Swar Vigyan

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Swar Vigyan

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Swar Vigyan
The Science of Brain Breathing

The word SWAR in Sanskrit, means sound or musical note; it also means the continuous flow of air through one nostril. So Swar Vigyan is the science which is about the realization of cosmic consciousness, through the awareness or observation, then control or manipulation of the flow of breath in the nostrils. Swar Vigyan is an ancient science which involves the systematic study of the breath flow through the nostrils (or swar) in relation to the prevailing phases of the moon, time of day and direction. Although we think of 'pranayama' when we think of techniques associated with the breath, in Swar vigyan, it is the association of the breath in relation to the activities or phases or positions of the sun, moon, planets, seasons, time of day, with the physical and mental conditions of the individual and then taking the appropriate action according to these subtle relations. This ancient divine knowledge was available only for sadhaks. It was used for those who had mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual problems so that they could get rid of their problems by using this divine knowledge of Swar vigyan. Through the knowledge of swar vigyan one can become free from all kinds of negative influences of one's destiny and can achieve heightened awareness. The swar vigyan practices related to breathe were used understand the governing forces of life, to understand the nature of the universe and effects of the elements on body and mind by observing the different patterns of breath. For thousands of years mankind has been attempting to penetrate into the realm of inner experience. Every thinking person has tried his level best to accomplish this great task. Thus there are many different ways and means to have the inner experience, and from time to time man has been experimenting with the various paths. Some talk about karma yoga, others about bhakti yoga, raja yoga, gyana yoga kundalini yoga, etc. Quite a few have also ventured to develop inner experience through the use of drugs. Many people say that only those who are perfected can have inner experience, but swar vigyan says it is the right of everybody. Perfect or imperfect, theist or atheist, high born or low born, all can have that experience. Therefore, many systems of swar have been devised. Swar vigyan is the ancient science of pranic body rhythms, which explains how the movement of prana can be controlled by manipulation of the breath. Recently modern science has taken great interest in electromagnetic fields and the behavior of bio-energy, which is the inherent energy principle of the Swar, etymologically means
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sound of ones own breath .Therefore, swar vigyan enables the state of union to be reached by means of ones own breath. Through the practice of swar , one can realize the breath as being the medium of the cosmic life force. The breath has so much importance in human existence that the ancient rishis or seers evolved a complete science around it just from studying the simple process of respiration. Swar vigyan, however, should not be confused with pranayama, which involves a different aspect of the breath. Although both deal with prana, swar vigyan emphasizes the analysis of the breath and the significance of different pranic rhythms, whereas pranayama involves techniques to redirect, store and control prana. Swar vigyan may therefore be said to involve the practices of pranayama, but in fact it is a much more extensive and precise science. The physical act of breathing is said to have a very subtle influence on the level of consciousness, and therefore the effects of swar vigyan are also very subtle. It aims at directly awakening the highest human potential. In other systems a similar understanding of the swar of the breath is also expressed. For example, in Taoism it states that, If one meditates upon the breath, the cosmic deities or forces can be seen operating in the physical body. By sustaining oneself purely on the breath, rather than on coarse food, ones entire being will be purified and strengthened. Then the consciousness is able to ascend to the heavens where eternal life is experienced by the body and soul. Swar vigyan not only helps those who believe in a supreme reality, but also those who do not have faith and who will also be surprised to discover many truths pertaining to this reality. Swar vigyan is a path which leads to total experience and awakening of the entire being. There are a number of things concerning swar vigyan, which need to be understood before the practice can be applied correctly. It involves many aspects of the breathing process. You have to know about the movement of prana in the body and its relationship with the mind. Prana manifests in different ways and has particular effects on each organ and part of the system. When you understand this, you can predict forthcoming events or cure your illnesses.

Swar and Nadis : This science is based on the nadis or the swars. There are 72,000 nadis in the astral or energetic body. But we generally deal with the principal ten or fourteen only, and here only 3 of them. They are: 1. Ida 2. Pingala 3. Sushumna

Yogic view of the human body. According to the scriptures, man has three bodies or forms. 1. Gross or physical body (Sthula sarira), which is the visible, palpable, body.


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2. Subtle body or Astral body (Sukshma sarira), which is comprised of the thoughts, feelings, impulses etc that animate the gross body. 3. Casual body (karana sarira), which is the seed body that is the cause and seed of next birth. This form lasts until liberation. Beyond these three is the eternal Atman, the Self or Incorporeal spirit (Asarira atman) which is the Divine spark, that part of the Whole, the ever-blissful which is transcendental. Corresponding to these three bodies and the real self, as the Mandukya Upanishad tells us, there are the three states of experience. 1. Gross body - Waking (Jagrat) 2. Subtle body - Dream (Swapna) 3. Casual body -- Dreamless sleep (Sushupti) Transcending these three states of experience, there is the Turiya state, the state of Transcendent Reality, corresponding to the Atman. The Astral body has within it, our psychic instrument, or Antahkarana, which is composed of mind, intellect and ego (or ahamkara). The casual body takes a physical body as a vehicle for each life. The five elements aid it in this process. Like everything else, the human body too, is made of the five elements. Each of the five elements is contained within another and thus the five elements exist with in us as the three doshas (humors). This is our true individual constitution or nature - our prakriti. When we understand these primordial elements, we begin to see the interdependent and interconnected nature of the universe. As the five elements cycle and recycle, billions of atoms traveling throughout the universe become absorbed into billions of life forms. What was once a part of the earth goes into the plants and what was a part of the plants yesterday goes into the animal body today and the same will go into the human body, tomorrow. This ever-changing cycle of the five elements goes on for a very long time, long enough for it to seem like an eternity. It is said that our entire body is totally renewed every seven years. The five elements continuously transmute into each other to create the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. Our physical body reflects the element Earth and Water its fluid; the acids and enzymes of the body reflect the element of Fire; the element of Air is the breath and Prana and Space is the vibration of our very existence. Though every one of us has the same 5 elements within, each has a unique configuration. We were discussing the three bodies earlier. Most things at one level have a corresponding manifestation at the other level. So while the nadis are in the subtle body, corresponding to them, there are nerves in the physical or gross body. The astral body is somewhat like a template for the physical body. So more than the physical body, it is the astral body that shows signs and symptoms of any influence. Diseases first start manifesting in the subtle body and take some time to reach a gross level. The Nadis actually exist in the subtle or energetic body, that animates the physical body. This is brief background of the sukshma sarira (astral body). NADIS
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The word Nadi comes from the Sanskrit root meaning `MOVEMENT'. In the Rigveda it has been used to mean, `STREAM'. Thus the word Nadi literally means `FLOW'. The concept of Nadis is based on the understanding that they are channels, channels for the flow of consciousness. Thus in a way, any channel through which anything flows is a Nadi. There are two types of Nadis: 1. GROSS: like blood vessels, nerves, cords, tubes etc. 2. SUBTLE: invisible channels of subtle energy. Subtle Nadis are again of two types: 1. Pranavaha Nadis: through which the pranic force (vital force) or prana shakti flows. 2. Manovaha Nadis: through which the mental force (Manas Shakti) flows NADIS /\ Gross Subtle \ Pranavaha /\ (Pran-shakti) /\ Vital energy Mentalenergy (Manashakti) Manovaha

These two kinds of forces flow through every part of our body via the Nadis. According to the Tantras there are seventy two thousand (there are variant schools like the Tibetan school of Astro Medicine that speaks of 84,000) such channels, which cover the whole body and through them the inherent rhythm of activity in the different organs is maintained. These nadis also correspond to the acupuncture meridians of the Chinese. Within this network of Nadis, there are ten main channels that are connected with the ten openings of the body. Of these ten, three are most important because they control the flow of Prana and consciousness within all the other Nadis of the body. IDA - It is connected with the left nostril, controls all the mental processes and is ruled by the Moon. Ida is like nectar and gives strength and nourishment to the soul and the body. Ida which is feminine represents Goddess Parvati.


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PINGALA - which is connected with the right nostril, controls all the vital processes and is ruled by the Sun. Pingala is responsible for the growth of the body. Pingala is masculine and represents Lord Siva. It is good for difficult jobs. SUSHUMNA - It is connected to the Brahmarandhra at a gross (sthula) level, through which spiritual force flows and is known as Saraswati. Sushumna is also called as soonya swar. It destroys all actions and is hence inauspicious to start any activity. It is good for Yogic practices. The Sushumna is supposed to be destructive for most purposes and all under takings should be avoided during its flow. The Kundalini ascends through the Sushumna when it awakens. The subtle nadi of Sushumna corresponds to the gross nadi of the central canal in the spinal cord. Prana shakti (pranic force) - Pingala (right nostril) - Sun Manas shakti (mental force) Ida (left nostril) - Moon Atma Shakti (spiritual force) - Sushumna (Central canal) - Rahu / Ketu axis. Ida and Pingala function in the body alternatively and not simultaneously. All 10 Nadis are : 1) Ida in left nostril. 2) Pingala in right nostril . 3) Sushmna in central canal . 4).Gandhari in left eye . 5) Hastijiwha in right eye. 6) Pusha in right ear . 7) Yashaswini in left ear. 8) Alambusha in mouth . 9) Kuhu in genital . 10) Shankhini in anus. "DURATION OF SWAR RHYTHM Researchers who have studied the circadian rhythm say that the nostrils alternate in dominance every 1 to 2 hours. They also say that in children it is every one-hour. Whatever the duration of this rise of swar is, scientific researchers have also found that there is a correspondence or connection between the nostrils and brain hemispheres. In other words, when one nostril is dominating the opposite hemisphere is dominant For instance, if your left nostril is flowing freely now, it is your right hemisphere that is dominant now. We have already studied that each hemisphere is concerned with a particular mode of functioning. The left hemisphere for instance, controls the functions of analysis, logic, maths etc, while the right hemisphere controls artistic work, emotions etc. Thus by ascertaining which Swar is rising, one can ascertain the dominant hemisphere and do activities that fall under that hemisphere's function so as to go along with the flow of the current. The nostrils thus provide us a key to tune our behaviour according to the energy available in our body. If you observe your nostrils you will find that generally one is flowing freely and the other is blocked. When the left nostril is open, it is the lunar energy, Ida Nadi that is flowing and when the right nostril is flowing, the solar energy or Pingala nadi flows. SWAR AND IT'S RISE:
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The act of breathing is called Swar while the switching over from one nostril to another reflects the Rise of breath in that nostril or Udaya meaning rise. When the period of one nostril is over, automatically the breathing passes on to the other nostril for almost an equal time. It is performed with a fixed periodic rhythm through the left and right nostril alternately. This change of nostrils is periodic. Thus the name Svarodaya (Swar + Udaya) Shastra for this ancient science. A person who practices this science of swar is called a Swar yogi and he can control the Prana through Pingala and mind through Ida. Investigations have shown that when the right nostril is flowing, the left hemisphere of the brain is activated. When the left nostril is flowing, the right hemisphere is activated. Thus the Nadis control the brain and events of life and consciousness. It is said that anything can be predicted, achieved and attained by one who is adept in this science. The solar and lunar forces are the two great forces that affect Nature. Plants, animals, minerals and even the mighty oceans follow the order of solar and lunar influences. All of nature has a rhythm, a natural rhythm that it goes by. This is at a macrocosmic level. At a microcosmic level, this is reflected in our breath. All existence is governed by a single principle, the source from which everything is born and into which everything returns. Exhalation itself is the microcosmic parallel of emanation of the universe while inhalation is the microcosmic equivalent of re-absorption of the universe into the Supreme Being. The emanation, maintenance and re-absorption of the universe are all seen as the exhalation, retention and inhalation, one cycle of breath or Swar of Maheswar, the Supreme Being. The solar and lunar forces that work at a macrocosmic level are reflected at a microcosmic level in man as his Pingala nadi and Ida nadi. This principle of equivalence of the microcosm and macrocosm is a very important principle that all occult sciences share as a fundamental law. Thus research only reaffirms the Tantric-Yogic theory that the nostrils and the flow of breath have many neurological and psychic connections whose functions are not yet appreciated by Modern Science. Dr.Hiroshi Motoyama, Japan has also tried to prove that imbalance in nadis (which roughly correspond to the acupuncture meridians) is related to disease states. As the Yogis have said, nostrils are the windows to the state of our body and mind. The nostrils are switches, which can do more than alleviating disease. By consciously changing the dominant nostril to the other, one can control his inner functions like brain hemisphere functioning etc., to do whatever he wants any time. METHOD OF KNOWING THE SWAR 1.) Close one nostril and breathe through the other. Now close the second nostril and breathe through the first. The one that is unobstructed is the dominant nostril. Swarodaya Sastra also gives many more details of the 5 elements (Panchabhutas) and based on the swar, a detailed art of prediction of diseases, sex of the child, divination and answering almost any question. Swar shastra also gives various breathing techniques and meditations for each element (Panchabhutas) as related to the Chakras and a wealth of much more varied and interesting information. Thus the nostrils are switches. By controlling the speed, rate, rhythm, length and duration of the breath, by altering the ratio of inhalation to
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exhalation, by stopping breath, we can activate or tone down neurological and mental processes so as to achieve heightened awareness, altered states of Consciousness and even the ultimate goal of liberation itself. Verily SWAR is lord MAHE `SWAR' himself! Ish + swar = Ishwar

Method to Change the Swar 3. Pressure on the arm pit by hand Put pressure under the armpit of the active side with opposite hand. For ex. if your right nostril is active and you want to change into left. Put pressure by your left hand on your right armpit by the thumb and other four finger. Swar will change within 20 minutes Some applications of swar in our daily lives. Swar influences our mental patterns. The right hemisphere, governed by the IDA nadi, is responsible for experiences, which are intangible to the external sense receptors. Thus it is responsible for psychic and extra sensory perception, and it stimulates creative, artistic and musical abilities, as also the experience of intuition and psychic perception. The left brain hemisphere or PINGALA nadi, governed by the flow of breath through the right nostril, is responsible for the rational, analytical, logical and mathematical intellect. It has been suggested that left nostril dominance stimulates the Pineal gland, and findings suggest that the pineal is the psychic gland connected with Ajana Chakra. All the psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance, telepathy, pre cognition, etc are controlled and guided by the pineal gland. Therefore, nadis are closely connected with the neuro-endocrine function of the body. Once the physiological connection and the functioning of the brain with the nadis is understood, it is easy to understand that both the nadis have different effects on our body and mind. Each of the brain hemispheres is active at different times. Therefore, only half of the brain is being used at any given time. If both hemispheres of the brain, and both the nadis can be used together, then all these forces can be combined for creative and productive work in all dimensions of life. If both faculties can be used together and reason and creativity can be combined, then it is possible to understand all underlying phenomena of situation in any dimension. Benefit swara vigyan : Swara vigyan is the science of becoming aware of the subtle vibrations of the elements, which we experience when we breathe. By practicing swara vigyan one can become aware of subtle changes which take place all the time in the body and mind. By knowing and becoming aware of these patterns, a sadhaka can experience consciousness behind these subtle changes and understand the dual nature of the universe. We can experience our deeper psychic being through the practice of swara , which will unite the ida and pingala nadis and lead to the awakening of the sushumna. The real purpose of swara is self- realisation. By practicing swara vigyan we are transforming our material mind into subtle consciousness and experiencing our being beyond the realm of elements. The ancient rishis and saints were not familiar with the anatomy and physiology of the body as it is understood today, but they were worthy of being called true scientists. They were experts in manipulating the subtle forces in our body through the swara (breath). The science of swara is unique in itself, as it is not developed by the limited mind of some individuals. It is a
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science, which was gifted to worthy recipients by the divine, for the welfare of humanity. The glorious and valuable science of swara vigyan should be utilised by all sadhakas, to improve the quality of their lives and to hasten the process of human evolution.

Swar harmony:
Etymologically, swar means 'the sound of one's own breath'. Sound creates vibrations. Therefore, swar vigyan is the science of understanding the union of different vibrations of breath that alters our psycho-physiological activity. By becoming aware of the breathing patterns, we can understand the effect that it has on our body and mind. Once this understanding takes place, the breathing pattern can be altered at will to make our life harmonious and balanced. The practice of swar vigyan makes one realize that the breath is a cosmic life force. Therefore, swar vigyan enables the state of union to be reached by means of one's breath. Swar vigyan is the union of three important sciences: 1 . Yoga - Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, jnana yoga and Kundalini yoga. 2. Astrology - yogic astrology and yoga vastu 3. Ayurveda By practising swar vigyan, we can understand the ayurvedic composition of our body - vatta, pitta and kapha. We can also understand the mind and the governing forces of our life. Swar will show how these aspects can be changed to make life harmonious and healthy. We can use this science to bring out the divine in us. Swar helps in the practical understanding of all the spiritual sciences such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Yoga and Ayurveda. It is a science, which can be easily applied to our daily lives and it helps to understand life. Along with other practices the addition of swar vigyan practices will help to lead a healthy and harmonious life with full awareness. Brief history and scientific prospective of swar vigyan: Swar vigyan (the science of the breath) is an ancient science existing from before the Vedic period more than 10,000 years ago. The importance of breathing practices in spiritual life and in understanding inner and outer life is mentioned in all the great texts and spiritual systems such as Budhhism, Christianity, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and by many great saints such as Kabir, Jesus Chirst, Shankaracharya, Matsyendranath, Gorakhnath, Rishi Gherand and others. Detailed explanations of all kinds can be found in the Swar vigyan texts, such as Shiva Swarodaya, Swara Chintamani, Gyan Swarodaya, Indra Swarodaya and others which existed long before many of the spiritual systems and religions developed. Whatever practices there are, can be found in these ancient Swar vigyan texts Swar vigyan, however, should not confused with pranayama. Pranayamas are used to strengthen, purify and balance the nadis. Although both deal with breath and prana, Swar vigyan emphasizes the analysis of the breath and the significance of different pranic rhythms and understanding their effect on body and mind. The different patterns of the breath either in right, left or both nostrils can influence our worldly affairs, either positively or negatively. It also influences the spiritual aspect of life.
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Swar vigyan, the science of breath, deals with the interaction between cosmic rhythm and individual pranic patterns in each person. Different rhythms create specific physical, mental, and emotional patterns and alter the state of consciousness at all levels ie conscious, subconscious and unconscious, which are experienced in daily life. The linking force between the individual body pinda and the cosmic body brahmanda is breath. When a child takes birth, the first thing through which he starts life is breath, and from then until he dies, he breathes continuously. At the moment one starts to breathe, the arrangement of the cosmic energies - the planets, constellations etc, creates an archetype of the whole life of a person. The breath is a cosmic energy, which emanates not from the mothers womb, but from the cosmos. Swar vigyan places emphasis on the first breath of life, because it activates certain elements, which are dominant in ones life. Similarly, the last breath of ones life activates elements, which are responsible for reincarnation and for experiences on a different astral plane.

Modern research on the ancient concepts of swar vigyan: Different laboratories suggest a close relationship of the brain rhythm with the nasal cycle. The ancient concept of dual nature of our personality that is symbolized as Ardhanariishwar - half Siva and half Shakti - also finds place in Swar vigyan, where the nasal cycle is connected with the brain hemispheres. The right nostril is connected with the left hemisphere, and the left nostril is connected with right brain hemisphere. During the flow of Pingala or the right nostril, the left brain hemisphere is active, and during the flow of Ida or left nostril dominance, the right brain hemisphere becomes active. Studies have indicated that the performance efficiencies of verbal and spatial tasks during both phases of the nasal cycle demonstrated that verbal efficiency is greater while the subjects were breathing primarily in the right and that spatial skills were enhanced during left nostril dominance. This supports the theory of contralateral dominance in the nostril hemisphere relationship, and the different functions of nadi. Studies have also shown that schizophrenia is associated with greater left cerebral hemisphere dysfunction and that depression and the other affective disorders are associated with greater right hemisphere dysfunction. This also justifies the theory that blockages in the pingala nadi lead to schizophrenia, and that blockages in the ida nadi lead to depression. Depression is the result of emotional blockage, which is controlled by the Ida nadi. It has been suggested that the pituitary hormonal secretions, cardiovascular function, and fuel regulation are associated with the nasal cycle. Dominance by the left nostril improves the functioning of the immune system. Swar vigyan justifies this concept as it states that the left nadi provides nectar and strength for the body. Applications of swar vigyan in our daily lives : Swar vigyan influences our mental patterns. The right hemisphere, governed by the IDA nadi, is responsible for experiences, which are intangible to the external sense receptors. Thus it is responsible for psychic and extra sensory perception, and it stimulates creative, artistic and musical abilities, as also the experience of intuition and psychic perception. The left brain hemisphere or PINGALA nadi, governed by the flow of breath through the right nostril, is responsible for the rational, analytical, logical and mathematical intellect. It has been suggested that left nostril dominance stimulates the Pineal gland, and findings suggest that the pineal is the
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psychic gland connected with Ajana Chakra. All the psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance, telepathy, pre cognition, etc are controlled and guided by the pineal gland. Therefore, nadis are closely connected with the neuro-endocrine function of the body. Once the physiological connection and the functioning of the brain with the nadis is understood, it is easy to understand that both the nadis have different effects on our body and mind. Each of the brain hemispheres is active at different times. Therefore, only half of the brain is being used at any given time. If both hemispheres of the brain, and both the nadis can be used together, then all these forces can be combined for creative and productive work in all dimensions of life. If both faculties can be used together and reason and creativity can be combined, then it is possible to understand all underlying phenomena of situation in any dimension. There are some important applications of swar vigyan, which can be used in daily life to save the vital force and to avoid negative influences in daily life. :


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