Intermediate and Communal Models For Drinking-Water Supply and Sanitation
Intermediate and Communal Models For Drinking-Water Supply and Sanitation
Intermediate and Communal Models For Drinking-Water Supply and Sanitation
17. Intermediate and communal models for drinking-water supply and sanitation
Plumbing codes usually require that every occupied building should have a supply of drinking-water. A piped drinking-water system will require a sewerage system to dispose of the increased volume of wastewater that is generated. Until these are achieved, plumbing, in the sense used in these guidelines, is impossible. There are various intermediate stages between the use of an unprotected natural source and the attainment of this goal. This includes situations where public drinking-water supply and waste disposal are only partly available, and where cost or other constraints require the establishment of basic communal sanitation facilities as an interim measure.
No access
More than 1000 metres, or 30 minutes total collection time Between 100 and 1000 metres, or 5 to 30 minutes total collection time
Very low: often less than 5 litres per capita per day
Very high as hygiene not assured and consumption needs may be at risk. Quality difficult to assure; emphasis on effective use and water handling hygiene Medium: not all requirements may be met. Quality difficult to assure
Basic access
Low: average is unlikely to exceed 20 litres per capita per day; laundry and/or bathing may occur at water source with additional volumes of water
Intermediate access
On plot, e.g. single Medium: likely to be around tap in house or 50 litres per capita per day, higher yard volumes unlikely as energy/time requirements still significant
Low: most basic hygiene and consumption needs met. Bathing and laundry possible on site, which may increase frequency of laundering. Issues of effective use still important. Quality more readily assured Very low: all uses can be met, quality readily assured
Optimal access Water is piped into Varies significantly but probably the home through above 100 litres per capita per day multiple taps and may be up to 300 litres per capita per day
Source: Howard and Bartram 2003.
It is important to emphasize the ultimate goal of providing on-plot water supplies to every household, and to ensure that providing any intermediate level of service is carried out with this ultimate goal in mind. For instance, mains laid to public standpipes should not be of a size merely adequate to serve those standpipes, but of sufficient carrying capacity to permit house connections to be made later. Otherwise, the expense of replacement by larger diameter pipes in the future will be an obstacle to the implementation of the next stage of improvement. Where mains and sewers are planned to be installed in the near future, or where water supplies but no sewers have been constructed, any private intermediate arrangements should be so designed and installed as to be readily adapted to comply with local codes of practice. This will ultimately be advantageous to both the individual householder and to the authority having jurisdiction. Connection to a future public supply is made easier and cheaper if the internal piping and fixtures already comply with the relevant provisions of the plumbing code. Similarly, drainage to a septic tank or cesspool should be so
designed and installed that it can be diverted to a future sewer from a convenient access chamber with no alteration necessary other than the disconnection and filling in of the disposal tank or cesspool.
A form of sanitation particularly suitable to crowded cities is the aqua privy, consisting of a single underground septic tank upon which are built a number of individual latrines. Outlets from the latrines drop vertically through the tank roof and discharge under the surface of the septic liquid below. If properly designed, constructed and maintained, an aqua privy can serve the needs of four or more households, each having its own private cubicle containing a latrine. Sewage is broken down and liquefied and the effluent liquid is comparatively innocuous. However, under dense population conditions the removal of this liquid may present a problem if the subsoil is impervious. A drainage system to collect the effluent from a number of aqua privies may be constructed at a fraction of the cost of sewers. Because only liquid is discharged and there is consequently no danger of blockage, smaller pipe sizes may be used for the drains. Accumulated solids either must be removed when the system is filled to capacity or another site found, and the excavation suitably covered and backfilled. Plumbing in and for communal facilities needs to be more robust than that installed on private premises. Precautions need to be taken in the design against vandalism, theft and misuse. Brass faucets are particularly subject to vandalism if they can be easily unscrewed: drilling a hole in the threaded union and fastening with a set screw or rivet is one security method. Standpipes and exposed piping may be embedded in concrete, though this makes maintenance more difficult. High-level flushing cisterns and shower control valves may be mounted above the ceiling with only the chain and handle visible in the cubicle. The seats of pedestal water closet bowls can be made of sturdy wood, preferably open at the front and fixed, rather than of hinged plastic. Control valves, whether below ground or mounted in the building, are better enclosed in lockable boxes. Similar considerations may govern the design of truly public facilities, like those erected in markets or other public places. The plumbing of multiple latrines, bathhouses and laundries should comply with the general principles of the plumbing code with regard to cross-connection, backsiphonage and backflow. By providing each with its own storage tank, peak use flows are evened out and economies may be possible in the delivery mains and connections. In many arid areas, it is customary to provide storage at groups of standpipes for the same reason. Above all, the maintenance of the installations will depend upon the cooperation of those using them. Efforts to build a sense of communal ownership and pride of possession are important so that cooperation is voluntarily given or assured by peer pressure, and enforcement is therefore unnecessary. In this way, communal sanitary facilities can be kept clean and working with the minimum need for supervision and inspection.