g)
r 3 (3:49)

3.2.3. Ordinary di erential equations and Green's function. We give a few simple results
here. One important question discussed in connection with integrals of generalized functions is
the solution of
 (x) = 0
in D . It can be shown easily that the only solution of this equation is the classical one (refs. 7

and 29)
f (x) = C (3:51)
where C is a constant. However, the solution of the equation
xf (x) = 0 (3:52)
which is not a di erential equation, is
f (x) = C  (x) (3:53)
To get this solution, some simple results from the generalized Fourier transform are used. (See
ref. 29.) Taking the Fourier transform of both sides of equation (3.52), we get
d ^
f ( ) = 0 (3:54)

Therefore, after integration of equation (3.54), we have
^ ( )
f =C (3:55)

By taking the inverse Fourier transform of both sides of equation (3.55), we get equation (3.53).
From this result, the solution of
0 =1 (3:56)
is found as
f (x) = lnjxj + C1 + C2h(x) (3:57)
where C1 and C2 are constants and h(x) is the Heaviside function. The solution C2 h(x) comes
from the fact that the generalized function f 0(x) satisfying the equation
0 =0 (3:58)

is, from equation (3.53),

f 0(x) = C2  (x) (3:59)
Thus, the solution of the homogeneous equation (3.58) is the integral of this function

f (x) = C1 + C2h(x) (3:60)

Let us now consider a second order linear ordinary di erential equation with two linear and
homogeneous boundary conditions (BC) as follows:

= A(x)u00 + B (x)u0 + C (x) = f (x) =

`u (x 2 [0; 1])
BC1[u] = 0 (3:61)
BC2[u] = 0 ;
Let us also assume that we know u is a C 1 function and u00 is Lebesgue integrable so that u 00 = u00
and u 0 = u0. Suppose a function g(x; y ) exists, the Green's function, such that
u(x) = f (y)g(x; y ) d y (3:62)

Because u 2 C 1, then `u = `u by continuity of u and u0. We know we can take ` into the
integral in equation (3.62) but not ` because g(x; y ) may not belong to C1 . Therefore, using ` x
to indicate that derivatives in ` are with respect to x, we get
`u = `u
= `x f (y)g(x; y ) d y
= f (y)
`xg(x; y ) d y
= f (x) (3:63)

from equation (3.61). We see that `xg(x; y ) must have the sifting property
`xg(x; y ) = (x 0 y) (3:64)
Because the BC's are linear, we also have
Z 1
BC[u] = f (y) BCx[ g(x; y)] dy (3:65)

Therefore, other conditions on g(x; y) are

BC1x[g (x; y)] = 0 (3 :66a)

BC2x[g (x; y)] = 0 (3:66b)

where the x in the subscripts of the BC's indicates that g(x; y ) in the variable x satis es the two
boundary conditions.
From equation (3.64) we conclude that, because `x is a second order ordinary di erential
equation, g(x; y ) must be continuous at x = y and @g=@ x must have a jump discontinuity at
x = y . The reason is that if g(x; y) has a discontinuity at x = y, the rst generalized derivative
with respect to x will give a (x 0 y) by equation (3.39). A second generalized derivative would
give  0(x 0 y ) in the result. But because  0 (x 0 y) is missing on the right of equation (3.64),
g(x; y ) cannot be discontinuous at x = y. Assuming that g(x; y ) is de ned by
g1 (x; y) (0  x < y)
g(x; y) = (3:67)
g2 (x; y) (y < x  1)

equation (3.64) means that

`xg1 (x; y) = `x g2(x; y ) = 0 (3 :68a)

g1 (y; y) = g2 (y; y ) (3:68b)
@ g2 @g 1
(y; y) 0 1 (y; y) = (3: 68c)
@x @x A(y )
Note that equation (3.68a) is the same as `x g = 0 used above. This equation means that g1 and
g2 in variable x are solutions of the homogeneous equation `u = 0. Equation (3.68b) expresses
continuity of g at x = y and equation (3.68c) gives the jump of @g=@x at x = y. To get
equation (3.68c), we note that
@g2 @g1
`x g = `xg + A(y ) (y; y) 0 (y; y)  (x 0 y )
@x @x
 @g @g1 
= A(y) 2 (y; y ) 0 (y; y )  (x 0 y)
@x @x
=  (x 0 y ) (3:69)

The last delta function follows from equation (3.64). Equation (3.68c) follows from the fact that
the coecient of  (x 0 y) in the expression after the second equality sign must be equal to 1.
The Green's function is now determined from equations (3.66) and (3.68a{c).

3.2.4. Leibniz rule of di erentiation under the integral sign. We want to nd the result of
taking the derivative with respect to variable in the following expression in which A, B , and
f are continuous functions and B ( ) > A( ) for 2 [a; b]. Thus,
d B ( )
E ( ) = f (x; ) dx (3:70)
d A( )
Let us de ne the function H (x; ) as follows:
H (x; ) = h[x 0 A( )]h[ B ( ) 0 x] (3:71)
where h(x) is the Heaviside function. The function H (x; ) = 1 when A( ) < x < B ( ) and
H (x; ) = 0 otherwise. Using H (x; ), we can write E( ) as
d Z1
E( ) = H (x; )f (x; ) dx
d 01
Z 1  @H @f

= f+H dx (3:72)
01 @ @
We have
(x; ) = 0 A0( )h[B ( ) 0 x] [x 0 A( )]
+ B 0( )h[ x 0 A ( )] [B ( ) 0 x]
= 0 A0( )[ x 0 A( )] + B 0( ) [ B( ) 0 x] (3:73)
Note that we have used
h[ B ( ) 0 x] [x 0 A( )] = h[B ( ) 0 A( )] [ x 0 A( )]
=  [x 0 A( )] (3:74)
because B( ) 0 A( ) > 0; thus, the Heaviside function is 1. Similarly, we do the same as in
equation (3.74) for the second product of the Heaviside and the delta functions in equation (3.73).
Using equation (3.73) in equation (3.72) and integrating with respect to x, we get the Leibniz
rule of di erentiation under the integral sign,
Z B( ) @f
E( ) = (x; ) dx + B 0( )f [ B( ); ] 0 A0( )f [A( ); ] (3:75)
A ( ) @

3.3. Mu ltid ime nsiona l D elt a Fu nctions

In multidimensions,  (x) has a simple interpretation given by

(x) (x ) dx =  (0) (3:76)

 (x ) = (x1 ) (x2) : : :  (xn) (3:77)
where x = (x1; x2 ; : : : ; xn). In this section, we con ne ourselves to three-dimensional space. Of
interest in applications are  (f ) and  0(f ) where f = 0 is a surface in three-dimensional space.
We can always assume that f is de ned so that jrf j = 1 at every point on f = 0. If f does not
have this property, then f1 = f= jr f j does. Thus, rede ne the surface.

3.3.1 . Interpretation o f  (f ). Consider the integral

I = (x)(f ) dx (3:78)

0 1
Assume that we de ne a curvilinear coordinate system u1 ; u2 on the surface f = 0 and extend
these variables locally to the space near this surface along local normals. Let u3 = f which,
because jrf j = df =du3 = 1, u3 is the local distance from the surface. Thus, f = u3 = constant
6= 0 is a surface parallel to f = 0. Of course, we assume u3 is small. From di erential geometry
(refs. 8 and 9), we have
q 0 1
dx = g(2) u1; u2 ; u3 d u du du
1 2 3 (3:79)
0 1
where g(2) u1; u2; u3 is the determinant of the rst fundamental form of the surface f = u3 =
Constant. Using equation (3.79) in equation (3.78) and integrating with respect to u3 gives
Z h  i  q
1 2 3 3 0 1 1 2 3
I =  x u ;u ;u  u g(2) u1; u2; u3 du d u du

Z h  i q
1 2 0 1 1 2
=  x u ;u ; 0 g(2) u1 ; u2 ; 0 du du

=  (x ) dS (3:80)
f =0

That is, I is the surface integral of  over the surface f = 0.

3.3.2 . Interpretation o f
 (f ). We want to interpret
I = (x) (f ) dx
Z h  i   q
1 2 3 0 3 0 1 1 2 3
=  x u ;u ;u  u g(2) u1 ; u2 ; u3 du du du (3:81)

0 1 2 31
Here we have used the coordinate system u ;u ;u de ned above. Integrating the above
equation with respect to u3 gives
Z h q
@ 0 1i
I =0  (x ) g(2) u1 ; u2 ; u3 du du
1 2 (3:82)
@ u3 u3 =0

Again, from di erential geometry, we have

q 0 1  q 0 1
g(2) u1 ; u2 ; u3 = 0 2Hf 1
u ;u ;u
2 3 g(2) u1; u2; u3 (3:83)
@ u3

where Hf stands for the local mean curvature of the surface f = u3 = Constant. Taking the
derivative of the integrand of equation (3.82) and using the result of (3.83), we obtain
Z h  iq
@ 0 1
I =0 x 1
u ;u ;0
2 g(2) u1 ; u2; 0 du du
1 2
@ u3
Z   h  i q
1 2 1 2 0 1 1 2
+ 2Hf u ;u ;0  x u ;u ;0 g(2) u1; u2; 0 d u du

= 0 @n + 2Hf (x)(x) dS (3:84)
f =0

where @ =@ n is the usual normal derivative of  . Intuitively, the appearance of the term 2Hf 
in the integrand is not at all obvious. This appearance is a clear indication of the importance
of di erential geometry in multidimensional generalized function theory.

3.3.3 . A simple trick. We have already shown that  (x) (x) = (0) (x). By taking the
derivative of both sides of this equation, we get
 (x)(x) + (x) (x)
0 = (0)0 (x) (3:85)

Obviously, the right side is simpler than the left side. Let us consider the expression
h  i  
E = (x) (f ) =  x u1 ; u2 ; u3  u
3 (3:86)
0 1
where again we have used the coordinate system u1 ; u2 ; u3 de ned in section 3.3.1 above. We
know that h  i   h  i  
1 2 3  u3 =  x u1 ; u2 ; 0  u3
 x u ;u ;u (3:87)
2 0 13
We use the notation (x) for  x u1 ; u2 ; 0 ; that is, (x) is the restriction of (x) to the support
~ ~ 0 ~ 1 2 0 13
of the delta function that is the surface f = 0. We note that @ =@ n = @ =@ u3  x u1 ; u2 ; 0
= 0. Using (x), we can write E in two forms:
E = (x) (f ) (First form) =
E = (x) (f ) (Second form) ;
Is there an advantage of using the second form compared with the rst form? The answer is
yes! Let us take the gradient of E for the two forms in equation (3.88). Thus,
rE = r  (f ) + (x) rf  0(f ) (First form) >
rE = r2   (f ) +  (x ) rf  0(f ) (Second form) >
~ ~
Here, r 2 is the surface gradient of  (x ) on f = 0. From equation (3.84), we note that
in the integration ~
of 0 (f ) in the rst form, the term @  =@ n cancels a similar term in the in-
tegration of r  (f ). In the second form, because @ =@ n = 0, @ =@ n does not appear in
the integration of  0 (f ) and obviously is also absent in ~the integration
~ of r   (f ). Therefore,

algebraic manipulations are reduced. It is, thus, expedient to restrict functions multiplying
the Dirac delta function to the support of the delta function. Note carefully that functions
multiplying 0 (x) cannot be restricted to the support of  0(x); that is, (x) 0(x) 6= (0) 0 (x).
be a nite volume in space and let (x) be a
3.3.4 . Th e d ivergence theorem revisited.
C 1 vector eld.
Let us de ne the discontinuous vector eld 1 (x ) as
(x) (x 2

 1(x) = (3:90)
0 (x 62
Let the surface f = 0 denote the boundary @
of region
in such a way that n = rf points to
the outside of @
and jrf j = 1 on f = 0. We have
r 1 1 = r 1 1 + 1 1 1 n  (f )
= r 1 1 0  (x ) 1 n  (f ) (3:91)
We note that 1 1 = 1 (f = 0+) 0  1(f = 00) = 0 (f = 0). Integrating over the unbounded
three dimensional space, we get
1 1 dx dx d x =
Z Z 1
1 01 dx2 dx3 = 0 (3:92)
@ ;
@ x1
1 2 3 

Similarly, we get zero for integrals of @ 1;2= @ x2 and @ 1;3 =@ x3, where  1;i is the i th component
of 1 . Therefore, Z

r 1 1 dx = 0 (3:93)
Now, the integration of the right side of equation (3.91) using equation (3.80) gives

r 1  dx 0  n dS =0 (3:94)


Here we have used the fact that, from equation (3.90),

(x 2
r 1 1 = (3:95)
0 (x 62
Also, we de ne n =  1 n. Equation (3.94) is the divergence theorem.
We note that equation (3.93) is valid if  1 has a discontinuity across the surface k = 0 within

as shownin gure 4. Equation (3.94) is therefore valid if r1  in the volume integral is replaced
by r 1 , where the only jump of  in the generalized divergence comes from the discontinuity
on k = 0. That is, we write
r 1  = r 1  + 1 1 n0  (k) (3:96)
where n0 = rk is the unit normal to k = 0. Equation (3.94) can now be written
r 1  dx = n dS (3:97)


∇k = n´




Figure 4. Control volume

intersecting surface of discontinuity of vector eld  used for deriving generalized
divergence theorem.

which, by using equation (3.96),we can also write as

r 1  dx = n dS 0 1n0 d S (3:98)


where 1n0 = 1 1 n0 and Sk is the part of the surface k = 0 enclosed in region

. (See g. 4.)
The divergence theorem is used in deriving conservation laws in uid mechanics and physics
in di erential form. The fact that it remains valid for discontinuous vector elds, as shown
in equation (3.97), implies that such conservation laws are valid when all the derivatives
are interpreted as generaliz ed derivatives. Thus, the jump conditions across the surface of
discontinuities are inherent in these conservation laws as shown in section 3.4. This interpretation
of conservation laws eliminates the need for the pillbox analysis of jump conditions.
We have said earlier that the product of two arbitrary
3.3.5 . Product of two delta functio ns.
generalized functions generally may not be de ned. Here we give the interpretation of the
product of two multidimensional generalized functions for which multiplication is possible. Let
f = 0 and g = 0 be two surfaces intersecting along a curve 0 as shown in gure 5. Assume
rf = n and rg = n0 , where jnj = j n0 j = 1. We want to interpret
I = (x) (f ) (g) dx (3:99)

On the local plane normal to the 0-curve, de neu1 = f , u2 = g, and u3 = 0, where 0 is the
distance along the 0-curve. Extend u1 and u2 to the space in the vicinity of the plane along a
local normal to the plane. We have
du1 du2 du3
dx = (3 :100)

∇g = n'

∇f = n



Figure 5. Integration of  (f ) (g) for two intersecting surfaces f = 0 and g = 0.

where sin = jn 2 n0j. Using equation (3.100) in equation (3.99) and integrating the resulting
integral with respect to u1 and u2 , we get
Z     Z
 (x ) 1 2 1 2 3 (x)
I =  u  u d u d u du = d0 (3 :101)
sin  f =0 sin

This result is useful in applications. (See sec. 4.3.)

3.4. F inite Part of Divergent Int egrals

The nite part of divergent integrals is important in aerodynamics. The classical procedure
for nding the nite part of divergent integrals appears ad hoc and leads to questions about the
validity of the procedure. First, could the appearance of divergent integrals in applications be
the result of errors in modeling the physics of the problem? Second, will the method lead to a
unique analytical expression or do di erent analytical expressions lead to equivalent numerical
results? The generalized function theory clearly answers these questions.
Let us rst examine the function f (x) = lnjxj , which is locally integrable. The ordinary
derivative of this function is
d 1
lnjxj = (3 :102)
dx x
which is not locally integrable over any interval that includesx = 0. We know, however, that
as a generalized function, lnjxj has generalized derivatives of all orders. What is the relation of
the generalized derivative of lnjxj to the ordinary derivative f 0(x) = 1=x?
Let us work with F [] representing lnj xj as follows:
F [] = lnjxj (x) dx ( 2 D) (3 :103)

We have, using the de nition of generalized derivative,

0 0
F [ ] = 0 lnjxj (x) d x (3 :104)


–ε αε
Figure 6. Function h"(x) used in de ning nite part of divergent integral [(x)=x]dx. " > 0; > 0.

We need some integration by parts to get the term 1=x in the integrand of equation (3.104).
However, this integration cannot be performed because 1=x is not locally integrable. We solve
this problem by using a new functional depending on", the limit of which isF 0 [] as follows.
Let h"(x) be a function de ned below for some constant > 0 and a parameter " > 0. Thus,
0 (0" < x < ")
h"(x) = (3:105)
1 (Otherwise)

This function is shown in gure6. Then it is obvious that lnjxj can be written as the limit of
an indexed generalized function as follows:

lim h (x)lnjxj = lnjxj (3:106)

"!0 "

Note that if we de ne F"0 [] as

F"0 [] = 0 h" (x)lnj xj 0(x) dx (3:107)

then we have from the completeness theorem of D0 (sec. 3.1.5)

lim F [] = F 0[] (3:108)
"!0 "

The function h" (x)lnjxj has two jump discontinuities atx = 0 " and x = ". We can either
apply the classical integration by parts to equation (3.107) by breaking the real line into two
intervals or by using the generalized derivative
Z d
F 0 [] = [h (x) lnjxj ](x) dx (3:109)
" dx "
Here we are integrating oversupp  and we do not worry about the terms coming from the limits
of the integral in the integration by parts because = 0 at the limit points.
We now take the derivative of the term in square brackets in equation (3.109):
d h (x)
[h (x)lnj xj] = " 0 ln"(x + ") + ln( ")(x 0 ") (3:110)
dx " x

Here and below, we have used the result that (x) (x 0 x0 ) =  (x0 )  (x 0 x0). Thus, after
using equation (3.110) in equation (3.109) and integrating with respect to x, we have
Z h (x)
F"0 [] = 0ln "(0 ") + ln( ")( ") + " (x) dx
Z h (x)
= (0)ln + " (x) dx + o(") (3 :111)
where o(") stands for terms of order " and higher. Now from equation (3.108) we have
F 0[ ] = lim F"0 []
Z h (x)
= (0)ln + lim " (x) dx
"!0 x
 Z 0" (x) Z 1 (x) 
= (0)ln + lim dx + dx (3 :112)
"!0 01 x " x
We can show that the limit of the integral on the right of equation (3.112) exists. If now = 1,
then ln = 0 and Z 0"  (x) Z 1 (x) 
F [] = lim dx + dx (3 :113)
"!0 x
01 x "
which is known as the Cauchy principal value (PV) of the integral. But = 1 need not be taken
and equation (3.112) is numerically the same as equation (3.113). The above limit procedure is
called taking the nite part of a divergent integral.
What have we achieved? Over any open interval that does not include x = 0 we have
d 1
ln j xj =
(3 :114)
but when x = 0 belongs to the open interval, then the classically divergent integral must
 ) lnjxj is recovered. As
be interpreted such that the functional F 0[ ] corresponding to (d=dx
the above simple function demonstrates, more than one di erent analytical expression for the
procedure can be used to nd the nite part of a divergent integral. However, all the expressions
are numerically equivalent. We de ne the principal value of 1=x as
PV x = dx lnjxj (3 :115)

Thus, when x = 0 is in the interval of integration of 1=x, the nite part of the divergent integral
must by taken to get the numerical value of F 0[], where F [] is given by equation (3.103). Note
that the term regularizing a divergent integral is also used in mathematics. The procedure given
here corresponds to the canonical regularization of Gel'fand and Shilov. (See ref. 7.)
What is the use of this procedure in applications? Suppose we have reduced the solution of
a problem to the evaluation of the expression
u(x) = (y) lnjx 0 y j dy (3 :116)

where x 2
. Let us assume that we know that the integral is continuous as a function of x so
that d=dx can be replaced by d =dx and taken inside the integral. We get
Z d
u(x) =  (y ) lnj x 0 yj dy

Z  1 
=  (y )PV x 0 y dy (3 :117)

which is interpreted as the nite part of the divergent integral by the procedure de ned earlier.
We remind the readers that the procedure will result in exactly what equation (3.116) would
give had we been able to perform the integration analytically. Also, assuming that  = 0 at the
boundaries of
, an integration by parts of the rst integral in equation (3.117) would give
u(x) = 0 0 (y )lnjx 0 yj dy (3 :118)

which is also a legitimate result if this integral exists. The problem is that often in applications,
equation (3.116) is an integral equation for the unknown function (x), which has integrable
singularities at the boundaries of the interval
. Thus, the above integration by parts is invalid
and, in any case, the integral equation (3.118) is divergent. Therefore, the only choice left is
the integral equation with the principal value of 1=(x 0 y), which is a well-known kernel in the
theory of singular integral equations.
We now give an advanced example in three dimensions with a surprising implication in the
numerical solution of an integral equation of transonic ow which we will discuss in section 4.
Let us consider the integral Z  (y )
I (x) = 2 dy (3 :119)

r 2 = (x1 0 y1)2 + (x2 0 y2 )2 + (x3 0 y3)2 (3 :120)

is a region in space and x 2
. In this problem (x) is a C 1 function and is the
unknown of the aerodynamic problem. Assuming that the integral is a C 1 function in x, we can
replace @ 2 =@x12 with @ 2 =@x12 and take the derivatives inside the integral
Z @
2  1
I (x) = (y) 2 dy

1@x r
Z @
2 1
= (y) @y 2 r d y (3 :121)

We use generalized di erentiation rather than ordinary di erentiation because the latter will
result in a divergent integral. Note that
@ 1
@y1 r
= r13 (3: 122a)
  3r 2 0 r 2
@2 1
@ y2 r
= 1r 5 (3:122b)
where r 1 = x1 0 y1 . Because r 1=r 3 is integrable, we write
@2 1 @  r1 
= (3 :123)
@y12 r @y1 r3
and we proceed to nd the nite part of the divergent integral in equation (3.121).
Let f (y ; x; ") = g (r 1; r2 ; r 3) 0 " = 0 be a piecewise smooth surface enclosing the point
y = x where r i = xi 0 yi , i = 1{3 and g is a homogeneous function of order 1; that is,
g ( r1 ; r2 ; r 3) = g (r1 ; r 2; r3 ). This condition assures that the surface g ( r1 ; r2 ; r3 )0 " = 0
corresponds to g (r1 ; r2 ; r 3) 0 "= = 0 for 6= 0. Thus, all the surfaces g 0 " = 0 correspond
to various values of that are similar in shape. From the homogeneity of g, it follows that
f (y ; x; 0) = g (r 1; r2 ; r 3) = 0 consists of a single-point y = x. For example, for a sphere with a
center at y = x and radius ", we have
f (y ; x; ") = r 21 + r22 + r23 0 " = 0 (3 :124)
In addition, we assume ry f = n, where n is the local unit outward normal to the surface. Let
f > 0 outside and f < 0 inside this surface, respectively. We introduce the function h"(y ) by
the relation (
1 (f > 0)
h" (y ) = (3 :125)
0 (f < 0)
Now, we de ne the required generalized derivative in equation (3.123) by the relation
@2 1 @ h"(y)r1
2 = lim r3
@y1 r "!0 @y1
" #
2 2
= lim r 1n3 1  (f ) + 3r1 05 r h"(y) (3 :126)
"!0 r r

where n1 is the component of n along the y1-axis. Therefore, I (x) can be written
r1 n1
I (x) = lim (y) dS
"!0 f =0 r3
+ lim 3r 12 0 r 2 h (y)(y ) d y (3 :127)
where we have used equation (3.80) to integrate  (f ) in equation (3.126).
Using a Taylor series expansion of  (y ) at y = x , we nd that
r1 n1
lim (y) dS = f (x) (3 :128)
"!0 f =0 r 3
where f is a constant depending on the shape of the surface f = 0. For example, for the sphere
given by equation (3.124), we have
f =
4 (3 :129)
If we take the surface f = 0 to be a circular cylinder with its axis parallel to the y1-axis such
that the base radius is " and its height is ; "  1, then
f = 4 (3 :130)
Equation (3.127) is thus written
I (x ) = f (x) + lim
3r 21 0 r 2 h (y )(y ) d y (3 :131)
0 1
Numerically, I (x ) is the same regardless of the shape of f = 0. Because 3r12 0 r 2 =r 5 near y = x
takes both positive and negative values, the shape of f = 0 as " ! 0 a ects the value of the
integral in the summation process. This e ect is similar to a well-known result for conditionally
convergent series, which can be made to converge to any value by rearranging the terms of the
series. The term f (x) in equation (3.131) compensates for the change in the value of the
volume integral when f = 0 is changed so that I (x ) is numerically the same.
What is the implication of the above result in applications? In practice, the volume
integration is performed numerically. The volume integral has a hole enclosing y = x whose
boundary surface is given by f = 0. The value of f must, therefore, correspond to the grid
system used in the volume integration. If the hole is rectangular, which is often the case, then
neither of the above two f 's in equations (3.129) and (3.130) is appropriate for the problem.
One question remains unanswered. When does the appearance of a divergent integral imply
anything other than the breakdown of the physical modeling? The answer is when we have
wrongly taken an ordinary derivative inside an improper integral. Such a step can make the
integral divergent and is caused by the wrong mathematics (improper procedure) rather than the
wrong physics. Thus, the analyst should always check the cause of the appearance of divergent
integrals in applications. Because in classical aerodynamics, the inappropriate mathematics
generally causes the appearance of divergent integrals, the nite part of divergent integrals must
be used.
4. App lica tions

4.1. I ntrod uction

In this section we give some applications in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics that show
the power and the beauty of generalized function theory. We use the results of the previous
sections here. Many areas of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics can use generalized function
theory, especially because the approach is almost always more direct and simpler than other
methods. In addition, for many problems involving partial di erential equations, no alternate
method is available for nding a solution. Below is a partial list of applications of generalized
function theory in aerodynamics, uid mechanics, and aeroacoustics:
Aerodynamics and uid mechanics
Derivation of transport theorems
Derivation of governing conservation laws (such as two-phase ows)
Derivation of jump conditions across ow discontinuities, velocity discontinuity as a vortex
Derivation of the governing equation for boundary element or eld panel methods
Subsonic, transonic, and supersonic aerodynamic theory

Sound from moving singularities

Derivation of the governing equation for the boundary element method
Derivation of the Kirchho formula for moving surfaces
Study of noise from moving surfaces using the acoustic analogy
Identi cation of new noise generation mechanisms and their source strength (such as shock
In addition, in both aerodynamics and aeroacoustics, generalized function theory can help in
the derivation of geometric identities involving curves, surfaces, and volumes, particularly under
deformation and in motion.
4.2. A erod yna mic A pplications

We give here four applications that have been previously derived by other classical methods.
The method based on generalized function theory, as expected, is much shorter and more elegant.
Other examples in aerodynamics are presented by De Jager. (See ref. 5.)
We give two results here that are used in the derivation of
4.2.1 . Two transport th eorems.
conservation laws. We want to take the time derivative inside the integral
I = ( )
Q x; t d x (4:1)
(t )
(t ) is a time-dependent region of space and Q(x; t) is a C1 function. Let us assume the
boundary @
(t ) of
is piecewise smooth and is given by the surface f = 0 such that f > 0 in

. Assume also that rf = n 0 where n 0 is the unit inward normal to the surface. Suppose we
can ascertain that the integral in equation (4.1) is continuous in time. Then, we can replace
=dt and bring the derivative inside the integral. We write
d=d t with d

I = h(f )Q(x; t ) d x
@f @Q
= @t
() (
 f Q x; t ) + h(f ) @ t dx

@f @Q
= (
Q x; t dS) + dx (4:2)
(t) @t
(t ) @t

where h(f ) is the Heaviside function. Here we have used equation (3.80) to integrate  (f ) in the
second step above. We can show that
= 0 vn0 = vn (4:3)
where vn0 and vn are the local normal velocities in the direction of inward and outward normals,
respectively. Thus, Z Z
I = vn Q(x; t) dS + dx (4:4)
(t ) @t
This equation is the generalization of the Leibniz rule of di erentiation of integrals in one
For the second result, we want to take the time derivative inside the following integral by
assuming again that the integral is continuous in time and that Q is a C1 function. Thus,
I = dtd (x ; t) dS
Q (4:5)
We rst convert the surface integral into a volume integral
d Z
I =  (f )Q(x; t) dx (4:6)
dt ~
Here f = 0 describes @
(t ) and r f = n, where n is the unit outward normal. Also, note that
Q is the restriction of Q to f = 0 as explained in section 3.3. Therefore,
2 3
Z @Q
I = 4 @f 0(
 f Q ) (x ; t) +  (f ) @ ~t 5dx (4:7)
@t ~
We now must use the results of section 3.3 to integrate  0 (f ) and  (f ). However, @ f =@ t = 0vn
and this function is restricted already to f = 0. Thus, ~
vn Q (x ; t) = 0 (4:8)
@n ~ ~
Using equations (3.80) and (3.84), we get
2 3
Z @Q
I = 4 ~ 0 2vn Hf Q(x ; t)5dS (4:9)
(t ) @t

where Hf is the local mean curvature of @

(t). What is @ Q=@ t? We have the following result,
assuming that Q is nonimpulsive, ~
~ = @ Q + vn @ Q (4:10)
@t @t @n

Derivation of equation (4.9) by other methods is not trivial.

4.2.2 . U nstead y shock jump conditions. These conditions are usually obtained by the pillbox
analysis. We present a method here based on generalized function theory. We have said that
the conservation laws such as the mass continuity and the momentum equations are valid as
they stand if we replace all ordinary derivatives with generalized derivatives. We derive here the
jump conditions from these two conservation laws. Let k (x; t ) = 0 describe an unsteady shock
surface. Let rk = n, where n is the unit normal pointing in the downstream direction. We
denote this downstream region as region 2 and the upstream region as region 1. We de ne the
jump 1Q in any parameter by
1Q = [Q]2 0 [Q]1 (4:11)

∇k = n
k(x) = 0

Figure 7. Thin wing in incompressible, irrotational ow with wake.

where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the upstream and downstream regions, respectively.
Applying the rules of generalized di erentiation to the mass continuity equation, we have
+ r 1 ( u) = @@t + r 1 (u)
+ 1 @ t + 1(u) 1 n (k ) = 0
where  is the density and u is the uid velocity. The sum of the rst two terms on the right of
the rst equality sign is the ordinary mass continuity equation and is 0. The coecient of (k )
must also be 0. Thus,
0 1vn + 1( un ) = 1[ (un 0 vn)] = 0 (4:13)
where vn = 0 @ k=@ t is the local shock normal velocity and un = u 1 n is the local uid normal
velocity. This expression is the rst shock jump condition.
The momentum equation in tensor notation using the summation convention gives
0 1 0 1
(ui )+ @x@ ui uj + @@px = @@t ( ui )+ @@x ui uj + @@xp
j i j i
0 1
+ 1(ui ) @@kt + 1  ui uj nj + 1pni (k ) = 0 (4:14)
where p is the pressure. The sum of the three terms after the rst equality sign is the ordinary
momentum equation. The coecient of  (k) must be zero; therefore,
1[ ui (un 0 vn)] + 1pn i = 0 (4:15)
This expression is the second shock jump condition.We can derive a similar result from the
energy equation.
Note that had we used the mass continuity and momentum equations in nonconservative
form, we would have been faced with ambiguities of multiplication of generalized functions.
This problem is discussed in detail by Colombeau. (See ref. 27.) In that reference, the remedy
for the removal of these ambiguities is discussed from intuitive and mathematically rigorous
Let us consider a thin lifting wing in forward
4.2.3 . Velocity discontinuity a s a vortex sheet.
ight in an incompressible uid as shown in gure 7. It can be shown that the velocity eld can
be idealized as irrotational (i.e.,r 2 u = 0) where u is the uid velocity. However, a velocity



n n = ∇k

k(x) = 0: wing and shock surfaces

Figure 8. Diagram used in deriving Oswatitsch integral equation of transonic ow.

discontinuity can occur on the wing and on the wake. In this caser 2 u 6= 0 and the velocity
discontinuity over the wing and the wake gives the vorticity distribution
r 2 u = r 2 u + n 2 1u (k )
= u 2 1 u (k )
= 0 (k ) (4:16)
where k(x; t) = 0 describes the wing and wake surfaces and rk = n, the local unit normal to
these surfaces. Here we de ne the vorticity distribution0 = n 2 1u. Note that again we de ne
1u = [u]2 0 [u]1 , where n points into region 2. The Biot-Savart law gives the velocity eld,
0 2 ^r 0 2 ^r
u(x) =  (k ) dy = (4:17)
r2 r2

^r = x 0r y

4.2.4. An integral equation of transonic ow. To derive the Oswatitsch integral equation of
transonic ow (refs. 30 and 31), consider a thin wing with shock waves in transonic ow moving
with uniform speed along the x1-axis as shown in gure 8. Let u be the perturbation velocity
along the x1 -axis. The governing equation for this ow parameter in nondimensional form is
2 2
r2 u 0 12 @@ xu2 = 0 (4:18)
For simplicity, we assume that the airfoil, the shock surfaces, and the wake surface are all
speci ed by k(x ) = 0. We set up this problem in generalized function space by converting
the derivatives in equation (4.18) to generalized derivatives. We again de ne a jump inu or
u by 1(1 ) = [ 1] 2 0 [ 1] 1, where n = rk points into region 2. For the airfoil itself, we de ne

[u] 1 = u2 1 = 0 because the airfoil is a closed surface. Thus,
2 3

1 @ 2 u2 @ u2
2 @u
r u 0 2 @x2 = 1 @n 0 @ n 2  (k)
1 1
+ r 1 1 un 0 u2 n1  (k) (4:19)
where n = (n 1; n2; n3 ) is the unit normal to the surface k = 0 and n1 = (n1; 0; 0). Note that
on the right side of equation (4.19) we dropped the sum of two terms, which by equation (4.18)
is 0.
To get an integral equation, we use the Green's function of the Laplace equation, which is
01= 4r , and treat 0 @ 2u2 =@x12 as a source term to obtain
@2 1 2
4u(x) = 0 12 @x

2 r u (y) dy
@ u2
1  @u 0
0 dS
k=0 r @n @n1 2

1 un 0 u2 n  dS (4:20)
k=0 r 2 1
Now if we bring the derivatives inside the rst volume integral, which is over the unbounded
space, we must use the nite part of the divergent integral introduced in section 3.4, equa-
tion (3.119). Taking Q(y ) = u2(y ) in equation (3.119), from equation (3.131) we have
@2 1 2 3r12 0 r 2 h (y )u2(y) d y
u (y ) d y = u (x) + lim (4:21)
@x12 r f "!0 r5 "

The last integral in equation (4.20) is

1 u2 1 u2
Z   Z  
r1 un 0 n1 dS = 0 u cos  0 n1 cos 1 dS (4:22)
k=0 r 2 k=0 r 2 2
where cos  = r^ 1 n, cos 1 = 1=n1 r^ 1 n1, and r^ = (x 1 0 y1 )=r. Our job is nished. The integral
on the right side is convergent. Substitute equations (4.21) and (4.22) in equation (4.20). The
result is the Oswatitsch integral equation of transonic ow. Further approximation is possible,
but we stop at this point. This derivation is much shorter and more direct than the original one.
(See refs. 30 and 31.)
4.3. A eroacous tic App licat ions

In this section, we give four examples for the linear wave equation. Even for this equation, the
use of generalized function theory leads to important and useful results. Before the examples,
we give some standard forms of the inhomogeneous source terms appearing in aeroacoustic
problems. These follow:
2 8 = Q(x; t) (4 :23a)
2 8 = Q(x; t) (f ) (4:23b)

2 @
8 = @t [Q(x; t ) (f )] (4: 23c)
8 = r 1 [Q(x; t )(f )] (4:23d)
8 = Q(x; t)h f~  0(f ) (4: 23e)
8 = Q(x; t) (f ) f~ (4:23f)
In these equations, f (x; t) = 0 is a moving surface, usually assumed a closed surface. An
open surface, such as a panel on a rotor blade, is described by f = 0 and ~f (x ; t ) > 0, where
f (x; t) = ~
f (x; t) = 0 describes the edge of the open surface. (See g. 9.) Also, we denote the
Heaviside function as h f~ . In equation (4.23e), note that Q is the restriction of Q to f = 0.
The solutions of the above equations have been given in many ~ publications of the author and
coworkers. (See refs. 33{36.) We give only a brief summary here.
The Green's function of the wave equation is
(  (g )
G (y;  ; x; t ) = 4r (  t) (4:24)
0 ( > t)
g =  0 t + cr (4:25)
In this equation, (x; t ) and (y ;  ) are the observer and the eld (source) space-time variables,
respectively. The speed of sound is denoted by c and r = j x 0 yj. The two forms of the solution

f >0

f=f=0 f=0

∇f = n

∇f = ν ~
f = 0, f > 0

f = f = 0 edge

Figure 9. De nition of open surface by relations f = 0, f~ > 0. Edge is de ned by f = ~f = 0 and  is the unit inward
geodesic normal.
of equation (4.23a) are Z
48(x; t) = [Q]ret dy (4:26)
and Z t Z
4 8(x ; t) = Q(y;  ) d
(4 :27)
01 t 0 
( )
where the subscript ret stands for retarded time t 0 r =c. The surface
( ) is the sphere
r = c(t 0  ) (i.e., the sphere with center at the observer x and radius c (t 0  ) with the element
of the surface denoted by d
). The two forms of the solution of equation (4.23a) are known as
the retarded time and the collapsing sphere forms of the solution, respectively.
The solution of equation (4.23b) can also be written in several forms. (See refs. 33 and 34.)
We give two forms here. For a rigid surface f (x; t) = 0, let Mr = M 1 r^ be the local Mach number
in the radiation direction. Then
Q(y ;  )
4 8(x ; t) = (4:28)
r j1 0 Mr j ret
f =0

Note that to get this equation, the formal Green's function solution, which is
48(x; t ) = Q(y;  ) (f )(g) dy d (4:29)

is integrated as follows. First introduce a Lagrangian variable  on and near the surface f = 0
such that the Jacobian of the transformation is unity. Note that we have y = y ( ;  ) and
r = j x 0 y(;  )j (4:30)
Next let  ! g, which gives @ g =@  = 1 0 Mr . Integrate equation (4.29) next with respect to g
and nally integrate  (f ) by the method of section 3.3 to get equation (4.28).
A more interesting method of integrating the delta functions in equation (4.29) is to let  ! g
and integrate with respect to g . The integration gives
4 8(x; t) = [Q(y;  )]ret (F ) dy (4:31)

where F (y; x ; t ) = [f (y ;  )]ret = f [y ; t 0 r =c ]. Note, however, that even if jrf j = 1 by

de nition, we have jrF j 6= 1 in equation (4.31). We will, therefore, give a slight modi cation of
equation (3.80). In the following integral, assume jrf j 6= 1, then
I = (x) (f ) d x = (4:32)
f =0 jrf j dS
This result applies to equation (4.31). It is easily shown by di erentiation that
jrF j = 1 + Mn2 0 2Mn cos  2  3 (4:33)
where Mn = vn=c , vn = 0@ f =@ t is the local normal velocity on f = 0, and cos  = n 1 ^r is the
cosine of the angle between the local normal to f = 0 and the radiation direction r^ = (x 0 y )=r.
Using equations (4.32) and (4.33) in equation (4.31), we get
1 Q(y ;  )
48(x; t ) = d6 (4:34)
F =0 r 3 ret

Influence surface
(acoustic planform)

Figure 10. In uence surface for observer on propeller surface, forward Mach number = 0.334, helical Mach
number = 0.880. (See ref. 44.)
where d6 is the element of the surface area at F = 0. Note that for supersonic surfaces, the
condition Mr = 1 produces a singularity in equation (4.28). The use of equation (4.34) removes
this singularity in most cases.
To visualize the surface 6: F = 0, let the surface f = 0 move in space. Construct the inter-
section of the collapsing spherer = c(t 0  ) for a xed (x; t) with the surface f = 0. The surface
in space that is the locus of these curves of intersection is the 6-surface or the in uence surface
for (x; t). Given (x; t ), this surface is uniquebecause the sphere r = c (t 0  ) has center at x and
r = 0 at  = t. Given   t , because (x; t) is xed, the sphere is speci ed andf (y;  ) = 0 is also
speci ed. Therefore, the intersecting curve, if it exists, is speci ed. Figure 10 (ref. 32) shows the
6-surface for a rotating propeller blade. This gure indicates that the 6-surface is dependent
on the motion and the geometry of the surface f = 0. A singularity in equation (4.34) may exist
when 3 = 0; however, we will not address the singularity problem here. Such a problem can
occur for supersonic propeller blades with blunt leading edges. That situation should be avoided
because of excessive drag problems.
The solutions of equations (4.23c) and (4.23d) can be related to that of (4.23b). For example,
the solution of equation (4.23c) is
@ Q(y ;  )
4 8(x; t) = dS (4:35)
@ t f =0 r j1 0 Mr j ret

Now @=@t can be brought inside the integral using the relation
@ 1 @
= (4:36)
@t 1 0 Mr @
Note, however, that r = j x 0 y ( ;  )j so that @r=@  6= 0. (See refs. 33 and 34.) Similar
manipulations can be performed for the form of solution of equation (4.23c) based on equation
(4.34), but it is better to work with the source terms of equation (4.23c) before using the Green's
function approach. (See section 4.3.3.)
The solution of equation (4.23e) is by far the most dicult of the problems considered here.
We rst simplify the algebraic manipulations by de ning f~ such that r~f =  where  is the
unit outward geodesic normal to the edge. The geodesic normal is tangent to the surface f = 0,
~ > 0 and is orthogonal to edge f = f~ = 0. (See g. 9.) The formal solution of equation (4.23e)
1 ~ ) 0(f ) (g) dy d 
4 8(x ; t) = Q(y ;  )h(f
r ~
= [Q(y;  )]ret h(Fe ) 0(F ) dy (4:37)
r ~

where, as before, F = [ f ]ret and we de ne Fe (y; x; t) = [f~(y ;  )]ret . Let N be the unit normal to
the surface F = 0. We can show that
n 0 Mnr^
N= (4:38)
Equation (4.37) is now of the form of equation (3.81). Again, because jrF j = 3 6= 1, we must
give the modi cation to equation (3.81) here. In this case, we have for jrf j 6= 1
Z Z   
0 1 @  2Hf  
(x) (f ) dy = 0 jrf j @n jr f j + jr f j2 dS (4:39)
f =0

Next, using F in place of f here, we get from equation (4.39)

8 1 0 9
Z >
< [Q]ret 2HF [ Q] ret h(Fe ) >
1 @ @~ ~
4 8(x; t) = 0 e )A +
r 32
d6 (4:40)
: 3 @N
F =0 > r3 >

where HF is the local mean curvature of the 6-surface given by F = 0. Note that
e) = N 1 r Fe  (Fe ) (4:41)

so that we must integrate this delta function in equation (4.40). Using a curvilinear coordinate
system on the 6-surface, we can show that

(x) jr Fe j (Fe ) d6 = sin 0
dL (4:42)
F =0 F =0

where  0 is the angle between N and Ne = rFe =jr F

e j. Also, dL is the element of length of the
edge of the 6-surface given by F = Fe = 0. The nal result of manipulations of equation (4.40)
based on equation (4.42) is
8 0 1 9
Z [ Q] 2H F [Q]ret =
1 @ @ ~ ret A
48(x; t ) =
0 3 3
3 2 ; d6
F =0 @ N r r
e> 0

Z [ Q] retcot 0
0 ~ dL (4:43)
F =0 r3 2

Note that we have de ned N
e as the unit normal to Fe = 0 and we have

e =  0 M r
(4 :44a)
3e = jrFe j (4:44b)
cos  0 = N 1 N
e (4: 44c)
Because Q is the restriction of Q to f = 0, we have @ Q=@n = 0. In equation (4.43), we nd the
~ ~
normal derivative of [Q] ret rst:
2 3 2 3
@Q @Q
[Q]ret = 4 ~ 5 + 4 ~ N 1 ^r5
@N ~ @N
c @
Using equation (4.38), we get
N= [(1 0 Mn cos ) n 0 Mn sin t 1] (4:46)
where t1 is the unit vector along the projection of r^ on the local tangent plane to f = 0.
Therefore, after using @ Q=@ n = 0 we get
~ @Q @Q
~ = 0 Mn sin  ~ (4:47)
@N 3 @t 1
where @ =@ t1 is the directional derivative of Qalong t1 . In this case, we no longer need restriction
~ @ Q= @  in equation (4.45), we must use a relation
of Q to f = 0 because @ Q=@ t 1 = @ Q=@ t 1. For
similar to that in equation~ (4.10). The curve F ~= Fe = 0 in equation (4.43) is generated by the
intersection of the collapsing sphere g = 0 and the edge curve f = f~ = 0 of the open surface
f = 0; ~
f > 0.
We next consider equation (4.23f). The formal solution is
1 ~) (g ) d y d 
48(x ; t ) = Q(y;  ) (f ) (f
= [ Q] ret (F ) (Fe ) dy (4:48)

This equation is similar to equation (3.99) except that jrF j 6= 1 and jrFe j = 6 1. In this
case, sin  in equation (3.100) is replaced by jrF 2 rF j , which by de nition is 30 . Therefore,
equation (4.48) gives Z  
1 Q
48(x; t ) = dL (4:49)
F =0 r 30 ret
e =0

We now give four applications.

4.3.1 . Lowson's formula fo r a dipole in motion. A dipole is an idealization of a point force.
A point force in motion is described by the wave equation
2 0 @
p =0 ffi (t ) [x 0 s(t)]g (4:50)

where p0 is the acoustic pressure, fi is the component of the point force, and s(t ) is the position
of the force at time t . The formal solution of equation (4.50) is
0 fi ( )
4p (x ; t) = 0 @
@xi r
 [y 0 s( )]  (g) d y d (4:51)
Let us integrate the above integral with respect to y . We get
0 fi ( ) 3
4 p (x; t ) = 0 @
@ xi
(g ) d
3 = jx 0 s ( )j (4 :53a)
and 3
3=  0t + r (4:53b)
Now let  ! g3 and note that 3
= 1 0 Mr
where Mr = s_ 1 ^r=c is the Mach number of the point force in the radiation direction. Integrate
the resulting equation with respect to g3 to get
0 fi ( )
4p (x; t ) = 0 @ x r j 1 0 M j 3
i r 

where  3 is the emission time. The solution of g3 = 0 has only one root if the point force is in
subsonic motion. The derivative in equation (4.55) can now be taken inside the square brackets.
The resulting equation is a formula given by Lowson (ref. 37) that is useful in noise prediction
of rotating blades where the dipole sources can by assumed compact.
4.3.2. Kirchho formula for moving surfaces. In the 1930's, Morgans published a paper in
which he derived the Kirchho formula for moving surfaces. (See ref. 38.) The derivation of this
formula was based on classical analysis and was lengthy. In 1988, Farassat and Myers gave a
modern derivation of this result based on generalized function theory. (See refs. 39 and 40.) The
derivation is short and avoids the use of four-dimensional Green's identity and the associated
diculties of dealing with surfaces and volumes in four dimensions. We present the basic idea
behind this modern derivation here and refer the readers to reference 39.
Assume that the surface in motion on which conditions on (x; t ) are speci ed is given by
f (x; t). This surface can be deformable. Assume that  satis es the wave equation in the
exterior of the surface f = 0, which is the region de ned by f > 0. Now extend  to the entire
unbounded space as follows:
~(x; t) = (x; t)

(f > 0)
0 (f < 0)
Clearly, ~ satis es the wave equation in the unbounded space. However, ~ has discontinuities
across f = 0 that appear as source terms of the wave equation. Note that the jumps in
~ and its derivatives depend on corresponding values for  because 1~ = (f = 0+) and

~ t = @ = @ t (f = 0+).
1@ =@
Applying the rules of generalized di erentiation to ~ , we get
 =0 n +
Mn t  (f ) 0 1c @t@ [ Mn  (f )] 0 r 1 [n (f )] (4:57)

where Mn = vn =c and vn = 0 @ f =@ t is the local normal velocity of the surface f = 0. As before,

we have assumed rf = n, the local outward unit normal to f = 0. The three types of source
terms on the right of equation (4.57) are of the standard types given in equations (4.23a{f). The
solution for a deformable surface is given by
Z  E pg  Z  E pg 
1 (2) 2 (2)
4 ~(x; t) = 1 2
du d u + 1
du du
2 (4:58)
D (S) r (1 0 Mr ) 3 D(S ) r (1 0 Mr )  3

where D(S ) is a time-independent region in u1 u2-space onto which the surface f = 0 is mapped.
The determinant of the coecient of the rst fundamental form is denoted g(2). In this equation
0 1
 3 is the emission time of the point u1 ; u2 on the surface f = 0. The expression E1 depends on
, n , r2  (surface gradient of ), and the kinematic and geometric parameters of the surface
f = 0. The expression E2 depends only on the kinematic and geometric parameters of the
surface f = 0. (See ref. 39.)
4.3.3 . Noise fro m moving surfaces. Let an impenetrable surface f = 0 be in motion such
that f > 0 outside the body and rf = n, the unit outward normal. Let us assume that the
uid is extended inside this surface with conditions of undisturbed medium (i.e., density 0 and
speed of sound c). We know that the mass continuity and momentum equations are valid when
the derivatives are written as generalized derivatives. Let us extract only the contribution of
discontinuities across f = 0 and leave the e ect of all other discontinuities (such as those across
shock waves) in these equations. The mass continuity equation gives

+ r 1 ( u) = 0 ( 0  0)vn (f ) + un (f )

= 0 vn (f ) (4:59)

where n = 0 @ f =@ t is the local normal velocity of f = 0 and we have used the impenetrability
condition on this surface, which is un = n . The momentum equation gives
@ @ 0 1
(ui ) +  ui uj + Pij = Pij nj  (f ) (4:60)
@t @xj

where Pij = E ij + (p 0 p0)ij is the compressive stress tensor and Eij is the viscous stress
tensor. Now we take the generalized derivative of both sides of equation (4.59) and @ =@ xi of
both sides of equation (4.60), subtract the latter from the former, and nally subtract c 2 @ =@ xi2
from both sides to get
2 2 3 2 3
20 @
p =
@ xi @ xj
Ti j h(f ) 0 @@x Pij nj  (f ) +
[0 vn (f )] (4:61)

where p0 = c2 ( 0 0). Here Ti j is the Lighthill stress tensor. Now we have added h(f ), the
Heaviside function, on the right side to indicate that Tij 6= 0 outside the surface f = 0. This is
the Ffowcs Williams{Hawkings (FW-H) equation. (See ref. 41.) Note that in the far eld, p0 is
the acoustic pressure.
The source terms of equation (4.61) are of the standard types in equations (4.23a{f). For
a surface in subsonic motion, the solution for surface sources involving the Doppler factor is
most appropriate for numerical work. (See refs. 33 and 34.) For supersonic surfaces such as
an advanced propeller blade on which jMnj < 1 everywhere, a di erent solution based on the
6-surface must be used. We show here brie y how this can be done. In applications, we need to
calculate the sound from an open surface such as a panel on a blade. We, therefore, de ne such
an open surface by f = 0; f~ > 0 with the edge de ned by f = f~ = 0 as before. The assumptions
concerning the gradients of f and f~ at the beginning of this section hold here. We are interested
in the solution of equations of the types

20 h i
p =
0 vn h f  f (~ ) ( ) (4 :62a)
2 0 h i
p =0
(~ ) ( )
pni h f  f (4:62b)

where h(f~) is the Heaviside function. Note that we have approximated Pi j in equation (4.61) by
pi j where p is the surface (gauge) pressure. To derive solutions for equations (4.62a)and (4.62b)
suitable for supersonic panel motion, we write

  @ vn
~) (f ) = 0 ~ h(~f ) (f )
0 vnh(f
@t ~ @t

0 0 v2nh(f~ ) 0(f )
0 0 vn v  (~f )(f ) (4:63)

where v is the velocity of the edge in the direction of the geodesic normal. A similar operation
can be performed on the right of equation (4.62b) such that
h i  
pn i h(f~ ) (f ) = 0r 1 pnh(~
0 @x f ) (f )
i ~
= 0ph(f~ ) 0(f )+ 2 pHf h(f~ ) (f ) (4:64)

where Hf is the local mean curvature of the surface f = 0. The source terms of the right of
equations (4.63) and (4.64) are of the types in equations (4.23a{f). (See refs. 35 and 36.)

4.3.4. Identi cation of shock noise source strength. The rst term on the right of the
FW-H equation (4.61) is known as the quadrupole source. As mentioned in the derivations,
the discontinuities in the region f > 0 (i.e., outside the body) contribute source terms after
generalized di erentiation is performed. If a shock wave described by the equation k (x ; t) = 0
exists on a rotating blade, then the quadrupole term gives surface sources on the shock, the
strengths of which are determined as follows. Let us take the generalized second derivative of
Tij by

@ Ti j
= @@Txij + 1Ti j ni  (k)
(4 :64a)

2T 2
@ ij
@ xi @ xj
= @@x T@ixj + 1 @@Txi j n j  (k) + @@x 21Tij ni  (k )3
0 0
i j i j

where n = k is the unit normal to the shock surface pointing to the downstream region. The
last two terms on the right of this equation are shock surface terms that are of monopole and
dipole types, respectively. The rst term on the right of equation (4.65b) is a volume term that
is familiar in Lighthill's jet noise theory. In the rotating blade noise problem, this term primarily
re ects nonlinearities other than turbulence. Farassat and Tadghighi (ref. 42) conjectured that
the shock surface terms contributed relatively more than the volume term in equation (4.65b).
Preliminary calculations have supported this conjecture. (See ref. 43.)
The interesting aspect in the above result is that the shock source strength is obtained
purely by mathematics. Without the use of the operational properties of generalized functions,
the identi cation of shocks as sources of sound and the determination of the source strength
would be rather dicult. Other mechanisms of noise generation can also be identi ed by this
method. (See ref. 44.)
5. Co nclud ing Remarks

In this paper, we have given the rudiments of generalized function theory and some
applications in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. These applications depend on the concept
of generalized di erentiation and on the Green's function approach. We have brie y discussed
the generalized Fourier transformation. Many more examples could be given. The power of
this theory stems from its operational properties. In addition to the exchange of limit processes
that leads to many useful results, discontinuous solutions of linear equations using the Green's
function are easily obtained by posing the problem in generalized function space. As seen in the
example of the Oswatitsch integral equation of transonic ow, a nonlinear partial di erential
equation with a discontinuous solution can be cast into an integral equation based on the
fundamental solution of the linear part of the di erential equation. The Schwartz generalized
function theory has uni ed many ad hoc methods in mathematics and has answered some
fundamental questions about linear partial di erential equations. The nonlinear theory now
being developed, in which multiplication of generalized functions is allowed, can be even more
useful in applications. Generalized function theory is an extension of classical analysis and gives
engineers and scientists added power in applications. This extension is much like the complex
analysis that extends real analysis and is very important in applied mathematics. Finally,
multidimensional generalized functions, particularly the delta function and its derivatives, are
quite useful in many applications.
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-0001
January 28, 1994

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40. Hawkings, D. L.: Comments on \Extension of Kirchho 's Formula to RadiationFrom Moving Surfaces." J. Sound
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41. Ffowcs Williams, J. E.; and Hawkings, D. L.: Sound Generation by Turbulence and Surfaces in Arbitrary Motion.
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May 1994 Technical Paper

Introduction to Generalized Functions With Applications

in Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics WU 535-03-11-02

6. AUTHO R( S)

F. Farassat


NASA Langley Research Center REPORT NUMBER

Hampton, VA 23681-0001


National Aeronautics and Space Administration AGEN CY REPO RT NUMBER

Washington, DC 20546-0001 NASA TP-3428


Corrected for misprints April 3, 1996


Unclassi ed{Unlimited
Subject Category 71
13 . ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)
Generalized functions have many applications in science and engineering. One useful aspect is that dis-
continuous functions can be handled as easily as continuous or di erentiable functions and provide a powerful
tool in formulating and solving many problems of aerodynamics and acoustics. Furthermore, generalized
function theory elucidates and uni es many ad hoc mathematical approaches used by engineers and scientists.
We de ne generalized functions as continuous linear functionals on the space of in nitely di erentiable functions
with compact support, then introduce the concept of generalized di erentiation. Generalized di erentiation
is the most important concept in generalized function theory and the applications we present utilize mainly
this concept. First, some results of classical analysis, are derived with the generalized function theory. Other
applications of the generalized function theory in aerodynamics discussed here are the derivations of general
transport theorems for deriving governing equations of uid mechanics, the interpretation of the nite part of
divergent integrals, the derivation of the Oswatitsch integral equation of transonic ow, and the analysis of
velocity eld discontinuities as sources of vorticity. Applications in aeroacoustics include the derivation of the
Kirchho formula for moving surfaces, the noise from moving surfaces, and shock noise source strength based
on the Ffowcs Williams{Hawkings equation.


Generalized functions; Green's function; Aerodynamics; Aeroacoustics; Wave 52
equation; Rotating blade noise; Ffowcs Williams{Hawkings equation 1 6. PRICE CODE
Unclassi ed Unclassi ed
NSN 754 0-01 -280 -550 0 Sta ndard Fo rm 2 98 (Rev. 2-8 9)
Pre scr ibed by ANSI Std. Z3 9-1 8
2 98 -1 02

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