Basic Principles of Safe Drinking-Water Supply
Basic Principles of Safe Drinking-Water Supply
Basic Principles of Safe Drinking-Water Supply
Daily fluid intake required for hydration (litres) Human type Average conditions Manual labour / high temperature Pregnancy Lactation
4.8 NA NA
5.5 NA NA
improved drinking-water supply reduces diarrhoea morbidity by 6% to 25%, and improved sanitation reduces it by 32%. Hygiene interventions, including education and handwashing, can achieve up to 45% reduction of diarrhoea cases. In the absence of a good-quality drinking-water supply use of household water treatment, such as chlorination with a few drops of bleach at the point of use, can reduce diarrhoea episodes by 39% (see sections 2.3.2 and 17.2) (WHO/UNICEF 2005).
stand the composition of its source water and the origin of potential contamination that it could encounter, taking into account seasonal factors. Unprotected surface source waters can receive direct contaminant discharges, as well as surface runoff potentially contaminated by human or animal sanitary wastes, agricultural waste or chemicals (e.g. pesticides runoff and automobile oil from streets). Washing and defecation in streams will be a major contributor to downstream contamination. Groundwaters are often naturally protected by soil overlays; however, some geology is porous and vulnerable to contamination from surface wastes, and also from septic tanks and privies. Unprotected and poorly designed wells and the act of drawing water from open dug wells can increase the risk of contamination.
the risks of recontamination within the distribution system (see also section 3.1.4). Inflows of contaminated water during distribution are major sources of waterborne pathogens and thus waterborne disease. Case study 2, from an article in the Guardian Weekly, provides an example of the drinking-water supply and sewage disposal problems faced by developing world cities. In addition to the factors mentioned, water contamination also occurs in the distribution system because the pipe network is old and the supply is intermittent. CASE STUDY 2. DRINKING-WATER SUPPLY AND WASTE REMOVAL IN DHAKA
Dhaka is built on a flood plain that has been filled in with rubbish and human waste. When the Buri Ganga River floods many areas are inundated with sewage and industrial pollution. In 2002, the population of Dhaka was 10 million, whereas thirty years before it was 250,000. One quarter of the people of Dhaka live in the most squalid slums, but they cannot legally be supplied with water from the city drinking-water supply. They are assisted by NGOs like Wateraid and Tearfund. The city needs 1.6 billion litres of water daily to provide for basic needs but only 1.26 billion litres are actually supplied. Nearly all the water (97%) comes from deep underground sources and the water table is being rapidly lowered so the source is not sustainable. The sewage system has a nominal capacity of 120,000 cubic meters per day but the main pipe is out of service. There are many illegal connections to the sewer which discharge industrial waste including heavy metals. This means that the sewage cannot be used for fertilizer or for aquaculture. Waterborne disease is very common and tens of thousands of children in Dhaka die from this cause each year. Much of the pollution that causes waterborne disease occurs at the household level (~70%), because water is stored in rooftop tanks which are easily contaminated.
Source: Guardian Weekly (John Vidal, 1117 April 2002).