1853 Most Difficult Words in Gre Exam
1853 Most Difficult Words in Gre Exam
1853 Most Difficult Words in Gre Exam
By Raj Bapna
Dear Friend,
You now have in your hands a very valuable list of 1,853 most difficult
GRE words that can give you an edge over others for your success in GRE
exam. This is my gift to you with my best wishes for your big success in GRE
exam and in life.
This list is taken from the vocab books of Vocab-Builder Mind Machine
(for GRE exam), which is a topper’s ultimate vocab system.
The page numbers are listed on the top right side of each page as:
Here Cassette 1 Side A means that the words are on the Side A of
Cassette 1 and 4 means that the page number is 4 of this book
Wishing you best of success in GRE exam for admission to top US college
and worldwide opportunities for exciting career, great wealth, enriching travel,
and family pride,
Raj Bapna .
exacerbate = worsen
exasperate = irritate, vex
execrable = very bad, abominable, utterly detestable
exemplary = outstanding, serving as an example
exhort = strongly urge
exhume = uncover, to remove from a grave
exonerate = free from blame
exorcise = to expel evil spirits
expedient = advantageous, convenient, efficient
expiate = atone, make amends for
expunge = erase, eliminate completely
extenuate = To diminish the gravity or importance of
extol = praise highly
extraneous = not essential, unnecessary
extricate = Disentangle, free
exuberant = joyous, happy
exude = emit, ooze
exult = rejoice
facetious = joking, sarcastic, witty
facile = very easy
fallow = unproductive, unplowed
fastidious = meticulous, careful with details
fathom = understand, to measure the depth of
fatuous = inane, stupid
fealty = Loyalty
fecund = fertile, fruitful, productive
feign = pretend, give a false impression
fetid = foul-smelling, putrid, stinking
fickle = always changing one's mind
fidelity = Loyalty
filch = steal something of little value
filial = of a son or daughter
fitful = irregular
flagrant = outrageous, shameless
fledgling = just beginning, struggling
flippant = Having a light, pert, trifling disposition
florid = ruddy, with too much decoration
flout = to show disregard for the law or rules
foible = weakness, minor fault
foist = palm off a fake
foment = instigate
fortuitous = happening by luck, fortunate
foster = encourage
fracas = noisy fight
fraught = filled
frenetic = harried, neurotic
frond = bending tree
fulminate = denounce, menace
fulsome = excessive, insincere
furtive = stealthy
gainsay = to deny
gargantuan = large
garner = gather
garrulous = talkative, loquacious, wordy
gauche = awkward, crude
genre = kind, category
gibe = heckle
glib = insincere manner
glower = stare angrily
goad = encourage
gossamer = thin and flimsy
gouge = overcharge, scoop out
grimace = expression of disgust
grovel = crawl, obey
guile = deceit, trickery
hackneyed = trite
hapless = unlucky
harangue = a pompous speech
harbinger = forerunner
haughty = arrogant
hedonism = the pursuit of pleasure in life
heinous = shocking, wicked
hermetic = airtight, sealed
hew = to cut with an ax
hiatus = interruption
hone = sharpen
illimitable = limitless
imbue = infuse, dye, wet
immure = build a wall around
impair = injure
impassive = calm, without feeling
impeccable = faultless
impecunious = indigent, having no money
imperious = domineering
impertinent = insolent, rude
imperturbable = calm
impervious = Impenetrable
impetuous = quick to act without thinking
implausible = unlikely, inconceivable
impolitic = unwise
importune = urgent request
impregnable = totally safe from attack
impugn = criticize
inadvertent = unintentional
inane = vacuous, stupid
incandescent = brilliant
incarcerate = to put in a jail
incendiary = burning easily, flammable
inchoate = just begun
incipient = beginning to exist
incisive = keen, penetrating
incognito = disguised
incommunicado = unable to communicate with others
incontrovertible = Indisputable
inculcate = instill, indoctrinate, to teach
incumbent = obligatory, required
incursion = raid
indict = charge with a crime
indigenous = Native
indigent = very poor
indolent = lazy
indomitable = invincible, fearless
indubitable = unquestionable
inexorable = relentless, inflexible
infallible = incapable of making a mistake
infernal = hellish
infirmity = ailment, disease
ingrate = ungrateful person
ingratiate = pleasing, flattering, endearing
inimical = adverse, hostile, unfriendly
innocuous = Harmless
innuendo = indirect and subtle criticism
inscrutable = cannot be fully understood
insinuate = to suggest, imply, say indirectly
insipid = flat, dull, lacking flavor
insolent = insulting
insular = narrow-minded, isolated
insuperable = insurmountable
insurgent = rebellious
insurrection = uprising, rebellion
inter = bury
interdict = prohibit
interloper = intruder, meddler in others' affairs
interminable = unending
internecine = mutually destructive
intransigent = uncompromising
intrepid = fearless
inundate = flood
invective = verbal insult
inveigh = to rail against, protest strongly
inveterate = habitual, chronic, long-standing
invidious = incurring ill-will
irascible = irritable
itinerant = Wandering, unsettled
jaded = spent, bored with one's situation
juggernaut = unstoppable force
kismet = fate
knell = sound of a funeral bell
lachrymose = tearful
lampoon = satirize, to attack with satire
larceny = theft of property
largess = generous donation
legerdemain = trickery
levity = Frivolity, humor
libertine = one without moral restraint
licentious = lewd, immoral
limpid = transparent, clearly understood
lissome (BRITISH = lissom) = agile, supple
lithe = moving and bending with ease
loathe = abhor, hate
loquacious = Talkative
lugubrious = sad, sorrowful
lurid = glowing, shocking
macabre = gruesome
machination = plot or scheme
maelstrom = whirlpool, agitated state of mind
malapropism = comical misuse of a word
malcontent = one who is forever dissatisfied
malediction = curse
malefactor = evildoer, culprit
malodorous = fetid, foul-smelling
manifold = multiple, diverse
martial = warlike, pertaining to the military
martinet = strict disciplinarian
masochist = one who enjoys pain
maudlin = weepy, sentimental
maverick = a person who resists adherence to a group
mawkish = sickeningly sentimental
meander = to wander aimlessly without direction
mendicant = beggar
mercurial = changeable, volatile, quick
mettle = courage, capacity for bravery
minatory = threatening
mirth = jollity, laughter
miscreant = one who behaves criminally
missive = letter or note
modicum = a small amount
mollify = to calm or make less severe
moot = disputable, previously decided
mordant = biting, sarcastic
mores = moral standards, customs
moribund = near death
mote = speck, small particle
motley = diverse, many colored
multifarious = diverse, many-sided
munificent = generous
myriad = innumerable
nascent = incipient, coming into existence
natal = related to birth
necromancy = sorcery, black magic
Nemesis = implacable foe, often victorious opponent
neologism = new word or expression
neophyte = beginner
nether = located under or below
nettle = irritate
niggardly = stingy
noisome = harmful, stinking
nonentity = person of no significance
obdurate = unyielding
obeisance = homage, deference
obfuscate = bewilder, muddle, to confuse
oblique = indirect
obliterate = destroy
obloquy = slander, abusive language
obsequious = fawning, servile, overly submissive
obsequy = funeral ceremony
obstinate = stubborn
obstreperous = noisy, unruly, troublesome
obtuse = stupid, dull
occlude = block, to shut
odious = despicable, hateful
onerous = burdensome
opprobrious = abusive, disgraceful
ordain = appoint
ossify = harden
ostensible = apparent, seeming
ostentatious = pretentious, showy
overweening = arrogant, forward
festive = joyous
fete = to honor
fiat = decree
firebrand = agitator
flagellate = whip
flail = whip
foray = raid
fortitude = patience, courage
fret = worry
fritter = squander
frivolity = playfulness
fruition = realization, completion
galvanize = excite to action
gamut = range
garnish = decorate
genealogy = ancestry
genesis = beginning
genuflect = kneel in reverence
ghastly = horrible
glean = gather
gnome = dwarf-like being
gorge = stuff, satiate
gory = bloody
grapple = struggle
grisly = gruesome
guffaw = laughter
gusto = Keen enjoyment
guttural = throaty
haggard = gaunt
halcyon = serene
hale = healthy
hamper = obstruct
harbor (BRITISH = harbour) = give shelter, conceal
harridan = hag or an ugly old woman
harry = harass
heedless = careless
hegira = a journey to a more pleasant place
hibernal = wintry
histrionic = overly dramatic
homily = sermon
horde = group
hortatory = inspiring good deeds
hovel = shanty, cabin
hoyden = tomboy, boisterous girl
hubris = arrogance
hummock = knoll, mound
humus = soil
ichthyology = study of fish
idyllic = natural, picturesque
immolate = sacrifice
impale = pierce
impetus = stimulus, spark
impinge = encroach, touch
imponderable = difficult to estimate
imprimatur = sanction
impunity = exemption from harm
impute = charge
inalienable = that which cannot be taken away
incantation = chant
incapacitate = disable
inclement = harsh
incriminate = accuse
incubus = nightmare
ineffable = inexpressible
ineluctable = inescapable
infidel = nonbeliever
influx = inflow
infraction = violation
inimitable = peerless
iniquitous = unjust, wicked
inopportune = untimely
inordinate = excessive
insensate = without feeling
insouciant = nonchalant
insubordinate = disobedient
integument = a covering
inveigle = lure
irresolute = hesitant, uncertain
jejune = barren
jostle = push, brush against
ken = range of comprehension
knave = con man
knead = massage
lacerate = tear, cut
lackey = servant
laity = laymen
lambent = softly radiant
lave = wash
lax = loose, careless
lectern = reading desk
limn = portray, describe
litany = list
litotes = understatement for emphasis
lout = goon
lupine = wolf-like
luxuriant = lush
maim = injure
manacle = shackle
marauder = plunderer
masticate = chew
matriarch = matron
maul = rough up
mausoleum = tomb
mayhem = mutilation
medley = mixture
melee = riot
mellifluous = sweet sounding
menial = humble, degrading
mete = distribute
miasma = toxin
mien = appearance, demeanor
minion = subordinate
minutiae = trivia
mire = marsh
substantive = substantial
succor (BRITISH = succour) = help, comfort
succumb = yield, submit
suffuse = pervade, permeate
sultry = sweltering
sunder = split
sundry = various
supernumerary = subordinate
suture = surgical stitch
sylvan = rustic
tantalize = tease
taper = candle
tarn = small lake
tarry = linger
taurine = bull-like
taut = tight, stretched
temperate = moderate
tempo = speed
tentative = provisional
tenure = status given after a period of time
terrapin = turtle
testy = petulant
thespian = actor
throes = anguish
throng = crowd
timbre = tonal quality, resonance
Titanic = huge
tithe = donate one-tenth
titular = in name only, figurehead
tocsin = alarm bell, signal
touchstone = standard
traduce = slander
travail = work, drudgery
tribunal = court
troglodyte = cave dweller
truckle = yield
tutelage = guardianship
tyranny = oppression
unassuming = modest
uncouth = uncultured, crude
undulate = surge, fluctuate
uniformity = sameness
unsavory (BRITISH = unsavoury) = distasteful, offensive
unscathed = unhurt
unseemly = unbecoming, improper
untenable = cannot be achieved
ursine = bear-like
uxorious = a doting husband
vagary = whim
vainglorious = conceited
valor (BRITISH = valour) = bravery
vanguard = leading position
vassal = subject
vehement = adamant
veneer = false front, façade
venial = excusable
venturesome = bold, risky
viand = food
victuals = food
visage = facial expression
viscid = thick, gummy
vitreous = glassy
vituperative = abusive
votary = fan, aficionado
vouchsafe = confer, bestow
vulpine = fox-like
waggish = playful
wastrel = spendthrift
waylay = ambush
wean = remove from nursing, break a habit
wheedle = coax
whimsical = capricious
wince = cringe
winnow = separate
wither = shrivel
wont = custom
wrath = anger, fury
wreak = inflict
wrest = snatch
writhe = contort
yen = desire
yore = long ago