VHDL Implementation of 32-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (Alu) : Geetanjali and Nishant Tripathi
VHDL Implementation of 32-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (Alu) : Geetanjali and Nishant Tripathi
VHDL Implementation of 32-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (Alu) : Geetanjali and Nishant Tripathi
complex systems manageable. The highest level of abstraction is the behavioral level that describes a system in terms of what it does (or how it behaves) rather than in terms of its components and interconnection between them. Here the 32- bit ALU is implemented by using the behavioral modeling style to describe how the operation of ALU is being processed. This is accomplished by using a hardware description language VHDL. The behavioral style makes use of a process statement. A process statement is the main construct in behavioral modeling that allows using sequential statements to describe the behavior of a system over time. Process is declared within an architecture and is a concurrent statement. However, the statements inside a process are executed sequentially. A process do read and write signals and values of the interface (input and output) ports to communicate with the rest of the architecture just like other concurrent statements. In this paper, section II deals with modeling style, block diagram, specifications and VHDL code for 32-bit ALU, section III presents simulation results and discussion and section IV follows conclusions.
I. INTRODUCTION The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a fundamental building block of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer. Even one of the simplest microprocessor contains one ALU for purposes such as maintaining timers. We can say that ALU is a core component of all central processing unit within in a computer and is an integral part of the execution unit. ALU is capable of calculating the results of a wide variety of basic arithmetical and logical computations. The ALU takes as input the data to be operated on (called operands) and a code from the control unit indicating which operation to perform. The output is the result of the computation. The ALU implemented will perform the following operations: Arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, increment , decrement , transfer) Logic operations (AND, NOT, OR, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR)
II. MODELING STYLE, BLOCK DIAGRAM, SPECIFICATIONS AND VHDL CODE FOR 32-BIT ALU A. Modeling Style High level design methodology allows managing the design complexity in a better way and reduces the design cycle without continuing the trend to compromise evaluation of design implementation options [2]. A highlevel model makes the description and evaluation of the complex systems easier. The behavioral capabilities of VHDL can be more powerful and more convenient for this design. The uniqueness of ALU is that it is built entirely of combinational Logic, without any latches or registers. The combinational logic can be described by logical equations, sequential control statements (like CASE, IF then Else, and so on), subprograms, or through concurrent statements [3]. Designing at a higher level of abstraction delivers the following benefits [2]:
A digital system can be represented at different levels of abstraction [1]. This keeps the description and design of
Geetanjali is with Department of Electronics Design & Technology, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Gorakhpur, India, 273010.(email: [email protected] ) Nishant Tripathi is with Department of Electronics Design & Technology, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Gorakhpur, India, 273010.(email: [email protected])..
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering IJCSCE Special issue on Emerging Trends in Engineering ICETIE 2012
Manages complexity: Fewer lines of code improves productivity, reduces error. Increases design reuse: Implementation of independent designs. Improves verification: Starts earlier in process runs significantly faster.
B. Block Diagram and Specifications for 32-bit ALU The following block diagram shows the input and output signals of the ALU to be implemented which is followed by a table of the required ALU specifications:
SEL (3)
SEL (3:0)
Fig 1: Block Diagram for 32-bit ALU Now the table for the required specifications of ALU is as following: Table- I ALU Specifications
SEL 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 OPERATION Y<= A+B Y<= A+B+1 Y<= A+1 Y<= A - 1 Y<= B+1 Y<= B - 1 Y<= A Y<= B Y<= not A Y<= not B Y<= A and B Y<= A or B Y<= A nand B Y<= A nor B Y<= A xor B Y<= not (A xor B) FUNCTION Addition Subtraction Increment A Decrement A Increment B Decrement B Transfer A Transfer B NOT A NOT B A AND B A OR B A NAND B A NOR B A EX-OR B A EX-NOR B UNIT ARITHMETIC ARITHMETIC ARITHMETIC ARITHMETIC ARITHMETIC ARITHMETIC ARITHMETIC ARITHMETIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC
C. VHDL Code for the 32-Bit ALU The following portion of the code describes the behavioral description that was used for implementing the above specifications of 32-bit ALU: entity ALU is generic (width: integer:=32); port ( A: in std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0); B: in std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0); Sel: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Y: out std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0) ); end ALU; architecture behv of ALU is begin process(A,B,Sel) begin case Sel is when "0000" => Y <= A + B; when "0001" => Y <= A + (not B) + 1; when "0010" => Y <= A + 1; when "0011" => Y <= A - 1; when "0100" => Y <= B + 1; when "0101" => Y <= B - 1; when "0110" => Y <= A; when "0111" => Y <= B; when "1000" => Y <= not A; when "1001" => Y <= not B; when "1010" => Y <= A and B; when "1011" => Y <= A or B; when "1100" => Y <= A nand B; when "1101" => Y <= A nor B; when "1110" => Y <= A xor B; when "1111" => Y <= not (A xor B); when others => Y <= "XXXX"; end case; end process; end behv; --------------------------------------------------------------------
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering IJCSCE Special issue on Emerging Trends in Engineering ICETIE 2012
For example: When SEL = 0001, A = 10111000101111000001000111101110, B = 00100111001100111000000100100001 Then the output of the ALU is Y = 10010001100010001001000011001101. Here the arithmetic unit got selected. When SEL = 1100, A = 10111000101111000001000111101110, B = 00100111001100111000000100100001 Then the output of the ALU is Y = 11011111110011111111111011111111. Here the logic unit got selected. In the above description we have used the behavioral method for the purpose of VHDL implementation. While describing the entity we have used GENERIC since the generic lets us to produce code that can be changed by the passed parameter. Here we let the generic width be the bit width of the two operands, which made the code scalable to any width of signals. With the use the generic width, the component became much more reusable which is the quality always desired by designers. When this style of description is used to describe systems, it is very powerful but it contains no structural information regarding the design. The main construct in this modeling style is the process statement. Another important construct here are the case and when statement. The case statement executes many sequences of statements, based on the value of a single expression. Also the case statement does evaluation of the expression and comparison of the value to each of the choices while the when clause corresponding to the matching choice will make its statements to get executed. The expressive power of VHDL provides us with the capability of writing testbench model in the same Language. A testbench has three main purposes viz. one is to generate stimulus for simulation, second is to apply this stimulus to the entity under test and collect the output responses and third is to compare the output responses with the artificial inputs given.
correct. This is verified by the process of simulation. The process of simulation uses a testbench to test the design whether it behaves correctly by stimulating it with artificial input and monitoring the output. The simulation is carried out by using the Modelsim 5.4a tool and having the testbench and the behavioral design code for 32-bit ALU in the same project folder. We observed from the simulation results that the 32-bit ALU implemented by the above described method and code, worked successfully for all the input combinations and the select codes according to the given specification in Table I. The Modelsim simulation results are shown below in Fig.2
SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig 2.2 Simulation Result for Logic Unit
It is needed to test whether the design works to meet the given specification to ensure that designed entity is
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering IJCSCE Special issue on Emerging Trends in Engineering ICETIE 2012
IV. CONCLUSION This paper suggests the behavioral design method for VHDL implementation of a 32-bit ALU using Modelsim 5.4a tool. Its functionality was discussed for all the operations specified. As per the nature of behavioral description, it is easy to convert the precision to 64- bit or more. This behavioral design can be made synthesisable and thus can be used for layout and fabrication on FPGA based digital circuits. V. REFERENCES
[2] http://www.forteds.com/behavioralsynthesis/index.asp [3] Douglas L. Perry, VHDL, third edition, McGraw-Hill, pp.
60-63, 238, July 1999.
Fig 2.3 Simulation Result for the Whole Implemented 32bit ALU
[7] http://www.xilinx.com