The Hutchinson Illustrated Enciclopedia of British History

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The document appears to be an excerpt from 'The Hutchinson Illustrated Encyclopedia of British History' which provides brief entries on various topics related to British history arranged alphabetically.

The encyclopedia is intended to be a reference book with entries arranged alphabetically. Users can click on links to go directly to entries or to related entries.

The encyclopedia covers a wide range of topics related to British history from 'abdication crisis' to 'Zion Mule Corps'.

The Hutchinson Illustrated Encyclopedia of British History

The Hutchinson Illustrated Encyclopedia of British History is a reference book, with entries arranged in AZ format. To go directly to a particular entry, click on the link in the table of contents. There are also links between entries click on any underlined word to jump to the related entry.

Copyright Research Machines plc 2006. All rights reserved. Helicon Publishing is a division of Research Machines plc. Helicon Publishing New Mill House 183 Milton Park Abingdon Oxon OX14 4SE e-mail: [email protected] Web site: Cover photograph Billie Love.

Table of contents
abdication crisis Abercromby, Ralph Aberdare, Henry Austin Bruce, 1st Baron Aberdeen (codename) Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen Abhorrer Abinger, James Scarlett abjuration, oath of abjuration of the realm abolitionism Abraham-man Achurch, Janet Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg Adams, Truda Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth Addled Parliament Adelaide (Queen consort) Admiralty, Board of the Adrian IV Afghan Wars agrarian revolution agricultural revolution agriculture, 19th-century British agriculture, medieval Airy, Anna Albany, Alexander Stewart, 3rd Duke of Albany, John Stewart, 4th Duke of Albany, Robert Stewart, 1st Duke of Albert, Prince Consort Albion Alcock, John William Alexander Alexander I (of Scotland) Alexander II (of Scotland) Alexander III (of Scotland) Alexander of Hillsborough, Albert Victor Alexander Alexander 'the Magnificent' Alexandra (Queen consort) Alfred the Great Aliens Act Allen, William Alliance, the allodium All the Talents, Ministry of Alnwick Castle Amery, Leo(pold Charles Maurice Stennett) Amherst, William Pitt Amiens, peace of ancient demesne Ancient Order of Hibernians

Anderson shelter Andr, John angel (coin) Angell, (Ralph) Norman Angle Anglesey, Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey Anglo-Irish Agreement AngloIrish relations Anglo-Irish Treaty Anglo-Irish War Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Anne Anne of Bohemia Anne of Cleves Anne of Denmark Annesley, James Anning, Mary Anson, George Anti-Corn Law League Antrim, Randal Macdonnell Anwykyll, John Apostles Aquinas, St Thomas Aram, Eugene Arbroath, Declaration of Arcadia conference Arch, Joseph Arctic convoys Argyll Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll Argyll, Archibald Campbell Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl and 2nd Marquess of Argyll Argyll, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll Argyll, George John Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll Arkwright, Richard Arlington, Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington Arminianism Armitage, Edward Armstrong, Henry Edward Arnold, Joseph Arran, James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of Arran Arran, James Stewart, Earl of Arran Arras, Battle of (World War II) array, commission of Arthur Arthur, Duke of Brittany Arthur, Prince of Wales Articles, Lords of Arundel, Thomas Howard Ascham, Roger Ashanti Wars Ashby, Margery Irene Ashingdon, Battle of Ashley, Jack

Ashmole, Elias Ashmolean Museum Aske, Robert Askew, Anne Askey, Arthur Aspinall, John Audley Frederick Asquith, Herbert Henry Association, the Astley, Jacob Astley, Philip Astor Astor, Nancy Astor, Waldorf, 2nd Viscount Astor of Cliveden atheling Athelney, Isle of Athelstan Athlone, Alexander (Augustus Frederick William Alfred George) Atkins, Anna Atlantic triangle Atrebates ATS attainder, bill of Atterbury, Francis Attlee, Clement (Richard) Attwood, Thomas (politician) Auckland, George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland Audley, Thomas Aughrim, Battle of Augmentation, Court of Auld Alliance Aungerville, Richard auxiliary territorial service Avebury Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury Awdry, W(ilbert) V(ere) axe factories Aylmer, Felix Edward Aymer de Valence (bishop) Aymer de Valence (nobleman) Ayres, John Ayscough, William Ayscue, George

Babington, Anthony Back, George Back to Basics Backwell, Edward Bacon, Francis (politician) Bacon, Nicholas Baddeley, Sophia Baedeker raids Bagehot, Walter

Bagimond's Roll Bagot, Charles Baillie, Robert Baillie, Robert, of Jerviswood Baird, David Baker, Henry Bakewell, Robert Baldwin, Stanley Balfour, James, of Pittendreich Balfour Declaration Baliol, John de Ball, Albert Ball, Alexander John ballot act Balmerino, James Elphinstone, 1st Baron Balnaves, Henry, of Halhill Bannockburn, Battle of barbarian conspiracy Barber, Anthony Perrinott Lysberg Barebones Parliament Barham, Charles Middleton, 1st Baron Barnes, (Alice) Josephine (Mary Taylor) Barnes, George Nicoll Barnet, Battle of baronage Barons' War (126467) Barons' Wars Barrington, Jonah Bart, Lionel Barton, Elizabeth bastide Battenberg, (Mountbatten) Prince Louis Alexander Beachy Head, Battle of Beaconsfield (title) beadle Beale, Mary Beaton, David Beaufort, Henry Beaufort, Margaret Beaumaris Beaumont, Agnes Beaverbrook, (William) Max(well) Aitken Becket, St Thomas Bede bedel Bee, St Bek, Antony Bekynton, Thomas Belknap, Robert Bell, Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Beloff, Max, Baron Beloff Benbow, John benefit of clergy Bennett, Jill

Bentinck, Lord (William) George (Frederick Cavendish) Bentinck, Lord William Henry Cavendish Beresford, Charles William de la Poer Berkeley, William Bermingham Berry, Edward Berwick, James Fitzjames, 1st Duke of Berwick Berwick, treaties of Bessemer, Henry Bevan, Aneurin (Nye) Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge Report, the Bevin, Ernest Bianconi, Charles (Carlo) Biggs, Ronald Billington-Greig, Teresa Bill of Rights (English) Birkbeck, George Birkenhead, F(rederick) E(dwin) Smith Birkett, (William) Norman Bishops' Wars Black, Clementina Maria Black and Tans Blackburn, Helen Black Prince Blackwood, Henry Blair, Tony Blake, George (spy) Blake, Robert blanketeers Blenheim, Battle of Bligh, William Blitz, the Blood, Thomas Bloody Assizes Bloody Sunday Blount, Charles blue books Blunt, Anthony Frederick Boadicea Bodichon, Barbara Bodley, Thomas Boleyn, Anne Bolingbroke Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke Bonar Law Bondfield, Margaret Grace Bonham-Carter, (Helen) Violet Boniface of Savoy Bonnie Prince Charlie Booth, Catherine Booth, Charles Booth, William Boothby, Robert John Graham Borlase, William

Boscawen, Edward Bosworth, Battle of Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell Boucicault, Nina Boudicca Bounty, Mutiny on the Bourchier, Thomas Bow Street Runners Boycott, Charles Cunningham Boyle, Richard Boyle, Roger Boyne, Battle of the Braddock, Elizabeth Margaret (Bessie) Bradlaugh, Charles Bradshaw, John Brady, Ian Brant, Joseph Breakspear, Nicholas Brendan, St Brent-Dyer, (Gladys) Elinor M(ay) Brett, Jeremy Bretwalda Brian Bruma Bright, John Brighton Pavilion Brindley, James Britain Britain, ancient Britain, Battle of Britannia British East India Company British Empire British Empire (World War I) British Empire, Order of the British Museum broad church Broadway (codename) Brooke, James Brookeborough, Basil Stanlake Brooke Brougham, Henry Peter Brown, (James) Gordon Brown, George Alfred Brown, John (Scottish aide) Brown, William Browne, George, Count de Browne Bruce, Robert Bruce, Robert de Brummell, Beau (George Bryan) Bryce, James B-Specials Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham Bull, Phil Bull, John (imaginary figure) Buller, Redvers Henry

Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, Baroness Burdett-Coutts Burgess, Guy Francis de Moncy Burgh, Hubert de Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley Burke, Edmund Burke, John Bernard Burnham, Harry Lawson-Webster Levy-Lawson Burns, John Elliot Burton, Beryl Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute Butler, Eleanor Butler, Elizabeth Southerden Butler, Josephine Elizabeth Butler, Richard Austen Butler, William Francis Butler of Saffron Walden, Richard Austen Butler, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden Butlers of Ormond Butt, Isaac Buxton, Thomas Fowell Byng, George Byng, John Byron, Annabella

Cabal, the Cade, Jack Cadwalader Cadwallon Caernarfon Caledonia Callaghan, (Leonard) James Calvert, George, 1st Baron Baltimore Camden, William Camelot Cameron, John Campbell, Colin Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell Campbell-Bannerman, Henry Campion, Edmund Canning, Charles John Canning, George Canning, Stratford Canterbury Canterbury Cathedral Canterbury Tales, The Canute Caractacus Caradon, Baron Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardwell, Edward, 1st Viscount Cardwell Carey, James Caroline of Brunswick Carpenter, Alfred Francis

Carpenter, Mary Carrington, Dora (de Houghton) Carson, Edward Henry Carteret, John, 1st Earl Granville Carteret, Sir George Cartwright, Edmund Casement, Roger David Cassivelaunus Castanheda, Ferno Lopes de Castle, Barbara Anne Castlemaine, Countess of Castlereagh, Robert Stewart Cat and Mouse Act Catesby, Robert Catherine of Aragn Catherine of Braganza Catherine of Valois Catholic Emancipation Cato Street Conspiracy Cattle Acts Catuvellauni cavalier Cavell, Edith (Louisa) Cavendish, Lord Frederick Charles Cavendish, Spencer Cavendish, William Cawley, William Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert Cecil, Robert Cecil, William Central Treaty Organization ceorl Cerdic Chadwick, Edwin Chadwick, Helen Chain, Ernst Boris Chain Home chamberlain Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville Chamberlain, (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain, Joseph Chandos Chandos, Oliver Lyttelton, 1st Viscount Chandos Charge of the Light Brigade charity schools Charles Charles I (of Great Britain and Ireland) Charles II (of Great Britain and Ireland) Charles Edward Stuart Charles Fort Charrington, Frederick Nicholas charter charters, town Chartism Chaucer, Geoffrey

Chaucer, Thomas Cheapside Chesterfield (family) Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode Cheyne, John Cheyne, William Watson Chick, Harriette Chieftains, the Childers, (Robert) Erskine Childers, Erskine H(amilton) Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley Chilianwala, Battle of Chimney Sweepers Act Christian Socialism Churchill, Lady Sarah, duchess of Marlborough Churchill, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, Winston (Leonard Spencer) Cilian, St Cinque Ports Citrine, Walter McLennan Citrine, 1st Baron Civil War, English Civil War, Irish claim of right Clairemont, Claire Clan-Na-Gael Clann na Poblachta Clapham sect Clare, Richard de Clarendon, Edward Hyde Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers Clarendon, Constitutions of Clark, Alan Kenneth McKenzie Clarkson, Thomas Claverhouse, John Graham Clayton-Bulwer Treaty Cleland, William clerk of the peace Cleveland, Duchess of Clifford Clifford, Thomas, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh Clinton, Henry Clontarf, Battle of closure Clynes, John Robert Cnut Coalbrookdale coal mining (Industrial Revolution) Coalport Porcelain Cobb, Richard Charles Cobbett, William Cobden, Richard Cockayne project coffee house Coke, Edward Coke, Thomas William

Cole, G(eorge) D(ouglas) H(oward) Cole, Henry Cole, Margaret Isabel Colenso, Battle of Colepeper, John, 1st Baron Colepeper Collier, Jeremy Collingwood, Cuthbert Collins, Michael Colman, St colonia Colquhoun, Ithell Combination Acts Comgall, St common pleas, court of commonwealth Commonwealth Immigration Acts Commonwealth, the (British) Communist Party of Great Britain composition (Ireland) Compton, Spencer comptroller Comyn Conchobar Confederation of Kilkenny Congregation, Lords of the Coningham, Arthur Conisbrough Connaught and Strathearn, Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn Connell, James Connolly, James consensus politics Conservative Party constable, parish Conventicle Act Cook, Arthur James Cook, James Cook, Robin Robert Finlayson Cooper, (Alfred) Duff, 1st Viscount Norwich Cope, John Copenhagen, Battle of Cormac MacArt Cormac MacCulinan cornet (rank) Corn Laws Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquis and 2nd Earl Cornwallis, William Corporation Act corresponding society Corrigan, Mairead Cort, Henry Cosgrave, William Thomas coshery Costello, John Aloysius Cotton, Robert Bruce

Coulton, George Gordon Council in the Marches Council of Estates Council of the North Country Party Countryside March Coupon Election Courcy, John de Courtenay Courtney, Kathleen D'Olier Cousins, Frank Covenanter Coventry, John coyne and livery Crab, Roger Cradock, Christopher Craig, James Cranmer, Thomas Crawford and Balcarres, Earl of Crawfurd, Thomas Creasy, Edward Shepherd Creevey, Thomas Creighton, Mandell Cremer, William Randal Crichton, James Crick, Francis Harry Compton Cripps, (Richard) Stafford Crockford, William croft Croke, Thomas William Croker, John Wilson Crommelin, Samuel Louis Crompton, Samuel Crompton's mule Cromwell, Henry Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, Richard Cromwell, Thomas Cromwell's Irish campaign Crosland, (Charles) Anthony (Raven) Cross, Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford Crowley, Aleister (Edward Alexander) Culloden, Battle of Cumberland, William Augustus Cumming Cumyn Cunedda, Wledig Cunningham, Alan Gordon Cunningham, John (air pilot) Cunninghame-Graham, Robert Bontine Cunobelin curia regis Curragh 'Mutiny' Curzon, George Nathaniel

Cutty Sark Cymbeline

Dl Cais Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Ramsay Dalriada (Ireland) Dalriada (Scotland) Dalrymple, David, Lord Hailes Dalton, (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalyell, Thomas Dalzell dame school Damnii Damnonii Danby, Thomas Osborne danegeld Danelaw Dangerfield, Thomas Darby, Abraham Darcy, Patrick Dardanelles Commission Darling, Grace Horsley Darnley, Henry Stewart or Stuart, Lord Darnley Dartmouth, George Legge, Baron Dartmouth Dashwood, Francis, 15th Baron Le Despencer David David I David II Davies, Christian Davies, Sarah Emily Davison, William Davitt, Michael Davy, Humphry Deakin, Arthur Deane, Richard dean of guild Declaration of Indulgence Declaration of Rights Declaratory Act De Facto Act Defence of the Realm Act Defender of the Faith Defenders Deheubarth Deira Dell, Edmund Dempsey, Miles Christopher Denman, Gertrude Mary Derby, Edward (George Geoffrey Smith) Stanley Derby, Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby De Robeck, John Michael Derwentwater, James Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of Derwentwater

Desbarres, Joseph Frederick Walsh Desborough, John Desmond, Earl of Desmond Desmond revolt Despard, Edward Marcus Despard, Mrs Charlotte Despard Plot Despencer, Baron Le Despenser, Hugh Le, Earl of Winchester de Valera, amon Devlin, Anne Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire Devonshire, 8th Duke of Devoy, John Dewar, Donald Campbell D'Ewes, Simonds Diamond Jubilee Diane de Poitiers Diarmid die-hard Digby, Everard Digby, Kenelm Digger Dilke, Charles Wentworth Dill, John Greer Dillon, James (politician) Dillon, John Diplock court disestablishment Disinherited, the Disraeli, Benjamin dissenting academies Dissolution of the Monasteries distraint of knighthood Dod, Lottie (Charlotte) Dodington, George Domesday Book Domett, William domus conversorum Donald III, Bane ('fair') Donovan, Terence Daniel Doomsday Book Dors, Diana Douglas (family) Douglas-Home, Alec Dover, Thomas Dover Patrol Downing, George Drake, Francis Dreadnought Drew, Jane Beverley Drogheda, Battle of drove roads duckboard

Dudley, Lord Guildford Dumnonii Dunbar Dunbar, Earl of Dunbar, Battles of Duncan I Duncan II Duncan-Sandys, Duncan (Edwin) Dundas, David Dundas, Henry Dundee, John Graham Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee Dunfermline, Alexander Seton, 1st Earl of Dunfermline Dunmore, John Murray, Earl of Dunton, John Durham, John George Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham Durham Cathedral Durrow, Book of Duval, Claude Dyfrig, St Dymoke Dympna

Eadmer of Canterbury ealdorman Eardley, Joan Eastern Association Easter Rising East India Company, British Eastland Company Ede, James Chuter Eden, (Robert) Anthony Edgar Edgar the Peaceful Edgehill, Battle of Edington, Battle of Edmund I Edmund (II) Ironside Edmund of Abingdon, St Edmund, St Edred Edric the Forester education acts Edward Edward Edward I Edward II Edward III Edward IV Edward V Edward VI Edward VII Edward VIII

Edwards, Jimmy Edwards, Robert Walter Dudley Edward the Confessor Edward the Elder Edward the Martyr Edwin Edwy Egbert Eldon, John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon Eleanor of Provence Eleven Years' Tyranny Eliot, John Elizabeth Elizabeth I Elizabethan religious settlement Elizabeth of York Ella Elphinstone, Mountstuart Elton, Geoffrey Rudolph Ely Cathedral Elyot, Thomas emancipation of women Emmet, Robert Employers and Workmen Act Employer's Liability Act Empson, Richard enclosure Engagement England and France, medieval England and Ireland, medieval England and Scotland, medieval England and Wales, medieval England: history to 1485 England: history 14851714 English architecture, medieval English art, medieval English literature, medieval Englishry Ennals, David Hedley environmentalism Eric Bloodaxe Ermine Street Erskine, Thomas Esher, William Baliol Brett, Viscount Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex Essex, Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex Essex, Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex Esteve-Coll, Elizabeth Anne Loosemore Ethelbert Ethelfleda Ethelred (II) the Unready Ethelred I Ethelwulf Evans, Edward Ratcliffe Exclusion Bills

Exeter Cathedral eyre

Fabian Society factory act Fairfax, Thomas fairs Faithfull, Emily Falaise, treaty of Falkender, Marcia Matilda Falkirk, Battle of Falkland, Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falklands War Faulkner, (Arthur) Brian (Deane) Fawcett, Millicent Fawkes, Guy Felton, John Fenian movement Fenwick, John Ferard, Elizabeth Catherine Ferguson, Robert Ferrers, Lawrence Shirley, 4th Earl Festival of Britain Fidei Defensor Field, Winston Joseph Fiennes, Celia Fifteen, the Fifth Monarchy Men Fillan, St Finian, St Fire of London first fruits and tenths Firth, Charles Harding Fishbourne Palace Fisher, (Norman Fenwick) Warren Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher, John Arbuthnot Fitch, Ralph Fitt, Gerry (Gerard) Fitton, Mary Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald, Edward Fitzgerald, Gerald Fitzgerald, Thomas Fitzgibbon, John Fitzherbert, Maria Anne Fitzstephen, William Fitzurse, Reginald Fitzwilliam, Richard Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth, Viscount Fitzwilliam five articles of Perth

Five Boroughs five members Five Mile Act Flambard, Ranulf Fleet prison Fleetwood, Charles Fleming, Alexander Fletcher, Andrew of Saltoun Flodden, Battle of Flood, Henry foederati folly food-rent Foot, Dingle Mackintosh Foot, Hugh Mackintosh Foot, Isaac Foot, Michael Mackintosh footpad forced loans Fordun, John of forest laws forfeiture Forster, William Edward Fortescue, John Fortescue-Brickdale, (Mary) Eleanor Forty-Five, the Foss Way Fothergill, John Fourdrinier Fourth Party Fowler, Gerald (Gerry) Fowler, John Fox, Charles James Foxe, Richard Framlingham franchise (politics) Francis, Clare Mary Francis, Philip Franklin, Jane Franklin, Rosalind Elsie frankpledge Franks of Headington, Oliver Shewell Franks, Baron Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales free companies freemasonry French, John Denton Pinkstone Frere, Henry Bartle Edward Frere, John Hookham (author) Frideswide, St Frith, Mary frost fairs Froude, James Anthony Fry, Elizabeth Fyfe, David Maxwell

Gabain, Ethel Leontine Gaelic League Gage, Thomas Gaitskell, Hugh (Todd Naylor) Gale, Humphrey Middleton Gale, Richard Nelson game laws Gang of Four (UK) Garda Sochna Gardiner, Stephen Garrod, Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Gascoigne, William gas lighting Gauden, John gavelkind Gaveston, Piers Geddes, Jenny General Belgrano general strike general warrants George George I (of Great Britain and Ireland) George II (of Great Britain and Ireland) George III George IV George V George VI Geraldine Gerald of Wales Germanus of Auxerre, St gibbeting Gibbon, Edward Gibraltar, siege of Gibson, Guy Penrose Gilbert's Act Gillies, Sir Harold Delf Giraldus Cambrensis Gladstone, William Ewart Glanvill, Ranulf de Glastonbury glebe Glencoe, Massacre of Glendower, Owen Glorious Revolution Gloucester Cathedral Goderich, 1st Viscount Goderich Godiva, or Godgifu, Lady Godolphin, Sidney Godwin Golden Jubilee gold penny goldsmith

Gonne, Maud Gooch, George Peabody Good Friday Agreement Goodman, Arnold Abraham, Baron Goodman Good Parliament Gordon, Charles George Gordon, Lord George Gordon, Noele Goring, George Goring, Lord Gorst, J(ohn) E(ldon) Goschen, George Joachim Gosse, (Laura) Sylvia Gothic Architecture: England Gow, Ian Reginald Edward Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of Grafton Graham, Robert Granby, John Manners, Marquess of Granby Grand National Consolidated Trades Union Grand Remonstrance Granville, George Leveson-Gower Grattan, Henry Great Britain Great Contract Greater London Council Great Exhibition Great Rebellion great seal Green Cross Society Greenwich, Treaty of Greenwood, Arthur Grenfell, Joyce Grenville, George Grenville, Richard Grenville, William Wyndham Gretna Green Grey, Charles Grey, Edward Grey, George Grey, Henry George Grey, Lady Jane Grierson, Robert Griffith, Arthur Griffiths, James Grimond, Jo(seph), Baron Grimond Grindal, Edmund groat groundnuts scheme Gruffydd ap Cynan Gruffydd ap Llewellyn guardian guillotine (politics) Guinness, Benjamin Lee Guinness, Edward Cecil Gunpowder Plot

Guthrum Gwynedd, kingdom of

Haddingtonshire Hague, William Jefferson Haig, Douglas Hailes Hailsham, Douglas McGarel Hogg, 1st Viscount and Baron Hailsham, Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone Haldane, Richard Burdon halfpenny Halidon Hill, Battle of Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax (2nd creation) Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax Hall, (William) Reginald Hallam, Henry Halsbury, Hardinge Stanley Giffard, 1st Earl of Hamilton, Emma, Lady Hamilton, James Hamilton, Thomas Hamilton, William (diplomat) Hammond, Robert Hamond, Andrew Snape Hampden, John Hampton Court Palace hand-loom weavers Hanratty, James Harcourt, William George Granville Venables Vernon Hardie, (James) Keir Harding, John (Allan Francis) Hardinge of Lahore, Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardy, Charles Hardy, Thomas Masterman Harfleur, siege of Hargreaves, Alison Hargreaves, James Harington, Charles Harley, Robert Harold Harold I Harold (II) Godwinson Harrington, James Harrison, Thomas harrying of the north Hart, Judith Constance Mary Hart, Robert Hartington, Spencer Compton Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington and 8th Duke of Devonshire Hartlepools, bombardment of Harvey, William Hassal, Joan

Hastings, Francis Rawdon, 1st Marquess of Hastings Hastings, Battle of Hatton, Sir Christopher Havelock, Henry Havers, Robert Michael Oldfield, Baron Havers Hawke of Lowton, Edward, Baron Hawke of Lowton Hawkes, Jacquetta Hawkins, John Hawkins, Richard Heads of Proposals Healy, Timothy Michael hearth tax Heath, Edward (Richard George) Heathfield, George Augustus Eliott, Baron Heathfield Heffer, Eric Samuel Heligoland Bight, Battle of Hell-Fire Club Henderson, Arthur Henderson, Neville Meyrick Henderson, William Hannam Hengist Henrietta Henrietta Maria Henry, Edward Henry Henry I (of England) Henry II Henry III (of England) Henry IV (of England) Henry V (of England) Henry VI (of England) Henry VII (of England) Henry VIII Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales Henry, the Young King heptarchy Herbert, A(lan) P(atrick) Herbert, Sidney Hereward the Wake Herries, John Maxwell Herzog, Chaim Heseltine, Michael (Ray Dibdin) Hewart of Bury, John Gordon Hewart, 1st Baron Hewart of Bury hide Higden, Ranulf High Commission high constable Highland Clearances Highland Host highwayman Hill, (John Edward) Christopher Hill, Austin Bradford Hill, Rowland, 1st Viscount Hill hill figure Hillsborough Agreement

Hindley, Myra Hobbes, Thomas Hobhouse, John Cam, Baron Broughton Hoby, Sir Thomas Hogg, Quintin Holinshed, Raphael Holland, Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron Holland Holles of Ifield, Denzil Holles, 1st Baron Holles of Ifield Hollis, Roger Henry Holloway, Stanley Holyoake, George Jacob homage Home, Alec Douglashome front home front, World War I (UK) home front, World War II Home Guard home rule, Irish Homildon Hill, Battle of Hood, Samuel Hore-Belisha, (Isaac) Leslie Hornby v. Close Horne, Henry Sinclair Horsa Horton, Max Kennedy Hoste, William houscarl houses of correction Howard, Catherine Howard, Constance Howe, (Richard Edward) Geoffrey How-Martyn, Edith Hudson, George (politician) hue and cry Hull, Richard Amyatt Humble Petition and Advice Hume, Allan Octavian Hume, Joseph hunger march Hunne's case Hunt, Henry ('Orator') Hurd, Douglas (Richard) husbandmen Huskisson, William Hyde, Douglas Hyndman, Henry Mayers Hywel Dda

Iceni Icknield Way Imperial War Cabinet

impressment impropriation Indemnity and Oblivion, Act of indentured retainers Independent Labour Party Independents Indirect Rule Industrial Revolution Information, Ministry of INLA Instrument of Government, the interregnum Invergordon Mutiny Invincibles, the IRA Ireland: history to 1154 Ireland: history 1154 to 1485 Ireland: history 1485 to 1603 Ireland: history 1603 to 1782 Ireland: history 1782 to 1921 Ireton, Henry Irish Free State Irish Land Acts Irish nationalism Irish National Liberation Army Irish Republican Army Irish Republican Brotherhood Irish republicanism Irish Volunteers iron and steel industry Ironside, (William) Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside Ironsides Isaacs, Rufus Daniel Isaacs, Susan Brierley Isabella of Angoulme Isandhlwana, Battle of Isles, Lord of the

Jack the Ripper Jacob, Claud William Jacobite James James I (of England) James II (of England) James James I (of Scotland) James II (of Scotland) James III James IV James V James VI James VII

James Francis Edward Stuart Jamestown Jarrow Crusade Jay, Douglas Patrick Thomas Jellalabad, Battle of Jellicoe, John Rushworth Jenkins, (David) Clive Jenkins, Robert Jenkins, Roy Harris Jenkinson, Anthony Jenkinson, Charles Hilary Jenkins's Ear, War of Jenner, Edward Jervis, John Jew (medieval England) Jex-Blake, Sophia Louisa Joan of Kent John (I) Lackland John Bull John of Gaunt John of Lancaster Johnson, Amy jointure Jones, Ernest Charles Jones, Thomas Joseph, Keith Sinjohn Junto

Kay, John Keating, Tom (Thomas Patrick) Keeler, Christine Keeper of the Great Seal Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount Keith Keith, James Francis Edward Kells, Book of Kelly, David Christopher Kempenfelt, Richard Ken, Thomas Kendal, Ehrengard Melusina von der Schulenburg, Duchess of Kendal Kenilworth, siege of Kennedy, James Kenneth Kenneth I Kenneth II Kenney, Annie Kent, Bruce Kent, Edward Augustus Kent, George Edward Alexander Edmund Kent, kingdom of Keppel, Augustus, Viscount Keppel Ketch, Jack Kett, Robert

Kett's Rebellion Keyes, Roger John Brownlow Keys, House of khaki election Kickham, Charles Joseph Kidd, 'Captain' William Kildare Killiecrankie, Battle of Kilmainham Treaty Kilmuir, David Patrick Maxwell Fyfe Kimberley, John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley King, Richard 'King and Country' debate Kinglake, Alexander William King's Council King's Friends King's Peace Kinneir, John Macdonald Kinnock, Neil Gordon Kinross-shire Kirkcaldy of Grange, William Kirkpatrick, Ivone (Augustine) Kitchener, Horatio (Herbert) Kitchener armies knight's fee Knollys, Francis Knox, John Kray, Ronald (19331995) and Reginald (19332000) Kyrle, John Kyteler, Alice

Labouchere, Henry Dupr Labourers, Statute of Labour Party Labour Representation Committee Lacey, Janet Ladies' Land League Lamb, Caroline Lambert, John Lamont, Norman Stewart Hughson Lancaster House Agreement Land League land tax Lane, Allen Lane, Elizabeth Lanfranc Lang, Cosmo Gordon Langland, William Langton, Stephen Lansbury, George Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne

Lansdowne, William Petty Fitzmaurice, 1st Marquis of Lansdowne Larkin, James Laski, Harold Joseph Latimer, Hugh Laud, William Lauderdale, John Maitland, 1st Duke of Lauderdale Law, Andrew Bonar Law, John Lawes, John Bennet Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st Baron Lawrence of the Punjab and of Grately Lawrence, T(homas) E(dward) Layamon Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham Lee, Jennie (Janet) Lee, Sophia Leeds, Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds Leese, Oliver William Hargreaves leet Lehmann, Beatrix Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester Leigh-Mallory, George Leighton, Margaret Leland, John Lemass, Sen Francis Lentaigne, Walter Lenthall, William Leofric Leslie, David, Lord Newark Levant Company Levellers Leven, Alexander Leslie Leveson-Gower, Granville George Lhuyd, Edward Libau Liberal Party Liberator, the liberties licensing laws Light Brigade, Charge of the Lilburne, John Limerick, Treaty of Lincoln, Battles of Lindsey Lindsey, Robert Bertie, lst Earl of Lindsey, Parts of Lingard, John linkman Lisle, Alicia Lisle, John Lister, Joseph Liston, Robert Little Moreton Hall Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl Liverpool livery and maintenance

Livingstone, David Llewelyn Llewelyn I Llewelyn II ap Gruffydd Lloyd, (John) Selwyn (Brooke) Lloyd, John (sailor) Lloyd, Selwyn Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor Lloyd George, Lady Megan Lloyd of Dolobran, George Ambrose Lloyd, 1st Baron Loftus, Adam Lollard Lombard, Peter London Bridge London County Council Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart Londonderry, Siege of London: history London, Museum of London Working Men's Association longbow Longchamps, William de Longford, Frank (Francis Aungier) Pakenham Long Parliament Long Range Desert Group Lord Privy Seal Lords of the Articles Lords of the Congregation Louis, Prince of Battenberg Lovat, Simon Fraser Lovett, William Lowe, Hudson loyalism Loyalist Lucan, George Charles Bingham, 3rd earl of Luddite Ludford Bridge, Rout of Ludlow, Edmund Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry Lutine Luttrell Psalter Lynch, Jack (John Mary) Lynedoch, Thomas Graham, 1st Baron Lyttelton, Alfred Lytton, (Edward) Robert Bulwer Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert Bulwer Lytton, 2nd Earl

McAdam, John Loudon Macartney, George Macartney, 1st Earl Macbeth MacBride, Sen McCudden, James Thomas Byford

MacDiarmada, Sen MacDonald, (James) Ramsay Macdonald, Flora Macdonald, Hector Archibald Macdonald, Malcolm John McGill, Donald Machine Gun Corps Mackay, Hugh McKenna, Reginald Macleod, Iain Norman Macmillan, (Maurice) Harold MacMurrough, Dermot MacNeill, John (Eoin) MacNeill, John Gordon Swift MacQuaid, John Charles MacSwiney, Mary MacSwiney, Terence Madden, Charles Edward Mafeking, Siege of Magdala, Battle of Magersfontein, Battle of Magna Carta Magrath, Meiler Main Plot mainprise Maitland, William Major, John major-general Majuba, Battle of Malachy, St Malcolm, John Malcolm Malcolm I Malcolm (II) Mackenneth Malcolm III Malcolm IV the Maiden Malmesbury Malory, Thomas malt tax Manchester, Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of Mandeville, John Mann, Tom Manning, (Elizabeth) Leah Mansfield judgment Mantes-la-Jolie manumission Mappa Mundi Mar, John Erskine, 11th Earl of Marcher Lords Marconi Scandal Margaret Margaret of Anjou Margaret, St Markievicz, Constance Georgina, Countess Markievicz Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough

Marprelate controversy Married Women's Property Acts Marshall, William Raine Marshall rebellion Marshalsea Marston Moor, Battle of Martello tower Martin, Mary Mary Queen of Scots Mary, Queen Mary Mary I Mary II Mary of Guise Mary of Modena Mary Rose Masham, Abigail Matilda, the Empress Maud Matthews, Jessie Maude, (Frederick) Stanley Maudling, Reginald Maurice, Frederick Barton Maxton, James Maxwell, Robert, Lord Mayhew, Henry Maynooth Grant Mayo, Richard Southwell Bourke McCarthy, Justin McClure, Robert John le Mesurier McCreery, Richard Loudon Meagher, Thomas Francis Meal Tub Plot Medenine medieval medicine, English Melbourne, (Henry) William Lamb Melchett, Alfred Moritz Mond Mellifont, conspiracy of Melville, Andrew Melville, James (Scottish historical writer) Melville, James (Scottish reformer) Merchants Adventurers merchet Mercia Merciless Parliament Mesopotamian Campaign Metcalf, John Methodism metropolitan county Middle English Midleton, William St John Fremantle Brodrick Mildenhall treasure Mildmay, Walter Milford Haven, Marquess of millenary petition Miller, Max

Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne Milner, Alfred, 1st Viscount Milner Milner, Frederick George Milner Minden, Battle of miners' strike Mines Act Minster in Sheppey Minto, Gilbert Elliot missionary societies Mitchel, John M'Naughten, Daniel 'moaning minnie' Model Parliament Mollison, James Allan Molyneux, William monastic life, medieval Monck, George Monitor Monmouth, James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth Mons Badonicus Mons Graupius, Battle of Montagu, Edwin Samuel Montfort, Simon de Montgomery, Treaty of Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquess and 5th Earl of Montrose Moray (regent) Morcar More, (St) Thomas Morgan, Frederick Edgworth Morgan, Henry Morley, John Morrison, Herbert Stanley Morte D'Arthur, Le Mortimer Mortimer, Roger de Mortimer's Cross, Battle of Morton, James Douglas, 4th earl of Morton, John Moryson, Fynes Mosley, Oswald (Ernald) motte Mountbatten, Edwina Cynthia Annette Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountjoy Castle Mowlam, Marjorie ('Mo') Muir, John Ramsay Brice Municipal Corporations Act municipia Munro, Thomas Munster plantation murage Murray, Archibald James Murray, James Stuart Murray, Philip Muscovy Company

Mutiny Act Myton, Battle of

nabob Naoroji, Dadabhai Napier, Charles Napier, Charles James Napier, Robert Cornelis Napier, William Francis Patrick Naseby, Battle of Nasmyth, James Nassau agreement National Insurance Act National Liberal Foundation national schools Naunton, Robert Navigation Acts Nayler, James Neave, Airey Middleton Sheffield Nry, Battle of neutrality (Irish) Neville, Richard Neville-Jones, (Lilian) Pauline New Armies Newbury, Battles of Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle Newcastle, William Cavendish Newcastle Propositions Newcomen, Thomas Newgate New Ireland Forum New Model Army New Orleans, Battle of Newport Riots Nicholson, (Rose) Winifred Nightingale, Florence Nilsen, Dennis Nineteen Propositions Ninian, St Nithsdale, William Maxwell, 5th Earl of Nithsdale Nive, Battle of noble Noel-Baker, Philip John, Baron Noel-Baker Nonjuror Nore mutiny Norfolk, Hugh Bigod Norfolk, Roger Bigod Norfolk, Roger Bigod Norfolk, Thomas Howard Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th duke of Norman Conquest Norris, John (English soldier)

North, Frederick Northampton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton Northampton, William Parr Northampton, Battle of North Briton Northcote, Stafford Henry Northern Ireland Northern Ireland peace process Northern rebellion Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of Northumbria Norwich, (Alfred) Duff Cooper Nott William Frederick, John Nugent, Richard

Oakeshott, Michael Joseph Oastler, Richard Oates, Titus O'Brien O'Brien, James Bronterre O'Brien, William O'Brien, William Smith O'Byrne, Fiach MacHugh O'Connell, Daniel O'Connor, Feargus Edward O'Connor, Richard Nugent O'Connor, Rory O'Connor, Thomas Power O'Connor of Connacht Dlaigh, Cearbhall O'Donnell, Peadar O'Donnell of Tirconnell O'Duffy, Eoin Offa ogham O'Higgins, Ambrosio O'Higgins, Kevin Christopher O'Kelly, Sean Thomas old-age pension Oldcastle, John (English Lollard) 'Old Contemptibles' Old Pretender Olivier of Ramsden, Sydney Haldane Olivier O'Mahony, John Omdurman, Battle of Ommanney, Erasmus O'Neill O'Neill, Hugh O'Neill, Owen Roe O'Neill, Shane O'Neill, Terence open-field system

Orange Order Ordinances, the Ordovices Orford, 1st Earl of Ormond Ormond, James Butler Ormond, James Butler, 1st Duke of Ormond O'Rourke, Brian-na-Murtha Osborne Judgement Ossory Oswy Oswy Ottawa Conferences Otterburn, Battle of Outram, James Owen, Robert Oxford and Asquith, Earl of oyer and terminer

Paardeburg, Battle of page Paisley, Bob Pakenham, William Christopher Pale, the English Palliser, Hugh Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston Pankhurst, Christabel Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, Sylvia Estelle Paris, Matthew Parisii Park, Mungo Parker, Hyde Parker, Hyde Parker, Matthew Parker, William Parkes, Harry Smith Parkinson, Cyril Northcote parliament Parliament Act 1911 parliamentary reform parliamentary reform acts Parliament, Houses of Parnell, Charles Stewart Parnell, Frances ('Fanny') (18491882) and Anna (18521911) Parr, Catherine partition (Ireland) Passfield, Baron Passfield Paston family Paston Letters patent rolls Paterson, Emma

Pathfinder Force patronage Paulinus Peace Pledge Union Pearse, Patrick Henry Peart, (Thomas) Frederick Peel, John Peel, Robert peel towers Pelham, Henry Pembroke (town) Pembroke, William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke penal code Penn, William penny penny post Penruddock's Rising Pentrich Rising People's Budget People's Charter Perceval, Spencer Percival, Arthur Peter, Hugh Peterloo massacre Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline petitioners petition of right petty schools Philiphaugh Philippa of Hainault phoney war Picquigny, Treaty of Pict Picton, Thomas piepowder courts 'Pierce the Plowman's Crede' Piers Plowman pilgrimage, medieval Pilgrimage of Grace Pinkie, Battle of pipe rolls Pitt, William, the Elder Pitt, William, the Younger Place, Francis placemen Plantagenet Plantation of Ireland Plumer, Hubert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount Plunkett, Oliver pocket borough Poitiers, Battle of Pollard, Albert Frederick Pollitt, Harry poor law Popish Plot

Poplarism Portadown Bridge massacre Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st Viscount Portal of Hungerford Porteous riots Porter, Endymion Portland, William Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck Postan, Eileen Edna Le Poer potato famine Pound, (Alfred) Dudley Pickman Rogers Pounds, John Powell, (John) Enoch Powicke, Frederick Maurice Powys, House of Poynings's Law praemunire Prescott, John Leslie press gang Preston, Battle of Prestonpans, Battle of pretender Pride, Thomas Pride's purge priest's hole Primrose League Prince Consort Princes in the Tower Prior, James Michael Leathes, Baron Prior Prior, Matthew Pritt, Denis Nowell Proclamation of 1763 Procter, Dod Profumo, John Dennis propaganda, World War I Protectorate, the Protestantism (Ireland) Prout, Margaret Millicent Provisions of Oxford Provisions of Westminster Provisors, Statutes of Proxmire, (Edward) William Prynne, William public health acts Puritan Putney debates Pym, Francis Leslie, Baron Pym Pym, John

Q-Boats Quartering Act Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Queen Anne's Bounty

Queen Mary's Psalter Quia Emptores quo warranto

race-relations acts Radical Raedwald ragged schools Rahere Raleigh, Walter Ramsay, Bertram Home Ranters Rapin, Paul de Rathbone, Eleanor Florence rationing Rawlinson, Henry Seymour Rebecca Riots Rebellion of 1798 recusant Redmond, John Edward Rees, Merlyn Reeve, Clara Reform Acts Reformation Parliament Regency regicide regicides Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron reivers remonstrant Repington, Charles Court Representation of the People Acts Repton Requests, Court of Restoration retainer RFC (aviation) Rhondda, David Alfred Thomas, 1st Viscount Rhondda Rice-Davies, Mandy (Marilyn) Richard Richard (I) the Lion-Heart Richard II Richard III Richards, Audrey Richmond, Herbert Ridgeway, the Ridley, Nicholas (bishop) Ridley, Nicholas (politician) Ridolfi Plot Ripon, Frederick John Robinson Ripon, treaty of Rivers, Richard Savage, 4th Earl Rivers

Rivers, Richard Woodville, 1st Earl Rivers Rizzio, David RNAS Robens, Alfred Robert Robert (I) the Bruce Robert II (of Scotland) Robert III Robert of Ketton Roberts, Bartholomew Robertson, William Robertson, William Robert (general) Robinson, William Leefe Rob Roy Robsart, Amy Rochdale Pioneers Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham Roebuck, John Arthur Roger of Salisbury Roman Britain Roman roads Romilly, Samuel Rooke, George Room 40 Root and Branch Petition Rorke's Drift, Battle of Rose, John Holland Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery Roses, Wars of the Rothesay, David Stewart, 1st Duke of Rothesay Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron rotten borough rough wooing Roundhead Roundsman system Round Table conferences Roundway Down, Battle of Rous, Francis Royal Flying Corps Royalist Royal Naval Air Service Royal Navy Royal Pavilion Royal Ulster Constabulary Rump, the Runciman, Steven Runciman, Walter, 1st Viscount Runciman Runnymede Rupert, Prince Russell, Jack (John) Russell, John Russell, William, Lord Russell of Killowen, Charles Russell, Lord Russell of Killowen Ryan, Desmond Ryan, Michael Robert

Rye House Plot Rymer, Thomas

Sacheverell, Henry Sacheverell Case Sackville, George St Albans, Battle of Saints, Battle of the St Vincent, John Jervis, 1st Earl St Vincent Saklatvala, Shapurji Sale, Robert Henry Salisbury, Thomas de Montacute Salisbury, William Longsword Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury Salisbury, Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of Salisbury Salmond, John Maitland Salt, Barbara Samuel, Herbert Louis Sands, Bobby Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich Sandys, (Edwin) Duncan, Baron Duncan-Sandys Sarsfield, Patrick, Earl of Lucan Saxon Shore Scone Scoones, Geoffry Alan Percival scot and lot Scotland: history to 1058 Scotland: history 1058 to 1513 Scotland: history 1513 to 1603 Scotland: history 1603 to 1746 Scotland: history from 1746 Scott, Michael Scott, Percy Moreton Scott, Sheila (Christine) Scottish National Party SE-5a seal (mark) Seaton, John Colborne, 1st Baron Seaton Sedgemoor, Battle of Sefton, Earl of Selborne, William Waldegrave Palmer Selden, John self-denying ordinance Selkirk, Alexander Selkirk, Thomas Douglas Septennial Act Settlement, Act of seven bishops, trial of Sexton, Thomas Seymour, Jane

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury Sharp, Granville Shawcross, Hartley William Shawcross Sheehy-Skeffington, Hannah Sheffield Outrages Sheil, Richard Lalor Shelburne, William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne shell scandal Sheppard, Jack (John) Sheriffmuir, Battle of Sherwood Forest shilling Shinwell, Emmanuel ship money Shore, Jane Shore, Peter David Short Parliament Shovell, Cloudesley Shrewsbury, Battle of Sicilian Business Sidmouth, Viscount Sidney, Algernon Sigebert, St Silures Silverman, (Samuel) Sidney Simnel, Lambert Simon, John Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon Simpson, James Young Six Acts Six Articles Skelton, John Skene, William Forbes slave trade Sleeman, William Henry Sluis, Battle of Smith, F(rederick) E(dwin) Smith, Harry George Wakelyn Smith, Herbert Smith, John (colonist) Smith, John (politician) Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood Snell, Hannah Snow, John Snowden, Philip Soames, (Arthur) Christopher (John) Social Democratic Federation Social Democratic Party SOE Solemn League and Covenant Solway Moss, Battle of Somers, John, 1st Baron Somers of Evesham Somerset, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset

Somersett's Case Southcott, Joanna South Sea Bubble Spa Fields riots Special Areas Acts Special Operations Executive Speke, John Hanning Spencer, George Alfred spinning jenny Spion Kop, Battle of Spithead Mutiny Stair, John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of Stair Stamford Bridge, Battle of Stamp Act Standard, Battle of the stane street Stanhope, James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope Stanihurst, Richard stannaries Star Chamber Starkie, Enid Mary Statute of Acton Burnell steam power Stenness Stephen Stephens, James Kenneth steward Stewart, (Robert) Michael (Maitland) Stirling Bridge, Battle of Stoke, Battle of Stokes mortar Stone, Benjamin Stone, Lawrence stone circles Stonehouse, John Thomson Stopford, Montagu George North Stormont Strachey, (Evelyn) John St Loe Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford Strode, William Strongbow Stuart Stuart, Henry Benedict Maria Clement Stuart, Lady Arabella Stubbs, William Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton Succession, Acts of Suez Crisis Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk suffrage, universal Sugar Act Summerskill, Edith Clara Sunday school Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland Sunningdale Agreement

Supremacy, Acts of surrender and regrant Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey and 3rd Duke of Norfolk Sutcliffe, Peter Swing Riots Sydenham, Thomas Syers, Madge Sykes, Eric Syme, James

Taff Vale case Taillefer Tailteann Games Talbot, Mary Anne Tamworth Manifesto Tandy, James Napper Tariff Reform League Taylor, A(lan) J(ohn) P(ercivale) Taylor, Rowland Teck Teignmouth, John Shore Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of Telford, Thomas Templewood of Chelsea, Samuel John Gurney Hoare Tenby, Gwilym Lloyd George Ten Hours Act terrorism, Irish Test Act Tewkesbury, Battle of Texel, Battle of textiles industry thane Thatcher, Margaret Hilda thegn Theodore of Tarsus, St Thirkell, Angela Margaret Thistlewood, Arthur Thomas, (Thomas) George Thomas, James Henry Thompson, Edith three-day week Throckmorton Plot Thurloe, John Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow Tillett, Ben(jamin) Tinchbrai, Battle of Tiptoft, John, 1st Earl of Worcester Titanic tithe Tobruk, Battles of Todd, Ron(ald) Toleration Act

Toleration, Act of Tolpuddle Martyrs Tone, (Theobald) Wolfe tonnage and poundage Tooke, John Horne Tory democracy Tostig Toulon, Battle of (1744) Toulon, Battle of (1793) tournament Tower of London (fortification) town, medieval Townshend, Charles (agriculturalist) Townshend, Charles (politician) Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend Acts Towse, Beachcroft Towton, Battle of Toynbee, Arnold Toynbee, Arnold Joseph trade, medieval Trades Union Congress Trafalgar, Battle of trainbands transportation Treaty of Paris, 1763 Treaty of Paris, 1783 Trelawny, Jonathan Trevithick, Richard trial by battle triangular trade Triennial Act Trinder, Tommy (Thomas Edward) Trollope, Frances Truck Acts True Leveller Tudor (dynasty) Tudor and Restoration London Tudor rose Tull, Jethro tunnage and poundage Turner, Ben Turpin, Dick (Richard) Tweeddale, John Hay, 2nd Earl and 1st Marquess of Tweeddale Tyler, Wat Tyndale, William Tyrconnell, Richard Talbot, Earl of Tyrconnell

Ulster Defence Association Ulster Freedom Fighters Ulster plantation Ulster Unionist Party

Ulster Volunteer Force Uniformity, Acts of Union, Acts of union flag unionism Union Movement United Irishmen United Kingdom United Kingdom: history 17141815 United Kingdom history 18151914 United Kingdom history 191445 universal suffrage Urquhart, Robert Elliot Uttley, Alison

Valera, amon de Vallancey, Charles Vane, Henry Vane, Henry (the Elder) Van Praagh, Margaret (Peggy) Vansittart, Robert Gilbert Vaughan, Janet VE Day Vere, Francis Vere, Horace, Baron Vere of Tilbury Vergil, Polydore Verneuil, Battle of Verney, Edmund Vernon, Edward vestiarian controversy Victoria (Queen) Victory village, medieval Vimiero, Battle of Vinegar Hill, Battle of Vitoria, Battle of VJ Day Vortigern Vote of No Address

Wade, George Wakefield, Battle of Wales: history to 1066 Wales: history 1066 to 1485 Wales: the Act of Union Walker, George Walker, James Cooper Walker, Peter Edward Wallace, William Wallas, Graham

Walpole, Horace Walpole, Robert Walsingham, Francis Walter, Hubert Walter, Lucy Wansdyke wapentake Warbeck, Perkin Ward, Mrs Humphry Ward, Stephen Wardens of the Marches wardrobe wardship and marriage War Office Press Bureau War Propaganda Bureau Warwick, Richard Neville, 1st or 16th Earl of Warwick Waverley, John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley Waynflete, William Webb Webster, Margaret Wedmore welfare to work Wellesley, Richard Colley, Marquess Wellesley Werner, Alice Wessex West, Fred (19431995) and Rosemary (1953 ) Western Rebellion Wester-Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss, 1st Baron Westminster, Palace of Wexford, Battle of Wharton, Philip, 1st Duke of Wharton Wharton, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Wharton Wheatley, John Whitbread, Samuel White, George Stewart White, Thomas Whitehead, George Whitelaw, William Stephen Ian White Ship Whittington, Dick (Richard) Widgery, John Passmore, Baron Widgery of South Molton Wilberforce, William Wild, Jonathan Wilkes, John William William (I) the Conqueror William (II) Rufus William (III) of Orange William IV William the Lion William of Waynfleet Williams, Betty Williams, Cicely Delphine William the Marshall Wilson, (James) Harold

Wilson, Harriette Wilson, Henry Hughes Wilton Diptych Winchester, Battle of Winchester Cathedral Windham, William window tax Winslow, Edward Winstanley, Gerrard Witan Wolfe, James Wollstonecraft, Mary Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley Wolsey, Thomas women, medieval Women's Social and Political Union Wood, (Henry) Evelyn Wood, (Howard) Kingsley Woodcock, George Woodforde, James Woodville, Elizabeth woolsack Worcester, Battle of Workmen's Compensation Act World War I soldiers Wright, Frances Wright, Peter Wulfstan, St Wyatt, Thomas Wyatt's Rebellion Wycliffe, John

yeoman Yeomen of the Guard Yevonde, Madame York (dynasty) York, Duke of York, Frederick Augustus, Duke of York York, Susannah York Minster Young, Arthur Young England Younger, George Younger, 1st Viscount Younger of Leckie Young Ireland Young Pretender Ypres, 1st Earl of

Z batteries Zion Mule Corps

abdication crisis
in British history, the constitutional upheaval of the period 16 November 1936 to 10 December 1936, brought about by the British king Edward VIII's decision to marry Wallis Simpson, a US divorcee. The marriage of the 'Supreme Governor' of the Church of England to a divorced person was considered unsuitable and the king abdicated on 10 December and left for voluntary exile in France. He was created Duke of Windsor and married Mrs Simpson on 3 June 1937.

Abercromby, Ralph (17341801)

Scottish soldier. In 1801 he commanded an expedition to the Mediterranean, charged with the liquidation of the French forces left behind by Napoleon in Egypt. He fought a brilliant action against the French at Aboukir Bay 1801, but was mortally wounded at the battle of Alexandria a few days later.

Aberdare, Henry Austin Bruce, 1st Baron (18151895)

Welsh politician. Born in Duffryn, Mid Glamorgan, he was Liberal member of Parliament for Merthyr from 1852 and held several political appointments, including the home secretaryship 186973. Aberdare was made a baron 1873 and was the first chancellor of the University of Wales 1894.

codename for the Chindit base north of Indaw, Burma (now Myanmar).

Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784 1860)

British Tory politician, prime minister from 1852 until 1855, when he resigned because of criticism provoked by the miseries and mismanagement of the Crimean War.

member of an English court party in the reign of Charles II who 'abhorred' the opposition to the royal prerogative shown by the rival party, the Petitioners, led by Lord Shaftesbury. The former evolved into the Tories and the latter into the Whigs.

Abinger, James Scarlett (17691844)

1st Baron Abinger

British politician and judge. He successfully carried through a bill to amend the administration of justice 1830, but opposed the Reform Bill of 1831. He was raised to the Bench by Robert Peel 1834 as lord chief baron of the Court of Exchequer and created Baron Abinger 1835.

abjuration, oath of
in England and Wales, oath formerly taken by holders of public office and originally imposed in the reign of William III, requiring the taker of the oath (juror) to abjure the claims of the Stuart pretender or his heirs to the throne. The juror also had to reject any claims made for the pope's jurisdiction in England, or for the notion that princes excommunicated by him could be deposed or murdered.

abjuration of the realm

in medieval England, an alternative to outlawry for convicted criminals or those unwilling to stand trial. The abjuror, in sanctuary, would confess his or her crime to the local coroner who would specify a port of exit from the country, usually Dover. Carrying a cross and clad in sackcloth, the abjuror then had to travel to the port by main roads and leave by the first available ship.

a movement culminating in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that aimed first to end the slave trade, and then to abolish the institution of slavery and emancipate slaves. The movement took place in Europe, mainly in the UK, and in the USA. Slavery was never widespread within the UK, but many UK citizens were involved with the slave trade and slavery flourished in the British colonies. The leading abolitionist in the UK was William Wilberforce, who persuaded parliament to ban the slave trade in 1807; all slaves within the British Empire were freed in 1833. In the USA, abolitionism was one of the key issues dividing the northern and southern states, leading to the American Civil War (186165). Slavery was officially abolished in the USA by the Emancipation Proclamation (1863) of President Abraham Lincoln, but could not be enforced until Union victory in 1865. Although governments made the final and official decision to end slavery, abolition was the culmination of the work of numerous antislavery groups who had campaigned over many decades. The groups were inspired by a number of beliefs, ranging from religious faith to liberalism. Their leaders and membership were drawn

from a wide variety of social classes, from the wealthy and powerful to the poorest workers and farmers.

wandering beggar of Elizabethan times, who was either demented or shammed lunacy in order to gain pity. The term is derived from the parable in Luke 16, where Lazarus the beggar is received into Abraham's bosom. Another name for these vagabonds was 'Tom o' Bedlam'.

Achurch, Janet (18641916)

English actor. Her pioneering association with the works of Henrik Ibsen included leading roles in The Doll's House in 1889 and her production of Little Eyolf in 1896. George Bernard Shaw, who wrote Candida (1897) for her, described Achurch as 'a tragic actress of genius'. Achurch was born in Lancashire. She made her London debut in 1883 and subsequently toured with the actor-manager Frank Benson, playing various Shakespearean roles. She retired in 1913.

Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg (18341902)

1st Baron Acton

British historian and Liberal politician, leader of the liberal Catholic movement. He was a member of Parliament 185965, and became a friend and adviser of Prime Minister Gladstone.

Adams, Truda (18901958)

born Gertrude Sharp; later known as Truda Carter

English ceramicist. A founder member of Carter, Stabler, and Adams (Poole Pottery) in Dorset, she provided the majority of their trademark 'Poole' designs. Her ranges of brush-stroke floral patterns, characterized by a restraint in colouring, were popular throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Adams was educated at the Royal Academy Schools, London, and moved to Durban, South Africa, in 1914. After returning to England around 192021, she helped to establish Carter, Stabler, and Adams and became their resident designer,

producing material for the company until 1950. She exhibited in the Royal Academy's Ceramic Exhibition (1935) and the International Exhibition (1937) in Paris.

Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (17571844)

British Tory politician, prime minister 180104. As home secretary 18121822, he was responsible for much reprieve legislation, including the notorious Six Acts. He was created viscount in 1805.

Addled Parliament
the English Parliament that met for two months in 1614 but failed to pass a single bill before being dissolved by James I. The king had grave financial difficulties and disputed frequently with Parliament, especially over duties levied by him. The king financed his lavish court by the sale of monopolies. He vainly tried to persuade the Commons to vote him money without settling the members' many grievances, especially over the king's Scottish favourites. His favouritism brought him great unpopularity.

Adelaide (17921849)
Queen consort of William IV of Great Britain and Ireland. Daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, she married William, then Duke of Clarence, in 1818. No children of the marriage survived infancy.

Admiralty, Board of the

in the UK, the controlling department of state for the Royal Navy from the reign of Henry VIII until 1964, when most of its functions apart from that of management passed to the Ministry of Defence. The 600-year-old office of Lord High Admiral reverted to the sovereign.

Adrian IV (c. 11001159)

born Nicholas Breakspear

Pope 115459, the only English pope. He secured the execution of Arnold of Brescia and crowned Frederick I Barbarossa as German emperor. When he died, Adrian IV was at the height of a quarrel with Barbarossa over papal supremacy. He allegedly issued the controversial bull giving Ireland to Henry II of England in 1154. He was attacked for false representation, and the bull was subsequently refuted.

Afghan Wars
three wars waged between Britain and Afghanistan to counter the threat to British India from expanding Russian influence in Afghanistan. First Afghan War (183842): the British invaded Afghanistan to protect their own interests after Persia, encouraged by Russia, became involved in the region. Although successful at first, a later Afghan rising drove them out of Afghanistan, and of the 4,000 British who formed the garrison of Kabul only one arrived safely at Jalalabad. Another British expedition was dispatched, which captured Kabul, released British prisoners there, and then evacuated the country. Second Afghan War (187880): General Roberts captured Kabul in 1789 and relieved Kandahar. Third Afghan War (1919): peace followed the dispatch by the UK of the first aeroplane ever seen in Kabul.

Afghan Wars

(Image Billie Love)

General Roberts' British victory over the Ayoub Khan in September 1880, at the relief of Kandahar in Afghanistan. Following a 23-day march from Kabul to Kandahar, Roberts' forces decisively defeated the Afghan army, ending the Second Afghan War of 187880.

agrarian revolution

until the 1960s historians believed that there had been an 18th-century revolution in agriculture, similar to the revolution that occurred in industry. They claimed that there had been sweeping changes, possibly in response to the increased demand for food from a rapidly expanding population. Major events included the enclosure of open fields; the development of improved breeds of livestock; the introduction of fourcourse crop rotation; and the use of new crops such as turnips as animal fodder. Recent research, however, has shown that these changes were only part of a much larger, slower, ongoing process of development: many were in fact underway before 1750, and other breakthroughs, such as farm mechanization, did not become common until after 1945.

causes of improvement
The main cause of change seems to have been the rapidly growing population (from around 6 million in 1700 to 11 million in 1801), particularly in the towns, which created an increased demand for food. This was particularly important during the Napoleonic Wars, since Napoleon's Continental System prevented all trade with Europe; Britain had to produce more food, or starve. Prices rose rapidly, increasing profitability and encouraging an expansion of production; the Corn Laws also played a part in this. Villages that had been happy to be merely self-sufficient now began to look to produce for the market so the changes involved the adoption of a new capitalist business ethic by the farmers. Better transport also played a part, for it extended the hinterland of population areas, and allowed more farmers to produce for the market. Enclosure was also crucially important. In 1700 about half the arable land of England was held in open-field strips. The open-field system had some advantages, mainly social, but limited production. Enclosure rationalized the system of land-holding, consolidated farmland, and gave farmers the opportunity to introduce the new methods. Agricultural propagandists such as Arthur Young and William Cobbett also helped the agrarian revolution, for they helped to create a climate of improvement. To a degree, production was increased because of technical improvements new crops, crop rotations, selective breeding, new buildings and drainage, the use of manure, and new implements. However, change was uneven from region to region, and even from farm to farm, and very gradual. The full technological revolution in farming did not occur until after World War II.

new crops
The introduction of new crops such as potatoes, red clover, and turnips into Britain in the 17th century improved farming practices, since farmers could use them to feed their livestock throughout the winter. This meant that is was no longer necessary for animals to be slaughtered in the autumn so that meat could be salted for storage through the winter. Also, clover returned certain nutrients to the soil, and the growing of turnips meant that the land was thoroughly weeded by hoeing.

four-course rotation
The 18th century saw the replacement of the three-field system of wheatbarley fallow by the four-course crop rotation system (wheatturnipsbarleyclover), which was designed to ensure that no land would need to lie fallow between periods of

cultivation because if crops are rotated correctly they absorb different kinds and quantities of nutrients from the soil. The four-course rotation system was subsequently popularized by enlightened landowners such as Viscount 'Turnip'Townshend and Thomas Coke, who used it to produce greatly increased crop yields on his farmland in Norfolk, and encouraged other farmers and landowners to use the same method. Because both Coke and Townshend lived in Norfolk the system also became known as the 'Norfolk System'.

livestock farming
Other pioneers of the new farming methods that were developed in Britain in the latter part of the 18th century included the livestock farmer Robert Bakewell, who improved the quality of horned stock and sheep by means of selective breeding (purposefully mating strong and healthy animals). His work resulted in a great reduction in the age at which bullocks and sheep were ready for the butcher. Other successful breeders included the Colling brothers of County Durham (Durham Shorthorns) and George Culley of Northumberland (Border Leicester sheep).

agricultural revolution
see agrarian revolution.

agriculture, 19th-century British

after a period of depression following the Napoleonic Wars, agriculture developed rapidly during the 19th century. The landed interests countered the post-war slump in agriculture with protective legislation, although the implementation of the Corn Laws led to rural poverty and discontent in the first half of the 19th century and contributed to the distress in Ireland caused by the potato famine. Following the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, the expanding urban population and improvements in transport opened up a greater market and led to what has been called the 'golden age' in British farming (185070). This, however, was followed by a great depression in agriculture that lasted until 1914, as rising imports of cheap foodstuffs undercut the British farmer.

agriculture, medieval
in the Middle Ages, the open-field system system of communal farming was prevalent in England during the Saxon period and under the feudal system of landholding which became dominant after the Norman Conquest. Medieval agriculture varied from place to place, depending on the land, the climate, and local customs. However, during the early part of the Middle Ages, much of England was farmed according to a two-field system, while towards the end of the Middle Ages, many villages transferred to a three-field system. An example of open-field farming still survives at Laxton in Nottinghamshire.

A typical two-field system in the north of England would have an in-field (used to grow crops in summer and keep the animals in winter) and an out-field (where the animals were pastured in summer). Gradually, however, after the Norman Conquest, more and more lords began to convert the arable land on their estates to a three-field system. The villagers would leave one of these fields fallow each year, allowing the sheep and cattle to graze the land so that the soil could recover its fertility. On the other two, wheat (for bread), barley (for beer), oats, or other crops such as peas or beans could be grown in a simple rotation. For example, in a village with a West Field, North Field, and East Field, in year one the West Field would be planted with wheat, the North with barley, and the East left fallow; in year two the West Field would be left fallow, the North planted with wheat, and the East with barley; and in year three the West Field would be planted with barley, the North left fallow, and the East planted with wheat. Other key areas of the village might be the demesne (the land belonging to the lord of the manor), the meadow (the only source of fodder), some common land (on which the villagers were allowed to graze some animals), and the forest (for firewood). Under the feudal system, villages were farmed communally, and much of the produce went in dues to the lord. The reeve would organize the villagers to farm the lord's demesne and the communal open-fields. The fields were divided into strips of roughly an acre (0.405 ha), signifying a day's work with a plough, and each villager would farm a few strips scattered around the three fields. The heavy, iron-shared plough, pulled by a team of oxen, could cut a furrow of roughly a furlong (201.2 m), or a 'furrow long', before the team had to stop to rest. Because it always turned the soil to the right, medieval ploughing created the undulating, S-shaped 'ridge-and-furrow' landscape which still survives in some parts of England. All the rest of the work sowing broadcast, weeding, cutting the hay and reaping the crops with a sickle, threshing, and winnowing had to be done by hand. A typical medieval village would consist of a cluster of huts around a village green. On the green might be the smithy and the pinfold (for stray cattle). Each hut would have a garden (sometimes called a toft) on which the villein (serf) might keep a few hens, grow additional food such as vegetables, herbs, and fruit, or keep bees to provide a little honey, the only form of sweetener. The lack of fodder crops meant that all the animals which were not needed for breeding next season had to be slaughtered in the autumn, and their meat smoked or pickled. Another drawback of the communal system was that its small scattered strips, theoretically intended to share good and bad land fairly, made efficient farming difficult, and common grazing made it easy for disease to spread quickly among livestock.

Airy, Anna (18821964)

English artist, etcher, and writer. London's riverside criminal haunts were the main source of her inspiration, recurrent themes being cockfighting, gambling, and boxing. Her paintings of munitions factories were commissioned by the Imperial War Museum in 1918. Airy was born in Greenwich, London, and studied at the Slade School of Art, winning the MelvilleNettleship prize for three consecutive years. She was an occasional inspector in art to the Board of Education, and became a member of the Royal

Society of Painters and Etchers and the Royal Institute of Oil Painters. Her written works include The Art of Pastel.

Albany, Alexander Stewart, 3rd Duke of (c. 14541485)

Son of James II of Scotland, he usurped the throne of Scotland with English help. He was arrested by his brother, King James III, in 1479 but escaped to England and was recognized as king of Scotland in June 1482 by the English king Edward IV who invaded in support of his claim. In return he acknowledged English suzerainty over Scotland and did so when he again held the throne in 1484. He was forced to flee to France where he died.

Albany, John Stewart, 4th Duke of (14841536)

Son of Alexander, 3rd Duke of Albany, he was made regent for the infant king James V in 1514 acting as an agent for the French king Francis I. He fled to France in 1517 where he was detained for a time under an agreement with the English but was allowed to return to Scotland when the English declared war on France and Scotland in 1521. He led two invasions of England in 1522 and 1523, but was finally forced to leave Scotland for France in May 1524.

Albany, Robert Stewart, 1st Duke of (c. 13401420)

Scottish noble and governor of Scotland 140220. His brother, Robert III of Scotland, was an invalid and so deemed unable to rule. Albany vied with Robert's elder son, David, Duke of Rothesay, for dominance and became de facto ruler after Rothesay's disgrace and death in 1402. He increased his power after the capture by the English of Robert's second son, the future James I, and Robert's subsequent death in 1406, ruling as governor of Scotland until his death in 1420 when he was succeeded by his son, Murdoch.

Albert, Prince Consort (18191861)

Husband of British Queen Victoria from 1840. A patron of the arts, science, and industry, Albert was the second son of the Duke of Saxe Coburg-Gotha and first cousin to Queen Victoria, whose chief adviser he became. He planned the Great Exhibition of 1851, the profits from which were used to buy the sites in London of all the South Kensington museums and colleges and the Royal Albert Hall, built in 1871. He died of typhoid. The Queen never fully recovered from his premature death, and remained in mourning for him for the rest of her life.


name for Britain used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It was mentioned by Pytheas of Massilia (4th century BC), and is probably of Celtic origin, but the Romans, having in mind the white cliffs of Dover, assumed it to be derived from the word albus (white).

Alcock, John William (18921919)

English aviator. On 14 June 1919, he and Arthur Whitten-Brown made the first nonstop transatlantic flight, from Newfoundland to Ireland. He was awarded the KBE in 1919.

three kings of Scotland:

Alexander I (c. 10781124)

King of Scotland from 1107, known as 'the Fierce'. He ruled over the area to the north of the rivers Forth and Clyde, while his brother and successor David ruled over the area to the south. He assisted Henry I of England in his campaign against Wales in 1114, but defended the independence of the church in Scotland. Several monasteries, including the abbeys of Inchcolm and Scone, were established by him.

Alexander II (11981249)
King of Scotland from 1214, when he succeeded his father, William the Lion. Alexander supported the English barons in their struggle with King John after Magna Carta. The accession of Henry III of England allowed a rapprochement between the two countries, and the boundaries between England and Scotland were agreed by the Treaty of York in 1237. By the Treaty of Newcastle in 1244 he pledged allegiance to Henry III. Alexander consolidated royal authority in Scotland and was a generous patron of the church. In 1221 he married Joanna, the sister of Henry III. In 1239, after her death he married Marie de Coucy, with whom he had a son, Alexander III.

Alexander III (12411286)

King of Scotland from 1249, son of Alexander II. After defeating the Norwegian forces in 1263, he was able to extend his authority over the Western Isles, which had been dependent on Norway. The later period of his reign was devoted to administrative

reforms, which limited the power of the barons and brought a period of peace and prosperity to Scotland.

Alexander of Hillsborough, Albert Victor Alexander (18851965)

Viscount Hillsborough

British politician. He was First Lord of the Admiralty on three occasions: 192931, 1940, and 1945, and minister of defence 194750. In 1950 he was made a viscount. He was chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 195051 and Labour leader in the House of Lords 195564.

Alexander 'the Magnificent' (died 1148)

English cleric. He became bishop of Lincoln 1123. In the civil war over the accession to the throne he took the side of Stephen, although he had sworn allegiance to Matilda. Suspected of disloyalty, he was arrested, imprisoned, and dispossessed of his castles. Stephen was crowned anew 1146; it is assumed that Alexander performed the incoronation.

Alexandra (18441925)
Queen consort of Edward VII of England, whom she married in 1863. She was the eldest daughter of Christian IX of Denmark. She bore five children, two boys and three girls. The elder son, Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, died in 1892, and his brother reigned as George V.

Alfred the Great (c. 849c. 901)

Anglo-Saxon king 871899 who defended England against Danish invasion and founded the first English navy. He succeeded his brother Aethelred to the throne of Wessex in 871, and a new legal code came into force during his reign. He encouraged the translation of scholarly works from Latin (some he translated himself), and promoted the development of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Through a combination of hard fighting and diplomacy Alfred managed to keep Wessex free of Danish control after the other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms had succumbed. His skill as a military commander first came to light at the Battle of Ashdown in 871 when he led the Saxon army to victory against the Danes. Not all his campaigns were so successful; on a number of occasions he had to resort to buying off the Danes for a brief respite. His great victory at Edington in 878 secured the survival of Wessex, and his peace treaty with the Danish king Guthrum in 886 established a boundary between the Danelaw, east of Watling Street, and the Saxons to the west. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says that following his capture of London in 866 'all the English people submitted to him, except those who were in

captivity to the Danes'. In some respects, therefore, Alfred could be considered the first king of England.

Aliens Act
in the UK, an act of Parliament passed by the Conservative government in 1905 to restrict the immigration of 'undesirable persons' into Britain; it was aimed at restricting Jewish immigration. Undesirable persons were defined as people who might be a charge on the poor rates because they were without means or infirm. Since the act appeared to be stimulated by the arrival of large numbers of impoverished Europeans, many of them Jews from the Russian Empire, Prime Minister Balfour was accused of anti-Semitism.

Allen, William (15321594)

English cardinal. His Catholicism conflicted with Elizabeth I's ecclesiastical policy and he went into exile in Europe. He lived in Rome from 1585 and his efforts for the reconversion of England to Catholicism became more political from this time. He was created a cardinal in 1587.

Alliance, the
in UK politics, a loose union (198187) formed by the Liberal Party and Social Democratic Party (SDP) for electoral purposes. The Alliance was set up soon after the formation of the SDP, and involved a joint manifesto at national elections and the apportionment of constituencies in equal numbers to Liberal and SDP candidates. The difficulties of presenting two separate parties to the electorate as if they were one proved insurmountable, and after the Alliance's poor showing in the 1987 general election the majority of the SDP voted to merge with the Liberals to form the Social and Liberal Democrats, now known as the Liberal Democrats.

or allodial tenure

English legal term denoting land that is the absolute property of its owner, free from any feudal tenure or obligation to a superior. Since the Norman Conquest there has been no allodial land in England, for the laws declare all land to be the property of the sovereign. Before the Conquest the right

was held to a certain extent, and it was common throughout the rest of northern Europe. In Scots law the term is applied to all movable property and to Crown lands, and land bought under the Scots Lands Clauses Consolidation Act. The term is also applied to the udal land in the Orkney and Shetland islands.

All the Talents, Ministry of

government organized by William Grenville in 1806, on the death of William Pitt, and so named in derision by the opposition party.

Alnwick Castle
11th-century castle, near England's border with Scotland; historic seat of the Percy family, dukes of Northumberland. It was the site of battles in 1092 and 1174 following Scottish invasions of Northumberland. The castle was much restored in the 19th century.

Amery, Leo(pold Charles Maurice Stennett) (18731955)

British Conservative politician. He was First Lord of the Admiralty 192224, secretary for the colonies 192429, secretary for the dominions 192529, and secretary of state for India and Burma (now Myanmar) 194045.

Amherst, William Pitt (17731857)

British diplomat. He failed in an ambassadorial mission to China 1816 to procure better terms for commerce between Britain and China, by his refusal to defer to the Chinese emperor. He was governor general of India 182328 and was involved in the first Burmese war 182426.

Amiens, peace of
treaty signed in March 1802 which ended the Revolutionary Wars, a series of wars 17911802 between France and the combined armies of Britain, Austria, Prussia, and other continental powers, during the period of the French Revolution and Napoleon's subsequent campaign to conquer Europe. Under the terms of the treaty Britain was to restore all maritime conquests, except Trinidad and Ceylon, to France, Spain, and Holland; France agreed to evacuate Naples; the integrity of Portugal was recognized; the independence of the Ionian

Islands was agreed upon; both French and British armies evacuated Egypt which was restored to Turkey; and Malta was similarly restored to the Knights of Malta.

ancient demesne
estate or manor vested in the English monarch at the time of the Norman Conquest and recorded in the Domesday Book. The tenants of ancient demesnes did not have to pay danegeld, tolls, duties, or fines, and did not have to serve on juries.

Ancient Order of Hibernians


Irish-American Catholic fraternal society, founded in New York in 1836 to aid recently arrived Irish emigrants, and maintain contacts within the Irish diaspora and with Ireland. Politically radicalized in the 1860s and 1870s through its association with the revolutionary Fenian organization Clan-Na-Gael, it became more moderate in the 1880s. After 1900 the AOH gained influence in Ireland as the political machine of Belfast nationalist Joseph Devlin, and its conservative brand of nationalism was confirmed after the foundation of Northern Ireland. Concentrating now on voluntary community and charitable work, it also functions as a useful network for the Catholic business community.

Anderson shelter
in the UK, a simple air-raid shelter used during World War II which could be erected in a garden to provide protection for a family. Tens of thousands were produced and they undoubtedly saved thousands of lives during the air raids on the UK.

Andr, John (17511780)

English soldier. He was adjutant general to the British forces during the American Revolution. In 1780 he was appointed to carry on negotiations with the American general Benedict Arnold, who offered to betray his command at the strategic West Point, New York State. Andr was captured by General George Washington's army and was tried and hanged as as spy.

English gold coin introduced in 1465, named after the image of the Archangel Michael embossed on the face. They were worth 6 shillings and 8 pence, and halfangels were minted into the 17th century.

Angell, (Ralph) Norman (18741967)

British writer on politics and economics. In 1910 he acquired an international reputation with his book The Great Illusion, which maintained that any war must prove ruinous to the victors as well as to the vanquished. He was awarded the Nobel Peace for Prize in 1933 for his work on the economic futility of war. He was knighted in 1931.

member of the Germanic tribe that occupied the Schleswig-Holstein district of North Germany known as Angeln. The Angles, or Angli, invaded Britain after the Roman withdrawal in the 5th century and settled in East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria. The name 'England' (Angleland) is derived from this tribe.

Anglesey, Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey (1768 1854)

British soldier and administrator. During the Napoleonic Wars, he led an unsuccessful cavalry charge at the Battle of Waterloo, and was created Marquess of Anglesey for his bravery. He was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1828 but was recalled by the Duke of Wellington for supporting Catholic emancipation; he was reappointed in 1830 by Prime Minister Charles Grey, and until 1833 was responsible for the Irish Board of Education.

Anglo-Irish Agreement
or Hillsborough Agreement

concord reached in 1985 between the UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher and Irish prime minister Garret FitzGerald. One sign of the improved relations between the two countries was increased cooperation between police and security forces across the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The pact also gave the Irish Republic a greater voice in the conduct of Northern Ireland's affairs. However, the agreement was rejected by Northern Ireland Unionists as a step towards renunciation of British sovereignty. Following further talks in March 1988, the UK and Irish prime ministers issued a joint statement in Northern Ireland. The statement did not envisage any particular outcome, but specified that the consent of the majority of the people of Northern Ireland was required before there could be any constitutional change. All-party peace talks were planned during the Irish Republican Army (IRA) ceasefire from 1994 to 1996, but were delayed by the IRA's unwillingness to decommission its

arms prior to full British troop withdrawal from Northern Ireland. After the ceasefire was restored in July 1997, multiparty peace talks on the future of Northern Ireland started in September 1997.

AngloIrish relations
war, diplomacy, and accord have marked relations between the UK and Ireland in the 20th century. In 1900 the island of Ireland was governed by the British government at Westminster as an integral part of the UK. By the end of the century only Northern Ireland (6 of Ireland's traditional 32 counties) remained in the UK, the majority of Ireland having been granted independence as the Irish Free State under the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty (Treaty of London). The UK government's Ireland Act of 1949 formally recognized the secession of the Republic of Ireland from dominion status, and confirmed citizens of the Republic in the rights that they had hitherto enjoyed in the UK.

Anglo-Irish Treaty
in Irish history, articles of agreement between Britain and southern Ireland signed in London in December 1921, which confirmed the end of the Anglo-Irish War (1919 21) but then precipitated the Irish Civil War (192223). The settlement created the Irish Free State within the British Commonwealth and endorsed the creation of Northern Ireland. (Previously, the 1920 Government of Ireland Act had provided for partition of Ireland and two home rule parliaments.) Republicans split into pro-Treaty and anti-Treaty factions, opposition mainly centring on the subjugation of the Irish to the British monarchy, by the appointment of a British governor general, and an oath of allegiance to Britain required by members of the Parliament of the Irish Free State. Civil war was initiated by the provisional government of the Free State in 1922 to crush the anti-Treaty movement. Following the truce between the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and British government forces in July 1921, five Irish delegates including Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith travelled to London to negotiate a peace settlement with the Liberal government of British prime minister David Lloyd George (18631945). Controversially, the president of Dil ireann (parliament) and leader of the nationalist movement, amon de Valera, chose not to accompany them. The subsequent settlement, reluctantly signed by the delegates on 6 December under Lloyd George's threat of 'immediate and terrible war', granted dominion status to the southern 26 counties but confirmed the partition of Ireland to create Northern Ireland (six of the nine counties of Ulster), established by the Government of Ireland Act (1920). The Treaty granted a substantial degree of political and economic autonomy. It allowed for the creation of an army but significantly limited Irish sovereignty by retaining control of a number of strategic ports.

Anglo-Irish War

or the War of Independence

conflict in Ireland 191921, between the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the paramilitary wing of Sinn Fein, and British government forces, reinforced by the ex-service Auxiliaries and Black and Tans. Its outbreak is usually dated to the IRA's killing of two policemen in Soloheadbeg, County Tipperary, on 21 January 1919. Following a war of guerrilla tactics, ambushes, assassinations, and reprisals, a truce negotiated in July 1921 led to the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which established the Irish Free State. Over 550 soldiers and police and more than 750 volunteers and civilians died during the conflict. Despite the Soloheadbeg incident, which coincided with the day of the first meeting of the Dil, the illegal republican parliament in Dublin, IRA attacks against the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) and other targets had begun in 1918 against the wishes of Sinn Fein, the political wing of the republican movement. The IRA was nominally controlled by the Dil minister for defence Cathal Brugha (18741922) and IRA headquarters under Michael Collins and Chief of Staff Richard Mulcahy (18861971), but little effective control was exercised over local IRA units. Collins's network of spies and assassins effectively disrupted British intelligence in Dublin. The fighting was unevenly distributed and concentrated in central Munster and the border regions of Ulster. IRA volunteers were predominantly drawn from the lower middle-class youths of rural and small-town Ireland. The conflict escalated in 1920 when the RIC was strengthened with two forces of exservicemen known as the Auxiliaries and Black and Tans, which both earned unsavoury reputations. The harsh tactics adopted by government forces and condoned in London, including murder, looting, and arson, undermined the credibility of British rule in Ireland. By the spring of 1920 British forces had withdrawn from hundreds of garrisons in rural Ireland while flying columns, full-time mobile units of 'on the run' IRA personnel, engaged in guerrilla tactics. When both sides had fought to near-exhaustion with no clear victor in sight, a truce was called in July 1921 to allow peace talks to begin.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
a history of England from the Roman invasion to the 11th century, consisting of a series of chronicles written in Old English by monks, begun in the 9th century (during the reign of King Alfred), and continuing until 1154. The Chronicle, comprising seven different manuscripts, forms a unique record of early English history and also of the development of Old English prose up to its final stages. By 1154 Old English had been superseded by Middle English.

Anne (16651714)
Queen of Great Britain and Ireland 170214. She was the second daughter of James, Duke of York, who became James II, and his first wife, Anne Hyde, daughter of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon. She succeeded William III in 1702. Events of her reign include the War of the Spanish Succession, Marlborough's victories at

Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, and Malplaquet, and the union of the English and Scottish parliaments in the 1707 Act of Union. Anne received a Protestant upbringing, and in 1683 married Prince George of Denmark (16531708). Of their many children only one survived infancy: William, Duke of Gloucester (16891700). For the greater part of her life Anne was a close friend of Sarah Churchill (16601744), the wife of John Churchill (16501722), afterwards created 1st Duke of Marlborough in 1702. The Churchills' influence was partly responsible for her desertion of her father for William of Orange, her brother-inlaw, later William III, during the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The Churchills' influence later also led her to engage in Jacobite intrigues. Although her sympathies were Tory, she accepted a predominantly Whig government 170410. The influence of the Churchills began to decline from 1707. After a violent quarrel in 1710, Sarah Churchill was dismissed from court, and Abigail Masham succeeded the duchess as Anne's favourite, using her influence to further the interests of the Tories.

Anne of Bohemia (13661394)

First wife of Richard II of England from 1382 until her death from the plague 1394. The eldest daughter of Emperor Charles IV by his fourth wife, Elizabeth of Pomerania, she married Richard January 1382 as part of attempts by her brother, Emperor Wenceslas, to form an anti-French alliance to promote his candidate for the papacy. Despite threats of French interception, Anne reached England December 1381. There is no evidence that she promoted the religious teachings of John Wycliffe, but her Bohemian servants introduced his writings to the early Protestant thinker, John Hus. She died of pestilence and was given a sumptuous funeral by her husband.

Anne of Cleves (15151557)

Fourth wife of Henry VIII of England, whom she married in 1540. She was the daughter of the Duke of Cleves, and was recommended to Henry as a wife by Thomas Cromwell, who wanted an alliance with German Protestantism against the Holy Roman Empire. Henry did not like her looks, had the marriage declared void after six months, pensioned her, and had Cromwell beheaded.

Anne of Denmark (15741619)

Queen consort of James VI of Scotland (from 1603 James I of England). She was the daughter of Frederick II of Denmark and Norway, and married James in 1589. She bore him five children, two of whom survived: Charles I and Elizabeth of Bohemia. Anne was suspected of Catholic leanings and was notably extravagant but seems to have had little influence on state affairs.

Annesley, James (17151760)

Irish claimant to the earldom of Anglesea, whose eventful early life is thought to have been the model for Robert Louis Stevenson's adventure novel Kidnapped 1886. Born in Dunmaine, County Wexford, Annesley was believed to be the son of Mary Sheffield, Lady Altham. In 1728, when aged just 13, he was kidnapped and shipped as a slave to the American plantations at the instigation of his uncle, who wanted to thwart James' claim to the earldom and take the title himself. After gaining his freedom, Annesley returned to Ireland in 1741 and confronted his uncle, who assaulted him, was duly convicted (though not for the original abduction), and stripped of his title. His claim was recognized but, because of lack of funds, he was unable to take his seat in the House of Lords.

Anning, Mary (17991847)

English fossil collector. In 1811 she discovered in a Dorset cliff the fossil skeleton of an ichthyosaur, now in the Natural History Museum, London. She also discovered the first plesiosaur in 1821 and Dimorphodon, the first pterodactyl, in 1828. Born in Lyme Regis, Dorset, she was the daughter of a carpenter and vendor of fossil specimens.

Anson, George (16971762)

1st Baron Anson

English admiral who sailed round the world. During the War of the Austrian Succession, he was made commodore of the South American squadron, attacking the Spanish colonies and shipping; he returned home by circumnavigating the globe (17401744), with 500,000 of Spanish treasure. Appointed to the Board of the Admiralty in 1745, he carried out reforms that increased the efficiency of the British fleet and contributed to its success in the Seven Years' War (175663) against France.

Anti-Corn Law League

an extra-parliamentary pressure group formed in the UK in September 1838 by Manchester industrialists, and led by Liberals Richard Cobden and John Bright. It argued for free trade and campaigned successfully against duties on the import of foreign corn to Britain imposed by the Corn Laws, which were repealed in 1846.

Antrim, Randal Macdonnell (16091683)

1st Marquess of Antrim, Earl of Dunluce

Irish nobleman and Royalist. He was created a marquess 1643 on account of his (subsequently unfulfilled) promise to raise an army of 10,000 in Ireland for the service of Charles I.

Anwykyll, John (died 1487)

English schoolmaster and grammarian. He was the first headmaster of William Waynflete's school attached to Magdalen College, Oxford. He produced a grammar book, Compendium totius grammaticae (printed in Oxford in 1483, reprinted in Deventer, the Netherlands, in 1489 with a preface by the Italian humanist poet Pietro Carmeliano). This work was influenced by the writings of Lorenzo Valla and Niccol Perotti and suggests that education at the new school included elements of the studia humanitatis.

discussion group founded in 1820 at Cambridge University, England; members have included the poet Tennyson, the philosophers G E Moore and Bertrand Russell, the writers Lytton Strachey and Leonard Woolf, the economist J M Keynes, and the spies Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt.

Aquinas, St Thomas (12251274)

Italian philosopher and theologian, the greatest figure of the school of scholasticism. He was a Dominican monk, known as the 'Angelic Doctor'. In 1879 his works were recognized as the basis of Catholic theology. His Summa contra Gentiles/Against the Errors of the Infidels (125964) argues that reason and faith are compatible. He assimilated the philosophy of Aristotle into Christian doctrine. He was canonized in 1323. His unfinished Summa Theologica, begun 1265, deals with the nature of God, morality, and the work of Jesus. His works embodied the world view taught in universities until the mid-17th century, and include scientific ideas derived from Aristotle. The philosophy of Aquinas is known as Thomism.

Aram, Eugene (17041759)

English murderer, the subject of works by the English novelist Edward Bulwer Lytton, the English poet Thomas Hood, and others. He was a schoolmaster in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, and achieved some distinction as a philologist. In 1745 he was tried and acquitted on a charge concerned with the

disappearance of a local shoemaker. Several years later he was arrested in Lynn, Norfolk, following the discovery of a skeleton in a cave at Knaresborough. He was tried at York, confessed to the murder after his conviction, and was hanged.

Arbroath, Declaration of
declaration made on 26 April 1320 by Scottish nobles of their loyalty to King Robert (I) the Bruce and of Scotland's identity as a kingdom independent of England. A response to papal demands that the Scots should yield to English claims, the document was probably composed by Robert the Bruce's chancellor, Bernard de Linton. In the 20th century, it has become a manifesto for Scottish nationalism.

Arcadia conference
in World War II, meeting between Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt in Washington, DC, 22 December 19417 January 1942. They agreed that Germany was to be the prime opponent and that the Combined Chiefs of Staff would be the supreme directing authority for the Allied military effort.

Arch, Joseph (18261919)

English Radical member of Parliament and trade unionist, founder of the National Agricultural Union (the first of its kind) 1872.

Arctic convoys
in World War II, series of supply convoys sailing from the UK to the USSR around the North Cape to Murmansk, commencing October 1941. The natural hazards of sailing in these waters were greatly increased by the activity of German submarines and surface ships, together with German aircraft operating from bases in northern Norway, and casualties were often heavy. In spite of such losses, the convoys delivered thousands of tanks and aircraft, 356,000 trucks, 50,000 jeeps, 1,500 locomotives, and 9,800 freight wagons in the course of the war.

Line of Scottish peers who trace their descent to the Campbells of Lochow. The earldom dates from 1457.

It was created by James I, who conferred the title on Lord Campbell (died 1493), from whom the greatness of the family dates. The 2nd Earl was killed at Flodden, the 3rd Earl died 1530, whilst the 4th Earl was the first of the great Scottish nobility to become Protestant.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll (15301573)

adherent of the Scottish presbyterian John Knox. A supporter of Mary Queen of Scots from 1561, he commanded her forces after her escape from Lochleven Castle in 1568. Following her defeat at Langside, he revised his position, made peace with the regent, James Stuart, Earl of Murray, and became Lord High Chancellor of Scotland in 1572. He succeeded to the earldom in 1558.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell (15981661)

8th Earl and 1st Marquess of Argyll

Opponent of the church policy of Charles I in Scotland. He joined the parliamentary side in the English Civil War, defeated several Royalist risings in Scotland, and fought a campaign against the Royalist Montrose. He negotiated with the king after the surrender at Newark, and attempted to moderate the parliamentary terms. He lost power when the king was beheaded, and although he supported Charles II in his attempt to regain the crown, his power passed to the Hamilton family. He was executed for complicity in parliamentary plots.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl and 2nd Marquess of Argyll (16291685)
a Royalist, he was imprisoned by Cromwell 165760. After the Restoration he was raised to favour and high position by Charles II, but he opposed the Test Act which required public office holders to declare their belief in Protestantism, and was tried for treason and condemned to death 1681. He escaped to Holland and there agreed to the Monmouth plot. Returning to Scotland, he tried to raise the Campbells, but failed and was captured and beheaded.

Argyll, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll (16781743)

One of the founders of the union of Scotland and England 1707. He was a fearless soldier, and fought at Oudenaarde and Malplaquet during the War of the Spanish Succession. Later in the war he took command in Spain. He was deprived of his offices on his return for his outspoken criticism of the ministry. Restored to favour under George I, he was instrumental in putting down the 1715 Jacobite rebellion.

Argyll, George John Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll (18231900)

Liberal politician who held several ministerial posts. He resigned the office of Lord Privy Seal 1881 on the question of an Irish Land Bill. He was also an opponent of Irish home rule. Succeeded to dukedom 1847.

Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll (18451914)

Son of the 8th Duke of Argyll and successor to the title 1900. He married Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, 1871. He was governor general of Canada 187883.

Arkwright, Richard (17321792)

English inventor and manufacturing pioneer who in 1768 developed a machine for spinning cotton (he called it a 'water frame'). In 1771 he set up a water-powered spinning factory and in 1790 he installed steam power in a Nottingham factory. He was knighted in 1786.


(Image Research Machines plc)

The 'water frame' for spinning cotton, designed by British inventor Richard Arkwright in 1768. Although so-called because it was water-powered, it was originally driven by mule. From 1790 onwards it was powered by steam engine. Its increased efficiency

allowed Arkwright's factories to successfully compete with Indian calico manufacturers.

Arlington, Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington (16181685)

English politician. He fought for the Royalists in the English Civil War, and was employed afterwards by Charles I as his agent in Madrid. Returning to England at the Restoration, he became a member of the Cabal. He was created Lord Arlington 1663, and Earl of Arlington 1672. In 1674 he was unsuccessfully impeached as a promoter of popery, a self-aggrandizer, and a betrayer of trust.

high church school of Christian theology opposed to Calvin's doctrine of predestination which flourished under James I and Charles I, and later formed the basis of Wesleyan Methodism. Named after a Dutch Protestant theologian, Jacob Arminius (15601609), it was associated in England with William Laud, bishop of London and later archbishop of Canterbury. It was first promoted by Charles, as Prince of Wales, and the Duke of Buckingham, to the annoyance of James I. Arminianism was denounced when Parliaments were called again in 1640, after the 11-year period of Charles's personal rule. With its emphasis on free will, the divine institution of bishops, and 'the beauty of holiness', Arminianism undermined central tenets of the Puritanism or Calvinism which hitherto dominated the Elizabethan and Jacobean church. Arminians were also perceived as supporting many of Charles's more unpopular policies, such as the imposition of ship money and the Bishops' Wars in Scotland.

Armitage, Edward (18171896)

English painter. He produced paintings on historical and biblical subjects, including the frescoes Death of Marmion and Personification of the Thames in the House of Lords. Armitage was born in London. He studied under the French historical artist Paul Delaroche and became professor at the Royal Academy Schools in 1875.

Armstrong, Henry Edward (18481937)

English chemist. His pioneering work in a number of areas of organic chemistry, included investigations into the structure and reactions of benzene and naphthalene compounds. He also speculated on the state of ions in aqueous solution.

Armstrong was born in London. He studied chemistry at the Royal College of Chemistry and began research with the British chemist Edward Frankland, but received his PhD from Leipzig in 1870 for work with the German chemist Hermann Kolbe. He returned to the UK to become professor at the London institutions which later became Imperial College, and remained there until his retirement in 1911.

Arnold, Joseph (17821818)

English botanist. In 1818 he discovered the largest flower known, at Pulau Lebar, Sumatra. The plant, measuring nearly a metre across and weighing almost 7 kg/15 lb, was later named Rafflesia arnoldii by the Scottish botanist Robert Brown. Arnold was born in Beccles, Suffolk. He showed a childhood interest in botany and published his findings in various magazines. After graduating in medicine in 1807 at Edinburgh University, he entered the navy in 1808. He sailed to Botany Bay as the doctor on a ship of female convicts in 1815. During this trip he made an extensive collection of insects, especially those from South America and Australia, although many were destroyed by a fire on board his ship The Indefatigable, on its return journey. He visited Java with the British colonial administrator Stamford Raffles, who subsequently invited Arnold to accompany him to Sumatra as a naturalist. Arnold died there of a fever in July 1818. His collection of shells and fossils was donated to the Linnaean Society.

Arran, James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of Arran (c. 15151575)

Scottish nobleman, Regent of Scotland during the minority of Mary Stuart. In 1554 he resigned his position as regent to the Queen Mother, Mary of Guise, and went into exile in France. He returned to Scotland in 1569 as a strong supporter of Mary's cause but by 1573 had been forced to acknowledge James VI's authority.

Arran, James Stewart, Earl of Arran (died 1595)

Scottish statesman who claimed the earldom and estates of Arran during the insanity of his cousin, the 3rd Earl. He overthrew the Earl of Morton, who had been Regent of Scotland for Mary Queen of Scots since 1566, and, with the Duke of Lennox, managed the affairs of Scotland until 1585, when he was deprived of his authority. He was assassinated.

Arras, Battle of
in World War II, Allied attack on German forces holding the French town of Arras on 21 May 1940. Although the Allies were eventually beaten off, the German general Rommel's report of being attacked by 'hundreds of tanks' led to a 24-hour delay in the German advance which gave the British vital time to organize their retreat through Dunkirk.

array, commission of
in England, system of universal military conscription dating from the 13th century, when the obligation to serve the king was extended to serfs. Able-bodied men between the ages of 15 and 60 in each shire were selected by local commissioners to serve in a force paid for by the county. Although hired soldiers predominated in royal armies by the following century, in the 16th century the power of array was accorded to lords-lieutenant. During the Civil War, Charles I issued commissions to raise troops for the royalist armies.

Arthur (lived 6th century)

semi-legendary Romano-British warleader who led British resistance against the Saxons, Picts, and Scots in the first half of the 6th century. He was probably a warlord rather than a king. He operated throughout Britain, commanding a small force of mobile warriors, reminiscent of the late Roman comitatenses (line units). Arthur is credited with a great victory over the Saxons at Mount Badon, possibly in Dorset. Arthur is said to have been born in Tintagel, Cornwall, and buried in Glastonbury, Somerset, although his life is too shrouded in legend for any of the details to be certain. His legendary base, 'Camelot', has been tentatively identified as a hill fort at South Cadbury in Somerset.

Arthur, Duke of Brittany (11871203)

Grandson of Henry II of England and nephew of King John. As a rival for the throne, Arthur was taken prisoner by John and died in Rouen, France, possibly murdered at John's instigation.

Arthur, Prince of Wales (14861502)

Eldest son of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York. He was made Prince of Wales 1489, and married Catherine of Aragn 1501, when they were both 15, but died the next year, allegedly without consummating the marriage.

Articles, Lords of
see Lords of the Articles.

Arundel, Thomas Howard (15861646)

2nd Earl of Arundel

English politician and patron of the arts. Succeeded to earldom 1595. The Arundel Marbles, part of his collection of Italian sculptures, were given to Oxford University in 1667 by his grandson.

Ascham, Roger (c. 15151568)

English scholar and royal tutor. His writings include Toxophilus (1545), a treatise on archery written in dialogue form, and an educational treatise The Scholemaster, published by his widow in 1570. His works could be taken as exemplary of an English Protestant schizophrenia: on the one hand, a mastery of the skills pioneered by the humanists, on the other, a distrust of Italy and all things Italian. In 1548 Ascham was appointed tutor to Princess Elizabeth. He retained favour under Edward VI and Queen Mary (despite his Protestant views), and returned to Elizabeth's service as her secretary after she became queen.

Ashanti Wars
four British expeditions 18731901 to the interior of modern Ghana to wrest control of trade in West Africa from the indigenous Ashanti people and end the slave trade which thrived in the area. The first Ashanti War broke out in April 1873 when Garnet Wolseley was sent with 2,500 troops to defeat the Ashanti ruler, the Asantehene Kofi Karikari, and free the coastal regions from further incursions. This was settled by the Treaty of Fomena on 14 March 1874 under which the Asantehene promised free trade, an open road to Kumasi, an end to human sacrifices, and to pay an indemnity to Britain. The agreement was broken and further expeditions followed: the area was declared a British protectorate in August 1896 and the Asantehene was deported. The Ashanti territory was incorporated into the neighbouring Gold Coast colony in September 1901.

Ashby, Margery Irene (18821981)

born Margery Corbett

English feminist. She attended the first International Women's Suffrage Congress in Berlin (1904) and subsequently worked with various women's organizations, becoming president of the International Alliance of Women 192346. She also cofounded the National Union of Townswomen's Guilds in 1929. Her international work was recognized with an honorary degree awarded by Mount Holyoke College, USA.

Educated initially at home, she later studied classics at Newnham College, Cambridge. Between 1918 and 1944 she stood as a Liberal candidate seven times; her father was the Liberal member of Parliament for East Grinstead.

Ashingdon, Battle of
or Assandun

victory on 18 October 1016 of King Canute's Danish army over King Edmund II ('Ironside') at the village of Ashingdon, Essex. Following the battle, only Wessex remained in English hands and when Edmund died 30 November, Canute ruled the whole kingdom. See also Danelaw.

Ashley, Jack (1922 )

Lord Ashley

British Labour politician. Profoundly deaf since 1967, Ashley campaigned inside and outside Parliament for the deaf and other disability groups. He sat as member of Parliament for Stoke-on-Trent from 196692, when he was raised to the peerage.

Ashmole, Elias (16171692)

English antiquary. His collection forms the basis of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England. He wrote books on alchemy, astrology, and on antiquarian subjects, and amassed a fine library and a collection of curiosities, both of which he presented to Oxford University in 1682. His collection was housed in the 'Old Ashmolean' (built 167983); the present Ashmolean Museum was erected in 1897.

Ashmolean Museum
museum of art and antiquities in Oxford, England, founded in 1683 to house the collections given to Oxford University by the historian and antiquary Elias Ashmole. Its collections include European, Near Eastern, and Oriental art and archaeology; paintings and drawings by Raphael, Michelangelo, and other Renaissance artists; watercolours by J M W Turner; and works by Pre-Raphaelite and major British and European artists of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. It was the first museum in Britain to open to the public. The original collection included natural and artificial curiosities left to Ashmole by John Tradescant in 1659. For two centuries it was housed in the old Ashmolean building in Broad Street, Oxford. About 1860 the natural history exhibits went to the University Museum and the manuscripts, books, and coins to the Bodleian Library; in 1886 the ethnographic specimens went to the Pitt Rivers Museum. In 1894 the archaeological material, greatly expanded by the English archaeologist Arthur Evans,

was moved to an extension of the galleries in Beaumont Street; in 1908 this joint institution was renamed the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology.

Aske, Robert (c. 15001537)

English lawyer who led the Pilgrimage of Grace 1536, an uprising against the enclosure of common land. He was double-crossed by Henry VIII, who promised various concessions but then had Aske executed. After considerable success, Aske ordered his followers to disperse to their homes on the promise of a royal pardon and an investigation of their grievances. Henry VIII invited him to London, allegedly to discuss the trouble, and Aske returned home with assurances sufficient to satisfy the rebels. However, in May 1537 Aske was arrested, tried for high treason, and eventually hanged at York.

Askew, Anne (15211546)

English Protestant martyr. An early convert to the Reformation's doctrines, she was arrested in 1545 on a charge of heresy. After examination and torture on the rack, she was burned in Smithfield, London. Askew was born near Grimsby in Humberside, but had travelled to London to sue for separation from her husband, who had rejected her because of her beliefs.

Askey, Arthur (19001982)

English comedian. He made his professional debut in 1924 and became a principal comedian in the summer seasons at seaside resorts, achieving wider recognition on radio with Band Wagon from 1938. Known as 'Big-hearted Arthur', his catchphrase was 'I thank you!'. Askey's later career included regular television appearances and a number of film roles. His birthplace was Liverpool.

Aspinall, John Audley Frederick (18511937)

English mechanical engineer. While general manager and chief mechanical engineer of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway 18991919, he designed many types of locomotive and completed one of the first main line railway electrification schemes in Great Britain, from Liverpool to Southport (1904). Aspinall was born in Liverpool, and was originally employed on the railways as a locomotive fireman.

Asquith, Herbert Henry (18521928)

1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith

British Liberal politician, prime minister 190816. As chancellor of the Exchequer, he introduced old-age pensions in 1908. He limited the powers of the House of Lords and attempted to give Ireland home rule.

Association, the
or National Association for King William

league formed by Parliament in 1696 to protect William III against 'popish plots', as a result of an assassination plot against him.

Astley, Jacob (15791652)

English Royalist commander in the Civil War. He took part in several Civil War battles, including those of Edgehill and Naseby.

Astley, Philip (17421814)

English equestrian and theatre impresario who was the first to introduce the circus as a form of entertainment. Celebrated by many as the best horse-tamer of his day, his original circus of 1798, 'Astley's Amphitheatre', which stood near Westminster Bridge in London, appeared in Charles Dickens's novel The Old Curiosity Shop (1840).

Prominent US and British family. John Jacob Astor (17631848) emigrated from Germany to the USA in 1783, and became a millionaire. His great-grandson Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor (1879 1952), was a British politician, and served as Conservative member of Parliament for Plymouth from 1910 to 1919, when he succeeded to the peerage. His US-born wife Nancy Witcher Langhorne, Lady Astor (18791964), was the first woman member of Parliament to take a seat in the House of Commons, when she succeeded her husband in the constituency of Plymouth in November 1919. She remained in parliament until 1945, as an active champion of women's rights, educational issues, and temperance. William Backhouse Astor (17921875) was known as the 'landlord of New York'. John Jacob Astor's grandson William Waldorf Astor (18481919), was a US

diplomat and writer. In 1893 he bought the Pall Mall Gazette, and founded the Pall Mall Magazine. He became naturalized British in 1899.

Astor, Nancy (18791964)

born Nancy Witcher Langhorne

US-born British Conservative politician, the first woman member to sit in the House of Commons. After marrying into the wealthy Anglo-American Astor family, Nancy Astor entered Parliament in 1919. She was a keen advocate of women's rights, social reform, and temperance movements. She wrote an early biography My Two Countries (1923). Nancy Astor was born into a prosperous family in Danville, Virginia, and married Waldorf Astor in 1906. When her husband became the 2nd Viscount Astor of Cliveden in 1919, she succeeded him in the Commons as the member for the Plymouth constituency. Although she was the first sitting British woman member of Parliament, she was not the first to be elected (see Constance Markievicz). She was re-elected in every general election up to 1945, when she retired from Parliament.

Astor, Waldorf, 2nd Viscount Astor of Cliveden (18791952)

British politician and newspaper proprietor. Astor was Conservative and Unionist MP for Plymouth 191019, when he was raised to the peerage. During his political career, he held several junior ministerial posts.

Anglo-Saxon title of nobility. It was confined in use by the 8th century to male members of the royal family; that is, kings, and brothers and sons of kings.

Athelney, Isle of
area of firm ground in marshland near Taunton in Somerset, England, the headquarters of King Alfred the Great in 878, when he was in hiding from the Danes. The legend of his burning the cakes is set here.

Athelstan (895939)
King of England 92439. The son of Edward the Elder, Athelstan brought about English unity by ruling both Mercia and Wessex. He defeated an invasion by Scots, Irish, and the men of Strathclyde at Brunanburh in 937. He overcame the

Scandinavian kingdom based in York and increased English power on the Welsh and Scottish borders.

Athlone, Alexander (Augustus Frederick William Alfred George) (18741957)

Prince of Teck, 1st Earl of Athlone

British administrator. He served in Matabeleland (now part of Zimbabwe) 1896 and in the South African War 18981900. He was governor general of South Africa 1923 31, and of Canada 194046.

Atkins, Anna (17991871)

born Anna Children

English photographer and illustrator. A specialist in scientific illustration, her books of original cyanotype (blueprint) illustrations of plants are particularly remarkable, the first being British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions (12 parts, 184353). She pioneered the use of photographic illustration as part of an extensive scientific study of the natural world. Born in Tonbridge, Atkins was the daughter of the scientist John George Children who had an early interest in the processes of photography, and was also a friend of John Herschel, the originator of the cyanotype process. Her book containing photographic illustration pre-dates the Pencil of Nature (184446) by photographer William Henry Fox Talbot, which was the first commercially produced book illustrated in this manner.

Atlantic triangle
18th-century trade route. Goods were exported from Britain to Africa where they were traded for slaves, who were then shipped to either Spanish colonies in South America, or British colonies in North America; in return, staple goods such as cotton were sent to Europe.

Belgic tribe which settled in southeast England about 80 BC and predominated in that area prior to the arrival of the Romans. They maintained contact with their continental counterparts so that in 55 BC Julius Caesar was still able to use a continental Belgic chieftain as an intermediary with those who had settled in England. They later came under pressure from another tribe, the Catuvellauni, which made them more amenable to the Roman invasion in AD 43 and they were later recognized by the

Romans as a tribal corporation or civitas. They settled principally south of the River Thames to the west of Kent and their main settlements were at Silchester (the capital), Winchester, and Chichester where a variety of coins have been found.

see auxiliary territorial service.

attainder, bill of
legislative device that allowed the English Parliament to declare guilt and impose a punishment on an individual without bringing the matter before the courts. Such bills were used intermittently from the Wars of the Roses until 1798. The guilty party was deemed to be 'tainted' and so could neither inherit property nor bequeath it to an heir. Some acts of attainder were also passed by US colonial legislators during the American Revolution to deal with 'loyalists' who continued to support the English crown; these acts were later expressly forbidden by the US constitution.

Atterbury, Francis (16621732)

English Anglican cleric and Jacobite politician. He enjoyed royal patronage and was made bishop of Rochester 1713. However, his Jacobite sympathies prevented his further rise, and in 1722 he was imprisoned in the Tower of London and subsequently banished. Atterbury was ordained priest 1687. He swore allegiance to William III after the revolution of 1688, and became royal chaplain. In 1701 he was made archdeacon, and during the reign of Queen Anne he received rapid promotion, becoming dean of Christ Church 1712, bishop of Rochester and dean of Westminster 1713. In exile from 1722, he entered the service of James Edward Stuart, t he Old Pretender, and died in France.

Attlee, Clement (Richard) (18831967)

1st Earl Attlee

British Labour politician. In the coalition government during World War II he was Lord Privy Seal 194042, dominions secretary 194243, and Lord President of the Council 194345, as well as deputy prime minister from 1942. As prime minister 194551 he introduced a sweeping programme of nationalization and a whole new system of social services.

Attwood, Thomas (17831856)

British Chartist politician. He founded the Birmingham Political Union 1830 and was member of parliament for Birmingham 183239. He presented the first Chartist Petition to parliament July 1839 which was rejected, leading to riots across the country. A banker by profession, he favoured the introduction of paper money and the easier availability of credit.

Auckland, George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland (17841849)

British Tory politician after whom Auckland, New Zealand, is named. He became a member of Parliament in 1810, and was governor general of India 183541.

Audley, Thomas (14881544)

Baron Audley of Walden

Lord Chancellor of England from 1533. In 1529 he became Speaker of the House of Commons. He supported the annulment of Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon; presided at the trials of Thomas More and John Fisher; passed judgement on the king's discarded wives Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard; managed the conviction of Thomas Cromwell; and effected the dissolution of Henry VIII's marriage with Anne of Cleves.

Aughrim, Battle of
on 12 July 1691, a clash between the armies of James II under the Irish general St Ruth (who was killed), and those of William III under Gen Ginkell (later Earl of Athlone). The battle, won by the Williamite forces, was fought on a ridge near what is now Aughrim, a small village in County Galway, Republic of Ireland, 8 km/5 mi southwest of Ballinasloe.

Augmentation, Court of
in English history, a court set up by Henry VIII in 1536 and dissolved in 1554. Its object was to manage the revenues and possessions of all monasteries under 200 a year, which by a previous act had been given to the king, and to determine lawsuits relating to these.

Auld Alliance

intermittent alliance between Scotland and France that lasted from the end of the 13th century until 1560, when Protestantism displaced Catholicism as the dominant faith in Scotland.

Aungerville, Richard (12871345)

also known as Richard de Bury

English politician, cleric, and writer. In 1333 he became bishop of Durham. He was Lord Chancellor 133435 and lord treasurer 1336. He used his office as a minister of state to further his collection of books, rescuing manuscripts from destruction in monastic libraries. His book Philobiblon/The Love of Books was completed 1344.

auxiliary territorial service

British Army unit of non-combatant women auxiliaries in World War II, formed in 1939. The ATS provided cooks, clerks, radar operators, searchlight operators, and undertook other light non-combat duties.

Europe's largest stone circle (diameter 412 m/1,350 ft), in Wiltshire, England. This megalithic henge monument is thought to be part of a ritual complex, and contains 650 massive blocks of stone arranged in circles and avenues. It was probably constructed around 3,500 years ago, and is linked with nearby Silbury Hill. The henge, an earthen bank and interior ditch with entrances on opposite sides, originally rose 15 m/49 ft above the bottom of the ditch. This earthwork and an outer ring of stones surround the inner circles. The stones vary in size from 1.5 m/5 ft to 5.5 m/18 ft high and 1 m/3 ft to 3.65 m/12 ft broad. They were erected by a late Neolithic or early Bronze Age culture. The remains that can be seen today may cover an earlier site as may be the case at a number of prehistoric sites.

Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury (18341913)

British banker. A Liberal (from 1886 Liberal Unionist) member of Parliament 1870 1900, he was responsible for the Bank Holidays Act 1871 introducing statutory public holidays.

Awdry, W(ilbert) V(ere) (19111997)

English author and Church of England clergyman. His railway stories for young people, especially those featuring 'Thomas the Tank Engine', delighted generations of children. The first Thomas book, The Three Railway Engines, appeared in 1945, and Thomas, the Tank Engine a year later. Over 25 books followed, each based on a real experience, until Tramway Engines appeared in 1972. After this date Awdry's son, Christopher, succeeded to the authorship. Awdry was born in Ampfield, Hampshire.

axe factories
neolithic and later (c. 35001400 BC) sites of volcanic rock where axe-heads were shaped. Some 550 axe factories have been identified in the Lake District of Cumbria, and it is thought that scree at Pike O'Stickle in the Langdales represents the debris from as many as 75,000 stone axe-heads. Elsewhere, axe factories have been identified in the Lleyn Peninsula in Wales and in Cornwall. They are rare in southern and eastern England, where axe-heads were made chiefly from flint.

Aylmer, Felix Edward (18891979)

born Felix Aylmer-Jones

English actor. Although termed a 'character actor', his range was extensive, whether typifying the folly of age as Polonius in Lawrence Olivier's Hamlet or the wisdom of experience as Sir Patrick Cullen in Anthony Asquith's The Doctor's Dilemma. He was president of British Actors' Equity 194969. Aylmer was born into a military family and educated at Magdalen College School and Exeter College, Oxford. He debuted at the Coliseum in London with actor and theatre manager Seymour Hicks in 1911, and subsequently joined the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. After service in World War I, he enjoyed a series of steady successes on stage and screen. He was also a keen Dickens scholar, publishing Dickens Incognito (1959) and The Drood Case (1964).

Aymer de Valence (died 1260)

French cleric. He was a half-brother of the English king Henry III, who obtained for him the position of bishop of Winchester. He repudiated the barons' constitution at the Parliament of Oxford in 1258, and was forced to leave the country.

Aymer de Valence (c. 12651324)

English politician. He was appointed guardian of Scotland 1305 by Edward I; he defeated the Scots that year at Methven, but was defeated by Robert Bruce (see

Robert I) at Loudon Hill in 1307. In 1314 he was made lieutenant of Scotland, and fought at the Battle of Bannockburn.

Ayres, John (lived 17th century)

English calligrapher. He ran a writing school in the City of London. He published A Tutor to Penmanship, or the Writing Master: a Copy Book showing all the Variety of Penmanship and Clerkship, as now practised in England 1698.

Ayscough, William (died 1450)

English cleric, Bishop of Salisbury 143850. Ayscough enjoyed great influence at the court of Henry VI, and became the king's confessor. After celebrating mass at Edington, he was seized by the congregation and beaten to death.

Ayscue, George (died 1671)

English admiral of the Commonwealth period. He had been knighted by Charles I, but became a Parliamentarian and commanded the fleet in the Irish Sea 1649, being then appointed admiral. In 1651 he was sent by Oliver Cromwell to Barbados to reduce the Royalists to subjection.

Babington, Anthony (15611586)

English traitor. He was the chief promoter of a plot to assassinate Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary Queen of Scots. The plot was discovered by the intelligence chief Francis Walsingham, and Babington was arrested, tried, and executed. The discovery of the plot also led to Mary's own execution.

Back, George (17961878)

English Arctic explorer. He was involved with John Franklin in three polar expeditions 181827. In 1833 he commanded in the expedition organized in search of John Ross, during which he discovered Artillery Lake and the Great Fish (now Back) River. In 1836 and 1837 he continued his North American Arctic explorations. He was made admiral 1857.

Back to Basics

phrase used by British prime minister John Major during his keynote address to the Conservative Party conference in October 1993, in which he argued for a return to 'traditional British values'; it was subsequently adopted as a slogan by the Conservative Party, some members of which emphasized the morality aspect. In the following months, media revelations of sexual indiscretions by Conservative politicians and corrupt practices by Conservative-run councils and government departments caused deep embarrassment to the party. Major and his senior colleagues attempted to distance themselves from the moral aspect, insisting that it related merely to traditional Conservative policies and values, such as law and order. Despite this, there remained obvious confusion among both the party and the electorate.

Backwell, Edward (died c. 1683)

London goldsmith and banker, one of the founders of the system of banknotes. He had financial dealings with Oliver Cromwell, Charles II, and most of the nobility of his day, and with the East India Company and several leading city firms. He was employed on many secret missions between Charles II and Louis XIV of France.

Bacon, Francis (15611626)

1st Baron Verulam and Viscount St Albans

English philosopher, politician, and writer, a founder of modern scientific research. His works include Essays (1597, revised and augmented 1612 and 1625), characterized by pith and brevity; The Advancement of Learning (1605), a seminal work discussing scientific method; Novum Organum (1620), in which he redefined the task of natural science, seeing it as a means of empirical discovery and a method of increasing human power over nature; and The New Atlantis (1626), describing a utopian state in which scientific knowledge is systematically sought and exploited. He was briefly Lord Chancellor in 1618 but lost his post through corruption.

Bacon, Nicholas (15091579)

English politician. After the dissolution of the monasteries 1539, he received a large share of the forfeited estates from Henry VIII. On the accession of Elizabeth I in 1558 he became a privy councillor and keeper of the Great Seal and played a considerable part in shaping government policy.

Baddeley, Sophia (17451786)

born Sophia Snow

English actor and singer. She played Ophelia at Drury Lane in 1765, and

was a noted singer but squandered her money and became addicted to laudanum. She escaped her creditors by fleeing to Edinburgh, where she continued to perform until her death. Baddeley is believed to have been born in London. She eloped in 1763 with the actor Robert Baddeley (17321794), but the marriage was brief.

Baedeker raids
series of German air raids directed at British provincial towns and cities AprilOct 1942. They were so named because the targets were all places of cultural interest which appeared to have been selected from Baedeker's Guide to Britain.

Bagehot, Walter (18261877)

British writer and economist. His English Constitution published in 1867, a classic analysis of the British political system, is still a standard work.

Bagimond's Roll
records of Catholic Church property in Scotland, compiled by Bagimond or Boiamund di Vicci, or Vitia, who was sent by Pope Gregory X in 1274 to assess the church revenues of Scotland for the purpose of raising a crusading fund.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Born in Sheffield in 1947, English Labour politician David Blunkett was educated at Sheffield University. He first became a member of Parliament in 1987, and almost immediately became Opposition Spokesman on the Environment (Local Government). A leading figure in Tony Blair's New Labour, Blunkett became Home Secretary in the post-election Cabinet reshuffle of 2001.

Bagot, Charles (17811843)

British diplomat. As minister to Washington, he negotiated the RushBagot Convention 1817 between Britain and the USA, limiting the armaments of each country on the Great Lakes. Bagot was ambassador at St Petersburg 1825 when the agreement with Russia was signed, defining the northwestern boundary of British North America. He was governor general of Canada 184243.

Baillie, Robert (15991662)

Scottish Presbyterian cleric. He was one of the commissioners appointed to prepare charges 1640 against Archbishop Laud, whose political and religious attitudes helped precipitate the English Civil War. Baillie had great influence on Scottish political affairs, playing a considerable part in rousing Scottish opposition to Charles I, and, later, in urging the repudiation of Oliver Cromwell and the restoration of Charles II.

Baillie, Robert, of Jerviswood (c. 16341684)

Scottish political activist. From 1676 he was involved in political and religious disaffection in Scotland and, although he denied involvement in the Rye House Plot, he was tried for complicity, condemned to death, and hanged at Edinburgh.

Baird, David (17571829)

British general during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. In 1801 he commanded an expedition to Egypt for the expulsion of the French. He led an army to recapture the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, from the Dutch settlers 1806, and served at the siege of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1807. In 1808 he was sent to Corunna, Spain, to help John Moore with a reinforcement of 10,000 troops. In 1820 he was appointed commander-in-chief in Ireland, but was not successful as an administrator, and was removed from office 1821.

Baker, Henry (16981774)

English scientist. He wrote two popular instructional books on the use of the microscope in natural history, and made observations on the crystallization of salts in 1744. He also introduced the rhubarb plant to England.

Bakewell, Robert (17251795)

British pioneer improver of farm livestock. From his home in Leicestershire, England, he developed the Dishley or New Leicester breed of sheep and worked on raising the beef-producing qualities of Longhorn cattle.

Baldwin, Stanley (18671947)

1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

British Conservative politician, prime minister 192324, 192429, and 193537. He weathered the general strike of 1926, secured complete adult suffrage in 1928, and handled the abdication crisis of Edward VIII in 1936, but failed to prepare Britain for World War II.

Balfour, James, of Pittendreich (c. 15251584)

Scottish lawyer and politician, notorious for the frequency with which he changed sides. He was implicated in the murder of Cardinal Beaton, and in 1547 was sent with other conspirators to the French galleys. He was released on renouncing his Calvinism and subsequently supported the party of Mary of Guise. When Mary Queen of Scots returned to Scotland, he became one of her principal advisers. Balfour was a supporter of Bothwell and played a leading part in the assassination of Lord Darnley. When the lords rose against Bothwell, Balfour deserted the queen and as a reward he was made lord president of the Court of Session. He was briefly imprisoned for complicity in Darnley's murder, but escaped. He fled to France, where he remained until 1580, offering his services in turn to Mary and Elizabeth. He returned to Scotland to give evidence of Morton's part in Darnley's death. He himself was restored to his estates and received at court.

Balfour Declaration
letter, dated 2 November 1917, from British foreign secretary A J Balfour to Lord Rothschild (chair, British Zionist Federation) stating: 'HM government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' It helped form the basis for the foundation of Israel in 1948.

Baliol (or Balliol), John de (c. 12491315)

King of Scotland 129296. As an heir to the Scottish throne on the death of Margaret, the Maid of Norway, he had the support of the English king, Edward I, against 12 other claimants. Baliol was proclaimed king, having paid homage to Edward. When English forces attacked Scotland, Baliol rebelled against England and gave up the kingdom. Baliol was unpopular with the Scots, who dubbed him Toom Tabbard ('empty garment'). After Edward's invasion, Baliol and his three sons were sent to London and confined to the Tower for three years. Released at the request of Pope Boniface, Baliol died in France at his patrimonial estate of Ballieul. His son Edward invaded Scotland in 1332 and became king for various short periods between 1332 and 1346.

Ball, Albert (18961917)

British fighter pilot and air ace. He was awarded the MC, DSO and Bar, and, posthumously, the Victoria Cross. At the time of his death May 1917 he had attained the rank of captain and was credited with over 40 enemy aircraft shot down.

Ball, Alexander John (17561809)

British naval officer and administrator. He served in the Mediterranean under Horatio Nelson during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. In 1799 he was elected by the Maltese as their president and commander-in-chief. He proved a very popular governor of Malta. In 1805 he was promoted to rear admiral.

ballot act
in Britain, legislation introduced by Gladstone's Liberal administration in 1872, providing for secret ballots in elections. The measure was opposed by landowners who would no longer be able to monitor, and hence control, the voting of their tenants. They defeated the measure when it was first presented in the Lords in 1871 but William Forster eventually secured its passage in July 1872.

Balmerino, James Elphinstone, 1st Baron (15531612)

Scottish politician. Under James VI he was appointed judge and royal secretary. In 1599, prompted by his enthusiasm for Roman Catholicism, he sent a cordial letter from James to Pope Clement VII without the king's knowledge. James repudiated the letter, and Balmerino was imprisoned for a short time.

Balnaves, Henry, of Halhill (c. 15121579)

One of the chief promoters of the Reformation in Scotland. In 1538 James V made him a lord of session. On the accession of Mary in 1543, Balnaves was imprisoned for six months for his aggressive Protestantism. In 1546 he joined the murderers of Cardinal Beaton in the castle of St Andrews. In the following year he was captured by the French and imprisoned at Rouen. In 1554, when the dowager queen Mary of Guise became regent of Scotland, Balnaves was released and on his return to Scotland he took an active part on the side of the lords of the congregation, and in 1563 was appointed a lord of session and was chosen as one of the commissioners to revise the Book of Discipline.

Bannockburn, Battle of

battle fought on 2324 June 1314 at Bannockburn, Scotland, between Robert (I) the Bruce, King of Scotland, and Edward II of England. The defeat of the English led to the independence of Scotland. Edward II, attempting to relieve Stirling castle, led over 2,000 knights and 15,000 foot soldiers, including about 5,000 archers. Bruce had only 500 light cavalry and some 7,000 foot soldiers. He took up a defensive position behind a stream and dug pits to hamper the English cavalry. An English attack was repulsed, so Edward's forces made a night march to outflank the obstacles. This manoeuvre was badly executed, leaving Edward's knights in boggy ground and the archers out of position in the rear. Bruce blocked the English advance with schiltrons (tightly packed formations) of pikemen, then, as the archers tried to deploy, charged with his cavalry and routed them. The English knights' charges against the Scottish schiltrons suffered heavy casualties, and 500 noblemen were taken for ransom.

barbarian conspiracy
joint attack in AD 367 on Roman Britain from the north by Picts, Scots and Attacotti, and from Continental Europe by Franks and Saxons. Nectaridus, probably comes (count) of the Roman coastal defences known as the Saxon Shore, was killed in the raids. The Roman commanders in Britain, Jovinus and Severus, were unable to repel the raiders and the Emperor Valentinian sent Theodosius to restore order. He landed at Richborough in 368, marched on London, and reorganized Britain's defences. Despite his capable efforts, the attack was a great shock to Britain's defence system.

Barber, Anthony Perrinott Lysberg (19202005)

Baron Barber of Wentbridge

British Conservative politician. He was chair of the Conservative Party 196770 and in 1970 was appointed chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in Edward Heath's new cabinet. Shortly afterwards he became chancellor of the Exchequer on the death of Iain Macleod, a post he held until the Conservative defeat in February 1974. In October 1974 he retired from Parliament and was made a life peer in December 1974.

Barebones Parliament
English assembly called by Oliver Cromwell to replace the Rump Parliament in July 1653. Although its members attempted to pass sensible legislation (civil marriage; registration of births, deaths, and marriages; custody of lunatics), their attempts to abolish tithes, patronage, and the court of chancery, and to codify the law, led to the resignation of the moderates and its dissolution in December 1653. The assembly consisted of 140 members selected by the army and derived its name from one of its members, Praise-God Barbon.

Barham, Charles Middleton, 1st Baron (17261813)

British naval officer. He joined the navy 1745 and became an admiral 1795. He was first lord of the Admiralty 180506. Much of Britain's naval reorganization before the Battle of Trafalgar was due to Barham's efforts.

Barnes, (Alice) Josephine (Mary Taylor) (19121999)

English obstetrician and gynaecologist. The first woman president of the British Medical Association 197980, she has also held appointments at the Royal Society of Medicine, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and the National Association of Family Planning Doctors. As a member of national and international committees, she has worked with the Royal Commission on Medical Education 196568, the Committee on the Working of the Abortion Act 197173, and the Advertising Standards Authority 198093. In 1974 she was created DBE. Barnes was born in Shorlingham, Norfolk. She read physiology at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, before completing her clinical training at University College Hospital, London in 1937. After various appointments in London and Oxford, she became deputy academic head of the Obstetric Unit of University College Hospital 194752, and surgeon to the Marie Curie Hospital 194767. She has published extensively on obstetrics, gynaecology, and family planning.

Barnes, George Nicoll (18591940)

British politician, active in Labour and trade-union politics. He was a cabinet minister 191720, and a member of the Versailles peace conference after World War I. He prepared the draft proposals for the Commission on World Labour, which subsequently developed into the International Labour Office.

Barnet, Battle of
in the Wars of the Roses, the defeat of Lancaster by York on 14 April 1471 in Barnet (now in northwest London).

collective title for all the landed nobility of medieval England, including earls and other important tenants-in-chief, as well as the barons.

Barons' War
civil war begun by the English barons under Simon de Montfort (the Younger), leader of a reform movement against King Henry III of England's government. Success at the Battle of Lewes in 1264 led to the king's capture, but at the Battle of Evesham in 1265 the rebellious barons were brutally massacred. The Montfortians' power base was around Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire. Marching south, Simon challenged the royalists outside Lewes in Sussex on 14 May. Despite a successful charge by Prince Edward, the royalists were routed by Simon's tactics and Henry was captured. Deserted by some of his allies, who changed sides in 1265, Simon was outmanoeuvred and drawn into a killing ground at Evesham, where he was killed, along with many other rebel barons. Montfortian castles continued to hold out until 1267. Kenilworth, surrounded by sophisticated water defences, withstood six months' intense siege until forced to surrender in December 1266.

Barons' Wars
civil wars in England: 121517 between King John and his barons, over his failure to honour Magna Carta; 126467 between Henry III (and the future Edward I) and his barons (led by Simon de Montfort); 1264 14 May Battle of Lewes at which Henry III was defeated and captured; 1265 4 August Simon de Montfort was defeated by Edward at Evesham and killed.

Barrington, Jonah (c. 17601834)

Irish lawyer and historian, best remembered for Personal Sketches of His Own Times (3 volumes, 182732) containing comical historical portraits of political and legal figures. Born at Knapton in County Laois, Barrington was educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was called to the bar in 1788, became Admiralty Court judge in 1798, and was knighted in 1807. In 1830, after he was removed from office for embezzlement, he lived in exile, where he wrote The Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation (1833). He died in France, having fled there in 1815 to escape creditors.

Bart, Lionel (19301999)

English composer and lyricist. His musical Lock Up Your Daughters (1959) ended the USA's domination of London's music theatre. Further acclaim followed with Fings Ain't Wot They Used T'be (1959), Oliver (1960), and Blitz! (1962). Bart was born in London. His first success, Lock Up Your Daughters, was based on Henry Fielding's play Rape upon Rape (1730). Maggie May, a between-the-wars

story of a Liverpool prostitute, was staged in 1964. His Robin Hood musical, Twang! (1965), and La Strada (1969) were box-office failures.

Barton, Elizabeth (15061534)

called 'the Maid of Kent' or 'the Nun of Kent'

English prophet. After an illness in 1525, she began to go into trances and make prophecies against the authorities. She denounced Henry VIII's divorce and marriage to Anne Boleyn, and was hanged for treason at Tyburn. Edward Bocking, one of the monks who had been sent by Archbishop Warham to examine her, was hanged at the same time. He had become convinced that she was directly inspired by the Virgin Mary, and acted as her confessor at the Priory of St Sepulchre at Canterbury.

one of the small fortified towns deliberately constructed to a rectilinear plan during the Middle Ages, especially in the second half of the 13th century under Edward I. Bastides were sited for strategic advantage as frontier posts or to consolidate a presence in hostile territory through the introduction of English traders and settlers. They were first constructed in France, where Monpazier in Dordogne (1284) is typical. Later they were introduced widely in Wales, for example at Rhuddlan, Conway, Caernarfon, Beaumaris, Criccieth and Harlech. Flint is probably the best surviving example, where a flat site lent itself to an ideal application of the principle.

Battenberg, (Mountbatten) Prince Louis Alexander (18541921)

British admiral. A member of a British family of German extraction, Battenberg joined the Royal Navy and became an admiral. In 1914 he was First Sea Lord but was forced to retire due to anti-German public feeling as a result of World War I.

Beachy Head, Battle of

English naval defeat in the Channel 30 June 1690 by a French force sailing to London in support of a proposed Jacobite rebellion. The English army at the time under William of Orange was almost entirely occupied in Ireland where the exiled King James II was based. Taking advantage of this weakness, Louis XIV of France prepared a large fleet to attack London, raise a Jacobite rebellion in support of James II, and invade England. Despite this victory, James suffered a series of reverses and was forced to flee to France, so the proposed invasion never took place.

title taken by Benjamin Disraeli, prime minister of Britain in 1868 and 187480.

or bedel (Anglo-Saxon bydell 'summoning officer')

British official whose function has had many variations. In Saxon England, the beadle called householders to the moot (an assembly of freemen). After the Norman Conquest the beadle was an officer both of the manor and of the church, but gradually developed into a parish constable. The university bedels, once important functionaries, now figure in official processions.

Beale, Mary (16321699)

born Mary Cradock

English portrait painter. A professional artist at the time of her marriage in 1651, little is known of her work before about 1670, although her husband's diaries record some commissions, including a number for clerics. A devoted follower of the contemporary portraitist Peter Lely, she also produced copies of his work. Beale was born in Barrow, Suffolk, and was the daughter of a clergyman.

Beaton, David (14941546)

Scottish Catholic cleric and politician. He became a cardinal in 1538 and archbishop of St Andrews in 1539. He held diplomatic posts under James V and was chancellor under Mary Queen of Scots. Beaton studied civil and canon law in France, and in 1519 was appointed resident for Scotland at the French court. He also acted as ambassador for James V to treat for a French alliance through a marriage between the Scottish king and the French princess. Beaton retained his influence at court after the death of James in 1542. He was opposed to the alliance with England and persecuted religious reformers such as George Wishart, who was condemned to the stake. In revenge, Wishart's friends murdered Beaton at St Andrews.

Beaufort, Henry (13751447)

English politician and cleric. As chancellor of England, he supported his half-brother Henry IV and made enormous personal loans to Henry V to finance war against France. As a guardian of Henry VI during his minority, from 1421 he was in effective control of the country until 1426. In the same year he was created a cardinal. Beaufort was the second of four illegitimate children of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his third wife, Katharine Swynford (c. 13501403). All the children were legitimized by charter of Richard II 1397. Beaufort was ordained priest, and was made bishop of Lincoln 1398 and of Winchester 1405. He had a long-running personal feud with Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, which led to his fall from power 1426. In 1427 he was sent by the pope to Germany to lead a crusade against Hussites. He crowned Henry VI king of France in Paris 1431.

Beaufort, Margaret (14431509)

Countess of Richmond and Derby

English noble. She was the granddaughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. In 1455 she married Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond, and their son became Henry VII of England. Her father was John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset. After the death of Edmund she married Henry Stafford, son of the Duke of Buckingham. Her third husband, Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby, defected from the Yorkists to the Lancastrians, aiding Henry's victory over Richard III at the battle of Bosworth 1485, which ended the Wars of the Roses.

town and tourist resort on the Isle of Anglesey, northwest Wales; population (2001) 2,050. It is situated on Beaumaris Bay, to the north of the Menai Strait, and has a large harbour. There is an annual regatta, and a music festival is held in early summer. Beaumaris Castle, one of the finest European examples of the concentric type, was founded by Edward I in 1295, and is classified by the United Nations as a World Heritage site. Other features include Beaumaris Courthouse, which was built in 1614 and renovated in the 19th century, and Beaumaris Gaol which was built in 1829; both buildings are open to the public.

Beaumont, Agnes (16521720)

English religious autobiographer. She became a friend of the writer John Bunyan after joining his congregation at Gamlingay in 1672. Forbidden by her father to attend a meeting in 1674, she defied him and was locked out of the house for two days.

Although reconciled, he died soon after, and she and Bunyan were accused of conspiring to poison him until cleared by a coroner's jury. The story is related in her autobiography, the 'Narrative of the Persecution of Agnes Beaumont', which still survives in manuscript form and was published in a collection called An Abstract of the Gracious Dealings of God with Several Eminent Christians (1760). Her birthplace was Edworth, Bedfordshire.

Beaverbrook, (William) Max(well) Aitken (18791964)

1st Baron Beaverbrook

Canadian-born British financier, proprietor and publisher of the Daily Express group of newspapers, and a UK government minister in cabinets during both world wars. He bought a majority interest in the Daily Express in 1916, founded the Sunday Express in 1918, and bought the London Evening Standard in 1923. He served in David Lloyd George's World War I cabinet and Winston Churchill's World War II cabinet. Having made a fortune in cement in Canada, he entered British politics, first in support of Andrew Bonar Law, then of Lloyd George, becoming minister of information 191819. In World War II he was minister of supply 1941. He received a knighthood in 1911 and was made a baronet in 1916.

Becket, St Thomas (11181170)

English archbishop and politician. He was chancellor to Henry II from 1155 to 1162, when he was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. The interests of the Roman Catholic medieval church soon conflicted with those of the crown and Becket was assassinated; he was canonized (made into a saint) in 1172.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

The murder of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, depicted by the artist and chronicler Matthew Paris. After his death, Becket's tomb in Canterbury became one of the most important English pilgrimage sites of the Middle Ages.

Bede (c. 673735)

English theologian and historian, known as the Venerable Bede. Active in Durham and Northumbria, he wrote many scientific, theological, and historical works. His Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of the English People) of 731 is a primary source for early English history, and was translated into the vernacular by King Alfred. Born at Monkwearmouth, Durham, Bede entered the local monastery at the age of seven, later transferring to Jarrow, where he became a priest in about 703. He devoted his life to writing and teaching; among his pupils was Egbert, archbishop of York. He was canonized in 1899. Much of our knowledge of England in the Dark Ages prior to the 8th century depends on Bede's historical works and his painstaking efforts to research and validate original sources, both documentary and oral testimony. He popularized the system of dating events from the birth of Christ.

alternative spelling of beadle.

Bee, St (or St Begh or St Bega)

Irish princess and religious leader. She was initiated into holy orders by her fellow countryman St Aidan, the first bishop of Lindisfarne, and founded the nunnery of St Bees in Cumberland.

Bek, Antony (died 1311)

English prelate, bishop of Durham from 1283. In 1296 he took part in Edward I's expedition against Scotland, and received the Scottish king John de Baliol's submission. Clement V made him patriarch of Jerusalem in 1305, and two years later Edward II granted him the sovereignty of the Isle of Man. After his return from the Battle of Falkirk in 1298 Bek appears to have lost Edward I's favour. In 1302 he set out to Rome to lodge an appeal against Richard de Hoton, prior of Durham, without asking the king's leave; in consequence the temporalities of his see were confiscated, but he afterwards regained them.

Bekynton, Thomas (c. 13931465)

English cleric, bishop of Bath and Wells from 1443. He was for a time secretary to Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester; he later served as a royal diplomat and compiled a collection of documents, proving the justice of English claims to the French throne. He was regarded as a potential humanist patron, being presented with copies of works by such diverse characters as Flavio Biondo and John Free.

Belknap, Robert (lived late 14th century)

English jurist. He was chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas from 1374 to 1388, when he was removed for having, unwillingly, signed an affirmative to the question of Edward III: 'Whether I might by my regal power revoke that which was acted in Parliament'. In the succeeding Parliament all the judges were arrested in Westminster Hall on a charge of high treason, but Belknap escaped with his life through the intercession of the bishops.

Bell, Alexander Graham (18471922)

Scottish-born US scientist and inventor. He was the first person ever to transmit speech from one point to another by electrical means. This invention the telephone was made in 1876, when Bell transmitted speech from Paris, Ontario, to Brantford, Ontario (a distance of 13 km/8 mi). Later Bell experimented with a type of phonograph and, in aeronautics, invented the tricycle undercarriage.

Bell also invented a photophone, which used selenium crystals to apply the telephone principle to transmitting words in a beam of light. He thus achieved the first wireless transmission of speech.

Bell, Andrew (17531832)

British educationist. In 1789 he became superintendent of the Madras Male Orphan Asylum, India, founded by the East India Company for the education of the sons of military men, where he developed a system of the older boys teaching the younger ones. On his return to England he published The Madras School or Elements of Tuition (1797), explaining his system. He settled in Swanage, Dorset, and applied the system in four or five small schools in the town. Meanwhile Joseph Lancaster, a Quaker, had set up a school in 1798 in Borough Road, London, also using the monitorial system. The Church of England, viewing Lancaster's school as a threat, founded the National Society to run Anglican schools, and Lancaster and his supporters set up the rival British and Foreign Schools Society. Bell became superintendent of the National Schools, which proved the more efficient organization, and by 1833 there were 12,000 such schools.

Beloff, Max, Baron Beloff (19131999)

British historian. From 1974 to 1979 he was principal of the University College at Buckingham, the UK's first independent institution at university level.

Benbow, John (16531702)

English admiral. He spent his entire life in active service; as a boy he ran away to sea, and from 1689 served in the navy. Hero of several battles with France, he fought at the battles of Beachy Head 1690 and La Hogue 1692. In 1702 he attacked a French squadron off Jamaica and was wounded in the leg but remained on deck to continue the attack. He was defeated owing to lack of support from his captains, two of whom were later tried and shot for cowardice. He died of his wounds in Jamaica.

benefit of clergy
immunity from lay jurisdiction granted to members of the clergy. The benefit was granted by the Constitutions of Clarendon 1164 which laid down that members of the clergy should be exempt from the jurisdiction of lay courts, except in the case of infringement of royal forest laws. They were to be handed over instead to an ecclesiastical court, where it was widely felt that they would receive more lenient treatment.

By the 15th century it was sufficient to be able to read to claim benefit, as the church had a strong association with learning and literacy was taken to be sufficient proof of being a member of the clergy. Those claiming this right would normally be asked to read Psalm 51 I, the so-called 'neck verse', and so this passage was often allegedly memorised by those who could not in fact read. During the early Reformation, the rights to benefit were severely restricted, although it was only actually abolished 1825.

Bennett, Jill (19311990)

English actor. She scored her first major success in Jean Anouilh's Dinner With The Family (1957), and went on to establish a considerable reputation as an elegant, sharp-witted actor, both in classical and contemporary drama. Bennett was born in London, and made her acting debut at Stratford in 1949, and in London in 1950. She played in a number of the works of John Osborne, including Time Present (1968), West of Suez (1971), Watch It Come Down (1976), and an acclaimed title role in his production of Henrik Ibsen's classic drama Hedda Gabler in 1972.

Bentinck, Lord (William) George (Frederick Cavendish) (1802 1848)

English noble and politician. In 1846 he led opposition to repeal of the Corn Laws and helped defeat Robert Peel's government. When the Conservative Party split over Free Trade, Bentinck became leader of the protectionist faction 184647.

Bentinck, Lord William Henry Cavendish (17741839)

British colonial administrator, governor general of India 182835. He acted to suppress the Thugs (a fraternity of robbers who strangled their victims) and tried to stop the practice of suttee (the burning of a widow on her husband's funeral pyre). He also established English as the medium of instruction. As governor of Madras (now Chennai) from 1803, he introduced reforms that provoked a mutiny among the Indian soldiers (sepoys), and was recalled 1807. He became governor general of Bengal 1827 and then governor general of India the following year.

Beresford, Charles William de la Poer (18461919)

1st Baron

Irish naval commander and politician. A popular and flamboyant officer, he held appointments as Fourth Lord of the Admiralty (188688) and commander of the Mediterranean Fleet (190507) and Channel Fleet (190709). His service career came to an end after bitter public disagreements with the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir John Fisher, over naval policy and reforms. Beresford was born in Philipstown, County Offally, the son of the 4th Marquis of Waterford. He joined the navy in 1859, and was given his first command in 1882 for distinguished service at the bombardment of Alexandria, which also earned him great public acclaim and the affectionate nickname 'Charlie B'. He subsequently served in the Nile expedition of 1884. His political career began in 1874, when he was elected as the Conservative MP for Waterford; he later represented York and Portsmouth in Parliament.

Berkeley, William (16061677)

British colonial administrator in North America. He was governor of the colony of Virginia 164177 but was removed from office for his brutal repression of Bacon's Rebellion 1676. When first appointed governor of Virginia, Berkeley proved himself to be an able administrator, but was drawn into English politics and neglected the affairs of his colony. Siding with the Royalists during the English Civil War, he was removed from the governorship by Oliver Cromwell 1652. He was reappointed 1660 by Charles II after the Restoration of the monarchy. However, growing opposition to him in the colony culminated in the rebellion.

Anglo-Norman family granted Irish lands in Offaly by Richard de Clare (Strongbow), soon after his arrival in Ireland in 1170. They took part in the conquest of Connacht, the Offaly branch being known as the de Berminghams of Tethmoy, while those of Connacht being based in Athenry. Like many such families, the de Berminghams were ultimately absorbed into Gaelic society, some adopting the name Mac Fheorais (son of Piers), now Corish. Despite their Gaelicization, they are best remembered for the massacre of 30 of the O'Connors in 1305, carried out by Piers (Peter) de Bermingham of Tethmoy (died 1308) while they feasted at his castle in Carbury; the deed was applauded by the English and lamented by their Irish counterparts.

Berry, Edward (17681831)

British naval officer. During the Revolutionary Wars against France, he was captain of Horatio Nelson's flagship in 1798 at the Battle of Aboukir Bay, of which he later wrote an account. Berry was taken prisoner by the French while carrying Nelson's dispatches home on the Leander. He also took part in the Battle of Trafalgar 1805.

Berwick, James Fitzjames, 1st Duke of Berwick (16701734)

French marshal, illegitimate son of the Duke of York (afterwards James II of England) and Arabella Churchill (16481730), sister of the great duke of Marlborough, his enemy in battle. He was made duke of Berwick in 1687. After the revolution of 1688 he served under his father in Ireland, joined the French army, fought against William III and Marlborough, and in 1707 defeated the English at Almansa in Spain. He was killed at the siege of Philippsburg. Created Duke 1687.

Berwick, treaties of
three treaties between the English and the Scots signed at Berwick, on the border of the two countries. In the first treaty, made in January 1560, Queen Elizabeth I of England and the Calvinist Lords of the Congregation in Scotland agreed to an alliance, and the expulsion from Scotland of French troops who were supporting the Catholic regent, Mary of Guise, mother of Mary Queen of Scots. In the second treaty, made in July 1586, James VI of Scotland signed a treaty with Elizabeth by which, in return for an English pension of 4,000, both sides agreed to maintain their established religions, and cooperate in case of an invasion of Britain by Catholic forces. The third treaty, made in June 1639 ended the first Bishops' War. King Charles I of England agreed with the Scottish rebels that a General Assembly of the Scottish Church, the Kirk, would determine religious matters and that a parliament would be summoned in Edinburgh, and in return they stood down their forces.

Bessemer, Henry (18131898)

English engineer and inventor who developed a method of converting molten pig iron into steel (the Bessemer process) in 1856. Knighted 1879.

Bevan, Aneurin (Nye) (18971960)

British Labour politician. Son of a Welsh miner, and himself a miner at 13, he was member of Parliament for Ebbw Vale 192960. As minister of health 194551, he inaugurated the National Health Service (NHS); he was minister of labour from January to April 1951, when he resigned (with Harold Wilson) on the introduction of NHS charges and led a Bevanite faction against the government. In 1956 he became chief Labour spokesperson on foreign affairs, and deputy leader of the Labour party in 1959. He was an outstanding speaker.

Beveridge, William Henry (18791963)

1st Baron Beveridge

British economist. A civil servant, he acted as Lloyd George's lieutenant in the social legislation of the Liberal government before World War I. His Report on Social Insurance and Allied Services (1942), known as the Beveridge Report, formed the basis of the welfare state in Britain. Beveridge was born in Rangpur, Bengal, and was educated at Charterhouse and Oxford University. He was leader writer on the Morning Post before entering the Board of Trade in 1908 and was director of labour exchanges from 1909 to 1916. From 1919 to 1937 he was director of the London School of Economics. He became a Liberal MP in 1944 but was defeated in 1945. He was created a baron in 1946.

Beveridge Report, the

in Britain, popular name of Social Insurance and Allied Services, a report written by William Beveridge in 1942 that formed the basis for the social-reform legislation of the Labour government of 194550. Also known as the Report on Social Security, it identified five 'giants': idleness, ignorance, disease, squalor, and want. It proposed a scheme of social insurance from 'the cradle to the grave', and recommended a national health service, social insurance and assistance, family allowances, and full-employment policies.

Bevin, Ernest (18811951)

British Labour politician. Chief creator of the Transport and General Workers' Union, he was its general secretary 192140. He served as minister of labour and national service 194045 in Winston Churchill's wartime coalition government, and organized the 'Bevin boys', chosen by ballot to work in the coalmines as war service. As foreign secretary in the Labour government 194551, he played a leading part in the creation of NATO.

Bianconi, Charles (Carlo) (17861875)

Irish transport entrepreneur. Born in Lombardy, Italy, he came to Ireland as a travelling salesman specializing in prints and small artworks. On opening a craft shop in Carrick-on-Suir, County Tipperary, in 1806, he became aware of the acute transportation difficulties of the region and in 1815 initiated his own horse-drawn carriage service, carrying passengers and goods around Tipperary. Rising demand enabled him to expand both the extent of his operation and the size of his carriages; by the mid-1840s a large fleet of 'Bians' covered a road network of over 5,000 km/3,000 mi. His coaches remained popular until challenged by the expansion of the railway system in the later 19th century.

Biggs, Ronald (1929 )

English criminal, member of the gang responsible for the robbery of the London Glasgow mail train in the UK on 8 August 1963. He was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment but escaped from Wandsworth prison, London, in July 1965 and fled, first to Australia, and later to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Unable to be extradited under Brazilian law, he lived there until May 2001, when he returned voluntarily to the UK, and was arrested on his arrival. In what was known as the 'Great Train Robbery', the gang stole more than 2.5 million in used banknotes. Most of the gang were caught and imprisoned for long terms, but Biggs's escape and flight earned him iconic status.

Billington-Greig, Teresa (18771964)

born Teresa Billington

English suffragette, socialist, and writer. Moving away from the militant branch of the suffragette movement led by Emmeline Pankhurst, she founded the Women's Freedom League in 1907 with Charlotte Despard and Edith How-Martyn. Though an ardent suffragette, twice imprisoned for her activities, she disapproved of the use of violence, as indicated in her critique The Militant Suffrage Movement (1911). Billington was born in Blackburn, Lancashire, and educated at a convent school, later taking Manchester University extension classes. A teacher and member of the Independent Labour Party, she was secretary of the Manchester Equal Pay League, and met Pankhurst when her job was threatened for refusing to teach religious instruction. She joined Pankhurst's Women's Social and Political Union in 1903 and became its London organizer in 1907.

Bill of Rights
in Britain, an act of Parliament of 1689 that established Parliament as the primary governing body of the country. It made provisions limiting royal prerogative (the right to act independently of Parliament) with respect to legislation, executive power, money levies, courts, and the army, and stipulated Parliament's consent to many government functions. The Bill of Rights embodied the Declaration of Rights which contained the conditions on which William and Mary were offered the throne in the Glorious Revolution. The act made illegal the suspension of laws by royal authority without Parliament's consent; the power to dispense with laws; the establishment of special courts of law; levying money by royal prerogative without Parliament's consent; and the maintenance of a standing army in peacetime without Parliament's consent. It also asserted a right to petition the sovereign, freedom of parliamentary elections, freedom of speech in parliamentary debates, and the necessity of frequent parliaments.

The Bill of Rights is the nearest approach to a written constitution that the United Kingdom possesses. Its provisions, where applicable, were incorporated in the US constitution ratified in 1788.

Birkbeck, George (17761841)

English doctor and pioneer of workers' education. Born in Settle, Yorkshire, he studied medicine and philosophy in Edinburgh. As professor of natural philosophy at Anderson's College, Glasgow, he started giving free lectures to workers in 1799 and these classes later became the Glasgow Mechanics' Institution. He moved to London as a doctor in 1804 and established a similar scheme of free classes for workers there. This scheme became the London Mechanics' Institute in 1824 and then evolved to become Birkbeck College, a college offering part-time degrees in the new University of London, which he also helped found.

Birkenhead, F(rederick) E(dwin) Smith (18721930)

1st Earl of Birkenhead

British lawyer and Conservative politician. He was a flamboyant and ambitious character, and played a major role in securing the Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921, which created the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland). As a lawyer, his greatest achievement was the Law of Property Act of 1922, which forms the basis of current English land law. During the Irish crisis of 1914 over the granting of home rule, he joined with his fellow Conservative Edward Carson in organizing armed resistance in Ulster. Although often characterized by the press and political contemporaries as a swashbuckling orator, Smith proved himself a tireless, responsible, and far-sighted statesman. He also wrote a number of popular literary works.

Birkett, (William) Norman (18831962)

1st Baron of Ulverston

English lawyer and politician. He was a Liberal member of Parliament 192324 and 192931. He was a judge of the King's Bench Division 194150, and in 1945 was appointed a deputy member of the International War Criminal Court. He became a privy councillor in 1947.

Bishops' Wars
struggles between King Charles I of England and Scottish Protestants 163840 over Charles' attempt to re-impose royal authority over the church in Scotland. The name

derives from the Arminian bishops in England who were seen as the driving force behind Charles' attempt.

Black, Clementina Maria (18531922)

English suffragist, trade unionist, and novelist. After serving as secretary of the Women's Provident and Protective League, she set up the more militant Women's Trade Union Association (1889). This merged with the Women's Industrial Council (1897) and she became its president, playing an active role in collecting data on women's work and campaigning against sweated industries. She published Married Women's Work in 1915. Black was born in Brighton, East Sussex, and educated at home. On her mother's death she moved to London, where she conducted research for her novels and lectured on 18th-century literature. Her publications include Sweated Industry and the Minimum Wage (1907), A Case for Trade Boards (1909), and a number of novels. Her sister Constance Garnett (18621946) was a distinguished translator of Russian literature.

Black and Tans

nickname of a special auxiliary force of the Royal Irish Constabulary formed from British ex-soldiers on 2 January 1920 and in action in Ireland March 1920December 1921. They were employed by the British government to combat the killing of policemen by the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the military wing of the Irish nationalist Sinn Fein government, during the Anglo-Irish War, or War of Independence (1919 21). The name derives from the colours of their improvised khaki and black uniforms, and was also the name of a famous pack of hounds. The Black and Tans acquired a reputation for violent reprisals against the civilian population after IRA attacks. The peak of Black and Tan retribution is traditionally Bloody Sunday, 1920. On 21 November, after the IRA assassinated 13 men in Dublin, mainly British intelligence officers, the Black and Tans fired on a crowd at a Gaelic football match in Croke Park, killing 12 onlookers.

Blackburn, Helen (18421903)

Irish social reformer and campaigner for women's suffrage. She was Secretary of the National Society for Women's Suffrage 187495 and editor of The Englishwoman's Review 188190. In 1899 she and the journal's owner Jessie Boucherett founded the Freedom of Labour Defence League, dedicated to upholding women's freedom and their powers of earning. Blackburn was born in Knightstown, County Kerry, the daughter of a civil engineer and inventor. In 1859 she and her family moved to London. Her many publications include a Handbook for Women Engaged in Social and Political Work 1881 and Women's Suffrage: A Record of the Movement in the British Isles 1902.

Black Prince
nickname of Edward, Prince of Wales, eldest son of Edward III of England.

Blackwood, Henry (17701832)

British admiral. During the Revolutionary Wars with France, he was commended by Horatio Nelson for his conduct in a sea fight 1800 between the Penelope, which Blackwood was commanding, and the Guillaume Tell. He served with Nelson at Cdiz, and later under Collingwood. Blackwood became commander-in-chief in the East Indies 1819.

Blair, Tony (1953 )

born Anthony Charles Lynton Blair

British Labour politician, leader of the Labour Party from 1994, prime minister from 1997. A centrist in the manner of his predecessor John Smith, he became Labour's youngest leader by a large majority in the first fully democratic elections to the post in July 1994. He moved the party away from its traditional socialist base towards the 'social democratic' political centre, under the slogan 'New Labour', securing approval in 1995 of a new Labour Party charter, which removed the commitment to public ownership. During the 2003 US-led Iraq War, he was a firm ally of US president George W Bush, despite strong opposition from within sections of the Labour Party and the public. This damaged his public standing, amid accusations that his government had overstated the military threat posed by Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. He led the Labour party to a historic third term in 2005, but with a substantially reduced majority, and was increasingly seen by critics in the party as an electoral liability. Blair and his party secured landslide victories in the 1997 and 2001 general elections, with 179-seat and 167-seat majorities respectively. During his first term as prime minister, Blair retained high public approval ratings and achieved a number of significant reforms, including Scottish and Welsh devolution, reform of the House of Lords, ceding control over interest rates to the Bank of England, a national minimum wage, the creation of an elected mayor for London, and a peace agreement in Northern Ireland. His government pursued a cautious economic programme, similar to that of the preceding Conservative administrations, involving tight control over public expenditure and the promotion, in the Private Finance Initiative, of 'public private partnerships'. This achieved steady economic growth and higher levels of employment, providing funds for greater investment in public services during Blair's second term, from 2001. In 2003, public support for Blair fell, both because of concerns that investment in public services had not delivered clear improvements, and because of criticism of his stance on the Iraq War. This was reflected in the 2005 elections, which the Labour Party won but with a much-reduced 67-seat majority that many ascribed to Blair's leadership style and unapologetic support for the Iraq War.

Blair's presidential style of governing involves delegating much to individual ministers, but intervening in key areas in an effort to build up public support. He was supported by a large team of political advisers and media 'spin doctors', who emphasized the importance of image and presentation. In his second term, Blair spent more time on international diplomacy, trying to act as a bridge between the USA and European Union countries in the run-up to the Iraq War.


(Image Research Machines plc)

English leader of the Labour Party, Tony Blair. Blair was born in 1953 and educated at St John's College, Oxford, where he studied law. Blair practised as a lawyer before becoming a member of Parliament in 1983, and he shares his legal background with his wife Cherie Booth, a leading barrister. One of the architects of New Labour, Blair led Labour to landslide election victories in 1997 and 2001.

Blake, George (19221994)

British double agent who worked for MI6 and also for the USSR. Blake was unmasked by a Polish defector in 1961 and imprisoned, but escaped to the Eastern bloc in 1966. He is said to have betrayed at least 42 British agents to the Soviet side.

Blake, Robert (15991657)

British admiral of the Parliamentary forces during the English Civil War. Appointed 'general-at-sea' in 1649, the following year he destroyed Prince Rupert's privateering Royalist fleet off Cartagena, Spain. In 1652 he won several engagements against the Dutch navy. In 1654 he bombarded Tunis, the stronghold of the Barbary corsairs, and in 1657 captured the Spanish treasure fleet in Santa Cruz.

Manchester hand-loom weavers who began a march on London in March 1817, in protest against the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act and the economic slump after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. They were so named because they carried their blankets on the march. The march was broken up in Stockport, Cheshire, the day after it began. See also Peterloo massacre.

Blenheim, Battle of
in the War of the Spanish Succession, decisive victory on 13 August 1704 of Allied troops under Marlborough over French and Bavarian armies near the Bavarian village of Blenheim (now in Germany) on the left bank of the Danube, about 25 km/18 mi northwest of Augsburg. Although the war was to continue for a further eight years, Blenheim marked the turning point at which the power of France was first broken.

Bligh, William (17541817)

English sailor. He accompanied Captain James Cook on his second voyage around the world (177274), and in 1787 commanded HMS Bounty on an expedition to the Pacific. On the return voyage, in protest against harsh treatment, the crew mutinied. Bligh was sent to Australia as governor of New South Wales in 1805, where his discipline again provoked a mutiny in 1808 (the Rum Rebellion). Bligh went to Tahiti with the Bounty to collect breadfruit-tree specimens, and gained the nickname 'Breadfruit Bligh'. In the mutiny, he and those of the crew who supported him were cast adrift in a boat with no map and few provisions. They survived, after many weeks reaching Timor, near Java, having drifted 5,822 km/3,618 mi. Many of the crew settled in the Pitcairn Islands. On his return to England in 1790, Bligh was exonerated for his conduct.

In the Revolutionary Wars, Bligh took part in several naval battles: he was present at the Nore in 1797, later fought at Camperdown, and was specially mentioned at the battle of Copenhagen in 1801. After the failure of his Australian appointment, he returned to Britain, and was made an admiral in 1811.

Blitz, the
(German Blitzkrieg 'lightning war')

German air raids against Britain September 1940May 1941, following Germany's failure to establish air superiority in the Battle of Britain. It has been estimated that about 42,000 civilians were killed, 50,000 were injured, and more than two million homes were destroyed and damaged in the Blitz, together with an immense amount of damage caused to industrial installations.

Blood, Thomas (16181680)

Irish adventurer, known as Colonel Blood. In 1663 he tried to seize the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland at Dublin Castle, and in 1670 he attempted to assassinate the Duke of Ormond in 1670, possibly on instructions from the Duke of Buckingham. In 1671 he and three accomplices succeeded in stealing the crown and orb from the Tower of London, but were captured soon afterwards. Blood received estates in Ireland in return for military services rendered to the Parliamentary party during the English Civil War. These were forfeited at the Restoration of the monarchy but were later returned by Charles II. In 1671 Charles II visited him in prison, and through his favour Blood obtained his release.

Bloody Assizes
courts held by judges of the High Court in the west of England under the Lord Chief Justice, Judge Jeffreys, after Monmouth' s rebellion in 1685. Over 300 rebels were executed and many more flogged or imprisoned.

Bloody Sunday
shooting dead of 13 unarmed demonstrators in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, on 30 January 1972, by soldiers from the British Army's 1st Parachute Regiment. One wounded man later died from an illness attributed to the shooting. The demonstrators were taking part in a march to protest against the British government's introduction of internment without trial in Northern Ireland on 9 August 1971. The British government-appointed Widgery Tribunal found that the paratroopers were not guilty of shooting dead the 13 civilians in cold blood. In January 1998, however, British prime minister Tony Blair announced a new inquiry into the events of Bloody Sunday.

other incidents
The term 'Bloody Sunday' is also used to refer to a number of other historical shootings: notably, in Dublin on 21 November 1920, the killings conducted by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in which 13 died, and retaliatory shootings by the government's Black and Tans, who killed 3 IRA leaders, and later opened fire at a Gaelic football match in Croke Park, Dublin, killing 12 spectators; the massacre in Russia by tsarist troops of 1,000 protesters in St Petersburg on 2 January 1905 during the Russian Revolution; and in Britain on 13 November 1887, the dispersal by police of a meeting in Trafalgar Square organized by the Social Democratic Federation to demand the release of Irish nationalist William O'Brien, resulting in over a hundred casualties.

Blount, Charles (15631606)

Earl of Devonshire, 8th Baron Mountjoy

English soldier, a friend of the 2nd Earl of Essex. Blount accompanied him and Raleigh on their unsuccessful expedition to the Azores in 1597. He became Lord Deputy of Ireland in 1601 and quelled the revolt led by the Irish chief Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone, when the Irish failed in their attempt to reach a Spanish force that had arrived at Kinsale in 1601. He subdued most of Ireland and was created earl in 1603. He was knighted in 1586.

blue books
in Britain, former official reports published by the government and Parliament on domestic and foreign affairs in the 19th and early 20th centuries, so named for their blue paper covers. They were usually the reports of a royal commission or a committee, but short acts of Parliament were also sometimes known as blue books, even when they had no cover.

Blunt, Anthony Frederick (19071983)

English art historian and double agent. As a Cambridge lecturer, he recruited for the Soviet secret service and, as a member of the British Secret Service 194045, passed information to the USSR. In 1951 he assisted the defection to the USSR of the British agents Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean (19131983). He was the author of many respected works on Italian and French art, including a study of Poussin 196667. Unmasked in 1964, he was given immunity after his confession.

alternative (Latin) spelling of British queen Boudicca.

Bodichon, Barbara (18271890)

born Barbara Leigh-Smith

English feminist and campaigner for women's education and suffrage. She wrote Women at Work (1857) and with Bessie Rayner Parkes was a founder of the feminist magazine The Englishwoman's Journal (1858). She helped to found the college for women that became Girton College, Cambridge. Bodichon was born in London, the daughter of a radical member of Parliament who believed strongly in women's rights, and studied at Bedford College. In 1852 she opened a primary school in London. She was also an accomplished landscape watercolourist.

Bodley, Thomas (15451613)

English scholar and diplomat, after whom the Bodleian Library in Oxford is named. After retiring from Queen Elizabeth I's service in 1597, he concentrated on restoring the university's library, which was opened as the Bodleian Library in 1602. He was knighted in 1604.

Boleyn, Anne (c. 15071536)

Queen of England 153336 as the second wife of Henry VIII. She gave birth to the future Queen Elizabeth I in 1533, but was unable to produce a male heir to the throne, and was executed on a false charge. Having no male heir by his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, Henry broke from Rome and the pope (starting the Reformation) in order to divorce Catherine and marry Anne. She was married to him in 1533, but three years later was accused of adultery and incest with her half-brother (a charge invented by Thomas Cromwell), and sent to the Tower of London. She was declared guilty, and was beheaded on 19 May 1536 at Tower Green.


(Image Billie Love)

A portrait of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII of England (c. 1536, in the style of Holbein). Boleyn was introduced to the royal court in the late 1520s, where she became the King's mistress. Her resulting pregnancy (with the future Elizabeth I) hastened a secret marriage and the final annulment of Henry's previous marriage. In 1536, after the miscarriage of a son, Anne was brought to trial on treason charges and beheaded.

title of Henry of Bolingbroke, Henry IV of England.

Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke (16781751)

British Tory politician and political philosopher. He was foreign secretary 171014 and a Jacobite conspirator. His books, such as Idea of a Patriot King (1738) and The Dissertation upon Parties (1735), laid the foundations for 19th-century Toryism.

Bonar Law
British Conservative politician; see Law, Andrew Bonar.

Bondfield, Margaret Grace (18731953)

British Labour politician and trade unionist. She became a trade-union organizer to improve working conditions for women. She helped to found the National Federation of Women Workers in 1906 and was active in the Cooperative Women's Guild. She became chair of the Trades Union Congress in 1923 and was a Labour member of Parliament 192324 and 192631. As Minister for Labour 192931 she was the first woman to be a British cabinet minister.

Bonham-Carter, (Helen) Violet (18871969)

Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury

British president of the Liberal party 194547. A close supporter of Winston Churchill, she published Winston Churchill as I Knew Him in 1965. She was the daughter of H H Asquith. She was created a DBE in 1953 and Baroness in 1964.

Boniface of Savoy (died 1270)

English cleric, a Carthusian, archbishop of Canterbury from 1241, enthroned in 1249. His reforms met with strong resistance from the clergy and he retired to Rome until 1252. In 1256 he took part with the bishops against Henry III, but in 1263 he joined the papal legate in excommunicating the rebellious barons.

Bonnie Prince Charlie

Scottish name for Charles Edward Stuart, pretender to the throne.

Booth, Catherine (18291890)

born Catherine Mumford

English co-founder of the Salvation Army with her husband William Booth. In about 1860 she became a public preacher, initiating the ministry of women. After preaching tours throughout the country, she helped to set up the Christian Mission in

Whitechapel, London, in 1865, which later became the Salvation Army in 1878; she also started the Army's women's work. Her belief in woman preachers is outlined in the pamphlet Female Ministry (1859).

Booth, Charles (18401916)

English shipowner and sociologist; author of the study Life and Labour of the People in London (1902) conducted from 1889, in which he found that 30% of Londoners lived in unacceptable conditions. Booth argued that poverty was not caused by idleness or drink, but by low wages, sickness, and unemployment. He argued that poverty caused depravity. Booth served on the Royal Commission that investigated the poor law 190509, and campaigned for an old-age pension scheme.

Booth, William (18291912)

English founder of the Salvation Army (1878), and its first 'general'. Booth was born in Nottingham. He experienced religious conversion at the age of 15. In 1865 he founded the Christian Mission in Whitechapel, east London, which became the Salvation Army in 1878. In Darkest England, and the Way Out (1890) contained proposals for the physical and spiritual redemption of the many down-andouts. His wife Catherine Booth, whom he married in 1855, became a public preacher in about 1860, initiating the ministry of women. Their eldest son, William Bramwell Booth (18561929), became chief of staff of the Salvation Army in 1880 and was general from 1912 until his deposition in 1929.


(Image Billie Love)

English evangelist and founder of the Salvation Army William Booth, with two of his grandchildren. Popularly known as General Booth, he was a Methodist revivalist preacher who worked actively to improve the condition of the poor, ministering to both their spiritual and physical needs.

Boothby, Robert John Graham (19001986)

Baron Boothby

British politician, born in Scotland. He became Unionist member of Parliament for East Aberdeenshire in 1924 and was parliamentary private secretary to Winston Churchill 192629. He advocated the UK's entry into the European Community (now the European Union). He was parliamentary secretary to the ministry of food 194041, and in 1948 became an original member of the Council of United Europe. He was a prominent commentator on public affairs on radio and television. He was created a KBE in 1958 and Baron in 1958.

Borlase, William (16951772)

English antiquary. In his Philosophical Transactions he published an essay on Cornish diamonds, and was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1750. Subsequently he produced several works, including Antiquities of Cornwall (1754), and presented collections to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.

Boscawen, Edward (17111761)

English admiral who served against the French in the mid-18th-century wars, including the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War. He led expeditions to the East Indies 174850 and served as lord of the Admiralty from 1751, vice admiral from 1755, and admiral from 1758. To his men he was known as 'Old Dreadnought'.

Bosworth, Battle of
battle fought on 22 August 1485, during the English Wars of the Roses (see Roses, Wars of the). Richard III, the Yorkist king, was defeated and killed by Henry Tudor, who became Henry VII. The battlefield is near the village of Market Bosworth, 19 km/12 mi west of Leicester, England. Henry Tudor inherited the Lancastrian claim and invaded England through Wales, landing at Milford Haven on 7 August. Richard had 11,00012,000 men and a strong position on Ambion Hill. Henry had 5,0007,000 troops, but Lord Stanley and his brother commanded 5,000 and 3,000 men to the north and south of the royalists, respectively. Accounts of the battle are unclear, but it is possible that the Lancastrian Earl of Oxford was able to swing around the right flank of the royal army. This enabled a better concentration of force, left Northumberland unengaged on the royalist left, and brought Henry closer to Lord Stanley. After some fierce fighting, Richard saw Henry's banner moving northwards. Richard charged with his cavalry and almost cut his way through to Henry before he was killed as the Stanley troops joined the fray.

Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell (c. 15361578)

Scottish nobleman. The third husband of Mary Queen of Scots, 156770, he was alleged to have arranged the explosion that killed Darnley, her previous husband, in 1567. He succeeded as Earl in 1556 and became Duke in 1567.

Boucicault, Nina (18671950)

English actor. She is chiefly remembered as the actor who first played Peter Pan in the London premiere of J M Barrie's immensely popular fantasy Peter Pan in 1904. Boucicault was born in London, the daughter of the distinguished playwright Dion Boucicault. She made her acting debut in her father's company in the USA in 1885. It was the beginning of a long and successful career which ended with her retirement from the stage in 1936.

Boudicca (died AD 61)

Queen of the Iceni (native Britons), often referred to by the Latin form of her name, Boadicea. Her husband, King Prasutagus, had been a tributary of the Romans, but on his death in AD 60 the territory of the Iceni was violently annexed. Boudicca was scourged and her daughters raped. Boudicca raised the whole of southeastern England in revolt, and before the main Roman armies could return from campaigning in Wales she burned Londinium (London), Verulamium (St Albans), and Camulodunum (Colchester). Later the Romans under governor Suetonius Paulinus defeated the British between London and Chester; they were virtually annihilated and Boudicca poisoned herself.

Bounty, Mutiny on the

naval mutiny in the Pacific in 1789 against British captain William Bligh.

Bourchier, Thomas (c. 14101486)

English archbishop of Canterbury 145486. He was previously bishop of Worcester in 1434 and bishop of Ely in 1443, and was Lord Chancellor 145556. Bourchier supported the Lancastrians at the beginning of the Wars of the Roses, but from 1461 supported Edward IV, whom he crowned. He also crowned Richard III and Henry VII. He was made a cardinal in 1467.

Bow Street Runners

informal police force organized in 1749 by Henry Fielding, chief magistrate at Bow Street in London. The scheme was initially established as a force of detectives to aid the Bow Street Magistrates' court but from 1757 it was funded by the government to cover the rest of London. It formed the basis for the Metropolitan police force established by Robert Peel's government in 1829.

Boycott, Charles Cunningham (18321897)

English ex-serviceman and land agent in County Mayo, Ireland, 187386. He strongly opposed the demands for agrarian reform by the Irish Land League, 1879 81, with the result that the peasants refused to work for him; hence the word boycott, meaning to isolate an individual, organization, or country, socially or commercially. In response to his ostracism Boycott hired 50 Protestant Orangemen for the autumn harvest of 1880, but 1,000 troops were needed to protect them at a cost of 10,000 to the government. In 1886 he left Ireland permanently.

Boyle, Richard (15661643)

1st Earl of Cork; called 'the Great Earl'

Anglo-Irish administrator. After gaining great wealth and property, he promoted English Protestant immigration to Ireland, and won the favour of Queen Elizabeth I. He was made a privy counsellor in 1612, an Earl in 1620, and Lord High Treasurer of Ireland in 1631. During the Irish rebellion of 1641, he successfully defended the region of Munster against attack. He was the father of the distinguished scientist Robert Boyle. Born in Canterbury, England, Boyle studied at Cambridge and the Middle Temple before moving to Ireland in 1588. There he set about acquiring property, especially in Munster, through a mixture of deception and coercion, and soon became the richest landowner on the island. The ironworks that he owned were a particularly lucrative source of income. His marriage to an heiress in 1603 brought him further respectability and wealth. Although corrupt, he equipped areas under his jurisdiction with an infrastructure of roads, bridges, harbours, towns, and castles. From 1633, he was engaged in a struggle with the Lord Deputy of Ireland Thomas Wentworth (15931641), who was determined to arraign him on charges of fraud.

Boyle, Roger (16211679)

Baron Broghill, 1st Earl of Orrery

Irish soldier, politician, and author, the fifth son of Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork. In the Civil War he first fought for the Royalists, but after the execution of Charles I joined forces with the Parliamentarians, and played a prominent role in Oliver Cromwell's suppression of Irish Catholics. Prior to the Restoration of Charles II, he again adeptly changed sides, and became a trusted member of the king's circle. Boyle was born in Waterford. He was initially persuaded under duress to join Cromwell, but later won his favour, being appointed one of his special council and a member of the House of Lords. On Cromwell's death, he initially supported Richard Cromwell, but after his abdication and the collapse of the protectorate, crossed to Ireland and secured it for Charles II. Four months after the Restoration, he was rewarded by being made Earl of Orrery.

Boyne, Battle of the

battle fought on 1 July 1690 in eastern Ireland, in which the exiled King James II was defeated by William III and fled to France. It was the decisive battle of the War of English Succession, confirming a Protestant monarch, and has become the most commemorated battle in modern Irish history. It took its name from the River Boyne which rises in County Kildare and flows 110 km/69 mi northeast to the Irish Sea. After obtaining aid from Louis XIV of France, James landed in Ireland where he had numerous supporters. King William also landed an army in Ireland, collected more forces from Londonderry, and marched south with about 36,000 troops. James's forces had taken up a position on the south side of the River Boyne, and William launched the attack by sending a force to cross the river some miles upstream so as to turn the Irish flank. The French turned to oppose this attack, and William then sent his cavalry across the river in a frontal assault on James's position. After fierce fighting the Irish foot soldiers broke but their cavalry continued to fight for some time before being routed. James fled to Dublin while his army largely became fugitives; any hopes of James's restoration to the English throne were finally dashed.

Braddock, Elizabeth Margaret (Bessie) (18991970)

British union activist and Labour politician. Born in Liverpool, she was a city councillor in Liverpool from 1930 until 1961. She was Liverpool's first Labour and first female member of Parliament, winning the Exchange division in 1945 and holding this until 1970. A right-winger, she was a powerful and caustic platform speaker and a stout defender of working people's rights to better health and education services. She turned down the offer of a post in the 1964 Labour government. Braddock's early activism was in the Cooperative movement and the Union of Distributive and Allied Workers. She left the Independent Labour Party in 1920 to join the Communist Party and then Labour in 1924. She married John Braddock in 1922 and together they dominated the divisive world of Liverpool Labour politics. They also wrote The Braddocks (1962).

Bradlaugh, Charles (18331891)

British freethinker and radical politician. In 1880 he was elected Liberal member of Parliament for Northampton, but was not allowed to take his seat until 1886 because, as an atheist, he claimed the right (unsuccessfully) to affirm instead of taking the oath. He was associated with the feminist Annie Besant.

Bradshaw, John (16021659)

English judge who pronounced the death sentence on King Charles I. In the Civil War, when the king was brought to trial 1649, Bradshaw was president of the court. He put aside all legal objections to the court, refused to allow Charles to speak in his

own defence, and condemned him to death. After the king's execution, Bradshaw became one of the prominent leaders of the Commonwealth.

Brady, Ian (1938 )

British murderer who, with Myra Hindley, abducted, sexually abused, and murdered two children and a 17-year-old youth between 1963 and 1965. They were known as 'the Moors Murderers' because they buried most of their victims on Saddleworth Moor in the Pennines, England. In a case that horrified the British public, Brady and Hindley documented their activities, to the extent of taking photographs and recording the torment of their victims. They were arrested after Hindley's brother-in-law witnessed a murder and went to the police. During the mid-1980s Brady and Hindley separately confessed to the murder of two other children. Brady is now in a maximum security hospital on Merseyside.

Brant, Joseph (17421807)

Mohawk Thayendanegea ('he places two bets')

Mohawk chief, Anglican missionary, and British military officer during the American Revolution. Brant, who was awarded a captain's commission in 1775, led four of the six nations of the Iroquois League against the revolutionaries in numerous battles in New York state. Born on the banks of the Ohio River, Brant learned English and studied European history and literature at Moor's Charity School for Indians in Lebanon, Connecticut 176163. He then translated the Gospel of Mark into Mohawk with the Anglican Missionary, the Reverend John Stuart, for whom he acted as interpreter. In 1775 he travelled to England in an attempt to recover Mohawk lands, meeting King George III on two occasions. On 6 August 1777 Brant commanded the Mohawks and Seneca in the Battle of Oriskany against the Americans and their allies, the Oneida and Tuscarora, effectively ending the Iroquois League.

Breakspear, Nicholas
original name of Adrian IV, the only English pope.

Brendan, St (or St Brandan) (484577)

also known as Brendan of Clonfert

Irish abbot and traveller. Born in Tralee, now in County Kerry, he is traditionally regarded as the founder of the monastery of Clonfert in County Galway (561), as well as other monasteries in Ireland and Scotland. The 8th-century Irish epic Voyage of St Brendan recounts his legendary journey across the Atlantic to a 'land of saints'. His feast day is 16 May. St Brendan is believed to have studied under the abbess St Ita in Limerick and abbot St Jarlath in Tuam. His first appointment as abbot was at Ardfert.

Brent-Dyer, (Gladys) Elinor M(ay) (18941969)

born Elinor Dyer

English children's writer. Author of 98 schoolgirl novels, her fourth book, The School at the Chalet (1925), established her popular 'Chalet School' series, which were set in an English school in the Austrian Tyrol and featured the heroine Jo Bettany. Brent-Dyer was born in South Shields, Tyne and Wear, and educated at Leeds University, later becoming headmistress of the Margaret Roper Girls' School in Hereford. The first of her schoolgirl novels, Gerry Goes to School, appeared in 1922, and the final book in the series, Prefects of the Chalet School, was published posthumously in 1970.

Brett, Jeremy (19331995)

adopted name of Jeremy Huggins

English actor. He won acclaim for his classical performances with the Old Vic, London, in the 1950s and appeared on Broadway in Richard II (1956). On television he is known for his definitive portrayal of Arthur Conan Doyle's Victorian sleuth in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (198485), The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1986 88), The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (1991), and The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1994), as well as several specials. His other television work includes The Three Musketeers (196667), Rebecca (1979), and The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1982). He once played Dr Watson, to Charlton Heston's Holmes, in a Los Angeles stage production entitled The Crucifer of Blood (1981). Film appearances include War and Peace (1956) and My Fair Lady (1964). He was born in Berkswell, Warwickshire.

(from Old English Bretenanwealda, 'ruler of Britain')

9th-century Anglo-Saxon title for a powerful king who exercised authority over England south of the Humber. The term was initially used in Bede's list of hegemonic rulers, but also extended to include more recent kings, such as Egbert of Wessex.

Other powerful kings holding much the same sway, such as Offa of Mercia, were not included. The existence of the title provides important evidence for the early concept of an English 'nation'.

Brian Bruma (or Brian Boru) (c. 9411014)

King of Munster from 976 and high king of Ireland from 999. His campaigns represent the rise of Munster as a power in Ireland, symbolized by his victory over Leinster and the Dublin Norse at Glen Mama in 999. He was renowned as a builder of forts, and this may have been his most significant military legacy. He died in victory over the Vikings at Clontarf in Dublin. Brian Bruma is an Irish national hero, celebrated as the conqueror of the Vikings, although the Battle of Clontarf made very little difference to the Irish position in Ireland. The War of the Irish against the Foreigners, a piece of 12th-century dynastic propaganda, provides details of his campaigns from 968 to 1014, which saw him emerge as high king. He was the last high king with jurisdiction over most of Scotland.

Bright, John (18111889)

British Liberal politician. He was a campaigner for free trade, peace, and social reform. A Quaker mill-owner, he was among the founders of the Anti-Corn Law League in 1839, and was largely instrumental in securing the passage of the Reform Bill of 1867. He sat in Gladstone's cabinets as president of the Board of Trade 186870 and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 187374 and 188082, but broke with him over the Irish Home Rule Bill.

Brighton Pavilion
alternative name for the Royal Pavilion, Brighton.

Brindley, James (17161772)

English canal builder. He was the first to employ tunnels and aqueducts extensively, in order to reduce the number of locks on a direct-route canal. His 580 km/360 mi of canals included the Bridgewater Canal (ManchesterLiverpool) and Grand Union Canal (ManchesterPotteries).


island off the northwest coast of Europe, one of the British Isles. It comprises England, Scotland, and Wales (together officially known as Great Britain), and is part of the United Kingdom. The name is also sometimes used loosely to denote the United Kingdom. It is derived from the Roman name for the island Britannia, which in turn is derived from the ancient Celtic name for the inhabitants, Bryttas.

Britain, ancient
period in the British Isles (excluding Ireland) extending through prehistory to the Roman occupation (1st century AD). Settled agricultural life evolved in Britain during the 3rd millennium BC. A peak was reached in Neolithic society in southern England early in the 2nd millennium BC, with the construction of the great stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge. It was succeeded in central southern Britain by the Early Bronze Age Wessex culture, with strong trade links across Europe. The Iron Age culture of the Celts was predominant in the last few centuries BC, and the Belgae (of mixed Germanic and Celtic stock) were partially Romanized in the century between the first Roman invasion of Britain under Julius Caesar (54 BC) and the Roman conquest (AD 43). For later history, see Roman Britain; United Kingdom. At the end of the last Ice Age, Britain had a cave-dwelling population of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers, whose culture was called Creswellian, after Creswell Crags, Derbyshire, where remains of flint tools were found. Throughout prehistory successive waves of migrants from continental Europe accelerated or introduced cultural innovations. Important Neolithic remains include: the stone houses of Skara Brae, Orkney; so-called causewayed camps in which hilltops such as Windmill Hill, Wiltshire, were enclosed by concentric fortifications of ditches and banks; the first stages of the construction of the ritual monuments known as henges (for example, Stonehenge, Woodhenge); and the flint mines at Grimes Graves, Norfolk. Burial of the dead was in elongated earth mounds (long barrows). The Beaker people probably introduced copper working to the British Isles. The aristocratic society of the Bronze Age Wessex culture of southern England is characterized by its circular burial mounds (round barrows); the dead were either buried or cremated, and cremated remains were placed in pottery urns. Later invaders were the Celts, a warrior aristocracy with an Iron Age technology; they introduced horse-drawn chariots, had their own distinctive art forms, and occupied fortified hilltops. The Belgae, who buried the ashes of their dead in richly furnished flat graves, were responsible for the earliest British sites large and complex enough to be called towns; settled in southern Britain, the Belgae resisted the Romans from centres such as Maiden Castle, Dorset.

Britain, Battle of
World War II air battle between German and British air forces over Britain from 10 July to 31 October 1940. The height of the battle occurred 3031 August. At the outset the Germans had the advantage because they had seized airfields in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, which were basically safe from attack and from which southeast England was within easy range. On 1 August 1940 the

Luftwaffe had about 2,800 aircraft in France, Belgium, Holland, and Norway, outnumbering the RAF by four to one. The Battle of Britain had been intended as a preliminary to the German invasion plan Seelwe (Sea Lion), which Hitler indefinitely postponed on 17 September and abandoned on 10 October, choosing instead to invade the USSR.

the Roman name for Britain, later a national symbol of Great Britain in the form of a seated woman with a trident. Also the name of the royal yacht, decommissioned in 1997.

British East India Company

commercial company (16001873) chartered by Queen Elizabeth I and given a monopoly of trade between England and the Far East. In the 18th century, the company became, in effect, the ruler of a large part of India, and a form of dual control by the company and a committee responsible to Parliament in London was introduced by Pitt's India Act 1784. The end of the monopoly of China trade came in 1834, and after the Indian Mutiny 185758 the crown took complete control of the government of British India. The India Act 1858 transferred all the company's powers to the British government. The East India Company set up factories (trading posts) in Masulipatam on the east coast of India in 1611; on the west coast in Surat in 1612; and on the east coast in Madras (now Chennai) in 1639. Attempts to set up a factory on the Hooghly (one of the mouths of the Ganges) began in 1640, but were unsuccessful until 1690; the settlement later developed into the city of Calcutta (now Kolkata). By 1652 there were some 23 English factories in India. Bombay (now Mumbai) came to the British crown in 1662, and was granted to the East India Company for 10 a year in 1668. The British victory in the Battle of Plassey in 1757 gave the company control of Bengal.

British Empire
empire covering, at its height in the 1920s, about a sixth of the landmass of the Earth, all of its lands recognizing the United Kingdom (UK) as their leader. It consisted of the Empire of India, four self-governing countries known as dominions, and dozens of colonies and territories. The Empire was a source of great pride to the British, who believed that it was an institution for civilizing the world, and for many years Empire Day (24 May) saw celebration throughout the UK. After World War II it began to dissolve as colony after colony became independent, and in 2001 the UK had only 13 small dependent territories. With 53 other independent countries, it forms the British Commonwealth. Although Britain's monarch is accepted as head of the Commonwealth, most of its member states are republics. The present Commonwealth is a voluntary association of independent states. Only one of its members, Mozambique, which joined in 1995, was never a British colony (it

was Portuguese). The Commonwealth's links are mainly cultural and economic, depending upon the fact that the English language is the lingua franca of all educated people in the territories that formed the British Empire, on the continuing ties of trade, and on the financial and technical aid provided by the economically developed members to the developing members.

British Empire
the colonies of the British Empire sent more than 2.5 million men to fight for Britain's cause during World War I. India was the largest single provider, contributing nearly 1.3 million men. It is estimated that Canada sent some 418,000 men overseas, Australia contributed 322,000, South Africa more than 146,000, New Zealand some 124,000, and Rhodesia over 6,800. Large numbers were also provided by the West Indies and other parts of Africa and Asia. Colonial troops were deployed on most of the major battlefronts: the Western Front in France, South West Africa (now Namibia), Egypt, Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), Palestine, Egypt, and Gallipoli in Turkey. They also served in the Royal Navy and the Royal Flying Corps. Figures vary, but by the end of the war, while Britain had lost an estimated 702,500 men, the colonial armies combined had lost over 206,000.

British Empire, Order of the

British order of knighthood instituted in 1917 by George V. There are military and civil divisions, and the ranks are GBE, Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross; KBE, Knight Commander; DBE, Dame Commander; CBE, Commander; OBE, Officer; MBE, Member.

British Museum
largest museum of the UK. Founded in 1753, it opened in London in 1759. Rapid additions led to the construction of the present buildings (182347). In 1881 the Natural History Museum was transferred to South Kensington.

broad church
term used to describe Anglicans who accept the legitimacy of both Protestant and Catholic traditions within the Established Church.

codename given to a British base formed by the British Chindit forces east of Mohnyin, Burma (now Myanmar) March 1944.

A supply dump and airstrip were set up inside a defended perimeter, and although frequently attacked from both ground and air, it remained in use until evacuated at the completion of the Chindit expedition May 1944.

Brooke, James (18031868)

British administrator who became rajah of Sarawak, on Borneo, in 1841. In 1838 he headed a private expedition to Borneo, where he helped to suppress a revolt, for which the sultan gave him the title. Brooke became known as the 'the white rajah'. He was knighted in 1848.

Brookeborough, Basil Stanlake Brooke (18881973)

Viscount Brookeborough

Northern Irish Unionist politician and prime minister 194363. He was born in Colebrook, County Fermanagh, and educated at Winchester and Sandhurst. A conservative unionist and staunch advocate of strong links with Britain, he entered the Northern Ireland House of Commons in 1929 and held ministerial posts 193345. His regime, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, saw moderate improvements in economic prosperity and community relations but maintained an illiberal stance towards Northern Ireland's Catholic minority, and made no real attempt at significant political or economic reform. Brooke served in the Hussars during World War I, winning the Military Cross. He resigned his commission in 1920 to run his large estates in Fermanagh; he became viscount in 1952. He was elected to the Northern Ireland senate in 1921 but resigned to play a leading role in the establishment of the Ulster Special Constabulary. Elected Unionist MP for County Fermanagh in 1929, he was appointed minister of agriculture 193341, and minister of commerce and production 194145. Following the death of Lord Craigavon in 1940, and the failure of his successor John Andrews (18711956), Brooke emerged as prime minister in 1943. His views on Northern Ireland's Catholics were notoriously bigoted. He advocated discrimination in private as well as public employment, stating that 'he had not a Roman Catholic about his own place,' and in 1959 supported the section of the Unionist Council which rejected the notion of allowing Catholics to join the Unionist Party. Following increasing political discontent led by the Northern Ireland Labour Party and dissension within his own party about rising unemployment and the poor state of the economy, Brookeborough resigned at the age of 75 on 23 March 1963. He retired from politics in 1968.

Brougham, Henry Peter (17781868)

1st Baron Brougham and Vaux

British Whig politician and lawyer. From 1811 he was chief adviser to the Princess of Wales (afterwards Queen Caroline), and in 1820 he defeated the attempt of George IV to divorce her. He was Lord Chancellor 183034, supporting the Reform Bill.

Brown, (James) Gordon (1951 )

British Labour politician, chancellor of the Exchequer from 1997. As chancellor he ceded to the Bank of England full control of interest rates, and promoted such key initiatives as the 'welfare to work' programme directed against unemployment and funded by a windfall tax imposed on privatized utilities. Brown entered Parliament in 1983, rising quickly to the opposition front bench. He took over from John Smith as shadow chancellor in 1992. After Smith's death in May 1994, he declined to challenge his close ally Tony Blair for the Labour Party leadership, retaining his post as shadow chancellor, and assuming the chancellorship after the 1997 general election. During the Labour government's first term 19972001, he gained the reputation of being an 'iron chancellor', maintaining firm control over public expenditure despite demands from the left wing of the party for more funds for welfare reform and the National Health Service. After the 2001 general election, Brown released more funds for health and other government spending, but there were criticisms that expected benefits were not being achieved and the total tax burden was rising.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Born in 1951 and educated at Edinburgh University, Scottish Labour politician Gordon Brown became chancellor of the Exchequer in Tony Blair's New Labour

government, which came to power after the 1997 election. A champion of market economics, Brown was central to New Labour's election successes.

Brown, George Alfred (19141985)

Baron George-Brown of Jevington

British Labour politician. He entered Parliament in 1945, was briefly minister of works in 1951, and contested the leadership of the party on the death of Hugh Gaitskell, but was defeated by Harold Wilson.

Brown, John (18261883)

Scottish servant and confidant of Queen Victoria from 1858.

Brown, William (17771857)

Irish sea captain and admiral in the Argentine navy, born in Foxford, County Mayo. Moving to South America in 1811, he lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, becoming a government privateer during the war with Spain 181214. Arrested for piracy in 1816, he was forced out of the navy, and attempted suicide in 1819. The outbreak of war with Brazil saw him restored to full rank in 1825 and he was given command of the navy. Although facing a vastly superior fleet, he won a number of crucial victories, especially the Battle of Juncal in 1827. He helped sign the peace in 1828, and retired that year. Brown was briefly governor of Buenos Aires 182829. Recalled to protect Argentina in the 1830s and 1840s, he successfully fought against Uruguay until his fleet was captured in 1845. He visited Ireland in 1847 and was shocked by the Great Famine.

Browne, George, Count de Browne (16981792)

Irish soldier. He entered the service of the Elector Palatine in Germany in 1725 owing to his exclusion, as a Catholic, from appointments in his own country. He subsequently served with the Russian army, quelling a revolt against the Empress Anna Ivanovna. Later he fought in the Seven Years War, and was made majorgeneral, then field-marshal, by Tsar Peter III. Browne was born in Camas, Limerick, Ireland.

Bruce, Robert
King of Scotland; see Robert (I) the Bruce.

Bruce, Robert de (c. 12101295)

5th Lord of Annandale

Scottish noble, one of the unsuccessful claimants to the Scottish throne after the death of Alexander III in 1286. He lost out to John de Baliol in 1292, in a power struggle arbitrated by King Edward I of England. His grandson was Robert (I) the Bruce.

Brummell, Beau (George Bryan) (17781840)

English dandy and leader of fashion. He introduced long trousers as conventional day and evening wear for men. A friend of the Prince of Wales, the future George IV, he later quarrelled with him. Gambling losses drove him in 1816 to exile in France, where he died in an asylum.

Bryce, James (18381922)

1st Viscount Bryce

British Liberal politician, professor of civil law at Oxford University 187093. He entered Parliament 1880, holding office under Gladstone and Rosebery. He was author of The American Commonwealth 1888, ambassador to Washington 190713, and improved US-Canadian relations. Viscount 1914.

armed, part-time section of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. The B-Specials helped to police Northern Ireland between their formation in 1920 to their abolition in 1969. They were replaced by the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) in 1970.

Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham (15921628)

English courtier, adviser to James I and later Charles I. After Charles's accession, Buckingham attempted to form a Protestant coalition in Europe, which led to war with France; however, he failed to relieve the Protestants (Huguenots) besieged in La Rochelle in 1627. His policy on the French Protestants was attacked in Parliament, and when about to sail for La Rochelle for a second time, he was assassinated in Portsmouth.

Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham (1628 1687)

English politician, a member of the Cabal under Charles II. A dissolute son of the first duke, he was brought up with the royal children. His play The Rehearsal satirized the style of the poet Dryden, who portrayed him as Zimri in Absalom and Achitophel. He succeeded to the dukedom in 1628.

Bull, Phil (19101989)

pseudonym William Temple

English racing information service founder. He made racing accessible to everyone by starting the Timeform organization in Halifax, Yorkshire. Today it is the world's largest information service for racing form. Bull was considered to be one of the most influential racing personalities of the 20th century, and his opinions and shrewd judgement on form were highly regarded. Timeform's annual publication in the Racehorses series contains ratings and comments for each horse that has run on the flat in Great Britain during that year and for the best horses in Ireland and France. As it is calculated in an unvarying scale, champions of different eras can be compared.

Bull, John
imaginary figure personifying England; see John Bull.

Buller, Redvers Henry (18391908)

British commander against the Boers in the South African War 18991902. He was defeated at Colenso and Spion Kop, but relieved Ladysmith; he was superseded by British field marshal Lord Roberts. KCMG 1882.

Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, Baroness Burdett-Coutts (1814 1906)

English philanthropist. In 1837 she inherited almost all the great wealth of her grandfather, the banker Thomas Coutts. She resolved to devote her vast wealth to the cause of philanthropy. Her philanthropic exertions were on a vast scale: she endowed the three bishoprics of Cape Town, Adelaide, and British Columbia. She also secured great improvements in the education of girls at the state schools. She also did much to aid the development of emigration schemes.

Burdett-Coutts was born in London, England. In 1881, she married William AshmeadBartlett (18511921), who assumed her name and was several times elected member of Parliament for Westminster. In 1871 she was made a peeress, and in 1872 she was presented with the freedom of the City of London, being the first woman to receive this privilege.

Burgess, Guy Francis de Moncy (19111963)

British spy, a diplomat recruited in the 1930s by the USSR as an agent. He was linked with Kim Philby, Donald Maclean (19131983), and Anthony Blunt. Burgess was born in Devon and educated at Eton and Cambridge University where he became a communist. He worked for the BBC from 1936 to 1939, as talks producer, and wrote war propaganda from 1939 to 1941. In 1951 he defected to the USSR with Donald Maclean.

Burgh, Hubert de (died 1243)

English justiciar and regent of England. He began his career in the administration of Richard I, and was promoted to the justiciarship by King John; he remained in that position under Henry III from 1216 until his dismissal in 1232. He was a supporter of King John against the barons, and ended French intervention in England by his defeat of the French fleet in the Strait of Dover in 1217. He became the most powerful figure in Henry III's minority following the death of the regent, William Marshall, in 1219. He reorganized royal administration and the Common Law.

Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley (15201598)

English politician, chief adviser to Elizabeth I as secretary of state from 1558 and Lord High Treasurer from 1572. He was largely responsible for the religious settlement of 1559, and took a leading role in the events preceding the execution of Mary Queen of Scots in 1587.

Burke, Edmund (17291797)

British Whig politician and political theorist, born in Dublin, Ireland. During a parliamentary career spanning more than 30 years, he was famous for opposing the government's attempts to coerce the American colonists, for example in Thoughts on the Present Discontents (1770), and for supporting the emancipation of Ireland. However, he was a vehement opponent of the French Revolution, which he denounced in Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), and attacked the suggestion of peace with France in Letters on a Regicide Peace (179597).

Burke was also the author of A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas on the Sublime and Beautiful (1756), on aesthetics. He was a leading figure in the impeachment of the British colonial administrator Warren Hastings. Burke's basic political credo that liberty is only possible within the strict framework of law and order ensured that he was subsequently revered by British Conservatives as one of their main inspirational figures.

Burke, John Bernard (18141892)

Irish genealogist, son of John Burke, the founder of Burke's Peerage. He took over the editorship of the Peerage from his father, and published it annually from 1847, along with anecdotes of the aristocracy. An expert in heraldry, he was made Ulster King of Arms in 1853, and Keeper of the State Papers of Ireland in 1855.

Burnham, Harry Lawson-Webster Levy-Lawson (18621933)

English politician and newspaper proprietor. He presided over the International Labour Conferences in Geneva, Switzerland (1921, 1922, and 1926). His name is perpetuated in the 'Burnham scale' by which schoolteachers' salaries are calculated, the result of a standing committee which he chaired. He became manager of the Daily Telegraph in 1903, and proprietor in 1916. He sold the newspaper in 1928.

Burns, John Elliot (18581943)

British labour leader, born in London of Scottish parentage. He was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for his part in the Trafalgar Square demonstration on 'Bloody Sunday', 13 November 1887, and was leader of the strike in 1889 securing the 'dockers' tanner' (wage of 6d per hour). An Independent Labour member of Parliament 18921918, he was the first working-class person to be a member of the cabinet, as president of the Local Government Board 190614.

Burton, Beryl (19371996)

born Beryl Charnock

English cyclist. Chiefly known for her time trial records, in the early 1960s she was rarely beaten in any field of cycling. In 1968 she rode 161 km/100 mi in 3 hours 55.05 minutes only 12 years after the previous Briton a man had broken four hours for that distance. In total Burton won seven world championships. In 1967 she set a new British record with her distance of 446.12 km/277.25 mi covered in an amateur 12 hours' time trial. It was also 1.17 km/0.73 mi further than any man in the race could manage.

Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute (17131792)

British Tory politician, prime minister 176263. On the accession of George III in 1760, he became the chief instrument in the king's policy for breaking the power of the Whigs and establishing the personal rule of the monarch through Parliament.

Butler, Eleanor (17451829)

Irish recluse, born in Dublin. In 1779 she and her friend Sarah Ponsonby (1755 1831) resolved to live in seclusion, and settled in a cottage at Plasnewydd in the vale of Llangollen in Wales, accompanied by a maidservant. They became celebrated throughout Europe as the 'Maids of Llangollen', or 'Ladies of the Vale', and attracted visitors from far and wide.

Butler, Elizabeth Southerden (18461933)

born Elizabeth Thompson

English painter. Popular in the Victorian era for her images of military life and warfare, she made her reputation with Roll Call (1874) and Inkermann (1877) but is perhaps best known for Scotland for Ever! (1881), which depicts the charge of the Royal Scots Greys at the Battle of Waterloo. Butler was born in Lausanne, the daughter of a scholar and concert pianist. Her pictures seem to glorify war, but her focus was on the heroism of the common soldier rather than on the officers. She was the sister of the poet Alice Meynell (18471922).

Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (18281906)

born Josephine Elizabeth Gray

English social reformer. She promoted women's education and the Married Women's Property Act, and campaigned against the Contagious Diseases Acts of 186270, which made women in garrison towns suspected of prostitution liable to compulsory examination for venereal disease. Refusal to undergo examination meant imprisonment. As a result of her campaigns, the acts were repealed in 1883.

Butler, Richard Austen (19021982)

Baron Butler of Saffron Walden; called 'Rab'

British Conservative politician. As minister of education 194145, he was responsible for the 1944 Education Act that introduced the 11-plus examination for selection of grammar school pupils; he was chancellor of the Exchequer 195155, Lord Privy Seal 195559, and foreign minister 196364. As a candidate for the prime ministership, he was defeated by Harold Macmillan in 1957 (under whom he was home secretary 195762), and by Alec Douglas Home in 1963. Butler was born in India, the son of an administrator, and he was educated at Marlborough and Cambridge University. He was elected member of Parliament for Saffron Walden, Essex, in 1932.

Butler, William Francis (18381910)

Irish soldier and writer. Born in Suirville, Tipperary, he joined the British army in 1858, and served in Canada 186773, where his experiences provided the material for his popular work The Great Lone Land (1872). He served on the Red River expedition (187071), on the Ashanti expedition (1873), and in the Sudan (188485) and South Africa (188899). Butler also published biographies of Charles George Gordon and Sir Charles Napier, together with several travel books.

Butler of Saffron Walden, Richard Austen Butler, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden (19021982)
Indian-born British politician. When the Conservatives returned to power in 1951, Butler became chancellor of the Exchequer. He held this post until December 1955, when he became lord privy seal and leader of the House of Commons. After Anthony Eden's resignation in January 1957, many expected that Butler would become prime minister. Eden was, however, succeeded by Harold Macmillan and Butler retained his existing offices and also accepted that of home secretary, a position he held until 1962, when he became first secretary of state and deputy prime minister. When Macmillan resigned in 1963 it was widely believed that Butler would succeed him and he had much support in the country as a whole, but when Alec Douglas-Home was instead asked to form a government, Butler agreed to serve under him as foreign secretary, holding this position until the defeat of the Conservatives in 1964. Butler was born in Attock Serai, India, and educated at Marlborough School and Pembroke College, Cambridge University. He had a brilliant academic career and in 1929 became Conservative member of Parliament for Saffron Walden, a seat he held until 1965. He was under-secretary at the India Office (193237), parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Labour (193738), under-secretary at the Foreign Office (193841), and minister of education (194145), in which capacity he carried through the Education Act of 1944 which became known by his name. In 1945 he was minister of labour. He was given a life peerage in 1965, on becoming master of Trinity College, Cambridge University.

Butlers of Ormond

or Ormonde

principal Anglo-Irish dynasty established in Munster in 1171 by Theobald Fitzwalter, who was created chief butler of Ireland by Henry II in 1177. The title Earl of Ormond was granted by Edward III in 1329. By 1391 the dynasty was pre-eminent in Leinster and east Munster, with a magnificent castle seat at Kilkenny City. It enjoyed peaks of influence in Ireland in the 15th century under the 'White Earl', James, 4th Earl of Ormond (c. 13901452), and again in the 16th century during the suppression of the Kildares and through Elizabeth I's special relationship with 'Black' Tom, the 10th Earl (15321614). Loyalty to the Stuart cause in the 17th century was rewarded by the title of duke, granted to James, 12th Earl of Ormond in 1660, but rendered the house suspect as Jacobites after 1688; in 1715 James, 2nd Duke of Ormond was forced into exile in France. The house was restored by George II in 1755 but never again enjoyed such high political influence. Theobald Fitzwalter, the Anglo-Norman founder of the dynasty, originally established the family seat at Gowran, North Kilkenny. The title of earl was granted to his 7th direct descendant, James Butler. Both the 2nd Earl of Ormond (earl 133882) and James, 3rd Earl of Ormond (earl 13821405) served as chief governors of Ireland. The family's influence in Ireland was at its highest in the later middle ages under the 'White Earl', who gained increasing influence over the Gaelic Irish lordships while successfully resisting English interference. Following his death, the family was eclipsed by the rise of their neighbours and rivals the Fitzgeralds of Kildare, but this was reversed by Piers, 8th Earl of Ormond (earl 151539) and James, 9th Earl of Ormond (earl 153946), who exploited the downfall of the Kildares to regain national importance. However, although their successor 'Black' Tom enjoyed unprecedented influence at the English court, the hostility of the New English planters combined with his failure to produce a male heir plunged the family into crisis in the early 17th century. The dynasty recovered under the 1st Duke of Ormond, but its unswerving loyalty to the Stuarts led the 2nd Duke to be accused of treason in 1714. After the restoration of the house the family recovered its estates and has sustained its line of descent to the present.

Butt, Isaac (18131879)

Irish Protestant lawyer who founded the idea of home rule for Ireland. He became a lawyer 1838 and Tory MP for Youghal 1851, and defended Fenian prisoners from 186569. He was converted to nationalism and popularized the slogan 'home rule', founding the Home Government Association (Home Rule League) 1870 and leading it until 1878.

Buxton, Thomas Fowell (17861845)

English philanthropist and politician. Though he worked strenuously for prison reform, and tried to carry a scheme for bettering the condition of the African negroes, his life work was to promote emancipation of slaves throughout the British dominions. In this cause he proved himself a worthy successor to William Wilberforce, whom he followed as leader of the anti-slavery party in 1824.

Buxton was born in Earl's Colne, Essex, England. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin. From 181837 he represented Weymouth as a member of Parliament; his opposition to bribery caused him to lose his seat. He published African Slave Trade (1838) and The Remedy (1840).

Byng, George (16631733)

1st Viscount Torrington

British admiral. He captured Gibraltar in 1704; commanded the fleet that prevented an invasion of England by the 'Old Pretender' James Francis Edward Stuart in 1708; and destroyed the Spanish fleet at Messina in 1718. John Byng was his fourth son. Knighted 1704, Viscount 1721. At the Battle of Beachy Head in 1690 he advised protecting the Thames and awaiting the return of the rest of the fleet, but Queen Mary ordered him to give battle. He was subsequently court-martialled and acquitted.

Byng, John (17041757)

British admiral. Byng failed in the attempt to relieve Fort St Philip when in 1756 the island of Menorca was invaded by France. He was court-martialled and shot. The French writer Voltaire ironically commented that it was done 'to encourage the others'.

Byron, Annabella (17921860)

Lady Noel Byron; born Annabella Milbanke

English philanthropist. A committed advocate of schemes for improving women's education, many of which she funded, Byron was also involved in agricultural and industrial reforms, co-operative movements, the antislavery movement (she was a friend of the US abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe), and other radical causes. In 1854 she purchased the Red Lodge in Bristol on behalf of the social reformer Mary Carpenter (18071877) who opened it as a home for girl offenders. Other close friends within the radical circles she frequented included the art critic Anna Jameson (17941860) and Barbara Bodichon, a champion of women's rights.

Cabal, the
(from Kabbalah)

group of politicians, the English king Charles II's counsellors 166773, whose initials made up the word by coincidence Clifford (Thomas Clifford 16301673), Ashley (Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury), Buckingham (George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham), Arlington (Henry Bennett, 1st Earl of Arlington 16181685), and Lauderdale (John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale). The word cabal, meaning 'association of intriguers', is now applied to any faction that works in secret for private or political ends.

Cade, Jack (died 1450)

English rebel. He was a prosperous landowner, but led a revolt in 1450 in Kent against the high taxes and court corruption of Henry VI and demanded the recall from Ireland of Richard, Duke of York. The rebels defeated the royal forces at Sevenoaks and occupied London. After being promised reforms and pardon they dispersed, but Cade was hunted down and killed near Heathfield in Sussex.

Cadwalader (died c. 664)

Semi-mythical British king, the son of Cadwallon, king of Gwynedd, North Wales, described by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his book Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain).

Cadwallon (or Caedwalla) (lived 6th century)

King of Gwynedd (c. 62534), in North Wales. He allied with Penda of Mercia and in 632 defeated and killed Edwin of Northumbria at Hatfield Chase. The following year he was himself defeated and killed near Hexham by Edwin's nephew, Oswald. Cadwallon was the only known British king in historic times who crushed an English dynasty.

or Carnarvon

administrative centre of Gwynedd, north Wales, situated on the southwest shore of the Menai Strait; population (2001) 9,700. Formerly the Roman station of Segontium, it is now a market town, port, and tourist centre. Industries include the manufacture of plastics and metal-working. 88% of the population of Caernarfon is Welsh-speaking. Caernarfon castle, one of the finest examples of medieval fortifications in the British Isles, lies to the west of the town. It was built by Edward I in 1284, and is a World Heritage Site. The first Prince of Wales (later Edward II) was born in Caernarfon Castle (1284). The castle was besieged by Owen Glendower in 1402. Edward VIII was invested in Caernarfon in 1911 and Prince Charles in 1969.

Roman term for the Scottish Highlands, inhabited by the Caledoni. The tribes of the area remained outside Roman control they were defeated but not conquered by Agricola in AD 83 to 84 and again by Septimius Severus who reached beyond modern Aberdeen in 208. Since the 18th century, the name has been revived as a romantic alternative for the whole of Scotland.

Callaghan, (Leonard) James (19122005)

Baron Callaghan of Cardiff

British Labour politician, prime minister and party leader 197679. He became prime minister in April 1976 after the unexpected retirement of Harold Wilson and he headed a minority government, which stayed in power from 1977 through a pact with the Liberal Party. A Labour moderate, he held power at a time when trade unions and the party's left wing had increasing influence, and he was forced to implement austerity measures agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Callaghan was previously chancellor of the Exchequer 196467, home secretary 196770, and foreign secretary 197476. As chancellor of the Exchequer 196467, he introduced corporation tax, capital gains tax, and selective employment tax, and resigned after being forced to devalue the pound sterling. As foreign secretary in 1974, Callaghan renegotiated the UK's membership of the European Community (now the European Union). His 197679 minority government gradually lost strength through by-election defeats and was faced with high levels of inflation, rising unemployment, and industrial unrest. From 1977 Labour stayed in power through a pact with the Liberals. Strikes in the so-called 'winter of discontent' 197879 led to the government losing a vote of no confidence in the Commons in March 1979, forcing Callaghan to call an election in May 1979, when his party was defeated by the Conservatives, led by Margaret Thatcher.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Former British Labour Party leader James Callaghan first entered Parliament in 1945, and was swiftly appointed Minister for Transport. It was not until late in his career, in 1976, that he became leader of the Labour Party, and he stepped down from this position only four years later.

Calvert, George, 1st Baron Baltimore (15791632)

English politician who founded the North American colony of Maryland 1632. As a supporter of colonization, he was granted land in Newfoundland 1622 but, finding the climate too harsh, obtained a royal charter for the more temperate Maryland 1632. Calvert was born in Yorkshire, England, and educated at Oxford. A confidant of King James I, he served in Parliament and the Privy Council. He became secretary of state, but was forced to resign from that office 1625 because of his conversion to Roman Catholicism.

Camden, William (15511623)

English antiquary. He published his topographical survey Britannia in 1586 and his Annales, a history of Elizabeth's reign to 1588, in 1615. He was headmaster of Westminster School from 1593. The Camden Society (1838) commemorates his work.

in medieval romance, legendary seat of King Arthur. A possible site is the Iron Age hill fort of South Cadbury Castle in Somerset, England, where excavations from 1967 have revealed remains dating from 3000 BC to AD 1100, including those of a large settlement dating from the 6th century, the time ascribed to Arthur.

Cameron, John (died 1446)

Scottish cleric and statesman. He was appointed secretary to King James I of Scotland in 1424, keeper of the privy seal in 1425, keeper of the great seal in 1427, and bishop of Glasgow and chancellor of Scotland in 1428.

Campbell, Colin (17921863)

1st Baron Clyde

British field marshal. He commanded the Highland Brigade at Balaclava in the Crimean War and, as commander-in-chief during the Indian Mutiny, raised the siege of Lucknow and captured Cawnpore. KCB (1849), Baron (1858).

Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell (17791861)

Scottish lawyer and politician. He was called to the Bar in 1806 and entered Parliament as member for Stafford in 1830. He supported Lord John Russell's first Reform Bill, and in 1832 was appointed solicitor-general. He represented Dudley (183234), he was later elected as a candidate for Edinburgh. In 1840, as attorneygeneral, he prosecuted Chartists for high treason, and in 1841 he became chancellor of Ireland. He resigned the chancellorship a few weeks later, and devoted his leisure to writing The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal (1845 69). Campbell was born in Fife, Scotland.

Campbell-Bannerman, Henry (18361908)

British Liberal politician, prime minister 190508, leader of the Liberal party 1898 1908. The Entente Cordiale was broadened to embrace Russia during his premiership, which also saw the granting of 'responsible government' to the Boer republics in southern Africa. He was succeeded as prime minister and Liberal leader by H H Asquith, who had effectively led the House during Campbell-Bannermann's premiership, as the latter was dogged by ill health.

Campion, Edmund (15401581)

English Jesuit and Roman Catholic martyr. He became a Jesuit in Rome in 1573 and in 1580 was sent to England as a missionary. He was betrayed as a spy in 1581, imprisoned in the Tower of London, and hanged, drawn, and quartered as a traitor.

Canning, Charles John (18121862)

1st Earl Canning

British administrator, son of George Canning and first viceroy of India from 1858. As governor general of India from 1856, he suppressed the Indian Mutiny with a fair but firm hand which earned him the nickname 'Clemency Canning'. Viscount (1837), Earl (1859).

Canning, George (17701827)

British Tory politician, foreign secretary 180710 and 182227, and prime minister in 1827 in coalition with the Whigs. He was largely responsible, during the Napoleonic Wars, for the seizure of the Danish fleet and British intervention in the Spanish peninsula.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

George Canning, British Tory politician and prime minister for four months during 1827. He resigned as foreign secretary in 1809 after blaming his colleague Viscount Castlereagh, Secretary of War, for two British defeats. The two men fought a duel on Wimbledon Common to settle the matter, during which Canning was wounded in the thigh.

Canning, Stratford (17861880)

1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe

British nobleman and diplomat. He negotiated the treaty of Bucharest between Russia and Turkey 1812 and helped establish a federal government in Switzerland 1815. He was minister to the USA 182023 and ambassador in Constantinople 182528, 1831, and 184258. GCB 1828, Viscount 1852.

(Old English Cantwarabyrig 'fortress of the men of Kent')

historic cathedral city in Kent, southeast England, on the River Stour, 100 km/62 mi southeast of London; population (2001) 135,300. The city is the centre of the Anglican community and seat of the archbishop of Canterbury. It is a popular tourist destination. Paper, paper products, and electrical goods are manufactured here. The public sector is the biggest employer in the city, largely due to the presence of two universities (Canterbury Christ Church University College (1962) and the University of Kent at Canterbury (1965)), a further education college, and an art college.

Canterbury was the site of the Roman town Durovernum Cantiacorum. Situated on Watling Street, the Roman road between Dover and London, it was an important fortress and military station. Damage caused by World War II bombing raids and subsequent demolition revealed numerous Roman building works, including baths, streets, walls, and theatres. It is believed that a settlement was maintained from Roman times until the Saxon period, and in the 6th century the town, which was then known as Cantwarabyrig, was the capital of Ethelbert, king of Kent. St Augustine, sent from Rome to convert England to Christianity, was welcomed by him in Canterbury in 597. The shrine of English archbishop and politician St Thomas Becket, who was murdered in the cathedral, was an important centre of pilgrimage until the Reformation.

Canterbury Cathedral
cathedral in Canterbury, Kent, England. It is in the form of a double cross, with a central and two west towers. The total length is 160 m/525 ft, the east transept measuring 47 m/154 ft. The finest work of four centuries of medieval English architecture, from Norman to Perpendicular, is represented in the building. It is difficult to say how many churches have previously stood on the site of the present cathedral, though Bede mentions that St Augustine 'recovered' a church at Canterbury which had been built during the Roman occupation. Certainly a great fire in 1067 caused Archbishop Lanfranc (107093) to rebuild the church then existing.

Canterbury Tales, The

unfinished collection of stories in prose and verse (c. 1387) by Geoffrey Chaucer, told in Middle English by a group of pilgrims on their way to Thomas Becket's tomb at Canterbury. The tales and preludes are remarkable for their vivid character portrayal and colloquial language, and they were a major influence on the development of English literature. Each of the thirty or so pilgrims was meant to tell two stories on the way, and two on the return journey. Though it comprises 17,000 lines of prose and verse, including prologues and epilogues, the 24 stories only constitute less than a fifth of the projected work, which was never put into any proper order. They range from the romance of the 'Knight's Tale' to the mock heroism of the 'Nun's Priest's Tale' (a lesson against vanity), the comedy of the 'Merchant's Tale', and the bawdy humour of the 'Miller's Tale'.

Canute (or Cnut or Knut) (c. 9951035)

also known as Canute the Great

King of England from 1016, Denmark from 1018, and Norway from 1028. Having invaded England in 1013 with his father, Sweyn, king of Denmark, he was acclaimed

king on Sweyn's death in 1014 by his Viking army. Canute defeated Edmund (II) Ironside at Assandun, Essex, in 1016, and became king of all England on Edmund's death. He succeeded his brother Harold as king of Denmark in 1018, compelled King Malcolm to pay homage by invading Scotland in about 1027, and conquered Norway in 1028. He was succeeded by his illegitimate son Harold I. Under Canute's rule English trade improved, and he gained favour with his English subjects by sending soldiers back to Denmark. The legend of Canute disenchanting his flattering courtiers by showing that the sea would not retreat at his command was first told by Henry of Huntingdon in 1130.

Caractacus (died c. 54)

British chieftain who headed resistance to the Romans in southeast England from AD 43 to AD 51, but was defeated on the Welsh border. Shown in Claudius's triumphal procession, he was released in tribute to his courage and died in Rome.

Caradon, Baron
title of Hugh Foot, British Labour politician.

Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of (17971868)

British cavalry officer. He served in the Crimean War, during which he led the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava 1854.

Cardwell, Edward, 1st Viscount Cardwell (18131886)

British Liberal politician. He entered Parliament as a supporter of the Conservative prime minister Peel 1842, and became secretary for Ireland (185961) in the administration of Lord Palmerston. Under Gladstone, he was secretary for war 1868 74, and instituted an extensive programme of army reforms, including the abolition of the purchase of military commissions and promotions. He was raised to the peerage in 1874 as Viscount Cardwell of Ellerbeck.

Carey, James (18451883)

Irish Fenian activist, infamous as the informer who betrayed the Phoenix Park murderers. In 1882, a secret society of republican extremists known as the 'Invincibles' stabbed to death the new chief secretary of Ireland, Lord Frederick Cavendish, and his under-secretary Thomas Burke, as they walked in Phoenix Park

in Dublin. Carey turned 'Queen's evidence' on his associates, and was assassinated shortly after. Carey was born in Dublin, worked as a builder there, and became a town councillor. He joined the Fenians in about 1861, and was a founder-member of the 'Invincibles' in 1881. After he testified against them, five of the Phoenix Park murderers were hanged, while other conspirators were sentenced to penal servitude. In revenge for his treachery, Carey was shot dead by a bricklayer, Patrick O'Donnell.

Caroline of Brunswick (17681821)

Queen consort of George IV of Great Britain. King George attempted to divorce her, unsuccessfully, on his accession to the throne in 1820.

Carpenter, Alfred Francis (18811955)

British naval captain. Carpenter entered the Royal Navy 1907 and was promoted to commander 1915. He commanded HMS Vindictive in the attack on Zeebrugge April 1918, for which he received the Victoria Cross. He was then promoted to captain and appointed to the Naval Intelligence Department.

Carpenter, Mary (18071877)

English philanthropist. Her interest in poor children prompted her, in 1835, to start a working and visiting society and later a ragged school with a night school in the poorest part of Bristol, England. She visited India several times, and there she initiated several reforms in the condition of women and children. She wrote many books embodying her schemes for the education of destitute children. Her Juvenile Delinquents led to the passing of the Juvenile Offenders Act in 1854. Carpenter was born in Exeter, England.

Carrington, Dora (de Houghton) (18931932)

married name Dora Partridge

English painter, a member of the Bloomsbury Group. She developed a style which, in its emphasis on design and bold colours, is typical of English post-Impressionism of the period from World War I to the 1930s. Among her best-known works are an elegant portrait of her close friend, the writer Lytton Strachey (1918), and the landscape The Mill House at Tidmarsh (1918). Her style, broadly similar to that of her Bloomsbury friends Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell, was well suited to the decorative arts, and her work includes sign

boards, painted tiles and furniture, and designs for book covers; from around 1914 she worked for several years for Roger Fry's Omega Workshop. Carrington was born in Hereford, and studied at the Slade School of Fine Art, London 191014 then one of the most avant-garde art schools in England where she came into contact with artists such as Mark Gertler, who had a marked impact on her development, Paul Nash, and Stanley Spencer. In 1915 she met Lytton Strachey, with whom she lived from 1916, even after her marriage to Ralph Partridge in 1921. She killed herself in 1932 shortly after Strachey died of cancer.

Carson, Edward Henry (18541935)

Baron Carson

Anglo-Irish politician and lawyer who played a decisive part in the trial of the writer Oscar Wilde. In the years before World War I he led the movement in Ulster to resist Irish home rule by force of arms if need be. He was knighted in 1896, and made a baron in 1921. Educated at Portarlington School and Trinity College Dublin, Carson was one of the leading legal and political figures of his day. He represented the Marquis of Queensbury in the 1895 case that ruined the career of Oscar Wilde, and was solicitor general 190006. As leader of the Irish Unionist Party from 1910, he mobilized the resistance of Protestant Ulster to home rule; the threat of armed rebellion against the Liberal government by his 'Ulster Volunteers' effectively wrecked the scheme by 1914. In 1915, he became attorney general in the coalition government and was a member of the war cabinet 191718. He resigned as Unionist leader in 1921 and served as a Lord of Appeal 192129, and was created a life peer (as Baron Carson of Duncairn) in 1921. Although Carson secured the exclusion of part of Ulster the 'six counties' from control by a Dublin parliament, he failed in his goal of preventing self-government for any part of Ireland.

Carteret, John, 1st Earl Granville (16901763)

English diplomat and politician; chief adviser to George II 174244. Born the second Lord Carteret, a prodigious intellect and linguistic ability marked him out for a diplomatic career. As ambassador to Sweden he helped negotiate an end to the Great Northern War resulting in the Peace of Stockholm 1719. He was appointed one of two foreign secretaries in Robert Walpole's ministry 1721 and attended the negotiations with France at the Congress of Cambrai but he proved a difficult colleague and Walpole moved him to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1724, only for him to be reinstated as secretary of state on Walpole's fall later in the year. He led the party opposed to Walpole in the House of Lords 173042, when he became the king's chief adviser. As secretary of state during the War of the Austrian Succession, he directed British foreign policy and was with George II at the Battle of Dettingen 1743. George tried to make him prime minister 1746 but he lacked the support necessary to form a ministry.

Carteret, Sir George (c. 15991680)

English Royalist politician, a supporter of Charles I and II during the period of parliamentarian rule. He was governor of Jersey 164351 and used his native island as a base for harrying parliamentarian ships. The growing maritime strength of parliament forced him into exile in France. At the Restoration he was appointed a Privy Councillor and was a close confidante of Charles II; he become a byword for self-enrichment through public office. He acquired substantial amounts of territory in the new colonies of North America, in particular Carolina 1663 and New Jersey, which he named after his birthplace, 1664.

Cartwright, Edmund (17431823)

English inventor. He patented the power loom (1785), built a weaving mill (1787), and patented a wool-combing machine (1789).

Casement, Roger David (18641916)

British diplomat and Irish revolutionary. While in the British consular service, he exposed the ruthless exploitation of the people of the Belgian Congo and Peru, for which he was knighted in 1911 (degraded 1916). He was hanged for treason by the British for his involvement in the Irish nationalist cause. Born in County Dublin, Casement joined the British consular service in 1892. He gained an international reputation and was knighted for his reports on the exploitation of plantation workers by Europeans in the Congo and Peru. However, in 1904 he joined the Gaelic League and upon his retirement in 1913, joined the Irish Volunteers. In 1914 he made his way to Berlin in the hope of raising German support for Irish independence and tried to recruit for an Irish Brigade among British prisoners in Germany. In 1916 he was captured in Ireland, having returned there in a German submarine in the hope of postponing a rebellion. He was sentenced to death and executed as a traitor in August 1916 in spite of appeals for clemency from, among others, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. British government agents circulated details of his diaries, which revealed an active homosexual private life, in the attempt to discredit him. His remains were returned to Ireland in 1965.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Roger Casement appearing at Bow Street magistrates' court charged with treason. A former British diplomat, Casement was an ardent supporter of Irish Home Rule; he was captured off the Irish coast, having disembarked from a German submarine at the start of the Easter Rising in April 1916.

Chieftain of the British tribe, the Catuvellauni, who led the British resistance to the Romans under Caesar in 54 BC.

Castanheda, Ferno Lopes de (c. 15001559)

Portuguese chronicler. He produced a ten-volume Histria do descobrimento e conquista da India pelos portugueses/History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portuguese, though only eight volumes were published during his lifetime. The first work of its kind, it was immensely popular and was translated into French, Castilian, Italian, and English. Castanheda stressed his narrative was drawn from personal experience, not hearsay (a veiled reference to Joo de Barros's chronicle), which drew praise from Barros's successor Diogo do Couto.

Castle, Barbara Anne (19112002)

Baroness Castle; born Barbara Betts

British Labour politician; a cabinet minister in the Labour governments of the 1960s and 1970s. She led the Labour group in the European Parliament 197989 and became a life peer in 1990. Castle was minister of overseas development 196465, transport 196568, employment 196870 (when her White Paper In Place of Strife, on trade-union reform, was abandoned because it suggested state intervention in industrial relations), and social services 197476, when she was dropped from the cabinet by Prime Minister James Callaghan. She criticized him in her Diaries (1980).

Castlemaine, Countess of (16411709)

born Barbara Villiers

English mistress of Charles II of England 166070 and mother of his son, the Duke of Grafton (16631690). A noted society hostess, she was the wife from 1659 of Roger Palmer (16341705), who was created Earl of Castlemaine in 1661. She became chief mistress of Charles 166070, when she was created Duchess of Cleveland. Among her descendants through the Duke of Grafton is Diana, Princess of Wales; Charles acknowledged five of her seven children as his own.

Castlereagh, Robert Stewart (17691822)

Viscount Castlereagh

British Tory politician. As chief secretary for Ireland 17971801, he suppressed the rebellion of 1798 and helped the younger Pitt secure the union of England, Scotland, and Ireland in 1801. As foreign secretary 181222, he coordinated European opposition to Napoleon and represented Britain at the Congress of Vienna (1814 15).

Cat and Mouse Act

popular name for the Prisoners, Temporary Discharge for Health, Act 1913; an attempt by the UK Liberal government under Herbert Asquith to reduce embarrassment caused by the incarceration of suffragettes accused of violent offences against property.

Catesby, Robert (15731605)

English conspirator and leader of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. He took part in the uprising of the 2nd Earl of Essex in 1601 and was an accomplice in the plot of 1603 to capture James I and force religious concessions from him. He was killed resisting arrest following the failure of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament.

Catherine of Aragn (14851536)

First queen of Henry VIII of England, 150933, and mother of Mary I. Catherine had married Henry's elder brother Prince Arthur in 1501 and on his death in 1502 was betrothed to Henry, marrying him on his accession. She failed to produce a male heir and Henry divorced her without papal approval, thus creating the basis for the English Reformation. Born at Alcal de Henares, she was the youngest daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. After Prince Arthur's death, Catherine remained in England, virtually penniless, until her marriage to Henry in 1509. Of their six children, only Mary survived infancy. Wanting a male heir, Henry sought an annulment in 1526 when Catherine was too old to bear children. When the pope demanded that the case be referred to him, Henry married Anne Boleyn, afterwards receiving the desired decree of nullity from Thomas Cranmer, the archbishop of Canterbury, in 1533. The Reformation in England followed, and Catherine went into retirement until her death.

Catherine of Braganza (16381705)

Queen of Charles II of England (166285). Her childlessness and Catholic faith were unpopular, but Charles resisted pressure for divorce. She was instrumental in Charles II's return to Catholicism on his deathbed. After his death in 1692, she returned to Lisbon. The daughter of John IV of Portugal (16041656), she brought the Portuguese possessions of Bombay and Tangier as her dowry and introduced tea drinking and citrus fruits to England.

Catherine of Valois (14011437)

Queen of Henry V of England, whom she married in 1420; the mother of Henry VI. After the death of Henry V, she secretly married Owen Tudor (c. 14001461) about 1425, and their son Edmund Tudor was the father of Henry VII.

Catholic Emancipation
in British history, acts of Parliament passed between 1780 and 1829 to relieve Roman Catholics of civil and political restrictions imposed from the time of Henry VIII and the Reformation.

Cato Street Conspiracy

in British history, unsuccessful plot hatched in Cato Street, London, to murder the Tory foreign secretary Robert Castlereagh and all his ministers on 20 February 1820. The leader, the Radical Arthur Thistlewood (17701820), who intended to set up a provisional government, was hanged with four others.

Cattle Acts
in Irish history, protectionist legislation passed by the English Parliament in 1663, 1667, 1671, and 1681, giving effect to a total prohibition of imports of Irish cattle, beef, pork, and bacon into England. Once interpreted as part of a deliberate English policy to destroy the Irish economy, the legislation is now seen as a reflection of the influence of specific agricultural and commercial interest groups within the English Parliament. The legislation damaged the Irish economy but not fatally, encouraging greater development in the Irish butter and salted meat export market to Europe and the British colonies. The acts were repealed 175859.

leading southern British tribe of the time of the Roman invasions under Caesar and Claudius, with a fortified stronghold at what is now Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire. Cassivelaunus, Cymbeline, and his son Caractacus were kings of the Catuvellauni.

horseman of noble birth, but mainly used as a derogatory nickname to describe a male supporter of Charles I in the English Civil War (Cavalier), typically with courtly dress and long hair (as distinct from a Roundhead); also a supporter of Charles II after the Restoration.

Cavell, Edith (Louisa) (18651915)

English nurse. As matron of a Red Cross hospital in Brussels, Belgium, in World War I, she helped Allied soldiers escape to the Dutch frontier. She was court-martialled by the Germans and condemned to death. The British government made much propaganda from her heroism and execution, which was cited as an example of German atrocities.

Cavendish, Lord Frederick Charles (18361882)

British administrator, second son of the 7th Duke of Devonshire. He was appointed by Gladstone as chief secretary to the lord lieutenant of Ireland in 1882. On the evening of his arrival in Dublin, he and Thomas Burke, the permanent Irish undersecretary, were murdered in Phoenix Park by members of the Irish Invincibles, a secret group of Fenian extremists founded the previous year. The murder had farreaching political consequences for Ireland.

Cavendish, Spencer
British politician; see Spencer Compton Cavendish Hartington.

Cavendish, William (17201764)

4th Duke of Devonshire

British Whig politician, prime minister and First Lord of the Treasury 175657. His appointment was chiefly a convenience to secure the services of William Pitt the Elder as secretary of war, and when by mismanagement he lost the support of Pitt, he was forced to resign.

Cavendish's career was a classic example of the importance of patronage and family connections in the way British politics was conducted at this time. He entered the House of Lords in 1754, becoming a privy councillor and Master of the Horse, and being appointed to the key position of Lord Lieutenant to Ireland. In that post he made important friends and appeased hostile factions. He ended his political career as Lord Chamberlain of the royal household 175762.

Cawley, William (16021666)

English republican politician. He was an active member of the Long Parliament and was one of the judges who condemned Charles I to death 1649. Excluded from pardon on the Restoration of the monarchy 1660, Cawley fled to Flanders and then to Switzerland.

Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert (18641958)

Viscount Cecil of Chelwood

British lawyer, parliamentarian and cabinet minister, one of the architects of the League of Nations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1937 for his work with the League.

Cecil was educated at home until he was 13, and then at Eton and Oxford where he was a renowned debater. He was called to the Bar at the age of 23 in 1887. He married Lady Eleanor Lambton in 1889. He then turned to politics, representing East Marylebone in the House of Commons from 1906 to 1910, then as an independent Conservative in 1911 as member of Parliament for Hitchin in Hertfordshire. He remained in the Commons until 1923.

Cecil, Robert (15631612)

1st Earl of Salisbury

Secretary of state to Elizabeth I of England, succeeding his father, Lord Burghley; he was afterwards chief minister to James I (James VI of Scotland) whose accession to the English throne he secured. He discovered the Gunpowder Plot, the conspiracy to blow up the king and Parliament in 1605. James I created him Earl of Salisbury in 1605. He was knighted in 1591, and made a baron in 1603 and viscount in 1604.

Cecil, William
see Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley.

Central Treaty Organization


military alliance that replaced the Baghdad Pact in 1959; it collapsed when the withdrawal of Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey in 1979 left the UK as the only member.

freeman of the lowest class in Anglo-Saxon England.

Saxon king of Wessex. He is said to have come to Britain about AD 495, landing near Southampton. He defeated the British in Hampshire and founded Wessex about AD 500, conquering the Isle of Wight about AD 530. As Cedric the Saxon, he is one of the main characters in Sir Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe 1819.

Chadwick, Edwin (18001890)

English social reformer, author of the Poor Law Report 1834. He played a prominent part in the campaign that resulted in the Public Health Act 1848. He was commissioner of the first Board of Health 184854. Knighted 1889. A self-educated protg of the philosopher Jeremy Bentham and advocate of utilitarianism, Chadwick used his influence to implement measures to eradicate cholera, improve sanitation in urban areas, and clear slums in British cities.

Chadwick, Helen (19531996)

English photographer, installation, and performance artist. Her work, often autobiographical, tended to question stereotypical attitudes in society, particularly her series of meat abstracts such as Enfleshings 1 (1989) and her portrayal of the body, which was open to many differing interpretations. Her suggestive Cacao (1994) was a fountain of molten chocolate. In 1987 she had material shortlisted for the Turner Prize. Chadwick was born in Croydon, London. After studying at Brighton Polytechnic and Chelsea School of Art, she lectured at Chelsea and at the Royal College, London. She employed a wide range of creative disciplines, including sculpture, photography, mixed media, installation, and performance art. Her work is represented in national and international collections, including the Tate Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and Birmingham Art Gallery. In 1995 she was the subject of a solo show at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Chain, Ernst Boris (19061979)

German-born British biochemist who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1945, together with Alexander Fleming and Howard Florey (Fleming for his discovery of the bactericidal effect of penicillin, and Chain and Florey for their isolation of penicillin and its development as an antibiotic drug). Chain also discovered penicillinase, an enzyme that destroys penicillin. Chain was knighted in 1969.

Chain Home
system of radar stations built around the east and south coasts of the UK 193839 to give early warning of German air attacks.


officer appointed by a king, nobleman, or corporation to perform domestic and ceremonial duties. In England the office of chamberlain at the royal court dates from very early times; the chamberlain was originally the financial officer of the royal household. He no longer has any governmental responsibilities, but remains chief officer of the royal household.

Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville (18691940)

British Conservative politician, son of Joseph Chamberlain. He was prime minister 193740; his policy of appeasement toward the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini and German Nazi Adolf Hitler (with whom he concluded the Munich Agreement in 1938) failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II. He resigned in 1940 following the defeat of the British forces in Norway.

Chamberlain, (Joseph) Austen (18631937)

British Conservative politician, elder son of Joseph Chamberlain; foreign secretary 192429. He shared the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1925 with Charles G Dawes for his work in negotiating and signing the Pact of Locarno, which fixed the boundaries of Germany. In 1928 he also signed the KelloggBriand pact to outlaw war and provide for peaceful settlement of disputes.

Chamberlain, Joseph (18361914)

British politician, reformist mayor of and member of Parliament for Birmingham. In 1886 he resigned from the cabinet over William Gladstone's policy of home rule for Ireland, and led the revolt of the Liberal-Unionists that saw them merge with the Conservative Party.

English family that claims descent from a follower of William the Conqueror. Charles Chandos (died 1428) was the last representative in the direct male line, but the name has continued through the female line.

Chandos, Oliver Lyttelton, 1st Viscount Chandos (18931972)

English industrialist and Conservative politician. He was president of the Board of Trade 194041, minister of state in the Middle East 194142, minister of production 194245, and secretary of state for the colonies 195154. He was created Viscount Chandos in 1954.

Charge of the Light Brigade

disastrous attack by the British Light Brigade of cavalry against the Russian entrenched artillery on 25 October 1854 during the Crimean War at the Battle of Balaclava. Of the 673 soldiers who took part, there were 272 casualties.

charity schools
schools for the poor founded by the Society for the Promoting of Christian Knowledge from the late 17th century onward. They were criticized in the early 18th century for allegedly instilling High Church propaganda in their pupils and overeducating the poor. Until the 19th century, these locally run schools were often the only means for poor children to acquire basic numeracy and literacy.

two kings of Great Britain and Ireland:

Charles I (16001649)
King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1625, son of James I of England (James VI of Scotland). He accepted the petition of right in 1628 but then dissolved Parliament and ruled without a parliament from 1629 to 1640, a period known as the Eleven Years' Tyranny. His advisers were Strafford and Laud, who persecuted the Puritans and provoked the Scots to revolt. The Short Parliament, summoned in 1640, refused funds, and the Long Parliament later that year rebelled. Charles declared war on Parliament in 1642 but surrendered in 1646 and was beheaded in 1649. He was the father of Charles II.

Charles I

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

A contemporary engraving of the trial of Charles I at Westminster Hall in January 1649. He was accused of having 'conceived a wicked design .. to overthrow the rights and liberties of the people'. The trial began on 20 January and ended eight days later when the king was sentenced to death.

Charles II (16301685)
King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1660, when Parliament accepted the restoration of the monarchy after the collapse of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. He was the son of Charles I. His chief minister Edward Clarendon, who arranged Charles's marriage in 1662 to Catherine of Braganza, was replaced in 1667 with the Cabal of advisers. His plans to restore Catholicism in Britain led to war with the Netherlands (167274) in support of Louis XIV of France and a break with Parliament, which he dissolved in 1681. He was succeeded by James II.

Charles II

(Image Billie Love)

King Charles II of Great Britain and Ireland, in a portrait from 1680. In the following year, he dissolved Parliament and ruled without it, financed by Louis XIV of France.

Charles Edward Stuart (17201788)

also known as the Young Pretender or Bonnie Prince Charlie

British prince, grandson of James II and son of James, the Old Pretender. In the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 (the Forty-Five) Charles won the support of the Scottish Highlanders; his army invaded England to claim the throne but was beaten back by the Duke of Cumberland and routed at Culloden on 16 April 1746. Charles fled; for five months he wandered through the Highlands with a price of 30,000 on his head before escaping to France. He visited England secretly in 1750, and may have made other visits. In later life he degenerated into a friendless drunkard. He settled in Italy in 1766.

Charles Fort

large, star-shaped fort named after King Charles II, at Kinsale, County Cork, Republic of Ireland. It was designed by William Robinson and built from 1678 for Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery. It is probably the finest example of surviving military architecture in Ireland. The only time it was besieged was in 1690, when it held out for 13 days before being was captured by John Churchill, Earl of Marlborough. It became a scheduled national monument in 1973.

Charrington, Frederick Nicholas (18501936)

English social reformer. He renounced succession to a fortune of over 1 million in order to devote his time to temperance work. He founded the Tower Hamlets Mission in 1885 and made the Great Assembly Hall in the Mile End Road a centre of Christian work in the East End of London. He was one of the original members of the London County Council (188995). The son of a wealthy brewer, Charrington was born in London, England.

open letter recording that a grant of land or privileges had been made on a specific date, as in the Magna Carta. Witnesses either signed, made their mark, or affixed their seal. Based on the Roman diploma, the charter was reintroduced into Britain after the departure of the Romans to record donations of land to the Christian Church. These early charters were written in Latin, but from the 9th century charters were written in the vernacular; Latin again came into use after the Norman Conquest.

charters, town
royal grants of certain privileges, rights, or immunities made to towns from early times.

radical British democratic movement, mainly of the working classes, which flourished around 1838 to 1848. It derived its name from the People's Charter, a six-point programme comprising universal male suffrage, equal electoral districts, secret ballot, annual parliaments, and abolition of the property qualification for, and payment of, members of Parliament. The movement grew out of the London Working Men's Association, formed in 1836 by William Lovett. Two petitions were presented to Parliament (in 1839 and 1842), and were rejected. Under the leadership of the Irish parliamentarian Fergus O'Connor, Chartism became a powerful expression of working class frustration, and a third petition, also rejected, was presented in 1848. The long-term failure of the movement was probably due to greater prosperity among the populace as a whole, lack of organization, and rivalry among the leadership of the movement.

Chaucer, Geoffrey (c. 13401400)

English poet. The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, reveals his knowledge of human nature and his stylistic variety, from the sophisticated and subtly humorous to the simple and bawdy. His early work shows formal French influence, as in the dream-poem The Book of the Duchess and his adaptation of the French allegorical poem on courtly love, The Romaunt of the Rose, in which the meaning is conveyed in symbols. More mature works reflect the influence of Italian realism, as in Troilus and Criseyde, a substantial narrative poem about the tragic betrayal of an idealized courtly love, adapted from the Italian writer Boccaccio. In The Canterbury Tales he shows his own genius for metre (rhythm) and characterization. Chaucer was the most influential English poet of the Middle Ages. Chaucer was born in London, the son of a wine dealer. Taken prisoner in the French wars, he had to be ransomed by Edward III in 1360. In 1366 he married Philippa Roet, sister of Katherine Swynford, the mistress and later third wife of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. Payments during the period 136774 indicate a rising fortune and show that Chaucer made several journeys abroad, both on military service and public business. He was sent to Italy (where he may have met the writers Boccaccio and Petrarch), France, and Flanders. He was controller of wool customs (137486), and of petty customs (138286). He became justice of the peace for Kent in 1385 and member of Parliament for Kent in 1386. In 1389 he was made clerk of the king's works, and superintended undertakings at Woolwich and Smithfield. In 1391 he gave up the clerkship and accepted the position of deputy forester of North Petherton, Somerset. Late in 1399 he moved to Westminster and died the following year; he was buried in the Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

A portrait of the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer on horseback. Chaucer was born in London, and travelled widely in France, and in Italy, where he was possibly influenced by the writers Boccaccio and Petrarch.


(Image Billie Love)

English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, best known for The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer was also active as a diplomat and civil servant for several English kings, holding posts such as comptroller in the Customs House, and justice of the peace and knight of the shire in Kent.

Chaucer, Thomas (c. 13671434)

English statesman, possibly the son of the poet Geoffrey Chaucer. He represented his Oxfordshire estates in numerous parliaments and was Speaker of the House of Commons in 1407, 1410, 1411, and 1414. He also served on several diplomatic missions.

(Old English ceap, 'barter')

street running from St Paul's Cathedral to Poultry, in the City of London, England. Now a business district, it was the scene of the 13th-century 'Cheap', a permanent fair and chief general market in the city. The church of St Mary-le-Bow in Cheapside, designed by Christopher Wren, has the Bow Bells.

title formerly borne by the English family of Stanhope, later Scudamore-Stanhope, created in 1628.

Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode (18691950)

British soldier. Chetwode entered the 19th Hussars 1889, and served in Burma and South Africa. He commanded the 5th cavalry brigade in action against the Germans before Mons 1914. In 1916 he went to Egypt to assume command of the desert mounted column of the Egyptian expeditionary force, which he led in the early campaigns in Palestine.

Cheyne, John (17771836)

Scottish physician who, with William Stokes, gave his name to CheyneStokes breathing, or periodic respiration.

Cheyne, William Watson (18521932)

Australian-born British surgeon. He was assistant surgeon and later surgeon to King's College Hospital (18801917), before becoming a professor of surgery there (18911917). Cheyne was a staunch advocate of the antiseptic principles introduced by English surgeon Joseph Lister. His principal works include Antiseptic Surgery (1882), Tuberculous Diseases of Bones and Joints (1895), and the seven-volume Manual of Surgical Treatment (18991903), coauthored with F Burghard. Cheyne was born at sea off Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. He graduated in medicine at Edinburgh University in 1875, and became house surgeon to Joseph Lister, first in Edinburgh and later at King's College Hospital, London. He became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1879, subsequently becoming Hunterian professor (188890), then president (191416); he was awarded the college's Lister Memorial Medal in 1924. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1894. He was made a baronet in 1908 on becoming surgeon-in-ordinary to King Edward VII. He was member of Parliament for the Universities of Edinburgh and St Andrews (1917) and for the Scottish universities (191822). Among his other publications are Suppuration and Septic Diseases (1889), Treatment of Wounds, Ulcers and Abscesses (1894), and Lister and his Achievement (1925).

Chick, Harriette (18751977)

English nutritionist. While investigating nutritional disorders in Vienna after World War I she helped to establish that sunlight and dietary cod-liver oil, rich in vitamin D, could eliminate childhood rickets, a bone deficiency previously thought to be infectious. On her return to London in 1922 she made extensive studies into the role of vitamins. She was made DBE in 1949. Chick was sent to Vienna by the British Medical Research Council (MRC), and conducted her pioneering research into rickets with her colleague Elsie Dalyell (18811948). She later served as secretary of the Accessory Food Factors Committee, established by the MRC and the Lister Institute, which co-ordinated, assessed, and publicized research and information on nutritional matters.

Chieftains, the
Irish folk group. Long regarded as leading exponents of Irish traditional music, the Chieftains were formed in the early 1960s. Over the years, they have worked with a wide variety of musicians from different backgrounds, and remain a major concert attraction. Membership of the band has varied, but key players include Uillean piper Paddy Moloney (1938 ), harpist Derek Bell (1935 ), and flautist Matt Molloy (1947 ). The original Chieftains met while playing as members of Sen Riada's Ceoltir Cualann orchestra in the late 1950s. Though they began performing together on an amateur basis, their music was so well received that they turned professional in the early 1970s. They have recorded with such diverse artists as Mike Oldfield (1953 ), Van Morrison, and James Galway, and their music has been widely used on film soundtracks. The Chieftains influenced later Irish folk-rock bands such as Planxty, the Bothy Band, and De Danaan. They have attained spectacular international success with their later fusion recordings and since 1993 they have won many international awards, including several Grammy awards in 1994, 1996, and 1997.

Childers, (Robert) Erskine (18701922)

English civil servant and writer, Irish republican, author of the spy novel The Riddle of the Sands (1903). A Londoner by birth and educated at Haileybury and Cambridge, Childers served as Clerk of the House of Commons, 18951910, and published Riddle of the Sands in 1903. He converted to Irish home rule in 1908, and it was aboard his yacht the Asgard that arms were landed for the Irish Volunteers in 1914. He served with the Royal Navy Air Services from 191419, yet his support for home rule hardened into a severe republicanism. He was appointed director of publicity for the IRA in 1919 and, elected to the Dil (then the unofficial republican parliament) in 1921, became its minister for propaganda. Childers served as first secretary to the Irish delegation in negotiations with the British government in 1921, but opposed the treaty that his

colleagues agreed with the British. He fought with the republicans in the 1922 civil war, and was captured, court-martialled and executed by the Free State government.

Childers, Erskine H(amilton) (19051974)

Irish Fianna Fil politician, president 197374. He sought the reunification of Ireland, but condemned the campaign of violence by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) to achieve that end. He was a strong advocate of Ireland's membership of the European Community (EC; now the European Union). Although, after entering Irish politics in 1938, he held a number of ministerial posts and was elected deputy leader of the Fianna Fil party in 1969, he was always in the shadow of his famous father, Robert Erskine Childers, a leading figure in the struggle for Irish independence.

Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley (18271896)

English Liberal politician. As secretary for war 188082 he was responsible for the military operations in the first South African War in 1881 and the Egyptian expedition to subdue a nationalist revolt in 1882. He was chancellor of the Exchequer 188285 and home secretary in 1886.

Chilianwala, Battle of
battle between British and Sikh forces during the Second Sikh War 13 January 1849. Although the British eventually recovered the situation and were not actually defeated, their organization was confused to the point of disaster and this episode may be regarded almost as the infantry equivalent of the more famed Charge of the Light Brigade.

Chimney Sweepers Act

law passed 1875 in Benjamin Disraeli's second ministry forbidding the use of children to sweep chimneys, partly in response to public outcry at the practice. Earlier attempts by Lord Shaftesbury (in acts of 1840 and 1864) had failed to curb the use of children to clean chimneys. Employers were now forbidden from taking on apprentices under the age of 16 and no one under the age of 21 was permitted to go up a chimney in order to clean it.

Christian Socialism

19th-century movement stressing the social principles of the Bible and opposed to the untrammelled workings of laissez-faire capitalism. Its founders, all members of the Church of England, were Frederick Denison Maurice (18051872), Charles Kingsley, and the novelist Thomas Hughes. In Europe, the establishment of Christian Socialist parties (the first was in Austria) was a direct response to the perceived threat of socialism and therefore contained many conservative features.

Churchill, Lady Sarah, duchess of Marlborough (16601744)

Whig wife of John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough and confidante of Princess (later Queen) Anne. She was in the service of James II from 1673 and developed a long-standing friendship with his daughter, Anne. After the 'Glorious revolution' 1688 she initially tried to involve Anne in plots against the new king William III but then when Anne became queen, Churchill used her position to encourage the queen to favour Whig ministries. By 1707 her influence had been superseded by the Tory, Abigail Masham, and a Tory ministry was appointed 1710. Churchill finally broke with Anne 1711 and lost her positions at court.

Churchill, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer (18491895)

British Conservative politician, chancellor of the Exchequer and leader of the House of Commons in 1886; father of Winston Churchill.

Churchill, Winston (Leonard Spencer) (18741965)

British Conservative politician, prime minister 194045 and 195155. In Parliament from 1900, as a Liberal until 1924, he held a number of ministerial offices, including First Lord of the Admiralty 191115 and chancellor of the Exchequer 192429. Absent from the cabinet in the 1930s, he returned in September 1939 to lead a coalition government from 1940 to 1945, negotiating with Allied leaders in World War II to achieve the unconditional surrender of Germany in 1945. He led a Conservative government between 1951 and 1955. His books include a six-volume history of World War II (194854) and a four-volume History of the English-Speaking Peoples (195658). War Speeches 194045 (1946) contains his most memorable orations. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.


(Image Billie Love)

Ceremony at Bristol University, England, on 21 April 1945. From left to right: Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour; Winston Churchill, Prime Minister; A V Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty. Churchill was Chancellor of the university from 1929 until his death.

Cilian, St (c.640689)
or St Kilian

Irish apostle. Born at Mullagh in County Cavan, he set off on a mission with Saints Colman and Totnan to bring Christianity to the Germanic tribes of Thuringia and Franconia. He and his companions were executed at Wrzburg, Franconia, on the orders of Duke Gozbert. In 752, when the region had finally been Christianized, his relics were interred in the cathedral at Wrzburg. His feast day is 8 July.

Cinque Ports
group of ports in southern England, originally five, Sandwich, Dover, Hythe, Romney, and Hastings, later including Rye, Winchelsea, and others. Probably founded in Roman times, they rose to importance after the Norman conquest and until the end of the 15th century were bound to supply the ships and men necessary against invasion. Their importance declined in the 16th and 17th centuries with the development of a standing navy.

Citrine, Walter McLennan Citrine, 1st Baron (18871983)

English trade-union leader and administrator. He was general secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) 192646 and took a leading part in the struggle to secure the repeal of the Trades Dispute Act of 1927. He served on the National Coal Board until 1947 and was president of the Central Electricity Authority 194757. He was knighted in 1935 and created a peer in 1946.

Civil War, English

conflict between King Charles I and the Royalists (also called Cavaliers) on one side and the Parliamentarians (also called Roundheads) on the other. Their differences centred initially on the king's unconstitutional acts, but later became a struggle over the relative powers of crown and Parliament. Hostilities began in 1642 and a series of Royalist defeats (at Marston Moor in 1644, and then at Naseby in 1645) culminated in Charles's capture in 1647, and execution in 1649. The war continued until the final defeat of Royalist forces at Worcester in 1651. Oliver Cromwell then became Protector (ruler) from 1653 until his death in 1658.

Charles I became the king of Great Britain and Ireland in 1625, and quickly became involved in a number of disputes with Parliament. These led to the latter's dissolution in 1629, after which Charles ruled absolutely for 11 years, the Eleven Years' Tyranny. By 1639, people had many reasons to be angry with Charles: his belief in the divine right of kings; his spending Charles was an art collector, and lavished money on his court and his favourites; his creation of monopolies as a form of patronage; his levies of ship money for the support of the navy; and his use of the Star Chamber court to suppress the Puritans and make judgements in his favour. His officials and associates were also unpopular. Strafford, Charles's advisor and lord deputy in Ireland, was using the army to enforce royal rule ruthlessly in Ireland (see Ireland: history 16031782, Protestant settlement and the rule of Strafford). The Puritans felt threatened by Charles's deputy, Archbishop William Laud, who had brought Arminianism into the Church of England, new ideas that emphasized links with the pre-Reformation church. Charles's Catholic wife Henrietta Maria was also disliked, as she encouraged him to aid Catholics and make himself an absolute ruler. In 1639, however, war was declared with Scotland, the first of the Bishops' Wars over Charles's attempts to impose royal control over the church in Scotland. In 1640, Charles called the Short Parliament in order to raise funds. His request for war taxes was refused, and the Parliament was quickly dissolved, but, after defeat in Scotland in the second Bishops' War (1640), Charles called the Long Parliament of 1640. The members of Parliament (MPs) were determined (in the words of the leader John Pym) 'to make their country happy by removing all grievances'. The Long Parliament imprisoned Laud, declared extra-parliamentary taxation illegal, and voted that Parliament could not be dissolved without its own assent. In November 1641 Parliament presented the Grand Remonstrance a list of complaints. In January 1642 Charles tried to arrest the five parliamentary leaders who, he said, had 'traitorously tried to take away the King's royal power'. When this failed, the king went north to Nottingham, where he declared war against Parliament on 22 August 1642.

The World Turned Upside Down: Civil War and Revolution

introduction From 1640 to 1660 the British Isles witnessed some of the most dramatic events of their history. In this period, the English, Scottish, and Irish states all experienced major, and interconnected, internal convulsions. Scotland In the late 1630s the Scots rose in armed insurrection to defend their Calvinist, or presbyterian, church against a new 'popish' prayer book which Charles I was attempting to impose. In 1640 the Scots Covenanters defeated Charles's army at Newburn, precipitating the deep political crisis in England which led to civil war in 1642. In 1643 they entered into a military alliance with the English parliamentarians, and Scottish forces contributed much to the defeat of the Royalists. The Scots had assumed that Charles's defeat would be followed by the introduction of a Scottishstyle church in England, but by 1649 the presbyterian English Parliament had lost power to the soldiers of the New Model Army, most of whom firmly rejected the concept of any national church. The Scots then transferred their allegiance, backing the attempts of Charles I and then his son to win back the English crown. They were, however, defeated at Preston (1648), Dunbar (1650), and Worcester (1651) by Cromwell, who then brought all of Lowland Scotland under direct English rule for the first time in its history. In 1654 he forced Scotland into a union with England. While this union was overturned at the Restoration in 1660, the English hegemony it had established ensured that England entered the union of 1707 as much the dominant partner. Ireland In Ireland the mid-century crisis erupted with the Ulster Rising of 1641, during which several thousand native Catholics rose up against Protestant colonists planted on their lands earlier in the century. The rebellion quickly spread. A provisional Catholic government was set up at Kilkenny, and in 1643 Charles I recognized its authority in exchange for Irish military assistance in England. The recovery of Ireland was entrusted to Cromwell in 1649. Within nine months he broke the back of the rebellion with an efficiency and ruthlessness for which he has never been forgiven by the Irish people. This military reconquest was swiftly followed by the Cromwellian Land Settlement, which ejected most of the Catholic population from their lands and gave them the famous choice of going to 'Hell or Connaught'. These events laid the foundations for the English Protestant Ascendancy. England It was in England, however, that the revolutionary nature of the 1640s and 1650s was most apparent. Here a full-scale civil conflict resulted in the public trial and execution of a king who many still regarded as divinely appointed, the establishment of a republic, and the emergence of a military junta. In the religious sphere, the established national church was dismembered in favour of a large number of unorthodox radical sects, including the Ranters, who encouraged indulgence in alcohol, tobacco, and casual sex, and the Quakers, whose refusal to defer to social superiors made them especially subversive.

These 20 years were marked by an extraordinary intellectual ferment. Many English men and women began to espouse very radical solutions to a wide range of social and political problems. The Levellers advocated universal male suffrage. Gerrard Winstanley established a short-lived commune on St George's Hill near Weybridge, and argued in print for a communist solution to social inequalities. The poet John Milton sought liberal divorce laws, and other writers debated women's rights, polygamy, and vegetarianism. England had fallen into civil war in 1642 for want of a peaceful solution to the serious differences between Charles I and some of his most influential subjects. Some of these differences had been political, but more important was a religious struggle manifested in the opposition of many English Calvinists to a clique of anti-Calvinists, or Arminians, who (under Charles's patronage) had gained control of the established church in the 1630s. Parliament's victory in the Civil War owed much to the organizational ability of its early leader John Pym, its access to the financial and demographic resources of London, and the creation of the New Model Army in 1645. After his defeat, Charles's own obstinate refusal to settle with his opponents finally drove the leaders of the army to the desperate expedient of regicide. From 1649 to 1660, England remained a military state. Cromwell struggled to reconcile the country to his rule, but failed because of his association with the army in a nation now thoroughly fed up with the military. Moreover, Cromwell and his puritan colleagues considered it their duty to impose their own godly culture on the nation. Initiatives such as the introduction of the death penalty for adultery were met with widespread hostility. In restoring the Stuarts in 1660, the English were decisively rejecting this puritan culture in favour of a world once more turned right way up.

Civil War, Irish

in Irish history, a conflict, 192223, that followed the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), which established the partition of Ireland into the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland. In June 1922 the Irish government, led by Michael Collins, attacked the headquarters of the anti-Treaty faction (mostly from the Irish Republican Army (IRA)) at the Four Courts in Dublin. Fighting continued until April 1923, when the IRA gave up the fight. There were over 900 casualties.

claim of right
declaration by the Scottish estates in 1689 accompanying their recognition of the new regime of William and Mary following the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688. The declaration asserted the right to depose any monarch who violated the law, listing grievances against James VII and II, as well as denouncing the Lords of the Articles and episcopacy in Scotland.

Clairemont, Claire (17981879)

English mistress of the poet Lord Byron. Their daughter, Allegra, was born in 1817, but Byron later removed the child as he disapproved of Clairemont's methods of childcare. Allegra died in a convent near Ravenna at the age of five. Clairemont began her affair with Byron in London after accompanying her step-sister Mary Godwin's elopement with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1814. Following the death of her daughter, she lived abroad for the rest of her life.

secret society formed by Fenians (see Fenian movement) in the USA about 1883. Its object was to force the British government to give home rule to Ireland. The headquarters of the society were in Chicago, but it had agents in England and Ireland, who were responsible for assassinations and bombings in the 1880s.

Clann na Poblachta
(Irish 'Children of the Republic')

former Irish political party founded by Sean MacBride in 1946. Its aims included the reintegration of the whole of Ireland as an independent republic and the restoration of the Irish language. It ceased to exist in 1969.

Clapham sect
early 19th-century evangelical group within the Church of England which advocated paternalist reforms for the underprivileged. Based on Rev. John Venn's church in Clapham between 1792 and 1830, the group consisted largely of liberal-minded wealthy families and had a profound influence on many of the most prominent social reformers of the time, including William Wilberforce and the Earl of Shaftesbury.

Clare, Richard de (died 1176)

Earl of Pembroke and Striguil; called 'Strongbow'

Anglo-Norman soldier. At the request of the exiled king of Leinster, Dermot MacMurrough, he invaded Ireland in August 1170 to support MacMurrough's reinstatement, sparking a full-scale Anglo-Norman invasion under Henry II in September 1171. He was forced to hand over his conquests to Henry II but after helping him on campaigns in Normandy in 1173 was granted Wexford, Waterford, and Dublin, the first Anglo-Norman lordship. He is buried in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin.

Strongbow was the son of Gilbert FitzGilbert de Clare, earl of Pembroke and Strigoil, and succeeded to the earldom in southern Wales in 1148. Having restored MacMurrough, de Clare married his daughter Aoife and inherited the kingship of Leinster on MacMurrough's death in 1171. His success forced the invasion of Henry II, who was fearful of the establishment of an independent Norman power on his western shores.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde (16091674)

1st Earl of Clarendon

English politician and historian, chief adviser to Charles II from 1651 to 1667. A member of Parliament in 1640, he joined the Royalist side in 1641. The Clarendon Code (166165), a series of acts passed by the government, was directed at Nonconformists (or Dissenters) and was designed to secure the supremacy of the Church of England.

Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers (18001870)

4th Earl of Clarendon

British Liberal diplomat, lord lieutenant of Ireland 184752, foreign secretary 1853 58, 186566, and 186870. He was posted to Ireland at the time of the potato famine. His diplomatic skill was shown at the Congress of Paris in 1856 and in the settlement of the dispute between Britain and the USA over the Alabama cruiser.

Clarendon, Constitutions of
in English history, a series of resolutions agreed by a council summoned by Henry II at Clarendon in Wiltshire in 1164. The Constitutions forbade the church to convict laymen on secret information, and demanded that clergy accused of a felony be tried in the royal courts. The Constitutions aimed at limiting the secular power of the clergy, and were abandoned after the murder of Thomas Becket.

Clark, Alan Kenneth McKenzie (19281999)

British Conservative politician and military historian. He served as a minister of state for defence 198992 but failed to achieve Cabinet rank. In 1997 he returned to politics as MP for Kensington and Chelsea. His Diaries (1993), a record of his political career, have been labelled as frequently indiscreet.

His historical works include The Donkeys (1961), a study of British military leadership in World War I; and Barbarossa (1965), an examination of the Nazi invasion of Russia in 1941.

Clarkson, Thomas (17601846)

British philanthropist. From 1785 he devoted himself to a campaign against slavery. He was one of the founders of the Anti-Slavery Society in 1823 and was largely responsible for the abolition of slavery in British colonies in 1833.

Claverhouse, John Graham (c. 16491689)

Viscount Dundee

Scottish soldier. Appointed by Charles II to suppress the Covenanters from 1677, he was routed at Drumclog in 1679, but three weeks later won the battle of Bothwell Bridge, by which the rebellion was crushed. Until 1688 he was engaged in continued persecution and became known as 'Bloody Clavers', regarded by the Scottish people as a figure of evil. His army then joined the first Jacobite rebellion and defeated the loyalist forces at the Battle of Killiecrankie, where he was mortally wounded.

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
agreement between Britain and the USA to respect the neutrality of the proposed ship canal across Central America. It was signed for the USA by the Secretary of State, John Clayton and for Britain by the English diplomat and Liberal MP, Henry Bulwer. The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, concluded in Washington, DC, on 19 April and ratified on 4 July 1850, was abrogated in 1901 by the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, which embraced the neutrality rule of the Panama Canal.

Cleland, William (c. 16611689)

Scottish soldier and poet. He joined the Covenanters, with whom he fought at Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge in 1679 against Government forces to defend Presbyterianism in Scotland. Later he was an agent for William of Orange, and was made lieutenant colonel of the Cameronian regiment which defended Dunkeld against the Jacobite rebels in 1689; he was killed there.

clerk of the peace

former local government and judicial official in England and Wales. Clerks of the peace held the office of clerk to the county council and in many cases were also clerks to the justices and quarter sessions. In their local government role they were the chief executive officer of the county council and in their judicial role they were responsible for maintaining the records of quarter sessions and advising the justices on the law relating to cases before them.

Cleveland, Duchess of
born Barbara Villiers

English courtier, mistress of Charles II; see Castlemaine, Countess of.

Anglo-Norman family descended from Richard Fitzponce. His son, Walter, adopted the name Clifford when he acquired Clifford Castle in Herefordshire by marriage. Clifford was the father of Fair Rosamond, Henry II's mistress.

Clifford, Thomas, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh (16301673)

English statesman. He was a member of the Cabal ministry of King Charles II. As a Roman Catholic, he supported the Declaration of Indulgence issued by Charles in 1672; he resigned when the Test Act was introduced in 1673. Clifford was instrumental in arranging the secret Treaty of Dover in 1670, whereby Charles II promised Louis XIV of France that he would restore Catholicism in England and support France against the Dutch, and Louis agreed to finance Charles and supply him with troops if necessary.

Clinton, Henry (c. 17301795)

British soldier, born in Newfoundland, Canada. He took part in the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. In 1778 he became commander-in-chief in North America, but resigned in 1781. He became a general in 1793 and was appointed governor of Gibraltar in 1794.

Clontarf, Battle of
comprehensive Irish victory over a Norse invasion force on Good Friday, 23 April, 1014. Although the Irish won a magnificent victory which completely lifted the Norse

threat to Ireland, the Irish king Brian Bruma and his son were both killed in the battle; Brian, being too old to fight, was slain in his tent.

or clture

method of bringing a question under discussion to an immediate decision in Parliamentary procedure. It was introduced in 1881 by William Gladstone to combat the obstructive tactics of the Irish Nationalist party, and was embodied in a permanent standing order in 1887.

Clynes, John Robert (18691949)

British Labour politician. He was chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party 192122, Lord Privy Seal and deputy leader of the Commons in 1924, and home secretary 192931.

alternative spelling of Canute.

village in the Telford and Wrekin unitary authority, England, effectively a suburb of Telford, situated in the Severn Gorge; population (1991) 1,000. Sometimes known as the 'cradle of the Industrial Revolution', Coalbrookdale became the world's most important iron-producing area following Abraham Darby I's successful attempt in 1709 to use coke rather than coal or charcoal to smelt iron in a blast-furnace, thereby allowing for a massive increase in production. It is now the site of the Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron which forms part of the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site.

coal mining
the expansion of the British coal mining industry to meet the needs of the Industrial Revolution is discussed in Industrial Revolution, coal.

Coalport Porcelain

English porcelain factory, producing both decorative and domestic porcelain. Founded at Coalport, Shropshire in 1796, it amalgamated with the Caughley porcelain works in 1799 and took over the Welsh works of Swansea and Nantgarw. The factory moved to Staffordshire in 1926. Its bone china was very popular and high-quality and elaborate pieces continue to be made.

Cobb, Richard Charles (born 1917)

English historian. Specializing in French history, particularly the French Revolutionary period, his publications include The Police and the People: French Popular Protest 17891820 1970 and Reactions to the French Revolution 1972.

Cobbett, William (17631835)

English Radical politician and journalist, who published the weekly Political Register 180235. He spent much of his life in North America. His crusading essays on the conditions of the rural poor were collected as 'Rural Rides' (1830).

Cobden, Richard (18041865)

British Liberal politician and economist, cofounder with John Bright of the Anti-Corn Law League in 1838. A member of Parliament from 1841, he opposed class and religious privileges and believed in disarmament and free trade.

Cockayne project
scheme to manufacture cloth in England rather than export wool for this purpose to the Netherlands, named after its originator, Alderman Cockayne of London. A new company, the Merchant Adventurers was founded to exploit the idea, intended to transform England from being an exporter of primary material to a producer of valueadded goods, and it was granted a monopoly over the export of cloth 1615. Despite James I's backing, the project had failed by 1617 due to underfunding and lack of expertise and its collapse caused a prolonged depression in the cloth trade.

coffee house
alternative to ale-houses as social meeting place, largely for the professional classes, popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. Christopher Bowman opened the first Coffee House in London (later known as the 'Pasqua Rosee') in St Michael's Alley, Cornhill, in 1652 and others soon followed in both London and Oxford so that by 1708 London alone boasted 3,000 coffee houses. Their popularity stemmed from their reputations as centres for the dissemination of news and ideas, making them good places to

meet others of a like mind and also to conduct business. For this reason, coffee houses were often associated with radical readings and an attempt was made to suppress them by royal proclamation in 1675 but the coffee houses were too popular and the attempt was abandoned within a matter of days. The coffee houses declined in popularity toward the end of the 18th century as coffee itself was largely superseded by the new fashion for tea. Many coffee houses attracted a particular group or profession and built their reputations and clientele around a certain business. For example, London underwriters specializing in marine insurance began to meet regularly in Edwin Lloyd's coffee house from about 1688 and the place was so heavily associated with that business that it gave its name to the Lloyds insurance market.

coffee house

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

A contemporary picture of a coffee house from about 1700. Coffee, chocolate, and tea were all introduced to England in the mid-17th century, and coffee houses rapidly became popular meeting places for the discussion of business affairs and literature.

Coke, Edward (15521634)

Lord Chief Justice of England 161317. He was a defender of common law against royal prerogative; against Charles I he drew up the petition of right in 1628, which defines and protects Parliament's liberties.

Coke, Thomas William (17541842)

1st Earl of Leicester

English agriculturalist and politician who was renowned for his innovations in both arable farming and animal husbandry. A long-serving member of Parliament for Norfolk (17761806 and 180732), he introduced new strains of crops and made improvements to the breeding of cattle and sheep on his extensive farms. His innovations included regular manuring of the soil, the cultivation of fodder crops in association with corn, and the drilling of wheat and turnips.

Cole, G(eorge) D(ouglas) H(oward) (18891959)

English economist, historian, and detective-story writer. Chair of the Fabian Society 193946 and 194850 and its president from 1952, he wrote numerous books on socialism, including biographies of William Cobbett (1925) and Robert Owen (1925) and a history of the British working-class movements (1948), often in collaboration with his wife, Margaret Isabel Cole (18931980), and her brother, Raymond Postgate. The Coles also collaborated in writing detective fiction.

Cole, Henry (18081882)

English public official, art critic, and editor. He organized the Great Exhibition of 1851 and played a major part in founding the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science Museum, the Royal Albert Hall, and the Royal College of Music, all in London. Employed at the Treasury on the postal project (183942), he introduced the penny postage system in 1840, and the adhesive stamp.

Cole, Margaret Isabel (18931980)

born Margaret Postgate

English writer, historian, and political analyst. A socialist and feminist, she created many distinguished works including The Makers of the Labour Movement (1948) and an acclaimed biography of the English social reformer Beatrice Webb (1945). In addition she co-wrote An Intelligent Man's Review of Europe Today (1933), A Guide to Modern Politics (1934), and 29 detective stories. Cole was born in Cambridge, and educated at Roedean School, Sussex. After studying classics at Girton College, Cambridge, she taught for a time at St Paul's School, London, before becoming a researcher for the Fabian Society.

Colenso, Battle of
in the South African War, British defeat by Boer forces 15 December 1899 on the Tugela River about 32 km/20 mi south of Ladysmith. A British force under General Sir Redvers Buller attempting to relieve Ladysmith ran into a strong Boer defensive

position on the Tulega River and was driven back with severe losses in troops and guns.

Colepeper (or Culpeper), John, 1st Baron Colepeper (died 1660)

English Royalist politician. He was a member of the Long Parliament in 1640 and was appointed chancellor of the Exchequer in 1642. He became one of Charles I's advisers and fought for him in the Battle of Edgehill, at the start of the English Civil War. He was raised to the peerage in 1644.

Collier, Jeremy (16501726)

British Anglican cleric, a Nonjuror, who was outlawed 1696 for granting absolution on the scaffold to two men who had tried to assassinate William III. His Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage 1698 was aimed at the dramatists William Congreve and John Vanbrugh.

Collingwood, Cuthbert (17501810)

1st Baron Collingwood

British admiral who served with Horatio Nelson in the West Indies against France and blockaded French ports between 1803 and 1805; after Nelson's death he took command at the Battle of Trafalgar. He was made Baron in 1805.

Collins, Michael (18901922)

Irish nationalist. He was a Sinn Fein leader, a founder and director of intelligence of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in 1919, a minister in the provisional government of the Irish Free State in 1922, commander of the Free State forces in the civil war, and for ten days head of state before being killed by Irish republicans. Born in County Cork, Collins joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood while working in London, and in 1916 returned to Ireland to fight in the Easter Rising. Following his release from prison in December 1916, he became a leading republican organizer and in 1918 was elected Sinn Fein member to the Dil (Irish parliament). Appointed minister of home affairs and then minister for finance, he continued to maintain a dominant position in the Irish Volunteers (later the IRA) as a director of organization and intelligence. During the Anglo-Irish War (191921) he was noted for his skilful infiltration of the British intelligence system in Ireland and ruthless assassination of its operatives. In 1921 Collins helped vice-president Arthur Griffith to negotiate the Anglo-Irish Treaty, and encouraged the support of key IRA figures. He became chairman of the pro-treaty provisional government and, during the ensuing civil war, commander-in-chief of the national army which crushed the opposition in Dublin and

the large towns within a few months. When Griffith died on 12 August 1922, Collins became head of state but was ambushed and killed near Cork on 22 August.

Colman, St (c.605676)
or Colman of Lindisfarne

Irish monk. He was a monk on the island of Iona and became Bishop of Lindisfarne in 661, succeeding St Finan. However, in 664 he returned to Iona after the Celtic party he led was defeated at the Synod of Whitby. Later, he moved to Ireland with his followers, settling and building a monastery (668) on the island of Inishbofin off the west coast. His feast day is 8 August.

(Latin, 'colony')

Roman term for a settlement of Roman citizens. It consisted of a city and its dependent territory and often grew up around a legionary fortress, where retired soldiers might be granted plots of land in the town and in the surrounding countryside. The first British colonia was founded AD 49 at Camulodumum (Colchester). Others followed at Eboracum (York), Glevum (Gloucester) and Lindum (Lincoln).

Colquhoun, Ithell (19061988)

born Margaret Ithell

English artist and poet. Associated with the English surrealists, her work dealt with mythological and biblical subjects prior to 1930, but she turned to the portrayal of dreamlike states, and in the 1940s painted fantastic plants using various media. From 1956 she lived in Cornwall, where she wrote about and painted themes from the occult and alchemy. Colquhoun was born in Assam, India, and studied at the Slade School of Art, London, before working in various studios in Paris and Athens. She met Andr Breton, the leading exponent of surrealism, and the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dal in 1933, and exhibited at the 1936 International Surrealist Exhibition. Later her work was shown widely in the UK and abroad, and she also contributed articles and poems to the London Bulletin.

Combination Acts
laws passed in Britain in 1799 and 1800 making trade unionism illegal. They were introduced after the French Revolution for fear that the trade unions would become

centres of political agitation. The unions continued to exist, but claimed to be friendly societies or went underground, until the acts were repealed in 1824, largely owing to the radical Francis Place.

Comgall, St (515602)
Irish abbot. Born in Ulster, he founded the great Abbey of Bangor, in County Down, in around 558. St Comgall is reputed to have lived on the Hebridean island of Tiree for a time, and accompanied St Columba on his journey to the north of Scotland.

common pleas, court of

one of the courts into which the Curia Regis (King's Court) was divided. It was originally the only superior court having jurisdiction in civil actions between subjects. It consisted of the Lord Chief Justice and five puisne judges. It was transferred to the High Court of Justice 1873 and is now represented by the Queen's Bench Division, one of the three divisions of the High Court.

body politic founded on law for the common 'weal' or good. Political philosophers of the 17th century, such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, used the term to mean an organized political community. In Britain it is specifically applied to the period between 1649 and 1660 when, after the execution of Charles I in the English Civil War, England was a republic.

Commonwealth Immigration Acts

successive acts to regulate the entry into the UK of British subjects from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Immigration Act, passed by the Conservative government in 1962, ruled that Commonwealth immigrants entering Britain must have employment or be able to offer required skills. Further restrictions have been added since.

Commonwealth, the (British)

voluntary association of 54 sovereign (self-ruling) countries and their dependencies, the majority of which once formed part of the British Empire and are now independent sovereign states. They are all regarded as 'full members of the Commonwealth'; the newest member being Mozambique, which was admitted in November 1995. Additionally, there are 13 territories that are not completely sovereign and remain dependencies of the UK or one of the other fully sovereign

members, and are regarded as 'Commonwealth countries'. Heads of government meet every two years, apart from those of Nauru and Tuvalu; however, Nauru and Tuvalu have the right to take part in all functional activities. The Commonwealth, which was founded in 1931, has no charter or constitution, and is founded more on tradition and sentiment than on political or economic factors. However, it can make political statements by withdrawing membership; a recent example was Nigeria's suspension between November 1995 and May 1999 because of human-rights abuses. Fiji was readmitted in October 1997, ten years after its membership had been suspended as a result of discrimination against its ethnic Indian community. On 15 May 1917 Jan Smuts, representing South Africa in the Imperial War Cabinet of World War I, suggested that 'British Commonwealth of Nations' was the right title for the British Empire. The name was recognized in the Statute of Westminster in 1931, but after World War II a growing sense of independent nationhood led to the simplification of the title to the Commonwealth. In 2000 Queen Elizabeth II was the formal head but not the ruler of 17 member states; 5 member states had their own monarchs; and 33 were republics (having no monarch). The Commonwealth secretariat, headed from April 2000 by London-born Canadian Don McKinnon as secretary general, is based in London. The secretariat's staff come from a number of member countries, which also pay its operating costs.

Communist Party of Great Britain


British Marxist party founded in 1920, largely inspired by the Russian Revolution of 1917. Its affiliation with the Labour Party (it had originally been intended as a branch of the Labour Party) ended in the late 1920s, when the organization was proscribed. The party enjoyed its greatest popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, particularly after Britain allied with the USSR during World War II. It had 18,000 members in 1939 and had two MPs elected in 1945, representing West Fife in Scotland and Mile End in London. The party was riven internally by the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956 and moved away from the USSR during the 1960s, particularly after the invasion of Czechoslovakia of 1968. Disbanded in 1991, the party was relaunched as 'Democratic Left', although some splinter factions still lay claim to the old name.

in Irish history, a key Elizabethan reform policy first instituted by Lord Deputy Henry Sidney (15291586) in the mid-1570s, which commuted the feudal practice of coyne and livery (military billeting exacted on tenants and subjects) into a fixed tax collected by English government officials for a commission. The scheme aimed to demilitarize the lordships and settle relations between great lords and lesser families, while securing revenue for the crown. Although successful in Munster, Connacht, and later Ulster, it was unpopular in the English Pale and provoked divisions in the Irish lordships between those who stood to lose and to gain, leading to the rebellions of the 1590s.

Composition was devised by Sidney, in collaboration with his personal adviser Edmund Tremayne. After a favourable reception in Munster and Connacht, Sidney attempted to secure a similar permanent tax from the gentry of the English Pale in place of cess (the traditional maintenance of government troops), but his efforts provoked a constitutional crisis which resulted in his dismissal in 1578; the proposed tax was commuted to an agreed one-year sum. His successor, Lord Deputy John Perrot (c. 15271592), promoted composition successfully in Connacht and Ulster in the mid-1580s, but this revival ended with his sudden recall in 1588. However, the expected reintroduction of composition caused increasing dissension between the Irish lordships.

Compton, Spencer (16731743)

Earl of Wilmington

British Whig politician, prime minister and First Lord of the Treasury from 1742. He became Speaker of the House of Commons 1715 and a privy councillor 1716. In office he was regarded as weak and a mouthpiece for others.

During the 1720s, Compton held the lucrative post of paymaster general, but the complexities of ministerial office revealed his lack of ability. However, he enjoyed royal patronage, George II making him Lord President of the Privy Council and Earl of Wilmington 1730. The political machinations of the Whig party meant that he was prime minister in name only.

official title for a person who keeps or audits accounts, used mainly for government offices, or in connection with the royal household, when it refers to a kind of steward or treasurer. Thus the comptroller-general is the head of the National Debt Office, the comptroller and auditor-general the head of the National Audit Office. In business, comptroller is an alternative term for a financial director or the financial head of a group of companies. The term is more popular in the USA than in the UK.

or Cumming or Cumyn

branch of a Norman family that came to England with William the Conqueror in the 11th century. Robert Comyn was made earl of Northumberland by William the Conqueror and his son, William Comyn, became chancellor of Scotland in about 1133. His descendants included the earls of Buchan, Monteith, Angus, and Athole.

in Celtic mythology, king of Ulster whose intended bride, Deirdre, eloped with Nosi. She died of sorrow when Conchobar killed her husband and his brothers.

Confederation of Kilkenny
or Confederate Catholics of Ireland

in Irish history, title given to the series of assemblies of Old English and Gaelic Irish Catholics held 164248. The confederation was organized by the Catholic clergy after the Old English joined the Gaelic Irish rebellion against government forces begun in 1641. However, fundamental divisions between the groups, and between secular and clerical leaders, paralyzed its ability to conduct war, and dissension increased from 1646 after conservative elements within the Old English sought peace with the Marquis of Ormond (16101688), commander of the royalist forces. Failure to form a united front proved fatal as the English Parliament, victorious in the English Civil War (164251), turned its attention to Ireland, and Oliver Cromwell's campaign of 164951 crushed all opposition. The confederation originally intended to administer Catholic areas of Ireland until a settlement could be agreed, asserting their rights as subjects of Charles I; their motto was Pro Deo, Rege et Patria Hibernia Unanimis, 'For God, King and Ireland United'.

Congregation, Lords of the

see Lords of the Congregation.

Coningham, Arthur (18951948)

British air marshal. After service with the New Zealand Army in World War I, he joined the Royal Flying Corps 1916 then transferred to the Royal Air Force on its formation. In World War II, he developed the techniques of air support for ground forces while commanding the Desert Air Force in North Africa. KCB 1942.

town in South Yorkshire, England, 8 km/5 mi southwest of Doncaster; population (2001) 15,400. Conisbrough Castle, with a fine circular keep, is a Norman castle built by Hamelin, a half-brother of Henry II, in around 1180.

Connaught and Strathearn, Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (18501942)
British prince, seventh child and third son of Queen Victoria. He followed a career with the army and was made Duke of Connaught and Strathearn in 1874. In 1879 he married Princess Louise Marguerite of Prussia (18601917); they had three children: Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden (18821920), Prince Arthur (18831938), and Lady Patricia Ramsay (18861974).

Connell, James (18501929)

Irish socialist who wrote the British Labour Party anthem 'The Red Flag' during the 1889 London strike.

Connolly, James (18701916)

Irish socialist and revolutionary. Born in Edinburgh of immigrant Irish parents, Connolly combined a Marx-inspired socialism with a Fenian-inspired republicanism. He helped found the Irish Socialist Republican Party in Dublin in 1896, and organized a strike of transport workers in 1913 with the Irish Labour leader James Larkin. His Irish Citizen Army took part in the Easter Rising against British rule in 1916, for which he was executed by the British. After establishing the Irish Socialist Republican Party and founding The Workers' Republic, the first Irish socialist paper, Connolly grew disillusioned with his political progress and moved to the USA in 1903, where he was active in the International Workers of the World. Returning to Ireland in 1910, he became involved in tradeunion, industrial, and political affairs in Belfast and Dublin and played a key role in the establishment the Irish Labour Party. Connolly the international socialist opposed World War I, but Connolly the Irish republican hoped to take advantage of it to begin an anti-British rebellion. Consequently he committed his small Irish Citizen Army to a joint operation with the Irish Republican Brotherhood that resulted in the Easter Rising. Connolly was a signatory of the declaration of the Irish Republic, and was responsible for its more socially radical sentiments. He was commandant general of the Dublin Division in the rising and was wounded in the fighting. News of his execution while sitting proppedup in a chair was said to have fuelled the indignation of Irish nationalists at the government's treatment of the rebels. His books Irish History (1910) and The Reconquest of Ireland (1915), exercised profound influence on Irish socialist thought long after his death.

consensus politics

phrase used to describe the practice of government in Britain between 1945 and 1979. The phenomenon was observed by political scientists and media commentators; Britain's two major political parties, the Conservative Party and Labour Party, were in agreement, or consensus, over certain basic government policies in the decades after World War II. The introduction of fundamental changes in government responsibility, such as the welfare state, the national health service (NHS), and widespread nationalization of industry, were effectively unchallenged by either party. The consensus lasted throughout the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, but started to break down in the 1970s. Following the oil price rises of the early 1970s, the new economic experience of 'stagflation', where high inflation was combined with high unemployment, caused many in the Conservative Party to challenge the accepted orthodoxy of Keynesian economics that a fall in national income and rising unemployment should be countered by increased government expenditure to stimulate the economy. There was increasing divergence of economic opinion between the two parties, ending the consensus of the previous decades. By the time of the election of Margaret Thatcher in 1979 on a strongly free-market monetarist platform (aiming to curb inflation by controlling the UK's money supply, cut government spending, and privatize industry), consensus had become an unpopular word in many parts of the political establishment.

Conservative Party
UK political party, one of the two historic British parties; the name replaced Tory in general use from 1830 onwards. Traditionally the party of landed interests (those owning substantial land or property), it broadened its political base under Benjamin Disraeli's leadership in the 19th century. In recent history, the Conservative Party was in power under Margaret Thatcher (197990) and John Major (199097). After the party's defeat in the 1997 general election, a series of often divisive leadership changes ensued: John Major resigned as party leader and was succeeded by William Hague, who in turn resigned following defeat in the 2001 general election. He was replaced by Iain Duncan Smith who was leader for over two years before being defeated by Michael Howard. After the party's third successive electoral defeat in 2005, despite gaining 35 seats, Howard announced his intention to stand down. In the 1980s the party's economic policies increased the spending power of the majority, but also widened the gap between rich and poor; nationalized industries were sold off under privatization schemes; military spending and close alliance with the USA were favoured; and the funding of local government was overhauled with the introduction of the poll tax. The Conservative government of John Major rejected some of the extreme policies of Thatcherism, notably the poll tax, introduced the new Citizen's Charter, and promoted further privatization or market testing.

constable, parish
in England, an officer formerly appointed to keep the peace in manors, villages, and tithings when the increase of population made the duty too onerous for high constables alone.

Conventicle Act
statute of 1664 in England designed to suppress nonconformists, prohibiting five or more persons from holding religious meetings other than of the established Church. Similar to an Elizabethan statute 1593, this contentious measure expired 1667 but was then re-enacted in milder form 1670 before being repealed by the Toleration Act 1689.

Cook, Arthur James (18831931)

Welsh miners' leader. Born in Wookey, Somerset, he became a coal miner in the Rhondda and a leading figure in the South Wales branch of the Union of Mineworkers. A left-wing socialist, he became general secretary of the national union in 1924 and was one of the miners' leaders during the General Strike of 1926. A powerful orator, he fought successfully to hold the union together after the strike.

Cook, James (17281779)

English naval explorer. After surveying the St Lawrence River in North America in 1759, he made three voyages: 176871 to Tahiti, New Zealand, and Australia; 1772 75 to the South Pacific; and 177679 to the South and North Pacific, attempting to find the Northwest Passage and charting the Siberian coast. He was largely responsible for Britain's initial interest in acquiring colonies in Australasia. He was killed in Hawaii early in 1779 in a scuffle with islanders. In 1768 Cook was given command of an expedition to the South Pacific to witness the transit of Venus across the Sun. He sailed in the Endeavour with Joseph Banks and other scientists, reaching Tahiti in April 1769. He then sailed around New Zealand and made a detailed survey of the east coast of Australia, naming New South Wales and Botany Bay. He returned to England on 12 June 1771. Now a commander, Cook set out in 1772 with the Resolution and Adventure to search for the southern continent. The location of Easter Island was determined, and the Marquesas and Tonga Islands plotted. He also went to New Caledonia and Norfolk Island. Cook returned on 25 July 1775, having sailed 100,000 km/60,000 mi in three years. On 25 June 1776, he began his third and last voyage with the Resolution and Discovery. On the way to New Zealand, he visited several of the Cook or Hervey Islands and revisited the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. The ships sighted the North American coast at latitude 45 N and sailed north hoping to discover the Northwest Passage. He made a continuous survey as far as the Bering Strait, where the way was blocked by ice. Cook then surveyed the opposite coast of the strait (Siberia), and returned to Hawaii early in 1779, where he was killed when his expedition clashed with islanders.

Cook, Robin Robert Finlayson (19462005)

Scottish Labour politician, leader of the Commons 200203. A member of the moderate-left Tribune Group, he entered Parliament in 1974 and became a leading member of Labour's shadow cabinet, specializing in health matters. When John Smith assumed the party leadership in July 1992, Cook remained in the shadow cabinet as spokesperson for trade and industry. He became shadow foreign secretary under Smith's successor, Tony Blair, in October 1994. As foreign secretary 19972001 in Blair's first term, he attempted to place an emphasis on human rights as part of an ethical foreign policy. He resigned as leader of the Commons in 2003 in protest over Britain's involvement in the Iraq War.

Cooper, (Alfred) Duff, 1st Viscount Norwich (18901954)

English Conservative politician. He was elected Conservative member of Parliament in 1924 and was secretary of war 193537, but resigned from the Admiralty in 1938 over Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policy. He served as minister for information 194042 under Winston Churchill and as ambassador to France 1944 47.

Cope, John (died 1760)

English general. Commander-in-chief of the forces in Scotland during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. He was humiliatingly defeated at Prestonpans, southeast Scotland, on 21 September 1745 by Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender.

Copenhagen, Battle of
naval victory on 2 April 1801 by a British fleet under Sir Hyde Parker (17391807) and Nelson over the Danish fleet. Nelson put his telescope to his blind eye and refused to see Parker's signal for withdrawal.

Cormac MacArt
or MacAirt or Cormac ua Cuinn MacAirt

pseudo-historical king of Ireland in the first half of the 3rd century, alledgedly reigning, according to various sources, for around 40 years. Grandson of Conn Ctchathach (Conn of the Hundred Battles), he established the Connachta dynasty of kings at Tara (modern County Meath). According to tradition he was proclaimed king after delivering a judgement wiser than the reigning king of Ireland, Mac Con. The Tecosca Cormaic/Teachings of Cormac, a legal text describing the proper behaviour for kings and warriors, is attributed to him.

Celebrated as a patron of arts and learning, Cormac MacArt was said to have founded schools of military science, law, and literature at Tara.

Cormac MacCulinan (836908)

King of Ireland 90107 and bishop of Munster. His reign was troubled by Danish invasions, and he was killed by Danes in the battle of Moy Albe. He was also a poet and scholar. A chronicle in Irish verse, The Psalter of Cashel, and an etymological glossary of the Irish language, The Glossary of Cormac are attributed to him.

in the 18th century and up to 1871, the lowest rank of commissioned officer in the British cavalry. In 1871 the title was replaced by 'second lieutenant'.

Corn Laws
in Britain until 1846, laws used to regulate the export or import of cereals in order to maintain an adequate supply for consumers and a secure price for producers. For centuries the Corn Laws formed an integral part of the mercantile system in England; they were repealed because they became an unwarranted tax on food and a hindrance to British exports.

the Corn Law of 1815

Although mentioned as early as the 12th century, the Corn Laws only became significant 1815. After the Napoleonic wars, faced with agricultural depression, the landed interests in Parliament used their political power to prevent prices falling. The Corn Law of 1815 prevented the import of wheat unless the price of British grain rose to 4 a quarter (2.91 hl/8 bushels). To a degree, the law was a success. It did help to protect British farming from foreign competition and to stabilize prices. As they were receiving a high price, farmers were able to continue to introduce improvements. However, the Corn Law pushed the price of bread too high, causing distress to the poor. Business interests argued that, by driving up prices, they also forced up wages and put British industry at a disadvantage in world markets. William Huskisson, president of the Board of Trade, introduced a sliding scale in 1828 whereby the higher the price of British grain, the lower the duty on imports. The rate of duty was reduced in 1842. However, the principle of protection was still the same.


The Corn Laws aroused strong opposition and became a hotly contested political issue, as they were regarded by radicals as benefiting wealthy landowners at the expense of the ordinary consumer. The industrialists whose power in Parliament was growing, especially after the Reform Act of 1832 also opposed the Corn Laws; they argued that protectionism merely caused other countries to close their economies to British goods, and they wanted free trade. It was also argued that the Corn Laws allowed British farming to stay inefficient, and actually held back improvement. In 1838 the Anti-Corn Law League was formed to campaign for the repeal of the laws. Partly as a result of the League, and also partly on account of the Irish potato famine, the laws were repealed by prime minister Robert Peel in 1846, although it destroyed his career.

The Age of Reform: Politics and Social Change in 19th-Century Britain

Politics and Social Change in 19th-Century Britain Reform was the leading political issue of 19th-century Britain reform of the protectionist system, reform of the franchise, and reform of society. It was an issue which politicized British society, and increased middle class social awareness, to a level not seen since the 1640s. The repeal of the protectionist Corn Laws (which had controlled movements of grain in order to keep domestic prices high) by Sir Robert Peel 1846 split the governing Tories, but reflected the extent to which the interests of an increasingly urbanized and literate society set the political agenda. The Reform Acts Successive extensions of the franchise (right to vote) created a mass electorate, though it was still all-male until the following century. The First Reform Act of 1832, described by its authors as final, fixed a more uniform right to vote that brought the franchise to the middle class, and reorganized the distribution of seats in order to reward growing towns, such as Birmingham, Bradford, and Manchester, and counties, at the expense of 'rotten' boroughs, seats with a small population that were open to corruption. The electorate increased greatly, to about one-fifth of all English adult males. The Second Reform Act 1867 nearly doubled the existing electorate and, by offering household suffrage, gave the right to vote to about 60% of adult males in boroughs. The Third Reform Act of 1884 extended this franchise to the counties. Changes in the franchise led naturally to further changes: to Liberal election victories in 1868 and 1886, and to changes in the nature of the political system itself. A growing democratization of society led to a far greater emphasis in government on the conditions and attitudes of the people. Society and environment A society influenced by both religious evangelism and the teachings of Charles Darwin (whose Origin of the Species appeared in 1859) was increasingly aware of the importance of environment, and thus living standards. At the same time, a belief in progress and perfectibility was widespread. It was taken up by both politicians and commentators, such as novelists. Charles Dickens (181270) was a supporter of reform in fields such as capital punishment, prisons, housing, and prostitution. His

novel Bleak House of 185253 was an indictment of the coldness of law and church; Little Dorrit 185557 was an attack on snobbery, imprisonment for debt, business fraud, and bureaucracy. The novels of Wilkie Collins (182489) dealt with divorce, vivisection, and the impact of heredity and environment. Moral campaigns, against slavery, alcohol, and cruelty to animals, aroused widespread support, fuelling a major expansion in the voluntary societies that characterized Victorian Britain. Though compromise and the search for short-term advantage played a major role in political reform, idealism was also genuine and important. Reform was in part a desire to control the new, more dangerous, society and environment of Victorian Britain. Peel's Metropolitan Police Act 1829 created a uniformed and paid force for London. The County and Borough Police Act 1856 made the formation of paid forces obligatory. The Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 sought to control the poor, introducing a national system of workhouses. Cholera and typhoid led to the public health movement of the 1840s. The Health of Towns Act 1848 created a Great Board of Health and an administrative structure to improve sanitation, especially water supply. An interventionist state The pace of reform accelerated after the Liberal victory of 1868. The first government of William Gladstone pushed through the disestablishment of the Irish Church in 1869, the introduction of open competition in the Civil Service in 1870, and the secret ballot in 1872. The 1870 Education Act set a minimum level of educational provision, introducing school district authorities where existing parish provision was inadequate. In 1872 the powers of turnpike trusts were ended and road maintenance was placed totally under public control. The Tories, or Conservatives, came to power under Benjamin Disraeli in 1874 and maintained the pace of reform. Legislation on factories in 1874, and Public Health, Artisans' Dwellings, and Pure Food and Drugs Acts in 1875, systematized and extended the regulation of important aspects of public health and social welfare. Building on the Factory Acts of 1833, 1844, 1847, and 1850, those of 1874 and 1878 limited work hours for women and children in industry. The Prison Act 1877 established central government control of prisons. A collectivist state was developing, and in some respects it looked toward the later Welfare State. State intervention in education helped to reduce illiteracy. Greater social intervention by the new, more formal and responsive, mechanisms of local government established under the Local Government Act 1888 (which created directly elected county councils and county boroughs) encouraged, by the end of the century, a general expectation of state intervention in the life of the people, in health, education, and housing.

Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquis and 2nd Earl (17381805)

British general in the American Revolution until 1781, when his defeat at Yorktown led to final surrender and ended the war. He then served twice as governor-general of India and once as viceroy of Ireland. He succeeded to the earldom in 1762, and was made a marquis in 1792.

Cornwallis was educated at Eton and Clare College, Cambridge. He joined the army, and in 1761 served on his first campaign, in Germany. He was made constable of the Tower in 1770. During the American Revolution, before his comprehensive defeat at Yorktown, he won victories over General Gates at Camden in 1780 and General Greene at Guilford in 1781. From 1786 onwards, while serving governor-general of India, he instituted many reforms and pacified the country. After capturing Bangalore in 1791 and concluding a treaty with Britain's main adversary Tipu Sahib, he returned to England in 1793. In 1798 he was appointed viceroy of Ireland, where he succeeded in subduing the rebellion led by Wolfe Tone; however, he resigned in 1801 because of the King's refusal to support prime minister William Pitt the Younger's proposal for Catholic emancipation. The following year, he was Britain's chief representative when the Peace of Amiens was concluded with France. In 1805 he was again sent to India, to replace Lord Wellesley as governor-general, but died at Ghazipur.

Cornwallis, William (17441819)

English admiral. He was engaged in the actions off Grenada in 1779, St Kitts in 1782, and Dominica in 1782, and commanded the Channel fleet in 1801 and 180306 during the Napoleonic Wars. He was the brother of Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis.

Corporation Act
in England, statute of 1661 which effectively excluded religious dissenters from public office. All magistrates in England and Wales were obliged to take sacrament according to the Church of England, to swear an oath of allegiance, to renounce the Covenant, and to declare it treason to carry arms against the King. The measure reflected the wishes of parliament rather than Charles II, though it was later circumvented prior to its repeal in 1828.

corresponding society
in British history, one of the first independent organizations for the working classes, advocating annual parliaments and universal male suffrage. The London Corresponding Society was founded in 1792 by politicians Thomas Hardy (1752 1832) and John Horne Tooke (17361812). It later established branches in Scotland and the provinces. Many of its activities had to be held in secret and government fears about the spread of revolutionary doctrines led to its being banned in 1799.

Corrigan (or Corrigan-Maguire), Mairead (1944 )

Northern Irish peace activist born in Belfast. She shared the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1976 with Betty Williams for their founding of the grassroots 'Community of Peace

People' organization, which aimed to foster reconciliation between the Roman Catholic and Protestant communities in Northern Ireland and end sectarian killing. In August 1976, Corrigan and Williams instigated the peace initiative after witnessing the death of Corrigan's sister's three children in a car crash caused by a shoot-out between troops and republican terrorists. Under the name 'Mothers for Peace', they began to circulate petitions calling for an end to all violence in the province. The initiative soon became a mass movement, attracting many thousands to public rallies. The two activists shared the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize, but disagreements led to Williams leaving the organization in 1980.

Cort, Henry (17401800)

English iron manufacturer. For the manufacture of wrought iron, he invented the puddling process and developed the rolling mill (shaping the iron into bars), both of which were significant in the Industrial Revolution. Cort's work meant that Britain no longer had to rely on imported iron and could become self-sufficient. His method of manufacture combined previously separate actions into one process, removing the impurities of pig iron and producing high-class metal relatively cheaply and quickly.

Cosgrave, William Thomas (18801965)

Irish revolutionary and politician; president of the executive council (prime minister) of the Irish Free State 192232, leader of Cumann na nGaedheal 192333, and leader of Fine Gael 193544. He was born in Dublin and educated by the Christian Brothers. A founding member of Sinn Fein, he fought in the Easter Rising of 1916 but his death sentence was commuted. He supported the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) and oversaw the ruthless crushing of Irregular IRA forces during the Irish Civil War (192223), executing far more IRA members than his British predecessors. Cosgrave was elected to Westminster as a Sinn Fein MP in 1917, and was appointed minister for local government in the first Dil (then the illegal republican parliament) in 1919. Following the deaths of Collins and Griffith in 1922, he succeeded them as chair of the provisional government and president of the Dil government respectively, and became prime minister of the Irish Free State. After the civil war the Free State settled down under his leadership to a period of dull and conservative stability. Nevertheless this stability was crucial to the new state's democracy, illustrated by the peaceful transference of power to Cosgrave's old enemies in Fianna Fil in 1932.

or coshering

ancient right of an Irish chief, exercised in the Dark Ages, to quarter himself and his retainers in his tenants' lodgings.

Costello, John Aloysius (18911976)

Irish Fine Gael politician; Taoiseach (prime minister) 194851 and 195457. Costello was born in Dublin and educated at University College, Dublin. As attorney general to the Irish Free State 192632, he assisted in the drafting of the 1931 Statute of Westminster, which regularized relations between the British government and the dominions. In 1949 he oversaw the withdrawal of Eire from the Commonwealth and the formal declaration of the Republic of Ireland. Costello was elected to the Dil (parliament) in 1933 and, untainted by a civil war background, he was the compromise candidate for Taoiseach (prime minister) in the formation of the first interparty government in 1948. He caused surprise by declaring Ireland a republic and leaving the Commonwealth in 1949. His handling of the 'Mother and Child' health care controversy of 195051 seemed to demonstrate the continuing domination of Irish life by the Roman Catholic Church; spiritual leaders expressed concern that the planned care might offer instruction on moral issues, and argued that the right to provide for the health of children belonged to the parents and not the state. Costello's second term of office was ended by the IRA's 'border campaign', which caused the break-up of his coalition. He retired to the backbenches and resumed his legal practice.

Cotton, Robert Bruce (15711631)

English antiquary. At his home in Westminster he built up a fine collection of historical manuscripts and coins, many of which derived from the dissolution of the monasteries. His son Thomas Cotton (15941662) added to the library (which eventually became the Cottonian Collection of the British Library, London). During his lifetime, Cotton acquired a great reputation as an antiquary. He was referred to by Queen Elizabeth I regarding a question of precedence between England and Spain, and similar requests were made by members of her government. Under King James VI and I he rapidly gained royal favour, being employed on several antiquarian researches. Cotton was first elected to Parliament in 1604, but after the accession of Charles I his influence was used in opposition to the crown on constitutional grounds, and he strongly opposed the suggested debasement of the coinage. Cotton's written criticisms of royalty led to his exclusion in 1629 from his library, which was not restored to the family until after his death.

Coulton, George Gordon (18581947)

English historian. He became a lecturer at Cambridge University in 1919. His major works are Five Centuries of Religion 192350, The Medieval Village 1925, Art and the Reformation 1928, and The Medieval Panorama 1938.

Council in the Marches

royal court with jurisdiction over Wales and the English border counties; established as part of the process of imposing the King's rule over the semi-independent Marcher Lords of the Welsh border regions. The Council in the Marches was formally established in January 1543 in the reign of Henry VIII and was abolished in 1641. Though primarily a judicial court, it acted as a spearhead of Protestantism at the time of the Reformation. Edward IV had earlier empowered the council of his son Edward, Prince of Wales, to act as a court in 1473. This power was revived to provide a role for Arthur, Prince of Wales, Henry VII's sickly elder son, who died prematurely at the council's headquarters in Ludlow in 1502.

Council of Estates
executive committee, composed of members of parliament and others, convened in the 17th century to govern Scotland during conflicts with the Crown, notably during the Civil War (164051), at the time of the Restoration (166061), and during the Glorious Revolution (168889).

Council of the North

in England, royal council which supervised Yorkshire, Cumberland, Durham, Northumberland, and Westmoreland. Though its origins lay in the 15th century, it was reconstituted in 1537 after the Pilgrimage of Grace and was like the Council in the Marches, imposed royal policies on the North, overseeing the introduction of Protestantism. It was abolished along with other regional councils in 1641.

Country Party
parliamentary opposition to the royal government in the 17th and 18th centuries in England. Although not a formal party as such, the term is used by many historians to identify a dissident strand of opinion consisting largely of landowners in the shires, generally associated with Protestantism and antipathy to the sophisticated manners and artistic tastes of the court.

Countryside March

demonstration in London on 4 March 1998 to promote understanding of the issues facing rural Britain. Issues that had caused controversy and led to the march included the 1997 bill to ban hunting with dogs, and government policies on farming. Around 250,000 people joined the march through central London.

Coupon Election
British general election of 1918, named after the letter issued November 1918 by the ruling LiberalConservative coalition under Lloyd George and Bonar Law jointly endorsing their candidates. Asquith, who had been ousted as prime minister by Lloyd George in 1916, referred to this letter as a 'coupon', evoking the language of wartime rationing. The coalition won a massive victory 14 December 1918, securing a majority of 262, and Lloyd George remained in office.

Courcy, John de (died c. 1219)

In Irish history, a prince of Ulster, which he conquered in 1177. He was a member, possibly illegitimate, of a family with connections in Somerset, but established a number of monasteries in Ulster with links to northwest England, and most of those who settled with him in Ulster came from that area. De Courcy held the post of chief governor of Ireland intermittently between 1185 and 1195, but lost the favour of John (I) Lackland (acting king of England from 1189, king 11991216) and was ousted by the de Lacys of Meath in 1204 and never recovered his estate. He married Affreca, daughter of the king of Man and the Isles, but left no legitimate heirs.

English family of French origin, many members of which have held the earldom of Devon since 1335.

Courtney, Kathleen D'Olier (18781974)

English suffragette and world peace activist. A founder of the Women's International League for Peace, she chaired the British section and was on the executive of the British League of Nations Union 192839. She took part in the drawing up of the United Nations (UN) charter, and was vice chairman, then chairman of the UN association in the UK 194951. She was created DBE in 1952. Courtney was born in Gillingham, Kent, and studied modern languages at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. During World War I, like other constitutional suffragettes, she diverted her energies to international Quaker relief work.

Cousins, Frank (19041986)

British trade unionist and politician. He was general secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU) 195669, and was minister of technology 196466 and Labour member of Parliament for Nuneaton 196566. He resigned from the cabinet in disagreement over the government's prices and incomes policy and returned to the TGWU, also resigning his seat in Parliament. He was chair of the Community Relations Board 196870, a body designed to promote better race relations. He withdrew from public life in 1970.

in Scottish history, one of the Presbyterian Christians who swore to uphold their forms of worship in a National Covenant, signed on 28 February 1638, when Charles I attempted to introduce a liturgy on the English model into Scotland. A general assembly abolished episcopacy, and the Covenanters signed with the English Parliament the Solemn League and Covenant in 1643, promising military aid in return for the establishment of Presbyterianism in England. A Scottish army entered England and fought at Marston Moor in 1644. At the Restoration Charles II revived episcopacy in Scotland, evicting resisting ministers, so that revolts followed in 1666, 1679, and 1685. However, Presbyterianism was again restored 1688.

Coventry, John (died 1682)

English politician. During a parliamentary debate on theatres in 1670 he indicated that King Charles II's interest was really in the female actors, for which he was attacked and had his nose slit. The subsequent Coventry Act of 1671 made such mutilations a capital offence. He was knighted in 1661.

coyne and livery

in Irish history, a general term employed by English commentators to cover the various feudal and arbitrary exactions imposed by Gaelic Irish and Anglo-Irish lords in late-medieval and 16th-century Ireland, particularly in respect of the billeting of military forces. Attempts to abolish coyne and livery became a central concern of Tudor government in Ireland, but the failure of the strategies adopted towards that end, notably composition (commutation of feudal military dues), became a principal cause of the rebellions of the late Elizabethan era. A fusion of the Irish coinmheadh, 'to keep; give hospitality', with the English 'livery', the obligation to care for the lords' horses, the term symbolized the degree to which both ethnic groups in Ireland had become united in their common exploitation of arbitrary taxes.

Crab, Roger (c. 16211680)

English hermit. He practised great austerity and was accused of witchcraft, imprisoned, cudgelled, and put in the stocks. He published The English Hermite 1655, Dagon's Downfall 1657, and tracts against the Quakers, and died in Bethnal Green.

Cradock, Christopher (18621914)

English rear admiral. He commanded the cruiser squadron at the Battle of Coronel in 1914, which was sunk by the German squadron under Admiral von Spee; Cradock went down in his flagship, the Good Hope.

Craig, James (18711940)

1st Viscount Craigavon

Ulster Unionist politician; first prime minister of Northern Ireland 192140. Elected to Westminster as MP for East Down 190618 (Mid-Down 191821), he was a highly effective organizer of the Ulster Volunteers and unionist resistance to home rule before World War I. In 1921 he succeeded Edward Carson as leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, and was appointed prime minister later that year. As leader of the Northern Ireland government he carried out systematic discrimination against the Catholic minority, abolishing proportional representation in 1929 and redrawing constituency boundaries to ensure Protestant majorities. Although a stockbroker by trade, Craig took part in the Boer War as captain of the Royal Irish Rifles in South Africa 190001. He saw active service in World War I, before serving for a period as a parliamentary secretary 191721 in Lloyd George's coalition government. He was knighted in 1918 and made Viscount Craigavon in 1927.

Cranmer, Thomas (14891556)

English cleric, archbishop of Canterbury from 1533. A Protestant convert, he helped to shape the doctrines of the Church of England under Edward VI. He was responsible for the issue of the Prayer Books of 1549 and 1552, and supported the succession of Lady Jane Grey in 1553. Condemned for heresy under the Catholic Mary I, Cranmer at first recanted, declaring his former opinions to be wrong. However, when his life was not spared, he resumed his position and was burned at the stake, first holding to the fire the hand that had signed his recantation.


(Image Billie Love)

A portrait of the English cleric Thomas Cranmer, painted by Gerlach Flicke, and found in the National Portrait Gallery in London. Cranmer was the first Protestant to be appointed Archbishop of Canterbury (in 1533, after annulling Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon). He was largely responsible for English liturgical reform, and for the compilation of the Book of Common Prayer (1549). He was tried for treason and heresy and burnt at the stake for supporting the succession of Lady Jane Grey.

Crawford and Balcarres, Earl of

title of members of the Scottish family of Lindsay. The first of this name to settle in Scotland was probably Walter de Lindsay, an Anglo-Norman baron of the reign of David I (11241153). The current holder of the title is Robert Alexander Lindsay, (1927 ). The title will pass to his son, Anthony Robert Lindsay, (1958 ). David, 5th Earl (c.14401495), became very powerful and was created Duke of Montrose in 1488 for his support of James III against the rebellious barons.

John, 20th Earl (17021749), served with the Imperial army under Prince Eugne, then in Russia and Turkey. In 1747 he was appointed to the command of the Scots Greys, became lieutenant general, and fought at Dettingen and Fontenoy.

Crawfurd, Thomas (c. 15301603)

Scottish soldier. He was taken prisoner by the English at the Battle of Pinkie in 1547 and afterwards helped bring the murderers of Lord Darnley to trial. During internal Scottish conflicts he took Dumbarton Castle in 1571, and forced Edinburgh Castle into surrender in 1573.

Creasy, Edward Shepherd (18121878)

English historian and lawyer. He was appointed professor of history at London University in 1840 and was chief justice of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) 186070. His best-known work is The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World 1851. He was knighted in 1860.

Creevey, Thomas (17681838)

British Whig politician and diarist whose lively letters and journals give information about early 19th-century society and politics. He was a member of Parliament and opposed the slave trade.

Creighton, Mandell (18431901)

English bishop and historian. He was bishop of Peterborough 189197, and bishop of London 18971901, and professor of ecclesiastical history at Cambridge University 188491. His works include a History of the Papacy during the Reformation Period 188194, Cardinal Wolsey 1888, and Queen Elizabeth 1896.

Cremer, William Randal (18381908)

English trade unionist and pacifist politician. He founded the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners in 1860, and the Inter-Parliamentary Conferences on Peace and on Arbitration in 1889, and acted as secretary to the International Arbitration League for 37 years. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1903 for his advocacy of international arbitration, and he was knighted in 1907.

Crichton, James (15601582)

Scottish scholar. He was known as 'the Admirable Crichton' because of his extraordinary gifts as a poet, scholar, and linguist; he was also an athlete and fencer. According to one account he was killed in Mantua, Italy, in a street brawl by his pupil, a son of the Duke of Mantua, who resented Crichton's popularity. Crichton was born at Eliock, Dumfriesshire, and educated at St Andrews, where the young King James VI was a fellow pupil. He went to Paris in 1577, and at the university there is said to have issued a challenge to all men on all things, to be held in 12 different languages; he vanquished all his opponents.

Crick, Francis Harry Compton (19162004)

English molecular biologist who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1962, together with Maurice Wilkins and James Watson, for the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA and of the significance of this structure in the replication and transfer of genetic information. Using Wilkins's and others' discoveries, Crick and Watson postulated that DNA consists of a double helix consisting of two parallel chains of alternate sugar and phosphate groups linked by pairs of organic bases. They built molecular models which also explained how genetic information could be coded in the sequence of organic bases. Crick and Watson published their work on the proposed structure of DNA in 1953. Their model is now generally accepted as correct.

DNA: Discovery of the Structure of DNA

the first announcement 'We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.' So began a 900-word article that was published in the journal Nature in April 1953. Its authors were British molecular biologist Francis Crick (1916 ) and US biochemist James Watson (1928 ). The article described the correct structure of DNA, a discovery that many scientists have called the most important since Austrian botanist and monk Gregor Mendel (18221884) laid the foundations of the science of genetics. DNA is the molecule of heredity, and by knowing its structure, scientists can see exactly how forms of life are transmitted from one generation to the next. the problem of inheritance The story of DNA really begins with British naturalist Charles Darwin (18091882). When, in November 1859, he published 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection' outlining his theory of evolution, he was unable to explain exactly how inheritance came about. For at that time it was believed that offspring inherited an average of the features of their parents. If this were so, as Darwin's critics pointed out, any remarkable features produced in a living organism by evolutionary processes would, in the natural course of events, soon disappear. The work of Gregor Mendel, only rediscovered 18 years after Darwin's death, provided a clear demonstration that inheritance was not a 'blending' process at all.

His description of the mathematical basis to genetics followed years of careful plantbreeding experiments. He concluded that each of the features he studied, such as colour or stem length, was determined by two 'factors' of inheritance, one coming from each parent. Each egg or sperm cell contained only one factor of each pair. In this way a particular factor, say for the colour red, would be preserved through subsequent generations. genes Today, we call Mendel's factors genes. Through the work of many scientists, it came to be realized that genes are part of the chromosomes located in the nucleus of living cells and that DNA, rather than protein as was first thought, was a hereditary material. the double helix In the early 1950s, scientists realized that X-ray crystallography, a method of using X-rays to obtain an exact picture of the atoms in a molecule, could be successfully applied to the large and complex molecules found in living cells. It had been known since 1946 that genes consist of DNA. At King's College, London, New ZealandBritish biophysicist Maurice Wilkins (1916 ) had been using X-ray crystallography to examine the structure of DNA, together with his colleague, British X-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin (19201958), and had made considerable progress. While in Copenhagen, US scientist James Watson had realized that one of the major unresolved problems of biology was the precise structure of DNA. In 1952, he came as a young postdoctoral student to join the Medical Research Council Unit at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, where Francis Crick was already working. Convinced that a gene must be some kind of molecule, the two scientists set to work on DNA. Helped by the work of Wilkins, they were able to build an accurate model of DNA. They showed that DNA had a double helical structure, rather like a spiral staircase. Because the molecule of DNA was made from two strands, they envisaged that as a cell divides, the strands unravel, and each could serve as a template as new DNA was formed in the resulting daughter cells. Their model also explained how genetic information might be coded in the sequence of the simpler molecules of which DNA is comprised. Here for the first time was a complete insight into the basis of heredity. James Watson commented that this result was 'too pretty not to be true!' cracking the code Later, working with South AfricanBritish molecular biologist Sidney Brenner (1927 ), Crick went on to work out the genetic code, and so ascribe a precise function to each specific region of the molecule of DNA. These triumphant results created a tremendous flurry of scientific activity around the world. The pioneering work of Crick, Wilkins, and Watson was recognized in the award of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1962. The unravelling of the structure of DNA led to a new scientific discipline, molecular biology, and laid the foundation stones for genetic engineering a powerful new

technique that is revolutionizing biology, medicine, and food production through the purposeful adaptation of living organisms.

Cripps, (Richard) Stafford (18891952)

British Labour politician, representing Bristol East 193152, and expelled from the Labour Party 193945 for supporting a 'Popular Front' against Chamberlain's appeasement policy. Prominent in the Socialist League during the 1930s, he was solicitor general 193031, ambassador to the USSR 194042, minister of aircraft production 194245, and chancellor of the Exchequer 194750. Knighted 1930. Born in London, Cripps was educated at Winchester and University College London. He was the son of the politician Charles Alfred Cripps (18521941), and of Theresa, the sister of Beatrice Webb.

Crockford, William (17751844)

British gambler, founder in 1827 of Crockford's Club in St James's Street, which became the fashionable place for London society to gamble.

small farm in the Highlands of Scotland, traditionally farmed cooperatively with other crofters; the 1886 Crofters Act gave security of tenure to crofters. Today, although grazing land is still shared, arable land is typically enclosed. Crofting is the only form of subsistence farming found in the UK.

Croke, Thomas William (18241902)

Irish churchman and prominent nationalist. As Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, he promoted Irish cultural and political self-determination through Charles Stewart Parnell's Land League. Croke Park, the Association's headquarters in Dublin, is named after him. Croke was born in Ballyclough, County Cork, and educated in Paris and Rome. He is reputed to have fought at the barricades in Paris during the Revolutions of 1848. A close friend of Cardinal Henry Manning, he was made a parish priest in 1867 and appointed Bishop of Auckland, New Zealand in 1870, before returning to Ireland in 1875. After the divorce scandal that ruined Parnell's political career, Croke urged his replacement as leader of the Irish nationalists in the Westminster parliament.

Croker, John Wilson (17801857)

Irish politician and journalist. He was elected Tory member of Parliament for Downpatrick in 1807, and was secretary to the Admiralty 180930. He was a gifted debater and his articles in the Quarterly Review, begun in 1809, made him an influential exponent of Tory policy for 40 years.

Crommelin, Samuel Louis (16521727)

French craftsman. A Huguenot, Crommelin emigrated to Ireland in 1699 after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, invited by King William III. He arrived in Lisburn, County Antrim, with 25 families, and began importing looms from Flanders and Holland. Under his supervision the linen industry developed and thrived in Ireland, and he raised the standard to a new level. As a result of his work exports in linen increased from 0.3 to 2.4 million yards between 1690 and 1720.

Crompton, Samuel (17531827)

English inventor at the time of the Industrial Revolution. He developed the 'spinning mule' in 1779, combining the ideas of Richard Arkwright and James Hargreaves. This span a fine, continuous yarn and revolutionized the production of high-quality cotton textiles. Crompton's invention was called the mule because it was a hybrid. It used the best from the spinning jenny and from Richard Arkwright's water frame of 1768. The strong, even yarn it produced was so fine that it could be used to weave delicate fabrics such as muslin, which became fashionable among the middle and upper classes, creating a new market for the British cotton trade. Spinning was taken out of the home and into the factories.

Crompton's mule
advanced spinning machine which made the production of fine yarns by machine possible, developed in 1779 in Bolton, England, by Samuel Crompton. It was a cross between the spinning jenny and a water-frame spinning machine. See also handloom weavers.

Cromwell, Henry (16281674)

English Parliamentarian, fourth son of Oliver Cromwell. He went to Ireland as a colonel in 1650, was one of the Irish representatives in the Barebones Parliament in 1653, and was lord deputy of Ireland 165758, and lieutenant and governor general 165859.

Cromwell, Oliver (15991658)

English general and politician, Puritan leader of the Parliamentary side in the English Civil War. He raised cavalry forces (later called 'Ironsides'), which aided the victory at Marston Moor in 1644, and organized the New Model Army, which he led (with General Fairfax) to victory at Naseby in 1645. He declared Britain a republic (the Commonwealth) in 1649, following the execution of Charles I. As Lord Protector (ruler) from 1653, Cromwell established religious toleration and raised Britain's prestige in Europe on the basis of an alliance with France against Spain.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Oliver Cromwell, a painting attributed to Van Dyck. Lord Protector and virtual dictator of England after the execution of Charles I, Cromwell inherited a divided and warweary nation, to which he forcibly united Scotland and Ireland for the first time in their histories. His rule became associated with an unpopular type of Puritan zeal, and the Stuart Charles II was welcomed back by most of Britain after Cromwell's death.


(Image Billie Love)

Oliver Cromwell, in a portrait attributed to Anthony van Dyck. This was the year in which King Charles I was beheaded, and when Cromwell declared Britain a republic the Commonwealth.

Cromwell, Richard (16261712)

Son of Oliver Cromwell, he succeeded his father as Lord Protector but resigned in May 1659, having been forced to abdicate by the army. He lived in exile after the Restoration until 1680, when he returned.

Cromwell, Thomas (c. 14851540)

Earl of Essex

English politician who drafted the legislation that made the Church of England independent of Rome. Originally in Lord Chancellor Wolsey's service, he became

secretary to Henry VIII in 1534 and the real director of government policy; he was executed for treason. He was created a baron in 1536. Cromwell had Henry divorced from Catherine of Aragon by a series of acts that proclaimed him head of the church. From 1536 to 1540 Cromwell suppressed the monasteries, ruthlessly crushed all opposition, and favoured Lutheranism. His mistake in arranging Henry's marriage to Anne of Cleves (to cement an alliance with the German Protestant princes against France and the Holy Roman Empire) led to his being accused of treason and beheaded.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Thomas Cromwell succeeded his mentor, Cardinal Wolsey, as chief minister to Henry VIII. He fell from power after he arranged Henry's fourth marriage to Anne of Cleves, which Henry found less than satisfactory.

Cromwell's Irish campaign


whirlwind military campaign conducted by the Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell in Ireland August 1649May 1650, following the victory of his Parliamentarians in the English Civil War (164149). He aimed to reassert English control over Ireland, where the Great Rebellion against Protestant English rule had erupted alongside the Civil War, and support for the Royalists had been high. The vengeful actions of Cromwell's army in Ireland, particularly the massacres at the battles of Drogheda and Wexford in 1649, have made his name synonymous with English oppression in the

minds of Irish nationalists. His campaign effectively ended the military opposition to English parliamentary rule.

Crosland, (Charles) Anthony (Raven) (19181977)

British Labour politician, president of the Board of Trade 196769, secretary of state for local government and regional planning 196970, secretary of state for the environment 197476, and foreign secretary 197677. He entered Harold Wilson's first government in 1964, and after holding junior office, he entered the cabinet as secretary of state for education.

Cross, Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross (18231914)

English Conservative politician. He was appointed home secretary in 1874 with a seat in the cabinet, and was responsible for carrying through much notable social legislation, including the Artisans' Dwellings Act of 1875 (known as the Cross Act) which provided for the first slum clearances; also the Factory Act 1875, and the Public Health Act 1875. He was made a viscount in 1886.

Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford (19071974)

British Labour politician. He was minister of housing and local government 196466 and of health and social security 196870. His posthumous 'Crossman Papers' (1975) revealed confidential cabinet discussions.

Crowley, Aleister (Edward Alexander) (18751947)

British occultist, a member of the theosophical Order of the Golden Dawn; he claimed to practise black magic, and his books include the novel Diary of a Drug Fiend (1923). He designed a tarot pack that bears his name.

Culloden, Battle of
defeat in 1746 of the Jacobite rebel army of the British prince Charles Edward Stuart (the 'Young Pretender') by the Duke of Cumberland on a stretch of moorland in Inverness-shire, Scotland. This battle effectively ended the military challenge of the Jacobite rebellion.

Cumberland, William Augustus (17211765)

Duke of Cumberland

British general who ended the Jacobite rising in Scotland with the Battle of Culloden in 1746; his brutal repression of the Highlanders earned him the nickname of 'Butcher'. Third son of George II, he was created Duke of Cumberland in 1726. He fought in the War of the Austrian Succession at Dettingen in 1743 and Fontenoy in 1745. In the Seven Years' War he surrendered with his army at Kloster-Zeven in 1757. KCB 1725, Duke 1726.

variant spelling of Comyn, a Norman family that came to England with William the Conqueror.

variant spelling of Comyn, a Norman family that came to England with William the Conqueror.

Cunedda, Wledig
British chieftain. He came with his sons and followers from Scotland to northwest Wales to defend Britain against barbarian invaders from Ireland. He laid the foundations of the kingdom of Gwynedd, which was named after him.

Cunningham, Alan Gordon (18871983)

British general of World War II. Although he led the British offensive against the Italians in Ethiopia 194041 with great success, Cunningham failed to show his usual drive during Operation Crusader when he was commander of the British 8th Army. He was relieved of his post by Field Marshal Auchinleck and spent the rest of the war in administrative posts before becoming the last High Commissioner in Palestine. Knighted 1941.

Cunningham, John (19172002)

British air ace of World War II. He was among the first pilots to be given airborne radar for night fighting. His successes with this led to his nickname 'Cats-Eyes Cunningham', a public relations stunt to conceal the fact that radar was in use.

Cunninghame-Graham, Robert Bontine (18521936)

Scottish writer, politician, and adventurer. He wrote many travel books based on his experiences in Texas and Argentina 186983 and in Spain and Morocco 189398. He became the first president of the Scottish Labour Party in 1888 and the first president of the Scottish National Party in 1928.

King of the Catuvellauni; see Cymbeline.

curia regis
or the King's court

government by institutions of the royal court or household. In medieval times there was no separation of powers, and administrative and judicial powers were controlled by the court. Although some institutions such as the exchequer, which collected taxes, or the chancery, which drew up official government documents, eventually 'went out of court' to become fixed departments of state, they were often replaced by miniature versions of the original office which remained under direct royal supervision, such as the privy seal. The court only really ceased to be the main administrative centre of the country in the 18th century, but it retained considerable political influence into the 19th century. The most notable modern remnant of the court system is the Privy Council.

Curragh 'Mutiny'
demand in March 1914 by the British general Hubert Gough and his officers, stationed at Curragh, Ireland, that they should not be asked to take part in forcing Protestant Ulster to participate in home rule. They were subsequently allowed to return to duty, and after World War I the solution of partition was adopted.

Curzon, George Nathaniel (18591925)

1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston

British Conservative politician, viceroy of India 18991905. During World War I, he was a member of the cabinet 191619. As foreign secretary 191924, he negotiated the Treaty of Lausanne with Turkey.

As viceroy of India, Curzon introduced various reforms, including the creation of the North-West Frontier Province, reorganization of Indian finance, and the establishment of the imperial cadet corps. He resigned this post in 1905, after a dispute with Horatio Kitchener, commander of the British forces in India.

Cutty Sark
British sailing ship, built in 1869, one of the tea clippers that used to compete in the 19th century to see which clippers could bring its cargo most quickly from China to Britain. The name, meaning 'short chemise', comes from the witch in Robert Burns's poem 'Tam O'Shanter'. The biennial Cutty Sark International Tall Ships Race is named after it. The ship is preserved in dry dock at Greenwich, London.

Cymbeline (or Cunobelin) (lived 1st century AD)

King of the Catuvellauni (AD 540), who fought unsuccessfully against the Roman invasion of Britain. His capital was at Colchester.

Dl Cais
in Irish history, a powerful Munster kingdom which rose to power in the second half of the 10th century. It peaked and fell within the reign of Brian Bruma, who at the start of the 11th century became in effect Ireland's first high king from a dynasty other than the U Nill. Originally part of the Disi kingdom which settled in what is now eastern County Clare, the Dl Cais began its rise to power in the 9th century, largely through the strategic position it held at the lower reaches of the Shannon River. It seized the kingship of Munster in 963 by defeating the reigning Munster power the Eganachta, and furthered its dominance in Ireland, mainly through several victories over theVikings of Limerick. After Brian Bruma's death the Dl Cais lost much of the authority it had gained, and reclaimed only a short time of power in the reigns of Brian's grandson, Tairdelbach Ua Briain, who died in 1086 and great-grandson, Muirchertach Ua Briain, who died in 1119.

Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Ramsay (18121860)

1st Marquess and 10th Earl of Dalhousie

British administrator, governor general of India 184856. In the second Sikh War he annexed the Punjab in 1849, and, following the second Burmese War, Lower Burma in 1853. He reformed the Indian army and civil service and furthered social and economic progress. He succeeded to earldom in 1838 and was made a marquess in 1849.

in Ireland, the ancient name of the northern district of County Antrim now known as the Route. The Dalriads were, by tradition, descendants of Riada of the Long Wrist, chief of the Gaelic Scots.

ancient name of part of Argyll, in the Strathclyde region, west Scotland, settled by the Dalriads of Ireland in about 498. They were defeated at Magh Rath, County Down, Ireland, in 637 by the Irish royal dynasty of U Nill, but in 843 united with the Picts, under Kenneth MacAlpin, and formed the kingdom of the Scots of Alban in south and central western Scotland.

Dalrymple, David, Lord Hailes (17261792)

Scottish judge and historian. He became judge of the Court of Session as Lord Hailes in 1766, but is chiefly remembered for his Annals of Scotland 1776, which deals with the period 10571371. He was the great-grandson of the 1st Viscount Stair (16191695).

Dalton, (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) (18871962)

Baron Dalton

British Labour politician and economist, born in Wales. Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1945, he oversaw nationalization of the Bank of England, but resigned in 1947 after making a disclosure to a lobby correspondent before a budget speech. Baron 1960.

Dalyell (or Dalzell), Thomas (c. 15991685)

Scottish soldier. A Royalist, he fought in Ireland in the 1640s and against the Commonwealth army at Worcester in 1651, but after this final defeat in the Civil War

he went to serve in the Russian army as lieutenant general. He returned to Scotland at the Restoration and was commander-in-chief of the Scots army 166185, defeating the Covenanters in 1666.

variant spelling of Thomas Dalyell, Scottish soldier.

dame school
in Britain, former school for young children run singlehanded by an elderly woman. They dated from the 17th century, and were mainly in rural areas. The standard of instruction was generally very low. Such schools were often satirized in 18th- and 19th-century literature.

variant spelling of Damnonii, early inhabitants of the British Isles.

or Dumnonii or Damnii

a British people inhabiting the western peninsula (modern Devon and Cornwall) at the time of the Roman invasions, with Isca Dumnoniorum (modern Exeter) as their capital. Another people of the same name lived in Scotland, inhabiting the western part of Fife and Kinross.

Danby, Thomas Osborne (16311712)

1st Earl of Danby

British Tory politician. He entered Parliament 1665, acted as Charles II's chief minister 167378 and was created earl of Danby 1674, but was imprisoned in the Tower of London 167884. In 1688 he signed the invitation to William of Orange to take the throne. Succeeded to baronetcy 1647. Danby was again chief minister 169095, and in 1694 was created Duke of Leeds.


in English history, a tax imposed from 991 onwards by Anglo-Saxon kings to pay tribute to the Vikings. After the Norman Conquest (1066), the tax was revived and was levied until 1162; the Normans used it to finance military operations. Danegeld was first exacted in the reign of Ethelred (II) the Unready (9781016). This payment was distinct from the tax known as heregeld, which was levied annually between 1012 and 1051 to pay for a mercenary squadron of Danish ships in English service and to maintain a standing army.

11th-century name for the area of northern and eastern England settled by the Vikings in the 9th century. It occupied about half of England, from the River Tees to the River Thames. Within its bounds, Danish law, customs, and language prevailed, rather than West Saxon or Mercian law. Its linguistic influence is still apparent in place names in this area. The Danelaw was not uniformly settled. Danish colonists congregated more densely in some areas than in others in particular in Yorkshire, around Lincoln, Stamford, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, and in Norfolk.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Dangerfield, Thomas (c. 16501685)

English criminal and conspirator. Taking advantage of the panic created by the Popish Plot, he pretended to have discovered the so-called 'Meal-tub Plot' against Charles II. He was convicted of perjury in 1685 and died the same year.

Darby, Abraham (16771717)

English iron manufacturer who developed a process for smelting iron ore using coke instead of the more expensive and scarce charcoal (1709). He employed the cheaper iron to cast strong thin pots for domestic use, and after his death it was used for the huge cylinders required by the new steam pumpingengines. In 1779 his grandson Abraham Darby (17501791)constructed the world's first iron bridge, over the River Severn at Coalbrookdale, Shropshire.

Darcy, Patrick (15981668)

Irish lawyer and politician. An expert in constitutional matters, Darcy argued strongly for the legislative independence of the Irish parliament. As a Catholic, he was debarred from practising and from owning land during Oliver Cromwell's colonization of Ireland. Born in Galway, the seventh son of a Roman Catholic baronet of English descent, Darcy sat for Navan, County Meath, in the Irish parliament of 1634. He rose to prominence by 1640, and following the uprising of 1641 supported his fellow Irish Catholics in the Confederation of Kilkenny. He was negotiator for the Catholic Confederates with Charles I's deputy Ormond in 1649, and was then made a commissioner of the peace throughout Ireland, an appointment that lasted until the arrival of Cromwell. Following the Cromwellian victories, Darcy left politics but continued to pursue his legal career until his death.

Dardanelles Commission
British Royal Commission appointed 1916 to enquire into the failure of the Dardanelles and Gallipoli expeditions in World War I.

Darling, Grace Horsley (18151842)

English heroine. She was the daughter of a lighthouse keeper on the Farne Islands, off Northumberland. On 7 September 1838 the Forfarshire was wrecked, and Grace Darling and her father rowed through a storm to the wreck, saving nine lives. She was awarded a medal for her bravery.

Darnley, Henry Stewart or Stuart, Lord Darnley (15451567)

English aristocrat, second husband of Mary Queen of Scots from 1565, and father of James I of England (James VI of Scotland). On the advice of her secretary, David Rizzio, Mary refused Darnley the crown matrimonial; in revenge, Darnley led a band of nobles who murdered Rizzio in Mary's presence. Darnley was assassinated in 1567. He was knighted and became Earl of Ross and Duke of Albany in 1565.

Dartmouth, George Legge, Baron Dartmouth (16481691)

English admiral. James II commanded him to prevent the landing of William (III) of Orange, but he took no action and later swore allegiance to William and Mary. In 1691 he was arrested for treason.

Dashwood, Francis, 15th Baron Le Despencer (17081781)

English politician. He founded the infamous brotherhood of the Monks of Medmenham (the 'Hell Fire Club') in the 1740s, was a member of Parliament 1741 63, and made an incompetent chancellor of the Exchequer 176263.

two kings of Scotland:

David I (10841153)
King of Scotland from 1124. The youngest son of Malcolm III Canmore and St Margaret, he was brought up in the English court of Henry I, and in 1113 married Matilda, widow of the 1st earl of Northampton. He invaded England in 1138 in support of Queen Matilda, but was defeated at Northallerton in the Battle of the Standard, and again in 1141.

David II (13241371)
King of Scotland from 1329, son of Robert (I) the Bruce. David was married at the age of four to Joanna, daughter of Edward II of England. In 1346 David invaded England, was captured at the battle of Neville's Cross, and imprisoned for 11 years.

Davies, Christian (16671739)

called 'Mother Ross'

Irish woman who won fame by spending some years in military service, masquerading as a man. Born in Dublin, Davies went to Flanders in search of her husband, Richard Welsh, who had been conscripted into the Duke of Marlborough's army during the War of the Spanish Succession. There she enlisted under the name of Christopher Welsh, fought in the Battle of Blenheim (1704), and was eventually reunited with her husband in 1706. When Davies's first husband Richard was killed at the Battle of Malplaquet (1709) she married a grenadier, Hugh Jones, who was killed the following year. In England she was presented to Queen Anne, and then returned to Dublin, where she married another soldier. She died in a Chelsea Pensioners' Hospital for retired soldiers.

Davies, Sarah Emily (18301921)

English feminist and educational reformer. A vigorous advocate of higher education for women, she founded a small college for women students at Hitchin in 1869, which was transferred to Cambridge as Girton College in 1873. She also campaigned for London degrees for women, which were granted in 1874. Davies was a member of the London School Board 187073, and became mistress of Girton College 187375, and honorary secretary 18821904. Her birthplace was Southampton.

Davison, William (c. 15411608)

Scottish secretary to Queen Elizabeth I. He brought the warrant for the execution of Mary Queen of Scots to Elizabeth for her signature and was afterwards used as a scapegoat to carry the blame for the execution. Elizabeth alleged that Davison had gone beyond his instructions and acted overhastily in passing on the warrant to be acted on; that he should have kept it until futher notice. He was fined and imprisoned for two years.

Davitt, Michael (18461906)

Irish nationalist. He joined the Fenians (forerunners of the Irish Republican Army) in 1865, and was imprisoned for treason 187077. After his release, he and the politician Charles Parnell founded the Land League in 1879. Davitt was jailed several times for land-reform agitation. He was a member of Parliament 189599, advocating the reconciliation of extreme and constitutional nationalism.

Davy, Humphry (17781829)

English chemist. He discovered, by electrolysis, the metallic elements sodium and potassium in 1807, and calcium, boron, magnesium, strontium, and barium in 1808. In addition, he established that chlorine is an element and proposed that hydrogen is present in all acids. He invented the safety lamp for use in mines where methane was present, enabling miners to work in previously unsafe conditions. He was knighted for his work in 1812 and made baronet in 1818. Davy's experiments on electrolysis of aqueous (water-based) solutions from 1800 led him to suggest its large-scale use in the alkali industry. He proposed the theory that the mechanism of electrolysis could be explained in terms of substances that have opposite electric charges, which could be arranged on a scale of relative affinities the foundation of the modern electrochemical series. His study of the alkali metals provided proof of French chemist Antoine Lavoisier's idea that all alkalis contain oxygen.

Humphry Davy's Discoveries

introduction In 1793, the headmaster at Penzance Grammar School, Cornwall, England, told Humphry Davy that he was lazy. Yet Davy went on to become one of the best-known chemists of his time. He discovered six previously unknown elements, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, barium, and strontium. He won many scientific honours, and was knighted in 1812 by Prince Regent the King, George III, was insane and could not carry out the investiture. He was even awarded a prize established by Napoleon Bonaparte, at a time when England and France were at war. He became wealthy in 1811 he was paid a very large sum of money for a course of lectures in Ireland. Not bad for a lazy schoolboy! the safety lamp Davy became a household name when he solved the problem of explosions in coal mines. The only illumination in the coal mines of the time was naked flames in lamps. The danger of explosions in some mines was very real, especially as mines were worked at deeper levels underground. The heat of the flame would ignite the mixture of air, coal dust, and fire damp (methane) found in the mines, causing an explosion. In 1815, within six months of being asked to devise a safe lamp, Davy had the solution. He discovered that the heat of a candle flame would not pass along a narrow metal tube, as the metal conducted the heat away. This meant that a mixture of air and coal dust at one end of the tube could not be ignited by a candle at the other end. Applying this discovery, Davy completely surrounded the flame of a lamp with a piece of metal gauze. The gauze acted as a huge number of short metal tubes and conducted the heat of the flame away from the explosive gas outside the lamp. The gas was not heated by the lamp and did not explode. The gauze did not block the light from the lamp. The new lamp was adopted widely and saved many lives. In appreciation, the mine owners of Tyne and Wear in Northeast England honoured Davy with a valuable gold plate. The Davy lamp meant that they could work coal seams previously thought too dangerous. uses for nitrous oxide

Numerous other achievements can be attributed to this great scientist. He investigated the effect of breathing the gas nitrous oxide. It was thought at the time that the gas had the power to spread diseases. Davy decided to test the gas on himself and breathed two quarts from a silk bag. He found that the gas made him feel drunk, in a pleasant sort of way. When his friends breathed the gas, some laughed uncontrollably, so the gas became known as laughing gas. Davy also noticed that the gas eased the pain of a toothache he had been suffering. He commented: 'as nitrous oxide appears to destroy pain it may probably be used to advantage during surgical operations'. This suggestion was not taken up for another 45 years, when it was used by a US dentist, Horace Wells, as an anaesthetic. other inventions Davy also introduced a chemical approach to agriculture, the tanning industry and mineralogy; he designed an arc lamp for illumination, an electrolytic process for the desalination of sea water, and a method of cathodic protection for the copper-clad ships of the day by connecting them to zinc plates. But his genius has been described as flawed. At his best, he was a scientist of great perception, a painstaking laboratory worker, and a brilliant lecturer. At other times, he was disorganized, readily distracted, and prone to hasty decisions and arguments. He was snobbish, overexcitable, suspicious, and ungenerous to those he saw as scientific rivals. In 1824 he tried to block the election of his protg Michael Faraday to the Royal Society, even after Faraday had demonstrated his genius by devising the first simple electric motor and discovering benzene. Ironically, many regard Faraday as Davy's finest discovery. later success In 1824, the people of Penzance decided to honour Davy. The local newspaper reported: 'At the general meeting in Penzance it was unanimously resolved that a public dinner be given to Sir Humphry Davy at the Union Hotel in Chapel Street, and that the Mayor be required to wait on him forthwith.' Later they wrote: 'Every heart, tongue, and eye were as one to do honour to him who had not only rendered the name of their town as famous and imperishable as science itself, but who had added lustre to the intellectual character of their country and ... who is one of the happy few who can claim to be permanent benefactors to the human race.' It is not recorded whether his old headmaster was present!


(Image Billie Love)

A portrait of the English chemist Humphry Davy, c. 1810. Best known for his pioneering experiments in electrochemistry and for his invention of the miner's safety lamp, called the Davy lamp, he also discovered the anaesthetic properties of laughing gas.

Deakin, Arthur (18901955)

English trade union leader. He became national secretary of the General Workers' Group of the Transport and General Workers' Union in 1932, and succeeded Ernest Bevin as general secretary of the union 194055. He was a constant opponent of communism within his own union and the trade-union movement as a whole.

Deane, Richard (16101653)

English Parliamentary commander, admiral, and general at sea. He fought with the Parliamentary army during the Civil War in Cornwall and at the battles of Naseby, Preston, and Worcester. He was one of the commissioners for the trial of King Charles I and signed the death warrant. In 1653 he was appointed joint commander with Robert Blake and George Monck during the naval war with the Netherlands, and lost his life at the first battle off the northern Foreland, Kent.

dean of guild
head of one of the numerous trade guilds in Scottish burghs prior to the Burgh Reform Act of 1834 . Their function was to act as arbiter in all mercantile and maritime affairs within the burgh. Subsequently the dean of guild was mainly concerned with regulating the erection of suitable buildings and condemning those unfit for habitation.

Declaration of Indulgence
in Britain, statement of government policy issued by order of the monarch with the aim of giving a lead to public opinion on religious tolerance.

Declaration of Rights
in Britain, the statement issued by the Convention Parliament in February 1689, laying down the conditions under which the crown was to be offered to William III and Mary. Its clauses were later incorporated in the Bill of Rights.

Declaratory Act
legislation enacted by the British Parliament on 18 March 1766, in conjunction with the repeal of the Stamp Act, that asserted its authority to govern the American colonies. Americans were overjoyed by the repeal of the Stamp Act, which created a system of internal taxation. The Declaratory Act, however, actually strengthened the lawmaking powers of the British in the American colonies. The act asserted the British Parliament's legal authority 'in all cases whatsoever'.

De Facto Act

in Britain, statute of 1495 protecting the property rights of those who served any current or 'de facto' monarch. The measure reassured both former Yorkist supporters of Richard III that they would be safe from political recriminations and those who supported Henry VII but had little certainty that his dynasty would survive that they would not suffer from backing the new regime.

Defence of the Realm Act

act granting emergency powers to the British government August 1914. The Act, popularly known as DORA, was revised several times in World War I and allowed the government to requisition raw materials, control labour, and censor cables and foreign correspondence. It was superseded by the Emergency Powers Act 1920.

Defender of the Faith

one of the titles of the English sovereign, conferred on Henry VIII in 1521 by Pope Leo X in recognition of the king's treatise against the Protestant Martin Luther. It appears on coins in the abbreviated form F.D. (Latin Fidei Defensor).

Irish Catholic secret society that emerged in County Armagh in the mid-1780s in opposition to the Protestant Peep o'Day Boys. In 1795 a large Defender force drawn from several counties was defeated by Protestants at the Battle of the Diamond, County Armagh, after which the Protestants formed the Orange Order. In the same year the United Irishmen allied themselves with the Defenders as part of their plan for armed rebellion. The Defender movement survived the Rebellion of 1798 and reemerged in the 19th century as the Ribbonmen. More than a grass-roots protest group, the Defenders soon developed a sense of political awareness as well as organizational structures copied from freemasonry. Defenderism spread from Armagh into adjacent counties in 1789, and reached Dublin and Connaught in the early 1790s.

southern Welsh kingdom which resisted English domination until the reign of Edward I. Its name derives from the Latin dextralis pars (i.e. 'the right-hand side') of Wales and it comprised most of southern Wales, apart from Monmouthshire and Glamorgan. The kingdom was consolidated during the 9th and 10th centuries by a series of strong and capable rulers such as Seisyll and Hywel Dda. It succeeded in holding off the Normans, although with some setbacks, until Henry II of England recognized the kingdom's independence under the leadership of Rhys ap Gruffydd (115597). Squabbling among his descendants left the kingdom open to subjugation

and it was absorbed by 1277 when Edward I of England was accepted as overlord of Wales.

6th-century Anglo-Saxon kingdom in central and eastern Yorkshire, stretching from the Tees to the Humber. It was powerful enough for Pope Gregory I to know of its king Aelle c. 560. It was annexed by the kingdom of Bernicia to the north 588, but Aelle's son exiled Edwin returned and defeated the Bernician king to form the united kingdom of Northumbria 616.

Dell, Edmund (19211999)

British Labour politician. Between 1966 and 1970 he was successively parliamentary under-secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, minister of state at the Board of Trade, and minister of state at the Department of Employment and Productivity. He was chair of the Public Accounts Committee 197374, paymaster-general 197476, secretary of state for Trade 197679, and founder chairman of Channel 4 television 198087.

Dempsey, Miles Christopher (18961969)

British general. He commanded an infantry brigade in France 193940, then took command of an armoured division June 1941. In 1942 he was in command of XIII Corps in both Sicily and Italy. He returned to Britain 1944 and took command of the British 2nd Army for the D-day invasion, leading them through northwestern Europe to the final surrender. He then became commander-in-chief of Allied Forces in Southeast Asia, a post he held until the end of the war. KCB 1944.

Denman, Gertrude Mary (18841954)

born Gertrude Pearson

English founder of the National Federation of Women's Institutes. Chair of the federation from its formation in 1917 to 1946, she also helped to establish the National Birth Control (later Family Planning) Association, the Cowdray Club for Nurses and Professional Women, and the Women's Land Army. In 1915 Denman chaired a sub-committee of the Agricultural Organization Society which that year had founded the Women's Institutes. When the institutes were transferred to the Board of Agriculture in 1917, she insisted they should be selfgoverning, and the National Federation of Women's Institutes was formed. She was later appointed director of the Women's Land Army in 1939, but resigned in 1945 after the government refused to give the Land Army the grants being received by women in the civil defence and armed services.

Derby, Edward (George Geoffrey Smith) Stanley (17991869)

14th Earl of Derby

British politician. He was leader of the Conservative Party 184668 and prime minister 1852, 185859, and 186668, each time as head of a minority government. Originally a Whig, he became secretary for the colonies in 1830, and introduced the bill for the abolition of slavery. He joined the Tories in 1834, serving as secretary for war and the colonies in Peel's government. Derby was a protectionist and the split the Tory party over Peel's free-trade policy gave him the leadership for 20 years. During his third adminstration, the second Reform Act (1867) was passed. He inherited the title of Lord Stanley in 1834, became a peer in 1844, and succeeded to the earldom in 1851. Born in Knowsley Park, Lancashire, Derby was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and entered Parliament as a Whig 1820. Sympathetic to the liberal Tories, he was briefly undersecretary for the Colonies 182728 under Goderich. As chief secretary for Ireland 183033, he was responsible for much legislation, including the innovative Irish Education Act 1831. As colonial secretary 183334, he introduced the bill which abolished slavery in the British Empire, but, by the time it became law, he had resigned over a measure relating to the finances of the Church of Ireland. He again drifted away from the Whigs and finally joined the Conservatives in 1841, when he agreed to serve as colonial secretary under Robert Peel. When Peel demanded the abolition of the Corn Laws in 1846, Derby resigned, protesting that protective tariffs were essential to preserve British agriculture and the power of the landowning classes. When the Conservative Party split over the issue, Stanley emerged as leader of the larger protectionist section more or less by default, as nearly all the other senior figures in the party remained faithful to Peel despite his rejection by the backbenchers. The following two decades were a time of loose party discipline and confused party loyalties. The Whigs were dominant, and Derby was prime minister only during the brief intervals when Whig coalitions fell apart. His supporters could never quite form a majority on their own. In practice, Derby did not attempt to revive protection, but made repeated efforts to secure either a reunion with the Peelites or a deal with Palmerston and the more conservative Whigs. He did not succeed in either strategy. His first ministry lasted only ten months in 1852. His second, lasting 16 months 185859, passed the act which transferred the administration of India from the East India Company to the Crown. During his final premiership 186668, his health was poor. The Second Reform Act 1867 was largely the work of Benjamin Disraeli: Derby thought that giving the vote to working-class householders was 'taking a leap in the dark'.

Derby, Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby (1865 1948)
British Conservative politician, member of Parliament from 1892. He was secretary of war 191618 and 192224, and ambassador to France 191820.

Derby became financial secretary to the War Office in 1900, and was appointed postmaster general in 1903. As director general of recruiting 191516, during World War I, he organized the 'Derby Scheme' of voluntary enlistment.

De Robeck, John Michael (18621928)

British admiral in World War I. He commanded British naval forces at Gallipoli, directing operations off the coast until the evacuation 1916. In 1919 he became commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean and high commissioner at Constantinople.

Derwentwater, James Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of Derwentwater (1689 1716)

English Jacobite. He was a leader in the rebellion of 1715 and was captured after the rout at Preston, confined to the Tower of London, and executed for treason.

Desbarres, Joseph Frederick Walsh (17221824)

English military engineer and administrator who was prominent in the conquest of Canada. He later became lieutenant-governor of Cape Breton (17841805), and Prince Edward Island (180513).

Desborough, John (16081680)

English soldier and politician. A Parliamentarian in the English Civil War, he sat in Oliver Cromwell's House of Lords and after Cromwell's death became a strong partisan of Charles Fleetwood. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1660 and 1666 for alleged intrigues against Charles II. He married Jane, the sister of Oliver Cromwell, in 1636.

Desmond, Earl of
Former Irish aristocratic title. Along with the territory of County Kerry, it was first conferred on Maurice Fitzthomas (or Fitzgerald) in 1329, while the last holder was James Fitzgerald, the 15th earl of Desmond, in the late 16th century. In 157980, Gerald Fitzgerald, 14th Earl of Desmond, led a rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I. He sacked the town of Youghal and murdered the inhabitants, was proclaimed a traitor, and became a fugitive for over two years. Fitzgerald was finally killed by bounty hunters in a cabin in the Kerry Mountains in 1583. Though the

earldom passed to his son, the lands attached to it were forfeited after the rebellion and were resettled as the 'Munster plantation' by new arrivals from England.

see Fitzgerald family.

Desmond revolt
two Catholic rebellions against Protestant rule in Ireland in 1569 and 1579, sparked by the proposed plantations of Munster and Connacht by Protestants. The Geraldine Clan rose in protest, led by Sir James Fitzmaurice, a cousin of the Earl of Desmond. The revolt was suppressed in 1573 and Fitzmaurice fled overseas. He settled in Lisbon but returned in 1579 to lead another Geraldine uprising, but was soon killed. Gerald Fitzgerald, 15th Earl of Desmond took up arms, with some military assistance from Philip II of Spain and Pope Gregory XIII, but the revolt was crushed and the Earl killed in 1583. In the aftermath of the revolt, plantations were undertaken all the more vigorously in Kerry and Limerick, further alienating the Irish from the royal administration.

Despard, Edward Marcus (17511803)

Irish naval officer and colonial administrator, who was executed for leading a conspiracy against British rule in Ireland. After serving in various posts in Central America 177290, including the governorship of Belize, he was recalled, dismissed, and briefly imprisoned. After his release, his plotting against the government led to his conviction on charges of high treason. Despard was born in Queen's County, Ireland, and entered military service at the age of 15. The reason for his two-year imprisonment (17981800) is not certain, though it is thought he may have been involved in the Irish Rebellion of 1798. The 1803 conspiracy entailed assassinating the king and seizing the Tower of London and the Bank of England. Despard and his six fellow traitors were drawn on a hurdle, hanged, and beheaded.

Despard, Mrs Charlotte (18441939)

born Charlotte French

English suffragette and social reformer. She was a poor law guardian, a socialist orator, and an extreme pacifist during World War I. Afterwards she lived in Dublin, where she was a strong supporter of amon de Valera. She was a sister of John French, 1st Earl of Ypres.

Despard Plot
plot 1802 led by Irish conspirator Edward M Despard (17511803) to seize the Tower of London and the Bank of England and assassinate King George III. The affair embarrassed the government not so much because of the seriousness of the plot itself, but because Admiral Nelson spoke in defence of the conspirators. Despard was executed on 21 February 1803. He and his fellow conspirators were the last people in England to be sentenced to be hanged, drawn, and quartered.

Despencer, Baron Le
title of Francis Dashwood, 15th Baron Le Despencer.

Despenser, Hugh Le, Earl of Winchester (12621326)

English courtier and favourite of King Edward II. He and his son (also Hugh) dominated Edward after the death of his former favourite, Piers Gaveston, in 1312. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, had both father and son banished in 1321 but Edward recalled them the following year. They were both executed by Queen Isabella.

de Valera, amon (18821975)

Irish nationalist politician, president/Taoiseach (prime minister) of the Irish Free State/Eire/Republic of Ireland 193248, 195154, and 195759, and president 1959 73. Repeatedly imprisoned, de Valera participated in the Easter Rising of 1916 and was leader of the nationalist Sinn Fein party 191726, when he formed the republican Fianna Fil party. He opposed the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) but formulated a constitutional relationship with Britain in the 1930s that achieved greater Irish sovereignty. De Valera was born in New York, the son of a Spanish father and an Irish mother, and sent to Ireland as a child. After studying at Blackrock College and the Royal University at Dublin, he became a teacher of mathematics, French, and Latin in various colleges. He was sentenced to death for his part in the Easter Rising, but the sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life, and he was released under an amnesty in 1917 because he was born in New York. In the same year he was elected to Westminster as MP for East Clare, and president of Sinn Fein. He was rearrested in May 1918, but escaped to the USA in 1919. He returned to Dublin in 1920 from where he directed the struggle against the British government. He authorized the negotiations of 1921, but refused to accept the ensuing treaty arguing that external association with Britain rather than the lesser status of dominion status was attainable. His opposition to the Anglo-Irish Treaty contributed to the civil war that followed. De Valera was arrested by the Free State government in 1923, and spent a year in

prison. In 1926 he formed a new party, Fianna Fil, which secured a majority in 1932. De Valera became Taoiseach and foreign minister of the Free State, and at once instituted a programme of social and economic protectionism. He played the leading role in framing the 1937 constitution by which southern Ireland became a republic in all but name. In relations with Britain, his government immediately abolished the oath of allegiance and suspended payment of the annuities due under the Land Purchase Acts. Under an agreement concluded in 1938 between the two countries, Britain accepted 10 million in final settlement, and surrendered the right to enter or fortify southern Irish ports. Throughout World War II de Valera maintained a strict neutrality, rejecting an offer by Winston Churchill in 1940 to recognize the principle of a united Ireland in return for Eire's entry into the war. He lost power at the 1948 elections but was again prime minister 195154 and 195759, and thereafter president of the Republic 195966 and 196673.

Devlin, Anne (c. 17781851)

Irish patriot, born in County Dublin. A niece of the revolutionary leader Michael Dwyer, she was the servant of the revolutionary leader Robert Emmet. When his rebellion failed in 1803, Devlin carried messages between him and his friends in Dublin. She was arrested by the government, imprisoned, and brutally tortured, but refused to give any information on Emmet. Released in 1805, she spent the remainder of her life in poverty. A monument to Devlin's life was erected over her grave in Glasnevin Cemetery by the historian R R Madden.

Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire (1808 1891)

British aristocrat whose development of Eastbourne, Sussex, England, was an early example of town planning. 2nd Earl 1834, succeeded to dukedom 1858.

Devonshire, 8th Duke of

British politician; see Spencer Compton Cavendish Hartington.

Devoy, John (18421928)

Irish-born US journalist and republican activist. In 1861, he joined the secret society of the Fenians to struggle for an independent Ireland. After serving five years in prison (186671), he was forcibly exiled to the USA, where he took citizenship and campaigned vigorously among his fellow Irish-Americans for the nationalist cause. He was a leading figure in the formation of both 'Clan-Na-Gael', an expatriate revolutionary organization, in 1867 and the Land League in 1879.

Devoy was born in Kill, County Kildare and worked as a clerk in Dublin. He helped rescue the Fenian leader James Stephens from prison in 1865, but the following year was himself jailed for revolutionary activity. In the USA, he joined the New York Herald before founding his own newspaper, the Gaelic American. Through this journal, Devoy adopted an increasingly anti-British position, opposing constitutional settlements and advocating armed rebellion. He helped raise funds to buy German arms for the Irish Volunteers in 1914, and strongly backed the Easter Rising of 1916.

Dewar, Donald Campbell (19372000)

British Labour politician, born in Scotland, secretary of state for Scotland from 1997 and first minister of the newly elected Scottish parliament from May 1999. He joined the Labour Party while at university and contested the Aberdeen South parliamentary seat at the age of 27, later winning it 196670. Following a period out of Parliament, he represented Glasgow Garscadden from 1978. He was opposition spokesperson on Scottish affairs 198192 and on social security 199295, and then opposition chief whip 199597. He successfully oversaw the passage of legislation in 1997 to create a devolved parliament for Scotland, and in 1998 was elected Labour leader for the Scottish parliament. Born in Glasgow, he was educated at Glasgow Academy and then Glasgow University, where he was president of the Union 196162. After leaving university he devoted himself to politics within the Labour Party.

D'Ewes, Simonds (16021650)

English antiquary. He became a member of Parliament in 1640 and was expelled during Pride's purge in 1648. His parliamentary records are of great historical value. He was knighted in 1626.

Diamond Jubilee
celebration in 1897 of the 60th year of Queen Victoria's rule. The jubilee was a celebration of both Crown and Empire at the peak of British colonial power. The scions of other royal houses, many related to Victoria, joined the celebrations and paid their respects to Victoria's rule, heightening Britain's sense of superiority over the continental powers. Ironically, even while the jubilee was being celebrated there was renewed tension between the Crown and the Boers in South Africa, which was to lead to the Boer War, a significant blow to British imperial prestige and morale. In retrospect, the jubilee celebrations neatly encapsulated both the splendour and the superficiality of Britain's achievements in the 19th century.

Diane de Poitiers (14991566)

Mistress of Henry II of France. She exercised almost unlimited power over the king, who made her Duchess of Valentinois. When he died she was expelled from court by his widow, Catherine de' Medici.

or Diarmait

three Irish kings: Diarmid I of the U Nill dynasty, King of Tara, killed in 565 in revenge for having killed a youth who had taken sanctuary with Columcille (St Columba); Diarmid II, King of Tara, who reigned 65865; and Diarmid III, King of Leinster, who reigned 104272.

in British politics, towards the end of 1918, a nickname given to Conservatives who wished to abandon the coalition government under David Lloyd George and return to the original party system.

Digby, Everard (15781606)

English conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. He was supposed to start a revolt in the Midlands on hearing of the plot's success. After its failure he was captured and executed.

Digby, Kenelm (16031665)

English diplomat and writer. As a Catholic he was distrusted by Parliament and spent most of the years 164260 abroad. He was Queen Henrietta Maria's chancellor in the 1640s and retained his position after the Restoration, even though he had entered into negotiations with Oliver Cromwell 165456.

or True Leveller

member of an English 17th-century radical sect that attempted to seize and share out common land. The Diggers became prominent in April 1649 when, headed by Gerrard Winstanley, they set up communal colonies near Cobham, Surrey, and elsewhere. The Diggers wanted to return to what they claimed was a 'golden age' before the Norman Conquest, when they believed that all land was held in common and its fruits were shared fairly between the people, and when men and women were

equal. They did not allow private property or possessions; it is sometimes claimed that they were the first communist society. The Diggers' colonies were attacked by mobs and, being pacifists, they made no resistance. The support they attracted alarmed the government and they were dispersed in 1650. Their ideas influenced the early Quakers (called the Society of Friends).

Dilke, Charles Wentworth (18431911)

British Liberal politician, member of Parliament 186886 and 18921911. A Radical, he supported a minimum wage and legalization of trade unions. Succeeded to baronetcy 1869.

Dill, John Greer (18811944)

British field marshal in World War II. A former commandant of the Staff College and Director of Operations, he commanded British I Corps in France 1939. He returned to the UK April 1940 to become Vice-Chief of the Imperial General Staff, succeeding General Ironside as Chief of Staff May 1940. He was replaced by General Alanbrooke December 1941 and went to the USA as head of the British Military Mission. KCB 1937.

Dillon, James (19021986)

Irish politician. Born in Dublin, the son of John Dillon, he studied business management in London and Chicago. He cofounded the National Centre Party in 1932, and was vice president of Fine Gael in 1933. He was the only member of the Dil who was openly hostile to Irish neutrality in World War II. He served in the interparty governments of 194851 and 195457, and was a modernizing leader of Fine Gael 195965.

Dillon, John (18511927)

Irish nationalist politician. He was a vigorous supporter of Charles Parnell until the O'Shea divorce affair, when he became the leader of the anti-Parnellite Irish National Federation. He supported John Redmond as leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party and succeeded him in 1918, but was overwhelmingly defeated by Sinn Fein in the elections that year.

Diplock court
in Northern Ireland, a type of court established in 1972 by the British government under Lord Diplock (19071985) to try offences linked with guerrilla violence. The

right to jury trial was suspended and the court consisted of a single judge, because potential jurors were allegedly being intimidated and were unwilling to serve. Despite widespread criticism, the Diplock courts continued to operate into the 1990s.

the formal separation of a church from the State by ceasing to recognize it as the official church of a country or province. The special status of the Church of Ireland, created by Henry VIII in 1541, was a major source of grievance to Irish Catholics in the 19th century and it was disestablished by Gladstone in 1869, with its endowments converted to charitable ends. In 1920, after a bitter struggle lasting over 50 years, the Welsh Anglican Church was disestablished as the Church in Wales; it gained its own archbishop and was detached from the province of Canterbury. There have been several attempts to disestablish the Church of England which would involve the abolition of the Royal Supremacy over the Church and the concomitant right of the Prime Minister to advise the Crown on episcopal appointments.

Disinherited, the
the supporters of Simon de Montfort whose land was seized by Henry III after the Battle of Evesham1265. The Dictum of Kenilworth the following year imposed harsh financial conditions for the recovery of the confiscated lands. The name is also applied to the English lords who held land in Scotland which was confiscated by Robert the Bruce after his success at Bannockburn 1314. In 1332, they landed in Fife under Edward Balliol, who was later crowned at Scone, and reigned as a client-king of Edward III of England until 1334.

Disraeli, Benjamin (18041881)

1st Earl of Beaconsfield

British Conservative politician and novelist. Elected to Parliament in 1837, he was chancellor of the Exchequer under Lord Derby in 1852, 185859, and 186668, and prime minister in 1868 and 187480. His imperialist policies brought India directly under the crown, and he was personally responsible for purchasing control of the Suez Canal. The central Conservative Party organization is his creation. His popular, political novels reflect an interest in social reform and include Coningsby (1844) and Sybil (1845).


(Image Billie Love)

British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli. In office during the 19th century, Disraeli secured for Britain a controlling interest in the Suez Canal. His charm made him a favourite of Queen Victoria, on whom he conferred the title of Empress of India in 1876. A skilful diplomat, he achieved a 'peace with honour' at the Congress of Berlin (1878), which contributed to the preservation of European stability, after the Russian conflict with the Turks in the Balkans.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Cartoon from Punch in 1872 depicting Disraeli (front) and Gladstone as two opposing lions making speeches in Lancashire.

dissenting academies
in Britain, schools founded in late 17th and 18th centuries for children of religious nonconformists who were otherwise banned from local schools and universities. They became a model of advanced education, with their emphasis on the sciences and modern languages. See also charity schools.

Dissolution of the Monasteries

closure of the monasteries of England and Wales from 1536 to 1540 and confiscation of their property by Henry VIII; see England: history 14851714, Henry VIII and the split with Rome. The operation was organized by Thomas Cromwell and affected about 800 monastic houses with the aim of boosting royal income. Most of the property was later sold off to the gentry.

distraint of knighthood
in British history, compulsory knighthood introduced by Henry III for all those with lands of a particular value (originally 20). The knights had to pay scutage to the king in lieu of military service under the feudal system; in effect they became liable for an additional tax.

It was used by the Tudors and James I, and during the Eleven Years' Tyranny Charles I levied fines on those who had failed to be knighted. It was declared illegal by the Long Parliament in 1641.

Dod, Lottie (Charlotte) (18711960)

English sportswoman. Probably the UK's greatest all-rounder, she was tennis's first child protg, winning her first Wimbledon title in 1887 at the age of 15 years 285 days, the youngest-ever champion. After achieving four more singles titles, she represented England in hockey in 1899, and won the British Ladies Open Golf championships in 1904 at Troon. Her career was completed with a silver medal for archery at the 1908 Olympic Games in London. Dod's triumphs as a tennis player included defeating Wimbledon champion Ernest Renshaw in a handicapped exhibition match in 1885, and six-times winner Willie Renshaw in the same year. Her birthplace was Cheshire.

Dodington, George (16911762)

1st Baron Melcombe

English politician. He was constantly changing sides, serving in succession Robert Walpole, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Argyll, and the Prince again. He is remembered for his Diary, published in 1784, which reveals the intrigues of his time and his egotism. He was created Baron Melcombe in 1761.

Domesday Book
record of the survey of England carried out in 1086 by officials of William the Conqueror in order to assess land tax and other dues, find out the value of the crown lands, and enable the king to estimate the power of his vassal barons. The name is derived from the belief that its judgement was as final as that of Doomsday. The commissioners' method was to hold formal sessions and to take sworn answers to a set list of questions, including a formalized description of the agriculture of each place, how much land there was, who held it, what it was worth in the time of King Edward the Confessor and in 1086, and the status and numbers of people who lived there. Domesday Book reflects the great changes which the Norman Conquest brought about in England, particularly feudal land tenure following the introduction of the feudal system. Northumberland and Durham were omitted, and also London, Winchester, and certain other towns. The Domesday Book is preserved in two volumes at the Public Record Office, London.

Domesday Book

(Image Billie Love)

Part of the Domesday Book, the compilation of which was ordered by William the Conqueror in 1086. Compiled to provide a basis for taxation, the Domesday Book was the most comprehensive survey of feudal estates carried out in medieval England. It caused great popular discontent and earned its name because, like the religious Day of Judgement, there could be no appeal against it.

Domett, William (17541828)

English admiral. He commanded the flagship Royal George on the 'Glorious First of June' in 1794, was present in the action off Lorient in 1795, and served as flag captain under Hyde Parker in the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801.

domus conversorum

In England, house for converted Jews in Chancery Lane founded by Henry III 1232. Royal pensions and retraining were offered as incentives to conversion. After Jews were expelled from England en masse 1290, numbers dwindled and in 1377 the wardenship of the house was combined with the post of the Master of the Rolls, a senior judge and keeper of records. The house was demolished 1717 and the site was occupied by the Public Record Office.

Donald III, Bane ('fair') (c. 1039c. 1100)

King of Scotland. He came to the throne in 1093 after seizing it on the death of his brother Malcolm III. He was dethroned in 1094 by his nephew, Malcolm's son, Duncan II. He regained power in 1094 but was defeated and captured in 1097 by Edgar, fourth son of Malcolm III, who had him blinded and imprisoned until his death. As Donalbain, he appears in Shakespeare's play Macbeth 1605.

Donovan, Terence Daniel (19361996)

English photographer. His trademark style juxtaposed the luxurious with the everyday, glamorous models appearing against harsh and bleak backgrounds. Glances, a collection of his work, was published in 1983. Donovan was born in the East End of London, and left school at the age of 11. He attended a course in blockmaking at the London School of Engraving and Lithography, but had established an interest in photography by the age of 15, and joined the studio of fashion photographer John French.

Doomsday Book
variant spelling of Domesday Book, the English survey of 1086.

Dors, Diana (19311984)

born Diana Fluck

English actor. Promoted as a high-profile sex symbol by the Rank Organization, she enjoyed great personal popularity although generally typecast in blowsy supporting roles. Accomplished stage work in Three Months Gone (1970) brought her good character parts in films like Deep End (1970) and The Amazing Mr Blunden (1972), but she subsequently turned to cabaret and television work as an agony aunt. Her final screen appearance was Steaming (1984). Dors was born in Swindon, Wiltshire, and studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA). Following her film debut in The Shop at Sly Corner (1946), she was

signed to a long-term contract with Rank who groomed her for stardom in their 'Charm School'. She appeared in various low-budget comedies but, despite an effective dramatic performance in Yield to the Night (1956) and highly publicized visits to Hollywood, she never received substantial leading roles.

(Celtic dubh glas 'black water')

Scottish family that can be traced back to the 12th century. The dukes of Hamilton, Buccleuch, and Queensbury, and the earls of Morton, Home, and Wemyss, are members of the Douglas family. There are records on William of Douglas between 1175 and 1213. His grandson, William of Douglas, 'the Hardy' (died 1298), rose against King Edward I of England in 1297 and died in the Tower of London. James of Douglas (12861330), 'Good Sir James', also known as 'Black Douglas', was his son, and bore the title Lord of Douglas; he was a loyal supporter of Robert (I) the Bruce, sharing the command at the Battle of Bannockburn. He died carrying the heart of Bruce to the Holy Land.

Douglas-Home, Alec (19031995)

Baron Home of the Hirsel; born Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home

British Conservative politician. He was foreign secretary 196063, and succeeded Harold Macmillan as prime minister in 1963. He renounced his peerage (as 14th Earl of Home) and re-entered the Commons after successfully contesting a by-election, but failed to win the 1964 general election, and resigned as party leader in 1965. He was again foreign secretary 197074, when he received a life peerage. The playwright William Douglas-Home was his brother. He was knighted in 1962.

Dover, Thomas (16641742)

British physician and sea captain. Dover is chiefly remembered for rescuing Alexander Selkirk, the model for Daniel Defoe's castaway Robinson Crusoe, from five years' solitude on Juan Fernandez island in the South Pacific in 1709. Dover was also the originator of 'Dover's powder', a preparation of opium and ipecacuanha used to relieve pain and induce sweating.

Dover Patrol

sub-unit of the British Navy based at Dover and Dunkirk throughout World War I. Its primary task was to close the English Channel to German vessels while escorting Allied ships safely through the area.

Downing, George (c. 16231684)

English soldier and politician. He was one of Oliver Cromwell's principal advisers on foreign policy during the Protectorate, and worked for Charles II after the Restoration, arresting various regicides in Europe. He was made a baronet in 1663.

Drake, Francis (c. 15401596)

English buccaneer and explorer. After enriching himself as a pirate against Spanish interests in the Caribbean between 1567 and 1572, as well as in the slave trade, he was sponsored by Elizabeth I for an expedition to the Pacific, sailing round the world from 1577 to 1580 in the Golden Hind, robbing Spanish ships as he went. This was the second circumnavigation of the globe (the first was by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan). Drake also helped to defeat the Spanish Armada in 1588 as a vice admiral in the Revenge.

class of battleships built for the British navy after 1905 and far superior in speed and armaments to anything then afloat. The first modern battleship to be built, it was the basis of battleship design for more than 50 years. The first Dreadnought was launched in 1906, with armaments consisting entirely of big guns. The German Nassau class was begun in 1907, and by 1914, the USA, France, Japan, and Austria-Hungary all had battleships of a similar class to the Dreadnought. German plans to build similar craft led to the naval race that contributed to AngloGerman antagonism and the origins of World War I.

Drew, Jane Beverley (19111996)

English architect. In partnership with her husband Maxwell Fry, she worked on numerous projects in Africa 194365, and was a senior architect 195154 at Chandigarh, India, often supervising work for Le Corbusier. She advocated the need for an Open University (Milton Keynes), working on the project 196977. She was made DBE in 1996. Her buildings include the Government College for Women and the high school at Chandigarh; the Wesley Girls School, Ghana (1946); the Olympic stadium and swimming pool (1965) in Kaduna, Nigeria; and the hospital building for the Kuwait Oil Company (194951) and the Festival of Britain Harbour Restaurant, London (1951).

Drogheda, Battle of
siege of the southern garrison town of Drogheda, County Louth, by Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentary forces in September 1649, during Cromwell's Irish campaign (1649 50). When the town was taken, 4,000 Irish were massacred, including civilians, soldiers, and Catholic priests. The merciless killing contributed to Catholic Irish hatred of English rule in Ireland. The Irish had supported Charles I's Royalists in the English Civil War (164149) as part of their Great Rebellion against the English government in the 1640s. Cromwell's army was taking revenge for this collusion and the Portadown Bridge massacre of Protestant planters (settlers) in 1641.

drove roads
in Britain, trackways for cattle, maintained by constant usage. They were probably established in prehistoric times, when communities moved their livestock from one grazing area to another. They were in continual use until the first half of the 19th century, when enclosures and the advent of the railway made long-distance drove roads obsolete. Many former drove roads are now marked on Ordnance Survey maps as 'British trackways'.

platform of wooden slats built over muddy ground to form a dry path. During World War I, army engineers used duckboards to line the bottom of trenches on the Western Front, as these were regularly flooded. Mud and water would lie in the trenches for months on end. Although duckboards kept the soldiers dry most of the time, and helped to prevent the development of trench foot caused by prolonged standing in waterlogged conditions, they were ineffective when water levels rose during bad weather or flooding. Duckboards also encouraged rats, as they, too, were able to keep themselves off the bottom of a flooded trench.

Dudley, Lord Guildford (died 1554)

English nobleman, fourth son of the Duke of Northumberland. He was married by his father to Lady Jane Grey in 1553, against her wishes, in an attempt to prevent the succession of Mary I to the throne. The plot failed, and he and his wife were executed.


British tribe inhabiting a territory in modern Cornwall and part of Devon, with a capital at Isca Dumnoniorum (Exeter). They were overrun in the early years of the Roman invasion of AD 43 and were recognized as a tribal corporation or civitasc.AD 80. Their name is Celtic and means 'deep ones', either because they lived in valleys or worked mines.

scene of Oliver Cromwell's defeat of the Scots in 1650, now a port and resort in Lothian, Scotland. Torness nuclear power station is nearby.

Dunbar, Earl of
Scottish title dating from the 11th century. The 12th Earl was deprived of his title and estates by James I of Scotland in 1434, but the title was revived in 1605 in favour of George, third son of Alexander Home of Manderston. On his death the title became extinct 1611.

Dunbar, Battles of
two English victories over the Scots at Dunbar, now a port and resort in Lothian.

Duncan I
King of Scotland. He succeeded his grandfather, Malcolm II, as king in 1034, but was defeated and killed by Macbeth. He is the Duncan in Shakespeare's play Macbeth (1605).

Duncan II
King of Scotland, son of Malcolm III and grandson of Duncan I. He gained English and Norman help to drive out his uncle Donald III in 1094. He ruled for a few months before being killed by agents of Donald, who then regained power.

Duncan-Sandys, Duncan (Edwin)

British politician; see Sandys, Duncan Edwin.

Dundas, David (17351820)

Scottish general and writer on military tactics. His Rules and Regulations for the Formation, Field Exercises and Movements of His Majesty's Forces 1792 were published as the official orders for the army. He also wrote Rules and Regulations for the Cavalry 1792. John Moore and the Duke of Wellington fought their battles according the rules laid down in these works.

Dundas, Henry (17421811)

1st Viscount Melville

Scottish Conservative politician. In 1791 he became home secretary and, with revolution raging in France, carried through the prosecution of the English and Scottish radicals. After holding other high cabinet posts, he was impeached in 1806 for corruption and, although acquitted on the main charge, held no further office.

Dundee, John Graham Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee

see John Graham Claverhouse.

Dunfermline, Alexander Seton, 1st Earl of Dunfermline (c. 1555 1622)

Scottish statesman and chancellor of Scotland. He helped to arrange the details of the union between Scotland and England in 1603. He was created Earl of Dunfermline in 1606.

Dunmore, John Murray, Earl of (17321809)

Scottish-born royal governor. As governor of Virginia (177176), he offended patriot sympathies by twice dissolving the House of Burgesses. He led a campaign against the Shawnees and he tried unsuccessfully to oppose the patriot movement in Virginia. His campaign against the Shawnees was called Lord Dunmore's War.

Dunton, John (16501733)

English bookseller and political pamphleteer. His publications supported the Whig Party.

Durham, John George Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham (17921840)

British politician. Appointed Lord Privy Seal in 1830, he drew up the first Reform Bill in 1832, and as governor general of Canada briefly in 1837 he drafted the Durham Report which resulted in the union of Upper and Lower Canada. He was made a baron in 1828 and an earl in 1833.

Durham Cathedral
cathedral in the city of Durham, County Durham, northeastern England. A fine example of Norman architecture, it was begun in 1093 by Bishop William of St Carileph and remains largely as he conceived it. It was one of the earliest vaulted cathedrals in Europe and the first to employ rib vaults. These, combined with massive cylindrical piers, strikingly ornamented, create one of the most impressive of all English cathedrals.

The interior is as originally built except for the choir. This was complete by 1104, but in 1225 its highly experimental vault was already weak. The nave, built from 1104 to 1128 and vaulted by 1135, contains some of the earliest pointed arches used in vaulting. It was extended westwards around 117075 by a late-Norman Lady Chapel. From 1242 to 1280 the Norman east end was replaced with the unusual Chapel of Nine Altars, and the chancel, except for its aisles, was revaulted at the same time. The culmination of building at Durham also produced the visual climax, the tall Perpendicular crossing tower, built from 1465 to 1490. The rose window at the east end is a replacement of an earlier one, and is by James Wyatt (1795).

Durrow, Book of
late 7th- or early 8th-century illuminated gospel book, associated with the church at Durrow, County Offaly, Ireland. An early example of the illuminated insular (this refers to the script style) gospel books, the Book of Durrow contains a copy of Jerome's Vulgate text of the four Gospels. Symbols and techniques found in the artistry of the illuminated pages suggest a Northumbrian origin, and indicate that the book may have had some influence on Ireland's more famous insular Gospel, the Book of Kells. The Book of Durrow is closely associated with St Columba and after its compilation it may have been held on Scotland's island of Iona, St Columba's most famous monastic foundation. The book was in the possession of the church at Durrow by the early 12th century, when information about the church and monastery was added to its preface. Since its donation in the late 17th century by the bishop of Meath, the Book of Durrow has been kept in Trinity College library, Dublin.

Duval, Claude (16431670)

English criminal. He was born in Normandy and turned highwayman after coming to England at the Restoration.

Dyfrig, St (c.450546)
or St Dubricius or St Devereux

Celtic religious leader and traditional founder of monasticism in Wales. His remains are buried in Llandaff Cathedral.

English family of hereditary champions of the monarchy. Their representative formerly had to appear at coronation banquets and challenge all comers to dispute the sovereign's title. The challenge was last made at the coronation of George IV in 1830. Since then, the Dymokes have carried the standard of England at coronation ceremonies.

Dympna (lived 7th century AD)

Irish princess and martyr, the patron of the mentally ill. She is reputed to have been murdered by her pagan father in Gheel, Belgium, for rebuffing his incestuous advances. Her feast day is 15 May.

Eadmer of Canterbury (c.10641124)

or Edmer

English historian and monk. His works include a history of England 10601122, Historia Novorum in Anglia, and a biography of his friend and Archbishop of Canterbury, St Anselm.

Anglo-Saxon official; the office was gradually replaced by the hereditary title of earl but was in part revived in the 19th century in the municipal office of alderman. Originally a nobleman placed by the king in charge of a shire, much of their

administrative role was gradually taken over by sheriffs. In the 10th and 11th century, they increasingly became governors and military leaders of a wider area, and by the time of King Canute the term earl was preferred. This term survived the Norman Conquest, and the position became a hereditary title rather than an office.

Eardley, Joan (19211963)

English painter. She was greatly influenced by the post-Impressionist painter van Gogh, both technically and in terms of her choice of subjects. Her finest work was produced in Scotland, where she painted the impoverished children of Glaswegian tenements, and landscapes and seascapes inspired by the northeast coast around the tiny fishing village of Catterline. Eardley was born in Warnham, Sussex. She began her studies at Goldsmith's College of Art, London in 1938 but moved to study at the Glasgow School of Art in 1940. After World War II she studied at Hospitalfield, Arbroath, and at Glasgow School of Art, winning various prizes and travelling to France and Italy on a Carnegie bursary. In 1949 she took a studio in Cochrane Street, Glasgow, and in 1950 she first visited Catterline where she lived and worked until her death.

Eastern Association
association formed by the English counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, and Lincolnshire in 1642 and 1643 for their common defence in the Parliamentary cause during the Civil War. Their forces were organized by Oliver Cromwell. When the New Model Army was formed in 1645, its highly effective cavalry was drawn mainly from the Eastern Association.

Easter Rising
or Easter Rebellion

in Irish history, a republican insurrection against the British government that began on Easter Monday, April 1916, in Dublin. The rising was organized by the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), led by Patrick Pearse, along with sections of the Irish Volunteers and James Connolly's socialist Irish Citizen Army. Although a military failure, it played a central role in shifting nationalist opinion from allegiance to the constitutional Irish Parliamentary Party (IPP) to separatist republicanism. Arms from Germany intended for the IRB were intercepted, but the rising proceeded regardless with the seizure of the Post Office and other buildings in Dublin by 1,500 volunteers. The rebellion was crushed by the British Army within five days, both sides suffering major losses: 250 civilians, 64 rebels, and 132 members of the crown forces were killed and around 2,600 injured. Pearse, Connolly, and about a dozen rebel leaders were subsequently executed in Kilmainham Jail. Others, including the future

Taoiseach (prime minister) amon de Valera, were spared due to US public opinion, and were given amnesty in June 1917.

East India Company, British

commercial company (16001858) that had a monopoly on trade between England and the Far East; see British East India Company.

Eastland Company
company founded 1579 to challenge the Hanseatic League's control of trade with the Baltic. An amalgamation of several smaller English associations, it imported grain and naval supplies, especially timber for masts, in return for woollen products, and succeeding in breaking the Hanseatic League's dominance of the trade. See also Muscovy Company.

Ede, James Chuter (18821965)

Baron Chuter-Ede

British Labour politician. He was home secretary in the Labour government 194551 and introduced the Criminal Justice Act of 1948. In 1951 he became leader of the House of Commons until Labour's defeat in the October 1951 general election. He entered Parliament as Labour member for Mitcham in 1923 and represented South Sheilds 192931 and 193564. He served on Surrey county council for many years and was deputy lieutenant for Surrey in 1931. He was parliamentary secretary to the Board of Education 194044 and his knowledge of local government was of great assistance to R A Butler in drafting the 1944 Education Act.

Eden, (Robert) Anthony (18971977)

1st Earl of Avon

British Conservative politician, foreign secretary 193538, 194045, and 195155; prime minister 195557, when he resigned after the failure of the Anglo-French military intervention in the Suez Crisis. Upset by his prime minister's rejection of a peace plan secretly proposed by US president Franklin D Roosevelt in January 1938, Eden resigned as foreign secretary in February 1938 in protest against Chamberlain's decision to open conversations with the fascist dictator Mussolini. He was foreign secretary again in the wartime coalition, formed in December 1940, and in the Conservative government, elected in 1951. With the Soviets, he negotiated an interim peace in Vietnam in 1954. In April

1955 he succeeded Churchill as prime minister. When Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956, precipitating the Suez Crisis, he authorized the use of force, and a joint Anglo-French force was sent to Egypt. The force was compelled to withdraw after pressure from the USA and the USSR, and this and ill-health led to Eden's resignation in January 1957. He continued to maintain that his action had been justified.

Edgar (c. 1050c. 1130)

called 'the Aetheling' ('of royal blood')

English prince, born in Hungary. Grandson of Edmund (II) Ironside, king of England in 1016, he was supplanted as heir to Edward the Confessor by William the Conqueror. He led two rebellions against William, in 1068 and 1069, but made peace in 1074.

Edgar the Peaceful (944975)

King of all England from 959. He was the younger son of Edmund I, and strove successfully to unite English and Danes as fellow subjects.

Edgehill, Battle of
first battle of the English Civil War. It took place in 1642, on a ridge in south Warwickshire, between Royalists under Charles I and Parliamentarians under the Earl of Essex. Both sides claimed victory.

Edington, Battle of
battle May 878 at which Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, defeated the Danish forces of Guthrum. The site is at Edington, 6km/4 mi east of Westbury, Wiltshire; the chalk white horse on the downs nearby is said to commemorate the victory, The battle was a decisive one for Alfred, and forced the Danes to retire from Wessex into East Anglia.

Edmund I (921946)
King of England from 939. The son of Edward the Elder, he succeeded his halfbrother, Athelstan, as king in 939. He succeeded in regaining control of Mercia, which on his accession had fallen to the Norse inhabitants of Northumbria, and of the Five Boroughs, an independent confederation within the Danelaw. He then moved on to subdue the Norsemen in Cumbria and finally extended his rule as far as southern

Scotland. As well as uniting England, he bolstered his authority by allowing St Dunstan to reform the Benedictine order. He was killed in 946 at Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire, by an outlawed robber.

Edmund (II) Ironside (c. 9811016)

King of England in 1016, the son of Ethelred II 'the Unready' (c. 9681016). He led the resistance to Canute's invasion in 1015, and on Ethelred's death in 1016 was chosen king by the citizens of London. Meanwhile, the Witan (the king's council) elected Canute. In the struggle for the throne, Canute defeated Edmund at Ashingdon (or Assandun), and they divided the kingdom between them. When Edmund died the same year, Canute ruled the whole kingdom.

Edmund of Abingdon, St (11801240)

English ecclesiastical scholar, archbishop of Canterbury 123340. Edmund became involved in a dispute with King Henry III, and was driven into exile, where he died. He was canonized in 1247. Edmund was born at Abingdon, near Oxford; he studied and taught at Oxford University, and later in Paris. The Oxford college of St Edmund Hall stands on the site of his former house.

Edmund, St (c. 840870)

King of East Anglia from 855. In 870 he was defeated and captured by the Danes at Hoxne, Suffolk, and martyred on refusing to renounce Christianity. He was canonized and his shrine at Bury St Edmunds became a place of pilgrimage.

Edred (died 955)

Anglo-Saxon King of the English from 946, the youngest son of Edward the Elder. His reign was largely spent battling for Northumbria, which had sworn allegiance to him in 947 but had transferred its loyalty to Eric Bloodaxe of Norway. Eric was killed in battle in 954, and Edred finally acquired Northumbria.

Edric the Forester (lived mid-11th century)

also known as Edric the Wild

English chieftain on the Welsh border who revolted against William the Conqueror 1067, around what is today Herefordshire, burning Shrewsbury. He was

subsequently reconciled with William, and fought with him against the Scots 1072. Later writings describe him as a legendary figure.

education acts
in Britain, series of measures from the late 19th century onwards which provided for state education for all. The 1870 Education Act was the effective start of statefinanced education in England and Wales. Existing grants to charity schools were substantially increased and provision was made for local authorities to finance additional schools out of the rates. A series of subsequent acts made elementary education free and compulsory by 1891. H A L Fisher's 1918 Education Act attempted to raise the school leaving age to 14, and some provision was intended for further training. Rab Butler's pioneering act of 1944 organized a Ministry of Education and intended that schooling be compulsory to the age of 16, though this took many years to achieve. The 1980s and 1990s saw a variety of education acts which restricted the ability of local authorities to determine the pattern of education by enforcing a National Curriculum and regular testing in all state schools.

Edward (13301376)
called 'the Black Prince'

Prince of Wales, eldest son of Edward III of England. The epithet (probably posthumous) may refer to his black armour. During the Hundred Years' War he fought at the Battle of Crcy in 1346 and captured the French king at Poitiers in 1356. He ruled Aquitaine from 1360 to 1371. In 1367 he invaded Castile and restored to the throne the deposed king, Pedro the Cruel (133469). During the revolt that eventually ousted him, he caused the massacre of Limoges in 1370.

eight kings of England or Great Britain:

Edward I (12391307)
King of England from 1272, son of Henry III (12071272). He led the royal forces against Simon de Montfort (the Younger) in the Barons' War of 126467, and was on a crusade when he succeeded to the throne. He established English rule over all of Wales in 128284, and secured recognition of his overlordship from the Scottish king, although the Scots under Sir William Wallace and Robert (I) the Bruce fiercely resisted actual conquest. His reign saw Parliament move towards its modern form with the Model Parliament of 1295. He married Eleanor of Castile (12451290) in 1254 and in 1299 married Margaret, daughter of Philip III of France. He was succeeded by his son Edward II (12841327).

Edward built a number of castles, including the northern Welsh Conway castle, Caernarvon castle, Beaumaris castle, and Harlech castle. He was also responsible for building bastides (small fortified towns) to defend the English position in France.

Edward II (12841327)
King of England from 1307, son of Edward I. Born at Caernarfon Castle, he was created the first Prince of Wales in 1301. Edward was incompetent, with a weak personality, and was over-influenced by his unpopular friend Piers Gaveston. He struggled throughout his reign with discontented barons, who attempted to restrict his power through the Ordinances of 1311. His invasion of Scotland in 1314 to suppress revolt resulted in defeat at Bannockburn. When he fell under the influence of a new favourite, Hugh le Depenser, he was deposed in 1327 by his wife Isabella (1292 1358), daughter of Philip IV of France, and her lover Roger de Mortimer, and murdered in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire. He was succeeded by his son, Edward III.

Edward III (13121377)

King of England from 1327, son of Edward II. He assumed the government in 1330 from his mother, through whom in 1337 he laid claim to the French throne and thus began the Hundred Years' War. Edward was the victor of Halidon Hill in 1333, Sluys in 1340, Crcy in 1346, and at the siege of Calais 134647, and created the Order of the Garter. He was succeeded by his grandson Richard II. Edward's early experience was against the Scots, including the disastrous Weardale campaign in 1327. Forcing them to battle outside Berwick at Halidon Hill, he used a combination of dismounted men-at-arms and archers to crush the Scots. Apart from the naval victory of Sluys his initial campaigns against France were expensive and inconclusive. Resorting to chevauche (raids through enemy territory), he scored a stunning victory at the Battle of Crcy, which delivered the crucial bridgehead of Calais into English hands. Due to the military success of his son Edward of Woodstock (Edward the Black Prince) at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356 and in later campaigns, Edward achieved the favourable Treaty of Brtigny in 1360. He gave up personal command in the latter part of his reign. An inspiring leader, his Order of the Garter was a chivalric club designed to bind his military nobility to him. The Order and its codes of chivalry were widely imitated.

Edward IV (14421483)
King of England 146170 and from 1471. He was the son of Richard, Duke of York, and succeeded Henry VI in the Wars of the Roses, temporarily losing his throne to Henry when Edward fell out with his adviser Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick. Edward was a fine warrior and intelligent strategist, with victories at Mortimer's Cross and Towton in 1461, Empingham in 1470, and Barnet and Tewkesbury in 1471. He was succeeded by his son Edward V.

Edward V (14701483)
King of England in 1483. Son of Edward IV, he was deposed three months after his accession in favour of his uncle (Richard III), and is traditionally believed to have been murdered (with his brother) in the Tower of London on Richard's orders.

Edward V

(Image Billie Love)

King Edward V of Great Britain and Ireland, and his brother Richard, Duke of York. Edward was deposed just three months after he took the throne, by his uncle, who became Richard III, and the two young princes were imprisoned in the Tower of London. It is traditionally believed that Richard III had his nephews murdered, although there is little evidence to show what really happened to them.

Edward VI (15371553)
King of England from 1547, only son of Henry VIII and his third wife, Jane Seymour. The government was entrusted to his uncle, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset (who fell from power in 1549), and then to the Earl of Warwick, John Dudley, later created Duke of Northumberland. He was succeeded by his half-sister Mary I.

Edward became a staunch Protestant, and during his reign the Reformation progressed in England under Archbishop Thomas Cranmer. Edward died of tuberculosis, and his will, probably prepared by Northumberland, set aside that of his father so as to exclude his half-sisters, Mary and Elizabeth, from the succession. He nominated Lady Jane Grey, a granddaughter of Henry VII, who had recently married Northumberland's son. Technically Jane reigned for nine days, and was deposed by Mary I.

Edward VI

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

King Edward VI's coronation medal. The boyking was a brilliant scholar, deeply interested in theological speculation, and during his short reign the Protestant Reformation in England advanced significantly.

Edward VII (18411910)

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1901. As Prince of Wales he was a prominent social figure, but his mother Queen Victoria considered him too frivolous to take part in political life. In 1860 he made the first tour of Canada and the USA ever undertaken by a British prince.

Edward VIII (18941972)

King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland JanuaryDecember 1936, when he renounced the throne to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson (see abdication crisis). He was created Duke of Windsor and was governor of the Bahamas 194045.

Edwards, Jimmy (19201988)

born James Keith O'Neill Edwards

English comedian. Distinguished by his huge handlebar moustache and a bluff and blustering characterization, he first drew popular acclaim as Pa Glum in the hit radio series Take It From Here (194860). He starred in the television series Whack-O! (195660, 1971) and John Jorrocks Esq, and made film appearances in Bottoms Up! (1959), The Plank (1967), The Bed Sitting Room (1969), and Rhubarb (1970). Edwards was born in London, and performed with Cambridge Footlights before serving in the RAF during World War II. His Dakota was shot down at Arnhem (1944) and his trademark moustache concealed subsequent surgery.

Edwards, Robert Walter Dudley (19101988)

Irish scholar, one of the founders of modern Irish historiography. Edwards was professor of modern Irish history at University College, Dublin 194579. His most important work was Church and State in Tudor Ireland 1936. Edwards was born in Dublin, to an English father and Irish mother, and studied at University College in his native city. He moved to the Institute of Historical Research, University of London, and in 1938 co-founded the authoritative journal Irish Historical Studies.

Edward the Confessor (c. 10031066)

King of England from 1042, the son of Ethelred II. He lived in Normandy until shortly before his accession. During his reign power was held by Earl Godwin and his son Harold, while the king devoted himself to religion, including the rebuilding of Westminster Abbey (consecrated in 1065), where he is buried. His childlessness left four claimants to the English throne on his death and led ultimately to the Norman Conquest in 1066. He was canonized in 1161.

Edward the Elder (c. 870924)

King of the West Saxons. He succeeded his father Alfred the Great in 899. He reconquered southeast England and the Midlands from the Danes, uniting Wessex and Mercia with the help of his sister Aethelflaed. By the time of his death his kingdom was the most powerful in the British Isles. He was succeeded by his son Athelstan.

Edward extended the system of burghal defence begun by Alfred, building new burghs, for example at Hertford and Buckingham, and twin burghs at Bedford and Stamford.

Edward the Martyr (c. 963978)

King of England from 975. Son of King Edgar, he was murdered at Corfe Castle, Dorset, probably at his stepmother Aelfthryth's instigation (she wished to secure the crown for her son, Ethelred). He was canonized in 1001.

Edwin (c. 585633)

King of Northumbria from 617. He captured and fortified Edinburgh, which was named after him, and was killed in battle with Penda of Mercia in 632.

King of England, son of Edmund I. He succeeded his uncle Edred as king in 955 and drove Edred's chief adviser St Dunstan, then virtually ruler, into exile the same year. On the revolt in 957 of the Mercians and Northumbrians, who had chosen his brother Edgar as king, he was left to rule Wessex and Kent from 957 to 959.

Egbert (died 839)

King of the West Saxons from 802, the son of Ealhmund, an under-king of Kent. By 829 he had united England for the first time under one king.

Eldon, John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon (17511838)

English politician, born in Newcastle. He became a member of Parliament 1782, solicitor-general 1788, attorney-general 1793, and Lord Chancellor 180105 and 180727. During his term the rules of the Lord Chancellor's court governing the use of the injunction and precedent in equity finally became fixed. Knighted 1788, Baron 1799, Earl 1821.

Eleanor of Provence (c.12211291)

Queen of England 123672, wife of Henry III. After his death, she became a nun in 1276 and died in obscurity.

Eleven Years' Tyranny

pejorative contemporary term for the eleven years 162940 in which King Charles I ruled England without calling a parliament; now more usually termed the 'personal rule' to avoid the implication that he was acting illegally. There was little overt opposition to his imposition of direct rule in England, and only his efforts to impose the English Book of Common Prayer on Scotland, and the resulting Bishops' Wars, forced him to call Parliament in April 1640.

Eliot, John (15921632)

English politician, born in Cornwall. He became a member of Parliament 1614, and with the Earl of Buckingham's patronage was made a vice-admiral 1619. In 1626 he was imprisoned in the Tower of London for demanding Buckingham's impeachment. In 1628 he was a formidable supporter of the petition of right opposing Charles I, and with other parliamentary leaders was again imprisoned in the Tower of London 1629, where he died. Knighted 1618.

two queens of England or the UK:

Elizabeth I (15331603)
called 'the Virgin Queen'

Queen of England from 1558; the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Through her Religious Settlement of 1559 she enforced the Protestant religion by law. She had Mary Queen of Scots executed in 1587. Her conflict with Roman Catholic Spain led to the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. The Elizabethan age was expansionist in commerce and geographical exploration, and arts and literature flourished. The rulers of many European states made unsuccessful bids to marry Elizabeth, and she manipulated her suitors to strengthen England's position in Europe. She was succeeded by James I.

Elizabethan religious settlement

re-establishment of the Protestant church in England by Queen Elizabeth I during the Reformation. Papal authority was renounced in the Act of Supremacy (1559), and the Prayer Book of 1552, introduced under Edward VI, was restored in the Act of Uniformity (1559). The Thirty-Nine Articles (1571) confirmed Protestant doctrine, particularly the use of the English bible and justification by faith. However, at the

same time, the settlement made certain concessions to Roman Catholics in England. Elizabeth declared herself only supreme governor of the English church rather than supreme head as her father Henry VIII had done. She kept bishops, music, and vestments, and allowed the celebration of saints' days. Article 22 of the Thirty-Nine Articles declared that 'Romish a fond thing vainly invented' and Article 28 declared that 'Transubstantiation ... is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture'. However, the Protestant doctrine of the real presence was a move towards the doctrine of transubstantiation (the transformation of bread and water into the body and blood of Jesus during the Eucharist). For this reason, the Elizabethan settlement is often portrayed as a 'middle way' in religion. Nevertheless, the guiding principle was the Act of Uniformity (1559), not a declaration of religious toleration in the 16th century rulers did not allow their subjects the right to worship according to their conscience.

Elizabeth of York (14651503)

Wife of Henry VII and queen of England. She was the daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, and was born in Westminster. Her 1486 marriage to Henry united the Yorkist and Lancastrian lines. She was the mother of Henry VIII and of Margaret, who married James IV of Scotland.

Ella (died 588)

First king of Deira (55988) in modern-day Yorkshire, England.

Elphinstone, Mountstuart (17791859)

British historian and statesman. He entered the civil service of the East India Company in 1796 and became one of the founders of Britain's Indian empire. Elphinstone was aide-de-camp to Marquess Wellesley in 1803, and was envoy to Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1808. He helped to win the battle of Kirki against the Mahrattas in 1817, and was made governor of Bombay (now Mumbai) 181927. He subsequently refused the governor-generalship of India owing to ill-health. Among his publications are The History of India (1841, 1866) and The Rise of British Power in the East (1887).

Elton, Geoffrey Rudolph (19211994)

Czechoslovakian-born British historian. During World War II he worked in intelligence before teaching at Cambridge University from 1949 and becoming Regius Professor of History in 1983. His reputation was made through his study of the Tudor monarchs of England and the 'Tudor revolution' in government in the 1530s. He has since written a series of books on this and related subjects, the most well-known being England under the Tudors and The Practice of History.

Ely Cathedral
cathedral in Ely, Cambridgeshire, England. Its long nave, high west tower, adjoining transept tower, octagon, and Lady Chapel, make it a completely original composition that stands out from the flat fenland in every direction. The present cathedral was begun by Abbot Simeon, a kinsman of William the Conqueror, in 1083, though it was not the see of a bishop until 1109.

Elyot, Thomas (c. 14901546)

English diplomat and scholar. In 1531 he published The Governour, the first treatise on education in English. He published the first Latin-English dictionary in 1538.

emancipation of women
in Britain, the changing social, economic, and political role of women in the 19th and 20th centuries. The inequalities of Britain's traditionally male-dominated society were first voiced by the English feminist Mary Wollstonecraft in the late 18th-century. Great advances in women's rights were made over the subsequent centuries by the women's movement, as women gained new legal rights, particularly within marriage; women's suffrage (the right to vote); and legislation against discrimination in the workplace and sexual harassment. However, by the end of the 20th century sexism still persisted in many areas of society, and the equal representation of men and women had still not been achieved, particularly at levels of seniority in certain professions.

Emmet, Robert (17781803)

Irish nationalist leader, born in Dublin city and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he gained renown as a brilliant speaker. Active in the radical United Irishmen organization, Emmet came to prominence in the revolutionary movement after the Irish Rebellion of 1798 and appealed for French aid. In 1803 he led an unsuccessful revolt in Dublin against British rule and was captured, tried, and hanged. His youth and courage made him an Irish hero. Emmet was expelled from Trinity College for his United Irish activities in 1798. He went to Paris in 1800 to seek French support for another rising, interviewing both Napoleon and his foreign minister Talleyrand, but returned to Dublin empty-handed in 1802. The following year Emmet began to organize a new rebellion. He planned to capture Dublin Castle with a surprise attack, but discovery, through an accidental explosion in his powder store, thwarted his plans and led to a premature rising on 23 July 1803. Several people, including the Lord Chief Justice Lord Kilwarden, were killed when Emmet's men took over Thomas Street. Although initially surprised, the authorities soon quashed the rising and Emmet, like Thomas Russell who had tried to raise the north, was executed. His speech from the dock, in which he said his

epitaph would never be written till Ireland was free, led to his portrayal as a martyr by romantic nationalists of the later 19th century.

Employers and Workmen Act

UK act of Parliament 1875 which limited to civil damages the penalty for a breach of contract of employment by a worker. Previously, employees who broke their contracts faced penalties imposed under criminal law.

Employer's Liability Act

UK act of Parliament 1880, which obtained for workers or for their families a right to compensation from employers whose negligence resulted in industrial injury or death at work.

Empson, Richard (died 1510)

English lawyer and politician. With Edmund Dudley he was an unpopular agent of Henry VII, employed in exacting taxes and penalties due to the Crown. Both men had a reputation for harshness and tyranny. In 1491 Empson became Speaker of the House of Commons, and in 1504 chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. In the second year of Henry VIII's reign he and Dudley were both accused of treason, and were beheaded at Tower Hill.

in Britain, seizure of common land and change to private property, or the changing of open-field systems (farming in strips apportioned over two or three large fields) to enclosed fields owned by individual farmers. The enclosed fields were often used for sheep. This process began in the 14th century and became widespread in the 15th and 16th centuries. It caused poverty, homelessness, and rural depopulation, and resulted in revolts in 1549 and 1607. A further wave of enclosures occurred between about 1760 and 1820 during the agrarian revolution.


(Image Research Machines plc)

The agrarian revolution saw enclosure of farmland by hedges. Enclosure made crop rotation possible and also allowed room for the use of new farm machinery that was being developed. Enclosure revolutionized the farming system and although a number of farmers profited by the system, many lost their rights to land, particularly with the restrictions to common grazing lands.

treaty between Charles I and an alliance of Scottish royalists and moderate Presbyterians 26 December 1647 by which he agreed to abolish Episcopacy and restore Presbyterianism in return for their support against the parliamentarians who had overthrown him. The Scots agreed to control the militia, abolish the army, call a new Parliament, and restore the King by force if necessary. Oliver Cromwell's parliamentarian army smashed the Scottish army at Preston August 1648, and the more radical Kirk party gained the ascendancy in Scotland. See also Heads of Proposals.

England and France, medieval

the conquest of England in 1066 by William of Normandy involved England in the affairs of France, and there were few times in the Middle Ages when England and France were at peace. Under the feudal system the English crown owed feudal allegiance to the king of France for its lands in France an irksome duty as, for most of the Middle Ages, the English monarchy was far more powerful than the French. Equally, the rulers of France wanted to unite France under their control. As the Middle Ages progressed, medieval trade and dynastic quarrels became enmeshed with growing nationalism in both countries, which intensified the conflict. Even during William (I) the Conqueror's reign, Philip I of France (reigned 10601108) had attacked Normandy, and William died in 1087 as a result of an accident while taking Mantes (now Mantes-la-Jolie), only 48 km/30 mi from Paris.

Henry II's marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152 gave him a large portion of France; he became count of Normandy, Maine, Anjou, Touraine, Gascony, Aquitaine, and Poitou. The French king Philip II (reigned 11801223) set about destroying English power. During the reign of John (I) Lackland, Philip drove the English out of Normandy, consolidating his power at the Battle of Bouvines (1214). Trouble, however, festered throughout the 13th century. Philip IV the Fair (reigned 1285 1314), taking quarrels between English and Norman sailors as an excuse, declared Gascony and Aquitaine forfeit at the beginning of 1294. Edward I of England built up a European alliance against Philip, while Philip allied himself with Scotland, beginning the traditional Franco-Scottish alliance (the Auld Alliance), which lasted until 1560. Edward's attempts to regain his French territory in the 1290s, ending with his unsuccessful invasion of 129798, were hampered by risings in Wales and Scotland, as well as opposition in England. Relations with France were temporarily smoothed after 1299 by the marriage of the widowed Edward I to Philip IV's sister, Margaret. Edward's son and successor, Edward II, married a daughter of Philip IV, Isabella, in 1308. She separated from him and returned to France when her brother Charles IV the Fair seized Edward's lands in France in 1325. However, she returned to England with an invasion force in 1326 and forced Edward to abdicate in favour of their son, Edward III. In 1337 Edward III of England claimed the throne of France through his mother Isabella, starting the Hundred Years' War. Despite famous victories such as the Battle of Agincourt (1415) celebrated in Shakespeare's play Henry V the English were slowly driven out of France. By 1453, when the war ended, Calais alone remained in English hands. For further details see England: history to 1485.

England and Ireland, medieval

during the Middle Ages, the English crown tried but failed to extend their control over Ireland, a country that had been divided into a number of kingdoms, with the most powerful king being recognized as the high king. The Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland had begun haphazardly in the late 1160s by Anglo-Norman adventurers, but full-scale invasion took place under Henry II in 1171. However, although colonization began over large areas of land, particularly on the eastern seaboard in the area around Dublin known as the English Pale, Irish resistance, rivalries among the AngloNorman colonists, and their absorption into Irish life and society, led to the conquest losing its impetus. By the end of the 15th century the attempted conquest of Ireland by the English crown remained incomplete.

Norman invasion
Anglo-Norman mercenaries began to appear in Ireland from 1167, in the service of the exiled king of Leinster, Dermot MacMurrough. In 1169 MacMurrough was aided by a large Anglo-Norman force, led by a number of barons who intended to reinstate MacMurrough and acquire land for themselves. Their figurehead, Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke (known as 'Strongbow'), arrived in 1170, married MacMurrough's daughter, and succeeded him as ruler of Leinster in 1171. At this point King Henry II of England, who had already been given permission by the pope to invade Ireland

and reform the Irish church in 1151, hurried to Ireland to assume control of his barons he feared the development of an independent Norman state on his western shore. Between 1171 and 1172 he received the submission of his barons, the Irish bishops, and most Irish kings. The Treaty of Windsor (1175) made the English crown the overlord of Ireland, with the high king of Ireland ruling as its vassal (feudal tenant) outside Leinster, Meath, and the region around Waterford.

The Irish were allowed to keep their own laws, but the English barons were given lands in Ireland, and immigrants were brought in from England, Wales, France, and Flanders. An English lord deputy (governor) was appointed to rule Ireland from Dublin, and Irish kings were refused security of succession. Although native Irish rulers were technically tenants of either an Anglo-Norman baron or the English crown under the feudal system, in reality they were practically free to do as they wished. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Norman barons (later known as the Anglo-Irish) gradually became politically and culturally more Irish than the Gaelic Irish.

decline of Anglo-Norman and crown control

King John (I) Lackland extended English law to Ireland, and fought a campaign in 1210 to bring Ireland more under English control, but his attempt failed when the Anglo-Norman barons rebelled in 1215. In 1315 the Irish rebelled under the leadership of the Scottish earl Edward Bruce (brother of the Robert (I) the Bruce, king of Scotland) but were defeated in 1317. Edward III (reigned 132777) tried to reassert English control over Ireland, but failed. By 1327 nearly half the colonized Anglo-Norman lands were held by absentee landlords who preferred not to live in Ireland, adding to the difficulties of securing control. The Black Death in Ireland caused even more colonists, of all classes, to migrate back to England and the remaining Anglo-Norman landlords became increasingly dependant on their Irish tenants. Under the Statutes of Kilkenny (1367) the crown restricted royal control of Ireland to the English Pale. The English settlers were prohibited from adopting the Irish language or marrying the Irish. The Irish, called 'enemies' by the Statutes, were to be left to their own devices and their own laws, and were banned from 'English' towns. Richard II (reigned 137799) defeated the Leinster Irish in his expedition of 139495, and nearly all Irish leaders and rebels submitted to his authority, but he was unable to achieve control.

15th-century assimilation and rebellion

The English Pale shrank even more in the 15th century, to the eastern counties of Louth, Meath, Dublin, and Kildare. By now Anglo-Irish leaders were paying Irish bards (minstrels, poets, and storytellers) and historians to stress their Irish roots. The struggle for succession to the English crown in the Wars of the Roses (145585) made it even harder to keep royal control, and the Anglo-Irish supported two pretenders to the English throne: Lambert Simnel, crowned in Dublin in 1487, and Perkin Warbeck, who was made welcome in Ireland in 1491. King Henry VII

retaliated by appointing a new lord deputy to govern Ireland, who made all English parliamentary legislation applicable to Ireland under Poynings's Law (1494), but within two years the Anglo-Irish had their preferred candidate reinstalled as lord deputy. By the end of the Middle Ages English control over Ireland had still not been established. For further details see Ireland: history 11541485, Ireland: history 14851603, and England: history to 1485.

England and Scotland, medieval

during the Middle Ages, there were continual wars between England and Scotland, as the smaller northern kingdom tried to free itself from domination by the English kings. Scotland put pressure on England whenever the English crown was vulnerable, such as during the Norman Conquest in the 11th century, the civil war between Stephen and Matilda in the 12th century, and during the frequent wars between medieval England and France, beginning the traditional Franco-Scottish alliance (the Auld Alliance) that lasted until 1560. Robert (I) the Bruce established the independence of the Scottish crown in the early 14th century, but attempts to extend Scottish control into England under James IV in the early 16th century were decisively defeated.

England and Wales, medieval

during the Middle Ages, the English crown conquered and subdued Wales, a country that had been divided into many small principalities before the Norman Conquest. After William (I) the Conqueror established his Norman barons on the Welsh border during the Norman Conquest, the next two centuries saw a prolonged struggle against Anglo-Norman aggression. English dominance was completed by the end of the 13th century with the defeat of Llewelyn (II) ap Gruffydd by Edward I. Although the self-styled 'Prince of Wales', Owen Glendower made a strong bid for Welsh independence in the early 15th century, Wales was reconquered. The Act of Union (1536) formerly united Wales to England.

England: history to 1485

for the prehistory of England see Britain, ancient, and for England in the Roman period see Roman Britain.

England: history 14851714

for earlier periods of English history see Britain, ancient, Roman Britain, and England: history to 1485.

English architecture, medieval

during the Middle Ages (11thmid-16th centuries), two styles dominated English architecture: Norman, or Romanesque, (11th12th centuries) and Gothic (late 12th mid-16th centuries).

English art, medieval

in the Middle Ages (10th15th centuries), Romanesque, (or Norman) medieval art (10th12th centuries) and Gothic art (late 12th15th centuries) were the main styles found in English art.

Romanesque, or Norman, art

The art of the 10th12th centuries is chiefly evident in church architecture and church sculpture, on capitals and portals, and in manuscript illumination. Romanesque art was typified by the rounded arch, and combined naturalistic elements with the fantastic, poetical, and pattern-loving Celtic and Germanic traditions. Imaginary beasts and medieval warriors mingle with biblical themes. The 10th-century schools of Winchester and Canterbury produced illuminated manuscripts such as the Benedictional of St Ethelwold (about 96080; British Museum, London).

Gothic art
The art of the late 12th15th centuries developed as large cathedrals were built all over Europe, and what little sculpture has survived the destructions of the Reformation and, later, the Civil War of the 17th century is heavily indebted to French works. Sculptural decoration in stone became more monumental, and stained glass filled the tall windows. Figures were also carved in wood. Court patronage produced exquisite small ivories, goldsmiths' work, devotional books illustrated with miniatures, and tapestries depicting romantic tales. Popular themes included the dance of death (a representation of death leading people to the grave), particularly following the Black Death epidemic in the mid-14th century. Examples of painting and illustration include the Luttrell Psalter (about 1340; British Museum), notable for its depictions of English life and labour; and the 14th-century Queen Mary's Psalter (British Museum), with illustrations of biblical history and representations of medieval life and work. One of the few named figures of the period was the 13th-century illuminator and chronicler, Matthew Paris. The late 14th-century Wilton Diptych (National Gallery, London), showing Richard II presented to the Virgin and Child, is a rare example of medieval English panel painting.

English literature, medieval

in medieval England (12th15th century), the ascendancy of Norman-French culture in the post-Conquest era, followed by the re-emergence of native English works by such authors as Chaucer, Langland, and Malory, and numerous anonymous authors,

marked the Middle English period of English literature. Towards the end of the Middle Ages, more lay people were literate, and the Paston Letters form one of the first records of one family's ordinary lives. These, together with a growing number of financial and legal records, sermons, chronicles, poems, and charters, form the basis of modern historical knowledge of the period. Although the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle continued to be written until 1154, with the arrival of a Norman ruling class at the end of the 11th century, the ascendancy of Norman-French in cultural life began, and it was not until the 13th century that English literature regained its strength. Prose was concerned chiefly with popular devotional use, but verse emerged typically in the metrical chronicles, such as Layamon's Brut, and the numerous romances based on the stories of Charlemagne, the legends of King Arthur and the Holy Grail, and the classical episodes of Troy, derived from Homer's Iliad (c. 700 BC). First of the great English poets was Geoffrey Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales (c. 1387), whose early work reflected the formality of the predominant French influence, but later the realism of Renaissance Italy. Of purely native inspiration was the medieval alliterative poem Piers Plowman (136786) by William Langland, and the anonymous Pearl, Patience, and Gawayne and the Grene Knight. Chaucer remained unmatched in the period, although the poet John Skelton was one of Chaucer's more original successors; the first secular morality play in English, Magnyfycence (1516), was written by Skelton. More successful were the anonymous authors of songs and carols, and of the ballads, which often formed a complete cycle, such as those concerned with the outlaw Robin Hood. Many stories were carried by travelling minstrels. Drama flourished in the form of mystery plays and morality plays. Prose reached new heights in the 15th century with Thomas Malory's retelling of the Arthurian legends in Le Morte d'Arthur (c. 1470).

legal term used to denote those not of Norman stock after the Norman conquest of England 1066. A person's ethnic status would determine, for example, how they were treated by courts: murder cases in which the victim was English were deemed to be less serious than those in which the victim was a Norman. The term also applied to those areas, especially the low-lying areas in the Marches of Wales, where 'English', meaning Anglo-Norman, customs prevailed over Welsh law.

Ennals, David Hedley (19221995)

British Labour politician. After entering Parliament as MP for Dover in 1964, he held several posts in Harold Wilson's government. He lost his seat in 1970 and from 1970 to 1973 was campaign director of the National Association for Mental Health. In February 1974 he was elected MP for Norwich North and in March 1974 became minister of state at the Foreign Office. He entered the Cabinet in July 1976 as secretary of state for Social Services.

theory emphasizing the primary influence of the environment on the development of groups or individuals. It stresses the importance of the physical, biological, psychological, or cultural environment as a factor influencing the structure or behaviour of animals, including humans. In politics this has given rise in many countries to Green parties, which aim to 'preserve the planet and its people'.

Eric Bloodaxe
King of Norway, succeeded 942 on the abdication of his father, Harald I Fairhair, and killed seven of his eight half-brothers who had rebelled against him, hence his nickname. He was deposed by his youngest half-brother Haakon 947 and fled to England, where he became ruler of the Norse kingdom of Northumbria 948. He was expelled 954 and killed in battle at Stainmore, Yorkshire (now in Cumbria).

Ermine Street
ancient road of Roman origin, or possibly earlier, running from London to York, and by extension to southern Scotland. The name is also applied to the Silchester to Gloucester route. Ermine Street, along with Watling Street, and the Icknield and Foss Ways, were specially protected by the King's Peace at least from Norman times and probably earlier.

Erskine, Thomas (17501823)

1st Baron Erskine

British barrister and lord chancellor. He was called to the Bar in 1778 and defended a number of parliamentary reformers on charges of sedition. When the Whig Party returned to power 1806 he became lord chancellor and a baron. Among his speeches were those in defence of Lord George Gordon, Thomas Paine, and Queen Caroline.

Esher, William Baliol Brett, Viscount (18151899)

English lawyer and politician. He was called to the Bar in 1840 and became a QC (Queen's Cousel) in 1861. In the House of Commons he was prominent in promoting bills relating to the administration of law and justice. As a justice of the Court of Common Pleas he provoked criticism for some of his sentences in strike cases. On the reconstruction of the Court of Appeal he was made a lord justice. He succeeded George Jessel as master of the rolls in 1883, and retired from the Bench in 1897,

when he was made a viscount. The Solicitors Act of 1888, which enhanced the powers of the Incorporated Law Society, owed much to Esher's influence. Esher was born in London, England. He was educated at Westminster and Caius College, Cambridge.

Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex (15661601)

English soldier and politician. Having taken part in the Dutch fight against Spain, he became a favourite with Queen Elizabeth I in 1587, but fell from grace because of his policies in Ireland, where he was Lieutenant from 1599, and was executed.

Essex, Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex (15911646)

English soldier. Eldest son of the 2nd earl, he commanded the Parliamentary army at the inconclusive English Civil War battle of Edgehill in 1642. Following a disastrous campaign in Cornwall, he resigned his command in 1645. He succeeded to the earldom in 1604.

Essex, Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex (c. 15411576)

English nobleman and soldier. In 1569 he raised troops to suppress the northern rebellion under the earls of Westmorland and Northumberland, and was made earl of Essex in 1572 for his service. His attempts to subdue and colonize Ulster (157375) were unsuccessful, though he conducted his campaign with great cruelty. Elizabeth I recalled him in 1575, but he was reappointed earl marshal of Ireland in 1576, and died in Dublin.

Esteve-Coll, Elizabeth Anne Loosemore (1938 )

British museum administrator. Keeper of the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum 198588, she became director of the museum itself in 1988. Her reorganization of the museum staff 1989, when she split the administrative and research roles, led to widespread criticism and the resignation of several senior curators. She spent ten years travelling round the world with her husband before taking a degree in art history and becoming a librarian.

Ethelbert (c. 552616)

King of Kent 560616. He was defeated by the West Saxons in 568 but later became ruler of England south of the River Humber. Ethelbert received the Christian

missionary Augustine in 597 and later converted to become the first Christian ruler of Anglo-Saxon England. He issued the first written code of laws known in England. He married a French princess, Bertha.

Ethelfleda (died 918)

English princess, daughter of King Alfred. She was successful in helping her brother Edward to subdue the Danes, and on the death of her husband Ethelred, a highranking noble of Mercia 911, she ruled his lands alone, and was called the 'Lady of the Mercians'. She built fortresses to resist the Danes.

Ethelred (II) the Unready (9681016)

King of England from 978, following the murder of his half-brother, Edward the Martyr. He was son of King Edgar. Ethelred tried to buy off the Danish raiders by paying Danegeld. In 1002 he ordered the massacre of the Danish settlers, provoking an invasion by Sweyn I of Denmark. War with Sweyn and Sweyn's son, Canute, occupied the rest of Ethelred's reign. His nickname is a corruption of the Old English 'unreed', meaning badly counselled or poorly advised.

Ethelred I
Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex 86571, son of Ethelwulf and elder brother of Alfred the Great. Together with his brother Alfred he resisted a large-scale invasion of East Anglia in 865 by the Danes, defending Mercia and forcing them to abandon Nottingham in 868. The Danes established a stronghold in Reading in 870 and Ethelred drove them out then defeated them at Ashdown in 871. He died of wounds sustained in this battle in April 871. Despite some defeats shortly after, Ethelred had paved the way for Wessex to unite England in opposition to the Danes.

Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex 83956 and father of Alfred the Great and Ethelred I. Before succeeding his father, Egbert, to the throne of Wessex, Ethelwulf had been sub-king of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Essex. He had mixed success against the great Danish armies of the mid-9th century: at first he was defeated at sea 842, but recovered to rout the Danes at Aclea 851. In 855 he made a pilgrimage to Rome and on his return married a Frankish princess. Ethelred succeeded him on his death as Ethelred had succeeded his father, and this established the West Saxon tradition of succession from father to son.

Evans, Edward Ratcliffe (18811957)

British naval commander. Evans was second-in-command of the ill-fated Antarctic Expedition of 1909 and led the expedition safely home after the death of Capt Scott 1913. During World War I, he commanded HMS Broke in the Dover Patrol.

Exclusion Bills
in England, series of measures in the reigns of Charles I and II attempting to exclude Catholics from office. The first bill, proposed June 1641, aimed to exclude bishops from sitting in parliament in order to weaken Charles I's support in the House of Lords. The measure was initially rejected by the Lords, but after Charles' attempt to arrest the Five Members it was reintroduced, becoming law February 1642. From 167881 a series of measures were proposed during the Exclusion Crisis which were designed to bar Charles II's Catholic brother, James, duke of York, from the throne. A bill was introduced in the aftermath of the Popish Plot to ensure the succession of Charles' illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth and Charles dissolved parliament to prevent the bill's passage. A similar measure was introduced 1680 but was rejected by the House of Lords. Charles summoned the next parliament to Oxford, but another exclusion bill was put forward 1681 and Charles again dissolved parliament.

Exeter Cathedral
cathedral church of St Peter in Exeter, Devon, England, around whose foundations exist remains of the Roman baths and Saxon conventual buildings. It springs from a monastic church established by Athelstan in 932 and rebuilt by Canute in 1017. From the outside the cathedral is most remarkable for its massive transeptal towers (1112 33), which leave unbroken the great roof, 90 m/295 ft long. The magnificent Gothic interior is built to one plan, unlike any other English cathedral except Salisbury.

in English history, one of the travelling courts set up by Henry II 1176 to enforce conformity to the king's will; they continued into the 13th century. Justices in eyre were the judges who heard pleas at these courts.

Fabian Society
UK socialist organization for research, discussion, and publication, founded in London in 1884. Its name is derived from the Roman commander Fabius Maximus, and refers to the evolutionary methods by which it hopes to attain socialism by a succession of gradual reforms. Early members included the playwright George

Bernard Shaw and Beatrice and Sidney Webb. The society helped to found the Labour Representation Committee in 1900, which became the Labour Party in 1906.

factory act
in Britain, an act of Parliament which governs conditions of work, hours of labour, safety, and sanitary provision in factories and workshops. In the 19th century legislation was progressively introduced to regulate conditions of work. The first legislation was the Health and Morals of Apprentices Act 1802. Much early legislation regulated conditions for women and children, but men were also gradually brought within the protection of the law. In 1833 the first factory inspectors were appointed. Legislation was extended to offices, shops, and railway premises in 1963. All employees are now covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which is enforced by the Health and Safety Executive.

Dark Satanic Mills: The Industrial Revolution in Britain

The Industrial Revolution in Britain The British economy changed dramatically in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Technological innovation, agricultural development, communications improvements, growing trade, and the increased consumer demand and labour supply afforded by a rising population took Britain to the forefront of economic progress. These changes had a profound impact on the lives and the mental outlook of contemporaries. Technological development Though the rate of industrialization in Britain in the late 18th century was less impressive than used to be believed, and was restricted to only a few sectors (notably cotton textiles and metallurgy), a sense of economic change and the possibilities of progress was powerfully obvious to many contemporary observers. A popular metaphor was that of Prometheus Unbound, of extraordinary opportunities offered by technological innovation. John Kay's flying shuttle of 1733, which was in general use in Yorkshire by the 1780s, increased the productivity of hand-loom weavers. James Hargreaves' spinning jenny c. 1764, Richard Arkwright's 'spinning frame' 1768, and Samuel Crompton's mule 1779 revolutionized textile spinning. Arkwright and his partners built a number of cotton mills in Lancashire and the Midlands with all the characteristic features of factory system, including the precise division of labour and the cooperation of workers in different manufacturing processes. Cotton production grew by nearly 13% in the 1780s. In 1769 James Watt patented a more energy-efficient use of steam engines. Steam pumps removed water from deep coal mines, and steam-powered winding engines were introduced in the early 1790s. Coal production increased rapidly, allowing a similar increase in the production of iron and lead. Canals and waggon-ways built to move coal prompted a wider revolution in transportation: for example, the 4th Duke of

Portland built a new harbour at Troon on the west coast of Scotland 1808, linked to his coal pits at Kilmarnock by a waggon-way which during 1839 carried over 130,000 tons of coal. The coalfields attracted new, heavy industry, particularly in South Wales, Strathclyde, Northeast England, West Yorkshire, South Lancashire, the Vale of Trent, and the West Midlands. The smelting of iron and steel using coke, rather than charcoal, freed a major industry from dependence on wood supplies, while technological development spurred by Britain's wars and the demands of an Empire revolutionized the secondary metallurgical industries, especially gun founding. The percentage of the male labour force employed in industry rose from 19 in 1700 to 30 in 1800. The social dimension The strains of industrialization in the early 19th century caused much social and political tension. Improvements in working conditions brought about by technological changes were very gradual, with the result that general living standards only began to rise noticeably after mid-century. The social and indeed biological pressure placed on the bulk of the population by the emergence of industrial work methods and economics is indicated by a marked decline in the height of army recruits in the second quarter of the century. Working conditions were often unpleasant and hazardous with, for example, numerous fatalities in mining accidents. The Factory Acts regulating conditions of employment in the textile industry still left work there both long and arduous. The 1833 Act established a factory inspectorate and prevented the employment of under-9s, but 913 year olds could still work 8-hour days, and 1317 year olds 12 hours. The 1844 Act cut that of under-13s to 6 and a half hours, and of 18-year olds and all women to 12; those of 1847 and 1850 reduced the hours of women and under-18s to 10 hours. Despite such legislation, there were still about 5,000 half-timers under 13 in the Bradford worsted industry in 1907. If the bulk of the working population faced difficult circumstances, the situation was even worse for those more marginal to the new economy. 'Hell is a city much like London A populous and a smoky city;' The poet Shelley's comment in Peter Bell the Third 1819 seemed increasingly appropriate. Fast-expanding towns became crowded and polluted, a breeding ground for disease. In 1852, 8,032 of the 9,453 houses in Newcastle lacked toilets. Britain the world leader The Industrial Revolution gave Britain a distinctive economy. It became the world leader in industrial production and foreign trade. The annual averages of coal and lignite production, in million metric tons, for 182024 were 18 for Britain, compared with 2 for France, Germany, Belgium, and Russia combined. The comparable figures for 185559 were 68 and 32, and for 188084 159 and 108. The annual production of pig-iron in million metric tons in 1820 was 0.4 for Britain and the same for the rest of Europe, in 1850 2.3 and 0.9, and in 1880 7.9 and 5.4. Raw cotton consumption in thousand metric tons in 1850 was 267 for Britain and 162 for the rest of Europe. Britain was the workshop of the world.

Fairfax, Thomas (16121671)

3rd Baron Fairfax

English general, commander-in-chief of the Parliamentary army in the English Civil War. With Oliver Cromwell he formed the New Model Army and defeated Charles I at the Battle of Naseby. He opposed the king's execution, resigned in protest against the invasion of Scotland in 1650, and participated in the restoration of Charles II after Cromwell's death. Knighted in 1640, he succeeded to the barony in 1648.

in the middle ages, large scale gatherings combining trade with sideshows and other entertainment. Unlike markets which were usually weekly and local, fairs took place only once or twice a year and so attracted commercial buyers from great distances. Many now survive as civic festivals, such as Nottingham's Goose Fair or Oxford's St. Giles' Fair, but modern trade fairs, such as the Farnborough Air Show, maintain the tradition. In the USA, each state holds an annual fair in the autumn that combines agricultural and business exhibits with rides and games; the largest is the Texas State Fair. Many counties or regions within states also hold fairs during that season.

Faithfull, Emily (18351895)

British philanthropist and writer. She was devoted to the improvement of the status, remuneration, and working conditions of women. Her publications include Change upon Change (1868) and Three Visits to America (1884). In 1860, she started the Victoria Press, employing women to do the printing. Between 1863 and 1881, she published the Victoria Magazine, and used it as a platform to plead for greater equality between the sexes.

Falaise, treaty of
treaty 1174 between King William I of Scotland and Henry II of England under which William became Henry's vassal. William had been captured at Alnwick during an invasion of England and was imprisoned in Normandy until he and the Scottish nobility agreed to swear loyalty to Henry.

Falkender, Marcia Matilda (1932 )

Baroness Falkender; or Marcia Williams

English political worker, private and political secretary to Labour prime minister Harold Wilson from 1956. She was influential in the 'kitchen cabinet' of the 196470 government, as described in her book Inside No 10 (1972).

Falkirk, Battle of
battle 22 July 1298 at Falkirk, 37 km/23 mi west of Edinburgh at which Edward I of England defeated the Scots. Sir William Wallace faced the English in open battle, but his cavalry fled and his spearmen were outmatched by the English archers. The battle led to Wallace's fall from power.

Falkland, Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount (c. 16101643)

English soldier and politician. He was elected to the Long Parliament 1640 and tried hard to secure a compromise peace between Royalists and Parliamentarians. He was killed at the Battle of Newbury in the Civil War. Viscount 1633.

Falklands War
war between Argentina and Britain over disputed sovereignty of the Falkland Islands initiated when Argentina invaded and occupied the islands on 2 April 1982. On the following day, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution calling for Argentina to withdraw. A British task force was immediately dispatched and, after a fierce conflict in which more than 1,000 Argentine and British lives were lost, 12,000 Argentine troops surrendered and the islands were returned to British rule on 1415 June 1982. In April 1990 Argentina's congress declared the Falkland Islands and other Britishheld South Atlantic islands part of the new Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego.

Faulkner, (Arthur) Brian (Deane) (19211977)

Baron Faulkner of Downpatrick

Northern Irish Unionist politician and the last prime minister of Northern Ireland 197172 before the Stormont parliament was suspended. Elected to the Northern Ireland House of Commons in 1949, he held various ministerial posts 195971, and became leader of the Unionist Party in 1971. As prime minister he adopted a tough stance against republicans, reintroducing internment in 1971, but also tried to win middle-class Catholic support by offering nationalists a role in the parliamentary committee system. In 1973 he committed his party to the ill-fated Sunningdale powersharing agreement.

Born in Helen's Bay, County Down and educated at St Columba's College, Dublin, Faulkner joined the family shirtmaking business before securing election to Stormont. He was elected Unionist MP for East Down 192973 and was successively appointed minister for home affairs (195963), commerce (196369), and development 196971. Considered a hardliner, Faulkner opposed prime minister Terence O'Neill's liberal policies and his resignation from the cabinet helped bring O'Neill down in 1969. He was beaten by one vote for the leadership of the Unionist Party by James Chichester-Clarke but succeeded him in March 1971. Faulkner lost much Unionist support following the failure of internment and the suspension of Stormont by Edward Heath's government in 1972. He committed his party to the Sunningdale power-sharing agreement in December 1973, briefly leading the executive, but lost further support when Sunningdale collapsed following a loyalist strike. He resigned from politics in 1976 and was made Baron in 1977.

Fawcett, Millicent (18471929)

born Millicent Garrett

English suffragist and social reformer, younger sister of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson. A non-militant, she rejected the violent acts of some of her contemporaries in the suffrage movement. She joined the London Suffrage Committee in 1868 and became president of the Women's Unionist Association in 1889. She was president of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWWS) 18971919.


(Image Billie Love)

Mrs Henry Fawcett, the English campaigner who was a leading figure in the movement for women's rights for over fifty years. She founded a new women's suffrage society, later uniting the various separate organizations into the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Opposed to the militant tactics of the Pankhursts, she believed that the enfranchisement of women could be achieved by peaceful means.

Fawkes, Guy (15701606)

English conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up King James I and the members of both Houses of Parliament. Fawkes, a Roman Catholic convert, was arrested in the cellar underneath the House of Lords on 4 November 1605, tortured, and executed. The event is still commemorated in Britain and elsewhere every 5 November with bonfires, fireworks, and the burning of the 'guy', an effigy. Fawkes was born in York of Protestant parents. He became a Roman Catholic, and served in the Spanish army in the Netherlands from 1593 to 1604. The leader of the conspiracy, Robert Catesby, asked him to return to England to take part in the plot. Probably because of his experience as a soldier and his reputation for courage and coolness, he was entrusted with actually carrying out the plan. The plot was betrayed

to the government, and, under torture, Fawkes revealed the names of his fellow conspirators, but, by then, they had already been captured at Holbeach.

Felton, John (15951628)

English assassin. As a lieutenant in the army, he applied to the Duke of Buckingham for promotion and, when this was refused, he stabbed Buckingham to death, for which he was hanged. He was born into an old Suffolk family. On his way to the Tyburn gallows, the crowd publicly blessed him for delivering them from the hated duke.

Fenian movement
Irish-American republican secret society, founded in the USA in 1858 to campaign for Irish-American support for armed rebellion following the death of the Irish nationalist leader Daniel O'Connell and the break-up of Young Ireland. Its name, a reference to the ancient Irish legendary warrior band of the Fianna, became synonymous with underground Irish republicanism in the 19th century. The collapse of the movement began when an attempt to establish an independent Irish republic by an uprising in Ireland in 1867 failed, as did raids into Canada in 1866 and 1870, and England in 1867. In the 1880s the US-based Fenian society Clan-Na-Gael conducted assassinations and bombings through its agents in England and Ireland in an attempt to force Irish home rule. The Fenian movement was initiated by James O'Mahony, Michael Doheny (1805 1863), and James Stephens. O'Mahony ran operations in the USA and Stephens was in charge of Ireland, where the movement emerged as the Irish Republican Brotherhood after 1867. Fenian ideology revolved around the notion of England as an evil power, a mystic commitment to Ireland, and a belief that an independent Irish republic was morally superior to Britain. A Fenian was more likely to be an artisan than a farmer, and the movement found its greatest support in towns. Although a secret organization, James Stephens published a newspaper, Irish People (1863), which compromised Fenian secrecy. Charles Kickham, its leader writer from 1863, was chairman of the Supreme Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood 187382.

Fenwick, John (16451697)

English Jacobite conspirator and professional soldier. A passionate supporter of James II, he was arrested in 1696 for his involvement in a plot to assassinate William III. He was subsequently beheaded.

Ferard, Elizabeth Catherine

English deaconess. Inspired by the Lutheran Kaiserwerth community in Germany, where the deaconess order or diaconate, a nursing order, had been revived with the establishment of the first Protestant hospital (1836), she pioneered the work of the order within the Church of England. She founded a house in London in 1861, and was 'set apart' as a deaconess in 1862. By 1873 the bishops had drawn up guidelines for deaconesses in the church at large. Ferard visited the Kaiserwerth community in 1858, and offered to promote the order in England. She undertook a common rule of life with two companions in a house near Kings Cross in 1861 and Archibald Campbell Tait, bishop of London, made her a deaconess the following year. Although she resigned as leader in 1873, due to ill health, her ideas had already been adopted by other dioceses.

Ferguson, Robert (c. 16371714)

called 'the Plotter'

Scottish pamphleteer and conspirator. He played a leading part in the conspiracies against Charles II and James II, and supported William of Orange, before crossing over to the Jacobites. He was born in Aberdeenshire and spent most of his life involved in various political intrigues. He became vicar of Godmersham, Kent, but was ousted in 1662 by the Act of Uniformity. William's failure to give him the recognition he believed he deserved led him to transfer his services to the Jacobites.

Ferrers, Lawrence Shirley, 4th Earl (17201760)

English peer. In 1760, he was hanged at Tyburn for killing his steward in a fit of temper, and became the last peer to be put to death as a criminal in England.

Festival of Britain
artistic and cultural festival held in London MaySeptember 1951 both to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Great Exhibition and to boost morale after years of post-war austerity. The South Bank of the Thames formed the focal point of the event and the Royal Festival Hall built specially for the festival is a reminder of the modernist style of architecture promoted at the time.

Fidei Defensor
Latin for the title of 'Defender of the Faith' (still retained by British sovereigns) conferred by Pope Leo X on Henry VIII of England in 1521 to reward his writing of a treatise against the Protestant Martin Luther.

Field, Winston Joseph (19041969)

English-born Rhodesian politician. He went to Rhodesia in 1921 and, in 1958, entered politics, becoming prime minister in 1962. In 1964, he was succeeded by the more militant Ian Smith. He was educated at Bromsgrove School, England. Before going into politics, he was a successful tobacco farmer.

Fiennes, Celia (16621741)

English writer. She recorded vivid descriptions of her extensive journeys throughout England and Scotland, mostly between 1685 and 1703. Travelling on horseback and by coach, staying at inns or with relatives, she commented on towns, roads, inns, religious practices, and particularly on local trade and industry. Her diaries, Through England on a Side Saddle in the time of William and Mary, were first published in 1888. Fiennes was born at Newton Toney, near Salisbury, into a Puritan, anti-monarchist family. Her travels were supposedly undertaken for her health, but she admitted that they were inspired by curiosity. During her 'Great Journey' of 1698 she travelled over 1,600 km/1,000 miles.

Fifteen, the
Jacobite rebellion of 1715, led by the 'Old Pretender'James Edward Stuart and the Earl of Mar, in order to place the former on the English throne. Mar was checked at Sheriffmuir, Scotland, and the revolt collapsed.

Mar raised the standard in Scotland on 6 September 1715, and eight days later he captured Perth. The rebellion was also supported by risings in the Lowlands of Scotland and the north of England, and by a naval attack on Plymouth. In England, 'German George' was not liked, and the revolt hoped to gain from the hatred in Scotland of the Act of Union. However, the rebellion was badly organized. Mar waited in Perth for nearly two months, allowing the government forces, led by the Duke of Argyll, to seize Stirling. He then failed to co-ordinate his moves with the rebellions in the Lowlands and the north of England. In November, the attack on Plymouth failed, the rebellion in the north of England was defeated at Preston, and Muir's army of 12,000 failed to defeat Argyll's 3,000 soldiers at the battle of Sheriffmuir. Also, by that time it was clear that the hoped-for French troops were not going to arrive. When James Edward Stuart arrived on 22 December 1715, he found that he was too late the rebellion collapsed.

Fifth Monarchy Men

17th century millenarian sect, particularly strong in Wales, which believed that the rule of Christ and his saints was imminent. The sect's name derives from a prophesy in the Book of Daniel that four ancient monarchies (Assyrian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman) would precede Christ's return. The movement thrived during the interregnum of the 1650s and originally supported Oliver Cromwell until his increasing role seemed at odds with their principals. Subsequently they were persecuted and, despite an abortive rising in London January 1661, they disappeared with the Restoration.

Fillan, St (died 777)

Irish churchman. The son of a Munster prince, he became abbot of the monastery on the Holy Loch in Argyll, Scotland, but withdrew to Upper Glendochart (Strathfillan). In 1318 Robert (I) the Bruce re-established an Augustinian priory there.

Finian, St
Irish churchman. His birthplace is thought to be Idrone, in County Carlow. He founded the monastery of Clonard, in County Meath, and chronicles relate that he taught 3,000 pupils there.

Fire of London
fire 25 September 1666 that destroyed four-fifths of the City of London. It broke out in a bakery in Pudding Lane and spread as far west as the Temple. It destroyed 87 churches, including St Paul's Cathedral, and 13,200 houses, although fewer than 20 people lost their lives.

first fruits and tenths

in England, a form of tax on clergy taking up a benefice. They had to pay a portion of their first year's income (known as annates) and a tenth of their revenue annually thereafter. Originally the money was paid to the papacy, but Henry VIII's Annates Act 1532 diverted the money to the Crown as part of his campaign to pressure the pope into granting him a divorce. Thomas Cromwell set up a special financial administration for these revenues and they later passed under the control of the Exchequer. During the 18th century, these payments formed the basis of Queen Anne's Bounty.

Firth, Charles Harding (18571936)

English historian. He was regius professor of modern history at Oxford University where his principal field of study was the English Civil War period. His works include Scotland and the Commonwealth (1895). Born in Sheffield, he was educated at Clifton and Balliol College, Oxford. Among his other publications are Journal of Joachim Hane (1896), Scotland and the Protectorate (1899), Oliver Cromwell (1900), Cromwell's Army (1901), and The House of Lords during the Civil War (1910), Ludlow's Memoirs (1894), and The Clarke Papers (18911901). He also produced editions of lives of Col Hutchinson (1885) and the Duke of Newcastle (1886). He was knighted in 1922.

Fishbourne Palace
Romano-British villa, near Chichester in West Sussex, dating from the 1st century AD; several magnificent mosaics remain. It may have been built for the Roman client king, Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus who ruled in that area. Originally a Roman supply centre, a palace was built with gardens and baths around AD 60 and about 15 years later, a larger complex was erected, extending well over 10 acres and centred on a large quadrangle with gardens. There were reception rooms, guest suites to the east and north, with the main living quarters looking south over the sea. It was destroyed by fire in the 3rd century.

Fisher, (Norman Fenwick) Warren (18791948)

British civil servant. In 1919 Fisher became permanent secretary to the Treasury and head of the Civil Service. He did much to reorganize the Treasury and to promote high standards of conduct in the civil service as a whole. His idea that permanent secretaries should always be accounting officers, with responsibility for policy and finance, became civil-service practice in 1925.

Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens (18651940)

English politician and historian. He became a Liberal MP in 1916 and was President of the Board of Education. His major historical work was the three-volume History of Europe (1935). Born in London, he was educated at Winchester, at New College, Oxford, and at Paris and Gttingen. He was a tutor and lecturer in modern history at Oxford and was vice chancellor of Sheffield University 191216. While president of the Board of Education, he was responsible for the 1918 Education Act, and he kept the post until the fall of Lloyd George's second coalition government in 1922. Between 1918 and 1926 he sat in the Commons as a National Liberal and from 1925 to his death he was warden of New College, Oxford. His other publications include The Medieval

Empire (1898), The Political History of England (1906), and The Whig Historians (1928), which is an exposition of his philosophy of history.

Fisher, John Arbuthnot (18411920)

1st Baron Fisher

British admiral, First Sea Lord 190410, when he carried out many radical reforms and innovations, including the introduction of the dreadnought battleship. KCB 1894, Baron 1909. He served in the Crimean War 1855 and the China War 185960. He held various commands before becoming First Sea Lord, and returned to the post 1914, but resigned the following year, disagreeing with Winston Churchill over sending more ships to the Dardanelles, Turkey, in World War I.

Fitch, Ralph (c. 15501611)

English merchant adventurer. Fitch travelled overland to India with John Newberry, setting out in 1583 and returning in 1591. The account of this journey was published by Hakluyt in the second edition of his Principall Navigations (1599).

Fitt, Gerry (Gerard) (19262005)

Baron Fitt

Northern Ireland politician. From 1962 to 1972 he represented the Dock Division of Belfast as a Republican Labour member of the Northern Ireland parliament, then founded and led the Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP). He was an SDLP MP for nine years, resigning the leadership in 1979 to sit as an Independent socialist. He lost his Belfast seat in the 1983 general election. Born in Belfast, he joined the Merchant Navy 19411953 before entering full-time politics. He was a member of the Northern Ireland executive 197375, and was its deputy chief executive in 1974. In the course of his career, Fitt, an opponent of violence, had to endure the animosity of both Republican and Loyalist extremists. He became a life peer in 1983.

Fitton, Mary (c. 1578c. 1647)

English courtier and maid of honour to Queen Elizabeth I. Fitton was one of the performers in the masque at the wedding of Lord Herbert in 1600, shortly afterwards

becoming his mistress. Attempts have been made to identify her with the 'dark lady' of Shakespeare's sonnets.

Irish family that bore the title Earl of Desmond; the family line ended in 1583.

or the Geraldines

in Irish history, one of the great Anglo-Irish houses, founded in 1170 by the AngloNorman baron Maurice Fitzgerald, 'the Invader' (d. 1176), with lands at Maynooth, Kildare, granted in 1176. Kildare, and later Desmond, were the two main family branches; the earls of Desmond, with lands in Munster, being the first to gain national prominence in the 14th and 15th centuries. The earls of Kildare enjoyed unprecedented supremacy in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, until their rebellion of 153436, following Tudor attempts to curb their power, ended the family's dominance. In the 18th century the Kildares regained political importance, being rewarded with the hereditary dukedom of Leinster in 1766, but they retired from national public life after the Act of Union (1800). The line continues in Maurice Fitzgerald, 9th Duke of Leinster (1976 ).

Fitzgerald, Edward (17631798)

Irish nationalist politician. As a member of the Society of United Irishmen, he played a leading part in the abortive Irish Rebellion of 1798. The plot was betrayed and Fitzgerald, with a price of 1,000 on his head, sustained a fatal wound while being arrested in Dublin. Fitzgerald was born in Carton House, County Kildare, a younger son of the 1st Duke of Leinster. He joined the British army and served in New Brunswick, Canada, during the American Revolution (177583). At the end of the war, though retaining his army commission, he was elected to represent Athy in the Irish parliament. Increasingly drawn to radical politics, Fitzgerald went to Paris in 1792 to experience the French Revolution at first hand. He was dismissed from the army for attending a political rally there, and also renounced his aristocratic title. After joining the United Irishmen in 1796, he and his fellow patriot Wolfe Tone secured the help of a small French invasion force to launch the 1798 rebellion.

Fitzgerald, Gerald (14871534)

9th Earl of Kildare; called 'the Young'

Irish political leader. The son of the governor Gerald Fitzgerald, 8th Earl, he was appointed lord high treasurer of Ireland in 1504 and served three terms as lord deputy (151320, 152428, and 153234). These were interrupted by English attempts at direct rule, and he was held in custody on several occasions in England. During his final term of imprisonment, rumours of his execution led his son Thomas Fitzgerald to begin the disastrous Kildare uprising. Fitzgerald was educated in England, where he had been left by his father as guarantee to the Tudor dynasty of his good conduct. He assumed the earldom and governorship but was distrusted by Henry VIII's close advisor Thomas Cromwell. Although he survived attempts to overthrow him in 1519 and 1526, Fitzgerald was wounded in battle and became vulnerable to intriguing by the Butlers, earls of Ormond and relatives of the new queen, Anne Boleyn. On their instigation he was summoned to London to answer charges of disloyalty, was imprisoned and died in the Tower.

Fitzgerald, Thomas (15131537)

10th Earl of Kildare; called 'Silken Thomas'

Lord Deputy of Ireland, and leader of the Kildare uprising against Henry VIII in 1534 35. Despite the capture of Dublin, the rebellion failed, Tudor rule in Ireland was consolidated, and Fitzgerald was imprisoned in the Tower of London. He and his five uncles, who had helped him undertake the insurrection, were hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn. Thomas was the son of Gerald Fitzgerald, 9th Earl, and was appointed acting lord deputy by his father when the latter was summoned to England in 1534 to answer charges of disloyalty. When rumours reached him that his father had been executed in London, he renounced his allegiance to Henry VIII, and declared loyalty to the Pope. His attack on Dublin Castle was unsuccessful, but after taking the town his forces murdered Archbishop John Alen. Henry VIII's appointee as lord deputy, William Skeffington, retook Dublin and stormed Fitzgerald's base at Maynooth. Fitzgerald surrendered on a guarantee of personal safety from the English commander, which was then revoked.

Fitzgibbon, John (17491802)

1st Earl of Clare

Irish Unionist politician and lawyer. As lord chancellor of Ireland, he opposed all moves towards Catholic emancipation, and was instrumental in having the proCatholic lord lieutenant, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, dismissed from office after just a few months in 1795. Thereafter, he was a prominent supporter of the Act of Union that merged the British and Irish Parliaments. Born near Donnybrook, Dublin, Fitzgibbon studied at Trinity College, Dublin, and Christ Church, Oxford, and was called to the Irish Bar in 1772. He entered the Irish Parliament in 1778 and became Irish attorney-general in 1783. When appointed lord

chancellor in 1789, he was the first Irishman to hold the post for almost a century. He was popularly despised for his fervent support for the union, and at his funeral in Dublin his coffin was pelted with dead cats.

Fitzherbert, Maria Anne (17561837)

born Maria Anne Smythe

Wife of the Prince of Wales, later George IV. She became Mrs Fitzherbert by her second marriage in 1778 and, after her husband's death in 1781, entered London society. She secretly married the Prince of Wales in 1785 and finally parted from him in 1803. She had been twice widowed before marrying the future George IV. The marriage was in contravention of the Royal Marriages Act of 1772, and therefore not recognized. Moreover, because Mrs Fitzherbert was a Roman Catholic, marriage to her would have lost the Prince of Wales his succession to the throne under the Act of Settlement of 1701. George married Princess Caroline of Brunswick in 1795.

Fitzstephen, William (died c. 1191)

English biographer of Thomas Becket. Fitzstephen's Life and Passion of Archbishop Becket was written in 1174 and printed in 1723. He was present at Becket's death.

Fitzurse, Reginald (lived 1170)

Anglo-Norman knight. Fitzurse was one of Thomas Becket's murderers. He is said to have died in Palestine while paying penance for Becket's death.

Fitzwilliam, Richard (17451816)

7th Viscount Fitzwilliam of Meryon

Irish peer, founder by bequest of the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.

Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth, Viscount Fitzwilliam (17481833)

British statesman. An enthusiastic Whig, Fitzwilliam was among those who joined William Pitt in 1794. He became lord lieutenant of Ireland later that year, but was recalled after he aided the Roman Catholics. When Grenville became Prime Minister, Fitzwilliam served as president of the council.

five articles of Perth

reforms imposed on the Kirk (Scottish church) in 1618 by James VI in an attempt to bring it into line with the English church. The articles were ratified by the Scots Parliament in 1621, despite vehement opposition from some Protestant elements who regarded them as an attempt to make the Scottish church more Catholic; they were rejected by the General Assembly of the Kirk in 1638. The measures mainly concerned matters of order and reverence, such as kneeling when receiving communion, observance of Christmas and Easter, communion for the dying, and infant baptism and confirmation.

Five Boroughs
five East Midlands towns of Leicester, Lincoln, Derby, Stamford, and Nottingham. They were settled by Danish soldiers in the 9th and 10th centuries, and formed an independent confederation within the Danelaw. Their laws contained the first provision in England for a jury to find someone guilty by a majority verdict.

five members
five prominent members of parliament who Charles I tried to have arrested 4 January 1642 for alleged treason. Charles tried to persuade the Lords to arrest the five John Hampden, Sir Arthur Haselrig, Baron Holles, William Strode, and John Pym on charges of treason for their negotiations with the Scots and a perceived threat to his Catholic queen, Henrietta Maria. When the Lords refused to comply, the king came to the Commons himself with 400 armed men but the members were forewarned and escaped by river to the City of London, where they were received as heroes rather than traitors. The whole affair increased the perception that Charles was not to be trusted and led to the exclusion of bishops from the House of Lords.

Five Mile Act

In England, act of 1665 forbidding dissenting clergy from coming within five miles of their former parishes or of any large towns, unless they swore an oath of nonresistance. The act, part of the post-Restoration attempt to entrench Anglicanism, also tried to prevent dissenters from becoming teachers. Most of the act's effects were repealed by 1689 but it was not formally abolished until 1812.

Flambard, Ranulf (died 1128)

Norman-born Chief Justiciar of England under William II. Flambard was William's chief adviser. He became bishop of Durham in 1099 but on Henry I's accession was

imprisoned in the Tower of London. Flambard escaped from the Tower and was later pardoned, regaining his bishopric.

Fleet prison
royal prison in the City of London dating from the 12th century. It originally received prisoners committed by the Star Chamber, an offshoot of the king's council, and was later used to house debtors until it was closed in 1842. It was pulled down two years later.

Fleetwood, Charles (16181692)

English Parliamentary general. Fleetwood climbed the ranks of the Parliamentary army to become a major-general and one of Oliver Cromwell's 'lords'. In 1659 he assisted in the overthrow of Richard Cromwell, and was made lieutenant-general and commander-in-chief by the revived Rump Parliament. His powers were later withdrawn. Fleetwood was married three times, and his second wife, Bridget, was Oliver Cromwell's daughter.

Fleming, Alexander (18811955)

Scottish bacteriologist who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1945 for his discovery of the bactericidal effect of penicillin in 1928. In 1922 he had discovered lysozyme, an antibacterial enzyme present in saliva, nasal secretions, and tears. While studying this, he found an unusual mould growing on a culture dish, which he isolated and grew into a pure culture. This led to his discovery of penicillin, which came into use in 1941. He shared the award with Howard W Florey and Ernst B Chain, whose research had brought widespread realization of the value of penicillin with its isolation and its development as an antibiotic drug.

Fletcher, Andrew of Saltoun (16551716)

Scottish patriot, the most outspoken critic of the Union of Scotland with England of 1707. He advocated an independent Scotland, and a republic or limited monarchy, and proposed 'limitations' to the treaty, such as annual Parliaments. After the Treaty of Union he retired to private life.

Flodden, Battle of

defeat of the Scots by the English under the Earl of Surrey on 9 September 1513, on a site 5 km/3 mi southeast of Coldstream, in Northumberland, England. James IV of Scotland, declaring himself the active ally of France, crossed the border to England with an invading army of 30,000. The Scots were defeated, suffering heavy losses, and James himself was killed.

Flood, Henry (17321791)

Irish statesman. One of Ireland's great orators, Flood entered the Irish Parliament in 1759. He allied with Henry Grattan in the hope of establishing an independent Irish parliament, and held office as vice treasurer of Ireland in 1773. In 1783 he was returned to the British House of Commons.

in the late Roman Empire, trusted native tribes which defended coasts or frontiers from further incursions as Imperial authority receded. Foederati were established in Britain in the 4th century AD, for example the Damnonii of southern Scotland who seem to have entered into an alliance with the Romans in the reign of Theodosius. Gildas and Bede record that in the mid-5th century AD Vortigern invited the AngloSaxons to settle in Kent to defend the coastline.

building with little or no practical purpose built as a curiosity or to catch the eye, popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. A sign of superfluous wealth, many examples take the form of ruined castles and were influenced by the Gothic revival.

in Anglo-Saxon England, the requirement of royal manors to provide provisions for the king's household. The system is recorded in Domesday as a form of payment in kind in the absence of any real system of economic exchange, but over the course of time these duties were transferred to nobles or commuted into a financial payment.

Foot, Dingle Mackintosh (19051978)

British lawyer and Labour politician, solicitor general 196467. He was the brother of Michael Foot. Knighted 1964.

Foot, Hugh Mackintosh (19071990)

Baron Caradon

British Labour politician. As governor of Cyprus 195760, he guided the independence negotiations, and he represented the UK at the United Nations 1964 70. He was the son of Isaac Foot and brother of Michael Foot. KCMG 1951, Baron 1964.

Foot, Isaac (18801960)

British Liberal politician. A staunch Nonconformist, he was minister of mines 1931 32. He was the father of Dingle, Hugh, and Michael Foot.

Foot, Michael Mackintosh (1913 )

British Labour politician and writer. A leader of the left-wing Tribune Group, he was secretary of state for employment 197476, Lord President of the Council and leader of the House 197679, and succeeded James Callaghan as Labour Party leader 198083.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Former Labour Party leader Michael Foot. Born in 1913, Foot was Labour leader from 1980 to 1983. A life-long socialist, Foot was always on the left of the Labour Party, and was also associated throughout his life with the cause of nuclear disarmament.

thief or mugger, operating on foot, who robbed travellers on the highway in the 18th and 19th centuries in Britain. Thieves on horseback were termed highwaymen.

forced loans
in Britain, the right of the Crown to demand money from its subjects without seeking the approval of parliament, especially in times of war. These were technically loans to be repaid and guaranteed with a receipt under the Privy Seal, unlike a benevolence, which was ostensibly a free gift. The practice appears to have started under Henry VII who did repay the money, but from the time of Henry VIII subsequent parliaments

were used to cancel the debt. The loans of 152223 were converted by statute into gifts, and the last loan made to Elizabeth I was never repaid by her successor, James I. Opposition to the practice grew in the reign of the Stuarts, by which time it had become little better than legalized extortion. Charles I raised such a loan after parliament refused to finance his foreign policy 1626 and several prominent nobles who refused to pay were arrested. The Five Knights' Case which resulted upheld the king's power to imprison at will. The uproar over Charles' behaviour led to the Petition of Right 1628, which demanded the king halt arbitrary arrests and not raise taxes without parliamentary consent. Forced loans were declared illegal 1689.

Fordun, John of (died c. 1384)

Scottish chronicler. John of Fordun is said to have been a secular and chantry priest in Aberdeen. He is reputed to have travelled on foot throughout Britain and Ireland in search of material for his Scotichronicoon or Chronica Gentis Scotorum.The five completed volumes of his chronicle are the chief authority on pre-15th-century Scottish history.

forest laws
in England, draconian legislation, enacted mainly during the century following the Norman Conquest, which prohibited common or agricultural use of land deemed to be royal hunting grounds and placed all game in such land under royal protection. Infringement of an order protecting royal forests was severely punished, with harsh penalties including mutilation and even death. It was not even necessary for the land to be wooded and so by the early 13th century almost one third of England was subject to such laws. The laws became increasingly unpopular during the 12th century, and the Magna Carta 1215 mitigated some of the grievances. The scope of the laws was severely limited by a Charter of the Forest in 1217 which specifically limited the areas designated as forest and replaced the harsher penalties with fines. The legislation continued to be enforced up until the time of the Glorious Revolution in 1688: under Elizabeth and the first two Stuarts, technical infringements were used as a means to raise revenue. The laws were not finally abolished until 1817.

in England, confiscation of an outlaw's property, usually divided between the crown and the criminal's lord. In cases of treason all property went to the crown, but in most cases the criminal's land would go to his lord and his chattels to the crown. In the case of great lords, however, a portion of the confiscated lands would usually be restored to the heirs to avoid creating a potentially dangerous resentful family. Forfeiture was much used by parliament during the Civil War, and a special

Commission for Forfeited Estates was set up after the Scottish rebellions of 1715 and 1745.

Forster, William Edward (18181886)

British Liberal reformer. In Gladstone's government 186874 he was vice-president of the council, and secured the passing of the Education Act 1870 and the Ballot Act 1872. He was chief secretary for Ireland 188082.

Fortescue, John (c. 1394c. 1476)

English lawyer. Fortescue was a favourite of Henry VI, serving three times as governor of Lincoln's Inn and, from 1442, as chief justice at King's Bench. At Edward IV's accession he was accused of high treason, but was pardoned at the defeat of the Lancastrians. His influential writings include De laudibus legum Angliae, written for the instruction of the young Edward.

Fortescue-Brickdale, (Mary) Eleanor (18721945)

English painter and illustrator. She designed posters for the government during World War I, after which her stained glass window designs were in great demand. Her paintings include The Forerunner (1920, Lady Lever Gallery) and The Lover's World (1905, Bristol Gallery). She was the first woman to be elected a member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and to be an associated member of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colour. Fortescue-Brickdale was born in Surrey. Her training took place at the Crystal Palace School of Art and the Royal Academy (RA) schools, London, and she began exhibiting at the Royal Academy in 1896. In 1897 she won a prize for the RA dining room design. She illustrated many books of poetry and prose, and taught at the Byam Shaw School of Art, London, before travelling extensively through Italy and the south of France.

Forty-Five, the
Jacobite rebellion of 1745, led by Prince Charles Edward Stuart. With his army of Highlanders 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' occupied Edinburgh and advanced into England as far as Derby, but then turned back. The rising was crushed by the Duke of Cumberland at Culloden in 1746.

Foss Way

Roman road running from Axmouth, Devon, to Lincoln, via Ilchester, Bath, and Cirencester. The road was probably constructed c.AD 47, when it marked the northern limit of Roman expansion and together with Ermine Street was a crucial part of the Roman communication and transport system, enabling legions and goods to be transferred quickly across the country. Its name derives from the adjacent ditches, known as 'fosses'.

Fothergill, John (17121780)

British physician. Fothergill helped to found a school for Quaker children at Ackworth and assisted Howard in his efforts at prison reform. He wrote the first authoritative account of diphtheria and published early descriptions of migraine and facial neuralgia.

Henry (17661854) and Sealy (died 1847)

English paper-makers and inventors. With the assistance of Bryan Donkin, in 1801 the brothers first patented an improved design of a paper-making machine capable of producing a continuous sheet of paper. The same basic type of machine, with further improvements, is still in use today. The liquid pulp was fed on to a wire-mesh belt through which the water could drain away. After the resulting damp web of paper was heated, it was passed between heavy rollers to achieve a smooth finish.

Fourth Party
in Britain, group of radical Tory activists within the Conservative Party 188085. Led by Lord Randolph Churchill, they campaigned for 'Tory democracy': reform within the Conservative Party and stronger opposition to Gladstone's second administration. A J Balfour was another prominent member of the group which applied the techniques of parliamentary disruption pioneered by Irish nationalists.

Fowler, Gerald (Gerry) (19351993)

British politician and academic. A Labour MP 196679, he campaigned for equal access for all to higher education.

Fowler, John (18171898)

British civil engineer. Fowler helped to design the London Metropolitan Railway and the Forth railway bridge. A railway consultant since 1844, he built the extension to the London Metropolitan and many other underground lines. He received a baronetcy for the Firth of Forth railway bridge.

Fox, Charles James (17491806)

English Whig politician, son of the 1st Baron Holland. He entered Parliament in 1769 as a supporter of the court, but went over to the opposition in 1774. As secretary of state in 1782, leader of the opposition to William Pitt the Younger, and foreign secretary in 1806, he welcomed the French Revolution and brought about the abolition of the slave trade.

Foxe, Richard (c. 14481528)

English cleric, bishop of Winchester from 1501. He joined the future Henry VII while he was in exile in France; when Henry claimed the English throne, Foxe became a close adviser to the king and was appointed Lord Privy Seal 14871516. Foxe's political influence declined during the reign of Henry VIII, but he founded Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in 1517, as a centre for teaching studia humanitatis. The foundation included a lecturer in Greek and attracted the Spanish humanist Juan Luis Vives as one of its first teachers (at the expense of Thomas Wolsey).

town in Suffolk, England, 35 km/22 mi northeast of Ipswich; population (2001) 4,500. Framlingham was built around a spacious marketplace, and has a flintwork church.

in politics, the eligibility, right, or privilege to vote at public elections, especially for the members of a legislative body, or parliament. In the UK adult citizens are eligible to vote from the age of 18, with the exclusion of peers, the insane, and criminals. The voting age for adults in the USA was lowered from 21 to 18 by the Twenty-Sixth Amendment in 1971, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated local laws that restricted full participation by minorities. It was 1918 before all men in the UK had the right to vote, and 1928 before women were enfranchised; in New Zealand women were granted the right as early as 1893.

Francis, Clare Mary (1946 )

born Clare Norman

English yachtswoman and writer. The first woman to make a singlehanded crossing of the Atlantic (1973), she was the first woman home in the Observer Singlehanded Transatlantic Race, and holds the women's record for 1976. She was also the first woman to captain a boat in the Whitbread Round the World Race (197778). She now writes both fiction and non-fiction. Francis was born in Surbiton, and educated at the Royal Ballet School and London University.

Francis, Philip (17401818)

British politician. As a civil servant in India Francis became a bitter opponent of Warren Hastings, with whom he duelled in 1780. Defeated, Francis returned to England where he assisted Edmund Burke in the preparation of Hastings's impeachment. Francis is the probable author of the polemical letters that appeared in The Public Advertiser, 176972, under the pseudonym of Junius. He became an MP in 1784.

Franklin, Jane (17921875)

born Jane Griffin

English traveller and expedition benefactor. She accompanied her husband, the naval explorer John Franklin, on his tours through Syria, Turkey and Egypt, and financed a series of search expeditions when he disappeared while seeking the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. She was the first women to receive the Royal Geographical Society's Founder's Medal, awarded for her contribution to the exploration of the Canadian Arctic. Franklin was born in England, and travelled widely with her father before her marriage in 1828. While in Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) during her husband's appointment as governor, she campaigned vociferously for the rights of women prisoners.

Franklin, Rosalind Elsie (19201958)

English biophysicist whose research on X-ray diffraction of DNA crystals helped Francis Crick and James D Watson to deduce the chemical structure of DNA.


medieval legal term for a local unit based on the manor or groups of households which all freemen were required to join. The frankpledge was expected to keep its members of good behaviour and discover transgressors, although enforcement lay with the sheriff's tourn or the local lord's court. The frankpledge was established by the Normans in the 11th century to deal with lesser crimes and church tithes.

Franks of Headington, Oliver Shewell Franks, Baron (19051992)

British scholar and diplomat. Franks's career took in a variety of academic and governmental posts. A professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow (193537), he worked briefly for the Ministry of Supply before becoming provost of Queen's College, Oxford, in 1946. In 1948 Franks became British ambassador in Washington, and on his return to England he was chairman of Lloyds Bank Ltd until 1962. A member of the National Economic Development Council (196264), he became chancellor of the University of East Anglia in 1965.

Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape (18881981)

British admiral. As commander-in-chief of the Home Fleet in World War II, he directed the search for and subsequent sinking of the Scharnhorst December 1943. He became commander-in-chief of the Eastern Fleet in the Indian Ocean August 1944 and November 1944 took command of the Pacific Fleet. He was the British representative at the signing of the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay 2 September 1945. After the war he became First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff 194851. KBE 1941, Baron 1946.

Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales (17071751)

British heir apparent. Frederick was the eldest son of George II and Queen Caroline. In 1736 he married Augusta, daughter of Frederick, Duke of Saxe-Gotha, and had several children, the eldest of whom became George III of England.

free companies
in the Hundred Years' War, mercenary bodies of mixed nationality under professional captains who were employed by both the French and English. Their captains often became quite powerful and could dominate a region, but they often resorted to pillage during breaks in the fighting and caused widespread devastation. The French eventually recognized the scale of the problem and took measures to stamp out the free companies, but the English continued to employ them, causing great resentment of the English in the French countryside. The free companies were also used elsewhere, as in the Spanish civil wars of the 1360s.

beliefs and practices of a group of linked national organizations open to men over the age of 21, united by a common code of morals and certain traditional 'secrets'. Modern freemasonry began in 18th-century Europe. Freemasons do much charitable work, but have been criticized in recent years for their secrecy, their male exclusivity, and their alleged use of influence within and between organizations (for example, the police or local government) to further each other's interests.

Freemasons believe in God, whom they call the 'Great Architect of the Universe'.

Freemasonry is descended from a medieval guild of itinerant masons, which existed in the 14th century and by the 16th was admitting men unconnected with the building trade. The term 'freemason' may have meant a full member of the guild or one working in freestone, that is, a mason of the highest class. There were some 25 lodges in 17th-century Scotland, of which 16 were in centres of masonic skills such as stonemasonry. The present order of Free and Accepted Masons originated with the formation in London of the first Grand Lodge, or governing body, in 1717, and during the 18th century spread from Britain to the USA, continental Europe, and elsewhere. In France and other European countries, freemasonry assumed a political and anticlerical character; it has been condemned by the papacy, and in some countries was suppressed by the state. In Italy the freemasonic lodge P2 was involved in a number of political scandals from the 1980s.

French, John Denton Pinkstone (18521925)

1st Earl of Ypres

British field marshal. In the second South African War 18991902, he relieved Kimberley and took Bloemfontein; in World War I he was commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force in France 191415; he resigned after being criticized as indecisive and became commander-in-chief home forces. KCB 1900, Viscount 1916, Earl 1922.

Frere, Henry Bartle Edward (18151884)

British administrator. During the Indian Mutiny of 185758 he assisted with the relief of the Punjab. In 1877 he was made governor of Cape Colony and first high commissioner of South Africa. The build-up to the first South African War and the struggle with Cetewayo, King of Zululand, were features of his rule.

Frere, John Hookham (17691846)

English author and diplomat. He made some excellent translations of the plays of Aristophanes, and was one of the founders of The Quarterly Review.

Frideswide, St (or St Fredeswitha) (died c. 735)

Anglo-Saxon patron saint of the city of Oxford, England. She founded and was abbess of the nunnery of St Mary's, on the site of Christ Church College. She was canonized in 1481; her feast day is 19 October. Her body lies in Christ Church cathedral, Oxford.

Frith, Mary (15841659)

called 'Moll Cutpurse'

English highwaywoman, pickpocket, and receiver of stolen goods. Following an apprenticeship in crime with London's pickpocket gangs, dressed as a male, she pursued a notorious and successful career in highway robbery. Her habit of cutting off money belts with a sharp knife gave rise to her nickname. A Royalist, she declared that she would rob only the king's enemies. Towards the end of her life she ran a brothel. Frith was born in London, and on her demise left instructions that she was to be buried face down, so that she would remain as preposterous in death as in life.

frost fairs
medieval fairs held on rivers that had frozen over. Before bridges with many arches speeded up the flow of water, many English rivers, especially the Thames, were prone to freezing solid for days at a time in the winter and townspeople would take advantage by erecting stalls and holding entertainments on the water.

Froude, James Anthony (18181894)

English historian whose History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada in 12 volumes (185670) was a classic Victorian work. He was influenced by the Oxford Movement in the Church of England, in which his brother, Richard Hurrell Froude (18031836), collaborated with Cardinal Newman.

Fry, Elizabeth (17801845)

born Elizabeth Gurney

English Quaker philanthropist. From 1813 she began to visit and teach the women in Newgate Prison in London who lived with their children in terrible conditions. She formed an association for the improvement of conditions for female prisoners in 1817, and worked with her brother, Joseph Gurney (17881847), on an 1819 report on prison reform. She was a pioneer for higher nursing standards and the education of working women.

Fyfe, David Maxwell

1st Earl of Kilmuir

Scottish lawyer and Conservative politician; see Kilmuir.

Gabain, Ethel Leontine (18831950)

English artist and printmaker. A remarkable draughtsperson, she became known for her female portraiture, such as Flora Robson in the role of Lady Audley (Manchester City Art Gallery), which won the 1933 De Laszlo Silver Medal. In 1940 she was appointed an official war artist, painting evacuees before turning to the depiction of women in traditionally male occupations. Gabain was born in Le Havre, France, and studied at the Slade School of Art and the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London, and in Paris. She was elected to the membership of both the Royal Society of British Artists and the Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

Gaelic League
Irish organization founded in 1893 to promote the use of the Irish language. Established by a Protestant academic, Douglas Hyde, a Catholic intellectual, Eoin MacNeill, and a Catholic priest, Fr Eugene O'Growney of Maynooth, the Gaelic League successfully halted the decline in the use of Irish by organizing language classes and social events, and establishing the language as a subject taught widely in national schools. The movement was initially confined to an urban-based bourgeois intellectual elite but grew in popularity in the early 20th century to form part of what became known as the cultural nationalist movement. Although ostensibly non-political, the Gaelic League sought to promote a distinctive Irish national identity based on the revival of Gaelic culture. In both practical and ideological respects, it provided important support to the militant nationalists who would later organize the Easter Rising in 1916 and the Irish Civil War (192223).

Gage, Thomas (17211787)

English general, son of the 1st Viscount Gage. He served in the Seven Years' War and in Edward Braddock's ill-fated American expedition to fight against the French in 1755. In 1760 he was appointed military governor in Montral, and in 1763 commander-in-chief of the British forces in America. As governor of Massachusetts he precipitated the revolution by his ill-timed severity, and, after the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 he was recalled to England.

Gaitskell, Hugh (Todd Naylor) (19061963)

British Labour Party leader from 1955. In 1950 he became minister of economic affairs, and then chancellor of the Exchequer until October 1951. As party leader, he tried to reconcile internal differences on nationalization and disarmament. Born in London, he was educated at Winchester public school and at Oxford, and later lectured on political economics at London University. He spent most of World War II working at the Ministry of Economic Warfare, and in 1945 became Labour member of Parliament for Leeds South, retaining this seat until his death. In 1955 he defeated Aneurin Bevan for the succession to Clement Attlee as Labour leader, and he was re-elected party leader in 1960. He died suddenly in office in 1963.

Gale, Humphrey Middleton (18901971)

British general. After serving in World War I, he remained in the Army and at the outbreak of World War II went to France with the British Expeditionary Force 1939. He then served in a variety of administrative posts, mainly under General Eisenhower, before returning to the UK 1944 to take over the administration of Operation Overlord, the D-Day landings in Normandy. He then returned to his post as Eisenhower's right-hand man until the end of the war in Europe. KBE 1943.

Gale, Richard Nelson (18961981)

British general. In World War II, he raised and trained the 1st Parachute Brigade and during the D-Day landings led the small force which dropped ahead of the main invasion to capture the Orne bridges flanking the British beachhead. After the war he commanded the British Army of the Rhine and later became Chief of the General Staff.

game laws
in Britain, legislation from 1671 to 1831 restricting the taking of game to those of high social status. 'Game' itself was defined by the Games Act 1831 as hares, pheasants, partridges, grouse, heath or moor game, black game (the grouse Lyrurus tetrix) and

bustards, though these last were deleted by the Protection of Birds Act (1954). It is necessary to have a game licence to take or pursue game.

Gang of Four
in the UK, term referring to four members of the Labour Party who in 1981 resigned to form the Social Democratic Party: Roy Jenkins, David Owen, Shirley Williams, and William Rodgers.

Garda Sochna
plural Garda

police force of the Irish Free State and later the Republic of Ireland, established in 1922. Despite its foundation in the troubled years of the Irish Civil War (192223), the Garda was from the beginning and remains a largely unarmed force. Expanding from an initial 2,000 officers, the force stood at over 11,000 (men and women) in 1999. Though generally perceived to be independent of serious political influence, some of its commissioners, notably Eoin O'Duffy in 1933 and Edmund Garvey in 1977, were forced to resign as a result of open conflict with the government of the day. Since 1970 the Garda's tasks have been greatly expanded as a result of the Northern Ireland 'Troubles' and increased illegal activities on the border; 14 officers have been killed in the line of duty since 1969. However, the civil character of the force has been left largely unchanged by the Ulster crisis; political, anti-terrorist, and intelligence activities have been allocated to the Special Branch, a detective unit established for purposes of internal security in 1925. Though the Garda continues to enjoy the respect and support of the public, increased industrial action, such as the 'Blue Flu' (a one day stoppage claiming sickleave) in 1999, has given rise to some criticism.

Gardiner, Stephen (c. 14931555)

English priest and politician. After being secretary to Cardinal Wolsey, he became bishop of Winchester in 1531. An opponent of Protestantism, he was imprisoned under Edward VI, and as Lord Chancellor (155355) under Queen Mary he tried to restore Roman Catholicism.

Garrod, Dorothy Annie Elizabeth (18921968)

English archaeologist. She directed expeditions to Kurdistan in 1928 and Palestine 192934, and took part in excavations in the Lebanon 195864. An expert on the

Palaeolithic or Old Stone Age, in 1939 she became the first woman to hold a professorial chair at Cambridge. Garrod was born in London, and studied at Newnham College, Cambridge. Her father was the English physician Archibald Garrod.

Gascoigne, William (c. 13501419)

English lawyer. In 1397 he became one of the King's serjeants and was appointed attorney to the banished Duke of Hereford, who was later to become Henry IV. He was made chief justice of the King's Bench in 1400, and in 1403 was commissioned to raise forces against the insurgent Earl of Northumberland.

gas lighting
the lighting of private or public premises by gas derived from coal by distillation.

Gauden, John (16051662)

English writer and bishop. He became bishop of Exeter in 1660 and bishop of Worcester in 1662. He claimed authorship of the Eikon Basilike, but the actual identity of the writer remains uncertain.

in Britain, system of land tenure found only in Kent. The tenant paid rent to the lord instead of carrying out services for him, as elsewhere. It came into force in AngloSaxon times and was only formally abolished 1926. The term comes from Old English gafol, 'tribute' and gecynd, 'kind'.

Gaveston, Piers (died 1312)

Gascon noble and favourite of Edward II in England. Gaveston was made earl of Cornwall 1307 and when Edward went to France 1308, he left Gaveston as Keeper of the Realm. He aroused much jealousy among English barons who accused him of monopolizing royal patronage and they forced Edward to exile him 130607 and 130809. He was attacked in the ordinances of 1311 and the following year he was seized by Edward's opponents and summarily executed on the orders of Thomas of Leicester, the king's cousin and bitter enemy.

Geddes, Jenny (lived 17th century AD)

Scottish vegetable seller who, on 23 July 1637, reputedly threw her stool at the head of Archbishop William Laud's dean in St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh, as he was going to read the collect for the day, in protest at the imposition on Scotland of Laud's Prayer Book. Rioting followed.

General Belgrano
Argentine battle cruiser torpedoed and sunk on 2 May 1982 by the British nuclearpowered submarine Conqueror during the Falklands War. At the time of the attack it was sailing away from the Falklands. The General Belgrano was Argentina's second-largest warship, weighing 13,645 tonnes and armed with Exocet missiles, Seacat anti-aircraft missiles, and Lynx helicopters. Out of the ship's company of over 1,000, 368 were killed. The Belgrano had been purchased from the US Navy in 1951, having survived the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

general strike
refusal to work by employees in several key industries, with the intention of paralysing the economic life of a country. In British history, the General Strike was a nationwide strike called by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) on 3 May 1926 in support of striking miners. Elsewhere, the general strike was used as a political weapon by anarchists and others, especially in Spain and Italy. The immediate cause of the 1926 general strike was the report of a royal commission on the coal-mining industry (Samuel Report (1926)) which, among other things, recommended a cut in wages. The mine-owners wanted longer hours as well as lower wages. The miners' union, under the leadership of A J Cook, resisted with the slogan 'Not a penny off the pay, not a minute on the day'. A coal strike started in early May 1926 and the miners asked the TUC to bring all major industries out on strike in support of the action; eventually it included more than 2 million workers. The Conservative government under Stanley Baldwin used troops, volunteers, and special constables to maintain food supplies and essential services, and had a monopoly on the information services, including BBC radio. After nine days the TUC ended the general strike, leaving the miners who felt betrayed by the TUC to remain on strike, unsuccessfully, until November 1926. The Trades Disputes Act of 1927 made general strikes illegal.

general strike

(Image Billie Love)

Supporters of Britain's General Strike of May 1926, picketing a meat delivery convoy during its passage from the docks to Smithfield market in London. The strike was called by the Trades Union Congress in response to a national lockout of coalminers, but the government was able to keep most services running and the TUC capitulated after nine days.

general warrants
In England, open writs for the arrest of unspecified persons suspected of committing a named offence. The warrants were issued by the Star Chamber and were mainly used under Charles II. They were abolished after their misuse against John Wilkes, who criticized King George III in his journal the North Briton April 1763. He and 49 others associated with the publication were arrested under general warrants against seditious libel and successfully challenged the legality of the procedure in the courts. Parliament concurred and they were abolished 1765, although they can still be issued to prevent sedition in the armed forces under the terms of an act of 1934.

six kings of Great Britain:

George I (16601727)

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1714. He was the son of the first elector of Hannover, Ernest Augustus (16291698), and his wife Sophia, and a great-grandson of James I. He succeeded to the electorate in 1698, and became king on the death of Queen Anne. He attached himself to the Whigs, and spent most of his reign in Hannover, never having learned English.

George II (16831760)
King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1727, when he succeeded his father, George I. He was accused, with his minister John Carteret, of favouring Hannover at the expense of Britain's interest in the War of the Austrian Succession; his victory at Dettingen in 1743 was the last battle to be commanded by a British king. He married Caroline of Anspach in 1705, and was succeeded by his grandson, George III. Under Queen Caroline's influence, Robert Walpole retained his ministry, begun during the reign of George I, and until his resignation in 1742, managed to keep Britain at peace. The Jacobite rebellion of 1745 was successfully put down by George's favourite son, William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland.

George III (17381820)

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760, when he succeeded his grandfather George II. His rule was marked by intransigence resulting in the loss of the American colonies, for which he shared the blame with his chief minister Lord North, and the emancipation of Catholics in England. Possibly suffering from porphyria, he was believed to be insane. His condition deteriorated dramatically after 1811. He was succeeded by his son George IV.

George III

(Image Billie Love)

A portrait of King George III in 1760, the year of his accession. He became heir to the British throne on the death of his father in 1751, and succeeded his grandfather George II. George III was the third Hanoverian monarch and the first to be born in England and use English as his first language.

George III

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Caricature by James Gillray depicting George III as the king of Brobdignag scrutinizing Napoleon as Gulliver, based on a scene in Swift's Gulliver's Travels. This is an unusually favourable portrayal of the king.

George IV (17621830)
King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1820, when he succeeded his father George III, for whom he had been regent during the king's period of insanity 181120. In 1785 he secretly married a Catholic widow, Maria Fitzherbert, but in 1795 also married Princess Caroline of Brunswick, in return for payment of his debts. He was a patron of the arts. His prestige was undermined by his treatment of Caroline (they separated in 1796), his dissipation, and his extravagance. He was succeeded by his brother, the duke of Clarence, who became William IV.

George V (18651936)
King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 1910, when he succeeded his father Edward VII. He was the second son, and became heir in 1892 on the death of his elder brother Albert, Duke of Clarence. In 1893, he married Princess Victoria Mary of Teck (Queen Mary), formerly engaged to his brother. During World War I he made several visits to the front. In 1917, he abandoned all German titles for himself and his family. The name of the royal house was changed from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor. His mother was Princess Alexandra of Denmark, sister of Empress Marie of Russia.

George VI (18951952)
King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 1936, when he succeeded after the abdication of his brother Edward VIII, who had succeeded their father George V. Created Duke of York in 1920, he married in 1923 Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900 ), and their children are Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret. During World War II, he visited the Normandy and Italian battlefields.

term applied to the Anglo-Irish Fitzgerald dynasty in the medieval and early modern eras.

Gerald of Wales
English name of Giraldus Cambrensis, medieval Welsh bishop and historian.

Germanus of Auxerre, St (c. 378448)

French cleric. He became an ascetic when he was elected bishop of Auxerre in 418. As bishop, he visited Britain in 430 and 447 to campaign against the teaching of the theologian Pelagius.

the practice of exhibiting the bodies of executed felons in chains at public crossroads to deter others. Highwaymen, smugglers and rioters were most often punished in this way. The practice was at its height in the 17th century, but gibbets ceased to be used towards the end of the 18th century and gibbeting was formally abolished 1834.

Gibbon, Edward (17371794)

English historian. He wrote one major work, arranged in three parts, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (177688), a continuous narrative from the 2nd century AD to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. He began work on it while in Rome in 1764. Although immediately successful, he was compelled to reply to attacks on his account of the early development of Christianity by a 'Vindication' in 1779. His Autobiography, pieced together from fragments, appeared in 1796.

Gibraltar, siege of
during the American Revolution, an unsuccessful FrancoSpanish blockade of the British-held fortress of Gibraltar June 1779February 1783. The siege inflicted great hardship: few supply ships were able to run the blockade and the residents came close to starvation several times.

Gibson, Guy Penrose (19181944)

English bomber pilot of World War II. He became famous as leader of the 'dambuster raids' 1617 May 1943; he formed 617 squadron specifically to bomb the Ruhr Dams, and as wing commander led the raid personally, dropping the first bomb on the Mohne Dam. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for his leadership in this action.

Gilbert's Act
statute passed in 1762 in Britain allowing workhouse inmates to find outside work. The Workhouse Act of 1722 empowered parishes or groups of parishes to build workhouses, and by the mid-18th century there were about 2,000 workhouses in England. The inmates were generally confined to the limits of the workhouse. Gilbert's Act replaced the system of parish overseers with a more professional system of elected guardians. It allowed parishes to amalgamate into poor law unions to share costs, and it decreed that the able-bodied poor should be given outdoor relief, indoor relief being provided for those physically unable to work.

Gillies, Sir Harold Delf (18821960)

New Zealand-born British surgeon who won international acclaim as a pioneer in plastic surgery. His experience in the Royal Army Medical Corps in the World War I made him realize the urgent need for specialized surgical treatment for facial wounds. He returned to England from France and opened a special unit at Aldershot and later (1917) at Queen's Hospital, Sidcup. By the end of the war he had treated some 11,000 wounded.

Giraldus Cambrensis (c. 1146c. 1220)

Welsh Gerallt Gymro

Welsh historian, born in Pembrokeshire. He studied in Paris, took holy orders in about 1172, and soon afterwards became archdeacon of Brecknock. In 1184 he

accompanied Prince John to Ireland. He was elected bishop of St Davids in 1198, but failed to gain possession of his see. He wrote a history of the conquest of Ireland by Henry II. His books include Expugnatio Hibernica (The Conquest of Ireland); Topographia Hibernica (The Topography of Ireland), a descriptive account of the island; Itinerarium Cambriae (Journey through Wales) (1191); and De Rebus a se Gestis: Gemma Ecclesiastica (Concerning Things Done by Himself: the Jewel of the Church), an autobiography.

Gladstone, William Ewart (18091898)

British Liberal politician, four times prime minister. He entered Parliament as a Tory in 1833 and held ministerial office, but left the party in 1846 and after 1859 identified himself with the Liberals. He was chancellor of the Exchequer 185255 and 1859 66, and prime minister 186874, 188085, 1886, and 189294. He introduced elementary education in 1870 and vote by secret ballot in 1872 and many reforms in Ireland, although he failed in his efforts to get a Home Rule Bill passed.


(Image Billie Love)

Engraving by William Holl of the Liberal prime minister William Gladstone, after a photograph by John Jabez Edwin Mayall in the National Portrait Gallery, London. Gladstone dominated British politics for much of the second half of the 19th century, an advocate of free trade and domestic reform and a campaigner for Home Rule for Ireland. His rivalry with his Conservative opponent Benjamin Disraeli is often recalled as a golden age of parliament.

Glanvill, Ranulf de (died 1190)

English lawyer whose chief work was Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliaec. 1181. In 14 books, it is valuable as the earliest treatise on the laws of England. Glanvill was Chief Justiciar of England, during the reign of Henry II. He was born in Suffolk, near Saxmundham, and, in about 1175, he was successful over the Scottish troops under William the Lion. He eventually joined the Crusaders under Richard I, and died at Acre.

market town in Somerset, southwest England, on the River Brue, 8 km/5 mi southwest of Wells; population (2001) 8,400. Light industries include injection moulding, and the production of footwear and leather goods. Tourism and warehousing are also important. Glastonbury Tor, a hill crowned by a ruined 14th-century church tower, rises to 159 m/522 ft. Glastonbury lake village, occupied from around 150 BC to AD 50, lies 5 km/3 mi to the northwest. Glastonbury Abbey, originally established in the 4th or 5th century, is thought to be on the site of the earliest Christian foundation in England, traditionally established by St Joseph of Arimathaea in about AD 63. Glastonbury has been associated with Avalon, said in Celtic mythology to have been the burial place of the legendary King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. The Glastonbury Festival is a pop music festival held outside the town most Junes; in 1998 it received the Best Musical Event award in the NME (New Musical Express) Awards.


(Image Research Machines plc)

The Chalice Well, at Glastonbury in Somerset, is among the oldest holy wells in continuous use in the UK. According to archaeological research, the spring was almost certainly visited by prehistoric tribes.


(Image Research Machines plc)

The ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, in Somerset, date from 1184. Legend says that Joseph of Arimathaea built the first church on this site, but the first archaeological evidence is for an abbey built by the Saxons in around 708. This was destroyed by fire in 1184 and rebuilt, but the buildings fell into disrepair as a result of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and are now ruined.

in Britain, landed endowment of a parish church, designed to support the priest. It later became necessary to supplement this with taxation.

Glencoe, Massacre of
slaughter in Glencoe, Scotland, of members of the MacDonald clan in 1692 by the Campbells, their hereditary enemies in league with government forces; the chief and 37 MacDonalds perished. William III had offered a free pardon for all Highland chiefs who took an oath of allegiance before 1 January 1692. In error, the clan MacDonald of Glencoe went to Fort William, where there was only a military governor, and had to go 96 km/60 mi over the mountains to Inverary, where they took the oath, too late, on 6 January 1692.

Glendower, Owen (c. 13501416)

also known as Owain Glyndwr

Welsh nationalist leader. He led a rebellion against Henry IV of England, taking the title 'Prince of Wales' in 1400, and successfully led the Welsh defence against English invasions in 140002, though Wales was reconquered by the English in 140513. He gained control of most of the country and established an independent Welsh parliament, but from 1405 onwards suffered repeated defeats at the hands of Prince Henry, later Henry V. Glendower allied himself with English rebels, including the Percies, and also the French, but his allies were defeated. He went into hiding and disappeared from history.

Glorious Revolution
in British history, the events surrounding the removal of James II from the throne and his replacement in 1689 by his daughter Mary and William of Orange as joint sovereigns (Mary II and William III), bound by the Bill of Rights.

James II had become increasingly unpopular on account of his unconstitutional behaviour and Catholicism. In June 1688 seven prominent politicians invited the Protestant William to invade. In September 1688 William issued a Declaration of Reasons, supporting the 'warming pan' theory that James's son was an impostor, and promising to defend the Protestant faith. In November his fleet set sail for England, landing at Torbay on 5 November. James's army and navy deserted him, and he lost his nerve and fled to France. The Glorious Revolution was bloodless in England, but involved fierce wars in both Scotland and Ireland (see Scotland: history 1603 to 1746, the Revolution of 1688 and Ireland: history 1603 to 1782, the Glorious Revolution). William and Mary ascended the throne, but the Bill of Rights limited the power of the crown, established the power of Parliament, and established a constitutional monarchy in England. William was succeeded by Anne, second daughter of James II, and the Act of Settlement of 1701 ensured future Protestant succession to the throne.

The Emergence of a Great Power: England after 1688

England after 1688 William III's seizure of power in England was opposed in both Scotland and Ireland, where supporters of James II (known as 'Jacobites' from Jacobus, Latin for James) fought a bitter war before finally being defeated in 1691. The Jacobites were to stage major risings in 1715 and 1745, but they were both defeated. The Glorious Revolution therefore led to English domination of the British Isles, albeit a domination

supported by and identified with important sections of the Irish and Scottish population: Irish Anglicans and Scottish Presbyterians. This process led to the Union of 1707 of England and Scotland: the Scottish Parliament was abolished and Scotland was thereafter represented in the Westminster Parliament. The Scottish Privy Council was also abolished 1708. Protestantism, war with France, and the benefits of empire helped to create a British consciousness alongside the still strong senses of English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh identity. Parliamentary union with Ireland followed in 180001. wars with France William III led England into war with Louis XIV of France, the War of the League of Augsburg (or Nine Years' War) of 168997, fought to stop France overrunning the Low Countries. Conflict resumed with the War of the Spanish Succession (170114) in which John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, heavily defeated the French in a number of battles, particularly Blenheim 1704. The Royal Navy also emerged during this period as the leading European navy. Naval strength was crucial in seeing off the French threat during the War of the Austrian Succession (Britain's involvement lasted 174348) and the Seven Years' War 175663. The latter war ended with the Thirteen Colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America, and the British possessions in India, secure; with Canada, Florida, and many Caribbean islands acquired; and with Britain as the leading maritime power in the world, thus fulfilling what James Thomson had seen as the national destiny in his song Rule Britannia 1740: 'Rule, Britannia, rule the waves; Britons never will be slaves.' This was the achievement of the ministry of William Pitt the Elder and the Duke of Newcastle (175762), and of a number of able military leaders, including Wolfe, Clive, Hawke, and Boscawen. Robert Clive's victory at Plassey in 1757, over the vastly more numerous forces of the Indian Prince, Suraja Dowla, laid the basis for the virtual control of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa by the East India Company (French forces in India were finally defeated in 176061, and Britain emerged as the leading European power in the subcontinent). A French attempt to invade Britain on behalf of the Jacobites was crushed by British naval victories at Lagos and Quiberon Bay in 1759. That year, British troops also defeated the French at Minden in Germany, while James Wolfe's troops scaled the Heights of Abraham near Qubec to capture France's most important possession in Canada. The bell ringers at York Minster were paid four times between 21 August and 22 October that year for celebrating triumphs. In 1762 British forces campaigned round the globe. They helped the Portuguese resist a Spanish invasion, fought the French in Germany, and captured Martinique from France and Havana and Manila from Spain, an extraordinary testimony to the global reach of British power, particularly naval power, and the strength of the British state. the growth of empire British control of the eastern seaboard of North America north of Florida had been expanded and consolidated with the gain of New York from the Dutch in 1664, the French recognition of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay as British in 1713, and the foundation of colonies including Maryland 1634, Pennsylvania 1681,

Carolina 1663 and Georgia 1732. Possibly 200,000 people emigrated from the British Isles to North America during the 17th century, far outnumbering the French settlers in Canada and Louisiana, and the settlements founded included Charleston 1672, Philadelphia 1682, Baltimore 1729, and Savannah 1733. The English also made a major impact in their West Indian islands and developed there a sugar economy based on slave labour brought from West Africa, where British settlements included Accra (settled 1672). The East India Company, chartered in 1600, was the basis of British commercial activity, and later political power, in the Indian Ocean. Bombay (now known as Mumbai) was gained in 1661, followed by Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) in 1698. Trade outside Europe became increasingly important to the British economy, and played a major role in the growth of such ports as Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, and Whitehaven. The mercantile marine grew from 280,000 tonnes in 1695 to 609,000 in 1760. By 1763 Britain was the leading maritime state in the world, unified at home and secure in the possession of a large trade-based empire. With France and Spain both vanquished, Britain's position as the world's leading power seemed beyond serious challenge.

Gloucester Cathedral
cathedral in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England. This great abbey church did not become a cathedral until 1541, four decades after its completion. The first abbey was founded in 681, and assumed Benedictine rule in 1022. Its post-Conquest rebuilding began in 1089 (completed around 1120), and of this period the nave, crypt and much of the structure survive. The nave has an Early English stone vault, completed in 1242. However, the cathedral's most glorious features are those in the Perpendicular style.

Goderich, 1st Viscount Goderich

title of British prime minister Frederick Robinson, 1st Earl of Ripon.

Godiva, or Godgifu, Lady (c. 10401080)

Wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia (died 1057). Legend has it that her husband promised to reduce the heavy taxes on the people of Coventry if she rode naked through the streets at noon. The grateful citizens remained indoors as she did so, but 'Peeping Tom' bored a hole in his shutters and was struck blind.

Godolphin, Sidney (16451712)

1st Earl of Godolphin

English politician who was an unscrupulous intriguer, but a capable administrator and whose masterly control over the finances did much to secure the success of the Duke of Marlborough's continental campaigns. He was created an earl in 1706.

Earl of Wessex from 1020. He secured the succession to the throne in 1042 of Edward the Confessor, to whom he married his daughter Edith, and whose chief minister he became. King Harold II was his son.

Golden Jubilee
celebrations held throughout Britain and the Empire in 1887 to mark the 50th year of Queen Victoria's rule. Colonial leaders gathered in London to attend the celebrations and this made possible the first Imperial Conference. A similar celebration, the Diamond Jubilee, was held on the 60th anniversary.

gold penny
mainly in the 13th and 14th centuries, a penny minted in gold instead of the more usual silver of the time, designed for prestige rather than everyday commercial use. They were occasionally produced in Anglo-Saxon times, including the reign of Edward the Confessor, but most were circulated between 1257 and 1270, although their face value was as high as 2 shillings by 1265. Edward III also minted gold coins, largely to increase his prestige in France

old commercial term for a dealer in bullion and foreign currency as opposed to one who works gold as an artisan. Goldsmiths existed from at least the 12th century and were granted a charter 1394. Their establishments were the precursors of modern banks, and by the 17th century their receipts or bonds were negotiable. Their influence was greatly diminished by the creation of the Bank of England, designed to halt the government's dependence on private credit.

Gonne, Maud (18651953)

married name Maud MacBride

Irish nationalist and actor, a founder-member of Sinn Fein. A celebrated society beauty, she became acquainted with the poet W B Yeats in the 1890s through her support for Irish nationalism. Gonne refused Yeats's offer of marriage, and in 1903

married Major John MacBride, who had fought against the British in the Boer War and was ultimately executed for his part in the Easter Rising in 1916. Their son Sen MacBride was foreign minister of the Irish Republic from 194851 and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Gonne's father was an Irish colonel and her mother was English. She made her acting debut in St Petersburg, Russia, and later rose to prominence on the stage in her native country, working at the new Abbey Theatre founded by Yeats. After taking up the republican cause, she established the nationalist women's organization, the 'Daughters of Ireland', and edited a nationalist newspaper, L'Irlande libre, in Paris.

Gooch, George Peabody (18731968)

British historian who was an authority in the diplomatic history and foreign policy of the modern period, and his extensive researches made his History of Modern Europe 18781919, 1923, one of the best books on the period.

Good Friday Agreement

multiparty settlement proposed on 10 April 1998 in the Northern Ireland peace process.

Goodman, Arnold Abraham, Baron Goodman (19131995)

English lawyer and political adviser. Once described as the most powerful man in Britain, he was adviser to three prime ministers: Harold Wilson, Edward Heath, and John Major. He had the unique distinction of having been made a peer by a Labour prime minister and a Companion of Honour by a Conservative one.

Good Parliament
In England, Parliament of AprilJuly 1376 which attacked Edward III's government for excessive expenditure and the lack of success in the Hundred Years' War. The king was forced to change his ministers and to dismiss his mistress, Alice Perrers. The Commons denounced the corruption of many of the government's officials, including the chamberlain Lord Latimer, and indicted them before the House of Lords, the first instance of impeachment. It also created the office of Speaker by electing Sir Peter de la Mare to put the case of the Commons to parliament as whole. Most of its acts were repealed or annulled the following year.

Gordon, Charles George (18331885)

British general sent to Khartoum in the Sudan in 1884 to rescue English garrisons that were under attack by the Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmed; he was himself besieged for ten months by the Mahdi's army. A relief expedition arrived on 28 January 1885 to find that Khartoum had been captured and Gordon killed two days before. Gordon served in the Crimean War and in China 1864, where he earned his nickname 'Chinese Gordon' in ending the Taiping Rebellion. In 1874 he was employed by the Khedive of Egypt to open the country and from 1877 to 1880 was British governor of the Sudan.

Gordon, Lord George (17511793)

British anti-Catholic activist. He organized the so-called Gordon Riots of 1780, a protest against removal of penalties imposed on Roman Catholics in the Catholic Relief Act of 1778; he was acquitted on a treason charge. Gordon and the 'No Popery' riots figure in Charles Dickens's novel Barnaby Rudge 1841.

Gordon, Noele (19221985)

English actor. Following a successful career on the London stage, most notably in Diamond Lil (1948) and Brigadoon (194951), she turned to television, hosting the series Lunch Box (1955) and Fancy That (1956), and becoming a household name as a motel owner in the long-running soap-opera Crossroads (196481). Dismissed from the series, she returned to the stage and appeared in the barnstorming musicals Gypsy (1981), Call Me Madam (198283), and No, No Nanette (1983).

Goring, George Goring, Lord (16081657)

English Royalist commander who was appointed governor of Portsmouth in 1639, and was concerned in the Army Plot, which he betrayed to Parliament. Nevertheless, when the Civil War broke out he declared for the King and held Portsmouth for him for a time. He took part in the battle of Marston Moor, and later commanded Royalist forces in the west, where the plundering of his soldiers made him notorious. He was defeated after Naseby at Langport, and fled to France.

Gorst, J(ohn) E(ldon) (18351916)

English Conservative Party administrator. A supporter of Disraeli, Gorst was largely responsible for extending the Victorian Conservative Party electoral base to include middle- and working-class support. Appointed Conservative Party agent in 1870, he

established Conservative Central Office, and became secretary of the National Union in 1871. He was solicitor-general 188586. Knighted 1885.

Goschen, George Joachim (18311907)

1st Viscount Goschen

British politician. Originally a Liberal, he held several cabinet posts under William Gladstone 186874, but broke with him in 1886 over Irish home rule. In Salisbury's Unionist government of 188692 he was chancellor of the Exchequer, and 1895 1900 was First Lord of the Admiralty.

Gosse, (Laura) Sylvia (18811968)

English artist and printmaker. A founder-member of the avant-garde London Group in 1914, she was influenced by the Impressionist painter Walter Sickert and postImpressionist Spencer Gore (18781914). Her work, which includes accomplished etchings, encompassed genre subjects and everyday interiors, often with a single figure, as well as urban and Continental scenes. Gosse was born in London, and studied at St John's Wood School of Art and the Royal Academy Schools. She met Walter Sickert in 1908, and became co-principal at his school of painting and etching at Rowland House. In 1913 she had the first of many solo shows, and her work now features in many public collections throughout the UK. Her father was the writer and critic Edmund Gosse.

Gothic Architecture: England

English architecture of the period beginning around the 1170s to the mid-16th century.

types of English Gothic

English Gothic architecture is usually divided into three styles: Early English, or Early Pointed, from about 1174; Decorated, or Middle Pointed, from about 1330; and Perpendicular, or Late Pointed, (late 14th to mid 16th century). However, there was no abrupt line of change between these various periods; each style merged gradually into the next as new structural or decorative features were introduced. Sometimes the periods overlapped.

distinguishing features
One of the simplest ways of distinguishing these styles is by the design of their windows; but more important is the gradual development of vaulting and buttressing, whereby the thick walls and heavy barrel-vaults, the flat buttresses and the narrow windows of the 12th century came to be replaced by bolder buttresses with thinner

walls between them, thinner vaults supported on stone ribs, and much larger windows filled with tracery. Finally, in such late examples as King's College Chapel at Cambridge (14461515) and Henry VII's Chapel at Westminster (150012), the walls have become a mere panelled screen, mostly filled with glass. All the weight of the thin vaulted roof is carried by stone ribs that join on to very bold buttresses, capped with tall pinnacles which help to neutralize the downwards and outwards 'thrust' of the vaulting ribs, or (if there is no vaulting) of the timber roof-trusses.

The chief examples of the three Gothic styles are: Early English Cathedrals: most of Salisbury Cathedral; most of Lincoln Cathedral except the choir and west front; the west fronts of Peterborough and Ripon cathedrals; the choirs of Lichfield, Southwark, Southwell and Worcester cathedrals; most of Wells Cathedral including the west front; the nave of York Minster; the 'Chapel of the Nine Altars' at Durham Cathedral. Other buildings: the choirs of Westminster Abbey and of the Temple Church in London; the choir and transepts of Beverley Minster. Decorated Cathedrals: the naves of Exeter Cathedral and Lichfield Cathedral; the choirs of Bristol, Lincoln and St Albans cathedrals; the choir, west front and chapterhouse of York; the chapter-houses of Salisbury, Southwell, and Wells cathedrals. Other buildings: the nave of Beverley Minster; the parish church of Heckington, Lincolnshire. Perpendicular Cathedrals: the naves of Canterbury Cathedral, Manchester Cathedral and Winchester Cathedral; the choirs of Gloucester Cathedral and York Minster; the cloisters of Gloucester Cathedral; the west fronts of Winchester and Gloucester cathedrals. Other buildings: Sherborne Abbey; the west front of Beverley Minster; St George's Chapel, Windsor; King's College Chapel, Cambridge; Henry VII's Chapel, Westminster; the roof of Westminster Hall; several of the older colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. Gothic architecture in England died out very slowly, especially in Oxford; but, from about 1640 onwards up to about 1830, all English Architecture was based on that of Rome, save for a few exceptions that led to the Greek Revival and the Gothic Revival towards the end of that period.

Gow, Ian Reginald Edward (19371990)

British Conservative politician. After qualifying as a solicitor, he was elected member of Parliament for Eastbourne in 1974. He became parliamentary private secretary to Margaret Thatcher in 1979 and her close ally. He secured steady promotion but resigned his post as minister of state in 1985 in protest at the signing of the Anglo-

Irish Agreement. A strong critic of terrorist acts, he was killed by an Irish Republican Army car bomb.

Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of Grafton (17351811)

British politician. Grandson of the first duke, who was the son of Charles II and Barbara Villiers (16411709), Duchess of Cleveland. He became First Lord of the Treasury in 1766 and an unsuccessful acting prime minister 176770. Succeeded to dukedom 1757.

Graham, Robert (c. 1735c. 1797)

later Cunninghame-Graham

Scottish poet. He is chiefly remembered for his poem 'If doughty deeds my lady please'.

Granby, John Manners, Marquess of Granby (17211770)

British soldier. His head appears on many inn-signs in England as a result of his popularity as a commander of the British forces fighting in Europe in the Seven Years' War.

Grand National Consolidated Trades Union


first large-scale British trade union founded in 1833 by Robert Owen as a broadbased coalition of working people. At its height, it claimed 500,000 members, drawn from a number of trades, including miners, tailors, bakers, and gasworkers. Its aim of a general strike to force an eight-hour working day provoked a harsh reaction, from both the employers (many of whom locked out workers who would not sign a document renouncing the GNCTU) and the government, including the sentencing of the Tolpuddle Martyrs to transportation. As a result the movement collapsed in October 1834. Its main strength came from the support of the Lancashire cotton workers who had already been organized by John Doherty.

Grand Remonstrance
petition passed by the English Parliament in November 1641 that listed all the alleged misdeeds of Charles I 'the evils under which we have now many years suffered'. It then went on to blame those it thought responsible the 'Jesuited

papists', the bishops and Charles's councillors and courtiers. It demanded parliamentary approval for the king's ministers and the reform of the church. Charles refused to accept the Grand Remonstrance and countered by trying to arrest five leading members of the House of Commons. The worsening of relations between king and Parliament led to the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642.

Granville, George Leveson-Gower (18151891)

2nd Earl of Granville

English politician. He was a member of Parliament 183646, and became vicepresident of the Board of Trade in 1848 and foreign secretary in 1851. In 1868 he was colonial secretary in the first administration of William Gladstone, and was foreign secretary in the Liberal administrations 187074 and 188085. He was educated at Eton and at Christ Church, Oxford.

Grattan, Henry (17461820)

Irish politician. He entered the Irish parliament in 1775, led the patriot opposition, and obtained free trade and legislative independence for Ireland in 1782. After failing to prevent the Act of Union of Ireland and England in 1800 (effective 1801), he sat in the British Parliament and championed the cause of Catholic emancipation.

Great Britain
official name for England, Scotland, and Wales, and the adjacent islands (except the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) from 1603, when the English and Scottish crowns were united under James I of England (James VI of Scotland). With Northern Ireland it forms the United Kingdom.

Great Contract
In England, proposal of the Lord Treasurer Robert Cecil 1610 that the Crown's old feudal revenues be replaced with a fixed annual income of 200,000. The king's debts, a further 600,000, were also to be paid as part of the proposal which was intended to regularize government income. Although the scheme was initially accepted by the Commons, negotiations broke down as James feared that the sums may not be sufficient and was reluctant to surrender power while parliament was concerned about granting the Crown too much financial independence.

Greater London Council


local authority that governed London 196586. When the GLC was abolished, its powers either devolved back to the borough councils or were transferred to certain nonelected bodies.

Great Exhibition
world fair held in Hyde Park, London, UK, in 1851, proclaimed by its originator Prince Albert as 'the Great Exhibition of the Industries of All Nations'. In practice, it glorified British manufacture: over half the 100,000 exhibits were from Britain or the British Empire. Over 6 million people attended the exhibition. The exhibition hall, popularly known as the Crystal Palace, was constructed of glass with a cast-iron frame, and designed by Joseph Paxton.

Great Rebellion
revolt against the English government in Ireland between 1641 and 1650. It was supported by the Old Irish (descendants of the original Gaelic inhabitants) and Norman-Irish (descendants of Norman settlers). Their killing of Protestant planters, settlers of confiscated Catholic land, and intrigue with Charles I during the English Civil War (164149), led to massive confrontation with Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentary forces during Cromwell's Irish campaign (164950). His victory led to the dominance of Irish Protestantism over the Roman Catholic majority in Ireland.

great seal
in Britain, royal seal used to authenticate the monarch's assent to official documents, required for all the most important acts of state, such as dissolving parliaments and signing treaties. It was first used by Edward the Confessor in a period when monarchs were not expected to be able to write. The seal is kept by the Lord Chancellor who travelled with the monarch until the 13th century, when the court of chancery became established in Westminster. A lesser seal, the privy seal, was then devised to authorize the chancellor to move the great seal. The circular design of the great seal has remained fairly constant, showing the monarch enthroned on one side and on horseback on the other, although during the interregnum of the 1650s, an alternative design was created, with an image of the Speaker's Chair in the House of Commons representing sovereign authority.

Green Cross Society

British corps of women motor drivers in World War I, officially known as the Women's Reserve Ambulance, established June 1915. They collected wounded soldiers from the main London railway stations and took them to various hospitals in the suburbs. They were also trained in first aid and ambulance duties.

Greenwich, Treaty of
treaty 1543 between the Scots and Henry VIII under which the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VI, would marry Mary Queen of Scots. The Scots reneged and Henry's attempts to enforce the treaty by a series of invasions over the next few years were known as the rough wooing.

Greenwood, Arthur (18801954)

British Labour politican. A wartime member of Lloyd George's secretariat, he was member of Parliament for Nelson and Colne 192231, and for Wakefield 193254. He became deputy leader of the parliamentary Labour Party in 1935, showing himself an outspoken critic of 'appeasement'. In 1945 he was minister without portfolio, and in 1945 became Lord Privy Seal, resigning from the government in 1947. He remained treasurer of the Labour Party and became chair of the Labour Party's national executive in 1953.

Grenfell, Joyce (19101979)

English entertainer. Her comic monologues gently mocked the habits and manners of middle-class, English schoolmistresses and ageing spinster daughters. Her own onewoman shows included Joyce Grenfell Requests the Pleasure (195455). She wrote her autobiography, Joyce Grenfell Requests the Pleasure (1976), and her catchphrase title George, Don't Do That (1977). Grenfell was born in London, and made her debut in The Little Revue in 1939. After touring hospitals with concert parties during World War II, she performed her monologues in revue until the early 1950s.

Grenville, George (17121770)

English Whig politician, prime minister, and chancellor of the Exchequer, whose introduction of the Stamp Act of 1765 to raise revenue from the colonies was one of the causes of the American Revolution. His government was also responsible for prosecuting the radical John Wilkes.

Grenville, Richard (c. 15411591)

English naval commander and adventurer who died heroically aboard his ship The Revenge when attacked by Spanish warships. Grenville fought in Hungary and Ireland (156669), and was knighted about 1577. In 1585 he commanded the

expedition that founded Virginia, USA, for his cousin Walter Raleigh. From 1586 to 1588 he organized the defence of England against the Spanish Armada.

Grenville, William Wyndham (17591834)

1st Baron Grenville

British Whig politician, home secretary from 1791, foreign secretary from 1794; he resigned along with Prime Minister Pitt the Younger in 1801 over George III's refusal to assent to Catholic emancipation. He headed the 'All the Talents' coalition of 1806 07 that abolished the slave trade.

Gretna Green
village in Dumfries and Galloway region, Scotland, where runaway marriages were legal after they were banned in England in 1754; all that was necessary was the couple's declaration, before witnesses, of their willingness to marry. From 1856 Scottish law required at least one of the parties to be resident in Scotland for a minimum of 21 days before the marriage, and marriage by declaration was abolished in 1940.

Grey, Charles (17641845)

2nd Earl Grey

British Whig politician. He entered Parliament in 1786, and in 1806 became First Lord of the Admiralty, and foreign secretary soon afterwards. As prime minister 183034, he carried the Great Reform Bill of 1832 that reshaped the parliamentary representative system and the act abolishing slavery throughout the British Empire in 1833. He succeeded to the earldom in 1807.

Grey, Edward (18621933)

1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon

British Liberal politician, MP for Berwick on Tweed 18851916, nephew of Charles Grey. As foreign secretary 190516 he negotiated an entente with Russia in 1907, and backed France against Germany in the Agadir Incident of 1911. He published his memoirs, Twenty-Five Years in 1925. Baronet 1882, Viscount 1916.

Grey, George (17991882)

British politician. He was appointed judge advocate in 1839, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1841, and, during Lord John Russell's ministry, home secretary in 1846. Under Lord Palmerston he was home secretary 185558 and again 186166, and was chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 185961.

Grey, Henry George (18021894)

3rd Earl Grey

British politician, son of Charles Grey. He served under his father as undersecretary for the colonies 183033, resigning because the cabinet would not back the immediate emancipation of slaves; he was secretary of war 183539 and colonial secretary 184652.

Grey, Lady Jane (15371554)

Queen of England for nine days, 1019 July 1553, the great-granddaughter of Henry VII. She was married in 1553 to Lord Guildford Dudley (died 1554), son of the Duke of Northumberland. Edward VI was persuaded by Northumberland to set aside the claims to the throne of his sisters Mary and Elizabeth. When Edward died on 6 July 1553, Jane reluctantly accepted the crown and was proclaimed queen four days later. Mary, although a Roman Catholic, had the support of the populace, and the Lord Mayor of London announced that she was queen on 19 July. Grey was executed on Tower Green.

Grierson, Robert (c. 16551733)

called 'Laird of Lag'

Scottish persecutor of the Covenanters. He was especially active in enforcing the Test Act.

Griffith, Arthur (18721922)

Irish journalist, propagandist and politician. He was active in nationalist politics from 1898 and united various nationalist parties to form Sinn Fein 1905. When the provisional Irish parliament declared a republic in 1919, he was elected vice president and signed the treaty that gave Eire its independence in 1921. He was elected the country's first president in 1922, dying in office later that year. Born in Dublin, Griffith was educated at the Christian Brothers school, was a founder member of the Gaelic Literary Society in 1893 and was active in the Gaelic League and the Irish Republican Brotherhood. He left the latter organization in 1910. Although a leading figure in the revolutionary period of Irish politics, Griffith opposed the use of force, and took no part in the Easter Rising of 1916. Instead he advocated

Irish independence under a dual monarchy on the Austro-Hungarian model, coupled with a protectionist scheme to encourage Irish economic self-sufficiency. These ideas formed the basis of the programme of the Sinn Fein movement, which Griffith established in 1905. The organization remained comparatively weak until the government (wrongly) concluded that it had inspired the 1916 Rising, whereupon Griffith was arrested. Meanwhile, his movement was taken over by the Volunteers and the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and Griffith found himself vice president of an avowedly republican organization. He headed the Irish delegation that negotiated the settlement with the British in December 1921, and was elected president of the Dil in January 1922, following de Valera's resignation. Griffith died suddenly of a cerebral haemorrhage on 12 August 1922.

Griffiths, James (18901975)

Welsh miners' leader and politician. A strong believer in a measure of devolution for Wales, he argued for a separate Welsh Office, and became the first secretary of state for Wales 196466. Born in Bettws, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, he became a leading official in the miners' union in South Wales, and was elected Labour member of Parliament for Llanelli 193670. He was deputy leader of the Labour Party 195558. In the Labour governments of 1945 to 1951, he was minister of National Insurance and secretary of state for the colonies. He saw himself as a moderating influence in Labour Party politics during the tensions of the GaitskellBevan disputes in the 1950s. His autobiography Pages from Memory was published in 1969.

Grimond, Jo(seph), Baron Grimond (19131993)

British Liberal politician, born in St Andrews, Scotland. As leader of the Liberal Party 195667, he aimed at making it 'a new radical party to take the place of the Socialist Party as an alternative to Conservatism'. An old-style Whig and a man of culture and personal charm, he had a considerable influence on post-war British politics, although he never held a major public position. During his term of office, the number of Liberal seats in Parliament doubled.

Grindal, Edmund (c. 15191583)

English cleric and archbishop of Canterbury (157577). He served as a chaplain to Edward VI and during the reign of Mary I went into exile in Germany where he was influenced by Calvinist views. When Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558, he returned to England and became bishop of London in 1559, archbishop of York in 1570, and finally archbishop of Canterbury in 1575. He antagonized the queen and her court with his Puritan ethic and was removed as archbishop of Canterbury in 1577 after a dispute over 'prophesying', meetings of the clergy at which evangelical sermons were preached.

('great penny')

English coin worth four pennies. Although first minted in 1279, the groat only became popular in the following century, when silver groats were produced. Half groats were introduced in 1351.

groundnuts scheme
In Britain, unsuccessful attempt by Clement Attlee's Labour government 1946 to grow groundnuts (peanuts) in East Africa. The scheme was intended partly to improve Britain's balance of payments and partly to stimulate economic activity in the colonies in preparation for eventual independence. By 1949 the scheme proved an expensive failure, and the sheer improbability of the project, at huge cost to the taxpayer, made it a notorious fiasco.

Gruffydd ap Cynan (c. 10541137)

King of Gwynedd from 1081 to 1137. He was raised in Ireland, but came to claim the throne of Gwynedd in 1075 and helped halt Norman penetration of Wales. Although defeated and exiled by the Normans in 1098, he returned and was allowed to establish his kingdom after paying homage to Henry I. He led a rising against English dominance in 1135 until his death two years later. He is traditionally regarded as a patron of music and the arts, and helped codify much of the previously chaotic bardic tradition.

Gruffydd ap Llewellyn (died 1063)

King of Gwynedd. He had gained control of Gwynedd and Powys by 1039, Deheubarth by 1044, and extended his influence to Gwent by 1055. By the middle of the 11th century, most of Wales was either under his direct control or subject to his wishes, but his successors were unable to retain this dominance after his death. He conducted a series of raids across the English border and formed alliances with dissatisfied elements in Mercia and other English border areas. The English moved against him and defeated him at Rhuddlan in 1063, and he was killed by his own supporters.

in Scotland, title given to official regent appointed when there is no monarch or the monarch is deemed incapable of governing.

in politics, a device used by UK governments in which the time allowed for debating a bill in the House of Commons is restricted so as to ensure its speedy passage to receiving the royal assent (that is, to becoming law). The tactic of guillotining was introduced during the 1880s to overcome attempts by Irish members of Parliament to obstruct the passing of legislation. The guillotine is also used as a parliamentary process in France.

Guinness, Benjamin Lee (17981868)

Irish brewer, who was largely responsible for establishing the widespread popularity of the distinctive dark Guinness stout. Under his directorship, the family business grew into the largest of its kind in the world, exporting beer to Britain, Europe, and the United States. He was elected the first Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1851. Born in Dublin, Benjamin Lee was the grandson of Arthur Guinness (17251803), who founded the Guinness Brewery at St James' Gate in 1759. He joined the firm at an early age, gaining sole control on his father's death in 1855. He also represented Dublin as an MP 186568, and restored St Patrick's Cathedral (186065) in the city at his own expense. He was made 1st Baronet in 1867.

Guinness, Edward Cecil (18471927)

1st Earl of Iveagh

Irish brewer, the third son of Benjamin Lee Guinness, and great-grandson of Arthur Guinness (17251803), founder of the family business. He spent much of his huge fortune on philanthropic projects including housing in Dublin and London, and gave the mansion of Kenwood on Hampstead Heath, London, with its large collection of notable paintings, to the nation (the 'Iveagh bequest').

Gunpowder Plot
in British history, the Catholic conspiracy to blow up James I and his parliament on 5 November 1605. It was discovered through an anonymous letter. Guy Fawkes was found in the cellar beneath the Palace of Westminster, ready to fire a store of explosives. Several of the conspirators were killed as they fled, and Fawkes and seven others were captured and executed. In 1604 the conspirators, led by Robert Catesby, took possession of a vault below the House of Lords where they stored barrels of gunpowder. Lord Monteagle, a Catholic peer, received the anonymous letter warning him not to attend Parliament on 5 November. A search was made, and Guy Fawkes was discovered in the vault and arrested.

The event is commemorated annually in England on 5 November by fireworks and burning 'guys' (effigies) on bonfires. The searching of the vaults of Parliament before the opening of each new session, however, was not instituted until the Popish Plot of 1678.

Gunpowder Plot

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

The main conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Robert Catesby was the leader of the plot, while Guy Fawkes was the explosives expert. Their disaffection with James I arose from his failure to implement tolerance measures for Catholics as had been widely anticipated.

Danish king of East Anglia. He led a large Danish invasion of Anglo-Saxon England 878 but was defeated by King Alfred at the Battle of Edington 878. His reign 880890 was mostly peaceful.

Gwynedd, kingdom of
medieval Welsh kingdom comprising north Wales and Anglesey. It was the most powerful kingdom in Wales during the 10th and 11th centuries: its king Gruffydd ap Llewellyn dominated Wales in the mid-11th century and nearly succeeded in uniting the Welsh. When the Normans invaded England, Gwynedd led Welsh resistance against Norman efforts to extend their writ over the border, with mixed success. Llewellyn ap Gruffydd styled himself Prince of Wales in 1258, and the English king Henry III was forced to acknowledge him as such in 1267. Edward I rightly recognized Gwynedd as the key to subduing the Welsh and he launched a major

offensive against Llewellyn in 1277, ultimately destroying the kingdom. Gwynedd was broken up and the lands of the ruling dynasty passed to the English Prince of Wales.

name until 1921 of the Scottish county of East Lothian, since 1975 part of the region of Lothian.

Hague, William Jefferson (1961 )

English Conservative politician, leader of the Conservative Party 19972001 and shadow foreign secretary from 2005. He entered the House of Commons in 1989, representing the constituency of Richmond, Yorkshire, and was private secretary to the chancellor of the Exchequer 199093, parliamentary under-secretary of state for social security 199394, minister for social security and disabled people 199495, and secretary of state for Wales 199597. After the Conservative Party's defeat in the May 1997 general election, he succeeded John Major as party leader. In 1998 he committed the party to oppose joining the European single currency for at least a decade and launched major reforms of the party's organization. However, he resigned as party leader in 2001 following a second Conservative general election defeat. Born in Yorkshire, Hague came to public attention in 1977 when, at the age of 16, he addressed the party's annual conference. He was educated at Oxford University where he became president of the Union in 1981. After completing an MBA course he worked for a management consultancy company 198388 before entering fulltime politics.

Haig, Douglas (18611928)

1st Earl Haig

Scottish army officer, commander-in-chief in World War I, born in Edinburgh, Scotland. His Somme offensive in France in the summer of 1916 made considerable advances only at enormous cost to human life, and his Passchendaele offensive in Belgium from July to November 1917 achieved little at a similar loss. He was created field marshal in 1917 and, after retiring, became first president of the British Legion in 1921.


title of David Dalrymple, Scottish judge and historian.

Hailsham, Douglas McGarel Hogg, 1st Viscount and Baron (1872 1950)
British lawyer and Conservative politician. He was Attorney General 192224 and 192428, and was Lord Chancellor 192829 and again 193538.

Hailsham, Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone (19072001)

British Conservative politician and lawyer. Having succeeded as 2nd Viscount Hailsham in 1950, he renounced the title in 1963 to re-enter the House of Commons, and was then able to contest the Conservative Party leadership elections. He took a life peerage in 1970 on his appointment as Lord Chancellor 197074 and was Lord Chancellor again 197987.

Haldane, Richard Burdon (18561928)

1st Viscount Haldane

British Liberal politician, born in Scotland. As secretary for war 190512, he sponsored the army reforms that established an expeditionary force, backed by a territorial army and under the unified control of an imperial general staff. He was Lord Chancellor 191215 and in the Labour government of 1924. His writings on German philosophy led to accusations of his having pro-German sympathies. Viscount 1911. His publications include Human Experience (1926).

or ha'penny

originally round silver coins, first minted in the reign of Alfred the Great, and from 1672 the first English copper coin. From the 10th to the 13th centuries, the halfpenny was literally a full penny cut in half but it gradually became a coin in its own right. It was withdrawn with the advent of decimalization in 1969, although it remained legal tender until the 1980s.

Halidon Hill, Battle of

battle fought on 19 July 1333, 3 km/2 mi northwest of Berwick-upon-Tweed in Northumberland, England. Edward Baliol (d. 1364), who had been deposed as king

of Scotland the previous year, defeated a force of nationalist Scots with the aid of archers supplied by Edward III.

Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax (2nd creation) (18811959)
British Conservative politician, viceroy of India 192631. As foreign secretary 1938 40 he was associated with Chamberlain's 'appeasement' policy. He received an earldom in 1944 for services to the Allied cause while ambassador to the USA 1941 46. Baron in 1925, succeeded as viscount in 1934, created earl in 1944.

Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd Earl of (17161771)

English politician. In 1748 he was made president of the Board of Trade, and helped to found Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 1757 he entered the Cabinet. In 1761 he was appointed lord-lieutenant of Ireland, and first lord of the Admiralty. In 1762 he became secretary of state for the Northern Department under the Earl of Bute. He was educated at Eton and at Trinity College, Cambridge. He assumed the surname Dunk on his marriage in 1741 to the heiress of Sir Thomas Dunk.

Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax (16331695)

English politician. He entered Parliament in 1660, and was raised to the peerage by Charles II, by whom he was also later dismissed. He strove to steer a middle course between extremists, and became known as 'the Trimmer'. He played a prominent part in the revolution of 1688. Baronet 1644, Viscount 1668, Marquess 1682.

Hall, (William) Reginald (18701943)

British admiral. In October 1914 as director of Naval Intelligence he founded 'Room 40', the naval cryptanalysis office which successfully broke German naval codes and was responsible for decoding the Zimmerman Telegram. KCMG 1918.

Hallam, Henry (17771859)

British historian. He was called to the Bar, but a private fortune enabled him to devote himself to historical study from 1812 and his Constitutional History of England 1827 established his reputation.

Halsbury, Hardinge Stanley Giffard, 1st Earl of (18231921)

English lawyer and statesman. He was solicitor-general under Disraeli 187580, and also lord chancellor four times between 1885 and 1905. He was born in London and educated at Oxford. In 1850 he was called to the Bar of the Inner Temple, and in 1865 became a QC. He was MP (Conservative) for Launceston 187785. In 1885 he was created Baron Halsbury. In 1898 he became Earl of Halsbury, and Viscount Tiverton. He was foremost among the 'Diehards' who opposed the passing of the 1911 Parliament Bill through the House of Lords. Among other things, this shortened the life of a parliament from seven to five years. As late as 1916, he sat as a judge in the House of Lords. Halsbury also edited the 31 volumes of The Laws of England (190717) in alphabetical order of subjects.

Hamilton, Emma, Lady (c. 17611815)

born Amy Lyon

English courtesan. In 1782 she became the mistress of Charles Greville and in 1786 of his uncle Sir William Hamilton (17301803), the British envoy to the court of Naples, who married her in 1791. After Admiral Nelson's return from the Nile in 1798 during the Napoleonic Wars, she became his mistress and their daughter, Horatia, was born in 1801. After Nelson's death in battle in 1805, Lady Hamilton spent her inheritance and died in poverty in Calais, France. She had been a great beauty and had posed for several artists, especially George Romney.

Hamilton, James (16061649)

3rd Marquis and 1st Duke of Hamilton

Scottish adviser to Charles I. He led an army against the Covenanters (supporters of the National Covenant of 1638 to establish Presbyterianism) in 1639 and subsequently took part in the negotiations between Charles and the Scots. In the second English Civil War he led the Scottish invasion of England, but was captured at Preston and executed. He succeeded as marquis in 1625, and was made a duke in 1643.

Hamilton, Thomas (19531996)

Scottish murderer who entered the gym of a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland, in March 1996 and shot dead 16 children and a teacher and injured many other children. Hamilton shot and killed himself after the attack. Directly as a result of this crime, the British Government banned the ownership of handguns in the UK in 1997.

Hamilton had been a regular purchaser of firearms for more than 20 years and had been investigated by two councils for alleged misconduct towards young boys while he was a Boy Scout master.

Hamilton, William (17301803)

British diplomat and antiquary. While envoy to the court of Naples 17641800, he studied local volcanic activity and earthquakes, and wrote an account of the ancient Italian city of Pompeii. He assembled a collection of Greek vases and other antiquities, part of which he sold to the British Museum 1772. In 1791 he married the English courtesan Emma Lyon, who became Emma Hamilton, subsequently the mistress of Admiral Horatio Nelson.

Hammond, Robert (16211654)

English soldier. He was colonel of a regiment of foot in the New Model Army. In the struggle between the army and the Parliament in 1647, Hammond supported the former. He was appointed governor of the Isle of Wight, where King Charles I was held in custody 164748.

Hamond, Andrew Snape (17381828)

English naval captain. After distinguishing himself during the American War of Independence, in 1780 he was appointed governor of Nova Scotia and commanderin-chief at Halifax. In 1794 he became comptroller of the navy, a post he retained, at the special request of Pitt, until his retirement in 1806. He was born at Blackheath, Kent. He entered the navy in 1753 and took part in the Battle of Quiberon Bay in 1759. In 1793 he was appointed a commissioner of the navy. He was MP for Ipswich 17961806.

Hampden, John (15941643)

English politician. His refusal in 1636 to pay ship money, a compulsory tax levied to support the navy, made him a national figure. In the Short and Long Parliaments he proved himself a skilful debater and parliamentary strategist. King Charles I's attempt to arrest him and four other leading MPs made the Civil War inevitable. He raised his own regiment on the outbreak of hostilities, and on 18 June 1643 was mortally wounded at the skirmish of Chalgrove Field in Oxfordshire.

Hampton Court Palace

former royal residence near Richmond, England, 24 km/15 mi west of central London. Hampton Court is one of the greatest historical monuments in the UK, and contains some of the finest examples of Tudor architecture and of Christopher Wren's work. It was built in 1515 by Cardinal Wolsey and presented by him to Henry VIII who subsequently enlarged and improved it. In the 17th century William (III) and Mary (II) made it their main residence outside London, and the palace was further enlarged by Wren. Part of the building was extensively damaged by fire in 1986. The last monarch to live at Hampton Court was George II, who died in 1760. During his life many of the Tudor apartments were pulled down and replaced. The palace was opened to the public, free of charge, by Queen Victoria in 1838 (though visitors now pay an admission fee). Hampton Court has a remarkable collection of pictures housed in the Hampton Court Gallery.

hand-loom weavers
textile workers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries who used manually operated machines often as 'out-workers'. They were in great demand and relatively highly paid until the advent of mechanised methods of weaving made hand-weaving expensive and slow. There were as many as 200,000 in the late 1820s so the loss of work or cut in wages caused great hardship, particularly in the northwest of England where the trade had been the mainstay of many outlying villages. The problem caused great concern and a royal commission was established 1842, which recommended measures to find alternative employment.

Hanratty, James (19361962)

Alleged English murderer. He was found guilty of the murder of Michael Gregsten, who was shot while in his car with his lover, Valerie Storie, in August 1961. After Hanratty was hanged in April 1962, several witnesses came forward supporting his alibi. A police inquiry in 1997 concluded that he was wrongly convicted, and the alleged miscarriage of justice was passed to the Criminal Cases Review Commission; in March 1999 the case was referred back to the Court of Appeal. Storie, who had been raped and paralysed by several bullets, picked out Hanratty from an identity parade and he was charged. Hanratty, who was reportedly a petty criminal of low intelligence, denied the charge but refused to name his alibis, saying that to do so would betray his friends' trust. He then changed the location of his alibi from Liverpool to Rhyl, where he was later reported to have been seen. His family has campaigned for over 30 years to clear his name.

Harcourt, William George Granville Venables Vernon (18271904)

British Liberal politician. He was home secretary under William Gladstone 188085, chancellor of the Exchequer 1886 and 189295, and leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Commons 189498.

Hardie, (James) Keir (18561915)

Scottish socialist, the first British Labour politician, member of Parliament 189295 and 190015. He worked in the mines as a boy and in 1886 became secretary of the Scottish Miners' Federation. In 1888 he was the first Labour candidate to stand for Parliament; he entered Parliament independently as a Labour member in 1892, he became chair of the Labour party 190608 and 190910, and in 1893 was a chief founder of the Independent Labour Party.


(Image Billie Love)

Scottish socialist politician Keir Hardie entered the British parliament independently in 1892 as the first Labour member. He co-founded the Independent Labour Party in 1893 but, as an ardent pacifist, withdrew from Labour politics when the majority of his

colleagues declared their support for British participation in World War I. He remained an MP until his death in 1915.

Harding, John (Allan Francis) (18961989)

1st Baron Harding of Petherton

British field marshal. During World War II he was Chief of Staff in Egypt 1940 and Italy 1944. As governor of Cyprus 195557, during the period of political agitation prior to independence 1960, he was responsible for the deportation of Makarios III from Cyprus 1955. Commissioned in 1914, he fought in World War I and commanded a battalion at age 21. At the outbreak of World War II he was transferred from India to the Middle East, where he rose to be major general, commanding the 7th Armoured Division at Alamein. He was made field marshal 1953.

Hardinge of Lahore, Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount (17851856)

British general. He became governor general of India 1844 during a campaign against the Sikhs. After the Peace of Lahore, he succeeded Wellington as commander-in-chief 1852, and was made a field marshal 1855.

Hardy, Charles (17161780)

British admiral. He entered the navy c. 1730. In 1744 he was charged with the loss of a convoy to Newfoundland, but was eventually acquitted. In 1755 he was made governor of New York, and took part in the siege of Louisbourg; he was made an admiral in 1770. He was appointed governor of Greenwich Hospital in 1771, and was given command of the Channel Fleet in 1779.

Hardy, Thomas Masterman (17691839)

British sailor. At the Battle of Trafalgar he was Admiral Nelson's flag captain in the Victory, attending him during his dying moments. He became First Sea Lord 1830. Hardy was born in Dorset, England, entered the navy 1781, and in 1793 was promoted to lieutenant. In 1798 he joined Horatio Nelson near Elba, and was present at the battle of the Nile. Hardy became vice admiral 1837.

Harfleur, siege of

French siege of English-held port on the mouth of the Seine, late 1415. Henry V seized the port at great cost AugSept 1415 and the French maintained vigorous efforts to recapture the town, even after their defeat at Agincourt. Henry tried to promote Harfleur as a permanent English possession on French soil, like Calais, and went to great lengths to encourage English immigration. The English held until 1435 when it was retaken by the French for 5 years, before passing back into English possession 144049.

Hargreaves, Alison (19621995)

married name Alison Ballard

English mountaineer. In 1988 she became the first British woman to climb the north face of the Eiger. She scaled the six main Alpine north faces (the Eiger, Matterhorn, Grandes Jorasses, Dru, Badille, and Cima Grande) solo in a single season during 1993, and in May 1995 climbed Mount Everest alone and without supplementary oxygen. In August 1995 she climbed K2, the world's second biggest mountain, but died in a blizzard on the descent. Hargreaves was born in Belper, Derbyshire. She learned to climb at secondary school, and then joined Jim Ballard, later her husband, in his outdoor climbing business. Her record-breaking climb on the Eiger in 1988 was achieved while six months pregnant with their first child.

Hargreaves, James (c. 17201778)

English inventor who co-invented a carding machine for cotton in 1760. In c. 1764 he invented his 'spinning jenny' (patented in 1770), which enabled a number of threads to be spun simultaneously by one person.

Harington, Charles (18721940)

British general. Harington served on the staff during the South African War 1899 1902, and in World War I became chief of the general staff, British Forces Italy 1917. In 1918 he was appointed deputy chief of the Imperial general staff, war office.

Harley, Robert (16611724)

1st Earl of Oxford

British Tory politician, chief minister to Queen Anne 171114, when he negotiated the Treaty of Utrecht 1713. Accused of treason as a Jacobite after the accession of George I, he was imprisoned 171417. Earl 1711.

two kings of England:

Harold I (10161040)
King of England from 1035. The illegitimate son of Canute, known as Harefoot, he claimed the crown on the death of his father, when the rightful heir, his half-brother Hardicanute, was in Denmark and unable to ascend the throne. He was elected king in 1037, but died three years later, as Hardicanute was preparing to invade England.

Harold (II) Godwinson (c. 10201066)

last Anglo-Saxon king of England, January to October 1066. He was defeated and killed by William of Normandy (William (I) the Conqueror) at the Battle of Hastings. He succeeded his father Earl Godwin in 1053 as Earl of Wessex. Harold was Edward the Confessor's military commander, and became so powerful that one chronicler described him as the 'sub-king'. In about 1063 William of Normandy tricked or forced him into swearing to support his claim to the English throne, and when the Witan (the Anglo-Saxon council including government officials, landowners, and high-ranking churchmen) elected Harold to succeed Edward the Confessor, William prepared to invade. Meanwhile, Harold's treacherous brother Tostig (died 1066) joined the King of Norway Harald (III) Hardrada in invading Northumbria. Harold defeated and killed them at Stamford Bridge on 25 September. Three days later William landed at Pevensey, Sussex, and Harold was killed at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October.

Harrington, James (16111677)

English political philosopher. He spent some time with Charles I during his imprisonment, and on the king's death devoted himself to the composition of Oceana, a minutely worked-out scheme for an oligarchical republic, which had some influence on the authors of the US constitution. He held that power was based ultimately on landed property, and that executive office should be held in rotation by ballot. In 1661 he was imprisoned by Charles II on a charge of conspiracy. Harrington was born in Upton, Northamptonshire, England.

Harrison, Thomas (16061660)

English Civil War soldier, politician, and Puritan. In 1642 he enlisted in the Earl of Essex's bodyguard, and was a major at the battle of Marston Moor. He entered the New Model Army with Fleetwood, and was present at the battles of Naseby and

Langport and at the captures of Winchester and Basing. He signed Charles I's deathwarrant. From 165051 he held chief command in England during Cromwell's absence, and after the battle of Worcester in 1651 was charged with the pursuit of the fleeing Royalists. He assisted in expelling the Rump Parliament in 1653, and was a leading member of the Barebones Parliament in the same year. Harrison was born in Newcastle-under-Lyme, England. He was one of the prominent Fifth Monarchy Men of the period. He was deprived of his commission in 1653, and was imprisonment for his ideals (165556 and 165859). At the Restoration he was executed as a regicide.

harrying of the north

ruthless Norman repression of the Anglo-Saxon rebellion in the north of England (106970). After his victory at the Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror faced a series of revolts against Norman rule across England which he suppressed effectively but ruthlessly. The rising in the north was led by Edgar the Aetheling, an Anglo-Saxon prince, and Earl Waltheof, assisted by a Danish invasion. William first devastated the areas around York to isolate his enemies; the revolt was quickly suppressed and the Danes driven off. William continued his campaign around the north of England to deter further risings and in 1070 attacked parts of Mercia as well. The 'harrying' was effective in deterring potential rebels but famine followed his military campaign and even the Norman writer Ordericus Vitalis described it as 'barbarous homicide'. The Domesday Book survey of 1086 recorded that large areas of the north were devastated.

Hart, Judith Constance Mary (19241991)

Baroness Hart

British Labour politician and sociologist. She was minister of overseas development 196970 and 197779, and minister of state 197475.

Hart, Robert (18351911)

British administrator. In 1859 he joined the new Chinese imperial maritime customs service, and became inspector-general in 1863, a post he held nominally until his death, having handed over his powers to a board of Chinese officials in 1906. He inaugurated the first modern postal service in China. He published These from the Land of Sinim (1901), a description of China and its people. Hart was born in Portadown, County Armagh, Northern Ireland. He was educated at Queen's College, Belfast.

Hartington, Spencer Compton Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington and 8th Duke of Devonshire (18331908)
British politician, first leader of the Liberal Unionists 18861903. As war minister he opposed devolution for Ireland in cabinet and later led the revolt of the Liberal Unionists that defeated Gladstone's Irish Home Rule Bill of 1886. Hartington refused the premiership three times, in 1880, 1886, and 1887, and led the opposition to the Irish Home Rule Bill in the House of Lords in 1893.

Hartlepools, bombardment of
in World War I, German attack on the North Yorkshire coast, specifically the seaports of Hartlepool, West Hartlepool, Whitby, and Scarborough 16 December 1914.

Harvey, William (15781657)

English physician who discovered the circulation of blood. In 1628 he published his book De motu cordis/On the Motion of the Heart and the Blood in Animals. He also explored the development of chick and deer embryos. Harvey's discovery marked the beginning of the end of medicine as taught by Galen, which had been accepted for 1,400 years.


(Image Billie Love)

English doctor and anatomist William Harvey, demonstrating his theory of the circulation of the blood to the British king Charles I and other physicians. His discovery marked a new epoch in medical science, recognizing that the heart pumps blood in a continuous circulation. Appointed physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, Harvey attended James I during his last illness and later became physician to his son Charles.

Hassal, Joan (19061988)

English artist and illustrator. Her subject matter was wide ranging, from natural history to illustrations for English literary classics. Greatly admired for her perfectionist, sensitive approach, her style was similar to the English wood-engraver Thomas Bewick. She became the first woman master member of the Art Workers Guild. Hassal was born in Notting Hill, London. After attending the Royal Academy schools, she studied wood engraving at the London Central College School of Photo Engraving and Lithography.

Hastings, Francis Rawdon, 1st Marquess of Hastings (17541826)

British governor-general of India. He was a strong and imaginative administrator, devoting himself to the successful consolidation of British rule. He spent his last years, from 182426, as governor of Malta. Hastings was born in County Down, Ireland. He was educated at Harrow and Oxford University and then served in the British army. From 177582 he fought in the War of American Independence, and was made Baron Rawdon on his return to Great Britain in 1783. He subsequently fought in Flanders in 1794, was appointed commander-inchief in Scotland in 1803, master-general of the ordnance in 1806, and governorgeneral of India in 1813.

Hastings, Battle of
battle on 14 October 1066 at which William, Duke of Normandy (William (I) the Conqueror) defeated King Harold II of England. Harold was killed leaving the throne open for William to complete the Norman Conquest. The site is 10 km/6 mi inland from Hastings, at Senlac, Sussex; it is marked by Battle Abbey. The story of the battle is told in a sequence of scenes in the Bayeux Tapestry. Having defeated an invasion by King Harald (III) Hardrada of Norway at the Battle of Stamford Bridge (25 September 1066), Harold moved south to counter the landing of the Duke of Normandy, who had laid a claim to the English throne, at Pevensey Bay, Kent. Harold's army of about 9,000 men took its stand on top of a steep ridge. The bulk of the army was formed by peasants gathered from the south who had not taken part at

Stamford, while most of the men who had fought in the north were Harold's housecarls, seasoned war veterans whose effectiveness should not have been marred by the battle and subsequent march south. There may, however, have been some element of fatigue among the English forces. The Normans also had the better weaponry, with archers supported by cavalry. Both sides suffered heavy losses until the Normans eventually managed to break through the English ranks and gain victory.

Hatton, Sir Christopher (15401591)

Lord Chancellor (158791) and favourite of Queen Elizabeth I of England. He first came to the queen's attention with his dancing and became an influential and conservative courtier. As a Privy Councillor from 1577, he acted as a government spokesperson in the Commons and in Council supported the Earl of Leicester's hardline anti-Spanish foreign policy. He took a conservative line on the religious status quo, playing a leading part in the trials of Catholic conspirators and Mary Queen of Scots in 1586, and as Lord Chancellor, working hard to suppress extreme Puritans and religious separatists.

Havelock, Henry (17951857)

British soldier. He joined the army in 1815 and went to India eight years later. He served in the Burmese war (182426) and was aide-de-camp to Willoughby Cotton in the Afghan war of 1839. In the Indian Mutiny, during the last year of his life, he won worldwide renown. He captured Cawnpore in July and was promoted to majorgeneral. In the following few months he effected the relief of Lucknow. A few days later he died.

Havers, Robert Michael Oldfield, Baron Havers (19231992)

British Conservative politician and lawyer, Lord Chancellor 198788. After a successful legal career he became Conservative member of Parliament for Wimbledon in 1970 and was solicitor general under Edward Heath and attorney general under Margaret Thatcher. He was made a life peer in 1987 and served briefly, and unhappily, as Lord Chancellor before retiring in 1988. Knighted 1972. Baron 1987.

Hawke of Lowton, Edward, Baron Hawke of Lowton (17051781)

English admiral of the fleet. He joined the navy 1720 and became a commander in 1733. In 1744 he distinguished himself in the action off Toulon, commanding the Berwick. In 1747 he became a rear-admiral and gained a victory over the French off Finisterre. For this service he was knighted and he became member of Parliament for Portsmouth in the same year. He became an admiral in 1757. His reputation was enhanced in 1759 after his attack on Marshal de Conflan in Quiberon Bay, which

resulted in the destruction of the French fleet and the collapse of their invasion scheme. In 1766 he became first lord of the Admiralty and was made Baron Hawke. He was born in London, England.

Hawkes, Jacquetta (19101996)

born Jacquetta Hopkins

English archaeologist and writer. Principally a British prehistorian, she also wrote on Egyptian topics, and produced novels and poetry. Her publications include Prehistoric Britain (1944, with Christopher Hawkes), The World of the Past (1963), and the Shell Guide to British Archaeology (1986). She was a co-founder of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in 1957, and served on the Central Committee of UNESCO 196679. Hawkes was the first woman to study archaeology and anthropology to degree level. Her early works include The Archaeology of Jersey (1939), Early Britain (1945), and A Land (1951). She also produced a biography of Mortimer Wheeler; a book of poetry, Symbols and Speculations (1948); and co-wrote Journey Down the Rainbow (1955), and other fiction, with the novelist J B Priestley, her second husband.

Hawkins, John (15321595)

English navigator, born in Plymouth. Treasurer to the navy, 157389, he was knighted for his services as a commander against the Spanish Armada in 1588.

Hawkins, Richard (c. 15601622)

English navigator, son of John Hawkins. He held a command against the Spanish Armada in 1588, was captured in an expedition against Spanish possessions (1593 94) and released in 1602. Knighted in 1603.

Heads of Proposals
In England, constitutional demands drawn up by senior parliamentarian officers July 1647 as a basis for settlement with Charles I at the end of the Civil War. The proposals which were drafted by Henry Ireton, Cromwell's son-in-law, included demands for electoral reform, regular biennial parliaments, a mild form of episcopacy and some religious toleration, parliamentary control of the armed forces, and the right to nominate ministers for a ten-year period. Although the demands were relatively modest, Charles refused to accept the proposals and fled to the Isle of Wight from where he concluded an alternative Engagement with the Scots

Healy, Timothy Michael (18551931)

Irish lawyer, politician, and first governor-general of the Irish Free State. Healy supported Irish nationalist Charles Parnell until the split in the Irish Nationalist party occasioned by the O'Shea divorce case in 1890. Later he was in favour of reunion under the leadership of John Redmond, but in 1900 he was expelled from the party for his opposition to the United Irish League. He was re-admitted in 1908, but was again expelled in 1910, in which year he formed, with William O'Brien, the Independent Nationalist party. Healy retired from politics in 1918. In 1922 he became the first governor-general of the Irish Free State, a post he held for five years. Healy was born in Bantry, Ireland. He was called to the Irish Bar in 1884, and became a Queen's Counsel in 1899. In 1903 he was called to the English Bar, and he was a Bencher of Gray's Inn and of King's Inn, Dublin. He was elected MP for Wexford in 1880, for Monaghan in 1833, for South Londonderry in 1885, for North Longford in 1887, for North Louth in 1892, and North East Cork in 1910, a seat he retained until 1918.

hearth tax
unpopular national tax introduced in England in 1662 at two shillings for every fire hearth, with exemptions for the poor. It was part of the government's attempt to replace feudal dues with a more regular source of revenue but proved highly unpopular and it had to be abandoned 1689 (1690 in Scotland) in favour of a window tax.

Heath, Edward (Richard George) (19162005)

British Conservative politician, party leader 196575. As prime minister 197074 he took the UK into the European Community (EC) but was brought down by economic and industrial-relations crises at home. He was replaced as party leader by Margaret Thatcher in 1975, and became increasingly critical of her policies and her opposition to the UK's full participation in the EC. During John Major's administration 199097, he undertook missions in Iraq in 1990 and 1993 to negotiate the release of British hostages, but also continued his attacks on 'Eurosceptics' within the party. He stepped down as an MP in 2001.

Heathfield, George Augustus Eliott, Baron Heathfield (17171790)

Scottish general. He was a volunteer in the Prussian army (173536), then served in the War of Austrian Succession at Dettingen and Fontenoy, and in the West Indies in the Seven Years' War. In 1775, at the outbreak of the War of American Independence, he was sent out as governor to Gibraltar, and defended it heroically against Spanish attacks from 177983 (Spain having intervened in the war in 1779 by using New Orleans as a base for privateers against British shipping).

Heathfield was born at Stobbs, Roxburghshire, Scotland. He was educated at Leyden University and Woolwich. On his return to England in 1787 he was made Baron Heathfield of Gibraltar.

Heffer, Eric Samuel (19221991)

British Labour politician, member of Parliament for Walton, Liverpool 196491. He held a ministerial post 197475, joined Michael Foot's shadow cabinet in 1981, and was regularly elected to Labour's National Executive Committee, but found it difficult to follow the majority view.

Heligoland Bight, Battle of

World War I naval battle between British and German forces 28 August 1914 fought in the Heligoland Bight, the stretch of water between Heligoland island and the German mainland used by the German fleet for exercises. The British launched a surprise raid on the German vessels exercising in the Bight and succeeded in sinking three light cruisers and a destroyer, a severe blow to German naval morale.

Hell-Fire Club
18th-century club devoted to hedonism and debauchery established by Sir Francis Dashwood (17081781) in the village of Medmenham, Buckinghamshire, England. The club reputedly engaged in wild orgies, including devil worship, in caves under the village church. Most of these rumours were later proved to be untrue, but the club revelled in the notoriety they caused and it spawned a series of imitators.

Henderson, Arthur (18631935)

British Labour politician and trade unionist, leader of the Labour Party 19141918, born in Scotland. He helped to transform the Labour Party from a pressure group into a party of government, and was home secretary 192429 in the first Labour government. As foreign secretary 192931 he accorded the Soviet government full recognition. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1934 for his work for international disarmament. Henderson was born in Glasgow and brought up in Newcastle upon Tyne. In 1903 he was elected to Parliament as member for Rochdale. He worked closely with other Labour politicians, including Kier Hardie and Ramsay MacDonald. Henderson succeeded MacDonald as secretary of the Labour Party, a post he held until shortly before his death. At the start of World War I in August 1914, the Parliamentary Labour Party split. MacDonald resigned as party leader and was succeeded by Henderson. He took

Labour into the 1915 coalition, serving as the first Labour cabinet minister. Henderson later served in Lloyd George's war cabinet. He visited Russia in 1917, after the first revolution, and became convinced that the price of keeping Russia in the war was British attendance at a Stockholm conference of international socialists. This led to a breach with Lloyd George and Henderson's resignation from the cabinet. As a result of these experiences, he became an internationalist and converted Labour to the ideas of the League of Nations. After 1918, when Henderson resigned the leadership in favour of MacDonald, he concentrated his efforts into turning Labour into a broad-based party. His success was such that MacDonald was able to form the first Labour government in 1924. After its collapse 1931, Henderson once more took on the role of leader of the opposition, this time facing his former colleague MacDonald, who headed a coalition.

Henderson, Neville Meyrick (18821942)

British diplomat. Henderson is principally remembered for his services as ambassador to Germany from 1937 until September 1939 and thus for his close association with Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement. He worked hard to prevent a breach between Britain and Germany, and his book on the subject, Failure of a Mission (1940), is the story of a bitterly disappointed man with a deep sense of personal failure. He entered the diplomatic service in 1905, and was minister to Egypt (192428), France (192829) and Yugoslavia (192935). He was subsequently ambassador to Argentina and minister to Paraguay (193537). His autobiography, The Water under the Bridges, was published in 1945.

Henderson, William Hannam (18451931)

British admiral. He served under Edmund Fremantle in the punitive expedition against the Sultan of Vitu in East Africa (1890). He was commodore and senior officer in Jamaica during the Cuban War. Henderson was born near Sandwich, Kent, England. A reformer of naval education, who saw the value of systematic instruction in strategy and tactics, Henderson derived his appreciation of the importance of this subject from E B Hamley's Operation of War (1867), and he received much encouragement in his efforts from Prince Louis of Battenberg.

Hengist (died c. 488)

Legendary leader, with his brother Horsa, of the Jutes, who originated in Jutland and settled in Kent about 450, the first Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain.

Henrietta (16441670)
Daughter of Charles I of England, and wife of the Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIV. She was successful in persuading her brother, Charles II, into signing the Treaty of Dover with France in 1670. On her return to France she died suddenly, claiming that she had been poisoned. Henrietta was born in Exeter, England.

Henrietta Maria (16091669)

Queen of England 162549. The daughter of Henry IV of France, she married Charles I of England in 1625. By encouraging him to aid Roman Catholics and make himself an absolute ruler, she became highly unpopular and was exiled 164460 during the English Civil War. She returned to England at the Restoration but retired to France in 1665.

Henry, Edward (18501931)

English commissioner of Metropolitan Police. He entered the Indian civil service and in 1891 was appointed inspector-general of police in Bengal. In 1901 he was appointed assistant commissioner in London, England, and in 1903 commissioner. His name will be always associated with the perfecting of the fingerprint system of identifying criminals, a system he first worked on in India. He also contributed greatly to the efficiency of the modern CID (Criminal Investigation Department), did much to improve the status and conditions of the police, and inaugurated the Peel Training School.

eight kings of England:

Henry I (10681135)
King of England from 1100. Youngest son of William the Conqueror, he succeeded his brother William II. He won the support of the Saxons by marrying a Saxon princess, Matilda, daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland. An able administrator, he established a system of travelling judges and a professional bureaucracy, notably the setting up of the Exchequer as a formal government department to deal with the crown's financial matters (the chancellor of the Exchequer is still the government minister in charge of the Treasury in Britain). Henry quarrelled with St Anselm, the archbishop of Canterbury, who claimed that the king had no right to invest bishops to vacant sees (diocese of a bishop). For a while, Anselm was forced into exile, but in the end Henry had to concede defeat.

Henry's only legitimate son, William, was drowned in 1120, and Henry tried to settle the succession on his daughter Matilda. However, Matilda was unpopular and the throne was taken by Henry's nephew Stephen, who, towards the end of his reign, agreed to adopt Matilda's son Henry (later Henry II) as his heir.

Henry II (11331189)
King of England from 1154. The son of Matilda and Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou, he succeeded King Stephen (c. 10971154). He brought order to England after the chaos of Stephen's reign, curbing the power of the barons and reforming the legal system. His attempt to bring the church courts under control had to be abandoned after the murder of Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, in 1170. The English conquest of Ireland began during Henry's reign. On several occasions his sons rebelled, notably in 117374. Henry was succeeded by his son Richard (I) the Lionheart. Henry was lord of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and Count of Anjou, Brittany, Poitou, Normandy, Maine, and Gascony. He claimed Aquitaine through marriage to the heiress Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152. Henry's many French possessions caused him to live for more than half his reign outside England. This made it essential for him to establish a judicial and administrative system which would work during his absence. Before his reign, execution of the law was the job of a number of different courts the shire courts for major offences, the hundred courts for petty crimes, the manor courts for village issues, and the church courts for the clergy. Trials still might involve trial by battle or by ordeal. In 1166 Henry published the Assize of Clarendon, which established regular visits to towns by royal justices 'in eyre' (judges who travelled in circuit to hold court in the different counties) and trial by a 'jury' of 12 men who unlike in modern courts, where the jury is required to judge the evidence were called upon to give evidence. Henry's parallel attempt to bring the medieval church courts under royal control, through a collection of decrees known as the Constitutions of Clarendon (1164), had to be dropped after the murder of Becket. Initially Henry's chancellor and friend, Becket was persuaded to become archbishop of Canterbury in 1162 in the hope that he would help the king curb the power of the ecclesiastical courts. However, once consecrated, Becket felt bound to defend church privileges, and he was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170 by four knights of the king's household.

Henry III (12071272)

King of England from 1216, when he succeeded John, but the royal powers were exercised by a regency until 1232, and by two French nobles, Peter des Roches and Peter des Rivaux, until the barons forced their expulsion in 1234, marking the start of Henry's personal rule. His financial commitments to the papacy and his foreign favourites antagonized the barons who issued the Provisions of Oxford in 1258, limiting the king's power. Henry's refusal to accept the provisions led to the second Barons' War in 1264, a revolt of nobles led by his brother-in-law Simon de Montfort. Henry was defeated at Lewes, Sussex, and imprisoned, but restored to the throne after the royalist victory at Evesham in 1265. He was succeeded by his son Edward I.

On his release Henry was weak and senile and his eldest son, Edward, took charge of the government.

Henry IV (13671413)
born Henry Bolingbroke

King of England from 1399, the son of John of Gaunt. In 1398 he was banished by Richard II but returned in 1399 to head a revolt and be accepted as king by Parliament. He was succeeded by his son Henry V. He had difficulty in keeping the support of Parliament and the clergy, and had to deal with baronial unrest and Owen Glendower's rising in Wales. In order to win support he had to conciliate the Church by a law for the burning of heretics, and to make many concessions to Parliament. The Percy family was defeated at Shrewsbury in 1403, and the Earl of Northumberland was beaten at Bramham Moor in 1408.

Henry V (13871422)
King of England from 1413, son of Henry IV. Invading Normandy in 1415 (during the Hundred Years' War), he captured Harfleur and defeated the French at Agincourt. He invaded again in 141719, capturing Rouen. His military victory forced the French into the Treaty of Troyes in 1420, which gave Henry control of the French government. He married Catherine of Valois in 1420 and gained recognition as heir to the French throne by his father-in-law Charles VI, but died before him. He was succeeded by his son Henry VI. Henry was knighted at the age of 12 by Richard II on his Irish expedition of 1399, and experienced war early. He was wounded in the face by an arrow while fighting against his military tutor Harry 'Hotspur' at Shrewsbury. Campaigns in Wales against Owen Glendower taught him the realities of siege warfare. He was succeeded by his son Henry VI.

Henry V

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Henry V of England had a reputation as a stern but just ruler. Most of his reign was taken up by war with the French and such was his success that by 1420 he was recognized as the heir to the reigning French monarch, Charles VI, whose daughter he married.

Henry VI (14211471)
King of England from 1422, son of Henry V. He assumed royal power in 1442 and sided with the party opposed to the continuation of the Hundred Years' War with France. After his marriage in 1445, he was dominated by his wife, Margaret of Anjou. He was deposed in 1461 during the Wars of the Roses, was captured in 1465, temporarily restored in 1470, but again imprisoned in 1471 and then murdered. Henry was eight months old when he succeeded to the English throne, and shortly afterwards, by the death in 1422 of his maternal grandfather, Charles VI, he became titular king of France. Unlike his father, Henry was disinclined to warfare, and when Joan of Arc revived French patriotism the English gradually began to lose their French possessions. By 1453 only Calais remained of his father's conquests. The unpopularity of the government, especially after the loss of the English conquests in France, encouraged Richard, Duke of York, to claim the throne, and though York was killed in 1460, his son Edward IV proclaimed himself king in 1461.

Henry VII (14571509)

King of England from 1485, when he overthrew Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth. A descendant of John of Gaunt, Henry, by his marriage to Elizabeth of York in 1486, united the houses of York and Lancaster. Yorkist revolts continued until 1497, but Henry restored order after the Wars of the Roses by the Star Chamber and achieved independence from Parliament by amassing a private fortune through confiscations. He was succeeded by his son Henry VIII. Born in Pembroke, Wales, the son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond (c. 1430 1456), Henry lived in Brittany, France, from 1471 to 1485, when he landed in Britain to lead the rebellion against Richard III. Henry succeeded in crushing the independence of the nobility by means of a policy of forced loans and fines. His chancellor, Cardinal Morton, was made responsible for the collection of these fines, and they were enforced by the privy councillors Empson and Dudley. This form of taxation became known as Morton's Fork, the dilemma being that, if a subject liable for taxation lived an extravagant lifestyle, obviously they could afford to pay the fine; if they lived austerely they should have sufficient funds saved with which to pay. To further curb the pretensions of the nobility, there were no unions of his children with the baronage. He married his son Arthur to Catherine of Aragn, daughter of the joint sovereigns of Spain, his daughter Margaret to James IV of Scotland, and his youngest daughter Mary to Louis XII of France.

Henry VIII (14911547)

King of England from 1509, when he succeeded his father Henry VII and married Catherine of Aragn, the widow of his brother. During the period 151329 Henry pursued an active foreign policy, largely under the guidance of his lord chancellor, Cardinal Wolsey, who shared Henry's desire to make England stronger. Wolsey was replaced by Thomas More in 1529 after failing to persuade the pope to grant Henry a divorce. After 1532 Henry broke with papal authority, proclaimed himself head of the church in England, dissolved the monasteries, and divorced Catherine. His subsequent wives were Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr. He was succeeded by his son Edward VI.

Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales (15941612)

Eldest son of James I of England and Anne of Denmark; a keen patron of Italian art.

Henry, the Young King (11551183)

Eldest son of Henry II, he was crowned 1170 as his father's successor and associate while his father was still king, in line with continental custom to avoid a disputed succession. However, it only succeeded in making the young Henry, incited by his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine, impatient for the power he regarded as rightfully his and he joined the baronial revolt against his father 117374. He was reconciled with his father 1174, but joined his brother Geoffrey in a subsequent rebellion during which he died.

the seven Saxon kingdoms thought to have existed in England before AD 800: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Wessex. The term was coined by 16th-century historians.

Herbert, A(lan) P(atrick) (18901971)

English politician and writer. He was an Independent member of Parliament for Oxford University 193550, author of several novels, including The Water Gipsies (1930), and a contributor to the humorous magazine Punch.

Herbert, Sidney (18101861)

1st Baron Herbert of Lea

British politician. He was secretary for war in Aberdeen's Liberal-Peelite coalition of 185255, and during the Crimean War was responsible for sending Florence Nightingale to the front. Baron 1860.

Hereward the Wake (lived 11th century)

legendary Saxon hero of the English resistance to the Normans in 1070. Helped by a Danish army, the rebels attacked and sacked Peterborough Abbey. William bribed the Danes to return home, but Hereward continued the revolt. His stronghold in the Isle of Ely was captured in 1071 by William (I) the Conqueror during the Siege of Ely. Although his actual fate is unkown, legends grew up about him, and he has remained a hero of fiction. Hereward had been outlawed by Edward the Confessor in 1062, and returned home after 1066 to find his father dead, his brother murdered, and the Norman lord Peter de Bourne in possession. Hereward killed him in revenge and led 40 men to the last English strongpoint at the abbey of Ely. When William the Conqueror took the island in 1071, Hereward retreated into the forest.

Herries, John Maxwell (c. 15121583)

Scottish politician. In early life he was a supporter of the Reformed party and a friend of the leading Scottish Protestant reformer John Knox, but in 1566 he cast in his lot with Mary Queen of Scots and joined her at Dunbar. He led her cavalry at Langside, and rode with her into England in 1568. On his return to Scotland he worked for Mary's cause and was imprisoned by the Regent of Scotland, James Stuart Murray.

In 1578 he was involved in the plot to deprive James Douglas Morton of the Scottish regency, and after Morton's death in 1581 was closely allied with the Regent Lennox in his schemes for Mary's release.

Herzog, Chaim (19181997)

Irish-Israeli soldier, lawyer, writer, politician, and president of Israel (198393). He served as Israel's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations between 197578. Returning to Israel, he joined the Labour Party and was elected to the Knesset in 1981. His public standing made him an obvious choice for the presidency in 1983. He studied law in Britain and Israel, and in World War II served in the British army as a tank commander. He disagreed with British rule in Palestine and joined an underground movement opposing it. In 1947, at the age of 29, he was given the task of organizing the intelligence service of the fledgling Israeli army, becoming its first head (195462). He was then appointed commander of the Israeli Defence Forces in East Jerusalem, occupying the crucial border with Egypt, with the rank of majorgeneral. He retired from the army in 1962, while still only in his forties, and launched himself into a business career, becoming, between 196283, a director of Israel Aircraft Industries, the Industrial Development Bank of Israel, the Israel Discount Bank, and managing director of GUS International. During the 'Six-Day War' between Israel and Egypt in 1967, Herzog became famous for his reassuring radio broadcasts to the Israeli people at a time when the country felt isloated.; after its successful outcome, he was made military governor of the West Bank.

Heseltine, Michael (Ray Dibdin) (1933 )

British Conservative politician, deputy prime minister 199597. A member of Parliament from 1966 (for Tavistock 196674 and for Henley from 1974), he was secretary of state for the environment 199092 and for trade and industry 199295. Heseltine was born in Swansea, south Wales, and was educated at Shrewsbury School and Oxford University. He was minister of the environment 197983, when he succeeded John Nott, and minister of defence from 1982 to January 1986, when he resigned over the Westland affair and was then seen as a major rival to Margaret Thatcher. In November 1990, Heseltine's challenge to Thatcher's leadership of the party brought about her resignation. After the Conservatives' defeat in 1997, he announced that he would not contest the party's vacant leadership because of heart problems but has continued to make known his views on European issues. He announced in April 2000 that he would step down from parliament at the next election.

Hewart of Bury, John Gordon Hewart, 1st Baron Hewart of Bury (18701943)
English lawyer and politician. After working on the Manchester Guardian, he was called to the Bar in 1902 and became a KC (King's Counsel) in 1912. In 1913 Hewart was elected Liberal member of Parliament for Leicester. He was solicitor-general (191619) and then attorney-general (192122). Hewart was a member of the Irish Conference and one of the British signatories of the Irish peace treaty. In 1922 he became Lord Chief Justice. Hewart was born in Bury, Lancashire, and was educated at Bury and Manchester Grammar Schools and at University College, Oxford. In 1929 he published The New Despotism, in which he attacked the delegation of legislative powers by Parliament to ministers.

or hyde

Anglo-Saxon unit of measurement used to measure the extent of arable land; it varied from about 296 ha/120 acres in the east of England to as little as 99 ha/40 acres in Wessex. One hide was regarded as sufficient to support a peasant and his household; it was the area that could be ploughed in a season by one plough and one team of oxen. The hide was the basic unit of assessment for taxation and military service; under Norman rule it became the basis for the feudal tax of hidage.

Higden, Ranulf (died 1364)

English chronicler. He was a Benedictine monk at St Werburgh's monastery in Chester, England. His great work was a general history of the world from the Creation down to his own time, entitled Polychronicon. This was printed by William Caxton in 1482. It was edited, with a translation, in the Rolls Series (186586).

High Commission
in England, ecclesiastical court established under the Royal Supremacy in the provinces of York and Canterbury following Henry VIII's break with Rome 1534. It dealt primarily with offences against the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity and from the 1590s was used to root out extreme Puritanism and later to assist the Arminians. Both Puritans and lawyers protested against its arbitrary abuse of procedure and the court became increasingly discredited until it was eventually abolished 1641 after the Stuarts had used it to enforce the royal prerogative.

high constable
in England from the reign of Henry VII (14851509), an officer appointed to keep the peace in a hundred. High constables were chosen at the court-leets (court session of lord of the manor) of the hundred over which they presided.

Highland Clearances
forced removal of tenants from large estates in Scotland during the early 19th century, as landowners 'improved' their estates by switching from arable to sheep farming. It led ultimately to widespread emigration to North America.

Highland Host
force of highlanders brought into southwest Scotland in 1678 to suppress Scottish Covenanters by the Earl of Lauderdale. For two months the host engaged in pillage and confiscation of lands until their brutality and their local unpopularity led to their being withdrawn. In some ways, they increased public sympathy for the Covenanters as many regarded them as Lowland Protestants being persecuted by Highlanders, even though up to a third of the Host were themselves Lowlanders. Lauderdale himself was a staunch supporter of Charles II, though he had himself been a Covenanter and had signed the Engagement with Charles I.

in English history, a thief on horseback who robbed travellers on the highway (those who did so on foot were known as footpads). With the development of regular coach services in the 17th and 18th centuries, the highwaymen's activities became notorious, and the Bow Street Runners were organized to suppress them. Highwaymen continued to flourish well into the 19th century.

Hill, (John Edward) Christopher (19122003)

British historian. He employed a traditionally Marxist approach to 17th-century English history, although this was less marked in his later work. His publications include The English Revolution, 1640 (1940), The Century of Revolution (1961), and Antichrist in Seventeenth-century England (1971). Hill was educated in England at St Peter's School, York, and Balliol College, Oxford Univeristy. He became a fellow of All Souls, Oxford University, in 1934. From 1938 65 he was fellow and tutor in modern history at Balliol and became master of Balliol in 1965. Among his other works are Puritanism and Revolution (1958), Society and

Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England (1964), Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution (1965), Reformation to Industrial Revolution (1967), God's Englishman (1970), Oliver Cromwell (1958), and The World Turned Upside Down (1972).

Hill, Austin Bradford (18971991)

English epidemiologist and statistician. He pioneered rigorous statistical study of patterns of disease and, together with Richard Doll, was the first to demonstrate the connection between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Knighted 1961.

Hill, Rowland, 1st Viscount Hill (17721842)

English general. He commanded the 90th Regiment in Abercromby's Egyptian expedition in 1801 and served throughout the Peninsular War. He captured the forts of Almarez, for which he was made a baron in 1814. He distinguished himself at the battle of Waterloo. Promoted to general in 1825, he succeeded the duke of Wellington in 1828 as commander-in-chief. He was made a viscount in 1842. Hill was born in Prees Hall, near Hawkstone, England.

hill figure
in Britain, any of a number of figures, usually of animals, cut from the turf to reveal the underlying chalk. Their origins are variously attributed to Celts, Romans, Saxons, Druids, or Benedictine monks, although most are of modern rather than ancient construction. Examples include 17 White Horses, and giants such as the Cerne Abbas Giant, near Dorchester, Dorset, associated with a prehistoric fertility cult. Nearly 50 hill figures are known in Britain, of which all but four are on the southern chalk downs of England. Some are landmarks or memorials; others have a religious or ritual purpose. It is possible that the current figures are on the site of, or reinforce, previous ones. There may have been large numbers of figures dotted on the landscape in the Iron Age, which were not maintained. The White Horse at Uffington, on the Berkshire Downs, used to be annually 'scoured' in a folk ceremony. Other hill-figure designs include the Long Man of Wilmington on Windover Hill, East Sussex; crosses, such as the Bledlow and Whiteleaf crosses on the Chiltern Hills; a collection of military badges made at Fovant Down, Wiltshire (1916); an aeroplane, and a crown. A stag at Mormond Hill, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, is cut into white quartz.

Long Man of Wilmington

(Image Corel)

The Long Man of Wilmington, on Windover Hill, East Sussex, England.

Hillsborough Agreement
another name for the Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985).

Hindley, Myra (19422002)

British murderer who, with Ian Brady, was found guilty of the murder of two children and a 17-year-old youth between 1963 and 1965. They were known as 'the Moors Murderers' because they buried most of their victims on Saddleworth Moor in the Pennines, England. They abducted and sexually abused the children before killing them. Hindley was imprisoned in 1966 for a recommended minimum of 25 years. She conducted a high-profile campaign for her release.

Hobbes, Thomas (15881679)

English political philosopher and the first thinker since Aristotle to attempt to develop a comprehensive theory of nature, including human behaviour. In Leviathan (1651), he advocates absolutist government as the only means of ensuring order and security; he saw this as deriving from the social contract.

Hobhouse, John Cam, Baron Broughton (17861869)

British statesman. He began his political career in 1820 as Radical member of Parliament for Westminster, having been already imprisoned in Newgate for a satirical pamphlet published anonymously. Hobhouse is traditionally said to have been the first to use the phrase 'His (Her) Majesty's Opposition'. He was made a peer in 1851. He was educated at Westminster School and at Trinity College, Cambridge University. His friendship with the English poet George Byron began in his undergraduate days and endured until the latter's death.

Hoby, Sir Thomas (15301566)

English diplomat and translator. Born in Leominster, Hoby went to Cambridge before undertaking extensive travels on the Continent. An expert linguist, he was knighted and sent as ambassador to France in 1566, but died in Paris a few months later. During an earlier stay in Paris (155253), Hoby translated Baldassare Castiglione's Il cortegiano/The Courtier, eventually printed in 1561; it proved popular and was several times reprinted. Hoby's wife Elizabeth Hoby (15281609) was also a skilled linguist.

Hogg, Quintin
British politician; see Lord Hailsham.

Holinshed (or Hollingshead), Raphael (c. 1520c. 1580)

English historian. He published two volumes of the Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1578), which are a mixture of fact and legend. The Chronicles were used as a principal source by Elizabethan dramatists for their plots. Nearly all Shakespeare's English history plays, as well as Macbeth, King Lear, and Cymbeline, are based on Holinshed's work.

Holland, Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland (17051774)

English statesman. He entered Parliament in 1738, becoming a partisan of Robert Walpole. In 1743 he became a lord of the Treasury, and three years later was promoted to the office of secretary-at-war, in which position he remained until 1755, when he was appointed secretary of state. He resigned in the following year, but in 1757 became paymaster-general of the forces, and in this lucrative office he amassed a vast fortune.

Holland was born in Chiswick, London, England. He was educated at Eton School. He took no active part in politics after 1763, when he was created a peer.

Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron Holland (1773 1840)
British Whig politician. He was Lord Privy Seal 180607. His home, at Holland House, London, was for many years the centre of Whig political and literary society. Baron 1796.

Holles of Ifield, Denzil Holles, 1st Baron Holles of Ifield (15991680)

English statesman. He first entered Parliament in 1624, where he opposed the foreign policy of the Duke of Buckingham, and was one of the five members who held the Speaker in his chair while John Eliot's protestations were passed in 1629. After the outbreak of the Civil War, Holles fought at the battles of Edgehill and Brentford, but his belief that a settlement should be negotiated with Charles I and his Presbyterian principles soon made him lose favour with Oliver Cromwell. He fled to France in 1649, returning in 1659 at the invitation of Monck. He went to the Hague to invite Charles II to return to England in 1660, and was made a peer the following year, but gradually moved into opposition to Charles, owing to his own convinced political and religious sympathies.

Hollis, Roger Henry (19051973)

British civil servant, head of the secret intelligence service MI5 195665. He was alleged to have been a double agent together with Kim Philby, but this was denied by the KGB in 1991. Knighted 1960.

Holloway, Stanley (18901982)

English entertainer. An original member of The Co-Optimists revue group 192130, his hearty, down-to-earth manner and booming tones made him a genial comedy actor in Ealing film classics like Passport to Pimlico (1948), The Lavender Hill Mob (1951), and The Titfield Thunderbolt (1952). He created Alfred Doolittle in My Fair Lady on Broadway (195658) and on film in 1964. Popular on radio and in pantomime, he created the monologue characters of Sam Small and the Ramsbottom family. He also had his own television series, Our Man Higgins (1962). His autobiography, Wiv a Little Bit of Luck, was published in 1969.

Holyoake, George Jacob (18171906)

British agitator and Chartist (see Chartism). Having decided that the evidences of Christianity were insufficient, he made remarks in public for which he was charged with blasphemy and imprisoned for six months. Subsequently his energies were mainly devoted to social reform and the advocacy of cooperation. He wrote A History of Cooperation in England (1875), in addition to biographies of Tom Paine, Richard Carlisle, Robert Owen, and John Stuart Mill, and several controversial pamphlets.

in Britain, feudal ceremony symbolizing the submission of a tenant to his lord. The lord would take the clasped hands of a kneeling man, and kisses might be exchanged as a sign of friendship. The ceremony formed a mutual bond: while the man was bound to serve the lord, in return the lord guaranteed his protection. The ceremony could be used in a broader context, as for example, the Scottish king Malcolm III paying homage to Henry II of England to indicate his acceptance of Henry's rule.

Home, Alec DouglasBritish Conservative politician. See Douglas-Home.

home front
organized sectors of domestic activity in wartime, mainly associated with World Wars I and II. Features of the UK home front in World War I included greater government control over industry, the introduction of British summer time, and the introduction of women into jobs previously undertaken only by men as many were on active military service. In World War II measures on the UK home front included the organization of the black-out, evacuation, air-raid shelters, the Home Guard, rationing, and the distribution of gas masks.

home front, World War I

organization of the UK civilian population by the British government to meet the war effort in World War I. Laws were passed extending government control over new areas. The Defence of the Realm Act (1914) introduced censorship over the news in order to maintain morale and facilitate propaganda. Government control was extended over manufacturing output. Drinking was restricted by law, and food conservation encouraged, although rationing was not introduced until 1918. World War I had a greater impact on the entire UK population than any previous war, and social changes, such as the use of women in men's traditional employment, had a lasting effect after the war.

home front, World War II

mobilization of all sectors of the UK economy and population by the British government to support the war effort in World War II. There was no escape on the home front from involvement in or experience of the war. Civilians suffered more than in World War I, particularly those living in cities bombed by the German Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain (1940) and the Blitz (194041). Evacuation, gas masks, Anderson shelters, rationing, and the Home Guard were ever-present features of life on the home front.

Home Guard
unpaid force formed in Britain in May 1940 to repel the expected German invasion, and known until July 1940 as the Local Defence Volunteers. It consisted of men aged 1765 who had not been called up, formed part of the armed forces of the Crown, and was subject to military law. Over 2 million strong in 1944, it was disbanded on 31 December 1945, but revived in 1951, then placed on a reserve basis in 1955. It ceased activity in 1957. Its members worked at their normal occupations and undertook military training in their spare time. In 1940 they were armed with a motley collection of shotguns and privately-owned weapons, but by 1942 they were a well-trained body liberally provided with automatic weapons and light artillery.

Home Guard

(Image Billie Love)

The 4th Battalion of the Kentish Home Guard, in 1945, which had an average strength of 1,500 volunteers. Known at first as the Local Defence Volunteers, the British Home Guard grew to about 2 million volunteers who received basic training and some weapons to defend their home areas against the threat of invasion. Parttime service was eventually made compulsory for certain categories of civilians.

home rule, Irish

movement to repeal the Act of Union of 1801 that joined Ireland to Britain, and to establish an Irish parliament responsible for internal affairs. In 1870 Isaac Butt formed the Home Rule Association and the movement was led in Parliament from 1880 by Charles Stewart Parnell. After 1918 the demand for an independent Irish republic replaced that for home rule. The British prime minister William Gladstone's home rule bills of 1886 and 1893 were both defeated. A third bill was introduced by the Liberals in 1912, which aroused opposition in Ireland where the Protestant minority in Ulster feared domination by the Catholic majority. Ireland appeared on the brink of civil war but the outbreak of World War I rendered further consideration of home rule inopportune. In 1920 the Government of Ireland Act introduced separate parliaments in the North and South and led to the treaty of 1921 that established the Irish Free State.

Ireland: Home Rule 18681918

introduction Ireland in the 19th century was beset by political, economic, and religious discontents. The 1801 Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland failed to incorporate Ireland into the British political system. Despite the achievement of Catholic Emancipation in 1829, Catholics remained economically disadvantaged. Ireland had not industrialized (except in the north-east around Belfast); its land system was seen as inefficient and unjust; and after the Great Famine of 184549 its population went into long-term decline. Such circumstances encouraged the formation of nationalist movements, mainly supported by Catholics. Some movements, such as the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) founded in 1858, sought self-government by the use of force. Others sought limited self-government through peaceful agitation; the most influential of these was the Home Rule party. Home Rule and the rise of Parnell In 1868 Liberal prime minister William Gladstone, determined to 'pacify Ireland'. He disestablished the (Protestant) Church of Ireland and gave certain rights to tenant farmers, but this failed to meet Irish expectations. In 1870 the Protestant Isaac Butt founded the Home Rule League, which campaigned for a devolved Irish parliament. The Home Rule party won 61 of 103 seats in the 1874 general election, but found itself isolated in the Westminster Parliament. From 1877 Butt was challenged by a group of MPs who systematically obstructed British legislation in protest at the neglect of Irish affairs. The most prominent of these was the Protestant landowner

Charles Stewart Parnell. By 1880 he had taken the leadership of the Irish party and become president of a new tenants' rights association, the Land League. In some places land agitation was accompanied by violence. Gladstone responded with new concessions in the 1881 Land Act, but suppressed the Land League and imprisoned its leaders, including Parnell. The latter was released on the understanding that he would help to pacify Ireland. The Chief Secretary for Ireland resigned in protest at this 'Kilmainham Treaty', and his successor, Lord Frederick Cavendish, was assassinated in Phoenix Park by a fringe nationalist group, the Invincibles. The assassination temporarily dashed Parnell's hopes of further cooperation with Gladstone on Home Rule. However, in the 1885 election the Irish Party won 86 seats, giving them the balance of power between Liberals and Conservatives. Gladstone, who had become sympathetic to Home Rule, now endorsed it. He took office with Irish support in 1886 and introduced a Home Rule Bill, but it was defeated by the Conservatives and a defecting group of Liberal Unionists. At the subsequent election the Conservatives and Liberal Unionists won a comfortable majority. the fall of Parnell and the eclipse of Home Rule In 1890 Parnell's political aspirations were shattered when his affair with Mrs O'Shea became public knowledge. Catholic Ireland and many of Gladstone's English Protestant supporters were scandalized. Gladstone announced that he would resign if Parnell remained as Irish Party leader. A majority of the Irish Party voted to depose Parnell. He refused to accept this and the Home Rule movement split into Parnellite and anti-Parnellite factions. Parnell died, worn out, in Oct 1891. Gladstone returned to power in 1892 and passed the second Home Rule Bill through the House of Commons, but it was thrown out by the House of Lords. The Unionists returned to power in 1895. The Irish Party reunited under John Redmond in 1900, but was still weakened by personal rivalries. In 1906 the Liberals returned to power, but made only limited concessions to Nationalists. The Parnell split encouraged interest in new forms of nationalism. In 1893 the Gaelic League, aimed at reviving the Irish language, was founded. More significantly, from around 1900, separatism revived. In 1905 Arthur Griffith founded Sinn Fein, which advocated a fully independent Irish Parliament with the British monarch as head of state, as a compromise between Home Rule and separatism. Some Sinn Feiners advocated a fully independent republic. the Third Home Rule Bill and the Ulster Crisis The 1910 new elections gave Redmond the balance of power. In 1912, after constitutional changes had curbed the power of the House of Lords, Asquith's Liberal government introduced a third Home Rule Bill, scheduled to come into force by 1914. Ulster Unionists threatened to resist it by force, and from 1912 organized a private army, the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF). Negotiations took place to discuss the option of the Protestant north-east seceding from a future Irish state, but broke down over the extent of the area to be excluded. In 1913, nationalists set up the Irish Volunteers as a counterweight to the UVF. Sectarian tensions mounted, fed on the nationalist side by a perception that the government was lukewarm on Home Rule. Civil war in Ireland seemed inevitable.

war and revolution When World War I broke out Redmond pledged Irish support for the British war effort in return for the passage of Home Rule into law, suspended for the duration of the war. This split the Irish Volunteers; the majority, calling themselves 'National Volunteers', went with Redmond, leaving a minority of 'Irish Volunteers' who argued that Britain rather than Germany was the main threat to Irish liberties. At Easter 1916 a section of the Irish Volunteers and the left-wing Citizen Army staged a rebellion in Dublin. The suppression of this 'Easter Rising' and the execution of 16 of its leaders led to a reaction in favour of separatism. From 1917 the Irish Party lost support to a reorganized Sinn Fein under amon de Valera, a suvivor of the 1916 rising. In the Dec 1918 general election the Home Rule party was virtually wiped out, taking 6 seats to Sinn Fein's 73 and the Unionists' 26. The Sinn Fein deputies set up their own parliament, Dil ireann. The Volunteers, now calling themselves the 'Irish Republican Army' (IRA), intimidated government sympathizers and launched guerrilla attacks on crown forces and government agents. The government responded with indiscriminate repression often carried out by militarized police recruits from Britain (the 'Black and Tans'). the Anglo-Irish Treaty In 1920 the government passed the Government of Ireland Act, which set up two Home Rule parliaments: one in Belfast (for the six north-eastern counties) and one in Dublin. The Dublin parliament was stillborn as only Sinn Feiners contested the election, but the Northern one was opened in May 1921. Soon afterwards a truce was called and negotiations began between the British government and Sinn Fein. In Dec 1921 the Irish negotiators, led by Griffith and the dynamic IRB president Michael Collins, signed a treaty that gave Ireland Dominion status under the Crown. The Anglo-Irish Treaty divided Sinn Fein. Collins, Griffith, and their supporters saw the Treaty as the best deal possible under the circumstances; others, led by de Valera (who had not attended the Treaty negotiations), saw partition and Dominion status as a betrayal of the ideal of a fully independent 32-county republic. A majority of the inhabitants of the new state endorsed the Treaty in an election in 1922, but this was followed by a year-long civil war, eventually won by the pro-Treaty side, which embittered Irish life for a generation. During the war Griffith died of exhaustion and Collins was shot. Remaining supporters of the old Home Rule party were absorbed into the pro-Treaty party, now led by William Cosgrave, first prime minister of the Irish Free State.

Homildon Hill, Battle of

battle fought 2 km/1 mi west of Wooler, in Northumberland, England on 14 September 1402. A force commanded by Henry 'Hotspur' Percy and the Earl of March defeated a Scots raiding party led by the Earl of Douglas.

Hood, Samuel (17621814)

British vice-admiral. He joined the navy in 1776, and from that year until his death was on active service almost without remission. He took part in the action off the French island of Ushant in 1778. After two years' service in the West Indies, he commanded the Zealous at the battle of the Nile in 1797. In 1802, having been promoted to commodore, he virtually drove the French out of the West Indies, and in 1805 seized four French frigates near Rochefort, but his action cost him an arm. Commander of the Centaur in 1808, he was publicly decorated by the king of Sweden for his brilliant seizure of the Russian gunship Sewolod. Useful reforms followed his promotion to commander-in-chief of the East Indies in 1812.

Hore-Belisha, (Isaac) Leslie (18931957)

1st Baron Hore-Belisha

British politician. A National Liberal, he was minister of transport 193437, introducing a number of traffic reforms including the introduction of a driving test for motorists, traffic lights, and Belisha beacons to mark pedestrian crossings. He was war minister from 1937, until removed by Chamberlain in 1940 on grounds of temperament, and introduced peacetime conscription in 1939.

Hornby v. Close
UK court case in 1867 in which it was decided that trade unions were illegal associations. The decision, overturned two years later by a special act of Parliament, indirectly led to the full legalization of trade unions under the Trade Union Acts 1871 76.

Horne, Henry Sinclair (18611929)

Baron Horne of Stirkoke

British general, the only artillery officer to command a field army in World War I. He was responsible for many of the technical and tactical improvements in artillery, including the perfection of the creeping barrage.

Anglo-Saxon leader, brother of Hengist.

Horton, Max Kennedy (18831951)

British admiral and submarine specialist in World War II. In 1942 he became commander-in-chief on the Western Approaches, responsible for convoys crossing the Atlantic. He rapidly made his mark, adopting a variety of measures and tactics to neutralize the U-boat threat and eventually gained the upper hand. He remained in this post until the war ended.

Hoste, William (17801828)

British naval captain. He entered the navy at the age of 13, and was on board the Agamemnon under the express care of Capt Horatio Nelson. He saw service in all parts of the Mediterranean, and ultimately took Cattaro and Ragusa. He was a brilliant commander, and an ardent disciple of Nelson. Hoste was born in Ingoldisthorpe, Norfolk, England.

11th-century military fraternity used by the Danish kings of England as a form of bodyguard and standing army. The system was introduced by King Canute 1016 and was initially paid for by the heregeld ('army tax'), although from 1051 they no longer received direct payment but were instead given grants of land, in return for which they would fight when summoned.

houses of correction
In England, early workhouses set up under the poor laws of 1576 and 1597 as a response to rising population and unemployment. A house of correction was set up in each county and major town, ostensibly to house the indigent and punish the workshy but they soon became little more than prisons for petty criminals.

Howard, Catherine (c. 15201542)

Queen consort of Henry VIII of England from 1540. In 1541 the archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, accused her of being unchaste before marriage to Henry and she was beheaded in 1542 after Cranmer made further charges of adultery.

Howard, Constance (19192000)

English embroiderer, artist, and teacher. She helped to revive creative craftwork after World War II. Her work includes framed pictures with fabrics outlined in bold black threads, wall hangings, and geometric studies in strong colour, and can be found in

England at Northampton Art Gallery, Lincoln Cathedral, Eton College, and the Victoria and Albert Museum. She was appointed MBE in 1975.

Howe, (Richard Edward) Geoffrey (1926 )

Baron Howe of Aberavon

British Conservative politician, member of Parliament for Surrey East. As chancellor of the Exchequer 197983 under Margaret Thatcher, he put into practice the monetarist policy that reduced inflation at the cost of a rise in unemployment. In 1983 he became foreign secretary, and in 1989 deputy prime minister and leader of the House of Commons. On 1 November 1990 he resigned in protest at Thatcher's continued opposition to the UK's greater integration in Europe. Howe was born in Port Talbot, Glamorgan, and educated at Westminster School and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Many of the ideas proposed by Howe in the early 1960s were subsequently taken up by the Thatcher government. Under Edward Heath he was solicitor general 197072 and minister for trade 197274.

How-Martyn, Edith (18751954)

born Edith How

English suffragette. She co-founded the Women's Freedom League with Charlotte Despard and Teresa Billington-Greig in 1907 and became the first woman member of Middlesex Council in 1919. As founder of the Birth Control International Information Centre (1929) she travelled widely lecturing on women's issues, and published The Birth Control Movement in England (1931). How-Martyn was born in Cheltenham. Educated at the North London Collegiate School for Girls, at University College, Aberystwyth, and London University, she became secretary of Emmeline Pankhurst's Women's Social and Political Union 190607. After the franchise had been extended to include property-owning women over the age of 30, she stood for parliament in 1918 as an independent candidate representing feminist issues, but was unsuccessful.

Hudson, George (18001871)

British Conservative politician and industrialist. He started out as a draper in York until he inherited 30,000 in 1828 and invested heavily and successfully in the burgeoning railway system. By the late 1840s he controlled more than 1,600 km/1,000 mi of railway (a third of Britain's railways) and had formed the Midlands Railway and the North Eastern Railway. He had also begun a successful career in local politics. He was mayor of York three times and was elected as member of parliament for Sunderland in 1845. He was forced to flee the country briefly in 1849 when financial difficulties caused the government to investigate his accounts, leading to allegations of fraud.

hue and cry

cry of alarm that inhabitants of a manor (or frankpledge) were duty-bound to raise and respond to, in order to assist in the apprehension of criminals. All members of the manor were bound to join in the pursuit and apprehension of a suspected offender and hand them over to the sheriff for punishment and failure to do so was in itself punishable. The term has now come to refer to any form of general clamour or turmoil.

Hull, Richard Amyatt (19071989)

British soldier. He joined the army in 1928 and held several commands during World War II. From 194648 he was commandant of Camberley Staff College. He was General Officer Commanding in Egypt (195456), deputy chief of the Imperial General Staff (195658), commander-in-chief of the Far East Land Forces (1958 61), chief of the Imperial General Staff (196164), chief of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defence (196465), chief of the Defence Staff (196567), and constable of the Tower of London (from 1970). Hull was educated at Charterhouse and Trinity College, Cambridge University. He was knighted in 1956.

Humble Petition and Advice

constitutional proposal put to Oliver Cromwell by the English parliament 25 May 1657 to moderate army rule under the major-generals. Although Cromwell refused the crown which the petition urged him to accept, he agreed to other clauses: he nominated a successor; created a second chamber of parliament, consisting of up to 70 life peers; and curbed the powers of the Council of State. Parliament's power was greatly increased after the settlement, particularly in regard to taxation, and the petition formed the basis of the constitution until the disputes between Richard Cromwell and the Rump Parliament 1659.

Hume, Allan Octavian (18291912)

British administrator. Hume was educated at the East India College (now Haileybury College) and London University, passing from there to the Bengal Civil Service in 1849. In Simla he formed an organization which would further the aspirations of advanced Indians; this was the birth of the National Congress which held its first session in 1885. When Hume returned to England in 1894 he took great interest in the British Committee of the Indian Congress. In India Hume made a valuable collection of botanical and ornithological specimens, and published The Game Birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon (187981). He presented his collection to the British Museum of Natural History (South Kensington). He founded the South London Botanical Museum and made provision for it in perpetuity.

Hume, Joseph (17771855)

British Radical politician. Born in Montrose, Scotland, he went to India as an army surgeon 1797, made a fortune, and on his return bought a seat in Parliament. In 1818 he secured election as a Philosophic Radical and supported many progressive measures.

hunger march
procession of the unemployed, a feature of social protest in interwar Britain.

Hunne's case
scandal when a London merchant, Richard Hunne was found hanging in his cell in the Bishop of London's prison 4 December 1514 while awaiting trial for heresy. The church claimed he had committed suicide out of guilt but it was widely believed that the charge of heterodoxy was only brought by Bishop Fitzjames because Hunne had challenged the church's right to levy a mortuary tax on the death of a parishioner. Hunne's corpse was burned by the church authorities, preventing its examination but a coroner's court charged the bishop's chancellor, Dr Horsey, with murder. The church protested that lay courts had no authority over the clergy and the case was taken up by the growing anticlerical movement. It was brought before Henry VIII twice but ended in compromise: Horsey was fined and forbidden from living in London but was not formally prosecuted.

Hunt, Henry ('Orator') (17731835)

British Radical politician who agitated for a wider franchise and the repeal of the Corn Laws. Born into an affluent farming family, he emerged as one of the best-known radical leaders in the agitation for parliamentary reform following the passage of the Corn Laws in 1815, largely due to his inflammatory rhetoric. His speech at St Peter's Field in Manchester on November 1819 caused the militia to intervene, charging the crowd in what became known as the Peterloo Massacre, and Hunt was imprisoned for three years 182023. He was elected member of parliament for Preston 183133.

Hurd, Douglas (Richard) (1930 )

Lord of Westwell

British Conservative politician, home secretary 198589 and foreign secretary 1989 95. A moderate 'Heathite' Conservative, he was passed over for the cabinet during Margaret Thatcher's first term as prime minister, but was appointed Northern Ireland

secretary in 1984. In November 1990 he was an unsuccessful candidate in the Tory leadership contest following Margaret Thatcher's unexpected resignation.

independent farmer below the rank of yeoman. Unlike yeomen, they did not usually own the land they farmed, but held tenancies of about 1030 acres.

Huskisson, William (17701830)

British Conservative politician, financier, and advocate of free trade. He was active in the Corn Law debates, supporting their relaxation in 1821 and replacing the absolute level with a sliding scale in 1828. He was the first person to be killed by a train when he was hit at the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, while crossing the tracks to greet the Duke of Wellington. In his early career Huskisson served as secretary to the Treasury 180709 and colonial agent for Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). He also served on a committee that investigated rural distress and agricultural depression.

Hyde, Douglas (18601949)

pseudonym An Craoibhn Aoibhinn ('the pleasant little branch')

Irish writer, scholar, and propagandist, president of Ireland 193845. He became president of the Gaelic League in 1893. His translations of Irish poetry and prose developed an English style that reflected Gaelic idiom and syntax, and had considerable influence on the younger writers of the Irish literary revival. However, he attempted to resist the politicization of the Gaelic League, and resigned as its president in 1915. He was a member of the Senate from 1925, and was chosen as president of Ireland by agreement between the parties in 1938. Hyde was professor of Irish at University College Dublin, 190932. His important published works include Love Songs of Connacht (1893), his Literary History of Ireland (1899) and The Religious Songs of Connacht (1906). He wrote Casadh ant Sugin (1901), the first modern play in Irish.

Hyndman, Henry Mayers (18421921)

English socialist. The first important British-born Marxist, he founded the Democratic Federation 1881 (renamed the Social Democratic Federation (SDF) in 1884) and devoted his life to revolutionary propaganda and agitation.

Hyndman was born in London to wealthy upper-middle-class parents. After leaving Trinity College, Cambridge, he played cricket for the Sussex county eleven, travelled in Australia and the USA, and worked for the Pall Mall Gazette as a war correspondent and specialist on Indian affairs 187180. In 1880, he read Karl Marx's Das Kapital, and was instantly converted to communism. The following year he founded the Democratic Federation and published England For All, which presented Marxist theories in popular form. Karl Marx was furious to discover that the book contained no mention of himself; Hyndman argued that British workers would have been put off communism by foreign names, but he failed to convince Marx and Friedrich Engels, who refused to speak to him again. Hyndman edited the SDF newspaper Justice, and tried to steer other British socialists in the direction of Marxism, but his superior manner and uncertain temper tended to sharpen divisions in the movement. The Socialist League broke away from the SDF in 1884, and Hyndman's influence was further weakened by the rise of the Independent Labour Party after 1893. He endeavoured to mobilize support among the unemployed and was tried and acquitted for his part in the West End riots of 1886. It was widely (though mistakenly) believed that he was the inspiration behind the London dock strike in 1889. Hyndman stood for Parliament four times in Burnley without success. His attempts at cooperation with the Labour Party failed, and the SDF remained a small fringe group on the extreme left of British politics. In 1911, it merged into the British Socialist Party, which opposed British involvement in World War I. Hyndman, who was strongly anti-German, then formed a rival National Socialist Party 1916, which later reverted to the SDF name. During the war, he was a Labour representative on the consumer council of the ministry of food. Hyndman was a gifted propagandist, and spent a large part of his inherited fortune on spreading Marxist ideas. These influenced the wider socialist movement, which was growing in Britain in the 1880s, helping to distinguish it from older forms of radicalism, but his own position soon became marginal.

Hywel Dda
or Hywel the Good

Welsh king. He succeeded his father Cadell as ruler of Seisyllwg (roughly former Cardiganshire and present Twyi Valley), at first jointly with his brother Clydog c. 910 920 then alone 920950. He had extended his realm to Dyfed, Gwynedd, and Powys by 942, creating a larger Welsh kingdom than any before. His reign was peaceful, mainly because he was subservient to the English kings. He is said to have codified Welsh laws, but there is no contemporary record of this.

ancient people of eastern England, who revolted against Roman occupation under the chieftainship of Boudicca.

Icknield Way
major pre-Roman trackway traversing southeast England. It runs from Wells-nextthe-Sea on the Norfolk coast in a generally southwesterly direction, passing first through Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire. The Icknield Way then runs through Luton in Bedfordshire, skirts the Chiltern Hills, crosses the River Thames at Goring and follows the line of the Berkshire Downs to the source of the River Kennet in Wiltshire.

Imperial War Cabinet

in World War I, inner circle of British cabinet ministers and officials directing both war matters and domestic affairs 191619. The idea of a war cabinet was devised by Sir Maurice Hankey largely to allow Lloyd George to govern without opposition. The Empire was represented only by the active participation of General Jan Smuts, the future South African prime minister.

system of forced conscription, often of the poor or destitute, into the armed forces, particularly the Royal Navy, employed in the 18th and 19th centuries. In effect it was a form of kidnapping carried out by the services or their agents, often with the aid of armed men. This was similar to the practice of 'shanghaiing' sailors for duty in the merchant marine, especially in the Far East.

the transfer following the dissolution of the monasteries in 1536 of the tithes and advowsons of parish churches to either the Crown or powerful lay persons. Tithes became a source of private wealth, as little tended to be passed on to the parochial curate, while advowsons were used by powerful patrons to nominate vicars of their own religious persuasion. In the 1620s the Feofees for Impropriations attempted to divert these resources for the support of a Puritan ministry, while the Arminians campaigned for institutional change to ensure that ecclesiastical rights were used for the benefit of the church, rather than private landowners.

Indemnity and Oblivion, Act of

In England, act of the Convention Parliament 1660 implementing the amnesty outlined in the Treaty of Breda as a precursor to the Restoration of Charles II. Participants in the events of the previous 20 years were pardoned, with the exception

of 50 named individuals, including 13 of the regicides who had signed Charles I's death warrant.

indentured retainers
in the later middle ages, a person bound in service to a lord on the basis of a contract rather than on the granting of land, as had been the case in the feudal system. The document of indenture was copied out twice on a single parchment, with a word or phrase between the two copies. Each party to the contract then retained one half of the document and its authenticity could be verified by matching the two halves of the phrase. Some indenture contracts were extremely long and complex, explaining in detail the precise nature of the services to be rendered and the recompense to be granted for it. For some time, indentured troops were the main source of recruitment to the army, particularly during the Hundred Years' War.

Independent Labour Party


British socialist party, founded in Bradford in 1893 by the Scottish politician Keir Hardie. In 1900 it joined with trades unions and Fabians in founding the Labour Representation Committee, the nucleus of the Labour Party. Many members left the ILP to join the Communist Party in 1921, and in 1932 all connections with the Labour Party were severed. After World War II the ILP dwindled, eventually becoming extinct. James Maxton (18851946) was its chair 192646.

in the 16th and 17th centuries in England, nonconformists who espoused total autonomy for local congregations from both the state and any established church. Independents rejected episcopacy outright and by the time of the Civil War the term meant those who even opposed a Presbyterian form of a national church. The main Independent groups were the Congregationalists and the Baptists though there were also smaller fringe groups such as the Anabaptists and the radical fifth monarchy men. Independents dominated the New Model Army.

Indirect Rule
system of colonial government widely employed by the British for the administration of colonies. Indirect rule sought to encourage and govern through local institutions and traditional authorities with a view to promoting self-government in the long term.

Industrial Revolution
acceleration of technical and economic development that took place in Britain in the second half of the 18th century. The traditional agricultural economy was replaced by one dominated by machinery and manufacturing, made possible through technical advances such as the steam engine. This transferred the balance of political power from the landowner to the industrial capitalist (for example, a factory owner) and created an urban working class. As the first country to have an industrial revolution, Britain for a while was the 'workshop of the world'. The Industrial Revolution, therefore, became the basis of 19th-century British world power and the British Empire. From 1830 to the early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution spread throughout Europe and the USA, and to Japan and the various colonial empires. The term 'Industrial Revolution' has been criticized on the grounds that it implies a sudden and dramatic change, whereas the process of industrialization was longdrawn-out, erratic, and varied from industry to industry and from region to region.

Industrial Revolution

(Image Billie Love)

A young girl working in a brickyard in Victorian England, 1871. Factory owners exploited children, sometimes just five or six years of age, to work long, hard hours in

poor conditions. In 1878 the first significant legislation against child labour banned the employment of children under 10 years of age and restricted the hours of those aged between 10 and 14.

Industrial Revolution

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

A Punch cartoon of 1844 entitled Capital and Labour contrasts the luxurious life of a mineowner with the harsh working conditions in the pits. Although the Industrial Revolution brought Britain as a whole greater material prosperity, it also caused massive social upheavals.

Information, Ministry of
British government department created in 1939, at the beginning of World War II, to control the supply and content of information about the war. It distributed British government propaganda and controlled censorship for the duration of the war, a function considered vital to the war effort. The ministry also produced informative and morale-boosting material, working closely with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Home Service to put out the most positive angle on the day's news. To reassure the public and maximize national efficiency, the ministry created posters, pamphlets, and public information films about air-raid shelters, gas attacks, and selfsufficiency. Actors, writers, directors, and artists were employed to produce positive images of Britain. Henry V (1944) by Laurence Olivier, based on the play by William Shakespeare, was just one of the many films celebrating historic British endeavour and culture. Other films, such as Went the Day Well? (1942) in which a single village repels a German invasion, poked fun at the enemy. Food rationing had been

introduced at the beginning of the war and there was a government drive towards self-sufficiency. Poster campaigns encouraged people to 'Dig for Victory' by planting their own vegetable patches. Other posters discouraged gossip. The cartoonist Cyril Bird used the line 'Careless talk costs lives' to encourage people not to talk about potentially confidential and valuable information in case it was overheard by German spies.

abbreviation for Irish National Liberation Army.

Instrument of Government, the

English constitution of 165357 which established a Protectorate, with Oliver Cromwell at its head, assisted by a Council of State, and established a singlechamber parliament, consisting of 460 members. When parliament was not sitting the Lord Protector was empowered to issue legislation along with the Council of State. Protestants were also granted toleration under the new constitution. The settlement was imposed by the army and was widely perceived as being weighted too heavily in favour of the army, so that it was soon superseded by the Humble Petition May 1657.

two periods in British history when the nation was temporarily without a monarch. The first interregnum covers both the Commonwealth and the Protectorate, starting with the execution of Charles I on 30 January 1649 until the Restoration of the monarchy on 8 May 1660, although Charles II always dated his reign from 1649. The second interregnum occurred at the time of the Glorious Revolution, in the period between the flight of James II on 22 December 1688 and the accession of William and Mary to the English throne on 23 February 1689.

Invergordon Mutiny
incident in the British Atlantic Fleet, Cromarty Firth, Scotland, on 15 September 1931. Ratings refused to prepare the ships for sea following the government's cuts in their pay; the cuts were consequently modified.

Invincibles, the
group of Irish terrorist revolutionaries formed in 1881 to carry out political assassinations. Established in Dublin as the Irish National Invincibles, an offshoot of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, their leaders included James Carey, John

McCafferty, and P J Tynan. Notoriety soon followed their first, and only real attack, the Phoenix Park Murders in 1882, when they assassinated the chief secretary for Ireland, Lord Frederick Cavendish, and his undersecretary, Thomas Burke. In a massive investigation, Carey was soon identified as a suspect and he turned Queen's evidence (gaining immunity by naming others involved), which led to the arrest of 20 main conspirators. Attempting to flee to Cape Town, South Africa, Carey was shot dead by Patrick Donnell, a bricklayer and former Invincible. Five of the Invincible leaders were hanged, and the remainder were given lengthy prison sentences. It was revealed that Edmund Burke had been their intended target, and they had been unaware of the importance of Cavendish.

abbreviation for Irish Republican Army.

Ireland: history to 1154

there is some debate about the date of the earliest human occupants of Ireland. Various sites, such as that at Larne, had suggested that a Mesolithic culture, based on hunting and fishing, was established by around 6000 BC. However, it is now thought that these hunting and fishing people may have been contemporary to the Neolithic communities and megalith builders, who arrived at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. The Irish megalith builders developed the passage tomb, some of the most remarkable of which are found at Newgrange, where the main passage is aligned to the winter solstice. In the Bronze Age Ireland held an important position, trading gold ornaments, such as torques (armbands and bracelets), all over Europe.

Ireland: history 1154 to 1485

for the history of Ireland before 1154, see Ireland: history to 1154. During the Middle Ages (12th15th century), the English crown made itself the overlord of Ireland and tried but failed to extend its control over Ireland. Following the Anglo-Norman conquest, completed by Henry II in 1172, English colonization began, particularly in the east in the region around Dublin, an area that became known as the English Pale. However, control over the Irish chiefs was limited, despite campaigns by John (I) Lackland in 1210 and Richard II 139495, and the period saw a number of rebellions and the gradual decline of English colonial presence. The Anglo-Norman barons (later known as the Anglo-Irish) gradually became more Irish than the Gaelic Irish.

Ireland: history 1485 to 1603

for the history of Ireland before 1485, see Ireland: history to 1154 and Ireland: history 1154 to 1485. The monarchs of the Tudor dynasty tried to extend their control over Ireland. During the reign of Henry VII Poynings' Law (1494) gave the English Parliament control over the Irish Parliament, and in 1541 Henry VIII assumed the title 'King of Ireland'. Ireland was divided into counties, and brought under English law. The mere fact of English occupation made the Irish hate them, but the Act of Supremacy (1534) and the break with Rome during the Reformation introduced another factor into the conflict: disagreement over religion. Concerned about growing Catholic Irish conspiracy with their Catholic enemies abroad, Elizabeth I and James I went further, confiscating lands from Irish Catholic rebels and giving them as plantations to 'loyal' Protestant settlers, many of them from Scotland. The result was a string of further revolts and rebellions, the worst of which were the Desmond revolts of 156983. These uprisings were put down with great ruthlessness.

Ireland: history 1603 to 1782

for the history of Ireland before 1603, see Ireland: history to 1154, Ireland: history 1154 to 1485, and Ireland: history 1485 to 1603. The 17th and 18th centuries saw the military triumph of the English over the Irish Catholics, marked primarily by Cromwell's Irish campaign (164950) and, under William (III) of Orange, the Battle of the Boyne (1690). The native Irish people were brutally suppressed; their lands were confiscated and given to Protestants, and they were subjected to a penal code that deprived them of civil liberties.

Ireland: history 1782 to 1921

for the history of Ireland before 1603, see Ireland: history to 1154, Ireland: history 1154 to 1485, Ireland: history 1485 to 1603, and Ireland: history 1603 to 1782. The period 17821921 saw a Catholic-Gaelic revival, particularly following the scourge of the potato famine in the mid-19th century, with increasing emancipation, successful agitation to secure tenant rights, and movement to Home Rule. The Protestant northeast, however, united to protect its status and prestige.

Ireton, Henry (16111651)

English general. During the Civil War he joined the parliamentary forces and fought at Edgehill in 1642, Gainsborough in 1643, and Naseby in 1645. After the Battle of Naseby, Ireton, who was opposed to both the extreme republicans and Levellers, strove for a compromise with Charles I, but then played a leading role in his trial and execution. He married his leader Cromwell's daughter in 1646. Lord Deputy in Ireland from 1650, he died after the capture of Limerick.

Irish Free State

name of the former state of southern Ireland 192237, established as a result of the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921). It was replaced by Eire in 1937 and the Republic of Ireland in 1949. The treaty established a 26-county dominion, which exercised a significant degree of autonomy but was formally subordinated to the British crown through the appointment of a governor general and an oath of fidelity to be taken by its representatives. The Irish Free State Constitution, a liberal democratic document with safeguards for the Protestant minority, was approved by the Dil (parliament) on 25 October 1922 and ratified by Britain on 5 December. The Free State was formally inaugurated the following day, in the midst of the Irish Civil War (192223), with William Cosgrave as first president of the executive council The Free State was not recognized by republicans, who set up a rival government under amon de Valera, leader of Sinn Fein, in 1922. It was not until Fianna Fil entered the Dil in 1927 that the Free State's legitimacy was fully established. After leading Fianna Fil to power in 1932 de Valera instigated a series of reforms including the abolition of the governor general and substitution of the 1922 constitution with his own, which effectively dismantled the Irish Free State by 1937.

Irish Land Acts

series of 19th-century laws designed to improve the lot of the Irish peasantry. The first act in 1870 awarded tenants compensation for improvements they had made to land, but offered no protection against increased rents or eviction. The second act in 1881 introduced the 'three 'f's' fair rents, fixity of tenure, and freedom of sale. The third act in 1885, part of the British prime minister William Gladstone's abortive plans for home rule, provided 5 million for tenants to buy out their landlords. This scheme was further strengthened by the Wyndham Act of 1903, which offered inducements to landlords to sell. Before the end of the Union with Britain, some 11 million acres were purchased with government assistance.

Irish nationalism
in Ireland, political and cultural expression of the concept of an Irish nation. Although a sense of Irishness probably existed in the Gaelic period before the 12th-century Norman invasion, political Irish nationalism developed from the early 16th century, when Protestant government reaction to Counter-Reformation Catholicism included measures such as the Plantation of Ireland by Protestant settlers. Militant radical (revolutionary) nationalism received inspiration from the American and French revolutions in the 18th century and continued until the 20th century. However, a constitutional (political) approach was adopted by 19th-century reformist politicians such as Daniel O'Connell and Charles Stewart Parnell. At the turn of the 20th century, a literary revival promoted Irish cultural nationalism against anglicization. See also Ireland: history to 1154, Ireland: history 1154 to 1485, Ireland: history 1485 to 1603, Ireland: history 1603 to 1782, Ireland: history 1782 to 1921, and Northern Ireland.

Irish National Liberation Army


guerrilla organization committed to the end of British rule in Northern Ireland and Irish reunification. The INLA, founded in 1974, is a left-wing offshoot of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Among its activities was the killing of British politician Airey Neave in 1979. The INLA initially rejected the IRA's call for a ceasefire in 1994; its assassination in 1997 of loyalist leader Billy Wright threatened to destabilize the peace process and bomb attacks occurred in London in 1998. However, after the Omagh bomb atrocity in 1998 the INLA became the first republican subversive group to state explicitly that the war was over and voice strong support for the peace process. The INLA has repeatedly been devastated by internecine feuds. In 1987 alone, 13 members were killed in a vendetta between rival factions. Its leader, Gino Gallagher, was shot and killed in Belfast in January 1996 by feuding INLA members.

Irish Republican Army


militant Irish nationalist organization formed in 1919, the paramilitary wing of Sinn Fein. Its aim is to create a united Irish socialist republic including Ulster. To this end, the IRA has frequently carried out bombings and shootings. Despite its close association with Sinn Fein, it is not certain that the politicians have direct control of the military, the IRA usually speaking as a separate, independent organization. The chief common factor shared by Sinn Fein and the IRA is the aim of a united Ireland.

IRA splinter groups

In 1969 the IRA split into two wings, one 'official' and the other 'provisional'. The official wing sought reunification by political means, while the Provisional IRA, or Provos as they became known, carried on with terrorist activities, their objective being the expulsion of the British from Northern Ireland. It is this wing, of younger, strongly sectarian, Ulster Catholics, who are now generally regarded and spoken of as the IRA. The left-wing Irish Republican Socialist Party, with its paramilitary wing, the Irish National Liberation Army, split from the IRA in 1974.

Irish Republican Brotherhood

secret revolutionary society that grew out of the Fenian movement, in the wake of the failed insurrection of 1867, in an effort to reform its organization and improve its security precautions. Although very successful in the 1870s and 1880s in attracting membership and in encouraging secret agrarian agitation, internal frictions over the question of support for home rule hampered the movement thereafter. By the early 1910s, thanks to increasing frustration with constitutional politicians and the

organizational skills of Tom Clarke (18571916) and Sean MacDermott the movement had revived and was a considerable force behind both the 1916 Easter Rising and the Anglo-Irish War. Damaged by splits among it leaders over the AngloIrish Treaty, the brotherhood was said to have been dissolved in 1924, but rumours that it has survived in the USA, until the time of the Northern Ireland peace process, have persisted.

Irish republicanism
extreme wing of the Irish nationalist cause. Like Irish nationalism, its aims are complete separation from British rule and a united 32-county republic. Republicanism, however, has generally been associated with organizations prepared to use physical force to achieve these aims. The history of Irish republicanism covers a period of over 200 years, from the activities of the United Irishmen in the 1790s to those of Sinn Fein and the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Irish Volunteers
Irish national defence force formed at the Rotunda, Dublin, on 25 November 1913 to defend the principle of home rule. It took its name from the Volunteers, a part-time militia which had been formed 177879 to protect the country from invasion. The Volunteers had played an important role in securing legislative independence in 1782, and their name still evoked strong memories in the 1910s. Inspired by an article by Eoin MacNeill in An Claideamh Soluis, the newspaper of the Gaelic League, the formation of the Irish Volunteers was also a response to the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), which had been formed the previous year. Among the organizers was the Irish revolutionary and socialist Liam Mellows. Recruitment took place throughout the country. By March 1914 membership stood at 8,000, and guns and ammunition were smuggled into Ireland that year in the Howth gunrunning incident, led by (Robert) Erskine Childers (18701922). An Englishman by birth, Childers gradually became a committed republican, and was involved in the negotiations for the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which he later opposed; he was executed during the Irish Civil War (192223). His son, Erskine H Childers (19051974), was later president of Ireland, 197374. With the outbreak of World War I, the Irish Volunteers split. The bulk of the then 160,000-strong movement followed the Irish Parliamentary Party leader John Redmond's plea and enlisted to join the British army, as the National Volunteers. Unlike the UVF, however, they were not given distinct regiments and were deliberately separated. Only a small number remained in Ireland, rising to 11,000 in 1915. Infiltrated by the nationalist Irish Republican Brotherhood, the Irish Volunteers became embroiled in the plans for the 1916 Easter Rising to overthrow British rule.

iron and steel industry

the development of the iron and steel industry and its contribution to the Industrial Revolution is described in Industrial Revolution, iron and steel.

Ironside, (William) Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside (18801959)

Scottish field marshal. He served in the South African War 18991902 and World War I. In 1939 during World War II, he replaced Viscount Gort as Chief of the Imperial General Staff because the minister of war, Leslie Hore-Belisha, found him more congenial. In May 1940 he sided with Gort against Churchill in a disagreement over the possibility of the British Expeditionary Force breaking out to the south. Churchill transferred Ironside to the Home Forces, but he handed the post over to Alanbrooke in July 1940 and retired. KCB 1919, Baron 1941.

nickname of regiment raised by Cromwell in 1643 during the Civil War. It was noted for its discipline and religious fanaticism, and first won fame at the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644. The nickname came from that of 'Ironside' given Cromwell by Prince Rupert.

Isaacs, Rufus Daniel (18601935)

1st Marquess of Reading

British Liberal lawyer and politician. As Lord Chief Justice he tried the Irish nationalist Roger Casement in 1916. He was viceroy of India 192126, and foreign secretary in 1931.

Isaacs, Susan Brierley (18851948)

born Susan Fairhurst

English educationist. A disciple of Sigmund Freud and believer in the enduring effects of early childhood experience, she was a powerful influence in the education of young children between the wars. In her experimental progressive school, Malting House, Cambridge (192427), she practised self-learning rather than direct instruction, and allowed emotional expression rather than imposing restrictive discipline. She was head of child development at the Institute of Education, London 193344. In her written works Intellectual Growth in Young Children (1930) and Social Development of Young Children (1933), some of her conclusions concerning the stages of children's intellectual development challenged the theories of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, before it was considered acceptable to question his work.

Isabella of Angoulme (died 1246)

Queen of England 120016, as the second wife of King John. His loss of Normandy was popularly blamed on his infatuation with her, but this did not last. She was imprisoned in Gloucester 1214 until his death 1216 when she returned to France and married a former lover. She inherited Angoulme in her own right, and persuaded her son, Henry III to wage an abortive war in France 1241. They were defeated and Isabella was forced to flee to an abbey 1244 where she remained until her death.

Isandhlwana, Battle of
in the Anglo-Zulu War, Zulu victory over British forces on 22 January 1879 about 160 km/100 mi north of Durban. Only about 350 troops of the original contingent of 1,800 escaped and the invasion of Zululand was temporarily halted until reinforcements were received from Britain.

Isles, Lord of the

title adopted by successive heads of the MacDonald clan to assert their dominance over the Scottish highlands and the Western Isles, and independence from the king of Scots. James IV acquired their rights in 1493 and today the title is held by the Prince of Wales as heir to the monarch in Scotland.

Jack the Ripper

Popular name for the unidentified mutilator and murderer of at least five women prostitutes in the Whitechapel area of London in 1888.

Jacob, Claud William (18631948)

British soldier. At the outbreak of World War I he went to France with the Meerut Division and was the only Indian army officer to rise to high command there. In 1915 he led the Dehra Dun Brigade at Neuve Chapelle and at Aubers Ridge. For the remainder of the war he commanded the II Corps; he was involved in the battles of the Somme and the Ancre, the pursuit of the Germans to the Hindenburg Line in 1917, the third battle of Ypres, and the final Allied advance to victory in Flanders in 1918. Jacob was educated at Sherborne School and the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. He joined the Worcestershire Regiment in 1882 but transferred to the Indian army in 1884. In 1920, with the rank of field marshal, he returned to India on

his appointment as chief of the general staff. In 1924 he was given the Northern Command in India and from 192630 was military secretary at the India Office.

in Britain, a supporter of the royal house of Stuart after the deposition of James II in 1688. They include the Scottish Highlanders, who rose unsuccessfully under Claverhouse in 1689, despite initial victory at the Battle of Killiecrankie; and those who rose in Scotland and northern England in 1715 (the Fifteen) under the leadership of James Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender, and followed his son Charles Edward Stuart in an invasion of England from 1745 to 1746 (the Forty-Five) that reached Derby; see United Kingdom: history 17141815, the Jacobite rebellions. After the defeat at Culloden, Jacobitism disappeared as a political force.

two kings of Britain:

James I (15661625)
King of England from 1603 and Scotland (as James VI) from 1567. The son of Mary Queen of Scots and her second husband, Lord Darnley, he succeeded to the Scottish throne on the enforced abdication of his mother and assumed power in 1583. He established a strong centralized authority, and in 1589 married Anne of Denmark (15741619). As successor to Elizabeth I in England, he alienated the Puritans by his High Church views and Parliament by his assertion of divine right, and was generally unpopular because of his favourites, such as Buckingham, and his schemes for an alliance with Spain. He was succeeded by his son Charles I. As king of Scotland, he curbed the power of the nobility, although his attempts to limit the authority of the Kirk (Church of Scotland) were less successful. Upon his accession to the English throne on the death of Elizabeth I, James acted mainly upon the advice of Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, but on the latter's death all restraint vanished. His religious policy consisted of asserting the supreme authority of the crown and suppressing both Puritans and Catholics who objected. The preparation of the Authorized Version of the Bible in English, published in 1611, was ordered by James. Led by Robert Catesby, a group of Catholic gentry planned to blow up James at the opening of Parliament in 1605, but the plot was discovered. The anti-Catholic reaction to the gunpowder plot gave James a temporary popularity, which soon dissipated. It was during his reign that the Puritan Pilgrims (or 'Pilgrim Fathers')

sailed to the New World to escape persecution in England. His foreign policy, aimed primarily at achieving closer relations with Spain, was also disliked.

James I

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

James I of England. Although a physically weak man, he was extremely learned and wrote two books advocating the 'divine right of kings'.

James II (16331701)
King of England and Scotland (as James VII) from 1685. The second son of Charles I, he succeeded his brother, Charles II. In 1660 James married Anne Hyde (1637 1671; mother of Mary II and Anne) and in 1673 Mary of Modena (mother of James Edward Stuart). He became a Catholic in 1669, which led first to attempts to exclude him from the succession, then to the rebellions of Monmouth and Argyll, and finally to the Whig and Tory leaders' invitation to William of Orange to take the throne in 1688. James fled to France, then led an uprising in Ireland in 1689, but after defeat at the Battle of the Boyne (1690) remained in exile in France. At the Restoration in 1660 he had been appointed lord high admiral and warden of the Cinque Ports, but after the passing of the Test Act in 1673 (which excluded Catholics from public office) he was forced to give up his offices.

events of his reign and unpopularity

On his accession to the throne he promised to defend the Church of England, and his reign began peacefully enough. However, the unnecessarily savage repression of the Monmouth rising in 1685 by Judge Jeffreys'Bloody Assizes alienated many supporters. James began to build up a standing army and to re-establish Catholicism. He issued a Declaration of Indulgence (1687) allowing freedom of worship, and appointed Catholics as commanders in the army, which he stationed just outside London. When seven bishops refused to read a second Declaration of Indulgence (1688) from the pulpit, he imprisoned them. People were convinced that James intended to establish an absolutist, Catholic state. James had no male heir by his marriage to Anne Hyde, but in June 1688 Mary of Modena gave birth to a son. Rumours circulated that the child was not the king's son, but a baby smuggled into the room in a warming pan. The arrival of a male heir, destined to be raised as a Catholic, destroyed English hopes of a Protestant succession and prompted seven leading politicians to invite William of Orange the husband of James's daughter Mary to claim the throne in the Glorious Revolution.

seven kings of Scotland:

James I (13941437)
King of Scotland (140637), who assumed power in 1424. He was a cultured and strong monarch whose improvements in the administration of justice brought him popularity among the common people. He was assassinated by a group of conspirators led by the Earl of Atholl.

James II (14301460)
King of Scotland from 1437, who assumed power in 1449. The only surviving son of James I, he was supported by most of the nobles and parliament. He sympathized with the Lancastrians during the Wars of the Roses, and attacked English possessions in southern Scotland. He was killed while besieging Roxburgh Castle. Almost continual civil war raged during the period of his minority; the prize of the victors was the custody of the king. In 1449 he married Mary, daughter of the Duke of Gueldres. He was succeeded by his son James III.

James III (14511488)

King of Scotland from 1460, who assumed power in 1469. His reign was marked by rebellions by the nobles, including his brother Alexander, Duke of Albany. He was

murdered during a rebellion supported by his son, who then ascended the throne as James IV. Eldest son of James II, he became king at the age of nine. In 1469 he married Margaret, daughter of King Christian I of Denmark.

James IV (14731513)
King of Scotland from 1488. He came to the throne after his followers murdered his father, James III, at Sauchieburn. His reign was internally peaceful, but he allied himself with France against England, invaded in 1513, and was defeated and killed at the Battle of Flodden. James IV was a patron of poets and architects as well as a military leader. In 1503 he married Margaret Tudor ((14891541), daughter of Henry VII), which eventually led to his descendants succeeding to the English crown. He was succeeded by his son James V.

James V (15121542)
King of Scotland from 1513, who assumed power in 1528. During the long period of his minority, he was caught in a struggle between pro-French and pro-English factions. When he assumed power, he allied himself with France and upheld Catholicism against the Protestants. Following an attack on Scottish territory by Henry VIII's forces, he was defeated near the border at Solway Moss in 1542. Son of James IV and Margaret Tudor, he succeeded his father at the age of one year. His first wife, Madeline, daughter of King Francis I of France, died in 1537; the following year he married Mary of Guise. Their daughter, Mary Queen of Scots, succeeded him.

James VI
of Scotland. See James I of England.

James VII
of Scotland. See James II of England.

James Francis Edward Stuart (16881766)

British prince, known as the Old Pretender (for the Jacobites, he was James III). Son of James II, he was born at St James's Palace and after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 was taken to France. He landed in Scotland in 1715 to head a Jacobite rebellion (the Fifteen) but withdrew through lack of support. In his later years he settled in Rome.

first permanent British settlement in North America, established by Captain John Smith in 1607. It was capital of Virginia from 162499. In the nearby Jamestown Festival Park there is a replica of the original Fort James, and models of the ships (Discovery, Godspeed, and Constant) that carried the 105 pioneers.

Jarrow Crusade
in Britain, march in 1936 from Jarrow to London, protesting at the high level of unemployment following the closure of Palmer's shipyard in the town. The march was led by Labour MP Ellen Wilkinson, and it proved a landmark event of the 1930s depression. In 1986, on the fiftieth anniversary of the event, a similar march was held to protest at the high levels of unemployment in the 1980s.

Jay, Douglas Patrick Thomas (19071996)

Baron Jay of Battersea

British Labour politician. Elected member of Parliament for Battersea North in a 1946 by-election, he held the seat (known from 1974 as the Battersea division of Wandsworth) until 1983. Jay was financial secretary to the Treasury 194750 and shadow spokesperson on trade and treasury affairs 195162. Under Harold Wilson, Jay was president of the Board of Trade from 1964 until being sacked in 1967. Jay stood out as an opponent of the UK's entry into the European Economic Community (he campaigned for a 'no' vote in the 1975 referendum).

Jellalabad, Battle of
Afghan siege in 1841 of isolated British outpost at Jellalabad (now Jalalabad) about 130 km/80 mi east of Kabul. The siege was lifted after five months when a British counterattack routed the Afghans, driving them back to Kabul.

Jellicoe, John Rushworth (18591935)

1st Earl Jellicoe

British admiral who commanded the Grand Fleet 191416 during World War I; the only action he fought was the inconclusive battle of Jutland. He was First Sea Lord 191617, when he failed to push the introduction of the convoy system to combat Uboat attacks. KCVO 1907, Viscount 1918, 1st Earl 1925.

Jenkins, (David) Clive (19261999)

Welsh trade union leader. Jenkins was well known as a militant negotiator and a fluent controversialist, and as an advocate of British withdrawal from the European Economic Community. He was a member of the TUC (Trades Union Congress) General Council from 1974. He was a Metropolitan borough councillor (195460), editor of Trade Union Affairs, and author of several publications, including The Kind of Laws the Unions Ought to Want (1968), co-authored with J Mortimer, and Computers and the Unions (1978), co-authored with Barrie Sherman. Jenkins was born in Port Talbot, Wales, where he was educated before going on to Swansea Technical College. He started work in a metallurgical test house in 1940. In 1946 he was branch secretary and area treasurer for the Association of Scientific Workers; in 1947 he was assistant Midlands divisional officer for ASSET (Association of Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians). He became transport industrial officer in 1949, and national officer in 1954. He then served as s general secretary of ASSET (196168) and, from 1970, as general secretary of the Association of Scientific, Technical, and Managerial Staffs.

Jenkins, Robert (lived 1731)

British sea captain. He appeared before the House of Commons and produced what he claimed was his ear which, he alleged, had been cut off by the Spaniards who had boarded his vessel off Havana in 1731, and accused him of smuggling. This provoked the War of Jenkins's Ear between Britain and Spain in 1739 and led to Robert Walpole's downfall in 1742.

Jenkins, Roy Harris (19202003)

Baron Jenkins of Hillhead

British politician, born in Monmouthshire, Wales. He became a Labour minister in 1964, was home secretary 196567 and 197476, and chancellor of the Exchequer 196770. He was president of the European Commission 197781. In 1981 he became one of the founders of the Social Democratic Party and was elected as an SDP MP in 1982, but lost his seat in 1987. In the same year, he was elected chancellor of Oxford University and made a life peer. In 1997 he was appointed head

of a commission, set up by the Labour government, to recommend, in 1998, a new voting system for elections to Parliament.

Jenkinson, Anthony (died 1611)

English merchant and sea captain. He visited Asia Minor and North Africa in 1546, and in 1557 was appointed agent of the Muscovy Company. He travelled to Bokhara (155859), and was commissioned to trade with Persia. By his efforts his company obtained the monopoly of the White Sea trade.

Jenkinson, Charles Hilary (18821961)

British archivist. He entered the public record office in 1906 and was Deputy Keeper of the Records and Keeper of the Land Revenue Records (194754). As adviser on archives to the War Office, he made a considerable contribution to protecting the records of Italy, Germany, and Austria during their occupation in World War II and also attended the Nuremberg Trials to advise on the archives of the Tribunal. Jenkinson was educated at Cambridge University. Among the appointments he held were member of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, honorary vicepresident of the International Council on Archives, which he was instrumental in founding, and vice-president of the British Records Association. He lectured on archives at Cambridge and London universities, and was a prime mover in establishing the first British professional training course for archivists at University College, London, in 1947. Among his major works are The Later Court Hands in England (1927), English Court Hand (1915), coauthored with C Johnson, and A Manual of Archive Administration (1922, revised 1937). Awarded the CBE in 1943, he was knighted in 1949.

Jenkins's Ear, War of

war in 1739 between Britain and Spain, arising from Britain's illicit trade in Spanish America; it merged into the War of the Austrian Succession (174048). The name derives from the claim of Robert Jenkins, a merchant captain, that his ear had been cut off by Spanish coastguards near Jamaica. The incident was seized on by opponents of Robert Walpole who wanted to embarrass his government's antiwar policy and force war with Spain.

Jenner, Edward (17491823)

English physician who pioneered vaccination. In Jenner's day, smallpox was a major killer. His discovery in 1796 that inoculation with cowpox gives immunity to smallpox was a great medical breakthrough.

Jenner observed that people who worked with cattle and contracted cowpox from them never subsequently caught smallpox. In 1798 he published his findings that a child inoculated with cowpox, then two months later with smallpox, did not get smallpox. He coined the word 'vaccination' from the Latin word for cowpox, vaccinia.

Jervis, John (17351823)

1st Earl of St Vincent

English admiral who secured the blockage of Toulon, France, in 1795 during the Revolutionary Wars, and the defeat of the Spanish fleet off Cape St Vincent in 1797, in which Admiral Nelson played a key part. Jervis was a rigid disciplinarian. KB 1782, Earl 1797.

the term 'Jew', for a follower of Judaism (the Jewish religion), came into use in medieval Europe, based on the Latin name for Judeans, the people of Judah. In medieval times, Jewish people were amongst the minority who were literate every Jewish community had a synagogue and a school. In England many Jews spoke four languages French to the nobles, English to the common people, Hebrew for the home, and Latin for learning. Some were learned scholars and writers. In medieval medicine, many doctors were Jews.

Jex-Blake, Sophia Louisa (18401912)

British physician. In 1874 she founded the London School of Medicine for Women and in 1877 qualified in medicine at Dublin University. In 1878 she opened a dispensary for women and children in Edinburgh, Scotland, and a cottage hospital in 1885. In 1886 she founded the Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women. She published American Schools and Colleges (1867), Medical Women (1872), Care of Infants (1884), and Puerperal Fever (1877). Jex-Blake was born in Hastings, Sussex, England. She was mathematical tutor of Queen's College, London (185861). In 1866 she studied medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. She returned to England in 1868 and matriculated in 1869 at the medical faculty of the University of Edinburgh, where she was unable to qualify due to the hostile attitude of the university to the medical education of women.

Joan of Kent (13281385)

Countess of Kent. She married Edward the Black Prince 1361 and their younger son became Richard II.

John of Gaunt took refuge at her home in Kennington when his palace was besieged by Londoners 1376. Her beauty and gentleness earned her the nickname 'Fair Maid of Kent'.

John (I) Lackland (11671216)

King of England from 1199 and acting king from 1189 during his brother Richard (I) the Lion-Heart's absence on the Third Crusade. Although branded by contemporaries as cruel and power-hungry, he is now recognized as a hardworking, able, reforming monarch, who travelled the country tirelessly. He improved the legal system, was the first king to keep records of government writs, and built a large navy that defeated the French fleet before it could invade. He tried vigorously to extend his kingdom, conducting campaigns in Wales, Ireland, and Normandy, and cowing Scotland into a peace treaty. However, he lost Normandy and nearly all other English possessions in France by 1205. The taxes needed to finance his campaigns brought conflict with his barons, and he was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215. Later repudiation of it led to the first Barons' War 121517, during which he died. He was succeeded by his son Henry III. John was nicknamed 'Lackland' probably because, as the youngest of Henry II's five sons, it was difficult to find a portion of his father's French possessions for him to inherit. In 1205 he disputed the pope's choice of Stephen Langton as archbishop of Canterbury, and Pope Innocent III placed England under an interdict, suspending all religious services, including baptisms, marriages, and burials. John retaliated by seizing church revenues, and was excommunicated. Eventually, John submitted, accepting the papal nominee, and agreed to hold the kingdom as a fief of the papacy. After the Battle of Bouvines in 1214, when John's attempt to regain Normandy was defeated by Philip II of France, royal authority collapsed. The barons rebelled and forced him to sign Magna Carta, and the Scots, Welsh, and French attacked England.

John Bull
imaginary figure who is a personification of England, similar to the American Uncle Sam. He is represented in cartoons and caricatures as a prosperous farmer of the 18th century. The name was popularized by Dr John Arbuthnot's political satire History of John Bull (1712), advocating the Tory policy of peace with France.

John of Gaunt (13401399)

English noble and politician, fourth (and third surviving) son of Edward III, Duke of Lancaster from 1362. He distinguished himself during the Hundred Years' War. During Edward's last years, and the years before Richard II attained the age of

majority, he acted as head of government, and Parliament protested against his corrupt rule. He was called John of Gaunt because he was born in Ghent, Flanders. In 1359 he married Blanche, daughter of Henry, Duke of Lancaster (died 1361), whose title passed to John of Gaunt in 1362; their son became Henry IV of England. Blanche died in 1369 and three years later he married Constance, daughter of Pedro III of Castile. Their daughter Philippa (13591415) married King John I of Portugal (1357 1433). John of Gaunt assumed the title of King of Castile in 1372, but his efforts to establish his claim against his rival, Henry of Trastamare, proved unsuccessful; in 1387 he renounced all claims in favour of his daughter Catherine, who married Henry III of Castile (13791406) in 1393. Constance died in 1394, and John of Gaunt married his mistress of long standing, Katharine Swynford (c. 13501403), with whom he already had four children; they were legitimized in 1397 by charter of Richard II, and founded the house of Beaufort, from whom Henry VII was descended.

John of Lancaster (13891435)

Duke of Bedford

English prince, third son of Henry IV. He was regent of France (142231) during the minority of Henry VI, his nephew, and protector of England (142235). He mostly left English affairs to his brother, Humphrey, duke of Gloucester. He allowed Joan of Arc to be burnt as a witch in 1431 and had Henry VI crowned king of France in 1431. KG 1400, Duke 1414.

Johnson, Amy (19031941)

English aviator. She made a solo flight from England to Australia in 1930, in 9 1/2 days, and in 1932 made the fastest ever solo flight from England to Cape Town, South Africa. Her plane disappeared over the English Channel in World War II while she was serving with the Air Transport Auxiliary.


(Image Billie Love)

The pioneering English aviator Amy Johnson, at the start of her record flight to Australia on 5 May, 1930. Having obtained her pilot's certificate with only 50 hours of flying behind her in December 1929, Johnson set out in an attempt to break the solo record. Her De Havilland Moth aircraft, powered by a Gipsy engine, arrived in Port Darwin on 24 May. Although she did not break the record, she received an MBE in recognition of her achievement.

a means by which a groom's family prescribed a certain amount of land or possessions for his widow. It prevented her from claiming a third of whatever the husband owned at his death.

Jones, Ernest Charles (18191869)

German-born English radical who was a leading figure in the Chartist (see Chartism) reform movement of the mid-19th century.

Jones, Thomas (18701955)

Welsh administrator and political adviser. He gave up an academic career (professor of economics at Queen's University, Belfast, in 1909) to become a political adviser. He acted first for Lloyd George, as assistant secretary of the War Cabinet in 1916, and then successively for Bonar Law, Baldwin, and MacDonald. He was also highly successful as a fundraiser.

Joseph, Keith Sinjohn (19181994)

Baron Joseph

British Conservative politician. A barrister, he entered Parliament in 1956. He held ministerial posts in 196264, 197074, 197981, and was secretary of state for education and science 198186. He was made a life peer in 1987. He served in the governments of Harold Macmillan, Alec Douglas-Home, and Edward Heath during the 1960s and 1970s, but it was not until Margaret Thatcher came to office in 1979 that he found a prime minister truly receptive to his views and willing to translate them into policies. With her, he founded the right-wing Centre for Policy Studies, which sought to discover and apply the secrets of the successful market economies of West Germany and Japan.

pejorative name (from the Spanish, junta) given to a group of Whig ministers who held power under William III 169697 and Queen Anne 170810. The group included Lords Somers, Sunderland, Wharton, Ormond, and Earl Halifax, all Whigs who favoured an aggressive foreign policy against the French in support of British commercial interests.

Kay, John (1704c. 1780)

English inventor who developed the flying shuttle, a machine to speed up the work of hand-loom weaving. He patented his invention in 1733.

Keating, Tom (Thomas Patrick) (19171984)

English art restorer and forger. Exposed in 1976, he admitted that nine pictures reputedly by Samuel Palmer were his own drawings, and estimated that there were some 2,500 of his fakes in circulation. His aim had not been profit but to expose the fallibility of art experts. Although put on trial at the Old Bailey in 1979, charges were

dropped because of his deteriorating health. In 1982 he demonstrated the techniques of the masters in an award-winning television series. Keating was born in London, and took up painting after winning a box of paints at the age of 10. Invalided out of the navy in 1947, he studied at Goldsmiths' College, London, where he attributed his exam failure to an elitist art world. He took up work restoring paintings, but scandal broke in 1976 when an article in The Times questioned the authenticity of a work by Samuel Palmer sold at auction. In 1983 Keating sold paintings under his own name.

Keeler, Christine (1942 )

Englishwoman who became notorious in 1963 after revelations of affairs with both a Soviet attach and the war minister John Profumo, who resigned after admitting lying to the House of Commons about their relationship.

Keeper of the Great Seal

in the Middle Ages, an officer who had charge of the great seal of England (the official seal authenticating state documents). During the Middle Ages the great seal was entrusted to the chancellor. Later, a special Lord Keeper was appointed to take charge of it, but since 1761 the posts of Lord Chancellor and Keeper have been combined.

Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount Keith (17461823)

English admiral who fought in the American Revolution, and the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. He took over the settlement at the Cape of Good Hope from the Dutch in 1796.

Keith, James Francis Edward (16961758)

called 'Marshal Keith'

Scottish soldier, who served abroad after taking part in the failed Jacobite rebellion of 1715. He rose to the rank of general in Russia (1737) and was made a field-marshal in the army of the Prussian king Frederick the Great at the outbreak of the Seven Years' War 175663. He was killed when the Prussians were beaten by the Austrian army at the battle of Hochkirch in 1758.

Kells, Book of

8th-century illuminated manuscript of the Gospels produced at the monastery of Kells in County Meath, Ireland. It is now in Trinity College Library, Dublin.

Kelly, David Christopher (19442003)

English microbiologist and expert on biological weapons. He came to public attention in July 2003, after the British government named him as a possible Ministry of Defence source for a BBC report, published in May 2003, which alleged that the prime minister's office had 'sexed up' (misrepresented to serve its own political ends) a September 2002 dossier on Iraq's suspected weapons of mass destruction, against the wishes of the intelligence service. Kelly was called to give evidence before the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee on 15 July, at which time he said he did not believe he was the main source. On 17 July he committed suicide, which led to the setting up of the Hutton inquiry to examine the events surrounding his death.

Kempenfelt, Richard (17181782)

English naval commander who devised a signalling system that was adopted throughout the Royal Navy.

Ken, Thomas (16371711)

English Anglican churchman, Bishop of Bath and Wells 168591. In this post, he tried and acquitted William Sancroft and six other bishops who had refused to read James II's Declaration of Indulgence (the seven bishops trial) in 1688. He was replaced for refusing to swear allegiance to the new English king William of Orange.

Kendal, Ehrengard Melusina von der Schulenburg, Duchess of Kendal (16671743)

German mistress of King George I. She entered the service of the Electress Sophia of Hannover, George I's mother, in 1690 and soon became his mistress. She followed him to London when he ascended the English throne in 1714, and in 1716 was created duchess of Kendal and granted valuable pensions. She had great influence with the King, but was generally unpopular at court.

Kenilworth, siege of
siege of the supporters of Simon de Montfort in Kenilworth castle by forces loyal to Henry III, JulyDecember 1266. Part of the second Barons' War, it followed the barons' defeat at the battle of Evesham in 1265, where de Montfort had been killed. In October 1266, Henry offered peace terms in the Dictum of Kenilworth but the

barons held out until December. The terms of the dictum offered the barons a chance of reconciliation with the crown and an opportunity for the dispossesed to recover the lands seized from them after Evesham.

Kennedy, James (14061466)

Scottish cleric and statesman. As Bishop of St Andrews, he played a prominent part in the politics of Scotland during the minority of James II, and later acted as regent during the minority of James III.

two kings of Scotland:

Kenneth I (died 860)

called 'MacAlpin'

King of Scotland from about 844. Traditionally, he is regarded as the founder of the Scottish kingdom (Alba) by virtue of his final defeat of the Picts about 844. He invaded Northumbria six times, and drove the Angles and the Britons over the River Tweed.

Kenneth II (died 995)

King of Scotland from 971, son of Malcolm I. He invaded Northumbria several times, and his chiefs were in constant conflict with Sigurd the Norwegian over the area of Scotland north of the River Spey. He is believed to have been murdered by his subjects.

Kenney, Annie (18791953)

English suffragette. The only working-class woman in the leadership of the suffragette movement, she was arrested in 1905 with Christabel Pankhurst (1880 1958) for interrupting a meeting in Manchester, and again in 1906 for disrupting a speech by the prime minister, Henry Campbell-Bannerman. During Pankhurst's exile in Paris, she took over the leadership, crossing the Channel every week to receive instructions. Kenney was born in Springhead, near Oldham. A full-time worker from the age of 13, she started a union, then began a correspondence course at Ruskin College, Oxford.

She joined the suffragettes after meeting Christabel Pankhurst, but later withdrew from public life in 1926.

Kent, Bruce (1929 )

English peace campaigner who was general secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 198085. He has published numerous articles on disarmament, Christianity, and peace. He was a Catholic priest until 1987. Kent stood as the Labour party candidate for Oxford West and Abingdon in 1992 and organized a pressure group for tactical voting.

Kent, Edward Augustus (17671820)

Duke of Kent and Strathearn

British general. The fourth son of George III, he married Victoria Mary Louisa (1786 1861), widow of the Prince of Leiningen, in 1818, and had one child, the future Queen Victoria.

Kent, George Edward Alexander Edmund (19021942)

1st Duke of Kent

English prince, fourth son of George V. He was killed in an air crash in Scotland while flying to Iceland to inspect British forces stationed there.

Kent, kingdom of
Anglo-Saxon kingdom in southeast England, founded by the Jutes when they arrived in Britain as foederati under Hengest and Horsa in the 5th century AD. Kent was the first English kingdom to convert to Christianity in 597 under its king, Ethelbert, although when he died in 616 much of the kingdom reverted to paganism. Kent was divided from 68690 and then came under the control of Mercia around 762 before being absorbed by Wessex in 825.

Keppel, Augustus, Viscount Keppel (17251786)

English admiral who became embroiled in a political and military controversy in the late 18th century. A strong Whig supporter, he was named first lord of the Admiralty and created a viscount by the government of Charles Rockingham in 1782.

Ketch, Jack (died 1686)

English executioner who included Monmouth in 1685 among his victims; his name was once a common nickname for an executioner.

Kett, Robert (c.15001549)

or Robert Ket

English revolutionary, leader of Kett's Rebellion against land enclosures.

Kett's Rebellion
rebellion in 1549 in Norfolk, England, against enclosures of common land. Its leader, Robert Kett, was defeated and executed in 1549.

Keyes, Roger John Brownlow (18721945)

1st Baron Keyes of Zeebrugge and of Dover

English admiral and politician who, as commander of the Dover Patrol during World War I, directed the daring raids on the German-occupied Belgian Channel ports of Zeebrugge and Ostend. He retired from the navy in 1935, having been elected Unionist MP for Portsmouth North, a constituency he represented until he was made a peer in 1943.

Keys, House of
elected assembly of the Isle of Man.

khaki election
snap election in October 1900 called by the Conservative prime minister, the Earl of Salisbury, in the wake of British successes in the 2nd Boer War. Salisbury hoped to build on the public euphoria at the victories in South Africa to restore his government, but although he won a slightly increased majority he did not manage to make good the losses in his majority since 1895. It is called the 'khaki' election after the colour of the army's uniform in South Africa.

Kickham, Charles Joseph (18281882)

Irish writer and political activist, born in Cnoceenagaw, County Tipperary. A member of the republican Fenian movement, Kickham contributed to nationalist newspapers, such as The Celt and The Nation, and advocated armed rebellion. He was arrested in 1865 and sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment for treason, but was released in the 1869 amnesty. From the mid-1870s until his death, Kickham was chairman of the Supreme Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Kickham's republican activities and support of land reform through the Tenant League, in addition to his novel Knocknagow; or, the Homes of Tipperary (1873), significantly influenced the Irish nationalist movement in the 19th century. His popularity and renown extends to the large Irish emigrant communities in North America and Britain.

Kidd, 'Captain' William (c. 16451701)

Scottish pirate. He spent his youth privateering for the British against the French off the North American coast, and in 1695 was given a royal commission to suppress piracy in the Indian Ocean. Instead, he joined a group of pirates in Madagascar. In 1699, on his way to Boston, Massachusetts, he was arrested, taken to England, and hanged. His execution marked the end of some 200 years of semi-official condoning of piracy by the British government.

see Fitzgerald family.

Killiecrankie, Battle of
in British history, during the first Jacobite uprising, defeat on 27 July 1689 of General Mackay (for William of Orange) by John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, a supporter of James II, at Killiecrankie, Scotland. Despite the victory, Claverhouse was killed by a chance shot and the revolt soon petered out; the remaining forces were routed at Dunkeld on 21 August. The battle was for control of the strategically important Blair Castle in Perthshire. Claverhouse's Highlanders spent several weeks plundering the Lowlands before Mackay moved north from Dunkeld with a force of about 3,000 solders. Claverhouse's army, which was inferior in numbers, was stationed along the Pass of Killiecrankie. Barefoot and armed with claymores, they suddenly rushed upon the marching troops down the steep sides of the gorge. Mackay's men were untrained, and they broke and fled.

Kilmainham Treaty
in Irish history, an informal secret agreement in April 1882 that secured the release of the nationalist Charles Parnell from Kilmainham jail, Dublin, where he had been imprisoned for six months for supporting Irish tenant farmers who had joined the Land League's campaign for agricultural reform. The British government realized that Parnell could quell violence more easily out of prison than in it. In return for his release, he agreed to accept the Land Act of 1861. The Kilmainham Treaty marked a change in British policy in Ireland from confrontation to cooperation, with the government attempting to conciliate landowners and their tenants, who were refusing to pay rent. This strategy was subsequently threatened by the Phoenix Park Murders.

Kilmuir, David Patrick Maxwell Fyfe (19001967)

1st Earl of Kilmuir

British lawyer and Conservative politician, born in Aberdeen, Scotland. He was solicitor general 194245 and attorney general in 1945 during the Churchill governments. He was home secretary 195154 and Lord Chancellor 195462.

Kimberley, John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley (18261902)

English Liberal politician who specialized in foreign affairs and held a number of important government posts in the late 19th century. He was ennobled for his service as lord-lieutenant of Ireland 186466. As head of the Colonial Office, he conceded the self-government of the Transvaal after the Boers had defeated Britain in the first South African War in 1881; the city of Kimberley in South Africa is named after him.

King, Richard (17301806)

British admiral. He was in command of the landing party at the capture of Calcutta (now Kolkata) and Hooghly, India, 1756. In 1792 he was appointed governor and commander-in-chief of Newfoundland, Canada.

'King and Country' debate

controversial debate in Britain in February 1933 in which the Oxford Union, the university's debating society, passed the motion 'this House will in no circumstances fight for its King and its Country'. The debate sent shockwaves throughout the country as many saw it as signalling that Britain's young elite had lost their sense of

patriotism, although it probably more accurately reflected a commitment to disarmament after the horrors of World War I.

Kinglake, Alexander William (18091891)

English historian and travel writer. His tour of the Middle East 1835 gave rise to Eothen 1844, a brilliant account of his travels. He wrote the lengthy Invasion of the Crimea 186387, based on Lord Raglan's papers.

King's Council
in medieval England, a court that carried out much of the monarch's daily administration. It was first established in the reign of Edward I, and became the Privy Council 153436.

King's Friends
in the 1760s and 80s in Britain, those politicians, mainly Tories, who supported George III's view that the monarch had the right to choose his own ministers. The king presented this as a preference for good government over an administration riven by parties, but many Whigs regarded it as an attack on constitutional rule. Mostly Tories, who saw the Crown as a bulwark of conservatism. The term was later also applied to an inchoate group of politicians, including Winston Churchill, who supported Edward VIII's wish to marry Wallace Simpson and remain on the throne in the abdication crisis of 1936.

King's Peace
in England, form of jurisdiction of the former King's Court. In medieval times criminal matters and offences against public order were within the jurisdiction of local lords and local courts, while the King's Court had jurisdiction over offences committed within the vicinity of the king himself. Such offences were said to have been committed contra pacem Domini, 'against the peace of our Lord (the King)'. The King's Peace was fictitiously extended to the highways and ultimately to the whole realm, so that the King's Court finally acquired a comprehensive jurisdiction. The modern successor of the King's Court, which was held in the presence of the sovereign, is the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court.

Kinneir, John Macdonald (17821830)

British traveller and diplomat. He published Narrative of Travels in Asia Minor, Armenia, and Kurdistan in 181314 1818. He was envoy to Persia 182430, and his mediation brought to an end the Russo-Persian War 182728.

Kinnock, Neil Gordon (1942 )

British Labour politician, party leader 198392 and European Union commissioner 19952004. As party leader, succeeding his ally Michael Foot, he moderated his strongly left-wing position and made Labour a centre-left mainstream party once again. He expelled members of the hard-left Militant Tendency and reversed policies on unilateral nuclear disarmament, withdrawal from the European Union, and largescale nationalization that he had once advocated. He resigned as party leader after the 1992 general election defeat, and in 1995 became a European commissioner, with the transport portfolio. From 1999 to 2004 he was vice-president of the European Commission with responsibility for internal reform.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Former Labour leader Neil Kinnock. Born in South Wales in 1942 and educated at Cardiff University, Kinnock was leader of the Labour Party from 1983 until 1992. He reformed the Labour Party, preparing the way for Tony Blair's New Labour government of 1997.

former county of east-central Scotland, merged in 1975 in Tayside Region. Kinross was the county town.

Kirkcaldy of Grange, William (c. 15201573)

Scottish soldier and politician. Although he was a convert early in life to Protestantism, he later championed the cause of Mary Queen of Scots and was put to death for defending Edinburgh Castle against Protestant forces led by James Morton.

Kirkpatrick, Ivone (Augustine) (18971964)

Irish-born British diplomat and writer. Kirkpatrick specialized in German affairs, acting as interpreter to Neville Chamberlain during the talks leading to the Munich Agreement with Hitler in 1938, and being appointed British high commissioner in Germany after the war (195053). He wrote The Inner Circle, 1959, and Mussolini: Study of a Demagogue, 1964.

Kitchener, Horatio (Herbert) (18501916)

1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum

Irish soldier and administrator. He defeated the Sudanese at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898 and reoccupied Khartoum. In South Africa, he was commander-in-chief 190002 during the Boer War, and he commanded the forces in India 190209. Appointed war minister on the outbreak of World War I, he was successful in his campaign calling for voluntary recruitment.


(Image Billie Love)

A glass negative by Bassano of the British soldier and statesman Horatio Kitchener, who reconquered the Sudan and later became secretary of state for war during World War I. He was responsible for initiating the large volunteer force, creating a new army of 70 divisions, which was to fight on the western front. His powerful image appeared on recruiting posters which urged 'Your country needs you!'

Kitchener armies
British volunteer armies raised at the outbreak of World War I at the urging of Lord Kitchener; also known as 'New Armies'.

knight's fee
in the 150 years after the Norman Conquest, a grant of land by the Crown which was held by a lord on condition that a knight would perform strict duties as required, such as 40 days' military service or castle duty. Though the fee could be the estate of one man, it was usually granted out in multiples, and it is sometimes said that the most

common formula was that for every 5 hides of land granted to a lord, one knight was required by the king. Heirs to a knight's fee who were minors became wards of the Crown, which took control of the land, or granted it to another, until they were of age. This feudal system of tenure ended with the Civil War.

Knollys, Francis (c.15141596)

English politician and diplomat. A staunch Protestant, he was made the first custodian of Mary Queen of Scots, from 1568 to 1569, during her long imprisonment in England by Elizabeth I.

Knox, John (c. 15051572)

Scottish Protestant reformer, founder of the Church of Scotland. He spent several years in exile for his beliefs, including a period in Geneva where he met John Calvin. He returned to Scotland in 1559 to promote Presbyterianism. His books include First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (1558). Originally a Roman Catholic priest, Knox is thought to have been converted by the reformer George Wishart. When Wishart was burned for heresy, Knox went into hiding, but later preached the reformed doctrines.


(Image Billie Love)

An engraving of the Scottish protestant reformer John Knox, by Henry Hondius, 1559. Having fled to Geneva on Mary Tudor's accession to the English throne, he published 'First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women' (1558). A virulent attack on Mary of Guise's regency in Scotland, it expressed his opposition to her both as a Roman Catholic and a female sovereign.

Kray, Ronald (19331995) and Reginald (19332000)

British twins who controlled the East End of London with a Mafia-style operation during the 1960s. Their gang ran drinking clubs and protection rackets, and organized illegal gambling operations. Ronnie Kray shot dead a rival gang member and Reggie stabbed another to death for threatening his brother. They were convicted of murder in 1969, and sentenced to life imprisonment with the recommendation that they serve not less than 30 years.

Kyrle, John (16731724)

English social reformer who devoted his life to rebuilding and improving conditions in the town of Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire, where his family had been settled for centuries.

Kyteler, Alice (lived 1324)

Dame Alice

in Irish history, a Kilkenny woman accused of heresy and witchcraft in 1324. Dame Alice, having married and outlived four husbands, was charged by the bishop of Ossory, Richard Ledred, with forming and leading a band of witches and sorcerers in the town and environs of Kilkenny. A wealthy woman, through birth as well as through her first marriage, she twice escaped the charges, the second time fleeing to England where she was not heard from again. The accused who remained in Kilkenny, including her son and heir William Outlaw, were prosecuted and, after full admissions of guilt, jailed. In lieu of Dame Alice's arrest, Petronilla of Meath, clearly the situation's scapegoat, was burned alive in the marketplace, the first such execution reported in Ireland.

Labouchere, Henry Dupr (18311912)

English diplomat, newspaper proprietor, and politician. In 1864 he entered Parliament as a Liberal, and became one of Gladstone's most loyal supporters. Later he sat as a Radical MP. He owned and edited the newspaper Truth, which exposed several political scandals. His most famous pieces of journalism were the dispatches he sent to the London Daily News under the byline 'A Besieged Resident' from the siege of Paris during the Franco-Prussian War of 187071.

Labourers, Statute of
legislation in 1351 designed to prevent costs in wages and feudal services from growing out of control in the labour shortage caused by the Black Death. Labourers demanded higher wages from lords. The act was widely unpopular and was one of the causes of the Peasants' Revolt.

Labour Party
UK political party based on socialist principles, originally formed to represent workers. It was founded in 1900 and first held office in 1924. The first majority Labour government 194551 introduced nationalization and the National Health Service, and expanded social security. Labour was again in power 196470, 197479, and from 1997 (winning the 2001 and 2005 general elections). The party leader (Tony Blair from 1994) is elected by an electoral college, with a weighted representation of the

Parliamentary Labour Party (30%), constituency parties (30%), and trade unions (40%).

Labour Party

(Image Research Machines plc)

A photograph of British politician Barbara Castle. Born in 1911 and educated at Oxford University, Castle became a Labour Party MP in 1945 and was a government minister by 1964. A socialist firebrand, Castle must rank with Margaret Thatcher as one of the most important female politicians in the history of Parliament.

Labour Representation Committee

in British politics, a forerunner (190006) of the Labour Party. The committee was founded in February 1900 after a resolution drafted by Ramsay MacDonald, and moved by the Amalgamated Society of Railway Workers (now the National Union of Railwaymen), was carried at the 1899 Trades Union Congress (TUC). The resolution called for a special congress of the TUC parliamentary committee to campaign for more Labour members of Parliament. Ramsay MacDonald became its secretary. Following his efforts, 29 Labour members of Parliament were elected in the 1906

general election, and the Labour Representation Committee was renamed the Labour Party.

Lacey, Janet (19031988)

English philanthropist. As director of the Inter-Church Aid department 195268, she oversaw the foundation of Christian Aid Week in 1957 (renamed Christian Aid in 1964). She later moved to the Family Welfare Association and the Churches' Council for Health and Healing. She was the first woman to preach in St Paul's Cathedral and received an honorary Lambeth Doctor of Divinity in 1975. Her views on aid are expressed in A Cup of Water (1970). Lacey was raised in Sunderland. She worked for the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) in Kendal, Dagenham, and at the end of World War II with BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) in Germany. In 1947 she joined the British Council of Churches as youth secretary.

Ladies' Land League

Irish peasant-rights organization set up by Anna and Fanny Parnell in 1881; its supporters and activists were women.

Lamb, Caroline (17851828)

English writer. Her gothic novel Glenarvon, published anonymously in 1816, reflects her passionate affair with Lord Byron during 181213, and contains a caricature portrait of the poet. On their meeting in 1812, she wrote famously in her journal that he was 'mad, bad, and dangerous to know.' Lamb was the daughter of Frederick Ponsonby, 3rd Earl of Bessborough, and spent her early childhood in Italy. She married William Lamb (later Viscount Melbourne) in 1805. Her mental instability, noted by her father when she was a child, intensified after her affair with Byron, and her condition deteriorated following a chance encounter with his funeral procession on its way to Newstead in 1824. She separated from her husband in 1925.

Lambert, John (16191684)

English general. He was a cavalry commander in the English Civil War under Oliver Cromwell (at the battles of Marston Moor, Preston, Dunbar, and Worcester). He supported Cromwell's assumption of the protectorate in 1653, but opposed proposals in 1657 to award him the royal title. In 1658, as leader of the army, he forced the Protector Richard Cromwell to recall the Rump, the remainder of the Long Parliament

dissolved in 1653. At the Restoration he was condemned to death, but reprieved and imprisoned for life.

Lamont, Norman Stewart Hughson (1942 )

British Conservative politician, chief secretary of the Treasury 198990, chancellor of the Exchequer 199093, born in the Shetland Islands. In September 1992, despite earlier assurances to the contrary, he was forced to suspend the UK's membership of the European Community (now the European Union) Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). He was replaced as chancellor by Kenneth Clarke in May 1993, after which he became a fierce right-wing critic of the Major administration. He lost his House of Commons seat in the May 1997 general election. Educated at Cambridge University, Lamont was elected to Parliament in 1972 as member for Kingston upon Thames. He masterminded John Major's leadership campaign. As chancellor of the Exchequer, he firmly backed the UK's membership of the ERM and, despite signs that the pound was in trouble, specifically ruled out devaluation on 10 September 1992. A week later, in the face of mounting international pressure on the pound, he was forced to devalue and withdraw from the ERM, inciting fierce criticism and calls for his resignation.

Lancaster House Agreement

accord reached at a conference held in September 1979 at Lancaster House, London, between Britain and representative groups of Rhodesia, including the Rhodesian government under Ian Smith and black nationalist groups. The agreement enabled a smooth transition to the independent state of Zimbabwe in 1980.

Land League
Irish peasant-rights organization, formed in 1879 by Michael Davitt and Charles Stewart Parnell to fight against tenant evictions. Through its skilful use of the boycott against anyone who took a farm from which another had been evicted, it forced Gladstone's government to introduce a law in 1881 restricting rents and granting tenants security of tenure. The Land League was supported by the use of intimidation from the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) an offshoot of the Irish-American Fenian movement. The IRB ensured that landlords were unable to collect rents and that no other Irish farmers took the unoccupied farms. Support also came from Irish parliamentary nationalists, led by Charles Stewart Parnell, in the House of Commons at Westminster. The combination of intimidation and parliamentary action gave the Land League success. By attacking the economic wealth generated by Ireland for Britain and the large Protestant landowners of Ireland, the Land League achieved victory where previous campaigns for rights in Ireland had failed.

land tax
in England, a tax on land, based on an assessment of 1692, which became the principal source of crown revenue in the 18th century. It averaged around 20% of rental income, although this could be increased in war time. It was largely superseded by Income Tax.

Lane, Allen (19021970)

adopted name of Allen Lane Williams

English publisher and pioneer of paperback books. He founded the paperback publishers Penguin Books Ltd in 1935, a revolutionary step in the trade. Starting with reprints of novels in paper covers at sixpence each, he expanded to other series such as nonfictional Pelicans and children's Puffins, establishing a highly successful publishing concern. Lane was born and educated in Bristol. In 1919 he was apprenticed to the Bodley Head publishing house under its founder and his uncle John Lane (18541925). He rose to become managing director before resigning to form Penguin. He was knighted in 1952, and retired as managing director of Penguin in 1969.

Lane, Elizabeth (19051988)

born Elizabeth Coulbourn

English lawyer. In 1960 she became the third woman to be appointed QC (Queen's Counsel), and in 1962 she was the first woman circuit court judge. She was made a master of the bench in 1965, and in the same year became the first woman to be appointed a High Court judge, working in the Family Division. In 197173 she chaired the committee on the working of the Abortion Act. She was created DBE in 1965. Her early offices included assistant recorder of Birmingham 195361, and recorder of Derby and commissioner of the Crown Court at Manchester 196162. She retired from the High Court in 1979.

Lanfranc (c. 10101089)

Italian archbishop of Canterbury from 1070. Following the Norman Conquest, he was the adviser of William (I) the Conqueror. As archbishop he rebuilt Canterbury Cathedral, replaced English clergy with Normans, enforced clerical celibacy, and separated the ecclesiastical from the secular courts. His skill in theological controversy did much to secure the church's adoption of the doctrine of transubstantiation.

Lang, Cosmo Gordon (18641945)

Baron Lang of Lambeth

Scottish churchman, archbishop of Canterbury 192842. He was renowned as an important reformer of the Anglican Church, and as one of the finest preachers of his day. Under his influence, the Book of Common Prayer was revised to accord with modern usage and thought, and the Church became more broadly based. He also promoted social reform at home, political change in India, and closer links between the Anglican and Nonconformist churches. While he was archbishop of Canterbury, Lang had to deal with the difficult abdication crisis, in which King Edward VIII's wish to marry a divorcee was deemed incompatible with his role as head of the Church of England.

Langland, William (c. 1332c. 1400)

English poet. His alliterative The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman (see Piers Plowman) was written in three (or possibly four) versions between about 1367 and 1386. The poem forms a series of allegorical visions, in which Piers develops from the typical poor peasant to a symbol of Jesus, and condemns the social and moral evils of 14th-century England. It is a masterpiece in combining the depiction of a spiritual pilgrimage with scenes of contemporary social life for a satirical purpose.

Langton, Stephen (c. 11501228)

English priest who was mainly responsible for drafting the charter of rights, the Magna Carta. He studied in Paris, where he became chancellor of the university, and in 1206 was created a cardinal. When in 1207 Pope Innocent III secured Langton's election as archbishop of Canterbury, King John I refused to recognize him, and he was not allowed to enter England until 1213. He supported the barons in their struggle against John and worked for revisions to both church and state policies.

Lansbury, George (18591940)

British Labour politician, leader in the Commons 193135. He was a member of Parliament for Bow from 191012 when he resigned to force a by-election on the issue of votes for women, which he lost and again 192240. In 1921, while mayor of the London borough of Poplar, he went to prison with most of the council rather than modify their policy of more generous unemployment relief. Lansbury founded the Daily Herald in 1912, and edited it until 1922, carrying it on as a weekly throughout World War I. He was the leader of the parliamentary Labour

party 193135, but resigned (as a pacifist) in opposition to the party's militant response to the Italian invasion of Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia).

Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne (18451927)

British Liberal Unionist politician, governor general of Canada 188388, viceroy of India 188893, war minister 18951900, and foreign secretary 190006. While at the Foreign Office he abandoned Britain's isolationist policy by forming an alliance with Japan and an entente cordiale with France. His letter of 1917 suggesting an offer of peace to Germany created a controversy. Marquess 1866.

Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne (17801863)

English Whig politician, a consistent supporter of the abolition of slavery, free trade, and Catholic emancipation.

Lansdowne, William Petty Fitzmaurice, 1st Marquis of Lansdowne

British Whig politician; see Lord Shelburne.

Larkin, James (18761947)

Irish labour leader. He founded the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union (ITGWU) in 1909. Depressed by his failure in the 1913 Dublin lockout, he went to the USA in 1914. He returned to Ireland in 1923, only to be embroiled in a bitter dispute with William O'Brien, who had built up the ITGWU in his absence. Larkin eventually joined the Labour Party, and was elected to the Dil (Irish parliament) in 1943. Born of Irish parents in Liverpool, Larkin became a convinced trade unionist and socialist. He was sent to Belfast in 1907 to attempt the unionization of the Belfast docks, where he was confronted by the city's intense sectarianism. In 1912 he persuaded the Irish Trade Union Congress to set up a congress-based Labour Party. During his stay in the USA he attended the founding convention of the American Communist Party and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment for 'criminal anarchy'.

Laski, Harold Joseph (18931950)

English political theorist. Professor of political science at the London School of Economics from 1926, he taught a modified Marxism and was active in the Socialist

League during the 1930s. He published A Grammar of Politics (1925), a central text of Fabian political science, and The American Presidency (1940). He was chair of the Labour Party 194445.

Latimer, Hugh (c. 14851555)

English bishop. After his conversion to Protestantism in 1524 during the Reformation he was imprisoned several times but was protected by cardinal Thomas Wolsey and Henry VIII. After the accession of the Catholic Mary I, he was burned for heresy. Latimer was appointed bishop of Worcester in 1535, but resigned in 1539. Under Edward VI his sermons denouncing social injustice won him great influence, but he was arrested in 1553, once Mary was on the throne, and two years later he was burned at the stake in Oxford.

Laud, William (15731645)

English priest; archbishop of Canterbury from 1633. Laud's High Church policy, support for Charles I's unparliamentary rule, censorship of the press, and persecution of the Puritans all aroused bitter opposition, while his strict enforcement of the statutes against enclosures and of laws regulating wages and prices alienated the propertied classes. His attempt to impose the use of the Prayer Book on the Scots precipitated the English Civil War. Impeached by Parliament in 1640, he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. In 1645 he was beheaded.

Lauderdale, John Maitland, 1st Duke of Lauderdale (16161682)

Scottish politician. Formerly a zealous Covenanter, he joined the Royalists in 1647, and as high commissioner for Scotland 166779 persecuted the Covenanters. He was created Duke of Lauderdale in 1672, and was a member of the Cabal ministry 166773.

Law, Andrew Bonar (18581923)

British Conservative politician, born in New Brunswick, Canada, of Scottish descent. He succeeded Balfour as leader of the opposition in 1911, became colonial secretary in Asquith's coalition government 191516, chancellor of the Exchequer 191619, and Lord Privy Seal 191921 in Lloyd George's coalition. He formed a Conservative cabinet in 1922, but resigned on health grounds. Law made a fortune in Scotland as a banker and iron-merchant before entering Parliament in 1900.

Law, John (16711729)

Scottish economist. He persuaded the French to set up a Bank of France 1716 and to invest heavily in the colonization of the Mississippi delta before the collapse of the project 1720.

Lawes, John Bennet (18141900)

English agriculturist who patented the first artificial 'super-phosphate' fertilizer. In 1843 he established the Rothamsted Experimental Station (Hertfordshire) at his birthplace. Baronet 1882.

Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st Baron Lawrence of the Punjab and of Grately (18111879)
English colonial administrator, governor-general of India 186369. As lieutenantgovernor of the Punjab, he carried out many social and economic reforms, which earned him the name 'Saviour of the Punjab'. He played a leading role in suppressing the Indian Mutiny of 185758. By raising a new army of 59,000 loyal troops, he was able to besiege Delhi and bring about the surrender of rebel forces there after three months, effectively ending the uprising.

Lawrence, T(homas) E(dward) (18881935)

called 'Lawrence of Arabia'

British soldier, scholar, and translator. Appointed to the military intelligence department in Cairo, Egypt, during World War I, he took part in negotiations for an Arab revolt against the Ottoman Turks, and in 1916 attached himself to the emir Faisal. He became a guerrilla leader of genius, combining raids on Turkish communications with the organization of a joint Arab revolt, described in his book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926).

Layamon (lived c. 1200)

English poet. His name means 'law man' or 'judge', and according to his own account he was a priest of Areley (now Areley Kings), Worcestershire. He was the author of the Brut, a chronicle of about 16,000 alliterative lines on the history of Britain from the arrival of Brutus, the legendary Roman senator and general, to Cadwalader, which gives the earliest version of the Arthurian legend in English. The Brut is based on the French rendering by Robert Wace of the Latin Historia Regum Britanniae by Geoffrey of Monmouth, with additions from Celtic legend. The first important poem written in Middle English, the Brut is written mainly in alliterative

lines but occasionally uses rhyme and assonance; it therefore shows English verse in transition. Two composite manuscript copies survive (housed in the British Museum).

Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham (18681947)

English soldier and politician. He is chiefly remembered for giving his Elizabethan mansion, Chequers to the nation in 1921 as a country residence for prime ministers.

Lee, Jennie (Janet) (19041988)

Baroness Lee of Asheridge

British socialist politician. She became a member of Parliament for the Independent Labour Party representing North Lanark at the age of 24, and in 1934 married Aneurin Bevan. Representing Cannock 194570, she was on the left wing of the Labour Party. She was on its National Executive Committee 195870, became a privy councillor from 1966, and was minister of education 196770, during which time she was responsible for founding the Open University in 1969. She was made a baroness in 1970. Her publications include Tomorrow is a New Day (1939) and My Life with Nye (1980).

Lee, Sophia (17501824)

English writer and dramatist. The success of her play The Chapter of Accidents (1780), enabled her to open a girls' school in Bath. Other works include the verse tragedy Almeyda, Queen of Grenada (1796); a historical novel, The Recess (1783 85); and a lengthy ballad, The Hermit's Tale (1787). Her epistolary novel The Life of a Lover (1804) has autobiographical elements. Her sister Harriet Lee (17571851) was also a dramatist.

Leeds, Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds (16321712)

English politician who served as lord treasurer and chief minister to Charles II 1673 79, and increased the king's revenues. As a strong supporter of an independent Church of England, he opposed the pro-Catholic policies of Charles and his successor James II, and was instrumental in arranging the marriage between James's daughter Mary of York to the Protestant William of Orange in 1677. He then helped arrange for William to assume the English crown in 1688 (see Glorious Revolution). For his services, he was made duke of Leeds in 1694.

Leese, Oliver William Hargreaves (18941978)

English soldier who was engaged in many theatres of conflict during World War II, including North Africa and Burma. For a long time, he served under Montgomery, in the British Expeditionary Force in France (193940), in the Eighth Army in the Western Desert, and during the Allied invasion of Italy in 1943.

in medieval East Anglia, England, administrative subdivision of a hundred for the purposes of collecting tax, roughly corresponding to a hide.

Lehmann, Beatrix (19031979)

English actor. Following her debut in 1924 at the Lyric, Hammersmith, she appeared in many successful plays, including Family Reunion, Peter Ustinov's No Sign of the Dove, and Waltz of the Toreadors. In 1946 she became director-producer of the Arts Council Midland Theatre Company. She also appeared in films and wrote two novels and several short stories. Lehmann was born in Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, the daughter of journalist Rudolph Chambers Lehmann (18561929). Her brother was the poet and essayist John Lehmann and her sister, the novelist Rosamond Lehmann.

Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester (c. 15321588)

English courtier. Son of the Duke of Northumberland, he was created Earl of Leicester in 1564. He led the disastrous military expedition (158587) sent to help the Netherlands against Spain. Despite this failure, he retained the favour of Queen Elizabeth I, who gave him command of the army prepared to resist the threat of Spanish invasion in 1588. His father was executed in 1553 for supporting Lady Jane Grey's claim to the throne, and Leicester was himself briefly imprisoned in the Tower of London. His good looks attracted Queen Elizabeth, who made him Master of the Horse in 1558 and a privy councillor in 1559. He was a supporter of the Protestant cause.

Leigh-Mallory, George (17461820)

English diplomat. He was ambassador to St Petersburg 177782, and became minister at The Hague (1788). He was employed to negotiate the marriage between the Prince of Wales and Caroline of Brunswick (1794), and accompanied the latter to England.

He was born in Salisbury, Wiltshire, and educated at Winchester College and Oxford University. He became secretary to the embassy in Madrid in 1767. He was given his peerage for his successful tenure as minister at The Hague.

Leighton, Margaret (19221976)

English actor. The leading lady in many stage and film productions, she became one of the best-known actors of her era. Her major plays include Terence Rattigan's Separate Tables in 1956 and Tennessee Williams's Pullitzer prizewinning The Night of the Iguana (1961). She was nominated for an Academy Award for the film The GoBetween (1971). Leighton was born near Birmingham. She trained for the stage as a teenager, and joined the Old Vic under Laurence Olivier and Ralph Richardson in the 1940s. Her Broadway debut was made in 1946.

Leland, John (c. 15061552)

English antiquary whose manuscripts have proved a valuable source for scholars. He became chaplain and librarian to Henry VIII, and during 153443 toured England collecting material for a history of English antiquities. The Itinerary was published in 1710.

Lemass, Sen Francis (18991971)

Irish nationalist politician and Taoiseach (prime minister) 195966. A long time associate of amon de Valera, he was a founder member of the Fianna Fil party (1926), and minister for industry and commerce under de Valera from 1932. His greatest achievements were the modernization of the republic's economy (through industrialization and free trade with Britain) and the improvement of relations with Northern Ireland. In 1965 he made a historic visit to Belfast to meet Northern Ireland's prime minister Terence O'Neill. Lemass joined the nationalist Irish Volunteers at the age of fifteen. He fought at the General Post Office in the Easter Rising of 1916, but escaped deportation. He became an officer in the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and was interned 192021. Like de Valera, Lemass rejected the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) which established the Irish Free State within the British Empire, and fought as a republican leader in the Irish Civil War 192223 until his capture and imprisonment. Elected to the Dil ireann (Irish parliament) in 1924 Lemass, like other republicans, refused to take his seat until 1927. As the chief architect of the republic's economic expansion, he built up Irish industry behind a wall of high tariffs before adopting free trade practices, promoted the foundation of a national shipping company and airline, and made Ireland's first attempt to join the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1961. He succeeded de Valera as prime minister and head of Fianna Fil in 1959. Ill health prompted his resignation in 1966.

Lentaigne, Walter (18991955)

British general. He raised and trained the 111th Indian Infantry Brigade which became part of the Chindits. When Wingate was killed March 1944 he took over command of the Chindit operations and carried them to a successful conclusion.

Lenthall, William (15911662)

English lawyer. Speaker of the House of Commons in the Long Parliament of 1640 60, he played an active part in the Restoration of Charles II.

Leofric (died 1057)

Earl of Mercia

English nobleman. He was created earl c. 1034 by King Canute, and was a rival of Godwin, Earl of Wessex, supporting Edward the Confessor against him 1051. His wife was Lady Godiva.

Leslie, David, Lord Newark (16011682)

Scottish soldier. As a lieutenant-general, he was at the Battle of Marston Moor (1644), routed Montrose at Philiphaugh (1645), and fought in the siege of Newark. He went over to the Royalist side but was taken prisoner in 1651 and was confined in the Tower of London until the Restoration (1660). He was the fifth son of the 1st Lord Lindores. He took part in the Thirty Years' War, serving under Gustavus Adolphus. He returned to Scotland about 1640, at the time of the rise of the Covenanters against King Charles I. He joined troops under his kinsman, Alexander Leslie, Earl of Leven, who also went over to the king's side. After the Restoration he was created Lord Newark (1661).

Levant Company
company formed in 1592 to trade English cloth and tin for oriental silk or Turkish carpets in the eastern Mediterranean. The company was formed by the merger of the Turkey Company (1581) and the Venice Company (1583).


democratic party in the English Civil War. The Levellers found wide support among Cromwell's New Model Army and the yeoman farmers, artisans, and small traders, and proved a powerful political force from 1647 to 1649. Their programme included the establishment of a republic, government by a parliament of one house elected by all men over 21, elections every year, freedom of speech, religious toleration, and sweeping social reforms, including education for everyone. They were led by John Lilburne, whose wife Elizabeth campaigned for a 'proportional share in the freedom of this commonwealth' for women. Cromwell's refusal to implement this programme led to mutinies by Levellers in the army, which, when suppressed by Cromwell at Burford in 1649, ended the movement. True Levellers (also known as Diggers) were denounced by the Levellers because of their more radical methods.

Leven, Alexander Leslie (c. 15801661)

1st Earl of Leven

Scottish general in the English Civil War. He led the Covenanters' army which invaded England in 1640, commanded the Scottish army sent to aid the English Puritans 164346, and shared in the Parliamentarians' victory over the Royalists in the Battle of Marston Moor. He became an earl 1641.

Leveson-Gower, Granville George (18151891)

2nd Earl Granville

English politician. He held several cabinet posts 185186, including that of foreign secretary 187074 and 188085 under Gladstone. He supported Gladstone's home rule policy and played a leading part in the decision to send General Gordon to Khartoum 1884. Earl 1846.

Lhuyd, Edward (16601709)

English scholar and naturalist. In 1690 he became head keeper of the Ashmolean Museum in 1690. He travelled in all the Celtic-speaking countries and studied their languages. He was born near Oswestry, Shropshire. His two most important publications are Lithophylacii Britannici iconographia (1699), a catalogue of the figured fossils in the Ashmolean Museum, and volume I (the only one published) of his Archaeologica Britannica (1707), a study of Celtic languages that is still useful.

German merchant ship used to run guns and ammunition to the Irish Republican Army (IRA) for the projected Easter rising 1916 under Roger Casement.

Liberal Party
British political party, the successor to the Whig Party, with an ideology of liberalism. In the 19th century it represented the interests of commerce and industry. Its outstanding leaders were Palmerston, Gladstone, and Lloyd George. From 1914 it declined, and the rise of the Labour Party pushed the Liberals into the middle ground. The Liberals joined forces with the Social Democratic Party (SDP) as the Alliance for the 1983 and 1987 elections. In 1988 a majority of the SDP voted to merge with the Liberals to form the Social and Liberal Democrats (SLD), which became known as the Liberal Democrats from 1989. A minority have retained the name Liberal Party. The Liberal Party was officially formed on 6 June 1859, although the term 'Liberals' had been increasingly in use since the 1832 Reform Act. Its formal establishment marked a shift of support for the party from aristocrats to include also progressive industrialists, backed by supporters of the utilitarian reformer Jeremy Bentham, Nonconformists (especially in Welsh and Scottish constituencies), and the middle classes. During the Liberals' first period of power, from 1830 to 1841, they promoted parliamentary and municipal government reform and the abolition of slavery, but their laissez-faire theories led to the harsh Poor Law of 1834. Except for two short periods, the Liberals were in power from 1846 to 1866, but the only major change was the general adoption of free trade. Liberal pressure forced Prime Minister Robert Peel to repeal the Corn Laws of 1846, thereby splitting the ruling Conservative (or Tory) party. Extended franchise (1867) and Gladstone's emergence as leader began a new phase, dominated by the Manchester school with a programme of 'peace, retrenchment, and reform'. Gladstone's 186874 government introduced many important reforms, including elementary education and vote by ballot. The party's left, composed mainly of working-class Radicals and led by Charles Bradlaugh (a lawyer's clerk) and Joseph Chamberlain (a wealthy manufacturer), repudiated laissez faire and inclined towards republicanism, but in 1886 the Liberals were split over the policy of home rule for Ireland, and many became Liberal Unionists or joined the Conservatives. Except for the period 1892 to 1895, the Liberals remained out of power until 1906, when, reinforced by Labour and Irish support, they returned with a huge majority. Old-age pensions, National Insurance, limitation of the powers of the Lords, and the Irish Home Rule Bill followed. Lloyd George's alliance with the Conservatives from 1916 to 1922 divided the Liberal Party between him and his predecessor Asquith, and although reunited in 1923 the Liberals continued to lose votes. They briefly joined the National Government (193132). After World War II they were reduced to a handful of members of Parliament. However, Liberal thinkers, notably John Maynard Keynes and William Beveridge, had a profound influence on post-war governments in terms of creation of a welfare state and ideas about government intervention to help manage the economy.

A Liberal revival began under the leadership (195667) of Jo Grimond and continued under Jeremy Thorpe, who resigned after a period of controversy within the party in 1976. After a caretaker return by Grimond, David Steel became the first party leader in British politics to be elected by party members who were not MPs. Between 1977 and 1978 Steel entered into an agreement to support Labour in any vote of confidence in return for consultation on measures undertaken. After the 1987 general election, Steel suggested a merger of the Liberal Party and the SDP, and the SLD was formed on 3 March 1988, with Paddy Ashdown elected leader in July of that year. From 1989 the SLD became known as the Liberal Democrats. Unlike the Council for Social Democracy, which was wound up in 1990, a rump Liberal Party remained after the 1988 LiberalSDP merger. In 2001 it had 30 local councillors. It contested 14 parliamentary constituencies at the June 2001 general election but won less than 1% of the vote, except in Liverpool West Derby, where, with 15% of the vote, its candidate finished in second position, ahead of the Liberal Democrats.

Liberator, the
title given to Simn Bolvar, South American revolutionary leader; also a title given to Daniel O'Connell, Irish political leader; and to Bernardo O'Higgins, Chilean revolutionary.

in the middle ages, freedom from direct royal jurisdiction, usually granted to border territories in return for protecting the border area from raiders. The privilege was granted in cases such as the Marcher Lords on the Welsh border, or in the Palatinate of Durham where the bishop was granted special privileges as a bulwark against the Scots. More restricted liberties provided freedom from prosecution in the king's courts. The most famous of these was that of Westminster Abbey, where sanctuary extended beyond its buildings to much of the city of Westminster, but boroughs or even smaller towns, such as Bewdley, also enjoyed such privileges. As monarchs grew stronger, they resented liberties which served no purpose, as in the case of Wales, but despite efforts by Edward I in particular to subjugate these lordships their privileges remained largely intact until the 16th century.

licensing laws
legislation governing the sale of alcoholic drinks. In the UK, sales can only be made by pubs, restaurants, shops, and clubs which hold licences obtained from licensing justices. The hours during which alcoholic drinks can be sold are restricted: licensed premises can sell alcohol between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and 12 noon to 10.30 p.m. on Sundays. These hours may be extended for special

occasions, by application to the licensing justices. It is illegal to sell alcohol to anyone below the age of 18. From the late 19th century, temperance and nonconformist movements lobbied for tighter restrictions on the consumption of alcohol. In Wales, Sunday closing was enforced from 1881, and in 1913 Scotland was permitted to hold local referenda on licensing issues. Restrictions on pub hours in England was initially introduced as a temporary measure during World War I, not as a morality act, but to improve efficiency on the home front, but the regulations were retained after the war.

Light Brigade, Charge of the

see Charge of the Light Brigade.

Lilburne, John (c. 16141657)

English republican agitator. He was imprisoned 163840 for circulating Puritan pamphlets, fought in the Parliamentary army in the English Civil War, and by his advocacy of a democratic republic won the leadership of the Levellers, the democratic party in the Civil War.

Limerick, Treaty of
treaty signed 3 October 1691 in Limerick, Ireland, dictating the terms of surrender of the Jacobites who had resisted the invading armies of William III. The Jacobites were granted amnesty or allowed to go into exile and religious tolerance, in particular of Catholics, was guaranteed. This latter promise was broken by Penal Code introduced from 1695 by the Protestant MPs of the Dublin parliament.

Lincoln, Battles of
two battles near the town of Lincoln: 2 February 1141 King Stephen was defeated and captured by supporters of Matilda and taken to Bristol. The victory temporarily put Matilda ahead in the battle for the crown, but Stephen was soon exchanged for the earl of Gloucester and she was defeated at the Battle of Winchester in September. 20 May 1217 in the first Barons War, defeat of Prince Louis of France (the future King Louis VIII) and the barons by William Marshall, earl of Pembroke. The victory led to Louis being expelled from his stronghold in southeast England.

small Anglo-Saxon kingdom northwest of the Wash in Eastern England. It was overshadowed by its neighbours and was ruled by Northumbria in the 7th century until it passed into Merician control 678. It was finally overrun by Danish invaders 841. It survived as the Parts of Lindsey, an administrative subdivision of the county of Lincolnshire, until the reorganization of local government 1974.

Lindsey, Robert Bertie, lst Earl of (15821642)

English admiral. He joined the Spanish expedition of the earls of Essex and Nottingham, and was present at the capture of Cadiz in 1597. In 1628, after the Duke of Buckingham was assassinated, he was appointed admiral of the fleet. He reclaimed parts of the Lincolnshire fens. He was the eldest son of Peregrine Bertie and godson of Queen Elizabeth I. He was knighted in the market-place of Cadiz after its capture. As admiral of the fleet, he led a failed expedition for the relief of La Rochelle in 1628. He supported Charles I during the Civil War, and died from wounds received at Edgehill.

Lindsey, Parts of
former administrative county within Lincolnshire, England. It was the largest of the three administrative divisions (or 'parts') of the county, with its headquarters at Lincoln. In 1974 Lindsey was divided between the new county of Humberside (abolished in 1996) and a reduced Lincolnshire.

Lingard, John (17711851)

English historian. In 1811 he began work on his History of England. The first two volumes appeared in 1819 and the last in 1830. Its accuracy and detachment have preserved its importance as a standard history. He was born in Winchester, and was educated at the English Roman Catholic College at Douai. He was vice-president of Crookhall College, near Durham 1795 1811. His first book was The Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church (1806).

person employed to show the way through city streets with lighted torches. They were employed in most cities until the advent of street lighting made them unnecessary.

Lisle, Alicia (c. 16141685)

Second wife of the regicide, John Lisle, whom she married in 1630. In 1685, she was alleged to have sheltered one of Monmouth's supporters during his rebellion. She was tried before Judge Jeffreys and was beheaded at Winchester. She was the daughter and heiress of Sir White Rockenshaw. After her husband's death in 1664, she retired to Moyles Court, Hampshire.

Lisle, John (c. 16101664)

English regicide. He was one of the managers at the trial of Charles I, and drew up the form of sentence. When he realized that the Restoration was inevitable, Lisle fled to Switzerland, where.he was murdered by a Royalist Irishman. He was educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford. He became a barrister at the Inner Temple in 1633, and entered Parliament in 1640. He was master of St Cross Hospital, Winchester 164449. Lisle was a commissioner of the Great Seal (1649) and placed on the council of state. He was appointed commissioner of the admiralty and the navy in 1660, before the return of Charles II.

Lister, Joseph (18271912)

1st Baron Lister

English surgeon. He was the founder of antiseptic surgery, influenced by Louis Pasteur's work on bacteria. He introduced dressings soaked in carbolic acid and strict rules of hygiene to combat wound sepsis in hospitals. He was made a baronet in 1883, and a baron in 1897. The number of surgical operations greatly increased following the introduction of anaesthetics, but death rates were more than 40%. Under Lister's regime they fell dramatically.

Liston, Robert (17941847)

Scottish surgeon. He perfected the complicated method of amputating by flaps. On 21 December 1846 he performed the first major operation under anaesthetic (amputation of the thigh) in Britain. He was born in Ecclemachan, Linlithgow, and educated by his father, the parish minister, and at Edinburgh University. He studied for two years at the London and St Bartholomew's hospitals, returning to Edinburgh in 1818. In 1827 he was appointed surgeon to the Royal Infirmary. In 1834 he returned to London as surgeon at

University College Hospital. In 1835 he became professor of clinical surgery at University College. His chief works are Elements of Surgery (183132), and Practical Surgery (1837).

Little Moreton Hall

outstanding black-and-white Tudor house near Congleton, Cheshire, England. It was built in stages throughout the 16th century, the oldest part dating from about 1520. The somewhat random structure is surrounded by a moat, while inside the hall and gallery are decorated with carving and plasterwork. The Hall was presented to the National Trust in 1938.

Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of (17291809)

English statesman. He led the 'King's Friends' party after Bute's retirement. He filled numerous high offices of state in the Grenville, Grafton, North, and Pitt ministries. He was born in Winchester, and educated at Charterhouse and University College, Oxford. He was created Baron Hawkesbury in 1786, and Earl of Liverpool in 1796.

Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl Liverpool (1770 1828)

British Tory politician. He entered Parliament in 1790 and was foreign secretary 180103, home secretary 180406 and 180709, war minister 180912, and prime minister 181227. His government conducted the Napoleonic Wars to a successful conclusion, but its ruthless suppression of freedom of speech and of the press aroused such opposition that during 181520 revolution frequently seemed imminent. He became an earl in 1808.

livery and maintenance

in England, the traditional marks of a man's relation to his lord; livery being the uniform of the lord and maintenance the help a lord would give his followers in legal cases, often by illegal means or coercion of the courts. The practice led to widespread corruption and abuses of the legal system and Henry VII passed a series of acts against it but these largely amounted to little more than a system of licenses. Until the advent of a standing army in the 17th century kings depended on their lords having strong retinues, and so could do little to act against their followers.

Livingstone, David (18131873)

Scottish missionary explorer. In 1841 he went to Africa, reaching Lake Ngami in 1849. He followed the Zambezi to its mouth, saw the Victoria Falls in 1855, and went to East and Central Africa 185864, reaching Lakes Shirwa and Nyasa. From 1866, he tried to find the source of the River Nile, and reached Ujiji in Tanganyika in November 1871. British explorer Henry Stanley joined Livingstone in Ujiji. Livingstone not only mapped a great deal of the African continent but also helped to end the Arab slave trade.

two princes of Wales:

Llewelyn I (11731240)
Prince of Wales from 1194. He extended his rule to all Wales not in Norman hands, driving the English from northern Wales in 1212, and taking Shrewsbury in 1215. During the early part of Henry III's reign, he was several times attacked by English armies. He was married to Joanna, the illegitimate daughter of King John.

Llewelyn I

(Image Research Machines plc)

Dolbadarn castle in Snowdonia, Wales, dates from the early 13th century and was probably built by Llewelyn I, Prince of Wales. Later in the century, Owain Goch was kept prisoner in the castle for 20 years, following his unsuccessful attempt to overturn his brother Llewelyn II. Set strategically on a knoll commanding the entrance to Llanberis Pass, the remains of the castle's main circular tower are almost 15 m/50 ft high.

Llewelyn II ap Gruffydd (c. 12251282)

Prince of Wales from 1246, grandson of Llewelyn I. In 1277 Edward I of England compelled Llewelyn to acknowledge him as overlord and to surrender southern Wales. His death while leading a national uprising ended Welsh independence.

Lloyd, (John) Selwyn (Brooke) (19041978)

Baron Selwyn Lloyd

British Conservative politician. He was foreign secretary 195560 and chancellor of the Exchequer 196062. He was made a baron in 1976. He was responsible for the creation of the National Economic Development Council, but the unpopularity of his policy of wage restraint in an attempt to defeat inflation forced his resignation. He was Speaker of the House of Commons 197176.

Lloyd, John (lived 15th century)

called 'John Scolvus' (John the skilful)

Welsh sailor who carried on an illegal trade with Greenland and is claimed to have reached North America, sailing as far south as Maryland, in 1477 (15 years before the voyage of Columbus).

Lloyd, Selwyn
British Conservative politician; see Selwyn Lloyd.

Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor (18631945)

British Liberal politician, prime minister 191622. A pioneer of social reform and the welfare state, as chancellor of the Exchequer 190815 he introduced old-age pensions in 1908 and health and unemployment insurance in 1911. High unemployment, intervention in the Russian Civil War, and use of the military police force, the Black and Tans, in Ireland eroded his support as prime minister. The creation of the Irish Free State in 1921 and his pro-Greek policy against the Turks following the Greek invasion of Anatolia (Asian Turkey) caused the collapse of his coalition government. Born in Manchester of Welsh parentage, Lloyd George was brought up in north Wales, became a solicitor, and was member of Parliament for Caernarvon Boroughs from 1890. During the Boer War, he was prominent as a pro-Boer. His 1909 budget (with graduated direct taxes and taxes on land values) provoked the Lords to reject it, and resulted in the Act of 1911 limiting their powers. He held ministerial posts during World War I until 1916 when there was an open breach between him and Prime Minister Asquith, and he became prime minister of a coalition government. Securing a unified Allied command, he enabled the Allies to withstand the last German offensive and achieve victory. After World War I he had a major role in the Versailles peace treaty. In the 1918 elections, he achieved a huge majority over Labour and Asquith's followers. He had become largely distrusted within his own party by 1922, and never regained power. He was made an earl in 1945.

Lloyd George, Lady Megan (19021966)

English politician. The younger daughter of the former prime minister, the 1st Earl Lloyd George, she became Liberal MP for Anglesey in 1929. She retained the seat until her defeat at the general election in 1951. A pronounced Radical in her views, in 1955 she joined the Labour party, re-entering Parliament as a Labour MP in 1957. She was born in Criccieth, and was educated at Banstead and in Paris.

Lloyd of Dolobran, George Ambrose Lloyd, 1st Baron (18791941)

English diplomat, administrator, and statesman. He was governor of Bombay (now Mumbai) 191823. During that time, he had to deal with the disorders following the breakdown of negotiations between the viceroy, Lord Reading, and the Indian faction led by Gandhi. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. During World War I he served in Egypt and Gallipoli, and later in Mesopotamia, organizing Kitchener's intelligence service in the East. He was Conservative MP for Staffordshire 191018, and for Eastbourne 192425. In 1925 he was appointed high commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan. He was recalled by the Labour government in 1929, probably because of his conduct in refusing to grant concessions there to nationalist agitation. When Churchill formed his Cabinet in May 1940, Lloyd was appointed colonial secretary, but he died soon after.

Loftus, Adam (c.15331606)

English-born Protestant archbishop of Dublin 15671606 and founder of Ireland's first university, Trinity College, Dublin, in 1592. Though often portrayed as an insensitive enforcer of the Elizabethan Reformation and as a devious self-promoter and nepotist, Loftus is now regarded as a shrewd and able administrator whose attempts to persuade his clergy to accept doctrinal change were hampered both by the entrenched conservative resistance and by the indifference and occasional opposition of several secular governors. Loftus came to acknowledge the defeat of his efforts among the Dublin clergy and laity in the 1580s, but his greatest achievement came with the establishment of Trinity College, which was intended to serve as a seminary for an indigenous Protestant clergy. By the time of his death, however, the college had abandoned its missionary ambitions and had become a centre of Puritan exclusiveness.

follower of the English religious reformer John Wycliffe in the 14th century. The Lollards condemned the doctrine of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine of the Eucharist, advocated the diversion of ecclesiastical property to charitable uses, and denounced war and capital punishment. They were active from about 1377; after the passing of the statute De heretico comburendo ('The Necessity of Burning

Heretics') in 1401 many Lollards were burned, and in 1414 they raised an unsuccessful revolt in London, known as Oldcastle's Rebellion.

Lombard, Peter (15541625)

Archbishop of Armagh and active promoter of the Irish Counter-Reformation. Lombard was born into an Old English family in Waterford, and studied at Louvain in 1575, later becoming professor of philosophy and theology there. While in Rome in 1598, he wrote De regno Hiberniae sanctorum insula commentarius to secure papal support for the rebellion of Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone, against English government forces which had begun in 1593. In the aftermath of O'Neill's defeat in 1603 and the subsequent Flight of the Earls from Ireland in 1607, Lombard advocated a conciliatory policy toward James I to reduce anti-Catholic feeling, arguing for his recognition as king by the Irish, criticizing confrontation with the English government in Ireland, and discouraging plans for renewed rebellion. Estranged from the exiled O'Neill, Lombard pursued a successful career in the Vatican and was actively involved in several doctrinal decisions, including the condemnation of Copernicus in 1616, who had defied church doctrine with his hypothesis that the Sun was the centre of the Solar System. Despite plans to assume an Irish see, he never returned to Ireland.

London Bridge
bridge over the River Thames in the centre of London, from the City of London to Southwark. A bridge was first built near the current site by the Romans in about AD 80, and several wooden bridges were built on the site until replaced with a stone bridge at the end of the 12th century. In the middle ages, the bridge was crowded with houses and shops. A new bridge was built by John Rennie 182434 which lasted until 1968 when it was bought by a US oil company, disassembled, and reconstructed as a tourist attraction in Arizona in 1971. The current bridge dates from then.

London County Council


former administrative authority for London created in 1888 by the Local Government Act; it incorporated parts of Kent, Surrey, and Middlesex in the metropolis. It was replaced by the Greater London Council 196486. Relations between the LCC and the government of the day were frequently discordant, in part because more often than not the two were in the hands of opposing parties.

Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart (1878 1949)

British statesman. He was secretary of state for air 193135. Churchill considered that the great achievement of Londonderry's period of office was the designing and promotion of the Hurricane and Spitfire fighters, which proved vital in the Battle of Britain. He was educated at Eton and Sandhurst. From 1906 to 1915, when he succeeded to the title, he was Conservative MP for Maidstone. In the coalition government he was under-secretary for air and vice-president of the Air Council 192021. He gave up the post to join the government of Northern Ireland, as minister of education and leader of the Senate. After the settlement of the boundary question he returned to England and in 1931 became secretary of state for air with a seat in the Cabinet. When Baldwin became prime minister in 1935 he removed Londonderry from the Air Ministry and made him lord privy seal. After the general election in November 1935 he dropped Londonderry altogether.

Londonderry, Siege of
siege of Londonderry, Northern Ireland, in 1689 by the Jacobite forces of James II, during their fight against the succession of William III to the throne after the Glorious Revolution. Beginning in April 1688, the siege lasted 105 days, until William III's fleet relieved the town in July 1689 and the Jacobites withdrew. In December 1688 a group of Catholic soldiers sent to occupy Londonderry was prevented from entering the town when 13 local apprentice boys closed the gates against the advancing army. The main Jacobite army invested the town in April 1689, and James II expected immediate surrender. However, the townspeople threw out their governor, General Lundy, who wished to surrender, and defended the town. After a series of bombardments and attacks failed, the besiegers attempted to starve out the town, placing a great boom across the River Foyle. Famine ensued, and the defenders were reduced to eating leather and rats. A flotilla of English ships waited in Lough Foyle, but was unwilling to try to break the boom. Eventually, on 30 July, when the town could hold out no longer, William ordered the ships to run the boom. The leading ship the Mountjoy burst the boom, but was stranded on the mud until the rising tide carried it free, and the ships were able to resupply the townspeople. The next day, the Jacobite army lifted the siege. The success of the Protestant defenders is still celebrated annually in two marches by the Londonderry Apprentice Boys one in December to commemorate the closing of the gates, and the other in August to celebrate the relief of the town.

London: history
London's history is essentially that of two cities: Westminster, the UK's political and administrative centre, seat of the government and royal court; and the City of London, the capital's economic centre, with a separately evolved administration in

the corporation of the City of London. London became the administrative capital of the British Empire and the economic nerve centre of Britain's great trading empire.

London, Museum of
museum of London's history. It was formed by the amalgamation of the former Guildhall (Roman and medieval) and London (Tudor and later) Museums, housed from 1976 in a building at the junction of London Wall and Aldersgate, near the Barbican.

London Working Men's Association


campaigning organization for political reform, founded in June 1836 in the UK by William Lovett and others, who in 1837 drew up the first version of the People's Charter (see Chartism). It was founded in the belief that popular education, achieved through discussion and access to a cheap and honest press, was a means of obtaining political reform. By 1837 the LWMA had 100 members.

longer than the standard bow, made of yew, introduced in the 12th century. They were favoured by English archers in preference to the cross bow, as the longer bow allowed arrows of greater weight to be fired further and more accurately. They were highly effective in the Hundred Years' War, to the extent that the French took to removing the first two fingers of prisoners so that they would never again be able to draw a bow.

Longchamps, William de (died 1197)

Norman administrator and cleric. He became bishop of Ely and Chancellor of England during the reign of Richard I. He was a Norman of humble origin, whom Richard I made bishop of Ely in 1189. Afterwards, when the king joined the crusade (1190), de Longchamps was made joint-justiciar with Hugh de Puiset, Bishop of Durham. By becoming papal legate in 1190, de Longchamps united supremacy in Church and State. Though loyal to Richard, his scorn of everything English and his burdensome taxation aroused such a storm of popular dislike that it was not difficult for Richard's brother John to arrest and imprison him. He escaped and joined Richard in Germany. He died at Poitiers.

Longford, Frank (Francis Aungier) Pakenham (19052001)

7th Earl of Longford

British Labour politician. He was brought up a Protestant but became a leading Catholic and an advocate of penal reform. He worked in the Conservative Party Economic Research Department 193032, yet became a member of the Labour Party and held ministerial posts 194851 and 196468. Earl 1961.

Long Parliament
English Parliament 164053 and 165960, that continued through the English Civil War. After the Royalists withdrew in 1642 and the Presbyterian right was excluded in 1648, the remaining Rump ruled England until expelled by Oliver Cromwell in 1653. Reassembled in 165960, the Long Parliament initiated the negotiations for the Restoration of the monarchy.

Long Range Desert Group

highly mobile British penetration force formed in July 1940 to carry out reconnaissance and raids deep in the desert of North Africa. After the successful conclusion of the North African campaign 1942, the group was redeployed to carry out operations in Greece, Italy, and Yugoslavia. It was disbanded in August 1945. At its full strength in March 1942, it had 25 officers, 324 soldiers, and 110 vehicles.

Lord Privy Seal

until 1884, the UK officer of state in charge of the great seal to prevent its misuse. The honorary title is now held by a senior cabinet minister who has special nondepartmental duties. The Lord Privy Seal is Jack Straw, from 2006. Until the reign of Henry VIII the office was usually held by a churchman. He was appointed originally to keep the privy seal of the king, so that no independent grants might be made without the knowledge of the king's council. His duties were abolished in 1884, but the office still exists and is generally held by a member of the cabinet, who is entrusted with special duties.

Lords of the Articles

Scottish parliamentary committee which supervised all legislation to be presented to the full Parliament, which could not debate what the Lords proposed, only reject or amend. Though of 15th century origin, the committee became a vital instrument of

royal control in the early 17th century, as James VI's revival of episcopacy allowed him to use crown-appointed bishops to dominate the committee. The Covenanters abolished the system, but with the restoration of the Stuart monarchy the Lords reappeared. They were finally abolished 1690.

Lords of the Congregation

association of Scottish noblemen formed 1557 to further Protestantism by ousting the French-backed Catholic regent, Mary of Guise. When Mary attempted to suppress Protestant preachers 1559, they rose in outright rebellion against Mary and the French. The lords of the Congregation concluded the first Treaty of Berwick with Queen Elizabeth I January 1560, securing English intervention and the withdrawal of the French. The Congregation was left in control of Scotland and the Reformation parliament banned the saying of Mass, rejected papal authority, and introduced an essentially Calvinist religious system.

Louis, Prince of Battenberg (18541921)

German-born British admiral who took British nationality in 1917 and translated his name to Mountbatten. He married Princess Victoria, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, and was the father of Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma.

Lovat, Simon Fraser (c. 16671747)

12th Baron Lovat

Scottish Jacobite. Throughout a political career lasting 50 years he constantly intrigued with both Jacobites and Whigs, and was beheaded for supporting the 1745 rebellion. Baron 1733.

Lovett, William (18001877)

In Britain, moderate Chartist who drafted the Peoples' Charter of 1838. Originally a cabinet maker, along with a number of other skilled craftsmen he helped found the London Working Men's Association in 1836. He believed that democratic reform could be achieved peacefully and that technological innovation might be of benefit to working men's conditions.

Lowe, Hudson (17691844)

Irish-born English general. He entered the army in 1787. After the outbreak of war with France in 1793, he saw active service in Corsica, Gibraltar, Minorca, and Egypt.

In 1815 he was appointed custodian of Napoleon and governor of St Helena, a post he retained until Napoleon's death in 1821. He was born in Galway. From 182530 he commanded British forces in Ceylon.

movement in Northern Ireland that defends the principle of unionism and totally rejects any change in the status or government of Northern Ireland that might threaten its links with the UK. Loyalists will either use violence, or support the use of violence, to ensure that this link is maintained. The roots of modern loyalist paramilitary groups lie in the Protestant Orange Order established in 1795 and the formation of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) in 1912. Both groups had the aim of promoting and defending the link between Ireland and Britain, in opposition to the movements of Irish nationalism and Irish republicanism.

member of approximately 30% of the US population who remained loyal to Britain in the American Revolution. Many Loyalists went to eastern Ontario, Canada, after 1783. Known as Tories, most were crown officials, Anglican clergy, and economically advantaged, although they were represented in every segment of colonial society. The term also refers to people in Northern Ireland who wish to remain part of the UK rather than unifying with the Republic of Ireland. Those espousing loyalism in Northern Ireland are willing to use, or support the use of, violence to achieve this aim.

Lucan, George Charles Bingham, 3rd earl of (18001888)

British soldier who mistakenly ordered the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava 1854. He was commander of the light cavalry division but misinterpreted ambiguous orders from Lord Raglan, the British commander-in-chief, and led a charge on a heavily defended Russian gun position, with heavy casualties. He was later promoted to field marshal.

one of a group of people involved in machine-wrecking riots in northern England 181116. The organizer of the Luddites was referred to as General Ludd, but may not have existed. Many Luddites were hanged or transported to penal colonies, such as Australia.

The movement, which began in Nottinghamshire and spread to Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, and Yorkshire, was primarily a revolt against the unemployment caused by the introduction of machines in the Industrial Revolution.

Ludford Bridge, Rout of

or Ludlow Bridge

in the Wars of the Roses, Lancastrian victory over Yorkist forces 1213 October. 1459 at Ludford, Shropshire. Richard, Duke of York, had joined forces with the Earl of Salisbury in a retreat to his home at Ludlow Castle. They were confronted by a larger Lancastrian army across the River Teme at Ludford Bridge and Richard's army disintegrated. The Lancastrians sacked Ludlow Castle, and he fled to Ireland with his supporters and his son, Edward.

Ludlow, Edmund (c. 16171692)

English Parliamentarian and regicide. During the Civil War he fought at Worcester and Edgehill (1642). Elected MP in 1646, he signed Charles I's death warrant (1649). He opposed Cromwell as protector, and retired. In 1659 he became MP for Hindon. At the Restoration (1660) he fled to Switzerland, where he died. He was born in Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire, and educated at Trinity College, Oxford, and the Inner Temple. He was one of the promoters of Pride's Purge in 1648. In 1651 Ludlow was sent to Ireland as lieutenant-general of horse, and on the death of Ireton, took over the chief command. His memoirs were published (169899) and are valuable for their insight into the republican opposition to Cromwell.

Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry (18581945)

1st Baron Lugard

British colonial administrator. He served in the army 187889 and then worked for the British East Africa Company, for whom he took possession of Uganda in 1890. He was high commissioner for northern Nigeria 190006, governor of Hong Kong 190712, and governor general of Nigeria 191419.

British bullion ship that sank in the North Sea in 1799. Its bell, salvaged in 1859, is at the headquarters in Lloyd's of London, the insurance organization. It is sounded once when a ship is missing and twice for good news.

Luttrell Psalter
illuminated manuscript executed in 1340 in East Anglia (British Museum, London). The Psalter represents the art of the East Anglian School in its decline, but its marginal illustrations are of great value in depicting the English life and labour of the time. It was made for Geoffrey Luttrell of Irnham, Lincolnshire, England. He appears in one of the miniatures with his wife Agnes Sutton and his daughter-in-law Beatrice Scrope.

Lynch, Jack (John Mary) (19171999)

Irish politician, Taoiseach (prime minister) 196673 and 197779, and leader of Fianna Fil 196679. Lynch entered the Dil (lower chamber of the Irish parliament) in 1948 and served in various ministerial capacities, before emerging as the surprise winner of the contest to succeed Lemass as Fianna Fil leader in 1966. Lynch continued the conciliatory policies of his predecessor towards Northern Ireland, visiting O'Neill in Belfast in December 1967, and receiving the Northern Irish premier in Dublin the following month. The renewed violence in the North however destabilized Lynch's government, and its internal conflicts burst into the public arena in May 1970, when Lynch sacked his finance minister, Charles Haughey, and his minister of agriculture and fisheries, Neil Blaney, for allegedly using government money to import arms for the IRA. There was also a political aspect to the affair, since both Haughey and Blaney harboured leadership aspirations, and hoped to reveal Lynch's weakness on the Northern Ireland issue. Lynch narrowly lost the election of 1973, but regained power in 1977. However, serious economic mismanagement by his government, and the reemergence of personal and political tensions within the party led to Lynch's sudden decision to resign in 1979.

Lynedoch, Thomas Graham, 1st Baron (17481843)

British general. He was aide-de-camp to Sir John Moore in Sweden and in Spain, and was present at the Corunna retreat. His most memorable victory was the defeat of the French at Barossa in March 1811. After that, he became second-in-command to Wellington for the remainder of the Peninsular War. In 1793 he had joined Hood's fleet in the Mediterranean as a volunteer. On returning home he raised a battalion known as the 'Perthshire Volunteers'. He became brevetcolonel in 1796, and was appointed British military commissioner with the Austrian army in Italy in 1798. He was created Baron Lynedoch of Balgowan in 1814.

Lyttelton, Alfred (18571913)

British politician and athlete. He was secretary of state for the colonies 190305, when he was much criticized for his conduct of African affairs. He was a famous athlete in his day, playing cricket and football for England. He was also amateur champion of real tennis 188295. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1895 he became a Liberal-Unionist MP.

Lytton, (Edward) Robert Bulwer (18311891)

1st Earl of Lytton

British colonial administrator. As viceroy of India 187680, he pursued a controversial 'Forward' frontier policy. Only son of the novelist Bulwer Lytton, he was himself a poet under the pseudonym Owen Meredith, writing King Poppy 1892 and other poems.

Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert Bulwer Lytton, 2nd Earl (18761947)
British administrator, statesman, and author. He was briefly viceroy of India while Lord Reading was absent on leave. He is best remembered for his sustained work for international goodwill and understanding with the League of Nations after World War I, and with the United Nations after World War II. He was born in Simla, India. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. He began his public career in 1901 as private secretary to George Wyndham, chief secretary for Ireland. He was civil lord of the Admiralty in 1916, and again in 1919. He was British commissioner for propaganda, France, in 1918, and parliamentary under-secretary of state for India, under Edwin Montagu, in 1920. He was appointed to an India Office committee on the political claims of Burma, and earned a reputation for sympathy with Indian aspirations. He was governor of Bengal from 1922 to 1926. He was the son of the 1st Earl of Lytton, whom he succeeded in 1891.

McAdam, John Loudon (17561836)

Scottish engineer, inventor of the macadam road surface. It originally consisted of broken granite bound together with slag or gravel, raised for drainage. Today, it is bound with tar or asphalt. McAdam introduced a method of road building that raised the road above the surrounding terrain, compounding a surface of small stones bound with gravel on a firm base of large stones.

A camber, making the road slightly convex in section, ensured that rainwater rapidly drained off the road and did not penetrate the foundation. By the end of the 19th century, most of the main roads in Europe were built in this way.

Macartney, George Macartney, 1st Earl (17371806)

English diplomat and administrator. He was chief secretary for Ireland 176972, and sat in the Irish Parliament. He was later the first British ambassador to China (1792). He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin. For two successive five-year periods, from 1775 to 1785, he was governor of Grenada and Madras (now Chennai) respectively. He was governor of Cape Colony 179698.

Macbeth (c. 10051057)

King of Scotland from 1040. The son of Findlaech, hereditary ruler of Moray and Ross, he was commander of the forces of Duncan I, King of Scotland, whom he killed in battle in 1040. His reign was prosperous until Duncan's son Malcolm III led an invasion and killed him at Lumphanan in Aberdeenshire. He was probably the grandson of Kenneth II and married Gruoch, the granddaughter of Kenneth III. Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth was based on the 16th-century historian Holinshed'sChronicles.

MacBride, Sen (19041988)

Irish revolutionary, politician, lawyer, and peace campaigner. He became chief of staff of the IRA in 1936 but left the movement after the 1937 constitution, and broke with it completely over its 1939 bombing campaign. He won a reputation as a great barrister for his defence of IRA suspects during the war years and founded Clann na Poblachta (Children of the Republic) in 1946. He took his party into coalition as part of the interparty government, 194851, in which he was minister for external affairs, and split the second interparty government in 1957 over its handling of the IRA's border campaign. He shared the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1974 with Japanese politician Eisaku Sato for his campaign for human rights. After leaving politics in 1961 MacBride began a new career in human rights. He was secretary general of the International Commission of Jurists 196370, and chair of Amnesty International 196174. He was co-author of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and was awarded the Lenin peace prize in 1977. MacBride was the son of Maj John MacBride, who was executed as a rebel in the Easter Rising of 1916, and Maud Gonne, the radical nationalist and muse of W B Yeats. Born in Paris, he was educated there and at University College, Dublin. He

joined the IRA during the Anglo-Irish War (191921) and supported the republicans who opposed the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921).

McCudden, James Thomas Byford (18951918)

British fighter pilot in World War I. McCudden was credited with shooting down at least 54 enemy aircraft by the time of his death in a flying accident 8 July 1918 and was extensively decorated throughout the war.

MacDiarmada, Sen (18841916)

also known as John MacDermott

Irish republican, a leading organizer of the militant Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB). From 1910 onwards, he edited the movement's newspaper Irish Freedom. He played a major role in preparing the Irish Volunteers for the Easter Rising of 1916. He was executed by the British for his part in the insurrection. Born in Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, MacDiarmada campaigned unsuccessfully for Sinn Fein in 1908, but was already actively involved in reviving the moribund IRB. His agents also infiltrated the Gaelic Athletic Association, the Gaelic League, and later the Irish Volunteers.

MacDonald, (James) Ramsay (18661937)

British politician, first Labour prime minister JanuaryOctober 1924 and 192931, born in Morayshire, Scotland. He left the party to form a coalition government in 1931, which was increasingly dominated by Conservatives, until he was replaced by Stanley Baldwin in 1935.

Macdonald, Flora (17221790)

Scottish heroine. She rescued Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, after the Jacobite defeat at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Disguising him as her maid, she escorted him from her home on South Uist in the Hebrides, to France. She was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London, but released in 1747.

Macdonald, Hector Archibald (18521903)

British soldier, known as 'Fighting Mac'. At 18 he enlisted in the Gordon Highlanders. He was taken prisoner at Majuba in the first Boer war (1881), but Joubert returned

him his sword on account of his bravery. He routed the Mahdi's the Battle of Omdurman (1898). He was born in Ross-shire, Scotland. He took part in the Nile expedition (1885) under Sir Evelyn Wood, and distinguished himself in the Dongola expedition (1896). In the Transvaal war of 1899, he commanded the Highland Brigade during the Paardeberg, Bloemfontein, and Pretoria campaign under Roberts. He was knighted in 1901.

Macdonald, Malcolm John (19011981)

British administrator. An MP from 192945, he entered Parliament as a Labour member, but sat as National Labour member from 193135, and a National Government member from 193645. He held a number of junior posts in pre-war governments, including that of Dominion Secretary (193539), but is best known as an administrator. He was the son of James Ramsay Macdonald, and was educated at Bedales School and Queen's College, Oxford. He was minister of health (194041), British high commissioner in Canada (194146), governor-general of Malaya, Singapore, and British Borneo (194648), and commissioner-general for the UK in South-East Asia (194855). From 195560 Macdonald was British high commissioner in India. In Kenya he was governor-general in 1963, and subsequently high commissioner. In 1965 he was given a roving commission in East Africa. His publications include Borneo People (1956), Angkor (1958), Birds in the Sun (1962), People and Places (1969), and Titans and Others (1972).

McGill, Donald (18751962)

adopted name of Fraser Gould

English comic-postcard artist. His saucy cartoons, captioned with double meanings, featured outsize women in bathing costumes, paddling alongside weedy henpecked husbands. He drew his first comic card for Asher's Pictorial Postcards in 1905, for whom one popular card sold two million copies, and is estimated to have drawn 500 cards a year for 50 years. McGill was born in Blackheath, West Midlands. He was a junior to a naval architect, then studied cartooning with John Hassall's correspondence course. His work first received critical attention in George Orwell's Horizon article in 1941.

Machine Gun Corps

British regiment in World War I, formed in 1915 and disbanded after the war. The unit was a consolidation of infantry machine gun companies into a separate, specialist unit, reflecting the growing importance of the machine gun.

Mackay, Hugh (c. 16401692)

Scottish general. He fought for Charles II after the Restoration (1660), and then for France against Holland. He later attached himself to William of Orange (1689), accompanying him to England. Sent against Claverhouse, Mackay was defeated at Killiecrankie. He served in Ireland (1691), and was killed at Steinkerk in Flanders.

McKenna, Reginald (18631943)

English statesman and financier. He was chancellor of the Exchequer 191516. Through a series of new loans, import duties, and taxes he managed to meet the rising cost of the war. In 1919 he became chairman of the London City and Midland Bank, retaining the post until his death. He was born in London. He was Liberal MP for North Monmouthshire 18951918. After serving as president of the Board of Education 190708, he was First Lord of the Admiralty 190811, and at the Home Office, where he attempted to deal with the suffragette problem by the 'Cat and Mouse Act' of 1913. As a member of the Macmillan Committee on Finance and Industry he signed the report which appeared in 1931 just before the abandonment of the gold standard.

Macleod, Iain Norman (19131970)

British Conservative politician. As colonial secretary 195961, he forwarded the independence of former British territories in Africa; he died in office as chancellor of the Exchequer.

Macmillan, (Maurice) Harold (18941986)

1st Earl of Stockton

British Conservative politician, prime minister 195763; foreign secretary 1955 and chancellor of the Exchequer 195557. In 1963 he attempted to negotiate British entry into the European Economic Community (EEC), but was blocked by the French president Charles de Gaulle. Much of his career as prime minister was spent defending the UK's retention of a nuclear weapon, and he was responsible for the purchase of US Polaris missiles in 1962. Macmillan was MP for Stockton 192429 and 193145, and for Bromley 194564. As minister of housing 195154 he achieved the construction of 300,000 new houses a year. He became prime minister on the resignation of Anthony Eden after the Suez Crisis, and led the Conservative Party to victory in the 1959 elections on the slogan 'You've never had it so good' (the phrase was borrowed from a US election campaign). Internationally, his realization of the 'wind of change' in Africa advanced the independence of former colonies. Macmillan's nickname Supermac was coined by the cartoonist Vicky.

MacMurrough, Dermot (11101171)

also known as Diarmait Mac Murchadha U or Dermot Murphy

Irish ruler, king of Leinster 112666. He sought the help of the English king Henry II to return to power when he was deposed in a feud in 1166, and was instrumental in organizing the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland in 1170. MacMurrough was ousted by the king of Connaught for eloping with Devorgilla, wife of Tiernan O'Rourke (or O'Ruark), King of Breifne. Living in exile in England, he was permitted by Henry II to recruit among the Normans of Wales, and persuaded their leader, Richard de Clare (2nd Earl of Pembroke, nicknamed 'Strongbow', c.113076) to launch an invasion. Strongbow took Waterford, married Dermot's daughter Aoife, and finally captured Dublin. MacMurrough has traditionally been regarded in Ireland as the archetypal traitor who helped instigate English rule, as for example in W B Yeats's play The Dreaming of the Bones 1921.

MacNeill, John (Eoin) (18851945)

Irish scholar and politician. He was minister of finance in the first Dil (Irish parliament) in 1919 and minister for industries 191921. He supported the Anglo-Irish Treaty partitioning Ireland, and was minister of education in the first Executive Council of the Irish Free State 192225. He was Free State delegate to the Boundary Commission 192425, which shattered nationalist hopes of a revision of the border with Northern Ireland, and MacNeill resigned rather than accept its verdict. In 1913 he inspired and led the Irish Volunteers, but the organization was taken over by John Redmond, who persuaded most of its members to support the Allies in 1914. He was unaware of the existence of the Military Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), and IRB manipulation steered the remaining Volunteers towards rebellion in 1916, without MacNeill's knowledge. He reluctantly accepted the insurrection, but countermanded it when it became clear that German aid would fail.

MacNeill, John Gordon Swift (18491926)

Irish politician. He secured the abolition of flogging in the Royal Navy. He also succeeded in obtaining recognition of the principle that a minister of the Crown must not be a director of a public company. He represented South Donegal in Parliament as a Nationalist 18871918. He was born in Dublin, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and Christ Church, Oxford. He was professor of constitutional and criminal law at King's Inn, Dublin 188288. He became a KC in 1893.

MacQuaid, John Charles (18951973)

Irish churchman, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin 194072. An influential commentator on social and moral questions, he had close links with the Irish prime minister amon de Valera. He took a firm stance against mixed religious education, and in 1944 banned Catholics from attending Trinity College, Dublin. Born in Cootehill, County Cavan, MacQuaid was educated there, and in Dublin and Rome. He was ordained priest in the Holy Ghost Fathers in 1924, becoming dean of studies in 1925, and then president at his order's Blackrock College in 1931 (where de Valera's sons were his pupils). He fell out with de Valera when he supported striking schoolteachers in 1947, and thereafter became a vehement opponent of state policy. He played a leading part in the Irish bishops' successful objection to a national health proposal (the 'Mother and Child Scheme') in 1951.

MacSwiney, Mary (18721942)

Irish republican politician. Born in England, MacSwiney spent most of her life in Ireland. Following the death of her brother, Terence MacSwiney, Mary became a prominent republican leader and was elected to the Dil (parliament) in 1920 where she opposed the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), which established the Irish Free State within the British Commonwealth. She broke with amon de Valera in 1926 when he founded Fianna Fil. In 1933 she set up Mn na Poblachta (Women of the Republic), a breakaway from Cumann na mBan.

MacSwiney, Terence (18791920)

Irish writer and revolutionary. In March 1920 he was elected Lord Mayor of Cork, following the murder of his predecessor by police. In August he was arrested for possession of a Royal Irish Constabulary cipher and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. He immediately began a hunger strike, demanding his unconditional release. He died in Brixton Prison after a fast of 74 days, which attracted worldwide attention. He was instrumental in the creation of the Cork Volunteers in 1913, but obeyed John (Eoin) MacNeill's countermand of the order for a rebellion in 1916. He was elected Sinn Fein MP for West Cork in 1918 and helped organize the Dil's arbitration courts, while continuing his efforts as an IRA organizer. His sister was Mary MacSwiney (18721942), the republican and social conservative who founded Mn na Poblachta (Women of the Republic) in 1933 as a breakaway from Cumann na mBan.

Madden, Charles Edward (18621935)

British admiral. He took a prominent part in naval design under Lord Fisher when the Dreadnought was laid down. On the outbreak of World War I, he was appointed chief of staff to Admiral Jellicoe, and was present at the Battle of Jutland. As rear-admiral 191214, he commanded successively the 1st battle squadron, and the 2nd and 3rd cruiser squadrons. He was second-in-command of the Grand Fleet,

under Beatty 191618. He became commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet after the war until 1922. In 1927 he succeeded Admiral Beatty in the post of First Sea Lord, retiring in 1930. He was made KCMG in 1916, baronet in 1919, and received the OM in 1931.

Mafeking, Siege of
Boer siege, during the South African War, of the British-held town (now Mafikeng) from 12 October 1899 to 17 May 1900. The British commander Col Robert BadenPowell held the Boers off and kept morale high until a relief column arrived and relieved the town. The raising of the siege was a great boost to morale in Britain.

Magdala, Battle of
British victory on 13 April 1868 during the Abyssinian War at Magdala, a fortress on a mountain top (now known as Amba Maryam, Ethiopia) about 190 km/120 mi southeast of Gonder. The Abyssinian Emperor Theodore had imprisoned the British consul and other foreign nationals here in January 1864 and a British expedition succeeded in freeing them in April 1868.

Magersfontein, Battle of
during the South African War, Boer victory over the British on 11 December 1899 at a crossing of the Modder River 65 km/40 mi south of Kimberley, South Africa. Together with the British defeats at Colenso and Stormberg, this week was known as 'Black Week'.

Magna Carta
(Latin 'great charter')

in English history, the charter granted by King John (I) Lackland in 1215, traditionally seen as guaranteeing human rights against the excessive use of royal power. As a reply to the king's demands for feudal dues and attacks on the privileges of the medieval church, Archbishop Stephen Langton proposed to the barons the drawingup of a binding document in 1213. John was forced to accept this at Runnymede (now in Surrey) on 15 June 1215.

Magrath, Meiler (c. 15231622)

Irish ecclesiastic, notorious for the flexibility of his attitudes towards the Reformation in Ireland, which his critics claimed were unprincipled. A Franciscan friar, he was

appointed papal bishop of Down and Connor in 1565 but, with his acceptance of the royal supremacy in 1570, was made Church of Ireland archbishop of Cashel in 1571, a position he held with an accumulation of lesser sees until his death. Though regarded with suspicion by Protestants and contempt by Catholics, Magrath was, in fact, a shrewd observer of men and affairs. His memoranda on the politics of Ulster and the Munster plantation in the 1580s and 1590s remain invaluable to historians, and deserved to have exerted more influence over English administrators than they did.

Main Plot
conspiracy of 1603 to replace James I on the English throne with Lady Arabella Stuart, the English-born daughter of the Earl of Lennox. The Spanish were involved, but the plot failed and its leader Henry Brooke (died 1619) was imprisoned, although Arabella remained at liberty until 1610. Sir Walter Raleigh was also implicated but was later reprieved. The plot was investigated at the same time together with a second, but unrelated conspiracy, the so-called Bye Plot, an attempt to kidnap the king.

in England, early form of bail, under which a 'mainpernor' would give an undertaking to guarantee a felon's appearance in court.

Maitland, William (15281573)

Scottish statesman. He was secretary of state to Mary Queen of Scots 156166. He probably participated in the murder of Darnley. After Mary's flight to England he became the leader of her cause with a party of her adherents. They held out in Edinburgh castle till 1573, when he surrendered. He was the son of Sir Richard Maitland, Lord Lethington, known as 'Secretary Lethington'. He was educated at St Andrews. He became secretary of state to Mary of Guise, the Queen Regent of Scotland, in 1558, but joined the Lords of Congregation, then in arms against her. In 1560 he was sent on a mission to the English court as the representative of Protestant interests in Scotland. At first he seems to have favoured Bothwell, but on Bothwell's marriage to Mary, he sided with the insurgents against her forces at Langside. He died in prison at Leith.

Major, John (1943 )

British Conservative politician, prime minister 199097. He was foreign secretary in 1989 and chancellor of the Exchequer 198990. His low-key, consensus style of leadership contrasted sharply with his predecessor Margaret Thatcher. He launched a joint UKIrish peace initiative on Northern Ireland in 1993, which led to a general

ceasefire in 1994. His Back to Basics campaign to restore traditional values was undermined by a series of scandals involving Conservative ministers, and continuing party divisions led to his resigning as party leader in June 1995 to force a leadership vote, which he won narrowly. The Conservatives were heavily defeated in the 1997 general election, after which Major stepped down as party leader. In 2001 he retired from the House of Commons to pursue a career in business. Major's personal popularity and success in the 1991 US-led war against Iraq helped win the Conservatives another term in 1992. However in his second term Major faced mounting internal divisions within his party, particularly over the issue of closer integration within the European Union, and the UK's forced withdrawal from the Exchange Range Mechanism (ERM) in September 1992 was a major blow.


(Image Research Machines plc)

John Major and his wife, Norma. Born in 1943 in Surrey, England, Major succeeded Margaret Thatcher as Conservative Party leader, and went on to serve two terms as prime minister between 1990 and 1997. During his period in office, he was famed for his love of Surrey County Cricket Club.

after the English Civil War, one of the officers appointed by Oliver Cromwell in 1655 to oversee the 12 military districts into which England had been divided. Their powers included organizing the militia, local government, and the collection of some taxes.

Majuba, Battle of

in the First South African War, a British defeat by the Boers on 27 February 1881 at Majuba Hill in Natal, about 16 km/10 mi south of Volksrust.

Malachy, St (or St Maol Maedoc) (10941148)

born Malachy O'Morgair

Irish archbishop, and principal church reformer in Ireland in the 12th century. Malachy was responsible for introducing the Cistercian order into Ireland, in 1142, when he founded the monastery at Mellifont, and was the first Irishmen to be canonized (1190). His reforms included replacing Celtic with Roman liturgy, renewing the use of the sacraments, and establishing a regular hierarchy in the Church in Ireland. His feast day is 3 November. Malachy was born in Armagh. He became abbot of Bangor in 1121, bishop of Connor in 1125, and archbishop of Armagh in 1134. In 1139 he went to Rome, and became acquainted with the influential Cistercian monk St Bernard of Clairvaux. He was to die at Clairvaux in St Bernard's arms during a second visit to Rome in 1148.

Malcolm, John (17691833)

Scottish administrator and diplomat. He spent most of his career in India and eventually became governor of Bombay (now Mumbai) 182630. On his return to England he was MP for Launceston, Cornwall 183132. He was born in Burnfoot, Scotland, and joined the East India Company in 1782. In 1798 he was appointed assistant to the resident at Hyderabad by Lord Wellesley. He was envoy to Persia three times (1800, 1807, 1810) and also private secretary to Wellesley 180102. He was Wellesley's political agent during the Maratha war 1803 04. He wrote Political History of India (1811), History of Persia (1818), Administration of India (1833), and Life of Clive (1836).

four Celtic kings of Scotland:

Malcolm I (943954)
King of Scotland, who succeeded his father Donald II.

Malcolm (II) Mackenneth (c. 9541034)

King of Scotland from 1005. He was the son of Kenneth II, and gained the throne by defeating and killing Kenneth III. In 1016 he won a great victory over Eadulf Cudel at Carham on the Tweed, which resulted in northern Northumbria becoming part of the Scottish kingdom. He was succeeded by his grandson Duncan I.

Malcolm III (c. 10311093)

called 'Canmore'

King of Scotland from 1058, the son of Duncan I. He fled to England in 1040 when the throne was usurped by Macbeth, but recovered southern Scotland and killed Macbeth in battle in 1057. In 1070 he married Margaret (c. 10451093), sister of Edgar Atheling of England; their daughter Matilda (d. 1118) married Henry I of England. Malcolm was killed at Alnwick while invading Northumberland, England.

Malcolm IV the Maiden (c. 11411165)

King of Scotland from 1153. The son of Henry, Earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland (died 1152), eldest son of David I, he succeeded his grandfather at the age of 11. In 1156 he surrendered Northumberland and Cumberland to Henry II, but had his rights to the earldom of Huntingdon confirmed. He fought with the English in the expedition against Toulouse in 1159, and crushed a number of rebellions in Scotland between 1160 and 1164. Known as 'the Maiden' because of his youth and unmarried status, he was succeeded by his brother William the Lion.

ancient hill-top market town in Wiltshire, southwest England, on the River Avon, 30 km/19 mi northwest of Bath; population (2001) 4,630. Tourism is a key source of income; there is also a vacuum-cleaner factory. The 12th-century church was built on the site of a Saxon abbey church, founded in the 7th century; it was the burial place of Athelstan, grandson of Alfred the Great and king of the Mercians and West Saxons in the 10th century. The church's elaborate 12th-century south porch includes some of the finest Romanesque sculpture in Britain, depicting scenes from the Bible. The interior has stained glass by William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones. The town's market cross dates from around 1490.

Malory, Thomas (c. 14101471)

English author. He is known for the prose romance Le Morte D'Arthur (c. 1470), printed in 1485, which relates the exploits of King Arthur's knights of the Round Table and the quest for the Holy Grail. He was knight of the shire from 1445.

Malory is thought to have been the Warwickshire landowner of that name who was member of Parliament for Warwick in 1445 and was subsequently charged with rape, theft, and attempted murder. If that is so, he must have compiled Le Morte D'Arthur during his 20 years in and out of prison. Based on an unidentified 'French book', with imaginative additions from other sources, it is the fullest version of the legends of King Arthur, and a notable contribution to English prose.

malt tax
in Britain, a tax first imposed in 1697 on the use of malt in brewing. It supplemented the existing beer duty when a hop duty was imposed between 1711 and 1862. The malt tax was abolished in 1880 when replaced by a tax on drinking beer.

Manchester, Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of (16021671)

English Parliamentarian general and statesman. He was in nominal command at Marston Moor and Newbury (second battle), but was charged with neglect and incompetence by Cromwell (1644) and resigned his commission (1645). He opposed the trial of Charles I and retired from public life. He was created Baron Montagu of Kimbolton (1626), and succeeded to his father's title in 1642. He was accused with the 'Five Members' of high treason in 1642, but exonerated by Parliament. He welcomed the return of Charles II in 1660.

Mandeville, John (died c. 1372)

supposed author of a 14th-century travel manual for pilgrims to the Holy Land. Originally written in French, it was probably the work of Jean d'Outremeuse of Lige. As well as references to real marvels, such as the pyramids, there are tales of headless people with eyes in their shoulders and other such fantastic inventions.

Mann, Tom (18561941)

English labour leader. One of the leaders of a dock strike of 1889, he was president of the International Ship, Dock and River Workers 189296, and general secretary of the Amalgamated Engineering Union 191921. He was secretary of the Independent Labour Party 189496 and a founder member of the British Communist Party in 1920.

Manning, (Elizabeth) Leah (18861977)

born Leah Perrett

British Labour politician. She was a member of Parliament in the Labour governments of 192931 and 194550, and a champion of the Republican cause during the Spanish Civil War (193639). Her publications include What I Saw in Spain (1933), in which she strongly advocated a policy of nonintervention, and her autobiography, A Life for Education (1970). She was created DBE in 1966. Manning was born in Rockford, Illinois. She was strongly influenced by the legend of her great-grandmother (by marriage), the Methodist philanthropist Susan Tappin, who worked among the poor of London's East End. Manning initially trained as a teacher at Homerton College, Cambridge, where she also became involved with the Fabian Society.

Mansfield judgment
or Somersett's Case

legal ruling in 1772 delivered by the Lord Chief Justice, the Earl of Mansfield, which effectively abolished slavery in England and Wales. Mansfield ruled that the runaway slave James Somersett was free, on the grounds that the only type of slavery recognized in English law was serfdom.

formerly Mantes-Gassicourt

French town in the dpartement of Yvelines, on the River Seine; population (1990) 48,000. Paper, musical instruments, and bricks are manufactured here and it is a commuter town for Paris. Mantes was burnt in 1087 by William the Conqueror. Riding through the burning town, William's horse stumbled, throwing him against his saddle and causing internal injures, from which he later died.

in medieval England, the act of freeing a villein or serf from his or her bondage. The process took place in a county court and freedom could either be bought or granted as a reward for services rendered. The term was used in the USA when slaves were freed. In Roman times, slaves could become freedmen or freedwomen by being granted manumission by their owner, who let the slave go (manu misit).

Mappa Mundi

13th-century symbolic map of the world. It is circular and shows Asia at the top, with Europe and Africa below and Jerusalem at the centre (reflecting Christian religious rather than geographical belief). It was drawn by David de Bello, a canon at Hereford Cathedral, England, who left the map to the cathedral, where it was used as an altarpiece.

Mar, John Erskine, 11th Earl of (16721732)

Scottish noble and leader of the Jacobite rising of 1715. He raised an army of episcopalian and Catholic highlanders in support of James Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender, after being dismissed from office by George I. He was forced to retreat after an indecisive battle at Sherriffmuir and went into exile in France. He was known as 'Bobbing John' because of his changes of political allegiance.

Marcher Lords
semi-independent nobles on the WelshEnglish border, granted special privileges in return for protecting the border area. In William (I) the Conqueror's reign, strong lords were placed in Chester, Shrewsbury, and Hereford to protect England from Celtic or Saxon incursions. They began to usurp power in their own right, making wars of their own, particularly in the valleys of South Wales, and claiming rights of conquest. After Edward I subjugated Wales, the Marcher Lords no longer played a vital role in the protection of the realm and Edward sought to restrict their independence. They increasingly lost influence during the 12th and 13th centuries but remained important in moments of crisis for the crown, such as the Marshall Rebellion or the Wars of the Roses. By the end of the 15th century most of the lordships had come into the possession of the crown and the last independent lordship, Brecon, was taken by the crown in 1521. They were formally united with England in 1536.

Marconi Scandal
scandal in 1912 in which UK chancellor Lloyd George and two other government ministers were found by a French newspaper to have dealt in shares of the US Marconi company shortly before it was announced that the Post Office had accepted the British Marconi company's bid to construct an imperial wireless chain. A parliamentary select committee, biased towards the Liberal government's interests, found that the other four wireless systems were technically inadequate and therefore the decision to adopt Marconi's tender was not the result of ministerial corruption. The scandal did irreparable harm to Lloyd George's reputation.

Margaret (12831290)
called 'the Maid of Norway'

Queen of Scotland from 1285, the daughter of Eric II, King of Norway, and Princess Margaret of Scotland. When only two years old she became queen of Scotland on the death of her grandfather, Alexander III, but died in the Orkneys on the voyage from Norway to her kingdom. The marriage arranged between her and Edward, son of Edward I of England, would have united the crowns of England and Scotland, but she died on her way from Christiania, now Oslo, to Scotland. She was the daughter of Eric II of Norway and Margaret, Alexander III of Scotland's daughter, and she had been acknowledged as heir to the Scottish throne in 1284.

Margaret of Anjou (14301482)

Queen of England from 1445, wife of Henry VI of England. After the outbreak of the Wars of the Roses in 1455, she acted as the leader of the Lancastrians, but was defeated and captured at the battle of Tewkesbury in 1471 by Edward IV. Her one object had been to secure the succession of her son, Edward (born 1453), who was killed at Tewkesbury. After five years' imprisonment Margaret was allowed in 1476 to return to her native France, where she died in poverty.

Margaret, St (c. 10451093)

Queen of Scotland, the granddaughter of King Edmund Ironside of England. She went to Scotland after the Norman Conquest, and soon after married Malcolm III. The marriage of her daughter Matilda to Henry I united the Norman and English royal houses.

Markievicz, Constance Georgina, Countess Markievicz (18681927)

born Constance Georgina Gore Booth

Irish socialist, revolutionary, and politician. Founder of Na Fianna, the republican youth organization, in 1909, she joined the Irish Citizen Army and took part in the Easter Rising of 1916; her resulting death sentence was commuted. In 1918 she was elected to Westminster as a Sinn Fein candidate (technically the first British woman MP), but did not take her seat, instead serving as minister for labour in the first Dil ireann (then the illegal republican parliament) 191922. Markievicz was prominent in the Gaelic revival before her involvement in nationalist politics. She joined Sinn Fein in 1908 and, during Dublin's industrial unrest in 1913, worked closely with James Connolly as an officer in his Irish Citizen Army. She was also active in the women's movement Inghinidhe nah ireann, and became honorary president of the Irish Women Workers' Union. She opposed the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), which established the Irish Free State within the British Commonwealth, and was elected for Fianna Fil in 1927 shortly before her death.

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650 1722)

English soldier, created a duke in 1702 by Queen Anne. He was granted the Blenheim mansion in Oxfordshire in recognition of his services, which included defeating the French army outside Vienna in the Battle of Blenheim in 1704, during the War of the Spanish Succession.

Marprelate controversy
pamphleteering attack on the clergy of the Church of England in 1588 and 1589 made by a Puritan writer or writers, who took the pseudonym of Martin Marprelate. The pamphlets attacked the Anglican bishops as 'profane, proud, paltry, popish, pestilent, pernicious, presumptious prelates'. The government claimed that they were printed by John Penry, a Welsh Puritan. His press was seized, and he was charged with inciting rebellion and hanged in 1593.

Married Women's Property Acts

two acts passed in Britain, in 1870 and 1882, granting women basic rights in the division of property between husband and wife. Until 1870 common law decreed that a wife's property, including money and shares, passed to her husband. The first act allowed women to retain their earnings and the second act allowed women to retain the property they owned at the time of their marriage.

Marshall, William Raine (18651939)

British general. He served in India 189798, and in the South African war 18991902 where he was wounded. In 1915 he was given command of the 87th Brigade which he led at Gallipoli. He later commanded a division, and was made a corps commander in Mesopotamia September 1916. On the sudden death of General Maude November 1917, he assumed overall command in the area and successfully completed the campaign. KCB 1917.

Marshall rebellion
rebellion against Henry III 123334 led by Richard Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in alliance with some of the marcher lords and the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd. The rebellion was sparked by the king's employment of French advisers, the poitevins. It was widely supported in Wales but in Ireland the royalists predominated, and Marshall was captured and killed by Irish royalists. English bishops procured a

settlement under which Henry dismissed the poitevins and replaced them with Marshall's brother, Gilbert.

in England, court presided over by the marshall and steward of the royal household to deal with offences committed within the bounds of the royal court, wherever it might be. It was renamed the Palace Court in 1630 and abolished in 1849. Those convicted at the court were held in Marshalsea prison in Southwark, which largely held debtors from the 17th century until it was abolished in 1842.

Marston Moor, Battle of

battle fought in the English Civil War on 2 July 1644 on Marston Moor, 11 km/7 mi west of York. The Royalists were conclusively defeated by the Parliamentarians and Scots. The Royalist forces were commanded by Prince Rupert and William Cavendish (later Duke of Newcastle); their opponents by Oliver Cromwell and Lord Leven. Lord Fairfax, on the right of the Parliamentarians, was routed, but Cromwell's cavalry charges were decisive.

Martello tower
circular tower for coastal defence. Formerly much used in Europe, many were built along the English coast, especially in Sussex and Kent, in 1804, as a defence against the threatened French invasion. The name is derived from a tower on Cape Mortella, Corsica, which was captured by the British with great difficulty in 1794, and was taken as a model. They are round towers of solid masonry, sometimes moated, with a flat roof for mounted guns.

Martin, Mary (19071969)

born Mary Balmford

English painter and sculptor. From rug design and abstract painting, she turned to construction in 1951. In 1969 she created the Wall Construction for Stirling University and won first prize (with Richard Hamilton) in the John Moores Liverpool exhibition. She often collaborated with her husband, the sculptor Kenneth Martin, who was strongly influenced by constructivism. Martin was born in Folkestone, and trained at Goldsmiths College and the Royal College of Art.

Mary Queen of Scots (15421587)

Queen of Scotland (154267). Also known as Mary Stuart, she was the daughter of James V. Mary's connection with the English royal line from Henry VII made her a threat to Elizabeth I's hold on the English throne, especially as she represented a champion of the Catholic cause. She was married three times. After her forced abdication she was imprisoned but escaped in 1568 to England. Elizabeth I held her prisoner, while the Roman Catholics, who regarded Mary as rightful queen of England, formed many conspiracies to place her on the throne, and for complicity in one of these she was executed. Mary's mother was the French Mary of Guise. Born in Linlithgow (now in Lothian region, Scotland), Mary was sent to France, where she married the dauphin, later Francis II. After his death she returned to Scotland in 1561, which, during her absence, had become Protestant. She married her cousin, the Earl of Darnley in 1565, but they soon quarrelled, and Darnley took part in the murder of Mary's secretary, Rizzio. In 1567 Darnley, staying alone in Kirk o'Field House in Edinburgh, was killed in an explosion, the result of a conspiracy formed by the Earl of Bothwell, possibly with Mary's connivance. When, shortly after this Bothwell married Mary, the Scots rebelled. Defeated at Carberry Hill, Mary abdicated and was imprisoned. She escaped in 1568, raised an army, and after its defeat at Langside fled to England, only to be imprisoned again. The discovery by Francis Walsingham of a plot against Elizabeth I, devised by Anthony Babington, led to her trial and execution at Fotheringay Castle in 1587. (See also Scotland: history 15131603, Mary of Scotland)

Mary Queen of Scots

(Image Billie Love)

Scottish monarch Mary Queen of Scots, who was crowned in infancy and later imprisoned and executed by her cousin Elizabeth I of England. Regarded by some as the pawn of the people who surrounded her, she remains a powerful figure in history and literature. Her life is portrayed in the tragedy Maria Stuart (1800) by Schiller and in Walter Scott's popular historical novel The Abbot (1820).

Mary, Queen (18671953)

Consort of George V of Great Britain and Ireland. She was the only daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Teck, the latter a grand-daughter of George III. In 1891 she was engaged to marry Prince Albert Victor (born 1864), Duke of Clarence and eldest son of the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), but he died in 1892, and in 1893 she married his brother George, Duke of York, who succeeded to the throne in 1910. During World War I she was active in voluntary work for the war effort, and in 1917 visited military hospitals in France.

two queens of England:

Mary I (15161558)
called 'Bloody Mary'

Queen of England from 1553. She was the eldest daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragn. When Edward VI died, Mary secured the crown without difficulty in spite of the conspiracy to substitute Lady Jane Grey. In 1554 Mary married Philip II of Spain, and as a devout Roman Catholic obtained the restoration of papal supremacy and sanctioned the persecution of Protestants. She was succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth I.

Mary II (16621694)
Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1688. She was the Protestant elder daughter of the Catholic James II, and in 1677 was married to her cousin William of Orange. After the Glorious Revolution of 1688 she accepted the crown jointly with William. During William's absences from England she took charge of the government, and showed courage and resource when invasion seemed possible in 1690 and 1692.

Mary of Guise (15151560)

also known as Mary of Lorraine

French-born second wife of James V of Scotland from 1538, and 155459 regent of Scotland for her daughter Mary Queen of Scots. A Catholic, she moved from reconciliation with Scottish Protestants to repression, and died during a Protestant rebellion in Edinburgh. Daughter of Claude, Duke of Guise, she was first married in 1534 to the Duke of Lorraine, who died in 1537. After James V died in 1542 she played a leading role in Scottish politics, seeking a close union with France, but she was unpopular, and was deposed as regent in 1559.

Mary of Modena (16581718)

born Marie Beatrice d'Este

Queen consort of England and Scotland. She was the daughter of the Duke of Modena, Italy, and second wife of James, Duke of York, later James II, whom she married in 1673. The birth of their son James Francis Edward Stuart was the signal for the revolution of 1688 that overthrew James II. Mary fled to France.

Mary Rose
English warship, built for Henry VIII of England, which sank off Southsea, Hampshire, on 19 July 1545, with the loss of most of the 700 on board. The wreck was located in 1971, and raised for preservation in dry dock in Portsmouth harbour (where it had originally been built) in 1982. Preserved in the accumulated silt were over 19,000 objects, including leather and silk items, a unique record of Tudor warfare and daily life. The cause of the disaster is not certain, but the lower gun ports were open after firing, and that, combined with overcrowding, may have caused the sinking.

The Mary Rose was built 15091511 and modified several times. One of Henry VIII's larger warships, it had a displacement of 715 tonnes/700 tons, following an enlargement in 1536, when a lower deck of guns was added. It had a crew of 415, although it would in battle carry additional marines to carry out hand-to-hand fighting, and was 38.5 m/126 ft 4 in long. It was built of oak, with an elm keel, and was square-rigged and had four masts. There were three main decks and two 'castle decks' above deck level at each end of the ship. One of the earliest ships designed to carry heavy guns, it was armed with 39 guns, both breech-loading and muzzleloading, although in keeping with the pattern of warfare at the time, it also carried smaller swivel guns, and was carrying 127 longbows and over 3,500 arrows; these were for hand-to-hand fighting one shipshad come alongside each other.

rediscovery and preservation

The wreck was lying in 14 m of water, and over 600 volunteer divers assisted in excavating the find. To prevent the wreck from drying out and crumbling it is sprayed continuously with cold water. In 1994 work began on coating the timber with waxy polymers to preserve it and enable controlled drying, a process estimated to require 1520 years to complete before the hull can be allowed to dry.

Masham, Abigail (died 1734)

born Abigail Hill

English courtier. Her first cousin Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, procured her the position of 'woman of the bedchamber' to Princess Anne. She retained her situation after the princess ascended the throne, acquired great power, and supplanted the duchess in the queen's favour. Through Masham's influence with the queen, Robert Harley intrigued against his colleagues. In 1711 her husband Samuel Masham was raised to the peerage. He

and his wife appear to have engaged in intrigues in favour of Bolingbroke and the exiled Stuarts. After Queen Anne's death Abigail Masham retired from court.

Matilda, the Empress Maud (11021167)

claimant to the throne of England as daughter of Henry I. In 1127 Henry forced the barons to accept Matilda, his only surviving legitimate child since the death of his son, as his successor as monarch of England. However, there had never been a woman ruler in either England or Normandy, and most of the barons, supported by the church, elected her cousin Stephen to be king on Henry's death in 1135. Matilda invaded England in 1139 and captured Stephen at Lincoln in 1141. She entered London to be crowned, but was driven out when she demanded money from the Londoners. Civil war followed until Stephen acknowledged Matilda's son, the future Henry II, as his successor in 1153. On one occasion during the civil war, Matilda was trapped in Oxford Castle (in 1142) but escaped over the ice of the frozen River Thames. Matilda was married to the Holy Roman Emperor Henry V in 1114 and returned to England as the 'Empress Maud' after his death in 1125. In 1128 she married Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou (111351) in northwest France, by whom she had a son, the future Henry II. Having returned to England to lay claim to the throne, she rejoined her son in Normandy in 1148. Matilda's case is sometimes used to suggest that women in medieval times could not rule a kingdom, but in fact Matilda retained control of Normandy after 1148, and ruled the duchy effectively on behalf of her son when he became king of England in 1154.

Matthews, Jessie (19071981)

English actor. A hugely popular star in musical revues of the 1920s, she made a successful transition into film roles in the 1930s. Although these films were largely undistinguished, her appeal transcended their limitations. She chose to remain in Britain rather than enhance her career in Hollywood, and worked only sporadically after World War II. In 1944 she directed the short film Victory Wedding. Matthews was born in London, of a poor family. She made her stage debut at the age of 10, and danced in chorus lines as a teenager.

Maude, (Frederick) Stanley (18641917)

British general in World War I. Maude served in the Sudan and then in the South African War 18991902, where he won the DSO. He went to France as a staff officer August 1914 and commanded a brigade October 1914, but was wounded and returned to the UK. He then went to the Middle East and was given command of the forces in Mesopotamia August 1916. He drove the Turks from Kut-al-Imara and

captured Baghdad. He successfully carried out follow-up operations but then contracted cholera and died November 1917. KCB 1916.

Maudling, Reginald (19171979)

British Conservative politician, chancellor of the Exchequer 196264, contender for the party leadership in 1965, and home secretary 197072.

Maurice, Frederick Barton (18711951)

British soldier. He entered the army in 1892. In May 1918 he publicly denied the accuracy of certain statements on army matters made by the Prime Minister, Lloyd George, and was retired for breach of discipline. For the remainder of the war period he was a military correspondent. He served in Tirah 189798, and the South African War 18991900. He was director of military operations at the War Office 191518, and majorgeneral (1916). He was principal of the Working Men's College, Camden Town 192233, and became professor of military studies at London University in 1927. His publications include Forty Days in 1914 (1919). He was knighted early in 1918.

Maxton, James (18851946)

Scottish politician, chair of the Independent Labour Party 192640, and member of Parliament for Bridgeton, Glasgow, from 1922 until his death. One of the most turbulent 'Red Clydesiders', he was expelled from the House of Commons in 1923 for calling a minister a murderer. As chair of the Independent Labour Party, he led its secession for the Labour Party in 1932, and became increasingly isolated from mainstream Labour politics. His extreme views won few supporters, but his sincerity won the respect of many. He was an uncompromising revolutionary and an advocate of 'direct action'. A man of strong convictions, he was a staunch pacifist, and in 1916 was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment for attempting to incite a strike of shipyard workers during World War I, in which he was a conscientious objector. In 1928 he produced with A J Cook, the CookMaxton manifesto which criticized the Labour Party for abandoning the socialism of the party's pioneers.

Maxwell, Robert, Lord (c. 14931546)

Scottish statesman. He was a member of the royal council under James V, a warden of the western marches, and a lord provost of Edinburgh. He was taken prisoner by the English at the battle of Solway Moss (1542).

He was also an extraordinary lord of session (1533), and one of the regents (1536)

Mayhew, Henry (18121887)

English journalist, author, and documentary writer. He was founder and co-editor of Punch. His principal book was the pioneering study London Labour and the London Poor (185162) a collection of hundreds of pen-portraits of the poor people of London, which were serialized in the Morning Chronicle. Mayhew's studies brought the extent of poverty to the attention of the middle classes, and helped to dispel the myth that the poor were responsible for their own poverty. He collaborated with his brother Augustus in The Good Genius (1847), The Plague of Life (1847), and The Image of his Father (1848).

Maynooth Grant
English parliamentary subsidy of 1795 to finance a Catholic seminary in Maynooth, County Kildare, some 12 miles from Dublin. The grant was introduced by Pitt the younger both to mollify Catholics and avoid priests having to go to seminaries France which Britain was at war with. The grant aroused much opposition, and was not increased from 1813 until 1845, when Sir Robert Peel was forced to rely on Whig support to push through an increase. Although he was successful, the tactic exacerbated the splits in the Tory party and led to Gladstone's resignation from the board of trade.

Mayo, Richard Southwell Bourke (18221872)

Earl of Mayo

Irish politician and administrator, three times chief-secretary of Ireland (1852, 1858, and 1866) and viceroy of India 186872. Mayo was born in Dublin, and educated at Trinity College. He entered the House of Commons as a Conservative in 1847, and was given charge of Irish affairs in the three administrations of Lord Derby. Sent out to India to succeed John Lawrence, he was fatally stabbed by a convict while inspecting the settlement at Port Blair on the Andaman Islands.

McCarthy, Justin (18301912)

Irish historian, novelist, journalist, and politician. He was Home Rule member at different periods for Longford County, North Longford, and Londonderry. He was chairman of the Home Rule party 189096.

He was born in Cork. He began his working life as a journalist, but from 1879 devoted himself increasingly to politics.

McClure, Robert John le Mesurier (18071873)

Irish explorer and admiral. McClure was one of the first to successfully navigate the Northwest Passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans across the Arctic. McClure was born in Wexford, and joined the Royal Navy in 1824. His first Arctic voyage was on George Back's expedition of 1836. In 1850, he was given command of the ship Investigator, which was sent to find the missing Arctic explorer John Franklin. He failed to locate Franklin, but succeeded in charting entrances to the Northwest Passage around Banks Island, in the Northern Territories of Canada. Despite twice becoming trapped in the ice and having to abandon ship, McClure returned home safely after four years, and was knighted.

McCreery, Richard Loudon (18981967)

British soldier. After service in World War I and in France (1940), the Middle East (1942), and Tunisia (1943), he commanded the 8th Army in Italy 194445. The destruction of the 'Gothic Line' by his and the US 5th Armies in 1945 led to the German surrender in Italy. During 1945 he commanded the British Forces of Occupation in Austria, and was the British representative on the Allied Commission for Austria. He commanded the British Army of Occupation of the Rhine 194648. He relinquished that post to become British representative on the UN Military Staff Committee 194849.

Meagher, Thomas Francis (18231867)

Irish nationalist, born in County Waterford, the son of a Waterford merchant. Meagher became a founder member of the Irish Confederation and served as a member of its war council; he is said to have proposed the tricolour as the Irish national flag. Meagher was condemned to death for his revolutionary propaganda during the 1848 Young Ireland rebellion, but the sentence was commuted to transportation to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania). In 1852 he escaped to the USA where, on the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, he commanded the proUnion Irish brigade for the Federals. Meagher was educated at Clongowes and Stoneyhurst College. He joined the Repeal Association but left in 1846 after attacking Daniel O'Connell's constitutional approach to nationalism, for which he was named 'Meagher of the Sword'. In 1848 he unsuccessfully contested the Waterford by-election. On his arrival in the USA Meagher became a journalist in New York. Following the civil war, he was appointed temporary governor of Montana territory where he drowned in 1867.

Meal Tub Plot

in England, nonexistent conspiracy to prevent the accession of the Duke of York, the future James II, invented by Thomas Dangerfield in 1679 during the attempts to pass the Exclusion Bills. Dangerfield was initially believed in the atmosphere of panic arising from the Popish Plot, but he was soon discredited and then claimed the plot was a false trail laid by Catholics to conceal a real conspiracy. The name came from the meal tub under which Dangerfield claimed to have found evidence of the plot.

town in Tunisia, south of the Gabes Gulf; site of German field marshal Rommel's final effort of the North African campaign of World War II.

medieval medicine, English

in the Middle Ages (11th16th centuries), medicine was notoriously unsuccessful and the practice of public health and hygiene was virtually non-existent. Little was known about the anatomy of the body as human dissection was forbidden by the church, except on executed criminals where it was seen as part of the punishment; physicians followed ancient medical texts written by classical thinkers, such as Galen, whose theories were based on dissections of animals and usually incorrect. Diagnosis was based upon observation of physical symptoms, especially the patient's urine, and treatment followed the theory of the humours (four body fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile). Medieval monasteries had infirmaries for the sick, but there were few hospitals in England; the earliest hospitals, St Bartholomew's (1123) and St Thomas's (around 1215), were in London.

Melbourne, (Henry) William Lamb (17791848)

2nd Viscount Melbourne

British Whig politician. Home secretary 183034, he was briefly prime minister in 1834 and again in 183541. Accused in 1836 of seducing Caroline Norton, he lost the favour of William IV. Viscount 1829.

Melchett, Alfred Moritz Mond (18681930)

1st Viscount Melchett

British industrialist and member of Parliament. He entered the firm of Brunner Mond and Co., and in 1926 helped merge this and other similar chemical companies into the mammoth Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in 1926, becoming chair. He became a Liberal MP in 1906 and held ministerial office under Lloyd George. In 1926 he transferred his allegiance to the Conservative party. He was created a baronet in 1910 and a peer in 1928.

Mellifont, conspiracy of
in Irish history, the 13th-century revolt by members of the Irish Cistercian community against the mother house in Cteaux, France, led by the abbot and community of the monastery at Mellifont, County Louth. The conspiracy, while indicative of contemporary tensions between native and Anglo-Norman Cistercian communities, was initially a reaction against disciplinary measures incurred by the absenteeism of Irish abbots from the annual Cisterician general chapter held at Cteaux. The reaction escalated in 1217 when the abbot of Mellifont barred visiting Cistercian inspectors from entering the monastery's grounds. By 1221 reports to the Pope from further inspectors portrayed a state of affairs lacking in discipline and religious observance throughout the many Cistercian houses in Ireland, particularly the daughter-house of Mellifont. In 1228 Stephen of Lexington, an English abbot, was sent to Mellifont to tackle the problem. After initial opposition, the situation was abated by reaffiliating the Irish daughter-houses to Cistercian monasteries outside Ireland, as well as introducing stricter requirements for new members.

Melville, Andrew (15451622)

Scottish reformer and humanist. He studied in Paris and taught in Geneva, and from 1574 held academic posts in Scotland. Several times moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland, he was largely responsible for its constitution. At the Hampton Court Conference in 1606 he criticized the royal supremacy and was briefly imprisoned in the Tower of London until 1611.

Melville, James (c. 15351617)

also known as Melville of Hallhill

Scottish historical writer and diplomat. He was a member of the household of Mary Queen of Scots and accomplished various missions for her. His Memoirs throw much light on the diplomatic history of the period.

Melville, James (15561614)

Scottish reformer. He took an active part in church controversy from 1586, and was moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland in 1589. He was a nephew of Andrew Melville. He was summoned to London with his uncle in 1606, and on the latter's imprisonment was forbidden to return north beyond Newcastle. Negotiations for his return to Scotland were in progress when he died.

Merchants Adventurers
English trading company founded in 1407, which controlled the export of cloth to continental Europe. It comprised guilds and traders in many northern European ports. In direct opposition to the Hanseatic League, it came to control 75% of English overseas trade by 1550. In 1689 it lost its charter for furthering the traders' own interests at the expense of the English economy. The company was finally dissolved in 1806.

in medieval England, payment made by a villein to his lord as compensation if his daughter married outside the manor, if his son was educated, or if he sold some of his livestock. Payment of merchet was an important proof of serfdom.

Anglo-Saxon kingdom that emerged in the 6th century. By the late 8th century it dominated all England south of the Humber, but from about 825 came under the power of Wessex. Mercia eventually came to denote an area bounded by the Welsh border, the River Humber, East Anglia, and the River Thames.

Merciless Parliament
or Wonderful Parliament

in England, parliament summoned by the Lords Appellant in 1388; it was called 'merciless' after it imposed the death penalty for treason on five supporters of Richard II. Three escaped abroad, but Sir Robert Tresilian, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and Sir Nicholas Brembre, Lord Mayor of London, were executed.

Mesopotamian Campaign

in World War I, British campaign to secure the oil installations along the Tigris and the Euphrates and safeguard the route to India. A small force from the Indian Army was sent to the area in November 1914 and quickly took Basra in modern-day Iraq but then made slow progress. In the aftermath of the disastrous Dardanelles Campaign of 1915, a counterattack was authorized on Baghdad but this failed and the army retreated to Kut-al-Imara, where 10,000 prisoners were taken. The War Office in London took charge of the campaign directly, and a further force of 120,000 troops was sent. The British made steady progress, taking Baghdad in March 1917 and then moved swiftly through the rest of the region until the Turks in Mesopotamia surrendered in October 1918. The cost to Britain and India was about 16,000 dead, and almost 100,000 casualties and it was criticized as having little military basis or control.

Metcalf, John (17171810)

English road and bridge builder. He lost his sight through smallpox at the age of six and was known as 'Blind Jack of Knaresborough', but conquered his disability and fought for George II at Falkirk and Culloden during the 1745 Jacobite rebellion. Afterwards he operated a stagecoach between York and Knaresborough and later constructed over 300 km/186 mi of turnpike road. His roads on the wet Pennine moors were constructed of stones and gravel laid on beds of heather, with a steep camber and good drainage ditches to drain off rainwater.

evangelical Protestant Christian movement that was founded by John Wesley in 1739 within the Church of England, but became a separate body in 1795. The Methodist Episcopal Church was founded in the USA in 1784. In 2001 there were over 50 million Methodists worldwide.

metropolitan county
in England, a group of six counties established under the Local Government Act of 1972 in the largest urban areas outside London: Tyne and Wear, South Yorkshire, Merseyside, West Midlands, Greater Manchester, and West Yorkshire. Their elected assemblies (county councils) were abolished in 1986 when most of their responsibilities reverted to metropolitan borough councils.

Middle English
period of the English language from about 1050 to 1550. The language and literature of the period is marked by increasing influence from Europe, particularly from France, due to the arrival of the Norman ruling class at the end of the 11th century; NormanFrench culture suppressed the native English one, until the 13th century.

As well as influence from Norman France, Italian culture and literature was also important for the development of English literature, which can be seen as being slower to develop than that of continental Europe. Italian poets Dante Alighieri wrote 'Divina Commedia'/'The Divine Comedy' between 1307 and 1321 and Boccaccio the 'Decameron' between 1350 and 1352, both of which were influential for Middle English poets. Major writers in English during this period include Geoffrey Chaucer and William Langland, but much of the poetry, prose, and drama of the period was anonymous. The Middle English literary culture was mostly an oral one, and literacy levels were still low at this time. Middle English poetry is a particularly oral genre, and is often structured so as to make it easy to remember, either through rhyme or through alliteration (whereas the poetry of Old English literature is mainly alliterative).

Midleton, William St John Fremantle Brodrick (18561942)

1st Earl and 9th Viscount Midleton, 1st Viscount Dunsford

British politician. He became secretary of state for war in 1900 and for India in 1903. He was prominent in southern Irish politics, becoming leader of the Southern Unionists, a member of the Irish Convention 191718, and senator of the Irish Free State in 1921.

Mildenhall treasure
hoard of 4th-century Romano-British silverware discovered in 1942 at Mildenhall in Suffolk, England. The hoard consisted of 34 pieces of silver kitchenware, ornamented with hunting scenes and embossed figures. Some pieces contain Christian motifs. The hoard was probably buried by a wealthy family as protection against the Saxon raids. It is now housed in the British Museum.

Mildmay, Walter (c. 15201589)

English politician, chancellor of the Exchequer in 1566. He founded Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and gave generously to several other educational institutions.

Milford Haven, Marquess of

title given in 1917 to Prince Louis of Battenberg.

millenary petition
petition presented to James I by moderate Puritans in 1603, requesting reform of the Church of England. The petition, presented as James travelled to London after his

accession to the throne, he was disclaimed any desire to abolish episcopacy or abandon a national church, but sought the removal of certain ceremonies and ecclesiastical vestments. At the Hampton Court Conference in 1604, James rejected most of the petition but arranged for a new translation of the bible and made some small alterations to the liturgy.

Miller, Max (18951963)

adopted name of Thomas Henry Sargent

English music hall comedian. The highest paid variety artist in Britain, he was top of the bill at the Holborn Empire in 1926, and maintained this position for three decades. His superb timing and raucous vulgarity turned innuendo into an art form, earning him the nickname the 'Cheeky Chappie'. He made his first film appearance in The Good Companions (1933), and featured in a host of modest British comedies during the next 10 years, but remained at his best as a live performer.

Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne (18661948)

British soldier. Milne served in both the Sudan campaign and the South African war, winning the DSO. In World War I he took command of British troops in Salonika May 1916 where he was responsible for the defensive operations against the Bulgarian army 1917 and for the offensive which led to the collapse of Bulgaria 1918. KCB 1918, Baron 1933.

Milner, Alfred, 1st Viscount Milner (18541925)

British colonial administrator. As governor of Cape Colony 18971901, he negotiated with Kruger but did little to prevent the second South African War (Boer War); as governor of the Transvaal and Orange River colonies 190205 after their annexation, he reorganized their administration. In 1916 he became a member of Lloyd George's war cabinet. KCB 1895, Baron 1901, Viscount 1902.

Milner, Frederick George Milner (18491931)

7th Baron Milner

British politician and reformer, remembered as the champion of the ordinary soldier after World War I. Chiefly through his efforts the administration of pensions was transferred from the commissioners of Chelsea Hospital to a specially created ministry. He founded the first recuperative hospital for the shell-shocked in Hampstead, London.

Minden, Battle of
during the Seven Years' War, French defeat by a combined BritishHanoverian army on 1 August 1759 at Minden, 70 km/44 mi west of Hannover, Germany. Due to mismanagement of the Allied cavalry, the French were able to withdraw in good order, but at a loss of over 7,000 casualties and 43 guns. Allied losses were some 2,700; over half of these were in the six English battalions, the descendants of which still wear a rose in their caps on the anniversary of the battle.

miners' strike
British strike against pit closures that lasted almost a year from April 1984. The prime minister Margaret Thatcher was determined to make a stand against the miners and in April 1995 members of the National Union of Miners (NUM) returned to work. The NUM, led by its Marxist president, Arthur Scargill called the strike in April 1994 without a ballot, in protest against pit closures and as part of a campaign for a better basic wage. Support was strong in south Wales, Scotland, Yorkshire, and Kent but pits in Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire continued to operate. Some NUM members left the union and founded the Union of Democratic Mineworkers.

Mines Act
legislation regulating working conditions and safety standards for coalminers in Britain from 1842. After the nationalization of the coal industry in 1946, the National Coal Board was responsible for ensuring adequate safety standards and proper working conditions for miners. In the coal strikes of the 1970s and 1980s, the withdrawal of a certification of safety was often as crucial as the withdrawal of labour.

conditions in the mines

In 1840 Lord Shaftesbury persuaded Parliament to set up a Royal Commission to investigate conditions in the mines. Its report, published in 1842, found brutality, accidents, long hours, associated lung diseases, and horrific conditions of work for both hewers (the men who cut the coal) and hurriers (the girls and boys who pushed the tubs to the shaft). It was the first government report to use pictures, and it deeply shocked the public, who were particularly alarmed by the plight of the young 'trappers' (who shut and opened the doors down the mine), the nakedness of males and females working together, and what was seen as the lack of religion or morality among the young workers.

The Mines Act of 1842 prohibited the employment of females and boys below the age of 10. It also appointed inspectors to see that the provisions of the act were enforced. Inspection of mines was strengthened in 1850 when inspectors were given permission to go underground to investigate conditions, and a Royal School of Mines

was established the following year to train inspectors. In 1860 the lower limit for the age of boys working in the mines was raised to 12. Various safety measures were introduced in 1872, including a requirement that managers of mines be correctly trained and certified. The working day was limited to eight hours in 1908, and reduced further to seven and a half hours in 1930.

Minster in Sheppey
town and resort on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, England; population (2001) 8,400. The town has one of England's oldest existing places of worship, the Church of St Mary and St Sexburga. St Mary and St Sexburga are effectively two churches, the latter being originally associated with a nunnery founded about AD 664.

Minto, Gilbert Elliot (17511814)

1st Earl of Minto

Scottish politician governor general of India 180713. He was a Whig, an associate of Edmund Burke, and took part in the impeachment for corruption of the colonial administrator Warren Hastings in 1785. He was an able governor general of India.

missionary societies
religious societies established to organize and finance Christian evangelization in the former British Empire. The Anglican Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) was founded in 1698, followed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG) in 1701. As the Empire grew, so did the number of societies. The London Missionary Society (LMS) was founded in 1795, followed by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) in 1799, and the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) in 1804. The Anglo-Catholic Universities Mission to Central Africa (UMCA) was founded in 1859 in response to the challenge sent out by David Livingstone. In 1965 it joined with the SPG to become the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (USPG). Outside the Church of England, the Methodist Missionary Society dates from 1786 and the Baptist Missionary Society from 1792.

Mitchel, John (18151875)

Irish journalist and political activist. Born in Dungiven, County Londonderry, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, Mitchel wrote extreme nationalist articles for The Nation before working on the United Irishman with James Clarence Mangan and James Fintan Lalor. In 1848 he was convicted of treasonfelony and transported, eventually reaching Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania). His Jail Journal, or Five Years in British Prisons (1854) is a central 19th-century text of anti-British imperialism and Irish nationalism. He escaped in 1853 and settled in the USA,

returning to Ireland in 1875, where he died at Newry just days after being elected to Westminster as member of Parliament for County Tipperary. Mitchel's published works also include The History of Ireland From the Treaty of Limerick to the Present Time (1868) and an 1859 edition of Mangan's poetry.

M'Naughten, Daniel
British assassin. On 20 January 1843 he shot and killed Edward Drummond, secretary to the prime minister Robert Peel. He was tried for murder and was acquitted on the ground of insanity. This verdict gave rise to a debate in the House of Lords as to the nature and degree of mental instability, which would excuse the commission of a crime.

'moaning minnie'
in World War I, nickname for shells fired from early German trench mortars, from the peculiar noise made by their flight and a corruption of the German word for such weapons, minenwerfer.

Model Parliament
English parliament set up in 1295 by Edward I; it was the first to include representatives from outside the clergy and aristocracy, and was established because Edward needed the support of the whole country against his opponents: Wales, France, and Scotland. His sole aim was to raise money for military purposes, and the parliament did not pass any legislation.

Mollison, James Allan (19051960)

Scottish aviator. He made a number of long-distance record flights in the 1930s, including Newfoundland to Croydon in 13 hr 16 min in 1936. He married the English aviator Amy Johnson in 1932.

Molyneux, William (16561698)

Irish philosopher, political writer, and scientist. Born in Dublin, Molyneux was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and the Middle Temple. An important philosophical presence in the 17th century, he translated the French philosopher Decartes'Meditations in 1680 and was the author of the question: 'What knowledge of the visual world can a blind man have?' In the context of Irish history, his most

influential work was a defence of Irish autonomy in The Case of Ireland's Being Bound by Acts of Parliament in England, Stated (1698), a treatise later adopted by nationalist and republican movements. One of the founders in 1683 of the Dublin Philosophical Society, he also corresponded with the English philosopher John Locke on various topics, including mathematics and the science of optics. Molyneux explored these subjects in his Sciothericum Telescopium (1686) and Dioptrica Nova (1692).

monastic life, medieval

in the Middle Ages, the monastic life attracted many men and women, who took vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity and entered monasteries or convents. The Rule of St Benedict, founder of Christian monasticism in the West and of the Benedictine order, laid down the timetable for the day. Monks and nuns followed the threefold rule, dividing their day equally between prayer, manual work, and study. Although details differed according to the monastic order and the season, the day generally included eight services of worship, times for study and for work, and a daily meeting in the chapter house, where a chapter of the Rule was read and monks who had broken the Rule were punished. The Rule of St Benedict also laid down how the monastery should be administered. The monastery was controlled by an elected abbot, who then appointed his officials including prior, steward, novice master, sacristan, hosteller, almoner, infirmarian, chamberlain, precentor, cellarer, kitchener, and refectarian. The monasteries were essential to medieval life, providing such services as copying books, caring for the sick, helping the poor, educating local children, and giving shelter to travellers. They also owned a great deal of land, producing, in particular, large amounts of wool. The buildings of the monastery and the different orders of monks are described under monastery.

Monck, George (16081670)

1st Duke of Albemarle; or Monk

English soldier. During the English Civil War he fought for King Charles I, but after being captured changed sides and took command of the Parliamentary forces in Ireland. Under Oliver Cromwell he became commander-in-chief in Scotland, and in 1660 he led his army into England and brought about the Restoration of Charles II. He became duke in 1660.


British class of armoured warship, used during World War I for operations in shallow waters. They were slow and were equipped with a limited number of very large guns but had a low freeboard (the deck was designed to be close to the water) and so provided a very small target and had greater stability when firing guns.

Monmouth, James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth (16491685)

Claimant to the English crown, the illegitimate son of Charles II and Lucy Walter. After James II's accession in 1685, Monmouth landed in England at Lyme Regis, Dorset, claimed the crown, and raised a rebellion, which was crushed at Sedgemoor in Somerset. He was executed with 320 of his accomplices. He was made duke in 1663. When James II converted to Catholicism, the Whig opposition attempted unsuccessfully to secure Monmouth the succession to the crown by the Exclusion Bill, and having become implicated in a Whig conspiracy, the Rye House Plot in 1683, he fled to Holland.

Mons Badonicus
or Badon Hill

battle in about 493516, probably in southwest England, in which indigenous Britons defeated the Anglo-Saxons and other settlers from the continent. Little else is definitely known, but this battle appears to have been the culmination of some 12 battles fought to drive the Saxons back and it apparently halted further incursions into the west of England for the next two generations. According to Gildas, a 6th-century Welsh monk, the encounter took the form of a siege, with the Britons probably led by a Roman, Ambrosius Aurelianus, against an enemy sent by God to punish them for their moral laxity. Some sources identify the victorious leader as 'Arturus, Dux Bellorum', the legendary King Arthur. The fortifications at Wansdyke may also have formed part of this campaign.

Mons Graupius, Battle of

battle fought in Scotland, perhaps near Inverness, in AD 84 by the Roman general Agricola. Agricola's victory pushed the Roman frontier northwards as far as the Firth of Forth.

Montagu, Edwin Samuel (18791924)

British Liberal politician. He was financial secretary to the Treasury in 1914 and 1915, privy councillor and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1915, and minister of munitions in 1916. As secretary of state for India 191722, he collaborated in the

MontaguChelmsford report, which changed the Indian constitution and gave Indians greater political control at the local level.

Montfort, Simon de (c. 12081265)

called 'the Younger'

English politician and soldier. From 1258 he led the baronial opposition to Henry III's misrule during the second Barons' War, and in 1264 defeated and captured the king at Lewes, Sussex. In 1265, as head of government, he summoned the first parliament in which the towns were represented; he was killed at the Battle of Evesham during the last of the Barons' Wars. Initially one of Henry III's favourites, he married the king's sister Eleanor in 1238. He later disagreed with the king's administrative policies, and in 1258 Montfort and his baronial supporters forced Henry to accept the Provisions of Oxford, by which the king's powers were in effect transferred to a committee of barons. These provisions were anulled by the Dictum of Kenilworth in 1266, after the final defeat of Montfort's followers, and their lands and titles were confiscated.

Montgomery, Treaty of
English treaty on 25 September 1267 in which Henry III recognized Llewellyn ap Gruffydd, king of Gwynedd as 'Prince of Wales'. The treaty acknowledged his unique position in uniting the principality and marked the high point of his power until Edward finally overran Wales in 1282.

Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquess and 5th Earl of Montrose (16121650)
Scottish soldier, son of the 4th Earl of Montrose. He supported the Covenanters against Charles I, but after 1640 changed sides. As lieutenant general in 1644, he rallied the loyalist Highland clans to Charles, defeating the Covenanters' forces at Tipeprmuir and Aberdeen, but his subsequent attempt to raise the Royalist standard in the Lowlands ended in failure at Philiphaugh in 1645, and he escaped to Holland. Returning in 1650 to raise a revolt, he survived shipwreck only to have his weakened forces defeated, and (having been betrayed to the Covenanters) was hanged in Edinburgh. As a Presbyterian he disliked Charles's high-handed policy towards the Scottish church, and assisted at the signing of the Covenant in 1638. He occupied Aberdeen three times for the Covenanters and finally defeated Viscount Aboyne, the king's lieutenant in the north, at the bridge of Dee in 1639. However, he disagreed with the excesses of the more extreme of the Covenanters and, after a vain attempt to persuade them to moderation, transferred his loyalty to the king.

another spelling of Murray, regent of Scotland 156770.

Morcar (lived 10651087)

Earl of Northumbria, brother of Edwin, Earl of Mercia. He became Earl of Northumbria in 1065, on the expulsion of Tostig. When Tostig invaded England from Norway in 1066 Edwin and Morcar resisted him. Though defeated at Fulford they inflicted heavy losses on the invaders, which almost certainly helped to decide the future king Harold II's subsequent victory at Stamford Bridge. Morcar swore fealty to William the Conqueror in 1066, but in 1071 joined Hereward the Wake at Ely. He was later captured and died in prison.

More, (St) Thomas (14781535)

English politician and author. From 1509 he was favoured by Henry VIII and employed on foreign embassies. He was a member of the privy council from 1518 and Lord Chancellor from 1529 but resigned over Henry's break with the pope. For refusing to accept the king as head of the church, he was executed. The title of his political book Utopia (1516) has come to mean any supposedly perfect society.

Morgan, Frederick Edgworth (18941967)

British general in World War II. He was appointed Chief of Staff to plan the future invasion of Europe January 1943. His plan was accepted July and with some modifications became the plan for Operation Overlord. He and his staff spent the following year working out the plan in minute detail. KCB 1944.

Morgan, Henry (c. 16351688)

Welsh buccaneer in the Caribbean. He made war against Spain, capturing and sacking Panama in 1671. In 1675 he was knighted and appointed lieutenant governor of Jamaica.

Morley, John (18381923)

1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn

British Liberal politician and writer. He entered Parliament in 1883, and was secretary for Ireland in 1886 and 189295. As secretary for India 190510, he prepared the way (with Viceroy Gilbert Minto) for more representative government.

Morrison, Herbert Stanley (18881965)

Baron Morrison of Lambeth

British Labour politician. He was a founder member and later secretary of the London Labour Party 191545, and a member of the London County Council 192245. He entered Parliament in 1923, representing South Hackney in 1923, 192931, and 193545, and East Lewisham 194559. He organized the Labour Party's general election victory in 1945. He was twice defeated in the contest for leadership of the party, once by Clement Attlee in 1932, and then by Hugh Gaitskell in 1955. A skilful organizer, he lacked the ability to unite the party. He was created baron in 1959.

Morte D'Arthur, Le
series of episodes from the legendary life of King Arthur by Thomas Malory, completed in 1470, regarded as the first great prose work in English literature. Only the last of the eight books composing the series is titled Le Morte D'Arthur. Based on an unidentified 'French book', with imaginative additions from other sources, it admirably bridges the transition from the medieval to the modern world, varying in style from a courtly refinement to a more blunt emotional directness.

family from the Welsh Marches, who acquired Dunamase in Leinster, Ireland, in 1247 and the lordship of Trim in 1308. Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March (died 1330), served as lieutenant to the English crown in Ireland, as did several of his heirs. In 1368 the 3rd Earl, Edmund Mortimer (died 1381), inherited the de Burgh claim to Connacht and Ulster through marriage to King Edward III's granddaughter Philippa, heiress to the territories. Though frequently absent from Ireland because of their prominent role in English affairs, they sought hard to exploit their Irish lands, but the line came to an end with the death of Edmund Mortimer, 5th Earl of March and 8th Earl of Ulster (13911425), and their vast Irish estate eventually became vested in the crown in 1461.

Mortimer, Roger de (c. 12871330)

8th Baron of Wigmore and 1st Earl of March

English politician and adventurer. He opposed Edward II and with Edward's queen, Isabella, led a rebellion against him in 1326, bringing about his abdication. From

1327 Mortimer ruled England as the queen's lover, until Edward III had him executed. Knighted 1306, Earl 1328.

Mortimer's Cross, Battle of

in Wars of the Roses, victory of Edward, eldest son of Richard, duke of York, over a Lancastrian army on 2 February 1461 at Mortimer's Cross. Herefordshire. Richard had been killed in the battle Wakefield in December 1460 and the Yorkist position was at a low ebb. Edward attacked and defeated a Lancastrian army under the earls of Pembrokeshire and Wiltshire which was heading for London to meet up with the army of Margaret of Anjou. Owen Tudor was captured and executed and Edward marched on London, where he was crowned little over a month later.

Morton, James Douglas, 4th earl of (15161581)

Scottish noble and regent for James VI (157278). He headed the Protestant antiFrench party under Mary Queen of Scots and was her Lord Chancellor (156366) but was instrumental in the murder of her favourite, Riccio in 1566. He may also have been involved in the murder of her husband, Lord Darnley, the following year. He joined the rebellion against Mary (156768) and defeated royalist forces at the battles of Carberry Hill and Langside. From 157278 he was a successful regent for the young James VI, but his moderate episcopalianism alienated many and he was subsequently executed by the king for his alleged part in the murder of Darnley, the king's father.

Morton, John (c. 14201500)

English prelate, archbishop of Canterbury 14861500. He first supported the Lancastrians, but submitted to Edward IV after the Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471, and was made master of the rolls in 1473 and bishop of Ely in 1479. He was imprisoned by Richard III, but escaped and joined the future Henry VII in Flanders. He became Lord Chancellor in 1487 and was created a cardinal in 1493. Morton's ingenuity in extracting money from both the ostentatiously wealthy and the parsimonious originated the proverbial phrase of 'Morton's fork'.

Moryson, Fynes (15661630)

English adventurer and writer. Moryson travelled extensively in Europe and the Middle East before visiting Ireland in 1600 as secretary to Lord Mountjoy, lord deputy of Ireland. His observations and experiences of wartime Ireland during the rebellion of 15931603, led by Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone, form part of his massive work An Itinerary, published in 1617. Although colourful and informative, and a muchmined source by historians and other commentators, his account is deeply biased, not only by Moryson's own unquestioned sense of cultural superiority, but also by his

implicit attack on those who still regarded the native Irish as being capable of peaceful assimilation into English culture.

Mosley, Oswald (Ernald) (18961980)

British politician, founder of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) in 1932. He was a member of Parliament 191831. A Conservative MP for Harrow 191822, he joined the Labour party in 1924 and represented Shetwick 192631. He resigned in 1931 and founded the New Party. He then led the BUF until his internment 194043 during World War II. In 1946 Mosley was denounced when it became known that Italy had funded his prewar efforts to establish fascism in the UK, but in 1948 he resumed fascist propaganda with his Union Movement, the revived BUF.

fortified mound within a castle or other fortification. At the Norman conquest, it was necessary to garrison the country at speed, and mottes, often surrounded only by ditches or wooden walls, were the obvious solution.

Mountbatten, Edwina Cynthia Annette (19011960)

born the Countess of Ashley

English philanthropist. During the London Blitz (194042) she rendered distinguished service to the Red Cross and St John Ambulance Brigade, and became superintendent-in-chief of the Brigade in 1942. As vicereine of India (1947), her work in social welfare brought her the friendship of the national leaders Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. She married Louis, Earl Mountbatten of Burma, in 1922.

Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas (19001979)

1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma

English admiral and administrator, a great-grandson of Queen Victoria. In World War II he became chief of combined operations in 1942 and commander-in-chief in southeast Asia in 1943. As last viceroy and governor general of India 194748, he oversaw that country's transition to independence. He was killed by an Irish Republican Army (IRA) bomb aboard his yacht at Mullaghmore, County Sligo, in the Republic of Ireland. He was knighted in 1922, became a viscount in 1945, and an earl in 1947.

Mountjoy Castle
square castle on the shores of Lough Neagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. It was built in the early 1600s for Charles Blount, 8th Baron Mountjoy. A central keep and two corner towers survive. The castle was used during the campaign against Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, and ownership changed between English and Irish forces several times in the 1640s. It was also used by the armies of William III and James II in the late 17th century.

Mowlam, Marjorie ('Mo') (19492005)

British Labour politician, secretary of state for Northern Ireland 199799 and minister for the Cabinet Office and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster from 1999. After her appointment, she made an immediate impact on politics in the province. Her willingness to 'take risks' to promote the peace process, including a January 1998 visit to convicted loyalist terrorists in the Maze prison, helped bring about the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, paving the way for the election of a power-sharing Northern Ireland assembly. After studying in the UK and the USA, she embarked on an academic career, at Newcastle University and Northern College, Barnsley, before entering the House of Commons, representing Redcar, at the 1987 general election. She joined Labour's shadow cabinet, covering Northern Ireland 198889, trade and industry 198992, the Citizen's Charter and women's affairs 199293, national heritage 199394, and Northern Ireland again 199497. She became a member of the Labour Party National Executive in 1995. Following her appointment as secretary of state for Northern Ireland she initiated a non-ministerial dialogue with Sinn Fein, and took positive steps towards avoiding the clashes between Catholics and Protestants during the annual 'marching season'.

Muir, John Ramsay Brice (18721941)

British historian and politician. He was a Liberal member of Parliament for Rochdale 192324, and chair 193133, then president 193336, of the National Liberal Federation. His chief historical work was Short History of the British Commonwealth (two volumes 192022).

Municipal Corporations Act

English act of Parliament (1835) that laid the foundations of modern local government. The act made local government responsible to a wider electorate of ratepayers through elected councils. Boroughs incorporated in this way were empowered to take on responsibility for policing, public health, and education, and were also subject to regulation and auditing which served to reduce corruption. Similar acts were passed for Scotland (1833) and Ireland (1840).

official Roman status, below the rank of colonia, granted to a provincial town as the first stage of full romanization. Its members were not full Roman citizens, unless they had been a magistrate or other high official. Verumlamium (St. Albans) is the only municipium known of in Britain, though there may have been others.

Munro, Thomas (17611827)

Scottish soldier and governor of Madras (now Chennai), India, 181926, a post which he held with marked success. As lieutenant colonel he served Gen Wellesley (afterwards Duke of Wellington) in India during the war with Scindia and the rajah of Berar, and returned to India in 1814 on a commission to reorganize the judicial and police departments. During the Maratha War he was brigadier general.

Munster plantation
in Irish history, a major confiscation of native Irish lands in counties Cork, Kerry, Limerick, and Waterford by the English crown in 1586, following the death in rebellion of Gerald Fitzgerald, 14th and last Earl of Desmond (c. 15331583). Originally estimated at some 245,000 ha/600,000 acres, the surveys and claims were greatly overstated and ultimately only half that amount was actually confiscated for Protestant English colonization. Rapid growth of the plantation in the 1580s and early 1590s was accompanied by severe disputes between both English settlers and native Irish, and among the settlers themselves. In 1598 a native Irish uprising effectively destroyed the first colonies and ruined several of the early investors, including the planter poet Edmund Spenser. Re-established following the rebels' defeat in 1601, the plantation grew steadily. The extraction of timber and iron yielded large profits but the plantation areas also rapidly developed a strong export trade in cattle and sheep. By 1641 the plantation was securely established with an expanding population that had grown from just over 3,000 in 1592 to an estimated 22,000.

(French mur 'wall')

medieval tax for the upkeep of a town's defensive walls and gates.

Murray, Archibald James (18601945)

British general. At the start of World War I, he went to France as chief of staff but returned to the UK in October 1915 to become chief of the Imperial general staff. He was appointed to command the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force and went to Egypt where he organized the country's defences. He led the British advance into Palestine but failed.

Murray, James Stuart (15311570)

1st Earl of Murray; or Moray

Regent of Scotland from 1567, an illegitimate son of James V by Lady Margaret Erskine, daughter of the 4th Earl of Mar. He became chief adviser to his half-sister Mary Queen of Scots on her return to Scotland in 1561, but lost her favour when he opposed her marriage in 1565 to Henry, Lord Darnley. He was one of the leaders of the Scottish Reformation, and after the deposition of Mary he became regent. He was assassinated by one of her supporters.

Murray, Philip (18861952)

Scottish-born labour leader. Although he was a strong proponent of labour's cooperation with the government during World War II and the Korean War, he never abandoned the struggle to improve the situation of labourers. His tact and personal skills kept the CIO together during the difficult war years. Murray was born in New Glasgow, Scotland. A coal miner from age 10, he emigrated to the USA in 1902. He held numerous offices within the United Mine Workers Union, climaxing with that of vice president (192042). He and John L Lewis founded the Committee of Industrial Organizations (1935). He was president of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee (1936) and succeeded Lewis as president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) (194052).

Muscovy Company
company founded 1555 to foster trade with Russia via the Arctic seas, after attempts to find a northerly route to China in 1553 opened the way for trade with Russia. Furs, timber, and naval supplies were traded for cloth and weapons. The first voyage after Queen Mary granted a charter was financed by the sale of 250 shares at 25 each. The Company lost its monopoly 1698, but extended its trade overland through Muscovy to Persia. It survived until the Russian Revolution 1917.

Mutiny Act

in Britain, an act of Parliament, passed in 1689 and re-enacted annually since then (since 1882 as part of the Army Acts), for the establishment and payment of a standing army. The act is intended to prevent an army from existing in peacetime without Parliament's consent.

Myton, Battle of
victory of a Scottish army under Sir James Douglas over an army hastily raised by the archbishop of York, William Melton, on 20 September 1319 at Myton-inSwaledale, Yorkshire. The victory forced Edward II to lift his siege of Berwick, which had fallen to Robert the Bruce the year before. The archbishop's force was largely composed of clerics died and was given the nickname of 'the Chapter of Myton'.

18th- and 19th-century nickname for those who made their fortune in India, a corruption of the Mogul royal title nawab. The name became widespread when many 'nabobs' returned to England and frustrated attempts to limit the privileges of the East India Company.

Naoroji, Dadabhai (18251917)

Indian-born British politician and Indian nationalist. A founder member of the Indian National Congress, he served as is its president in 1886, 1893 and 1906. He left India in 1886 to seek a seat in Parliament, which he achieved as Liberal member for Finsbury Central in 1892, the first Indian British MP. Naoroji argued that high taxes and other charges were draining India's wealth and that India's poverty was caused by British exploitation of its resources.

Napier, Charles (17861860)

Scottish naval commander. In 1814 he went on the expedition up the Potomac River, USA, to capture Baltimore in the War of 1812. In 1833 he was offered the command of the Portuguese fleet, with which he was victorious on behalf of Queen Maria II against the pretender Maria Evaristo Miguel off Cape St Vincent. Returning to the British navy, he took part in the war against Mehmet Ali of Egypt over Syria in 1840 and stormed Sidon (modern Saida, Lebanon). In 1854 he was commander-in-chief in the Baltic against Russia in the Crimean War.

Napier, Charles James (17821853)

British general. He conquered Sind in India (now a province of Pakistan) 184143 with a very small force and governed it until 1847. He was the first commander to mention men from the ranks in his dispatches. KCB 1838.

Napier, Robert Cornelis (18101890)

1st Baron Napier of Magdala

British field marshal, born in Ceylon. Knighted for his services in relieving Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny, he took part in capturing Peking (Beijing) in 1860 during the war against China. He was commander-in-chief in India 187076 and governor of Gibraltar 187682. He was made a KCB in 1859, and a baron in 1868.

Napier, William Francis Patrick (17851860)

Irish soldier and historian. He joined an Irish regiment in 1800 and fought in Denmark in 1807 and in the Peninsular War against Napoleon in Spain and Portugal in 1808. He published a History of the War in the Peninsula (182840).

Naseby, Battle of
decisive battle of the English Civil War on 14 June 1645, when the Royalists, led by Prince Rupert, were defeated by the Parliamentarians ('Roundheads') under Oliver Cromwell and General Fairfax. It is named after the nearby village of Naseby, 32 km/20 mi south of Leicester.

Nasmyth, James (18081890)

Scottish engineer and machine-tool manufacturer whose many inventions included the steam hammer (1839) for making, at first iron, then large steel forgings.

Nassau agreement
treaty signed on 18 December 1962 whereby the USA provided Britain with Polaris missiles, marking a strengthening in Anglo-American relations.

National Insurance Act

UK act of Parliament of 1911, introduced by the Liberal chancellor Lloyd George, which first provided insurance for workers against ill health and unemployment.

National Liberal Foundation

central organization of the British Liberal Party, established in 1877 in Birmingham. Its first president was Joseph Chamberlain.

national schools
in Britain, schools founded from 1811 by the National Society for the Education of the Poor as an Anglican alternative to the nonconformist schools or dissenting academies. The schools used older pupils, known as 'monitors' to supervise the younger children.

Naunton, Robert (15631635)

English politician and writer. He was made master of requests by James I in 1603 and secretary of state in 1618. He is remembered for his Fragmenta Regalia, or Observations on the Late Q. Elizabeth, her Times and Favourites, published in 1641.

Navigation Acts
in British history, a series of acts of Parliament passed from 1381 to protect English shipping from foreign competition and to ensure monopoly trading between Britain and its colonies. The last was repealed in 1849 (coastal trade exempt until 1853). The Navigation Acts helped to establish England as a major sea power, although they led to higher prices. They ruined the Dutch merchant fleet in the 17th century, and were one of the causes of the American Revolution. 1650'Commonwealth Ordinance' forbade foreign ships to trade in English colonies. 1651 Forbade the importation of goods except in English vessels or in vessels of the country of origin of the goods. This act led to the Anglo-Dutch War 165254. 1660 All colonial produce was required to be exported in English vessels. 1663 Colonies were prohibited from receiving goods in foreign (rather than English) vessels.

Nayler, James (c. 16171660)

English Quaker. A persuasive preacher, he travelled through England gathering followers. In 1656 he allowed some of his followers to lead him into Bristol as Christ

was led riding into Jerusalem. He was tried by Parliament for blasphemy and imprisoned for three years. He repented and returned to preaching after his release.

Neave, Airey Middleton Sheffield (19161979)

British intelligence officer and Conservative member of Parliament 195379. He was a close adviser to Conservative Party leader (later prime minister) Margaret Thatcher. During World War II he escaped from Colditz, a German high-security prison camp. As shadow undersecretary of state for Northern Ireland from 1975, he became a target for extremist groups and was assassinated by an Irish terrorist bomb.

Nry, Battle of
in World War I, desperate action to hold off attacking Germans by 'L' Battery of the British Royal Horse Artillery while retreating from Mons September 1914. During their heroic stand, 'L' Battery lost 45 officers and troops killed and wounded out of a strength of 170, and won three Victoria Crosses. The battery now carries 'Nry' as its honour title and annually celebrates the battle.

cornerstone of Irish foreign policy in the Irish Free State/Eire/Republic of Ireland, adopted following the outbreak of World War II. From the 1960s Irish neutrality was usefully combined with a prominent 'non-aligned' role in Cold War diplomacy and United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations. Moves in the 1990s towards creating a European military force, with NATO backing, saw the debate on neutrality once again become a central issue. Neutrality became possible when control of the 'treaty ports' in southern Ireland, which Britain had retained after the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), was handed to amon de Valera's Fianna Fil government in 1938. Following the outbreak of World War II, and despite Irish membership of the Commonwealth, de Valera declared Ireland neutral, an action that provoked much hostility from critics in Britain and the USA. Neutrality was adopted for reasons of pragmatism rather than morality. Entry into World War II would have destabilized Ireland, and de Valera actually authorized secret cooperation with the Allies on defence issues. Despite this, and Ireland's failed attempts to join NATO in 1949, neutrality came to be seen as a moral principle.

Neville, Richard (14001460)

1st Earl of Salisbury

English noble, a Yorkist. He persuaded Richard, Duke of York, to lay down his arms in 1452 and became chancellor when the latter gained control of the government during Henry VI's temporary insanity. He was defeated by the Lancastrian forces at the Rout of Ludford Bridge in 1459 and fled to France, but returned in 1460 and remained in charge of London while the Earl of Warwick went to meet the Lancastrians at Northampton. He was captured after the Battle of Wakefield and murdered in Pontefract Castle.

Neville-Jones, (Lilian) Pauline (1939 )

English diplomat. In 1994 she became the second-highest official in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) as political director and deputy under-secretary of state a higher rank than any other woman in the Foreign Office. She joined the NatWest bank as a European specialist in 1996, and was made DBE in the same year. Her last FCO post was as head of the British delegation during the Bosnian peace talks in Dayton, Ohio in 1995.

New Armies
alternative name for the Kitchener Armies of World War I.

Newbury, Battles of
two battles of the Civil War in Britain: 20 September 1643 victory of the Earl of Essex with the London militia over royalist forces. The royalists retreated to Oxford and Essex succeeded in capturing Reading. 27 October 1644 indecisive battle in which parliamentary forces failed to capture a small force under Charles I and he was able to escape to Oxford.

Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle (1693 1768)

British Whig politician, prime minster 175456 and 175762. He served as secretary of state for 30 years from 1724, then succeeded his younger brother, Henry Pelham, as prime minister in 1754. In 1756 he resigned as a result of setbacks in the Seven Years' War, but returned to office in 1757 with Pitt the Elder (1st Earl of Chatham) taking responsibility for the conduct of the war. He was made an earl in 1714, and a duke in 1715.

Newcastle, William Cavendish (15921676)

1st Duke of Newcastle

English soldier, a Royalist. During the Civil War he won Yorkshire for the Royalists by the victory of Adwalton Moor in 1643. In the same year he captured Hull, but in 1644, after the rout of Marston Moor, he went abroad. He returned to England at the Restoration and was created Duke of Newcastle by Charles II in 1665.

Newcastle Propositions
in English history, humiliating demands presented by the Scots and Independents to Charles I 14 July 1646. They included demands that Charles abolish bishops, sacrifice his supporters, and allow parliament to monitor both the army and foreign affairs for 20 years. Charles was reluctant to give an answer as he could not afford to reject the Scots outright, but equally could not accept a climbdown of this scale. The Scots grew impatient, and handed over the king to parliament before withdrawing over the border.

Newcomen, Thomas (16631729)

English inventor of an early steam engine. His 'fire engine' of 1712 was used for pumping water from mines until James Watt invented one with a separate condenser.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Thomas Newcomen's steam engine, invented in 1712, was the first practical steam engine and was used to power pumps in the tin mines of Cornwall and the coal mines of northern England. Steam from the boiler entered the cylinder as the piston moved up (pulled by the weight of a wooden beam). Water from a tank was then sprayed into the cylinder, condensing the steam and creating a vacuum so that air pressure forced down the piston and activated the pump.


(Image Research Machines plc)

English inventor Thomas Newcomen built the first successful steam engine in 1712. It was used to pump water out of mines.


(Image Billie Love)

The steam engine invented by English blacksmith Thomas Newcomen (16631729). Aware of the high cost of using the power of horses, Newcomen designed this early form of steam engine to operate a pump for the removal of water from mines. Atmospheric pressure pushed the piston down after the concentration of steam created a vacuum in the cylinder.

prison in London, which stood on the site of the Old Bailey central criminal court. Originally a gatehouse (hence the name), it was established in the 12th century, rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666, and again in 1780. Public executions were held outside it 17831868. It was demolished in 1903. One of the cells is preserved in the Museum of London.

New Ireland Forum

meeting between politicians of the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland in May 1983. It offered three potential solutions to the Northern Irish problem, but all were rejected by the UK the following year. The Forum was the idea of John Hume (1923 ), leader of the Northern Irish Social Democratic Labour Party, and brought together representatives of the three major political parties of the republic, including Fianna Fil and Fine Gael. The Forum suggested three possibilities for a solution to the Northern Irish problem: unification under a nonsectarian constitution, a federation of North and South, or joint rule from London and Dublin. It recognized that any solution would have to be agreed by a majority in the North, which seemed unlikely. All three options were rejected by the UK government after talks between the former British and Irish leaders, Margaret Thatcher and Garret FitzGerald, in November 1984 (known as the Anglo-Irish summit), although the talks led to improved communication between the two governments.

New Model Army

army created in 1645 by Oliver Cromwell to support the cause of Parliament during the English Civil War. It was characterized by organization and discipline. Thomas Fairfax was its first commander.

New Orleans, Battle of

in the Anglo-American War of 1812, battle between British and American forces December 1814January 1815, at New Orleans; the war was already over by the time the battle was fought peace had been signed 24 December 1814 but neither of the two forces in the area had received the news.

Newport Riots
violent demonstrations by the Chartists in 1839 in Newport, Wales, in support of the Peoples' Charter. They were suppressed with the loss of 20 lives.

Nicholson, (Rose) Winifred (18931981)

also known as Winifred Dacre; born Winifred Roberts

English painter. Initially employing a figurative style, she began to experiment with abstraction after 1931. She worked in Paris, Lugano, India, and Scottish Hebrides, before moving to Cumbria, and becoming a member of the Seven and Five Society (192535). From 1935 to 1945 she exhibited under her mother's surname of Dacre.

Nicholson was born in Oxford, and attended the Byam Shaw School of Art in London. She married the artist Ben Nicholson in 1920, but they separated in 1931.

Nightingale, Florence (18201910)

English nurse, the founder of nursing as a profession. She took a team of nurses to Scutari (now skdar, Turkey) in 1854 and reduced the Crimean War hospital death rate from 42% to 2%. In 1860 she founded the Nightingale School and Home for Nurses in London, attached to St Thomas's Hospital, London. Born in Florence, Italy, she trained in Germany and France. She was the author of the classic Notes on Nursing (1859), the first textbook for nurses. In 1907 she was awarded the Order of Merit.

Nilsen, Dennis (1948 )

British serial killer, convicted of murdering between 12 and 16 people between 1978 and 1983. A lonely homosexual, Nilsen kept the bodies of his victims under floorboards in his home. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1983, with a recommendation that he serve a minimum of 25 years.

Nineteen Propositions
demands presented by the English Parliament to Charles I in 1642. They were designed to limit the powers of the crown, and their rejection represented the beginning of the Civil War.

Ninian, St (c. 360432)

First Christian missionary to Scotland. He appears to have been the son of a Cumbrian chief, but was educated in Rome. He was made a bishop by the pope in 394 and sent to convert Britain. According to Bede, he converted the Picts of southern Scotland, and founded the monastery at Whithorn in about 397.

Nithsdale, William Maxwell, 5th Earl of Nithsdale (16761744)

English Jacobite leader who was captured at Preston, brought to trial in Westminster Hall, London, and condemned to death 1716. With his wife's assistance he escaped from the Tower of London in women's dress, and fled to Rome. Earl 1696.

Nive, Battle of
during the Peninsular War, series of engagements culminating in a French defeat by the British commander the Duke of Wellington December 1813, along the River Nive on the Franco-Spanish border.

coin to the value of 6s. 8d. (one half of a mark) issued by Edward III in 1344, along with half-nobles and quarter-nobles. They served as currency for just over 100 years.

Noel-Baker, Philip John, Baron Noel-Baker (18891982)

British Labour politician. He was involved in drafting the charters of both the League of Nations and the United Nations. He published The Arms Race (1958), and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1959 for his advocacy of world disarmament. He was made Baron in 1977.

any of the priests of the Church of England who, after the revolution of 1688, refused to take the oaths of allegiance to William and Mary. They continued to exist as a rival church for over a century, and consecrated their own bishops, the last of whom died in 1805.

Nore mutiny
British naval mutiny in 1797, caused by low pay and bad conditions. It took place at anchorage by the Nore in the Thames.

Norfolk, Hugh Bigod (died 1176/77)

1st Earl of Norfolk

English noble, noted for his treachery and double dealing. He received his earldom in return for helping Stephen to obtain the English crown. In 1169 he was one of the nobles excommunicated by Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, and in 1175 he forfeited his castles for his part in the 1174 rebellion.

Norfolk, Roger Bigod (died 1221)

2nd Earl of Norfolk

English noble, son of the 1st Earl of Norfolk. He was an ambassador to France under Richard (I) the Lion-Heart and retained his power during John's reign, save for a short interval in 1213, but was excommunicated by Pope Innocent III as one of the 25 executors of Magna Carta. He regained his honours on the accession of Henry III.

Norfolk, Roger Bigod (died 1270)

4th Earl of Norfolk

English noble. He was prominent in the promulgation of the Provisions of Oxford in 1258, but later transferred his allegiance to the king. In 1264 he was one of the five earls summoned to Simon de Montfort's Parliament.

Norfolk, Thomas Howard (14731554)

3rd duke of Norfolk; Earl of Surrey

English soldier, brother-in-law of Henry VII and a leading Catholic politician under Henry VIII and Mary Tudor. He served at the Battle of Flodden in 1513 and was appointed Lord High Admiral in 1531. He led various campaigns against the French in the 1520s and returned to England to oppose Wolsey. He subsequently saw two nieces, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, marry Henry VIII. His willingness to preside over his nieces' trials and executions proved his loyalty to the king, even though he remained conservative in religion and opposed Thomas Cromwell's reforms. He was arrested in 1546 when his son and heir, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, claimed during Henry's last illness that his father should be protector for the young Edward VI. Though his son was beheaded, the duke was saved by Henry's own death, and he was released from the Tower by Queen Mary I.

Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th duke of (15361572)

Catholic peer who hoped to marry Mary Queen of Scots and have her declared heir to Elizabeth. Through his opposition to Secretary Cecil he was implicated in the Northern Rebellion of 1569 but released. He was arrested after the failure of the Ridolfi Plot and executed.

Norman Conquest

invasion and settlement of England by the Normans, following the victory of William (I) the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The story of the conquest from the Norman point of view is told in the Bayeux Tapestry. William, Duke of Normandy, claimed that the English throne had been promised to him by his maternal cousin Edward the Confessor (died January 1066), but the Witan (a council of high-ranking Anglo-Saxon advisors, churchmen, and landowners) elected Edward's brother-in-law Harold Godwinson as king. Harold II was killed at the Battle of Hastings in October 1066, and Edgar the Aetheling was immediately proclaimed king; he was never crowned, renouncing his claim in favour of William. There were several rebellions against William's rule, especially in the north, which he ruthlessly suppressed in the harrying of the north, when villages and crops were burned and livestock killed. Another notable rising was led by Hereward the Wake in the Isle of Ely. The construction of around 50 castles between 1066 and 1087 helped to establish Norman power in England. Under Norman rule the English gradually lost their landed possessions and were excluded from administrative posts. In 1085 William ordered the compilation of the Domesday Book, a recorded survey of land and property in the English shires.

The New Order: The Impact of the Normans

the impact of the Normans Of all dates, 1066 is probably the best remembered in English history. But exactly what impact the Norman Conquest really had has always been controversial. Did it represent a clear break in the history of Anglo-Saxon England, or were the Normans quickly assimilated, simply hastening developments already underway, and even learning from them? In a more nationalistic age than ours, many English historians felt instinctively that the virtues and institutions long thought to be characteristically English ought somehow to be traceable to a purely English past a past that predated the arrival of the 'French' Normans. Detailed research into the survival of pre-Conquest institutions such as shire- and hundred-based local government, the common law, an efficient royal administration, and a national taxation system (Danegeld), led to the argument that the Norman Conquest did little to change an already highly sophisticated society. A less nationalistic view, however, reveals the Norman Conquest as a manifestation of wider changes in Western Europe as a whole, in social and cultural terms, in military terms, and in religious terms. society and culture Changes already taking place in Anglo-Saxon society by 1066 made it less 'English' than was previously thought. As recently as 1042, England had been ruled by a Danish king. The Danes had brought new types of landholding (and therefore social status) to parts of England, and the Anglo-Saxon term 'thane' had been replaced by the Scandinavian 'housecarl' for the warrior class, perhaps also reflecting a social change. Scandinavian influence in the east and north of the country contributed to the lukewarm support which some chroniclers noted in those regions for Harold II, the former Earl of Wessex. A surviving legal case from the reign of William I features a landowner dispossessed in the Conquest who argues that his land should be returned as he is a Dane, and was therefore neutral in the struggle between Normans and Anglo-Saxons.

The Norman Conquest brought the wholesale replacement of the Anglo-Saxon nobility, but it also brought changes in the way English society was conceived. Above all, the ancient Germanic concept of the free peasant owing personal military service to his king was finally brought to an end: after the Conquest, the Anglo-Scandinavian free peasants were reduced to the status of feudal villeins, bound to the land and excluded from military service. Elsewhere in Western Europe this new conception of society, central to what we call feudalism, had developed since the 10th century; in England, the older conceptions were only swept away by the Normans. military change The events of 1066 can be seen as part of a wider colonization of the borderlands of Europe by a military elite from Western Europe. The Battle of Hastings was one of the key points of conflict between two of the three distinct military systems of 11thcentury Europe. In Scandinavia and Anglo-Scandinavian England the heavy infantryman had dominated the battlefield, armed with the two-handed axe. On the Celtic fringe, mobile light infantrymen, expert with bows, were characteristic. And in feudal Western Europe the warrior par excellence was the heavy horseman, the knight. The knight's charge, with his lance held firm (couched) so as to focus the whole weight of man and charging horse at its point, was the classic tactical device of medieval warfare. Its use at Hastings can be seen in the Bayeux Tapestry. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle confirms the novelty in post-Conquest England of both knights and castles, the two defining features of feudal warfare. religious change Some of the most obvious changes in post-Conquest England were in the church. Most notably, church lands exempt from taxation or military service to the AngloSaxon kings were brought within the feudal system of knight-service. Under Lanfranc, appointed archbishop of Canterbury in 1070, the English church itself was thoroughly reorganized. He enforced unity and discipline within the church and the monasteries under the authority of Canterbury, established regular councils and synods, and introduced a whole system of canonical law and separate courts for the church. Above all, the bishops and abbots brought in to replace Anglo-Saxon prelates re-integrated England into the cultural and intellectual mainstream of Northern France. The ideological importance of these changes cannot be stressed enough. The late Anglo-Saxon church, despite significant reform, had become moribund in a way that was obvious to many of its members; the Norman church in post-Conquest England was perceived even by those nostalgic for the old ways as a positive, dynamic influence. Changes in the church impressed contemporaries as much as the spread of castles or the organization of the Domesday survey. In many respects, then, it is possible to view the Norman Conquest as a reintegration of the kingdom of England into the cultural, intellectual, military, and religious world of Western Europe, itself on the verge of great changes in the 12th century.

Norris, John (c. 15471597)

English soldier. He served in conflicts in the Low Countries, France, and Ireland, and in 1589 commanded, with Francis Drake, the fleet that ravaged the coasts of Spain and Portugal.

North, Frederick (17321792)

2nd Earl of Guilford; or Lord North

English Tory politician. He entered Parliament in 1754, became chancellor of the Exchequer in 1767, and was prime minister in a government of Tories and 'king's friends' from 1770. His hard line against the American colonies was supported by George III, but in 1782 he was forced to resign by the failure of his policy. In 1783 he returned to office in a coalition with Charles Fox. After its defeat, he retired from politics. He became an earl in 1790.

Northampton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton (17901851)

2nd Marquess of Northampton

English politician. He was associated with William Wilberforce in the anti-slavery campaign, and helped James Mackintosh in his efforts to reform the criminal law. He was president of the Royal Society 183849.

Northampton, William Parr (15131571)

Marquess of Northampton

English noble, brother of Catherine Parr, the sixth wife of Henry VIII. During the reign of Edward VI he supported the causes of the Duke of Somerset and the Duke of Northumberland. On the death of Edward VI he supported the accession of Lady Jane Grey, for which he forfeited his titles and estates under Mary I. He returned to favour on the accession of Elizabeth I.

Northampton, Battle of
in the Wars of the Roses, defeat and capture of Henry VI in an early attack by the Yorkists under Richard Neville, Duke of Warwick, 10 July 1460. The Lancastrian Duke of Buckingham was killed in the battle which paved the way for Richard of York to be recognized as successor to Henry.

North Briton

weekly periodical June 1762April 1763, published by the radical John Wilkes. It achieved notoriety when issue 45 accused George III of lying in a speech to parliament. Wilkes and the magazine were prosecuted under a general warrant for seditious libel. In the ensuing case, Wilkes was acquitted and general warrants were declared illegal.

Northcote, Stafford Henry (18181887)

1st Earl of Iddesleigh

British politician, leader of the Conservative Party 188085. He was chancellor of the Exchequer 187480 and foreign secretary 188687. As party leader he pursued a policy of conciliation with moderate, centrist Whigs.

political career
Northcote was elected member of Parliament for Dudley 1855. As opposition Speaker, he gained the confidence of the party leader Benjamin Disraeli. During a short period of Conservative rule in the mid-1860s, Northcote became president of the Board of Trade 1866 and secretary for India 1867. Made chancellor when the party returned to power 1874, he raised income-tax thresholds to protect lower incomes and established an annual sinking fund to reduce the national debt. As opposition leader in the House of Commons from 1880, he fell victim to divisions in the party and was eventually supplanted by Lord Salisbury, who had been leader of the Tory peers.

Northern Ireland
or Ulster

constituent part of the United Kingdom, in the northeast of the island of Ireland; area 13,460 sq km/5,196 sq mi; population (2001) 1,685,300. It is comprised of six of the nine counties that form Ireland's northernmost province of Ulster (Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, and Tyrone) which are divided into 26 regional districts for administrative purposes. The capital is Belfast, and other major towns and cities include Londonderry, Enniskillen, Omagh, Newry, Armagh, and Coleraine. Geographical features are the Mourne Mountains, Belfast Lough, Lough Neagh, and the Giant's Causeway. Major industries include engineering, shipbuilding, aircraft components, textiles, processed foods (especially dairy and poultry products), rubber products, and chemicals.

In 2000, 56% of the population were Protestant and 44% were Catholic. 5.3% of the population are Irish-speaking.


Under the terms of the 1998 Good Friday agreement, Northern Ireland has a 108member assembly, elected by proportional representation. It exercises executive and legislative authority, devolved from the UK Parliament at Westminster, in areas including health, social security, education, and agriculture. It came under direct rule from the UK from 1972 until devolution in 1998; devolution was suspended in 2000 and again in 2001 following stalemate over the decommissioning of the IRA. Northern Ireland is entitled to send 18 members of Parliament to Westminster, and there are 26 district councils. The region costs the UK government 3 billion annually.

Agriculture is declining in importance in Northern Ireland, while manufacturing and service industries are increasing. The region has suffered from high rates of unemployment, though this has improved since the late 1990s. The Catholic unemployment rate has been substantially higher than the Protestant rate. The onset of the peace process brought an economic dividend to Northern Ireland as visitor numbers increased dramatically from 1997.

Northern Ireland peace process

process leading to peace, the establishment of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the decommissioning of paramilitary arms in Northern Ireland, generally considered as beginning in 1993 when London and Dublin issued the Downing Street Declaration. Ceasefire declarations by the Provisional IRA followed in August 1994 and again in May 1997. Multiparty talks began in January 1998 culminating in the 'Good Friday agreement' on 10th April. In November 1999, agreement was reached on the power-sharing executive of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and it met for the first time on 2 December 1999 as powers were devolved to the Assembly by the British government. Since the beginning of the 'Troubles' in 1968, there were various attempts to reach a peaceful compromise. The Sunningdale agreement in 1973 was brought down by a massive strike of Protestant workers. In 1985 the Anglo-Irish Agreement was also rejected by Protestant Unionists.

Northern rebellion
or Rebellion of the Earls

in English history, rising in 156970 led by the earls of Northumberland and Westmorland in support of the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots. They demanded that Mary be declared Elizabeth I's successor and the restoration of Catholicism. The bishop of Durham was seized and the mass was restored, but promised Spanish support did not arrive and the rising was suppressed. The earls were forced to flee to Scotland and 400 rebels were executed.

Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of (c. 15021553)

English politician. He was chief minister from 1551 until Edward VI's death in 1553. He tried to place his daughter-in-law Lady Jane Grey on the throne, and was executed on Mary I's accession. Son of the privy councillor Edmund Dudley (beheaded 1510), he overthrew Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, as protector to the young Edward VI and, having married one of his sons to Lady Jane Grey (fifth in line to the throne), persuaded the king to sign a document excluding his half-sisters from the succession, thereby hoping to retain his authority after Edward's death. Knighted in 1523, made Earl in 1547. Another of his sons, Robert, Earl of Leicester, became one of Elizabeth I's favourites.

Anglo-Saxon kingdom that covered northeast England and southeast Scotland. Comprising the 6th-century kingdoms of Bernicia (ForthTees) and Deira (Tees Humber), united in the 7th century, it accepted the supremacy of Wessex in 827 and was conquered by the Danes in the late 9th century. It was not until the reign of William the Conqueror that Northumbria became an integral part of England.

Norwich, (Alfred) Duff Cooper

1st Viscount Norwich

English politician and diplomat. See Cooper, (Alfred) Duff.

Nott William Frederick, John (1932 )

British Conservative politician, minister for defence 198183 during the Falkland Islands conflict with Argentina. KCB 1983.

Nugent, Richard (15831642)

15th Baron Delvin

Irish soldier. He took part in the rebellion of the earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel, and was imprisoned in Dublin but escaped. He was pardoned by James I of England and was created Earl of Westmeath in 1621.

Oakeshott, Michael Joseph (19011990)

British political philosopher, author of On Civilization 1969. A conservative, he was praised by the right for emphasizing experience over ideals, summed up as 'Tory anarchism'. He was professor of politics at the London School of Economics 1951 69. His other books include A Guide to the Classics 1936 on picking winners in horse racing.

Oastler, Richard (17891861)

English social reformer. He was a farm estate manager in Yorkshire when, in 1830, he founded with John Fielden the Short Time Committee, which later became the Ten Hours Movement. In a famous letter to the Leeds Mercury in 1830, he attacked conditions in 'the worsted mills of Bradford': 'thousands of our fellow creatures are at this very moment existing in a state of slavery more horrid than are the victims of that hellish system of Colonial Slavery'. He opposed child labour and was largely responsible for securing the Factory Act (1833) and the Ten Hours Act (1847). In 1838 he was sacked by his employers for opposing the Poor Law Amendment Act, and spent some time in prison for debt.

Oates, Titus (16481705)

English conspirator. A priest, he entered the Jesuit colleges at Valladolid, Spain, and St Omer, France, as a spy in 167778, and on his return to England announced he had discovered a 'Popish Plot' to murder Charles II and re-establish Catholicism. Although this story was almost entirely false, many innocent Roman Catholics were executed during 167880 on Oates's evidence. In 1685 Oates was flogged, pilloried, and imprisoned for perjury. He was pardoned and granted a pension after the revolution of 1688.

successful Gaelic Irish dynasty claiming descent from the great chieftain Brian Bruma, who became high king of Ireland in 999. The O'Briens established a key strategic position in Thomond, County Clare, in the 13th century through resistance to and negotiation with the Anglo-Norman invaders. Their lordship was divided into the houses of Thomond and Inchiquin in the 1570s, but these were joined after 1774 when the earldom of Thomond died out.

O'Brien, James Bronterre (18051864)

Irish Chartist. He moved from Ireland to London 1829 where he became leader of the Chartist working class movement (see Chartism). He was editor of the Poor Man's

Guardian 183135 and was imprisoned for his seditious speeches 184041. He helped found the socialist National Reform League 1850.

O'Brien, William (18521928)

Irish journalist and nationalist, born in Mallow, County Cork. In 1880 O'Brien established the journal United Ireland to popularize the aims of Charles Stewart Parnell and the Land League. He was a leader of the Plan of Campaign (188691), a nationalist proposal to address tenant eviction and distress, and in 1898 he founded the United Irish League. O'Brien took the anti-Parnellite side in the split in the Irish Parliamentary Party, following Parnell's citation in the O'Shea divorce case. A leader of the tenant side in the Dunraven Land Conference (190203), he directed his influence towards the conciliation policy which looked for the union of Irishmen of all creeds and classes. O'Brien was repeatedly imprisoned under the Crimes Act in connection with the National League and Tenants' Defence League 188791. In the Westminster Parliament he represented South Tyrone 188586, Northeast Cork 188792, Cork City and Northeast Cork 1892, and Cork City 191018, when he and his friends stood aside in favour of Sinn Fein.

O'Brien, William Smith (18031864)

Irish nationalist, born at Dromoland, County Clare. O'Brien sat in Parliament at Westminster and, although a Protestant, favoured Catholic emancipation. He joined the Repeal Association of Daniel O'Connell, but in 1846 seceded to the Young Ireland party. In 1848 he led an abortive rising in Tipperary against the British. He was captured and sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted to transportation.

O'Byrne, Fiach MacHugh (c. 15441597)

In Irish history, prominent leader of Gaelic resistance to Elizabethan penetration in County Wicklow. O'Byrne rose to prominence after his celebrated defeat of a major English force under Lord Deputy Grey de Wilton (15361593) at Glenmalure in 1580. After successfully resisting several punitive campaigns, he became reconciled to the crown in the later 1580s but once again came under suspicion in the early 1590s. In 1594, in punishment for his suspected complicity in the murder of the sheriff of Kildare, the government launched a surprise offensive against him during which his chief house was destroyed and his wife, Rose, taken hostage. Forced again into rebellion and into alliance with Hugh O'Neill, leader of the Ulster lords in their war of 15931603 against the crown, O'Byrne returned to his guerrilla tactics. Half-hearted attempts at reconciliation failed, and he was finally captured and executed in May 1597.

O'Connell, Daniel (17751847)

Irish lawyer and politician, known as 'the Liberator'. In 1823 he formed the Catholic Association, to campaign for Catholic emancipation and the repeal of the 1801 Act of Union between Britain and Ireland. He achieved the first objective in 1829, but failed in the second.

The Continuing Quest: Ireland and the Struggle for Home Rule
introduction The Irish rebellion of 1798 demonstrated that the Protestant Ascendancy could not keep Ireland stable, and prompted British moves toward union. The Act of Union 1800 abolished the Irish Parliament in return for Irish representation at Westminster. However, Pitt the Younger's attempt to admit Catholics to public office was thwarted by George III; Catholics could not become MPs in the new Parliament until 1829, which created much resentment. The Union ensured that the politics of Ireland were more closely linked with those of Britain than ever before. A brief survey of Ireland in this period might centre on hardship and discord: the potato famine of 184548 and the struggle for Irish political autonomy were both of great importance. Yet Ireland remained within the British Empire, there was no collapse into anarchy or civil war, and the Irish economy developed as part of the growing imperial economy, even while Ireland's Catholic areas became more socially and culturally distinct. The closing decades of the century brought economic and social change, and reform as in mainland Britain. The (Anglican) Church of Ireland was disestablished 1869, and the position of the Catholic Church markedly improved. By 1914 Ireland had gained a large share of economic independence. Legislation from 1860 to 1903 progressively broke the power of the landlords: farmers increasingly owned their holdings. Local government was also transferred to the control of the largely Catholic majority. Irish nationalism Nationalism was revived as a political issue by Daniel O'Connell, who campaigned in the 1830s and 1840s for the repeal of the Act of Union. The government responded by attempts at reform and by limiting extra-parliamentary agitation. Nonetheless, the potato famine led to allegations of government neglect as about 800,000 people died from starvation or diseases made more deadly by malnutrition. The extension of the franchise in 1867 and 1884 greatly increased the number of Catholic voters; most supported Home Rule, which would have given an Irish Parliament control of all policy matters bar defence and foreign policy. The Home Government Association of 1870 was followed by the Home Rule League in 1873. Charles Stuart Parnell became leader of an organized and powerful parliamentary pro-Home Rule party 1879, with 61 MPs by 1880, 86 by 1885, and 85 by 1886. Home Rule proposals introduced by Gladstone in 1886 and 1893 were defeated at Westminster. Conservatives led the resistance, renaming their party the Conservative and Unionist Party in 1886, but the defeat of the First Home Rule Bill in 1886 was due to the defection of 93 'Liberal Unionists' from Gladstone's government.

Nationalist agitation also had a violent dimension. In 1848 the Young Ireland movement attempted an insurrection. The Fenians, a secret organization founded in 1858, tried to launch a rebellion in Ireland in 1867 and were responsible for terrorist acts in Britain and an attempted invasion of Canada from the United States. Reconstituted as the Irish Republican Brotherhood in 1873, they continued to mount terrorist attacks, and in 1882 another secret society, the Invincibles, murdered Lord Frederick Cavendish, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, in Phoenix Park, Dublin. Some Irishmen served with the Boers during the South African War of 18991902. the Easter Rising Another Liberal government, dependent on Irish Nationalist support, introduced a Home Rule Bill in 1912. Twice rejected by the Conservative-dominated House of Lords, the Bill was passed in an amended form in 1914 with the proviso that it was not to be implemented until after the war. Protestant Ulster was determined to resist Home Rule. The formation of the Ulster Unionist Council in 1905 and the Ulster Volunteer Force in 1913 revealed an unwillingness of the Ulster Protestants to subordinate their identity to Irish nationalism. In 1914 the country came to the brink of civil war. Half a million men of Irish descent, both Protestant and Catholic, volunteered to fight for Britain in 1914; fewer than 2,000 rose in the Easter Rising of 1916 in Dublin. The planned nationalist uprising failed to materialize outside Dublin. The British response, however, served to radicalize Irish public opinion. Martial law was declared and a series of trials, executions, and internments provided martyrs for the nationalist cause. In the 1918 general election 73 out of the 105 Irish parliamentary seats were won by Sinn Fein (Nationalists) under Emon de Valera. In Jan 1919 a unilateral Declaration of Independence was issued by a new national assembly (Dail Eireann) and the nationalist Irish Volunteers, soon to rename themselves the Irish Republican Army, staged their first fatal ambush. A brutal civil war ensued (191921), followed by the Anglo-Irish Treaty in December 1921, which brought partition and effective independence for the new Irish Free State. Six counties in Ulster opted out as Northern Ireland, which remained part of the United Kingdom.


(Image Billie Love)

Irish nationalist Daniel O'Connell in September 1844, after his release from prison. He is pictured here in a procession with other state prisoners, passing the Bank of Ireland in Dublin. Dubbed 'the Liberator' as leader of the fight to win political rights for Irish Roman Catholics, O'Connell had been convicted in early 1844 of seditious conspiracy, for taking part in demonstrations in favour of Irish Home Rule. He was released when his conviction was overturned by the House of Lords.


(Image Billie Love)

The Irish barrister Daniel O'Connell, who became a formidable Roman Catholic political leader in the 19th century. Initially barred by his religion from entering Parliament, his election as member of Parliament for Clare forced the British government to concede Catholic emancipation. As a pacifist, he later came into conflict with the more revolutionary ideas of the Young Ireland group.

O'Connor, Feargus Edward (17941855)

Irish parliamentarian, a follower of Daniel O'Connell. He sat in Parliament 183235, and as editor of the Northern Star became an influential figure of the radical workingclass Chartist movement (see Chartism).

O'Connor, Richard Nugent (18891981)

British general in World War II. In 1940 he became commander of the Western Desert Force in Egypt, defeating the Italians at Sidi Barrani December 1940. He went on to capture Bardia and destroyed the Italian 10th Army at Beda Fomm. He was

captured by the Germans April 1942, but escaped two years later and returned to the UK. He commanded VIII Corps in the Normandy campaign. KCB 1941.

O'Connor, Rory (died 1198)

also known as Ruadr Ua Conchobair

Last high king of Ireland, 116670. He succeeded his father as king of Connacht in 1156 and secured high kingship of Ireland after one of his chief rivals Diarmait Mac Murchada was temporarily exiled to England. In the same year he marched on Dublin, offering its Hiberno-Norse citizens 4,000 cows, whereupon they recognized him as high king. He lost high kingship after the English invasion of 1170, yet retained status as king of Connacht and continued to hold sway over much of the northern half of Ireland. Attempting to recapture his lost position as well as to hold his remaining territory, O'Connor spent much of the next decade in sporadic warfare against the English invaders, as well as their settled allies in Dublin and throughout Leinster. Slowly losing the effort, in 1183 he retired to a monastery at Cong, County Mayo, leaving the kingship of Connacht to his son Conchobar.

O'Connor, Thomas Power (18481929)

Irish journalist and politician. He became a sub-editor on the Daily Telegraph, leaving this for an appointment in the London office of the New York Herald. He entered Parliament in 1880 and became a prominent personality in the Nationalist Party. In 1885 he became MP for the Scotland division of Liverpool and remained so for the rest of his life. He became 'Father of the House' in 1918, and was made a privy councillor in 1924.

O'Connor of Connacht
Gaelic Irish royal dynasty of Connacht. Having established dominance over the O'Rourkes and other major dynasties of Connacht in the early 11th century, the O'Connors asserted tenuous claims to the high kingship of Ireland over the next century which were never fully accepted. In 1166 the high king Rory O'Connor (died 1198) deposed Dermot MacMurrough, King of Leinster, who retaliated by inviting a number of Anglo-Norman barons to support his reinstatement; their arrival in 1169 was followed by a full-scale Anglo-Norman invasion under Henry II in 1171. Although Rory O'Connor made peace with Henry II at Windsor in 1175, by which he retained all of Connacht, internecine disputes paved the way for Anglo-Norman penetration into Connacht led by the de Burghs. By the time of the death without heir of odh, the last king of Connacht, in 1274, the O'Connors had already been reduced to vassals of the de Burghs.

The O'Connors then split into two dynasties: O'Connor Roe (the red-haired) and O'Connor Don (the brown-haired). The former became vassals of the de Burghs while the latter retained a position of some independence in Connacht down to modern times. O'Connor Faly (Offaly) was an unrelated dynasty that survived between the often hostile Anglo-Irish lords of Ormond and Kildare until 1556, when the Tudor government undertook a major plantation in their territory along with that of their neighbours, the O'Moores in County Laois.

Dlaigh, Cearbhall (19111978)

Irish politician, president 197476. He was a distinguished judge of the European Court of Justice 197374 and was nominated as president of the republic following the sudden death of Erskine Childers. In October 1976, Dlaigh resigned the presidency following an intemperate attack upon him by the defence minister Patrick Donegan, after the president had referred the government's Emergency Powers Bill to the Supreme Court. Born in Bray, County Wicklow, Dlaigh studied law at University College and King's Inns, Dublin. He served as Fianna Fil attorney general 194648 and 1951 54, and as chief justice and president of the Supreme Court 196173.

O'Donnell, Peadar (18931986)

Irish republican activist and writer, born in Meenmore, County Donegal. Ireland's most prominent socialist republican, he campaigned for numerous radical causes throughout his life. O'Donnell was the son of a small farmer. He fought in the AngloIrish War (191921) and became a leading figure in the Irish Civil War (192223), when he fought for the Irish Republican Army (IRA) against the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921). He later joined the International Brigade in the Spanish Civil War (193639). His most celebrated works, which depict the harsh lives of the underprivileged, are Islanders (1927) and The Big Windows (1955). O'Donnell began his working life as a teacher, then a trade union organizer, before becoming engaged in revolutionary politics. During the Irish Civil War (192223), he was captured by forces of the provisional government, but escaped after a 41-day hunger strike. A vigorous publicist and editor of An Phoblacht, the official IRA newspaper, he gave (and then withdrew) qualified support for amon de Valera during the election of 1932. He left the IRA in 1934 to establish Republican Congress, an unsuccessful fusion of socialism and republicanism.

O'Donnell of Tirconnell
or Domhnaill of Tr Conaill

major dynasty of Irish Gaelic chiefs in northwest Ulster (modern County Donegal); a significant power in Ireland from the mid-13th to early 17th centuries. The O'Donnells rose to prominence through their successful resistance both to the Anglo-Norman colonists, who had penetrated deep into Ulster in the 13th century, and the O'Neills, the ascendant family in Ulster. Strong lines of succession coupled with shrewd alliances with gallowglass families such as the MacSweeneys, descendents of Scottish mercenary troops imported by the Irish chiefs in the 13th century, allowed them to exercise control over a large portion of north Connacht (now counties Sligo and Mayo) during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The family even gained brief dominance over the O'Neills under Aodh Ruadh O'Donnell (1461 1505). The height of O'Donnell achievements was reached under Manus O'Donnell (15351563) who extended their claims in Connacht, supplanted the O'Neills as the ally of the Kildare Fitzgeralds, and was a generous patron of the arts. Manus O'Donnell's deposition by his son Calvach in 1555, coupled with fierce invasions by Shane O'Neill (c. 15301567), severely weakened the dynasty. Calvach was granted the title Earl of Tyrconnell by the English crown, but died before receiving the royal charter. Aodh Dubh O'Donnell (chief 156693) attempted to shore up the O'Donnell's position by marriage alliances and careful diplomacy with the English government. However, on his death 'Red Hugh' (Aodh Ruadh) O'Donnell (chief 15931602), Aodh Dubh's son by his Scots wife Fionualla MacDonnell, seized power and, with Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone, led the O'Donnells into war against the crown in 1593. Following the defeat of the Ulster army at Kinsale in 1601, Hugh O'Donnell went to Spain seeking further support and died (possibly by poisoning). After the surrender of the Ulster rebels in 1603, Hugh's brother Rory was created Earl of Tyrconnell, but he joined with Hugh O'Neill and other Ulster lords in the Flight of the Earls from Ireland in 1607. In the aftermath the family's title was suppressed and their lands confiscated, destroying their power base.

O'Duffy, Eoin (18921944)

Irish politician and soldier. Born in County Monaghan, he joined the Irish Volunteers in 1917, and took a leading part in the Sinn Fein movement and the Irish Republican Army. He supported the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) and was appointed the first commissioner of the Garda Sochna (civic guard), established to police the Irish Free State in 1922. Following his dismissal by the president of the executive council (prime minister) amon de Valera in 1933, he joined the oppositon, and became director general of the semi-fascist National Guard (formerly the Blueshirts). The Blueshirts merged with Cumann na nGaedheal and the Centre Party to form Fine Gael with O'Duffy as its first president in 1933. O'Duffy's radicalism and profascist sympathies resulted in his resignation from the party the following year. His next political venture, the fascistic National Corporate Party, failed to gain popular support. In 1936 he led the Irish Brigade to Spain to fight for Gen Franco during the Spanish Civil War (193639), but it returned home within six months due to infighting and poor military performance. O'Duffy was the author of The Crusade in Spain (1938).

Offa (died c. 796)

King of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia (west-central England) 75797. He conquered Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Surrey; defeated the Welsh and the West Saxons; and established Mercian supremacy over all England south of the River Humber. He built the earthwork known as Offa's Dyke along the Welsh border to defend his frontier in the west.

early Celtic alphabet, comprising in its basic form 20 letters made up of straight lines at a right angle or an oblique angle to a base line. It has been found in Cornwall, Wales, and Scotland, and dates from the 4th century AD.

O'Higgins, Ambrosio (17261801)

born Ambrose Higgins

Irish viceroy of Chile and Peru, born in County Meath. O'Higgins emigrated to South America as a young man and built rest places for a living. In 1770 he was appointed captain of a cavalry unit by the viceroy of Chile in a campaign against the Araucanian Indians. He won a key victory and established the fort of San Carlos. Rising in the military, he was appointed viceroy of Chile in 1789, lieutenant general in 1794, and viceroy of Peru in 1795. A highly respected and admired leader, O'Higgins helped defend the country in the Anglo-Spanish war of 1797.

O'Higgins, Kevin Christopher (18921927)

Irish politician. He supported the 1921 treaty which brought the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland) into existence. In the 1922 government he was minister for justice, was on the committee which drafted the constitution of the Irish Free State, and was responsible for its passage through the Dil. He also established the new civic guard and put down disorders. In 1927 he became minister for external affairs but was assassinated soon afterwards.

O'Kelly, Sean Thomas (18821966)

Irish Sen Tomas 'Ceallaigh

president of the Republic of Ireland 194559. He was one of the original members of Sinn Fein. He was Speaker of the first Dil ireann in 1918, vice-president of the executive council and minister for local government and public health 193239, and minister for finance and for education 193945.

He was also proprietor and editor of The Nation, general secretary of the Gaelic League, and vice-president of the Fianna Fil party.

old-age pension
regular payment made by the state or a private institution to persons who have reached a specified age and are eligible for such assistance. As part of German chancellor Bismarck's 'state socialism' of the 1880s, the Old-Age and Invalidity Insurance Law of 1889 provided pensions, with the costs divided between employers, employees, and the state. In 1908 the British Parliament passed the Old Age Pensions Act which provided a weekly pension of five shillings to people over 70 years of age (7s 6d for a married couple) with an income of less than ten shillings a week. Old-age pensions are a form of social security.

Oldcastle, John (died 1417)

Lord Cobham

English Lollard and rebel. He helped to suppress Owen Glendower's Welsh rising and later fought for Henry IV in France. In 1413 Thomas Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury, found him guilty of heresy and he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. He escaped, was declared outlawed in 1414, and seems to have plotted various rebellions. He was later captured and executed. He married Joan, Lady Cobham, in 1409 and was summoned to Parliament as Baron Cobham until 1413. Oldcastle has been thought by some to be the original of Shakespeare's Falstaff.

'Old Contemptibles'
name adopted by British soldiers who survived the retreat from Mons in 1914 and other early battles of World War I. The name came from Kaiser Wilhelm's angry outburst at his forces in Belgium being held up by 'Sir John French's contemptible little army'. The troops seized on this with delight and named their post-war veterans' association 'The Old Contemptibles'.

Old Pretender
nickname of James Edward Stuart, the son of James II of England.

Olivier of Ramsden, Sydney Haldane Olivier (18591943)

1st Baron Olivier of Ramsden

British politician, colonial administrator, and writer. He was governor of Jamaica 190713 and secretary of state for India in 1924, under the first Labour government. From 1886 to 1890 he was secretary of the Fabian Society, and held what were then considered advanced views on colonial policy.

O'Mahony, John (18161877)

Irish political leader, born in Kilbeheny, County Limerick, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. After taking part in the abortive rebellion of 1848 led by William Smith O'Brien, he fled to France, and from there to the USA in 1852. In New York, he became acquainted with the revolutionary publicist John Mitchel, and in 1858, with James Stephens in Dublin, he founded the Irish-American Fenian Brotherhood.

Omdurman, Battle of
victory 2 September 1898 of British and Egyptian troops under General Horatio Kitchener over Sudanese tribesmen (Dervishes) led by the Khalifa Abdullah el Taashi. The Khalifa escaped, to be pursued and later brought to battle and killed.

Ommanney, Erasmus (18141904)

English admiral. He took part in the Battle of Navarino in 1827 and discovered the first traces of the fate of the naval explorer John Franklin in 1850.

major Gaelic Irish dynasty of Ulster in the later Middle Ages, descended from the Cenl nEghain branch of the U Nill, an ancient family which dominated mid-Ulster in the 9th and 10th centuries. Having suffered eclipse in the 11th century, the O'Neills recovered status through their leadership of Gaelic resistance to the Anglo-Norman invaders of Ulster, consolidating their pre-eminent position in Ulster at the Battle of Caimeirghe in 1241. However, their defeat at the Battle of Down (1260) ended O'Neill ambitions to restore the high kingship of Ireland. Thereafter, successive O'Neill chieftains sought to stabilize their position through complex armed alliances with other Ulster lords, the Scots, and the great Anglo-Norman houses. Such aspirations reached their peak in 1480 with the conclusion of a marriage alliance with the powerful Fitzgeralds of Kildare. The fall of the Kildare Fitzgeralds in 1536 left the O'Neill's vulnerable to reprisals from factional rivals. They sought escape by means of a surrender and regrant treaty with

the English crown in 1542, under which Conn Bacach O'Neill (14841559) surrendered his lands to Henry VIII and received them back, along with the title Earl of Tyrone. Succession problems arising from the illegitimacy and political weakness of Conn's nominated heir, Matthew (died 1559), led to the rise of another legitimate son, Shane (15301567), and violent internecine war. Rejecting Shane's claims to the succession, the crown had him assassinated and restored the original succession through Matthew's younger son Hugh O'Neill, who was created 2nd Earl of Tyrone in 1585. Hugh proved to be highly independent and, after some hesitation, became leader of the Ulster rebellion against government forces in 1594. Following the surrender of the Ulster chiefs in 1603, their sudden departure from Ireland in 1607, known as the Flight of the Earls, was intended to be temporary but ended in prolonged exile in Rome. Although Hugh's nephew, Owen Roe O'Neill, returned to lead an army for the Confederation of Kilkenny in their rebellion of the 1640s, the main O'Neill line died out with Hugh in Rome.

O'Neill, Hugh (c.15501616)

2nd Earl of Tyrone; called 'the Great O'Neill'

Irish chieftain and rebel. After repeatedly intriguing against Elizabeth I and her successor James I, he fled from Ireland into exile and died in Rome.

O'Neill, Owen Roe (c. 15901649)

Irish soldier, the nephew of Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone. He fought in the Spanish army, and in Ireland after the outbreak of the great rebellion of 164149. He was given command of the Ulster forces on the side of the Confederates, and fought with great success until his death.

O'Neill, Shane (c. 15301567)

2nd Earl of Tyrone; called 'the proud earl'

Irish chief. After a dispute over the succession to the title he expelled his father and seized the chieftainship. After initial support from Elizabeth I he launched attacks on both Ulster and the Pale, but was stopped by Sir Henry Sidney and the opposition of his rivals, the O'Donnells. He was virtually independent of English rule in Ulster.

O'Neill, Terence (19141990)

Baron O'Neill of the Maine

Northern Irish Unionist politician. He was minister of finance 195663, then prime minister of Northern Ireland 196369. He expounded liberal policies and in 1965 exchanged visits with the Republic of Ireland's Taoiseach (prime minister) Sen Lemass to improve cross-border relations, but his government achieved little substantial reform. He resigned when opposed by his party on measures to extend rights to Roman Catholics, including a universal franchise in local elections. O'Neill was born in London into a wealthy Anglo-Irish family. He was sent to Eton public school, then entered the Irish Guards, serving as a captain in World War II. He was a Unionist member of parliament at Stormont (the Northern Ireland parliament) from 194670 and was made a life peer in 1970.

open-field system
system of agriculture in lowland areas of England during the Middle Ages. A medieval village would normally have three large fields throughout which each farmer's land was distributed in scattered strips (theoretically of good and bad land), separated by raised ridges of land called balks, while another area was set aside for common grazing. By the early 19th century, enclosure meant that most farmland had been consolidated into individual holdings, allowing greater efficiency and the isolation of animal disease. A form of the open-field system survives at Laxton in Nottinghamshire. Farming activity in each village or manor was coordinated by the landowner's steward, or reeve. Two fields would be cultivated (usually with corn) each year, the third being left fallow to recover its fertility.

Orange Order
in Northern Ireland, solely Protestant organization founded in County Armagh in 1795 in opposition to the Defenders, a Catholic secret society. It was a revival of the Orange Institution founded in 1688 to support William (III) of Orange, whose victory over the Catholic James II at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 has been commemorated annually by Protestants in parades since 1796. The new order was organized into Orange Societies in a similar way to freemasonry, with a system of lodges. It has institutional ties with the Ulster Unionist Party.

early history
The Orange Order was established following the victory of the Protestant Peep o'Day Boys over the Defenders in the sectarian Battle of the Diamond (1795) near Loughgall, County Armagh. During the late 1790s the order spread to many Irish counties and centralized its leadership in Dublin in 1798. Initially a proletarian organization, this development reflected growing support among the gentry officials who saw its wider military and political potential in opposing the radical reformist United Irishmen. Orangemen served as armed auxiliaries in the suppression of the Rebellion of 1798, and lodges spread into the armed forces.

Orangemen resisted Catholic emancipation in the early 19th century. This opposition was sometimes violent and the government banned the Orange Order in 1825, along with the Catholic Association. Gentry support had declined and the Grand Lodge voluntarily dissolved in 1836. Orangeism survived at a popular level and was reactivated as a political force in the 1880s by landlords opposed to home rule. This revival continued as the Orange Order became an integral part of unionist resistance to home rule. The link continued with the formation of Northern Ireland in 1921 and the Orange Order still retains institutional ties with the Ulster Unionists. Its political prominence is cyclical. In the late 1990s nationalist opposition to some of its traditional marches led to parades, like the Drumcree march at Portadown, County Armagh in 1997 and 1998, assuming immense significance during attempts to create new political structures in Northern Ireland.

Ordinances, the
in England, demands made by the baronial opponents of Edward II 1311. The 41 demands were designed to weaken the powers of the monarchy and strengthen the role of the barons in government. They included the expulsion of the king's favourite Piers Gaveston, control over the king's officers, preservation of the royal demesne, and annual parliaments. The demands were initially met but were repealed 1322 by the Statute of York.

Celtic tribe in central and northwest Wales which resisted Roman occupation AD 43 78. They supported Caractacus. Their frequent revolts eventually subsided AD 78, but they remained under a form of military occupation and were never really romanized.

Orford, 1st Earl of

title of the British politician Robert Walpole.

or Ormonde

see Butlers of Ormond.

Ormond, James Butler (16651745)

2nd Duke of Ormond

Irish nobleman and military commander, grandson of James Butler, 12th earl and 1st Duke of Ormond. He led William III's Life Guards at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, and under Queen Anne was twice appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland (170305, 171013) and captain-general of the forces. However, because he continued to maintain ties with the Jacobites supporters of the 'Old Pretender' James Francis Edward Stuart he was removed from office by George I and impeached on charges of high treason. He fled to France, where he died in exile. Ormond was born in Dublin, the eldest surviving son of Thomas, Earl of Ossory. He first fought in the battle of Sedgemoor in 1685 against the Duke of Monmouth. He succeeded to the dukedom in 1688, commanded the troops in Admiral George Rooke's raid on Cadiz in 1702, and was made commander-in-chief of British forces (succeeding John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough) against France and Spain in 1711, in the final phase of the War of the Spanish Succession.

Ormond, James Butler, 1st Duke of Ormond (16101688)

Anglo-Irish general. He commanded the Charles I's Royalist troops in Ireland 1641 50 during the Irish rebellion and the English Civil War, and was lord lieutenant 1644 47, 166169, and 167784. He was created a marquess in 1642 and a duke in 1661.

O'Rourke, Brian-na-Murtha (died 1591)

Irish chieftain, a leading opponent of English rule in Ireland in the late 16th century. Large areas of Galway, Sligo, and the west of Ulster were under his control, where he sheltered shipwrecked sailors from the Spanish Armada. He went to Scotland to seek support from James VI, but was detained and handed over to the English, who tried and executed him at Tyburn, London.

Osborne Judgement
UK legal ruling of 1909 that prevented trade unions from using membership subscriptions to finance the Labour Party. In 1913 the judgement was negated by the Trade Union Act, which permitted them to raise political levies and provide financial support to the Labour Party. Individual trade unionists could 'contract out' of the political levy by signing a form saying they did not wish to pay.

ancient kingdom, lasting until 1110, in Leinster, Ireland; the name is preserved in some Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic bishoprics.

Anglo-Saxon king. He became king of Bernicia (one of the two divisions of Northumbria) on the death of his brother Oswald 641 and defeated and killed King Penda of Mercia 655. As King of Northumbria 65570 he gained supremacy over all Mercia, the South Angles, East Angles, and East Saxons, as well as many Britons and Scots, He presided at the Synod of Whitby 664.

Oswy (612670)
King of Northumbria. He succeeded to the kingdom of Bernicia on the death of his brother, St Oswald, in 642. His early attempts to reunite the kingdom of Deira, by this time virtually a Mercian province, and Bernicia failed. In 654 Penda, King of Mercia, determined to conquer Oswy, and in a battle against overwhelming odds at an unidentified place called Winwaed in west Yorkshire, Penda was killed. Oswy was temporarily overlord of Mercia and southern England, but in 657 Mercia threw off his rule. For the rest of his reign he was simply king of Northumbria. Oswy was a champion of Christianity and a patron of learning and the church.

Ottawa Conferences
two Imperial Conferences held in Ottawa, Canada, 1894 and 1932. The earlier meeting of leaders from the British Empire discussed improved communications between the dominions and Britain. The later meeting took place during the Depression, but instead of an empire-wide trading agreement, Imperial preference was negotiated through 12 separate agreements, ending any hopes of a selfsufficient Commonwealth.

Otterburn, Battle of
or Chevy Chase

battle on 15 August 1388 in which an inferior Scottish army heavily defeated an English army under Henry 'Hotspur' Percy, who was himself taken prisoner. The Scottish commander, the 3rd Earl of Douglas, was killed in the battle.

Outram, James (18031863)

British general, born in Derbyshire. He entered the Indian Army 1819, served in the Afghan and Sikh wars, and commanded in the Persian campaign of 1857. On the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny, he cooperated with General Henry Havelock (1795 1857) to raise the siege of Lucknow, and held the city until relieved by Sir Colin Campbell (later Baron Clyde). KCB 1856, baronet 1858.

Owen, Robert (17711858)

British socialist, born in Wales. In 1800 he became manager of a mill at New Lanark in Scotland, where, by improving working and housing conditions and providing schools, he created a model community. His ideas stimulated the cooperative movement (the pooling of resources for joint economic benefit).

Oxford and Asquith, Earl of

title of British Liberal politician Herbert Henry Asquith.

oyer and terminer

(late Middle English 'hear and determine')

judicial circuit established in the 13th century and convening more frequently than the existing eyre. They were established specifically to hear pleas of the crown (cases involving a serious breach of the king's peace) and were often presided over by junior judges or sergeants. They were assimilated into the courts of assizes.

Paardeburg, Battle of
during the South African War, Boer defeat by the British in February 1900, at Paardeburg Hill, on the Modder River about 95 km/60 mi west of Bloemfontein.

an apprentice knight.

Paisley, Bob (19191996)

English football coach and manager. Associated with Liverpool Football Club throughout his career, he is celebrated as one of the most successful club managers in British football history. Under his leadership from 1974 to 1983, Liverpool won six League championships, three European Cups, the UEFA Cup once, and also won three League Cups only the FA Cup eluded him. Paisley was born in Hetton-le-Hole, and served in the army's desert campaigns of World War II. He joined Liverpool as a player, winning a championship medal in

1947, and then became one of the club's coaching staff for 20 years before succeeding Bill Shankly (191381) as manager in 1974.

Pakenham, William Christopher (18611933)

British admiral. In World War I, he commanded the 3rd cruiser squadron before taking charge of the 2nd battle cruiser squadron at the Battle of Jutland 1916. He succeeded Admiral Beatty as commander of the battle cruiser force December 1916 and was knighted in the same year. KCB 1916.

Pale, the English

in Irish history, the fortified area round Dublin, where English rule operated after the English settlement of Ireland in 1171. The term soon came to include the surrounding counties of Dublin, Meath, Kildare, and Louth, and was recognized politically until the early 17th century, when medieval boundaries were overtaken by the Plantation of Ireland 15561660. The phrase 'beyond the Pale' derives from the English Pale. The English settlers living inside the Pale in Ireland considered themselves to be cultured and lawabiding, while the Gaelic Irish living outside the Pale were viewed as uncivilized and lawless. Hence when someone behaves in a manner that is beyond the bounds of acceptability they are said to be 'beyond the Pale'. The phrase reflects the culturally negative view of the Irish held by many of the British over the centuries. Further evidence of negativity is seen in the Statute of Kilkenny passed by the English parliament held in Kilkenny in 1366. The statute attempted to ban intermarriage and contact between Anglo-Norman settlers and the Irish. Although this restriction was as much to do with fear of the Irish people and loss of property through marriage and other contracts, it also reflects the Anglo-Norman colonists' culturally negative view of Gaelic society.

Palliser, Hugh (17231796)

British admiral. In 1759, in his ship Shrewsbury, in which he had fought under George Anson off the French island of Ushant and captured many ships, he took part in the operations in the St Lawrence leading to the capture of Qubec, Canada. In 1764 he was governor and commander-in-chief of Newfoundland, Canada, and in 1778 he was promoted to vice-admiral. He became a rear-admiral in 1787. Palliser was governor of Greenwich Hospital. He was born in Yorkshire, England.

Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784 1865)

British politician. He was prime minister 185558 (when he rectified Aberdeen's mismanagement of the Crimean War, suppressed the Indian Mutiny, and carried through the Second Opium War) and 185965 (when he almost involved Britain in the American Civil War on the side of the South). Initially a Tory, in Parliament from 1807, he was secretary-at-war 180928. He broke with the Tories in 1830 and sat in the Whig cabinets of 183034, 183541, and 184651 as foreign secretary. He became viscount in 1802. Palmerston succeeded to an Irish peerage in 1802. He served under five Tory prime ministers before joining the Whigs. His foreign policy was marked by distrust of France and Russia, against whose designs he backed the independence of Belgium and Turkey. He became home secretary in the coalition government of 1852, and prime minister on its fall, and was responsible for the warship Alabama going to the Confederate side in the American Civil War. He was popular with the public and made good use of the press, but his high-handed attitude annoyed Queen Victoria and other ministers.

Pankhurst, Christabel (18801958)

English campaigner for women's suffrage. She was the daughter of the English suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst. After 1918 she devoted herself to a religious movement.

Pankhurst, Emmeline (18581928)

born Emmeline Goulden

English suffragette. Founder of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) in 1903, she launched the militant suffragette campaign in 1905. In 1926 she joined the Conservative Party and was a prospective Parliamentary candidate for Whitechapel.


(Image Billie Love)

The English suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, often referred to simply as Mrs. Pankhurst, c. 1908. Founder of the Women's Social and Political Union, she was arrested several times for her sometimes violent campaigning, undertaking hunger strikes and enduring forcible feeding. During World War I, she abandoned her militancy and encouraged the industrial recruitment of women.

Pankhurst, Sylvia Estelle (18821960)

English campaigner for women's suffrage. She was the daughter of the English suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst. She became a pacifist in 1914 and in 1921 was imprisoned for six months for seditious publications. After the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, she devoted her life to that country's independence, settling there permanently in 1956. Her works include The Suffrage Movement (1931) and a biography of her mother, published in 1935.

Paris, Matthew (c. 12001259)

English chronicler. He entered St Albans Abbey in 1217, and wrote a valuable history of England up to 1259.

British tribe in Yorkshire. They were conquered by the Romans c.AD 70 and probably became a civitas, with their capital at Petuaria, possibly modern Brough on Humber. They were known for their cart-burials.

Park, Mungo (17711806)

Scottish explorer who traced the course of the Niger River 179597. He disappeared and probably drowned during a second African expedition 180506. He published Travels in the Interior of Africa (1799). Park spent 18 months in the Niger Basin while tracing the river. Even though he did not achieve his goal of reaching Timbuktu, he proved that it was feasible to travel through the interior of Africa.

Parker, Hyde (17141782)

English admiral. Having been given command of the East India fleet, Parker sailed from Rio de Janeiro on 12 December 1782 but neither he nor his ship was heard of again. Nine years later the ship's equipment was found and it was presumed to have been lost with all hands.

Parker, Hyde (17391807)

British admiral. He distinguished himself in the American Revolution, and took part in the action off the Dogger Bank under his father. In 1801 he was in supreme command of the fleet which was sent to the Baltic against the fleets of Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. It was his signal that Horatio Nelson ignored at the battle of Copenhagen by jocularly putting his telescope to his blind eye to look at the signals. Parker later compelled Sweden to remain neutral, and was ready to sail to Kronstadt, Russian, when the Tsar's death put an end to hostilities.

Parker, Matthew (15041575)

English cleric. He was converted to Protestantism at Cambridge University. He received high preferment under Henry VIII and Edward VI, and as archbishop of

Canterbury from 1559 was largely responsible for the Elizabethan religious settlement (the formal establishment of the Church of England).

Parker, William (17811866)

British admiral of the fleet. He entered the navy in 1793 and served in the Channel fleet under Lord Howe. He protected British interests on the Tagus, Spain, during the civil war of 1834. In 1841 he was appointed commander-in-chief in China, and, having captured Amoy, Ning-po, Woosung, and Shanghai, brought the war to a successful conclusion by seizing Chinkiang-foo. He rose to the rank of admiral of the fleet in 1863.

Parkes, Harry Smith (18281885)

British diplomat. He was attach in 1842 to Henry Pottinger's punitive expedition up the Yangtze, China, and, though only 15 years old at the time, Parkes's knowledge of the language made him of immense service to the commissariat. In September 1843 he entered the British Consulate at Canton, China, eventually becoming head of the legation at Canton in 1857. Appointed consul at Shanghai in 1861, he left there for diplomatic work in Japan in 1865. Returning to China in 1883, he took over the legation at Peking, carried through a valuable treaty with Korea, and acquired Port Hamilton for a British coaling station in the northern Pacific. Parkes was born in Birchill Hall, Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England. He studied at King Edward's Grammar School, and in 1841 travelled to China to join his sisters. On his arrival at Macau he applied himself to the study of Chinese, which laid the foundation of his successful career.

Parkinson, Cyril Northcote (19091993)

English writer and historian, celebrated for his study of public and business administration, Parkinson's Law: the Pursuit of Progress (1958), which included the dictum: 'work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion'. Parkinson's Law first appeared as an article in the London Economist in 1955, based largely on his experience of bureaucracy as an army staff officer. It was a humorous guide to boardroom behaviour and decision-making (or lack of it), exposing organizations that had become too large and unresponsive. He stated that administrators made work for each other to increase their staff numbers and enhance their own prestige. Parkinson introduced his second law in Law and the Profits (1960), which stated that expenditure always rises to meet income.

(French 'speaking')

legislative (law-making) body of a country. The world's oldest parliament is the Icelandic Althing, which dates from about 930. The UK Parliament is usually dated from 1265. The legislature of the USA is called Congress and comprises the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the UK Parliament is the supreme legislature, consisting of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The origins of Parliament are in the 13th century, but its powers were not established until the late 17th century. The powers of the Lords were curtailed in 1911, and the duration of parliaments was fixed at five years, but any Parliament may extend its own life, as happened during both world wars. The UK Parliament meets in the Palace of Westminster, London.

Britain's Unwritten Constitution

parliamentary sovereignty Unlike most modern democracies that have written constitutions and bills of rights, Britain has never written down a set of rules that governs its democracy. Instead, the British constitution was settled in 1688 through a division of power between Parliament and the King, embodied in the English Bill of Rights. At the core of this arrangement is the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, established by the 1688 settlement. This itself was the product of decades of struggle between Parliament and monarchs. According to this doctrine, Parliament is the only source of political authority; it is sovereign and can make and unmake laws at will. Unlike countries with a written constitution, there are no fundamental laws that can bind Parliament. Although certain practices, such as universal suffrage, are deeply ingrained in British culture, there is nothing to stop Parliament perfectly lawfully abolishing voting and extending its own life indefinitely. Nor does our society possess fundamental rights. Instead, broadly speaking, our laws tell us what we cannot do and our freedom exists, to use Thomas Hobbes' phrase, 'in the silence of the law'. the problems with parliamentary sovereignty In practice, this doctrine often ends up being the sovereignty of government the will of the largest political party rather than Parliament. Away from Westminster, as we live in unitary state (as opposed to a federal state), all other tiers of government local government, development boards, health authorities, regional assemblies are creatures of Parliament. They can be made and unmade at will. At Westminster itself, the House of Commons is dominated by the government. About one-third of MPs of the majority party hold a government post they are known as the 'payroll vote'. There is a generally effective system of party discipline through the whips. Prime Ministerial favour deals out political honours, decides who goes on foreign trips, who is preferred for office and so on, creating a considerable concentration of patronage. So, without formal checks and balances, Parliament is often dominated by the government. Crown in Parliament The government in Britain is known as the Crown in Parliament. This means that the government functions with the power of a monarch. Governments can make or amend treaties and declare war without reference to Parliament, as was shown by the legal advice given the government relating to the Maastricht Treaty. It can govern

through statutory instrument or orders in council, which in other countries would be known as government by decree. Indeed, the UK is best understood not as a democracy in the real sense of the word, but as a limited monarchy. composition of Parliament Members of Parliament are elected by a first-past-the-post system. As a result, no government in the last 30 years has commanded a majority of votes cast, let alone a majority vote among the population as a whole. It is generally accepted that there have been three great electoral victories this century that have changed the face of the country the Liberals in 1906, Labour in 1945, and the Conservatives in 1979. All were won on a minority of the popular vote: a minority of the population has elected governments that have then been able to wield vast concentrations of power. It is little wonder that Lord Hailsham, when in Opposition, called this situation 'elective dictatorship'. It is scarcely surprising that, in the past few years, judges have become increasingly active in challenging the actions of ministers, arguing from the belief that Parliament is failing to hold government to account. People feel that a determined government can and does ignore widely held views. And there is an increasing sense that our political institutions are not capable of responding to the challenges of the modern world. changes: a Bill of Rights Public concern at the state of British democracy has led to strong public support for constitutional reform. Many people believe that a Bill of Rights would enshrine those basic civil and political freedoms that are necessary to a democratic society. The basis for such a Bill already exists in the European Convention of Human Rights, which Britain has pledged to uphold. If this were appropriately updated, it could be made law or incorporated in the UK. This would provide a means for redress for breaches of our rights in British courts that is currently only available after lengthy and expensive legislation in Strasbourg. freedom of information A Freedom of Information Act would establish our right to know. This legislation would be based on the presumption that all information in the hands of the government should be made available to its citizens. Any exceptions to this rule should be limited and specific. They must be necessary to protect life, or to guarantee the security of the nation. This would mean an end to blanket terms such as 'national security', which have often been abused by governments in their own narrow party political interest. A Freedom of Information Act should also set up a new framework of public law to regulate the way in which policy is made, ensuring that policy bodies cannot be lobbied in secret, or make decisions based on inadequate, or biased, research. Parliament brought up to date Parliament itself needs to be more independent of government, returning to the spirit of 1688, but updated to suit a modern setting. Backbench MPs, who arrive in Parliament at the moment with no clear task to perform must be provided with a proper job. This could be achieved by expanding the existing Select Committees (bodies that monitor Parliament's work in particular areas) into departmental committees with a space for every MP. The new committees should have tough

powers to scrutinize the work of government with the resources of the National Audit Office at their disposal to make sure they have the information they need. They should also have the power to undertake pre-legislative scrutiny of Bills, including the right to take evidence in public, so that the process of policy-making can be broadened. Looking at Bills before they become law could help to stop poor-quality legislation such as the Dangerous Dogs Act. Moreover, fixed-term Parliaments would help to prevent the flagrant manipulation of politics in the government's interests. decentralize power But even a reformed Parliament could not cope with the volume of business of a modern state. It cannot possibly provide adequate scrutiny for everything, or know all there is to know about legislation affecting a particular region of the country. The volume of business of primary and secondary legislation is beyond any minister or MP. The forthcoming Parliament in Scotland and Assembly in Wales should mean that decisions affecting local people are taken closer to the communities they affect. An equivalent regional government in England might be a logical addition. Some people argue that these changes could destroy the UK, but we need not be afraid of flexibility in our political arrangements other countries, such as Germany, survive with it. electoral reform Some consideration is also being given to electoral reform. We need a system where seats in Parliament are held in proportion to the number of votes cast by the people. A first step could be a referendum giving voters in this country a choice of options for their voting system for the first time in our history. Europe In parallel, it is also necessary to tackle the accountable nature of European Community institutions. Any country that wishes to join the European Community has to fulfil certain democratic criteria. It is one of the ironies of history that the European Community would fail its own admissions requirements. Its only democratic body, the Parliament, has virtually no power, and the powerful European Commission is in many ways accountable to nobody. As discussions of economic and political union grow more intense and heated, and as Britain approaches the convergence criteria for Monetary Union, it is vitally important that questions about the democratic nature of European institutions are raised now. As a minimum, this would mean applying a European Bill of Rights throughout the European Community to create minimum accountability of the European Commission to the citizens of Europe, which it lacks at present. prerogative powers The role of the monarch as the head of state also needs to be considered. It is vital that the royal powers of the 'prerogative' that are used by government ministers are taken away from the monarch and placed under Parliamentary control. Whether the monarchy would continue to be the ceremonial head of state, or whether people would prefer an elected head of state, could then be the subject of a referendum. culture of liberty

None of this is a comprehensive 'answer' to the question of improving democracy. The defence of democracy requires vigilance in the population as a whole. As a US Supreme Court judge said, 'When liberty dies in the hearts of men and women, no law can revive it'. The culture of liberty in this country is very real but it needs nurturing, strengthening and modernizing like any other aspect of life.

Parliament Act 1911

in Britain, statute severely curtailing the power of the House of Lords and asserting the primacy of the House of Commons. The law, introduced after the Lords rejected Lloyd George's radical People's Budget of 1909, prohibited the Lords from interfering with financial legislation and abolished their power to reject other types of legislation passed by the Commons, restricting them to delaying it for up to two years. The law also reduced the maximum life of a parliament from seven years to five. The act was fiercely resisted and only received the Lords' assent when George V agreed to create sufficient Liberal peers to force it through. A second Parliament Act in 1949, further limiting the period the Lords could delay legislation to a year, was also strongly opposed and was eventually passed without the Lords' assent under the terms of the 1911 act.

parliamentary reform
in Britain, the aftermath of the Revolutionary Wars saw a period of political agitation for parliamentary reform that was met by government repression. However, there was a gradual reform of the clearly corrupt and archaic voting system in the 19th century, with Reform Acts in 1832, 1867, and 1884. The Industrial Revolution empowered the middle classes, who demanded and received a say in government, and by the end of the 19th century the franchise had been extended to male agricultural labourers (full male franchise came in 1918). The women's movement won its battle for the full right to vote in 1928 (women were granted limited franchise in 1918).

rebellion and repression

Britain was hit by a period of economic repression following the Napoleonic Wars, that gave rise to a number of demonstrations, plots, and failed rebellions the Spa Fields riots (1816), the Pentrich Rising (1817), the blanketeers (1817), and the Cato Street Conspiracy (1820). The government's response was repression, in the forms of the Combination Acts (1799), and the Peterloo massacre and the Six Acts of 1819.

electoral system before 1832

The electoral system before 1832 was clearly corrupt. A borough member of Parliament (MP) had to own land worth 300 a year; a county MP 600. In the counties the voters had to possess land worth 2 a year; in the boroughs the right to vote varied, from all the freemen to burgage holders (people who paid rent to the lord of the manor), or scot-and-lot voters (who paid certain taxes). Bribery of voters was common, particularly in the rotten (or pocket) boroughs (constituencies which

returned members to Parliament despite having small numbers of electors), where one man could have the patronage of two MPs. Other elections were marred by violence and intimidation; voting was open at the hustings, so voters could be held to account after the election. Most of all, the system was out of date desolate boroughs like Old Sarum returned two MPs, whereas Birmingham, Leeds, and Manchester did not have the right to elect MPs to Parliament. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, the middle class were growing in power, and demanding political representation.

reform after 1832

In 1832 the First Reform Act disenfranchised 56 rotten boroughs, and gave 42 towns the right to elect MPs. There was a limited extension of the franchise. The working classes did not get the vote, which gave rise to Chartism, a radical democratic movement of 183848. As the 19th century progressed there were further Reform Acts in 1867 and 1884. In 1872 the Ballot Act made voting secret and put an end to bribery. The franchise was further extended in the 20th century. Suffragists and suffragettes fought for the vote for women, and in 1918 the Representation of the People Acts gave the vote in the UK to men over 21 years and to women over 30. In 1928 a further act gave women the vote from the age of 21. In 1971 the voting age for men and women was lowered to the age of 18.

parliamentary reform acts

UK acts of Parliament 1918, 1928, and 1971. The 19th century witnessed the gradual reform of the voting system in Britain and suffrage was extended in the 20th century. In 1918 the Representation of the People Act gave the vote in the UK to men over 21 years and to women over 30. In 1928 a further act gave women the vote from the age of 21. In 1971 the voting age for men and women was lowered to the age of 18.

Parliament, Houses of
building where the UK legislative assembly meets. The present Houses of Parliament in London, designed in Gothic Revival style by the architects Charles Barry and A W N Pugin, were built 184060, the previous building having burned down in 1834. It incorporates portions of the medieval Palace of Westminster. The House of Commons debating chamber was destroyed by incendiary bombs in 1941: the rebuilt chamber (opened in 1950) is the work of architect Giles Gilbert Scott and preserves its former character.

Parnell, Charles Stewart (18461891)

Irish nationalist politician. He supported a policy of obstruction and violence to attain home rule, and became the president of the Nationalist Party in 1877. In 1879 he

approved the Land League, and his attitude led to his imprisonment in 1881. His career was ruined in 1890 when he was cited as co-respondent in a divorce case. Because of his great influence over his followers, he was called 'the uncrowned king of Ireland'. Parnell, born in Avondale, County Wicklow, was elected member of Parliament for Meath in 1875. He welcomed Gladstone's Home Rule Bill, and continued his agitation after its defeat in 1886. In 1887 his reputation suffered from an unfounded accusation by The Times of complicity in the murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish, chief secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Three years later came the adultery scandal, and for fear of losing the support of Gladstone, Parnell's party deposed him. He died suddenly of rheumatic fever at the age of 45.

Parnell, Frances ('Fanny') (18491882) and Anna (18521911)

sisters of the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell. They set up the Ladies' Land League in 1881, in support of the Land League founded by their brother and Michael Davitt two years earlier. Anna was the more radical of the pair, and was a fund-raiser in the USA in the 1870s. After setting up the Ladies' Land League her extremism was denounced by the Catholic Church. Considered the first modern Irish female agitator, she became estranged from her brother after he withdrew support for her movement. Fanny was a poet who gave Anna the idea for the Ladies' Land League. Her health was always poor and her poems became increasingly dark.

Parr, Catherine (15121548)

Sixth wife of Henry VIII of England. She had already lost two husbands when in 1543 she married Henry. She survived him, and in 1547 married the Lord High Admiral Thomas Seymour of Sudeley (15081549).

separation of Ireland into the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland under the Government of Ireland Act (1920). This was recognized by the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) following the Anglo-Irish War (191921). In the south, the nationalists were given independence from Britain within the British Commonwealth, with the setting up of the mainly Roman Catholic Irish Free State. In the north the unionists gained control over six of the nine counties of Ulster, those with a Protestant majority, and remained part of the UK as Northern Ireland.

Passfield, Baron Passfield

title of the Fabian socialist Sidney Webb.

Paston family
family of Norfolk, England, whose correspondence and documents (known as the Paston letters) for 14221509 throw valuable light on the period.

Paston Letters
correspondence of a Norfolk family, together with state papers and other documents, covering the period 14221509. They form an invaluable source of information on 15th-century life and manners, and on conditions during the Wars of the Roses, as well as giving vivid portraits of some members of the Paston family.

patent rolls
in England, records of royal grants of privileges or office made under the Great Seal from 1201. Most important administrative acts were recorded in this way, but by the later middle ages patent rolls were used only for more formal decisions, such as the creation of peerages or royal appointments. They are still maintained but patents for inventions are held by the Post Office.

Paterson, Emma (18481886)

born Emma Smith

English trade unionist. Appointed secretary of the Women's Suffrage Association in 1872, she later founded the Women's Protective and Provident League to promote the establishment of trade unions, following the model of the Umbrella Makers' Union in New York. She became the first woman to be admitted as a delegate to the Trades Union Congress in 1875, and also co-founded and edited the Women's Union Journal in 1876. Born in London and educated by her father, she became an apprentice book-binder and then assisted her mother as a teacher.

Pathfinder Force
in World War II, special RAF force of highly experienced and skilled bomber crews carrying the best navigational equipment and used to find and mark targets for the main bombing forces.

This economized on navigational equipment and skilled operators, leaving the average bomber crew to go to the selected target area, spot the markers usually coloured flares and use these as their aiming mark.

power to give a favoured appointment to an office or position in politics, business, or the church; or sponsorship of the arts. Patronage was for centuries bestowed mainly by individuals (in Europe often royal or noble) or by the church. In the 20th century, patrons have tended to be political parties, the state, and in the arts private industry and foundations.

Paulinus (died 644)

Roman missionary to Britain who joined St Augustine in Kent in 601. He was made a bishop in 625 and went to Northumbria where he succeeded in converting King Edwin and his court in 627. He became the first archbishop of York in 633 but following Edwin's death later in the year fled back to Kent where he was made bishop of Rochester. Excavations in 1978 revealed a church he built in Lincoln.

Peace Pledge Union

pacifist movement founded in 1936 by Canon Dick Sheppard (18801937). It grew rapidly in the late 1930s, attracting support from Bertrand Russell and Vera Brittain, and by 1940 had a membership of about 140,000. Support rapidly fell away after the invasion of the Low Countries and France.

Pearse, Patrick Henry (18791916)

Irish writer, educationalist and revolutionary. He was prominent in the Gaelic revival, and a leader of the Easter Rising in 1916. Proclaimed president of the provisional government, he was court-martialled and shot after its suppression. Pearse was a founding member of the Irish Volunteers, and was inducted into the Irish Republican Brotherhood (the Irish wing of the Fenian movement) in 1913. He came to believe that a 'blood sacrifice' was needed to awaken the slumbering Irish nation. In a famous graveside oration in 1915, he declared that 'Ireland unfree shall never be at peace'. He was commander-in-chief of the Volunteers during the Easter Rising in 1916, and read the declaration of the Irish Republic. The rebellion that he led emerged in short order as a defining moment in modern Irish history, its authors as founding martyrs of modern Ireland, and the words of the declaration as the sacred text of modern Irish republicanism.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Patrick (Pdraig) Henry Pearse (18791916) spent many summers in this simple cottage near Screeb in County Galway. His life's work was to ensure that the Irish had control over their own education, and that the language of Ireland should be respected and preserved.

Peart, (Thomas) Frederick (19141988)

Baron Peart of Workington

British Labour politician. He was minister of Agriculture 196468 and then Lord President of the Privy Council and leader of the House of Commons 196870. In March 1974 he again became minister of Agriculture. He was created a life peer in September 1976, but remained a member of the cabinet as Lord Privy Seal and leader of the House of Lords.

Peel, John (17761854)

English yeoman (independent farmer). He is the hero of the song 'D'ye ken John Peel', said to have been written about 1829 by his friend John Woodcock Graves to a folk tune, 'Bonnie Annie'. It is the regimental march of the Border Regiment.

Peel, Robert (17881850)

British Conservative politician. As home secretary 182227 and 182830, he founded the modern police force and in 1829 introduced Roman Catholic emancipation. He was prime minister 183435 and 184146, when his repeal of the Corn Laws caused him and his followers to break with the party. He became 2nd baronet in 1830.


(Image Billie Love)

A cartoon entitled 'Punch's Monument to Peel' following his repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. During his second term as conservative prime minister, poor harvests in England and the failure of the Irish potato crop in 1845 led Peel to implement this measure, contrary to his election pledge. The move split the party and Peel resigned.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Robert Peel, shown here in a contemporary illustration, was the founder in 1834 of the modern Conservative Party. He later split the party over the Corn Laws.

peel towers
or tower houses

Scottish fortified building comprising a main tower surrounded by an enclosure for livestock ('peel'), designed as protection against cross-border cattle raids.

Pelham, Henry (16961754)

English Whig politician. He held a succession of offices in Robert Walpole's cabinet 172142, and was prime minister 174354. His influence in the House of Commons was based on systematic corruption rather than ability. He concluded the War of the Austrian Succession and was an able financier.

prime minister
Having held a number of posts in the Treasury, Pelham was appointed secretary for war in 1724, and in 1743 First Lord of the Treasury and chancellor of the Exchequer, despite the opposition of Walpole's successor John Carteret (16901763). Pelham's period in office was one of general pacification. Opposition (including that of King George II) was overcome, an alliance was forged with the Dutch in 1744, and then peace concluded with the French in the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. This having

been established, Pelham devoted himself wholeheartedly to the reduction of national expenditure and the reorganization of the finances.

Welsh Penfro (Welsh 'land's end')

seaport and engineering centre in Pembrokeshire, southwest Wales; population (2001) 15,950. Henry VII was born in Pembroke Castle in 1457. Pembroke Dock was created in 1814 in conjunction with the Royal Navy dockyard, and there is now some light industry in the refurbished dock areas. Tourism is a growing industry. A car ferry operates between here and Rosslare in the Republic of Ireland.

Pembroke, William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke (15801630)

English courtier and patron of letters. He was briefly imprisoned by Elizabeth I for his misbehaviour with Mary Fitton, English courtier and maid of honour to the queen. A patron of Ben Jonson, Philip Massinger, William Browne, and Inigo Jones, among others, he was also interested in the Virginia, North-West Passage, Bermuda, and East India companies. Pembroke was lord chamberlain of the royal household (161526), lord steward (162630), and chancellor of Oxford University from 1617, Pembroke College being named after him. To him and his brother, the First Folio of Shakespeare's works was dedicated. Pembroke was born in Wilton, England. He was educated at Oxford University.

penal code
series of anti-Catholic laws introduced by the Dublin Parliament 16951727 in defiance of the Treaty of Limerick. Catholics were disenfranchised (no longer allowed to vote), banned from becoming members of Parliament or holding office, prevented from buying land from Protestants, and excluded from entry to higher education and the professions, such as medicine and law. Catholics were not allowed to join the British Army or Navy, were banned from owning a horse worth more than 5, and could be whipped if found with a gun. The measures were gradually repealed in the late 18th century, although the penal laws were not completely removed until the Catholic emancipation of 1829. The purpose of these laws was partly punishment for the support given by Irish Catholics to King James II between 1688 and 1690, and partly to ensure the domination of Ireland by the Protestant settlers. After the Protestant king William (III) of Orange defeated the combined forces of the Catholic kings James II and Louis XIV of France at the Battle of the Boyne (1690) and his Williamite forces achieved final victory at the subsequent Battle of Aughrim (1691), the Catholics in Ireland had no military backing to oppose the power of the Protestants and Britain.

By allowing only Protestants to vote or become members of Parliament, Protestants guaranteed that all laws and government decisions would favour them. The penal code ensured the final takeover of virtually all Ireland's land by Protestants. When these laws were introduced in 1695 Catholics still owned 20% of Ireland's lands, but by 1780 they owned just 5%. The Act to Prevent the Further Growth of Popery (1704) forced Catholic landowners to divide up what little land they had between all their sons when they died. This meant that the size of farms held by Catholics fell, and they were forced to rent more land off the Protestants, increasing the control of Protestant landowners over the Catholics and crippling them economically. The penal laws made protest by Catholics much more difficult. Denied access to the Dublin or London parliaments, they could not use peaceful or legal protests. The government hoped that Catholics would also be less likely to protest violently, as they were allowed only weak horses, had no guns, and were denied military training. As no Catholics were allowed a university education or access to the professions, it was hoped that no potential leaders would emerge for a rebellion. The Protestants were able to assert total control over Ireland's Catholics. They had the money, land, armed forces, and political power. In the long term, however, the penal laws had the opposite effect to subduing the Irish, as they fuelled resentment to British rule and encouraged thoughts of future rebellion.

Penn, William (16211670)

English Parliamentary admiral and general-at-sea. He served under Robert Blake in the First Dutch War. In 1654 he was appointed general and commander-in-chief of the fleet designed to proceed against the Spaniards in the West Indies. He tried to atone for his failure to take Hispaniola by the capture of Jamaica from the Spaniards in May 1655, the inhabitants falling an easy prey to his ragamuffin army of 8,000 troops in 38 ships. Appointed naval commander-in-chief of Jamaica, he returned to England without leave and was imprisoned for a short term. Penn was probably born in Bristol, England. He was the father of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. He entered into negotiation with the Royalists, and at the Restoration was knighted, and made a commissioner of the navy. In the Second Dutch War he had command at the battle of Lowestoft in 1665, but was not again employed on active service.

basic coin of English currency from about the 6th century, apparently named after Penda, king of Mercia. The penny was the only coin in general circulation until the 13th century and was defined in terms of a pound (libra) of silver, the equivalent of 240 pennies. One side showed the king's head, the other displayed the mark of the mint.

penny post

first prepaid postal service, introduced in Britain in 1840. Until then, postage was paid by the recipient according to the distance travelled. Rowland Hill of Shrewsbury suggested a new service which would be paid for by the sender of the letter or package according to its weight. The Penny Black stamp was introduced in May 1840, and bore the sovereign's portrait in the manner of coins.

Penruddock's Rising
failed royalist rising in Wiltshire in March 1655, led by Col Penruddock who, with 200 followers, entered Salisbury and seized members of the judiciary. The revolt was swiftly crushed, its leaders executed, and martial law under the major-generals imposed throughout the country.

Pentrich Rising
unsuccessful rising against the British government by a group of rebels from Pentrich, Derbyshire, on 9 June 1819. Thinking that they were part of a wider uprising, the rebels marched to attack Nottingham. In fact, they had been tricked into rebelling by William Oliver ('Oliver the Spy'), a government agent provocateur. No shots were fired and, realizing their mistake, they tried to return. However, they were captured and tried; 23 were found guilty of treason, 4 were hanged, and the rest were transported to Australia.

People's Budget
in UK history, the Liberal government's budget of 1909 to finance social reforms and naval rearmament. The chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George proposed graded and increased income tax and a 'supertax' on high incomes. The budget aroused great debate and precipitated a constitutional crisis. The People's Budget was passed in the House of Commons but rejected by the House of Lords. The prime minister Herbert Henry Asquith denounced the House of Lords for a breach of the constitution over the finance bill and obtained the dissolution of Parliament. The Liberals were returned to power in the general election of 1910. In 1911 the Parliament Act greatly reduced the power of the House of Lords.

People's Charter
the key document of Chartism, a movement for reform of the British political system in the 1830s. It was used to mobilize working-class support following the restricted extension of the franchise specified by the 1832 Reform Act. It was drawn up in February 1837.

The campaign failed but within 70 years four of its six objectives: universal male suffrage, abolition of property qualifications for members of Parliament, payment of MPs, and voting by secret ballot had been realized.

Perceval, Spencer (17621812)

British Tory politician. He became chancellor of the Exchequer in 1807 and prime minister in 1809. He was shot in the lobby of the House of Commons in 1812 by a merchant who blamed government measures for his bankruptcy.

Percival, Arthur (18871966)

British general. He took command of British forces in Malaya June 1941 and barely had time to consider his position before the Japanese invaded December 1941. He was keenly aware of the deficiencies in his defences but could extract no further support from Britain and was forced to surrender 15 February 1942. He was imprisoned in Manchuria but was present aboard the USS Missouri to see the Japanese formally surrender 2 September 1945.

Peter (or Peters), Hugh (15981660)

English-born Puritan preacher. He became a minister of the first church at Salem, Massachusetts. Peter returned to England in 1641 to represent Massachusetts Bay Colony, and served with the forces of Oliver Cromwell and Thomas Fairfax as an army chaplain. He took part in Parliamentarian politics, was a vigorous propagandist for the Parliamentary cause, and published many pamphlets. In 1660, at the Restoration, he was executed for his part in the death of Charles I. Peter was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge University. He emigrated to Holland and then to New England, where he established a colony at Saybrook, Connecticut, and was a co-founder of Harvard College.

Peterloo massacre
the events in St Peter's Fields in Manchester, England, on 16 August 1819, when an open-air meeting in support of parliamentary reform was charged by yeomanry (voluntary cavalry soldiers) and hussars (regular cavalry soldiers). Eleven people were killed and 500 wounded. The name was given in analogy with the Battle of Waterloo. The well-known radical politician Henry Hunt was to speak at the meeting. The crowd, numbering some 60,000 and including many women and children, was unarmed and entirely peaceful. The magistrates, who had brought in special constables from Lancashire and the Cheshire Yeomanry, nevertheless became

nervous and ordered Hunt's arrest. As the yeomanry attempted to obey them, they were pressed by the mob. The hussars were sent in to help, and, in the general panic which followed, 11 people were killed and about 500 injured. The 'massacre' aroused great public indignation, but the government stood by the magistrates and passed the Six Acts to control future agitation.

Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline (18671954)

Leader of the British women's suffrage movement. Involved in social work for several years, she joined the Pankhursts in the militant Women's Social and Political Union in 1906, and worked with them till 1912. In 1914 she joined the newly-formed United Suffragists. She was imprisoned five times for suffragist agitation. In 1913 she became joint editor with him of Votes for Women. She was invited to the USA in 1914 and helped to inaugurate the campaign which led to the political enfranchisement of US women. She was born Emmeline Pethick in Bristol, England, and was educated at private schools in England, France, and Germany. In 1901 she married F P Lawrence (later Lord Pethick-Lawrence), editor and part owner of the London evening paper, the Echo. She wrote My Part in a Changing World (1938).

supporters of the 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, who petitioned Charles II to call the parliament elected in August 1679 but suspended until October 1680. They supported the proposed Exclusion Bill to prevent a Catholic succession to the throne The petitioners were eventually to become the Whigs, and their opponents, the Abhorrers, so called because they objected to interference with the king's prerogative to summon a parliament, were to became known as the Tories.

petition of right
in British law, the procedure whereby, before the passing of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947, a subject petitioned for legal relief against the crown, for example for money due under a contract, or for property of which the crown had taken possession. An example is the petition of right presented by Parliament and accepted by Charles I in 1628, declaring illegal taxation without parliamentary consent, imprisonment without trial, billeting of soldiers on private persons, and use of martial law.

petty schools

type of school existing in the 16th and 17th centuries in England to give a basic education in reading, writing and arithmetic to children before they entered grammar school. The pupils were called 'petties'. The first part of Charles Hoole's New Discovery of the Old Art of Teaching Schools (1660), is entitled 'The Petty School' and deals with the education of children aged five to eight. The schools themselves were usually of a low standard.

village and battlefield in Scottish Borders unitary authority, Scotland, situated on Yarrow Water, 5 km/3 mi southwest of Selkirk. In 1645 James Montrose, 5th Earl of Montrose, and his Royalist army were defeated here by the Covenanters.

Philippa of Hainault (c. 13141369)

Daughter of William III Count of Holland; wife of King Edward III of England, whom she married in York Minster in 1328, and by whom she had 12 children (including Edward the Black Prince, Lionel Duke of Clarence, John Duke of Lancaster, Edmund Duke of York, and Thomas Duke of Gloucester). She was admired for her clemency and successfully pleaded for the lives of the six burghers of Calais who surrendered to save the town from destruction in 1347.

phoney war
the period in World War II between September 1939, when the Germans had occupied Poland, and April 1940, when the invasions of Denmark and Norway took place. During this time there were few signs of hostilities in Western Europe; indeed, Hitler made some attempts to arrange a peace settlement with Britain and France.

Picquigny, Treaty of
treaty between Edward IV of England and Louis XI of France, signed on 29 August 1475, in which Edward agreed to withdraw his troops in return for payment of a lump sum at the time and a regular annual pension thereafter. Edward had landed at Calais to mount an invasion of France, but discovered he would not receive the support he had expected from his Burgundian allies. The payment of the pension in the 16th century was the last trace of the English Crown's claim to France.

Roman term for a member of the peoples of northern Scotland, possibly meaning 'painted' (tattooed). Of pre-Celtic origin, and speaking a Celtic language which died

out in about the 10th century, the Picts are thought to have inhabited much of England before the arrival of the Celtic Britons. They were united with the Celtic Scots under the rule of Kenneth MacAlpin in 844. Their greatest monument is a series of carved stones, whose symbols remain undeciphered.

Picton, Thomas (17581815)

British soldier. He entered the army in 1771, became major in 1795, and took part in the capture of St Lucia in the following year. When Trinidad was taken from the Spanish in 1797 Picton was put in charge of the administration as a military dictator. His five years' tenure of office was characterized by arbitrary conduct but undoubted ability in maintaining order. He administered Trinidad so successfully that the inhabitants presented him with a golden sword when they petitioned against the retrocession of the island to Spain. He was present at the siege of Flushing in 1809, and was appointed governor of the town. He served in the Peninsular War under Wellington, and distinguished himself at the battles of Badajoz and Vittoria. Picton commanded a division at Quatre Bras, and was shot while leading a charge at the battle of Waterloo. He was born in Poyston, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

piepowder courts
(French pieds poudr 'dusty feet')

medieval courts which regulated fairs, markets, or seaports. The name is most likely a reference to the dusty feet of travellers coming to these venues.

'Pierce the Plowman's Crede'

medieval English alliterative poem written in about 1394, based on William Langland's poem 'Piers Plowman' (c. 136786). It is notable for its attack upon the conduct of the clergy, and its vivid description of a medieval villein, ploughing the land in winter 'beslombred in fen' (covered in mud), accompanied by his starving children and wife 'wrapped in a wynwe schete to weren hire fro weders, barfote on the bare ijs, that the blode folwede' (wrapped in a sacking sheet to protect her from the weather, barefoot on the bare ice, that the blood followed).

Piers Plowman
in full The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman

medieval English alliterative poem, written in about 136786 by William Langland. It tells of a wanderer who falls asleep in the Malvern Hills and dreams of the means to Christian salvation. Piers Plowman represents Christ and other characters include the personified seven deadly sins. As an allegory it has flashes of poetic quality

rather than a consistent and coherent poetic effect. The longest of several versions is over 7,200 lines. The work is structured in two parts, divided into books or passus. In Part I, the poet dreams of events in contemporary secular society in which personified abstractions such as Lady Holy Church, Lady Meed, Conscience, Reason, and the Seven Deadly Sins take part, alongside the idealized figure of Piers the ploughman himself. Part II shows the dreamer searching for Do-well, Do-bet, and Do-best, the good, better, and best ways of life, on the basis of his earlier experience.

pilgrimage, medieval
in the Middle Ages, the great centres of Christian pilgrimage were Jerusalem, Rome, the tomb of St James of Compostela in Spain, and the shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury, England. Pilgrimages had been common since the 2nd century and, as a result of the growing frequency and numbers of pilgrimages, the monasteries established numerous hospices to cater for the traffic of pilgrims, the religious orders of knighthood, and the Crusades.

Pilgrimage of Grace
rebellion against Henry VIII of England 153637, originating in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. The uprising was directed against the policies of the monarch (such as the Dissolution of the Monasteries during the Reformation and the effects of the enclosure of common land).

Pinkie, Battle of
battle of 10 September 1547 near Musselburgh, Lothian, Scotland, in which the Scots were defeated by the English under the Duke of Somerset.

pipe rolls
records of the Exchequer 11301832, which record the sheriff's annual accounts for each county. They form the longest series of public records in England. The term was also used by important ecclesiastics, such as the bishop of Winchester, for estate records.

Pitt, William, the Elder (17081778)

1st Earl of Chatham

British Whig politician, 'the Great Commoner'. As paymaster of the forces 174655, he broke with tradition by refusing to enrich himself; he was dismissed for attacking the Duke of Newcastle, the prime minister. He served effectively as prime minister in coalition governments 175661 (successfully conducting the Seven Years' War) and 176668. He was created an earl in 1766.

Pitt, William, the Younger (17591806)

British Tory prime minister 17831801 and 180406. He raised the importance of the House of Commons, clamped down on corruption, carried out fiscal reforms, and effected the union with Ireland. He attempted to keep Britain at peace but underestimated the importance of the French Revolution and became embroiled in wars with France from 1793; he died on hearing of Napoleon's victory at Austerlitz.


(Image Billie Love)

English statesman and prime minister, William Pitt the Younger. Serving a long tenure in power during the turbulent years of the French Revolution and the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars, the younger Pitt negotiated three European

coalitions against France with little success on land, but oversaw the foundation of British naval supremacy after the Battle of Trafalgar.

Place, Francis (17711854)

English Radical. He showed great powers as a political organizer, and made Westminster a centre of pro-labour union Radicalism. His campaign to secure the repeal of the anti-trade union Combination Acts (achieved in 1824) was a masterpiece of political lobbying. He organized meetings and conducted a campaign in the newspapers arguing that the Combination laws harmed the masters as much as the workers, for they interfered with labour relations and free trade. Having persuaded Parliament to conduct an enquiry, he handpicked the workers who would give evidence, selecting only the most moderate, smart, and quietly-spoken. He was also involved in Chartism, a radical political democratic movement.

in Britain, members of parliament who also held royal office, often sinecures, or were granted royal pensions in return for supporting the crown. Placemen were a feature of parliamentary life from the reigns of James II and William III but increased greatly with the expansion of Crown patronage in the late 17th century. Acts to prevent the placing of MPs invariably failed.

English royal house, which reigned from 1154 to1399, and whose name comes from the nickname of Geoffrey, Count of Anjou (11131151), father of Henry II, who often wore in his hat a sprig of broom, planta genista. In the 1450s, Richard, Duke of York, took 'Plantagenet' as a surname to emphasize his superior claim to the throne over that of Henry VI.

Plantation of Ireland
colonization and conquest of Ireland by English and Scottish settlers from 1556 to 1660. There were several rebellions against the plantation by the Irish and the AngloIrish aristocracy. Major plantations included the Munster plantation, from 1586, and the Ulster plantation, from 1609. The final stages of the conquest took place under Cromwell. See also Ireland: history 1603 to 1782, Protestant settlement and the rule of Strafford.

Plumer, Hubert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount (18571932)

British major-general in World War I. Plumer spent much of the war on the Western Front around the Ypres area, scene of much heavy fighting. He was responsible for the planning and execution of the attack on Messines 1917, generally considered to be one of the best-organized British operations of the war. KCB 1906, Baron 1919, Viscount 1929.

Plunkett, Oliver (16291681)

Catholic archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. He was executed, along with 30 or more other victims, in panic surrounding the fictitious Popish Plot to murder Charles II, burn London, and put the Catholic James II on the throne. He was canonized 1976.

pocket borough
a borough in the UK before the Reform Act of 1832, where all the houses were owned by one man, whose vote returned two members of Parliament. An example was Gatton in Surrey. See also rotten borough.

Poitiers, Battle of
during the Hundred Years' War, victory for Edward the Black Prince on 13 September 1356 over King John II of France. King John, his son Philip, and 2,000 knights were taken prisoner, and about 3,000 French were killed.

Pollard, Albert Frederick (18691948)

British historian. He was professor of English history at the University of London from 190327 and worked indefatigably to develop there a considerable and distinguished history school. He founded the Historical Association in 1906, edited the Association's newly-acquired journal, History, from 191624, raising it to a high level of quality and influence, and in 1920 brought about the foundation of the Institute of Historical Research of which he was director until 1931. Pollard was born in Ryde on the Isle of Wight. He was educated at Portsmouth Grammar School, Felsted School, and Jesus College, Oxford University. The outstanding authority on the Tudor period in his generation, Pollard's works include The Jesuits in Poland (1892), England under the Protector Somerset (1900), The Reign of Henry VII (191314), A Short History of the Great War (1920), Factors in American History (1925), and Wolsey (1929).

Pollitt, Harry (18901960)

British politician. A boilermaker by trade, he joined the Independent Labour party in 1909 and the Communist Party of Great Britain on its foundation in 1920. He led the party for many years, being general secretary (192939 and 194156), and thereafter chairman. He stood unsuccessfully for Parliament on nine occasions. Pollitt was born in Droylsden, Lancashire, England.

poor law
English system for relief for the poor, established by the Poor Relief Act of 1601. Each parish was responsible for its own poor, paid for by a parish tax. The care of the poor was transferred to the Ministry of Health in 1919, but the poor law remained in force until 1929.

Elizabethan poor law

Before the reign of Elizabeth I the approach to poverty in England was punitive. In 1494 a law had ordered beggars to be put in the stocks. In 1547 beggars and vagrants had been ordered to be branded with a 'V' and made a slave for two years. A law of 1572 continued this approach, declaring that beggars should be whipped and, for a third offence, executed. The only help for poor people was private charity. However, steady inflation and rural economic problems, caused by enclosure and the move from tillage to sheep farming, were worsened in the 1570s and the 1590s by a series of poor harvests. The government was worried that the growing numbers of beggars and vagrants might lead to social disorder, and also came to realize that poverty was not always the fault of the victim a distinction was made between the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' poor. The Poor Relief Act of 1601 allowed each parish to collect a poor rate to give a little money to the 'impotent poor', such as the elderly and the blind; and to provide workhouses for the 'poor by casualty', such as the sick and the senile. Orphans were to be given an apprenticeship. Only the 'idle poor', the so-called 'sturdy beggars', were to be whipped and returned to their place of birth. The 1601 Poor Relief Act did not end poverty, but it remained the basis of England's poor law system for two centuries, and supplied for the first time a basic 'safety-net' for some of those who had fallen on hard times.

Poor Law Amendment Act, 1834

The old poor law was substantially adapted in the 18th century to meet changing needs. The Workhouse Act of 1723 required parishes to build workhouses to accommodate the poor; it was largely ignored, because it was far more expensive to build a workhouse than it was to allow 'outdoor relief'. Instead, in 1782 Gilbert's Act tried to make the administration of the poor law more professional; it also laid down that the 'able-bodied' poor were to receive outdoor relief. In response to changing agricultural practices in the south of England, the system was further liberalized in the late 18th century by the Speenhamland system and the Roundsman system. The poor law system certainly prevented many families from starving in times of poor harvests, and outdoor relief was well suited to the industrial regions of the north, where unemployment fluctuated according to the trade cycle, and an economic depression might throw a large number of people out of work for a short time. However, the system was very expensive, especially in times of economic depression when ratepayers had least money. A Royal Commission, set up in 1832

to investigate the poor law, also reported that it encouraged labourers to be lazy, since their wages were made up to a fixed level however hard they worked; that it encouraged them to have more children than they could afford, since the system gave them an amount per child; and that it allowed farmers to pay low wages, which they knew would be made up from the parish rates. The system also failed to prevent the Swing Riots of 183031. The Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 set up large poor law unions, administered by elected boards of guardians, and controlled by a central Poor Law Commission. Outdoor relief for able-bodied paupers was abolished and replaced by workhouses run by unions of parishes. The principle applied was that of 'less eligibility': conditions in such workhouses were designed to act as a deterrent for all but the genuinely destitute. The level of provision was supposed to be worse than that which would be afforded by the lowest-paying job, and husbands, wives, and children were to be split up. The act was implemented quickly in the south, but it provoked riots in the north, where it proved impossible to implement, and some workhouses were burned down. Conditions in some of the workhouses were terrible, but after the Andover workhouse scandal of 1847 (where it was found that workhouse inmates were so hungry that they were eating scraps from the bones they were meant to be crushing for bonemeal fertilizer), the government removed some of the greatest corruptions and evils of the system. By the end of the century, local councils began to take over the work of the boards of guardians, and although the act remained in force until 1929, it was gradually superseded by other forms of welfare.

Popish Plot
supposed plot to murder Charles II; see under Titus Oates.

attempt in 1921 by the London borough of Poplar to force the richer boroughs to assist with poor relief in the East End. George Lansbury, later leader of the Labour Party, was imprisoned for supporting a rates strike but a shared system was eventually introduced.

Portadown Bridge massacre

during the Great Rebellion in Ireland (164149), killing of Protestant planters (settlers) by Irish rebels at Portadown Bridge, County Armagh, in November 1641. The rebels attacked a group of English and Scottish planters who had been settled by the English government on confiscated Catholic Irish lands during the Plantation of Ireland. The planters were tortured, robbed, and then taken to Portadown Bridge where they were forced into the icy River Bann to drown. The event was regarded by Protestants as justification for the further removal of Catholic lands and rights.

Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st Viscount Portal of Hungerford (18931971)

British air chief marshal in World War II. Chief of the Air Staff 194045, he was an advocate of strategic bombing and at the Casablanca Conference January 1943 reached agreement with the US on a Combined Bomber Offensive to destroy German military industrial capability. Portal was unable to control Harris, commanding RAF Bomber Command, who considered such a policy a 'panacea' and instead preferred simple area bombing. KCB 1940, Baron 1945, Viscount 1946.

Porteous riots
riots in Edinburgh, Scotland on 14 April 1736, after Lieutenant John Porteous, captain of the Edinburgh militia, ordered his men to open fire on a crowd rioting in protest at the execution of smugglers. Six members of the crowd were killed and Porteous was sentenced to death but was later reprieved. The prison in which Porteous was being held was stormed on 8 September by an angry mob which dragged him out and lynched him. The city was fined 2,000 and the Lord Provost was dismissed. As a result of the affair Walpole lost the crucial support of the Duke of Argyll, who led Scottish peers in the House of Lords.

Porter, Endymion (15871649)

English courtier, Royalist, and patron of the arts and literature. He was a devoted follower of both Charles I and the duke of Buckingham. In 1623 he accompanied them on their clandestine visit to Madrid, Spain, in connection with the proposed Spanish marriage. Porter became the king's most trusted confidant and, although still employed on diplomatic missions, was mainly concerned with the arts and adding to the royal collection of paintings. He was amply rewarded for his services. He sat in the Long Parliament, voting against the attainder of Strafford, and served the king in the English Civil War. He fled abroad in 1645, returning to England in 1649.

Portland, William Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland (16491709)

Dutch politician who accompanied William of Orange to England 1688, and was created an earl 1689. He served in William's campaigns. KG 1697.

Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck (17381809)

3rd Duke of Portland

English Whig politician. He was prime minister in 1783 and 180709, each time as titular leader of a government dominated by stronger characters. He served as home secretary in William Pitt's Tory administration 17941801.

early life
Portland was born at Bulstrode, Buckinghamshire, and educated at Westminster public school and Oxford University. He entered the House of Commons as a Whig in 1760. In 1762 he inherited his peerage, along with great estates and powers of patronage. He held office under the Marquess of Rockingham as Lord Chamberlain 176566 and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1782.

first government
In 1783, Lord North (Tory) and Charles James Fox (reformist Whig) invited Portland to head their improbable coalition. It did not last, and when the Lords rejected Fox's India Bill in December 1783, the king installed a Tory administration under William Pitt the Younger.

home secretary
Opposition showed up Portland's deficiencies as a leader of the Whig grandees. He was a poor orator and left party tactics to Fox and Burke. Like many in Britain, he was at first sympathetic to the French Revolution of 1789, but he quickly became alarmed by its radical excesses. When the Whigs split in response to the outbreak of war with France in 1793, Portland sided with the majority who favoured hostilities. These 'Old Whigs' gave their support to Pitt's war government, in which Portland agreed to serve as secretary of state for the Home Department from 1794. His seven years at the Home Office were the most useful of his career. The 'gagging' acts repressive measures against treason and sedition placed enormous arbitrary power in his hands, but he was generally cautious and restrained in exercising it. He firmly suppressed the Irish rebellion in 1798. In 1801, he transferred to the less demanding post of Lord Privy Seal.

second government
Portland retired in 1805, but two years later he was persuaded to return to politics and form a new Tory ministry. The Tories, beset by internal divisions since the death of Pitt in 1806, needed a compromise leader who would be above faction. Portland's premiership was purely nominal; old and ill, he was incapable of controlling his squabbling colleagues. When Canning, the foreign secretary, and Castlereagh, the war secretary, fought a duel in September 1809, Portland could bear no more; he resigned, and died within one month.

Portland was not held in high public esteem. Although criticism of him was often exaggerated, it is clear that his career owed more to his aristocratic status and inoffensive personality than to any exceptional abilities.

Postan, Eileen Edna Le Poer (18891940)

born Eileen Power

English expert on British women's historical studies. Professor of economic history at the London School of Economics (LSE), she was fascinated by women's role in economic history, and produced an outstanding series of publications, from Medieval English Nunneries (1922) to Medieval Women (published posthumously in 1975). She also founded the Economic History Review in 1927. Postan was born in Altringham, Cheshire, and had a distinguished scholastic career at Cambridge, in Paris, and at the LSE.

potato famine
or Great Famine

famine in Ireland, historically dated 184549, although now believed to have lingered until 1852, caused by the failure of the potato crop, the staple of the Irish diet, over four consecutive seasons. Nearly a million people died from malnutrition-related diseases such as a cholera, dysentery, and typhus and at least the same number again emigrated, mainly to America. The former Irish population of 8 million had thus fallen by at least 2 million. The famine devastated Ireland for many years after. The British government was slow to provide relief and provoked Irish hostility in consequence.

The failure of the potato crop was caused by potato blight the parasitic fungus phytophthora infestans. The blight spread to Ireland from Britain and the European continent, its spores being carried by insects, wind, and rain. Symptoms of infestation in the plant included black spots and a white mould on the leaves; the potatoes would rot rapidly into a pulp. However, the underlying cause of the disaster was the weakened condition of Irish agriculture. The effects of the Navigation Acts, absentee English landlords and the extortions of their land agents (which included rack rents excessive and frequently increased rents), absence of compensation for improvements, restricted rental holdings, the anti-Catholic measures of the penal code, and large families, with consequent subdivision of land through partible inheritance, had combined to create a system of impoverished, tiny Irish allotments, whose tenants had little opportunity to diversify and relied largely on potatoes for subsistence. Pigs, an important source of cheap meat and income for Irish farmers, were also fed potatoes as a basic fodder. When a potato blight destroyed the crop four years running from 1845, the result was famine. Cereal harvests remained excellent, but the prices were too high for the poor.

Although in 1845 Robert Peel's Tory government reacted with a grant of 100,000 to purchase Indian corn from the USA, and the abolition of the Corn Laws in 1846, the Liberal government of John Russell placed responsibility for dealing with the disaster on the Irish landowners, under the terms of the 1838 Poor Law. Efforts to cope

collapsed as the starving flocked to the local poor-law boards and as workhouses became overcrowded and rampant with disease. Private philanthropic organizations and, for the most part, all religious denominations, particularly the Society of Friends (the Quakers), worked to provide relief. However, deaths began to mount in late 1846, and the famine reached its peak in 1849. Massive emigration occurred, particularly to the USA.

Although living standards rose after the 1850s and average real wages increased, emigration drained Ireland of over 4 million people between the early 1850s and World War I. The famine left hardened resentment of the union with Britain and the British government's failure to stem the disaster or alleviate the misery of the Irish people, despite Britain being the world's richest nation at the time. Its immediate legacy was to radicalize Irish nationalism, which resulted in the opinion that 'the Almighty sent the potato blight, but the English created the famine'. Underground secret revolutionary societies sprang up in Ireland and in places of Irish emigration, such as the Irish-American Fenian movement. Some historians believe that the disasters of 184551 merely represented the culmination of a long-term crisis resulting from rapid population and gradual economic stagnation. However, others are more critical of Britain saying that the underlying poverty of Irish agriculture and dependence of a large proportion of the population on the potato were the result of British rule. Commemoration of the Great Famine in 1995 was marked by an apology from the British prime minister to the Irish people.

Pound, (Alfred) Dudley Pickman Rogers (18771943)

British admiral of the fleet. As First Sea Lord and chief of the British naval staff 1939 43, he was responsible for the effective measures taken against the German submarine U-boats in World War II. KCB 1933.

Pounds, John (17661839)

British philanthropist. He was crippled by an accident in 1781, and subsequently became a shoemaker, setting up business for himself in 1803. In 1818 he began to teach poor children, becoming famous as a teacher and friend of the very poor, and the originator of ragged schools. After his death schools were established as memorials to him. Pounds was born in Portsmouth, England.

Powell, (John) Enoch (19121998)

British Conservative politician. He was minister of health (196063), and contested the party leadership in 1965. In 1968 he made a speech against immigration that led to his dismissal from the shadow cabinet. He resigned from the party in 1974, and was Official Unionist Party member for South Down, Northern Ireland (19741987).

Powicke, Frederick Maurice (18791963)

British historian. A brilliant medievalist, Powicke's influence at Oxford University did much to maintain and increase a keen interest in medieval history in that university. His Henry III and the Lord Edward (1947), was an outstanding, monumental study of a period of English history which had not previously been thoroughly explored in England. Powicke was born in Alnwick, England. He was educated at Owens College, Manchester, and at Balliol College, Oxford University. After holding chairs of history at Queen's College, Belfast, and at Manchester University he was regius professor of modern history at Oxford University from 192847. In 1946 he was knighted. Among his publications are The Loss of Normandy (1913), Ailred of Rievaulx (1922), Stephen Langton (1928), Christian Life in the Middle Ages (1935), The Reformation in England (1941), Oxford History of England: The Thirteenth Century (1953), and Modern Historians and the Study of History (1955).

Powys, House of
ancient kingdom in Wales, bordering England in the east. It was frequently threatened from the east, and lands in the present English counties of Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Shropshire were lost following the incursion of the Mercians in the period leading up to the construction in the late 8th century of Offa's Dyke between the two countries. The rulers of Powys often fought those of neighbouring Gwynedd. The last ruler of Powys as an intact kingdom was Madog ap Maredudd. His successors ruled over a Powys divided into north and south. The name was restored for the present county of Powys, formed in 1974 from the counties of Breconshire, Mongomeryshire, and Radnorshire.

Poynings's Law
Irish statute of 1494, introduced by Lord Deputy Edward Poynings (14591521), that decreed that all bills and amendments introduced in the Irish parliament must first be approved by the English Privy Council before being returned for passage in Ireland. Originally a device to curb the independence of the great feudal lords of Ireland, the act became an obstacle to effective government, and it was frequently suspended. Weakened by Yelverton's Act (1782), which asserted the power of the Irish parliament to initiate legislation, it was effectively suppressed by the Act of Union (1800). Poynings's Law was exploited by Lord Deputy Thomas Wentworth (15931641) in his outright attack on the Irish parliament in the 1630s, but was rarely employed in this way thereafter.


three acts of the English Parliament passed 1353, 1365, and 1393, aimed to prevent appeal to the pope against the power of the king, and therefore an early demonstration of independence from Rome. The statutes were opposed by English bishops.

Prescott, John Leslie (1938 )

British Labour politician, deputy leader from 1994, deputy prime minister from 1997. He was minister for the department of environment, transport, and the regions 1997 2001. In 2001, after a second Labour election victory, he took on a newly created post in the Cabinet Office to oversee the implementation of manifesto pledges, keeping responsibility for policy on housing, devolution, regional and local government, and the Government Offices for the Regions, under what, from May 2002, was named the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

press gang
method used to recruit soldiers and sailors into the British armed forces in the 18th and early 19th centuries. In effect it was a form of kidnapping carried out by the services or their agents, often with the aid of armed men. This was similar to the practice of 'shanghaiing' sailors for duty in the merchant marine, especially in the Far East.

Preston, Battle of
battle of 1719 August 1648 at Preston, Lancashire, in which the English defeated the Scots. The Scots invaded England under the Duke of Hamilton, but were cut off from Scotland by Cromwell and fled in a series of running fights. Hamilton was captured and executed.

Prestonpans, Battle of
battle in 1745 in which Prince Charles Edward Stuart's Jacobite forces defeated the English during the Forty-five. It took place near the town of Prestonpans in Lothian region, eastern Scotland.

claimant to a throne. In British history, the term is widely used to describe the Old Pretender (James Edward Stuart) and his son, the Young Pretender (Charles Edward Stuart).

Pride, Thomas (died 1658)

English soldier and regicide. He entered the Parliamentary army in 1644 and distinguished himself at the battle of Naseby. In 1648, to prevent an agreement with King Charles I, Pride stopped nearly a hundred members from taking their seats in Parliament, an act which is known as Pride's Purge. He was a commissioner at the trial of the king and signed the death warrant.

Pride's purge
the removal of about 100 Royalists and Presbyterians of the English House of Commons from Parliament by a detachment of soldiers led by Col Thomas Pride (died 1658) in 1648. They were accused of negotiating with Charles I and were seen by the army as unreliable. The remaining members were termed the Rump and voted in favour of the king's trial.

priest's hole
hiding place, in private homes, for Catholic priests in the 16th17th centuries when there were penal laws against them in Britain. Many still exist, for example at Speke Hall, near Liverpool.

Primrose League
in the UK, quasi-masonic society founded in 1883 to promote the Tory democracy of the Fourth Party among working class voters. It particularly opposed home rule for Ireland, and promoted the values of church, hierarchy, and empire. By 1910 it had attracted some 2 million members. It was supposedly named after Disraeli's favourite flower.

Prince Consort
title awarded to Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, in 1857, in recognition of his great contribution to her reign. The title became closely associated with Albert personally, and has not been awarded since.

Princes in the Tower

popular name for King Edward V and his younger brother Richard, Duke of York (14721483). They are said to have been murdered in the Tower of London by order

of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester, so that he could succeed to the throne as Richard III.

Prior, James Michael Leathes, Baron Prior (1927 )

British Conservative politician. He held ministerial posts from 1970. As employment secretary he curbed trade-union activity with the Employment Act 1980, and was Northern Ireland secretary 198184. After his resignation 1984 he became chair of the General Electric Company. He was made a peer 1987.

Prior, Matthew (16641721)

British poet and diplomat. He was associated under the Whigs with the negotiation of the treaty of Ryswick (1697) ending the war with France and under the Tories with that of Utrecht (1714) ('Matt's Peace') ending the War of the Spanish Succession, but on the Whigs' return to power he was imprisoned by the government leader Walpole from 171517. His gift as a writer was for light occasional verses, epigrams, and tales, in a graceful yet colloquial manner.

There is sincerity and wit in many of his short poems, such as 'The Lady's Lookingglass', 'On my Birthday', 'For my own Monument', 'The Question to Lisetta', 'The Secretary', and 'Jinny the Just'. These are mostly pieces of ironical or sensual badinage, depending for effect on wit and the exact suitability of form.

Pritt, Denis Nowell (18871972)

British lawyer, communist, and politician. Initially a Conservative, Pritt joined the Liberals in 1914 and was elected Labour member of Parliament for Hammersmith North in 1935. Expelled from the party in 1940 for his increasingly pro-Soviet stance, Pritt nonetheless held his seat at the 1945 election, but lost it in 1950. Pritt worked on a number of famous political cases, notably defending Jomo Kenyatta in 1952 against charges of colluding with the nationalist activities of the Mau Mau. Awarded the Lenin Peace Prize in 1954, he retired from the bar in 1960, worked at the university of Ghana in 1965 and published a three-volume autobiography in 1966.

Proclamation of 1763
proclamation by King George III that prohibited Europeans from settling on land west of the Appalachian Mountains. The proclamation gave Americans Indians land titles for the first time, but angered American colonists who felt Britain was interfering with their right to govern their own lands.

The proclamation was in large part a reaction to fear of American Indian hostilities, as seen in the start of Pontiac's War 176365. The proclamation also established the provinces of East Florida, West Florida, Qubec (now in Canada), and Grenada, all formed from new lands acquired by Britain after the Seven Years War.

Procter, Dod (18921972)

born Doris M Shaw

English artist and traveller. Her painting Morning was acclaimed picture of the year in 1927 and purchased by the Daily Mail for the Tate Gallery, London. Her work has a rounded, sculptural quality which has been attributed to the early influence of cubism. She was elected a member of the Royal Academy in 1942. Procter was born in London. She studied at Elizabeth and Stanhope Forbes's painting school at Newlyn, Cornwall, then attended the Atelier of Colarossi, Paris, in 1910. She first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1913. In 1920 a commission to design the decoration for the Kokine Palace, Rangoon, with her husband artist Ernest Procter (died 1935), awakened a life-long interest in travel.

Profumo, John Dennis (19152006)

British Conservative politician, secretary of state for war from 1960 to June 1963. He resigned following the disclosure of his involvement with Christine Keeler, mistress also of a Soviet naval attach, and admitted he had deceived the House of Commons about the affair. The scandal caused great damage to the Macmillan government, contributing to its downfall. Profumo was awarded a CBE in 1975, and was president of the social and educational settlement Toynbee Hall in London, 19852006.

propaganda, World War I

the promotion of biased or misleading information was used on all sides in World War I to encourage recruitment and uphold morale among the civilian and military population. Information coming from the front had to be censored, and a constant flow of good news kept up through the newspapers and cinema. In the UK the Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) of August 1914 ensured government control over information, the penalty for spreading uncensored information being imprisonment. The War Office Press Bureau was established in 1914 to control news about the war, along with the War Propaganda Bureau to produce positive posters and pamphlets. Letters home were heavily censored; eventually soldiers were provided with preprinted postcards containing positive statements to tick and sign, allowing no indication of the terrible casualties and conditions on the Western Front.

Protectorate, the

period of English history, 165359, when England was ruled by a Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell (165358) and his son Richard Cromwell (165859). After the failure of the Barebones Parliament in 1653, a group of moderates, led by General John Lambert, met and formulated a document called the Instrument of Government. England was to be ruled by a Lord Protector, but he was to be restricted by a Council of State, and a Parliament was to be called every three years.

main division of Christianity that emerged from Roman Catholicism at the Reformation in the 16th century. The three largest denominations in Ireland are the (Anglican) Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and the Methodist Church in Ireland. Protestants are found predominantly in Northern Ireland, where the English crown planted large numbers of Protestant settlers on the confiscated lands of rebellious Irish Catholic lords in the 17th century. Here Protestantism is inextricably linked with the concept of political union with Britain.

Prout, Margaret Millicent (18751963)

born Margaret Fisher

English artist. Her experimental techniques included washing out pigment and adding body colour and charcoal to great effect. Elected associate member of the Royal Academy, London, in 1948, she was still showing in Academy 42 years after the appearance of her first exhibit. She was also awarded a medal from the Paris Salon. Prout was born in Chelsea, London, the only daughter of the English Impressionist Mark Fisher, with whom she painted during her childhood in England and France. She studied at the Slade School of Art, London, and taught life classes at Hammersmith School of Art. Her work was exhibited at the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours and the New English Art Club.

Provisions of Oxford
demands agreed by Henry III of England 1258 under pressure from Simon de Montfort and the baronial opposition. They provided for the establishment of a baronial council to run the government, carry out reforms, and keep a check on royal power. These provisions were eventually anulled by the Dictum of Kenilworth 1266, after the defeat of Montfort's followers by the king's forces.

Provisions of Westminster

reforms issued by the English parliament that met at Westminster on 13 October 1259. They were forced on Henry III by his rebellious barons, and forbade the king to grant lands, castles, or offices of state to foreigners. These provisions were a further step following the more radical Provisions of Oxford in 1258.

Provisors, Statutes of
two acts 1351 and 1390 limiting the papacy's right to appoint clergy to church benefices over the heads of local patrons. The first gave the crown the power to overrule papal provisions to benefices in England; the second prohibited individual clergy from accepting papal nominations.

Proxmire, (Edward) William (19152005)

US politician. During his long career in the US Senate (Democrat, Wisconsin) 1957 89, he was considered a maverick politician. He served as chair of the Committee on Banking and chair of the Committee of Housing and Urban Affairs. He was known as an opponent of wasteful government spending and as a 'hawk' during the Vietnam War.

Prynne, William (16001669)

English Puritan. He published in 1632 Histriomastix, a work attacking stage plays; it contained aspersions on the queen, Henrietta Maria, for which he was pilloried and lost his ears. In 1637 he was again pilloried and branded for an attack on the bishops. He opposed the execution of Charles I, however, and actively supported the Restoration. After his release from prison 1640, he petitioned Parliament for redress; this was granted, and his sentence of life imprisonment declared illegal. He sat in Parliament for Newport and Cornwall, and became parliamentary prosecutor. He regarded the Commonwealth and Protectorate as illegal. After the Restoration 1660, he was appointed Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London.

public health acts

in the UK, acts passed by Parliament in 1848, 1872, and 1875 to deal with squalor and disease and to establish a code of sanitary law. The first act set up a Central Board of Health, which in turn imposed local boards of health in districts where the death rate was above the national average; other local boards of health could be established by petition. The local boards oversaw street cleaning, refuse collection, water supplies, and sewerage. Street paving and slum clearance began during the same period. Under the 1872 act every local authority

had to appoint a medical officer of health. The 1875 act consolidated previous acts and provided a comprehensive code for public health.

from 1564, a member of the Church of England who wished to eliminate Roman Catholic survivals in church ritual, or substitute a presbyterian for an episcopal form of church government. Activities included the Marprelate controversy, a pamphleteering attack carried out under the pseudonym 'Martin Marprelate'. The term also covers the separatists who withdrew from the church altogether. The Puritans were characterized by a strong conviction of human sinfulness and the wrath of God and by a devotion to plain living and hard work.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

English Puritan family c. 1563. The term puritan is usually applied to those Protestants who wished to remain in the Church of England, but wanted it to be further reformed after the break with Rome. It is often applied perjoratively to describe someone as sanctimonious and mean-spirited.

Putney debates
in English history, discussions held in Putney church OctoberNovember 1647 among representatives of the New Model Army to consider the radical proposals of the Levellers. Two officers and two representatives of the radicals from each regiment debated 'the Agreement of the People', proposals for a radical republic

based on near universal male suffrage. Oliver Cromwell and his generals opposed the proposals, but there was strong support for them among the rank and file. No consensus was reached and the debate served to highlight rather than resolve the differences within the parliamentarian army.

Pym, Francis Leslie, Baron Pym (1922 )

British Conservative politician. He was defence secretary 197981, and succeeded Lord Carrington as foreign minister in 1982, but was dismissed in the post-election reshuffle of 1983. Baron 1987.

Pym, John (15841643)

English Parliamentarian, largely responsible for the Petition of Right in 1628. As leader of the Puritan opposition in the Long Parliament from 1640, he moved the impeachment of Charles I's advisers the Earl of Strafford and William Laud, drew up the Grand Remonstrance, and was the chief of five members of Parliament Charles I wanted arrested in 1642. The five hid themselves and then emerged triumphant when the king left London.

or mystery ships

small freighters with guns concealed in a collapsible deck structure used by the British in World War I to trap submarines. On being hailed by a U-boat, a 'panic party' would hastily abandon the ship by lifeboat, leaving a fighting party concealed on board. The U-boat would then be lured into sailing closer to the seemingly abandoned ship to ensure sinking it with the minimum amount of gunfire, and as soon as it was within range the guns would be revealed and open fire immediately. Several U-boats were sunk by this ploy, but it soon became well known and had to be abandoned.

Quartering Act
legislation passed by the British Parliament in 1765 that required colonial authorities in America to provide food, housing, fuel, and transportation to British troops stationed in their areas. The act was initiated to help pay for increasing defence costs in the colonies. The Americans, especially New Yorkers who had the largest number of garrisoned forces, resented the act, seeing it as a further assertion of British control. A second quartering act in 1774 became one of the Intolerable Acts (the name given to the

legislation passed by the British Parliament in 1774 that helped fuel the American Revolution).

Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service


British military nursing organization, founded in 1902 from the Army Nursing Service. They provided staff nurses, sisters, and matrons for military hospitals throughout the world.

Queen Anne's Bounty

fund established by Queen Anne in 1704 to support Church of England clergy whose annual income was less than 10. The Crown's income from first fruits and tenths was set aside to pay for the fund. The income limit was later raised to 35 and from 1777 loans were made to improve parsonages. The revenue has been administered by the Church Commissioners since 1948.

Queen Mary's Psalter

14th-century English illuminated manuscript (British Museum, London). It contains illustrations of biblical history from the Creation to the death of Solomon, the drawings being lightly treated with colour. There are also miniatures of New Testament scenes and figures of saints and representations of medieval life and work.

Quia Emptores
(Latin 'because of purchasers')

English statute of July 1290 stipulating that purchasers of land owed feudal rights to services and payments to the lord who ultimately held the land, rather than to the subtenant from whom the land had been bought.

quo warranto
(Latin 'by what authority')

in England, writ issued by the Court of the King's Bench from mid-13th century demanding proof of liberty holders rights to enjoy such privileges. The measure was first used by Edward I to challenge the power of the Marcher Lords. A modification in

1290 allowed long established use of such privileges as proof of right to hold them in addition to the established defence of a royal grant. The measure was revived by Charles II after the Restoration to investigate corporations and James II used it to remodel borough charters.

race-relations acts
UK acts of Parliament of 1965, 1968, and 1976 to combat discrimination. The Race Relations Act of 1976 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, or ethnic origin. Indirect as well as direct discrimination is prohibited in the provision of goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, and advertisements. The Commission for Racial Equality was set up under the act to investigate complaints of discrimination. The Race Relations Act of 1965 set up the Race Relations Board to encourage racial harmony, prevent racial discrimination, and deal with complaints. It made stirring up racial hatred or practising discrimination in a public place illegal. The Race Relations Act 1968 increased the powers of the Race Relations Board, who were enabled to make their own investigations. Discrimination in housing and employment was made illegal. The act also set up the Community Relations Commission.

in Britain, supporter of parliamentary reform before the Reform Bill of 1832. As a group the Radicals later became the progressive wing of the Liberal Party. During the 1860s (led by Cobden, Bright, and J S Mill) they campaigned for extension of the franchise, free trade, and laissez-faire, but after 1870, under the leadership of Joseph Chamberlain and Charles Dilke, they adopted a republican and semi-socialist programme. With the growth of socialism in the later 19th century, Radicalism ceased to exist as an organized movement. In France, the Radical Party was a major force in the politics of the Third Republic, 18711940.

Raedwald (died 627)

Early 7th-century king of East Anglia. He was the only East Anglian king to be accepted as Bretwalda, following a long period of Northumbrian hegemony. He was baptised by missionaries from Kent, but his conversion may well have been more symbolic than deep-felt and he later kept Christian and pagan symbols in one temple. It has been suggested that the Sutton Hoo ship burial , found near Colchester, commemorated him.

ragged schools

in Britain, schools founded by John Pounds (17661839) dedicated to the education of poor and delinquent children in industrial areas.

Rahere (died 1144)

Minstrel and favourite of Henry I of England. In 1123, having recovered from malaria while on a pilgrimage to Rome, he founded St Bartholomew's priory and St Bartholomew's hospital in London.

Raleigh (or Ralegh), Walter (c. 15521618)

English adventurer, writer, and courtier to Queen Elizabeth I. He organized expeditions to colonize North America 158487, all unsuccessful, and made exploratory voyages to South America in 1595 and 1616. His aggressive actions against Spanish interests, including attacks on Spanish ports, brought him into conflict with the pacific James I. He was imprisoned for treason 160316 and executed on his return from an unsuccessful final expedition to South America. He is traditionally credited with introducing the potato to Europe and popularizing the use of tobacco. Born in Devon, England, Raleigh became a confidant of Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted in 1584. He led a gold-seeking expedition to the Orinoco River in South America in 1595 (described in his Discoverie of Guiana of 1596). After James I's accession to the English throne in 1603, Raleigh was condemned to death on a charge of conspiracy, but was reprieved and imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he wrote his unfinished History of the World. Released in 1616 to lead a second expedition to the Orinoco, which failed disastrously, he was beheaded on his return under the charges of his former sentence.


(Image Billie Love)

The English courtier and explorer Walter Raleigh with his eldest son in 1602. A favourite of Elizabeth I until his marriage to one of her ladies-in-waiting, he was later accused of conspiring against James I and was imprisoned in the Tower of London from 1603 until 1616. Raleigh was released to make a second voyage in search of El Dorado in South America, but this ended in failure and on his return to England he was executed.

Ramsay, Bertram Home (18831945)

British admiral in World War II. He was responsible for organizing Operation Dynamo, the evacuation of about 350,000 British and Allied troops from Dunkirk in the face of the German army 1940. KCB 1942.

English religious sect; one of the many groups that arose during the English Civil War. The Ranters pressed for radical reforms during the Commonwealth period

(164960). Known for their ecstatic shoutings during services, they rejected much of mainstream Christianity, relying instead upon inner experience for vindication of their teachings. They were regarded as licentious.

Rapin, Paul de (16611725)

also known as Rapin de Thoyras

French historian. He was a Protestant and, on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, he enlisted in the Dutch army and came to England with William of Orange in 1688, taking part in the Irish campaign and being present at the siege of Carrickfergus and battles of the Boyne and Limerick. He left the army in 1693 and settled at Wesel, Germany, where he began his great work L'Histoire d'Angleterre/The History of England (1724), covering the period from the Roman invasion to the death of Charles I. Rapin was born at Castres, Tarn, France.

Rathbone, Eleanor Florence (18721946)

English feminist and social reformer. She made an extensive study of the position of widows under the poor law, and became the leading British advocate for family allowances, her campaign resulting in the passage of the Family Allowance Act (1945). A leader in the constitutional movement for female suffrage in its latter phases, Rathbone was also closely concerned with the position of women in India and other parts of the Commonwealth. From 1909 she was an independent member of Liverpool city council, working in the housing campaign between the wars. She was elected as an independent member of Parliament for the Combined English Universities 192946, and was vociferous in her condemnation of appeasement before World War II. Rathbone was born in Liverpool, England, and educated at Kensington High School and Somerville College, Oxford University, where she read classics. She advocated intervention in the Spanish Civil War, and denounced Italian aggression in Ethiopia. She fought to gain the franchise for Indian women, denounced child marriage in India, and was a vigorous worker on behalf of refugees, as a result of which she became a supporter of Zionism.

restricted allowance of provisions or other supplies in time of war or shortage. Food rationing was introduced in Germany and Britain during World War I. During World War II food rationing, organized by the government, began in Britain in 1940. Each person was issued with a ration book of coupons. Bacon, butter, and sugar were restricted, followed by other goods, including sweets, petrol, clothing, soap, and furniture. Many similar items were rationed in the USA, including sugar in both wars. The War Ration Book issued to Americans during World War II included meat, alcohol, and petrol. Some people in both countries tried to buy extra on the black market. In 1946, the world wheat shortage led to bread rationing. All food rationing

finally ended in Britain in 1954. During the Suez Crisis of 1956, petrol rationing was reintroduced in Britain.

Rawlinson, Henry Seymour (18641925)

1st Baron Rawlinson

British soldier in World War I. Commanding the 4th Army, he was responsible for the main attack on the Somme 1916 and played a decisive part in stemming the German Spring Offensive and then the Allied offensive which ended the war. Baronet 1895, Baron 1819.

Rebecca Riots
disturbances in southwest Wales 184244. They were primarily a protest against toll charges on public roads, but were also a symptom of general unrest following the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, which made obtaining poor relief much harder. The rioters, many disguised as women, destroyed the tollhouses and gates. Each leader was known as 'Rebecca' and followers were 'her daughters'. They took their name from the biblical prophecy that the seed of Rebekah would 'possess the gate of those which hate them' (Genesis 24,60).

Rebecca Riots

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Punch cartoon of 1846 drawing a parallel between the 'Rebecca Riots' which had recently afflicted southwest Wales and the decision of prime minister Robert Peel to abolish the Corn Laws.

Rebellion of 1798
in Irish history, unsuccessful nationalist rising of the Society of United Irishmen against government forces MaySeptember 1798. The society's main aims were parliamentary reform and escape from English dominance. Fired by the example of the French and American Revolutions, it planned a coordinated, national insurrection backed by French aid, which would overwhelm government forces with superior numbers. In fact the rebellion was hurried and uncoordinated, hampered by arrests of leaders, changes in French strategy, and divisions between the remaining United Irish leadership. The fighting, which occurred mainly in the counties around Dublin and those of Wexford, Antrim, and Mayo, took place in stages, depriving the rebels of their numerical superiority. Up to 30,000 died during the rising. The fact that elements of both the United Irishmen and government forces committed sectarian atrocities meant that Protestant and Catholic folk memories of the rebellion were very different. Historical writing on the rising reflects the fact that interpretations of the rebellion also became embroiled with nationalist politics and various separatist movements in the 19th century.

in England, those who refused to attend Anglican church services, especially applied to Catholics. The Acts of Uniformity of 1552 and 1559 imposed fines on those who refused to attend, and it was not until the reign of Elizabeth I that the idea of a large and permanent Catholic minority gradually began to be accepted. Even then, an act of 1587 provided for the seizure of up to two-thirds of a recusant's property, although this was only enforced in times of crisis. The fines later became a means of raising revenue rather than a matter of religious policy. Recusants were often associated with the houses of gentry in certain parts of the country, such as the West Midlands which had a strong Catholic community.

Redmond, John Edward (18561918)

Irish nationalist politician, leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party (IPP) 190018. He rallied his party after Charles Stewart Parnell's imprisonment in 1881, and came close to achieving home rule for all Ireland in 1914. However, the pressure of World War I, Unionist intransigence, and the fallout of the 1916 Easter Rising destroyed both his career and his party.

Rees, Merlyn (19202006)

British Labour politician. From 1972 to 1974 he was Opposition spokesperson on Northern Ireland affairs and in March 1974 became secretary of state for Northern Ireland, a post he retained until he was appointed home secretary in September 1976.

Reeve, Clara (17291807)

English novelist. She translated the English satirist John Barclay's Argenis (1772) from its Latin original, and wrote The Champion of Virtue, a Gothic Story (1777, renamed The Old English Baron in 1778), which was avowedly an imitation of Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto. She also wrote a critical account of The Progress of Romance (1785). Her other novels include The Two Mentors (1783), The Exiles (1788), Memoirs of Sir Roger de Clarendon (1793), and Destination (1799). She was born in Ipswich, Suffolk, and her father was the rector of Freston.

Reform Acts
in the UK, acts of Parliament in 1832, 1867, and 1884 that extended voting rights and redistributed parliamentary seats; also known as Representation of the People Acts.

Reformation Parliament
English parliament of November 1529April 1536 which passed Thomas Cromwell's antipapal legislation. It acknowledged the sovereign as head of the Church in place of the pope, and empowered Henry VIII to abolish payments to Rome of the first year's income of all newly installed bishops, as had hitherto been the practice. It sanctioned the installation of Thomas Cranmer as primate of the English church., and enabled Henry to divorce Catherine of Aragn in 1533 and have Anne Boleyn executed in 1536, so that he at last had a male heir (Edward) in 1537 by Jane Seymour. The dissolution of the monasteries followed 163640. The Parliament lasted an unprecedented seven years and altogether enacted 137 statues, 32 of which were of vital importance. In Ireland, the Dublin parliament largely shadowed the measures passed in Westminster, although it acknowledged Henry as king (not just lord) of Ireland and Supreme Head of the Irish Church in 1541. In Scotland, a pro-English parliament met in 1560, while Queen Mary was still in France, and abolished papal supremacy and adopted a mild form of Calvinism, including predestination, for the Kirk.


in Britain, the years 181120 during which George IV (then Prince of Wales) acted as regent for his father George III, who was finally declared insane and unfit to govern in December 1810. The Regency was marked by the Prince Regent's turbulent private life, his dissolute public image, and the fashionable society he patronized. In 1795 George had been forced to marry his cousin Caroline of Brunswick after his earlier, illegal union with a Roman Catholic was annulled; his contemptuous treatment of Caroline in this loveless marriage lost him much public sympathy. His friendship with the dandy and notorious gambler Beau Brummel further boosted his reputation for extravagance. The Regency gave its name to an elegant style of architecture and decorative arts characterized by borrowings from classical Greece and Rome, as well as from ancient Egypt, China, and India. The most famous building commissioned by the Prince Regent was the flamboyant summer residence in Brighton known as the Royal Pavilion, built in the style of an Indian palace by the architect John Nash between 1815 and 1823.

person who kills a monarch. In British history, there were the forty-nine signatories on the instrument of execution for Charles I of England in 1649, together with the two executioners (who were anonymous). After the Restoration in 1660, 29 of these men were put on trial and ten were sentenced to death.

the 49 signatories on the instrument of execution for Charles I of England in 1649, together with the 2 executioners (who were anonymous). After the Restoration in 1660, twentynine of these men were put on trial and 10 were sentenced to death.

Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron (18891971)

Scottish broadcasting pioneer, the first general manager 192227 and director general 192738 of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). He was enormously influential in the early development of the BBC and established its high-minded principles of public-service broadcasting. He held several ministerial posts in government during World War II, including minister of information in 1940, transport in 1940, and minister of works 194042. Reith was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He was chair of the Colonial Development Corporation 19501959. His publications include Into the Wind (1949).

or moss troopers

families living on the Anglo-Scottish border who supplemented farming by crossborder cattle raids.

one of a group of radical Scottish Calvinists who in 1650 called for Charles II's removal from the throne until he accepted Calvinism. They were opposed in the Committee of Estates by Resolutioners.

Repington, Charles Court (18581925)

British soldier and journalist. He started work for the Times 1902 after being forced to resign from the army following an affair with another officer's wife. He retained his contacts in the army and it was thanks to them that he exposed the shell scandal 1915.

Representation of the People Acts

series of UK acts of Parliament from 1867 that extended voting rights, creating universal suffrage in 1928. The 1867 and 1884 acts are known as the second and third Reform Acts. The 1918 act gave the vote to men over the age of 21 and women over the age of 30, and the 1928 act extended the vote to women over the age of 21. Certain people had the right to more than one vote; this was abolished by the 1948 act. The 1969 act reduced the minimum age of voting to 18.

village in Derbyshire, England, on the River Trent, 12 km/7 mi southwest of Derby; population (2001) 4,650. The kings of Mercia (the Anglo-Saxon kingdom that emerged in the 6th century) had a palace at Repton and three kings were buried at the monastery. The parish church contains a Saxon crypt.

Requests, Court of
or Court of Poor Men's Causes

court of equity offering redress for those too poor to apply to the regular civil courts. Originally a 14th-century offshoot of the king's council, it was granted official recognition as a separate institution 1497 and was reorganized by Thomas Cromwell.

It survived until 1642 when it was abolished after increasingly encroaching on common law courts.

in English history, the period when the monarchy, in the person of Charles II, was reestablished after the English Civil War and the fall of the Protectorate in 1660. Restoration literature covers writers active at this period, most notably English poet and dramatist John Dryden, English religious writer John Bunyan, English poet John Milton, and English non-fiction writer Samuel Pepys. Restoration comedy, popular drama played in the theatres newly reopened since the time of the Protectorate, was characterized by its bawdiness and wit.

servant of a lord who owed loyalty in return for a payment, rather than the holding of land. Retainers formed the personal retinue of medieval lords, originally in a primarily military capacity but later in administrative and judicial roles, and they became increasingly important throughout the middle ages. Retainers were often identified by a uniform (livery and maintenance) and formal agreements were sometimes drawn up stating the exact nature of the obligations of both lord and retainer (see indentured retainer).

abbreviation for Royal Flying Corps, a forerunner of the Royal Air Force.

Rhondda, David Alfred Thomas, 1st Viscount Rhondda (1856 1918)

British colliery owner and politician. He became a leading figure in South Wales industry and through a series of amalgamations of mining companies came to be head of the huge Cambrian combine. He was elected Liberal member of Parliament for Merthyr (18881910) and subsequently was MP for Cardiff from 1910. He was president of the Local Government Board from 191617 and became food controller in 1917. As such he took firm measures to end speculation in food and introduced compulsory food rationing in 1918. He was born in Aberdare, Glamorgan, Wales. He was made Baron Rhondda in 1916 and Viscount Rhondda in 1918.

Rice-Davies, Mandy (Marilyn) (1944 )

English model. She achieved notoriety in 1963 following the revelations of the affair between her friend Christine Keeler and war minister John Profumo, and his subsequent resignation.

three kings of England:

Richard (I) the Lion-Heart (11571199)

French Coeur-de-Lion

King of England 118999. He spent all but six months of his reign abroad. He was the third son of Henry II, against whom he twice rebelled. In the Third Crusade 1191 92 he won victories at Cyprus, Acre, and Arsuf (against Saladin), but failed to recover Jerusalem. While returning overland he was captured by the Duke of Austria, who handed him over to the emperor Henry VI, and he was held prisoner until a large ransom was raised. He then returned briefly to England, where his brother John had been ruling in his stead. His later years were spent in warfare in France, where he was killed by a crossbow bolt while besieging Chlus-Chabrol in 1199. He left no heir. Richard's experience in warfare came from controlling his rebellious vassals in Poitou in the 1170s and against his father, Henry II, in 1183. He took up Henry's plans to recover Jerusalem on his accession in 1189 and set out to establish bases for crusades in Sicily in 1190 and Cyprus, which he took in 1191. Engaging in the Siege of Acre, which he brought to a swift conclusion, he set off down the coast to Jaffa, conducting a fighting march against Saladin. Once ransomed from the Germans, Richard recovered lands in France taken by Philip. In the Vexin, where he built Chateau Gaillard, the great castle on the Seine, and in the Touraine and Poitou, he thwarted the French king's every manoeuvre.

Richard (I) the Lion-Heart

(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

The Great Seal of King Richard I, who spent most of his reign away from England. He was a notable soldier who fought in the third Crusade 119192, defeating the Muslim leader Saladin and capturing Acre.

Richard II (13671400)
also known as Richard of Bordeaux

King of England from 1377 (effectively from 1389), son of Edward the Black Prince. He reigned in conflict with Parliament; they executed some of his associates in 1388, and he executed a number of the opposing barons in 1397, whereupon he made himself absolute. Two years later, forced to abdicate in favour of Henry IV, he was jailed and probably assassinated. In 1381 Richard was faced with the Peasants' Revolt, a result of the imposition of a poll tax in 1380. The leader of the revolt, Wat Tyler, was stabbed and killed at Smithfield by the lord mayor of London, fearing for the safety of the king. Richard's apparent courage in facing the mobs gathered at Mile End and Smithfield also contributed to the failure of the uprising.

Richard II

(Image Billie Love)

Richard II of England and his patron saints, portrayed on the Wilton Diptych. From left to right, these are St Edmund and St Edward the Confessor (earlier English kings who came to be venerated as saints), and St John the Baptist. This scene was painted by an unknown artist, on one of two panels on a portable altarpiece designed for the king's private prayer.

Richard III (14521485)

King of England from 1483. The son of Richard, Duke of York, he was created Duke of Gloucester by his brother Edward IV, and distinguished himself in the Wars of the Roses. On Edward's death in 1483 he became protector to his nephew Edward V, and soon secured the crown for himself on the plea that Edward IV's sons were illegitimate. He proved a capable ruler, but the suspicion that he had murdered Edward V and his brother undermined his popularity. In 1485 Henry, Earl of Richmond (later Henry VII), raised a rebellion, and Richard III was defeated and killed at Bosworth.

Richard III

(Image Billie Love)

A line drawing of Richard III of England, in which he is wearing a surcoat, bearing his coat of arms, over his armour. The three lions passant guardant represent England, and the three fleur-de-lis represent France. The royal coat of arms was first quartered by Edward III, reflecting his claim to the French throne through his mother.

Richards, Audrey (18991984)

English social anthropologist. She published her first study of primitive tribal life in 1932 without carrying out any fieldwork, but later undertook firsthand studies among primitive societies in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). From 1950 to 1966 she was director of the East African Institute of Social Research in Uganda. Richards was born in London, and spent most of her childhood in India where her father worked as a lawyer, returning to the UK in 1911. She studied at Newnham College, Cambridge, graduating in 1921.

Richmond, Herbert (18711946)

British admiral and naval historian. In his naval career he reached eminence on the technical side as a torpedo officer, and later became recognized as a leading authority not only on naval history but on naval strategy. As a captain he commanded the battleship Dreadnought. He was promoted to rear-admiral in 1920 and in 1923 became commander-in-chief on the East Indies station. When the College of Imperial Defence was created in 1926, Richmond was its first commandant and in 1929 he was promoted to admiral. He retired from the navy in 1931 and became Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History at Cambridge University in 1934. Subsequently he was elected master of Downing College. His publications include The Navy in the War of 173948 (1920), National Policy and Naval Strength (1922), Economy of Naval Security (1931), Sea Power in the Modern World (1934), and Statesman and Sea Power (1946).

Ridgeway, the
grassy track dating from prehistoric times that runs along the Berkshire Downs in southern England from White Horse Hill to near Streatley.

Ridley, Nicholas (c. 15001555)

English Protestant bishop. He became chaplain to Henry VIII in 1541, and bishop of London in 1550. He took an active part in the Reformation and supported Lady Jane Grey's claim to the throne. After Mary I's accession he was arrested and burned as a heretic.

Ridley, Nicholas (19291993)

British Conservative politician, cabinet minister 198390. After a period in industry he became active as a 'dry' right-winger in the Conservative Party. He served under Harold Macmillan, Edward Heath, and Alec Douglas-Home, but did not become a member of the cabinet until 1983. His apparent disdain for public opinion caused his transfer, in 1989, from the politically sensitive department of the environment to that of trade and industry, and his resignation in July 1990 after criticisms of European colleagues and Germany.

Ridolfi Plot
conspiracy of 1571 led by the Italian banker Roberto Ridolfi with Spanish and papal backing to replace Elizabeth I with Mary Queen of Scots. Spanish troops in the Netherlands were to invade England and lead a Catholic uprising against Elizabeth. The plot was discovered before it became a serious threat. Ridolfi was overseas at the time but another conspirator, Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, was executed the following year. Mary was placed in stricter confinement as a result of the plot.

Ripon, Frederick John Robinson (17821859)

1st Viscount Goderich and 1st Earl of Ripon

British politician. A liberal Tory, he held several ministerial posts, including that of chancellor of the Exchequer 182327, and was a notably unsuccessful prime minister 182728. Created Earl of Ripon 1833. Goderich was born in London, educated at Harrow and St John's College, Cambridge, and entered Parliament 1806. An associate of Viscount Castlereagh, he filled a variety of junior government offices from 1809, and was president of the Board of Trade 181823. In 1815, he proposed the introduction of the Corn Laws. As chancellor of the Exchequer, he was sardonically nicknamed 'Prosperity Robinson' on account of his over-optimistic predictions for the economy. Treasury surpluses allowed him to repay debt and reduce taxes, but his reputation was damaged by the commercial crisis 1825. While his successes were popularly attributed to the influence of William Huskisson (his successor at the Board of Trade), his failures were widely held to be his own. He was elevated to the peerage as Viscount Goderich 1827 and served as leader of the House of Lords and secretary for war and the colonies in the short administration of George Canning. When Canning died August 1827, Goderich succeeded him as prime minister at a time when Tory splits on personalities and policy (especially Catholic emancipation) would have tested a far stronger leader. His efforts to form a stable ministry, inept in themselves, were further undermined by the interference of King George IV. He resigned January 1828 without ever having faced Parliament as prime minister, since his brief term of office fell entirely within the parliamentary recess. Excluded from office by Wellington, his successor, Goderich turned away from the die-hard Tories. He agreed to serve in the Whig government of Lord Grey, first as secretary for war and the colonies 183233, then as Lord Privy Seal 183334. Later he rejoined the Conservatives and was president of the Board of Trade 184143 and president of the India Board 184346. He supported the abolition of the Corn Laws by Robert Peel, and retired from politics 1847. 'Goody Goderich' was an amiable and upright man with respectable abilities as an administrator. Though his speeches tended to ramble, he was generally a safe choice for subordinate office. His indecisiveness, however, made him quite unsuitable for leadership.

Ripon, treaty of
treaty signed 26 October 1640, ending the second Bishops' War between Charles I and his Scottish subjects. The treaty was a profound humiliation for Charles the Scots were to retain Northumberland and Durham and he agreed to pay the Scots 850 a day until the issues were resolved. Charles was obliged to summon the Long Parliament to ratify the treaty.

Rivers, Richard Savage, 4th Earl Rivers (c. 16601712)

English soldier and courtier. In 1681 he was member of Parliament for Wigan and nine years later he fought the Jacobites in Ireland. He succeeded to the earldom in 1694, and became general of horse in 1708. When the duke of Marlborough's downfall was imminent Rivers changed sides. He was a friend of the Irish satirist Jonathan Swift. He was known as a notorious profligate.

Rivers, Richard Woodville, 1st Earl Rivers (died 1469)

English nobleman. After being esquire to Henry V, Woodville was made governor of the Tower by Henry VI in 1424. He took part in the war in France and in the Wars of the Roses, initially on the Lancastrian side. He was married to Jaquetta of Luxembourg, and the subsequent marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Edward IV resulted in his joining the Yorkists. His family soon gained great influence at court, ousting that of the Earl of Warwick. Woodville was knighted in 1425. Edward made him constable of England, Baron Rivers in 1448, and Earl Rivers in 1466. He was beheaded in 1469, after Edward's defeat at Edgecote at the hands of Warwick.

Rizzio, David (c. 15331566)

Italian adventurer and musician. He arrived at the court of Mary Queen of Scots in 1561 in the train of the ambassador of the Duke of Savoy. Mary appointed him her French secretary in 1564, and he soon acquired great influence and to some degree directed her policy. This angered her husband Darnley, and, on suspicion of being the Queen's lover, he was seized in her presence and murdered by Darnley and his friends.

abbreviation for Royal Naval Air Service.

Robens, Alfred (19101999)

Lord Robens of Woldingham

British Labour politician, trade unionist, and industrialist. A full-time trade-union officer of the Union of Distributive and Allied Workers, he was a member of Parliament 194560, serving as minister of labour and national service from April to October

1951. He became deputy chair of the National Coal Board in 1960 and was chair 196171, when he was made chair of Vickers Ltd. He was made a life peer in 1961.

three kings of Scotland:

Robert (I) the Bruce (12741329)

King of Scots from 1306, successful guerrilla fighter, and grandson of Robert de Bruce. In 1307 he displayed his tactical skill in the Battle of Loudun Hill against the English under Edward I, and defeated the English again under Edward II at Bannockburn in 1314. In 1328 the Treaty of Northampton recognized Scotland's independence and Robert the Bruce as king. Large English expeditions in 1322 and 1327 were beaten by Robert's 'scorched earth' policy (the destruction of villages and crops as the English army advanced), apparently his deathbed advice on how best to conduct warfare.

Robert II (13161390)
King of Scotland from 1371. He was the son of Walter (12931326), steward of Scotland, and Marjory, daughter of Robert the Bruce. He acted as regent during the exile and captivity of his uncle David II, whom he eventually succeeded. He was the first king of the house of Stuart.

Robert III (c. 13401406)

King of Scotland from 1390, son of Robert II. He was unable to control the nobles, and the government fell largely into the hands of his brother, Robert, Duke of Albany (c. 13401420).

Robert of Ketton (lived 12th century AD)

English scholar from Rutland who is though to have lived around 1140. He organized a group of translators to render the Koran into Latin, the first such undertaking in Christian Europe.

Roberts, Bartholomew (c. 16821722)

British merchant-navy captain who joined his captors when taken by pirates in 1718. He became the most financially successful of all the sea rovers until surprised and killed in battle by the British navy.

Robertson, William (17211793)

Scottish historian. His reputation was established with his History of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and of James VI 1759, and he was appointed Historiographer Royal for Scotland 1764. His History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V 1769 was followed by a History of America 1777. Although much of his work is now outdated, Robertson was the first British historian to attempt a wide general view of history.

Robertson, William Robert (18601933)

British general in World War I, the only man ever to rise from private to field marshal in the British army. Robertson enlisted as a trooper in the cavalry 1877, was commissioned 1888, made KCVO 1913, promoted to full general 1916, and finally became a field marshal 1920.

Robinson, William Leefe (18951919)

British fighter pilot. During an air-raid September 1916, he shot down the first German airship to be brought down over the UK, for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.

Rob Roy (16711734)

born Robert MacGregor

Scottish Highland Jacobite outlaw. After losing his estates, he lived by cattle theft and extortion. Captured, he was sentenced to transportation but pardoned in 1727. He is a central character in Walter Scott's historical novel Rob Roy (1817). A film of Rob Roy was made in 1995, starring Liam Neeson.

Robsart, Amy (c. 15321560)

Wife of Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester.

Rochdale Pioneers
in Britain, the founders of the cooperative movement; a group of Lancashire workers who opened a cooperative shop in Rochdale in 1844 inspired by the ideas of Robert Owen. The profits were divided among all the members of the cooperative rather than among a restricted group of shareholders.

Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (17301782)

British Whig politician, prime minister 176566 and 1782 (when he died in office); he supported the American claim to independence. He became marquess in 1750.

Roebuck, John Arthur (18011879)

Indian-born British politician. He held radical views, and among his projects was a forerunner of the Asquith Parliament Act, limiting the veto of the House of Lords. He was an independent member, but in sympathy with the Radicals, and became an original member of the Reform Club in 1836. In 1855 he moved for an inquiry into the conduct of the Crimean War, and was thus instrumental in bringing about the fall of the George Aberdeen ministry. Later he abandoned his alliance with the Radicals and supported Benjamin Disraeli's Eastern policy. Roebuck was born in Madras (now Chennai), India, and educated in Canada. He settled in England, and was called to the Bar in 1831. In the following year he entered Parliament.

Roger of Salisbury
English cleric and politician. He was appointed chancellor under Henry II 1100 and bishop of Salisbury 1101. He was next in power to the king and ruled in his absence, introducing many reforms. On Henry's death 1135 he went over to Stephen. His greed and acquisition of castles angered the barons, who removed him from office and forced him to surrender the castles 1139.

Roman Britain
period in British history from the two expeditions by Julius Caesar in 55 and 54 BC to the early 5th century AD. Roman relations with Britain began with Caesar's expeditions, but the actual conquest was not begun until AD 43. During the reign of the emperor Domitian, the governor of the province, Agricola, campaigned in Scotland. After several unsuccessful attempts to conquer Scotland, the northern frontier was fixed between the Solway and the Tyne at Hadrian's Wall.

The process of Romanization was enhanced by the establishment of Roman colonies and other major urban centres. Most notable was the city of Colchester (Camulodunum), which was the location of the temple dedicated to the Divine Claudius, and the focus of the revolt of Boudicca. Other settlements included London, York, Chester, St Albans, Lincoln, and Gloucester, as well as the spa at Bath, dedicated to the worship of Sulis Minerva, a combination of local and Roman deities. England was rapidly Romanized, but north of York few remains of Roman civilization have been found.

The Edge of the World: Britain and the Coming of Rome

Britain and the Coming of Rome The expeditions of Julius Caesar and the conquest under Claudius brought most of Britain (but not Ireland) within the political, cultural, and economic system of the Mediterranean-based empire of Rome. But the Roman conquest of Britain was a long process, and cultural domination, at first no more than superficial, was established only slowly. Britain before the conquest The Cassiterides or 'Tin Islands' known to Greek writers are generally identified with southwest Britain. During his conquest of Gaul, Julius Caesar crossed to Britain in 55 and 54 BC. This was more for the propaganda effect at Rome of invading the mysterious island in the Ocean than with any serious intent to conquer the island. For the next hundred years the peoples of the southeast of Britain were increasingly influenced by the Romans, and native kings such as Cunobelin (Shakespeare's Cymbeline) maintained diplomatic relations with them. In AD 43 the new emperor Claudius rewarded the army which had placed him on the throne by taking up the work of his ancestor Caesar and invading Britain with a view to conquest. Conquest, resistance, and domination The initial invasion of AD 43 under its commander Aulus Plautius soon overran the southeast of Britain, taking Camulodunum (Colchester) the centre for the most powerful tribe. Its leader, Caractacus, escaped to the Silures of south Wales, where he stirred up resistance until his defeat and capture in AD 51, when he was sent to Rome. Resistance continued in Wales, particularly inspired by the Druids, the priests and law-givers of the Celtic peoples. The Romans depict them as practising barbarous rites such as human sacrifice, but this may be more of an attempt to blacken the image of leaders of resistance than the truth. The next serious resistance to Rome came from the Iceni of East Anglia. When their king Prasutagus died in 60 or 61, their territory was forcibly annexed to the province of Britannia and Prasutagus' widow Boudicca (Boadicea) and her daughters abused. The Iceni and their southern neighbours the Trinovantes of Essex rose in revolt and sacked the now Roman-style towns at Colchester, London, and Verulamium (St Albans) before being slaughtered in battle by Roman troops under the governor Suetonius Paullinus. This was the last concerted effort to shake off Roman rule, though it was not until the 70s that the Romans completed the conquest of what are now England and Wales. Scotland and the walls

In the early 80s Roman power was advanced into Scotland under the governor Gnaeus Julius Agricola, the best-known governor of Britain as the biography by his son-in-law the historian Tacitus has survived. Agricola defeated the Caledonian tribes under their leader Calgacus at the battle of Mons Graupius in northeastern Scotland, but over the next forty years the Romans gradually gave up their conquests in Scotland. In AD 122 the emperor Hadrian visited Britain and commanded the construction of a wall from sea to sea. Hadrian's Wall ran from Newcastle to west of Carlisle. With a gate (milecastle) every mile as well as watch-towers and forts, it was designed to control movement across the frontier, supervise the tribes to the north, and stand as a great monument to the might of Hadrian and Rome. At Hadrian's death in AD 138, his successor Antoninus Pius abandoned the newly completed Wall and advanced to a new line from the Forth to the Clyde, the Antonine Wall. But with the death of its originator in AD 161 the Antonine Wall was abandoned, and thereafter Hadrian's Wall marked the northern boundary of Rome in Britain. The development of Britannia The initial conquest was long drawn out and occasionally bloody, and the Romans never succeeded in subduing all the island. Thus there was always a substantial military garrison in Britain and resistance by unconquered tribes. But the great majority of the people of Britain soon settled down to Roman rule and adapted to the style of their conquerors. Under Roman influence towns appear in Britain, including colonies for military veterans such as Colchester, Gloucester, and Lincoln, the great port of London and other towns which have remained important to the present such as Canterbury and York. Roman fashions can also be seen in the introduction of temples, altars, and sculpture for the worship of native gods, new burial practices, the construction of Roman-style country residences (villas), and the importation of luxuries such as spices or glass from elsewhere in the empire. This 'Romanization' of Britain principally affected the aristocracy, who used Roman manners to please their overlords and to impress the rest of the populace. But the great majority of the people continued to live on the land and eke out a living as peasants, relatively little touched by the forms of Roman civilization.

The Saxon Shore

The End of Roman Britannia In the 3rd century AD the European provinces of the Roman empire suffered greatly from barbarian invasion and political turmoil. Though Britain was relatively immune, these events set in motion the longer-term dissolution of the western Roman empire. The Sea Wolves The 3rd century AD was a time of peace on the northern frontier of Roman Britain. Treaties and the garrisons of Hadrian's Wall held the northern tribes in check, but at the same time Gaul and Germany were afflicted by invasions, and the fringes of the storm reached. Britain. From across the North Sea came Saxon raiders, threatening the villas and settlements of the southeastern coasts. To fend them off a series of strong, new forts, the forts of the Saxon Shore, were built in the late 3rd century around the coasts of East Anglia and the southeast, from Brancaster in Norfolk via the Straits of Dover to Portchester in Hampshire. They show the high walls and towers of late Roman defences and were associated with both land and sea forces to intercept and repel invaders.

By the 4th century the northern frontier was again giving concern, with the Picts and powerful new peoples such as the Scots menacing Hadrian's Wall., which was refurbished to meet the threat. Occasionally the defensive system based on the Wall failed, most notably in the great 'Barbarian Conspiracy' of AD 367. In this year the Picts, Scots, and Saxons combined to attack Britain from all sides and the army in Britain temporarily collapsed, having to be restored by the general Theodosius (father of the emperor of the same name). Britain in the 4th century A 4th-century writer refers to Britain as 'a very wealthy island' and its importance to the politics and economy of the late Roman west are clear. The island spawned a succession of claimants to the imperial throne, starting success- fully with Constantine I, the first Christian emperor, proclaimed at York in AD 306. Less successful were Magnentius (35053) and Magnus Maximus (38388), both of whom may have removed troops to the continent, and whose suppression brought reprisals upon Britain. Nonetheless, excavations on the towns and villas of Britain have shown that the first half of the 4th century was their heyday and the time of greatest prosperity and stability for Roman Britain. The villas in particular were at their most numerous and elaborate, with palatial residences such as Bignor (Sussex) or Woodchester (Gloucestershire). Both villas and town-houses were embellished with mosaics whose designs drew on themes from Greco-Roman mythology or the newly fashionable Christianity. The well-to-do proprietors of these villas enjoyed a Roman lifestyle comparable with their peers in Gaul, Spain, or Italy. Finds of silver plate such as that from Corbridge (Northumberland) and Mildenhall (Suffolk) or of jewellery from Hoxne and Thetford (both Suffolk) attest to the wealth and the artistic and religious tastes of British aristocrats. Decline and fall By the late 4th century the archaeological evidence shows that the glory days of Roman Britain were passing. Villas were becoming dilapidated or were abandoned, damaged mosaics went unpatched, and the streets and services of the towns fell into decay. The critical moment came early in the 5th century. In AD 406 the army in Britain proclaimed another claimant to the imperial purple, Constantine III. He took part of the army with him to Gaul, where he was defeated and killed AD 411. At the time Gaul was in turmoil through barbarian invasions, and the central Roman authorities were unable to re-establish control or re-garrison Britain. Though the Romans never formally abandoned Britain (the famous 410 letter of the Emperor Honorius urging the British to look to their own defences may actually refer to Bruttium in southern Italy), it slipped from their grasp in the early 5th century and was never recovered. Despite the level of success of Roman civilization among the British upper classes, the removal of military protection and the imperial system dealt this way of life a body-blow which it could not withstand, and the decay and dilapidation of the late 4th century hastened the final collapse of Roman-style living in the early 5th century. The Dark Ages There is an almost total lack of contemporary historical sources for the mid and late 5th centuries. Yet it is in this time that the Anglo-Saxons became established in

Britain. One story has it that some were brought over by a post-Roman ruler in Kent, Vortigern, to protect his kingdom against other raiders. Because of Vortigern's treachery they turned against him and took the kingdom for themselves. This has also been seen as the time of the 'historical' King Arthur, a post-Roman war-leader rallying the Britons against the Anglo-Saxon invaders, the last standard-bearer of Rome in Britain.

Roman roads
network of well built roads constructed across Britain by the Romans, to facilitate rapid troop movements and communications, as well as trade. The best known are Ermine Street, Watling Street, and Fosse Way. Many Roman roads were constructed afresh; others, such as the Icknield Way, were based on ancient routes. The roads were usually as straight as possible to aid speed of travel, and were built from large kerb stones between smaller stones covered with river gravel, often accompanied by drainage ditches. Many of the roads continued in use throughout the Middle Ages.

Romilly, Samuel (17571818)

British lawyer, politician, and reformer. Called to the Bar in 1783, he became a King's Counsel 17 years later. He entered Parliament in 1806 and in that year was solicitorgeneral in the Ministry of All the Talents. He effected many legal reforms, helping to mitigate the severity of the criminal laws; it was Romilly who secured the abolition of the death penalty for many classes of petty crime. He joined in the antislavery agitation, and opposed the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. Romilly was born in London, England. He killed himself shortly after the death of his wife.

Rooke, George (16501709)

English admiral of the fleet. He saw service against the Dutch, and was promoted to rear-admiral and commanded the squadron sent to relieve Londonderry, Northern Ireland. In 1690 he was engaged in the battle of Beachy Head. In 1692 he took part in the battle of La Hogue and led the night attack which led to the burning of 13 French ships. In 1693 he successfully resisted an attack on his convoy by the French. In 1702, with the rank of vice-admiral, he was in command of the expedition which captured or destroyed the Spanish treasure-ships and French warships in Vigo Bay, Spain. In 1704, with Cloudesley Shovell, he captured Gibraltar and successfully beat off an attack by the French in the Battle of Mlaga. Rooke was born near Canterbury, England.

Room 40
in World War I, room in the British Admiralty building for the cryptanalysis staff who deciphered German naval signals, including the Zimmermann Telegram.

Root and Branch Petition

in England, petition presented to the Long Parliament 11 December 1640, calling for the abolition 'root and branch' of episcopacy. The petition was supported by 15,000 Londoners and a bill was introduced in the House of Commons the following May. However, Charles I would not countenance the loss of bishops and the issue was dropped. Many moderate members of parliament rallied to support both the king and the church.

Rorke's Drift, Battle of

during the Anglo-Zulu War, British victory over a Zulu army 22 January 1879 at Rorke's Drift, a farm about 170 km/105 mi north of Durban, Natal. A small British force on the farm, which was little more than a field hospital, held off 4,000 Zulus who had just defeated a much larger British force at Isandhlwana. Casualties were 17 British killed and 400 Zulus.

Rose, John Holland (18551942)

British historian. He became first Vere Harmsworth professor of naval history at Cambridge University in 1919, and was a leading authority on British history of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic period. His publications, of which several have become standard works, include Life of Napoleon I (1902) and William Pitt and the National Revival (1911). Rose was born in Bedford, England. He was educated at Owens College, Manchester, and at Christ's College, Cambridge. He bequeathed a sum to Christ's College for the endowment of a scholarship to encourage the study of British imperial history.

Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery (1847 1929)

British Liberal politician. He was foreign secretary in 1886 and 189294, when he succeeded Gladstone as prime minister, but his government survived less than a year. After 1896 his imperialist views gradually placed him further from the mainstream of the Liberal Party. He was made an Earl in 1868.

Roses, Wars of the

civil wars in England 145585 between the houses of Lancaster (badge: red rose) and York (badge: white rose), both of which claimed the throne through descent from

the sons of Edward III. As a result of Henry VI's lapse into insanity in 1453, Richard, Duke of York, was installed as protector of the realm. Upon his recovery, Henry forced York to take up arms in self-defence. See England: history to 1485, the beginning of the Wars of the Roses, Edward IV, and Richard III and the end of the Wars of the Roses.

Rothesay, David Stewart, 1st Duke of Rothesay (13781402)

Scottish prince. He was the son of Robert II of Scotland, and succeeded to his father's original title of the Earl of Carrick. Owing to the king's defects of character, the management of the affairs of the kingdom devolved on his brother, the Earl of Fife. The estates, however, decided that David, as heir to the throne, should assume sovereign powers, and at the same time David was created Duke of Rothesay and his uncle, Fife, was made Duke of Albany, these being the first examples of the ducal title in the history of Scotland.

Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron (19101990)

English scientist and public servant. After working in military intelligence during World War II he joined the zoology department at Cambridge University 195070, at the same time serving as chair of the Agricultural Research Council 194858 and Shell Research 196370. In 1971 he was asked by prime minister Edward Heath to head his new think tank, the Central Policy Review Staff, a post he held until 1974.

rotten borough
English parliamentary constituency, before the Great Reform Act of 1832, that returned members to Parliament in spite of having small numbers of electors. Such a borough could easily be manipulated by those with sufficient money or influence.

rough wooing
English invasions of Scotland 15431549 in a vain attempt to enforce the Treaty of Greenwich 1543. Henry VIII sent Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, to harry the Scottish borders. Seymour extended the policy while Lord Protector for the underage Edward VI and established English garrisons in Scotland.


member of the Parliamentary party during the English Civil War 164060, opposing the Royalist Cavaliers. The term referred to the short hair then worn only by men of the lower classes. Men at the court of Charles I fashionably wore their hair in long ringlets, so the Parliamentarians chose to wear theirs short in contrast. Many Parliamentarians were also Puritans, who thought they should live and dress simply and austerely. 'Roundhead' was originally a derogatory term and is thought to have first been used in 1641, possibly by Queen Henrietta Maria.

Roundsman system
method of poor relief in England in the late 18th and early 19th century, whereby unemployed labourers were given a ticket by the poor law guardians of the parish, and then went round the parish asking for work. If they were offered work, the parish paid a proportion of their wages.

Round Table conferences

discussions on the future of India held in London 193032 between representatives of British India, the Princely States, and the British government. The Indian princes agreed to join a united India (including Pakistan) at the first conference 193031, but there was little progress in the second conference 1931 as Mahatma Gandhi demanded a wider franchise. After the third conference 1932, the British passed the Government of India Act 1935. See India Acts, India, Independence of.

Roundway Down, Battle of

battle 13 July 1643 at Roundway Down, 3 km/2 mi north of Devizes, Wiltshire, England, between Royalist troops under Lord Wilmot and Parliamentarians under Sir William Waller. The Parliamentarians were defeated, losing all their cannon and much ammunition.

Rous, Francis (15791659)

English clergyman. His most notable work was his version of The Psalms of David in English Metre 1643, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1650, and is still for Scottish congregations the form in which the Psalms are most familiar. Rous was born in Dittisham, Devon, England. He was educated at Oxford and Leiden universities, studying law at first, before turning to theology. He was a member of Parliament, and in 1643 was appointed Provost of Eton School.

Royal Flying Corps


forerunner of the Royal Air Force, created in 1912 from the Air Battalion, Royal Engineers, as the air arm of the British army. The RFC was organized in squadrons, each of three flights of four aircraft; at first these were mixed, but during World War I separate squadrons dedicated to fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, training, or other roles were formed. It was merged into the Royal Air Force on 1 April 1918.

term often used to describe monarchist factions. In England, it is used especially for those who supported Charles I during the English Civil War. They are also known as 'Cavaliers', and their opponents as 'Parliamentarians' or Roundheads. The Royalists first appeared as a distinct group in Parliament during the debates on the Root and Branch Petition in the House of Commons in 1641. As the Civil War progressed it was obvious that the Royalists were strongest in the northwest, and the Parliamentarians in the southeast, though there were several exceptions to this, such as Royalist Colchester in the southeast and Parliamentarian Gloucester in the west. Royalists were drawn from all classes, though their steadiest support came from the lesser gentry. They embraced a wide range of religious opinions: Catholics and Arminians were all Royalist, but the party included moderate Anglicans and, after 1649, many Presbyterians and some of the Independents. This diverse group was, in fact, held together solely by its allegiance to the king.

Royal Naval Air Service


air arm of the British Royal Navy during World War I, formed in July 1914 from naval officers and elements of the Royal Flying Corps. The RNAS performed patrol duties over the North Sea, pioneered the use of aircraft carriers, and was also responsible for the air defence of Britain until 1916. It pioneered strategic bombing, attacking German airship bases as early as 1914.

Royal Navy
the navy of Britain. Alfred the Great established a navy in the 9th century, and by the 13th century there was already an official styled 'keeper of the king's ships'. This office grew to become the Navy Board 1546, the body responsible for administering the fleet of Henry VIII, some 80 ships, with the Great Harry as his flagship. The Navy Board administered the navy until 1832, when the Board of Admiralty was instituted.

The government head of the Admiralty was the First Lord of the Admiralty, while the senior serving officer in command of the navy was the First Sea Lord (now known as Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord). The Admiralty was abolished 1964 and replaced by the naval department of the Ministry of Defence.

Royal Pavilion
or Brighton Pavilion

palace in Brighton, England, built in 1784 and bought in the early 19th century for the Prince Regent (the future George IV) who had it extensively rebuilt in a mix of classical and Indian styles. Queen Victoria was the last monarch to use it and it is now municipal property.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

The Royal Pavilion, Brighton, rebuilt by John Nash for the pleasure-loving Prince of Wales (later George IV). Nash was the Prince's favourite architect. The exotic hybrid of classical and oriental styles that he employed has been called 'Hindoo-Gothic'.

Royal Ulster Constabulary


police force of Northern Ireland, established in 1922 following the partition of Ireland. Its duties include those of a normal law enforcement agency as well as protection

against terrorist activity. Until 1969 it included an armed section known as the BSpecials. Members of the RUC are 90% Protestant, and Irish nationalists and republicans have accused the force of being biased against Roman Catholics. The RUC has been under the control of the Northern Ireland Office of the British government since direct rule was established in 1972. Matters of security, law, and order remained under British government control following devolution of power to the Northern Ireland executive in December 1999.

Rump, the
English parliament formed between December 1648 and November 1653 after Pride's purge of the Long Parliament to ensure a majority in favour of trying Charles I. It was dismissed in 1653 by Cromwell, who replaced it with the Barebones Parliament. Reinstated after the Protectorate ended in 1659 and the full membership of the Long Parliament was restored in 1660, the Rump dissolved itself shortly afterwards and was replaced by the Convention Parliament, which brought about the restoration of the monarchy.

Runciman, Steven (19032000)

English historian of the eastern Mediterranean. His works did much to revive interest in the history and art of the Byzantine Empire. His writings include Byzantine Civilisation (1933), A History of the Crusades (1951 54), and The Byzantine Theocracy (1977).

Runciman, Walter, 1st Viscount Runciman (18701949)

British Liberal politician. He entered Parliament in 1899 and held various ministerial offices between 1908 and 1939. In August 1938 he undertook an abortive mission to Czechoslovakia to persuade the Czech government to make concessions to Nazi Germany. Viscount 1937.

meadow on the south bank of the River Thames near Egham in Surrey, England, where on 15 June 1215 King John put his seal to the Magna Carta.

Rupert, Prince (16191682)

called 'Rupert of the Rhine'

English Royalist general and admiral, born in Prague, son of the Elector Palatine Frederick V and James I's daughter Elizabeth. Defeated by Cromwell at Marston Moor and Naseby in the Civil War, he commanded a privateering fleet 164952, until routed by Admiral Robert Blake, and, returning after the Restoration, was a distinguished admiral in the Dutch Wars. He founded the Hudson's Bay Company. He was created Duke of Cumberland and Earl of Holderness in 1644.

Russell, Jack (John) (17951883)

English clergyman who bred the short-legged, smooth-coated Jack Russell terrier as a fox-hunting breed in the mid-19th century.

Russell, John (17921878)

1st Earl Russell; known until 1861 as Lord John Russell

British Liberal politician, son of the 6th Duke of Bedford. He entered the House of Commons in 1813 and supported Catholic emancipation and the Reform Bill. He held cabinet posts 183041, became prime minister 184652, and was again a cabinet minister until becoming prime minister again 186566. He retired after the defeat of his Reform Bill in 1866.

Russell, William, Lord (16391683)

British Whig politician. Son of the 1st Duke of Bedford, he was among the founders of the Whig Party and actively supported attempts in Parliament to exclude the Roman Catholic James II from succeeding to the throne. In 1683 he was accused, on dubious evidence, of complicity in the Rye House Plot to murder Charles II, and was executed. He used the courtesy title Lord Russell from 1678.

Russell of Killowen, Charles Russell, Lord Russell of Killowen (18321900)

English lawyer and Lord Chief Justice. Russell was attorney-general in 1886 and 1892. He was made lord of appeal in 1894 and Lord Chief Justice in the same year. He introduced the Secret Commissions Bill in 1900. Russell was one of the greatest of 19th-century English judges. Few have been able to equal the brilliant lucidity of his summings-up, and, as counsel, his skill in cross-examination was outstanding. In a private capacity Russell played a large part in the English Catholic revival. Russell was born in Newry, County Down, Northern Ireland, of Roman Catholic parents. He was educated at private schools and at St Vincent's College,

Castleknock. From 1854 he practised as a solicitor in the county courts of Down and Antrim, Northern Ireland. In 1856 he moved to London, England, and was called to the English Bar in 1859, becoming a Queen's Counsel in 1872. He sat in Parliament as member for Dundalk, Ireland (188085), and for South Hackney, England (1885 86 and 1892). A strong Home Ruler, he was leading counsel for the Irish nationalist Charles Parnell. Russell was one of the British representatives in the Bering Sea arbitration. He was given a life peerage in 1894.

Ryan, Desmond (18931964)

English-born Irish socialist and historian, who wrote extensively on the history of revolutionary nationalism in Ireland. As secretary to his mentor Patrick Pearse, he joined the Irish Volunteers and fought in the General Post Office in the Easter Rising of 1916. He was the author of a definitive account of the insurrection, The Rising 1946, as well as biographies on principal figures in the struggle for independence, such as Pearse and amon de Valera, and the Fenian leaders John Devoy and James Stephens. Born in London, the son of William Patrick Ryan, he grew up in Dublin and was educated at Patrick Pearse's nationalist school, St Enda's. Following his release from internment after the 1916 uprising, he edited Pearse's account of the school. He supported the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 but left Ireland in disgust at the ensuing Civil War, and in London wrote novels (including Invisible Army 1932, on the assassinated revolutionary Michael Collins, and the picaresque St Eustace and the Albatross, 1934). His other works include an autobiography of his youth, Remembering Sion 1934, a study of the Irish language, The Sword of Light 1938, and edited collections of Fenian correspondence, Devoy's Post Bag 1948 and 1953.

Ryan, Michael Robert (19601987)

British murderer who killed 16 people and injured more than a dozen in Hungerford, England, in August 1987, before shooting himself. Ryan was a landscape worker and a gun enthusiast, who had held gun licences since 1978 and boasted that he always carried a pistol. He murdered a woman and her young family in a local beauty spot, before driving to Hungerford and slaughtering his mother, neighbours, police, and passers-by. Eventually he was cornered in a primary school, where he shot himself. His motives were never understood.

Rye House Plot

conspiracy of 1683 by English Whig extremists against Charles II for his Roman Catholic leanings. They intended to murder Charles and his brother James, Duke of York, at Rye House, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, but the plot was betrayed. The Duke of Monmouth was involved, and alleged conspirators, including Lord William Russell and Algernon Sidney (16221683), were executed for complicity.

Rymer, Thomas (16411713)

English historian and critic. He is chiefly remembered as the compiler of the invaluable collection of historical materials known as the Foedera, published in 20 volumes between 1704 and 1735; the last five books were completed by Robert Sanderson. Rymer was born in Yafforth, Yorkshire, England. He was educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University. Rymer was called to the Bar in 1673. His first important works were The Tragedies of the Last Age Consider'd (1678) and A Short View of Tragedy (1692). These were much discussed, especially as they contained criticisms of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson. He succeeded Thomas Shadwell as historiographer royal in 1692.

Sacheverell, Henry (c. 16741724)

English cleric. In 1710, for having condemned the principles of the Glorious Revolution in his sermons, he was found guilty in a politically motivated sedition trial before the House of Lords. It is probable that this affair contributed to the crushing defeat of the Whigs in the general election of OctNov 1710. In 1709 Sacheverell delivered two sermons, at Derby and at St Paul's Cathedral, London, in which he expressed extreme High Church and Tory views. The Whigdominated House of Commons passed a resolution denouncing them as 'malicious, scandalous and seditious libels' and Sacheverell was impeached for high crimes and misdemeanours. He was suspended from preaching for three years. This light sentence was regarded as a Tory and High Church victory, and, when Sacheverell set out to take a church benefice in Shropshire, his journey was a continued triumph. On the expiration of the sentence in 1713, Sacheverell preached in London on the Christian triumph, and shortly afterwards Queen Anne arranged for him to become rector of St Andrew, Holborn, London.

Sacheverell Case
in Britain, prosecution of Dr Henry Sacheverell (c. 16741724) for preaching a High Anglican sermon 1709 attacking the Glorious Revolution. He was impeached by the Whig government and convicted the following year in the Lords, although only by a small majority. He was barred from preaching for the next three years. His case aroused much public sympathy and helped pave the way for the Tory's resumption of office.

Sackville, George (17161785)

British soldier and politician. He served creditably at the battles of Dettingen in 1743 and Fontenoy in 1745 but then at the Battle of Minden, where he commanded the

British forces under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, he failed to execute the Prince's repeated order to charge. He was court-martialled, disgraced, and adjudged incapable of serving thereafter in any military capacity. After the death of George II, he returned to public life, and sat in Parliament from 176182. He was made secretary of state for the colonies in 1775. In 1782 he retired from office, having been raised to the peerage with the titles of Viscount Sackville and Baron of Bolebrook. Sackville was born in London, England.

St Albans, Battle of
first battle in the English Wars of the Roses, on 22 May 1455 at St Albans, Hertfordshire; a victory for the house of York.

Saints, Battle of the

during the American Revolution, British naval victory over the French on 12 April 1782, off the islands of Les Saintes in the channel separating Dominica from Guadeloupe in the Windward Islands. The British achieved their short-term aim of preventing a French convoy from sailing, but more importantly this battle also had the effect of reasserting British naval supremacy in the Western hemisphere.

St Vincent, John Jervis, 1st Earl St Vincent (17351823)

British admiral of the fleet. In 1793 he captured the West Indian islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. In 1797 he defeated the Spanish fleet off Cape St Vincent. As a result, he was awarded an earldom and a pension of 3,000. In the Addington ministry he served as first lord of the Admiralty, but his somewhat drastic proposals for reform and his rigid economies proved an unpopular policy. He was an exceedingly strict disciplinarian and averted a mutiny in the fleet at Spithead, England, by his strong measures. St Vincent was born in Meaford, Staffordshire, England. He entered the navy in 1749, becoming lieutenant in 1755, commander in 1759, and post captain in 1760. He fought in Keppel's action of 1778. He was created a Knight of the Bath after seizing the French ship Pgase in 1782, and took part during the same year in the relief of Gibraltar by Lord Howe. In 1783 he was member of Parliament for Launceston, and in the following year for Yarmouth. In 1785 he was promoted to rear-admiral, and in 1793 to vice-admiral.

Saklatvala, Shapurji (18741936)

Indian lawyer and Communist politician, who represented Battersea North as a Labour member of Parliament 192223 and as a Communist 192429. He was associated with the Indian Trades Union Congress and joined the National Liberal

Club in 1905. In 1910 he joined the Independent Labour Party, later the British Socialist Party, and in 1920 helped form the British Communist Party. Prevented from entering the USA in 1925 on grounds of his revolutionary creed, Saklatvala also served a two-month jail sentence for a speech made on May Day 1926 in Hyde Park.

Sale, Robert Henry (17821845)

British soldier. Heentered the army in 1795. In India, he took part in the storming of Seringapatam in 1799, and of Travancore in 1809. In the Burmese War (182425) he distinguished himself at Rangoon. In the Afghan War of 1838, he was severely wounded at Ghazni. In 1842 he was compelled to fall back upon Jalalabad, where he sustained a three-month siege; he eventually recaptured Kabul.

Salisbury, Thomas de Montacute (13881428)

4th Earl of Salisbury

English noble. He served with Henry V in France in 1415 during the Hundred Years' War, and took part in the siege of Harfleur and the Battle of Agincourt that year. He was twice ambassador to France, in 1414 and 1418, and was made lieutenant general of Normandy and Count of Perche in 1419. He was mortally wounded while besieging Orlans.

Salisbury, William Longsword (c. 11751226)

3rd Earl of Salisbury

English noble, illegitimate son of Henry II. King John made him warden of the Cinque Ports and Welsh Marches. He was privy councillor on the king's side 120811 and witnessed the charter submitting England to Pope Innocent III.

Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury

title conferred on Robert Cecil, secretary of state to Elizabeth I of England.

Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (18301903)

British Conservative politician. He entered the Commons in 1853 and succeeded to his title in 1868. As foreign secretary 187880, he took part in the Congress of Berlin,

and as prime minister 188586, 188692, and 18951902 gave his main attention to foreign policy, remaining also as foreign secretary for most of this time.

Salisbury, Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of Salisbury (18931972)

British Conservative politician. He was Dominions secretary 194042 and 194345, colonial secretary 1942, Lord Privy Seal 194243 and 195152, and Lord President of the Council 195257. He became Baron in 1941, and Marquess in 1947.

Salmond, John Maitland (18811968)

British air marshal in World War I. After service in the South African War 190102, he learned to fly at his own expense and joined the Royal Flying Corps 1912 as an instructor. In 1918 he succeeded Air Marshal Trenchard as commander of the Independent Air Force in France and was responsible for much of the strategic bombing campaign that followed.

Salt, Barbara (19041975)

English diplomat. She joined the Foreign Office as a first secretary to the United Nations, became counsellor in 1955, and was appointed ambassador to Israel in 1962. Unable to take up the post because of an illness which resulted in the loss of both her legs, she remained in the Foreign Office and became head of the Special Operations Executive 196772. Salt was educated at Seaford in Sussex and at Munich and Cologne universities. During World War II she acted as vice-consul in Tangier.

Samuel, Herbert Louis (18701963)

1st Viscount Samuel of Mount Carmel and Toxteth

British Liberal politician and administrator. He was leader of the Liberal Party 1931 35, held several ministerial offices, and served as high commissioner of Palestine 192025.

ministerial offices
A keen social reformer, as undersecretary at the Home Office 190509 he was largely responsible for the Children's Act of 1908, which set up juvenile courts and borstals. After entering the cabinet, he was chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 190910, postmaster general 191014 and 191516, president of the Local Government Board 191415, and home secretary 1916. When the Liberal Party split

in 1916, Samuel sided with Herbert Asquith and went into opposition. He lost his seat in 1918.

Liberal leader
Re-elected to Parliament in 1929, Samuel held the Liberal leadership 193135, which is to say that he led the main faction of a fragmented and fast-declining party. In 1931, the 'Samuelite' Liberals joined the National Government coalition, in which Samuel served as home secretary for just over a year. A free-trader, he opposed the introduction of protective tariffs and led his followers out of the coalition in September 1932 in protest at the Ottawa Agreements on Imperial preference.

Sands, Bobby (19541981)

born Robert Sands

Irish republican. Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Sands came of age at the height of 'the Troubles' in the early 1970s. Intimidation by loyalists and the introduction of internment in 1971 radicalized his politics and by 1972 he was an active service member of the Provisional IRA. Imprisoned in the H Blocks of Long Kesh for arms offences in 1976, Sands became the leader of a prisoner's protest demanding the restoration of 'political status'. In 1981 he joined a hunger strike and subsequently was elected to the UK Parliament. He died 66 days after first refusing food. The failure of the first 'dirty protest', which involved the prisoners remaining naked and smearing excrement on cell walls, led to the adoption in 1980 of the more extreme strategy of hunger strike. At first the principal organizer and negotiator for the prisoners, Sands joined the hunger strike in 1981. In April, he was elected UK member of Parliament for Fermanagh. Despite the extremity of the situation and the intense mood of support among Northern Ireland's Catholics, the Thatcher government refused to restore the privileges. His death and those of nine other prisoners in the following months immeasurably deepened the crisis in Ulster in the 1980s.

Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich (16251672)

English admiral and general at sea. He joined the Parliamentary army in 1643, and distinguished himself at the battle of Naseby and in other actions. He held high office under the Commonwealth, but in 1660 went over to Charles II, and on the Restoration he was raised to the peerage and appointed admiral. He defeated the Dutch fleet off Lowestoft in 1665, and went as ambassador to Spain the following year to conclude peace. In the Third Dutch War in 1672, he was second in command of the English fleet under the Duke of York. He was blown up on his flagship in the naval action of Solebay. Samuel Pepys was his protg.

Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (17181792)

British politician. He was an inept First Lord of the Admiralty 177182 during the American Revolution, and his corrupt practices were blamed for the British navy's inadequacies. He was made an earl in 1729. The Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) were named after him, as are sandwiches, which he invented so that he could eat without leaving the gaming table.

Sandys, (Edwin) Duncan, Baron Duncan-Sandys (19081987)

British Conservative politician. As minister for Commonwealth relations 196064, he negotiated the independence of Malaysia in 1963. Baron 1974.

Sarsfield, Patrick, Earl of Lucan (c. 16451693)

Irish Jacobite commander and patriot. He served with the English army in France, and fought ably at the battle of Sedgemoor in 1685 and the battle of the Boyne in 1690. After forcing William of Orange to raise the siege of Limerick in 1690 he was allowed to retire to France. He fought in Flanders, and was mortally wounded at Neerwinden in 1693.

Saxon Shore
Roman coastal defences constructed in the 3rd and 4th centuries from the Wash to the Solent to prevent incursions by the 'barbarian' tribes of the Continent, especially the Saxons. Strategic harbours and estuaries were fortified to withstand sieges and a fleet of ships (classis Britanniae) was established.

site of the ancient Scone Palace (destroyed in 1559), near the village of New Scone, Perth and Kinross, where many of the Scottish kings were crowned on the Stone of Destiny. The coronation stone was removed to Westminster Abbey, London, by Edward I in 1297, but was returned to Scotland in 1996 and is on display at Edinburgh Castle.

Scoones, Geoffry Alan Percival (18931975)

British general in World War II. He was commander of the British IV Corps on the IndiaBurma border 1944 and was responsible for the defence of Kohima and Imphal and the defeat of the Japanese Ha-Go offensive against India. After this he led IV Corps in an offensive which drove the Japanese across the Chindwin River and into

central Burma. In December 1944 he was given command of central India and in 1945 was made KBE.

scot and lot

medieval municipal tax which brought with it the right to take part in town government and voting. The name comes from the terms 'scot', meaning payment, and 'lot', meaning a share. The modern expression 'Scot free' derives from this tax.

Scotland: history to 1058

with the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the last ice age and the improvement of the climate from around 8000 BC, Mesolithic hunter-gatherer bands began to spread along the coast and islands of Scotland and into the river valleys. Caves were sometimes inhabited, and stone, flint, and bone implements were in use.

Scotland: history 1058 to 1513

for the history of Scotland before 1058, see Scotland: history to 1058. The history of Scotland in the Middle Ages (11th15th century) is marked by the attempt to create national unity and establish independence from England, its more powerful southern neighbour (see medieval England and Scotland).

Scotland: history 1513 to 1603

for the history of Scotland before 1513, see Scotland: history to 1058 and Scotland: history 1058 to 1513 (see also medieval England and Scotland).

Scotland: history 1603 to 1746

for the history of Scotland before 1603, see Scotland: history to 1058, Scotland: history 1058 to 1513 (see also medieval England and Scotland), and Scotland: history 1513 to 1603. After the accession of James VI and I to the English throne, the history of Scotland became increasingly linked with that of England. The Scots played a significant role in the English Civil War. They were at war with the English government during the Commonwealth and after the Glorious Revolution. The Act of Union might be seen as the inevitable result of defeat by England, which the Jacobite rebellions failed to reverse.

Scotland: history from 1746

for the history of Scotland before 1746, see Scotland: history to 1058, Scotland: history 1058 to 1513, Scotland: history 1513 to 1603, and Scotland: history from 1603 to 1746.

Scott, Michael (19071983)

English Anglican missionary and social and political activist. Working as a missionary in South Africa from 1943 to 1950, he exposed human-rights violations and took the case of the dispossessed Herero people to the United Nations, becoming persona non grata in South African and in the Central African Federation (Nyasaland and Northern and Southern Rhodesia). In 1958 he was briefly imprisoned for his part in nuclear-disarmament demonstrations, and in 1966 he was expelled from Nagaland in northeast India. During his time in South Africa he brought to light atrocities in the Bethal farming area and in the Transvaal, and defended the Basutos against wrongful arrest. He founded the London Africa Bureau in 1952. His works include an autobiography, A Time to Speak (1958), and A Search for Peace and Justice (1980).

Scott, Percy Moreton (18531924)

British admiral. He joined the Royal Navy 1866 and was a fierce advocate of gunnery training and improvements and a strong believer in the future of the submarine. He commanded a cruiser squadron 190709, was made KCVO 1910, created a baronet 1913, and retired with admiral's rank 1913. Recalled to duty 1914, he was given command of London's air defences in the early stages of World War I and placed them on a sound footing before retiring for a second time.

Scott, Sheila (Christine) (19271988)

born Sheila Hopkins

English aviator. She took part in many races and in 1966 flew 49,600 km/31,000 mi in 33 days (189 flying hours), the longest solo flight in a single-engined aircraft. Her light-aircraft records include a solo flight from Equator to Equator over the North Pole in 1971. She wrote three books describing her career: I Must Fly (1968), On Top of the World (1973), and Bare Feet in the Sky (1974).

Scottish National Party


nationalist party that supports the separation of Scotland from the UK as an independent state within the European Union. It was formed by the combining of several early nationalist parties in 1934 and at first advocated only autonomy (selfgovernment) within the UK. It gained its first parliamentary victory in 1945 but did not make serious headway in Parliament until the 1970s when it became an influential bloc at Westminster, and its support was crucial to James Callaghan's Labour government. The SNP won 6 of Scotland's 72 seats and over one-fifth of the Scottish vote in the 1997 general election, and 35 of 129 seats in the 1999 election to the new Scottish Parliament, in which it forms the main opposition. It is now second only to the Labour Party in Scotland. Its share of the vote fell only slightly in the 2001 general election, when it won five seats.

abbreviation for Scouting Experimental 5a

British fighter aircraft of World War I. One of the great combat machines of the war it was agile, robust, and easy to fly, though the first models suffered from an unreliable Hispano-Suiza engine.

mark or impression made in a block of wax to authenticate letters and documents. Seals were used in ancient China and are still used in China, Korea, and Japan.

Seaton, John Colborne, 1st Baron Seaton (17781863)

British general. He served in the La Corua campaign. He afterwards fought with Wellington, and was wounded at Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain. He also took part in the battle of Waterloo. In 1838 he put down the rebellion in Canada. He was the governor of the Ionian Islands (184349). Seaton was promoted to the rank of general in 1854 and field-marshal in 1860. He was commander-in-chief of the forces in Ireland 185560. He was made baron in 1839.

Sedgemoor, Battle of

in English history, a battle on 6 July 1685 in which Monmouth's rebellion was crushed by the forces of James II, on a tract of marshy land 5 km/3 mi southeast of Bridgwater, Somerset.

Sefton, Earl of
Irish title held by the Molyneux family since 1771. The earl's eldest son was called Viscount Molyneux, and his chief seat was Croxteth Hall, Liverpool. On the death of the 7th Earl in 1972, the title became extinct.

Selborne, William Waldegrave Palmer (18591942)

2nd Earl of Selborne

English politician and administrator. He was first lord of the Admiralty 190005, governor of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony and high commissioner for South Africa 190510, and president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries 1915 16. He prepared the document known as the Selborne Memorandum (1907), on the principles of South African union in a federal constitution. In 1909 he accompanied the Boer delegates to London and helped the British government in its task of passing the South Africa Act of 1909.

Selden, John (15841654)

English antiquarian and opponent of Charles I's claim to the divine right of kings (the doctrine that the monarch is answerable to God alone), for which he was twice imprisoned. His Table Talk 1689 consists of short essays on political and religious questions.

self-denying ordinance
in the English Civil War, proposal 3 April 1645 that all New Model Army officers who were peers or members of parliament should be obliged to resign. The measure was introduced after the parliamentary army's failure at the second battle of Newbury and provided an expedient means of dismissing ineffectual Parliamentary commanders, such as the Earl of Manchester, without causing individual bitterness. Cromwell was reappointed to his position.

Selkirk, Alexander (16761721)

Scottish sailor marooned 170409 in the Juan Fernndez Islands in the south Pacific. His story inspired Daniel Defoe to write Robinson Crusoe.

Selkirk, Thomas Douglas (17711820)

Scottish-Canadian administrator. His life was mainly concerned with the welfare of Scottish crofters evicted as a result of the Highland Clearances; he helped many to settle in Canada. In 1803 he founded a settlement at Prince Edward Island, and in 1811 he became the owner of a large amount of stock in the Hudson's Bay Company. The following year he formed a settlement of Highland Scots on the banks of the Red River in Manitoba.

Septennial Act
act 1716 extending the term of a parliament from three to seven years. It was designed to bolster the Whig government, by postponing the election due 1718 to 1722, but in the long term it led to greater stability but also increased the opportunities for corruption. The Parliament Act 1911, reduced the life of a parliament five years.

Settlement, Act of
in Britain following the Glorious Revolution of 1688, a law passed in 1701 during the reign of King William III, designed to ensure a Protestant succession to the throne by excluding the Roman Catholic descendants of James II in favour of the Protestant House of Hanover. Elizabeth II still reigns under this act.

seven bishops, trial of

In Britain, trial 1688 of William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, and six other bishops on charges of seditious libel after they objected to James II's order that the Declaraton of Indulgence should be read from the pulpit of all Anglican churches on two successive Sundays MayJune 1688. They were found not guilty of sedition 29 June, a severe blow to James' authority.

Sexton, Thomas (18481932)

Irish nationalist politician and journalist. A fervent supporter of Charles Stewart Parnell's home rule campaign, he represented various constituencies in Parliament between 1880 and 1896, gaining a reputation as a powerful public speaker. He was

lord mayor of Dublin in 188889, and ran the leading home rule daily newspaper, the Freeman's Journal, from 1892 to 1912. Born in Ballygannon, County Waterford, Sexton worked as a railway clerk before joining the Nation as a leader writer. He was elected MP for Sligo in 1880, won West Belfast for Parnell in 1886, and represented Kerry North 189296.

Seymour, Jane (c. 15091537)

English noble, third wife of Henry VIII, whom she married 1536. She died soon after the birth of her son Edward VI. Daughter of John Seymour and sister of Edward, Duke of Somerset, she was a ladyin-waiting to Henry VIII's first two wives, Catherine of Aragn and Anne Boleyn. She married Henry a few days after Anne's execution.

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury (16211683)

English politician, a supporter of the Restoration of the monarchy. He became Lord Chancellor in 1672, but went into opposition in 1673 and began to organize the Whig Party. He headed the Whigs' demand for the exclusion of the future James II from the succession, secured the passing of the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, then, when accused of treason in 1681, fled to Holland. He became baronet in 1631, baron in 1661, and was created earl in 1672.

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury (16711713)

English philosopher, author of Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, and Times 1711 and other ethical speculations. Earl 1699.

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (18011885)

British Tory politician. From 1833 he became the leader in the House of Commons of the movement to improve factory conditions. After successfully obtaining a number of factory acts, he persuaded Parliament to pass the Ten Hours Act of 1847, also known as Lord Ashley's Act. He supported legislation to improve conditions in the mines, notably the Mines Act of 1842 (forbidding the employment of women and children underground), and he secured the passage of the Lunacy Act of 1845, which improved lunatic asylums. In 1846 he persuaded Parliament to forbid the use of children as chimney sweeps.

Shaftesbury was also associated with the movement to provide free education for the poor. He was president of the Ragged Schools Union and the British and Foreign Bible Society, and he helped both Florence Nightingale, founder of the nursing profession, and the philanthropist Dr Thomas Barnardo. He became Lord Ashley in 1811, and Earl in 1851. Despite his reforming work, he was accused of neglecting the labourers on his own estates.

Sharp, Granville (17351813)

English philanthropist. He was prominent in the anti-slavery movement and in 1772 secured a legal decision 'that as soon as any slave sets foot on English territory he becomes free'.

Shawcross, Hartley William Shawcross (19022003)

Baron Shawcross

British jurist. After service in World War II, he was attorney general 194551 and president of the Board of Trade in 1951 in the Labour government. He established an international legal reputation for himself as chief British prosecutor at the Nrnberg trials 194546, led the investigations of the Lynskey Tribunal in 1948, and was prosecutor in the Klaus Fuchs atom spy case in 1950. Finding the narrow opposition tactics of the Labour Party irksome, he resigned his parliamentary seat in 1958. He was born in Giessen, Germany, and was educated at Dulwich College, London. He was called to the Bar at Gray's Inn in 1925 and was senior lecturer in law at Liverpool 192734. He was created a life peer in 1959 and published Life Sentence in 1995.

Sheehy-Skeffington, Hannah (18771946)

born Hannah Sheehy

Irish patriot and feminist. One of the first women in Ireland to study at, and teach in, a university, she was a founder-member of the Irish Women Graduates' Association (1901) and campaigned ardently for votes for women. Her husband, the pacifist Francis Sheehy-Skeffington, was murdered by troops during the 1916 Easter Rising. Sheehy-Skeffington was born in Kenturk, County Cork, into a strongly nationalist family. She was educated at the National University of Ireland (University College, Dublin), and after graduation became a teacher. In 1908, together with fellow suffragist Margaret Cousins and her husband, she established the Irish Women's Franchise League in her own words 'an avowedly militant association'. She was imprisoned for three months in 1912 while protesting at Dublin Castle at the exclusion of women from the Home Rule Bill.

Sheffield Outrages
in British history, sensational reports in the national press 1866 exemplifying summary justice exercised by trade unions to secure subscriptions and obtain compliance with rules by threats, removal of tools, sabotage of equipment at work, and assaults. Dramatic accounts of action taken against a strike-breaking worker in the cutlery trade blowing up the house of a blackleg saw-grinder with gunpowder led to a Royal Commission inquiry into trade-union activity. This coincided with a campaign by trade unionists to obtain the reform of the Master and Servant Act, which discriminated between employer and employee in cases of breach of contract. The result was publication of Majority and Minority Reports that favoured the legalization of trade unions, and the repeal of the Master and Servant Act. This was implemented in the Trade Union Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act, both 1871.

Sheil, Richard Lalor (17911851)

Irish politician and dramatist. Born in Drumdowney, Kilkenny, he wrote a series of plays, and helped Daniel O'Connell and the Catholic Association campaign for emancipation. He entered parliament in 1839 in the administration of Viscount Melbourne, being appointed vice-president of the Board of Trade and a privy councillor, the first Catholic to do so. In 1846 he was made Master of the Mint.

Shelburne, William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne (17371805)

British Whig politician. He was an opponent of George III's American policy, and, as prime minister in 1783, he concluded peace with the USA.

shell scandal
furore in the British press 1915 over supplies of ammunition to artillery units in the field. Sir John French, British commander at Neuve Chapelle, cited lack of ammunition as the reason for his failure to the Times journalist Col Repington. Encouraged by Lloyd George, both the Times and the Daily Mail ran headline stories on the 'Shell Scandal', claiming War Office inefficiency was depriving front-line troops of ammunition. By this time, the difficulties had largely been overcome and the story had little lasting impact, although Lloyd George was appointed minister for munitions in the coalition government formed in May.

Sheppard, Jack (John) (17021724)

English criminal. Born in Stepney, East London, he was an apprentice carpenter, but turned to theft and became a popular hero by escaping four times from prison. He was finally caught and hanged.

Sheriffmuir, Battle of
during the Jacobite rebellion of the Fifteen, inconclusive engagement 13 November 1715 between the Earl of Mar's 10,000-strong Jacobite army and 3,300 royalist troops under the Duke of Argyll. Although not actually defeated, Mar was forced to retreat to Perth and the rising collapsed shortly after.

Sherwood Forest
hilly stretch of parkland in west Nottinghamshire, central England; area about 520 sq km/200 sq mi. Formerly an ancient royal forest extending from Nottingham to Worksop, it is associated with the legendary outlaw Robin Hood. According to the Forestry Commission, Sherwood Forest is over 1,000 years old. It was once a vast royal forest of oak, birch, and bracken, covering all of west Nottinghamshire. The great 'Shire Wood' stretched 32 km/20 mi from Nottingham north to Worksop, and was up to 13 km/8 mi wide. Kings and queens of England used it as a hunting ground from medieval times. It was cleared in the 18th century.

English coin worth 12 pennies (there were 20 shillings to one pound), first minted under Henry VII. Although the denomination of a shilling was abolished with the advent of decimalization in 1971, the coins remained in circulation as five-pence pieces.

Shinwell, Emmanuel (18841986)

Baron Shinwell; called 'Manny'

British Labour politician. In 1935 he defeated Ramsay MacDonald at Seaham Harbour, Durham, in one of the most bitterly contested British election battles of modern times. From 1942 he was chair of the Labour Party committee which drafted the manifesto 'Let us face the future', on which Labour won the 1945 election. As minister of fuel and power (194547) he nationalized the coal mines in 1946.

In 1947, when he was said to be a scapegoat for the February fuel crisis, he became secretary of state for war. From 1950 to 1951 he was minister of defence. He was parliamentary Labour Party chair from 1964 to 1967. Born in Spitalfields, London, England, but spent his early years in Glasgow, Scotland, and began work as an errand boy in Glasgow at the age of 12. An early student of public-library and street-corner socialism, he was elected to the Glasgow Trades Council in 1911 and, as one of the 'Red Crusaders', served a five-month prison sentence for incitement to riot in 1919.

ship money
tax for support of the navy, levied on the coastal districts of England in the Middle Ages. Ship money was declared illegal by Parliament in 1641. Charles I's attempts to levy it on the whole country in 163436, without parliamentary consent and in time of peace, aroused strong opposition from the member of Parliament John Hampden and others, who refused to pay. The levies contributed to the discontent leading to the English Civil War.

Shore, Jane (died c. 1527)

Englishwoman who was mistress of Edward IV from about 1470. After the king's death she was accused by Richard III of sorcery and compelled to do penance 1483. She died in poverty.

Shore, Peter David (19242001)

Baron Shore of Stepney

British Labour politician. Member of Parliament for Stepney 196497, he was parliamentary private secretary to Harold Wilson, and held several government posts, including secretary of state for economic affairs 196769, for trade 197476, and for the environment 197679. After holding various opposition posts, he became shadow leader of the Commons 198487. A persistent critic of European economic union, he launched a 'No to Maastricht' campaign in 1992. Shore was educated at Cambridge and joined the Labour Party in 1948, heading its research department for five years before becoming MP for Stepney. He was a member of the Fabian Society and an unsuccessful candidate in the Labour Party leadership elections of 1983. He published Leading the Left in 1993 and was awarded a life peerage in 1997.

Short Parliament

English Parliament summoned by Charles I on 13 April 1640 to raise funds for his war against the Scots. It was succeeded later in the year by the Long Parliament. When it became clear that the Parliament opposed the war and would not grant him any money, he dissolved it on 5 May and arrested some of its leaders.

Shovell, Cloudesley (16501707)

English admiral who took part, with George Rooke (16501709), in the capture of Gibraltar 1704. In 1707 his flagship Association was wrecked off the Isles of Scilly and he was strangled for his rings by an islander when he came ashore. Knighted 1689.

Shrewsbury, Battle of
or Battle of Hateley Field

decisive royal victory 21 July 1403 over rebels led by Sir Henry 'Hotspur' Percy north of Shrewsbury, England. The rebellion was crushed and Henry IV promoted the Neville family in the North to counterbalance the Percies.

Sicilian Business
in English history, Henry III's campaign in Sicily 125458. Henry joined the crusades 1250 but became involved in Sicily 1254 when the pope decreed that he could fulfil his crusading vows by ejecting Rome's enemies, the Hohenstaufen emperors of Germany, from the island. Henry accepted the island as a papal fief on behalf of his son, Edmund, but by 1258 he faced difficulties at home and was forced to accept the Provisions of Oxford by the barons. Part of the problem was the huge cost of the Sicilian adventure and consequent financial exactions on the nobility and Henry was forced to withdraw from the campaign.

Sidmouth, Viscount
title of Henry Addington, British Tory prime minister 180104.

Sidney, Algernon (16221683)

English Republican politician, He was a cavalry officer in the Civil War on the Parliamentary side, and was wounded at the Battle of Marston Moor 1644. He was elected to the Long Parliament 1646, but retired from politics when Cromwell dissolved the Rump 1653. After the Restoration he lived in exile on the Continent, but

on returning to England 1677 continued to oppose the monarchy. He was arrested after the Rye House Plot 1683, convicted of high treason, and executed.

Sigebert, St (died 635)

King of East Anglia. He introduced Christianity into his kingdom, with the help of SS Felix and Fursey. He was killed leading his subjects against the pagan king Penda of Mercia. His feast day is 27 September.

Celtic tribe of southeast Wales which joined with the Ordovices tribe in resisting the Romans. They were eventually subjugated abaout AD 75 and were recognized as a civitas, with their capital at Venta Silurum (Caerwent).

Silverman, (Samuel) Sidney (18961968)

British lawyer and Labour politician. He was Labour member of Parliament for Nelson and Colne 19351968. He served as chair of the British section of the World Jewish Congress and argued strongly after the war for unlimited access to Palestine for all Jewish refugees. Overlooked for a post in the post-war Labour administration, Silverman was increasingly a voice on the left of the party. His support for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) led to his expulsion from the party. Silverman was also a powerful campaigner on behalf of the abolition of the death penalty, building a powerful lobby through the 1950s for legislation that had to wait for Labour's return to office in 1964.

Simnel, Lambert (c. 1475c. 1535)

English impostor, a carpenter's son who under the influence of an Oxford priest claimed to be Prince Edward, one of the Princes in the Tower. Henry VII discovered the plot and released the real Edward for one day to show him to the public. Simnel had a keen following and was crowned as Edward VI in Dublin 1487. He came with forces to England to fight the royal army, and attacked it near Stoke-on-Trent 16 June 1487. He was defeated and captured, but was contemptuously pardoned. He is then said to have worked in the king's kitchen.

Simon, John (18161904)

English surgeon and public health reformer who cleaned up the City of London in the 19th century. The eight annual reports that Simon presented to the Corporation of

London are the most famous health reports ever written. They embody an incredible record of success, and years later legislation was based on them, culminating in the great Public Health Act of 1875. Simon was the first sanitary inspector appointed by the Corporation of London in 1848. During the eight years that Simon was responsible for the City of London, he completely transformed the general amenities of the area. Cesspools were entirely abolished for rich and poor in the square mile of London, although for a long period afterwards they remained common in the residential areas of the rich. Simon had a great influence on the construction of the sewage system of London. He also arranged with the General Registrar to visit the houses of all those who had died in order to take measures to contain infectious diseases.

Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon (18731954)

British Liberal politician. He was home secretary 191516, but resigned over the issue of conscription. He was foreign secretary 193135, home secretary again 193537, chancellor of the Exchequer 193740, and lord chancellor 194045. Knighted 1910, Viscount 1940.

Simpson, James Young (18111870)

Scottish physician, the first to use ether as an anaesthetic in childbirth in 1847, and the discoverer, later the same year, of the anaesthetic properties of chloroform, which he tested by experiments on himself. He was made a baronet in 1866.

Six Acts
in British history, acts of Parliament passed in 1819 by Lord Liverpool's Tory administration to curtail political radicalism in the aftermath of the Peterloo massacre and during a period of agitation for reform when habeas corpus was suspended and the powers of magistrates extended. The acts curtailed the rights of the accused by stipulating trial within a year; increased the penalties for seditious libel; imposed a newspaper stamp duty on all pamphlets and circulars containing news; specified strict limitations on public meetings; banned training with guns and other arms; and empowered magistrates to search and seize arms.

Six Articles
act introduced by Henry VIII in England in 1539 during the English Reformation to settle disputes over dogma in the English church.

The articles affirmed belief in transubstantiation, communion in one kind only, auricular confession, monastic vows, celibacy of the clergy, and private masses; those who rejected transubstan tiation were to be burned at the stake. The act was repealed in 1547, replaced by 42 articles in 1551, and by an act of Thirty-Nine Articles in 1571.

Skelton, John (c. 14601529)

English poet. He was tutor to the future Henry VIII, under whom he became poet laureate in effect, if not in name. His satirical poetry includes political attacks on Cardinal Wolsey, such as Collyn Cloute (1522). He also wrote Magnyfycence (1516), the first secular morality play in English.

Skene, William Forbes (18091892)

Scottish historian. He wrote The Highlanders of Scotland: Their Origin, History and Antiquities 1837 and the classic study Celtic Scotland: A History of Ancient Alban 187680, and was appointed Historiographer Royal for Scotland 1881.

slave trade
the transport of slaves from one country to work in another. British slaves were taken to Rome during the Roman occupation of Britain, and slaves from Ireland were imported to work in Bristol before the 11th century. The transportation of slaves from Africa to work in plantations in the New World began in the early 16th century. This stimulated a lucrative trade in slaves and the demand for slaves to work in the British plantations in the Americas led to the development of the Atlantic triangle trade. By the late 17th century, when sugar plantations in the West Indies had become profitable, much of the slave trade was being organized by the British. From the late 17th century gradual opposition to the slave trade began in Britain. The Mansfield judgment of 1772 stated that a slave held on a ship on the Thames after escaping had become free on setting foot in Britain. The Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was founded in 1787 with William Wilberforce as a leading member. After persistent campaigning by abolitionists, an act of Parliament in 1807 made it illegal for British ships to carry slaves and for the colonies of the British Empire to import them. Finally, the Abolition Act of 1833 provided for slaves in British colonies to be freed and for their owners to be compensated.

Sleeman, William Henry (17881856)

British soldier and administrator. He served with the Bengal army, which he joined in 1809 and in the Nepalese war (181416). His great work in India was the suppression of Thuggi. As resident in Oudh during the era of scandalous misrule by the king's favourites, Sleeman himself advised against extreme measures, but in the

event Oudh was annexed by the British in 1856. Sleeman was born in Stratton, Cornwall, England.

Sluis, Battle of
or Sluys

1340 naval victory for England over France which marked the beginning of the Hundred Years' War. England took control of the English Channel and seized 200 great ships from the French navy of Philip IV; there were 30,000 French casualties.

Smith, F(rederick) E(dwin)

British Conservative politician. See Birkenhead.

Smith, Harry George Wakelyn (17871860)

British general. He served in the Peninsular War (180814) and later fought in South Africa and India. He was governor of Cape Colony 184752. The towns of Ladysmith and Harrismith, South Africa, are named after his wife and himself respectively. 1st baronet 1846.

Smith, Herbert (18621938)

English miners' leader. He became president of the Yorkshire Miners' Association in 1906 and was president of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain 192229. During the mining strike of 1926, he was particularly concerned with ensuring the survival of the federation. Smith was born in Barnsley, Yorkshire, England. Adopted from the workhouse, he became a miner at the age of ten. He always had a keen interest in safety issues and rescue efforts, not only in the UK, but also in Europe. He was president of Castleford Trades Council from 1896 to 1904, a councillor in the West Riding of Yorkshire from 1903, and mayor of Barnsley in 1932.

Smith, John (15801631)

English colonist. After an adventurous early life he took part in the colonization of Virginia, acting as president of the North American colony 160809. He explored New England in 1614, which he named, and published pamphlets on America and an autobiography. His trade with the Indians may have kept the colonists alive in the early years.

During an expedition among the American Indians he was captured, and his life is said to have been saved by the intervention of the chief's daughter Pocahontas.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

English explorer John Smith was captured during an expedition through Indian territory but saved by Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, who secured his release.


(Image Billie Love)

The English captain and adventurer John Smith, c. 1624, who led an expedition to, and produced important maps of, the coastline of New England in North America. Having set up one of the first English settlements in Virginia, he was captured by Indians and claimed to have been saved from certain death by the chief's daughter, Pocahontas.

Smith, John (19381994)

British Labour politician, party leader 199294, born on the Scottish island of Islay. He was trade and industry secretary 197879 and from 1979 held various shadow cabinet posts, culminating in that of shadow chancellor 198792. When Neil Kinnock resigned the leadership after losing the 1992 general election, Smith was readily elected as his successor. During his two years as leader, building on Kinnock's efforts, he drew together the two wings of the Labour Party to make it a highly electable proposition. He won the trust and support of colleagues of all shades of opinion, and built a formidable front-bench team. His sudden death from a heart attack shocked British politicians of all parties.

Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood (18581930)

British general; potentially one of Britain's best generals of World War I, he was denied the opportunity to realize this potential by petty spite. KCB 1907.

Snell, Hannah (17231792)

British female soldier. In 1745 she enlisted in the army, but later deserted and joined the marines as James Gray. She served in the East Indies, and was wounded at Pondicherry, India, but her gender was not discovered. Her adventures were published in 1750. Snell was born in Worcester, England.

Snow, John (18131858)

British anaesthetist and epidemiologist. He was the first specialist anaesthetist; before the introduction of chloroform he administered ether 152 times, but from 184758 he administered chloroform 4,000 times. Queen Victoria received her first anaesthetic from Snow on 7 April 1853, at the birth of Prince Leopold. Snow wrote his distinguished book On Ether, in 1847; his division of the stages of anaesthesia into five degrees was not improved upon for seventy years. His On Chloroform and other Anaesthetics (1858) is a classic of anaesthesiology. He invented a chloroform inhaler in 1848. Snow was born in York, England. After serving as an apprentice to a Newcastle upon Tyne surgeon, Snow studied at the Great Windmill Street School and at the Westminster Hospital, both in London, England. He qualified in 1838 and became an MD in 1844. Snow was also interested in public health; by statistical and other investigations he proved in 1849 that cholera was transmitted by water infected with faecal matter. His book On the Mode of Communication of Cholera first appeared in that year; its second edition of 1855 is more important, however, and recorded that the outbreak in Broad Street (now Broadwick Street) in Soho, London, was due to contamination by sewage of the pump there. The site of the pump is now occupied by a public-house, renamed The John Snow.

Snowden, Philip (18641937)

1st Viscount Snowden

British right-wing Labour politician, chancellor of the Exchequer in 1924 and 1929 31. He was MP for Blackburn 190631 and entered the coalition National Government in 1931 as Lord Privy Seal, but resigned in 1932. Viscount 1931.

Soames, (Arthur) Christopher (John) (19201987)

Baron Soames

British Conservative politician. He held ministerial posts 195864, was vice-president of the European Commission 197377 and governor of (Southern) Rhodesia during its transition to independence as Zimbabwe December 1979April 1980.

Social Democratic Federation


in British history, a socialist society, founded as the Democratic Federation in 1881 and renamed in 1884. It was led by H M Hyndman (18421921), a former conservative journalist and stockbroker who claimed Karl Marx as his inspiration without obtaining recognition from his mentor. In 1911 it became the British Socialist Party. The SDF organized meetings and marches for the unemployed that led to some clashes with police in central London in 1886 and 1887.

Social Democratic Party


British centrist political party 198190, formed by members of Parliament who resigned from the Labour Party. The 1983 and 1987 general elections were fought in alliance with the Liberal Party as the Liberal/SDP Alliance. A merger of the two parties was voted for by the SDP in 1987, and the new party became the Social and Liberal Democrats, which became the Liberal Democrats, leaving a rump SDP that folded in 1990.

see Special Operations Executive.

Solemn League and Covenant

alliance between the Scots and English Parliamentarians on 25 September 1643 during the English Civil War; both sides agreed to abolish episcopacy and introduce Presbyterianism. In return for 30,000, the Scots provided another army against Charles I, and their cavalry was instrumental in the royalist defeat at Marston Moor in 1644.

Solway Moss, Battle of

crushing defeat on 24 November 1542 of the Scots by an invading English force under the Duke of Norfolk. Some 500 Scottish prisoners were captured including two earls and five barons, and the shame is said to have led to James V's death three weeks later. The Treaty of Greenwich, by which the infant Mary Queen of Scots would marry Edward, Prince of Wales, was signed in the aftermath of the battle.

Somers, John, 1st Baron Somers of Evesham (16511716)

English politician. He took part in the framing of the Declaration of Rights in 1689, and became William of Orange's most trusted minister. He was in turn solicitorgeneral, attorney-general, lord keeper of the Great Seal, and, in 1697, lord chancellor. Somers was born in Claines, near Worcester, England. He was educated at Trinity College, Oxford Univeristy. He was made Baron Somers in 1697. For most of Anne's reign he was out of favour but on the accession of George I he was made a privy councillor.

Somerset, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset (c. 15061552)

English politician. Created Earl of Hertford after Henry VIII's marriage to his sister Jane, he became Duke of Somerset and protector (regent) for Edward VI in 1547. His attempt to check enclosure (the transfer of land from common to private ownership) offended landowners and his moderation in religion upset the Protestants. Knighted in 1523, viscount in 1536, earl in 1537, he was eventually beheaded on a treason charge in 1552.

Somersett's Case
see Mansfield's judgment.

Southcott, Joanna (17501814)

English religious fanatic whose prophecies attracted thousands of followers in the early 19th century. She began prophesying in 1792 in her native Devon, but only gained a widespread reputation after moving to London in 1802. In 1814 she announced she was to give birth to a 'Prince of Peace' but died shortly after.

South Sea Bubble

financial crisis in Britain in 1720. The South Sea Company, founded in 1711, which had a monopoly of trade with South America, offered in 1719 to take over more than half the national debt in return for further concessions. Its 100 shares rapidly rose to 1,000, and an orgy of speculation followed. When the 'bubble' burst, thousands were ruined. The discovery that cabinet ministers had been guilty of corruption led to a political crisis.

South Sea Bubble

(Image Billie Love)

'An Emblematic Print on the South Sea' by William Hogarth, 1724. To the left, the Devil carves up the figure of Fortune and throws it to the crowd. In the centre of the scene, investors ride the financial merry-go-round. Honesty is strapped to the wheel at the bottom, being tortured by Self-Interest. At the bottom right, Trade lies languishing on the ground. Hogarth (16971764) was an English painter and engraver who used his artwork as a medium for critical social commentary.

Spa Fields riots

riots in London on 2 December 1816 provoked by demands for parliamentary reform. Discontent was widespread at the time due to an economic depression at the end of the Napoleonic Wars. The orator Henry Hunt was due to address a mass meeting calling for universal suffrage and reform of parliament in Spa Fields, London, but radical agitators led the crowd on the City of London. They were confronted by the lord mayor at the head of a force of police and the ensuing riot was eventually broken up by troops.

Special Areas Acts

UK acts of Parliament 1936 and 1937, aimed at dealing with high unemployment in some regions of Britain. These areas, designated 'special areas', attracted government assistance in the form of loans and subsidies to generate new employment. Other measures included setting up industrial and trading estates that could be leased at subsidized rates. The acts were an early example of regional aid.

Special Operations Executive


British intelligence organization established in June 1940 to gather intelligence and carry out sabotage missions inside German-occupied Europe during World War II.

Speke, John Hanning (18271864)

British explorer. He joined British traveller Richard Burton on an African expedition in which they reached Lake Tanganyika in 1858; Speke became the first European to see Lake Victoria.

Spencer, George Alfred (18731957)

British miners' leader and Labour politician. He became president of the Nottinghamshire Miners Association in 1912 and was Labour member of Parliament for Broxtowe 191829. He was opposed to the militant line taken by A J Cook, as secretary of the Miners Federation of Great Britain (MFGB), from 1925, and when the mining crisis precipitated the 1926 General Strike, Spencer formed a breakaway union that was supported by coalowners and opposed by the federation. Spencer's union survived until 1937, when it merged with the old association to become the Nottinghamshire Miners Federated Union. Spencer was its president until 1945.

spinning jenny
machine invented in Britain by James Hargreaves about 1764 which allowed several threads to be spun simultaneously. At first the machine, patented in 1770, could operate 16 spindles at the same time, and, less than 15 years later, 80 spindles could be used. The machine was named after his wife.

spinning jenny

(Image Research Machines plc)

English inventor James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny in about 1764. It proved to be one of the key inventions in the textile industry at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Spion Kop, Battle of

during the South African War, Boer victory over the British 24 January 1900 at Spion Kop, a small hill a few miles southwest of Ladysmith, Natal. British troops attempting to relieve Ladysmith under General Sir Redvers Buller were repulsed by a smaller Boer force.

Spithead Mutiny
during the French Revolutionary Wars, mutiny of the Channel and North Sea fleets April 1797 over the appalling conditions on ships. The mutineers won improved conditions and better pay and a royal pardon was granted. The success of this mutiny encouraged the outbreak of the more serious Nore mutiny the following month.

Stair, John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of Stair (16731747)

Scottish soldier and diplomat. In 1701 joined a Scottish foot regiment and served in the duke of Marlborough's campaigns. He succeeded to the earldom in 1707, and was made commander-in-chief of the forces of Scotland. Stair served with distinction at Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Ramillies, and Dettingen. He was educated at the universities of Leyden and Edinburgh.

Stamford Bridge, Battle of

battle on 25 September 1066 at Stamford Bridge, a crossing of the Derwent 14 km/9 mi northeast of York, England, at which Harold II defeated and killed Harold Hardraada, King of Norway, and Tostig, the English king's exiled brother. Harold then marched south to face the Normans at the Battle of Hastings.

Stamp Act
UK act of Parliament in 1765 that sought to raise enough money from the American colonies to cover the cost of their defence. The act taxed (by requiring an official stamp) all publications and legal documents published in British colonies. The colonists' refusal to use the required tax stamps, and their blockade of British merchant shipping in the American colonies, forced repeal of the act the following year. It helped to precipitate the American Revolution. The Stamp Act Congress met in October 1765 (the first intercolonial congress) and declared the act unconstitutional, with the slogan 'No taxation without representation', because the colonies were not represented in the British Parliament. Connecticut colonial politician William Pitkin was one of the first to resist when he refused to take the oath to support it. He later defeated Governor Thomas Fitch (c. 17001774), one of the Stamp Act's supporters, and served as governor 176669.

Standard, Battle of the

defeat of David I of Scotland's invasion of England at Cowton, near Northallerton, on 22 August 1138 by forces raised by the archbishop of York. David invaded the north of England in support of Matilda against King Stephen and to support his own claim to much of northern England. The archbishop's army were arranged around a cart displaying the standards of the northern English saints.

stane street
Roman roads connecting London and Chichester and London and Colchester. The name probably means a 'stone' street.

Stanhope, James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope (16731721)

French-born English soldier and politician. He served first under the duke of Savoy, and then under William of Orange, in Flanders, in the war against France. He distinguished himself in the campaign in Spain, and in 1707 was made majorgeneral, and in 1708 appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in Spain. He

captured Mahn on the island of Menorca but was defeated and captured by the French in 1710 at Brihuega. Stanhope born in Paris, France. He was educated at Eton School and Trinity College, Oxford University. He became a member of Parliament in 1702, and was an MP until his elevation to the peerage. In 1714 he was appointed one of the two principal secretaries of state.

Stanihurst, Richard (15471618)

Irish historian, classical scholar, alchemist, and Counter-Reformation activist. Born into a long-established Dublin family, he became tutor to the children of the 11th Earl of Kildare (15251585). Commissioned to write the early Irish section of Holinshed's Chronicles in 1577, his work was subjected to extensive editorial censorship for its version of the 153435 rebellion of Thomas Fitzgerald, 8th Earl of Kildare. In 1581 he was driven into exile in the Spanish Netherlands through suspicions of his Catholic sympathies. Celebrated there for his, possibly whiskey-based, medicinal elixirs, he was invited to El Escorial, Philip II's palace and monastery near Madrid, where he was given a laboratory and became involved in a number of intrigues concerning Ireland. Stanihurst was the son of James Stanihurst, speaker of the Irish parliament 1569 71. He was educated at Oxford University, where he met the English Jesuit and later Catholic martyr Edmund Campion. Stanihurst's De rebus in Hibernia gestis (1584), a historical and topographical account from an Old-English viewpoint, was later criticized by more radical Counter-Reformation historians for its sympathetic attitude towards the English in Ireland and reported to the Inquisition. His translation of the first four books of Virgil's Aeneid was derisorily received by several English critics, notably Edmund Spenser. Towards the end of his life Stanihurst became a Jesuit.

tin mines in Devon and Cornwall, England, which belonged to the Duchy of Cornwall. The workers had the right to have their cases heard in their own stannaries court and the administration of the area was largely delegated to the court under a special privilege granted by Edward I in 1305. In recent times, attempts have been made to impede legislation from Westminster on the grounds that the ancient rights of the stannaries have been ignored. They have been unsuccessful.

Star Chamber
in English history, a civil and criminal court, named after the star-shaped ceiling decoration of the room in the Palace of Westminster, London, where its first meetings were held. Created in 1487 by Henry VII, the Star Chamber comprised some 20 or 30 judges. It was abolished in 1641 by the Long Parliament.

The Star Chamber became notorious under Charles I for judgements favourable to the king and to Archbishop Laud (for example, the branding on both cheeks of William Prynne in 1637 for seditious libel). Under the Thatcher government 197990 the term was revived for private ministerial meetings at which disputes between the Treasury and high-spending departments were resolved.

Starkie, Enid Mary (18971970)

Irish-born critic of French literature. She taught modern languages at the universities of Exeter and Oxford, producing studies of Baudelaire (1933), Rimbaud (1938), and Andr Gide (1954). She was instrumental in establishing the poetic reputation of Rimbaud, and is especially remembered for her critical studies of Gustave Flaubert, which were published in two volumes, in 1967 and 1971. Starkie was born in Killiney, County Dublin. She was educated at Alexandra College, Dublin, Somerville College, Oxford, and the Sorbonne in Paris, where she completed a doctoral thesis on the Symbolist writer Emile Verhaeren.

Statute of Acton Burnell

statute passed in England 1283 by a parliament that assembled in the parish of this name, 12 km/7.5 mi southeast of Shrewsbury. Its object was to make provision for the more speedy recovery of debts. It also removed the staple (exclusive market rights for major exports) from Calais to various towns in Britain. The passing of this statute was indicative of the growing importance of the mercantile class.

steam power
the development of the steam engine and its contribution to the Industrial Revolution and communications are discussed in Industrial Revolution, steam power; railways; and ship.

prehistoric site on Mainland, in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, 17 km/11 mi northwest of Kirkwall. Its ancient monuments include the Ring of Brodgar, the largest stone circle in Scotland, which comprises 27 stones and has a diameter of 104 m/3,431 ft, and the Stenness Standing Stones, comprising 12 slabs, the tallest of which stands at 1.8 m/6 ft.

Stephen (c. 10971154)

King of England from 1135. A grandson of William the Conqueror, he was elected king in 1135, although he had previously recognized Henry I's daughter Matilda as heiress to the throne. Matilda landed in England in 1139, and civil war disrupted the country until 1153, when Stephen acknowledged Matilda's son, Henry II, as his own heir. Stephen's reign was a time of near-anarchy when, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 'there was nothing but strife, evil, and robbery...the land was ruined by such doings, and men said openly that Christ and the saints slept.'

Stephens, James Kenneth (18251901)

Irish nationalist activist. In 1858, along with John O'Mahony, he founded the Fenian movement (later known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood) to campaign for IrishAmerican support for armed rebellion. In the USA, he undertook extensive fundraising activities, and established the newspaper Irish People (1863). After abandoning a promised uprising in 1866, he was ousted from the Fenian leadership. Stephens was born in Kilkenny and worked as a railway engineer before becoming involved in the Young Ireland Party. He was wounded at Ballingarry during the failed revolution of 1848, hid for three months in the mountains, and then escaped to France. In 1865, he was arrested in Dublin, but was assisted in escaping from jail by his supporters within a fortnight. He remained in exile until permitted to return to Ireland in 1886.

in England, former keeper of a court of justice. He was either an officer of the Crown or of a feudal lord. The Lord High Steward was a member of the House of Lords who presided over a court when a person was impeached or when a peer was tried for treason or felony. He was the sole judge in the case. The steward of a lord of the manor was responsible for all financial and legal matters.

Stewart, (Robert) Michael (Maitland) (19061990)

Baron Stewart of Fulham

British Labour politician, member of Parliament 194579. He held ministerial office in the governments of Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson, rising to foreign secretary in 1968.

Stirling Bridge, Battle of

Scottish rebel William Wallace's victory over English forces led by John de Warenne on 11 September 1297. Although the Scottish king John Balliol had surrendered Scotland to Edward I the previous year, the English conquest had to be recommenced after this defeat.

Stoke, Battle of
battle outside Newark 16 June 1487 in which royalist forces broke the rising against Henry VII by rebels supporting Lambert Simnel's claim to the throne as Edward VI. The rebels, English and Irish Yorkists, led by the Earl of Lincoln and Lord Lovell, and backed by German mercenaries, were convincingly defeated and the army scattered. Simnel was found a job in the royal kitchens, but his noble supporters were killed.

Stokes mortar
trench mortar of World War I invented by Sir Wilfrid Stokes 1915; it is the prototype of every mortar designed since. It consisted of a smooth-bore steel barrel with a closed end, resting upon a baseplate and held up at about 45 by a bipod. A screw mechanism allowed the barrel to be adjusted for angles of elevation. It fired a simple cylindrical bomb with a perforated tube at the rear end into which a shotgun cartridge filled with powder was fitted. The bomb was dropped down the barrel to strike a firing pin fixed at the base; this ignited the shotgun cartridge and the explosion of the powder ejected the bomb. The first bombs weighed about 9 kg/20 lb and had a range of about 900 km/1,000 yds; later bombs were lighter and had a greater range.

Stone, Benjamin (18381914)

British documentary photographer and politician. He made a systematic photographic record of British folk customs and parliamentary ceremonies and personalities.

Stone, Lawrence (19191999)

British-born US historian best known for his work on the English aristocracy The Crisis of the Aristocracy 15581641 and as a participant in the debates this engendered. Later, he moved to examine the causes of the English revolution before engaging in a study of family history, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 15001800. Stone began his teaching career at Oxford University before moving to the chair of history at Princeton in 1963.

stone circles
see henge monuments.

Stonehouse, John Thomson (19251988)

British Labour Party politician. An active member of the Cooperative Movement, he entered Parliament in 1957 and held junior posts under Harold Wilson before joining his cabinet in 1967. In 1974 he disappeared in Florida in mysterious circumstances, surfacing in Australia amid suspicions of fraudulent dealings. Extradited to Britain, he was tried and imprisoned for embezzlement. He was released in 1979, but was unable to resume a political career.

Stopford, Montagu George North (18921971)

British general in World War II. He commanded an infantry brigade in France and Belgium 1940 and was given command of 33 Corps in India 1943. With this corps he relieved Kohima and Imphal 1944 and then advanced into central Burma to capture Mandalay 25 March 1945 and continued to Rangoon. He was appointed Commander of 12th Army just before the war ended. KBE 1944.

suburb 8 km/5 mi east of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is the site of the new Northern Ireland Assembly, elected as a result of the Good Friday agreement in 1998 and functioning from 1999 when some powers were transferred back to Northern Ireland from Westminster. It was previously the seat of the government of Northern Ireland 192172. The official residence of the prime minister of Northern Ireland was at Stormont, and parliament met in Parliament House, a large, white neoclassical building, completed in 1932. Following increasing civil unrest from 1968, the UK government suspended the constitution and parliament of Northern Ireland in 1972, and imposed direct rule from London. By the Northern Ireland Act (1972) the UK Parliament was to approve all legislation for Northern Ireland, and the Northern Ireland department was placed under the direction of the secretary of state for Northern Ireland, with an office at Stormont Castle.

Strachey, (Evelyn) John St Loe (19011963)

British Labour politician. His controversial period as minister of food 194650 included the food crisis of 1947, the unpopular prolongation of rationing, and the abortive Tanganyika groundnuts and Gambia egg schemes 194749. As secretary of

state for war 195051 he had to contend with the Korean war and the communist insurrection in Malaya. He was born in Guildford, Surrey, and educated at Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford. He was Labour member of Parliament for Aston, Birmingham, from 1929 until 1931, when he resigned from the Labour Party and gave his support to extremist political organizations. He served in the RAF during World War II and in 1945 became Labour undersecretary for air. In 1950 he became member of Parliament for West Dundee.

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford (15931641)

English politician. He was originally an opponent of Charles I, but from 1628 he was on the Royalist side. He ruled despotically as Lord Deputy of Ireland 163239, when he returned to England as Charles's chief adviser and received an earldom. He was impeached in 1640 by Parliament, abandoned by Charles as a scapegoat, and beheaded. He was knighted in 1611, became Baron in 1628, and created Earl in 1640.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Execution of the Earl of Strafford, Charles I's chief adviser, on Tower Hill, in 1641 after an etching by Wenceslaus Hollar. Upon hearing that Charles had signed his death warrant at parliament's insistence, Strafford famously commented 'Put not your trust in princes'.

Strode, William (c. 15991645)

English Parliamentarian. He entered Parliament in 1624 and retained his seat there until his death. He is remembered as one of the five members whom Charles I attempted to arrest in the Commons in 1642. Strode was educated at Exeter College, Oxford University.

see Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke and Striguil.

Stuart (or Stewart)

royal family that inherited the Scottish throne in 1371 and the English throne in 1603, holding it until 1714, when Queen Anne died without heirs; the house of Stuart was succeeded by the house of Hanover. The claimants to the British throne James Francis Edward Stuart (the 'Old Pretender', son of the deposed James VII of Scotland and II of England) and his son Charles Edward Stuart (the 'Young Pretender') both attempted unsuccessful invasions of England in support of their claims, in 1715 and 1745 (see Jacobites).

Stuart, Henry Benedict Maria Clement (17251807)

Duke of York

Pretender to the British throne. The second son of James Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender, he was the last of the Stuarts. He lived in Italy. A Roman Catholic cleric, he rose to the rank of cardinal and archbishop. Henry was born in Rome. He went to France in 1745 to support his brother, Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, and after his return to Italy began his clerical career. On the death of his brother in 1788, he styled himself 'Henry IX, not by the will of men, but by the Grace of God', but no ruler, not even the pope, acknowledged his title. In 1799 he accepted from George III an annual pension of 4,000.

Stuart, Lady Arabella (15751615)

Claimant to the English throne. She was the cousin of James I and next in succession to him to both Scottish and English thrones after Elizabeth I. She was the focus of the main plot to eliminate James, and was imprisoned 1609 when James became suspicious. On her release 1610 she secretly married William Seymour, another claimant to the throne, and they were both imprisoned. She died insane in the Tower of London.

Stubbs, William (18251901)

British historian and churchman. In 1866 he became regius professor of modern history at Oxford University. His chief publication, Constitutional History of England (187378), is a work of monumental scholarship. His Select Charters and Other Illustrations of English Constitutional History from the Earliest Times to the Reign of Edward I (1870), has been published in many editions. Stubbs's work gave a new direction to the study of medieval English history and continues to have considerable influence, particularly in the teaching of history at Oxford. Stubbs was born in Knaresborough, England. He was educated at Ripon Grammar School and Christ Church, Oxford University. In 1884 he was consecrated bishop of Chester, and three years later translated to the see of Oxford.

Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton (18591925)

British admiral. He became chief of the war staff 1914 and was sent by Lord Fisher to find the German admiral von Spee after the British defeat at Coronel, which he did at the Battle of the Falkland Islands 8 December 1914. He commanded the fourth battle squadron at the Battle of Jutland 1916 and was promoted to full admiral 1917, then Admiral of the Fleet 1921. KCB 1913, 1st baronet 1916.

Succession, Acts of
in English history, legislation of Henry VIII to establish the line of succession to the throne. The first act was passed 1534, giving Anne Boleyn's children precedence over Princess Mary, Henry VIII's child by Catherine of Aragn. The king's subsequent marriages required further legislation, and in 1544 he was given the power to bequeath the throne by will, which he did, naming his children in the order of Edward, Mary, and finally Elizabeth. The Act of Settlement of 1701 established a Protestant succession.

Suez Crisis
military confrontation from October to December 1956 following the nationalization of the Suez Canal by President Nasser of Egypt. In an attempt to reassert international control of the canal, Israel launched an attack, after which British and French troops landed. Widespread international censure forced the withdrawal of the British and French. The crisis resulted in the resignation of British prime minister Anthony Eden. At a London conference of maritime powers the Australian prime minister Robert Menzies was appointed to negotiate a settlement in Cairo. His mission was unsuccessful. The military intervention met Soviet protest and considerable domestic opposition, and the USA did not support it. Cold War politics came into play during the Suez Crisis, and the UK and France found themselves unable to act independently of the USA in a way that they could have done before World War II. British, French, and Australian relations with the USA were greatly strained during

this period. The USSR was seeking to extend its influence in Africa at the time and saw Egypt as a key country with which it could establish friendly relations. The support given to Egypt by the Soviets during the Suez Crisis increased their influence in the region, and this was sealed during the 1960s when the USSR provided much of the funding for the Aswan High Dam project in Egypt. The Suez Crisis, therefore, had a significant role in the Cold War as well as in the conflict between Egypt and the former colonial powers of Britain and France.

Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (c. 14841545)

English nobleman and soldier. He distinguished himself in the French campaign in 1513. In 1515 he secretly married Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII and widow of Louis XII of France. This at first made Henry extremely angry, but Suffolk soon regained his favoured position and later acted for Henry on a number of occasions. He was created viscount Lisle in 1513, and duke of Suffolk a year later. He was the grandfather of Lady Jane Grey.

suffrage, universal
see universal suffrage.

Sugar Act
legislation passed by the British Parliament in 1764 enforcing the taxation of sugar and molasses imported into the American colonies from non-British areas. This was Parliament's first attempt at raising money from the colonies. The act was designed to stem smuggling from the French and Dutch West Indies and to provide a new source of revenue to fund the increasing administrative costs in the New World. Colonists objected to the tax and to the stricter customs control which enabled British customs commissioners to confiscate their cargoes.

Summerskill, Edith Clara (19011980)

Baroness Summerskill

British Labour politician. From 1945 she was minister of food, being criticized by the Housewives League for continuing rationing, but achieving a significant breakthrough against tuberculosis with legislation that introduced pasteurized milk. She was a strong campaigner on food standards, medicine, and abortion and a prominent exponent of women's rights.

Born in London to radical parents, she qualified as a doctor in 1924 and was active in the Socialist Medical Association. She was Labour member of Parliament for West Fulham in 19381955 and then represented Warrington until being made a peer in 1961. In 1966 she was made a Companion of Honour.

Sunday school
or Junior Church

Christian education movement founded in 1780 by Robert Raikes (17351811). Raikes set up a school in Gloucester to teach working children the elements of Christianity and basic literacy and arithmetic on Sundays. The idea was taken up by other denominations, and by the 19th century Sunday schools were widespread. Today, Sunday schools continue to teach children about the Christian faith and prepare them for later commitment if they choose to take it. Stories are told and activities take place. On Sundays, children can either attend Sunday school or Junior Church while their parents are taking part in a church service, or stay with their parents at the service. Children who choose to go to Sunday school usually rejoin their parents before Holy Communion is received.

Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland (16401702)

English politician, a sceptical intriguer who converted to Roman Catholicism to secure his place under James II, and then reverted with the political tide. In 1688 he fled to Holland (disguised as a woman), where he made himself invaluable to the future William III. Now a Whig, he advised the new king to adopt the system, which still prevails, of choosing the government from the dominant party in the Commons. He was created an Earl in 1643.

Sunningdale Agreement
pact of December 1973 between the UK and Irish governments, together with the Northern Ireland executive, drawn up in Sunningdale, England. The agreement included provisions for a power-sharing executive in Northern Ireland. However, the executive lasted only five weeks before the UK government was defeated in a general election, and a general strike in May 1974 brought down the Northern Ireland government.

Supremacy, Acts of
two UK acts of Parliament 1534 and 1559, which established Henry VIII and Elizabeth I respectively as head of the English church in place of the pope.

surrender and regrant

in Irish history, term used to summarize the Tudor diplomatic process whereby Gaelic lords were to be assimilated into English political and social culture without significant loss of power or status. The lords revoked their Gaelic title, assumed an English one, and gained a royal grant of their lands. Initiated under the 1541 act, which declared Ireland as a kingdom in which all subjects were equal in the eyes of the crown, the policy was developed in the 1540s by the English lord deputy Anthony St Leger. A growing awareness of the tenurial and political difficulties involved caused the policy to be displaced by the more detailed and flexible strategy of composition (commutation of feudal military dues) in the 1570s. However, although concerns with foreign invasion and domestic conspiracy caused surrender and regrant to be periodically disrupted, the Tudor government never abandoned it entirely. Almost all the Elizabethan lord deputies made efforts to conclude surrender and regrant arrangements with several of the lesser Gaelic lords throughout Ireland, the last significant programme being in the 1580s.

Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey and 3rd Duke of Norfolk (14731554)
English soldier. He took part in the Battle of Flodden in 1513, and as warden-general of the Marches, devastated the Scottish border and forced the Duke of Albany to retreat in 1523. Having already held the position of lord-lieutenant of Ireland in 1520 21 and lord treasurer in 1522, he was made earl marshal in 1533. He was, however, ousted from favour, and condemned to death; but Henry VIII's death prevented his execution, and on Mary's accession he was released and restored to his former positions.

Sutcliffe, Peter (1946 )

British murderer of at least 13 women, mostly prostitutes, in northern England between 1975 and 1981. He was known as 'the Yorkshire Ripper'. He was given a life sentence with a recommended minimum of 30 years, and is now in Broadmoor hospital for the criminally insane. He has been attacked by fellow prisoners on a number of occasions.

Swing Riots
uprising of farm workers in southern and eastern England 183031. The riots were caused by a combination of factors, including social dislocation caused by the agrarian revolution, enclosure, the gradual loss of traditional community ties, economic depression following the Napoleonic wars, a string of poor harvests, poor wages, and high prices (because of the Corn Laws). The immediate catalyst was the

introduction of new threshing machines that farm labourers feared would jeopardize their livelihood. They fired ricks, smashed the machines, and sent threatening letters to farmers. They invented a Captain Swing as their leader, and he became a figure of fear to the landed gentry. The riots were suppressed by the government, with 19 executions and almost 500 transportations.

Sydenham, Thomas (16241689)

English physician, the first person to describe measles and to recommend the use of quinine for relieving symptoms of malaria. His original reputation as the 'English Hippocrates' rested upon his belief that careful observation is more useful than speculation. His Observationes medicae was published in 1676.

Syers, Madge (18821917)

born Florence Madeline Cave

English ice-skater. A pioneer in her sport, she shocked the establishment by entering the world championships in 1902, coming second. Women were afterwards barred from that event, but Syers went on to win two British championships from her male competitors (190304). A women's world championship event was introduced in 1906, which she won in its inaugural year and in 1907. She also won a gold medal at the 1908 Olympics, and a bronze medal in the pairs, skating with her husband Edgar Syers.

Sykes, Eric (1923 )

English comedy writer and performer. Most memorable as the star of his own BBC television series Sykes (196065, 197179), with Hattie Jacques, he first made his name as Britain's highest paid scriptwriter for radio shows like Educating Archie (195054). He has also appeared in stage plays, such as Hatful of Sykes (1979), and films, including Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (1964) and Absolute Beginners (1986). Almost totally deaf, Sykes has written, directed, and acted in the short, wordless comedies The Plank (1967) and Rhubarb (1970). His other acting work includes roles in Curry and Chips (1969), Mr H Is Late (1988), and The Nineteenth Hole (from 1989) for television; the films Monte Carlo or Bust! (1969), Heavens Above! (1963), and Theatre of Blood (1973); and the stage shows Large As Life (1960) and Cinderella (198182).

Syme, James (17991870)

British surgeon. He became a fellow of the College of Surgeons in 1823. He soon gained a great reputation as a surgeon; many of his operations have become

classics of surgery. He was a bold, resourceful, and skilful surgeon, and was one of the first to adopt ether anaesthesia. He was a champion of Joseph Lister's antiseptic method. In 1829 he opened a surgical hospital at Minto House, which soon rivalled the Royal Infirmary in reputation. Syme made many contributions to surgical literature, among them Treatise on the Excision of Diseased Joints (1831) and Principles of Surgery (1831). Syme was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He studied anatomy under his cousin, Robert Liston. In 1833 Syme was appointed to the chair of clinical surgery at Edinburgh University and surgeon to the Royal Infirmary. In 1848 he accepted a similar chair at University College, London, but remained there for only a few months before returning to Edinburgh, where he reinstated in his old professorship, which he retained until 1869. At the age of 18 he discovered a method of making waterproof cloth, but Charles Macintosh of Glasgow, Scotland, took out a patent for it and made a fortune.

Taff Vale case

decision in 1901 by the British Law lords that trade unions were liable for their members' actions, and could hence be sued for damages in the event of a strike, picketing, or boycotting an employer. It followed a strike by union members for higher wages and union recognition against the Taff Vale Railway Company. The judgement resulted in a rapid growth of union membership, and was replaced by the Trade Disputes Act 1906.

Taillefer (died 1066)

Norman jongleur (wandering minstrel). He was killed fighting for William the Conqueror at the battle of Hastings. Robert Wace, in the Roman de Rou (116062), claims that he led the Norman troops, inspiring them with his songs of Roland, of Charlemagne, and of the heroes of Roncesvalles.

Tailteann Games
early 20th-century revival of an ancient festival held at Teltown, County Meath, Republic of Ireland. Originally presided over by the U Nill kings of Tara, the festival observed the advent of winter and was held from 632 BC until 1169. A historical and political symbol of the kingship of Tara, the festival was promoted by both Brian Bruma and Rory O'Connor in recognition of their high kingship of Ireland. Then, having lapsed for 755 years, the festival was revived in 1924 as the 'Tailteann Games' with a gathering of international athletes at Croke Park. Held again in 1928 and 1932 as 'Aonach Tailteann' or 'the festival of Teltown', the event consisted of several athletic competitions, with games of hurling and Gaelic football as highlights. After the suspension of the games in 1932, they resumed again in 1963 and are now staged as a festival of schools athletics each summer.

Talbot, Mary Anne (17781808)

called 'the British Amazon'

English soldier. She served as a drummer boy in Flanders 179293 and as a cabin boy in the navy 179396, before becoming a maidservant in London. Her story was published in The Life and Surprising Adventures of Mary Anne Talbot (1809).

Tamworth Manifesto
Sir Robert Peel's election address 1834 to his constituents in Tamworth. It was adopted as a blueprint for Tory party philosophy, and is often considered to mark the point at which the Tory party became the Conservative Party of the later 19th and 20th centuries. Peel accepted the Reform Act of 1832 and the need for moderate reform to deal with genuine grievances, but radical proposals were to be rejected and any reform had to be balanced against the needs of the established interests of land, trade, and industry.

Tandy, James Napper (17401803)

Irish patriot who became the first secretary of the Society of United Irishmen. He established an armed force on the pattern of the Paris National Guard, but his movement failed and he was obliged to take refuge in America. In 1798 he went to Paris, and in conjunction with Wolfe Tone and others planned an invasion of Ireland, aided by the French. They landed in Ireland September 1798, but the rising was unsuccessful. Tandy fled to Hamburg, where he was arrested and taken to Ireland. He was convicted of treason but reprieved through the intervention of the French.

Tariff Reform League

in UK history, organization set up in 1903 as a vehicle for the ideas of the Liberal politician Joseph Chamberlain on protective tariffs. It aimed to unify the British Empire by promoting imperial preference in trade. This policy was unacceptable to dominion governments as it would constrict their economic policies and put a tax on foodstuffs imported into Britain. Consequently, the league's objective became the introduction of protection for British goods against competition from Germany and the USA.

Taylor, A(lan) J(ohn) P(ercivale) (19061990)

English historian and television lecturer. His books include The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 18481918 (1954), The Origins of the Second World War (1961), and English History 19141945 (1965).

Taylor, Rowland
English Protestant archdeacon and martyr. Born in Rothbury, Northumberland, he became chaplain to Cranmer 1540, incumbent of Hadleigh, Suffolk, 1544, and archdeacon of Exeter 1552. He was one of the first to suffer martyrdom in Mary's reign, and was celebrated as the ideal of a Protestant parish priest.

German noble family with connections to British royalty. The family name was taken from a castle of Wurttemberg. Francis, a prince of Wurttemberg, who became Duke of Teck, married Mary Adelaide, daughter of the Duke of Cambridge, and settled in Britain. He died in 1900 and his wife in 1897. Their daughter, Mary, married King George V. Of their three sons, Adolphus, Duke of Teck (18681927), married a daughter of the 1st Duke of Westminster and was created Marquess of Cambridge 1917; Francis died 1910; and Alexander was created Earl of Athlone 1917. In the latter year the family name was changed to Cambridge, when that of the royal family was changed to Windsor.

Teignmouth, John Shore (17511834)

British governor general of India, and president of the British and Foreign Bible Society He entered the service of the East India Company as a cadet at the age of 18. A man of great personal integrity and devotion to duty, he rose rapidly, and by 1787 was a member of the Supreme Council. In 1793 he succeeded Charles Cornwallis as governor general. He retired from this office in 1797, and received a barony. Shore was an evangelical, closely connected with the Clapham Sect, and became first president of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of
British victory over Egyptian rebels 13 September 1882 at Tel-el-Kebir, a stretch of desert some 65 km/40 mi northeast of Cairo, Egypt.

Egypt had been jointly administered by the British and French since its bankruptcy 1876 and the rebels, under Col Ahmed Arabi, had risen up to overthrow the figurehead leader installed by the country's creditors and evict foreign influences. After a massacre of Europeans at Alexandria 1882, the port was bombarded by British and French fleets and the British general Sir Garnet Wolseley was sent to deal with the rebellion. He entered Cairo two days after wiping out Arabi's rebels in this battle and the British assumed full control of Egypt.

Telford, Thomas (17571834)

Scottish civil engineer. He opened up northern Scotland by building roads and waterways. He constructed many aqueducts and canals, including the Caledonian Canal (180223), and erected the Menai road suspension bridge between Wales and Anglesey (181926), a type of structure scarcely tried previously in the UK. In Scotland he constructed over 1,600 km/1,000 mi of road and 1,200 bridges, churches, and harbours. In 1786 Telford was appointed official surveyor to the county of Shropshire. There he built three bridges over the River Severn, among other structures. He also rebuilt many Roman roads to meet the need for faster travel, copying, to some extent, Roman road design a foundation of large tapered stones, covered with a thick layer of broken stones and a surface of gravel. Telford built roads in Scotland, and also the LondonHolyhead road (18151830). His roads were expensive, but extremely hardwearing. As engineer to the Ellesmere Canal Company from 1793, Telford was responsible for the building of aqueducts over the Ceirog and Dee valleys in Wales, using a new method of construction consisting of troughs made from cast-iron plates and fixed in masonry. He also built the Birmingham and Liverpool Junction Canal, and the Gotha Canal in Sweden. In 1963 the new town of Telford, Shropshire, 32 km/20 mi northwest of Birmingham, was named after him.

Templewood of Chelsea, Samuel John Gurney Hoare (18801959)

British statesman, diplomat, and Conservative politician. From 1910 until 1944 he was Conservative MP for Chelsea. He was secretary of state for air 192224, and from November 1924 to 1929, and secretary of state for India 193135. He then became foreign secretary, but resigned, owing to the violent criticism evoked by the HoareLaval Pact. Later, he held successively the posts of home secretary and secretary for air, and from 1940 to 1944 was ambassador in Spain. In 1944 he was created a viscount. Templewood was deeply interested in penal reform. His publications include The Shadow of the Gallows 1951, and Nine Troubled Years 1954.

Tenby, Gwilym Lloyd George (18941967)

Welsh politician. He was the son of David Lloyd George. He entered Parliament as a Liberal in 1922 and, after holding a number of minor offices, was made minister of food 194142, and minister of fuel and power 194245. In 1951 he was returned as a Liberal and Conservative MP and joined the Conservative government as minister of food 195154. From 1954 until 1957, when he was created a viscount, he was home secretary and minister of Welsh affairs. He was appointed chairman of the Council on Tribunals 1961.

Ten Hours Act

1847 British act of Parliament that restricted the working day of all workers except adult males. It was prompted by the public campaign (the 'Ten Hours Movement') set up 1831. Women and young people were restricted to a 101/2 hour day, with 11/2 hours for meals, between 6 am and 6 pm.

terrorism, Irish
the use of systematic violence in the conflict over British government in Ireland has occurred on a sporadic basis for centuries. Irish nationalism seeks separation and home rule while Protestant unionism wishes to maintain the link between Britain and Ireland. Both sides have resorted to physical force as a legitimate course of action. Terrorists associated with Irish republicanism, the revolutionary wing of nationalism, view themselves as patriotic freedom fighters acting to remove the invading British from the illegal occupation of Ireland. Terrorists associated with loyalism, the militant side of unionism, claim to be simply responding to the threat of the republicans.

Test Act
act of Parliament passed in England in 1673, more than 100 years after similar legislation in Scotland, requiring holders of public office to renounce the doctrine of transubstantiation and take the sacrament in an Anglican church, thus excluding Catholics, Nonconformists, and non-Christians from office. Its clauses were repealed in 182829. Scottish tests were abolished in 1889. In Ireland the Test Act was introduced in 1704 and English legislation on oaths of allegiance and religious declarations were made valid there in 1782. All these provisions were abolished in 1871.

Tewkesbury, Battle of

in English history, battle 4 May 1471 at which Edward IV defeated the Lancastrian forces of Queen Margaret, wife of Henry VI. Henry's only son, Prince Edward (1453 1471), was killed, as were many other leading Lancastrian supporters. The battle was decisive for Edward IV, and his throne was never seriously challenged again.

Texel, Battle of
in the AngloDutch Wars, decisive English victory over the Dutch fleet 31 July 1653 in the North Sea off Texel, the most westerly of the Frisian Islands; the defeat was a severe blow to the Dutch and led to peace early 1654.

textiles industry
technological advances in the manufacture of textiles and the industry's contribution to the Industrial Revolution are discussed in Industrial Revolution, textiles industry.

or thegn

Anglo-Saxon hereditary nobleman rewarded by the granting of land for service to the monarch or a lord.

Thatcher, Margaret Hilda (1925 )

Baroness Thatcher; born Margaret Hilda Roberts

British Conservative politician, prime minister 197990. She was education minister 197074 and Conservative Party leader 197590. In 1982 she sent British troops to recapture the Falkland Islands from Argentina. She confronted trade-union power during the miners' strike 198485, sold off majority stakes in many public utilities to the private sector, and reduced the influence of local government through such measures as the abolition of metropolitan councils, the control of expenditure through 'rate-capping', and the introduction of the community charge, or poll tax, in 1989. In 1990, splits in the cabinet over the issues of Europe and consensus government forced her resignation. An astute parliamentary tactician, she tolerated little disagreement, either from the opposition or from within her own party.


(Image Research Machines plc)

Former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher was born in 1925, and was educated at Somerville College, Oxford, where she read chemistry. She was leader of the Conservative Party from 1975, and in 1979 she became Britain's first female prime minister, serving three terms in office.

alternative spelling of thane.

Theodore of Tarsus, St (c. 602690)

Greek cleric archbishop of Canterbury from 668. He was sent to England on papal authority as archbishop of Canterbury, and called the first national synod at Hertford 673. His plans for diocesan reorganization led him into dispute with Bishop Wilfrid of York, but he prevailed. He also wrote the basis of a code of penance which vainly tried to maintain the importance of kinship links over ties to lords.

Thirkell, Angela Margaret (18911961)

born Angela Mackail

English novelist. She wrote more than 30 novels set in 'Barsetshire', dealing with the descendants of characters from Anthony Trollope's 'Barsetshire' novels, including Coronation Summer (1937), Growing Up (1943), and The Duke's Daughter (1951). Born in London, she was the daughter of the classical scholar John William Mackail (18591945), grand-daughter of the painter Edward Burne-Jones, and cousin of the writer Rudyard Kipling. Her son was the novelist Colin MacInnes (191479).

Thistlewood, Arthur (17701820)

English Radical. A follower of the pamphleteer Thomas Spence (17501814), he was active in the Radical movement and was executed as the chief leader of the Cato Street Conspiracy to murder government ministers.

Thomas, (Thomas) George (19091997)

Viscount Tonypandy

Welsh Labour politician who became Speaker of the House of Commons in 1976. He was elected Labour MP for Cardiff Central in 1945 and for Cardiff West in 1950. From 1951 to 1964 he was a member of the Chairmen's Panel of the House of Commons, and between 1964 and 1968 he was successively parliamentary under secretary at the Home Office, minister of state at the Welsh Office, and minister of state at The Commonwealth Office. He entered the Cabinet in 1968 as secretary of state for Wales, a post he held until Labour's defeat in 1970. In 1974 he became chairman of Ways and Means and deputy speaker of the House of Commons, and in 1976 he became only the second Labour MP to become Speaker of the House of Commons. He was created Viscount Tonypandy when he joined the House of Lords in 1983. Despite being secretary of state for Wales for two years, Thomas campaigned against Welsh nationalism and the creation of the Welsh Assembly. He was also involved in the anti-Europe campaign of James Goldsmith and his Referendum Party in 1996.

Thomas, James Henry (18741949)

Welsh Labour politician. He was made secretary of state for the colonies in the first Labour government in 1924.

As an engine-driver he was elected to the Swindon town council, and in 1904 became president of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. Thomas was Labour MP for Derby from 1910 to 1936. In the World War I he was a member of Arthur Balfour's mission to the USA. Thomas was appointed secretary of state for the colonies in the first Labour government, 1924, and lord privy seal and minister of employment in the second Labour government, 192930. In June 1930 he became secretary of state for dominion affairs, being transferred to the Colonial Office in 1935. In 1936 he resigned both from office and from Parliament as a result of the report of a tribunal set up to consider unauthorized disclosures relating to the Budget. Thomas was author of When Labour Rules 1920; The Red Light on Railways 1921; and My Story 1937.

Thompson, Edith (died 1923)

English murderess. She was tried in 1922, with her accomplice Frederick Bywaters, for stabbing her husband. The trial at the Old Bailey caused a sensation; the couple were found guilty, and in spite of many petitions for reprieve were executed.

three-day week
in the UK, the policy adopted by Prime Minister Edward Heath in January 1974 to combat an economic crisis and coal miners' strike. A shortage of electrical power led to the allocation of energy to industry for only three days each week. A general election was called in February 1974, which the government lost.

Throckmorton Plot
plot in 1583 to put Mary Queen of Scots on the English throne in place of Elizabeth I. The plot involved the invasion of England by English Catholic exiles in Spain, led by the Frenchman Henri, duc de Guise. Its leading figure, the zealous Roman Catholic Francis Throckmorton (15541584), revealed details of the plot under torture and was executed.

Thurloe, John (16161668)

English politician and prominent ally of Oliver Cromwell. As secretary of the Council of State (165260), he handled all the principal civil business of government, both foreign and domestic. He was responsible for organizing an intelligence network to uncover the plots of Cromwell's enemies. His records of his time in office, the Thurloe Papers, are one of the major original sources for the history of the Protectorate.

Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow (17321806)

English lawyer and Tory politician. He occupied high legal posts in government, as solicitor-general and attorney-general in the administration of Lord North (177082). As lord chancellor 177892, he served Whig and coalition governments, but took a consistently partisan approach to legislation, and was finally dismissed from office.

Tillett, Ben(jamin) (18601943)

English trade union leader and politician. He became general secretary of the powerful Dockers' Union, and was a principal organizer of national strikes that hit Britain's docks in 1889 and 1911. He sat as Labour MP for North Salford, Lancashire, 191724 and 192931.

Tinchbrai, Battle of
during the Norman War, victory of King Henry I over the French 28 September 1106, near Tinchbrai (now Tinchbray) about 50 km/30 mi southwest of Caen. As a result of his victory Henry annexed Normandy to the English crown.

Tiptoft, John, 1st Earl of Worcester (c. 14271470)

English statesman, created Earl of Worcester in 1449, Constable of England 1462 67. During the civil strife of the 1450s, Tiptoft was absent from England: he went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem and then travelled round Italy. Recalled in 1461 by Edward IV, he was made constable with the task of meting out justice to traitors. His success at this gained him the sobriquet 'the butcher of England'; he displayed similar severity when appointed deputy lieutenant in Ireland in 1467. During the readeption of Henry VI, Tiptoft was captured and executed. Tiptoft was not only a man of ruthless action; he also contemplated scholarly matters. He studied at Padua University (from where his critics claimed he learned his summary justice) as well as visiting Guarino at Ferrara. Humanists including John Free and Francesco Griffolini presented works to him; he amassed a large library, buying manuscripts from Vespasiano, but of this little survives (although what does suggests that, unusually, he was a conscientious reader of his books).

British passenger liner, supposedly unsinkable, that struck an iceberg and sank off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland on its first voyage on 1415 April 1912; estimates of the number of lives lost, largely due to inadequate provision of lifeboats, vary between 1,503 and 1,517. In 1985 it was located by robot submarine 4 km/2.5 mi

down in an ocean canyon, preserved by the cold environment, and in 1987 salvage operations began. In August 1996 salvage divers eased a 15-tonne section of the liner's steel hull away from the sea floor and raised it more than 2 mi/3.2 km from the seabed using flotation balloons. The high-tech expedition appeared to be on the verge of success when the balloons lost pressure and the liner returned to the ocean floor. By 1996, the cost of the project to raise the wreck stood at $5 million/3.3 million. The results of the first ultrasonic scan of the front of the Titanic, much of which is buried in mud, showed that a series of six short slits was the only damage inflicted on the ship by the iceberg, and not, as has always been thought, a gaping 91 m/300 ft gash. The total area of openings was found to be only about 1.1 or 1.2 sq m/12 or 13 sq ft. The unexpected discovery, which emerged from an expedition to the seabed by a team of scientists and engineers in August 1996, will force a re-writing of the countless histories of the disaster. Although small, the gaps would have been roughly 6 m/20 ft below the water line. The high pressure would have forced the ocean through the holes fast enough to flood the ship with about 39,000 tonnes of water before it finally went down.

formerly, payment exacted from the inhabitants of a parish for the maintenance of the church and its incumbent; some religious groups continue the practice by giving 10% of members' incomes to charity. It was originally the grant of a tenth of all agricultural produce made to priests in Hebrew society. In the Middle Ages the tithe was adopted as a tax in kind paid to the local parish church, usually for the support of the incumbent, and stored in a special tithe barn; as such, it survived into contemporary times in Europe and Britain. In Protestant countries, these payments were often appropriated by lay landlords.

Tobruk, Battles of
series of engagements in World War II between British and Axis forces in the struggle for control over the Libyan port of Tobruk.

Todd, Ron(ald) (19272005)

English trade-union leader. He rose from shop steward to general secretary of Britain's largest trade union, the Transport and General Workers' Union, a post he held 198592. Although a Labour Party supporter, he criticized its attitude towards nuclear disarmament.

Toleration Act
British legislation 1689 granting nonconformists rights of citizenship and a degree of religious freedom. They were allowed to have their own teachers, places of worship, and preachers, although dissenters were officially banned from public office. Temporary indemnity acts enacted annually from 1721 granted nonconformists immunity to stand for public office, but the formal ban was not lifted until 1828.

Toleration, Act of
UK act of Parliament passed 1689 during the reign of King William III. It granted religious freedom to all dissenters from the established church except Catholics and Unitarians.

Tolpuddle Martyrs
six farm labourers of Tolpuddle, a village in Dorset, England, who were transported to Australia in 1834. The labourers had formed a union on the advice of the Grand National Consolidated Trades Union (GNCTU) to try to prevent their wages being reduced. Entry into their 'union' involved a payment of a shilling (5p), and swearing before a picture of a skeleton never to tell anyone the union's secrets. Local magistrates used an old law to convict the men for 'administering unlawful oaths'. The severity of the punishment destroyed the GNCTU. After nationwide agitation, the labourers were pardoned two years later. They returned to England and all but one migrated to Canada.

Tolpuddle Martyrs

(Image Billie Love)

Some of the Tolpuddle Martyrs, in an illustration taken from Cleave's Penny Gazette of Variety (1838). All six of the men from Tolpuddle in Dorset, who had set up the first trade union, were found guilty of an ancient law against administering oaths, and transported to Australia. John Cleave (17901847) was a publisher who campaigned for political reform and against taxes on newspapers and pamphlets.

Tone, (Theobald) Wolfe (17631798)

Irish nationalist, prominent in the revolutionary society of the United Irishmen. In 1798 he accompanied the French invasion of Ireland and was captured and condemned to death, but slit his own throat in prison. Tone aimed to overthrow English rule in Ireland. He formed the society of United Irishmen in 1791. Disappointed with the progress of the group through non-radical means, he started asking revolutionary France for help in arming the resistance to English rule. Insurrection broke out in Ireland in 1798, but previous failed attempts at a French invasion of Ireland in 1796 and 1797 had reduced the enthusiasm of the French forces, and only small raids on Ireland were made. Tone was captured in Donegal, and in his trial reaffirmed his hostility to England.

tonnage and poundage

excise duties granted in England 13711787 by Parliament to the crown on imports and exports of wine and other goods. They were imposed on every ton of imported wine and every pound of imported or exported merchandise other than specified staple commodities. The tax was first imposed under Edward III and from the time of Henry V it was usual for it to be granted for life to all English monarchs. They were levied by Charles I in 1626 without parliamentary consent, provoking controversy. The tax was abolished 1787.

Tooke, John Horne (17361812)

British politician who established a Constitutional Society for parliamentary reform 1771. He was elected a member of Parliament 1801.

Tory democracy
concept attributed to the 19th-century British Conservative Party, and to the campaign of Lord Randolph Churchill against Stafford Northcote in the early 1880s. The slogan was not backed up by any specific policy proposals.

Anglo-Saxon ruler, the son of Earl Godwin and brother of Harold II. He was made Earl of Northumbria in 1055 by his brother-in-law, Edward the Confessor, but was outlawed and exiled because of his severity. He joined Harold Hardrada of Norway in the invasion in 1066 of northern England, but they were both defeated and killed the same year by Harold II at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

Toulon, Battle of
during the War of the Austrian Succession, British naval defeat at the hands of a combined French and Spanish fleet 21 February 1744 off Toulon, a French port in the Mediterranean.

Toulon, Battle of
during the French Revolutionary Wars, British defeat at the hands of the French revolutionary army under General Dugomier August 1793. The monarchist city authorities had welcomed a small British military force under Lord Mulgrave to assist in defending Toulon, but fell to the besieging revolutionaries despite this help.

in medieval England, martial competition between knights. Until the accession of the Stuarts to the English throne, chivalric contests were a feature of court life. Jousting and hand-to-hand combat took place, and a lord might dedicate himself to one of the ladies present. In the early part of his reign, Henry VIII participated in tournaments personally, much to the consternation of his counsellors.

Tower of London
fortress on the bank of the River Thames to the east of the City of London, England. William (I) the Conqueror established a camp here immediately after his coronation in 1066, and in 1078 Gundulf of Bec, Bishop of Rochester, began building the White Tower on the site of British and Roman fortifications. It is the centrepiece of the fortress and probably the finest and best-preserved Norman keep in existence. It is surrounded by two strong walls and a ditch, now dry, and was for centuries a royal residence and the principal state prison.

Tower of London

(Image Billie Love)

The White Tower, the oldest part of the Tower of London, on the banks of the Thames River, London. This tower was constructed from 1078, by the followers of William the Conqueror, and the remainder of the fortress was built around it by succeeding monarchs.

town, medieval
during the Middle Ages, towns in England developed as centres of trade, and as administrative centres. In 1066 there were only about six English towns with more than 4,000 inhabitants; even London's population only numbered about 20,000. Many towns grew up as market towns, selling the produce of the local countryside. Others developed as ports, exporting wool and importing goods such as wine, spices, and silk. By 1500 Norwich, Bristol, and Newcastle had more than 10,000 inhabitants, and London probably had a population of 150,000.

Many growing towns were controlled by the local lord, but the townspeople could appeal to the king to grant them a charter. This released them from their duties to the

lord of the manor, and gave the townspeople the right to choose a mayor and council to govern themselves. They also gained the right to collect their own taxes, to hold a regular market, and to hold courts and try criminals. In return the towns had to pay an annual tallage to the crown; Lincoln's tallage in 1206 was 400. Craftspeople could set up workshops in the towns. At first their activities were controlled by merchant guilds, whose main purpose was to further the interests of their members, and exclude strangers from the benefits of their membership. Later the crafts organized themselves into separate guilds, such as the weavers guild and the goldsmiths. It soon became impossible to prosper, or sometimes even to practice a trade, without being a member of the appropriate guild. The chief officers of the guilds were often members of the town council. Villeins (serfs) who ran away to a town for a year and a day could gain their freedom.

Towns were places of safety; a town wall kept out attackers, and their gates controlled entry. Inside the walls, the centre of most towns was the church and the market place, and houses were often packed together down narrow streets, which radiated outwards from the market place. Streets were sometimes cobbled, but were often little more than mud alleys. To gain more space, householders built the upper storeys of their half-timbered houses projecting out over the lower storeys, a practice known as oversailing, which made the streets even darker. The inhabitants thought nothing about tossing a bucket of water or worse onto the heads of passers-by. Towns were noisy places. Carts, pack-horses, and herds of animals passed through the streets, shops advertised their trade with large shop signs that would swing and creak, street traders and shopkeepers shouted out their wares, and the town crier would shout out local news. There were frequent fights and quarrels, and a person who had been robbed might raise a hue and cry to chase the thief. Public health was a problem; although most towns had rules about leaving rubbish and litter in the street, these were not always enforced. Many medieval towns had bath houses, but they were places of ill-repute. At 8 p.m. a bell rang for curfew, and people were supposed to return home. Anyone found walking about at night might be locked up on suspicion of being involved in a criminal activity.

Townshend, Charles (16741738)

2nd Viscount Townshend; called 'Turnip' Townshend

English politician and agriculturalist. He was secretary of state under George I from 1714 to 1717, when he was dismissed for opposing the king's foreign policy; and from 1721 to 1730, after which he retired to his farm and did valuable work in developing crop rotation and cultivating winter feeds for cattle (hence his nickname).

Townshend, Charles (17251767)

British politician, chancellor of the Exchequer 176667. The Townshend Acts, designed to assert Britain's traditional authority over its colonies, resulted in widespread resistance. Among other things they levied taxes on imports (such as

tea, glass, and paper) into the North American colonies. Opposition in the colonies to taxation without representation (see Stamp Act) precipitated the American Revolution.

Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrers (18611924)

British soldier. He served with the Royal Marines in India, where he came to prominence by his defence of Chitral 1893, before returning to Africa. His loss of Kutal-Imara during World War I and subsequent indifference to the brutal treatment of his men was further compounded by his offer to act as an intermediary between the British and Turkish governments. He was ignored by the British and never received another military appointment. KCB 1917.

Townshend Acts
legislation passed by the British Parliament in 1767 that enforced billeting of troops, levied taxes, and imposed tighter regulations on trade in the American colonies. The Townshend Revenue Act, the most far-reaching of the four acts, proposed by Charles Townshend, chancellor of the Exchequer, set import duties on glass, paint, paper, and tea. He characterized the duties as distinct from internal taxes levied by the despised Stamp Act, repealed in 1766. Nevertheless the colonists resented the act, seeing it as a further British effort to exert control over the colonies and a means to raise revenue. The other three acts included the Suspending Act, which suspended the New York assembly until it complied with the Quartering Act; an act establishing a new Board of Customs Commissioners and stricter and more powerful customs procedures; and an act lifting British duties on tea internally and for export to the colonies.

Towse, Beachcroft (18641948)

English soldier and president of the National Institute for the Blind. In a gallant military action during the Second Boer War (18991902), he earned the Victoria Cross but lost his sight. Thereafter, he devoted his life to working for those with the same disability, converting his own house at Goring into the first of the Institute's homes.

Towton, Battle of
in the Wars of the Roses, a Yorkist victory in 1461, when Edward IV confirmed his position as king. Towton is a village in North Yorkshire, England, midway between Leeds and York.

Toynbee, Arnold (18521883)

English economic historian who coined the term 'industrial revolution' in his 'Lectures on the Industrial Revolution', published in 1884.

Toynbee, Arnold Joseph (18891975)

English historian whose A Study of History 193461 was an attempt to discover the laws governing the rise and fall of civilizations.

trade, medieval
in the Middle Ages, a large amount of international trade was carried on in Europe, despite the many barriers presented by bad communications, robbers and pirates, political boundaries, currency problems, tolls, and customs. Trade routes between Europe and India and China were blocked by the Muslim lands of the Middle East, so a round trip from Venice to India might take three years. There was also no postal system, although Italian merchants ran a courier service.

Pack horses could not carry heavy loads, so most land trade was in high-value lightweight goods such as silk, spices, perfumes, or jewels. Ships, however, could carry large cargoes, and they brought to England tar, timber, furs, and rope from the Baltic, cloth and lace from Flanders, and wine and glass from the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, English merchants exported wool, fish, metal, and honey. Many of these goods were sold at fairs, of which the largest and most important were those in Champagne in northeast France. The Crusades stimulated trade, as the crusaders discovered many new goods that they had never seen before, including lemons, apricots, sugar, and cotton.

The Old English word for trade 'cheaping' is preserved in the modern word 'cheap', and in placenames such as Cheapside and Eastcheap in London, and Chipping Sodbury in Gloucestershire. Some traders became very wealthy; Dick Whittington, for example, was a cloth merchant who became lord mayor of London in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Wealthiest of all were the Italian merchantbankers, operating from the great trading cities of the Mediterranean, such as Venice and Genoa. Also important was the Hanseatic League an association of north German towns that established a monopoly over trade with the Baltic region. The League had originally come together for protection against pirates, and to foster safer navigation by building lighthouses and employing pilots. The most prominent English trading organization was the Merchant Adventurers, who traded all over Europe by the 15th century. Trade stimulated the Age of Exploration Christopher Columbus, who sailed in 1492, and Vasco da Gama, who sailed in 1497, were both trying to find an alternative trade route to India.

Trades Union Congress


voluntary organization of trade unions, founded in the UK in 1868, in which delegates of affiliated unions meet annually to consider matters affecting their members. In 1997 there were 67 affiliated unions, with an aggregate membership of 6 million. 30% of the employees in the UK belong to trade unions (25% in the private sector, and 60% in the public sector), compared to 14% in the USA and 8% in France. In September 1993 John Monks became the TUC's general secretary.

Trafalgar, Battle of
during the Napoleonic Wars, victory of the British fleet, commanded by Admiral Horatio Nelson, over a combined French and Spanish fleet on 21 October 1805. Nelson was mortally wounded during the action. The victory laid the foundation for British naval supremacy throughout the 19th century. It is named after Cape Trafalgar, a low headland in southwest Spain, near the western entrance to the Straits of Gibraltar.

in English history, a civil militia first formed in 1573 by Elizabeth I to meet the possibility of invasion. Trainbands were used by Charles I against the Scots in 1639, but their lack of training meant they were of dubious military value.

punishment of sending convicted persons to overseas territories to serve their sentences. It was introduced in England towards the end of the 17th century and although it was abolished in 1857 after many thousands had been transported, mostly to Australia, sentences of penal servitude continued to be partly carried out in Western Australia up until 1867. Transportation was used for punishment of criminals by France until 1938.

Treaty of Paris, 1763

treaty ending the Seven Years' War 175663, signed by Britain, France, and Spain. Under the terms of the treaty Britain gained all of Canada, America east of the Mississippi Valley, Florida, and several islands in the Caribbean, as well as areas in India and the East Indies acquired by France after 1749.

Treaty of Paris, 1783

or Peace of Versailles

treaty signed at the end of the American Revolution formally recognizing American independence. In addition to recognizing the USA, the treaty established the country's boundaries, secured certain fishing rights, opened up the Mississippi River to navigation by both British and US citizens, granted creditors from both countries access to collect their debts, and provided fair treatment for Loyalists.

Trelawny, Jonathan (16501721)

English bishop, one of the seven bishops who were tried in 1688 for refusing to read James II's Declaration of Indulgence from the pulpit. He and his co-defendents were acquitted on charges of seditious libel, a blow to James's attempts to restore toleration of Catholicism.

Trevithick, Richard (17711833)

English engineer, constructor of a steam road locomotive in 1801, the first to carry passengers, and probably the first steam engine to run on rails in 1804. He also built steamboats, river dredgers, and threshing machines.

trial by battle
decision in a legal case arrived at by fighting between litigants or their champions, the assumption being that God would not let the innocent be vanquished. It was introduced by the Normans and had largely fallen into disuse by the late middle ages but it was not formally abolished until 1819 after an isolated attempt to invoke the right to this method of trial.

triangular trade
three-sided ('triangular') trade route between Britain, West Africa, and the West Indies, in operation until the banning of the slave trade in 1807. Manufactured goods were shipped from England to Africa (the first leg of the journey). The same ship would then take a cargo of African slaves to the West Indies or southernmost American colonies (the second leg of the journey) and sell them for work on

plantations. On the final leg of the journey the ship would take sugar, molasses, rum, cotton, or tobacco back to Britain. British involvement in the triangular trade began with the colonization of America from 1607 and the West Indies from 1623, but it was dominated by the Portuguese and Dutch until late in the 17th century, when France, Denmark, and Sweden also became involved. The chief British ports were London, Liverpool, Bristol, and Glasgow.

Triennial Act
three 17th-century acts attempting to ensure British parliaments met at least once in three years. The first statute 1641 required that parliament should meet every three years, for at least 50 days. The measure fell into abeyance and was reinstated by an act of 1664. The final act 1694 stipulated that parliament should meet at least once every three years and not last more than three years.

Trinder, Tommy (Thomas Edward) (19091989)

English comedian and actor. A jaunty, cheerful performer, he was a master of ad lib and the quick retort; his catchphrase was 'You lucky people'. He appeared in revues such as Happy and Glorious and Best Bib and Tucker, and also played the leading man in films like Champagne Charlie (1944). A football enthusiast, he was chairman of Fulham football club 195576. Trinder's first big opportunity came in 1939 when he was invited to join the Band Waggon show at the London Palladium; he later compered the ITV show Sunday Night at the London Palladium (195458). During World War II he travelled to Italy, the Middle East, and the Far East to entertain the troops. His films of the period include Sailors Three (1940) and The Bells Go Down (1943).

Trollope, Frances (17801863)

born Frances Milton

English novelist. Her critical and witty Domestic Manners of the Americans (1832), the product of a three year stay in the USA, was much resented there. Author of 115 novels, her most successful were The Vicar of Wrexhill (1837) and The Widow Barnaby (1839), with its sequel The Widow Married (1840). Her son was the writer Anthony Trollope. Trollope was born in Stapleton, Avon. In 1809 she married Thomas Anthony Trollope (17741835), a failed barrister and fellow of New College, Oxford. In 1827 her husband fell into financial difficulties, which were not relieved by moving to the USA. Widowed in 1835, she travelled widely on the Continent, writing articles and fiction, and eventually settled in Florence in 1843.

Truck Acts
UK acts of Parliament introduced 1831, 1887, 1896, and 1940 to prevent employers misusing wage-payment systems to the detriment of their workers. The legislation made it illegal to pay wages with goods in kind or with tokens for use in shops owned by the employers. However, the 1831 act had no means of enforcement, and even after the 1887 act, responsibility and costs of bringing prosecutions lay with the aggrieved worker. The 1940 act prevented employers giving canteen meals in lieu of wages.

True Leveller
member of a radical Puritan sect that flourished 164950; see Digger.

English dynasty 14851603, founded by Henry VII, who became king by overthrowing Richard III (the last of the York dynasty) at the Battle of Bosworth. Henry VII reigned from 1485 to 1509, and was succeeded by Henry VIII (reigned 150947); Edward VI (reigned 154753); Mary I (reigned 155358); and Elizabeth I (reigned 15581603). Elizabeth died childless and the throne of England passed to her cousin James VI of Scotland, who thus became James I of England and the first of the Stuart line. The dynasty was descended from the Welsh adventurer Owen Tudor (c. 1400 1461), who fought on the Lancastrian side in the Wars of the Roses. Owen Tudor later became the second husband of Catherine of Valois (widow of Henry V of England). Their son Edmund, Earl of Richmond, married Margaret Beaufort (1443 1509), the great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, who was the fourth son of Edward III. Henry VII, the founder of the Tudor dynasty, was the son of Edmund, Earl of Richmond, and Margaret Beaufort. The dynasty's symbol, the Tudor rose, combines the red and white roses of the Lancastrian and Yorkist houses, and symbolizes the union of the two factions, which was cemented by Henry VII in January 1486 when he married Elizabeth of York, the eldest daughter of Edward IV.

Tudor and Restoration London

in the 16th and 17th centuries London was transformed from a medieval city, with economic and political power focused heavily on the guild organizations and the church, to a worldwide trading and national government centre where power lay with the merchant classes and the crown or, during the English Civil War, Parliament. Its

very fabric changed with the redistribution of church land under the Reformation, the rebuilding of the City after the Fire of London (1666), and expansion into areas outside the City boundaries. The City of London became the preserve of the merchants, while the aristocracy moved out to its western suburbs, which by the end of the 17th century had became the focus for London's social life.

Tudor London
During the Tudor period the power of the monarchy increased at the expense of the church and the guilds, but industrial progress was maintained from the medieval period, and the merchant classes flourished with the opening of shipping routes to English colonies and trading posts in America, Africa, and Asia. About 90% of England's overseas trade passed through the port of London. The economy also expanded with the continuing growth of London as a centre of national government and royal administration. In 1512 the palace of Westminster was largely destroyed by fire, leaving Henry VIII without a London residence until 1530 when he took possession of Whitehall Palace (previously Thomas Wolsey's York Place). He began the building of St James's Palace in 1532, on the site of a former leper hospital. During Elizabeth I's reign (15581603) the aristocracy shifted residence from the City to mansions in the Strand or Westminster and its neighbourhood, leaving the City a still greater stronghold of the merchants who dominated trade and political power there. By the end of Elizabeth's reign London and its suburbs had a population of about 200,000, but only about a third lived within the original City boundaries. Both Tudor and later Stuart monarchs passed laws to control the physical spread of London, but these were not observed as the economic growth of London demanded ever more space for housing. The English Reformation was fully embraced by London. Events such as Hunne's Case in 1514, when a London merchant died in the bishop of London's prison, had already promoted anticlerical feeling. From 1536 the confiscation of ecclesiastical property was supported wholeheartedly by the citizens, although it affected the entire fabric of the city. The Priory of Holy Trinity, Aldgate, was the first of London's monasteries to be dissolved. Charterhouse, Smithfield, was the only centre of resistance in the city, the prior and many of his monks being executed before Henry VIII succeeded in forcing his policies. Land freed by the dissolution of the monasteries was generally sold for development, but some houses became government offices or storehouses. In the face of political and religious opposition from Catholic France and Spain, some of the monasteries' wealth went towards the creation of a full-time professional navy, leading to the foundation of royal dockyards at Woolwich and Deptford. Under Edward VI the religious guilds were suppressed, and the revenues of the craft and merchant guilds devoted to religious purposes became the property of the crown. The limitations imposed on the religious aspect of the guilds began a general decline in their function. The duties of many livery companies are now ceremonial, social, and charitable rather than industrial, although some, such as the Vintners, maintain an active interest in their trade. During the Catholic revival of Mary I's reign (155358), many of London's Protestants were burned at Smithfield. The Elizabethan age witnessed a great advance in the development of English drama in London, and the advent of the open-air Elizabethan playhouse. The first playhouse in England was the Theatre, Shoreditch (1576). The Globe Theatre (1599), the Rose Theatre, and the Hope soon followed in Southwark, where the City's strict regulations on entertainment were waived.

Civil War London

During the English Civil War, the City of London was a centre of nonconformity and gave its backing to Parliament, its support being a large factor in the defeat of the Stuart king Charles I; the City's civil militia also played an active part. Earthworks were erected in case of siege, and in 1642 some 24,000 Londoners gathered at Turnham Green to defend their city against the threat of a royalist attack. In 1649 the king's execution took place in front of the Banqueting House in Whitehall. However, London quickly turned royalist when the Rump Parliament acted against City interests, closed the theatres and other entertainments of Southwark, and enforced the observance of the Sabbath; the City was further swayed by Charles II's promises to renew and extend the privileges of its charter.

Restoration London
The newly restored king entered London on 29 May 1660. Soon after the Restoration, two major disasters occurred: in 1665 the Great Plague killed over 80,000, about one-sixth of London's inhabitants; and in 1666 the Fire of London burned for three days, destroying four-fifths of the City. Extensive reconstruction in the aftermath of the fire included the rebuilding of St Paul's Cathedral, 51 churches, and other buildings by Christopher Wren, although schemes for replanning London, created by Wren and others, were rejected as they would have interfered with legal land boundaries. Contemporary critics of St Paul's complained of its lack of a steeple. New buildings were mainly brick and mortar, timber being banned. City planning earlier in the century had included the laying out of several London squares, the first being Covent Garden by Inigo Jones in 1631. London's economic prosperity soon recovered, being marked in 1670 by the formation of the Hudson's Bay Company, which established a worldwide fur trade centring on London; and in 1694 by the foundation of the Bank of England. In the late 17th century a great wave of French Protestant Huguenots arrived, provoked by Louis XIV's religious persecution. Settling in Spitalfields and Soho, they established a centre of silk production, which was operating an estimated 12,000 looms by the end of the 18th century. Their descendants included the actor David Garrick and the textile manufacturer Samuel Courtauld. As well as the French Huguenots, other immigrants came from the Low Countries. Their trades included tapestry making, brewing, and the production of glass, pottery, scientific instruments, and maps. Over the course of the century the centre of London's social life shifted from the City to the newly developed West End, particularly after the Fire of London. Theatres were reopened in the late 17th century, but the tradition of Elizabethan open-air theatre was superseded by Restoration comedy and other European-style drama performed at indoor playhouses, and women were finally admitted to the stage. In 1652 the first coffee house was opened in Cornhill, beginning a fashionable trend that led to the establishment of hundreds of venues in London by the early 18th century. An alternative to alehouses as social meeting places, coffee houses were mainly patronized by the professional classes and many of those in the City became associated with a particular sphere of interest. The Lloyd's of London insurance market derived its name from Edwin Lloyd's coffee house, from about 1688 a regular haunt of London underwriters specializing in marine insurance. Coffee houses maintained their popularity throughout the 18th century, but decline set in with the growing preference for tea.

By 1700 London was the largest city in Western Europe with a population of around 575,000, of which only 200,000 lived in the City of London.

Tudor rose
heraldic emblem adopted by Henry VII and his successors. It comprises a rose with the central petals white and the outer petals red; in other words, it combines a badge of the house of York with one of the house of Lancaster. It symbolized that Henry, by marrying Elizabeth of York, had united the two houses and had (supposedly) brought the Wars of the Roses to an end.

Tull, Jethro (16741741)

English agriculturist who in about 1701 developed a drill that enabled seeds to be sown mechanically and spaced so that cultivation between rows was possible in the growth period. His chief work, Horse-Hoeing Husbandry, was published in 1733. Tull also developed a plough with blades set in such a way that grass and roots were pulled up and left on the surface to dry. Basically the design of a plough is much the same today.

tunnage and poundage

alternative spelling of tonnage and poundage.

Turner, Ben (18631942)

British trade union leader and politician. After working as the general secretary of the textile workers' union 190222, he was elected president of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) in 1928. He was a Labour MP 192224 and 192931.

Turpin, Dick (Richard) (17051739)

English highwayman. The son of an innkeeper, he turned to highway robbery, cattlethieving, and smuggling, and was hanged at York, England.

Tweeddale, John Hay, 2nd Earl and 1st Marquess of Tweeddale (16261697)

Scottish soldier and Lord High Chancellor of Scotland 169296. During the English Civil War he repeatedly switched allegiance between the Royalist cause and the Parliamentarians, but survived to serve both in Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth Parliaments and during the Restoration.

Tyler, Wat (died 1381)

English leader of the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. He was probably born in Kent or Essex, and may have served in the French wars. After taking Canterbury, he led the peasant army to Blackheath, outside London, and went on to invade the city. King Richard II met the rebels at Mile End and promised to redress their grievances, which included the imposition of a poll tax. At a further conference at Smithfield, London, Tyler was murdered.


(Image Billie Love)

Wat Tyler killing the poll tax collector. Tyler was the leader of the 1380 Peasants' Revolt a rebellion against poverty and the artificial suppression of labourers' wages. The rebels gained some concessions from Richard II, but after Tyler's death

in June at the hands of the Mayor of London, the revolt was brutally quashed and the king reneged on his promises.

Tyndale, William (c. 14921536)

English translator of the Bible. The printing of his New Testament was begun in Cologne in 1525 and, after he had been forced to flee, completed in Worms. Tyndale introduced some of the most familiar phrases to the English language, such as 'filthy lucre', and 'God forbid'. He was strangled and burned as a heretic at Vilvorde in Belgium.

Tyrconnell, Richard Talbot, Earl of Tyrconnell (16301691)

Viscount Baltinglass, Baron of Talbotstown

Irish Jacobite soldier and administrator. A zealous Catholic, he was made lord-deputy of Ireland by James II in 1687. After James's forces were defeated by William (III) of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne and Limerick in 1690, Tyrconnell followed James into exile in France. He returned the following year to Ireland to resume fighting, but died suddenly.

Ulster Defence Association


Northern Ireland Protestant paramilitary organization responsible for a number of sectarian killings. Fanatically loyalist, it established a paramilitary wing (the Ulster Freedom Fighters) to combat the Irish Republican Army (IRA) on its own terms and by its own methods. No political party has acknowledged any links with the UDA. In 1994, following a cessation of military activities by the IRA, the UDA, along with other Protestant paramilitary organizations, declared a ceasefire.

Ulster Freedom Fighters


paramilitary wing of the Ulster Defence Association.

Ulster plantation
in Irish history, the confiscation and resettlement, in 1609, of the Ulster counties of Armagh, Cavan, Donegal, Derry, Fermanagh, and Tyrone by the English government

after the Flight of the Earls. Provided with lots of 2,000, 1,500, and 1,000 acres as determined by government surveyors, the English and Scottish undertakers (those accepting grants of land) were also burdened with unrealistically heavy obligations relating to the settlement, development, and defence of their holdings. Delays in preparing the territory for occupancy, coupled with disputes among prospective settlers and government officials, accentuated these difficulties. Harsh treatment of native freeholders whose existing rights were frequently overridden by the new grants ensured an extremely hostile reception for the newcomers. By the mid-1620s the progress of the official plantation was inconsiderable as undertakers frequently defaulted on their obligations, particularly in regard to the matter of removing native tenants. By then, however, independent migrations from England and especially from Scotland were rapidly creating patterns of settlement far different from the intentions of the original planners. Interspersed pockets of English, Scottish, and native Irish settlements were thus emerging within the planted territories. This situation was to prove explosive by 1641 and thereafter laid the basis for the chronic sectarian problems of the province as a whole.

Ulster Unionist Party

or Official Unionist Party (OUP)

the largest political party in Northern Ireland. Right-of-centre in orientation, its aim is equality for Northern Ireland within the UK, and it opposes union with the Republic of Ireland. The party has the broadest support of any Ulster party, and has consistently won a large proportion of parliamentary and local seats. Its central organization, dating from 1905, is formally called the Ulster Unionist Council. Its leader from 1995 is David Trimble. It secured 28 of the 108 seats in the new Northern Ireland Assembly, elected in June 1998, and Trimble was elected Northern Ireland's first minister at the Assembly's first meeting on 1 July (he resigned in June 2001, but agreed to stand for re-election in October 2001).

The party advocates equal local-government rights for the people of Ulster compared with the rest of the UK. The need for tough law-and-order measures is also a strong party theme, with many of its leaders in favour of reintroducing capital punishment. The party has been generally hostile to the terms of the UK's membership of the European Union (EU), and believes that it has a negative impact on Ulster. Within Westminster the Ulster Unionist members of Parliament have generally voted with the Conservative Party.

Ulster Volunteer Force


in Northern Ireland, most recently a loyalist (pro-Union) paramilitary group, especially active in the 1970s, 1980s, and early 1990s. Originally a paramilitary wing of the Ulster Unionists, the first UVF was formed in 1912 to coordinate ad hoc paramilitary

activity. A second UVF, active in the Anglo-Irish War, became part of the Ulster Special Constabulary. The name was revived in 1966 for a Belfast-based group, which was legalized in 1974 but banned the following year. In 1994 the UVF was one of the signatories to a loyalist ceasefire.

Uniformity, Acts of
two acts of Parliament in England. The first in 1559 imposed the Prayer Book on the whole English kingdom; the second in 1662 required the Prayer Book to be used in all churches, and some 2,000 ministers who refused to comply were ejected.

Union, Acts of
act of Parliament of 1707 that brought about the union of England and Scotland; that of 1801 united England and Ireland. See also England: history 14851714, Act of Union and Hanoverian succession. The 1707 act, which abolished the Scottish parliament, decreed that 16 elected peers and 45 members of the House of Commons should represent Scotland at Westminster, but that the Scottish legal system and Presbyterian Church should remain separate. The 1801 act amalgamated the Irish and British parliaments, securing for Ireland a representation of 32 peers and 100 members. Irish representation was later increased to 103; but, since the creation of the independent Irish Free State in 1922 (now the Republic of Ireland), only the British province of Northern Ireland returns members to Westminster.

union flag
British national flag. It is popularly called the Union Jack, although, strictly speaking, this applies only when it is flown on the jackstaff of a warship.

belief in the retention of the link between Britain and Ireland; the opposite of Irish nationalism, which supports separation from the British government and the unification of Ireland. Unionists, who may be from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, or from mainland Britain, believe that the two areas are united in culture and history, and should not be forced apart. Unionists in Northern Ireland see themselves as British people who happen to live in Ulster, and no less British than the people of England, Scotland, or Wales.

Union Movement

British political group. Founded as the New Party by Oswald Mosley and a number of Labour members of Parliament in 1931, it developed into the British Union of Fascists in 1932. In 1940 the organization was declared illegal and its leaders interned, but it was revived as the Union Movement in 1948, characterized by racist doctrines including anti-Semitism. An attempt by the 'blackshirts' to march through the East End of London in 1936 led to prohibition of the wearing of such political uniforms.

United Irishmen
society formed in 1791 by Wolfe Tone to campaign for parliamentary reform in Ireland. It later became a secret revolutionary group. Inspired by the republican ideals of the French Revolution, the United Irishmen was initially a debating society, calling for reforms such as the right of Catholics to vote in Irish elections, but after an attempt to suppress it in 1793, the organization became secret, looking to France for military aid. An attempted insurrection in 1798 was quickly defeated and the leaders captured.

United Kingdom

country in northwest Europe off the coast of France, consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. There is no written constitution. Cabinet government, which is at the heart of the system, is founded on rigid convention, and the relationship between the monarch as head of state and the prime minister as head of government is similarly based. Parliament is sovereign, in that it is free to make and unmake any laws that it chooses, and the government is subject to the laws that Parliament makes, as interpreted by the courts. Since the UK joined the European Union (EU), the supremacy of Parliament has been challenged and it has become clear that domestic legislation can in certain circumstances be overridden by that of the EU as a whole. Parliament has two legislative and debating chambers, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords has three main kinds of members: those who are there by accident of birth, the hereditary peers; those who are there because of some office they hold; and those who are appointed to serve for life, the life peers. In 1999 the House of Lords Act restricted the membership of hereditary peers from some 800 to 92. Among those sitting by virtue of their position are the spiritual peers (2 archbishops and 24 bishops of the Church of England) and 9 senior judges, known as the law lords. The majority of members are life peers. Membership of the House of Lords changes more frequently than the Commons; in May 2001 it stood at 675. The House of Commons has 651 members, elected by universal adult suffrage from

single-member geographical constituencies, each constituency containing, on average, about 65,000 electors. Although the House of Lords is termed the upper house, its powers, in relation to those of the Commons, have been steadily reduced so that now it has no control over financial legislation and merely a delaying power, of a year, over other bills. Before an act of Parliament becomes law it must pass through a five-stage process in each chamber first reading, second reading, committee stage, report stage, and third reading and then receive the formal royal assent. Bills, other than financial ones, can be introduced in either house, but most begin in the Commons. The monarch appoints as prime minister the leader of the party with most support in the House of Commons, and he or she, in turn, chooses and presides over a cabinet. The voting system, which does not include any form of proportional representation, favours two-party politics, and both chambers of Parliament are physically designed to accommodate two parties, the ruling party sitting on one side of the presiding Speaker and the opposition on the other. The party with the second-largest number of seats in the Commons is recognized as the official opposition, and its leader is paid a salary out of public funds and provided with an office within the Palace of Westminster, as the Houses of Parliament are called.

For earlier periods of the history of the British Isles see Britain, ancient, Roman Britain, England: history to 1485, England: history 14851714, United Kingdom: history 17141815, United Kingdom: history 18151914, United Kingdom: history 191445, Ireland: history to 1154, Ireland: history 1154 to 1485, Ireland: history 1485 to 1603, Ireland: history 1603 to 1782, Ireland: history 1782 to 1921, Scotland: history to 1058, Scotland: history 1058 to 1513, Scotland: history 1513 to 1603, Scotland: history 1603 to 1746, Scotland: history from 1746, Wales: history to 1066, Wales: history 1066 to 1485, Wales: the Act of Union. In 1945 the UK was still nominally at the head of an empire that covered a quarter of the world's surface and included a quarter of its population, and, although two world wars had gravely weakened it, many of its citizens and some of its politicians still saw it as a world power. The reality of its position soon became apparent when the newly elected Labour government confronted the problems of rebuilding the war-damaged economy. This renewal was greatly helped, as in other Western European countries, by support from the USA through the Marshall Plan.

the 1945 election

The ending of World War II in Europe in May 1945 was quickly followed by the dissolution of Winston Churchill's coalition government. The general election in July resulted in the return of a Labour government with a large absolute majority, and Clement Attlee became prime minister. This was the third Labour government in Britain's history, but the first that held both office and effective power. The Labour Party put forward an industrial programme for the nationalization of the coal, gas, and electricity industries, of inland transport services, and of the iron and steel industries. They also advocated public ownership of the Bank of England and the creation of a National Investment Board. The Conservatives, under the leadership of wartime prime minister Winston Churchill, opposed this domestic policy, and the electoral battle was fought mainly on the issue of nationalization. The

Conservatives suffered one of the severest defeats in their whole history; for in a House of Commons of 640 members the Labour Party won 393 seats as against 166 in the previous Parliament; the Conservatives dropped from 358 to only 213 seats; while the Liberal Party, who had put forward 307 candidates, had only 12 elected.

post-war austerity
The keynote of life in Britain in the years following the end of the war was austerity. The sudden end of the war with Japan (September 1945) hastened the rate of demobilization, and by 30 November over 955,000 men and 147,000 women had been discharged from the armed forces, freeing them to take part in Britain's export drive to earn US dollars. Financial stringency had become doubly necessary in Britain following the cessation on 2 September of the US lend-lease programme. Because Britain had sold off its foreign investments to finance the war effort, and had converted a great proportion of its industry to munitions and other war supplies, the country had relied on lend-lease to feed its people. Until Britain could restore its export trade, it needed to secure a large credit in US dollars to survive the period of reconstruction, and after many weeks of negotiation in Washington a loan of 1,100 million was arranged, but with certain stringent conditions attached. Increased production both for domestic needs and export was essential. However, when by 1947 production had still not come up to requirements, there was an economic and financial crisis, since the large US loan was rapidly being exhausted. In the effort to restore the balance of trade, austerity measures were increased and the resultant hardships resulted in a fall in the government's popularity. In the course of 1948 there was a rapid increase in production, coupled with a slowing down of inflation and an improvement in the balance of payments. The economic situation was also improved by the start of US aid under the Marshall Plan. Taxation remained high in 1949 and was even increased in several directions, the chancellor of the Exchequer, Stafford Cripps admitting that it was impossible to reduce it so long as defence commitments and the social services continued on the existing scale. By 1951 rationing of various staple foods still existed in Britain, although not in most other West European countries, and this, coupled with the continuous housing shortage, caused increasing irritation in the country at large.

nationalization and the welfare state

Despite the great difficulties of the economic situation, the Labour government pressed ahead with a radical restructuring of British society. In the first session of the new Parliament alone, no fewer than 84 acts were passed. The system of national insurance was extended by the National Insurance Act, which also provided for the making of payments towards the cost of a national health service. Complementary to this the National Health Service Act established a free national health service (NHS) for England and Wales. The National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act made new provision for compensation for industrial casualties. The government proceeded with its programme of nationalization, completing legislation to bring the coal mines, all inland transport, and the electricity and gas industries under state control. The government deferred their intention to extend nationalization to the iron and steel industry, and instead declared preventive war on the House of Lords in the shape of a bill to amend the Parliament Act 1911. It was

proposed to reduce from two years to 12 months the period during which the House of Lords might delay the enactment of a bill that it refuses to pass. The Parliament Bill came up for second reading in the House of Lords (27 January 1949). It was defeated there, and the government then decided to resort to the procedure of the Parliament Act 1911 to carry their new bill into law. The bill was passed by the Commons in September 1949. An Iron and Steel Bill introduced in the 194849 session of Parliament proposed to nationalize the principal firms engaged in the basic processes of the iron and steel industry. This bill was particularly strongly opposed by the Conservatives, but eventually became law. The Conservatives, however, undertook to denationalize the iron and steel industry as soon as they returned to power. Altered circumstances induced the government to increase from 12 to 18 months the period of compulsory whole-time military service. In 1950 the general election saw a bitter struggle between the two main parties, Labour and Conservative, and a further decline in the number of Liberals returned. The Labour Party fought the election on the legislative record of the preceding five years, promising, in addition, a future programme involving more nationalization. The Conservatives alleged that the government had seriously increased Britain's economic difficulties. In the election Labour retained power, with a greatly reduced majority (of 8, as against 186 in 1945). For the next 18 months the party battle in the House of Commons was continuous and bitter. There were also splits within the Labour government, and in April 1951 Aneurin (Nye) Bevan and Harold Wilson left the government over the introduction of prescription charges in the NHS.

post-war foreign and imperial policy

Ernest Bevin, the Labour foreign secretary, for the most part continued Churchill's foreign policy, in particular sharing Churchill's distrust of the USSR. Although Britain, the USA, France, and the USSR had divided the defeated Germany into four occupation zones, and agreed on the post-war treatment of Germany at the Potsdam Conference (JulyAugust 1945), the wartime alliance did not long survive the end of hostilities. As the Cold War intensified, Britain's close relationship with the USA continued. Britain played an important role in the formation of the post-war Western alliance, and became a founder-member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949. Britain also began to develop its own nuclear deterrent, leading to the test explosion of its first atomic bomb in 1952. In June 1950 the Cold War heated up with the outbreak of the Korean War. In Britain the Conservative opposition supported Attlee in his policy of full cooperation with the USA and the United Nations on this issue. Before the end of the year British troops were serving in Korea, and they played an important part in holding the Chinese offensive of April 1951. Chinese intervention in Korea raised the problem of Communist China's status in the world, and at the UN Britain had already recognized the Beijing government as the de facto government of China; but the USA had not done so. In many quarters in Britain and Western Europe US policy in east Asia was occasionally viewed with misgiving, as being too ready to be interventionist. Truce talks began in Korea in 1951, although an armistice was not concluded until two years later. Finally, it was the post-war Labour government that saw through the granting of independence to India, Pakistan, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and Burma (Myanmar), and the restyling of the British Empire as the British Commonwealth. Although this was the

fruition of long-term imperial policies, Britain's greatly weakened economic power meant that the shedding of its empire had become as necessary as it was politically desirable.

the Conservatives return to power

In the autumn of 1951 there was another general election. The result was a Conservative victory, with a majority of 16, and Winston Churchill became the new prime minister. Early in 1952 George VI died suddenly and was succeeded by his elder daughter as Queen Elizabeth II, who was crowned on 2 June 1953. The Conservative government concentrated on the economic plight of the country. They had accepted the bulk of the nationalization carried out by their predecessors, but they did repeal the acts that had nationalized iron and steel and road transport. The internal economic situation showed steady improvement: full employment was maintained, and many controls were abolished. The international situation appeared to have eased since the death of the Soviet leader Stalin (1953). In 1954 the foreign secretaries of the major powers (including Communist China) met at Geneva and agreed a settlement that concluded the Indochina War. In the same year the French Assembly, fearing the re-creation of a German army, finally rejected the proposed European Defence Community, but subsequently the agreements signed in London (1954) solved the problems of West European defence and led to the creation of the Western European Union. Though there were serious internal troubles in two British colonies, Kenya and Cyprus, settlements of two other outstanding problems were reached in 1954. In July Britain and Egypt signed an agreement by which British troops were to leave the Suez Canal zone within 20 months, while in August the dispute with Iran over the latter's nationalization of British oil interests (dating from 1951) was settled, compensation being paid to Britain.

Eden takes over from Churchill

On 5 April 1955 Churchill resigned from the premiership and was succeeded by Anthony Eden. At the general election in May 1955 Eden's government was returned with an increased majority. In December Attlee resigned from leadership of the parliamentary Labour Party and was granted an earldom. The new Labour leader was Hugh Gaitskell, elected in preference to Herbert Morrison and Nye Bevan. By 1956 the economic situation in Britain was uncertain. Anti-inflationary measures produced a temporary rise in unemployment, and in September the TUC rejected wage restraint. In foreign affairs, relations with the USSR appeared to be easing. In July 1955 a meeting of the heads of government of Britain, France, the USSR, and the USA took place at Geneva, the first meeting of this kind since the Potsdam Conference ten years earlier, while in April 1956 the Soviet leaders Bulganin and Khrushchev visited Britain. However, later in the year the unrest in Poland and the Hungarian uprising cast a cloud over EastWest relations.

the Suez Crisis

In Britain the European news was soon overshadowed by the growing crisis in the Middle East, following the announcement on 26 July 1956 by President Nasser that

Egypt was nationalizing the Suez Canal. The seizure of the canal was regarded as illegal in Western Europe and the USA, but only in Britain and France was there any serious demand for stern action against Egypt. Israel reached a secret understanding with Britain and France, and invaded Egypt on 29 October 1956, advancing into Sinai. France and Britain called on both belligerents to cease fighting, and when this did not occur Anglo-French forces began to bomb Egyptian military targets (31 October) and launched an airborne invasion (5 November). The British and French governments claimed their main objective was the protection of the Suez Canal, and the maintenance of free navigation, which they said was threatened by the invading Israeli forces. Egypt responded to these attacks by blocking the Suez Canal and making it impassable, the very thing that Britain and France had tried to avoid. World opinion, including the USA and USSR, condemned the Anglo-French action. The Arab states united in their support of Egypt, which emerged as the leader of Arab nationalism, and thereafter turned increasingly to the USSR for support, putting paid to Western influence in the Middle East for several years. Britain, France, and Israel were branded as aggressors at the UN and called upon to cease their military activities. A ceasefire was declared from midnight on 6 November, and US pressure brought about a gradual withdrawal of Anglo-French forces, which were replaced by a special UN force. Britain's action in Egypt aroused the most bitter controversy in the country and was condemned by the Labour Party. The government justified their action on the grounds that it had prevented a war in the Middle East and ensured active UN intervention. There was no doubt, however whatever the merits of the case that Britain's prestige had suffered severely, and the blocking of the canal and the consequent disruption of oil supplies increased Britain's economic difficulties. In January 1957 Eden announced his resignation from the premiership and retirement from political life on account of ill-health.

Macmillan succeeds Eden

Eden was succeeded as premier and leader of the Conservative Party by Harold Macmillan. After the shambles of Suez, Britain's steady withdrawal from empire continued in a more measured way. Sudan had become independent at the beginning of 1956, and in 1957 both Ghana (March) and Malaya (August) became dominions within the Commonwealth. There was a conference of Commonwealth prime ministers in London in June 1957; and in January 1958 Macmillan made history by embarking on a highly successful Commonwealth tour the first such tour undertaken by a British premier in office. In December 1957 Macmillan attended the NATO heads of government conference in Paris. Here agreement was reached in principle on the US offer to supply European members with nuclear weapons; this agreement was much criticized by the Labour Party in Parliament. At home the government's unpopularity showed no apparent improvement. Inflationary pressure continued, and by autumn there were rumours of an impending devaluation of the pound. On 19 September 1957 the bank rate was raised from 5 to 7% (the highest rate since 1920). Subsequently Britain's international currency position improved. A major (and very controversial) piece of legislation enacted in

1957 was the Rent Act, which freed a large number of privately owned properties from rent control altogether and made rent increases possible in many others.

Macmillan's second administration

By 1959 a marked improvement in Britain's economic situation helped to return the Conservatives to power once again at the general election in October, with a larger majority than before. More and more of Britain's colonies became independent: Cyprus (1959), Nigeria (1960), Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uganda (all in 1962), and several more followed within the next two years. Macmillan had made clear his commitment to decolonization and his opposition to apartheid in his 1960 'wind of change' speech to the South African parliament, and in 1961 South Africa, refusing to compromise on its policy of apartheid, left the Commonwealth and became an independent republic outside it. Beyond the Commonwealth, Macmillan established working relationships with the US presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, but was sufficiently realistic to see that the UK's long-term economic and political future lay in Europe. The framework for the European Economic Community (EEC) had been created by the mid-1950s, with the UK an onlooker rather than a participant. In November 1959 the agreement under which European Free Trade Association (EFTA) was set up (of which Britain was a leading member) was initialled in Stockholm. The government's opening of negotiations to join the EEC (August 1961) caused controversy within its own ranks, and also within the Labour Party and among Commonwealth members. Distrusting Britain's closeness to the USA particularly after the 1962 agreement by which the USA would supply the UK with Polaris nuclear missiles the French president, Charles de Gaulle, blocked the British application (1963). The period of high East West tension came to an end with the diffusion of the Cuban missile crisis (November 1962), and a new era of 'peaceful coexistence' was marked by the signing of the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (August 1963) At home, Macmillan showed his commitment to 'one-nation' Conservatism by the establishment in 1961 of the National Economic Development Council, which involved government, management, and trade unions in joint consultations over economic issues. In 1960 the economic situation had again begun to cause concern. A wages pause began in July 1961, and there were tax increases in an effort to curb home demand and avert inflation. The government's popularity declined as a result. There were also balance-of-payments problems. The winter of 196263 was the worst in Britain since 1947, and unemployment rose sharply, though temporarily. Despite rising living standards, the UK's economic performance was not as successful as that of many of its competitors, such as West Germany and Japan. There was a growing awareness that there was insufficient investment in industry, that young talent was going into the professions or financial institutions rather than manufacturing, and that training was poorly planned and inadequately funded.

the defeat of the Conservatives

In June 1963 the government barely survived the scandal that centred on the minister of war, John Profumo (who resigned on 7 June), and which led to a judicial enquiry by Lord Denning into the security aspects of the affairs. In October Macmillan suddenly resigned on the grounds of ill health. The Conservatives then chose as their

new leader, and prime minister, Lord Home, who then disclaimed his peerage to become Sir Alec Douglas-Home. The internal controversy caused by Douglas-Home's succession further weakened the Conservative Party, which had now held office for 12 years. Though DouglasHome continued his predecessor's progressive Commonwealth policy, and carried through domestic reforms such as the bill abolishing resale price maintenance (1964), a significant proportion of voters turned to the Liberals and to the Labour Party, which now presented a much more dynamic image under Harold Wilson, its leader since Gaitskell's death early in 1963. As a result, Labour won the general election in October 1964, though only by a majority of four, subsequently reduced to three. Wilson became prime minister, and early in 1965 Edward Heath replaced Douglas-Home as Conservative leader, under a new system of selection by election.

Wilson's Labour government, 196466

The election had been fought on the issue of the economy. Wilson created the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) to challenge the short-term conservatism of the Treasury (although the DEA was disbanded in 1969), and brought in a leading trade unionist to head a new Department of Technology. The new government inherited from its predecessor a serious balance of payments crisis, and its own initial pronouncements and actions exacerbated this by creating a crisis of confidence in sterling abroad. Devaluation was only narrowly avoided, and huge international loans were obtained and import surcharges levied. By the autumn of 1965 Britain's balance of payments position appeared healthier than for some years past. This position had been reached, however, by imposing measures such as credit restrictions, which hampered Labour's development plans and alienated some of its supporters. Despite government efforts to establish an effective prices and incomes policy, and the National Plan for future economic development, announced by secretary of economic affairs George Brown in September 1965, the basic British post-war problem of combining domestic expansion with international solvency, and of maintaining full employment without creating persistent inflation, remained. Other separate issues, such as the housing shortage, and the immigration issue, were still pressing in 1966, while overseas the Vietnam War and Rhodesia's unilateral declaration of independence in November 1965 all affected Britain directly or indirectly.

Labour continues in power, 196670

In March 1966 the Labour Party won the general election with a greatly increased majority. A subsequent budget included the novel proposal of a Selective Employment Tax and a promise that Britain would change to decimal coinage in 1971. Two issues dominated foreign and Commonwealth affairs: the question of whether Rhodesian sovereignty could be handed over to a white minority, and Britain's renewed application to join the EEC. By 1969 the rupture with Rhodesia was almost complete, but the resignation of President de Gaulle in France renewed hopes of Britain's eventual membership of the EEC. But economic issues rather than foreign affairs dominated political life. Between 1958 and 1965 Britain's gross national product had increased by only a third, while that of the EEC had gone up by more than a half. To improve the economy the government

sought to impose a pay freeze, later changed to a pay pause, to increase exports and reduce imports, to modernize technology, and to increase production. Its measures proved insufficient to maintain the pound at 2.8 to the dollar and in November 1967 the pound was devalued to 2.4 to the dollar. Public spending was cut, particularly on defence. This virtually committed Britain to abandoning its military presence east of Suez by 1971. A monetary squeeze, applied with varying severity by all British governments during the 1960s, became steadily more severe. The bank rate rose again to 7% in 1966, but was cut to 6% in 1967, avoiding a sterling crisis. These monetary policies made it increasingly difficult for industry to raise new capital. It became more difficult to reconcile plans for economic expansion with the policy of seeking a permanent solution to Britain's balance of payments problem. The second consideration was given priority and by 1969 the banks were virtually forbidden to make loans outside terms imposed by the Bank of England. More and more, Britain's economic policy had to be brought into line with international trends. With this aim in mind the government attempted to introduce an ambitious plan for the reform of industrial relations, but this was dropped in the face of trade-union opposition. The economic situation improved in 1969 and a surplus in the balance of payments was achieved for the first time in years. This surplus was maintained in 1970 and a general election called, in which the franchise was extended to people aged 1821. However, Wilson's promises of fundamental changes in economic planning, industrial investment, and improved work practices had not been fulfilled, and the Labour Party was defeated. In June 1970 a Conservative government was formed under Edward Heath, with an overall majority of 30.

social developments in the 1960s

A number of liberalizing reforms had been introduced in the 1960s. Both abortion and homosexuality became legalized in 1967, with certain qualifications. Capital punishment was abolished in 1965; there was a simplification of the divorce laws; majority juries were introduced; and road-safety legislation enacted that resulted in a decrease in accidents. In 1968 race relations became strained as a result of agitation by Enoch Powell, who came to the fore as a critic of immigration policy, even after a Commonwealth Immigrants Act imposed severe restrictions on entry to Britain. The Race Relations Act introduced legal penalties for manifestations of race prejudice, and was possibly successful in subsequently improving race relations. Catholic grievances in Northern Ireland over inadequate civil liberties and economic deprivation became so serious that British troops were sent there in 1969 to restore and maintain order. The situation in Northern Ireland was soon to deteriorate into serious intercommunal violence, and was to prove an intractable problem for successive British governments (see Northern Ireland).

Heath's Conservative government, 197074

Like Harold Wilson, the new Conservative prime minister Edward Heath saw institutional change as one way of achieving industrial reform and created two new central departments (Trade and Industry, Environment) and a think tank to advise the government on long-term strategy, the Central Policy Review Staff. He also attempted to change the climate of industrial relations through a long and

complicated Industrial Relations Bill. He saw entry into the European Community (EC, as the EEC had now become) as the 'cold shower of competition' that industry needed, and membership was negotiated in 1972. In the early 1970s British politics were dominated, as before, by serious inflation, now accompanied by rising unemployment (which reached the million mark in 1972), industrial unrest, and a series of commodity crises, notably in oil. The situation in Northern Ireland deteriorated steadily, and violence spread to the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The Rhodesian problem remained insoluble, despite various efforts to reach a settlement and the testing of Rhodesian opinion by the Pearce Commission. The promise of the government to sell arms to South Africa in defiance of a UN resolution threatened the unity of the Commonwealth. In 1972 Conservative policies produced strikes in the mining industry and by railway workers, the beginning of a dispute about fishing limits, the 'cod war', with Iceland (which was concluded in Iceland's favour in 1976), and constant confrontations between workers and the National Industrial Relations Court. The year 1973 began auspiciously with the entry of Britain into the European Community, which was generally acclaimed as a triumph for Edward Heath. Reactions to this event were varied, but in a referendum held in 1974 by the newly elected Labour government Britain voted to stay in the Community. Heath's 'counter-revolution', as he saw it, was frustrated by the trade unions, and the sharp rise in oil prices following the 1973 ArabIsraeli War forced a U-turn in economic policy. Instead of abandoning 'lame ducks' to their fate, he found it necessary to take ailing industrial companies, such as Rolls-Royce, into public ownership. The situation was exacerbated by both miners' and railway workers' strikes, precipitated by the introduction of a statutory incomes policy. A state of emergency was proclaimed in November 1973 with restrictions on the use of power and blackouts throughout the country. A huge trade deficit was announced and at the beginning of 1974 the country was working a three-day week. In February 1974 the Heath government fell at a general election at which the major issue was, inevitably, the confrontation with the trade unions and, after a brief period during which Heath tried to form a coalition with the Liberal Party (Labour did not have an overall majority), Wilson returned to power.

Wilson's second premiership, 197476

The minority Labour government relied heavily on the Liberals and on the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists, all of whom had greatly increased their vote in the election. However, a second general election in November 1974 gave Labour an overall, if small, majority. Wilson had taken over a damaged economy and a nation puzzled and divided by the events of the previous years. He turned to Labour's natural ally and founder, the trade-union movement, for support and jointly they agreed on a 'social contract': the government pledged itself to redress the imbalance between management and unions created by the Heath industrial-relations legislation, and the unions promised to cooperate in a voluntary industrial and incomes policy. The fight against inflation continued, through voluntary wage restrictions and, in 1975, wage restraint, which limited increases to 6 per week for everyone. The economic situation began to look slightly brighter when the first of the North Sea oil came into production and some check was given to rising prices.

In Northern Ireland the political solution worked out at Sunningdale in 1973 produced the new Ulster Executive in January 1974, but this fell within the year as a result of a massive Protestant workers' strike against it. Irish politics continued to have their effect in Britain with sporadic bombings and shootings. On a more positive note Labour legislation included the Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination Acts (both major achievements for the women's movement), the reorganization of local government outside Greater London, and the reorganization of the National Health Service. The programme of changing over to a system of comprehensive schools was advanced. Wilson met criticism from a growing left-wing movement within his own party, impatient for radical change, and in March 1976, apparently tired and disillusioned, he took the nation by surprise by retiring in midterm.

Callaghan's Labour government, 197679

Wilson was succeeded by the political veteran James Callaghan. In the other two parties, Heath had unexpectedly been ousted in 1975 by Margaret Thatcher, and the Liberal Party leader, Jeremy Thorpe, had resigned after a personal scandal and been succeeded by the young Scottish MP David Steel. Callaghan was now leading a divided party and a government with a dwindling parliamentary majority. Later in 1976 an unexpected financial crisis arose from a drop in confidence in the overseas exchange markets, a rapidly falling pound, and a drain on the country's foreign reserves. After considerable debate within the cabinet, both before and afterwards, it was decided to seek help from the International Monetary Fund and submit to its stringent economic policies. Within weeks the crisis was over and within months the economy was showing clear signs of improvement. In 1977, to shore up his slender parliamentary majority, Callaghan entered into an agreement with the new leader of the Liberal Party, David Steel. Under the 'LibLab Pact' Labour pursued moderate, nonconfrontational policies in consultation with the Liberals, who, in turn, voted with the government, and the economy improved dramatically. The LibLab Pact had effectively finished by the autumn of 1978, and soon the social contract with the unions began to disintegrate. Widespread and damaging strikes in the public sector badly affected essential services during what became known as the 'winter of discontent'. At the end of March 1979, following the rejection of devolution proposals by referendums in Scotland and Wales, Callaghan lost a vote of confidence in the House of Commons and was forced into a general election.

Conservatives come to power under Thatcher

The Conservatives returned to power under the UK's first woman prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher rejected the 'concensus politics' that had dominated Britain since 1945, and introduced her own more right-wing ideology ('Thatcherism'), combining belief in market forces, monetarism, anti-collectivism, strong government, and nationalism. Thatcher inherited a number of inflationary public-sector pay awards that, together with a budget that doubled the rate of value-added tax (VAT), resulted in a sharp rise

in prices and interest rates. The Conservatives were pledged to reduce inflation and did so by mainly monetarist policies, which caused the number of unemployed to rise from 1.3 million to 2 million in the first year. Thatcher had experience in only one government department, and it was nearly two years before she made any major changes to the cabinet she inherited from Heath. In foreign affairs Zimbabwe became independent 1980 after many years, and without the bloodshed many had feared.

the creation of the SDP

Meanwhile, changes were taking place in the other parties. Callaghan resigned the leadership of the Labour Party in 1980 and was replaced by the left-winger Michael Foot, and early in 1981 three Labour shadow-cabinet members, David Owen, Shirley Williams, and William Rodgers, with the former deputy leader Roy Jenkins (collectively dubbed the 'Gang of Four'), broke away to form a new centrist group, the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The new party made an early impression, winning a series of by-elections within months of its creation. From 1983 to 1988 the Liberals and the SDP were linked in an electoral pact, the Alliance. They advocated the introduction of a system of proportional representation, which would ensure a fairer parity between votes gained and seats won.

the Falklands factor

Unemployment continued to rise, passing the 3-million mark in January 1982, and the Conservatives and their leader received low ratings in the public-opinion polls. An unforeseen event rescued them: the invasion of the Falkland Islands by Argentina in April 1982. Thatcher's decision to send a task force to recover the islands paid off (see Falklands War). The general election in 1983 was fought with the euphoria of the Falklands victory still in the air, and the Labour Party, under its new leader, divided and unconvincing. The Conservatives won a landslide victory, winning more Commons seats than any party since 1945, although with less than half the popular vote. Thatcher was able to establish her position firmly, replacing most of her original cabinet, among whom had been many 'one-nation' Conservatives.

domestic problems
The next three years were marked by rising unemployment and growing dissent: a dispute at the government's main intelligence-gathering station, GCHQ; a bitter and protracted miners' strike; increasing violence in Northern Ireland; an attempted assassination of leading members of the Conservative Party during their annual conference; and riots in inner-city areas of London, Bristol, and Liverpool. The government was further embarrassed by its own prosecutions under the Official Secrets Act and the resignations of two prominent cabinet ministers. With the shortterm profits from North Sea oil and an ambitious privatization programme, the inflation rate continued to fall and by the winter of 198687 the economy was buoyant enough to allow the chancellor of the Exchequer to arrange a pre-election spending and credit boom.

party leadership changes

Leadership changes took place by 1987 in two of the other parties. Michael Foot was replaced by his Welsh protg Neil Kinnock; Roy Jenkins was replaced by David Owen as SDP leader, to be succeeded in turn by Robert MacLennan in September 1987, when the SDP and Liberal parties voted to initiate talks towards a merger. The merger of the Liberal and Social Democratic parties was an acrimonious affair, with the SDP, led by David Owen, refusing to join the merged party and operating as a rival group. Paddy Ashdown emerged as the leader of the new party.

Thatcher's last years

Despite high unemployment and Thatcher's increasingly authoritarian style of government, the Conservatives were reelected comfortably in June 1987, with a slightly reduced majority. In a cabinet reshuffle in July 1989, Geoffrey Howe was replaced as foreign secretary by John Major. In October 1989 the chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigel Lawson, resigned because of disagreements with the prime minister, and Major replaced him. Douglas Hurd took over the foreign office. The government was widely criticized for its decisions forcibly to repatriate Vietnamese 'boat people' and to give right of abode in the UK to the families of 50,000 'key' Hong Kong citizens after the transfer of the colony to China in 1997. David Owen announced that the SDP would no longer be able to fight in all national constituencies and would only operate as a 'guerrilla force'. The Green Party polled 2 million votes in the European elections.

Thatcher challenged
In September 1990 the House of Commons was recalled for an emergency debate that endorsed the government's military activities in the Gulf, and UK forces played an important role in the Gulf War launched the following January. In October 1990 the government announced that it was joining the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). In November the deputy prime minister, Geoffrey Howe, gave a dramatic resignation speech, strongly critical of Thatcher. Michael Heseltine then announced his candidacy for the leadership of the Conservative Party. Having failed to gain a clear victory in the first ballot of the leadership election, Thatcher was persuaded by her colleagues to withdraw from the contest. In the subsequent second ballot Michael Heseltine (131 votes) and Douglas Hurd (56) conceded that John Major (185) had won. He consequently became party leader and prime minister.

Major's leadership
Major was initially popular for his consensual style of leadership, but dissatisfaction with the poll tax continued and was seen as the main cause of a 25% swing away from the Conservatives in a March 1991 by-election. A hastily constructed replacement of the poll tax did little to repair the damage done to the Conservative Party, which sustained heavy losses in the May 1991 local elections. The deterioration of the National Health Service was also an issue. Despite the apparent waning popularity of the Conservative government and almost two years of economic recession, the party won its fourth consecutive victory in the April 1992 general election, with a reduced majority. Neil Kinnock announced his

resignation as leader of the Labour Party and Roy Hattersley resigned as deputy. John Smith was elected as the new Labour leader in July 1992.

the recession deepens

With a deepening recession and international pressure on the pound, the government was forced to devalue in September 1992 and leave the ERM. Further criticism in October forced it to review its economic strategy and, in the same month, Trade and Industry Secretary Michael Heseltine announced a drastic pit-closure programme, involving the closure of 32 collieries and the loss of 30,000 miners' jobs. The announcement initially met with massive public opposition, but the closure programme eventually went ahead.

the Conservatives lose ground

In November 1992, the government won a narrow majority (3) in a 'paving debate' on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty on closer European economic and political union. The vote went in favour of the government motion because of the support of the Liberal Democrats. In May 1993 the Conservatives lost a key seat to the Liberal Democrats in a by-election. Norman Lamont, who was largely blamed for the 1992 ERM fiasco, was subsequently replaced as chancellor of the Exchequer by home secretary Kenneth Clarke, but this failed to prevent a second Conservative byelection defeat in July. In the same month the Maastricht Treaty was finally ratified by parliament. In December 1993 Prime Minister John Major and Irish premier Albert Reynolds issued a joint peace proposal on Northern Ireland, the Downing Street Declaration, which offered all-party constitutional talks in return for a cessation of violence.

the sleaze factor

During 1994 the Conservative Party was plagued by a series of personal scandals, further eroding public confidence and undermining the party's Back to Basics campaign for a return to traditional family values. Revelations of British arms sales to Iraq prior to the 1991 Gulf War and the alleged complicity of senior Conservative figures, including John Major, further embarrassed the government, as did reports that certain Conservative MPs, including junior ministers, had been paid by clients to ask helpful parliamentary questions. Responding to public concern, Major announced the setting up of a committee, under Lord Justice Nolan, 'to oversee standards in public life'.

the European dimension

In March 1994 the government's failure to retain the full extent of the UK's blocking vote in negotiations held on wider European union enraged Conservative 'Eurosceptics', leading to calls for Major to resign or call a general election.

new Labour leader

The Liberal Democrats made substantial gains in the May 1994 local elections. In the same month Labour leader John Smith died suddenly. Tony Blair, young and articulate, with a clear view of the direction he wished the party to follow, emerged as the new leader after the first fully democratic elections for the post in July. The impact

of Blair's election was instantaneous, and his party's popularity rating immediately soared. Meanwhile, the Conservatives were recovering from further losses in the June European elections.

the Anglo-Irish peace process

In August 1994 Major, in a dual initiative with Irish premier Albert Reynolds, secured a ceasefire by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in Northern Ireland, as an initial step towards a negotiated peace process. Differences subsequently arose between the UK and Irish governments over the interpretation and implementation of a report on decommissioning of weapons in Northern Ireland, which was published in January 1996, and the peace process was disrupted when the IRA renewed its bombing campaign in London in February 1996. The Major government responded by sending more troops to Northern Ireland.

Major's reelection bid

In Scottish local elections in April 1995 the Conservatives failed to win a single seat, and in June 1995, faced with a right-wing rebellion over his policies on Europe, Major dramatically resigned the Conservative Party leadership. He was reelected the following month, his sole challenger, John Redwood, a prominent 'Euro-sceptic', having resigned as Welsh secretary in order to challenge him. Major carried out an immediate cabinet reshuffle and, in an unexpected move, promoted president of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine to the post of deputy prime minister. Following publication of the Nolan Committee's initial report on standards in public life in November 1995, MPs voted to require members to declare all outside earnings resulting from their positions in parliament and to ban all paid lobbying.

the government's diminishing majority

In March 1996 the government announced that CreutzfeldJakob disease in humans could be passed from BSE-infected beef to humans, precipitating a collapse in beef sales and a Europe-wide ban on the import of UK beef. The Conservative Party had been losing seats at by-elections since 1993, and in February 1997 the Wirral South seat was won by Labour from the Conservatives in a by-election, driving the Conservatives again into a Commons minority and bolstering Labour's hopes of an outright majority in the general election in May. At the elections for representation at the Northern Ireland all-party talks held in May 1996, the Official Ulster Unionist Party (OUP) won 30 seats, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) 24 seats, the Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP) 21 seats, and Sinn Fein 17. In February 1997 there were reports of a rift between SLDP leader, John Hume, and Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams.

Labour's landslide victory

After an unusually long election campaign, the country went to the polls on 1 May 1997. The opinion polls, which had predicted a clear win for Labour, proved to be accurate, and the election resulted in a landslide victory for Tony Blair and his party, with a House of Commons majority of 179. The Conservative Party had its lowest

share of the vote since 1832 and the smallest number of seats since the 1906 general election. A number of cabinet ministers lost their seats and Major immediately conceded and announced his resignation as Conservative Party leader. He was succeeded by William Hague, aged only 36. The new government took office and immediately announced a number of policy initiatives, derived from its election manifesto, and a significant change in its attitude towards Europe. As expected, the key appointments were John Prescott as deputy prime minister, Gordon Brown as chancellor of the Exchequer, and Robin Cook as foreign secretary.

resignation and reshuffling

In July 1998 Prime Minister Blair made a major reshuffle of his cabinet. In the following months, however, three senior cabinet members would resign their posts. In October the Secretary of State for Wales, Ron Davies, resigned from the cabinet following an incident in London. Alun Michael, who had previously been Minister of State at the Home Office, replaced him, but was resigned in February 2000 just before a vote of no confidence, and later stepped down as Labour leader in Wales. Davies also withdrew his candidacy for the post of First Minister in the Welsh assembly, which was due to be elected in May 1999. Prime Minister Blair was forced to endorse Rhodri Morgan as First Secretary of the Welsh Assembly in February 2000; Blair had previously blocked his appointment to this position in favour of Michael. In December 1998 the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Peter Mandelson, and the Paymaster General, Geoffrey Robinson, both resigned following revelations that Robinson, a millionaire, had in October 1996 made a loan to Mandelson of 373,000 to assist him in buying a house. Mandelson's post was filled by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Stephen Byers, who was succeeded by Alan Milburn, and Robinson's post was filled by Dawn Primarolo. In June 1999 former cabinet minister, Jonathan Aitken, was given an 18-month prison sentence for perjury.

In September 1997 Scottish voters backed the idea of a Scottish Parliament by 75% of votes, and of its tax-varying powers by 63% (the total turnout was 61.4%). This marked the beginning of the way towards devolution. The results of a referendum held in Wales, also in September 1997, gave approval to devolution proposals by a much narrower vote (50.3%). Elections for the new Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly were held in May 1999. The Scottish Parliament opened on 1 July. Labour was the largest party in both chambers but did not achieve an overall majority.

moves towards peace in Northern Ireland

The UK and Ireland took the significant step in late August 1997 of signing an international agreement on arms decommissioning in preparation for Anglo-Irish political talks in September. The British government then confirmed that six weeks of IRA ceasefire had qualified Sinn Fein for a place at the talks table. The development was historic in that it represented the first time a British government had invited the republican movement to take part in round-table talks.

Northern Ireland multiparty talks (known as Stormont talks) resumed in January 1998. All parties involved including Sinn Fein agreed on a document jointly proposed by the British and Irish governments as a basis for negotiation. Despite political difficulties and incidents of violence, the negotiations continued, culminating in the release of the Northern Ireland Political Talks Document on 10 April. The 'Good Friday' agreement, heralded as a historic breakthrough, granted a range of executive and legislative powers to a Northern Ireland Assembly; proposed the establishment of a NorthSouth Ministerial Council and a British-Irish Council; and was concerned with human rights, policing service, decommissioning of illegal weapons, and the release of political prisoners. Voters in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland gave their overwhelming support to the agreement in a referendum held on 22 May. In the June 1998 elections to the new Northern Ireland assembly the Ulster Unionists and the SDLP polled strongly and the UUP leader, David Trimble, became first minister. In August 1998 a dissident IRA group, calling themselves the 'Real IRA', exploded a large bomb in the shopping centre of Omagh, Northern Ireland, killing 28 civilians. New security measures were passed by Parliament, which was specially recalled. However, the 'Real IRA' announced a permanent ceasefire in September 1998. In October 1998 David Trimble and the SDLP leader, John Hume, were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. In June 1999 Prime Minister Blair, in an effort to make progress in implementing the Good Friday Peace Agreement, publicly stated that he did not consider it necessary for the IRA to begin disarming before Sinn Fein could join the proposed Northern Ireland executive so long as the intention to do so was made clear. The same month Patrick Magee who was given eight life sentences in 1986 for terrorist offences including the planting of a bomb at the Grand Hotel, Brighton, in 1984 was released from the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. His release angered Unionist politicians and threatened the peace process.

devolution of power in Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland peace negotiations resumed in July 1999. Although talks foundered on the issues of decommissioning of arms and prisoner release, the IRA agreed to begin decommissioning discussions, and consequently a coalition government was able to be established, and powers were devolved to the province by the British government in December. However, after a report on the decommissioning of paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland revealed that there had been no arms handover, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Peter Mandelson, declared in February 2000 that he had begun the process of suspending the Northern Ireland Assembly. David Trimble, the Ulster Unionist leader and first minister of the Assembly, indicated that he was on the brink of resigning because of the failure to decommission. The IRA announced that it would not respond to such pressure, and on 11 February Mandelson began to enact legislation to reintroduce direct rule, but within hours of the suspension of the Assembly, the British government announced a new IRA initiative on arms decommissioning. This did not appear to have averted the crisis, as on 15 February the IRA pulled out of disarmament talks and withdrew all decommissioning propositions.

Following an IRA announcement that it would put its weapons out of use, members of the Ulster Unionist party agreed to return to work at the Northern Ireland assembly, and the power-sharing executive resumed operations at the end of May 2000. David Trimble persuaded his Ulster Unionist party to re-enter the coalition with Sinn Fein, saying that the IRA was expected to implement its promise of disarmament immediately. The IRA opened its arms dumps to independent inspection.

elections to the European Parliament

Widespread voter apathy in the elections to the European Parliament in June 1999 resulted in the lowest ever turnout in any national poll in the UK just 23% of the electorate in England and Wales voted. The Conservatives made sweeping gains in the elections. The Tories won 36 seats in the European Parliament, Labour 29, the UK Independence Party 3, and the Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru, and the Greens 2 each. The UK restored full diplomatic relations with Libya, broken off after a British policewoman was shot outside the Libyan embassy in London in 1984. The move came after Libya accepted 'general responsibility' for the murder of Yvonne Fletcher and offered to pay compensation to her family.

beef crisis
The three-year-old worldwide ban on the export of British beef was formally lifted in July 1999, allowing meat exporters to start the difficult task of rebuilding their foreign markets form 1 August. The resumption of worldwide sales applied only to de-boned meat and meat products from animals born after 1 August 1996 the date the ban on feeding meat and bonemeal to animals in the UK became fully effective. The crisis had cost British exporters more than 1 billion and taxpayers an estimated further 3 billion. Relations between Britain and France soured in October 1999 as the French government refused to lift a ban on imports of British beef. British supermarkets responded with bans on French food after an EU report revealed that sewage had been used to make animal feed in France. However, Prime Minister Blair refused to ban French meat, saying scientific advice did not justify on health grounds. Angry French farmers responded to Britain's consumer boycotting by blockading the Channel Tunnel. An EU panel of scientists decided that France had produced no new evidence to justify keeping its ban on imports of British beef. The ban stayed nonetheless. France's government said early November it would face legal action through the European Commission rather than lift its ban on imports of British beef. Britain offered a compromise, possibly involving more tests of its beef and a voluntary labelling scheme for British beef which could lead to France lifting its ban and allay consumer fears in Germany. Britain and France engaged in a last-ditch round of talks over beef mid-November, with the European Commission warning that legal action against Paris would start later in the month if the ban on UK exports remained in place.

Cabinet reshuffle

In a wide-ranging Cabinet reshuffle in October 1999 Tony Blair appointed Peter Mandelson secretary of state for Northern Ireland. Mo Mowlam, who left the Northern Ireland Office, took over as minister for the cabinet office and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Alan Milburn moved up from the Treasury to the post of secretary of state for health, and Geoffrey Hoon was appointed secretary of state for Defence. The defence secretary, George Robertson, left the cabinet to become NATO secretary-general, and Frank Dobson resigned his post as health secretary to become the government's favoured candidate for the Labour Party nomination for the first elections for the post of mayor of London. This post was filled in 2000 by Ken Livingstone, who stood as an independent candidate. The hereditary peers who would retain their ancient rights to sit and vote in the House of Lords into the next millennium were announced in November 1999. In a historic ballot, 75 peers were elected by their fellow hereditaries under the so-called Weatherhill compromise that allowed them to stay until stage two of House of Lords reform. More than 600 other hereditaries lost their rights as members of the House of Lords when the House of Lords Bill became law in November.

Northern Irish prisoners

In July 2000, a further 80 prisoners were released from Northern Ireland's Maze prison, taking the total number released to 420. Only 20 remain inside. After violence between the two loyalist paramilitary groups the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and the Ulster Defence Association (UDA), Johnny Adair of the UDA was returned to prison for violating the terms of his early release. British troops also returned to the streets of Belfast after two years absence.

crises in Africa 2000

The biggest British task force since the Falklands War was dispatched to Sierra Leone to oversee the evacuation of foreigners from Freetown, as rebels moved towards the capital and a UN peacekeeping mission came under attack. The British government insisted that their troops would not become embroiled in the civil war, although it was expected that British troops would remain in the region until the UN could assemble a bigger task force. In Zimbabwe, Britain was criticized by South African political leaders including those of South Africa, Mozambique, and Namibia, who claimed that Britain and other Western countries had sparked the crisis over land which was leading to widespread and government-backed violence, by failing to honour promises made in 1998 to fund a land redistribution programme. When Zimbabwean ministers arrived in London, England, in April, Britain offered to fund land reform over the next two years, under the proviso that the money go to the poorest sector of society and not personal allies of government ministers, and that fair law be reinstated in the country; the Zimbabwean ministers refused to agree to the conditions, saying that they went back on the 1998 agreement and that they represented British colonialism.

petrol crisis 2000

A wave of disruptive protests over fuel prices supplemented by high taxes upon petrol and other oil products hit Europe in August and September 2000. Popular protests began in France at the end of August and then spread to Germany, Spain, the UK, Ireland, and Belgium. In France, protests by lorry drivers, farmers, ambulance workers, and taxi drivers were successful as the government made tax concessions on fuel. The actions of the French government inspired similar protests

across much of Europe, but in the UK protesters were unsuccessful as Tony Blair ruled out immediate concessions to the protesters despite their blockading of refineries which prevented fuel deliveries to petrol stations throughout the UK. After the protest began to affect employment and the economy, the protesters started to lift their blockades, but threatened to resume their tactics if no tax concessions were made within 60 days. In November, the chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown announced some concessions on fuel duties.

rail accident
An accident at Hatfield, Hertfordshire, in October 2000 caused by an old and faulty rail killed four people. It led to the massive disruption on the railways for several months as Railtrack imposed speed limits wherever track needed repair.

Home Office figures released in January 2001 show that applications for political asylum in the UK rose in 2000 to a record 76,040, representing a quarter of all applications made in the EU. The backlog of outstanding applications had fallen to 66,195, which was 35% less than at the end of 1999.

Legislation in the last months of 2000 included the planned privatization of 51% of the air traffic control service, the reduction of the homosexual age of consent from 18 to 16, a freedom of information act establishing a public right of access to certain government documents, and changes in election funding.

foot-and-mouth crisis
Foot-and-mouth disease, a highly infectious virus that affects pigs, cows, sheep, and other cloven-hoofed animals, spread rapidly across the UK from late February 2001. Livestock, meat, and dairy exports were banned, much of the countryside was virtually shut down, seriously affecting the tourist industry as well as farming, and many sports fixtures were cancelled. In mid-March, the British government began a mass cull of healthy animals in affected areas in an attempt to contain the spread of the disease. The existing vaccine for the disease left vaccinated animals as carriers that can infect those animals that remain unvaccinated, and a more effective vaccine was under development in the USA. Severe curbs on the movement of livestock in Europe were announced, as some cases were discovered in France, and Canada and the USA banned all meat imports from Europe. By the end of April, over 2 million animals had been slaughtered, and new outbreaks of the disease had significantly reduced. The first day with no new cases reported since the outbreak came in midMay. By the end of May, 3 million animals had been slaughtered, and movement restrictions remained across the country.

2001 general elections

On 7 June 2001, Blair gained a second general election victory, with Labour maintaining a considerable majority over the Conservatives. The Conservative Party embarked on a leadership battle after the immediate resignation of its leader, William Hague. Blair reshuffled his cabinet: Robin Cook was demoted from the Foreign Office and replaced by Jack Straw, while David Blunkett was promoted to Home Secretary.

Women held 7 out of 23 cabinet seats. Iain Duncan Smith, a right-wing Euro-sceptic, won a decisive victory over the former chancellor of the Exchequer Kenneth Clarke in the Tory leadership election in September, winning 61% of the vote.

asylum seeker policy condemned

In August 2001, the UN condemned the UK's policy of jailing asylum seekers while they waited to have their cases heard. Responding to revelations that more than 1,000 refugees were detained in prison alongside convicts, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Ruud Lubbers, demanded an immediate end to the policy. Britain was the only country in Europe to put innocent asylum seekers in jail.

anti-terrorist coalition
In the wake of the 11 September terrorist attacks on the USA, Tony Blair pledged military and diplomatic support for US President George W Bush, and actively sought support for an international coalition against terrorism. British fighter planes and special forces were deployed for strikes against Afghanistan and its Taliban regime that commenced on 7 October. In April 2002, facing criticism over the deterioration of public services, the government introduced a tax-raising budget to finance improvements to the NHS. This was followed by a 61 billion boost for UK public spending to 200506 in a review in July. Education was the main beneficiary, and there were also substantial rises in funding for transport, policing, housing, defence, and overseas aid.

transport crisis
A series of departmental communications errors, continuing inefficiencies in the national transport system, and alleged untruthfulness in public statements forced the transport secretary Stephen Byers to resign from his cabinet post in May 2002. The public transport crisis was further compounded by a high-speed train derailment at Potters Bar railway station in Hertfordshire that killed seven people. Byers's resignation led to a reshuffle that resulted in a cabinet post for Paul Boateng, who as chief secretary to the Treasury became Britain's first black cabinet minister.

United Kingdom: history 17141815

for earlier periods of the history of the British Isles see Britain, ancient, Roman Britain, England: history to 1485, England: history 14851714, Ireland: history to 1154, Ireland: history 1154 to 1485, Ireland: history 1485 to 1603, Ireland: history 1603 to 1782, Scotland: history to 1058, Scotland: history 1058 to 1513, Scotland: history 1513 to 1603, Scotland: history 1603 to 1746, Wales: history to 1066, and Wales: history 1066 to 1485.

United Kingdom history 18151914

for earlier periods of the history of the British Isles see Britain, ancient, Roman Britain, England: history to 1485, England: history 14851714, United Kingdom:

history 17141815, Ireland: history to 1154, Ireland: history 1154 to 1485, Ireland: history 1485 to 1603, Ireland: history 1603 to 1782, Ireland: history 1782 to 1921, Scotland: history to 1058, Scotland: history 1058 to 1513, Scotland: history 1513 to 1603, Scotland: history 1603 to 1746, Scotland: history from 1746, Wales: history to 1066, and Wales: history 1066 to 1485.

United Kingdom history 191445

for earlier periods of the history of the British Isles see Britain, ancient, Roman Britain, England: history to 1485, England: history 14851714, United Kingdom history 17141815, United Kingdom: history 18151914, Ireland: history 1782 to 1921, Scotland: history 1513 to 1603, Scotland: history 1603 to 1746, Scotland: history from 1746, Wales: history to 1066, and Wales: history 1066 to 1485.

universal suffrage
the right of all adult citizens to vote at public elections, especially for the members of a legislative body or parliament.

Urquhart, Robert Elliot (19011988)

British general of World War II. Served with the 51st Highland Division in North Africa 1942 and then in Sicily and Italy. He returned to the UK and in 1944 was given command of 1st Airborne Division which he led at Arnhem.

Uttley, Alison (18841976)

English writer of children's stories. Born on a farm in Derbyshire, her first novel, The Country Child (1931), was followed by a flood of books, which revealed her great love for and knowledge of the countryside and country lore. Many of her stories were in the Beatrix Potter tradition, featuring much-loved characters such as Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig.

Valera, amon de
Irish politician; see de Valera.

Vallancey, Charles (17211812)

English-born general and Irish antiquarian. Born in Windsor, Vallancey was posted to Ireland with the British army in 1762. He started an antiquarian journal, Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, in 1770 and his 1773 Grammar of the Hiberno-Celtic or Irish Language characterized Gaelic as a complex, 'masculine' language capable of great subtlety, akin to Persian and Chinese. He was a forceful initiator of many scholarly projects such as the study of ogham, an Irish alphabet based on 25 characters. In 1779 Vallancey set up the Hibernian Antiquarian Society, and he became a founder member of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), Dublin, in 1782.

Vane, Henry (16131662)

English politician. In 1640 he was elected a member of the Long Parliament, and was knighted in the same year. He was prominent in the impeachment of Archbishop Laud and from 164353 was in effect the civilian head of the Parliamentary government. At the Restoration of the monarchy he was executed.

Vane, Henry (the Elder) (15891655)

English politician, a leading advisor of Charles I. As secretary of state, his uncompromising presentation of royal demands in the dealings between the king and the Short Parliament in 1640 led ultimately to its dissolution. The following year, he was dismissed from office his part in the impeachment of Strafford, and worked for the Parliamentarians during the Civil War.

Van Praagh, Margaret (Peggy) (19101990)

English ballet dancer, teacher, and producer. After performing with the Ballet Rambert 193338 and the London Ballet 193841, she joined the Sadler's Wells Ballet as a dancer and teacher in 1941, and became a producer and assistant director until 1956. She was appointed artistic director for the Borovansky Ballet in Australia in 1960, and was founding artistic director for the Australian Ballet 196279, remaining associated as a council member and guest teacher until 1982. She was created DBE in 1970. As a member of the Ballet Rambert Van Praagh created many roles, chiefly in works by Antony Tudor, such as Jardin aux Lilas/Lilac Garden (1936) and Dark Elegies (1937). Moving to Tudor's newly formed London Ballet, she introduced the idea of lunchtime performances during the Blitz. She later produced many ballets for BBC television and for international companies.

Vansittart, Robert Gilbert (18811957)

1st Baron Vansittart

British diplomat, noted for his anti-German polemic. He was permanent undersecretary of state for foreign affairs 193038 and chief diplomatic adviser to the foreign secretary 193841. KCB 1929, Baron 1941.

Vaughan, Janet (18991993)

English haematologist and radiobiologist. She studied the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia), working for a time with the Nobel Prize winning US physician George Minot, and also led successful research into the effect of radioactive isotopes on bone formation and metabolism. She was created a DBE in 1957 and elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1979. During World War II Vaughan helped to establish transfusion depots in London, and in 1945 she went to the Nazi's Belsen concentration camp to assess the value of concentrated protein solutions in treating starvation. Her written works include The Anaemias (1934).

VE Day
abbreviation for Victory in Europe Day

anniversary of the surrender of Germany at the end of World War II, 8 May 1945. The day is celebrated as a commemoration of the victory of the Allied powers in the European theatre. The war continued in the Pacific theatre until Japan's surrender on 15 August which is marked by VJ Day. Germany's surrender was signed by General Alfred Jodl at Rheims early in the morning of 7 May, but Churchill and Eisenhower could not get Soviet leader Stalin's agreement to announce collectively a general ceasefire (in the USSR, the first official announcement of the ceasefire was at 2am on the morning of the 9th). After proposing and cancelling the 8th as VE Day, they decided to proceed unilaterally on the following day. VE Day was declared in Britain by Winston Churchill at 3pm on the 8th, to be marked by a day of official celebration. In practice, VE Day could not celebrate a final victory, since at that time there was no guarantee of a rapid end to war with Japan. In addition, the USSR's intentions towards Eastern Europe were increasingly apparent on May 8 all 18 members of the Polish government, who had travelled under safe conduct to Moscow, were arrested by the Soviets.

Vere, Francis (15601609)

English soldier who spent almost his whole adult life (15851604) in active military service, mainly against the Spanish in the Netherlands.

Vere, Horace, Baron Vere of Tilbury (15651635)

English soldier, brother of Sir Francis Vere. He commanded English forces in Holland in 1604, where he succeeded in capturing Sluys. As leader of the English expedition sent to help Frederick V, elector palatine of the Rhine, during the Thirty Years' War, he was forced to surrender to Tilly at Mannheim in 1622.

Vergil, Polydore (c. 14701555)

Italian humanist author from Urbino. Sent to England in 1502 as a papal tax collector, Vergil began writing Anglica Historia/English History (completed in 1532); for his efforts he received Henry VII's patronage. He finally returned to his homeland in 1553. Royal favour continued in the next reign, albeit fitfully: at one point, Vergil was imprisoned for allegedly slandering Cardinal Wolsey to the pope in 1515. Despite this upset, Vergil continued to live in England, and acquiesced to the religious changes imposed by Henry VIII and Edward VI. Vergil wrote in a range of genres, including dialogues and translation (Chrysostom's De Perfecto Monacho, 1528). His most popular works were his earliest: Proverbiorum Libellus/A Little Book of Proverbs (1498), an early set of adages, and De Inventoribus Rerum/On Inventors of Things (1499, revised 1521), which, though mocked by the French novelist Rabelais, was translated into most vernaculars (English version 1546). In England, his Anglica Historia was very influential, being a major source for the chroniclers Raphael Holinshed and Edward Hall.

Verneuil, Battle of
in the Hundred Years' War, devastating English victory 17 August 1424 over a joint French and Scottish army. The Scots were decimated: they suffered some 7,000 casualties including the 4th Earl of Douglas. The French failed to retake Normandy and the Earl of Bedford was able to seize Maine.

Verney, Edmund (15901642)

English courtier, knight-marshal to Charles I from 1626. He sat as a member of both the Short and the Long Parliaments and, though sympathizing with the Parliamentary position, remained true to his allegiance, saying: 'I have eaten the king's bread and served him nearly thirty years, and will not do so base a thing as to forsake him; and choose rather to lose my life (which I am sure I shall do) to defend things which are against my conscience'. He died at his post as royal standard bearer at the Battle of Edgehill. He was knighted in 1611. The Verney papers, a collection of his memoirs and other personal papers, are a valuable record of this and later periods. His son Ralph (161396) supported the Parliamentarians.

Vernon, Edward (16841757)

English admiral who captured Portobello from the Spanish in the Caribbean 1739, with a loss of only seven men.

vestiarian controversy
16th-century dispute over the use of clerical vestments. The Puritans opposed clergy wearing the surplice which they felt had overtones of a Catholic priesthood, and the issue was hotly contested under Edward VI and then especially in the first years of Elizabeth I's reign. Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, ordered conformity to the Book of Common Prayer 1566, signalling the Queen's determination not to reform the Church further.

Victoria (18191901)
Queen of the UK from 1837, when she succeeded her uncle William IV, and Empress of India from 1877. In 1840 she married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Her relations with her prime ministers ranged from the affectionate (Melbourne and Disraeli) to the occasionally stormy (Peel, Palmerston, and Gladstone). Her Golden Jubilee in 1887 and Diamond Jubilee in 1897 marked a waning of republican sentiment, which had developed with her withdrawal from public life on Albert's death in 1861.


(Image Billie Love)

The royal group during Victoria's visit to Germany in 1894. Queen Victoria took the throne at the age of 18 in 1837 and reigned until 1901. She married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and visited Germany upon six occasions. This was her final visit, when her granddaughter, Princess Victoria Melita, married Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and by Rhine.


(Image Billie Love)

A photograph of Queen Victoria, taken by Bassano. Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 until her death in 1901. She married Prince Albert in 1840, and after his death in 1861 she began a 25-year period of seclusion and mourning, not emerging into the public eye again until the Golden Jubilee of 1887.

British battleship, the flagship of Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar. Weighing 2,198 tonnes/2,164 tons, it was launched in 1765; it is now in dry dock in Portsmouth harbour, England.

village, medieval
in the Middle Ages, a typical English village would consist of a few dozen people living in a cluster of huts around a village green. The parish church would usually be the only stone building, as the medieval church was the centre of the community's social, farming, and religious life. The whole community would be engaged in

agriculture; in medieval agriculture the most common form of farming was the openfield system, in which crops would be rotated over two or three fields. Under the feudal system, the villeins (serfs) would hold their land from the lord of the manor. A medieval village had a subsistence economy everything needed had to be produced within the village, with the exception, perhaps, of the goods supplied by an occasional passing tinker. If the harvest failed or was destroyed, there would be famine. Medieval English sources such as Langland's Piers Plowman (136786) and Pierce the Plowman's (c. 1394) give an impression of the hardship of peasant life, which contributed to the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. However, sources such as the Luttrell Psalter (1340; British Museum) also show that peasant life had its lighter moments. Pierce the Plowman's Crede and the Paston Letters (14221509) also give an indication of the life and place in rural society of medieval women.

Vimiero, Battle of
in the Peninsular War, French defeat by the Duke of Wellington 21 August 1808 near Vimiero, a Portuguese village 50 km/31 mi northwest of Lisbon. Wellington wanted to pursue the defeated French, but his superior Sir Henry Burrard refused permission. The French escaped and were allowed to leave Portugal in English ships under the terms of the Convention of Cintra, allowing the Peninsular War to drag on for several more years.

Vinegar Hill, Battle of

battle fought in June 1798 near Enniscorthy in County Wexford, Republic of Ireland. British troops commanded by General Gerard Lake defeated the main body of the Wexford insurgents, led by Father John Murphy, during the rebellion of the United Irishmen.

Vitoria, Battle of
in the Peninsular War, French defeat by the Duke of Wellington 21 June 1813, near Vitoria, a north Spanish town; this battle effectively ended French influence in Spain, and after clearing out French stragglers from the border area, the British were able to march on into France

VJ Day
abbreviation for Victory over Japan Day

anniversary of the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II, 15 August 1945. The day is celebrated as a commemoration of the victory of the Allied powers in the Pacific and the end of the war. The anniversary of Germany's surrender is marked by VE Day 8 May.

English ruler, said by Bede to have invited the Saxons to Britain to repel the Picts and Scots, and to have married Rowena, daughter of Hengist.

Vote of No Address
in British history, decision of the Long Parliament 17 January 1648 to break off negotiations with the king. The vote was a response to news of Charles II's Engagement with the Scots. However, by this time power had already passed to the army and the measure was repealed September 1648.

Wade, George (16731748)

Hanoverian soldier. As Hanoverian commander-in-chief in Scotland from 172438, he built roads and bridges to assist military communications and formed a Highland militia which later became the Black Watch. He returned to England, but was dismissed 1745 after he failed to prevent the Scots invading the North in the Jacobite Forty-Five rebellion.

Wakefield, Battle of
in the Wars of the Roses, battle 30 December 1460 in which a superior Lancastrian force defeated and killed Richard, Duke of York, who was besieged at Sandal Castle, near Wakefield. Richard was trying to secure the North's acceptance of him as the official heir to Henry VI. His severed head was decorated with a paper crown and taken to York.

Wales: history to 1066

throughout its early history, as in later periods, the human settlement of Wales has been dictated by the geographical personality of the countryside. It is part of the highland zone of Britain, a land chiefly of mountain and high plateau; its connections with the eastern parts of Britain facing mainland Europe are less than those with Ireland, and with the western sea route that brought the Mediterranean into contact with Scandinavia. Wales's relative physical isolation meant that native cultures persisted for many centuries after they had been replaced in lowland Britain. An outstanding example is the hut circles of the Bronze Age in North Wales, which were absorbed into the cultures of the Early Iron Age and continued in use well into Romano-British times. Caves, also, which were used in prehistoric times, continued to be used as the

homes of Romano-British people. At the same time, the settlement of Wales was governed by the height of the human habitation line on the mountain sides, and by the presence of coastal plains in the south and southwest.

Wales: history 1066 to 1485

for the history of Wales before 1066, see Wales: history to 1066 and medieval England and Wales. In the post-Conquest period, the establishment of powerful Norman barons on the Welsh borders (later known as the Marcher Lords led to two centuries of struggle against Anglo-Norman aggression, ending in the final conquest of Wales in 1282 by Edward I. Under the Tudors, the Act of Union (1536) formally united Wales to England (see Wales: the Act of Union).

Wales: the Act of Union

under the Act of Union (1536) Wales was united politically with England. The liberties as well as the laws of England were extended to the principality, and Wales was given parliamentary representation for the first time. However, many old Welsh customs were abolished and the Welsh language was banished completely from the official proceedings of the courts, although its use in churches was officially encouraged under Elizabeth I. The Act abolished the lordships of the Marcher Lords and divided Wales into shires on the English model, the new shires being Brecknock, Denbigh, Monmouth, Montgomery, and Radnor, while the shires of Glamorgan, Pembroke, Carmarthen, Cardigan, and Merioneth were enlarged. The political reorganization was the work of Henry VIII's secretary, Thomas Cromwell. The system of justice was also reformed under the Tudors, while the religious upheavals of the Reformation period attracted only passive resistance in Wales. For Welsh history before 1485, see Wales: history 1066 to 1485. For the history of England during this period see England: history 14851714.

Walker, George (16461690)

Irish clergyman and military commander. In 168889, Walker raised a regiment at Dungannon to garrison Londonderry for its successful resistance to the 105-day siege by James II's forces under the Earl of Tyrconnell. During the siege, he was joint governor of the city. He was killed while serving with William III's army at the Battle of the Boyne. Born of English parents in County Tyrone, Walker studied at Glasgow University, and became rector of Lissan, County Derry (1669), and Donaghmore near Dungannon (1674). For his defence of Londonderry, he had degrees from Oxford and Cambridge conferred on him, and was nominated Bishop of Derry. He wrote A True Account of

the Siege of Londonderry 1689, which was criticized by Presbyterians for ignoring their role in the city's defence.

Walker, James Cooper (17611810)

Irish antiquarian. Born in Dublin, Walker was a founder-member of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), Dublin, and worked with Gaelic enthusiasts such as Charlotte Brooke and Charles Vallancey. Most notable is his Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards (1786), which traces Irish poetry and music from their earliest points with the benefit of contemporary scholarship. Like other members of the academy, Walker worked to establish Irish culture as a dignified and vibrant area of study.

Walker, Peter Edward (1932 )

Baron Walker of Worcester

British Conservative politician, energy secretary 198387, secretary of state for Wales 198790. He was made a life peer in 1992. As energy secretary from 1983, he managed the government's response to the national miners' strike 198485, which resulted in the capitulation of the National Union of Miners. He retired from active politics in 1990.

Wallace, William (12721305)

Scottish nationalist who led a revolt against English rule in 1297, won a victory at Stirling, and assumed the title 'governor of Scotland'. Edward I defeated him at Falkirk in 1298, and Wallace was captured and executed. He was styled Knight in a charter of 1298.

Wallas, Graham (18581932)

English political scientist, the first professor of political science at the London School of Economics. Wallas was an early member of the Fabian Society and contributed to Fabian Essays in Socialism 1888. He left the society 1904 because it had become antiliberal. In Human Nature in Politics 1908 he argued that certain nonrational factors, such as prejudice, custom, and accident, were more likely to affect politics than rational calculation. The Great Society 1914 expressed concern for the individual in modern industrial society which was becoming increasingly centralized.

Walpole, Horace (17171797)

4th Earl of Orford

English novelist, letter writer and politician, the son of Robert Walpole. He was a Whig member of Parliament 174167. He converted his house at Strawberry Hill, Twickenham (then a separate town southwest of London), into a Gothic castle; his The Castle of Otranto (1764) established the genre of the Gothic, or 'romance of terror', novel. More than 4,000 of his letters have been published. He became Earl in 1791.

Walpole, Robert (16761745)

1st Earl of Orford

British Whig politician, the first 'prime minister'. As First Lord of the Treasury and chancellor of the Exchequer (171517 and 172142) he encouraged trade and tried to avoid foreign disputes (until forced into the War of Jenkins' Ear with Spain in 1739). Opponents thought his foreign policies worked to the advantage of France. He held favour with George I and George II, struggling against Jacobite intrigues, and received an earldom when he eventually retired in 1742.

Walsingham, Francis (c. 15301590)

English politician and principal secretary of state to Elizabeth I from 1573 until his death. A staunch Puritan, he advocated a strong anti-Spanish foreign policy and controlled an efficient government spy network to identify and forestall Roman Catholic conspiracies against the queen. Walsingham's spies uncovered planned assassinations by Francis Throckmorton (1584) and Antony Babington (1586). His exposure of the involvement of Mary Queen of Scots in the latter plot persuaded Elizabeth to order her execution. Walsingham was knighted for his services in 1577.

Walter, Hubert (died 1205)

Archbishop of Canterbury 11931205. As justiciar (chief political and legal officer) 119398, he ruled England during Richard I's absence and introduced the offices of coroner and justice of the peace.

Walter, Lucy (c. 16301658)

Mistress of Charles II, whom she met while a Royalist refugee in The Hague, Netherlands, in 1648; the Duke of Monmouth was their son.

or Woden's Ditch

Anglo-Saxon defensive earthwork in England, probably built in the 5th century as a defence against continental invaders. It runs for from Bristol to Wiltshire, and may have had a wooden wall or staves for some of its length.

(Scandinavian 'weapon-taking')

subdivision of a county in the Danelaw, corresponding to the hundred in counties outside the Danelaw.

Warbeck, Perkin (c. 14741499)

Flemish pretender to the English throne. Claiming to be Richard, brother of Edward V, he led a rising against Henry VII in 1497, and was hanged after attempting to escape from the Tower of London.

Ward, Mrs Humphry (18511920)

born Mary Augusta Arnold

Australian-born English novelist whose works enjoyed great poularity in late Victorian and Edwardian society. She wrote didactic novels such as Robert Elsmere (1888), a study of religious doubt that was an instant success in both Britain and the USA. Ward was a tireless social worker and an opponent of women's suffrage, on the grounds that public life would weaken women's potent influence on family and home. Born in Hobart, Tasmania, Ward was the niece of the poet and critic Matthew Arnold. She went to school in England, settled in Oxford, and in 1872 married Thomas Humphry Ward, a fellow of Brasenose College, who later became a journalist on The Times. In London she established a settlement in Bloomsbury which she used as a centre for her work among the poor. Her other novels include David Grieve (1892) and Helbeck of Bannisdale (1898), and her autobiography, A Writer's Recollections, appeared in 1918.

Ward, Stephen (19131963)

English painter and osteopath. The patron of London prostitute Christine Keeler, he was at the centre of the Profumo scandal in 1963. He introduced Keeler, the mistress of a Soviet naval attach, to the war minister John Profumo, and later helped to expose his denial of involvement. As the establishment scapegoat, he was tried for living on immoral earnings, but committed suicide before a verdict was reached. Ward was also an accomplished painter and included members of the royal family among his subjects.

Wardens of the Marches

officials responsible for the security of the Anglo-Scottish border from the 14th century. They were appointed separately in England and Scotland for the East, West, and Middle Marches. Usually local noblemen, their duty was not only to defend their respective borders but, more usually, to maintain peace and settle disputes. The offices lapsed with James VI's accession to the English throne in 1603.

financial department of the British royal household, originally a secure place for royal robes and other valuable items. As the Exchequer became a formal department of state, monarchs needed to maintain a privy treasury under their personal supervision and the wardrobe was secure enough to hold money. By the time of Henry III's reign, the wardrobe was so important that the barons demanded all income should be officially accounted for in the Exchequer. Under Edward I, it became a war treasury and was used to pay the armies on major expeditions. However, from the time of Edward IV, and more especially the Tudors, it was largely replaced by the Chamber as a form of 'current account'.

wardship and marriage

in British history, the right of the crown to supervise minors who were tenants-inchief. Since those who held land of the crown did so as long as they performed military service, the king was entitled to control both minors and their land, as well as their choice of marriage partner. The tenants were considered to be minors until the age of 21 in case of boys and 14 for girls. The Magna Carta prohibited the despoiling of minors' estates, but wardships were frequently sold by monarchs, though often to relatives, and by the 16th and 17th centuries it was purely a financial expedient.

War Office Press Bureau

UK civil service organization set up under the Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) in August 1914 to carry out the censorship of war information during World War I. The bureau was headed by Conservative member of Parliament Frederick E Smith and staffed by a large body of civil servants. All news coming back from the Western Front and other battlefields had to pass through the bureau before publication. The promotion of a positive picture of the war was seen as crucial to victory, as the government feared that bad news from the front would lead to a drop in morale and lack of unity. The war minister Lord Kitchener and Douglas Haig, commander in chief of the British military forces, worked closely with the bureau and often checked reports themselves before release to the newspapers. Until 1915 the bureau allowed only two war correspondents on the Western Front, the soldier-historian Col Ernest Swinton (inventor of the tank) and the English novelist and travel-writer Henry M Tomlinson. Over the next four years increasing numbers of journalists were given official permission to report from the Western Front, but their reports always had to be checked before publication. Any attempt to break these rules could lead to the removal of their official permission to report, and possible imprisonment.

War Propaganda Bureau

UK civil service organization set up in 1914 to promote British government propaganda during World War I. Established under the leadership of Liberal member of Parliament Charles Masterman, its work was considered crucial to victory. The bureau promoted a positive attitude to the government's cause both to the British public and to the rest of the world, and attempted to counter German propaganda. Hundreds of writers and artists were employed to produce stories, posters, and films to keep up morale. From 1915 the bureau also produced a monthly newsletter, Nelson's History of the War, that gave the official government version of the war. Well-known writers such as Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the detective 'Sherlock Holmes', and Rudyard Kipling, author of The Jungle Book were recruited to produce pamphlets for the bureau. Official war artists such as Paul Nash and the Irish portrait painter John Lavery were employed to paint scenes of the Western Front.

Warwick, Richard Neville, 1st or 16th Earl of Warwick (14281471)

English politician, called the Kingmaker. During the Wars of the Roses he fought at first on the Yorkist side against the Lancastrians, and was largely responsible for placing Edward IV on the throne. Having quarrelled with him, he restored Henry VI in 1470, but was defeated and killed by Edward at Barnet, Hertfordshire. He was made an earl in 1449.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, known as 'the Kingmaker'. He all but ruled England in the first three years of Edward IV's reign, but his influence declined when Edward married Elizabeth Woodville and he began intrigues to restore the former king, Henry VI.

Waverley, John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley (18821958)

British administrator, born in Scotland. He organized civil defence for World War II, becoming home secretary and minister for home security in 1939. Anderson shelters, home outdoor air-raid shelters, were named after him. He was chancellor of the Exchequer 194345. He was made a KCB in 1919, and Viscount in 1952.

Waynflete, William (c. 14001486)

English cleric and schoolteacher. Headmaster of Winchester College from 1430, he moved in 1441 to the new royal foundation of Eton College, of which he became provost. Royal favour secured his next, and most prestigious, appointments as bishop of Winchester from 1447 and chancellor 145660. He used his episcopal position to endow a foundation at his old university, Oxford: first established as a Hall in 1448, Magdalen College was founded in 1458. He later added to this foundation a school to prepare boys for college; its grammar teaching, under its headmaster John Anwykyll, introduced elements of the studia humanitatis.

(Martha) Beatrice (born Potter; 18581943) and Sidney James, 1st Baron Passfield (18591947)

English social reformers, writers, and founders of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 1895. They were early members of the socialist Fabian Society, and advocates of a radical approach to social reform. They married in 1892. They argued for social insurance in their minority report (1909) of the Poor Law Commission, and wrote many influential books, including The History of Trade Unionism (1894), English Local Government (190629), Decay of Capitalist Civilization (1923), and Soviet Communism: A New Civilization? (1935). They founded the New Statesman magazine in 1913. Beatrice Webb was researching labour unions and working-class economic conditions when she met Sidney Webb in 1890. She wrote The Co-operative Movement in Great Britain (1891), Factory Acts (1901), My Apprenticeship (1926), and Our Partnership (1948). She also worked on English sociologist Charles Booth's Life and Labour of the People of London (18911903). Sidney Webb was professor of public administration at LSE 191227. He is credited with drafting Clause Four of the 1918 Labour Party constitution (concerning the common ownership of the means of production). He was a member of the Labour Party executive 191625, entered Parliament in 1922, and was president of the Board of Trade in 1924, dominions secretary 192930, and colonial secretary 1929 31. He became a baron in 1929.

Webster, Margaret (19051972)

US-born English actor and director. After establishing her acting career in London, she turned to directing in the USA from 1936, working on Broadway, and co-founding the influential American Repertory Company with Cheryl Crawford and Eva Le Gallienne in 1946. She toured Shakespeare in the USA, and later became the first woman to direct an opera at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. Webster was born in New York, where her actor parents were performing. She was a child actor from 1917, and made her adult debut in the chorus of a classical Greek drama in 1924. Following her return to New York in 1936 she concentrated more on directing, and had a major success directing Paul Robeson in Othello on Broadway (1943).

village in Somerset, England, 8 km/5 mi northwest of Glastonbury; population (2001) 3,200. It is associated with the peace treaty (sometimes called the Treaty of Chippenham) concluded here in 878 between King Alfred and Guthrum the Dane. By this treaty the country north of Watling Street was ceded to the Danes.

welfare to work
programme introduced by UK Labour Party to reduce unemployment, particularly among young people, by getting them off welfare into work. In January 1998, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, announced a 'national crusade to end unemployment', targeting at first the under-25s, and then older people. The cost of some 3.5 billion was partly met by revenue from the 'windfall tax' on privatized utilities. The idea of making people less dependent on the state, and more self-reliant, has been criticized by left-wing Labour supporters.

Wellesley, Richard Colley, Marquess Wellesley (17601842)

British administrator; brother of the 1st Duke of Wellington. He was governor general of India 17981805, and by his victories over the Marathas of western India greatly extended the territory under British rule. He was foreign secretary 180912, and lord lieutenant of Ireland 182128 and 183334. He was made baron in 1797, and marquess in 1799.

Werner, Alice (18591935)

English linguist specializing in African languages. After studying the languages of Nyasaland (now Malawi) and Natal in South Africa 189399, she became professor of Zulu Languages at King's College, London. From 1911 she studied Swahili in East Africa, and in 1917 became inaugural lecturer at the School of Oriental Studies, London, retiring in 1930. Her best-known publication is Myths and Legends of the Bantu (1935). Werner was born in Trieste, Italy, and travelled as a child in the Americas and to New Zealand, where she published some juvenile verse, before settling in Kent, England. Following her work in East Africa, she translated The Life of Job, and took up a research fellowship at Cambridge.

kingdom of the West Saxons in Britain, said to have been founded by Cerdic about AD 500, covering Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Devon, and the former county of Berkshire. In 829 Egbert established West Saxon supremacy over all England. Thomas Hardy used the term Wessex in his novels for the southwest counties of England; drawing on England's west country, the heartland was Dorset but its outlying boundary markers were Plymouth, Bath, Oxford, and Southampton. He gave fictional names to such real places as Dorchester (Casterbridge), Salisbury (Melchester) and Bournemouth (Sandbourne), but mixed these with a sprinkling of real names such as Stonehenge, the River Frome, and Nettlecombe Tout.

West, Fred (19431995) and Rosemary (1953 )

English couple accused of murdering 12 women and girls over a 16-year period. They were arrested in 1994, and their home in Gloucester, England, was excavated to reveal many bodies, including that of Fred West's own 16-year-old daughter Heather. Other excavations revealed the bodies of West's first wife and child, among others. West hung himself in prison on New Year's Day in 1995 before he could be brought to trial. Rosemary West was convicted of the murders, and is now in prison.

Western Rebellion
peasant rising in Devon and Cornwall 1549, partly in response to sheep tax and inflationary pressures but mainly against Edward IV's reformation laws. The rebels besieged Exeter and captured Plymouth, but were defeated by Lord Russell and crushed. The rebels particularly complained that the Cornish speakers among them could not understand the new Book of Common Prayer. This claim was rebuffed with the answer they could not understand Latin either.

Wester-Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss, 1st Baron (18641933)

(more commonly known as Sir Rosslyn Wemyss) British admiral. He commanded the naval squadron at Gallipoli 1916 and provided naval support for the subsequent evacuation. He became First Sea Lord 1917, a post he held until 1919 when he was raised to the peerage. He became admiral of the fleet 1920. KCB 1916, Baron 1919.

Westminster, Palace of
see parliament, houses of.

Wexford, Battle of
assault on the southern garrison town of Wexford, County Wexford, by Oliver Cromwell's Puritan Parliamentary army in October 1649, during Cromwell's Irish campaign (164950). A traitor among the Irish opened the town to the English army, and it was quickly taken. However, over 2,000 people were killed, including many civilians, in scenes reminiscent of the massacre at the Battle of Drogheda in September 1649. The event further fuelled Irish hatred of English rule.

Wharton, Philip, 1st Duke of Wharton (16981731)

English aristocrat and soldier. The only son of Thomas, 1st Marquess of Wharton, he rejected his father's Protestantism for the Jacobite cause, going to France in 1716 to join James Francis Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender. He was declared a traitor and outlaw by the House of Lords, and died in exile, fighting for the Spanish against the English in Gibraltar.

Wharton, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Wharton (16481715)

English Protestant politician, a leading supporter of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 that installed William (III) of Orange on the throne. In 1714, seeking to ensure a Protestant line of succession to the English throne, he was foremost in proclaiming the Hanoverian George I king.

Wheatley, John (18691930)

British Labour politician, born in County Waterford, Ireland. He grew up in the former county of Lanarkshire, Scotland, became a Lanarkshire councillor, and was elected member of Parliament for Glasgow Shettleston in 1922, holding the seat until his death. In the 1924 Labour government, Wheatley served as housing minister, introducing an act designed to enable local authorities to build large stocks of council houses at affordable rents. After 1924, he drifted to the left of the party (with much of the Independent Labour Party) and was not offered a post in the 1929 government.

Whitbread, Samuel (17581815)

English politician, a prominent opponent of William Pitt the Younger and supporter of many reform measures.

White, George Stewart (18351912)

Northern Irish soldier, commander-in-chief of British forces in India 189398. During the Second Anglo-Boer War, he won fame as commander of the forces that held the town of Ladysmith during an arduous four-month siege (November 1899February 1900).

White, Thomas (14921567)

English merchant, founder of St John's College, Oxford, and co-founder of the Merchant Taylors' School. As Lord Mayor of London, he successfully defended the city against Wyatt's Rebellion in February 1554.

Whitehead, George (c.16361723)

English religious leader. After being persuaded to join the Society of Friends ('Quakers') by its founder George Fox, he travelled around England preaching its message, and wrote many tracts.

Whitelaw, William Stephen Ian (19181999)

1st Viscount Whitelaw

British Conservative politician, born in Scotland. As secretary of state for Northern Ireland, he introduced the concept of power sharing. He was chief Conservative whip 196470, and leader of the House of Commons 197072. He became secretary of state for employment 197374, but failed to conciliate the trade unions. He was chair of the Conservative Party in 1974 and home secretary 197983, when he was made a peer. Lord Whitelaw occupied the posts of Lord President of the Council and leader of the House of Lords 198387.

White Ship
ship carrying Henry I's only legitimate son, Prince William, and some 300 other passengers which sank 25 November 1120 on its way from Normandy to England. William's death led to a disputed succession and civil war between Stephen I and Matilda.

Whittington, Dick (Richard) (c. 13581423)

English cloth merchant who was mayor of London 139798, 140607, and 141920. According to legend, he came to London as a poor boy with his cat when he heard that the streets were paved with gold and silver. His cat first appears in a play about the story in 1605.

Widgery, John Passmore, Baron Widgery of South Molton (1911 1981)

English judge and Lord Chief Justice of England. He conducted an inquiry into the killing by British paratroops of 13 unarmed protesters during a civil-rights march in Londonderry, Northern Ireland on Sunday, 30 January 1972 ('Bloody Sunday'). The Widgery Report exonerated the soldiers, claiming they had acted in self-defence. In 1997, the Irish government published a dossier of evidence calling into question the verdict of the Widgery Report. As a result, in January 1998, the British prime minister Tony Blair agreed to a fresh inquiry into the shootings.

Wilberforce, William (17591833)

English reformer. He was instrumental in abolishing slavery in the British Empire. He entered Parliament in 1780. In 1807 his bill banning the trade in slaves from the West Indies was passed, and by 1833 further acts had eradicated slavery throughout the empire. He died shortly before the Slavery Abolition Act was passed. Wilberforce was a member of a humanitarian group called the Clapham Sect, which exercised considerable influence on public policy, being closely identified with Sunday schools and the British and Foreign Bible Society, as well as the issue of slavery. His work illustrates how the efforts of individuals affected the cause of abolitionism.

Wild, Jonathan (c. 16821725)

English criminal who organized the thieves of London and ran an office that, for a payment, returned stolen goods to their owners. He was hanged at Tyburn. Wild was the subject of Henry Fielding's satire Jonathan Wild the Great 1743 and the model for Macheath in John Gay's The Beggar's Opera 1728.

Wilkes, John (17271797)

British Radical politician, imprisoned for his political views; member of Parliament 175764 and from 1774. He championed parliamentary reform, religious tolerance, and US independence. Wilkes, born in Clerkenwell, London, entered Parliament as a Whig in 1757. His attacks on the Tory prime minister Bute in his paper The North Briton led to his being outlawed in 1764; he fled to France, and on his return in 1768 was imprisoned. He was four times elected MP for Middlesex, but the Commons refused to admit him and finally declared his opponent elected. This secured him strong working- and middleclass support, and in 1774 he was allowed to take his seat in Parliament.


(Image Philip Sauvain Picture Collection)

British Radical politician John Wilkes. Wilkes championed the rights of the individual, but was also a notorious xenophobe who constantly ridiculed the Scots as an alien and tyrannical nation. Samuel Johnson's definition of a patriotism as 'the last refuge of the scoundrel' was written with Wilkes in mind.

four kings of England:

William (I) the Conqueror (10281087)

King of England from 25 December 1066. He was the illegitimate son of Duke Robert the Devil whom he succeeded as Duke of Normandy in 1035. Claiming that his relative King Edward the Confessor had bequeathed him the English throne, William invaded England in 1066, defeating Harold (II) Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings) on 14 October 1066, and was crowned king of England. William's coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066. During the Norman Conquest of England, he secured control of the country by ruthlessly crushing any rebellion and the construction of 50 castles by 1087. He completed the establishment of the feudal system in England, compiling detailed records of land and property in the Domesday Book (1086), and kept the barons firmly under control. A key aspect of his policy was to gain the support of the medieval church through his archbishop of Canterbury, Lanfranc. He died in Rouen after a fall from his horse and is buried in Caen, France. He was succeeded by his son William II.

After his death, one Norman monk wrote that William 'excelled in wisdom all the princes of his generation' and claimed that 'he was undaunted by danger'. The AngloSaxon Chronicle described him as a 'man of great wisdom and power, who surpassed in honour and strength all those who had gone before him'. It also, however, complained that William was 'a hard man...sunk in greed', who oppressed the people with castles and taxes, 'but was too relentless to care though all might hate him'.

William (II) Rufus (c. 10561100)

called 'William the Red'

King of England from 1087, the third son of William (I) the Conqueror. He spent most of his reign attempting to capture Normandy from his brother Robert (II) Curthose , Duke of Normandy. His extortion of money led his barons to revolt and caused confrontation with Bishop Anselm. He was killed while hunting in the New Forest, Hampshire, and was succeeded by his brother Henry I.

William (III) of Orange (16501702)

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1688, the son of William II of Orange and Mary, daughter of Charles I. He was offered the English crown by the parliamentary opposition to James II. He invaded England in 1688 and in 1689 became joint sovereign with his wife, Mary II, daughter of the deposed James II. He spent much of his reign campaigning, first in Ireland, where he defeated James II at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, and later against the French in Flanders. He died childless and was succeeded by Mary's sister, Anne.

William IV (17651837)
King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1830, when he succeeded his brother George IV. Third son of George III, he was created Duke of Clarence in 1789, and married Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (17921849) in 1818. During the Reform Bill crisis he secured its passage by agreeing to create new peers to overcome the hostile majority in the House of Lords. He was succeeded by his niece Victoria.

William the Lion (11431214)

King of Scotland from 1165. He was captured by Henry II while invading England in 1174, and forced to do homage, but Richard I abandoned the English claim to suzerainty for a money payment in 1189. In 1209 William was forced by King John to renounce his claim to Northumberland.

William of Waynfleet (13951486)

English cleric. He was bishop of Winchester from 1447. He founded Magdalen College, Oxford, and a grammar school in his home town of Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, in 1459.

Williams, Betty (1943 )

Northern Irish peace activist. Born in Belfast into a Roman Catholic family, she shared the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1976 with Mairead Corrigan, for founding the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (popularly known as the 'Peace People'). This initiative was formed in reaction to the sectarian and terrorist violence in Northern Ireland. Williams and Corrigan shared the Nobel Prize, but policy disagreements led Williams to quit the movement four years later.

Williams, Cicely Delphine (18931992)

British pioneer in maternal and child health. She became the first head of Mother and Child Health 194852 in the World Health Organization, Geneva, and lectured in more than 70 countries, promoting breast-feeding and combined preventative and curative medicine. Nutrition and mother and child care became her primary concern after joining the Colonial Medical Service in the Gold Coast in 1929. She subsequently made a vivid report in the Lancet (1935) on the condition kwashiorkor (a disease in newly weaned children caused by protein deficiency).

William the Marshall (c. 11461219)

1st Earl of Pembroke

English knight, regent of England from 1216. After supporting the dying Henry II against Richard (later Richard I), he went on a crusade to Palestine, was pardoned by Richard, and was granted an earldom in 1189. On King John's death he was appointed guardian of the future Henry III, and defeated the French under Louis VIII to enable Henry to gain the throne.

Wilson, (James) Harold (19161995)

Baron Wilson of Rievaulx

British Labour politician, party leader from 1963, prime minister 196470 and 1974 76. His premiership was dominated by the issue of UK admission to membership of

the European Community (now the European Union), the social contract (unofficial agreement with the trade unions), and economic difficulties. Wilson, born in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, studied at Jesus College, Oxford, where he gained a first-class degree in philosophy, politics, and economics. During World War II he worked as a civil servant, and in 1945 stood for Parliament and won the marginal seat of Ormskirk. Assigned by Prime Minister Clement Attlee to a junior post in the ministry of works, he progressed to become president of the Board of Trade 194751 (when he resigned because of social-service cuts). In 1963 he succeeded Hugh Gaitskell as Labour leader and became prime minister the following year, increasing his majority in 1966. He formed a minority government in February 1974 and achieved a majority of three in October 1974. He resigned in 1976 and was succeeded by James Callaghan. He was knighted in 1976 and made a peer in 1983.

Wilson, Harriette (17861855)

born Harriette Dubochet

English courtesan. Her career began at the age of 15 with the Earl of Craven, and subsequent paramours included the Duke of Argyll, the Duke of Wellington, and the Marquis of Worcester. From 1925 her lively but libellous Memoirs, exposing her relationships, were published in parts with suggestive advance publicity aimed at blackmail. Wellington reacted with the celebrated outburst 'Publish and be damned!' Wilson was born in Mayfair, London, and was of French descent.

Wilson, Henry Hughes (18641922)

British soldier. He had a mixed career in World War I; following an uninspiring performance during the retreat from Mons 1914 he was given a liaison post with the French HQ. He was dismissed from this position 1916 after rowing with General Ptain, but was appointed by Lloyd George to serve on the Versailles Council 1917. Following the war, he became involved in Irish politics and was murdered by two Sinn Fein gunmen in London June 1922. Baronet 1919.

Wilton Diptych
portrait of Richard II of England about 1395 (National Gallery, London). It shows Richard II presented to the Virgin and Child by his patron saints. An example of the International Gothic style, it has been variously ascribed to English, French, and Italian hands but the balance of probability seems in favour of French authorship. It is painted in tempera on two oak panels, each 45 x 29 cm/18 x 11.5 in. On the left obverse panel the king kneels, while behind him are St John the Baptist, St Edward the Confessor, and St Edmund, king and martyr. On the right are the Virgin and Child

with a company of angels. The reverse panels show, left, a shield of arms and, right, a white hart, the badge of Richard II. The picture is assumed to have been painted some years before Richard's deposition 1399, but it may be posthumous.

Winchester, Battle of
or Rout of Winchester

in English history, defeat 14 September 1141 of Matilda's forces, which were besieging the episcopal residence of Wolvesey Castle, by a royalist relief force. Her forces were themselves besieged, and were defeated as they tried to break out. Robert, Earl of Gloucester was captured, forcing Matilda to release King Stephen, who had been held since the battle of Lincoln in exchange for him.

Winchester Cathedral
cathedral in Winchester, Hampshire, England, begun in 1079 by Bishop Walkelin. Of his Norman building, only the crypt, transepts, crossing tower, and some of the hidden structure of the nave remain. He gave the building its present exterior length of 170 m/558 ft, making it then, as now, the longest cathedral in Europe. The retrochoir and Lady Chapel were rebuilt from 1189 to 1204, and the nave was remodelled in the Perpendicular style by William of Wykeham, from about 1394.

Windham, William (17501810)

English politician who served as secretary of state for war under William Pitt the Younger (17941801), and in Grenville's 'All the Talents' administration of 180607. He was an adept politician, but his frequent changes of opinion earned him the nickname of 'Weathercock Windham'.

window tax
tax on windows imposed in England 1696, replacing hearth tax. Scotland was exempt under terms of the Union 1707. Houses with fewer than seven (later eight) windows were exempted 1792, but this led to windows being blocked up and new houses being built with few windows. It was abolished 1851.

Winslow, Edward (15951655)

Pilgrim leader and author. Born in Droitwich, England, he negotiated with Indians on behalf of the Plymouth colony and was the governor for three terms (1633, 1636, 1644). His accounts of the Plymouth settlement (published in England, 1622, 1624) were the first to be written in America.

Winstanley, Gerrard (c. 1609c. 1660)

English radical. In outspoken pamphlets like The Law of Freedom in a Platform (1652), he attacked kings, landlords, merchants, and priests, and outlined an ideal communist society. Believing that land should be made available to the very poor, he led the Diggers in their attempt to found agricultural communes in Surrey in 1649.

or Witenagemot

council of the Anglo-Saxon kings, the forerunner of Parliament, but including only royal household officials, great landowners, and top churchmen.

Wolfe, James (17271759)

English soldier. He served in Canada and commanded a victorious expedition against the French general Montcalm in Qubec on the Plains of Abraham, during which both commanders were killed. The British victory established their supremacy over Canada. Wolfe fought at the battles of Dettingen, Falkirk, and Culloden. With the outbreak of the Seven Years' War (a European conflict of which the French and Indian War in North America was a part), he was posted to Canada and played a conspicuous part in the siege of the French stronghold of Louisburg in 1758. He was promoted to major general in 1759.

Wollstonecraft, Mary (17591797)

British feminist and writer. She was a member of a group of radical intellectuals called the English Jacobins. Her book A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) demanded equal educational opportunities for women. She married William Godwin in 1797 and died giving birth to a daughter, Mary (later Mary Shelley).

Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley (18331913)

British army officer. He fought in the Crimean War 185356 and then commanded in both the Ashanti War 187374 and last part of the Zulu War 187980. He campaigned in Egypt, but was too late to relieve General Gordon at Khartoum. He was made a KCMG in 1870, a baron in 1882, and a viscount in 1885.

Wolsey, Thomas (c. 14751530)

English cleric and politician. In Henry VIII's service from 1509, he became archbishop of York in 1514, cardinal and lord chancellor in 1515, and began the dissolution of the monasteries. His reluctance to further Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon led to his downfall in 1529. He was charged with high treason in 1530 but died before being tried.

women, medieval
in the Middle Ages, women played an essential part in the medieval economy and society. However, the post-Conquest period (11th15th centuries) saw a reduction in the status of women in certain respects, as women were generally discriminated against in attitudes and opportunities. Whereas Saxon women had had a great deal of freedom and status, the Norman soldier-class tended to undervalue women. The medieval church taught that women were weak and sinful because Eve caused Adam to sin, and that a wife ought to obey her husband. On marriage, women gave up their independence and became the possessions, in law, of their husbands 'like slaves or prisoners', as one woman complained. Women were also less likely to own land than men, and more likely to be the victims of crime.

Women's Social and Political Union


British political movement founded in 1903 by Emmeline Pankhurst to organize a militant crusade for female suffrage. In 1909, faced with government indifference, the WSPU embarked on a campaign of window smashing, telephone-wire cutting, and arson of public buildings. This civil disobedience had little result and was overtaken by the outbreak of World War I. In November 1917, the WSPU became the Women's Party led by Emmeline's daughter Christabel Pankhurst.

Wood, (Henry) Evelyn (18381919)

English soldier who became commander-in-chief of the Egyptian army in 1883 after the British had established a protectorate over the country.

Wood, (Howard) Kingsley (18811943)

English Conservative politician who served in the governments of Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain in the 1930s, and was chancellor of the Exchequer (1940 43) in the all-party wartime coalition.

Woodcock, George (19041979)

English trade union leader, general secretary of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), 196069. During the Labour administrations of Harold Wilson in the 1960s and 1970s, when trade union influence in British political life was at its height, he served on several government committees, including the Commission on Industrial Relations, 196971

Woodforde, James (17401803)

British cleric who held livings in Somerset and Norfolk, and whose diaries 17581802 form a record of rural England.

Woodville, Elizabeth (14371492)

Queen consort of Edward IV. She married Edward 1464 when she was already a widow with children. She was unpopular because of her Lancastrian links and her advancement of her own family. After Edward's death 1483, her sons were murdered (see Princes in the Tower). Her eldest daughter, Elizabeth of York, married Henry VII.

in the UK, the seat of the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords. The woolsack is a large square bag of wool, with a backrest but no arms, covered with red cloth. It is traditionally held to have been placed in the House during the reign of Edward III as a mark of the importance of the wool trade.

Worcester, Battle of
in the English Civil War, final victory of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth forces over Charles II 3 September 1651. Charles invaded England at the head of a Scottish royalist army which was routed by Cromwell, forcing him to hide before fleeing to France the following year. The defeat was a crushing blow to the royalists.

Workmen's Compensation Act

British legislation of 1897 that conferred on workers a right to compensation for the loss of earnings resulting from an injury at work.

World War I soldiers

over 65 million soldiers from over 30 countries fought during World War I, the greatest mobilization the world had ever seen. Initially millions volunteered to fight a war that most believed would be over quickly and victoriously for their nation. By the end of the war Germany had mobilized an estimated 11 million men, Austria-Hungary 7.8 million, Russia 12 million, France 8.4 million, and the USA over 4.3 million. Britain and the British Empire recruited some 9 million men, either as volunteers or later as conscripts, forced to fight for the national cause. Many were traumatized by life in the squalid conditions at the fronts, having experienced death and destruction on a previously unimaginable scale. By the end of the war in 1918, of the more than 65 million men who joined the armies of World War I, over 37.5 million had been killed or wounded in action. Soldiers on both sides endured appalling conditions in the trenches of the Western Front or the vast open spaces of the Eastern Front. Thousands of Italian soldiers lived in vast cave complexes in the Alps surrounded by ice and snow. Soldiers of the Western Front endured months of boredom and inactivity, punctuated by huge offensives such as the Battle of the Somme (JulyNovember 1916) and Battle of Passchendaele (OctoberNovember 1917) when tens of thousands of soldiers were killed. Although the hope and patriotism of 1914 had not totally died by 1918, battles such as the Somme and Gallipoli fed resentment and reduced the respect held for the army commanders. The scars of war lived on after 1918 in both the bodies and minds of the participants, and the return of millions of war-broken men had a profound effect on their countries.

Wright, Frances (17951852)

called 'Fanny Wright'

British abolitionist and social activist. She purchased 640 acres near Memphis, Tennessee, and set up a plantation, Nashoba, on which she intended to demonstrate a method for liberating slaves. Her scheme ended in scandal, but through highly controversial lectures, she continued attacking not only slavery but also organized religion and laws forbidding marriage between the races. Although she thus antagonized many Americans, she gained the respect of others such as the young Walt Whitman. She was born in Dundee, Scotland, and, having lost both parents while a child, she was raised by relatives. She read on her own and by her twenties was writing romantic poetry and plays with progressive themes. She went to the USA in 1818 with a younger sister and had her play Altorf produced in New York, New York; when

it failed, she travelled throughout the Northeast and then returned to Britain in 1820. Her Views of Society and Manners in America (1821) became one of the best-known traveller's accounts of the day, distinguished by its almost embarrassing praise for everything in the New World. She went to France in 1821 and began a somewhat ambiguous relationship with the ageing Marquis de Lafayette, almost 40 years her senior. When he made his famous 'farewell tour' of the USA in 182425, she followed him. She stayed on in the USA and took on the cause of abolishing slavery. By 1829 she was settling in New York. She had by this time linked up with Robert Dale Owen of the utopian community at New Harmony, Indiana, and she joined him in publishing the Free Enquirer in which she promulgated her increasingly more radical views about religion, education, and other social issues. She went to Paris, France, in 1830, married a French doctor and reformer in 1831, and in 1835 returned to the USA with him and their child, settling this time in Cincinnati, Ohio, but continuing to lecture until 1839. In her last book, England, the Civilizer (1848), she called for a sort of united nations that would impose peace on the world; in its vague theorizing, it was an instance of the idealism and impracticality that characterized so much of her life and work.

Wright, Peter (19161995)

English intelligence agent. His book Spycatcher (1987), written after his retirement, caused an international stir when the British government tried unsuccessfully to block its publication anywhere in the world because of its damaging revelations about the secret service. Wright joined MI5 in 1955 and was a consultant to the director general 197376, when he retired. In Spycatcher he claimed, among other things, that Roger Hollis, head of MI5 195565, had been a Soviet double agent; this was later denied by the KGB.

Wulfstan, St (c. 10091095)

Anglo-Saxon cleric, bishop of Worcester from 1062. He supported William the Conqueror and so was the only Anglo-Saxon bishop allowed to retain his see. He helped compile the Domesday Book and may have been involved in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. His sermons against the slave trade in Bristol were instrumental in bringing an end to the trade from the port. He was canonized 1203 and his feast day is 19 January.

Wyatt, Thomas (c. 15031542)

English courtier and poet. His poetry, like that of the Earl of Surrey, often experimented with verse forms associated with Italian poet Petrarch and so may be credited with introducing the sonnet into English literature. His poetry was originally written to be passed from hand to hand among the courters and so probably tells us more about courtly fashions than Wyatt's personal outlook. Only a very few of his

poems were printed in his lifetime; like Surrey (who wrote an epitaph (memorial) upon Wyatt), his works were first collected together in Totell's Miscellany (1557). Wyatt came from a Yorkshire family and was educated at Cambridge. He was employed on diplomatic missions by Henry VIII, but in 1536 was imprisoned for a time in the Tower of London, suspected of having been the lover of Henry's second wife, Anne Boleyn. Knighted in 1537 and sent on an embassy to Spain, Wyatt was again arrested in 1541 on charges of treason.

Wyatt's Rebellion
Protestant uprising in Kent JanuaryFebruary 1554 led by Sir Thomas Wyatt, in protest against Mary I's proposed marriage to Philip II of Spain. He marched on London with about 3,000 men early February but Mary remained firm and the rebellion was put down. Wyatt had written to Princess Elizabeth, but the government could not prove she was implicated, though she went to the Tower briefly. Wyatt was executed and the 'Spanish Match' went ahead along with the restoration of Roman Catholicism.

Wycliffe (or Wyclif), John (c. 13201384)

English religious reformer. Allying himself with the party of John of Gaunt, which was opposed to ecclesiastical influence at court, he attacked abuses in the medieval church, maintaining that the Bible rather than the church was the supreme authority. He criticized such fundamental doctrines as priestly absolution, confession, and indulgences, and set disciples to work on the first translation of the Bible into English. Having studied at Oxford University, he became Master of Balliol College there, and sent out bands of travelling preachers. He was denounced as a heretic, but died peacefully at Lutterworth, Leicestershire. His followers were known as Lollards.

in England, a small landowner who farmed his own fields a system that formed a bridge between the break-up of feudalism and the agrarian revolution of the 18th 19th centuries.

Yeomen of the Guard

English military corps, popularly known as Beefeaters, the sovereign's bodyguard since the corps was founded by Henry VII in 1485. Its duties are now purely ceremonial.

Yevonde, Madame (18931975)

also known as Philonie Yevonde or Edith Plummer; born Yevonde Cumbers

English photographer. Following an apprenticeship 191114, she set up her own photographic studio and became a successful society and advertising photographer after 1918. She is noted for her early and effective use of colour and her costumed 'Goddesses' series of debutantes (1935). Yevonde was born in London, and educated privately and at the Sorbonne in 1910. She is sometimes referred to as Edith Plummer, an incorrect appellation which arose due to a researcher's error. A major retrospective of her work was shown at the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain in 1973.

English dynasty founded by Richard, Duke of York (141160). He claimed the throne through his descent from Lionel, Duke of Clarence (133868), third son of Edward III, whereas the reigning monarch, Henry VI of the rival house of Lancaster, was descended from the fourth son, John of Gaunt. The argument was fought out in the Wars of the Roses. York was killed at the Battle of Wakefield in 1460, but the following year his son became King Edward IV. Edward was succeeded by his son Edward V and then by his brother Richard III, with whose death at Bosworth the line ended. The Lancastrian victor in that battle was crowned Henry VII, and consolidated his claim by marrying Edward IV's eldest daughter, Elizabeth, thus founding the House of Tudor.

York, Duke of
title often borne by younger sons of British sovereigns, for example George V, George VI, and Prince Andrew from 1986.

York, Frederick Augustus, Duke of York (17631827)

Second son of George III. He was an unsuccessful commander in the Netherlands 179399 and British commander-in-chief 17981809. He was made a duke in 1784. The nursery rhyme about the 'grand old duke of York' who marched his troops up the hill and down again commemorates him, as does the Duke of York's column in Waterloo Place, London.

York, Susannah (1941 )

born Susannah Yolande-Fletcher

English actor. One of the quintessential faces of the 1960s, she made her film debut in Tunes of Glory (1960), followed by more than 50 pictures, including The Killing of Sister George (1968) and Oh! What a Lovely War (1969). On television she has appeared in such series as The Forsyte Saga (1967) and Trainer (199192). Her stage performances include the title role in Hedda Gabler (1981) in New York. She has also written screenplays and children's stories. Her early films include There Was a Crooked Man (1960), The Greengage Summer (1961), Tom Jones (1963), A Man for All Seasons (1968), They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969), and in the 1980s she played in the Superman films and Just Ask for Diamond (1988). Other television work includes We'll Meet Again (1982) and A Christmas Carol (1984).

York Minster
cathedral in York, England. It is the cathedral and metropolitan church of St Peter, and one of the most famous of Europe's Gothic buildings. The first church on this site dated from the 7th century; parts of the present cathedral date from the 12th century, and its present form was established by the 15th century. The south transept was severely damaged by fire in 1984, but has been restored.

Young, Arthur (17411820)

English writer and publicizer of the new farm practices associated with the agrarian revolution. When the Board of Agriculture was established in 1792, Young was appointed secretary, and was the guiding force behind the production of a county-bycounty survey of British agriculture. His early works, such as Farmer's Tour through the East of England and A Six Months' Tour through the North of England, contained extensive comment and observations gathered during the course of a series of journeys around the country. He published the Farmers' Calendar (1771), and in 1784 began the Annals of Agriculture, which ran for 45 volumes, and contained contributions from many eminent farmers of the day.

Young England
group of Cambridge-educated English aristocrats, newly elected to Parliament in 1841, who shared a distaste for the growth of democracy and manufacturing industry in contemporary England, and who promoted instead a revived traditional church and aristocracy to preserve society. The movement faded within five years, but its spirit was captured by Benjamin Disraeli, the future prime minister, in his novel Coningsby 1844.

Younger, George Younger, 1st Viscount Younger of Leckie (1851 1929)

Scottish Conservative politician, MP for Ayr 190622. In 1917, he was appointed by Conservative leader Bonar Law as party chairman. In this role, he was largely responsible for the success of the LiberalConservative coalition in the so-called Coupon Election of 1918.

Young Ireland
Irish romantic nationalist organization, centred on a group of young idealists associated with the Nation newspaper from 1844. They sought to create a nonsectarian spirit in an independent Ireland, and promoted Irish cultural nationalism. Young Ireland initially sided with Daniel O'Connell's Repeal Association, but split over his nonviolent policies and organized a disastrous rebellion in Tipperary in 1848 led by William Smith O'Brien (18031864) and Thomas Meagher. Its failure destroyed Young Ireland, most of the leaders fled abroad or were transported to the penal colonies, but they left a lasting legacy in their concept of a cultural nationalism. Notable founders of Young Ireland included Thomas Davis, Charles Duffy, John Blake Dillon (18161866), and Thomas D'Arcy McGee, who returned from the USA in 1845. The group was named for its similarities with other continental nationalist groups, such as the Young Italy organization.

Young Pretender
nickname of Charles Edward Stuart, claimant to the Scottish and English thrones.

Ypres, 1st Earl of

title of Sir John French, British field marshal.

Z batteries
British anti-aircraft rocket batteries in World War II. First employed 1942, they were usually operated by Home Guard units. The British began work on air defence rockets 1936 and perfected a 3-in solid-fuel rocket carrying a 12 kg/28 lb high-explosive warhead. A simple two-rocket launcher was produced and these were organized into 56-launcher batteries around ports and other important targets.

Zion Mule Corps

in World War I, a wholly Jewish unit of the British Army. It served with distinction in Gallipoli 1915, carrying rations and ammunition to the forward troops, and after the evacuation of the peninsula the corps was merged with the Jewish regiment 1917.

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