Carr Sport Psychology Issues and Applications

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Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 17 (2006) 519535

Sport Psychology: Psychologic Issues and Applications

Christopher M. Carr, PhD, HSPP*
Methodist Sports Medicine Center, 201 Pennsylvania Parkway, Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46280, USA

The eld of sport and exercise psychology explores the relation between psychologic factors and optimal performance. Sport psychology is slowly becoming an integral aspect of the holistic care of sports medicine and physical rehabilitation patients. The physician specialist should have some knowledge regarding the various facets of sport and performance psychology, because many of these skills are relevant to the care and management of an athletic population. For purposes of this article, the areas of sport and performance psychology are discussed, because many sports medicine and physical rehabilitation professionals nd their practices expanding into other performance arenas. Performance psychology is used in this article to represent the various environments under which mental skills enhancement can be useful. Sport psychology represents the use of mental skills training within the sport and exercise domain. The author has found that many of the techniques he uses with elite athletes have had comparable success with elite musicians, actors, and dancers. Therefore, the skills that are addressed in this article, although related to the sport environment, may be helpful for various forms of performance. In fact, the author carried the title of Performance Psychologist for one of the professional sports teams for which he once consulted; this allowed him to expand the role of psychologic consultation within his contracted position. The physical medicine and rehabilitation professional can benet his or her understanding of the diversity of performance issues and problems that may aect patients by the material presented in this article.

* Department of Neuropsychology, Indiana Neuroscience Institute, 8333 Naab Road, Suite 270, Indianapolis, IN 46260. E-mail address: [email protected] 1047-9651/06/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pmr.2006.05.007



Topics addressed in this article include a brief review of the history and current issues of sport psychology, a quick summary of mental skills training techniques, and a discussion of specic performance concerns related to the injured athlete. The author summarizes by presenting a model of psychologic practice within a sports medicine setting in which he currently functions. If a physical medicine professional is to establish a holistic philosophy of care, the understanding of underlying psychologic processes, along with a model of care, is necessary. History and current issues Sport psychology dates back to the turn of the twentieth century [1]. It is a relatively young discipline, yet it has a history unappreciated by most clinicians. This history is patchy at best, with roots in applied and academic sport psychology, which are primarily housed in departments of physical education and kinesiology. Rarely is sport psychology recognized as a specialty within psychology departments. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, sport psychology had its beginning. It was Norman Triplett, who conducted the rst experiment in sport psychology in 1897 by investigating the performance of cyclists. After nding that young children performed better on a rote motor task in the presence of other children, he concluded that cyclists would usually perform better in the presence of other cyclists. Other studies taking place at about the same time included looking at motor behavior by exploring an individuals reaction times as well how personality development was inuenced by sport. None of these experiments and studies, however, were directly applied to athletes or sporting realms [1]. Since the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) hired their rst fulltime sport psychologist in 1985, the applied realm of sport psychology has continued to grow tremendously (the USOC now has four full-time licensed psychologists representing their Sport Psychology Department within the Division of Sport Science). Journals within the area of sport psychology began to be published. Division 47 (Exercise and Sport Psychology) in the American Psychological Association (APA) was established, recognizing, for the rst time in history, the uniqueness oered to the eld of psychology in sport. In addition, the 1988 Olympic Games were the rst time that teams were accompanied to the games by a sport psychologist. Other advancements in the eld include the establishment of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) in 1986 and the beginning of the Journal of Sport Psychology in 1979. In 1991, as a way to advance this burgeoning eld further, the AAASP established criteria designating a certied consultant in the eld of sport psychology as a way to improve the clarity and understanding of a sport psychologist. More recently, Division 47 of the APA has begun to establish a prociency document for members to help guide the unique training standards



(eg, education, training, supervision) that a psychologist would be wise to undertake to practice in the eld of applied sport and performance psychology. The applied realm of sport psychology has been growing rapidly in use and popularity since the 1990s. This use, however, has not been limited to elite athletes, such as those represented at the Olympic Games. Applied sport psychology is nding use not only at the Olympic and professional levels but at the collegiate, high school, and youth levels. Many well-known professional athletes in football, baseball, basketball, and golf have been sharing their beliefs that sport psychology enhances performance, along with physical and technical skills. Some collegiate athletic departments now employ full-time psychologists for their student-athletes. The amount of requests for sport psychology services at high school and elementary school levels and youth camps has grown tremendously in recent years. Applied sport psychology covers all sports, not just the more visible ones, such as football, baseball, and basketball. Sport psychology is being used and sought after in motor racing, mountain biking, rowing, soccer, and rie and pistol shooting to name just a few. Many physicians, attorneys, and corporate executives are requesting that sport psychology principles be applied to the performances in their respective settings. The author also developed and implemented a performance psychology education and intervention program with one of the US Armed Services ocer candidate training schools; initial results demonstrated enhanced performance in military skills applications with the use of performance psychology skills. The applied possibilities in performance psychology seem almost endless. Recent growth in the area of positive psychology has heightened awareness of the unique contribution of applied sport and performance psychology techniques. Although the eld has come far in the last 15 years, especially in the area of applied sport psychology, it has not been without its controversies. Probably the largest debate in the eld of sport psychology involves the question of what is a sport psychologist and who is able to identify themselves as such. Two primary groups identify themselves as sport psychologists, one from the academic side and the other from the applied side. There exist the academicians and researchers in exercise and sport psychology and physical education who identify themselves as such and are concerned with how an athlete can increase speed, motor control, or other physical capabilities to enhance performance. The sport psychologist in applied settings, conversely, has typically been concerned with the mental and emotional wellbeing of the athlete and uses psychologic theory and concepts in the sport world. A special note must be made at this point. Individuals do exist who identify themselves as sport psychologists and have had little or no training in psychology or little or no training in exercise science. Who are these individuals? Some of these individuals are persons who have coached a childs



basketball team, played tennis most of their life, or solely have a subscription to Sports Illustrated. Consumers and clinicians must be aware of people who identify themselves as sport psychologists but have little or no formal training. Because of the popularity of sport and the money and prestige surrounding it, it is quite seductive for people to attach themselves to an area lled with such glamour. The organizations within sport psychology are currently trying to rene the requirements of being a sport psychologist, and the author of this article later discusses what he believes to be the criteria for identifying oneself as a sport psychologist. Because most readers of this publication are physical medicine physicians or sports medicine professionals, it should be recognized that a referral made to a nonlicensed sport psychologist may be an inappropriate referral. In this growing eld, it is important to ask the referral specialist about his or her licensure status (is he or she a licensed psychologist) and training in the eld of sport psychology (competency). In 1991, the AAASP did identify requirements of being a certied consultant in the eld of sport psychology as a step toward clarifying the training required to be a sport psychologist. Murphy [2] summarizes the criteria as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. A doctoral degree Knowledge of scientic and professional ethics and standards Three courses in sport psychology Courses in biomechanics or exercise physiology Courses in the historical, philosophic, social, or motor behavior bases of sport Coursework in pathology and its assessment Training in counseling (eg, coursework, supervised practice) Supervised experience with a qualied person in sport psychology Knowledge of skills and techniques in sport or exercise Courses in research design, statistics, and psychologic assessment Knowledge of the biologic bases of behavior Knowledge of the cognitive-aective bases of behavior Knowledge of the social bases of behavior Knowledge of individual behavior

Although these criteria are a step in the right direction, further work is necessary. These criteria are still somewhat vague and, unfortunately, carry disagreement among the eld. The question still remains as to what constitutes a qualied and competent sport psychologist. The Exercise and Sport Psychology (Division 47) group within the APA has recently advanced a document that highlights a prociency in applied sport psychology for APA members. This author would argue that an academic sport psychology professional would best refer to his or her applied work as a mental training consultant rather than any form of psychologist (a title requiring licensure in most states). Additionally, the author would argue that a licensed



clinical or counseling psychologist who identies himself or herself as a sport psychologist should be able to demonstrate competency in the area of sport and performance psychology. This competency could be dened by academic preparation, training, supervision, and experience in working within sport and performance psychology domains. This brief history and review of current professional issues in sport psychology should assist the physical medicine professional in making appropriate referrals or including psychologic services in a holistic physical medicine and rehabilitation practice. By acknowledging the growing pains of an ever-evolving eld, the further professionalism of the eld can be advanced. Mental skills in sport This section covers some of the basic psychologic skills that are used with mental training and performance enhancement. This overview highlights some of the specic psychologic skills that enhance condence, composure, and focus (attention) in individuals who use these skills. Many coaches and athletes attempt to put in more physical practice to correct mistakes made during competition. The mistakes, however, are attributable to mental breakdowns many times as opposed to physical or technical ones. The athletes actually need to practice mental rather than physical skills. In the same way, physicians working in sports medicine or physical medicine facilities or with athletes sometimes forget or do not realize how mental skills can be used in their work. Even though coaches, athletes, and sports medicine physicians agree that more than 80% of the mistakes made in sport are mental, they still do not attempt to learn or teach mental skills that can assist athletes on the eld or during rehabilitation (C. Carr, PhD, HSPP, T. Kays, unpublished data 1997). First, sports medicine and other physicians lack of knowledge about mental skills prevents them from using these mental skills in their work with athletes (as patients). Even though physicians may tell their athletes to just relax as they go through rehabilitation of an injury, they do not provide them with the knowledge of how to do so. Second, mental skills in sport are often viewed as part of an individuals personality and something that cannot be taught. Many physicians believe that injured athletes have or do not have the mental toughness to progress through rehabilitation. Mental skills can be learned. Injured Olympic athletes report practicing mental training on a daily basis. Furthermore, not only can these skills be learned, but they do not require an excessive amount of time, another reason why physicians working with athletes neglect mental training (ie, reporting not having enough time). The following section briey discusses some of the mental skills necessary for athletes to improve their chances of optimal performance in their sports, whether on the eld or in the training room. These skills are the basics, and



much more depth and detail than this article allows are needed to explain and understand the power of the mind in sport completely. Goal setting Goal setting is one of the primary mental skills used by athletes. In fact, this skill is helpful and even necessary to develop other mental skills. Csikszentmihalyi [3] discusses goal setting as one of the necessary components of achieving a ow experience. He describes ow as an experience in which a person achieves peak performance. Other expressions used for this ow experience include in the zone, autopilot, and playing unconscious. It is not typically a problem to get athletes to identify goals. The diculty comes in trying to help athletes set the right kind of goals: ones that provide direction, increase motivation, and guide them to achieving optimal performance. Athletes, and most people for that matter, do not need to be convinced that goals are important. They do, however, need instruction on setting good goals and a program that works to achieve them. This type of skill development is essential in physical medicine, where specic interventions are used to enhance functioning in the injured or rehabilitative patient. It is demonstrated in empiric research that goal setting can enhance recovery from injury [4]. The research also demonstrates that certain types of goals are most eective in helping athletes achieve these goals. Several goal-setting principles that provide a strong base to building a solid goal-setting program have been identied: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Set specic goals. Set challenging but realistic goals. Set long- and short-term goals. Set performance goals. Write down goals. Develop goal-achievement strategies. Provide goal support. Evaluate goal achievement.

Set specic goals Research illustrates that setting specic goals produces higher levels of performance than planning no goals at all or goals that are too broad [5]. Yet, many times, physicians tell patients to do their best or give everything you have regarding their recovery. Although these goals are admirable, they are not specic and do not help athletes to move toward optimal performance. Goal setting needs to be measurable and stated in behavioral terms. Instead of an athlete setting his or her goal to get better, physicians can help these injured athletes to set a more appropriate goal, such as increasing leg press weight by 25% over the next 2 weeks.



Set realistic but challenging goals The research indicates that goals should be challenging and dicult yet attainable [6]. Goals that are too easy do not present a challenge, and thus can lead to less than maximal eort. Goals that are too dicult lead to failure many times, which results in frustration. This frustration leads to lower morale and motivation. Somewhere between these two extremes are challenging and realistic goals. Set long- and short-term goals Many times, injured athletes discuss a long-term goal of returning to play after a serious injury. This goal is necessary and provides the nal destination for the athletes. It is important, however, for physicians to help them focus on short-term goals as a way in which to attain long-term goals. For example, a physician can make certain that an injured athlete sets daily and weekly goals in the rehabilitation process. One way to use this principle is to picture a staircase with the end or long-term goal at the top of the staircase, the present level of performance at the base of the stairs, and the shortterm goals as the steps between. Set performance goals It is important for physical medicine physicians to assist patients in setting goals related to performance process rather than outcomes, such as returning to play. Murphy discusses action goals versus result goals as being extremely important and often missed by physicians [7]. With action-focused goals, athletes concentrate their energies on the actions of a task as opposed to the outcome. Action goals give focus to the task at hand, are under the athletes control, and produce condence and concentration. Result-focused goals, however, are not productive and often lead to slower recovery. These types of goals give focus to irrelevant factors and things outside the control of the athlete, and they tend to produce anxiety and tension. For example, if a collegiate tennis player is working back after a serious shoulder injury, physicians can help him or her by setting action goals, such as lifting a certain weight or obtaining a certain degree of exibility, that lead to the outcome, full recovery. Write down goals Sport psychologists have recommended that goals be written down and placed where they can be easily seen on a daily basis [7,8]. Athletes may choose to write them on index cards and place them in their locker, locker room, or bedroom. Many times, physicians and athletes spend much time with goal-setting strategies only to see them end up discarded in some drawer. The manner in which goals are recorded is varied, but the important fact is that they remain visible and available to athletes on a daily basis.



Develop goal-achievement strategies This aspect of goal setting is often neglected, because goals are set without appropriate strategies to achieve them. An analogy to this faulty process is taking a trip from Indianapolis to San Jose without having a map. It takes one much longer to reach the nal destination without a map. For example, physicians may encounter a patient with frequent u-like symptoms. This patient needs to use appropriate strategies that can assist him or her in reducing the frequency of these symptoms, such as working on improving nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, or time management. Provide goal support Research in the sport psychology literature has demonstrated the vital importance that signicant others play in helping athletes to achieve goals [9]. In fact, it has been shown that exercise adherence is strongly aected by spousal support [10]. Physical medicine physicians need to enlist the support and help of parents, faculty, friends, and others to help athletes focus on the actions required to achieve success (ie, returning to play). Evaluate goal achievement Evaluating progress toward goals is one of the most important aspects of goal setting; yet, it is frequently overlooked. Injured athletes may spend considerable time in setting goals and devising programs, but this activity is for naught if they do not regularly monitor their progress in achieving these goals. To draw an analogy from philosophy, just as an unexamined life is not worth living, unexamined goal setting is not worth doing. Arousal control What is arousal control? Have you ever watched the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball nals and wondered how a player can make a free throw or last second shot with thousands of people screaming and millions of people watching on television? If you are like most, we wonder in amazement at how athletes are able to remain calm during such times of high pressure and anxiety. The fact is, however, that these athletes are actually nervous; they do have butteries in their stomach. The skill, however, that they have developed is to use this anxiety as a way to perform their best, to make the butteries y in formation, so to speak. Similarly, when athletes become injured, they typically experience aective, somatic, and cognitive anxiety. They experience physical pain, lose their place in the line-up, and are not able to perform at their best or participate in something that is a major part of their life and identity. Sports and physical medicine physicians, however, can help the athletes learn to use the anxiety surrounding their injury as way to help them recover quicker.



The theories of arousal regulation are many but too extensive for the current article. For a review and more explicit detail of these theories, the reader is referred to the article by Van Raalte and Brewer [11]. Arousal regulation techniques Breathing. Perhaps the most simple yet most important technique to regulating anxiety is breathing [12]. It is common for athletes to take short quick breaths when confronted with a stressful event or situation, such as rehabilitating an injury. This action may result in the muscles becoming tense and fatigued, both of which prevent optimal performance in recovery. Taking slow deep breaths allows athletes to enable oxygen intake and reduce their heart rate; both can assist them in recovery. Muscle relaxation. One of the most potentially damaging aspects of anxiety for athletes is muscle tension [13]. If an athletes muscles are tense, he or she is not able to perform the kinesthetic tasks required by his or her sport or rehabilitation process in a free-owing and smooth manner. Therefore, for athletes to perform their best, they must learn to relax their muscles. If the muscles are not relaxed, the athletes movements are rigid, short, and tight. How do athletes learn to relax their muscles? Edmund Jacobsons progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) technique laid the groundwork for most current relaxation procedures. His technique and other similar ones allow athletes to become aware of dierent muscle groups, how they hold tension in these areas, and also how to release this tension. Physical medicine physicians can be extremely helpful by teaching these patients to perform this mental skill as a way of making their rehabilitation less painful and return to play quicker. Concentration and focus skills Knowing what to focus on and when to focus on it are essential to optimal athletic performance. Highly talented athletes often fail to achieve their best performance not because of a lack of ability but because of an inability to focus on the cues that are necessary for optimal performance. For example, a baseball pitcher may be able to throw an excellent 85-mph slider in his warm-up, but if he is unable to throw it in a game situation, he is not likely to have optimal performance. Concentration skills can be enhanced through the use of mental skills, such as imagery, cognitive strategies, and attentional control strategies. For purposes of this article, a brief review of these skills is presented. Imagery What is the mystery in imagery that has helped elite athletes, such as Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, and Greg Louganis, to compete so well? There is no



mystery at all. Imagery is a human capacity that many people do not know about or have chosen not to use. It is a skill that few athletes have developed to its full potential or realized its possible applications. Imagery is a process by which sensory experiences are stored in memory and internally recalled and performed in the absence of external stimuli [7]. Furthermore, imagery is more than visualization and more than just the sense of vision. To maximize its potential, imagery must be a multisensory event, involving as many of the senses as possible, including the sense of sound, touch, and movement. Imagery has many uses for athletes, including regulating arousal level and rehabilitation from injury [4,14]. Imagery is useful for coping with pain and injury by speeding recovery as well as keeping athletic skills from deteriorating. It is dicult for athletes to go through an extended layo, but instead of feeling sorry for themselves, they can imagine doing practice skills and thereby facilitate recovery. Cognitive strategies Self-talk is one of several dierent cognitive strategies in sport. It occurs whenever an individual thinks, internally or externally. Sport psychologists are concerned with the self-talk of athletes and how it inuences their focus and concentration, arousal level, and performance. In general, self-talk is the conscious and subconscious dialog that occurs in the athletes mind before, during, and after competition. For example, a golfer hitting his driver may incorporate the self-talk strategy of saying head down, hips solid, follow through as the internal dialog before the execution of the swing. The literature in this area is too extensive to cover in this article, but the preponderance of research supports the hypothesis that positive self-talk creates better or no worse performance. Self-talk has a direct impact on our emotional experience. If athletes are engaging in negative self-talk, their aective experience may be one of frustration, anger, or extreme anxiety. These emotional states challenge breathing, increase muscle tension, and create a loss of concentration and focus, resulting in lower performance. If an athletes self-talk is positive and relevant, however, the resulting emotional experience is one of relaxation, calmness, and centeredness; as a result, the chances of good performance increase dramatically. Physical medicine physicians can assist patients by teaching and discussing positive self-talk and the dierence it can make during the rehabilitation process. Attentional control strategies Concentration. Concentration is the ability to focus all ones attention on the task at hand. For physicians and their athletes, concentration is being able to direct all attention to the recovery process. When athletes experience anxiety, however, maintaining attention on the task at hand becomes more



dicult. Concentration also becomes more narrow and internally directed toward worry, self-doubt, and other task-irrelevant thoughts [15]. Part of the denition of concentration involves paying attention to relevant environmental cues. This ability to give ones full attention to only the relevant parts of a task is sometimes dicult to do. Think about a football player recovering from a serious knee injury. Which cues are relevant and which are irrelevant? Relevant cues include the rehabilitation process: keeping appointments with the physical therapist, good goal setting, and following the physicians recommendations regarding treatment. Irrelevant cues, however, might include the thoughts of friends or the next opponent on the schedule. These cues have absolutely nothing to do with rehabilitation. The physical actions required to rehabilitate the knee do not change regardless of the next opponent. It is important that the rehabilitation specialist advise the patient on the factors that are controlled by the therapist, the patient, and the physician. By encouraging patients to focus (eg, set goals) on the components of rehabilitation that they control (eg, eort), patients may feel more empowered and motivated. Improving concentration skills. Physicians can be extremely benecial in helping athletes to maintain their concentration levels on the task at hand (ie, rehabilitating an injury). First, physicians can remind their patients that just as they are skilled to maintain focus in high-pressure situations (ie, an athlete shooting free throws to win a game), they can do this same thing in the recovery process. Second, patients can use cue words to help bring their full attention to the tasks in rehabilitation. For example, a tennis player recovering from an elbow injury might use the words stay loose as he or she lifts weights to strengthen the elbow or the word breathe to remind himself or herself that deep breathing assists relaxation during times of intense pain. Furthermore, much research has demonstrated that routines can focus concentration and be extremely helpful to mental preparation [16,17]. The mind can easily wander during rehabilitation. Injured athletes might worry about losing their position or the reactions of coaches and teammates. These are the times when routines are ideal. For example, when a patient is performing rehabilitation exercises, he or she might take a deep breath, imagine what he or she wants to do in the session, and then say one or two cues words to maintain this focus. Finally, the importance of staying focused in the here and now (present) is relevant. Many times, athletes get caught up in thinking about past injuries or what might happen to their position on the team after returning, causing them to lose focus on the relevant cues of the rehabilitation process at the present time. In summary, to develop an eective mental skills plan, a patient who is an athlete may incorporate the use of many specic and dened behavioral skills in a structured manner. This type of detailed skill development



requires more than a simplistic (they are not tough enough) approach. Rather, it is a systematic plan of skills that are individualized to account for the patients age, skill level, sport-specic demands, and individual abilities [18].

Psychologic factors with athletic injury An inevitable aspect of sports participation is the risk of athletic injury. Injuries ranging from lacerations, to ligament sprains, to fractured bones are an undeniable aspect of the sports world. For the physical or sports medicine professional, this is commonsense. Yet, to treat the injured athlete fully, what is done for his or her psychologic (compared with physical) recovery? For example, to inform a patient that he or she is to have an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction that requires surgery followed by extensive rehabilitation before his or her return to play is one aspect of care. What if the injury occurs 2 weeks before a championship contest or right before a national scouting combine, where his or her individual talents are going to be assessed with the potential reward being millions of dollars? At this point, a signicant emotional, mental, and behavioral dynamic occurs that should be treated. A well-timed referral to a sport psychologist may enhance not only the emotional and mental recovery of the athlete but his or her physical recovery. The purpose of this brief section is to review some of the expected emotional, behavioral, and cognitive responses of the injured athlete. Heil [19] authored a comprehensive text that addresses many of the psychologic dynamics of the injured athlete. For purposes of this section, the following stages of response to athletic injury are highlighted [19]. Point of injury and immediate postinjury response The most immediate emotional response at the point of injury is shock; the degree of shock may range from minor to signicant, depending on the severity of the injury. For example, an open fracture that is observed by the injured athlete may stimulate more of a shock response than a minor laceration. Individual personality dierences may have an impact on the shock response, however. Second, there may be a pattern of emotional disorganization, where the individual may demonstrate atypical emotional responses to external or internal stimuli. For example, an injured athlete may become giddy on the sidelines during an examination. This response is an adaptive emotional response to a potentially traumatic event; it is a normal response to an abnormal event (injury trauma). Finally, the rst denial response occurs, typically in an I cant believe this happened response. It is important to note that denial itself is an adaptive response that allows an individual to manage extreme emotional responses to situational stress.



As denial presents at the rst stage of injury, it may resemble an attempt to recover. This may become an unrealistic expectation of recovery. For example, the athlete with a diagnosed ACL tear may tell an athletic trainer Ill be ready to go next week; in fact, the athlete may really believe this as truth during this stage. With little or no intervention, however, the reality of the injury is confronted and the athlete moves to the second stage of response. Treatment decision and implementation This stage is lled with uncertainty for the athlete; lack of knowledge about medical treatments and potential rehabilitation may create excess anxiety. This reactive anxiety to the injury and treatment decision may become anticipatory anxiety as surgery dates come closer. These anxiety responses may be mild, moderate, or severe in regard to the disruption of daily functioning for the athlete. A psychologic referral for even mild anxiety may facilitate more eective coping and response skills, given the therapeutic relation. An additional factor to consider is the athletes decision-making skills, because some athletes may not have a signicant support system (eg, parents) available at the time of making a decision about treatment. If surgery is required and the athlete has no previous surgical experience, there is adaptive anxiety to manage the realities of anesthesia, pain, and physical restrictions. If the athlete is a collegiate student-athlete and far from home (eg, across the country or foreign), there are additional stressors because of the distance from that individuals primary support network. It is often at this stage that referral to a sport psychologist may best assist the athlete in recovery. The athlete may be more open to support during this time of decision making, and a psychologist can assist in the decision-making process as well as providing emotional support. Early and late rehabilitative (after surgery) Whether the intervention is surgical or nonsurgical, there may be a series of emotional, behavioral, and cognitive responses that follow the implementation of treatment. Primarily, there may be aective responses that seem atypical to the athletes baseline behaviors. These emotional responses may be in the form of depression (acute), anger, confusion, or frustration. Again, individual dierences vary based on the athletes personality style, adaptive coping skills, and social (eg, family) support network. If there are delays in scheduled recovery times or disruptions in the healing process (eg, infection), anger or withdrawal may become the aective response. Although anger is a dicult emotion to manage, a nonbehavioral display of anger is an adaptive response. Because withdrawal is more comfortable for the health care provider, it may feel like an adaptation to injury; however, this withdrawal may exacerbate symptoms of depression that may lead to further disruption in functioning.



Another factor to consider in the psychologic rehabilitation of the injured athlete is social support networks. A team physician should be aware of the athletes team environment during injury rehabilitation. If the environment is negative and punishing (athletes with some injuries are disregarded as weak or faking), the sports medicine personnel become more of a support network for the athlete. It is important to educate coaches and to hold them responsible for the teammates attitudes and behaviors; however, it is primarily the coaching sta whose support is most needed (and often is most neglectful). The team physician or director of sports medicine should have a supportive process for informing, educating, communicating, and reinforcing an emotionally secure environment in which the athlete may recover.

Return to play This stage of injury rehabilitation often presents with the dynamics of fear and relief. These emotional responses may conict with one another during what seems to be a desirable period for the athletedreturning to competition. Fear of reinjury and fear of being able to compete and perform are typical aective responses for the athlete. When discussed and identied as normal adaptations to the emotional demands of competition and recovery, many athletes move through this stage well. When the athlete ruminates or obsesses about his or her full recovery status, the feelings of fear may create inhibition in rehabilitation, or perhaps even questions doubting his or her abilities. If the athlete has been working with a psychologist, these emotional and cognitive beliefs have been discussed and processed; thus, adaptive plans would be ongoing and implemented. If the athlete has had no opportunities to discuss emotional responses to the injury, these fears may create signicant disruption to coping (eg, compliance to rehabilitation decreases). The use of mental imagery is often useful to facilitate the relief response and to visualize optimal performance with a healthy body. The use of imagery in injury healing as well as in return to play and action can be an eective instrument in the psychologic care of the injured athlete. These stages of the injury process display a variety of emotional (eg, depression, anger), behavioral (eg, rehabilitation noncompliance), and cognitive (eg, negative beliefs about future performance) responses from any athlete. Although these responses may range from mild to severe, a psychologic referral can be helpful in facilitating adaptive processing of these psychologic demands. The sports medicine professional who aspires to holistic care of the athlete should have, or create, the appropriate referral network for the psychologic health of the injured athlete. A psychologist can provide the supportive counseling and consultation to assist the athlete in his or her emotional and cognitive recovery from injury.



Sport psychology services within a sports medicine setting A sport psychologist is an important component of any sports medicine team. His or her practice is devoted to the psychologic care of and consultation with the athletic population regardless of the level of competition (ie, professional, elite amateur, collegiate, high school, other youth athletes). Services are also provided for other elite performance organizations, including performing arts and the military. Psychologic services provided include individual and group counseling (private practice), which may be third-party reimbursable for diagnostic conditions (eg, injured athletes with mood disorders). Often, the psychologist works in collaboration with primary care sports medicine physicians, orthopedic surgeons, and physical medicine specialists with medication management, rehabilitation education, and counseling to provide the optimal level of care for some mood and anxiety disorders. Other individual consultation may provide performance enhancement counseling, which uses psychologic skills to enhance athletic performance (eg, imagery skills for golf). Although many of these consultations do not treat a specic Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) diagnosis, the development of cognitive and behavioral skills to enhance composure, condence, and focus is desirable by many elite-level performers. A sta psychologist also provides consultation with sports organizations and encompasses personal and performance counseling issues. Additionally, educational and consultation work with coaching sta, sports medicine sta, and administrative sta can enhance the development of optimal skills within the athletic environment. This positive psychology orientation also leads to lectures and workshops in the surrounding community, including work in educational systems, medical systems, and youth sport organizations. The role of a licensed psychologist with sport psychology training and experience is an invaluable adjunct to a comprehensive sports medicine sta. The need and demand for services continue to develop as athletes and other elite performers seek to gain the mental edge in their competitive venues.

Summary This article has briey highlighted the area of sport psychology as it relates to performance psychology skills (mental training), including a historical overview and current topics overview. The use of mental training skills may be of interest to the practicing physical medicine and rehabilitation professional in the treatment of his or her patients. It is important that the physical medicine professional recognizes what sport or performance psychology represents within the paradigm of psychologic interventions. Referring to an individual based on his or her training (licensed psychologist versus mental training consultant) is essential for the appropriate management of



psychologic issues related to performance. The issues related to the psychologic rehabilitation of the injured athlete are of importance to the medical sta; the overview of aective responses can assist in understanding the normal and adaptive responses of the injured athlete. Finally, a brief description of a psychologists role within a sports medicine and rehabilitation practice is presented. The psychologic issues that are present in the world of sport and elite performance are numerous, and not all are mentioned in this article. Issues of eating disorders, substance abuse, and psychologic health with athletes should be further explored within the physical medicine and rehabilitation discipline as well as in the sports medicine discipline. The ever-evolving psychologic dynamics of individuals involved in sport and elite performance are intriguing and unique. A specialized knowledge base, training, and experience in providing psychologic services are required to treat this unique population. Counseling and clinical issues of the athlete and elite performer require further attention in the realm of psychologic interventions, including further exploration of the ecacy of interventions for performance enhancement. The eld of applied sport psychology may oer the physical medicine professional a unique perspective into the care of patients who are athletes and elite performers. References
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