Brooks David
Brooks David
Brooks David
13489 Garfield l Redford, MI 48239 l (989) 277-8679 l [email protected] Please visit my personal website at:
May 2012 Central Michigan University Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary Emphasis, ZG Endorsement, K-8 Major: Mathematics, EX Endorsement, K-8 Minor: Language Arts, BX Endorsement, K-8 Minor: Middle Level Education, ZL Endorsement, K-8
August 2012-Present Detroit Leadership Academy Detroit, MI 4th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher Students showed significant growth in reading scores Differentiated instruction through the use of centers and individual work folders Utilized QRI and Running Records (Fountas and Pinnell) to focus instruction on individual learning needs (decoding, fluency, comprehension) Writers Workshop routines implemented and used effectively Planned and implemented two Project-Based Learning projects with the integration of technology Integrated technology through writing, reading comprehension, Smart board activities, and Podcasts. Participated in after-school tutoring (math and reading) Demonstrated success in an urban learning environment where 100% of students were receiving free lunch Camp Phoenix Detroit Leadership Academy Detroit, MI 4th-7th Grade Math Teacher Eight weeks teaching mathematics in a summer school setting at Detroit Leadership Academy Students showed significant growth in math scores between the beginning of the summer and the end Curriculum focused on Project-Based Learning approach to meeting learning objectives Individualized instruction to meet learning objectives Immokalee Middle School Immokalee, FL Seventh Grade Student Teacher Eight weeks teaching mathematics in a seventh grade classroom Worked with students in poverty, over 97% of students are on free or reduced lunch Lesson planning with specific instructional strategies for ELL and ESE students Volunteered for after school tutoring
Completed training on Marzanos Art and Science of Teaching Teacher Evaluation Model
Thompson Middle School Saginaw, MI Seventh Grade Student Teacher Eight weeks teaching mathematics, science, and technology in a seventh grade classroom Demonstrated success in an urban learning environment Developed curriculum for technology elective courses Contributed to developing our seventh grade mathematics curriculum PESG Employee at various locations Substitute Teacher Taught in K-12 classrooms Taught mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, physical education, health, and technology West Midland Family Center Shepherd, MI After School Program/Summer Camp counselor Worked with children ages 7-15 considered to be at-risk Led team building activities Led recreational activities Tutored children in mathematics and reading
June 2012 May 2012 February 2012-May 2012 August 2011 August 2010 November 2009 September 2006-May 2007 Field Day volunteer at Garden City Middle School Volunteer at Special Olympics After school tutor at Immokalee Middle School Transitions Camp Mathematics Teacher at West Intermediate Middle School Transitions Camp Activities Director at West Intermediate Middle School Chaperone for after school activities at Fancher Elementary School Assisted with Special Education P.E. at Ovid-Elsie High School
August 2012 June 2012 February 2012 December 2011 November 2011 April 2011 October 2010 April 2010 March 2010 Project-Based Learning Workshop Leadership conference for educators Marzanos Teacher Evaluation Model training American Red Cross, CPR/First Aid/AED Certified Association for Middle Level Education Conference Learn Today, Teach Tomorrow Conference Differentiated Instruction Workshop Kagans Cooperative Learning Workshop Alfie Kohns Educational Reform Speech
September 2009-May 2012 Collegiate Middle Level Association at Central Michigan University
Detroit Leadership Academy Reading Specialist Kelly Lewis 13550 Virgil St. Detroit, MI 48223 (313)-242-1500 [email protected] Julian Roper 13550 Virgil St. Detroit, MI 48223 (313)-242-1500 [email protected] Dr. Lorraine Berak 11070 Summertime Trail Williamsburg, MI 49690 (231)-620-4869 [email protected] Dr. Norma Bailey 412A EHS Building Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 (989)-774-5404 [email protected]